SRE - Assign-4 (C, 152, Syed Ahmed Raza)
SRE - Assign-4 (C, 152, Syed Ahmed Raza)
SRE - Assign-4 (C, 152, Syed Ahmed Raza)
c) How to Use:
Setting out to verify the whole system and every line of written code, even though
theoretically possible, is a beginner’s mistake. The art of engineering is about
being smart enough to know which corners to cut and which ones not to cut. This
is not an easy task - it takes time, practice and experience to take decisions on
this. We should also keep in mind writing “verification” for a system is not the
same as writing tests Functional and fuzzing for it. Writing tests and achieving
100% code coverage does not guarantee that the system works as intended and it
is only as good as tests themselves (after all, who tests the unit tests?).
Verification and testing can be considered to be two sides of the same coin and
one complements the other, completing the picture.
d) Application Areas:
Some area of applications that make use of formal verification methods include
verifying a model of Concurrent/Distributed Systems. An example is model
checking of concurrent and distributed systems using SPIN model checker. SPIN
can be used to exhibit design flaws in these systems and help to improve the
design. Formal verification methodologies can be also used to check data
integrity. In validating the design of system on chip (SoC) designs for example
and due to the complex nature of these designs, both formal verification and logic
simulation are used
● Software management is often conservative and is unwilling to adopt new
techniques for which payoff is not obvious. It is difficult to demonstrate that
the relatively high cost of developing a formal system specification will
reduce overall software development.
● Some software engineers, particularly those in senior positions, have not been
trained in the techniques needed to develop formal software specifications.
Developing specifications requires a familiarity with discrete mathematics and
● System customers are unlikely to be familiar with formal specification
techniques. They may be unwilling to fund development activities that they
cannot easily monitor.
● Some classes of software system requirements are difficult to specify using
existing techniques. In particular, current techniques cannot be used to specify
the interactive components of user interfaces
a) Technique Description:
Static code analysis and static analysis are often used interchangeably, along with source
code analysis.
This type of analysis addresses weaknesses in source code that might lead to
vulnerabilities. Of course, this may also be achieved through manual code reviews. But
using automated tools is much more effective.
Static analysis is commonly used to comply with coding guidelines
b) Purpose of Use:
● Programming errors
● Coding standard violations
● Undefined values
● Syntax violations
● Security vulnerabilities
c) How to use:
The static analysis process is relatively simple, as long as it's automated. Generally, static
analysis occurs before software testing in early development. In the DevOps development
practice, it will occur in the create phases.
Once the code is written, a static code analyzer should be run to look over the code. It
will check against defined coding rules from standards or custom predefined rules. Once
the code is run through the static code analyzer, the analyzer will have identified whether
or not the code complies with the set rules. It is sometimes possible for the software to
flag false positives, so it is important for someone to go through and dismiss any. Once
false positives are waived, developers can begin to fix any apparent mistakes, generally
starting from the most critical ones. Once the code issues are resolved, the code can move
on to testing through execution.
Without having code testing tools, static analysis will take a lot of work, since humans
will have to review the code and figure out how it will behave in runtime environments.
Therefore, it's a good idea to find a tool that automates the process. Getting rid of any
lengthy processes will make for a more efficient work environment.
d) Application Area’s:
There are plenty of static verification tools out there, so it can be confusing to pick the
right one. Software tools will work at a variety of levels. Unit-level tools look at
programs or subroutines. Technology-level tools will test between unit programs and a
view of the overall program. System-level tools will analyze the interactions between unit
programs. And mission-level tools will focus on mission layer terms, rules and processes.
Before committing to a tool, an organization should also make sure that the tool supports
the programming language they're using as well as the standards they want to comply
It can evaluate all the code in an application, False positives can be detected.
increasing code quality.
It provides speed in using automated tools A tool might not indicate what the defect is if
compared to manual code review there is a defect in the code.
Paired with normal testing methods, static Not all coding rules can always be followed,
testing allows for more depth into debugging like rules that need external documentation.
Automated tools are less prone to human Static analysis may take more time than
error. comparable methods.
It will increase the likelihood of finding Static analysis can't detect how a function will
vulnerabilities in the code, increasing web or execute.
application security.
a) Technical techniques:
Dynamic analysis, also known as dynamic program analysis, is the evaluation of a program
or technology using real-time data. This method of analysis can be done on a virtual
processor or on a real processor. Instead of taking code offline, vulnerabilities and
program behavior can be monitored while the program is running, providing visibility into its
real-world behavior.
b) Purpose of Use:
● Set of techniques to rigorously examine a program based on some criteria during run-time
● Code Coverage Analysis
● Error-seeding and mutation testing, regression testing, other testing
● Program slicing
● Assertions
c) How to Use:
Typically, a dynamic analyzer needs an output specification to compare the actual output to.
Generally speaking, an oracle is the specification against which actual outputs compare their
results. Can be another system, model, person, customer, etc. In the case of black box
testing, the output specification is the oracle.
d) Application Areas:
performance evaluation, self-adaptation control (e.g., online capacity
management), problem simulations, measure- mint and logging of simulation data, analysis of
simulation, based user in- terrace for configuring and running dynamic analyses
● Automated tools may give a false security that everything is checked
● Automated tools can generate false positives and false negatives
● It is not easy to find a trained professional for dynamic testing
● It is difficult to trace the vulnerability in the code, and it takes longer to fix the
problem. Thus, it becomes costly to fix the errors