LTR 29444
LTR 29444
LTR 29444
In inviting reference to the subject cited above, I am directed to enclose a copy of the
EOI regarding establishment of Cancer Care Hospital at Jharsuguda and to request you to
publish the said EOI as per the details given below positively;
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)1 , Depu ty Sec o overnment
Memo No. )--C3 /H Dated: I 9/ '/ /
Copy forwarded to P.S. to Hon'ble Minister, Health 8s FW Department for kind
information of the Hon'ble Minister.
Health & Family Welfare Department ("H&FW Department"), Government of Odisha intends to establish a cancer hospital at Jharsuguda on PPP mode.
H&FW Department shall construct the cancer hospital and procure the required medical equipment/furniture. H&FW Department intends to select a private
partner for commissioning, operation, maintenance and management of the cancer hospital in Public Private Partnership ("PPP") mode ("Project") through a
competitive bidding process. H&FW Department now invites Expressions of Interest ("E01") applications from prospective reputed and professional healthcare
providers interested in the Project. This REOT is to commence a consultative process and does not constitute part of the bidding process. Subsequent to this
announcement, H&FW Department reserves the right to follow an open competitive bidding process for selection of the preferred bidder for the Project.
The E01 document can be downloaded from; . The E01 applications should be submitted to The Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Health
& Family Welfare Department, Government of Odisha, Odisha Secretariat, Bhubaneswar — 751 001. The application can be submitted either through mail or
through hard copy. The due date of submission of E01 application is 14.12.2018 by 17.00 hrs. Please refer the E01 document for further details.
Transaction Advisor:
Shri Sarat Chandra Mishra
Additional Secretary to Government Shri Shashikanta Baisag
Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Odisha, PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt. Ltd
Odisha Secretariat, Bhubaneswar Mob: +91 70440 03334
Telephone — 0674 - 2396618
Government of Odisha
Health & Family Welfare Department
Request for Expression of Interest (REOI)
for Operation, Maintenance and Management of Cancer Hospital at Jharsuguda
through Public Private Partnership (PPP) Mode
Health & Family Welfare Department, Government of Odisha ("Authority") proposes to
establish an advanced and specialized cancer care super specialty hospital in Jharsuguda to be
operated by a professional & reputed private healthcare partner under Public-Private-
Partnership (PPP) mode ("Project"). The objective is to address the need of cancer care services
in Jharsuguda and nearby districts of western Odisha and provide quality cancer care to the
people with special focus to BPL patients.
Description of the Project
Odisha with 3o administrative districts has a population of 45 million in 2017 and is expected to
reach -49 million by 2022. There is a growing threat of cancer in Odisha with estimated new
cancer cases of more than 51,000 and prevalence of -142,000 in 2017. The disease is growing at
a CAGR of 4.2% for the past 3 years. Leading cancer sites among male are oral, acute
lymphocytic leukemia and gastrointestinal tract and those in female are breast, cervix, ovary, etc.
Bhubaneswar and Cuttack are the only two cities providing comprehensive cancer care services
in Odisha.
Jharsuguda district is rich with mineral resources and is one of the most industrially developed
districts in Odisha. MCL, TRL, NTPC, Shyam DRI Power, Vedanta, Bhushan Steel and Hindalco
are some of major industrial groups in Jharsuguda. The Jharsuguda airport is ready for
operation. Currently there is no existing healthcare facility offering cancer care in Jharsuguda
and nearby catchment area. In this context Government of Odisha intends to establish a
dedicated Cancer Care Hospital in Jharsuguda to provide quality cancer care services to the
population of Jharsuguda district and nearby catchment area. The proposed project is expected
to serve a catchment base of approx. 9-10 million covering surrounding districts like
Sundargarh, Sambalpur, Bargarh, Deogarh, Subarnapur, Balangir, Nuapada and parts of
neighboring districts of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand as secondary catchment base. The
Authority will design, finance and construct the hospital and procure required medical
The Authority intends to select private partner to operate, maintain, manage the Project and
provide healthcare services for a fixed concession period. Upon expiry of concession period, the
hospital will be transferred to the Authority.
Invitation and Selection of Private Partner:
The Authority now invites Expressions of Interest ("EOI") applications from prospective reputed
and professional healthcare providers interested in the Project. Interested parties shall submit
their EOI application in the prescribed format as provided in Annexure I of this REOI
Document. Interested parties may provide any additional information considered relevant for
expressing their interest for the Project, including their brochures or corporate literature.
Please note that this REOI is to commence a consultative process and does not constitute part of
the bidding process. Subsequent to this announcement, the Authority reserves the right to follow
an open competitive bidding process for selection of the preferred bidder for the Project. This
REOI does not constitute an offer or a qualification process. Qualification criteria will be
separately prescribed as a part of the bidding process. The Authority reserves the right to
modify, cancel, suspend or terminate any aspect of the selection process at any time, for any
reason, without giving prior notice and the Authority (including their officers, employees and/or
agents) will, not be bound by this REOI. It is clarified that any person /bidder /consortia, who
do not respond to this REOI, will not be restricted from participating in the open competitive
bidding process for selection of the private partner for the Project.
The Authority reserves the right to require additional information from any interested party, at
its absolute discretion.
EOI Submission
Submissions of EOI must be made latest by 14.12.2018 and no later than 5 PM Indian Standard
Time (IST) by email (not exceeding 5 MB) with subject line as "Expression of Interest (EOI) for
selection of private partner for operation, maintenance and management of cancer hospital in
Jharsuguda" to the following mail ids:
sarat. mishra
The EOI application can also be submitted in hard copies super scribed as "Expression of
Interest (EOI) for selection of private partner for operation, maintenance and management of
cancer hospital in Jharsuguda". The EOI applications shall be addressed to:
Health & Family Welfare Department
Govt. of Odisha, Secretariat Building,
Bhubaneswar - 751001
Email: orhealth(a)
Authority may organize an Investors' Conference at a date to be decided later for high level
discussions on key structuring, technical and commercial issues of the Project and may request
the interested parties to depute their senior representatives to participate in the aforementioned
Investors' Conference. Bidder(s) shall bear the cost incurred in preparation and submission of
EOI to the Authority and the Authority shall not in any way be responsible for the costs incurred
by the Bidders(s).
For any further information/clarifications, please contact the followings:
Annexure I: Formats of EOI Applications
S No. Formats
1 Appendix I: Covering Letter
2 Appendix II: Details of Applicant
3 Appendix III: Details of experience
4 Appendix IV: Financial Details
Appendix I: Format of Covering Letter
Health & Family Welfare Department,
Government of Odisha
Odisha Secretariat, Sachivalaya Marg,
Bhubaneswar — 7510 01
Sub: Expression of Interest (EOI) for selection of private partner for operation, maintenance and
management of cancer hospital in Jharsuguda through Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Mode
Dear Sir,
With reference to your EOI document dated M/s hereby
submits the EOI application for the subject Project.
2. I/we certify that all the information provided in the application are true and correct.
3. I/we understand that this EOI is non-binding in nature and Health & Family Welfare
Department, Government of Odisha reserves the right to follow open competitive bidding
process for the selection of private partner for operation, maintenance and management
of cancer care hospital in Jharsuguda through Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Mode.
Yours faithfully,
Appendix II: Details of Applicant
i. Particulars of applicant:
a. Name:
b. Constitution:
c. Country of incorporation:
ii. Brief description of the applicant including details of its main lines of business,
current activities, background of promoters and management structure etc.
iii. Details of individual(s) who will serve as the point of contact/ communication for
Health & Family Welfare Department, Government of Odisha:
a. Name:
b. Designation:
c. Company:
d. Address:
e. Telephone Number:
f. E-Mail Address:
g. Fax Number:
Appendix III: Details of Experience
Appendix IV: Financial Details
Name of applicant:
A. Annual Turnover for last 3 financial years (FY)
S Particulars FY FY FY
1 Annual Turnover