Solid Waste

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The document discusses various techniques for measuring odour pollution from waste facilities and managing increasing solid waste issues.

The book discusses environmental footprints and eco-design of products and processes with a focus on recycling of solid waste for biofuels and bio-chemicals.

Techniques mentioned include dynamic olfactometry, dispersion modelling, grid and plume measurements using VDI 3940 standards.

Environmental Footprints and Eco-design

of Products and Processes

Obulisamy Parthiba Karthikeyan
Kirsten Heimann
Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu

Recycling of
Solid Waste for
Biofuels and
Environmental Footprints and Eco-design
of Products and Processes

Series editor
Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu, SGS Hong Kong Limited,
Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
More information about this series at
Obulisamy Parthiba Karthikeyan
Kirsten Heimann
Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu

Recycling of Solid Waste

for Biofuels
and Bio-chemicals

Obulisamy Parthiba Karthikeyan Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu
James Cook University Environmental Services Manager-Asia
Townsville, QLD SGS Hong Kong Limited
Australia Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Kirsten Heimann
James Cook University
Townsville, QLD

ISSN 2345-7651 ISSN 2345-766X (electronic)

Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes
ISBN 978-981-10-0148-2 ISBN 978-981-10-0150-5 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0150-5

Library of Congress Control Number: 2016942490

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

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Global per capita solid waste generation has more than doubled over the first 15
years of this millennium and is expected to reach 2.2 billion tons per year by 2025,
produced by 4.3 billion urban residents. As the human population is also forecasted
to experience an unprecedented growth from currently *7 to *9 billion by 2050,
the management of solid waste is becoming an increasingly pressing problem
now and in near future. It is estimated that growing population will encounter food
(*70 %), fuel (50 %), and freshwater (30 %) demands, resources that are already
limiting in many regions of the world. Furthermore, vast ranges of chemical
feedstock are also required to maintain current-day products and to meet their rates
of production. The non-renewable and finite nature of the energy required for their
production and destruction leads to an escalation of this spiral. Although waste
generation is typically inversely correlated with level of income, developing nations
forecast to produce significantly high amount of solid waste generation, as most
of the expected population growth is to occur there. This places developing
countries at an ever-increasing disadvantage concerning adequate infrastructure
(including waste collection), accommodating growing costs of municipal solid
waste management, and experiencing health issues and environmental pollution
associated with current solid waste disposal practices, i.e., mainly open dumping.
Moreover, globally, landfills are the third largest emitter of methane, a highly potent
greenhouse gas, which is intolerable in view of climate instability (droughts and
flooding) and warming global temperatures further placing immense pressure on
providing food security, worldwide.
Yet, in spite of the looming threat to energy, food, and unpolluted freshwater
security, globally mankind continues to dispose of on average *1.3 billion tonnes
of food waste, *130 million tonnes of non-degradable fossil fuel-derived plastics,
and 52 million tonnes of metals in landfills annually, despite the rising costs for
solid waste management. Although the actual composition of municipal solid
wastes are region- and income-influenced, with low-income nations having higher
proportions of organic waste, their management costs for urban centers have been
forecast to increase by *80 % over the next decade to *375 USD per annum,

vi Preface

an increase expected to be four and five times higher in middle-income and

developing nations, respectively. Significant municipal solid waste management
cost increases together with the realization of wasted energy, and limits of
non-renewable resources are, however, likely to sway the balance in favor of
recycling approaches, which should become more cost-competitive and offer
co-income development through the generation of renewable products produced in
the various processes.
As municipal solid waste is complex in its composition, which varies with
region and level of income, it is wise to investigate a variety of methods for
recycling of solids wastes into renewable products, particularly fuel and energy.
Given the above, the general undersupply of energy/fuel in developing nations,
especially in rural and remote areas, offers another attractive incentive for vigor-
ously facilitating appropriate waste recycling options in these areas. Economic
(at least long term) and environmental sustainability are, however, key criteria for
method implementation, irrespective of nation. In recognition of the growing
problem of municipal solid waste management and finite resources of energy, this
book presents strategies and case studies on waste to energy conversion options for
a variety of wastes, as well as odor management arising from colocation in close
proximity to residents.
Chapter “Prospects of Biomethanation in Indian Urban Solid Waste: Stepping
Towards a Sustainable Future” provides a succinct overview of urbanization and
waste statistics globally and for developing nations such as India. As India is
predicted to be the nation with the highest population growth, emphasis is placed on
hurdles that impede sustainable solid waste management and regionalized examples
are provided for common undesired practices such as illegal dump sites, failed
implementations including reasons why, and successful ones. It briefly introduces
process technologies and their advantages and disadvantages for managing solid
wastes. The focus of this chapter is biomethanation (anaerobic digestion) of solid
waste. Therefore, this chapter describes the different stages of microbial degradation
of organic wastes and parameters that influence the digestion process, including
operational parameters and anaerobic digester types. This chapter closes in detailing
efforts undertaken by the Indian government to enable an organic waste to energy
program and describes anaerobic digester types designed for volumes of organic
waste generated in rural and suburban locations around India aiming to service the
immediate need for energy of these communities and larger projects for energy
generation between 5 and 7 MW funded by the Indian government. This chapter
concludes that biomethanation is a sustainable solution for reducing organic wastes,
which requires assistance through government funding, policies, private and public
sectors, and education/participation by the public for implementation.
Chapter “Status and Prospects of Municipal Solid Waste to Energy Technologies
in China” reviews municipal solid waste (MSW) management to energy strategies
applied in China, the world’s largest developing country. It strategically compares
global advances with the current status in China. China’s MSW management has to
cope with rapid urbanization accompanied by a large increase in MSW generation
due to improved living standards, which also result in sharply rising energy
Preface vii

demands. MSW management has only recently been adopted in China (over the last
30–40 years) and is characterized additionally by large scales and rapid increase in
waste generation. This chapter provides a concise treatment of factors influencing
waste classification in different regions of China and the implementation of a
zero-waste hierarchy aiming to reduce MSW through separating waste for recy-
cling, reuse, and waste to energy types at the source. With landfilling representing
around 70 % of the countries MSW management strategy, technical differences
between the four main types are summarized. As energy generation from waste is
the driver of China’s MSW strategy, this chapter discusses the combined heat to
power generation approaches at landfills and regional deployment of particular
incinerator types. It discusses government responsibility for managing MSW,
policies, and regulations, as well as economics and incentives for waste to energy
Chapter “GHGs Emissions and Sustainable Solid Waste Management” focuses
on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions emanating from waste management practices
and impacts on climate. It provides an introduction on greenhouse gas emissions
and climate consequences and highlights the flow on effects of increased urban-
ization and waste generation of the global population. It reviews zero-order and
first-order models for waste generated GHG emissions and applies these to case
studies of Panama and Thailand and Chennai, India, respectively. Based on the case
studies, it is concluded that zero-order models are inaccurate compared to first-order
models; however, zero-order models can provide estimates in situations were solid
waste management data sets are not available. It reviews life cycle analyses to
evaluate effects of solid waste management options on GHGs emissions. It is
demonstrated that source reduction and recycling have significant GHG emission
savings. For solid waste management of OECD countries, it is shown that
mechanical biological treatments and incineration coupled with waste to energy
recovery are the most promising approaches for reducing GHG emissions. Pyrolysis
of waste materials and the production of biochar and renewable energy are iden-
tified as another promising approach for lowering GHG emissions from the agri-
cultural sector. It evaluates landfill gas collection for case studies in Thailand,
mechanical biological treatment in China and Nigeria, and gasification, landfill gas,
and anaerobic digestion technologies in Indonesia. It is shown that all test methods
yield significant reductions in GHG emissions. This chapter concludes that skilled
human resources, technical capacities, and enforcement of national policies are the
main obstacles for the implementation of GHG emission-conscious solid waste
management practices, particularly in developing nations.
Chapters “Recent Advances of Anaerobic Digestion for Energy Recovery” and
“Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste: A Focus on Microbial Community Structures”
review treatment of organic waste by anaerobic digestion in detail. The process,
i.e., the degradation phases occurring stepwise in the degradation process, is intro-
duced in detail, as are system and system efficiencies and improvements, incorpo-
ration of efficiency monitoring through process analytical technologies, and details
molecular tools to evaluate the microbial community, the latter being one of the
drivers for system performance and management. As the efficiency of the anaerobic
viii Preface

digestion process is strongly influenced by temperature, type of feedstock, pH level,

retention time, carbon to nitrogen (C/N ratio), and volatile fatty acid (VFA)
concentration, these factors are discussed. With regard to temperature, the review
identifies that a phase-separated system (e.g., thermophilic followed by mesophilic
conditions) would be beneficial for achieving higher biogas production. Anaerobic
digestion systems are introduced with regard to feedstock applicability, advantages,
and draw backs and are divided into wet/low residual solid reactors and dry/high
residual solid systems. Regardless of the system, hydrolysis efficiency is identified as
the rate limiting step. These chapters discuss mechanical, ultrasonic, thermochemical,
and microbial/enzymatic pretreatments and their efficiencies in increasing the
bioavailability of complex organic matters to microbes and phase-separated system
approaches to increase biogas yields. Chapter “Recent Advances of Anaerobic
Digestion for Energy Recovery” introduces anaerobic digestion systems and iden-
tifies phase-separated systems to improve the efficiency of the process. Retention time
directly impacts on efficiency, the pros and cons of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket,
expanded granular sludge bed reactors, attached growth reactors, membrane reactors,
and hybrid models. Ultimately, however, the microbial community composition
governs the efficiency of the entire complex process, which is the focus of Chapter
“Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste: A Focus on Microbial Community Structures”
for the different phases. As such, monitoring of changes to these would benefit
models that can then be used to calculate efficiencies. Both chapters detail several
molecular techniques suitable for obtaining these detailed inputs for improving
process efficiencies. In addition, Chapter “Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste: A
Focus on Microbial Community Structures” presents techno-economic outcomes of a
pilot- and industrial-scale case study and for the anaerobic digestion of food waste,
which in both cases proved profitable.
Chapter “Recycling of Livestock Manure into Bioenergy” reviews the outcomes
of anaerobic digestion of pig, cattle, and poultry manure and details changes in the
microbial communities at different stages of the process. The details of animal head
production per country are detailed based on 2013 data, with manure production
being calculated. The literature is reviewed with regard to meso- and thermophilic
cattle manure biogas production under single feed with cofeeding conditions and a
two-phase system operating a pretreatment step at 68 °C and a formal methane
yielding phase at 55 °C. For single mesophilic pig manure digestion, the review
suggests applying grass silage to pig manure ratio of 1:1, resulting in reduced lag
times and increased biogas yields. For chicken manure due to the high ammonia
levels, ammonia-stripping is recommended, as the study shows that continuous
stirred tank reactors can then be operated under both meso- and thermophilic
conditions. Under high ammonia, the mesothermic anaerobic digester showed a
much more resilient microflora, as the system recovered after inhibition in contrast
to the thermophilic one. This chapter closes in providing a proposed chicken
manure anaerobic treatment path, providing potential energy yields for sustainable
electricity and thermal heat generation.
Indonesia and Malaysia are the biggest palm oil producers, globally, and the
negative environmental and ecological impacts have been discussed for a long time,
Preface ix

in particular when considering production of biodiesel from palm oil. This approach
has now been suspended, as palm oil has a myriad of applications for products
fetching a much higher market value. In this light, Chapter “Anaerobic Digestion of
Palm Oil Mill Residues for Energy Generation” presents a review of energy gen-
eration of palm oil mill effluent using anaerobic digestion. To describe the palm oil
mill effluent characteristics, this chapter introduces the reader first to palm oil
production pathway, before introducing the palm oil mill effluent treatments. It
presents an evolutionary perspective from treatment of effluents in open lagoon
pond systems with a primary focus on treatment of the wastewaters to meet
requirements for discharge to more advanced and controlled anaerobic systems
aiming to provide renewable energy as an additional benefit to treatment of
wastewaters for discharge purposes. This chapter details benefits of biogas recovery
and puts in perspective the importance of emission trading schemes, i.e., provided
through the Kyoto Protocol until 2012, for modernization of anaerobic digestion
approaches for bioenergy recovery from oil palm mill effluents in developing
A case study on the benefits of leachate recirculation in BioReactor Landfill
(BRL) is presented in Chapter “Landfill Bioreactor Technology for Waste
Management”. It is demonstrated that leachate recirculation positively affects
waste stabilization reducing required times by >90 % and thereby reducing the risk
of environmental impacts through accidental leachate leakage, which typically
increase with the time required for the stabilization process to complete. This
chapter details leachate recirculation also increase volumes of biogas produced,
making biogas recovery economically attractive. Primary areas of consideration are
that no landfill will equal another, and, as such, leachate recirculation specifics must
be designed with the waste composition in mind. The case study presents a leachate
recirculation waste stabilization laboratory assessment using a trickle bed reactor.
Predicted outcomes are based on modeling on biogas yields and production times
for landfills characterized by low biodegradable wastes.
Ammonia–nitrogen contents and removal are key issues in bioreactor landfill
operations, significantly influencing monitoring requirements and affecting recla-
mation. Chapter “Biotransformation of Nitrogen in Landfills” focuses on labora-
tory- and field-scale application case studies for using novel mechanisms such as
SHARON (Single reactor system for high activity ammonia removal over nitrite),
ANAMMOX (Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation), CANON (Complete Autotrophic
Nitrogen removal Over Nitrite), and OLAND (Oxygen Limited Autotrophic
Nitrification and Denitrification) for the removal of ammonia-nitrogen. With a total
nitrogen removal of 84 % and ammonia–nitrogen removal efficacy of 71 % at
nitrogen loading rate of 1.2 kg N/m3/day over 147 days, a combined process of
SHARON–ANAMMOX yields promising results for waste nitrogen management
of leachates in bioreactor landfills, although full-scale in situ operation still needs to
be demonstrated and the effect of environmental parameter fluctuation on the
combined processes still require further research.
In addition to waste management and renewable energy issues, both being
pressing problems for mankind, the economical production of renewable
x Preface

hydrocarbons for conventional combustion engines also needs urgent attention.

Chapter “Biofuel Production Technology and Engineering” discusses butanol
production from organic waste using fermentation by Clostridia bacteria and its use
as a potential hydrocarbon additive/replacement of conventional fossil fuel-derived
petroleum. While some Clostridium wild-type species can hydrolyze lignocellulose
directly, these are not the strains capable of the acetone–butanol–ethanol
(ABE) producing pathway, making them unsuitable for the renewable butanol
biofuel market. This chapter introduces mathematical models that can simulate
potential outcomes of different processes. For example, it is shown that in a
three-stage continuous stirred tank reactor, decreasing dilution rates led to a 120 %
improvement on butanol yields but also resulted in lower productivity. It remains to
be seen which factor, butanol yield and ease of purification or productivity, governs
production cost. This chapter highlights the need for a system-integrated approach
for evaluating the suitability and economics of the ABE process under different
configurations for the production of butanol from organic municipal solid waste.
Chapter “Fast Pyrolysis of Agricultural Wastes for Bio-fuel and Bio-char” deals
with another approach of managing solid waste, fast pyrolysis of waste, which
yields liquid biofuel, which can also be used for the production of chemicals, and an
additional product, biochar. This chapter discusses reactor types for fast pyrolysis
the properties, challenges, and opportunities for the bio-oil and biochar, the current
status of fast pyrolysis applications, and the energy and economics of the process.
Configuration, differences, and application advantages/disadvantages are discussed
for bubbling fluidized bed, circulating fluidized bed, rotating cone, augur, and
ablative reactors, and novel configurations, such as vacuum pyrolysis, fixed bed,
entrained flow reactors, microwave pyrolyzer, plasma, and solar reactors. The most
marketable reactor designs are bubbling fluidized bed, circulating fluidized bed, and
auger reactors, with fluidized bed reactors producing higher bio-oil yields compared
to auger reactors. Bio-oil properties are summarized against engine performance
and fuel standard criteria for combustion engines. Although bio-oil is more suitable
industrial burners, due to the high acidity, viscosity, oxygen and water contents, and
heterogeneity of contributing compounds, it can still be used in pilot-ignited
medium-speed diesel engines, provided, due to the corrosiveness of bio-oil, injector
and fuel pumps are made of stainless steel. Following a brief description of
bio-oil-derived chemicals and benefits of biochar applications in agriculture, this
chapter explores upgrading technologies for the production of renewable fuels,
providing a summary of companies using fast pyrolysis technology for drop-in fuel
production from bio-oil.
Chapter “The Energy and Value-Added Products from Pyrolysis of Waste
Plastics” presents advancements made in the pyrolysis of plastic waste for the
generation of energy and value-adding coproducts. Although renewable fuel yields
of 80 % with similar characteristics as diesel are possible under catalytic pyrolysis
conditions, challenges still exist in converting plastic waste to renewable fuel,
activated char for the remediation of industrial waste waters, heat storage, metal
removal, etc. Based on a case study of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, these chal-
lenges are identified as high temperatures and retention times, catalyst cost, and
Preface xi

performance improvements, which require improvement to make the pyrolysis of

plastics more environmentally and economically favorable.
Chapter “Turning Food Waste into Biofuel” reviews waste to energy conversion
of food waste, as the annually generated food waste amounts to *1.3 billion tonnes
or 1/3 of wastage of the overall human food production, representing a gross
underutilization of energy-rich organic resources. Food waste is a valuable resource
for bioenergy (methane, hydrogen, ethanol), bioplastics, and high-value bioprod-
ucts (organic acids and enzymes), but given the global challenges of meeting the
future energy demands of the rapidly growing human population, this chapter
places emphasis on techniques suitable for renewable fuel production (direct and
microbial transesterification to biodiesel, production of ethanol via enzymatic
pretreatment and microbial fermentation primarily by the yeast Saccharomyces
cerevisiae, and microbial hydrogen and methane production). Review of life cycle
analyses of bioethanol, biohydrogen, and methane production determined that
greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by more than 50 %, but the processes are not
sufficiently mature for incorporation into waste management. Particularly, evalua-
tion of coproduct generation potential is required for economic sustainability.
Chapter “Solidification and Stabilization of Tannery Sludge” presents results on
solidification and stabilization of tannery wastewater sludge from the leather
industry, a process required to minimize adverse environmental impacts of the
hazardous tannery agent chromium(III). Hazardous chromium(III)-containing
wastewaters when treated produce hazardous primary and secondary sludge, with
disposure in secure landfills. Increasing environmental safeguarding and space
constraints in India make secure landfilling of this sludge is problematic. Data
obtained for short- and long-term leaching tests show that chromium can be suc-
cessfully encapsulated in a cement–lime sludge mixture, allowing the materials
obtained to be utilized as alternatives to conventional construction materials, rather
than requiring deposition in secure landfills.
Odor complaints from municipal solid waste management sites are a common
complaint by nearby residents, and perception by the public often leads to problems
in choosing sites. Therefore, odor management is as critical as management of solid
wastes. Chapter “Odour Pollution from Waste Recovery Facilities” reviews odor
compounds generated by MSW treatment using anaerobic digestion, incineration
and refuse to fuel conversions, and odor control technologies. It summarizes odor
measurement regulations in different countries, standards, and assessment strate-
gies, i.e., how assessment needs to be conducted for different odor sources, e.g.,
point sources such as stacks and plumes, and area sources such as ponds. Odor
treatment technologies discussed are biofilters packed with either organic or syn-
thetic materials, wet scrubbers, and thermal or chemical oxidation, which are all
equally effective. This chapter concludes that potential downstream environmental
impacts of these odor control technologies require additional research.
xii Preface

As detailed, this book presents a solid background and method review for
students and researchers in the municipal solid waste to energy conversion field.
Additionally, synthesised details on current limitations to technologies and case
study afford a great data reference for experts in the field of “solid waste

Townsville, Australia Obulisamy Parthiba Karthikeyan

Townsville, Australia Kirsten Heimann
Hong Kong Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu

Prospects of Biomethanation in Indian Urban Solid Waste: Stepping

Towards a Sustainable Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Barkha Vaish, Abhijit Sarkar, Pooja Singh, Prabhat Kumar Singh,
Chandan Sengupta and Rajeev Pratap Singh
Status and Prospects of Municipal Solid Waste to Energy
Technologies in China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Suyun Xu, Hongfu He and Liwen Luo
GHGs Emissions and Sustainable Solid Waste Management . . . . . . . . . 55
Suthirat Kittipongvises and Chongrak Polprasert
Recent Advances of Anaerobic Digestion for Energy Recovery . . . . . . . 87
Anthony Y.W. Ma, Billy K.W. Cheung, Katrina C.M. Kwok, Mingwei Cai
and Patrick K.H. Lee
Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste: A Focus on Microbial
Community Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Surakasi V. Prasad and Kalluri K. Meher
Recycling of Livestock Manure into Bioenergy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Qigui Niu and Yu-You Li
Anaerobic Digestion of Palm Oil Mill Residues for
Energy Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Nastaein Qamaruz-Zaman, Nurashikin Yaacof and Hossein Faraji
Landfill Bioreactor Technology for Waste Management . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Martina Di Addario and Bernardo Ruggeri
Biotransformation of Nitrogen in Landfills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Kurian Joseph, S. Suneethi and S. Sri Shalini

xiv Contents

Biofuel Production Technology and Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

Hugo Iván Velázquez-Sánchez, Alexis Saldivar-García
and Ricardo Aguilar-López
Fast Pyrolysis of Agricultural Wastes for Bio-fuel and Bio-char . . . . . . 301
Suchithra Thangalazhy-Gopakumar and Sushil Adhikari
The Energy and Value-Added Products from Pyrolysis of Waste
Plastics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Rashid Miandad, Mohammad Rehan, Abdul-Sattar Nizami,
Mohammad Abou El-Fetouh Barakat and Iqbal Mohammad Ismail
Turning Food Waste into Biofuel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
Wen-Jing Deng
Solidification and Stabilization of Tannery Sludge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
K. Sri Bala Kameswari, Pendem Rohit Babu, B. Lekshmi
and Chitra Kalyanaraman
Odour Pollution from Waste Recovery Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
Nastaein Qamaruz-Zaman and Nurashikin Yaacof
Prospects of Biomethanation in Indian
Urban Solid Waste: Stepping Towards
a Sustainable Future

Barkha Vaish, Abhijit Sarkar, Pooja Singh, Prabhat Kumar Singh,

Chandan Sengupta and Rajeev Pratap Singh

Abstract Industrialization and urbanization together have a cumulative effect on

generating significant amounts of urban solid waste which leads to increasing threats
to the environment. India with a population of about 1.27 billion people alone gen-
erates about 0.2–0.5 kg of waste day−1 capita−1 of which around 40–50 % is organic
in nature. According to published reports, if these organic fractions of the waste are not
treated properly and reach the landfill site; they can become a major source of
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and causes leaching of harmful pollutants.
These GHG and newly generated pollutants have been found to have detrimental
effects on ground water, and create imbalances in the ecosystem. Therefore, ‘need of
the hour’ is to utilize the energy that is stored in the waste through different available
technologies like composting, vermicomposting, fermentation and biomethanation
etc. The process of biomethanation appears to be a more reliable and promising
technology as it not only aims to solve the problem of organic solid waste, but also
provides sustainable energy in the form of biogas. Moreover, when compared with
other technologies, biomethanation is economic, eco-friendly and less labor intensive.
Even though several research studies were conducted in the field of biomethanation,
the process is still unpopular especially in developing countries due to lack of
appropriate knowledge, treatment systems and due consideration by the government.

B. Vaish  P. Singh  R.P. Singh (&)

Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development, Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi, India
A. Sarkar
Laboratory of Applied Stress Biology, Department of Botany,
University of Gour Banga, Malda 732103, West Bengal, India
P.K. Singh
Civil Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
C. Sengupta
Laboratory of Microbial Research, Department of Botany, University of Kalyani,
Kalyani, West Bengal, India

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016 1

O.P. Karthikeyan et al. (eds.), Recycling of Solid Waste for Biofuels
and Bio-chemicals, Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products
and Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0150-5_1
2 B. Vaish et al.

Keywords Industrialization Urbanization Urban solid waste  Greenhouse gas
(GHG) Biomethanation Sustainable energy

1 Solid Waste Statistics: Global Perspective

Rapid global urbanization coupled with economic development is leading to the

generation of enormous amounts of solid waste, hazardous to human health as well
as to the environment. Population growth with declining job opportunities in rural
areas has caused migration towards urban centers, which mainly contributes to
urbanization (Sharholy et al. 2008). This leads to haphazard growth in urban cities
which results in lack of nutrition, inadequate supply of water and sanitation, poor
infrastructure, pollution, problems with solid waste management and eventually
degradation of environment. Waste generation is mainly an urban problem. In many
cities of the developing countries, municipalities cannot cope with the accelerated
pace of waste generation. Likewise, in-lower middle income countries like India
and Sub-Africa, waste collection rates are lower than 70 % (Kumar and Sharma
2014) while approximately more than 50 % of the waste collected is often disposed
off carelessly in low-lying areas or thrown onto the streets and drains, which causes
floods, becomes breeding place for insects and rodents adversely affecting residents
who live near disposal sites (Chalmin and Gaillochet 2009). Also, the type and
composition of municipal solid waste change according to the season and standard
of living of particular city of a country. Therefore, the choice of technology and
infrastructure depends on the composition and amount of waste generated and this
underscores the importance of waste segregation at source.
This increasing population accompanied by an increase in GNI/capita of the
developed and developing countries adds new waste into the waste stream that has
to be managed every day. According to the reports, in 1900 the world had a total of
220 million urban residents, i.e. 13 % of the total population. According to a UN
Report (2014), now about 2.9 billion people are residing in cities, i.e. 49 % of the
world’s total population. Adding to the problem, the approaching decades will
witness more changes in the size and spatial distribution of world’s population.
With the continuing increase in urbanization, it is anticipated that by the year 2050,
2.5 billion more people will be added to the total urban population (UN 2014)
which will be around 66 % by proportion of the total world’s population. Of this
population, 90 % of the total increase would be in developing countries like Asia
and Africa. As societies became more affluent, the amount of waste production has
risen tenfold.
Presently, the total amount of solid waste generated annually worldwide is
approximately 4 billion tons (that includes municipal, industrial and hazardous
waste) while the amount of municipal solid waste generated alone ranges from 1.6 to
Prospects of Biomethanation in Indian Urban Solid Waste … 3

2.0 billion tons (ISWA 2012). It is anticipated that by the year 2025, the total amount
of waste will ascent from 1.3 billion tons of waste per day (TPD) to 2.2 billion TPD.
Due to combined effects of population explosion and urban development, the rate
of solid waste generation will double again and consequently the annual global cost
will increase from $205 to $375 billion (World Bank 2012a, b). The per capita
waste generation rate will also accelerate in the range of approximately
1.2–1.42 kg/person/day in the next coming fifteen years. For these reason, solid
waste management is not only an environmental problem but also an economic
problem for the country.
Generation of waste greatly vary from country to country as it depends on sea-
sonal variations, cultural values, standard of living and consumption pattern of the
area. Some countries generate more waste in comparison to another. Countries with
lower earnings produce the least waste per capita as compared to the countries with
higher incomes. The provisional figures provided by the World Bank (2012a, b)
emphasized those high income countries like OECD account for generating rela-
tively large amounts of solid waste i.e. around 572 million tonnes of solid waste/year
and per capita values range from 1.1 to 3.7 kg per person per day with an average of
2.2 kg/capita/day compared to lower income countries like Sub-Saharan Africa
which is 62 million tonnes of solid waste/year and per capita values ranging from
0.09 to 3.0 kg per person per day, with an average of 0.65 kg/capita/day. The major
composition of waste in developing or low income countries like India and
Bangladesh is basically organic in nature (Srivastava et al. 2014).
As stated in reports, India and China have disproportionately high urban waste
generation rates as when related to their economic status. It is estimated that the per
capita waste generated in India is about 0.4 kg/day with approximately 50–60 %
compostable matter, whereas the wastes in high-income cities are more diverse with
relatively larger shares of plastics and paper (Fig. 1) (Hoornweg and Bhada-Tada
2012). The estimated annual increase in per capita waste generation is about 1.33 %
per year (Mohapatra (2006). With the existing population growth and limited dis-
posal sites, discarding such large amounts of waste is a serious problem. In addi-
tion, organic waste when disposed off carelessly greatly increases greenhouse gas
emissions which are major cause of climate change. In most Indian cities, MSW
collection, segregation, transportation, processing and disposal is carried out by
respective municipal corporations and state governments enforce regulatory
In some cities like Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and
Ahmedabad garbage disposal is done by Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). The
private sector has been involved in door-to-door collection of solid waste, street
sweeping (in a limited way), secondary storage and transportation and for treatment
and disposal of waste (Narendra et al. 2014). But, city leaders are faced with several
challenges in their effort to streamline waste management services. A few of the
4 B. Vaish et al.

Fig. 1 MSW composition of some developing countries (Data adopted from—World Bank
Report 2012a, b)

Fig. 2 Projected requirement of energy in India in near future (Data adopted from—Energy
Statistics 2013)

pressing issues include rapidly increasing quantities and diverse characteristics of

waste, the undesirable consequences of conventional methods of waste manage-
ment, and failure to tap the resource value of waste (Figs. 2 and 3).
Prospects of Biomethanation in Indian Urban Solid Waste … 5

Fig. 3 Gap between demand and supply of energy in India (Data adopted from Central Electricity
Authority 2012)

2 Solid Waste Management in India: Methods,

Opportunities and Crisis

India, which is a land of physical, social, economical, climatic, geographical and

linguistic diversity, with a population of about 1.21 billion (second largest after
China) contains 17.5 % of the world’s population (Vij 2012). The percentage
population living in urban areas has increased from 17.35 % in 1951 to 31.2 % in
2011 (Census 2011). The current situation is that 1 out of every 3 person in India is
living in urban cities of the country and it is projected that in the next 10 years as
much as 50 % of India’s population will live in cities (Khurshid and Sethuraman
2011). The level of urbanization directly contributes to the amount of waste gen-
eration and unscientific waste handling is the cause of health hazards and urban
environment degradation. Municipal solid waste includes discarded material from
households, industrial, commercial and institutional establishments and street
sweepings which are collected by the municipal authorities for disposal (Jain 2007).
According to the Solid Waste Management Rules (2015) by the Ministry of
Environment and Forests, it is the duty of every waste generator to segregate and
store the waste in three different bags for biodegradable, non-biodegradable and
hazardous waste, respectively and hand it over for proper disposal. Also, none of
the waste generated will be allowed to be thrown in the streets. It would be the duty
of the Ministry of Urban Development to coordinate with the state governments and
union territories to take periodic review of the work done by the concerned
6 B. Vaish et al.

authorities for improvement of solid waste management practices. The local

municipal administrator is in-charge of ensuring implementation of these rules by
all urban local bodies.
However, in spite of several efforts and heavily spending on municipal solid
waste management, it still remains one of the most neglected areas of urban
development (Srivastava et al. 2014). Littering in streets and choking of drains is
the most common sight of urban life. Waste management is the major concern of
India’s governing authorities reaching an alarming situation in the country.
According to reports, 36 % (8 out of 22) cities generate more than 1000 TPD of
waste (Ahmedabad, Delhi, Greater Mumbai, Jaipur, Kanpur, Lucknow, Pune and
Surat), 13.6 % (3 out of 22) cities generate waste between 500 and 1000 TPD
(Indore, Ludhiana and Vadodara), while 50 % (11 out of 22) cities generate less
than 500 TPD of waste (Agartala, Asansol, Chandigarh, Faridabad, Guwahati,
Jamshedpur, Kochi, Kozhikode, Mangalore, Mysore and Shimla) (Vij 2012).
Presently, there is no reliable national-level data on the technical or financial aspects
of waste management in India, and figures are therefore approximations (Hanrahan
et al. 2006). Although solid waste management is one of the basic essential services
to be provided by municipal authorities in India, the present situation evidenced the
overall lack of the waste management services.

2.1 Methods

Nowadays waste is seen as resource. It is necessary to harness the energy locked in

the waste by applying appropriate waste to energy technologies. According to an
analysis report by market analysts Frost and Sullivan, by the year 2013, Indian
municipal solid waste to energy market could be growing at a compound growth
rate of 9.7 % (EAI 2011). Hence, there is present need to find an appropriate waste
to energy technology suitable for the different type of waste composition.
Technologies for generating energy from biomass fall into two categories i.e.






Fig. 4 Different technological options available for solid waste management

Prospects of Biomethanation in Indian Urban Solid Waste … 7

biochemical and thermochemical conversion (Fig. 4). In India, due to lack of proper
management and resource availability, waste is mainly burnt in many instances
(Karak et al. 2012). Waste composition is the main deciding factor for applying any
technology available in market today. As more than 50 % of the waste is organic in
nature in most of the cities of India, landfilling should be restricted to
non-biodegradable waste only. 94 % of the waste is openly dumped in India, while
only 5 % is composted and 1 % reaches other treatment techniques. However, a
large numbers of technologies are available for treatment of solid waste that is
discussed below.

2.1.1 Anaerobic Digestion/Biomethanation

Anaerobic digestion is a biochemical process that utilizes anaerobic bacteria to

degrade organic fraction of waste in the absence of oxygen. This method is very
useful for wastes containing a high percentage of moisture (>50 %) and C:N ratio of
around 20–30 %. Anaerobic digestion plants operate with either single or multi stage
under thermophilic (50–65 °C) or mesophilic (20–40 °C) conditions (Bolzonella
et al. 2003). In the process of biomethanation, if assumption is made that the organic
fraction is 50 % of the total waste, the total volume is reduced to around 35 % and the
volume of organic fraction alone is reduced to around 70 % (Hartmann and Ahring
2005). After, digestion two end products are released namely biogas (mainly con-
sisting of methane 55–60 % and carbon dioxide 30–45 %) and a bio-slurry that can
be utilized as organic fertilizer. Biogas produced is scrubbed to improve its quality
and can be directly utilized for household purposes or for power generation. Biogas
has an energy content of about 20–25 MJ/m3 (Braber 1995; Ambulkar and Shekdar
2004). As compared to incineration, the global warming potential of anaerobic
digestion is quite low. In addition, this process emits around 0.2 kg CO2/kWhe of
electricity generation. (Baldasano and Soriano 1999; Murphy and McKeogh 2004).

2.1.2 Composting/Vermicomposting

In India, the most common environmentally friendly and cost-effective technique is

composting/vermicomposting, which is the biological decomposition of biodegrad-
able waste through the joint activity of bacteria, micro-organisms and earthworms
under aerobic conditions. At the end, a stable product that is relatively odour and
pathogen free is achieved providing an excellent organic fertilizer (Tejada et al. 2008;
Owamah et al. 2014). Under the National Scheme of Solid Waste Disposal (1975–
1980), 10 mechanical composting plants were set up in cities with populations over
300,000 having processing capacities ranging from 150–300 tonnes of MSW per day
(GoI 1995; Hoornweg et al. 2000). Currently, the major challenges faced by the
composting/vermicomposting technology to be successfully implemented on large
scales are low quality of waste, poor technical awareness, wrong selection of
8 B. Vaish et al.

equipment, poor handling, low priority by the government and poor marketing efforts
(Selvam 1996).

2.1.3 Incineration

Incineration of waste is one of the most common methods of waste disposal that
have been adopted in different parts of the world which can reduce waste mass by
70 % and waste volume by 90 % respectively. At the end of the process, it provides
steam for electricity generation and co-generation. But due to high organic content
(>50 %) and low calorific value (<4.2 MJ/kg) of the waste generated (Unnikrishnan
and Singh 2010), this process is not widely accepted in India.
Many unsuccessful attempts to start projects have been initiated by municipal
authorities like in Lucknow, Rs. 76 crore wastes to energy plant for converting
municipal solid waste (MSW) into electricity was closed in 2004. In 2005,
Ahmedabad municipal standing committee planned to allow a private firm to set up
a plant to generate power from solid waste collected in the city. The project was
implemented in two phases. The first phase costing Rs. 10.94 crore and the second
phase around Rs. 34.55 crore. Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) is sup-
posed to provide and deliver garbage to the plant site free of cost; the electricity
generated will be sold to the AMC at Rs. 2.25 per unit plus 5 % annual escalation
on a cumulative basis over the next 25 years. Moreover, environmental impacts of
incineration plants are high as higher amounts of greenhouse gases (GHG’s) and
acidic gases (HCl, SOx, HF, NOx), volatile organic carbon (VOCs), polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and heavy metal are emitted (Wikstrom and Marklund
2000; Wang et al. 2001; Liu and Liu 2005).

2.1.4 Gasification

Gasification involves the partial combustion of carbonaceous material at high tem-

perature that is between 550 oC–900 oC to generate gas, after shredding of waste to
reduce the size of particle (Belgiorno et al. 2003). During the gasification process,
product gases such as CO2 and H2O are reduced to CO and H2. The process may also
generate some amount of methane and hydrocarbons and various contaminants such
as small char particles, tars and ash (Kalyani and Pandey 2014). As reported by the
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (2015), the on-grid interactive power target
was 100 MW but achieved only 45 MW, while for off-grid capacities in rural areas
the target was 0.8 MWeq achieving 0.6 MWeq. For small gasifier plants in India
(20-1000 kWe), capital costs are higher at around 900–1200$/kWe (IISc 2000). For
production of electricity, the electrical demand load is around 20 % and carbon
dioxide emission is around 114 g CO2/kWhe in comparison to an incineration plant
that emits 220 g CO2/kWhe (Murphy and McKeogh 2004). High power generation
efficiency can be achieved by using gasification-based power systems, which has an
added advantage that CO2 produced is in concentrated form and it is easier as well as
Prospects of Biomethanation in Indian Urban Solid Waste … 9

cheaper to capture and sequester it, thereby preventing it from escaping into the
atmosphere (Guan et al. 2010), mitigating the GHG emissions to some extent.

2.1.5 Pyrolysis

Pyrolysis is thermo-chemical decomposition of organic waste in an oxygen free

environment that produces liquid, solid and gaseous end products, thereby reducing
waste volume by 50–90 %. During pyrolysis, hydrocarbon present in the waste react
at a temperature range of 450–500 °C in an oxygen-free environment generating end
products in the form of pyrolysis gas, coke and char (fixed carbon + ashes) and tar
(condensable gas) (Singh and Gu 2010). Electricity generation from pyrolysis is
expected to cost around 0.07$/kWhe when co-fired (Uslu et al. 2008). Recently,
Tamil Nadu has installed a 10-TPD capacity pyrolysis plant which is running suc-
cessfully in Coimbatore. Likewise, a 10-TPD plant is running successfully in
Masaipet (Andhra Pradesh) and Navapur (Maharashtra), Madhya Pradesh, Mathura
(U.P.), Patna (Bihar). 5-TPD plants are installed in Bichhiwada (Rajasthan), Durg
(Chhattisgarh) and Nagpur (Maharashtra).

2.1.6 Landfills/Sanitary Landfills (SLF)

Landfilling is the transfer of residual waste in a planned manner. Landfill/sanitary

landfill is an engineered facility with a liner system at the base and sides to prevent
leaching to the surrounding environment. It is equipped with leachate and landfill
gas collection and treatment facility. It has a fenced buffer zone and a green belt
area to serve as a barrier that helps in balancing adverse environmental impacts.
Except for big metropolitan cities in India, there is no proper sanitary landfill in
Class II and Class III cities for disposal of waste (Singh et al. 2011). Out of 22
surveyed cities by FICCI (2009), only 6 cities are equipped with proper landfills
(Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Jamshedpur, Mangalore, Surat and Vadodara).
Guwahati, Indore and Jaipur are in the process of constructing sanitary landfills; and
Agartala and Lucknow are considering construction of SLFs. The city of Lucknow
has been sanctioned a project under the JNNURM for INR 42.92 crore, which
would provide for two sanitary landfills and two composting units of capacities of
12 TPD each. With regards to taking initiatives on solid waste management, Gujarat
emerges as one of the most active States as 3 cities of this State have already
constructed sanitary landfills (Water and Sanitation Program, World Bank 2008).

2.2 Opportunities

India is growing rapidly both in terms of population and economy and so is the
generation of waste. For disposal of waste, generally the most common practice that
10 B. Vaish et al.

has been adopted in India is open dumping in low-lying areas (Biswas et al. 2010).
Adverse impact in all aspects of environment and human health are the conse-
quence. In the near future, amounts of solid waste are going to increase significantly
(Jha et al. 2003; Ray et al. 2005; Rathi 2006; Gupta et al. 2007) and therefore
proper and scientifically sound ways of disposing of waste should be considered so
as to reach the goals of Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) and sus-
tainability. Sanitation and health conditions are pressing issues for the government
but somehow the importance of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) is
neglected. Incidents such as the plague episode of Surat and the dengue outbreak of
West Bengal may be the eye opener for the government. It suggests that MSWM
should not be neglected anymore and all issues of the environment from soil, water,
air pollution to land crisis need to be adequately addressed. Therefore, due con-
sideration should be given to this field as it is becoming more complicated with the
rise in population and consumerism.
Although a large number of people are involved in this sector: waste pickers,
informal rag pickers, municipal authorities, MSWM has a lower priority than san-
itation, health and other issues. The scale of the problem is fairly unclear, as there is
no authentic and reliable data available for waste generation quantities and disposal.
Lack of investment and negligence by the government and policy makers are the
main reasons for lack of progress in upgrading MSWM. Stakeholders involved in
management of waste are: (a) the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF)
(b) the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) (c) Central and State Pollution
Control Boards (d) the Department of Urban Development (e) State Level Nodal
Agency (f) Urban Local Bodies (ULB) and (g) the Private Formal and Informal
Sector. Of these, the most actively involved members are the informal sectors, rag
pickers and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The informal sector has been
actively involved in door-to-door collection of waste, transportation, treatment and
disposal (Vergara and Tchobanoglous 2012). Hence, it plays an important role in
improving the management of solid waste but more attention needs to be given to
strengthen ULB capacity to enter into contracts. With proper municipal solid waste
management facilities, the Government of India, other ministries and nodal agencies
involved in this sector have the opportunity to improve the living condition of urban
and rural people, improve public health, conserve resources, mitigate GHG emis-
sions and generate energy by adopting appropriate technology.

2.3 Crisis

Problems with present day municipal solid waste management are adversely
affecting the environment as well as society. Due to the increase in complexity of
waste and scarcity of land, disposal of waste is a common problem for developing
countries like India. Uncontrolled dumping of waste without treatment at the
dumpsites is everyday practice. It is very hard to find less filled landfill spaces or
dump sites and locally unwanted land uses (LULUs) inside or on outskirts of the
Prospects of Biomethanation in Indian Urban Solid Waste … 11

cities, as they are already carrying more waste than their capacities. Due to lack of
proper segregation of waste at source, organic fraction of waste also reach the dump
site and these are the main emitters of GHGs that ultimately lead to climate change
(Annepu 2012).
Open burning of waste and fire from landfill sites release pollutants like carbon
mono-oxide, dioxins and furans (carcinogenic), oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and
sulphur dioxide into the environment (NEERI 2010). Searching for a satisfactory
landfill space is a major concern for governing authorities and for urban local
bodies (ULBs). Most of the waste produced in India is either openly burnt or finds
its way to unsanitary landfills. Landfilling of unsegregated and untreated waste is
equivalent to burying natural resources that could have been used for generation of
energy and other useful products. Sorting waste at source and utilizing it properly
by applying suitable technologies will help in minimizing the amount of waste
reaching landfill sites significantly (Vaish et al. 2016c). Different technologies for
treating different kind of waste are available in the market. Applying all the possible
technologies in an integrated way can help to reach the goals of sustainability.
Therefore, open dumping and unsanitary landfilling are not sustainable options and
cannot be recommended for treating waste.

3 Energy Demand in India: Past, Present and Future

Increase in quantum and complexity of waste with the rising population, economy of
the country and erratic changes in crude prices have demanded innovative ways to
tackle the multiple issues. The energy requirement of the world heavily depends on
fossil fuels such as coal, crude oil and gas providing almost 80 % of the global
energy demands (Asif and Muneer 2007) while the remaining 20 % is supplied by
renewable sources of energy. Likewise, India depends entirely on importation of
crude oil from other countries, the prices of which are bound to rise as fossil fuels are
becoming scarcer. India’s economy is growing tremendously and the uncertainty
about the supply of energy can have a negative impact on the functioning of
economy. The production and consumption patterns of major energy source of India
in the last five years i.e. from 2010–2014 are given in Tables 1 and 2 (BP 2015).

Table 1 Production pattern of major energy sources of India in the last five years (2010–2014)
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Change in %
(2014 over 2013)
Oil 882 916 906 906 895 −1.3
(Thousand barrels daily)
Natural gas 5.8 46.1 40.3 33.7 31.7 −5.9
(Billion cubic meters)
Coal 217.5 215.7 229.1 228.8 243.5 6.4
(million tonnes oil equivalent)
12 B. Vaish et al.

Table 2 Consumption pattern of major energy sources of India in the last five years (2010–2014)
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Change in %
(2014 over 2013)
Oil 3319 3488 3685 3727 3846 3.0
(Thousand barrels daily)
Natural gas 62.7 53.5 59.2 51.4 50.6 −1.5
(Billion cubic meters)
Coal 260.2 270.1 302.3 324.3 360.2 11.1
(million tonnes oil equivalent)

Although, India has improved in satisfying the energy requirement for different
sectors of society but demand still outstrips supplies. According to the International
Energy Outlook 2016, India and China are the world’s fastest growing economies
(of the non-OECD countries) over the last two decades. From the year 1990–2010,
the economy of China rose by an average of 10.4 % per year and India’s by 6.4 %
per year. From the year 2010–2040, it is anticipated that the global energy demand
will increase by 85 % and by the year 2040, both countries jointly will account for
34 % of the projected total world energy consumption (International Energy
Outlook 2016) (Fig. 2).
During the 11th Five Year Plan of India, almost 55,000 MW of new generation
capacity was created, yet overall an energy deficit of 8.7 % and peak shortages of
9.0 % remained (Energy Statistics 2013). An imbalance between demand and
supply of energy persists across the country and as such, the country is facing a
severe energy crisis (Fig. 3). Resources on which we are depending on like coal and
petroleum are not sufficient for bridging the gap between demand and supply of
energy (Vaish et al. 2016b).
The Indian energy market relies heavily on fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum,
gas etc. Coal is the most abundant and important fuel for the Indian energy market
and still the major source of electricity. Coal-fired generation currently provides two
thirds of the generation capacity. Also, with a commitment to rural electrification,
the Ministry of Power has accelerated the Rural Electrification Program with a
target of 100,000 villages, by 2012 (Meisen 2010). Around 55 % of the Indian
energy demands are fulfilled by the coal, with coal imports providing 22 % of total
coal consumption requirements in 2006 (TERI 2013). It is estimated that the coal
deficit in India will increase from around 50 million tonnes in the financial year
(FY) 2011 to 400 million tonnes in the FY17 (Garg 2012). To combat these deficits,
the Indian economy should shift its dependency from fossil fuel to renewable
sources of energy. India is sanctified with vast resources of renewable energy such
as solar, wind, biomass and hydro etc. In fact, the technical potential of these
renewables exceeds the present installed generation capacity, i.e. 150,000 MW of
exploitable renewable energy. Tapping India’s wind, solar, biomass, and hydro
could bring high quality jobs from a domestic resource. In recent years, clean and
eco-friendly sources of energy are gaining importance, as they are easily available
Prospects of Biomethanation in Indian Urban Solid Waste … 13

and affordable in many places (Detchon and Leeuwen 2014). The energy stored in
biomass also incorporating solid organic waste could be used in generating green
energy as this sector has a great future.

4 Biomethane Production from Waste: A Major Source

of Energy

Energy generated from biomass produced by commercial, residential and the public
sector can directly substitute fossil fuels as it is more effective in decreasing
atmospheric CO2. India is very rich in biomass. The current availability of biomass
in India is estimated at about 500 millions metric tonnes per year. Studies sponsored
by the Ministry has estimated surplus biomass availability at about 120–150 million
metric tonnes per annum covering agricultural and forestry residues corresponding
to a potential of about 18,000 MW (3500 MW from bagasse based cogeneration
and 14,500 MW from surplus biomass). Currently, India has 537 MW commis-
sioned and 536 MW under construction (MNRE). The facts reinforce the idea of a
commitment by India to develop these resources for power production.
Technology to tap the energy stored in these biowastes is biomethanation.
Biomethanation is the best option for households with feed materials to become
self-sufficient for cooking gas and highly organic-enriched bio-manure. It provides
the solution to protect households from problems of indoor air pollution, while
saving on cost of refilling of LPG cylinders. The slurry produced at the end can
serve as an organic fertilizer in their nearby agriculture fields. There could be a huge
potential of installation of medium-size biogas-fertilizer plants in the country.
During the demonstration phase, the Ministry is providing central financial assis-
tance from 30–50 % of the cost (excluding cost of land) for a limited number of
such projects. These projects are intended for implementation followed by an
entrepreneurial model on Built, Own and Operate (BOO) and re-imbursement basis.

5 Biomethanation: A Window of Opportunity

In developing counties like India, the major portion of waste is organic in nature
that is generated from agriculture, municipal, industrial, domestic sources etc. and
their disposal is a serious ecological problem (Khalid et al. 2011). In a study by
Troschinetz and Mihelcic (2009), the average of municipal solid waste generation
rate in almost twenty three developing countries is about 0.77 kg/person/day.
Accumulation of such large amount of waste is reaching critical levels in all
affected countries, becoming a source of concern as they make their way to landfill
sites or into open dumps. Due to high biodegradability of organic waste, emission
14 B. Vaish et al.

of GHGs occur that are the cause of the changing climate (Bouallagui et al. 2003).
Littering of waste on streets and in drains causes serious health and environmental
problems. Recently, the organic fraction of waste has been identified as a valuable
resource that can be transformed into organic manure and/or for the generation of
electricity. A number of technologies can be applied for transforming the energy
stored in the organic fraction of waste into useful forms of energy. These tech-
nologies are composting, vermicomposting, fermentation, biomethanation (anaer-
obic digestion). Of all these available technologies biomethanation is best suited
and has a promising approach (Lee et al. 2009).
Biomethanation is an innovative and eco-friendly solution to many existing
waste management and environmental problems as it significantly reduces the
volume of solid organic fraction of waste, generates biogas and slurry (digestate)
that is helpful in solving the crucial energy crisis, helps in reducing the indis-
criminate use of inorganic fertilizers, and reduces GHG emissions thus mitigating
the problem of climate change (Nixon et al. 2013; Abbasi et al. 2012a, b).
Biomethanation of the organic fraction of waste is a therefore a win-win situation
which provides environmental and economic benefits and helps in reaching the set
goals of sustainability.

5.1 What Is Biomethanation?

Biomethanation (also called as anaerobic digestion) is an attractive waste man-

agement practice in which both energy and environmental problems could be
solved. It is a biological process that converts organic matter into energy-rich
biogas in the absence of oxygen by the help of anaerobic bacteria (Mata-Alvarez
and Llabres 2000; Abbasi et al. 2012a, b; Surendra et al. 2014; Kalyani and Pandey
2014). At the end of the process biogas is generated that contains typically 40–60 %
methane and the rest composition consists of mostly carbon dioxide with traces of
other gases. This biogas can be utilized as combined heat and power or as fuel
(Ferrer et al. 2011; González et al. 2011; Weiland 2010). In one of the study
conducted by Saxena et al. (2009), it has been estimated that in a controlled
environment of biomethanation 1 tonne of municipal solid waste will produce 2–3
times methane in 3 weeks compared to landfills that will produce the same amount
of gas in 6–7 years (Ahsan 1999).

5.2 Biomethanation Process

Biomethanation is a multi-step process in which a number of microbial interaction

takes place at every stage (Fig. 5). Three major groups of microorganisms are
basically involved in anaerobic digestion of solid organic waste. These are
Prospects of Biomethanation in Indian Urban Solid Waste … 15

Stage I Hydrolysis
Organic Matter
(Carbohydrates, Lipids and proteins, etc)
Lipase, protease, pectinase
Cellulase, amylase produced by
hydrolytic microorganisms

Carboxylic volatile acids, keto acids,

Stage II Acidogenesis hydroxy acids, ketones, alcohols, simple
sugars, amino acids, H2 & CO2

-oxidation, glycolysis deamination,

ring reduction and ring cleavage

Short chain fatty acids

(Mainly acetic & formic acids)

Stage III Acetogenesis

Acetate CO2 and H2

Stage IV Methanogenesis

Methane + CO2

Fig. 5 Stages in biomethanation process

hydrolytic bacteria, anaerobic oxidizing bacteria as well as methanogenic bacteria

(Hattori 2008; Thauer et al. 2008). Fermenting micro-organisms transforms
biopolymers (lipids, protein, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, etc.) to soluble monomers
such as long-chain fatty acids, glycerol, amino acids, purines, pyrimidines,
mono-sugars, etc. and further to short chain fatty acids such as acetate, butyrate etc.
Anaerobic oxidizing bacteria convert short chain fatty acid and alcohols to hydro-
gen, acetate, formate, and carbon dioxide by oxidation. At the end methanogenic
bacteria convert these end products to methane and carbon dioxide (Angelidaki et al.
2011). Methane has a strong potential for replacing fossil fuels. The stages involved
in biomethanation are discussed below:

Hydrolysis: It is a process in which complex polymeric organic compounds such as

carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are converted into soluble monomers such as
amino acids and glycerols (Sevier and Kaiser 2002). Hydrolysis is widely regarded
as the rate-limiting step of degradation of particulate organic matter (e.g., manure,
16 B. Vaish et al.

sewage sludge, crop residues, etc. (Pavlostathis and Giraldo-Gomez 1991).

Therefore, the overall rate of the process is determined by the hydrolysis rate of the
complex substrate.

Fermentation: Fermentation is the process that uses microorganisms to convert

sugar to acids, gases or alcohols. It occurs in absence of oxygen. The rate of
fermentation depends on the concentration of cells and cellular components,
microorganisms and different enzymes as well as temperature and pH. The process
of fermentation takes much longer and a mixture of gases including CO and H2S are
produced. It is the anaerobic conversion of organic material such as amino acids,
unsaturated fatty acids, glycerol etc. into alcohols and long chain organic acids, and
fatty acids (Madigan et al. 2009).

Acetogenesis: In acetogenesis, acetate is synthesized by the reduction of CO2 from

organic acids such as propionate and butyrate and alcohols (ethanol) produced at
the end of the fermentation process. Acetogenic bacteria are limited by the unfa-
vorable energetics of the conversion processes (Schink and Stams 2006). Acetate
formed by acetogenic bacteria can be either used directly by aceticlastic metha-
nogens (Methanosarcina spp. and Methanosaeta spp.), or it can be degraded by
syntrophic associations of bacteria (syntrophic acetate oxidizers) and hydrogen-
consuming methanogenic archaea (Zinder and Koch 1984).

Methanogenesis: The process of methanogenesis takes place with the help of

methanogenic bacteria belonging to the Archaea, phylum Euryarchaeota. The five
orders of methanogens actively involved are: Methanobacteriales, Methanosarcinales,
Methanomicrobiales, Methanococcales, and Methanopyrales. Recently a sixth order
has been added Methanocellales and phylogenetically placed between the orders
Methanosarcinales and Methanomicrobiales (Sakai et al. 2008). Methanogens are an
important group of bacteria for the final step of biomethanation to form methane from
acetate or CO2, H2, formate, alcohols and other methylated compounds (Thauer et al.
The main pathways known to be involved in methane formation are: aceticlastic
methanogenesis where acetate is transformed to methane and CO2 (Eq. 1).
Secondly, hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis in which CO2 is reduced to CH4
(Eq. 2) and lastly methylotrophic methanogenesis where methylated C1 com-
pounds such as dimethylsulfide, methanol, methylamines etc. are converted to
methane (Eq. 3) (Deppenmeier 2002; Liu and Whitman 2008; Conrad et al. 2010).

CH3COO− + H + CH4 + CO2…………………….. ð1Þ

4H2 + CO2 CH4 + 2H2O………………..……. ð2Þ

4CH3OH 3CH4 + CO2 + 2H………………… ð3Þ

Prospects of Biomethanation in Indian Urban Solid Waste … 17

5.3 Operational Parameter of Biomethanation Process

Various operational parameters control the process of biomethanation by generating

conditions which help these microorganisms to function properly (Demirel and
Scherer 2008; Abbasi et al. 2012a, b). Presence of adequate quantities of nitrogen,
micronutrients, and water is essential if an organic substrate is to undergo
biomethanation and generate methane-rich biogas (Demirel and Scherer 2008;
Takashima et al. 2011). These parameters are discussed below.

5.3.1 Composition of Urban Solid Waste

Characterization of waste is necessary to know with the changing trends in the

composition of waste. Based on composition/characterization of waste, appropriate
selection of waste processing technologies could be selected. In India, on an
average 54 % compostable, 16 % recyclables and 30 % other types of waste are
generated. The waste generated has a C/N ratio of 34 and a calorific value of about
1802 kcal/kg with a moisture content around 49 % (CPCB). Therefore, the waste
generated if segregated properly could be used best for biomethanization.
Composition of the urban solid waste used as a feedstock is the most important
determining factor in the process of biomethanation. The most significant types of
solid wastes with considerable biomethanation potential are municipal solid waste
(MSW), kitchen waste, garden waste, energy crops (maize, grass, sugarcane, etc.),
etc. Feedstock preparation involves segregation of non-digestible parts and shred-
ding of the waste to reduce particle size in order to increase the surface area for
microorganisms to act upon.

5.3.2 pH

Regulating pH in the biomethanation process is a very important parameter as the

microorganisms perform only at certain pHs and fluctuation in pH can be the
inhibitor for the process. Optimum biogas production is achieved when the pH
value of the feedstock is between 6.7 and 7.5 (Deublein and Steinhauser 2008;
Daisy and Kamaraj 2011). During the initial period of digestion, large amounts of
organic acids are produced and the pH of the mixture decreases. But because of
digestion of nitrogen, the pH value increases. When the methane gas production
stabilizes, the pH remains between 7.2 and 8.2 (Verma 2002). Reduction in pH due
to formation of organic acid and increase in pH due to digestion of nitrogen inhibits
the further digestion of the feedstock (Abbasi et al. 1991; Fricke et al. 2007).
18 B. Vaish et al.

5.3.3 Temperature

Different ranges of temperature is required for the certain groups of bacteria that fall
into the category of thermophilic (50–65 °C), mesophilic (20–40 °C) and
psychrophylic (<1.2 °C) (Cowan and Talaro 2009). The most common temperature
range at which large biomethanation plants operate is generally mesophilic (i.e.
20–40 °C) at around 35 °C and the ideal thermophilic temperature is 55 °C
(Monnet 2003; Suryawanshi et al. 2010). Eliyan (2007) demonstrated that, when
compared to mesophilic temperature, thermophilic temperature range is much more
efficient but it is very difficult to control the process and requires an extra input of
energy. Therefore, the mesophilic temperature range is preferred as it maintains the
energy balance.

5.3.4 Loading Rate

The design of anaerobic reactors is based on the loading rate and therefore it is
another important parameter when digestion is carried out in continuous mode. It
describes the amount of volatile solids to be fed into the digester each day typically
expressed as weight of organic matter (volatile solids or COD) per bed volume of
reactor in a certain period of time (Fannin and Biljetine 1987). The actual loading
rate depends on the types of wastes fed into the digester, because the type of wastes
determine the level of biochemical activity that will occur in the digester (Mattocks
1984). For soluble and easily degradable substrates, such as sugars and soluble
starches, the acidogenic reactions can be much accelerated at high loadings.
Loading rate is applicable to both types of reactors i.e. dry and wet anaerobic
reactors. But generally for processing of municipal solid waste dry type of anaer-
obic reactors are used. In a study by Kiely (1998), food-to-microbes (F/M) ratio was
also affected by the loading rate (Igoni et al. 2008). Overloading of the digestion
plant can lead to failure of the process while inadequate mixing may cause sig-
nificant rise of the volatile fatty acid concentration and decrease in pH.

5.3.5 Retention Time

It is the duration at which the feedstock and microorganism must be kept together in
a digester tank to attain the desired level of degradation. Therefore, the shorter the
retention time, the more efficient the reactor design (Abbasi and Nipaney 1993).
There are two types of retention times: hydraulic retention time (HRT) and solid
retention time (SRT). Hydraulic retention time denotes the time by which substrate
(organic material) is retained in the digester for anaerobic degradation while solid
retention time is the duration by which microorganisms reside in the digester tank.
To enhance digester efficiency, we should aim to reduce HRT and increase the SRT.
In other words more quantities of microorganisms should be present compared to
Prospects of Biomethanation in Indian Urban Solid Waste … 19

For instance, in treatment of wastewater, the design is normally based on a

loading rate of 10 kg-COD m−3d−1, with retention times of 8–24 h while in
treatment of slurries retention time exceeds the doubling time of the slowest
growing organisms present (m > D). As a consequence, in CSTR (Continuously
Stirred Tank Reactor), hydraulic retention times (HRTs) are typically in the range
15–30 days at mesophilic conditions and 10–20 days at thermophilic conditions
(Angelidaki et al. 2011).

5.3.6 Reactor Design

A reactor is basically the system which is primarily used for organic solid waste
digestion by which two useful by-products are released-biogas and slurry. For
different solid organic wastes different reactor designs are required. The anaerobic
digesters used in India, China and other developing countries basically contain a
large chamber of about 1000 L (1 m3) or more. In a fixed-dome digester of China,
biogas is collected under the fixed dome and pushes slurry to the overflow tank.
Another type of biogas digesters is the floating dome biogas digester. To maintain
the SRT > HRT, biomass should be retained in the tank for a long time and to
achieve this anaerobic fixed reactor, continuous flow stirred tank reactor (CFSTR)
and fluidized bed reactors are used.
With the introduction of anaerobic filters by Young and McCarty (1969), one
after another reactors designs were introduced by different scientists such as
downflow fixed film reactors, fluidized bed reactor, CSTR, diphasic/triphasic
reactor, and anaerobic sequencing batch (ASB) biomethanation potential reactors,
anaerobic baffled reactors etc. (Sutton and Huss 1984; Bachmann et al. 1985;
Lettinga and Pol 1991; Fongastitkul et al. 1994; Sakar et al. 2009; Bai et al. 2009;
Singh and Srivastava 2011; Wang et al. 2012). The main objective of all the designs
of the reactors was to minimize HRT and F/M ratio, maximize SRT and enhance
the digester loading.

6 Biomethanation Potential

The biomethanation potential is different for different types of feedstock. The

economy of existing biogas plants depends on the methane potential of the feed-
stock used. These are of two types: Theoretical potential and practical potential that
is discussed below:
Theoretical Potential: It is the expected maximum methane generation from the
feedstock used following a stoichiometric equation. The specific theoretical
methane potential (Bo, th) is usually expressed as l CH4/g-VS, may then be cal-
culated as per (Eq. 4): assuming 22.4 as the volume of 1 mol of gas under standard
conditions (i.e., 273 K and 1 atm. pressure):
20 B. Vaish et al.

ðn=2 þ a=8  b=4Þ 22:4 ðSTP lCH4 Þ

Bo; th ¼ ð4Þ
12n þ a þ 16b g  VS

An easy way to calculate the theoretical methane potential is:

Bo, th = 0.415 carbohydrates + 0.496 proteins + 1.014 lipids + 0.373 acet-
ate + 0.530 propionate (Buendia et al. 2015)
This is an alternative way to obtain an estimation of the theoretical potential of
Practical Potential: While the theoretical methane potential provides an esti-
mation of the biogas production from any type of waste, the practical potential is
close to the actual amount of biogas production from any kind of waste. The value
obtained by the practical potential is always lower than the theoretical potential of
methane. Estimation of the practical potential of methane is very difficult and
depends on number of factors such as heterogeneous waste, activity of microor-
ganisms, toxic substances, deficient in nutrients etc. Hashimoto et al. (1981)
described the practical methane potential as “the ultimate volume of methane
formed from a specific amount of waste (in either weight or COD) in a batch
experiment for indefinite degradation time, that is, until the methane production
It is possible to achieve 100 % conversion specifically for water soluble feed-
stock materials. For highly particulate organic matter 30–60 % conversion is
achieved while 40–50 % for cattle manure and 55–65 % for swine manure (Moller
2003). However, in Indian conditions highest conversion process efficiencies were
found to be around 70–74 % (Rao and Singh 2004) because of high moisture
content and lack of expertise.

7 Policies/Incentives for Such Facilities in India

In India, the policies dealing with the management of solid waste are inadequate
and most of the municipalities have not been able to provide the satisfactory level of
services due to a number of reasons (Gupta et al. 1998; Kansal 2002; Siddiqui et al.
2006). Biomethanation plants deal with a number of issues like lack of techno-
logical advancement, sustainable planning and insufficient funding by the gov-
ernment. However, now the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has
initiated promoting the innovations in waste to energy projects. MNRE has started a
National Biogas and Manure Management Programme which is a Central Sector
Scheme that provides incentives for setting up of Family Type Biogas Plants mainly
for rural and semi-urban or households. The Ministry of New and Renewable
Energy is trying to implement the National Biogas and Manure Management
Programme (NBMMP) in all States and UTs of the country.
Approximately, 47.5 Lakh biogas plants have already been installed in the
country up to 31st March, 2014. The government has set a target of installing
Prospects of Biomethanation in Indian Urban Solid Waste … 21

1,10,000 biogas plants by the year 2014–15. Some of the common types of
anaerobic digesters that are used in India are:
The ARTI Compact Biogas Plant
ARTI (Appropriate Rural Technology Institute), which designed the plant in 2003
for treating organic waste at the household level of around 1–2 kg of food waste per
day. It is simple low-cost, floating drum design that applies a wet digestion process.
The smaller tank that holds the gas is inverted over the larger tank which holds the
feedstock. The plant can be used equally well for urban households. Currently
around 2000 such plants are used in Maharashtra, India, in both urban and rural
households (WRAPAI 2009).
The BIOTECH Plants
BIOTECH is a nodal agency of the Ministry of Non-conventional Energy sources
situated in Kerala, South India, which has been engaged in developing biogas plant
using feedstock like cooked food waste, vegetable waste, waste water from kitchen
waste. It has developed decentralized reactor plants from market waste for street
lightening and household purposes. Like ARTI, the BIOTECH plant is also a
floating drum design that includes a recirculation loop to optimize moisture content.
To increase the retention time there is a baffle in the middle of the tank and
orthogonal to the flow direction. The baffle holds back unsuspended solid waste so
that liquid can flow. This leads to increased retention time and therefore improved
degradation of solid waste. The digestate flows into the effluent tank from where it
is used to flush the feedstock thereby avoiding the need of fresh water for flushing
(Heeb 2009).
BIMA Digester
The BIMA (Biologically Induced Mixing Arrangements) digester is one of the most
common types of digester being widely accepted in India. It is divided into three
separate sections that are the main chamber, upper chamber and central tube to
which the feed pipe is connected. The central tube is used for pre-hydrolysis of the
substrate. Most of the gas is produced in the main chamber which in turn displaces
an equal amount of feedstock into the upper chamber that builds a level of differ-
ence and thus a gas pressure is created in the main chamber. When the required
level difference is achieved, the valve is opened to release the gas pressure in the
gas connecting tube. Thus, the feedstock flows back with a high velocity into the
main chamber.
BIMA digester is placed in Ludhiana, Punjab under the supervision of the
Chemical Engineering Department of the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
for treating cattle dung. It is also installed in Koyambedu Wholesale Market
Complex, Chennai for treating organic waste of around 30 metric tonnes of per-
ishable wastes per day and will generate on an average of 2375 M3 of gas (www.
22 B. Vaish et al.

Deenbandhu and KVIC models are equally common for digestion of organic
waste in Indian condition.
A family type biogas plant generates biogas from organic substances such as
cattle dung, and other bio-degradable materials such as kitchen wastes, garden
wastes, night soils etc. ( In India, Gujarat is the only state that is
successfully running waste to electricity plants through anaerobic digestion by M/S
Kanoria chemicals Ltd., Ankleshwar that generates 2 MW of power. 4800 m3 of
biogas is generated by M/S Anil Starch Products Ltd through the anaerobic
digestion process (Kalyani 2003). Similarly, Maharashtra is also taking initiative in
utilizing waste and converting it to energy by installing many pilot projects at
Mumbai, Pune, Nasik etc. (Ramachandra 2006). The Ministry of New and
Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India has subsidized three demon-
stration projects of anaerobic digestion at Hyderabad (6.6 MW), Vijaywada
(6 MW) and Lucknow (5 MW) (Annepu 2012).

8 Conclusion

Sustainability of cities is at stake in developing countries as cities are harnessing

environmental resources at a furious pace, taking their ecological footprint far
beyond the limit. Rapidly growing economies demands for energy consumption and
eventually increase in CO2 emission is observed that causes climate change (Vaish
et al. 2016). Environmental pollution is widespread leading to degradation of the
environment. Urban poverty, lack of water supply, energy constraints, sanitation
and solid waste management are the common problems and the key parameters in
the struggle for survival. It is a timely demand for us to understand our basic
requirements, retaining our environment and reducing the dependency on the
resources so as to reach the concept of sustainability. The most common problem is
the enormous increase of organic solid waste in most developing countries. With an
almost 3-fold increase in MSW generation by 2021, the situation may reach critical
dimensions (Talyan et al. 2008). In order to achieve the goals of sustainability, it is
necessary to establish a well harmonized solid waste management system with the
objectives that solutions take care of the environment as well as fulfill the needs of
the poor.
Biomethanation is a solution capable of solving many existing problem in
developing countries such as solid waste management, GHG emissions, soil
degradation due to injudicious use of inorganic fertilizers and the energy crisis.
Biomethanation is a reliable, eco-friendly and affordable process. Currently, the
important issue to be solved is to accelerate the development of biomass to energy
conversion so as to relieve the pressure on resources and the environment.
Moreover, it is the best practice and has number of advantages over other renewable
sources of energy. Methane gas generated at the end of the process has capacity to
reduce the reliance on imported fuels (DEFRA 2011). Therefore, biomethanation is
an integral part of the solution to many existing problems.
Prospects of Biomethanation in Indian Urban Solid Waste … 23

• Optimization of biogas reactors, feedstock used and pre-treatment processes
should be promoted.
• A shared programme of encouraging biomethanation between industry, gov-
ernment, agencies, and others should be carried.
• Community participation should be encouraged, as it is a paramount in an
approach to reach the goal of sustainability.
• Further research on its impact on human health and environment, and its pro-
spects for the future should be encouraged.
• The research findings should be disseminated to the public easily and more
• Financial incentives and tariffs should be provided by the government to build
strong and sustainable biogas plants (Saini et al. 2012).
• Granting of permits and incentives should be quicker and easier for the appli-
cant. Inconsistencies in data recording, definitions, collection methods, and
seasonal variations should be avoided for further planning.
• As the city population is added every year and the economic profile of the city
changes, the magnitude of waste and the resources requirement to manage it will
also increase.
• Given their financial limitations and competing demand of other services, urban
local bodies may find it challenging to raise and sustain additional allocations for
this sector. Thus waste minimization through the process of biomethanation
seems the only sustainable way to manage existing and future quantities of waste.

Acknowledgment Authors are thankful to Department of Science and Technology (P-45/18) for
providing fund and the Head, Dean and Director, Institute of Environment and Sustainable
Development, Banaras Hindu University for providing necessary facilities. Ms. Pooja Singh is
thankful to Council of Scientific and Industrial Research for Senior Research Fellowship.


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Status and Prospects of Municipal Solid
Waste to Energy Technologies in China

Suyun Xu, Hongfu He and Liwen Luo

Abstract As the world’s largest developing country, China creates considerable

quantities of municipal solid waste (MSW) every day, which is one of the most serious
urban pollution sources. Waste to energy can not only reduce greenhouse gas emission
from simple piling of solid waste, but also can generate energy to cope with the
increasing demand on fossil fuel. So far, landfill gas-fired power generation, MSW
incineration and anaerobic digestion are the primary waste to energy technologies
successfully applied in China. In recent years, MSW incineration power generation
technologies have undergone rapid development with the demand for a low carbon
economy and the encouragement of national policies. The distribution and operation
status of various waste to energy facilities built in China are assessed. Meanwhile, the
limitations and potential development trend of landfill, incineration and anaerobic
digestion are discussed. In addition, a series of preferential policies and regulations to
encourage the expansion of MSW to energy is presented.

Keywords Anaerobic digestion Incineration Landfill gas-fired power genera-
tion Municipal solid waste Waste to energy Solid waste management

1 Introduction

As the largest developing country in the world, China creates considerable quantities
of municipal solid waste (MSW), which is one of the most serious urban pollution
sources. China is faced with serious environmental and administrative challenges
caused by MSW management. MSW to energy is a novel eco-friendly renewable
energy resource and has attracted the attention of both national and local governments
with various preferential policies. Not only can MSW to energy contribute to a
significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions caused by storeyards and landfills,

S. Xu (&)  H. He  L. Luo
School of Environment and Architecture, University of Shanghai for Science and
Technology, Shanghai 200093, China

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016 31

O.P. Karthikeyan et al. (eds.), Recycling of Solid Waste for Biofuels
and Bio-chemicals, Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products
and Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0150-5_2
32 S. Xu et al.

but it can also generate clean energy to offset the increasing energy requirements.
Waste-to-energy (WTE) incineration recovers energy from MSW and produces
electricity and/or steam for heating, which is recognized as a renewable source of
energy and is playing an increasingly important role in MSW management in China.
Anaerobic digestion is a method engineered to decompose organic matter by a variety
of anaerobic microorganisms under oxygen-free conditions. The end product of
anaerobic digestion includes biogas (60–70 % methane) and an organic residue rich in
nitrogen. This technology has been successfully implemented in the treatment of
agricultural wastes, food wastes, and wastewater sludge due to its capability of
reducing chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand
(BOD) from waste streams and producing renewable energy (Chen et al. 2008).
China’s MSW to energy development has the characteristics of late starting,
large scale and rapid growth, so it urgently needs to present and analyze the
development status and challenges of MSW to energy technologies in China in
view of latest situations. In recent years, central and local governments have made
great efforts to improve MSW management in China. New regulations and policies
have been issued, urban infrastructure has been improved, and commercialization
and international cooperation have been encouraged. Nevertheless, China still falls
behind developed countries in MSW technologies. Therefore, more efforts on
developing efficient MSW disposal technologies are in demand based on the
assessment of MSW management. In this chapter, the distribution and operation
status of various waste to energy facilities (i.e., landfill, incineration and anaerobic
digestion) in China will be assessed, as well as their limitations and potential
development trend. In addition, a series of preferential policies and regulations to
encourage the expansion of MSW to energy is presented.

2 Current Status of MSW Production and Management

in China

2.1 MSW Generation and Characteristics

The sustained growth of the Chinese economy, with its rapid urbanisation and
improved living standards, has generated a large amount of MSW and a significant rise
in total energy consumption. From 1980s to 2000s, MSW production in China was
expanding rapidly (Huang et al. 2006). The quantity of MSW collected and transported
in 1981 was 26.1 million tons; in 2002, 136.5 million tons of MSW was handled,
which was 3.2 times more than 1981. Nevertheless, the growth rate was slowing down
in recent ten years, with annual waste production growing less than 10 % per year,
resulting 172.4 million tons of MSW being handled in 2013. Figure 1 shows the
situation of MSW management in China from 2004 to 2013 (China 2003–2014).
MSW management is a systematic project that includes collection, transporta-
tion, transferring, treating and recycling. Chinese MSW management began in the
Status and Prospects of Municipal Solid Waste to Energy … 33

MSW colllected MSW treated Rate of MSW treated

Million tons

60 30%
40 20%
20 10%

0 0%
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


Fig. 1 The situation of MSW management in China from 2004 to 2013 (China 2003–2014)

late 1980s; prior to the adoption of this management, MSW was placed in open
dumps. While the disposal rate of MSW was less than 2 % before 1990, the level of
MSW disposal was gradually improved in the 1990s. By 1999, there were 696 MSW
disposal plants with the disposal rate of 63.4 %, and less than 200 harmless treatment
plants with a harmless treatment rate of 20.3 % in 668 Chinese cities.
In China, the MSW is generally divided into organic matter, inorganic matter,
paper, fiber, timber bamboo, plastic, rubber, glass and metal (Li et al. 2001). The
respective composition of MSW after entering the municipal recycling system is
shown in Fig. 2. Characteristics of waste generation from several OECD countries are
listed in Table 1. It can be seen that the the proportion of organic waste reaches as
high as 59 %, which leads to the high moisture content of MSW, typically around 20–
30 % in the U.S. and European countries (Cheng et al. 2007; Hu and Cheng 2013).
The composition of MSW is influenced mainly by the city size, geography
circumstance, habit and living standard of the residence and fuel type people use.
The quantity of paper, plastics, and glass is relatively small when compared with
western countries, because most of the recyclable paper and glass are collected
before entering the MSW management system. The calorific values (3000–
6700 kJ/kg) of Chinese MSW are typically less than those of the developed
countries (8400–17,000 kJ/kg), which are mainly composed of sorted organic
wastes (Cheng and Hu 2010; Thipse et al. 2001). The low calorific value of the mix
collected MSW is mainly caused by food remnants, resulting in incineration dif-
ficulties and applicable landfill sites. Nevertheless, the proportion of plastics is
increasing, which is related to the increased use of plastic package materials (Huang
et al. 2006).
34 S. Xu et al.

Fig. 2 The characteristic of MSW in China 2008, in dry weight, % (China 2014)

Table 1 OECD waste generation and disposal data (World Bank 2005; OECD library)
Country Year % of MSW
Organic Paper and Plastic Glass Metals Textile
materials cardboard and others
USA 1999 23 38 11 5 8 15
Japan 1999 34 33 13 5 3 12
Korea 2000 25 26 7 4 9 29
Germany 2000 23 41 3 22 8 3
France 1997 29 25 11 13 4 18
Denmark 2000 33 21 0.5 5 2 38
Australia 2000 50 22 7 9 5 8
Mexico 2000 52 14 4 6 3 20
Turkey 1997 64 6 3 2 1 24

2.2 Source-Separated Collection and Transportation

of MSW

Utilizing source-separated collection is one of the key steps in MSW management.

Source-separated collection begins at the source of MSW and involves the whole
process of collection, transportation, disposal and recycling. The source-separated
collection enables better waste minimization, resource utilization and hazardous
waste disposal.
Status and Prospects of Municipal Solid Waste to Energy … 35

The principle underlying MSW source-separated collection requires that large

volume wastes and hazardous wastes are first separated, and then the remaining
MSW are classified in detail. The classification method of MSW applied in the
collection system of eight megacities are presented in Table 2. As can be seen, all
cities have followed relevant national standards. Although several differences
existed among these cites, most of the cities share a similar philosophy: recyclables
should be separated beforehand, while hazardous waste such as batteries and light
tubes should be separated during the collection. Residents in Beijing, Xiamen,
Shenzhen and Hangzhou are encouraged to classify waste as kitchen waste, recy-
clables, hazardous waste and other waste; while Shanghai is encouraging the use of
a four-category classification: recyclables, hazardous waste, wet waste and dry
It is worth pointing out that during the past years, Chinese cities have been
consistently adjusting and refining the classification according to their different city
conditions. For example, at the end of 20th century, sanitary landfill was the pri-
mary MSW disposal method in Shanghai, thus the separation of hazardous waste,
such as battery and old lamp tube, from the buried waste is necessary. After that, the

Table 2 MSW source-separated classification in the eight cities, China. Adapted from Tai et al.
No City MSW source-separated classification Current
1 Beijing Residential waste (RW): recyclables, kitchen waste, other Partly
waste implemented
Catering waste: recyclables, kitchen waste, other waste
Institutional waste (IW): recyclables, other waste
Village waste: ash, compostable waste, recyclables,
hazardous waste, other waste
2 Shanghai RW: hazardous waste, recyclables, wet waste and dry Partly
waste implemented
IW: hazardous waste, recyclables, other waste
Public places: recyclables, other waste
3 Guangzhou RW: recyclables, hazardous waste, bulky waste, other Partly
waste implemented
IW: plastic bottles, paper, retort pouch (TetraPak), other
4 Shenzhen RW: kitchen waste, non-kitchen waste, bulky waste, No
hazardous waste implementation
Commercial areas, road and public places: recyclables,
non-recyclables, bulky waste, hazardous waste
5 Hangzhou RW: dry waste, wet waste, kitchen waste, non-kitchen Hardly
waste implemented
Road and public place: recyclables, non-recyclables
6 Nanjing Recyclables, non-recyclables, hazardous waste No
7 Xiamen Recyclables, hazardous waste, other waste No
8 Guilin Recyclables, kitchen waste, hazardous waste and other No classified
waste containers
36 S. Xu et al.

development of incineration increased rapidly; because the fused glass would

impose a hazardous effect on the incinerator, and the private sectors are not willing
to recycle glass due to the low economic profit, Shanghai started to separate the
glass from the household scraps. Thus for the service area of incineration, the MSW
is classified as combustible materials, glass and hazardous waste; while in other
service areas, waste is classified as organic waste, inorganic waste and hazardous
waste. In 2014, Shanghai started to implement the “Method for MSW Classification
and Reduction” and adopted a four-category classification: recyclables, hazardous
waste, wet waste and dry waste.

3 Overview of Waste to Energy Technologies Status

in China

Traditional integrated MSW management plans have focused on decreasing the

amount of material that must be disposed of via incineration or landfilling. More
recently, “zero waste” strategies have come to the fore, emphasizing prevention and
materials recovery but also sharpening the focus on energy recovery as an approach
for securing additional environmental benefits, including reductions in land use and
emissions. Figure 3 displays an integrated sustainable solid waste management
hierarchy, with environmental efficacy declining from top to bottom. The hierarchy
of waste management advocates that the best approach to waste management is to
first and foremost try to reduce waste generation and separate potential recyclables
at source to improve the quality of materials for reuse, including organics for
composting or anaerobic digestion. The waste hierarchy leads to reduced quantities
requiring transfer and disposal; extends landfill lifetimes; reduces Greenhouse Gas
generation; provides valuable recovered resources (e.g., methane gas and compost).

Fig. 3 Environmental
hierarchy for solid waste
management, revised from
Themelis (2013)
Status and Prospects of Municipal Solid Waste to Energy … 37

In fact, waste-to-energy (WTE) technologies come in different forms, offer a

variety of outputs, and are in various stages of development, but they have two
common objectives: to both manage waste and generate energy. Digestion-based
waste-to-energy technology can be deployed to extract useful energy from
biodegradable organic materials and from landfill gas that is captured to reduce
pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions (Kaufman et al. 2010). Incineration and
advanced thermal conversion of the residual waste after recycling and composting
represent environmentally sound MSW management options. Conventional
combustion-based processes transform solid wastes into heat for direct use or
further conversion into steam and electricity, while advanced conversion processes
convert solids into gaseous or liquid fuels offering broader utility.

3.1 Landfill Gas-Fired Power Generation

3.1.1 Status of MSW Landfill in China

Landfill, incineration and composting are the three primary MSW disposal methods
(Wang et al. 2009; Tian et al. 2013). In the late 20th century, landfill was rec-
ommended as the only option for waste management, because landfill is cost
effective and easy to implement. However, it may lead to secondary pollution
problems such as water and air pollution and soil contamination. Nowadays
because of the change in the characteristics of waste, and the implementation of the
3R principle of waste management, i.e., waste reduction, reuse and recycle, com-
posting and sanitary landfill are common and more suitable management practices
(Tinmaz and Demir 2006). Nevertheless, waste disposal at landfill is still widely

Fig. 4 Different proportions of MSW treatment modes in the perspective of administrative

division in the year of 2013 (China 2014)
38 S. Xu et al.

Fig. 5 Percentage of MSW

disposed in landfill in China
and OECD countries from
2000 to 2013 (OECD library)

applied in many cities in China, handling almost over 70 % of the total waste as
shown in Fig. 4. Composting accounts for less than 10 %, which is classified into
sub-type of “others” in Fig. 4. Composting, costly to implement and maintain, has
become an unpopular method. Furthermore, the fertiliser, being of low nutrient
contents and containing certain heavy metals, can only be used as a soil modifier.
As presented in Figs. 4 and 5, most of the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries tend to decrease the ratio of
MSW disposed in landfill. Especially for Germany, all landfill sites were shut down
in 2005. Other developed countries with limited land resource, i.e., Austria,
Belgium and Sweden etc., are also vigorously decreasing MSW disposal capacity
and looking for a more sustainable way, such as waste to energy development.
Although China has vast territory, the arable land per capita in China is no more
than 1.33 m2, which is less than 1/2 of the global average (Zheng et al. 2014). Due
to the infinite land capacity for sustainable development, landfill should be the last
alternative considered for China. In recent years, China was encouraging the
development of landfill, leading to the proportion of MSW treated in landfill
decreased from 89 % in 2001 to 68 % in 2013 of the total MSW disposed.

3.1.2 Landfill Scenarios

As presented previously, the fraction of organic materials in MSW is relatively

high. Poor management of organic waste (such as kitchen waste) is usually related
to leachate percolation, causing serious sanitary and environmental problems such
as unpleasant odors, the risk of explosion in landfill areas, as well as groundwater
Status and Prospects of Municipal Solid Waste to Energy … 39

contamination (Mor et al. 2006). Necessary measures are required to cut down the
emission of landfill gas (LFG) and leachate so as to prevent pollutions (MOHURD
2004, 2010). Larger sanitary landfill can reduce the cost of land requirement and
environmental assessments, and can also be equipped with better pollution control
facilities. Every sanitary landfill has designed carefully considered pollution pre-
vention systems, such as leachate collection and treatment systems, gas collection
and treatment systems, flood control systems and permeation prevention systems.
For example, the Laogang Landfill Site in Shanghai has a daily capacity of
4900 tons, with an estimated service period of 45 years, which is equipped with
leachate treatment and LFG collection facilities.
Yang et al. (2013) has summarized the landfilling technologies used in China
into four scenarios. A brief overview of their main technical differences and the
existing landfill situations in China, are summarized in Table 3. The open dump
(Scenario 1) represents a dump site with no measures to control leachate or gas
(e.g., lining and cover systems) and no regular landfilling operation processes (e.g.,
Waste compaction). Such sites mainly exist in remote, under-developed regions.
Since the isolation of waste from the environment is not well managed, residual
oxygen within the waste body may induce considerable aerobic degradation of the
waste. In a sanitary landfill with LFG collection (Scenario 2), liner and cover
systems have been introduced as well as leachate collection and treatment systems,
but there is no LFG extraction system. In such a system, the LFG can migrate
through the top cover layer. This type of landfill exists in most small Chinese cities.
Compared with Scenario 2, the sanitary landfill (Scenario 3) has an LFG collection
and flare system. According to the current Chinese standard of landfill management
(MOHURD 2004), LFG must be collected effectively and be flared if it cannot be
utilized for energy recovery. Hence, Scenario 3 may be a favorable replacement for
Scenarios 1 and 2 in the near future. The sanitary landfill with LFG utilization
(Scenario 4) represents the most advanced landfilling technology presently used in
China. In this case, LFG is collected and used for energy recovery (usually for
electricity production) with all the other measures being the same as those described
for Scenario 2. Scenario 4 has now been applied to a number of big cities.

3.1.3 Use of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Systems

Depending on the fuel and power generation option, extensive pretreatment may be
required to remove siloxane, hydrogen sulfide, and other constituents with potential
to cause corrosion, erosion, environmental control, and odor problems. Further
cleaning and purification are necessary to achieve the quality required for injection
of pipeline-quality renewable fuel in natural gas delivery systems.
Alternatively, combined heat and power (CHP) system can realize in situ uti-
lization of LFG by converting it to electricity and heat. CHP is commonly used in
European countries as it can increase the energy recovery efficiency of LFG. Fueled
by electric industry deregulation, environmental concerns, unease over energy

Table 3 Gas and leachate generation in the four different landfilling technology scenarios (revised from Yang et al. 2013)
Liner Leachate generation Leachate collection Methane LFG collection LFG Methane oxidation efficiency
and volume (L, m3/t) efficiency (%) conversion efficiency (%) treatment of cover layer (%)
cover rate
Scenario No 4.3 + 0.25 0 0.8 0 No 0
Scenario Yes 2 + 0.25 40 1 0 No 10
Scenario Yes 2 + 0.25 40 1 20 Flare 10
Scenario Yes 2 + 0.25 40 1 50 Electricity 10
4 production
S. Xu et al.
Status and Prospects of Municipal Solid Waste to Energy … 41

security, and many other factors, interest in CHP cogeneration technologies for
distributed heat and power generation has been growing. Methane can replace
natural gas as the fuel source in CHP systems. However, such facilities need to be
strategically placed at or near customer facilities to efficiently supply the heating

3.2 MSW Incineration

3.2.1 Potential of MSW as Biofuel

As a fuel, MSW poses a number of challenges. It is produced on a distributed basis,

and its composition is highly variable, including a mix of organic and inorganic
constituents. Hazardous and toxic waste stream components pose health and safety
risks. Low energy density and high moisture, chlorine, and ash content lead to
handling, combustion, slagging and fouling, corrosion, and byproduct management
issues (Cheng and Hu 2010). Incineration of materials with heating capacities less
than 3344 kJ/kg is probably not economical.
Lightly processed, post-recycling MSW received at mass-burn WTE plants has a
heating value in the range of 10,000–12,500 kJ/kg; while high-intensity processing
refuse derived fuel (RDF) is more amenable to firing in fluidized-bed combustor
(FBC) units and advanced thermal conversion systems, with heating values roughly
ranging from 12,500 to 15,000 kJ/kg, offers the potential for high-rate co-firing in
pulverized coal plants. Mechanical, magnetic, thermal, biological, and other tech-
niques may be applied to isolate and process combustible fractions. A typical
system configuration of the MSW presorting process is illustrated in Fig. 6, which
consists of three major units: shredding, air classification, and screening (Chang
et al. 1998). After screening, the lightest portion in the MSW with the size greater
than 100 mm can be exactly identified as the fluff-RDF; while the outputs with
particle size larger than 100 mm and between 25 and 100 mm can be used as
alternative fuels in the incineration facilities.
After adding certain amount of combustion-supporting agent, sulfur fixing agent and
antiseptic, RDF made from MSW can be packed as cubes or pellets for easy storage

Fig. 6 Representative system of the MSW presorting process (Chang et al. 1998)
42 S. Xu et al.

and transportation (Wei et al. 2009). It is not only convenient for storage and trans-
portation, and can significantly improve the fuel performance, control pollution
(Hernandez-Atonal et al. 2007; Jiang et al. 2008), has received widespread attention in
waste energy reuse. Of course, installing and operating fuel-processing systems at the
plant site imposes energy and cost penalties. Centralized manufacturing of higher-grade
fuels offers potential economies of scale, while source-based production creates
opportunities to reduce hauling costs and facilitate long-distance trade.

3.2.2 Incinerator Types and Process

The incinerator is the core of MSW incineration process, which cost accounts for
approximately 50 % of the MSW incineration power plant. The technologies of its
craft and design have a direct influence on MSW disposal effects and economic
benefits, as well as a direct impact on the subsequent treatment of flue gases. There
are various incinerators such as stoke grate incinerators, fluidised bed incinerators,
rotary kiln furnaces and pyrolysis gasification furnaces.
Figure 7 shows the comparison of different MSW incinerators in China (CAEPI
2011). Stoke grate incinerators and fluidised bed incinerators predominate, while
pyrolysis furnaces and rotary kiln furnaces are only adopted on a small scale. At
present, most incineration facilities adopting mechanical stoke grate technologies
are located in the more economically developed cities of eastern coastal areas,
especially in the provincial capital and the sub-provincial cities. By contrast,
incineration facilities using fluidised bed technologies are predominantly located in
small and medium cities, as well as the large cities in the middle and western
regions of China that are economically less developed. Comparatively, the cost of
investment and operation of fluidised beds are relatively low. Furthermore, coal as
the auxiliary fuel for fluidised beds, is abundant in central and western China. The
facility costs for stoke grate incinerators vary between US$98 million and US$164
million per thousand tonnes daily of treatment capacity; while the costs for fluidised
beds are merely half of that (CAEPI 2014). The operation and maintenance of stoke
grate incinerators and fluidised beds are both costly.

Fig. 7 MSW incinerators and total power generation capacity in China (CAEPI 2012, 2013)
Status and Prospects of Municipal Solid Waste to Energy … 43

It must be pointed out that the market share of stoke grate becomes increasingly
higher than that of the fluidised bed. Total incineration capacity and total power
generation capacity of stoke grate incinerator are 26.2, 31.5 and 32.6 % respec-
tively from 2011 to 2013, while counterparts of fluidised bed incinerator are 11.3,
11.1 and 14.0 % respectively. There are 21 plants adopting stoke grate among the
28 newly built MSW incinerators in the year of 2013. The reason for this tendency
is that the technology of fluidised bed is not as mature and stable as stoke grate;
therefore, all advantages, such as complete combustion of native MSW through
mixed unsorted collection, less dioxin emission, and no additional investment in
sewage treatment etc., are not as good as expected. Due to this reason, the Chinese
government is prone to support promotion of stoke grate at present, which is best
illustrated by the first selection of “3A Selection of MSW Incineration Plants” in
China lasting a whole year from March, 2012 to March, 2013. All of the MSW
incineration plants adopting fluidised bed technology were unconditionally exclu-
ded for the selection, which represented the government’s attitude and hindered the
development of fluidised bed technology to a certain extent.
A MSW incineration power system generates electricity by driving turbines with
high temperature steam produced by the incineration of MSW, as shown in Fig. 8.
After transportation in closed trucks, MSWs were poured into a storage pool to
ferment for approximately three days. The characteristics of MSW in China are
unsorted coupled with low calorific values (3000–5000 kJ/kg) and high moisture
rates (45–65 %), which organic ingredients account for 40–60 % of dry weight.

Fig. 8 Schematic diagram of MSW incineration and power generation process (Zheng et al. 2014)
44 S. Xu et al.

This fermentation procedure could reduce the materials’ humidity and increase their
heating values. MSWs were then burned in incineration boilers to heat water to
generate steam, which is the driving force of turbine generators. The flue gases and
solid residues generated during the MSW incineration process should be treated
accordingly to avoid secondary environmental pollution, especially the flue gases
which contain significant amounts of dioxins, particulate matters, heavy metals,
sulfur dioxide, and hydrochloric acid. The flue gases are first sent into a flue gas
scrubber to remove acidic material, after which bag filters are used to remove dust
particles so that the gas can meet the final emission standards. Fly ash, one of the
flue gas residues, is a hazardous substance and should be dealt with in accordance
with hazardous material waste laws.

3.2.3 Current Status and Development Trend of Waste Incineration

in China

(1) Rapid development of large scale waste incineration projects

Although MSW incineration power generation in China is a recent develop-
ment, the MSW incineration power generation technologies have undergone
rapid development with the demand for a low carbon economy and the
encouragement of national policies. Since the inception of the first incineration
power plant in 1988, the number of MSW incineration plants has increased to
166 by the end of 2013, and the MSW incineration capacity has increased to
158488 tonnes/day. Figure 9 shows the daily processing capacity and the
number of MSW incineration plants from 2003 to 2012 (China 2014).

Fig. 9 The daily processing capacity and the number of MSW incineration facilities in China
from 2004 to 2013 (China 2003–2014)
Status and Prospects of Municipal Solid Waste to Energy … 45

Table 4 MSW incineration power plants of significance in China (Zheng et al. 2014)
Year Incineration Name Installed Electricity Type of
capacity (ton/d) capacity parallel to incinerator
(MW) grid (million
1988 300 Shenzhen 2  0.5 – Stoke
Qingshui grate
River MSW
incineration plant
2002 1000 Shanghai 2  8.5 100 Stoke
Pudong MSW grate
incineration plant
2011 2000 Shandong Jinan 2  18 270 Stoke
second MSW grate
incineration plan
2013 3000 Beijing 2  30 310 Stoke
Lujiashan MSW grate
incineration plant

In China, the development of MSW incineration power generation project

tends to be large scale. Some significant MSW incineration power plants are
shown in Table 4. In 2013, the Lujiashan incineration plant (Asia’s largest
MSW incineration power generation project) underwent trial operation and
eventually supplied 320 million kWh of electricity to the grid per year. The
first driving factor is the difficulty in selection a proper site for incineration
plant, due to the “Not-In-My-Back-Yard” effect. Thus it is reasonable to build
a large scale plant once the location is determined, which treatment capacity is
up to 2000–3000 tonnes, sometimes even high up to 5000 tonnes. In addition,
because MSW incineration requires massive funding and complex technolo-
gies, scale economy could ensure enterprises to obtain better economic ben-
efits. More importantly, a larger scale MSW incineration tends to use more
advanced technologies and will ultimately be better for the environment.
Therefore, the Chinese government is vigorously promoting the construction
of large incineration plants (Fig. 10).
As shown in Fig. 4, more MSW is treated by incineration in the eastern
coastal areas of China, such as the provinces of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Fujian and
Guangdong. Actually, more than 2/3 of the incineration power plants are
concentrated in the Yangtze and Pearl River Delta regions; the rest are located
in the middle and western provincial capital cities. Obviously, we can conclude
that MSW incineration facilities currently operating in China are primarily
located in cities that are economically developed and densely populated.
(2) Disputes on waste incineration technology tend to be more rational
“Whether a white cat or black cat, a good cat catches mice”. In recent years,
controversy over waste incineration technology has never stopped, one of the
focus of the debate is entangled in the selection of stoke grate or fluidized bed.
46 S. Xu et al.

Fig. 10 The ratio of MSW treated by incineration in several OECD countries from 2001 to 2013
(OECD library)

As knowledge developed and practice experience accumulated, a rationale is

gradually emerging for the selection of these two technologies.
Stoke grate has been developed for nearly a hundred years, which is more
mature and stable than fluidised bed, thus currently dominating the Chinese
market. In contrast, fluidised bed is being developed by domestic independent
research with independent intellectual property rights to the technology, which
gradually matures as improvement of more than ten years has been informed
by practical experience. It is characterized by more fully and completely
combustion, thus has good adaptability for the region acceptable to sludge and
solid waste of low heat value.
(3) Standards continue to improve
In recent years, it is not rare to find that MSW incineration plants discharge
pollutants beyond pollution limits. As the requirement of developing waste
incineration technology and pollution control increased, the previous
“Standard for pollution control on the municipal solid waste incineration
(GWKB3-2001)” has been difficult to adapt to the new requirements.
Revisions has been made and drafted to “Standard for pollution control on the
municipal solid waste incineration (GB 18485-20)”, which started to be
implemented in July 2014. Furthermore, the provinces such as Beijing,
Shanghai, Guangzhou have laid out local standards, which are stricter than the
national standard. As per update of new pollution standards, some of the
existing incinerators need to carry out technical renovation to improve the
performance of end flue gas treatment facilities. In the long-term, it will be
favorable for the development of the incineration industry in China.
Status and Prospects of Municipal Solid Waste to Energy … 47

3.3 Anaerobic Digestion

3.3.1 Advantages of Anaerobic Digestion Technology for MSW

With the increasing quantities of MSW, limited landfill areas and increased envi-
ronmental impact awareness, alternative methods are being sought to treat
municipal solid waste. Anaerobic digestion is attractive because it contributes to the
solution of several important problems in China. Anaerobic digestion provides an
environmentally friendly method for treating municipal solid waste. Landfills are
currently the most common MSW disposal method in China (Fig. 4). In 2000,
about 25 million m3 of landfill leachate contaminated adjoining land and water
sources while 17.6 million tons of undesirable CH4 gas (Wang et al. 2001), which is
a strong greenhouse gas, were produced by bio-waste deposited in landfills. In
modern landfills, although improved liner and cover systems have been applied,
some leakage is inevitable due to non-standard operation, leading to the releases of
methane, volatile organic compounds, hazardous air pollutants, and leachate.
Worldwide, societies are realizing that bio-waste needs to be disposed of in more
environmentally friendly ways, such as waste digestion and methane gas recycling.
Anaerobic digestion will reduce land requirements for MSW disposal. 134.7
million tons of municipal solid waste was produced in China in 2001, and required
about 500 million m2 of land for disposal. With the increased urbanization in China,
the cost of constructing and operating landfills will rapidly increase. Anaerobic
digestion can substantially reduce the waste load on landfills. Meanwhile, anaerobic
digestion can also produce useful fertilizer. An attractive option for treating the
organic fraction of these wastes by anaerobic digestion is to compost the digestion
sludge and then apply the stabilized residue on the soil as a fertilizer. Therefore,
anaerobic digestion is the best technology for bio-waste disposal.

3.3.2 Status and Potential Assessment of Anaerobic Digestion

Technology Development for MSW in China

Considerable success in using anaerobic technology for processing bio-waste is

being reported by several recently constructed facilities in Europe. Although
anaerobic digestion has been used in China for over 100 years, it is usually used to
treat human and animal manure along with agricultural by-products. Compared
with the large advanced anaerobic digestion plants in Europe, China still has a long
way to go in developing effective bio-waste processing systems.
Introduction of Anaerobic Digestion Processes for MSW in China
Most anaerobic digestion plants used around the world can be divided into single
phase, two-phase, and batch style plants. Batch reactors have economic advantages
in developing countries, but their organic load rate is much lower than continuous
feed systems and the reactors take up a larger area. Two-phase anaerobic digestion
48 S. Xu et al.

reactors have good shock load tolerance for the separation of acidification and
methanation processes, but the technique is complex and relatively expensive.
Single-phase reactors provide an acceptable result at less cost. Therefore, most
recently built plants use single phase reactors. As listed in Table 5, most of the
existing large-scale anaerobic digestion plants in China adopted single-phase
digester. However, some plants setup one additional hydrothermal hydrolysis tank
to facilitate efficient decomposition of biomass, such as the Suzhou Food Waste
Treatment Plant (Jiangsu Province), Changchun Food Waste Treatment Plant (Jilin
Province), and Shenzhen Municipal Organic Waste Treatment Plant.
New plants using high solid anaerobic digestion (with a total solid fraction of
above 20 % compared to low solid plants with 4–8 % solid fraction) can improve
energy production somewhat due to their high digestion efficiency and the process
residues can be more easily dehydrated, which saves a great amount of water.
Valorga and Dranco mode high solid anaerobic digestion plants have reactor vol-
umes of less than 3300 m3 and heights usually less than 25 m. However, high
organic load rates and high salt and fat concentrations make high solid anaerobic
digestion systems difficult to operate, so suitable control systems are needed for
Chinese plants. Wet fermentation is the mainstream of the anaerobic treatment on
MSW in biogas production currently with the advantage of high speed of fer-
mentation, mature technology to construct and manage, and convenient input and
output for the material.
Utilizing biogas to generate electricity via CHP system has become the major
efficient way to use biogas. There is a large scale anaerobic digestion plant in
Anyang, Henan designed to utilize biogas as vehicle fuel instead of electricity.
Factors Affecting MSW Digestion Efficiency
For anaerobic digestion technologies, the digestion process relies on anaerobic
bacteria that break down organic materials into sugars, acids, and then gases,
leaving behind liquid and solid residues. Decomposition occurs over years to
decades in landfills and days to weeks in purpose-built digesters. However, the
digestion efficiency is affected and limited by the characteristics of substrate.
There are great variations in the composition of MSW between developed
countries and China. The disposal and treatment rates in China are much lower than
those in developed countries. In China, organic matters in MSW is not sorted before
disposal, typically, in landfills or in incineration plants, so most biogas plants are
based on the digestion of animal manure and are built in the countryside using low
efficiency and locally developed technology. Waste separation and collection are
being developed in some big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen to
enable the conversion of bio-waste into biogas containing methane and the sepa-
ration of solid materials from anaerobic digestion processes for use as fertilizers.
Furthermore, with the popularization of central heating and gas-fired heating sys-
tems, the proportion of coal residue in the MSW has decreased gradually while the
proportion of organic waste has increased. Figure 1 shows that the main component
of Chinese MSW is bio-degradable organic matters which includes kitchen waste,
Status and Prospects of Municipal Solid Waste to Energy … 49

Table 5 Large-scale anaerobic digestion plant for Food waste or separated MSW
Location Substrate Process Scale (t/d) Established
Chongqing, Food waste Anaerobic 167, 1st stage 2012
Heishizi digestion 500, 2nd–3rd 2014
stages –
1000, 4th stage
Lanzhou, Gansu Food waste Anaerobic 200 2011
Ningbo, MSW Anaerobic 200 2007
Zhejiang digestion
Sanming, Fujian Food waste and Anaerobic 30 2009
waste oil digestion
Erdos, Inner Food waste Anaerobic 100 2010
Mongolia digestion
Kunning, Food waste Anaerobic 200 2011
Yunnan digestion
Beijinga Food waste Anaerobic 150 2011
Dongcun, Food waste Anaerobic 200 2012
Beijing digestion
Qingdao, Food waste Anaerobic 200 2012
Shandong digestion 600 Under
Shenzhenb Municipal organic Hydrothermal 100 2011
waste hydrolysis-
Suzhou, Jiangsuc Food waste Hydrothermal 100, 1st stage 2008
hydrolysis- 600, 2nd stage 2012
Changchun, Jilin Food waste Hydrothermal 200 Under
hydrolysis- construction
Longgang, Food waste Anaerobic 200 Under
Shenzhend digestion construction
Two-stage CSTR
50 S. Xu et al.

Table 5 (continued)
Location Substrate Process Scale (t/d) Established
Anyang, Henane Biomass Anaerobic 500 2010
Two-stage CSTR
In Beijing Sanitation Group project, food waste is co-digested with faeces and sewage sludge
The total capacity of Shenzhen Municipal Organic Waste (sludge) Treatment Plant is 500 t/d,
including market vegetable garbage of 100 t, kitchen waste of 100 t/d, sewage sludge (water
content 80 %) of 300 t. Wastes are pretreated with hydrothermal hydrolysis before feeding into
anaerobic digester; after digestion, dehydrated cake is transferred into the composting system to
produce organic fertilizer; odor generated in the entire system is processed by the biological
deodorization system
In Suzhou Food Waste Treatment Plant, the process of Hydrothermal hydrolysis—Anaerobic
digestion is applied. Tsinghua University and Jiangnan university provide technical supports for
thermal treatment and fermentation, respectively. The process of bio-diesel technology developed
by our company, using a special catalyst to achieve a step catalytic production of bio-diesel oil
The substrates of Shenzhen Longgang Food Waste Treatment Plant are food waste, sewage
sludge and biodiesel production wastewater
Anyang vehicle biogas project, is the first demonstration project for the industrial application of
bio-gas, which is also the first application of biogas into vehicle. CSTR, continuous stirred tank

hotel and restaurant waste, vegetable market waste, and garden waste (Jiang et al.
Since MSW includes many components, the ratio of carbon to nitrogen of the
waste may not be suitable for anaerobic digestion, which will hinder efficient
operation of the anaerobic digestion plant. Therefore, the various components in the
waste stream must be collected separately so that the ratio of carbon to nitrogen can
be adjusted to a suitable range by mixing the waste from different sources. In
addition, the use of food residues as direct feedstuff is being limited by new reg-
ulations and transportation concerns in Chinese cities. Therefore, regulations are
needed to facilitate separate collection systems for bio-waste with appropriate
disposal technologies. If a bio-waste collection system can be set up and made
compatible with existing collection systems, anaerobic digestion technologies for
bio-waste disposal can be standardized. Since there are not yet any anaerobic
digestion plants operating in any cities, an efficient design would be widely used
throughout China.
Limitations to the Spread of Anaerobic Digestion Technology
(1) The capital investment for energy production systems may be somewhat
higher for anaerobic digestion systems than for conventional systems, and
electricity is fairly inexpensive in China, unlike in many other countries. As
such, the development of anaerobic digestion technologies is currently limited.
(2) The costs of anaerobic digestion systems depend greatly on the local cir-
cumstances, including construction and labor costs, treatment capacity, the
possibility of energy recovery, energy price, market, and taxes as well as the
Status and Prospects of Municipal Solid Waste to Energy … 51

energy purchase tariff, land prices, and the worth of the digested material.
Although the equipment for high solid anaerobic digestion plants is expensive,
the operating costs are relatively low considering their smaller sizes, higher
digestion efficiencies and water savings.
With costs increasing for landfills and energy taxes on fossil fuels, anaerobic
digestion should be encouraged as a renewable energy source. Anaerobic digestion
will be a highly competitive alternative for the treatment of MSW in the near future.

4 The Prospects of MSW to Energy Technologies in China

Globally, more than 1 billion tons of post-recycling MSW continues to be disposed

of in landfills each year, including more than 130 million tons in the U.S, while
European, Asian, and other nations move forward with strong commitments to
energy recovery. Global adoption of integrated resource management strategies
could dramatically increase deployment of incinerators and advanced conversion
technologies. This development would reduce landfilling and associated emissions
of methane, while expanded landfill gas capture and energy production could
further reduce the carbon footprint of waste management practices.
In recent years, China has issued a series of polices to promote the harmless
treatment of MSW, including the development of WTE. The foremost influential
policies are as follows,
(1) National 12th Five Year Plan (2011–2015)
– Reform garbage fee collection methods, appropriate increase garbage fee
standards and the level of financial subsidies;
– Speed up the development of rural waste centralized treatment;
– Improve the recycling system of renewable resources; establish and
improve waste separation and recovery system;
– Promote the resource utilization and harmless treatment of kitchen waste
and other waste;
– In 2015, the rate of MSW harmless treatment in all cities rose to 80 %. It is
clearly put forward that incineration technologies will be employed to
handle more than 30 % of MSW, a huge increase over current practice
(Fig. 11).
(2) Cleaner Production Law 2002
The Renewable Energy Law 2006. On February 28, 2005, the fourteenth
conference of the National People’s Congress (NPC) passed the “Renewable
Energy Law of the People’s Republic of China”, effective on January 1, 2006,
which is the first and only legislation providing strong legal protection, as well
as phased support, for the development of renewable energy sources. As the
cornerstone of the development of renewable energy, it boosted the proportion
52 S. Xu et al.

Fig. 11 Technologies used to treat MSW in China in 2010 (China 2010) and in 2015 (expected)

of renewable energy in the energy structure dramatically, particularly wind and

photovoltaic energy. However, some imperfections in this law gradually
appeared during the expansion of wind and solar energy. In order to provide
better legal protection, it was amended on December 26, 2009 and the
amendments affecting seven articles took effect on April 1, 2010. Owing to the
prosperity later than wind and solar energy, MSW to energy could benefit
more from the amendments, which ensure its benign development and avoid
analogous problems occurring during the development of wind and solar
energy. There are some amendments closely related to MSW to energy that
should be pointed out. Firstly, the amendments reiterate purchase obligation
(grid companies should purchase all the electricity generated by the MSW to
energy generating entities), but put it within the overall framework of the
national plan, suggesting that MSW to energy is viewed as an integral part of
the total national energy resource. The amendments also established a
renewable energy development fund financed by budgetary allocations from
the central government and the collection of renewable energy fees charged
throughout China, in which the amounts accumulated are slated for use as
compensation to grid companies for the additional expenses they incur in
purchasing renewable energy (as opposed to conventional energy), and for grid
connection costs to facilitate the use of renewable energy, etc. (Renewable
Energy Law of the People’s Republic of China). Overall, the release of the law
provides a broad path for the development of MSW to energy.
The economics of WTE incineration plants are extremely site-specific,
depending on tipping fees, MSW characteristics, environmental regulations,
byproduct management practices, and many other factors. WTE incineration
installations often benefit from the investment and production tax credits
Status and Prospects of Municipal Solid Waste to Energy … 53

granted to renewable energy sources. The economic viability of anaerobic

digestion to energy (ADTE) installations is strongly influenced by policy
drivers. Policies requiring control of air pollutant and greenhouse gas emis-
sions from landfills, agricultural operations, and wastewater treatment plants
improve economics by reducing the incremental cost of adding generating
capacity. Depending on site-specific circumstances, these projects may also
yield revenue streams in the form of marketable renewable energy certificates
and carbon credits.
Market mechanisms are playing an increasingly prominent role in the Chinese
economic system, and are also starting to be utilized to address certain envi-
ronmental protection problems. In the area of MSW management, a handful of
enterprises have entered the field; in late 1999, for example two private MSW
enterprises were founded in Beijing. But generally speaking, outside of a few
cities, the harnessing of market mechanisms is still not a significant part of
MSW management in China, leaving local governments nationwide with the
responsibility for and burden of MSW management. Typically, collection and
transportation capability, as well as treatment plants, are paid for through direct
government investment, and MSW management operations consistently draw
on government subsidies. This leaves public sector MSW management entities
without any profit incentive to rationalize operations and management.
China’s economy is still underdeveloped, and in this context China must
search for a least-cost path to achieve optimized MSW management through
the promotion of a more sustainable municipal ecological model, and the use
of economic incentives to improve MSW management. The primary method
for resolving the growing MSW problem is to use the tools of environmental
economics to design a rationalized system of MSW generation, collection,
transportation, treatment and final disposal.


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GHGs Emissions and Sustainable Solid
Waste Management

Suthirat Kittipongvises and Chongrak Polprasert

Abstract In the 21st century, global warming and climate change are among the
greatest environmental challenges and humanitarian crisis. Globally, annual
greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions from solid waste disposal sites is estimated to be
approximately a quarter of total anthropogenic methane emission. Integrated solid
waste management, therefore, provides significant opportunities to control envi-
ronmental pollution and minimize the negative impacts of global climate change.
This chapter illustrates the current status of global GHGs emission in relationship
with population growth and solid waste generation. Mathematic models used to
quantify GHGs generated from the waste sector as the zero-order model (i.e.,
SWANA, German EPER and IPCC Default Method) and the first-order model (i.e.,
TNO, LandGEM, IPCC First-Order Decay; FOD) are explained including appli-
cation to certain inventory in selected countries. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA),
which involves the cradle-to-grave concept, environmental burden from global
warming and selected case studies are described and applied to assess GHGs
emissions from various solid waste management options such as recycling, com-
posting, sanitary landfilling, anaerobic digestion, incineration, mechanical biolog-
ical treatment (MBT), source reduction, and utilization and application of biochar.
Existing solid waste management practices and innovative options to achieve
GHGs mitigation and community adaptation including resiliency are presented.
Lessons learned and best practices in solid waste management from Thailand (i.e.,
Bangkok Kamphaeng Sean West: Landfill Gas to Electricity Project) and from
other countries (i.e., GHGs mitigation project: MBT plant in Gaobeidian, Hebei
province, People’s Republic of China; municipal solid waste composting project in
Ikorodu, Lagos State, Federal Republic of Nigeria; and gasification, landfill gas and
anaerobic digestion in Bali, Indonesia) are further discussed.

S. Kittipongvises (&)
Center of Excellence on Hazardous Substance Management, Environmental Research
Institute Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
C. Polprasert
Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016 55

O.P. Karthikeyan et al. (eds.), Recycling of Solid Waste for Biofuels
and Bio-chemicals, Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products
and Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0150-5_3
56 S. Kittipongvises and C. Polprasert

Keywords Climate change Emission Greenhouse gases (GHGs) Integrated 
solid waste management Life cycle assessment (LCA) Sustainability

1 Introduction

1.1 Post-2015 Development Agenda: Population

and Urbanization Growth, Global Climate Change
and Solid Waste Problems

1.1.1 Rapid Population Growth and Associated GHG Emission

Currently, the global population has reached approximately 7.2 billion in 2014 and
is projected to increase by more than 2 billion by 2050 (Fig. 1a). By comparison,
the size of the rural population of the world remained essentially unchanged
between 1994 and 2014. On the one hand, more than half of the global population
now lives in the urban areas (Fig. 1b) (United Nations Department of Economic
and Social Affairs, Population Division 2014).
The continuation of population and urbanization growth presents serious chal-
lenges for achieving all internationally agreed development goals. On this basis,
according to the Millennium Summit of the United Nations (UN) in 2000, all UN
member states and international organizations have committed their actions to help
achieve the following Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015: Goal 1
Eradicate extreme hunger and poverty, Goal 2 Achieve universal primary educa-
tion, Goal 3 Promote gender equity and empower women, Goal 4 Reduce child
mortality, Goal 5 Improve maternal health, Goal 6 Combat HIV/AIDs, Malaria and
other diseases, Goal 7 Ensure environmental sustainability, and Goal 8 Develop a

Fig. 1 a Projections of total global population, 1970–2050 (medium-, high- and low-fertility
variants for 2015); b Urban and rural population of the world, 1970–2050 (United Nations
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division 2014)
GHGs Emissions and Sustainable Solid Waste Management 57

global partnership for development. However, as the 2015 deadline for the MDGs
approaches, the international community is now actively engaged in various dis-
cussion forums to help define Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that will
serve as the core of post-2015 global development agenda (UN 2014). There is a
broad agreement on the need for close linkages between MGDs and integration of
social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development.
As previously detailed, increase in the number of the global population, com-
bined with poverty, excessive resource consumption and wasteful production pat-
terns cause or exacerbate environmental pollution and thus inhibit sustainable
development. The environmental problems facing mankind in the 21st century are:
global climate change, depletion of natural resources and destruction of our
ecosystem. These crises are interrelated and connected to waste and waste man-
agement (Tanaka 2010). The details are given below:
Global climate change is one of the clearest manifestations of sustainability
challenge of our time. Climate fluctuation is an issue that involves multiple inter-
actions between global, social and human dimensions (Komiyama and Takeuchi
2006). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC WG2 2007) found
global climate change to be the result of anthropogenic activities, particularly
(i) carbon dioxide (CO2) from fossil fuels burning, (ii) methane (CH4) from agri-
cultural activities, waste and wastewater management, (iii) nitrous oxide (N2O)
from agricultural activities such as fertilizer utilization, (iv) fluorinated gases
(F-gases) from industrial progresses, etc. The results are higher greenhouse gas
(GHGs) concentrations in the atmosphere which absorb heat from the Earth surface
and consequently causing global warming and the associate frequent occurrence of
extreme climate events. Globally, as shown in Fig. 2a, anthropogenic GHG emis-
sions have risen since the late 19th century, with an increase approximately 35 %
between 1990 and 2010 (EPA 2014; WRI 2014; FAO 2014).
Geologically, the majority of GHG emissions come from the following three
regions: Asia, Europe, and the United States (Fig. 2b), which together accounted
for 82 % of total global emissions in 2011 (Fig. 2b) (EPA 2014; WRI 2014).
Furthermore, IPCC WG2 (2007) indicated that projections of total GHG emissions
could increase by 25–90 % from 2000 to 2030.

Fig. 2 a Type of global GHGs emissions, 1990–2010; b Global CO2 emissions by region, 1990–
2010 (EPA 2014; WRI 2014; FAO 2014)
58 S. Kittipongvises and C. Polprasert

The impacts of global climate change and extreme weather events such as
storms, floods, droughts, and the rise of sea level are also observed (IPCC WG2
2007). It is acknowledged that climate change threatens biodiversity, ecosystem
functions and the basic elements of life for people around the world such as: access
to water, food production, human health, and use of land and the environment
(Stern 2007). IPCC defined vulnerability of people as their propensity to be harmed
by their exposure to hazards or stresses including climate stress (IPCC WG2 2007).
Vulnerability to climate change, in a sense, will vary with adaptive capacity, social
resilience or ability of a system to adjust to climate variability and extremes, and
socio-economic pathway. Therefore, climate change issues should be of immediate
concern and must be addressed at all levels in order to mitigate and for people to
adapt to any changes that might occur.

1.1.2 Solid Waste and GHGs Emissions

In the rapidly urbanizing global society and expanding industries, solid waste
management, particularly the issue of collection, management and disposal of solid
wastes, represents the key challenges facing all the world’s cities. Globally, the
most recent global estimate (in 2012) of municipal solid wastes indicates approx-
imately 1.3 billion tons is generated every year. This volume is expected to increase
to 2.2 billion tons per year by 2025 (Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata 2012). The OECD
countries make up almost half of the world’s waste, while the people of Africa and
South Asia generate the least amounts of waste being, 0.65 and 0.45 kg/capita/day,
respectively (Table 1). In terms of disposal, landfill is the most popular method
currently being used in the world (Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata 2012).
Given that climate change is a global concern, every waste management practice
generates GHGs, both directly (i.e., emissions originate from the process itself) and
indirectly through energy consumption (UNEP 2010a, b). The major GHGs from
the waste sector are methane (CH4) emissions from landfill site and, secondarily,
CH4 and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from wastewater treatment operations
(Bogner et al. 2007). By this logic, when solid waste is disposed in landfills, most
organic matter will be degraded as a result of biological metabolism over a longer
period of time, ranging in wide span from less than one year to more than hundred
years. Methanogenic bacteria are microorganisms that convert organic carbon to
methane via a series of biological reactions (i.e., hydrolysis, acidogenesis, aceto-
genesis, and methanogenesis) (Karthikeyan et al. 2015). IPCC WG2 (2007) illus-
trated that more than 63 % of methane is emitted from human activities and the
remaining 37 % by nature sources (IPCC WG2 2007). Globally, in 2010, waste and
wastewater accounted for 1.5 GtCO2e (IPCC 2014). Estimated annual emissions
from solid waste disposal sites (i.e., landfills) account for approximately 10–19 %
of global anthropogenic CH4—a fairly potent GHGs with a global warming
potential 21–25 times that of CO2 (Jensen and Pipatti 2000; Kumar et al. 2004;
Forster et al. 2007). Apparently, regarding to global GHGs emissions, CH4 emis-
sion from solid waste disposal sites almost doubled during between 1970 and 2010.
Table 1 Global waste generation projections for 2025, by region (Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata 2012)
Region Current available data Projections for 2025
Total Urban Urban waste generation Projected population Project Urban waste
population (millions) Per Total (tons/day) Total Urban Per Total (tons/day)
capita (kg/capita/day) population population (millions) capita (kg/capita/day)
Africa region 260 0.65 169,119 1152 518 0.85 441,840
East Asia and Pacific 777 0.95 738,958 2124 1229 1.5 1,865,379
Europe and central Asia 227 1.1 254,389 339 239 1.5 354,810
Latin America and the 399 1.1 437,545 681 466 1.6 728,392
Caribbean region
Middle east and north 162 1.1 173,545 379 257 1.43 369,320
GHGs Emissions and Sustainable Solid Waste Management

Africa region
Organisation for 729 2.2 1,566,286 1031 842 2.1 1,742,417
economic co-operation
and development
South Asia region 426 0.45 192,410 1938 734 0.77 567,545
Total 2980 1.2* 3,532,252 7644 4285 1.4* 6,069,703
Remark: Average value
60 S. Kittipongvises and C. Polprasert

Global waste emissions per capita also increased by approximately 5 % for the
entire period 1970–2010 (IPCC 2014; JRC/PBL 2013).
In response to the problems of climate change, an important key focus of waste
management activities is to reduce GHGs concentrations in the atmosphere.
Particularly, climate benefits of waste management practices results from avoided
landfill emissions, reduced raw material extraction, recovered materials and energy
replacing virgin materials and fossil fuel energy sources, carbon storage due to
recalcitrant materials in landfill disposal sites. Despite its importance, however, the
direct measurement and monitoring of methane emission from solid waste disposal
sites are still challenging tasks for concerned stakeholders.

1.2 Objectives and Scope

The purpose of this chapter is to highlight the relationship between waste and global
climate change. Methods used to quantify GHGs generated from the waste sector
including both zero-order model and first-order model are reviewed. LCA method
which involves the estimation of GHGs emissions from various solid waste man-
agement options, lessons learned and innovative options to achieve GHGs miti-
gation from solid waste management in both Thailand and from other case countries
are further illustrated.

2 Mathematic Models for GHG Generation from Solid

Waste Disposal Sites

There are numerous models used to predict the amount of GHGs produced
throughout the lifetime of disposal sites (USEPA 2005). Both zero-order and
first-order model are presented in this chapter.

2.1 Zero-Order Model

In a zero-order model, GHGs formation from a certain amount of waste is assumed

to be constant with time (i.e., methane generated from solid waste disposal sites
remain steady over time). This implies that waste age and—waste type have no
effects on the rate of waste decay or landfill gas production. This type of model is
therefore used to estimate global and national emissions with the assumption that
there is no major change in waste composition or the amount of solid waste
landfilled. Examples of a zero-order model are the SWANA Zero-order model,
German EPER model and IPCC Default method, as detailed below.
GHGs Emissions and Sustainable Solid Waste Management 61

2.1.1 SWANA Zero-Order Model

The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) has developed a

zero-order model as shown in Eq. 1 (SWANA 1998).

Q ¼ MLo =ðto  t1 Þ for to \ t \ t1 ð1Þ

Q Methane generation rate in volume per time (m3/year)
M Waste in the disposal site (mg)
Lo Methane generation potential (m3/mg waste)
to Lag time
t1 Time to endpoint of generation.

2.1.2 EPER Model

The German EPER model is a zero-order-model which can be described mathe-

matically using Eq. 2 (Scharff and Jacobs 2006).

Me ¼ M  BDC  BDCf  F  D  C ð2Þ

Me Amount of diffuse methane emission (mgCH4/year)
M Annual amount of landfilled waste (mg)
BDC Proportion of biodegradable carbon (mg C in waste/mg waste)
BDCf Proportion of biodegradable carbon converted into landfill gas (%)
F Fraction of methane in landfill gas
D Collection efficiency factor.

2.1.3 IPCC Default Method

The IPCC guidelines provide two methods for estimation of GHGs emissions from
solid waste disposal sites: IPCC Default method (Tier 1) and First-order Decay
(FOD) method (Tier 2) (see Sect. 2.2.3) (IPCC 1996; Pipatti and Svardal 2006).
Among the available methods, the default method is the simplest one for the esti-
mation of GHGs emission from landfill. This method is based on ‘mass balance
calculation’ which estimates the amount of CH4 released from the disposal sites
assuming that all the potential CH4 are released during the same year the waste is
disposed of (Eq. 3) (IPCC 1996):

CH4 emission ðGg=yrÞ ¼ ðMSWT  MSWF  MCF  DOC  DOCF

 F  16=12  RÞ  ð1  OX Þ
62 S. Kittipongvises and C. Polprasert

MSWT Total municipal solid waste generated (Gg/yr), calculated from population
(in thousand persons)  annual solid waste generation rate (Gg 10−3 persons
MSWF Fraction of solid waste disposed of at the disposal sites
MCF Methane correction factor (fraction). Three default values ranging from 1.0
to 0.4 are included, depending on the disposal site management and with
0.6 as general default value
DOC Degradable organic carbon (fraction)  (kgC/kgSW)  DOC value depends
on the composition of waste. Equation to determine DOC is
0.4A + 0.17B + 0.15C + 0.3D; where A = Paper and textiles (% portion);
B = Garden and park waste (% portion); C = Food waste (% portion); and
D = Wood and straw waste (% portion)
DOCF Fraction DOC dissimilated. IPCC default value is 0.77 (Bingemer and
Crutzen 1987)
F Fraction of CH4 in landfill gas (IPCC default is 0.5)
16/12 Conversion of C to CH4
R Recovered CH4 (Gg/yr)
OX Oxidation factor (fraction—IPCC default is 0).
Case Study: Estimation of CH4 emissions from solid waste disposal sites in
Panama Panama, located in Central America, provides a good case study for the
quantification of GHGs emission from the waste sector because its solid waste
management practices in data collection is typical of many developing countries,
most of which are going to update their national GHGs inventory for the year 2000.
According to Melissa et al. (2008), estimation of CH4 emission used a MCF of 1, a
DOC of 0.13, a DOCF of 0.77, and a CH4 content of the generated gas (F) of 0.5, as
indicated in the IPCC guidance. Beside this, total waste generation from the 1994
inventory (374.1 Gg) was divided by total population in 1994 (2.57 million) to
determine a total municipal waste generation rate of 145 kg/capita/year. Therefore,
the default method for methane emission estimates in 1994 is 25 Gg. The IPCC
default method has been widely applied in situations where detailed data are not
available, but it may not provide a realistic estimate because it does not reflect the
degradation profile of wastes over time.

2.2 First-Order Model

To estimate landfill gas generation, first-order models are the most commonly used
These models consider both quantity and quality of waste in the disposal sites
(i.e., age of waste, ability of waste to be degraded, moisture and carbon content).
The first-order models always assume a direct relationship between carbon content
GHGs Emissions and Sustainable Solid Waste Management 63

of solid waste and exponential function of decay rate by time against generated
landfill gas (Ozkaya et al. 2007). Examples of the first-order model are TNO,
LandGEM, and IPCC.

2.2.1 TNO

The TNO model calculates landfill gas generation based mainly on amount of waste
in the disposal site, degradation of organic carbon in the waste, and also degradation
rate. The TNO model can be mathematically described as per Eq. 4.

at ¼ 11:87ACo K1 ek1 t ð4Þ

at Landfill gas production at a given time (m3/year)
1 Dissimilation factor, 0.58
A Amount of waste in disposal site (m3/kg C degraded)
Co Amount of organic carbon in waste (kg C in waste/mg waste)
k1 Degradation rate constant, 0.094.

2.2.2 LandGEM

The LandGEM model is used to estimate landfill gas generation for a given year
from cumulative waste disposed of through that year (EPA 2005), as presented in
Eq. 5.
QCH4 ¼ i¼1
kLo Mi ekt ð5Þ

Q Methane generated in current year (m3/year)
i 1 year time increment
n (year of the calculation)—(initial year of waste acceptance)
k Methane generation rate (1/yr)
Lo Methane generation potential (m3/mg waste)
Mi Mass of solid waste disposed in place in specific time of t.

2.2.3 IPCC Fist-Order-Decay Method

Theoretically, the FOD method provides a time dependent GHGs emission profile
that reflects the actual pattern of degradation process over the period of time. This
method requires both historical disposals of waste and degradation rate in order to
achieve an acceptable accurate result. It assumes that the DOC in waste decays
64 S. Kittipongvises and C. Polprasert

slowly throughout a few decades, during which CH4 and CO2 are formed. In
general, the rate of CH4 production depends on the amount of carbon remaining in
the disposal site. CH4 emissions are highest in the first few years after deposition,
and then gradually decline as the waste is degraded by anaerobic bacteria. The
estimation of CH4 emission from landfills using the FOD model can be done using
Eq. 6 (IPCC 1996):
Q ¼ Lo  R  ekc  ekt ð6Þ

Q CH4 generated in current year (m3/yr)
Lo CH4 generation potential (m3/mg of refuse)
R Average annual waste acceptance rate during active life (Mg/yr)
k CH4 generation rate constant (l/yr)
c Time since solid waste disposal site (SWDS) closure (yr)
t Time since SWDS opened (yr).
When estimating national figures, Eqs. 7 and 8 can be used for CH4 estimation,
according to the following details:

QT;X ¼ k  Rx  Lo  ekðTxÞ ð7Þ

QT,X Amount of CH4 generated in year T by the waste Rx (Mg)
x Year of waste input
Rx Amount of waste disposed in year x (Mg)
T Current year.
QT ¼ QT;X ð8Þ

QT Total CH4 emission in year T from waste disposed of in previous years
(including year T).
Table 2 summaries the available mathematical models used to quantify the
amount of methane emitted from solid waste disposal sites.
Case Study: Estimation of CH4 emissions from solid waste disposal sites in
Thailand According to Chiemchaisri et al. (2007), there were 425 solid waste
disposal sites in the Kingdom of Thailand (95 landfills and 330 open dumps) in
2004. CH4 emission was calculated based on the FOD method (Eq. 2) by assuming
CH4 production potential (Lo) of 170 m3/ton, FOD rate constant (k) of 0.05 per
year, and the total amounts of waste disposed to landfill and open dumps were
12,177 and 7704 ton/day, respectively. Therefore, the total CH4 emissions were
calculated to be 115.4 Gg in 2004.
GHGs Emissions and Sustainable Solid Waste Management 65

Table 2 Mathematical models and their applications to estimate methane emission from solid
waste disposal sites
Mathematic Examples of an application Observation
models for GHGs
Zero-order SWANA and EPER models are These models generate the rate of
models used by the United States and methane emission independent of the
Germany amount of waste remaining or the
amount of landfill gases already
First-order TNO and LandGEM models are First-order models consider the effect
models currently used by Denmark and of age in methane generation. Methane
the United States emission is assumed to be in a steady,
linear decrease over time proportional
to the amount of organic material
degraded in any given year and the
remaining fraction of organic matter
from previous years

Case Study: Estimation of CH4 emissions from open dumps in Chennai, India A
study done by Karthikeyan et al. (2012) found that the amount of methane emitted
from the open dumps in Chennai, India, was approximately 33  106 m3,
36  106 m3 and 52  104 m3 by using the FOD models as TNO, LandGEM and
zero-order model, respectively. Of these, the total methane emission from the
Chennai dumps contributed to 1.3 % of landfill methane emissions in India between
1986 and 2003.
In terms of accuracy, the first-order models are by far more accurate than the
zero-model assuming that there is no major change in waste composition or the
amount of solid waste landfilled from year to year. Coops et al. (1995) also con-
cluded that the zero-order model was the most unreliable compared to other
mathematic models. Under this scheme, zero-order model (i.e., IPCC Default
method) may not provide realistic estimates because it is applied when national
solid waste data is not available. In contrast, the first-order model method which
sufficiently reflects the actual pattern of the waste degradation process over time
based on both historical disposal information and degradation rate can provide more
realistic estimate of GHGs emissions.

2.3 Life Cycle Assessment for Solid Waste Management

2.3.1 LCA Principle

LCA is an established environmental management tool since the 1990s for

assessing environmental impacts of products (Frankl and Rubik 2000). LCA, often
66 S. Kittipongvises and C. Polprasert

Fig. 3 The element of life cycle assessment (Adapted from SETAC 1993)

called from ‘cradle to grave’ analysis, is a tool for systematic evaluation of the
environmental burdens associated with a process, product, or service system by
quantifying energy and materials used through all stages of its life cycle and also
wastes released to the environment. Figure 3 portrays environmental flows across
the life cycle of a product in terms of the material inputs and pollution outputs to
air, water and environment. A typical product’s life cycle involves:
• Extracting a particular raw materials from natural ecosystems
• Refining resources into industrial feedstock
• Manufacturing and processing the product from these feedstocks
• Using and consuming the product by consumers, and
• Disposition of used product by 3Rs or disposal.

The first three phases (i.e., extraction, refining and manufacturing) are consid-
ered as the upstream phase in the product life cycle. The last phase, such as 3Rs,
waste-to-energy, and landfill, is often termed the post-consumer or downstream
phase. Basically, an LCA process has four major steps: (i) goal and scope definition
(i.e., the products or services to be assessed are defined), (ii) life cycle inventory
(i.e., energy, raw materials used and emissions to the environment are quantified),
(iii) life cycle impact assessment (i.e., the effects of the resource use and emissions
generated are grouped and quantified into a limited number of impact categories),
and (iv) data interpretation (i.e., the results are reported and opportunities to reduce
the impact of the products on the environment are evaluated) (ISO 1996; SETAC
1993; Frankl and Rubik 2000).
GHGs Emissions and Sustainable Solid Waste Management 67

2.3.2 Application of LCA for Solid Waste Management

An LCA of materials management-related GHG sources encompasses emissions

from the extraction and processing of raw materials, production, transportation,
consumption, and end-of-life treatment. The USEPA (2006) illustrated that solid
waste management decisions can potentially reduce GHG emissions by affecting
one or more of the following GHG sources and sinks: (i) raw materials manufac-
turing, (ii) forest or soil carbon storage, and (iii) waste management. The sum of
emissions across all steps in the life cycle represents net GHG emissions. Table 3
present the components of net emissions for various municipal solid waste man-
agement strategies.
As mentioned above, different waste management strategies have different
implications for GHGs emissions and carbon sequestration. The following reviews
of LCA studies of solid waste management options and practices are therefore

LCA of Integrated Solid Waste Management in the United States of America

The USEPA (2006) investigated the net GHG implications of a waste management
strategy by comparing net GHG emissions between baseline and alternative sce-
narios. For instance, a baseline scenario in which 10 tons of paper are produced,
consumed, and landfilled can be compared with alternative scenarios in which
10 tons of paper are produced, consumed and recycled. Theoretically, the formula
for net GHG emissions for each scenario of waste management is as follows:

Net GHG emissions ¼ Gross manufacturing GHG emissions

 ðIncrease in carbon stocks þ Avoided utility GHG emissionsÞ

At each point in the material LCA, the USEPA (2006) estimated of the total
GHG emissions and sequestration resulting from source reduction and recycling of
21 single-material items: aluminium cans, steel cans, copper wire, glass,
high-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), poly-
ethylene terephthalate (PET), corrugated cardboards, magazines, newspaper, office
paper, phonebooks, textbooks, dimensional lumber, medium-density fiberboard,
carpet, personal computers, clay bricks, concrete, fly ash, and tires. A baseline
scenario, in which the material is produced from the current mix of virgin and
recycled inputs, but has not been disposed of or recycled, is considered to measure
the GHGs impacts of source reduction and recycling. In this analysis, through
source reduction, GHGs emissions throughout the life cycle of material (i.e.,
managing the post-consumer) are avoided. Additionally, when paper products are
68 S. Kittipongvises and C. Polprasert

Table 3 GHG mitigation potential from alternative solid waste management practices (USEPA
Management GHG sources and sinks
strategy Manufacturing Changes in forest Waste management
or soil carbon
Source Decrease in GHG emissions Increase in forest No emissions/sinks
reduction relative to the baseline of carbon
manufacturing sequestration (for
organic materials)
Recycling Decrease in GHG emissions Increase in forest Process and transportation
due to lower energy carbon emissions associated with
requirements (compared to sequestration (for recycling are accounted in
manufacture from virgin organic materials) the manufacturing stage
inputs) and avoided process
non-energy GHG
Composting N/A Increase in soil Compost machinery
carbon storage emissions and
transportation emissions
Combustion N/A N/A Non-biogenic CO2, N2O
emissions, avoided utility
emissions, and
transportation emissions
Landfilling N/A N/A CH4 emissions, long-term
carbon storage, avoided
transportation emissions

reduced, carbon is then sequestered in forests, through reduced timber harvesting.

In terms of recycling, GHGs emissions from producing an equivalent amount of
raw material from virgin inputs in the manufacturing process are avoided. As
presented in Table 4, GHGs reductions are calculated by taking the difference
between (i) GHGs emissions from processing a raw material from 100 % recycled
inputs, and (ii) GHGs emissions from processing an equivalent amount of raw
material from 100 % virgin inputs. The minus values shown in column (f) of
Table 4 indicate the extents of GHGs reduction from using the recycled products
instead of the virgin inputs. The results showed that source reduction and using
recycled products, especially aluminum cans, copper wire, carpet and tires, have a
much higher potential to reduce GHGs.
Table 5 also presents the net GHGs emissions of municipal solid waste man-
agement in each practice. The results showed that source reduction represents an
opportunity to reduce GHGs concentrations significantly. Recycling option is
considered to be the second best opportunity to reduce the emissions of GHGs. The
net emissions from composting and combustion are lower than other options
(USEPA 2006).
GHGs Emissions and Sustainable Solid Waste Management 69

Table 4 GHGs reductions from using recycled products metric tons of carbon equivalent
(MTCE/ton or material recovered) (USEPA 2006)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) = b +
Material Recycled Recycled input Recycled Forest GHGs
input credit: input carbon reductions
credit: Transportation credit: sequestration from using
Process energy Nonenergy recycled
energy inputs
Aluminum −2.92 −0.12 −0.66 0.00 −3.70
Steel cans −0.48 −0.01 0.00 0.00 −0.49
Copper wire −1.33 −0.02 0.00 0.00 −1.34
Glass −0.03 0.00 −0.04 0.00 −0.08
HDPE −0.34 0.00 −0.04 0.00 −0.38
LDPE −0.42 0.00 −0.04 0.00 −0.46
PET −0.40 0.00 −0.02 0.00 −0.42
Corrugated 0.00 −0.01 0.00 −0.83 −0.85
Magazines 0.00 0.00 0.00 −0.83 −0.84
Newspaper −0.20 -0.01 0.00 −0.55 −0.76
Office paper 0.06 0.00 0.00 −0.83 −0.78
Phonebooks −0.17 0.00 0.00 −0.55 −0.72
Textbooks −0.01 0.00 0.00 −0.83 −0.85
Dimensional 0.02 0.00 0.00 −0.69 −0.67
Medium 0.01 0.00 0.00 −0.69 −0.67
Mixed paper: −0.10 −0.03 0.00 −0.83 −0.96
Mixed paper: −0.10 −0.03 0.00 −0.83 −0.96
Mixed paper: −0.08 −0.02 0.00 −0.83 −0.96
Office paper
Carpet −1.47 −0.02 −0.47 0.00 −1.96
Personal −0.41 −0.01 −0.20 0.00 −0.62
Clay bricks N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Concrete 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Fly ash −0.11 0.00 −0.12 0.00 −0.24
Tires −1.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 −1.75
NA: Not applicable
70 S. Kittipongvises and C. Polprasert

Table 5 Net GHGs emissions of municipal solid waste management options (MTCE/ton)
(USEPA 2006)
Material Source of reduction* Recycling* Composting* Combustion*
Current 100 %
mix of virgin
inputs input
Aluminum cans −2.26 −4.28 −3.71 N/A 0.01
Steel cans −0.88 −1.02 −0.50 N/A −0.43
Copper wire −2.01 −2.03 −1.35 N/A 0.00
Glass −0.17 −0.19 −0.09 N/A 0.00
HDPE −0.50 −0.55 −0.39 N/A 0.24
LDPE −0.63 −0.65 −0.47 N/A 0.24
PET −0.58 −0.60 −0.43 N/A 0.28
Corrugated −1.63 −2.32 −0.96 N/A −0.29
Magazines −2.28 −2.36 −0.76 N/A −0.05
Newspaper −1.09 −1.39 −0.52 N/A 0.03
Office paper −2.71 −2.79 −1.31 N/A −0.70
Phonebooks −1.49 −1.49 −0.49 N/A 0.03
Textbooks −3.03 −3.11 −1.38 N/A −0.70
Dimensional −0.42 −0.42 −0.54 N/A −0.08
Medium density −0.47 −0.47 −0.54 N/A −0.08
Food discards N/A N/A N/A −0.25 −0.25
Yard trimmings N/A N/A N/A 0.01 0.00
Mixed paper: N/A N/A −1.06 N/A −0.27
Broad definition
Mixed paper: N/A N/A −1.03 N/A −0.25
Mixed paper: N/A N/A −1.06 N/A −0.29
Office paper
Mixed metals N/A N/A −1.44 N/A −0.30
Mixed plastics N/A N/A −0.42 N/A 0.26
Mixed N/A N/A −0.83 N/A −0.20
Mixed organics N/A N/A N/A −0.12 −0.12
Mixed waste (as N/A N/A N/A N/A −0.15
Carpet −1.10 −1.10 −1.97 N/A 0.10
GHGs Emissions and Sustainable Solid Waste Management 71

Table 5 (continued)
Material Source of reduction* Recycling* Composting* Combustion*
Current 100 %
mix of virgin
inputs input
Personal −15.14 −15.14 −0.63 N/A −0.06
Clay bricks −0.09 −0.09 −0.01 N/A −0.01
Concrete −0.01 −0.01 −0.01 N/A −0.01
Fly ash −0.01 −0.01 −0.25 N/A 0.04
Tires −1.10 −1.10 −0.51 N/A
Remark: *Net emissions = net emissions minus landfilling
NA: Not applicable, or in the case of composting of paper, not analyzed

LCA of Integrated Solid Waste Management in the OECD Countries

ENV/EPOC/WGWPR (2010) investigated the mitigation opportunities for GHGs

emissions resulting from implementing alterative municipal solid waste manage-
ment practices among the OECD member countries in 2030. As shown in Table 6,
the eight different scenarios of waste management were evaluated: (i) recycling,
(ii) composting, (iii) anaerobic digestion, (iv) recycling and mechanical biological
treatment (MBT), (v) landfill gas (LFG) collection, (vi) energy recovery from
collected LFG, (vii) incineration, and (vii) source reduction.
To estimate the mitigation potential for each solid waste management scenario,
ENV/EPOC/WGWPR (2010) multiplied the quality of waste managed by each
management practice by material-specific GHGs emission factors. The difference
between the baseline and the actual GHGs emissions for each practice is considered
as the net GHGs reduction. For instance, consider the hypothetical situation where a
country generates approximately 100 tons of municipal solid waste, landfilling
70 % and recycling 30 % of this waste in the baseline. Assume that landfilling
releases 0.25 tons of CO2e per ton of solid waste landfilled from landfill methane
emissions, and recycling reduces GHGs by 0.5 tons of CO2e per ton recycled by
offsetting energy and emissions from product that would otherwise have been
produced from virgin materials. Therefore, the emission reductions associated with
switching to a scenario where 60 % of waste is recycled and 40 % of waste is
landfilled with the following calculation: GHGs reduction from land-
fill = 100  0.25  (40 %–70 %) = −7.5 tons CO2e

GHGs reduction from recycling ¼ 100  ð0:5Þ  ð60 %30 %Þ ¼ 15 tons CO2 e
Total GHGs reduction ¼ 7:5 þ ð15Þ ¼ 22:5 tons CO2 e

This calculation indicates that the change from landfilling to recycling option
reduces about 7.5 tCO2e from avoiding emissions produced by landfilling and also
72 S. Kittipongvises and C. Polprasert

Table 6 Alternative municipal solid waste management scenarios

Scenario Description
Recycling Recycling involves the reuse of a material in a production process that
diverts material from the waste stream. Recycling a material can
manufacture the same type or a different product
Composting Composting is a process in which organic wastes are biodegraded by
microorganism to produce compost or soil amendment
Anaerobic Anaerobic digestion technique is the decomposition of organic compounds
digestion by microorganisms in an oxygen-starved environment to produce a
methane-rich gas or biogas
Recycling and MBT is a series of operations to sort solid waste prior to landfilling the
MBT biodegradable components and any remaining waste. The purpose of MBT
is to separate waste which is not suitable for recycling, extract recyclable
materials and produce a refuse-derived fuel (RDF) primarily for
LFG collection Landfill is a site for disposal of waste materials for all waste streams. LFG
(i.e., CH4) is generated as a result of anaerobic decomposition of organic
Incineration Incineration is the thermal destruction that directly involves the combustion
of waste stream
Source Source reduction is any activity that prevents the creation of solid waste at
reduction the point of solid waste generation

additional 15 tCO2e from GHGs emissions savings directly associated with recy-
cling to provide total emissions reductions of about 22.5 tCO2e.
In this context, recognizing the potential for solid waste management to reduce
GHGs emissions into the atmosphere, ENV/EPOC/WGWPR (2010) predicted
change in GHGs emissions from each alterative waste management scenarios in
2030 compared to baseline emission of the OECD member countries (Fig. 4). The
results found that MBT process with recycling, incineration with waste-to-energy
(WTE), recycling, LFG energy recover, and source reduction strategies would
significantly reduce the volume of GHGs released from the waste sector.
Apart from the eight different scenarios of waste management (Table 5),
application of biochar could significantly contribute to mitigating GHGs emissions
through several routes (Lehmann 2007a, b; Gaunt and Lehmann 2008; Roberts
et al. 2010). For example, pyrolysis of biomass materials (a thermal decomposition
of biomass in the absence of oxygen, which converts organic materials to produce
condensable vapours, gases, and charcoal) offers the greater potential to sequester
carbon in a stable form as biochar, generates renewable bioenergy, enhance agri-
cultural productivity as fertilizers and soil amendments, and avoiding methane
emissions from waste disposal sites. Several studies elaborated that both methane
and nitrous oxide emissions were significantly suppressed (up to 50–92 %) when
biochar was added to the soil (Van Zwieten et al. 2010; Clough and Condron 2010;
Rondon et al. 2005). By combining these insights, LCAs have so far been
increasingly used to systematically quantify climate change impacts of the
GHGs Emissions and Sustainable Solid Waste Management 73

Fig. 4 Change in GHGs emissions relative to baseline municipal solid waste management
practices based on the implementation of alternative waste management scenarios in 2030 in the
OECD member countries (ENV/EPOC/WGWPR 2010)

pyrolysis-biochar system. Gaunt and Cowie (2009) found that the emissions
abatement through utilization biochar as a soil amendment, expressed relative to
1 ton of biochar over a 10-year period, ranged between 0.1 and 0.5 ton carbon
dioxide equivalent per ton biochar (tCO2e t−1). Additionally, when combined with
the emissions abatement related to pyrolysis of biomass materials to produce bio-
char, the total emissions reduction ranged between 2.6 and 16 tCO2e t−1 biochar

3 Case Studies

3.1 Bangkok Kamphaeng Saen West: Landfill Gas

to Electricity Project, Thailand

Bangkok Kamphaeng Saen Landfill site is located in Kamphaeng Saen district,

Nakhon Pathom province, approximately 75 km west of Bangkok. The project
location is depicted in Fig. 5. Generally, there are about 3328 tons per day of
municipal solid wastes with 60–70 % organic content and 0.7 t/m3 compact density
disposed at the landfill (Prime 2013).
Overall, the project activities comprise the capture and utilization of LFG (ap-
proximately 50 % CH4 and 50 % CO2) to generate electricity, which is subse-
quently connected to the national electrical grid. The excess LFG is sent to an
enclosed ground flare (having more than 98 % of methane combustion efficiency)
to minimize CH4 emissions. The major source of GHGs emission from the project
is CH4 emission from decomposition of waste at the landfill site.
74 S. Kittipongvises and C. Polprasert

Fig. 5 Map of Kamphaeng Saen district, Nakhon Pathom province, Thailand

The construction of the entire LFG extraction pipe and collection system started
in July 2009. In the LFG collection process, the horizontal collection pipes are
installed in the waste pile as an integral part of tipping operation. The LFG then
passed through the pre-treatment plant where both moisture and particles are
removed prior to the power generating engine. There are currently eight power
generator sets operable (each having 1500 round/min of rotating speed, 1063 kW of
power, 400 V of voltage and 50 Hz of frequency). From October 2013 to October
2014, the total amount of CH4 captured at normal temperature and pressure was
approximately 3,158,908 m3. The net amount of electricity fed to the grid was
about 69,694 MWh (Bangkok Kamphaeng Saen West Landfill Gas to Electricity
According to climate mitigation relevance, based on the ACM0001 method*,
namely “Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for LFG project
activities” (UNFCCC 2015a, b, c), the total GHG emission reduction (Eq. 10) over
the timeline of 8-year period is expected to be 1,726,214 tCO2e (or 246,602 tCO2e
per year), as shown in Table 7.

ERy ¼ BEy  PEy  L ð10Þ

ERy Emission reduction in year y (tCO2/year)
BEy Baseline emission in year y (tCO2/year)
PEy Project emission in year y (tCO2/year)
L Project leakage in year y (tCO2/year).
GHGs Emissions and Sustainable Solid Waste Management 75

Table 7 Estimation of GHGs emission reduction (tCO2e) (Bangkok Kamphaeng Saen west
landfill gas to electricity project PDD 2006)
Year Estimate of project Estimate of Estimate Estimate of overall
activity emissions baseline of leakage emission reductions
1 72 312,154 0 312,082
2 96 414,858 0 414,762
3 71 308,738 0 308,668
4 55 235,976 0 235,920
5 39 179,810 0 179,771
6 24 136,863 0 136,839
7 24 115,151 0 115,127
8 4 23,049 0 23,045
Total 384 1,726,599 0 1,726,214
Remark: ACM001 method is applicable to landfill gas capture project, where the baseline scenario
is the partial or total atmospheric release of the gas and the project activities include situations such
(a) Captured gas is flared; and/or
(b) Captured gas is used to produce energy as electricity or thermal energy
(c) Capture gas is used to supply consumers through natural gas distribution network

3.2 GHGs Mitigation Project: MBT Plant in Gaobeidian,

Hebei Province, People’s Republic of China

In 2009, the German Federal Ministry of Environment granted a fund to a project

developer to establish the MBT facility for GHGs mitigation in Gaobeidian City,
approximately 80 km South-West of Beijing, Hebei, China, as depicted in Fig. 6.
The MBT plant involves both mechanical and biological treatment processes to
stabilize 40,000 tons of municipal solid waste. The primary aim of mechanical
treatment is to promote proper segregation of valuable wastes (i.e., paper, plastic,
glass, etc.) and producing organic fertilizer. In this process, the waste feed stream is
split into three fractions: coarse, medium, and fine. Both coarse and middle frac-
tions are being passed to hand assorting stations (Fig. 7). After that, the coarse
fraction is either crushed and fed to the waste stream again or directly disposed of at
the landfill disposal site. Prior to final disposal, the fine fraction will undergo
biological waste treatment that may be used as an amendment for landfill cover or
as CH4 oxidation layer. The biological treatment process is carried out partly under
roof and in open air areas as an aerobic and actively ventilated stabilization (Kölsch
et al. 2010).
As shown in Table 8, based on the AMS III.F method*, namely “Avoidance of CH4
production from decay of biomass through composting” (UNFCCC 2015a, b, c), the
net GHGs emission reduction is expected to be 83,814 tCO2e over a 10 years period.
76 S. Kittipongvises and C. Polprasert

Fig. 6 Map of Gaobeidian city, Hebei province, People’s Republic of China

Fig. 7 Design of the MBT plant in Gaobeidian (Kölsch et al. 2010)

GHGs Emissions and Sustainable Solid Waste Management 77

Table 8 Estimation of GHGs emission reduction from the MBT plant in Gaobeidian, China
(tCO2e) (Kölsch et al. 2010)
Year Project emissions Baseline emissions Emission reductions
1 497 2339 1842
2 537 4376 3839
3 577 6156 5579
4 616 7714 7098
5 655 9081 8426
6 694 10,284 9590
7 732 11,345 10,613
8 770 12,283 11,513
9 807 13,114 12,307
10 845 13,852 13,007
Total 6730 90,544 83,814
Remark: The AMS III.F method comprises measures to avoid the emissions of CH4 from biomass
or other organic matter that would have otherwise been left to decay anaerobically in a solid waste
disposal site, or in an animal waste management system. In the project activity, controlled
biological treatment of biomass is introduced through one, or a combination, of the following
(a) Aerobic treatment by composting and proper soil application of the compost
(b) Anaerobic digestion in closed reactors equipped with biogas recovery and combustion/flaring
Additionally, this method is applicable under the following conditions:
(a) Where the solid waste would have been disposed and the methane emission occurs in absence
of the proposed project activity
(b) In the case of projects co-composting wastewater, where the co-composting wastewater would
have been treated anaerobically in the absence of the project activity
(c) Where the treatment of biomass through composting or anaerobic digestion takes place
(d) Where the residual waste from biological treatment or products from those treatments, like
compost and slurry, are handled, disposed, submitted to soil application, or treated
(e) Where biogas is burned/flared or gainfully used
(f) And the itineraries between them (a, b, c, d and e), where the transportation of waste,
wastewater, where applicable manure, compost/slurry/products of treatment or biogas occurs

3.3 Municipal Solid Waste Composting Project in Ikorodu,

Lagos State, Federal Republic of Nigeria

The municipal solid waste composting site is located in Odogunyan, Ikorodu Local
Government Council of Lagos State, Nigeria, as depicted in Fig. 8.
The composting site involves a biological process for organic matter decom-
position of about 1500 tons of municipal solid waste per year by the unsheltered
windrow system. The process of open windrow aerobic composting is considered a
simple biological process in which organic fraction of wastes are directly converted
into ammonia, CO2, water vapour, and stable humus-like material called compost.
In the windrow process, municipal solid wastes are unloaded in the shredding area,
78 S. Kittipongvises and C. Polprasert

Fig. 8 Map of Ikorodu, Lagos state, Nigeria

where the wastes are chopped and shredded into pieces less that 7 cm for efficient
composting. A discharge conveyor loads the shredded wastes in dump trucks for
transport to the active compost site. Before composting, a tiller is used to dig a
trench in the row for addition of water for optimal moisture content in the shredded
material. To accelerate the degradation of organic waste, both dry and wet inocu-
lants are added to the compost piles. When the desired C:N ratio and proper
temperature and moisture contents have been achieved, the composting is com-
pleted. In this project, the composted product is tested for the presence of patho-
gens, heavy metals and soil nutrients according to the national and USEPA
standards. Once the compost is satisfactory, the finished compost is either sold in
bulk or packed in bags of 25 kg per each. The composting site has a capacity of
4800 bags (or approximately 120 tons) per day (Municipal Solid Waste
Composting Project in Ikorodu, Lagos State PDD 2010).
According to the AM0025 method*, namely “Avoided emissions from organic
waste through alternative waste treatment processes” (UNFCCC 2015a, b, c), the
total GHG emission reduction (Eq. 6) over the timeline of 8-year period is expected
to be 1,972,468 tCO2e, as shown in Table 9.

3.4 Gasification, Landfill Gas and Anaerobic Digestion

(GALFAD) in Bali, Indonesia

GALFAD project is located at a solid waste disposal site in Suwung, approximately

10 km from downtown Denpasar, the largest city and capital of the Bali island,
Indonesia (Fig. 9). The Suwung landfill has been in operation since 2005. The
project was split into two phases. In the first phase, the 4.8–2.8 MW gasification
power plant and 2.0 MW anaerobic digestion were constructed. An additional
GHGs Emissions and Sustainable Solid Waste Management 79

Table 9 Estimation of GHGs emission reduction from the municipal solid waste composting
project in Ikorodu, Lagos State, Federal Republic of Nigeria (tCO2e)
Year Estimate of project Estimate of Estimate Estimate of overall
activity emissions baseline of leakage emission reductions
1 1112 19,904 738 18,054
2 8291 200,372 4427 187,654
3 9393 255,473 4427 241,653
4 10,147 293,191 4427 278,617
5 10,667 319,203 4427 304,109
6 11,029 337,320 4427 321,864
7 11,285 350,097 4427 334,385
8 9557 299,378 3689 286,132
Total 71,481 2,074,938 30,989 1,972,468
Remark: The AM0025 method is applicable under the following conditions:
• The project activity involves one or a combination of the following waste treatment options for
the fresh waste that in a given year would have otherwise been disposed of in a landfill:
(a) Composting process in aerobic conditions
(b) Gasification to produce syngas and its use
(c) Anaerobic digestion with biogas collection and flaring and/or its use
• Mechanical or thermal treatment process to produce refuse-derived fuel (RDF)/stabilized biomass
(SB) and its use. The thermal treatment process occurs under controlled conditions (up to 300 °
C). In case of thermal treatment process, the process shall generate a stabilized biomass that
would be used as fuel or raw material in other industrial process. The physical and chemical
properties of the produced RDF/SB shall be homogenous and constant over time
• Incineration of fresh waste for energy generation, electricity and/or heat

4.8 MW capacity—2.8 MW from gasification, 1.0 MW from anaerobic digestion

and 1.0 MW from landfill gas recovery, were installed in the second phase.
To stabilize 500–1000 tonnes per day of municipal solid waste, of which about
60 % is organic, the GALFAD plant involves the process of gasification, landfill
gas recovery and aerobic digestion, as briefly presented below:
Solid Waste Segregation Waste segregation is performed by using the combination
of two rotary screens and manual sorting to separate waste to divide waste into wet
(i.e., organic waste) and dry (i.e., paper, wood waste, etc.).
Pyrolysis Gasification Pyrolysis gasification is a combination of pyrolysis and
gasification processes. The pyrolysis process involves the thermal decomposition of
organic waste in an oxygen-free environment. The residue of the pyrolysis is fed
into the gasification unit, in which this residue is broken down further into more
useful combustible gases (syngas), such as carbon dioxide, methane, and hydrogen,
through a water-gas shift reaction. The recovered energy is used to supply elec-
tricity to the local grid.
Landfill Gas Recovery System Landfill gas collection system of the Suwung solid
waste disposal site consists of vertical wells drilled into the capped landfill cells,
80 S. Kittipongvises and C. Polprasert

Fig. 9 Map of Bali, Indonesia

connected together with medium density polyethylene piping. The waste in place at
the Suwung landfill site is approximately 400,000 m3, with an average depth of
about 6–8 m.
Anaerobic Digestion The recovery biogas is extracted from the anaerobic digester.
Organic waste is fed into digester in which anaerobic bacteria degrades organic
matter into methane and carbon dioxide.
With respect to the greenhouse gas aspects, the GALFAD project could avoid
methane emissions from disposal of untreated solid waste at landfills through the
application of the gasification and anaerobic digestion technologies*. According to
the AM0025 (Avoided emissions from organic waste through alternative waste
treatment processes) and the ACM0001 methods (Consolidated baseline and
monitoring methodology for LFG project activities) (UNFCCC 2015a, b, c), the
total GHG emission reduction over the timeline of 8-year period is expected to be
863,962 tCO2e (PT Navigat Organic Energy Indonesia Integrated Solid Waste
Management Project PDD 2006), as shown in Table 10.

Table 10 Estimation of Year Annual estimation of emission reductions (tCO2e)

GHGs emission reduction
from the gasification, landfill 1 49,033
gas and anaerobic digestion 2 79,912
(GALFAD) in Bali, Indonesia 3 96,857
(tCO2e) 4 114,688
5 121,533
6 129,417
7 158,571
8 113,951
Total 863,962
Remark: The IPCC first-order-decay method was used to
estimate methane emissions from anaerobic digestion and
GHGs Emissions and Sustainable Solid Waste Management 81

4 Summary and Conclusions

The significant increase in global population as a result of industrial revolution has

caused rapid growth of urbanization and development. One of the challenges of our
society is to address the excessive generation and environmentally safe disposal of
solid wastes which in turn will increase the amount of GHGs emissions that global
warming and subsequently climate change. In this chapter, the issues of solid
wastes and GHGs management are presented, as summarized below:
• Currently, 1.3 billion tons of municipal solid wastes are being generated and the
qualities are expected to increase to 2.2 billion tons per year by 2025.
The OECD countries generate almost half of the total waste stream, whereas
Africa and South Asia produce the least amount of solid wastes. Sanitary
landfill is the method most popularly employed globally. The main GHGs from
solid waste management are CH4 from landfill, CH4 and N2O from wastewater
treatment and CO2 from waste incineration.
• Based on the available mathematic models, both the zero-order models (i.e.,
SWANA, German EPER, and IPCC Default method) and the first-order models
(i.e., TNO, LandGEM, IPCC FOD) can be used to estimate amount of methane
emitted from the waste sector. Because they realistically reflects the actual
pattern of solid waste degradation process over the period of time, the first-order
models are more accurate than the zero-order models.
• In the United States of America, the total GHGs emissions and sequestration
resulting from source reduction and recycling of the following 21
single-material items are estimated: aluminum cans, steel cans, copper wire,
glass, HDPE, LDPE, PET, corrugated cardboards, magazines, newspaper, office
paper, phonebooks, textbooks, dimensional lumber, medium-density fiberboard,
carpet, personal computers, clay bricks, concrete, fly ash, and tires. The amount
of GHGs reductions are calculated by considering the differences between
(i) GHGs emissions from manufacturing a raw material from 100 % recycled
inputs, and (ii) GHGs emissions from manufacturing an equivalent amount of a
raw material from 100 % virgin inputs. As a result, manufacturing with recycled
materials such as aluminum cans, copper wire, carpet and tires has a high
potential for GHGs emission reduction. Source reduction and recycling provide
the best opportunity to reduce the GHGs emissions compared to other methods
(i.e., composting and combustion).
• In the OECD member countries, as an alternative waste management practices,
MBT with recycling, incineration with WTE, recycling, LFG energy recover,
and source reduction strategies would significantly reduce GHGs emissions.
• The Bangkok Kamphaeng Saen West: Landfill Gas to Electricity Project cap-
tures and utilizes LFG from landfills to generate 69,694 MWh of electricity
which is fed to the national grid. The total GHG emission reduction is expected
to be 1,726,214 tCO2e over the project timeline of 8 years.
82 S. Kittipongvises and C. Polprasert

• The GHGs Mitigation Project in Gaobeidian, Hebei province, People’s Republic

of China, employs MBT plant to promote proper segregation of valuable wastes
and producing organic fertilizer. The net GHGs emission reduction is expected
to be 83,814 tCO2e over the project timeline of 10 years.
• The Municipal solid waste composting project in Ikorodu, Lagos State, Federal
Republic of Nigeria, treats the municipal solid wastes by the process of open
windrow aerobic composting. The net GHGs emission reduction is expected to
be 1,972,468 tCO2e over the project timeline of 8 years.
• GALFAD project in Bali, Indonesia, employs the process of gasification, landfill
gas recovery, and aerobic digestion to treat 500–1000 tonnes per day of
municipal solid waste. The total GHG emission reduction is expected to be
863,962 tCO2e over the project timeline of 8 years.
As GHG become more regulated, there are still a number of areas that need
attention to enhance waste management practices in mitigating the adverse effects
of climate change. At present, lack of skilled human resources, technical capacity
and enforcement of national policies in the implementation of solid waste man-
agement programs addressing the issue of climate change are considered to be the
most important obstacles, especially in developing countries. The following rec-
ommendations can be drawn from above discussion.
• Allocating available budget for climate change mitigation and also enhancing
the enforcement of existing solid waste legislation.
• Institutional strengthening and capacity building to promote environmental
sound technologies for municipal solid waste management and climate change
mitigation as well as create enabling conditions.
• Providing technical support and R&D on the concept of measuring, reporting
and verification (MRV), carbon capture, LCA-type studies and GHGs mitigation
relevant to changes in municipal solid waste management system at both local
and national scales.
• Lifting the level of public awareness on the disposal of solid waste and its
impact on global climate change.


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Recent Advances of Anaerobic Digestion
for Energy Recovery

Anthony Y.W. Ma, Billy K.W. Cheung, Katrina C.M. Kwok,

Mingwei Cai and Patrick K.H. Lee

Abstract With climate change looming and the unsustainable supply of fossil
fuels, the development of renewable and clean energy is urgently required. An often
neglected source of clean energy is the organic material contained in waste and
wastewater. Millions of tons of solid organic waste and wastewater are generated
everyday worldwide. Instead of consuming energy, anaerobic digestion can be
applied to treat the generated waste, thus achieving the objective of waste treatment
for public health protection and also recovery of renewable methane for heat and
power purposes. In this chapter, the benefits of anaerobic digestion will be intro-
duced followed by a discussion on the mechanism and the typical design principles
of anaerobic digestion systems. Some of the recent advancement of anaerobic
digestion systems such as membrane bioreactors, fluidized bed reactors and
co-digestion systems will be presented in the subsequent sections. The state-of-
the-art molecular biological tools to monitor and diagnose the microbiology of
anaerobic digestion systems will also be discussed. Lastly, the future outlook
of anaerobic digestions will be addressed.

Keywords Anaerobic digestion Waste treatment Renewable energy  System
design Technology advancement Molecular tools

a.c. Acoustic chemometrics
ABR Anaerobic baffled reactor
ADM1 Anaerobic digestion model no. 1
AFBR Anaerobic fluidized bed reactor

A.Y.W. Ma  B.K.W. Cheung  K.C.M. Kwok

Environmental Management Division, Hong Kong Productivity Council,
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
M. Cai  P.K.H. Lee (&)
School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong, Hong Kong

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016 87

O.P. Karthikeyan et al. (eds.), Recycling of Solid Waste for Biofuels
and Bio-chemicals, Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products
and Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0150-5_4
88 A.Y.W. Ma et al.

AnMBR Anaerobic membrane bioreactors

APBR Anaerobic packed bed reactor
ASBR Anaerobic sequencing batch reactor
CSTR Continuous stirred tank reactor
DGGE Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
EGSB Expanded granular sludge bed
EN Electronic nose
EPS Extracellular polymeric substances
ET Electronic tongue
FLU Fluorescence spectroscopic
FW Food waste
GC Gas chromatographic
HPLC High-performance liquid chromatographic
IR Infrared spectroscopic
IWA The international water association
LCFA Long-chain fatty acid
MS Mass spectrometry
NIR Near infrared spectroscopic
OFMSW Organic fraction municipal solid waste
PAT Process analytical technology
PCR Polymerase chain reaction
PFR Plug-flow reactor
qPCR Quantitative polymerase chain reaction
SHW Slaughterhouse waste
SRB Sulfate-reducing bacteria
TPAD Two-phase anaerobic digester
T-RFLP Terminal restriction-fragment length polymorphism
UAF Upflow anaerobic filter
UASB Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket
UV Ultraviolet spectroscopic
VFAs Volatile fatty acids
VIS Visual spectroscopic
VS Volatile solid
WWTP Wastewater treatment plant

1 Introduction

The development of anaerobic digestion technology started in the beginning of the

19th century, although aerobic treatment and tertiary treatment were the mainstream
treatment process after the Second World War. Nonetheless, anaerobic digestion of
Recent Advances of Anaerobic Digestion for Energy Recovery 89

waste has been rapidly developed since the late 1960s and has been used to treat
industrial wastewater as well as domestic wastewater for decades (Stronach et al.
1986; Speece 1996).
From a report on solid waste management conducted by the World Bank in
2013, it was estimated that cities currently generate roughly 1.3 billion tonnes of
solid waste per year. With the current urbanization trends, this figure is expected to
reach 2.2 billion tonnes per year by 2025, accounting for an increase of 70 % from
the current level. Organic waste continues to be the largest component in municipal
solid waste. The accumulation of solid organic waste is thought to be reaching
critical levels in almost all regions of the world, becoming a pressing matter on
public health, environmental quality, quality of life, and economic development.
Anaerobic digestion can be considered as one of the oldest technologies for sta-
bilization of wastes. There is now a growing interest in this technology to produce
bioenergy as a result of increasing demand for energy coupled with the uncertainty
surrounding fossil fuels cost. Bioenergy plays an important role in promoting
renewable alternatives which is estimated to be the fourth largest energy resource in
the world (Chen and Lee 2014).
Anaerobic digestion of wastes covers many aspects. In this chapter, the funda-
mental aspects including basic principles, microbiological processes, regime and
limitation of anaerobic digestion on energy recovery will be introduced.
Operational parameters such as acidic and alkaline conditions, occurrence of
inhibitory compounds, together with the effect of temperature, are also considered.
The design of anaerobic digestion reactor including fundamental design principles,
performance enhancement by pretreatment, phase separation and co-digestion are
reviewed, with special attention to technological advancement for improved
methane recovery. Finally advanced molecular biological tools for system moni-
toring and the future outlook of anaerobic digestions will also be discussed.

1.1 Application of Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic digestion is applicable for a wide range of materials including municipal,

agricultural and industrial wastes, and plant residues (Kalra and Panwar 1986;
Gallert et al. 1998; Chen et al. 2008). It has a key role in residual waste stabilization
for downstream processing. Recently, two new application areas, namely energy
generation and production of value-added chemicals have drawn extensive interests
(Batstone and Virdis 2014). One of the possible value-added chemicals is the
production of volatile fatty acids (VFAs), which is a critical substrate for
microorganism involved in the production of biodegradable plastics (Cai et al.
2009) and bioenergy (Lee et al. 2014).
90 A.Y.W. Ma et al.

1.2 Benefits of Anaerobic Digestion

Today, fossil fuels are the dominant energy sources meeting over 80 % of the world’s
energy demand in 2012 (International Energy Agency, France, 2013). The world
energy demand was 5.5  1020 J in 2010. It is predicted to increase to 6.6  1020 J in
2020 and 8.6  1020 J in 2040 (Energy Information Administration, U.S. 2013).
Nevertheless, fossil fuels are non-renewable and their reserves are limited. Moreover,
tremendous amounts of greenhouse gases have been released from fossil fuel con-
sumption driving the incentives of international communities to develop and utilize
renewable energy. Of the renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power
production, bioenergy becomes increasingly competitive on its own merits, primarily
due to the extensive availability of biomass, biomass production technologies and
infrastructure, and biomass being the sole feedstock for liquid fuels production.
Biogas, a source of bioenergy, is a product of anaerobic digestion of organic sub-
strates, which is one of the oldest processes used for the waste treatment and stabi-
lization of sludge. The production of biogas through anaerobic digestion offers
significant advantages over other processes of waste treatment such as (i) producing
less residual solid generation in comparison to aerobic treatment, (ii) generating
bioenergy in the form of biogas, (iii) yielding a digestate produced with high
bioavailability as an improved fertilizer. The biogas formed is generally composed of
48–65 % methane, 36–41 % carbon dioxide, up to 17 % nitrogen, <1 % oxygen,
32–169 ppm hydrogen sulfide, and trace amounts of other gases (Rasi et al. 2007).
Carefully designed and engineered anaerobic digestion of organic waste is therefore
environmental beneficial in two ways:
(i) Generating of methane which is a kind of the greenhouse gases, in an enclosed
reactor to prevent it from entering the atmosphere directly.
(ii) Displacement of energy from fossil fuels by clean bioenergy.

2 Mechanism of Anaerobic Digestion

2.1 Basic Principles of Anaerobic Digestion

Biogas formation is governed by microorganisms and the metabolic activities in the

reactor. Typical anaerobic digestion of organic matters occurs in four steps, namely
hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis and methanogenesis in which a consortium
of microorganisms including fermentative bacteria, acidogenic bacteria, acetogenic
bacteria and methanogens are responsible for biogas production from organic
materials such as carbohydrate, oils, fats and proteins. The carbohydrates, protein,
oils and fats are firstly hydrolyzed into monomeric sugars, amino acids and fatty
acids respectively by extracellular enzymes (amylase, lipase, proteolytic enzymes)
Recent Advances of Anaerobic Digestion for Energy Recovery 91

produced by fermentative bacteria. Madigan proposed an approximate chemical

formula for the mixture of organic materials as C6H10O4 (Madigan et al. 2009).
The hydrolysis reaction can be written as:

C6 H10 O4 þ 2H2 O ! C6 H12 O6 þ H2 ð1Þ

In acidogenesis, the hydrolyzed organic compounds denoted as C6H12O6 are

utilized by acidogenic bacteria or acid forming bacteria, which are a group of fast
growing bacteria, and generate volatile fatty acids such as acetic acid, propionic
acid, butyric acid and valeric acid as well as carbon dioxide, water and hydrogen.
Generation of volatile fatty acids can be expressed as:

C6 H12 O6 , 2CH3 CH2 OH þ 2CO2 ð2Þ

C6 H12 O6 þ 2H2 , 2CH3 CH2 COOH þ 2H2 O ð3Þ

In acetogenesis, the VFAs except acetic acid are utilized by acetogenic bacteria,
which are a group of slow growing bacteria, to produce acetic acid and hydrogen.
The acetogenesis can be written as:

CH3 CH2 COOH þ 2H2 O , CH3 COOH þ CO2 þ 3H2 ð4Þ

Finally, methanogens utilize acetic acid, ethanol, methanol, hydrogen and car-
bon dioxide to form methane gas in methanogenesis. Methanogens utilizing acetic
acid to produce methane are known as acetotroph while those utilizing hydrogen
and carbon dioxide are known as hydrogenotroph. About 70 % of the methane are
produced stoichiometrically via the acetate pathway and 30 % are produced via the
hydrogen pathway (Siegrist et al. 2002; Madigan et al. 2009). The pathways for
methanogenesis can be expressed as:

2CH3 CH2 OH þ CO2 , 2CH3 COOH þ CH4 ð5Þ

CH3 COOH þ CO2 , CH4 þ 2CO2 ð6Þ

CH3 OH þ H2 , CH4 þ 2CO2 ð7Þ

CO2 þ 4H2 , CH4 þ 2H2 O ð8Þ

Figure 1 shows a scheme of the anaerobic digestion pathway, from long-chain

organic compounds including proteins, carbohydrates and lipids to the final products,
i.e., methane and carbon dioxide (Gujer and Zehnder 1983; Siegrist et al. 2002).
Methane production from anaerobic digestion process in waste treatment is
generally limited by the rate of hydrolysis of suspended organic matters. Efficient
pretreatment can enhance the ability of bacteria to access the suspended substrate
and increase the methane yield. The objective of implementing different types of
pretreatment in anaerobic digestion is to enhance the bioavailability of particular
92 A.Y.W. Ma et al.

Fig. 1 Scheme of biodegradation steps of complex matter in anaerobic digestion

substrates so that enzymes can more efficiently hydrolyze the substrate. A number
of pretreatment methods are discussed in Sect. 4.1. The overall organic matter
stabilization can be improved through improvement from pretreatment technology.
Anaerobic digestion of waste is capable of recovering energy from a wide range
of feedstock from different sources such as agricultural sector, industrial sector and
municipal sector which needs to be (i) biodegradable, (ii) non-woody with low
proportion of lignocellulosic material, and (iii) balanced in macro and micro
nutrients (Kothari et al. 2014). Therefore, feedstock can range from readily
biodegradable wastewater to complex high-solid waste. In order to obtain a higher
yield of biogas, anaerobic co-digestion treatment, the simultaneous digestion of two
or more substrates, is a feasible option to overcome the drawbacks of single sub-
strate digestion and to improve the process efficiency. Figure 2 shows an overview
of various feedstock from different sources. The choice of feedstock is influenced
by various interrelated process factors such as reactor design and operation, quality
of products, source and mass flux, economic considerations, bacterial physiology
and specific purpose (Steffen et al. 2012).
Recent Advances of Anaerobic Digestion for Energy Recovery 93

Fig. 2 Categorization of various feedstock from different sources

It should be noted that phase separation can be used for performance

enhancement by optimizing the reactor configuration for the different stages of
anaerobic processes in separate tanks whereby the conditions are optimized for
specific groups of bacteria. The improvement of energy recovery by co-digestion
and phase separation in anaerobic digestion are discussed in Sect. 4.2. Anaerobic
digestion involves different groups of microorganisms which are highly sensitive to
the environment. The operating parameters affecting anaerobic digestion are dis-
cussed in detail in Sect. 2.3.
Anaerobic digestion of waste serves the dual purpose of both energy recovery
and waste management. Recently, it has been widely applied to municipal solid
waste (MSW) to generate energy. Table 1 summarizes the high yield of methane
production from anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste. It should be noted
that MSW is classified as a heterogeneous material in which the composition varies
widely according to regional differences, climate, extent of recycling, collection
frequency, season, cultural practices. Considering the biodegradability of OFMSW,
the potential of anaerobic digestion of OFMSW are high as well as the methane
yield, and co-digestion of MSW with sewage sludge is also becoming increasingly

2.2 Microorganism and Microbiological Process

A wide variety of microbial communities have been reported to be involved in the

anaerobic digestion process (Fricke et al. 2007; Fantozzi and Buratti 2009). The
microbial population distribution is highly dependent on the substrate and product
concentration as well as on environmental conditions such as pH, temperature,
hydrogen concentration etc. However, knowledge of the microorganism and

Table 1 Literature data of biomass with high yields of methane from municipal solid waste feeds
Feed Bioreactor Temp HRT OLR (kg CH4 yield CH4 PR (m3 VSr Reference
(°C) (days) VSm−3 d−1) (m3 kg−1 VS) m−3 d−1) (%)
HS-OF MSW CSTR 35 14–20 4 0.430 1.70 NR Pauss et al.
3–5.6 % TS Laboratory (1984)
VS = 82–87 % TS Plant
HS-OF MSW CSTR 3 m3 33–37 9–25 2.1–6.9 0.390 0.82–2.02 63– Cecchi et al.
6.4 % TS 69 (1986)
VS = 89.9 % TS
SS-OF MSW CSTR 3 m3 35 25 2.1 0.399 NR 69 Mata-Alvarez
VS = 88 % TS et al. (1990)
(Without paper,
wood, plastic)
SC-OF MSW CSTR 2.2 m3 35 14.5 3.9 0.403 NR 71 Mata-Alvarez
80:20 (% TS basis) et al. (1990)
VS = 88 % TS
MS-OFMSW Pilot Plant 37 15 13.7 0.230 NR 45 Valorga (1985)
35 % TS 500 m3
VS = 58.6 % TS Valorga
Pre-composted CSTR 3 m3 35 16.2 4.1 0.145 NR 27 Mata-Alvarez
MS-OFMSW et al. (1990)
VS = 43 % TS
Temp Temperature, HRT Hydraulic retention time, OLR Organic loading rate, VSa VS added, CH4 PR Methane production rate, VSr VS reduction
MS-OFMSW Mechanically sorted organic fraction of municipal solid waste, HS-OFMSW Hand sorted organic fraction of MSW
SS-OFMSW Source sorted organic fraction of MSW, SC-OFMSW Organic fraction of MSW from a separated collection, NR Not reported
A.Y.W. Ma et al.
Recent Advances of Anaerobic Digestion for Energy Recovery 95

microbiological processes involved is revealed gradually through the use of modern

molecular techniques which complement traditional cultivation process and
microscopic identification techniques (Merkel et al. 1999). The development of the
modern molecular techniques on microorganisms in anaerobic digestion will be
discussed in Sect. 5. The types of microorganism in the four distinct stages of
anaerobic digestion are shown in Tables 2 and 3.

2.3 Operational Parameters Affecting Anaerobic Digestion

The ultimate methane production is influenced by a number of operational

parameters in the anaerobic digestion reactor such as temperature, type of feedstock,
pH level, retention time, C/N ratio, VFA concentration etc. Maximum methane
production takes place when optimum range of these operational parameters is
chosen. The optimum range of these parameters is reviewed in this section.

2.3.1 Temperature

Microorganisms in anaerobic digestion are very sensitive to temperature changes

which affect hydrogen and methane production, and the decomposition of organic
materials. There are three possible ranges of temperature in which the process can
be carried out (psychrophilic, mesophilic and thermophilic) as shown in Table 4.
Chae et al. studied the effects of temperature and temperature shock on the biogas
yield from anaerobic digestion (Chae et al. 2008) and reported that methane content
increased with increasing digestion temperature, but only to a small extent.
Temperature shocks from 35 °C to 30 °C and 30 °C to 32 °C led to a drop in the
biogas production rate. No lasting damage was observed from the digestion per-
formance after recovery.
Thermophilic anaerobic digesters often manifest chronically higher VFAs con-
centration than those found in mesophilic anaerobic digesters (Kim et al. 2002).
Therefore, the optimal conditions for anaerobic digestion to reduce energy con-
sumption may be thermophilic hydrolysis/acidogenesis and mesophilic methano-
geneis which is consistent with a two-phase anaerobic digestion process. This
arrangement uses a mesophilic reactor as a polishing stage, eliminating the draw-
backs of the thermophilic process. However, thermophilic conditions are applied in
most of the large-scale centralized biogas co-digesters (Kothari et al. 2014).
Digestion of organic urban wastes using thermophilic and mesophilic processes has
also been studied by researchers and they found that thermophilic process is a more
realistic and viable option as the added amount of heat required for thermophilic
operations can be offset by the higher gas production yields and rates (Parkin and
Owen 1986; De Baere 2000; Kim et al. 2002; Kuo and Lu 2004).

Table 2 Characteristics of typical hydrolytic bacteria and acidogenic bacteria in anaerobic digestion (Amani et al. 2010)
Type Substrates Products Typical species Reference
Hydrolytic bacteria Proteins Amino acids, sugars Clostridium sp., Kim et al. (2009)
Proteus vulgaris, Fang et al. (2009)
Peptococcus sp., Westlake et al. (1967)
Bacteroides sp., Ochoa-Reparaz et al. (2008)
Bacillus sp., Chang et al. (2008)
Vibrio sp., Parvez et al. (2008)
Carbohydrates Sugars Clostridium sp., Chong et al. (2009)
Acetivibrio cellulolyiticus, Khan (1980)
Staphylococcus sp., Ziagova et al. (2009)
Bacteroides sp.,
Lipids Higher fatty acids, alcohols, amino acids Clostridium sp., Jo et al. (2008)
Micrococcus sp., Tuleva et al. (2009)
Sugars Staphylococcus sp.,
Acidogenic bacteria Amino acids Valerate, isovalerate, propionate, butyrate Lactobacillus sp., Eschericia coli Kim et al. (2009)
Li et al. (2003)
Acetate, H2, Higher fatty acids Staphylococcus sp., Kalyani et al. (2009)
Bacillus sp., Hur and Rafii (2000)
Pseudomonas sp., Fritsch et al. (2008)
Micrococcus sp., Wilkins (2009)
Eubacterium limosum,
Clostridium sp.,
Zymomonas mobiliz
Sugars CO2, H2, formate, acetate, butyrate Eubacterium sp., Kalyani et al. (2009)
CO2, H2, formate, acetate, ethanol, lactate Eschericia coli
Formate, acetate, ethanol, lactate Bifidobacterium sp., Cheikhyoussef et al. (2009)
Acetate Acetobacterium sp., Bainotti et al. (1996)
Fatty acids Valerate, isovalerate, propionate, butyrate, acetate, H2 Clostridium sp.,
Alcohols Syntrophomonas wolfei
A.Y.W. Ma et al.
Table 3 Characteristics of typical acetogenic bacteria and methanogens in anaerobic digestion (Amani et al. 2010)
Optimum growth condition
Type Substrates Products Typical species pH Temp. (°C)
Acetogenic bacteria Butyrate Acetate Syntrophobacter wolinii NR 35–40
H2/CO2, formate S. fumaroxidans NR 35–40
Propionate H2/CO2, formate Syntrophomonas wolfei, NR 35–40
Pelotomaculum thermopropionicum, 50–60†
P. schinkii 32–37
Butyrate, acetate Smithella propionica NR 35–40
H2, CO2 Acetate Clostridium aceticum NR 30–37
Methanogens Acetate CH4, CO2 Methanothrix soehngenii, 7.4–7.8 35–40
Methanosaeta concilii, 7.1–7.5 35–40
Methanosarcina acetivorans 6.5–7.5 35–40
H2, CO2 CH4 Methanobacterium bryantii, 6.9–7.2 37–39
M. thermoautotrophicum, 7.2–7.6 65–70†
M. alcaliphilum, 8.1–9.1‡ 37
Methanobrevibacter arboriphilus, 7.8–8.0 30–37
Methanococus jannaschii, 5.0–7.0 83§
Methanolacinia paynteri, 6.6–7.2 40
Recent Advances of Anaerobic Digestion for Energy Recovery

Methanospirillum hungatei, NR 30–37

Methnanoplanus endosymbiosus, 6.6–7.2 40
M. olentangyi, NR 30–37
Methanothermus fervidus 6.5 83§
Table 3 (continued)

Optimum growth condition

Formate, H2, CO2 CH4, CO2 Methanobacterium formicicum, 6.6–7.8 37–45
Methanobrevibacter smithii, 7.0 37–39
M. ruminantium, 7.0 37–39
Methanococcus voltae, 6.5–8.0 35–40
M. deltae, NR 37
M. maripaludis, 6.5–8.0 35–40
M. thermolithoautotrophicus, 6.5–8.0 65†
Methanoplanus limicola, 7.0 40
Methanogenium cariaci, 6.2–6.6 20–25
M. marisnigri, 6.8–7.3 20–25
M. olentangyi, NR 37
M. tatii, 7.0 37–40
M. thermophilicum, 6.5–7.2 55–60†
M. bourgense, 6.3–6.8 35–42
Methanocorpusculum aggregans 6.4–7.2 35–37
Remarks †Theromophilic; ‡Alkaliphilic; §Hyper-thermophilic
NR Not reported
A.Y.W. Ma et al.
Recent Advances of Anaerobic Digestion for Energy Recovery 99

Table 4 Classification of anaerobic digestion by operating temperature

Type Operating temperature Reference
Psychrophilic (or 10–20 °C Sutter and Wellinger
cryophilic) (1987)
Mesophilic 30–40 °C Bolzonella et al. (2005),
Zhang et al. (2014)
Thermophilic 55–70 °C Buhr and Andrews
Ambient/seasonal Temperature changes in the surrounding Yusuf and Ify (2011)
temperature environment (Typically 15–25 °C)
Hyperthermophilic 65–70 °C Lee et al. (2009)

2.3.2 Acidic and Alkaline Conditions

Methanogens are extremely sensitive to pH, while fermentative microorganisms are

generally less sensitive and can function in a wider range of pH between 4.0 and 8.5
(Hwang et al. 2004). A range of pH values suitable for anaerobic digestion has been
reported by various researchers, but the optimal pH for methanogenesis has been
found to be around 7.0 (Huber et al. 1982; Yang and Okos 1987; Khalid et al.
2011). The growth rate of fermentative bacteria is faster than those of methanogens,
leading to the accumulation of acids in the digesters. Two main strategies for
rectifying the low pH due to acid accumulation: (i) stopping the feed and allowing
enough time for the methanogenic population to reduce the concentration of VFAs
inside the system; and (ii) addition of bases to raise pH and provide additional
buffering capacity. Another strategy suggested by Shah is that drastic reduction of
pH could be prevented by the addition of another feed at a suitable ratio with the
main feed (Shah et al. 2015) as practices in co-digestion.

2.3.3 Inhibitory Compounds

It is desirable to control inhibitory or toxic materials to achieve higher efficiency or

a more economical operation of anaerobic digestion process performed by removal
of toxic materials from waste stream or by dilution of the waste to below the
toxicity threshold in the systems. Precipitation is commonly employed to remove
the toxic materials from the systems.
Ammonia toxicity
Ammonia is an essential nutrient for the growth of microorganisms involved in
anaerobic digestion but also acts as an inhibitor at high concentration. Fermentation
of nitrogen-containing materials such as urea and proteins releases ammonia-
nitrogen largely in the ionized form (NH4+). The toxic unionized form (NH3)
100 A.Y.W. Ma et al.

increases with increasing pH in the system as the pKa value of ammonia is 9.3
(Koster and Lettinga 1984). Free ammonia is more toxic to methanogens than
ionized ammonium (NH4+) because it is more readily diffusible through the cell
membrane, causing proton imbalance, and/or potassium (K+) deficiency, while
ionized ammonium may just inhibit the methane synthesizing enzyme directly
(Gerardi 2006). Another reason why ionized form of ammonia is less inhibitory
than the free form is that the hydroxide ion produced can react with carbon dioxide
to form bicarbonate, which increases the buffering capacity of the anaerobic reactor,
making the process less susceptible to pH fluctuations when the production rates of
acetogenic bacteria and methanogens differ.
Sulfide toxicity
A number of industrial wastes from petrochemical plants, tanneries, viscose rayon
factories and coal gasification for electricity production generate sulfate-containing
waste streams. Sulfidogens or sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) play a significant role
in anaerobic digestion, which reduce sulfate to sulfide in the reactor under certain
condition. Sulfide generated may be inhibitory to anaerobic digestion by (i) in-
hibiting methanogens, (ii) reducing rate of methanogenesis, and (iii) decreasing the
quantity of methane produced by competing for the available carbon and/or
hydrogen source. Inhibitory effect of sulfide in anaerobic digestion can be separated
into two parts: competition for substrates between sulfate-reducing bacteria and
methanogens directly and inhibition of methane formation by sulfide ions in the
system. Competition between sulfate-reducing bacteria and methanogens in
sulfate-containing waste streams for acetate as their common primary substrate can
significantly affect the methane production efficiency.
The optimum conditions for anaerobic metabolic activity proposed by researchers
are summarized in Table 5.

Table 5 Optimum conditions for anaerobic metabolic activity

Parameters Optimum conditions Reference
Temperature Mesophilic range (35–40 °C) Van Haandel and
Thermophilic (50–65 °C) Lettinga (1994)
Arsova (2010)
pH 6.3–7.8 Wang et al. (2012)
Carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N 25–30 Ghosh and Pohland
ratio) (1974)
Volatile fatty acid (VFA) 2000–3000 mg/L Eastman and
Ferguson (1981)
Organic loading rate (OLR) and Varies according to the –
nutrient concentration substrate and inoculum
Recent Advances of Anaerobic Digestion for Energy Recovery 101

3 Design of Anaerobic Digestion Processes

Anaerobic digestion composes a broad family of processes which can be classified

according to:
(a) their feedstock input mode: batch and continuous processes;
(b) single-step, double- or multiple steps; and
(c) geometry of the main treatment unit: vertical and horizontal unit.

3.1 Design Principles of Anaerobic Digestion System

Reactors of anaerobic digestion often operates under heterogeneous system

whereby three phases namely: solid phase (sludge), liquid phase (wastewater) and
gaseous phase (biogas) present simultaneously. The oldest and simplest type of
anaerobic digester is not equipped with any mixing or heating, thus a long digestion
period of 30–60 days is required. Some degree of natural mixing occurs inside the
reaction tank due to bubbling of gas generated and thermal convection currents
created from the digestion processes. Due to the lack of proper mixing, stratification
usually occurs in four zones: (i) scum layer, (ii) supernatant layer, (iii) layer of
digesting biosolid and (iv) layer of digested biosolid. A schematic diagram of this
type of anaerobic digesters without mixing is given in Fig. 3. The accumulated
biosolid at the bottom of the reaction tank is periodically discarded.
Different variations of anaerobic digestion have evolved over the years to
improve the degradation performance including high-rate digestion and phase
separated digestion. Figure 4 shows the schematic diagram of a typical high-rate
digestion. The characteristic features of high-rate anaerobic digestion including

Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of

low rate anaerobic digestion
without mixing and heating
102 A.Y.W. Ma et al.

Fig. 4 Schematic diagram of high-rate anaerobic digestion

heating, auxiliary mixing, thickening and uniform feeding are introduced to the
reactor design to create a uniform environment for microbial growth in order to
improve stability and efficiency of biodegradation processes.
Determination of reaction tank volume is the first important consideration in
designing an anaerobic digestion system. Various methods have been used for
sizing of digestion tank including (i) per capita basis, (ii) solids loading, (iii) solids
retention time, (iv) volatile solids destruction and (v) gas production (Turovskiy and
Mathai 2006).
Anaerobic digestion reactors are mostly cylindrical or egg shaped. Vertical
cylindrical digestion tanks are widely used in the United States, with diameter from
6 to 38 m, typically made of concrete although steel tank design are also common
in smaller tank size. Tank floors are usually conical with slopes of varies between
1:3 and 1:6 to facilitate the accumulation and withdrawal of digested sludge from
the low point in the centre of the tank. Egg-shaped digestion tanks are originated in
Germany to eliminate grit accumulation by the steeply sloped bottom and to avoid
scum accumulation by small liquid surface area at the top.
Another variation in the design of anaerobic digestion processes is on the solid
content in the reactors. Content of solid in the reactor affects the reactor volume and
treatment process. The percentage of total solids in the digester can be categorized
into low solid content (LS) (<15 %), medium solid content (MS) (15–20 %) and
high solid content (HS) (20–40 %) (Fernández et al. 2008; Cao and Pawlowski
2012; Raposo et al. 2012). Wet systems are low solid AD which are applied to
liquid waste streams with total solids content typically less than 15 % while dry
systems are high solid AD which handle stackable feedstock with total solid con-
tents typically higher than 30 % without any addition of external liquids.
Recent Advances of Anaerobic Digestion for Energy Recovery 103

Single-stage low solids (SSLS) wet anaerobic digestion processes have been
used for decades in the stabilization of sludge. The feedstock is conditioned to the
appropriate solid content (10–15 %) by adding process water in the wet anaerobic
digestion reactor with internal mixing to obtain homogeneity. The predominant
reactor of wet anaerobic digestion is continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) with
mechanical stirring to avoid stratification of the substrate inside the reactor. Short
circuiting may be experienced in CSTR. Large amount of water consumption is
needed to be mixed with the feedstock to obtain the low solid content, which can be
acquired from treated supernatant.
High solid anaerobic digestion has been claimed to be more advantageous than
low solid anaerobic digestion for several reasons, such as smaller reactor volumes,
lower energy requirement for heating, higher biogas yield from undiluted wastes
and less material handling (Duan et al. 2012). However, dry streams may suffer
some drawbacks. They usually require proper preconditioning of the feedstock
material, including substrate treatment and mixing with structure material, and
special loading and unloading techniques. The content inside the digester may not
be totally mixed, leading to lower methane yields than the wet systems. Different
types of single-stage high solids (SSHS) dry anaerobic digestion processes have
been developed and are in use commercially in Europe such as Dranco, Kompogas,
and Valorga processes. The Dranco process developed in Belgium is a true
dry-process for treatment of organic fraction of MSW, which is characterized by its
design of feeding from the top, collection of digested biosolid at the bottom of the
reactor and no internal mixing mechanism with total solid content at about 30–40 %
(Cho et al. 2013). The Kompogas process developed in Switzerland takes place in
plug flow in a horizontally cylindrical steel tank with total solid content at about
23 % (Hartmann and Ahring 2006). The Valorga process developed in France is a
semi-dry mesophilic process in which mixing of waste with recycled process water
takes place with total solid content of 30 % (Fernández et al. 2008). In additional to
the improvement of reactor tank design in anaerobic digestion, the technological
advancement in process design such as pretreatment, phase separation, co-digestion
and biomass immobilization are discussed in Sect. 4.

4 Technology Advancement for Improved Methane


4.1 Pretreatment for Digestion Enhancement

Most researchers reported that the rate-limiting step for complex organic substrates
is the hydrolysis step in an anaerobic digestion process (Valo et al. 2004; Izumi et al.
2010; Rafique et al. 2010; Bordeleau and Droste 2011; Fdez-Guelfo et al. 2011; Ma
et al. 2011). Different pretreatments are utilized for anaerobic digestion such as
mechanical (ultrasound, high pressure and lysis), thermal (<100 °C, >100 °C),
chemical (ozonation, alkali, acids), microwave, ultrasonic, electric pulses, wet
104 A.Y.W. Ma et al.

oxidation, freeze/thaw and biological treatment to increase the bioavailability of

complex organic matters to microbes. Pretreatment methods to improve performance
of anaerobic digestion have been the focus of many research studies over the last
30 years (Holm-Nielsen et al. 2009; Pilli et al. 2011) and the improvement of
anaerobic digestion in terms of increasing methane generation and solid reduction
are well known advantages of pretreatments.
The pretreatment effects are complex and generally linked to substrate charac-
teristics and pretreatment mechanisms. Carlsson et al. have examined the effect of
substrate pretreatment on anaerobic digestion (Carlsson et al. 2012), namely particle
size reduction, solubilization, formation of refractory compounds, biodegradability
enhancement and loss of organic materials for different substrate categories including
wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) residues, organic waste from households,
energy crops/plant residues, waste from food industry and manure. It is reported that
thermal and ultrasonic pretreatments are predominantly applied on anaerobic
digestion of WWTP residues, chemical and thermal pretreatment have been applied
to less frequently studied substrates such as energy crops/harvesting residues, organic
waste from food industry and manure, whereas mechanical and thermal pretreat-
ments are commonly applied to organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW).
Another focus on pretreatment methods is their ability to enhance anaerobic digestion
process in terms of efficiency, energy balance, environmental sustainability as well as
capital, operational and maintenance costs (Ariunbaatar et al. 2014).

4.1.1 Mechanical Pretreatment

Mechanical pretreatment is used to reduce both the particle size and crystallinity of
lignocellulosic materials through a combination of chipping, grinding or milling
processes, in order to increase the specific surface area and reduce the degree of
polymerization of substrate (Sun and Cheng 2002). Smaller particles increase the
surface area available to the microorganisms, resulting in increased bioavailability
to bacteria and improved anaerobic degradability. Particle size reduction can
accelerate the hydrolysis and acidogenesis processes as well as the production of
soluble organic materials such as VFAs, resulting in a higher organic loading in the
anaerobic digester. However excessive size reduction may result in higher solubi-
lization and in turn excessive VFAs accumulation, leading to a decrease in methane
production. The power requirement of mechanical pretreatment is relatively high
depending on the final particle size and the substrate characteristics. In particular,
the recalcitrant nature of cell walls of green waste makes mechanical pretreatment
energy intensive (Izumi et al. 2010).
Ultrasonic disintegration is one type of mechanical pretreatments in which
ultrasonic treatment acts to disrupt the cell structure and floc matrix of the substrate.
There are two key mechanisms associated with ultrasonic treatment: (i) cavitation,
which is favoured at a low frequency, and (ii) chemical reactions due to the for-
mation of free radicals at a high frequency (Carrère et al. 2010). According to the
studies by Show and co-workers, the optimal range of solid content for sonication
Recent Advances of Anaerobic Digestion for Energy Recovery 105

lies between 2.3 and 3.2 % TS (Show et al. 2007). If the solid concentration of
feedstock is too high, increased viscosity hinders cavitation bubble formation. The
threshold specific energy ranges from 1000 to 16,000 kJ kg−1 TS with sludge as
substrate although biogas production increases with energy input (Salsabil et al.

4.1.2 Thermal-Alkaline Solubilization Pretreatment

Alkaline treatment is one commonly used chemical treatment in anaerobic digestion

in which there are two major reactions: (i) solvation and saphonication inducing
swelling of solids to increase the specific surface area of the substrate; followed by
(ii) simultaneous reactions of saponification and neutralization of various acids
formed by degradation of the particulates leading to an increase in COD solubi-
lization (Kim et al. 2003). Alkaline treatment is relatively effective in sludge
solubilization, with the order of efficacy being NaOH > KOH > Mg(OH)2 and
Ca(OH)2. Alkaline pretreatment by sodium hydroxide at relatively low dosage
levels is effective in solubilizing municipal waste activated sludge at ambient
temperature. Mouneimne et al. demonstrated that high concentration of Na+ and K+
may cause subsequent inhibition of anaerobic digestion (Mouneimne et al. 2003).
Alkaline treatment is normally combined with thermal treatment. Waste solubi-
lization and biodegradability improve with alkali dosage and temperature
(Kim et al. 2003) Thermal-alkaline pretreatment usually proceeds at temperature
lower than thermal hydrolysis alone and could result in a higher biogas production
with a higher methane content.

4.1.3 Oxidative Pretreatment (Ozonation)

Oxidative pretreatment by ozonation is another chemical pretreatment method. It is

the most widely used chemical method which does not lead to accumulation of salt
and no chemical residues remain in the systems as compared to other chemical
pretreatment methods (Carrère et al. 2010). Ozone is a strong oxidant which
decomposes into radicals and reacts with organic substrates directly and indirectly.
The direct reaction depends on the structure of the reactant whereas the indirect
reaction is based on the hydroxyl radicals. Several studies have shown an optimal
range of ozone dosage for the enhancement of anaerobic biodegradability such as
0.1 g O3 g−1 COD (Weemaes et al. 2000), 0.2 g O3 g−1 TSS (Yeom et al. 2002),
and 0.15 g O3 g−1 TSS (Bougrier et al. 2007). Ozonation has been combined with
anaerobic digestion as a pretreatment (Weemaes et al. 2000; Yeom et al. 2002;
Bougrier et al. 2007) or post-treatment with recycling back to the anaerobic digester
(Battimelli et al. 2003; Goel et al. 2003).
Ariunbaatar et al. compared the efficiency of various pretreatment methods for
enhancing the anaerobic digestion of OFMSW and food waste (FW) in terms of
biogas production, VS reduction and COD solubilization as listed in Table 6.
Table 6 Efficiency of pretreatment for enhancing anaerobic digestion of OFMSW and FW

Substrate Pretreatment Pretreatment condition Type of AD COD VS CH4 generation Reference
type system solubilization reduction
OFMSW Mechanical Disc screen Thermophilic 80.6 % 338 ml CH4/g VS Davidson et al.
(source-sorted) batch (2007)
Mechanical Screw press Thermophilic 63.2 % 354 ml CH4/g VS
Mechanical Shredder with magnetic Thermophilic 63 % 289 ml CH4/g VS
separation batch
OFMSW Mechanical Disc screen Thermophilic 428 ml CH4/g VS Hansen et al. (2007)
(source-sorted) batch
Mechanical Screw press Thermophilic 461 ml CH4/g VS
Mechanical Shredder with magnetic Thermophilic 487 ml CH4/g VS
separation batch
OFMSW Mechanical Rotary drum Thermophilic 457–557 ml CH4/g Zhu et al. (2009)
batch VS
OFMSW Thermal Thermophilic pre-hydrolysis Thermophilic 81.5 % 95.7 % 2 times higher biogas Ueno et al. (2007)
(Synthetic) hydrolysis continuous removal production
process (2-stage)
OFMSW Chemical Alkaline NA 11.5 % 150 ml CH4/g VS López Torres and
higher Espinosa Lloréns
A.Y.W. Ma et al.
Table 6 (continued)
OFMSW Thermal Pre-hydrolysis at 55 °C Mesophilic 47.5– 299–418 ml CH4/g Schmidt and Ahring
hydrolysis continuous 71.6 % VS (1993)
OFMSW Ultrasonic Sonication at 20 kHz for Mesophilic 60 % higher 24 % higher than Cesaro and
30-60 min batch untreated Belgiorno (2014)
OFMSW Thermal Mesophilic and thermophilic Mesophilic and 341 ml CH4/g VS Escamilla-Alvarado
(Synthetic) hydrolysis pre-hydrolysis thermophilic et al. (2012)
process continuous
(THP) (2-stage)
OFMSW and Freeze/thaw Freeze explosion followed by Thermophilic 520 ml CH4/g VS, Kvesitadze et al.
corn stalk thermophilic pre-hydrolysis 104 ml H2/g VS (2012)
FW Thermal Semi-aerobic and anaerobic Mesophilic 95 % 500 ml CH4/g VS Kim et al. (2000)
hydrolysis pre-hydrolysis continuous removal
FW Thermal Thermophilic pre-hydrolysis Mesophilic 61.3 % 280 ml CH4/g VS Kim et al. (2004)
Recent Advances of Anaerobic Digestion for Energy Recovery

FW Thermal Mesophilic pre-hydrolysis Mesophilic 9–13 % higher than Verrier et al. (1987)
hydrolysis continuous mesophilic and
process (2-stage) thermophilic AD
(THP) respectively
FW Thermal Mesophilic pre-hydrolysis Mesophilic 546 ml CH4/g VS, Wang and Zhao
hydrolysis continuous 65 ml H2/g VS (2009)
Table 6 (continued)

FW Thermal Thermophilic pre-hydrolysis Mesophilic 464 ml CH4/g VS, Chu et al. (2008)
hydrolysis continuous 205 ml H2/g VS
FW with Thermal Hyper-thermophilic/thermophilic Thermophilic— 15–18 % higher than Wang et al. (2011)
polyactide hydrolysis pre-hydrolysis Temperature conventional
process phased AD thermophilic digester
FW Electric 400 pulses with electroporation Mesophilic 20–40 % higher than
pulse continuous untreated
FW Freeze/thaw Frozen/thaw and pre-hydrolysis Mesophilic 10 % higher 23.7 % higher than Stabnikova et al.
for 7 days continuous untreated (2008)
Freeze/thaw Frozen/thaw and pre-hydrolysis Mesophilic 4 % higher 8.5 % higher than Carlsson and Anox
for 12 days continuous untreated Kaldnes(2008)
A.Y.W. Ma et al.
Recent Advances of Anaerobic Digestion for Energy Recovery 109

4.2 Phase Separation and Co-digestion of Anaerobic


4.2.1 Phase Separation

The prospects of phased anaerobic digestion of waste are extremely promising to

achieve increased stability, higher loading capacities and greater process efficien-
cies than single-stage systems (Shuizhou and Zhou 2005). The advantages of
two-phase anaerobic digestion (TPAD) have been extensively documented (Ghosh
and Pohland 1974; Ghosh et al. 1985). Efficiency improvement of anaerobic
digestion can be brought about by either digester design modification or advanced
operating techniques.
Anaerobic digestion occurs in four steps, namely hydrolysis, acidogenesis,
acetogenesis and methanogenesis as discussed above. The degradation process of
organic matters in anaerobic digestion can be separated into two phases, (i) the
“acid fermentation” phase or acidogenesis, leading to the production of interme-
diate products predominated by volatile organic acids such as acetic acid, propionic
acid, butyric acid and valeric acid; and (ii) the “methane fermentation” phase or
methanogenesis, resulting in the conversion of the intermediate products to stable
end products mainly methane and carbon dioxide. The two phases in anaerobic
digestion differ in bacterial populations, digestion rate, environmental requirements,
degradation process and products. In two-phase anaerobic digestion system each
phase can be controlled at the best environmental conditions in separate reactor.
Recently, various reactor configurations and substrates are being applied to
two-phase anaerobic digestion as shown in Table 7. In order to accelerate the
acidogenesis and methanogenesis processes in TPAD, the two separate reactors
may be applied in various high rate anaerobic reactors such as upflow anaerobic
sludge blanket (UASB)—UASB system (Fongsatitkul et al. 1995), continuous
stirred tank reactor (CSTR)—upflow anaerobic filter (UAF) system (Held and
Wellacher 2002), hybrid reactor (Yalcin et al. 2008), CSTR—anaerobic fluidized
bed reactor (AFBR) system (Yu et al. 1999), two-phase plug-flow reactor
(PFR) (Liu and Ghosh 1997; Liu 1998), and anaerobic packed bed reactor (APBR)
(Tatara and Yamazawa 2004).
Two-phase anaerobic processes have been applied to treat many kinds of
wastewater and solid wastes from difference sources such as distillery (Shin et al.
1992), landfill leachate (Agdag and Sponza 2005), coffee (Kida et al. 1994), cheese
whey and dairy (Yilmazer and Yenigün 1999), starch (Demirel and Yenigün 2002),
fruit and vegetable solid (Yu et al. 1999; Pavan et al. 2000), food (Shin et al. 1992),
pulp and paper (Rintala and Puhakka 1994), olive mill (Borja et al. 1998), abattoir
(Banks and Wang 1999), dye (Talarposhti et al. 2001), primary and activated sludge
and solid (Bhattacharya et al. 1996).
Phase separation of anaerobic process has a number of major advantages
(Shuizhou and Zhou 2005) including (i) isolation and optimization of potential
rate-limiting steps; (ii) improvement of reaction kinetics and stability through pH

Table 7 Performance on two-phase anaerobic digestion with various kinds of feedstock

Feedstock Reactor configuration System HRT System organic Performance CH4 yield Reference
(days) loading rate
(kg COD/m3.d)
Distillery wastewater UASB-UASB – 16.5–44.0 80 % COD 16.5 l/l COD. d Shin et al. (1992)
Coffee waste – – – 70 % COD 0.3 m3/kg waste Kida et al. (1994)
Cheese whey CSTR-UAF 4–7 – – 0.55 m3/kg COD Yilmazer and Yenigün
Abattoir waste – 4–12 1.4–7.0 – 0.3 m3/kg COD Banks and Wang
Olive mill – – 2.3–2.4 – 0.36 m3/kg COD Borja et al. (1998)
Dye waste APBR-APBR 3–5 0.25–1.0 90 % color – Talarposhti et al.
removal (2001)
Fruit and vegetable TPAD 12 – – 0.6 m3/kg TVS Pavan et al. (2000)
Primary and mixed TPAD 10 – 43 % VS 0.11 m3/kg VS Ghosh and Taylor
primary-activated sludge (mesophilic-mesophilic) removal (1999)
A.Y.W. Ma et al.
Recent Advances of Anaerobic Digestion for Energy Recovery 111

control, resistant to shock loading, selection of faster-growing microorganisms; and

(iii) potential for detoxification in first phase. However, application of phase sep-
aration of anaerobic digestion has encountered certain barriers such as (i) disruption
of syntrophic relationships; (ii) requirement of experience engineers and operators;
(iii) uncertainty of linkage between reactor configuration and substrate types which
determine the amenability of feedstock to two-phase anaerobic digestion.

4.2.2 Co-digestion

Mono-digestion (anaerobic digestion of a single substrate) usually suffers from its

limitations in the cases of (i) low organic loads of sewage sludge; (ii) low organic
loads and high nitrogen concentrations in animal manures; (iii) relatively high
concentration of heavy metals in organic fraction of municipal solid waste
(OFMSW); (iv) seasonal substrates such as crops and agro-industrial wastes;
(v) potential inhibitors of methanogenic activity in slaughterhouse waste
(SHW) such as the presence of high concentration of nitrogen and long-chain fatty
acids (LCFA). Anaerobic co-digestion, i.e., simultaneous digestion of two or more
substrates, is a feasible option to overcome the drawbacks of mono-digestion and to
improve economic feasibility of anaerobic digestion (Mata-Alvarez et al. 2014).
Researchers found that the improvement of methane production is mainly a
consequence of the increase in the organic loading rate (OLR) rather than syner-
gisms between the primary substrate and co-substrate (Mata-Alvarez et al. 2011).
Different kinds of mixtures can be considered and used in co-digestion as long as
the blend ratio and types of co-substrate favor synergisms, dilute inhibitory com-
pounds, optimize methane production and does not disrupt digestate quality.
Typically, the decisions on the ratio between the primary substrates and
co-substrates have been simplified to optimize the C/N ratio. The primary substrates
like animal manures are characterized by high buffer capacities and a low C/N ratio
while the co-substrates like agro-industrial waste and OFMSW are normally
characterized as a high C/N ratio and low buffer capacity (Astals et al. 2012; Wang
et al. 2012). However, the optimized combination in the mixture also requires
consideration of other parameters such as macro and micronutrients equilibrium,
pH and alkalinity, dilution of inhibitory compounds, amounts of biodegradable
organics and dry matter (Hartmann et al. 2002).

4.3 Biomass Retention

Reactors of anaerobic process can be categorized according to how the biomass is

retained in the system and the type of biomass in the system. Bacteria grow in the
reactor liquid as flocculent or granular sludge in suspended growth reactors.
Granular sludge exhibits higher activity rates and settling velocity that reduce the
reactor volume required and allowing higher organic loading rates to the systems.
112 A.Y.W. Ma et al.

The most robust configurations for suspended growth anaerobic reactors are UASB
(upflow anaerobic sludge blanket) and EGSB (expanded granular sludge bed).

4.3.1 UASB System

With the widespread industrial application of UASB reactors, increasing attention is

focused on the granulation of anaerobic sludge (Fang 2000). Biomass is retained as
granular matrix or blanket as suspension in the reactors. The advantages of gran-
ulation includes the establishment of a regular, thick and well-built microbial
structure that is ready to operate with different transport phenomena, high biomass
retention time leading to a high loading rate and better removal efficiencies,
appropriate settleability, resistance to high OLR and toxicity shock (Speece 1996).
The operation of UASB reactors may be limited by a number of factors including
(i) inadequate retention of viable biomass for treating specific types of wastes that is
not able to cultivate granular sludge, (ii) granule disintegration or wash-out of
hollow granules, (iii) occurrence of fluffy granules, and (iv) scaling by inorganic

4.3.2 EGSB System

EGSB systems are not equipped with an internal settler as in the conventional
UASB, but with an advanced liquid-solid separation device. The main features of
the EGSB reactors are: (i) high design organic loading rates; (ii) very small surface
area; (iii) tall reactor system; and (iv) high upflow velocity. Engineering anaerobic
sludge granules is a new area of research that targets at expanding the catabolic
capabilities of the sludge.

4.3.3 Attached Growth Reactors

Attached growth reactors make use of either fixed film or carried media for the
bacteria to grow and attach. Attached-growth systems comprise of fixed-film
reactors and fluidized bed reactors involving immobilization of microbial biomass
on inert media. In fixed film processes, bacteria reside on static support surface such
as plastics rings, rocks, media modules or membrane modules. In fluidized bed
processes, suspended carrier media such as sand, provide attachment surfaces in the
Hybrid anaerobic reactors are popular in recent development which take
advantages of both suspended and attached growth processes in a single reactor. An
example of hybrid anaerobic reactor design combine UASB as the lower section
and upflow anaerobic filter as the upper section in a single reactor (Abdullah et al.
2005). The advantages of hybrid anaerobic reactors include (i) development of
granular or flocculent sludge bed in the reactor, leading to an increased biomass
Recent Advances of Anaerobic Digestion for Energy Recovery 113

inventory, (ii) suitability for treating wastes where granular sludge formation is
difficult, and (iii) increasing process stability and removal efficiency.

4.3.4 Membrane Bioreactors

Efficient liquid-solids separation is the basis of any anaerobic high-rate reactor

system for waste treatment. Anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBRs) are
emerging alternatives for UASB reactors. With the presence of the inert supportive
media for bacterial growth, membrane bioreactors can achieve outstanding effluent
quality (<20 ppm organics), and COD and solid removal (up to 99 and 100 % for
domestic wastewater respectively) (Smith et al. 2012) with the advantages of
(i) possible operation at approximately infinite SRT to reach very low effluent
substrate concentrations, (ii) allowing the growth of slow-growing
micro-organisms, and (iii) possible treatment of recalcitrant compounds.
However, membrane bioreactors usually suffer the drawbacks of high pressure
physical separation causing disruption to microbial communities and subjected to
membrane fouling and scaling with typical precipitates such as calcium carbonate.

4.4 Reactor Configuration

Reactor configurations of anaerobic digester can be divided into conventional

anaerobic digesters and high-rate anaerobic digesters. The first conventional
anaerobic digester was used in 1881 to liquefy the solid components of sewage. In
1955, anaerobic contact process was developed to treat soluble organics and dilute
wastewaters (Hassan et al. 2013). A variety of new bioreactor designs have been
developed in recent years which facilitate a significantly high rate of reaction for the
treatment of waste (Bouallagui et al. 2003; Mumme et al. 2010; Xing et al. 2010).
High rate anaerobic reactors include completely mixed anaerobic digester, anaer-
obic contact process, anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR), anaerobic packed
bed or anaerobic filter, anaerobic fluidized bed and expanded bed reactors, upflow
anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor and anaerobic baffled reactors
(ABR) (Barker et al. 1999). Through the development of innovative high-rate
reactor designs, anaerobic treatment can now challenge the cost of aerobic treatment
for many wastewater treatment applications (Malina Junior and Pohland 1992).
Ward et al. reported that an anaerobic bioreactor should be designed in a way that
allows a continuously high and sustainable organic loading rate with a short
hydraulic retention time and has the ability to produce the maximum level of
methane (Ward et al. 2008). Reactors can be classified into the following categories
(i) batch and continuous process, (ii) single-phase, and (iii) multi-phase reactors.
Reactor shape must also take into consideration, both mixing and heat transfer.
In addition to basic reactor design, mixing of the contents in anaerobic digesters
are required to ensure efficient transfer of particulate organic material for active
114 A.Y.W. Ma et al.

microbial biomass, to release gas bubbles trapped in the reactors and to prevent
sedimentation of denser particulate materials. The mixing pattern may be inter-
mittent, which is determined by the type of reactor, type of agitator used and the
total solid contents of the feedstock (Burton and Turner 2003). Recirculation of
biogas in the reactor or hydraulic mixing by recirculation of digestate with pump is
commonly used to prevent the need of moving parts within the reactors. A certain
degree of mixing is necessary but excessive mixing conditions can reduce biogas
production (Gomez et al. 2006). It has been postulated that propionate-oxidizing
bacteria and methanogenic archaea live in close proximity in granules with H2 and
formate as electron carriers. Excessive agitation can disrupt the granule structure,
reducing the rate of oxidation of fatty acids and leading to digester instability
(McMahon et al. 2001). Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) are a combina-
tion of proteins and carbohydrates which are responsible for the formation of
granules (Liu et al. 2004). An increase in mixing decreased the amount of EPS
found, suggesting that minimal mixing produced larger anaerobic granules as
greater quantities of EPS are required to maintain the granule structure (Ong et al.
2002). Mixing with biomass support media could be an important area in opti-
mizing reactor configuration of anaerobic digester. Biomass support media provides
an anchorage for the granular microbial communities and allows a high-shear type
of mixing to increase solubility of COD without disruption to the microbial

4.5 Process Control and Monitoring

Despite decades of academic and industrial research efforts, the complex anaerobic
digestion processes are far from being understood in detail. Many anaerobic
digestion plants are merely relying on a few simple-to-measure parameters mainly
due to the conservative design of the over-sized reactors to guarantee process
robustness, which gives a poor indication of the state of the biological process.
Furthermore, unintentional organic loading, accidental addition of toxic substrates,
process interruptions and lack of raw material quality control are believed to be one
of the main limitations for effective process operation (Hjort-Gregersen et al. 1996;
Holm-Nielsen et al. 2008; Nielsen and Angelidaki 2008; Kaparaju et al. 2009a, b).
Introducing reliable monitoring and control technology would allow anaerobic
digestion plants to be operated closer to their effective capacity limit instead of
wasting reactor volume due to conservative design rules.
Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) is one of the recent advances in process
monitoring in anaerobic digestion which allows complex bioconversion processes
to be monitored and deciphered to a new level of reliability and effectiveness using
spectroscopic and electrochemical measurement principles together with chemo-
metric multivariate data analysis. Research efforts has been put in reviewing the
potential application of PAT, Theory of Sampling (TOS) and chemometric data
analysis within the field of anaerobic digestion monitoring (Madsen et al. 2011).
Recent Advances of Anaerobic Digestion for Energy Recovery 115

Table 8 Short-chained VFAs in sample matrices of manure and wastewater sludge

IUPAC nomenclature Formula CAS# MW (Da) bp (°C) pKa
Ethanoic acid CH3COOH 64-19-7 60.1 117.9 4.76
Propanoic acid CH3CH2COOH 79-09-4 74.1 141.2 4.87
n-Butanoic acid CH3CH2CH2COOH 107-92-6 88.1 163.8 4.83
2-Methylpropanoic acid CH3CHCH3COOH 79-31-2 88.1 154.5 4.84
n-Pentanoic acid CH3(CH2)3COOH 109-52-4 102.1 186.1 4.83
2-Methylbutanoic acid CH3CH2CHCH3COOH 116-53-0 102.1 177 4.80
3-Methylbutanoic acid CH3CHCH3CH2COOH 503-74-2 102.1 176.5 4.77

Table 9 Four main classes of reviewed analytical modalities collectively known as PAT in AD
process monitoring
Main class Reviewed analytical modalities
Spectroscopic Fluorescence (FLU) Peck and Chynoweth (1992), Infrared (IR) Steyer
et al. (2002), Near Infrared (NIR) Nordberg et al. (2000), Hannsson et al.
(2002), Holm-Nielsen et al. (2007), Holm-Nielsen et al. (2008), Raman,
Visual (VIS), Ultraviolet (UV) Redondo et al. (2008), Rudnitskaya and
Legin (2008), Buczkowska et al. (2010)
Electro-chemical pH, Redox potential, Electronic tongue (ET), Electronic nose (EN)
Chromatographic GC, GC headspace, HPLC Pind et al. (2003), Boe et al. (2005), Diamantis
et al. (2006)
Other Acoustic chemometrics (a.c.) Nacke et al. (2005), Mass spectrometry
(MS), Microwaves Lomborg et al. (2009), Titration Feitkenhauer et al.
(2002), Lahav and Morgan (2004)

The use of multivariate sensor technologies and electrochemical arrays is encour-

aged as many studies have shown promising results in both laboratory-scale and
pilot-scale. Many authors have suggested VFAs as control parameters as these acids
are indicative of the activity of methanogenic consortia. A number of analytical
methods have been developed for quantification of relevant VFAs for anaerobic
digestion process monitoring. Short-chained VFAs commonly present in sample
matrices such as manure and wastewater sludge are listed in Table 8 (Hill and
Holmberg 1988; Christiansen et al. 1995; Nielsen et al. 2007). The application of
numerous monitoring techniques for quantifying these parameters has been reported
in the literature. An overview of available techniques is provided in Table 9.

4.6 Mathematical Models

Two most widely used models for anaerobic digestion are the Anaerobic Digestion
Model no. 1 (ADM1) developed by a task group for the International Water
Association (IWA) and Siegriest Model (Siegrist et al. 2002). The two models are
116 A.Y.W. Ma et al.

constructed with different approaches: Siegriest model parameters are based on

experiments, whereas the ADM1 uses review consensus (Batstone 2006).
Lyberatos and Skiadas (1999) gave an extensive review on modelling for
anaerobic digestion. They pointed out that some important factors describing the
behavior of anaerobic digesters should be evaluated and taken into account from a
modelling point of view including digester startup conditions, degree of acclimation
to the feedstock, hydraulic loading, organic loading, biogas production per unit
volume, concentration of inhibitors, availability of nutrients, cation concentrations,
types and concentration of solids in the feedstock. Anaerobic digestion is a complex
system of biochemical and physical processes. Due to its complexity, it has tra-
ditionally been treated as a black box system and optimization has been based on
experience or trial-and-error methods. As experiments of anaerobic digestion are
expensive and time-consuming, modelling can provide a useful tool for process
understanding and optimization (Kothari et al. 2014).

5 Advanced Molecular Biological Tools for System


Anaerobic digestion is carried out by a mixture of different Bacteria and Archaea

living in a microbial community. The microbial community is generally considered
complex as hundreds of different types of organisms are involved in the process and
these organisms are also interacting among themselves. In order to optimize the yield
of biogas and for trouble shooting purposes in case of a process upset, a compre-
hensive view on the composition and metabolic functions of the organisms in the
system is warranted. In the past decade, a number of advanced molecular tools
targeting the DNA, RNA and proteins of microbial cells have become available to
provide detailed biological information on the microbial community and it is now
possible to move beyond the traditional ‘black box’ approaches of operating an
anaerobic digester. An overview of these tools is described in this section.

5.1 Low-throughput Methods

Given the high microbial diversity present in anaerobic digestion, culture-dependent

methods to analyze a microbial community are not practical and not feasible. Hence,
culture-independent methods are required. In the 1990s and early 2000s, polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) targeting the 16S rRNA gene of Bacteria and Archaea with
universal primers followed by clone library and Sanger sequencing was a popular
method to identify the organisms present in anaerobic digesters (Chouari et al.
2005). Typically, a few hundred clones are randomly picked and sequenced as the
method is labor intensive and expensive. Because a relatively small number of
clones can be analyzed, clone library method can only capture the dominant
Recent Advances of Anaerobic Digestion for Energy Recovery 117

populations and the organisms that are present at a low relative abundance are
usually not captured. Other methods that are suitable to identify the dominant
populations include terminal restriction-fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP)
(Ike et al. 2010) and chemical or temperature denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
(DGGE) (Bialek et al. 2012). The aforementioned methods are semi-quantitative
where the relative proportion of the taxa is determined. When absolute quantification
is required to determine the concentration of a specific population in an anaerobic
digester, quantitative PCR (qPCR) can be applied and qPCR has the advantage that
the quantification range spans a few orders of magnitude, making it possible to
quantify the low and high abundant organisms such as different methanogens
(Goberna et al. 2010). The application of these molecular methods to a single sample
can provide a snapshot of the microbial community, but when multiple samples at
different time points and under different conditions are analyzed, the shift in com-
position of the microbial community can be revealed.

5.2 High-throughput Methods

The advent of sequencing technology in the past few years has revolutionized the
ability to analyze microbial communities, providing both breadth and depth in
coverage of information. Furthermore, the cost per DNA base has decreased and
robotic instruments have automated many procedures in the lab, making the analysis
less labor intensive. First, it was the emergence of the next-generation sequencing
platforms by 454 Life Sciences that can generate a few hundred million bases per run
and long read length up to 450 bp. Later, the sequencers developed by Illumina
(Solexa) have further increased throughput to as much as a few hundreds gigabases
per run with a shorter read length (*125 bp). With the Illumina platforms, the
number of reads that can be obtained per sample to analyze the composition and
structure of a microbial community can range from a few thousands to tens of
thousands, which is substantially more than a clone library analysis (Sundberg et al.
2013). With this sequencing depth, both the dominant and minor members of the
community can be identified, which represents substantial improvement over pre-
vious methods as the minor members could also be functionally important. In
addition to targeting the 16S rRNA gene, high-throughput sequencing has also been
applied to analyze functional genes such as the methyl coenzyme M reductase
(mcrA) gene that is ubiquitously present in all methanogens for catalyzing the last
step of methane generation (Ellis et al. 2012; Wilkins et al. 2015).
Targeting taxonomic and/or functional genes as biomarkers can identify the
organisms present. However, in order to determine the metabolic functions of these
organisms, shotgun metagenomic sequencing of the microbial community can be
performed to determine the gene content present in these organisms. Hampered by
the lower throughput of previous sequencing platforms, a gene-centric approach
was usually taken in early metagenomic studies where the goal is to simply identify
the metabolic functions present (Li et al. 2013; Wong et al. 2013). Recently, with
118 A.Y.W. Ma et al.

the increase in the throughput of sequencers, acquiring a substantial quantity of

reads per sample is possible, enabling a genome-centric approach in metagenomic
sequencing where genes are placed in a genomic framework (Sekiguchi et al. 2015).
A genome-centric approach offers the advantages that the metabolic capability of an
organism and its interactions with other members in the community can be better
Building on the metagenomic sequencing results, two complementary approa-
ches, namely metatranscriptomics and metaproteomics, can be further applied to
query the dynamics and expression of genes under different conditions in anaerobic
digesters. Metatranscriptomics make use of high-throughput sequencing to analyze
the expressed RNA (Zakrzewski et al. 2012), while metaproteomics utilize
advanced mass-spectrometry to analyze the expressed proteins (Hanreich et al.
2013; Lü et al. 2014). Metagenomics are useful to determine what organisms are
present and what biochemical functions these organisms possess. However, under
what conditions these organisms are active and what metabolic functions are exe-
cuted cannot be easily interpreted from the metagenomic data. Therefore, meta-
transcriptomics and metaproteomics are useful tools to provide detailed information
on the activity of the organisms in a digester. The combination of metagenomics,
metatranscriptomics and metaproteomics is generally referred to as ‘omics’ meth-
ods and these innovative molecular biology tools can help microbiologists and
engineers to better diagnose anaerobic digesters.

6 Future Outlook

Climate change, waste treatment and renewable energy are pressing issues facing
society in the 21st century. Anaerobic digestion of organic materials can address all
these issues simultaneously. Given that anaerobic digestion is a mature technology,
the deployment of this technology in large centralized scale or small decentralized
scale is expected to gain widespread use in the near future. Further optimization and
enhancement of the engineering coupled with knowledge in the microbiology will
certainly further improve the robustness and performance of anaerobic digestion.
Without a doubt, the outlook of anaerobic digestion is promising and this tech-
nology will play an important role in our society.


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Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste:
A Focus on Microbial Community

Surakasi V. Prasad and Kalluri K. Meher

Abstract Anaerobic digestion (AD) is one of the significant strategy for the man-
agement of solid organic waste. It is a biological process that degrade the organic
matter in the absence of oxygen with ultimate products being CO2 and CH4. Solid
waste has to be treated, mechanically or chemically or biologically prior to fed into
the anaerobic digesters for an efficient treatment. Solid wastes with lignocellulosic
and hemi cellulosic materials are difficult to degrade and need proper pre-treatment.
The anaerobic digester should follow optimum parameters such as; temperature
37 °C for mesophilic and 55 °C for thermophilic digestion, pH 6.5–8.0, hydraulic
retention time (HRT) of about 35–40 days for mesophilic and 15 days for ther-
mophilic digestion, feed C/N ratio 30/1 for a successful degradation of waste
material and biogas production. A balanced active bacterial and methanogenic
Archaeal population in the AD is most important factor that influence the stable
digestion of the waste material. Molecular techniques based on 16S rDNA gene and
other functional gene markers such as McrA, Pct, nif are handy to monitor the
treatment process. The most advanced next generation DNA sequencing platforms
have been serving to identify the community structure and playing an important role
in assigning the microbial communities involved to their function. These techniques
further helps in rapid bioaugmentaion of AD for the stable operation of digestion

Keywords Solid waste  Anaerobic digestion  Pre-treatment  Microbial com-

munities Methanogens  Bioaugmentation

S.V. Prasad (&)

Biorem, Prolog Biologicals Pvt. Ltd, 139, Phase V, Jeedimetla,, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
K.K. Meher
Calorifique Renewable Energies (I) Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016 127

O.P. Karthikeyan et al. (eds.), Recycling of Solid Waste for Biofuels
and Bio-chemicals, Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products
and Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0150-5_5
128 S.V. Prasad and K.K. Meher

1 Introduction

An unprecedented increase in the amount of solid waste (SW) was concomitant in

developed and rapidly growing developing countries in the past three decades. Most
of the SW is being disposed in the landfills. According to the 2013 EPA data, the
United States generated 251 million tons of MSW, about 67 % of which were
disposed in landfills (EPA report). In China, about 190 million tons of MSW were
produced annually, nearly 90 % of which were disposed by landfills (Zhang et al.
2010a, b). In India, about 31.5 Million tonnes of MSW were produced and disposed
mostly in landfills. In Greece, the main destination for MSW is landfills (Nikolaou
et al. 2010). However, with unprecedented changes in the world economics, and the
emergence of real estates business, the cost of land has tremendously increased near
cities for landfills. With the enhancement of public environmental consciousness,
safe disposal and recycling of SW has become utmost important. On the other side,
unorganized decomposition of organic SW causing direct impact on green concept.
Handling of the organic fraction of the MSW are most challenging task. Bio-
degradation of organic fraction occurs principally through the action of aerobic
microorganisms. Ultimately, complete oxidation of the carbonaceous organic
materials by aerobic microbes result in the production of carbon dioxide (CO2) and
water (H2O). Whereas anaerobic microorganisms degrade the organic matter in the
absence of oxygen with ultimate products being CO2 and methane (CH4).
With better and advanced understanding of the biology of anaerobic digestion
(AD) and its core mechanism, it is now widely used to treat a number of solid
organic wastes such as MSW, sugar mills, pulp and paper mills, tanneries, slaughter
houses, meat packing, cotton and wool processing, antibiotics, food processing
industries etc., apart from the organic fraction of the MSW.
Among the biological treatment processes, anaerobic treatment is the most
attractive method of solving the twin problems of energy consumption and pollu-
tion in a cost effective manner. With the revolutionary advancement in the DNA
sequencing technologies, understanding of microbial community structure is sim-
plified. The rapid diagnosis of microbial community structure and its dynamics of
AD will help in maintaining the smooth operation of AD. In this chapter, SW
preparation for anaerobic digestion, anaerobic degradation, importance of microbial
communities and socioeconomic benefits with few case studies were discussed.

2 Substrate Pre-treatment

The ability to make biogas out of many organic substrates is one of the main
advantages of anaerobic digestion. Organic waste in the form of liquids are easily
treated in the ADs without much pre-treatment. However, solid waste substrates can
be very slow to break down because of the following limitations:
Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste … 129

• They contain chemicals that inhibit the growth and activity of the
• They create physical problems like floating, foaming or clumping and block
impellers and pipes in biogas plants, or
• Their molecular structure is poorly accessible to microorganisms and their
enzymes due to their highly crystalline structure and low surface area.
Sometimes all these problems occur simultaneously hence, pre-treatment of
substrate(s) can be used to overcome some of these problems.
The main substrate sources of methane production in AD, are carbohydrates,
lipids and fats and proteinaceous materials. The agricultural biomass contains most
complex substrates, such as starch, cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignins. While
starch (a-1-4 linked D-glucose) is relatively easy to break down biologically, cel-
lulose (b-1-4 linked D-glucose) and hemi-cellulose (a polymer of various sugars
and uronic acids) are difficult and slow to break down. It is generally believed that
lignin is difficult to degrade by anaerobic bacteria and may even inhibit the
degradation of other substances like cellulose. Breaking down this lignocelluloses
complex is the key to biogas production (Noike et al. 1985).
In recent years, various pre-treatment technologies have been developed to
increase the availability of simple organic matter to the microbial communities in
ADs (Table 1), particularly lignocellulosic material. These pre-treatment tech-
nologies are aimed to:
• make AD faster
• potentially increase biogas yield
• make use of new and/or locally available substrates
• prevent processing problems such as high electricity requirements for mixing or
the formation of scum layers.

Table 1 Pre-treatment No. Principle Technique

Principles and techniques
1 Physical Mechanical
2 Chemical Alkali
3 Combined process Stream
Thermo chemical
4 Biological Microbial
130 S.V. Prasad and K.K. Meher

2.1 Mechanical Pre-treatment

2.1.1 Knifes and Hammer Milled

It is carried out by knifes and hammer mills for particle size reduction (1–2 mm)
and increasing the specific surface area of the biomass. Particle size reduction gives
greater possibility for enzymatic attack and the rate of degradation; it can also
reduce the digesting slurry viscosity thus mixing easier and can reduce the problems
of floating layers. A major disadvantage is that machines can be damaged by inert
materials (stones or pieces of metal) in the substrate and equipment repairs can be
very expensive. Biomass with less than 15 % moisture can only be used for
mechanical pre-treatment. The energy demand increases with higher moisture
content. Batch tests at laboratory scale reported that about 10 % higher gas yield
with knife milled hay to 0.5 mm compared to 20–30 mm (Menind and Normak
2010). Similarly knife-milled sisal fibers from 100 to 2 mm achieved an approxi-
mately 20–25 % higher gas yield (Mshandete et al. 2006). Milling pre-treatment is
recommended for very bulky substrates to ease processing. Hammer mills are
relatively easy and cheap to operate. Menardo et al. (2011) showed that mechanical
pre-treatment of barley and wheat straw, increased methane yield, but not for maize
stalks or rice straw.

2.1.2 Extrusion

The biogas substrates are fed into the extruder and conveyed by screw along a tube,
where it is exposed to high pressure, temperature and shear forces causing the tough
fibers to break. The sudden drop in pressure as the substrate leaves the extruder also
help substrate breakdown. Depending on the final consistency required, the sub-
strate can be placed under a pressure of up to 300 bar at temperatures from 60 to
300 °C. Extrusion effectively breaks and opens the cell structure of biomass which
results in faster methane production, which in turn facilitates higher organic loading
rates (Rotter et al. 2011).

2.1.3 Thermal Pre-treatment

In thermal pre-treatment, the substrate is heated (typically 125–190 °C) under

pressure and hold at that temperature for up to 1 h. The presence of heat and water
disrupts the hydrogen bonds that hold together crystalline cellulose and the lig-
nocelluloses complexes. Thermal pre-treatment is often carried out with chemicals
or in combination with mechanical shearing. Thermal pre-treatment is only effective
up to a certain temperature. The maximum temperature varies with different sub-
strates and using batch AD tests has been found to be 175 °C for sludge (52 %
increase in methane production) (Distefano and Ambulkar 2006), 190 °C for crops,
Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste … 131

and 160 °C for brewers’ spent grains. However, these values are dependent on
pre-treatment retention time. Many studies (Distefano and Ambulkar 2006) show
that thermal (including thermo-chemical or thermo-mechanical) pre-treatment only
increases biogas yield up to a certain temperature, above which biogas production
decreases. Therefore, the trick with all pre-treatment involving high temperatures is
to find the optimum conditions that break down the substrate. Thermal
pre-treatment is particularly well suited to locations where there is a supply of waste
heat, for example from a nearby factory or power plant.

2.2 Chemical Pre-treatments

Chemical pre-treatment is conducted using a range of different chemicals, mainly

acids and bases of different strengths under different conditions.

2.2.1 Alkali Pre-treatment

Alkali pre-treatment of lignocellulosic materials with lime or sodium hydroxide

(NaOH) causes partial lignin solubilization. Alkali treatment of agricultural crop
residue is effective for AD. Small-scale batch tests, with alkali (6 % NaOH)
pre-treated straw for 3 weeks at ambient temperatures increased biogas yield sig-
nificantly (He et al. 2008). Pre-treatment and methanization of fallen leaves using
3.5 % NaOH had shown about 20 % increase in the methane yield (Liew et al.
2011). It is important to note that alkali pre-treated substrates have high pH values
and the above experiments were carried out using small scale batch digesters, but
during continuous fermentation, alkali pre-treatment leads to salt build up and
increased pH values. The high salt concentration and the resulting effect on the
ammonium-ammonia balance inhibits methanization (Chen et al. 2008). The pH
increase due to alkali pre-treatment might be beneficial for substrates with low pH
or high lipid content (Beccari et al. 2001) with olive oil mill effluent. This
pre-treatment technology is economically unattractive due to the high costs of alkali
(Chang et al. 1997), but it may be useful for acidic and lignin rich substrates that
could otherwise not be anaerobically digested.

2.2.2 Acid Pre-treatment

Acid pre-treatment does not disrupt lignin but is thought to work by breaking down
hemicellulose and disrupting ether bonds between lignin and hemicellulose
(Knappert et al. 1981). Acid pre-treatment is typically used in combination with
132 S.V. Prasad and K.K. Meher

2.2.3 Oxidative Pre-treatment

Oxidative pre-treatment with hydrogen peroxide or ozone affects lignocellulose in a

similar way to alkaline pre-treatment as it can also break down lignin. Rice straw
was successfully pre-treated with hydrogen peroxide and ammonium at room
temperature and found 100 % increase in the biogas production (Song et al. 2012).
However, one possible disadvantage is that introducing more oxygen into the
system increases the proportion of CO2 in the biogas produced. This pre-treatment
is also not carried out at large scale presumably or partly due to high costs.

2.2.4 Thermo-Chemical Pre-treatment

Different kinds of bases and acids can be used at temperatures from 60 to 220 °C in
thermo-chemical pre-treatment. Batch AD of pre-treated (160 °C, 3 % H2SO4 and
20 min retention time) cassava yielded 57 % higher gas yield when compared to
untreated cassava. Batch tests with sunflower stalks pre-treated with different
chemicals and temperatures (Monlau et al. 2012) found that pre-treatment with heat
alone was not very effective, but pre-treatment with H2O2 or NaOH (4 % total
solids) did increase methane yield by about one third at 55 °C (rather than 30 or
80 °C). They found that this pre-treatment solubilised lignin. Pre-treatment with
HCl at 170 °C increased methane yield by around 20 % and solubilised hemicel-
lulose but not lignin. Although thermo-chemical pre-treatment has been tried at
pilot scale several times, large-scale thermo-chemical pre-treatment of substrates for
biogas production is not found.

2.3 Biological Pre-treatment

The advantage of biological pre-treatments over chemical or thermal pre-treatment

is that biological pre-treatment can take place at low temperature without using
chemicals. Disadvantage is that they can be slower than non-biological method.

2.3.1 Anaerobic Microbial Pre-treatment

In the anaerobic pre-treatment, the first step of anaerobic digestion i.e., hydrolysis
and acid production is separated from acetogenesis and methanogenesis. The pH
value of the first digester should lie between 4 and 6, which inhibits methane
production and causes volatile fatty acids to accumulate (Deublein and Steinhauser
2010; Thauer 1998). In general, cellulose, hemicellulose and starch-degrading
enzymes work best between pH 4 and 6 at temperatures from 30 to 50 °C, so the
pre-acidification step increases the degradation rate by creating an optimal envi-
ronment for these enzymes. Two-stage continuous AD of household waste at a
Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste … 133

hydraulic retention time (HRT) of approximately 30 days has yielded about 21 %

more biogas (Liu et al. 2006).
Another positive effect of this pre-treatment method is on the methane con-
centration in the biogas. In addition to H2 and volatile fatty acids, CO2 is formed
during the pre-acidification step. Due to the low pH, most of the carbonate is in the
form of CO2, which is volatile and is released out of the digester. This means there
is less CO2 in the gas phase of the methanogenesis step, and therefore a higher CH4
concentration is obtained. Two stage AD of grass silage produced biogas with 71 %
methane as compared with 52 % methane content in a single-stage continuous AD
(Nizami et al. 2012). Another advantage of two-stage digestion is that the
microorganisms of the first stage are less sensitive to chemicals such as phenol,
ammonia, etc. than the microorganisms of the second stage, and many inhibiting
chemicals can be broken down in the first stage.
Overall, two-stage digestion is useful for a range of different substrates and
higher investment costs for an additional reactor are typically offset by faster
digestion rates (due to optimized pH and temperature for the hydrolytic enzymes)
and the added stability of feeding with a constant pH. In addition, higher gas
methane yields might lead to lower gas upgrading costs.

2.3.2 Aerobic Microbial Pre-treatment

Aerobic microbial pre-treatment can be carried out with naturally occurring mixed
cultures. Aerobic organisms produce cellulose, hemicellulose and/or lignin
degrading enzymes rapidly and in large amounts, and these solubilise the substrate.
In the integrated aerobic-anaerobic pre-treatment process, the organic fraction of
municipal SW is fed into an aerated leach bed reactor. The leachate (hydrolysis juice)
is collected and fed into an anaerobic digester. The remaining undegraded solid
fraction is disposed by composting. This process is similar to the anaerobic leach bed
system (Lehtomäki et al. 2008), but with aerobic conditions in the leach bed reactor.
In leach bed reactors (aerobic or anaerobic) there are no processing problems due
to fibers or large chunks in the anaerobic digester. In general, the advantage of an
aerobic process is that it is considerably faster, but the disadvantage is that a lot of
the organic matter that could be degraded to methane is instead degraded to CO2 if
the pre-treatment phase is too long. It is possible to combine the two processes, for
example with micro aeration in an anaerobic pre-treatment reactor increase methane
yields significantly (Jagadabhi et al. 2009).

2.3.3 Fungal Pre-treatment

Many fungi, particularly white-rot fungi, are known for their ability to remove
environmental pollutants from solid and liquid waste (Reddy 1995). Fungal
pre-treatment has been used to detoxify coffee/cherry husks for anaerobic digestion
(Jayachandra et al. 2011). There has also been some research on fungal
134 S.V. Prasad and K.K. Meher

pre-treatment of waste to increase biogas yields (Wagner et al. 2014). It is not clear
what effect fungal pre-treatment has on biogas yields, because although white-rot
fungi can delignify substrates, they also remove some of the organic matter that
could be used for anaerobic digestion. Fungal pre-treatment has not been carried out
at large scale for anaerobic digestion.

2.3.4 Enzyme Addition

Enzymes that break down biomass are already present in anaerobic digesters as they
are produced by the microorganisms of AD. To enhance this breakdown, a mixture
of enzymes can be added, and may include cellulose-, hemicellulose-, pectin- and
starch-degrading enzymes. Enzyme additives can be applied in three different ways:
by direct addition to a single-stage anaerobic digester, by addition to the hydrolysis
and acidification vessel (first stage) of a two-stage system or by addition to a
dedicated enzymatic pre-treatment vessel.
Effect of 25 different commercially available enzyme preparations including
enzyme mixtures marketed to biogas plants as well as pure enzymes normally
marketed to other industries. They found that the effect of enzymatic pre-treatment
on biogas yield from sludge and manure was minimal and speculated that this was
because the enzymes were being degraded by the native microorganisms. Some of
the enzyme products increased the biogas yield by around 10 % in grass silage and
green waste silage. Enzyme products for biogas plants are offered by several dif-
ferent companies, but some enzymes have a relatively high price for a limited
increase in biogas yield. Hence enzyme dosage for biogas production with
increased methane concentration is unlikely economically feasible.

3 Anaerobic Digestion

The application of the anaerobic digestion has evolved from the treatment of mainly
sewage sludge and manure toward the use of more energy-rich waste mixtures with
higher methane potentials, such as slaughterhouse, food industry, and household
wastes; glycerol; and frying fats (Deublein and Steinhauser 2010). Anaerobic
digestion of waste is an environmentally and economically beneficial process in which
the biological degradation of organic wastes results in the production of CH4 as a
carbon-neutral energy source (Zitomer et al. 2008). The anaerobic degradation of
organic matter mainly proceeds as hydrolysis, fermentation, acetogenesis, and
methanogenesis of organic matter where various microorganisms are involved in each
step (Zinder et al. 1984). The organic substrates may increase the stress on the
operational system, because these substrates may result in a less stable process
(Salminen and Rintala 2002; Edström et al. 2003). An improved understanding of the
microbial communities and their function during the different aspects of AD may help
to optimize biogas production, and molecular biology techniques offer possible tools.
Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste … 135

3.1 Hydrolysis

A diverse number of bacteria take part in the hydrolysis and fermentation steps; the
oxidation of intermediate fermentation products to acetate is performed by either
hydrogen- or formate-producing acetogens (Stams and Plugge 2009). Hydrolysis of
the polymerized mostly insoluble organic compounds, like carbohydrates, proteins
and fats yields soluble monomers and dimers, i.e., monosaccharides, amino acids,
and fatty acids. Several extracellular enzymes from the group of hydrolases
(amylases, proteases, and lipases) produced by appropriate strains of hydrolytic
bacteria help the hydrolysis. Decomposable polymers, that is, cellulose and
cellulo-cottons are difficult to decompose, which is considered to be a rate limiting
step of hydrolysis. About 50 % of the organic fraction of solid waste undergoes
biodegradation. The remaining part of the compounds remains in their primary state
because of the lack of enzymes participating in their degradation (Parawira et al.
2008). The bacterial community associated with ADs of different substrates and
tretment systems are listed in Table 2 (Karthikeyan and Visvanathan 2013).
The biodegradation rate depends on parameters such as size of particles, pH,
production of enzymes, diffusion, and adsorption of enzymes on the particles of
waste. Some industrial operations overcome this limitation by the use of chemical
reagents to enhance hydrolysis. The application of chemicals to enhance the first step
has been found to result in a shorter digestion time and provide a higher methane
yield. Diverse group of bacteria are reported to perform the hydrolysis (Smith and
Bryant 1979). Clostridia from Fermicutes are most prominently identified in several
anaerobic microbial community studies (Leven et al. 2007; Krause et al. 2008;
Cardinali-Rezende et al. 2009; Patil et al. 2010) which are capable of degrading
proteins, lipids, and polymeric carbohydrates. Bacteroidetes, and Flavobacteria are
next most abundant groups which degrade complex organic matter.

3.2 Fermentation and Acidogenesis

During this stage, the monomers undergo the acid and alcohol fermentation process
and convert water-soluble chemical substances, including hydrolysis products, to
short-chain organic acids (C1 to C5 compounds such as formic, acetic, propionic,
butyric, and pentanoic), alcohols (methanol, ethanol), aldehydes, carbon dioxide,
and hydrogen. Amino acids and peptides will form the decomposition of proteins,
which may be a source of energy for anaerobic microorganisms. This process may
be divided into two types: hydrogenation and dehydrogenation. The basic pathway
of transformations passes through acetates, CO2, and H2, whereas other acidoge-
nesis products play an insignificant role. As a result of these transformations,
methanogens may directly use the by-products as substrates and energy source.
Bacterial species from several phylogroups such as Fermicutes, Bacteroidetes,
Proteobacteri, are widely found to hydrolyse the complex organic compounds.
Table 2 Bacterial community distribution in single- and two-stage bioreactors

Bacterial community (similarity percentage) Arachaeal community (similarity percentage) Organic substrate and conditions (Reference)
Uncultured Thermotogae bacterium clone (100) Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus Simulated food waste; two stage system; thermophilic condition
(96) (Yabu et al. 2010)
Anaerobaculum mobile (100) Methanosarcina barkeri (99)
Thermacetogenium sp. (98) Uncultured Methanosarcina sp. KT19 (99)
Coprothermobacter proteolyticus (100) Methanosarcina thermophila (99 %)
Clostridium caenicola (98)
Tepidanaerobacter syntrophicus (99)
Syntrophomonas wolfei (97)
Clostridium sufflavum (96)
Clostridium populeti (96)
Clostridium thermopalmarium (100)
Leuconostoc mesenteroides (99)
Desemzia incerta (99)
Bacteroidales bacterium 28bM (96)
Mycobacterium elephantis (99) and
uncultured bacterium
Bacillus thermoterrestris (93) Methanoculleus thermophilicus (97) Cattle manure; single-stage system; thermophilic condition
Bacteroides sp. (92) Methanosarcina thermophila (100) and (Chachkhiani et al. 2004)
Clostridium sp. FCB90-3 (96) uncultured archaeon
S.V. Prasad and K.K. Meher
Table 2 (continued)
Bacterial community (similarity percentage) Arachaeal community (similarity percentage) Organic substrate and conditions (Reference)
Clostridium hydroxybenzoicum (97)
Eubacterium limosum (92)
Desulfotomaculum thermobenzoicum (92)
Zoogloea sp. (99)
Sulfide-oxidizing bacterium N9-1 (98)
Pseudomonas halodenitrificans (97) and
uncultured bacterium
Psychrobacter sp. (91 and 85) Methanobacteriaceae (74) Mixed waste; single-stage system; mesophilic condition
Arcobacter sp. (96) Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus (Supaphol et al. 2011)
Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste …

Lactobacillus sp. (98) Uncultured Methanosaeta (90)
Bacillus sp. (77) Uncultured Methanosarcinaceae (96)
Brevibacterium sp. (90) Methanobrevibacter (93)
Comamonas denitrificans strain 2B7 (90) Methanosaeta concilii (94) and uncultured
Streptomyces sp. (87) archaeon clone
Anaerovorax sp. (87)
Thiobacillus denitrificans (89)
Nocardioides sp. (96)
Symbiobacterium sp. (82)
Shewanella algae (92) and
uncultured Clostridium sp. (81) Methanobacterium beijingense Molasses waste; two-stage system; mesophilic condition (Park
Costridium butyricum Methanothrix soehngenii et al. 2010)a
Clostridium leptum Methanobacterium formicicum
Clostridium drakei Methanobacterium aarhusense
Study results from W-ABC processes in which first stage is Hydrogen production and second stage is Methane production
138 S.V. Prasad and K.K. Meher

Levén et al. (2007) studied the effect of process temperature on the AD of organic
household waste and reported a dominance of Thermotogae and Clostridia in their
thermophilic reactors, while Bacteroidetes and Chloroflexi were the main phyla in
the mesophilic reactors (Sundberg et al. 2013). The acetateformed during aceto-
genesis are due to a number of different microbes, e.g., Syntrophobacter wolinii, a
propionate decomposer and Sytrophomonos wolfei, a butyrate decomposer will
highly limit the AD process since they grow in symbiosis else the process will be
incomplete. Other acid formers are Clostridium spp., Peptococcus anerobus,
Lactobacillus, and Actinomyces etc. However the most unpleasant gases such as
ammonia, hydrogen sulphide etc. also will form in acidogenesis phase.
Among the products of acidogenesis, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide which give
an intense unpleasant smell to this phase of the process should also be mentioned.
The acid phase bacteria belonging to facultative anaerobes use oxygen accidentally
introduced into the process, creating favorable conditions for the development of
obligatory anaerobes of the following genera: Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Clostridium,
Micrococcus, or Flavobacterium (Nikolaou et al. 2010; Conrad 1999).

3.3 Acetogenesis

In this process, the acetate bacteria including those of the genera of Syntrophomonas
and Syntrophobacter convert the small chain fatty acids into acetates and hydrogen
which may be used by methanogenic Archaea (Schink 1997). Bacteria like
Methanobacterium suboxydans account for decomposition of pentanoic acid to
propionic acid, whereas Methanobacterium propionicum accounts for decomposi-
tion of propionic acid to acetic acid. As a result of acetogenesis, hydrogen is
released, which exhibits toxic effects on the indigenous microorganisms of process.
Therefore, a symbiosis is necessary for acetogenic bacteria with autotrophic methane
bacteria using hydrogen (Schink 1997). Acetogenesis is a phase which depicts the
efficiency of biogas production, because approximately 70 % of methane arises in
the process of acetates reduction. Consequently, acetates are a key intermediate
product of the process of methane digestion. In acetogenesis phase, approximately
25 % of acetates are formed and approximately 11 % of hydrogen is produced in the
wastes degradation process (Schink 1997). Homoacetogenesis, i.e. acetate formation
from carbon dioxide and dihydrogen via the acetyl-CoA pathway, out competes
methanogens for common substrate, H2, which contributed greatly to acetate pro-
duction (Ye et al. 2014). Butyrate degradation for hydrogen production under
conditions suppressing methanogenesis was evaluated in continuously fed-tank
reactors operated at 55 °C and started up with digested manure as inoculum
(Siriwongrungson et al. 2007)
Finally, methane formation is mainly derived from acetate and H2/CO2 by
methanogenic Archaea. A balanced interaction between the microorganisms in this
degradation chain is crucial for the continuous transformation of the intermediates
Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste … 139

formed and subsequently an efficient biogas production. Methanogens are espe-

cially important for the obligatory syntrophic interactions driving the acetogenic
proton reduction needed for growth on, for example, fatty acids and alcohols (Stams
and Plugge 2009).

3.4 Methanogenesis

Finally, methanogenic organisms consume the acetate, hydrogen, and some of the
carbon dioxide to produce methane using the by-products produced from
Acetogenesis and partly Acidogenesis. A comparison of the free energetics of
hydrolysis of ATP (−31.8 kJ/mol) and those of methane formation from the sub-
strates hydrogen and carbon dioxide, formate, methanol, methylamines, carbon
monoxide and acetate leads to the conclusion that only small amounts of energy is
available to these organisms (Surakasi et al. 2007). Most of these substrates contain
one carbon (Table 3). The methanogens are classified based on their substrates as
acetotrophic which uses acetate as substrate, hydrogenotrophic which uses H2/CO2
as a substrate, and methylotrophic which uses methyle group as a substrate.
Methanogenesis has not been observed with complex organic matters. Methanogens
cannot degrade more complex molecules such as glucose since it requires a complex
and specialized metabolic machinery that is lacking in methanogens (Zinder 1993).
Acetate is one of the most important substrates for methanogenic Archaea, because
over 70 % of biomethane comes from processing of acetic acid which will be
processed to methane and carbon dioxide. The Methanogenic Archaea include
Methanobacterium, Methanobacillus, Methanococcus and Methanosarcina.
Methanosarcina spp., Methanothrix spp and Methanosaeta are considered to be
important in AD both as acetate and H2/CO2 consumers.
Methanoculleus thermophilicus is dominant hydrogenotrophic Archaea that uses
four moles of H2 and one mole of CO2 to form one mole of CH4. Methanosarcina

Table 3 Stoichemoetric reactions of methanogenic Archaea

Reaction DG0′ (KJ/molCH4)
4 H2 + CO2 ! CH4 + 2H2O −35.6
4 Formate ! CH4 + 3CO2 + 2H2O −130.1
Methanol + H2 ! CH4 + H2O −112.5
4 Methanol ! 3CH4 + CO2 + 2H2O −104.9
4 Methylamine + 2H2O ! CH4 + CO2 + 4NH4+ −75.0
4 Trimethylamine + 6H2O ! 9CH4 + 3CO2 + 4NH4+ −74.3
2 Dimethylsulphide + 2H2O ! 3CH4 + CO2 + H2S −73.8
2 Dimethylamine + 2H2O ! 3CH4 + CO2 + 2NH4+ −73.2
4 2-Propanol + CO2 ! CH4 + 4 Acetone + 2H2O −36.5
Acetate ! CH4 + CO2 −31.0
140 S.V. Prasad and K.K. Meher

and Methanobacteriales are postulated to be the dominant hydrogenotrophic

methanogens at both mesophilic and thermophilic conditions of organic waste,
because of the low sludge retention time of 3–5 days, compared to conventional
anaerobic digesters, which have a SRT of about of 20–30 days (Appels et al. 2008).
From the above stoichiometric reactions it can be seen that theoretically the
biogas produced would contain 50 % methane and 50 % carbon dioxide. However,
acetogenesis typically produces some amount of hydrogen, and for every four
moles of hydrogen consumed by hydrogenotrophic methanogens a mole of carbon
dioxide is converted to one mole of methane. Substrates other than sugar, such as
fats and proteins, can yield larger amounts of hydrogen leading to higher typical
methane content for these substrates. Furthermore, hydrogen and acetate can be
biochemical substrates for a number of other products as well. Therefore, the
overall biogas yield and methane content will vary for different substrates, bio-
logical consortia and digester conditions. Typically, the methane content of biogas
ranges from 50–70 %.

3.5 Allied Microbiological Conversions

Several microbiological communities with specialized biochemical reactions find

their substrate and thus niche, which plays an important role in the complete
degradation of feed that come from the pre-treated solid waste. These biochemical
reactions may co-exist with basic methanogenesis processes or can be separated
depending on the characteristics of the effluent for ex:anammox reaction can be
separated from methanogenesis in a dedicated digester where the /N ration of the
effluent is low. Many of the allied biochemical reactions are discussed below.

3.5.1 Sulphate Reduction

Micro-organisms (most frequently bacteria) are often integrally involved in the

chemical alteration of minerals. The dissolution of sulphide minerals under acidic
conditions, the precipitation of minerals under anaerobic conditions, the adsorption
of metals by bacteria and the formation and destruction of organo-metallic com-
plexes are all examples of indirect micro-organism participation. Where minerals
are available as soluble trace elements, they serve as specific oxidizing substrates or
are electron donors/acceptors in oxidation-reduction reactions and they may be
directly involved in cell metabolic activity.
Reduction of sulphate ions to hydrogen sulphide is effected by specialized strictly
anaerobic bacteria of the genera Desulfovibrio and Desulfotomaculum.
Sulphate-reducing bacteria are physiologically and phylogenetically highly diverse
(Castro et al. 2000); they oxidize a wide variety of low-molecular weight compounds
(short-chain fatty acids, alcohols, alkanes, aromatic compounds, acetate) to CO2. In
natural systems the specific requirement of SRB, i.e., the low molecular weight
Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste … 141

compounds, is met by the fermentative activity of other anaerobic bacteria on

complex organic substrates. Sulphate behaves as an alternative electron acceptor to
support anaerobic respiration. Sulphate reducing bacteria convert sulphate (SO42−)
or sulphite (SO32−) to sulphide (S2−). This is the major natural process for the
conversion of sulphate ion. The substrates are either partially oxidized for ex: to
acetate or fully oxidized to carbon dioxide. The formation of biogenic sulphide is the
first step in biotechnological processes directed at the removal and recovery of
sulphur or heavy metals. Lactate is used by the SRB during anaerobic respiration to
produce acetate (Cork and Cusanovich 1979).


4 ¼ 2CH3 COO þ 2HCO3 þ H2 S

3.5.2 Dissimilative Sulphate Reduction Process

Sulphate is activated by reaction with ATP, forming adenosine phosphosulphate

4 þ ATP ! APS þ Ppi

Hydrogenase splits molecular hydrogen, and the electrons contained therein are
used to reduce the sulphur atom of APS, releasing sulphite (SO32−). This reaction
involves an intermediate electron carrier, cytochrome c3.

APS þ H2 ! SO2
3 þ AMP þ H2 O

Using more electrons derived from molecular hydrogen, sulphite is reduced to

hydrogen sulphide:
3 þ 6 H
SO2 þ 6 e ! H2 S þ H2 O þ 2 OH

3.5.3 Nitrate Reduction

In anaerobic environments denitrification is the key dissimilative pathway for

nitrate reduction. Denitrifying bacteria metabolize nitrogenous compounds with the
assistance of the molybdenum-containing enzyme, nitrate reductase, in the reverse
way that nitrifying bacteria does: they turn nitrogen oxides (NO2 and NO3) back
into nitrogen gas or nitrous oxides (N2, N2O, or NO) for energy generation. These
gases then volatize, and return back into the atmosphere.

3 ! NO2 ! NO ! N2 O ! N2 gas

The enzyme nitrate reductase is synthesized only when O2 is repressed, anoxic

conditions are obligatory for most denitrifying bacteria.
142 S.V. Prasad and K.K. Meher

Dissimilative denitrification is desirable in sewage treatment and in bioremedi-

ation as it aids in converting organic nitrogen to clean nitrogen gas that escapes
to the atmosphere. This method allows for very clean disposal of nitrogenous

3.5.4 Anammox Process

Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox), is an important microbial process of

the nitrogen cycle (Arrigo 2005). In this biological process, nitrite and ammonium
are converted directly into dinitrogen gas (Reimann and Keltjens 2015) and is used
for the removal of nitrogen from ammonia rich (>50 mg/lit) wastewater streams
originating from municipal, industrial, agricultural activities. Nevertheless, oxygen
is still required for the production of nitrite by ammonia-oxiding bacteria. However,
in partial nitrification/anammox systems, oxygen demand is greatly reduced
because only half of the ammonium needs to be oxidized to nitrite instead of full
conversion to nitrate. The autotrophic nature of anammox bacteria and ammonia-
oxidizing bacteria guarantee a low yield and thus less sludge production (Hu et al.
2013). Additionally, anammox bacteria easily form stable self-aggregated biofilm
(granules) allowing reliable operation of compact systems characterized by high
biomass concentration and conversion rate up to 5–10 kg N m−3 (von Loosdrecht
2008). Overall, it has been shown that efficient application of the anammox process
in wastewater treatment results in a cost reduction of up to 60 % (Siegrist et al.
2008; van Dongen et al. 2001) as well as lower CO2 emissions.
Anammox is a combination of two separate treatment steps: a partial nitrification
process (Sharon) followed by Anammox. About 50 % of the ammonium is con-
verted to nitrite in the Sharon process. This conversion takes place in a single,
completely mixed reactor without biomass retention at average process tempera-
tures between 30 and 40 °C and retention times of 1–2 days.

NH4þ þ HCO  þ
3 þ 0:75 O2 ! 0:5 NO2 þ 0:5 NH4 þ CO2 þ 1:5 H2 O

To ensure that only 50 % of the ammonium is converted to nitrite, the oxygen

supply is limited. The reactor will be operated either under alternating oxic and
anoxic conditions, or continuously with limited oxygen supply. In the latter case,
oxygen consumption by the nitrifying organisms will also generate the anoxic
process conditions required for the second treatment step—the Anammox process.
The ammonium-nitrite mixture produced in the Sharon process is converted
under anoxic conditions to nitrogen gas with ammonium as electron donor. The
conversion of ammonium and nitrite to nitrogen gas is described by the following
Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste … 143

2 þ NH4 ¼ N2 þ 2 H2 O

The bacteria catalysing the reaction are autotrophic and facilitate the conversion
without the use of COD or the addition of external carbon sources.
Bacteria that perform the anammox process belong to the phylum
Planctomycetes. Currently, five anammox genera have been discovered: Brocadia,
Kuenenia, Anammoxoglobus, Jettenia (all fresh water species), and Scalindua
(marine species) (Jetten et al. 2009).

3.5.5 Iron Reduction

Ferric iron, Fe (III) is one of the important electron acceptor for micro-organisms in
the AD of solid waste. The iron metal is one of the most abundant and potential
electron acceptor for organic matter decomposition. Further it is becoming
increasingly apparent that microbial metal reduction may be manipulated to aid in
the remediation of polluted environments and waste streams contaminated with
metals and certain organics.
A great diversity of micro-organisms can metabolize sugars or amino acids with
Fe (III) reduction; however it is a trivial side reaction in the metabolism of these
organisms. The primary products of the metabolism of the fermentative Fe (III)-
reducing micro-organisms are typical fermentation acids, alcohols, and H2.
Micro-organisms that can completely oxidize sugars and amino acids to carbon
dioxide with Fe (III) as the sole electron acceptor are unknown.

Acetate þ 8 Fe ðIIIÞ þ 4 H2 O ! 2 HCO

3 þ 8 FeðIIÞ þ 9 H

Desulphuromonas acetoxidan is known primarily for its unique ability to couple

the oxidation of acetate to the reduction of Sulphate. However D. acetoxidans can
also oxidize acetate with Fe (III) as the electron acceptor. Formate is oxidized to
carbon dioxide whereas lactate and pyruvate are incompletely oxidized to car-
bondioxide and acetate:

formate þ 2 Fe ðIIIÞ þ H2 O ! H CO

3 þ 2 FeðIIÞ þ 2 H

lactate þ 4 Fe ðIIIÞ þ 2 H2 O ! acetate þ HCO
3 þ 4 FeðIIÞ þ 5 H
pyruvate þ 2 Fe ðIIIÞ þ 2 H2 O ! acetate þ HCO3 þ 2FeðIIÞ þ 3 H þ :

Formate oxidation coupled to Fe (III) reduction is a potentially important process

in anaerobic environments if formate replaces H2 as an important fermentation
product in Fe (III)-reducing environments.
Several Desulfovibrio species also oxidize H2 with the reduction of Fe (III) at
rates comparable to those observed with other Fe (III) reducers, but no net cell
144 S.V. Prasad and K.K. Meher

growth occurs. The minimum threshold for H2 uptake in D. desulphuricans is lower

with Fe (III) serving as the electron acceptor than with sulphate, suggesting that
under conditions of limiting electron donor availability, Desulfovibrio species will
preferentially reduce Fe (III). A wide variety of monoaromatic compounds can be
completely oxidized to carbon dioxide with Fe (III) serving as the sole electron
acceptor G. metallireducens is the only aromatic-oxidizing, Fe (III)-reducing
organism. Contaminants such as toluene, p-cresol, and phenol are the aromatics
oxidized by G. metallireducens.
Long-chain fatty acids are another important component of organic matter that is
metabolized in ADs. Enrichment cultures that can oxidize long-chain fatty acids
have been established, but no isolates have been purified and the pathways for
oxidation of long-chain fatty acids in Fe (III)-reducing environments have not been
elucidated. In acidic conditions of AD, elemental sulphur can serve as an electron
donor for Fe (III) reduction. Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, Thiobacillus thiooxidans,
and the thermophile, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, reduce Fe (III) by the following

S0 þ 6 Fe ðIIIÞ þ 4 H2 O ! HSO4 þ 6 Fe ðIIÞ þ 7 H þ :

Initial studies indicated that neither T. thiooxidans nor T. ferrooxidans could

conserve energy to support growth from this reaction. The S. acidocaldarius can
reduce the Fe (III) at thermophilic conditions (Gold 1992).

4 Operating Parameters in AD Process

The growth rate of the microorganisms is of paramount importance in the AD

process. A variety of factors affect the rate of digestion and biogas production.
Design of the AD is one of the important factors that influence the complete
degradation of solid wastes. Dry and wet type of anaerobic reactors have been
employed for anaerobic decomposition of different types of organic substrates.
Karthikeyan and Viswanathan (2013) reviewed the applicability of dry and wet type
ADs for different types of organic substrates with merits and demerits. The oper-
ating parameters of the digester must be controlled so as to enhance the microbial
activity and thus increase the anaerobic degradation efficiency of the system. Some
of these parameters are discussed below.

4.1 Temperature

It is the most important one. Anaerobic bacterial communities can endure tem-
peratures ranging from below freezing to above 57.2 °C, but they thrive best at
mesophilic temperatures of about 36 °C and thermophilic 55 °C. Bacterial activity
Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste … 145

and thus the biogas production falls off significantly between mesophilic and
thermophilic temperature ranges and gradually from 35 to 0 °C. Although digesters
operated in the mesophilic range must be larger to accommodate a longer period of
decomposition within the reactor (residence time), the process is less sensitive to
any changes in operating conditions. To optimize the digestion process, the digester
must be kept at a consistent temperature, as rapid changes will upset bacterial

4.2 pH

Anaerobic bacteria, especially the methanogens, are sensitive to the acid concen-
tration within the digester and their growth can be inhibited by acidic conditions.
An optimum pH value for AD lies between 6.5 and 8.0. During digestion, the two
processes of acidification and methanogenesis require different pH levels i.e. 4.0–
6.0 and 6.5–8.0 for optimal process control. The retention time of the digestate
affects the pH value and in a batch reactor acetogenesis occurs at a rapid pace.
Acetogenesis can lead to accumulation of large amounts of organic acids resulting
in pH below 5. Excessive generation of acid inhibit methanogens. The pH reduction
can be controlled by the addition of lime or by recycled filtrate obtained during
residue treatment. In fact, the use of recycled filtrate can even eliminate the lime
requirement. As digestion reaches the methanogenesis stage, the concentration of
ammonia increases and the pH value can increase to above 8. Once methane
production is stabilized, the pH level stays between 7.0 and 7.5.

4.3 Waste Composition

The wastes treated by AD may comprise a biodegradable organic fraction, and an

inert combustible fraction. The biodegradable organic fraction includes kitchen
scraps, food residue, and grass etc. The combustible fraction includes slowly
degrading lignocellulosic organic matter. Finally, the inert fraction contains stones,
glass, sand, metal, etc. The removal of the inert fraction prior to digestion is
important. The volatile solids (VS) in organic wastes are measured as total solids
minus the ash content, obtained by complete combustion of the feed wastes. The
volatile solids comprise the biodegradable volatile solids (BVS) fraction and the
refractory volatile solids (RVS). The knowledge of the quantity of BVS fraction in
waste helps in better estimation of the biodegradability of waste, biogas generation,
organic loading rate and C/N ratio. Waste with high VS and low non-biodegradable
matter, or RVS, is best suited to AD treatment. The composition of wastes affects
the yield and biogas quality as well as the compost quality.
146 S.V. Prasad and K.K. Meher

4.4 C/N Ratio

The relationship between the amount of carbon and nitrogen present in organic
materials is represented by the C/N ratio. A C/N ratio of 20/1 to 30/1 is best. A high
C/N ratio is an indication of rapid consumption of nitrogen by methanogens and
results in lower gas production. On the other hand, a lower C/N ratio causes
ammonia accumulation and an increase in pH values exceeding 8.5, which is toxic
to methanogenic Archaea. Optimum C/N ratios of the digester materials can be
achieved by mixing materials of high and low C/N ratios, such as organic SW
mixed with sewage or animal manure.

4.5 Organic Loading Rate

Organic loading rate (OLR) is a measure of the biological conversion capacity of

the AD system. Charging the system above its sustainable OLR, results in low
biogas yield due to accumulation of inhibiting substances such as fatty acids in the
digester slurry. In such a case, the feeding rate to the system must be reduced. OLR
is a particularly important control parameter in continuous systems. Many plants
have reported system failures due to overloading (Varma 2002). A general obser-
vation is that OLR is double that in high solids than low solids systems.

4.6 Residence Time

The required residence time for completion of the AD varies with differing tech-
nologies, process temperature, and waste composition. The residence time for
wastes treated in mesophillic digester range from 15 to 40 days. Lower residence
times are required in digesters operated in the thermophilic range. A high solids
reactor operating in the thermophilic range has a residence time of 14 days
(Personal Communication with M. Lakos, May 2001).

4.7 Mixing

The kind of mixing equipment and amount of mixing varies with the type of reactor
and the solids content in the digester. The purpose of mixing in a digester is to
blend the fresh material with digestate containing microbes. Furthermore, mixing
prevents scum formation and avoids temperature gradients within the digester and
release the trapped biogas in the deep layers of digestate. However excessive
mixing can disrupt the microbes and their activity so slow mixing is preferred.
Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste … 147

5 Molecular Biology of Anaerobic Digestion

A diverse number of Bacteria and Archaea take part in the hydrolysis and fer-
mentation steps of AD. The oxidation of intermediate fermentation products to
acetate is performed by either hydrogen- or formate-producing acetogens (Stams
and Plugge 2009), and in methane formation by methanogenic Archaea. In this
degradation chain a balanced interaction among the microbial population is crucial
for the continuous transformation of the intermediates formed and subsequent
biogas production. However, the roles and interactions of specific microorganisms
within the biogas-producing communities are very complex (Levén et al. 2007;
Cheon et al. 2008; Lee et al. 2008). A deeper understanding of the microbial
community structure and functional dynamics of AD is therefore vital to improve
process performance.

5.1 Analysis of Microbial Community Structure

Use of culture-dependent techniques helped in identifying key populations capable

of carrying out specific metabolic processes in anaerobic digestion. However,
majority of microorganism in these systems have not been cultured in the laboratory
(Amann et al. 1995). Our understanding of the microbial community and meta-
bolism of anaerobic digester remain incomplete if restricted to culture dependent
techniques. Moreover, a complex microbial web can exhibit characteristics that
each of its component organism do not have when studied in isolation. Over the last
one and half decades the application of culture-independent methods to anaerobic
digesters together with other techniques such as imaging, isotope labeling and
chemical analyses have provided insight into community composition and function
of dominant population. In the recent past several marker genes have been
employed to study the community structure. Advancements of molecular biology
techniques, helped in linking of these community structure with their metabolic
attributes have also been achieved.
Molecular tools have also improved our understanding of how feed stock,
reactor configuration and operational conditions influence microbial community
structure and dynamics (Talbot et al. 2008; Warner et al. 2011; Sundberg et al.
2013; Li et al. 2013).

5.2 The Marker Genes

5.2.1 16S rDNA Analysis

Since the Woesien revolution, the 16S rDNA has become a major tool for microbial
ecological studies (Whitman et al. 2001). Norma Pace and his colleagues developed
148 S.V. Prasad and K.K. Meher

a technique to retrieve rRNA gene sequences and identify organisms in natural

habitats without the need for cultivating them (Pace 1997; Hugenholtz et al. 1998).
Universal distribution and regions with various degrees of sequence conservation of
16S rRNA gene made it a good taxonomic tool. Several AD microbial community
studies that include, cloning and sequencing of 16S rRNA gene have been reported
(Wani et al. 2006; Surakasi et al. 2007; McHugh et al. 2003; Cheon et al. 2008;
Klocke et al. 2008). There are variations in the gene sequence from Bacteria and
Archaea, hence kingdom 16S rRNA gene stands very handy marker to establish the
overall community of the AD. However, requires other specific marker genes to
understand the functional attributes of the microbes present in the AD.

5.2.2 McrA

Methanogenesis requires reduction of the methyl group of methyl-coenzyme M to

CH4 by the enzyme methyl-coenzyme M reductase (MCR), involving a
nickel-containing factor F430 (Pramanik and Kim 2013). All known genomes of
the methanogenic archaea encode at least one copy of the mcrBDCGA operon,
which is composed of two alpha (mcrA), beta (mcrB), and gamma (mcrG) subunits
(Luo et al. 2002). Therefore, the presence of this enzyme is a reliable diagnostic
indicator of methanogenesis in diverse environments (Reeve et al. 1997; Luton
et al. 2002; Steinberg and Regan 2009; Palacio-Molina et al. 2013). Strategies can
be developed by combine the analysis of differential gene expression of mcr alpha
sub unit and the traditional approaches to monitor the performance of bio-digesters
on real time basis. Several studies have established that the presence and tran-
scription of the gene for the alpha sub-unit of MCR (mcrA) can be used to detect the
presence, abundance and/or activity of methanogens in natural and engineered
environments (Springer et al. 1995; Luton et al. 2002; Juottonen et al. 2008;
Gagnon et al. 2011; Kampmann et al. 2012). Several studies demonstrated that the
methane flux correlated with the abundance of mcrA in AD (Freitag and Prosser
2009; Freitag et al. 2010; Traversi et al. 2012).

5.2.3 Pct

Syntrophic acetogenic bacteria are an important guild because they are essential for
maintaining efficient and stable AD operation. However, this guild is poorly
understood due to difficulties to culture them in a pure form. Syntrophic acetoge-
nesis is an important step responsible for converting a number of acidogenesis
products, including propionate, butyrate, isopropionate, isobutyrate, valerate, iso-
valerate, and ethanol to the substrates of methanogenesis, i.e., acetate, H2, and CO2.
The oxidation of propionate in syntrophy is particularly important because nearly
30 % of the electrons generated from complex substrates flow through propionate
during AD. Propionate-CoA transferase gene (pct) is one that is used to investigate
syntrophic acetogenic bacterial diversity and distribution (Li et al. 2013).
Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste … 149

5.2.4 Other Marker Genes

Apart from the 16S rDNA many other genes were also used to find the different
metabolic groups in different habitats. Functional genes as phylogenetic markers
have several advantages because they not only support interpretation of the phy-
logenetic diversity but also enable detailed studies of particular microbial guilds,
such as sulfate-reducing bacteria, nitrogen fixing bacteria etc. with respect to their
distribution, population dynamics, and in situ metabolic activities.
The fhs gene and the acsB gene, which encode the formyl-tetrahydrofolate
synthetase and the acetyl-CoA synthase, respectively, of the homoacetogenesis
pathway, have also been proved as useful markers in investigating homoacetogen-
esis in anaerobic environment (Leaphart and Lovell 2001; Gagen et al. 2010). The
gene that codes for subunit of the dinitrogenase (nif genes) was used to estimate
abundances of N2-fixing bacteria (Ueda and Carmichael 1995). Methane mono-
oxygenase and methanol dehydrogenase genes were used to analyze methanotrophic
communities (Khmelenina et al. 2000). Dissimilatory sulfate reductase coding genes
were used to analyze the sulfate reducing bacterial populations. Several other protein
coding genes also were used for phylogenetic analysis of prokaryotes, For example;
rpoB which encodes the b subunit of RNA polymerase (Peixoto et al. 2002; Dahllof
et al. 2000), recA which encodes the DNA repair protein RecA (Marechal et al.
2000), and gyrB the structural gene for the b subunit of DNA gyrase (Yamamoto
et al. 1999) etc. A reduced expression of mcrA gene is associated with high VFA
concentration and lower pH values, gradually resulting in poor methane concen-
tration in the biogas which also indicates a possible dominance of SRB over
methangens. Similarly a low propionate-CoA transferase gene (pct) count indicates
poor acetogenesis which may result in accumulation of VFA. The diagnosis will
help to sense the coming disturbances in the digestion so the necessary measure can
be implemented to avoid the sickening of AD.

5.3 Molecular Techniques in Microbial Community


Having identified several nucleic acid probes, several advancements have been
evolved to study the microbial communities, their metabolic activities and syn-
trophic associations which helps to smooth running of the AD.

5.3.1 Cloning/Shotgun Cloning Methods

Restriction fragmented community DNA can be shotgun-cloned into lambda bac-

teriophages (or into bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) vectors which are able to
“hold” larger size fragments), and then screened for the presence of rRNA genes.
150 S.V. Prasad and K.K. Meher

The advantage of such libraries is that they are also sources of genes other than
those encoding for rRNA. This is a laborious procedure, as rRNA genes will only
constitute a small fraction of the total clones requiring screening of thousands of
The simplest way to obtain phylotypes from the environment is through the use
of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (Saiki et al. 1988). The DNA is extracted
form a mixed microbial population, and primers directed at universally conserved
regions of the 16S rRNA gene. The resulting population of rDNA are then cloned
and sequenced. The different 16S rDNA clones can be analyzed phylogenetically
by comparison to the databases of the known 16S rRNA genes (Surakasi et al.
2007; Wani et al. 2006). Thus a semi-quantitative census or community analysis of
the organisms present in a habitat can be obtained without culturing them. Use of
such methodology is quite common in present day ecological studies. However,
there are biases in every step of the procedure. For example: an organism from
which DNA is not extracted by the procedure will not be included in the census
(Suzuki et al. 1998). So care must be taken.
The reverse transcriptase utilizes universal or group-specific primers to make
single-stranded DNA that is complementary to rRNA, and then PCR is used to
make duplex ribosomal DNA for cloning. The resulting community profile will
offer some reflection of the most metabolically active organisms, because cells that
produce more RNA (i.e. those that are metabolically more active) will be repre-
sented to a greater extent in the clone library than metabolically inactive cells.

5.3.2 Electrophoresis Techniques

The polymorphism in the community genes specific to either 16S rDNA or any
functional genes can be identified via gel electrophoresis. The genes amplified
using specific primers can be digested using the restriction enzymes and can be
anylyzed using electrophoresis, which is called restriction fragment length poly-
morphism (RFLP) (Surakasi et al. 2007). Such methods will give preliminary
insights on the complexity of the community. Denaturant gradient gel elec-
trophoresis (DGGE) is another method that is widely used to analyze the specifi-
cally amplified genes. It is based on the differing mobility on a gel of denatured
DNA-fragments of the same size but with different nucleic acid sequences, thus
generating band patterns that directly reflect the genetic biodiversity of the sample.
The number of bands corresponds to the number of dominant species. The most
important application of DGGE is monitoring dynamic changes in microbial
communities, especially when many samples have to be processed. There are
multiple applications of DGGE related to anaerobic digestion processes: studies on
mesophilic and thermophilic reactors (Lapara et al. 2000), urban solid waste (Silvey
et al. 2000), communities in a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) (Ueno et al.
2001) etc. An alternative approach is the generation of Single Strand Conformation
Polymorphism (SSCP) patterns; a technique that has been employed to study
Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste … 151

anaerobic digesters both on laboratory- and industrial scales (Bouallagui et al. 2004;
Delbès et al. 2001). However these techniques are low throughput methods, hence
the coverage of microbial community will be limited.

5.3.3 Metagenomics

The more recent development of ‘next-generation sequencing’ (eg: Roche 454 and
Illumina sequencing platforms) has made it possible to efficiently deep-sequence
microbial communities in complex biological samples without the time-consuming
cloning procedure. The technique has so far been used for the sequencing of
metagenomes from a number of biogas reactors (Schlüter et al. 2008; Werner et al.
2011; Lee et al. 2012). However this technology suffers from several limitations
such as homo-polymers errors which lead to over estimation of number of phylo-
types. (Carvalhais et al. 2012; Reeder and Knight 2009). Pyrosequencing tech-
niques is limited to genus level identification due to its limitations in the base read
length of the 16S rRNA gene (250–500 bp). The Illumina MiSeq platform is
becoming increasingly popular for 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing because it
can generate longer paired end reads and up to ten times more sequences per run
(Caporaso et al. 2012). However, complexity of the whole community will be huge.

5.3.4 Metatranscriptomics

Traditionally microbial community gene expression has been screened on micro-

arrays which are time consuming and expensive to build, but cannot detect novel
genes as the data set is designed based on the known gene sets (Mutz et al. 2012).
Metatranscriptomics involves the sequencing of the reverse transcribed mRNA
extracted from a microbial community and provides a way to measure in situ gene
expression (Su et al. 2011). The method can detect novel genes also. This method
avoids the level of complexity seen in the metagenomics by focusing only on active
participants in the AD.

5.3.5 Metaproteomics

Metaproteomics is the characterization of expressed proteins during the anaerobic

digestion. In metaproteomics, proteins are extracted from a mixed microbial
community sample, followed by fractionation, separate using liquid chromatogra-
phy and detection with tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) (Langley et al. 2012).
Metaproteomics can be used to identify the distribution of metabolic activities
among a community and how populations cooperate or compete (Hettich et al.
2013). A combined metagenomics and metaproteomics study revealed that the
population of methanogens was a very minor percentage of total community in the
152 S.V. Prasad and K.K. Meher

metagenomic data, while metaproteomics data showed that key enzymes of

methanogenesis were highly expressed.

5.3.6 Metabolomics

Metabolomics is analysis of quantitative and qualitative measure of all low

molecular weight molecules involved in metabolic reactions those participate in
growth and natural function of microbial community. Metabolic fluxes are not
regulated by gene expression alone since one transcript can direct the production of
multiple proteins, post-translational modifications can alter the location and func-
tion of proteins, and the chemical environment can effect protein function.

5.3.7 Microscopic Methods


The meta-omics approach provides direct evidence to link microbial community to

specific metabolic processes. However, approaches that allow us to measure sub-
strate uptake by specific populations and visualize the spatial organization of the
community further enhance our understanding of the processes. Fluorescence in situ
hybridization (FISH) is widely applied in diverse and complex microbial systems.
Micro-autoradiography (MAR) is one technique that uses radioactive isotopes to
study the in situ uptake of specific substrates (Talbot et al. 2008; Okabe et al. 2004).
While revolutionary methodologies have evolved in the recent past, diagnostic
methodologies, however, need to be transformed to simple tools and techniques to
aid the rapid analysis of microbial diversity of ADs at low cost.

6 Anaerobic Digestion Technology in Solid Waste

Management and Economics

Many factors affect the performance of an anaerobic digester such as feed stock,
reactor design, operational conditions and substrate utilization etc. Characterization
of solid waste and perfect pre-treatment of the feed stock is most important step in
the AD. An optimal designing of anaerobic digester is possible only after thorough
understanding of the feed stock nature. Designing of anaerobic digester and oper-
ational conditions together play in important role in the fine functioning of AD.
Substrate utilization by a balanced microbial population is up most importance for
any anaerobic digester. Though there are several studies explains the microbial
community of the digester, maintaining these communities in a right combination
even during the shock loads is challenging. Several microbes those found in the
Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste … 153

digester could not be cultured in the laboratory, since most of the microbes grow in
syntrophy or by depending on the metabolite of the other Bacteria. However,
commercial supply of such microbial cultures that bioaugment the digester will
greatly reduce the startup times and accepts the shock loads. Here we discuss two
case studies where the solid waste has been successfully treated in the anaerobic
digester with economic benefits.

6.1 Case Study-1

SW from vegetable oil industry: De-oiled castor cake biomethantion: India pro-
duces a number of non-edible oil seeds such as zetropa, neem, mahua, sal, karanj
and castor etc. Oils are extracted from these seeds by crushing or by solvent
extraction. These oils are not edible due to the presence of toxic alkaloids but are
used in manufacturing lubricants, paints and soaps. Some of these oils are used in
making biodiesel. After oil extraction about 70–80 % of the seed remains as
de-oiled cake. These de-oiled cakes contain about 5–8 % of residual oil and are not
used as livestock feed due to the presence of toxic substances. At present it is used
as manure due to its NPK value in horticultural crops or burnt directly as fuel in
boilers. The cake has a calorific value comparable to other fuels because of the
presence of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
In the present case, AD of de-oiled castor cake is studied for the techno-
economic feasibility. Castor is grown worldwide as a cash crop. Global castor seed
production is around 1.4 million tons per year. India is the major castor seed
producer with 0.6 MT per annum. Almost all the seed is used for oil extraction. This
result in the generation of about 0.4 Mt of de-oiled cake. The chemical analysis of
de-oiled cakes has 94–96 % TS of that 91 % are VS indicating rich organic matter.
The cakes are composed of good amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fat.
Pilot-scale: These studies were conducted in a 1 m3 size fixed dome digester
made with PVC material. The active culture volume of the digester was 800 L and
the rest was head space for gas collection. The feed pipe was provided from the top
portion of the digester and submerged about 0.7 m into the digesting slurry. An
effluent pipe was provided on the side wall of the digester; about 0.3 m from the
digester top portion, care was taken that air will not enter through this into the
digester while effluent is drained out. About 40 L of effluent were drained once a
day through the effluent pipe after closing the gas valve on the digester. Then equal
volume of the feed slurry was fed into the digester along with the specially enriched
microbial consortia that can bioaugment in the system rapidly. Feeding was done
mechanically, after feeding gas valve was opened. Feed preparation, feeding and
re-circulation carried out using a 0.5 HP motor and valves (1, 2, 3 and 4) on the
pipes. The digester slurry was recirculated for 5 min every 12 h to mix the digester
contents. Biogas produced was measured using a wet type gas flow meter. Feed
slurry was prepared in a separate feed tank mixed thoroughly with the help of pump
154 S.V. Prasad and K.K. Meher

for about 10 min and then fed to the digester. The pilot trials were conducted for
about 6 months. The results given in the table are an average of 15 days after
digester stabilization.
De-oiled cakes come in the form of flakes. Daily feed material was soaked in
water for 12 h. Before feeding it to the digester, it was mixed thoroughly with the
pump for about 10 min resulting in a homogeneous feed slurry.
The plant was operated in semi-batch mode at a 20 day HRT with 4.5 % TS
(*2 kg castor cake/day) in feed slurry. The results obtained in pilot-scale trials
(Table 4) are in conformity with lab-scale studies.
The digester effluents and dried digested sludge are very good organic manures.
Digested effluents consists of N, P, K (0.13, 0.25 and 0.17 %) and micronutrients
(Cu-0.02 %, Zn-0.24 %, Mn-0.05 %, Fe-0.65 %, Mg-0.24 %). Due to the dis-
solved state, the nutrients are readily absorbed by the roots. Whereas the NPK value
of the digested sludge was 1.95, 0.29 and 0.13 %. Horticultural studies showed that
the effluent and digested sludge were more effective fertilisers than the castor cake.
Techno-economic feasibility of castor cake biomethanation over a 6 months
study period; expenditure considered geed material.
Total castor cake used: 360 kg.
Cost of castor cake: 10  360 = 60 USD.
Value of Biogas
Biogas produced: 163 m3.
1 m3 of biogas with 70 % methane: 0.55 kg LPG Biogas produced (163 m3) =
89.65 kg LPG
Value of biogas produced as LPG = 245 USD.
Manure value: recoverable digested sludge after drying is about 125 kg only
@ of 0.5 USD/kg of dried digested sludge. Dry solid manure value is 10 USD
Recoverable liquid effluent (6 months) 5000; L the value is about 40 USD
@Rs. 0.5/lit value of liquid manure is Rs. 2500/- (Table 5).

Table 4 Performance of pilot-scale plant

S. No. Particulars Data
1 Biogas production(L/day) 817
2 Biogas yield (L/kg/day) 453
3 Methane content (%V/V) 70
4 Gas production rate (L/L/day) 1.0
5 Total solids degradation (W/W) 72.8
6 Volatile solids degradation (W/W) 79.5
7 Influent slurry pH 4.5
8 Effluent slurry pH 7.6 ± 0.2
9 Effluent VFA (mg/L) *2614–3200
10 Temperature (°C) Room temperature 30 ± 1
Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste … 155

Table 5 Economics of castor cake biomethanation with respect to LPG

S. No. Input cost (USD) Output cost (USD)
1 Cake 56 Value of biogas—as LPG replacement 245
2 Water 16 Value of solid manure 8
3 Electricity 3.4 Value of effluent 40
4 Manpower 100
5 Maintenance 24
Total 183.4 293

Profit = 293 − 183.4 = 110 USD/6 months and 220 USD/year.

Pilot-plant cost
Digester 1 m3 = 64.5 USD; Feed tank 0.25 m3 = 16 USD
Piping = 8 USD
0.5 HP motor = 48.4 USD 000/-
Valves = 16 USD
Others = 8 USD
Total = 160 USD
Payback period is about 10 months.
A 225 m3 pilot scale biogas plant on castor cake was erected. The plant is in
operation successfully since 2010 and is being managed by M/s. Green Leaf
Technologies Ltd. Pune which has obtained the sub-license for commercialization
purpose. Biogas produced was used for thermal application as a fuel in the boiler in
place of diesel. Biogas replaced nearly 200 L of diesel required daily for boiler
The performance of the industrial-scale digester is given below:
• Rate of gas production (v/v): 1:1
• Biogas yield (L/kg): 425–450
• Biogas calorific value: 7500 kcal/ m3
• Methane %: 77 %.
The industrial-scale biogas plant was arranged in clusters of 10 m3 size and
maintained the conditions as mentioned in the pilot-scale plant. Biogas yield was
425–450 L/kg of cake per day and methane content was 75–77 %. The calorific
value of the biogas produced was 7500 kcal/m3, whereas biogas produced with
Gobar is 4500 kcal/m3 of gas. This might be due to the higher methane percentage
in biogas produced with castor cake. The higher gas yields are due to high organic
solids content in the feed, whereas cattle dung is a predigested one hence its organic
content is lower than in oil cakes. The gas produced has replaced 200 L of diesel
156 S.V. Prasad and K.K. Meher

that was being used as furnace fuel prior to the biogas plant installation. Sludge is
about 25–30 % of the cake used per day and is separated dried and used as manure.

6.2 Case Study-2

Two stage anaerobic digestion of kitchen waste

Step-1 Food waste collection: Food waste (pre-cooked and cooked and left overs)
from kitchen, and dining areas was collected and brought to the biogas plant site
once in 24 h.
Step-2 Feed preparation: Food waste was screened for non-degradable material
and pre-treated (masticated in a feed crusher along with water) and made into a
homogeneous slurry. This automatically entered into the primary digester while
the food crusher is in operation. This operation is manual. The present system is
designed to handle 500 kg of food waste per day. Approximately 400–450 L of
water is used for 500 kg of food waste per day and it take about 2–3 h time.
Step-3 Primary digester: In this digester, the food waste in the form of slurry is
degraded by specially developed hydrolytic and acetogenic bacteria into volatile
fatty acids, alcohols, aldehydes, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. The pH of this
slurry is acidic to about 4–5. Here the HRT is 5 days.
Step-4 Stabilization pond: Digesting slurry from primary digester is sent to the
stabilization tank by gravity feed and is mixed with the digested slurry from
the secondary digester before feeding it to the secondary digester. The pH of the
slurry is about 6.5.
Step-5 Secondary digester: Neutralized and stabilized feed slurry from primary
digester is fed to the secondary digester using a submersible pump. The com-
mercial methanogenic consortia were applied to the digester and helped in the
rapid stabilization of the AD. The HRT of this digester is about 30 days.
Digested slurry from this digester flows out simultaneously when the feed slurry
is fed into it. A gas dome is placed on top portion of the secondary digester for
collecting the biogas produced. Biogas is collected into a gas balloon when the
gas dome is full with biogas.
Step-6 Gas balloon: The total capacity of this balloon is 20 m3. It is connected to
the biogas dome through a pipe. Excess biogas from gas dome was collected
into this balloon. This balloon is placed in a separate room. Total biogas storage
system is designed to accommodate total biogas produced from 500 kg of food
Step-7 Gas pressure tank: In order to provide sufficient gas pressure at the gas
stoves, biogas from the balloon is pumped into the pressure tank using a gas
blower. When sufficient pressure (*3 bar) is reached, the blower switches off.
Blower operation is based on the gas usage in the kitchen. Biogas is supplied to
the kitchen stoves using pipes.
Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste … 157

Economics of the food waste biogas plant:

• Plant design is to handle 500 kg of food waste/day
• 12.5 kg of kitchen waste = 1 m3 biogas (with 60 % methane)
• 500 kg of kitchen waste = 40 m3 of biogas
• 1 m3 biogas = 0.54 kg of LPG
• 40 m3 of biogas = 21.6 kg LPG
• 1 m3 biogas = 5500 kcal heat energy
• 40 m3 of biogas is equal to 21 kg LPG/day
• Value of 21 kg of LPG = Rs. 2100/day
• Daily 1000 L of digested effluent are obtained. It is good organic manure with
plant nutrients like micro and macro nutrients (NPK). This can be used for
growing plants and in agriculture.
• Total expected revenues from biogas plant per day = *Rs. 2100/-
• Monthly revenue: Rs. 63,000/-
• Per year:  Rs. 756,000/-
• Total monthly expenditure on biogas plant: Rs. 17,500/-
• Electricity: Rs. 1000/-
• Operator salary: Rs. 10,000/-
• Water: Rs. 1500/-
• Miscellaneous expenditure: Rs. 5000/-
• Net benefit: 63,000–17,500 = Rs. 45,500
• Per year: Rs. 546,000/- lakhs
• Payback period =  5 years.
• Project cost + interest @ 11 %/net benefit
• Rs. 20 lakh + interest @ 11 %/5.46 lakh.

7 Summary and Conclusion

Disposal of SW in open landfills pose major environmental and ecological problems

besides occupying a large area of land for their storage/disposal. Anaerobic digestion
is a sustainable treatment process for organic solid waste management. With a rapid
civilization of third world countries and globalization, SW management using
anaerobic digestion will become a mainstream technology in the near future. The
digested residue or sludge can be considered quite stable organic manure with a very
slow turnover of several decades for adequate soil conditioning. In this way the
natural imbalance in CO2 can be compensated by restoring or creating organic-rich
soils. The removal of CO2 constitutes another benefit that could help place AD
among the most sustainable technologies in the field of solid waste treatment.
Environment consciousness of the public is forcing many governments to look
for safe disposal and recycling of solid waste. The digestion of SW starts with
hydrolysis, fermentation and acedogensis, followed by acitogenesis and methano-
genesis with a great co-ordination among the different micorbial communities.
158 S.V. Prasad and K.K. Meher

However, the pre-treatment of the SW will greatly enhance the digestion of solid
waste. Culture-dependent methods for investigating the microbial community
structure has left us with limited knowledge. Culture-independent methods of
studying microbial communities in the AD has been simplified with the advent of
several molecular techniques such as, 16S rDNA and other gene markers for
phylogeny studies, electrophoresis methods for identification of polymorphism in
community genes, next generation sequencing for meta-omics studies, microscopy
techniques associated with molecular marker genes for investigating community
dynamics and qualitative PCR methods for finding the active microbial species in
the digester. The combination of molecular tools, such as DGGE, gene sequencing,
and FISH, with microbial activity tests seems to be essential for a better charac-
terization of anaerobic biomass present the AD. These techniques have helped us to
understand community dynamics, but needs simplification and regular usage while
running the digesters to pre-determine likely future imbalances of the microboal
population and to help take the necessary precautions. The commercial availability
of microbial populations is very much necessary to fortify the digester with, when
shock loads are expected to occur or for rapid bioaugmentation of the digester.
Since many of the microbes are obligate anaerobes, cultivation in the laboratory and
commercial availability are challenging.


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Recycling of Livestock Manure
into Bioenergy

Qigui Niu and Yu-You Li

Abstract The total amount of manure production increased fast in response to

rapidly increasing demand for livestock production, which poses a strong public
health threat due to the greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and leachates without
appropriate treatment. Anaerobic digestion is available technology for livestock
manure treatment with new business opportunities and benefits for the society, such
as bioenergy of CH4 and nutrients are extra income, odor and pathogens are
reduced and GHG emission are limited. The productions of chicken manure, cattle
manure and pig manure were introduced with evaluation of potential energy pro-
duction. The toxicity of ammonia/ammonium in the anaerobic digestion process
was evaluated with microbial community dynamics. Operation conditions effects on
methane production were analyzed, such as pH, organic loading rate (OLR) effects
and the ammonia stripping pretreatment effects on the CH4 conversion. The
dynamic of functional archaeal and bacterial community were also conducted.
Methanosaeta dominated in the steady stage of chicken manure thermophilic
digestion but Methanothermobacter dominated in the inhibition stage and
Methanosarcina thrived in the recovered stage. In contrast, under mesophilic
conditions, Methanosarcina dominated in the steady stage while in the inhibition
stage Methanosaeta and Methanoculleus thrived and lastly recovered to
Methanosaeta. Poultry manure can be easily inhibited by ammonia compared to
cattle manure and pig manure digestion since it has a high nitrogen content, which
was more suitable for mesophilic digestion with evidence of process resilience in
mesophilic digestion. Pre-treatment of ammonia stripping or co-digestion are the
effective ways to generate a stable process.

Keywords Manure production 

Manure treatment  Methane fermentation 

Anaerobic digestion Removal efficiency

Q. Niu (&)  Y.-Y. Li

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering,
Aobayama 6-6-06, Sendai 980-8579, Japan
Y.-Y. Li

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016 165

O.P. Karthikeyan et al. (eds.), Recycling of Solid Waste for Biofuels
and Bio-chemicals, Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products
and Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0150-5_6
166 Q. Niu and Y.-Y. Li

TAN Total ammonia nitrogen
FA Free ammonia nitrogen
VFA Volatile fatty acid
CM Chicken manure
TS Total solid
VS Volatile solids

1 Introduction

Environmental pollution and energy supply are two of the main problems in the fast
developing society globally. In 2013, the world energy consume reached to 89,774
million ton oil/year, with 0.9 % increased than last year. Furthermore, by 2030, the
world is projected to consume two-third more energy than today. The use of fossil
fuel, associated pollution and the real need of safe energy supply have promoted
technological development. It is worldwide accepted that renewable energy such as
biogas from anaerobic digestion is environmental friendly and benefits energy
security (Dorian et al. 2006). Meanwhile, the increase of intensive and mechanized
livestock breeding industries with approximate populations of 1.43 billion cattle,
1.87 billion sheep and goats, 0.98 billion pigs, and 19.60 billion chickens world-
wide (Robinson et al. 2014). Following the livestock feeding, a huge amount of
manure (about 40 Mt cattle manure/day, 4.9 Mt pig manure/day and 2 Mt chicken
manure/day) are produced, causing strong public health threats due to greenhouse
gases (GHG) and leachates production without appropriate treatment. In recent
years, anaerobic digestion has attracted considerable attention for livestock manure
treatment leading to the conversion of organic waste into the renewable energy in
the form of CH4. Anaerobic digestion of livestock manure has many new business
opportunities such as developing rural economies, improving farm incomes, miti-
gating climate change and proving alternative energy source and nutrients as extra
income. Especially for large farms, many agricultural companies are interested in
implementing anaerobic digestion for better manure management with energy
recovery and socio-economic benefits.
Research on the manure digestion have increased exponentially in recent years.
Anaerobic digestion has distinct advantages over conventional compost and direct
fertilizer treatments without air pollution and toxic hazards. Anaerobic digestion of
livestock manure has many advantages which allow for bioenergy recovery besides
minimizing the waste:
• The production of biogas (CH4, CO2) that can be used as a green source of energy.
This provides a low-cost energy source with valuable fertilizer production.
• Reduction of GHG emission of the farm. Reducing nitrous oxide emissions with
low demand of alternative fuels.
Recycling of Livestock Manure into Bioenergy 167

• It can accommodate high COD loads, which adapts to remove and/or work in the
presence of various toxic components provided that adaptation time is allowed
for the anaerobic biomass.
Anaerobic digestion of manure is becoming a common technology in many
countries with produced bio-methane converted to electrical and thermal energy or
upgraded to vehicle fuel. However, in industrial plants it is still difficult to manage
because of limitations in monitoring and controlling applications and lack of
knowledge. To utilize the renewable energy potential of livestock manure through
anaerobic digestion, process operation should be well controlled. Anaerobic
digestion was usually conducted in mesophilic (35 °C) or thermophilic (55 °C)
conditions with different dominance profiles of functional microbial groups at
optimized temperature. Generally, manure digestion can generate 50–80 % of CH4
and 20–50 % of CO2, with trace NH3(g) and H2S(g) gas, especially in poultry
manure digestion (Fig. 1). Livestock manure wastes being an important part of
biomass resources shared 28 % of the worldwide biogas production compared to
the biggest contributor agricultural wastes (59 %), which was higher than for
municipal organic wastes (11 %) and municipal sewage and industrial organic
wastes (2 %) (Maghanaki et al. 2013).
Methane fermentation is conducted by various specialized bacterial groups. The
entire anaerobic fermentation process can be divided into four steps (Fig. 2):
(1) Hydrolysis, (2) Acidogenesis, (3) Acetogenesis and (4) Methanogensis.
Methanogens are the most important functional group for biogas production. To date,
the known classes of methanogens are well-established with six orders with more
than 110 species: Methanobacteriales, Methanococcales, Methanomicrobiales,
Methanosarcinales, Methanopyrales and Methanocellales. Methanogens are abun-
dant in a wide variety of anaerobic environments catalyzing the terminal step of food
chain by converting methanogenic substrates into methane.
In this chapter, the main livestock productions and manure production are
summarised. The potential bioenergy production of different manure types were
evaluated and illustrated in case studies. Process control for long-term anaerobic

Biogas production
50-80% CH4/vol
20-50% CO2/vol
Trace gases(H2S,NH3)
Livestock Manure Effluent
Pathogens Anaerobic digestion Fewer pathogens
Macronutrients Biological process Nutrient-rich
Unstable organics Relatively stable
(lower odor)

Fig. 1 Schematic of basic process of anaerobic digestion


Substrata Complex organic matters 3 Microorganism

(Lipid protein and carbohydrate)
Hydrolysis (1) 1. Hydrolytic bacteria

Low molecule organic matter

(sugar, amnion acid and Higher fatty acids)
2. Acidogenic Bacteria

Acidogeneic phase

Acetogenesis (3)
3. Acetogenic bacteria

Acetic acid H2+CO2

Methanogenesis (4) 4. Methanogic archaea

CH4 production
70% 30%
CH4+CO2 Digest sludge
Biogas indigestible residue,microbia,NH4+

20 40 60 80 100
Sulfate reducing bacteria
Bacterial generation
Summary of matter transformation in anaerobic methane fermentation time (h)

Fig. 2 Schematic of metabolic chains of anaerobic digestion with microorganisms

Q. Niu and Y.-Y. Li
Recycling of Livestock Manure into Bioenergy 169

digestion was also evidenced, especially for chicken manure digestion. The most
important inhibitor of livestock manure digestion following ammonia variation was
evaluated. The control region of total ammonia/free ammonia concentration was
proposed based on different manure stabilization processes. Moreover, process
resilience of chicken manure digestion was also investigated. A fast recovery
strategy of the inhibited process was developed.

2 Livestock Production and Livestock Manure


2.1 Livestock and Livestock Manure

Livestock manure is an inevitable by-product of livestock production. Nowadays, in

developed countries, demand for livestock products is stagnating with many pro-
duction systems increasing in efficiency and environmental sustainability. However,
in developing countries, the number of livestock increases year by year. Manure
contains valuable material that can be used as a source of organic matter and
fertilizer for crop and pasture production. Factors of animal species, diet,
digestibility, protein and fiber content, animal age, housing, environment, and stage
of production could affect manure properties.
Livestock manure production is hard to measure directly from storage volumes
or counting loads spread. Theoretically, the larger the livestock production and
meat consumption, the more manure production is generated. The global livestock
distribution (head/km2) is shown in Fig. 3. China and the USA are the largest
producer of chicken manure, Brazil and India lead in cattle production, while China
leads pig production (Fig. 3). Table 1 shows manure production and nutrients
contents of the livestock manure. For calculating manure production, Eq. (1) was
used in an approximate scale.
Estimate by equation:

M ¼ Q1  a  Q2 ð1Þ

M manure production
Q1 production of livestock
a conversion coefficient
Q2 fodder digestibility rate.

Quantity, composition and value of fresh manure are summarized in Table 1.

The top two countries of cattle production reached 200 million heads in 2013 were
Brazil and India (Fig. 4). Most countries have an increased tend of production with the
top six countries with production over 50 million heads were Brazil, India, China,
USA, Ethiopia and Argentina, respectively (Fig. 4). Based on Eq. (1), the cattle
manure produced can be calculated for approximation. The country of top pig
170 Q. Niu and Y.-Y. Li


Chikenspecies (head/sqkm)

Cattle species (head/sqkm)


Pig species (head/sqkm)

Fig. 3 Chicken, cattle, pig distribution worldwide in 2005 (head/km2) (FAO 2013)

production is China with 9 times of USA which were the second large production. In
2013 year, China has 45 million pig production (Fig. 5). Poultry production encom-
passes a number of different species, including the chicken (eggs- “layers”, “broilers”),
turkeys, ducks, and so on, chicken occupied over than 80 % of the poultry production.
China and USA are the top two countries with 6.5 billion and 2 billion heads of chicken
produced in 2013 (Fig. 6).
Recycling of Livestock Manure into Bioenergy 171

Table 1 Quantity, composition and value of fresh manure

Animal Tons excreted/year/ Lbs. (N) Lbs. (P) Lbs. (K) Value/ton
1000 lbs. live weight Nitrogen Phosphate Potash
Cow (beef or dairy) 12 tons 11.2 4.6 12 5.46
Finishing cattle 8.5 tons 14 9.2 10.8 7.14
Sheep and goats 6 tons 28 9.6 24 12.46
Swine 16 10 6.4 9.1 5.23
Poultry 4.5 31.2 18.4 8.4 13.54
Horse 8 13.8 4.6 14.4 6.42
Excreted by 1000 lb of live weight of various kinds of farm animals

2013/ Cattle species production

200,000,000 Cattle production


Brazil India China

United States of America Ethiopia Argentina
Pakistan Mexico Australia
Bangladesh Colombia United Republic of Tanzania

Cattle heads




1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014

Top production countries all over the world

Fig. 4 Cattle production following time and the dominate production countries
172 Q. Niu and Y.-Y. Li

450,000,000 Pig production
2013/ Pig species production


China United States of America Brazil Germany

Viet Nam Spain Russian Federation Mexico
France Canada Netherlands Denmark
Pig heads

1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
Top production countries all over the world

Fig. 5 Pig production following time and the dominate production countries

2.2 Characteristic of Livestock Manure and Environmental

Hazards of Manure

The characteristic of livestock manure can be divided into 4 kinds: liquid, slurry,
semi-solid and solid. Generally, pig manure have a total solid content (TS) of about
10 %, poultry manure 25 %, manures from beef feeders 12–13 % and dairy cows
13–14 %. The characteristics of the four kinds of livestock manure is summarized
as follows:

Liquid contains the lowest TS (*4 % or less), which is easily treated with
properly designed and managed by anaerobic digestion.
Slurry 4–10 % solids content can be handled as slurry. Pig manure typically
contains between 2 and 6 % solids. Solid contents may increase to 8 to
12 %, resulting in thicker slurry.
Semi-solid 10–20 % solids content, handling characteristics vary by the type of
solids present. Difficulties arise as these manures are too thick to
pump, and too thin to scoop, therefore being usually diluted with
water or special pumps are used to agitate and move.
Recycling of Livestock Manure into Bioenergy 173

6,000,000,000 Chicken production
2013/ Chicken species production


China United States of America Indonesia Brazil

India Iran (Islamic Republic of) Mexico Russian Federation
Pakistan Viet Nam Malaysia Japan
Bangladesh Thailand Turkey France
Ukraine Myanmar Nigeria Bolivia
Chicken heads

1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
Top production countries all over the world

Fig. 6 Chicken production following time and the dominate production countries

Solid 20 % solids content (80 % moisture content) or more can be handled

as a solid. It can be stacked and picked up with a fork- or bucket

Livestock manure is rich in nitrogen and phosphorous, which are common

sources of pollution. Livestock manure also contains bacteria, viruses, parasites and
arsenic, the latter especially for the poultry manure, as arsenic is added to chicken
feed to control parasites and promote growth. Copper, iron and zinc, which boost
dioxin formation, are also present livestock manure, which in land applications can
lead the second pollution. GHG emissions lead to air pollution and leachate from
composting can cause soil and land pollution with a threat to public health. The
hazards of manures are described as follows:
• Foul smelling gas/air pollution
• Inframicrobe, pathogen/soil, water pollution
• Ammonia hazard/water and soil pollution
• Organic acid hazard/soil and water pollution
• Water damage/soil damage.
174 Q. Niu and Y.-Y. Li

3 Anaerobic Digestion of Livestock Manure

Anaerobic digestion can be affected by many factors such as operational and

physiological conditions. Biogas production and water content of the initial material
are interdependent. The optimum condition of 91–98 % water content (by weight)
of manure is a benefit for digestion, while lower than 20 % by weight will terminate
biogas production. The pH optimum for methane fermentation is between pH 6.7
and 7.4. The degree of sensitivity depends on the temperature range, mesophilic and
thermophilic methane fermentation are the most commonly used methods for
engineering application. Mesophilic fermentation usually requires HRT over than
20-day, but is not so efficient in the reduction of volatile solids.
A cooperated process of thermophilic digestion using the higher metabolic rate
of thermophilic microorganisms and mesophilic conditions can be applied. The
average performance of typically manure digestion is shown in Table 2. For
instance, one kilogram of cow manure can produce 0.26–0.28 m3/kg biogas with
50–60 % methane and 0.4–0.6 m3/kg for poultry manure with 50–72 % methane
(Table 3).
Moreover, the stoichiometry of energy production from different biomass
sources based on work in our laboratory is shown in Table 4. We now consider
some of the issues related to the specific waste sources.

Table 2 Fresh manure production and characteristics per 1000 kg live animal mass per day
(Engineers 2003)
Parameter Units Dairy Beef Swine Broiler Turkey
Total manure kg 86 ± 17 58 ± 17 84 ± 24 85 ± 13 47 ± 13
Urine kg 26 ± 4.3 18 ± 4.2 39 ± 4.8 – –
Total solids kg 12 ± 2.7 8.5 ± 2.6 11 ± 6.3 22 ± 1.4 12 ± 3.4
Volatile solids kg 10 ± 0.79 7.2 ± 0.57 8.5 ± 0.66 17 ± 1.2 9.1 ± 1.3
BOD5 kg 1.6 ± 0.48 1.6 ± 0.75 3.1 ± 0.71 – 2.1 ± 0.46
COD kg 11 ± 2.4 7.8 ± 2.7 8.4 ± 3.7 16 ± 1.8 9.3 ± 1.2
pH – 7 ± 0.43 7 ± 0.31 7.5 ± 0.57 – –
Total Kjeldahl kg 0.45 ± 0.096 0.34 ± 0.073 0.52 ± 0.21 1.1 ± 0.24 0.62 ± 0.13
Ammonia kg 0.079 ± 0.083 0.086 ± 0.052 0.29 ± 0.10 – 0.08 ± 0.018
Total kg 0.094 ± 0.024 0.092 ± 0.0072 0.18 ± 0.10 0.30 ± 0.053 0.23 ± 0.093
Potassium kg 0.29 ± 0.09 0.21 ± 0.063 0.29 ± 0.16 0.4 ± 0.064 0.24 ± 0.08
Calcium kg 0.16 ± 0.069 0.14 ± 0.11 0.33 ± 0.18 0.41 0.63 ± 0.034
Magnesium kg 0.071 ± 0.016 0.049 ± 0.015 0.075 ± 0.03 0.15 0.073 ± 0.007
Chloride kg 0.13 ± 0.039 – 0.26 ± 0.052 – –
Iron g 12 ± 6.6 7.8 ± 5.9 16 ± 9.7 – 75 ± 28
Manganese g 1.9 ± 0.75 1.2 ± 0.51 1.9 ± 0.74 – 2.4 ± 0.33
Recycling of Livestock Manure into Bioenergy 175

Table 3 Share of biogas volume produced from different livestock wastes (Babaee et al. 2013;
Jain et al. 1981)
Raw material Biogas (m3/kg) %CH4 %CO2 Volume of methane (m3 kg) OLRmax
Cow manure 0.26–0.28 50–60 34–38 0.14 4
Sheep manure 0.22–0.24 40–50 37.6 0.1 –
Poultry manure 0.4–0.6 50–72 30–50 0.27 3
Pig manure 0.22–0.73 50–60 40–50 – 5

Table 4 Calculation and stoichiometry of methane fermentation

Organic Gas production CH4
(Nm3/kg − (%)
Carbohydrate (C6H10O5)n + nH2O ! 3nCH4 + 3nCO2 0.83 50.0
Protein C16H24O5N4 + 14.5H2O ! 8.25CH4 + 0.764 68.8
3.75CO2 + 4NH4+ + 4HCO3−
Lipid C50H90O6 + 24.5H2O ! 34.75CH4 + 15.25CO2 1.425 69.5
Cooking C17H29O10N + 6.5H2O ! 9.25CH4 + 0.881 57.8
scrap 6.75CO2 + NH4+ + HCO3−
Cattle C22H29O10N + 6.5H2O ! 9.25CH4 + 0.970 56.0
manure 6.75CO2 + NH4+ + HCO3−
Kitchen C46H73O31N + 14H2O ! 24CH4 + 0.888 53.3
garbage 21CO2 + NH4+ + HCO3−
Sewage C10H19O3N + 5.5H2O ! 6.25CH4 + 1.003 69.4
sludge 2.75CO2 + NH4+ + HCO3−
Chicken C7.5H12.4O4.8NS0.13 + 4.15H2O ! 3.7CH4 + 0.75 63.5
manure 2.8CO2 + NH4+ + HCO3− + 0.13H2S

3.1 Cattle Manure Digestion

The concept of utilizing cattle manure in an anaerobic digester to generated CH4

has been well established. The effect of organic loading and retention times on dairy
manure fermentation have been reported in (Coats et al. 2011). The pilot-scale
digestion exhibited an average yield of 0.09 mg VFA (as COD)/mgVS with an
average effluent total VFA concentrations of 6398 mg VFA (as COD)/L. High
concentration of VFA was generated at HRTs of less than 20 h in mesophilic
condition, while at low organic loading rates, minimal net organic acid production
may be realized in a continuously operated fermenter (Fig. 7).
As illustrated
 in Fig. 8, with an average of cattle manure digestion of
37.7 m3 m3inf (60.1 % of CH4), the TS reduction efficiency reached to 32.3 % in the
digester. The bio-methane can be converted into heat or electric energy since CH4
has 891 kJ/mol (at standard conditions), which benefits for the farmers.
Co-digestion of cattle manure has been conducted to improve methane pro-
duction, a ratio of 40:60 for wheat straw/cattle manure has been identified as the
most suitable mixture for optimum biogas production at mesophilic condition
176 Q. Niu and Y.-Y. Li

Fig. 7 Influent and effluent VFA concentrations in pilot-scale dairy manure digestion (Coats et al.

Fig. 8 Flow diagram for cattle manure fermentation (Li et al. 2015)

(Krishania et al. 2013). In thermophilic conditions, Liu et al. (2009) conducted

co-digestion of garbage, screened swine and dairy cattle manure in batch experi-
ments. The results showed that when the mixed waste (Garbage: SM:
DCM = 1:19:12) was treated using a thermophilic UAF reactor, methanogens
responsible for the methane production were Methanoculleus and Methanosarcina
species with the dominated bacterial phylum being Firmicutes. Dairy cattle manure
digestion obviously improved when co-digested with limited garbage (2–3 %),
which has been proposed as a prospective method to treat cattle manure for the
construction of a sustainable environment and society.
Recycling of Livestock Manure into Bioenergy 177

Table 5 Kinetic constants and maximum volumetric methane production rates for anaerobic
fermentation of beef cattle manure (Chen et al. 1980)
T °C K µmax day−1 Correlation hm day Vmax LCH4/L/day hmVmax day
30 1.086 0.284 0.995 3.52 1.36 7.19
35 0.870 0.326 0.987 3.06 1.68 5.93
40 0.856 0.382 – 2.62 2.04 5.04
45 0.764 0.456 0.994 2.19 2.49 4.11
50 0.798 0.55 0.955 1.81 2.95 3.44
55 0.761 0.518 0.987 1.93 2.84 3.61
60 0.856 0.618 – 1.62 3.20 3.12
65 0.856 0.313 – 3.19 1.67 6.15

The temperature effect on methane fermentation kinetics of beef-cattle manure

were conducted by Chen et al. (1980) with kinetic constants shown in Table 5. The
Vmax of 3.20L/L/d were found at 60 °C but decreased to 1.67 L/L/d at 65 °C, which
means that while thermophilic conditions can improve the degradation of cattle
manure, excessively high temperatures may affect functional bacteria groups
resulting in decreased biogas production efficiency.
Cattle manure still contains fibrous components like cellulose resulting in
hydrolysis being the limited step of the digestion process. Conventional anaerobic
digestions are operated as single-stage reactors under mesophilic or thermophilic
conditions. Thermophilic pre-treatment results in higher degradation rates (shorter
treatment times) and a better sanitation effect for cattle manure digestion. Increases
in specific methane yields ranging from 24 to 56 % were obtained when cattle
manure and its fractions (fibers and liquid) were pre-treated at 68 °C for periods of
36, 108, and 168 h, and subsequently digested at 55 °C. The two stage thermophilic
(68/55 °C) fermentation process had a short HRT of 3 day at 68 °C and 12 day at
55 °C compared to the single stage HRT of 15 days (Nielsen et al. 2004). The 68 °C
reactor generated 7–9 % of the total amount of methane of the two-stage system and
maintained a volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentration of 4.0–4.4 g acetate/L.

3.2 Pig Manure Digestion

The biogas of pig manure digestion in a CSTR conducted by Hansen et al. (1998)
achieved 188 mL CH4/gVS at 37 °C, while digestion at 55 °C produced only
67 mL CH4/gVS being inhibited by an FA content of 1.4 g/L which is twice that of
37 °C levels even under similar total ammonia concentration.
The co-digestion of pig manure with grass silage was investigated by Xie et al.
(2011) as shown in Table 6. The highest specific CH4 yields were 304.2 and
302.8 mL CH4/gVS at pig manure/grass silage ratios of 3:1 and 1:1, respectively.
The digestion systems failed at the ratio of 0:1. Lag phase times decreased
178 Q. Niu and Y.-Y. Li

Table 6 Anaerobic digestion at different pig manure to grass silage ratios (Xie et al. 2011)
PM/GS ratio 1:0 3:1 1:1 1:3
Total methane production 7833 8517 8478 7484
Lag phase a, k(d) 29.5 ± 0.3 28.1 ± 0.3 24.6 ± 0.3 21.3 ± 0.3
Rmax (mL CH4/d) 210 ± 4 287 ± 5 309 ± 7 280 ± 7
Specific methane yield 279.8 304.2 302.8 267.3
(mL CH4/gVS)
VFA yields (g/gVS) 0.25 ± 0.01 0.32 ± 0.02 0.34 ± 0.03 0.33 ± 0.02
pH 7.5–8.0 7.1–8.0 6.9–7.9 6.5–7.8
NH4+–N 1562–2368 1430–2240 1288–1850 1160–1330
Free NH3 range (mg/L) 55–246 22–210 12–136 4–93
Free NH3 at pH = 7.8 158 150 124 89
VS removal rate (%) 60.5 63.8 64.7 59.5

following the grass silage percentile increase. The daily methane yield was linearly
correlated with the acetic acid concentration indicating that acetoclastic methano-
genesis being the dominated methanogens. The experimental result recommend
applying a pig manure/grass silage ratio of 1:1 in practice due to high specific
methane yields and a short lag phase.

3.3 Chicken Manure Digestion

In our lab, two lab-scale thermophilic (a) and mesophilic (b) CSTR reactors have
been developed with an average performance shown in Fig. 9 feeding with raw
chicken manure (CM) and ammonia-stripped CM, where ammonia was removed by
means of recycling biogas followed by gas washing in sulfuric acid to capture
ammonia (Table 7) (Niu et al. 2013a, 2015). High solid methane fermentation
techniques are valuable engineering applications in the fields of both renewable
energy production and bio-waste degradation. However, high VS load results in
high ammonia load, thus the high solid methane fermentation is more sensitive to
ammonia concentration. Moreover, the relationship between operational perfor-
mance and the dynamic transition of the archaeal and bacterial community remains
poorly understood.
At total ammonia-nitrogen concentrations of <5000 mg/L, the process can
deliver a steady performance. Due to the high organic-nitrogen content of CM, the
process indicator of volatile fatty acid (VFA) accumulated correlates with ammonia
concentration. A distinct rise in VFA accumulation combined with low methane
production of 0.29 L/gVSin occurred at a total ammonia-nitrogen (TAN) of
4000 * 4500 mg/L. The biogas production and mass transfer in the thermophilic
reactor are illustrated in Fig. 10 for the ammonia-stripped and raw CM. With
Recycling of Livestock Manure into Bioenergy 179

(a) Start up Steady and inhibition stage Recovery stage

(b)Start up Steady and inhibition stage Recovery stage

Gas production ratio (L/gVS/d)

Gas production ratio (L/gVS/d)

0.5 0.8 Biogas production (L/gVS)

Biogas production (L/gVS)
Biomethane prouction (L/gVS)
Biomethane prouction (L/gVS)
0.3 0.5
0.2 0.3
0.0 0.0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
35000 9 35000 9
30000 30000
Alkilinity (mg/L)

8 8

Alkilinity (mg/L)
25000 25000
20000 7 20000 7

15000 6 15000 6
10000 10000
5 5
5000 pH
5000 pH
Alkilinity (mg/L) Alkilinity(mg/L)
0 4 0 4
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
35000 35000
Total VFA as HAc (mg/L)

Thermophilic reactor VFA as acetic acid (mg/L) Total VFA as HAc (mg/L) Mesophilic reactor VFA as acetic acid (mg/L)
30000 30000
25000 25000
20000 20000
15000 15000
10000 10000
5000 5000
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Operation time (d) Operation time (d)

Fig. 9 Process performance comparison of thermophilic (a) and mesophilic reactor (b) (Niu et al.

Table 7 Characteristic of chicken manure

Biomass Kinds Total amount TS mg/L VS mg/L T-N mg/L
t/year t/day
Chicken Raw CM 13 0.035 112 82.7 6450
manure (CM) Ammonia stripped CM – – 89.3 61.3 3590
/average 13 0.035 – – –

proposed design, feed with TS 10 % of CM 10 tons/day, a full scale reactor can

produce 6000 m3CH4/d, which equals 1800 kWh/d of electric power.
The two reactors were fed with TS around 10 % with TVS 7–8 %. Methane
production rates were similar in both reactors being stable at 0.25 L CH4/gVSin
until day 75 when feeding with ammonia-stripped chicken manure, achieving over
70 % removal efficiency of the initial TCOD at TAN lower than 3500 mg/L
(Fig. 10). Raw CM was fed from day 75 to investigate the effect of ammonia on
CM fermentation. At day 76, initial accumulation of VFA was observed in the
thermophilic reactor but not in the mesophilic reactor (Fig. 9). Meanwhile, the
methane production rate in the thermophilic reactor decreased to 0.13 L/gVSin,
which is 35 % lower than that of the mesophilic reactor. Following a TAN con-
centration increase from 3500 to 4000 mg/L, the methane production rate decreased
to 0.08 L/gVSin in the thermophilic reactor, which is less than half of the steady
180 Q. Niu and Y.-Y. Li

Carbohydrate removal effecency 80

30 Thermo-
20 Meso-
Protein removal effecency (%)





10 Meso-

TCOD removal effecency (%)

Thermo- Meso-
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000
TAN (mg/L)

Fig. 10 TAN effects on the process removal efficiency (Niu et al. 2015)

stage (Fig. 9a). The protein removal efficiency decreased sharply from 40 to 20 %
(Fig. 10). An inhibited steady stage was found with an average methane production
rate of 0.07 L/gVSin. At day 200, NH4HCO3 was artificially added in order to
investigate the effects of ammonia overload on the performance and the shifts in the
microbial community. Similar biogas production rates (0.74 m3/kgVS) were
observed in thermophilic and mesophilic reactors. The thermophilic reactor had a
higher hydrolysis rate of ammonia production about 70.93 g/kgVSdegraded in the
steady stage (Fig. 11). The mesophilic reactor could afford a TAN concentration
over 12,000 mg/L with a stable methane production rate, whereas the thermophilic
reactor lost about half of the methane production activity at a TAN of 6000 mg/L.
This shows that the mesophilic reactor has a higher tolerance for TAN than the
thermophilic reactor. The mesophilic reactor successfully recovered from serious
inhibition of TAN 16,000 mg/L. In contrast, recovery of the thermophilic reactor
failed. The mesophilic reactor was dominated by aceticlastic methanogens com-
pared to the thermophilic reactor.
Recycling of Livestock Manure into Bioenergy 181

Gas production: 18.6L Gas production : 23.335L

CH4: 62.0 % CH4: 51.2 %
CO2: 37.6 % CO2: 47.1 %
H2S: 1530 ppm H2S: 3025 ppm
NH3: 220 ppm Q: 1L NH3: 182 ppm
Q: 1L
Ammonia stripped CM Q: 1L Raw CM Q: 1L

COD: 90.1(g/l) TS: 3.47±0.65% COD: 117(g/l) 2.8CO2+3.73 CH4+*NH3-N+0.133H2S

TS: 4.21±0.29%
2.8CO2+3.73 CH4+*NH3-N+0.133H2S

TS: 8.95±0.5% TVS: 1.65±0.307% TS: 12.77±0.5% TVS: 1.74±0.09%

TVS: 6.13±0.19% COD: 31.2(g/l) TVS: 8.22±0.7% COD: 42(g/l)
HRT: 30 d HRT: 30 d
Temp:55oC Temp:55oC
pH:7.33±0.2 pH:8.29±0.1 pH: 6.9±0.2 pH:8.33±0.2

Ammonia stripping CM (phase 1) Raw CM (phase 2a)

TS removal efficiency : 67.9±3.0% TS removal efficiency : 67.03±2.6%
TVS removal efficiency : 72.5±3.0% TVS removal efficiency : 78.83±2.0%

Fig. 11 The gas production and mass transfer in the thermophilic fermentation (Niu 2014)

Microbial communities were analysed in the steady stage, inhibition stage and
recovery stage. The population profiles showed significant variations in the pro-
portion of methanogens. The aceticlastic Methanosarcinaceae population increased
with the degradation of acetate in both reactors in the steady stage. Canonical
correspondence analysis (CCA) results showed that the archaeal communities’
dynamics responded to the physico-chemical parameters of TAN (total ammonia
nitrogen), VFA and free ammonia (FA). For thermophilic digestion, the steady
stage was dominated by Methanosaeta which transferred to Methanothermobacter
in the inhibition stage and Methanosarcina in the recovery stage. In contrast, under
the mesophilic condition, Methanosarcina dominated in the steady stage while in
the inhibition stage Methanosaeta and Methanoculleus thrived and with
Methanosaeta dominance in the recovery stage. The CCA graph obtained for the
methanogens in the two reactors showed a separation and shifts between different
stages of archaeal communities (Fig. 12). Significantly shifts of hydrogenotrophic
methanogens in the thermophilic reactor were proved following TAN variation. The
dynamic results strongly indicate high resilience in the mesophilic reactor and lower
resilience of both microbial community and function in the thermophilic reactor.
The recovery stage of mesophilic reactor had the highest functional group diversity
and higher gas production rate.

(a) (b)
1.5 1.5
Methanoculleus marisnigri JR1 Methanobacterium
1 90 d 1
35 d 320d
0.5 Methanobacterium sp. 0.5 380d
F2 (34.42 %)
F2 (37.31 %)

Methanosaeta TAN 300d TAN
0 conclilli 24 d 0
12 d VFA FA
Methanosarcina 220 d 35d VFA
Methanosarcina Methanosaeta
-0.5 mazei Go1 6 d 300 d FA -0.5 350d
120 dMethanothermobacter 220d
thermautotrophicus str. Methanospirillum sp
-1 -1

-1.5 -1.5
-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
F1 (61.88 %) F1 (63.29 %)

Fig. 12 CCA comparison of methanogens in the thermophilic (a) and mesophilic reactor (b)
182 Q. Niu and Y.-Y. Li

Fig. 13 Ammonia stripping experiment a TAN concentration, b pH of liquid sample and

c accumulated TAN removal rate at different operation (Nie et al. 2015)

Technical stripping was performed to remove ammonia from the liquid fraction
of the digester with production recycled to control ammonia concentration.
Pre-treatment of ammonia stripping under different condition showed that at
450 mbar, 80 °C, the TAN was reduced by over 70 % at 4 h operation (Fig. 13). In
this way, an organic loading rate of 5.3 gVS/L/d was achieved with an average free
ammonia nitrogen (FAN) concentration of 0.77 g/L and a specific gas yield of 0.39
L/gVS (Nie et al. 2015), which was higher than for the raw chicken manure
digestion (Niu et al. 2013b).
Compared with more rigorous wastewater discharge standards, removing
ammonia from the digestate and recycle ammonia-depleted digestate back to the
fermenter as in this study seems to be a good choice to cope with high ammonia
loads (Table 8). However, strong foaming at the initial phase of some stripping tests
was observed and would in practice need to be dealt with. For example, when TAN
concentration in the liquid was 6.07 g/L, the total volume of reaction liquid and
thick foam could add up to double of the filling level at 82.4 °C and ambient
pressure. Although concentration of TAN decreased as the stripping went on,
foaming could still be observed under some conditions. Other than the small and
dense bubbles occurring at the initial phase, bubbles formed during the middle and
later stage were big and busted more easily. Hence, foaming happening at later
stages was acceptable (Myint et al. 2007).
The ammonia distribution and microbial growth rate in the digestion of manure
are shown in Fig. 14a with the free ammonia distribution in liquid and gas under
different pH and temperature (Fig. 14b). FA was determined as the main inhibitor
leading to a suppression of methane formation in the process. FA is TAN-, tem-
perature- and pH-depended with calculation according to the equilibrium equation:
NH3 10pH
¼ 1þ
10ð0:09018 þ Þ

The initial inhibition and inhibition threshold were given in the region as showed
in Fig. 14 for the cattle manure digestion, pig manure digestion and chicken manure
Recycling of Livestock Manure into Bioenergy 183

Table 8 Comparison of this study with some works focusing on ammonia inhibition using CSTR
at mesophilic temperature
Substrate OLR T °C pH FAN TAN Holding Remarks Reference
kgVS/ − g/L g/L g/L timea
Swine manure − 37 8.1 0.75 5.9 18 Inhibited Hansen et al.
steady (1998)
SHW + OFMSW 3.7 34 7.9 0.34 4.1 24 Steady Cuetos et al.
Sewage sludge 3 35 8 0.53 3.5 20 Inhibited Duan et al.
steady (2012)
Chicken manure 2.5 35 8.2 0.9 5 30 Inhibited Niu et al.
steady; VFA (2013b)
Chicken manure 6 40 7.8 0.58 5.59 31 Inhibited Nie et al.
steady (2015)
Chicken manure 6 40 8 0.86 6.96 40 Inhibited Nie et al.
steady; VFA (2015)
SHW solid slaughterhouse waste; OFMSW organic fraction of municipal solid waste
The days during which the stable state was kept

(a) (b)
100000 120
35oC-pH 8 35oC-pH 7.5
35oC-pH 7 35oC-bacterial growth rate 100 35oC
55oC-pH 8 55oC-pH 7.5
Free Ammonia concentration (mg/L) and

FA (aq) percentage(%)

10000 47oC
55oC -pH 7 55oC -bacterial growth rate 80
microbial growth rate(kg/kg/d)


100 20

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
10 Cattlemanure pH
1 Poultry manure 2.5
FA (g) percentage(%)

2 38oC
0.1 Pig manure 1.5 45oC
0.01 58oC
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 60oC

Ammonia concentration in the digester(mg/L) 0

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Fig. 14 Ammonia and free ammonia concentration in the digester of livestock manure (a), free
ammonia distribution in liquid and gas (b)

digestion, which illustrated that the pig manure and chicken manure are more
suitable for mesophilic digestion keeping the FA in a low range. Chicken manure
owning to the highest TAN production between 5000 and 8500 mg/L which led to
inhibition. Our experiments show that mesophilic digestion is more feasibility for
the poultry manure treatment due to high ammonia concentrations.
184 Q. Niu and Y.-Y. Li

4 Energy Conversion and Engineering Application

A combined heat and power (CHP) generator is typically a reciprocating gas

engine. The CHP technology makes the bio-CH4 utilization more efficiency ideal
for anaerobic digestion facilities. Energy conversion was 40 % of electrical energy
and 50 % of useable thermal energy. Full-scale application of livestock manure
digestion has many benefits. Engineering application of chicken manure digestion
is summarized in Fig. 15. A full-scale reactor fed with 10 tons per day can be
produce 6000 m3CH4/d, which equals 1800 kWh/d of electric power. From the
calculation and the results obtained in this study, several recommendations can be
proposed. The recommendations can be distinguished into three parts:
(1) For engineering application, a high solid loading rate of 10 % of chicken
manure can be stably achieved for both mesophilic and thermophilic condi-
tions, when feeding ammonia-stripped CM keeping the TAN concentration
below 4000 mg/L.
(2) The mesophilic process is more suitable for full-scale design of CM methane
fermentation as it has a high tolerance to ammonia concentration. Keeping the
process indicator of VFA below 5000 mg/L is important for process stability.
Managers of such reactors should pay more attention to the functional resi-
lience of microbial communities.
(3) Once the anaerobic process was inhibited, washing and dilution proved an
effective way for the recovery process.

Fig. 15 Proposed case study based on the experimental calculation

Recycling of Livestock Manure into Bioenergy 185

5 Conclusions

Livestock manure waste will increase following the yearly livestock production
increase. Engineering application of anaerobic digestion for various types of live-
stock manure wastes has long been established and has already made a significant
contribution to improving the recovery of resources. Anaerobic digestion provides
local sources of renewable energy in the form of bio-methane. Pre-treatment,
co-digestion and two-stage anaerobic fermentation may potentially lead to higher
energy recoveries. Ammonia is an inhibitor of the anaerobic process and should be
controlled, keeping the TAN lower than 5000 mg/L and free ammonia lower than
500 mg/L to yield a steady process. Washing and dilution and keeping the biomass
at a resilience level can make recovery of the process possible. Poultry manure had
much higher ammonia levels than pig manure and cattle manure, which was more
suitable for mesophilic digestion.
Livestock manure digestion is easily inhibited by ammonia due to high nitrogen
contents in the substrate and high TS content. Compared with the low TS digestion,
the high TS 10 % digestion with ammonia control in the safety region has many
advantages with low cost and high energy recovery rate. Moreover, pre-treatment of
chicken manure by ammonia stripping is an efficiency way to generate a stable
process. Co-digestion to control ammonia concentration is another way to solve the


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silage. Bioresour Technol 102(10):5728–5733
Anaerobic Digestion of Palm Oil Mill
Residues for Energy Generation

Nastaein Qamaruz-Zaman, Nurashikin Yaacof and Hossein Faraji

Abstract Malaysia is one of the world’s largest palm oil exporter (39 % of world
palm oil production and 46 % of world exports). In the process of producing palm
oil, a considerable amount of water is needed, leading to the generation of large
volumes of wastewater also known as palm oil mill effluent (POME). Anaerobic
digestion of palm oil mill effluents (POME) has started as early as the 1990s using
the anaerobic lagoon system comprising a series of ponds in combination with
aerobic and pre-treatment ponds to effectively meet the effluent discharge standards.
This conventional open pond system requires long hydraulic retention times, large
land area and at the same time release uncontrolled greenhouse gas and odour to the
atmosphere. Of late, there has been an emergence of more advanced anaerobic
digesters in palm oil mills replacing the conventional lagoon system. This chapter
discusses anaerobic technology for POME moving from a purely effluent treatment
focus using conventional lagoons to more advanced controlled systems for energy
recovery purposes using closed tank digesters. The issues of palm oil mill residues
for energy recovery will also be looked at taking into consideration POME
co-digestion with other materials and possible environmental impacts.

Keywords Palm oil mill effluent  Anaerobic digestion  Energy recovery 


N. Qamaruz-Zaman (&)  N. Yaacof  H. Faraji

School of Civil Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 14300 Nibong Tebal,
Penang, Malaysia
N. Qamaruz-Zaman
Solid Waste Management Cluster, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Engineering Campus,
14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016 187

O.P. Karthikeyan et al. (eds.), Recycling of Solid Waste for Biofuels
and Bio-chemicals, Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products
and Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0150-5_7
188 N. Qamaruz-Zaman et al.

1 Introduction

Palm oil mill effluent (POME) is wastewater that results from palm oil milling and
typically originates from three main sources; sterilizer condensate, clarification
wastewater and hydrocyclone wastewater. Anaerobic digestion presents a sustain-
able approach towards treating palm oil wastewater. This chapter begins with
description of the palm oil milling and the generation of palm oil mill wastewater,
to give readers an appreciation towards the characteristics of the effluent requiring
treatment to meet the discharge standard. It is the objective of this chapter to present
the evolvement of the anaerobic treatment from primarily to treat effluents using
open lagoon pond systems, to more advanced anaerobic systems for energy
recovery. This chapter also aims to highlight the support provided by the Clean
Development Mechanism (CDM) in financing these modern digesters which saw
the growth of advanced anaerobic digesters in the recent years. The efforts of the
CDM and life cycle analysis encourages both energy recovery from palm oil mills
whilst giving due considerations to the impact on the environment from such

2 Palm Oil Milling

Elaeis guineensis is a species of oil palm tree that is cultivated extensively for oil
production given its highest yield of oil per unit area of all oil bearing plants. The
plant can grow up to 50 m and may live for up to 200 years. That said, the plants
are seldom allowed to grow for more than 30 m which makes harvesting less
accessible, thus are usually cut and replanted. The use of palm oil is aplenty. The
crude palm oil (CPO) is commonly used in a wide variety of food products such as
cooking oil, shortenings and margarine. In addition to the crude palm oil, the palm
kernel oil can also be extracted from the plant. The latter is a raw material in the
production of non-food products which include toiletries candles, soaps, cosmetics,
and detergents.
While Indonesia is the largest producer of palm oil in the world, Malaysia is the
leading exporter of palm oil, accounting for 46 % of global exports. Together they
make up over 88 % of palm oil exports. China, the European Union, India and
Pakistan are the largest importers of palm oil (MPOB 2007).
The production of palm oil in brief, involves the reception of fresh fruit bunches
from the plantations, sterilizing and threshing of the bunches to free the palm fruit,
mashing the fruit and pressing out the crude palm oil. The crude oil is further
treated to purify for storage and export. Figure 1 shows the palm oil production
process flow diagram at a palm oil mill in Nibong Tebal, Malaysia.
Anaerobic Digestion of Palm Oil Mill … 189

Fresh Fruit
Bunches (FFB)

Empty Fruit Empty Fruit

Bunches (EFB) Bunches (EFB)


Clarification Nut

Wastewater Treatment Plant

Flow Rate = 504 m 3/day

Fig. 1 Simplified production process flow diagram

2.1 Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) Ramp

Fresh fruit arrives from the field as bunches or loose fruit at the Fresh Fruit Bunches
ramp as shown in Fig. 2. Lorries will unload Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) in this area
where the bunches will be graded as:
• Hard bunches—Stalks which have fruits still attached on them after the steril-
ization and stripping process are called hard bunches, and have to be recycled
back to sterilizers for further cooking. Hard bunches are detected by visible
• Ripe bunches.
• Over ripe bunches.
• Rotten bunches/Disease bunches.

2.2 Sterilizer

The second stage of palm oil processing is to facilitate the mechanical stripping of
fruits by using sterilizers or pressure vessels. Steam will soften the fruit mesocarp
for digestion and help the release of oil while conditioning the nuts to minimize
kernel breakage. In addition, sterilization inactivates the lipases in the fruits, and
prevents build-up of free fatty acids (FFA). This is because a low oil yield could
result since the fat-splitting enzymes would hydrolyse much of the oil during the
fruit pulping process (Liew et al. 2015).
190 N. Qamaruz-Zaman et al.

Fig. 2 Fresh Fruit Bunch ramp

In the sterilizer, steam at 40 psig and a temperature of 145 °C is supplied in

single-peak, double-peak or triple-peak cycles to cook the bunches. Steam con-
sumption varies from 140 kg/ton FFB for a single-peak cycle to 224 kg/ton FFB for
a triple—peak cycle. Figure 3 shows a horizontal cylindrical autoclave-type ster-
ilizer operating at 60–90 min cooking time. The length of the sterilizer is dependent
on the number of cages required for operation of the mill where 2.5–10 tons of FFB
are usually accommodated by each cage (Sivasothy et al. 1986).
After sterilization, the softened FFB undergo threshing whereby these FFB are
rolled and threshed in a revolving slated steel drum to separate the fruits from the
bunch stalks (shown in Fig. 4a, b). The total oil loss absorbed on the stalks depends

Fig. 3 Horizontal cylindrical autoclaves

Anaerobic Digestion of Palm Oil Mill … 191



Fig. 4 Revolving slated steel drum for fruit recovery (a) and palm oil drum strippers (b)

on the sterilizing conditions where prolonged sterilization will increase oil loss in
stalks. Irregular feeding of the stripper may also result in increase of oil loss in
stalks. Considering these facts, stringent monitoring of operating conditions are
practiced at the mills, thus, the bunch stalks rarely contain oil and are removed. The
bunch stalks are often disposed by incineration to provide fuel for boilers, while the
ash is reclaimed as potash fertilizer. Remaining unburnt bunch stalks are trans-
ported to nearby plantations for use as mulch for plantation fertilization.
Following sterilization, the fruits are placed in a steel vat known as a fruit
digester (Fig. 5). Here, steam is injected again and fruits are mashed by sets of
stirring mechanical arms to loosen the fibre from the nuts of the fruits. At this stage,
any oil extracted from such mashing are sent to the purification process.
192 N. Qamaruz-Zaman et al.

Fig. 5 Fruit digesters

2.3 Press Station

The Press Station as shown in Fig. 6 places the fibre-nut mash in a perforated press
cage which is pressed to squeeze the oil and moisture from the fibre-nut mash. The
extracted crude oil from such pressing flows into a crude oil tank into the
Clarification Station for further purification. The press cake from the pressing will
fall into a cake breaker conveyor and transported to the nut station for further

Fig. 6 Press station

Anaerobic Digestion of Palm Oil Mill … 193

2.4 Clarification Station

The extracted crude oil from the press station contains a mixture of oil, water and
solids from the bunch fibres. In order to give a clear stable product of acceptable
appearance, the water and impurities must be removed from the crude oil which is
done in the Clarification Station (Fig. 7).
The process of removing water and impurities is done step by step, which
includes separation, purifying and drying to produce purified oil. First, hot water is
added to the mixture containing the crude oil to dilute and reduce the viscosity of
the mixture. A vibrating screen is used to remove some of the solids. Then, the oil
mixture is heated to 85–90 °C and left to settle in the clarification tank between 1
and 3 h. Oil from the top of the clarification tank is skimmed off while the lower
layer is sent to the centrifugal separator to recover the remaining oil. Oil extracted
from both the top and lower layer is purified in the centrifuge and sent to the
vacuum dryer for drying. The final crude palm oil is then cooled and stored in
storage tanks.

2.5 Nut Station

The press cake from the pressing process is processed at the nut station to produce
the palm kernel oil. Figure 8 shows a depericarper, a rotating steel drum used to
separate the nuts from the fibre. The nuts from the depericarper are dried in the nut

Fig. 7 Clarification station

194 N. Qamaruz-Zaman et al.

Fig. 8 Nut station

silo prior to feeding them to the mills to facilitate the cracking and separation of the
palm kernel from the nut shell. The cracked nuts from the mills are subsequently
fed into a winnower, a blowing machine where the lighter shell fragments and any
remaining fibre are blown off by air-jets. Only the heavier palm kernels with parts
of the nutshells still attached remain.
A hydrocyclone or a clay bath is used to further separate the mixture of palm
kernel and nutshells. The clay bath principle works on the specific gravity of
kernels of 1.07 and the shell of 1.17. Separation is achieved when the kernels float
while the shells sink in a clay bath mixture of specific gravity of 1.12.
A hydrocyclone on the other hand uses centrifugal force to separate the kernel from
the shell using water. The kernels are then dried in hot air silos to reduce the
moisture content to less than 7 %. About 0.4 Mt of kernels are produced with every
Mt of CPO.
Anaerobic Digestion of Palm Oil Mill … 195

Palm kernel oil extraction results in the production of the Palm Kernel Cake
(PKC). The palm kernel cake contains moderate nutrition with 16–18 % of crude
protein and 13–20 % crude fiber making it popular as feeding material in ruminant
diets. Its use in non-ruminant diets like poultry diets are limited due to the high fibre
content of PKC (Sharmila et al. 2014).

3 Palm Oil Mill Effluent

3.1 Water Consumption in the Palm Oil Mill

Palm oil milling typically requires huge quantities of water for its process, for the
operation of boilers and the hydrocyclone separator (DOE 1999; Chavalparit et al.
2006). The production of palm oil has grown over the years in Malaysia, from 4.1
million tonnes in 1985 to 18.9 million tonnes in 2011 (PalmOilWorld 2011). About
1.50 m3 of water is extracted from freshwater resources for the processing of
1 tonne of FFB. Nearby freshwater resources, such as rivers are usually utilized as
sourcing from natural water resources incurs very little pumping and treatment
The feed water for the boiler is evaporated into steam with the steam quality
dependent on the feed water temperature as well as the temperature and pressure of
the steam. The boiler at the palm oil mill in Nibong Tebal, Malaysia (POMNT) is
fed using water sourced from Jabatan Bekalan Air (JBA) at 375 m3/day and treated
using flocculation and clarification, to prevent corrosion of the boiler metal, scale
formation, foaming, and priming.
Using a large quantity of water, the hydrocyclone separates wet kernels from the
palm shells for further processing in the kernel silo. The hydrocyclone separators
use the flow of water to separate two components of different densities by cen-
trifugal force. The density of palm kernels is lower than that of the palm shells.
At POMNT, the process water is sourced from the nearby Sungai Kerian at
7200 m3/day which is treated using alum and soda ash.
In the end, about 50 % (0.75 m3) of the water source for the palm oil milling
eventually becomes palm oil mill effluent (POME) with the remaining 50 % ending
up as used water. Due to the low contamination level, the used water rarely requires
treatment and is usually discharged straight into the drains or rivers.

3.2 The Generation of Palm Oil Mill Effluent

Palm oil mill effluent is wastewater that results from palm oil milling and typically
originates from three main sources; sterilizer condensate, clarification wastewater
and hydrocyclone wastewater. The wastewater from the sterilizer condensate (or
sterilizer waste) resulted from the FFB sterilization process in a horizontal sterilizer
196 N. Qamaruz-Zaman et al.

or horizontal cylindrical autoclaves (DOE 1999). About 36 % of the total POME

constitutes sterilizer condensate (DOE 1999; Wu et al. 2010). The sterilizer at
POMNT produces on average of 10.8 m3 sterilizer condensate per day reaching a
maximum of 14.4 m3/day. The condensate must be removed quickly to prevent
flooding of the bearings of the cage bogies and contamination of the sterilizer
condensate with the hydrocarbon lubricant.
The clarification wastewater (or separator sludge) discharged from the process
operation of clarification of the extracted crude palm oil is by far the major con-
tributor to POME, producing about 60 % of the total effluent. The palm oil mill in
Nibong Tebal produces an average of 12.6 m3/day of wastewater from its clarifier
with a maximum value of 25.9 m3/day. The solids content in clarification
wastewater is much higher compared to wastewater from the sterilizer or hydro-
cyclone, due to the presence of a higher proportion of both soluble and insoluble
carbohydrate constituents in the wastewater (Ho et al. 1984). The smallest con-
tributor to the POME is wastewater from the hydrocyclone wastewater, contributing
only about 4 % of the effluent discharge (DOE 1999; Wu et al. 2010).
Palm oil mill effluent is a mixture of water, residue oil, and fine suspended
components with very high organic matter content. The suspended solids in POME
are mainly cellulose matter of vegetative origins like cell walls, organelles, short
fibres, nitrogenous compounds (from proteins to amino acids), water-soluble car-
bohydrates (ranging from hemicelluloses to simple sugars including glucose,
reducing sugars, and pectin), pentose (insoluble carbohydrate), free organic acids,
lipids, minor organic and mineral constituents (Liew et al. 2015). Physically, fresh
POME is thick, hot, acidic, odorous sand looking viscous brownish or grey slurry.
Although the palm oil mill effluent is more polluting than domestic sewage,
about a hundred times over (Ma and Augustine Ong 1985; Khalid and Wan
Mustafa 1992), the effluent is non-hazardous as the entire milling process is devoid
of any chemicals (Ma and Augustine Ong 1985; Khalid and Wan Mustafa 1992;
Igwe and Onyegbado 2007). That said, the COD and BOD values of POME are
high enough to cause serious pollution and environmental problems for the rivers.
As shown in Table 1, all parameters are excessive in the POME compared to

Table 1 Characteristics of Parameter POME values Sewage

POME compared to
municipal sewage (Damayanti pH 5.6 7
et al. 2011) COD 45 0.6
Total solids 43 0.8
Total dissolved solids 35 0.23
Suspended solids 8.2 0.56
NO3− 0.10 0.01
NO2− 0.30 0.06
NH4+ 0.20 0.03
Total nitrogen 0.5 0.01
All parameter’s units in g L−1 except pH
Anaerobic Digestion of Palm Oil Mill … 197

sewage, based on data compiled from Felda Bukit Besar Palm Mill, Johor, Malaysia
and municipal wastewater, respectively. Many improvements have been made to
address the issue of POME treatment with concerted efforts of the policy makers,
government agencies, scientists as well as the plant owners. One rising effort is the
utilization of POME for energy production through the implementation of engi-
neered anaerobic digestion systems for treating POME.

4 Fundamentals of Anaerobic Digestion

In anaerobic treatment, large organic molecules enter a digester and are converted,
mainly, into methane and carbon dioxide by the action of bacteria in the absence of
oxygen. The process of anaerobic digestion proceeds in three main stages; (i) hy-
drolysis, (ii) acid formation and (iii) methanogenesis.
Hydrolysis involves the conversion of the complex waste (particulate and sol-
uble polymers) into soluble products by extracellular enzymes secreted by hydro-
lytic bacteria. The once complex insoluble organic polymers become more easily
available for use by acidogenic bacteria in the next stage. Proteins present in the
waste are converted into amino acids, fats into long chain fatty acids and carbo-
hydrates into simple sugars.
In the acid formation step (acidogensis/acetogenesis) step, the organic monomers
of sugars and amino acids released earlier are degraded by fermentative bacteria to
produce volatile fatty acids (VFA) namely propionic, butyric and valeric acids,
together with acetate, hydrogen (H2) carbon dioxide (CO2). The degradation of
amino acids also produces ammonia.
Methane is produced from the raw materials of the previous stage during
methanogenesis, the last stage. This is done in two ways; one through hydro-
genotrophic methanogenesis producing methane by utilizing H2 and CO2 by the
hydrogen-consuming bacteria in a syntrophic co-culture with the OHPA bacteria.
The other by methanogenic aceticlastic bacteria which grow on acetate as the
substrate, releasing methane and carbon dioxide. Of these, acetic acid and the
closely related acetate are the main precursors to methane production accounting to
about 75 % of the methane production.
The most important advantages of anaerobic wastewater treatment processes are
the high percentage of stabilization obtained and the low percentage of conversion
of organic matter to biological cells. The small quantities of sludge growth mini-
mize the problems of biological sludge disposal, as well as the requirements for the
inorganic nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus. The end product of the anaerobic
process, methane gas is a highly valuable material that can be utilized for energy
consumption at site or sold to consumers, provided a consistent and sufficient
quality gas is produced.
198 N. Qamaruz-Zaman et al.

5 Anaerobic Pond for the Purpose of Effluent Treatment

Since the 80’s, biological treatment, consisting of anaerobic, facultative and aerobic
pond systems (Wong 1980) has basically been the technique available for the
treatment of POME in Malaysia. In 2011, only 13 % of 426 palm oil mills in
Malaysia have installed biogas plants at their premises, with another 39 % slowly
upgrading to biogas plants, while the remaining half still uses conventional open
ponds (Chin et al. 2013). In fact, the use of sophisticated and controlled anaerobic
reactors is still in its infancy and only a few mills have adopted the system. The
pond system can achieve a reasonable degree of treatment using a relatively
unsophisticated technology that is generally low in construction and operating
costs. The pond technology is also easily maintained, thus the risks in treatment
malfunction is greatly avoided. These pond methods are regarded as conventional
POME treatment method whereby long retention times and large treatment areas are
Figure 9 shows the pond system at POMNT comprising of de-oiling tank,
acidification ponds, anaerobic ponds and facultative or aerobic ponds. The size of
the pond depends on the capacity of the palm oil mill as well as the area available
for the ponds. POMNT has 9 ponds inclusive of 3 unit of anaerobic ponds, 3 unit
aeration ponds and 1 unit each for the acid pond, cooling pond and polishing pond,
respectively. In addition, the POME treatment needs 1 unit 500 tons de-oiling tank,
2 units concrete oil traps, and a belt press filter.

5.1 Acidic Pond

Wastewater from the milling process first flows into an oil trap which is built of
concrete for the recovery of residual oil; equalization and cooling of the effluent.
The effluent will flow into the Acidic Pond thereafter. Here, the Acidification Phase
of the anaerobic process is initiated, where the acid forming anaerobic bacteria or
acidogens convert the hydrolysed complex organics into free fatty acids.

5.2 Cooling Pond

The cooling pond cools the wastewater to a temperature suitable for the growth of
bacteria for anaerobic treatment. The wastewater from the cooling pond then flows
to the anaerobic pond by gravity flow. Approximately 2–3 days are allocated for
de-oiling/cooling and initial sludge settling/acidification.
Anaerobic Digestion of Palm Oil Mill … 199

Fig. 9 Process flow for

From Production
effluent treatment at a palm oil
mill in Nibong Tebal,
Malaysia Sump Trap

Acidic Pond

Cooling Pond

Anaerobic Pond 1

Anaerobic Pond A (new)

Anaerobic Pond 2

Anaerobic Pond 3

Aeration Pond 1

Aeration Pond 2

Aeration Pond 3

Facultative Pond B (new)

Facultative Pond C (new)

Facultative Pond D (new)

Polishing Pond


5.3 Anaerobic Pond

Anaerobic bacteria in the Anaerobic Pond decompose organic matter to carbon

dioxide, methane gas, other gaseous end products, organic acid and cell tissue. The
principle biological reactions are acid formation and methane fermentation. The
high organic loads produce strict anaerobic conditions (no dissolved oxygen)
throughout the pond.
200 N. Qamaruz-Zaman et al.

CHONS þ H2 O ! CO2 þ CH4 þ NH3 þ other end products þ H2 S þ heat

In terms of sizing, a palm oil mill with a processing capacity of 54 tons palm oil per
hour, usually need an anaerobic pond that measures about 60 m in length, 30 m wide
and 6 m deep (Yacob et al. 2006). Retention time of anaerobic ponds are the long-
est in the ponding system between 20 to about 200 days (Poh and Chong 2009).
The cost for the ponding system can be assumed to match that of open digesting
tank. In 1986, the cost for initiating open digesting tank for POME treatment
without land application for mills processing 30 tons FFB/h was RM 750,000. The
cost was estimated to increase to RM 1,147,642 in the year 2006 for the same
processing capacity and ponding system (Poh and Chong 2009).

5.4 Aeration Pond

In the Aeration Pond, a greater amount of dissolved oxygen is made available in the
POME using an aerator. Through aeration, the aerobic microorganism in the pond
will decompose most of the soluble organic matter. This produces the activated
sludge system.

5.5 Secondary Facultative Pond

The facultative ponds act as stabilization ponds where heavy solids will settle to the
bottom of the lagoon and lighter solid will float. It is important that the surface area
of the facultative lagoon is large enough to provide an atmospheric oxygen transfer
rate adequate to prevent anaerobic conditions on the lagoon surface. The depths of
the facultative and aerobic ponds are more shallow, about 1.5 m. Facultative and
aerobic ponds are necessary to further reduce BOD concentration in order to pro-
duce effluent that complies with the Environmental Quality (Prescribed Premises)
(Crude Palm Oil) Regulations 1977, under the jurisdiction of Section 51 of the
Environmental Quality Act, 1974. Table 2 presents the effluent discharge standards
normally applicable to crude palm oil mills in Malaysia.

5.6 Belt Press Filter

The effluent from the prevailing ponds are then passed through a Belt Press Filter.
Palm oil mill in Nibong Tebal (POMNT) uses the SD-3 Model from Green Mark
Projects Sdn. Bhd. with a capacity of 30 m3 of slurry with up to 2 % solids
contents. The belt press filter can be operated either manually or automatically for a
maximum continuous operating time of 16 h per day. The machine belt press filter
is capable of handling 25–30 ton of POME.
Anaerobic Digestion of Palm Oil Mill … 201

Table 2 Effluent discharge standards for crude palm oil mills (Department of Environment 1999)
Parameter Unit Limits
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), 3-day, 30 °C mg/L 100
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg/L *
Total solids mg/L *
Suspended solids mg/L 400
Oil and grease mg/L 50
Ammoniacal nitrogen mg/L 150 (value of filtered sample)
Total nitrogen mg/L 200 (value of filtered sample)
pH – 5–9
Temperature °C 45
*No discharge standard after 1984

The effluent from the belt press filter which is the filtrate will be sent to the
polishing pond. Wastewater from the polishing pond will be discharged by gravity
flow through a pipeline into the nearby watercourse. The effluent discharge into
Sungai Kerian is controlled through a meter with control ball valve at a quantity of
6–12 m3/h. The industrial wastewater production from the mill has been determined
to be 504 m3 per day.
The solids scraped from the belt press filter usually contain 62–85 % moisture
with N (2–2.5 %), P205 (0.5–1 %), K2O (1–1.5 %), CaO (1.5–2 %) and MgO
(0.5–1 %). Due to its nutritional values, the solids are utilized for compost pro-
duction at the mill.
The palm oil mill at Nibong Tebal has since added 1 anaerobic and 3 facultative
pond to the nine 9 effluent treatment ponds, making it a total of 13 effluent ponds.
The upgrade was done in order to meet the Department of Environment Limit
(Second Schedule) according to the Environmental Quality (Prescribed Premises)
(Crude Palm Oil) Regulations, 1977, as shown in earlier in Table 2.
The preference by the POMNT to upgrade the ponding system with more
treatment ponds, rather than adoption of a more effective technology is an indi-
cation that most mill owners employ anaerobic treatment for the sole purpose of
effluent treatment. The choice of more sophisticated anaerobic reactors is often
weighed against the high costs involved and scepticism on return in investment in
energy production.

5.7 Issues with Anaerobic Pond Treatment

5.7.1 Ineffective Pond Design Consideration

Empirical data from actual field experience for hydraulic retention time (HRT),
solids retention time (SRT), influent and effluent concentrations and sludge age are
common parameters used to design anaerobic pond systems. The performance of
202 N. Qamaruz-Zaman et al.

the pond and its design is measurable by BOD, as the pollution parameter. Areal or
surface BOD loading (ks) is the weight of BOD applied per unit area of pond per
day and is given as (Wong 1980):

10Li Q
ks ¼

A Area of pond in hectares
Q Flow rate of wastewater in m3/day
L1 Influent BOD in kg/m3.
Volumetric loading rates are sometimes used particularly with anaerobic ponds.
The weight of BOD applied per unit volume per day (kv) then (Wong 1980):

Li Q
kv ¼

D pond depth
and AD retention time = t.
Then (Wong 1980)

kv ¼

The effectiveness of the ponds in effluent treatment can be maximized by con-

sidering biological kinetics and incorporating bio-kinetic factors in the anaerobic
pond design. There are many literature with results of research on advanced
anaerobic treatment such as membrane anaerobic system (Fakhrul Razi and Noor
1999), high rate up-flow anaerobic sludge fixed film (Zinatizadeh et al. 2006),
anaerobic hybrid digester and modified anaerobic baffled reactor (Faisal and Unno
2001), for the treatment of POME. That said, literature on anaerobic stabilization
pond system with regards to its biological behaviour is still limited, but is highly
needed as the ponding system is widely used in palm oil mills.
Bio-kinetic coefficients are useful tools to obtain information on the rate of
microbial growth and consumption of substrate, which is essential to determine the
volume of the reactor and understanding the process control well through system
simulation. Meanwhile, bio-kinetic coefficients also play an important role to
illustrate the development of microorganism and substrate balances, the prediction
of effluent concentration, the development of process design factors and the effects
of kinetic coefficients on the process of design, performance and stability
(Tchobanoglous et al. 2003).
Another issue with the pond design are the formation of scum on the POME
surface and the tendency for solids build-up at the bottom of the pond. Furthermore,
Anaerobic Digestion of Palm Oil Mill … 203

the sludge and scum will clump together inside the pond and thus lowering the
treatment efficiency. Pond maintenance becomes an important trait. The system
requires regular desludging by either using submersible pumps or excavators to
maintain the design efficiency.

5.7.2 Under-Production of Methane Gas

Anaerobic ponds at pam oil mills are conducted only in the mesophilic temperature
range in Malaysia, despite the raw POME being discharged around 80–90 °C
(Zinatizadeh et al. 2006) which actually makes thermophilic processes feasible.
A mesophilic treatment requires a cooling pond or cooling tower prior to digestion
to bring the temperature down to the mesophilic range. The cooling pond/tower
may be eliminated if a thermophilic system is adopted instead.
Anaerobic systems operating at 55 °C have higher substrate degradation rate and
biogas production rate, acting four times faster than operation in the mesophilic
temperature of 35 °C. Thermophilic digesters are able to tolerate higher OLRs and
operate at shorter HRT while producing more biogas (Ahn and Forster 2002; Kim
et al. 2006; Yilmaz et al. 2008). If all POME in Malaysia would be treated at
thermophilic temperature and recovered biogas was to be fully utilized for elec-
tricity energy generation, it would generate 2250 million kWh which contributes
approximately 4 % of the 1999 national electricity demand (Yeoh 2004).
However, in thermophilic condition, the production of volatile fatty acid is
higher compared to the mesophilic temperature range (Yu et al. 2002). There is a
risk of accumulation of volatile fatty acid which could inhibit methanogenesis
leading to biomass washout and ultimately reactor instability. Due to the high risk
involved, many mill owners prefer digesters operating at mesophilic temperature as
the process is more stable and easier to control.

5.7.3 Untapped Energy Resource

POME contains a high concentration of organic matter, COD concentration in the

range of 45,000–65,000 mg/L, BOD of 18,000–48,000 mg/L and oil and grease
greater than 2000 mg/L (Chin et al. 1996).The effluent is thick, oily, dark brown in
colour and smells obnoxious (Oswal et al. 2002; Bhatia et al. 2007; Fang et al. 2011).
The methane concentration from the palm oil anaerobic ponds is fairly consistent
at 54.4 % in the gaseous mixture. However, the amount of methane emitted from
the anaerobic ponds is influenced by seasonal cropping of oil palm and the mill
activities (Yacob et al. 2006). Yacob et al. (2006) found that one anaerobic pond
can emit about 1043 kg of methane each day. For a mill with four anaerobic ponds,
a total of 4172.4 kg of methane gas can be produced each day. If carbon credit price
of €10 per ton of carbon is used (Menon 2007) and 300 working days, it is likely
that RM 1,027,975 per year (€228,438.9) revenue can be obtained from the
anaerobic ponds and captured as renewable energy.
204 N. Qamaruz-Zaman et al.

6 Utilization of Anaerobic Digestion for Energy


6.1 Design of Energy-Intensive Anaerobic Digesters

Up-flow or down-flow filters, fluidized beds (Idris et al. 2003), up-flow anaerobic
sludge blanket (UASB) systems (Chaisri et al. 2007) or up-flow floe digesters
(Zinatizadeh et al. 2006) are modern high rate anaerobic digester technologies,
however, their applications in palm oil mill effluent treatment are scarce. At best,
these reactors are designed and performance only evaluated at bench-scale.
Removal efficiency of COD over 90 % under very short hydraulic retention times
and high loading rates have been reported using advanced anaerobic digesters,
however, the results of a full-scale implementation may differ owing to the fact that
working conditions are not as easily controlled or predicted.
Investors shy away from these advanced anaerobic digesters due to the excessive
capital and operating costs compared to the conventional anaerobic digestion sys-
tem. In fact, justification for such a need has no basis as currently, there is no
environment legislation on bio-methane emission from POME in Malaysia.

6.2 Floating Cover System

An in situ and cost effective alternative means to recover bio-methane from

anaerobic ponds is to retrofit the existing ponding/lagoon system with a closed
digester system (Lam and Lee 2011). A closed digester system simply means
covering the exposed pond with floating plastic membranes to help capture the
produced biogas and retain the gas product within the floating plastic enclosure.
The cover material are usually made of linear low density polyethylene liners that
are resistant to bad weather, biological degradation, UV radiation and prevent
pooling of rainwater.
The captured biogas can be used as a mixing mechanism in the anaerobic ponds.
Effective mixing encourages contact between the POME with microorganisms
(particularly methanogens) and thus promoting better organic material degradation
and higher emission rates of biogas. The biogas accumulated from the anaerobic
ponds goes through a biogas recycling system and then pumped back to the bottom
of the ponds thus, creating a mixing effect in the anaerobic pond. In addition, the
biogas can be cleaned to recover methane gas and combusted as a boiler fuel or to
generate electricity.
Effluent from the ponds will still be discharged to facultative and aerobic ponds
for further organic matters degradation. A belt press filter is still required to recover
the solids which can be used as organic fertilizer in plantations.
A geo-membrane cover has been used at a palm oil mill in Honduras, over two
mesophilic anaerobic lagoons with a volume of 7500 m3 (Environmental Fabrics
Anaerobic Digestion of Palm Oil Mill … 205

Inc 2009). The palm oil mill processing capacity is 20 ton/h with wastewater
production of 340 m3 per day. The floating cover system was able to generate
10,000 m3 day of biogas and with the production of 6 GW/year using two 633 kW
generator sets, an annual saving of 1 Million USD is achievable.

6.3 Single Stage Continuously Stirred Tank Reactors


In the continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR), reactor feeding should be continuous
for maximum efficiency, for example once a day. When influent substrate concen-
tration of 3–8 % total solids (TS) is added, an equal amount of effluent is withdrawn.
A large reactor volume is needed to cater for the large addition of water volume. The
operating temperature is maintained constantly at mesophilic or thermophilic tem-
perature. The system can also be operated at high substrate concentration in the range
of 16–22 % TS (Gunaseelan 1997), so called a semi-dry digestion. However, the use
of semi-dry anaerobic digesters at palm oil mill has not been reported.
In the 1980s, Kek Seng (M) Berhad introduced the single stage CSTR in
Malaysia (Chua and Gian 1986), where, at that time, the use of closed anaerobic
reactors was only applied at two or three palm oil mills (Chua and Gian 1986). The
biogas generated was captured and used as boiler fuel, estimated to be about
1407 tonne/year. A total of 29,547 tonne CO2 of GHG emission was avoided per
year. The biogas can also be used for the mill’s electricity consumption while any
excessive biogas needs to be flared off. For CSTR, aerobic/facultative ponds or
extended aeration system sometimes are necessary still to meet the effluent dis-
charge standard of the Department of Environment.
In Thailand, the anaerobic CSTR at Asian Palm Oil Co., Ltd. Krabi has been in
operation since December 2001. The anaerobic digester measures 13.5 m in
diameter and 15.3 m in height giving an effective volume of 2100 m3
(Chotwattanasak and Puetpaiboon 2011). The reactor comprises of gear motor,
torque tube, scrapper set and draft tube. Palm oil mill wastewater from the pro-
duction process was pre-treated by oil recovery tank and primary ponds before
feeding to the anaerobic digester by centrifugal pump at feeding rate 300 m3/day
from the tank bottom as up flow.
The plant is able to produce about 0.51 m3 CH4/kg CODday from 1 m3 (or
20 m3 biogas) of palm oil mill effluent when operated at an average organic loading
rate of 4.53 kg COD/m3day and hydraulic retention time of 7 days. About 92 and
64 % BOD5 and COD removal efficiency, respectively, can be achieved in this
anaerobic digester.
In September 2005, a 500 kW biogas engine (Shengli biogas combustion engine
Model 500GF-RZ) was installed at Asian Palm Oil Mill for the continuous pro-
duction of renewable electricity. After more than 17,500 h of operating time, a
second biogas engine was operated at the same site. Biogas from the digester was
scrubbed to reduce hydrogen sulphide (H2S) using iron chip to prevent corrosion in
206 N. Qamaruz-Zaman et al.

any part of the engine. Hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen, particulates and water vapor
are also removed from the gas stream. The 500 kW gas engine produced 20 m3 of
gas from 1 m3 of wastewater or an electricity generation of 2.5 kWh/m3 of biogas.
The efficiency of the gas engine using biogas with a CH4 content of 65 % achieved
35 % efficiency. The amount of power generation was about 2.2 million kWh/year
which when sold to PEA creates a total average income of 4.9 Million Baht/year.

6.4 Expanded Granular Sludge Bed (EGSB)

EGSB is an advanced anaerobic digestion system, one of the few advanced

anaerobic digesters in use at site to treat palm oil mill effluent. The EGSB at Kilang
Kelapa Sawit (KKS) Labu, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia comprises two reactors
made of steel measuring 6 m diameter and 16 m in height (Wang et al. 2015). The
reactor is separated into a three phase separator (top portion), reactor body (middle
portion) and liquid distributor (end) which are operated in series using a set of
valves and two dosing tanks. The influent is pumped through the bottom of the
reactor while the treated effluent exits at the top. The suspended solids from the
digestate is treated using dissolved air flotation (DAF) with some of the anaerobic
sludge recycled back to the reactor.
The EGSB is operated at 35 °C with a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of
10 days. Its superficial hydraulic velocity was about 0.13 m/h, while superficial
airflow velocity was about 1.76 m/h. When half of sludge was recycled via DAF,
the anaerobic system removed 94.9 % of COD and from 71,179 to an average
effluent COD of 3587 mg/L. About 28 m3 biogas can be produced from 1 m3
POME with 65–70 % CH4, 25–36 % of CO2, and 800–1500 ppm of H2S.
The effluent is further purified using a combination of ultrafiltration (UF) and
reverse osmosis. The two UF modules have a nominal molecular weight cut-off
(MWCO) of 100,000 g/mol and the reverse osmosis (ESPA-2 RO membrane
(Hydranautics, USA) have a 99.6 % NaCl rejection rate. A set of biogas purifier
and a biogas gas engine generator set were used to transform biogas (methane) into
electrical energy. The pilot plant performance assessment showed that an integrated
anaerobic and aerobic biological treatment system of POME was possible to
achieve a ‘zero discharge’ integration system. However, the economics of this
approach needs to be further addressed and justified to warrant such application in
the palm oil mills.

7 Issues of Energy Recovery from Anaerobic Digestion

Biogas emission from the anaerobic ponds consisting of methane, carbon dioxide
and traces of hydrogen sulfide is the main emission during POME treatment using
the ponding system (Subramaniam et al. 2008). The biogas if left un-harvested, is a
Anaerobic Digestion of Palm Oil Mill … 207

greenhouse gas which harms the quality of the air. Instead, if the biogas is harvested
and used as energy in the palm oil mill, the impact from the POME is removed and
POME becomes a savings to the environment (Subramaniam et al. 2008). This is
due to the reuse of the treated POME as fertilizers at the plantations. However, the
harvesting of biogas at palm oil mills through controlled anaerobic digestion is still
Vijaya et al. (2010) also recommended palm oil mills to capture biogas for
conversion into renewable energy in order to significantly reduce climate change
impact from palm oil mill operations. Despite that knowledge, industries are still
reluctant to use advanced anaerobic reactors due to, among others, the high cost of
investment and the lack of infrastructure associated with national grid connection.
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) helps efforts to reduce carbon
emission to the environment by allowing developing countries such as Malaysia,
Thailand, Indonesia and Africa (as exporters of palm oil) to attract foreign
investments to invest in local renewable energy projects such as anaerobic digestion
(Menon 2002). The Kyoto Protocol sets binding targets for 37 industrialized
countries and the European community for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions. Under Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol, the Clean Development
Mechanism (CDM) allows a country with an emission-reduction or emission-
limitation commitment under the Kyoto Protocol (Annex B Party) to implement an
emission-reduction project in developing countries. Such projects can earn saleable
certified emission reduction (CER) credits, each equivalent to one tonne of CO2,
which can be counted towards meeting Kyoto targets. The CDM through the Kyoto
Protocol is the first global, environmental investment and credit scheme of its kind,
providing a standardized emission offset instrument, CERs.
For anaerobic digestion of palm oil mill, the utilization of methane gas as a
renewable energy from the anaerobic digestion can be used to obtain certified
emission reduction (CER) credit (Tong and Jaafar 2006). In Malaysia, examples of
CDM to recover methane from palm oil mill effluent includes the registration by
Kim Loong Power Sdn. Bhd. (Project, 0867) and United Plantations Bhd. (Project,
1153). Payback period for investment on anaerobic bioreactors can be short if
carbon credit prices remain high (Menon 2007).
That said, the benefits of the CDM in encouraging use of controlled amerce
digestion at POME was short-lived. In 2012, the CDM program under the Kyoto
Protocol expired leaving only the projects that have been accepted for CDM before
the end of 2012 to be continued to mid-2015. The absence of this Emissions
Trading Scheme means there is no longer financial support through sales of CERs
to assist the development of new biogas plants in palm oil mills (Ji et al. 2013).
Despite the known advantages of the more advanced anaerobic bioreactors against
conventional ponding system, the route to energy recovery at POME via AD may
take a while considering the financial and technical constraints.
208 N. Qamaruz-Zaman et al.

8 Conclusions

The real-life applications of advanced reactors are still restricted to simple tech-
niques such as the use of floating covers, one stage CSTRs and only recently the use
of expanded granular sludge bed albeit only at pilot scale. The palm oil mill owners
are now aware that anaerobic processes are not only are useful in treating palm oil
mill effluent, but that the technology with modern approaches in the design and
operation is useful for resource recovery specifically methane gas. Practising con-
cept of knowledge transfer between mill operators and biogas technology providers
can help to reduce any scepticism of the technology and ensuring a sustainable
reactor. In addition, various means to finance biogas projects and other incentives
are needed to promote and help the realisation of anaerobic reactors at both new and
existing palm oil mills.

Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the valuable information provided by

Messrs. United Palm Oil Industries, Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.


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Landfill Bioreactor Technology for Waste

Martina Di Addario and Bernardo Ruggeri

Abstract The content of this chapter focuses on the anaerobic BioReactor Landfill
(BRL), an alternative to the traditional “dry tomb” landfill, with the aim of a more
rapid degradation of the organic fraction of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) through
leachate recirculation. This technology is mainly based on the moisture increase of
waste through liquid injection into the landfill body, as waste degradation is
strongly dependent on humidity. The main advantage of bioreactor landfills is the
rapid stabilization of the organic fraction, which can be reached in 5–10 years
compared to 30–50 years under traditional operation. Biogas production can be
therefore increased to higher volumes in less time, improving the efficiency of
energy recovery. The main factors regarding MSW biodegradation in BRLs will be
presented. Focusing on the different and interconnected phenomena, which take
place in such a complex and heterogeneous system, it will be possible to gain an
overview of the whole process. A number of studies have shown the positive effects
of leachate recirculation on MSW degradation, either at laboratory-scale or on-site.
The state of art of both, lab- and full-scale experimentations, will be presented, with
a focus on an Italian case study.

Keywords Bioreactor landfill 

Anaerobic digestion  Leachate
recirculation Landfill gas Municipal solid waste

M. Di Addario  B. Ruggeri (&)

DISAT, Department of Applied Science and Technology, Politecnico di Torino, Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Turin, Italy
M. Di Addario

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016 211

O.P. Karthikeyan et al. (eds.), Recycling of Solid Waste for Biofuels
and Bio-chemicals, Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products
and Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0150-5_8
212 M. Di Addario and B. Ruggeri

1 Introduction

Waste disposal represents a crucial aspect of current societies. Despite the greater
awareness towards issues like recycle and reuse, we are still far from a real “re-
cycling society”. An efficient waste management plan should be oriented towards
prevention, minimization, recycle, reuse and energy recovery. Then there is the
landfill, the last necessary step that cannot be forgotten. The current idea of landfill
is always related to environmental impacts to atmosphere, groundwater and land.
New technologies for bioreactor landfills could reduce these risks and its reputation
in popular imaginary imagination could be reconsidered.
Traditional landfills are thought of as a dry tomb where liquid inputs are limited
to reduce environmental impact. In such conditions of low water content, the waste
takes 30–50 years to decompose completely. Leachate and biogas, the two major
pollutants produced by anaerobic decomposition of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW),
are captured and removed from the landfill in order to avoid leakages into the
surrounding environment. However, the time needed for waste stabilization
increases the risks of long-term uncontrolled releases, which can be dangerous for
environment and health.
In the last decades, the concept of BioReactor Landfill (BRL) has been intro-
duced as an alternative to the traditional “dry tomb” landfill, with the aim of a more
rapid degradation of the organic fraction of MSW. This new technology is mainly
based on the increase of waste moisture through leachate recirculation. The waste
degradation processes are strongly dependent on moisture content. The liquid
injected in the landfill body stimulates microbial activity by promoting redistribu-
tion of substrates and nutrients and the diffusion of microorganisms between the
micro-environments of the landfill (Sanphoti et al. 2006). The main advantage of
bioreactor landfills is the rapid stabilization of organic fraction, which can be
reached in 5–10 years compared to 30–50 years of the traditional one (Clement
et al. 2010). Pommier et al. (2007) affirm that the water content of MSW greatly
affects the methanization process in a landfill, by increasing both the specific
microbial growth rate and the bioavailability of the solid substrate. Biogas pro-
duction can be therefore increased with more volumes generated in less time,
improving the energy recovery efficiency. Moreover, long-term environmental
impact and post-closure care costs can be reduced (Warith 2002). On the contrary,
the construction of bioreactor landfills requires additional operations in the design
and management compared to the traditional landfill. The major initial investment
and running costs related to the liquid recirculation system can be offset by a
number of economic benefits arising from the management of the bioreactor
landfill, including the sale of electrical energy from biogas and lower costs for
treatment and disposal of leachate (Berge et al. 2009).
From the pioneering work of Pohland (1975), a number of studies have shown
the positive effects of leachate recirculation on MSW degradation, either at
laboratory-scale or on site. In the works carried out in bench reactors and in lisy-
meters, the conditions could be optimized in order to promote higher degradation
Landfill Bioreactor Technology for Waste Management 213

rates, such as: waste shredding, pH control or nutrients addition (Francois et al.
2007; Mali Sandip et al. 2012; Huang et al. 2012). The experimentations on full
landfill plant are more difficult to conduct because it is difficult to obtain a
homogeneous distribution of liquids and to monitor its effects. Moreover, it is not
always possible to generalize the results obtained in situ because each landfill has
its own characteristics, both in terms of quality, quantity of waste and management
options (Barina 2005).
The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview on waste biodegradation and
biogas production through the anaerobic BRL technology. The main factors
affecting MSW decomposition will be treated, in order to understand the different
and interconnected processes taking place in such a complex system. More atten-
tion will be taken in the description of the biological reactions for landfill gas
production and how they are affected by leachate recirculation. The state of the art
in the lab-scale and full-scale experimentation will be presented, with a more
detailed case study of a retrofit BRL in Northern Italy.

2 Main Factors Regarding Biogas Production in BRLs

A landfill is a complex system in which different and interconnected processes take

place: biological processes, physico-chemical processes, hydrological and
geo-technical behaviour are strictly related to each other. Biological processes play
the main role, due to the bio-degradation of the organic matter and biogas pro-
duction, but they cannot be considered apart from all the other processes.
Landfill biogas is a by-product of anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction of
MSW placed within a BRL. Biogas is collected by vertical or horizontal drainpipes
and is used to produce heat or energy. The microbes active in anaerobic digestion
undertake a complex process involving many classes of bacteria and several
intermediate steps of digestion. Four main degradation phases can be identified:
hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis and methanogenesis. Complex organic
matter placed within BRLs must first be hydrolyzed into simpler organics, after
which they are fermented to Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA) by acidogens. VFA are
then converted into acetate and H2 gas by the hydrogen-producing acetogens.
Finally, the acetate and H2 gas are converted into CH4 and CO2 via methanogens.
Under stabilized methanogenic conditions, which is the stage of interest from a
beneficial recovery perspective, landfill gas is composed of approximately 55–60 %
methane and 40–45 % carbon dioxide with trace amounts of other gases (He et al.
2007). Humic substances such as humic acids and fulvic acids are also formed.
These substances are resistant to further degradation. Nitrogen compounds, proteins
and amino acids, are decomposed into ammonia, which is hydrolyzed and it is
mainly present as ammonium. Denitrifying bacteria also take part to nitrogen
degradation by reducing nitrites and nitrates into N2 gas and N2O. Sulfur com-
pounds are reduced into H2S, escaping with the biogas, and HS−, dissolved in the
214 M. Di Addario and B. Ruggeri

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of solid waste decomposition with the role of microorganisms in
BRLs. Symbols continuous line, anaerobic digestion; dotted line, aerobic digestion

In addition to anaerobic digestion, aerobic processes can also take place in a

BRL. Landfill aeration is more and more chosen as an after-care option to rapidly
stabilize refuses and minimize emission potential (Ritzkovski and Stegmann 2011).
During aerobic digestion bacteria and fungi transform organic compounds in lower
weight substances. CO2, H2O and humic substances are produced instead of
methane. The higher energy yields of aerobic processes increase microbial growth
and reproduction (Sang et al. 2012). Ammonium is converted into nitrites and then
nitrates through nitrifying bacteria. Sulfur is oxidized into SO4−, thus reducing
odorous impacts deriving by H2S. Figure 1 illustrates the different paths of
anaerobic and aerobic digestion, with the role of the different microorganisms
Concerns of global warming related to methane have led to considerable interest
in controlling landfill gas emissions into the atmosphere. Energy recovery is one of
the most effective methods of controlling landfill gas emissions. It has been widely
demonstrated that gas generation rate increases in a BRL compared to a traditional
landfill: more LFG can be collected in less time, thus increasing also the energy
Biogas production is affected by different factors such as, MSW composition and
age, density, moisture content, temperature, nutrients, pH and redox potential,
inhibitors (VFA, oxygen or ammonium), operational and climatic conditions.
Moreover, in a bioreactor landfill, additional factors linked to liquid distribution
Landfill Bioreactor Technology for Waste Management 215

should be considered. In order to understand the BRL behavior it is important to

gain an overview of the whole process, considering the main factors involved and
their correlations.

2.1 Landfill Heterogeneity

The landfill body is characterized by highly heterogeneous material. Its

physico-chemical properties change both spatially and temporally, so that it is
difficult to assess a common degradation phase in the entire amount of waste. The
main factors affecting the biochemical activity will be presented by describing their
changes both in time and space.

2.1.1 MSW Composition

The MSW disposed in a landfill consists of a wide variety of refuse fractions.

A merceological characterization classifies the different fractions by material, such
as organic and food waste, gardening waste, wood, plastic and rubber, paper and
cardboard, textiles and leather, glass and inerts, metals. Another classification,
highlighting the waste biodegradability, divides the refuse into three main fractions:
rapidly biodegradable (waste with high organic content, food and gardening waste);
low biodegradable (materials more difficult to decompose, paper, wood, textiles);
non biodegradable (all the remaining materials not taking part to biogas produc-
tion). The concept of biodegradability is linked to the type of carbon present in the
waste: not all organic carbon is “biogasifiable”. For example, food waste contains
48 % (on wet basis) of organic carbon, but only 80 % of this can be transformed in
biogas (Magnano 2010). The presence of lignocellulosic materials make the
degradation harder. Definitively, biodegradability depends on the nature of carbon:
(i) Sugar carbon: easily biodegradable;
(ii) Hemicellulosic/cellulosic carbon: not easily biodegradable;
(iii) Lignocellulosic carbon: hardly biodegradable;
(iv) Fossil carbon: not biodegradable.
Nowadays, with the increase of separate collection, composition trends are
changing: some of the fractions are currently recycled, composted or incinerated
and only the untreated part is sent to the landfill. Each landfill has its own com-
position, depending on the waste management strategies followed. For example,
most of the developing countries still present portions of food or organic waste
higher than 50 % by weight (Sanphoti et al. 2006; Jiang et al. 2007; Mali Sandip
et al. 2012). However, differences in waste composition can be found also in a
single landfill. The growing phase of a landfill takes years: the bottom layers, where
the rapidly biodegradable fraction has been already decomposed, coexist with the
216 M. Di Addario and B. Ruggeri

upper levels, where fresh waste has been just disposed. In fact, the four degradation
phases, previously described, are not subsequent in the whole landfill body, but
they can take place simultaneously in different zones.

2.1.2 Density

The typical landfill density is in the range between 500 and 1500 kg m−3. It
depends on the type of waste and its particle size: a waste well shredded reduces the
voids inside the waste mass and increases compaction. Higher densities promote
liquid distribution and the moisture increase among the refuse. Moreover, as landfill
compaction increases, so does the available volume for waste disposal, thus
reducing operational costs. On the other hand, low void volume and high com-
paction can be an obstacle for gas movements and biogas collection.
Density varies in the landfill body: spatially because the bottom is more com-
pacted by the weight of the upper layers, and temporally because, as the
biodegradation goes on, settling of the waste mass takes place.
In the BRL, additional settlement takes place due to the introduction of liquid
into waste. Benson et al. (2007) compared the settling behaviour in a conventional
and a bioreactor landfill in North America and stated that, after approximately
3 years waste in the bioreactor settled was 22–25 %, whereas waste in the con-
ventional landfill settled with less than 5 %. Moreover, the rate of settlement in the
recirculation landfill also varied with time, with an average rate of approximately
14 %/yr during the first 16 months, and approximately 6 %/yr thereafter. In con-
trast, waste in the conventional landfill settled at a relatively uniform rate of
approximately 1.5 %/yr.

2.1.3 Temperature

Temperature influences both bacterial growth and chemical reactions in a landfill.

In anaerobic conditions and with an adequate thermal isolation, temperatures can
reach 35–50 °C. Mesophilic bacteria work in the range 30–35 °C, while ther-
mophilic bacteria at higher temperatures of 45–50 °C. Most of the landfills operate
in the mesophilic field. Due to the heterogeneity of the waste mass, temperature
varies among different zones: the lower levels are less influenced by the external
environment, due to the isolation by the above layers. If no proper isolation can be
reached, the external environment can affect biodegradation with seasonal varia-
tions of biogas production, higher in the summer and lower in the winter.
Different climatic conditions lead to different management and operational
strategies for BRLs. Zhao et al. (2008) investigated the effects of the temperature in
a cold climate BRL. They affirm that gas production during the winter months was
very low or did not occur; suggesting that, in addition to maintaining optimal
moisture levels within the waste mass, temperature control must be a key design
consideration in cold climates. In the case of tropical landfills (Sanphoti et al. 2006),
Landfill Bioreactor Technology for Waste Management 217

where high temperatures and evaporation occurs, there are other drawbacks due to
the need of supplemental water addition. During the dry season, leachate recircu-
lation may be insufficient to maintain moisture contents and additional liquids are
necessary to stabilize moisture levels as well as stimulate biological activity.

2.1.4 pH

Bacteria involved in anaerobic digestion have different sensitivity towards pH.

Methanogen bacteria are the most affected by pH variations, while acetogens can
operate in acidic environments where methanogenesis is inhibited. Anaerobic
digestion is stable for pH in the range 6.5–7.5. pH varies during the different
degradation phases. During the acidogenic phase high amount of VFAs cause a
decrease of pH. Due to their capability of forming metal complexes, fatty acids
increase the mobility of many metals (Lagerkvist and Cossu 2005). Under acid
fermentation, leachate pH is about 4–6. In the following phases, as a consequence
of the consumption of VFA, the system pH increases and it is buffered at about 7 by
the dissolution of CO2 in the leachate. Neutral pH during the methanogenic phase
promotes the immobilisation of metals through the formation of metal hydroxides,
sulphides and complexes with organic materials (Lagerkvist and Cossu 2005).
There is no evidence of differences between the leachate pH measured in traditional
and bioreactor landfills. There could be a sudden change in pH due to the recir-
culation of high organic waste water or sludge in addition to the leachate itself, but
it depends on the amount of liquid recirculated. Liquid waste with an acidic pH
(pH < 4) should not be introduced to a landfill unless the liquid can be neutralized
prior to addition. Liquid waste with a basic pH may be introduced over a large area
so that they are readily neutralized. If the buffer capacity of the waste body is not
sufficient to establish a neutral environment, pre-treatment of the liquid is needed to
adjust pH.

2.1.5 Moisture Content

Water plays a fundamental role in different biodegradation phenomena occurring in

a landfill. Water molecules are consumed during the hydrolysis of the polymeric
macromolecules. Microorganisms are composed by 80 % of water and their activity
takes place in aqueous environments, where substrates and bacteria are present as
solutes. Optimized Moisture Content (MC) can enhance MSW degradation, as it
provides an aqueous environment containing the necessary nutrients and microbes
and improves mass transfer in the landfill cells (Hao et al. 2008). MC mainly
depends on the waste composition. It ranges from 60 % by weight for food residues
and 1 % for non-biodegradable waste. Waste composition also affects the liquid
distribution in the landfill body, as every fraction could be more or less
hydrophobic. The initial moisture content could limit biological reactions, as it is
not enough to guarantee nutrients and microorganisms distribution in all the
218 M. Di Addario and B. Ruggeri

micro-environments of the landfill. Depending on the initial water content, bio-

logical reactions may be strongly water limited. The threshold value, under which
no biodegration can be observed, ranges from 0.15 to 0.50 kg water/kg dry waste.
Generally, the initial moisture content values range between 0.25 and 0.65 kg
water/kg dry waste (Pommier and Lefebvre 2009). Several authors suggested that
moisture content close to field capacity (approximately 50 % w/w) may be optimal
for landfilled waste, resulting in faster methanisation and three- to four-folds higher
methane yields than at 30–40 % moisture content (Bayard et al. 2009).
In addition to its influence on biodegradation, the amount of moisture also
influences liquid and gas transport: when water occupies a large fraction of the
pores within solid waste, the resistance to water flow is lower, but the movement of
gas through refuse is hampered. Moreover, MC influences also geo-technical sta-
bility, due to the higher weight of the waste mass and the higher local water
pressure (Imhoff et al. 2007).
The optimization of moisture content should consider the liquid transfer among
the refuse and the humidity needed for biologic reactions. Generally, at
landfill-scale, only macro-porosities among the refuse are considered for the liquid
transport. However, biological reactions occur at the lower level, the
micro-porosities of organic particles. Therefore, also the necessary liquid, able to
penetrate micro-pores, should be considered. The minimum quantity of liquid to
recirculate should be estimated through the determination of the liquid already
present in the waste and the additional quantity that the waste can retain. This liquid
quantity, as the other properties described above, varies in space and time in the
landfill body: it decreases with increasing density; it decreases with depth; it
increases with decreasing particles size; it decreases with time due to waste
A distinction needs to be considered between Field Capacity (FC) and Water
Holding Capacity (WHC). FC is the maximum moisture content reached by the
waste, before the liquid enters the gravitational field. Generally, once the FC is
reached, leachate production starts. WHC is not a moisture measurement, but it is
the quantity of added liquid that the waste can retain not only in micropores
(capillary water), but also in macropores. Therefore, the amount of liquid at max-
imum WHC can be higher than necessary to reach FC. An example of WHC
estimation will be illustrated in the case study presented after.

2.2 Recirculation Modes

The choice of a proper recirculation mode represent a crucial aspect of BRLs design
and it requires understanding of moisture movements within the waste matrix. An
ideal injection system should: distribute the liquid uniformly throughout the waste,
resulting in minimal increases in local pore water pressures, and be easy and
Landfill Bioreactor Technology for Waste Management 219

Table 1 List of the main recirculation systems for BRLs

Injection systems Advantages Disadvantages
Pre-capping Pre-wetting – Applied during – Incompatible with
surface methods Spray irrigation waste disposal closure
Drip irrigation – Simple – Odours
Surface ponds – Cheap
– Efficient wetting
Post-capping Vertical injection – Compatible with – More difficult
subsurface wells closure construction and
methods Horizontal – Large volume of maintenance
trenches liquids – Costs
Permeable – Liquids added
blankets under pressure
– Better moisture

economical to install in new or retrofitted BRL (Imhoff et al. 2007). The choice of
the proper injection method depends on different factors: the state of the landfill (as
built or retrofit), the source of liquid, the available equipment, the landfill man-
agement choices, and also costs and current regulations. Predominantly used
injection systems are listed in Table 1, sorted by the operational phase in which
they can be installed, i.e. before or after the final capping.
Horizontal distribution lines buried in trenches filled with gravel are the most
common method for leachate distribution (Benson et al. 2007; Knox et al. 2007;
Vigneron et al. 2009; Oonk et al. 2013; Abichou et al. 2013). Vertical wells allow
the operator to retrofit landfill areas that are already filled with waste and minimize
the interference of their construction with routine landfill operations (Pradeep et al.
2014). Benson et al. (2007) reported that vertical injection lines and infiltration
galleries are less effective than horizontal trenches. However, there is still a lack of
regulation and a clear scientifically based conceptual design, which includes
appropriate infrastructure to achieve the prefixed objectives (Knox et al. 2007).
Together with the proper injection system, in order to maximize waste stabi-
lization, leachate recirculation rate and frequency must also be carefully selected. It
is recommended that leachate should be introduced slowly, since high flow rates
may deplete buffering capacity and remove methanogens (Šan and Onay 2001).
Recirculation regimes can be adapted to the different degradation phases with
lower rates in the acidogenic phase, in order to avoid flushing of organic matter
(Jiang et al. 2007). Once gas production is established, flow rates and frequency can
be increased. Moreover, periodic liquid injections are preferred to waste saturation,
because they assure liquid flow among the refuse.
In order to enhance waste decomposition and biogas production, not only higher
water content is needed, but it is also important that the liquid could flow through
the refuse and distribute nutrients and microorganisms (Bayard et al. 2009).
Since MSW is a highly heterogeneous material, it is challenging to obtain a uniform
220 M. Di Addario and B. Ruggeri

liquid distribution avoiding preferential pathways and dry spots. Moreover, due to
the higher weight of the landfill body, settlement and mechanical compaction can
occur. Also operational problems such as flooding or clogging should be taken into
A number of studies evaluated optimal injection modes for different types of
waste and recirculation rates range from 2.7 to 30 % of waste volume per day (Hao
et al. 2008). Such a wide range confirms the difficulty in generalizing results
obtained for different landfills.

2.3 Ammonium Accumulation

A crucial aspect of leachate recirculation is the accumulation of substances which

cannot be consumed by microorganisms, mainly ammonium. NH4+ is produced
through the degradation of organic nitrogen (Price et al. 2003) and it tends to
accumulate since there are no removal mechanisms under strict anaerobic condi-
tions. An ammonium content of 1500–3000 mg/L can inhibit methanogenesis
(Francois et al. 2007).
NH4+ can be removed from leachate via ex situ treatments such as
physico-chemical methods (air stripping, activated carbon adsorption, filtration, ion
exchange, precipitation) and biological methods (aerobic and anaerobic treatment).
The most common method is the biological treatment through nitrification followed
by denitrification, due to its lower costs. However, these approaches are likely to
produce NOx and N2O, which are significant pollutants and contribute to climate
Several laboratory studies demonstrated the feasibility of in situ ammonium
removal. Onay and Pohland (1998) developed a system to simulate a BRL divided
into three zones (anoxic, anaerobic and aerobic) for nitrification/denitrification
treatment inside the landfill body. Their results showed a nitrogen removal up to
95 %. Tallec et al. (2007) combined ex situ leachate nitrification with in situ
denitrification, i.e. the liquid recirculated is enriched with nitrates which can be
reduced by anaerobic microorganisms among the waste. However, this operation
causes higher emission of N2O.
A novel method investigated in more recent studies is the anaerobic oxidation of
ammonia-nitrogen through ANAMMOX (ANaerobic AMMonium OXidation).
This is an autotrophic process which involves a complete conversion of ammonium
to nitrogen gas without the addition of organic matter (Sri Shalini and Joseph 2012).
In fact, ANAMMOX bacteria use ammonium as the electron donor and nitrite as
the electron acceptor, i.e. a previous partial nitrification is needed to provide nitrites.
It has been demonstrated that the intrusion of small quantities of O2 into the landfill
body can trigger in situ nitrification and promote the growth of ANAMMOX
populations, thus contributing to nitrogen removal from the solid matrix (Valencia
et al. 2011; Lubberding et al. 2012).
Landfill Bioreactor Technology for Waste Management 221

2.4 Waste Stabilization

BRLs have been suggested as a more sustainable alternative to traditional land-

filling, but they should be designed from the beginning with the aim of reaching the
final storage quality in the proper time (Valencia et al. 2009). It is important to
define the main parameters assessing waste stabilization, that is when waste resi-
dues reach the same characteristics as those materials in their surrounding envi-
ronment without the potential to produce pollution in the short, mid and long-term.
As described above, the removal of leachable organic carbon can be optimized and
accelerated by operating a landfill as a bioreactor. However, as bioreactor landfills
mature, organic content of solid waste is enriched with compounds that are
non-biodegradable by nature, such as xenobiotic substances and humic substances
(Batarseh et al. 2010). In order to achieve an inert residual material, alternative
solutions that might change the form in which heavy metals and salts are present in
the residues and their ability to leach must be implemented.
At the closure stage of bioreactor landfills: leachate quantity will be a finite
amount, with limited need for off-site transfer, treatment and/or disposal, LFG gen-
eration will be at its declining stage and long-term environmental risk will be mini-
mized (Warith 2002). Cossu et al. (2003) proposed the PAF model, a combination of
mechanical-biological Pretreatment, Aeration and Flushing. Batarseh et al. (2010)
studied the effects of flushing combined with in situ aeration to produce stable solid
waste cells within a short time periods after the bioreactor operation is no longer
significantly reducing the organic content of leachate. Landfill aeration contributes
towards an accelerated, controlled and sustainable conversion of conventional
anaerobic landfills into a biological stabilized state associated with a minimized
emission potential (Ritzkovski and Stegmann 2011; Sun et al. 2014). Moreover,
existing equipment can be used, as air can be injected into the landfill with the same
devices used for extracting gas or injecting leachate (Bilgili et al. 2007).
A number of technical criteria for assessing waste stabilization have been pro-
posed in several studies. Morris et al. (2003) selected five parameters: pH and
specific conductance, dissolved organic matter (BOD and BOD/COD ratio), and
inorganic macro-components (ammonia). Ponsa et al. (2008) affirm that biochem-
ical parameters such as volatile solids (VS), total and dissolved organic carbon
(TOC, DOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD), lack precision when deter-
mined on heterogeneous materials such as MSW. They chose stability indices
related to aerobic (respiration index, RI) and anaerobic conditions (biochemical
methane potential, BMP) in order to evaluate biological stabilization of the organic
fraction of MSW. Cossu et al. (2012) outlined the main limits of RI: high cost of the
respirometers; long testing time; low representability of the parameter in presence
of toxic or inhibiting substances, which can alter the oxygen consumption, or in the
presence of inert organics (such as plastic or paper) which can dilute the
biodegradable matrix resulting in lower respiration indices. In order to overcome
such limits, they proposed a standardization of BOD/COD ratio as a biological
stability index for MSW.
222 M. Di Addario and B. Ruggeri

3 Lab-Scale and Full-Scale Experimentations

From the 1970s until today, a number of studies have shown the positive effects of
leachate recirculation on MSW degradation. In the works carried out in laboratory
the operating conditions can be optimized in order to promote degradation and
accelerate it. Landfill experimentations are more difficult to optimize because the
non-homogeneous distribution of liquids and its effects are difficult to monitor.
Moreover, it is not always possible to generalize the results obtained in situ because
each landfill has its own characteristics, both in terms of quality and management.
The results of different studies will be presented to outline the role of leachate
recirculation in enhancing biogas production. More attention will be paid in the
presentation of a case study, carried out at Politecnico di Torino to simulate a
retrofit BRL in Northern Italy.

3.1 Experimentations on Lab-Scale Bioreactors

and Lysimeters

The experimental devices used to simulate BRLs have to respect, as much as

possible, the following criteria: anaerobic environment in a closed system, meso-
philic temperature, leachate recovery and recirculation, biogas monitoring and
recovery. In such devices the waste is previously shredded in order to increase the
contact surface and its exposition to microbial activities. Due to the lower volumes,
liquid distribution can be homogeneous, MC can be easily increased and FC can be
reached in short times. Moreover, it is possible to test and compare different
operational options, such as:
• pH adjustment with a basic medium to contrast VFAs inhibition (Warith 2002;
Sanphoti et al. 2006; Francois et al. 2007; Elagroudy et al. 2009);
• nutrient addition, generally nitrogen, phosphorous and micronutrients (Warith
2002; Mali Sandip et al. 2012);
• sludge addition to enhance methanogenic population (Warith 2002; Sponza and
Agdad 2004; Mali Sandip et al. 2012);
• gravel layers among the refuse to improve hydraulic conditions and contact
surface (Mali Sandip et al. 2012);
• inoculum of aerobic cultures and/or aeration to avoid VFA accumulation
(O’Keefe and Chynoweth 2000; Erses et al. 2008; Sun et al. 2014; Mali Sandip
et al. 2012).
It has been widely demonstrated that at lab-scale methanogenesis is reached in
short times and fresh waste can be stabilized in approximately 300–400 days.
Table 2 reports data of methane production from different laboratory studies sim-
ulating leachate recirculation. They confirm a wide range of methane yields,
depending on the different operational conditions adopted.
Landfill Bioreactor Technology for Waste Management 223

Table 2 Cumulative Methane Production data from laboratories studies

Authors Characteristics Cumulative methane production Days of
(L/kg dry waste) operation
Šan and Onay 76 % organic waste 78 270
(2001) Solo leachate recirculation
Sanphoti et al. 29 % organic waste 55 180
(2006) Water addition
Francois et al. 29 % organic waste 43 400
(2007) 8 years old waste
Sludge addition
Francois et al. 29 % organic waste 73 400
(2007) Sludge addition
Erses et al. 45 % organic waste 158 630
(2008) Solo leachate recirculation
Bayard et al. 40 % organic waste 185 170
(2009) Solo leachate recirculation
Mali Sandip 69 % organic waste 36 270
et al. (2012) Initial aeration
Gravel mixing
Sludge addition
Di Addario et al. 15 % organic waste 72 750
(2014) Low biodegradable waste
Solo leachate recircualtion

3.2 Full-Scale Experiences

The construction of bioreactor landfills requires additional operations in the design

and management compared to traditional landfill: gas production must be managed
intensively so that the increased gas is collected; liquid injection must avoid surface
seeps; liquid must be compatible with refuse decomposition; liners and leachate
collection system must be enhanced and constructed with conservative design;
geo-technical stability must be ensured through proper slope and material selection
(Barlaz and Reinhart 2004). However, the major initial investments and costs
related to the liquid injection can be offset by a number of economic benefits arising
from the management of the BRL, including the use of biogas for electric power
and lower costs for treatment and disposal of leachate (Berge et al. 2009). Even if
the positive effects of leachate recirculation have been widely demonstrated, there is
still a lack of regulations and guidelines on BRL design and management. Most of
the current regulations generally still encourage landfills to remain dry.
Reviewing different full-scale BRLs experiences, it is possible to obtain useful
indications. Some examples of anaerobic BRLs are reported in Table 3, by com-
paring their main findings. Other useful information can be in the Yolo County
224 M. Di Addario and B. Ruggeri

Table 3 Main findings from different full-scale BRLs experiences

Landfill Location Main findings Methane production
Trail road landfill Ontario, – 25 % air space recovery Not reported
(Warith 2002) Canada – decreased organic load
CSWMC landfill Delaware, – Accelerated decrease of Accelerated
cells (Morris et al. USA contaminants
2003) – Increased rates of
Landfill Q (Benson Northeast – Same leachate quality of Increased and
et al. 2007) American conventional landfill accelerated
Landfill S (Benson Upper – Increased rates of 14 % more CH4 than
et al. 2007) Midwest settlements the conventional
American landfill
La Vergne Nantes, France – Lower fugitive gas Increased
(Vigneron et al. emissions
Loches (Vigneron Tours, France – Acceleration of settlements Increased
et al. 2009) in the first years
Landgraaf (Oonk Netherlands – Anaerobic conversion Increased and
et al. 2013) completed after 4 years of accelerated
– Preferential paths of liquid
– Positive effects of post
Asan (Chung et al. Korea – Positive effects of ex-situ Increased and
2015) nitrification + in situ accelerated
– Accelerated waste

Project XL Bioreactor in California and the Florida Bioreactor Demonstration

Project, which have been widely disseminated on their websites http://www. and

3.3 Case Study: Experimental Simulation and Prediction

of Landfill Biogas Production from Low Biodegradable
Waste Under Leachate Recirculation

The aim of this study was the to evaluate the effects of leachate recirculation on
Low Biodegradable Fraction (LBF) degradation, through an experimental and a
Landfill Bioreactor Technology for Waste Management 225

modelling approach The waste used for the lab-scale experimentation was collected
from the Cerro Tanaro landfill, located in Asti (Italy). In Cerro Tanaro, a full scale
leachate recirculation system is under construction, financed by the EC with Life+
Program, in order to conduct full-plant tests. The project, called Bio.Lea.R. (Biogas
Leachate Recovery), aims to the optimization of landfill management with a retrofit
bioreactor landfill technology ( Through the experimental
simulation at laboratory-scale, we tested under optimized conditions how much the
MSW already present in the landfill could benefit from the moisture increase.
The MSW tested was 5 years old on average and it had already lost its RBF.
A Trickle-Bed reactor was used: it is a three-phase reactor where the liquid moves
downward in a closed loop, the gas, produced from waste decomposition, moves
upward and it is collected at the top of reactor, while the solid bed consists in the
mass of pre-treated municipal solid waste. Both liquid and gas were analysed in
order to monitor the degradation trends. The experimental results were fitted with
the Gompertz equation to estimate the Bio Methane Potential and kinetic param-
eters characterizing methane production.

3.3.1 Materials and Methods

Experimental Device

A schematic representation of the experimental apparatus is showed in Fig. 2. The

reactor, placed in a thermostatic room at 31 °C, consists of a glass column of 35 cm
height, 20 cm outer diameter and 18.2 cm inner diameter. At the top of the reactor
there is a glass dome with a central inlet for the liquid. The liquid is distributed on
the bed of waste through a plate with 16 holes of 19 mm diameter. The mass of

Fig. 2 Schematic representation and photo of the experimental equipment

226 M. Di Addario and B. Ruggeri

waste 3.12 kg was placed on a metal grid supported by a spacer made of plastic
material, to avoid that the waste could block the liquid outflow on the bottom; the
bottom has a slight slope to avoid leachate stagnation. The leachate output is
collected in a 25 L tank, sealed to maintain anaerobic conditions. A volumetric
pump with a nominal capacity of 1 L/min is used to recirculate the liquid from the
tank to the head of the reactor. The pump has an adjustable flow rate from 10 to
100 % of nominal capacity. The operation frequency of the pump is regulated by a
timer. Along the tube for leachate recirculation liquid samples can be collected and
analysed according to the analytical methodology described below. The biogas
outlet is located on the top of the reactor and the cumulative biogas production is
measured with the water replacement method.

Waste Preparation

The bioreactor was filled with 3.12 kg LBF, constituted by mixing together 5
samples taken from different areas and depths of the landfill. Cerro Tanaro landfill
has been in service since 2004, thus it is assumed that the rapidly biodegradable
fraction has been previously decomposed in the landfill, i.e. the waste placed in the
reactor was constituted by 42 % w/w LBF and 58 % Non-Biodegradable Fraction
(NBF). The waste was shredded with a kitchen blender to a size of 1–5 cm range, in
order to increase the contact surface, accelerate the degradation by reducing mass
transfer phenomena and facilitate compaction. The initial moisture content in the
waste was measured by weighing different LBF samples before and after putting
them in an oven at 105 ± 5 °C for 24 h. The average initial moisture content of the
MSW used was 40.72 ± 7.48 % w/w.
Moreover, the Water Holding Capacity (WHC), as weight of retained water on
the weight of refuse, was evaluated in order to assess the minimum quantity of
liquid to be recirculated and to operate at the maximum water content possible for
the waste. The measurements were carried out in a cylinder filled with 350 g of
shredded waste (Fig. 2). A known volume of water was inserted into the tube to wet
the waste through an upward flux, in order to remove all air present in the waste
bed. Once the entire mass of waste was covered by water, the tube was bent
downwards to release the water which had not been retained. The difference
between the amount of water added and water released, evaluated by weight,
represented the amount of liquid retained in the waste bed, i.e. its Water Holding
Capacity (WHC). Three consecutive measurements were made on the same waste
sample, until no more water could be retained. The final value of WHC is the sum
of the water retained in every measurement and it results approximately of 1.27 kg
H2O/kg waste. This quantity does not include the initial moisture content, but only
the extra added liquid which is mostly capillary water, held in micropores, and the
water retained in macropores which does not enter the gravitational field.
The total mass of waste 3.12 kg was compacted to achieve a density of
approximately 500 kg/m3, in accordance with the density of a typical landfill,
which is around 500–700 kg/m3.
Landfill Bioreactor Technology for Waste Management 227

Leachate Injection Modes

At the beginning of the test the leachate storage tank was filled with 11 L of tap
water. This quantity of liquid was recirculated in the reactor for the entire duration
of the test, without further additions, in order to avoid to open the tank and to
prevent possible air infiltrations into the system. Frequency and flow rate of
recirculation were higher at the beginning of experimentation in order to obtain a
quick saturation of the waste and thus reduce the time required to start the degra-
dation. The liquid level in the tank decreased due to the quantity of liquid retained
by the waste after recirculation. At approximately day 50th, no further reduction of
liquid the level in the tank was noticed: the liquid entering the bioreactor was no
more adsorbed by the solid mass and we assumed that WHC was reached.
Nevertheless, it was necessary to maintain recirculation, at lower frequencies and
flow rates. From day 57, it was noticed that the gas produced was not able to move
upward and exit from the top of the reactor. This was due to the compaction of the
refuse, due to the greater weight of the saturated MSW, which caused biogas
entrapment within the solid mass and, during leachate recirculation, biogas bubbles
were carried downward by the higher flow rate of the liquid. Owing to this problem,
instead of liquid recirculation, another solution was adopted in order to inject liquid
and collect biogas at the same time: the solid bed was flooded once a week so that,
while the liquid level increased through the bed, the gas could flow upstream and be
collected in the gasometer. The operation of flooding was accomplished by closing
with a clamp the tube for the leachate bottom outlet and then switching on the
recirculation pump. Once the waste height was flooded and all gas was collected,
the bottom outlet was opened and the liquid could flow back into the storage tank.

Analytical Method

The liquid samples were collected on the recirculation tube, by a proper valve, and
the following parameters were analyzed: pH with a CRISON pH meter (MicropH
2001 model); Red-Ox potential, ROP (mV), and ammonium, NH4+ (ppm), with a
HANNA Multiparameter meter (HI 9829); Chemical Oxygen Demand, COD (mg
O2 L−1), determined according to the Italian standard method IRSA-CNR 29/2003
vol. 2 n. 5130; Biochemical Oxygen Demand, BOD (mg O2 L−1), according to the
Italian standard method IRSA-CNR 29/2003 vol. 2 n. 5120. The measured
parameters provide the information needed to follow LBF decomposition: an acidic
environment is unfavorable to methanogenesis; ROP showed if the environment is
able to support methanogenesis; COD is an indirect measurement of the total
oxidisable organic content, while BOD takes into account only the biodegradable
one; the trend of ammonium concentration shows accumulation phenomena typical
of bioreactor landfills, where ammonium cannot be consumed during decomposi-
tion. The biogas collected in the liquid gasometer, as described above, was sampled
to analyze its composition by an off-line gas chromatographic analysis device
(Varian, CP 4900) equipped with two columns: a molecular sieve type for H2, CH4,
228 M. Di Addario and B. Ruggeri

CO, O2 and N2 (95 °C injection temperature, 200 kPa, Helium as the carrier), and a
Poraplot U column for CO2 determination (85 °C injection temperature, 200 kPa,
Argon as the carrier).

Cumulative Methane Production Modelling

The kinetic Gompertz model equation, in Eq. (1) (Mali Sandip et al. 2012), was
used to predict the maximum cumulative volume of methane in the experimental
Rm e
BM ¼ BMPexp exp ðk  t Þ þ 1 ð1Þ

where BM is the cumulative methane production per mass unit of waste mass
(NL kg−1) at time t, BMP is the maximal methane production (NL kg−1), Rm is the
maximum methane production rate (NL kg−1 d−1), e is the Euler constant (2718), k
is the lag phase (d) and t is the time (d).
The Gompertz model was used for curve fitting using a non-linear best-fit
procedure of experimental data, in order to estimate the characteristic parameters of
the methane production curve: BMP and the two kinetic constants Rm and k.
Equation (1) were used under the assumption that the system is spatially homo-
geneous. Even though the waste mass was not homogenous, this assumption can be
acceptable due to the small volume of the reactor and the reduced particles size
compared to the full-scale landfill. Using the Gompertz equation, it is possible to
calculate half-transformation time, t1/2, i.e. the time needed to produce 50 % of
maximum biogas production. A landfill can be thought of as a non-renewable
resource, such as an oil field or an ore deposit, and it is extremely important to
estimate its t1/2 in order to predict its behaviour over the long term.
The prediction of biogas production in the landfill is more complex than for the
reactor, because there are many different parameters to take into account, such as
waste physical properties, environmental and hydrological variable conditions,
landfill management options, some unpredictable inhibitory phenomena and/or
some synergistic ones. For example, the presence of sulfate could generate a dif-
ferent biological pathway of electron acceptor and influence methanogenesis
adversely (Gurljala and Sulfita 1993; Ruggeri et al. 2015). The difficulties in col-
lecting all the data needed increase model uncertainty, due to the variation of
parameters both spatially and temporally and the inaccuracies in their measurement.
Generally, the most used is the first-order generation model (Amini and Reinhart
2011), as the zero-order outcomes present relatively high errors while the
second-order has a more complicated procedure which is not justified by the
increase in accuracy.
Landfill Bioreactor Technology for Waste Management 229

The first order model for methane production in landfills is:

Q ¼ ML0 k ekðttl Þ ð2Þ

where Q is the methane generation (m3 year−1), M is the disposed waste (ton), L0 is
the methane generation potential (m3 ton−1), t is the time after waste placement
(year), tl is the lag phase between the placement and the start of generation, k is the
first-order rate constant (year−1).
Usually, models like Eq. (2) are intended for single batches or single years,
every batch has to be summed for all the years desired in order to build the whole
gas generation curve, valid for the entire landfill. The first-order model has two
main adjustable parameters: the methane generation potential L0 , and the methane
generation rate constant k (year−1). Both of them can be defined through
lab-experimentation, pilot-scale cells or ranges present in the literature, in order to
obtain a best fit to field data and minimize residual errors between the predicted and
the experienced methane recovery. However, in the case of a retrofit bioreactor
landfill with insufficient experimental data and lack of literature guidelines, it
becomes challenging to predict the effect of leachate recirculation and moisture
increase on CH4 production without introducing a large degree of uncertainty.

3.3.2 Results and Discussion

Leachate Quality

Monitoring of pH showed that the initial environment is basic reaching neutral

values around pH 7. It is important to point out that the pH development from the
alkaline range towards neutral values, indicates good development conditions for
mathanogen bacteria consortium activities.
ROP is an important parameter to monitor degradation conditions, because it
indicates if the medium is able to favour reducing reactions necessary for methane
production. Initially ROP showed positive values, indicating the presence of oxy-
gen. From day 57, ROP decreased to negative values, the environment became
reducing and methane production started. Ammonium concentrations showed a
decreasing trend. The decreasing trend was due to the activity of aerobic nitrifying
bacteria, which converted ammonium to nitrite and then nitrate in presence of
oxygen. Once reducing reconditions have been established, no mechanisms exists
for oxidising NH4+. Ammonium concentrations reached 5.5 ppm at the end of the
test, without showing an accumulation phenomena with concentrations sufficiently
low to not inhibit methanogenesis, i.e. 1500–3000 mg L−1.
In Fig. 3, the trends of both COD and BOD during the test are reported. COD
trends indicated the consumption of organic and inorganic substances able to be
oxidized present in the leachate. At the beginning more intense degradation kinetics
occurred, then, when the ROP established at quasi steady-state conditions, the slope
decreased because organic substances left were more xenobiotic being more
230 M. Di Addario and B. Ruggeri

Fig. 3 Leachate COD and BOD5 variation with time

difficulties to be decomposed. The BOD5/COD ratio was 0.2 at the beginning,

confirming that the waste used is a low biodegradable waste with low organic

Biogas Production

Gas production was analysed both in quantity and quality, through measurements of
volume and concentration, as previously reported. No biogas, neither CH4 nor CO2
was produced until day 15, as marked indication of biological activity, due to waste
composition, free of rapidly biodegradable fraction. However, making a compar-
ison with the typical times needed in a landfill to start the biodegradation process,
an acceleration of kinetics can be noticed, probably due to the waste shredding and
the higher quantity of water present, which is an indispensable vector for proteins
and enzymes able to attack organic waste.
Biogas composition data are showed in Fig. 4. Methane production began on
day 57. Even if landfill biogas has a typical concentration of around 50 % v/v CH4,
the reactor used for this simulation never reached such percentages. Methane
concentration reached its maximum of 33 % v/v at day 133. These results agree
with those of Huang et al. (2012) where methane concentration reaches 33 % v/v,
but using “fresh” waste containing Readily Biodegradable Fraction (RBF) too,
different to that used in the present study, which only constituted LBF. CO2 con-
centrations were always lower than CH4. This is due to partial carbon dioxide
dissolution in the leachate at neutral pH values. Moreover, we propose that,
Landfill Bioreactor Technology for Waste Management 231

Fig. 4 Biogas composition with time

between the methanogen bacterial consortium, the activity of methanogens using

H2 and CO2 prevailed over acetate-using methanogen bacteria (Deublein and
Steinhauser 2008). Probably in this case, the contribution of acetate-using metha-
nogens was low, as confirmed by very low H2 concentration in the biogas.

Methane Production Modelling

The saturation Gompertz model of Eq. (1), was used to fit the experimental data of
methane production obtained in the laboratory-scale bioreactor. It was possible to
find the characteristic parameters of methane-specific production as reported in
Fig. 5, where Gompertz simulation together with experimental data are shown. Bio

Fig. 5 Prediction of methane

specific productivity with
Gompertz equation and
experimental data
232 M. Di Addario and B. Ruggeri

Methane Potential (BMP) 42.25 NL kg−1, maximal daily methane production rate
(Rm) 0.12 NL kg−1 d−1 and lag phase (k) of 148 days were estimated by best-fit
procedure using the Solver tool in Microsoft Office Excel.
The curve obtained can be used in order to estimate kinetic parameters useful to
evaluate degradation trends; t1/2 time was 319 days, BMP could be reached
approximately after 3 years. By expressing the BMP per kg of dry mass and com-
paring it with values present in the literature, the estimation made of 72 NL kg−1 dry
mass, agrees with the results of other experimental studies which range from 185 NL
kg−1 dry mass to 36 NL kg−1 dry mass. The wide range found in the literature is due
to the different choices made in term of operative parameters. Every experimental
study works with different initial waste composition and operational conditions, such
as nutrients or sludge addition, pH adjustment or high organic content. In this work
we wanted to follow as much as possible the conditions of the Cerro Tanaro landfill,
where leachate is recirculated, without external additions.
One of the main limits of the experimental simulation is that it depicts an optimal
and ideal condition, such as waste shredding, uniform liquid distribution and high
moisture content. The final moisture content of the MSW in the reactor was 59.8 %
w/w. Such conditions can be hardly reached in full-scale landfills. However, this
approach remains useful in order to obtain a quick response of the maximum
beneficial effects of water content increase. Moreover, it permits to obtain some
kinetic parameters that can be used in the full-scale landfill modelling.
Finally, the experimental simulation of the CerroTanaro landfill showed that
leachate recirculation has benefits even in the case of MSW with low biodegradable
organic content. Despite the difficulty in degrading this type of waste, due to the
increase of moisture content, it was possible to reduce the times required to reach

4 Summary and Conclusions

Traditional landfill technology is obsolete nowadays, due to the long times required
for waste degradation and the high environmental risks. Bioreactor landfill is a valid
alternative towards a sustainable disposal of MSW. Through leachate recirculation,
waste moisture content can be increased, thus establishing a favorable environment
for microbial activity. The main advantage of BRLs is the rapid stabilization of the
organic fraction. Biogas production can therefore be increased in less time,
improving energy-recovery efficiencies.
A landfill is a complex system in which different and interconnected processes
take place: biological processes, physico-chemical processes, hydrological and
geo-technical behavior are strictly related to each other. Moreover, it is character-
ized by highly heterogeneous material with physico-chemical properties changing
both spatially and temporally. For these reasons an overview of all processes
involved is needed to understand and predict the bioreactor landfill behaviour.
Landfill Bioreactor Technology for Waste Management 233

A crucial aspect of BRLs design is the choice of a proper recirculation mode,

which requires understanding of moisture movements within the waste matrix.
Several studies tested different recirculation equipment and different injection rates.
The optimal recirculation rates range from 2.7 to 30 % of waste volume per day.
Such a wide range confirms the difficulty in generalize the result obtained for
landfill working at different operating conditions, each one with its own charac-
teristics, both in terms of quality and management.
Experimentations both in on laboratory- and full-scale confirmed the advantages
of BRLs in increasing bioenergy recovery from MSW, compared to the conven-
tional landfills. The case study presented showed that leachate recirculation is able
to enhance methane production, even in the case of a retrofit BRL with low
degradable organic content.
Even if the positive effects of leachate recirculation have been widely demon-
strated, there is still a lack of regulations and guidelines on BRL. Efforts are needed
to develop a scientifically based conceptual design, which includes appropriate
equipment and operational choices to achieve the prefixed objectives of energy
recovery and waste stabilization. In that context, BRL modelling will be an
important tool to simulate gas and leachate production and optimize the time and
cost of operating bioreactor landfills.


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Biotransformation of Nitrogen in Landfills

Kurian Joseph, S. Suneethi and S. Sri Shalini

Abstract A new and promising trend in solid waste management is to operate

landfills as bioreactors in which moisture addition (often leachate recirculation) is
used to create a solid waste environment capable of actively degrading the readily
biodegradable organic fraction of the waste and produce bioenergy. Although the
organic strength of leachate is significantly reduced in bioreactor landfills,
ammonia-nitrogen (NH4+-N) remains an issue, because there is no degradation
pathway for ammonia-nitrogen in anaerobic systems. Ammonia-nitrogen removal
methods often include complex sequences of physical, chemical, and/or biological
processes, including chemical precipitation, nanofiltration, air stripping, and bio-
logical nitrification/denitrification via various reactor configurations. This chapter
will present the facts about the ammonia nitrogen profile and nitrogen transformation
pathways in bioreactor landfills including promising novel removal mechanisms
(SHARON (Single reactor system for high activity ammonia removal over nitrite),
ANAMMOX (Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation), CANON (Complete Autotrophic
Nitrogen removal Over Nitrite), OLAND (Oxygen Limited Autotrophic Nitrification
and Denitrification) etc.) with the support of laboratory-scale and field-scale case
studies. In a study on ex situ strategy for NH4+-N removal by ANAMMOX applied
using AnMBR (Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactors), NH4+-N removal efficacy of
85.13 ± 9.67 % was achieved with an average nitrogen removal rate (NRR) of
5.54 ± 0.63 kg NH4+-N/m3/day (d) at a nitrogen loading rate (NLR) of
6.51 ± 0.20 kg NH4+-N/m3/d at a 1.5 d HRT. An in situ strategy for NH4+-N
removal by SHARON in a bioreactor landfill gave 85 % NH4+-N removal efficacy
with 98.5 % nitrite accumulation, while the ANAMMOX process gave 73 % of
NH4+-N removal efficacy with a specific ANAMMOX activity of 0.96 mg NH4+-
N/mg MLVSS (Volatile Suspended Solids)/d with an NLR of 1.2 kg N/d. Bioreactor

K. Joseph (&)  S. Suneethi  S. Sri Shalini

Centre for Environmental Studies, Anna University, Chennai 600025, India
S. Suneethi
S. Sri Shalini

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016 237

O.P. Karthikeyan et al. (eds.), Recycling of Solid Waste for Biofuels
and Bio-chemicals, Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products
and Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0150-5_9
238 K. Joseph et al.

landfills integrated with a combined SHARON-ANAMMOX processes provides

promising results for nitrogen management (Total nitrogen removal—84 % and
ammonia-nitrogen removal efficacy—71 % at NLR of 1.2 kg N/m3/d in 147 days).
Further activities need to focus on full-scale demonstration of in situ
ammonia-nitrogen removal in bioreactor landfills and assessing the effect of different
environmental conditions affecting important operational parameters of the

Keywords Bioreactor landfill  Leachate  Nitrogen removal  Leachate recircu-

lation Municipal solid waste  Nitrogen transformations

1 Landfills and Waste Decomposition

Landfilling is the primary source of disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) in

most parts of the world. MSW is composed of recyclables (paper, plastic, glass,
metals, etc.), toxic substances (paints, pesticides, used batteries, medicines), com-
postable organic matter (fruit and vegetable peels, food waste), soiled biodegrad-
able waste and household biomedical waste (blood stained cotton, sanitary napkins,
disposable syringes) (Reddy and Galab 1998; Jha et al. 2003). It has been reported
to contain about 4 % protein, which is a major source of soluble nitrogen (Barlaz
et al. 1990; Tchobanoglous et al. 1993; El-Fadel et al. 1997). Landfilling is the
simplest, cheapest and most cost-effective method of managing waste practised in
most of the low to medium income developing nations (Berge et al. 2005; Burton
and Watson-Craik 2002; Karthikeyan et al. 2007). Essentially the landfill design
should incorporate the following components.
• A liner system at the base and sides of the landfill to prevent migration of
leachate or gas to the surrounding environment.
• A leachate collection and treatment system to collect and extract leachate
from within and from the base of the landfill for treatment to meet regulatory
• A final cover of the landfill to enhance surface drainage, preventing infiltration
of water and supporting surface vegetation.
• A surface water drainage system to collect and remove all surface runoff from
the landfill site.
• An environmental monitoring system to periodically collect and analyse air,
surface water, soil and ground water samples around the landfill site.
Major environmental concerns of municipal landfills revolve around quantity
and quality of leachate, gas generation, and decomposition processes occurring
therein. Many researchers have investigated factors controlling the sequential
phases of MSW stabilisation (Reinhart and Townsend 1998; Kim and Pohland
2003). Waste stabilization proceeds in five sequential and distinct phases. An
Biotransformation of Nitrogen in Landfills 239

Fig. 1 Anaerobic 100 % COD

fermentation pathways.
Adapted from Renou et al. Organic matter
66 % HYDROLYSIS 34 %

Amino acids, Fatty acids


Fermentation Oxidation

Intermediate products (Eg:

Propionic acid, Butyric acid)
46 % 20 % 34 %


Acetotroph Hydrogenotroph
30 %
70 % CH4 , CO2
100 % COD

acclimation period is observed until sufficient moisture develops and supports an

active microbial community for biochemical decomposition. A transformation from
an aerobic to anaerobic environment occurs, as evidenced by the depletion of
oxygen within landfill media. Anaerobic decomposition (Fig. 1) is initiated with
hydrolysis of solid waste, followed by the microbial conversion of biodegradable
organic content resulting in the production of intermediate volatile organic acids
These intermediate acids are consumed by methanogenic bacteria generating
methane and carbon dioxide. During the final state of landfill stabilization, nutrients
and available substrates become limiting, and the biological activity shifts to rel-
ative dormancy. Environmental conditions which most significantly impact upon
biodegradation during the methanogenic phase of anaerobic digestion in landfills
include pH, temperature, nutrients, toxins, moisture content, particle size and
oxidation-reduction potential etc., as summarized in Table 1.
Most studies have shown that the amount of moisture in the waste, which can
vary widely within a single landfill, is a critical factor in the rate of decomposition
(Barlaz et al. 1990), controlling the speed at which these phases can takes place
(Valencia et al. 2009a, b). Increase in MSW moisture content creates a more
favourable environment for biological decomposition of organic matter in the
240 K. Joseph et al.

Table 1 Factors influencing waste degradation in anaerobic digestion of landfills

Sl. Influencing Comments
No. factors
1. Moisture Optimum: 60 % and above
2. Oxygen Optimum redox potential for methanogens −300 to −100 mV
3. pH Optimum pH for methanogenesis: 6–8
4. Alkalinity Optimum alkalinity for methanogenesis: 2000 mg/L
Maximum organic acid concentration for methanogenesis:
3000 mg/L
Maximum acetic acid/alkalinity ratio for methanogenesis: 0.8
5. Temperature Optimum temperature for methanogenesis; 34–38 °C
6. Hydrogen Partial hydrogen pressure for acetogenesis: <10−6 atm
7. Nutrients Generally adequate
8. Sulphate Increase in sulphate decrease in methanogenesis
9. Inhibitors Cation concentration producing moderate inhibition (ppm)
Ammonium (Total): 1500–3000
Sodium: 3500–5500
Potassium: 2500–4500
Calcium: 2500–4500
Magnesium: 1000–1500
Heavy metals: No significance influence
Organic compounds: Inhibitory effect only in significant
Source Yuen et al. (1994)

landfill, and therefore accelerates the five phases of decomposition of waste

(Townsend et al. 1995).
Conventional sanitary landfills, often called “dry tomb” landfills, are designed
and operated to minimize contact between water and solid waste. The low moisture
content in such landfills results in slow degradation rate reducing landfill life,
furthering the burden of long post-closure care.

1.1 Bioreactor Landfill

The underlying principle of bioreactor landfills (Fig. 2) is that by optimizing

operational control and environmental conditions within the waste (especially
moisture content), more rapid and complete degradation of waste may be achieved
(Berge et al. 2005).
A bioreactor landfill includes all of the protective containment systems of a
conventional modern landfill, but in addition includes systems that accelerate the
decomposition of the wastes and concomitant production of methane gas. These
systems include pumps and piping to recirculate liquids, known as “leachate,” that
Biotransformation of Nitrogen in Landfills 241

Landfill gas
Leachate treatment

Waste placement cell Active bioreactor cell

Leachate recirculation

Fig. 2 Schematic view of a bioreactor landfill. Adapted from Walsh and O’Leary (2002)

drain to the bottom of the landfill back into the waste material. Leachate recircu-
lation helps to keep the waste wet.
Leachate recirculation methods include spraying the leachate onto the working
face, digging ponds or trenches into the landfill and filling them with leachate (some
designs include filling the ponds or trenches with an aggregate material), and
installing subsurface leach fields or injection wells. Especially, vertical and hori-
zontal injection, and strategy of combining the horizontal and vertical leachate
injection have been included (Townsend et al. 1995; Reinhart and Al-Yousfi 1996;
Benson et al. 2007; Valencia et al. 2009a, b). Low pressure surface application uses
a sprinkler to irrigate leachate at the tip face. Some systems use perforated pipes in a
trench filled with drainage material. Deep vertical trenches, of approximately 6–8 m
deep and 1.5 m wide filled with tyres and covered with geofabric have been used,
both for the injection of liquid wastes and for recirculation.
Leachate recirculation also circulates nutrients and soluble organics, a further aid
for decomposition and methane production. Minimizing the time period for max-
imum biodegradation reduce leachate and gas emissions after landfill closure, ease
the requirement of leachate treatment, and reclamation of landfill. As leachate is
recirculated, it is treated in situ, decreasing its organic strength and reducing the
post closure care costs. It is reported that the regimes of leachate recirculation are
dependent upon the different phases of waste stabilization in order to improve
energy recovery efficacy (Jianguo et al. 2007). It was further recounted that it is
appropriate to adopt a lower rate of 2.7 % for the acidogenic phase of waste and a
higher rate of 5.3 % for methanogenic phase of waste. Sequential leachate recir-
culation between the methanogenic and acidogenic waste cells in the bioreactor
could also promote energy recovery (Jianguo et al. 2007).
Research at several demonstration project landfill bioreactor sites has shown that
the gas production rate typically is enhanced by a factor of 2–3 from what normally
would be produced without liquids addition, leachate recirculation, and the other
aspects of bioreactor operation (Reinhart and Townsend 1998). Table 2 compares
conventional landfills with anaerobic and aerobic bioreactor landfills.
Benson et al. (2007) analysed five landfills in North America to provide a
perspective of current practice and technical issues that differentiate bioreactor and
recirculation landfills. Leachate generation rates, leachate depths and temperatures,
242 K. Joseph et al.

Table 2 Comparison of bioreactor landfills

Item Conventional Anaerobic Aerobic
landfill bioreactor bioreactor
Typical settlement after: 2–5 % 10–15 % 20–25 %
2 years 15 % 20–25 % 20–25 %
10 years
Anticipated waste-stabilization 30–100 years 10–15 years 2–4 years
time frame
Methane generation rate Base case Two times base 10–50 % base
case case
Average capital cost Low Medium High
Average O&M cost Low Medium High
Average closure/post closure cost High Medium Low
Adapted from Benson et al. (2007)

and liner temperatures were similar for landfills operated in a bioreactor/

recirculation or conventional mode. Gas production data indicate accelerated
waste decomposition from leachate recirculation at one landfill. Ambiguities in gas
production data precluded a definitive conclusion that leachate recirculation
accelerated waste decomposition at the four other landfills. Analysis of leachate
quality data showed that bioreactor and recirculation landfills generally produce
stronger leachate than conventional landfills during the first two to three years of
recirculation. Thereafter, leachate from conventional and bioreactor landfills is
similar, at least in terms of conventional indicator variables (BOD, COD, pH).
While the BOD and COD decreased, the pH remained around neutral and ammonia
concentrations remained elevated. Settlement data collected from two of the land-
fills indicate that settlement occurs much faster in landfills operated as bioreactors
or with leachate recirculation. The analysis also indicated that more detailed data
collection over longer time periods is needed to draw definitive conclusions
regarding the effects of bioreactor and recirculation operations.

1.2 Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles in Landfills

Organic compounds are usually present in fresh waste. The successive phases of
biodegradation during waste deposition cause a reduction in COD and BOD, and
the only substances left in the leachate are scarcely biodegradable compounds.
COD and BOD may differ depending on the age of the landfill (Bodzek et al. 2006).
From the studies carried out by Tengrui et al. (2007), old landfill leachate showed
COD and BOD as 1650 and 75 mg/L, respectively. Erses et al. (2008), obtained
initial young leachate COD concentrations of aerobic and anaerobic bioreactor
landfills which were 17,900 and 38,000 mg/L, respectively. Whilst in Canziani
et al. (2007), the COD and BOD concentrations were 6316 ± 5877 and
2950 ± 3537 mg/L, with a BOD/COD ratio of 0.43 ± 0.12. In the same study,
Biotransformation of Nitrogen in Landfills 243

NH4+-N concentration was 1497 ± 1190 mg/L with a ratio of NH4+-N/COD in the
range of 0.12–0.98. In Bohdziewicz et al. (2008b), the BOD/COD ratio of a young
landfill leachate was >0.3. According to Valencia et al. (2011), experiments carried
out in bioreactor landfill simulators demonstrated that more than 40 % of the total N
was transferred into the liquid and gas phases during the incubation period of
380 days. Ammonium, an end product of protein degradation and important
parameter to consider during landfill closure, tends to accumulate up to inhibitory
levels in the leachate of landfills, especially in landfills with leachate recirculation.
The high strength nitrogen-rich wastewaters with low organic content such as
partially treated landfill leachates from landfill bioreactors and old landfills are
common wastewater sources obtained during acid or methanogenic phases which
are characterized by anaerobic conditions. During anaerobic digestion, proteins are
broken down into amino acids (hydrolysis) which during further degradation in the
acidogenesis phase release ammonium. A similar process occurs within a sanitary
landfill, where under acidogenic phase as depicted in Fig. 1, the NH4+-N concen-
tration may gradually rise to over 1000 mg/L (Berge et al. 2005). In MSW
lysimeter studies by Swati et al. (2007), an increase in NH4+-N concentration
69–76 % and Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) by 70–74 %, was observed irre-
spective of the type of operation, owing to incapacity of natural biodegradation and
physico-chemical attenuation processes in a landfill environment to attenuate their
levels. Nitrogen exists in different oxidation states, based on the aerobic/anaerobic
environment. In aerobic environments, bacteria oxidize NH4+-N, which formed
due to death and decomposition of plants and animals, to NO2−-N and NO3−-N.
NH4+-N concentrations of approximately 3000 mg/L can significantly inhibit
methanogenesis (Burton and Watson-Craik 1998). The oxidation state of NH4+ and
NH3 is −3 while that of NO2−-N and NO3−-N is +3 and +5, respectively. The
oxidation state of nitrogen in most organic compounds is −3 (Metcalf and Eddy
2002; Hammer and Hammer 2000).
The landfill environment is a complex heterogeneous system in which different
types of microorganisms coexist. Dominance of microorganisms varies with pre-
vailing conditions and organisms-substrate specificity during waste stabilization
(He and Shen 2006). Normally, anaerobic/anoxic conditions are prevalent in a
landfill enabling methanogenesis and, potentially, denitrification (Fu et al. 2009).
Nitrogen in MSW is removed via ammonification and solubilization processes,
resulting in accumulation as NH4+-N in the leachate (Burton and Watson-Craik
1998). NH4+-N is stable under anaerobic conditions. NH4+-N concentration is
reduced during waste decomposition through leaching as there is a lack of degra-
dation pathway in landfill environment, except for autotrophic ammonia removal
such as anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANAMMOX) (Robinson 1995; Burton
and Watson-Craik 1998; Swati et al. 2007; Liang and Liu 2008). Leaching of
NH4+-N from the landfilled waste into the environment continue over a long period.
Anaerobic fermentation of organic matter is related to the nitrogen profile in a
landfill environment. In young landfills, the high concentration of organic matter is
reduced by rapid anaerobic fermentation with end products of volatile fatty acids
(VFAs). As the landfill ages, methanogenic bacteria in the waste convert the VFAs
244 K. Joseph et al.

to CH4 and CO2. Organic material content is reduced with landfill age, with the
result that an older leachate has a relatively low but non-biodegradable organic
fraction (100–3460 mg/L of COD) compared to 13,000–50,000 mg/L of COD in
young landfill leachate (Renou et al. 2008; Berge et al. 2006; Karthikeyan et al.
2007; Lau et al. 2001). The ratio of BOD/COD from 0.70 to 0.04 is also reduced
rapidly with aging of landfills (Renou et al. 2008). In a landfill environment, high
accumulations of NH4+-N occur owing to degradation of amino acids and proteins.
Landfills could be operated as a bioreactor to treat organical-rich MSW by pro-
viding aeration and recirculating the generated leachate to enhance biodegradation
and stabilization of the landfilled waste (Pohland 1980; Karthikeyan et al. 2007).
But aeration and moisturization favours ammonification resulting in accumulation
of NH4+-N at higher concentrations (>3000 mg/L) than that of conventional
landfills, even after stabilization of the organic fraction (Connolly et al. 2004).
Results of studies on nitrogen management in bioreactor landfills by Price et al.
(2003) suggest that landfills have significant capacity to convert nitrate to nitrogen
gas that can be safely released to the atmosphere, thus providing a viable alternative
for the long-term management of nitrogen in landfills. Although the consumption of
organic carbon limited nitrate reduction rates, this could easily be managed in a
full-scale landfill. The simplest way to enrich the leachate from a particular landfill
cell in organic carbon would be to add fresh refuse to the top of the cell. If a landfill
cell was no longer receiving fresh refuse, then leachate from another section of the
landfill that contains a higher BOD, or a liquid waste with degradable organics
could be added to provide sufficient carbon to drive denitrification.

2 Ammonia-Nitrogen in Leachate

Nitrogen cycling that may occur in landfills depicted in Fig. 3 which illustrates that
processes such as ammonification, sorption, volatilization, nitrification, denitrifi-
cation, ANAMMOX, and nitrate reduction may all occur in landfills.
However, in bioreactor landfills, moisture addition and/or recirculating leachate
increases the rate of ammonification, resulting in accumulation of higher levels of
NH4+-N, even after the organic fraction of the waste is degraded (Berge et al. 2005).
It has been suggested that NH4+-N is one of the most significant long-term pollution
problem in landfills, and it is likely that the presence of ammonia-nitrogen will
determine when the landfill is biologically stable and when post closure monitoring
may end. Thus an understanding of the fate of nitrogen in bioreactor landfills and
possible mechanisms for NH4+-N removal is critical to both successful and eco-
nomic operation.
Ammoniacal nitrogen removal strategies in bioreactor landfills would be to treat
on site, pump to external wastewater facility and/or in situ treatment. Potential
in situ removal mechanisms include conventional biological nitrogen removal
(BNR) approach of nitrification—denitrification and volatilization.
Biotransformation of Nitrogen in Landfills 245











Fig. 3 Nitrogen cycles in landfill environment. Source Sri Shalini and Joseph (2012)

In practice when the NH4+-N concentration of the effluent ranges between 100
and 5000 mg/L, biological treatment by autotrophic nitrogen removal is preferred
(Mulder 2003). Various biological and advanced wastewater treatment processes
have been employed to treat landfill leachate, i.e. supernatant from anaerobically
digested sludge and other nitrogenous wastewaters (Amokrane et al. 1997; Renou
et al. 2008; He et al. 2007; Valencia et al. 2005; Ahn et al. 2004; Fux et al. 2002).
Major biological treatment processes of both aerobic and anaerobic types comprise
the activated sludge process (ASP), sequencing batch reactor (SBR), rotating bio-
logical contactor (RBC) etc., Traditionally NH4+-N rich wastewaters were treated
by adopting combined autotrophic nitrification and heterotrophic denitrification
methods (Berge et al. 2006; Han et al. 2001; Ruiz et al. 2006). Preferential selection
for ammonia oxidisers is required to make the nitrification work, by denitrifying
nitrite instead of nitrate.

2.1 Ammonification

Ammonification is the process in which the proteins present in the waste are used
by heterotrophic bacteria, the major source of ammonia-nitrogen (Berge et al.
2005). Ammonification is a two-step process consisting of the enzymatic hydrolysis
of proteins by aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms releasing amino acids and the
subsequent deamination or fermentation (depending on aerobic vs. anaerobic
conditions) of the acids to CO2, NH4+-N and VFAs (Berge et al. 2005). Throughout
deamination, amine groups are liberated to form ammonia or ammonium,
246 K. Joseph et al.

depending on the pH, and alkalinity is slightly elevated. Once ammonification

ensues, NH4+-N is dissolved in the leachate and is ready to be altered and/or
removed via volatilization, sorption, or biological processes when in an aerobic
milieu (Berge et al. 2005). The pH also rises during ammonification. Some remnant
NH3 that is present is highly reactive and could combine with organic matter
(i.e. carboxyls, quinine hydroxyls), making them more biodegradable. Thus, in
landfills, any ammonia that is formed within the landfill may re-dissolve and react
with organic matter before exiting the landfill (Berge et al. 2005). Ammonification
occurs in the course of the organic hydrolysis phase of landfill stabilization and the
rate of ammonification is influenced by moisture addition or recirculating leachate
(Berge et al. 2005, 2006).

2.2 Ammonium Flushing

Flushing operations under bio-reactive conditions could be used to optimize the

removal of ammonia-nitrogen from landfilled waste. The ‘Flushing bioreactor’
approach encourages the ingress of water (hence leachate production) by
re-injection of leachate or increased infiltration through cap and cover materials.
Increases in moisture content in domestic waste have been shown to (a) increase
CH4 production, (b) enhance contaminant removal, and (c) ultimately reduce
the period requiring landfill monitoring and control. Reduced concentrations of
NH4+-N in leachate can be achieved by high moisture flux to wash out contami-
nants from the waste mass. The rate of reduction of NH4+-N is governed by
moisture flux, therefore the greater the volumes of leachate produced, the lower the
resulting leachate contaminant concentrations (Purcell et al. 1999).
The volume of water that is passed through the landfill, the nitrogen content of
the waste, and the ammonia nitrogen concentration in the bulk liquid could drive
the mass of ammonia-nitrogen that can be leached from the refuse (Berge et al.
2005). In order to reduce ammonia nitrogen concentrations either by washout or by
dilution requires water addition. Flushing volumes between 5 and 7.5 m3/tonne of
waste were required to effectively decrease nitrogen concentrations in the landfill
(Berge et al. 2005). The efficacy of flushing requires hydraulic conductivity of
the refuse, making it difficult to introduce liquid in areas of lower permeability
(Berge et al. 2005). Once there is significant decrease in hydraulic conductivity, the
time required for leaching to occur increases, as does the ammonification process
(Berge et al. 2005). The rate of NH4+-N removal is directly proportional to the rate
of flushing. But this flushed water should be treated ex situ or re-used for recir-
culation, wherein the reintroduction of NH4+-N to the landfill is continuous and so
is its solubilisation into the leachate (Berge et al. 2005).
Biotransformation of Nitrogen in Landfills 247

2.3 Ammonium Sorption

The sorption of NH4+-N onto different organic and inorganic compounds has been
reported in various studies, as summarised in Berge et al. (2005). The option of
ammonium sorption onto the waste enables temporary storage of ammonium prior
to nitrification and volatilization, and may also result in the slow dissolution of
ammonium over time (Berge et al. 2005). Sorption is dependent on pH, tempera-
ture, ammonium concentration, and ionic strength of the bulk liquid. For ammonia
to sorb to the waste particles, it must be in the form of ammonium (NH4+). At pH
levels expected in a landfill, the dominant form of the ammonia species is the
ammonium ion (Berge et al. 2005). Ammonium sorption is directly related to ionic
strength of the bulk liquid, pH, temperature and ammonium concentration (Berge
et al. 2005).

2.4 Ammonium Volatilization

In conventional landfills, ammonia makes up approximately 0.1–1.0 % (dry volume

basis) of landfill gas exiting the landfill. But volatilization only occurs when free
ammonia (NH3) (FA) is present. At an alkaline pH (>10.5–11.5) the majority of the
NH4+-N present in leachate is in the form of NH3 gas (Berge et al. 2005).
Ammonium volatilization increases with respect to increase in temperature (Berge
et al. 2005, 2006). In case of aerobic landfills where there is air flow, it can agitate the
leachate thereby enabling a removal pathway for dissolved NH3 to volatilise and
leave the landfill. Air injection also contributes to dilution effects and increases the
partitioning of dissolved ammonia-nitrogen to the gaseous phase (Berge et al. 2005).

2.5 Nitrification and Denitrification

Nitrification is 2 step aerobic processes carried out by Nitrosomonas (Eq. 1) and

Nitrobacter (Eq. 2), respectively. The denitrification process occurs under anoxic
conditions carried out by denitrifying bacteria (Eqs. 3–6).

0:1667NH4þ þ 0:25O2 ! 0:1667NO þ

2 þ 0:333H þ 0:1667H2 O ð1Þ

2 þ 0:25O2 ! 0:50NO3 ð2Þ

3 þ 2e þ 2H
! NO
2 þ H2 O ð3Þ
248 K. Joseph et al.

2 þ e þ 2H
! NO þ H2 O ð4Þ

2NO þ 2e þ 2H þ ! N2 O þ H2 O ð5Þ

N2 O þ 2e þ 2H þ ! N2 þ H2 O ð6Þ

The main implications of nitrification—denitrification are requirements of O2,

affected particularly by the age of the waste (old and new) and specific temperatures
(Berge et al. 2005, 2006). As O2 can be limiting, it is considered to be an opera-
tional parameter of concern during field-scale applications. O2 is part of
non-uniform applications with several different O2 concentrations and some areas
with no O2 at all (Berge et al. 2005, 2006). Waste age is a critical factor, with
younger waste exhibiting higher capacity for aerobic conditions at high tempera-
ture. The fresh waste also contains higher concentrations of organic carbon, dis-
playing a higher O2 demand (Berge et al. 2005, 2006). With respect to temperature,
aerobic landfills promote thermophiles, >70 °C, while nitrifiers and denitrifiers are
mesophiles (25–40 °C).
A landfill bioreactor in situ approach is considered feasible when waste stabi-
lization (active phase) is completed, applying forced aeration at the bottom of
landfill bioreactor and recirculation of leachate (Valencia et al. 2005). Periodical
aeration was carried out at the top of landfilled waste by He and Shen (2006),
whereas semi-aeration through natural ventilation was performed by Huo et al.
(2008). The semi-aerobic landfill system was more favourable with simultaneous
occurrence of nitrification and denitrification.
Further studies on this approach were carried out by Giannis et al. (2008), who
achieved NH4+-N removal from 750 to 10 mg/L in 250 days. The process of
nitrification contributed to NH4+-N conversion to NO3−-N, but the concentrations
of NO3−-N (10–30 mg/L) was not removed by denitrification, suggesting that
partial nitrification might be occurring. Even anaerobic landfill bioreactor studies
focusing on in situ treatment performed by Jianguo et al. (2007) concluded that the
NH4+-N of 11,000 mg/L was reduced to 5000 mg/L in 15 weeks of operation.
About 23 % removal was observed in 28–30 weeks. Thus in situ practice disposed
the leachate effectively, but removed NH4+-N to a certain extent and accelerated the
stabilization of the waste. Other limitations were due to carbon requirement in
denitrification and aeration needs. In situ nitrification and denitrification are feasible
in bioreactor landfill conditions, with the possibility of denitrification occurring in
older portions of landfill, even under low biodegradable C/N conditions (Berge
et al. 2005).
Biotransformation of Nitrogen in Landfills 249


H2S, HS-
COD N2, SO4 SO4 Reduction
Depending on pH
Organic Nitrogen ic
Heterotrophic ph tion
Nitrite Reduction Denitrification tro a
to rific
A nit Sulfide O2
De oxidation
NH4+-N NO3 -

Volatilization ANAMMOX
NO2 -

Free NH3 N2
Partial Heterotrophic


N2,, N2O, NO

Fig. 4 Potential nitrogen transformation pathways in landfill environment. Adapted from Berge
et al. (2005)

2.6 Ammonia Nitrogen Profile in Bioreactor Landfill

In a study of 50 German landfills, NH4+-N concentrations did not show a significant

decrease even 30 years after landfill closure (Krumpelbeck and Ehrig 1999). It was
reported by Ehrig (1998), that there was no observable change in NH4+-N con-
centrations from acidic and methanogenic phase of landfill and that, the mean
NH4+-N concentration was reported to be 740 mg/L. The total NH4+-N concen-
tration beneficial for microbial activity in anaerobic system was in the range of
50–200 mg/L. Presence of NH4+-N at about 300–3000 mg/L, inhibited methano-
genic activity, and interfered in the anaerobic degradation pathway (Berge et al.
2005). The optimum range of temperature preferred for mesophiles and ther-
mophiles were 29–38 and 49–57 °C, with pH 6.6–7.6 (O’Flaherty et al. 2006).
Methanogens are sensitive to NH4+-N at high temperature and pH, as the inhibitory
component is FA. Rise in pH result in increase in NH3 concentration. NH3 con-
centrations of 0.1–1.0 mg/L were reported to inhibit the biological oxidation of
NO2−-N to NO3−-N (Anthonisen et al. 1976). The expected pathways of nitrogen
transformations in a landfill condition, as depicted in Fig. 4, includes ammonifi-
cation, sorption, volatilization, nitrification, denitrification, anaerobic ammonium
oxidation (ANAMMOX), and NO3−-N reduction. Environmental conditions such
as moisture and temperature affect transformation and removal of nitrogen. Thus,
within one landfill cell, there may be many nitrogen transformation processes
occurring simultaneously or sequentially (Berge et al. 2005).
250 K. Joseph et al.

3 Ex Situ Methods for Ammonia Nitrogen Removal

Nitrogen management in landfill leachate by ex situ treatment systems usually

involve aerobic and anaerobic/anoxic reactors (Fu et al. 2009). Canziani et al.
(2007) achieved biological nitrogen removal from an old landfill leachate of
500–3000 mg/L NH4+-N concentration by partial nitrification to NO2−-N in a
pure oxygen membrane bioreactor (PO—MBR) and by subsequent denitrification
in a moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) with an increased solid retention time
(SRT) of 45 days. When dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in the MBR were
kept in the range 0.2–0.5 mg/L, 90 % oxidation of NH4+-N to NO2−-N was
achieved with stable inhibition of nitrite oxidising bacteria (NOB). The sequence of
operation was nitrification/partial nitrification—denitrification—discharge. In the
nitrification stage, NH4+-N was first oxidized to NO2−-N by Nitrosomonas bacteria,
and the NO2−-N produced was oxidized to NO3−-N by Nitrobacter and finally to N2
as indicated by Eqs. (7) and (8) and partial nitrification Eq. (9) (Paredes et al. 2007;
He and Shen 2006).

NH4þ + 2O2 + 2HCO 

3 ! NO3 + 2CO2 + 3H2 O ð7Þ

3 + 5C + 2H2 O ! 2N2 + 4HCO3 + CO2 ð8Þ

NH4þ þ 0:75O2 + HCO  þ

3 ! 0:5NO2 þ 0:5NH4 + CO2 þ 1:5H2 O ð9Þ

There was a high demand for O2 during the nitrification process. When the
degradable organic carbon concentration was high in the environment, heterotrophic
microorganisms would outcompete nitrifiers for O2 and nutrients. In contrast, most
of the denitrifying bacteria exist in an environment in which organic compounds are
present, and use organic matter as a carbon source and electron donors (He and Shen
2006). Denitrification was inhibited in the presence of O2, and limited to anoxic
environments. Therefore, treatment of NH4+-N required spatial separation of nitri-
fying and denitrifying units or temporal separation of each step by alternating the
supply of aeration and no aeration in the same unit (He and Shen 2006). Furthermore,
for high NH4+-N, low COD effluent, air-stripping pretreatment was usually needed
and external carbon sources such as CH3OH should be added to adjust COD/NH4+-N
ratio (He and Shen 2006). This increased costs and enhanced difficulty of manage-
ment which are obvious disadvantages (Valencia et al. 2005, 2009a, b, 2011).
In the study by Renou et al. (2008), application of MBR for treating landfill
leachate of 1000 mg N/L resulted in >80 % of nitrogen being removed as TKN,
while Bohdziewicz et al. (2008a) reported only 46 % NH4+-N removal treating
leachate of influent NH4+-N concentration of 795 mg N/L using an Anaerobic
MBR (AnMBR). Adoption of traditional autotrophic nitrification and heterotrophic
denitrification methods leads to emissions of NOx and N2O that plays a significant
role in global warming and climate change (Valencia et al. 2005). The ex situ
Biotransformation of Nitrogen in Landfills 251

methods are good at nitrogen removal but not suited for landfill bioreactor concepts,
as leachate recirculation is pertinent for optimal performance.

3.1 “Wuhrmann” Process

The Wuhrmann process (Fig. 5) or post-denitrification, can achieve nitrification and

carbonaceous oxidation before the leachate enters the anoxic zone for denitrification
(Liu and Liptak 1999). Endogenous respiration could provide the required
carbon source since all available extracellular carbon would have been removed.
The efforts of Wuhrmann helped to develop other single sludge nitrification/
denitrification systems; although this process was never used at full scale.
Operational problems include high turbidity levels of the clarified effluent,
ammonia release from cell lysis in the anoxic zone, and high nitrate levels due to
low denitrification rates (USEPA 1993).

3.2 “Ludzack-Ettinger” Process

In the process based on Ludzack-Ettinger (Fig. 5), raw wastewater is directed first
into an anoxic zone followed by an aerobic zone, which is called pre-denitrification
(Liu and Liptak 1999). Since nitrification occurs after the anoxic zone, the return
activated sludge (RAS) stream recycles nitrates. As such, this process typically
operates with a high RAS return rate (75–150 % Q). The raw wastewater serves as

Waste activated sludge


A – Wuhrmann process

Waste activated sludge

RAS (75 – 150% Q)

B – Ludzack-Ettinger process

Fig. 5 Schematic diagrams of the ex situ nitrogen removal processes. Adapted from Liu and
Liptak (1999)
252 K. Joseph et al.

a carbon source for denitrification and thus has a higher denitrification rate than the
Wuhrmann process (Liu and Liptak 1999).

3.3 “4-Stage Bardenpho” Process

The Bardenpho process provides a TN removal capability that cannot be obtained

in the Ludzack-Ettinger process (Liu and Liptak 1999). The four-stage Bardenpho
process subjects the nitrate that was not recycled from the primary aerobic zone to
anoxic conditions in a secondary anoxic zone. Although biological denitrification is
occurring in both anoxic reactors, the carbon source is different; the carbon source
of the primary anoxic zones is supplied by influent wastewater, whereas endoge-
nous respiration is responsible for any denitrification in the secondary anoxic zone
(Liu and Liptak 1999). A small secondary aerobic zone prior to secondary clari-
fication strips away any N2 gas entrained in the solids and nitrifies any ammonia
released from cell lysis (Liu and Liptak 1999).

3.4 Ion Exchange Process

Ion exchange technology involves passing a liquid through a column or bed of a

specific natural or synthetic zeolite resin and the exchange of one ion for another
(USEPA 1993). The column is run until unacceptable breakthrough of the ion(s) of
concern is achieved (reflecting the exhaustion of the exchange sites for this point of
equilibrium). A highly concentrated regenerant is then passed through the column
to displace the removed ions from the exchange sites. The regenerant can be
processed further for recovery and reuse with a blow down of a concentrated waste
or recyclable product, or passed to waste. Clinoptilolite, a natural occurring pro-
duct, is the zeolite of choice for ammonium-nitrogen removal applications.
Total exchange capacities are reported around 2 milli equivalents/L (meq/L), but
the capacity in wastewater applications for ammonium appears to range from 0.2 to
0.5 meq/L. Clinoptilolite has a specific gravity of 1.6 and a bulk density of about
0.75. In wastewater treatment applications, prior filtration must be used to avoid
blinding the fine 20  50 (0.84  0.33 mm) mesh media. Hydraulic loading rates
range from 5 to 10 bed volumes per hour are applied. On startup, the first 5–10
volumes will generally show the drag out of the ammonium left in the column after
regeneration. Thereafter, the effluent ammonium-nitrogen concentrations slowly
increase from about 0.5–1.0 mg/L until about 130 bed volumes is reached and then
progressively deteriorate to about 5 mg/L at 170 bed volumes. The column may be
removed from service after final effluent quality becomes unacceptable.
Regeneration is preceded by two to three bed volumes of backwash to flush out
accumulated solids, and is accomplished by a high pH salt solution using flow rates
Biotransformation of Nitrogen in Landfills 253

of about 10 bed volumes per hour and 10–20 bed volumes of regenerant.
Regeneration is followed by a rinse cycle of 2–3 bed volumes to minimize high pH
as well as salt and ammonia concentrations in the product effluent on startup.

3.5 Struvite Precipitation

Struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate (MAP)) or lime is usually employed as

the precipitant for the removal of ammonia-nitrogen. Struvite or MAP precipitates
in the presence of magnesium (Mg2+), ammonium (NH4+), and phosphate (PO43−)
according to the Eq. 10, when the thermodynamic solubility product, Ks, is

Mg2 þ þ NH4þ þ PO3

4 þ 6H2 O ! MgNH4 PO4  6H2 O # ð10Þ

Mg2+, NH4+ and PO−3 4 are required in equimolar quantities to form

MgNH4PO46H2O. However, because of the common ion effect, other chemical
species in solution will form Mg2+, NH4+, and/or PO−3 4 compounds. This effect
requires that additional Mg2+and/or PO−3 4 is needed to precipitate the maximum
mass of NH4+ (Turker and Celen 2010). The struvite precipitation process depends
on two main factors: the molar ratio of Mg2+: NH4+-N: PO−3 4 -P and the pH of the
sample (Munch and Barr 2001). In a study by Karthikeyan and Joseph (2008),
seven different molar ratios (Magnesium: Ammonium: Phosphate) were used to
optimize the removal efficiency of ammonia-N. Around 58 % of ammonia removal
was obtained in 1:1:1 molar ratio. Maximum removal efficiency of 76 and 78 %
achieved at the molar ratio of 2:1:1.5 and 1.5:1:2, respectively. Leachate pH varied
from 6.5 to 6.9 in supernatant samples obtained from different molar ratio.

4 In Situ Methods for Ammonia Nitrogen Removal

Control of in situ conditions in a landfill bioreactor is carried out by moisture

addition (such as leachate recirculation) and/or aeration for promoting active
degradation of readily biodegradable organic fraction of the waste. Besides that,
aeration and moisturization favors ammonification, results in accumulation of
ammonia at a higher concentration (5000 mg/L, Connolly et al. 2004) than that of
conventional landfills, even after stabilization of the organic fraction. Onay and
Pohland (1998) had expounded the potential of in situ attenuation of high residual
leachate ammonia-nitrogen concentrations by nitrification and denitrification. This
was performed by utilizing compost as the waste matrix, and by adopting the air
inlet at the bottom of the reactor to simulate 3 components of landfill bioreactor
systems, encompassing anoxic, anaerobic and aerobic zones. Since O2 penetrates in
the interstices of the landfilled waste, vertical aerobic/anoxic/anaerobic biological
254 K. Joseph et al.

zones are formed naturally in landfill ecosystems. System performances of both

combined and separate operations with leachate recycling had resulted in 95 %
nitrogen conversion, whereas combined operation without recycling had conversion
efficiency per cycle ranging from 30 to 52 % by nitrification and from 16 to 25 %
by denitrification. Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in aerobic landfill
bioreactor cell occurs. While in another study, an efficacy of 99.5 % by in situ
ammonia removal in a biofilter comprising of old waste by making use of anaerobic
and aerobic sections was attained (He et al. 2007).
Thus an in situ approach is feasible when waste stabilization (active phase) is
completed, by applying forced aeration at the bottom and recirculation (Valencia
et al. 2005). Periodical aeration was carried out at the top of landfilled waste by He
and Shen (2006), whereas semi-aeration through natural ventilation was performed
by Huo et al. (2008). The semi-aerobic landfill system bodes well with simulta-
neously occurring nitrification and denitrification. Further studies on this approach
carried out by Giannis et al. (2008) had achieved ammonia removal from 750 to
10 mg/L in 250 days. The process of nitrification had contributed to ammonia
conversion to nitrate, but the levels of nitrate (10–30 mg/L) was not removed by
denitrification, and suggested that other processes like partial nitrification might be
occurring. Even anaerobic landfill bioreactor studies focusing on in situ treatment
performed by Jianguo et al. (2007) had concluded that the ammoniacal nitrogen of
11,000 mg/L had reduced to 5000 mg/L in 15 weeks of operation. In 28–30 weeks,
an average removal rate of 23 % was observed. Thus in situ practice disposes the
leachate effectively, removes ammonia to a certain extent and accelerates the sta-
bilization of the waste. The common limitations observed just like ex situ method
are due to carbon requirement issues in denitrification and aeration needs
(Karthikeyan and Joseph 2006). The précis of the ex situ and in situ modes of
treatment of landfill leachate is presented in Table 3, where the performance of the
particular system involved and its corresponding process efficiency has been
The operation sequence in this hybrid process is given as ex situ nitrification—
recirculation—in situ denitrification. Oxidation of ammonia in the external reactor
to nitrate, nitrite followed by nitrogen gas occurs. As the landfill conditions nor-
mally favor denitrification owing to prevalence of anaerobic/anoxic condition, the
absence of aerobic condition in the landfill is compensated for by external nitrifi-
cation. The nitrified leachate is recycled back into landfill for in situ denitrification
process (Fu et al. 2009). Ammonia accumulation is removed by this means but
results in acidic pH of leachates, thereby reducing the buffering capacity of the
leachate. External aeration brings in oxygen to the anoxic system, where denitri-
fication occurs. Also the presence of O2, NO−2 and NO−3 in leachate affects the
methanogenesis of waste (He et al. 2007).
Biotransformation of Nitrogen in Landfills 255

Table 3 Treatment technologies for nitrogen removal in landfill leachate

SI Mode of Treatment Concentration of Removal References
No operations technology nitrogen (as NH4+ performance
or TKN) (%)
(I) Ex situ Influent Effluent
(mg/L) (mg/L)
1. Aerobic Conventional 1400 175 87.5 NH4+ Renou et al.
treatment activated (2008)
(suspended sludge
growth process
2. processes) Sequencing 1100 11 99 NH4+ Tengrui et al.
batch biofilm (2007)
3. Aerobic Trickling 115 12 90 NH4+ Renou et al.
treatment filters (2008)
(attached growth
4. Anaerobic Hybrid 196 137 30 NH4+ Bohdziewicz
Treatment UASB & RO (UASB) et al. (2008a)
(Suspended 137 16 88.7 NH4+
growth (RO)
5. Anaerobic Anaerobic 1800 225 87.5 NH4+ Renou et al.
treatment filter (2008)
(attached growth
6. Aerobic Membrane 1000 200 >80 TKN Renou et al.
bioreactor (2008)
7. Anaerobic Membrane 795 429 46 NH4+ Bohdziewicz
bioreactor et al. (2008a)
8. (MBR) 10,000 1454 85 NH4+ Suneethi and
(II) In situ
9. Aerobic Landfill 500 10 98 NH4+ Giannis et al.
treatment bioreactor (2008)
10. Anaerobic 2280 1755 23 NH4+ Jianguo et al.
treatment (2007)
11. Anaerobic Landfill 697 190 73 NH4+ Sri Shalini
treatment bioreactor and Joseph
256 K. Joseph et al.

4.1 Bioaugmentation

The option of nitrogen removal in the side stream for landfill leachate is bioaug-
mentation. Bioaugmentation with endogenous nitrifiers is referred to as bioaug-
mentation batch-enhanced process (BABE). Bioaugmentation is accomplished by
seeding activated sludge with an external source of nitrifying bacteria (i.e. external
bioaugmentation) or making process improvements to increase the activity of or
enrich the nitrifier population (i.e. internal bioaugmentation) (USEPA 2009).
In the BABE process only a small fraction of return sludge is used, with a
distinct advantage of temperature, since the cultivated biomass is present in the
nitrifying population. Usually 1 or 2 tank systems could be used to include deni-
trification. The BABE reactor does not need biomass retention. It can work with
decreased load and SRT. BABE reactors are designed by simulation with easy
testing of variables to monitor the nitrogen removal.
Emerging in situ bioaugmentation technologies used to enhance nitrifier growth
and shown to be successful in bench, pilot, and/or full‐scale trials are described
briefly below (USEPA 2008):
• The Bio‐Augmentation Regeneration/Reaeration (BAR) process was developed
in the U.S. and is identical to the Regeneration‐DeNitrification (R‐DN) process
developed independently in the Czech Republic. It mainly works by recycling
ammonia‐laden filtrate or centrate from dewatering of aerobically digested
sludge to the head of the aeration tank. The sidestream is fully nitrified, seeding
the aeration tank with additional nitrifying bacteria which allows for reduced
SRT. There are numerous full-scale applications in the Czech Republic, USA
and Canada. The Aeration Tank 3 (AT3) is similar to the BAR process except
that it sends a smaller fraction of the return activated sludge (RAS) to the
aeration tank in order to stop the nitrification process at the nitrite stage.
• The BABE process uses a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) to grow nitrifiers by
feeding it RAS and reject water from the sludge dewatering process. After
treatment, concentrated nitrifiers are recycled to the head of the aeration tank.
• The Mainstream Autotrophic Recycle Enhanced N‐removal (MAUREEN)
Process was developed for two‐sludge treatment configuration at the Blue Plains
Advanced Wastewater TreatmentPlant in Washington, DC. The process
involves sidestream treatment of waste activated sludge (WAS) from the second
stage to preferentially select aerobic ammonium oxidising bacteria (AOB) for
bioaugmentation to the first sludge stage.

4.2 Nitritation

The process of producing NO2− from NH4+-N though activity of AOB under
aerobic condition is nitritation. It is the preliminary step in a nitrification system.
Biotransformation of Nitrogen in Landfills 257

Excess NO2− is then utilized by NOB for conversion to NO3− to complete the
nitrification process.
The single reactor system for high activity ammonia removal over nitrite
(SHARON) process, developed in the 1990s at Delft University of Technology, is a
nitritation/partial nitrification system to oxidize half the influent ammonia-nitrogen
to nitrite (Ganigue et al. 2009). As this nitritation process is limited to nitrite rather
than nitrate in a conventional process, 25 % of aeration energy is saved (Mulder
et al. 2006), 30 % sludge is reduced and overall 20 % less CO2 is emitted. The
stoichiometry of the process is given by the Eq. 11

NH4þ þ 0:75O2 þ HCO  þ

3 ! 0:5NO2 þ 0:5NH4 þ CO2 þ 1:5H2 O ð11Þ

This process can be applied to leachate because ammonia (50 %) gets oxidised
to nitrite by AOB, which being an acidifying process can be neutralised by the
bicarbonates present in the leachate.
The biochemistry behind the AOBs in the SHARON process involves (i) oxi-
dation of ammonia-nitrogen to hydroxylamine (NH2OH) by membrane bound
enzyme ammonia mono-oxygenase (amo), where oxygen and dinitrogen tetroxide
are the electron acceptors for this enzyme, (ii) oxidation of hydroxylamine to nitrite
by the hydroxylamine oxidoreductase (HAO). In the SHARON process, the actual
competitor is nitrite oxidising bacteria which prevent nitrite accumulation. Both the
AOB and NOB are inhibited by free ammonia (FA) and/or free nitrous acid
(FNA) (Ganigue et al. 2009). But, the NOB is more sensitive than AOB to FA.
The important operational parameters of the SHARON process are pH, tem-
perature, hydraulic retention time (HRT)/sludge retention time (SRT), dissolved
oxygen (DO) and bicarbonate to ammonium ratio (Mulder et al. 2006; Zhang et al.
2008). pH around 8 contains more NH3 and less HNO2, which clearly promotes
AOB but suppresses NOB. Higher temperatures of 30–45 °C are optimal for the
growth of AOBs. Optimum HRT is 1–1.54. Low DO concentration (0.5–1.5 mg/L)
is more restrictive for the growth of NOB than AOB, which will result in nitrite
accumulation. The oxidation of ammonium to nitrite requires bicarbonate for every
mole of ammonium conversion.

4.3 ANAMMOX (Deammonification)

The anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANAMMOX) process discovered by Mulder

and co-workers in 1995 was seen as a new and promising alternative to conven-
tional treatment systems to remove ammonia nitrogen (Reginatto et al. 2005). In
comparison with conventional processes, this autotrophic process involves a
complete conversion of NH4+-N to N2 gas without the addition of organic matter
(Dongen et al. 2001). Hence, it consumes at least 50 % less oxygen and saves up to
90 % of operational costs related to sludge disposal due to the lower growth rate of
the microorganisms responsible for ANAMMOX (than the ones responsible for the
258 K. Joseph et al.

nitrification/denitrification processes) besides reducing CO2 emission (Reginatto

et al. 2005). The ANAMMOX process with cell synthesis is given in the Eq. (12)

NH4þ þ 1:32NO 
2 þ 0:132HCO3 þ 0:512H
! 1:02N2 þ 0:26NO3 þ 0:132CH2 O0:5 N0:15 þ 2:19H2 O

The ANAMMOX reaction is carried out by members of deeply branched

Planctomycetes, such as ‘Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans, ‘Candidatus
Kuenenia stuttgartiensis’, ‘Candidatus Scalindua’, ‘Candidatus Anammoxoglobus’
and ‘Candidatus Jettenia’ which make use of NH4+-N as the electron donor (energy
source) and NO2−-N as the electron acceptor. These autotrophs utilize dissolved CO2
or HCO3− from for cell biosynthesis (Berge et al. 2005), with slow growth rates of
the bacteria and low biomass yield (0.13 g dry weight/g NH4+-N oxidized)
(Chamchoi and Nitisoravut 2007; Trigo et al. 2006; Third et al. 2005; Li et al. 2009).
Kinetic parameters were reported by Strous et al. (1998), for an enriched culture of
Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans. The substrate consumption rate was 45 nmol
NH4+-N/mg protein/min with a 10.3/d duplication period. Doubling times as low as
5.3 and 8.9 d were achieved by Park et al. (2010), whilst 11 and 14 d were reported
by Strous et al. (1998, 2006), Li et al. (2009) from ANAMMOX-enriched reactors.
High NH4+-N removal rates could be obtained using the ANAMMOX process in
two ways: two reactors in series, with a partial nitrification reactor as a first step,
and a separate unit for the anaerobic oxidation of NH4+-N as a second step. With
this configuration, the two biological processes can be controlled separately
(Paredes et al. 2007). The second option was to use biofilm systems where classical
nitrification is developed by the ammonium oxidizers in the outer aerobic layers,
and anaerobic oxidation takes place in the deeper zones of the biofilm (Paredes
et al. 2007). Application of the ANAMMOX process or coupling partial nitrifica-
tion with ANAMMOX seems promising. It could result in 60 % savings in O2
generation, 100 % savings of external carbon source addition, less sludge pro-
duction and CO2 emission, with a total reduction in treatment cost by 90 %
(Karthikeyan and Joseph 2006). Application of the Complete Autotrophic Nitrogen
removal Over Nitrite (CANON) process to achieve high removal of NH4+-N from
wastewater could be achieved in a single O2-limited treatment step (Third et al.
2001) for stable NH4+-N removal even during varying feed compositions and
periods of NH4+-N limitations (Third et al. 2001; Padin et al. 2009).
Application of coupling partial nitrification with the ANAMMOX process
was adopted by Liang and Liu (2008) for treating landfill leachate (NH4+-N of
1500–2500 mg/L). An integrated partial nitritation—ANAMMOX reactor—under-
ground soil infiltration system was applied. ANAMMOX operation was performed in
an upflow fixed bed biofilm reactor achieving 67 % NH4+-N and 77 % NO2−-N
removal within 97 days. The effluent of the partial nitritation process yielded a
suitable influent for the ANAMMOX process, by yielding 50 % partial conversion of
NH4+-N to NO2−-N (ratio 1:1.3) favouring anaerobic ammonium oxidation. Nearly
60 % of NH4+-N removal was achieved at the end of ANAMMOX process, and
Biotransformation of Nitrogen in Landfills 259

97 % removal was obtained at the end of the combined treatment train. From the
initial COD of 1100–2500 mg/L 89 % removal of COD was achieved with the final
effluent containing 30–250 mg/L, compared to almost 32 % COD removal by
ANAMMOX process. The main limitation of the process could be ascribed to the low
yield (0.14 g VSS/g NH4+-N) and slow growth rate of ANAMMOX bacteria
(0.003 h−1; 0.072 d−1 at 32 °C) resulting in slow removal of NO3−-N (requiring half
the time in aerobic nitrification) (Strous et al. 1998; Trigo et al. 2006; Third et al.
The investigation of aquatic humic substances (AHS) degradation by the
ANAMMOX process was conducted by Liang et al. (2009) where the initial partial
nitritation reactor was run for 166 days continuously using raw leachate, with
NH4+-N of 1430–2720 mg/L and COD of 1170–2600 mg/L. Upon removal of
VFA and acquiring the proper mixture of NO2−-N to NH4+-N ratio, this effluent
with NH4+-N of 506–885 mg/L and COD 303–954 mg/L was further treated in an
ANAMMOX reactor. The pretreatment in partial nitritation enabled removal of
biodegradable organics from the raw leachate, resulting in higher content of AHS in
the feed to the ANAMMOX reactor (228 mg/L), reducing their content in the
effluent from the ANAMMOX reactor to 91 mg/L. Dissolved Organic Carbon
(DOC) content of the effluent was also reduced from 288 to 136 mg/L in the
ANAMMOX reactor.
Direct application of the ANAMMOX process was adopted by Xu et al. (2007) to
treat NH4+-N rich leachate using a Sequencing batch biofilm reactors (SBBR). The
system was started up on 58 d and stabilized in 33 d, with DO of 1.2–1.4 mg/L, with
alternate periods of aeration and anoxic condition. The leachate was used by spiking
it with NH4Cl to about 450 mg/L prior to feeding as influent to SBBR. The organic
load was in the rage of 1876 ± 547 mg/L of COD and 1048 ± 436 mg/L of BOD5.
NLR was optimized to 300 mg/L/d, with pH around 7.3–7.8 without addition of
alkali or acid. It was proposed that the repeated alteration between aeration and
anoxic period neutralised the acidity generated in the aeration phase through the
alkalinity produced in the anoxic phase. The ratio of NH4+-N/NO2−-N was in the
range of 1.058–1.074 in the aeration phase, and 0.558–0.776 in the anoxic phase, as
compared to the theoretical value of 0.758 in the ANAMMOX reaction (Strous et al.
1998). It was proven that anoxic condition favoured ANAMMOX activity when
weighed against oxic condition.
Guo and Qi (2006) treated aged landfill leachate in an UASB-ANAMMOX
bioreactor (HRT 24 h) and achieved about 80 % total nitrogen removal efficiency
from influent containing 900 mg TN/L and 88 % NH4+-N removal from an influent
of 350 mg NH4+-N/L. During the study period for >200 days, average COD
removal was 24 % from an influent of 1000 mg/L. Alkalinity concentrations of
both the influent and effluent during the steady phase of ANAMMOX activity were
1 g/L and pH of influent and effluent were 8.3. This study indicated that alkalinity
and pH could also be used to monitor ANAMMOX activity. The ratio of NO2−-
N/NH4+-N was in the range of 0.96–1.49, as compared to the stoichiometric value
of 1.24 (Strous et al. 1998).
260 K. Joseph et al.

Table 4 Ammonia-nitrogen removal from leachate in different in situ and ex situ nitrification and
denitrification studies
Sl. Reactor details Nitrogen loading rate Ammonia-nitrogen References
No removal
In situ nitrification studies
1. A1—Landfill with Highest ammonia A1—120 mg/L at Bilgili
leachate concentration—A1— 250 d A2— et al.
recirculation— 1700 mg/L A2— 200 mg/L at 250 d (2007)
aeration—0.084 L/ 1800 mg/L
(min kg) A2—
Landfill without
aeration—0.086 L/
(min kg)—both A1
and A2 operated for
250 d
2. AR1—Landfill with Ammonia in waste— At 22 °C—30 % Berge
aeration— 1000 mg/L ammonia ammonia removal et al.
2.77 L/min operated in microcosm by in-situ; 35 °C— (2007)
for 984 d AR2— studies—500 mg/L 60 %—in-situ
Landfill with removal; 45 °C—
aeration— 50 %—in-situ
6.44 L/min operated removal
for 300 d
In situ denitrification studies
3. AN1—Landfill with Highest ammonia AN1—1000 mg/L Bilgili
leachate concentration— AN2—1200 mg/L et al.
recirculation AN2— AN1—2100 mg/L (2007)
Landfill without AN2—1950 mg/L
recirculation both
AN1 and AN2 for
500 d
4. Ra—Landfill with 4000 mg/L (NO2- Below 200 mg/L in Fu et al.
nitrite addition N/NO3-N) 150 d (2009)
Rb—Landfill With
nitrate addition
In situ nitrification and denitrification studies
5. Three reactor Separate reactors: Total: 95 % N Onay and
system (nitrification, NH4-N—1.5 g in recovery 99 % to Pohland
denitrification and nitrification NO3-N— NO3-N 91–93 % N (1998)
methanogenic 6 g in denitrification recovery 30–52 %
reactors) aeration— combined with to NO3N—10 d
93 L of O2/d internal recycle: 16–25 % to
NH4-N—0.509 g in N2—10 d
nitrification NO3-N—
1.05 g in
Biotransformation of Nitrogen in Landfills 261

Table 4 (continued)
Sl. Reactor details Nitrogen loading rate Ammonia-nitrogen References
No removal
6. Landfill with in situ TN—4190.9 mg/kg Below 8 mg/L of Long et al.
denitrification, of dry refuse NH4-N (2008)
methanogenesis and extractable NH4-N—
nitrification 285.7 mg/kg of dry
(aeration-826.3– refuse
8.5 mg O2/mg N/d)
7. Landfill with in situ TN—12,330 mg/kg 72 % removal in Long et al.
denitrification, dry refuse highest 357 d (2009)
in situ NH4-N
methanogenesis and 1930 mg N/kg
in situ nitrification
8. Landfill with TN (inorganic)— 46 % removal in Sri Shalini
leachate 1.0 kg N/d highest 315 days and Joseph
recirculation— NH4-N—652 mg/L (2013)
in situ nitrification
and denitrification
In situ and ex situ nitrification and denitrification studies
9. Landfill with in situ TN— R1—NH4-N— He and
nitrification and 4.388 ± 0.76 mg/dry 186 mg/L in 105 d, Shen
denitrification and g waste R1—Highest TN—289 mg/L in (2006)
ex situ NH4-N—800 mg/L, 105 d R2—Above
methanogenesis in TN—900 mg/L R2— 1000 mg/L of NH4-
UASB R1— Highest NH4-N— N and TN
aeration—0.5 L/min 1200 mg/L, TN—
(8–10 h 19–21 h) 1500 mg/L
10. Landfill with in situ UASB—0.015 g/L d UASB—66 % He et al.
denitrification, ex ALSB—0.14 g/L d ALSB—100 % (2007)
situ methanogenesis combined reactors: combined reactors
in UASB and ex situ highest ammonia— with ammonia
nitrification in 1037 mg/L concentration below
ALSB aeration— 200 mg/L
0.0002 L/min m3
11. Ex situ nitrification 0.18 kg NH4-N/m3 d 90 % removal in Liang
(activated sludge 132 d et al.
reactor), landfill (2008)
with in situ
denitrification and
in situ
262 K. Joseph et al.

Table 5 Comparison of conventional and novel ammonia nitrogen removal processes

No —
1. Number of Two One One One One
2. Feed Ammonium rich wastewater
3. Discharge N2, NO2−, NH4+, N2 N2, NO3− NH4+, N2, NO3−
NO3− NO2−
4. Conditions Oxic, anoxic Oxic, Oxygen Oxic Anoxic
anoxic limited
5. Oxygen High Low Low Low None
6. pH control Yes – None None None
7. Biomass None Yes Yes Yes Yes
8. COD Yes None None None None
9. Alkalinity 7.07/−3.57 3.6 3.68 – –
(g CaCO3/
g N)
10. Sludge High Low Low Low Low
11. Reactor 0.05–4 1 1–3 1 6–12
(kg N/m3/day)
12. NH4+ loading 2–8 0.1 2–3 0.5–1.5 10–20
(kg N/m3/day)
13. N-removal 95 % 85 % 90 % 90 % 90 %
14. Process Separate oxic Aeration Aeration – Preceding
complexity anoxic needs to be needs to be partial
system, tuned to tuned to nitrification
methanol ammonia ammonia needed
dosing loading loading
15. Application Established Laboratory Laboratory Full scale Full scale
status studies studies plants plants
16. Investment Medium Medium Medium Medium Low
17. Operational High Unknown Low Low Very low
Sources Ahn (2006), Schmidt et al. (2003) and Jetten et al. (2002)
Biotransformation of Nitrogen in Landfills 263

Conventional Nitrification-Denitrification Combined SHARON-ANAMMOX

Power (k Wh/kg N) Methanol (kg/kg N) Sludge (kg VSS/kg N) CO2 emission (kg/kg N) Cost (Euro/kg N)

Fig. 6 Comparison between conventional nitrification-denitrification and combined

SHARON-ANAMMOX processes. Adapted from Henze et al. (2008)

5 Case Studies on Ex Situ and In Situ Ammonia Nitrogen

Management for Landfill Bioreactors

Conventional ex situ and in situ nitrification and denitrification studies for

ammonia-nitrogen removal in landfill leachate are summarized in Table 4. To
overcome the challenges of conventional processes, innovations such as completely
autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite (CANON), oxygen-limited autotrophic
nitrification and denitrification (OLAND), SHARON and ANAMMOX processes
have been developed. A comparison between conventional and innovative pro-
cesses of ammonia removal presented in Table 5 indicates that SHARON and
ANAMMOX have several advantages over conventional processes.
Henze et al. (2008) compared conventional nitrification and denitrification
processes with that of the combined SHARON-ANAMMOX processes in terms of
consumption of power, methanol, sludge production, CO2 emission and operational
costs. This is depicted in Fig. 6. It demonstrated the savings in overall operational
costs of the SHARON-ANAMMOX processes against that of conventional pro-
cesses. These studies paved way for the application of in situ SHARON and
ANAMMOX processes for bioreactor landfills.
Liang and Liu (2007) performed the SHARON process in bench-scale FBBRs
treating leachate achieving ammonia: nitrite ratios of 1.0–1.4 and partial nitritation
efficiency of 94 % at ammonia loading rates of 0.2–1.0 kg N/d. Further studies by
Liang and Liu (2008) showed that increasing ammonium load in leachate accom-
plished good NH4-N/NO2-N ratio. The SHARON process can be used as
pre-treatment for the ANAMMOX process with the influent NH4-N/NO2-N ratio
around 1:1.32.
Spagni et al. (2008) studied nitrogen removal via nitrite in a SBR containing
sanitary landfill leachate. Nitrification and nitrogen removal rate were higher than
98 and 95 %, respectively. Wei et al. (2010) studied the SHARON process in a
UASB-SBR system. The removal efficiencies of ammonia-nitrogen were 99.7 %
264 K. Joseph et al.

Table 6 Operational features of the bioreactor landfills

Phases Operation Control SHARON ANAMMOX bioreactor
bioreactor bioreactor
Phase I Feed/seed ratio 100/0 80/20 60/40
(0–42 d) Mined waste (Feed) 43 L 34.4 L 25.8 L
(v/v) 45.4 kg 36.3 kg 27.3 kg
Enriched biomass Nil AOB AnAOB biomass
(Seed) Nil biomass 17.2 L
(v/v) 8.6 L 20.6 kg
(w/w) 8.6 kg
Tap water addition 10 L Nil Nil
Leachate recirculation Weekly Weekly Weekly
Leachate Sampling Weekly Weekly Weekly
Phase II Ammonium source Yes Yes Yes
(43–188 d) addition (1000 ppm)
(NH4Cl −127.8 g)
Phase III – Start- up of Combining
bioreactor process
Adapted from Sri Shalini and Joseph (2013)

and TN was 99.2 %. Vilar et al. (2010) conducted the SHARON process in a
continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) fed with anaerobically pre-treated leachate
at a nitrogen load of 1.1 kg N/m3/d at 36 °C. Valencia et al. (2011) showed the
intrusion of small quantities of oxygen caused in situ nitrification and promoted the
growth of ANAMMOX bacteria in the bioreactor which contributed to removal of
nitrogen (40 %) from solid matrix in 380 days.
Sri Shalini and Joseph (2013), demonstrated the feasibility for the application of
in situ SHARON and ANAMMOX processes in bioreactor landfills for
ammonia-nitrogen removal. The operational features of the bioreactor landfills are
given in Table 6. The SHARON and ANAMMOX bioreactor landfill was inocu-
lated with AOB and anaerobic ammonium oxidising bacteria (AnAOB) biomass
enriched from mined municipal solid waste from a laboratory-scale SHARON and
ANAMMOX reactors which was successfully operated in batch mode. The details
of the AOB and AnAOB biomass enrichment from municipal solid waste is detailed
in Sri Shalini et al. (2015).
The variations in ammonia nitrogen, nitrite- and nitrate-nitrogen in the different
bioreactor landfills is depicted in Fig. 7. Bioreactor landfills with the SHARON
process having DO <1.0 mg/L gave 98.5 % nitrite accumulation, 85 % of
ammonia-nitrogen removal efficiency with AOB population of a most probable
number (MPN) of 5.1  106/mL. The start-up of the ANAMMOX process in
bioreactor landfill obtained ammonia to nitrite ratio of 1:0.6–1:1.8. It contributed for
the maximum ammonia-nitrogen removal efficiency of 73 % with specific
Biotransformation of Nitrogen in Landfills 265

Phase I Phase II Phase III

600.0 Ammonia-N Nitrite-N Nitrate-N

Concentration (mg/L)






0 21 42 63 84 105 126 147 168 189 210 231 252 273 294 315
Time (d)

(b) Phase I Phase II Phase III

1300.0 Ammonia-N Nitrite-N Nitrate-N
Concentration (mg/L)

0 21 42 63 84 105 126 147 168 189 210 231 252 273 294 315
Time (b)

(c) Phase I Phase II Phase III

700.0 100.0
Concentration of Ammonia-N (mg/L)


Concentration (mg/L)
500.0 70.0

400.0 60.0
Ammonia-N Nitrite-N Nitrate-N
300.0 40.0
200.0 30.0
0.0 0.0
0 21 42 63 84 105 126 147 168 189 210 231 252 273 294 315
Time (d)

Fig. 7 Nitrogen transformations in bioreactor landfills. a Control bioreactor. b SHARON

bioreactor. c ANAMMOX bioreactor. Source Sri Shalini and Joseph (2013)

ANAMMOX activity of 0.96 mg Amm-N/mg MLVSS/d. Bioreactor landfill gave

evolution of 95 % of N2 gas as the end product confirmed the ANAMMOX process.
Bioreactor landfill operated as combined SHARON-ANAMMOX bioreactor
landfills had various advantages. For combining the SHARON-ANAMMOX pro-
cess in bioreactor landfill, the leachate from the bioreactor landfill operated with
SHARON process was recirculated into the bioreactor landfill operated with
ANAMMOX process (Table 6). Operational parameter results showed optimum pH
(7.0–8.0) and temperature (30–33 °C) for both the SHARON and ANAMMOX
processes prevailed in the bioreactor landfill. Conductivity (15.3–17.7 mS/cm) and
salinity (8.8–11.5 psu) concentrations were maintained in the reactor.
The nitrogen transformations in the combined SHARON-ANAMMOX pro-
cesses are given in Fig. 7c (189–315 days). Higher removal rate of
266 K. Joseph et al.

Phase I Phase II Phase III

800 12000
(Batch) (Semi continuous) (Continuous)
Effluent Nitrogen Concentration (mg/L)

Influent Nitrogen Concentration (mg/L)

NH 4+ -N (mg/L)
Effluent Amm-N (mg/L)
Influent Nitrite
NO 2--N(mg/L)
500 NO 2--N(mg/L)
Effluent Nitrite (mg/L)

NO 3--N(mg/L)
Effluent Nitrate (mg/L)
400 6000
Influent Amm-N (mg/L)
NH 4+ -N (mg/L)


0 0
1 32 44 51 58 66 73 83 93 108 120 134 147 156 175 194 210 228
Time (d)

Fig. 8 Nitrogen transformations at varying nitrogen loading rates in the AnMBR. Source
Suneethi and Joseph (2011b)

ammonia-nitrogen (>30 % within a few weeks) and BOD/COD ratios were 0.5–0.7.
Adequate concentrations of NH2OH (0.0004–0.001 mg/L) and N2H4 (0.002–
0.005 mg/L) accumulated. Alkalinity concentrations were increasing and decreas-
ing as partial nitrification and ANAMMOX process was simultaneously occurring
but sufficient bicarbonates were available in bioreactor landfill (286–914 mg/L).
Partial nitritation efficiency (PNE) reduced from 53 to 6 % showed evidence of a
simultaneous ANAMMOX process taking place (utilising nitrite as electron
acceptor) based on the specific ANAMMOX activity (SAA) in the range of 0.3–

NLR NRR Removal Efficiency (%)

8 100

7 90
NH 4 +-N Removal efficiency (%)
NLR and NRR (kg NH4+-N/m3/d)

3 40

2 30
0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (d)

Fig. 9 Nitrogen removal performance in AnMBR treating landfill leachate. Source Suneethi and
Joseph (2013)
Biotransformation of Nitrogen in Landfills 267

0.2 0.008
NO2 --N / NH 4 +-N NO3 --N / NH 4 +-N
NO 2 -N/ NH 4 +-N ratio

NO 3 -N/ NH 4 +-N ratio

0.12 0.005

0.08 0.003

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (d)

Fig. 10 Molar ratio during landfill leachate treatment in AnMBR. Source Suneethi and Joseph

0.7 mg Amm-N/mg MLVSS/d. Higher biomass build up was developed in the

bioreactor landfill (1000–200 mg/L). FA (<61.3 mg/L) and FNA (<0.0075 mg/L)
concentrations showed only NOBs were inhibited; AOB and ANAMMOX popu-
lations were not inhibited. In situ combined SHARON-ANAMMOX processes in
landfill bioreactors gave total nitrogen removal of 84 % and ammonia-nitrogen
removal efficiency of 71 % at NLR of 1.2 kg N/m3/d in 147 days. The nitrogen
could be removed effectively in SHARON and ANAMMOX processes in biore-
actor landfill which was successfully started and stably operated for longer oper-
ational days (Sri Shalini and Joseph 2013).
In the study on ex situ strategy for NH4+-N removal by Suneethi and Joseph
(2011b, 2013), ANAMMOX process was applied using AnMBR to remove
NH4+-N from landfill leachate with low COD. The profile of NH4+-N, NO2−-N and
NO3−-N in the AnMBR during the startup period is depicted in Fig. 8. NO3−-N
generated was not significant (mean—1.64 mg/L) during the study period. The
average effluent NH4+-N, NO2−-N, NO3−-N were 64.22 ± 114.95, 54.15 ± 62.83
and 1.64 ± 1.79 mg/L, respectively.
With the actual landfill leachate, the AnMBR was operated at NLR
6.51 ± 0.20 kg NH4+-N/m3/d at 1.5 d HRT and attained a NH4+-N removal effi-
cacy of 85.13 ± 9.67 % as indicated in Fig. 9. The stoichiometric ratio (NH4+-N
removed: NO2−-N converted: NO3−-N produced) indicating the ANAMMOX
process of 1:1.32:0.26 (Strous et al. 1998) was verified during the landfill leachate
study in the AnMBR. The ratio acquired was 1:0.10:0.003 as depicted in Fig. 10.
This was lower than the ratio obtained during the simulated leachate study in the
AnMBR (1:0.84:0.02) (Suneethi and Joseph 2011b). Gradual acclimation of
ANAMMOX biomass was initiated from the anaerobic seed obtained from bio-
solids digester (Suneethi and Joseph 2011a) from simulated to actual leachate in the
AnMBR. The nitrogen profile changes from N2H4, NH2OH, NH3 and HNO2
268 K. Joseph et al.

concentrations were indicative of AOB and ANAMMOX activity with poor/low

NOB activity enabling sustained NH4+-N removal.

6 Research Directions

From the detailed discussion on nitrogen biotransformation in bioreactor landfills, it

could be understood that the incursion of small quantities of O2 is beneficial for the
biodegradation process of MSW and can also trigger in situ nitrification. This
would promote the growth of ANAMMOX bacteria. The presence of ANAMMOX
bacteria in Bioreactor Landfills simulators could to a certain extent contribute to the
removal of N from the solid matrix. Hence it would be interesting to plot the
metabolic pathways of Nitrogen transformations both in situ and ex situ when
treating different aged leachate and various stages of stabilised waste. The toxicity
and effects of nitrite oxidation inhibitors such as heavy metals that are commonly
found in the landfill leachate is rarely researched. The studies on combined
application of biomolecular, biokinetics and mass balance approach to track down
the Nitrogen profile from the micro to the macro level of the physico-chemical
environment and the biosystem would be beneficial to develop bioreactor landfill
management strategies. Further activities need to focus on field-scale demonstration
of in situ ammonia-nitrogen removal in landfill bioreactors and assessing the effect
of different environmental conditions affecting the important operational parameters
of the processes and determination of SHARON and ANAMMOX pathway in the
landfill bioreactors.

7 Summary

This chapter presented the bioreactor landfill concept, ammonia-nitrogen profile

in landfills, and different ex situ and in situ removal methods for nitrogen man-
agement in landfills. The various nitrogen profile in the form of NH4+-N, NO2−-N
and NO3−-N in the solid waste environment and its further changes have been
discussed. The NH4+-N removal processes including conventional and advanced
technologies and its variations with the support of laboratory-scale and field-scale
case studies were also discussed. Bioreactor landfill integrated with SHARON
and ANAMMOX processes provides promising results for nitrogen management
(Total nitrogen removal—84 % and ammonia-nitrogen removal efficacy—71 % at
NLR of 1.2 kg N/m3/d in 147 days). It resulted in significant saving of energy,
reduction in investment costs, space requirements and operating costs. Full-scale
demonstrations for combined SHARON-ANAMMOX in bioreactor landfills are
Biotransformation of Nitrogen in Landfills 269


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Biofuel Production Technology
and Engineering

Hugo Iván Velázquez-Sánchez, Alexis Saldivar-García

and Ricardo Aguilar-López

Abstract Biofuels are leading a group of alternative energy sources due the fact
they can make use of organic waste as feedstock and be more environmentally
friendly than fossil ones. One of the most attractive ones is the use of butanol as a
gasoline enhancer or substitute, as both compounds share significant physico-
chemical properties such as energy content. Current research results show that it’s
possible to use agro-industrial waste as feedstock thanks to the discovery of new
species and saccharification technologies. In this work a basic outline of the
state-of-the-art overview of biofuel technologies, their properties and current
challenges is presented. The potential of the use of saccharification processes into
biofuel producing ones as a way to take advantage of the wide array of
agro-industrial waste currently generated as feedstock is discussed, and finally a
brief introduction to the ABE (acetone-butanol-ethanol) fermentation system is
given, as it is a pathway for butanol production by biological means by the bac-
terium Clostridium. Although wide array of sugars can be used, some of the current
challenges and strategies to address the problems inherent to the biological system,
such as low productivities and inhibitory effects caused by solvents accumulation
into the reactor is discussed. Finally, this chapter will close with a brief analysis of
the scope of these strategies within the context of bioprocess engineering, show-
casing the efforts made in this context to adapt new fermentation regimes to
increase the system’s butanol productivity based on modelling and simulation

Keywords Agro-industrial waste  Lignocellulose  Saccharification  Biofuels 

Butanol Clostridium

H.I. Velázquez-Sánchez  A. Saldivar-García  R. Aguilar-López (&)

Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional,
Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional No. 2508, San Pedro Zacatenco,
07340 Mexico City, Mexico

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016 275

O.P. Karthikeyan et al. (eds.), Recycling of Solid Waste for Biofuels
and Bio-chemicals, Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products
and Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0150-5_10
276 H.I. Velázquez-Sánchez et al.

1 Introduction

It is well known that humanity is currently experiencing a major energy crisis

because the main source of it comes from a non-renewable resource such as oil. The
reality of the oil sector indicates that reserves are at a critical level, therefore now
research effort is focused on the study and development of processes aimed to
consolidate alternative energy production and distribution technologies (Demirbas
One of the key objectives set out in the approach to the use of alternative energy
technologies is to reduce the environmental impact caused by both the exploitation
and use of fossil fuel energy, especially considering the great environmental harm
caused by extraction, refining and use of oil derivatives, which represents a threat to
both terrestrial and marine ecosystems due to leakage of aromatic hydrocarbons
(Brown 2003). Although organisms of bacterial or plant origin can remediate
contaminated sites, is also known that many of these organisms may produce
intermediate compounds that could exhibit greater toxic effect on the biota of
affected sites than the original contaminants. Additionally, the use of petroleum
fuels in conventional internal combustion engines also generates toxic compounds,
resulting from the partial oxidation of these and their impurities, that appreciably
contribute to increase the emission of greenhouse effect gases as CO2, CH4, NOx
and SOx (Escobar et al. 2008).
Therefore, when looking for strategies to develop and exploit alternative energy
sources, greater emphasis on generating strategies to provide added value to the
operation should be given, as this aims to increase the success rate of the process for
scale-up to commercial levels without suffering undue pressure from an economic
perspective (Dufey 2006).
Within the overall progress made in research and development of alternative
energy technologies, a vast set of technologies exists aimed to harness sunlight, air
currents, geothermal activity or nuclear energy. However, although there is a wide
range of possibilities, most of the technologies currently developed for the
exploitation of these sources have very low conversion yields and high infras-
tructure costs associated with their exploitation. In addition, it must be considered
that these types of alternative energy sources are often limited to generate elec-
tricity, but cannot easily cover the growing problem of fuel supply for the transport
sector (Melaina et al. 2013). Attempts to incorporate the above mentioned tech-
nologies not only requires implementation, for example, of a solar panel system, but
also the modification of the engine and its mechanical system to make it compatible
with this new technology, and that would arise the need to replace almost all of
existing vehicles today by those that could function with the new power supply,
which implies further economic and social issues (Ogden et al. 2004).
Biofuel Production Technology and Engineering 277

It is noteworthy that none of the technologies presented in the previous para-

graph meet the criteria mentioned above of adding additional benefits outside
reducing pollution derived from their use, especially considering that another
concerning issue today is the current rate of waste generation and the environmental
pollution caused by the various human activities, and the use of renewable energies
like wind and solar ones do not provide direct answers to said problems.
Biofuels, which can be defined as all compounds of organic nature derived from
living beings and their metabolism, lead a group of alternative energy sources
aimed to provide solution to the issues raised above, as they seem more suitable to
address specific issues that other technologies cannot overcome, such the use of
organic waste as raw material (Maddipati et al. 2011). Additionally, biofuels pro-
cesses have extensive theoretical knowledge that supports them, as fermentation
technology is almost as ancient as humanity (Naik et al. 2010). However, current
research and development of biofuel technologies cannot achieve reasonable pro-
duction levels to make them attractive from the economic point of view due both
low conversion yields and availability of feedstock materials.
One of the most studied biofuels in the last decade is butanol, as opposed to the
currently developed processes for the production of ethanol and biodiesel, which
could offer better answers regarding fuel mileage yield, lower gaseous emissions
and better physico-chemical properties while also being able to make use of
agro-industrial waste as feedstock requiring minimal or null pre-treatment to obtain
it (Lee et al. 2008a, b).
Therefore in this chapter there will be a general showcase of the state-of-the-art
biofuel technology, which leads to the current advances and challenges of said
technologies regarding the use of agro-industrial waste as feedstock, followed by a
brief discussion about the down-side of the use of ethanol as fuel and the advan-
tages offered by butanol for the automotive sector. Then butanol production via
bioprocesses and the advances made in this field of bioengineering to make use of
biomass-derived residues as substrate will be discussed. Finally, efforts made in our
work group to find novel fermentation techniques that could allow to improve the
productivity of the butanol producing systems from a kinetic modelling and sim-
ulation perspective will be introduced.

2 Biofuels

Biofuels can be classified according to the aggregation state in which they are
useful as fuels. Within gaseous biofuels, the best known representative is the
so-called biogas, which is a mixture consisting primarily of methane, carbon
dioxide and other trace elements. This type of fuel is also found relatively easily in
the environment and can come from natural sources, such as swamps or lakes, or
from anthropogenic sources such as livestock. The main virtue of this type of
278 H.I. Velázquez-Sánchez et al.

compounds is their high calorific value, whereby large volumes of gas are not
required to achieve acceptable production of energy. However the most important
issues to overcome before its use as a reliable energy source is the large amount of
infrastructure needed to efficiently collect such compounds and the difficulty and
risk for its transport and storage, since pressure and temperature of the vessels and
ducts employed for such task need a strict control to prevent explosions.
Solid biofuels, made up mostly of plant biomass as wood, straw or coal are
abundant in nature. Yet, uncontrolled combustion does result in the generation of
ashes with high contents of heavy metals or gaseous emissions containing sulphur
or nitrogen oxides that not only contribute to increasing the greenhouse effect, but
strong acids in the presence of atmospheric water vapour can be formed which
precipitate as acid rain (Vamvuka et al. 2003). In addition, the process in which
they can be obtained, can further affect the ecological balance by requiring the
destruction of large-scale forest ecosystems.
Finally, for liquid biofuels, a wide array of compounds exist but, unlike solid or
gaseous biofuels, liquid ones are not easily found in the environment. These are
generally obtained mostly through fermentation processes performed by microor-
ganisms of bacterial or fungal origin, or generated by algae with high lipid content
(Gomez et al. 2008). Within this scenario, it cannot be anticipated that liquid
biofuels would share most of the problems of exploitation, management or distri-
bution of solid and gaseous ones, since most of the internal combustion systems are
based on the use of liquid fuels; however these compounds still suffer from low
conversion yields and, in some cases, high recovery costs of finished products. In
contrast to the classic fossil fuel’s production processes, such renewable biofuels
tend to be restricted to recoverable or profitable compounds of interest, which
affects the economic viability of their production (Pfromm et al. 2010).
Another current issue with biofuel technology is feedstock availability and price,
as traditional biotechnological processes require the use of monomeric or dimeric
sugars as substrate for cell growth (McNew and Griffith 2005). Nonetheless, it is
known that within the diversity of waste generated due world trade and industrial
activities, there is a vast variety of hydrocarbonated components that can be utilized
as raw material for producing biofuels (Sharma et al. 2013).

3 Agro-Industrial Waste

In this context, agro-industrial waste can be defined as those residuals of organic

nature generated or derived from the use, collection and processing of plant bio-
mass. The agro-industrial wastes consist of a variety of components that can come
from various sources. There are those generated by the exploitation of forest
resources, such as tree bark, wood chips, sawdust, remains of chipboard, etc. that
are not used efficiently and are not integrated into finished products or from
Biofuel Production Technology and Engineering 279

agronomic nature which include stubble remains of fruits and vegetables, straw,
seed shells, waste from processes for obtaining syrups or juices, pulp, etc. (Singh
et al. 2012). These compounds mainly contain sugars arranged into molecules of
high molecular weight that exhibit significant amounts of radical branching,
cyclization and physico-chemical properties that confer biochemical stability, ren-
dering them unsuitable for traditional fermentation (Lo et al. 2008).
Therefore, based on the composition and structure of the various agro-industrial
residuals, a classification can be made in advance to propose an adequate mecha-
nism for their decomposition into fermentable sugars and subsequent transforma-
tion into fuels.
Waste from logging and conversion of forest resources consist mainly of what is
called lignocellulose, which is composed of cellulose fibres wrapped in an amor-
phous matrix of hemicellulose chains and skeletons of lignin (Martinez et al. 2009).
It has a high mechanical and chemical resistance due to cyclic aromatic groups
present in the matrix of lignin, rendering them more or less resistance against attack
by microorganisms and preventing direct use as raw materials for liquid biofuels
despite high availability (Yuea et al. 2014).
Cellulose is the most abundant organic polymer in nature. It is made up of long
chains of glucose, usually linked by covalent bonds b-1,4. Glucose polymers
forming the cellulose have a linear structure and tend to bind together by hydrogen
bridge links, generating what is known as crystalline region, where cellulose fibres
are organized into compact structures which is the reason behind their high
chemical stability and resistance to attack by biological agents (Klemn et al. 2005).
Additionally, there is another region within cellulose chains termed amorphous
region, conformed by glucose polymers that do not arrange so tightly due a reduced
formation of hydrogen bonds between the chains; thus amorphous regions are more
susceptible to chemical and biological degradation (Aro et al. 2005).
In contrast, hemicellulose is a heterogeneous polymer, consisting of monomers
bearing no specific type of sugar or with a single type of bond between them,
making it more likely to have no crystal structures (Aspinall 1959). This polymer is
comprised mostly of pentose sugars such as xylose or arabinose, hexoses such as
mannose, glucose or galactose and uronic acids (Gírio et al. 2010). These chains
tend to link to the cellulose through hydrogen bonds or by interaction with other
polymers such as lignin and pectin. Hemicelluloses have a relatively short chain
length with respect to cellulose, however this kind of polymer can represent from
15 to 35 % of the total dry weight of the plant material (Scheller and Ulvskov
With the statements in the preceding paragraphs it is easy to understand the
importance of generate technologies that allow the use of the large amount of
organic matter present in agro-industrial waste, not only to solve problems related
to environmental pollution but also to take advantage more efficiently of natural
resources and guarantee the supply of raw material for renewable liquid biofuel
production to ensure economic and technical feasibility.
280 H.I. Velázquez-Sánchez et al.

4 Saccharification Methods

Obtaining sugars from the structural constituents of plant biomass is not a novel
research topic, as since the composition of the polymers described in the previous
section are known, sugar extraction attempts for commercial purposes, particularly
within the area of food supply, have been extensively studied (Harris 1949). The
biggest obstacle present is inherent to the physico-chemical nature of
agro-industrial waste which has hampered incorporating them and the use of
chemical or physical agents that jeopardize both the product integrity, quality and
safety for both human and bacterial feedstock (Sun and Cheng 2002).
The first techniques of degradation of plant biomass were based on the process
developed during World War II by Giordani in 1939 (Kobayashi et al. 1962). These
techniques involved the use of size reduction operations, such as grinding or
milling, the resulting chips is given a chemical treatment with dilute sulphuric acid
to remove or eliminate the hemicellulose present in the plant tissue, then the
biomass is subjected to a treatment with a concentrated acid solution containing up
to 60 % H2SO4 and allowed to dry to be then re-treated with the liquor obtained
from the first stage of hydrolysis in a container at high temperature. This process
has the advantage of having very good recovery yields of sugars, which provides
concentrated sugar solutions for fermentation, however high consumption of acid
solutions and the presence of inhibitory compounds for bacterial growth (such as
furfural) require additional treatment for the use as feedstock (Qureshi et al. 2007).
Another hydrolysis techniques also involves the use of acid but exclusively in
diluted form. Here the biomass is crushed and then treated with sulphur dioxide gas,
the chips are then heated to 180 °C for 2–3 min and then compressed by expansion
valves to generate a pulp. This pulp is subsequently washed and the soluble
components recovered into the supernatant is subjected to a new round of contact
with dilute sulphuric acid. This technique allows to obtain fermentable sugar
solutions with up to 8 % w/w and without high concentrations of inhibitory
compounds that could affect the bacterial growth for carrying out fermentation
(Saha et al. 2005).
Finally, another chemical treatment performed to obtain fermentable sugars from
plant biomass is the use of alkaline solutions, which may contain as active com-
pound sodium or ammonium hydroxide. This treatment is, however, only used
during pre-treatment stages, as they help to generate porosity into the cellulosic
material and thereby allows for increased contact surfaces between the solid phase
and the liquid medium containing hydrolysis agents, such as enzyme preparations
(Chen et al. 2013a, b).
The techniques of biological degradation of lignocellulosic material is a more
recent research topic, which has emerged due to the large amount of knowledge
generated in the areas of bioengineering and molecular biology that allows a more
detailed study of the organisms that have the capacity of feeding on such complex
substrates or agro-industrial waste (Demirbas 2009). These technologies promise
higher performance of polymer conversion to fermentable sugars due to use of
Biofuel Production Technology and Engineering 281

highly specific enzymes involved in the hydrolysis. An additional advantage is the

requirement of less aggressive operating conditions such as pressure, temperature
and pH compared to chemical methods (Sandgren and Hiberg 2005). Despite this,
the cost of producing the enzymes required to perform the operation is relatively
high and the organisms, that produce proteins with such properties naturally, have
complex nutritional requirements and require facilities that allow for solid state
fermentation to optimize production of these enzymes (Pandey 2003).

5 Current Challenges of Biofuel Production

One of the processes currently established at large-scale is ethanol production as an

additive or substitute for gasoline in internal combustion engines, which, despite
being one of the oldest biotechnology techniques and with extensive knowledge
derived from that vast experience, still requires additional efforts to become a solid
long-term candidate to replace fossil fuels (Lee et al. 2008a, b). First of all it must
be mentioned that the type of raw material (sugar cane and corn, respectively) used
for production in Brazil and in the United States, which are the largest producers of
ethanol for use as biofuel, comes from resources originally destined for both animal
and human consumption, (Pimentel et al. 2007). Added to this, ethanol has tech-
nical limitations of use, storage and integration into current internal combustion
engine technology, such as being more hygroscopic with respect to oil-based fuels.
Therefore it cannot be transported efficiently over long distances through pipes
without accumulating additional moisture, thus reducing its final titter, and con-
tributing to internal oxidation of the pipes (Antoni and Zverlov 2007).
With the above, different biofuels have been looked for in nature to attempt to
lessen the issues previously stated, and one of the most convincing candidates is

6 Butanol as Biofuel

Butanol is a short chain alcohol, which has been produced by biological means for a
long time. It has the advantage of a higher energy content per litre of fuel than
ethanol, less volatility and slightly lower octane number than gasoline, which can
improve its yield over the ethanol and reduce engine gaseous emissions. Also due to
higher density, a higher mass of fuel is injected into the engine, which, considering
its similar calorific power versus gasoline, helps to attain comparable energy
content per litre. It is therefore assumed that butanol would be a better fuel extender
or substitute for current regular gasoline than ethanol (Table 1).
Traditionally, the methodology for obtaining butanol by fermentation is based on
the degradation of various sugars (particularly glucose or sucrose) carried out by
Gram-positive bacteria of the genus Clostridium, via a metabolic pathway called
282 H.I. Velázquez-Sánchez et al.

Table 1 Comparison of different physico-chemical properties between regular gasoline, ethanol

and n-butanol (Modified from Mužíková et al. 2014)
Fuel Density Reid vapour Energy Research Solubility in
(kg/m3) pressure content per octane water @
(kPa) litre (MJ/L) number 20 °C (w/w)
Regular 740 45–90 32.6 95 0.01
n-butanol 810 2.3 29.2 94 20.1
Ethanol 794 17 23.5 106 Completely

ABE (acetone-butanol-ethanol) (Qureshi et al. 2008). This biological process was

originally exploited for the production of acetone as a solvent for the chemical and
military industry, being of such importance that most of the explosives made and
used during World War II were based on this technology. Back then, butanol was
considered an undesirable product, however, the former Soviet Union began its use
as fuel, partly due to the harsh weather conditions. By the mid-60s the process of
obtaining ABE products at industrial-scale allowed to reach reaction volumes up to
300 m3. Nonetheless, the boom in the petrochemical industry in the 70s provided
solvents and chemicals at very low cost compared to the biological process,
resulting in fermentation plants being dismantled (Zverlov et al. 2006).
Currently, there is a renewed interest in the study of the ABE system in order to
adapt such technology to suit the energy demands of this time (Lee et al. 2008a, b).
Still, biological system present native restrictions that have prevented consolidation
as a mature technology such as low production yields, inhibitory effects of accu-
mulated solvents with culture age and mechanisms of metabolic regulation present
in Gram-positive bacilli, such as sporulation (Zheng et al. 2009).

7 Clostridium Cultures Using Agro-Industrial Waste

as Substrate

One of the biggest problems of traditional fermentation processes, which are

generally based on yeast cultures for the production of alcohol, is that the organisms
do not have the ability to degrade and consume pentoses constitutively. This is a
desirable attribute in the context of use of agro-industrial waste as feedstock for the
generation of biofuels, because of the large amount of hemicellulose present in the
structure of residues coming from both the wood and paper industry (Martín et al.
2007). Studies in the past decade have been conducted to find new species, use
molecular techniques or metabolic engineering in order to generate strains with the
ability to growth on a wider range of carbon sources. Generated strains existing
today exhibit moderate yields of alcohol production which do not surpass titters
Biofuel Production Technology and Engineering 283

over 20 g L−1, preventing consideration as strong candidates for biofuel production

(Atsumi et al. 2008; Peralta-Yahya et al. 2012).
In contrast, many strains of Clostridia display natural capabilities to metabolise a
wider range of carbon sources including pentoses, being most attractive the species
that can feed on xylose and mannose, which are the most abundant monosaccha-
rides in w/w fraction generated from saccharification of lignocellulosic residues
(Qureshi et al. 2007).
In addition, it is known that some wild-type Clostridium species have the ability
to grow solely on lignocellulosic carbon sources, such as Clostridium thermocellum
or Clostridium celullolyticum (Bayer et al. 1983; Keis et al. 2001). These species
are widely recognized within the processes of degradation of plant biomass because
they possess the ability to produce extracellular cellulolytic enzymes in large
quantities organized into complex structures called cellulosomes (Lamed et al.
1983a, b). Within a cellulosome, a wide array of endoglucanases, cellobiohydro-
lases, xylanases and other degradative enzymes exist that allow the microorganisms
to efficiently degrade almost all of the cellulosic or hemicellulosic substrate found
in vegetal biomass (Nordon et al. 2009).
Table 2 summarizes current advances in ABE fermentation using agro-industrial
waste as feedstock and the highest producing strains. It is noteworthy to emphasize
that there are technologies that can reach practical yields that match the theoretical
value of 0.45 g/g of ABEs from glucose, which is indicative that the research in this
field is stepping in the right direction.

Table 2 Summary of the results of ABE production under batch fermentation (Modified from Liu
et al. 2013)
Feedstock Strain ABE ABE ABE References
concentration yield Productivity
(g/L) (g/g) (g/L * h)
Barley straw C. beijerinckii 26.64 0.43 0.39 Qureshi
et al.
Wheat straw C. beijerinckii 21.42 0.41 0.31 Qureshi
et al.
Corn fiber C. beijerinckii 9.3 0.39 0.10 Qureshi
et al.
Corn stover C. beijerinckii 26.27 0.44 0.31 Qureshi
et al.
Rice straw C. saccharoperbutylacetonicum 13 0.28 0.15 Soni et al.
Bagasse C. saccharoperbutylacetonicum 18.1 0.33 0.3 Soni et al.
Switch grass C. beijerinckii 14.61 0.39 0.17 Qureshi
et al.
284 H.I. Velázquez-Sánchez et al.

Table 2 (continued)
Feedstock Strain ABE ABE ABE References
concentration yield Productivity
(g/L) (g/g) (g/L * h)
Domestic C. acetobutylicum 9.3 0.38 0.08 Claassen
organic waste et al.
Sago C. saccharobutylicum 16.38 0.33 0.59 Liew et al.
Defibrated C. acetobutylicum 5.87 0.29 0.12 Badr et al.
sweet potato (2001)
Cassava Co-culture of B. subtillis and C. 9.71 0.21 0.135 Tran et al.
butylicum (2010)
Crystaline Co-culture of C. thermocellum 10.3 0.25 0.02 Nakayama
cellulose and C. et al.
saccharoperbutylacetonicum (2011)
Deshelled Co-culture of C. cellulovorans 11.8 0.17 0.14 Wen et al.
corn cobs and C. beijerinckii (2014)

8 Current Challenges for the ABE Fermentation


Although, as described above, it can be assumed that the problem of availability of

substrate for butanol production as a biofuel could be guaranteed, it should be
mentioned that generally, most of the obstacles that impede the use of clostridial
strains in ABE producing bioprocesses involve the biochemical limitations to
bacterial growth by both substrate and solvents concentrations in the broth. Some
authors (Lee et al. 2008a, b; Qureshi et al. 2010) report that ABE producing bacteria
will not grow in solutions containing over 175 g/L of glucose or 14–21 g/L of
solvents, as excess carbon sources disrupt incorporation by the microorganisms and
the high solvent titters partially solubilize the cell’s wall causing a depolarization of
their membranes, which impedes stabilization after or during cell division.
Additionally, the production of butanol using agro-industrial waste as feedstock,
needs to consider pre-treatment and saccharification techniques, as both acid and
alkaline methods have a negative impact on growth of the culture because clos-
tridial species regulate their metabolism. They sense hydrogen potential gradients
between their cytoplasm and their surroundings, resulting in acid media causing
what is it known as acid crash and alkaline ones cause inhibition due to poor proton
exchange (Dürre 2007). Finally it should be noted that Clostridium species with
cellulolytic capabilities usually do not have the enzymes necessary to perform ABE
fermentation, so these strains cannot be used by themselves in the production
processes of second generation biofuels (López-Contreras 2001).
Research advances made up to date utilise both molecular biology and engi-
neering techniques to solve some of the issues of renewable butanol for biofuel
Biofuel Production Technology and Engineering 285

production from agro-industry wastes. Genetic manipulation target overexpression

of the key transcription factor that regulates sporulation (spoA) coupled to the
downregulation of the expression of hydrogenases encoded by the gene cluster
known as hupCBA. This approach resulted in increased solvent production in batch
culture and reduction of inhibitory effects caused by the accumulation of solvents in
the medium (Alsaker et al. 2004). Additionally there are reports of metabolic
engineering via antisense RNA, targeting the transcript of the gene ctfB, to redirect
the carbon flux from acetone forming pathways to butanol producing ones, has had
moderate success (Tummala et al. 2003).
Recent studies using an engineering approach have explored the feasibility of
implementing strategies for unconventional culture techniques in which it is pro-
posed to feed a first reactor directly with agricultural shredded waste and inoculate
it with bacteria of the genus Clostridium thermocellum to obtain fermentable sugars
that could feed to a second reactor inoculated with Clostridium acetobutyllicum or
Clostridium beijerinckii to obtain ABE products (Qureshi et al. 2007). These
studies have shown that success can be further enhanced by implementing a
co-culture of both a cellulolytic and a butanol-producing strain in the same reactor
(Nakayama et al. 2011).
Despite all advances made in the ABE technology, these have been unable to
achieve optimal yields based on capabilities of the Clostridium strains. Particularly,
as yields are typically based on empirical knowledge, process efficiency cannot be
assessed with regards to process engineering, such as analysis, design, optimization
and process control.
Formulation of mathematical models could overcome such challenges if they
could describe and, ideally, also predict the behaviour of the biological system
under study over a wide range of operational conditions. This would allow to
determine more appropriate procedures for the exploitation of the bacterial meta-
bolism more precisely. In this light, it is necessary to analyse the ABE pathway to
determine best strategies to successfully achieve the intended goal.

9 ABE Metabolic Pathway

The ABE metabolic pathways is composed of 19 main reactions (Fig. 1), in which
acetate, butyrate, ethanol, acetone, lactate and hydrogen are co-products of the
fermentation. The metabolism shows two distinctive phases, an acidogenic phase,
in which acetate and butyrate are the main products during exponential growth
phase of the culture, and a solventogenic phase, in which butanol, ethanol and
acetone are the main products relating to stationary phase (Bahl et al. 1982).
Hexoses are metabolised into pyruvate via the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas path-
way, whereas pentoses are incorporated into the metabolism by the action of the
UDP-glucose uridyl transferase (Durán-Padilla et al. 2014). Pyruvate is one of the
key intermediates of the Clostridium metabolism, and under certain conditions
Clostridium species are capable of transforming pyruvate to lactate through
286 H.I. Velázquez-Sánchez et al.

Fig. 1 ABE metabolic pathway

pyruvate dehydrogenase. The main reaction, however, is conversion of pyruvate to

acetyl-CoA through pyruvate-ferredoxin oxidoreductase (Uyeda and Rabinowitz
1971) with the concurrent reduction of ferredoxin, a reason why lactate formation is
not considered in most metabolic models.
NAD(P)H-Ferredoxin oxidoreductases are key enzymes for electron transport in
the Clostridium genus (Gheshlaghi et al. 2009). In acid-producing cultures,
ferredoxin-reductase shows high activity. Two reasons have been proposed, (i) ne-
cessity for regenerating NAD− consumed in the Glyceraldehide-3-P-dehydrogenase
reaction, or (ii) as acidogenic cultures are in exponential growth, high enzymatic
activity is required for meeting energy requirements. The ferredoxin oxidoreductases
regulatory mechanism appears to be related to NAD- and NADH concentration,
which turns out to be an efficient regulatory system that prevents accumulation of
NADH in the acidogenic phase, and increasing NAD(P)− reductases activity during
the solventogenic phase in turn, for the higher NAD(P)H demand needed for ethanol
and butanol production in that stage (Gheshlaghi et al. 2009).
Hydrogen formation is catalysed by the hydrogenase, which uses reduced
ferredoxin as electron donor (Gheshlaghi et al. 2009). As well as ferredoxin
reductases, the hydrogenase shows distinctive behaviour during acidogenesis and
solventogenesis, as reduced ferredoxin competes with NAD(P)− reductases for it,
meaning it also competes for reducing power with butanol and ethanol dehydro-
genases during solventogenesis.
The ABE pathway has three important nodes in Acetyl-CoA, Acetoacetyl-CoA
and Butyryl-CoA. Acetyl-CoA is a rigid node from which the carbon flux is
Biofuel Production Technology and Engineering 287

distributed to five different metabolites. Two branches come out directly from
Acetyl-CoA which end up in acetate and ethanol, from Acetoacetyl-CoA acetone is
produced while butanol and butyrate are produced from butyryl-CoA. Acetate and
butyrate are energy producing reactions in which 1 molecule of ATP is produced
for each Acetyl/Butyryl-CoA consumed. Both compounds are re-assimilated during
solventogenesis, this reaction is catalysed in two different ways, acetate and
butyrate can either be converted to acetyl/butyryl-CoA through a reversible reac-
tions or through the action of the CoA-transferase (Millat et al. 2014), which
consumes one molecule of Acetoacetyl-CoA and one of acetate/butyrate to produce
one molecule of acetoacetate and one of acetyl/butyryl-CoA. This mechanism sets
up an efficient solvent producing strategy, given that it would be energetically
unfavourable to re-assimilate both acetate and butyrate through the reversible
reactions, the availability of a non-ATP consuming reaction lets the organism face
the energy deficit while still being capable to produce ethanol and butanol in the
stationary or solventogenic phase.
This theory is supported by findings made by Desai et al. (1999) and Lehmann
et al. (2012) indicating that butyrate consumption during solventogenesis is catal-
ysed through the reversible reaction, as opposed to acetate consumption which is
related to acetoacetate production. Also Wang et al. (2013) and Desai et al. (1999)
reported that acetate is produced even after the organism shifted to solventogenesis,
which would be an indication that the production of acetate is necessary for energy
There are several hypothesis trying to explain the factors that control the switch
between acid generating metabolism and solvent generating metabolism. Some
authors (Hüsemann and Papoutsakis 1988; Terracciano and Kashket 1986) suggest
that the concentration of un-dissociated butyric acid is the controlling factor.
However, Chen and Blaschek (1999) proposed that the switch is the result from
extracellular and intracellular signals, like culture’s pH or intracellular Acetyl-P and
Butyryl-P concentrations respectively. Zhao and Tomas (2005) concluded that it is
Butyryl-P and not Acetyl-P that controls the metabolism switch, while Wietzke and
Bahl (2012) suggest that energy and redox balance are the key intracellular signals
to start solvent production.

10 ABE Fermentation Kinetic Modelling

According to Mayank et al. (2012) and the authors knowledge there are 7
relevant kinetic models for ABE fermentation reported in literature (Shinto et al.
2007; Li et al. 2011a, b; Haus et al. 2011; Napoli et al. 2011; Thorn et al. 2013;
Millat et al. 2014; Velázquez-Sánchez et al. 2014), moreover Metabolic Flux
Analysis has been used to successfully describe the behaviour of the ABE pathway
(Desai et al. 1999; Papoutsakis and Rice 1984). However, for the sake of simplicity
and reproducibility, all reported kinetic models have been validated through
experiments conducted using glucose as the only carbon source. Therefore, to
288 H.I. Velázquez-Sánchez et al.

ensure a fair comparison between results of this and the following sections of the
chapter, all selected analyses are based on studies made under that condition, which
implies that the fermentation stage of the analysed operational regimes are made
after an upstream operation of lignocellulosic digestion.
Five of the six proposed models are structured metabolic models, which intend to
recreate the bacterial metabolism at both an enzymatic and genetic level, but their
inherent complexity makes it difficult to successfully apply them to the bioengi-
neering field, such as in process design and optimization. Therefore the necessity for
a model aiming to study the process at a much simpler level is evident. The model
should hold sufficient predicting capacity to provide insight into the Clostridial
metabolism and also help in the design of industrial-scale ABE fermentation.
Velázquez-Sánchez et al. (2014) set up the precedent of an unstructured phe-
nomenological model that could describe the process with sufficient accuracy and in
this revision an improved version of the model is used to study different working
regimes and butanol production strategies. The kinetic model has a set of seven
differential equations describing the behaviour of each product of interest. There are
6 production rate equations, one for each of the following compounds: Butanol
(But), Acetone (Ace), Ethanol (Et), Acetate (Act), Butyrate (Sb) and Biomass (X).
The biomass production model (Eq. 1) is a Haldane-Luong equation, taking into
account the inhibitory effect of butanol, but not the one caused by the carbon
source. Butyrate kinetics (Eq. 13) include a product formation rate (Eq. 5) con-
sidering glucose as its main substrate, and one consumption rate described by Eq. 2
for Butanol production.
Sg But m
lx ¼ mumaxx   1 ð1Þ
ksg þ Sg kbut
Sg Sb
lbut ¼ mumaxbut   ð2Þ
ksgb þ Sg ksb þ Sb
lact ¼ mumaxact  ð3Þ
ksgact þ Act
let ¼ mumaxet  ð4Þ
ksget þ Sg
lsb ¼ mumaxsb  ð5Þ
ksbsg þ Sg
Sb Act
lace ¼ mumaxace   ð6Þ
kba þ Sb kaa þ Act

Butyrate consumption (Eq. 13) takes into account the reversible pathway that
transforms butyrate into butyryl-P and, subsequently, into Butyryl-CoA, as well as
the reaction catalysed by CoA-transferase. For acetate consumption, given the
Biofuel Production Technology and Engineering 289

results reported by Desai et al. (1999) and Lehmann et al. (2012), only the reaction
catalysed by the CoA-transferase is considered.
dSg lx l  ðYbxÞ l  ðYactxÞ
¼ ðD  ðSga  SgÞÞ  X  þ but þ act
dt Yxsg Ybutsg Yactsg
l  ðYetxÞ l  ðYsbxÞ
þ et þ sb
Yetsg Ysbsg

¼ ðD  X Þ þ ðlx  kd Þ  X ð8Þ
¼ ðD  AceÞ þ ðlace  ðX  YacexÞÞ ð9Þ
¼ ðD  ButÞ þ ðlbut  ðX  YbxÞÞ ð10Þ
dAct lace  ðYacexÞ
¼ ðD  ActÞ þ X  ðlact  ðYactxÞÞ  ð11Þ
dt Yaceact

¼ ðD  EtohÞ þ ðlet  ðX  YetxÞÞ ð12Þ
¼ ðD  ðSba  SbÞÞ þ X
lbut  ðYbxÞ lace  ðYacexÞ
 ðlsb  ðYsbxÞÞ   ð13Þ
Ybutsb Yacesb

Having declared the mass balance equations, it is necessary to analyse the

behaviour of the biological system and its response under multiple operating
conditions to ensure stability and reproducibility of the results, with a view to
scaling and control system strategies, using this kind of novel modelling technique.

11 Butanol Production Strategies and Analysis

Little has been reported in the literature regarding the effect of the operating regime
in establishing ABE fermentation using Clostridium strains and the possible causes
and effects associated with butanol production due the use of one or another pro-
duction strategy, as there are generally are limited studies available to evaluate a
particular condition against classic batch methods, so many of the novel proposed
processes are still open for analysis.
290 H.I. Velázquez-Sánchez et al.

Therefore, the following four different production strategies are being analysed:
1. Adding acetate/butyrate at the beginning of a batch fermentation and in the inlet
of a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR).
2. CSTR in one, two and three stages.
3. Fed-Batch culture.
4. CSTR followed by a fed-batch stage.

11.1 Batch Fermentation

It has been proved that adding butyrate at the beginning of a batch fermentation
improves butanol yields and productivity (Chen and Blaschek 1999; Lee et al.
2008a, b; Chang 2010; Wang et al. 2013), due to a larger carbon pool shifts carbon
flux toward butanol and because the presence of butyrate causes feed-back
inhibition of its forming pathway (Lee et al. 2008a, b; Wang et al. 2013).
Figure 2 showcases the possible behaviour of the system feeding either butyrate
or acetate at the beginning of fermentation. Simulations performed with 4 g L−1 of
butyrate added at the beginning of fermentation shows that final butanol concen-
tration after 300 h is 12.7 g L−1, an improvement of 33.7 % from the 9.6 g L−1 of
butanol achieved without butyrate. Analysing the product formation rate it becomes
evident that although butanol maximum productivity does not exceed that of the
one obtained by the culture without butyrate, butanol production begins earlier in
the fermentation and continues over a longer period, which causes the final titter to
increase. Acetone experiences the opposite effect, final concentration drops by
15 % caused by a reduction in its formation rate during solventogenesis. There is no

Fig. 2 Comparison of butanol production between classical batch fermentation vs. systems
supplemented with butyrate or acetate at t0 made by simulation using the author’s kinetic model
Biofuel Production Technology and Engineering 291

agreement on the effect of adding acetate into a batch ABE fermentation. Chen and
Blaschek (1999) report that the presence of acetate indeed increases both acetone
and butanol final titters, however Holt et al. (1984) report that even though acetone
concentration increases, butanol productivity experiences as much as a two fold
decrease. Simulations made with 4 g L−1 of initial acetate agree with Holt et al.
(1984) findings, as butanol final concentration after 300 h reduces as much as
33.2 %, while acetone concentration increases 30 %. Product formation rates show
how butanol productivity not only drastically decreases, but its production starts
later during fermentation and stops as much as 30 h earlier than in cultures without
acetate. This agrees with findings indicating that butyrate re-assimilation is catal-
ysed by the reversible reaction and acetate re-assimilation is catalysed by the
CoA-transferase pathway.

11.2 Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR)

It is clear that the addition of butyrate to batch fermentation causes a substantial

increase in butanol titters. It is, however, also apparent that a batch culture is not the
optimal strategy in industrial fermentation because time taken between the end of
one culture and the beginning of a new one (sterilization and cleaning) would
decrease productivity.
Therefore, butanol production in a CSTR is being taken as the optimal strategy
for ABE fermentation, because it can keep production for longer periods, reducing
time spent on up and downstream processes (Li et al. 2011a, b).
Further description of continuous culture will be given later in the chapter, while
in this section the first working regime studied was using inlet feeding at a dilution
rate of 0.04 h−1 containing 100 g L−1 of glucose and 4 g L−1 of butyrate. As pre-
vious results indicate that the addition of acetate diminishes butanol formation, this
regime was not further studied. Simulations results show that butanol productivity
increases 8 % with a final concentration of 3.01 g L−1 in the effluent. In terms of the
production strategy, the observed increase justifies the addition of butyrate, however
further economic studies are need to check if indeed the expense made on butyrate is
feasible, because butyrate can be considered an expensive supply.
Simulations were based on a CSTR intended to study the dynamics of the
fermentation over wide working regimes, more specifically from dilution rates from
0 to 0.1 h−1 and glucose concentrations in the feed from 0 to 200 g L−1. The results
show that solvents maximum production rate was between 0.02 to 0.08 h−1, with a
maximum butanol production in 0.05 h−1, irrespective of the glucose concentration
in the feed, while acid maximum production rates were found into dilution rates
higher than 0.05 h−1. This phenomena is typical for ABE fermentation, given that
acidogenic and solventogenic phases are related to the growth phase of the culture.
It is most likely that in CSTR operated with higher dilution rates, cells were not
allowed to remain in the reactor for sufficient time to enter solventogenesis, while
the opposite is observed at lower dilution rates (Li et al. 2011a, b). To shorten the
292 H.I. Velázquez-Sánchez et al.

favourable working regions, the cell’s catalytic activity was evaluated also, showing
that at dilution rates between 0.04 and 0.07 h−1 and glucose concentrations between
80 and 120 g L−1, maximum butanol production per unit mass of cells in the
reactor was achieved.

11.2.1 CSTR with Two and Three Stages

To further study the strategies under development with CSTRs, further analyses
were made considering both two- and three-staged processes. One of the proposi-
tions made regarding a two-staged process indicates that high dilution rates in the
first reactor are needed to get high acids concentrations which then, taking advantage
of Clostridium’s biphasic metabolism, would be converted to solvents at a posterior
stage with low dilution rates (Bahl et al. 1982; Lai and Traxler 1994; Mutschlechner
et al. 2000). The results indicate the absence of this phenomenon, as when the
conditions set on the first reactor favour acids or solvents production, the second
reactor displays an identical internal dynamic, increasing the concentrations of the
components produced in the first stage. This behaviour is consistent with experi-
mental evidence, indicating that indeed the conditions set on the first stage become
the controlling conditions of the whole process, independently of pH and dilution
rate of the posterior stages (Godin and Engasser 1990; Setlhaku et al. 2012).
Propositions made by De Gooijer et al. (1996) indicate that staged processes
become favourable when product inhibition is strong, moreover three-staged
CSTRs can achieve the closest performance to a CSTR followed by a plug flow
reactor. Simulations on staged CSTRs were run in two different conditions, one in
which the dilution rates increase in every stage and one with the opposite condi-
tions, being the dilution rates 0.04, 0.06 and 0.08 h−1 for the former and 0.04, 0.03
and 0.015 h−1 for the latter, both using 100 g L−1 of glucose in the feeding of the
first stage. Butanol concentration increased in both conditions, as for the system
with increasing dilution rates butanol increased 80.56 % from the first stage to the
second and from the second to the third 29.78 %, being the final butanol concen-
trations 2.9, 5.2 and 6.7 g L−1 in each stage respectively. This results indicates that
there is little improvement with the addition of the third stage, indeed the overall
productivity up to the third stage remains the same as if the process only had two
stages, being 0.124 g L−1 h−l in both scenarios. The system with decreasing dilu-
tion rates showed a greater improvement in butanol concentration with an increase
of 120.7 % from the first to the second stage and 42.2 % from the second to the
third stage, being the final butanol concentrations 6.4 and 9.1 g L−1 in the second
and third stage respectively. Although the increase in butanol concentrations might
be impressive, there is a downside in decreasing the dilution rates because
Hydraulic Retention Times (HRTs) of the whole process increase, which result in
decreased productivity; for the conditions tested the overall productivity up to the
second and third stage were 0.11 and 0.073 g L−1 h−1, respectively.
Further simulations show that the productivity when a third stage is added only
improves if the total HRT of the whole process is lower than 56 h, nonetheless the
Biofuel Production Technology and Engineering 293

conversion yield from glucose to butanol of the processes with a third stage
improves by as much as 60.8 % in systems with HRT’s lower than 80 h. Further
research is needed to identify which of the conditions has an economic advantage,
given that, for example, the conditions with low productivity but higher butanol
concentrations could simplify the posterior purification processes up to the point
where the production cost is lower than that of a system with higher productivity.

11.3 Fed-Batch Fermentation

Fed-Batch fermentation is a technique used to reduce substrate inhibition, a batch

fermentation is run until either a desired substrate concentration or biomass con-
centration is achieved, then a solution with concentrated substrate is fed at a con-
stant, linear, exponential or intermittent rate. In ABE fermentation, fed batch culture
is recommended only with in-line product recovery (Qureshi et al. 1992; Ezeji et al.
2004), due to the strong inhibition effects of butanol, a simple fed-batch would not
achieve sufficient productivity to offer any advantages over CSTR operation.
In order to study the behaviour of a fed-batch culture, a theoretical scenario was
set up with a 30,000 L bioreactor and constant flow regimes between 34 and
800 L h−1 with a glucose feed concentration of 150 g L−1. Maximum productivity
was achieved between 200 and 400 L h−1, but it is clear that productivity values
reachable through simple fed batch operation are lower, 33 % less, than those of a
CSTR. There is, however, an advantage in dealing with a single culture. Fed batch
can reach butanol concentrations of 8 g L−1 in a single stage, 63 % more than that
of a single stage CSTR.
For further analysis, a novel bioreactor configuration, in which the effluent of a
CSTR was used as the feed to a fed batch reactor was tested, and the results of both
this stage and the one discussed prior to are presented in Figs. 3 and 4. To the

Fig. 3 Theoretical butanol productivity versus feeding flow rate of both a single fed batch reactor
and a hybrid system composed of a CSTR and a fed batch fermenters obtained by simulation using
the author’s kinetic model
294 H.I. Velázquez-Sánchez et al.

Fig. 4 Final theoretical butanol titter comparison between single fed batch and an hybrid arrange
composed of a single stage CSTR and a fed batch reactor obtained via simulations made using the
author’s kinetic model

authors’ knowledge, the work performed by Setlhaku et al. (2012) is the only report
of this kind of configuration for ABE fermentation. The study indicates that this
system is capable of reaching higher solvent volumetric titters and specific pro-
ductivity, as well as higher butanol concentration before any product removal
technique is applied. The simulations made using the enhanced model proposed
here indicate that even though the productivity surpasses that of a single fed batch,
the same does not apply for the CSTR. Productivity in this system increases
asymptotically with flow, reaching more than 0.12 g L−1 h−1 in the CSTR at flows
higher than 400 L h−1. This sets up two problems, first the difficulty of finding a
working region that offers an advantage of some kind, and second, the problems
arising from feeding such high fluxes, as it depends on the capacity of the first stage
to grow sufficiently before feeding the fed batch, which can lead to scale up
troubles. This bioreactor configuration is advantageous in other ways, for instance it
reaches 9.6 g L−1 of butanol at 0.055 g L−1 h−1, which is close to 30 % slower
than a three-stage CSTR, moreover the conversion yield of glucose to butanol is
30 % higher (0.24 g But gS−1).

12 Concluding Remarks

As evidenced, a wide arrange of reported methodologies to improve the ABE

fermentation economic and environmental feasibility exist, but the current
state-of-the-art is still far from providing adequate responses to overcome chal-
lenges, especially regarding integration of the technologies with agricultural waste
management and treatment. Nonetheless, Clostridial species are solid candidates for
consideration as versatile biological systems for transformation of organic residues
Biofuel Production Technology and Engineering 295

into energy compounds and also into commodity chemicals such as CO2, solvents
or even hydrogen. Further study in this area is encouraged and justified.
Further efforts made into the study of the ABE producing processes should
incorporate engineering tools like design, optimization and control of bio-systems
that could lead to the scale-up of this technology beyond semi-pilot stage. Factors to
be considered are: analysis of feedstock availability and costs and the current efforts
made into pre-treatment and co-culture techniques to re-evaluate their economic
and technical feasibility at large-scale.


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Fast Pyrolysis of Agricultural Wastes
for Bio-fuel and Bio-char

Suchithra Thangalazhy-Gopakumar and Sushil Adhikari

Abstract Fast pyrolysis is a thermo-chemical conversion method to produce liquid

fuel from biomass. This process involves the rapid thermal decomposition of
organic compounds in the absence of oxygen. The vapors formed are rapidly
condensed to yield a liquid product called bio-oil. Since the major product is liquid,
it is easy to store, and handle. Moreover, bio-oil can be readily transported to
facilities where it can be most effectively used. Unlike other conversion methods for
bio-fuel production, fast pyrolysis utilizes different types of feedstocks, therefore
this process can be considered as a tool for solid waste management. Different types
of feedstocks ranging from agriculture and forest residues to MSW, plastic wastes
and animal manures have been utilized for pyrolysis studies around the world.
Liquid fuel production using fast pyrolysis has received much attention in recent
years. Bio-oil, the liquid product of fast pyrolysis, can be considered as an inter-
mediate for fuel and chemical production. Bio-char, the solid product of pyrolysis,
has multiple applications like bio-char from other methods. The chapter reviews
different types of reactors used for fast pyrolysis, bio-oil properties, challenges and
opportunities, and the current status of fast pyrolysis applications. In addition, the
chapter discusses applications of bio-char and energy and economics of fast

Keywords Biomass Bio-char Bio-oil Fast pyrolysis Reactors Solid wastes 

S. Thangalazhy-Gopakumar (&)
Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Jalan Broga, 43500 Semenyih,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
S. Adhikari
Department of Biosystems Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016 301

O.P. Karthikeyan et al. (eds.), Recycling of Solid Waste for Biofuels
and Bio-chemicals, Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products
and Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0150-5_11
302 S. Thangalazhy-Gopakumar and S. Adhikari

1 Introduction

Energy is a vital ingredient for socio-economic development. Fossil fuel resources

are finite, alternative sources are needed as supplements due to the fast past
modernization. Long-term sustainability can be guaranteed if sources are renew-
able. Wind, solar, geothermal, and hydro have direct potential for renewable
energy, however, biomass shows the highest capacity to supplement fossil fuels for
both carbon-based fuels and chemicals.
Food production and consumption will inevitably produce organic
residues/waste. These organic residues/wastes were formerly deposited in waste-
lands, where decomposition produces greenhouse gases such as CO2 or methane.
The organic part of these residues, termed biomass here, can be effectively used for
energy applications. Therefore biomass can be considered as a sustainable source of
fixed carbon for chemicals and fuels. There are different processes for the production
of energy from biomass, which can be broadly classified as biochemical, thermo-
chemical, catalytic and synthetic biology routes. Among these options, thermo-
chemical methods have an advantage as they are somewhat feedstock agnostic.
Bio-ethanol and biodiesel productions are the two major bioenergy routes, which
depend on cellulosic biomass and lipid-rich biomass, respectively. Thermo-chemical
routes, such as combustion, gasification and pyrolysis utilize all types of
residues/feedstocks. Therefore, a successful implementation of thermo-chemical
routes followed by catalytic upgrading would be a sustainable supplement for the
increasing demands of fossil fuels.
This chapter discusses recent developments in the field of fast pyrolysis, one of
the thermo-chemical biomass conversion methodologies. Bio-oil, the main product
of fast pyrolysis of biomass, can be considered a substitute/additive for crude oil for
fuels and chemicals, but there are challenges in achieving these aims. Since fast
pyrolysis is feedstock agnostic and requires low capital investment, research into
the chemical makeup arising from different feedstocks, bio-oil properties and
potential applications are summarized along with upgrading of the bio-oils for the
production of fuel and chemical feedstocks. Furthermore, major reactor configu-
rations are discussed, as is progress in upscaling the technology from laboratory-
scale to industrial-scales.

2 Fast Pyrolysis

Pyrolysis, thermal degradation of organic matter at high temperature in the absence

of oxygen, involves changes in chemical composition and the physical phase.
Pyrolysis has been practiced for centuries for the production of charcoal. Since the
oil crisis in the mid-1970s, considerable effort has been directed towards the
development of liquid fuels from ligno-cellulosic biomass (Czernik and Bridgwater
2004). Pyrolysis can also be utilized for the production of liquid fuels by changing
Fast Pyrolysis of Agricultural Wastes for Bio-fuel … 303

process parameters like temperature, heating rate and residence time of vapors:
called fast pyrolysis. In fast pyrolysis, the biomass is decomposed thermally at a
medium temperature (about 500 °C) in the absence of oxygen. Fast pyrolysis
allows high heat transfer rate to the biomass feedstock and a short residence time
(about 2 s) in the reaction zone. The major products of fast pyrolysis are vapors,
aerosols, char and gases. Vapors and aerosols are condensed quickly to form a
liquid, which is known as bio-oil. The yields and properties of bio-oil depend on the
feedstock used, process conditions, and the product collection efficiency. There are
some essential criteria for producing liquid fuels from fast pyrolysis such as (i) high
heat transfer rate for biomass particle reaction with relatively fine biomass feedstock
of less than 3 mm, (ii) short residence time of about 2 s to avoid secondary reac-
tions, (iii) control of reaction temperature at around 500 °C, (iv) avoiding cracking
of vapors by char and ash removal, and (v) rapid cooling of vapors to increase
bio-oil yields (Meier et al. 2013; Bridgwater et al. 1999; Bridgwater 1999;
Bridgwater and Peacocke 2000).
Fast pyrolysis is the most effective liquefaction method as it can yield around
80 wt% of dry biomass as bio-oil. Pyrolysis is a feedstock agnostic process where
any type of organic wastes can be converted into liquid fuel. Most of the
thermo-chemical biomass conversion technologies have challenges with high ash
content organic biomass such as animal manure, sludge, municipal solid wastes.
High temperature processes such as gasification and combustion (which work
above the ash fusion temperature) have major issues with slag formation due to ash
content. In contrast, in slow pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization, most of the
ash content of the biomass will remain with the major product bio-char. Therefore,
energy application of bio-char (gasification, combustion) would produce the same
issue as slag formation. Fast pyrolysis is a medium temperature process and a minor
portion of ash will be captured in the major product: bio-oil. Though fouling (due to
ash content) can be an issue during bio-oil processing, the frequency of occurrence
of this issue will be low.
The fast pyrolysis process can be divided into four sections: biomass
pre-treatment, pyrolysis, char recovery and liquid collection (Bridgwater and
Peacocke 2000). The process flow diagram for fast pyrolysis is given in Fig. 1.
Harvesting of biomass is normally not considered as a part of fast pyrolysis systems
since it is common for all biomass-using processes. However, one of the advantages
for fast pyrolysis is the utilization of mobile units/pilot plants. Mobile units can be
utilized for seasonal feedstocks and pilot plants can be utilized for decentralized
feedstocks. Since the major product is liquid, subsequent transport to existing
refining facilities is easy. Therefore harvesting and handling cost of feedstock can
be reduced (Badger and Fransham 2006). However, an economic study on mobile
plants in 2011 showed a low probability for a positive Net Present Value
(NPV) compared to stationary plants. The economics of mobile plants could be
improved, if feedstock costs were reduced and crude oil price increased (Palma
et al. 2011).
304 S. Thangalazhy-Gopakumar and S. Adhikari

Fig. 1 Schematic of the fast pyrolysis process

In order to achieve heat and mass transfer restrictions of fast pyrolysis, biomass
has to be dried to reduce the moisture content to below 10 wt% and ground to a
particle size of less than 3 mm. In a self-sustained design of a fast pyrolysis plant,
drying can be achieved by utilizing the heat from the bio-char recovery and bio-oil
collection sections. The steam produced during the condensation of pyrolytic
vapors could be passed through the combustion chamber (where char will be
burned to recover heat) and the heat of this saturated steam could be used for
drying. The heart of the fast pyrolysis process is the pyrolysis reactor. Reactors of
different designs have been tested for fast pyrolysis in order to achieve high heating
rate and heat transfer rate for biomass particles. A detailed description of reactor
configurations is presented in Sect. 4. A char recovery system is installed down-
stream of the pyrolysis reactor. The char recovery system normally consists of a
cyclone separator to remove the char and ash from the pyrolytic vapors. The
recovered char will be sent to a combustion chamber. In the combustion chamber,
the heat produced by burning of char will be transferred to the biomass
pre-treatment section via saturated steam, while pyrolytic vapors from the cyclone
will be sent to a quencher/condenser followed by an ESP (electrostatic precipitator)
to recover all condensable compounds in liquid form which is called bio-oil. Bio-oil
can be stored in a corrosive resistant vessel and transferred for further processing.
The non-condensable gas from condenser and ESP will be recycled as pyrolyzing
gas. One part of heat produced from char combustion can be transferred to the
pyrolysis reactor through non-condensable gas. The steam produced from con-
denser could be used as saturated steam for drying by passing through the com-
bustion chamber.
Fast Pyrolysis of Agricultural Wastes for Bio-fuel … 305

3 Biomass

According to ANSI/ASABE, any organic waste produced from living/dead matter

other than fossil fuel can be considered as biomass (ANSI/ASABES593 2006). In
this regard, there are many organic residues potentially available for bioenergy
applications which can be categorized as forestland residues, farmland residues, and
city residues (Loque et al. 2011). Forestland residues include tree residues and wood
residues. Tree residues are solid wastes generated during the growth of forest such as
leaves, needles, and branches while wood residues are generated during the wood
harvest and processing such as branches, bark and saw dust (Loque et al. 2011).
Farm land wastes are of two types such as straw residues and manures. Straw
residues include all agriculture residues formed during the processing of seed, sugar
or other food products. Manures, another type of farmland residues, are generated in
large amounts from livestock production. In addition, the organic parts of urban land
residue or municipal solid wastes (MSW) such as paper, cardboards, landscaping
materials can be utilized as biomass (Loque et al. 2011).
According to International Energy Outlook 2013, the world energy consumption
will increase from 524 quadrillion Btu in 2010 to 630 quadrillion Btu in 2020 and is
estimated to further increase to about 820 quadrillion Btu in 2040, representing a
30-year increase of 56 % (EIA 2013). Crude oil is the major worldwide energy
supply with 32 %, followed by coal 29 %, natural gas 21 %, nuclear 5 %, and
renewable resources 13 %. Biomass contributed with 10 % to the total energy
supply in 2011 (WBA 2014). Asia and Africa major consumers of bioenergy,
however, most of the biomass consumption in these countries is as a heat source.
Utilization of biomass for heating contributes significantly to air pollution in these
countries. The utilization of biomass for biofuel production has increased in recent
years, most of which occurs in developed countries. Brazil, however, ranks number
one in the production of biofuel. A study on global potential of biomass for energy
projected surplus agricultural land as major biomass source which would provide
76.7 % of total biomass energy (1300EJ) in 2050 (Ladanai and Vinterbäck 2009).
According to the World Bioenergy Association (WBA), major biomass from forests
are: fuel wood, charcoal, forest residues, black liquor, wood industry residues, and
recovered wood; from agriculture: animal by-products, agricultural by-products,
and energy crops; and from wastes such as MSW and landfill. The WBA has
published the yield of major agricultural crops from different continents, as shown
in Table 1.
Since fast pyrolysis is feedstock agnostic, different types of biomass have been
utilized for fast pyrolysis. For example, animal manures when utilized as fertilizer
results in nutrient leaching and water pollution. Another way of handling these
wastes is anaerobic fermentation, which produces greenhouse gas emissions, if not
handled efficiently. In this regard, fast pyrolysis is a potential candidate to utilize the
organic portion of manure. Handling high ash-content biomass is a challenge for
other thermo-chemical conversions, whereas in fast pyrolysis, most of the ash will
remain in the byproduct: bio-char. However, most of the work done so far in fast
306 S. Thangalazhy-Gopakumar and S. Adhikari

Table 1 Average yields of crops for year 2011 (tons/ha)

World Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania
Cassava 12.7 10.7 13 19.7 – 10.9
Maize 5.16 1.92 6.84 4.81 6.66 6.81
Rapeseed 1.86 1.64 1.88 1.54 2.53 1.14
Sorghum 1.38 0.95 3.38 1.16 3.63 3.06
Soybeans 2.53 1.25 2.85 1.48 1.95 1.71
Sugar beet 54.9 52.8 55.1 49.2 56.2 –
Sugar cane 71.1 64.2 75.1 66.9 85.5 76.2
Source World Bioenergy Association (WBA 2014) (Reprinted with the permission from Dr.
Bharadwaj V Kummamuru, World Bioenergy Association, Sweden (lead author))

pyrolysis was carried out on wood and agriculture wastes because of feedstock
consistency and comparability between tests. More than one hundred different types
of biomass have been tested ranging from agricultural wastes, energy crops, and
forestry wastes and solid wastes, some examples are given in Table 5. The selection
of biomass depends on their abundance in particular locations.

4 Reactor Configurations

A fast pyrolysis process normally starts with the preparation of feed, which is
typically dried to have less than 10 % water content in order to minimize water
content in the liquid oil product. The feed is then ground into small particles to
reduce mass transfer resistance, then fast pyrolysis takes place, followed by the
rapid and efficient separation of solid char from vapors and finally rapid quenching
and collection of bio-oil (Fig. 1) (Bridgwater 2012a, b).
The fast pyrolysis process involves heat and mass transfer, phase transition, and
chemical reactions in a few seconds or less. In this process, biomass will be sud-
denly exposed to optimum temperature with a reduced exposure to lower temper-
atures that favor char formation. In other words, the reactor configuration for fast
pyrolysis process should be able to provide a high heating rate and heat transfer
rates for biomass. Considerable research has focused on developing new reactor
designs for a variety of feedstocks to control and improve the final liquids’ quality
and the collection systems (Bridgwater 2011, 2012a, b). Some reactor configura-
tions can achieve liquid yields of 70–80 % based on dry biomass weight (Mohan
et al. 2006). The choice of reactor mainly depends on the flexibility/ease in oper-
ation, feed size and the desired purity of the bio-oil.
Major reactor configurations are: bubbling fluidized bed, circulating fluidized
bed, rotating cone, augur, and ablative reactors (Fig. 2). In addition to these reac-
tors, other configurations were also investigated for biomass fast pyrolysis, which
includes vacuum pyrolysis, fixed bed, entrained flow reactors, microwave
Fast Pyrolysis of Agricultural Wastes for Bio-fuel … 307

Fig. 2 Major reactor configurations for fast pyrolysis (reproduced with the permission from Prof.
Robert C. Brown, Iowa State University)

pyrolyzer, plasma, and solar reactors. All of these reactors have advantages and
drawbacks, depending on the types of raw biomass material and commercial scale
of fast pyrolysis.

4.1 Bubbling Fluidized Bed Reactor

Fluidized bed is a well-developed technology, where the reactors are simple in

construction and operation, which provide good and efficient temperature control,
heating rate and heat transfer to biomass particles. Hence fluidized bed reactors are
attractive and popular for biomass fast pyrolysis. Very small biomass particles of
typically 2–3 mm is used in fluidized bed reactors to obtain good liquid yields. In
this reactor configuration, the heat energy required is supplied by heating the walls
of the reactor or by injecting hot inert gas. The distributor plate ensures that the
fluidizing gas is well distributed. Normally, helium or nitrogen is used as the
fluidizing gas and sand as the bed material. Shallow depth bed or a high rates of gas
flow are usually both used to achieve short residence time for vapors (Scott et al.
1999). If the bio-char has a higher residence time, they act as a vapor cracking
catalyst in the process and cause secondary cracking of vapors. Therefore char must
308 S. Thangalazhy-Gopakumar and S. Adhikari

be rapidly and effectively separated. This is normally done by passing product

vapors and gases to a separation system, which includes one or more cyclones
(Mohan et al. 2006).
In catalytic pyrolysis, instead of sand, catalysts such as ZSM-5 or silica are used
as bed material. The gas, vapors and aerosol formed are transferred to a series of
condensers to obtain the bio-oil (Agblevor et al. 2010; Shi 2012). The fluidized bed
reactor provides high yields and good quality bio-oil and does not allow char to
accumulate as it is rapidly eluted. The liquid yield from fluid-bed pyrolyzers are
typically 70–75 wt% from wood on a dry-feed basis. The yield of the by-product
char is typically 15 wt% (Bridgwater 2012a, b).

4.2 Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor (CFB)

The circulating fluidized bed reactor is quite similar in operation to that of fluidized
bed reactors but the residence time for char in CFBs is almost same as that
of vapors. A second vessel is employed as a char combustor to reheat the solids
which are circulated back to the reactor by passing through a cyclone separator for
separating the entrained particles (Lappas et al. 2002). In this reactor, the hot sand
circulating between the combustor and the pyrolyzer provide heat. However, cir-
culating fluidized bed reactors are as not efficient as bubbling fluidized bed reactors
in terms of temperature control and heat transfer. CFB reactors are suitable for
larger throughput (Bridgwater 2012a, b). The char is more attired, therefore higher
char contents appear in the condensed bio-oil. There is no char available for export
since all char is burned in the combustor and used as heat supply. CFBs also do not
have high heat transfer rates because they are dependent on gas flow rates. The
biomass ash builds up in the circulating solids, which can act as a cracking catalyst,
causing the loss of volatiles and improving the properties of the bio-oil products
(Mohan et al. 2006; Bridgwater 2012a, b). CFB technology is often developed in
larger application with enhanced flexibility for igniting multi-fuels and it has effi-
ciency up to 95 % (Bridgwater 2004).

4.3 Rotating Cone Pyrolyzer

University of Twente invented a new reactor design for fast pyrolysis, a rotating
cone pyrolyzer developed by the Biomass Technology Group (Biomass
Technology Group) in the Netherlands (Wagenaar et al. 1994, 2008). The rotating
cone pyrolyzer is an innovative reactor configuration achieving high heating rates
and a short vapor residence time (Wagenaar et al. 1993). The working principle of a
rotating cone pyrolyzer is quite similar to circulating fluidized bed reactor in terms
of the raw materials inlet direction and processing materials where centrifugal
forces are used to transport sand and biomass. Biomass and sand are fed to the
Fast Pyrolysis of Agricultural Wastes for Bio-fuel … 309

bottom of a rotating cone and the biomass is pyrolyzed by hot sand while trans-
ported upward through a spiral motion along the hot sidewall of the cone. The
pressure of the outgoing materials is slightly above atmospheric levels. The inner
diameter of the cone has a maximum of 0.650 m. The rotational speed of the cone is
900 rpm. The reactor volume may range from 2 to 200 dm3. The first industrial use
of this reactor was for the pyrolysis of biomass (Wagenaar et al. 1994). Using sand
in the process has the advantage of avoiding fouling of the cone wall and enhancing
heat transfer. After leaving the impeller, the particles flow outwards from the cone
and experience high heat transfer rate from the heated surface. This pyrolyzer is
very compact in design, requires feeding with very small particles and can be used
for high throughput (Bridgwater 2012a, b). The char produced is not a by-product
since it is burned entirely for heat supply purpose. Liquid yields of 60–70 wt% on
dry feed are typically obtained (Bridgwater 2012a, b).

4.4 Ablative Pyrolyzer

Ablative pyrolysis applies a mode of reaction similar to melting butter in a hot pan.
The high heat from the wall causes wood to ‘melt’ on contact under high pressure.
As the wood is pressed mechanically, the residual oil is evaporated to yield pyrolysis
vapor, which can be collected by rapid cooling. The residual oil on the hot surface
provides lubrication and helps to enhance evaporation rates of biomass. Liquid
yields of 60–65 wt% on dry feed basis were typically obtained (Bridgwater 2011).
Large particles including logs can be pyrolyzed without being ground. The char is
deposited on the hot surface due to element cracking. A study comparing product
yields for fluid bed- and ablative reactors (Peacocke et al. 1996) gave 59.4 wt%
organics at 515 °C and 1.19 s residence time for a fluid bed reactor, and 62.1 wt%
organics at 502 °C and 1.1 s residence time for the ablative reactor.
The main benefits of this reactor are that carrier gas is not required and larger
biomass particles can be used (Scott et al. 1999). The rate of reaction in the reactor
is strongly depended on the applied pressure, the reactor surface temperature, and
the relative velocity between biomass and the hot surface. However, post-treatment
of bio-oil is required for char removal.

4.5 Auger Reactor

The auger reactor is a compact design for continuous fast pyrolysis which does not
require a carrier gas. Augers are moved with biomass feed through a heated
cylindrical tube, which causes pyrolysis, producing bio-char, bio-oil and gas. Sand
or steel shot are used as heat carriers. The mode of heat transfer in this reactor is
mainly conduction. The rotating screw conveyors combine the biomass and the heat
carrier effectively and pyrolysis reaction takes place. The design reduces energy
310 S. Thangalazhy-Gopakumar and S. Adhikari

cost and the vapour residence time can be manipulated by the heated zone length
(Mohan et al. 2006; Thangalazhy-Gopakumar et al. 2010; Bridgwater 2012a, b).
Energy costs for the operation are very low compared to other reactor designs
(Adjaye and Bakhshi 1995a, b, c). However, this it is only suitable for small scale
production of bio-oil.

4.6 Vacuum Pyrolysis Reactor

Though vacuum pyrolysis provides low heat transfer rates, the vapor residence time
is comparable with fast pyrolysis and therefore utilized for bio-oil production.
Vacuum pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of organics under reduced pressure.
Vapors are rapidly removed from the reactor by vacuum, and recovered as bio-oils
by condensation. Compared to other fast pyrolysis systems, lower liquid and
increased char yields were typically obtained (Bouchera et al. 2000; Garcia-Perez
et al. 2002). The advantages of the process are that larger particles can be used and
less char contaminates the liquid product. However, the process is very complex,
has less efficient heat and mass transfer rates and is costly as it requires large-scale
equipment and higher capacity vacuum (Mohan et al. 2006; Bridgwater 2012a, b).
The pressure in the vacuum reactor is maintained at 15 kPa by using a vacuum
pump to remove the vapor formed due to the heating of biomass.

4.7 Fixed Bed

Fixed bed reactors are reactors in which the feedstock, carrier system, catalyst, filter
media and other substances remain stationary. It has some advantages, such
retention of high amount of carbon. The main advantage is the simplicity of
equipment design and low fabrication cost for the equipment. Inert condition of the
environment is maintained by the presence of pure nitrogen flow. A cold trap is
used to collect condensable vapors to condense them into bio-oil. In a fixed bed
reactor, the flow rate of nitrogen needs to be controlled in order to obtain optimum
yields. This reactor configuration is widely used for laboratory studies.

4.8 Microwave Pyrolyzer

Some laboratory studies have been conducted with microwave reactors for fast
pyrolysis. Conventional thermal heating, heat transfers from the surface to the
center of the material by conduction, convection and radiation. Conventional
heating is inefficient and slow, as it depends on the convection current and thermal
conductivity of the feedstock. Conventional heating is characterized by high-energy
Fast Pyrolysis of Agricultural Wastes for Bio-fuel … 311

consumption therefore microwave reactors were developed to reduce the energy

consumption of the process. Microwave heating is achieved by dielectric heat-
ing and transferring heat from electromagnetic energy to thermal energy which is a
kind of energy conversion rather than conventional heating (Motasemi and Afzal
2013). However, microwaves consume high amount of electric power and the
operating costs are very high.
According to the IEA (International Energy Agency) Bioenergy Task 34 for
Pyrolysis (, bubbling fluidized bed reactors are the most
favorable configuration in terms of technical strength and market attractiveness,
followed by circulating fluidized bed and auger reactors respectively. Rotating cone
and ablative pyrolyzers are very difficult to scale up and therefore less attractive
than other three reactors. In terms of bio-oil yield, both fluidized bed and ablative
reactors perform better than rotating cone and auger reactors.

5 Bio-oil

Fast pyrolysis liquid, which is known as bio-oil, has a higher heating value
(HHV) of about 17 MJ/kg when produced with about 25 wt% water that cannot
readily be separated. Though known as bio-oil, this liquid will not mix with
hydrocarbon liquids. Bio-oil is a multi-component dark brown organic liquid. The
liquid is formed from rapid and simultaneous thermal depolymerization, frag-
mentation and quenching of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin of biomass (Czernik
and Bridgwater 2004; Mohan et al. 2006). Though bio-oil is homogeneous in
appearance, it contains compounds of different sizes and structures, difference in
their functional groups, polarity and density. Therefore, bio-oil should be mixed
thoroughly before analysis.

5.1 Analysis

The composition or properties of bio-oil depends on the composition of the biomass

(percentage of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin). In addition, the presence of
alkali metals (in the form of ash) and other extractives in biomass. Due to the
complexity, chemical characterization of bio-oil cannot be done with one or two
simple analyses (Kanaujia et al. 2014; Staš et al. 2014).
For detailed characterization, bio-oil should be fractionated as water-soluble and
-insoluble or pentane-soluble and -insoluble, and further fractionated to methanol-,
ether- or toluene-soluble and so on (Sipila et al. 1998; Oasmaa et al. 2003;
Garcia-Perez et al. 2007; Salehi et al. 2011). Each of these fractions will be ana-
lyzed for the compounds/functional groups present. Gas Chromatography
(GC) equipped with Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) or Flame Ionization Detector
(GC-FID) are the most common analytical instruments used for most of the
312 S. Thangalazhy-Gopakumar and S. Adhikari

chemical composition studies of bio-oil (Branca et al. 2003; Bhattacharya et al.

2009; Thangalazhy-Gopakumar et al. 2010; Kantarelis et al. 2013). However, GC
can detect only volatile compounds. Some of the non-volatile compounds (espe-
cially anhydro-sugar compounds) can be detected by utilizing polar columns such as
1701. Most GC analyses quantify compounds such as phenol derivatives i.e. alkyl
phenols, guaiacols, syngols, benzenediols, oxygenated aromatics, furans, pyrrols,
higher aldehydes and ketones, and some anhydro-sugar compounds, all these
compounds accounting for a maximum 40 wt% of the bio-oil (Staš et al. 2014).
Another 25–30 wt% is the water content of the bio-oil. Water content in bio-oil is
normally analyzed using the Carl-Fischer titration method. Remaining fraction of
bio-oil remains unknown in most of the studies. High Performance Liquid
Chromatography (HPLC) has been utilized to analyze organic acids, aldehydes, and
sugars in bio-oil (Salehi et al. 2011; Choi et al. 2014). Another chromatographic
techniques such as gel permeation-, ion-, and column chromatography are also
utilized for bio-oil analysis. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) is
another technology widely used for characterization of different functional groups
present in bio-oil. Some of the common absorption bands identified in bio-oil are
C=O stretching (aldehydes, ketones, acids), C=C stretching (aromatics), C–O
stretching (alcohols, ethers) O–H stretching (phenols) (Pütün 2002; Onay and
Kockar 2006; Sensoz et al. 2006). 1H NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) studies
have also conducted to identify the different H atoms present in bio-oils (Pütün 2002;
Onay and Kockar 2006; Sensoz et al. 2006). Chemical formulae for bio-oil are
developed by analyzing the elemental composition (Choi et al. 2014). FTIR spectra
for bio-oils from wheat straw or HWSP (Triticum aestivum), timothy grass or HTGP
(Phleum pratense) and pinewood or HPWP (Pinus banksiana) are given in Fig. 3.
In addition to the above analytical techniques, some methods used in the food
industry such as total water, soluble sugars, and total phenol contents have been
evaluated for bio-oil analysis. Water soluble total carbohydrates in bio-oil was
evaluated using the phenol–sulfuric acid assay developed by the Association of
Analytical Communities, Inc. (AOAC), Method 988.12 (44.1.30) (Albalasmeh
et al. 2013; Rover et al. 2013). In this method, bio-oil is treated with phenol and
concentrated sulfuric acid, and the treated sample taken for UV analysis
(*490 nm). The results were comparable with sugar analysis of the bio-oil by
HPLC. However, presence of water-soluble furan compounds influence the results.
Similarly, the total phenol content in bio-oil was evaluated by the Folin–Ciocalteu
(FC) colorimetry method (Rover and Brown 2013). In this method, gallic acid is
used as standard and the results are reported as gallic acid equivalent. The FC
reagent will react with phenols to form chromogens that can be detected spec-
trophotometrically (Ikawa et al. 2003). However, this method is non-specific and
can be affected by the presence of other compounds.
Bio-oil properties depend on its chemical composition. Therefore, there are
several properties that need to be considered for bio-oil.
Fast Pyrolysis of Agricultural Wastes for Bio-fuel … 313

Fig. 3 FTIR spectra for bio-oil (Nanda et al. 2014) (Reprinted with the permission from
Prof. Ajay K. Dalai, University of Saskatchewan, Canada)

5.2 Properties

Density: The density of the liquid is very high at around 1.2 g/mL as compared to
light fuel oil at around 0.85 g/mL. This is due to the presence of some high
molecular weight compounds such as syringols and sugar compounds. The feed-
stock used and the residence time of vapors also influence the density of bio-oil.
pH: The pH of the lignocellulosic bio-oil normally is about 2–3 which is due to
the presence of the organic acid, such as acetic and formic acids. Therefore, the
material of storage vessels must be made of acid-proof material such as stainless
steel. The pH of bio-oil from sludge and animal manures are basic due to the
presence of nitrogen compounds.
Higher Heating Value (HHV): The HHV of bio-oil is normally in the range of
16–19 MJ/kg, which is less than half of the values of conventional fuel. However,
the energy density of bio-oil is 10 times higher than biomass. Therefore, it is easily
transported. Bio-oil has about 42 % of the energy content of fuel oil on a weight
basis, but 61 % on a volumetric basis (Abdullah et al. 2007; Bridgwater 2012a, b).
Solid Content: Some char, which is relatively fine, might be suspended in the
liquid product, acting as a vapor cracking catalyst. Therefore char separation is
needed to prevent vapor cracking which affect the yield of the liquid product. It is,
however, difficult to achieve complete removal. Currently, two types of filtration
methods are used cyclone separator and hot vapor filtration, to collect char from
vapors before condensation as bio-oil.
314 S. Thangalazhy-Gopakumar and S. Adhikari

Oxygen content: More than three hundred compounds are present in bio-oil;
most of them are oxygenated. Therefore oxygen content of bio-oil is usually in the
range of 35–40 %, and this is the primary reason for the vast differences between
bio-oils and petroleum fuels. These oxygenated compounds make bio-oil polar, and
thus non-miscible with non-polar petroleum fuels. High oxygen content results in
low heating values and also makes the bio-oil unstable. The oxygen content can be
reduced by increasing the process severity leading to cracking of vapors and
removal of oxygen due to deoxygenation and dehydration reactions. However, this
will also lead to the reduction of organic liquid yield.
Water content: Water content in bio-oil is the result from original moisture
content of biomass (normally at a maximum of 10 %) and from the dehydration
reactions occurring during pyrolysis (typically about 12 % based on dry feed)
(Asadullah et al. 2007). The presence of water in bio-oil has advantages and dis-
advantages. Water content (15–30 wt%) gives homogeneity to bio-oil. The solu-
bilizing effect of water for other polar hydrophilic compounds usually helps to
ensure miscibility with the oligometric lignin-derived components (Bridgwater
et al. 2002). However, increasing the water content leads to separation of the bio-oil
into two distinct phases: aqueous phase (with polar compounds) and organic phase
(non-polar compounds (Bridgwater 2012a, b). The disadvantages are lowering
heating values, increasing ignition delay and decreasing the rate of combustion.
Water content on the other hand is advantageous since it improves bio-oil flow
characteristics and also leads to a more uniform temperature profile in a cylinder of
a diesel engine (Czernik and Bridgwater 2004).
Volatility distribution: Bio-oil cannot be completely vaporized once it is con-
densed as a liquid and during vaporization, compounds in bio-oil will rapidly react
and produce char/solid. Bio-oil contains substantial amounts of oxygenated com-
pounds such as sugar and oligomeric phenolics, therefore, slow heating of oil
during distillation results in polymerization of some reactive components.
Consequently the oil starts boiling below 100 °C and stops at 250–280 °C (Czernik
and Bridgwater 2004).
Viscosity and Aging: Viscosity of bio-oil varies over a wide range (35–1000cP at
40 °C), depending on feedstock, the process conditions and aging. An increase in
temperature causes a decrease in viscosity thus the bio-oil can be pumped easily by
heating the pipeline. The viscosity can also be reduced by the addition of polar
solvents such as methanol or acetone (Diebold and Czernik 1997; Bridgwater
2012a, b). If the bio-oil is subjected to high temperature for a long period of time,
viscosity will increase. This is a result of a chemical reaction between the various
compounds that will result in the formation of larger molecules (Diebold 2000).
Corrosiveness: Corrosiveness of bio-oil is caused by the presence of organic
acids, which result from the pH of bio-oil (2–3).. Corrosiveness is elevated at high
temperature and also with the increase in water content of bio-oil. Storage tanks for
bio-oil can be made up of polyolefins as they are more resistant to corrosion than
steel (Czernik and Bridgwater 2004).
Combustion behavior: Bio-oil is combustible but not flammable. Due to the
abundance of non-volatile components, bio-oil requires significant energy for
Fast Pyrolysis of Agricultural Wastes for Bio-fuel … 315

ignition. But once ignited, it burns with a stable self-sustaining flame (Czernik and
Bridgwater 2004). Cetane number is a parameter that determine the ignition quality.
A high cetane number reduces ignition delay before combustion. However, the
cetane number of bio-oil is difficult to measure which is very low (close to 5) due to
the absence of straight hydrocarbons (Ikura et al. 2003).
Flash Point and Pour Point: The flash point is the lowest temperature where
enough fluid can evaporate to form a combustible gas. Fuels with higher flash point
are less flammable or hazardous. However, this property does not contribute to the
performance of oil in engines. The pour point of a fuel is an indication of the lowest
temperature, at which fuel starts flowing. The pour point of bio-oil is varies from
−12 to −36 °C which depends on the biomass feedstock (Oasmaa and Peacocke
2001). Therefore, the low pour point indicates the low viscosity bio-oil is obtained.

5.3 Standards and Norms

ASTM D7544 -12 is the standard specification covers grades of pyrolysis liquid
biofuel produced from biomass. These grades can divide into Grade G and
Grade D. Grade G is for the use in industrial burners and Grade D is for use in
commercial or industrial burners requiring lower solids and ash content. Table 2
summarizes requirements for pyrolysis liquid biofuels. However, these grades are
not intended for use in residential heaters, small commercial boilers, engines or
marine applications (Oasmaa et al. 2015).
Recently, CAS number 1207435-39-9 has been issued for fast pyrolysis bio-oil.
In order to transport bio-oil, it is classified as Class-8 (corrosive) substances,
however no UN number has been assigned for transportation (Oasmaa et al. 2015).

Table 2 ASTM standard for bio-oil (ASTMD7544 2012)

Property Test Method Grade G Grade D
Gross heat of combustion, MJ/kg, min D240 15 15
Water content, % mass, max E203 30 30
Pyrolysis solids content, % mass, max D7579 2.5 2.5
Kinematic viscosity at 40 °C mm2/s, max D455A 125 125
Density at 20 °C kg/dm3 D4052 1.1–1.3 1.1–1.3
Sulphur content, % mass, max D4294 0.05 0.05
Ash content, % mass, max D482 0.25 0.15
pH E70 Report Report
Flash point, °C min D93, Procedure B 45 45
Pour point, °C max D97 -9 -9
A—without filtering
316 S. Thangalazhy-Gopakumar and S. Adhikari

5.4 Applications

Bio-oil has several advantages and disadvantages in terms of applications. Bio-oil is

a renewable carbon-based liquid that is derived from agricultural wastes, animal
manure, forest residue, sludge, or any type of volatile feedstocks. Bio-oil can be
readily stored, transported and used for production of value-added bio-products,
such as chemicals. The significant disadvantage of bio-oil as a fuel is the acidity,
high viscosity and high oxygen content. High acidity tends to corrode most steel
and aluminium storage tanks, fuel lines and engine parts. Due to the high viscosity
and high flash (40–100 °C), the heavy pyrolysis oil is not auto-igniting. Though
bio-oil heating value is low as compared to conventional liquid fuels, it has higher
energy density for higher efficiency energy production. Besides, bio-oil will be
possessed with alkali metals (ash content), which cause the incomplete solid sep-
aration. These metals might cause the catalyst poisoning, slag formation, deposition
of solids in combustion, erosion and corrosion (Bridgwater 2012a, b). The potential
applications for bio-oil are as follows:
Furnaces and Boilers: Bio-oil has been tested in furnaces and boilers, for heat
and power generation although at a presently unacceptable energetic and financial
cost. Bio-oil has similar characteristics to light fuel, although significant differences
in energy content, viscosity, pH, emission levels and ignition are observed. One of
the difficulties with bio-oil is that different bio-oils show different combustion
characteristic. The Red Arrow Products pyrolysis plant in Wisconsin uses bio-oil to
generate heat (Freel et al. 1996).
Diesel Engines: The main concerns for operating diesel engines on bio-oils are
the difficult in ignition due to high water content and low heating value, corro-
siveness and thermally unstable compounds which cause coking. The most iden-
tified problems are fuel pumping, high CO emissions, wear and corrosion of lining,
wax formation, poor atomization, and injector coking (Chiaramonti et al. 2007).
Bio-oil could be efficiently used in pilot-ignited medium-speed diesel engines.
Bio-oil emulsified with diesel showed that a stainless steel or similar corrosive
resistant material should be used as the material of construction for injector and fuel
pump (Chiaramonti et al. 2003a, b). The test at VTT Energy (84 kWe engine)
showed that the bio-oil could be efficiently used in pilot-ignited medium-speed
diesel engines (Solantausta et al. 1994).
Gasifiers: Gasification of bio-oil can be done to obtain maximum amount of the
high-value components such as synthesis gas (syngas). In the Fischer-Tropsch
process, the further processing of syngas produced by gasification of bio-oil with
pure oxygen may become economically and technically feasible. The production of
syngas from the pyrolysis of bio-oil was studied (Panigrahi et al. 2003; Wang et al.
2007). The bio-oil conversion to gas was 83 wt% at 800 °C. The compositions of
product gases as the following ranges: syngas:16–36 mol%; CH4:19–27 mol%; and
C2H4:21–31 mol%. The heating values of the gas product were 1300–
1700 Btu/SCF (standard cubic foot) (Panigrahi et al. 2003).
Fast Pyrolysis of Agricultural Wastes for Bio-fuel … 317

Chemicals: The chemicals commercially produced from bio-oil are food prod-
ucts such as food flavors and liquid smokes. Some of the fine chemicals extracted
from bio-oil are acetic acid, levoglucosan, hydroxyaceladehyde, and levoglu-
cosenone. In addition some other commercial chemicals have been produced from
bio-oil such as phenol resins, wood adhesives, slow fertilizers, calcium or mag-
nesium acetate (de-icers), BioLime (to remove sulfur dioxide from flue gas), MNRP
(commercial resin), and plasticizers and emulsions (Bridgwater 2012a, b). The
aqueous phase of bio-oil has been studied for the production of hydrogen through
reforming. Though some aqueous phase reforming (under high pressure) has been
conducted, most studies focus on steam reforming (Pan et al. 2012; Trane et al.
2012). Many catalysts have been tested in which Ni, Ru and Rh achieved high
performance (Trane et al. 2012). However, carbon deposition on catalyst is still a
challenge with bio-oil. Including water-gas shift reactions, bio-oil reforming yield
an average of one mole of hydrogen from one mole of carbon in bio-oil.
In addition to the above applications, bio-oil has the potential for other end-use
markets. The sticky, resin-like quality of bio-oil can substitute for some petroleum
products in asphalt emulsions and so it can be utilized as an asphalt binder. Another
potential application of bio-oil is in coal dust suppression. The environmental and
physical requirements of bio-oil such as biodegradability, water immiscibility and
the strength of its polymerization reactions have to be analyzed in order to coat the
coal piles (Farag et al. 2002).
Transportation fuels: Bio-oil can be upgraded as transportation fuel, which is
still in research.

5.5 Upgrading

In a nutshell, bio-oil has the potential to be available in large amounts, environ-

mental friendly and competitively priced. Upgrading bio-oil in a cost-effective
fashion is essential. In order to improve the fuel quality, bio-oil has to be com-
pletely deoxygenated. Hydro-treating and catalytic cracking are the two main
processes used to upgrade bio-oil. Recent research and development of technologies
that attempt to address this challenge will give bio-oil great promise as a domes-
tically grown, green feedstock for production of fuels and chemicals using the
current refining and transportation infrastructure. Bio-oil obtained through pyrolysis
can be upgraded through hydrogenation, hydro-deoxygenation, catalytic cracking,
molecular distillation, esterification, emulsification, catalytic pyrolysis and the
co-pyrolysis of biomass with different material.
Hydro-deoxygenation (HDO) is a method for upgrading bio-oil by removing the
oxygen under high pressure of hydrogen with a catalyst such Pt, NiMO or CoMO.
Oxygen in the feed is converted into H2O (Furimsky 2000). The H2 consumption and
severity of the operation required for achieving high HDO conversion depends on the
content and type of the oxygen compounds in bio-oil. In order to convert bio-oil to
commercial fuels, the first stage is performed under 573 K to remove oxygen
318 S. Thangalazhy-Gopakumar and S. Adhikari

compounds by readily undergo polymerization, this stage is also known as stabi-

lization stage. The phenols which are formed by methoxyphenols, biphenols and
ethers in the first stage are removed at about 623 K (Furimsky 2000). The com-
pounds, such as ketones and carboxylic acids have a low HDO reactivity. Therefore, a
higher H2 pressure and a higher temperature are necessary for their conversion to
oxygen free products. Most of the HDO studies are done with model compounds.
Reaction mechanism and kinetic models have been developed for HDO of many
oxygenated compounds (Furimsky 2000; Elliott 2007; Mortensen et al. 2011; Graça
et al. 2013). General reaction can be expresses as Eq. 1 (Adhikari et al., 2013).
Cx Hy Oz þ x þ z  H2 ! xCH2 þ zH2 O ð1Þ

Wildschut et al. (2009) tested novel-metal catalysts (Ru/C, Ru/TiO2, Ru/Al2O3,

Pt/C, and Pd/C) and conventional bimetal catalysts (sulfided NiMo/Al2O3 and
CoMo/Al2O3) for HDO of bio-oil. Their results showed an inverse relationship
between increase in severity of HDO and oxygen content of bio-oil. Ru/C was
identified as the most promising catalyst. Hydro-treatment of bio-oil with Ru/C as a
catalyst at 350 °C and 200 bar, for 4 h upgraded the HHV of bio-oil from 20 MJ/kg
to 43 MJ/kg, pH from 2.5 to 5.8. The upgraded bio-oil had two layers, where top oil
had 11 wt% and bottom oil had 5 wt% oxygen content. The results of their study
were very promising (Wildschut et al. 2009).
Catalytic cracking is the thermal conversion of bio-oil with the presence of
cracking catalysts at a specific temperature higher than 350 °C and atmospheric
pressure. Major products from this process are aromatic hydrocarbons. Main cat-
alysts used for cracking are FFC catalysts (HY zeolite) and HZM-5. Catalyst coking
is a major challenge in this process. The catalyst can be regenerated by combusting
the coke at higher temperature (650–700 °C) (Graça et al. 2013). Comparisons of
different acid catalysts such as HZM-5, HY, silicate-alumina have been undertaken
(Sharma and Bakhshi 1993; Adjaye and Bakhshi 1995a, b, c; Williams and Horne
1995). Model compounds such as alcohols, acids, furans have been studied for
reaction mechanism. Reactivities of each group of compounds towards cracking are
different. Moreover, the synergistic effects will be different from individual reac-
tivities (Adjaye and Bakhshi 1995a, b, c; Graça et al. 2013).
Molecular distillation was particularly suitable for bio-oil separation to frac-
tionate as light, medium and heavy fractions. The light fraction mostly contains
water and is strongly acidic, with poor stability but good fluidity. The middle
fraction is more viscous than the light fraction due to lower water content. The heavy
fraction, without volatile substances, was similar to a black solid in appearance and
had a relatively higher heating value compared to the raw bio-oil (Wang et al. 2009).
By using this method, acidity and water content are removed as light fraction from
high heating value compounds. However, the yield is highest in the light fraction,
which is the undesirable fraction as it has low or even zero heating value.
Catalytic esterification is considered as a promising method for increasing the
pH of bio-oil. Esterification of bio-oil with methanol in the presence of
Fast Pyrolysis of Agricultural Wastes for Bio-fuel … 319

ion-exchange resins as catalyst has showed a significant decrease in acid number

and an increase in heating value (Wang et al. 2010). Li et al. showed that the
oxygen containing groups were stabilized due to catalytic esterification (Li et al.
2011). In addition to catalytic esterification, the esterification in presence of
supercritical CO2 gave promising results (Cui et al. 2010).
Emulsification: To promote bio-oil as a combustion fuel. Acidity and viscosity
problems can be tolerated, if stable bio-oil in diesel emulsions could be produced
(Ikura et al. 2003). Emulsification is suggested to be carried out just after the
production of bio-oil through fast pyrolysis. As the diesel percentage increases, the
stability of bio-oil increases (Chiaramonti et al. 2003a, b). Crossley et al. have
developed a recoverable noble metal catalyst (Pd) on nanotubes which can be used
to make stable emulsified bio-oil for downstream processes (Crossley et al. 2010).
Catalytic pyrolysis: Catalysts can be introduced during the pyrolysis so that the
cracking occurs simultaneous with pyrolysis. Catalytic pyrolysis is conducted in two
ways. One is called in situ catalytic pyrolysis in which pyrolytic vapors pass through
a catalyst bed where cracking occurs before condensation. The other is in-bed cat-
alytic pyrolysis where the biomass will be mixed with the catalyst resulting in more
uniform cracking of pyrolytic vapors (Thangalazhy-Gopakumar et al. 2011; Tan
et al. 2013). The Zeolite ZSM-5 catalyst has been widely studied for catalytic
pyrolysis. Other molecular sieve catalysts such as Al‐MCM‐41, Al‐MSU‐F, b‐ze-
olite, SBA‐15, silica‐alumina and alumina have also been utilized (Pattiya et al.
2008; Carlson et al. 2010; Zhao et al. 2010). 30–40 wt% carbon from biomass can be
recovered as aromatic hydrocarbon from biomass through this process (Carlson et al.
2010; Zhao et al. 2010; Thangalazhy-Gopakumar et al. 2011).
Co-pyrolysis: Recently co-pyrolysis is getting more attention as a method for
recycling plastics and as well as improving bio-oil properties (Abnisa and Wan
Daud 2014). Different types of materials were used for co-pyrolysis with biomass,
such as polystyrene, high density polyethylene, bisphemol A, waste tire,
polypropylene and plastic film. When biomass and tires are co-pyrolyzed, the C, O
and H can be balanced due to the high C content and low O content in tires. In
addition, it is worth highlighting that some physico-chemical properties of the tire
pyrolysis liquids are fairly comparable to those found in commercial automotive
diesel fuels (Martínez et al. 2014). Through co-pyrolysis with plastic, the oxygen
content of the bio-oil can be reduced, resulting in higher hydrogen and carbon
content and with a higher heating value (Sajdak and Muzyka 2014). The
co-pyrolysis with plastic will increase the yield of the liquid product, which is the
most desirable product (Bhattacharya et al. 2009).

6 Bio-char

Bio-char is the carbon-rich solid product from pyrolysis of biomass, which com-
prises mainly stable aromatic forms of organic carbon (Kim et al. 2012). Bio-char
is mostly derived from the lignin part in the case of lingo-cellulosic biomass.
320 S. Thangalazhy-Gopakumar and S. Adhikari

The balance between char, gas and oil products in pyrolysis depends largely upon
the rate of heating where slow pyrolysis produces the most amount of char. The
characteristics of the char depend on the extent of the pyrolysis (peak temperature),
particle size of the feed as well as residence time in the reactor. The vapor residence
time for volatiles and gases is also an important factor as longer residence time
result in secondary reactions, most notably the reaction of tar on char surfaces and
also the charring of tar (Mohan et al. 2006).
Bio-char is widely applied for many environmental applications in addition to
energy applications. The high HHV of bio-char makes it a good source to generate
energy (Thangalazhy-Gopakumar et al. 2010). Bio-char can be used as a carbon
sink, storing large amounts of CO2 in a stable and fixed form for centuries thus
reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Bio-char can improve water quality, reduce soil emissions of greenhouse gasses,
reduce nutrient leaching, reduce soil acidity as well as reduce irrigation and fer-
tilizer requirements. The complex structure of bio-char helps to attract more bac-
teria and fungi which are needed by plants to absorb more nutrients from the soil
(Ahmad et al. 2014). In addition, bio-char has the ability to attract and retain water,
due to the porous structure and high surface area, retaining also nutrients, phos-
phorus and agro-chemicals. Biochar therefore reduces leaching of fertilizers into
surface or groundwater. An approximate 18 % increase in the water holding
capacity of soil containing bio-char has been reported (Glaser et al. 2002). Another
application of bio-char is as an adsorbent to remove heavy metals from water (Fonts
et al. 2012). Recently some studies of fast pyrolysis char have reported the
adsorption of metals and tetracycline from aqueous solutions (Liu et al. 2012; Cho
et al. 2013). Table 3 provides some examples of metal removal studies of fast
pyrolysis bio-char.

7 Current Status

Major industrial examples of conversion of biomass to bio-oil are DynaMotive

Energy Systems Corp, Ensyn Technology and BTG Biomass Technology
Group BV (BTG), KiOR (Table 4).
Ensyn Techonlogy produce bio-oil in a fast pyrolysis plant from wood biomass.
The core technology is Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP), a fast pyrolysis technology
for conversion of cellulosic wood feedstock. RTP is analogous to fluid catalytic
cracking (FCC), which is a key process in gasoline production. Ensyn is producing
RTP liquids with around 75 % yield. Ensyn has been operating for 25 years. Ensyn
has a strategic relationship with UOP, a Honeywell company, to develop biore-
fineries. Current production capacity at the Ontario plant is being increased to
3 million gallon/year. Envergent Technologies LLC (
utilize Honeywell’s hydro-processing technology to upgrade RTP bio-oil to
high-quality drop-in fuels.
Fast Pyrolysis of Agricultural Wastes for Bio-fuel … 321

Table 3 Fast pyrolysis bio-char as adsorbent for heavy metals

Feedstock Adsorbate Adsorption capacity Reference
Pinewood Pb (II) 4.13 Mohan et al. (2007)
Cd (II) n/a
As (III) 1.2
Oak wood Pb (II) 2.62
Cd (II) 0.37
As (III) 5.85
Pine bark Pb (II) 3
Cd (II) 0.34
As (III) 12.15
Oak bark Pb (II) 13.1
Cd (II) 5.4
As (III) 7.4
P. terebinthus L. Cr (VI) 3.97 Deveci and Kar
Almond shell Ni (II) 22.22 Kılıç et al. (2013)
Co (II) 26.95
Municipal sewage Cd (II) 42.8 Chen et al. (2015)

Table 4 Bio-oil industries and their projected applications

Company’s Bio-oil applications (current/R&D) References
Ensyn – Food chemicals Ensyn corporation. Retrieved from:
technologies – Resins
BTG-BTL – Heat and power (boilers, gas BTG Retrieved from: http://www.btg-
turbines, diesel engines)
– Biobased chemicals
Anellotech – Bio-aromatics/bio-BTX Anellotech Inc Retrieved from: http://

BTG-BTL (a daughter company of BTG) has specialized in the process of

conversion of biomass into useful fuels and energy. The reactor used by BTG for
fast pyrolysis is a modified Rotating Cyclone Reactor. Char and sand are separated
from vapors through cyclones, passed a fluidized bed combustor. Hot sand is
recycled back to the reactor. Empyro (a joint project of BTG with Tree Power)
announced that the construction of its pyrolysis oil production plant has started at
the AkzoNobel site in Hengelo (The Netherlands). The production capacity will
then be gradually increased to its maximum of over 20 million liters of pyrolysis oil
per year.
322 S. Thangalazhy-Gopakumar and S. Adhikari

DynaMotive Energy Systems Corporation is a Canadian-based renewable

energy company, which specializes in fast pyrolysis. Dynamotives’ patented fast
pyrolysis process involves rapid heating of a biomass feedstock in the absence of
oxygen. The yield of the Dynamotive`s pyrolysis is typically 60–75 wt% for bio-oil
and 15–20 wt% for bio-char. In order to produce high quality bio-oil, Dynamotive
has a pyrolysis upgrading process, which is a two stages process, involving
hydro-reforming and hydro-treating. In the hydro-reforming stage, hydrogen is
added to the pyrolysis oil in a reactor in the presence of an industrial catalyst.
Water, methanol and acetic acid are removed from the pyrolysis oil in this stage.
The second stage is hydro-treating, where more hydrogen is added additionally
removing remaining oxygen. Current status of Dynamotive is not available.
KiOR Inc. utilize a circulating fluid bed reactor for catalytic pyrolysis of bio-
mass. The condensed bio-oil undergoes hydrotreating. The product can be used as a
gasoline/diesel blend. Their technology Biomass Fluid Catalyst Cracking (BFCC)
was planned for a commercial scale up to 40 million gallons/year. However,
currently KiOR is out of business.
KIT Bioliq, Germany ( in cooperation with Lurgi GmbH
utilize the Lurgi/Auger reactor for fast pyrolysis. Their product called
bioliqSyncrude is atomized in a gasifier for syngas production. PYTEC GmbH
Thermochemische Anlagen ( is another company in
Germany. PYTEC utilizes an ablative reactor for fast pyrolysis. Their pilot plant
(design capacity 6 Mg/d dry mass) include a diesel-based CHP plant for power
production (approximately 300 kW/h output) (Meier et al. 2007). Renewable Oil
International is another well-known company producing bio-oil using a vacuum
pyrolysis reactor ( Anellotech Inc is another
booming industry; their core process known as Thermo Catalytic Biomass
Conversion (Bio-TCAT™) is used to produce chemicals from biomass (http:// Pyrovc, utilizing vacuum pyrolysis for bio-oil production, has
now developed a new vacuum reactors, which encounters heat transfer limitations.
Since the major industries currently practicing fast pyrolysis are located in North
America and Europe, global bio-oil production is currently based on wood. In
Malaysia and Indonesia, fast pyrolysis studies are based on solid wastes from the
palm industry. Currently, Ensyn is constructing their plants in Malaysia for bio-oil
production from empty fruit bunch palm biomass, whereas, BTG-BTL has already
constructed a plant in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, which is dormant now. Other location
for potential industrial applications for fast pyrolysis are Brazil, Cuba and
Argentina in South America.
In addition to these major industries many research institutions and universities have
built pilot plants, which have feedstock capacities from 10–1000 kg/h. Major
institutions/universities in this list are Aston University, UK; University of Western
Ontario, Canada; Virginia Tech, USA; University of Science and Technology of China,
China; Mississippi State University, USA; USDA-ARS-ERRC USA; RTI interna-
tional, USA; VTT Ltd., Finland; Iowa State University, USA; NREL USA; CANMET,
Canada (Wagenaar et al. 1994). Some examples of different types of feedstock
used in laboratory studies of fast pyrolysis around the world are given in Table 5.
Table 5 Laboratory studies of fast pyrolysis around the world
Feedstock Reactor Country Bio-oil yield Bio-char Bio-oil HHV Reference
(wt%) yield (wt%) (MJ/kg)
Agriculture waste
Rice straw Fluidized bed Thailand 54.1 *27 28.4 Pattiya and Suttibak
Rice husk 57.1 *31 25.4 (2012)
Sugarcane Fixed bed Bangladesh 56.0 33.0 23.5 Islam et al. (2010)
Empty fruit bunch Fluidized bed Malaysia 55.1 23.9 36.06 Abdullah et al. (2010)
Cassava rhizome Fluidized bed Thailand 64.93 19.97 15.8 Pattiya (2011)
Cassava stalk 61.71 20.91 12.7
Palm kernel shell Fluidized bed Republic of 48.7 *25 17.9 Kim et al. (2010)
Black cumin seed cake Fixed bed Turkey 48.21 *26 38.48 Sen et al. (2011)
Corncob Fluidized bed China 56.8 23.2 18.8 Zhang et al. (2009)
Jatorpha curcas de-oiled Fluidized bed India 48 35.1 n/a Biradar et al. (2014)
Fast Pyrolysis of Agricultural Wastes for Bio-fuel …

seed cake
Forest residue
Pine wood Auger reactor USA 50 26 19.10 Thangalazhy-Gopakumar
et al. (2010)
Eucalyptus wood Fluidized bed China *58 *18 16.62 Chang et al. (2013)
Pinewood waste (Pinus Spouted bed reactor Spain 75 *17 14.6 (LHV) Amutio et al. (2012)
Hybrid Poplar Wood Fluidized bed USA 63.3 12.7 24.48 Agblevor et al. (2010)
Solid wastes
Furniture Saw dust Fluidized bed Republic of 58.1 *30 n/a Heo et al. (2010a, b)
Table 5 (continued)

Feedstock Reactor Country Bio-oil yield Bio-char Bio-oil HHV Reference

(wt%) yield (wt%) (MJ/kg)
Chicken litter Fluidized bed USA 23.39 33.85 27.98 Kim et al. (2009)
Turkey litter 26.32 24.49 26.24
Rubber from tires Fluidized bed Germany 27.8 36.7 n/a Kaminsky et al. (2009)
Rubber from hand gloves 72.2 1.1 n/a
C. vulgaris Fluidized bed USA 53 31 24.57 Wang et al. (2013)
C. vulgaris Fixed bed USA 52.7 25.7 18.6 Thangalazhy-Gopakumar
et al. (2012)
Energy plants
Switchgrass Fluidized bed USA *43.0 *26 19.6 He et al. (2009)
Switchgrass Fluidized bed USA 60 18.445 Mullen et al. (2008)
Alfalfa bud and flower 45 25.852
Alfalfa stem 53 26.542
Miscanthus Fluidized bed Republic of 69.2 *25 22.5 Heo et al. (2010a, b)
Catalytic pyrolysis
Wheat spent grains Fluidized bed UK *53.0 *17 22.8 Sanna et al. (2011)
Brewers spent grains (alumina catalyst) *48.0 *15 24.07
Corncob Fluidized bed China 39.3 20.1 34.6 Zhang et al. (2009)
Hybrid poplar wood Fluidized bed USA 33 12.6 30.5 Agblevor et al. (2010)
S. Thangalazhy-Gopakumar and S. Adhikari
Table 5 (continued)
Feedstock Reactor Country Bio-oil yield Bio-char Bio-oil HHV Reference
(wt%) yield (wt%) (MJ/kg)
50:50::pine Auger USA 64.9 12.1 28.42 Bhattacharya et al. (2009)
50:50::pine wood/HDPE 338.9 25.9 27.68
50:50::pine 46 32.2 36.94
50:50::pine cone: PE Fixed bed Romania 63.9 19.6 46.33 Brebu et al. (2010)
50:50::pine cone: PP 64.1 19.1 45.58
50:50::pine cone: PS 69.7 21.5 46.43
30:40:20:10::pine cone: PE: 76 12.7 41.33
66.6: 33.3::Swine Solid: Fixed Bed USA 45.3 15.7 59 Ro et al. (2014)
Fast Pyrolysis of Agricultural Wastes for Bio-fuel …

plastic mulch film

80:20::walnut shell: tar sands Fixed Bed Turkey 31.84 30.3 27.45 Kar (2011)
326 S. Thangalazhy-Gopakumar and S. Adhikari

8 Energy and Economics

Energy requirement for pyrolysis is mainly for drying, grinding, pyrolysis and
condensation. Energy will be recovered in terms of the heating content of products,
mainly bio-oil and bio-char. Therefore energy efficiency can be written as Eq. 2

EBiooil þ EBiochar
genergy ¼ ð2Þ
EBiomass þ Eprocess

where EBio−oil, EBio−char, and EBiomass are the energy contents of bio-oil, bio-char
and biomass respectively and EProcess is the external energy required for the
complete pyrolysis process from biomass pre-treatments to product collection
(Jahirul et al. 2012). Energy recovery studies on three hardwoods by Stals et al.
showed that 34–39 % energy can be recovered through a fast pyrolysis process
(Stals et al. 2010). Daugaard and Brown found that the average enthalpy for fast
pyrolysis for biomass having 8–10 wt% moisture content is about 1.5 MJ/kg
(Daugaard and Brown 2003). Life cycle analysis by Steele et al. proved near carbon
neutrality for bio-oil production. According to their study, for the production of
bio-oil, based on 2000 dry tons/day input feed, 0.52 MJ/MJ energy was required for
the complete process (from cradle to grave) whereas residual fuel oil required
1.2 MJ/MJ. The overall energy use for bio-oil was negative. A 70 % reduction in
potential global warming emission was calculated for bio-oil as compared to
residual fuel oil and it was 0.0323 kg CO2 eq per MJ bio-oil production (Steele
et al. 2012).
Reinger et al. conducted a detailed economic analysis to evaluate the capital and
operating costs of a biomass fast pyrolysis plant with a capacity of 550
dry tonnes/day of wood chips (Ringer et al. 2006). In the design basis, there are five
major processing areas; feed handling and drying, pyrolysis, char combustion,
product recovery, and steam generation. The total capital investment of the project
was estimated to be $48.29 million and a total operating cost of around $9.6
million. Feedstock accounted for the largest variable in operating cost. About 61 %
of total capital investment ($29.7 million) was equipment and installation costs. The
selling value for bio-oil/t was projected to be $7.62/GJ, LHV (Ringer et al. 2006).
The capital cost for a 2000 dry metric tons/day of a hybrid poplar wood chips in
another design was $303 million accounting for upgrading of bio-oil to gasoline
and diesel fuels (Jones et al. 2009). Similar work was done for 2000 dry tonne per
day corn stover fast pyrolysis. Two scenario were considered for upgrading bio-oil
to gasoline and diesel range fuels: hydrogen production from bio-oil for upgrading
and hydrogen purchase for upgrading. The capital cost for the hydrogen production
scenario was $287 million and $200 million for the hydrogen purchase scenario.
Therefore the first scenario had higher fuel prices than second scenario (Wright
et al. 2010).
Fast Pyrolysis of Agricultural Wastes for Bio-fuel … 327

9 Conclusions

Fast pyrolysis for the production of liquid fuels is a relatively new biomass con-
version method which is emerging commercially. Major attributes of fast pyrolysis
are high heat and mass transfer rates and low residence time in the vapor state.
A wide range of organic wastes have been investigated as feedstock for fast
pyrolysis. The basic principle behind fast pyrolysis feedstock selection is decen-
tralized densification and centralized upgrading. Therefore research on different
types of other feedstocks still continue around the world. The selection of this
feedstock basically depends on regional abundance.
Many reactor configurations have been tested and developed in order to achieve
fast pyrolysis quality attributes during the process. Though each configuration has
its own benefits and challenges, none of the reactors is superior to another one.
Norms and standards for bio-oil have been established recently. However, bio-oil
cannot be used as it is. Even the utilization as a feedstock for energy or chemicals is
still underway. Based on the proposed applications of bio-oil, many upgrading
techniques are being researched. In addition to upgrading studies, some demon-
stration of raw bio-oil for CHP application with modified engines are being
developed around the world. In a concluding remark, though fast pyrolysis bio-oil
has a bright future, it has a long path to general implementation.

Acknowledgments Authors would like to acknowledge the students who worked for the fast
pyrolysis section of the project ‘Proj-In-FETBE-015’ funded by Centre of Excellence for
Research, Value Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CERVIE) at UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. The students Chin Chun Man, Ng Han Ject, Chang Jang Sen, Kho Lik Yeh, Punit
Purshotam, Rameshwaran, Kavindran are acknowledged for their contributions in the literature.


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The Energy and Value-Added Products
from Pyrolysis of Waste Plastics

Rashid Miandad, Mohammad Rehan, Abdul-Sattar Nizami,

Mohammad Abou El-Fetouh Barakat and Iqbal Mohammad Ismail

Abstract Plastic usage in daily life has increased from 5 to 100 million tons per year
since the 1950s due to their light-weight, non-corrosive nature, durability and cheap
price. Plastic products consist mainly of polyethylene (PE), polystyrene (PS),
polypropylene (PP) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) type plastics. The disposal of
plastic waste causes environmental and operational burden to landfills. Conventional
mechanical recycling methods such as sorting, grinding, washing and extrusion can
recycle only 15–20 % of all plastic waste. The use of open or uncontrolled inciner-
ation or combustion of plastic waste has resulted in air and waterborne pollutants.
Recently, pyrolysis technology with catalytic reforming is being used to convert
plastic waste into liquid oil and char as energy and value-added products. Pyrolysis is
one of the tertiary recycling techniques in which plastic polymers are broken down
into smaller organic molecules (monomers) in the absence of oxygen at elevated
temperatures (>400 °C). Use of catalysts such as aluminum oxides, natural and
synthetic zeolites, fly ash, calcium hydroxide, and red mud can improve the yield and
quality of liquid oil. The pyrolysis yield depends on a number of parameters such as
temperature, heating rate, moisture contents, retention time, type of plastic and par-
ticle size. A yield of up to 80 % of liquid oil by weight can be achieved from plastic
waste. The produced liquid oil has similar characteristics to conventional diesel;
density (0.8 kg/m3), viscosity (up to 2.96 mm2/s), cloud point (−18 °C), flash point
(30.5 °C) and energy content (41.58 MJ/kg). Char produced from pyrolysis can be
activated at standard conditions to be used in wastewater treatment, heavy metals
removal, and smoke and odor removal. The produced gases from pyrolysis are

R. Miandad  M.A. El-Fetouh Barakat

Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Meteorology,
Environment and Arid Land Agriculture, King Abdulaziz University,
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
R. Miandad  M. Rehan  A.-S. Nizami (&)  I.M. Ismail
Centre of Excellence in Environmental Studies (CEES), King Abdulaziz University,
P.O. Box 80203, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
M.A. El-Fetouh Barakat
Central Metallurgical R&D Institute, Helwan 11421, Cairo, Egypt

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016 333

O.P. Karthikeyan et al. (eds.), Recycling of Solid Waste for Biofuels
and Bio-chemicals, Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products
and Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0150-5_12
334 R. Miandad et al.

hydrogen (H2), carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) and can be used as
energy carriers. This chapter reviews the challenges and, perspectives of pyrolysis
technology for production of energy and value-added products from waste plastics.

Keywords Plastic waste Liquid oil Energy Pyrolysis Char Hydrogen (H2)

1 Introduction

1.1 World Energy Demands

The current world population of 7.2 billion is projected to increase by 1 billion in

2025 with an annual growth rate of 1 % (WHO 2014). The developing world is the
place, where most of this growth will occur due to rapid growth in urbanization and
population. Consequently, the energy demand has increased significantly in
developing countries, especially in Asia (Ouda et al. 2013, 2015), that will further
increase by 46–58 % with an annual rate of 3.7 % till 2025 (FAO 2010). The
present global energy consumption is 524 quadrillion thermal British units (Btu),
that will increase upto 820 quadrillion Btu by 2040 (US-EIA 2014). Global elec-
tricity demand will increase by 80 % from 2012 to 2040; in which non-OECD
countries such as China (33 %), India (15 %), Southeast Asia (9 %) and Middle
East (6 %) show highest electricity demand (IEA 2014). About 80 % of the present
global energy requirements are fulfilled by thermal power plants including coal,
natural gas, oil and nuclear plants, while only 13 % is produced from renewable
sources (WEC 2013; Demirbas et al. 2016a).
Energy recovery or waste-to-energy (WTE) from non-food biomass sources such
as agricultural and forestary residues and domestic and industrial waste is an
eco-friendly approach for renewable energy production (Nizami et al. 2015a, b, c
and 2016; Ouda et al. 2016; Rehan et al. 2016; Sadaf et al. 2015; Tahir et al. 2015).
Fuel-wood is one of the major sources of bioenergy that produces about 87 % of
global bioenergy. About 2 billion people in the world still depend on fuel-wood and
charcoal for their daily energy production (UNWWD 2014). Among renewable
energy, wind and solar energy are dominant choices, as they produce the least
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and do not require water for energy production
(Evans et al. 2009; IEA 2014). Nevertheless, around 1.3 billion people across the
globe are still living without electricity and most of them (95 %) are habitants of
sub-Saharan Africa and developing Asia (IEA 2014).

1.2 Energy Consumption in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


In 2013, KSA was the world’s 12th largest primary energy consumer country with a
total energy consumption of 9 quadrillions British thermal units (Btu) (US-EIA
The Energy and Value-Added Products from Pyrolysis … 335

2014). The annual electricity demand of KSA has increased at an average rate of
5.8 % from 2006 to 2010 (MEP 2010). Oil fulfils 60 % of this energy demand,
while natural gas covers the remaining 40 % energy requirements (KACARE
2012). The KSA's government has planned to double its energy generating capacity
from 55 gigawatts (GW) to 120 GW by 2032. For this, the government has laun-
ched a special program; King Abdullah City of Atomic and Renewable Energy
(KACARE) (Decree 2010). The vision of this initiative is to generate about half of
the Saudi electricity capacity from different renewable sources, including solar,
nuclear, wind, geothermal and WTE by 2032 (US-EIA 2014; Nizami et al. 2015a).

1.3 Plastic Consumption in the World and KSA

Plastics are composed of petroleum-derivative hydrocarbons, antioxidants, colorants

and stabilizers (Hamid et al. 2000; Williams and Williams 1999; Perugini et al. 2005;
Siddiqui and Redhwi 2009). The current global plastic consumption is round
154 million tons (Patni et al. 2013). Figure 1 shows the plastic consumption in
different parts of the world. Thermoplastic and thermoset are commonly used plastic
types. Thermoplastic softens when heating and hardens when cooled while, ther-
moset become hardened by curing and thus cannot be re-moulded. Thermoplastics

Fig. 1 Plastic consumption in different parts of the world (Patni et al. 2013)
336 R. Miandad et al.

are the most used plastic (around 80 %) in Western Europe (Jude et al. 2009). The
plastic products are mostly manufactured from low density polyethylene (LDPE),
high density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), polyvinyl
chloride (PVC) and polyethylene-terephthalate (PET) (Jude et al. 2009).
Plastic consumption has increased significantly worldwide over the last few
decades due to their durability, light weight and low prices (Serrano et al. 2002;
Aguado et al. 2008). As a consequence, global plastic waste generation was
280 million tons in 2011 that is expected to increase at an annual rate of 4 % till
2016 (Sriningsih et al. 2014). In the European Union (EU), plastic production
remained stable (55–60 million tons per year) since 2000 (Beneroso et al. 2015;
Williams 2005). According to Shah et al. (2010), plastic waste production in
Western Europe was the same from 1993 to 2003 with a little increase (annual 64–
93 kg per capita). In KSA, aroung 15 million tons of MSW is generated every year
at an average rate of 1.4 kg per capita per day (Ouda et al. 2015). Plastic waste is the
second largest waste stream with 17.4 % of total generated MSW (Siddiqui and
Redhwi 2009; Nizami et al. 2015a). Most of the MSW produced in KSA ends up in
landfills or dumpsites. Metal and cardboard are the waste materials, whose recycling
is being carried out by up to 10–15 % of total produced MSW (Nizami et al. 2015a).

1.4 Potential of Waste Plastic to Energy

Plastic become an environmental problem when used and discarded, as it remains in

the environment for longer periods of time due to its non-biodegradable or very slow
degradation nature (Achilias et al. 2007). Disposal of plastic waste in landfills causes
environmental and operational problems (Khan and Kaneesamkandi 2013). Plastic
waste management is carried out using different methods, including reducing,
reusing, incineration, energy recovery and mechanical recycling (Sriningsih et al.
2014). Conventional mechanical recycling methods such as sorting, grinding,
washing and extrusion can recycle only 15–20 % of all plastic waste (Ashworth et al.
2014). Uncontrolled or open combustion or burning and landfilling of plastic waste
cause air, water and soil pollution (Buekens and Huang 1998; Rahmanian et al.
2015; Eqani et al. 2016)). WTE and recycling are two widely used techniques in
modern plastic waste management system (Serrano 2007; Lopez et al. 2012).
Pyrolysis, as one of the WTE technologies, is being used to convert plastic waste
into energy (liquid oil) and value-added products (char and gases) (Sharma et al.
2014). Pyrolysis is one of the tertiary recycling techniques in which plastic poly-
mers are broken down into smaller organic molecules (monomers) in the absence of
oxygen at high temperatures (>400 °C) (Sharma et al. 2014; Chen et al. 2014a, b).
Most of the Pyrolysis studies concluded that optimum temperature range for
pyrolysis of plastic waste is between 450 and 550 °C (Table 1). Pyrolysis of all
types of plastic waste is possible except for PET and PVC, as they cause corrosion
and pipeline obstruction problems (Lopez et al. 2012). The produced liquid oil has
similar characteristics to conventional diesel (Syamsiro et al. 2014).
Table 1 Pyrolysis reactor types, conditions, feedstock used and comparative results
Reactor Experiment conditions Feedstock Catalyst Obtained results References
type Temperature Residence Heating rate used Oil Char Syngas
(°C) time (min) (°C/min) (%) (%) (%)
Semi-batch 500 15–30 20 PP, PS, PET, – 65.2 – – Lopez et al.
PE, PVC (2011a)
Semi-batch 440 30 20 Industrial ZSM-5 42.6 47.7 9.7 Lopez et al.
packing waste (2011b)
Semi-batch 350 60 – LDPE NZ with Ni, 71.49 – – Sriningsih et al.
Co, Mo (2014)
Semi-batch 450 – – PP FCC 92.3 3.6 4.1 Abbas-Abadi
et al. (2014)
Semi-batch 440 30 Mix Plastic ZSM-5 80 18 2 Lopez et al.
Packed 450 – – HDPE HY-Zeolite 70 – – Syamsiro et al.
bed (2013)
The Energy and Value-Added Products from Pyrolysis …

Packed 450 – – PS HY-Zeolite 88 – – Syamsiro et al.

bed (2013)
Fluidized 500 – 20 HDPE HZSM-5 67.6 11.4 21 Hernández et al.
bed (2007)
Bench 420 300 20 Municipal FCC 79.08 13.05 7.87 Lee (2009)
scale plastic
Two stage 450 – – HDPE Natural 58 35 7 Syamsiro et al.
zeolite (2014)
Fluidized 530 – – PE – 92.3 0.1 7.6 Williams (2006)
338 R. Miandad et al.

The aim of this chapter is to review the challenges, and perspectives of pyrolysis
technology for producing energy and value-added products from plastic waste.

2 Plastic Waste Disposal

2.1 Recycling of Plastic Waste

Plastic waste has increased with the increase of its consumption worldwide.
Conventional techniques for the handling of plastic waste such as combustion or
burning and landfilling has resulted in serious environmental problems. The US-EPA
reported that in 2000, there was a 50 % increase in plastic waste dumping compared
to early 1990s. Increase in plastic waste urged the scientists to look for alternative
techniques for sustainable plastic waste management. Therefore, recycling of plastic
waste is encouraged and practiced to overcome inherent plastic's problems. As a
result, since the last few decades, recycling of plastic waste has increased at a very
high rate. There are four different types of plastic recycling as follow;
• Primary recycling
Primary recycling involves plastic waste recycling into a product that has similar
characteristics as the original products. Mostly, PET plastic type recycling fits
into this category.
• Secondary recycling
Secondary recycling involves the recycling of plastic waste into a product that
has different characteristics as compared to original products. PS, PE and PP are
the main plastic types that fall into this category (Lerici et al. 2015).
• Tertiary recycling
Tertiary recycling involves processes such as pyrolysis, in which plastic waste is
converted into liquid oil at high temperatures. All types of plastic can recycle
through tertiary recycling except PET and PVC. The PVC plastic produces
hazardous chlorine gas and also corrodes the process apparatus (Lopez et al.
• Quaternary recycling
Quaternary recycling involves the process of retrieving energy from the plastic
waste through burning under controlled conditions. All types of plastic can be
recycled via quaternary recycling.
Primary recycling is used when semi-cleaned plastic waste is available; although
its use is very limited. While, secondary plastic recycling is used to recycle plastic
waste into products that can be used as substitute for wood, concrete and metal.
Mostly, secondary plastic recycling products are used as fences, benches, desks,
chairs, etc. Tertiary recycling techniques such as pyrolysis convert plastic into
The Energy and Value-Added Products from Pyrolysis … 339

liquid oil, while quaternary recycling burns plastic waste to produce energy. The
latter was widely used due to high energy contents of plastic, but due to air pol-
lution its use has limited (Ahmad 2015).

2.2 Pyrolysis of Plastic Waste

The pyrolysis process converts plastic waste through thermal decomposition to

organic vapours and char and gases in the absence of oxygen. The produced organic
vapours, are converted into oil as liquid fuel by a condensation process. It takes
about 2–4 h to convert waste into useful energy products (Fonts et al. 2009);
however there is a scope of time reduction and process optimization. The inorganic
gradient remains unchanged and hence can be reused in plastic industries as a raw
material for the manufacturing of new plastic products. Liquid oil is the main
product from the pyrolysis process, while char and gases are by-products. About
80 % of plastic can be converted into liquid oil through pyrolysis (Lee 2009).
Dechlorination is used to stop the chlorine generation when pyrolysis of PVC
plastic is carried out either at low temperature, as PVC decomposes at 250–320 °C
(Lopez et al. 2011a, b) or can be removed via physical or chemical adsorption
methods using different adsorbents (Lopez et al. 2012). The produced liquid oil has
similar heating value (HHV) as compared to conventional diesel (Table 2), thus can
be used as alternative fuel for various energy generating applications. According to
Demirbas (2010), HHV value can be derived as per Eq. 1.

HHVðMJ=kgÞ ¼ 0:335 C þ 1:423 H0:154 O0:145 N ð1Þ

where C is carbon content (wt%), H is hydrogen content (wt%), O is oxygen

content (wt%), and N is nitrogen content (wt%).

Table 2 High heating values (HHV) of produced liquid oil from different feedstock
Feedstock HHV (MJ/kg) References
Tires 43.22 Wongkhorsub and Chindaprasert (2013)
Plastic 46.19
Diesel 45.81
PE Bag 1 41.45 Syamsiro et al. (2014)
HDPE waste 42.82 Syamsiro et al. (2014)
PE Bag 2 46.67 Syamsiro et al. (2014)
HDPE 45.86 Sharma et al. (2014)
HDPE 45.78 Kumar and Singh (2011)
Mixed plastic 44.40 Kim et al. (2010)
LDPE 38–39 Panda et al. 2010
HDPE 40.17 Kumar et al. (2010)
Mixed waste 40–40.5 Mani et al. (2011)
340 R. Miandad et al.

Pyrolysis is carried out in different types of reactors such as fixed bed (Wang
et al. 2006), tube (Miskolczi et al. 2009), rotary kiln (Li et al. 2005) and two-stage
reactors (Syamsiro et al. 2014) that have both advantages and disadvantages
(Table 3).

2.2.1 Selection of Plastic Types for Pyrolysis

Pyrolysis of different feedstocks has been carried out by a number of researchers

including, sewage sludge (Xiong et al. 2013), tires (Antoniou and Zabaniotou
2013), electronic waste (Yang et al. 2013) and plastic waste (Chen et al. 2014a, b).
Plastic waste contains different types of plastic such as PS, PP, PE (e.g. LDPE and
HDPE), PVC and PET. Pyrolysis has been successfully used to convert all types of
plastic waste into liquid oil except PVC and PET (Table 4). Only few studies were
carried out on pyrolysis of PVC due to production of hazardous chlorinated gas.
Moreover, PE is also not suitable for thermal pyrolysis because of wax formation
instead of liquid oil (Lee 2012). PS plastic decomposes at low temperature in
comparison to PE and PP (Lee and Shin 2007).

2.2.2 Factors Affecting the Pyrolysis Process

There are different factors affecting the pyrolysis process such as temperature,
retention time, feedstock composition, moisture content, heating rate and particle
size of the feedstock. Temperature is the most influential and widely studied factor
by scientists (Li et al. 1999; Yoshioka et al. 2004; Ji et al. 2006), as it affects
thermal cracking and secondary reaction of the pyrolysis process. López et al.
(2010) reported that solid residue (char) produced at different temperature remains
the same, however the yield of liquid and gases changes. The liquid yield decreases
and gas yield increases with temperature increase. Moreover, the increase in tem-
perature affected the quality of the produced liquid oil.
At lower temperatures, long chain hydrocarbons are produced, while increase in
temperature results in shorter carbon chains due to cracking of C–C bonds
(Hernández et al. 2007; Lopez et al. 2009). Similarly, at higher temperature (around
600 °C), aromatic compounds are produced, while at lower temperature (around
460–500 °C) aromatic compounds with unsaturated hydrocarbons are produced
(Lopez et al. 2011a). However, some scientists argue that aromatics are produced
by secondary reactions due to increase in temperature (Kaminsk et al. 1999; Li et al.
1999, 2005).
Polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) are also produced at high temperature that
leads to increase in percentage composition of aromatic (Sánchez et al. 2009). At
600 °C, >C13 fraction decreases, while at the same temperature C10–C13 fraction
increases which showing that higher temperature favours formation of short carbon
chain compounds (Marcilla et al. 2009; Jung et al. 2010). However, at high tem-
perature (500–600 °C), styrene production decreases. It shows that styrene is
Table 3 Advantages and disadvantages of pyrolysis reactors
Reactor Type Advantages Disadvantages References
Fixed bed • Used to identify the governing • Low heating rate (HR) and low heat transfer Wang et al. (2006)
parameters that effect the pyrolysis coefficient
products • Temperature is not uniform when high mass is
used as feedstock
• Decomposition of feedstock at different
Rotary kiln • Good for heating up the feedstock • Used for slow pyrolysis process at slow HR Li et al. (2002, 2005), Chen et al.
• Good mixing of waste (feedstock) • Less information for heat transfer coefficient for (2014a, b)
during the pyrolysis process due to heterogeneous MSW
slow rotation of reactor
• Residence time for feedstock is 1 h
• Extensive pre-treatment for
feedstock is not required
• Maintenance of the reactor is simple
Fluidised-bed • Heating rate is high • Application at industrial scale for MSW is not Al-Salem et al. (2010), Arena and
• Feedstock blending is good common Mastellone (2006), Mastral et al. (2002,
The Energy and Value-Added Products from Pyrolysis …

• Used to find out the effect of • Separation method for coke from bed-material 2003), Dai et al. (2001a, b), Chen et al.
temperature and residence time on is a challenge (2014a, b)
the products of pyrolysis • Separation of bed material, recirculation and
• Low thermal conductivity external heating and MSW pre-treatment
• High viscosity increase cost of process which decreases its
• Widely used for MPW value economically
Tubular • Consist of various tubes with fixed • Required extensive pretreatment for MSW Aguado et al. (2002), Walendziewski
wall • Small channel for the passage of feedstock (2002), Marculescu et al. (2007)
• Heated externally • Erosion of the reactor due to presence of sand
• Simple and safe and other solid contaminants present in the
• Coke and gas can be obtained from feedstock
reactor Continuously • Heat transfer co-efficient is not well defined
• Suitable to use for both thermal and

catalytic pyrolysis processes

Table 3 (continued)

Reactor Type Advantages Disadvantages References

• Thermoselect process, Compact
power process and CNRS
thermo-chemical convertor are the
types of tubular reactor
Multi stage • Consist of two stages and three Ohmukai et al. (2008), Zhao et al. (2011)
• Have the potential to control at
different conditions
• Provide solution to run pyrolysis
technology independently
• Produce HCl gas can be separated
from volatile value products at
different stages
Plasma • Convert waste into synthetic gas • Required high energy to run the process as Wang and Huang (2008), Huang and
• High heat transfer which increase temperature required is 1000 °C Tang (2007), George (1994)
reactor temperature rapidly • Only applied for hazardous waste
• Control process temperature, high • Economically not favorable for MSW
process rate, low reaction volume
• Produced syngas has optimum
• Produced products are harmless to
human health and environment
Microwave • Used for homogenous waste • Very fine feedstock particles are required to get Baghurst and Mingos (1992), Yin (2002)
• Rapid increase of reactor rapid heating rate
temperature • To reduce secondary cracking solid-laden
• Easy to control vapors has to be removed rapidly from reactor
• Can be run at desire temperature
• Lower and higher temperature for
reaction vessels and for reaction
R. Miandad et al.

mixture respectively
The Energy and Value-Added Products from Pyrolysis … 343

Table 4 Suitability of plastic for pyrolysis

Resin Suitability for pyrolysis Temperature required References
Polystyrene Good and gives better fuel properties Low temperature is Lee and Shin
(PS) required as compared (2007)
to PP and PE
Polyethylene Good, but Required Miskolczi
(PE) mostly is converted into wax, if Temperature is et al. (2009),
catalyst is not used high >500 °C Lee (2012)
Polypropylene Good Requires high Miskolczi
(PP) temperature et al. (2009)
PVC Not suitable, Lopez et al.
Produce hazardous chlorinated gas, (2011a,
Dechlorination via low temperature 2012)
(250–320 °C) or physical or
chemical adsorption is required
PET Not suitable, and Thorat et al.
contains Heteroatom’s (2013)

produced at low temperature, while at higher temperature it decomposes into other

chemicals like toluene and ethyl-benzene (Lopez et al. 2009; Lee and Shin 2007).
Demirbas (2004) reported that decrease in styrene yield at high temperature is due
to secondary reactions. Pyrolysis of PP and PE require high temperature (>450 °C),
as they produce high carbon chain fractions in the liquid due to presence of long
carbon chain compounds (López et al. 2010).
Retention time also affects the pyrolysis process, however its impact is lower than
temperature. According to Lopez et al. (2009), at shorter retention times, aromatic
hydrocarbons are produced, especially when feedstock consist of PS plastic. About
60 % of aromatic hydrocarbons are produced from the pyrolysis of mixed plastic
waste containing PS, PP and PE at 350 °C (Lee and Shin 2007). Moreover, the effect
of retention time on the carbon chain fraction is less, as similar carbon chain com-
pounds are produced at each temperature with different retention times. However at
higher temperature, an increase in the >C13 fraction is observed. According to
Lopez et al. (2009), this may be due to high retention time in reactors, as plastic and
its derivatives decompose and generate high carbon chain compounds in comparison
to light carbon chain compounds that are formed at low retention time.
López et al. (2010) studied catalytic pyrolysis of various feedstock including film,
paper and char by using ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst. They reported that even at low
temperature (440 °C), more than 90 % by weight decomposition is occurred when
feedstock consist of 65 % PE. However, paper-rich samples produced less organic
liquid (25.5 wt%) and gases (29.4 wt%), while glass-rich samples produced more char
(12.9 wt%) in comparison to both paper and film-rich samples. High char production
may be due to the reaction of the glass-rich samples with ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst.
344 R. Miandad et al.

The type of plastic also affects the quantity and quality of produced liquid oil
from the pyrolysis process. According to Siddiqui and Redhwi (2009), PS plastic
produces less viscous liquid oil due to shorter carbon chain compounds in com-
parison to PE and PP that produce long carbon chain compounds. Therefore, liquid
oil produced from PE and PP has high viscosity (Syamsiro et al. 2014). During the
winter season or areas where temperature is very low, high viscous oil affects the oil
fluidity, resulting in poor atomization and poor engine performance (Kim et al.
2009; Oasmaa and Czernik 1999).
The effect of moisture contents in feedstock is limited. However its presence in
paper, pulp and bamboo feedstocks leads to decrease in H2 production and increase
in tar concentration (Chen et al. 2014a, b). Luo et al. (2010) examined MSW
pyrolysis with different feedstock and particle size range (0–5, 5–10 and 10–
20 mm). They found that with smaller particle size, the gas fractions increase in
comparison to liquid and char fractions. Moreover, there are some other factors that
affect pyrolysis process such as flash and fast pyrolysis, which increase liquid oil
yield production (Sharma et al. 2014). Furthermore, continuous stirring of feedstock
inside the reactor decreases the overall process retention time (Abbas-Abadi et al.
2014), while insulation of the reactor saves energy (Chen et al. 2014a, b).
Hernández et al. (2007) used sand to increase the temperature of the reactor in order
to reduce the parasitic energy demand of the process.

2.3 Effect of Catalyst on Pyrolysis

Catalysts are used to improve the quality of produced liquid oil and overall per-
formance of pyrolysis process. Different types of catalyst are used including, Red
Mud (López et al. 2010), FCC (Lee 2009), Ca (OH)2 (Sarker et al. 2011), and
Fe2O3 (Sarkar et al. 2011). Saw dust was also used to improve the quality of the
produced oil from the pyrolysis of rubber waste (Wang et al. 2014). Moreover,
different types of natural and synthetic zeolite catalysts have also been used
including, ZSM-5 zeolite (Lopez et al. 2010), HZSM-5 zeolite (Hernández et al.
2007) and natural zeolite (Syamsiro et al. 2014). Modifications in natural zeolite
catalysts using different processes were also carried out such as zinc-modified
zeolite via wet impregnation (Ciobanu et al. 2008), ZSM-5 modified with boron via
impregnation (Zhou et al. 2014) and natural zeolite catalyst modified with Ni,
Ni-Mo, Co and Co-Mo metals (Sriningsih et al. 2014).
Use of a catalyst has different effects on the pyrolysis process, however one of the
main effects is to increase the quality of produced liquid oil (Wang and Wang 2011).
The lighter fraction, especially gasoline is increased by the use of catalyst.
According to Lopez et al. (2011a), catalysts also decrease energy consumption of the
pyrolysis process. According to Miskolczi et al. (2009), the use of ZSM-5 catalyst
decreased the impurities in liquid oil as well as nitrogen and sulphur contents.
The effect of catalyst varies with the type of plastic waste. By using ZSM-5
zeolite catalyst, it was found that plastic waste containing mostly PE type plastic
The Energy and Value-Added Products from Pyrolysis … 345

achieve higher yields of liquid oil. The maximum liquid oil yield was obtained at
440 °C from PE plastic; however the same result was also achieved at 500 °C
without using a catalyst. This means that the catalyst decreases the temperature
requirement of the pyrolysis process (Lopez et al. 2011a).
In another study by Lee (2012), pyrolysis of PE plastic type without catalyst
resulted in wax formation. The use of a catalyst with this wax produced liquid oil with
a high H/C ratio and hydrocarbons. The textural properties of a catalyst plays a vital
role in liquid oil's purifying characteristic. The ZSM-5 catalyst has a high micropore
area and volume that means this catalyst has high internal porosity. While, red mud has
low porosity and most of the macro and meso pores are located on the external surface
of the catalyst. Moreover, red mud is less acidic than ZSM-5 catalyst and thus has less
effect on product yield in comparison to the ZSM-5 catalyst (Lopez et el. 2011b).
Modification in zeolite catalyst has been under consideration for the last few
decades. By making zeolite composites with zinc, adsorption capacity has increased
due to narrower pores of zeolites. Modified zeolites catalysts have an average
particle size of few microns, thus internal surface area can represent more than 99 %
of the total surface area. Almost all active sites are located inside the pores
increasing its adsorption capacity and thus enhancing catalyst purifying ability
(Ciobanu et al. 2008).

3 Energy and Value-Added Products of Plastic Waste


3.1 Liquid Oil as an Energy Source

Liquid oil is the main product of the pyrolysis process. According to Lopez et al.
(2010) and Williams (2006), 1 kg of plastic can produce around 72–84 % by weight
liquid oil. Theoretically, 1.047 MJ/kg energy is required to convert PE plastic into
liquid oil by pyrolysis. The produced liquid oil has an energy value of around
43 MJ/kg that is much higher than the energy consumed by the process (Gao 2010).
Pyrolysis of PE plastic converts feedstock into wax instead of liquid oil, however use
of catalyst can convert PE into liquid oil (Lee 2009). According to Achilias et al.
(2007), pyrolysis of PE and PP is difficult to carry out without catalyst. Moreover by
using the ZSM-5 catalyst, a maximum yield from PE is obtained at low temperature
(440 °C) in comparison to high temperature (500 °C) without using a catalyst
(Lopez et al. 2011a). Use of catalysts not only reduce the process time, but also
remove the impurities from produced liquid oil. According to Miskolczi et al.
(2009), use of catalysts decrease sulphur content in produced liquid oil.
The produced liquid oil from different feedstock has different physical and
chemical properties such as viscosity, density, cold flow properties and HHV.
Viscosity and density are the main properties of liquid oil with regards to its oper-
ational use (Table 5). Liquid oil from plastic pyrolysis has viscosity of 1–2.96 mm2/
s. PS plastic liquid oil has a lower viscosity compared to PE and PP, as it produces
346 R. Miandad et al.

Table 5 Density and viscosity of pyrolysis liquid fuel

Feedstock Density g/cm3 (15 °C) Viscosity mm2/s (40 °C) Reference
PE Bag 1 0.8544 1.739 Syamsiro et al. (2014)
HDPE waste 0.7991 2.319
PE Bag 2 0.824 1.838
LDPE 0.7787 1.89 Panda et al. (2010)
HDPE 0.790 2.1 Kumar et al. (2010)
Waste 0.8355 2.52 Mani et al. (2011)

short carbon chain compounds (Williams and Williams 1999; Siddiqui and Redhwi
2009). While, PE and PP plastic types produce high viscous oils due to presence of
long carbon chain compounds (Syamsiro et al. 2014; Panda and Singh 2013).
Density of the produced liquid oil also varies from 0.77 to 0.91 g/cm3. However,
the values for density are similar to the conventional diesel (0.815–0.870 g/cm3)
(Syamsiro et al. 2014). Therefore, pyrolytic liquid oil can be used as an energy
source. Moreover, cold flow properties of produced liquid oil are below its freezing
point. These properties are critical for the use of any petroleum product. Cold flow
properties include cloud point (where crystals begin to appear) and pour point
(below this temperature liquid does not flow) (Isioma et al. 2013; Gardy et al.
2014). Low cold flow properties show that the produced liquid oil has the potential
to be used as an alternative fuel oil in those areas where temperature is extremely
low. Moreover, liquid oil produced from pyrolysis of plastic waste has the same
properties as conventional diesel (Table 6).

3.2 Char as by-Product

Char is an unburnt feedstock left in the pyrolysis reactor. It is produced in very low
quantities, for example, 1.1–3 % char by weight is produced from 1 kg of feedstock
(Lopez et al. 2011a; Williams 2006). Lopez et al. (2010) reported that increase in
temperature decreases the quantity of produced char. Elemental and proximate
analysis show that char contains volatile matter, fixed carbon, ash, etc. (Table 7).

Table 6 Comparison of pyrolysis liquid oil with conventional diesel

Parameters Units Pyrolytic Conventional Reference
liquid fuel diesel
Viscosity mm2/ 1.89 1–4.11 Wongkhorsub and
s Chindaprasert (2013)
Density g/cm3 0.854 0.815–0.870 Syamsiro et al. (2014)
Kinematic cSt 1.77 2.0–5.0 Syamsiro et al. (2014)
Pour point °C −18 Max 18 Syamsiro et al. (2014)
HHV MJ/kg 41.58 46.67 Syamsiro et al. (2014)
Table 7 Elemental and proximate analysis of char (wt%)
Feedstock Pyrolysis Moisture Volatile Fixed Ash C H N Cl HHV Ref
Temp (°C) content matter carbon (MJ/kg)
PS 450 0.91 37.44 57.28 4.37 91.14 4.09 0.09 – 36.29 Syamsiro et al.
HDPE 450 3.09 19.14 57.99 19.78 65.88 2.01 1.50 – 23.04 Syamsiro et al.
Mix plastic 440 0.7 – – – 23.0 2.2 0.4 9.4 Lopez et al.
Packaging 440 – – – – 60.9 10.2 0.2 0.2 41.5 Lopez et al.
waste (2010)
The Energy and Value-Added Products from Pyrolysis …

PE bag 450 1.12 35.29 14.13 49.47 – – – – 19.80 Syamsiro et al.

HDPE 450 1.74 44.47 25.88 27.33 – – – – 26.35 Syamsiro et al.
Temp Temperature; Ref Reference
348 R. Miandad et al.

According to Jamradloedluk and Lertsatitthanakorn (2014), char produced from

HDPE plastic type has volatile matter (51.40 %), fixed carbon (46.03 %), moisture
content (2.41 %), and a small amount of ash. Moreover, char produced from HDPE
and PS has HHVs of 23.04 and 36.29 MJ/kg respectively (Syamsiro et al. 2013). High
heating value of char shows its potential to be used as a source of energy.
Jamradloedluk and Lertsatitthanakorn (2014) crushed the HDPE char into powder and
produced briquettes and used 1 kg for water heating (from room temperature to
boiling temperature) within 13 min. Produced char has potential to be used in other
environmental applications such as adsorption of heavy metals from municipal and
industrial wastewaters and toxic gases (Heras et al. 2014). According to Lopez et al.
(2009), thermal activation of char at 900 °C for 3 h increased its BET surface area and
pore volume upto 55 and 44 %, respectively. Moreover, it decreased the pore size upto
5 %. Steam activation of char produced from waste tires decreased the sulphur content
of char, thus making it a more environmental friendly product.

3.3 Gases

Gases are produced as by-products of pyrolysis of different feedstock. By using the

mass balance formula, it was estimated that 1 kg of feedstock can produce 13–
26.9 % gases by weight from the pyrolysis process (Lopez et al. 2011a; Williams
2006). The yield of produced gases is highly affected by the process temperature.
Lopez et al. (2009) reported that an increase in temperature will increase the yield
of gases and decrease the yield of liquid oil. The major gases are H2, CO and CO2.
In addition, PVC feedstock produces HCl gas that is hazardous gas and causes
apparatus corrosion (Chen et al. 2014a, b; Lopez et al. 2012). The BET surface area
of catalysts also affects the yield of gas production. Higher BET areas provide more
contact for feedstock with the catalyst, resulting in higher gas yield (Syamsiro et al.

4 Conclusion and Future Perspective

The tremendous increase in plastic consumption worldwide for a wide range of

products is causing serious waste disposal and environmental issues. This increases
the importance of plastic recycling and treatment technologies to deal with such
problematic waste in an environmental friendly manner. Pyrolysis is a promising
technology used to convert waste plastic into liquid oil and other valuable
by-products such as char and gases under controlled conditions and is considered to
be a relatively more environmental friendly technology than uncontrolled inciner-
ation. The pyrolysis products yield depend on a number of process parameters such
as temperature, heating rate, moisture contents, retention time, type of plastic and
particle size. A yield of up to 80 % of liquid oil by weight can be achieved from
The Energy and Value-Added Products from Pyrolysis … 349

plastic waste. The produced liquid oil has similar characteristics to the conventional
diesel including, density (0.8 kg/m3), viscosity (up to 2.96 mm2/s), cloud point
(−18 °C), flash point (30.5 °C) and energy content (41.58 MJ/kg), and can be used
as an energy source. Char produced from the pyrolysis can be activated at standard
conditions to be used in wastewater treatment, heavy metals removal, and smoke
and odor removal. The produced gases from pyrolysis are H2, CO and CO2 and can
be used as energy carriers. High temperature and retention time are the main
limitations of pyrolysis of plastic waste, which need to be optimized to make the
process more economically and environmentally favorable.
A number of catalysts have been used in pyrolysis process resulting in improved
liquid oil yield and quality, however exploration and utilization of cheaper catalysts
such as natural zeolites requires more intense research. Moreover, catalysts modi-
fication require further attention to improve their performance to optimize the
overall pyrolysis process. Since this book chapter focused on the case study of
KSA, it is important to mention that intensive research and development work is
still required to understand the full scope and potential of pyrolysis of plastics, in
terms of technical, economic and environmental issues using life cycle assessment
(LCA) tools in relation to local social and environmental conditions, and for
adapting this technology as a WTE technology in KSA (Shahzad et al. 2015;
Rathore et al. 2016; Demirbas et al. 2016b; Lai et al. 2016; Nizami and Ismail


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Turning Food Waste into Biofuel

Wen-Jing Deng

Abstract Food waste (FW) causes economic and environmental problems

worldwide. Currently, most food waste is landfilled or incinerated for possible
energy recovery. However, these methods have serious adverse effects on the
environment. FW is nutritionally rich and offers a unique microbial feedstock for
the production of numerous valuable bioproducts. The aim of this review is to
investigate the technologies used to convert FW to forms of renewable energy such
as biodiesel, ethanol, hydrogen and methane. Life-cycle assessment is performed to
examine and compare the environmental effects of various methods of FW

Keywords Food waste  Biodiesel  Ethanol  Hydrogen  Methane

1 Introduction

Food waste (FW) is organic waste discharged from various sources, such as
food-processing plants, domestic and commercial kitchens, cafeterias and restau-
rants. It comprises the ‘end products of various food-processing industries that have
not been recycled or used for other purposes’, which are regarded as ‘the
non-product flows of raw materials whose economic value is less than the cost of
collection and recovery for reuse; therefore discarded as waste’ (Ezejiofor et al.
2014). According to the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), between 1.3
and 1.6 billion tonnes of food, such as fresh vegetables, fruit, and meat, bakery and
dairy products, are lost along the food-supply chain each year. This accounts for
one third of the food produced globally for human consumption. Every year, food

W.-J. Deng (&)

Department of Science and Environmental Studies,
The Education University of Hong Kong, Tai Po, NT, Hong Kong

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016 357

O.P. Karthikeyan et al. (eds.), Recycling of Solid Waste for Biofuels
and Bio-chemicals, Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products
and Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0150-5_13
358 W.-J. Deng

worth billions of dollars is wasted by the developed economies of the world,

whereas the greatest loss occurs during food production in low-income countries.
However, the problem does not end with food wastage. More than 95 % of FW
ends up at landfill sites, where it is converted into methane, carbon dioxide and
other greenhouse gases (GHGs) by anaerobic digestion (AD). The negative con-
sequences for the environment are severe. FW generation is expected to increase
over the next 25 years due to economic development and population growth,
mainly in Asian countries. In addition, when FW is buried at landfill sites, its high
energy value and the opportunity to obtain a carbon-rich feedstock through
regeneration are lost. Kiran et al. (2014) summarised typical foods wasted in
Asia-Pacific countries and around the world, as shown in Table 1.
In a report by the FAO, food produced but not eaten was estimated to add an
annual 3.3 billion tonnes of GHGs to the planet’s atmosphere. In addition to its
adverse environmental effects, the wastage of food costs producers (excluding fish
and seafood producers) $750 billion per year. With global population growth and
industrialisation, the demand for energy around the world is rapidly increasing.
World energy consumption is expected to increase by 50 % to 180,000 GWh/yr by
2020 (Fernando et al. 2006), primarily due to the rising demand in rapidly growing
Asian countries such as China and India (Khanal 2008).
Fossil fuels, such as petroleum, natural gas and coal, are non-renewable, limited
energy sources, and as such cannot meet the continuously increasing demand for
energy. According to a report released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC 2014), fossil-fuel combustion already accounts for 57 % of the
emissions responsible for global warming. Therefore, it is increasingly important to
search for new sustainable and renewable sources that both provide sufficient
energy and are minimally harmful to humans and the environment. FW is rich in
nutrients, mainly carbohydrate polymers (starch, cellulose and hemicellulose),
proteins, lipids, organic acids, smaller inorganic parts and other compounds. Sugar
and protein make up 35.5–69 and 3.9–21.9 % of FW, respectively. The effects of
global climate change, the rapid economic development of emerging markets and
the gradual but inexorable depletion of fossil-fuel resources have directed
researchers’ attention to FW as a sustainable resource providing renewable carbon
for the industrial production of chemicals, polymers and other materials, energy and
fuel. FW has been used as a unique microbial feedstock for the production of
numerous valuable bioproducts, such as methane, hydrogen, ethanol, biopolymers
and bioplastics. FW can also be used to produce high-value materials such as
organic acids, biodegradable plastics and enzymes. However, the market demand
for these chemicals is much smaller than that for biofuel. Therefore, we focus on
techniques developed to produce biofuels such as biodiesel, ethanol, hydrogen and
methane from FW. We review the existing literature in this area and compare
numerous studies of the conversion of FW to various types of fuel. In addition,
life-cycle assessment is conducted to examine and compare the environmental
effects of several conversion methods.
Table 1 Typical wasted foods in several Asia-Pacific countries and around the globe by Kiran et al. (2014)
Waste (KT) World Asia South-eastern Australia Cambodia China Indonesia Japan Malaysia New North Philippines South Thailand Vietnam
Asia Zealand Korea Korea
Cereal 95,245 52,374 12,599 1380 506.1 18,990 4.6 413.4 183.4 28.6 253.0 215.7 628.4 1999 2706
Rice 26,738 22,668 10,792 0.4 506.0 6046 3.3 139.4 50.2 NR NR 162.7 458.2 1997 2478
Sugar 459.9 188.9 151.7 93.6 NR 0.4 NR 20.8 NR NR NR NR NR 151.7 NR
Pulses 2735 1134 241.6 36.0 0.9 142.3 38.0 7.1 NR 1.2 10.3 NR 2.0 7.0 8.6
Oil crops 18,424 13,590 2515 3.9 3.8 9017 2238 69.6 1.4 0.1 15.2 NR 12.7 159.4 30.5
Vegetable oil 616.1 269.3 116.9 NR NR 133.4 NR 13.0 116.9 NR NR NR NR NR NR
Vegetables 81,441 59,949 2710 54.1 46.9 39,286 755.0 1224 64.8 73.2 414.2 242.5 1555 339.5 777.2
Turning Food Waste into Biofuel

Beans 1049 447.3 218.1 1.1 0.9 49.1 37.2 6.5 NR 0.2 10.3 2.2 1.6 3.7 5.2
Onions 5891 3877 186.0 14.6 NR 139.5 2107 99.9 68.1 NR NR 3.5 6.9 5.5 22.7
Peas 412.7 145.1 2.1 7.2 NR 39.9 NR 0.4 NR 1.1 NR 0.3 0.1 0.1 NR
Tomatoes 12,874 7415 104.2 NR NR 3181 85.3 100.7 1.6 9.5 8.3 9.9 57.6 7.3 NR
Potatoes 62,229 12,912 466.1 23.6 NR 7501 250.0 177.0 NR 10.9 156.0 34.4 95.3 9.0 83.3
Fruits 53,796 28,328 4529 30.9 30.5 8323 2706 749.0 89.1 43.4 153.5 1183 276.6 786.4 531.0
Apples 5742 4116 13.2 5.9 NR 3192 3.1 84.6 NR 22.4 72.8 3.8 49.0 1.2 5.1
Banana 13,532 8544 1896 5.4 7.8 949.3 637.4 213.0 56.1 7.6 NR 901.3 NR 153.7 137
Coconut 3038 2488 2159 NR NR 20.5 2066 NR 1.3 NR NR 7.8 NR 69.1 0.9
Pineapple 1829 579 431.9 NR 2.2 97.7 NR 15.4 NR 0.3 NR 109.9 2.8 189.5 50
Coffee 105.0 33.3 28.3 NR NR 0.03 20.9 NR 0.6 NR NR 6.4 NR NR NR
Milk 16,560 10,887 183.3 NR 1.6 1447 45 NR 3.8 164.8 4.9 NR 42.4 25.2 9.5
Cream 33.9 0.1 NR NR NR 0.1 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR
Butter 84.0 1.7 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 23.1 NR
Animal fats 174.1 1.8 NR NR NR 0.1 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR
Meat 1184 183.2 NR NR NR NR NR 107.2 NR NR NR NR 107.2 23.1 NR
Offal 63.0 19.6 NR 8.7 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR
Poultry meat 97.5 61.2 NR NR NR NR 34.5 NR NR NR NR NR NR 23.1 NR
Total FW 1300 278  79.3  6.34 2.50 82.80  30.90 16.40 3.36  1.25 5.19  12.00 4.91 8.6 11.55
FW Food waste; KT Kilotons; MT Million tonnes; NR Not reported
360 W.-J. Deng

2 Biodiesel Production

The possibility of using biodiesel as a fuel was first recognised during global efforts
to identify and develop alternative energy resources in response to the worldwide
depletion of non-renewable energy sources (Berchmans and Hirata 2008). The
demand for biodiesel is also increasing as a result of the adverse environmental
effects of emissions from conventional fossil-fuel combustion and a decline in
domestic oil production (Mondala et al. 2009). Biodiesel, which has been shown to
have great potential as an alternative fuel, can be produced from FW by either direct
transesterification, using alkaline or acid catalysts, or the transesterification of
microbial oils by various oleaginous microorganisms. Commercially, biodiesel is
produced by transesterification in the presence of alcohol and a catalyst. This
process involves the conversion of triglycerides (oil) to methyl esters (biodiesel)
and a by-product (glycerol) (Low et al. 2011). Biodiesel is biodegradable and
non-toxic, releases little sulphur when burned, has a carbon monoxide-free and
aromatic-free emission profile, and may even benefit the environment by providing
a means of recycling spent oils and fats (Siles et al. 2010). Waste cooking oil
(WCO) comprises various types of residue from kitchens, restaurants, food factories
and even human and animal waste; it is not only detrimental to human health but
causes environmental pollution. The production of biodiesel from FW as a partial
substitute for petroleum diesel is one means of addressing the twin problems of
environmental pollution and energy shortage. Chen et al. (2008) examined the use
of immobilised Candida lipase to produce biodiesel from WCO in a three-step
fixed-bed reactor. The main product was biodiesel, consisting of fatty acid methyl
esters. The microbial oils produced by many yeast strains can be used as a substitute
for plant oils, due to their similar fatty-acid compositions, or as raw materials for
biodiesel production. Papanikolaou et al. (2011) cultivated five strains of
Aspergillus sp. and one strain of Penicillium expansum fungi on waste cooking
olive oil to produce lipid-rich biomass. The amount of lipid accumulation was
found to depend on the culture used; one strain of Aspergillus sp. accumulated up to
64.0 % (w/w) of lipids in dry fungal mass, with a productivity of 0.74 g/g. Pleissner
et al. (2013) recovered glucose, free amino nitrogen and phosphate from FW by
fungal hydrolysis using Aspergillus awamori and Aspergillus oryzae as raw
materials for biodiesel production. The production yield was 31.9 % for glucose,
0.28 % for free amino nitrogen and 0.38 % for phosphate. Ultimately, the fer-
mentation process yielded 10–20 g of biomass, rich in carbohydrates, lipids, pro-
teins and saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. FW hydrolysate was thus found
to offer a suitable culture medium and nutrient source for fungal and yeast culti-
vation. The conventional process flow of biodiesel production is shown in Fig. 1
(Daud et al. 2015). Other studies on biodiesel production from FW arelisted in
Table 2.
The other important material used to produce biodiesel is palm oil. More than
90 % of Southeast Asia’s biodiesel is produced by transesterification, with palm oil
as the raw material. This simple and rapid chemical reaction yields a high rate of
Turning Food Waste into Biofuel 361






Acid Acid
for treatment

Fig. 1 Conventional process flow of biodiesel production (Daud et al. 2015)

conversion of oil (triglycerides) to biodiesel (methyl esters) (Marchaetti et al. 2007).

However, the untreated biodiesel produced by transesterification contains several
impurities. A traditional purification method is wet washing: water or a weak acid is
used to remove some of the excess contaminants and leftover production chemicals
from the biodiesel. Although this method has several advantages, adding water to
the process has many disadvantages, such as increased cost and production time,
the generation of a highly polluting effluent (wastewater) that must be treated prior
to environmental discharge and a significant loss of biodiesel in the wastewater
phase (Berrios and Skelton 2008; Canakci et al. 2001). It has been observed that
biodiesel production exceeding 350,000 L/day can yield more than 70,000 L of
biodiesel-contaminated wastewater per day (Jaruwat et al. 2010). It is thus neces-
sary to develop a more efficient technique for wastewater treatment in biodiesel

3 Ethanol Production

The demand for ethanol has recently increased around the world, due to its wide
range of potential industrial applications. Ethanol is one of the most important
renewable fuels. Its use helps to reduce the pollution generated by the worldwide
utilisation of fossil fuels, and incurs smaller costs than other fuel types. Ethanol is
mainly used as a chemical feedstock to produce ethylene, which is a key raw

Table 2 Biodiesel production from FW

Waste Microorganism Vessel type Pre-treatment Conditions Duration Y (g cell/g FW) Y (g/g FW) Reference
Waste, cooking A. niger SmF-250 mL Filtration 28 °C, pH 6, 5 1.2 0.6 Papanikolaou
olive oil NRRL363 flasks 200 rpm et al. (2011)
Waste, cooking A. niger SmF-250 mL Filtration 28 °C, pH 6, 8 1.15 0.74 Papanikolaou
olive oil NRRL363 flasks 200 rpm et al. (2011)
FW Schizochytrium SmF-2 L Fungal hydrolysis 25 °C, pH 6.5, 4 NR NR Pleissner et al.
mangrovei bioreactor by A. oryzae and 400 rpm (2013)
A. awamori,
FW Chlorella SmF-2 L Fungal hydrolysis 28 °C, pH 6.5, 4 NR NR Pleissner et al.
pyrenoidosa bioreactor by A. oryzae and 400 rpm (2013)
A. awamori,
FW Food waste; Y Yield; P Productivity; SmF Submerged fermentation; l Specific growth rate; A Aspergillus; NR Not reported
W.-J. Deng
Turning Food Waste into Biofuel 363

material in the production of polyethylene and other plastics, with a market demand
of more than 140 million tonnes per year. Therefore, methods of producing bioe-
thanol from cheap feedstock have gained much attention from researchers
(Lundgren and Hjertberg 2010). Traditionally, bioethanol has been produced from
starch-rich crops such as potato, rice, and sugar cane (Thomsen et al. 2003).
Commercial enzymes, particularly Saccharomyces cerevisiae, can easily be used to
convert starch to glucose and ferment the resulting glucose to ethanol. Another
important resource for bioethanol production is cellulose, but the hydrolysis of
cellulose is a more complex process. If FW contain large quantities of cellulosic
feedstock, hydrolysis is much more difficult. Many studies have been performed to
identify low-cost and high-efficiency methods of producing ethanol from abundant
and cheap forms of waste such as lignocellulosic waste, municipal waste and FW
(Jensen et al. 2011). Table 3 displays the findings obtained on the processes and
yield associated with producing ethanol from different types of FW.
Various types of FW, such as starchy products from bakeries and food-processing
plants, cheese whey from dairy-processing industries, mandarin waste and banana
peel, can be used as raw materials for ethanol production. Over the last two dec-
ades, numerous studies have been conducted to examine the use of various forms of
FW to produce ethanol. For example, Kumar et al. (1998) used cheese whey as a
raw material, and Walker et al. (2012) used restaurant waste.
Three commercial enzyme solutions, fungal a-amylase, cellulose and glucoamy-
lase, are widely used in the production of ethanol. Their optimum temperature
ranges from 50 to 60 °C for fungal a-amylase, from 55 to 60 °C for cellulose and
from 55 to 60 °C for glucoamylase. Their optimum pH ranges from 4.0 to 6.5 for
fungal a-amylase, from 4.8 to 5.2 for cellulose and from 4.0 to 4.5 for glu-
coamylase. A mixture of the three enzymes is most effective for substrates with a
large molecular weight.
The results of many studies indicate that pre-treatment may not be necessary to
convert FW to ethanol prior to enzymatic hydrolysis. Several researchers have found
that instead of pre-treatment, autoclaving FW before fermentation is often necessary
to improve product yield and purity, albeit at the cost of energy and water con-
sumption. It should be noted that thermal treatment may partially degrade sugars and
other nutritional components, thereby reducing the amount of useful sugars and
amino acids produced (Sakai et al. 2006). Fresh and wet FW has been reported to be
more effective than re-wetted dried FW (Kim et al. 2005), mainly due to the smaller
specific surface area of the dried substrate, which reduces the efficiency of the
reaction between enzymes and substrate. Therefore, it is preferable to use FW
without a drying pre-treatment as long as microbial contamination is manageable. In
the absence of thermal sterilisation, acid-tolerant ethanol producing microorganisms
Table 3 Ethanol production from FW (Kiran et al. 2014)

Waste Method Vessel type Pre-treatment Microorganism Duration Y (g RS/100 g FW) Y (g/g FW) Reference
Bakery Simultaneous 14 L fermenter None S. cerevisiae 14 54 0.25 Kumar et al.
waste (1998)
FW Repeated batch 1 L fermenter with None S. cerevisiae 264 12.3 0.06 Ma et al.
simultaneous 0.8 L working vol ATCC26602 (2007)
Mandarin Simultaneous 500 mL flask Drying, S. cerevisiae Anr, 24 25.2 0.11 Sharma
waste, steam Pachysolen et al. (2007)
banana peel explosion tannophilus
FW Separate 500 mL None S. cerevisiae KA4 16 23.4 0.12 Kim et al.
flask100 mL (2008)
working vol
FW Simultaneous Flask with 100 g None S. cerevisiae 48 11.25 0.08 Ma et al.
FW (2007)
FW Separate Tower shaped LAB S. cerevisiae strain 15 11.7 0.03 Tang et al.
continuous reactor, 0.45 L spraying KF-7 (2008)
working vol
FW Simultaneous Flask with 100 g None S. cerevisiae 67.6 34.8 0.23 Wang et al.
FW (2008)
FW Continuous Fermenter with LAB S. cerevisiae KF7 25 36.4 0.09 Koike et al.
simultaneous 4.3 kg FW spraying (2009)
FW Simultaneous 1 L fermenter with None S. cerevisiae 48 8.9 0.06 Ma et al.
0.8 L working vol KRM-1 (2009)
W.-J. Deng
Table 3 (continued)
Waste Method Vessel type Pre-treatment Microorganism Duration Y (g RS/100 g FW) Y (g/g FW) Reference
FW Repeated batch 250 mL flask None Zymomonas 14 15.4 0.07 Ma et al.
simultaneous 150 mL working mobilis GZNS1 (2008)
FW Simultaneous 250 mL flask None S. cerevisiae 48 60 0.36 Hong et al.
200 mL working (2011)
FW Separate 5 L fermenter with None S. cerevisiae 24 27 0.16 Kim et al.
Turning Food Waste into Biofuel

working volume of (2011)

FW Synchronous Fermenter with None Saccharomyces 352 12.5 NR Li et al.
saccharification 200 g FW italicus kJ (2011)
NR Not reported; FW Food waste; LAB Lactic acid bacteria; RS Reducing sugar; Y Yield; P Productivity
366 W.-J. Deng

such as Zymomonas mobilis have been used to ferment FW, because acidic condi-
tions prevent microbial contamination and putrefaction (Koike et al. 2009; Ye et al.
Enzyme Digestion
As yeast cells cannot ferment starch or cellulose directly into bioethanol, the effi-
ciency of the conversion of FW to ethanol depends on the extent of carbohydrate
saccharification (Tubb 1986). A mixture of a-amylase, b-amylase, and glucoamy-
lase of various origins is best suited for use with substrates with a large molecular
weight. Pullulanase has recently also been added to the list of saccharifying
enzymes (Tomasik and Horton 2012). Small fermentable sugars (e.g. maltose,
amylose, glucose, maltose syrup and fructose) can be produced during saccharifi-
cation, and forms of cellulase and xylanase, such as endoglucanase, exoglucanase,
b-glucosidase and b-xylosidase, can also be used to improve the hydrolysis of
cereals to convert starches to glucose.
After enzyme digestion, samples are inoculated with Saccharomyces cerevisiae
(yeast) to convert the glucose produced in the previous step to ethanol. Fed-batch
and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) methods have been
developed to achieve high glucose concentrations and thus a high ethanol yield
from low-cost FW. The fed-batch culture method is commonly used to produce
highly concentrated reducing sugars that can easily be fermented to ethanol.
Compared with the batch-culture method, the fed-batch configuration has been
found to significantly improve the performance of saccharification and subse-
quently ethanol fermentation. In one study, for instance, the glucose bioconversion
yield was shown to reach 92 % of its theoretical value (Yan et al. 2012). SSF is
another promising means of converting cellulose into ethanol. During SSF, a
cellulose-hydrolysing enzyme complex (cellulase) is combined with an
ethanol-producing organism to simultaneously hydrolyse cellulose to glucose and
convert glucose to ethanol in the same reactor. It is vital to identify the optimal
fermentation conditions, because enzymes and fermenting microorganisms may
have different optimum pH values and temperatures. Ma et al. (2009) investigated
the SSF of kitchen garbage by the acid-tolerant Zymomonas mobilis without ster-
ilisation. The ethanol yield was 10.08 g/L h; 15.4 g sugar was used per 100 g of
garbage; and 0.49 g ethanol per g sugar was obtained within 14 h.
Methods of ethanol production have not differed significantly between studies
listed in Table 3 (Kiran et al. 2014). Walker et al. (2012) used restaurant waste such
as corn, potatoes and pasta to produce ethanol. The FW was converted to ethanol in
two steps: first, the two-part enzymatic digestion of starch using a-amylase and
glucoamylase, followed by the fermentation of the resulting sugars to ethanol using
yeast. Low ethanol concentrations (0.8 %) were achieved due to the low initial
composition of starch in the FW. Ethanol concentration increased with increasing
enzyme dosage. The process flow is shown in Fig. 2.
Turning Food Waste into Biofuel 367

Fig. 2 The process flow of ethanol production from FW

4 Hydrogen Production

Hydrogen is a promising alternative to fossil fuels, as it is clean, renewable and has

a high energy yield. Anaerobic fermentation is an environmentally friendly and
energy-saving method of biohydrogen production. The anaerobic acidification of
FW produces various organic acids, H2, CO2 and other intermediates. As the
reactions involved in hydrogen production are rapid and do not require solar
radiation, they can be used to treat large quantities of organic waste. Hydrogen is
used as a compressed gas, with an energy yield (142.35 kJ/g) approximately 2.1
times greater than that of methane and 2.8 times greater than that of gasoline.
Carbohydrate-rich FW is suitable for hydrogen production. In a review of earlier
studies on the production of hydrogen from FW (Table 4), Kiran et al. (2014)
reported that hydrogen yields ranged from 0.9 to 8.35 mol/mol hexose (Patel et al.
2012). Although hydrogen can be produced thermos-chemically and radio-lytically,
the processes involved are not very economical. Hydrogen can be produced by
water electrolysis only in areas in which cheap electricity is readily available.
Therefore, the use of bacteria to produce hydrogen directly from renewable biomass
and water has considerable potential to increase the use of hydrogen as a fuel.
Hydrogen production by microorganisms can be divided into two main categories:
one involves photosynthetic bacteria cultured under anaerobic light conditions, and
the other involves chemotrophic bacteria. Chemotropic bacteria can generate
hydrogen without photoenergy (Gray and Gest 1965). Shimizu et al. (2008)
investigated hydrogen fermentation from FW in the absence of inocula. Hydrogen
production occurred at an initial FW pH of 7.0–9.0 and an initial temperature of 22–
35 °C (maximum production of 40 ml-H2/g-TS at an initial pH of 9.0 and a tem-
perature of 35 °C). In the next step, the pH was controlled by the addition of a
NaOH solution. The optimal pH for hydrogen production was 5.0–6.0, due to the
acceleration of butyrate fermentation in this range. Many factors may affect
hydrogen production, such as materials, pre-treatment type and process configu-
ration. The process flow of hydrogen production from FW is shown in Fig. 3.

Table 4 Hydrogen production from FW

Waste Vessel type Pretreatment Inoculum Duration OLR OLR Y (mL/ Reference
(d) (kg VS/m3 d) (kg COD/m3) g VS)
FW Leaching bed reactor None HSSS 7 NR NR 160 Han and
with 3.8 L working vol Shin
FW 415 mL bottle with None HSSS 3 NA NA 67 Kim et al.
with 200 mL working vol (2005)
FW Bioreactor with 3 L None Anaerobic 5 8 NR 125 Shin et al.
working vol SS (2004)
FW Bioreactor with 3 L None Anaerobic 60 3 NR NR Shin et al.
working vol SS (2005)
FW CSTR with 10 L None SS 150 38.4 64.4 283 Youn et al.
working vol (2005)
FW 1 L bioreactor with None Anaerobic 2 NA NA 57 Chu et al.
500 mL working vol SS (2008)
FW 7.5 L bioreactor with 3 L Heat pre-treatment SS 3 NA NA 153.5 Pan et al.
working vol (90 °C, 20 min) (2008)
FW ASBR with 4.5 L None HSSS NR NR NR 80.9 Kim et al.
working vol (2008)
FW Bioreactor with 1 L None SS 2 NA NA NR Kim et al.
working vol (2011)
FW Rotating drum None 30 22.65 NR NR 65 Li and
with 200 L working vol Fang
FW Food waste; Y Yield; P Productivity; SS Seed sludge; HSSS Heat shocked seed sludge; d Day; min Minute; NR Not reported; NA Not applicable
W.-J. Deng
Turning Food Waste into Biofuel 369

Fig. 3 The process flow of hydrogen production from FW

It has been reported that carbohydrate-based waste yields 20 times more hydrogen
than that produced from fat-based and protein-based waste (Show et al. 2012). This
difference may be due to the consumption of hydrogen to form ammonium using
nitrogen generated from protein biodegradation. Clostridium sporogenes
(Clostridium sp.) yields more hydrogen (1.61–2.36 mol/mol glucose) than other
anaerobic bacteria, such as Enterobacter and Bacillus (Hawkes et al. 2002).
Therefore, carbohydrate-based waste may be the ideal raw material for hydrogen
Many researchers have examined the use of mixed cultures to produce hydrogen
from FW. However, hydrogen generated by Clostridium and Enterobacter is often
used by hydrogenotrophic bacteria (Li and Fang 2007). The conditions of
hydrogen-producing bacteria are an important determinant of hydrogen yield. FW
itself may also be a source of hydrogen-producing microflora. Kim et al. (2008)
tested several pre-treatments to select the optimal FW microflora for use in hydrogen
production. Lactic-acid bacteria were found to be the most abundant species in
untreated FW, whereas hydrogen-producing bacteria were dominant in pre-treated
FW. Heat treatment is an effective means of suppressing lactate production and
increasing hydrogen/butyrate production. Heat treatment is the most commonly used
method of screening hydrogen-producing bacteria, despite its potential to increase
cost. Researchers have investigated heat treatments ranging from 75 °C (Chang et al.
2002) to 121 °C (Wang et al. 2003) and from 15 min (Lay et al. 1999) to 2 h (Fan
and Chen 2004). To date, optimal temperature and duration of heat treatments have
not been investigated in detail. However, heat treatment is likely to increase costs in
large-scale operations. Luo et al. (2010) investigated several methods of
inoculum-based pre-treatment, and concluded that pre-treatment is not particularly
important, as it has only short-term effects on hydrogen production.
370 W.-J. Deng

Fermentative microorganisms such as Clostridium and Thermoanaerobacterium are
able to produce hydrogen from carbohydrates (Lay 2000; Zhang et al. 2003).
Hydrogen can be generated by the dark fermentation of carbohydrate-rich waste
(Khanal 2008). During the anaerobic acidification of organic wastes, methano-
genesis or sulphate-reducing bacteria consume hydrogen produced by acidogenesis,
contributing negatively to biohydrogen production (Mizuno et al. 2000). It has been
reported that more hydrogen can be produced under thermophilic conditions than
mesophilic conditions (Yu et al. 2002; Zhang et al. 2003), and that microorganisms
such as Thermoanaerobacterium and Thermosaccharolyticum produce almost as
much hydrogen through thermophilic acidogenesis as Clostridium butyricum (Ueno
et al. 2001). In addition, thermophilic conditions have been reported to inhibit
methanogenesis (Ueno et al. 1996). The whole metabolic pathway is affected by
several factors, such as pH, temperature, carbon source, nutrients and retention time
(Wang and Wan 2009).
Effective pH control is crucial to improve the germination of Clostridium sp.,
and to initiate and operate a hydrogen-producing bioprocess (Han and Shin 2004).
When FW is degraded during fermentation, pH decreases due to the production of
volatile fatty acids (VFAs). Maintaining appropriate pH levels is crucial to ensure
stable fermentation (Hawkes et al. 2002). In recent studies of the effects of pH on
dark hydrogen fermentation, optimal pH values have been found to depend on
experimental factors such as initial pH values, operational pH values, substrates,
reactors, temperature and seed sludge (Wang and Wan 2009).
The effects of temperature on hydrogen production have been examined in many
studies. Most researchers have found that hydrogen yield increases with temperature.
Yu et al. (2002) found that the hydrogen yield from winery wastewater at 55 °C
was 38 % higher than that at 20 °C. Morimoto et al. (2004) reported that the
hydrogen yield from glucose at 60 °C (218 ml H2/g hexose) was 60 % higher than
that at 50 °C (136 ml H2/g hexose). Valdez-Vazquez et al. (2005) reported that
hydrogen-production yield at 55 °C was 437 ml H2/g hexose, substantially higher
than the yield at 37 °C (201 ml H2/g hexose). Temperature has also been shown to
affect the metabolic pathway, due to a change in the composition of by-products:
mainly acetate and butyrate, but also propionate and ethanol. However, the results of
studies investigating the effects of temperature on hydrogen production are not
Various fermentation systems have been developed to produce H2 from FW,
such as batch fermentation, semi-continuous fermentation, continuous fermentation
and single- or multiple-stage fermentation (Hallenbeck and Ghosh 2009). High H2
production rates have been reported in anaerobic sequencing batch reactors and
up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors, due to their high biomass
concentrations. During these processes, solid retention time (SRT) determines
substrate-uptake efficiency, microbial size and composition, and metabolic path-
ways. A long SRT favours the growth of H2 consumers, while a short SRT may
reduce substrate uptake efficiency, active biomass retention and subsequently the
Turning Food Waste into Biofuel 371

efficiency of the overall process. If the optimal SRT can be achieved at a low
hydraulic retention time (HRT), the productivity and technical feasibility of the
hydrogen-production process are enhanced (Kim et al. 2008). Various optimal HRT
values have been reported. Kim et al. (2008) investigated the effects of an SRT of
24–160 h and an HRT of 24–42 h on hydrogen production from FW. The maxi-
mum hydrogen yield, 80.9 mL/g volatile solid (VS), equivalent to 1.12 mol/mol
hexose, was obtained at an SRT of 126 h and an HRT of 33 h.
As the conversion of FW into hydrogen has been shown to be highly dependent
on operational conditions, effective control of operational conditions is essential to
achieve efficient hydrogen production. A two-stage process may be possible: har-
vesting hydrogen at the acidification stage of anaerobic treatment and using the
remaining acidification products, such as acetate and butyrate, to produce methane.

5 Methane Production

The biomethanation of FW has received attention for its potential to reduce the
harmful effects of waste generation on the environment and human health.
Biomethanation could play an important role in waste management, as it incurs low
costs, produces little residual waste and is a renewable energy source (Morita and
Sasaki 2012). In addition to producing biogas, biomethanation yields a nutrient-rich
digestate as a by-product, which can be used as a fertiliser or soil conditioner.
Optimal methane production is only achieved when microorganisms interact
(Chartrain et al. 1993). Imbalances between microbial groups may not only reduce
methane production but lead to process failure (Lee et al. 1999), due to the accu-
mulation of intermediate compounds that inhibit methanogens. Several parameters
affect methane yield and process stability, such as moisture, VS content, nutrient
content, particle size and biodegradability. Omar et al. (2008) investigated the
anaerobic treatment of cattle manure in a laboratory-scale bioreactor, and observed
an improvement in biogas yield of up to 0.207 m3/kg VS added, with an average
methane content of 65 %, as a result of adding palm oil mill effluent as an
inoculum. Lee et al. (1999) used a 5 L continuously fed digester to convert FW to
methane, resulting in 70 % VS conversion with a methane yield of 440 mL/g VS.
Gunaseelan (2004) reported methane production from 54 types of FW and veg-
etable waste ranging from 180–732 ml/g VS, depending on the origin of the waste.
Process configuration is a very important determinant of the efficiency of methane
production. The processes reported in the literature fall into two main categories:
single-stage AD and two-stage AD. Single-stage AD is widely used for municipal
solid waste (MSW) treatment. All of the reactions take place simultaneously in a
single reactor, and the system experiences less frequent technical failures and incurs
smaller investment costs than its two-stage counterpart. In contrast, two-stage AD is
often used to produce hydrogen and methane in separate reactors (Chu et al. 2008).
372 W.-J. Deng

Fig. 4 The process flow of methane production from FW

During the first stage, fast-growing acidogens and hydrogen-producing microor-

ganisms are enriched to produce hydrogen and VFAs. During the second stage,
slow-growing acetogens and methanogens are built up and used to convert the
VFAs to methane and carbon dioxide. Anderson et al. (1994) compared traditional
single-phase AD with two-phase AD, and found the latter to perform better in terms
of acid production and methane production. Speece (1996) investigated the AD of
ethanol, and found that the maximum load and removal capacity of chemical
oxygen demand (COD) during two-phase AD were twice those during single-phase
AD (Speece 1996). Lee and Chung (2010) also proved that the two-stage process of
hydrogen/methane fermentation has significantly greater energy-recovery potential
than methane-only fermentation. Park et al. (2008) compared the use of
single-phase and two-phase thermophilic systems (SPS and TPS, respectively) to
produce methane from artificial kitchen waste. In both the SPS and TPS, the highest
methane recovery ratio of 90 %, measured by dichromate COD (CODcr) analysis,
was observed at an organic loading rate of 15 g CODcr/L d. The process flow of
methane production from FW is shown in Fig. 4.
Reactor choice
To attain high loading, immobilise microbial consortia and stabilise methanogen-
esis, packed bed reactors (PBRs) and fixed bed systems have been developed.
Kastner et al. (2011) compared two methods of generating biogas from organic
waste materials to identify the most appropriate process, reactor system and
parameters. Fermentation experiments were carried out in two types of reactors: a
continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) and a fluidised bed reactor (FBR). Biogas
fermentation yielded 670 NL/kg VS with the CSTR and 550 NL/kg VS with the
FBR. Biogas productivity was 3.9 NL/L d with the CSTR and 3.4 NL/L d with the
FBR. The average methane concentration was approximately 60 % for both reactor
systems. Parawira et al. (2005) investigated the mesophilic AD of solid potato
waste in two systems: a solid-bed reactor for hydrolysis/acidification connected to a
UASB methanogenic reactor, and a solid-bed reactor connected to a methanogenic
PBR packed with wheat straw biofilm carriers. Although the second system
degraded the organic materials more rapidly than the first system, its methane yield
Turning Food Waste into Biofuel 373

was 390 mL/g VS, and cumulative methane production was the same for the two
systems. Moon and Song (2011) investigated the enzymatic solubilisation and
methane-production potential of FW by enzymatically hydrolysing FW liquor in a
UASB reactor. They identified the optimum conditions for FW hydrolysis in the
reactor, and showed that methane production via enzymatic hydrolysis of FW in a
UASB reactor may offer a novel method of obtaining high-value biogas by AD.
Increasing the proportion of methane in biogas is an important means of
increasing energy generation and reducing the amount of CO2 released. Biogas is
typically composed of 60 % methane and 40 % CO2. The energy value of biogas is
determined by its methane concentration. The GHG heating factor of methane is 21
times higher than that of CO2. Combustion of biogas converts methane into CO2
and reduces GHG emission by more than 20 fold. When methane is extracted from
waste and used to produce heat and/or electricity, the waste does not degrade in an
open environment, thereby reducing direct methane atmospheric emissions.
Moreover, due to its high energy yield, the use of biogas is likely to supplant that of
fossil fuels, which are the main contributor to GHG emissions. Studies on methane
production from FW are listed in Table 5.

6 Life-cycle Assessment of Conversion Methods

Kalogo et al. (2007) conducted life-cycle assessment to compare the environmental

effects of waste-derived ethanol with those of gasoline, corn ethanol and
crop-cellulosic ethanol. The authors also compared these effects with the environ-
mental consequences of landfilling solid waste. An E85 waste-ethanol blend
(blended with 15 % gasoline) were found to reduce GHG emissions by 65 and 58 %
compared with gasoline and corn ethanol, respectively. Converting organic waste to
ethanol was shown to save 397–1830 MJ fossil energy per metric ton of waste,
whereas landfilling consumes 177–577 MJ fossil energy per metric ton of MSW.
Ebner et al. (2015) analysed the life-cycle GHG emissions associated with a novel
method of converting food-processing waste into ethanol (EtOH) and two
co-products: compost and animal feed. The life-cycle GHG emissions associated
with the ethanol-production process were 1458 gCO2e/L EtOH. In a study conducted
in California, Chester and Martin (2009) assessed the production potential of ethanol
from MSW. They measured the cost, energy and GHG emissions associated with the
conversion of MSW to ethanol using the dilute-acid process developed by the US
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (Aden et al. 2002). Schmitt et al.
(2012) also used the NREL’s model as the basis for a new model of lignocellulosic
biorefinery conversion. They assessed the technical and environmental factors
associated with converting three lignocellulosic resources into ethanol.
Djomoa and Blumbergab (2011) used life-cycle assessment to quantify and
compare the energetic and environmental performance of hydrogen produced from
wheat straw (WS–H2), sweet sorghum stalk (SSS–H2) and potato steam peel
Table 5 Methane production from FW

Waste Inoculum Pretreatment Process Vessel type Duration OLR Biogas yield CH4 yield % Efficiency Reference
(KT) type (kg VS/m3 d) (mL/g VS) (mL/g VS) CH4 (VS%)
Fruit and Cow manure None Two Bioreactor 29 1–9 NR 530 70 95.1 Lee et al. (1999)
vegetable stage with 0.5 L
waste working vol
FW Anaerobic SS Freeze Two UASB with 8 120 1.04 NR 277–482 NR 90 Heo et al. (2004)
drying of stage L working vol
FW Anaerobic SS None Two Continuous 90 7.9 NR 440 70 70 Gunaseelan et al.
stage pilot scale 5 (2004)
tons/d capacity
Fruit and Anaerobic SS None Single Serum bottles 100 NA NR 180–732 NR NR Cho et al. (1995)
vegetable stage with 135 mL
waste vol
FW and Anaerobic SS None Single Semi 250 2.43 NR 321 64.4 55.8 Parawira et al.
activated stage continuous (2005)
sludge reactor with
3.5 L working
Potato Anaerobic SS None Two Packed bed 38 NR NR 390 82 NR Zhang et al.
waste stage with 1 L (2007)
working vol
FW Anaerobic SS None Two Bioreactor 60 8 NR NR 68.8 86.4 Youn et al.
stage with 12 L (2005)
working vol
FW Bacteria None Single 3 Stage semi 30 NR NR NR 67.4 NR Kim et al. (2008)
isolated from stage continuous
landfill soil and with 8 L
cow manure working vol
FW Anaerobic SS None Single Batch 28 NA 600 440 73 81 Forster-Carneiro
stage et al. (2008)
FW SS None Two CSTR with 10 150 6.6 NR 464 80 88 Kim et al.
W.-J. Deng

stage L working vol (2011)

FW Food waste; SS Seed sludge; SsF Simultaneous saccharification fermentation; NR Not reported; NA Not applicable
Turning Food Waste into Biofuel 375

(SPP–H2). When the co-product was not considered, the GHG emissions were
5.60 kg CO2eq kg−1 H2 for WS–H2, 5.32 kg CO2eq kg−1 H2 for SSS–H2, and
5.18 kg CO2eq kg−1 H2 for SPP–H2. These biohydrogen pathways reduced GHG
emissions by 52–56 % compared with hydrogen production from diesel, and by
54–57 % compared with the production of hydrogen by steam-methane reforming.
The energy ratios (ERs) were also comparable: 1.08 for WS–H2, 1.14 for SSS–H2
and 1.17 for SPP–H2. Therefore, a shift from SPP–H2 to WS–H2 is not expected to
affect the ERs and GHG emissions of these biohydrogen pathways.
Patterson et al. (2013) compared the environmental burdens associated with the
production of biomethane vehicle fuel and a biohydrogen/biomethane blend from
FW and wheat feed, based on data from two laboratory experiments. The two-stage
system provided a high hydrogen yield (84.2 l H2 kg−1 VS added) for FW treated
by batch processes, but had a lower overall energy output than the single-stage
system. A reduction in the environmental burden relative to that of diesel was
achieved, partly due to the diversion of waste from landfill. The semi-continuously
fed two-stage system gave a low hydrogen yield (7.5 l H2 kg−1 VS added) for the
wheat feed, but had a higher overall energy output. Both processes reduced the
fossil-fuel burden, and further improvements to process efficiency will help to
achieve a lower CO2 burden than that of diesel.

7 Conclusions

Increasing attention has been paid to the management of FW due to the economic
value and positive environmental effects of obtaining fuel from FW. We have
discussed various means of bioconverting FW to ethanol, hydrogen, methane and
biodiesel. Although the conversion of FW to fuel has been shown in many papers to
be technically feasible, the related technology is still not mature. There is an urgent
need to identify low-cost and environmentally beneficial approaches to the bio-
conversion of FW. The efficiency and economy of fuel production from FW could
also be improved by conducting optimisation studies and other research on the
integration of various value-added product manufacturing processes.

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Hong Kong Early Career Start/General
Research Fund (ECS/GRF 845212).


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Solidification and Stabilization of Tannery

K. Sri Bala Kameswari, Pendem Rohit Babu, B. Lekshmi

and Chitra Kalyanaraman

Abstract The tanning industry occupies a unique place in the industrial map of
India. Nearly 2000 tanneries are in operation in India, with a total processing
capacity of 700,000 tonnes of hides and skins per annum. During treatment of
tannery wastewater, primary (chemical) and secondary (biological) sludge are
generated. Safe disposal of sludge generated during treatment of tannery wastewater
is a major concern from an environmental point of view. At present, the sludge
is being disposed off in secured landfill facilities. Each tannery is spending about
Rs. 750 to Rs. 1000 per tonne for disposal of sludge into secured landfill facilities,
which includes transportation of sludge from the tannery to the secured landfill
facility, loading and unloading. Solidification and Stabilization (S/S) is the Best
Available Treatment Technology (BATT). Hence, in the present study, in order to
utilize the sludge generated during treatment of tannery wastewater, S/S studies
were carried out for encapsulation of chromium-bearing sludge. The solidification
process was carried out using binding materials such as cement and lime in various
combinations. Various performance tests were carried out on the S/S blocks to
understand the leaching behavior of chromium by conducting leaching tests viz.,
Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP), EP ToX and ANS Leaching
Tests and compressive strength of S/S blocks were determined.

Keywords Chromium  Leaching tests  Sludge  Solidification and stabilization

K. Sri Bala Kameswari (&)  B. Lekshmi  C. Kalyanaraman

Environmental Technology Division, CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute,
Adyar, Chennai 600 020, India
P.R. Babu
Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology and Research Academy, Sastra University,
Thanjavur 613 402, India

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016 381

O.P. Karthikeyan et al. (eds.), Recycling of Solid Waste for Biofuels
and Bio-chemicals, Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products
and Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0150-5_14
382 K. Sri Bala Kameswari et al.

1 Introduction

Leather industry has gained high socio-economic relevance in India. The leather
sector has contributed significantly to economic growth by providing job oppor-
tunities. The leather industry in India is spread out in unorganized sectors. Small
scale, cottage and artisan sectors account for over 90 % of the total production. The
main reason for development and growth of the leather industry in the country is its
large animal population. Primarily, tanning operations are concentrated in the
regions where availability of good quality water and raw materials are abundant. In
India, tanning clusters are located in the states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh,
Punjab, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh and a few isolated tanneries are in Bihar,
Madhya Pradesh and Kerala. The location of various tanning clusters in India is
presented in Fig. 1.
The tannery operation consists of converting the raw skin, a highly putrescible
material, into leather, a stable material, which can be used in the manufacture of a
wide range of products. The whole process involves a sequence of complex
chemical reactions and mechanical processes (UNEP 1991). Amongst these, tan-
ning is the fundamental stage which gives leather its stability and essential char-
acters. Raw hides/skins after various steps of pre and post tanning processes are
converted into a final product with specific properties: stability, appearance, water
resistance, temperature resistance, elasticity and permeability for perspiration.
In the tanning process, collagen fibres are stabilized by the tanning agents, such that
the hide is no longer susceptible to putrefaction or rotting. Collagen fibres are stabi-
lized by the cross-linking action of the tanning agents. After tanning, the hides or skins
are not subject to putrefaction, their dimensional stability, resistance to mechanical
action and heat resistance increase (Andres 1995; HMIP 1995). The most commonly
used tanning agent is basic chromium sulphate (Cr(OH)SO4). A high proportion
(80–90 %) of leather produced today is tanned using chromium(III) salts (Black et al.
For processing one tonne of raw material about 2–5 kg of chromium is used in
the main chrome-tanning process and about 1–2 kg of chromium is used in the
post-tanning process. Chromium uptake is about 60–80 %, with the remainder
being discharged along with wastewater (Ludvik and Buljan 2000). The tanning
process is the main source of chromium in the effluent, but effluent from the
post-tanning processes would also contain chromium when re-tanning is resorted to.
Smaller amounts of chromium arise as a result of leaching of chromium during the
wet process stages, which follow chromium tanning or re-tanning. Tannery efflu-
ents are treated to meet standards specified for discharges to surface waters.
Physico-chemical treatment of tannery wastewater includes oxidation, precipitation,
sedimentation, flotation, equalizing flows and neutralization. It is mainly performed
to remove organic matter, sulphide from beam house effluents and chromium(III)
from tanning and post-tanning operations. Chromium(III) salts in the environment
Solidification and Stabilization of Tannery Sludge 383

Fig. 1 Location of tanneries in India

384 K. Sri Bala Kameswari et al.

have low availability and mobility. In natural waters, they are adsorbed onto par-
ticulate matter or form insoluble polynucleate complexes. Most chromium(III)
released into water is deposited in sediment (Black et al. 2013).

1.1 Classification of Tanneries in India

The leather industry in India has grown in clusters for historical reasons. Tanneries
are classified based on processing capacity and type of process adopted, as depicted
(i) Raw to semi-finish (wet-blue or vegetable tanning) stage
(ii) Semi-finish (wet-blue or vegetable tanning) to finish stage and
(iii) Raw to finish stage.

1.2 Concept of CETPs and Sludge Generation

There are nearly 2000 tanneries in India and they process nearly 700,000 tonnes of
raw hides/skins per year. Leather has always been largely a by-product of the meat
industry. Leather tanneries produce all three categories of waste: wastewater, solid
waste and air emissions. However, management of liquid and solid waste are the
two important environmental challenges. Mostly the wastewater is treated either in
individual effluent treatment plants or Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs).
The concept of CETP was introduced in the year 1984 by the Ministry of
Environment and Forest (MoEF), New Delhi to treat wastewater from a large
number of small and medium-scale industries in clusters. This concept was con-
ceived as a way of achieving end-of-pipe treatment of combined industrial
wastewater by full-time professionally trained specialists at lower unit costs than
could be achieved by individual industries and to facilitate discharge, monitoring
and enforcement by environmental regulatory authorities. In India there are nearly
200 individual Effluent Treatment Plants (ETPs) and 17 Common Effluent
Treatment Plants (CETPs) exclusively operated for treatment of tannery wastewa-
ter. The process flow diagram for treatment of tannery wastewater is presented in
Fig. 2.
During treatment of tannery wastewater, both chemical and secondary biological
sludge are generated. The quantity and quality of sludge varies, depending on the
tanning process adopted. More sludge is generated from ‘raw to finish’ operations
as compared to ‘semi-finish to finish’ process. The chemical sludge contains
chromium in the form Cr(III) and its presence in the sludge is mainly due to usage
of basic chromium sulphate during tanning process. As per Hazardous Waste
(Management and Handling) Rules 2008, the sludge from wastewater treatment
Solidification and Stabilization of Tannery Sludge 385










(for emergency) SYSTEM


Fig. 2 A typical process flow diagram for treatment of tannery wastewater

plants and chromium bearing waste (Trivalent chromium above 5000 mg/kg) are
considered as hazardous.
“Hazardous Waste” means any waste which by reason of its physical, chemical,
reactive, toxic, flammable, explosive or corrosive characteristics causes danger or is
likely to cause danger to human health or the environment, whether alone or when
in contact with other wastes or substances, and may cause, or significantly con-
tribute to, an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or inca-
pacitating reversible, illness; potential hazard to human health or the environment
when improperly treated, stored, transported or disposed off or otherwise managed.
Landfilling is the ultimate disposal process for Municipal Solid Waste
(MSW) management. Even though landfilling is the least desired option in the
hierarchy of solid waste management, it is an unavoidable component in MSW
Management. As per Municipal Solid wastes (Management and Handling) Rules,
2000, site selection for proposed landfill site, facilities required at landfill site,
specification for landfilling, water quality monitoring, ambient air quality monitor-
ing, plantation at landfill site, closure of landfill site,/post closure are very important
aspects in the design and implementation of sanitary landfills. In case of sanitary
landfills for disposal of MSW, single layer liner system is recommended. The liner
shall be a composite barrier having 1.5 mm HDPE or equivalent having a perme-
ability of less than 1  10−7 cm/s (CPCB Document—PROBES/124/2008-2009).
In India, the design concepts for sanitary landfill is different for hazardous wastes
disposal landfills. The present study deals with solidification and stabilization of
chromium bearing sludge generated during treatment of tannery wastewater and falls
under the category of hazardous wastes.
In India, landfills with double liner system have been recommended by
the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), New Delhi, for disposal of haz-
ardous wastes. The liner systems are specified by CPCB, New Delhi (CPCB
386 K. Sri Bala Kameswari et al.

Document-Hazardous Waste Management Series: HAZWAMS/2010-2011) and are

as follows:
Primary leachate collection layer of thickness 30 cm or more and co-efficient of
permeability in excess of 10−2 cm/s (10−4 m/s).
A primary composite liner comprising of
(i) HDPE geo-membrane of thickness 1.5 mm or more
(ii) A compacted clay (or compacted amended soil) layer of thickness 45 cm or
more having a coefficient of permeability of 10−7 cm/s (10−9 m/s) or less.
A secondary leachate collection layer (also called leak detection layer) of a
thickness of 30 cm or more and co-efficient of permeability in excess of 10−3 cm/s
(10−5 m/s).
A secondary composite liner comprising of
(i) A HDPE geomembrane of thickness 1.5 mm or more
(ii) A compacted clay layer of thickness 45 cm or more having a co-efficient of
permeability of 10−7 cm/s (10−9 m/s) or less.
In addition to a double liner system other components viz., leachate monitoring
system, gas collection system, leachate treatment and post-closure measures are
During the treatment of tannery wastewater, primary sludge is generated from
primary clarifiers and secondary sludge is generated from biological treatment units.
The disposal of sludge from wastewater treatment presents highly complex prob-
lems due to increasingly stringent environmental regulations and industrial growth
that have markedly increased the disposal requirements. At present, after dewa-
tering of the sludge, it is disposed off in decentralized secured landfill facilities
(SLF), designed and implemented in Tamil Nadu and is the patented technology of
CSIR-CLRI, Chennai. These SLF’s have been implemented as an integral part of
CETP’s operating for treatment of tannery wastewater. Landfilling is the least
desired option in the hierarchy of solid waste management and landfills are con-
sidered as temporary storage facilities only. Generally, landfills are designed for a
certain time period e.g., 10 years was considered for the tannery sector, and once
the SLF is filled then another site has to be identified. With the growing demand
and scarcity of land, it is very difficult to identify sites for implementation of secure
landfill facilities for disposal of sludge generated from tanneries.
Disadvantages of landfills are: (1) large land requirement, with time it will be
more and more difficult to find suitable sites; and (2) secondary pollution.
Experience has demonstrated that percolate and gas of refuse harm the surrounding
environment if they are not disposed properly. The reuse of wastewater sludge in
construction materials would not only alleviate disposal problems but also provide
economic, ecological and energy-saving advantages. Landfilling scenario faces the
highest cost. The investment costs for gasification is very high. Therefore, the total
cost is always higher for incineration and landfilling.
Solidification and Stabilization of Tannery Sludge 387

Immobilization of organic or inorganic contaminates of tannery waste is

essential prior to their disposal or for utilization of sludge. Otherwise, physical and
chemical changes, due to weathering or other effects, can start the release of con-
taminants from the waste beyond an unacceptable limit. This may result in con-
tamination of the soil, surface and groundwater. In case of inorganic waste, as in the
present case, there are chances of oxidation of Cr(III) (present in the sludge) into
Cr(VI) due to prevailing environmental conditions. Solidification and Stabilization
(S/S) would provide dual benefits, viz., (i) immobilization of toxic elements and
(ii) utilization of solidified mass as construction materials.

1.3 Solidification and Stabilization (S/S) Process

Solidification refers to a category of waste treatment that is being used increasingly

to treat a wide variety of wastes, both solid and semi-solid. Solidification refers to a
process in which materials are added to the waste to produce a solid. Generally, the
solidification process is designed and used to accomplish one or more of the fol-
lowing objectives.
• Reduce contaminant mobility
• Improve the handling and physical characteristics of the waste.
In the present study, the dewatered sludge was collected from two different
CETPs and was characterized for chromium content. Then solidification and sta-
bilization studies were carried out for encapsulation of chromium in the cement
matrix. Further the process was evaluated by conducting various leaching studies
and the compressive strength of S/S mortar blocks was also evaluated.

2 Overview on the Solidification and Stabilization Process

The S/S technology was initially been developed as a treatment concept for haz-
ardous waste prior to landfilling. At present, it is also applied as a remediation
technology for contaminated soils, especially in the USA and the UK, and for a wide
variety of contaminants such as organics and heavy metals (Pensaert et al. 2008). S/S
remedies are designed to reduce the flux of contamination that leaches from a
contaminant source to be within acceptable parameters set forth in a site-specific
remediation goal. To determine site- and contaminant-specific potential effective-
ness of S/S technology, performance specifications should be used to ensure
effectiveness of the remedy. Comprehensive treatability studies are essential for
providing site-specific information to evaluate the S/S technology. Based on
treatability studies, design parameters and scale up for full-scale implementation can
be formulated (The Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council Solidification/
Stabilization Team 2011).
388 K. Sri Bala Kameswari et al.

High-Calcium Fly Ashes and their potential influence on ettringite formation in

cementitious systems was investigated and reported that, the amount of ettringite
formed decreased with increasing C3A content and increased with increase in
anhydrite content in the ash (Tishmack et al. 1999). For different types of wastes
such as fine-grained soils, coarse-grained soils, metal-bearing sludges, nitrate salts
from processing operations, chloride salts from off-gas treatment systems and
incinerator, fly and bottom ash have been evaluated for application of the S/S
process. The S/S process was assessed using grout/portland cement stabilization,
sulfur polymer encapsulation (SPE), polymer encapsulation (PE) and phoenix ash
technology (PAT) considering factor such as waste form and engineering criteria
(US EPA 1996). For metal-bearing sludges, the S/S process is an environmental
friendly disposal option (Leong and Laortanakul 2002). The effect of chromium on
Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) hydration was evaluated by continuous obser-
vation of early hydration and it was reported that addition of chromium does not
affect the mechanism of the hydration process, but it does affect the kinetic and
dynamics of the cement hydration process (Barbir et al. 2012).
The Stabilization/Solidification (S/S) process, as a pre-landfill waste treatment
technology, has been investigated for arsenic-containing solid wastes using
Portland cement, fly ash and polymeric materials and reported that S/S can convert
hazardous industrial wastes into a stable form of waste safe for disposal (Singh and
Pant 2006). Solidification/Stabilisation (S/S) to treat synthetic drill cuttings as a
pre-treatment to landfilling or for potential re-use as construction products was
explored by Al-Ansary and Al-Tabbaa (2007). An industrial byproduct, anhydrite
CaSO4 was used as a binder for S/S of heavy metal-containing sludges (Andres
et al. 1998). Alkali-activated pulverized fuel ash was used as a cementitious binder
for S/S of electroplating sludge (Asavapisit and Chotklang 2004). A study was
carried out to determine the strength, leachability and microstructure characteristics
of cement-based solidified plating sludge using OPC and pulverized fuel ash as
solidification binders (Asavapisit et al. 2005). Batchelor (2006) reviewed the S/S
process with cement as a binder. Containment of chromium and zinc, present in
ferrochromium flue dust, was solidified and stabilised using cement (Cohen and
Petrie 1997).
In a diffusion-controlled scenario, the mechanism of chromium release from
cement-based solidified wastes containing hexavalent chromium was investigated
and it was reported that the water cement ratio is the controlling factor for the
leaching behaviour of chromium in cement specimens (Bobirica et al. 2010).
A chromium-rich toxic waste generated by the tanning process of leather was
studied in terms of its composition, stability and potential use as a ceramic pigment
for the glass and ceramic industries by Abreu and Toffoli (2009). Chromium-
containing pigments were synthesised from chromium galvanic sludges and the
characteristics of synthesized pigments were similar to the colour developed by the
pigments obtained, starting from pure Cr2O3 (Andreola et al. 2008). Utilisation of
tannery sludge as raw material for clay products has been investigated by Basegio
et al. (2002).
Solidification and Stabilization of Tannery Sludge 389

3 Materials and Methods

3.1 Characterization of Sludge Samples

Sludge samples were collected from two different CETPs. The samples were
transported to the laboratory in plastic bags. All samples, kept in the laboratory,
were air-dried at room temperature. Samples were then stored at room temperature
in plastic bags until required. The dry mass of the sludge samples were determined
by oven drying them for 24 h at 105 °C as per standard methods (20th edition
APHA 1998). The Total Solids (TS), Volatile Solids (VS) content in the sludge
samples were measured as per standard methods (20th edition APHA 1998). After
removing moisture content, chromium concentrations were measured as per stan-
dard methods (20th edition, method 3500-Cr. B, APHA 1998). In order to confirm
the presence of Chromium(VI), colour development using diphenyl carbazide was
followed. The pH of the sludge samples were measured as per ASTM method—D
4972 (ASTM 2007). The bulk density of the sludge was measured by using
ASTM—Method D2937. Loss on ignition (LOI) tests were conducted by following
ASTM method–D7348 (ASTM 2007).

3.2 Cone Penetration Test

Cone Penetration Tests (CPT) were conducted on solidified mortar blocks as pre-
liminary screening tests in order to screen the mix proportions of cement: lime:
sludge. The test procedure given by the U.S. Army (1972) was followed and the
details of mix proportions are given in Table 1.
The CPT is a quick screening test for evaluation of compressive strength on
solidified waste. This test involves forcing the cone penetro-meter into the solidified
waste after 48 h of curing and then measuring the penetration resistance. Based on
penetration resistance of the cone on solidified waste, binder–sludge ratios are
arrived at.

Table 1 Details of mix proportion

Sludge Mix proportion Cement Lime Sludge Water/binder plus
code (C:L:S) (in grams) (in grams) (grams) sludge ratio
S1 1:1:2 100 100 200 0.55
1:1:4 100 100 400 0.58
1:1:6* 100 100 600 0.60
S2 1:1:2 100 100 200 0.55
1:1:4 100 100 400 0.58
1:1:6* 100 100 600 0.60
Note *: Was not considered further because of poor strength and higher cone penetration values
C Cement; L Lime; S Sludge
390 K. Sri Bala Kameswari et al.

3.3 Solidification of Sludge Samples

Based on preliminary results obtained from cone index test, the sludge samples
were solidified using cement (C) and lime (L) in various combinations in con-
junction with sludge (S) with water/binder plus sludge ratio (v/w) of 0.55–0.60.
Two sizes of moulds were selected i.e., (i) 30 mm  50 mm and (ii) 70.6 
70.6 mm. The first one is not a standard size for conducting Unconfined
Compressive Strength (UCS) of mortar cubes. This size was specifically selected
for conducting leaching studies for long-term analysis purpose. The standard size of
moulds i.e., 70.6  70.6 mm, was used for conducting UCS test. The mortar cubes
in the moulds containing the sludge–binder mixture were cured at room tempera-
ture. The mortar cubes were removed from the moulds and allowed to cure under
the same conditions of temperature and humidity. For each mix proportion, six
number of mortar blocks were moulded and S/S blocks are shown in Fig. 3.

3.4 Compressive Strength Test

The S/S specimens require a minimum strength to bear their self-weight and the
overburden pressure when they are disposed of in secured landfills. Unconfined
compressive strength test was performed for mortar blocks of size 70.6 mm 
70.6 mm after 28 days of curing. The mortar blocks were loaded and the

Fig. 3 Curing of S/S mortar blocks

Solidification and Stabilization of Tannery Sludge 391

characteristic compressive strength was calculated based on the load at which the
specimen started cracking.

3.5 Leaching Studies

Leaching studies are essential in order to assess the performance of the S/S process
for effectiveness in encapsulation of the contaminant i.e., chromium in the present
study. After curing for a period of 7 days, the solidified moulds were subjected to
leaching studies using protocols like Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
(TCLP), Extraction Procedure Toxicity (EP ToX) Test and American Nuclear
Society (ANS) leach test in different leaching media. Toxicity Characteristic
Leaching Procedure Test (TCLP), Extraction Procedure Toxicity (EP ToX) Test
and American Nuclear Society (ANS) leach tests were carried out on the S/S mortar
blocks. Details of the leaching protocols are presented below.

3.5.1 Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) Test

The Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) protocol simulates extreme

exposure conditions for the solidified/stabilized material, by exposing the sample to
a highly agile environment in which the contaminant becomes vulnerable to
leaching. During the TCLP test, S/S mortar blocks were crushed and the size was
reduced to less than 9.5 mm or surface area per gram of material equal to or greater
than 3.1 cm2. Size reduction is necessary to increase the surface area of the par-
ticles. Extraction media were selected based on the pH of the waste or S/S mortar
blocks. The leaching medium was prepared as per the procedure given in U.S. EPA
(SW-846; method 1311, US EPA 1992). During the TCLP test, solid to liquid, i.e.,
leaching medium, ratio of 1:20 was maintained and the TCLP studies were carried
out in Zero Headspace Extractor (ZHE) vessel fitted in a Millipore Rotatory
Agitator. The TCLP is designed to determine the mobility of both organic and
inorganic analytes present in liquid, solid and multi-phase wastes. After the test, the
leaching medium was filtered through 45 µm Whatman filter paper and the leachate
was analyzed for pH, hardness, chromium content, conductivity and total dissolved
solids (TDS). TCLP studies were carried out without and with S/S of sludge
samples. Chromium content was analyzed as per Standard Methods (method
3500-Cr B, APHA 1998).

3.5.2 EP ToX Test and ANS Leach Test

The procedure for the Extraction Procedure Toxicity (EP Tox) was very similar to
the TCLP, except that the leaching medium was distilled water and the duration of
extraction was 24 h instead of 18 h in case of the TCLP test. The TCLP and EP

Table 2 Details of leaching tests

Name of the test Particle Leaching Solid:Liquid ratio Duration of No. of Remark
size medium each extraction extractions
TCLP <9.5 mm Acetic acid 1:20 18 1 Not for volatiles
Extraction Procedure <9.5 mm Water 1:20 24 1 Not for volatiles
Toxicity (EP ToX)
American Nuclear Monolith Deionised water Volume:surface = 10 cm 2.7 h, 1, 2, 3, 12 Can obtain effective
Science Leach test (0.2 < l: (or) simulated 4, 5, 14, 28, 43, diffusion coefficient and
(ANS Leach test) d < 0.5) ground water 90 days leachability index
K. Sri Bala Kameswari et al.
Solidification and Stabilization of Tannery Sludge 393

ToX tests were single extraction tests, whereas the ANS leach test involved 12
extractions stretching over a period of 90 days. The duration of extractions varied
widely from 2 h in the beginning of the test to about 90 days towards the end. The
leaching medium was distilled water and the monolith moulds were subjected to the
ANS leach test with a liquid to solid ratio of 10:1. The details of the leaching tests
are summarized and presented in Table 2.

4 Results and Discussion

4.1 Sludge Characteristics

Dewatered sludge samples were collected from two different CETPs and were
analyzed for pH, total solids, volatile solids and chromium content as per proce-
dures given in Standard Methods, 20th Edition (APHA 1998). The density of
sludge samples is also assessed. Characteristics of sludge samples are given in
Table 3.
18.9 and 29.2 mg/g of chromium was present in the sludge samples, respec-
tively, which is more than the permissible level of 5000 mg/kg as per hazardous
waste management and handling rules (2008). The bulk density of the sludge was
0.8 and 0.9 g/cc and loss on ignition (LOI) was 51 and 40 % respectively, indi-
cating that more organic matter is present in the sludge samples.

4.2 TCLP Studies on Sludge Samples

Sludge characteristics showed that the chromium content exceeded the permissible
level of 5000 mg/kg as per hazardous waste management and handling rules
(2008). TCLP studies were carried out on sludge samples as per US EPA protocol
in order to determine leachability of chromium under the experimental condition.
The leachate was analyzed for chromium concentration and results are presented in
Table 3. Chromium concentrations in the leachate exceeded the regulatory level of
5 mg/L as per Characteristic Leaching Procedure Test Protocol. In order to arrest
the mobility of chromium, pre-treatment was necessary. Hence, in order to arrest
the mobility of chromium, sludge was solidified and stabilized using cement and
lime as binding materials; a physical binding process.

4.3 Studies on S/S Mortar Blocks

The details of mix proportions of mortar blocks are presented in Table 1. After
curing for 7 days, the mortar blocks with different mix proportions were ground
394 K. Sri Bala Kameswari et al.

Table 3 Characteristics of sludge samples and chromium concentration in the leachate

Parameter Sludge (S1) Sludge (S2)
pH 8.6 8.9
Total solids (mg/g) 434.7 890.4
Volatile solids (mg/g) 221.5 354.9
Total chromium (mg/g) 18.9 29.2
Density (g/cc) 0.80 0.90
Loss on ignition (LOI, %) 51 40
Chromium concentration in the leachate (mg/g) 1.92 1.98

into powder with a particle size of less than 9.5 mm and were subjected to leaching
studies as per TCLP and EP ToX and some mix proportion mortar blocks were
subjected to long term leaching as per ANS leach test without crushing.

4.3.1 Leaching Studies After S/S of Sludge

Leachability studies were carried out using TCLP and EP ToX protocols separately
for various mix proportions of mortar blocks. After leaching studies, leachate
samples were collected and were characterized for pH, hardness, chromium,
Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and conduc-
tivity. Leachate characteristics after TCLP and EP ToX studies are presented in
Table 4.
TCLP and EP ToX leaching studies showed that chromium did not leach when
exposed to acetic acid or water as a leaching medium. The increased values of
hardness, conductivity and TDS in the leachate samples were due to solubility of

Table 4 Leachate characteristics after TCLP and EP ToX studies

Sludge Mix pH Hardness Conc. of Conductivity TDS
proportion (mg/L as Cr (mg/L) (mS/cm) (g/L)
(C:L:S) CaCO3)
Leachate characteristics after TCLP studies
S1 1:1:2 11.0 4220 BDL 7.89 4.23
1:1:4 11.8 3680 BDL 7.26 3.87
S2 1:1:2 11.3 5160 BDL 12.05 6.63
1:1:4 11.9 5590 BDL 11.07 6.08
Leachate characteristics after EP ToX studies
S1 1:1:2 11.3 5160 BDL 12.05 6.63
1:1:4 11.9 5590 BDL 11.07 6.08
S2 1:1:2 11.2 1710 BDL 9.11 4.94
1:1:4 11.2 2110 BDL 9.25 5.02
Note: BDL Below Detectable Limit
Solidification and Stabilization of Tannery Sludge 395

calcium present in binding materials (viz., cement and lime) in the leaching med-
ium. Also, by comparing the chromium concentration in leachate samples after
TCLP studies, without and with S/S of sludge samples, it was evident that chro-
mium present in sludge samples was immobilized arresting leaching of chromium
after S/S of sludge. However, TCLP and EP ToX protocols determine single time
point leaching behavior and may not give a clear idea about the performance of the
S/S process. It is very difficult to interpret the data with real time scenarios with
regard to the underlying release-controlling mechanism (e.g., equilibrium or mass
transfer) or rate of leaching. In real time, the controlling factors such as buffering
capacity, groundwater movement and contact of monolithic nature of S/S materials
with the movement of groundwater will affect the release of contaminants into
groundwater (The Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council Solidification/
Stabilization Team 2011). Immobilization of chromium-laden electroplating sludge
was assessed for compressive strength and leachability and reported that chromium
is well retained within the solid matrix of cement (Sophia and Swaminathan 2005).

4.3.2 Long-Term Leaching Studies

Long term leaching studies were carried out on S/S samples by adopting the ANS
test protocol. The ANS leach test involved 12 extractions stretching over a period of
90 days. Duration of extractions varied widely, from 2 h in the beginning of the test
to about 90 days towards the end. The leaching medium was distilled water and the
monolith moulds were subjected to ANS leach tests with a liquid to solid ratio of
10:1. After conducting leaching studies, leachants were analyzed. ANS leach tests
were carried out on mortar blocks prepared with C:L:S (1:1:2). At different intervals
of leaching period, leachate samples were collected and were analyzed for
parameters like pH, hardness, chromium content, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and
conductivity. The results are presented in Table 5.
No chromium leaching was detected for each extraction period. The cumulative
characteristics after 90 days of leaching for the parameters like hardness, conduc-
tivity and TDS were 2460 mg/L, 19.45 mS/cm and 10.08 g/L respectively indicated
that the TDS values had increased due to solubility of calcium present in cement
and lime.

4.4 Compressive Strength

For the two different sludge samples, two combinations of mix proportions were
tested. Compressive strength was assessed after 28 days of curing and the results
are tabulated in Table 6.
396 K. Sri Bala Kameswari et al.

Table 5 Characteristics of leachate after ANS protocol

Extraction Duration of Parameter
number each pH Hardness Conc. Conductivity TDS
extraction (mg/L as of Cr (mS/cm) (g/L)
CaCO3) (mg/L)
1 2h 8.9 500 BDL 1.324 0.655
2 7h 9.3 490 BDL 1.354 0.714
3 1 day 9.1 510 BDL 1.312 0.723
4 2 day 9.7 80 BDL 1.687 0.842
5 3 day 9.7 60 BDL 1.865 0.934
6 4 day 9.7 170 BDL 2.140 1.077
7 5 day 10.5 100 BDL 2.100 1.100
8 14 day 10.5 120 BDL 1.687 0.842
9 19 day 10.5 110 BDL 1.865 0.934
10 28 day 10.4 120 BDL 1.354 0.714
11 43 day 10.5 100 BDL 1.312 0.723
12 90 day 10.5 100 BDL 1.450 0.820
Cumulative Characteristics 9.9* 2460 19.45 10.08
after 90 days of leaching
Note *: pH—average value

As per US EPA guidelines (SW-846), solid wastes for disposal in landfills must
have a minimum compressive strength of 4 kg/cm2. All mortar blocks exceeded the
4 kg/cm2 limit. As the sludge content increased, a decrease in the compressive
strength was observed. Comprehensive treatability studies are essential for pro-
viding site-specific information to evaluate the S/S technology. Based on the
treatability studies, design parameters and scale up for full-scale implementation
can be formulated (The Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council
Solidification/Stabilization Team 2011). Limitations in the present study were
mainly due to the presence of organic matter i.e., if the organic content present in
the sludge increases, a decrease in compressive strength was observed. Hence, it is
necessary to reduce or remove organic matter prior to S/S for encapsulation of
metal-bearing sludges.

Table 6 Compressive strength of S/S mortar blocks

Sludge code Proportion (C:L:S) Characteristic compressive strength (kg/cm2)
S1 1:1:2 12.05
1:1:4 8.42
S2 1:1:2 14.02
1:1:4 9.50
Solidification and Stabilization of Tannery Sludge 397

5 Summary and Conclusions

Based on preliminary characterization of sludge samples, trivalent chromium

concentrations in the sludge were found to exceed 5000 mg/kg. From TCLP studies
on sludge samples, the chromium concentration in the leachate was observed to
exceed the permissible limit of 5 mg/L. To arrest leaching of chromium from
sludge samples, sludge has to be encapsulated. Solidification and Stabilization (S/S)
of sludge was done using cement, lime as binding materials. Hence during S/S,
chromium was encapsulated into a solid matrix, which arrested the mobility of
chromium. Long-term leaching studies i.e., with the ANS test, verified encapsu-
lation of chromium. Hence S/S of chromium-bearing sludges is an ideal treatment
technology. In the present study, minimum compressive strength of 8.42 kg/cm2
was obtained after 28 days of curing. Whereas as per USEPA, a minimum com-
pressive strength of 4 kg/cm2 after 28 days of curing. The S/S mortar blocks can be
utilized as construction materials especially for filling of low lying areas or as filling
material in general. Hence they can be utilized as an alternative to conventional
construction materials.

Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
(CSIR), India for financial support of the study under the ZERIS—XII Five Year Plan Network
project. The authors would like also to thank the Director, Central Leather Research Institute
(CLRI) India for permitting to publish this work.


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Odour Pollution from Waste Recovery

Nastaein Qamaruz-Zaman and Nurashikin Yaacof

Abstract The accumulation and treatment of waste in a centralised facility has the
potential to generate and become a source of odour nuisance in a community.
Positive engagement with the public and developing their understanding of odour
pollution can help resolve conflicts between the facility siting and operation and
vicinity to nearby residences. This chapter unravels the potential of odour gener-
ation and common odorous compounds from different waste to energy recovery
facilities including anaerobic digestion, incineration and refuse-derived fuel
(RDF) plants. The olfactometer and its principals of operation will be described to
justify the applicability of the equipment in odour impact assessments. Finally, the
chapter also present technologies of odour control and life cycle approach in
determination of the suitable control technologies.

Keywords Odour  Biofilter  Olfactometer  Wet scrubber  FIDOL

1 Introduction

Waste recovery facilities are important treatment plants for the purpose of contin-
uous energy production from biomass and wastes. As the main sources of feed
materials are organic, one of the challenges faced by these facilities is odour risk
from handling and decomposition of the organic materials.
There are diverse publications on waste recovery facilities including refuse
derived fuel (RDF), anaerobic digester and incineration plants, mostly focusing on
the design of the systems itself and process effectiveness, rather than odour

N. Qamaruz-Zaman (&)  N. Yaacof

School of Civil Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 14300 Nibong Tebal,
Penang, Malaysia
N. Qamaruz-Zaman
Solid Waste Management Cluster, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
Engineering Campus, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016 399

O.P. Karthikeyan et al. (eds.), Recycling of Solid Waste for Biofuels
and Bio-chemicals, Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products
and Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0150-5_15
400 N. Qamaruz-Zaman and N. Yaacof

pollution at these facilities. This chapter aims to address this gap in knowledge by
exposing odour issue at the waste recovery facilities covering topics on odour
nuisance, assessment and control methods to contain odour pollution.

2 Background of Odour Pollution

2.1 Definition of Odour

Odour is a major environmental nuisance in the environment mainly cause by

livestock and industries. It is widely recognised as offensive air pollution due to
human activity usually in populated areas. Odours that result directly or indirectly
from human activities causing an adverse effect are often classified as contaminants
and are subject to regulation (Nicell 2009). By definition, odour is the aggregate of
a mixture of gases on the sense of smell. Its strength is determined by using odour
detection threshold (ODT). The ODT is the number of dilutions with odour-free air
required for an odour to be just detected by 50 % of the odour panel or until the
least definitely perceptible odour is achieved.

2.2 Odour Effect on Environment and Public Health

Several studies have concluded that offensive odour influences human health
depending on the odour character and the level of odour intensity. A study by
Stellacci et al. (2010) identified a greater number of odour-associated symptoms
such as nausea, headache, lack of appetite and, more rarely, other acute and even
chronic health effects occurring in living area near sewage treatment plants or waste
sites (Stellacci et al. 2010). Several self-reported physical symptoms were associated
with odour annoyance. These included unusual shortness of breath, eye irritation,
hoarseness/dry throat, toothache, unusual tiredness, fever/shivering, joint—and
muscular pain (Aatamila et al. 2011). Prolonged exposure to odour can cause
undesired reactions ranging from emotional stresses such as states of anxiety,
unease, headache or depression to physical symptoms such as eye irritation, respi-
ratory problems, nausea or vomiting (Sironi et al. 2010).

2.3 Odour from a Human Perspective

Measurements of odour concentrations alone are insufficient to assess human per-

ception of odour hence odour samples need to be evaluated by using the sensory
perception to strengthen the results. There are four factors in evaluating odour
Odour Pollution from Waste Recovery Facilities 401

Table 1 Human perspective on odour (DEHP 2015)

Human perspective Details
Odour detection ODT referring to the minimum concentration of odorant stimulus
threshold (ODT) necessary for detection in some specified percentage of the test
population. The odour concentration of a sample can be
characterised by the number of dilutions to reach this detection
threshold. Odour concentration is the most common attribute used
to quantify odours
Intensity Refers to the perceived strength or magnitude of the odour sensed.
Intensity increases linearly with increasing odour concentration.
Odour intensity is usually assessed by using seven levels of the
intensity from scale 0 = no odour to 7 = extremely strong odour
Hedonic tone Judgement of the relative pleasantness or unpleasantness of an
odour. It is assessed on a nine point hedonic tone scale from very
pleasant, +4 to offensive, −4
Odour quality Simply a qualitative description of what the odour smells like

samples which are ODT, intensity, hedonic tone and odour quality. Table 1 sum-
marises the details of the four major human perspectives.
FIDOL are the factors that are usually used in understanding the odour
annoyance. When an individual exposed to odour perceives this as unwanted, it is
argued that the following factors are the main determinants (Belgiorno et al. 2013):
• Frequency of the exposure
• Intensity of the odour
• Duration of exposure to the odour
• Offensiveness of the odour
• Location (Tolerance and expectation of the exposed subjects)
The individuals affect towards odour can be influenced by these factors and can
be used as a basis for odour investigations and impact assessments (Nicell 2009).
The first factor is frequency. Frequency can determine the pleasantness of the
odour among the residents. It is also a suitable predictor of annoyance and both
frequency and intensity have been reported to affect annoyance of waste odours
(Aatamila et al. 2011). The second factors is intensity. Odour intensity is the
relative perceived psychological strength of an odour that is above its detection
threshold and is independent of the knowledge of the odour concentration
(Belgiorno et al. 2013). Intensity is measured by using a seven scale: 0-no odour,
1-very faint odour, 2-faint odour, 3-distinct odour, 4-strong odour, 5-very strong
odour and 6-extremely strong odour and its relationship with the odour concen-
tration is usually being calculated by using linear regression.
Next is the duration. Duration refers to the elapsed time over which an odour is
experienced and is related to the type and location of the source as well as the local
meteorology. Odours can be experienced intermittently for short periods or endured
for periods of continuous and lasting duration (Nicell 2009). Normally, the longer
402 N. Qamaruz-Zaman and N. Yaacof

the duration, the higher the impact of the odour to the human olfactory sense
because it can cause an individual to suddenly change their activities. Sometimes,
however, longer duration of exposure to the odour did not change human activities
according to Quabach et al. (2014), the perception of odour, the time interval of 1 h
is not representative because the odour perception depends on the duration of one
breath (Quabach et al. 2014).
Besides that, odour duration will have a stronger effect on human activities if the
offensiveness is high as odours are highly variable in their offensiveness.
Offensiveness is the fourth factor in FIDOL, sometimes referred to as ‘‘hedonic
tone’’. Offensiveness is the subjective rating of the pleasantness or unpleasantness
of an odour. While it is generally recognized that the odour threshold is a very
useful indicator of odour strength and that with increasing odour concentration
there is a greater impact, the threshold fails to account for the hedonic character of
the odour (Nicell 2009). As a rule of thumb, hedonic tone is likely to decrease with
concentration or intensity. The higher the intensity of the odour the more likely it is
that the odour is experienced as unpleasant.
The last factor is location. The location here is more focused on the type of area
near to the odour sources affecting surrounding communities’ lifestyle, works or
visits, the type of activity they are engaged in, and the sensitivity of the receiving
environment. In general, the degree of impact of an odour is directly related to the
expectations of people who live, occupy, or visit within a region. For example,
odours associated with industrial operations are more likely to be tolerated in
industrialized zones, where there is an expectation that such activities will take
place. Or, if a person who is exposed to an odour associates it with a natural
occurrence, such as mudflats, swamps, or seaweed, or with rural agricultural
activities, they often do not consider the odour to be offensive or objectionable
(Nicell 2009).

3 Odour Sources and Its Compounds

3.1 Odour Sources

When measuring odours, it is not sufficient to measure odour concentration in

isolation, but it is necessary to account for the air flow associated with the moni-
tored odour source, as, in most cases, these parameters are related to each other
(Belgiorno et al. 2013). There are three types of odour sources which are point
sources, area sources and volume sources. Each source has its own sampling
method as the sources are different in area, volume and flow rate. A point source is
a source where odour is emitted from small or single points such as stack and
scrubber, area sources are sources of wide and open areas and usually originate
from extended solids or liquid areas such as ponds and volume source is the source
with the odour being emitted from a close area such as a building.
Odour Pollution from Waste Recovery Facilities 403

3.2 Odorous Compounds

Odorous compounds are the compounds that have smell as a characteristic. Some
countries use the compounds as surrogates in determining odour concentration, for
example Japan. In the Japanese odour regulation, there are 22 substances of
odourous compounds for determining the odour concentration. Table 2 summarises
the 22 substances and concentrations in the Japanese odour regulation.
Table 3 summarises the odour characteristics of some of the odorous compounds
and their corresponding odour detection threshold. In a study by Huang et al.
(2015), concentrations of reduced sulfur compounds (RSCs), [hydrogen sulfide
(H2S), methyl mercaptan (CH3SH), dimethyl sulfide (DMS), and dimethyl disulfide
(DMDS)], nitrogenous compounds (NCs) [ammonia (NH3) and trimethylamine
(TMA)], and carbonyl compounds [acetaldehyde and butyraldehyde] were deter-
mined by instrumental analysis in the industrial area in Busan, Korea (Huang et al.
2015). While a study by Nimmermark at an animal farm showed that the content of
volatile fatty acids (VFA) has a higher influence in aerated pig slurry (Nimmermark

Table 2 Odorous Substance Limit concentration (ppm)

compounds in Japan
regulation Ammonia 1−5
Methyl mercaptan 0.002−0.01
Hydrogen sulfide 0.02−0.2
Dimethyl sulfide 0.01−0.2
Dimethyl disulfide 0.009−0.1
Trimethylamine 0.005−0.07
Acetaldehyde 0.05−0.5
Propionaldehyde 0.05−0.5
Butyl aldehyde 0.009−0.08
Isobutyl aldehyde 0.02−0.2
Valeraldehyde 0.009−0.05
Isovaleraldehyde 0.003−0.01
Isobutyl alcohol 0.9−20
Ethyl acetate 3−20
Methyl isobutyl ketone 1−6
Toluene 10−60
Styrene 0.4−2
Xylene 1−5
Propionic acid 0.03−0.2
Butyric acid 0.001−0.006
Valeric acid 0.0009−0.004
Isovaleric acid 0.001−0.01
404 N. Qamaruz-Zaman and N. Yaacof

Table 3 Detection threshold and odour description of some odorous compounds (WEF 1995)
Compound name Odour detection threshold (ppm v/v) Odour description
Acetaldehyde 0.067 Pungent, fruity
Allyl mercaptan 0.0001 Disagreeable, garlic
Ammonia 17 Pungent, irritating
Benzyl mercaptan 0.0002 Unpleasant, strong
n-Butyl amine 0.080 Sour, ammonia
Chlorine 0.080 Pungent, suffocating
Di-isopropyl amine 0.13 Fishy
Dimethyl sulphide 0.001 Decayed cabbage
Diphenyl sulphide 0.0001 Unpleasant
Ethyl amine 0.27 Ammonia-like
Ethyl mercaptan 0.0003 Decayed cabbage
Hydrogen sulphide 0.0005 Rotten eggs
Methyl mercaptan 0.0005 Rotten cabbage
Phenyl mercaptan 0.0003 Putrid, garlic
Propyl mercaptan 0.0005 Unpleasant
Pyridine 0.66 Pungent, irritating
Skatole 0.001 Faecal, nauseating
Sulphur dioxide 2.7 Pungent, irritating

Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) is widely applicable to

characterise chemical compounds present in volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
and volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) such as those used in the study by Orzi
et al. (2010) and Tsai et al. (2009). However, the relatively low concentrations
(typically at ppbv and pptv levels) of the chemical compounds makes it difficult to
identify the odorants present without first using a separation technique. Common
absorbent in gas chromatography such as Tenax G-C are capable of trapping a wide
range of organic compounds at ambient temperatures. However, the application of
Tenax G-C is limited and does not work for polar molecules. An alternative
absorbent such as Poropak Q is more suitable for trapping polar or low boiling point
For hydrogen sulphide gas, the odorant is a common trait of smell from sewage
treatment works associated with anaerobic conditions. Detectors having gold film or
a lead acetate tape are typically used to measure H2S at the site. Gold-film detectors
work by utilising resistance changes caused by adsorbed H2S molecules. Lead
acetate, on the other hand, recognizes changes in optical density of the lead acetate
due to the exposure to H2S.
Odour Pollution from Waste Recovery Facilities 405

4 Odour Impact Assessment Method and the Equipment

4.1 Introduction

Various methods have been developed in assessing odour concentrations. Since

odour management depends on measurements and some are based on human
sensitivity, the right method needs to be chosen according to the suitability for the
situation. Methods can be categorised into two types; the sensory method is based
on the human olfactory system and the analytical method which uses instruments to
measure odour.
Of all methods available, olfactometry is the most widely accepted method.
Europe, New Zealand, Australia and US are examples of countries where olfac-
tometry is the chosen method in odour assessment. Like regulations and standards,
use of olfactometry is differently regulated in each country. EN13725:2003: Air
Quality-Determination of Odour Concentration by Dynamic Olfactometry is the
standard of olfactometry set for the user in Europe. This standard was set by the
Comitee Europeen de Normalisation (CEN). In the US, the ASTM International
standard ASTM E679-04: Standard Practice for Determination of Odour and Taste
Threshold by a Forced-Choice Ascending Concentration Series Method of Limits
and ASTM E544-99 (2004): Standard Practice for Referencing Suprathreshold
Odour intensity are the standards to be followed. Other countries like Germany and
France also have their own olfactometry standard. Table 4 summarises the list of
olfactometry methods in each reviewed country.
The standard unit for odour concentrations is known as odour unit. The odour unit
is defined by the EN 13725 standard as 1 OUE a European Odour Unit per cubic
metre, which is a sensory measurement that relies on a physiological response when
odour is detected by the nose when exposed to a sample at a particular concentration.
The DEFRA (UK) Odour Guide for Local Authorities (DEFRA 2010) gave
several odour concentration thresholds as a guideline to indicate the level of odour
exposure to the receptors (Table 5).

Table 4 List of Olfactometry Countries Standard

Europe EN13725:2003
United ASTM D-1391 (1978), ASTM E679-91
States (1991)
Germany VDI 3881 (1980), VDI 3882 (I) (1992)
France AFNOR-X-43-101 (1986)
Netherland NVN 2820 (1996)

Table 5 Indication on the Odour concentration, OU m−3 Exposure level

level of odour exposure
according to measured odour 1 Point of detection
concentrations 5 Faint odour
10 Distinct odour
406 N. Qamaruz-Zaman and N. Yaacof

A concentration of 1 OU m−3 indicates a very weak odour and is usually difficult

to be detected by the majority of the population that is people with normal odour
sensitivity. Odours of 5–60 OU m−3 usually are background odours like the smell
of traffic, grass mowings, vegetation etc.

4.2 VDI 3940

The VDI 3940 standard series (VDI 3940 1993, 2006a, b) describe the method-
ology for assessing the odour of ambient air around selected sources in a grid and in
a plume. There are a few countries that adopted this method for assessing odour
nuisance such as Germany, Austria, France and the Netherlands (Sowka 2010).
There are two types of measurement in VDI 3940.
The first is the grid measurement following the VDI 3940 Part 1. According to
the standard part one of a VDI 3940 series, a grid measurement is a technique in
which a team of assessors registers odours in following measuring grids within the
area under study for a fixed period of time (e.g. 6 months). The results obtained are
used for assessing the impact of odours on air quality (Sowka 2010). It is recom-
mended that the area under study be a circle, with the source of odour emissions in
its center. The research area is covered uniformly with spaced grid points.
Measuring squares are created by connecting 4 points. The grid step is very
important for a proper evaluation of odour impact. It is recommended that the step
set up initially be equal to 250 m. Depending on the conditions and needs, higher
(up to 500 m) or lower (e.g. 125, 100 and 50 m) steps are also acceptable.
In the case of high point sources, odour impact is determined at a distance of
250 m from the edge of the plant and a grid size is 250 m  250 m is recom-
mended. For low point and fugitive sources, located less than 250 m from the
nearest buildings, it is possible to reduce the size of squares to cover all possible
places where the odour distribution is not uniform. In such situations, the sizes of
the squares are 50 m  50 m. The size of the squares will increase with distance.
According to the VDI 3940 Part 1, standard measurement should be carried out on
different days and should be planned ahead so that each of the measuring points of
the grid is independent of each other. To obtain representativeness of test results,
before starting the measurements, it is necessary to select regular and non-random
days of measurements. Ultimately, 52 or 104 measurements should be performed in
6 month or in 12 month periods, respectively.
Second is plume measurement using the VDI 3940 Part 2. According to the VDI
3940 Part 2, a plume measurement is carried out in order to obtain information on
the impact of odour within a plume range. The study will take place under specified
weather condition. Compared to the grid measurement, the percentage occurrence
of odour in a single measurement is a variable in the calculation of odour impact.
Normally, a plume measurement is related to a specific industrial facility. It is
necessary to gather information on the manufacturing process and as well the
product type and also the operating hours of the main emission sources. Odour from
Odour Pollution from Waste Recovery Facilities 407

the emitter permeates the air and this process is directly dependent on wind speed
and direction and atmospheric stability. Hence, it is necessary to measure some
meteorological parameters in a given area during the sampling period. According to
German standards, these parameters are as follows: wind speed and direction, air
stability and ambient temperature. It is also important to register episodic events
like rain, fog or snow during the measurements.
According to VDI 3940, Part 2, before choosing the measurement points it is
necessary to determine the extent of an odour plume. Then, the approximate wind
direction is determined. Assessors move away from the plant downwind to the end
of a plume. Reaching the plant upwind, they can assess the distance from an odour
source at which it is perceptible. The plume boundary is reached when the per-
centage odour time reaches a predetermined percentage (10 %). A minimum of
three intersection lines is required according to the VDI standard for plume mea-
surements. At least five measurement points for an intersection line crosses and is
plotted by five assessors. The distances between intersections of lines and mea-
surement points depend on the anticipated plume size, which can be affected by the
height of emission sources, by the odour of air flux, current weather conditions and
topography. For consecutive measurements of intersection line, the positions of an
assessor should be changed so that no single assessor takes the same position during
plume measurements.

4.3 Olfactometer

An olfactometer is a sensorial technique that use the human nose as a sensor, such
as dynamic olfactometry and usually follow the standard and regulation set by
EN13725 (2003). Dynamic olfactometry involves continuous dilution of a known
flow of the sample with a known flow of odourless air. The static method on the
other hand requires dilution of an odorous air sample in a known odourless air
volume to be done first before being presented to the odour panel, usually in
batches (Littaru 2007).
The principle of the olfactometer is to characterize the odours by referring directly
to their effects on a panel of qualified examiners. In addition, as an olfactometer use
the human olfactory system and several factors may influence odour perception. The
most important one is the variability of human olfaction between different subjects.
This problem is minimized by using a panel composed by several examiners,
selected with precise criteria in order to choose people with a standardized olfaction,
and by averaging the single examiners’ responses (Capelli et al. 2008). The input
layer of each olfactory bulb contains about 1000 spherical structures called glo-
meruli. Within each glomerulus, less than 100 second-order olfactory neurons
(Mitral cells and Tufted cells) receive input from *25,000 olfactory receptor cells.
The odour panellists are selected based on a reference substance (n-butanol) and
only those meeting the average n-butanol odour threshold ranging between
20–80 ppb are considered as fit odour panellists. The n-butanol odour allows a
408 N. Qamaruz-Zaman and N. Yaacof

tuning of the olfaction of the panellists, as well as a finer definition of the Odour
Unit. It is assumed that 1 Odour Unit OU m−3 corresponds to a concentration of
20 ppb of the reference substance (n-butanol).

4.4 Method of Odour Sampling

The assessment of odour samples using olfactometers involves first the collection of
the odorous gas samples from the source using proper equipment usually into a
sample bag or sample canisters which is then connected to the measuring instru-
ment for analysis.
In addition to odour concentration reported as OU m−3, the odour emission rate
is also another important parameter considering that in most cases odour concen-
tration and airflow are linked. Odour emission rate is the product of airflow and
odour concentration and its values are used as input data for designing odour
control systems, or as inputs for odour dispersion modelling.
For point sources such as stacks, sampling is done by inserting a sampling probe
into the stack and withdrawing the sample from the air flow. The flow rate is the
product of velocity and cross-sectional area of the stack which can be determined
using anemometers or pitot tubes at several positions across the area of the stack
(DEFRA 2010).
For area sources such as wastewater treatment ponds, landfills etc. there is no
clear indication of airflow over the surface. Hence, “hood” methods as shown in

Fig. 1 Odour sampling at an

effluent pond using flux hood
and vacuum chamber
Odour Pollution from Waste Recovery Facilities 409

Fig. 1 are usually used. In the “hood” methods, a hood or wind tunnel is placed
over the surface of the odour emission. Then odourless air (or nitrogen gas) is
blown through the apparatus at a flowrate between 5 and 24 L/min (Capelli et al.
2013). The emission rate is then obtained considering the airflow through the hood
and the odour concentration from the sample collected from the hood.

4.5 Dispersion Modelling

As people begin to pay attention to odour problems, continuous odour monitoring

technologies are necessary to understand and identify strategies to reduce the
impact of odour emissions on local communities. Researchers working in the
environmental field, especially majoring in air pollution are interested in measuring
concentration of air pollutants continuously at different time scales (Zou et al.
2010). A great deal of work is necessary for determining pollutant concentration.
As manual monitoring and observing pollutant concentration are costly to install
and maintain, researchers try to develop alternatives. Therefore, air dispersion
modelling was created to make the monitoring and observing work easier and
cheaper. A dispersion model is a set of mathematical equations used for deter-
mining the fate of pollutants emitted in the atmosphere. It also calculates the
concentration level at any point in space depending on the meteorological

Table 6 The functions of odour dispersion modelluing

Purpose References
(1) Assessing the compliance of concentrations from emissions of • Ozkurt et al. (2013)
planned facilities with air quality guidelines or standards • Lee et al. (2012)
(2) Determining appropriate stack height • Lateb et al. (2011)
• Canepa (2004)
• Pregger and
Friedrich (2009)
(3) Assessing the contribution of individual plants to the overall • Ainslie and Jackson
concentrations (2009)
(4) Designing ambient air monitoring network • Elkamel et al. (2008)
• Lozano et al. (2010)
(5) Forecasting pollution episodes • Saide et al. (2011)
• Finardi et al. (2008)
• Kim Oanh et al.
(6) Estimating the influence of geophysical factors on dispersion • Tartakovsky et al.
• Levy et al. (2002)
• Indumati et al.
• Song et al. (2009)
410 N. Qamaruz-Zaman and N. Yaacof

information at that point (Foundation Course of Air Quality Management in Asia

2008) Air dispersion modelling helps to determine the following issues highlighted
in Table 6.

4.6 Electronic Nose

The first ‘model electronic’ nose, based on a small chemo-electronic sensor array,
was developed in a study by Persaud and Dodd (1982). Although this system
comprised only three chemically active sensors, it provided the generic architecture
used in most systems today. This architecture, modelled on the limited under-
standing of the biological olfactory system at that time, and in particular the work of
Deutsch, relied upon an array of partially specific sensors and a primitive method of
data fusion, able to provide discrimination between a number of simple odorants
(Pearce 1997).
Electronic noses were initially introduced as instruments able to mimic the
human olfactory system. They include indeed similar corresponding components:
the array of chemical sensors, the data processing unit and the pattern recognition
engine respectively, for the olfactory receptor cells, the olfactory bulb and the brain.
But, of course, the sensors of the electronic nose can respond to both odorous and
odourless volatile compounds. It can be applied to any source which releases
volatiles, whether they smell or not, provided that this occurs within the sensitivity
range of the sensors, which is rather narrow compared to the human nose. So, the
initial enthusiasm for e-nose as an instrument to assess the odour is no counterpart
for a more realistic and scientific approach.
The instrument continues to be used as “electronic nose” to detect odour
emissions, but, rather to try to compare it to the human nose, it is used more often as
a complementary tool with respect to chemical or sensitive methods (Romain et al.
2008). In many cases, it would be advisable to analyze air continuously, in order to
detect the odours from an industrial source and to determine exactly when such
odours are perceived. Since it is not always possible to correlate the chemical
composition of a gaseous mixture with its odour properties, analytical measure-
ments are not suitable for odour determination. A method for continuous odour
monitoring could be based on the use of electronic noses.

4.7 Surveying and Odour Diaries

Odour needs the right assessment method and steps. There are on site measurement,
dispersion modelling and survey method to be chosen. Those steps can be run
simultaneously or independently dependant on the situation of the odour problem.
Planning is important in odour assessment for optimal results. The appropriate tools
need to be considered because each tool has its own advantages/disadvantages.
Odour Pollution from Waste Recovery Facilities 411

Prediction tools such as dispersion modelling are viewed as less effective by some
compared to real-time tools such as direct sensory assessment and retrospective
techniques such as complaints. The assessment usually starts with complaints,
followed by investigation and choosing the assessment tools. The UK, New
Zealand and the US all start their assessment by conducting a complaint evaluation.
In the UK direct measurement of the percentage of people annoyed are at the
start of assessment. Complaints are usually not handled following a standard
method and done through local authorities, while direct measurement is usually
done using The Standardised Telephone Questionnaire (STQ). Beside complaint
analysis and telephone survey, in China questionnaire surveys are used for odour
investigations (MoEGJ 2015).
Another method is using odour diaries. Odour diaries are based on the FIDOL
concept. Odour diaries are suitable for recording odour episodes in a short time.
They are also suitable for the evaluation by a group of people tasked with constant
monitoring. For example, in New Zealand, they run odour diaries if several com-
plaints are registered for the same places. Those individuals will receive a set of
tables that need to be filled. Typically odour complaint data will not be more
accurate in low population areas, when there are more than one odour source and
when complaint records cannot be validated with wind data. Therefore population
size and number of odour sources play an important role in the first step of odour
impact assessment.

5 Waste Recovery Facilities (WRF)

5.1 Introduction to WRF

Nowadays one of the most important challenges for chemical engineering is to

convert wastes into raw materials for other processes. This is the case of municipal
solid waste (MSW), continuously increasing with more than 260 million of metric
tons generated last year in Europe. The main objective of these facilities is to divide
the received MSW stream into its different fractions in order to subject them to
specific treatments. Organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) and
recyclable materials such as paper, plastic containers, cans, etc. are removed; the
rest of the waste stream, known as reject fraction, is usually disposed in landfills
(Montejo et al. 2011). Waste recovery facilities (WRF) are specialized plants that
receive, separate and prepare recyclable materials for marketing to end-user man-
ufacturers. The WRF receives and sorts through both municipal and commercial
waste to recover recyclable materials, including:
• Wood/greenwaste processed for compost and woodchips
• Metal—ferrous/metallic items
• Plastic—many grades
412 N. Qamaruz-Zaman and N. Yaacof

• Glass—all colours
• Paper—newspaper, junk mail, phone books, magazines, scrap paper, paperboard
and cardboard
Materials that cannot be recycled are taken to the landfill.
An example is the waste recovery facility at Placer County, California, USA
where approximately 50 % of the waste is diverted from going to the landfill,
helping Placer County comply with a state mandated recycling rate (WMA 2015).
Urban solid waste management is a critical issue in most countries, requiring an
integrated effective system approach. In this framework, one of the options advo-
cated by waste management planners and government regulations is the recovery of
material and energy from municipal solid waste (MSW) through production of
refuse-derived fuel (RDF) (Caputo and Pelagagge 2002).
Not all odorous substance are found in one single source as shown in Table 7.
For example, odour compounds detected at an anaerobic digestion plant and plastic
waste recycling facility varied. There is no universal odorous compounds for all

Table 7 Odorous compounds at waste recovery facilities

Facility Odourants Concentration Unit
OFMSW anaerobic digestion Aliphatic hydrocarbons (total) 0.48−30.2 ppbv
plant (Orzi et al. 2010) Aromatic hydrocarbons (total) 19.3–55.1 ppbv
Butanone 12−556 ppbv
Alcohols (total) 38.5−762 ppbv
2-butanol 17−208 ppbv
Ethanol 4−365 ppbv
Propanol 36−121 ppbv
Ethers (total) 1.72−78.8 ppbv
Esters (total) 12.7−355.3 ppbv
Methyl acetate 55−158 ppbv
Terpenes (total) 414−4750 ppbv
a—Pinene 26−80 ppbv
Limonene 178−4389 ppbv
q—Cymene 53−134 ppbv
Nitrogen compounds (total) 3.42−7.11 ppbv
Sulphur compounds (total) 8.1–79.6 ppbv
Halogenated compounds (total) 0−0.08 ppbv
Carboxylic acids 0−164.7 ppbv
Total VOC 1178−6005 ppbv
Plastic waste recycling Total hydrocarbons 2623–9873 µgm−3
facility (Tsai et al. 2009) Total ketones 3772−15,626 µgm−3
Total esters 1344−2440 µgm−3
Total aldehydes 46−259 µgm−3
Acetonitrile 64–67 µgm−3
Acrylonitrile 11−49 µgm−3
Odour Pollution from Waste Recovery Facilities 413

waste recovery facility, suggesting that investigators need to have an open mind in
the assessment. Otherwise, some important data on the compounds actually causing
the odour issue at the facility under investigation might be missed.

5.2 Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF)

Energy-intensive industries like cement, paper, chemical production or power

generation are some of the proponents for refuse-derived fuel (RDF), either as
co-combustion in modified existing plants or as mono-combustion in specifically
designed boilers. Installing material recovery facilities (MRFs) in a solid waste
management system could be a feasible alternative to achieve sustainable devel-
opment goals in urban areas if current household and curb side recycling cannot
prove successful in the long run.
In the processing of RDF, biodrying is sometimes utilized to dry the waste in
order to increase energy content (EC) (Tambone et al. 2011). For example, a
minimum net heating value (NHV) of 15,000 kJ kg−1 w.w. must be met for
MSW-derived SRF under Italian law.
In addition, biodried material, because of low potential microbial activity,
guarantees low risk of potential waste self-heating and self-ignition, and a strong
reduction of potential odour emissions, allowing easy storage. Odour is related to
the presence of degradable OF in waste that under optimal condition, i.e. moisture,
pH, nutrients, and anoxic or partially anoxic environments, can ferment to produce
In a laboratory study of six samples of fresh and bio-dried MSW, it was observed
that biodrying halved potential odour impacts. This was due to the low microbial
that occurred in the biodried material because of the low moisture content. The very
good correlation found for RDRI versus OU (r = 0.93, P < 0.005, n = 6) con-
firmed this finding (Tambone et al. 2011).

5.3 Anaerobic Digestion

The process of decomposing organic fraction of municipal solid waste—OFMSW,

energy crops, and agro-industrial wastes using the activity of specific microor-
ganisms in the absence of oxygen, is called anaerobic digestion. The end product
includes the production of biogas (mainly methane and carbon dioxide) that can be
used for electricity generation).
In a biogas or anaerobic digestion plant, the main group of odourants emitted are
volatile organic compounds (VOC) which contributed significantly to odour issue at
MSWs biogas plants. Ketones, alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, acids, terpenes (pinene,
cymene and limonene) and organic sulphur compounds are among the VOCs
commonly reported. This is in agreement with a study of a full-scale anaerobic
414 N. Qamaruz-Zaman and N. Yaacof

digestion plant located in Northern Italy treating around 30,000 Mg of waste per
year. The VOCs present in the air of the ingestate consisted mostly of terpenes
(61 %), alcohols (18 %), and esters (9 %). Fresh wastes (ND) were associated with
the presence of the terpenes, limonene and beta-pinene, both widespread in fruits,
vegetables, and pine species. Digested wastes contained a high presence of
p-cymene ranging between 53–134 ppbv (Orzi et al. 2010).
The Ecoparc-2 in Barcelona, Spain, receives waste material including MSW, as
well as green waste from parks and gardens of a number of municipalities of the
metropolitan area of Barcelona to process in its 240,000 tons/year anaerobic reactor.
Odour emission of the industrial complex exceeded the German criteria for
industrial areas (15 % odour hours), while those found in the most immediate urban
zone were below the criteria for residential areas (10 % odour hours). An odour
exposure study was conducted using field panel observations around the Ecoparc-2,
according to the German standard EN3940.
Use of anaerobic sequencing batch reactors (ASBR) has been shown in the study
by Ndegwa et al. (2008) to contain odour issues known to be associated with
anaerobic digestion when treating dilute animal waste. The ASBR operates in four
sequences: feed, react, settle, and decant in a cyclic mode. Essentially ASBR
separates the SRT and HRT in the same reaction chamber to allow solids to have
longer retention times while the easily degradable liquid spends a much shorter time
in the reactor. A higher removal of volatile fatty acid is thus achieved whereby the
levels of odorous compounds and potential of odour generation from the resulting
effluents are subsequently reduced. VFA contents of the effluents decreased to
below 230 mg/L; the level of VFA below which odour problems are not expected,
and certainly less than the 520 mg/L threshold of offensive odours. The treatment of
dilute swine slurries in ASBRs for the purpose of odour control is most effective at
lower operating temperature and cycle-frequency between one to three times.

5.4 Incineration

Incineration can reduce waste volume up to 95 %, although is not a very popular

process. Nevertheless, the more stringent requirements on air pollution can be con-
trolled using the existing technology correctly. Incineration of MSW is the most
implemented treatment option in populous countries such as China. Japan is the
country with the highest number of waste incineration plants, about 1900 facilities,
190 of them with power generation; it is followed by countries of the European
Union, mainly France, and the United States. According to previous works on inte-
grated waste management, MSW has a high calorific value, allowing the incineration
with greater energy recovery, although, in accordance with current strategies,
incineration should be done once recyclable materials have been recovered, i.e. to the
reject fraction from MBT plants also named refuse derived fuel (RDF).
The main advantages of RDF incineration over using MSW as fuel are better
efficiency of energy recovery and better quality of flue gases by significant
Odour Pollution from Waste Recovery Facilities 415

reduction of heavy metals in the fly ashes. Both advantages are closely related to the
composition of incinerator feedstock, however, the latest data of MSW character-
izations in Spain were published in 1999 and for RDF have never been available
(Montejo et al. 2011). The rising prices of raw materials and the depletion of landfill
space have resulted in an increasing concern for material recovery and reuse. On the
other hand, thermal treatment by using incineration technology has been proven as
an attractive method of waste disposal for many years due to the primary advan-
tages of hygiene control, volume reduction, and energy recovery. Previous expe-
rience in solid waste management has been that solid waste pre-sorting prior to
incineration is solely a function of material recycling (Chang and Chang 1998).
In China, incineration is a significant component of an integrated waste man-
agement program for large cities especially in the eastern and coastal provinces with
dense population and lack of adequate sites for landfill. Since the first MSW
incinerator was established in Shenzhen City of the Guangdong Province in 1988,
more and more 101 MSW incinerators were established by the end of 2010. The
combined normal rated treatment capacity of 101 MSW incinerators was 85 kg/day
in 2010, reflecting a growth of 5.7 times compared with the year of 2003.
Huang et al. (2015) explored public acceptance of waste incineration projects in
China and noted the public’s concern over odour exposure from incineration plants.
Two incineration projects in the Jiangsu Province valued at RMB 270.50 million
and RMB 500 million, anonymously known as Project A and Project B, respec-
tively, were compared. Before Project A began operation, nearby residents raised
concern over odour release from the incinerator. This worry was brushed aside by
the government and an enforced approach was adopted in Project A which ulti-
mately turned into aggressive confrontations between the public and the govern-
ment. In Project B, however, the government in charge successfully reconciled the
conflicts by re-settling the households affected by the incinerator odour. It was
concluded that in events of complaints, the government’s flexibility in and readi-
ness for problem-resolving could increase public’s acceptance. Finally, for
Projects A and B, the nearby households were compensated with resettlement, in
fact, the influence of the odour was underestimated as odour spread far beyond the
compensated regions.

6 Technologies of Odour Control

There are many types of odour control technologies in the market. Those tech-
nologies were chosen according to suitability in an industry. Odour control tech-
nologies that are usually been used are such as biofilters, activated carbon, wet
scrubber, thermal oxidation and oxidization chemical.
One of the common methods in odour control is using biofilters. From the name
of the technologies, it concludes that biofilters use living organisms for controlling
pollutants by capturing and degrading these. There are two types of the filters used:
organic, such as bark and wood chips, and synthetic, such as granulated carbon or
416 N. Qamaruz-Zaman and N. Yaacof

plastics (Bindra et al. 2015). As stated by Luo and Lindsey (2006), biofilters are an
efficient and practical technology for gas cleaning and can reduce odours to
acceptable levels, but sometimes, they are unreliable because of operation under
sub-optimal conditions (Luo and Lindsey 2006).
Biofilters need to be kept humid by using a system consisting of a filter bed of
organic/inorganic material, but not necessarily subject to continuous water spraying
like wet scrubbers. Instead of media like bark or plastic, wet scrubbers use
absorbance of pollutants into a liquid. Acid, water and NaClO2 solution are
examples of liquids used in wet scrubbers (Chien et al. 2015; Park et al. 2015). Wet
scrubbers have a higher removal efficiency compare to packed towers in removing
acid and basic ammonia gases, and efficiency is needed to meet emission regula-
tions, especially for high-volumetric flow rates and low-concentration soluble gas
pollutants (Chien et al. 2015).
Adsorption is operational in most natural physical, biological and chemical
system and widely used in industries. The most common adsorbent materials are
alumina silica, metal hydroxides and activated carbon (Malik et al. 2002). The
adsorbent adsorbs pollutants which is typically used remediation of wastewater
(Gurses et al. 2006). Adsorption occurs in three steps. In the beginning, the
adsorbate disperses from the major body of the stream to the external surface of
the adsorbent particle. Then, the adsorbate migrates from the relatively small area
of the external surface to the pores within each adsorbent particle. The majority of
adsorption usually occurs in these pores because there is the majority of available
surface area. In the final step, the contaminant molecule adheres to the surface in the
Other technologies in removing odour are by using thermal or chemical oxi-
dation. Both processes will react with contaminants and oxidising them to harmless
compounds. The only difference of the two technologies is the agent used in the
process. Thermal oxidation uses high temperature as the agent while chemical
oxidation use chemical substances. Thermal oxidation has a disadvantage in
removing sulfur containing compounds. It needs to be used together with biofil-
tration which produces a large amount of wastes that require further treatment
resulting in high operating cost (Antonopoulou et al. 2014).
In order to choose the right type of odour control technology, the following
factors need to be considered:
(i) odour removal efficiency,
(ii) composition and concentration of air flow,
(iii) capital and O&M cost,
(iv) reliability,
(v) energy and water usage, and
(vi) space requirement.
Table 8 summarises various odour control technologies and methods that are in
place at waste recovery facilities, while advantageous and disadvantageous of the
technologies are given in Table 9.
Table 8 Evaluation of odour control technologies/treatment methods (Bindra et al. 2015)
System Odour Capital O&M Reliability Space Energy Chemical Water
removal cost cost requirement usage usage
Biofilters >90 % Mod Low Good High High Low Mod
Activated carbon 99 % Mod Low Excellent Low Low High None
Packed-bed wet >90 % Mod High Good Mod Mod Mod Mod
Odour Pollution from Waste Recovery Facilities

Fine mist wet scrubbers >90 % High High Mod Mod Mod High Mod
Thermal oxidizers >95 % Very high High Mod Low Very high High None
Oxidization chemicals 99 % None Very Mod None None Very None
high high
Masking agents N/A None–low Mod Mod None None High None
Mod Moderate
418 N. Qamaruz-Zaman and N. Yaacof

Table 9 Major advantages and disadvantages of odour control technologies (Bindra et al. 2015)
Technology Advantages Disadvantages
Biofilters • No chemicals required • High concentration air streams can
• Odour compounds are destroyed cause acidification of media
not just transferred to different • High energy usage
media • Large land area required for system
• Simple technology • Water usage, potential for leachate
Activated • No chemicals or pumps • Only cost effective for low
carbon • Simple system and O&M concentration air streams
• Small space requirement • Solid waste produced (used carbon)
• Good for higher molecular • Not effective for ammonia
weight gases
Packed-bed • Effective for high concentration • Potential use of hazardous chemicals
wet H2S air • Intermittent cleaning required
scrubbers • Good for large air volumes • Sophisticated instrumentation required
• Proven and tested technology
Fine mist • Higher odour absorption • Potential use of hazardous chemicals
wet efficiency than packed tower • Water softening required
scrubbers • Bigger range of odour • Sophisticated instrumentation required
compounds treated than packed • Continuous waste discharge
• Ability to treat higher air flows
• Effective for high concentration
H2S air
Thermal • Excellent for VOC’s • Use of fossil fuels (oil or gas)
oxidizers • Good for concentrated air • Can result in formation of SO2 and
streams NOx emissions
• Odour compounds are destroyed • High capital and O&M costs
• Small size
Oxidizing • Simple O&M • Chemical usage can be very high and
chemicals • No capital cost expensive
• Can treat variable air streams • Oxidizing agents will oxidize
non-odour compounds as well, thus
increases costs
• Oxidizing agents may kill aerobic
microbes and alter composting
Masking • Good for variable odour • Not useful for VOC’s
agents incidents • Odour is just masked, not
• No capital cost treated/destroyed
• Masking agents can be perceived as
nuisance odour

Odour still remains a major concern for organics processing facilities and is one
of the most problematic issues that such facilities face in Canada and around the
world. This study was intended to look at what technologies can be used to
effectively treat odours from an efficiency, cost and reliability bases and what
impact these treatment technologies have on the environment. In terms of odour
Odour Pollution from Waste Recovery Facilities 419

treatment efficiency all three systems are similar and provide good odour treatment
for odour compounds of concern. Effectively implemented either of the 3 systems
will be effective odour control options.
Bindra et al. (2015) conducted a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) comparing
packed-bed wet scrubber systems, organic (wood-chip media) biofilters and inor-
ganic (synthetic media) biofilter systems based on the aspect of efficiency, cost and
reliability together with the impact of these treatment technologies on the envi-
ronment. The study concluded that a biofilter system is more advantageous than the
packed-bed system when considering the effect of preliminary cost estimates,
O&M, flexibility of the system, hazardous chemical production and ease of oper-
ation. In terms of the biofilter media, inorganic media is preferred over wood chip
media as the latter needs less frequent material replacement. The packed-bed system
presents the lowest environmental impact based on the LCA findings. With biofilter
systems a sizable portion of their environmental impact is due to the system being
energy intensive due to the reliance on the fan suction system energy.

7 Conclusions

Odour is an issue at several waste recovery facilities such as biogas, incineration

and refuse-derived fuel plants. Various techniques such as biofilters, wet scrubbers,
activated carbon and even odour masking has been shown to be effective at treating
odour at the waste recovery facilities. The selection of the appropriate odour control
technology should also consider potential environmental effects from the use of
such systems at the treatment plants. Examples include accidental release of poi-
sonous gases e.g. when sodium hypochlorite is used in wet scrubbers catches fire,
the need for disposal of spent biofilter media and activated carbon, among others.

Acknowledgement The assistance provided by the Fundamental Research Grant

Scheme reference no. 2013/0191/F0723 is greatly acknowledged.


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