Physical Principles of Gas Exchange
Physical Principles of Gas Exchange
Physical Principles of Gas Exchange
Henry’s law
the amount of gas dissolved will be directly proportional to the
partial pressure of the gas with which the liquid is in equilibrium
gas exchanges between gas & liquid phases obey the law of
diffusion (high to low until equilibrium is reached)
Physics of Gas Diffusion & Gas Partial Pressures If the concentration of the dissolved gas is increased, its partial
pressure will also increase & vice versa
Dalton’s law
in a mixture of gases, each gas exerts its own individual If the solubility coefficient of the gas is increased, its partial
pressure, the so called partial pressure. pressure will decrease & vice versa
the partial pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its
concentration partial pressures of dissolved gasses are also denoted by a P in
net diffusion of a gas occurs from a region where its partial front of the symbol for the gas. e.g. PO2, PCO2
pressure is high to a region where it is low
usually expressed in mmHg units
partial pressures are denoted by a P in front of the symbol for the gas. e.g. different gasses have different solubilities
The more soluble a gas is the more of this gas is needed to
atmospheric or barometric pressure is the sum of all the partial pressures produce a given partial pressure that can be exerted by a less
of the gases in the air (760 mmHg at sea level). soluble gas
air is about 79% nitrogen & 21% oxygen, w/ very small amount of CO2, The amount of CO2 needed to produce the same P exerted by
water vapor & inert gases O2 is about 20 times that of O2 (diagram below)
PO2 = 760 x 0.21 ≈160 mmHg (sea level)
PN2 =760 x 0.79 ≈ 600 mmHg (sea level)
Partial Pressures of Respiratory Gases as They Ender & Leave the Lungs
(1) thickness of the membrane,
(4) partial pressure difference of the gas between two sides of the
5. Capillary basement
Thickness = 0.6μM
Total Surface area = 70 M2 (25 ft x 30 ft)
Total amount of blood contained in this area = 100 ml
Factors That Affect the Rate of Gas Diffusion Through the Respiratory Effects of Various Conditions on Alveolar Gas Ventilation
Membrane CONDITION Alveolar Po2 Alveolar Pco2
Normal gas exchange requires that ventilation and perfusion of
Breathing air with Decreases No change the alveoli are correctly matched with each other
low PO2
If an alveolus is well ventilated it must be also well perfused. If it is
Alveolar Increases Decreases poorly ventilated, the blood flowing in it should also be reduced
ventilation & accordingly, else there is ventilation-perfusion inequality
metabolism Is expressed as VA/Q
During Exercise
the time that the blood remains in the pulmonary capillary may be reduced
to less than ½ the normal
98% of blood that enters the left atrium passed through the alveolar
capillaries w/ a Po2 of 104 mm Hg.
2% of the blood passed from the aorta thru the bronchial circulation, w/c
supplies the deep tissues of the lungs & is not exposed to lung air
Changes in PO2 in the pulmonary capillary blood, systemic arterial blood, and
systemic capillary blood, demonstrating the effect of “venous admixture.”
Role of Hemoglobin in Oxygen Transport
volumes %
So normally
our tissues
receive 5
of O2
(5 ml of O2
per 100ml
of passing
Shift to right:
Shift to left:
(Opposite to the above)
(1) Decreased hydrogen ions (Bohr Effect)
(2) Decreased CO2
(3) Decreased temperature
(4) Decreased 2,3-BPG
(5) Increased pH
CO – a poison
Expiration of CO2 is by bulk flow, whereas all movements of CO2 across
membranes are by diffusion. Arrows reflect relative proportions of the fates
of the CO2. About two-thirds of the CO2 entering the blood in the tissues
ultimately is converted to HCO3 in the erythrocytes where carbonic
anhydrase is located, most of the HCO3 then moves out of the erythrocytes
into the plasma in exchange for chloride ions ( "chloride shift")
O2 binding by Hgb promotes release of CO2
(2) Acidic Hgb releases H+, & these bind w/ HCO3- ions to form H2CO3;
dissociates into H2O & CO2 & the CO2 is released from the blood into the
alveoli & into the air.
dorsal respiratory group plays the most fundamental role in the control of
1 complete breath
2 seconds for inspiration
3 seconds for expiration
A Pneumotaxic Center
limits the duration of inspiration and increases the respiratory rate VRG of
inactive during normal quiet respiration
activated by signals that spill over from the dorsal respiratory area
contribute to both inspiration and expiration
Chemical Control of Respiration
provides powerful expiratory signals to the abdominal muscles during marked increase in ventilation caused by an increase in Pco2 in
very heavy expiration. the normal range between 35 & 75 mm Hg
Hering- Breuer inflation reflex relative low potency of effect of [H+]
mediated by pulmonary stretch receptors
cuts short inspiration when TV > 1.5 L
prevents over-inflation of lungs
Low PaO2 & non-carbonic acids stimulate peripheral chemoreceptors Effect of exercise on oxygen consumption and ventilatory rate
Cheyne-Stokes breathing, showing changing PCO2 in the pulmonary blood
(red line) and delayed changes in the PCO2 of the fluids of the respiratory
center (blue line)
Changes in alveolar ventilation (bottom curve) & arterial PCO2 (top curve)
during a 1-minute period of exercise & also after termination of exercise.