Bok:978 3 642 37922 2
Bok:978 3 642 37922 2
Bok:978 3 642 37922 2
Tong-Cun Zhang
Pingkai Ouyang
Samuel Kaplan
Bill Skarnes Editors
Proceedings of
the 2012 International
Conference on Applied
(ICAB 2012)
Volume 2
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
Volume 250
Tong-Cun Zhang Samuel Kaplan
College of Bioengineering Department of Microbiology, Houston
Tianjin University of Science Medical School
and Technology University of Texas
Tianjin Texas, TX
People’s Republic of China USA
viii Committees
Academic Committee
Executive Chairman
Organizing Committee
Prof. George Fu Gao, Vice Dean, Beijing Institutes of Life Science, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, China
Executive Chairman
Secretary General
Yue Wang, Juke Wang, Hongling Wang, Jiaming Wang, Yanbing Shen, Yihan
Liu, Jian Zhang, Chaozheng Zhang, Kui Lu, Hao Zhou, Xuegang Luo, Cheng
Zhong, Qingyang Xu, Bin Jia,Xuewu Guo, Zhilei Tan
xii Contents
Dalin Lu, Nan Wang, Xinghua Liao, Xuan Huang, Jianhua Zhang,
Zhenyu Wang, Lian Duan, Jiajie Liu, Baoshu Jin, Yue Wang
and Tong-Cun Zhang
D. Lu, X. Liao, and X. Huang contributed equally to this work and are nominated as the first
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 649
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_66, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
650 D. Lu et al.
There is increasing evidence to support that miRNAs are closely associated with a
huge proportion of breast cancer heterogeneity. Many miRNAs have been shown
to be deregulated in breast cancer [7, 13, 26, 27] and specific miRNAs functioning
as regulators of tumorigenicity, invasion, and metastasis have been documented
[8, 9, 28, 29]. In addition, miRNAs that can regulate ER, PR, and HER2/neu,
Table 1 Commonly regulated miRNAs, their targets, and pathway in breast cancer
miRNA Tumor expression level References Validated targets Pathways References
miR-21 : [7] HER2, BCL2, TPM1, TIMP3, PDCD4, PTEN, Apoptosis, invasion, metastasis [14, 28, 34–38]
miR-155 : [7] Caspase3, FOXO3A, SOCS1, RHOA Proliferation, TGF-b, signaling [39–42]
miR-191 : [7, 43]
miR-196a : [7, 43] ANXA1 Proliferation, apoptosis [44]
miR-10b ; [7] RHOC, TIAM, HOXD10 Migration, invasion, metastasis [8, 45, 46]
miR-302b : [47] p21 Invasion, Migration [47]
miR-425 : [9] DICER1 [47]
miR-100 ; [48]
miR-125b ; [7, 43, 48] HER2, HER3, CRAF, MUC1, BAK, ERA, Proliferation, apoptosis, [26, 30, 49, 50]
RTKN migration
miR-145 ; [7, 48] TP53, PUMA, c-Myc,MUC1, ERa, RTKN Proliferation, apoptosis, invasion [51–54]
miR-205 ; [26] HER3, VEGF-A, EMT Proliferation, invasion [7, 55, 56]
This table represents miRNAs whose expressions are notably regulated in clinical samples (tumors of human patients)
D. Lu et al.
66 Promising Biomarkers: MicroRNAs at Diagnosis 653
Acknowledgments This work was financially supported by National Natural Science Foundation
of China (No. 30970615, 31071126) and Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative
Research Team in University of Ministry of Education of China (IRT1166) and the Key Project of
Chinese Ministry of Education (212010) and Hubei key project of Science and Technology
Research (No. D20111102) and Hubei Natural Science Foundation (No.2010CDB03506).
33. Zhao JJ, Lin J, Yan H et al (2008) miRNA-221/222 negatively regulates estrogen receptor
and is associated with tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer. J Biol Chem
34. Qi L, Bart J, Tan LP et al (2009) Expression of miR-21 and its targets (PTEN, PDCD4, TM1)
in flat epithelial atypia of the breast in relation to ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive
carcinoma.BMC Cancer 9:163
35. Huang GL, Zhang XH, Guo GL et al (2008) Expression of microRNA-21 in invasive ductal
carcinoma of the breast and its association with phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted from
chromosome expression and clinicopathologic features. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi
36. Qian B, Katsaros D, Lu L et al (2009) High miR-21 expression in breast cancer associated
with poor disease-free survival in early stage disease and high TGF-beta1. Breast Cancer Res
Treat 117:131–140
37. Song B, Wang C, Liu J et al (2010) MicroRNA-21 regulates breast cancer invasion partly by
targeting tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 3 expression. J Exp Clin Cancer Res 29:29
38. Huang TH, Wu F, Loeb GB et al (2009) Up-regulation of mir-21 by her2/neu signaling
promotes cell invasion. J Biol Chem 284:18515–18524
39. Kong W, He L, Coppola M et al (2010) MicroRNA-155 regulates cell survival, growth, and
chemo-sensitivity by targeting FOXO3a in breast cancer. J Biol Chem 285:17869–17879
40. Jiang S, Zhang HW, Lu MH et al (2010) MicroRNA-155 functions as an OncomiR in breast
cancer by targeting the suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 gene. Cancer Res 70:3119–3127
41. Kong W, Yang H, He L et al (2008) MicroRNA-155 is regulated by the transforming growth
factor beta/Smad pathway and contributes to epithelial cell plasticity by targeting RhoA. Mol
Cell Biol 28:6773–6784
42. Ovcharenko D, Kelnar K, Johnson C et al (2007) Genome-scale microRNA and small
interfering RNA screens identify small RNA modulators of trail-induced apoptosis pathway.
Cancer Res 67:10782–10788
43. Hui AB, Shi W, Boutros PC et al (2009) Robust global micro-RNA profiling with formalin-
fixed paraffin-embedded breast cancer tissues. Lab Invest 89:597–606
44. Luthra R, Singh RR, Luthra MG et al (2008) MicroRNA-196a targets annexin A1: a
microRNA-mediated mechanism of annexin A1 down-regulation in cancers. Oncogene
45. Ma L, Reinhardt F, Pan E et al (2010) Therapeutic silencing of miR-10b inhibits metastasis in
a mouse mammary tumor model. Nat Biotechnol 28:341–347
46. Moriarty CH, Pursell B, Mercurio AM (2010) miR-10b targets Tiam1: implications for Rac
activation and carcinoma migration. J Biol Chem 285:20541–20546
47. Esquela-Kerscher A, Slack FJ (2006) Oncomirs-microRNAs with a role in cancer. Nat Rev
Cancer 6:259–269
48. Navon R, Wang H, Steinfeld I et al (2009) Novel rank-based statistical methods reveal
microRNAs with differential expression in multiple cancer types. PLoS ONE 4(11):e8003
49. Zhou M, Liu Z, Zhao Y et al (2010) MicroRNA-125b confers the resistance of breast cancer
cells to paclitaxel through suppression of pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 antagonist killer 1 (Bak1)
expression. J Biol Chem 285:21496–21507
50. Hofmann MH, Heinrich J, Radziwill G et al (2009) A short hairpin DNA analogous to miR-
125b inhibits C-Raf expression, proliferation, and survival of breast cancer cells. Mol Cancer
Res 7:1635–1644
51. Spizzo R, Nicoloso MS, Lupini L et al (2010) miR-145 participates with TP53 in a death-
promoting regulatory loop and targets estrogen receptor-a in human breast cancer cells. Cell
Death Differ 17:246–254
52. Sachdeva M, Zhu S, Wu F et al (2009) p53 represses c-Myc through induction of the tumor
suppressor miR-145. PNAS 106(9):3207–3212
53. Sachdeva M, Mo YY (2010) MicroRNA-145 suppresses cell invasion and metastasis by
directly targeting mucin 1. Cancer Res 70:378–387
656 D. Lu et al.
54. Wang S, Bian C, Yang Z et al (2009) miR-145 inhibits breast cancer cell growth through
RTKN. Int J Oncol 34:1461–1466
55. Wu H, Zhu S, Mo YY (2009) Suppression of cell growth and invasion by miR-205 in breast
cancer. Cell Res 19:439–448
56. Gregory PA, Bert AG, Paterson EL et al (2008) The miR-200 family and miR-205 regulate
epithelial to mesenchymal transition by targeting ZEB1 and SIP1. Nat Cell Biol 10:593–601
Chapter 67
Dimerization of Chemokine Receptors
and its Novel Roles in Drug Discovery
67.1 Introduction
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 657
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_67, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
658 M. Wang et al.
Chemokines are small proteins, which mediate cell migration during inflammation
and development. Based on the cysteine (Cys) in the N-terminal domain, che-
mokines are divided into four classes (CC, CXC, CX3C, XC) [8]. The nomen-
clature of chemokine is characterized by combination of ‘‘L’’ and an Arabic
number, such as CCL1. In the CC class, the two Cys residues are adjacent, and
there are 28 known members in human genome. In the CXC class, there is an
additional amino acid between the two Cys residues and 17 known CXC che-
mokines have been discovered till now. The CX3C chemokine has only one known
member, with three additional amino acids between the two Cys residues. XC class
contains only one cysteine and there are two known members [9, 10].
There are totally 22 known chemokine receptors in human genome [3], and 19
of which works as signaling receptors. The classification of chemokine receptors is
based on the ligands which they bind. For example, CC receptors bind CC ligands.
The other three chemokine receptors (D6, CCX-CKR, DARC) are atypical
receptors, which are unable to directly mediate leukocyte migration. They are
thought to regulate chemokine distribution or abundance to control chemokine-
derived leukocyte migration. Many chemokines bind multiple receptors and most
receptors bind multiple chemokines (Table 67.1). Despite of the pivotal roles in
the immune system, chemokine receptors are associated with many diseases, such
as atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and cancer (Table 67.1). In
addition, CXCR4 and CCR5 are the primary co-receptor for X4 and R5 HIV-1
67 Dimerization of Chemokine Receptors and its Novel Roles in Drug Discovery 659
Table 67.1 Chemokine receptor binding their ligands and related to diseases
Chemokine receptor Binding chemokine Related to diseases
CXCR1 CXCL6,7,8 Sepsis, atherosclerosis [48]
CXCR2 CXCL1,2,3,5,6,7,8 Sepsis, rheumatoid arthritis [48]
CXCR3 CXCL9,10,11 Transplant, psoriasis, cancer [49]
CXCR4 CXCL12 HIV, cancer [50, 51]
CXCR7 CXCL11,12 Cancer [52]
CCR1 CCL3,5,7,8,13,14,15,16,23 Psoriasis, cancer [53]
CCR2 CCL2,7,8,13,16 Diabetes, obesity, cancer [54]
CCR3 CCL5,7,8,11,13,15,16,24,26,28 Allergic diseases, Asthma1 [55]
CCR4 CCL17,22 Asthma, skin disease
CCR5 CCL3,4,5,8,11,14,16 HIV, transplant, cancer [56]
CCR6 CCL20 Asthma [57]
CCR7 CCL19,21 Cancer [58]
CCR9 CCL25 Irritable bowel disease [58]
CCR10 CCL27,28
CX3CR1 CX3CL1 Atherosclerosis [59]
D6 CCL2,3,4,5,7,8,11,13,14,17,22
CCX-CKR CCL19,21,25
DARC CCL2,7,8,11,13,14,16,17,18;
fluorescent protein, which could be fused to two GPCRs. If the two GPCRs can
interact, then the nonfluorescent fragments can be brought close to each other and
thus form a fluorescent protein. In addition, the dimerization and higher order
oligomerization of rhodopsin in native retinal disks was studied by using atomic
force microscopy [15] (Table 67.2).
GPCRs were considered to exist and function as monomers which can interact with
G-proteins in 1:1 stoichiometry. However, in the past decades, the hypothesis was
challenged. The growing evidences indicate that GPCRs can physically interact
with each other. They can form dimers or even oligomers. In 1998, Jones et al.
found the GABAB (a member of class C GPCR) could exist and function as an
heterodimer [16]. Both GABABR1 and GABABR2 are nonfunctional when indi-
vidually expressed in cells, because GABABR1 is retained in the endoplasmatic
reticulum (ER), GABABR2 can not bind the ligand [17, 18]. The class C GPCR
including sweet and umami taste receptors can function in the form of heterodimer
[19, 20].
Some chemokine receptors can exist as homodimers. In the early research, ligands
were thought to induce the homodimerization. For example, CXCL12 induced
CXCR4 homodimerization [21], while CCL2 and CCL5 could induce the homo-
dimerization of CCR2 and CCR5, respectively [22, 23]. Recent studies suggest
that CCR2 [24], CCR5 [25], CXCR1 [26], CXCR2 [27], CXCR4 [28, 29], CXCR7
[30], and DARC [31] can form constitutive homodimerization.
Some chemokine receptors can also form heterodimers. Mellado et al. first
reported CCR2/CCR5 heterodimerization as ligand dependent. His study sug-
gested that CCR2/CCR5 heterodimerization was induced by costimulation of
CCL2 and CCL5. El-Asmar et al. found CCR5 and CCR2 could heterodimerized
67 Dimerization of Chemokine Receptors and its Novel Roles in Drug Discovery 661
with the similar efficiency as they could homodimerize using BRET. And there
was no cooperative signaling after costimulation by CCL2 or CCL5 [32]. This
result was very different from Mellado’s study. Different research methods in the
two studies may cause the different results. Mellado et al. used cross-linking agent
before addition of ligand, which is prior to cell lysis and immunoprecipitation in an
effort to stabilize receptor interaction, but El-Asmar et al. did not use. The cross-
linking agent could induce association of receptors and the ligand could also help
enhance the cross-linking effort. More experiments suggested that CCR2 and
CCR5 formed constitutive homodimerization and heterodimerization. The role of
ligand in CCR2/CCR5 dimerization is unclear [32]. In addition, CXCR1/CXCR2
[26], CXCR4/CCR2 [33], CXCR4/CXCR7 [30], CXCR4/CCR5 [34], DARC/
CCR5 [31] can form constitutive heterodimerization (Table 67.3).
therapy. It is possible to block cancer metastases through drugs like TM4 peptide
that interfers with dimeric receptor structures [7, 45]. More efforts are needed to
address the structure of dimerization of chemokine receptors and their signaling
role in HIV-1 infections, immunity, cancer biology and therapy, allergic condi-
tions, and various inflammatory.
CXCR7 is a novel chemokine receptor, which has two natural ligands CXCL11
and CXCL12. CXCL12 is also the ligand of CXCR4. In addition, CCX771 is a
small specific antagonist of CXCR7, similar to CXCL11. CXCR7 is different from
other receptors in signaling. Ligand activation of CXCR7 cannot trigger Gi-
mediated signaling and induced cell migration. The stimulation of ligands can
induce CXCR7 to associate with b-arrestin2, which is a unique signaling prop-
erties of CXCR7. CXCR4, and CXCR7 could form constitutive heterodimer [46].
Because CXCR4 and CXCR7 are linked to many cancers, the study of the role of
CXCR4/CXCR7 heterodimer is a hot spot. CXCR7 is important for CXCL12-
mediated transendothelial migration (TEM) in CXCR4 ? CXCR7 ? tumor cells.
CXCR7 can help tumor cells pass through endothelial cells. Moreover, although
the TEM is mediated by CXCL12/CXCR4, CXCL11, and CCX771 (belonging to
ligands of CXCR7) can potently block TEM. CCX771 is more efficient in blocking
TEM than the CXCR4 antagonist AMD3100, but it does not change the binding
affinity of CXCL12 for CXCR4 [47]. These results suggest that ligands of CXCR7
can inhibit CXCL12-mediated transendothelial migration. The research suggested
CXCR7 could be a novel cancer therapeutic target.
67.5 Prospects
The growing evidence supports the concept that chemokine receptor dimers or
oligomers may have more novel functions. The dimers or oligomers are probably
the basic functional unit of some chemokines. The dimerization of chemokine
receptors may have novel specificity and have less or even no side effect, which
makes them a promising new generation of drug targets. Synthetic peptides of
transmembrane region of chemokines may be an effective tool to study the role of
receptor dimerization. The synthetic peptides and their modified forms may be
useful for the treatment of cancers, infectious disease, and inflammatory condi-
tions. Interfering of HIV-1 infection can be achieved by drugs targeting dimer-
ization of co-receptor CCR5, CXCR4. Above all, the research on chemokine
receptors dimerization will bring a new dawn in the treatment of cancers, AIDS,
asthma, and so on.
Acknowledgments This work was financially supported in part by the National Key Basic
Research Program of China (2012CB518000), the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(No. 31000377), Shandong Province Natural Science Foundation (No. ZR2010BQ016), the Nat-
ural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholar of Shandong Province (No. JQ201008),
and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. 11CX04030A).
664 M. Wang et al.
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67 Dimerization of Chemokine Receptors and its Novel Roles in Drug Discovery 667
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 669
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_68, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
670 M. Long et al.
68.1 Introduction
The A549, HGP-2, Hele, 786O, MCF-7, BGC-823, DU-145, CaCo-2, Colo 320,
Ramos, U-87MG, cell lines were kindly provided by Dr WenYan. HE and Pro-
fessor DongGang XU (Institute of Basic Medical Science Academy of Military
Medical Sciences, Beijing, China). The cells were cultured in DMEM-Hams’s F-
12 (1:1) supplemented with 50 mg mL-1 gentamicin, 50 mg mL-1 kanamycin,
10 mg/ml.
The solution of albumins was poured into bag filter for renaturation in PBS at
4 C. The albumins were added to the cell culture medium at a concentration of
50–200 lg mL in different cell lines as described before and incubated for
6–48 h. Then MTT was added to the medium 500 lg mL and incubated for 4 h.
The medium was removed, and the Formazan was diluted in dimethyl sulphoxide
(DMSO). After vibration, the formazane concentration of the supernatant was
measured by determination of the absorbance at 490 nm.
RNA pure reagent kit for rapid extraction of ultrapure RNA (Biomed, China) was
used to extract the total RNA from the A549 cells-treated with/without albumin for
6 h, respectively, according to the operation manual. PrimerScript Reverse
672 M. Long et al.
Transcriptase (TaKaRa Biotechnology Co. Ltd. (Dalian)) was used for the reverse-
transcription of 1 lg total RNA of each group by strictly following the operation
manual enclosed with the kit. The resulted cDNA should be used for QPCR that
was carried out by using the fluorescent MaximaTMSYBR Green/ROX qPCR
Master Mix (29) in Mx3000PQPCR Systems (Agilent Technologies Stratagene
Products Division, USA), and the reaction system (20 ll) should be used
respectively to detect the mRNA expression levels of caspase3, 8, 9, Bcl-2 and
Bax in A549 cells (primers information was shown in Table 68.1).
The A549 cells of various group-treated with/without 100 lgmL for 12 h were
rinsed with the pre-cooled phosphate buffer (1 9 PBS) for three times, then from
which the cell total protein was extracted by RIPA lysis buffer (Applygen Tech-
nologies Inc., China) and quantified by the Protein Detection Kit with Lowry’s
method (KeyGEN Biotechnology Co., China).
Cell protein was separated by electrophoresis on 15 %SDS-PAGE, and then
transferred onto a PVDF membrane of 0.2 lm aperture (ImmobilonTM Millipore,
USA) by Western blotting. The nonspecific binding sites on PVDF membrane
should be blocked by 5 % defatted milk powder dissolute in Tris-buffered saline/
1%Tween20 (TBS-T) at 4 C for overnight. Then, the specific antibodies (1st
antibody) against caspase3, 8, 9 (Cell Signaling Technology Inc., USA), and Bcl-2,
Bax (Cell Signaling Technology Inc., USA) were prepared with 5 % defatted milk
powder, and diluted for 1,000 times (1:1000). Finally, SuperSignal West Femto
Substrate (Thermo Scientific, USA) was used for development in a dark room, and
the house-keeping gene GAPDH (Cwbiotech Inc., China) as internal reference.
68 The Mechanism of Apoptosis in Adenocarcinoma of Lung Cancer A549 Cells 673
68.2.8 Statistics
All the parameters were expressed as mean SD, the softwares: Student t test,
one-way ANOVA, SPSS13.0, and MxPro 3000- QPCR were used for statistical
analysis. *p \ 0.05 and **p \ 0.01 were used to express the statistically signifi-
cant difference.
The protein was extracted with 10-mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.9. The TI activity
of this protein was tested and compared to BBI and bovine TI. The change in
turbidity in every sample was measured by turbidimeter. The turbidity of albumins
decreased from 31 to 15 at equal concentration. BBI and Bovine TI also showed
similar pattern with turbidity being reduced from 33 to 10 and from 33 to 14,
respectively. TI assay done with BSA as control showed no activity (Fig. 68.1).
The turbidity, therefore, decreased by 51, 61, and 55 % for purified protein, BBI,
Bovine TI respectively at a concentration of 100 lg ml-1. Although the decrease
in turbidity was better in case of BBI and Bovine TI, the protein also showed
significant and comparable TI activity (Fig. 68.1).
674 M. Long et al.
Fig. 68.1 TI activity of purified peanut albumin protein along with BBI and Bovine TI. The
bovine serum albumin was used as a control. All experiments were done three times and
averaged. Collumn 1 Bovine TI; Collumn 2 BBI; Collumn 3 albumins; Collumn 4 BSA
BBI are responsible for anti-cancer or inhibitor tumor cells growth, migration,
differentiation [14–18]. BBI have the ability of anti-cancer, but some types of
tumors are highly resistant to these BBI therapy or BBI treatment [20]. Albumins
maybe have the similarity to BBI. We have therefore tested ability of 2 s albumins
to inhibit the different types of tumor cells. A549, HGP-2, Hele, 786O, MCF-7,
BGC-823, DU-145, CaCo-2, Colo 320, Ramos, U-87MG cells were grown for
4 days in DMED and harvested. 1 9 105 cells for every kind of cell line were
plated in 96-well dishes, then treated with 100 lg/mL of albumins for 24 h and
then subjected to MTT assay. The MTT assay is a convenient colorimetric assay of
mitochondrial viability that assesses the number of viable cells versus the number
of dead cell in a given sample. Figure 68.2 shows that the A549, MCF-7, Colo
320, Romos cells are more sensitive to albumins. These phenomena maybe due to
Fig. 68.2 Effects of peanut albumins treatment on the growth of 11 kinds of tumor cell lines.
Different cells were incubated with 100 lg/ml peanut albumin for 24 h. The color intensity was
measured using a microtiter plate reader (Bio-Rad model 550) at 490 nm. All the cell lines could
be inhibited by peanut albumin except 768O
68 The Mechanism of Apoptosis in Adenocarcinoma of Lung Cancer A549 Cells 675
the fact that those cells were stimulated to apoptosis by peanut albumins more
easily than the others. Similar results were achieved by treating the cells with the
peanut albumins for 1 h and subjecting the samples to an MTT assay 24 h later
(data not shown). These data have been confirmed with other techniques such as
measurement of cell viability by trypan blue exclusion cell-count before and after
peanut albumins treatment, as well as by flow-cytometry analysis (data not
shown). Interestingly, the 786O cells had an overall resistance to any dose of the
peanut albumins, whether above or below the assessed LD50. However, A549 and
MCF-7 are the most sensitive to albumins. The results showed albumins enhanced
A549, MCF-7 cell death even at doses well below the LD50(refer to BBI), sug-
gesting that albumins could easily simulate A549 and MCF-7 cell to die, maybe
used to lower the necessary dose of albumins treatments for patients.
Surprisingly, the Hele, BGC-823, DU-145, CaCo-2, Colo 320, Ramos, U-
87MG, cells were sensitive to treatments with 2S albumins. However, the affect of
albumins on those cells were more less than A549, MCF-7.
There were some interactions between tumor cells and peanut albumin when tumor
cells were incubated with peanut albumin in previous experiment, and the A549
cells were the most sensitive to albumins. For the further exploring the effect of on
A549 cells growth when they were treated with peanut albumin, different con-
centrations of peanut albumin were incubated with A549 cell, and the expression
change of Bcl-2, Bax, Caspase3, Caspase9, and Caspase8 were monitored. Then
the finding expression of Bax, Caspase3, Caspase9 displayed a significant
increasing tendency (p \ 0.05), and the level of Caspase8 expression was not
significantly changed, while Bcl-2 mRNA expression was significantly decreased
(p \ 0.05), and its protein expression was also significantly decreased (Fig. 68.3a,
b). These results suggested that peanut albumin as a new anti-tumor candidate
could induce A549 cells to apoptosis which displayed a character similar to the
action produced by BBI, which might be related with its trypsin inhibitor activity.
We also observed the influence of both on cell apoptosis, and found that the cell
apoptosis rate (42.5 %) was significantly higher than the control group (3.6 %),
further verifying that peanut albumin possesses the promotion effect on cell
apoptosis (Fig. 68.3c). This study demonstrated that the albumin in peanut can
regulate A549 cells’ function, and demonstrated the promotion effect to cell
apoptosis possibly through mitochondrial pathway.
Our goal was to find whether components of the peanut proteins, when they
were added into media, would inhibit the growth of the tumor cell or induce tumor
cell to death. We also hoped to find which type of tumor cells that response to
676 M. Long et al.
(a) 10
9 60
8 caspase3
relative quantity
caspase9 50
7 caspase8
6 bcl-2 40
5 bax
4 30
2 20
1 2
1 2
1 Control group 2 Albumin group
C3 C9 C8 Bcl-2 Bax C3 C9 C8 Bcl-2 Bax
1 Control 2 Albumin
(b) 1control 2 Albumin group
× 40 ×40
Fig. 68.3 The expression and protein levels change of above-mentioned various cytokines in
cytoplasm were observed after A549 cell lines were treated with peanut albumin. A. The
expression levels change of Bcl-2, Bax, Caspase3, Caspase9, Caspase8 in inta-cellular were
detected by qPCR. B. The expression of Bcl-2, Bax, Caspase3, Caspase9, Caspase8 in protein
levels were detected. C. A549 cells apoptosis was detected by flow cytometry
peanut albumins at the time of culture, though in practice our screen was more
effective for finding the former. We chose different cell lines imaging to read out
our screening assay, an information rich method that facilitated monitoring of
multiple phenotypes. Typically, an imaging screen for cellular appearances would
be performed as a fixed endpoint assay in microplates with DAPI staining for DNA
and perhaps also apoptosis. The advantage of this method lies in ease of image
analysis; however, fixed endpoint imaging would limit our ability to quantify both
the cell growth and apoptosis responses, since they are separated by * 24 h.
Other potential drawbacks of a fixed endpoint DAPI assays include demarcation of
the necrosis and apoptosis cell as well as potential loss of weakly adherent cells
and distortion of cellular structures during fixation. Hence, to assess whether
peanut albumins-induced cell death, MTT assay was used to measure the relative
survival of cells. When A549, HGP-2, Hele, MCF-7, BGC-823, DU-145, CaCo-2,
Colo 320, Ramos, and U-87MG cells were incubated with increasing concentra-
tions of peanut albumins and the proteins caused a dose-dependent inhibition of
68 The Mechanism of Apoptosis in Adenocarcinoma of Lung Cancer A549 Cells 677
cell proliferation (data not shown) except 786O cells, whereas the inhibitory effect
of peanut albumins was approximately twofold higher than that of BBI with
concentrations ranging from 30 to 40 lg. Some components in peanut albumins
are family of trypsin inhibitors isolated from plant seeds that exhibit anti-bacterial
and anti-fungal properties [21, 22]. Few studies show they have the capacity to
induce cell death in human cancer cells. In this report, we first used A549 cell lines
as models for assay and found that albumins which possess the activity of trypsin
inhibitor inhibited the growth of this cell lines in vitro. Most significantly, A549
cells were more sensitive to albumin than normal pneumonocyte with lower
concentration of albumins, indicating A549 cells might be potentially model for
investigating the anticancer of peanut albumin (data not shown). Furthermore,
peanut albumins induced a form of apoptotic cell death in A549 cells, which was
characterized by extensive vacuolization, surface exposure of PS, and loss of
mitochondrial membrane. Moreover, the A549 cells apoptotic process induced by
peanut albumin was caspase-dependent. Caspase3, one member of caspases which
are a family of proteases involved in the execution of apoptosis, is known to be an
important molecule in the cellular suicide cascade. It can be activated by stimuli
with a membrane (receptor-activated) or mitochondrial origin [23]. In fact, cas-
pase3 is a downstream response factor of caspase9, which, in turn, is activated by
cytochrome c released by mitochondria or by caspase8 that is activated by
membrane death receptors [23]. Pro- and anti-apoptotic genes of the Bcl2 family
act by stabilizing (Bcl2-like) or destabilizing (Bax-like) the mitochondrial mem-
brane, thus altering the release of cytochrome c that, in turn, activates caspase9 and
caspase3 sequentially [24]. On the other hand, membrane-dependent stimuli such
as Fas/FasL or tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a)/TNF-aR interaction may trigger
caspase8 activation, which eventually leads to caspase3 activation [23]. Over high
level of mRNA expression of caspase3, caspase9, Bax occurred in A549 cells in
this study and we observed that caspase3, caspase9, Bax also has the similar
changing tendency at protein level. Our study also found that peanut albumin can
inhibit Bcl-2 mRNA transcription, and decrease the expression of anti-apoptotic
protein Bcl-2 in A549 cell strain and little effect on caspase8 when A549 cells
were stimulated by peanut albumin, demonstrating that peanut albumin displayed
an effect of promotion of A549 cell’s apoptosis.
68.4 Conclusion
In summary, cell death pathway induced by peanut albumins was main charac-
teristic of mitochondrial pathway in A549 cells for great changes in expression of
caspase3, caspase9, Bcl-2, Bax ðP \0:05Þ, and for little change of caspase8 was
observed (P = 0.974). The anti-tumor function of ðP \0:05Þ peanut albumin was
further understood, laid the theoretical basis for subsequent research and provided
a new idea for the research and development of the drugs against cancer.
678 M. Long et al.
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Chapter 69
Serum miR-124 and TNF-a are
Biomarkers of Ischemic Cerebrovascular
Jiajie Liu, Xinghua Liao, Nan Wang, Jun Zhou, Lian Duan, Dalin Lu,
Zhipeng Liu, Tingbao Yan, Deyun Ma, Xiumei Dong, Xueguang Sun
and Tong-Cun Zhang
Abstract MicroRNAs are small non-coding RNAs with 19-22 nucleotides. MiR-
124 expresses abundantly in brain tissue and is involved in the development of
ischemic cerebrovascular disease (ICVD). Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a) is
one of the important factors of the inflammatory reaction after cerebral ischemia.
To explore the roles of miR-124 and TNF-a in the process of ICVD, here, we
collected the serum of 15 patients with ICVD and 5 normal individuals. The levels
of miR-124 and TNF-a were detected by real-time PCR and ELISA. The results
showed that compared with the normal individuals, the levels of miR-124 and
TNF-a in serum were upregulated in the patients, while they were downregulated
after clinical treatment, suggesting that these two factors could be used as good
biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of ICVD. Besides, our research also
provided a theory foundation for understanding the mechanism of inflammatory
response in cerebral ischemia mediated by miR-124.
Keywords Ischemic cerebrovascular disease (ICVD) Inflammation miR-124
Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a)
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 681
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_69, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
682 J. Liu et al.
69.1 Introduction
The study was conducted on 15 patients with first-ever ICVD stroke (mean age
63.4 ± 5.2 years, 66 % men). ICVD was confirmed by either MRI or CT imaging
of the brain, and the risk factors were characterized based on the ancillary blood
and other biochemical examinations. The study excluded the patients with hem-
orrhage stroke. Patients with concurrent diseases or conditions interfering with the
result of the study, like infections, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), hematological
disorders, autoimmune diseases, myocardial infarctions, severe liver disease,
malignancies, undergoing surgical interventions within the past 12 months, and
69 Serum miR-124 and TNF-a 683
those on immunosuppressive drugs were also excluded. All the patients presented
completed ICVD stroke, defined as clinical symptoms persisting for more than
48 h. All patients with acute stroke had symptoms confined to the carotid artery
territory. The diagnosis of acute stroke was confirmed by tomography of the brain
performed immediately after admission. Blood samples were obtained for white
blood cell (WBC) counts within the first 24 h after the attack of stroke [14–16].
Five healthy volunteers without risk factors (mean age ± SD—60.2 ± 3.7 years,
3 men, and 2 women) served as a control group. The study was performed on the
basis of the written consent of each patient and approval of the Ethics Committee
of the University School of Medicine in Wuhan.
The age and sex distribution of these 20 cases are shown in Table 69.1.
The blood was respectively obtained on the morning of the first day and on the
seventh day after attack, and all serum was obtained by the initial centrifugation of
the blood samples at 3,000 g for 15 min at 4 C (Centrifuge 5810R; Eppendorf).
Supernatants were collected and immediately stored at -80 C until use [15].
The levels of TNF-a in serum were measured by a human TNF-a ELISA kit
(Quantikine, R&D Systems, Minneapolis, USA). A standard curve for quantitative
basis was first drawn with five different contents of TNF-a standard samples, and
then the serum samples were detected and the concentration of TNF-a calculated
using the standard curve. The minimum detectable concentrations in our labora-
tory were 7 pg/mL for TNF-a.
All statistical analyses were computed using SPSS statistical software, and the level
of significance was set at P \ 0.05. The data are reported as mean ± standard error
of the mean.
In addition to test the serum concentrations of TNF-a in patients with ICVD before
and after clinical treatment and that in control group, the TNF-a level of the
samples were measured by ELISA. Results: X ±SEM. TNF-a value was signifi-
cantly higher in serum of ICVD patients before clinical treatment than that in
normal person (p = 0.016, P \ 0.05) (Table 2, Fig. 69.2). After the clinical
treatment, the level of TNF-a in the serum of patients decreased but was still a
little higher than that in normal person (Table 69.2, Fig. 69.2). This study showed
that increased serum TNF-a level was present in ICVD patients compared with
age-matched controls. TNF-a is engaged in the formation of damaged brain cells
during the acute cerebrovascular disease period [18–20].
The diagnosis and prognosis of ICVD are dependent on the clinical history and
physical examination. Many patients have seizures discontinued when treated, so
detailed inquiry seizures is more important. The development of modern imaging
technology provides great help for cerebrovascular disease diagnosis, but it cannot
apply more vital signs. Functional study of MicroRNAs has developed rapidly
recent years in the field of life sciences. A recent study determined that the
expression changes in some MicroRNAs and TNF-a in human serum or plasma
may be diagnostic markers for certain diseases or physiological changes. At
present, a variety of MicroRNAs has been found involved in the pathological
process of ICVD. It has been reported that miR-124 was related to the differen-
tiation of neural stem and precursor cells, and was significantly upregulated in the
acute phase of ICVD. The present study indicates that expression of circulatory
miR-124 was upregulated in serum of ICVD patients before clinical treatment, and
Table 69.2 The expression of TNF-a in serum of the ICVD patients and normal persons (TNF-
a/pg/ml, X ± SEM)
Group n TNF-a
Control 5 9.50 ± 0.68
Patients(after clinical treatment) 15 12.81 ± 2.15
Patients(before clinical treatment) 15 35.50 ± 10.53
downregulated after clinical treatment, compared to the controls. The finding may
have implications for the development of a desirable biomarker and therapy for
ischemic stroke. Since this study utilized serum, tested miR-124 and TNF-a levels
in system circulatorium, it would be beneficial for the elucidation of this disease
diagnosis method or treatment targets. Serum microRNA is stable and not easy to
be degraded, taken from the blood it is convenient, no tissue damage, quick and
simple, serum microRNA can be used as a new clinical diagnosis method.
69.4 Conclusion
Our results show that compared with normal serum, the level of serum miR-124 and
TNF-a were upregulated in the patients before clinical treatment, while miR-124
and TNF-a were downregulated after clinical treatment, suggesting that these two
factors could be used as good biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of ICVD.
Besides, our research also provided a theory foundation for understanding the
mechanism of inflammatory response in cerebral ischemia mediated by miR-124.
Acknowledgments This work was financially supported by National Natural Science Founda-
tion of China (No. 30970615, 31071126) and Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative
Research Team in University of Ministry of Education of China (IRT1166) and the Key Project
of Chinese Ministry of Education (212010) and Outstanding Young Talent Project of Scientific
Research Plan of Education Department in Hubei province (Q20101111).
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69 Serum miR-124 and TNF-a 687
Yinghao Gao, Xijuan Liang, Yuanmou Chen, Fei Hu, Weizhu Liu,
Peng Yu and Erbing Hua
70.1 Introduction
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 689
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_70, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
690 Y. Gao et al.
incidence of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers than the diet of other
Western countries [5]. And since extra-virgin olive oil is the principal source of fat
in the Mediterranean diet and has been identified as an important contributor to the
reduced mortality associated with this diet, researchers began studying olive oil,
looking for the compound that was responsible for the anti-inflammatory and
cholesterol-lowering effects [6].
That’s when they found hydroxytyrosol—the polyphenol thought to be
responsible for olive oil’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects [7]. Its ability
to absorb free radicals and protect cells and mitochondria [8] from damage is quite
The antioxidant activity is the most studied property of hydroxytyrosol. The
interest of hydroxytyrosol is based on its remarkable pharmacological and anti-
oxidant activities. Reactive oxygen species, which are continuously being formed
as a result of metabolic processes in the organism, may cause oxidation and
damage of cellular macromolecules, and therefore, may contribute to the devel-
opment of degenerative diseases, such as atherosclerosis, cancer, diabetes, rheu-
matoid arthritis, and other inflammatory diseases [9].
The high antioxidant efficiency of hydroxytyrosol, attributed to the presence of
the o-dihydroxyphenyl moiety, is due to its high capacity for free radical scav-
enging during the oxidation process and to its reducing power on Fe3+[10].
In numerous human, animal, and in vitro studies, hydroxytyrosol has been
shown to:
(1) Decrease markers or indicators of inflammation including PEG-1, IL-10,
C-reactive protein, TNF-a, COX-2, iNOS, and others [11].
(2) Significantly increasing ATP energy production and supporting healthy
mitochondrial function [12].
(3) Improve the quality of life for osteoporosis patients. Hydroxytyrosol may have
critical effects on the formation and maintenance of bone, and can be used as
effective remedies in the treatment of osteoporosis symptoms [13].
(4) Reduce the risk of macular degeneration and improve eye health [14].
(5) Boost significant and rapid reductions in LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol [15].
(6) Have a treatment effect on the cardiovascular system [16].
Additional research shows that hydroxytyrosol holds great promise for a wide
variety of potential health benefits.
Hydroxytyrosol is the most powerful natural antioxidant currently known.
Well-documented studies confirm its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant,
and cardioprotective health benefits. Although it is not familiar to most people,
hydroxytyrosol promises to soon become a staple in natural health care. Its bio-
logical activities and beneficial effects on human health have stimulated the
70 A New Process for Preparation of Hydroxytyrosol 691
All reagents and solvents used were of reagent grade. Reaction temperatures were
controlled by oil bath temperature modulator. Thin layer chromatography (TLC)
was performed using E. Merck silica gel 60 GF254 precoated plates (0.25 mm).
Silica gel (particle size 200–400 mesh) was used for flash chromatography. 1H
spectra were recorded on Bruker AM-400 NMR spectrometers in deuterated
2 3 4
5 6
In this work, a novel and efficient method based on Friedel–Crafts reaction and
Wolff-Kishner-Huang reaction to synthesize hydroxytyrosol has been developed.
This process has several advantages compared with the traditional pathway for the
synthesis of hydroxytyrosol. This method has fewer steps with lower cost which
uses cheap catechol as the starting material. In this procedure, catechol was reacted
with CH2Cl2 in DMSO at 140 C to obtain 1,2-methylenedioxybenzene. Then 1,
2-methylenedioxybenzene was converted into ethyl2-(benzo[d][1,3]dioxol-6-yl)-
2- oxoacetate(4) by Friedel–Crafts reaction. Compound 4 was subsequently
reduced with hydrazine hydrate to obtain 3,4-(methylenedioxy)phenylacetic
acid(5) which was readily separated by column chromatography in a high yield.
Finally hydroxytyrosol was obtained by reduction of compound 5 with LiAlH4 and
694 Y. Gao et al.
deprotection with BBr3. The target compound was obtained by five-step reaction
with an overall yield of 23 %. Although this method involves several steps, it can
be easily performed in large scale and the starting material is inexpensive.
70.4 Conclusion
Acknowledgments This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China
(No: 81072521), the Science & Technology Project of Tianjin (11ZCGHHZ00400), International
Science & Technology Cooperation Program of China (2013DFA31160) and Tianjin University
of Science and Technology (No: 20100411).
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simultaneous activation of mitochondrial biogenesis and phase II detoxifying enzyme
systems in retinal pigment epithelial cells. J Nutr Biochem 21(11):1089–1098
15. Gonzalez-Santiago M, Martín-Bautista E, Carrero JJ et al (2006) One-month administration
of hydroxytyrosol, a phenolic antioxidant present in olive oil, to hyperlipemic rabbits
improves blood lipid profile, antioxidant status and reduces atherosclerosis development.
Atherosclerosis Sep;188(1):35-42
16. Vazquez-Velasco M, Esperanza Díaz L, Lucas R et al (2011) Effects of hydroxytyrosol-
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17. Bashall P, Collins F (1975) A convenient, high-yielding method for the methylation of
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18. Ianni A, Waldvogel SR (2006) Reliable and versatile synthesis of 2-aryl-substituted cinnamic
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19. Guoxin Y, Gang C, Yong L et al (2010) An alternative process for preparation of 3,
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2009-12 -23
Chapter 71
Design and Synthesis
of 2-Arylbenzimidazole Analogues
as Novel SIRT1 Activators
for the Treatment of Type II Diabetes
Fei Hu, Yuanmou Chen, Yinghao Gao, Shaolong Jia, Weizhu Liu,
Peng Yu and Erbing Hua
Keywords Synthesis SIRT1 activator Type II diabetes 2-Arylbenzimidazole
71.1 Introduction
The prevalence of metabolic syndrome associated with increased risk for cardio-
vascular disease, type II diabetes, or cancer has been increasing over the past
decade [1, 2]. The metabolic syndrome was a complex process and can be regu-
lated by genetic alterations and calorie restriction [3]. Recently, a growing list of
evidence implicates mammalian sirtuins in the regulation of various aspects of CR
responses, namely, glucose homeostasis [4], insulin secretion [5, 6], fat metabo-
lism [7], stress resistance [8–12], and physical activity [13]. There has been much
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 697
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_71, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
698 F. Hu et al.
resveratrol SRT1720
All reagents and solvents used were of reagent grade. Reaction temperatures were
controlled by oil bath temperature modulator. Thin layer chromatography (TLC)
was performed using E. Merck silica gel 60 GF254 precoated plates (0.25 mm).
Silica gel (particle size 200–400 mesh) was used for flash chromatography. 1H
spectra were recorded on Bruker AM-400 NMR spectrometer in deuterated
chloroform and deuterated DMSO.
71 Design and Synthesis of 2-Arylbenzimidazole Analogues 699
Synthesized route R2
a H H
NH2 N b N
R1 NH2 NH2 R1 N R1 N
intermediate 2 R1= CH 3
R1= H , CH3
R 2=
O O Br
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig. 71.1 Reagents and conditions: a PPA, 200 C, 5 h (yield 87-90 %); b CH2Cl2, EDCI,
DMAP, Et3N, 80 C, 6 h (yield 35–86 %)
700 F. Hu et al.
71.2.3 Syntheses
H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3): d/ppm 9.337 (s, 1H), 7.468–7.461(t, 1H),
7.291–7.244 (m, 4H), 7.107–7.083 (dd, 1H), 6.786–6.758 (m, 1H), 3.804 (s, 2H),
2.487(s, 3H).
2-Arylbenzimidazole analogue 8
A white solid, 67.6 % yield.
H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3): d/ppm 10.445 (s, 1H), 8.482 (s, 1H), 8.008 (s,
1H), 7.927–7.911 (d, 1H), 7.886–7.864 (d, 2H), 7.822 (s, 1H), 7.559 (s, 1H),
7.521–7.489 (d, 2H),7.262 (m, 2H), 7.021–6.998 (d, 2H), 3.896 (s, 3H).
2-Arylbenzimidazole analogue 9
A white solid, 65.7 % yield.
H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3): d/ppm 8.393 (s, 1H), 7.987 (s, 1H), 7.865–7.835
(m, 3H), 7.637–7.617 (d, 1H), 7.554–7.534 (d, 1H), 7.464–7.424 (t, 1H), 7.404 (s,
1H), 7.110–7.089 (d, 1H), 7.003–6.981 (d, 2H), 3.887 (s, 3H), 2.485 (s, 3H).
2-Arylbenzimidazole analogue 10
A white solid, 44.2 % yield.
H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3): d/ppm 8.406–8.397 (t, 1H), 8.021 (s, 1H),
7.875–7.855 (d, 1H), 7.657–7.633 (dd, 1H), 7.552 (s, 1H), 7.493–7.453 (t, 2H),
7.406 (s, 1H), 7.115–7.092 (dd, 1H), 6.999–6.993 (d, 2H), 6.651–6.640 (t, 1H),
3.861 (s, 6H), 2.489 (s, 3H).
2-Arylbenzimidazole analogue 11
A white solid, 73.2 % yield.
H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3): d/ppm 8.347-8.338 (t, 1H), 8.073 (s, 1H),
8.817–7.768 (m, 2H), 7.545 (s, 1H), 7.504–7.464 (t, 2H), 7.404 (s, 1H), 7.110 (m,
3H), 3.940 (s, 6H), 3.925 (s, 3H), 2.491 (s, 3H).
2-Arylbenzimidazole analogue 12
A white solid, 56.3 % yield.
H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3): d/ppm 8.750–8.736 (dd, 2H), 8.475–8.451 (dd,
2H), 8.409–8.387 (dd, 2H), 7.637–7.596 (dt, 2H), 7.479–7.458 (t, 1H), 7.447 (s,
1H), 7.426 (s, 1H), 7.416–7.415 (d, 1H), 7.396 (s, 1H), 2.684 (s, 6H).
2-Arylbenzimidazole analogue 13
A white solid, 85.7 % yield.
H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3): d/ppm 8.350 (s, 1H), 8.117 (s, 1H), 7.859–7.813
(dd, 3H), 7.610–7.607 (dd, 1H), 7.587–7.509 (m, 2H), 7.498–7.461 (t, 2H),
7.404–7.365 (t, 2H), 7.088–7.065 (dd, 1H), 2.460 (s, 3H).
2-Arylbenzimidazole analogue 14
A white solid, 37.4 % yield.
H NMR (400 MHz DMSO): d/ppm 12.814–12.774 (d, 1H), 10.775 (s, 1H),
8.885–8.882 (d, 1H), 8.675 (s, 1H), 8.484–8.457 (m, 2H), 7.941–7.856 (m, 3H),
7.579–7.323 (m, 3H), 7.070–7.014 (m, 1H), 2.448–2.429 (d, 3H).
702 F. Hu et al.
71.4 Conclusion
salient features of this reaction are mild reaction conditions, moderate yields, and
clean work-up procedure. These advantages should render the synthesis of 2-
arylbenzimidazole analogues more efficient and environmental friendly.
Acknowledgments Funding for this study was provided by National Natural Science Founda-
tion of China (No: 81072521), Tianjin University of Science & Technology (No: 20100411),
International Science & Technology Cooperation Program of China (2013DFA31160) and the
Science & Technology Project of Tianjin (11ZCGHHZ00400).
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Chapter 72
Design and Synthesis of SRT1 Activators
for Potential Lead Compounds
of Treatment of Diabetes
Weizhu Liu, Qiuyue Wang, Fei Hu, Yinghao Gao, Yingying Wang,
Peng Yu and Erbing Hua
72.1 Introduction
Silent information regulator 2(Sir2) was first identified as a gene that is required to
maintain cell mating type in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by repressing the tran-
scription of mating type genes [1]. It leads to a decrease in histone acetylation [1,
2] and an increase in lifespan in yeast [3]. Extensive researches show that four
sirtuins (Hst1-4) in addition to Sir2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and seven
homologs (SIRT1-7) have been identified in mammals. Among the seven members
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 705
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_72, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
706 W. Liu et al.
of the homologs, the nuclear SIRT1 is the closest homolog of yeast Sir2 [4].
SIRT1, an NAD+-dependent deacetylase [5],is critical regulators of transcription
and playing important roles in the regulation of apoptosis, differentiation,
metabolism, and chromatin remodeling [6–14]. SIRT1 has shown to be activated
by fasting and Calorie restriction [15, 16]. SIRT1 is a principal modulator of
pathways downstream of calorie restriction that produces beneficial effects on
glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity in adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, and
liver [17–20]. On this basis, activation of SIRT1 could serve as a novel approach to
treat type II diabetes.
Resveratrol, a naturally occurring small molecule activator of SIRT1, has been
reported to improve insulin sensitivity, increase mitochondrial content, and
prolong survival of mice fed a high fat, high calorie diet [21–23]. So it indicates
that SIRT1 may represent an attractive therapeutic target for the treatment of type
II diabetes. Recently, SRT1720, SRT2183, and SRT1460 were described by Sirtris
Pharmaceuticals as SIRT1 activators [24] (Fig. 72.1). They are structurally unre-
lated to resveratrol. SRT1720, the strongest activator of the series, was reported
that it could improve glucose homeostasis, increase insulin sensitivity, and
increase mitochondrial function in rodent models of type II diabetes [23, 24].
According to the structure of SRT1720, We have tried change the core structure of
SRT1720 from imidazo[1,2-b]thiazoles into 2-phenylbenzo[d]thiazole or 2-phen-
ylbenzo[d]oxazole. Ten new compounds were synthesized. In this paper, we
mainly explore a kind of new structures of potential SRT1 activators.
72.2 Experimental
All reagents and solvents used were of reagent grade. Reaction temperatures were
controlled by oil bath temperature modulator. Thin layer chromatography (TLC)
was performed using E. Merck silica gel 60 GF254 precoated plates (0.25 mm).
Silica gel (particle size 200–400 mesh) was used for flash chromatography.
72 Design and Synthesis of SRT1 707
H spectra were recorded on Bruker AM-400 NMR spectrometers in deuterated
chloroform and deuterated DMSO.
The reaction a and b was used for the preparation of 2-aminobenzoic acid from
2-aminobenzoate. In a round-bottomed flask, 2-aminobenzoate (6.3 g, 41.6 mmol)
was dissolved in ethanol (30 ml). Then add 10 % NaOH solution (20 ml) in the
flask. The reaction mixture was warmed up to 60 C for 5 h. After the reaction was
completely finished by the addition of suitable amount of 10 % HCl solution,
white solid appears at PH 5-7 and vacuum dried . The crude product was used
directly for the next step without further purification.
NH 2 H 2N N S
intermediate 1 compound 1-5
The second route O
NH 2
OH (e) O (f) O
NH 2 N
intermediate 2 compound 6-10
R = O O O O
Fig. 72.2 Reagents and conditions: a NaOH, EtOH, 60 C; b HCl; c PPA, 200 C,6 h;
d CH2Cl2, EDCI, Et3N, DMAP, Et3N, 80 C,8 h; e PPA, 200 C; f C5H5N, EDCI, Et3N,
90 C,5 h
708 W. Liu et al.
72.2.3 Syntheses
2-(benzo[d]thiazol-2-yl)aniline (Intermediate 1)
This compound was prepared in 80.2 % yield by following reaction a, b, and
c. light yellow solid.
H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3): d/ppm 7990, 7.985 (d, J = 2 HZ, 1H), 7.891,
7.871 (d, J = 8 HZ, 1H), 7.750–7.737 (t, J = 4 HZ,1H), 7.501–7.475 (dd,
J = 0.64, 0.18 HZ, 1H), 7.402–7.377 (t, J = 5.2 HZ, 1H), 7.273–7.246 (m, 1H),
6.836, 6.823 (d, J = 5.2 HZ, 1H), 6.798–6.773 (t, J = 5.2 HZ, 1H), 6.451 (s, 2H).
72 Design and Synthesis of SRT1 709
N-(2-(benzo[d]thiazol-2-yl)phenyl)-3-nitrobenzamide (Compound 1)
This compound was prepared in 40.7 % yield by following reaction a, b, c, and
d. white solid.
H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3): d/ppm 13.521 (s, 1H), 8.804, 8.783 (d, J = 2 HZ, 1H),
9.043–9.020 (q, J = 4 HZ, 1H), 8.607,8.587 (d, J = 8.4 HZ, 1H), 8.500–8.476 (dd,
J = 7.2, 1.3 HZ, 1H), 8.163, 8142 (d, J = 8.4 HZ, 1H), 7.967–7.934 (m, 2H),
7.818–7.778 (t, J = 8.4 HZ, 1H), 7.598–7.548 (m, 2H). 7.484–7.446 (t, J = 8.1 HZ,
1H), 7.282–7.244 (t, J = 8.5 HZ, 1H).
(Compound 2)
This compound was prepared in 36.8 % yield by following reaction a, b, c, and
d. light yellow solid.
H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3): d/ppm 12.341 (s, 1H), 8.805–8.782 (dd, J = 8,0.8 HZ,
1H), 7.929–7.899 (q, J = 4 HZ, 2H), 7.843–7.820 (dd, J = 6.4,1.2 HZ, 1H), 7.548–7.416
(m, 3H), 7.177–7.136 (t, J = 7.6 HZ, 1H), 7.967–7.934 (m, 2H), 7.818–7.778(t, J = 8.0
HZ, 1H), 7.012–6.987 (dd, J = 6,1 HZ, 1H). 6.949, 6.945 (d, J = 2 HZ, 1H), 6.823,
6.802 (d, J = 8.5 HZ, 1H), 3.829 (s, 1H), 3.801 (s, 1H), 3.791 (s, 1H).
N-(2-(benzo[d]thiazol-2-yl)phenyl)-4-methoxybenzamide (Compound 3)
This compound was prepared in 25.1 % yield by following reaction a, b, c, and
d. white solid.
H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3): d/ppm 13.257 (s, 1H), 9.052, 9.031 (d, J = 8.4
HZ, 1H), 8.224, 8.202 (d, J = 8.8 HZ, 2H), 8.027,8.007 (d, J = 8 HZ, 1H),
7.955–7.904 (dd, J = 8.4,1.6 HZ, 2H), 7.573–7.513 (q, J = 7.2 HZ, 2H),
7.472–7.431 (t, J = 8.4 1H), 7.260–7.167 (t, J = 6.8 1H), 7.097, 7.075 (d, J = 8.9
HZ, 2H), 3.936 (s, 3H).
N-(2-(benzo[d]thiazol-2-yl)phenyl)-3,5-dimethoxybenzamide (Compound 4)
This compound was prepared in 23.5 % yield by following reaction a, b, c, and
d. white solid.
H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3): d/ppm 13.384 (s, 1H), 9.052, 9.031 (dd, J = 8.4
HZ, 1H), 8.187, 8167 (d, J = 8.4 HZ, 1H), 7.946–7.915 (m, 2H), 7.564–7.525 (m,
2H), 7.466, 7.446 (d, J = 8.4 HZ,1H), 7.422–7.417 (d, J = 2 HZ, 2H),
7.229–7.188 (t, J = 8.4, 1H), 6.700–6.689 (t, J = 2, 1H), 3.915 (s, 6H).
N-(2-(benzo[d]thiazol-2-yl)phenyl)-3,4,5-trimethoxybenzamide (Compound 5)
This compound was prepared in 20.6 % yield by following reaction a, b, c, and
d. white solid.
H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3): d/ppm 13.170 (s, 1H), 9.001, 8.980 (d, J = 8.4
HZ, 1H), 8.187, 8167 (d, J = 8.4 HZ, 1H), 7.975–7.917 (q, J = 8.4 HZ, 3H),
7.572–7.499 (m, 2H), 7.460–7.422 (t, J = 8.4 HZ, 1H), 7.396 (s, 1H), 7.234–7.197
(t, J = 8.4 1H), 3.962 (s, 9H).
3-(benzo[d]oxazol-2-yl)aniline (Intermediate 2)
This compound was prepared in 82 % yield by following reaction e light yellow
H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3): d/ppm 7.785–7.7.740 (m, 1H), 7.660–7.635 (dt,
J = 8.4, 1.2 HZ, 1H), 7.588–7.560 (m, 2H), 7.369–7.326 (m, 2H), 7.306, 7.286 (d,
J = 8.4 HZ, 1H), 6.864–6.836 (ddd, J = 8.4, 2.4, 1.2 HZ, 1H), 3.842 (s, 2H).
710 W. Liu et al.
N-(3-(benzo[d]oxazol-2-yl)phenyl)-3-nitrobenzamide (Compound 6)
This compound was prepared in 68.3 % yield by following reaction e and f light
yellow solid.
H NMR (400 MHz DMSO): d/ppm 10.862 (s, 1H), 8.879 (s, 1H), 8.783 (s,
1H), 8.484, 8.464 (d, J = 8.4 HZ, 2H), 8.075, 8.055 (d, J = 8.4 HZ, 1H), 7.999,
7.980 (d, J = 7.2 HZ, 1H), 7.904–7.864 (t, J = 8.4 HZ, 1H), 7.862–7.818 (m, 2H),
7.664–7.624 (t, J = 8.4 HZ, 1H), 7.488–7.416 (m, 2H).
(Compound 7)
This compound was prepared in 64.7 % yield by following reaction e and
f white solid.
H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3): d/ppm 8.074 (s, 1H), 7.984, 7.964 (d, J = 8.4 HZ,
1H), 7.905, 7.885 (d, J = 8.4 HZ, 1H), 7.757–7.734 (m, 1H), 7.586–7.563(m, 1H),
7.488–7.448 (t, J = 8.4 HZ, 1H), 7.377–7.329 (m, 2H), 7.310 (s, 1H), 6.938–6,888
(q, J = 4 HZ, 2H). 6.853 (s, 1H).
N-(3-(benzo[d]oxazol-2-yl)phenyl)-4-methoxybenzamide (Compound 8)
This compound was prepared in 50.5 % yield by following reaction e and f light
yellow solid.
H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3): d/ppm 8.408 (s, 1H), 8.047, 8.007 (t, J = 8.4 HZ,
2H), 7.894, 7.872 (d, J = 8.8 HZ, 3H), 7.788–7.766 (m, 1H), 7.607–7.576 (m,
J = 8.8 HZ,1H), 7.562–7.522 (d, J = 8.4 HZ, 1H), 7.380–7.357 (dd, J = 6, 3.2
HZ, 2H), 7.019, 6.997 (d, J = 8.8 HZ, 2H), 3.894 (s, 3H).
(Compound 9)
This compound was prepared in 57.8 % yield by following reaction e and
f white solid.
H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3): d/ppm 8.421 (s, 1H), 8.057, 8.037 (d, J = 8.4 HZ,
1H), 8.004–7,973 (t, J = 12.4 HZ, 2H), 7.785–7.762 (m, 1H), 7.602–7.579 (m,
1H), 7.563–7.523 (d, J = 8.4 HZ, 1H), 7.378–7.356 (m, 2H), 7.019, 7.013 (d,
J = 2.4 HZ, 2H), 6.648–6.636 (t, J = 2.4 HZ, 1H). 3.862 (s, 1H).
(Compound 10)
This compound was prepared in 60.3 % yield by following reaction e and
f white solid.
H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3): d/ppm 8.380 (s, 1H), 8.082–8.037 (m, 2H), 7.948
(s, 1H), 7.787–7.765 (m, 1H), 7.607–7.539 (m, 2H), 7.386–7.363 (m, 2H), 7.125
(s, 2H), 3.954, 3.928 (d, J = 10.4 HZ, 9H).
In this work, the core structure of SRT1720 has been changed from imidazo
[1,2-b]thiazoles to 2-phenylbenzo[d]thiazole or 2-phenylbenzo[d]oxazole. At the
same time, ortho-amide bond is shifted to meta-position one to check if these
changes could bring significant SAR improvement.
72 Design and Synthesis of SRT1 711
72.4 Conclusion
In summary, the two suitable conditions for quick synthesis of different kinds of
compounds such as 2-phenylbenzo[d]thiazole and 2-phenylbenzo[d] oxazole were
developed, which offered overall yield 30–69 %. All compounds synthesized in
this paper are core-changed partially similar to the structure of SRT1720. The aim
of the work is to find suitable fragments for a further structural expansion for
seeking a lead compound with a potential biological activity toward Sirt1.
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72 Design and Synthesis of SRT1 713
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Chapter 73
Synthesis of 1,3-benzodioxol-5-ethanol
and Its Derivatives
Abstract It has been reported that resveratrol can enhance Sirt1 expression and
has the activation effect on the proteins related to insulin signaling. It can also
ameliorate insulin tolerance in order to achieve the function of preventing and
curing diabetes. In this work, we designed a new series of analogs related to the
structure of resveratrol such as 1,3-benzodioxol-5-ethanol, which is synthesized
from 1,3-benzodioxole by the reactions of Friedel-Crafts reaction, Wolff-Kishner-
Huang and reduction. In addition, seven new 1,3-benzodioxol-5-ethanol deriva-
tives were obtained through esterification with different substituents of organic
acid. All compounds were characterized by 1H-NMR. Yields of derivatives are
from 13.2 to 78.8 %.
73.1 Introduction
It is a global problem that metabolic syndrome is a threat to human health. The key
point to treat metabolic syndrome is improving insulin resistance because it is the
pathogenesis of type II diabetes, obesity, and primary hypertension [1]. It has been
reported that Sirt-1 plays an important role [2, 3] in increasing insulin secretion
[4]. Resveratrol is the agonist of Sirt-1 and some derivatives have enhanced effect
on it [5]. In this paper, we aim to introduce 1,3-benzodioxole and design a new
series of analogs related to the structure of resveratrol. In the field of medicine
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 715
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_73, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
716 N. Ji et al.
synthesis, compounds with the group of 1,3-benzodioxole is not only the important
intermediates of berberine [6], but also the significant material to synthesis
quinolone drugs. Meanwhile good activity were found in the field of antitumor
1,3-benzodioxole derivatives [7, 8]. Thus, a series of active compounds and high
value added pharmaceutical intermediates derived from 1,3-benzodioxole is bound
to be more widely applied in the field of drug discovery in the future.
Economic and security synthetic technology of 1,3-benzodioxol-5-ethanol
has not been reported. The traditional method is from 1,3-benzodioxole by the
reaction of chloromethylation, nitrile, hydrolysis, and reduction [9]. However, the
virulent sodium cyanide used in this synthetic method is harmful to both envi-
ronment and experimenters, it is not an environmental friendly and safe process.
Wang Yuanxing [10] and his colleagues developed a relative safe synthetic
method using methyl methylthiomethyl sulfo (FAMSO) as an equivalent reagent
of carbonyl group. They gained 1,3-benzodioxol-5-acetic acid from piperonal with
three-steps reactions but it took a high production cost. In order to meet the needs
of developing new drugs, we have designed an economic and safe synthetic route
by using inexpensive 1,3-benzodioxole as the starting material. According to the
structure-activity relationship, we got seven new 1,3-benzodioxol-5-ethanol
O (i) O O (ii)
(iii) O OH (iv) O O R
NH 4:R=
1: R=CH 3 2: R=CH 2CH3 3:R= N
5:R= 6:R= 7:R=
Fig. 73.1 Reagents and conditions: (i) C4H5ClO3, AlCl3, CH2Cl2, rt; (ii) N2H4H2O, EG, KOH,
HCl, 180 C; (iii) LAH, THF, rt; (iv) EDCI, DMAP, TEA, CH2Cl2, rt
73.2.3 Syntheses 1,3-benzodioxol-5-ethanol
H-NMR(CDCl3) d:2.979–2.997 (2H,t,CH2CH2OCO), 3.802 (6H,s,OCH3),
4.473–4.508 (2H,t,CH2CH2OCO), 5.918 (2H,s,CH2), 6.541–6.562 (2H,d,ArH),
6.723–6.809 (3H,m,ArH), 7.261–7.277 (1H,m, ArH).
73.4 Conclusion
Acknowledgments This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China
(No: 81072521), Tianjin University of Science & Technology (No: 20100411), International
Science & Technology Cooperation Program of China (2013DFA31160) and the Science &
Technology Project of Tianjin (11ZCGHHZ00400).
1. Gordon BA, Benson AC, Bird SR et al (2009) Resistance training improves metabolic health
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2. Carles C, Johan A (2009) Caloric restriction, SIRT1 and longevity. Trends Endocrin Met
3. Hye-Sook K, Melanie O (2008) The ups and downs of SIRT1. Trends Biochem Sci
4. Yang T, Fu M, Pestell R et al (2006) SIRT1 and endocrine signaling. Trends Endocrin Met
5. Kaeberlein M, Mc Donagh T, Heltweg B et al (2005) Substrate specific activation of sirtuins
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6. Yang ZY, Liu ZL, Liu HW et al (2011) Synthesis of 1,3-benzodioxole. Fine Specially Chem
7. deM Moreira DR, Leite ACL, Ferreira PMP (2007) Synthesis and anti-tumor evaluation of
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8. Since M, Terme T, Vanelle P (2009) Original TDAE strategy using a-halo carbonyl
derivatives. Tetrahedron 65:6128–6134
9. Zhou LJ, He QG, Liu ZC et al (2002) Synthesis of 1,3-benzodioxol-5-acetic acid. Chem Ind
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14. Shahane S, Louafi F, Moreau J et al (2008) Synthesis of alkaloids of Galipea officinalis by
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16. Lai CC, Brian GC (2007) Kinetics of amide formation through carbodiimide/N-
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ramoplanose aglycon. J Am Chem Soc 124:5288–5290
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restricted peptide secondary structure mimetics. Org Lett 2:301–302
19. Bryan KSY, Dale LB (2003) Synthesis of isochrysohermidin-distamycin hybrids. J Org
Chem 68:5249–5253
Chapter 74
Tetrandrine Inhibits Proteasomal
Chymotrypsin-Like Activity and Induces
Apoptosis in Human PC-3 Cells
74.1 Introduction
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 723
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_74, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
724 L. Zhang et al.
TET has been used traditionally for the treatment of congestive circulatory
disorder [1] and inflammatory diseases [2]. Many studies have shown that TET has
anti-tumor activity [3]. TET induces apoptosis in various cell types such as A549,
HepG2 [4], HL60 [5], HCT116 [6], and U937 [7] cells, etc. There have been many
mechanisms reported about TET-induced apoptosis. Byeong-Churl Jang [8] shows
that tetrandrine-induced apoptosis is mediated by activation of caspases and
PKC-d in U937 cells; Tetrandrine-mediated responses of cell proliferation and
cytotoxicity may be correlated with the tetrandrine-induced large-conductance
Ca2+-activated K+ (BK) channel block [9]. Recent studies show that TET induces
apoptosis by activating reactive oxygen species and repressing Akt activity in
human hepatocellular carcinoma [10]. But the specific mechanisms remain
Ubiquitin-proteasome system is responsible for a vast majority of protein
degradation in eukaryotic cells, which plays an important role in cell cycle and
apoptosis [11]. The 26S proteasome is composed of the 20S core catalytic complex
flanked on both sides by the 19S regulatory complexes; The 20S proteasome has
three catalytic active sites: chymotrypsin-like(CT), trypsin-like(TL), and post-
glutamyl peptide hydrolase-like (PGPH), which are located in b5, b2, and b1
subunits, respectively [12]. Inhibition of the proteasomal CT activity can lead to
apoptosis in most tumor cell lines [13].
74 Tetrandrine Inhibites Proteasomal Chymotrypsin-Like Activity 725
74.2.1 Materials
1. Cells
Human prostate cells PC-3 were obtained from the Cell Culture Center,
Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.
2. Materials
Cell culture medium Ham’s F12 and serum were obtained from Hyclone Inc.
Tetrandrine was purchased from sigma; A 50 mmol/L stock solution of TET
dissolved in 1 mol/L HCl and regulated PH with saturated NaHCO3 to 7.0 was
stored at -20 C. Purified human 20S proteasome was from BIOMOL
International LP. Antibody against ubiquitin (P4D1), actin (C-11), and horse-
radish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated secondary anti-rabbit and anti-mouse IgG
were from Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc. Fluorogenic peptide substrate
Suc-LLVY-AMC (for the proteasomal chymotrypsin-like activity) was from
Enzo Life Sciences Inc.
74.2.2 Methods
will the GFP level accumulate and can be detected by fluorescence microscope.
PC-3-GFP-CL1 cells were exposed to 50 lmol/L TET for designed time and
then pictured by fluorescence microscopy.
First of all, Autodock 4.0 software was used to predict the possible interaction
between TET and 20S proteasome [19]. The results showed that the lowest
‘‘estimated free energy of binding’’ between b5 subunit and TET was -6.28 kcal/
mol. The predicted binding conformations were shown in Figs. 74.2a, b.
From Fig. 74.2a, it was shown that TET has a close binding with the active site
of proteasome b5 subunit, and TET was inlaid with 20S proteasomal cavity with a
close distance to the Thr1 residue at b5 subunit [20] (marked by red), which is
responsible for the proteasomal CT activity; Fig. 74.2b showed that the major
binding power between TET and b5 subunit was hydrophobic interactions. Based
on these, we suppose that TET may be a kind of proteasomal inhibitor.
TET inhibits purified 20S CT-like activity. In order to confirm the results pre-
dicted by in silico study, the CT activity change of purified 20S proteasome was
Many studies have shown that inhibition of cellular proteasome activity induces
apoptosis [21, 22]. The Caspase-3 activity and cellular apoptotic morphologic
changes (condensation and fragmentation) were detected to evaluate the apoptosis
Fig. 74.8 PC-3 cells apoptosis after treated TET(DMSO, 10, 20, 30, 50 lmol/L) for 2 h
74.4 Conclusion
Molecular docking shows that proteasome subunit b5 has a low combined energy
with the natural small molecules tetrandrine. There is a closed conformation
between them; TET can significantly inhibit purified 20S proteasome CT activity
in an dose-dependent manner. Using prostate cancer cells PC-3 as cell model to
examine the inhibition of TET to 20S proteasome shows that: TET inhibits 20S
proteasome in PC-3 cells in a dose-dependent manner, 50 lmol/L TET has a
significant inhibition of 70 % in 24 h, and the ubiquitinated proteins obviously
accumulated, and TET induces the GFP level accumulated in PC-3-GFP-CL1
cells. These results suggest that TET is a potential proteasome inhibitor.
730 L. Zhang et al.
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
(20977007), and Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET-11-0581).
1. Kwan CY, Achike FI (2002) Tetrandrine and related bis-benzylisoquinoline alkaloids from
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Chapter 75
The Purifying Effect of Apocynum
Venetum Seedlings on Estuarine Water
Abstract The water in Bohai Bay has become more and more eutrophic, causing
a frequent red tide bloom. How to decrease eutrophication of this sea area is a
pressing problem. The seawater often enters the estuary by flood tide, so the
estuary may be a good place to remove eutrophic compounds from the seawater.
This paper reported apocynum venetum seedlings growth status in water from
Beitang estuary and its effects on nutrient removal. The results showed that
apocynum venetum seedlings could grow both in flood tide water and in ebb tide
water from Beitang estuarine, and the content of nitrogen and phosphorus in the
water was significantly decreased by apocynum venetum seedlings, and the
decrease level was largest for nitrite nitrogen in flood tide water. These results
indicated that the eutrophic water in Bohai Bay was probably purified by apocy-
num venetum growing in ecological floating boat at estuarine.
75.1 Introduction
The Bohai Bay is a semi-enclosed bay, located in the western region of Bohai Sea
in northern China. Due to the poor self-purification and increasing pollution
emission from land, pollution of the water body of Bohai Bay has become a
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 733
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_75, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
734 Y. Xu et al.
serious problem [1]. Eutrophication in seawater would often cause a red tide
bloom [2]. There were several ways of purifying eutrophic water. Due to some
special advantages, more attention has been paid to the ecological floating bed,
gradually applied in the treatment of eutrophic water [3]. However, most studies
have been focused on purifying eutrophic fresh water [4]. Is it possible to purify
eutrophic seawater by ecological floating bed technology? The higher salinity in
seawater, which inhibits the growth of many higher plants, restricts the technology
application in this field. Estuaries are transition zones between freshwaters and
seawater where large amounts of eutrophication compounds are discharged [5].
Therefore, the ecological floating bed technology may be applied in this zone. In
this paper, we studied whether the apocynum venetum seedlings could grow in the
medium of Beitang estuarine water and whether it could effectively remove the
eutrophic compounds in this water.
The water samples were collected respectively during flood tide and ebb tide in
June at Beitang estuarine of Tianjin, China. Then the water samples were filtered
by cotton wool.
The seeds of apocynum venetum were collected in the Binhai New Area, Tianjin,
China. After sterilization by sodium hypochlorite, the seeds were germinated and
cultured in a Hoagland solution. Seeds were allowed to germinate and develop in a
controlled growth room. The growth chamber was set at relative humidity
50–80 %, day/night temperatures of 20/16 C, 16 h photoperiod (350 mol quanta/
m2.s.P.A.R.) supplied by fluorescent lamps with tungsten supplement. After 15 d
of growth, the seedlings were divided into three groups. One group was still
cultured in the Hogland solution, and another two groups were transplanted into
the flood tide estuarine water, or the ebb tide estuarine water.
The pH, salinity, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen in estuarine water were
determined by water quality detector CX-401 (made by China).
75 The Purifying Effect of Apocynum Venetum Seedlings 735
The growth rate of the apocynum venetum seedlings was calculated by the variations
of leaf length and the seedlings’ dry weight.
Data was analyzed by analysis of variance and Student’s t test. The data shown
were mean and standard deviation (S.D.) of five repetitive tests. The statistical
significance for all tests was set at the P B 0.05 confidence level.
Beitang estuary is created where the Bohai Bay, the Yongdinghe River, the
Newchaobaihe River, and the Jiyunhe River join together. There, the flood tide and
ebb tide occurred daily. Table 75.1 showed that dissolved oxygen content was
lower in flood tide water than that in ebb tide water, but the salinity and the
736 Y. Xu et al.
conductivity were higher in the former than that in the later. These results were
consistent with those reported by Zhong [9]. There was no significant difference in
the pH between the flood tide water and the ebb tide water.
Nitrogen and phosphorus were the main eutrophic component of water body
[10]. Table 75.2 showed that nitrate nitrogen content was distinctly higher in the
flood tide water than that in the ebb tide water, but there was no significant
difference in ammonium nitrogen and phosphate content between flood tide water
and ebb tide water. The flood tide water had more seawater than the ebb tide water
[11]. The higher nitrate nitrogen in flood tide water indicated the nitrate nitrogen in
the seawater of the Bohai Bay was higher than that in nearby rivers. The Bohai
Bay is a semi-enclosed bay in which the water body exchange capacity with ocean
water was poor [1]. However, About 1 billion tons of wastewater was discharged
into the bay from Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Province every year [12]. Therefore,
the eutrophic compounds such as nitrate from these rives easily accumulated in the
bay. This may be the main reason why the nitrate content in the seawater of the
Bohai Bay was higher than that in nearby rivers.
from 8.10 to 8.23 and the salinity varied from 2.80 % to 3.18 % (Table 75.1). It is
therefore possible for apocynum venetum to grow in the Beitang estuary water
In order to prove the above view, a culture experiment was conducted. Fifteen
day old apocynum venetum seedlings were divided into three groups, one group
was still cultured in a Hogland solution, and another two groups were transplanted
into flood tide estuarine water, or ebb tide estuarine water. From the 4th day, the
length of leaves in the Hogland solution became longer than that in the other
mediums (Fig. 75.1). And the leaf length had no significant change at first 3 days
or first 6 days for the apocynum venetum seedlings that grew in the ebb tide water,
or in the flood tide water respectively compared to that at day zero. The higher
salinity in the flood tide estuarine water probably made the apocynum venetum
seedlings have longer lag phase. On the tenth day, the leaf length cultured in the
Hogland solution, the flood tide estuarine water, and the ebb tide estuarine water
increased by 126.8, 85.4, and 63.0 %, respectively compared to that at day zero
(Fig. 75.1). The dry weight of the apocynum venetum seedlings grown in different
medium was also measured at day zero and the tenth day of transplanting. It was
clear that the dry weight of the seedlings grown in the flood tide water was heavier
than that in the ebb tide water (Fig. 75.2). After adapting to the new growth
environment, the apocynum venetum seedlings grew quicker in the flood tide
water than in the ebb tide water. This is probably ascribed to more inorganic
nitrogen in the flood tide water than that in the ebb tide water (Table 75.1). The
above results indicated that the apocynum venetum seedlings could grow both in
flood tide estuarine water and in ebb tide estuarine water.
738 Y. Xu et al.
Fifteen day old apocynum venetum seedlings were transplanted into the Beitang
estuarine water, and 10 days later, the nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, and
phosphate in medium were determined. The content of phosphate and ammonium
nitrogen in the ebb tide estuarine water was decreased by 51.1 and 41.5 %
respectively, but the nitrate nitrogen content had no significant change. The con-
tent of phosphate, ammonium nitrogen, and nitrate nitrogen in flood tide estuarine
water was decreased by 50.0, 75.7, and 48.9 %, respectively by the apocynum
venetum seedlings (Fig. 75.3). It indicated that the apocynum venetum seedlings
effectively removed nitrogen and phosphate in the Beitang estuarine water body.
Eutrophication is one of the biggest environmental problems in enclosed water
areas. The seawater in the Bohai Bay has become increasingly eutrophic during the
past several years as a result of runoff from land-base agriculture, industrial, and
other anthropogenic activities [17–20]. There are currently not many treatment
methods for purifying eutrophic waters. Existing in situ methods such as precip-
itation of phosphorus have not been successful. Wetland treatments have been
used for the removal of nutrients from eutrophic water, but their efficiency has not
been proven for (phosphorous) P removal [21]. It has been shown that ecological
floating bed effectively remove eutrophic matter in fresh water bodies [3]. Here,
we found that salt-tolerant apocynum venetum seedlings also effectively removed
eutrophic matter in estuarine water bodies in laboratory conditions. Hence, as long
as the ecological floating bed is favorable to the eatuarine environment, the
apocynum venetum seedlings can grow in this bed and purify the eutrophic
75 The Purifying Effect of Apocynum Venetum Seedlings 739
estuarine water. The estuarine water elevation often changed because of flood tide
and ebb tide. Maybe an ecological floating boat would be favorable equipment for
purifying eutrophic estuarine water.
75.4 Conclusion
The Bohai Bay is one of the most polluted sea areas in China. The main pollutants
were inorganic nitrogen and phosphate [10]. How to control Bohai Bay pollution is
a pressing problem. Apocynum venetum is perennial which is widely distributed in
saline-alkali wasteland and has strong salt resistance. In this paper, we reported
that apocynum venetum seedlings could grow in Beitang estuarine water with the
salinity from 2.80 to 3.18 % and the pH from 8.10 to 8.23. What is more, it could
effectively remove nitrogen and phosphate in Beitang estuarine water. Therefore,
it is possible that nitrogen and phosphate compounds in eutrophic water of the Bohai
Bay are removed by apocynum venetum growing in ecological floating boat.
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Foundation (No. 201102) of Tianjin Key
Laboratory of Marine Resources and Chemistry (Tianjin University of Science and Technology),
P. R. China and the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars,
State Education Ministry (the forty fourth times).We are grateful to Carlos Arboleda for revising
the manuscript in writing.
1. Zhao X, Li D (2009) Pollution prediction of Bohai Sea basing on the BP neural network:
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14. Xie WY, Zhang XY, Wang T et al (2012) Botany, traditional uses, phytochemistry and
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15. Gao XH, Liu H, Liu SX et al (2002) Chemometrics analysis on the saline-alkali components
of some main wild-hemp growing soils in Xingjia. J Yunnan Univ 24:218–222 (in Chinese)
16. Xi JB, Zhang FS, Mao DR et al (2003) The utilization of halophytes for traditional medicine
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17. Liu SG, Lou S, Kuang CP et al (2011) Water quality assessment by pollution-index method
in the coastal waters of Hebei Province in western Bohai Sea, China. Mar Pollut Bull
18. Liu SM, Li LW, Zhang ZN (2011) Inventory of nutrients in the Bohai. Cont Shelf Res
19. Peng S, Dai M, Hu Y et al (2009) Long-term(1996–2006) variation of nitrogen and
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20. Zhang J (1996) Nutrient elements in large Chinese estuaries. Cont Shelf Res 16:1023–1045
21. Inoue T, Fukue M, Mulligan CN et al (2009) In situ removal of contaminated suspended
solids from a pond by filtration. Ecol Eng 35:1249–1254
Chapter 76
Expression, Purification, and Activity
Assay of Chicken Interferon-Alpha
Abstract In this paper, Chicken alpha interferon (IFN-a) gene was cloned into
pHis-NusA expression vector, then the recombinant expression vector was trans-
formed into host bacteria E. coli BL21. The recombinant chicken IFN-a was
induced to express by IPTG, then the protein expression was analyzed with SDS-
PAGE. Under the condition that the recombinant protein was induced to express
with 0.1 mM IPTG at 16 C, the expressed protein was soluble. Recombinant
Chicken IFN-a was purified by Ni-metal chelate affinity chromatography. The
expressed protein was shown to inhibit the replication of Hand foot and mouth
disease virus in vero cells.
76.1 Introduction
Interferon (IFN) belongs to a class of natural proteins that can inhibit virus rep-
lication [1, 2]. IFNs constitute a large group of cytokines that are best known for
their ability to induce cellular resistance to viral pathogens. They also play a
critical role in the response to microbial infections by modulating the innate and
adaptive immune system. Furthermore, they are potent regulators of cell growth
and have anti-inflammatory effects. IFNs are commonly grouped into tow types,
type I and type II. Type I IFNs form a still growing family of cytokines that
comprises IFN-a,IFN-b [3–5]. Type II IFN isIFN-c [6]. IFNs had already been
characterized, and possess broad-spectrum antiviral activity [7–11].
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 741
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_76, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
742 Y. Ma et al.
In this study, chicken alpha interferon (IFN-a) gene was cloned into pHis-NusA
expression vector, then the recombinant expression vector was transformed into
host bacteria E. coli BL21 [12]. The expressed protein was shown to inhibit
replication of hand, foot, and mouth disease virus in vero cells.
76.2.1 Materials
E. coli TOP10 and BL21 (RILP) kept in our laboratory were used for cloning or
expression host. The pHis-NusA vector was a gift from Dr. Eddie McKenzie (The
University of Manchester, UK).
Hand, foot, and mouth disease virus and vero cell line were provided by the
Academy of Military Medical Sciences of the Chinese PLA. PCR kit, restriction
enzymes EcoR I and BamH I, T4 DNA ligase were purchased from Fermentas,
Ni-charged resin was from GenScript.
76.2.2 Measurements
Chicken alpha interferon (IFN-a) gene (504 bp in length) was amplified by PCR
and digested with restriction enzymes EcoR I and BamH I, ligated into the
expression plasmid pHis-NusA and then transformed into E. coli TOP10-competent
cells. Finally, the nucleotide sequences of the selected clones were confirmed by
DNA sequencing. The positive clones with the correct sequence were named as
The antiviral activity of purified recombinant chIFN-a was assayed by its activity
to inhibit the cytopathic effect caused by hand, foot, and mouth disease virus
(HFMDV) in vero cells [15–17]. Vero cells were grown in DMEM high glucose
supplemented with 10 % serum and seeded into 96-well plates (2 * 105 cells/well)
until the cells formed a compact monolayer after incubation for 12 h at 37 C with
5 % CO2 atmosphere environment. A ten-step serial dilution of recombinant
chIFN-a was added into the cultures, and the dilutions were from 101 to 107.
After 12 h incubation, the culture media were removed from the vero cells
monolayer in 96-well plate and then vero cells were challenged with HFMDV of
100 TCID50. Wells where the serial dilution (101–107) of recombinant chIFN-a
was added but without adding HFMDV were used as negative control, and wells
where 100 TCID50 HFMDV was added but without adding the recombinant
chIFN-a were used as positive control. All cells in the 96-well plate were incu-
bated under the above culture conditions of monolayer cells for 24 h. When
pathological changes were formed by HFMDV in more than 50 % vero cells at
positive control, the antivirus activity of the recombinant chIFN-a was determined
in accordance with the proportion of the percentage cells with pathological
changes to all the cells in the same well.
Chicken alpha interferon (IFN-a) gene was amplified by PCR, the complete IFN-a
sequence consisted of 504 bp, the IFN-a gene fragment was digested with
restriction enzymes EcoR I and BamH I, and inserted into the expression plasmid
744 Y. Ma et al.
pHis-NusA, which was digested with the same restriction enzymes. As shown in
Fig. 76.1, a specific DNA fragment about 504 bp was generated. The result of
DNA sequencing showed that the chIFN-a gene was correctly inserted into the
expression vector.
Fig. 76.3 Expression and purification of His-NusA-chIFN-a. The recombinant protein was
induced with 0.1 mM IPTG and 0.5 mM IPTG at 16 C. M. protein marker (14/18/25/35/45/66/
116kDA). 0.1 mM IPTG induction: 1. IFN-a-Total, 2. IFN-a- Pellet, 3. IFN-a- Supernatant, 4.
IFN-a-unbound, 5. IFN-a-E1 (Protein was eluted by eluting buffer with 250 mM imidazole), 6.
IFN-a-E2 (Protein was eluted by eluting buffer with 500 mM imidazole) 0.5 mM IPTG
induction, 7. IFN-a-Total, 8. IFN-a- Pellet, 9. IFN-a- Supernatant, 10. IFN-a-unboundd, 11. IFN-
a-E1 (Protein was eluted by eluting buffer with 250 mM imidazole), and 12. IFN-a-E2 (Protein
was eluted by eluting buffer with 500 mM imidazole)
As shown in Fig. 76.3, the recombinant protein was induced with 0.1 mM IPTG at
16 C, a large amount of target protein at a molecular mass of approximately 76 kDa
was generated and it was soluble. Moreover, the protein expression level was higher
with 0.1 mM IPTG than that with 0.5 mM IPTG. The Ni-metal chelate affinity
chromatography was used to purify recombinant His-NusA-chIFN-a.
Fig. 76.4 The vero cells were protected from HFMDV by different concentrations of chIFN-a. 1.
The concentration of chIFN-a is 1.65910-4 mg/mL. 2. The concentration of chIFN-a is
1.65910-5 mg/mL. 3. The concentration of chIFN-a is 1.65910-6 mg/mL. 4. The concentration
of chIFN-a is 1.65910-7 mg/mL
76.4 Conclusion
In this study, the IFN-a was cloned into pHis-NusA expression vector, and the
recombinant expression vector was transformed into host bacteria E. coli BL21.
The recombinant chicken IFN-a was induced to express, and the molecular weight
of the expressed protein is about 76 kDa. Under the condition that the recombinant
protein was induced to express with 0.1 mM IPTG at 16 C, the expressed protein
was soluble. Recombinant ChIFN-a had biological activity against HFMDV when
the concentration of chIFN-a was about 9.28 9 10-6 mg/ml and the 100TCID50
of HFMDV was 10-3.6.
Acknowledgments This research is supported by the program for Changjiang Scholars and
innovative Research Team in University (RIT1166).
76 Expression, Purification and Activity Assay of Chicken Interferon-Alpha 747
Keywords Hydroxyethyl chitosan 5-Fluorouracil Prodrug Release Fibroblast
77.1 Introduction
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 749
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_77, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
750 Y. Peng et al.
of the ester, carbomate, amide bonds between the drug and the polymer backbone
[2–5]. 5-Fu-polymer conjugates have also been reported to be able to provide site-
specific release of 5-Fu by a step-wise enzymatic and chemical cleavage of
chemical bonds under the environmental conditions of target cells [6, 7].
Chitosan and its water-soluble derivatives have been extensively used in
developing drug release systems in view of their good biocompatibility, biode-
gradability, nontoxicity, antibacterial, antitumor, and other bioactivities. Many
reports are available on preparation of chitosan-based drug capsules, microspheres,
nanoparticles, beads, gels, and films. Chitosan prodrug, in which drug is covalently
linked onto chitosan chain has been found to be bioactive in the field of anti-
bacteria, anticancer, and antioxidant [8]. Our previous studies show that a blend
membrane based on hydroxyethylchitosan (HECS) has good biodegradability and
histocompatibility, and can potentially be used as a carrier for corneal endothelial
cell transplantation [9, 10]. A novel drug loaded membrane made of N-succinyl-
hydroxyethyl chitosan and mitomycin C could inhibit efficiently the in vitro
proliferation of fibroblast cell L929 [11]. In an effort to decrease the side effects
and potential danger of 5-Fu, and meanwhile prolong the useful life of filtering
bleb following trabeculectomy, we reported here a novel synthesis and controlled
release of conjugated 5-Fu from HECS prodrug. The inhibitory effect of the
released substance against fibroblast cell was evaluated in vitro.
77.2.3 Characterization
The in vitro release was carried out in a sealed plastic tube at 37 C in phosphate
buffer (pH 7.4) solution. HPCS-5-Fu powders (100 mg) were suspended in 7.0 mL
of release medium and stirred at 100 rpm. At each selected time, the mixture was
firstly centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 10 min, and then 5.0 mL of the supernatant
was removed and replaced by the same volume of fresh medium. The amount of
5-FuAA in the samples withdrawn was determined with an UV spectrometer at
274 nm as compared with the standard curve of 5-FuAA. The release experiment
was performed in triplicate. The curve of cumulative percent drug release as a
function of time was plotted.
752 Y. Peng et al.
L929 cell line were cultured in DMEM supplemented with 10 % (v/v) fetal bovine
serum, 1 % penicillin and streptomycin solution. Cells seeded at 4 9 103 cells per
well (96-well culture plates) were maintained at 37 C in a humidified incubator
with 5 % CO2 atmosphere for 24 h, the culture medium was removed, fresh medium
(200 lL/well, control group), or 5-Fu (200 lL/well, prepared in cultural medium at a
final concentration of 20, 10, 5, and 2.5 ug/mL), or 5-FuAA (200 lL/well, prepared
in cultural media at a final concentration of 400, 200, 100, and 50 ug/mL) was then
added. The plate was returned for incubation for 72 h. Cytotoxicity of samples was
evaluated by the 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazole-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide
(MTT) assay. The in vitro inhibition ratio was calculated with the following formula:
Inhibition ratio = (ODO - ODS)/(ODO - ODC) 9 100 %, where ODO,
ODS, and ODC were the average OD value at 490 nm of five wells in parallel of
the control (with the cultural medium), sample treated group and the blank
(without cell), respectively.
During the in vitro release experiment, it was found that the peak absorption in UV
spectra of released medium moved from the initial 265 nm to 274 nm. From the
HPLC profiles (Fig. 77.2) of the released medium collected in different time
interval, it was obvious that the released substances were firstly a mixture,
77 Synthesis and Controlled Release of 5-Fluorouracil from Hydroxyethylchitosan 753
Cumulative release
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (days)
The release profile of 5-Fu from the conjugate in PBS medium was shown in
Fig. 77.3. The conjugate was quiet stable and gave a slow and steady release of
5-FuAA in 26 days we followed. There was not a phenomenon of burst-release
usually observed in the initial period. The cumulative release was 43 % in the first
5 days and reached to 73 % in 22 days.
Mechanism for controlled release of bioactive agents from polymer matrices
has been well described in literature, suggesting the erosion, diffusion and swelling
followed by diffusion, etc. [16, 17]. In case of in vitro release of HECS-5-Fu
conjugate, the water-insoluble nature of the conjugate might govern the release
pattern. Although HECS adopted was originally hydrophilic and water-soluble,
while after chloroacetylation it could form crosslink as a result of the side reac-
tions between violable groups (–OH, –NH2) and the adjacent chloracetyl group in
the polymer chain. The conjugate firstly swelled in the slightly alkali medium, the
release was swelling-controlled. After the achievement of swelling equilibrium,
the release turned to a diffusion-controlled mechanism. The swelled particles
served as a reservoir for drug release.
It has been reported that 5-FuAA could efficiently inhibit the in vitro proliferation
of several tumor cells including leukemia cells, sarcoma 180, hepatic carcinoma
and ehrlich ascites tumor [18]. 5-FuAA as the main released substance from
HECS-5-Fu conjugate, its antimetabolite effect had to be evaluated firstly.
The effect of 5-FuAA and 5-Fu on the proliferation of mouse fibroblast cell L-929
was shown in Fig. 77.4. Obviously, 5-Fu at a concentration of 20-2.5 ug/mL could
77 Synthesis and Controlled Release of 5-Fluorouracil from Hydroxyethylchitosan 755
inhibit the proliferation of over 60.0 % fibroblast. As for 5-FuAA, the efficient
concentration was much higher than 5-Fu. When 400 ug/mL of 5-FuAA was
employed, the inhibition ratio reached to be 42.0 %. Therefore, higher concentration
of 5-FuAA must be provided for efficient anti-proliferation of fibroblast cells at the
target site, especially in the first two weeks after trabeculectomy. This, however,
could be fulfilled due to the relative high 5-Fu content (12.7 %) and good release
efficiency of HECS-5-Fu. The unconjugated 5-Fu, which was released from HECS-
5-Fu in the beginning, could be another kind of help for the whole inhibition against
fibroblast cells.
Due to the effect of possible inflammatory effect of implanted material on drug
release from conjugate, the exact antimetabolite effect of HECS-5-Fu conjugate
needs to be checked in animal models in future.
77.4 Conclusion
In this study, a novel 5-Fu prodrug based on hydroxyethyl chitosan was synthe-
sized. In phosphate buffer solution, the HECS-5-Fu conjugate released 5-FuAA,
and a small amout of 5-Fu at the beginning. The controlled drug release could
sustain more than 25 days. Although less efficient than 5-Fu, 5-FuAA could inhibit
the in vitro proliferation of mouse fibroblast cell L-929 when higher concentration
was employed. The relative high drug loading, sustained release in long period and
good release efficiency made HECS-5-Fu conjugate a potential site specific anti-
metabolite material in glaucoma filtration device implantation.
Acknowledgments This work was financially supported by the National Natural Sciences
Foundation of China (No.30800193). Dr. Joensuu Päivi from Univeristy of Oulu is appreciated
for the expert help with mass spectrometry.
756 Y. Peng et al.
Lian Duan, Nan Wang, Xinghua Liao, Jun Zhou, Dalin lu, Jiajie Liu,
Xueguang Sun and Tong-Cun Zhang
This work was financially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China
(No.30970615,31071126) and Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research
Team in University Education of China (IRT1166) and the Key Project of Chinese Ministry
of Education (212010) and Outstanding Young Talent Project of Scientific Research Plan of
Education Department in Hubei province (Q20101111).
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 757
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_78, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
758 L. Duan et al.
78.1 Introduction
Breast cancer, a most common cancer mainly diagnosed in women, is the second
leading cause of death in the world. In 2008, breast cancer caused 458,503 deaths
worldwide (13.7 % of cancer deaths in women); this is due to difficulty in diag-
nosing at an early stage. Despite the improvements in diagnostic imaging tech-
niques such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, etc., the early
diagnosis of breast cancer is still difficult. Some reports indicate that telomerase
activity play a crucial role in cellular senescence and tumor initiation. So, the
detection of telomerase activity has been proposed to be a useful tool in the
diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein enzyme that specifically restores telomere
sequences lost during replication by means of activity the catalytic subunit of
human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT), and a telomerase RNA template
(hTR) [1]. It is activated in most immortal cell lines and in most malignant tumors
that is detected in 85–90 % of human cancer specimens. Telomerase activity is
found in breast cancer and pre-invasive lesions of the breast, such as ductal car-
cinoma in situ (DCIS), suggesting that telomerase activity is activated early in
breast carcinogenesis [2]. Since telomerase activity is present in a vast majority of
human cancers, it might have a role in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. In
this paper, we mainly review the relationship between telomerase and early
diagnosis and therapy of breast cancer.
Tong-cun Zhang: E-mail:
760 L. Duan et al.
Fig. 78.1 Schematic model. In breast cancer, estrogen can promote the upregulation of
telomerase activity directly through binding to both nuclear and nonnuclear ER signal
transduction that activated Akt pathway
two c-Myc binding sites located within the proximal 181 bp region completely
blocks estrogen activation of telomerase activity. These findings suggest that
estrogen-responsive element is responsible for transcriptional activation by ligand-
activated ER and c-Myc/Max play additional roles in estrogen-induced transacti-
vation of hTERT [12]. The recent study shows that the activation of telomerase
induced by estrogen is due not only to transcriptional regulation of hTERT via an
ERE-dependent mechanism and a PI3 K/Akt/NF-jB cascade, but also to post-
translational regulation via phosphorylation of hTERT and association with NF-jB
in MCF-7 cells (Fig. 78.1), that is also true of the mechanism by which cytokines
modulate telomerase activity.
There were multiple methods to detect telomerase in the breast cancer tissue. The
telomere repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assay usually has detected telo-
merase activity. This sensitive polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assay can
detect as few as 1-10 positive cells or 0.01 % positive cells in a mixed population.
Kaori Saito et al. examined 38 breast cancer samples and 16 noncancerous breast
samples by TRAP that detected telomerase activity in 65.8 % (25/38) of breast
cancers, but no telomerase activity in any noncancerous sample [13]. He Guoping
detected telomerase activity in 47 of the 52 breast cancer samples (93.8 %), in 15
78 Telomerase is Significant as an Early Diagnostic Marker and Therapeutic Target 761
The average telomere length in breast cancer cells is usually well below that of
normal cells. Furthermore, most stem cells are quiescent, and telomere shortening
normally occurs only with cell division. Since most breast cancer cells have very
short telomeres, treatment with telomerase inhibitors should lead to growth arrest
and cell death. Thus, telomerase and telomeres offer a variety of potential targets
for the development of anticancer therapies. The telomerase protein complex
allows for multiple sites for inhibition. Recent research includes targeting the RNA
component of the telomerase, inhibition of the catalytic subunit, immunotherapy,
and small molecule inhibitors [19].
762 L. Duan et al.
78.5.1 HTR
Telomerase uses intrinsic RNA subunit as a template for synthesis of new telomere
repeats at the chromosome termini. Inhibiting hTR can block elongation of telo-
mere to suppress activation of telomerase. Include antisense oligonucleotides and
78.5.3 Immunotherapy
78.6 Conclusion
Ontogeny and progress of breast cancer were involved in several regulation of the
pathway. Although telomerase activation plays a role, the mechanism may involve
other regulation factors companied. It is expressed in over 90 % of breast cancer
cells, while it is not expressed in most normal cells. Recent research showing test
of telomerase has sensitivity toward diagnosis of breast cancer, but the guidance of
individualized radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgical treatment has limi-
tation. Research of telomerase inhibitors is increasing. Combining telomerase
inhibitors with current therapies to reduce tumor burden may provide a better
regimen to target breast cancer.
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Chapter 79
Isolation, Identification, Antibacterial
Effects of Antibiotic Drugs, and Chinese
Herbal Extracts to the Pathogenic
Bacteria of Swollen Abdomen
from Scophthalmus maximus in Vitro
Xuan Wu, Dongqing Bai, Guoxia Zhu, Yanbin Ji, Zhichao Jia
and Peng Zhou
Keywords Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
Isolation and identification
Antimicrobial susceptibility
Chinese herbal
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 765
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_79, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
766 X. Wu et al.
79.1 Introduction
Turbot (S. maximus) is one of the most economically important marine cultured fish
in the world. The fish mainly distributes in the west of Pacific Ocean. At present,
Turbot has become an important commercial species to the industrialized culture in
the coastal areas of north of Chinese. But with high density of culture, disease
outbreaks have occurred and caused heavy economic losses. Swollen abdomen is the
main disease in the Turbot. It was a comprehensive disease that can cause infections
to most of the aquatic organisms. The diseased fishes appeared slightly with
enlargement of liver and spleen and obviously bloated abdomen. The anatomy of the
diseased fishes show that mass ascites with pus in the abdominal cavity, and severe
cases may have gastrointestinal bleeding [1, 2]. Some researches have studied
swollen abdomen of Turbot, and made some achievements [3–5]. In this study,
mainly isolated pathogenic bacteria from Turbot (S. maximus) with swollen abdo-
men, and to identify it. Test the antibacterial effects of antibiotic drugs and anti-
bacterial effects of Chinese herbal extracts for the pathogenic bacteria. In order to
provide reference materials for the clinical use of aquaculture and aquatic animal
health cultivation.
For bacterial isolation, samples taken from abdominal cavity of diseased Turbot
(n = 30, body length 4.2 ± 0.6 cm) were directly streaked on agar plates (5 g/l
bacteriological peptone, 1 g/l yeast extract, 1 g/l KH2P04, 30 g/l NaCl, 15 g/l agar,
pH 7.2-7.4) [6]. After incubation for 48 h at 28 C, the dominant colonies were
picked and streaked for purity onto the same medium and incubated for 24 h at 28 C.
The pure isolates were saved on agar slopes and were routinely grown. Meanwhile
isolates were stored in a medium 15 % (v/v) glycerol at -80 C until use.
In order to confirm the bacteria was the pathogenic bacteria of swollen abdomen to
the Turbot, 50 ll the dosages of 1.0 9 106 CFU with suspensions of pure cultures
suspended in steriled physiological saline, and injected to the health Turbot. While
fish in the control group was injected with 0.85 % NaCl.
79 Isolation, Identification, Antibacterial Effects of Antibiotic Drugs 767
The VITEK test method by the automated microbe identification analyzer (VITEK
2 compact, bioMérieux, France) was used to identify and characterize the isolates
further. The GN (Gram-negative) and AST-GN04 (antimicrobial susceptibility
testing) cards were employed for the biochemical identification and antibiotic
susceptibility test respectively. The test was done as reported by [7].
A disk diffusion method [8] was used to assay the pathogenic bactericidal activity
of the Chinese herbal extracts from scutellaria, honeysuckle, and polygonum
The Chinese herbal extracts were dissolved in sterile saline solution (0.85 %
NaCl) in double dilutions: at 400, 200, 100, 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25, 3.125 mg/ml. After
dilution, antibacterial activity assay was carried out immediately. Bacteria were
suspended respectively in sterile saline solution and were diluted to 1.0 9 106
CFU. The suspension (100 ll) was spread on the medium along the blank paper
disk (6 mm diameter) containing different levels of saturated Chinese herbal
extract. Blank paper disk with sterile saline solution was offered as control.
The inoculated plates were incubated at 27 C for 24 h. Antibacterial activity of
minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was evaluated by measuring the distance
of inhibition zone of the tested bacteria. The diameter of inhibition zone below
13 mm was regarded as resistant, between 13 mm and 17 mm moderately sus-
ceptible, and above 17 mm susceptible. Tests were performed in triplicate for each
test concentration.
The Chinese herbal extracts were dissolved in agar medium in double dilutions:
at 400, 200, 100, 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25, 3.125 mg/ml, and then emptied to the
plate. 100 suspensions was spread on the plate, the inoculated plates were incu-
bated at 27 C for 24 h. The MBC is defined as the lowest concentration of the
essential oils at which inoculated microorganism was completely killed (99.99 %).
Tests were performed in triplicate for each test concentration.
79.3 Results
Pathogenic bacteria of swollen abdomen were isolated from the abdominal cavity
of diseased Turbot, and it was identified as Gram-negative bacteria.
768 X. Wu et al.
During 5 days of the infection experiments, the Turbot of the control groups did
not show any disease signs. All of the treated Turbot showed different disease
signs similar to the original diseases. During the infection experiments, high
mortality was observed.
Use VITEK-2 compact system test antibiotic susceptibility revealed that without
Trimethoprim, s. maltophilia had no CLSI salient point to the antibiotics of
Ampicillin, Amikacin, Aztreonam, Cefazolin, Cefepime, Cefuroxime, Cefuroxime
Axetil, Cefotetan, Ceftazidime, Ceftriaxone, Ciprofloxacin, Piperacillin, Imipenem,
Gentamicin, Levofloxacin, Nitrofurantoin, Sulbactam, Tazobactam (Table 79.2).
Table 79.3 Antimicrobial activity of the Chinese herbal extracts (1.0 9 106 CFU)
Chinese herbal extracts Bacteriostatic(MIC) Bactericidal
effects (MBC)
Scutellaria 3.125 6.25
Honeysuckle 3.125 6.25
Polygonum Cuspidate 100 200
79.4 Discussion
Acknowledgments This research was financially supported by the Tianjin Agricultural Science
and Technology Achievements Transformation and Extension Project (Grant NO. 201004040).
10. Palleroni NJ, Bradbury JF (1993) Stenotrophomonas, a new bacterial genus for xanthomonas
maltophilia. Int J Syst Bacterio l43:606–609
11. Marshall WF, Keating MR, Anhalt JP et al (1989) Xanthomonas maltophilia: an emerging
nosocomial pathogen. Mayo Clin Proc 54:1097–1104
12. Gutiérrez Rodero F, Masia MM, Cortés J et al (1996) Endocarditis caused by
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in critically ill surgical patients. Am Surg 62:478-480
14. Papadakis KA, Vartivarian SE, Vassilaki ME et al (1997) Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
meningitis report of two cases and review of the literature. Clin Infect Dis 87:106–108
15. Vartivarian SE, Papadakis KA, Palacios JA et al (1994) Mucocutaneous and soft-tissue
infections caused by xanthomonas maltophilia. a new spectrum. Ann Intern Med
16. Geng Y, Wang K, Xiao D et al (2008) Pathologocal studies on channel catfish induced by
extracellular products of stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Acta Hydrobiol Sin 2(34):345–352
17. Huang Y, Wang K, Zheng J et al (2010) Preparation and characterization of monoclonal
antibodies against pathogenic stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Chin Vet Sci 40(9):907–912
18. Zhao Y, Liu Q, Xin X (2008) Identification and antimicrobial susceptibility test for
stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Chin J Mis diagn l8(28):6956-5957
19. Er H, Zhang Y, Wang J et al (2012) Distribution and antimicrobial susceptibility assay for
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20. Zhou T, Dai P, Xie Y et al (2006) Evaluation of the susceptibility test methods and analysis
of the antimicrobial resistance of stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Lab Med 21(1):25–27
21. Zhang B, Hang T, Chen M et al (2010) Antimicrobial susceptibility test and bacteriostatic of
chinese herbals to the edwardsiella ictaluri. Fish Sci Technol Inf 37(6):282–287
22. Cao L, Li Y (2009) Chinese medicinal herbs sensitivity test on the pathogen of bacterial
septicemia from ictalurus punctatus in vitro. J Hydroecology 2(1):95–97
23. Li H, LI Q, Fu L (2011) Antibacterial action of several chinese herbal medicines to major
marine pathogenic bacteria. J Dalian Ocean Univ 1(26):6-11
24. Sinclair S (1998) Chinese herbs: a clinical review of astragalus, ligusticum, and schizandrae.
Altern Med Rev 3:338–344
Chapter 80
Lichen: A Potential Anticancer Officinal
Abstract Many natural products, which derived from plants, animals, and
microorganisms, have been isolated as bioactive compounds with great therapeutic
potential for cancer, but as a fungus, lichen has long been neglected in this area.
The special symbiotic form of fungi and algae and worldwide distribution even
extreme habitat of lichen contribute to its biological and chemical diversity, so,
lichen becomes an amazing resource for the discovery of new anticancer drugs.
The aim of this review is to show the value of lichen as a potential resource of
anticancer drugs, especially highlight several lichen metabolisms and their
derivatives, which can show the potentials to inhibit cellular proliferation or
cytotoxicity and trigger apoptosis of cancer cells. To identify the new lead-com-
pounds from lichen and elucidate the active principles with therapeutic potential
for cancer, it is essential to establish a high-throughput screening program and
dedicated collaboration among lichenologists, chemists, pharmacologists, and
M. Ren (&)
College of Life Science, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, People’s
Republic of China
F. Xu
HeBei ZhiTong Biological Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Baoding 072656, People’s Republic of
X. Wei (&)
State Key Laboratory of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing 100101, People’s Republic of China
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 773
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_80, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
774 M. Ren et al.
80.1 Introduction
Throughout the ages, lichens have been used for various purposes, in particular as
dyes, perfumes, and remedies in folk medicines. The topical use of lichen extracts
has its origin in ancient Egyptian times [21]. The most important application of
lichens is to treat diseases of animals and humans as traditional medicine, which
can be traced back to the 18th dynasty (1700-1800 BC) when Evernia furfuracea
(L.) Mann was first used as a drug [22]. Wei [23] published the book ‘‘Lichens
Officinales Sinenses’’ to describe the lichen usage as Chinese traditional medicine.
Spanish folk medicine has documented use of lichens in various medical ailments.
Tea prepared from Flavocetraria nivalis (L.) Kärnefelt & Thell is used in the
treatment of motion-sickness and heart attacks of by natives of Qollahuaya
Andeans in Poland [24]. Lethariella zahlbruckneri (Du Rietz) Krog can be found
only at high elevation and has been used for long term as a traditional tea and
medicine in Tibet, and for lowing blood pressure and body fat in Yunnan of China.
Local ethnic people believed it to be useful for anti-inflammation [25]. Cetraria
islandica (L.) Ach. commonly known also as ‘Islandic moss’ is probably one of
the best known alpine lichens used in folk medicine. Until now, it is still sold
annually in European pharmacies for treatment of minor ailments. This species is
traditionally used as reconstituent after tuberculosis and anticatarrhal by the Ital-
ians [26]. Studies in Germany developed tablets of C. islandica extracts containing
polysaccharides and lichen acids, along with pediatric lozenges containing C.
islandica for the prophylaxis of coughs and catarrh [27]. Ramalina thrausta (Ach.)
Nyl. is used in Finland for treatment of wounds, athlete’s foot, or other skin
diseases and taken to relieve sore throat and toothache [28].
Some lichen species have been used in screening cytotoxicity since early 1980s.
The results obtained guaranteed for the potential application of these lichen in the
near future. The cytotoxicity/antiproliferation of lichen has been studied in various
cell lines and primarily cultured cells, including multiple tumor cell lines and
normal cells. Recent reviews have discussed the anticancer pharmaceutical
potential of lichen substances [27, 29, 30].
Since the distribution of bioactive compounds differs according to the lichen
used, different solvents were used to extract these compounds from different
lichens correspondingly. The methanol extract of Xanthoria parietina (L.) Beltr.
showed potent antimyeloma activity against P3X63-Ag8.653 cell line [31]. The
acetone extract of L. zahlbruckneri exhibited significant antiproliferative activity
by time- and dose-dependent manners and inducing apoptosis on HT-29 cell lines
by caspase-dependent and -independent pathways [19]. A potent cytotoxic activity
776 M. Ren et al.
was also reported for the hexane extract of Parmelia caperata (L.) Ach. against
different cancer cell lines and the diethyl ether extract of Cladonia convoluta
(Lamkey) Anders demonstrated high cytotoxic activity (IC50 \ 1 lg/ml) against
3LL cell line [32]. According to wide screening of cytotoxicity of lichen extracts,
it seems that cancer cell growth inhibitions can vary within the lichen extract,
solvent used for extraction.
A study monitored cytotoxic activity on 69 species of lichens from New Zealand
and showed their inhibitory effect against two cell lines: murine leukemia cells
P388 and monkey kidney cell BSC [33]. A high proportion of the lichen extracts
showed cytotoxic activity against one or both of the mammalian cell lines. Bézinvin
et al. reported that eight lichens C. convoluta, C. rangiformis Hoffm., Ramalina
cuspidata (Ach.) Nyl., Platismatia glauca (L.) W.L. Culb. & C.F. Culb., Parmelia
perlata (Huds.) Ach., P. caperata, Usnea rubicunda Stirt., Evernia prunastri (L.)
Ach. were extracted successively with n-hexane, diethyl ether, and methanol and
demonstrated interesting activities particularly on human cancer cell lines [32].
Also, Mitrović [20] evaluated methanol extracts of 5 different species and deter-
mined potent antiproliferative activity. Recently, Ranković [34] studied the anti-
cancer activity of extracts from Cladonia furcata, Lecanora atra, L. muralis. All
extracts were found to be strong anticancer activity toward both cell lines with IC50
values ranging from 8.51 to 40.22 lg/ml. Thus, the screening results of crude
extracts produced very useful information that lichen species mainly focuses on
the family Parmeliaceae Zenker, Cladoniaceae Zenker, Lecanoraceae Körb.,
Lobariaceae Chevall., Ramalinaceae C. Agardh, Sphaerophoraceae Fr.,
Teloschistaceae Zahlbr., Umbilicariaceae Chevall. However, it is difficult to
determine the contribution of individual components for the overall anticancer
effect with crude extract of lichen. Often, the activity of the extracts may be the
result of a synergistic effect of several compounds.
Usnic acid is the most extensively studied lichen metabolite since its first isolation
in 1844 and was originally discovered as a mycobacterial product with weak
antifungal activity against rust fungi. Antitumor activity of usnic acid was shown
for the first time by Kupchan and Kopperman (1975) against Lewis lung carci-
noma in mice [35]. Since then, many researchers pay more attention to the anti-
cancer effect of usnic acid. Expression of caspase-3 revealed induction of
apoptosis by usnic acid on L1210 cell line [32, 36]. Unchanged morphology in
microtubules or non-increase in the mitotic index on two cancer cell lines sug-
gested that the antineoplastic activity of usnic acid is not related to alterations in
the formation and/or stabilization of microtubules [37]. Usnic acid derivative did
80 Lichen: A Potential Anticancer Officinal Resource 777
not escape from the massive research to identify new potential anti-tumor com-
pounds. Cytotoxicity of nine usnic acid–amine conjugates was evaluated on
murine and human cancer cell lines. The author found the more active derivative
induced apoptosis via independent of the polyamine transport system (PTS) and
diaminooctane chain was a good vector to improve the cytotoxicity of usnic acid
80.4.2 Polysaccharides
Lichens have been used for medicinal purposes and are beneficial to some extent
being correlated with polysaccharides. Among the known lichen species, less than
100 species have been investigated for polysaccharides [38]. As plant and other
natural resource of polysaccharides, lichen polysaccharides have been known to
exert antitumor activity [39]. Japanese scientists were full of enthusiasm at this
area and their research show the lowering of non-toxic characteristic of lichen
polysaccharides. A lichen-derived polysaccharide CFP-2 reduced the viability of
HL-60 and K562 cells due to apoptotic pathway and telomerase activity, sug-
gesting its possible therapeutic potential against cancer [40].
80.4.4 Others
80.5 Conclusions
Acknowledgments This work was financially supported by the Scientific Research Foundation
for Ph.D, Southwest Forestry University and the Youth Innovation Promotion Association,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Chapter 81
Clinical Significance of Screening
Impaired Glucose Tolerance in Essential
Hypertension Patients
Jun Zhu, Peiqing Feng, Shu Guo, Xinghua Liao, Jiajie Liu,
Junfang Zhang, Tingbao Yan, Yue Wang and Tong-Cun Zhang
J. Zhu P. Feng
The First People’s Hospital of Qingdao Economic and Technological Development Zone,
Qingdao 266555, People’s Republic of China
J. Zhu P. Feng S. Guo X. Liao J. Liu T. Yan Y. Wang T.-C. Zhang (&)
Key Laboratory of Industrial Microbiology, Ministry of Education and Tianjin City,
College of Biotechnology, Tianjin University of Science and Technology,
Tianjin 300457, People’s Republic of China
J. Zhang
The Community Service Center of Tanggu Development Zone in Tianjin, Tianjin 300457,
People’s Republic of China
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 783
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_81, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
784 J. Zhu et al.
81.1 Introduction
81.2.2 Methods
Try fasting plasma glucose and glucose 2 h after OGTT of eligible patients are
monitored by recommended method according to WHO. Patients whose glucose
C7.8 mmol/L 2 h after OGTT must be tested for the second time. If glucose
C11.1 mmol/L 2 h after the second OGTT, they are diagnosed as diabetes; plasma
glucose B7.8 mmol/L and C11.1 mmol/L 2 h after second OGTT are diagnosed as
abnormal glucose tolerance. The patients were divided into three groups according
to blood glucose results 2 h after the OGTT: glucose \7.8 mmol/L is the normal
group (NG group), plasma glucose \7.8 and C11.1 mmol/L is impaired glucose
81 Clinical Significance of Screening Impaired Glucose Tolerance 785
tolerance group (IGT group), glucose C11.1 mmol/L is the diabetes group (DM).
We selected NG group as the control. Data analyzed include age, BMI, systolic
blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, uric acid, TG, TC, HDL-C, and influence
of HDL-C toward glucose 2 h after the OGTT.
(Table 81.1) we selected includes 158 patients in which 88 cases (55.7 %) were
male patients and 70 cases (44.3 %) were female patients. There are 12 cases of
patients with coronary heart disease, 32 cases of cerebrovascular disease, 72 cases
of metabolic syndrome patients. In OGTT, 199 cases (62.7 %) of them are normal
in glucose tolerance, 45 cases (28.4 %) are IGT, 14 cases (8.9 %) are confirmed as
diabetes (Table 81.2).
Results showed that there were statistically significant differences among patients
of different glucose metabolism status like age, fasting plasma glucose, serum uric
acid, LDL-C level. Except for fasting plasma glucose, any other two groups were
statistically significant in the rest three groups (P \ 0.01). There is not statistical
Table 81.2 Comparison of risk factors in combined patients with different sugar metabolic status
Age (Year) 51.5 ± 13.3 54.6 ± 12.7 56.0 ± 12.5 0.002 6.121
Fasting plasma glucose mmol/L 4.7 ± 0.4 4.9 ± 0.4 5.16 ± 0.3 0.000 27.552
Systolic blood pressure mmHg 144.1 ± 19.0 148.6 ± 20.9 151.9 ± 24.3 0.008 4.887
Diastolic blood pressure mmHg 90.2 ± 13.6 90.5 ± 12.9 92.7 ± 15.3 0.532 0.633
BMI(kg/m) 26.4 ± 3.8 26.6 ± 3.4 26.7 ± 3.3 0.811 0.210
UA 326.0 ± 90.7 348.9 ± 95.4 340.7 ± 92.2 0.027 3.644
TG 1.8 ± 1.2 1.8 ± 1.0 1.8 ± 0.9 0.871 0.138
TC 4.8 ± 0.8 4.8 ± 0.9 5.0 ± 1.0 0.284 1.261
HDL-C 1.0 ± 0.2 1.0 ± 0.3 1.0 ± 0.2 0.993 0.007
LDL-C 3.1 ± 0.8 3.2 ± 0.9 3.9 ± 0.4 0.001 7.412
significance in age, systolic blood pressure, LDL-C level between the DM group,
and the NG group with the NG group (P [ 0.05).
81.4 Discussion
81.5 Conclusion
The above studies have shown patients of primary hypertension with no history of
diabetes in newly diagnosed glucose metabolism abnormalities are very common.
For hypertensive patients, monitoring fasting plasma glucose, especially by
OGTT, has significant meaning in understanding of glucose metabolism status,
early detection of hypertensive patients with metabolic syndrome, and intervention
of abnormal glucose metabolism positively. Meanwhile, it may reduce the risk
factors of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease more effectively.
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20. DaYH ChangYP, Jin MY (2006) The relationship between coronaryartery disease and
abnormal glucose regulation in China: the ChinaHeart Survey. Eur Heart J 27:2573–2579
Chapter 82
Cardiac Hypertrophy-Specific Genes are
Synergistic Activated by Myocardin
and CREB-binding protein (CBP) p300
Zhenyu Wang and Xuehua Zhao are the two co-first authors.
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 789
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_82, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
790 Z. Wang et al.
82.1 Introduction
82.2.1 Plasmids
Plasmids, which were used in this study, have all been reported previously [13, 16],
and the expressive plasmid, pcDNA3.1(-)(Invitrogen), was used as a control.
COS-7 cells and cardiomyocytes were seeded at 1.5 9 104 cells/cm2 onto 24-well
plates approximately 12 h before transfection. Plasmids were transfected into cells
using Fugene HD (Roche Applied Science). 10 ll of extracts (100lL/well) were
prepared for luciferase activity assays by using a luciferase reporter assay system
according to the manufacturer’s directions (Promega). Report gene luciferase
activities were normalized to the luciferase activity of the control. Each sample
was examined in duplicate, and it was repeated in 3 different experiments.
792 Z. Wang et al.
82.3 Results
Fig. 82.1 P300 and HDAC5 modulate the transcriptional activity of myocardin. a–c Expression
vectors encoding myocardin (0.1 lg) and p300 (0.1, 0.3and 0.5 lg) were transiently
co-transfected into COS cells and the indicated luciferase reporters as described in Sect. 82.2.
d–f Expression vectors encoding myocardin (0.2 lg) and p300 (0.2, 0.6 and 1 lg) were
transiently co-transfected into primary neonatal rat cardiacmyocytes and the indicated luciferase
reporters as described in Sect. 82.2. g Expression vectors encoding myocardin (0.2 lg), p300
(1 lg), HDAC5 (0.5 lg), and increasing amounts of p300 (0.6 and 1 lg) and HDAC5 (0.5,and
1 lg), respectively, were transiently transfected into primary neonatal rat cardiacmyocytes, and
the ANF-luciferase reporter as described in Sect. 82.2
794 Z. Wang et al.
82.4 Discussion
Acknowledgments This work was financially supported by national natural science foundation
of China (No. 30970615), natural science foundation of Hubei (No. 2010CDB03506), key project
of Science and Technology Research of Hubei (No. D20111102), and college students’
innovation fund of Wuhan university of Science and Technology (No. 10ZRZ097).
10. Huang J, Lu M, Cheng L et al (2009) Myocardin is required for cardiomyocyte survival and
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Chapter 83
Design, Synthesis and Biological
Evaluation of the Novel Antitumor Agent
2-benzyl-3, 4-dihydroisoquinolin-1(2H)-
one and Its Derivatives
Jian Lv, Lei Lv, Xiaomin Zhang, Yao Zhou, Kui Lu, Yifei lu,
Yuou Teng, Hua Sun and Peng Yu
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 797
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_83, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
798 J. Lv et al.
All reagents and solvents used in this paper were of reagent grade. Reaction
temperatures were controlled using oil bath temperature modulator. Thin layer
chromatography (TLC) was performed using E. Merck silica gel 60 GF254 pre-
coated plates (0.25 mm) and visualized using a combination of UV. Silica gel
(particle size 200–400 mesh) was used for flash chromatography. 1H NMR spectra
was recorded on Bruker AM-400 NMR spectrometers in deuterated chloroform or
deuterated DMSO. The chemical shifts are reported in d (ppm) relative to tetra-
methylsilane as internal standard.
83.2.2 Chemistry
Figure 83.1 demonstrates the synthetic approach to the target compound 6a–d.
4-Methoxyphenethylamine was employed to react with ethyl chloroformate in
basic condition to provide compound 1 which was then cyclized in PPA at 120 C
to afford the key intermediate 2. In this step, anhydrous conditions and appropriate
reaction time were required. If the reaction conditions were not controlled well,
almost no desired product or low yield was obtained.
After Compound 2 was charged to benzyl chloride to provide compound 3 in good
yield (83 %), it was converted into compound 4 when treated with BBr3 at -78 C.
With compound 4 in hand, two methods were tried for the preparation of compound
83 Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation 799
1 2
iii iv
3 4
v vi
Cl N R N
5 6
6a R= 6c R=
6b R= N 6d R= Boc N N
5. First, ethylenedichloride was used as reactant, but very low yield was obtained
because the bis-alkylated byproduct was generated at the reaction condition. So we
changed to the different approach with 1-bromo-2-chloroethane as the reactant which
resulted in very good yield for the key intermediate. Compound 5 was then reacted
with pyrrolidine, piperidine, morpholine, and 1-Boc-piperazine to afford compound
6a–d respectively. In order to optimize the reaction condition, different times and
temperatures were tested for each target compound, finally it was found that the best
condition was 80 C for 1 h for compound (6a) with 84 % yield; 90 C for 5 h for
compound (6b) with 54 % yield; 80 C for 2 h for compound (6c) with 82 % yield,
and 100 C for 7 h for compound (6d) with 75 % yield, respectively.
Reagents and conditions: (i) ClCO2Et, Et3N, CH2Cl2; (ii) PPA; (iii) NaH, DMF,
benzyl chloride; (iv) BBr3, CH2Cl2; (v) K2CO3, DMF, 1-bromo-2-chloroethane;
(vi) K2CO3, DMF.
The inhibition activities of above newly synthesized compounds were tested on the
K562, HT-29, and HepG2 cells. The results of compounds 6a–d were listed in
Table 83.1. The results in Table 83.1 indicated that 2-benzyl-7-[2-(tert-butyl-4-
piperazinecarboxylate) ethoxy]-3, 4-dihydro-1(2H)-isoquinolinone (6d) demon-
strated good antitumor activity against K562 and HepG2 with an IC50 of 1.58 lM
and 3.86 lM, respectively. But it was not active against HT-29 (IC50 [ 10 lM) at
our test condition.
800 J. Lv et al.
Table 83.1 Inhibition activity of the compound 6a, 6b, 6c, and 6d
Tested cell Samples (IC50)
6a 6b 6c 6d
K562 [10 [10 [10 1.58
HepG2 [10 [10 [10 3.86
HT-29 [10 [10 [10 [10
H NMR (CDCl3 400 MHz): d/ppm 1.85–1.82 (m, 4H), 2.68–2.65 (m, 4H),
2.88 (t, J = 6.4 Hz, 2H), 2.94 (t, J = 6.0 Hz, 2H), 3.45 (t, J = 6.8 Hz, 2H), 4.20
(t, J = 6.0 Hz, 2H), 4.81 (s, 2H), 7.06–7.03 (m, 2H), 7.35–7.28 (m, 5H), 7.71
(d, J = 2.8 Hz, 1H).
2-Benzyl-7-[2-(1-piperidinyl) ethoxy]-3,4-dihydro-1(2H)-isoquinolinone
(6b) [16] Starting from compound 5 (2.0 g, 6.33 mmol) and piperidine (0.81 g,
9.50 mmol), compound 6b was obtained in 54 % yield.
H NMR (CDCl3 400 MHz): d/ppm 1.48–1.45 (m, 2H), 1.66–1.60 (m, 4H),
2.55-2.53 (m, 4H), 2.82 (t, J = 6.0 Hz, 2H), 2.88 (t, J = 6.4 Hz, 2H), 3.49
(t, J = 6.8 Hz, 2H), 4.19 (t, J = 6.0 Hz, 2H), 4.81 (s, 2H), 7.09–7.00 (m, 2H),
7.36–7.29 (m, 5H), 7.70 (d, J = 2.8 Hz, 1H).
2-Benzyl-7-[2-(4-morpholinyl) ethoxy]-3,4-dihydro-1(2H)-isoquinolinone (6c)
[17] Starting from compound 5 (1.6 g, 5.07 mmol) and morpholine (0.67 g,
7.60 mmol), compound 6c was obtained in 82 % yield.
H NMR (CDCl3 400 MHz): d/ppm 2.61–2.59 (m, 4H), 2.83 (t, J = 5.6 Hz,
2H), 2.88 (t, J = 6.8 Hz, 2H), 3.48 (t, J = 6.8 Hz, 2H), 3.76-7.40 (m, 4H), 4.19
(t, J = 5.6 Hz, 2H), 4.81 (s, 2H), 7.09–6.99 (m, 2H), 7.35–7.30 (m, 5H), 7.70
(d, J = 2.4 Hz, 1H).
2-Benzyl-7-[2-(tert-butyl-4-piperazinecarboxylate) ethoxy]-3, 4-dihydro-
1(2H)-isoquinolinone (6d) [18] Starting from compound 5 (1.6 g, 5.07 mmol)
and 1-Boc-piperazine (1.42 g, 7.60 mmol), compound 6d was obtained in 75 %
H NMR (CDCl3 400 MHz): d/ppm 1.47 (s, 9H), 2.57–2.54 (m, 4H), 2.90-2.84
(m, 4H), 3.50–3.47 (m, 6H), 4.20 (t, J = 5.6 Hz, 2H), 4.80 (s, 2H), 7.02–6.99
(m, 1H), 7.09–7.07 (m, 1H), 7.35–7.28 (m, 5H), 7.70(d, J = 2.8 Hz, 1H).
83.4 Conclusion
Acknowledgments The authors sincerely thank the financial support from the Tianjin Univer-
sity of Science and Technology (20090431), the Science and Technology Project of Tianjin
(10ZCKFSY07700 and 11ZCGHHZ00400), the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin
(11JGYBJC14300) and the High School Science and Technology Development Foundation of
Tianjin (20090226).
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Chapter 84
Using Water Miscible Ionic Liquid
to Improve the Efficiency
of 15a-hydroxylation of 13-ethyl-gon-4-en-
3,17-dione by Penicillium raistrickii
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 805
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_84, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
806 S. Mao et al.
84.1 Introduction
The cultures of 500 ll were collected, then extracted 30 min with one volume of
ethyl acetate. The extracts were dried in air, and afterwards resolved in 1,000 ll
methanol. The determination of substrate and product was carried out by high-
pressure liquid chromatography at 241 nm with an isocratic run of methanol/
water = 80:20 and a flow of 1 ml/min using ODS-2HPERSIL C18 column.
Pellet particles were analyzed by determining the number of pellet per given
volume and pellet size. Images of P. raistrickii ATCC 10490 were captured by
BX51 microscopy (OLYMPUS Ltd., Japan); the captured images were analyzed
by FerAnaForAv software developed by the State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor
Engineering, National Research Center for Biotechnology (Shanghai). The size of
the pellet was quantified using the diameter corresponding to a circular area
equivalent to the pellet projected area.
ILs are usually added to the fermentation broth to improve the dissolution of
substrate in aqueous by the formation of water-solubility agents with substrates
[9]. Moreover, hydrophile ILs reduced the polarity of the conversion system and
enhanced the transportation of substrates into fungi [5]. Therefore, during the
microbial hydroxylation at C-15 of 13-ethyl-gon-4-en-3,17-dione by P. raistrickii
ATCC 10490, water-miscible ILs and organic solvents such as [BMIM]DCA,
[BMIM]Cl, [BMIM]BF4, [BMIM]Br, and 1,2-propanediol, were used as co-
solvents to enhance the solubility of 13-ethyl-gon-4-en-3,17-dione and to improve
the yields of desire product.
As shown in Figs. 84.1 and 84.2, the addition of ILs and hydrophile organic
solvents plays positive effects on biotransformation. In contrast to the biocon-
version system without co-solvents, the conversion rate of the initial substrate
concentration of 3.0 g/l, has been improved obviously after the addition of 4 %
[BMIM]DCA, [BMIM]Cl, [BMIM]BF4, [BMIM]Br, and 1,2-propanediol,
respectively. Actually, it was found that the conversion rates were higher than
70.0 % after the addition of 4 % [BMIM]DCA, [BMIM]Cl, [BMIM]BF4,
[BMIM]Br, and 1,2-propanediol, separately.
808 S. Mao et al.
Bioconversion Rate(%)
[BMIM]DCA [BMIM]Cl [BMIM]BF4 [BMIM]Br 1,2-propanediol water
Bioconversion rate(%) 80
40 [BMIM]Cl
30 [BMIM]Br
1 2 3 4 5 6
Concentration of hydrophile ILs and organic solvent (%)
<0.6 0.6-1.2 1.2-1.8 1.8-2.4 2.4-3 >3
Pellet Size (mm)
same time, pellets smaller than 1.8 mm comprised 90 %. The larger pellets
induced by ILs (3 % [BMIM]BF4), in which mycelial morphologies were plump
and symmetry, were benefit to osculation of substrate with pellets and the followed
transformation of substrate into the P. raistrickii ATCC 10490.
810 S. Mao et al.
84.4 Conclusion
Acknowledgments This work was financially supported by National High-tech R&D Program
of China (863 Program) ‘‘Biotransformation Technology of Steroids’’ (No. 2011AA02A211),
Applied Basic Research Programs of Science and Technology Commission Foundation of Tianjin
(No.12JCQNJC06400), Science & Technology Development Project of Tianjin Higher Education
(No. 20100601).
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by Rhizopus nigricans in a biphasic ionic liquid aqueous system. Bioresour Technol
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biphasic ionic liquid/water system by Aspergillus Ochraceus. J Chem Technol Biotechnol.
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by Penicillium raistrickii in an ionic liquid/water biphasic system. Biotechnol Lett
9. Parvulescu VI, Hardacre C (2007) Catalysis in IL. Chem Rev 107:2615–2665
10. Cox PW, Thomas CR (1992) Classification and measurement of fungal pellets by automated
image analysis. Biotechnol Bioeng 39:945–952
Chapter 85
Nuclear Receptor Property of E2F1
for Novel Anticancer Drug Discovery
85.1 Introduction
E2F family members are key regulators of genes involved in cell cycle progres-
sion, cell fate determination, and apoptosis. E2F1, an E2F family member, is
similar to nuclear receptor members (such as PPARs and ER) in structure and
function. Structurally E2F1 has similar function domains to nuclear receptor
members such as DNA binding domain, transactivation domain, cofactor binding
domain, dimerization domain, and can form dimmer with DP1 to bind to DNA and
initiate gene transcription. Functionally E2F1 regulates many different biopro-
cesses depending on different cofactors recruited. Besides its transcriptional
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 811
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_85, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
812 N. Zhang et al.
E2F family plays an important role in the control of cell cycle progression,
development, tissue homeostasis, and apoptosis. To date, eight members of E2Fs
(E2F1-8) have been identified in human genome and can be divided into two
subgroups according to structural and functional similarities: E2F1, E2F2, and
E2F3a are transcriptional activators, whereas E2F4, E2F5, E2F6, E2F7, and E2F8,
act as repressors of transcription [9]. Five functional domains of E2Fs have been
identified including N-terminal domain (containing a cycilinA/Chk2 binding site),
DNA binding domain (DBD), DPs dimerization domain, marked box, transacti-
vation domain. E2F1-3 have all these domains, while E2F4 and E2F5 have the last
four domains, E2F6 only have DBD domain and dimerization domain, E2F7 and
E2F8 have a duplicate DNA binding domain. Typically, E2F proteins, except
E2F7 and E2F8, associate with a dimerization partner (DP1-4) protein to form a
heterodimeric complex that binds to the promoter of target genes [10, 11].
E2F family and nuclear receptors (NRs) are all transcriptional factors with
similar structural domains. E2F1 is most similar to NRs in structure and function.
NRs contain the following domains: (1) N-terminal regulatory domain: contains
the activation function 1 (AF-1) which synergize with AF2 to produce a more
robust upregulation of gene expression independent of the presence of ligand but
normally very weak. (2) DBD: a highly conserved domain contains two zinc
fingers that bind to specific sequences of DNA. (3) Hinge region: connects the
DBD with the LBD and influences intracellular trafficking and subcellular distri-
bution. (4) Ligand binding domain (LBD): along with the DBD, the LBD con-
tributes to the dimerization interface of the receptor and binds to coactivator and
85 Nuclear Receptor Property 813
domain DBD Dimeriz ation MB TD
corepressor. The LBD also contains the activation function 2 (AF-2) domain
whose role is dependent on the presence of bound ligand. (5) C-terminal domain:
highly variable in sequence between various NRs [12]. Compared to NRs, E2F1
contains the following domains: (1) N-terminal domain: contains an nuclear
localization signal (NLS) signaling for nuclear trafficking functionally similar to
the NRs’ hinge region and a cyclin A binding domain for cyclinA to recruit Chk2
to mediate E2F1 phosphorylation and transactivation similar to AF1 domain of
NRs. (2) DBD: contains conserved DNA sequence to recognize E2F promoters
and binds to DNA. (3) Dimerization domain: along with DBD, dimerization
domain contributes to the heterodimerization of DP1 and E2F1. (4) Marked box
domain: binds cofactors. (5) Transactivation domain (TD): binds cofactors and
mediates transactivation. It seems that NRs’ LBD includes the functions of
dimerization domain, marked box domain, and transactivation domain of E2F1
[13–16], (Fig. 85.1).
Among E2F members, E2F1 is the only member that considered is as both
oncoprotein and tumor suppressor protein because it paradoxically influences
human cancer development [17]. The real role of E2F1 gets fiercely debated.
According to its transcriptional function, E2F1 associates with DP1 to form a
814 N. Zhang et al.
Cofactors, also called coregulators, are proteins that can be recruited to NRs and
other transcription factors to alter chromatin and initiate (coactivators) or repress
(corepressors) gene expression. Antagonist ligand interacts with NRs and enhances
them to recruit corepressors on DNA to prevent gene transcription, while agonist
ligand interaction induces the dissociation of corepressor complexes and favors the
recruitment of coactivators to initiate gene transcription [23]. Compared to NRs,
cofactors that interact with E2F1 to initiate or repress genes induction has been
identified and some of them mediate E2F1 distinct bidirectional regulation, being
activator in one bioprocess and simultaneously repressor in the opposite
85.4.1 Coactivator
E2F1 coactivators including MDM2, ANCCA, ACTR, nuclear EGFR, AHR, and
SIRT1 induce proliferative genes expression and/or repress apoptotic genes
expression. Murine double minute 2 (MDM2) is an oncoprotein. Martin K and
colleages first observed that MDM2 directly contacts the transactivation domain of
E2F1 using residues conserved in the activation domain of P53 to stimulate E2F1/
DP1 formation and augment cell proliferation. Another study also demonstrated
that MDM2-E2F1 signaling is essential for melanoma cell proliferation cells and
identified E2F1 as a biomarker to consider when stratifying putative candidates for
clinical studies of P53-MDM2 [24, 25]. AAA nuclear coregulators cancer asso-
ciated protein (ANCCA) is an AAA ? ATPase and has been strongly implicated
to promote tumorigenesis. Revenko and its colleagues first identified ANCCA as
an E2F coactivator and demonstrated that its N terminus interacts with both the N
and C termini of E2F1-3 to induce E2F target genes expression and a novel
mechanism involving ANCCA bromodomain may contribute to cancer cell
proliferation [26]. Nuclear epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), a nuclear
85 Nuclear Receptor Property 815
85.4.2 Corepressor
high E2F1-target gene levels and basal-like tumors in analysis of human breast
cancers and indicated that RIP140-E2F1 pathway can discriminate human breast
tumor subtypes [43]. Necdin (NDN), a member of the melanoma-associated
antigen (MAGE) family, is a tumor suppressor protein. Taniura and colleagues
found that NDN binds to a C-terminal domain of E2F1, and repress E2F-dependent
transactivation in vivo, and suppresses the colony formation of RB-deficient
SAOS-2 osteosarcoma cells [44, 45]. Alien is a corepressor of several nuclear
receptor superfamilies and mediates gene silencing and cell proliferation repres-
sion [46]. Tenbaum and colleagues found that Alien interacts with E2F1 in vivo on
the E2F promoter and inhibits tranctivation of E2F1 and endogenous E2F1 gene
expression using a proteomic approach. Another two studies also demonstrated
that Alien inhibits E2F1 activity to represses proliferative genes expression and
reduces cancer cell proliferation [47, 48].
The characteristic of NRs-like regulatory mode and distinct bi-directional
transcriptional regulation of E2F1 indicate that compounds with high affinity to
E2F1, which recruit corepressors and dissociate coactivators, may have value to
develop targeted anticancer drugs.
It is unclear whether E2F1 has endogenous ligands. Some compounds are found to
repress tumor progression via modulating E2F1 activity. Beta-Lapachone though
does not cause DNA damage but can induce cancer cell apoptosis via increasing
the amount of RB binding to E2F1including mutant p53 cancer cells [49, 50].
Nutlin-3 and its enantiomer of nutlin-3a are MDM2 antagonist and potent
anticancer compounds. They both can induce apoptosis through inhibiting the
interaction between E2F and MDM2 and subsequently p73 and Noxa expression in
normal and p53 mutant cancer cell [51, 52]. SU9516 prevents the dissociation of
RB from E2F1 and induces cancer cell apoptosis [53, 54]. Esculetin induces G1
arrest in human leukemia U937 cells partially through the enhancement of RB/
E2F1 interaction and subsequently cyclin E expression repression [55]. Resveratrol
induces E2F1-mediated gene expression of ASPP1, a new member of the apoptosis
stimulation protein of p53 (ASPP) family and subsequently apoptosis in MCF-7 and
MDA-MB231 breast cancer cells [56]. Amurensin G, a potent natural SIRT1
inhibitor, inhibits angiogenesis and tumor growth of tamoxifen-resistant breast
cancer via repressing E2F1 mediated Pin1 gene and protein expression [57, 58].
SAHA and TSA, inhibitors of histone deacetylases, stimulate apoptosis
through selectively induction of E2F1-mediated proapoptotic BH3-only protein
expression [59].
E2F1 completely or partially participate in the tumor suppression effects of
compounds listed above. Some was already been observed directly E2F1
85 Nuclear Receptor Property 817
85.6 Perspectives
The paradoxical effects of E2F1 lie in its NRs-like regulatory mode depending on
cofactors recruitment, and can be resolved via properly modulating E2F1.
Moreover, P53 and RB protein are often mutated or deficient in malignances,
which cause chemoresistance and tumor recurrence [60, 61], while E2F1 is normal
in most cancer cells and can induce cancer cell apoptosis both dependent and
independent of p53 and RB. In addition, E2F1 has distinct bi-directional regulatory
function and some compounds repress tumor progression via direct and indirect
antagonist-like regulation of E2F1. These characteristic of E2F1 provide a potent
anticancer drug target and it is promising to develop appropriate small molecules
with E2F1 antagonism or inverse agonism even better for tumor suppression
(Fig. 85.2).
DNA damage agents and other cell EGF, ACH agonist and
apoptosis factors other cell growth factors
Proapoptosic Proliferative
genes genes
Fig. 85.2 Development compound targeting transcription function of E2F1 for cancer therapy
818 N. Zhang et al.
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8. Hao H, Zhou HS, McMasters KM (2009) Chemosensitization of tumor cells: inactivation of
nuclear factor-kappa B associated with chemosensitivity in melanoma cells after combination
treatment with E2F1 and doxorubicin. Methods Mol Biol 542:301–313
9. Lammens T, Li J, Leone G et al (2009) Atypical E2Fs: new players in the E2F transcription
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10. DeGregori J, Johnson DG (2006) Distinct and overlapping roles for E2F family members in
transcription, proliferation and apoptosis. Curr Mol Med 6:739–748
11. Rowland BD, Bernards R (2006) Re-evaluating cell cycle regulation by E2Fs. Cell
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14. Rubin SM, Gall AL, Zheng N et al (2005) Structure of the Rb C-terminal domain bound to
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15. Slansky JE, Farnham PJ (1996) Introduction to the E2F family: protein structure and gene
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16. Cress WD, Nevins JR (1996) A role for a bent DNA structure in E2F-mediated transcription
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17. Lazzerini Denchi E, Helin K (2005) E2F1 is crucial for E2F-dependent apoptosis. EMBO
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18. Ren B, Cam H, Takahashi Y et al (2002) E2F integrates cell cycle progression with DNA
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19. Alonso MM, Alemany R, Fueyo J et al (2008) E2F1 in gliomas: a paradigm of oncogene
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22. Freeman SN, Ma Y, Cress WD (2008) RhoBTB2 (DBC2) is a mitotic E2F1 target gene with a
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85 Nuclear Receptor Property 819
Xuegang Luo, Chunling Zhang, Wenwen Zhao, Lei Liu, Shu Guo,
Zhipeng Liu, Jing Wang and Tong-Cun Zhang
X. Luo C. Zhang W. Zhao L. Liu S. Guo Z. Liu J. Wang T.-C. Zhang (&)
Key Laboratory of Industrial Microbiology, Ministry of Education, College of
Bioengineering, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin, China
X. Luo
X. Luo C. Zhang W. Zhao L. Liu S. Guo Z. Liu J. Wang T.-C. Zhang
Tianjin Key Laboratory of Industrial Microbiology, Tianjin, China
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 821
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_86, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
822 X. Luo et al.
86.1 Introduction
NIH3T3 cells and MCF-7 cells were grown to confluence in 24 well plates, and
then scratched with the narrow end of a sterile pipet tip. The width of the scratch
was taken a picture in each well after initial wounding, Medium was immediately
replaced with serum-free DMEM/F12 containing MRTF-A to NIH3T3 and sh-
MRTFA to MCF-7 cells, and cells were incubated for 72 h at 37 C in a CO2-
incubator. After 72 h, the scratch width was taken a picture again.
COS-7 cells were grown in 24 well plates, within 24 h of transfection, cells were
treated with lysis buffer (Promega), luciferase assays (Promega) were conducted
by the GloMax-Multi Detection System.
CYR61 plays critical role in the regulation of cell adhesion, migration, prolifer-
ation, and angiogenesis. To determine whether MRTF-A promotes migration of
MCF-7 cells via transactivation of CYR61, we overexpressed MRTF-A in COS7
and MCF-7. Within 24 h of transfection, MRTF-A caused a significant increase in
the activity of the CYR61-Luc reporter. The figure is shown in Fig. 86.2a, and
mRNA levels in Fig. 86.2b.
Luciferase assay for CYR61-Luc reporter in transfected with MRTF-A plasmid
for 24 h in COS-7 (a). RT-PCR analysis for CYR61 in transfected MCF-7 at 24 h
(b). (*P \ 0.05 vs. pcDNA3.1, n = 3).
Fig. 86.1 Effect of MRTF-A on cell migration. a NIH3T3 cells were treated with MRTF-A, and
cell migration into cell-free area was assessed after 72 h. b MCF-7 cells were treated with
shMRTF-A, and cell migration into cell-free area was assessed after 72 h
86 MRTF-A Promotes Migration of MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells 825
Fig. 86.2 MRTF-A upregulated the expression of CYR61. a Luciferase assay for CYR61-Luc
reporter in transfected with MRTF-A plasmid for 24 h in COS-7. b RT-PCR analysis for CYR61
in transfected MCF-7 at 24 h. (*P \ 0.05 vs. pcDNA3.1, n = 3)
86.4 Conclusion
1. Diers AR, Dranka BP, Ricart KC et al (2010) Modulation of mammary cancer cell migration
by 15-deoxy-D12, 14-prostaglandin J2: implications for anti-metastatic therapy. Biochem J
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mesoderm formation during mouse embryogenesis. EMBO J 17(21):6289–6299
3. Bass-Zubek AE, Godsel LM, Delmar M et al (2009) Plakophilins: multifunctional scaffolds
for adhesion and signaling. Curr Opin Cell Biol 21(5):708–716
4. Pipes GCT, Creemers EE et al (2006) The myocardin family of transcriptional coactivators:
versatile regulators of cell growth, migration, and myogenesis. Genes Dev 20:1545–1556
5. Miralles F, Posern G, Zaromytidou AI et al (1998) Actin dynamics control SRF activit by
regulation of its coactivator MAL. Cell 2003(113):329–342
6. Mouilleron S, Guettler S, Langer CA et al (2008) Molecular basis for G-actin binding to
RPEL motifs from the serum response factor coactivator MAL. EMBO J 27:3198–3208
7. Vartiainen MK, Guettler S, Larijani B et al (2007) Nuclear actin regulates dynamic sub
cellular localization and activity of the SRF cofactor MAL. Science 316:1749–1752
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8. McDonald OG, Wamhoff BR, Hoofnagle MH et al (2006) Control of SRF binding to CArG
box chromatin regulates smooth muscle gene expression in vivo. J Clin Invest 116:36–48
9. Wang D, Chang PS, Wang Z et al (2001) Activation of cardiac gene expression by
myocardin, a transcription cofactor for serum response factor. Cell 105:851–862
10. Cen B, Selvaraj A, Burgess RC et al (2003) Potent transcription coactivator for serum
response factor(SRF), is required for serum induction of SRF target genes. Mol Cell Biol
11. Posern G, Treisman R (2006) Actin’ together: serum response factor, its cofactors and the
link to signal transduction. Trends Cell Biol 16:588–596
12. Li J, Zhu X, Chen M et al (2005) Myocardin-related transcription factor B is required in
cardiac neural crest for smooth muscle differentiation and cardiovascular development. Proc
Nat l Acad Sci USA 102:8916–8921
13. Li S, Chang S, Qi X et al (2006) Requirement of a myocardin-related transcription factor for
development of mammary myoepithelial cells. Mol Cell Biol 26:5797–5808
14. Sun Y, Boyd K, Xu W et al (2006) Acute myeloid leukemia-associated Mkl1 (Mrtf-a) is a
key regulator of mammary gland function. Mol Cell Biol 26:5809–5826
15. Parmacek MS (2007) Myocardin-related transcription factors: critical coactivators regulating
cardiovascular development and adaptation. Circ Res 100:633–644
16. Medjkane S, Perez-Sanchez C, Gaggioli C et al (2009) Myocardin-related transcription
factors and SRF are required for cytoskeletal dynamics and experimental metastasis. Nat Cell
Biol 11:257–268
17. Almeida EA, Ilic D, Han Q et al (2000) Matrix survival signalling: from fibronectin via focal
adhesion kinase to c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase. J Cell Biol 149:741–754
18. Babic AM, Kireeva ML, Kolesnikova TV et al (1998) CYR61, a product of a growth factor-
inducible immediate early gene, promotes angiogenesis and tumor growth. Proc Natl Acad
Sci USA 95:6355–6360
19. Tsai MS, Bogart DF, Castaneda JM et al (2002) Cyr61 promotes breast tumorigenesis and
cancer progression. Oncogene 21:8178–8185
20. Xing W, Zhang TC, Cao D et al (2006) Myocardin induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. Circ
Res 98:1089–1097
Chapter 87
The Analysis of the Inhibition Effect
of Cholic Acid Derivatives
on the Proliferation of Breast Cancer Cells
Abstract Cancer is one of the major causes of death worldwide. Many clinical
evidences showed that the incidence of colon cancer increased after the chole-
cystectomy, suggesting that bile acid and its derivatives might play roles in the
process of tumorigenesis and its prevention. Bile acid derivative is a kind of good
candidates for prodrug design, but there are still few reports of its development for
anticancer drugs either domestically or internationally. In the present study, IC50
of 9 bile acid derivatives against MCF-7 human breast cancer cells was detected
by MTT assay, and the safety of several bile acid derivatives with high anticancer
effect were further analyzed in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. The results
showed that among 9 bile acid derivatives, cholic acid n-buthyl ester had lower
IC50 against cancer cells, but it did not have cytotoxicity to normal cell at low
concentration, indicating that they would be a good candidate for the development
of novel anticancer agents.
Keywords Bile acid derivatives MTT assay Cholic acid n-buthyl ester
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 827
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_87, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
828 X. Luo et al.
87.1 Introduction
Cancer remains one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide
[1–4]. Natural products have been used extensively in traditional medicine for
treatment of a myriad of diseases including various types of cancers [5]. Investi-
gation of natural products is a research field with great potential [6–8]. Primary
bile acids (cholic and chenodeoxycholic acid) are hydrophobic derivatives of
cholesterol synthesized in the liver and secreted with bile into the duodenum
where they play important role in digestion and absorption of dietary lipids [9]. It
not only can promote digestion and absorption of lipids, regulate cholesterol
metabolism, but also be used directly as the drug treatment of liver disease,
gallstones, and inflammation and other diseases.
Although bile acid derivative is a kind of good candidates for prodrug design,
but there are still few reports of its development for anticancer drugs either
domestically or internationally. Thus, to screen such novel effective anticancer
drugs, in this study, the cytotoxic effect and the 50 % inhibitory concentration
(IC50) of 9 bile acid derivatives against human cancer cells and normal cells was
detected with MTT assay.
87.2.1 Materials
Bile acid derivatives (Fig. 87.1) were synthesized in our lab. Dulbecco’s Modified
Eagle Medium (DMEM) and Fetal bovine serum (FBS) were purchased from Hy-
Clone (Thermo scientific). DMSO was purchased from Biochem Technology
(Shanghai, China). Trypsin and MTT were purchased from Solarbio (Beijing, China).
Both MCF-7 human breast cancer cells and human umbilical vein endothelial cells
(HUVEC) were grown in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) supple-
mented with 10 % fetal bovine serum at 37 C in a humidified atmosphere of 5 %
CO2 and 95 % air.
The MTT assay has proven to be a rapid and reproducible means of estimating cell
numbers in various eukaryotic systems [10]. MCF-7 or HUVEC were seeded into
87 The Analysis of the Inhibition Effect 829
96-well dishes at a density of 1 9 104 per well in a fixed volume of 100 lL and
kept under 5 % CO2 at 37 C for 12 h. After 12 h, cells were attached as con-
trolled by microscopy and treated with the different bile acid derivatives dissolved
with DMSO, which final concentration range from 1 to 625 lmol/L. After 24 h
incubation, 20 lL of MTT solution (5 mg/mL) were added to each well and
incubation with MTT for 4 h. The supernatants were removed and the cells were
solubilized in DMSO (100 lL) for 10 min [11–13]. Finally, the absorbance of the
formazan product of MTT reduction was measured at 570 nm using BioTek
SynergyTM 4 Hybrid Microplate Reader.
830 X. Luo et al.
The inhibitory rate was calculated based on the following formula [14, 15]:
Inhibition rate (% ) ¼ 1 100
(A means absorbance)
Furthermore, IC50 is the concentration of the cytotoxic agent that led to a
decrease of 50 % of the recorded signal. The IC50 was calculated by using SPSS
Statistics 19 statistical analysis software.
We first performed a MTT-based proliferation assay to explore how the bile acid
derivatives influence the growth of MCF-7 cells, while taxol (paclitaxel) was used
as the positive control. Taxol is one of the most effective microtubule- targeting
drugs for breast cancer treatment, and it accounts for significant improvements in
the survival of breast cancer patient in the last two decades [16]. As shown in
Fig. 87.2, all the 9 compounds had remarkable inhibitory effect on the prolifera-
tion of MCF-7 cancer cells, and it showed a dose-dependent manner under the
concentrations range from 1 to 625 lmol/L.
MCF-7 cells were treated with bile acid derivatives (CAME, CAEE, CABE,
UDCA, CDCA, 3ABC, 2HCA, 4HCA, CAHE) and taxol. After 24 h, cell number
was determined by MTT assay. Data shown were average ± SE from one typical
experiment with 6 replicates out of a series of 3 independent experiments.
The MTT (3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazole-2-yl)-2, 5-diph- enyltetrazolium bromide)
assays are widespread methods to assess cell viability [17, 18]. MTT is reduced by
mitochondrial dehydrogenases in living cells to a blue-magenta-colored formazan
precipitate. The absorption of dissolved formazan in the visible region correlates
with the number of intact alive cells [19]. In the present study, the results sug-
gested that bile acid derivatives are able to damage and destroy MCF-7 human
breast cancer cells, and thus decrease the reduction of MTT to formazan.
Furthermore, to compare the anticancer function among the tested compounds,
IC50 values of the bile acid derivatives and taxol were calculated based on the
former data. The results showed that the IC50 of CAME, CAEE, CABE, UDCA,
CDCA, 3ABC, 2HCA, 4HCA, CAHE, and taxol were 56.272, 72.289, 13.685,
418.279, 395.918, 372.743, 182.356, 36.767, 104.081, 32.134 lmol/L, respec-
tively (Fig. 87.3). The results showed that among 9 bile acid derivatives, CABE
87 The Analysis of the Inhibition Effect 831
Inhibition Rate (%)
Concentration (µ mol/L)
Fig. 87.2 Effects of bile acid derivatives on the proliferation of MCF-7 cells
IC50 (µ mol/L)
had the lowest IC50 against MCF-7 cells, and it was even lower than the IC50
values of taxol, indicating that CABE might be powerful anticancer agents.
Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) are a kind of human body
endothelial cells [20]. Therefore, we chose HUVEC as the normal cell lines to
assess the safety of bile acid derivatives with high anticancer effects. As shown in
Fig. 87.4, CAEE, 2HCA, CABE, 4HCA, CAHE were quite safe to the normal
cells, especially CABE and CAEE, which could even promote the proliferation of
HUVEC when the concentration was lower than 5 lmol/L.
HUVEC cells were treated with bile acid derivatives (CAEE, CABE, 2HCA,
4HCA, CAHE). After 24 h cell number was determined by MTT assay. Data
832 X. Luo et al.
Inhibition Rate (%)
shown were average ± SE from one typical experiment with 6 replicates out of a
series of 3 independent experiments.
87.4 Conclusions
Our results strongly suggest that bile acid derivatives can be promising sources of
potential anticancer activity. The present results will form the basis for selection
of bile acid derivatives for further investigation in the potential drug discovery of
new natural bioactive compounds. Among 9 bile acid derivatives tested in the
present study, cholic acid ethyl ester and cholic acid n-buthyl ester had high
anticancer activity but low toxic effect on normal cells, indicating that these two
compounds would be a good candidate for the development of novel bile acid-
derived anticancer agents. Our future work will further confirm the in vivo anti-
cancer activity of them and explore its detailed mechanism.
Acknowledgments This work was financially supported by the National Basic Research Pro-
gram of China (973 Program) (NO. 2009CB825504), the National Natural Science Fundation of
China (NO. 31000343, NO. 31071126), the Science & Technology Project of Tianjin (No.
10JCZDJC22500,10ZXCXSY10100), and the High School Science & Technology Development
Fundation of Tianjin (NO.20090602).
1. Kanavos P (2006) The rising burden of cancer in the developing world. Ann Oncol
2. Shibuya K, Mathers CD, Pinto BC (2002) Global and regional estimates of cancer mortality
and incidence by site: II. results for the global burden of disease 2000. BMC Cancer 2:37
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3. Salminen E, Izewska J, Andreo P (2005) IAEA’s Role in the global management of cancer-
focus on upgrading radiotherapy services. Acta Oncol 44:816–824
4. Sener SF, Grey N (2005) The global burden of cancer. Surg Oncol 92:1–3
5. Sudhakar C, Sabitha P, Shashi KR (2007) Betulinic acid inhibits prostate cancer growth
through inhibition of specificity protein transcription factors. Cancer Res 67:2816–2823
6. García SR, Ng C, Anderson H et al (2011) Synergistic drug combinations for tuberculosis
therapy identified by a novel high-throughput screen. Antimicrob Agents Ch
7. Aydee CE, Syrovets T, Pitterle K et al (2010) Tirucallic acids are novel pleckstrin homology
domain-dependent Akt inhibitors inducing apoptosis in prostate cancer cells. Mol Pharmacol
8. Gaube F, Wolfl S, Pusch L et al (2007) Gene expression profiling reveals effects of
cimicifuga racemosa (L.) NUTT. (black cohosh) on the estrogen receptor positive human
breast cancer cell line MCF-7. BMC Pharmacol 7:11
9. Pai R, Tarnawski AS, Tran T (2004) Deoxycholic acid activates b-catenin signaling pathway
and increases colon cell cancer growth and invasiveness. Mol Biol Cell 15:2156–2163
10. Lazaro JE, Gay F (1998) Plasmodium falciparum: in vitro cytotoxicity testing using MTT.
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11. Hida T, Ueda R, Takahashi T et al (1989) Chemosensitivity and radiosensitivity of small cell
lung cancer cell lines studied by a newly developed 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-
diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) hybrid assay. Cancer Res 9(49):4785–4790
12. Noguchi K, Tani MI, Nakamura M (2005) Evaluation of chemosensitivity testing with highly
purified tumor cells in 435 patients with gastric carcinoma using an MTT assay. Anticancer
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14. Akiri SR, Sareddy GR, Phanithi PB et al (2010) The antioxidant and antiproliferative
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Res 2(49):929–938
Chapter 88
Design, Synthesis, and Biological
Evaluation of the Novel Antitumor Agent
5-Bromobenzofuran-3(2H)-One and its
Lei Lv, Xiaomin Zhang, Jian Lv, Yao Zhou, Weiguo Hu, Peng Yu,
Hua Sun and Yuou Teng
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 835
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_88, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
836 L. Lv et al.
88.1 Introduction
Aurones, a class of flavonoids found in fruits and flowers [1], possess a lot of
biological activities such as antitumor, antifungal, and phytoalexin [2–4]. Their
occurrence in marine organisms has been recently reported [5]. Compared to
flavones, the medicinal literature on aurones is in its infancy with trends and
design are just now emerging [6, 7].
Cancer is a global public health problem. Cancer chemoprevention aimed at
reducing the risk of cancer by avoiding exposure to cancer-causing agents,
enhancing the host defense capacity, adjusting lifestyle, supplementing with
chemopreventive agents that inhibit, reverse, or block tumorigenesis [8–10]. In
clinical practice with the usage of anticancer drugs, the phenomenon of resistance
gradually emerged, thus a tremendous effort will be made to enhance the intra-
cellular accumulation of antitumor agents in resistant cells [11, 12].
Aurones are recently attracting the interest of an increasing number of research
groups. In this paper, we report our works made on the design and synthetic routes
toward a series of functionalized aurones. The target compounds (6a–6e) were
synthesized in six steps through esterification reaction, nucleophilic substitution
reaction, aldol reaction [13], and so on. We also detected their antitumor activity
against K562, HT29, and HepG2 cancer cells. Their biological activity results
indicated that 5-bromo-2-(4-nitrobenzylidene) benzofuran-3(2H)-one (6a) shows
good antitumor activity against K562 cells.
All reagents and solvents used in this paper were of reagent grade. Reaction
temperatures were controlled using oil bath temperature modulator. Thin layer
chromatography (TLC) was performed using E. Merck silica gel 60 GF254 pre-
coated plates (0.25 mm) and visualized using a combination of UV. Silica gel
(particle size 200–400 mesh) was used for flash chromatography. 1H NMR spectra
was recorded on Bruker AM-400 NMR spectrometers in deuterated chloroform
and deuterated DMSO. The chemical shifts are reported in d (ppm) relative to
tetramethylsilane as internal standard.
88.2.2 Chemistry
Br Br Br Br
i ii iii
NO 2
6c R= 6d R = 6e R=
The anticancer activities for newly synthesized compounds were tested on the K562,
HT-29, and HepG2 cells by using MTT method. The results of compounds (6a–6e)
were listed in Table 88.1 which indicated that 5-bromo-2-(4-nitrobenzylidene)-
benzofuran-3(2H)-one (6a) demonstrated good antitumor activity against K562 and
HT-29 with an IC50 of 0.37 lM and 7.19 lM, respectively. But it was not active
against HepG2 (IC50 [ 10 lM) at our test condition.
Reagents and conditions: (i) CH3OH, conc H2SO4; (ii) ClCH2COOC2H5,
K2CO3, acetone; (iii) 10 % NaOH, H2O, then HCl; (iv) Ac2O, HAc, CH3COONa;
(v) CH3OH, HCl; and (vi) HAc, conc HCl.
838 L. Lv et al.
Table 88.1 Inhibition Activity of the compound 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, and 6e
Tested cell Samples (IC50)
6a 6b 6c 6d 6e
K562 0.37 4.14 [10 [10 [10
HepG2 [10 [10 [10 [10 [10
HT-29 7.19 [10 [10 [10 [10
2-hydroxy-5-bromobenzoic acid methyl ester (1) [14]. The conc. H2SO4 (6 mL)
was added dropwise into 5-Bromosalicylic acid (6.0 g, 27.65 mmol) in methanol
(180 mL) at 0 C. After stirring for 10 min, the reaction mixture was heated to
80 C for 12 h. The solvent was removed under vacuum to afford the crude which
was purified by flash column chromatography (silica gel, petroleum ether/ethyl
acetate 25:1) to yield the compound 1 (5.7 g, 89 %).
H NMR (CDCl3 400 MHz): d/ppm 3.98 (s, 3H), 6.90 (d, J = 8.8 Hz, 1H), 7.55
(dd, J = 8.8 Hz, 2.41 Hz, H), 7.97 (d, J = 2.8 Hz, 1H), 10.71(s, 1H).
Methyl 2-((Ethoxycarbonyl)methoxy)-5-bromobenzoate(2). To a solution of 2-
hydroxy-5-bromobenzoic acid methyl ester (4.8 g, 20.78 mmol) in acetone
(120 mL) was added K2CO3 (8.64 g, 62.33 mmol) and ethylchloroacetate(5.1 g,
41.55 mmol).The mixture was stirred for 5 h at 70 C. After the solvent was
evaporated, the residue was dissolved in water and extracted with ethyl acetate, the
organic layer was dried over Na2SO4. The solvent was removed under vacuum to
provide the crude which was purified by flash column chromatography (silica gel,
petroleum ether/ethyl acetate 10:1) to afford compound 2 (5.8 g, 87 %).
H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 1.29 (t, J = 9.6 Hz, 3H), 3.92 (s, 3H),
4.28(q, J = 9.6 Hz, 2H), 4.71 (s, 2H), 6.80 (d, J = 12.0 Hz, 1H), 7.55 (d,
J = 8.4 Hz, 1H), 7.96 (s, 1H).
2-(Carboxymethoxy)-5-bromobenzoic Acid (3) [15]. To a solution of compound
2 (4.6 g, 14.49 m mol) in 1 N aqueous NaOH (262 mL), the mixture was stirred
for 4 h at 60 C. The product formed by adding 1 N HCl was filtered to give
3.18 g of compound 3 (80 %).
H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 4.79 (s, 2H), 6.99 (d, J = 9.2 Hz, 1H),
7.64 (dd, J = 2.8 Hz, 8.8 Hz, 1H), 7.75 (d, J = 2.4 Hz, 1H), 13.1 (broad, s, 1H).
5-Bromo-3-acetoxybenzofuran(4). A mixture of acetic anhydride(170 mL),
acetic acid(157 mL), anhydrous sodium acetate(20 g, 240 mmol), and compound
3 was heated to reflux for 4 h. Saturated aqueous sodium carbonate was then
added, and the mixture was extracted with CH2Cl2. The solvent was removed in
vacuo to give the crude product which was purified by flash column
88 Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation 839
H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 6.91 (d, J = 8.8 Hz, 2H), 6.96 (s, 1H),
7.55 (d, J = 8.4 Hz, 1H), 7.87–7.94 (m, 4H), 10.30 (s, 1H).
All the above compounds were tested for their in vitro anticancer activity against
HT-29, K562, and HepG2 cells by MTT-Based assay. The cells were diluted to a
density of 5 9 104 cells/mL and added 100 lL to each well of the 96-well plates
with a multichannel pipet. After incubating for 24 h, 0.5 lL compounds were
added and then cells were further incubated for 48 h (final concentrations of each
compound: 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, and 10 lM). The culture plates were incubated for 4 h
after which 20 lL MTT was added to each well, then the medium was removed
from the wells and 100 lL DMSO was added into each well. After leaving for
further 10 min to dissolve the formazan crystals formed, the optical density (OD)
was measured at 490 and 630 nm. Cell viability was calculated from measure-
ments of OD value according to the corresponding formula and a graph is plotted
of Cell viability (y-axis) against drug concentration (x-axis). The given values are
mean values of three experiments. The IC50 concentration represents the con-
centration which results in a 50 % decrease in cell growth after 2 days incubation.
The results were presented in Table 88.1.
88.4 Conclusion
We report the design and synthesis of novel aurone derivatives. Several steps among
this route were optimized, such as cyclization, nucleophilic substitution reaction,
aldol reaction, and so on. The cyclization reaction was the key step. All the target
compounds were synthesized in six steps with the overall yield of 25-30 %,
respectively. The structures of these novel targets and all of intermediates were
confirmed by 1H NMR. Biological activity test indicated that 5-bromo-2-(4-nitro-
benzylidene) benzofuran-3(2H)-one (6a) has good antitumor activity against K562
and HT-29 cells. In order to improve the antitumor activity, further modification
based on compound (6a) was undergone in our lab.
Acknowledgments The authors sincerely thank the financial support from the Tianjin University
of Science and Technology (20110406, 20110115), the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin
(11JGYBJC14300), the Science amp Technology Project of Tianjin (11ZCGHHZ00400) and the
Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin (12JCYBJC31600).
88 Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation 841
1. Harborne JR (1994) The flavonoids: advances in research since 1986. Chapman and Hall,
London, pp 341–399
2. Brooks CJW, Watson DG (1985) Phytoalexins. Nat Prod Rep 2:427–459
3. Aufmkolk M, Koerhle J, Hesch RD et al (1986) Inhibition of rat liver iodothyronine
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4. Kayser O, Kiderlen AF, Folkens U et al (1999) In vitro leishmanicidal activity of aurones.
Planta Med 65:316
5. Choudhary MI, Hayat S, Khan AM et al (2001) Two new aurones from marine brown alga
spatoglossum variabile. Chem Pharm Bull 49:105–107
6. Boumendjel A (2003) Aurones: a subclass of flavonoids with promising biological potential.
Curr Med Chem 10:2621–2630
7. Lawrence NJ, Rennison D, McGown AT et al (2003) The total synthesis of an aurone isolated
from Uvaria hamiltonii: Aurones and flavones as anticancer agents. Bioorg Med Chem Lett
8. Sporn MB, Liby KT (2005) Cancer chemoprevention: scientific promise, clinical uncertainty.
Nat Clin Pract Oncol 2:518–525
9. Hail NJ, Cortes M, Drake EN et al (2008) Cancer chemoprevention: a radical perspective.
Free Rad Biol Med 45:97–110
10. Chen C, Kong AN (2005) Dietary cancer-chemopreventive compounds: from signaling and
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11. Ford JM (1996) Experimental reversal of P-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance by
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12. Wiese M, Pajeva IK (2001) Structure-activity relationships of multidrug resistance reversers.
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13. Lee CY, Chew EH, Go ML (2010) Functionalized aurones as inducers of NAD(P)H: quinone
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14. Ohkata K, Tamura Y, Shetuni BB et al (2004) Stereoselectivity control by oxaspiro rings
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15. Cheng C, Zhu SF, Liu B et al (2007) Highly enantioselective insertion of carbenoids into O-H
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16. Cheng H, Zhang L, Liu Y et al (2010) Design, synthesis and discovery of 5-hydroxyaurone
derivatives as growth inhibitors against HUVEC and some cancer cell lines. Eur J Med Chem
Chapter 89
Preliminary Study on the Mechanism
of Cartilage Polysaccharide Inducing H22
Cell to Engender Immunogenicity
Guoqiang Zheng, Pan Li, Anguo Teng, Jie Zheng, Wenhang Wang
and Anjun Liu
89.1 Introduction
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 843
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_89, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
844 G. Zheng et al.
The murine H22 hepatocarcinoma cells line was purchased from Tianjin Medical
Sciences University. The animals were female BALB/c mice, 6–8 weeks of age,
20 g in weight, and purchased from Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sci-
ences Experimental Animal Center.
Animal trials were undertaken using groups of 20 animals for each treatment
(control, model, and immune group). The model group was immunized with equal
89 Preliminary Study on the Mechanism of Cartilage 845
amount of 0.9 % saline. Trials were performed over a 30-day period with the
survival time, life extension rate (LER), and livability of each group.
The mice body weight was measured and then they were sacrificed. Organs (spleen
and thymus) were removed and weighed.
After 4 weeks, blood was taken from the eyeball of immunized mice and incubated at
4 C for 3 h. The serum was subsequently collected by centrifugation (5,000 r/min,
10 min) and stored in liquid nitrogen prior to analysis.
The proteins were extracted from the H22 cells treated with CP (24, 48, and
72 h) respectively, and the control cells by Ripa lysis buffer. One SDS-PAGE
gel was stained with Coommassie Brilliant Blue R-250. The other duplicate
SDS-PAGE gel was transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane (NC) and subse-
quently treated with blocking reagent (5 % w/v skimmed milk powder) for 2 h at
4 C. The NC membrane was then reacted with immunized serum at 1:150
dilution and incubated overnight at 4 C followed by incubation with goat anti-
mouse IgG labelled with HRP at a dilution of 1:2,500 for 1 h at 37 C.
Immunodetection was accomplished by enhanced ECL and autoradiography on
Kodak film.
846 G. Zheng et al.
To perform 2-D PAGE, first, proteins (1 mg) were applied to isoelectric focusing
(IEF), the IPG strips (17 cm, pH 3–10) were rehydrated overnight. Secondly, IPG
strips were equilibrated twice in the equilibration buffer (0.375 M Tris–HCl [pH
8.8], 6 M urea, 20 % glycerol, 2 % sodium dodecyl sulfate [SDS]) for 15 min. In
the first equilibration, 200 mg of DTT was dissolved in 10 ml buffer. In the second
equilibration 250 mg iodoacetamide was added. Strip was then transferred to the
12 % SDS-PAGE gels and covered with 0.5 % low melting agarose. The gel was
stained with Coommassie Brilliant Blue R-250 and then used for MS analysis.
89.3 Results
The survival time (30.06 ± 0.84 d) was increased in immune group compared
with model group (18.0 ± 0.91 d) (P \ 0.05) (Table 89.1). The life extension rate
(66.87 %) and livability (70 %) in immune group were significantly different from
model group (p \ 0.01). The result showed that the immunized mice were gen-
erated immunogenicity by tumor vaccine, which activated the immune system and
enhanced immunity to provide protection against tumor intrusion.
The thymus was severely atrophied and spleen was swollen obviously in model
group compared with blank group, but in immune group thymus atrophy and
Table 89.2 Spleen and Groups Thymus index (Ti) Spleen index (Si)
thymus indexes of the mice in
different groups (x±s) Blank group 4.17 ± 0.98 4.86 ± 0.47
(n = 20) Model group 0.49 ± 0.32 9.35 ± 0.41
Immune group 3.43 ± 0.24** 4.41 ± 0.71**
**P \ 0.01 vs. model group
From Table 89.3, compared with the model group, B and T cells’ stimulation
index (SI) of the immune group had increased remarkably (P \ 0.01). Although
the immunized mice had extreme gap with the blank group, it had much
improvement contrast with the model group. Results revealed that tumor vaccine
could activate lymphocyte to protect mice to resist the tumor cells.
The serum of the immune group had higher antibody titer than the blank group
([ 1:6,400) (Fig. 89.1). The result showed the tumor vaccine treated with CP
adjuvant could produce tumor antigen or enhance the immunogenicity of tumor-
specific antigen which could generate antibody to enhance humoral immune. Thus
the tumor vaccine could generate antibody to inhibit tumor cell proliferation.
A tumor protein antigen band emerged at 50 kDa, which showed strong reaction
with immunized serum rather than the blank serum. We presumed that the tumor
Table 89.3 Lymphocyte Group Con A LPS
proliferation of each group (
± s, n = 20) Blank group 10.29 ± 0.68 9.86 ± 0.32
Model group 1.26 ± 0.15 1.74 ± 0.18
Immune group 5.87 ± 0.41** 4.29 ± 0.71**
**P \ 0.01 vs. model group
848 G. Zheng et al.
protein antigen could activate the immune responses due to the changes in antigen
protein’s expression, which could combine with these specific antibodies. It could
be the tumor protein antigen producing these specific antibodies to stop the
invasion of tumor cells (Fig. 89.2).
The total protein extracted from H22 cell mixed CP for 48 h and the untreated H22
cells were analyzed in at least three independent experiments. The result showed
that a protein was up-regulated obviously in treated H22 cells with CP in Fig. 89.3.
According to MS analysis, the protein is tubulin alpha chain (Accession Number:
M 0 24 48 72 0 24 48 72 0 24 48 72
Fig. 89.3 Result of 2-D PAGE stained by Coomassie blue. a The protein from the untreated H22
cells. b The protein from the treated H22 cells with CP for 48 h
gi|549052). Its pI is 4.94 and molecular weight is 50.81 kDa. The result of the
50 kDa protein was consistent with previous results of SDS-PAGE and Western
89.4 Discussion
The primary cause of CP that inhibited cell proliferation and induced cell apop-
tosis was used as a blocker in cell cycle which was blocked in the G1 and S phase
and could not inverse to the G2 phase; the changes in cellular morphology such as
nuclear condensation and fragmentation occurring upon CP treatment was also
observed [1].
This study tried to evaluate the effect of tumor vaccine treated with CP for 48 h.
Compared with model groups, there was an evident improvement in survival time,
life extension rate, and livability in the immune group. Thymus index and spleen
index were also demonstrated as available protection for immune organ. Lym-
phocyte proliferation experiment had increased remarkably in comparison with
model group. These results revealed that the tumor vaccine could significantly
stimulate the homologous antitumor immune responses, containing cellular
immunity and humoral immunity. Western blot and 2D-PAGE showed the
expression of a tumor antigen at an estimated molecular mass of 50 kDa, was
up-regulated after treatment with CP, and the tumor antigen was tubulin alpha
chain by MS. Tubulin alpha chain was the component of the microtubule involved
in maintaining the cell morphology, mitotic progression, and chromosomal seg-
regation. Tubulin alpha chain binding the drug could promote cell apoptosis by
inhibiting mitotic program. Some studies illustrated that tubulin alpha chain had a
850 G. Zheng et al.
certain effect on occurrence, development, and prognosis in lung cancer. With the
development of the tumor, the expression of tubulin alpha chain increased grad-
ually, so that controlling tubulin alpha chain in cancer cells had vital significance
on the treatment of cancer [9].
In our opinion, the expression of tumor-specific antigen (TSA) in H22 hepa-
tocarcinoma cells was controlled by CP. We may deduce a conclusion that the
immunogenicity of the tumor vaccine was increased due to the high expression of
protein or post-translational protein modification by CP. When the tumor vaccine
was injected into mice, the antitumor immune responses were activated, so that the
mice could keep from invasion of tumor cells. The identification of TSA led to the
development of immunotherapy aimed at augmenting antitumor immune respon-
ses [10]. From this fact we could conclude that TSA might be a therapeutic target.
Tumor vaccines based on TSA played a key role in cancer prevention. Active
immunotherapy with cancer vaccines could induce humoral and cellular immune
responses and the development of immunological memory which may substan-
tially reduce the relapse of the tumor [11, 12].
Acknowledgments This work was supported by grants from China National Natural Science
Foundation (No.31271975 and No.20776113).
11. Neelapu S, Kwak L (2007) Vaccine therapy for B-cell lymphomas: next-generation
strategies. American Society of Hematology education program book. Atlanta GA:243–249
12. Paula W, Olga R, Jennifer B et al (2009) Her-2 DNA versus cell vaccine: mmunogenicity and
anti-tumor activity. Cancer Immunol Immunother 58:759–767
Chapter 90
Design and Synthesis of Novel
20-Substituted Hydroxycamptothecin
Shaopeng Wen, Dewu Quan, Yao Zhou, Haiyong Jia, Peng Yu,
Hua Sun and Na Guo
90.1 Introduction
Camptothecin is a pentacyclic alkaloid, which was first isolated in 1966 from the
extract of a Chinese plant, Camptotheca acuminate, by M.E. Wall [1], and soon it
was found that CPT possess good inhibitory activity against a broad spectrum of
tumors. Interest in CPT derivatives was revitalized in 1985 by the discovery that
CPT exhibits a unique mechanism of action because it targets the nuclear enzyme
topoisomerase I [2–4]. CPT forms a ternary complex with topoisomerase I and
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 853
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_90, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
854 S. Wen et al.
DNA, and the stabilization of these complex results in DNA breaks by preventing
DNA relegation [5–7].
Initial clinical trials with CPT were limited by its poor solubility in physio-
logically compatible media [8]. Early attempts to form a water-soluble sodium salt
of CPT by opening the lactone ring with sodium hydroxide resulted in a compound
with poor antitumor activity [9–11]. It was later reported that the closed lactone
form is an absolute requisite for antitumor activity [12, 13]. Intensive efforts in
medicinal chemistry over the past several decades have provided a large number of
camptothecin analogues, of which topotecan and irinotecan [14] are among those
clinically approved for the treatment of cancers.
In order to increase the water solubility, we added some water soluble groups in
appropriate position of hydroxycamptothecin. In this paper, we would like to
report the design and synthesis of novel 20-substituted hydroxycamptothecin
derivatives. The target compounds (4a–4e) were synthesized through four steps.
90.2.1 Chemistry
Figure 90.1 demonstrates the synthetic approach to the target compounds 4a–4e.
Hydroxycamptothecin reacted with Di-tert-butyl dicarbonate in DMF generated
compound 1, which was then reacted with 4-Nitrophenyl chloroformate under
argon to afford the key intermediate compound 2. In this step, anhydrous and
anaerobic conditions were required because low yield was observed when the
reaction conditions were not well controlled. Compound 2 respectively reacted
with diethylamine, propylamine, n-Butylamine, morpholine and pyrrolidine to get
compounds 3a–3e. Compounds 3a–3e in dichloromethane was allowed to react
with trifluoroacetic acid to produce the target compounds 4a–4e.
90.3 Experimental
All reagents and solvents used in this paper were of reagent grade. Thin layer
chromatography (TLC) was performed using E. Merck silica gel 60 GF254 pre-
coated plates (0.25 mm) and visualized using a combination of UV. Silica gel
(particle size 200-400 mesh) was used for flash chromatography. 1H NMR spectra
was recorded on Bruker AM-400 NMR spectrometers in CDCl3 or d6-DMSO. The
chemical shifts are reported in d (ppm) relative to tetramethylsilane as internal
90 Design and Synthesis of Novel 20-Substituted Hydroxycamptothecin Derivatives 855
HO O (Boc) O,pyridine, O O O Cl O
N 2 N
2 3
3a R= N N
NO2 3b R=
HO 3c R= N 3d R= O N
N 3e R= N
4 O
4a R= 4b R= N
4c R= N 4d R= O N
4e R= N
tert-butyl(4-ethyl-4-hydroxy-3,14-dioxo-3,4,12,14-tetrahydro-1H-pyrano[30 ,40 :
6,7]indolizino[1,2-b]quinolin-9-yl) carbonate (1). To the hydroxycamptothecin
(12 g, 0.055 mol) in dry N,N-Dimethylformamide (137 mL) at 0 C was added Di-
tert-butyl dicarbonate (10 g, 0.027 mol). The reaction mixture was stirred at room
temperature for 10 h. The reaction mixture was diluted with dichloromethane
(800 mL). The phases were separated and the organic layer was washed with water
(3 9 300 mL), 1 N HCl (3 9 100 mL) and dried over anhydrous magnesium sul-
fate. The solvent was removed under vacuum to afford the crude, which was purified
by flash column chromatography (silica gel, dichloromethane/methanol 20:1) to yield
the compound 1 (14.5 g, 95 %).
H NMR (CDCl3 400 MHz): d/ppm 1.06 (t, J = 6 Hz, 3H), 1.62 (s, 9H), 1.91
(m, J = 6 Hz, 2H), 5.30 (s, 2H), 5.31 (d, J = 16.5 Hz, 1H), 5.75 (d, J = 16.5 Hz,
856 S. Wen et al.
1H), 7.66 (dd, J = 2.4 Hz, 1H), 7.67 (s, 1H), 7.75 (d, J = 2.4 Hz, 1H), 8.21
(s, 1H), 8.25 (s, 1H), 8.34(s, 1H).
tert-butyl(4-ethyl-3,14-dioxo-3,4,12,14-tetrahydro-1H-pyrano[30 ,40 :6,7]indo-
lizino[1,2-b]quinoline-4,9-diyl) (4-nitrophenyl) dicarbonate (2). To the com-
pound 1 (4.0 g, 8.4 mmol) in dry dichloromethane (400 mL) at 0 C was added 4-
Dimethylaminopyridine (1.52 g, 42 mmol) slowly. The reaction mixture was
stirred at 0 C for 10 min, then 4-nitrophenylchloroformate (5.2 g, 25.1 mmol)
was added. The reaction mixture was stirred for 10 h at room temperature. The
reaction mixture was diluted with dichloromethane (100 mL). The phases were
separated and the organic layer was washed with water (2 9 100 mL), brine
(100 mL), and dried over anhydrous magnesium sulfate. The solvent was removed
under vacuum to afford the crude which was purified by flash column chroma-
tography (silica gel, dichloromethane/methanol 120:1) to yield the compound 2
(3.3 g, 60 %).
H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 1.06 (t, J = 6 Hz, 3H), 1.54 (s, 9H),
2.26 (m, 2H), 5.28 (s, 2H), 5.56 (d, J = 6.4 Hz, 2H), 7.28 (s, 1H), 7.52 (d,
J = 12 Hz, 2H), 7.66 (dd, J = 9.2 Hz, 2 Hz, 1H), 8.01 (s, 1H), 8.21 (d,
J = 9.2 Hz, 1H), 8.28 (d, J = 9.2 Hz, 2H), 8.68 (s, 1H).
ano[30 ,40 :6,7]indolizino[1,2-b]quinolin-4-yl diethylcarbamate (3a). To a solu-
tion of compound 2(1.0 g, 1.59 mmol) in dry N,N-Dimethylformamide (8 mL) was
added diethylamine (0.23 g, 3.18 mmol). The reaction mixture was stirred for
30 min at room temperature. The reaction mixture was diluted with dichloro-
methane (25 mL). The phases were separated and the organic layer was washed
with water (2 9 50 mL), brine (100 mL), and dried over anhydrous magnesium
sulfate. The solvent was removed under vacuum to afford the crude which was
purified by flash column chromatography (silica gel, dichloromethane/methanol
175:1) to yield the compound 3a (0.3 g, 60 %).
H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 0.97 (m, 6H) 1.06 (t, J = 6 Hz, 3H),
1.54 (s, 9H), 2.26 (m, 2H), 3.40 (m, 4H), 5.28 (s, 2H), 5.56 (d, J = 6.4 Hz, 2H),
7.28 (s, 1H), 7.66 (dd, J = 9.2 Hz, 2 Hz, 1H), 8.01 (s, 1H), 8.21 (d, J = 9.2 Hz,
1H), 8.68 (s, 1H).
ano[30 ,40 :6,7]indolizino[1,2-b]quinolin-4-yl propylcarbamate (3b). To a solu-
tion of compound 2(1.0 g, 1.59 mmol) in dry N,N-Dimethylformamide (8 mL)
was added propylamine (0.19 g, 3.18 mmol). The reaction mixture was stirred for
30 min at room temperature. The reaction mixture was diluted with dichloro-
methane (25 mL). The phases were separated and the organic layer was washed
with water (2 9 50 mL), brine (100 mL) and dried over anhydrous magnesium
sulfate. The solvent was removed under vacuum to afford the crude which was
purified by flash column chromatography (silica gel, dichloromethane/methanol
175:1) to yield the compound 3b (0.3 g, 60 %).
H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 0.90 (m, 3H) 1.06 (t, J = 6 Hz, 3H),
1.54 (s, 9H), 1.60 (m, 2H), 2.26 (m, 2H), 3.18 (m, 2H), 3.40 (m, 4H) 5.28 (s, 2H),
90 Design and Synthesis of Novel 20-Substituted Hydroxycamptothecin Derivatives 857
5.56 (d, J = 6.4 Hz, 2H), 7.28 (s, 1H), 7.66 (dd, J = 9.2 Hz, 2 Hz, 1H), 8.01
(s, 1H), 8.21 (d, J = 9.2 Hz, 1H), 8.68 (s, 1H).
ano[30 ,40 :6,7]indolizino[1,2-b]quinolin-4-yl butylcarbamate (3c). To a solution
of compound 2 (1.0 g,1.59 mmol) in dry N,N-Dimethylformamide (8 mL) was
added n-Butylamine (0.23 g, 3.18 mmol). The reaction mixture was stirred for
30 min at room temperature. The reaction mixture was diluted with dichloro-
methane (25 mL). The phases were separated and the organic layer was washed
with water (2 9 50 mL), brine (100 mL) and dried over anhydrous magnesium
sulfate. The solvent was removed under vacuum to afford the crude which was
purified by flash column chromatography (silica gel, dichloromethane/methanol
175:1) to yield the compound 3c (0.3 g, 60 %).
H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 0.90 (m, 5H) 1.06 (t, J = 6 Hz, 3H),
1.54 (s, 9H), 1.60 (m, 2H), 2.26 (m, 2H), 3.18 (m, 2H), 3.40 (m, 4H) 5.28 (s, 2H),
5.56 (d, J = 6.4 Hz, 2H), 7.28 (s, 1H), 7.66 (dd, J = 9.2 Hz, 2 Hz, 1H), 8.01 (s,
1H), 8.21 (d, J = 9.2 Hz, 1H), 8.68 (s, 1H).
ano[30 ,40 :6,7]indolizino[1,2-b]quinolin-4-yl morpholine-4-carboxylate (3d). To
asolutionofcompound2(1.0 g, 1.59 mmol)indryN,N-Dimethylformamide (8 mL)
was added morpholine (0.23 g, 3.18 mmol). The reaction mixture was stirred for
30 min at room temperature. The reaction mixture was diluted with dichloro-
methane (25 mL). The phases were separated and the organic layer was washed
with water (2 9 50 mL), brine (100 mL) and dried over anhydrous magnesium
sulfate. The solvent was removed under vacuum to afford the crude which was
purified by flash column chromatography (silica gel, dichloromethane/methanol
175:1) to yield the compound 3d (0.3 g, 60 %).
H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 0.90 (t, J = 6 Hz, 3H), 1.54 (s, 9H),
1.81 (m, 2H), 1.91 (m, 2H), 2.11 (m, 2H), 3.17 (m, 2H), 3.61 (m, 2H), 5.28 (s, 2H),
5.56 (d, J = 6.4 Hz, 2H), 7.28 (s, 1H), 7.66 (dd, J = 9.2 Hz, 2 Hz, 1H), 8.01 (s,
1H), 8.21 (d, J = 9.2 Hz, 1H), 8.68 (s, 1H).
ano[30 ,40 :6,7]indolizino[1,2-b]quinolin-4-yl pyrrolidine-1-carboxylate (3e). To
a solution of compound 2 (1.0 g, 1.59 mmol) in dry N,N-Dimethylformamide
(8 mL) was added pyrrolidine (0.24 g, 3.18 mmol). The reaction mixture was
stirred for 30 min at room temperature. The reaction mixture was diluted with
dichloromethane (25 mL). The phases were separated and the organic layer was
washed with water (2 9 50 mL), brine (100 mL) and dried over anhydrous
magnesium sulfate. The solvent was removed under vacuum to afford the crude
which was purified by flash column chromatography (silica gel, dichloromethane/
methanol 175:1) to yield the compound 3e (0.3 g, 60 %).
H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 0.90 (t, J = 6 Hz, 3H), 1.54 (s, 9H),
1.81 (m, 2H), 1.91 (m, 2H), 2.11 (m, 2H), 3.17 (m, 4H), 3.65 (m, 4H), 5.28 (s, 2H),
5.56 (d, J = 6.4 Hz, 2H), 7.28 (s, 1H), 7.66 (dd, J = 9.2 Hz, 2 Hz, 1H), 8.01 (s,
1H), 8.21 (d, J = 9.2 Hz, 1H), 8.68 (s, 1H).
858 S. Wen et al.
90.4 Summary
Acknowledgments The authors sincerely thank thefinancial support from the Tianjin University
of Science and Technology (20110406, 20110115), the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin
(11JGYBJC14300), the Science & Technology Project of Tianjin(11ZCGHHZ00400) and the
Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin(12JCYBJC31600).
1. Wall ME, Wani M, Cook C, Palmer KH et al (1996) Sim, Plant antitumor agents. I. The
isolation and structure of camptothecin, a novel alkaloidal leukemia and tumor inhibitor from
camptotheca acuminata. J Am Chem Soc 88:3888–3890
2. Hsiang YH, Liu LF, Wall ME et al (1989) DNA topoisomerase I-mediated DNA cleavage
and cytotoxicity of camptothecin analogues. Cancer Res 49:4385
3. Kawato Y, Aonuma M, Hirota Y et al (1991) Intracellular roles of SN-38, a metabolite of the
camptothecin derivative CPT-11, in the antitumor effect of CPT-11. Cancer Res 51:4187
4. Loza MC, Wellinger RE (2009) A novel approach for organelle-specific DNA damage
targeting reveals different susceptibility of mitochondrial DNA to the anticancer drugs
camptothecin and topotecan. Nucleic Acids Res 37:e26
860 S. Wen et al.
91.1 Introduction
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 861
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_91, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
862 J. Xing et al.
anti-HIV, etc. Recently, there is a growing tendency to develop some new methods
for the synthesis of 5-azacitidine analogs to study their biological properties [1, 2].
Usually, the azacytosine analogs were synthesized from guanylurea with
orthoesters, refluxed with the dimethylformamide [3–5]. In this paper, a new
method is developed for the synthesis of azacytosine, we would like to report the
design and synthesis of azacitidine analogs with cyclization and Vorbrüggen
coupling as the key steps [6, 7]. The target compounds (1-3) were synthesized in
three steps in 15–40 % overall yield.
91.2.1 Chemistry
NH2 Si NH2
i ii iii N N
Si O N R
3 2 O O 1
1a R= H 1c R=
1b R= H3C 1d R= H3CO 1e R= F
91.2.2 Experimental
Materials and Instruments. All reagents and solvents used in this paper were of
reagent grade. Reaction temperatures were controlled using oil bath temperature
modulator or ice bath. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) was performed using E.
Merck silica gel 60 GF254 precoated plates (0.25 mm) and visualized using a
combination of UV. Silica gel (particle size 200–400 mesh) was used for flash
chromatography. 1H-NMR spectra was recorded on Bruker AM-400 NMR spec-
trometers in deuterated chloroform and deuterated DMSO. The chemical shifts are
reported in d (ppm) relative to tetramethylsilane as internal standard. Mass spectra
were recorded on LCMS-QP2010 mass instrument.
To a flask (100 mL) dicyanodiamine (2 g, 0.12 mol), formic acid (2.2 g, 0.24 mol),
or acetic acid (3.3 g, 0.24 mol) were added. The mixture was heated to 120 C for
20 min, then the system was cool to room temperature, the precipitate was filtered
and washed with EtOH to give a white solid. The white solid to was put into a flask
(100 mL), and heat to 145C for 4 h. Then the reaction system was cooled to 75 C,
and water (30 mL) was added, the mixture was stirred for 5 min, hydrochloric acid
was added until the white solid was completely dissolved. The mixture was filtered
and the ammonia (aq) was added until the pH = 8–9, the precipitate was filtered to
give another white solid which was then put into a flask (100 mL), water (30 mL)
and ammonia (aq, 10 mL) was added. The mixture was heated to 75 C for 10 min.
After cooling to room temperature, the mixture was filtered and the filtrate was
adjust to pH = 8–9 by hydrochloric acid. The precipitate was filtered to give the
pure product as a white solid.
4-Amino-1,3,5-triazin-2(1H)-one(3a). Starting from dicyanodiamine (2 g, 0.12
mol) and formic acid (2.2 g, 0.24 mol), compound 3a was obtained (1.73 g,
65 %). 1H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 7.26(s, 2H), 8.05 (s, 1H), 11.56
(s, 1H). EMS-MS: m/z 113[M ? 1]+.
4-Amino-2-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-one(3b). Starting from dicyanodiamine (2 g,
0.12 mol) and acetic acid (3.3 g, 0.24 mol), compound 3b was obtained (1.8 g,
61 %). 1H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 2.37 (s, 3H), 7.89 (s, 1H), 11.67
(s, 1H). EMS-MS: m/z 127[M ? 1]+, 125[M-1]-.
To a flask (100 mL), dicyanodiamine (2 g, 0.12 mol), benzoic acid (2.6 g, 0.12
mol), or 4-methyoxybenzoic acid (3.3 g, 0.12 mol) or 3-fluorobenzoic acid (3.3 g,
0.12 mol), anhydrous sodium sulfuric (2 g) were added. The mixture was heated to
145 C for 6 h. Then the mixture was cool to room temperature for 12 h, the
864 J. Xing et al.
precipitate was filtered and washed with EtOH to give a white solid. The white
solid was put into a flask (100 mL), water (10 mL) was added, the mixture was
stirred for 5 min, hydrochloric acid was added until the white solid was completely
dissolved. The mixture was filtered and the ammonia (aq) was added until the
pH = 8–9, the precipitate was filtered to give another white solid which was then
put into a flask (100 mL), water (30 mL) and ammonia (aq, 10 mL) was added.
The mixture was heated to 75 C for 10 min. After cooling to room temperature,
the mixture was filtered and the filtrate was adjust to pH = 8–9 by hydrochloric
acid. The precipitate was filtered to give the pure product as a white solid.
4-Amino-2-phenyl-1,3,5-triazin-one(3c). Starting from dicyanodiamine (2 g,
0.12 mol) and benzoic acid (2.6 g, 0.12 mol), compound 3c was obtained
(1.0 g, 23 %). 1H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 7.49 (s, 1H), 7.51
(t, J = 10.4 Hz, 3H),7.60 (s, 1H), 8.19(d, J = 8.8 Hz, 2H) 11.53 (s, 1H). EMS-
MS: m/z 189.0[M ? 1]+, 187.1.0[M-1]-.
4-Amino-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1,3,5-triazin-one(3d). Starting from dicyanodi-
amine (2 g, 0.12 mol) and 4-methyoxybenzoic acid (3.3 g, 0.12 mol), compound
3d was obtained (1.5 g, 29 %). 1H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 3.85 (s,
3H), 7.06 (d, J = 6.2 Hz, 2H), 7.38 (s, 1H), 8.19 (d, J = 6.2 Hz, 2H), 11.74 (s,
1H), 11.78 (s, 1H). EMS-MS: m/z 219.1[M ? 1]+, 217.3[M-1]-.
4-Amino-2-(3-fluorophenyl)-1,3,5-triazin-one(3e). Starting from dicyanodiamine
(2 g, 0.12 mol) and 3-fluorobenzoic acid (3.3 g, 1.2 mol), compound 3e was
obtained (2.0 g, 40 %). 1H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 7.39 (s, 1H),
7.56(d, J = 10.0 Hz, 1H), 7.64 (s, H), 8.16 (d, J = 9.4 Hz, 1H), 8.21 (s, 1H), 11.26
(s, 1H). EMS-MS: m/z 207.1[M ? 1]+, 205.2[M-1]-.
To a solution of compound 3a–3e (4.46 mmol) in HMDS (10 mL) was added
(NH4)2SO4 (0.01 g). The mixture was refluxed for 12–16 h. After evaporation
under vacuum, compound 2a–2e was obtained. The crude product was used to
glycosylation without further purification. Compound 2a–2e (1 equiv) was dis-
solved in anhydrous acetonitrile, l,2,3,5-tetra-O-acetyl-b-D-ribose (1 equiv) and
SnCl4 (2 equiv) in acetonitrile were added. The mixture was stirred at room
temperature for 10–18 h, then diluted in chloroform and neutralized with a satu-
rated solution of sodium bicarbonate. The organic layer was separated, dried, and
evaporated. The residue was purified by flash column chromatography (CHCl3-
CH3OH) to give Compound 1a–1e as white solids.
1-(2,3,5-tri-O-acetyl-b-D-ribose)-4-Amino-1,3,5-triazin-2(1H)-one(1a). Start-
ing from the compound 3a (500 mg), compound 1a was obtained in (600 mg,
40 %). 1H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 2.05 (s, 3H), 2.06 (s, 3H), 2.07 (s,
3H), 4.27–4.32 (m, 1H), 5.33 (t, J = 11.2 Hz, 1H), 5.43 (t, J = 5.1 Hz, 1H), 5.78
(d, J = 4.1 Hz, 1H).
Starting from the compound 3b (500 mg), compound 1b was obtained
91 Design and Synthesis of 5-Azacytidine Analogs 865
(380 mg, 27 %). 1H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 2.05 (s, 3H), 2.06
(s, 3H), 2.07 (s, 3H), 2.44 (s, 3H), 3.69–3.75 (m, 1H), 4.19–4.29 (m, 2H),
4.50–4.54 (m, 1H), 5.62–5.72 (m, 3H).
Starting from the compound 3c (500 mg), compound 1c was obtained (237 mg,
20 %). 1H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 2.05 (s, 3H), 2.06 (s, 3H), 2.07 (s,
3H), 4.27–4.37(m, 2H), 4.64 (m, 1H), 5.37 (m, 1H), 5.66 (t, J = 12.6 Hz, 1H),
6.54 (s, 2H), 6.83 (d, J = 11.2, 1H), 7.46 (t, J = 10.1, 2H), 7.55 (d, J = 9.5, 1H),
8.41 (d, J = 9.5, 2H).
one(1d)). Starting from the compound 3d (500 mg), compound 1d was obtained
(106 mg, 9 %). 1H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 2.05 (s, 3H), 2.06 (s, 3H),
2.07 (s, 3H), 3.87 (s, 3H), 4.14(m, 2H), 4.64 (m, 1H), 5.35 (m, 1H), 5.63
(t, J = 12.7 Hz,1H), 6.46 (s, 2H), 6.80 (d, J = 11.2, 1H), 7.09 (m, 2H), 7.34
(t, J = 10.8, 1H), 7.94 (s, 1H), 7.99 (d, J = 9.5, 1H).
1-(2,3,5-tri-O-acetyl-b-D-ribose)-4-Amino-2-(3-fluorophenyl) -1,3,5-triazin-
one(1e). Starting from the compound 3e (500 mg), compound 1e was obtained in
(160 mg, 15 %). 1H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 2.05 (s, 3H), 2.06 (s, 3H),
2.07 (s, 3H), 4.22 (m, J = 40.4, 2H), 4.37 (m, 1H), 5.25 (m, 1H), 5.63(t,
J = 12.7 Hz,1H), 6.41 (s, 2H), 6.80 (d, J = 11.1, 1H), 7.23 (m, 1H), 7.40 (m, 1H),
8.09 (d, J = 11.8, 1H), 7.99 (d, J = 9.5, 1H).
91.3 Summary
Acknowledgments The authors sincerely thank the financial support from the Tianjin Uni-
versity of Science & Technology (20110407), the Science & Technology Project of Tianjin
(11ZCGHHZ00400), the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin (11JGYBJC14300), International
Science & Technology Cooperation Program of China (2013DFA31160) and Tianjin City High
School Science & Technology Fund Planning Project (20110504).
866 J. Xing et al.
1. Griffiths EA, Gore SD (2008) DNA methyltransferase and histone deacetylase inhibitors in
the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes. Semin Hematol 45:23–30
2. Grønbaek K, Hother C, Jones PA (2007) Epigenetic changes in cancer. APMIS 115:
3. Hartenstein R, Fridivich I (1967) Amidinourea formate, a precursor of 2-amino-4-hydroxy-
s-triazine. J Org Chem 32:1653–1654
4. Piskala A (1967) Synthesis of 5-azacytosine (4-amino-1,2-dihydro-1,3,5-triazin-2-one) and
its methyl derivatives. Coll Czech Chem Commun 32:3966–3976
5. Hanna NB, Masojidkova M, Fiedler P, Piskala A (1998) Synthesis of some 6-substituted 5-
azacytidine. Collect Czech Chem Commun 63:222–230
6. Hanna NB, Zajicek J, Piskala A (1997) 6-Methyl-5-azacytidine-synthesis, conformational
properties and biological activity, a comparison of molecular conformation with 5-azacytidine.
Nucleos Nucleot 16:129–144
7. Niedballa U, Vorbruggen H (1974) General synthesis of N-glycoside, synthesis of
5-azacytidines. J Org Chem 39:3672–3674
8. Winkey MW, Robins RK (1970) Direct glycosylation of 1,3,5-triazinones. New approach to
the synthesis of the nucleoside antibiotic 5-azacytidine (4-amino-1-.beta.-D-ribofuranosyl-
1,3,5-triazin-2-one) and related derivatives. J Org Chem 35:491–495
9. Pierce AC, Arnost M, Davies RJ, Forster C (2004) Diaminotriazoles useful as inhibitors of
protein kinases. WO Patent 2004046120
10. Gaubert G, Mathe C, Imbach JL, Eriksson S, Vincenzetti S, Salvatori D, Vita A, Maury G
(2000) Unnatural enantiomers of 5-azacytidine analogues: synthesis and enzymatic
properties. Eur J Med Chem 35:1011–1019
Chapter 92
Stigmasterol from the Flowers of Trollius
Abstract After being extracted with 75 % ethanol, Trollius chinensis extract was
obtained by evaporation of its supernatant under vacuum conditions and dissolved with
water, followed by extraction with petroleum ether. The petroleum ether part was
collected and subjected to silica gel column chromatography and separated individual.
Components were further purified by several rounds of silica gel column, followed by
recrystallization with methanol. In total, three compounds were isolated from the air-
dried flowers of Trollius chinensis and identified as b-sitosterol, stigmasterol and
hellebore acid based on spectral analysis, NMR experimentation. Among these three
compounds, stigmasterol was found for the first time in Trollius chinensis.
92.1 Introduction
Thanks to its remarkable curative effect [1, 2], Trollius chinensis Bunge (Ran-
unculaceae), is now widely used for treating upper respiratory infection [3],
chronic pharyngitis, laryngitis, and amygdalitis in traditional Chinese medicine.
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 867
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_92, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
868 M. Zhou et al.
Recently, medicines that mainly contain Trollius chinensis are more popular [1],
such as Trollius chinensis Particles, Trollius chinensis Capsule, and Trollius
chinensis Dispersible Tablets. It is also used in cigarette as a spice [4]. The yellow
pigment [5] in this plant is now widely used as a natural dyestuff [5]. In agri-
culture, it plays a role as a natural insecticide because of the active insecticidal
ingredients 200 -O-(2 -methylbutyryl)-vitexin and ursolic acid [6]. In the field of
food production, it is also used as an antioxidant [7, 8].
The origin habitat of Trollius chinensis is in Peru. It prefers to live in the areas
that are warm, moist, and full of sunshine. In China, it is mainly distributed in the
southwest, northwest, and northeast, especially in Chengde of Hebei province,
Neimenggu, Yunnan, and Xinjiang province. The statistical data from Doroszewska
in 1974 showed that there are 31 species of Trollius chinensis in the whole word.
Previous studies indicate that the main components of Trollius chinensis are
flavones, organic acids, and alkaloids [9, 10]. It is also reported that the main
constituents that contribute to pharmacological function is flavones [11, 12].
Recently, thanks to new technologies, more active ingredients were found from
this valuable medicine plant, for example, vitexin, orietin, and their derivatives.
Jian-Hua Zou [13] identified four flavone C-glycosides in 2005; Zhan-Lin Li [14]
isolated three new flavone C-glycosides in 2008; Shao-Qing Cai in 2006 isolated
an antiviral flavonoid-type C-Glycosides [15]. Ru-Feng Wang isolated trollioside
[16] in 2003, a new alkaloid [17] in 2004, and a new natural ceramide in 2010.
However, little work has been conducted to isolate and identify active ingredients
from the petroleum ether part of the Trollius chinensis extracts.
In this paper, we report the isolation and structure elucidation of the compounds
that obtained from the petroleum ether part, one of the identified compounds was,
for the first time, found in this plant, which was a supplement to the composition of
the Trollius chinensis.
92.2.1 General
NMR spectra were recorded in CDCl3 with an BRUKER 400 NMR spectrometer
with TMS as an internal standard. Silica gel H and silica gel 60–100, 200–300
mesh (both from Qingdao Haiyang Chemical Co., Qingdao, P.R. China) were used
for column chromatography.
The air-dried flowers were bought from Anguo Chinese herbal medicine market,
Hebei, China, in June 2011. And it is stored in the medicine storage of R&D
Center Tianjin Zhong Xin Pharmaceutical.
92 Stigmasterol from the Flowers of Trollius chinensis 869
The air-dried flowers were extracted (20 kg) with 75 % ethanol three times,
soaking for 24 h each time. The supernatant was evaporated in vacuo at 50 C into
small volume and made sure there was no ethanol left. Then dissolve it with water.
After that, partition the solution with petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, and n-butyl
alcohol one by one [18], and yield petroleum ether extractum 720 g. The petroleum
ether extractum dissolved by petroleum ether was subjected to silica gel (200–300
mesh), eluting with a petroleum ether—ethyl acetate gradient to gain 10 fractions
judging by the result of TLC. Number them as fraction 1, fraction 2 and so on.
Fraction 4 was set up to silica gel (200–300 mesh), eluting with a petroleum
ether—ethyl acetate gradient to give four parts. Then, put the third part to the silica
gel, eluting it with a petroleum ether–acetone gradient to yield three sections.
Dissolve the last section with the lest methanol in 50 C water bath, then put it into
the refrigerator when its temperature was near to the room temperature. In this
way, we got both I and II by the method of recrystallization.
Fraction 5 was set up to silica gel (200–300 mesh), eluting with a petroleum
ether-ethyl acetate gradient to get 6 parts. The last part was evaporated to small
volume, and lay aside at room temperature. Few days later, there was crystal yield,
washed it with method, the crystal of III was obtained from the last part.
Compound I was got as a white powder, mp: 135–137 C; It is easy to be dissolved in
CDCl3, while hard in methanol. 13C (400 MHz, CDCl3) d(ppm): 140.78(s, C-5),
121.73(d, C-6), 71.83(d, C-3), 56.89(d, C-14), 56.09(t, C-17), 50.16(d, C-9),
45.87(t, C-4), 42.26(s, C-13), 39.71(t, C-12), 38.86(t, C-1), 36.16(s, C-10), 35.89
(d, C-20), 33.98(s, C-7), 33.73(d, C-8), 32.43(t, C-22), 30.31(t, C-2), 29.19(t, C-24),
28.26(d, C-25), 26.13(d, C-16), 25.41(t, C-28), 24.38 (t, C-15), 2 l.22
(t, C-27), 21.10(t, C-11), 19.82(q, C-26), 19.41(q, C-19), 18.99(q, C-27), 18.79
(q, C-21), 11.99(q, C-29), 11.87(q, C-18). Comparing the detail spectral date with that
from the literature [19], this compound was identified as b-sitosterol (Table 92.1).
Compound II was obtained as a white powder, mp: 135 C * 137 C; It is easy to
be dissolved by CHCl3, while hard in methanol. 1H (400 MHz, CDCl3) d(ppm):
5.36(1H, s, H-6). 13C (400 MHz, CDCl3) d(ppm): 140.78(C-5), 138.31(C-22),
870 M. Zhou et al.
II Stigmasterol C29H48O
III Hellebore acid C9H10O4 O
Compound III was obtained as a yellow powder, mp: 179 C * 182 C; It is easy
to be dissolved in CHCl3. 13C (400 MHz, CDCl3) d (ppm): 171.88(COOH), 153.92
(C-4), 148.87(C-3), 124.76(C-8), 121.85 (C-1), 112.52 (C-2), 110.51(C-5),
56.23(OCH3-4), 56.17 (OCH3-3). 1H (400 MHz, CDCl3) d (ppm): 11.806 (1H, s,
COOH), 7.79 (1H, d, 2-H), 7.61(1H, d, 2-H), 6.93(1H, d, 5-H), 3.96(3H, s, 4-
OCH3), 3.95(3H, s, 3-OCH3). This detail spectral data was compared with liter-
ature date [21], as the result, this compound was recognized as hellebore acid
(Tables 92.2, 92.3, 92.4).
The petroleum ether part contains a variety of aliphatics and chlorophyll, which
made the separation harder. To remove the aliphatics, the experiment was per-
formed in cold temperatures and samples were loaded to the silica gel column,
eluted with petroleum ether, ether acetate. The above procedure was repeated as
necessary to minimize the amounts of aliphatics. However, each round of silica gel
column purification resulted in 10 % loss of contents.
Our results showed that recrystallization with normal hexane are an efficient
method to remove chlorophyll in the extracts, as the chlorophyll is very hard to
92 Stigmasterol from the Flowers of Trollius chinensis 871
solve in normal hexane. Thus, after silica gel column chromatography, the sections
that contain the target compounds were collected and the chlorophyll removed by
recrystallization. In addition, part of the chlorophyll also can be removed by silica
gel column chromatography. However, the chlorophyll cannot be completely
removed by either method. Therefore, effective new methods for chlorophyll
removal are needed.
The petroleum ether extractum contains a large variety of sterols and terpe-
noids, and many of them have the same core structure and only differ in some
functional groups. Repeated silica gel chromatography and recrystallization cannot
92.4 Conclusions
1. Pan HF, Xin CL, Li SZ (2007) Study on the effect of Trollius beverrage in clearing and
moistening throat. Lishizhen Med Mater Med Res 9:2233–2234
2. Wang P (1996) The observation of the treatment of upper respiratory tract infection by
Trollius chinensis infusion. Chin Tradit Pat Med 3:50
3. Geng JT, Geng YX (1976) The medicine optional of prevention and control in pharyngeal
chronic inflammation. Shanxi Med 03:37
4. Ji XM, Zhao HX, Li BJ et al (2011) Analysis of volatile components in Trollius chinensis
bunge extract and its application in cigarette. Fine Chem 28(5):467–470
5. Cao LJ, Yi DF (2011) Dyeing of wool with globe flower. Wool Tex J 39(8):9–12
92 Stigmasterol from the Flowers of Trollius chinensis 873
6. Yang F, Liu ZY, Liu W et al (2009) Inhibitory effects of three compounds extracted from
Trollius ledebouri on phenoloxidase of spodotera exigua. Chin J Pestic Sin 02:235–238
7. Zhao EL, Zhao XH, Fan JF (2008) Study on the extraction and antioxidation of flavone from
Trollius chinensis bunge. J Food Sci Biot 28(1):81–85
8. Yan J, Hu HN, Tian JM et al (2010) The antioxidant action research of the total Trollius
flavonoids. Lishizhen Med Mater Med Res 02:386–387
9. Song DM, Sun QS (2004) Chemical studies on the constituents of Trollius altaicus C.A.Mey.
China. J Med Chem 14(04):233–235
10. Zou JH, Yang JS (2005) Study on chemical constituents of Trollius ledebouri. Chin Pharm J
11. Su LJ, Wang H, Su ZW et al (2005) Chemical composition and pharmacological action of the
Trollius chinensis. World Notes Plant med 20(1):14–16
12. Li ZL, Li DY, Wang Y et al (2008) Antibacterial constituents from the flowers of Trollius
chinensis Bunge. J Shenyang Pharm Univ 25(8):627–629
13. Zou J, Yang J, Dong Y et al (2005) Flavone glycosides from flowers of Trollius chinensis.
China Pharm J 40(10):1121–1125
14. Li ZL, Li DY, Hua HM et al (2009) Three new acylated flavone C-glycosides from the
flowers of Trollius chinensis. Nat Prod Lett J 5:426–432
15. Cai SQ, Wang RF, Yang XW et al (2006) Antiviral flavonoid-Type C-glycosides from the
flowers of Trollius chinensis. Chem Biod 3(3):343–348
16. Wang RF, Ma CM, Zhang QY et al (2004) Trollioside, a new compound from the flowers of
Trollius chinensis. Nat Prod Lett 6(2):139–144
17. Wang RF, Yang XW, Ma CM et al (2004) A bioactive alkaloid from the flowers of Trollius
chinensis. Heterocycles 63(6):1443–1448
18. Ye SM, Li YL, Yang YT et al (2002) The extraction technology of Trollius chinensis. Chin
Med Mat 06:463–464
19. Luo YJ, Xiao XF, Wang ZL (2009) Studies on chemical constituents of Stenoloma
chusana(L.)Ching. Chem Res Appl 21(1):97–99
20. Zhang XQ, Qi J, Ye WC et al (2004) Chemical constituents from Xanthium sibiricum. J Chin
Pharm Univ 05:18–19
21. Feng XF (1998) Chemical constituents from Trollius chinensis. Chin Tradit Herbal Drugs J
22. Wang RF, Yang XW, Ma CM et al (2010) Analysis of fatty acids from the flowers of Trollius
chinensis. Chin Med Mat 10:1579–1581
Chapter 93
Design, Synthesis and Primary Biological
Evaluation of the Novel Antitumor Agent
Indoline-3-One and Its Derivatives
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 875
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_93, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
876 H. Jia et al.
93.1 Introduction
All reagents and solvents used in this paper were of reagent grade. Reaction
temperatures were controlled using oil bath temperature modulator. Thin layer
chromatography (TLC) was performed using E. Merck silica gel 60 GF254 pre-
coated plates (0.25 mm) and visualized using a combination of UV. Silica gel
(particle size 200–400 mesh) was used for flash chromatography. 1H NMR spectra
was recorded on Bruker AM-400 NMR spectrometers in deuterated chloroform
and deuterated DMSO. The chemical shifts are reported in d (ppm) relative to
tetramethylsilane as internal standard.
93.2.2 Chemistry
i ii iii O
O v O
4 O
5a R= 5b R= 5c R=
5d R= 5e R= 5f R=
Table 93.1 Inhibition activity of the compound 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d and 6e (lM)
Tested cell Samples (IC50)
5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f
K562 [10 [10 [10 2.33 [10 2.27
HepG2 [10 [10 [10 2.24 [10 3.47
HT-29 [10 [10 [10 2.04 [10 [10
The anticancer activities for newly synthesized compounds were tested on the
K562, HT-29, and HepG2 cells by using MTT method [14]. The results of com-
pounds (5a–5f) were listed in Table 93.1 which indicated that 2-(2-nitrobenzyli-
dene)indolin-3-one (5d) and 2-(4-(trifluoromethyl)benzylidene)indolin-3-one(5f)
demonstrated good antitumor activity against K562 and HepG2 with an IC50 of
2.33, 2.24, 2.27, and 3.47 lM, respectively. But it was not active against HT-29
(IC50 [ 10 lM) at our test condition.
Reagents and conditions: (i) 10%NaOH, H2O, then HCl; (ii) ClCH2COOH,
Na2CO3, NaOH, H2O, then HCl; (iii) Ac2O, HAc, CH3COONa; (iv) C2H5OH,
H2O, Na2SO3; (v) C2H5OH, H2O, conc HCl.
H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 6.627 (s, 1H), 6.963 (t, J = 7.2 Hz,
1H), 7.149 (d, J = 4.0 Hz, 1H), 7.562 (t, J = 8.0 Hz, 2 Hz, 1H), 7.610
(d, J = 4.0 Hz, 1H), 7.874 (dd, J = 11.6 Hz, 3.2 Hz, 4H), 10.058 (s, 1H).
2-(2-nitrobenzylidene)indolin-3-one (5d). Starting from compound 4 (0.2 g,
1.14 mmol)and 2-Nitrobenzaldehyd (0.21 g, 1.37 mmol), compound 5d was
obtained in 88 % yield.
H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 6.801 (s, 1H), 6.948 (t, J = 7.2 Hz
1H), 7.090 (d, J = 4.0 Hz, 1H), 7.549 (t, J = 7.6 Hz, 1H), 7.592–7.689 (m, 2H),
7.843 (t, J = 7.2 Hz, 1H), 7.931 (d, J = 4.0 Hz, 1H), 8.109 (d, J = 4.0 Hz, 1H),
10.000 (s, 1H).
2-(4-nitrobenzylidene)indolin-3-one (5e). Starting from compound 4 (0.2 g,
1.14 mmol) and 2-Nitrobenzaldehyd (0.21 g, 1.37 mmol), compound 5e was
obtained in 85 % yield.
H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 6.663 (s, 1H), 6.976 (t, J = 7.2 Hz,
1H), 7.160 (d, J = 4.0 Hz, 1H), 7.553–7.594 (m, 1H), 7.619 (d, J = 4.0 Hz, 1H),
7.948 (d, J = 8.8 Hz, 2H), 8.263(d, J = 4.0 Hz, 2H), 10.155 (s, 1H).
2-(4-(trifluoromethyl)benzylidene)indolin-3-one (5f). Starting from compound 4
(0.2 g, 1.14 mmol) and 4-(trifluoromethyl)benzaldehyde (0.24 g, 1.37 mmol),
compound 5f was obtained in 75 % yield.
H NMR (d6-DMSO 400 MHz): d/ppm 6.664 (s, 1H), 6.957 (t, J = 7.2 Hz,
1H), 7.151 (d, J = 4.0 Hz, 1H), 7.539–7.622 (m, 1H), 7.795 (d, J = 4.0 Hz, 2H),
7.922 (d, J = 4.0 Hz, 2H), 9.995 (s, 1H).
All the above compounds were tested for their in vitro anticancer activity against
HT-29, K562, HepG2 cells by MTT-based assay. The cells were diluted to a
density of 5 9 104 cells/mL and added 100 lL to each well of the 96-well plates
with a multichannel pipet, After incubating for 24 h, 0.5 lL compounds were
added and then cells were further incubated for 48 h (final concentrations of each
compound: 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, and 10 lM). The culture plates were incubated for 4 h
after which 20 lL MTT was added to each well, then the medium were removed
from the wells and 100 lL DMSO added into each well. After leaving for further
10 min to dissolve the formazan crystals formed, the optical density (OD) was
measured at 490 and 630 nm. Cell viability was calculated from measurements of
OD value according to the corresponding formula and a graph is plotted of cell
viability (y-axis) against drug concentration (x-axis). The given values are mean
values of three experiments. The IC50 concentration represents the concentration
which results in a 50 % decrease in cell growth after 2 days incubation. The results
were presented in Table 93.1.
93 Design, Synthesis and Primary Biological Evaluation 881
93.4 Conclusion
We report the design and synthesis of novel indoline-3-one and its derivatives.
Several steps among this route were optimized, such as cyclization, nucleophilic
substitution reaction, aldol reaction, and so on. The cyclization reaction was the key
step. All the target compounds were synthesized in five steps with the overall yield
of 25–30 %, respectively. The structures of these novel targets and all of inter-
mediates were confirmed by 1H NMR. Biological activity test indicated that
2-(2-nitrobenzylidene)indolin-3-one (5d) and 2-(4-(trifluoromethyl)benzylidene)
indolin-3-one(5f) have good antitumor activity against K562 and HepG2 cells.
In order to improve the antitumor activity, further modifications based on com-
pound (5d) and (5f) were undergoing in our laboratory.
Acknowledgments The authors sincerely thank the financial support from the Natural Science
Foundation of Tianjin (12JCYBJC31600), the Science and Technology Project of Tianjin
(10ZCKFSY07700, 11ZCGHHZ00400) and Tianjin University of Science and Technology
(20110115, 20120117).
1. Prakash CR, Raja S (2012) Indolinones as promising scaffold as kinase inhibitors: a review.
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targeted therapy in well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors. Oncology 83(3):117–127
6. Figlin R, Sternberg C, Wood CG (2012) Novel agents and approaches for advanced renal cell
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8. Chen Z, Merta PJ, Lin NH et al (2005) A-432411, a novel indolinone compound that disrupts
spindle pole formation and inhibits human cancer cell growth. Mol Cancer Ther
9. Mulligan JM, Greene LM, Cloonan S et al (2006) Identification of tubulin as the molecular
target of proapoptotic pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepines. Mol Pharmacol 70(1):60–70
10. Halaban R (1991) Growth factors and tyrosine protein kinases in normal and malignant
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11. Bishop JM (1987) The molecular genetics of cancer. Science 235(4786):305–311
12. Sun L, Tran N, Tang F et al (1998) Synthesis and biological evaluations of 3-substituted
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13. Lee CY, Chew EH, Go ML (2010) Functionalized aurones as inducers of NAD(P)H:quinone
oxidoreductase 1 that activate AhR/XRE and Nrf2/ARE signaling pathways: synthesis,
evaluation and SAR. Eur J Med Chem 45:2957–2971
882 H. Jia et al.
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 883
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_94, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
884 P. Wang et al.
94.1 Introduction
The etiology of RA is not fully known, although quite a lot of researches are
ongoing regarding it. For example, it has been determined that the frequency of
RA in monozygotic twins is obviously higher than that in the general population
[8]. Furthermore, there is a more than 30 % concordance rate of disease in
identical twins. The polymorphic human leukocyte antigen DR (HLA-DR) b chain
genes (some DRl and DR4 subtypes) seem to be the mainly identified
94 Research Progress on the Anti-Rheumatoid Arthritis Drugs 885
susceptibility genes [9, 10]. A recent research of class II genes and molecules of
the major histocompatibility complex has showed an increase susceptibility to
seropositive RA patients expressing the HLA-DR4 subtypes [11]. It has been
indicated that Collagen II and HLA-DR b molecular form dimer complex in order
to drive immune responses possibly in the pathogenesis of RA. However, there is
not any convincing evidence that a rheumatoid specific antigen has been forth-
coming, although some antigens rich in joints, such as collagen II, are possible
candidates [12]. An investigation has pointed out that a majority of adult patients
present more DR1 antigens than others in the early development of RA [13, 14].
However, nongenetic factors, such as environmental factors, bacteria, viruses,
sex hormones, play a major role in initiating and maintaining RA for the majority
of patients. A research has showed that a constant stimulus for pathogenesis of RA
is peptidoglycan existing in group A streptococcus. And a continuous high titer of
anti-EB virus antibody was found in the sera and synovial fluids of patients with
RA. Furthermore, the number of the women suffering from RA is three times more
than men, however, women with RA will go into remission if they are in gestation
period or take the pill. It is known to us that many contributors, e.g., cold, damp,
fatigue, malnutrition, trauma, mental factor, etc., would give rise to RA. Many
patients are very curious to know whether the cause of RA is attributed to
improper nutrition, however, by now no investigations have determined that
specific nutritional factors are causative agents.
Efforts to develop safer and more effective treatments for RA have been achieved
through the development of the biologic agents. A few different cellular and
cytokine targets have been identified, and some biologics have been approved to
treat RA at present, including TNF-a antagonists (adalimumab, etanercept, inf-
liximab), IL-1 antagonist (anakinra), an inhibitor of T cell costimulation (abata-
cept), and a selective depleter of B cells (rituximab) etc. These biological agents
have shown the ability to bring good outcomes for many RA patients.
94 Research Progress on the Anti-Rheumatoid Arthritis Drugs 887
Though there are many effective therapeutic targets, inhibition of cytokines seems
to be a particular effective approach to controlling inflammation and preventing
further joint destruction [20].
TNF Antagonists
TNF-a is a trigger that causes joint tissue damage resulting in bone erosion, so the
development of anti-TNF-a monoclonal antibodies alleviates symptoms effec-
tively and prevents the progression of joint damage.
Etanercept (ETN), a soluble tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor fusion pro-
tein, has been approved for the treatment of RA. TNF-a plays its functions via
interaction with its membrane receptors, p55 or TNF receptor I (TNFRI) and p75
(TNFRII), which activate two kinds of completely different signal pathways and
cause distinct biological effects. Etanercept, a dimeric human p75-Fc fusion pro-
tein, consists of extracellular domains of the human p75 and the constant Fc
portion of human IgG1. It has been proved that Etanercept can reduce RA activity
for those who have had an inadequate response to other therapies [21–23]. The
reason is that Etanercept competitively prevents the binding of TNF-a to cell
surface TNF-a receptor, inhibiting the biological activity of TNF [24]. Inhibition
of TNF activity may slow or halt progressive joint damage in order to improve the
quality of life for patients. Compared with oral methotrexate, subcutaneous eta-
nercept acted more rapidly to decrease disease activity and prevent structural
damage in patients with early active RA. The findings indicated that the combi-
nation of etanercept and methotrexate was significantly better in decreasing dis-
ease activity and slowing joint damage compared with methotrexate or etanercept
Adalimumab (ADA, Humira) is a fully human recombinant immunoglobulin
G1 (IgG1) anti-TNF monoclonal antibody, therefore it is thought to be less
immunogenic than chimeric antibodies. Adalimumab is suitable for those who
have had an inadequate response to DMARDs and also effective in the treatment of
patients with moderately to severely RA. Adalimumab, either alone or in com-
bination with methotrexate or standard antirheumatic therapies, has an obvious
effect in early treatment of RA. In a key study [25], adalimumab in combination
with methotrexate, at a higher dose of 40 mg subcutaneously every 2 weeks,
yielded a statistically remarkable improvement compared with methotrexate plus
placebo. In general, adalimumab significantly decreased symptoms of active RA
and established a long-lasting clinical response in patients, as well as a well-
tolerated feature with few patients discontinuing treatment because of side effects.
Infliximab (IFX), a Human-Mouse Chimeric anti-TNF monoclonal antibody, is
found to be effective for the treatment of early RA [26]. It is a heterotetrameric
protein, and its hypervariable region is murine in origin and the constant domain of
the immunoglobulin is made up with a human IgG1 Fc heavy chain and partial k
888 P. Wang et al.
A lot of cytokines except TNF are also targets for RA therapy, including IL-1, IL-6
and RANKL etc. Anakinra is the first IL1-receptor antagonist, either alone or in
combination with methotrexate, has played a very good efficacy in moderate-to-
severe RA. Tocilizumab is a fully humanized mAb targeting the IL6-receptor, now
approved for the treatment of RA [30, 31]. However, biologic inhibition of either
IL-1 or IL-6 shows no obviously superior outcomes to TNF blockade.
94.4.4 Glucocorticoids
Previous study has demonstrated that the various active ingredients in Chinese
herbal medicine for RA have multiple physiological functions, such as antimi-
crobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and immunomodulatory activities. In addi-
tion, the Chinese herb medicine is effective with higher safety and less adverse
effect. Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. F (TWHF), a Chinese herbal medicine and a
member of the Celastraceae family, has been reported to be a therapeutic agent
against a number of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases such as RA. The
extractives of TWHF, for instance tripterygium glycosides, can effectively inhibit
the production of cytokines by suppressing quite a number of proinflammatory
890 P. Wang et al.
genes and then induce the apoptosis in lymphocytes and synovial fibroblasts [37].
Patients taking extractives of TWHF frequently developed adverse effects, and
occasionally severe toxicity to their livers and kidneys.
94.5 Conclusion
In recent decades, development and application of new therapeutic agents for the
treatment of RA bring a remarkable development for the treatment of this disease
and contribute to research on the pathogenesis of RA. Furthermore, it is very
apparent that RA is a multidimensional disease with a highly variable course, so a
great majority of patients need to change drug types frequently because of
reduction of efficacy and the lack of significant control of disease. RA is a lifelong
disease, therefore, it is still necessary to develop novel effective therapeutic
approaches against RA in the future. The drugs at present will be replaced by the
new drugs which not only target all phases of RA disease progression, but also can
be used in combination with other agents. The development of multiple new drugs
for RA must be able to bring about long-term good outcomes for many patients.
Acknowledgments This study was financially supported by the Program for Changjiang
Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University of Ministry of Education of China (NO.
95.1 Introduction
C. Sun (&)
Tianjin Chasesun Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, Tianjin 301700, People’s Republic of China
J. Cao
College of Biotechnology, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin 300457,
People’s Republic of China
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 893
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_95, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
894 C. Sun and J. Cao
All reagents and solvents used in this paper were of reagent grade. Reaction
temperatures were controlled using oil bath temperature modulator. Thin layer
chromatography (TLC) was performed using E. Merck silica gel 60 GF254 pre-
coated plates (0.25 mm) and visualized using a combination of UV. Silica gel
(particle size 200–400 mesh) was used for flash chromatography. 1H NMR spectra
was recorded on Bruker AM-400 NMR spectrometers in deuterated solvent. The
chemical shifts are reported in d (ppm) relative to tetramethylsilane as internal
95.2.2 Chemistry
Figure 95.1 demonstrates the synthetic approach to the target compounds 5a–5h.
KCl NaCl AlCl3 NBS
1 2
Br R
R R'
3 5a-5h
As described above, eight target compounds (5a–5h) were obtained (Table 95.1)
with a simple and feasible synthetic route. The evaluation of anti-flammatory and
analgesic activities of these compounds are ongoing right now.
95.4 Experimental
To the 1H-pyrrole (30 g, 0.45 mol) was added 20 % TEBA (6.5 mL), then at 0 C
added acrylonitrile dropwise for about 1 h. After stirring for another 1 h at
35–40 C, compound 1 was obtained with 80 % yield by distillation in vacuum
(130–132 C/1,066pa, Lit: 132–136 C/1,066.2pa).
Potassium chloride (5.6 g), sodium chloride (5.6 g), and anhydrous aluminum
chloride (28 g) were heated to melt together in a 100 mL round bottom at 140 C,
then the compound 1 was poured into the melted salt mixture, stirred for 35–40 s,
the mixture was poured into ice water, adjusted pH to 6–7 with potassium
hydroxide, heated with a water bath at 75 Cfor 30 min. After cooling, the reaction
mixture was extracted with CH2Cl2 (50 mL 9 3), organic phases were combined
and dried over anhydrous magnesium sulfate, purified by flash chromatography
using 200–300 mesh silica gel (petroleum ether:ethyl acetate = 8:1), 4.55 g
compound 2 was obtained (65 % yield) with m.p 54–55 C (Lit. :53.5–54 C).
H NMR (CDCl3, d):3.11(t, 2H,2-H),4.33(t, 2H, 3-H),6.54(q, 1H, 6-H),6.76
(t, H, 7-H),7.06(d, H, 5-H).
896 C. Sun and J. Cao
5b O 5f O
5c O 5g O
5d O 5h O
Compound 3 (100 mg) was dissolved in 5 mL ethanol, which was then added with
0.2 mL 10 % sodium hydroxide aqueous solution under ice-bath condition, stirred
for 10 min, 4-substituted benzaldehyde ethanol solution was added dropwise, then
stirred for 1 h at room temperature. The reaction mixture was filtrated, washed
with cold 95 % ethanol 2–3 times, the yellow solid were dried to give the com-
pounds 4 with 58–70 % yield. The following is 1H NMR example of compounds 4.
(E)-2-benzylidene-5-bromo-2,3-dihydropyrrolizin-1-one: 1H NMR (CDCl3,
d):5.0(d, 2H,3-H),6.53(d, 1H, 6-H),6.89(d, 1H, 7-H),7.47(m, 5H, Ar–H),7.6(s, H,
5h (48 %): 1H NMR (CDCl3, d):3.87(s, 3H, –OCH3),5.25(d, 2H, 3-H),6.74(d, 1H,
6-H),6.98(t, 3H, Ar–H and 7-H),7.42(m, 3H, Ar–H),7.52(t, 3H, Ar–H and =
CH–),7.64(d, 2H, Ar–H).
95.5 Conclusion
Acknowledgments The authors sincerely thank Professor Peng Yu and his team in the Tianjin
University of Science and Technology for the characterization of compounds and other generous
1. Morriello GJ, Chicchi G, Johnson T et al (2010) Fused tricyclic pyrrolizinones that exhibit
pseudo-irreversible blockade of the NK1 receptor. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 20(19):5925–5932
2. Morriello GJ, Mills SG, Johnson T et al (2010) Substituted fused bicyclic pyrrolizinones as
potent, orally bioavailable hNK1 antagonists. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 20(6):2007–2012
3. Despinoy XL, McNab H (2009) 1-Methoxycarbonylpyrrolizin-3-one and related compounds.
Org Biomol Chem 7(10):2187–2194
4. Lescot E, Bureau R, Sopkova-de Oliveira Santos J et al (2005) 3D-QSAR and docking studies
of selective GSK-3beta inhibitors. comparison with a thieno[2,3-b]pyrrolizinone derivative, a
new potential lead for GSK-3beta ligands. J Chem Inf Model 45(3):708–715
5. Zhao LQ, Hu YD, Yuan Y et al (2001) Studied on docking of 5,6-diaryl-2,3-dihydro-1-
pyrrolizinone derivatives with cyclooxygenase. Yao Xue Xue Bao 36(6):415–418
6. Zhao LQ, Yuan Y, Hu YD et al 3D-QSAR of antiinflammatory activities of 5,6-diaryl-2,3-
dihydro-1-pyrrolizinone derivatives]. Yao Xue Xue Bao. 36(5):343–346
7. Zhao LQ, Yang Z, Zhang SF (2001) 5, 6-diaryl-2, 3-dihydro-1-pyrrolizinone derivatives
synthesis and antiiflammatory and analgesic activities. Yao Xue Xue Bao 36(4):258–261
8. Zhang SF, Gao WF, Hen HZ (1988) Synthesis of 3H-1, 2-dihydro-1-pyrrolizinone derivatives.
Yao Xue Xue Bao 23(1):28–33
Chapter 96
Inhibition of iNOS to Protect Intermittent
Hypoxia-Induced Hippocampal Neurons
Impairment by Astragalus Extract in Rat
Qiang Zhang, Wenyuan Gao, Shuli Man, Yun Zhang and Baoyuan
Abstract The aim of this paper is to research the protective effect of Astragalus
against intermittent hypoxia-induced hippocampal neurons impairment in rat and
lay the theoretical foundation for sleep apnea improvement in cognitive function
by Astragalus. Male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: (1) blank control
group; (2) normoxia group; (3) intermittent hypoxia group; (4) Astragalus treated
intermittent hypoxia group. After 6-week treatment, the expression of iNOS was
detected by real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) at
mRNA level as well as by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and western blot at
protein level. As a result, Astragalus reduced the expression of iNOS at mRNA
and protein levels in hippocampus compared with non-treated groups (P \ 0.05).
In conclusion, Astragalus could protect intermittent hypoxia-induced hippocampal
neurons impairment in rat.
Keywords Astragalus Intermittent hypoxia Hippocampus neurons apoptosis
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 899
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_96, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
900 Q. Zhang et al.
96.1 Introduction
Twenty-four adult male Wistar rats, with body weight around 310 ± 30 g, were
provided by the Animal Center of Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin. The animals
were randomly divided into four groups (n = 6), blank control group, normoxia
group, intermittent hypoxia group, and Astragalus treated group. All groups had free
access to water and food. The hypoxia condition was intermittently induced 30 times
per hour (h), and the lowest concentration of oxygen in capsule was 5 %. The capsule
inducing hypoxia was circularly charged with nitrogen for 30 s (10 L/min), atmo-
sphere for 40 s (10 L/min) and atmosphere for 50 s (5 L/min), overall 2 min/cycle.
The oxygen concentration in capsules ranged from 5 to 21 %. Rats were exposed to
alternating cycles of normoxia (2 min at 21 % O2) and hypoxia (2 min at 10 % O2),
repeated continuously for 8 h/day during the light portion of the cycle for 6 weeks.
The experiment was conducted according to the ethics of animal experiments.
stored at 4 C. The rats were administrated with 3.5 g/2 mL/kg body weight of
Astragalus extract once everyday for six months.
96.2.3 Immunohistochemistry
The IHC was performed using Rabbit Anti-Mouse HIF-1a antibody (Santa, USA),
Rabbit Anti-Mouse iNOS antibody (Santa, USA), streptavidin–biotin complex
(SABC) kit (Boster, China), and diaminobenzidine (DAB) kit (Boster, China).
There was no false positive by setting the blank and replacing the control. Five
fields of view without overlapping and at high magnification (9400) were selected
and the average optical density was detected.
The proteins were extracted using Protein Extraction Kit (Promega, USA). Thirty
lg of proteins were mixed with 2 9 sodium dodecyl sulfate/sulphate (SDS)-
PAGE sample buffer at the ratio of 1:1. The electrophoresis was performed and the
proteins were transferred to the nitrocellulose (NC) film. The film was blocked
overnight using a buffer. The NC film was washed thrice using a buffer. The
monoclonal Goat Anti-Rat iNOS antibodies (1:400) (Santa, USA) were incubated
with NC film and shake at 4 C overnight. The NC film was washed thrice and the
secondary antibody of Rabbit Anti-Goat immunoglobulin (IgG) (1:5,000) was
902 Q. Zhang et al.
added. After incubation at 37 C for 1 h, the NC film was exposed. b-Actin (Santa,
USA) was used for normalization.
Data were presented as the mean ± standard deviation (SD) and analyzed by using
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences computer program (SPSS version 13.0).
We employed multi-factor variance to analyze the data and performed the com-
parison by using Student–Newman–Keuls test. Differences were considered sta-
tistically significant if P values were less than 0.05.
Studies have shown that Astragalus may improve cerebral hypoxia and reoxy-
genation of hippocampal neurons apoptosis. Ethyl acetate fractions of Astragalus
membranaceus (Fisch.) Bunge var. mongholicus (Bunge) Hsiao (Fabaceae) sig-
nificantly decreased pro-inflammatory mediators (e.g., NO and PGE(2))[5].
Intermittent hypoxia is also a hypoxia and reoxygenation of the pathophysiol-
ogy process. Thus, we tried the above findings applied to intermittent hypoxia rat
model experiments to investigate the protective effect of Astragalus intermittent
hypoxia in rat hippocampal neurons.
The negative cells appeared purplish-blue under optical microscope and the
cytoplasm of positive cells brownish-yellow. Compared with normoxia group and
blank control group, large quantity of brown-yellow particles in hypoxia group
were observed. In Astragalus group, the brownish-yellow particles decreased, and
-blue cells also could be observed (Fig. 96.1). Statistical significant difference was
observed between Astragalus group and hypoxia group (P \ 0.05), as indicated in
Table 96.1.
Fig. 96.1 Immunohistochemistry analysis of iNOS in brain of rats. a iNOS in control group;
b iNOS in normoxia group; c iNOS in hypoxia group; d iNOS in Astragalus group
96 Inhibition of iNOS to Protect Intermittent 903
Table 96.1 The IHC assay of iNOS in hippocampal neurons statistically analyzed
Groups Number of rats iNOS
(mean ± SD)
The first group (blank control group) 6 1.434 ± 0.072
The second group (normoxia group) 5 1.366 ± 0.004
The third group (intermittent hypoxia group) 6 7.803 ± 0.053
The fourth group (Astragalus group) 10 3.709 ± 0.046
F value 27 21661.803*
Comparison between the third and the first group 6.369 ± 0.029*
Comparison between the third and the second group 6.437 ± 0.029*
Comparison between the third and the fourth group 4.093 ± 0.029*
*P \ 0.05, compared with intermittent hypoxia groups
The expressions of iNOS in Astragalus group were lower than those in hypoxia
group. The expressions of iNOS in hypoxia group were higher than those in
normoxia and blank control groups, as shown in Fig. 96.3.
Fig. 96.2 The electrophoretic analysis of PCR products of iNOS in different samples. 1 The
band in normoxia group is not clear (179 bp). 2, 3 The band in Astragalus group is clear (167 bp).
4 Marker, from bottom to top: 100, 250, 500, 750, 1,000, 2,000 bp. 5 The band in blank control
group is 179 bp. 6, 7 The band in hypoxia group is 179 bp
904 Q. Zhang et al.
Table 96.2 The expression of iNOS at mRNA level in hippocampal neurons statistically analyzed
Groups Number of rats iNOS
(mean ± SD)
The first group (blank control group) 6 0.202 ± 0.032
The second group (normoxia group) 5 0.125 ± 0.040
The third group (intermittent hypoxia group) 6 3.394 ± 1.344
The fourth group (Astragalus group) 10 1.121 ± 0.595
F value 27 25.510*
Comparison between the third and the first group 3.192 ± 0.421*
Comparison between the third and the second group 3.269 ± 0.441*
Comparison between the third and the fourth group 2.273 ± 0.376*
*P \ 0.05, compared with intermittent hypoxia groups
Our findings showed that the expressions of iNOS at mRNA and protein levels
as well as the apoptosis of neurons increased in hippocampus of rats exposed to
intermittent hypoxia, but, Astragalus decreased the expression of iNOS at mRNA
and protein levels and inhibited the apoptosis of neurons in hippocampus. These
results are in accordance with previous studies.
Any condition of hypoxia could induce rapidly an abundant expression of HIF-
1a. Meanwhile, it was reported that NO generated by iNOS mainly played
a cytotoxic role during the process of hypoxia [6]. The apoptosis is one of the
important mechanisms to delay neuron death after cerebral ischemia or hypoxia.
HIF-1a can regulate the expression of iNOS [7]. Astragalus reduced HIF-1a
expression. Therefore, it inhibited the production of NO and then avoided the
apoptosis of hippocampus neurons and other tissues injury. In our previous
research, we found that Astragalus could inhibit the expression of HIF-1a (data are
published elsewhere).
96 Inhibition of iNOS to Protect Intermittent 905
96.4 Conclusion
Acknowledgments This work was supported by a grant 10JCYBJC25800 from Natural Science
Foundation of Tianjin, a grant 20100132 from Tianjin higher school science and technology
development fund project and a grant 2009KY17 from Tianjin Medical University Fund.
Yibo Wang, Yanbing Shen, Jiajia Ren, Jianmei Luo and Min Wang
97.1 Introduction
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 907
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_97, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
908 Y. Wang et al.
group was introduced to progesterone [3], the 11a, and 15a hydroxy group was
introduced to androstenedione [4], and Romano reported that the hydroxylation of
the position 7 and 15 of dehydroepiandrosterone (3b-hydroxy-5-androsten-
17- one) [5]. In the present paper, we studied the biotransformation of 1 by C. lini
AS3. 4486. Notably, a product 12b, 15a-dihydroxy-16a,17-epoxyprogesterone (2)
was formed. The introduction of hydroxy group at C12 and C15 position of
steroids was very difficult by chemical synthesis. Therefore, it is a mild and
selective method that hydroxylated steroid substrates at positions C12 and C15
with C. lini AS3.4486.
The purified transformation product was characterized by NMR and MS. The
detailed results are as follows: HREI-MS: m/z 361.2006 [M+H]+ C21H28O5, Calcd.
for 360.1937; 1H NMR (DMSO-d6, 400 MHz): d (ppm): 0.98 (3H, s, H-18), 1.15
(3H, s, H-19), 2.10 (3H, s, H-21), 4.72 (1H, d, H-12), 4.98 (1H, d, H-15), 5.62 (1H,
s, H-4); 13C NMR (DMSO-d6, 400 MHz): d(ppm): 204.89(C-20),197.95 (C-3),
170.52(C-5), 123.09 (C-4), 71.23 (C-17), 70.28 (C-12), 62.66 (C-15); Rf in dichlo-
romethane/ether/methanol (12.5:2:1, v/v/v): 0.48.
Table 97.1 Selected bond lengths (Å) and bond angles () for the compound 2
Bond Dist. Bond Dist. Bond Dist.
O(1)–C(3) 1.229(3) C(5)–C(10) 1.524(3) C(12)–C(13) 1.525(3)
O(2)–C(12) 1.446(2) C(6)–C(7) 1.530(3) C(13)–C(17) 1.542(3)
O(3)–C(15) 1.421(2) C(7)– C(8) 1.524(3) C(13)–C(18) 1.544(3)
O(4)–C(16) 1.442(2) C(8)–C(14) 1.531(3) C(13)–C(14) 1.547(3)
O(4)–C(17) 1.456(2) C(8)–C(9) 1.542(3) C(14)–C(15) 1.537(3)
O(5)–C(20) 1.223(3) C(9)–C(11) 1.542(3) C(15)–C(16) 1.512(3)
C(1)–C(10) 1.538(3) C(9)–C(10) 1.567(3) C(16)–C(17) 1.479(3)
C(2)–C(3) 1.501(3) C(10)–C(19) 1.550(3) C(17)–C(20) 1.501(3)
C(3)–C(4) 1.460(3) C(11)–C(12) 1.535(3) C(20)–C(21) 1.501(3)
C(4)–C(5) 1.347(3)
Angle (?) Angle (?) Angle (?)
C(4)–C(5)–C(6) 120.1(2) C(1)–C(10)– 110.15(17) C(18)–C(13)– 112.31(15)
C(19) C(14)
C(4)–C(5)–C(10) 123.1(2) C(12)–C(11)– 114.04(15) C(8)–C(14)– 121.05(16)
C(9) C(15)
C(6)–C(5)–C(10) 116.81(16) C(5)–C(10)– 107.79(15) C(8)–C(14)– 112.88(15)
C(9) C(13)
C(5)–C(6)–C(7) C(1)–C(10)– 108.01(15) C(15)–C(14)– 105.13(15)
111.38(16) C(9) C(13)
C(8)–C(7)–C(6) 111.16(16) C(19)–C(10)– 112.23(16) O(3)–C(15)– 109.93(15)
C(9) C(16)
C(7)–C(8)–C(14) 111.91(15) O(2)–C(12)– 112.74(15) O(3)–C(15)– 113.14(15)
C(13) C(14)
97 Prepared and Characterization of 12b 911
Figs 97.1 and 97.2, respectively. The selected bond lengths and bond angles are
listed in Table 97.1.
Compound 2 has three six-membered rings (A/B/C) and one five-membered
rings (D). Ring A has a 1a-sofa conformation. Rings B and C adopt chair con-
formations, while the cyclopentane ring D adopts a 14a-envelope conformation. In
the crystal structure, there are short intermolecular C–HO contacts. The title
compound was chiral space group. The 12-hydroxy is b configuration with the
torsion angles C12–C13–C14–O2 = 175.98(15). The 15-hydroxy is a configu-
ration with the torsion angles C13–C14–C15–O3 = -153.64(15). The bond
lengths and angles are within normal ranges [7, 8]. In the crystal packing
(Fig. 97.2), X-ray analysis indicates that intermolecular hydrogen bonds O(2)–
H(2)O(5), O(3)–H(3)O(2) are observed (Table 97.2).
97.4 Conclusion
view of all these observations, the product should be 12b, 15a- dihydroxy-16a, 17-
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the National High Technology Research and
Development of China (2011AA02A211), the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(Nos. 21076158 and 21276196), and Tianjin City High School Science & Technology Fund
Planning Project (20120629).
98.1 Introduction
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 915
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_98, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
916 G. Huo et al.
Dried and powdered leaves of the plant (10 kg) were extracted with 80 % EtOH.
After concentrated under vacuum, the EtOH extract was suspended into water, and
98 Structure Elucidation of Two Triterpenoid Saponins 917
then extracted successively with CHCl3 and n-BuOH. The n-BuOH fraction
(679.2 g) was subjected to Diaion HP20SS column chromatography (CC)
(MeOH–H2O, 0:100–100:0 v/v) to give eight fractions (Fr.1–8). Fraction 8
(87.68 g) was applied to silica gel CC (CHCl3–MeOH-H2O, 100:0:0–55:45:10) to
yield a crude saponin mixture (44.03 g) from the eluate (CHCl3–MeOH-H2O,
6:4:1). The saponin mixture was further purified by RP-18 CC (MeOH–H2O,
75:25–90:10) to give fractions I–IV (2.29, 3.02, 4.34, 1.59 g). The fraction I was
further purified by semi-preparative reversed phase HPLC (MeCN–MeOH–H2O,
48:16:36, v/v/v) to afford saponin 1 (rt = 24.38 min) and saponin 2
(rt = 24.85 min).
Compound 1: Amorphous powder ½a24 D 15:2 ðc 0:15; MeOHÞ; UV ðMeOHÞ;
kmax : 203:2 nm; IR (KBr) mmax 3421, 3210, 1720, 1679, 1401, 1207, 1135 cm-1;
ESI–MS (positive ion mode): m/z 1339 [M ? Na]+; HRESI–MS m/z 1339.6302
[M ? Na]+ (calcd for C64H100O28, 1316.6404); 1H-, 13C-NMR (pyridine-d5,
600 MHz): Tables 33.1, 33.2.
Compound 2: Amorphous powder ½a24 D 12:3ðc 0:15; MeOHÞ; UV ðMeOHÞ
kmax : 203:4 nm; IR (KBr) mmax 3375, 2924, 1675, 1460, 1206, 1135, 1044 cm-1;
ESI–MS (positive ion mode): m/z 1309 [M ? Na]+; HRESI–MS m/z 1309.6181
[M ? Na]+ (calcd for C63H98O27, 1286.6283); 1H-, 13C-NMR (pyridine-d5,
600 MHz): Tables 33.1, 33.2.
The saponin mixture (30 mg) fraction from RP-18 column chromatography dis-
solved in 50 % aqueous dioxane (2 mL) and 1.5 N HCl (90 mL) was heated at
96 C for 6 h. The reaction mixture was extracted twice CHCl3 and evaporated to
dryness. The aglycone (1a) was purified by silica gel CC (petroleum ether: EtOAc,
2:1) and detected by HPLC [column Zorbax SB-C18; 4.6 9 250 mm, solvent
MeCN–H2O (3:7–10:0) ? 0.1 % TFA; flow rate 1 mL/min; detection wavelength
210 nm; rt = 43.18 min]. The water layer was dried and dissolved in pyridine.
The solution was examined for sugars by paper chromatography [n-BuOH–
HOAc–H2O (4:1:5)] against standard samples as well as by GC after being con-
verted to their trimethylsilylimidazole derivatives; conditions: [column 30QC2/
AC-5 (30 m 9 0.32 mm), column temperature; 180 C/280 C, temperature-pro-
grammed; 3 C/min, sample temperature; 250 C, carrier gas; N2, retention time
D-Glc (18.398 min), L-Glc (18.873 min), D-Gal (19.009 min), L-Gal (19.665 min),
D-Rha (15.849 min), L-Rha (14.950 min), D-Xyl (14.285 min), L-Xyl
(14.939 min). From the new saponins, rhamnose was in the L-form, while glu-
curonic acid, glucose, galactose, and xylose were in the D-form.
Compound 1a: Amorphous powder, ½a24 D þ8:7ðc 0:15; MeOHÞ; UV ðMeOHÞ;
kmax : 207:8; 273:8 nm; IR (KBr) mmax 3,442, 2,959, 2,927, 1,459, 1,385, 1,242,
918 G. Huo et al.
1,165, 1,074, 1,042 cm-1; ESI–MS (positive ion mode): m/z 693 [M ? Na]+; ESI–
MS (negative ion mode): m/z 705 [M ? Cl]-; 1H-, 13C-NMR (pyridine-d5, 500 MHz):
Tables 33.1, 33.2.
98 Structure Elucidation of Two Triterpenoid Saponins 919
The n-butanol fraction of the ethanolic extract of S. superba leaves was repeatedly
chromatographed on Diaion HP20SS, silica gel and reversed phase silica gel (RP-
18) columns together with semi-preparative reversed phase HPLC to afford two
new triterpenoid saponins (1–2) (Fig. 33.1).
Part of the saponin mixture of 1 and 2 before purification was hydrolyzed by
1.5 N HCl to give compound 1a as aglycone, and D-glucose, D-galactose, L-
rhamnose, glucuronic acid and D-xylose as sugar moieties, suggesting that 1 and 2
were the glycosides of 1a. Compound 1a was a white amorphous powder, and
showed positive Libermann -Burchard and Molish reactions, suggesting that 1a
might be a triterpenoid glycoside or a steroidal glycoside. ESI–MS (positive) of 1a
showed a quasi-molecular ion peak at m/z 693 [M ? Na]+. The 13C NMR
spectrum of 1a showed characteristic signals for 40 carbons, including two iso-
prenyl groups [dC 127.1 (C-20 ), 138.3 (C-30 ), 127.6 (C-200 ), 139.5 (C-300 ), 15.2 (2C,
C-40 , C-400 ), 19.8 (2C, C-50 , C-500 )] and two ester carbonyl groups (dC 169.1 and
168.2), establishing two angeloyl groups by comparing with those in the literature
[7–9], and an oleanane type triterpene with 30 carbons including seven methyls,
five quaternary carbons, one double bond [dC 125.9 (C-12), 141.5 (C-13)] and six
oxygen-bearing methines [dC 78.6 (C-3), 66.8 (C-15), 62.3 (C-16), 62.3 (C-28),
77.6 (C-21), 72.5 (C-22)] referring to the literature [10, 11]. In the HMBC spec-
trum of 1a, correlations of H-21 and H-22 with the carbonyl carbon in two an-
geloyls were observed, respectively, indicating the two angeloyls located on C-21
and C-22 of the aglycone. Furthermore, ROESY correlations of H-21 and H-3,
H-22 and H-29, H-15, H-16, and H-26, established the relative stereochemistry
of each hydroxy group. The above evidences indicated that 1a was a sapogenin
of triterpenoid saponin, named as 21,22-di-O-angeloyl-R1-barrigenol [7]
(Fig. 33.1(1a)).
Compound 1 was obtained as a white amorphous powder. HR-ESI-MS (posi-
tive) of 1 showed the quasi -molecular ion at m/z 1339.6302 [M ? Na]+ (calcd.
For 1339.6302, C64H100O28Na), establishing the molecular formula of 1 as
C64H100O28 combined with DEPT and 13C NMR spectra. IR spectrum of 1 showed
O 20 O
OH 21 O
HOOC 12 22
O O 13 17 O
O O 1 14 16 OH HO O
10 8 15 OH H
3 OH
1 1a 2
characteristic signals for hydroxyl (3,420 cm-1) and carbonyl (1,720 cm-1).
Comparison of the 13C NMR spectra data of 1 with those of compound 1a, sug-
gested 1 to be the 3-O-glycoside of 21,22-di-O-angeloyl-R1-barrigenol (1a). The
sugar moieties of 1 were characterized by use of 2D NMR experiments (HSQC,
HSQC-TOCSY, and HMBC), as b-D-glucuronopyranosyl, b-D-galactopyranosyl,
a-L-rhamnopyranosyl and b-D-glucopyranosyl moieties (anomeric H at d 4.84
(d, J = 7.2 Hz), 6.31 (d, J = 10.2 Hz), 6.17 (brd, J = 1.8 Hz), 5.88 (d, J =
6.8 Hz),respectively). The HMBC correlations verified the sugar linkages of C-3
(d 78.8) of the oleanolic acid residue with GlcA H-1(d 4.84), Rha H-1 (d 6.17)
with GlcA C-4 (d 76.4), Gal H-1 (d 6.31) with GlcA C-2 (d 81.9), and Glc H-1
(d 5.88) with Gal C-2 (d 79.6). Therefore the structure of 1 was elucidated as
(Fig. 33.1(1)).
Compound 2, a white amorphous powder, showed the quasi-molecular ion at m/
z 1309.6181 [M ? Na]+(calcd. For 1309.6181, C63H98O27Na) in the HR-ESI-MS
(positive), establishing the molecular formula of 2 as C63H98O27, combined with
DEPT and 13C NMR spectra. Comparison of the 1H and 13C NMR spectra data of
2 with those of Compound 1, there were very similar characteristic signals except
for the sugar moieties. The sugar moieties of 2 were characterized by analysis of
NMR data obtained from the combined use of 2D NMR spectra (HSQC, HSQC-
TOCSY, and HMBC). The data allowed identification of a b-D-xylopyranose unit
with anomeric proton at d 6.17 (d, J = 6.5 Hz). The remaining unit with the
anomeric proton at d 4.84 (d, J = 7.2 Hz), 6.05 (brd, J = 1.8 Hz), 5.83 (d,
J = 6.8 Hz) were characterized as b-D-glucuronopyranosyl, a-L-rhamnopyranosyl,
and b-D-glucopyranosyl units, respectively. The branched nature of the tetrasac-
charide moiety at the C-3 position of the oleanane moiety was established from the
HMBC correlations between C-3 (d 78.7) and GlcA H-1(d 4.84), between Rha H-1
(d 6.03) and GlcA C-4 (d 76.3), between Xyl H-1 (d 6.17) and GlcA C-2 (d 81.9),
and Glc H-1(d 5.83) and Xyl C-2 (d 79.5). Thus, the structure of 2 was deduced to
be 21,22-di-O-angeloyl-R1 -barrigenol-3-O-{b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1?2)-b-D-xy-
(Fig. 33.1(2)).
To the best of our knowledge [12], the oleanane-type triterpenoid saponin
bearing two angeloyls at C-21, C-22, and a branch of tetrasaccharide moiety (Rha,
Cal, Glc, GlcA, or Rha, Xyl, Glc, GlcA) at C-3 is rarely found in the nature.
Therefore, this is the first report on the presence of two triterpenoid saponins
Acknowledgments The authors are very grateful to Dr. Min Xu of Kunming Institute of Botany,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, for her help in structure identification, Dr. Hongtao Zhu and Dr.
Dong Wang of Kunming Institute of Botany, for their help in HPLC facility. This project was
supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (31060250) and the Natural Science
Foundation of Jiangxi Province (2009GXN0029).
922 G. Huo et al.
Abstract Using bamboo shoot shell as raw material, the experiment utilized the
method of alkali extraction after bamboo shoot shell was pretreated. Effects of
alkali concentration,extraction temperature, ratio of solid to liquid, and extraction
time on yield of xylan were analyzed. The conditions of alkali extraction were:
alkali concentration 5 %, ratio of solid to liquid 1:10 (g:mL),extraction time 3 h,
extraction temperature 120 C. The yield of xylan from bamboo shoot shell
reached 24.77 %,which shows that:bamboo shoot shell is a good raw material with
the content of 35.08 % hemicellulose in it.
99.1 Introduction
N. Yu (&) Y. Wang Y. Tu
Jiangxi Academy of Forestry, Jiangxi 330013 Nanchang, People’s Republic of China
N. Wu
Agri-tech Service Station of Bajiang Township Yongfeng County Jiangxi Province, Ji’an
331500 Jiangxi, People’s Republic of China
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 923
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_99, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
924 N. Yu et al.
ranks first in the world. Because of short and focused shooting time, about 60 % of
the bamboo shoot was produced to bamboo shoots and dried bamboo shoot as raw
material. Bamboo shoot shell also known as bamboo sheath, is the bulk waste in
the processing of bamboo shoot. In recent years, because the processing of bamboo
shoot was weeping development, the bamboo shoot shell as waste piled up like a
mountain on annual shooting season. Due to the high moisture content and very
easy to decay, the fresh bamboo shoot shell becomes the main pollution source in
the processing of bamboo shoot. It may bring hidden trouble to the ecological
environment of the bamboo shoot producing area [3, 4]. In China, studying
bamboo shoot shell as food is rare. It is mainly used to shoes, caps, and packaging.
It is also made into bamboo shell silk, so it can be the raw materials of sofa and be
made into straw sandals [5–7]. It reported that bamboo shoot shell can be made to
feed [8]. But it did not form dimensions production. Or there were some problems
in technology, product quality, and environmental pollution. Besides the economic
benefits was indistinctive.
Xylan is a complex polysaccharide which is linked by b-1, 4 wood glycosidic
linkage. And its main chain is D-xylose residues. Its main chain is connected to a
variety of glucuronic acid, arabinose, acetyl, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, and
other side chain substituent groups [9, 10]. We can get xylo-oligosaccharides
(XOS) which is a kind of functional food through the degradation of xylan.
Due to its unique physicochemical properties and on bifidobacteria selective
proliferation XOS is much attention in numerous functional food. XOS can be
used as low-calorie food additives. It can also be used as humectant in food
applications. It was added to baked goods to preserve moisture and change the
rheological properties of dough. Another XOS can be widely used in medicine
because it has a surface active site which can adsorb the toxic substances and
pathogenic bacteria in human intestinal tract to increase body resistance to disease
and activate the immune system. Because of difficult digestion, XOS can prevent
and treat diarrhea and reduce the incidence of otitis media on early children.
In addition, it is a good effect of feed additives [11–14]. But the raw materials for
the preparation of XOS relatively lacked. It reported that corn cob, rice hulls,
peanut shells, and cotton seed shell were materials for the preparation of XOS
[15–18]. Bamboo shoot shell rich in hemicellulose whose main component is the
multipentose, can be used to produce XOS [3, 4, 16, 19, 20]. In this study, the
bamboo shoot shell is collected from Nanping City, Fujian Province. We got xylan
by preparation of holocellulose and the alkali extraction method. In this paper, we
analyzed different alkali concentration, temperature, solid–liquid ratio, and time on
the yield of hemicellulose pentosan. That laid the foundation for the preparation of
XOS, and provided the basic data support for the comprehensive utilization
of bamboo shoot shell.
99 Study on Extraction of Xylan from Bamboo Shoot Shell 925
Preparation of DNS reagent: 6.3 g DNS and 262 mL 2 mol/L sodium hydroxide
solution were added to 500 mL hot aqueous solution containing 185 g sodium
tartrate, then plused 5 g sodium sulfite and 5 g crystalline phenol. After cooling,
added 1000 mL distilled water .At last put them on a dark place to be saved for a
week [16]. Standard xylose solution whose concentration was 1 mg/mL was
compounded. The preparation of standard curve: Draw 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0,
1.2, 1.4, 1.6 mL 1 mg/mL standard xylose in 25 mL colorimetric tube which had
plug. And added water to 2 mL. Then added 3 mL DNS reagent. Next put the
colorimetric tubes in boiling water to heat for 5 min. Then rapid cool them with
water. Next added boiled water to make the volume to 25 mL. At last determined
their absorbance under the conditions of a wavelength of 480 nm by UV spec-
trophotometer. Drew standard curve according to the result. The regression
equation is following.
Xylan ratio ¼ total quality of reducing sugar = quality of dry raw materials
of xylan 100 %
Crushed bamboo shoot shell to powder whose size is 100 mesh. Took a certain
amount of bamboo shoot shell powder in a flask. Then added sodium hydroxide
solution whose solid–liquid ratio is 1:10 and the mass fraction is 5 % into the flask.
After that, made the flask remain constant temperature at 80 C for 3 h. Repeated
the experiment for 3 times. So we can get the average value. Changing the con-
ditions to investigate different factors on the yield of xylan.
As you can see from Fig. 34.1 the yield of xylan increased with sodium hydroxide
concentration increasing. However, when the mass fraction of sodium hydroxide is
greater than 5 % the increase of xylan yield is not obvious. Considering getting rid
of the alkali commodiously and cost control, we selected the mass fraction of 5 %
of the alkali to extract xylan.
99 Study on Extraction of Xylan from Bamboo Shoot Shell 927
As can be seen from Fig. 34.2, the yield of xylan swell during 80–120 C, peaking
at 120 C. As the temperature raised, the yield of xylan declined slightly before
80 C, but after 120 C it declined sharply. With the increase of temperature part
of xylan may degrade into xylose, leading to the decrease in xylan content .
We can see from Fig. 34.3 that shows the yield of xylan increased remarkably
from 10.44 % at 1:5 to 19.96 % at 1:10. However the solid–liquid ratio increased
the yield of xylan declined slightly. Therefore, the solid–liquid ratio was selected
at 1:10.
It can be seen from Fig. 34.4 that the yield of xylan took place with an increasing
number during 1–3 h. But after 3 h the yield of xylan raised at a slower rate. In
order to save time and energy, we consider choosing the best time that is 3 h.
99.4 Conclusion
We select bamboo shoot shell as the raw material in this study, which shows that:
bamboo shoot shell is a good raw material with the content of 35.08 % hemi-
cellulose in it. The content of hemicellulose in the bamboo shoot shell is higher
than that in raw rice husk, peanut shell, and cotton seed shell which were the raw
material of current production of XOS. There was no difference between the
content of hemicellulose in the bamboo shoot shell and corn cob [21]. Producing
XOS by bamboo shoot shell has broad application prospect. The conditions of
alkali extraction were : alkali concentration 5 %, ratio of solid to liquid 1:10
(g:mL),extraction time 3 h, extraction temperature 120 C. The yield of xylan
from bamboo shoot shell reached 24.77 %.
Acknowledgments The authors thank Jiangxi Science and Technology Support Programme
(2011ZBBF6005) for funding.
1. Jianxian Z (1995) Functional food. China Light Industry Press, Beijing, pp 68–72
2. Weisu H, Boyi L (2008) Bamboo shoot deep processing technology status and trends. For Sci
99 Study on Extraction of Xylan from Bamboo Shoot Shell 929
Abstract Tomato is the most popular fruit in the world and the largest tomato
growing field is in China. In the present study, tomato juice was used as raw
material, which is available in the region were selected for wine production. The
conditions for inoculums concentration, fermentation temperature, and initial
sugar degree were optimized. The results showed that the tomato juices were
similar to grape juice in terms of sugar and acidity. After fermentation, the ethanol
concentration was 6–7 % w/v. Enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation conditions
were optimized for producing tomato low alcohol wine. The results demonstrated
that the pectase amount 2 %, temperature 50 C, and enzymolysis period 4 h,
initial sugar content 15 %, inoculums size of yeast 5 %, temperature 22 C, fer-
mentation period 7 days, and clarified agents amount 5 mL. The alcohol content of
tomato wine was 6-7 degrees with similar sugar content and acidity of the tomato
juice. The product was clear, no precipitation, and in good flavor.
100.1 Introduction
Grapes are the main raw materials that have been used for wine production for
many years. A lot of research groups have investigated the suitability of fruits
other than grapes like cajá [1], banana [2], pupunha [3], mango [4], acerola [5],
cocoa, [6] and apple [7–9] for the purpose of wine-making.
Tomato belongs to the nightshade family. The plants typically grow up to 1–3
meters in height and have a weak stem that often sprawls over the ground and
K. Deng (&) E. Li
College of Light Industry and Food, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering,
Guangzhou 510225, People’s Republic of China
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 931
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_100, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
932 K. Deng and E. Li
vines over other plants. The tomato fruit is consumed in various ways, including
raw, as an ingredient in considerable dishes and sauces, and in drinks. The fruit is
rich in lycopene, which may have beneficial health effects [10].
Tomato has high nutrition and miraculous efficacy. Tomatoes are now eaten
freely in the world, and their consumption is believed to benefit the heart, among
other organs. Tomato is rich in Vitamin (A, B1, B2, C, and P), mineral elements
(calcium, phosphor, iron, and zinc), amino acid, carotene, and lycopene, one of the
most powerful natural antioxidants. In some studies, lycopene, especially in
cooked tomatoes, has been found to help prevent prostate cancer and reduce the
harmful effect on the skin by radiation or ultraviolet rays [11–17].
With the global market saw a steady rise in the strength of the wine, the reaction
is proportional to the growth. Many consumers favor wines at 13 % or below and
technology appears to be accommodative of these desires. In view of this, it was
initiated to investigate the suitability of tomato fruit for low alcoholic wine pro-
duction. The tomato alcohol wine keeps the nutrition value of tomato and has
health function at the same time which tastes well and smells sweet. Therefore, it
can be accepted by customers especially by the females. It is worthwhile to study
the tomato low alcohol wine.
100.2.1 Materials
Fresh tomato and white sugar bought in the market; wine yeast zk-1 was screened
and stored in biology lab in Zhongkai University.
100.2.2 Processing
Different temperatures, 20, 25, 30, 35 C, were adopted to fermentation for 7 days
with 13 % sugar degree, pH = 3.5, deployed and sensory evaluated, fermentation
temperature was determined.
Different initial sugar degrees, 5, 10, 15, 20 %, were adjusted in tomato juice,
fermented at 25 C for 7 days, deployed and sensory evaluated, initial sugar
degree was determined.
Select gelatin as clarified agent. Gelatin was placed into cold water first, then
heated in bath until the gelatin clarified, swelled, and then washed in cold water.
934 K. Deng and E. Li
When 50 ml wine was mixed with 2–10 ml gelatin liquor in a graduated cylinder
clarified gelatin was observed and the bulk of deposit measured to determine the
dosage of the gelatin [21–23].
Seven people were chosen to evaluate the quality of tomato low alcohol wine
according to the standards in Table 100.1.
Sugar degree, total acid, pH value, alcohol content, and the rate of juice yield were
examined. Total number of bacteria, number of Escherichia coli and Lactobacillus
were examined.
The addition of pectase was determined through the rate of juice yield. The effects
of addition of the pectase and tomato juice yield (%) are shown in Fig. 100.2.
With the increase in addition of pectase, tomato juice yield also increased. Juice
yield was 75.5 and 75.7 % when addition of pectase was 2 and 3 %, respectively.
Considering the producing cost, 2 % addition of pectase was determined.
Temperatures of 40, 45, 50, and 55 C were chosen to ferment tomato juice for 3 h
with the addition of pectase 2 %. The effects of the enzymolyzed temperature and
tomato juice yield (%) are shown in Fig. 100.3.
With the increase in fermentation temperature, tomato juice yield increased.
Juice yield reached the peak when temperature was 50 C, and then declined. So
50 C was determined as fermentation temperature.
Tomato juice yield(%)
35 40 45 50 55 60
The enzymolyzed temperature(°C)
936 K. Deng and E. Li
Table 100.2 Sensory evaluation of tomato low alcohol wine for inoculums’ volume
Inoculum volume Flavor Mouthfeel
2% With fruit flavor, not enough Less sour, a bit acerbity
5% With fruit flavor, have mellowed. With sour and strong alcohol flavor
10 % With fruit flavor, rather mellowed A little sour and strong alcohol
15 % Not enough fruit flavor Too sour
100 Study on Preparation of Low Alcoholic Wine from Tomato 937
Table 100.3 Sensory evaluation of tomato low alcohol wine for temperature
Temperature Flavor Mouthfeel
20 With fruit flavor, not enough Weak taste and less sour
25 With fruit flavor and mellow Sweet and sour moderate
30 With fruit flavor, too much Sweet and sour moderate, strong alcohol
mellow flavor
35 Not enough fruit flavor Too sour
Temperature changes have profound effects upon tomato wine. Chemical reactions
within yeast are facilitated by enzymes, which are large organic catalysts. Each
enzyme has an ‘‘optimal temperature range’’, a temperature range at which it
performs best. For many enzymes, the optimal temperature range is to make the
best wine.
The results in Table 100.3 showed that fermentation temperature at 20 C with
less flavor production and alcohol. It was at 35 C fermentation rate was too quick,
with sour in alcohol. So 25 C was chosen as proper fermentation temperature.
Most fruits contain sugars that will be fermented when combined with yeasts;
sugars are the most common substrate of fermentation. Less sugar may make wine
taste not so good, mouthfeel would be light. But too much sugar to make wine was
so sweet. The optimal initial sugar degree is the most important factor to make a
wine with good flavor.
The results in Table 100.4 showed that initial sugar degree at 10–15 % was
better. Less or more initial sugar degree makes mouthfeel too light or too sweet.
Table 100.4 Sensory evaluation of tomato low alcohol wine for initial sugar degree
Initial sugar degree (%) 5 10 15 20
Mouthfeel Too light Just enough Just enough Too sweet
938 K. Deng and E. Li
optimize the fermentation conditions according to the color, smell, flavor, and
wine (Table 100.5).
Optimum conditions were optimized through orthogonal test, the sensory
evaluation was as target, and the results were shown in Tables 100.6 and 100.7.
The results showed that the fermentation temperature could affect the quality of
wine most. The initial sugar degree affected lightly. Optimum fermentation con-
ditions were as follows: inoculums’ volume 5 %; fermentation temperature 22 C,
and initial sugar degree 15 %. The conditions from the evaluations were inocu-
lums’ concentration 8 %, fermentation temperature 22 C, and initial sugar degree
15 %. However, the two kinds of conditions were inconsistent, the results from
optimized tests should be verified.
100 Study on Preparation of Low Alcoholic Wine from Tomato 939
Table 100.7 Variance analysis for the experimental results of orthogonal array design
Variance Sum of Degree of Estimator of F Value Significance
source square freedom variance
A 1.728 2 0.864 6.14054* F0.05(2, 8)
= 5.14
B 4.105 2 2.053 7.46842* F0.01(2, 8)
= 10.92
C 2.645 2 1.322 8.81104*
Total 8.48 6
Preparation of low alcoholic wine was fermented under the conditions as fer-
mentation period 7 days, fermentation temperature 22 C, pH 4.0, and initial sugar
degree 15 %. The inoculums’ volume was 5 and 8 %.
From Table 100.8, the low alcoholic wine had the best color, taste when fer-
mentation conditions were used as inoculums’ volume 5 %, fermentation tem-
perature 22 C, and initial sugar degree 15 %.
Gelatin was placed into cold water before using it. At this step, the impurity of
gelatin would be removed when it sops up and swells.
Heat gelatin in water bath until it began to turn into a clear solution. The dosage
of gelatin was determined by the kind of alcohol and gelatin.
Tomato alcohol wine was light yellow, clear, and with no deposition. Its flavor was
full of tomato’s special flavor and tastes well; meanwhile. The low alcoholic
tomato wine with total acidity 7.0 g/L, alcohol degree 7 V %, number of colony
89/mL, E. Coli and pathogenic bacteria were not detected.
100.4 Conclusion
The rate of tomato juice yield could reach 80 % under the optimum conditions.
The optimum enzymolysis conditions of low alcoholic tomato wine were amount
of pectase 2 %, pH 4.0, and the enzymolyzed time was 4 h. The optimum fer-
mentation conditions were fermentation time 7 days, temperature 22 C, pH 4.0,
initial sugar degree 15 %, amount of inoculums’ volume 5 %, and volume of
gelatin 5 mL. The sensory evaluation showed that tomato wine has new charac-
teristics in smell and taste. Tomatoes are grown very widely as choicest fruits, but
used in the preparation of wine still goes a long way. Once the production of
tomato wine is successful for commercial use, it will be beneficial for tomato
production all around the world.
1. Dias DR, Schwan RF, Lima LCO (2003) Metodologia para elaboração de fermentado de cajá
(Spondias mombin L.). Cienc Tecnol Alimentos 23:342–350
2. Akubor PI, Obio SO, Nwadomere KA et al (2003) Production and quality evaluation of
banana wine. Plant Foods Hum Nutr 58:1–6
3. Andrade JS, Pantoja L, Maeda RN (2003) Melhoria do rendimentoe do processo de obtenção
da bebida alcoólica de pupunha (Bactrisgasipaes Kunth). Cienc Tecnol Alimentos 23:34–38
4. Reddy LVA, Reddy OVS (2005) Production and characterization of wine from mango fruit
(Mangifera indica L.). World J Microbiol Biotechnol 21:1345–1350. doi:10.1007/s11274-
5. Santos CS, Almeida SS, Toledo AL et al (2005) Elaboração e análise sensorial do fermentado
de acerola (Malpighia punicifolia L.). Braz J Food Technol 10:47–50
6. Dias DR, Schwan RF, Freire ES Serôdia RS (2007) Elaboration of a fruit wine from cocoa
(Theobroma cacao L.). Int J Food Sci Technol 42:319–329. doi:10.1111/j.1365-
100 Study on Preparation of Low Alcoholic Wine from Tomato 941
T. Li
Basic Science Department, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300384,
People’s Republic of China
T. Li Y. Jiang (&)
Department of Biology and Kwong Living Trust Food Safety and Analysis Lab,
Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong,
People’s Republic of China
Y. Liu F. Lu
The College of Biotechnology, Tianjin University of Science and Technology,
Tianjin 300457, People’s Republic of China
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 943
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_101, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
944 T. Li et al.
101.1 Introduction
The algal strain C. pyrenoidosa was purchased from Carolina Biological Supply
Co., Burlington, USA. The basic medium was the same as that used in the previous
report and the potassium nitrate concentration is 1.25 g L-1 [3]. The heterotrophic
101 Effects of Glucose Assimilation on Lutein and Chlorophyll 945
cultivation was realized by culturing the algal cells in the basic medium
supplemented with 40 g L-1 glucose at 28 C with orbital shaking at 180 rpm
under darkness. For the cultivation of the algal cells in high nitrogen medium, the
concentration of potassium nitrate was 8.25 g L-1. The autotrophic cultivation
was performed by incubating the algal cells in the basic medium under a light
intensity of 100 lE m-2 s-1 produced by two fluorescent lamps with a 16:8 of
light to dark photoperiod. The mixotrophic mode was the same as the autotrophic
cultivation except for supplementing 40 g L-1 glucose in the medium. As to the
inhibition experiment, the inhibitors were added into the culture after 48 h
incubation. No inhibitor was added in the control.
For the biomass measurement, 5 mL culture was filtered through the pre-dried
filter paper (Walkman) and the cell pellets were rinsed twice with deionized water.
Then cell pellets were dried at 105 C to a constant weight.
For the measurement of lutein content, the lyophilized cells were ground after
freezing with liquid nitrogen. Extraction was carried out with acetone until the cell
debris became colorless. 20 lL of extract was separated on a Waters Spherisorb
5 lm ODS 4.6 9 250 mm analytical column (Waters, Milford, MA, USA) fol-
lowing the previous method [17]. Individual carotenoids were identified by
comparing their absorption spectra to those of standards (Sigma-Aldrich, USA).
The concentration of pigment was calculated with corresponding standard curve.
The lyophilized algal powder was resuspended in 1 M NaOH and then boiled for
10 min. The total protein concentration in the supernatant obtained after centri-
fuging the mixture at 3000 g for 5 min was quantified using the DC protein assay
kit (Bio-Rad, USA) [19].
The cellular starch content was analyzed by following the method from other
researchers [20]. Briefly, the algal powder was resuspended in 100 % ethanol and
boiled for 30 min. Then the suspension was centrifuged at 3000 g for 5 min and
the debris was dried. Afterwards the starch was extracted by boiling the cell debris
946 T. Li et al.
in 0.2 M NaOH for 30 min and the mixture was neutralized with 1 M acetic acid.
Then the mixture was digested with amyloglucosidase at 37 C over night. The
starch level was calculated by measuring the glucose concentration in the super-
natant by DNS method after centrifuging the digested mixture at 3000 g for 5 min.
The total lipids were assayed by following the reported method [21]. Briefly the
lyophilized algal cells were resuspended in the extraction solution (chloroform:
methanol = 2:1, by vol.) and disrupted with a Ultra-Turrax T25 homogenizer
(IKA, Germany) at 20000 rpm. The extracted lipids dissolved in the chloroform
phase were dried in a rotary evaporator and then weighed.
The ultrathin sections of algal cells were examined with a Philips EM 208S
transmission electron microscope at 80 kV. The section images were obtained by a
Gatan 794 Camera System (Gatan Inc., CA) [22].
The data are expressed as averages ± S.D. Statistical significance was evaluated
by independent paired two sample t-test (OriginPro 7.0) when comparing two
groups. p \ 0.01 was considered as significant.
101.3 Results
After comparing the cell dry weight under three cultivation modes, we found that
glucose assimilation by C. pyrenoidosa was in favor of biomass production under
both mixotrophic and heterotrophic conditions (Table 101.1). The cell dry weight
achieved 16.2 g L-1 after 120 h cultivation under heterotrophic conditions, four
times as high as that obtained under autotrophic conditions. But light irradiation
was more favorable for the accumulation of lutein and chlorophyll. The pigment
contents in C. pyrenoidosa under autotrophic and mixotrophic conditions were
much higher than that under heterotrophic conditions (Table 101.1). In addition,
glucose assimilation by C. pyrenoidosa caused marked decrease of cellular lutein
101 Effects of Glucose Assimilation on Lutein and Chlorophyll 947
Table 101.1 Cell growth and pigments content of C. pyrenoidosa under three cultivation modes
Mode Biomass (g L-1) Lutein (mg g-1) Chl a (mg g-1) Chl b (mg g-1)
Autotrophy 4.09 ± 0.07 13.9 ± 0.1 20.3 ± 0.07 14.49 ± 0.1
Mixotrophy 10.78 ± 0.11 5.16 ± 0.05 5.39 ± 0.22 3.87 ± 0.03
Heterotrophy 16.2 ± 0.05 1.47 ± 0.02 0.77 ± 0.02 1.07 ± 0.02
and chlorophyll contents (Figs. 101.1, 101.2). The cellular lutein content
decreased by 36.6 and 39.6 % respectively during the period in which the algal
cells assimilated glucose rapidly under heterotrophic and mixotrophic conditions.
The cellular chlorophyll content also decreased by 61.5 and 60.5 % respectively
under heterotrophic and mixotrophic conditions (Figs. 101.1, 101.2).
The transmission electronic microscope images show that the ultrastructure of
C. pyrenoidosa cultivated under mixotrophic and heterotrophic conditions are dif-
ferent from those cultured under autotrophic conditions (Fig. 101.3a, b, and c).
Compared with the autotrophic algal cell, the amount of C-shape chloroplast in the
mixotrophically and heterotrophically cultivated cells were almost negligible,
especially in the latter. Besides, large amounts of starch granules were present in the
mixotrophic and heterotrophic cells. The lipid content in the mixotrophic and het-
erotrophic cells also increased sharply, especially in the latter in which the total lipid
content reached as high as 43.7 % of cell dry weight (Table 101.2). Moreover, the
algal culture became etiolated during the period when the glucose was assimilated
rapidly by algal cells. This phenomenon called ‘‘glucose-bleaching’’ effect was also
observed in C. protothecoides cultivated in nitrogen deficient medium [12]. So we
investigated the influence of glucose assimilation on lutein and chlorophyll accu-
mulation in C. pyrenoidosa cultured in nitrogen-enriched medium further.
Residual glucose (g L )
pigments accumulation in C.
pyrenoidosa cultivated in low 12 36
nitrogen medium under
mixotrophic conditions. Data 10 32
points are expressed as
averages ±S.D. of triplicates 28
(filled square chl a; open 6
triangle chl b; open circle 24
lutein; filled triangle glucose) 4
2 20
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (h)
Residual glucose (g L )
pigments accumulation in C. 2.5
pyrenoidosa cultivated in low 32
nitrogen medium under 2.0
heterotrophic conditions.
Data points are expressed as 1.5 24
averages ±S.D. of triplicates 20
(filled square chl a; open 16
triangle chl b; open circle 12
lutein; filled triangle glucose) 8
0.0 4
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (h)
Based on the results shown in Fig. 101.4, we thought that the biosynthesis of
lutein and chlorophyll in C. pyrenoidosa under heterotrophic conditions were
expected to be non-coordinated. So we conducted another experiment to validate
the relationship between lutein and chlorophyll biosyntheses in C. pyrenoidosa
under heterotrophic conditions.
Levulinic acid and fluridone has been proven to be effective inhibitors for
chlorophyll and lutein biosynthesis respectively in green alga [25, 26]. In our work
we used these two chemicals to regulate chlorophyll and lutein biosyntheses in
C. pyrenoidosa.
101 Effects of Glucose Assimilation on Lutein and Chlorophyll 949
Fig. 101.3 Ultrastructure of C. pyrenoidosa. Algal cells used in this experiment were cultivated
for 120 h. a Autotrophic cell cultivated in low nitrogen medium. b Mixotrophic cell cultivated in
low nitrogen medium. c Heterotrophic cell cultivated in low nitrogen medium. d Heterotrophic
cell cultivated in high nitrogen medium. e Heterotrophic cell treated with 40 mM levulinic acid.
f Heterotrophic cell treated with 20 lg mL-1 fluridone. Cellular components: C chloroplast;
L lipid body; S starch granule. The cellular components were identified according to the previous
reports [23, 24]
Table 101.2 Cell composition of C. pyrenoidosa cultivated in high and low nitrogen medium
under heterotrophic conditions
Medium Lipid (%) Protein (%) Starch (%)
Low nitrogen 43.7 ± 0.7 6.5 ± 0.1 44.3 ± 0.5
High nitrogen 25.6 ± 2.4 15.9 ± 0.5 48.8 ± 1.6
pyrenoidosa under 80
heterotrophic conditions after
inhibiting chlorophyll 60
biosynthesis with levulinic
acid. Content (%) of lutein 40
and chlorophyll respect to the
control in which no levulinic 20
acid was added. Data are
expressed as averages ±S.D. 0
of triplicates 2 10 40
Levulinic acid (mM)
Lutein Chl a Chl b
101.4 Discussion
Sugars have been reported to repress the biosynthesis of chlorophyll and photo-
synthesis efficiency, limit the development of photosynthesis apparatus [27]. In
this study, large amounts of C-shape chloroplast disappeared when C. pyrenoidosa
was cultivated in the medium containing glucose. Assimilation of glucose by
C. pyrenoidosa cultivated in low nitrogen medium accompanied with a profound
decrease of cellular lutein and chlorophyll contents under both heterotrophic and
mixotrophic conditions. Our results were consistent with the reported ‘‘glucose-
bleaching’’ phenomenon that was thought to be caused by the metabolites pro-
duced in the ‘‘glucose respiration’’ process [12].
In our study we found that the lipid content in C. pyrenoidosa cultivated in low
nitrogen medium was much higher than that cultured under high nitrogen condi-
tions, but the protein content was much lower. Besides, the images of the algal cell
ultrastructure show that small amounts of filamentous chloroplasts which can be
observed in C. pyrenoidosa cultivated in high nitrogen medium was almost neg-
ligible under low nitrogen conditions. But the starch content had no obvious
change. Other researchers have shown the evidence that sugars repressed the
expression of photosynthetic genes [11]. The content of D1 protein of PS II
reaction center decreased significantly when the leaf was incubated in the medium
supplied with glucose [15]. Moreover, the decrease of D1 protein caused break-
down of light harvesting complex II and decrease of chlorophyll content. In green
alga, the organic carbon source is mainly converted into proteins, lipid, and
carbohydrate [28]. Based on our experiment results and the previous reports we
proposed that more carbon flux channeled to lipid biosynthetic pathway when
C. pyrenoidosa was cultivated in low nitrogen medium compared with the normal
952 T. Li et al.
101.5 Conclusion
Acknowledgments The research was supported by Research Grant Council of Hong Kong SAR.
The TEM experiment was conducted in EM unit of the University of Hong Kong. We would like
to thank for their assistance.
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954 T. Li et al.
Keywords Crop quality improvement Disease and insect resistance Functional
genomics RNA interference
102.1 Introduction
Fund project: project supporting by science and technology in Tianjin, sweet sorghum polymer
molecular breeding (10ZCKFNC00100).
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 955
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_102, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
956 Y. An et al.
In 1995, Guo and Kemphues found that the introduction of sense or antisense RNA
to par-1 mRNA resulted in degradation of the par-1 message RNA in Caeno-
rhabditis elegans in the experiment [1], which challenged the traditional expla-
nation of antisense RNA, because antisense was one of the most attractive means
of eliminating gene expression at that time. In 1998, Fire and Xu found that
mRNA of target genes degrades when they introduce double-stranded RNA
(dsRNA) into cells [2], proving that highly purified dsRNA could effectively and
specifically block the corresponding gene expression, and at least two orders of
magnitude higher than single-strand RNA in efficiency. It reveals the phenomenon
Guo and Kemphues met for the first time, namely, RNAi. Hereto, as a regulation
mechanism of gene expression, it gradually revealed its mysterious veil, opened a
new field for life science research.
The mechanism of RNAi, as an important research method, has a rapid
development. At present, what has been widely recognized is that dsRNA will be
processed into the 21–23 nucleotide small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) by a par-
ticular enzyme called Dicer (Dicer enzyme belongs to RNase III family), and
could identify double-stranded RNA specifically, cut double-stranded RNA which
is exogenously imported, transgenic, or virus-infected. In 1999, Hamilton and
Baulcombe proved that siRNAs are the key mediators in RNAi [3]. In 2001,
Bernstein completed the cloning of Dicer—the RNase III-like enzyme [4]. These
siRNAs were incorporated into a nuclease complex labeled the RNA-induced
silencing complex (RISC). The activated RISC targets and cleaves mRNA which
is complementary to the siRNA, thus make the specific gene which corresponds to
the mRNA transcriptional silence [5]. From then on, RNAi mechanism research
gradually goes to mature.
102 RNA Interference and Applications in Plants 957
As the mechanism of RNAi gradually matures, RNAi has been widely used in the
plant functional genomics research. In the research, RNAi can be used as a
powerful tool because RNAi has a highly sequence specificity. It could make the
specific gene silence, and lose its function or reduce its expression in order to
validate its function. In 2000, in the flower development research, Chuang further
verified the function of known functional genes, including AG, CLV3, AP1, PAN
by RNAi [6], and pioneered in the application of RNAi in plant functional
genomics. In 2004, Padmanaban found two VHA-C genes by RNAi, which supply
V-ATPase to cell by active exocytosis, supporting the growth of amplified cells in
arabidopsis, It has showed that they are necessary to the growth of arabidopsis
cells [7]. In 2005, Moritoh silenced OsGEN-L gene by RNAi, leading to the
development of rice early microspore inhibited and pollen difficultly mature [8]. It
has showed that it has a close relationship between OsGEN-L gene and the for-
mation of rice pollen. In 2006, Travella successfully inhibited target gene in
constructing the transgenic crops of sextuploid wheat by PDS-RNAi and EIN1-
RNAi. He thought that RNAi was a good tool in the research of function lack
mutations of polyploid plants [9]. In 2009, Li amplified two gene fragments using
the CP gene of Y virus in potatoes as template, and then inserted plant expression
vector pROK II. Therefore, he established RNAi express carrier pROKY300 that
targeted the CP gene of PVY and then turned it into agro bacterium tumefactions
EHA105. The result showed that the instantaneous expression of hairpin RNA
interfered effectively the PVY infection [10]. In 2011, Zibu constructed the RNAi
expression carrier of starch branch enzyme gene sbe2b in grain endosperm and
turned it into tobacco to detect its influence to the amylose synthesis. The result
showed that the expression of sbe2b gene was lower than the control. The content
of chain starch changed significantly, and amylose content increased than the
control but no significant change [11].
great success. In 2002, Liu increased the proportion of stearic acid and oleic acid
in the cottonseed oil by inhibiting the expression of two critical fatty acids
desaturase genes. He raised the stearic acid content from 2–3 to 40 % and the oleic
acid content from 15 to 77 % respectively. He got the plant which could raise
stearic acid and oleic acid content at the same time by hybridizing the offspring
[12]. In 2003, Ogita inhibited the expression of CaMXMT1 gene which could code
theobromine synthase in coffee plants. It has made theobromine content decreased
30–80 % and caffeine content decreased 50–70 %, which reduced the stimulation
caffeine to sensitive people [13]. In 2004, Tang knocked out 22 kDa maize storage
protein gene (a protein of low lysine content) by RNAi and got a mutation plant of
high lysine content [14]. In 2004, Fukusaki inhibited the expression of key
enzymes–—CHS gene, which is necessary to biosynthesis of flower pigments and
flavonoid. He successfully changed the original color, blue, to white and pink and
created new commodity flowers [15]. In 2007, Chen suppressed the expression of
endogenous ACO gene in tomato by RNAi and made the production of ethylene
reduced greatly. It has provided reference for extending the shelf life of fruits and
vegetables [16]. In 2007, Wan increased the content of lycopene greatly in
tomato’s fruit by RNAi, which provides references for improving the nutritional
value of tomato [17].
RNAi has been used widely in the study of plant diseases resistance. In 1984,
Lichtenstein silenced genes, iaam, ipt, in arabidopsis, and tomato by RNAi. These
two genes could cause many perennial fruits, nuts, and appreciation plants getting
root cancer. By doing this, these plants could successfully resist root cancer [18–
20]. In 1998, Waterhouse first reported the successful application of RNAi in
preventing and controlling of potato virus Y [21]. In 1999, Pinto induced gene
silence by introducing the enzyme which is needed for copying Rice yellow mottle
virus into rice. It has made the plants resisted RYMV [22]. In 2000, Wang suc-
cessfully got the plant that could resist Barley yell dwarf virus (BYDV) by RNAi
[23]. In 2002, Kalantidis successfully got the plant that could resist Cucumber
mosaic virus (CMV) by RNAi [24]. In addition, in 2005, Ida proved that RNAi-
induced resistance of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) was more
effective in the leaves than in the root [25, 26].
RNAi has also successfully used in agricultural insect control. Researchers used
transgenic plants, engineering bacterium, and direct feeding to make insect intake
dsRNA to suppress the growth. In 2007, Mao successfully reduced mRNA level of
the body cytochrome P450 in tobacco and arabidopsis by RNAi [27]. The growth
of larvae has been inhibited after being fed two transgenic plants. In 2009, Bautista
inhibited the expression of the pigment p450 gene, CYP6BG1, which is highly
102 RNA Interference and Applications in Plants 959
expressed in the body of diamondback moth [28]. When diamondback moth that
resisted to the synthesis of pyrethrum ester is fed dsRNA solution which made it
very sensitive to pyrethroid pesticides.
Male sterility is a common phenomenon in life activity of higher plants, and has a
great application value in agriculture. Many researchers controlled gene expres-
sion of plant flowering, studied plant male sterility, and fertility restoration by
RNAi. In 2000, Chuang proved genes about flowering development in Arabidopsis
by RNAi and got the male sterility mutations of stable heredity [6]. In 2005, Cigan
directly silenced the promoter MS45 of maize pollen sac gene, inhibiting the
formation of pollen sac and forming the male sterility plant. The maize could
restore fertility by using different promoter to make the promoter MS45 expressed
again [29]. In the same year, Moritoh observed rice plants of OSGEN-L-RNA and
found that part of it have a very low sterility and part of it are male sterility, so
found the rice male sterility materials [8].
102.4 Prospects
RNAi, as a convenient and practical genome research method, has been widely
used in all areas of biological research and made many important achievements.
Using RNAi to reveal the inherent law and molecular basis of plant development
or make the harmful genes silenced, it has important significance for speeding up
the application of molecular breeding technology in crop breeding, selecting dif-
ferent varieties of breeding materials. However, RNAi also has its deficiencies.
First of all, they will be interfered by RNAi at the same time if several genes have
the same or similar sequence. Therefore, which genes could be interfered cannot
be determined. Scientists have not made breakthrough although they have done a
lot of work in this respect. Second, the application of RNAi in the study of
improving quantitative traits controlled by micro effect gene was little. Even if the
function gene is knocked out, the effect is too little . It is hard to find phenotype
change because its genetic effects are weak. Finally, since the same or similar
genetic background of the polyploid species between different chromosome set,
there are also certain difficulties in studying and applying polyploid function
genome by RNAi. With the continuous development of technology and method, it
will play a significant role on gene function, plant development, traits improve-
ment, and other fields. People will break new ground in the biology research and
application and bring greater social value.
960 Y. An et al.
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ethylene. J Agri Biotechnol 15(3):464–468
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the gene of the pTiANC octopine Ti-plasmid: a bacterial gene involved in plant tumori
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morphology, induced by Agro bacterium tumefaciens carrying mutated octopine Ti plasmids;
analysis of T2 DNA functions. Gene 14:33–50
20. Depicker A, van Montagu M, Schell J (1978) Homologous DNA sequences in different Tip
lasmids are essential for oncogenicity. Nature 275:150–153
21. Waterhouse PM, Graham MW, Wang MB (1998) Virus resistance and gene silencing in
plants can be induced by simultaneous expression of sense and antisense RNA. Proc Natl
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22. Pinto YM, Kok RA, Baulcombe DC (1999) Resistance to rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV)
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23. Wang MB, Abbott DC, Waterhouse PM (2000) A single copy of a virus-derived transgene
encoding hairpin RNA gives immunity to barley yellow dwarf virus. Mol Plant Pathol
24. Kalantidis K, Psaradakis S, Tabler M (2002) The occurrence of CMV2 specific short RNAs
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for uncovering gene function in maize. Plant J 43:929–940
Chapter 103
Isolation, Identification and Degradation
Characteristics of Three Thick Oil
Degrading Bacteria Strains
Abstract In order to find the microbe suited to microbial enhanced oil recovery
(MEOR), three bacterial strains DS1, DS2, and DS3 with excellent degrading
effect on thick oil were isolated from the thick oil and water reservoir of oil well
51-82# in Erlian Oil Field. The three bacteria were identified as Acinetobacter sp.,
Enterococcus sp. and Brevibacterium sp. through 16S rDNA sequence similarity
search. Viscosity reducing experiment was conducted using thick oil with a vis-
cosity of 1746 mPas (50 C) from Erlian Oil Field as the substrate with the three
isolated bacterium alone and their consortium. The viscosity reduced 49.1, 46.6,
and 49.0 % by DS1, DS2, and DS3, respectively, during 7 days degradation
experiment. However, the reduction rate of viscosity reached 57.0 % with the
consortium, which was significantly higher than that of single strain. It demon-
strated that viscosity reduced effect was better with the consortium of the three
isolated bacteria. The consortium can be applied in MEOR.
103.1 Introduction
In contemporary society, energy issue should not be underestimated. The oil has
gone deep into all aspects of life as the most important energy substance in modern
society. So the oil exploration has become the key of energy issues. Only 5–50 %
of the crude oil can be mined by primary and secondary exploitation, and the
remaining two-third of the crude oil will be exploited by tertiary oil recovery
[1, 2]. At present tertiary oil recovery technology mainly includes heat
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 963
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_103, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
964 C. Tian et al.
flooding, steam flooding, chemical flooding, and microbial enhanced oil recovery
(MEOR) [3]. Microbe can metabolize the long-chain saturated hydrocarbons in
crude oil to be shorter hydrocarbons, and can produce surfactants, organic acids,
and carbon dioxide. The surface tension of crude oil was reduced, the flow
properties of crude oil was improved after microbial action [4–6]. Compared to the
other tertiary oil recovery, MEOR is a green mining technology with the advantage
of low cost, less energy consumption, and minimal damage to the stratum [7].
Usually there is a relatively stable microbial community in the reservoir, which
was mostly injected by water. Some of them (Archaea) adapt to the poor strata
through self-regulation and can use the limited nutrition in the formation to grow
slowly which were there before the reservoir developed [5, 8]. In recent years, the
researches of MEOR are increasing, MEOR has become one of the fastest
development technology to enhanced oil recovery and it has achieved initial
success in field test both at home and abroad [9–13]. In order to find the microbe
suited to MEOR, three bacterial strains with excellent degrading effect on thick oil
were isolated from the thick oil and water reservoir of oil well 51-82# in Erlian Oil
Field. Their identification and degradation characteristics were researched.
The thick oil were collected in 51–82# oil well of Erlian Oil Field which has a
density of 0.9078 g/cm3 (20 C) and a viscosity of 1746 mPas (50 C).
The medium for enrichment contained the following, in grams per liter of
water: yeast extract, 3; K2HPO4, 10; (NH4)2SO4, 1; KH2PO4, 4; MgSO4, 0.25;
NaCl, 5; pH 7.2, sterilized at 121 C for 15 min.
LB medium contained the following, in grams per liter of water: peptone, 10;
yeast extract, 5; NaCl, 10; pH 7.2, sterilized at 121 C for 15 min.
The thick oil was used as the sole carbon to enrich thick oil degrading bacteria
strains from water reservoir of oil well 59-82# in Erlian Oil Field. A portion of
10 g thick oil was transferred to a 250 mL conical flask containing 50 mL medium
and 50 mL water reservoir. The flasks were shaken on a thermostat incubator at
40 C at a speed of 100 rpm. After 7 days, an aliquot of 5 mL supernatant was
then transferred into a150 mL conical flask containing 50 mL medium and 5 g
thick oil. The flasks were shaken on a thermostat incubator at 40 C at a speed of
100 rpm for 7 days. This step was repeated once to attain a thick oil degrading
enriched consortium.
103 Isolation, Identification and Degradation Characteristics 965
At the end of the enrichment, bacterial strains in each consortium were isolated by
spreading the 10-fold serial diluted consortium on agar plates coated with LB
medium. Bacterial colonies producing clear zones were scored positive and picked
up from the plates, further purified by repetitive streaking on nutrient agar plates.
The isolated strains were then identified by Gram’s stain, scanning electron
microscope and 16S rDNA gene sequence.
The total DNA was extracted by kit after pure cultures of bacteria in LB
medium. The bacterial 16S rDNA gene fragment was amplified in a 50lL reaction
containing 25lL Mix, 10lL of each primer (27F: 50 -AGA GTT TGA TCA TGG
CTC AG-30 ; 1492R: 50 -CTA CGG TTA CCT TGT TAC GAC-30 ), 2lL template
DNA, and 21lL distilled water. The PCR was performed in a thermocycler with
the thermal profile: initial denaturing 4 min at 94 C, followed by 30 cycles of
denaturing (94 C for 1 min); annealing (55 C for 1 min) and elongation (72 C
for 2 min). The purifying and sequencing of 16S rDNA sequence was finished by
BGI Beijing. DNA sequence of the cloned 16S rDNA fragments was compared
using BLASTN at maintained by National
Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The clone sequences were aligned
and phylogenetic trees were constructed by the neighbor-joining method with the
Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) software and Cluster X.
In the medium containing thick oil as the sole carbon source, few bacterial col-
onies were able to grow and resulted in the formation of clear zones. In this study,
we focused on three bacterial strains named DS1, DS2, and DS3 which produced
966 C. Tian et al.
the largest clear zones on the agar plates. By repeated picking up and dilution of
the colony of three strains, pure cultures of these strains were successfully
obtained. Microscopic examination of the three strains (DS1: gram-negative, DS2:
gram-positive, and DS3: gram-positive) revealed the presence of short bacillus
cells, short cocci cells, and short bacillus cells. Cells of strains were nonmotile and
shaped 0.6–0.8 9 1.2–1.6 lm, 0.6–0.8 9 1.0–1.2 lm, 0.4–0.6 9 1.2–1.4 lm cell
diameter (Fig. 103.1). Microscopic examination did not reveal any evidence of
spores or of swimming motility.
The taxonomic position of the bacteria has, however, not been known with
certainty. We solved this problem by PCR amplification, and subsequent
sequencing of the 16S rDNA genes directly from the isolated bacteria. Genomic
DNA of three isolates were extracted and used as DNA template for PCR
amplification. The single amplified DNA fragments of approximately ± 1,500 bp
size were generated as shown in Fig. 103.2. It was accord with the amplification
interval in template DNA between the two 16S rDNA primers. It was showed that
the amplification products have a high concentration by the clear bandings in
electrophoretic test. So the sequencing reaction could be continued.
The three strains were identified on the basis of their 16S rDNA homologies with
entries in the GenBank databases. Experimental results showed that three isolated
microorganisms were able to grow on thick oil as the sole carbon source. The three
isolated strains were named DS1, DS2, and DS3 prior to further analysis for
genotypic characteristics using 16S rDNA technique. When examined by BLAST
similarity analysis, DS1, DS2, and DS3 were determined to be Acinetobacter sp.,
Enterococcus sp. and Brevibacterium sp. by the strains which have a similarity
more than 98 % to the three strains.
Download the 16S rDNA sequences of the strains that have a high sequence
similarity (above 98 %) to the three strains. The clone sequences were aligned and
phylogenetic tree was constructed by the neighbor-joining method with the
Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) software and Cluster X. DS1,
103 Isolation, Identification and Degradation Characteristics 967
Fig. 103.3 Phylogenetic tree of thick oil degrading bacteria strains. The bacteria strains isolated
are highlighted in boldface. The tree was constructed by the neighbour-joining method, with the
Kimura two parameter correction factors. Bootstrap values higher than 50 % are shown at
the nodes. The scale bar represents substitutions per nucleotide position. The length of the
representative T-RF is listed in the end of each clone. Sequences are shown in the phylogenetic
tree when they showed high sequence similarity (above 98 %)
The thick oil in experimental group has emulsified by the three isolated bacterium
alone and their consortium after 3 days. The viscosity reduced 49.1, 46.6 and
49.0 % by DS1, DS2, and DS3, respectively, during 7 days degradation experi-
ment. The viscosity of crude oil changed after the effect of microbe. The viscosity
of crude oil can reduce 10–50 % in normal [19–23],but the reduction rates of
viscosity of the three strains we got were more than 45 %. It proved that they are
excellent thick oil degrading bacteria strains. However, the reduction rate of vis-
cosity reached 57.0 % with the consortium, which was significantly higher than that
of single strain (Fig. 103.4). It demonstrated that viscosity reduced effect were
better with the consortium of the three isolated bacteria. The degradation to thick oil
with microbe has a strong selectivity [24], so single bacteria strain can only
degrades some composition in crude oil selectively. Compared to single strains, the
103 Isolation, Identification and Degradation Characteristics 969
DS1 DS2 DS3 consortium
consortium of different bacteria strains can degrade more composition in crude oil.
And different strains produced different surfactants, organic acid, as well as enzyme
composition. They respectively act on different petroleum hydrocarbon fractions to
reduce the surface tension of the thick oil, so the liquidity is changed. The bacteria
strains applied to MEOR should be able to produce metabolites such as gases, acids,
surfactants that benefit to oil displacement. They also should be adaptable of
anaerobic survival, high temperature, high pressure, different pH, and salinity
conditions. For a single strain, it is too difficult to satisfy these requirements, so the
consortium should be used in MOER [25]. She Yuehui’s study also found that the
viscosity reduced effect of consortium is better than the single strain [26]. The
consortium can be applied in MEOR.
103.4 Conclusion
Three bacterial strains DS1, DS2, and DS3 with excellent degrading effect on thick
oil were isolated from the thick oil and water reservoir of oil well 51–82# in Erlian
Oil Field. The three bacteria were identified as Acinetobacter sp., Enterococcus
sp., and Brevibacterium sp. through 16S rDNA sequence similarity search.
The viscosity reduced 49.1, 46.6, and 49.0 % by DS1, DS2, and DS3, respec-
tively, during 7 days degradation experiment. However, the reduction rate of vis-
cosity reached 57.0 % with the consortium. The consortium can be applied in
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Project of Prospering Ocean with Science
and Technology of Tianjin Municipality (No. KJXH2012-23).
970 C. Tian et al.
1. Sen R (2008) Biotechnology in petroleum recovery: the microbial EOR. Prog Energy
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(in Chinese)
Chapter 104
Effect of Anti-Nematode Preparations
on Physiological Traits of Cucumber
Leaves Affected by Root-Knot Nematode
Shuchang Lu
Abstract This paper was to study the effects of anti-nematode preparations with
different mechanisms on changes of enzyme systems and membrane permeability
of cucumber leaves, so as to provide reference basis for effective control of soil
root-knot nematode in greenhouse. With cucumber seedlings affected by root-knot
nematode as material, changes of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD),
relative conductivity in cucumber were tested after the seedling soil was treated by
preparations of Wuxianmei, Hailvsu, Duxiandna, and Avermectin. After treated by
different preparations, SOD and POD activity of cucumber leaves were higher than
control, and that treated by Wuxianmei was the highest. In addition to Duxiandna,
the relative conductivity content of other treatments were significantly lower than
control. When cucumbers were planted for 70 days, the effect of Avermectin
against root-knot nematode was the best of 64.7 %. After cucumbers were infected
by root-knot nematode, different preparation treatments all had certain control
effect, which made the physical indicators of cucumber have obvious change.
Keywords Cucumber Root-knot nematode Preparation Leaf Physiological
104.1 Introduction
The damage of soil root-knot nematode in the main vegetables producing areas is
increasingly serious in China, and it shows significant aggravation trend especially
in northern producing area of off-season protected vegetables, being a serious
obstacle restricting the production of protected vegetables.
S. Lu (&)
Department of Agronomy, Tianjin Agricultural University, 300384
Tianjin, People’s Republic of China
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 973
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_104, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
974 S. Lu
According to the survey, the disease has different degrees of occurrence in the
main producing areas in Jixian, Wuqing, and Jinghai of Tianjin City, especially in
Jixian, root-knot nematode disease has caused great harm on the local vegetable
production [1]. When root-knot nematode infects the roots of cucumber, the
enzyme systems and membrane permeability of root system will change, thus
affecting the physiological traits of aboveground leaf tissue. This not only directly
affects the growth and development of vegetables, causing the production decline
and quality reduce, but also exacerbates the occurrence of bacterial and fungal
diseases such as Fusarium wilt [2].
Currently, the mechanisms for the prevention of soil root-knot nematodes are as
follows: (1) using preparations to kill root-knot nematode; (2) using preparations
to drive root-knot nematodes away from the roots to prevent roots being infected;
(3) using root growth promoting preparation to promote the growth of new roots,
thus increasing the transportation of soil moisture and nutrients to aerial part [3].
The traditional control against soil root-knot nematode mainly relies on chemical
preparations, but many chemical preparations are highly toxic and high residue
pesticides, large amount of application will cause serious pollution on soil and
groundwater, so the research and development of new preparations and new
technologies with high efficiency and low toxicity against root-knot nematode is
extremely urgent [4, 5]. How the preparations with different mechanisms affect the
soil root-knot nematode and plant physiological traits is rarely reported. To this
end, taking cucumber seedlings infected by soil root-knot nematode as the
material, the author used several preparations of Hailvsu (root growth promoting
preparation), Wuxianmei (botanical nematode driven preparation), Duxiandan
(chemical nematicide preparation), and Avermectin (biological nematicide prep-
aration) with different mechanisms to control root-knot nematode, and further
analyzed the changes of enzyme systems and membrane permeability of plant
leaves after application of preparations, so as to provide reference for effective
control of soil root-knot nematode in protected vegetable fields.
104.2.1 Materials
The crop used in the test was cucumber, and the variety was Jinyou 35. Preparations
104.2.2 Methods
Chlorophyll content(mg/L) 14
12 Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll b Carotenoids
Hailvsu Avermectin Duxiandan Wuxianmei Control
Different pesticides
Fig. 104.1 Effect of different pesticides on the content of chlorophyll in cucumber leaves
After treated by different preparations, the changes of SOD and POD activity in
leaves of cucumber seedlings were shown in Table 104.1. As shown in
Table 104.1, SOD activity of cucumber leaves treated by Wuxianmei was the
highest, being 100.7 U/g, and SOD activities of cucumber leaves treated by
Wuxianmei, Hailvsu, and Avermectin were significantly higher than control. SOD
activity treated by Wuxianmei was higher than other three preparations, indicating
that Wuxianmei led to the minimum decrease of SOD activity, thereby main-
taining a certain degree of resistance of cucumber. SOD activity of cucumber
leaves treated by Duxiandan was the lowest, this indicated that the impact of
chemical preparations on physiological traits of cucumber leaves was higher than
other biological preparations; POD activity of cucumber leaves treated by Wux-
ianmei was 260.0 U/g, which was significantly higher than that treated by other
three preparations, and was 3.17 times of control. The changes of POD activity
after treated by Hailvsu and Avermectin were similar, POD activity of cucumber
leaves treated by Duxiandan was the lowest. This indicated that these four prep-
arations could increase POD activity of cucumber leaves, which was conducive to
the protection of enzyme system, thus increasing the resistance of cucumber in a
certain degree.
Table104.1 Effect of different preparations on SOD and POD activity of cucumber leave
Index Different treatments
Wuxianmei Hailvsu Duxiandan Avermectin Control
SOD (U/g) 100.7 ± 20.1 82.4 ± 26.0 44.1 ± 10.3 66.3 ± 15.7 46.2 ± 10.3
POD (U/g) 260.0 ± 23.2 186.7 ± 20.7 160.2 ± 12.8 190.2 ± 22.2 81.9 ± 11.2
978 S. Lu
The initial number of root-knot nematodes in semi-wet soil per 100 g after over-
wintering was 153. After cucumbers were planted for 70 days, the number of root-
knot nematodes in pots greatly increased due to the increase of soil temperature.
After treated by four preparations, the number of root-knot nematodes in soil was
significantly lower than control. The control effect of Avermectin against root-knot
Relative conductivity in tomato leavers
0.4 0.318
Wuxianmei Hailvsu Duxiandan Avermectin CK
Different pesticides
0.5 25
Relative conductivity
Relative conductivity
0.4 20
0.3 15
0.2 10
0.1 5
0.0 0
Duxiandan Wuxianmei Hailvsu Avermectin Control
Different pesticides
Fig. 104.3 Effect of different preparations on relative conductivity and damage degree of
cucumber roots
nematode was the best, reaching 64.7 %. The control effect of Wuxianmei was
lower than Avermectin and Duxiandan, but it was non-toxic and had no pollution
on environment, which could be used in production. As the root growth promoting
preparation, Hailvsu also increased the plant resistance against root-knot nema-
tode, which had certain control effect (Table 104.2).
protective enzyme systems for eliminating reactive oxygen species [7]. These all
indicated that the antioxidant system of cucumber changed after treated by prep-
arations, and the level of POD activity could better reflect the strength of free
radical elimination or antioxidant capacity [8].
After infection for 70 days, the number of root-knot nematode significantly
increased, but the increase in control was significantly larger than preparation
treatments. This indicated that preparations had certain control effect against root-
knot nematode, Avermectin had better control effect, while Wuxianmei and
Hailvsu mainly improved the resistance of soil against root-knot nematode via
driving root-knot nematode and promoting root growth. Although the control
effect of Wuxianmei is not as good as other two nematicides, it is pollution-free
and safe, which can be combined with other preparations for integrated use in
practice, and control the damage caused by root-knot nematode from different
mechanisms. So, the preparation of integrated agents will have a very broad
development prospect.
Acknowledgments This work was financially supported by special fund for basic application
and cutting-edge technology research projects of Tianjin City (09JCYBJC08600).
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4. Dui H, Zheng G, Lv HP et al (2009) Effect control of sever kinds of pharmacy on the root-knot
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7. Jaizme MC, Tenoury PJ (1997) Interactions between the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne
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8. Wang HH, Lin QY, Xie LH (2001) The effects of three cucumber mosaic virus isolates on the
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Chapter 105
Enzymolysis and Microbial
Transformation of Geniposide
in Gardenia Jasminoides into Genipin
by Aspergillus niger
Keywords Genipin Gardenia Microbial transformation Enzymatic hydrolysis
105.1 Introduction
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 981
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_105, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
982 Y. Li et al.
105.2.1 Materials
Try to follow the type sizes and typefaces specified in Table 105.1 as best as your
can. The whole paper should use Times New Roman font with 10 pts in the main
text. Use 14 pts bold characters for the paper title, and capitalize the first letter of
each substantive in the title. Author names should use 12 pts characters and
separated by commas. Capitalize the surnames and the first letters of the first
names. Use superscript on the right if authors’ sequence numbers are necessary.
Use 10 pts characters for the main text and author’s affiliations, please be sure that
there are sequence numbers in front of them. Capitalize the first letter of the
beginning word for each section title and subheading. Use 12 pts bold Roman
characters for section titles and 10 pts bold Roman characters for subheadings.
The cell culture was centrifuged at 5,000 r/min and 4 C for 10 min. The super-
natant was mixed with sodium acetate buffer (pH 4.0) and then the supernatant was
concentrated by ultrafiltration. The crude enzyme would be used for the deter-
mination of b-glucosidase activity.
The measurement of activity of crude enzyme was performed by the DNS
method [17]. The determination method of b-glucosidase was as follows: salicin
solution (0.3 mL), 0.05 M sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.0, 0.7 mL) and suitable
amount of the crude b-glucosidase were mixed and incubated in water bath
(50 C) for 30 min. Then the reaction was stopped by adding DNS reagent (1 mL).
Color was developed by heating for 5 min in a boiling water bath. The tubes were
cooled with running tap water and solution was dilute to 10 mL. Then 0.05 M
sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.0) was taken as a blank control and the solution was
monitored at 550 nm by UV–Vis.
Table 105.1 Levels of factors for the best enzymatic hydrolysis efficiency of geniposide from
gardenia fruit
Factors Enzyme concentration Enzyme digestion Temperature
(% V/V) time (min) (C)
Level 1 1.0 20 40
Level 2 2.0 40 50
Level 3 5.0 60 60
Level 4 10.0 90 70
Level 5 20.0 120 80
984 Y. Li et al.
Thin layer chromatography (TLC) analysis of genipin, which was the fermentation
product, was carried out on silica gel GF254 TLC plate (50 mm 9 100 cm) with
mobile phase of the mixture of ethyl acetate and petroleum ether (2:1, V/V).
Gardenia in water and genipin standard were used as controls. Then it was detected
under UV light (254 nm).
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC, Agilent) was used to
determine the content of genipin [18]. The mobile phase consisted methanol and
water with a ratio of 45:55 and a flow-rate of 1 mL/min. The samples were filtered
by 0.45 lm microporous filtering membrane before injection. The assay was
carried out after injecting 20 lL sample to HPLC with the ODS-2HPERSIL C18
chromatographic column (4.6 mm 9 250 mm, 5.0 lm) temperature of 25 C and
the detection wavelength of 238 nm. The linear regression equation for genipin
was Y = 7858.9x – 389.19 (R2 = 0.993).
Actual yield of genipinðmolÞ
Productivity of genipin ð%Þ ¼ times100%
Theoretical yield of genipinðmolÞ
The crude b-glucosidase (10 mL), 1 % gardenia solution (10 mL), phosphate buffer
(pH 5.0, 250 mL) were mixed and incubated in water bath (50 C) for 40 min. Then
glycine was added into the system and the mixture was reacted in 80 C water bath
for 1 h. After the reaction, it was detected under UV light (590 nm). Geniposide
from gardenia fruit was hydrolyzed by b-glucosidase to produce genipin and genipin
became blue when being reacted with amino acids. Based on this mechanism, the
absorbances could represent the concentration of genipin a large extent [19].
The factors, including the enzyme concentration, enzyme digestion time, and
fermentation temperature were optimized for the best enzymatic hydrolysis effi-
ciency of geniposide from gardenia fruit. The levels of factors were showed in
Table 105.1.
Spores of strain were inoculated into a 250 ml flask in which liquid media of tap
water and the powder of gardenia were added, and then cultivated. After 4 days,
105 Enzymolysis and Microbial Transformation of Geniposide 985
Table 105.2 Levels of factors for the best conversion conditions by cells
Factors Fermentation Rotation Medium Gardenia concentratin
time (h) speed (r/min) capacity (mL) (% V/V)
Level 1 48 150 5 5
Level 2 72 160 10 10
Level 3 84 180 30 15
Level 4 96 190 50 20
Level 5 120 200 70 25
glycine was added into the system and the mixture was reacted in 80 C water bath
for 1 h. After the reaction, it was detected under UV light (590 nm). Geniposide
from gardenia fruit was hydrolyzed by b-glucosidase to produce genipin and
genipin became blue when being reacted with amino acids. Based on this mech-
anism, the absorbances could represent the concentration of genipin a large extent.
The conditions of fermentation were established by one-factor-at-a-time
method. The influencing factors, including the fermentation time, rotation speed,
medium capacity and gardenia concentration were optimized for the best con-
version conditions by cells. The levels of factors were showed in Table 105.2.
Genipin can react with amino acids to form a blue pigment, thus microbial
transformation of genipin can be evaluated by the size of the blue circle formed on
the screening plate. The strain B-4 with high microbial transformation capacity
was screened easily and fast. The strain B-4 was identified as A. niger, based on its
1 2 5 10 20
Enzyme concentration (%V/V)
986 Y. Li et al.
morphological properties and the sequence of 18S rDNA. Used the method of
DNS, enzyme activity was determined at 10.12 U/mL.
The crude b-glucosidase which had been extracted from fermentation broth of
Aspergillus niger was evaluated for its capability to hydrolyze geniposide from
gardenia fruit. Attempts were made to increase the overall conversion efficiency by
optimizing the reaction parameters (enzyme concentration, enzyme digestion time
and temperature). The optimum hydrolysis condition by b-glucosidase was
determined according to the method described in Sect.105.2.5.
As Figs. 105.2 and 105.3 showed that when the enzyme concentration increased
to 5 %, and enzyme digestion time was 40 min, the enzymatic reaction was
completed and the yield of genipin had not obvious improvement.
Figure 105.4 summarized the influence of temperature on the degree of
hydrolysis of geniposide. During this period, the activity of b-glucosidase
increased gradually till reaching the maximum value of 10.12 U/ml at 50 C, and
the conversion rate increased along b-glucosidase activity. Because the maximum
activity of b-glucosidase was observed at pH 6.0 at 50 C, and b-glucosidase was
stable at 50 C [20].
Taking all the influencing factors and the results into consideration, the optimal
transformation conditions by the crude b-glucosidase which had been extracted
from fermentation broth of A. niger was considered as follows: the enzyme con-
centration of 5 %, enzyme digestion time of 40 min, temperature at 50 C. By
HPLC analysis, the maximum conversion efficiency of 15 % was achieved.
20 40 60 90 120
Enzyme digestion time (min)
105 Enzymolysis and Microbial Transformation of Geniposide 987
40 50 60 70 80
Fermentation temperature (˚C)
The effect of fermentation conditions of the strain on genipin production has been
studied. The optimum fermentation condition by cells has been determined
according to the method described in Sect.105.2.6.
The absorbances of blue pigments were assayed in different fermentation time
(48, 72, 84, 96, 120 h). As Fig. 105.5 showed, the geniposide mostly converted
into genipin after 96 h. Due to the instability of genipin and the reactions of
genipin with amino acids, the longer fermentation times the more yield of genipin
lost [21]. As a result, the most suitable time of fermentation termination was 96 h.
As Figs. 105.6 and 105.7 showed that when the rotating speed increased to
180 r/min and capacity at 50 mL, the conversion rate was at its maximum. The
probable reason was that Aspergillus niger was an aerobic microorganisms and
dissolved oxygen concentration had the greatest influence on fungus growth [22].
As a result, the dissolved oxygen was not enough when the speed below 180 r/
min, and the mycelium in the medium was ruptured at excessive speed. Those
were not conducive to the growth of microorganisms.
Fig. 105.5 Effect of 0.35
fermentation time on the
conversion rate of geniposide
48 72 84 96 108 120
Fermentation time (h)
988 Y. Li et al.
During the fermentation by B-4, the results by TLC showed that sample III (pre-
fermentation) did not show any blue spots while sample II (after fermentation)
showed a clear blue spot with Rf 1.5, and the Rf of sample II was consistent with
150 160 180 190 200
Rotation speed (r/min)
5 10 30 50 70
Medium capacity (mL)
105 Enzymolysis and Microbial Transformation of Geniposide 989
5 10 15 20 25
Gardenia concentration (% V/V)
105.4 Conclusion
Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of Tianjin Municipal Sci-
ence and Technology Committee (10ZCKFNC01700) and the National High-tech Research and
Development Program (863 Program), NO.2012AA021502.
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6. Chen SC, Wu YC, Mi FL et al (2004) A novel pH-sensitive hydrogel composed of N, O-
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9. Park JE, Lee JY, Kim HG (2002) Isolation and characterization of water-soluble
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10. Paik YS, Lee CM, Cho MH et al (2001) Physical stability of the blue pigments formed from
geniposide of gardenia fruits:effects of pH, temperature and light. J Agric Food Chem
11. Lee SW, Lim JM, Bhoo SH et al (2003) Colorimetric determination of amino acids using
genipin from Gardenia jasminoides. Anal Chem Acta 480:267–274
12. Park JE, Hahn TR, Park YS (2001) Separation and characterization of water soluble blue
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13. Park JE, Lee JY, Kim HG et al (2002) Dietary blue pigments derived from genipin, attenuate
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Chapter 106
Study on the Application of a
Thermotolerant Saccharomyces cerevisiae
in the Production of Bio-ethanol
Yueqiang Li, Yefu Chen, Jian Dong, Xinxin Zhang, Tong Shen
and Dongguang Xiao
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 993
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_106, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
994 Y. Li et al.
106.1 Introduction
Due to rising focuses on the environmental problems and the periodic crises in
some of the larger oil exporting countries, bio-ethanol has becomes a viable and
realistic alternative energy in the global market [1–4]. Highly concentrated bio-
ethanol production means less volume in fermentation tanks and consumes less
distillery energy. The very high gravity (VHG) technology is attracting more and
more interests due to its economic value [5–8].
The analog fermentation technique is a diminution of the current ethanol
industry production processes. In this process, the incubate temperature rise when
fermentation enter the peak period. Judging from the cost of production, raw
material fermentation technique is minimal in all of the techniques. However,
since the starch material has not been liquefied and saccharified, the free glucose
concentration is low in the mash and this would be an inhibition to the ethanol
fermentation. Now the ripe fermentation process is the most sophisticated fer-
mentation process, but at the same time, the energy cost is very high because of the
large amount of cooling water which is used to maintain the temperature of the
mash. In simultaneous saccharification and fermentation, two different processes
(saccharification and fermentation) were carried on in the same bioreactor at the
same time [9, 10]. As the single saccharification step is saved, the cost of pro-
duction can be significantly reduced. Considering about the large scale of the bio-
ethanol industry, simultaneous saccharification and fermentation is more suitable
to the actual production. At the same time, the cooling energy consumption will
significantly reduce if thermotolerant strain which can work normally at high
temperature in the fermentation process is used.
Due to the advantages of thermotolerant strain, it was broadly studied in recent
years. Several breeding methods such as physical and chemical mutagenesis [11, 12],
adaptation [13], protoplast fusion [14], evolution engineering [15], global transcription
machinery engineering [16], and genome shuffling [17], had been previously used to
improve the thermotolerance and ethanol production of yeast. D’Amore et al. screened
numerous yeast strains for glucose fermentation at 40 C [18]. In another study,
Banat’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) showed a maximum ethanol production of
7.0 % and 6.9 % (w/v) at 37 C and 40 C, when 14 % (w/v) glucose used as sub-
strate [19]. S. cerevisiae F111, which can grow at temperatures up to 50 C, has been
isolated and applied to industrial scale fermentation. S. cerevisiae NPO1 produced
11.3 % of ethanol from sweet sorghum juice medium containing 24.8 % of total sugar
(89 % theoretical ethanol yield) [6, 20].As the properties of yeast thermotolerance are
controlled by so many genes and mediated through so many pathways, the achieve-
ments of previous studies were not efficient adequately.
In this study, the ethanol production of thermotolerant yeast F3 constructed
through genome shuffling and its control strain AY12 was measured by four
techniques at different temperature to verify the advantages of F3. Then the fer-
mentation conditions were optimized by orthogonal test.
106 Study on the Application of a Thermotolerant 995
The seed culture process of four kinds of techniques in our study is same. Firstly, the
strain is inoculated into tube with 4 ml sterilized the first stage seed medium, static
culture for about 24 h. Then put it all into 250 ml flask with 36 ml sterilized the
second stage seed medium, static culture for 16-17 h. Then the inoculum is added
to fermentation medium by size of 10 %. The mash is incubated at the given tem-
perature. In the process of analog technique, the mash is firstly incubated at 30 C
during the initial 11 h, then at 40 C for the rest time (about 61 h). Ethanol was
removed from the fermented mash via distilling apparatus at the end of fermentation.
996 Y. Li et al.
30 35 40 45
Temperature( )
106 Study on the Application of a Thermotolerant 997
In order to save the material and shorten the fermentation time, here we studied the
optimum fermentation conditions of F3. We tested three factors that influence
simultaneous saccharification and fermentation condition for ethanol production
via single-factor test. The three factors are ratios of material to water, inoculum
998 Y. Li et al.
Ratios of water to material were adjusted to 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 3.0, and 3.2; the
experimental data is shown in Fig. 106.2. As presented, the yield of ethanol
exhibits a basically stable situation when ratio of water to material is in the range
of 2.2–2.8. However, as the ratios of water to material rise above 2.8, the ethanol
production was significantly decreased.
Shorter fermentation time means lower cooling cost, higher equipment utilization,
and business profits, so the fermentation time was optimized. As results presented
in Fig. 106.4, the ethanol production rise slower than previous time after 48 h. The
production would not increase if fermentation time was prolonged.
2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4
Ratios of material to water
106 Study on the Application of a Thermotolerant 999
5 10 15 20 25 30
Inoculum concentration(ml)
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Fermentation time (h)
At last, three parallel experiments which have been carried out on ethanol
fermentation by the optimal technique to verify the orthogonal test result
(Table 106.5). The ethanol productions of them were 12.1, 12.1, 12.2, respec-
tively, and the average was 12.1.
106 Study on the Application of a Thermotolerant 1001
106.4 Conclusion
From all the experiments above, we have verified the advantage of the thermotolerant
strain F3 compared with its control strain AY12. Simultaneous saccharification and
fermentation technique has been identified to be the proper technique for F3 through
the ethanol production comparison of four techniques. The fermentation conditions
were optimized via single-factor test and orthogonal test. The optimal fermentation
conditions are as follows, the ratio of nutriment and water 1:2.6, inoculum size
25 ml, fermentation period 56 h.
Acknowledgments This work was financially supported by the program of the National
Agricultural Research Projects Fund (Grant No. 2012AA021505), the Cheung Kong Scholars and
Innovative Research Team Program in University of Ministry of Education, China (Grant No.
IRT1166), and Tianjin Municipal High School Science and Technology Development Fund
Program, China (No. 20110625).
Abstract This paper studied the effect of the chemicals on the diapause
termination of the Artemia cysts, including reactive oxygen species (ROS) pro-
ducing reagent CaO2, reactive nitric species (RNS) producing reagent NO, and
antioxidant reagents tea polyphenol (TP) and ascorbic acid (VC). The results
showed that all the tested chemicals could significantly promote Artemia cysts
development, and the optimum range for CaO2, TP, VC, and sodium nitroprusside
(SNP, NO generators) was 38–94, 50–150, 625–2500, and 25–100 mg/L,
respectively. The hatching percentage (H %) was raised from 20 % for the control
group to 86 % for the CaO2 treated group, 86 % for the TP treated group, 85 % for
the VC treated group, and 67 % for the SNP treated group, respectively. An
analysis of trehalose consumption and glycerol accumulation of the Artemia cysts
was also performed during incubation.
107.1 Introduction
Y. Chen B. Zhang
College of Marine Science and Engineering, Tianjin University of Science and Technology,
Tianjin 300457, People’s Republic of China
B. Zhang (&)
Tianjin Key Laboratory of Marine Resources and Chemistry, College of Marine Science
and Engineering, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin 300457,
People’s Republic of China
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1003
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_107, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1004 Y. Chen and B. Zhang
variations [1–3]. It has been reported that in a short period after cysts being
released, they remain in diapause and the hatching percentage (H %) is very low,
even under the optimal environmental conditions [4].
Eggs remaining in diapause stage need specific stimuli and right environmental
conditions to resume development [5]. Physical factors, such as dehydration/
rehydration, freezing/thawing, and light alone or in combination, are considered as
useful tools to terminate diapause and promote development of Artemia cysts
[6–9], though the intracellular molecular changes driven by these factors are not
yet known. Compared to the physical process, chemical treatments are easily to
Three kinds of chemical stimulations have been confirmed having apparent
effects on the hatching of encysted gastrulae, including oxidants (e.g., hydrogen
peroxide, H2O2 and/or calcium peroxide, CaO2) [10, 11] antioxidants (e.g., tea
polyphenol, TP) [12], and second messenger nitric oxide (NO) [13]. The oxidants
are regarded as reactive oxygen species (ROS) signal producer. However, the
antioxidants are well known for clearance of ROS. NO is related to reactive nitric
species (RNS). Interestingly, all of them play key roles in promoting the devel-
opment of Artemia cysts.
In this work, chemicals including CaO2, NO, TP, and vitamin C (VC) were
applied to investigate their induction on diapause termination and development of
Artemia embryos. To our best knowledge, this is the first time to introduce vitamin
C in similar researches.
25, pH 8.0, the temperature of 28 ± 1 C, the density of about 2.5 g cysts dry
matter per liter, the illumination of 2000 lux, and continuous aeration. The
hatching percentage (H %) was recorded after 24 h incubation unless otherwise
To analyze the content of trehalose and glycerol in the cysts at each time point
after the chemical treatment, the sample was collected and rinsed thoroughly with
running water to remove traces of chemicals after incubation of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 h.
Each sample was divided into two parts, one part was further hatched in seawater
to assay H % and the other was decapsulated and the contents of trehalose and
glycerol were analyzed. About 0.5 g decapsulated cysts were homogenized in
4.5 mL 72 % ethanol on ice, and then centrifuged at 9 800 g (0 C) for 10 min to
remove the insoluble fragments. The supernatants were to 5 mL with the addition
of 72 % ethanol, and the contents of trehalose and glycerol were analyzed by high-
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) [15]. The results were recorded as the
percentage of mg trehalose/glycerol per mg dry weight of decapsulated cysts.
As shown in Fig. 107.1, similar hatching efficiencies were obtained by the addition
of CaO2, TP, and VC to the hatching medium respectively. The optimal concen-
trations for achieving the highest hatching percentage were 75 mg/L for CaO2 and
TP, and 1250 mg/L VC. While maximum cyst development obtained with SNP
was about 67 %. When SNP concentration reached to 250 mg/mL, H % dropped
to zero. This inhibition may be due to the harmful effect of SNP. To our knowl-
edge, this is the first time to point that VC could improve diapause termination
greatly, which is another example of ROS elimination.
Fig. 107.1 Hatching percentage of Artemia cysts treated by different chemicals. 0.5 g of cysts in
non-supplemented sea water added with CaO2 (a), TP (b), VC (c) or SNP (d) were hatched with
rotation for 24 h. Results are presented as the mean values of three replicates with error bars
representing standard deviation, and the X-axis for C and D is log10. The data were analyzed by a
non-linear regression. If the error bars are not shown, the error is smaller than the symbol
(Fig. 107.2a). The results indicated that trehalose deduction might correlate with
hatching rate of each sample. The content of glycerol increased from 5.7–9.0 % at
first 6 h and reduced to 5.0 % at 10 h with 85 larvae developed per 100 cysts
induced by TP (Fig. 107.2b). Before 6 h, the longer TP and CaO2 accompanied
cysts during incubation, the higher H % presented. However, the H % remained at
about 61 % by H2O2 treatment and at 10 % of control sample (Fig. 107.2c). At
first 2 h, the increase rate of trehalose was 6.5 % for control sample, 13.7 % for
H2O2 treatment, 6.5 and 5.5 % for CaO2 and TP treatment respectively. The results
for each time point were subjected to two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
followed by F-test. Both trehalose (P \ 0.05) and glycerol (P \ 0.01) had
increased at first 2 h, which indicated diapause had been terminated and metabolic
process had started in this period. It has been reported that when diapause was
broken [7], the trehalose metabolism would be initiated, undergoing complete
oxidation and serving as a substrate for glycogen and glycerol synthesis [8, 16].
The result in this study indicated that the consumption of trehalose started from
2 h. In consideration of short treatment time of H2O2, molecular switch might have
been triggered before hatching, and that suggested that trehalose might not be the
107 Different Chemicals Stimulate Diapause Termination 1007
Fig. 107.2 Different performance by varying stimulation. With different stimulation, trehalose
(a), glycerol (b), and H % (c) yielded various changes at each time point during the incubation.
The aliquot treated by H2O2 was prehydrated in water for 60 min. Before hatching in non-
supplemented sea water, these cysts were collected on a sieve and rinsed thoroughly with running
water to remove traces of H2O2. The last two were hatched with CaO2 and TP added separately at
the beginning of incubation. u—control sample, s—H2O2 (3 %, w/w, 10 min), m—CaO2
(75 mg/L), 9 —TP (60 mg/L)
107.4 Conclusion
This work studied the effect of the chemicals (CaO2, TP, VC, and SNP) on the
diapause termination of the Artemia cysts. The results showed that the tested
chemicals significantly promoted Artemia cysts development, and the optimum
range for CaO2, TP, VC, and SNP was 38–94, 50–150, 625–2500, and 25–100 mg/L,
respectively. The hatching percentage (H %) was raised from 20 % for the control
group to 86 % for the CaO2 treated group, 86 % for the TP treated group, 85 % for the
VC treated group, and 67 % for the SNP treated group, respectively. Additionally,
the rate of trehalose consumption and glycerol accumulation inside the Artemia cysts
was also measured.
Acknowledgments This study was supported by the International Cooperation Research Pro-
gram of the Ministry of Science & Technology of China (grant number CK08-03 and
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Chapter 108
Dominant Bacteria TCCC15005 Used
for Treatment of Alkaline Wastewater
from Oil Refinery in a SBR
Jing Yang, Hua Zhao, Xi Wang, Xin Feng and Xinhua Wang
Abstract Biological treatment was an important and integral part of any wastewater
treatment plant that treats wastewater from either municipality or industry. In this
study, dominant bacteria TCCC15005 was used for treating alkaline wastewater
from oil refinery in a SBR system. Subsequently, the optimized treatment conditions
were investigated. The result indicated that the optimized treatment conditions were
0.5 % corn mill, 1.0 % corn steep liquor, 0.2 % MgSO47H2O, 1.03 g/L inoculation
amount, 35 C, pH 7.5. And the treatment time was 28 h. Under the optimal
conditions, the removal rate of COD can reach 84.16 %.
108.1 Introduction
In the process of oil refining, the alkaline wastewater was mainly resulted from the
process of removing acid liquid of straight-run diesel and gasoline by alkaline
cleaning [1]. Such alkaline wastewater contained a lot of material of environ-
mental pollution, and even many carcinogens. The main components were sodium
hydroxide, naphthenic acid sodium, phenol sodium, sodium carbonate, sodium
sulfide and so on [2]. If this kind of alkaline wastewater was discharged directly, it
would contaminate the environment gravely; if it entered the wastewater treatment
system without disposal, it would have seriously impacted on both the subsequent
disposal process and water quality [3].
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1011
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_108, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1012 J. Yang et al.
One bacterial strain, TCCC15005 was isolated from sludge nearby a petroleum
smelter [18]. The culture medium was LB medium containing tryptone 10 gL-1,
yeast extract 5 gL-1, sodium chloride (NaCl) 10 gL-1, the pH values of the
media were adjusted to the optimum pH values of 7.0. Prior to use,the media were
sterilized in an autoclave at 121 C for 20 min. The flasks were incubated at 37 C
in a rotary shaker at 120 r/min [19]. After 24 h, centrifuging at 4,000 r/min for
10 min, cleaning twice, collecting bacteria and blending with sterilized bran, then
drying it, and keeping in 4 C.
Alkaline wastewater obtained from oil refinery should be pretreated. Firstly, 5.5 %
sulfate acids was added. 24 h later, the sublayer liquid was collected and used as
experimental material. Table 108.1 showed the properties that the sublayer liquid
and their values after these pretreatment operations.
108 Dominant Bacteria TCCC15005 Used for Treatment 1013
dilution water
fresh water
dosing tank
biological reaction
experiments, carbon sources each at 0.5 %, nitrogen sources each at 1.0 %,and
inorganic salt each at 0.2 %, temperature range of 10–60 C, pH range of 6–8.5.
At the same time, different inoculum concentration, treating time and consecutive
treatment were investigated.
In the process of treating alkaline wastewater, bacteria took all kinds of organic
pollutant as nutrition for their growth. But nutrients of pretreated alkaline
wastewater may not completely meet the need of bacteria, in that case, some extra
nutrients should be added.
In order to research the effect of adding carbon sources on the COD removal rate,
we chose glucose, sucrose, starch, maltose and corn mill as carbon source. It could
be concluded from the results presented graphically in Fig. 108.2 that TCCC15005
can use various carbon sources, but the best carbon source was corn mill and
additive amount was 0.5 %.
The influence of nitrogen sources and additive amount on the COD removal rate
was investigated.In the treatment process, adding nitrogen source can increase the
COD removal rate, the COD removal rate was illustrated as Fig. 108.3. Because of
its high COD removal rate and economic applicability, corn steep liquor was
chosen as nitrogen source and its optimal additive amount was 1 %.
glucose sucrose starch maltose corn mill
carbon source
Fig. 108.2 Effects of carbon sources on the COD removal rate. TCCC15005 was inoculated into
SBR reactor. 0.5 % (m:m) glucose, sucrose, starch, maltose and corn mill was added respectively.
0.50 g inoculum concentration. Then cultured at pH 7.0 at 37. 25 h later, the COD value was
At the same time, the effect of inoculum concentration on COD removal rate was
tested. It was obvious from the date presented graphically in Fig. 108.5 that the
optimum inoculum concentration for TCCC15005 was 1.03 g at which the COD
removal rate is up to 81.65 %. When inoculum concentration was low, the deg-
radation was not obvious. With the inoculum concentration increased, the COD
removal rate increased gradually. When inoculum concentration was more than
1.03 g, COD removal rate was up to 81.65 %, about 10.46 % higher compared
with that of modified before. But the increment of COD removal rate was not
obvious if inoculum concentration continued to increase. So the optimum inocu-
lum concentration was 1.03 g considering comprehensively the degrading effi-
ciency and economy.
The effect of temperature on the COD removal rate of combined TCCC15005 and
SBR was studied at temperatures ranging from 10 to 60 C (Fig. 108.6). It was
showed that the optimum treatment temperature for TCCC15005 with SBR was
1016 J. Yang et al.
Fig. 108.3 Effects of nitrogen sources on the COD removal rate. TCCC15005 was inoculated
into SBR reactor. 1.0 % (m:m) ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, bran, yeast powder, corn
steep liquor was added respectively. 0.5 % (m:m) corn mill was used as carbon source. The
culture condition was as following, 0.50 g inoculum concentration, pH 7.0, 37. 25 h later, the
COD value was measured
Fig. 108.4 Effects of inorganic salt on the COD removal rate. TCCC15005 was inoculated into
SBR reactor. 0.2 % (m:m) different inorganic salt (MgSO47H2O, NaH2PO412H2O, K3PO4,
CaCl2, MnSO4) was added respectively. 0.5 % corn mill was used as carbon source and 1.0 %
corn steep liquor was used as inorganic salt. The culture condition was as following, 0.50 g
inoculum concentration, pH 7.0, 37 C. 25 h later, the COD value was measured
35 C, as in this case, the COD removal rate was up to 82.08 %. When the
temperature was less than 25 C or more than 40 C, the COD removal rate
decreased significantly.
108 Dominant Bacteria TCCC15005 Used for Treatment 1017
3 90
1.5 50
1 COD 30
COD removal rate
0.5 20
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
inoculum concentration/g
Fig. 108.5 Effects of inoculum concentration on the COD removal rate. TCCC15005 was
inoculated into SBR reactor according to six different inoculum concentrations (0.43, 0.63, 0.83,
1.03, 1.23, 1.43, 1.63 g). The culture condition were 0.5 % corn mill, 1.0 % corn steep liquor,
0.2 % MgSO47H2O, pH 7.0, 37 C. 25 h later, the COD value was measured
The influence of pH on the COD removal rate was investigated. Seven different
pH(6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5) were test. It could be concluded from the results
presented graphically in Fig. 108.7 that pH would have a major influence to
bacteria breeding and COD removal rate. The optimum pH value for TCCC15005
with SBR was 7.5 at which the COD removal rate is up to 82.27 %. When
pH \ 6.5, COD removal rate was not obvious and less than 50 %. If pH was more
than 6.5, with pH increased, the COD removal rate also increased rapidly, until pH
is 7.5, COD removal rate reached the peak. If pH [ 7.5, the COD removal rate
decreased dramatically. So the optimum pH was 7.5.
The treating time of SBR also affect the COD and COD removal rate. We get COD
and COD removal rate every 4 h. It could be concluded from the results presented
graphically in Fig. 108.8 that the optimum treating time was 28 h. At the begin-
ning, COD was higher than original alkaline wastewater because of adding bac-
teria. After 12 h, COD variation was not obvious because of bacterial extension
and logarithm. But from 12 to 28 h, bacteria was in stable phase and they has
exuberant metabolism, so COD removal rate increased dramatically and COD
removal rate was up to 84.16 %. But the increment of COD removal rate was not
obvious if treating time continued to increase because of decline phase. So we
determined that the treating time of SBR was 28 h.
1018 J. Yang et al.
2.3 85
1.5 70
1.3 65
0.7 55
COD removal rate
0.5 50
10 20 30 40 50 60
Fig. 108.6 Effects of temperature on the COD removal rate. TCCC15005 was inoculated into
SBR reactor and cultured at different temperatures which were ranging from 10 to 60 C. The
culture condition was as following, 0.5 % corn mill, 1.0 % corn steep liquor, 0.2 %
MgSO47H2O, 1.03 g inoculum concentration, pH 7.0. 25 h later, the COD value was measured
3.5 90
3 80
2 50
1.5 40
COD 20
0.5 10
COD removal rate
0 0
5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
Fig. 108.7 Effects of pH on the COD removal rate. TCCC15005 was inoculated into SBR
reactor. The condition of culture was as following, the volume of the alkaline wastewater which
was prepared at pH 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0 and 8.5. The culture condition were 0.5 % corn mill,
1.0 % corn steep liquor, 0.2 % MgSO47H2O, 1.03 g inoculum concentration, 35 C. 25 h later,
the COD value was measured
In summary, dominant bacteria with SBR was used to treat alkaline wastewater
from oil refinery, the COD of alkaline wastewater decreased perceptibly under the
optimized condition after 28 h. But wastewater was polluted seriously and its
initial COD was high, so the COD of treated wastewater was still extremely high.
108 Dominant Bacteria TCCC15005 Used for Treatment 1019
6 90
4 60
2 COD removal rate 30
0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Fig. 108.8 Effects of the processing time on the COD removal rate. TCCC15005 was inoculated
into SBR reactor. The culture condition was as following, 0.5 % corn mill, 1.0 % corn steep
liquor, 0.2 % MgSO47H2O, pH 7.5, 35 C, 1.03 g inoculum concentrations. Every 4 h, the COD
value was measured
the first treatment
90 the second treatment
COD removal rate/%
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Fig. 108.9 Effects of consecutive treatment on the COD removal rate. TCCC15005 was
inoculated into SBR reactor. The culture condition was as following, 0.5 % corn mill, 1.0 % corn
steep liquor, 0.2 % MgSO47H2O, pH 7.5, 35 C, 1.03 g inoculum concentrations. Every 4 h, the
COD value was measured. Then centrifuging treated alkaline wastewater at the speed 4,000 r/min,
10 min, and taking 30 mL clear liquid to 250 mL flask. The above step was repeated
The effect of consecutive treatment on the COD removal rate was researched.
According to the data presented graphically in Fig. 108.9, we known that the COD
removal rate was up to 84.16 % after the first treatment, and on that basis, by the
second treatment the COD removal rate was up to 90.69 %, which was 7.75 %
higher than a single disposal process. Through the second disposal process, the
COD removal rate increased unobviously. It appeared likely that alkaline waste-
water contained large amounts of sulfide and phenol which were harmful to
1020 J. Yang et al.
108.4 Conclusion
Through optimizing treating conditions with dominant bacteria into SBR, the
optimized conditions was ensured as follows: 0.5 % corn mill, 1.0 % corn steep
liquor, 0.2 % MgSO47H2O, 1.03 g/L inoculation amount, 35 C, pH 7.5. And
treating time was 28 h. In such optimized conditions, the removal rate of COD can
be up to 84.46 % and almost 13.85 % higher than before. So the method that
treating alkaline wastewater with dominant bacteria with SBR is feasible, the
treating efficiency was good. Moreover, the dominant bacteria still can use cheap
culture medium to degrade the alkaline wastewater, so it had important applicable
value and became foundation for industrial production.
13. Song JN (2012) Experimental research on ABR-SBR process for the treatment of domestic
sewage. China Rural Water Hydropower 0(2):75–77
14. Wei N, Ji K, Yu XQ et al (2012) Effects of pollutants removal by multi-stage sequencing
batch reactor (SBR) processes. Water Pur Technol 31(1):42–46
15. Han HJ, Zhou FX, Liu YS et al (2012) Experimental study of oil hydrocarbons in coal
chemical wastewater by SBR process. Water Wastewater Eng 38(2):57–60
16. Cai XP, Liu LC (2012) Study on the treatment of liquor-making wastewater by SBR. Liquor-
making Sci Technol 1:98–99
17. Li SC, Liu ZH, Li Z et al (2006) Treatment of oilfield produced wastewater with
SBR ? concentrated microorganisms. Urban Environ Ecol 16(S1):74–75
18. Zhao H, Cao QQ, Liu K et al (2009) Degrading conditions of the optimized strains in the
alkaline wastewater biological treatment. Appl Chem Ind 38(2):229–232
19. Banerjee A, Ghoshal AK (2010) Isolation and characterization of hyper phenol tolerant
Bacillus sp. from oil refinery and exploration sites. J Hazard Mater 176(1–3):85–91
20. Sirianuntapiboon S, Preeyatum A (2006) Some properties on the application of Candida utilis
TISTR No. 5001 into sequencing batch reactor (SBR) System. Afr J Biotechnol
21. Berent N, Delgenes N, Akunna JC et al (2000) Combined anaerobic-aerobic SBR for the
treatment of piggery wastewater. Water Res 34(2):611–619
22. Rocenkery M (1993) The fast method of the COD determination. Anal Lett 26(9):2025–2030
Chapter 109
Isolation and Characterization of a New
Moderately Halophilic Bacterium Strain
SM. 200-5 from Solar Saltern Ponds
Abstract A new moderately halophilic bacterium strain SM. 200-5 was isolated
from the solar saltern ponds with salinity 200 in Hangu Saltworks, Tianjin, China.
The cells of the strain SM. 200-5 were rods and Gram-negative. They could grow
in a salinity range of 30–150 and initial pH 6–11, with optimum of salinity 100 and
initial pH 7. 16S rDNA alignment showed that the strain SM. 200-5 had 93–95 %
similarity with those sequences of genus Salimicrobium sp.. Biochemical char-
acterization analysis via API 20E system indicated that biochemical characters of
the strain SM. 200-5 were partially different from Salimicrobium sp. ISL-25,
which was its closest member in the phylogenetic tree. Therefore, the strain SM.
200-5 proposed a new species of Salimicrobium.
109.1 Introduction
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1023
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_109, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1024 G. Xu et al.
Sediment sample was collected from solar saltern ponds (salinity 200) in Hangu
Saltworks, Tianjin, China in March, 2011. It was kept in sterile plastic bags and
stored in the refrigerator at 4 C.
Before insolating the bacterial colony, the growth of bacteria in three kinds of
culture medium with different formulations (Table 109.1) was compared in order
to select the optimal culture medium for the halophilic bacteria. The modified CM
and Gibbons medium were prepared with brine water taken from the same salt
pond to ensure that the ionic composition of the medium was consistent with the
bacterial living conditions. The brine water was treated with NaClO and auto-
claved previous to use.
1 g of sediment sample was added in the Erlenmeyer flask containing 49 mL
culture medium. The flasks were incubated in an orbital shaker (150 rpm) at 37 C
109 Isolation and Characterization 1025
Bacteria were isolated from sediment sample with the method above, and 100 lL
plating dilutions were then streaked onto agar of the modified CM medium. The
agar plates were incubated for 5–7 days. The single colony was picked up on the
basis of differences in morphology and inoculated into the modified CM liquid
medium, and was incubated in an orbital shaker (150 rpm) at 37 C for 5–7 days.
The above procedure was repeated three times for purification.
DNA was extracted from the isolated bacteria using AxyPrep Bacterial Genomic
DNA Miniprep Kit (Axygen, USA), and stored at -20 C for later use. The 16S
rDNA gene was amplified with two general bacterial primers: 27 f (5’-AGAGTT
PCR amplification contained 1 lL of each primer, 4 lL dNTP, 5 lL 10 9 buffer,
0.5 lL Taq (TaKaRa, Japan), and 1lL template DNA, in a final volume of 50 lL.
The following conditions were used in the amplification of the 16S rDNA genes:
94 C for 5 min, followed by 30 cycles of 94 C for 30 s, 55 C for 30 s, 72 C for
3 min, and with a final 10 min extension at 72 C. Amplified PCR products were
1026 G. Xu et al.
Sequences of the isolated bacterial strains were compared to the 16S rDNA gene
sequences in the GenBank database, via BLAST searches. Alignment of sequences
was carried out with CLUSTAL X software. A phylogenetic tree was constructed
using the neighbor-joining method as implemented within the MEGA 5.0, and
bootstrap consensus trees were inferred from 1000 permutations of the datasets.
Bacterial growth in three culture media was shown in Fig. 109.1. The results
showed that the growth of halophilic bacteria in the modified CM medium was the
fastest, followed by modified Gibbons medium and those in the Gauze’s No.1
medium was the slowest. Therefore, the modified CM medium was chosen as the
optimal medium for later isolation and characterization of the halobacteria. The
inferior bacterial growth in Gauze’s No.1 medium indicated that the carbon
(starch) and inorganic nitrogen (KNO3) could not sustain the halobaterial growth.
The higher concentration of nitrogen resources (acid hydrolyzed casein) and
109 Isolation and Characterization 1027
similar ionic composition with their living environment in the modified CM may
be more suitable for halophilic bacteria growth comparing with the modified
Gibbons medium.
16S rRNA gene sequence (about 1.5 kb nucleotides) of the five isolate were
determined for this study. 16S rDNA fregments of the five isolated strains were
aligned to those closely related species in the database. In the phylogenetic tree,
strain SM. 200-5 fell within the clade comprising Salimicrobium species
(Fig. 109.2). The homology assay indicated that four isolates were related to the
genus Halomonas (97–99 % similarity), while the strain SM. 200-5 showed 95 %
identity to Salimicrobium flavidum sp. ISL-25, which was a member of the genus
Colony of the strain SM. 200-5 was circular, pale yellow, smooth, slightly convex,
opaque, and 0.5–1 mm in diameter. The cells were rods, (0.3–0.4) lm 9 (1.8–3.0)
lm, Gram-negative (Fig. 109.3). Salimicrobium flavidum sp. ISL-25 was its
closest-related strain, while the cells of it were coccoids, ovoids, or rods, (0.4–1.3)
lm 9 (0.8–9.0) lm, gram-variable-staining [28]. Morphological analysis showed
that the strain SM. 200-5 had differences with Salimicrobium flavidum sp. ISL-25
on cell morphology and size (Table 109.2).
1028 G. Xu et al.
Fig. 109.2 Phylogenetic tree of the strain SM. 200-5 and other closely related bacteria based on
partial 16S rDNA sequence
The strain SM. 200-5 could grow in a range of salinity 30–200 and initial pH 6–11,
with the optimum of salinity 100 and initial pH 7 (Figs. 109.4 and 109.5). This is
consistent with Salimicrobium flavidum sp. ISL-25, whose optimal salinity and pH
was 100 and pH 7–8 as indicated in Table 109.2.
In assays with the API 20E system, H2S could be produced. D-glucose, L-
rhamnose, laetrile, L-arabinose were fermented and D-mannite, myoinositol, D-
sorbierite, D-sucrose, D-melibiose were weakly present, whereas b-galactosidase,
arginine dihydrolase, lysine decarboxylase, ornithine decarboxylase, tryptophan
109 Isolation and Characterization 1029
Table 109.2 Comparison of morphological and biochemical characteristics of the strain SM.
200-5 and Salimicrobium flavidum sp. ISL-25
Characteristics SM. 200-5 Salimicrobium flavidum sp. ISL-25 [28]
Cell morphology Rods Cocci, ovals or rods
Cell size (lm) (0.3–0.4) 9 (1.8–3.0) (0.4–1.3) 9 (0.8–9.0)
Salinity range for growth 30–200 10–260
Optimal salinity 100 100
pH range for growth 6.0–11.0 ND
Optimal pH 7.0 7.0–8.0
H2S produce + –
Enzymes produce
Gelatinase – –
b- galactosidase – ±
Acid production from
L- rhamnose + –
L- arabinose + –
Myoinositol ± –
D- mannite ± +
D- sucrose ± +
D- melibiose ± +
D- sorbierite ± –
* +: positive, –: negative, ± : weakly positive; ND: not determined
deaminase, urease, and gelatinase were absent, indole and acetoin were not pro-
duced and citrate were not used. The results indicated that the strain SM. 200-5
and its closest strain Salimicrobium sp. ISL-25 had differences in producing H2S,
fermenting rhamnose and arabinose to produce acid (Table 109.2).
1030 G. Xu et al.
109.4 Conclusions
The isolated strain SM. 200-5 was a member of the genus Salimicrobium, which
grow in a salinity range of 30–150 and pH 6–11 with optimum of salinity 100 and
initial pH 7. The strain SM. 200-5 had a 95 % similarity with Salimicrobium
flavidum sp. ISL-25 in terms of 16S rDNA sequencing. Strain SM. 200-5 was
distinguished from Salimicrobium flavidum sp. ISL-25, by cell shape, ranges of
salinity and pH for growth, biochemical characteristics, and acid production, as
shown in Table 109.2. On the basis of its phenotypic and genotypic properties,
strain SM. 200-5 represented a novel species of the genus Salimicrobium.
Therefore, we proposed that the strain SM. 200-5 is a new species of
Acknowledgments This study was supported by the International Cooperation Research Pro-
gram of the Ministry of Science & Technology of China (grant number 2010DFA32300); the
International Cooperation Research Program of the Bureau of Science & Technology of Tianjin
(grant number 09ZCGHHZ01200); Key program of Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin (grant
number 09JCZDJC25400).
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Chapter 110
Preparation of Wetting Powder
for Biocontrol Bacillus Subtilis
Fang Chen, Shangjing Guo, Haiying Shi, Deduo Han, Yuanjun Kang,
Yu Zheng and Min Wang
This research was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin, China (Project No.
09JCZDJC19100). Scientific Research foundation for Doctor, Liaocheng University, China
(Project No. 3010)
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1033
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_110, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1034 F. Chen et al.
110.1 Introduction
The fermentation was ended after about 26 h cultivation, and 5 L broth was
harvested. The diatomite and calcium carbonate as carrier, sodium dodecyl sulfate,
PVA and CMC–Na as co-formulants, soluble starch, sucrose, and sodium gluta-
mate as thermal protective agent. The optimal formulation recipe was optimized
by response surface methodology. The wetting powder was obtained by spray-
dried [20]
were compared. Then pathogens were incubated on the center of PDA plates at
28 C for 3 d. The sterile-distilled water was served as control. Three replications
were carried out for each treatment.
Quality index of wetting powder was analyzed according to the wetting powder
quality national standard of China [20–22]. The effective composition of wetting
powder is not less than the marked content; fineness (44 lm test sie-
ve) C 95–98 % (National standard of China GB/T 16150-1995). Wetting time was
1–2 min (GB/T 5451-2001), and moisture content generally is not more than 3 %
(GB/T 1600-2001). Suspension rate was about 70 % (GB/T 14825-2006). The
value of pH was neutral, according to the requirement of stability, and the pH was
sometimes 5–9 (GB/T 1601-1993). Hot storage stability was stored at 54 ± 2 C
for 14 d, and the effective component decomposition rate was less than 10 % (GB/
T 19136-2003).
One gram of biocontrol agent was suspended in 9 mL of sterile distilled water and
treated in a blender (IKA, Germany) for 10 min. Serial dilutions of the cell sus-
pension from 10-7 to 10-10 were prepared. Appropriate dilution of 100 lL was
spread on solid LB media with 3 replicates. Plates were incubated at 37 C for
24 h, and then the colony forming units (CFU) were counted. Response surface
methodology was used by SAS 6.0 software.
The fermentation broth was collected and the optimal formulation recipe was
developed by response surface methodology. The best composition was diatomite
5 %, calcium carbonate 5 %, SDS 5 %, CMC-Na 5 %, soluble starch 0.5 %,
sucrose 0.5 %, and sodium glutamate 0.5 %. The obtained agent of B. subtilis
B579 as shown in Fig. 110.1 indicated that the agent of B. subtilis B579 with even
and small particle size could be successfully prepared by the method of spray
drying. The viable count of the agent was 1.2 9 109 CFU/g.
110 Preparation of Wetting 1037
The solution was spray-dried with temperature 180 at paste entrance, 70 at
outlet, pump rate 60 mL/min and the atomization was controlled at an air pressure
of 0.1 MPa.
Cylinder-plate method was used to verify the inhibitory effect of the prepared
agent against F. oxysporum. The inhibition zones for different biocontrol agent
concentrations were 0, 9, 17, and 20 mm, respectively. So, the effective concen-
tration of the wetting powder for use was 2–5 g/L.
Quality index of wetting powder was analyzed. The transmission rate of wetting
powder through 44 lm test sieve was 98 %. The wetting time was 110 s. The
moisture content was 2.8 %. The suspension rate was as high as 83 %. The value
of pH was neutral, which was 7.3. The wetting powder was stable to hot, and the
effective component decomposition rate was 6 % after hot storage for 14 d.
Quality index of wetting powder reached the biological pesticide standards.
110.4 Conclusion
0.5 %, sodium glutamate 0.5 %. The wetting powder was obtained by spray-dried
with temperature 180 at paste entrance, 70 at outlet, pump rate 60 mL/min and
the atomization was controlled at an air pressure of 0.1 MPa. Quality index
analysis revealed that the wetting powder reached the biological pesticide stan-
dards. The effective concentration of the wetting powder for use was 2–5 g/L.
1. Fravel D, Olivain C, Alabouvette C (2003) Fusarium oxysporum and its biocontrol. New
Phytol 157:493–502
2. Chung S, Kong H, Buyer JS et al (2008) Isolation and partial characterization of Bacillus
subtilis ME488 for suppression of soilborne pathogens of cucumber and pepper. Appl
Microbiol Biotechnol 80:115–123
3. Uppal AK, Hadrami AE, Adam LR et al (2008) Biological control of potato Verticillium wilt
under controlled and field conditions using selected bacterial antagonists and plant extracts.
Biol Control 44:90–100
4. Siddiqui IA, Shaukat SS (2004) Systemic resistance in tomato induced by biocontrol bacteria
against the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne javanica is independent of salicylic acid
production. J Phytopathology 152:48–54
5. Ahn IP, Chung HS, Lee YH (1998) Vegetative compatibility groups and pathogenicity
among isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum. Plant Dis 82:244–246
6. Wang SL, Shih IL, Wang CH et al (2002) Production of antifungal compounds from chitin by
Bacillus subtilis. Enzyme Microbial Technol 31:321–328
7. Thilagavathi R, Saravanakumar D, Ragupathi N et al (2007) A combination of biocontrol
agents improves the management of dry root rot (Macrophomina phaseolina) in greengram.
Phytopathol Mediterr 46:157–167
8. Lee HJ, Park KH, Shim JH et al (2005) Quantitative changes of plant defense enzymes in
biocontrol of pepper (Capsicium annuum L.) late blight by antagonistic Bacillus subtilis
HJ927. J Microbiol Biotechnol 15:1073–1079
9. Kavitha S, Senthilkumar S, Gnanamanickam S et al (2005) Isolation and partial
characterization of antifungal protein from Bacillus polymyxa strain VLB16. Process
Biochem 40:3236–3243
10. Stover AG, Driks A (1999) Secretion, localization, and antibacterial activity of TasA, a
Bacillus subtilis spore-associated protein. J Bacteriol 181:1664–1672
11. Hwang SF, Chakravarty P (1992) Potential for the integrated control of Rhizoctonia root-rot
of Pisum sativum using Bacillus subtilis and a fungicide. J Plant Dis Prot 99:626–636
12. Chu IM, Lee C, Li TS (1992) Production and degradation of alkaline protease in batch
cultures of Bacillus subtilis ATCC 14416. Enzyme Microbial Technol 14:755–761
13. Brannen PM, Kenney DS, Kodiak (1997) A successful biological-control product for
suppression of soil-borne plant pathogens of cotton. J Ind Microbiol Biotech 19:169–171
14. Choudhary DK, Johri BN (2009) Interactions of Bacillus spp. and plants—with special
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15. Chen H, Yuan CL, Cai KZ et al (2008) Purification and identification of iturin A from
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subtilis 168 and conversion into an iturin A producer. Antimicrob Agents Chemother
110 Preparation of Wetting 1039
111.1 Introduction
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1041
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_111, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1042 L. Shi et al.
The soil and sludge samples were collected from various environmental sites, and
they were stored in sterile sealed bags at 4 C refrigerator ready for use.
111.2.2 Media
LB medium was used for routine cultivation of bacteria, and it was composed of
NaCl 10 g/L, Peptone 10 g/L, and Yeast extract 5 g/L. The medium was adjusted
to pH 7.0.
Enrichment medium was used for the isolation of s-butanol tolerant microor-
ganisms, and it was composed of KH2PO4 0.5 g/L, K2HPO4 0.5 g/L, FeSO47H2O
0.01 g/L, MgSO4 0.2 g/L, NaCl 9 g/L, Peptone 5 g/L, and Glucose 30 g/L. The
111 Isolation and Characterization of s-Butanol Tolerant Microorganisms 1043
medium was adjusted to pH 7.0 [7]. Before cultivation, s-butanol was added to the
medium for the enrichment and selection of s-butanol tolerant strains.
To analyze the s-butanol degradation efficiency of the isolates, two media was
used for cultivation the isolates, the basic medium and LB medium. The basic
medium (pH 7.0) was composed of KH2PO4 0.5 g/L, K2HPO4 0.5 g/L, FeS-
O47H2O 0.01 g/L, MgSO4 0.2 g/L, NaCl 9 g/L, and (NH4)2SO4 5 g/L [7]. Before
cultivation, s-butanol was added to the media to the certain concentration.
Add soil and sludge samples (10 g) to 150 mL enrichment medium (supplement
with 5 g/L s-butanol) in 250 mL flask sealed with a solid cap. The mixture was
incubated at 37 C with a shaking speed 220 rpm. After 24 h incubation, 10 mL
supernatant was transferred to 150 mL fresh enrichment medium (supplement with
5 g/L s-butanol), the mixture was cultured for another 24 h under the same con-
ditions. The enrichment step was repeated for three more times [8].
After enrichment, take 1 mL enrichment culture and make serial dilutions. Take
150 lL of each dilution and spread on solid enrichment medium supplementing
with s-butanol (5 g/L). The Petri dishes were incubated at 37 C for 72 h [9].
inoculum size. One percent of s-butanol was added to the cultures, while sterile
saline buffer was used as control. After 24 h incubation at 37 C, s-butanol level in
the fermentation broth was subjected to gas chromatography analysis. Basic
medium was also used to replace LB medium for degradation efficiency analysis
Gas chromatography (Agilent 7890A) with column HP–INNOWAX was used
to determine the remaining amount of s-butanol in the fermentation broth. The
detailed procedure as described according to the manual with modifications [15–
17]. Briefly, column temperature was held at 45 C for 1 min, and then pro-
grammed at 8 C/min to 155 C and held for 1 min; flow rate: 1 mL/min; Inlet
was 180 C; Detector was 200 C; The flow rate of nitrogen gas, hydrogen gas,
and air were 35, 35, and 350 mL/min, respectively. Isoamyl alcohol was used as
internal control standard [18, 19].
PCR reaction system was 50lL and the parameters were heating at 94 C for
5 min, 1 cycle; heating at 94 C for 40 S, annealing at 51 C for 2 min, extension
at 72 C for 3 min, 30 cycles; 72 C for 10 min.
PCR products were purified from gel and subjected to sequencing analysis with
the same primers used in PCR. Sequence homology search was carried out with
BLAST provided by NCBI to identify the isolates. The isolates were classified to
genus level with Classfier (Ribosomal Database Project II) [22].
As described in Materials and methods, the 5 d enriched culture was diluted and
spread on L-agar medium supplementing with 5 g/L s-butanol. Totally, 30 strains
with different morphologies were obtained from various environmental samples.
111 Isolation and Characterization of s-Butanol Tolerant Microorganisms 1045
The isolated strains were subjected to growth rate analyzing. The experiment results
showed that strains S-2, S-9, S-24, and S-26 still grew well in the presence of 15 g/
L s-butanol. Their relative growth rates were 0.58, 0.64, 0.31, and 0.29, respec-
tively, compared with the corresponding cultures without supplementing with 15 g/
L s-butanol. The relative growth rates were below 0.13 in the remaining 26 strains.
In the medium supplementing with 5 g/L and 10 g/L s-butanol, the relative growth
rate of 30 strains had no significant difference (Fig. 111.1a, b, and c).
(a) 1.0
Relative growth rate
(b) 1.0
Relative growth rate
Fig. 111.1 The relative growth rate analysis of the 30 isolated strains. a the relative growth rates
of the isolates in the presence of 0.5 % s-butanol; b the relative growth rates of the isolates in the
presence of 1 % s-butanol; c the relative growth rates of the isolates in the presence of 1.5 %
1046 L. Shi et al.
(b) 0.6
Basic medium
Degradation efficiency
Fig. 111.2 S-butanol degradation efficiency of the isolates incubated in different media. a the
related analysis in LB medium; b the related analysis in the basic medium
111 Isolation and Characterization of s-Butanol Tolerant Microorganisms 1047
Extract chromosome DNA of the isolated bacteria and then amplify their 16S
rRNA gene with primers 27F and 1492R [27]. The obtained 16S rRNA gene
sequences were analyzed with BLAST program in the NCBI and Classifier in
RDPII [28, 29]. As shown in Table 111.1, with similarity of 100 %, strain S-2 was
highly homologous to Arthrobacter luteolus, S-13 was highly homologous to
Lysinibacillus fusiformis, S-9 was highly homologous to Bacillus aryabhattai, and
S-24 and S-26 were highly homologous to Bacillus tequilensis, respectively. It is
interesting to find that strains S-9, S-24, and S-26 all belong to the genus of
Bacillus but with different aspects for s-butanol tolerance. This is the first study on
s-butanol tolerant strains isolation [30–32]. Strains S-9 and S-24 might be engi-
neered for construction of recombinant microbes producing s-butanol directly via
fermentation [6].
111.4 Conclusion
S-2, S-9, S-24, and S-26 were able to tolerate 15 g/L s-butanol. To investigate s-
butanol tolerance mechanisms, the degradation ability of the isolates was quan-
titatively analyzed. Strains S-9 and S-24 possessed relatively low levels of s-
butanol degrading enzymatic activity and might be used as native tolerant strains
for construction of s-butanol directly producing strains via metabolic engineering.
Strain S-13 showed the highest s-butanol degradation efficiency in LB medium.
This suggested that strain S-13 disrupted s-butanol via a way of co-metabolism and
suitable for bioremediation of s-butanol under more complicated environments.
Acknowledgments This work was partly supported by The National Natural Science Founda-
tion of China (Grant No. 30970114) and The National Key Technology R&D Program of China
(Grant No. 2011BAC11B05).
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Chapter 112
Application of Support Vector Machine
in Base Liquor Classification
Junsen Lu, Liping Du, Haimei Ding, Ziping Du and Dongguang Xiao
112.1 Introduction
With thousand years of history and culture heritage, liquor is endemic to China. At
present, the identification of liquor classification is not only tested by physical and
chemical character, but also, in most cases, dependent on the experts, who are well
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1051
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_112, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1052 J. Lu et al.
trained and experienced. Based on the observation, analysis, and description, the
experts evaluate liquor product from many aspects such as color, flavor, taste and
style, and finally give a comprehensive report, which can be the important evi-
dence for liquor classification assessment [1]. However, this subjective method
leads to the result that the judging results vary with each individual. Even the same
wine taster can give the different results due to different physical status, envi-
ronment, and emotions. In practice, the same wine taster can hardly obtain the
same result of samples of the same batch. Moreover, the accuracy of evaluation
cannot be guaranteed in case of giving quick comment for large number of liquor
samples [2]. Because of the demands of nondestructive and intelligent rapid
detection technology, in the meantime, in order to achieve the fairness and
accuracy for further of liquor classification with a strict and consistent standard,
using instrument to measure alcohol substance contend and using scientometric
indicators to evaluate liquor have been one of the necessary means [3].
The Support Vector Machine (SVM) method was proposed by Vapnik [4, 5] in
AT&T Bell laboratory in 1963 is a new promising classification technology. SVM
researches machine learning problems with limited number of samples, whereas
the traditional statistical recognition method can only achieve theory-guaranteed
performance in the case of large number of sample. Therefore, SVM has obvious
advantages [6, 7]. Compared with Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), SVM has
no overfitting problems; instead, it has better generalization ability [8]. LIBSVM
toolbox, which is developed based on MATLAB by associate professor Lin Chin-
Jen from National Taiwan University, is an effective tool using SVM as theory for
classification. There are a lot of default parameters and few parameters need to be
input in the toolbox, which can be used to solve many problems conveniently [9].
In this paper, we focus on the application of SVM in base liquor classification.
In the experiment, the data from the liquor gas chromatography (GC) were divided
into the training set and the test set. The training set was used to build the model by
SVM and the test set was for testing the classification accuracy of the model. The
results showed that different samples of base liquor were well separated.
The liquor samples were provided by Sitir Liquor Co., Ltd. containing 242 sam-
ples of ordinary base liquor and 248 samples of high-quality base liquor. The
contents of main substance in each base liquor were analyzed by gas chroma-
tography (GC). Each sample included the content of 16 attributes. The attributes
were ethyl acetate, ethyl acetate, ethyl acetate, ethyl lactate, ethyl ester, ethyl ester,
ethyl acetate, acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid, caproic acid, lactic acid,
propyl alcohol, isobutyl alcohol, isoamyl alcohol, and methanol.
112 Application of Support Vector Machine in Base Liquor Classification 1053
112.2.2 Method
In the process of using LIBSVM toolbox, we found that data preprocessing had
significant impact on the model predicting accuracy. However, at present, there
was no improved theory to support how to choose preprocessing method, and
uniform standards had not yet been discovered. So, in the experiment, three dif-
ferent methods were adopted and the model with the highest accuracy would be
(a) Raw data without any processing
(b) [0,1] normalization
Fig. 112.1 The process map of application of SVM in base liquor classification
1054 J. Lu et al.
In the formula, xmin ¼ minðxÞ; xmax ¼ maxðxÞ. The raw data is normalized to
the range of [-1, 1].
In MATLAB, the normalization can be achieved by the ‘‘mapminmax’’ function.
According to the percentage of 75 %, 180 samples of ordinary base liquor and 184
samples of high-quality base liquor were selected as the training set. The label ‘‘1’’
represented the ordinary base liquor and the label ‘‘2’’ represented the high-quality
base liquor. In the model, the parameter ‘‘c’’ in LIBSVM was selected in 5 and the
parameter ‘‘g’’ was selected in 2. The following MATLAB codes built the model.
wine_labels = wine (:,1);
wine_data = wine (:,2:end);
train_wine = [wine_data (1:180,:);wine_data(243:426,:)]; % Selecting the train-
ing set
train_wine_labels = [wine_labels(1:180,:);wine_labels(243:426,:)]; % Extracting
the training set labels
model = svmtrain (train_wine_labels, train_wine, ‘-c 5 -g 2’) % Building the
The remaining 25 % liquor samples (62 samples of ordinary base liquor and 64
samples of high-quality base liquor) as the test set were used to predict the
accuracy of the model we built. The following MATLAB codes predicted the
test_wine = [wine_data(181:242,:);wine_data (427:490,:)]; % Selecting the test
test_wine_labels = [wine_labels (181:242,:); wine_labels (427:490,:)]; %
Extracting the test set labels
[predict_label, accuracy] = svmpredict (test_wine_labels, test_wine, model); %
The predicting accuracy
The accuracy of the predicting results with three different preprocessing methods
is shown in Table 112.1 and Fig. 112.2.
From Table 112.1 and Fig. 112.2, it could be seen the predicting accuracy by
[0,1] normalization was the highest, which was up to 98.41 %. Only 2 of 126
112 Application of Support Vector Machine in Base Liquor Classification 1055
Table 112.1 The accuracies of the model with three different processing methods
No. Preprocessing Predicting Predicting accuracy of Predicting accuracy of high-
methods accuracy (%) ordinary base liquor (%) quality base liquor (%)
1 Raw data without 94.44 96.77 92.18
Normalization (119/126) (60/62) (59/64)
2 [0,1] 98.41 98.38 95.31
Normalization (124/126) (61/62) (61/64)
3 [-1,1] 96.03 93.54 98.43
Normalization (121/126) (58/62) (63/64)
Fig. 112.2 The actually and predicting labels of the test set with three different processing
methods, a: raw data without normalization, b:[0,1] Normalization, c:[-1,1] Normalization
samples were misclassified. The predicting accuracy of ordinary base liquor was
98.38 % and the predicting accuracy of high-quality base liquor was 95.31 %. The
predicting accuracy still reached to 94.44 % when the raw data without normal-
ization was used. Thus, base liquor classification was accurately realized by SVM
and the experiments obtained some satisfied results.
1056 J. Lu et al.
112.4 Conclusion
Results obtained from experiments showed that the proposed approach had the
merits of high learning efficiency, classification accuracy, and generalization
capability. This method performed well and fast, it was suitable for practical
application. In the future, how to improve the predictive accuracy of the model by
parameter optimization of ‘‘c’’ and ‘‘g’’ is worthy to be studied. This method could
be widely used with the step of continual study.
1. Shen Y (2006) The history and development of Chinese liquor sensory quality and evaluation
technology [J]. Liquor Mak 33(4):3–4 (in chinese)
2. Jiang A, Peng J, Peng S et al (2010) Research on SVM-based liquor infrared spectrum
analysis method. Comput Appl Chem 27(2):233–236 (in chinese)
3. Zhang J, Zhao L, Ouyang Y et al (2007) Applications of modern equipment analytical
techniques in sensory evaluation of liquor [J]. Food Sci 10:561–565 (in chinese)
4. Vapnik VN (1998) Statistical learning theory. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York
5. Vapnik VN (2000) The nature of statistical learning theory. Springer, New York
6. Burges CJ (1998) A tutorial on support vector machines for pat tern recognition. Data Min
Knowl Discov 2:127–167
7. Cristianini N, Shaw a-Taylor J (2000) An introduction of support vector machines and other
kernel based learning methods. Cambridge University Press, New York
8. Wang L, Lin J (2006) Development and application of Support Vector Machine [J]. Automat
PetroChem Ind 3:34–38 (in chinese)
9. Chang CC, Lin CJ (2010) LIBSVM: LIBSVM—A library for support vector machines. 2011.
software available at*cjlin/libsvm/
10. Shi F, Wang X, Yu L et al (2010) Analysis of 30 neural network cases by MATLAB [M].
Beihang University Press (in chinese), Beijing
Chapter 113
Isolation and Characterization
of n-Butanol Tolerant Microorganisms
113.1 Introduction
Butanol is an important fine chemical raw material, mainly used in the production
of dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and butyl acrylate (BA) [1]. More importantly, butanol
is regarded as good bio-fuel because it has high energy content, high miscibility
with gasoline, high octane rating, and low volatility [2, 3]. Studies have shown that
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1057
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_113, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1058 Y. Yu et al.
equal volume of butanol could release twice as much energy as ethanol did when
burning [4]. With the shortage of the fossil oil fuel resources and the increasing
greenhouse effect, biofuels especially n-butanol have been attracting growing
attentions [5, 6].
Traditionally n-butanol was produced by Clostridium acetobutylicm and related
variants by using starch or sugars under anaerobic condition [7–9], and the process
was usually known as acetone butanol ethanol (ABE) or solvent fermentation [10].
Acetone, butanol, and a small amount of alcohol and other solvents can generally be
produced by several clostridia species, and the mainly n-butanol producing strains
currently used in industrial production are C. acetobutylicum, C. beijerinckii,
C. saccharobutyl-acetonicum, and C. saccharobutylicum [11, 12].
ABE fermentation had been adopted for n-butanol production for a long time.
However, its yields, productivity and final concentrations were too low for bio-
production to compete economically with chemical synthesis [13–15]. To improve
the productivity of n-butanol by microbial fermentation, various approaches have
been applied in strains breeding, including synthetic biology, mutagenesis, genetic
engineering, metabolic engineering, cell immobilizations, and the continuous
n-butanol removal during fermentation process [16]. Due to the slow growth rate
and stringent equipments requirements for ABE fermentation, n-butanol synthesis
pathways have been and cloned into various industrial microbes for heterologous
expression, including Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas putida, Bacillus subtilis, and
Lactobacillus brevis [17–19]. These microbes have relatively higher tolerance to
n-butanol and much faster growth rate compared with clostridia species.
In this work, to get more strains natively against n-butanol, we selected
n-butanol tolerant microorganisms from various environmental samples. The
isolates were further characterized for their n-butanol tolerance abilities and their
degradation efficiency of n-butanol. The isolates will be native candidates for
further metabolic engineering to produce n-butanol heterologously.
The soil and sludge samples were collected from 36 different environmental sites,
and they were stored in sterile sealed bags at 4 C refrigerator ready for use.
113.2.2 Media
Luria–Bertani (LB) medium was used for routinely cultivation and maintenance of
bacteria, and it was composed of NaCl 10 g/L, peptone 10 g/L, and yeast extracts
113 Isolation and Characterization of n-Butanol Tolerant Microorganisms 1059
5 g/L. The medium was adjusted to pH 7.0. To make the solid medium, 15 g/L
agar is added to LB medium.
Enrichment medium was used for the isolation of n-butanol tolerant microbes,
and it was composed of KH2PO4 0.5 g/L, K2HPO4 0.5 g/L, FeSO47H2O 0.01 g/L,
MgSO4 0.2 g/L, NaCl 9 g/L, Peptone 5 g/L, and Glucose 30 g/L. The medium was
adjusted to pH 7.0 [20]. Suitable amount of n-butanol was added to the medium for
the enrichment and selection of n-butanol tolerant strains.
The basic medium and LB medium were used for cultivation of the isolates to
analyze the n-butanol degradation efficiency. The basic medium (pH 7.0) was
composed of KH2PO4 0.5 g/L, K2HPO4 0.5 g/L, FeSO47H2O 0.01 g/L, MgSO4
0.2 g/L, NaCl 9 g/L, and (NH4)2SO4 5 g/L. Suitable amount of n-butanol was
added to the media for the analysis.
Add soil and sludge samples (20 g) to 150 mL sterile saline buffer and shake for
30 min. After keep the mixture statically for 15 min, transfer 10 mL supernatant to
150 mL enrichment medium (supplement with 10 g/L and 50 g/L n-butanol,
respectively) in 250 mL flasks sealed with solid caps. The mixtures were incubated
at 35 C. After 24 h incubation, 10 mL supernatant was transferred to 150 mL
fresh enrichment medium (supplement with 10 g/L and 50 g/L n-butanol,
respectively), the mixtures were continuously cultured for another 24 h under the
same conditions. Repeat the enrichment step three more times. At the end of
enrichment, take 1 mL enrichment culture and make serial dilutions. Take 150 lL
of each dilution and spread on solid enrichment medium supplementing with n-
butanol (10 g/L). The Petri dishes were incubated at 35 C for 72 h for
The PCR reaction system was 50lL and the parameters include denaturation at
94 C for 5 min, 1 cycle; denaturation at 94 C for 1 min, annealing at 53 C for
45 s, and extension at 72 C for 1 min, 33 cycles; 72 C for 10 min.
PCR products were purified from gel and subjected to sequencing analysis with
the same primers used in PCR. Sequence homology search was carried out with
BLAST provided by NCBI to identify the isolates [25]. The isolates were classified
to genus level with Classifier (Ribosomal Database Project II) [26].
113 Isolation and Characterization of n-Butanol Tolerant Microorganisms 1061
Totally 30 strains with different morphologies were selected from various envi-
ronmental samples. Among them, 25 strains were screened out from the enriched
culture in presence of 10 g/L n-butanol, and 5 strains were screened out from the
enriched culture in the presence of 50 g/L n-butanol.
(a) 1
(b) YY-9
(c) 1
Fig. 113.1 Relative growth rates of the isolates. a The relative growth rates of the isolates in the
presence of 1 % n-butanol. b The relative growth rates of the isolates in the presence of 2 % n-
butanol. c The relative growth rates of the isolates in the presence of 3 % n-butanol
YY-7, YY-11, YY-21, and YY-29 digested more than 25 % n-butanol within 24 h,
especially strain YY-29 remove as much as 31.7 % n-butanol in the basic medium
within 24 h (Fig. 113.2b).
Strains YY-10 and YY-29 showed high n-butanol degradation efficiency in LB
and the basic medium. Both of them could be used in bioremediation of n-butanol
associated contaminations. Especially strain YY-10 could digest n-butanol even in
the presence of other carbon sources, indicating it might disrupt n-butanol in a way
of cometabolism and suitable for bioremediation in more complicated environ-
ments [34]. No degradation of n-buanol was observed in strains YY-13, YY-14,
YY-15, and YY-18, the mechanisms of their n-butanol tolerance might not be
related with degradation, and these strains might be more suitable for metabolic
engineering to construct high level n-butanol producing strains.
113 Isolation and Characterization of n-Butanol Tolerant Microorganisms 1063
(b) YY-9
Fig. 113.2 Degradation efficiency of the isolated strains. a Remaining n-butanol analysis in LB
medium b Remaining n-butanol analysis in the basic medium
Strains YY-10, YY-13, YY-14, YY-15, YY-18, YY-23, and YY-29 are selected
for identification. Their genomic DNA was used as templates for PCR to amplify
16S rRNA gene fragments. PCR products were purified and subjected to
sequencing analysis. Homology searches were performed via BLAST provided by
NCBI [25]. Their taxonomy classifications were carried out by the program
Classifier of RDPII [26]. Both analyses gave similar results, strains YY-10, YY-
14, and YY-29 were homologous to Bacillus subtilis with the similarity of 100, 99,
and 100 %, respectively, strain YY-13 was homologous to Bacillus cereus with the
similarity of 99 %, strain YY-15 was homologous to Bacillus tequilensis with the
similarity of 99 %, strain YY-18 was homologouos to Bacillus methylotrophicus
with the similarity of 99 %, and strain YY-23 was homologous to Pseudomonas
stutzeri with the similarity of 99 % (Table 113.1). Previously, Escherichia coli,
Zymomonas mobilis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Lactobacillus had been
reported to resist to 1–3 % n-butanol [30, 35, 36]. However, their n-butanol tol-
erance mechanisms were not studied [30]. For n-butanol producing strain con-
struction, tolerant strains which showed high n-butanol degradation efficiency
should be expelled from the candidate list.
1064 Y. Yu et al.
113.4 Conclusions
Acknowledgments This work was partly supported by The National Natural Science Founda-
tion of China (Grant No. 30970114) and The National Key Technology R&D Program of China
(Grant No. 2011BAC11B05).
1. Lee SY, Park JH, Jang SH et al (2008) Fermentative butanol production by Clostridia.
Biotechnol Bioeng 101(2):209–228
2. Schwarz WH, Gapes JR (2006) Butanol-rediscovering a renewable fuel. BioWorld Europe
3. Riehard VN (2008) Biobutanol enters battle of the alcohols. Chem World-UK 5(2):21
4. Ladisch MR (1991) Fermentation-derived butanol and scenarios for its uses in energy-related
applications. Enzym Microbiol Technol 13:280–283
5. Shota A, Anthony FC et al (2008) Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for 1-butanol
production. Metab Eng 10:305–311
6. Jiang M, Wei P et al (2006) Consideration on the development of industrial biotechnology of
post-petroleum epoch. Chem Ind Eng Prog 25(10):1119–1123
7. Qureshi N, Blaschek HP (2001) Recent advances in ABE fermentation: hyper-butanol
producing Clostridium beijerinckii BA101. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol 27(5):287–291
113 Isolation and Characterization of n-Butanol Tolerant Microorganisms 1065
31. Baer SH, Blaschek HP, Smith TL (1987) Effect of butanol challenge and temperature on lipid
composition and membrane fluidity of butanol-tolerant Clostridium acetobutylicum. Appl
Environ Mircobiol 53:2854–2861
32. Ramos JL et al (2002) Mechaisms of solvent tolerance in gram-negative bacteria. Annu Rev
Microbiol 56:743–768
33. Weber FJ, Bont JA (1996) Adaptation mechanisms of microorganisms to the toxic effects of
organic solvebts on membranes. Biochim Biophys Acta 1286:225–245
34. Yuquan Xu, Zhang Wei (2000) Isolation and identification of a phenol-degrading bacterial
strain. Acta Sci Circumst 20(4):450–455
35. Luong JHT, Nguyen AL (1986) Diffusion in k-carrageenan gel beads. Biotechnol Bioeng
36. Antoce OA et al (2007) A calorimetric method applied to the study of yeast growth inhibition
by alcohols and organic acids. Am J Enol Viticult 48(4):413–422
Chapter 114
Effects of Dual-Frequency Ultrasound
with a-amylase on the Properties
and Structure of Mung Bean Starch
Aijun Hu, Jing Lu, Jie Zheng, Xiaoqing Zhang, Ying Zhang,
Tong-Cun Zhang, Qian Li and Lin Yang
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1067
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_114, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1068 A. Hu et al.
114.1 Introduction
As a renewable resource and a carbohydrate, starch is very abundant, and its yield is
only less than cellulose in nature [1]. It is often used as an important raw material in
many fields such as food, chemical, paper, and textile industry [2]. Because of the
defects in structure and properties, for example, insoluble in cold water, easy to be
aged, native starch is limited to wide applications. In order to improve them and to
meet the requirement of modern industrial processing, many technologies are
applied to modify starch, including chemical modification, physical modification,
and biochemical medication [3]. In many cases, chemical modification is replaced
by environmental friendly technologies considering its chemical contamination,
safety, and solvent residue in the product. Of which, two green modifications,
ultrasonic and enzymatic method are focused in the relevant area.
Ultrasound is a mechanic wave with the frequency of above 20 kHz [4]. It can be
divided into three types: power ultrasound, high frequency ultrasound, and diag-
nostic ultrasound [5]. The power ultrasound is usually used in textile industry,
pharmaceutical, and food processing, such as ultrasonic extraction, disinfecting,
emulsification, pasteurization, crystallization, degassing of liquids, defoaming, and
sonochemical reaction [6, 7]. These applications are introduced mainly owing to
three effects of ultrasound, physical effect, thermal effect, and cavitation effect [8, 9].
Ultrasonic Cavitation is the momentary creation of vacuum ‘‘bubbles’’ in the
fluid which immediately and violently implode to produce millions of microscopic
jets of liquid. In addition, a local temperature near this activity has been shown to
be as high as 10,000 C, and the pressure produced may be as high as 10,000 PSI.
It is considered as the main reason that ultrasound is successfully used in many
fields and sonochemical reaction takes place. And it has been studied extensively
from the mid-twentieth century owing to its importance for ultrasonic applications
[10]. Ultrasound treatment of corn starch could distort the crystalline region, and
destruct the granular structure [11].
Enzyme is a biological catalyze with many varieties such as a-amylases,
b-amylase, and protease. a-amylases are very important in biological reactions
such as fermentation, germination, or digestion, and also widely used in starch
processing industry. a-amylases only attack the a, 1–4 glycosidic bond in starch
granules, produce a small quantity of glucose which raises the dextrose equivalent.
Moreover, it can cause starch granules surface some little holes or other kinds of
damage with no change of starch X-ray pattern or the crystal structures [12, 13].
Nowadays ultrasonic and enzymatic application are paid more interests and
focuses, however till now, no researches are found on the effects of dual-frequency
ultrasonic with enzyme on starch. The aim of this work was to research the effects
of dual-frequency ultrasound with a-amylases on properties and structure of mung
bean starch (MBS), which provides a theoretical and experimental background for
dual-frequency ultrasonic application in starch and enzymic hydrolysis.
114 Effects of Dual-Frequency Ultrasound with a-amylase 1069
Commercially available MBS (13 % moisture) was obtained from Jin Cheng
Co., Ltd, (Shandong, China). Sodium hydroxide, AR, was supplied by the Tianjin
DeEn Chemical Reagent Company (Tianjin, China). Fehling reagent was obtained
from Sigma Company (American). a-amylase (2,000U/mL) was supplied by
Imperial Jade Bio-Technology Co.,Ltd (Ningxia, China). Ultrasonic cleaner was
supplied by Scientz Biotechnology Co.,Ltd (Ningbo, China). Electronic analytic
balance (FA1604S) was supplied by Weighing Scales Instrument Factory
(Shanghai, China). pH Meter (PHS-3C) was supplied by LEICI Instrument
Company (Shanghai, China). Electric blast oven (DGG-101-2) was supplied by
Tianjin Tianyu Instrument Company (Tianjin, China). Electric heated hater bath
(HW-SY21-K) was supplied by Beijing Changfen Instrument Company (Beijing,
China). Electronic balance (TD1200) was supplied by Tianjin Tianma Instrument
Company (Tianjin, China). Scanning Electron Microscope SU-1510 was obtained
from Hitachi Ltd (Tokyo, Japan). Infrared spectrometer Vector22 was obtained from
Bruker spectrometer (Germany).
Sample suspensions were prepared by stirring 100 g mung starch and 900 mL
distilled water. Sodium hydroxide was used to neutralize the solution (pH = 6.0)
and then mixed with a-amylases according to 5U per 1 g starch. Calcium chloride
(0.2 %) was applied to protect the enzyme activity. Prepared samples were placed
into the bath and ultrasonic treated with 40 kHz, 80 kHz, and 40 ? 80 kHz for
90 min in 60 C, respectively. Treatments without the ultrasound were used as
controls. The preparation of sonicated mung starch was performed in triplicate.
The reducing sugar of suspension was determined, using the titrimetric method
according to GB/T5009.7-2008. Dextrose equivalent (DE) was used to examine
the degree of hydrolysis of starch. DE was calculated as follows:
Greducingsugar expressed glucose
DE ¼ 100 % ð114:1Þ
g dry solid weight
1070 A. Hu et al.
Five starch suspensions of 1 % (w/w) were separately prepared in a flask and were
heated to 95 C for 30 min with shaking every 5 min and left for cooling to room
temperature (30 ± 2 C) and centrifuged for 15 min at 3,000 g. The supernatant
was decanted, and the residual volume was determined. The solid part was dried in
an oven for 2 h at 130 C [14]. The result was expressed as the mean of the
determination results of above suspensions.
FTIR spectra of samples in KBr pellets (1 mg/30 mg) were measured on a spec-
trophotometer with a DTGS detector and OMNIC 7.0 software using 64 scans at
resolution of 4 cm-1. The spectra were recorded over the wave number range
between 4,000 and 500 cm-1. The samples were dried at 105 C for 4 h before
analysis to avoid interference by moisture [16].
Figure 114.1 indicated that ultrasound had a remarkable effect on DE of the starch
hydrolysate. Ultrasound promoted amylase action on the starch granules to produce
smaller molecules and reducing sugar, as a result, the DE increased. As the ultra-
sonic frequency was increased, the effect on DE was more obvious. DE of K4
treated by dual-frequency was bigger than the others. This may be explained that
dual-frequency ultrasonic treatment can create more bubbles and cavitations which
contribute to the enzymatic hydrolysis and the decomposition of starch granules
114 Effects of Dual-Frequency Ultrasound with a-amylase 1071
Dextrose equivalent/%
only with amylase; K2, K3,
K4 were treated respectively
by 40, 80, and 40 ? 80 kHz 12
ultrasound with amylase).
‘‘**’’ difference is extremely
significant (P \ 0.01) 8
K1 K2 K3 K4
Sample Number
It can be shown from Fig. 114.2 that starch solubility was affected by both
ultrasound and amylase. Compared with K0, the solubility of K1 and K2 increased,
however, K3 and K4 had greater solubility. The structure of starch may be
destroyed by ultrasound and amylase, thus its internal soluble matter can be easier
to release [18]. Dual-frequency ultrasound acts starch granule more seriously and
the solubility reached the maximum. This trend was consistent with DE.
respectively by 40 kHz, 30
80 kHz, and 40 ? 80 kHz 25
ultrasound with amylase).
‘‘*’’ Difference is significant 20
(P \ 0.05). ‘‘**’’ Difference 15
is extremely significant
(P \ 0.01)
K0 K1 K2 K3 K4
Sample Number
1072 A. Hu et al.
K0 K1 K2
K3 K4
Fig. 114.3 Effect of ultrasound and a-amylase treatment on apparent structure (K0 was native
starch, K1 was treated only with amylase; K2, K3, K4 were treated respectively by 40 kHz,
80 kHz, and 40 ? 80 kHz ultrasound with amylase)
As shown in Fig. 114.3 that native starch granule was oval or kidney-shaped and
some attachments could be seen on the surface of granule, which may be protein
(K0) [19]. After treated with only amylase, some little holes and channels were
found on the surface of granules (K1). Both 40 kHz and 80 kHz ultrasonic
treatment with amylase made the holes or channels bigger and deeper. K4 clearly
indicated that starch granule was broken seriously and parts of structure were
separated from granule. This was probably because of the more powerful cavita-
tion of dual-frequency ultrasound [20].
FTIR spectroscopy was used to verify the change in the crystal structure of sample
molecules resulting from ultrasound and amylase. The FTIR spectra of K0, K1,
K2, K3, and K4 are shown in Fig. 114.4. It could be seen that the spectrum of five
samples had a little difference at about 1,390 cm-1. In every sample spectrum, the
bands 3,386 and 2,930 cm-1 correspond to OH and CH stretching, respectively,
while the bands at 1,645 cm-1 correspond to the scissoring of two O–H bonds of
water molecules [21]. Compared to K0, FTIR spectra of K1, K2, K3, and K4 have
similar profiles indicating that the ultrasound and amylase had effect on the crystal
114 Effects of Dual-Frequency Ultrasound with a-amylase 1073
Fig. 114.4 Effect of
ultrasound and a-amylase
treatment on crystal structure
(K0 was native starch, K1
was treated only with
amylase; K2, K3, K4 were
treated respectively by
40 kHz, 80 kHz, and
40 ? 80 kHz ultrasound with
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500
structure. The spectra of K1, K2, K3, and K4 provide evidence of ultrasonic effect
by showing the presence of important band at 1,404 cm-1(C–H). These C–H
bands were from glucoses which were produced by both amylase and ultrasound.
That was consistent with the conclusion of DE.
114.4 Conclusion
Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge the financial support from the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (Project No.: 31071608), the Science and Technology Innovation
Funded Project of Dongli District, Tianjin (Project No.:2010312), the 863 (Hi-tech research and
development program of China) program under contract NO.2012AA021505 and the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No.: 31201354).
1074 A. Hu et al.
1. Liu XZ, Luo ZG, Hu ZH et al (2008) Effect of ultrasonic treatment on rheological properties
of corn starch. Mod Food Sci Technol 4:316–321
2. Yoshinobu I, Takehisa K, Toshiyuki W (1994) Ultrasound degradation of waxy rice starch.
Biosci Biotech Biochem 58:1799–1802
3. Ji GQ, Shao XZ, Wang YT (2010) Application of ultrasound technology in the modification
of starch. Cereals Oils 1:1–5
4. Melissa ML, Samir KK, Larson DJ et al (2010) Ultrasonic pretreatment of corn slurry for
saccharification, a comparison of batch and continuous systems. Ultrason Sonochem
5. Anet RJ, Zoran H, Drago S (2010) Ultrasound effect on physical properties of corn starch.
Carbohydr Polym 79:91–100
6. Devon KC, Ya JW (2006) Application of protease and high-intensity ultrasound in corn
starch isolation from degermed corn flour. Cereal Chem 83:506–509
7. Cao C, Liu BL (2009) Application and prospect of high-frequency ultrasound technique in
food industry. J Anhui Agric Univ 37:18143–18144
8. Kamaljit V, Richard M, Raymond M et al (2006) Ultrasonic recovery and modification of
food ingredients. Chem Mater Sci. doi:10.1007/978144197472313
9. Feng Z, Jiang FY, He TL (2010) Application of ultrasound in the food processing. J Wu Yi
Univ 34:21–26
10. Brennen CE (1995) Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics. New York: Oxford University Press
11. Anet RJ, Zoran H, Drago S (2010) Ultrasound effect on physical properties of corn starch.
Carbohydr Polym 79:91–100
12. Zhou Y, Hoover R, Liu Q (2004) Relationship between a-amylase degradation and the
structure and physicochemical properties of legume starches. Carbohydr Polym 57:299–317
13. Georges T, Anders VN, Agnes RS (2010) Hydrolysis of concentrated raw starch, a new very
efficient a-amylase from Anoxybacillus flavothermus. Carbohydr Polym 87:46–52
14. Luo ZG, Lu JJ (2010) Effect of ultrasound treatment on the thermal properties of maize
starch. Mod Food Sci Technol 7:666–668
15. Wang LF, Wang YJ (2003) Application of high-intensity ultrasound and surfactants in rice
starch isolation. Cereal Chem 81:140–144
16. Zhang B, Cui DP, Liu MZ et al (2012) Corn porous starch: Preparation, characterization and
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17. Mason TJ, Paniwnyk L, Lorimer JP (1996) The uses of ultrasound in food technology.
Ultrason Sonochem 3:253–260
18. Renate CB, Bozena R, Salah L et al (2005) Degradation of chitosan and starch by 360 kHz
ultrasound. Carbohydr Polym 60:175–184
19. Zhao YL, Liao DL, Zhang YQ et al (2007) The ultrasound effect on the properties and
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20. Huang Q, Li L, Fu X (2007) Ultrasound effects on the structure and chemical reactivity of
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21. Zhang LM, Zuo BM, Wu PL (2012) Ultrasound effect on the acetylation of dioscorea starch
isolated from Dioscorea zingiberensis C. H. Wrigh. Chem Eng Process 54:29–36
Chapter 115
Relationship Between Diet and Stable
Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Composition
in Beef Tissues
Abstract The effect of the amount of C4 plants in diets on the carbon and nitrogen
stable isotope composition of different types of beef tissues was investigated.
Eighteen young bulls were randomly divided into six groups and fed with a diet
consisting of different content of C4 plant material. At the end of experiment, the
d13C values of cattle tail hair, defatted muscle, and crude fat all become enriched
and significantly correlated with increasing proportions of C4 constituents in the
diet. However, the d15N values of beef tissues did not increase regularly with the
change of diet, but the correlation among d13C and d15N values of above tissues
were highly correlated. Based on these results, it is possible for the proportion of
C4 plant material to be estimated from the d13C values of the different tissue
samples. And, cattle tail hair instead of muscle in beef origin is available.
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1075
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_115, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1076 F. Sun et al.
115.1 Introduction
Food safety has become a focus of public concern. Because of diseases such as
bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and foot and mouth disease (FMD),
consumers are demanding to know the truth about provenance of animal products.
The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health carried out an investigation that showed
82 % of customers purchased their food based on knowing the origin of the
product [1]. Since January 2005, EU regulations have mandated that all food and
feed should be traced at all stages of production, processing, and distribution in
order to sell food and feed products in EU countries [2]. Therefore, a compre-
hensive tracing system is urgently needed for beef.
During the past 30 years, stable isotope ratio analysis (SIRA) has been suc-
cessfully used in some areas of food production to determine the authenticity of
food and to verify the geographic origin of food such as honey, fruit, and wine, etc.
[3–5]. Some methods for food authentication have been officially acknowledged
by institutions such as the European Commission for Normalization (CEN) or the
Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) [6]. In recent years, SIRA has
been regarded as a potential tool for tracing the geographic origin of animal food
such as milk, cheese, butter, lamb, beef [7–12], and beef diet [13–15]. Previous
studies have shown that the stable carbon and nitrogen composition of diets
influence the d13C and d15N values of animal tissue, where the former is varying
with proportions of C3 or C4 photosynthetic plant, and the latter is affected by
many other factors, but to some extent to reflect the legumes and cultivation
density of feed.Thus those of values of tissue are good indicators of diet [16].
Today, maize is largely used as cow and cattle feed to increase milk production or
weight. Boner [12] and Schmidt [10] have reported the d13C values of defatted
beef muscle could be used to distinguish organic from conventional cattle farming,
because the fodder of organic cattle farming mainly consists of C3 plants whereas
the C4 plants are more typically used in conventional cattle farming. Increasingly,
SIRA techniques are being developed as a quantitative tool for inferring the
proportion of C3/C4 plant components in cattle diets [15].
This study investigated the effect of different diets on the stable carbon (d13C)
and nitrogen (d15N) stable isotope composition of different bovine tissues with the
aim of establishing a quantitative relationship between the dietary C4 plant intake
and d13C of bovine tissues.
Eighteen (12–14 months old) young bulls were randomly divided into six treat-
ment groups of three animals each. Two dietary formulas were given to the cattle,
115 Relationship Between Diet and Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Composition 1077
a basal diet and a diet consisting of entirely of C4 plants (Table 115.1). Initially,
these two kinds of diets were prepared, then the following portions, 0, 20, 40, 60,
80 and 100 %, of the C4 diet were mixed with 100, 80, 60, 40, 20, 0 % of the basal
diet for the six treatments, respectively. Where ultimately the C4 components
accounts for 52.0, 61.6, 71.2, 80.8, 90.4, 100 % of the total diet for the group 1
through 6, respectively. All animals were slaughtered after feeding for 132 days.
During the study, feed samples were collected and stored at -20 C before SIRA.
Each individual composite sample was oven-dried at 60 C for 48 h and triturated.
The roughage feed (maize silage) and other materials were then sieved using 0.177
and 0.149 mm mesh screen, respectively.
Prior to the commencement of the study and the start of the new diets, a strand of
tail hairs was cut close to the skin of each cattle. A sample was then taken in the
same way from the same position at the end of the experiment. The hair of entire
cattle tail was first soaked and was rinsed in deionized water and then dried at
60 C for 12 h. Then the samples were soaked in methanol/chloroform (2:1) for
2 h to removal fat and then rinsed and soaked in deionized water for another
30 min. Finally, the samples were rinsed with deionized water, dried at 60 C, and
cut into 1*2 mm [14, 16, 17].
Buttock muscles were collected at 48 h after post-mortem and stored at -20 C.
The sample preparation followed a common preparation approach. Briefly, a
1078 F. Sun et al.
minimum 50 g sample is cut into small pieces with a ceramic scissors and dried
completely with the aid of a lyophilizer (freeze-drier). The dried pieces are
homogenized with a mortar and pestle. The resulting dry powder is extracted with
diethyl ether for 6–8 h in a Soxhlet apparatus. Afterwards the fat-free dry mass
(raw protein) is sieved through a 0.074 mm mesh screen and the lipid fractions
(after evaporating the solvent) for each beef sample is stored at 4 C until analysis.
Pretreated samples (1 mg) were weighed into tin capsules and introduced into the
elemental analyzer (Flash EA1112) by an autosampler, where the samples were
combusted into CO2 and N2. The gas was separated using a gas chromatograph and
analyzed using a Thermal Finnigan DELTAPlus XL). The uncertainty of mea-
surements was typically ± 0.2 % for d13C and d15N. The values of the isotopic
ratios were expressed in d % according to the following general formula:
d ¼ Rsample = Rstandard 1 1; 000 ð115:1Þ
Where Rsample and Rstandard represent the abundance ratio of 13C/12C and
N/14N isotopes in the sample and the standard respectively. The standard used in
this study was the international standard V-PDB (Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite) for
d13C and air for d15N.
115.3.1 Feedstuff
The d13C and d15N values of the various feed materials are presented in
Table 115.2. Plants are divided into three types of C3, C4, and CAM according to
their different photosynthetic pathways. Maize silage, distiller maize, and maize
meal are all typical C4 plants which have enriched d13C values. Soybean meal,
wheat bran, wheat flower, and cottonseed cake are C3 plants, and their d13C values
Table 115.3 The d13C values of cattle tissues and corresponding C4 content (mean ± SD),
Groups C4 content aDiets d13C Cattle tail hair Defatted muscle Crude fat d13C
13 13
( %) (%) d C (%) d C (%) (%)
1 52.0 -19.28 -18.17 ± 0.93 -18.58 ± 1.15 -21.11 ± 0.24
2 61.6 -18.02 -17.22 ± 0.39 -18.15 ± 1.11 -19.31 ± 1.90
3 71.2 -16.75 -16.36 ± 0.18 -17.91 ± 0.86 -19.65 ± 0.17
4 80.8 -15.49 -14.91 ± 0.31 -16.46 ± 0.38 -18.87 ± 0.63
5 90.4 -14.23 -13.41 ± 0.12 -14.70 ± 0.45 -17.49 ± 0.29
6 100 -12.97 -12.02 ± 0.14 -14.72 ± 0.68 -17.55 ± 0.45
a. these values were calculated based on the proportions of C3 and C4 plants and measured
isotope compositions of each.
are depleted. More materials for feed were manually mixed in most occasions, and
roughages such as grass silage and straw were difficult to be homogenized.
Therefore, the d13C values of medley of each group were calculated based on the
d13C values of feed ingredient and its proportion in the total diet (Table 115.3).
Generally, the d15N value of grass is higher than that of corn feed, and nitrogen-
fixing plants such as soybean, alfalfa are lower (close to atmospheric nitrogen 0
% or much lower). However, the d15N value of alfalfa was high in this study. The
d15N values of plants are affected by many factors, such as soil conditions, the
intensity of agricultural land use and nitrogen fertilizer [15, 18]. The d15N values
of medley of each group were calculated according to the same method
(Table 115.4).
Table 115.3 shows the d13C values of cattle tail hair, defatted muscle and crude
fat, all enrich in 13C with the increasing proportions of C4 constituents in the diet.
Moreover, all d13C values of the various beef tissues are significantly correlated
with the content of C4 plant material (Fig. 115.1). The correlation coefficient
between the d13C values of cattle tail hair and C4 plant content in the diet was the
highest (R2 = 0.99, P\ 0.01), followed by defatted muscle (R2 = 0.92, P \0.01)
1080 F. Sun et al.
and the crude fat (R2 = 0.88, P \ 0.01). A Previous investigation found that the
d13C values of different tissues taken at slaughter such as kidney fat, liver, blood,
plasma, and muscle are highly correlated (R2 = 0.92–0.99) with the calculated
d13C values of the diet given [14]. Another study showed that there was a strong
linear relationship between maize carbon in the diet and d13C values of lipid-free
muscle (R2 = 0.98) and lipid (R2 = 0.93) [16]. However, in the other two studies,
feed were constantly changed with the growth stages of cattle, and the feed
ingredients are very different at every stage. The significant correlations were
showed between d13C values of cattle tail hair segment and feeds, and they were
significantly correlated with the proportion of C4 plant of feeds, but there were no
significant correlation between d13C values of whole cattle tail hair and feeds [14,
19].The cattle tail hair mainly consists of keratin that is a kind of structure protein.
Once the keratin structure is formed, hair tissue metabolism will stop [16].
Therefore, the isotopic information recorded by every section of the hair reflects
the diet for growth at that time, and cattle tail hair can be regarded as an isotopic
archive recording feeds changes. In this study, the diet of each group was not
changed during the whole experiment, thus, the d13C values of cattle tail hair at the
end of the experiment should essentially have the same isotopic information
throughout the hair. Based on these results, the proportion of C4 plant material
could be estimated from the d13C values of different beef tissue samples.
As shown in Table 115.3 and Fig. 115.1, the d13C values of cattle tail hair is the
most enriched followed by defatted muscle, and then the crude fat, and the corre-
lation among them is significant. The correlation coefficients between defatted
muscle and tail hair and crude fat were separately 0.90 (P \ 0.001) and 0.87
(P \ 0.001). Meanwhile, the correlation coefficients between hair and crude fat was
0.81 (P \ 0.001). These results were similar to a previous study that showed the d13C
values of hair, defatted muscle, and crude fat similarly decreased, and the d13C values
between them are significant [17]. In another study, the d13C values declined in order
of hair, muscle, plasma, blood, liver, and kidney fat [14]. Because of the discrimi-
nation against 13C during the process of lipid synthesis, the d13C values of crude fat
115 Relationship Between Diet and Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Composition 1081
are more depleted than that of diet, but d13C of muscle, hair, liver, blood, and plasma
are more enriched relative to the diet. In this study, the correlation coefficient
between defatted muscle and crude fat was not as high as found in previous studies,
r = 0.976 and 0.98 [15, 20]. The reason maybe that the lipid extraction methods were
different, or non- lipid fractions were mixed into crude fat when being transferred,
and therefore leading to a lower correlation coefficient.
The nitrogen isotope in the feed was not controlled. The result (Table 115.4)
showed that d15N values of the feed had nothing to do with the content of C4
plants, and d15N values of cattle hair, defatted muscle did not increase regularly
with the change of feed. However, in each group, the d15N values of muscle were
lower than that of cattle tail hair, the correlation between them was significant
(P \ 0.01), and the correlation coefficient was 0.732. As mentioned earlier, the
nitrogen isotope in the feed was affected by a number of factors which resulted in
d15N values of animal tissue without regularity. Nevertheless, the nitrogen isotope
in tracing the origin of beef will provide additional information. Guo reported that
cattle could be distinguished from pastoral or agricultural areas with d15N values,
and the correct classification rate of beef origin could be significantly improved by
d13C and d15N values complement each other [21].
The correlation among d13C and d15N values of cattle tail hair, defatted muscle,
and crude fat were highly correlated, and indicating that tail hair instead of muscle
in beef origin was available. According to the report, the lowest growth rate of tail
hair is 0.51 mm/d [22]. Therefore, the appropriate section of tail hair in the light of
fatting time is clipped from the root for analysis, which reflects the feed of cattle
fattening period. Thus, it will make the isotope traceability technology easier.
115.4 Conclusion
The d13C values of cattle tail hair, defatted muscle, and crude fat all enhanced with
the increment of the proportions of C4 constituents in diet. Moreover, all d13C
values of different tissues were significantly correlated with the content of C4 plant
material, so the proportion of C4 plant material could be estimated from the d13C
values of tissues. At the same time, d15N values of cattle hair, defatted muscle did
not increase regularly with the change of feed. And the correlation among d13C and
d15N values of cattle tail hair, defatted muscle, and crude fat were highly corre-
lated. Thus, tail hair instead of muscle in beef origin is available.
Acknowledgments This research was financially supported by the Ministry of Science and
Technology of the People’s Republic of China. The project was tracing technology of beef.
1082 F. Sun et al.
Abstract A full length cDNA sequence, Ch-RpS3, was isolated by RT-PCR and
further characterized by sequencing and expression analysis. The cDNA fragment
was 1,003 bp in length and contained a complete open reading frame of 786 bp,
encoding a protein of 261 amino acid residues with high sequence homology to
RpS3 from other plants such as monocotyledon Oryza sativa (91 %). Phylogenetic
analysis at the amino acid level also confirmed that Ch-RpS3 belonged to the
monocot-specific RpS3 clade. Furthermore, spatial and temporal expression anal-
ysis with RT-PCR indicated that Ch-RpS3 was highly expressed in ovaries 2 days
after pollination and is predicted to encode a novel member of RPS3 participating in
cell growth and proliferation. It is deduced that this 40S ribosomal S3 like protein is
involved in initiating ovary development of C. hybridium, which might provide
novel insights into the molecular mechanism of ovary and floral development.
Keywords Cymbidium hybridium Differential display RT-PCR Floral
development 40S ribosomal S3 protein (RPS3)
116.1 Introduction
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1083
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_116, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1084 X. Chen et al.
Cymbidium hybridium used in this study was grown in greenhouses under natural
light and controlled temperature ranging from 23 to 27 C. Various organs of these
orchids (the petals, the sepals, the labellums, and the columns), roots, stems, and
vegetative leaves, were separately dissected, immediately frozen in liquid nitro-
gen, and stored at -80 C.
116 Expression and Sequence Analysis 1085
Frozen materials of the pollinated flowers and the untreated ones were ground in
liquid nitrogen and simultaneously extracted using TRIZOl (BBI, Markham,
Canada), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The possible contaminated
DNA was digested by RNase free DNase I (Takara, Shiga, Japan) for 30 min at
37 C. The RNA was checked for quality and quantity by agarose gel electro-
phoresis (1.2 % formaldehyde denaturing agarose gel) and fluorimetry (ND-1000,
NanoDrop, Wilmington, USA). Poly (A)+ RNA was isolated and purified by using
Oligotex mRNA Mini kit (Qiagen, Valencia, USA).
The total RNA extracted from ten individual materials was equivalently pooled and
subjected to the following reactions. 2 lg samples in every reaction were reverse
transcribed using 0.05 lg reverse primers of M11 (50 -AAGCTTTTTTTTTTA-30 )
and 200 unit M-MLV reverse transcriptase under conditions specified by the
enzyme supplier (Promega, Madison, USA) in a final volume of 0.01 cm3. Fol-
lowing reverse transcription, PCR amplifications were performed in 0.025 cm3 of a
reaction mix with 0.001 cm3 of the reverse-transcribed cDNA, 0.5 lmol/L of each
forward DD-17 (50 -GATCCAGTAC-30 ) and reverse primer (M11), 200 lmol/L
dNTPs, 1x polymerase buffer and 1 U Taq DNA polymerase (Takara). PCR
amplification reactions were performed in the MG5331 thermal cycler (Eppendorf,
Hamburg, Germany) using the following program: after denaturation at 94 C for
5 min, amplification was performed with 40 cycles of 30 s at 94 C, 2 min at
40 C, and 1 min at 72 C, followed by a final extension at 72 C for 10 min.
Amplified PCR products were separated on a 6 % (w/v) polyacrylamide gel
(PAGE). After silver staining, the gel was dried in room temperature and photo-
graphed. A 100-bp ladder was used to estimate the molecular size of fragments. All
reactions were performed in triplicate to avoid false-positive results.
Single-stranded cDNA was synthesized from purified mRNA with QIAEXII Gel
Extraction Kit (Qiagen) according to the supplier’s instructions. To isolate the
RpS3 genes which may be involved in ovary development, the synthesized cDNAs
of the pollinated ovaries of orchid C. hybridium were used as templates in PCR
experiments. PCR amplification was performed by touchdown program using
Plant RpS3 gene degenerate primer RpS3-S1 (50 - G(G\A)AG(A\C\G)A(A\G)CAA
1086 X. Chen et al.
TCT -30 ) which was designed according to CDD470. The conditions for PCR
amplication were as follows: 94 C for 3 min; 16 cycles at 94 C for 30 s, 0.5 C/
cycle from 65 C to 58 C for 45 s and 72 C for 1 min; Another 20 cycles of PCR
amplication were used after touchdown program. The denaturing step was 94 C
for 30 s, the annealing step was 58 C for 45 s, and the extension step at 72 C for
1 min; A final extension was at 72 C for 10 min.
A PCR product about 700 bp long was purified by the QIAEXII Gel Extraction
Kit (Qiagen), ligated to the pUCmT-easy vector (BBI) and then transformed into
competent cells of Escherichia coli DH5a by heat shock. Positive clones were
identified by PCR methods and subsequently sequenced as described below.
According to the sequence that joins together the 700 bp fragment with
CDD470 above, the full length cDNA for Ch-RpS3 was amplified using specific 50
primer RpS3-S2 (50 -GAAGAAGCAACCATGGCCGT-30 ) and 30 primer RpS3-A2
(50 - GTAAATGCTCATGAACACAATCCAA -30 ) as described above with 32
cycles of PCR amplication were used, 94 C for 30 s, 50 C for 45 s, and 72 C
for 1 min, followed by a final extension at 72 C for 10 min.
Sequencing and sequence analysis: Clones were sequenced at the Sangon
(Shanghai, China) using the PRISM Ready Reaction DyeDeoxy Termination cycle
sequencing kit with an ABI-3700 DNA Sequencer (Applied Biosystems, USA).
Pairwise comparisons and multiple alignments of nucleotide sequences and
deduced amino acid sequences were performed using the Align program [14]
and CLUSTAL W version 1.8 [15], with default cost settings for opening and
extending gaps.
The phylogenetic tree was constructed with the neighbor-joining method [16] with
the Poisson correction distance [17]. The reliability of the tree was established by
conducting 1,000 neighbor-joining bootstrap sampling steps [18].
116.2.6 RT-PCR
Total RNA was isolated from various organs of C. hybridium. 2 lg RNA was
reverse-transcribed in a 0.02 cm3 reaction mixture in every reaction using
0.05 lg M11. PCR amplification reactions were performed in the MG5331 ther-
mal cycler using the programme as described above. b-actin is as a control. The
PCR product was analyzed by electrophoresis in 1.5 % agarose gels.
In addition, a reaction without reverse transcriptase was included as a control for
each cDNA first-strand synthesis. PCR amplifications of these latter controls gave
no amplified fragments indicating that the RNA preparations were free from
116 Expression and Sequence Analysis 1087
Reverse northern blot was performed as described by Vögeli et al. [18, 19] and Li
et al.[20]. with some modifications. 0.001 cm3 PCR products of positive clones
from differential displayed bands were dotted and fixed in duplicate sets onto
nylon membranes (Pall, NY, USA). After the total cDNA from the non-pollinated
or the pollinated ovaries that had been labeled with digoxigenin (DIG)-11-dUTP
by using the Random Primer DNA Labeling System (Roche, Basel, Switzerland),
reverse northern hybridization and detection were performed following the
instructions of the Roche DIG High Prime DNA Labeling and Detection Starter
Kit II. The membranes were then hybridized at 42 C overnight, high-stringency
washed twice in 2 9 SSC–0.5 % SDS at 42 C for 30 min, and washed twice in
0.5 9 SSC–0.52 % SDS at 65 C for 15 min. b-actin was used as positive control
and distilled H2O was used as negative control.
116.3 Results
Ch-RpS3 is 1,003 bp long with a 786 bp ORF that encodes a putative protein
consisting of 261 amino acids. Sequence comparison (Fig. 116.1) of the putative
Ch-RpS3 protein with other published plant RpS3 proteins indicates that Ch-RpS3
shows extensive similarity to plant RpS3 proteins, with the highest identity (91 %)
with monocotyledon Oryza sativa (P49397). To determine the evolutionary rela-
tionship between Ch-RpS3 and the RPS3 genes from other species, a phylogenetic
tree (Fig. 116.2) based on analysis of RPS3 amino acid sequence of Ch-RpS3 and
its homologous from other ten species was constructed. According to the param-
eters used, the phylogenetic analysis showed that these ten species with Ch-RpS3
had been divided into 4 large groups, i.e., animals (Drosophila melanogaster,
Rattus norvegicus, Homo sapiens), dicotyledons (Arabidopsis thaliana, Helianthus
annuus, Solanum tuberosum, Medicago truncatula, Cicer arietinum), monocoty-
ledons (Oryza sativa, Cymbidium hybridium), and yeast (Schizosaccharomyces
pombe). It was evident that Ch-RpS3 fell into the clade of plant ribosomal protein
S3 genes and it was phylogenetically closely related to the RPS3 of Oryza sativa
(P49397) which belonged to monocotyledons.
Fig. 116.1 Alignment of the translated Ch-RpS3, along with the known RPS3a from other
plants, using CLUSTAL W 1.8 [15]. Identical amino acids are highlighted by black boxes.
GenBank/EMBL/DDJB Nucleotide Sequence Databases, accession numbers: A-RPS3a
(Q42262), S-RPS3a (ABB72801), M-RPS3Ae (ABE88517), C-RPS3a (AJ515028), and O-RPS3a
116 Expression and Sequence Analysis 1089
Fig. 116.2 Phylogenetic tree showing the relationship between the Ch-RpS3 and various
ribosomal proteins S3 of other species. A-RPS3a from Arabidopsis thaliana (GenBank accession
No. Q42262); D-RPS3 from Drosophila melanogaster (P55830); Sp-RPS3 from Schizosaccha-
romyces pombe (Q09781); H-RPS3 from Homo sapiens (AAH04981); R-RPS3 from Rattus
norvegicus (CAA53004); O-RPS3a from Oryza sativa (P49397); He-RPS3a from Helianthus
annuus (P49198); Ch-RpS3 from our study (DQ159867); S-RPS3a from Solanum tuberosum
(ABB72801); M-RPS3Ae from Medicago truncatula (ABE88517); C-RPS3a from Cicer
arietinum (AJ515028)
We probed the PCR fragments against complex cDNA probes made from RNA
isolated from the non-pollinated and the pollinated ovaries. As shown in
Fig. 116.3, Ch-RpS3 was successfully confirmed by reverse northern blot to be
true differentially expressed cDNA band in the pollinated ovaries.
Fig. 116.4 Detection of the ChRPS3 expression by RT-PCR in different tissues and flower
organs. Total RNA was extracted from roots (Ro), stems (St), leaves (Le), sepals (Se), petals (Pe),
labellum (La), column (Co), and ovary (ov). cDNA reverse transcribed from mRNA was,
respectively, used as template. b-actin was used to show the amount of cDNA used for each
RT-PCR reaction
RT-PCR was used to analyze the expression pattern of Ch-RpS3. Total RNA was
prepared from roots, stems, leaves, ovaries (the non-pollinated and different stages
of the pollinated), and the different floral organs of C. hybridium.
A single band of the same size as the Ch-RpS3 cDNA (approximately 1 kb) was
detected. As shown in Fig. 116.4, Ch-RpS3 was highly expressed in roots and the
pollinated ovaries, but detected in non-pollinated ovaries, floral organs (the petals,
the sepals, the labellum, and the column), and two vegetative tissues (stems and
leaves) quite weakly. Toward different stages of pollinated ovaries, Ch-RpS3 was
highly expressed at the 2 days stage, with a subsequent decrease in abundance in 8
and 16 days developmental stages (Fig. 116.5).
116.4 Discussion
least in part, in terms of the role of RPS3a in cell growth and proliferation.
However, interestingly, RT-PCR in this study (Fig. 116.4) further showed that
Ch-RpS3 was also highly expressed in roots other than pollinated ovary in
Cymbidium hybridium. It is reported that some genes also specifically expressed in
the roots except in their relative tissues [34, 35]. The function is not identified so
far. Since roots are the tissue in which cell division is active, it appeared that there
was a strong correlation between RPS3a expression levels and cell division and
proliferation. To clarify its molecular mechanism and physiological significance,
further research would be required. Furthermore, to detect temporal pattern of
expression of Ch-RpS3 in ovaries at different pollinated stages, we performed
cDNA reverse Northern blots (data not shown). It is found Ch-RpS3 showed
relative higher levels at the 2 days stage, with a subsequent decrease in abundance
in 8 and 16 days developmental stages, which was also verified by RT-PCR
experiments (Fig. 116.5). This is similar to the report that ribosomal protein genes
RpS3 had proportionately lower steady-state mRNA levels in later stages of
seedling development [36]. Apoptosis could be induced by sequential alterations in
RPS3a expression involving enhancement from an initially low constitutive level,
followed by suppression [27]. Whether the development of ovary could also be
induced by sequential alterations in RPS3a expression needs further study.
So far, little information is available on the functional role of ribosomal protein
S3 in plant development especially in monocotyledonous species [37, 38]. In this
study, the fact that Ch-RpS3 isolated from C. hybridium was homologous to the
ribosomal protein S3 genes and deduced to play a role in the development of ovary
provides novel insights into the conservation and diversification of ribosomal
protein S3 genes in the floral development of a highly evolved monocotyledonous
species. It is tempting to suggest the possible functional diversification between
the monocot and the dicot during the evolutionary development of flowering.
Acknowledgments The authors are grateful for the generous support provided by Profs.
Chengbin Chen and Ruiyang Chen. The work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation
of Tianjin (10JCYBJC09000).
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1094 X. Chen et al.
Abstract Alectorioid lichen specimens used in this study were collected since
1981, mainly from the Hengduan mountain region, all the specimens were
examined using standard microscopic techniques and hand-sectioned under dis-
secting microscope, secondary metabolites were identified by TLC. After detailed
taxonomical and chemical study of our specimens and the type specimens,
Sulcaria virens var. forrestii is found to have same diagnostic characters with
S. virens except for the diameter of the main branch, thus, it is treated as the
synonym of S. virens. Alectoria ochroleuca, Pseudephebe pubescens, and S. virens
have rather restricted distribution in Hengduan Mountains, they are considered as
rare lichens. Taxonomic characters together with distribution map and key to
Alectorioid lichens are provided in this paper. All the specimens involved in this
study are deposited in Herbarium of Kunming Institute of Botany (KUN).
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1095
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_117, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1096 X. Wang et al.
117.1 Introduction
The genera Alectoria Ach., Pseudephebe M. Choisy and Sulcaria Bystr. belong to
the family Parmeliaceae (Lecanorales) [1], they are characterized by fruticose or
caespitose thallus, mat-shaped, erect, or pendulous, without axils in the medulla,
apothecia lecanorine type [2]; mainly distributed in alpine region. Hengduan
Mountain is located in the Southwest of Qingzang highland, including east of
Xizang, Northeast of Yunnan, and west of Sichuan, including a land of about
500,000 sq. kms, it is the biodiversity hot spot in China. There were very few
reports on these genera in Hengduan Mountain region [3–8].
Sulcaria virens var. forrestii was published by Hawksworth [9] based on two
specimens collected from Yunnan Dali and Deqin, they were collected by
G. Forrest in 1912 and 1914, this species variety is published based on the
diameter difference of the main branches with S. virens. After the examination of
the type specimens (Holotypus 13271, Paratypus 20808) and 50 new specimens
collected from the original habitat, the authors discovered more varieties of the
main branch diameter, it is not a stable character, thus, it should not be treated as a
key taxonomic character, detailed discussion, and the results are shown below.
Two hundred and seventy one specimens were collected from 1981 to 2011,
including 13 Bryoria, 254 Sulcaria, and 4 Pseudephebe, these collections covered
41 counties from Hengduan Mountain central area, and are deposited in the
Herbarium of Kunming Institute of Botany, China (KUN). We also examined the
type specimens of S. virens var. forrestii (Holotypus 13271, Paratypus 20808)
from Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E), and Pseudephebe specimens from
North America and Finland as comparison.
The dried specimens were examined using standard microscopic techniques and
hand-sectioned under NIKON 102 dissecting microscope. All measurements were
made on material mounted in GAW (glycerol: ethanol: water = 1:1:1); anatomical
descriptions are based on observations of these preparations under a NIKON E 200
microscope. Secondary metabolites were identified by TLC as described by
Culberson [10].
117 Lichen Flora on the Genera Alectoria, Pseudephebe and Sulcaria 1097
1. Thallus surface with longitudinal furrow, holdfast present in the base Sulcaria
2.. Thallus surface without longitudinal furrow, holdfast absent 2
3.. Ascus containing 1 spore, spores muriform Oropogon
4.. Ascus containing 2–8 spores 3
5. 2-4 spores per ascus, spores brown when mature Alectoria
6. 8 spores per ascus, spores hyaline 4
7. Thallus closely attach to the substrate, mat-shaped, without secondary Pseudephebe
8. Thallus erect or pendulous, medulla P+, K+ Bryoria
Fig. 117.1 a–c Habit of Alectoria ochroleuca. d–f Habit of Pseudephebe pubescens
It has been reported from Sichuan and Tibet Provinces [15]; worldwide dis-
tribution: Europe [16], North America [2, 17], and Japan [6].
Remarks: This species is characterized by mat-shaped thallus closely adnate,
dark brown to black ,and with no lichen substrates, it is rather similar with P.
minuscula from North America and Europe, but the latter species differs in having
broader main branches (0.2–0.5 mm), apices flattened, with numerous short lateral
branches, and thallus surface verrucose.
:Cornicularia sulcata Lev., in Jacquin, Fr.-Voy. Inde, Descr. Coll. 4: 179 (1844).
—Alectoria sulcata (Lev.) Nyl., Mem. Soc. Imp. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 5: 98
—Alectoria sulcata var. barbata D. Hawksw., Taxon 19: 242 (1970).
117 Lichen Flora on the Genera Alectoria, Pseudephebe and Sulcaria 1101
Fig. 117.2 a–b Habitat of Sulcaria sulcata f. Sulcata; c Habitat of Sulcaria sulcata f.
vulpinoides. d, f Habitat of Sulcaria virens; E Holytype of Sulcaria virens var. forrestii
117.4 Conclusion
Sulcaria virens var. forrestii published by Hawksworth was based on two speci-
mens collected from Yunnan Dali and Deqin, this species is characterized by flat
main branch, 2.5–4 mm in diam., containing vulpinic acid, while the main bran-
ches of S. virens is no wider than 1.5 mm. After the examination of the type
specimens (Holotypus 1,3271, Paratypus 20,808) and 50 new specimens collected
from the original habitat, the authors discovered 41 specimens which has a
diameter less than 1.5 mm, 6 of them is between 1.5–2.6 mm, only 4 of them has
diameter wider than 2.6 mm. All those specimens share the same morphological,
anatomical, and chemical characters, except for the diameter of the main branch,
about 12 % of the specimens have a diameter between 1.5–2.6 mm, so the value of
117 Lichen Flora on the Genera Alectoria, Pseudephebe and Sulcaria 1105
the diameter might not be a good character to distinguish these two varieties, thus,
it is suggested that S. var. forrestii is treated as synonym of S. virens.
And three lichen species: Alectoria ochroleuca, Pseudephebe pubescens, and
Sulcaria virens have rather restricted distribution in Hengduan Mountains and they
are considered as rare lichens.
Acknowledgments This study was supported by a grant from the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (No. 31170023), Foundation of Key Laboratory, CAS (KLBB-201210) and
Flora Lichenum Sinicorum (KSCX2–EW–Z–9).
1. Tehler A, Wedin M (2008) Systematics of lichenized fungi. In: Nash III (ed) Lichen Biology.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p 336–352, doi:10.1017/CBO9780511790478.018
2. Brodo IM, Hawksworth DL (1930) Alectoria and allied genera in North America. Opera Bot
3. Zahlbruckner A (1930) Lichens in Handel-Mazzetti. Symb Sin 3:1
4. Wei JC, Jiang YM (1986) Lichens of Tibet. Scientific press, Beijing, pp 62–65
5. Wu JN, Wang LS (1992) Alectoriaceae and Anziaceae lichens from Yunnan Lijiang region.
Acta Bot Yunnanica 14(1):37–44
6. Harada H, Wang LS (2004) Thallial branch connection to create a loop in the filmentous
lichenm, sulcaria virens. Lichenology 3(1):29–30
7. Zhou ZY, Wang LS, Wang F, Liu JK (2007) Chemical compoud of Sulcaria virens. Acta Bot
Yunnanica 29(5):586–590
8. Wang LS, Harada H (2008) Ethnic uses of lichens in Yunnan (2), sulcaria sulcata.
Lichenology 7(1):31–34
9. Hawksworth DL (1969) A new variety of Alectoria virens Tayl. From Yunnan province,
China. Misc Bryol Lichenol 5(1):1–3
10. Culberson CF (1972) Improved conditions and new data for the identification of lichen
products by a standardized thin-layer chromatography method. J Chromatogr 72:113–125.
11. Wei JC (1991) An Enumeration of Lichens in China. International Academic Publishers,
12. Singh KP, Sinha GP (2010) Indian Lichens: An Annotated Checklist. Botanical Survey of
India Ministry of Environment and Forests: 68
13. Lee YJ (1988) Cryptogam of North Korea 7. Scientific dictionary press, Pyongyang
14. Hur JS, Koh YJ, Harada H (2005) A checklist of Korean lichens. Lichenology 4(2):65–95
15. Wang LS, McCune B (2010) Contributions to the lichen flora of the Hengduan mountains,
China 1. Genus Pseudephebe (lichenized Ascomycota, Parmeliaceae). Mycotaxon
113:431–437. doi:10.5248/113.431
16. Hawksworth DL (1972) Regional studies in Alectoria (Lichenes) II. The British species.
Lichenologist 5:181–261. doi:10.1017/S002428297200026X
17. Thomson JW (1979) American Arctic Lichens, vol 1. The University of Wisconsin Press,
18. Brodo IM (1986) A new species of the lichen genus Sulcaria (Ascomycotina, Alectoriaceae)
from California. Mycotaxon 27:113–117
19. Awasthi G, Awasthi DD (1985) Lichen genera Alectoria, Bryoria and Sulcaria from India
and Nepal. Candollea 40(1):305–320
20. Obermayer W, Elix JA (2002) Notes on chemical races in Sulcaria sulcata from southeastern
Tibet and adjacent regions. Bibl Lichenol 86:33–46
Chapter 118
Discussion on the New and the Old
Country Mark in Detecting the Coliform
Lin Huang, Chunxia Wang, Ying Zhang, Fan Mei, Yan Huang,
Jinpeng Wang and Bo Zheng
Abstract For the application of the new country mark in practice detection, the
lactose method and the LST method were compared. Lactose method and LST
method were used to determine the different consistence bacterium fluid of the
coliform bacteria and pollution-free eggs, beverages and tablewares, which had
110 samples in all. The result of two different detection methods had no difference
in statistics. Within the MPN 95 % confidence interval, lactose method and LST
method were credible and accurate. Compared with lactose method, the unquali-
fied rate of LST method in sample detection was increased by an average of
48.4 %. Although there was no difference between these two kinds of methods in
statistics, the unqualified rate of LST method was absolutely higher than lactose
method. This result showed that LST method could reduce the rate of false neg-
atives in sample detection.
118.1 Introduction
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1107
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_118, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1108 L. Huang et al.
department made the new test standard GB/T4789.3-2008 [2], which was similar
with coliform detection method of the export food, LST method, but it hasn’t been
widespread used by most detection departments [3]. And then, China published
new detection standard GB4789.3-2010 [4] in 2010. Compared with the edition in
2003, new method has more changes in the part of culture medium, detection
method and detection time et al. This paper aims to explore the difference in two
detection methods.
Escherichia coli was obtained from type culture collection of Tianjin university of
science & technology.
Pollution-free eggs samples were collected from supermarket and sour milk
beverages samples were obtained from one company. Tableware samples were
collected from our college dining room in different dining time. Different con-
centrations of bacteria standard liquid were made of E. coli.
country mark GB4789.3-2010 [5]. Repeated the experiment procedure above, and
then obtained the consistence result of each dilution gradient.
1 mL known concentration bacterium fluid were transferred to 49 mL sterile
water, and this liquid were used as sample for later detection. The same sample’s
CFU results of VRBA method, coliform numbers of lactose method and LST
method were recorded. The lactose method’s results were unified divided by 100,
in order to compare with LST method’s results(MPN/mL).
Table 118.1 Results of VRBA plate method, lactose method and LST method (0–100 cfu/mL
Number VRBA plate method Lactose LST
(cfu mL) method(MPN mL) method(MPN mL)
1 2 \3 \3
2 3 \3 \3
3 3 4 3
4 5 7 3
5 8 12 9.4
6 6 7 7.4
7 30 24 27
8 22 29 20
9 45 42 43
10 41 42 38
11 33 42 38
12 35 42 38
13 40 53 43
14 100 95 93
15 1 \3 \3
16 3 3 3
17 2 \3 \3
18 4 3 3
19 4 \3 \3
20 16 12 15
21 18 19 15
22 16 20 16
23 93 95 93
24 44 39 43
25 47 36 43
118 Discussion on the New and the Old Country Mark 1111
Table 118.2 Results of VRBA plate method, lactose method and LST method (100–1100 cfu/mL
No. VRBA plate method (cfu mL) Lactose method (MPN mL) LST method(MPN mL)
1 110 93 93
2 145 120 150
3 120 150 120
4 250 240 210
5 200 160 160
6 115 120 93
7 321 290 290
8 477 460 460
9 224 240 240
10 208 160 150
Table 118.3 Results of VRBA plate method, lactose method and LST method (C1100 cfu/mL
No. VRBA plate method (cfu mL) Lactose method (MPN mL) LST method(MPN mL)
1 Cannot be counted 1100 [1100
2 Cannot be counted [2400 [1100
3 Cannot be counted [2400 [1100
4 1200 [2400 [1100
5 Cannot be counted [2400 [1100
6 Cannot be counted [2400 [1100
7 Cannot be counted 1100 [1100
8 1132 [2400 [1100
9 Cannot be counted [2400 [1100
10 Cannot be counted [2400 [1100
confirmed that E. coli bacteria liquid test results of two methods were credible and
accurate. According to Table 118.1, the otherness of two detection methods by T
inspection method was compared. Established hypothesis as followed, H0:
la = 0, mean that lactose method and LST method had no otherness, H1 la = 0,
level of significance is a = 0.05.
Calculated datas as formula (118.1) and (118.2) showed:
uP P .
u d 2 ð d Þ2
t n
Sd ¼ ð118:1Þ
t¼ pffiffiffi ð118:2Þ
Sd= n
d ¼ 32:2; d ¼ 32:2=25 ¼ 1:29; n = 25; d2 ¼ 376:92
1112 L. Huang et al.
376:92 ð32:2Þ2 =25
Sd ¼ ¼ 3:74
t¼ pffiffiffiffiffi ¼ 1:72; v ¼ n 1 ¼ 24
3:74: 25
a = 0.05, t0.05(24) = 2.064 was read from T test critical value table. In this
case, t \ t0.05(24), so P [ 0.05, mean it isn’t refused to H0. This result explained
lactose method and LST method had no significant difference in statistics, when
the bacteria liquid concentration was 0–100 cfu/mL. But it still could not be
considered that the value and actual significance of the two methods were just the
Results of 100–1100 cfu/mL concentration were analyzed the otherness. As
Table 118.2 shown, the actual number of colonies by VRBA plate method also
were found in the MPN 95 % confidence interval. Therefore results of two
methods also were credible and accurate. The otherness of two detection methods
under this concentration (100–1100 cfu/mL concentration) was compared.
Established hypothesis as followed, H0: la = 0, H1: la = 0, level of significance
is a = 0.05. Calculations’ result was t = 1.15. When a was 0.05, t0.05(9) read from
table was 2.262. In this situation, t \ t0.05(9), so P [ 0.05, mean it isn’t refused to
H0 either. This result explained two detection methods had no significant differ-
ence in statistics, when the bacteria liquid concentration was 100–1100 cfu/mL.
According to datas in Table 118.3, when LST method detected bacteria liquid
concentration just over 1,100 MPN/mL, lactose method’s results always displayed
great than or equal to 2,400 MPN/mL. That was far beyond the reality number,
however, these results of VRBA plate were still in 95 % confidence interval. But
the otherness of two methods could not be calculated accurately.
Three kinds of samples, pollution-free eggs, sour milk beverages and tablewares,
totally 65 samples in all, were respectively detected coliform numbers by lactose
method and LST method, testing whether they exceed corresponding standard of
themselves. The test results were shown in Table 118.4 and Table 118.5.
Results of samples were analyzed the otherness. As data were shown in
Table 118.4, paired sample T test was used, and established hypothesis as fol-
lowed, H0: la = 0, H1: la = 0, level of significance a was 0.05. Calculations
result, t was 0.80. When a was 0.05, t0.05(29) read from T test critical value table
was 2.045. In this case, t \ t0.05(29), so P [ 0.05, which mean it isn’t refused to
H0. This result explained lactose method and LST method had no significant
difference in statistics, which was also conformed with standard liquid detection
118 Discussion on the New and the Old Country Mark 1113
Table 118.4 The detection results of pollution-free eggs detected by lactose method and LST
Number Lactose method (MPN 100 mL) LST method (MPN 100 mL)
1 40 30
2 60 30
3 90 110
4 70 \30
5 90 94
6 90 72
7 110 140
8 90 74
9 120 140
10 \30 \30
11 \30 \30
12 \30 \30
13 \30 \30
14 \30 \30
15 \30 \30
16 60 30
17 40 30
18 70 62
19 60 61
20 90 94
21 90 94
22 90 74
23 30 30
24 \30 \30
25 \30 \30
26 \30 \30
27 \30 \30
28 \30 \30
29 \30 \30
30 30 30
Table 118.5 The unqualified results of coliform detected by lactose method and LST method
Sample Number of Lactose method LST method
used samples
Number of Rate of Number of Rate of
unqualified unqualified unqualified unqualified
(%) (%)
Egg 30 2 6.7 3 10
Beverage 10 0 0 0 0
Tableware 25 2 8 3 12
Total 65 4 6.2 6 9.2
1114 L. Huang et al.
118.4 Conclusion
118.4.1 Conclusions
Bacteria liquid with different concentration, 0–100 cfu/mL, 100–1100 cfu/mL and
greater than 1,100 cfu/mL, totally 45 samples in all were respectively detected
coliform number by VRBA plate method, lactose method and LST method. The
results were shown that, within MPN 95 % confidence interval, lactose method
and LST method were credible and accurate. Meanwhile, two detection methods
were analyzed by statistical analysis, and the results had no significant difference
in statistics. Three kinds of samples, pollution-free eggs, beverages, tablewares,
totally 65 samples in all, were detected by lactose method and LST method, and
the results indicated that the value had no statistical meaning and the unqualified
rate of LST method was higher than lactose method, average higher 48.4 %.
118.4.2 Discussion
(1) The MPN index of LST method and lactose method are different. MPN index are
not established on large number of previous test results, they are calculated from
the Poisson distribution [7–9]. The intercommunity about two detection meth-
ods’ MPN index was researched by Tan et al. [10]. Through the series calcu-
lations comparison, under three consecutive dilution gradients, two methods’
MPN index could be interchangeable used. In this paper, a problem was found,
when the positive tube numbers are 1–2–3 or 2–1–3, the corresponding results
118 Discussion on the New and the Old Country Mark 1115
couldn’t be found in LST method’s MPN index, but could be found in lactose’s
MPN index. MPN index of LST method indeed lack some positive tube num-
bers’ corresponding results. We think that indications lack in LST method’s
MPN may be consisted in the 95 % confidence interval of adjacent positive tube
readings. And if the conclusions as Tan et al. described, when MPN value can’t
be found in LST method, it can be obtained from lactose method’s MPN index.
(2) Two methods’ mediums are different. Tryptone in LST method’s medium is
superior to peptone and better for the coliform group to absorb nitrogen
source. Lauryl sodium sulfate (bacteriostatic agent) in LST method medium
has surface activity effect. And this bacteriostatic agent is easier for thalli
dispersion. The activity of gram-negative bacteria also cloud be improved by
this bacteriostatic agent [11]. Buffer in LST medium was the mixed solution of
dipotassium phosphate and monopotassium phosphate, which can keep med-
ium pH relative stability.
(3) Two methods’ steps are different. The pH should be controlled during sample
treatment in LST method. Although this step was operated under aseptic
condition, it still may be polluted by small amount bacteria. Pollution may also
exist during fussy operation process in lactose method, especially during the
step of gram stain and picking typical colonies [12–14]. Incipient time of LST
method last (48 ± 2) h, that is more than lactose method’s incipient time. It
was found that extended the time of incipient process was benefit for the
damaged cells getting recovery, and reducing the rate of residual. The result in
this paper that unqualified rate of LST method was higher than lactose method
just coincided with the theory above [15–17].
In general, it was found that lactose method and LST method had no difference
in statistics in this research. But the unqualified rates of LST method were obvious
higher than lactose method. Those conclusions fit with Zheng and Wang’s
researches [18–20]. In addition, national health standards of most samples are still
using MPN value unit, MPN per 100 mL(g), that is one reason why the new
country mark can’t be applied in most filed. We hope the related departments will
take some appropriate adjustments in future.
6. Qian CR, Huang YX (1997) Microbiology experiment course. Beijing University Press,
Haidian, p 196
7. Jin PH (2003) Medical statistics. Fudan University Press, Shanghai, pp 207–209
8. Shen B, Wang YQ, Xu JH (2009) Data evaluation about the TEMPO instrument detection
coliform in food using MPN theory. J Insp Quar 19:39–40 (in Chinese)
9. Xu BJ (1985) The theory of probability about MPN of coliform. Environ Prot Tech 10:1–5
(in Chinese)
10. Tan Z, Wei YX, Luo DP et al (2012) The intercommunity discussion about GB 4789.3-2010
and GB/T4789.3-2003 MPN index.Guangxi J Light Ind 4:121–122 (in Chinese)
11. Liu JZ, Huang K, Chen WL (2003) Medium affect the total bacterial count and its
improvement. Food Sci 24:105–108 (in Chinese)
12. Zhang P, Zhang JQ, He XS (2003) Coliform detection problems in food detection. Agric
Tech 23:33–34 (in Chinese)
13. Wang XJ, Zhao L, Jiao AY (2000) Problem study in total bacterial count and total coliform
group detection. J Shandong Environ (supplement):130 (in Chinese)
14. Lu SB (2003). Development trend of food intestinal bacteria family detection. China Food
Ind 11:56–57 (in Chinese)
15. Zhang Y, Liu HC, Yin QZ et al (2005) A study on the method of recovering the freeze-
injured Escherichia coli at—20.Chinese J Health Lab Tech 15:289–292 (in Chinese)
16. Nakagawa H, Hara KY, Kojina T et al (2000) Detection of freeze-injured Escherichia coli
O157:H7 cells from foods by resuscitation prior to selectice enrichment. Int J Food Microbiol
17. Hara KY, Ikedo M, Kodaka H et al (2000) Selective enrichment with a resuscitation step for
isolation of freeze-injured Escherichia coli O157:H7 from foods. Appl Environ Microb
18. Zheng ES (2010).The Country Mark GBT4789. 3- 2003 and GBT4789. 3- 2008 examination
is intelligent sex research.Anhui Agric Sci Bull 16:227, 276 (in Chinese)
19. Wang Q (2011) Research of the otherness in detecting the coliform bacteria from lactose
method and LST method. Food Sci Tech 36:22–26 (in Chinese)
20. Li Q (2010) Discussing the difference between GB 4789.2-2003 and GB 4789.2-2010, GB
4789.3-2003 and GB 4789.3-2010.Food Ferment Tech 46:69–71 (in Chinese)
Chapter 119
Screening Autotetraploid Plantlets
of Glycyrrhiza uralnesis Fisch
by Colchicine-Treated Bud Culture
Xinglin Li, Junting Lu, Xuefei Cao, Na Zhao, Yang Han, Aijia Cao,
Jie Ding and Jun Zhao
Keywords Autotetraploid
Chromosome counts Chromosome doubling
Colchicine Glycyrrhiza uralnesis Fisch
119.1 Introduction
Polyploidy plants usually grow bigger than those of the diploid plant, thus they can
increase the biomass or product yields [1–3]. Research on the induction, identi-
fication, and chemical analysis of the polyploidy plantlets of Salvia miltiorrihiza
was reported by Gao et al. [4], and the selected 61-2-22, an excellent autotetraploid
plant, was higher than the control in major chemical compounds and developed
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1117
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_119, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1118 X. Li et al.
into a new variety for large-scale production. Glycyrrhiza uralnesis Fisch is also a
kind of traditional Chinese medicinal plant with many important usages, whose
roots have glycyrrhizinic acid, glycyrrhizin, and glycyrrbetinic acid [5–9]. How-
ever, owing to low induction ratio of the autotetraploid, for further study, lack of
abundant mutants will become one of the biggest problems. In this paper, the aim
is to optimize mutant condition to screen more autotetraploid of G. uralnesis Fisch
by different concentrations of colchicine.
Seeds of G. uralnesis Fisch were purchased from the medicinal market in Tianjin.
In this paper, from seed treatment to bud induction, the culture procedure was
performed as described by Gao et al. [4, 10].
The roots treated were observed under microscope. Figure 119.2 shows the dif-
ferences of the cells between normal and over-treated root tips. The cell formation
from the latter was mostly changed into rotundity, in which the cells will have
difficulty in distinguishing chromosome count and morphology. Optimizing
treatment condition of root tip, all tested materials were assayed by individual
Fig. 119.1 The seeds bourgeon observation at different concentrations of colchicine: a 0.10 %;
b 0.15 %; c 0.20 %; d 0.30 %
1120 X. Li et al.
Fig. 119.2 Two kinds of cells treated by dyeing and standing agents: a normal cell formation;
b over-treated cell formation
plant, and the cells divided into many mutants are lined in Fig. 119.3, in which the
variation consisted of the chromosome bridge, the sectorial chimera, and the
autopolyploid, respectively.
Fig. 119.3 Chromosome counts and morphological observations of the root tip cells from G.
uralnesis Fisch: a shows the chromosome of the diploid cells; b, c, and d show the chromosome
of the mutant cells
119 Screening Autotetraploid Plantlets 1121
After transferring to medium with perlite for 2 weeks, the number of survival
buds, the actual survival ratio, and the mutant ration of all seedlings were counted
and analyzed according to treatment time and concentration of colchicine
(Table 119.1). Over 30 % autotetraploids might be obtained using 0.15 or 0.20 %
of colchicine for 12–36 h, whereas other treatments were very low at both actual
survival ratio and mutant ratio.
Table 119.1 Effect of colchicum on survival ratio and mutant ratio of seedlings
Treatment of Number of Number of Number of Actual survival Mutant
colchicum buds tested survival buds mutants ratio (%)a ratio (%)b
Time Concentration
(hrs) (%, w/v)
CK 100 78 0 100 0
12 0.1 100 27 5 34.6 18
0.15 100 25 6 32.1 24
0.2 100 16 5 20.5 31
0.3 100 9 2 11.5 22
Subtotal/Mean 400 77 18 24.7 23.4
24 0.1 100 24 4 30.8 21
0.15 100 20 7 25.6 35
0.2 100 13 3 16.7 23
0.3 100 5 1 6.4 20
Subtotal/Mean 400 62 15 19.9 24.2
36 0.1 100 19 4 24.4 21
0.15 100 10 3 12.8 30
0.2 100 7 1 9.0 14
0.3 100 2 0 2.6 0
Subtotal/Mean 400 38 8 12.2 21.1
48 0.1 100 10 1 12.8 10
0.15 100 4 0 5.2 0
0.2 100 1 0 1.3 0
0.3 100 0 0 0 0
Subtotal/Mean 400 15 1 4.8 6.7
Total/Mean not 1600 192 42 15.4 21.9
containing CK
Actual survival ratio (ASR, %) = survival number/(treatment seed number 9 survival ratio of
Mutation ratio (MR, %) = mutation number/survival number
1122 X. Li et al.
Fig. 119.4 Morphological comparisons between the diploid and autopolyploid from G. uralnesis
Fisch: a and d show the diploids; b, c, and e show the autotetraploids
Table 119.2 Biological comparison of the characteristics between diploids and autotetraploids
of G. uralnesis Fisch
Plantlet types Seedling Root Leaf Distance Axilla Stem Stem
height (cm) length color between buds perimeter color
(cm) leaves
Diploids(29, [7.0 [9.0 Thin Long Little Wide Poppy
CK) green
Autotetraploids 3.0–5.0 2.0–3.0 Thick Short Much Narrow Red
(49) green
119 Screening Autotetraploid Plantlets 1123
119.4 Conclusion
Colchicine of low concentration for a short time can promote bud development,
whereas high concentration colchicine for a long time is harmful for buds of G.
uralnesis Fisch. Moreover, over 30 % autotetraploids might be obtained using
0.15 or 0.20 % of colchicine for 12–36 h, but in comparison with diploids, the
plantlets of many autotetraploids became badly weak at first generation. Therefore,
the autotetraploids preliminary obtained will be faced to strictly screen according
to agricultural traits and effective component.
Acknowledgments The work was supported by ‘‘National Training Project of College Students’
Innovative and Pioneering Work in Tianjin’’ and ‘‘Natural Science Funds of Tianjin University of
Science and Technology (20100209).’’
Abstract A bacterium HS-A38 with antimicrobial activities was isolated from the
intestine of wild sea cucumbers in Dalian sea area. Based on the analysis of
morphological, physiological, and 16S rDNA sequence, the strain HS-A38 was
identified as Bacillus subtilis. Two bioactive substances (1 and 2) were purified
from the fermented broth of the Bacillus subtilis HS-A38 using the methods of
fractional sedimentation with ammonium sulfate, CM-52 ion-exchange chroma-
tography and Sephadex G-75 column. The SDS-PAGE analysis indicated that the
relative molecular weight of these bioactive substances were 41 kDa and 28 kDa,
respectively. The antibacterial spectra showed that substance 1 could only inhibit
Gram-positive bacteria, whereas substance 2 could significantly inhibit both the
Gram-positive and negative bacteria.
120.1 Introduction
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1125
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_120, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1126 Z. Liu et al.
Fresh sea cucumber intestine was grinded, shook, and mixed fully under the sterile
environment. The supernatant of the samples were progressively diluted with
sterilized ddH2O by gradient diluents of 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, and 10-5. Each
0.2 ml of them was spread onto marine agar 2216 media, incubated at 25 C for
2 days, and then selected the single cell colon based on the differences of the
sample and the morphological of the strains.
120 Screening of Antimicrobial Marine Microorganisms 1127
The marine selected bacteria strain with higher antibacterial activity than others was
selected and identified by chemotaxonomic, morphological characters, and its 16S
rDNA gene sequence. The sequence was initially analyzed on the NCBI (http:// using the BLAST tool and corresponding sequences were
retrieved. A similarity matrix was prepared using Dnadist program in PHYLIP
analysis package using Jukes-Cantor corrections. The phylogenetic tree was
constructed by the neighbor-joining method using the MEGA software package.
The strain was incubated in 2216E broth for 16 h at 28 C and 150 rpm. Then 2 %
of the seed culture was inoculated to fermentation media containing soluble starch
1.25 %, beef extract 2.5 %, steep water 1 %, Tween-80 0.01 %, and cultured on a
rotary shaker (150 rpm) at 28 C for 48 h. The cultured bacteria were centrifuged
at 8,000 rpm for 10 min and the supernatants were reserved.
whereas the supernatants without Protease k were used as a control. The antibiotic
activity of the two supernatant samples was tested by the method of ager well
The protein concentration was measured by the methods of Bradford using bovine
serum albumin. 15 % SDS–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was
performed to detect the purified bioactive substances.
120 Screening of Antimicrobial Marine Microorganisms 1129
120.3 Results
200 marine bacteria strains were isolated and tested for their antimicrobial
activities against M. lysodeikticus, S. aureus, V. parahemolyticus, and P. aeru-
ginosa. The results showed that 13 strains (accounting for 6.5 %) possessed
antimicrobial activities. As shown in Table 120.1, the strain HS-A38 exhibited the
strongest inhibitory effects against the four indicator strains. The inhibition zone of
the strain reached 24.6, 32.4, 36.0, 18.0 mm, respectively.
The strain HS-A38 was identified through morphological and molecular tools. It
was strictly aerobic, motile, Gram-positive, spore forming, and rod-shaped
(Fig. 120.1). Its 16S rDNA gene sequence with 1,648 bp showed 100 % similarity
with Bacillus sp (AB195282). The 16S rDNA sequence was submitted to GenBank
under the accession number GQ 466597. The NJ-based phylogenetic tree showed
that it stood with Bacillus sp clade (Fig. 120.2). Hence, the strain HS-A38 selected
in the present study was identified as Bacillus sp.
Compared with the no Protease k, the bacteria inhibition zone of the supernatant
with Protease k significantly diminished (Fig. 120.3). The results demonstrated
that the composition of the bioactive substances should contain proteins.
120 Screening of Antimicrobial Marine Microorganisms 1131
Fig. 120.4 CM-52 anion-exchange chromatography (a) and the chromatography of Sephadex G-
75 (b)
1132 Z. Liu et al.
The antimicrobial activities of substances 1 and 2 were tested with four indicator
strains (Fig. 120.6). The results showed that substance 1 exhibited inhibitory
effects against Gram-positive strains and substance 2 against both Gram-positive
and -negative bacteria (Table 120.2).
S1: substances 1
S2: substances 2
S1 S2
Micrococcus lysodeikticus
S1 S2 S2
120.4 Discussion
Acknowledgments This research was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China
(Grant no. 31072224), Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province of China(Grant no.
20102009), and Foundation of Liaoning Educational Committee for Innovation Team (Grant no.
1134 Z. Liu et al.
1. Hibbing ME, Fuqua C, Parsek MR et al (2010) Bacterial competition: surviving and thriving
in the microbial jungle. Nat Rev Microbiol 8:15–25
2. Demain AL, Sanchez S (2009) Microbial drug discovery: 80 years of progress. J Antibiot
3. Fischbach MA (2009) Antibiotics from microbes: converging to kill. Curr Opin Microbiol
4. Berdy J (2005) Bioactive microbial metabolites. J Antibiot 58:1–26
5. Nair S, Simidu U (1987) Distribution and significance of heterotrophic marine bacteria with
antibacterial activity. Appl Environ Microbiol 53:2957–2962
6. Long E, Azam F (2001) Antagonistic interactions among marine pelagic bacteria. Appl
Environ Microbiol 67:4975–4983
7. Zhang LX, An R, Wang JP et al (2005) Exploring novel bioactive compounds from marine
microbes. Curr Opin Microbiol 8:276–281
8. Gram L, Melchiorsen J, Bruhn JB (2010) Antibacterial activity of marine culturable bacteria
collected from a global sampling of ocean surface waters and surface swabs of marine
organisms. Mar Biotechnol 12:439–451
9. Hohmann C, Schneider K, Bruntner C et al (2009) Caboxamycin, a new antibiotic of the
benzoxazole family produced by the deep-sea strain streptomyces sp NTK 937. J Antibiot
10. Taylor MW, Radax R, Steger D et al (2007) Sponge-associated microorganisms: evolution,
ecology, and biotechnological potential. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 71:295–347
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the brown alga laminaria saccharina from the baltic sea. Mar Biotechnol 11:287–300
12. Rypien KL, Ward JR, Azam F (2010) Antagonistic interactions among coral-associated
bacteria. Environ Microbiol 12:28–39
13. Herndl H, Wiese J, Thiel V et al (2010) Phylogenetic diversity and antimicrobial activities of
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Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 79:925–930
120 Screening of Antimicrobial Marine Microorganisms 1135
121.1 Introduction
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1137
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_121, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1138 C. Zhang et al.
(half-life over 700 years) and atmosphere (half-life 79 days). Thus, it is difficult to
remove DCM from contaminated water [3]. DCM is toxic to the central nervous
system at high exposure levels in air [4]. Carcinogenicity of DCM has been also
reported in the mouse lung and liver and there is suspected carcinogenicity in
human liver and kidney [5]. Therefore, the researchers are very interested in
biodegradation of DCM [1, 6–8]. But, it is very important how to detect the
concentration of DCM during biodegradation experiments.
The analysis of volatile organic compounds in aqueous using gas chromatog-
raphy has been performed by some researchers [9–13]. They often use head space
and solid phase microextraction as inject sources [14–18]. Ibrahim A. Wasfi
detected the ethanol and abused inhalants in blood using headspace gas chroma-
tography (HS-GC)-mass spectrometry method [19]. M. Guardia Rubio analyzed the
pesticides in washing waters by solid-phase extraction-gas chromatography [20].
The aim of this study is to establish a method of detecting the concentration of
DCM in the waste water using HS-GC. The standard curve and its limit of
quantitation (LOQ) and limit of detection (LOD) are investigated.
HPLC-grad DCM was purchased from Concord (Tianjin, China). The waste water
was got back from a Wastewater treatment plant of pharmaceutical company. The
wastewater was boiled for 30 min prior to using blank solution and diluents.
An agilent 7890 gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector was used.
The column was a DB-624 (30 m 9 0.53 mm, 3 lm film thickness) from Agilent
Corporation. The injector was G1118 head-space injection resource. The carrier
gas was nitrogen gas. The method was as follows: the column flow is 3.0 ml/min,
constant flow mode; the split ratio was 5:1; the inlet temperature was 180 C; the
detector temperature was 250 C; the temperature program was 40 C for 4 min
followed ramp at 10 C/min to 200 C.
A 10 ml sample contained DCM was put into a 20 ml HS-GC vial (Agilent USA).
The head-space sampler conditions were: vial pressure is 14 psi, sample shaker is
121 Determination of Dichloromethane 1139
A stock solution of DCM standard in boiled sewage was prepared at 8 mg/l and
stored in refrigerator. The calibration standard solutions were prepared in boiled
waste water at 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2 , 4, 8 mg/l for HS-GC. All the solutions were
diluted with boiled waste water and always made extemporaneously.
For the sampling of DCM from the waste water, HS was preferred to direct sampling
for several reasons: equilibrium time was less than SPME; the contact of the fiber
with the sample was avoided. For this study, the oven temperature and the vial
equilibration time were observed and studied. Five temperatures (50, 60, 70, 80,
90 C) were investigated and the result was shown in Fig. 121.1. The vial equili-
bration time was studied at 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25 min and Fig. 121.2 showed the finding.
Figure 121.1 indicates that the head-space concentration of DCM was
increasing as the oven temperature was ascending. There was no increase when the
oven temperature exceeded 60 C. The result is related with the boiling point of
DCM. It is 39.75 C. Figure 121.2 shows that a equilibration time of 15 min gives
satisfactory results; a longer time did not result in increasing of the concentration
in the head space of vial. Therefore, 60 C and 15 min were used for heated
temperature and equilibration time of the vial, respectively.
1140 C. Zhang et al.
Peak area
(the DCM concentration was
2 mg/l) 45
50 60 70 80 90
Temperature / o C
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
equilibration time / min
We have optimized the different steps of the GC to higher the resolution and lower the
limit of detection. To examine the specificity of the method, we injected three
samples: blank solution, blank solution with DCM, and waste water. The chro-
matograms are shown in Fig. 121.3. The blank solution, waste water boiled 30 min,
is not obvious responded on the chromatographic condition. The response time of
DCM is 7.806 min. The resolution of DCM and other impurities are all more than 1.5.
Fig. 121.3 Chromatogram under the method condition. a the blank solution, b the blank solution
with DCM, c the waste water
In our study, the calibration curve in the concentration rang from 0.05 to 8 mg/l
of DCM in the matrix was prepared. In order to overcome the problem of the
matrix effect, the standard solutions were prepared by boiled waste water. The
linear relation between peak area and the DCM concentration in waste water is
presented in Fig. 121.4. The values for the intercept and slope for the regression
line y = a ? bx were calculated to be a = -0.28 ± 1.15, b = 23.56 ± 0.33 for
seven points (n = 7) at the 95 % confidence limit. The correlation coefficient of
the line was calculated to be R = 0.9995. From this regression line DCM
concentration in waste water were calculated.
The 2 mg/l DCM solution was used as the system precision solution. Six replicate
injections of the system precision solution were injected in the chromatograph and
1142 C. Zhang et al.
Peak area
0 2 4 6 8
Concentration of DCM(mg/L)
recorded the retention time and peak area responses. The RSD % of retention time
and peak area responses was calculated. The RSD % of peak area and retention
time is not more than 2.0 %. The result is in line with the requirement of system
The 1 mg/l DCM solution was used as the method precision solution. Two
replicate injections of each sample solution, record the peak area of DCM. The
assay of DCM RSD % is not more than 2.0 %. The result accords with the
requirement of method precision.
121.4 Conclusion
For the determination of DCM in waste water, the head space gas chromatographic
procedure was verified. The head space procedure was investigated and the result was
fine. In the concentration rang between 0.05 and 8 mg/l of DCM, a linear response
was observed. The correlation coefficient was 0.9995 for the calibration plot. The
system and method precision were in line with the requirement (RSD \ 2.0 %).
The LOD and LOQ, observed in this study, were 0.01 and 0.004 mg/l, respectively.
In comparison with extraction and adsorption procedures for DCM in waste
water, the head space method is faster and more accurate when the DCM
concentration is obviously low. Nevertheless, the precision measured by head
space method was reduced.
121 Determination of Dichloromethane 1143
This study verified that the procedure described in this paper can be
successfully used for the determination of DCM in waste water in pharmacy
Acknowledgments The financial support of the Tianjin science and technology plan project
(Science and technology innovation fund for small and medium-sized enterprises NO.
11ZXCXGX16300) is gratefully acknowledged.
1. Krausova VI, Robb FT, Gonza0 lez JM (2003) Bacterial degradation of dichloromethane in
cultures and natural environments. J Microbiol Methods 54:419–422
2. U.S. International Trade Commission (1986) Synthetic organic chemicals. U.S. production
and sales. U.S. International Trade Commission, Washington, pp 1970–1985
3. Mackay DM, Cherry JA (1986) Groundwater contamination: pump-and-treat remediation.
Environ Sci Technol 23:630–636
4. WHO Working Group (1996) In: Methylene chloride-environmental health criteria 164.
World Health Organization, Geneva, p. 21
5. Sakai T, Morita Y, Wakui C (2002) Biological monitoring of workers exposed to
dichloromethane, using head-space gas chromatography. J Chromatogr B 778:245–250
6. Edwards RR, Campbell J, Milne GS (1982) The impact of chloromethanes on the
environment part 2, methyl chloride and methylene chloride. Chem Ind 41:619–627
7. Gälli R, Leisinger T (1985) Specialized bacterial strains for the removal of dichloromethane
from industrial waste. Conserv Recycl 8:91–100
8. Freedman DL, Gossett JM (1991) Biodegradation of dichloromethane and its utilization as a
growth substrate under methanogenic conditions. Appl Environ Microbiol 57:2847–2857
9. Kuráň P, Soják L (1996) Environmental analysis of volatile organic compounds in water and
sediment by gaschromatography. J Chromatogr A 773:119–141
10. Ashley DL, Bonin MA, Frederick L et al (1992) Determining volatile organic compounds in
human blood from a large sample population by using purge and trap gas chromatography/
mass spectrometry. Anal Chem 64(9):1021–1029
11. Cassada DA, Zhang Y, Snow DD et al (2000) Trace analysis of ethanol, MTBE, and related
oxygenate compounds in water using solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography/
mass spectrometry. Anal Chem 72(19):4654–4658
12. Sarafraz-Yazdi A, Mosadegh M, Amiri A (2011) Determination of volatile organic
compounds in environmental water samples using three solid-phase microextraction fibers
based on sol–gel technique with gas chromatography–flame ionization detector. Anal
Methods 3:1877–1886
13. Leong MI, Huang SD (2012) Determination of volatile organic compounds in water using
ultrasound-assisted emulsification microextraction followed by gas chromatography. J Sep
Sci 35:688–694
14. Cervera MI, Beltran J, Lopez FJ et al (2011) Determination of volatile organic compounds in
water by head space-solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography coupled to tandem
mass spectrometry with triple quadrupole analyzer. Anal Chim Acta 74:87–97
15. Li YT, McCarty CL, George EdJ (2011) Determination of selected semi-volatile organic
compounds in water using automated online solid-phase extraction with large-volume
injection/gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Fron Env Sci Eng 5(3):417–425 (in
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16. Zhang ZM, Wang QT, Li GK (2012) Fabrication of novel nanoporous array anodic alumina
solid-phase microextraction fiber coating and its potential application for headspace sampling
of biological volatile organic compounds. Anal Chim Acta 727:13–19
17. Cervera MI, Beltran J, Lopez FJ, Hernandez F (2011) Determination of volatile organic
compounds in water by headspace solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography coupled
to tandem mass spectrometry with triple quadrupole analyzer. Anal Chim Acta 704:87–97
18. Vera H, Raquel S, José Luís M et al (2012) Response surface optimisation applied to a
headspace-solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method for
the analysis of volatile organic compounds in water matrices. Int J Environ An Ch
19. Wasfi IA, Al-Awadhi AH, Naser Z et al (2004) Rapid and sensitive static headspace gas
chromatography–mass spectrometry method for the analysis of ethanoland abused inhalants
in blood. J Chromatogr B 799:331–336
20. Guardia Rubio M, Ruiz Medina A, Pascual Reguera MI et al (2007) Multi residue analysis of
three groups of pesticides in washing waters from olive processing by solid-phase extraction-
gas chromatography with electron capture and thermionic specific detection. Microchem J
Chapter 122
Simulation of Bio-syngas Production
from Biomass Gasification via Pressurized
Interconnected Fluidized Beds
Keywords Pressurized Interconnected fluidized beds Bio-syngas Simulation
Biomass gasification
122.1 Introduction
Since biomass is one kind of renewable, clean energy, and can achieve the goal of
CO2 zero-emission and reduce the greenhouse effect during its industrial utiliza-
tion, its development and employment has obtained great attentions all over the
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1145
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_122, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1146 F. Feng et al.
Gasifier is the core equipment of the biomass gasification process, which can be
classified as fixed bed gasifiers and fluidized bed ones. The interconnected fluid-
ized beds gasifiers are evolved from the conventional fluidized bed gasifiers [10].
The scheme of biomass gasification in interconnected fluidized beds is illustrated
in Fig. 122.1 [11]. It is in a loop with end-to-end configuration composed of a
circulating fluidized bed as a combustor, and a bubbling fluidized bed as a gasifier.
The circulating fluidized bed is designed for combustion fed with air as gasifi-
cation agent and the bubbling fluidized bed for biomass gasification fed with steam
as gasification agent. The gasification-required heat is achieved by means of the
circulation of bed particles (sand, ash, etc.), which serve as the heat carrier and
circulate in the system. In this way, the gasification and combustion processes are
separated from each other [12, 13].
Air Steam
Bed material and char
122 Simulation of Bio-syngas Production 1147
The whole biomass fed into the interconnected fluidized beds is divided into
two parts, which are BiomC and BiomG, respectively. One part (BiomG) is fed
into the bubbling fluidized bed (gasifier), where the biomass mixes with the steam
and hot bed particles, and the intense exchange of heat and mass occurs. Then the
volatile compounds in the biomass evaporate, followed by the pyrolysis of the
biomass. The reactions between gaseous product after pyrolysis combined with
solid residual and steam occur, where gases such as CO and H2 are generated [12].
The reactions occurring in the gasifier include [14, 15]:
0 0
Water gas: C þ H2 O ! CO þ H2 þ DHfð298KÞ ; DHfð298KÞ
¼ þ130:414 kJ=mol ð122:1Þ
0 0
Water-gas shift: CO þ H2 O ! CO2 þ H2 þ DHfð298KÞ ; DHfð298KÞ
¼ 42:200 kJ=mol ð122:2Þ
0 0
Boudouard: C þ CO2 ! 2CO þ DHfð298KÞ ; DHfð298KÞ ¼ þ 172:615 kJ=mol
0 0
Methanation: C þ 2H2 ! CH4 þ DHfð298KÞ ; DHfð298KÞ ¼ 74:900 kJ=mol
0 0
Steam reforming: CH4 þ H2 O ! CO þ 3H2 þ DHfð298KÞ ; DHfð298KÞ
¼ þ205:310 kJ=mol
The other part (BiomC) is burnt in a circulating fluidized bed (combustor)
where the bed particles carry a great deal of heat. The flue gas carrying hot bed
particles from the combustor passes through a separator, where the hot particles
are separated from the flue gas and pass into the gasifier, providing the heat needed
for the biomass gasification. The unseparated particles are expelled from the
system in the form of flowing ash with the flue gas. The char mixed with the cold
bed particles in the gasifier is back-passed into the combustor to combust.
Based on the application of Aspen Plus software, the following assumptions were
made [12, 16]:
(1) The combustor and the gasifier were operated under a steady state, and the
reactions reached the chemical equilibrium.
(2) Pressure losses in the combustor and the gasifier were not considered.
1148 F. Feng et al.
(3) The product gas of biomass gasification included H2, CO, CO2, CH4, H2O, N2,
H2S, NH3, COS, and SO2 and the solid products were ash and unburnt carbon.
Tar was not taken into account.
(4) Ash in biomass and bed particles (sand) were inert and would not participate in
the chemical reactions.
The simulation flowchart of bio-syngas production from biomass gasification in
pressurized interconnected fluidized beds was shown in Fig. 122.2. The whole
model mainly consisted of two basic modules, a gasification module and a com-
bustion module. The gasification module was composed of a pyrolyzer and a
gasifier, and the combustion module included a decomposer and a combustor. The
pyrolyzer block corresponded to Ryield block of Aspen Plus, whose function was
to decompose biomass into simple components. Unreacted char from the gasifier
was separated by a cyclone, and sent to the combustor of the combustion module.
The bed materials from the combustor (sand) were circulating, whereby the heat
was carried from the gasification module to the combustion module. Water was
heated in the steam generator with the flue gas from the combustor to provide the
gasifier with steam as the gasification agent.
The whole model of gasification module and combustion module was based on
the principle of minimization of Gibbs free energy, which originated from the
Rgibbs block of Aspen Plus. The Gibbs free energy is minimal when the chemical
equilibrium for the process is achieved [17]. Based on mass balance, chemical
equilibrium, and energy balance between the gasifier and the combustor, the
mathematical model for the gasification process was set up.
Heat Loss 1
Pyrolyzing Heat Water Condenser Gas Separator
Other Gas
Pyrolyzer Water
Superheated Steam Heat Release 1
Water Heater
Heat Transfer 1
Heat Release 2
Pyrolyzing Heat
Combustor Flue Gas Cold Flue Gas
Pyrogenation Production
Air Compressor
The biomass sample was the pine sawdust from Jiangsu Province, China. The
proximate analysis and the ultimate analysis of biomass were illustrated in
Table 122.1.
The operating conditions and primary parameters in the simulation were shown
in Table 122.2.
The product gas from biomass gasifier was mainly composed of bio-syngas
(H2 ? CO), CO2 and CH4. Figures 122.3, 122.4, 122.5 showed the influences on
its composition.
The product gas composition was shown as a function of gasifier temperature in
Fig. 122.3. In the case where the gasifier pressure remained 0.4 MPa and the S/
B was 0.6, the bio-syngas content was varied around 60–90 mol % at the gasifier
temperature range of 650–950 C and with the rise of gasifier temperature, it
increased and kept nearly constant at the temperature of about 800 C, whilst the
CO2 and CH4 content decreased correspondingly. The product gas composition in
the biomass gasifier is the result of the combination of a series of complex and
Table 122.1 Proximate and Proximate analysis (wt%) Ultimate analysis (wt%)
ultimate analysis of biomass
Moisture 7.89 C 40.06
Fixed carbon 14.77 H 5.61
Volatile 75.78 O 43.88
Ash 1.56 N 0.90
Low heating value (MJ/kg) 14.47 S 0.10
Figure 122.5 indicated the influence of S/B on product gas composition. When
the gasification temperature was 750 C and the gasification pressure remained
0.4 MPa, as the S/B increased, the bio-syngas content was not affected so evi-
dently, while CH4 content decreased and the CO2 content increased. More S/
B meant more steam participated in the reactions, which would promote reactions
(122.1), (122.2), and (122.5) toward the right direction.
600 700 800 900 1000
Gasification temperature [ oC]
S/B also had great influence on the carbon conversion of biomass. As shown in
Fig. 122.7, in the case where gasification temperature was 750 C and the gasi-
fication pressure was 0.4 MPa, with the increase of S/B, the carbon conversion
increased and then decreased, and reached maximum for the S/B of about 0.4.
As the S/B was lower than 0.4, there was not enough steam to react with the
biomass, and reactions (122.1), (122.2), and (122.5) may not reach a state of
completion. With the increase of S/B, more steam took part in the above reactions
and made the carbon conversion increase. However, larger S/B meant excessive
water was fed into the system, which resulted in more carbon that was needed in
the combustor to provide heat to make the water evaporate and overheat. Thus,
less biomass went into the gasifier, which led to a decrease of the carbon
conversion correspondingly.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
122 Simulation of Bio-syngas Production 1153
0.1 MPa
30 0.2 MPa
0.3 MPa
0.4 MPa
25 0.5 MPa
0.6 MPa
600 700 800 900 1000
Gasification temperature [ oC]
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
122.6 Conclusions
With the Aspen Plus software, simulation of bio-syngas production from biomass
gasification via pressurized interconnected fluidized beds was carried out. Some
valuable results were obtained as follows.
(1) Bio-syngas content in the product gas was influenced by the gasification
temperature, pressure, and S/B. It increased with the gasification temperature
rising, while the gasification pressure and S/B had a weak effect on it.
(2) When S/B remained 0.6, the carbon conversion of biomass decreased with the
increase of gasification temperature at the same gasification pressure, while it
increased with the rise of gasification pressure at the same gasification tem-
perature. In the case where gasification temperature was 750 C and the
gasification pressure 0.4 MPa, with the increase of S/B, the carbon conversion
increased and then decreased, and reached maximum as the S/B was about 0.4.
(3) When S/B was kept 0.6, bio-syngas yield almost increased with the increase of
gasification temperature at different gasification pressure. It kept a high value
as the gasification temperature was higher than 750 C.
(4) To achieve a high content of bio-syngas and high carbon conversion and bio-
syngas yield, the gasification temperature could be higher than 750 C, and the
gasification pressure and S/B could not be too high.
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of
China (2010CB732206).
122 Simulation of Bio-syngas Production 1155
123.1 Introduction
Soy sauce, a traditional oriental food condiment with a salty taste and distinct
fragrance, is becoming more and more popular worldwide. Soy sauce fermentation
includes high-salt liquid fermentation mostly used in Japan and low-salt solid
fermentation usually applied in China. During soy sauce fermentation processes
salt-tolerant yeasts, such as Zygosaccharomyces rouxii, Torulopsis versatilis and
Candida versatilis are very important for flavor formation [1]. The concentration
of salt is 18 % in the high salt liquid fermentation of soy sauce, which causes high
osmotic stress [2]. In this environment, the metabolic activity of the yeast is low
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1157
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_123, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1158 L. Hou et al.
due to the high salt content of the soy sauce mash, where yeasts need to have the
ability of adjustment to the poor condition [3].
The gene GPD1 plays an important role in the adaptation to the hyper-osmotic
stress dependent on signal transduction pathways, and especially the transcription
controlled by the yeast High Osmolarity Glycerol (HOG) response pathway that
mediates cellular adaptation to hyperosmotic stress and is responsible for the pro-
duction of glycerol in yeast [4]. The gene GPD1 encodes the glycerol-3-phosphate
dehydrogenase (GPDH) which is related to glycerol synthesis [5]. The transcrip-
tional change in GPD1 seems to revolve around metabolism and is similar to that
caused by other stresses although Gpd1p in glycerol production and active glycerol
uptake is among those upregulated in a Hog1-dependent manner [6]. In case of
hyper-osmotic stress, yeast cells must react to the presence of external osmolytes
that alter the osmotic pressure acting on the cell. Part of the response consists of the
production of the intracellular osmolyte glycerol, a compatible solute, to increase the
internal osmolarity of the cell [7].
In the present work, SGPD1 was cloned and expressed in Saccharomyces
cerevisiae to analyze the cellular impact on salt tolerance and glycerol. Growth
characteristics, osmotic tolerance, and fermentation performance conditions of the
engineered strains were studied in the present work.
The Z. rouxii (S yeast) and S. cerevisiae strain W303-1A (MATa leu2 ura3 trp1
his3 ade2 can1) were used in this study. The yeast cells were cultivated with
shaking after pre-cultivation for 2–3 days at 30 C in YPD medium (1 % yeast
extract, 2 % peptone and 2 % glucose) and YPDN (6–18 % NaCl dissolved in
normal YPD substrate) or CM-URA medium (0.67 %w/v yeast nitrogen base
without amino acids, 2 % glucose and 0.192 % CM-URA powder). The high
fidelity E.coil Top 10 was used for plasmid propagation, grown with shaking in LB
(0.5 % yeast extract, 1 % peptone, 1 % NaCl pH = 7.2) medium at 37 C. The
X-Gal LBA plate (50 ng/ml ampicillin, 0.5 mmol/l IPTG and 40 ug/ml X-Gal)
was used to screen the colonies. The plasmids were transformed into the strain
W303-1A by the lithium acetate method [8].
PCR was performed using high-fidelity Pfu DNA polymerase to clone the SGPD1
123 Research on Salt-tolerant Gene 1159
SGPD1 was digested with SphI and HindIII and then inserted into the sequencing
vector pUC19 to achieve the plasmids pUC19-S. The sequence of plasmids pUC19-S
was confirmed by DNA sequence analysis. Simultaneously, SGPD1 gene was cloned
into the plasmid YEp195, constructing the plasmids YEp195-S (Y-S). Subsequently,
the plasmids YEp195-S (Y-S) and the plasmids YEp195 were transformed into
W303-1A, forming the strains W303-YEp195-S (WYS) and W303-YEp195 (W-Y),
The cells were grown in YPD media and harvested at 0.5 of OD550 to determine
intracellular and extracellular glycerol. The cells were then pre-cultivated in fresh
media and incubated for 1 h at 30 C. Cell extracts were prepared [10] and
glycerol was analyzed enzymatically using a glycerol assay kit (Applygen, China).
The GPD1 genes amplified from genomic DNA from S yeast was cloned into
pUC19 and subsequently sequenced. The results showed the length of open
reading frame (ORF) of SGPD1 was 1167 bp, which encoded a 389 amino-acid
1160 L. Hou et al.
protein, and the sequences of the promoter and the terminator (data now shown).
The GPD1 sequence of S yeast was the same as that of CBS732 (http://www. using blastn,
which suggests gene GPD1 present in Z. rouxii was conserved and played crucial
roles in osmoregulation. In our lab, other salt-tolerant genes of S and S3-2, such as
HOG1 and FPS1, are studied.
After sequencing, the second structure of SGPD1 was constituted to analyze the
quality of coding proteins for further research. The amino acids sequence of
SGPD1 was determined using Anthepro software. It was found structure composed
of all alpha 2.99, all beta 3.34, alpha ? beta 2.89, alpha/beta 1.88, and irregular
2.02. As shown in Fig. 123.1, the prediction of isoelectric point of SGPD1 was
Gray value
0 8% 18%
Salt content
The strain S was cultured in the media with salt content of 8, 18 %, and without salt,
followed by extraction of RNA. The salt content of 8, 18 %, and without salt was
carried out because 8 % NaCl was mostly used in the low-salt solid soy sauce
fermentation and 18 % NaCl was usually added during the high-salt liquid soy sauce
fermentation. Gray value was IOD of end products/IOD of internal reference. The
transcription levels of SGPD1 was estimated using QPCR analysis with 18s rDNA
as endogenous reference. As shown in Fig. 123.2, the transcription level of SGPD1
in the media was reduced with increase in the salt content.
The plasmids YEplac195 and Y-S constructed in this study were transformed to
strain S. cerevisiae (W303-A), forming the engineered strains W-Y and WYS,
respectively. The resulting stains were cultivated in YPD with 8 and 18 % salt.
Figure 123.3 gives the growth of the strains. The results indicate that the
salt-tolerance of WYS was distinctly improved compared to the control W-Y. The
salt-tolerant analysis revealed that GPD1 of S had a significant effect on resistance
to high osmolarity in S. cerevisiae.
In addition, the glycerol contents in WYS along with the control W-Y grown in
YPD media with different salt were measured. WYS and W-Y were cultivated with
shaking in YPD media with 0, 8, and 18 % NaCl at 30 C for 2 or 3 days,
respectively. As shown in Fig. 123.4, for the same strain the glycerol content also
enhanced with the increase in the salt concentration, which indicated that the
glycerol could respond to the changes in external osmotic pressure. For the same
salinity, the glycerol content was of the order of WYS and W-Y. Meanwhile, the
glycerol content of WYS was higher than the control W-Y. Glycerol synthesis
plays significant physiological roles in metabolism of the yeast including
1162 L. Hou et al.
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
0.0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Fig. 123.3 Salt-tolerant analyses of the engineered strains WYS and WY in the presence of 8 %
(a) and 18 % NaCl (b)
Glycerol content (mg/mL)
30 W-Y
25 WYS
0 8% 18%
Salt content
Fig. 123.4 Glycerol concentration of the engineered strains WY and WYS in the presence of 0,
8, and 18 % NaCl, respectively
123.4 Conclusion
1. Cao XH, Hou LH, Lu MF et al (2010) Genome shuffling accelerated and enhanced flavor
formation of soy sauce by improving salt-tolerance of Candida versatilis. Int J Food Sci Tech
2. Yokotsuka T (1986) Soy sauce biochemistry. Adv Food Res 30:195–329
3. Luh BS (1995) Industrial production of soy sauce. J Ind Microbiol 14:467–471
4. Hohmann S (2002) Osmotic stress signaling and osmoadaptation in yeasts. Mol Biol Rev
5. Albertyn J, Hohmann S, Thevelein JM et al (1994) GPD1, which encodes glycerol 3-
phosphate dehydrogenase, is essential for growth under osmotic stress in Saccharomyces
cerevisiae and the high-osmolarity glycerol response pathway regulates its expression. Mol
Cel Biol 13:4135–4144
6. O’Rourke SM, Herskowitz I (1998) The Hog1 MAPK prevents cross talk between the HOG
and pheromone response MAPK pathways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genes Dev
7. Hohmann S, Krantz M, Nordlander B (2007) Yeast osmoregulation. Methods Enzymol
8. Schiestl RH, Gietz RD (1989) High efficiency transformation of intact yeast cells using single
stranded nucleic acids as carrier. Curr Genet 16:339–346
9. Causton HC, Ren B, Koh SS et al (2001) Remodeling of yeast genome expression in response
to environmental changes. Mol Biol Cell 12:323–337
10. Andre L, Nilsson A, Adler L (1988) The role of glycerol in osmotolerance of the yeast
Debaryomyces hansenii. J Gen Microbiol 144:669–677
Chapter 124
Mutagenic Research on Ciliary
Neurotrophic Factor (CNTF)
in Escherichia coli After Heavy
Ions Irradiation
Xiaodong Jin, Qingfeng Wu, Xinguo Liu, Yan Liu, Yong Chen, Jian
Lu and Lin Jiang
Abstract Based on the natural human CNTF gene, Ying et al. acquired CNTF-T
mutant and constructed Escherichia coli expressing CNTF. In order to increase the
yield and enhance the protein expression in the constructed E. coli, the strains were
irradiated with high-LET heavy ions. Some mutants were obtained in this work
and the mechanisms underlying the enhanced expression of CNTF in E. coli after
exposure to heavy ions are discussed in this paper.
124.1 Introduction
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1165
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_124, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1166 X. Jin et al.
124.2.2 Irradiation
Heavy ion irradiation (neon ions) was performed in the therapy terminal at the
Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL). The dose averaged LET of the
neon ion beam on samples was calculated to be 96.6 keV/lm, and the dose rate was
adjusted to be about 2 Gy/min. Doses from 0 to 30 Gy were applied in this work.
Four hours before irradiation, the strains were spread on the LB plate incubated at
37 C. After irradiation, the samples were cultured in an incubator at 37 C until
obvious colonies appeared. Single colonies were counted as survivors.
The single colonies were isolated and cultured continuously in a rotary shaker. OD
values were detected every 60 min until 16 h. At the same time, the strains were
cultured on the LB plate overnight, and single colonies were counted.
124 Mutagenic Research on Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor (CNTF) 1167
To detect the change in CNTF protein expression after irradiation, we adopted the
SDS-PAGE analysis. In brief, the strains were cultured until plateau. IPTG was
added and then the strains were cultured for 4 h. The samples were lyzed by
ultrasonic. Thirty micrograms of total protein was separated by SDS-PAGE, and
then stained by coomassie brilliant blue R-250 and decolored.
The plasmids of the mutants, whose CNTF protein expression was higher or lower
compared with control, were isolated and their genomic DNA was extracted. The
CNTF gene and its upstream region were amplified with the primers
TCTTACTGTCCACTGAGACAGC-. Sequencing was performed by Sangon
Biotech (Shanghai) Co. The mutations were detected using Bioedit software.
After the neon ion irradiation, colonies were isolated on plates. As shown in
Fig. 124.1, the survival curve exhibits that the survival fraction declined with
increasing dose and the 50 % lethal dose was close to 10 Gy. After irradiation, 119
strains having viability irradiated at 10 or 30 Gy were screened. We observed the
OD values (strain concentration) at different time points in growth cycle. Com-
pared with control, the concentration of No. 59 was obviously increased by 20 %
after 11 h as shown in Fig. 124.2. In viability experiment, we found that the No.
48 strain was more active than control, that the number of colonies was 181 which
was much higher than control (143) by a factor of 1.26 (Fig. 124.3).
In order to obtain the mutants of CNTF protein expression, we analyzed the
change in CNTF protein expression in strains after irradiation. As shown in
Fig. 124.4, we found after heavy ions irradiation, compared with control, CNTF
contents in No. 7, 49, and 103 were increased obviously, and the contents were
lower in No. 60 and 70 than control.
Sequencing analysis of the CNTF fragments amplified from mutant lines shows
that single nucleotide deletions were a principal mutation in each case, and the
base substitutions and insertions had also occurred. The distribution of the deleted
positions appeared to be dispersed around the promoter. These deleted positions
also showed no homology to pET42a, and similar sequences in the host genome
were therefore searched using the BLAST algorithm. As a result of this analysis,
we found that the most deletion occurred in No. 60 strain, there was G deletion in
1168 X. Jin et al.
survivial fraction
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Dose (Gy)
-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time (hour)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
the serial number of strain
124 Mutagenic Research on Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor (CNTF) 1169
Fig. 124.4 CNTF protein expression in E. coli after heavy ions irradiation
Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to the operating crew of the HIRFL accelerator for
supplying the neon ion beam for this experiment. This work is jointly supported by the National
Basic Research Program of China (973 Program, No. 2010CB834203), the Western Talents
Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (O962030XBO), and the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (No. 10905080 & No. 11075191).
125.1 Introduction
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1171
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_125, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1172 Q. Wu et al.
The basic step to understand the structure and cellular function of ribosome is to
characterize the primary structure of the r-proteins according to the nucleotide
sequences of the genes and cDNAs. The mechanism of expression and assembly of
ribosome components has been studied in prokaryotes. Many studies have been
done on the r-proteins in animals and yeast. Most r-protein genes are coordin-
atively transcribed. It is demonstrated that the molecular strategies employed to
maintain the coordinate synthesis of r-proteins rely on the change of cellular
requirements in different tissues at different developmental stages [3].
RPL15 is a component of the large ribosomal subunit 60S which is encoded by
RPL15 gene belonging to the ribosomal proteins L15e family. This gene has
homology with the yeast ribosomal protein RPL15 gene. It is indicated that the
expression of RPL15 is markedly up-regulated in gastric cancer tissues [1] and
over expressed in some esophageal tumors compared to normal matched tissues
[4]. It might play a possible role in carcinogenesis of esophagus. RPL15 gene has
been reported in many plants and animals [3, 5, 6]. The expression level of RPL15
gene is correlative with the rate of growth in petunia. Active transcription of
RPL15 is often detected in young organs [3]. However, RPL15 from Arachis
hypogaea has not been reported yet.
In this study, we designed primers according to the available information of
homology sequences from other species to get the cDNA and genomic sequence of
RPL15 of peanut to test the relationship among these species.
The cultivated A. hypogaea L. variety Ri Hua 1 was employed in this study. All
seeds were pregerminated and sown then in growth chamber that was maintained
at 28 C, 12 h photoperiod (16,000 lx). For the case of specific tissue expression
patterns, we took three samples at the second month after seeding. The root, stem,
and leaf organs of each specimen were dissected out and snapped frozen in liquid
nitrogen for the experiment.
Total RNA was extracted from leaf using Trizol Reagent according to the
manufacture’s protocol (Invitrogen, USA). cDNA was synthesized from total RNA
with M-MLV reverse transcriptase (Promega USA) and Oligo(dT) primer. A pair
of specific primers RPL15-F1 and RPL15-R1 was designed based on the homol-
ogous sequence of Glycine max (Glyma05g04870.1) to clone the RPL15 gene EST
125 Molecular Characterization and Expression 1173
The genomic DNA was isolated from leaf using Genomic DNA Purification Kit
(Tiangen, China) and dissolved in TE buffer (10 mmol/L Tris/1 mmol/L EDTA,
pH8.0) stored at -20 C. According to the full length cDNA of RPL15 gene from
A. hypogaea and G. max (Glyma05g04870.1), RPL15-F and RPL15-R were
designed to amplify the whole sequence of A. hypogaea RPL15 gene
(Table 125.1). Purified PCR products were cloned into the pMD18-T vector
(Takara, Japan) and sequenced in both directions as above.
The homology searches of nucleotide and protein sequences were conducted with
BLAST algorithm at the National Center for Biotechnology Information
( The nucleotide and deduced amino acid
sequences were analyzed using software BioEdit [7]. A multiple sequences
alignment was performed with ClustalX 1.83 program [8] and a phylogenetic
Neighbor-Joining (NJ) tree was constructed. To derive the confidence value for the
phylogeny analysis, bootstrap trials were replicated 1,000 times [9]. The calculated
molecular mass and the theoretical isoelectric point were predicated by Protein
Mol Wt & AA Composition Calculator (
mics/pi_tool.asp). The motif sequences were searched using the software of
The expression of RPL15 mRNA transcript in root, stem, and leaf were determined
by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Total RNA was extracted according to the
protocol of Trizol (Invitrogen, USA). The quantity of total RNA was detected by
1.2 % agarose gel. MMLV reverse transcriptase (Promega, USA) was used to
synthesize single-strand cDNA with oligo(dT) primer (Table 125.1). The mixture
was incubated at 42 C for 1 h, terminated the reaction by heating at 85 C for
5 min, and subsequently stored at -80 C. The cDNA was diluted 10 times by
DEPC-treated water for the next step.
The quantitative real-time RT-PCR assay was carried out in a Roche Light-
Cycler 2.0. The PCR was performed in a total volume of 20 lL, containing 10 lL
of 2 9 SYBR Green Master Mix (Takara, Japan), 2 lL of the diluted cDNA mix,
0.5 lL of each primers (10 lmol l-1), and 7 lL of DEPC-water. A 93-bp product
was amplified with qRPL15-f and qRPL15-r from cDNA template and then
125 Molecular Characterization and Expression 1175
125.3 Results
The full length cDNA of RPL15 from A. hypogaea (GenBank number JX424591)
contains a-615 bp open reading frame (ORF) which encodes 204 amino acids with
ATG as initiation codon and TGA as stop codon, which contains 25.37 % A,
23.58 % C, 27.8 % G, and 23.25 % T. The nucleotide sequence and the deduced
amino acid sequence are shown in Fig. 125.1. The calculated molecular mass of
the deduced mature RPL15 was 24211.09 Da and the protein had a theoretical
isoelectric point of 11.44. The analysis with SMART revealed that the RPL15 gene
encodes a novel protein containing a typical ribosomal protein L15e domain
(M1 to S170). RPL15 of A. hypogaea 3D model was constructed by the SWISS-
MODEL Protein Modelling Server ( (Fig. 125.2).
The ratios of structure alpha helix and random coil were 32.84 and 40.20 %,
respectively (Fig. 125.2).
The full length of RPL15 gene was 1383 bp (GenBank accession no. JX424603),
which made up of three exons and two introns. The introns were located within the
whole open reading frame. The first intron is 684 bp starting from 172 bp to
855 bp while the second intron is 84 bp from 1054 bp to1137 bp. And all exon–
intron junctions follow the consensus rule of the splice acceptor- AG/GT -splice
donor for splicing.
1176 Q. Wu et al.
Fig. 125.1 Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of RPL15 from A. hypogaea
To further characterize the RPL15 gene, the cDNA sequences of RPL15 from other
species were downloaded from GenBank (Table 125.2). Sequences were aligned
using the ClustalW program (Fig. 125.3). The deduced amino acid sequence of
RPL15 (A. hypogaea Ri Hua 1) shared homology with other reported species, such
125 Molecular Characterization and Expression 1177
Fig. 125.2 a The secondary structure prediction of RPL15 from A. hypogaea. b Predicted 3D
structure of RPL15 protein of A. hypogaea. H alpha helix; e extended strand; t beta turn;
c random coil
Fig. 125.3 The alignments of deduced amino acid sequences of RPL15 with those from other
species. Identical amino acids are marked by gray and dashes mark gaps optimizing sequence
alignment. Variant sites are marked by black
showed in Fig. 125.5. RPL15 mRNA was the most expressed in root and a little bit
fewer in leaf and stem. However, no significant differences were found between
tissues (P [ 0.05) (Fig. 125.5).
Table 125.3 The similarity of RPL15 protein sequences between species
Species A. G. A. P. V. O. C. C. D. M. H.
Hypogaea Max Thaliana Trichocarpa Vinifera Sativa Elegans Reinhardtii Rerio Musculus Sapiens
A. hypogaea – 0.95 0.911 0.931 0.916 0.906 0.619 0.813 0.721 0.712 0.712
G. max 0.95 – 0.906 0.926 0.901 0.897 0.604 0.799 0.721 0.712 0.712
A. thaliana 0.911 0.906 – 0.892 0.906 0.872 0.619 0.789 0.702 0.697 0.697
P. trichocarpa 0.931 0.926 0.892 – 0.936 0.901 0.624 0.808 0.731 0.721 0.721
V. vinifera 0.916 0.901 0.906 0.936 – 0.901 0.634 0.789 0.731 0.721 0.721
125 Molecular Characterization and Expression
O. sativa 0.906 0.897 0.872 0.901 0.901 – 0.619 0.799 0.712 0.712 0.712
C. elegans 0.619 0.604 0.619 0.624 0.634 0.619 – 0.604 0.75 0.759 0.764
C. reinhardtii 0.813 0.799 0.789 0.808 0.789 0.799 0.604 – 0.687 0.687 0.687
D. rerio 0.721 0.721 0.702 0.731 0.731 0.712 0.75 0.687 – 0.95 0.955
M. musculus 0.712 0.712 0.697 0.721 0.721 0.712 0.759 0.687 0.95 – 0.995
H. sapiens 0.712 0.712 0.697 0.721 0.721 0.712 0.764 0.687 0.955 0.995 –
1180 Q. Wu et al.
75 Arachis hypogaea
50 Glycine max
53 Arabidopsis thaliana
Populus trichocarpa
50 Vitis vinifera
Oryza sativa Japonica Group
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Caenorhabditis elegans
Danio rerio
98 Mus musculus
98 Homo sapiens
Fig. 125.4 The NJ phylogenic tree of RPL5 protein sequences from eleven species. The protein
sequences used for phylogenetic analysis are as follows: A. hypogaea Ri Hua 1 (JX424591),
Arabidopsis thaliana (NP_193405.1), Vitis vinifera (XP_002264206.1), Populus trichocarpa
(XP_002304285.1), Glycine Max (Glyma05g04870.1), Oryza sativa Japonica Group (NP_0010
50612.1), Caenorhabditis elegans (NP_499964.1), Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (XP_00170
1780.1), Danio rerio (NP_001003447.1), Mus musculus (XP_001481087.1), Homo sapiens
The relative expression
level of RPL15
root stem leaf
The analyzed tissues
Fig. 125.5 Tissues distribution of the RPL15 transcripts measured by SYBR Green qRT-PCR.
The tissues, including root, stem, and leaf, were collected from three individual A. hypogaea
cultivar Ri Hua 1. Vertical bars represent the mean ± S.D
125.4 Discussions
125.5 Conclusions
Acknowledgments The authors wish to express their sincere thanks to all the laboratory
members for continuous technical advice and helpful discussion. This research was supported
from Qingdao Science and Technology Support Program (12-1-4-11-(1)-jch, 11-2-4-9-(3)-jch),
and China Agricultural Research System (CARS-14).
Keywords Urechis unicinctus Glycosaminoglycan Optimization of extraction
conditions Response surface methodology
126.1 Introduction
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1183
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_126, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1184 C. Yuan et al.
is rich in protein and many essential amino acids. Research had shown that the
polypeptide extracted from U. unicinctus exhibited a certain antitumor activity and
improved the immune function of mice, and the fibrinolytic enzyme extracted from
the same species had antithrombotic effects [11, 12]. In order to utilize fully the
quality resources, we optimized the extraction methods of glycosaminoglycan
from U. unicinctus.
126.2.1 Materials
126.2.2 Methods
The experimental results were analyzed and processed using Design Expert 7.0.
According to the P values in Table 126.3, the extraction rate was affected in the
following order: concentration of alcohol precipitation [ enzymolysis time [ -
enzyme dosage.
The multiple correlation coefficient and correcting correlation coefficient were
0.9926 and 0.9758 respectively, and the variation coefficient of Y was lower,
indicating that the predicted values of the model fitted the experimental values
well and the reliability of the experiment was higher (Table 126.5). Therefore, the
best extraction conditions could be determined using the regression model, and the
regression equation was determined ultimately as follows:
The response surface analysis charts were plotted based on response surface
regression analysis and the regression equation (Figs. 126.1, 126.2, 126.3). The
Y values gradually increased with increasing enzymolysis time and enzyme
dosage, reached their maximum at certain values of enzymolysis time and enzyme
dosage, and then gradually decreased with increasing enzymolysis time and
enzyme dosage (Fig. 126.1). A similar phenomenon appeared in Figs. 126.2 and
126.3. Three graphs exhibited an opening downward, convex surface, indicating
that maximum response values were obtained. The contour center of these graphs
was located in -1 to 1, revealing that the optimal extraction conditions existed at
the levels of the designed factors. The optimal conditions of extraction were as
follows: enzyme dosage (A) = 0.38 %, enzymolysis time (B) = 4.16 h, and
Fig. 126.1 Effects of enzymolysis time and enzyme dosage on the extraction rate of
Fig. 126.2 Effects of concentration of alcohol precipitation and enzyme dosage on the extraction
rate of glycosaminoglycan
1188 C. Yuan et al.
Fig. 126.3 Effects of concentration of alcohol precipitation and enzymolysis time on the
extraction rate of glycosaminoglycan
126.4 Conclusion
Acknowledgments This research was supported by the Tianjin Program of Revitalizing the Sea
by Science and Technology (Grant No. KX2010-0003).
126 Optimization of Extraction Conditions for Glycosaminoglycan 1189
1. Wang YC, Guan HS, Li BF (1995) Status and prospects of glycosaminoglycan. Prog Bioeng
2. Kariya Y, Watabe S, Ochiai Y et al (1990) Glycosaminoglycan from the body wall of sea
cucumber, Stichopus japonicus. CompBiochem Physicol 2:387–392
3. Wang CY, Guan HS (1995) Studies on methods of extraction and purification of
glycosaminoglycans from Argopecten irradians Larmarck. J Qingdao Ocean Univ 4:203–208
4. Wang RF, Wu HM, Fan XP (2008) Purification and monosaccharide composition analysis of
glycosaminoglycans of Ruditapes philippinarum. J Guangdong Ocean Univ 6:25–29
5. Lei XL, Wu HM, Fan XP et al (2004) Extraction and isolation of glycosaminoglycan from
Sinonovacula constricta and its anti-tumor activity in vitro. Pharm Biotech 3:146–149
6. Hu XQ, Wu HM, Lin ZM et al (2008) Preliminary study on physicochemical property of
glycosaminoglycan from Scapharca subcrenata lisehke and its effects on immune organs of
mice. Mod Food Sci Tech 8:763–766
7. Yuan CY, Cui QM, Sun XP et al (2011) Optimization of extraction conditions for
glycosaminoglycan from Mactra veneriformis by response surface methodology. Food Ind
8. Yuan CY, Cui QM, Sun XP et al (2011) Study on purification and functional activity of
glycosaminoglycan from Mactra quadrangularis. J Anhui Agric Sci 10:5882–5884
9. Xu JL, Cui QM, Yuan CY et al (2012) Study on optimization of extraction technology for
glycosaminoglycan from Bullacta exarata by response surface method. J Anhui Agric Sci
10. Yuan CY, Xu JL, Cui QM (2011) Purification and analysis of chemical compositions on
glycosaminoglycan from Bullacta exarata. The 3rd ICBNPTM, Xi An, pp. 186–188
11. Zhao X (2008) Research on purification and characteristics of polypeptides from Urechis
unicinctus. Ocean Univ China, Qingdao, pp. 19–43
12. Chu JX, Cai WD, Han BQ et al (2010) Thrombolytic effect, hemolytic toxiciity and acute
toxicity of the fibrinolytic enzyme UFEI from urechis unicinctus. Pharm Biotech
13. Glod EW (1979) A simple spectrophotometic method of estimating glycosaminoglycan
concentrations. Anal Biochem 99:183–188
Chapter 127
Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping
of Unstripped Germ Rate in Milled Rice
Shengbin Liu, Fang Wang, Zetian Hua, Meng Meng, Fei Zhao
and Xin Liu
Abstract The objectives of this study were to investigate the genetic factors
controlling unstripped germ rate in milled rice using Quantitative trait loci (QTL)
analysis. A linkage map consisting of 80 DNA markers was constructed by using
224 recombinant inbred lines (RILs). A total of 8 QTLs located on chromosomes 3,
4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12 were detected. These QTLs explained phenotypic variations
ranging from 26.44 to 57.28 %. The results and the tightly linked molecular markers
that flank the QTL will be useful for improvement of quality in rice breeding.
127.1 Introduction
With the population enlarging, the global demand of cereal grains is increasing.
It is estimated that the world population may reach 8.9 billion in 2025 [1], and the
total food product needs an increase more than 50 % [2]. As one of the most
important staple food crops, rice (Oryza sativa L.) plays an important role in food
security in China. Rice quality depends on many attributes of the rice grain and is
also related to preference among different cultures and habits, its major elements
include milling performance, appearance, cooking, eating, and nutrient quality.
With the rapid development in researches of Quantitative trait loci (QTL) based
on molecular linkage mapping, many studies have been conducted in recent years
that have identified a large number of QTLs for morphological and agronomic
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1191
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_127, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1192 S. Liu et al.
traits of rice [3–8]. However, to our knowledge, genetic analysis of QTLs asso-
ciated with unstripped germ rate in milled rice has not been conducted. The
objectives of this study were to identify QTLs for unstripped germ rate traits in
milled rice using recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from cross Z601 and C14, so to
provide basic information for breeding new rice varieties with higher quality
through DNA molecular marker techniques.
The RILs in this study were kindly provided by Professor Zetian Hua of Chinese
National Engineering Research Center for Japonica Rice. A set of 224 F5 RILs,
derived from a cross between Z601 (high unstripped germ rate) and C14 (low
unstripped germ rate) via single-seed descent, were used in the current study. All
plants of the RILs and the two parental lines were planted in the rice cropping
season in Tianjin, China and the seeds harvested at maturation were stored at a
temperature lower than 10 C for use.
DNA was extracted from fresh leaves of 224 RIL individuals and their parents
using the SDS method [9–12]. The extracted DNA was dissolved in TE buffer and
tested for quality and quantity. Then, these 224 DNA samples were diluted into
25 ng/ml with sterilized double distilled water and stored at 4 C for the poly-
merase chain reaction (PCR). PCR [13] was performed with an initial 4 min period
at 94 C, followed by 40 cycles of 30 s of denaturing at 94 C, 30 s of annealing at
56 C, and 30 s of extension at 72 C, and a final 10 min extension at 72 C. PCR
products with large difference were separated on 3 % agarose gel and detected by
using a UV-GIS detection system [14].
The genotypic constitution of 224 individuals from the RIL population with
respect to 80 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) was used to construct a genetic map.
This map spanned 1889.15 cM with the mean inter-marker distance of 27.0 cM
and involved all 12 rice chromosomes [15]. Composite interval mapping was
performed to identify QTL by using the software package QTL IciMapping V3.0,
with a LOD threshold of 2.5 for declaring the presence of a putative QTL [16–19].
For the designation of QTL, we followed the rule formulated by McCouch [20].
127 Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping 1193
10 g rice of every segregating RIL population was dealt with by Detecting System
for Appearance Quality of Rice and Seeds. The differences between the two
parents Z601(83.62 %) and C14(5.42 %) were rather big, significant differences
were observed in the RIL population. The average values of the unstripped germ
rate were studied, namely, UGR. Unstripped germ rate of RIL population is pre-
sented in Fig. 127.1. In the analyzed data, normal distribution and transgressive
segregation in RIL population were observed, indicating that unstripped germ rate
was quantitatively inherited and suitable for QTL analysis.
01 31 61 91 121 151 181 211
Number of segregating RIL population
127.4 Conclusion
Rice is the most important crop in the world, with over 1.5 billion hectares under
cultivation and a production of over 583.2 million tons. It is grown in 117
countries and is a staple food for people in 39 countries, which include 2.7 billion
people in Asia alone [21]. Thus, it is very important to ensure a balance of grain
supply–demand, which can be affected by reduction of cultivated land, sharp
population growth, and environmental deterioration.
In this study, we investigate the genetic factors controlling unstripped germ rate
in milled rice using QTL analysis. A linkage map consisting of 80 DNA markers
was constructed. Eight QTLs were located on chromosomes 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12
were detected. The results will be useful for improvement of quality in rice
Acknowledgments This work was supported by National High-tech R&D Program of China
(863 Program) (Grant No. 2011AA10A101), Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin, China
(Grant No.11ZCKFNC01200), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant
(No. 31271676).
14. Xu SB, Tao YF, Yang ZQ et al (2002) A simple and rapid methods used for silver staining
and gel preservation. Hereditas 24:335–336
15. Jing W, Zhang WW, Jiang L et al (2007) Two novel loci for pollen sterility in hybrids
between the weedy strain Ludao and the japonica variety Akihikari of rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Theor Appl Genet 114:915–925
16. Bao JS, Sun M, Zhu LH et al (2004) Analysis of quantitative trait loci for some starch
properties of rice (Oryza sativa L.): thermal properties, gel texture and swelling volume.
J Cereal Sci 39:379–385
17. Wu QS, Wan XY, Su N et al (2006) Genetic dissection of silicon uptake ability in rice (Oryza
sativa L.). Plant Sci 171:441–448
18. Churchill GA, Doerge RW (1994) Empirical threshold values for quantitative trait mapping.
Genetics 138:963–971
19. Wang DL, Zhu J, Li ZK et al (1999) Mapping QTLs with epistatic effects and
QTL 9 environment interactions by mixed linear model approaches. Theor Appl Genet
20. McCouch SR, Cho YG, Yano M et al (1997) Report on QTL nomenclature. Rice Genet
Newsl 14:11–13
21. Sardesai N, Rajyashri KR, Behura SK et al (2001) Genetic, physiological and molecular
interactions of rice with its major dipteran pest, gall midge. Plant Cell Tiss Org 64:115–131
Chapter 128
The Application of the GSI
in the Preservation and Quality Control
of Oat Beverage
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of Globle stability
index (GSI) in the quality control of oat beverage. The Q10 value of oat beverage
was determined by protracting the GSI curve. The results showed that the Q10
were 1.40 and 3.00, respectively, when the temperatures were changed from 28 to
38 C and 38 to 48 C. The GSI indicator of oat beverage was established. The key
factors of the quality control of oat beverage were total acid, total sugar, viscosity,
soluble solids, precipitation, chromatic aberration, and pH. The GSI equation was
y = 0.9889e-0.001x, R = 0.9898. The impact factors of the simplified GSI test
through experiments and data processing were determined, included soluble
solids, precipitation, color, and pH. The simplified GSI equation was
y = 1.0021e-0.0012x, R = 0.9746. The GSI indicator of oat beverage was
established through the application of the two curves. That provided technical
preparation for the production of oat beverage.
128.1 Introduction
In the world’s eight major cereal crops, the production of Oat ranked sixth after
wheat, rice, corn, barley, and sorghum, so it has huge significance in the food
processing [1]. Moreover, it showed various bioactivities, and the main active
components are oat polysaccharides and Oat ethanol extracts. The study had
indicated that they had the health functions of reducing blood sugar and cholesterol,
anticancer, and so on [2]. A new concept is based on the defining and formulating
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1197
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_128, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1198 Y. Liu and M. Zhang
a single index called the Global Stability Index (GSI), varying between zero and
one and taking simultaneously into account the time variations of all pertinent
quality indices proper to the food product under study [3]. In order to evaluate the
degradation of the product quality in terms of the sensory, the microbiological and
the physicochemical properties, various properties, and quality indices must be
experimentally followed as a function of time, depending on the product nature [4].
In this paper, the oat beverage was produced with Oat bran, and the changes of its
quality were measured at different storage temperatures.
The concept of GSI was introduced in this process, the Q10 value was calcu-
lated through completing the GSI curve. Then the curve coincided with GSI was
received through data processing of a single or fewer several indicators. The GSI
curve could be simplified, consequently.
Oat beverage dope was diluted and three groups of samples were obtained by
gradient dilution method, then adjusted the pH to 7.2-7.4. Vaccination
The three groups of samples were inoculated, and each group was inoculated with
1 mL.
Put the sample of oat beverage (50 mL) in a 250 mL flask, then add 0.2 mL of 1 %
PHenolpHthalein solution as indicator and titrate with NaOH solution until a faint
128 The Application of the GSI 1199
pink color is obtained and do not fade for 30 s. The consumption of NaOH
standard titrant (V1) was recorded.
The water was applied instead of the test sample, and then the test was carried out
according to 2.2.1. The consumption of sodium hydroxide standard titrant (V2)
was recorded. 2.2.3 Computational formula:
X ¼ CðV1 V2Þ F= V0 1000
Each of 5 mL alkaline tartaric acid copper liquid A and liquid B were taken to a
250 ml Erlenmeyer flask, then 10 ml of distilled water and three glass beads were
added. The sample solution which was less 1 mL than the consumption of test sample
solution was added. The sample solution was dropping continually with the speed of
1 drop every 2 s and maintaining the solution boiling within 2 min, until the blue just
faded away. The consumption of the total volume of sample solution was recorded.
The viscosity meter (DV-IIPr) was applied to the determination, the RV2 rotor was
selected and measured in the condition of 220 r/min.
1200 Y. Liu and M. Zhang
After oscillating and mixing, the oat beverage (100 mL) deposited under different
conditions was centrifugated at 3,000 r/min for 10 min. The precipitant was added
and heated for 2 h at 105 C, after the supernatant solution was poured out.
The contents of soluble solids of oat beverage deposited under different conditions
were measured by the saccharimeter.
128.2.7 Measurement of pH
where j is the j units of storage time; P is the sum of i = 1 to n, n being the total
number of the quality degradation criteria; i is the criterion; Vij is the variation of
128 The Application of the GSI 1201
criterion i at time j units from Eq. 128.2; ai is a weighting factor reflecting the
relative importance of criterion i in terms of describing the quality of the product.
It varies between 0 and 1.
128.3 Results
The results of the experiment showed that the coliform bacteria was not detected
after had been stored for 180 d, therefore we could ensure that the condition of
sterilization in the experiment was consistent with the requirement, and ensured
that oat beverage had preserved value during the period.
The Fig. 128.1 showed that the total acid content would increase gradually with
the extension of the time. Under the storage conditions of 48 C, the total acid
content increased quickly, and the total acid content increased gently with the
extension of time, while under the storage conditions of 28 and 38 C, the increase
had been gentle relatively.
According to the Fig. 128.2, the general trend of the total sugar content was that it
would decrease with the extension of the time. The total sugar content had changed
obviously, under the storage condition of 48 C, while it changed more gently
under the storage conditions of 28 and 38 C. It might be that the precipitation had
taken away part of the sugar, which leaded to the decline of the content of total
The Fig. 128.3 showed that the viscosity had no obvious trend, only when it was
preserved under the conditions of 48 C, the viscosity had the trend of increase.
1202 Y. Liu and M. Zhang
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
According to the Fig. 128.4, the general trend of the precipitation amount was that
it would increase with the extension of the time. Under the storage conditions of
48 C, it had increased obviously in a short time, then gently.
128 The Application of the GSI 1203
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
The Fig. 128.5 showed that the soluble solids content of oat beverage changed
gently during experiment of preservation.
The Fig. 128.6 showed that the pH of the oat beverage would decrease with the
extension of the time, and it had changed obviously under the storage conditions of
48 C.
Figure 128.7 The chart showed that the chromatic aberration of oats beverage
changed larger with the extension of the time, and the higher its storage-
temperature was, the more violently it changed.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
1204 Y. Liu and M. Zhang
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
0.7 y = 0.959e-0.0014x
0.6 R2 = 0.9497
0.5 y = 0.8219e -0.0042x
0.4 R2 = 0.9077
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Data indicate that, when the food had chemical changes in the process of
storage, the value of Q10 generally was between 2 and 4 [7]. As mentioned above,
the results of the experiment was consistent with the data. Therefore, cryopres-
ervation had great significance to ensure the quality of oat beverage.
We could find that the relevant coefficients in Fig. 128.9 were better, and had
higher fitting accuracy than others. The Q10 values were calculated from
Fig. 128.8 and the results were 1.25 and 2.73, that had little difference from the
Q10 values which were calculated from the general Fig. 128.9, and the detection
experiment of index was relatively simple. These indexes included viscosity,
precipitation capacity, color, the pH. So we could use the figure to replace the GSI
general figure for getting the simplified effect.
128.4 Discussion
The qualitative change of Oat beverage during storage could be reflected by the GSI.
The GSI curve could be determined by these seven indicators, including total acid
content, total sugar content, viscosity, soluble solids, precipitation, color, and the pH.
The GSI curve equation was y = 0.9889e-0.001x, R = 0.9898; we could use
four indicators which were viscosity value, precipitation, chromatic aberration,
and the pH to get simplified GSI curve, and the simplified GSI equation was
y = 1.0021e-0.0012x, R = 0.9746.
When the temperature was changed from 28 to 38 C and 38 to 48 C, the Q10
values which were calculated by GSI curve were 1.40 and 3.00. While the tem-
perature was from 28 to 38 C and 38 to 48 C, the Q10 values were calculated by
the simplified GSI curve were 1.25 and 2.73. The Q10 values had a good degree of
coincidence before and after simplifying, showed that the simplified GSI curve was
a valuable method to measure the quality changes of oat beverage during storage.
1. Li J (1993) Nutritional value and health benefits of oats[J]. Xinjiang Agric Sci Technol (in
China) 5:38-39
2. Autiok K, Myllymakio O (1987) Flow properties of solution of oat b-glucan[J]. Food Sci
3. Achour M (2006) A new method to assess the quality degradation of food products during
storage[J]. J Food Eng 75:560–564
4. Labuza, TP (1985) An integrated approach to food chemistry: illustrative cases. Marcel
Dekker Inc, New York, Food Chem
5. Wang XP (ed) (2006) Food analysis[M]. Agric Sci (in China), Agric Press, 2–3
6. Labuza TP (1984) Application of chemical kinetics to deterioration of foods. J Chem Educ
7. Zhao JF (ed) (2008) Principles of food technology[M]. China Light Industry Press, china, p 2
Chapter 129
The Effect of Carbon Nanotubes on Rice
Seed Germination and Root Growth
Yumei Jiang, Zetian Hua, Yiqing Zhao, Qindai Liu, Fang Wang
and Qin Zhang
Abstract There are few researches available on the effects of carbon nanotubes
on rice seed germination and root growth. Aiming at this problem, rice seeds were
co-cultured with carbon nanotubes of different concentrations. The rice seedling
growth situation was observed including germination percentage rates, length of
seeding stem, and root. The absorbance was measured and the root activity was
calculated. Experiment results showed that the rice seed germination and root
growth were promoted by carbon nanotubes with appropriate concentrations
(0 * 100 lg/ml). When the concentration increased to 150 lg/ml, the root length,
root activity, and stem length decreased in comparison with the value of 100 lg/
ml, but still slightly higher than the control, although the root and stem lengths
were shorter than the control. Our results demonstrated, for the first time, that
carbon nanotubes could promote rice seed germination and root growth at lower
concentrations, and may have toxic effects at high concentrations.
129.1 Introduction
Materials of particle size less than 100 nm in at least one dimension are generally
classified as nanomaterials. The great potential of using nanoscale particles for
different biological and medical applications including gene and drug delivery,
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1207
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_129, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1208 Y. Jiang et al.
biosensing, diagnostic, and tissue engineering was widely documented during the
last several years.
Most investigations were focused on animals and humans at various levels, and
detailed studies and reliable information on the effects of nanomaterials such as
carbon nanotubes on plant physiology and plant development at the organism level
are very limited. However, there is an extensive interest to investigate the ability of
nanoparticles to penetrate plant cell walls and work as smart treatment-delivery
systems in plants [1–3]. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important food
crops worldwide. To achieve the goals of nano-agriculture, detailed studies on the
effects of nanotubes on rice seed germination and development of seedlings are
needed. This study is the first report, to our best knowledge, that describes the
effect of penetration of rice seed coats by carbon nanotubes.
The seeds were the number 294 liao japonica rice seeds. Standard Specification for
carbon nanotubes: OD \8 nm, Length *30 lm, Purity [95wt %, Ash \1.5wt %,
SSA [500 m2/g, EC [102 s/m, MFG Code: M1091016.
Germination of rice seeds. The rice seeds were inoculated on standard agar
Murashige and Skoog medium (MS medium) supplemented with different con-
centrations of carbon nanotubes tubes (50, 100, 150 lg/ml). The MS medium
without carbon nanotubes tubes was used for blank control experiments. 16–18
rice seeds were sterilized by 5 min treatment with 0.1 % mercuric chloride and
then rinsed five times with sterile water. Sterile rice seeds were placed on MS
medium without or with carbon nanoparticles (0, 50, 100, 150 lg/ml) for germi-
nation. The rice seeds in the culture bottles were inoculated in biochemical
incubator at 28 C for 6 days. The experiment was repeated twice.
Seed germinations were observed, and the germination rate was calculated. The
growth heights of rice seedling stem and the root lengths of rice seedling were
recorded everyday according to different concentrations. TTC standard curve was
drawn and root activity was calculated according to the root lengths and absor-
bance of rice seeding in different concentrations for 4.5–6 days.
Addition of carbon nanotubes to agar medium was found to accelerate the process
of seed germination and significantly shortened the germination time. Rice seeds
placed on medium with carbon nanotubes (50, 100, 150 lg/ml) germinated on the
first day, while rice seeds placed on regular MS did not germinate at that time. The
germination percentage rates were dramatically higher for seeds treated with
129 The Effect of Carbon Nanotubes 1209
nanoparticles. Seedlings with developed cotyledons and root system were recog-
nized as fully germinated in this experiment.
We observed the growth condition and carried out a variety of parameter
determination of rice seedlings for the last 3 days. For different concentrations of
carbon nanotubes tubes, there were different values. Carbon nanotubes-exposed
rice seedlings (50, 100 lg/ml) had longer and more developed stems and root
system compared with blank control seedlings. (Fig. 129.1a, b, c. Tables 129.1,
129.2). With increasing concentration of carbon nanotubes, the positive effect was
more and more strong. The positive effect was strongest when the concentration
was 100 lg/ml. However, the effect of carbon nanotubes (150 lg/ml) on plant
physiology was complex. Rice seedlings (150 lg/ml) had shorter root system
compared with blank control seedlings (Fig. 129.1a, d. Table 129.1). Although
shorter even than the seeding stem (50 lg/ml), the stem length (150 lg/ml) was
still slightly longer than blank control seedlings on the fourth and fifth days. On the
sixth day, the length of stem (150 lg/ml) was already shorter than blank control
seedlings (carbon nanotubes nontreated) (Fig. 129.1a, d. Table 129.2).
As the culture time increased, the absorption value and root activity of rice
seedling roots increased gradually. With the increase in carbon nanotubes con-
centration (0–100 lg/ml), the root activity also enlarged. When the concentration
increased to 150 lg/ml, the root activity decreased less than the value of 100 lg/
ml. This result was content with the measured length. However, there was a
conflict between the result of root activity and the measured length when they were
compared with root activity of the blank control. Root activity was still slightly
higher than the control, although the root length was shorter than the blank control
(Table 129.3).
Nanomaterials have been applicated in various fields such as water purification,
wastewater treatment, environmental remediation, food processing and packaging,
industrial and household purposes, medicine, and smart sensor development. The
majority of applications in these areas had been focused on the significance of the
nanomaterials for improved efficiency and productivity. However, in the field of
agriculture, the use of nanomaterials is relatively new and needs further
Fig. 129.1 Effect of carbon nanotubes on growth and development of rice seedlings. Four-day-
old seedlings were used to show the growth of rice seeding: a 0 lg/ml, b 50 lg/ml, c 100 lg/ml,
d 150 lg/ml
1210 Y. Jiang et al.
Table 129.1 The length of seeding root for rice seed (average ± SE cm)
0 lg/ml 50 lg/ml 100 lg/ml 150 lg/ml
The fourth day 4.922 5.367 5.298 4.289
The fifth day 5.075 5.479 5.680 4.416
The sixth day 5.266 5.694 5.739 4.552
Table 129.2 The length of seeding stem for rice seed (average ± SE cm)
0 lg/ml 50 lg/ml 100 lg/ml 150 lg/ml
The forth day 3.116 3.695 4.103 3.249
The fifth day 5.087 5.572 5.912 5.235
The six day 9.388 9.716 10.722 9.330
Table 129.3 The absorbance (ab.) and root activity of rice (ra.)
0 lg/ml 50 lg/ml 100 lg/ml 150 lg/ml
ab. ra. ab. ra. ab. ra. ab. ra.
Fourth day 0.143 0.280 0.204 0.407 0.269 0.542 0.172 0.340
Fifth day 0.214 0.428 0.293 0.591 0.336 0.680 0.243 0.488
Sixth day 0.231 0.463 0.313 0.633 0.343 0.695 0.248 0.498
Root activity unit = C/(1,000*W*h) [mg TTF/(gh)], absorbance abbreviated as ab., root activity
abbreviated as ra.
exploration [1–3]. Till date, only a few plant species and nanomaterials have been
studied on seed germination or 15-day-old seedlings. Most of the studies were
performed on vegetable seeds. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the
effect of nanomaterials on rice seed germination.
Previously, limited reports indicated both positive and negative effects of dif-
ferent nanoparticles on plant physiology [4]. It was demonstrated that nano-TiO2
treatment in proper concentration accelerated the germination of the aged spinach
seeds and increased its vigor [5]. Nanoparticles (Pd, Au at low concentrations; Si,
Cu at higher concentrations, and combination of Au and Cu) also had a positive
influence on lettuce seed germination, measured in terms of shoot to root ratio and
growth of the seedling [6]. Some other studies also support the positive effects of
suspensions of nanomaterials on seed germination and root growth of nine dif-
ferent crop species,such as tomato [3], radish (Raphanus sativus), rape (Brassica
napus), rye grass (Lolium perenne), lettuce (Lactuca sativa), corn (Zea mays),
cucumber (Cucumis sativus) [7], zucchini [8], onion, and cucumber [9].
There were also negative reports of nanomaterials for seed germination and root
growth, such as the inhibition effect on ryegrass and corn [7]. Nanomaterials have
also been reported to have no influence on the germination and root growth of
tomato, cabbage, and carrots [9]. Our results were consistent with the positive
reports. Carbon nanotubes were able to penetrate plant seed coat and dramatically
affect seed germination and plant growth [3]. The reason for the contradictory
129 The Effect of Carbon Nanotubes 1211
conclusions of different reports may be due to the type of plant species, the nature
of nanomaterials, and the concentrations of nanomaterials [7–9]. The higher
concentrations (2,000 mg/L) of nanosized Zn (35 nm) and ZnO (w20 nm) inhib-
ited the germination in ryegrass and corn, respectively; this result was similar to
the reports of Lin and Xing. They found that the root growth depended on different
nanoparticles and their concentrations [7, 10]. In this study, we also found that the
ability of rice seed germination and root growth increased with the increasing
nanomaterial concentrations before 100 lg/ml. But the ability decreased when the
concentrations reached 150 lg/ml. Although the root activity was still slightly
higher than the control, the lengths of root and stem (150 lg/ml) were already
shorter than blank control. This result means that nanomaterials of high concen-
trations may have toxic effects on plant. The phytotoxicity of nanomaterials is a
question that is gradually attracting more and more attention.
129.4 Conclusion
Our results demonstrated, for the first time, that carbon nanotubes could promote
rice seed germination and root growth at lower concentrations, and had toxic
effects at high concentrations.
Acknowledgments This work was partially supported by National High-tech R&D Program of
China (863 Program) (Grant No. 2011AA10A101), Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin, China
(Grant No. 11ZCKFNC01200) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant
Fang Wang, Bolian Sun, Chunkai Gu, Jiajia Mi, Qin Zhang
and Zetian Hua
Abstract Rice protein is nutritionally superior over most of the other food cereals
in terms of amino acid composition. But rice is usually a low protein crop. So, it is
important to investigate the change laws of protein for breeding rice with high
protein content. The rice seed start to accumulate protein after flowering. In this
study, Z601, a japonica rice variety, was used as the experimental material. Seeds
of five days, ten days, fifteen days, twenty days, and twenty-five days after
flowering (DAF) were collected. Protein contents were determined by Kjeldahl
method in order to confirm the surge stage in rice seed. The components of rice
protein at various development stages were analyzed by SDS-PAGE analysis to
find the accumulation law of the individual protein components. The results
showed that 15–20 DAF was the surge stage of protein accumulation in rice seed.
The protein components in the seeds of 5 DAF did not include albumin and
globulin and only contained glutenin and gliadin. After that stage albumin and
globulin start to synthesis and the components of protein tended to be stable. The
vast majority content of protein during rice seed development was glutenin with
about 48 % of the total. The proportion of albumin to total protein content is 20 %
and globulin is 15 %, also as gliadin.
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1213
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_130, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1214 F. Wang et al.
130.1 Introduction
Rice is the most important cereal crop with about 40 % of total grain production in
China. Rice protein is the best among cereals because of the biological value,
digestibility, and net protein utilization [1, 2]. But rice is usually a low protein crop
compared with other cereals. The protein content depends on the genetic and
environmental factor. At present, the way to increase the protein content of rice
depends on breeding and applying Nitrogenous fertilizer. Studying the accumu-
lation laws of rice protein during seed development is helpful for early selecting
rice variety with high protein content at a particular period never need to wait until
the seed maturation. On the other hand, it can be used as a guidance at the time of
applying Nitrogenous fertilizer to promote the protein accumulation during rice
seed development.
130.2.1 Materials
Z601, the japonica rice varieties, was grown in rice growing season in 2011 on the
experimental farms of Tianjin rice original seed farm, in Tianjin (39.08 oN, 117.12
E), China. The seeds were marked on the glume on the flowering day by black
marker pen and collected the seeds on 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 DAF, respectively.
Protein contents were determined by Hanon K9840 Auto Kjeldahl Analyzer (Jinan
Hanon Instruments Co.,Ltd), according to AACC method 46-13 (2000). Each
sample was taken 0.2 g and twice repeats were carried out.
130.2.3 SDS-PAGE
Protein component analysis was conducted according to S.Iida [3]. Each seed
sample of different developmental stage was taken 0.2 g and ground to powder in
liquid nitrogen and then added 2 9 SDS-PAGE buffer, vortex several seconds and
then it was put on the shaking table at 40 C for 12 h, and centrifuged at the speed
of 8,000 r/min for 20 min at 4 C. The supernatant was transferred to a new EP
tube for analysis by SDS-PAGE or stored at -20 C until use. Samples of
extractable proteins were separated on 15 % SDS-PAGE gels (13 cm length)
130 Study on the Accumulation Laws of Protein 1215
according to [4] and stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R250 (Sigma, St Louis,
MO, USA) according to [5]. Three repeats of each sample were carried out.
Quantitative analysis of polypeptide bands was carried out by Quantity One 4.6.2.
The rice seeds of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 DAF were collected to determine protein
content by Auto Kjeldahl Analyzer. All the samples were tested twice showing the
same trend of protein accumulation during the seed development. The protein
content was very low and accumulated slowly in the seeds before 15 DAF. The
protein accumulation surge stage was at the period of 15–20 DAF with protein
content increasing from 0.0788 to 0.14735 g/100 g, almost enhancing one time,
and then the protein accumulation speed slowed down and tended to stable
(Fig. 130.1).
Table 130.1 Percentage of DAF (d) Albumin (%) Globulin (%) Glutenin (%) Gliadin (%)
protein components during
seed development in rice 5 71.13 28.87
10 19.12 14.18 49.00 17.70
15 23.62 13.31 47.46 15.02
20 24.25 14.71 47.46 13.58
25 22.36 14.12 48.07 15.45
(22–23,37–39,57 k Da), albumin (16,76 kDa), globulin (26 kDa), and gliadin
(13 kDa).
Table 130.1 showed the percentage of different components. It clearly exhibited
the percentage of the main protein component to the total protein. The protein
components in the seeds of 5 DAF contained only glutenin and gliadin, albumin
and globulin were not detected. Glutenin was easy to detect because of its high
content which consists with Tanaka et al. [7]. From 10 DAF, the percentage of
protein component tends to be stable. The albumin occupies 20 % and globulin
14 % of the total protein. The proportion of gliadin slowed down from 28 % at 5
DAF to 17 % at 10 DAF and then stayed at about 15 %. The value of glutenin was
much higher than the other components during all the developmental stages of rice
seeds which could reach about 48 % of total protein.
130.4 Conclusion
Acknowledgments This work was supported by National High-tech R&D Program of China
(863 Program) (Grant No. 2011AA10A101), Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin, China
(Grant No. 11ZCKFNC01200) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant
1. Tanaka K, Sugimoto T, Ogawa M (1980) Isolation and characterization of two types of protein
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2. Cagampang GB, Cruz LJ, Espiritu SG (1966) Studies on the extraction and composition of rice
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3. Iida S, Amano E, Nishio T (1993) A rice (Oryza sativa L.) mutant having a low content of
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Chapter 131
Prevalence Investigation of Tetracycline
Resistant Bacteria in Raw Milk
Keywords Raw milk Tetracycline resistant bacteria Prevalence Tetracycline
resistant determinant
131.1 Introduction
Food-borne illness was caused by various pathogens during every stage of pro-
duction, and it is mainly related to animal source foods especially milk [1, 2]. Raw
milk is natural habitat of Lactobacillus, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus aureus,
Escherichia coli, Micrococcaceae, and yeast [3, 4].
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1219
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_131, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1220 X. Zhang and H. Yang
To prevent and control pathogens which may cause infections of cow, a variety
of antibiotics are widely used as feed additives in raw milk production. The mainly
applied antibiotics included penicillins, tetracycline, amino glycosides, macrolide,
and polypeptides [5, 6]. With the extensive application of antibiotics, various
resistant bacteria have been isolated from clinical and environmental specimens.
Among the antibiotics resistant microbes, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA) is resistant to almost all antibiotics treatment and has been heavily
studied [7].
Tetracycline was discovered in the 1940s. Due to its broad spectrum of bac-
tericidal activity and low cost, it has been widely used in infection treatment and as
feed additives for growth promotion in animal husbandry. In 1953, the first tet-
racycline resistant strain was isolated during a Shigella outbreak in Japan [8].
Currently, with the widely use of tetracycline, tetracycline resistance phenotype
has been found in a variety of bacteria including pathogens and commensal flora
[9, 10], raising great concerns to human health and food safety issues. The
increasing emergence of tetracycline resistance in bacteria is often due to the
acquisition of horizontally transferred genes encoding various tetracycline resis-
tance determinants [9].
The tetracycline resistance mechanisms mainly included efflux pumps [8],
ribosomal protection [9, 11], enzymatic inactivation, and target modification [9,
12, 13]. Until recently, in both Gram negative and positive microorganisms, there
were many genes have been identified relating to the tetracycline resistance phe-
notype. Most genes are responsible for encoding efflux pumps proteins, such as
tet(AC), tet(B), tet(D), tet(E), tet(G), tet(H), tet(I), tet(J), tet(Z), tet(30), tet(31),
tet(K), tet(L), otr(B), tcr3c, tetP(A), tet(V), and tet(Y). Some genes are responsible
for ribosomal protection, such as tet(M), tet(O), tet(S), tet(W), tet(Q), tet(T), otr(A),
and tetP(B). Gene tet(X) is involved in enzymatic inactivation of the antibiotic [9].
In this study collected 198 raw milk samples and investigated the prevalence of
tetracycline resistant bacteria in raw milk samples. Determinants for tetracycline
resistance were also identified by PCR method.
131.2.1 Materials
Raw milk samples were collected from Tuoketuo county, which is located at
11120 3000 –111320 2100 E longitude and 4050 3500 –40350 1500 N latitude, north of
the Yellow River, in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia. Sampling process was compliance
with aseptic procedures strictly. Briefly, rinsing udder with warm water, sterilizing
udder with 0.2 % benzalkonium bromide, and disinfecting teat with 75 % alcohol.
Hand milking was performed and milk samples were collected in sterile tubes after
dumping the first three squirts to clean out the teat [14]. The samples were stored at
4 C before analyzing.
131 Prevalence Investigation of Tetracycline Resistant Bacteria in Raw Milk 1221
Milk sample was subjected to 10-fold serial dilutions before spreading on plates.
In brief, 100 lL mixtures of diluted samples were spread on Luria–Bertani (LB)
agar plates with tetracycline (16 lg/mL). The plates were incubated at 35 C for
16–18 h and the results were recorded.
Genomic DNA was extracted from bacterial cells harvested from overnight cul-
ture of the isolated strains according to methods described previously [15, 16].
The purified chromosome DNA was used as templates for 16S rRNA gene
amplified. PCR was performed as described and specific primers used are listed in
Table 66.1 [17].
The parameters for PCR included initial denaturation at 94 C for 5 min, 30
cycles of denaturation at 94 C for 40 s, annealing at 51 C for 2 min, and
extension at 72 C for 3 min, and 1 cycle of extension at 72 C for 15 min.
Purified amplification products were subjected to sequencing analysis with the
same primers used in PCR [18]. Sequence similarity was analyzed with BLAST
provided by NCBI for strains identification [19]. Classifier program was used to
classify the isolates based on the 16S rRNA gene sequences [20].
The isolates were tested for their hemolytic properties on blood agar plates [21].
The isolated strains were streaked on the plates and incubated at 35 C for 24 h.
Colony morphology and hemolytic zones around colonies were recorded after
K–B disk diffusion method was used to test tetracycline resistance phenotype of
the isolates and it was performed according the descriptions [22]. In brief, over-
night isolate culture was diluted to suspension of 1.5 9 108 cfu/mL with sterile
phosphate buffered saline, and 100 lL was spread on MH agar plate. The tetra-
cycline disk was attached to the premarked position and the diameters of zones of
inhibition were measured after 16–18 h incubation at 35 C. Antibiotic suscepti-
bility was determined according to the manual of Clinical and Laboratory Stan-
dards Institute (CLSI) [23].
A series of genes have been found related to tetracycline resistance in both Gram
negative and positive bacteria. With the identification of the isolates by compar-
ative analysis of 16S rRNA, the primers are selected to amplify tetracycline
resistance genes based on the previous studies [9]. The sequences of primers and
the amplicon sizes are listed in Table 66.1. The PCR reactions are performed
according to the previous descriptions [24–27].
Diluted milk samples were spread on LB agar plates supplement with 16 lg/mL
tetracycline. Totally, 187 strains were isolated from 198 raw milk samples. Among
the isolates, some of them were from the same samples but with different mor-
phologies. Screening results showed that 98 (49.49 %) samples had tetracycline
resistant strains, similar to the previous studies [28].
Fifteen strains were randomly selected for comparative 16S rRNA analysis
(Table 66.2). Five strains belonged to the genus Serratia. They were harmful
human pathogen [29] or insect pathogen [30] (KDZ411). Four strains were
homologous to Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an opportunistic and important noso-
comial human pathogen [31]. Strain KDZ420 was homologous to Bacillus cereus
131 Prevalence Investigation of Tetracycline Resistant Bacteria in Raw Milk 1223
Primers specific for amplification of genes tet(AC), tet(B), tet(K), and tet(M) were
used to screen tetracycline resistance determinants in the isolates.
All tetracycline resistant strains had one or two resistance related genes, while
the tetracycline intermediate strains were negative in amplification of the target
genes except strain KDZ421 which was E. cloacae had gene tet(AC) and
tet(B) (Table 66.3). The results indicated gene tet(AC) and tet(B) were the most
discovered genes relating to tetracycline resistance phenotype. Previous studies
have shown that gene tet(A), tet(B), tet(C), tet(D), tet(E), tet(G), tet(H), tet(I),
tet(J), tet(Z), tet(30), tet(31), tet(K), tet(L), otr(B), tcr3c, tetP(A), tet(V), and
tet(Y) were widely distributed among different Gram negative genera [9, 40]. They
encoded proteins for various efflux pumps extruding tetracycline out of cells.
Among them, the most common tet genes identified were gene tet(AC) and
tet(B) [9, 41, 42]. However, Gram positive strains KDZ415 and KDZ423 were
shown having tetracycline resistant gene tet(AC) and tet(B), suggesting resistance
determinants could be horizontally transferred even across far distant species and
bringing in a high-profile biosafety issue [43].
131 Prevalence Investigation of Tetracycline Resistant Bacteria in Raw Milk 1225
131.4 Conclusions
Acknowledgments This work was partly supported by The National Natural Science Founda-
tion of China (Grant No. 30970114) and The National Key Technology R&D Program of China
(Grant No. 2011BAC11B05).
11. Burdett V (1986) Streptococcal tetracycline resistance mediated at the level of protein
synthesis. Bacteriol 165:564–569
12. Ross JI, EADY EA, COVE JH et al (1998) 16S rRNA mutation associated with tetracycline
resistance in a Gram-positive bacterium. ANTIMICROB AGENTS CH 42:1702–1705
13. Yang W, Moore IF, Koteva KP et al (2004) TetX is a favin-dependent monooxygenase
conferring resistance to tetracycline antibiotics. Biol. Chem. 279:52346–52352
14. Yuan Y, Zhang Y, Hou Y et al (1991) The isolation and identification procedures of cow
mastitis bacteria. Chin J Vet Sci Technol 21(2):7–10
15. Fitzgetald JR, Meaney WJ, Hartigani PJ (1997) Fine-structure molecular epidemiological
analysis of Staphylococcus aureus recovered from cows. Epidemiol Infect 119(5):261–269
16. Shinefield HR (2006) Use of a conjugate polysaccharide vaccine in the prevention of invasive
staphylococcal disease: is an additional vaccine needed or possible. Vaccine 24(2):65–69
17. Hendrickson ER, Payne JA, Yong RM et al (2002) Molecular analysis of dehalococcoides
16S ribosomal DNA from chloroethene-contaminated sites throughout North America and
Europe. Appl Environ Microb (AEM) 68(2):485–495
18. Roe DE, Braham P, Weinbetg A, et al (1995) Characterization of tetracycline resistance in
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. Oral Microbiol Immunol 10:227–232
19. Tiedje JM, Wang QG, Garrity M et al (2007) Naive Bayesian classifier for rapid assignment
of rRNA sequences into the new bacterial taxonomy. Appl Environ Microb (AEM)
20. Janda JM, Sharon L (2007) 16S rRNA gene sequencing for bacterial identification in the
diagnostic laboratory: pluses, perils, and pitfalls. J Clin Microbiol 45(9):2761–2764
21. Johnson MK, Boese-Marrazzo D (1980) Production and properties of heat-stable
extracellular hemolysin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Infect Immun 29(3):1028–1033
22. Kastner S, Perreten V, Bleuler H et al (2006) Antibiotic susceptibility patterns and resistance
genes of starter cultures and probiotic bacteria used in food. Syst Appl Microbiol 29:145–155
23. CLSI/(NCCLS) (2005) Performance standards for antimicrobial susceptibility testing.
Fifteenth Informational Supplement, 25(1):44–51, 110–115
24. Jones CH, Tuclman M, Howe AYM et al (2006) Diagnostic PCR analysis of occurrence of
methicillin and tetracycline resistance among Staphylococcus aureus isolates from phase 3
clinical trials of tigecycline for complicated skin and skin structure infection. Antimicrob
Agents Chemother 20(2):505–510
25. Yu Z, Michel FC Jr, Hansen G et al (2005) Development and application of real-time PCR
assays for quantification of genes encoding tetracycline resistance. APPL ENVIRON
MICROB (AEM) 71(11):6926–6933
26. Rahman MH, Sakamoto KQ, Nonaka L et al (2008) Occurrence and diversity of the
tetracycline resistance gene tet (M) in enteric bacteria of Antarctic adelie penguins.
J Antimicrob Chemoth 62(3):627–628
27. Liu W-H, Xu Y-D, Guo A-Z, Jia A-Q, Liu J-F, Chen H-C (2006) PCR amplification of tetB
gene for pathogenic Salmonella isolated from diseased pigs. Chin J Antibiot 31(11):51–55
28. Huys G, D’Haene K, Collard J-M et al (2004) Prevalence and molecular characterization of
tetracycline resistance in Enterococcus isolates from food. Appl Environ Microbiol
29. Kurz CL, Chauvet S, Andrès E et al (2003) Virulence factors of the human opportunistic
pathogen Serratia marcescens identified by in vivo screening. EMBO J 22:1451–1460
30. FLYG C, Kenne K, Boman HG (1980) Insect pathogenic properties of Serratia marcescens:
phage-resistant mutants with a decreased resistance to Cecropia immunity and a decreased
virulence to Drosophila. Microbiology 120(1):173–181
31. Pier GB (2002) CFTR mutations and host susceptibility to Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung
infection. Curr opin Microbiol 5(1):81–86
32. BBI (2001) International status of large scale production and use of fuel ethanol in Brazil.
World Fuel Ethanol Congress, Beijing
131 Prevalence Investigation of Tetracycline Resistant Bacteria in Raw Milk 1227
132.1 Introduction
The urban landscape water is mostly static or closed and the fluidity of the water is
poor. Some of them even appear in different degrees of eutrophication, which
seriously affects the surrounding natural and living environment, and then the
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1229
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_132, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1230 Z. Yang et al.
The serious eutrophicatized water was taken from ‘‘Jingye Lake’’ in Tianjin
University campus (the quality of lake water was shown in Table 132.1) and
subpackaged in 350-L white plastic buckets. The water in Bucket 1 was left
untreated and used as the control; while the water in Bucket 2 and 3 was treated
successively by nitrifying bacteria, photosynthetic bacteria, and compound bac-
teria, with the interval of 1d. The total concentration of three kinds of bacteria was
50 mg/L for bucket 1, and 100 mg/L for bucket 2. The total bacteria concentrations
of the two buckets were 50 and 100 mg/L, respectively. The water temperature
during the test was between 24 and 30 C.
The organic substances were mainly from decomposing plants and animals,
domestic sewage, and industrial wastewater discharged. A large number of organic
substances in the water caused algae multiplication and DO reduced. Therefore, it
is very important to remove CODMn. CODMn changed with time is shown in
Fig. 132.1.
In Fig. 132.1, it is shown that CODMn of the untreated water appeared as the
maximum value 22.1 mg/L on the 7 day, and this value was much higher than the
initial value 13.8 mg/L. Moreover, the fluctuation of the untreated water was much
bigger, but the other CODMn curves with bacteria showed declining trends. Its
removal rate was more than 50 % with the bacteria concentration of 100 mg/L on
the 5th day. The results showed that efficient bacteria had a good function of
CODMn removal. And it can also be seen that the curve with the bacteria
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35
time (d)
concentration of 100 mg/L had a much greater decline trend. So it is shown that
the removal rate of CODMn increased with the increasing bacterial concentration.
Ammonia nitrogen in the water was first converted into nitrate nitrogen by nitrifying
bacteria, and then nitrate nitrogen was converted into nitrogen by denitrifying
bacteria, releasing to the atmosphere. Concentration of NH4+-N changed with time
is shown in Fig. 132.2.
In Fig. 132.2, NH4+-N value increased to a certain extent during the early days
after bacteria inputting. That is because nitrogen compounds were converted into
ammonia nitrogen, then ammonia nitrogen was converted into nitrate nitrogen
mainly by nitrifying bacteria. Nitrifying bacteria are strict autotrophic bacteria.
Moreover, nitrifying bacteria adapt to the environment relatively slow, and the
growth rate and metabolism are also very slow. So that NH4+-N value descend rate
was very slow at the beginning of the test. And the growth rate of nitrifying
bacteria and nitrification rate were also low at this period. Its removal rate was
more than 50 % with the bacteria concentration of 100 mg/L on the 5th day.
Furthermore it can also be seen that the curve had a much greater decline trend
with bacteria concentration of 100 mg/L, in comparison with that of bacterial
concentration 50 mg/L. So it is shown that the removal rate of NH4+-N increased
with increasing bacteria concentration. It can be found that the fluctuation of
NH4+-N and CODMn value accorded well with each other by comparing
Figs. 132.1 and 132.2, because the complex organic substances in the wastewater
were decomposed gradually [6].
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33
time (d)
Water turbidity is caused mainly by the substances such as sand, clay, protozoa,
algae, bacteria, virus, and organic polymer. Turbidity changed with time is shown
in Fig. 132.3.
In Fig. 132.3, water turbidity decreased obviously. Because the organic sub-
stances was degraded by efficient bacteria, supernatant turbidity of water sample
with the bacteria concentration of 100 mg/L dropped from 62NTU(?) to about
7NTU(?) on the 8th day, and the removal rate of turbidity was about 88 %. The
decrease rate of turbidity became faster with increase in bacteria concentration.
Turbidity of the untreated water also decreased because of natural settling, but the
decline trend was slower than the test.
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27
time (d)
132.3.4 Effect on DO
In the lakes of the eutrophication, the algae are so dense that it was difficult for the
sunlight to penetrate into deep lake, which caused a limited and weakened pho-
tosynthesis for deep water. Moreover, the DO value of the source water is
decreased due to the accumulation of algae. Next, decomposition of died algae will
also consume a lot of DO of in the deep water. But organic substances decrease
continuously as they become microbial foodstuffs after the efficient bacterial have
been applied, which inhibit the growth of algae. As a result, DO recovers as a
result of weakened coverage of algae. DO changed with time is shown in
Fig. 132.4.
In Fig. 132.4, DO value was lower than 2 mg/L for the previous 10 days of the
test, which was mainly due to growing of nitrifying bacteria at this period. DO
value increased steadily from 2 mg/L to about 7 mg/L after the 10th day, which
was beneficial for the nitrification, and caused the decreased NH4+-N value of the
water. DO value was about 4.2 mg/L with the bacteria concentration of 50 mg/L
on the 15th day. While the DO value of the untreated water was only 2.36 mg/L. It
is shown that the bacteria method is superior to natural re-oxygenation. It can be
seen from Fig. 132.4 that DO value with higher bacteria concentration was lower
than that of lower bacteria concentration. Because the water of the high bacteria
concentration decomposed a large number of the organic substances, and then the
DO value decreased much slowly.
Contents of nitrogen and phosphorus in water are the main factors that affected the
multiplication of the algae. The higher the contents of nitrogen and phosphorus
are, the more algae become. The contents of nitrogen and phosphorus of the
7 14 21 28 35
time (d)
pH Value
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
time (d)
sediment increase after the algae died or sank into the lake, since the sediment
releases nitrogen and phosphorus into the water, so that the algae grows more
quickly, and then a negative cycle is formed. Chlorophyll-a is an important
indicator of the algae. Chlorophyll-a changed with time is shown in Fig. 132.5.
In Fig. 132.5, the concentration of chlorophyll-a in three barrels decreased
significantly for a week after the bacteria being input. The reason why the control
declined was that the water can self-purify without sediment, so that nitrogen and
phosphorus of the water reduced and then the concentration of chlorophyll-a
decreased. The decreased rate of chlorophyll-a became faster with increase in the
bacteria concentration. The color of the water began to change from dark green to
clear 2 days after the bacteria treatment and the floating algae on the water also
decreased markedly [7].
The water maintained alkaline during the test, and the pH value was around eight
because the various bacteria coordinated with each other [8]. The pH value
changed over time is shown in Fig. 132.6.
The pH value kept stable in the testing duration of 27 days, because photo-
synthetic bacteria and compound bacteria produced alkali, and nitrifying bacteria
consumed alkali in the metabolic activities. The various bacteria maintained good
activity and appropriate metabolic conditions, so that the pH was in equilibrium.
132.4 Conclusions
(1) It was convinced that photosynthetic bacteria, nitrifying bacteria, and com-
pound bacteria behaved well in decontaminating micro-polluted water in this
1236 Z. Yang et al.
(2) The eutrophication of landscape water can be well controlled and decontam-
inated by inputting microbes, which was very simple to operate. Furthermore,
it could not form the secondary pollution or transfer pollutants.
Acknowledgments This work was financed by the Tianjin Binhai New Area Tanggu Science
and Technology Development Foundation (2010STHB09-04), China.
1. Shan B, Liu H (2008) Field study on usage of bio-eco treatment of circulation & purifying
system for polluted scenic water in urban areas. Chn J Environ Eng 2(5):702–706
2. Zhang Z, Zheng Z, Zhang P et al (2007) Study on re-oxygenation effect diving aerating device
repairing the urban landscape water. China Water & Wastewater 20(Supplement):207–210
3. Yuan L, Zhang W, Kong H (2009) Removal test of phosphate and algae from eutrophic
landscape water by coagulation. J Xi’an Univ Archit Technol (Nat Sci edn) 41(2):236–240
4. Joebgen A, Palm A, Melkonian M (2004) Phosphorus removal from eutrophic lakes using
periphyton on submerged artificial substrata. Hydrobiologia 528(1–3):123–142
5. Domaizon I, Devaux J (2009) Experimental study of the impacts of silver carp on plankton
communities of eutrophic Villerest reservoir. Aquat Ecol 33:193–204
6. Zonghua W, Pang J, Xinzheng W et al (2009) Study on dominant consortium treating
eutrophication water. J Nanyang Normal Univ 8(09):43–45
7. Pang J, Yang Z, Sun Y (2008) Purifying the urban lake by adding dominant bacteria. China
Water Wastewater 19(6):51–52
8. Lillie SH, Pringle JR (1980) Reserved carbohydrate metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae:
response to nutrient limitation. J Bacteriol 26(4):1384–1394
Chapter 133
Study on Decolorization Effect
of Biological Strengthening the Activated
Carbon with White Rot Fungi
Abstract The colority and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removal rates of
biological strengthening the activated carbon with Phanerochaete chrysosporium
and Rhodopseudomonas for papermaking and printing-dyeing wastewater were
investigated. With 1 % (v/v) Phanerochaete chrysosporium, the colority removal
rate for papermaking wastewater reached 80 % at 3 h of retention time, and for
printing-dyeing wastewater at 1.5 h of retention time; the COD removal rate was
65.14 and 78.78 % respectively at 3 h of retention time. Having been treated by
1 % Rhodopseudomonas, the colority removal rate was lower than that induced by
Phanerochaete chrysosporium, and the COD removal rate was 71.35 % for
papermaking wastewater. Combined strains treatment produced the colority and
COD removal rate of 90 and 80 % respectively for papermaking wastewater. The
COD removal rate of the biological strengthening activated carbon technique
strengthened by Rhodopseudomonas first was higher than that strengthened by
Phanerochaete chrysosporium first.
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1237
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_133, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1238 Z. Yang et al.
133.1 Introduction
133.2.1 Strains
133.2.3 Methods
The samples were taken every 8 h and observed continually under a microscope
until there were a few bacteria existing in the water. So it was believed that most of
bacteria have been attached on the carriers. The decolorization rate was measured
every 1 h; the experimental results are shown in Figs. 133.1 and 133.2.
No. 1 and 3 had good decolorization effect and higher decolorization rate at
90 min. The decolorization effect of No. 2 with only Rhodopseudomonas was worst
(Fig. 133.1). The mechanism of decolorization by white-rot fungus is attribute to its
special enzyme system produced, which catalyze the oxidate redox chromophoric
groups and destroy the unsaturated conjugated bonds. Rhodopseudomonas has good
biological flocculation, which can further facilitate the decomposition of small
molecule organic pollutants. But most of the dyes are synthetic macromolecular
aromatic compounds that can not be broken down, so it is impossible to achieve the
purpose of decolorization, and its decolorization effect should be the function of
adsorption. Figure 133.2 shows the decolorization effect of papermaking waste-
water, which reflects mainly the same decolorizing law, but the highest decolor-
ization rate was reached in 180 min. According to the above phenomenon, white-rot
fungus has good biological decolorizing effect for printing-dyeing wastewater and
133 Study on Decolorization Effect of Biological Strengthening 1241
Decolorization rate / %
0 30 60 90
Time /min
0 60 120 180 240 300
Time /min
papermaking wastewater, which means that white-rot fungus has wide adaptability,
non-specificity and the ability of degrading chromophoric accumulation completely.
According to the above decolorization effects, the COD removal effect of the two
strains in 180 min was tested respectively; the results are shown in Figs. 133.3 and
The COD removal effect of No. 3 and 6 with combined strains was higher than
that of the single strain. This can be attributed to extracellular peroxidase (such as
lignin peroxidase Lip and manganese peroxidase Mnp) produced by Phanerochaete
chrysosporium, which can cause a series of free radical reaction, and divide
macromolecular complex organic compounds into small molecular substances by
opening conjugated bond and benzene rings. Rhodopseudomonas has good
1242 Z. Yang et al.
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Time /min
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Time /min
biological flocculation which can further promote small molecule organic pollutants
to accelerate the COD removal efficiency.
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Time /min
rate, with about 75 % higher COD removal rate. This is because Phanerochaete
chrysosporium degraded the macromolecular organic matter, in combination with
Rhodopseudomonas, which degraded the small molecule organic matters.
133.4 Conclusions
Acknowledgments This work was financed by the National Science and Technology Planning
Project of China under Grant No. of 2011BAC11B04.
1244 Z. Yang et al.
1. Li ZP, Liu QJ, Lin QT et al (2010) The application study progress of advanced treatment
technology of papermaking wastewater. Trans China Pulp Pap 25:102–103
2. Gu PJ, Chen WH, Wang PN et al (2006) Considerations on printing-dyeing wastewater
treatment. Pollut Control Technol 10:52–55
3. GB3544-2008 (2008) Discharge standard of water pollutants for pulp and paper industry.
China Standards Press, Beijing
4. Pratima P (2012) Brief description of the pulp and paper making process. In: Biotechnology
for pulp and paper processing. Springer, New York
5. Zhang RC, Miao XZ, Ma HY et al (2008) A study on advance treatment with bioactive
carbon for pulp and paper mill effluent. China Pulp Pap Ind 21:54–56
6. Jia R, Zhao F, Wu S et al (2004) Treatment of dyestuff wastewater with white rot fungus bio-
contact oxidation technique. China Environ Sci 24:205–208
7. Arora DS, Sharma RK (2010) Ligninolytic fungal laccases and their biotechnological
applications. Appl Biochem Biotech 160:1760–1788
8. Freitas AC, Ferreira F, Costa AM et al (2009) Biological treatment of the effluent from a
bleached kraft pulp mill using basidiomycete and zygomycete fungi. Sci Total Environ
9. Pang JZ, Liu Y (2008) The intensive treatment of paper mill effluent with biological stuffing
process. China Pulp Pap Ind 29:36–37
10. Kaushik G, Thakur IS (2009) Isolation of fungi and optimization of process parameters for
decolourization of distiller mill effluent. World J Microbiol Biotechnol 25:955–964
11. Wang A, Xie N, Liang Z (2000) Study on the determination of water colority. Environ Monit
China 4:37–40
Chapter 134
The Removal of Crude Oil in Waste
Drilling Muds by a Constructed Microbial
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1245
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_134, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1246 Y. Chang et al.
134.1 Introduction
Waste drilling muds (WDMs) are one of the major pollutants during crude oil and
gas well drilling activities in the oil industry. The discharge of WDMs into the
environment without any treatment causes problems to the circumjacent soil,
groundwater, and human beings due to the harmful ingredients of both organic and
inorganic contaminants such as aromatics and heavy metals with carcinogenicity,
teratogenicity, and mutagenicity [1–3].
In recent years, researchers pay more and more attention to dealing with WDM
contaminants. Some technologies carried out to decrease the environmental
damages include thermal disposal [4], microwave treatments [5], supercritical fluid
extraction [6], solidification, and stabilization and phytodegradation [7, 8]. How-
ever, traditional treatments usually could not overcome some shortcomings in
WDMs treatments such as high energy consumption, large land occupation, pro-
hibitive cost, long remediation time, and secondary pollution [9–11].
Bioremediation has been approved by many researchers due to its remarkable
advantages such as cost-effectivenesss, less land occupation, and no secondary
pollution [12]. Hence, researchers have carried out many studies to remediate
WDMs using microorganism-related technologies. However, most previous stud-
ies only focused on single strain, and the utilized microbial consortium was not
stable and not suitable for field application [13, 14].
In this study, the major pollutants of WDMs collected from Dagang oilfield
were investigated by X-ray fluorescence spectrometer analysis and total oil
extraction analysis. The biodiversity of WDMs sample was investigated by the 16S
rRNA gene clone library analysis. Further, a microbial consortium was constructed
successfully to remove the oil contaminants from WDMs by successive enrich-
ment of the indigenous microorganisms, and the dynamic changes in the consor-
tium were monitored by DGGE analysis during the enrichment process.
WDMs were obtained from the drilling field in Dagang Oilfield, southeastern
Tianjin, China. The pH, water content, and electrical conductivity of the WDMs
were 8.2, 60 % (w/w), 1,796 ls/cm, respectively, which showed that the WDMs
were of high water content and weakly saline-alkaline characteristics.
134 The Removal of Crude Oil in Waste Drilling Muds 1247
Total DNA was extracted from the WDMs sample by UltraCleanTM Soil DNA
Isolation Kit (Mo Bio Laboratories, Inc., USA) according to the operation manual.
The biodiversity of WDMs was tested by 16S rRNA gene amplification and clone
library construction, DNA sequencing, alignment, and phylogenetic analysis
according to the reported method [15].
According to the reported method [17, 18], the total oil was extracted by
dichloromethane and tested by weighing the dry extraction after evaporating the
solvent under nitrogen, and then the four fractions (aliphatic, aromatic, resins, and
asphaltenes) of the extracted oil were separate by silica gel column chromatog-
raphy. The fractions were analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometer
(GC–MS) (7,890–5,975c, Agilent, USA) equipped with an Agilent HP-5MS fused
silica capillary column (60 m 9 0.25 mm 9 0.25 lm) following the reported
method [2].
The 16S rRNA gene fragments were amplified with primers 341F (5’-
which targeted universal conserved bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences [20].
A GC-clamp was attached to the 5’ end of primer 341F to prevent complete
melting of the DNA fragments during the DGGE analysis [21]. A hot-start PCR
was performed at 94 C for 5 min and a touchdown PCR was performed as
follows: the annealing temperature was initially set at 65 C and then decreased by
0.5 C every cycle until it decreased to 60 C, then 18 additional cycles were
carried out at 60 C. Denaturing was carried out at 94 C for 1 min, and primer
annealing was performed at 72 C for 0.5 min. The final extension step was at
72 C for 3 min [22].
DGGE analysis was performed using a model DCodeTM System (Bio-Rad Labo-
ratories Inc., USA) with a denaturing gradient of 40–70 % in a 7.5 % polyacryl-
amide gel following the manufacturer’s instructions. PCR products from the
previous step were mixed with the same volume of 2 9 Gel loading Dye, and
DNA fragments were separated for 12–16 h at 80 V, 60 C [23]. The gel was
stained for 30 min with Super Green I and visualized using a Gel Doc EQ gel
documentation system (Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., USA).
Single bands from the DGGE gel were excised and placed into 0.5 ml micro-
centrifuge tubes with 50 ll sterile water. The tubes were incubated overnight at
4 C. PCR amplifications were carried out with the same program as described
above using 1 ll of the DNA eluted from the bands and the same primers. Again,
PCR products were used for DGGE analysis to verify whether the excised band
was single or not. After that, the true single bands were re-amplified again with the
same primers without GC-clamp and the PCR products were sent for sequencing
by BGI (, China).
134 The Removal of Crude Oil in Waste Drilling Muds 1249
All the obtained data were subjected to one-way analysis of variance and post hoc
Tukey test using the SPSS Version 13.0 statistical package. The results were tested
for significance at the 5 % level. All the chemicals used in this study were ana-
lytical reagent grade and chromatographic reagent grade.
Phylogenetic analysis (Phylip, Version 3.69) of the partial 16S rRNA gene
revealed that indigenous microbial diversity in the WDMs remained a relative high
value (Fig. 134.1).
Totally 164 clones were selected and sequenced successfully. After BLAST in
NCBI (, the results revealed that sequences mainly
grouped with Alpha- and Gamma-proteobacteria (29.88 and 27.44 %, respec-
tively) and Clostridia (16.46 %). In addition, a few clones were affiliated with
Beta-proteobacteria (6.71 %) and Delta-proteobacteria (6.71 %) (Fig. 134.2).
Alpha-proteobacteria was the most dominant group in the clone library,
which accounted for 29.88 % of the total. These sequences were mainly
1250 Y. Chang et al.
Fig. 134.1 Phylogenetic tree of clones based on partial 16S rRNA gene sequences
grouped and belonged to the genus of Rhizobium and Rhodobacter (Fig. 134.3).
Gamma-proteobacteria was another dominant bacteria, which is of the nearest
relationship with the genus of Pseudomonas. Many bacteria from these three
main genuses could degrade petroleum hydrocarbons or their derivatives and
play a very important role in oil contaminated environments according to for-
mer studies [24–26].
134 The Removal of Crude Oil in Waste Drilling Muds 1251
Alpha-proteobacteria Gamma-proteobacteria
Beta-proteobacteria Delta-proteobacteria
Clostridia some other class
7.93% 20.73%
Percentage (%)
C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C22 C23 C24 C26 C27 C28 C30
Fractions with different carbon number
Fig. 134.5 The percentage of fractions with different carbon number by GC–MS analysis
number more than C16 were usually higher than the fractions with carbon number
less than C16, which indicated that the long chain hydrocarbon fractions in WDMs
were harder to be degraded by microorganisms [32].
1254 Y. Chang et al.
stutzeri, respectively. It was consistent with the result of 16S rRNA gene clone
library. These two species were usually studied in petroleum hydrocarbons deg-
radation experiments [33, 34]. The results showed the intensity of band 1, 3, 4, 5, 7
remained relatively constant during the last 4 weeks’ enrichment process from
which it could be inferred that these five species were synergistic in this specific
environment (Fig. 134.7). At the end of the enrichment process, band 4 and band 5
belonged to the genus of Alishewanella and Halomonas, tied for the first place in
the microbial consortium. Alishewanella could typically use multiple electron
acceptors to enhance the biodegradation of oil contaminants in anoxic environ-
ments [35]. Halomonas had been previously studied as good oil contaminant
degraders, especially in saline and alkaline environments [36–38].
After 7 days’ treatment, nearly 69 % (w/w) of total oil contaminants were suc-
cessfully degraded, and the degradation rate by the control treatment was only 8 %
(w/w). The indigenous microorganisms of the added WDMs may cause oil con-
taminants degradation in the control treatment, but there was low cell density and
poor nutrients in the WDMs, so the degeneration proportion of oil in control
treatment was low. By contrast, the added microbial consortium and abundant
nutrients caused great power to remove the oil contaminants from WDMs.
134.4 Conclusions
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Major Project of Tianjin Science and
Technology Support Plan (Grant No. 11ZCZDSY09000), the CAS Strategic Priority Research
Program (Grant No. XDA05120204), the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese
Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX2-EW-104), the NSFC (Grant No. 51104106) and
Western Light Joint scholars project.
1256 Y. Chang et al.
21. Maarit Niemi R, Heiskanen I, Wallenius K et al (2001) Extraction and purification of DNA in
rhizosphere soil samples for PCR-DGGE analysis of bacterial consortia. J Microbiol Meth
22. He Z, Zhao Y, Gao F et al (2010) Monitoring bacterial community shifts in bioleaching of
Ni-Cu sulfide. Bioresour Technol 101:8287–8293
23. Gonzalez N, Simarro R, Molina MC et al (2011) Effect of surfactants on PAH biodegradation
by a bacterial consortium and on the dynamics of the bacterial community during the process.
Bioresour Technol 102:9438–9446
24. Wei GH, Yu JF, Zhu YH et al (2008) Characterization of phenol degradation by Rhizobium
sp. CCNWTB 701 isolated from Astragalus chrysopteru in mining tailing region. J Hazard
Mater 151:111–117
25. Gemini VL, Gallego A, de Oliveira VM et al (2005) Biodegradation and detoxification of-
nitrophenol by Rhodococcus wratislaviensis. Int Biodeter Biodegr 55:103–108
26. Zhang XS, Xu DJ, Zhu CY et al (2012) Isolation and identification of biosurfactant producing
and crude oil degrading Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains. Biochem Eng J 209:138–146
27. Chang W, Dyen M, Spagnuolo L et al (2010) Biodegradation of semi-and non-volatile
petroleum hydrocarbons in aged, contaminated soils from a sub-Arctic site: laboratory pilot-
scale experiments at site temperatures. Chemosphere 80:319–326
28. Ting WTE, Yuan SY, Wu SD et al (2011) Biodegradation of phenanthrene and pyrene by
Ganoderma lucidum. Int Biodeter Biodegr 65:238–242
29. Janbandhu A, Fulekar MH (2011) Biodegradation of phenanthrene using adapted microbial
consortium isolated from petrochemical contaminated environment. J Hazard Mater
30. Krivobok S, Miriouchkine E, Seigle-Murandi F et al (1998) Biodegradation of Anthracene by
soil fungi. Chemosphere 37:523–530
31. Jacques RJS, Santos EC, Bento FM et al (2005) Anthracene biodegradation by Pseudomonas
sp. isolated from a petrochemical sludge landfarming site. Int Biodeter Biodegr 56:143–150
32. Das N, Chandran P (2011) Microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminants: an
overview. Biotechnol Res Int 2011:941810
33. Zhang Z, Zhou Z, Yang C et al (2011) Degradation of n-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons in petroleum by a newly isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa DQ8. Bioresour
Technol 102:4111–4116
34. Moscoso F, Deive FJ, Longo MA et al (2012) Technoeconomic assessment of phenanthrene
degradation by Pseudomonas stutzeri CECT 930 in a batch bioreactor. Bioresour Technol
35. Morris JM, Jin S, Crimi B et al (2009) Microbial fuel cell in enhancing anaerobic
biodegradation of diesel. Biochem Eng J 146:161–167
36. Hassanshahian M, Emtiazi G, Cappello S (2012) Isolation and characterization of crude-oil-
degrading bacteria from the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea. Mar Pollut Bull 64:7–12
37. Dosta J, Nieto JM, Vila J et al (2011) Phenol removal from hypersaline wastewaters in a
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38. Shao ZZ, Cui ZS, Dong CM et al (2010) Analysis of a PAH-degrading bacterial population in
subsurface sediments on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Deep-Sea Res Pt I 57:724–730
Chapter 135
Isolation and Identification of Saline
Tolerance Phosphate-Solubilizing
Bacteria Derived from Salt-affected Soils
and Their Mechanisms of P-solubilizing
Abstract The salt-affected soils of beach from Tianjin China were sampled to
screen the saline tolerance phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (SA-T-PSB) using
inorganic phosphorous medium. On basis of the phenotypic characterization and
16S rRNA gene sequencing, 4 isolates with the highest PSA, B1114, B1213,
B1303, and J101 were identified as Enterobacter ludwigii, Pantoea ananatis,
Pseudomonas psychrotolerans, and Gluconobacter frateurii, respectively. Subse-
quently, aimed to assaying the mechanisms of P-solubilizing, organic acid types of
the 4 isolates were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. The
results showed that all 4 isolates mainly secreted gluconic acid. The effect of
carbon and nitrogen source on P-solubilization activity of the strains also indicated
that the production of gluconic acid is the main mechanisms of P-solubilizing.
Keywords Microorganism isolation Microorganism identification Phosphate-
solubilizing bacteria P-solubilizing mechanisms
135.1 Introduction
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1259
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_135, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1260 Y. Han et al.
The soil samples were locally collected from the salt-effected barren land (38440
North, 117460 West, Tianjin, China) in sterile plastic bags and conserved at -4 C.
The soils in this area were characterized by ECe 38.36, organic matter 14.4 g/kg,
total N, P 1.02 g/kg, and 1.62 g/kg, respectively, available P 30 mg/kg with pH 7.8.
Soil pH was measured using a soil-to-water ratio of 1:2.5. Electrical conductivity
(EC) was estimated using a saturation soil extract. To isolate SA-T-PSB, 1 g soil was
homogenized in 50 sterile distilled water containing 0.85 % NaCl (w/v) and shaken
at 240 rpm for 30 min. The serial dilution was plated on standard NBRIP growth
agar mediums [12] amend with different concentrations of NaCl. The plates were
incubated at 25 C for 3 days. The isolates showing clear halo, which indicated
P-solubilizing ability, were picked and further purified on NBRIP medium.
All purified isolates were estimated qualitatively in NBRIP liquid medium with
Ca3(PO4)2 (TCP) as single P source. After 7 days culture, the culture was
centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 10 min and filtered with 0.22 lm syringe filter.
135 Isolation and Identification of Saline Tolerance Phosphate 1261
The soluble P in the filtrate was measured by the Mo-blue method with a spec-
trophotometer at 700 nm [13]. The concentration of P was calculated by a standard
curve obtained using KH2PO4.
The identification of the isolates was performed based on morphology and bio-
chemical reactions including Gram staining, gelatin hydrolysis, oxidase test,
methyl red test, Voges–Proskauer (V–P) reaction, and utilization of different
carbon sources according to Bergey’s Manual of Systemic Bacteriology [14].
The culture filtrates as described above were diluted ten times and then used for
the analysis of gluconic acid by HPLC (Agilent 1100, USA) equipped with KYA
TECH HiQ Sil RP-C18 column 250 9 4.6 mm. The mobile phase was 0.05 M
KH2PO4 containing 5 % methanol with a pH 2.2 [16], the absorption was mea-
sured at 210 nm, the column temperature was 25 C. The identification and esti-
mation of the concentration of gluconic acid in sample were determined by
comparing retention times and peak areas of chromatograms with the standards
sample of gluconic acid, respectively.
To study the effect of different carbon sources on the growth and P-solubilizing
activity of strain J101, glucose was replaced with an equal amount (10 g/L) of
1262 Y. Han et al.
The date was subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the software SPSS
version II. Statistical comparisons of their means were performed by the LSD test
at P B 0.05. All values were the means of three replicates.
Four selected SA-T-PSBs were shown to be Gram-negative and had small rods.
Their colony morphologies were white or/and yellow, circular, smooth, raised and
entire edge when observed in LB agar medium. All strains except B1114 are
135 Isolation and Identification of Saline Tolerance Phosphate 1263
Table 135.1 Solubilized P, final pH, salinity tolerance, and IAA production by 4 SA-T-PSBs
Isolates Solubilized Salinity Final pHa IAA contents
P (mg/l)a tolerance (%) (mg/l)a,
B1114 561 ± 23 a 5.0 4.91 ± 0.13 a NO
B1213 582 ± 27 a 2.5 4.30 ± 0.07 b 13.47 ± 2.1 a
B1303 441 ± 42 b 2.5 4.16 ± 0.11 b 7.88 ± 0.51 b
J101 612 ± 25 a 1.5 3.37 ± 0.18 d NO
The values were the mean ± SD from three replicates, and there was significant difference
(P B 0.05) between the mean values with different letters by LSD
Gelatin hydrolysis, Oxidase, V–P reaction, Methyl red test positive, and Gelatin
hydrolysis negative. B1114 is Gelatin hydrolysis positive. All 4 strains can utilize
Glucose, Lactose, Fructose, Maltose, Starch, Sucrose, Glycogen, Mannitol,
Glycerol, and Sorbito as single carbon. By comparing the 16S rRNA gene
sequences of the isolates with the GenBank database, it could be indicated that
B1114 and B1213 were similar to E. ludwigii and P. ananatis, respectively, and
B1303 and J101 were identified to be P. psychrotolerans and G. frateurii,
respectively (Table 135.2).
HPLC analysis of the culture filtrates showed that all of 4 SA-T-PSBs could
secrete gluconic acid which was probably the major component since there is no
other higher peak (Fig. 135.1). Furthermore, gluconic acid might be one of the
major organic acids during P-solubilization. J101 with maximum P-solubilization
produced the highest content of Gluconic acid (8.47 mM), followed by B1303
which had the lowest P-solubilizing ability (Fig. 135.1). The acidification of
medium in process of bacteria-mediated insoluble solubilization suggested the
possibility of organic acid produce which was main strategy for dissolution of
insoluble phosphate through organometallic complex formation or through metal
chelation processes. Particularly for Gram-negative bacteria, production of glu-
conic acid is the common and efficient organic acid during P solubilizing [19]. In
this research, the authors identified and quantified the production of gluconic acid
in supernate culture. Gluconic acid is the main organic acid produced by all 4
SA-T-PSBs as previous reports.
As Table 135.3 showed that, the different carbon source had significant effect
on the growth, P-solubilizing activity and final medium pH. Different carbon
sources in relation to P-solubilization activity were in the following order: glu-
cose [ xylose [ maltose [ mannitol [ starch [ lactose [ sucrose [ fructose.
The glucose and xylose were best carbon source for P-solubilizing. Strain J101
was able to grow with all carbon sources. For nitrogen source (Table 135.4), there
was no significant effect on the P-solubilization activity of strain J101. The soluble
P content released by strain J101 utilizing the glucose as single carbon source far
higher than other carbon source, while there was no significant influence on the
P-solubilization activity of J101 for various nitrogen source. This result was dis-
agreement with Illmer and Schinner (1995) [20] who suggested that the protons
releasing accompanying NH3+ assimilation account for the P solubilization. Our
result indicated the gluconic acid was the main mechanism for P-solubilizing.
There was no relation between the quantities of gluconic acid release by the SA-T-
PSBs and the P-solubilizing value, though strain J101 with highest P-solubilization
135 Isolation and Identification of Saline Tolerance Phosphate 1265
Table 135.3 Effect of carbon source on P-solubilization value and cell biomass (OD600) of
strains J101a
Carbon source P-solubilization OD600 pH
Glucose 618 ± 48 0.62 ± 0.001 3.99 ± 0.07
Fructose 56 ± 2 0.67 ± 0.009 4.78 ± 0.11
Maltose 121 ± 10 0.24 ± 0.01 4.89 ± 0.21
Starch 65 ± 3 0.41 ± 0.008 4.9 ± 0.38
Lactose 63 ± 4 0.51 ± 0.012 4.9 ± 0.11
Sucrose 59 ± 2 0.73 ± 0.009 4.90 ± 0.21
Xylose 347 ± 10 0.69 ± 0.009 4.31 ± 0.13
Mannitol 91 ± 5 1.1 ± 0.012 4.85 ± 0.05
Values were the mean ± SD from three replicates
Table 135.4 Effect of nitrogen source on P-solubilization value and biomass (OD600) of strains
Nitrogen source P-solubilization OD600 pH
Ammonium sulfate 625 ± 19 0.536 ± 0.0119 3.66 ± 0.06
Potassium nitrate 504 ± 8 0.328 ± 0.057 3.36 ± 0.04
Ammonium chloride 532 ± 5 0.522 ± 0.0023 3.31 ± 0.03
Ammonium nitrate 613 ± 19 0.419 ± 0.0085 3.33 ± 0.11
Ammonium oxalate 510 ± 20 0.796 ± 0.0141 3.31 ± 0.03
Urea 534 ± 7 0.521 ± 0.0614 3.35 ± 0.03
Values were the mean ± SD from three replicates
ability produced the highest amounts of gluconic acid, which was in agreement
with Yi Yanmei et al. (2008) [21].
135.4 Conclusion
In this study, we isolated four SA-T-PSB which have high P-solubilizing activity
(C400 mg/l). And the P-solubilizing mechanism of 4 strains is mainly to secrete
the gluconic acid secretion.
Acknowledgments The work was supported by ‘‘National Training Project of College Students’
Innovative and Pioneering Work of Tianjin University of Science and Technology
(201210057049)’’, ‘‘The National Natural Science Foundation of China’’ and ‘‘Spark Plan of
Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2012GA610011)’’.
1266 Y. Han et al.
Kun Chen, Wenyu Shi, Jing Yang, Tong-cun Zhang and Hua Zhao
T.-C. Zhang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference 1267
on Applied Biotechnology (ICAB 2012), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 250,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37922-2_136, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1268 K. Chen et al.
136.1 Introduction
136.2.1 Samples
DNA extraction was adapted from the protocol previously. The 16S rDNA was
amplified by PCR using the following universal primers pairs, 50 -AGTTTG
protocol consisted of 30-33 cycles of incubation at 94 C for 30 s, 58 C for 30 s,
and 72 C for 1 min, followed by extension for 5 min at 72 C. The 16S rDNA
amplified was sequenced and blast before it was submitted to NCBI GenBank.
The COD was determined by potassium dichromate method [14]. Wash culture
tubes and caps with 20 % H2SO4 before using to prevent contamination. Place
sample in culture tube or ampule and add digestion solution. Carefully run sulfuric
acid reagent down inside of vessel so an acid layer is formed under the sample-
digestion solution layer and tightly cap tubes or seal ampules, and invert each
several times to mix completely. Place tubes or ampules in block digester
1270 K. Chen et al.
preheated to 150 C and reflux for 2 h behind a protective shield. Cool to room
temperature and place vessels in test tube rack. Some mercuric sulfate may pre-
cipitate out but this will not affect the analysis. Remove culture tube caps and add
small TFE-covered magnetic stirring bar. Add 0.05 to 0.10 mL (1 to 2 drops)
ferroin indicator and stir rapidly on magnetic stirrer while titrating with stan-
dardized 0.10 M FAS (ferrous ammonium sulfate titrant). The end point is a sharp
color change from blue-green to reddish brown, although the blue-green may
reappear within minutes. In the same manner reflux and titrate a blank containing
the reagents and a volume of distilled water equal to that of the sample.
The effects of different carbon sources, nitrogen sources, pH, temperature, inoc-
ulum concentration and consecutive treatment process on COD removal rate were
Five bacteria exhibiting high alkaline wastewater degrading activity were isolated
after serial enrichment, which called BS1, BS2, BS3, BS4 and BS5 respectively.
The COD removal rate of the five optimized strains was compared as
Fig. 136.1. It was showed that BS5 had the highest COD removal rate, which was
up to 73.42 %.
The genome DNA of BS5 was extracted and its 16S rDNA was amplified by PCR.
The 1067 bp product was sequenced and analyzed. It was identified as Bacillus
flexus. The 16S rDNA sequence was submitted to NCBI GenBank and the
accession number was JX677863.
In the processes of alkaline wastewater treatments, bacteria make use of all kinds
of organic pollutant as nutrition for their growth and proliferation. But these
nutrients in industry wastewater cannot fully meet the need of these demands. So,
some extra nutrition should be added.
Glucose, sucrose, maltose and corn starch were chosen as carbon source,
respectively. The group without extra carbon source was used as control. As
shown in Fig. 136.2, the addition of carbon source remarkably increased the COD
removal rate of the alkaline wastewater. It was proved that the best carbon source
was corn starch.
COD removal rate(%)
control glucose sucrose maltose corn strach
Fig. 136.2 Effects of different carbon sources on the COD removal rate. BS5 was inoculated into
degrading medium. 0.5 % (m:m) glucose, sucrose, maltose and corn starch were added
respectively, inoculum size 10 %, then cultured at 35 C at 150 r/min, the pH was control at 7.0.
50h later, the COD value was measured
1272 K. Chen et al.
Fig. 136.3 Effects of different nitrogen sources on the COD removal rate. BS5 was inoculated
into degrading medium. 1 % (m:m) ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, bran, yeast powder
and corn steep liquor was added, respectively. Corn starch (0.5 %) was used as carbon source.
The culture condition were inoculum size 10 %, 35 C, pH 7.0, and agitation rate 150 r/min. 50h
later, the COD value was measured
Ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, bran, yeast powder and corn steep liquor
was selected as extra nitrogen source, respectively. The group without additional
nitrogen source was used as control. It was showed that these nitrogen sources can
increase the COD removal rate dramatically (Fig. 136.3). Corn steep liquor was
performed as the optimal nitrogen source.
Besides nutrition, the physical culture conditions can also have dramatically
influences on the wastewater disposal process.
The effects of temperature on the COD removal rate of BS5 in degrading medium
were studied. It was showed that the optimum growth temperature for higher
degrading rate was 35 C. When the temperature was less than 25 C or more than
40 C, the COD removal rate decreased significantly (Fig. 136.4).
136 Isolation and Characterization of a Bacillus Strain 1273
1.5 70
1 60
0.5 50
15 25 35 45 55
Temperatures ( )
Fig. 136.4 Effects of temperature on the COD removal rate. BS5 was inoculated into degrading
medium and cultured at temperatures ranging from 20 C to 50 C. The culture condition were
0.5 % corn starch, 1 % corn steep liquor, inoculum size 10 %, pH 7.0, and agitation rate 150 r/
min. 50h later, the COD value was measured
The effects of pH on the COD removal rate were tested. It was obviously presented
that the optimum pH value for COD removal was 7.5 (Fig. 136.5). When pH \ 6.0,
COD removal rate was less than 50 %. If pH was higher than 6.0, the COD removal
rate increased rapidly while pH increased. Until pH was 7.5, COD removal rate
reached its peak. If pH [ 7.5, the COD removal rate decreased dramatically.
The influence of inoculum size on the COD removal rate was investigated. Six
different inoculum sizes (4 %, 6 %, 8 %, 10 %, 12 %, 14 %, 16 %) were test. It
COD×10 (mg/L
2 60
1.5 40
0 0
5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
pH value
Fig. 136.5 Effects of pH on the COD removal rate. BS5 was inoculated into degrading medium
at pH 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8, and 8.5, respectively. The condition of culture was as following, the
volume of the alkaline wastewater was 30 mL/250 mL, 0.5 % corn starch, 1 % corn steep liquor,
10 % inoculum size, then cultured at 35 C at 150 r/min. 50h later, the COD value was measured
1274 K. Chen et al.
0.5 20
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Inoculum size (%)
Fig. 136.6 Effects of inoculum size on the COD removal rate. BS5 was inoculated into
degrading medium at six different inoculum size (4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 %). The condition of
culture was as following, the volume of the alkaline wastewater 30 mL/250 mL, 0.5 % corn
starch, 1 % corn steep liquor, then cultured at 35 C, pH 7.5, at 150 r/min. 50h later, the COD
value was measured
could be concluded from the results presented in Fig. 136.6 that inoculum size
would have a major influence on bacteria breeding and COD removal rate. When
inoculum size was low, the degradation was lower obviously. When the inoculum
size increased, the COD removal rate increased gradually. The COD removal rate
reached 81.04 % while the inoculum size was 10 %. But the increment of COD
removal rate was not obvious if inoculum size continued to increase. So the
optimum inoculum size was set as 10 %.
The performance of optimized strain BS5 was stable by taming. The COD of
alkaline wastewater obviously decreased under the optimized condition after 50 h-
treatment with the bacteria. But when the initial COD of wastewater was very
high, the COD of treated wastewater cannot satisfy the demand of discharge or
utilization standards. Take it into account, consecutive treatment processes may be
The wastewater disposed for one, two or three times process, and the corre-
sponding COD removal rate was showed. According to the data presented in
Fig. 136.7, the aim of consecutive treatment on the COD removal rate was
achieved. After the first round treatment, the COD removal rate was up to 78. 3 %.
Whereas, the second round treatment culture enabled the COD removal rate
reached 90.5 %. Through a third disposal process, the COD removal rate was
96.2 %. It was considered that consecutive disposal process may help to reducing
COD of wastewater effectively.
136 Isolation and Characterization of a Bacillus Strain 1275
one time two times three times
Fig. 136.7 Effects of consecutive process on COD removal rate. Firstly, treated alkaline
wastewater at the speed 4000 r/min, 10 min, and take 30 mL clear liquid to 250 mL flask. The
culture condition were 0.5 % corn mill, 1 % corn steep liquor, 35 C, pH 7.5, 10 % inoculum size
and agitation rate 150 r/min. 50h later, the COD value was measured. The wastewater disposed
by one, two, three times process, and the correspond COD removal rate was showed
136.4 Conclusion
The organic pollutants in petrochemical and oil refining which are resistant to
degradation can be dreadfully hazardous to human health. As they persist in the
environment, they are capable of long range transportation, bioaccumulation in
human and animal tissue and biomagnification in food chain [13]. Thus treatment
of alkaline wastewaters is necessary and biological methods are the most appro-
priate techniques due to mineralization of toxic organic compounds and inex-
pensiveness [10].
The use of microbial catalysts in the biodegradation of organic compounds has
advanced significantly during the past days. It has been found that large numbers
of microbes co-exist in almost all natural environments. Identification of effective
microbial species is considered as one of the important priorities for production of
the biomass in order to achieve desirable kinetic of biological reactions [6].
At the same tine, several external factors can limit the rate of biodegradation of
organic compounds. These factors may include temperature, pH, oxygen content
and availability, substrate concentration and physical properties of contaminants.
Each of these factors should be optimized for the selected organism for the
maximum degradation of the organic compound of choice.
In this study, strains degrading alkaline wastewater were isolated from the
sludge nearby petroleum smelter and enriched, among which BS5 performed the
highest degradation ability. Furthermore, BS5 was identified as Bacillus flexus
through 16S r DNA and some other data (not shown in this paper). Data presented
in this study demonstrated that the strain’s optimum disposal condition should be
0.5 % corn starch, 1 % corn steep liquor, temperature 35 C, initial pH 7.5, 10 %
inoculation size. In such conditions, the removal rate of COD can be up to 81.04 %
and almost 10.38 % higher than before. Meanwhile, successive process was
developed to enhance the degradation efficiency.
1276 K. Chen et al.
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Tanggu Technical Development Founda-
tion Grant of Tianjin in China.
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