Instructional Strategies
Instructional Strategies
Instructional Strategies
Using the form below, list the name of the strategy, when you can use it in your classroom, and how to
use the strategies. Complete this for all the videos watched. You can add to the table as you need to do
Name of Strategy Describe how the strategy works How do you see yourself using the
strategy in your classroom?
1 Exit Ticket Students complete a ticket at I will use exit tickets in any content
the end of the lesson/school day area to check students’
with the answer to a question or understanding, verify that they can
a solution to a problem to solve a problem or answer an
demonstrate what they learned. important question based on the
lesson, and create groups based on
their levels of understanding.
2 Whiteboard Wipeout Students write on personal I can use this in any content area to
whiteboards to respond to a activate prior knowledge, check for
prompt and show the answers understanding, ensure students are
immediately to the teacher. following along, review what was
learned, or as a game for an
upcoming assessment.
3 K-W-L Graphic organizers that help I can use this to engage students in a
students organize information new topic, activate prior knowledge,
before, during, and after a unit formulate questions, document what
or lesson. they learned, and monitor student
4 Turn and Talk Students participate in a I can use this as a warm-up activity to
meaningful discussion with the discuss the previous night’s
person next to them to help homework assignment, after five
process new information, rather minutes of oral input to help students
than a whole-class discussion. process what they just heard, or as a
closing activity so students can
review what they learned.
5 Think, Pair, Share Students think about what they I can use it in ELA to deepen
know about the topic, pair up discussions about characters, in Math
with a classmate, then share when students are deciding how to
their thoughts with their partner approach a problem, or Science to
and the whole class. help students form a hypothesis.
6 Inside Outside Circles Students form two concentric I can use this to structure meaningful
circles and exchange conversation during a lesson to
information with a partner until process important concepts before
the teacher signals the outer applying them, after a lesson to
circle to rotate in one direction, discuss key concepts learned, or
giving students a new peer to before an assessment to review
talk to. information.
7 Frayer Model Students define vocabulary I can use this when teaching students
words by generating examples new vocabulary words, when
and non-examples, comparing attributes and examples,
characteristics, and/or drawing to review key vocabulary before an
a picture to illustrate the assessment, or when having students
meaning of the word. A visual think critically to find relationships
representation is created as between concepts and develop
students place the information deeper understandings of word
on a chart that is divided into meanings.
four sections.
8 Four Corners Students are presented with a I can use this before introducing new
controversial statement or are material, to activate prior knowledge,
asked a question. In each of the after watching a debatable film clip to
four corners of the classroom, gauge a reaction, after reading a
an opinion or response is short text to begin a discussion, when
posted. Students express their students are in need of movement, or
opinion or response by standing as a test review after a unit of study.
in front of one of four
statements, and then talking to
others about why they have
chosen their corner.
9 Graphic Organizers They help students organize They can be used at any point in the
their thoughts and ideas for lesson to structure information into
answering questions, function as understandable chunks: When taking
a pre-writing tool for essays, and notes about new information in a
provide a visual display of lesson, when comparing and
information. Examples are Venn contrasting two concepts, to help
Diagrams and T-Charts. students classify new information
into meaningful categories, or as a
brainstorming tool to generate ideas
before students begin a writing
10 Gallery Walk Students walk throughout the I can use this at any point in the
classroom and respond to lesson to engage students in
meaningful questions, conversation: After reading a story to
documents, images, problem- discuss ideas, themes, and
solving situations or texts. They characters; after completing a lab to
can work individually or in small discuss findings and implications; to
groups to share ideas. examine historical documents or
images; after students have created a
poster or any other type of display
11 One Minute Note Students have one minute to I can use this throughout the input
write down the key points they portion of any lesson to get real-time
remember after five to ten feedback on students’
minutes of input from an oral or comprehension and also help solidify
written source. new content.
12 Popsicle Sticks To ensure all students have an I can use this at any point in the
equal opportunity to participate lesson to increase student
and share their responses in engagement by randomly calling on
class, use Popsicle Sticks to students to gauge understanding
randomly drawing a student’s during or after a lesson, to assign
name. groups or tasks, to ask interest
questions before introducing new
material to tap into prior knowledge,
or to decide who will receive a special
13 Consensogram The teacher poses a question I can use this at any point in the
and asks each student to record lesson to structure meaningful
his or her thoughts on a chart conversation, gauge student
that everyone can see. Once perception, help determine levels of
everyone has placed his or her understanding, allow students an
mark on the Consensogram, the opportunity to express their feelings
teacher and class analyze the about a certain subject, provide quick
results and determine next information/data so instruction can
steps. be modified or differentiated, or send
the message to students that their
ideas, beliefs, and feelings are
important and valued.
14 Student Response Form After posing a question to I can use this to check for
students, they hold up a card understanding throughout the input
with the corresponding answer section or independent practice of
to the question. The teacher the lesson, as a review game, at the
quickly scans the room to see beginning of a lesson to activate prior
each student’s answer. knowledge, or at the end of a lesson
to check for overall understanding of
important concepts.
15 My Other Half 1. TTW choose a variety of pairs I can use this any time to pair
that students will relate to, like students up with someone they
“peanut butter” and “jelly;” wouldn’t necessarily work with, while
vocabulary words and their also helping to reinforce vocabulary
definitions; photos or images words at the same time.
that match; or anything that fits
the content being taught. *Keep one “trio” in your deck of
2. TTW create cards with one cards (examples: Larry/Curly/Moe or
term on each card, and create Baby Bear/Mama Bear/Papa Bear or
enough so that each student in Bacon/Lettuce/Tomato or
your class has a card. Alvin/Theodore/Simon) for when
3. TTW shuffle the cards and there is an odd number of students in
pass them out. the class.
4. Students walk around the
class until they find the card that
matches theirs.
5. Paired students work
together to complete a task.
16 Affirmations 1. Choose affirmations to use I can use affirmations at any point in
with the class. the day to increase a desired
2. Teach students what the behavior, acknowledge a desired
affirmations look and sound like, behavior, create an atmosphere of
and how to do them rapport and respect within the
appropriately. classroom, and to create a positive
3. Establish guidelines for when and supportive environment by
and how affirmations can be teaching students to be supportive of
earned and post these in the one another.
4. Target the desired behavior(s)
that will earn an affirmation.
5. Publicly acknowledge a
student or group of students
who have exhibited the desired
behavior. Say out loud exactly
what they did.
6. Allow the acknowledged
students to choose which
affirmation they want to
7. Lead the class in giving the
17 Quiz, Quiz, Trade 1. Provide each student with a I can use this at any point in the
flash card about the current unit lesson: Before introducing new
of study. One side of the card material to tap into prior knowledge;
has a question or vocabulary after a unit to review terms; at the
term and the other side beginning of the school year to
provides the answer or review students' knowledge of class
definition. rules and procedures; after a math
2. Students find a partner. unit to review shapes or problems;
Partner A holds up the flash card before students begin an assignment,
to show Partner B the question. such as an essay, a set of word
Partner B answers. Partner A problems or a science
praises if correct or coaches if activity/experiment, to gather ideas
incorrect. They switch roles and or formalize procedure; to remediate
Partner B asks Partner A the weak skills; to practice newly learned
next question. skills.
3. Students thank each other,
switch cards, Partners A and B
raise their hands to find a new
partner and repeat the process
for an allotted amount of time.
18 Tell Me Something Good Students partner up and share I can use this throughout the school
any positive aspect of their life, year to encourage positivity and a
from school, friends, or family. classroom community, specifically at
the beginning of the class, on a
specific day each week, or during
extra time at the end of the class.
19 Whip Around TTW pose an open-ended I will use this to engage students and
question (there is no right or encourage participation by all: during
wrong answer). Students then Guided Practice to get students
write down their responses. talking about the material just
TTW call on each student to covered; as a warm up activity to
quickly share their responses discuss highlights from yesterday’s
with the class. Students have to lesson; as a closing activity to
pay attention and listen closely summarize information covered in
to their classmates’ responses the lesson; to have students provide
to compare them to their own, evidence from a text; as a
as they cannot repeat what brainstorming activity; to help
someone else has said. Class students uncover common themes;
then comes together to discuss or as an icebreaker to help establish a
the most common responses. positive classroom environment.
20 Sentence Stems TTW create a list of sentence I can use this at any point in the
stems that are appropriate to lesson; before introducing new
the discussion or task students material to tap into prior knowledge
are learning. Stems will use (Example stems: I understand that ….;
academic language or sentence I already know that…);
structure that is difficult for the When trying to work through a
students. problem. (Examples: It would be
TTW review stems with students easier if….; First, I…);
and provide examples of how to After reading a short text to begin a
complete the sentence stems. discussion (Examples: The main
TTW pose questions or a set a points were….; I read that…);
writing task for students. In Responding to a peer discussion
pairs or independently, students (Examples: My partner pointed out
will use sentence stems to ….; I agree because…);
respond. When re-enforcing the use of
Students will share their academic language (Example: The
sentences. TTW add clarification text structure is ….; I use the
where needed. denominator of …).