Ahitophel English Ver.

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The Holy Goralot of Ahitophel

"These are the names and words which dwell in the hearts of all.
117 in total, representing the 117 Angels who are over all spirits. They
reveal what is hidden in the heart, all things, be they good or bad; all
advise, all give counsel, with the help of Him who rides upon Aravot"

Introduction and Translation by

Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok
Copyright © 1993 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
This material originally appeared in Sefer Segulot, with Hebrew additions.


It is written in a number of places throughout the TaNaKh (ref. VaYikra 16:8-10,

Bamidbar 25:56; Yehoshua 7:16-18, 18:6,8,10), how in times of need, the
leaders of Yisrael would cast a lottery (Goral), in order to know the will of
HaShem and receive an answer to that which they sought to know.

The Goral (lottery) of the TaNaKh was not, as may be supposed, an arbitrary
game of chance as it is today. Rather, the Biblical Goral was an oracle, a tool
used for divination, to ask questions to HaShem, the King of the universe,
regarding important matters and to receive answers directly from Him.

The most famous of these divinatory tools were the Urim and Tumim, which
along with the Hoshen Mishpat (Breastplate of Judgment), was worn by the
Kohen HaGadol (ref. to Shemot 28:30). When the Elders of Yisrael wished to
address a question to Heaven, they would approach the Kohen HaGadol, who
would then put the Oracle upon his chest, wearing it as a ritual garment. He
would then perform the necessary invocational prayer that consisted of
recitations of many of the holy Names of G-d. After all this, the Urim and Tumim
would, as if, “come to life” by starting to make sounds, similar to the Ta'amim
(cantellations) sung while reading the Torah, and to flash lights from the jewel
stones sewn into it. HaShem would thus answer the Kohen HaGadol by sounds
and lights emanating from the Urim and Tumim and Hoshen Mishpat. The
Kohen, who was trained in the meditative usages of the Oracle would be able to
interpret the lights and sounds and provide a clear answer, which had come
direct from HaShem, Himself.

Copyright © 1993-2005 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
With the destruction of the First Temple in Jerusalem in 586 B.C. E., the holy
Urim and Tumim, along with the Ark of the Covenant were hidden, only to be
revealed again to usher in King Mashiah (the Messiah), on that day known only
to HaShem. Since the absence of the Urim and Tumim, many other Goralot have
been devised. Each one was formulated according to the ancient pattern as
outlined in the holy word of HaShem, so today in absence of a prophet, seer, or
Kohen; the Elders of the land can still have access to Heaven and know the will
of HaShem, the L-rd, our King.

The Goralot that we have today have been formulated, all more or less along the
same format. Following the Biblical pattern, the Goral is a layout of boxes, or
squares, each having within them a certain name or group of letters. (This was
the format of the Urim and Tumim, which had the name of the 12 Tribes of
Yisrael engraved upon 12 precious stones, along with other letters for mystical
purposes. These were then sewn onto a breastplate and worn by the Kohen
HaGadol). This format of boxes was then meditated upon with complete
intention and devotion until they would “light up” and start to make strange
whining noises. This display would then reveal the sought after answer to the
question. Along with the format of the squares came an answer book of sorts
that explained what each of the boxes mean, (though the Kohen HaGadol had no
need for such a book, for he intuitively knew all the possible answer
combinations). The Goral that we have today does not emanate “noises” or “light
up”, as did its Biblical counterpart, the Urim and Tumim.

Today, there are several known Gorals attributed to some of the greatest Sages
of the Jewish mystical tradition, amongst them the Exilarch of Babylon, Sa’adia
Gaon and the famous astrologer and Torah commentator of medieval Spain,
Rabbi Avraham ibnEzra. Another format of Goral is derived from the use of the
text of the TaNaKh (Hebrew Bible). Instead of the “lights” shining forth from a
format of squares, one finds one's answer “shining” from a letter of a word, from
a verse in the Hebrew text. Yet, here again a book of interpretive answers was
many times needed. This system was used by the Resh Galuta, Sa'adia Gaon,
as well as by the famous 16th century Kabbalist, Rabbi Haim Vital, as well as by
the Gaon of Vilna, Rabbi Eliyahu.

The Goral that we have here before us is said to have been devised by the “Men
of the Great Assembly”. This was the body of Elders who were responsible for
resettling the Jewish refuges returning from the Babylonian exile. It included
amongst them Ezra and three of the great Prophets; Zekharia, Hagai and
Malachi. The Goral is named for Ahitophel, yet just who he is, is never stated.
The only Ahitophel that is known in Jewish tradition was one of the teachers of
King David, (referred to in 2 Shmuel 15). Yet, nowhere does the Goral claim to
be attributed specifically to him. Therefore, we cannot accurately say who the
Copyright © 1993-2005 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
Goralot of Ahitophel is really named after. He may have been a member of the
Great Assembly, or the name might be a code name for something or someone
else (which was a traditional Jewish practice at that period in history due to the
persecutions of the time that forbade the writing of Jewish books). Without further
information from as yet unknown sources, we will never be certain as to who
Ahitophel was or who truly prepared the Goral, attributed to his name.

According to tradition, during the time of the Greek occupation of the Holy Land,
the Goralot Ahitophel was concealed, and for its protection taken out of Yisrael.
For a number of years its location was said to be unknown. However, during the
time of the Roman occupation, it was again revealed, used and re-hidden. It was
not to be seen again for hundreds of years until the Moslems were in control of
the land of Yisrael. At this time, it was decided by the Elders of the land that the
Goral not disappear again, so from that time forward the Sages passed down the
Goral from generation to generation to the present day. The Goral as we have it
at present was rediscovered in manuscript, amongst the Jewish Kabbalistic
community of Yemen. From there it made its way to Jerusalem, Yisrael, where it
was published for the first time in its original Hebrew. This edition is the first time
the Goral has been published in translation.

Goralot, in general have been used by Jewish spiritual leaders for maybe
thousands of years. Unfortunately, the everyday person has not been careful in
following the instructions regarding honoring the holiness of the Goral and have
abused it by using it as a fortune-telling device, to see if they will prosper in this
or that endeavor.

The Goral of Ahitophel is holy book. It should never be demeaned and used
as a gross method of standard divination. Rabbi Joseph Karo, a master Kabbalist
and author of the Shulkhan Arukh (The Code of Jewish Law, Yoreh Deah, 179:1)
quoting earlier authorities goes so far as to recommend that Gorals not be used
at all. He gives the sound Jewish advice that people should better put their faith
in G-d directly and walk before Him in innocence and not try “fortune telling”.

With all due respect, towards the clear prohibition written in the Shulkhan Arukh,
many a Sage has relished the Goral and honored it accordingly. To them Heaven
reveals its will, that they who fear HaShem the L-rd, may know His Will and walk
in His Way. From them HaShem the L-rd will not hold back any good.

Therefore, today, for all who seek HaShem the L-rd, G-d of Israel, and request
insight from Him regarding an aspect of one's personal life, I offer this English
version of the Holy Goralot of Ahitophel. I must advise all who wish to use
the Goral that they do so with intense seriousness and awe. HaShem is

Copyright © 1993-2005 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
Alive and Well and does not accept belittling from those who would abuse
His holiness.

If you seek His Face, be open to Him and be prepared to obey. For the Goral
may give you an answer that you may not want to receive. Nevertheless, once
the Goral has spoken, its answer should be respected. One cannot ask a
question a second time because the first answer was not acceptable or
understood. Another attempt at the question or another question is of no
avail here. One can ask only once. Any second try is considered a lack of
faith in G-d and Heaven will not be moved to guide the Goral to answer you
a second time. Though you might try the Goral again, any answer coming at
this point would be arbitrary and cannot be said to be given to you from Heaven.

We are warned that all who defy the holiness of the Goral and use it as a mere
“fortune telling” device is committing a sin for which there would be retribution
from one of the 117 Guardian Angels of the Goral. It is taught that only when
one completely does not understand the answer given, can one then he repeat
his question, but only after waiting until the next day. So, please take this work
seriously and do not tempt HaShem the L-rd, your G-d. Be in awe of Him and
request your needs in sincerity and truth. Pray the opening prayer with full
intention and G-d, knowing the sincerity in your heart will answer you for good.

Instructions For Using The Holy Goral of Ahitophel

1. It is imperative that one use the Goral with a sense of complete awe.

2. Lay out the table of the Goral, placing it directly in front of you.

3. Meditate specifically, with complete devotion upon what it is you want to

ask of HaShem through the Goral.

4. Recite the opening Goral prayer in Hebrew. If you do not understand

Hebrew, recite the prayer a second time, in English. In the appropriate
place, recite or meditate upon your request. Be as precise as possible, this
way your answer will be more clearly understood.

5. After reciting the prayer, close your eyes and place your left hand over

6. Take your right index finger and cast it out over the Goral and let it
descend downwards onto one of the boxes of the Goral. Feel your finger as
if it is guided by the Hand of G-d.

Copyright © 1993-2005 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
7. When your finger has landed firmly upon the table of the Goral in front of
you, open your eyes and see in which box your finger has been guided to
land in.

8. Open the Answers section and see what it is that HaShem has given you
for an answer.

9. Remember the answer you receive might require contemplation, in order

to understand the true depths of its meanings. For it is the way of HaShem
to speak cryptically, requiring one to be spiritually minded in order to be
able to discern the wisdom of Heaven.

10. Be patient and contemplative, if after a few minutes you are still unable
to fathom the meaning of what has been revealed to you, lay aside the
Goral until the following day. Pray to G-d, that He might have mercy upon
you and grant you the wisdom to understand His truth.

11. The Goral can only be used at specific times. It must never be used at
night, or on a cloudy day. It can only be used on a Sunday, Monday,
Thursday or Friday. This is because of the proper astrological windows are
then open. Even on these days, the Goral should not be consulted during
the hours when the planets Saturn, Mars or Mercury are in ascendant (in
accordance to Jewish astrology). Some say the Goral should not be used
on the day prior to the New Moon.

The Hours of the Day

And the Planets that Rule Them

There are 24 hours to a day, 12 for night, 12 for day. The length of all hours are
seasonal. Each hour is 1/12 of a day or night measuring from sunrise and sunset.
Therefore a summers day hour might be equivalent to approx. 72 minutes on the
clock, whereas a winters day hour may be only approx. 50 minutes on the clock.
The same, of course applies to night time hours as well.

E = evening, D = day
ME = mercury; MO = Moon; SA = Saturn; JU = Jupiter;
MA = Mars; SU = Sunday; VE = Venus

Sat/E Sun/D Sun/E Mon/D Mon/E Tues/D Tues/E Wed/D Wed/E Th/D Th/E Fr/D Fr/E Sat/D
Copyright © 1993-2005 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

Prayer Recited Prior to the Use of the Goral

El, Elohei HaElohim V'Adonay HaAdonim; Melech, Malchai HaMelachim; HaEl

HaGadol HaGibor V'HaNorah, Yoshev HaKeruvim.

Bati B'Ra'ad U'B'Fahahd U'B'Yirah U'B'Aymah, B'Ratat U'B'Zeiah, L'Vakesh

Rahamim B'Tefilah U'B'Tahanunim M'Lifnay Kisay Kevodecha.

B'Kiriyah, B'Kidah, U'B'Hishtahaveha, Bati L'Hithanen Lifnai Ikar Malchutecha

S'Yitgalgelu Rahamei Midotecha B'Et U'B'Onah HaZot, L'Hodeanei
U'L'Hamdainei Al Sod Shayalati W'Amitat Bakashati W'Haftzi Al HaGoralot HaElu
Sh'Nisadru Al Pi Nivieacha W'Hozecha Asher Hodaata Lahem W'Galeeta
Haziyonotecha U'Britecha K'Davar Sh'N'Emar Sod Adonai L'Yirav U'Brito

Omnam Galuei V'Yaduah Lifanecha Adonai Elohie V'Elohei Avotai Sh'Kol Zman
Sh'Beit HaMikdash Hayah Kayam Hayu Niviecha V'Hoziecha Shoalim B'Urim
U'Tumim U'Modiim Mah Sh'Atid Lihiot Beyn Tov U'Beyn Rah.

V'Atah B'Rov Avonaynu U'Pesha'aynu Harav Beit HaMikdash U'Bitlah HaNevuah

V'Ayn Lanu Lo Navi V'Lo Hozeh V'Lo Cohen L'Hodianu HaDavar HaTzarich.

Lachen Bati B'Lev Shalem U'B'Nefesh Hafetzah Lifanecha Adonai Elohei Ki Ayn
Li Derech Tova Aheret Lintot Yamin O'Smol L'hodeanei B'Rahamecha HaRabim
Al Pi HaGoralot HaElu Mah Sh'Ani Shoel M'Lifanecha.

Copyright © 1993-2005 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
At this time ask your question in clear and specific terminology - it matters
not whether you recite it verbally or mentally.

Ki Atah B'Goralot Hafatztah V'Helaktah Et Aretz HaKodesh Ken Todieyni Gam

Atah Et Darkaycha V'Atah Helki U'Manat Gorali K'Davar Sh'Neeamar.

Adonai Manat Helki V'Kosi Atah Tomech Gorali.

Havalim Naflu Li B'Ni'imim Af Nahalat Shafrah Ali.

Avrech Et Adonai Asher Yaatzeini Af Laylot Yisruni Kaliyotai.

Shiviti Adonai L'Negdi Tamid Ki Mimeyni Bal Emot.

VaYomer Shaul El Adonai elohei Yisrael Habah Tamim.

V'Yelchad Yehonatan V'Shaul V'HaAm Yotzu.

Baruch Adonai Asher Kidash Shmo HaGadol V'Gilah Sodo L'Hasidav L'Harot
Koho U'Gevurato B'Shmo U'B'Maamar Piv B'Lashot U'bich'tav HaMelech
Yitbarach HaKadosh Kevodo Tamid.

Aneh Daniel V'Amar Leheveh Shmeh Di Elaha M'varach Min Alma V'Ad Alma Di
Hochmata U'Gevurta Di Leh Hi V'Hu M'hashneh Idanayah V'Zimnayah
M'Hah'deh Malchin U'Mihakem Malchin Yahev Hochmata L'Hakimin U'Man'd'ah
L'Yadei Binah Hu Galeh Amikata Um'satratah Yadah Mah BaHashocha Un'Hirah
Imeh Sh'reh.

Translation of the Prayer

To be Recited Prior to the Use of the Holy Goral

Elohim, G-d of G-d's and L-rd of L-rd's, the King who is the King of Kings. The
great powerful and awesome G-d who dwells amongst the Cherubim. I have
come with shuddering, fear and awe, in panic, trembling, and quaking to request
grace by prayer and supplications from before the Throne of Your Glory,
kneeling, bowing, falling on my face I have come before the essence of Your
kingdom that unfolds by the grace of Your attributes.

At this time reveal to me and enlighten me as to the secret of my question, the

truth of my request and my desire. According to this Goral (lottery) that was
arranged by your prophets and seers who have shown your way, revealing your

Copyright © 1993-2005 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
visions and your covenant as it is written, "The secret of G-d is with those that
fear Him, and He will reveal to them His covenant" (Tehilim 25, 14).

However, it is revealed and known before you Adonai L-rd, my G-d and G-d of
my fathers that all the while that the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, there were
your prophets and seers who prophesied, as well as Your priests who used the
Urim and Tumim. They revealed to us what the future would hold whether good
or bad.

But now, by our many sins and transgressions, our Temple is destroyed,
prophesy has ceased and we have no prophet, no seer, no priest to reveal to us
this needed thing. Thus, I come before you, Adonai L-rd my G-d, with a complete
heart and needy spirit, for I have no better way to distinguish right from left.
Enlighten me by your great mercy according to this Goral that which I ask to

At this time ask your question in precise and specific terminology - it

matters not whether you recite it verbally or mentally.

For you, Adonai L-rd, have desired the use of Goralot, for by it was the Holy Land
divided (amongst the tribes.) Thus now reveal to me Your way for You are my
portion and my lot (Goral) even as it is written: "Adonai is the portion of my
inheritance and of my cup, You maintain my lot (Goral) "The lines are fallen to
me in pleasant places, yes I have a good heritage. Bless Adonai the L-rd who
gives me counsel, my reins also admonish me in the night. I have set Adonai the
L-rd always before me, surely He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved."
(Tehilim 16, 5-8.)

"Therefore Shaul said to Adonai , G-d of Israel, "Give us a perfect lot (portion)."
And Shaul and Yonatan were picked, and the people escaped." (I Sh. 24, 41.)

Blessed be Adonai the L-rd who has made Holy His Name and revealed His
secret to His merciful ones, to show His power and strength, by His Name, and
the word of His mouth, orally and written. The blessed and holy King, honored

Daniel spoke and said, 'Blessed be Adonai the L-rd forever and ever: for wisdom
and might are His: and He changes the times and the seasons: He removes
kings and sets up kings: He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those
who have understanding: He reveals the deep and secret things: He knows what
is in the darkness and light dwells with Him." (Dan. 2, 20-23).

Copyright © 1993-2005 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33
48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41
56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49
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72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65
80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73
88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81
96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89
104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97
112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105
======= ======= ======= 117 116 115 114 113

This is an "internet safe" version of the Goral, without the original Hebrew.
For the one with true faith in HaShem, this English Goral will work as good as the original Hebrew
one. For one without true faith, no Goral will work, regardless of language.

The Holy Goralot of Ahitophel

Answer Guide
1. This thing which you fear, do not be afraid of it, for all your desires shall come
to you with joy and gladness. All good shall come to you by this which you seek.

2. The end and thus good times will come to you with joy. However, you must
pray and fast before G-d. You must submit your will to Him, though you find this
difficult, because you are unable to listen to admonition. If you repent, great good
will be awaiting you from Heaven.

Copyright © 1993-2005 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
3. G-d watches over you with mercy, He sends to you his angels of mercy, they
will come and guide you. Give thanks to G-d, for salvation and goodness are
given to you from Heaven.

4. Distance yourself from this thing. It is not good for you. It shall not come into
your hands. Pray to G-d. What's right in His Eyes shall He do and He shall rectify
your end.

5. Rise up fast and do your desire, rejoice in this which you seek. G-d shall
prosper your way. Do not delay.

6. Joy, gladness and richness are prepared for you, what you seek shall be
granted you from Heaven, soon with love.

7. Don't worry about this which you seek, for it shall come to you. Don't be
distraught with worry in your heart, don't try yourself. Wait a little until G-d covers
you with His grace.

8. You boast and say you shall do such a thing. Know that you are unable to do
it. Be careful with your soul. Pray, and ask for G-d's Mercy.

9. What you seek speaks of good tidings coming soon. Your destiny brightens up
by Heaven's hand. A good hour is upon you. Trust in G-d. What you seek is very

10. Why do you worry your soul about nothing, repent and be careful regarding
this which you seek, for herein is much trouble, sickness and financial loss. Now
wait a few days and good reward shall come to you from Heaven and you will
then rejoice in goodness.

11. My brother, know that all is from G-d. Turn back, trust in G-d. Place Him as
King. Then He shall prosper your ways and shall grant you your desire. Then
shall He give you that which you seek with joy. All your enemies, those that hate
you shall be disgraced and shall submit to you. Your desire shall come to you. G-
d shall topple your enemies, both in public and private.

12. My love, in regards to this request you must ask for mercy from the Blessed
G-d. He will comfort and help you.

13. G-d sees trouble in regards to this which you desire in your heart. If you are
sick, it is due to the Evil Eye. You will need a good amulet from an expert.

Copyright © 1993-2005 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
14. Do not worry or fear from evil men, for they are not able to move you. G-d is
your help. They cannot cause you to fall.

15. You dwell upon a thing wondering to do it, but G-d does not wish it for today.
Turn from it and it shall be good for you.

16. This worry that has been in your heart for a while is not from G-d, but from
evil men whom you have befriended and associate with. You can choose to be
free of them and their advice, for G-d is with you.

17. My brother, separate yourself from men who lead you astray by what they
say, who flatter you, yet are evil in their hearts.

18. My beloved, because you are in awe of G-d, you will receive good tidings and
G-d shall grant you your request in joy and abundance. With this you shall find all
your desires in peace.

19. My brother, you have already received abundance from G-d in Heaven and
also honor from men. Give thanks to G-d, for in regards to this question, there
will be goodness and joy in your home.

20. Persist in this request, for it is for your good. There shall be no pain or anger.
Only joy and prosperity will be ready for you. All will rejoice in your gladness.

21. What you seek shall be given to you, because you trust in G-d with all your
heart, thus G-d will prosper your way and give you mercy, grace, life and
prosperity, for G-d brings down and raises them up. Trust in G-d and do good

22. This question which you ask is good, but wait a bit, then you will be
comforted. You shall rejoice in your heart over this thing, in the times to come.

23. Why do you curse yourself with this that you seek. Today you can not
achieve this. Wait a while, until it comes to you with goodness and love.

24. The one who is patient will find much good. If you only wanted to, you
wouldn't curse yourself. Guard your soul, ask for mercy before our blessed G-d
and He will save you from all your enemies and from those who bewitch you.
Also G-d will enlighten your eyes with this that you seek.

Copyright © 1993-2005 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
25. G-d encompasses you with His great mercy and shall prosper your path. He
shall send His angels of peace before you and save you from every evil thing.
Now, quickly do this thing, for it is good. Rise up, do it and prosper.

26. Rise up fast, for this is the right and good time. G-d's grace shall come to
you, both your destiny and fortune presently shine.

27. Be strong of heart, do not fear, but be aware of evil, and bad men who are
able to curse you. Separate from them and do what is right. They only give you
bad advise. You kill yourself in order to make a living, but your time has not yet
come. Fast and pray before G-d, He will quickly bring you joy and that which you

28. Rejoice and be glad, for there is nothing wrong in this which you seek. Settle
your heart, relax, for you shall find all that you desire. Do not worry, request
grace from G-d and He will give you mercy, favor and grace. He will straighten
your path and your heart will rejoice.

29. A good period of time is coming your way. From now on you have no cause
for worry or concern. Don't worry, for your joy shall be great. G-d will give you
grace, you shall receive mercy and favor. Your star shall shine brightly soon;
shortly will you rejoice.

30. My brother, know that your loved ones in reality hate you. Without reason
they speak about you hypocritically. They lie to you as they eat and drink with
you; they think always to do you harm. Separate from them wisely, for they wish
only to bewitch you. Pray to G-d, request from Him that you don't fall under their
control. He will save and redeem you.

31. You are very tired, yet G-d has mercy upon you. There is nothing wrong in
what you seek No one can touch you, to do you harm. G-d shall give you what
you seek; He shall make your star shine. He will extend to you mercy and honor.

32. My love, don't curse yourself for no reason, for this is how you weaken
yourself; the end has not yet come. Allow G-d to rule, let Him do what is needed.
Wait until these days have passed. G-d will give you joy, He shall straighten your
path and give you that which you seek.

33. A good time, great fortune and a shining star arises for you now. Give thanks
to Heaven, for all is ready for you, from the hands of G-d, Himself. What you
seek shall be given to you.

Copyright © 1993-2005 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
34. Why are you hypocritical, testing G-d? You say you shall do such and such.
Now, do not pursue this, for it is not good. Guard your soul.

35. What you seek, you shall richly receive with joy and gladness. Give thanks to
G-d and prosper.

36. G-d is with you. what you seek shall come to you. Praise G-d for He has
heard your voice and answered you.

37. My brother, pray to G-d and be patient. He will deliver you from all evil and
grant you that which you seek.

38. What you seek shall be given you, even as you desire it. As you wish, you
shall have a good name.

39. Son of man, know that the desire for what you seek was given to you from
Heaven. Do not fear, what you seek shall come soon.

40. You shall be victorious over all who rise up against you. Your fortune is great.
What you seek shall come to you shortly.

41. G-d shall deliver you from all evil. What you seek shall come to you. Be
patient with G-d and your future will be good.

42. People are lying to you and speaking bad things about you. Beware of them
and you shall be spared.

43. You have worried about this for a long time. You can be free at any time you
wish. Pray to G-d and guard yourself; He will topple your enemies before you.

44. Joy and gladness shall come to you. G-d shall correct your path. What you
seek shall come to you and you shall rejoice in it.

45. G-d will raise you up over all your enemies. Rejoice in what is right and do
what is right in the eyes of G-d.

46. People are speaking bad about you, and advising ill against you. Repent
before G-d and be aware of them and G-d will topple them before you.

47. You have nothing to gain in this which you seek. You are full of pride. Listen
to me and listen to truth, then you shall become very rich and never again be in

Copyright © 1993-2005 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
need. G-d will answer you, because you fear Him; He will of great assistance to

48. Your thoughts are confusing. Strengthen your heart before G-d. Pray, for G-d
will support you. He will give you great fortune. Rest and joy are coming.

49. You are a lover of the truth. There will be no success in this which you seek.
Don't worry about it, for its time will come and then shall you prosper.

50. Refrain from this which you seek, for it is not good. You are viewed as being
wicked before G-d. Repent of your actions, for you do not know G-d's decrees
and His judgments, and just how patient He is with you.

51. My brother, rectify your heart so you will not be confused. Abandon this which
you seek, for it is bad. If you do so, then all will be well.

52. You believe that you shall proceed and prosper. Know that you shall not
prosper in this which you seek. For you, it is not good. Heed my advise and leave
it alone.

53. I see you desire this that you seek; now run after it, for you will prosper. You
will find honor in all your endeavors.

54. G-d shall prosper your path and give you what you seek. If your heart is right
with G-d, then shall you rejoice.

55. My brother why do you tire yourself, wasting your money and strength over
nothing. Wait, for the end has not yet come and it is still far away. But what you
seek will eventually come to you joyfully.

56. My love there is no harm in this which you seek. It is waiting for you. Rejoice.

57. You ask of a great thing and are in awe of it. Now do not fear the future, for
you will suffer no pain. Your shall receive that which you seek.

58. You believe that you are able to receive what you seek with ease. This is not
so. You are lying to yourself. It shall not come into your hands.

59. Leave this alone for today is not a good day to ask. Be a little patient and
then you will succeed.

Copyright © 1993-2005 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
60. Abandon this search. Throw it out of your heart. Guard yourself from your evil
enemies. Rejoice that G-d will turn your quest into something good.

61. My brother, I see goodness and peace prepared for you from Heaven,
coming in a little while. There is good fortune in this which you seek. Give thanks
to Heaven.

62. Fear G-d and all will go well with you. For He lives and sees all, though He is
not seen. Humble your heart through prayer and fasting. Cry out to your Creator,
turn away from this which you seek.

63. Don't push to hard to receive this which you seek, for you do not yet have the
keys to open all the necessary doors. Pray to G-d and what you seek shall come
to you with joy.

64. Son of man, repent of this bad course of action, that you pursue with a bad
heart. Do not condemn you soul to judgment by proceeding further. Be careful to
give charity and your reward will come.

65. Richness and joy shall be given you from Heaven. That which you seek shall
also be given to you, for a good time has come upon you.

66. G-d sees that your heart is at times strong and at times weak. Dedicate your
heart to G-d and He will have mercy on you and help you with everything.

67. My brother, how peasant you are in the eyes of G-d. What you seek is good
and your fortune is bright. you shall prosper with this that you seek Don't wait for
it to come to you, for it already is in your hands. Quickly, don't wait, for you might
loose it.

68. Submit your heart to Heaven, don't be split inside yourself. What you seek
you shall have and it will be good; but not now, it will take some time.

69. Know that what you seek is of interest to you because you are depressed. I
have warned you of this in the past. Now, rise up and give praise to G-d.

70. Rise up quickly, for this is a good time with good fortune. You shall receive
what it is that you seek.

71. Rejoice, for what you seek has already been granted you. It is right for you
and it is in your hands, even as you had wished. Would you go to the ends of the
Earth, G-d will strengthen you and be with you.

Copyright © 1993-2005 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
72. Don't tire yourself with this which you seek, for it shall not come into your
hands. There is no reason for it, nor is there any wisdom in it. Now, turn away
from this which you seek.

73. Why are you making yourself crazy? Leave this thing alone. Do not be proud
and all will go well for you.

74. Know, that no one can do anything to you that is not the will of Heaven. Don't
curse yourself today. Have faith in G-d and He will prosper you.

75. Know that what you seek is not good for you. Seek something else and I will
answer you about that whether it is good or bad.

76. At this time there is goodness, joy and good fortune for you. Give thanks to
G-d, for you have a good reward in this which you seek.

77. A good sign and a good word shall come to by this which you seek. Heaven
shall do it for you, they are close at hand.

78. There is great pain, suffering and worry in this which you seek. Now, be
patient and good news shall come to you. You will find what you seek.

79. My brother, keep away from the bad thoughts that guide you, for there is no
good in them. Be careful of them so you don't stumble and be embarrassed.
Another pursuit would be better for you.

80. Joy and gladness shall you find in this which you seek, it is awaiting you now.
Stand up and be strong.

81. My love, I see for you much good and many fruits with this which you seek.

82. What you seek brings with it testing and financial loss. Wait until these days
shall pass, then shall you prosper.

83. Request what you seek from Heaven and then it will be good for you. Do not
request this of men, but only of G-d. He will give you that which you seek.

84. If you seek to take a wife so as to have children or any other similarly good
thing, do so for you shall prosper.

85. My brother, rise up. Stop your joking. Guard your secret. Do this thing that is
in you heart and you shall rejoice and be glad in it.

Copyright © 1993-2005 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
86. Rise up like a strong man and do that which you request. Fear not, for your
prayer has already been heard by your Creator.

87. You have three different feelings in your heart, and you say that you don't
have any luck. You really have great fortune, but because your actions are bad
you have not yet prospered.

88. My brother, don't be afraid of those who chase you, without you even
knowing about it. Though they do evil, your fortune is still strong.

89. My love, do not be afraid of the thoughts in your heart, for you have good
fortune with this that you seek.

90. My love, concern yourself with matters of the home. Do not associate with the
wicked, for prosperity comes from Heaven. If your wife is pregnant, she is
carrying a son. There is good fortune.

91. Son of man, do not multiply troubles. If you have made a vow, fulfill it. I see
for you joy, you will find good living, prosperity and long life.

92. My brother, that which you seek you already have in joy and peace. Trust in

93. You ask yourself when you will be healed of this affliction and when will you
have good fortune with the work of your hands. The end has not yet come, wait a
while and do not curse this which you seek. You will be healed and you will

94. Abandon this which you seek. For if you don't abandon it and repent, great
sufferings will befall you. If you repent, all things will be well.

95. You ask of me regarding something evil that you have done, about which you
have no remorse. You have no mercy, you have acted cruelly. Repent and you
will be accepted back.

96. My brother, G-d has already had grace upon you and helped you. In the
future He will give you great joy and you'll be happy you sought this.

97. Request this thing from G-d, for there is nothing wrong in what you seek.
Rejoice for your star now shines and your fortune is very bright.

Copyright © 1993-2005 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
98. That which you think about is good, there is no bad in it. Now do that which
you want do to and don't be afraid, for G-d is with you.

99. Leave this thing, for it is not good. These are not good times for you. Now be
patient, these days will pass and then you shall rejoice.

100. Leave this thing, for it is not good for you, by this will you rejoice before G-d.
If you have made a vow, fulfill it, then shall you rejoice in this which you seek.

101. My brother, be patient for a while, until the good times come, then shall you
rejoice in this which you seek.

102. Do not walk this path and do not do this thing that is in your heart, for it is
not good for you. Therein you will find nothing, for your actions are evil. Repent,
seek grace and then shall it be good for you.

103. My brother, take a rest, humble yourself with fasting and supplications
before G-d. Now wisely separate from them, for G-d is with you.

104. My brother, the one who will be speaking to you is desirous to do you harm.
He thinks only evil about you. Beware of Him, for G-d is with you.

105. What you seek is good for you, it is from Heaven. G-d will send to you good
tidings, therefore do what is right before Him. You are a wise and G-d fearing
person and G-d will give you joy in the desire of your soul; you will be very glad.

106. Rejoice and be glad, for your future speaks of peace. You shall receive your
desire, even as you request it.

107. How pleasant and nice is it that you seek this, for this is a good time. What
you seek is correct. If you wish to go to a place, then go, you will be healed soon.

108. My brother, know that what you seek can not come into your hands. You
can not succeed. Now stop desiring this, serve G-d with all your heart and soul,
that G-d will make your path prosperous.

109. Rise up, my brother and do that which you wish with all your truthful desire.
You will rejoice in goodness and peace.

110. My love, hear my words, be strong and do not stretch this thing out, for it is
not good, it's not for you. You cannot handle this for it is dangerous. Don't pursue
this and all will be OK.

Copyright © 1993-2005 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
111. Joy, richness and gladness are waiting for you, with plenty. It is known that
you suffered from great sorrow, but now its time to rejoice.

112. My brother, know that I will tell you what is to be. This secret is for you, your
fortune is great, with much joy awaiting you. Give thanks to G-d.

113. Rise up and quickly pursue this which you seek, for it is good. G-d will
rejoice with you and bless you. He will topple all your enemies and those who
seek to do you harm. You will become very great and wise.

114. My brother, you are a good person, what you seek shall be given to you.
Your enemies are removed far away from you, yet be aware of them. I have
warned you.

115. Abandon this which you seek for it is not good and you cannot attain it.
Heed my word and you shall prosper.

116. There is nothing wrong with what you seek, rather joy and gladness are
headed your way. Many will rejoice with you. Give thanks to Heaven.

117. What you seek is right for you, it is from Heaven. It will arrive shortly. Put
your heart right with G-d and all shall come to you with joy and gladness, even as
your heart desires. Give thanks to Heaven.

Blessed be G-d, who has given to His servants wisdom and prophecy.
He has revealed to them His secrets to do all the works of His word.
As it is written: "G-d will do nothing
before He has revealed His secret to His servants, the prophets".
Therefore will we give thanks to Him who has done this.
Blessed be He, who gives wisdom to those that fear Him
and reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.

Copyright © 1993-2005 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

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