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Monlimar Development Academy Inc

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So Eng7.0 92 of 100


Contextual Spelling 9
Confused Words 6
Misspelled Words 3

Grammar 5
Determiner Use (a/an/the/this, etc.) 3
Incorrect Noun Number 1
Wrong or Missing Prepositions 1

Punctuation 5
Comma Misuse within Clauses 3
Punctuation in Compound/Complex Sentences 2

Sentence Structure 7
Misplaced Words or Phrases 4
Incomplete Sentences 3

Style 85
Passive Voice Misuse 68
Improper Formatting 10
Intricate Text 6
Wordy Sentences 1

Vocabulary enhancement 31
Word Choice 31
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College of Engineering and Industrial Technology
M. Eusebio Avenue, Maybunga, Pasig City


College of Engineering and Industrial Technology
M. Eusebio Avenue, Maybunga, Pasig City

In the present living standard, people find and discover
different ways of improving their lifestyle. Wherein, the
modern technologies, such as gadgets, robotics, machines,
takes a significant role and effects technology adaptation. It
considered as an essential tool in different fields including
education, industry, sciences, businesses, government,
organizations, and home. Thus many organizations, today,
biometrics is used to track employee time and attendance
instead of the existing absolute system (DTR and logbook)
that rely on manual processing. Whereas, this attendance
data monitoring can directly upload to workforce
The biometric technology and payroll processing can
eliminate the use of the manual buddy punching system
and exert more control on payroll computation. Different
Studies prove that biometric technology increases the
payroll computation accuracy due to the psychological
attributes are unique for every individual that cannot be
forged 1 or duplicate by any user.
The biometric identification system is one of the most
accurate systems 2 that can identify an employee. Also, this
system helped the employee to accurately track their time
and attendance that can prevent time theft issues such as
early arrival and departure together with an unauthorized
over time that may result when the attendance 3 is Passive voice
transferred 4 into payroll processing department.
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Background of the Study Repetitive word: systems

The Monlimar Development Academy Inc. was founded on

January 16, 2006, by Mr. and Mrs. Roldan, located at 1632,
317 M. L. Quezon St, Lower Bicutan, Metro Manila,
currently with seven hundred (700) students enrolled.
Wherein, the Faculty and staffs composes of Four (4)
School Admins for office staff, Eight (8) School Admin for Repetitive word: attendance

Academic Council, nine (9) faculty members for Passive voice

elementary department, Fourteen (14) faculty members for

Junior High School Department, Seventeen (17) faculty
members for Senior High School Department, and Four (4)
employee for maintenance.
The school principal other task is to manage and monitor
the employee's time record which is done manually using
the printed forms with employee's name together with their
time-in and out using a bond paper secured with a folder.
This monitoring method shows that the employees may
have a chance to change their information which the
proponent and School Principal agreed that all information
was not secured and that motivates the proponents to
provide a new log-in and log-out system.
Therefore, the proponents propose a biometric-based
Attendance monitoring and payroll management system.
The proposed system will automate the whole tracking
process using biometric technology for employees'
identification and verification such as their Time in and
Statement of the Problem
Managing the Monitoring and Summarizing the report
manually 5 is one of the problems that the administration is
encountering. In which it requires a lot of time and work
for the school principal. Also, the current system is facing
problems 6 such as (a) lack of security, (b) time validity, (c)
buddy punching, (d) human error, (e) time consuming, and
(f) payroll errors.
Lack of security the current manual attendance monitoring
system has a lack of security; the records are accessible by
anyone and anybody can see the time record.
Time validity the employees manually log the time in and
out, and the administration cannot identify if the time that
is being logged 7 into the record is the exact time that the
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employee logged in or out and manual logging takes so 5

Squinting modifier
much time by signing from falling in line.
Buddy punching the administration did not observe any
employee who does the buddy punching, yet it has a
considerable threat amount and consequence that is needed 6
Repetitive word: problems
to be considered 8.
Human error there is always a potential for human error.
Employees may inaccurately enter their time on a log book
or accidentally sign other employee's record.
Time-consuming creating a summary to be passed 9 on the
finance officer is slow as it is needed for the principal to
manually type the absences and tardiness list 10.
Payroll Errors payroll errors occur when the attendance
summary have errors due to human error at log book by 7
Passive voice
signing in or out the potential deduction or paid hour even
the employee is absent, it's a threat for the institution.
Specific Problems
How to develop a secured Biometric-based Technology
attendance-monitoring system and payroll system intended
for Monlimar Development Academy, Inc.?
How to implement a biometric attendance monitoring with 8
Passive voice
a payroll management system to Monlimar Development
Academy, Inc.?
What are the relevant monitoring reports for Monlimar
Development Academy, Inc.?
System Design Paradigm
The system development Input-Process-Output (IPO) as 9
Passive voice
shown in figure 1.1 represents how the proponents
conducted the research conceptualization to solve the 10
Split infinitive
identified problem and give an acceptable solution.
Figure 1.1 System Design Paradigm

The following inputs help the proponent on developing the

system. Wherein, the proponents identified the
differently 12 available information contributions such as
Data Gathering, problem identification, objectives, project
scope, and delimitation and the System Development Life
Cycle (SDLC), then as the development of the system
continues with SDLC's help the proponent determined that
requirement analysis, process development, system testing,
and system deployment is the process to attain a desired
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biometric attendance monitoring system. 11

Data gathering – the proponent conducted a face to face
interview with the school principal to gather important 13
information such as current attendance monitoring system
‘s problem.
Problem Identification – base on the conducted face to face
interview the proponent identified the current system's
problem wherein the proponent and the school principal
identified and perform validation. Also, the proponent
conducted a brainstorming to evaluate and determine the
actual problem 14 of the current system.
Objective – in this phase the proponent used the gathered
data, the current processes to derive an objective 15 that can
address the possible solution that can address 16 the current Wordiness
problem. Possibly confused word
Scope – the proponent distinguished the system coverage
based on the proposed solution during the objective
identification of this developmental study. Wherein, the
proponent at this phase created a matrix that will identify if
the proposed solution 17 that will directly answer the
identified problem. The proponent recognized the
employee information with biometric data, the equipment
with a database, real-time transaction.
Equipment with a database – the equipment 18 will capture
the data input or biometric input from the employee, and
compare the said image from the database for verification.
Delimitation – since that in all developed systems there are
boundaries to be considered the proponent identified the
system boundaries to make sure that the set objective will Overused word: important
be met, such as the system will be able to register an
employee to the database, capable of displaying the
attendance record on the monitor, and will be able to create
an attendance report. 19
SDLC – waterfall model is the chosen software
development model because it's applicable connected in the
proposed attendance monitoring and payroll system by
easy managing due to rigidity; every phase has specific Repetitive word: problem
deliverables and review process.
Requirement analysis - in the proposed system the
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employee will register and filling the following such as full Repetitive word: objective

name, age and then capture of the fingerprints. Repetitive word: address

Process Development – the proponent will study the related

studies to provide the final output with the client's
satisfactory in mind.
System testing – the proponent, will use a dummy
identification in to test the system's capabilities and

accuracy. Repetitive word: solution

System Deployment – the proponent is done 20 in the

overall system testing, and the system is ready to be
implemented to the target client.

Biometric Attendance Monitoring and Payroll System – Repetitive word: equipment

attendance record, employee record, payroll report and

absent record.
The objective of the Study

The General objective 22 of this research study is to 21 Wordiness

design and develop a Biometric-based Attendance

Monitoring and Payroll System for teaching and non-
teaching staff intended for Monlimar Development
Academy Inc. with this; the proposed system will replace
the existing manual attendance monitoring process.
Wherein, the proposed system would track and update the
employee's attendance that serves as a record intended for
payroll processing. The specific objectives of the proposed
system 23 are as follows:
Specific Objectives
Develop a Biometric-based attendance monitoring that
monitors the Monlimar Development Academy, Inc.
Faculty time in and out.
Design a Payroll Processing module that can consolidate
the Faculty's time in and out.
Test and evaluate the system accuracy and efficiency.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The developed system Biometrics Attendance Monitoring
and Payroll System is intended only for Monlimar
Development Academy, Inc. wherein, it refers to the
Attendance Monitoring and payroll management that
covers the Employee registration, Faculty attendance,
report generation, and payroll computation. The said
system focused on helping the school principal in
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monitoring attendance through the adaptation of Biometric- Passive voice

based technology that can reduce possible human errors

and payroll errors.
The following are the system capabilities:
The System that can monitor the real-time log-in and out of
Monlimar Development Academy, Inc.'s employees using
Biometric Technology
The System that can provide generation and calculation of 21
Unoriginal text: 9 words
payroll 22

Repetitive word: objective

The System that can be accessed 24 through Local Area
In creating an automated system, there are delimitations
that the researcher would like to emphasize such as:
The Developed System cannot be accessed online
No other currencies being computed 25 except for
Philippines Peso, Salary through ATM, external loan
Application and computation are not included in the
system. 23
Repetitive word: system
The Server cannot be accessed 26 through Public IP Address
The significance of the Study
The following are the people who will be benefited 27 from
the proposed system:
To the administration. The proposed system helps the
school in terms of automating the current system, reducing
human errors, obtaining secured database and file
maintenance, ranking down detail accurately, reducing
paper works and labor cost, and could easily trace the
employee's records for a more efficient process.
To the employees. 28 This system would help employees in
monitoring their Daily Time Records. Using the proposed
Attendance Monitoring and Payroll System with Viewing,
they could easily view their file and records.
To the proponents. 29 This study would help the proponents
and prepare them in the field of Information System
Analysis and Design, the research study enhances and
improves the researcher's current programming ability by
encountering and using new languages.
Future researcher. This research study would help future
researchers to be aware and knowledgeable of the
processes involved in the attendance monitoring and
payroll management system. Also 30 this research study
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would serve as a reference for future researchers.

Definition of Terms
The terms listed below are defined by the proponents 31 in
the way of their understanding and how they used it in this
DTR. Stands for Daily Time Record, a document where the
employee's daily time in and time out is recorded 32. Passive voice

Employee. A worker who is hired to perform a job. 33 It

refers to the teachers, maintenance, security and
administrator staff of Monlimar development academy.
Fingerprint. An impression or mark on a surface by a
person's fingertip. Also, the most widely used biometric
technology that is reliable and accurate.
Implementation. The process of making something active Passive voice

or useful.
MDA. "Monlimar Development Academy, Inc." is an
educational institution in the country.
Payroll. The term "payroll" has several meanings. It can be Passive voice

the amount of money paid to all employees in a payday, the

financial records of a company relating to the payment of
wages and salaries to employees, or the total record of Passive voice

earnings of all employees for a year. 34

Payslip. A detailed breakdown of how much an employee
is paid 35 during a specific period.
Programming Language. Set of grammatical rules for
instructing a computer 36 to perform a specific task.
Program. A specific set of ordered operations and code for
the computer to perform, the sequence of instruction that
the computer 37 follows.
System Automation. The process of shifting from manual
to a computerized system. Sentence fragment

User. I have referred to the Employee who use the system.

Testing. This section is most important of all process to
maintain the quality of the production output. Testing is
done to make sure that the 38 product meets its standard
rating. Sentence fragment

This chapter is referring to a review of the current system
that the researcher had done previously and the review of
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the system that will be developed 39.

Fingerprint-Based Attendance Management System
In recent time, there has been a high level of impersonation 30
experienced on a daily basis in both private and public
sectors, the ghost worker syndrome 40 that has become a
menace across all tiers of government, employers concern 31
Passive voice
over the levels of employee absence in their workforce and
the difficulty in managing student attendance during lecture
periods. Fingerprints are a form of biometric identification,
which is unique and does not change in one's entire
lifetime. 41 (C.O, A.O, O.O, & E.O, 2013) 32
Passive voice
Akinduyite, Adetunmbi, Olabode, and Ibidunmoye (2013) 33
Unoriginal text: 10 words
present the attendance management system using www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/crew…

fingerprint technology in a university environment. It

consists of two processes namely enrolment and
authentication. During enrolment 43, the fingerprint of the
user 42 captured and its unique features extracted and stored
in a database along with the user's identity as a template for
the subject. The unique features called minutiae points
were extracted 45 using the
Crossing Number (CN) method, which 44 removes the ridge
endings and bifurcations from the skeleton image by
examining the local neighborhoods of each ridge pixel
using a 3 x 3 window. During authentication, the 34
Unoriginal text: 45 words
fingerprint of the user is captured 47 again and the extracted www.coursehero.com/file/18310749/…

features compared with the template in the database to

determine a match before attendance is made 48. The
fingerprint-based attendance management system was
implemented 49 with Microsoft's C# on the. NET
framework and Microsoft's Structured Query Language
(SQL) Server 2005 as the backend. The experimental result 35
Passive voice
shows that the developed system is highly efficient in the 36
Unoriginal text: 8 words
verification of users fingerprint with an accuracy level of www.webopedia.com/TERM/P/progra…

97.4%. The average execution time for the 46 designed

system was 4.29 seconds as against 18.48 seconds for the
existing system. Moreover, the result shows a well-secured
and reliable system capable of preventing impersonation. 37
Repetitive word: computer
The developed system by Akinduyite, et al. (2013) is an
embedded system that is part of a fingerprint
recognition/authentication system based on minutiae
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points. The system 50 extracts the local characteristic of a

fingerprint, which is minutiae, points in template based.
Templates are matched 52 during both registration and
verification processes. For improved quality control during
the registration or verification process, a matching score Unoriginal text: 8 words
was used to determine the success of the operation. The
matching score was specified so that only sets of minutiae
data that exceed the score will be accepted, and data below
the score will be rejected 53. Therefore, Fingerprint
Recognition using Minutia Score Matching method was
used 54 for matching the minutia points before attendance is
recorded 55. The developed system is 51 beneficial in saving
valuable time of students and lecturers, paper and
generating the report at the required time. The system can Passive voice
record the clock in and clock out time of students and
workers in a very convenient manner using their fingerprint
to prevent impersonation and reduce 56 the level of absence.
Also, it reduces most of the administrative jobs and Unoriginal text: 19 words
minimizes human errors, avoids proxy punching,
eliminates time-related disputes and helps to update and
maintain attendance records. 57 (C.O, A.O, O.O, & E.O,
2013) Unoriginal text: 38 words
An Attendance Monitoring System Using Biometrics
Satoa's 58 (2013) affirms that Biometric technology that
involves the identification and verification of individuals
by analyzing the human fingerprint characteristics has been
widely used 60 in 59 a various aspect of life for different
purposes, most importantly as regards this study the issue
of employee attendance. The main aim of this paper is to Unoriginal text: 27 words
develop an accurate, fast and very efficient automatic
attendance system using fingerprint verification
technique. 61 Satoa's (2013), proposed a system in which
fingerprint verification is done 63 by using extraction of Repetitive word: enrolment
minutiae technique and the system that automates the
whole process of taking attendance, The study was
conducted using a quantitative approach by designing a Unoriginal text: 22 words
questionnaire as the data collection instrument based on
fingerprint matching biometric technologies. The survey Repetitive word: extracted
involved 62 six employees based on stratified random
sampling technique. The results, however, show that the
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fingerprint biometric identifier was found suitable for the Unoriginal text: 106 words

employee attendance management system of the

organization. (Rao & Prof.K.J.Satoa, 2013 )
Passive voice
The proposed system will make way for complete
management of students and staff attendance and produce
more accuracy. Future work on this project would include 48
Passive voice
the creating of a matching algorithm that uses to mention 49
Passive voice
and maintain the different type of leave such as on duty
leave, leave without pay, medical leave and soon. Also
timely update the leave of 64 each employee when it takes
to leave. The efficient matching algorithm has to be
developed in theory and code so that our goal of getting
faster and more accurate matched image than with pre-
existing software. 65 (Rao & Prof.K.J.Satoa, 2013 )
Secured Employee Attendance Management System Using
In any organization, employee management is very
important 67. It is an aspect widely practiced in all
workplaces. Employee Identification and personal
verification technologies are becoming a great concern to 50
Unoriginal text: 19 words
organizations because of 66 the increase in security breaches
and transaction fraud. The validity of fingerprints as a basis
for personal identification is thus well established. 51
Unoriginal text: 94 words
Therefore, no two persons have the same arrangement of
pattern, and the patterns of any one individual remain 52
Passive voice
unchanged throughout life. Using fingerprint for
identification and authentication is very important because
of 68 its unique nature. No two person's fingerprint is the
same, and this will overcome the limitations of the existing
system where one person can sign for another. Using this
system, No one can thump print for another. 69 (Chiwa &
Dalah, 2014) 53
Passive voice
The results have indicated that the attendance of employees
can be managed by this system 70. The thump print of 54
Passive voice
employees can be enrolled and verified by using the 55
Passive voice
system. No one can thump print for another. Absentees can
be easily identified and necessary measured can be taken to
improve attendance. The thump print can serve as a check 56
Unoriginal text: 30 words
because if an employee/person attempt to 71 thumbprint for
another employee, the system will disallow and record
invalid entry for that employee after displaying
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unsuccessful clock-in/clock-out message. 72 (Chiwa & 57

Unoriginal text: 30 words
Dalah, 2014) pubs.sciepub.com/jcsa/1/5/4/

The development of any organization depends highly on

the effective attendance management of its employees.
This 74 will provide the necessary security and skills that is
required 75 for the progress of the organization. Different
techniques are 73 being applied 76 for managing the
attendance of employees, but they have been found not to
solve the problem of employee attendance. Employees
come to work late and leave early, some sign attendance for 58
[Satoa's → Santa's]
others and some does not come to work but still receive Unoriginal text: 21 words
wages/salaries. These problems can be 77 solving by using
biometric authentication technology using fingerprint since 60
Passive voice
a person's biometric data is undeniably connected to its 61
Unoriginal text: 40 words
owner, is non-transferable and unique for every individual. ijarcsse.com/Before_August_2017/doc…

The system has been integrated using fingerprint biometric

technology that will efficiently enable organizations 78 to
manage the attendance of their employees, which will
greatly improve the progress of organizations. 79 (Chiwa,
2014). 62
Unoriginal text: 51 words

Passive voice
This research work has application for attendance system
of employer's and students in general. The system will
facilitate institutions! Organization to make attendance
individual in time along with data information thumb
impression will be taken 80 as a signature for the system
entry. Main design and challenge in this system is the
design of database architecture and its business logic.
Fingerprints are the oldest form of biometric
identification. 81 Modem fingerprint-based identification is
used 82 in forensic science, 83 and biometric systems such as
civilian identification devices. Despite the widespread use
of fingerprints, there is little statistical theory on the
uniqueness of fingerprint minutiae. A 84 fingerprint 85 is
formed 86 from an impression on a surface of composite 64
Unoriginal text: 52 words
curve segments. A ridge is defined 88 as a single curved www.coursehero.com/file/p5edhoc/5-…

segment, and a valley is 87 a region between two adjacent

ridges 89. The minutiae, which are the local discontinuities
in the ridge flow pattern, provide the details of the ridge-
valley structures, like ridge endings and bifurcations. There
are 50 to 150 minutiae on a single fingerprint image.
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Features such as the type, direction, and location of

minutiae are taken into account when performing minutiae Unoriginal text: 18 words
extraction. The work of Galton defined a set of Galton
Features for fingerprint identification, which since then,
has been refining and extended to include additional types
of fingerprint features. However, most of these features are
not used 90 in automatic fingerprint identification systems.
Instead, the set of minutiae types are restricted into only Unoriginal text: 32 words
two types 91, ridge endings, and bifurcations, as other types 67
Weak adjective: important
of minutiae can be expressed 92 in terms of these two
features types. Ridge endings are the points where it curves
terminate, and bifurcations are where a ridge splits from a
single path to two paths at 93a junction. In this research, we
will be dealing mainly with ridge endings and bifurcations. Unoriginal text: 46 words
There are various types of approaches proposed in the
literature for both image enhancement, and minutiae
extraction from fingerprints. The literature on these
techniques will be examined 94 reviewed in determining the
best method to develop for this research. In particular, the
fingerprint image enhancement algorithm employed by
Hong et al. will be evaluated and implemented to Unoriginal text: 29 words
understand how the enhancement algorithm works and how
well it performs. Once a reliable minutiae extraction
technique has been implemented 95 and tested, this can be
used 96 as the basis of statistical analysis of fingerprint
minutiae. The work of Tu and Hartley and Pankanti et al. 71
Passive voice
Unoriginal text: 59 words
can be examined 97 in which an analytical framework for
analyzing system performance has been presented 98. Tu
and Hartley defined a means of forming a binary code from
the set of fingerprint features and then performing a set of
matching experiments on the database to estimate the
number of degrees of freedom within the fingerprint
This system aims to implement a C#.net set of reliable Unoriginal text: 22 words
techniques for fingerprint image enhancement and minutiae
extraction. The performance of these techniques
evaluated 99 on a fingerprint data set. In combination with
these development techniques, statistical experiments can
then be performed 100 on the fingerprint data set. The results Unoriginal text: 35 words
from these experiments can be used to 101 help us better
understand what is involved in determining the statistical
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uniqueness of fingerprint minutiae. The main aim that this Unclearvoice

Passive antecedent

system would test whether attendance by fingerprint is 76

Passive voice
enough for identification. It is expected 102 that the work in 77
Unoriginal text: 49 words
this system will reach the stage of being able to thoroughly www.coursehero.com/file/p4db6ie/Th…

test 104 the hypothesis 103.

The goal of this project is to a daily attendance of
employee through a fingerprint. The project is designed
and implements software architecture for fingerprint
analysis. The system should be able to extract key 105 78
Unoriginal text: 41 words
features from a scanned fingerprint image and to compare www.coursehero.com/file/p4db6ie/Th…

these with a database of known fingerprint images and

extracted feature sets. For this project, we provided with a
set of previously acquired fingerprints and a working
fingerprint sensor with driver software for Windows. Our
expectation had fulfilled by most of the algorithm 79
Unoriginal text: 14 words
development which executed in C# dot net and 106 this work www.coursehero.com/file/p4db6ie/Th…

is done 107 on a Windows PC.

Our project "Biometric Employer Attendance System
(BEAS)" is an extensible work for any organization or
company in this fast world. Keeping the view of research
still there is a lot of improvement work and flexibility for
the coming 109 technologies in the various demanding
directions. The language which we have is very vast, and
even the under Microsoft products is trying to rule over the 80
Passive voice
Information Technology, so we hope that this project will
be the point of interest for our successors to be enhanced
further to market it 110 compatible with the demands of the
organization requirements. 108 (Biometric attendance 81
Unoriginal text: 8 words
system, 2011) www.asi-mag.com/biometric-technolo…


Passive voice
Development of Employee Attendance and Payroll System 83
[science, ]
using Fingerprint Biometrics 111 84
Unoriginal text: 18 words
Indico's (2016) developed a system for employee's www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jece/papers…

attendance and processing of payroll with the use of

fingerprint reader and the webcam device. The employee 85
Repetitive word: fingerprint
uses one finger to record his or her time of arrival and 86
Passive voice
departure from the office 112 with the fingerprint reader. The Unoriginal text: 13 words
DTR of employees is recorded correctly by the system; the 88
Passive voice
tardiness and under time in the morning and in the 89
Repetitive word: ridges
afternoon of their official time is also computed 114. The
system was developed using the Microsoft Visual C# 2008
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programming language, MySQL 5.1 database software, and

Software Development Kit (SDK) for the fingerprint reader
and the webcam device. The data were analyzed using the
percentage technique and arithmetic mean. The study was
tested for 30 employees using the fingerprint reader for
biometric fingerprint scanning (login and logout 115), and 50
employees were recorded and used for processing the
payroll, and the proposed system. Results of biometric
fingerprint scanning for the login and logout revealed that
90% of the employees 113 had been accepted 117 for the first Passive voice
attempt, 5.84% for the second attempt, 3.33% and 0.83%
for the third and more than four attempts, respectively. The Repetitive word: types
result of processing the advanced payroll (permanent,
substitute, temporary & casual employees) and regular Passive voice
payroll (job order and contract of service employees) is
17.07 s and 5.08 s respectively. The Employee Attendance Unoriginal text: 16 words
and Payroll System (EAPS) showed that the verification
and identification of the employees in the school campus
using the biometric technology provides a reliable and
accurate recording in the daily attendance, and generate 116
the monthly payroll effectively. (Indico, 2016)
This study focuses on the design and development of the
system for recording the employee's attendance and
processing of payroll using the fingerprint scanner for Passive voice
teaching and non-teaching staff in a tertiary institution. The
system provides an alternative solution 118 for many
companies or institutions for generating the DTR and
payroll of their employees. Also, the system uses the
network to make the features (recording of the attendance,
printing the pay slip, generating of payroll) installed or
used by the other departments in the institution. 119 (Indico,
2016) Repetitive word: implemented
The Employee Attendance and Payroll System (EAPS) was Passive voice

designed and developed for teaching and non-teaching staff

in a tertiary institution. The system uses the fingerprint Passive voice
reader and the webcam device to facilitate the recording of
the DTR and generate payroll for the employees. The DTR Passive voice
of the employee was recorded by the system reliably and
accurately, and the system includes the identification of
fingerprint image, calculation of the time arrival and
departure at the school or office, and printing the DTR.
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Also, the system generated

Effectively the payroll and other reports such as pay slip
and remittances of the employees. 120 (Indico, 2016)
For further improvement of the study, the system needs to 99
Incorrect spacing
include the fingerprint image enhancement for better
results of recognition and verification of the system. In
matching >of 122 the fingerprint image stored in the 100
Passive voice
database, the system requires additional time using the 101
Unoriginal text: 9 words
sequential order particularly in a large number of records.
However, this could be designed to convert the fingerprint
image to a unique equivalent number to lessen the time of
searching or matching the fingerprint image. 121 (Indico,
2016) Philippines Immigration to Deploy Facial
Recognition System at Airports 102
Passive voice
Philippines' Bureau of Immigration (BI) will deploy a 103
Split infinitive
facial recognition system that connects to the International 104
Repetitive word: test
Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) as part of its
ongoing initiative to strengthen border security and to
prevent undesirable foreign nationals from entering the
country, according to a report by The Daily Tribune. 123
(Indico, 2016) 105
Overused word: key
According to Immigration Commissioner Jaime Morente,
the project will photograph all arriving and departing
passengers when being processed at the immigration
counters of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport
(NAIA). The images will then be cross-checked with the
Interpol's photo database to determine if they match any of
the photos of millions of wanted fugitives, terrorists, sex
offenders and holders of stolen passports worldwide. 124
(Indico, 2016) 106
[, and]
Once the project becomes operational, the Philippines will 107
Passive voice
be the first Southeast Asian country to be connected to the 108
Unoriginal text: 96 words
Interpol data system, Morente said. There are currently www.coursehero.com/file/p5ccpuh/Th…

digital cameras installed at BI counters in all three

terminals of the NAIA, which are now being used by 109
Unusual word pair
immigration officers to capture photographs of
passengers. 125c. (Indico, 2016)
"Eventually, our computers at the airport will be
equipped 128 with facial recognition capability that will
enable us to immediately detect and apprehend an
undesirable alien attempting to enter or flee the country,"
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Morente said, adding that the interconnectivity between the 110

Possibly confused word
BI and Interpol is nearly in place as computer programmers
from both agencies have been conducting dry runs and
technical tests prior to the launching of the so-called Fixed
Interpol Network Database project. 126 The new project will 111
Unoriginal text: 10 words
cross-check different Interpol databases in real-time at BI pdfs.semanticscholar.org/64e0/79594…

immigration counters to detect wanted fugitives, sex 112

Unoriginal text: 39 words
offenders, terrorists, UN Sanction List, individuals in pdfs.semanticscholar.org/64e0/79594…

possession of stolen 129 lost travel documents and missing

persons. Morente said the names of persons of interest who
are currently in the Interpol's photo database were added 130
to the BI's blacklist. 127 (Indico, 2016) 113
Unoriginal text: 116 words
BIOMETRIC ATTENDANCE MONITORING SYSTEM pdfs.semanticscholar.org/64e0/79594…


In 2017, a study was done by Maggay 131 that aim to 114
Passive voice
develop a fully customized Biometric Attendance
Monitoring System (BAMS) of Cagayan State University –
Lasam Campus, Philippines (CSU - Lasam) using the
biometric fingerprint reader to facilitate the monitoring of
employees' attendance. A combination of Visual Basic 6.0
as the programming language and MS Access as the
Database Management Systems were used 132 in the
development of the system. Thus, the overall functionality
of the BAMS enables the users to enter data, change and 115
Possibly confused word
manipulate the data, get information, and store the data and
the information. Username and password are no longer
needed since all transactions use a unique fingerprint to
validate users. Furthermore, BAMS greatly contributes to
giving employees' ease and improving work values. 116
Unoriginal text: 83 words
Likewise, the BAMS is essential in achieving good 117

Passive voice
governance because it helps track day-to-day attendance of
the employees (Maggay, 2017)
The BAMS has been successfully developed 133 and
deployed. However, it can be improved to have a better and
more advanced application. For future improvement, the
researcher has the following recommendations: 1) there
should be a customized packaging of the BAMS. Instead of
using separate computer peripherals such as keyboard,
mouse, monitor, system unit (which contains the CPU) and
the biometric fingerprint reader, the suggested packaging
Grammarly Report generated on Wednesday, Mar 27, 2019, 8:23 AM Page 18 of 28

should be all in one. Also, you can carry it in single 134

handling without compromising the features. 2) The
BAMS is helpful in monitoring 135 the attendance of the Unoriginal text: 41 words
employees especially for the leave card in-charge, and it
gives ease and 136 it lessens the cost from the government.
Hence, the researcher highly recommends that the system
should be maintained 137 and sustained. (Maggay, 2017)

Network-based payroll system for novelette municipal Unoriginal text: 44 words

Noveleta Municipal Office is located 138 at Noveleta,
Cavite. Currently, the Municipal Office has 200 employees
who are categorized 139 into two types: Regular Employee
and Employee with Job Order. They use a manual system
for their payroll. Because of the numerous employees
working in the municipality, they have difficulty computing

the salary for every pay period. Thus, an automated payroll Unoriginal text: 101 words
system was proposed to improve their manual payroll
process. Network-based Payroll System for Noveleta
Municipal Office was developed to provide accurate and
efficient salary computation. It aimed to lessen the work
done and time allotted in doing the payroll. It provides
security and easy file maintenance. It also generates
necessary reports. The proposed system was developed
using Microsoft Visual Basic.net programming language,
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 for the Database, and Crystal
Reports v.9 for the report generation. (Atog, Cruz, &
Marce, 2008)
Technology nowadays is rapidly developing. In business,
computerized systems with different purposes are used to
cope up with the modern world. One of the systems that are
being developed 140 is the payroll system which involves Unoriginal text: 77 words
the process of salary computation. During the early years,
Noveleta was a barrio of Kawit. Its restful atmosphere,
brought by the sea, wind and beautiful sunset, and [of]

complemented by its warm, hospitable, amiable people had

both attracted vacationers from all places. (Atog, Cruz, &
Marce, 2008)
Through the years, Novella's population increased
considerably. This 141 prompted Gov. Gen. Jose Gandara to
have it separated from Kawit to become an independent
town.Currently, the Municipal Office has 210 employees
Grammarly Report generated on Wednesday, Mar 27, 2019, 8:23 AM Page 19 of 28

who are categorized 142 into two types: Regular Employee Unoriginal text: 57 words

and Employee with Job Order (EJO). Regular Employees

are those included in the Plantilla Positions and receive
benefits, while EJO such as the Street Sweepers and Office
Clerks are those who do not receive benefits. Regular
employees receive PERA, 13-month pay, ADCOM,
clothing allowance, and Productivity Allowance. Added
benefits such as the RATA, Travel Allowance and Cash
Gift are given only to the Office Heads. Employees under
the offices of the Department of Agriculture, MSWD, and 124
Unoriginal text: 65 words
MHO are also regular employees, but they have different www.biometricupdate.com/201610/p…

computation because their salary is specified by their

National Office 143. (Atog, Cruz, & Marce, 2008)
MHO receives additional benefits such as Hazard Pay,
Subsistence and Laundry. Regular employees are given 144
different kinds of leave, namely: vacation leave, maternity
leave, force leave, and sick leave. They are allotted 145 with
1.25 days of allowable leave per month.If the point is not
fully consumed 146 within the month, it is added 147 to points
allotted for the succeeding months. The deductions from 125
Unoriginal text: 53 words
the salary of each employee are Philhealth, GSIS, www.biometricupdate.com/201610/p…

Withholding tax, Pag-ibig 148 contribution, and other loans.

The current payroll system is done 149 manually. It passes
through different offices, namely, HRMO, Treasury and
Accounting. HRMO is in charge of the attendance record
of employees. They compute for the absences, tardiness,
over time, and under the time of each employee. The
accounting office computes for the deduction of each 126
employee and produces copies which are given 150 to the 127
Unoriginal text: 135 words
treasury office. The treasury office handles the computation 128

Passive voice
of salary and uses MS Excel to compute and stored data.
The basic salary given to regular employees depends on
their position. For the regular employee, there is a
corresponding rate per position. For the Employee with Job
Order, the Mayor approves the submitted proposal of salary
rate given to them. Salary is distributed 151 every 15th and
last day of the month. The working days counted for the
computation of salary every 15th day start from the 26th
day of the previous month until the 10th day of the 152
current month. As one of the government offices, Noveleta
Municipal Office should offer good service for their
Grammarly Report generated on Wednesday, Mar 27, 2019, 8:23 AM Page 20 of 28

constituent. To provide this kind of service 153, a [stolen,]
computerized system is needed. (Atog, Cruz, & Marce,
Lan-based employee monitoring and payroll system of
pathfinder marketing incorporated Passive voice
In our fast-paced technology today, our country revolves
into its innovations and modern technologies. As a third
world country, we are not really into the newest
technologies the other country might have but, we are
pulling into it as years went on. "The first rule of any [Maggay → Maggie]
technology used in a business is that automation applied to
an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency." (Bill
Gates,2009). According to Olivar (2010), "Payroll System
is 154 the heart of Human 156 Resource System of an
Organization." The solution has to take care of calculation
of the salary as per rules of the company, Income-Tax
calculation and various deductions to be done 157 from
salary based on the daily time record using the 155 Passive voice
"Biometric Attendance Record System" including statutory
deductions like income tax and Provident Fund deductions.
Another study, the main focus of the system should handle
employee's records such as Employee List, Add New
Employee, edit new Employee, Bonus and pay slip for the
administrator. (Daigan , 158 Pagara , 159 & Mabulay , 160
The multi-function of technology for its advance 161 system
is also an important factor for a company to use the
software. It makes efficient use of the advance 164 163
technology 162 has the ambition to discover more. As stated
by (James Roosevelt). It has to have a payroll tax that's
dedicated 166 to Social Security. The social security tax has Passive voice
been very successful over the years in raising almost all of
our elderly citizens out of poverty. 165 Payroll system and in
line with Employee monitoring system is one of the most
important systems that a company needs for it gives the
accurate and fast process of work. (Daigan , 167 Pagara , 168
& Mabulay , 169 2017)
Pathfinder Marketing started on September 30, 1997, as
Food Beverage Confectionary (FBC) sub-distributor of
Universal Robina Corporation(URC) then enrolled with
Independent Business Management (IBM). As years went Unusual word pair
Grammarly Report generated on Wednesday, Mar 27, 2019, 8:23 AM Page 21 of 28

by they were being upgraded to Regional Distributor and 135

Inflated phrase
change its name as Pathfinder marketing is located 170 at
Buhayco Warehouse, Julio Pacana Street Cagayan De Oro 136
[, and]
City beheaded by Mr. Ryan Jun Cagaanan as Office
Manager. The marketing aims to be one of the most 137
Passive voice
efficient and hardworking 171 product distributors of the
country. It serves people for almost eight years; the main
office of PM is located 172 at EI Salvador Misamis Oriental.
(Daigan , 173 Pagara , 174 & Mabulay , 175 2017) 138
Passive voice
Synthesis of the Study

Passive voice
Table 2.1 Synthesis of Related Literature and Studies
Table 2.1 shows the ideas and concepts taken from the
literature gathered and the idea 176 or thoughts about other
biometric-based attendance monitoring and payroll
systems. Wherein the checked fields indicate the systems
capability 177, on the other hand, the blank fields indicate
the systems incapability.

In this chapter, the system follows a series of step-by-step
process to finish the system 178 and attain its objectives.
Techniques and tools were used 180 in each step 179 for the
development of the system.
To obtain the necessary data in this study, the researchers
used the following methods. The researchers used the
interview method to gather information and data needed in
this study. Interview method was conducted to ensure the
responses to certain 181 questions intended to obtain
information about the problem. With this method, the
researchers can identify the existing problem of the 140
Passive voice
existing 182 system. The proponent conducted an Interview.
This 183 is composed of the profile of the officials and
queries for data gathering. It is a set of questions arranged
in a sequence.
Online Research
It allows the proponents to practice their interest in regards
to the system improvement, to learn additional knowledge,
to enhance problem-solving skills and to challenge
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individuals in new ways. With a self-initialized research

project, leave product of ideas that represent the proof of 141
Unclear antecedent
interests and studies, and possibly, a real contribution to
knowledge. 184
It is a personal conversation with some purpose, and it has 142
Passive voice
a question and answer format. The proponents had set a
series of subsequent appointment with the Monlimar
Development Academy Inc.'s administration regarding the
currently proposed system know about their attendance
system goals. This technique gives the researchers an
insight into the interviewee's ideas. An interview guide was
prepared to understand the visions of the employees of
Monlimar Development Academy Inc. regarding their
present system that they are being used 185.
A list of analyzed question or research that is asked 186 to
the respondents, which designed to extract specific
information. It distributes four primary purposes: to (1) 143
Passive voice
collect suitable data or information, (2) generate similar
and responsive to the analysis, (3) reduce bias in
formulating and asking the question, and (4) make
questions varied.
Passive voice
What is the current system used in Attendance Monitoring 145
Passive voice
and Payroll System? 146
Passive voice
What are the problems regarding the existing system? 147
Passive voice
What are the problems faced by the Administration about
the existing system?
There is a file security feature in the existing system? If 148
[ibig → big]
yes, how does the data being stored?
Waterfall Model 149
Passive voice
The proponents use the Waterfall application for System
Development Process Model, the waterfall model describes
a development method that is linear and sequential. It has
distinct goals for each phase of development. 187 Phases 188
are processed and completed at one time and work well for
smaller projects where requirements are very well
understood 189 where feedback loops exist between each 150
Passive voice
stage so that as new information is uncovered 190 or
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problems are discovered 191, it is possible to go back to a

stage 192 and make the appropriate modification.

Figure 3.1 Waterfall Model


Waterfall Model Advantages (1) simple and easy to 193 Passive voice

understand. (2) It is easy to manage due to the 194 model's

rigidity – each phase has specific deliverables and a review

process. (3) Phases 196 are processed and completed one at a Unoriginal text: 11 words
time, 195 or Phases do not overlap. (4) This model works
well for smaller projects where requirements are very well

Waterfall Model Disadvantages (1) Once an application is Dangling modifier

in the testing stage; it is challenging to go back and change

something that was not well-thought out in the concept
stage. 197 (2) Requires highly skilled

developers/designers. 198 (3) Modeling skills with high Unoriginal text: 73 words
dependency. (4) Inapplicable to the projects where
requirements are at a moderate to high risk of changing.
The phases of the Waterfall Model Are Requirements, 199
Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing, and Acceptance.
Requirements. The proponents conducted an initial
interview together with the School Principal of Monlimar
Development Academy to understand the flow of the
current system that will serve as a guide in developing a

new system. Unoriginal text: 44 words

Analysis. The proponents analyze the user requirement 156
[the Human]
target and determined the hardware and software needed to
develop the system.

Design. The proponents created the flow chart based on Passive voice

the analysis and design user interface based on the

requirements of the user.
Coding. The researcher performed the actual coding based
on the required design using Visual Studio Enterprise 2017
as front-end and Microsoft SQL Server 2017 as the back-
Testing. The researchers test the program to ensure that it is

error-free and fully meet the requirements outlined in the [Daigan , → Daigan,]
[Pagara , → Pagara,]
first step. 160
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VI. Acceptance. The researcher turned over the program to [Mabulayconfused
Possibly , → Mabulay,]

the target user for its implementation. 162

Unoriginal text: 9 words

Testing [the advance]

Possibly confused word
Figure 3.2 Black box Testing 165
Unoriginal text: 35 words
Passive voice

Figure 3.2 illustrates the containing input and output's flow

in the system. In testing, the proponents evaluated the
proposed system 200 using the Black Box Test. Employees
Preferences are the proposed system's primary input. The
system will process these inputs to generate 201 daily time 167
[Daigan , → Daigan,]
records or reports and pay slip. 168
[Pagara , → Pagara,]
[Mabulay , → Mabulay,]

Table 3.1 – Table Result 1 Log-in

The table below shows the result of the systems log-in

form, Time in and out attendance feature that uses
fingerprint, setting Announcements, functions in terms of
reports, employee management, and generating Payroll. 170
Passive voice

Possibly confused word

Passive voice
[Daigan , → Daigan,]
[Pagara , → Pagara,]
[Mabulay , → Mabulay,]

Repetitive word: idea

Incorrect noun form
Grammarly Report generated on Wednesday, Mar 27, 2019, 8:23 AM Page 25 of 28

Repetitive word: system
Unoriginal text: 8 words
Passive voice

Overused word: certain

Repetitive word: existing
Unclear antecedent

Unoriginal text: 10 words
Grammarly Report generated on Wednesday, Mar 27, 2019, 8:23 AM Page 26 of 28

Passive voice

Passive voice

Unoriginal text: 18 words

Repetitive word: Phases

Passive voice

Passive voice
Passive voice
Repetitive word: stage

Unoriginal text: 7 words
Unoriginal text: 8 words
Grammarly Report generated on Wednesday, Mar 27, 2019, 8:23 AM Page 27 of 28

Unoriginal text: 9 words
Repetitive word: Phases

Unoriginal text: 16 words

Missing subject

Unoriginal text: 8 words
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Repetitive word: system

[ a daily]

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