Sonic Service Manual Book 2

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chance of death, personal injury and/or property

Danger: In order to reduce the
instructions that follow:
damage, carefully observe the
Motors are intended for use by
The service manuals of General without the appropriate
Attempting repairs or service
qualified technicians. you or others. This
cause death or injury to
training, tools, and equipment could improperly.
cause the vehicle to operate
could also damage the vehicle, or

the service
are important to the safety of
Proper vehicle service and repair If you need to
operation of all motor vehicles.
technician and to the safe, reliable Do not use a
number or an equivalent part.
replace a part, use the same part
replacement part of lesser quality.

service manual are

recommend and describe in this
The service procedures we procedures require
service and repair. Some of the
effective methods of performing
for specific purposes.
the use of tools that are designed

use a replacement part, a service

Accordingly, any person who intends to
recommended by General Motors, must first
procedure, or a tool that is not operation of the
to personal safety or the safe
esLabiish that there is no jeopardy
ve IC e.

and “Cautions” that you

manual contains various “Dangers”, “Warnings”
This during service
observe carefully in order to reduce the risk of personal injury
must render the vehicle
repair. Improper service or repair may damage the vehicle or General
and “Cautions” are not exhaustive.
unsafe. These “Dangers”, “Warnings” consequences of
all the potentially hazardous
Motors can not possibly warn of
your failure to follow these

with a
procedures to vehicles that are equipped
This manual covers service Warnings
Refer to the “Warnings” in Dangers,
Supplemental Inflatable Restraint. Inflatable
Inflatable Restraint. Refer to Supplemental
and Cautions in Supplemental Inflatable Restraint
location views in Supplemental
Restraint component and wiring Inflatable Restraint
before performing a service on or around Supplemental and
components or wiring. Failure to follow these “Dangers”, otherwise
personal injury, or
“Cautions” could cause air bag deployment,
Restraint repairs.
unnecessary Supplemental Inflatable

injury, whenever
air bag deployment and personal
In order to help avoid accidental Inflatable Restraint
repair of the Supplemental
you service a vehicle that requires the Supplemental
recommend that you first repair
and another vehicle system, we
other system.
Inflatable Restraint, then go on to the GMP13T_2
2013 Chevrolet Sonic

Service Manual

Volume 2

the service procedures, the adjustments, and

This manual provides information on the diagnosis,
the specifications for the 2013 Chevrolet Sonic.
this manual and in the appropriate Dealer
The technicians who understand the material in
Service Bulletins better serve the vehicle owners.
number, or a specific tool, you may use an
When this manual refers to a brand name, a part
All information, illustrations, and
equivalent product in place of the recommended item.
product information available at the time of
specifications in this manual are based on the latest
the right to make changes at any time without
publication approval. General Motors LLC reserves

Published by
North American Operations
General Motors LLC
Warren, Michigan 48090


The information cutoff date is 02/04/13.

in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any

No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, and
form or by any means including, but not limited to,
Motors LLC. This applies to all text,
recording without the prior written permission of General
illustrations, and tables.
Error and Suggestion Reporting

Ifyoufindan errorina GM Servicemanual,orifyouhavea suggestionabouta GM servicemanual,wewanttohear

Whencalling,be preparedwiththefollowinginformation:
- Yourname
- The nameofyourdealership
- The phonenumberofyourdealership
- The modelyearandthevehicleline
' partnumber,ifpresent
The publication
- numberofthevehicleonwhichyouareworking
The vehicleidentification
- The servicecategoryandpagenumbers
. Any applicableelectronicinformation numbers
- A descriptiveexplanationofyourconcern
The GM servicemanualphonepersonnelwillrespondtoyourconcernsinthefollowing
- By deliveringyourconcerntotheauthoroftheinformation
- By elicitinga responsefromtheauthor
- By supplyingyouwithan answertoyourconcerns
For papermanualusers:The GM servicemanualphonepersonnelwillalsoexplainhowtosendinexamplesor
marked—up pages.
For ElectronicManualusers:Be preparedtoprovideanyapplicableidentification
The GM servicemanualcommenttelephonenumbersdo notprovidetechnicalassistance.Fortechnicalassistance,

United States and Canada General Motors Dealer Employees

pm. EasternTime.Inorderto senda fax,usethefollowing
YoumaycallMondaythroughFriday,8 a.m.—8

Canada, French Speaking General Motors Dealer Employees

pm. ordertosenda fax,usethefollowing
YoumaycallMondaythroughFriday,8 a.m.—5

International English Speaking General Motors Dealer Employees

YoumaycallMondaythroughFriday,8 a.m.—8pm. EasternTime.Inorderto senda fax,usethefollowing

United States and Canadian Vehicle OwnerIOperator

AssistanceCenter.The phonenumberandaddressoftheCustomerAssistanceCenterare intheOwner'sManual.
Table of Contents

Volume 1 Driver Information and Entertainment.... . . . 8-1

Cellular, Entertainment,and Navigation....... 8-3
Preface .......................................... 0—1 8—77
Displays and Gauges .........................
Dangers, Warnings, and Cautions ............. 0-3
Secondary and Configurable Customer
1-1 Controls .................................... 8-110
General Information ...........................
General information............................ 1-3 |NDEX—1
INDEX .................................
Air/WindNoise ................................ 1-33
Maintenance and Lubrication................ 1-35
1-37 Volume 2
Squeaks and Rattles.........................
VibrationDiagnosis and Correction .......... 1-38
1—92 Preface ....................................
Waterleaks.................................... 0-3
Dangers, Warnings, and Cautions ..........
Body Hardware and Trim ...................... 9-1
2-3 Engine ..........................................
ExteriorTrim ................................... 9-11
2-18 Cruise Control ................................
Floor Coverings and Headlinings ............ 9—26
2-29 Engine Controls/Fuel- 1.4L (LUV) ...........
InstrumentPanel and Console Trim .......... (LUW, LWE) . .. 9—312
2—63 Engine Controls/Fuel- 1.8L
InteriorTrim and Paneling .................... 9-597
Engine Cooling ..............................
Body Repair .................................... Engine Electrical ............................
Bolted ExteriorBody Panels and Closures . . .. 3-3 9-734
Engine Exhaust .............................
Bumpers and Fascias ........................ 3-50 ............ 9-755
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)
Collision Repair............................... 3-68
Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE). . .. 9-932 .
Frame and Underbody ...................... 3-143
3-159 HVAC ..........................................
Paint and Coatings .......................... Conditioning. .. 10-3
Heating, Ventilation,and Air
Plastic Panel Informationand Repair ....... 3-162 10-63
HVAC —Manual ..............................
Body Systems .................................. 4-1
INDEX ................................. lNDEX-1
Fixed and Moveable Windows ................. 4-5
Horns ......................................... 4-71
Lighting....................................... 4-81 Volume 3
Mirrors....................................... 4-221
4—237 0-1
Vehicle Access .............................. Preface ....................................
4-324 Dangers, Warnings, and Cautions .......... 0-3
Wipers and Washers ........................
Brakes .......................................... 5—1 Power and Signal Distribution ...............
5—5 11-3
Antilock Brake System ......................... Data Communications........................
5-54 Power Outlets............................... 11-72
Disc Brakes ...................................
Drum Brakes .................................. 5-87 Wiring Systems and Power
5-108 Management ............................... 11-79
Hydraulic Brakes ............................
Park Brake .................................. 5-182 12-1
Roof ............................................
6—1 Sunroof ....................................... 12-3
Diagnostic Overview ...........................
Programmingand Setup ....................... 6-3 13—1
Safety and Security ...........................
Vehicle Diagnostic Information............... 6—15 13—3
7—1 Remote Functions ........................... 13-33
Driveline/Axle ..................................
7—3 Seat Belts ................................... 13-47
Wheel Drive Shafts ............................
Supplemental InflatableRestraints......... 13-68
Theft Deterrent............................. 13-148

2013 (5377994)
Seats ........................................... 14—1 Transmission ................................. 17—1
Seat Hardware,Trim, and Upholstery........ 14—3 AutomaticTransmission—6T30/6T40/6T45/
Seat Heating and Cooling ................... 14-34 6T50 (MH8, MHQ) ........................... 17—7
Clutch ...................................... 17-400
Steering ....................................... 15-1
15—3 Manual Transmission- F13—5/F15-5/
Power Steering ...............................
F17—5 (M26) ............................... 17—426
SteeringWheel and Column ................ 15-25
Manual Transmission —M20/M32
Suspension ................................... 16-1 (MR5, M24) ............................... 17—539
FrontSuspension ............................. 16-3 Shift Lock Control.......................... 17-594
Rear Suspension ............................ 16-24
INDEX ................................. |NDEX-1
Suspension General Diagnosis ............. 16-35
Tire Pressure Monitoring.................... 16-45
Tires and Wheels ............................ 16-55
Wheel Alignment............................ 16-69

2013 (5377994)
Table of Contents O-a'l

Section 0

Dangers, Warnings, and Cautions

Dangers, Warnings, and Cautions ............ 0-3 ModuleHandlingandStorage

SIR Inflator
DefinitionofDanger,Warning,Caution, Warning......................................... 0-6
andNote........................................ 0—3 SIRSeatbeltPretensionerHandling Warning.... 0-6
ApprovedEquipmentforCollisionRepair SIRWarning..................................... 0-7
Warning......................................... 0-3 Torque-to-Yield FastenerWarning............... 0-7
BatteriesProduceExplosiveGases Warning 0-3 WorkStallTestWarning.......................... 0—7
BatteryDisconnectWarning..................... 0—4 Air inthePowerSteeringSystemCaution . . . 0—7
BrakeDustWarning.............................. 0—4 AvoidDamagetoGridLinesCaution............ 0—7
BrakeFluidIrritantWarning ...................... 0—4 BeltDressingCaution............................ 0—7
BrakeFluidWarning............................. 0-4 BrakeCaliperCaution............................ 0-7
CheckingHotTransmissionFluidthroughDrain BrakeFluidDamagetoElectrical C onnections
PlugHoleWarning.............................. 0-4 Caution......................................... 0-7
CollisionSectioningWarning..................... 0-4 BrakeFluidEffectson PaintandElectrical
CrackedWindowWarning....................... 0-4 ComponentsCaution........................... 0-7
DefrosterOutletWarning......................... 0-4 CatalyticConverterMovement C aution.......... 0-7
ElectricCoolantFanWarning.................... 0-4 Clean,Dry,LowPressureGas Source
ExhaustServiceWarning........................ 0-4 Caution......................................... 0-8
Eye Protection Warning.......................... 0-4 CIearcoat/Ultraviolet ScreenersCaution......... 0-8
FuelandEvaporativeEmissionPipeWarning 0-4 ClutchHydraulicSystemLubricantCaution...... 0-8
FuelVaporsin EvaporativeEmission ComponentFastenerTighteningCaution........ 0-8
ComponentsWarning........................... 0-5 CompressedAirShouldNotExceed98 kPa (14
Gasoline/Gasoline VaporsWarning.............. 0—5 psi)Caution..................................... 0-8
Glass andSheetMetalHandlingWarning . . . 0—5 DriveAxleCaution............................... 0—8
HalogenBulbWarning........................... 0-5 EngineCoolantThermostatHousingCaution 0—8
HoodHold—Open DeviceWarning................ 0—5 EngineLiftingCaution............................ 0-8
ParkingBrakeandDriveWheelsWarning... . . . 0-5 EngineMountingCaution........................ 0-8
ProtectiveGogglesandGloveWarning.......... 0—5 ExteriorTrimEmblemRemovalCaution......... 0—8
RadiatorCap RemovalWarning................. 0-5 FastenerCaution................................. 0—8
RelievingFuelPressureWarning................ 0-5 FillingtheMasterCylinderCaution............... 0—8
RepairMaterialCuringWarning.................. 0-5 FlexDecouplerCaution.......................... 0-8
SafetyGlassesandCompressedAirWarning... 0-5 FuelandEvaporativeEmissionHose/Pipe
SafetyGlassesWarning......................... 0-5 ConnectionCleaningCaution................... 0-8
SafetyGogglesandFuelWarning............... 0-6 FuelPressureCaution........................... 0-9
SensingandDiagnosticModuleHandling FuelTankStrapFastenerCaution............... 0—9
Warning......................................... 0—6 HeatedOxygenandOxygenSensorCaution 0—9
SensingandDiagnosticModuleVoltageafter HeatedOxygenSensorResistanceLearnReset
ignitionis TurnedOffWarning.................. 0-6 Caution......................................... 0—9
ServicingtheSIR SystemWarning............... 0—6 IgnitionOFF WhenDisconnectingBattery
SIR DeployedInflator ModulesAre Hot Caution......................................... 0—9
Warning......................................... 0—6 InstallingHoseswithoutTwistsor Bends
SIR InflatableModuleDeploymentOutside Caution......................................... 0—9
VehicleWarning................................ 0-6 LiftgateAssist RodCaution...................... 0-9
SIR InflatorModuleDisposalWarning.......... 0—6 OxygenSensorCaution.......................... 0—9

2013 (5377994)
0,2 Table of Contents
PowerSteeringHose DisconnectedCaution.... 0—9 TapeCornersof PanelCaution................. 0-10
SteeringColumnin LookPositionCaution . . . 0—9 TestProbeCaution............................. 0-10
SteeringWheelintheFullTurnPosition Torque-to-YieldFastenerCaution............... 0—10
Caution........................................ 0—10 UsingProperPowerSteeringFluidCaution 0—10
SteeringWheelStraightandColumnLocked VehicleLiftingandJackingCaution............. 0-10
Caution........................................ 0-10 Caution.................
WindshieldInstallation 0—10

2013 (5377994)
Dangers, Warnings, and Cautions O»3

Dangers, Warnings, and Cautions

Definition of Danger, Warning, - Damagetoanysystemsor componentswhichare

Caution, and Note systemorcomponentunderrepair
The diagnosisandrepairproceduresina GM Service ' improperoperationor performance of any
ManualcontainbothgeneralandspecificDangers, systemsorcomponentswhicharedependent
Warnings,Cautions,Notesor Importants. GM is upontheproperoperationorperformance ofthe
dedicatedtothepresentation that
ofserviceinformation systemorcomponentunderrepair
helpsthetechniciantodiagnoseandrepairthe - Damagetofasteners,basictools,or specialtools
vehicle,however,certainproceduresmaypresenta or othervital
- The leakageofcoolant,lubricant,
hazardtothetechnicianiftheyare notfollowedinthe fluids
recommended manner.Dangers,Warnings,Cautions NOTE or IMPORTANT Defined
andNotesor Importants areelementsdesignedto
preventthesehazards,however,notallhazardscan be NOTE and IMPORTANT statements emphasizea
foreseen.Thisinformation is placedatstrategic of a diagnosticor repair
locationswithintheservicemanual.This information is procedure.NOTE or IMPORTANTstatements are
designedto preventthefollowing fromoccurring: designedtodothefollowing:
- Seriousbodilyinjuryor deathtothetechnician - Clarifya procedure
- Damagetothevehicle - Presentadditionalinformation foraccomplishinga
- Unnecessaryvehiclerepairs
- Give insightintothereasonor reasonsfor
- Unnecessarycomponentreplacement a procedureinthemanner
- Improper repairorreplacementofvehicle recommended
components. thatwillhelptoaccomplisha
- Presentinformation
' Anywarningor cautionthatappearsinthisservice procedureina moreeffectivemanner
categoryis referencedfromtheindividual service
- Presentinformation thatgivesthetechnicianthe
benefitof pastexperienceinaccomplishing a
DANGER Defined procedurewithgreaterease
Whenencountering a DANGER, youwillbeaskedto Equipment for Collision
takea necessaryactionor nottotakea prohibited
action.Ifa DANGER is notheeded,thefollowing Repair Warning
consequencesmayoccur: Warning: To avoidpersonal injurywhenexposed
0 Seriousbodilyinjuryor deathtothetechnician to weldingflashes or to galvanized(Zinc Oxide)
' Seriousbodilyinjuryor deathtoothertechnicians metaltoxic fumes whilegrinding/cuttingon any
intheworkplacearea typeof metalor sheetmolded compound,you must
workin a properlyventilatedarea,wearingan
WARNING Defined approvedrespirator,eye protection, earplugs,
Whenencountering a WARNING, youwillbeaskedto weldinggloves, andprotectiveclothing.
takea necessaryactionor nottotakea prohibited
action.Ifa WARNING is notheeded,thefollowing Batteries Produce Explosive Gases
- Seriousbodilyinjurytothetechnician
- Seriousbodilyinjurytoothertechniciansinthe Warning: Batteriesproduce explosivegases.
workplacearea Batteriescontaincorrosive acid. Batteriessupply
levels of electricalcurrenthigh enough to cause
' Seriousbodilyinjurytothedriverand/or burns. Therefore,in order to reduce therisk of
passenger(s)ofthevehicle,ifthevehiclehas personal injurywhileworkingnear a battery,
beenimproperly repaired observe thefollowingguidelines:
CAUTION Defined - Always shieldyour eyes.
CAUTIONS callspecialattention toa necessaryaction - Avoid leaningover thebatterywhenever
action.lfa CAUTIONis notheeded,
ortoa prohibited possible.
thefollowingconsequencesmayoccur: 0 Do not expose thebatteryto open flamesor
- Damagetothevehicle sparks.
- Unnecessaryvehiclerepairs 0 Do not allowbatteryacid to contacttheeyes or
- Unnecessarycomponentreplacement theskin.
- Improper operationor performanceofthesystem — Flush any contactedareas withwater
or componentunderrepair immediatelyand thoroughly.
— Getmedicalhelp.


0=4 Dangers, Warnings, and Cautions

Battery Disconnect Warning not use fluidfroman open containerthatmay be

contaminatedwithwater.Improperor contaminated
Warning: Unless directedotherwise,theignition fluid could resultin damageto components,or loss
and startswitchmustbe in the OFF or LOCK of braking,withpossible injury.
position, and all electricalloads must be OFF
beforeservicing any electricalcomponent.
Disconnect thenegativebatterycable topreventan Checking Hot Transmission Fluid
electricalspark should a toolor equipmentcome in through Drain Plug Hole Warning
contactwithan exposed electricalterminal.Failure
to followtheseprecautionsmay resultin personal Warning: Theenginemust be runningwhenthe
injuryand/ordamageto thevehicle or its transmissionfluid fillplug is removed,or excessive
components. fluid loss willoccur. Transmissionfluidmay be hot.
Since theactualfluidlevel is unknown,standclear
For Vehicles equippedwithOnStar®(UE1)with whenremovingthefillplug. Havea containerready
Back Up Battery: to captureany lost fluid.Do not turntheengineoff
withthefillplug removed,as you can be injuredby
TheBack Up Batteryis a redundantpowersupply hot transmissionfluidbeing expelledoutof theoil
to allowlimitedOnStar®functionalityin the eventof fill opening.
a main vehicle batterypowerdisruptionto the VCIM
(0nStar®moduIe). Do not disconnect themain Collision Sectioning Warning
vehicle batteryor removethe OnStar®fuse withthe
ignitionkey in any position otherthanOFF. Warning: Sectioningshould be performedonly in
Retainedaccessory power(RAP) should be allowed therecommendedareas.Failure to do so may '
to timeout or be disabled(simplyopening the compromisethestructuralintegrityof thevehicle
driverdoor should disableRAP) before and cause personal injuryif thevehicleis in a
disconnectingpower.Disconnectingpower to the collision.
OnStar®module in any waywhiletheignitionis On
or withRAP activatedmay cause activationof the Cracked Window Warning
OnStar®Back-Up Battery(BUB) system and will
discharge andpermanentlydamagetheback-up Warning: Ifa windowis cracked butstill intact,
battery.Once theBack-UpBatteryis activatedit will crisscross the windowwithmasking tapein order
stay on untilit has completelydischarged. The BUB to reduce therisk of damageor personalinjury.
is not rechargeableand once activatedtheBUB
must be replaced. Defroster Outlet Warning
Warning: Ifbroken glass falls into thedefroster
Brake Dust Warning outlets,it can be blowninto thepassenger
Warning: Avoid takingthefollowingactions when compartmentand cause personal injury.
you service wheelbrakeparts:
- Do not grind brakelinings. Electric Coolant Fan Warning
- Do not sand brakelinings. Warning:An electricfan under thehood can start
- Do not clean wheelbrakeparts witha dry brush up even whentheengineis not runningand can
or withcompressed air. injureyou. Keep hands, clothingand toolsaway
from any underhoodelectricfan.
Some models or aftermarketbrakeparts may
containasbestos fibers whichcan become airborne
in dust. Breathingdust withasbestos fibers may Exhaust Service Warning
cause serious bodily harm.Use a water-dampened Warning: Inorder to avoid being burned,do not
cloth in order to removeany dust on brakeparts. service theexhaustsystem whileit is still hot.
Equipmentis availablecommerciallyin order to Service thesystem whenit is cool.
perform this washingfunction.These wetmethods
preventfibers frombecomingairborne.
Eye Protection Warning

Brake Fluid Irritant Warning Warning:Approved safetyglasses andgloves

should be wornwhenperformingthisprocedureto
Warning: Brake fluidmay irritateeyes and skin. In reduce thechance of personal injury.
case of contact,takethefollowingactions:
0 Eye contact—rinse thoroughlywithwater. Fuel and Evaporative Emission Pipe
- Skin contact—washwithsoap and water. Warning
- Ifingested—consulta physician immediately. Warning:Inorder to reduce therisk of fireand
personal injuryobserve thefollowingitems:
Brake Fluid Warning
- Replace all nylon fuelpipes thatarenicked,
Warning: Use only Delco Supreme 11,GM P/ scratched or damagedduringinstallation,do
N 12377967(CanadianP/N992667), or equivalent not attemptto repair thesections of thenylon
DOT3 brakefluid froma clean,sealed container.Do fuelpipes

Dangers, Warnings, and Cautions 025
- Do not hammerdirectlyon thefuel harness Hood Hold-Open Device Warning
body clips wheninstallingnew fuelpipes.
Damageto thenylonpipes may result in a Warning: Whena hood hold open device is being
fuel leak. removedor installed,provide alternatesupport to
avoid thepossibility of damageto the vehicle or
- Always cover nylon vaporpipes witha wet
personal injury.
' towelbeforeusing a torchnear them.Also,
never expose thevehicle to temperatures
higher than115°C (239°F) for more than Parking Brake and Drive Wheels
one hour,or more than90°C (194°F) for any Warning
- Apply a fewdrops of clean engine oil to the Warning:Apply theparkingbrakeand block the
malepipe ends beforeconnectingfuelpipe drive wheelsbeforeperformingthisprocedure in
fittings.This willensureproper reconnection order topreventbodily injury.
and preventa possible fuelleak. (During
normaloperation,the O-ringslocated in the Protective Goggles and Glove
femaleconnectorwillswelland may prevent
proper reconnectionif not lubricated.)
Warning:Always wearprotectivegoggles and
Fuel Vapors in Evaporative Emission gloves whenremovingexhaustparts as fallingrust
and sharp edges fromwornexhaustcomponents
Components Warning could resultin serious personal injury.
Warning: Do not breathetheair throughthe EVAP
componenttubesor hoses. Thefuel vapors inside Radiator Cap Removal Warning
theEVAP componentsmay cause personal injury.
Warning: To avoid being burned,do not remove the
radiatorcap or surge tankcap whilethe engineis
Gasoline/Gasoline Vapors Warning hot. The cooling system willreleasescalding fluid
Warning: Gasoline or gasoline vapors are highly and steamunderpressure if radiatorcap or surge
flammable.A firecould occur if an ignitionsource tankcap is removedwhiletheengineand radiator
is present.Neverdrainor storegasoline or diesel are still hot.
fuelin an open container,clueto thepossibility of
fireor explosion.Havea dry chemical (Class B) fire Relieving Fuel Pressure Warning
Warning: Remove thefuel tankcap and relieve the
fuelsystempressure beforeservicing thefuel
Glass and Sheet Metal Handling system in order to reduce therisk of personal
Warning injury.Afteryou relievethe fuelsystem pressure, a
small amountof fuelmay be released when
Warning: Whenworkingwithany type of glass or servicing thefuellines, the fuelinjectionpump,
sheet metalwithexposed or rough edges, wear or theconnections.Inorder toreduce therisk of
approvedsafetyglasses and gloves in order to personal injury,cover thefuelsystem components
reduce thechance of personal injury. witha shop towelbeforedisconnection.This will
catch any fuel thatmay leak out.Place the towelin
Halogen Bulb Warning an approvedcontainerwhenthedisconnectionis
Warning: Halogenbulbs containgas under
pressure. Handlinga bulb improperlycould cause it
to shatterintoflyingglass fragments.To help avoid Repair Material Curing Warning
personal injury: Warning:At least 24hours are requiredfor
- Turnoff thelampswitchand allowthebulb to completecuring of repairmaterial.The repairarea
cool beforechanging thebulb. should not be physically disturbeduntilafterthat
- Leave thelampswitch OFF until thebulb time.Insufficientcuring of urethaneadhesive may
change is complete. allowunrestrainedoccupants to be ejectedfrom
thevehicleresultingin personal injury.
0 Always weareye protectionwhenchanginga
Safety Glasses and Compressed Air
- Handle thebulb only by its base. Avoid
touchingtheglass. Warning
- Keep dirtand moistureoff thebulb. Warning: Wearsafetyglasses whenusing
- Properlydispose of the used bulb. compressed air in order topreventeye injury.
- Keep halogenbulbs out of thereach of
children. Safety Glasses Warning
Warning: Wearsafetyglasses in order toavoid eye

0=6 Dangers, Warnings, and Cautions

Safety Goggles and Fuel Warning SIR Inflatable Module Deployment

Warning:Always wearsafetygoggles when Outside Vehicle Warning
workingwithfuel in order toprotect theeyes from Warning: Whenyou are deployingan inflator
fuelsplash. module for disposal, performthedeployment
procedures in the orderlisted.Failure tofollowthe
Sensing and Diagnostic Module procedures in the orderlistedmay resultin
Handling Warning personal injury.

Warning: Be carefulwhenyou handlea sensing SIR Inflator Module Disposal

and diagnosticmodule (SDM). Do not strike orjolt
the SDM. Before applyingpowerto theSDM: Warning
- Removeany dirt,grease,etc. from the Warning: Inorder topreventaccidental
mountingsurface deploymentand therisk of personal injury,do not
- Position the SDM horizontallyon themounting dispose of an undeployedinflatormoduleas
surface normalshop waste.Undeployedinflatormodules
containsubstances thatcould cause severe illness
- Point thearrowon theSDM towardthe frontof or personal injuryif theirsealed containersare
thevehicle damagedduring disposal. Use thefollowing
' Tightenall of theSDM fastenersand SDM deploymentprocedures tosafely dispose of an
bracketfastenersto thespecified torquevalue undeployedinflatormodule.Failure to observe the
Failure to followthecorrectprocedure could cause followingdisposal methodsmay be a violationof
federal,state,or local laws.
air bag deployment,personalinjury,
or unnecessary SIRsystem repairs.
SIR Inflator Module Handling and
Sensing and Diagnostic Module Storage Warning
Voltage after Ignition is Turned Off Warning: Whencarryingan undeployedinflator
Warning module:

Warning: Thesensing and thediagnosis module - Do not carry theinflatormoduleby thewiresor

(SDM) can maintainsufficientvoltageto deploy the connector.
airbags andpretensionersfor up to 1minuteafter - Makesure theair bag openingpoints away
theignitionhas been turnedOFF and thefuse has fromyou.
been removed.Iftheairbagsand pretensionersare Whenstoring an undeployedinflatormodule:
not disconnected,do not beginservice until - Makesure theair bag openingpoints away
one minutehas beenpassed afterdisconnecting fromthesurface on whichtheinflatormodule
power to theSDM. Failureto do so may cause rests.
personal injury.
- Provide freespace for theair bag toexpandin
case of an accidentaldeployment.
Servicing the SIR System Warning
- Whenstoring a steeringcolumn,do not rest the
Warning: Whenperformingservice on or around column withtheair bag openingfacing down
theSIR componentsor theSIRwiring,followthe and thecolumn vertical.Lay thecolumn on
procedures listedbelowin order to temporarily its side.
disable theSIRsystem.Failure to followthe
procedures could resultin thefollowing: Failure toobserve theseguidelinesmay resultin
personal injury.
- Air bag deployment
- Personal injury SIR Seatbelt Pretensioner Handling
- OtherwiseunneededSIRsystem repairs Warning
SIR Deployed Inflator Modules Are Warning: Whencarryingan undeployedinflatable
restraintseat belt retractorpretensioner:
Hot Warning
' Do not carry theseat beltpretensionerby the
Warning:After deployment,themetalsurfaces of seat belt webbingor pigtailconnector,
the SIRcomponentmay be veryhot. To help avoid a if equipped.
fire or personal injury:
- Carry theseat beltpretensionerby thehousing,
- Allow sufficienttimefor cooling before keepinghands and fingersawayfrom theseat
touchingany metalsurface of theSIR beltwebbing.
component. - Makesure the opening,fromwhichtheseat
- Do notplace thedeployedSIR componentnear beltwebbingextends,faces downwardand the
any flammableobjects. seat belt webbinghangs freely.

Dangers, Warnings, and Cautions 0,7
Failure to observetheseguidelines may resultin — Do notplace the transmissionin PARK with
personal injury. thedriveaxles spinning.
— TurnOff theignitionin order to stop the
SIR Warning powertraincomponentsfrom spinning.
Warning: This vehicleis equippedwitha 0 Whenrunningan enginein theworkstall, use
SupplementalInflatableRestraint(SIR) System. theexhaustremovalsystem toprevent
Failure tofollowthecorrectprocedure could cause breathingdangerousgases.
the followingconditions:
Air in the Power Steering System
- Air bag deployment
- Personalinjury Caution
- UnnecessarySIRsystem repairs Caution: Ifthepowersteeringsystemhas been
serviced,an accuratefluidlevelreadingcannotbe
Inorder toavoid theabove conditions,observe the obtainedunlessairis bledfromthesteeringsystem.
followingguidelines: The airinthefluidmaycausepumpcavitationnoise
- Referto SIRComponentViewsin order to andmaycausepumpdamageovera periodoftime.
determineif you are performingservice on or
near theSIRcomponentsor theSIR wiring. Avoid Damage to Grid Lines Caution
- Ifyou areperformingservice on or near theSIR Caution: Ifyouuse a razorbladeorothersharptoolin
componentsor theSIR wiring,disable theSIR ordertoremovetheadhesivesorforeignobjectsfrom
system.RefertoDisabling theSIR System. theinsideoftherearwindow,usethebladecarefully.
Torque-to-Yield Fastener Warning
Warning: This componentis equippedwith Belt Dressing Caution
torque-to-yieldfasteners.Installa NEW Caution: Do notuse beltdressingon thedrivebelt.
torque-to-yieldfastenerwheninstalling this Beltdressingcausesthebreakdown ofthecomposition
component.Failuretoreplace the torque-to-yield ofthedrivebelt.Failureto followthisrecommendation
fastenercould cause bodily injuryand damageto willdamagethedrivebelt.
the vehicleor component.
Brake Caliper Caution
Work Stall Test Warning Caution: Supportthecaliperwitha pieceofwireto
Warning: One or moreof the followingguidelines preventdamagetothebrakeline.
may apply whenperformingspecific requiredtests
in the workstall: Brake Fluid Damage to Electrical
- Whena testrequiresspinning the drive wheels Connections Caution
withthevehiclejacked up, adhereto the Caution: Brakefluidwilldamageelectrical
followingprecautions: connectionsandpaintedsurfaces.Use shopcloths,
— Do not exceed56km/h(35mph) when suitablecontainers,andfendercoverstopreventbrake
spinningone drive wheelwiththeotherdrive fluidfromcontactingtheseareas.Alwaysre—seal and
wheelstopped. This limitis necessary wipeoffbrakefluidcontainerstopreventspills.
because thespeedometerindicates only
one-halftheactual vehiclespeed under Brake Fluid Effects on Paint and
theseconditions.Personal injurymay result
fromexcessive wheelspinning. Electrical Components Caution
— Ifall of thedrive wheelsare spinning at the Caution: Avoidspillingbrakefluidontopainted
same speed, do not exceed 112km/h surfaces,electricalconnections,wiring,or cables.
(70 mph).Personal injurymay result from Brakefluidwilldamagepaintedsurfacesandcause
excessive wheelspinning. corrosiontoelectricalcomponents.Ifanybrakefluid
— All persons should stay clear of therotating comesincontactwithpaintedsurfaces,immediately
componentsand thebalance weightareas in flushtheareawithwater.ifanybrakefluidcomesin
ordertoavoid possible personal injury. contactwithelectricalconnections,wiring,or cables,
use a cleanshopclothtowipeawaythefluid.
— Whenrunningan enginein therepairstall for
an extendedperiod of time,use care not to
overheattheengineand thetransmission. Catalytic Converter Movement
- Whena testrequiresjacking up thevehicleand Caution
runningwiththe wheelsand brakerotors Caution: To preventinternaldamagetotheflexible
removed,adhereto thefollowingprecautions: couplingofthecatalyticconverterassembly,the
— Supportthesuspension at normalride convertermustbe supported.Theverticalmovementat
height. therearofthecatalyticconverterassemblymustnot
— Do not apply thebrake withthebrakerotors exceed6 degreesupor down.

0‘8 Dangers, Warnings, and Cautions

Clean, Dry, Low Pressure Gas Engine Lifting Caution

Source Caution Caution: Whenraisingor supportingtheenginefor
anyreason,do notuse a jackundertheoilpan,any
Caution: Use theEvaporativeEmission(EVAP) sheetmetal,orthecrankshaftpulley.Liftingtheengine
SystemTester(EEST) GE 41413-A inordertoprovide inan unapprovedmannermaycausecomponent
a clean,dry,lowpressurenitrogengas source.Do not damage.
anyotherpressurizedsource,gas or
otherwise.DamagemayresulttotheEVAP system,
Engine Mounting Caution
testequipmentor causea safetyrisk.
Caution: Brokenenginemountingscancause
ClearcoatIUltraviolet Screeners misalignment components.
of certaindrive-train
Misalignment componentscauses
of drive-train
Cauflon eventualdestruction components.
Caution: Removingmorethan0.5milsoftheclearcoat Ifone enginemountbreaks,therestoftheengine
can resultinearlypaintfailure.The clearcoatcontains mountswillhaveincreasedstressputonthem.This
screeners.Do notfinessesandmorethan
ultraviolet couldcausetherestoftheenginemountstobreak.
whatis requiredtoremovethedefect.
Exterior Trim Emblem Removal
Clutch Hydraulic System Lubricant
Caution: Use a plastic,flat—bladed
Caution: Do notusemineralor paraffin-base damagewhenremovingan emblem/name plate.
rubberpartsinthecylinders. Fastener Caution
Component Fastener Tightening Caution: Use thecorrectfastenerinthecorrect
Cauflon partnumberforthatapplication.Do notusepaints,
Caution: Replacementcomponentsmustbe the onfasteners,
lubricants,or corrosioninhibitors
correctpartnumberfortheapplication.Components orfastenerjoint surfaces,unlessspecified.These
requiringtheuseofthethreadlockingcompound, coatingsaffectfastenertorqueandjointclampingforce
or sealantsare
lubricants,corrosioninhibitors, andmaydamagethefastener.Use thecorrect
identifiedintheserviceprocedure.Some replacement tighteningsequenceandspecifications wheninstalling
componentsmaycomewiththesecoatingsalready fastenersinordertoavoiddamagetopartsand
applied.Do notusethesecoatingson components systems.Whenusingfastenersthatarethreaded
unlessspecified.Thesecoatingscan affectthefinal directlyintoplastic,use extremecarenottostripthe
torque,whichmayaffecttheoperationofthe matingplasticpart(s).Use handtoolsonly,anddo not
component.Use thecorrecttorquespecification when useany kindof impactor powertools.Fastenershould
installingcomponentsinordertoavoiddamage. be handtightened, fullyseated,andnotstripped.

Compressed Air Should Not Exceed Filling the Master Cylinder Caution
98 kPa (14 psi) Caution Caution: Whenfillingthemastercylinder,useonly
DelcoSupreme11,GM P/N12377967(CanadianP/
Caution: Whenusingcompressedairtoremove N 992667), orequivalentDOT 3 brakefluid.Do notuse
components,airpressureshouldnotexceed98 kPa a containerwhichhas beenusedforpetroleum based
(14 psi). fluids,or a containerwhichiswetwithwater.Petroleum
basedfluidswillcauseswellinganddistortion ofrubber
Drive Axle Caution partsinthehydraulicbrakesystem,andwaterwillmix
Caution: Supportthelowercontrolarmsinthenormal withbrakefluid,loweringtheboilingpoint.Keepallfluid
horizontalpositioninordertoavoiddamagetothedrive containerscappedtopreventcontamination.
axles.Do notoperatethevehicleingearwiththe
wheelshangingdownatfulltravel. Flex Decoupler Caution
Caution: Do notover—flex
Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing whenmovingtheflexjointfromthenormalmounting
Cauflon position.
Caution: Use carewhenperforming Evaporative Emission
Fuel and
Use of excessiveforcemaydamagethecoolant
thermostat. Hose/Pipe Connection Cleaning
Caution: Cleanallofthefollowingareasbefore
- Thefuelpipeconnections

2013 (5377994)
Dangers, Warnirg, and Cautions 0-9

- The hose connections circumstancesshouldrepairsbe solderedsince

- The areassurroundingthe connections obstructed.
Fuel Pressure Caution Oxygen Sensor Resistance
Caution: Do notallowthefuelpressuretoexceedthe Learn Reset Caution
specifiedvaluebecausedamageto thefuelpressure
regulatororthefuelpressuregaugemay result. Caution: When replacingtheH028 performthe
Fuel Tank Strap Fastener Caution - A code clearwitha scantool,regardlessof
whetheror nota DTC is set
Caution: Tightenthestrapfastenersby steps,
alternatingbetweenthefasteners,untilthespecified - H028 heaterresistancelearnresetwitha scan
torqueis reached.A failuretotightenthestrap tool,whereavailable
fastenersas specifiedwillcause thebottomofthetank Performtheaboveinorderto resetthe H028
toflexupward.Thiswillresultinthefuelgauge resistancelearnedvalueandavoidpossibleH028
indicatingthatthereis fuelremaininginthetankwhen failure.
thetankis empty.
Ignition OFF When Disconnecting
Heated Oxygen and Oxygen Sensor
Battery Caution
Caution: AlwaysturntheignitionOFF when
Caution: Do notremovethepigtailfromeitherthe batterycables,battery
connectingor disconnecting
heatedoxygensensor(H023) ortheoxygensensor chargers,orjumpercables.Failingtodo so may
(028). Removingthepigtailortheconnectorwillaffect damagethe Powertrain ControlModule(PCM) or other
sensoroperation. electroniccomponents. '
Handletheoxygensensorcarefully.Do notdropthe
H028. Keepthein—line electricalconnectorandthe Installing Hoses without Twists or
louveredendfreeof grease,dirt,or othercontaminants. Bends Caution
Do notuse cleaningsolventsof anytype.
Caution: The inletand outlethosesmustnotbe
Do notrepairthewiring,connectororterminals. Do notbendor distortthe
Replacetheoxygensensorifthepigtailwiring, easier.Failure
inletor outlethosesto makeinstallation
connector,orterminalisdamaged. these procedurescouldresultin component
This externalcleanair referenceis obtainedbywayof damage.
theoxygensensorsignalandheaterwires.Any attempt
torepairthewires,connectors,orterminalscouldresult Liftgate Assist Rod Caution
intheobstructionoftheair referenceanddegraded
sensorperformance. Caution: Apply pressureonlyatthe endoftheliftgate/
hoodassistrodthatyouare removingor attaching.Do
The followingguidelinesshouldbe usedwhen NOTapplypressuretothe middleoftherodbecause
servicingtheheatedoxygensensor: damageor bendingwillresult. ‘
- Do notapplycontactcleaneror othermaterialsto
thesensoror vehicleharnessconnectors.These Oxygen Sensor Caution
performance. Caution: Handletheoxygensensorscarefullyinorder
to preventdamageto thecomponent.Keepthe
- Do notdamagethesensorpigtailandharness electricalconnectorandtheexhaustinletendfreeof
wiresinsucha waythatthewiresinsideare Do notuse cleaningsolventson the
exposed.Thiscouldprovidea pathforforeign
toenterthesensorandcause sensor.Do notdropor mishandlethesensor.
performance problems.
Power Steering Hose Disconnected
- Ensurethesensoror vehicleleadwiresare not
bentsharplyor kinked.Sharpbendsor kinkscould Cauflon
blockthereferenceair paththroughtheleadwire. Caution: Do notstartthevehiclewithany power
° Do notremoveor defeattheoxygensensorground steeringgearinletoroutlethosesdisconnected.When
wire,whereapplicable.Vehiclesthatutilizethe disconnected,plugor capall openingsof components.
groundwiredsensormayrelyonthisgroundas the Failureto do so couldresultin contaminationor loss of
onlygroundcontacttothesensor.Removalof the power steering fluidand damage tothe system.
- Ensurethattheperipheralseal remainsintacton Steering Column in Lock Position
thevehicleharnessconnectorinordertoprevent Caufion
damagedue towaterintrusion.The engine
harnessmaybe repairedusingPackard'sCrimp Caution: Withwheelsofthevehiclefacingstraight
andSpliceSeals TerminalRepairKit.Underno ahead,securethesteeringwheelutilizingsteering
columnanti—rotationpin,steeringcolumnlock,or a
strapto preventrotation.Lockingof thesteeringcolumn

2013 (5377994)
0-10 Dangers, Warnings, and Cautions
willpreventdamageanda possiblemalfunction ofthe WhenusingtheJ—35616—F GM ApprovedTerminal
SIRsystem.The steeringwheelmustbe securedin ReleaseToolKit, ensuretheterminaltestadapter
positionbeforedisconnectingthefollowing choiceis thecorrectsizefortheconnectorterminal.Do
components: notvisuallychoosetheterminaltestadapterbecause
- The steeringcolumn someconnectorterminalcavitiesmayappearlarger
thantheactualterminalinthecavity.Usinga larger
0 The steeringshaftcoupling
- The intermediate shaft(s) theJ-35616-F GM ApprovedTerminalReleaseToolKit
Afterdisconnectingthesecomponents,do notrotate labelon theinsideoftheJ—35616-FGM Approved
thesteeringwheelor movethefronttiresandwheels. TerminalReleaseToolKitforthecorrectadapteralong
FailuretofollowthisproceduremaycausetheSIR coil withtheconnectorendviewforterminalsize.
assemblytobecomeun-centered andcausepossible
damagetotheSIR coil.IfyouthinktheSIRcoilhas Torque-to-Yield Fastener Caution
becameun-centered, refertoyourspecificSIRcoil's
Caution: Thisvehicleis equippedwithtorque-to-yield
orsingleusefasteners.Installa NEW torque-to-yield
singleusefastenerwheninstalling thiscomponent.
Steering Wheel in the Full Turn Failuretoreplacethetorque-to-yieldorsingleuse
Position Caution fastenercouldcausedamagetothevehicleor
Caution: Do notholdthesteeringwheelinthefullturn
positionlongerthan5 seconds,as damagetothe
steeringpumpmayresult. Using Proper Power Steering Fluid
Steering Wheel Straight and Column Caution: Whenaddingfluidor makinga completefluid
Locked Caution change,alwaysusetheproperpowersteeringfluid.
Failuretousetheproperfluidwillcause hoseandseal
Caution: Withwheelsofthevehiclefacingstraight damageandfluidleaks.
columnanti—rotationpin,steeringcolumnlock,or a
Vehicle Lifting and Jacking Caution
willpreventdamageanda possiblemalfunction ofthe Caution: Performthefollowing stepsbeforebeginning
SlR system.The steeringwheelmustbe securedin anyvehicleliftingorjackingprocedure:
positionbeforedisconnectingthefollowing - Removeorsecureallofthevehiclecontentsin
components: ordertoavoidanyshiftingorany movement that
- The steeringcolumn mayoccurduringthevehicleliftingorjacking
- The intermediate shaft(s) procedure.
- The steeringgear ° The liftingequipment orthejackingequipment
Afterdisconnectingthesecomponents,do notrotate thevehicleandanyvehiclecontents.
thesteeringwheelor movethefronttiresandwheels.
FailuretofollowthisproceduremaycausetheSIR coil - The liftingequipment or thejackingequipment
assemblytobecomeun—centered andcausepossible mustmeettheoperational standardsofthelifting
damagetotheSIRcoil.IfyouthinktheSIRcoilhas equipmentorjackingequipmentmanufacturer.
becameun-centered, refertoyourspecificSlR coil's - Performthevehicleliftingorjackingprocedureon
centeringproceduretore-centerSIRCoil. a clean,hard,dry,levelsurface.
- Performthevehicleliftingorjackingprocedure
Tape Corners of Panel Caution onlyattheidentifiedliftpoints.DO NOTallowthe
Caution: Whenremovingbodypanels,applytapeto liftingequipmentorjackingequipment tocontact
cornersof panelandadjacentsurfacestohelpprevent
paintdamage. Failuretoperformthepreviousstepscouldresultin
damagetotheliftingequipment orthejacking
Test Probe Caution equipment,thevehicle,and/orthevehiclecontents.
Caution: Do notinserttestequipmentprobes(DMM Windshield Installation Caution
diameterofthetestprobeswilldeformmostterminals. Caution: Do notusespacerswheninstallinga
A deformedterminalwillcausea poorconnection, windshield.The stresscausedbythespacersmay
whichwillresultina systemfailure.Alwaysusethe damagethewindshield.
J—35616—F GM ApprovedTerminalReleaseToolKitin
ordertofrontprobeterminals.Do notuse paperclipsor

Table of Contents Qu'l

Section 9

9—11 DTC P0102 or P0103 ...........................
Cruise Control ................................ DTC P0106 .....................................
Schematic and Routing Diagrams,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ........................... 9-89
9—12 DTC P0107 or P0108
CruiseControlSchematics..................... 9-93
.9—13 DTC P0112, P0113. or P0114 ...................
Diagnostic Informationand Procedures . . .. . . DTC P0116 ..................................... 9-96
DTC P0571 _____________________________________ P0117, P0118. or P0119 ................... 9—99
9—14 DTC
DTC P0572 or P0573 ........................... DTC P0121-P0123, P0222, P0223, or
DTC P0575 ..................................... P2135 (LUV) .................................
9—1 7
DTC P0703 ..................................... DTC P0128 (LUJ) .............................
Symptoms- CruiseControl..................... P0138, or
Malfunction............ 9-18 DTC P0131. P0132. P0134, P0137,
CruiseControlIndicator P0140 ........................................
CruiseControlMalfunction - DTC 83794, P013E, P013F,
DTC P0133, PO13A, P0133,
P0564, P0565, P0567, P0568, P056C, P0580, PO15A, P0153, P2270, or P2271 ............
P0581, P155A-P155C, or P1620 ............. DTC P0171 or P0172 .......................... 9-116
Repair Instructions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ............................ 9-118
9-21 DTC P018B-F’018D
CruiseControlSwitchReplacement............ P0261.
9-22 DTC P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204,
Descriptionand Operation......................
9—22 P0262. P0264, P0265, P0267. P0268,
CruiseControlDescriptionand Operation.... . . P0270, or P0271 .............................
. P023F ................. 9-123
3'3: DTC P0231, P0232, or
Egg'":.cct’."tr°'5/F"°' ' M" (LUV) """"" .......................... 9-125
,"""""""""""" ' DTC P0234 or P0299
pec' “’8 '°"s V"""""" (ECT) ......... 926 .................................... 9-128
Temperature ersusResrstance
R . t l t k A' DTC P0236
T t V 9 26 DTC P0237 or P0238 .......................... 9-131
ermpera utre grsus eglsago: - n a e If
P0246 ................. 9-134
"". """ ' DTC P0243, P0245, or
ensm 95° ens”)
empera ”reVersus — Intake Air .................................... 9—137
Temperature Resustance DTC P025A
Sensor(Delco Sensor) .......... 9—26 ............................ 9-139
Temperature . DTC P0300-P0304
. Pressure ........... 9-26 .................................... 9-142
S 'f‘ t' 9 27 DTC P0315
I 't' S t DTC P0324,P0326, or P0636 ................ 9-143
""""""""" 9'27
gn‘t‘on Y: ‘2'? .pecé'ca ??”St. DTC P0325, P0327, or P0328 ................. 9—145
'9 enmg. pec'. """""""
‘Ca 'Ons .............. '
as enef and 9—27 .......................... 9-147
Schematic t l Routing Diagrams
t' g 28 DTC P0335 or P0336
E . C S h P0365, or P0366 ......... 9450
' DTC P0340, P0341, 9453
r03 ° .emaand
.“9me .0”Information '08"""""""""" . . .. . . .9-40 DTC P0351-P0354
Diagnostic Procedures
9-40 """"""""""""""" 9—155
DTC P0010, P0013, Ol'P2088—P2091 .......... DTC P0420 ....................................
........................... 9-43 .................................... 9—157
DTC P0011 or P0014 DTC P0442 94 59
........................... 9—46 DTC P0443 ....................................
DTC P0016 or P0017P0036—P0038,P0053,
DTC P0030-P0032, DTC P0446 ....................................
...................... 9-48 .................................... 9-163
P0054, P0135, or P0141 DTC P0449
............................. 9—51 ............................ 9—165
DTC P0033-P0035 ' DTC P0451—P0454
........................... 9—54 .................................... 9—168
DTC P0068 or P1101 DTC P0455
........................... 9—56 .................................... 9—170
DTC P0096 or P0111 9 62 DTC P0496
DTC P0097 P0098 (LUV) ................... 9—172
"""""""""""""""" 9‘66 DTC P0506 or P0507P0606, 0r P062F (FUBI
DTC P0036 °r uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu — DTC P0601-P0604’
9-68 9-174
DTC P0007 ..................................... 9 69 PumpControlModule).......................
DTC POOEA POOEB P0606, P0628, P062F,
--------------------- 9:72 DTC P0601-P0604,
DTC PO0E9 0r
9-77 P0630’ P16F3’ 0r PZBZB (ECM) """""""
DTC P0101 .....................................

2013 (5377994)
922 Table of Contents
DTC PO627-P0629 ............................ 9—177 ManifoldAbsolutePressureSensor
DTC P0630 .................................... 9-179 Replacement................................. 9-248
DTC P0641 or P06A6 (FuelPumpControl HeatedOxygenSensorReplacement-
Module)...................................... 9-180 Sensor1 ..................................... 9-249
DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, or HeatedOxygenSensorReplacement-
P06A3 (ECM) ................................ 9-182 Sensor2 ..................................... 9-250
DTC P0650 .................................... 9-184 EngineOil PressureIndicator Switch
DTC P0685, P0686, P0687, P0689, P0690, or Replacement................................. 9-251
P1682 ........................................ 9—186 AcceleratorPedalPositionSensor
DTC P069E .................................... 9—190 Replacement................................. 9-252
DTC P11C2 or P11C3 ......................... 9—191 ThrottleBodyAssemblyReplacement . . . . 9-253
DTC P1255 or P064A ......................... 9-194 ThrottleBodyInspection andCleaning........ 9-253
DTC P1400 .................................... 9-195 Fuel PressureRelief........................... 9-253
DTC P1516, P2101, P2119, or FuelTankDraining............................ ‘9-254
P2176 (LUV) ................................. 9-197 FuelTankReplacement....................... 9—254
DTC P2096 .................................... 9—200 FuelTankFillerPipeReplacement............ 9-257
DTC P2097 .................................... 9—202 FuelFeed PipeReplacement................. 9-258
DTC P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, or FuelTankFuelPumpModuleReplacement... 9—261
P2138 ........................................ 9-204 FuelTankPressureSensorReplacement.... . 9—263
DTC P2199 .................................... 9—207 PlasticCollarQuickConnectFitting
DTC P219A .................................... 9—212 Service....................................... 9-264
DTC P2227—P2230............................ 9—214 FuelSystemCleaning......................... 9-266
DTC P2261 .................................... 9—217 FuelInjection FuelRailAssembly
DTC P2534 (FuelPumpControlModule) . 9-219 Replacement................................. 9267
DTC P2544 .................................... 9—220 FuelinjectorReplacement.................... 9-269
DTC P2635 (FuelPumpControlModule) . 9—221 EvaporativeEmissionCanisterVentSolenoid
Symptoms—EngineControls.................. 9—222 ValveReplacement.......................... 9—270
Malfunction Indicator Lamp(MIL) EvaporativeEmissionSystemHose/Pipe
Diagnosis.................................... 9—227 Replacement................................. 9-271
EngineCranksButDoes NotRun ............. 9—228 EvaporativeEmissionCanister
FuelSystemDiagnosis........................ 9-230 Replacement....................... ,.......... 9-273
FuelInjector Diagnosis........................ 9-232 EvaporativeEmissionCanisterPurgeSolenoid
Fuel Injector CircuitDiagnosis................. 9-234 ValveReplacement.......................... 9-276
Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis...... 9-235 IgnitionCoil Replacement..................... 9-277
EvaporativeEmissionControlSystem Throttle/IdleLearn.......................... ‘... 9—278
Diagnosis............................. ‘....... 9-236 SparkPlugInspection......................... 9-279
ElectronicIgnition SystemDiagnosis.......... 9—238 SparkPlugReplacement...................... 9-281
Inspection/Maintenance SystemCheck ....... 9-239 CamshaftPositionActuatorSolenoidValve
Inspection/Maintenance CompleteSystemSet Replacement.................... I............. 9—282
Procedure.................................... 9-240 CrankshaftPositionSensorReplacement..... 9—284
lnspection/Maintenance (IIM)SystemDTC CamshaftPositionSensorReplacement. . .. . . 9—285
Table......................................... 9—241 KnockSensorReplacement................... 94286
FuelPressureMeasurement.................. 9—241 Air CleanerinletDuctReplacement........... 9-287
RepairInstructions............................. 9-242 Air CleanerOutletDuctReplacement......... 9—288
EngineControlModuleReplacement . . . . . 9-242 Air CleanerElementReplacement............ 9-289
CrankshaftPositionSystemVariation Air CleanerAssemblyReplacement........... 9-290
Learn......................................... 9-243 ChargeAirCoolerReplacement............... 9-291
EngineCoolantTemperature Sensor ChargeAirCoolerInletAir Hose
Replacement(WaterOutlet)................. 9—244 Replacement................................. 9-292
EngineCoolantTemperature Sensor ChargeAirCoolerOutletAir Hose
Replacement(Radiator)...................... 9—245 Replacement................................. 9-293
EngineCoolantTemperature Sensor ChargeAir BypassRegulatorSolenoidValve
Replacement(Thermostat) ................... 9—246 Replacement................................. 9—295
MassAirflowSensorReplacement............ 9—246 Descriptionand Operation.................... 9-296
IntakeAir PressureandTemperature Sensor CamshaftActuator SystemDescription . . . 9—296
Replacement................................. 9-247 ElectronicIgnition SystemDescription... . . . . 9—297

2013 (5377994)
Table of Contents 9-3
EngineControlModuleDescription........... 9-298 DTC P0411 .................................... 9-414
EvaporativeEmissionControlSystem DTC P0412 or P0418 .......................... 9-419
Description................................... 9-300 DTC P0420 .................................... 9-422
FuelSystemDescription...................... 9-302 DTC P0442 .................................... 9—425
KnockSensorSystemDescription............ 9-304 DTC P0443 .................................... 9-427
ThrottleActuatorControl(TAC)System DTC P0446 .................................... 9—429
Description................................... 9-305 DTC P0449 .................................... 9-431
TurbochargerSystemDescription............. 9-306 DTC P0451-P0454 ............................ 9—433
Special Tools and Equipment................. 9-308 DTC P0455 .................................... 9—436
SpecialTools(DiagnosticTools)............... 9-308 DTC P0496 .................................... 9-438
DTC P0506 or P0507 (LUW, LWE) ............ 9-440
Engine ControlsIFuel-1.8L
DTC P0601-P0604, P0606, or P062F (Fuel
(LUW, LWE) ................................. 9-312
PumpControlModule)....................... 9-442
Specifications.................................. 9-312
DTC P0601-P0604, P0606, P062B, P062F,
Temperature VersusResistance(ECT) . . . 9-312
P0630, P16F3, or P2623 (ECM) ............. 9-443
Temperature VersusResistance- IntakeAir
DTC P0627—P0629 ............................ 9—445
Temperature Sensor(BoschSensor) . . . . 9-312
DTC P0641 or P06A6 (FuelPumpControl
AltitudeVersusBarometricPressure.......... 9-312
Module)...................................... 9-447
IgnitionSystemSpecifications................ 9-313
DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, or
FastenerTighteningSpecifications............ 9-313
P06A3 (ECM) ................................ 9-449
Schematicand Routing Diagrams............ 9-313
DTC P0650, P263A,or P263B ................ 9-451
EngineControlsSchematics.................. 9-314
DTC P0660, P0661, or P0662 ................. 9-453
DiagnosticInformationand Procedures ...... 9-327
DTC P0685-P0687, P0689, P0690, or
DTC P0010, P0013, or P2088-P2091 ......... 9-327
P1682 ........................................ 9-456
DTC P0011 or P0014 .......................... 9-330
DTC P069E .................................... 9-460
DTC P0016 or P0017 .......................... 9-333
DTC P0700 (LUW) ............................ 9-461
DTC P0030-P0032, P0036-P0038, P0053,
DTC P11C2-P11C4 ............................ 9-462
P0054, P0135, or P0141 ..................... 9-335
DTC P1255 or P064A ......................... 9-466
DTC P0068 or P1101 .......................... 9-338
DTC P1400 .................................... 9-467
DTC P0096 or P0111 .......................... 9-340
DTC P1500 ................................... 9-469
DTC P0097, P0098, or P0099 ................. 9-345
DTC P1516, P2101, P2119, or P2176
DTC P0101 .................................... 9-349
(LUW, LWE) .................................. 9-470
DTC P0102 or P0103 .......................... 9-353
DTC P2070 or P2071 .......................... 9-473
DTC P0106 .................................... 9-356
DTC P2076 .................................... 9-475
DTC P0107 or P0108 .......................... 9-360
DTC P2077 or P2078 .......................... 9-477
DTC P0112, P0113, or P0114 ................. 9-364
DTC P2096 .................................... 9-480
DTC P0116 (LUW) ............................ 9-367
DTC P2097 .................................... 9-482
DTC P0117, P0118, or P0119 ................. 9-369
DTC P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, or
DTC P0121-P0123, P0222, P0223, or
P2138 ........................................ 9-484
P2135 ........................................ 9-372
DTC P2199 .................................... 9-487
DTC P0128 (LUW) ............................ 9-376
DTC P219A .................................... 9-492
DTC P0131, P0132, P0134, P0137, P0138, or
DTC P2227—P2230 ............................ 9-494
P0140 ........................................ 9-378
DTC P2430 or P2431 .......................... 9-497
DTC P0133, P013A, P013B, P013E, P013F,
DTC P2432 or P2433 .......................... 9-501
P015A, P0158, P2270, or P2271 ............ 9-381
DTC P2440 .................................... 9—504
DTC P0171 or P0172 .......................... 9-385
DTC P2444 .................................... 9—507
DTC P018B-P018D ........................... 9-388
DTC P2534 (FuelPumpControlModule) . 9-509
DTC P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0261,
DTC P2635 (FuelPumpControlModule) . 9-510
P0262, P0264, P0265, P0267, P0268,
Symptoms- EngineControls.................. 9-511
P0270, or P0271 ............................. 9-390
MalfunctionIndicator Lamp(MIL)
DTC P0231, P0232, or P023F ................. 9-393
Diagnosis.................................... 9-515
DTC P025A .................................... 9-395
EngineCranksButDoes NotRun ............. 9-516
DTC P0300-P0304 (LUW) ..................... 9—397
FuelSystemDiagnosis........................ 9-518
DTC P0315 (LUW) ............................ 9-400
Fuel injectorDiagnosis........................ 9-520
DTC P0324, P0326, or P06B6 ................ 9—402
Fuel InjectorCircuitDiagnosis................. 9-522
DTC P0325, P0327, or P0328 (LUW) ......... 9—404
Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis...... 9-523
DTC P0335 or P0336 .......................... 9-406
DTC P0340, P0341, P0365, or P0366 ......... 9—409
Diagnosis.................................... 9-524
DTC P0351-P0354 ............................ 9-412

924 Table of Contents
IntakeManifoldRunnerControlSystem EvaporativeEmissionSystemHose/Pipe
Diagnosis.................................... 9-526 Replacement................................. 9—565
ElectronicignitionSystemDiagnosis.......... 9—527 EvaporativeEmissionCanisterReplacement
lnspection/Maintenance SystemCheck . . . 9-528 (SteelTank).................................. 9-567
lnspection/Maintenance CompleteSystemSet EvaporativeEmissionCanisterPurgeSolenoid
Procedure.................................... 9-529 ValveReplacement.......................... 9—569
lnspection/Maintenance (IIM)SystemDTC IgnitionCoil Replacement . ................. ... 9—570
Table......................................... 9-530 SparkPlugInspection ......................... 9-571
Repair Instructions............................. 9-531 SparkPlugReplacement . ..................... 9-573
EngineControlModuleReplacement......... 9-531 CamshaftPosition Actuator SolenoidValve
CrankshaftPositionSystemVariation Replacement................................. 9-574
Learn......................................... 9-532 CrankshaftPositionSensorReplacement..... 9-575
Throttle/ldle Learn............................. 9-533 CamshaftPositionSensorReplacement.... . . 9-576
EngineCoolantTemperature Sensor KnockSensorReplacement................... 9-577
Replacement(WaterOutlet)................. 9-534 IntakeManifoldTuningValveActuator
EngineCoolantTemperature Sensor Replacement................................. 9-578
Replacement(Radiator)...................... 9—535 AirCleanerinletDuctReplacement........... 9-579
EngineCoolantTemperature Sensor AirCleanerOutletDuctReplacement......... 9—580
Replacement(Thermostat) ................... 9—535 Air CleanerElementReplacement............ 9—581
MassAirflowSensorReplacement............ 9-536 Air CleanerAssemblyReplacement......... '.. 9—582
ManifoldAbsolutePressureSensor Descriptionand Operation.................... 9-582
Replacement................................. 9—537 EngineControlModuleDescription........... 9-582
HeatedOxygenSensorReplacement - FuelSystemDescription...................... 9—584
Sensor1 ..................................... 9-538 ThrottleActuatorControl(TAC)System
HeatedOxygenSensorReplacement - Description................................... 9-587
Sensor2 ..................................... 9—539 CamshaftActuatorSystemDescription . . . 9-588
EngineOil PressureIndicator Switch EvaporativeEmissionControlSystem
Replacement................................. 9—540 Description................................... 9-589
AcceleratorPedalPositionSensor ElectronicIgnition SystemDescription . . . . 9-591
Replacement................................. 9—541 KnockSensorSystemDescription............ 9—591
ThrottleBodyAssemblyReplacement. . .. . . . . 9-542 Air IntakeSystemDescription................. 9-592
SecondaryAir Injection CheckValve SecondaryAir Injection SystemDescription 9-592
Replacement................................. 9-543 Special Tools and Equipment................. 9—593
SecondaryAir injectionPumpAirCleanerPipe Engine Cooling .............................. 9-597
Replacement................................. 9-544 9—597
SecondaryAir injectionPumpPipe Temperature VersusResistance.............. 9-597
Replacement................................. 9—545
FastenerTighteningSpecifications............ 9—597
SecondaryAir Injection Pump 9-597
Schematicand RoutingDiagrams............
Replacement................................. 9-546
EngineHeating/Cooling Schematics.......... 9-598
ThrottleBodyInspection andCleaning.. ...... 9-547 DiagnosticInformationand Procedures...... 9-600
Fuel PressureRelief........................... 9—547
DTC P0083 or PO0B4 ......................... 9-600
PlasticCollarQuickConnectFitting DTC PO0B6 .................................... 9-603
Service....................................... 9647
DTC PO0B7 .................................... 9-605
FuelTankDraining............................ 9-551
DTC P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, P0693, or
FuelTankReplacement....................... 9-551
P0694 (LUW, LWE) .......................... 9-607
FuelTankFillerPipeReplacement DTC P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, P0693, or
(SteelTank).................................. 9-554
P0694 (LUV) ................................. 9-610
Fuel PressureSensorReplacement —Fuel
DTC P0597-P0599 ............................ 9-614
Feed Pipe .................................... 9-556
DTC P2181 .................................... 9—616
Fuel Feed PipeReplacement................. 9-557
Symptoms- EngineCooling................... 9—617
FuelTankFuelPumpModuleReplacement CoolingFanAlwaysOn (LUV) ................. 9—618
(SteelTank).................................. 9-559
CoolingFanAlwaysOn (LUW, LWE) .......... 9—619
FuelTankPressureSensorReplacement.... . 9-560 CoolingFan Inoperative (LUV) ................ 9-620
Fuel PressureSensorReplacement........... 9—561 CoolingFan Inoperative (LUW, LWE) . . . . . 9—623
FuelSystemCleaning......................... 9—562
EngineOverheating ........................... 9-625
Fuel InjectorReplacement.................... 9-562
Loss of Coolant................................ 9—625
EvaporativeEmissionCanisterVentSolenoid Thermostat D iagnosis......................... 9-626
ValveReplacement.......................... 9-564

2013 (5377994)
Table of Contents 9-5

EngineFailsTo ReachNormalOperating EngineCoolantAir BleedHose

Temperature ................................. 9-627 Replacement(LUV) .......................... 9-665
CoolingSystemLeakTesting.................. 9—627 EngineCoolantAir BleedHoseConnector
RepairInstructions............................. 9—628 Replacement(LUV) .......................... 9—666
CoolingSystemDrainingandFilling........... 9-628 WaterOutletReplacement(LUV) ............. 9666
CoolantSystemFlushing...................... 9-629 WaterinletReplacement(LUW) ............... 9—668
RadiatorCleaning............................. 9-629 WaterInletReplacement(LUV) ............... 9—669
RadiatorSurgeTankReplacement............ 9—630 WaterPumpPulleyReplacement(LUV) . . 9-670
RadiatorSurgeTankOutletHose WaterPumpPulleyReplacement(LUW) . . 9-671
Replacement(LUV) .......................... 9—631 WaterPumpReplacement(LUV) .............. 9-672
RadiatorSurgeTankOutletHose Replacement WaterPumpReplacement(LUW) ............. 9—673
(LDE LUW) ................................... 9—632 EngineCoolantFan Shroud
RadiatorInletHose Replacement(LUV) . 1.9-633 Replacement(LUV) .......................... 9-674
RadiatorInletHose Replacement EngineCoolantFan ShroudReplacement
(LDE LUW) ................................... 9—634 (LDE LUW) ................................... 9—675
RadiatorOutletHose Replacement(LUV) ..... 9635 RadiatorReplacement(LUV) .................. 9—675
RadiatorOutletHose Replacement RadiatorReplacement(LDE LUW) ............ 9678
(LDE LUW) ................................... 9-636 RadiatorAir BaffleReplacement
RadiatorOutletHoseConnectorReplacement (LUV, LUW) .................................. 9—679
- RadiatorSide(LUV) ........................ 9-637 Descriptionand Operation............... ,..... 9-679
RadiatorOutletHoseConnectorReplacement- CoolingFan Descriptionand
EngineSide(LUV) ........................... 9—638 Operation(LUV) .............................. 9-679
RadiatorMountingStudRepair................ 9—639 CoolingFan DescriptionandOperation
RadiatorUpperBracketReplacement......... 9-640 (LWE, LUW) .................................. 9-680
EngineCoolantFan ResistorMountRepair. .. 9-641 CoolingSystemDescriptionandOperation 9-680
ThrottleBodyHeaterInletHose Special Tools and Equipment................. 9-681
Replacement(LUW) ......................... 9-642 Engine Electrical ............................ 9-682
ThrottleBodyHeaterInletPipe Specifications.................................. 9-682
Replacement(LUW) ......................... 9-643 9-682
ThrottleBodyHeaterOutletPipe BatteryUsage ................................. 9-682
Replacement (LUW) ......................... 9-644 9-682
GeneratorUsage ..............................
ThrottleBodyHeaterOutletHose Schematicand RoutingDiagrams............ 9-682
Replacement (LUW) ......................... 9-645 StartingandChargingSchematics............ 9-683
EngineOilCoolerReplacement............... 9-646
DiagnosticInformationand Procedures. . .. . .9-685
EngineOilCoolerOutletHose DTC B1325, B1330, B1517, 00800, C0895,
Replacement(LUV) .......................... 9—649 9-685
P0560, P0562, or P0563 .....................
EngineOilCoolerCoolantInletHose DTC B1516 .................................... 9—687
Replacement(LUV) .......................... 9—650 9-689
DTC B151A ....................................
EngineOilCoolerPipe DTC B1527 .................................... 9-690
Replacement.(LUW) ......................... 9-651 9—691
DTC P0615, P0616, or P0617 .................
EngineOilCoolerInletPipe DTC P0621 ............................ 9—694
Replacement(LUW) ......................... 9—652 9—696
DTC P0622 ....................................
EngineOilCoolerOutletPipe DTC P0625 or P0626 .......................... 9-698
Replacement(LUW) ......................... 9-654 9—700
DTC P2500 or P2501 ..........................
EngineCoolantFan Replacement Symptoms- EngineElectrical................. 9-701
(LDE/LUW) ................................... 9-655 ........................ 9—702
EngineCoolantFan Replacement(LUV) ...... 9-656 BatteryCharging.............................. 9—703
Turbocharger CoolantFeed Pipe BatteryElectricalDrain/Parasitic LoadTest... 9—704
Replacement(LUV) .......................... 9—657 9—707
Turbocharger CoolantReturnPipe GeneratorNoiseDiagnosis.................... 9—708
Replacement(LUV) .......................... 9—658 9-709
StarterSolenoidDoes NotClick...............
EngineCoolantThermostatHousing StarterSolenoidClicks,EngineDoes Not
Replacement (LUW) ......................... 9-659 9-711
EngineCoolantThermostat EngineCranksSlowly......................... 9-711
Replacement(LUV) .......................... 9—661 9-712
Replacement(LUW) ......................... 9-662

2013 (5377994)
9=6 Table of Contents
Repair Instructions............................. 9-713 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) ............ 9-755
BatteryNegativeCable Disconnection and Specifications.................................. 9—755
Connection................................... 9-713 FastenerTighteningSpecifications............ 9—755
BatteryCurrentSensorReplacement. . .. . . . . . 9-714 EngineMechanicalSpecifications............. 9—756
BatteryPositiveandNegativeCable Adhesives,Fluids,Lubricants,andSealers 9-759
Replacement................................. 9—715 ComponentLocator............................ 9—760
BatteryNegativeCable Replacement......... 9-717 DisassembledViews.......................... 9-760
BatteryPositiveCable Replacement.......... 9-718 Engineidentification ........................... 9-770
BatteryReplacement.......................... 9-719 DiagnosticInformationand Procedures...... 9-770
BatteryTrayReplacement..................... 9—721 Symptoms- EngineMechanical............... 9—770
StarterReplacement(LUW) ................... 9-722 Oil PressureDiagnosisandTesting........... 9-771
StarterReplacement(LUV) .................... 9-724 Oil LeakDiagnosis............................ 9-772
GeneratorPulleyReplacement(LUV) ......... 9-725 OilConsumptionDiagnosis................... 9-773
GeneratorReplacement(LUV) ................ 9-726 EngineNoiseUnderLoad ..................... 9-774
GeneratorReplacement(LUW) ............... 9727 EngineNoiseon Start—Up, butOnlyLastinga
Descriptionand Operation.................... 9-728 FewSeconds................................ 9—774
BatteryDescriptionandOperation............ 9—728 Base EngineMisfirewithoutInternal Engine
ChargingSystemDescriptionand Noises........................................ 9—774
Operation.................................... 9-729 Base EngineMisfirewithAbnormalInternal
ElectricalPowerManagementDescriptionand LowerEngineNoises........................ 9-775
Operation.................................... 9—731 Base EngineMisfirewithAbnormalValveTrain
StartingSystemDescriptionandOperation 9-732 Noise ......................................... 9—776
Special Tools and Equipment................. 9-733 Base EngineMisfirewithCoolant
EngineExhaust........................,.... 9—734 Consumption................................. 9-776
Specifications.................................. 9-734 Base EngineMisfirewithExcessiveOil
9-734 Consumption................................. 9—776
DiagnosticInformationand Procedures...... 9—734 UpperEngineNoise,Regardlessof Engine
Symptoms- EngineExhaust.................. 9—734 Speed ........................................ 9-777
RestrictedExhaust............................ 9-734 LowerEngineNoise,Regardlessof Engine
9-736 Speed ........................................ 9—777
ExhaustNoise................................. 9—736 EngineWillNotCrank—CrankshaftWillNot
RepairInstructions............................. 9-737 Rotate........................................ 9-778
ExhaustManifoldReplacement(LUV) . . . . 9-737 EngineCompressionTest..................... 9-778
ExhaustManifoldwithCatalyticConverter DriveBeltChirping,Squeal,andWhine
Replacement(LUW) ......................... 9—737 Diagnosis.................................... 9—779
ExhaustFrontPipeReplacement DriveBeltRumblingandVibration
(LUV,LUW) ................................... 9-738 Diagnosis.................................... 9-781
9-739 DriveBeltFallsOffandExcessiveWear
. . 9—742 Diagnosis.................................... 9—782
CatalyticConverter DriveBeltTensionerDiagnosis................ 9-784
WarmUp Three—Way
Replacement(LUV,LUW) .................... 9-745 RepairInstructions- On Vehicle.............. 9-784
DriveBeltReplacement....................... 9—784
Replacement(LUV) .......................... 9-746 DriveBeltTensionerReplacement............ 9-786
9-747 EngineMountReplacement—RightSide . . 9-788
FuelTankHeatShieldReplacement . . . . . . 9-748 EngineMountBracketReplacement-
ExhaustManifoldHeatShield RightSide .................................... 9-789
Replacement(LUV) .......................... 9—749 EngineCoverReplacement................... 9-790
IntakeManifoldReplacement................. 9—790
Replacement(LUW) ......................... 9-750 CamshaftTimingChainReplacement......... 9-794
TimingChainTensionerReplacement......... 9—797
Replacement................................. 9—751 HydraulicValveLashAdjusterArm
Replacement................................. 9—798
(LUV,LUW) ................................... 9-752 HydraulicValveLashAdjuster
Descriptionand Operation.................... 9-753 Replacement................................. 9-799
9-753 CamshaftIntakeandExhaustSprocket
9-754 Replacement................................. 9—800
Special Tools and Equipment.................
CylinderHeadReplacement.................. 9—803

Table of Contents 917
Oil Pan Replacement.......................... 9—810 ExhaustCamshaftRemoval................... 9—872
AutomaticTransmissionFlexPlate HydraulicValveLashAdjusterArm
Replacement................................. 9-813 Removal..................................... 9-873
EngineFlywheelReplacement................ 9—814 HydraulicValveLashAdjusterRemoval....... 9-873
CrankshaftBalancerReplacement.......... ~.. 9-815 CylinderHeadRemoval....................... 9-873
CrankshaftFrontOilSeal Replacement....... 9-817 Piston,ConnectingRod,andBearing
CrankshaftRearOilSeal Replacement. ... . . . 9-818 Removal..................................... 9-874
PositiveCrankcaseVentilation Hose/Pipe/ CrankshaftandBearingRemoval............. 9—874
Tube Replacement........................... 9—819 CylinderHeadDisassemble................... 9-876
EngineOil HeaterReplacement............... 9—821 CylinderHeadCleaningandinspection....... 9-877
EngineFrontCoverwithOil Pump CylinderHeadAssemble...................... 9-880
Replacement................................. 9821 EngineBlockDisassemble.................... 9—882
Oil PumpReplacement........................ 9-824 EngineBlockAssemble....................... 9—882
EngineReplacement.......................... 9-827 PistonandConnectingRod Disassemble . 9-883
EngineOilandOil FilterReplacement......... 9—840 Piston,ConnectingRod,andBearingCleaning
TurbochargerReplacement................... 9-843 andInspection............................... 9-884
Turbocharger Oil FeedPipeReplacement. . .. 9-848 PistonandConnectingRodAssemble . . . . 9-885
Turbocharger Oil ReturnPipeReplacement. . . 9—849 IntakeManifoldDisassemble.................. 9-888
CamshaftCoverReplacement................ 9-850 IntakeManifoldCleaningandInspection . . 9-888
IntakeCamshaftReplacement................ 9-851 IntakeManifoldAssemble..................... 9—889
ExhaustCamshaftReplacement.............. 9852 CrankshaftandBearingCleaningand
Repair Instructions- Off Vehicle.............. 9854 Inspection.................................... 9-889
EngineSupportFixture........................ 9—854 EngineFrontCoverandOil PumpCleaning
EngineMountBracketRemoval............... 9-855 andInspection............................... 9-892
CamshaftTimingChainInspection............ 9-855 EngineFrontCoverandOil Pump
CamshaftTimingChainAdjustment............ 9-857 Disassemble................................. 9-893
DrainingFluidsandOil FilterRemoval . . . . 9-860 Turbocharger Disassemble.................... 9-894
PositiveCrankcaseVentilation Pipe Turbocharger Cleaningand Inspection........ 9-895
Removal..................................... 9-860 Turbocharger Assemble....................... 9-895
ExhaustManifoldHeatShieldRemoval . . . 9-861 EngineOil CoolerDisassemble............... 9-896
WarmUp Three-WayCatalyticConverter EngineOil CoolerAssemble.................. 9-896
Removal..................................... 9-861 Oil PanCleaningandInspection.............. 9-897
Turbocharger Removal........................ 9-861 CrankshaftandBearingInstallation ........... 9-897
EngineOilCoolerRemoval.................... 9—863 Piston,ConnectingRod,andBearing
EngineCoolantThermostatHousing Installation................................... 9-900
Removal..................................... 9-863 CylinderHead Installation ..................... 9—901
WaterOutletRemoval......................... 9—863 HydraulicValveLashAdjusterInstallation ..... 9—902
DriveBeltTensionerRemoval................. 9-863 HydraulicValveLashAdjusterArm
AirConditioning CompressorBracket Installation................................... 9-902
Removal..................................... 9-864 intakeCamshaftInstallation ................... 9-902
WaterPumpPulleyRemoval.................. 9-864 ExhaustCamshaftInstallation ................. 9—903
CrankshaftBalancerRemoval....... i.......... 9—864 CamshaftSprocketInstallation ................ 9—903
WaterPumpRemoval......................... 9—865 TimingChainTensionerInstallation ........... 9—904
ThrottleBodyRemoval........................ 9—865 EngineFrontCoverGasketInstallation . . . 9-904
intakeManifoldRemoval...................... 9—865 CamshaftTimingChainInstallation ........... 9-904
GeneratorRemoval........................... 9-866 EngineFrontCoverandOil Pump
StarterRemoval......... . ..................... 9-866 Installation................................... 9-906
EngineFlywheelRemoval..................... 9-866 Oil Pan Installation ............................ 9—907
IgnitionCoil Removal.......................... 9-867 CamshaftPositionActuatorSolenoidValve
CamshaftCoverRemoval..................... 9-867 Installation................................... 9—909
CamshaftPositionActuatorSolenoidValve CamshaftCoverInstallation ................... 9—909
Removal..................................... 9868 Ignition
Coil installation ........................ 9-910
Oil Pan Removal.............................. 9—868 EngineFlywheelinstallation ................... 9-911
EngineFrontCoverandOil PumpRemoval... 9—869 GeneratorInstallation .......................... 9-911
CamshaftTimingChainRemoval............. 9—869 StarterInstallation ............ _ ................. 9-912
TimingChainTensionerRemoval............. 9-871 IntakeManifoldInstallation .................... 9-912
EngineFrontCoverGasketRemoval.. . . . . . 9-871 ThrottleBodyInstallation ...................... 9-912
CamshaftSprocketRemoval.................. 9—871 WaterPumpInstallation ....................... 9-913
IntakeCamshaftRemoval..................... 9-872 CrankshaftBalancerInstallation ............... 9-913
9n8 Table of Contents
WaterPumpPulleyInstallation ................ 9-914 Base EngineMisfirewithExcessiveOil
Air ConditioningCompressorBracket Consumption................................. 9-951
Installation................................... 9-914 UpperEngineNoise,Regardlessof Engine
DriveBeltTensionerInstallation ............... 9-914 Speed ........................................ 9-951
DriveBeltinstallation .......................... 9-915 LowerEngineNoise,Regardlessof Engine
EngineOil CoolerInstallation .................. 9—915 Speed ........................................ 9—952
WaterOutletInstallation ....................... 9-916 EngineWillNotCrank—CrankshaftWillNot
EngineCoolantThermostatHousing Rotate........................................ 9—952
Installation................................... 9—916 _EngineCompressionTest..................... 9-953
TurbochargerInstallation ...................... 9-916 DriveBeltChirping,Squeal,andWhine
ExhaustManifoldHeatShieldInstallation . 9-918 Diagnosis.................................... 9-953
WarmUp Three-WayCatalyticConverter DriveBeltRumblingandVibration
installation................................... 9-918 Diagnosis.................................... 9-955
PositiveCrankcaseVentilation Pipe CylinderLeakageTest......................... 9-957
Installation................................... 9—919 CrankcaseVentilation Systemlnspection/
EngineMountBracketinstallation ............. 9-919 Diagnosis.................................... 9-959
EngineFrontCoverandOil Pump DriveBeltFallsOffandExcessiveWear
Assemble.................................... 9-920 Diagnosis.................................... 9-959
DriveBeltRemoval............................ 9-922 DriveBeltTensionerDiagnosis................ 9—961
EngineBlockCleaningandInspection . . . . 9-922 DualMass FlywheelDiagnosis................ 9-961
Descriptionand Operation.................... 9—923 Repairinstructions- On Vehicle........ '...... 9—964
EngineComponentDescription............... 9—923 DriveBeltReplacement....................... 9—964
LubricationDescription........................ 9-925 DriveBeltTensionerReplacement............ 9—966
CleanlinessandCare ......................... 9-926 EngineMountReplacement................... 9-967
Use of RoomTemperature Vulcanizing(RTV) EngineMountBracketReplacement.......... 9—968
andAnaerobicSealant....................... 9—926 IntakeManifoldReplacement(LDE) ........... 9-969
Special Tools and Equipment................. 9—927 IntakeManifoldReplacement(LUW) .......... 9-971
Engine Mechanical-1.8L(LUW, LWE) ..... 9-932 TimingBeltReplacement...................... 9-975
Specifications.................................. 9-932 TimingBeltIdlerPulleyReplacement. . .. . . . . . 9-979
FastenerTighteningSpecifications TimingBeltTensionerReplacement........... 9—980
(1.6L LDE) ................................... TimingBeltCenterFrontCover
FastenerTighteningSpecifications Replacement................................. 9-983
(1.8L LUW
and LWE) .................................... TimingBeltUpperFrontCover
EngineMechanicalSpecifications Replacement................................. 9—984
(1.6L LDE) ................................... TimingBeltLowerFrontCover
EngineMechanicalSpecifications Replacement................................. 9-985
(1.8L LUW
and LWE) .................................... TimingBeltRearCoverReplacement......... 9-986
Adhesives,Fluids,Lubricants, ValveLifterReplacement...................... 9-987
andSealers 9-943
Component Locator............................ CamshaftSprocketReplacement............. 9—987
EngineIdentification CylinderHeadReplacement.................. 9-990
........................... 9944
Diagnostic Informationand Procedures...... 9-944 Oil Pan Replacement.......................... 9-999
Symptoms- EngineMechanical............... AutomaticTransmissionFlexPlate
Oil PressureDiagnosisandTesting........... Replacement............................... 9-1002
Oil Leak Diagnosis............................ EngineFlywheelReplacement............... 9—1003
Oil ConsumptionDiagnosis................... CrankshaftBalancerReplacement........... 9-1004
CoolantinCombustionChamber.............. CrankshaftFrontOil Seal Replacement...... 9-1005
CoolantinEngineOil .......................... CrankshaftRearOil Seal Replacement . . 9-1006
EngineNoiseUnderLoad..................... CrankshaftSprocketReplacement........... 9-1008
EngineNoiseonStart—Up, butOnlyLastinga PositiveCrankcaseVentilation Hose/Pipe/
FewSeconds ................................ TubeReplacement......................... 9-1009
Base EngineMisfirewithoutinternalEngine EngineFrontCoverwithOil Pump
Noises ........................................ Replacement............................... 9—1010
Oil PressureReliefValveReplacement.... . . 9—1013
Base EngineMisfirewithAbnormalInternal
EngineOilCoolerHousingReplacement. ... 9—1014
LowerEngineNoises........................ 9—950
Base EngineMisfirewithAbnormalValveTrain Oil FlowCheckValveReplacement.......... 9—1016
OilLevelindicatorTubeReplacement . . . 9—1017
Noise ......................................... 9-950
Base EngineMisfirewithCoolant EngineReplacement(Automatic
Consumption................................. Transmission)............................... 9—1017

Table of Contents 929
EngineReplacement (Manual Oil Pan Removal............................. 9-1083
Transmission) ............................... 9—1032 EngineFrontCoverandOil Pump
EngineOilandOil FilterReplacement . . . 9-1046 Removal.................................... 9—1083
CamshaftSeal Replacement................. 9—1048 IgnitionCoil Removal........................ 9—1083
CamshaftCoverReplacement............... 9—1050 CamshaftCoverRemoval.................... 9-1084
CamshaftPositionActuatorSolenoidValve CamshaftRemoval........................... 9-1084
Replacement............................... 9—1051 ValveLifterRemoval......................... 9—1085
CamshaftReplacement...................... 9-1052 CylinderHead Removal...................... 9—1085
ValveStemOilSeal andValveSpring Piston,ConnectingRod,andBearing
Replacement............................... 9-1054 Removal.................................... 9— 1085
ValveGuideReaming,andValveandSeat CrankshaftandBearingRemoval............ 9-1087
Grinding.................................... 9-1056 IntakeManifoldDisassemble(1.6L LDE) 9—1088
RepairInstructions- Off Vehicle.............. 9-1060 IntakeManifoldDisassemble(1.8LLUW
EngineSupportFixture....................... 9—1060 andLWE) ................................... 9-1089
TimingBeltInspection ........................ 9-1061 CylinderHead Disassemble................. 9-1090
TimingBeltAdjustment ...................... 9—1062 PistonandConnectingRod Disassemble 9—1092
DrainingFluidsandOil FilterRemoval....... 9—1068 EngineBlockDisassemble................... 9-1093
AutomaticTransmissionFlexPlate intakeManifoldCleaningandInspection..... 9-1095
Removal.................................... 9—1069 ExhaustManifoldCleaningand
EngineFlywheelRemoval................... 9—1069 Inspection................................... 9-1095
CrankshaftRearOilSeal Removal........... 9-1070 Oil Pan CleaningandInspection............. 9—1095
PositiveCrankcaseVentilation Pipe Oil PumpCleaningandInspection ........... 9—1096
Removal.................................... 9-1072 CylinderHeadCleaningandInspection...... 9-1096
SecondaryAirInjection PumpPipe Piston,ConnectingRod,andBearing
Removal.................................... 9-1072 CleaningandInspection.................... 9-1097
SecondaryAirInjection PumpRemoval...... 9-1072 CrankshaftandBearingCleaningand
SecondaryAirInjection CheckValve Inspection................................... 9-1099
Removal.................................... 9-1072 EngineBlockCleaningand Inspection.... . . . 9-1101
PowerSteeringPumpBeltRemoval......... 9-1073 ServicePriortoAssembly.................... 9-1103
DriveBeltRemoval........................... 9—1073 EngineBlockAssemble...................... 9-1103
DriveBeltTensionerRemoval................ 9—1073 PistonandConnectingRodAssemble....... 9-1105
TimingBeltUpperFrontCoverRemoval..... 9-1074 CylinderHeadAssemble..................... 9-1105
TimingBeltCenterFrontCoverRemoval 9-1074 IntakeManifoldAssemble(1.6L LDE) ........ 9-1107
CrankshaftBalancerRemoval............... 9—1074 IntakeManifoldAssemble(1.8L LUW
TimingBeltLowerFrontCoverRemoval . 9—1075 andLWE) ................................... 9-1108
TimingBeltRemoval......................... 9—1075 CrankshaftandBearingInstallation .......... 9—1109
TimingBeltTensionerRemoval.............. 9-1076 Piston,ConnectingRod,andBearing
TimingBeltidlerPulleyRemoval............. 9-1076 Installation .................................. 9—1110
CrankshaftSprocketRemoval............... 9—1077 CylinderHead Installation .................... 9-1111
CamshaftPositionActuatorSolenoidValve ValveLifterInstallation ........................ 9-1111
Removal.................................... 9—1077 Camshaftinstallation ......................... 9-1111
CamshaftPositionActuatorAdjuster CamshaftCoverInstallation .................. 9—1113
Removal.................................... 9-1077 ignitionCoil installation ....................... 9—1113
CrankshaftFrontOil Seal Removal.......... 9-1079 EngineFrontCoverandOil Pump
TimingBeltRearCoverRemoval............ 9—1079 Installation .................................. 9-1114
ThrottleBodyAssemblyRemoval............ 9—1079 Oil Pan Installation ........................... 9-1114
intakeManifoldRemoval(1.6L LDE) ......... 9—1079 EngineOil HeaterInstallation ................ 9-1115
intakeManifoldRemoval(1.8LLUW WaterPumpInstallation ...................... 9-1115
andLWE) ................................... 9—1080 WaterPumpPulleyInstallation ............... 9—1116
Oil LevelIndicator andTubeRemoval . . . 9—1080 EngineOil CoolerInstallation ................. 9-1116
ExhaustManifoldRemoval................... 9-1080 EngineOil CoolerHousingInstallation . . . 9—1116
EngineCoolantThermostatRemoval........ 9-1081 EngineCoolantThermostatHousing
EngineCoolantThermostatHousing Installation.................................. 9-1117
Removal.................................... 9-1081 EngineCoolantThermostat Installation . . 9—1117
EngineOilCoolerHousingRemoval......... 9-1081 ExhaustManifoldInstallation ................. 9—1118
EngineOilCoolerRemoval.................. 9-1082 Oil LevelIndicator andTubeInstallation ...... 9—1118
WaterPumpPulleyRemoval................. 9-1082 IntakeManifoldInstallation (1.6L LDE) . . . 9—1118
WaterPumpRemoval........................ 9-1082 IntakeManifoldInstallation (1.8L LUW
EngineOil HeaterRemoval.................. 9-1082 andLWE) ................................... 9-1119

9-10 Table of Contents
ThrottleBodyAssemblyInstallation .......... 9-1119 SecondaryAir Injection Pumpinstallation 9-1128
CrankshaftFrontOil Seal installation ......... 9-1119 SecondaryAir Injection PumpPipe
TimingBeltRearCoverinstallation ..........9-1120 Installation
.................................. 9—1128
CamshaftPositionActuatorAdjuster PositiveCrankcaseVentilation Pipe
.................................. 9-1120 Installation
.................................. 9-1128
CamshaftPositionActuatorSolenoidValve EngineFlywheelinstallation ................. 9-1129
.................................. 9-1122 AutomaticTransmissionFlexPlate
CrankshaftSprocketInstallation ............. 9-1122 Installation
.................................. 9—1129
TimingBeltIdlerPulleyInstallation ........... 9-1122 CrankshaftRearOil Seal Installation ......... 9-1130
TimingBeltTensionerInstallation ............ 9—1123 Descriptionand Operation................... 9-1132
TimingBeltInstallation ....................... 9-1123 CleanlinessandCare ........................ 9-1132
TimingBeltLowerFrontCoverinstallation 9-1125 EngineComponentDescription.............. 9-1132
CrankshaftBalancerInstallation ............. 9-1125 LubricationDescription....................... 9—1133
TimingBeltCenterFrontCover ReplacingEngineGaskets................... 9—1134
.................................. 9—1125 SeparatingParts............................. 9—1134
TimingBeltUpperFrontCoverInstallation 91126 ToolsandEquipment......................... 9-1134
DriveBeltInstallation ......................... 9—1126 Use of RoomTemperature Vulcanizing(RTV)
DriveBeltTensionerInstallation .............. 9-1127 andAnaerobicSealant...................... 9—1135
PowerSteeringPumpBeltInstallation . . . 9-1127 Special Tools and Equipment................ 91135
SecondaryAir injectionCheckValve
installation 9—1127

Cruise Control 941

Cruise Control

Schematic and Routing Diagrams


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942 Cruise Control “mx

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Cruise Control 91-13

Diagnostic Information and Procedures

DTC P0571

Diagnostic Instructions
- PerformtheDiagnosticSystemCheck—Vehicle
onpage 6—66priorto usingthisdiagnostic
- ReviewStrategyBasedDiagnosisonpage 6-58
foran overviewofthediagnosticapproach.
- DiagnosticProcedureInstructions onpage 659
providesan overviewof eachdiagnosticcategory.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0571: CruiseControlBrakeSwitchCircuit

Circuit/System Description Reference Information

The enginecontrolmodule(ECM) monitorsthebrake Schematic Reference
pedalpositionsensor.Whenthebrakepedalis applied,
theECM detectsa predetermined voltagesignal.The - CruiseControlSchematicsonpage 9-12
ECM sendsa serialdatamessagetotheenginecontrol ~ ExteriorLightsSchematicsonpage 4-85
module(BCM) indicating thestatusofthestoplamps. ' AntilockBrakeSystemSchematicsonpage 5—6
This diagnostictestfunctionsontheassumptionthata
suddendecreaseinvehiclespeedis causedbya brake Connector End View Reference
pedalapplication.WhentheECM detectsthatthereis a ComponentConnectorEnd Viewsonpage 11—269
4.2 km/h(2.6 mph)or greaterdecreaseinvehicle
speedwithin0.25 secondswithouta transitionofthe Description and Operation
stoplampswitch,theECM setsDTC P0571. CruiseControlDescriptionandOperationonpage 9-22
Conditions for Running the DTC Electrical Information Reference
- CircuitTestingonpage 11-526
- The enginespeedis greaterthan700RPM.
' ConnectorRepairsonpage 11-548
~ The tractioncontrolsystemortheantilockbrake
systemarenotactiveandhavenotfailed. Conditionsand Poor
. TestingforIntermittent
Connectionsonpage 11-531
- The vehiclespeedis greaterthan48km/h
(30mph). - WiringRepairsonpage 11—537
- The diagnosticwilldisablewhenthewheelspeed Scan Tool Reference
is lessthan16km/h(10mph).
ControlModuleReferencesonpage 6-3forscan tool
Conditions for Setting the DTC information
The BCM detectseithera lowvoltagesignalon thestop Circuit/System Verification
lampswitchsignalcircuitwhentheserialdatamessage 1. Ignition
fromtheECM indicatesthebrakesareapplied,ora
highvoltagesignalon thestoplampswitchsignal 2. Verifythatno DTCs areset,exceptDTC P0571.
circuitwhentheserialdatamessagefromtheECM =>Ifany otherDTC is set, exceptDTC P0571
indicatesthebrakesare notapplied. RefertoDiagnosticTroubleCode (DTC) List-
Vehicleonpage 6-69. '
Actions Taken When the DTC Sets
U Ifonly DTC P0571 is set
. The cruisecontrolsystemis disabled.
3. ReplacetheK20EngineControlModule.
- The malfunctionindicatorlamp(MIL) willnot
illuminate. 4. VerifyDTC P0571 does notsetwhenoperatingthe
Conditions for Clearing the DTC =>Ifthe DTC sets
. The conditionresponsibleforsettingtheDTC no ReplacetheK 9 BodyControlModule.
longerexists. 0 Ifthe DTC does notset
- A historyDTC willclearafter40malfunction—free 5. AMOK.
Repair Instructions
page 692 aftercompleting
ControlModuleReferencesonpage 6—3 forBCM or
ECM replacement,programming andsetup.

2013 (5377994)
944 Cruise Control

DTC P0572 or P0573

Diagnostic Instructions
- PerformtheDiagnosticSystemCheck- Vehicle
onpage 6-66 priortousingthisdiagnostic
- ReviewStrategyBasedDiagnosisonpage 6-58
foran overviewofthediagnosticapproach.
- DiagnosticProcedureInstructions onpage6-59
providesan overviewofeachdiagnosticcategory.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0572: BrakeSwitchCircuit1LowVoltage
DTC P0573: BrakeSwitchCircuit1HighVoltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High ShorttoVoltage Signal

Circuit ShorttoGround Resistance Performance
StopLampSwitch C029702,P0572 P0572 P0573 P0572,P0573

Circuit/System Description Actions Taken When the DTC Sets

The stoplampswitchsignalcircuitis a B'+inputfrom ~ The malfunctionindicatorlamp(MIL) willnot
thebodycontrolmodule(BCM) totheenginecontrol, illuminate.
module(ECM). The ECM monitorsthestoplampswitch - The cruisecontrolsystemis disabled.
applied.The BCM monitorsthebrakepedalposition Conditions for Clearing the DTC
sensortodeterminewhenthebrakepedalis applied. - The conditionresponsibleforsettingtheDTC no
Whenthebrakepedalis applied,theBCM suppliesB+ longerexists.
serialdatamessagetotheECM indicating thatthe - A historyDTC willclearafter40malfunction—free
brakepedalhas beenapplied. ignitioncycleshaveoccurred.

Conditions for Running the DTC Reference Information

- The engineis running. Schematic Reference
- Batteryvoltageis greaterthan11.5V. CruiseControlSchematicsonpage 9—12
- Brakesapplied.
Connector End View Reference
Conditions for Setting the DTC ComponentConnectorEnd Viewsonpage 11-269
P0572 Description and Operation
This DTC willsetwhentheECM detectsa shortto.
groundor an openonthediscretebrakesignalcircuit
whentheserialdatamessagefromtheBCM indicates Electrical Information Reference
thebrakesareapplied.This diagnosticwillrunwhen
theserialdatamessageandthevoltagesignalon the - CircuitTestingonpage 11-526
brakeswitchsignalcircuitdo notmatchfor8 out10 - ConnectorRepairsonpage 11-548
times,andtheconditionis presentforgreaterthan o TestingforIntermittent
2 seconds. Connectionsonpage 11-531
P0573 ~ WiringRepairsonpage 11-537
This DTC willsetwhentheECM detectsa shortto Scan Tool Reference
serialdatamessagefromtheBCM indicatesthebrakes ControlModuleReferencesonpage 6-3forscantool
areNOTapplied.Thisdiagnosticwillrunwhenthe information
brakeswitchsignalcircuitdo notmatchfor8 out10
times,andtheconditionis presentforgreaterthan
2 seconds.

2013 (5377994)
Cruise Control 945

Circuit/System Testing a if lessthan2 Q, replacetheK9 BodyControl

1. ignitionOFF, disconnecttheX1 harnessconnector Module. _
attheK20EngineControlModule,ignitionON. a Ifthetest lamp IsalwaysON
2. Connecta testlampbetweenthesignalcircuit 3-1- ignitionOFF, disconnecttheharness
terminal57andground. connectorattheK9 BodyControlModule,
3. VerifythetestlampturnsON andOFF when IgnitionON‘ . '
pressingandreleasingthebrakepedal. 3.2. Testforlessthan1V betweentheSignal
=>Ifthetestlamp is alwaysOFF _
:> If1V or greater,repairtheshorttovoltageon
3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnecttheharness
connectorattheK9 BodyControlModule. thecircuit.
3.2. Testforinfiniteresistancebetweenthesignal than1 V replacetheK9 BOdYCONIFOI
circuitandground. M0 U e.
=>Ifnotinfiniteresistance,repairtheshortto U Ifthet95tlampturns 0N and OFF
groundon thecircuit. 4. ReplacetheK20EngineControlModule.
0 Ifinfinite resistance. Repair Instructions
3.3. fest fgrless than2 Q inthesignalcircuitend PerformtheDiagnosticRepairVerification on
0 en . page 6-92 aftercompletingtherepair.
3' If2 Q 0?greater,repairtheopen/high ControlModuleReferencesonpage 6—3 forBCM or
m themrcurt. ECM programming, replacement,andsetup

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
9.1 6 Cruise Control

DTC P0575

Diagnostic Instructions
- PerformtheDiagnosticSystemCheck—Vehicle
onpage 6-66 priortousingthisdiagnostic
. ReviewStrategyBasedDiagnosisonpage 6-58
foran overviewofthediagnosticapproach.
' DiagnosticProcedureInstructions onpage659
providesan overviewofeachdiagnosticcategory.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0575: CruiseControlSwitchSignalMessageCounterIncorrect

Circuit/System Description . ConditionsandPoor

Connectionsonpage 11-531
Whena cruisecontrolfunctionswitchis activated,the
bodycontrolmodule(BCM) detectsa predetermined - WiringRepairsonpage 11-537
voltage.The BCM sendsa serialdatamessagetothe DTC Type Reference
enginecontrolmodule(ECM) indicating thefunction
thathas beenrequested. PowertrainDiagnosticTroubleCode (DTC) Type
Conditions for Running the DTC
Scan Tool Reference
- The ignitionis ON.
ControlModuleReferencesonpage 6—3
- The vehiclespeedis greaterthan40km/h information
(25MPH) andthecruisecontrolis engaged.
Circuit/System Verification
Conditions for Setting the DTC
1. ignitionON.
- The ECM receivesan invalidcruisecontrolswitch
statusserialdatamessagefromtheBCM. 2. Verifythatno DTCs areset,exceptDTC P0575.
- This diagnosticrunscontinuously. =>Ifany otherDTC is set, exceptDTC P0575
RefertoDiagnosticTroubleCode (DTC) List-
Actions Taken When the DTC Sets Vehicleonpage 6—69.
DTC P0575 is a typeC DTC. 0 Ifonly DTC P0575 is set
Conditions for Clearing the DTC 9’ ReplacetheK9BodyControlModule.
DTC P0575 is a typeC DTC. 4. VerifyDTC P0575 does notsetwhenoperatingthe
Reference Information =>Ifthe DTC sets
Schematic Reference ReplacetheK20EngineControlModule.
CruiseControlSchematicsonpage 9-12 0 Ifthe DTC does notset
Connector End View Reference 5. All OK.

ComponentConnectorEnd Viewsonpage 11-269 Repair Instructions

Description and Operation on
page 6-92 aftercompleting
CruiseControlDescriptionand Operationonpage 9-22 ControlModuleReferencesonpage6-3forBCM or
Electrical Information Reference ECM programming, andsetup

- CircuitTestingonpage 11-526
- ConnectorRepairsonpage 11—548

2013 (5377994)
Cruise Control 9-17

DTC P0703

Diagnostic Instructions
- PerformtheDiagnosticSystemCheck—Vehicle
onpage 6—66priortousingthisdiagnostic
- ReviewStrategyBasedDiagnosisonpage 6-58
foran overviewofthediagnosticapproach.
- DiagnosticProcedureInstructionsonpage 659
providesan overviewofeachdiagnosticcategory.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0703: BrakeSwitchSignalMessageCounterIncorrect

CircuitlSystem Description CircuitISystem Verification

The bodycontrolmodule(BCM) monitorsthebrake 1. IgnitionON.
pedalpositionsensor.Whenthebrakepedalis applied, 2. Verifythatno DTCs areset,exceptDTC P0703.
theBCM detectsa predeterminedvoltagesignal.The
BCM sendsa serialdatamessagetotheenginecontrol =>Ifany otherDTC is set, exceptDTC P0703
module(ECM) indicatingthestatusofthestoplamps. RefertoDiagnosticTroubleCode (DTC) List-
Vehicleonpage 6-69.
Conditions for Running the DTC
U Ifonly DTC P0703 is set
The engineis ON. 9’ ReplacetheK9BodyControlModule.
Conditions for Setting the DTC 4. VerifyDTC P0703 does notsetwhenoperatingthe
- The ECM receivesan invalidbrakepedalstatus vehiclewithintheconditionsforrunningtheDTC.
serialdatamessagefromtheBCM. =>Ifthe DTC sets
. Thisdiagnosticrunscontinuously. ReplacetheK20EngineControlModule.
Actions Taken When the DTC Sets 0 if the DTC does not set
~ The malfunctionindicatorlamp(MIL) willnot 5. All OK.
illuminate. Repair Instructions
o The cruisecontrolsystemis disabled. on
Conditions for Clearing the DTC therepair.
page 6-92 aftercompleting
ControlModuleReferencesonpage 6-3forBCM or
- The conditionresponsibleforsettingtheDTC no
ECM programming, andsetup
- A historyDTC willclearafter40malfunction—free Symptoms - Cruise Control
Note: Thefollowingstepsmustbe completedbefore
Reference Information usingthesymptomtables.
Schematic Reference 1. Beforeusingthesymptomdiagnostictable,
CruiseControlSchematicsonpage9-12 page6-66 inordertoverifythefollowing
Connector End View Reference conditions:
. Thereareno DTCs set.
ComponentConnectorEnd Viewsonpage 11—269
- The modulecan communicate via the
Description and Operation serialdata.
CruiseControlDescriptionandOperationonpage 9-22 2. Reviewthesystemoperationinorderto
understand thesystemfunctions.Referto Cruise
Electrical Information Reference ControlDescriptionandOperationonpage 9—22.
- CircuitTestingonpage 11-526 VisualIPhysical Inspection
' ConnectorRepairsonpage 11—548 deviceswhichcan affect
- Inspectforaftermarket
- TestingforIntermittent
ConditionsandPoor theoperationoftheCruiseControlSystem.Refer
Connectionsonpage 11-531 to CheckingAftermarketAccessor/eson
- WiringRepairsonpage 11—537 page 11—525.
Scan Tool Reference - Inspecttheaccessiblesystemcomponentsorthe
ControlModuleReferencesonpage 6-3forscantool forobviousconditionswhichcan causethe
information symptom.

2013 (5377994)
9-18 Cruise Control

Intermittent Connector End View Reference

Faultyelectricalconnectionsorwiringmaybe the ComponentConnectorEnd Viewsonpage 11-269
conditions.Referto Testingfor
causeof intermittent
Intermittent Description and Operation
page 11-531. CruiseControlDescriptionand Operationonpage9—22
Symptom List Electrical Information Reference
Refertoa symptomdiagnosticprocedurefromthe - CircuitTestingonpage 11-526
- ConnectorRepairsonpage 11-548
- CruiseControlMalfunction - DTC B3794, P0564,
. ConditionsandPoor
P0565, P0567, P0568, P056C, P0580, P0581,
Connectionsonpage 11—531
P155A-P155C, orP162C onpage 9-18
onpage 9-18 ° WiringRepairsonpage 11-537
- CruiseControlIndicator Malfunction
Scan Tool Reference
Cruise Control Indicator Malfunction
ControlModuleReferencesonpage 6-3forscantool
Diagnostic Instructions information
- PerformtheDiagnosticSystemCheck—Vehicle Circuit/System Verification
onpage 6-66 priortousingthisdiagnostic 1. IgnitionON.
2. VerifythecruisecontrolindicatorturnsON and
- ReviewStrategyBasedDiagnosisonpage 6-58 OFF whencommandingtheAll Indicators ON and
foran overviewofthediagnosticapproach. OFF witha scantool.
- DiagnosticProcedureInstructions onpage 6—59 =>Ifthe indicatordoes notturn ON and OFF
providesan overviewofeachdiagnosticcategory.
ReplacetheP16 instrument Cluster.
Circuit/System Description U Ifthe indicatorturns ON and OFF
The instrument thecruisecontrol
clusterilluminates 3. All OK.
receivedfromtheenginecontrolmodule(ECM). The Repair Instructions
indicatoris commandedON whenthecruisecontrol
vehiclespeed,andturnedOFF on
systemis controlling
page 6-92 aftercompleting
ControlModuleReferencesonpage 6-3forinstrument
Reference Information programming
clusterreplacement, andsetup
Schematic Reference

Cruise Control Malfunction - DTC B3794, P0564, P0565, P0567, P0568, P056C,
P0580, P0581, P155A-P155C, or P162C

Diagnostic Instructions
. PerformtheDiagnosticSystemCheck- Vehicle
onpage 6-66 priortousingthisdiagnostic
0 ReviewStrategyBasedDiagnosisonpage 6-58
foran overviewofthediagnosticapproach.
' DiagnosticProcedureInstructions onpage 6-59
providesan overviewofeachdiagnosticcategory.
DTC Descriptors
DTC B3794 08: CruiseControlFunctionRequestCircuit
DTC B3794 61: CruiseControlFunctionRequestCircuit
DTC P0564: CruiseControlMultifunction
DTC P0565: CruiseControlOn/OffSwitchCircuit
DTC P0567: CruiseControlResume/Acceleration Switch1 Circuit
DTC P0568: CruiseControlSet/CoastSwitch1 Circuit
DTC P056C: CruiseControlCancelSwitchCircuit
DTC P0580: CruiseControlMultifunction

2013 (5377994)
Cruise Control 949

DTC P0581: SwitchCircuitHighVoltage

DTC P155A: CruiseControlSwitchStateUndetermined
DTC P155B: CruiseControlSet/CoastSwitch2 Circuit
DTC P155C: CruiseControlResume/AccelerationSwitch2 Circuit
DTC P162C: VehicleSpeedLimiting/Waming SwitchCircuit

Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit ShorttoGround Resistance ShorttoVoltage Performance
Ignition ‘ 1 1 — ~-
. B379408,
P0567,P0568 8379461,P0564
Signal 1 P0564


CircuitlSystem Description P162C

The cruisecontrols witchis an inputtothebodycontrol The ECM is unabletodeterminethestateofthevehicle
module(BCM). The BCM monitorsthecruisecontrol speedlimitingswitch.
on/off, resume/accelerate andcancel
Actions Taken When the DTC Sets
ordertodetectwhenthedriverhas requestedto B3794
performa cruisecontrolfunction.The BCM detectsa - The malfunctionindicatorlamp(MIL) willnot
specificvoltagesignalonthecruisecontrolswitch illuminate.
signalcircuitwhena switchis applied.The engine
controlmodule(ECM) receivestherequestedcruise - The cruisecontrolsystemis disabled.
controlswitchfunctionfromtheBCM viaa serialdata P0564, P0565, P0567, P0568, P056C, P0580, P0581,
message. P155A, P162C
Conditions for Running the DTC DTCs P0564, P0565, P0567, P0568, P0560, P0580,
- The cruiseswitchis ON. P0581, P155A and P1620 aretypeC DTCs
. The ignitionis ON. Conditions for Clearing the DTC
Conditions for Setting the DTC B3794
B3794 08 - The conditionresponsibleforsettingtheDTC no
The BCM detectsan invalidvoltagesignalon thecruise - A historyDTC willclearafter40 malfunction—free
controlswitchsignalcircuitfor1 second. ignitioncycleshaveoccurred.
B3794 61 P0564, P0565, P0567, P0568, P056C, P0580, P0581,
or Set/Coast
StuckswitchforeitherResume/Accel P155A, P162C
buttonfor60seconds. DTCs P0564, P0565, P0567, P0568, P056C, P0580,
P0564, P0565, P0567, P0568, P056C P0581, P155A andP162C aretypeC DTCs.
- The BCM detectsan invalidvoltagesignalon the Reference Information
2 secondsandsendsa serialdatamessagetothe Schematic Reference
ECM. The ECM setstheseDTCs whenthe
messageis received. CruiseControlSchematicsonpage 9-12
- The ECM runsthisdiagnosticcontinuously. Connector End View Reference
P0580, P0581 ComponentConnectorEnd Viewsonpage 11—269
- The ECM detectsan invalidvoltagesignalon the Description and Operation
- The aboveconditionis presentforgreaterthan CruiseControlDescriptionandOperationonpage 9—22
2 seconds. Electrical Information Reference
- The ECM runsthisdiagnosticcontinuously.
- CircuitTestingonpage 11-526
P155A - ConnectorRepairsonpage 11-548
The ECM is unabletodeterminethestateofthecruise ConditionsandPoor
’ TestingforIntermittent
controlswitch. Connectionsonpage 11-531
- WiringRepairsonpage 11-537

2013 (5377994)
9:20 Cruise Control
Scan Tool Reference =>Iflessthan2 Q, testor replacetheK9 body
ControlModuleReferencesonpage 6—3
information 0 Ifthe test lamp illuminates
3. Verifythescan toolECM CruiseControlSwitch
CircuitlSystem Verification Statusparameteris Off.
1. ignitionON. =>if not Off
2. VerifythescantoolECM CruiseControlSwitch 3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnecttheharness
StatusparameterchangesbetweenOffandOn, connectorattheK9 bodycontrolmodule,
ResumeandSetwhenswitchingbetweeneach ignitionON.
positiononthecruisecontrolswitch. 3.2. Testforless than1V betweenthesignal
=>if the parameterdoes notchange circuitterminal3 andground.
RefertoCircuitlSystemTesting. =>lf1 V or greater,repairtheshorttovoltageon
0 Ifthe parameterchanges thecircuit.
3. All OK. 2 Iflessthan1V, replacetheK9 bodycontrol
CircuitlSystem Testing 0 IfOff
Note: 4. Installa 3 A fusedjumperwirebetweenthesignal
- An openignitioncircuitorfusebeforethecontrol circuitterminal3 andtheignitioncircuitterminal1.
modulewillcausecommunication DTCs or power 5. Verifythescan toolECM CruiseControlparameter
modemismatchDTCs tosetagainstor inthe is Disabled.
controlmodule.Thisfailuremodewillbe =>Ifnot Error
diagnosedintheno communications diagnostic
procedureor powermodemismatch. 5.1. ignitionOFF, disconnecttheharness
connectorattheK9 bodycontrolmodule.
- Thistestassumestheignitioncircuithasa driver
thatwillopenundera highcurrentcondition 5.2. Testforinfiniteresistancebetweenthesignal
beforethefuseopens. circuitterminal9 andground.
- The drivercan openundernormalconditionssuch =>Iflessthaninfiniteresistance,repairtheshortto
as batteryrundownprotection or a retained groundon thecircuit.
accessorypowermode. 0 Ifinfiniteresistance
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnecttheharnessconnectorat 5.3. Testforless than2 Q inthesignalcircuitend
theS70L steeringwheelcontrolsswitch-Ieft, toend.
ignitionON. =>If2 Q or greater,repairtheopen/high resistance
2. Verifya testlampilluminates betweentheignition inthecircuit.
circuitterminal 1 andground.
=>Iflessthan2 Q, replacetheK9 bodycontrol
=>Ifthe test lampdoes not illuminate module.
2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnecttheharness 0 IfError
connectorattheK9 bodycontrolmodule.
6. Testor replacetheS70L steeringwheelcontrols
2.2. Testforgreaterthan100Q betweenthe switch-left.
:> if 100Q or less,repairtheshorttogroundon Repair Instructions
thecircuit. ‘ on
0 Ifgreaterthan100Q page 6-92 aftercompleting
2.3. Testforlessthan2 Q intheignitioncircuitend ControlModuleReferencesonpage 6-3forBCM
toend. replacement, programmingandsetup
=>If2 Q or greater,repairtheopen/high resistance

2013 (5377994)
Cruise Control 921

Repair Instructions

Cruise Control Switch Replacement

Cruise Control Switch Replacement
Callout Component Name
Remove thesteering
1 Steering
2 Steering
WheelLowerCoverFastener (Qty:
3 Procedure

91-22 Cruise Control

Description and Operation ToengagetheCruiseControlSystem,ensurethatthe

vehiclespeedis above40.2 km/h(25mph),turnthe
cruiseOn/OffswitchON andmomentarily pressthe
—SET switch.The ECM willengagetheCruiseControl
Cruise Control Description and Systemandrecordthevehiclespeed.The ECM sends
Operation a serialdatamessagetotheinstrument panelcluster
(lPC) inordertoilluminatetheCruiseEngaged
Cruisecontrolis a speedcontrolsystemthatmaintains
indicatorintheIPC. Refertothevehicleowner’s
a desiredvehiclespeedundernormaldriving
(DlC) messages.
The followingarethemaincomponentsoftheCruise
Systemis engaged,allowsthedrivertooverridethe
- The acceleratorpedal vehiclebeyondthecurrentsetvehiclespeed.Whenthe
- The brakepedalposition(BPP) sensor acceleratorpedalis released,thevehiclewill
- The bodycontrolmodule(BCM) decelerateandresumethecurrentsetvehiclespeed.
- The cruiseon/off switch The drivercan alsooverridethecurrentsetvehicle
speedviathe—SET switchandthe+RES switch.
- The cruisecontrolcancelswitch WhentheCruiseControlSystemis engaged,pressing
- The +RES switch(equivalent to resume/accel andholdingthe—SET switchwillallowthevehicleto
switch) deceleratefromthecurrentsetvehiclespeedwithout
- The —SET switch(equivalent toset/coastswitch) deactivating theCruiseControlSystem.Whenthe
- The enginecontrolmodule(ECM) —SET switchis released,theECM willrecordthe
vehiclespeedandmaintainthevehiclespeedas the
- The throttleactuatorcontrol(TAC) motor newsetvehiclespeed.WhentheCruiseControl
- The vehiclespeedsensor Systemis engaged,momentarily pressingthe—SET
The bodycontrolmodule(BCM) monitorsthesignal switchwillallowthevehicletodecelerateat1.6km/h
circuitofthecruisecontrolswitches,whicharelocated (1mph)increments foreachtimethatthe—SET is
onthesteeringwheel.The BCM relaysthecruise momentarily pressed,witha minimumvehiclespeedof
controlswitchstatustotheenginecontrolmodule 38km/h(24mph).
(ECM) viatheserialdatacircuit.The ECM usesthe Pressingandholdingthe+RES switch,whenthe
statusofthecruisecontrolswitchtodeterminewhento CruiseControlSystemis engaged,willallowthe
captureandmaintainthevehiclespeed.The ECM vehicletoacceleratetoa greatervehiclespeedthan
monitorsthevehiclespeedsignalcircuitinorderto thecurrentsetvehiclespeed.Whenthe+RES switch
determinethedesiredvehiclespeed. is released,theECM willrecordthevehiclespeedand
Voltageis suppliedtothecruisecontrolswitchviathe maintainthevehiclespeedas thenewsetvehicle
steeringwheelcontrolswitchreferencevoltagecircuit speed.WhentheCruiseControlSystemisengaged,
suppliedbytheBCM. The cruisecontrolfunction momentarily pressingthe+RES switchwillallowthe
switchesarearrangedina resistiveladderdesign,with vehicletoaccelerateat 1.6km/h(1mph)increments for
eachcruisecontrolfunctionswitchhavinga different eachtimethatthe+RES switchis momentarily
resistancevalue.The BCM detectsa specificvoltage pressed.Momentarily the+RES switchwill
valuethatis associatedwiththecruisecontrolfunction recallthepreviousvehiclespeed,afterthecruise
switchbeingactivated.The BCM sends a serialdata controlsystemhas beendisengagedby pressingthe
messagetotheECM indicating thattheon/offswitchis brakepedal,or CANCEL switch.
active.Similarly,whenthenormallyopen+RES switch
orthenormallyopen- SET switchare pressed,the Cruise Control Disengaged
switchclosesandtheBCM detectsthepredetermined The enginecontrolmodule(ECM) disengagesthe
voltagesignalon thecruisecontrolresume/accel and cruisecontroloperationbasedonthesignalsfromthe
set/coastswitchsignalcircuit.The BCM sendsa serial followingswitches:
datamessagetotheECM indicatingthatthe+RES . The brakepedalposition(BPP) sensor
switchorthe—SET switchis active.The +RES switch
° The On/Offswitch
orthe- SET switchwillremaininactivewhentheBCM
has notreceivedthepredetermined voltagesignalfrom - The cruisecontrolcancelswitch
theon/offswitch. The CruiseControlSystemwilldisengagewhenthe
brakepedalis applied.The bodycontrolmodule(BCM)
Cruise Control Engaged monitorstheBPP sensorviatheBPP sensorsignal
The CruiseControlSystemwillengageandadjust circuitas thevoltagesignalincreaseswhilethepedal
vehiclespeeds,basedontheactivationofthefollowing reachesthefullyappliedposition.The ECM monitors
cruisecontrolswitches,whichare locatedonthe theBPP signalthrougha discreteinputanda serial
steeringwheel: datamessagesignalfromtheBCM indicating thebrake
' On/Of‘f status.Wheneithersignalindicatesthebrakepedalis
applied,theECM willdisengagethecruisecontrol
- +RES system.
- —SET

Cruise Control 9:23
The CruiseControlSystemwillalsodisengagewhen Cruise Control Inhibited
thecruisecontrolon/offswitchis switchedOFF, orthe
cruisecontrolcancelswitchis activated.The body The enginecontrolmodule(ECM) inhibitsthecruise
controlmodule(BCM) determineswhenthecruise controloperationwhenanyofthefollowingconditions
controlcancelswitchis activated.Whenthenormally exist:
opencancelswitchis closed,theBCM detectsthe ~ The ECM has notdetecteda brakepedal
predetermined voltagesignalon thecruisecontrol activationfromthebodycontrolmodule(BCM)
functionswitchcircuit.The vehiclespeedstoredinthe thisignitioncycle.
memoryoftheenginecontrolmodulewillbe erased - A CruiseControlSystemDTC has beenset.
whenthecruisecontrolOn/OffswitchisturnedOFF, - The vehiclespeedis lessthan38.6 km/h
ortheignitionswitchis turnedOFF. The BCM sendsa (24mph).
serialdatamessagetothe ECM inordertodisengage
thecruisecontrolsystem.WhentheCruiseControl - The vehiclespeedis toohigh.
Systemhas beendisengaged,theECM sendsa serial - The vehicleis inPARK, REVERSE, NEUTRAL,
messagetotheinstrument panelcluster(lPC) inorder or 1stgear.
toturnOFF theCruiseEngagedindicator. - The engineRPM is low.
EverytimetheCruiseControlSystemis disengaged, - The engineRPM is high.
theECM willkeeptrackof thereasonforsystem
- The systemvoltageis notbetween9 voltsand
disengagement. The last8 disengagement reasonswill 16volts.
be recordedwithintheECM memory.The scantoolwill
displaythelast8 CruiseDisengageHistory - The AntilockBrakeSystem(ABS)/Traction Control
parameters,inwhichoneoutof approximately 50 System(TCS) is activeformorethan0.5seconds.
parameters.Forthedisengagement reasontobe Cruise Control Inhibit Reasons
displayedwithinthescantoolparametertheCruise This is a generallistof inhibitreasons.Noteveryinhibit
ControlSystemis activeanddisengagement is reasonis applicabletoallvehicles.Refertothescan
requested. toolinhibitreasonlistforthelast8 reasonsthathave
Whenengagement ofthesystemis requestedbutan beenrecordedduringthecurrentignitioncycle.
engagementinhibitis present,themostrecentinhibit
reasonis recordedintheECM history.The scantool
outof approximately50possiblereasonswillbe

ScanToolName Description LongDescription

BRAKE Brakepedalapply BrakePedalwasapplied.
request toengagecruisewithset
switch.A brakepedalapplymustbeseen
cruise before allowing
cruiseengagement during
keycycle.Ona vehicle equippedwitha manual
transmission,a clutchpedalapplymaysatisfy
, thebrakepedalapplycriteria.
CANCEL Cancelswitch
active CancelSwitch wasdepressed.
CLUTCH Clutchswitch
active ClutchPedalwasapplied.
COASTDISENGAGE Coastdisengage Coastswitch depressed andisrequesting
COASTSPEED LOW Coastbelowlowspeed.Inhibit
.. Set/Coast
slowed switch
below wasdepressed.
minimum Vehicle

TACINHIBIT ETCprevents . operation

crunse . Electronic
inthe Throttle
throttle Control
control hasdetected
a failure
ACCEL RATE Highacceleration Vehicleacceleration
DECEL RATE Highdeceleration Vehicle deceleration
highspeed Vehiclespeedhasexceeded maximum cruise
HIGHSPEED threshold operating speed
ILLEGALMODE Illegal . mode
crutse Cruisescontrol
switch tates.modeisincorrect

Vehiclespeeddropped belowthecruisecontrol
. minimum operating
LOWSPEED migfiliilzpeed
dropsbelowlowSpeed terrain

Cruise Control

ScanToolName Description LongDescription

Thisdisengagement reasonmaybedisplayed
NONE None aftera deadbattery repairormodule
CRUISE SW.OFF On/Off inOffstate
switch CruiseOn/Off switch turnedOff
Vehiclespeedhasexceeded set
speedbymorethananallowable amount. This
OVERSET SPEED Overschedule mayoccurwhiledriving downa significantgrade
passing maneuver.
Set/Coast switchselected,vehiclespeedis
S/CONSPEED HI tap-down
Overschedule abovesetspeedanddoesnotdecrease.May
beduetotraveling downhill
ECMINHIBIT (RAMcorruption)
PCM/ECM inhibit ECMinternal communication error
SETandRESUME switches Set/Coast andResume Accelerate switches
SIMULS/C-R/A active
simultaneously pressed simultaneously
TCS Traction active
control TractionControlwasActive
Vehiclespeedisbelowcruisecontrol setspeed
UNDER SET SPEED Underschedule bymorethananallowable amount
DLCOVERRIDE ALDL ScanToolplugged intoALDLconnector
Memory Control module m emory failuredetected.
Enginehasnotbeenrunning longenough,
ENGRUNTIME Engineruntimenotelapsed fiveseconds.
ENGINE SPEED Enginespeedtoolowortoohigh (nearengineRPMfuelshutoff).
DTCisactive orinhistory
operation. cruise
Malfunction control

RPMLIMIT Injectors overspeed

Disabled EngineRPMlimiter activewithfuelcutoff
fuelcut-off active.
FIRSTGEAR “lstGear Transmissionisengaged in1stgear
Driverhasoverridden cruisecontrol setspeed
APPOVERRIDE Pedalgreaterthancruise(override) withacceleratorpedalforgreater thanan
LOWVOLTAGE Voltagebelow lowvoltagethreshold Voltage
Ignition LowatECM(typically 9volts)
LOSTFWDGEAR Transmissioninneutral.Reverse orpark Gearselectornotinforward gear
MPHLlMlT MPHLimited Euel(Vehicleoverspeed Vehicle o verspeedprotectionactivewithfuelcut
fuelcut—off offactive
SW.lNVALID Analogcruiseswitch outofrange Cruiseswitch
input voltagesignalininvalid range
HIGHVOLTAGE Voltageabovehighvoltage threshold Voltage
Ignition HighatECM(typically 18volts)
NonDriven wheelspeedgreater thandriven
D WHLSPDLOW Un-drivenWhlspeedGreater wheelspeed
DrivenWhlSpdGreater (wheelslip Drivenwheelspeedgreater thanNonDriven
D WHLSPDHI detection) wheelspeed(slipdetection)
Cruisecontrolsoftwareexecution errorhas
CRUISE S/W Sequence ofcompletion checks occurred.
Serialdatafault(Cruise serial communication hasbeenlostwithmodule
CRUISE SWDATA communication fault) sending cruiseswitchstates
ECTOVERTEMP Enginemetal overtemp active Engineovertemperature. Overheated.
VSES active
Vehiclestability Control
VehicleStability wasactive
AXLERANGE RearAxleLow Rearaxleinlowrange

DTCP0703activeormaximum time has

BPPDATA without
elapsed validBrake
receiving beenlostwithmodule sendingbrakepedal
PedalPosition applystate

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Cruise Control 9-2O

ScanToolName Description LongDescription

. BPPDTC BrakePedalPosition
signalinvalid BrakePedalApplyCircuit
‘; PARK BRAKE ParkBrakeSwitch
signalActive ParkingBrakeApplied
I ACClNHIBlT Adaptive
Inhibited AdaptiveCruiseControlinhibited
Automatic Adaptive CruiseControl
Failed Inoperative
; ACCOPTION AdaptiveCruiseControl
mismatched between ECM
i andBCM.
I data
Serial faultfControl Cruise
orAdaptive . . .
ControlThrottle andBrake AdaptiveCrutseControlModule serialdatafault
ACC DATA Control3]nalssentb Ada tiveCruise isactiveorcommunicationhasbeenlost
Controlmgdule y p between ACC module andECM.
I PTOACTIVE PowerTakeOffActive Power
2 ECMRESET ECMRunningReset ECMRunning
RamDTC Processor
corruption) Fault(Ram ECMsoftware

BPPNotLearned BrakeApplySensorHomePosition
Not BrakePedalPosition
SensorReleased Position
Learned NotLearned.
AccelTime RateLimiting
Fault Cruisetorque
toolong request

4WDLow 4WDLow Transfercaseinlowrange

M/TGearChanged Manual transmission
outofgearwithno Manual transmissionshiftedtoNeutral
clutchpedalapply clutchpedalbeingapplied.
Pressure A BrakePedalApplyhasbeendetected based
BrkPedPress onbrakepedalpressure as measuredby
Detected theEBCM.
switch DriverhasturnedontheSpeedLimiter/Warning
SLNVSysOn turned n on/off
CalcEngTorque Calculated
Torque Enginetorque calculation
CruiseBrkInop BrakeSystemMalfunction EBCM hasdetected afailurethatdoesnotallow
EngineTorque ECMtoEBCM serialdatafaultisactiveor
AutoBrkData Request
SignalCommunication communication hasbeenlostbetween ECM
Malfunction andEBCM.

926 Engine Controls/Fuel : 1.4L (LUV)

Engine Controlleuel - 1.4L (LUV)

Temperature Versus Resistance - Intake

Specifications Air Temperature Sensor (Bosch Sensor)
Temperature Versus Resistance (ECT) Resistance Resistance
Temperature Minimum Maximum
°C °F Resistance C°IF° Ohms Ohms
vs Resistance
Temperature (IAT)Sensor
100 212 155 120/248 119 125
90 194 208 140/284 76 81
80 176 283
70 158 392
60 140 552 Temperature Versus Resistance - Intake
50 122 793 Air Temperature Sensor (Delco Sensor)
45 113 958 Resistance Resistance
Temperature Minimum Maximum
40 104 1165 C°IF° Ohms Ohms
35 95 1425 (lAT)Sensor
30 86 1755 -40/~40 42,661 54,224
25 77 2176 -20/—4 14,039 17,333
20 68 2717 -10/14 8,529 10,399
15 59 3428 0/32 5,358 6,458
10 50 4356 20/68 2,308 2,727
5 41 5578 25/77 1,904 2,236
O 32 7198 40/104 1,113 1,292
-5 23 9362 60/140 571 655
—10 14 12278 80/176 309 351
-15 5 16229 100/212 175 197
~20 -4 21653 120/248 103 116
—30 -22 39631 140/284 67 73
-40 -40 75529 150/302 54 59

Temperature Versus Resistance - Intake Altitude Versus Barometric Pressure

Air Temperature Sensor (Bosch Sensor)
Barometric Barometric
Resistance Resistance Pressure Pressure
Temperature Minimum Maximum Altitude Measured Measured
C°IF° Ohms Ohms Measured Altitude in inPounds
in Measured Kilopascals PerSquare
BoschIntake irTemperature Sensor
(lAT) Meters(m) inFeet(ft) (kPa) Inch(psi)
—40/—4O 36,595 42,717 Determine bycontacting
youraltitude a localweather
—20/—4 12,947 14,744 stationorbyusinganother referencesource.
—10/14 8,082 9,105 4,267 14,000 56—64 8.1—9.3
0/32 5,191 5,789 3,962 13,000 58—66 8.4—9.6
20/68 2,309 2,530 3,658 12,000 61—69 8.8—10.0
25/77 1,913 2,088 3,353 11,000 64—72 9.3—10.4
40/104 1,122 1,210 3,048 10,000 66—74 9.6—10.7
60/140 587 625 2,743 9,000 69—77 10.0—11.2
80/176 328 345 2,438 8,000 71—79 10.3—11.5
100/212 193 201 2,134 7,000 74—82 10.7—11.9

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV) 9-27
Altitude Versus Barometric Pressure Altitude Versus Barometric Pressure
(cont'd) (cont'd)
.- Barometric Barometric Barometric Barometric
Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure
Altitude Measured Measured Altitude Measured Measured
Measured Altitude in inPounds Measured Altitude in inPounds
in Measured Kilopascals PerSquare in Measured Kilopascals PerSquare
Meters(m) inFeet(ft) (kPa) Inch(psi) Meters(m) inFeet(ft) (kPa) lnch(psi)
1,829 6,000 77—85 11.2—12.3 610 2,000 90—98 13.1—14.2
1,524 5,000 80—88 11.6—12.8 305 1,000 94—102 13.6—14.8
1,219 4,000 83—91 12.0—13.2 0 0SeaLevel 96—104 13.9—15.1
914 3,000 87—95 12.6—13.8 —305 —1,000 101—105 14.6—15.2

Ignition System Specifications

Application Specification
Type Ignition
FiringOrder 1—3—4—2
SparkPlugTorque RefertoFastenerng/gtsfiggj

SparkPlugGap 0.70mm(0.028in)
SparkPlugType RefertoElectronic

Fastener Tightening Specifications

Application Metric English
PedalPositionSensorBolt 10N-m 89lbin
Camshaft Position
ValveBolts 8 N'm 71lbin
Camshaft PositionSensorBolts 8 N'm 71lbin
ChargeAirCoolerOutletAirHoseBolt 8 Wm 71lbin
CrankshaftPositionSensorBolt 8 NW 71lbin
EngineControlModule BracketNuts 9N-m 80lbin
EngineOilPressure Indicator
Switch 20N-m 15lbft
FuelRailBolt 7N-m 62lbin
FuelPressureSensor 19N-m 14lbft
FuelTankFillerPipeBracketBolt 9N-m 80lbin
FuelTankFillerPipeGroundBolt 9N-m 80lbin
FuelTankStrapBolts 23N-m 17lbft
Heated Oxygen Sensoriand2 40N-m 30lbft
CoilBolts 8N-m 71lbin
KnockSensor 20Nm 15lbft
SparkPlugs 25N-m 18lbft
BodyBolts 9N-m 80lbin

Schematic and Routing Diagrams


9-28 Engine Controls/Fuel:1.4L(LU\/) ..




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2013 (5377994)

Eng ne Controls/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV) 9-29




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2013 (5377994)

Engine ControIs/Fuel , 1.4L (LUV) 9—3'1

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934 Engine Controls/Fuel - “1.4L(LUV)




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.355. I


(5377994) :Mwwfinwmflk
9=40 Ehgije Controis/Fuei - 1.4L (LUV)

Diagnostic Information and Procedures

DTC P0010, P0013, or P2088-P2091

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to usingthis diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0010: Intake Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Control Circuit
DTC P0013: Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Controi Circuit
DTC P2088: Intake Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2089: intake Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Control Circuit High Voltage
DTC P2090: Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2091: Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Control Circuit High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to High Short to Signal

Circuit Ground Resistance Open Voltage Performance
P0010, P0010,
CamshaftPositionActuatorSolenoidValve P0013, P0010, P0010, P0013, P0011 P0014
HighControl P2088, P0013 P0013 P2089, ’
P2090 P2091
CamshaftPositionActuatorSolenoidValve __ P0010, P0010, _ _
LowReference P0013 P0013

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The camshaft position actuator system enables the The ECM detects that the commanded state of the
Engine Control Module (ECM) to change the timing of driver and the actual state of the control circuit do not
the camshafts while the engine is operating. The match for greater than 5 seconds.
Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve signal from
the ECM is pulse width modulated (PWM). The ECM Action Taken When the DTC Sets
controls the Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve DTCs P0010, P0013, P2088, P2089, P2090 and P2091
duty cycle by controlling the amount of solenoid valve are type B DTCs.
ON time. The Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid
Valve controls the advance or the retard of each Conditions for Clearing the DTC
camshaft. The Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid DTCs P0010, P0013, P2088, P2089, P2090 and P2091
Valve controls the oil flow that applies the pressure to
are type B DTCs.
advance or retard the camshafts.
The ECM controls the Camshaft Position Actuator Diagnostic Aids
Solenoid Valve by suppling a 12 V pulse width lfthe condition is intermittent,move the related
modulated (PWM) signal. The ECM supplies a ground harnesses and connectors, with the engine operating,
to the low reference Circuit. while monitoring the scan tool Circuit Test Status
Conditions for Running parameters for the component. The Circuit Test Status
the DTC
parameters change from OK or Not Run to Malfunction
- The ignition voltage is greater than 11V if there is a condition with the circuit or a connection.
- The ignition switch is in the crank or run position.
Reference Information
. The ECM has commanded the Camshaft Position
Actuator Solenoid Valve ON. Schematic Reference
- The DTCs run continuously once the above
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
conditions are met.
Connector End View Reference
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269

Engine Controis/Fuei , "1.4L(LUV) 93-41
Description and Operation 7. Verify the DTC does not set.
CamshaftActuator System Description on page 9—296 a if the DTC sets
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Electrical Information Reference
U If the DTC does not set
- Circuit Testing on page 11-526
8. All OK.
° Connector Repairs on page 11-548
. Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor CircuitlSystem Testing
Connections on page 11—531 ' 1. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 disconnect the harness connector at the
appropriate 06 Camshaft Position Actuator
DTC Type Reference Solenoid Valve. Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type vehicle systems to power down.
Definitions on page 6—68 2. Test for less than 5 0 between the low reference
circuit terminal 1and ground.
Scan Tool Reference
:> If 5 Q or greater
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Moduie.
CircuitlSystem Verification 2.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
Note: Ifa crankshaft or camshaft position sensor DTC circuit end to end.
is set, the Camshaft Position Actuator output control =>if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
will not function. in the circuit.
1. Ignition ON. =>if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
2. Verify DTC P0335, P0336, P0340,and P0341is
not set. U If less than 5 Q
=>If any of the DTCs are set 3. IgnitionON.
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - Note: A test lamp must be used for this test. The
Vehicle on page 6-69 for further diagnosis. control circuit is pulled-up to a low current voltage. The
current is too low to illuminate a test lamp. A voltage on
U If none of the DTCs are set the control circuit is normal.
3. Verify the scan tool parameters listed below do not
display Malfunction: 4. Verify that a test lamp does not illuminate between
the control circuit terminal 2and ground.
° Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
Control Circuit Open test status =>If the test lamp illuminates
. Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve 4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
Control Circuit High Voltage test status connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
ignition ON.
- Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
Control Circuit Low Voltage test status 4.2.Test for less than 1V between the control
circuit and ground.
=>if Malfunction is displayed
=>if1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. the circuit.
If Malfunction is not displayed =>Ifless than 1V, replace the K20 Engine Control
9c Engine idling at normal operating temperature. Module.
5. Verify the scan tool parameters listed below do not U If the test iamp does not illuminate
display Malfunction when commanding the 5. Remove the test lamp.
appropriate scan tool Camshaft Position Actuator
from 0—10°and back to 0° with a scan tool: 6. Verify the scan tool parameters listed below do not
display Malfunction when commanding the
- Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve ON
Control Circuit Open test status with a scan tool:
- Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Vaive - intake Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid
Control Circuit High Voltage test status Valve Control Circuit Low Voltage Test Status
0 Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve - Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid
Control Circuit Low Voltage test status Valve Control Circuit Low Voltage Test Status
=>if Malfunction is displayed
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
U If Malfunction is not displayed
6. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you observed
from the Freeze Frame/Faiiure Records data.

9342 Engine Controis/Fuei =”1.4L(LUV)
- Intake Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid 3. Test for infinite resistance between each terminal
Valve Control Circuit High Voltage Test Status and the Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid
. Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve housing.
Valve Control Circuit High Voltage Test Status :> If not infinite resistance
=>if Malfunction is displayed Replace the 06 Camshaft Position Actuator
6.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness Solenoid Valve.
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. U Ifinfinite resistance
6.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the control Circuit end 4. All OK.’
to end.
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance Repair Instructions
or short to ground in the circuit. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
=>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control page 6-92after completing the repair. .
Module. . Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
Replacement on page 9-1061
U if Malfunction is not displayed
- Control Module References on page 6-3 for
7. Test or replace the Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator
Engine Control Module replacement,
Solenoid Valve. programming and setup.
Component Testing
1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve.
2. Test for 7—120 between the control terminal 2 and
the low reference terminal 1.
=>If not between 7—120
Replace the Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator
Solenoid Valve.
U If between 7—12(2

Engine Controls/Fuei ,. 1.4L (LUV) 924:3

DTC P0011 or P0014

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
. Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0011: Intake Camshaft Position System Performance
DTC P0014: Exhaust Camshaft Position System Performance

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to High Short to Signal

Circuit Ground Resistance Open Voltage Performance
P0010, P0010,
CamshaftPositionActuatorSolenoidValve P0013, P0010, P0010,
P0013 P0013, P0014
HighControl P2088, P0013 P2089,
P2090 P2091
CamshaftPositionActuatorSolenoidValve P0010, P0010,
LowReference P0013 P0013

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC

The camshaft position (CMP) actuator system enables DTCs P0011and P0014are Type B DTCs.
the engine control module (ECM) to change the timing
of the camshafts while the engine is operating. The Diagnostic Aids
camshaft position actuator solenoid valves are - The engine oii condition has a major impact on the
operated hydraulically in order to change the angle of camshaft actuator system.
the camshaft relative to crankshaft position. The - A low oil level condition may set this DTC. The
camshaft position actuator solenoid valves are engine may require an oil change. Inquirewith the
controlled by the engine control module (ECM).The customer when the last oil change was performed.
ECM sends a pulse width modulated signal to the You may also monitor the scan tool Engine Oil Life
camshaft position actuator solenoid valves. The Remaining parameter. Advise the customer an oil
camshaft position actuator solenoid valves control the change may be required.
amount of engine oil flow that applies the pressure to
advance or retard the camshafts. - Inspect the engine for any recent engine
mechanical repairs. An incorrectly installed
Conditions for Running the DTC camshaft, camshaft actuator, or timing belt can
cause this DTC to set.
- DTC P0010,P0013,P0016,P0017,P0335,
P0340,P0341,P0365, or P0366is not set. - A resistance greater than 8 Q on the camshaft
position actuator solenoid valve control circuit may
- The engine is running.
set this DTC. Ifyou suspect high resistance,
- The ignition voltage is between 11—32 V. ground the control circuit while the engine is idling.
- The camshaft position actuator is enabled. The scan tool Intake or Exhaust Camshaft
- The rate of change in the camshaft position is less Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Control Circuit
than 3° for 4 s. Low Voltage Test Status should display
Malfunction. if the parameter displays OK, test the
- DTCs P0011and P0014runs continuously once control circuit for high resistance.
the above conditions are met for greater
than 0.1s. ' Reference Information
Conditions for Setting the DTC Schematic Reference
The ECM detects a difference between the camshaft Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—314
position angle and the desired camshaft position angle
is greater than 6 to 10° based on engine coolant Connector End View Reference
temperature and engine speed.
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
Action Taken When the DTC Sets Description and Operation
DTCs P0011and P0014are Type B DTCs.
CamshaftActuator System Description on page 9-296

9-44 Eflgine Controls/Fuel . ‘i.4l.. (LUV)
Electrical Information Reference 5. Verify the scan tool parameters are less than 2° in
each of the commanded states when commanding
- Circuit Testing on page 11—526 the Camshaft Position Actuator from 0—20°and
- Connector Repairs on page 11—548 back to 0° with the scan tool.
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor - Intake Camshaft Position Variance
Connections on page 11—531 - Exhaust Camshaft Position Variance
- Wiring Repairs on page 11—537 =>If 2° or greater
DTC Type Reference Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type U If less than 2°
Definitions on page 6-68 6. Verify that DTC P0011or P0014is not set.
Scan Tool Reference =>If any of the DTCs are set
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
information U If none of the DTCs set
CircuitlSystem Verification 7. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
Note: vehicle within the conditions that you observed
- The engine oil level and the oil pressure are from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
critical to the correct operation of the camshaft 8. Verify the DTC does not set.
position actuator system. Verify that the engine =>If the DTC sets
has the correct oil level and the correct oil
pressure before continuing with this diagnostic. Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
- The engine oil condition has a major impact on U If the DTC does not set
the camshaft actuator system. Debris in the oil 9 AMOK.
can interfere with the camshaft position actuator
solenoid and the mechanical camshaft actuator CircuitlSystem Testing
operation. Inspect for dirty or degraded 1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at
crankcase oil.The engine may require an oil the appropriate Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator
change. Inquirewith the customer when the last Solenoid Valve. Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all
oil change was performed. You may also vehicle systems to power down.
monitor the scan tool Engine Oil Life Remaining
parameter. Advise the customer an oil change 2. Test for less than 5 0 between the low reference
may be required. circuit terminal 1 and ground.
1. IgnitionON. :> If 5 Q or greater
2. Verify the correct engine oil pressure. Refer to Oil 2.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
Pressure Diagnosis and Testing on page 9-954 connector at the K20Engine Control Module.
::>if the oil level and the oil pressure are not 2.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
correct circuit end to end.
Repair as necessary :> If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.
U If the oil level and the oil pressure are correct
:> If less than 2 Q, replace the K20Engine Control
Note: Ifa crankshaft or camshaft position sensor DTC Module.
is set, the scan tool Camshaft Position Actuator output
control will not function. U If less than 5 Q
3. IgnitionON.
3. Verify DTC P0010,P0013,P0016,P0017,P0335,
P0336,P0340,P0341,P0365, P0366,P2088, Note: A test lamp must be used for this test. The
P2089,P2090or P2091is not set. control circuit is pulled-up to a low current voltage, 1.5-
4.5V on the control circuit is normal.
=>If any of the DTCs are set
4. Verify that a test lamp does not illuminate between
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
the control circuit terminal 2 and ground.
Vehicle on page 6-69for further diagnosis.
:> If the test lamp illuminates
U If none of the DTCs are set
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
4. Engine idling. connector at the K20Engine Control Module,
ignition ON.
4.2. Test for less than 1V between the control
circuit and ground.
=>if 1V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.

Engine Controls/Fuel ==
'l.4L (LUV) 9-45
=>if less than 1V, replace the K20Engine Control Ignition OFF, swap the Q6 Camshaft Position
Module. Actuator Solenoid Valve with the QB Camshaft
U if the test lamp does not illuminate Position Actuator Solenoid Valve that is operating
k 5. Remove the test lamp.
10. Engine idling.
6. Verify the scan tool parameters listed below do not
display Malfunction when commanding the 11. Verify the scan tool Camshaft Position Variance
appropriate Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid parameter is less than 2°in each of the
Valve ON with a scan tool. commanded states when commanding the
Camshaft Position Actuator from 0—20°and back
- Intake Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid to 0° with a scan tool.
3 Valve Control Circuit Low Voltage Test Status
i If 2°or greater
- Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid
Valve Control Circuit Low Voltage Test Status Replace the mechanical camshaft position
- Intake Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid - actuator.
i Valve Control Circuit High Voltage Test Status U If less than 2°
f - Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid 12. Test or replace the Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator
Valve Control Circuit High Voltage Test Status Solenoid Valve.
=>If Malfunction is displayed Component Testing
6.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
connector at the K20Engine Control Module.
the Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve.
6.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit and
2. Test for 7—12 0 between the control terminal 2 and
to end.
the low reference circuit terminal 1.
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
If not between 7-120
or short to ground in the circuit.
Replace the Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator
=>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20Engine Control
Solenoid Valve.
If between 7-12(2
U If Malfunction is not displayed
Test for infinite resistance between each terminal
7. IgnitionOFF, remove the QB Camshaft Position
and the Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid
Actuator Solenoid Valve.
Valve housing.
8. Verify the conditions listed below do not exist with
the Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve: If not infinite resistance
8.1.Torn, restricted, mis-positioned, or missing Replace the 06 Camshaft Position Actuator
screens. Solenoid Valve.
8.2. Engine oil leak between the oil sealing lands U If infinite resistance
of the solenoid. Inspect the lands of the 4. AIIOK
solenoid for nicks.
8.3. Oil seepage at the solenoid connector. Repair Instructions
=>If a condition is found Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92after completing the repair.
Replace the Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator
Solenoid Valve. Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
Replacement on page 9-1061
U if a condition is not found Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
Note: After swapping toe solenoids, install jumper replacement, programming and setup
wires to the appropriate terminals of the harness
connectors and the solenoids.

9246 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.4L (LUV)

DTC P0016 or P0017

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0016: Crankshaft Position —Intake Camshaft Position Not Plausible
DTC P0017: Crankshaft Position —Exhaust Camshaft Position Not Plausible

CircuitlSystem Description Scan Tool Reference

The engine control module (ECM) uses the crankshaft Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
position sensor, intake camshaft position sensor, and information
the exhaust camshaft position sensor information to
monitor the correlation between the crankshaft, intake CircuitlSystem Verification
camshaft, and exhaust camshaft position. 1. Ignition ON.
Conditions for Running the DTC 2. Verify DTC P0335,P0336,P0340,P0341,P0365,
P0366,P0641or P0651iS not set.
- DTCs P0335,P0336,P0340,P0341,P0365,
P0366,P0641,or P0651is not set :> If any of the DTCs are set
- The engine is running. Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
0 The camshaft position actuator solenoid valves Vehicle on page 6-69.
are in the parked position. If none of the DTCs are set
The DTCs run continuously once the above conditions Engine Running at normal operating temperature.
are met. Verify DTC P0016or P0017is not set.
Conditions for Setting the DTC UPS»:
If the DTC is set
The ECM detects a camshaft to crankshaft Inspect for the following and repair as
misalignment. The DTC sets if the crankshaft position necessary:
sensor signal is 10degrees before or after the normal - A QB Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid
position in relation to the crankshaft angle while the Valve that is stuck in the full advance or retard
engine is running. position.
- The correct installation of the 06 Camshaft
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
Position Actuator Solenoid Valves.
DTCs P0016and P0017are Type B DTCs. o The correct installation of the 823 Camshaft
Conditions for Clearing the DTC Position Sensors.
DTCs P0016and P0017are Type B DTCs. - The correct installation ofthe B26Crankshaft
Position Sensor.
Diagnostic Aids - A timing chain tensioner condition.
The following conditions can also set the DTCs: - An incorrectly installed timing chain.
- A short to ground in a camshaft position actuator . Excessive play in the timing chain.
solenoid valve control circuit. . A crankshaft reluctorwheel that has moved in
- Crankshaft end play out of specification. relationship to top dead center (TDC) on the
- A crankshaft reluctor wheel that has moved in crankshaft.
relationship to top dead center (TDC). U If the DTC is not set
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Reference Information Running the DTC. You may also operate the
Description and Operation vehicle within the conditions that you observed
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
CamshaftActuator System Description on page 9—296 6. Verify the DTC does not set.
DTC Type Reference :> If the DTC sets
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type A mechanical condition listed above still exists.
Definitions on page 6—68 U If the DTC does not set
7. All OK.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.4L. (LUV) 9=47

Repair Instructions Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement on

page 9-284
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6—92 after completing the repair. Timing Chain Tensioner Replacement on
page 9—797
- Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
Replacement on page 9—282
- Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement on
page 9-285

948 Engine Controls/Fuel - l.4L (LUV)

DTC P0030-P0032, P0036-P0038, P0053, P0054, P0135, or P0141

Diagnostic Instructions
~ Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provide an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0030: H028 Heater Control Circuit Sensor1
DTC P0031: H028 Heater Control Circuit Low Voltage Sensor1
DTC P0032: H028 Heater Control Circuit High Voltage Sensor1
DTC P0036: H028 Heater Control Circuit Sensor 2
DTC P0037: H028 Heater Control Circuit Low Voltage Sensor 2
DTC P0038: H028 Heater Control Circuit High Voltage Sensor2
DTC P0053: H028 Heater Resistance Sensor1
DTC P0054: H028 Heater Resistance Sensor2
DTC P0135: H028 Heater Performance Sensor1
DTC P0141: H028 Heater Performance Sensor2

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to High Open Short to Signal

Circuit Ground Resistance Voltage Performance
P0030,P0036, P0030,P0036,
P0030,P0036, P0132,P0134, P0132,P0134,
P0102,P0132, P0135,P0138, P0135,P0138,
H028HeaterVoltageSupply P0134,P0135, P0140,P0141, P0140,P0141 P0690 P0141
P0138,P0141, P0154,P0155,
P0443,* P0158,P0160,
P0030,P0036, P0030,P0032,
P0030,P0031, P0030,P0036, P0132,P0134, P0036,P0038,
P0036,P0037, P0053,P0132, P0135,P0138, P0132,P0134, P0135,
H028HeaterControl P0053,P0054, P0135,P0138, P0140,P0141 P0135,P0138,
P0135,P0141 P0140,P0141 P0140,P0141,

Typical Scan Tool Data

H028 Sensor1 Current/HOZS Sensor2 Current

Circuit | Short to Ground I Open I Short to Voltage
H028HeaterLowControl 0A 0A 0A
H028HeaterVoltageSupply 0A 0A 0.2—2A

CircuitlSystem Description the heater by an ignition voltage circuit through a fuse.

With the engine running, ground is provided to the
Heated oxygen sensors (H028)are used for fuel heater by the H028 heater low control circuit, through a
control and post—catalystmonitoring. Each H028 low side driver within the engine control module (ECM).
compares the oxygen content of the surrounding air The ECM uses pulse-width modulation (PWM) to
with the oxygen content in the exhaust stream. Each control the H028 heater operation to maintain a
H028 must reach operating temperature to provide an specific H028 operating temperature range.
accurate voltage signal. A heating element inside each
of the H028 minimizes the time required for the sensor
to reach operating temperature. Voltage is provided to

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.4!. (LUV) 9349

Conditions for Running the DTC Diagnostic Aids

P0030,P0031,P0032,P0036,P0037and P0038 ~ Ifthe condition is intermittent,move the related
harnesses and connectors, with the engine
. The system voltage is between 11—32 V. operating, while monitoring the scan tool circuit
- The engine speed is greater than 400 RPM. status parameters for the component. The circuit
- The DTCs run continuously when the above status parameters will change from OK or Not Run
conditions are met for greater than 5 s. to Malfunction if there is a condition with the circuit
or a connection.
P0053and P0054
- An open fuse in the HO2S heater circuit may be
- DTCs P0111,P0112,P0113,P0114,P0116, caused by the heater element in one of the
P0117,P0118,P0119or P2610are not set. sensors. The condition may not be present until
- The system voltage is less than 32 V. the sensor operates for a period of time. If no fault
- The ignition is OFF for greater than 8 h. is present in the heater circuit, monitor the
amperage of each heater with a scan tool to
- The engine is running.
determine if one of the heater elements is the
- The ECT is between —30to +45°C(-22to cause of the open fuse. Inspect the sensor pigtail
+113°F). or the harness for contacting the exhaust system.
- The engine coolant temperature (ECT) and the
intake air temperature (IAT)are within 8°C (14°F). Reference Information
- The DTCs run once per valid cold start-up when Schematic Reference
the above conditions are met.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
P0135and P0141
Connector End View Reference
- DTCs P0116,P0117,P0118,P0119or P0128are
not set. Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
- The system voltage is between 10—32 V. Electrical Information Reference
- The HOZS heaters are at operating temperature.
- Circuit Testing on page 11-526
~ The scan tool H028 Heater device control is not
active. - Connector Repairs on page 11-548
. The commanded H028 heater duty cycle is - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
greater than 0%. Connections on page 11-531
. The DTCs run twice per drive cycle when the - Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
above conditions are met for greater than 303. DTC Type Reference
Conditions for Setting the DTC Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6-68
P0030,P0031,P0032,P0036,P0037and P0038
The ECM detects that the commanded state of the Scan Tool Reference
driver and the actual state of the control circuit do not Control Module References on page 6—3
for scan tool
match for greater than 5 s. information
P0053and P0054 CircuitlSystem Verification
The ECM detects the H028 heater is not within 1. Engine idling.
7.5-13Q at engine start—up.
2. Verify the parameters listed below do not display
P0135and P0141 Malfunction.
The ECM detects the H028 heater current is less than - H028 1or 2 Heater Control Circuit Low Voltage
0.30A or greater than 2.5 A for greater than 8 8. Test Status
- HO2S 1or 2 Heater Control Circuit Open Test
Action Taken When the DTC Sets Status
DTC P0030,P0031,P0032,P0036,P0037,P0038, - H028 1or 2 Heater Control Circuit High
P0053,P0054,P0135,and P0141are Type B DTCs. Voltage Test Status
Conditions for Clearing the DTC =>If Malfunction is displayed
DTC P0030,P0031,P0032,P0036,P0037,P0038, Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
P0053,P0054,P0135,and P0141are Type B DTCs. U If Malfunction is not displayed
3. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
within the conditions that you observed from the
Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.

950 Engine Controls/Fuel , 1.41.(LUV)
4. Verify the DTC does not set. =>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.
:> If the DTC sets
:> Ifless than 1V, replace the K20 Engine Control
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. Module.
U If the DTC does not set U If OK is displayed
5. All OK. Note:
CircuitlSystem Testing - Less than 10 Q of additional resistance on the
1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at ignition voltage circuit, or control circuit may set
the appropriate B52 Heated Oxygen Sensor. a DTC. Ifthere is a resistance on a circuit, the
ignition ON. driver will remain ON and the scan tool H028
High Voltage Test Status parameter will
2. Verify that a test lamp illuminates between the display OK.
ignition voltage circuit terminal 1 and ground.
. Performing this test may set additional DTCs.
=>If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
circuit fuse is good 6. Install a 10A fused jumper wire between the
control circuit terminal 2 and the ignition voltage
2.1. ignition OFF. circuit terminal 1.
2.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the ignition circuit end Note: This test may only be performed once per key
to end. cycle. Iftest is repeated, ignition OFF, allow the engine
=>lf 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance control module to shut down completely, then
in the circuit. ignition ON.
:> Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is OK and there 7. Verify the scan tool H028 1 or 2 Heater Control
is voltage at the fuse. Circuit High Voltage Test Status parameter is
=>Ifthe test lamp does not illuminate and the Malfunction when commanding the H028 Heater
circuit fuse is open Sensor1 or 2 ON with a scan tool.
2.1. Ignition OFF, remove the test lamp. =>If Malfunction is not displayed
2.2.Test for infinite resistance between the ignition 7.1. ignition OFF, remove the jumperwire,
circuit and ground. disconnect the harness connector at the
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to K20 Engine Control Module.
ground on the circuit. 7.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end
to end.
=>If infinite resistance, test all components
connected to the fuse and replace as :> If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
necessary. in the circuit.
U if the test lamp illuminates =>if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
3. Verify that a test lamp does not illuminate between
the ignition voltage circuit terminal 1 and the U If Malfunction is displayed
control circuit terminal 2. 8. Test or replace the 852 Heated Oxygen Sensor.
:> If the test lamp illuminates
Component Testing
3.1. ignition OFF, remove the test lamp, disconnect
the harness connector at the K20 Engine 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
Control Module. the appropriate 852 Heated Oxygen Sensor.
3.2.Test for infinite resistance between the control 2. Test for 8—200 between the ignition voltage circuit
circuit and ground. terminal 1 and the control circuit terminal 2.
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to =>If not within the specified range, replace the
ground on the circuit. B52 Heated Oxygen Sensor.
2 If infinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine U If within the specified range
Control Module. 3. All OK.
U If the test lamp does not illuminate Repair Instructions
.b. Remove the test lamp.
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
5. Verify the scan tool H0281 or 2 Heater Control page 6—92 after completing the repair.
Circuit High Voltage Test Status parameter is OK
' Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor1
when commanding the H028 Heater Sensor1 or 2
on page 9—249
ON with a scan tool.
- Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement —Sensor 2
:> If UK is not displayed on page 9-250
5.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness ~ Perform the scan tool Heated Oxygen Sensor
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module, Resistance Learn Reset after replacing a H028.
ignition ON.
- Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
5.2.Test for less than 1 V between the control replacement, programming and setup.
circuit and ground.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel . 'l.4L (LUV) 9-51

DTC P0033-P0035

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0033: Turbocharger Bypass Solenoid Valve Control Circuit
DTC P0034: Turbocharger Bypass Solenoid Valve Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0035: Turbocharger Bypass Solenoid Valve Control Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
P0030,P0034, P0034,P0036,
ignitionVoltageCircuit P0036,P0134, P0134,P0135,
P0135,P0245, P0140,P0141,
P0443,P0598* P0243,P0245,
ControlCircuit P0034 P0033 P0035,P0443, -

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Running the DTC

The turbocharger incorporates a wastegate that is ' The engine is not cranking.
controlled by a pressure differential, that is determined ' The powertrain relay voltage is greater than 11V.
by the engine control module (ECM) by means of a
PWM solenoid valve, in order to regulate the pressure - The run/crank voltage is greater than 6 V.
ratio of the turbocharger. A turbocharger bypass valve - The DTC run continuously when the above
also controlled by the ECM by utilizing a remotely conditions are met.
mounted solenoid valve is integrated into the bypass
valve to prevent turbocharger surging and damage from Conditions for Setting the DTC
vibrations by opening during abrupt closed throttle The ECM detects an open, a short to ground, or a short
conditions. When the valve is open during closed to voltage on the turbocharger bypass solenoid valve
throttle deceleration conditions, the bypass valve control circuit for greater than 1 3.
allows the air to recirculate in the turbocharger and
maintain turbocharger speed. Within a calibrated range Action Taken When the DTC Sets
during the closed throttle event, or upon a wide open DTC P0033,P0034,P0035are Type B DTCs.
throttle command the valve will then close to optimize
turbo response. The bypass solenoid valve has the Conditions for Clearing the DTC
following circuits: DTC P0033,P0034,P0035are Type B DTCs.
. Ignitionvoltage
0 Turbocharger bypass solenoid valve control Reference Information
As engine load and engine speed increases, the Schematic Reference
turbocharger bypass solenoid valve remains
commanded ON by the ECM. As soon as the throttle Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
closes the turbocharger bypass solenoid valve is Connector End View Reference
commanded OFF by the ECM, in order to allow the
turbocharger bypass valve to open and allow the Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
turbocharger air to recirculate, there by preventing Description and Operation
turbocharger surging.
Turbocharger System Description on page 9-306

9—52 Engine Controls/Fuel 21.4L (LUV)
Electrical Information Reference =>if less than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and
there is voltage at the fuse.
- Circuit Testing on page 11-526
:> If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 circuit fuse is open
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 2.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp.
Connections on page 11—531
Note: An internal short in any component supplied by
- Wiring Repairs on page 1153‘? the fuse may cause the fuse to open and set a DTC
DTC Type Reference when the component is activated.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type 2.2.Test for infinite resistance between the ignition
Definitions on page 6-68 circuit and ground.
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
Scan Tool Reference ground on the circuit.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool =>If infinite resistance, test all components
information connected to the ignition voltage circuit for a
short and replace as necessary.
CircuitlSystem Verification
U If the test lamp illuminates
1. Ignition ON, Verify the parameters listed below do
not display Malfunction when commanding the . Verify that a test lamp does not illuminate between
Turbocharger Bypass Solenoid Valve ON and OFF the control circuit terminal 1 and the ignition circuit
with a scan tool: terminal 2.
- Turbocharger Bypass Solenoid Valve Control If the test lamp illuminates
Circuit Low Voltage Test Status 3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
- Turbocharger Bypass Solenoid Valve Control connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
Circuit Open Test Status Remove the test lamp.
0 Turbocharger Bypass Solenoid Valve Control 3.2.Test for infinite resistance between the control
Circuit High Voltage Test Status circuit and ground.
=>lf Malfunction is displayed =>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
=>If infinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
U If Malfunction is not displayed Control Module.
2. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the If the test lamp does not illuminate
vehicle within the conditions that you observed PC Remove the test lamp.
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. . Verify the scan tool Turbocharger Bypass Solenoid
3. Verify a DTC does not set. Valve Control Circuit High Voltage Test Status
parameter is OK when commanding the
=>If a DTC sets
Turbocharger Bypass Solenoid Valve Active with a
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing scan tool.
U if a DTC does not set If OK is not displayed
4. All OK 5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
CircuitlSystem Testing ignition ON.
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at 5.2.Test for less than 1 V between the control
the Q40 Turbocharger Bypass Solenoid Valve. circuit and ground.
ignition ON. =>if 1V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
2. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the ignition the circuit.
circuit terminal 2 and ground.
2 Ifless than 1V, replace the K20 Engine Control
=>If the test lamp does not illuminate and the Module.
circuit fuse is good
If OK is displayed
2.1. Ignition OFF, remove the test lamp.
install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the control
2.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the ignition circuit end circuit terminal 1 and the ignition circuit terminal 2.
to end.
=>|f2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV) 9-53
7. Verify the scan tool Turbocharger Bypass Solenoid :> if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Valve Control Circuit High Voltage Test Status Module.
parameter is Malfunction when commanding the U If Malfunction is displayed
Turbocharger Bypass Solenoid Valve Active with a
scan tool. 8. Test or replace the Q40 Turbocharger Bypass
Solenoid Valve.
:> If Malfunction is not displayed
7.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness Repair Instructions
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
7.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end page 6-92after completing the repair.
to end. - Charge Air Bypass Regulator Solenoid Valve
=>if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance Replacement on page 9-295
in the circuit. - Control Module References on page 6—3for ECM
replacement, programming and setup

954 Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV)

DTC P0068 or P1101

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
. Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0068: Throttle Body Air Flow Performance
DTC P1101: Intake Air Flow System Performance

CircuitlSystem Description Electrical Information Reference

The engine control module (ECM) compares actual - Circuit Testing on page 11—526
airflow based on throttle position (TP) to a calculated ' Connector Repairs on page 11—548
airflow based on manifold absolute pressure (MAP)
sensor, and mass air flow (MAF). - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11-531
Conditions for Running the DTC ~ Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
DTC P0068 DTC Type Reference
- The engine speed is at least 800RPM. Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
- The ignition voltage is at least 6.4 V. Definitions on page 6—68
- The DTC runs continuously when the above Scan Tool Reference
conditions are met.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
DTC P1101 information
. DTC P0102,P0103,P0107,P0111,P0112,
P0113,P0116,P0117,P0118,P0335,orP0336is CircuitlSystem Verification
not set 1. IgnitionON.
- The engine speed is between 400—7,000 RPM 2. Verify that DTC DTC P0641,P0651,P0697,
- The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is between or P06A3is not set.
—7to +125°C(+19to +257°F). =>If any of the DTCs are set
- The intake air temperature (IAT) is between —20to Refer to DTC P0641,P0651,P0697,or P06A3
+125°C(—4to +257°F). (ECM) on page 9-182for further diagnosis.
- The DTC runs continuously when the above
conditions are met. U If none of the DTCs are set
3. IgnitionON.
Conditions for Setting the DTCs 4. Verify the scan tool Throttle Body IdleAirflow
The ECM detects that the actual airflow rate is greater Compensation parameter is less than 90 %.
than the calculated airflow. =>If 90 %or greater
Action Taken When the DTCs Set Refer to Throttle Body Inspection and Cleaning
on page 9-253.
- DTC P0068is a type A DTC.
- DTC P1101is a type B DTC. U If less than 90 %
5. Verify the scan tool Throttle Position Sensors 1 and
Conditions for Clearing the DTCs 2 Agree/Disagree parameter displays Agree while
- DTC P0068is a type A DTC. performing the Throttle Sweep Test with a
scan tool.
- DTC P1101is a type 8 DTC.
:> If Disagree
Reference Information Refer to DTC P0121—P0123, P0222,P0223,
Schematic Reference or P2135(LUV) on page 9—102 for further
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 c If Agree
Connector End View Reference 6. Determine the current vehicle testing altitude.
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel = 1.41. (LUV) 9.55
7. Verify the scan tool MAP Sensor pressure 12. Verify the scan tool MAF Sensor g/s parameter
parameter is within the range specified in the Changes smoothly and gradually as the engine
Altitude Versus Barometric Pressure on page 9-26 speed is increased and decreased while
table. performing the actions listed below.
if the MAP Sensor parameter is not in range 12.1.Engine idling
Refer to DTC P0106on page 9—84 for further 12.2.Perform the scan tool snapshot function.
diagnosis. 12.3.Increase the engine speed slowly to
If the MAP Sensor parameter is within range 3,000RPM and then back to idle.
Verify the engine is equipped with a turbocharger. 12.4.Exit from the scan tool snapshot and review
the data. ‘
2 If not equipped with a turbocharger
12.5.Observe the MAF Sensor parameter frame
Refer to Step11. by frame with a scan tool.
lf equipped with a turbocharger 2 If the MAF Sensor parameter does not change
Verify the scan tool Boost Pressure Sensor smoothly and gradually
parameter is within the range specified in the Refer to DTC P0101on page 9-77for further
Altitude Versus Barometric Pressure on page 9-26 diagnosis.
U If the MAF Sensor parameter changes smoothly
If the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter is not and gradually
in range
13. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Refer to DTC P0236on page 9-128for further Running the DTC. You may also operate the
diagnosis. vehicle within the conditions that you observed
If the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter is from the Freeze Frame/Faiiure Records data.
within range 14. Verify a DTC does not set.
10. Verify the scan tool Boost Pressure Sensor 2 If any DTC sets
parameter decreases after starting the engine.
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
If the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter does Vehicle on page 6-69for further diagnosis.
not decrease
U If no DTCs set
Refer to DTC P0236on page 9-128for further
15. All OK
If the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter is Repair Instructions
within range Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
11. Engine idling, verify the scan tool MAP Sensor page 6-92after completing the repair.
pressure parameter is between 26—52kPa (3.8- Control Module References on page 6-3 for engine
7.5 psi) and changes with accelerator pedal input. control module replacement, programming, and setup
If not between 26—52kPa (3.8—7.5 psi) or does
not change
Refer to DTC P0106on page 9-84for further
lf between 26—52kPa (3.8—7.5 psi) and changes

1 2013
9=56 Engine Controls/Fuel .. 1.41..(LUV)

DTC P0096 or P0111

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
~ Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0096: intake Air Temperature (IAT)Sensor 2 Performance
DTC P0111: Intake AirTemperature (IAT)Sensor1 Performance
Diagnostic Fault Information

lAT Sensor1
Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
P0112,P0114, P0113, P0114, P0113, P0114,

LowReference —— P11C2,P2227, * -
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto 8+.

lAT Sensor 2
Open/High Signal
Circuit Resistance
Short to Ground Short to Voltage Performance
P0096,P0097, P0097,P0651,
5V Reference P11C2,P2199, P1102,P2199,
P1102,P2199, —-
P2227,P2228P2227,P2228 P2227,P2228
Sensor P0097,P11C2, P0097,P1102,
P0097,P11C3, _
P2199 P2199 P2199*
LowReference — P11C2,P2227, * —-
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto 8+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

lAT Sensor1
Open or High
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions: EngineRunning
ParameterNormal Range1Varieswithambienttemperature
Sensor 150°C(302°F) -40°C(~40°F) —40°C(—40°F)*
LowReference -40°C(—40°F) —40°C(—40°F)*
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto 8+

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV) 9:57

lAT Sensor 2
Open or High
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: EngineRunning
(-40°F) -40°C(-40°F)
5V Reference
10Hz 10Hz
Signal ”40°C (‘40°F) ‘4°°C HOOP) 10Hz*
Ground —- 10Hz -
*InternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto 8+

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Running the DTCs

The sensors listed below are integrated within the P0096and P0111
multifunction intake airsensor:
- DTCs P0097,P0098,P0111,P0112,P0113,
- lAT sensor1 P0117,P0118,POOEA, POOEB, or P1682are
- lAT sensor 2 not set.
- Humidity sensor - The ignition has been OFF at least 8 hours.
° MAF sensor ' Ignitionvoltage is at least 11V. ‘
- BARO pressure sensor - These DTCs run once perignition cycle when the
The intake air temperature (lAT) sensor1 is a variable enabling conditions are met.
resistor that changes the voltage on the engine control
module (ECM)supplied 5 V signal circuit. The signal Conditions for Setting the DTCs
varies with inlet air temperature in the sensor bore and P0096
is displayed by the scan tool as °C (°F).The IATsensor
2 and the humidity sensor share the same Circuit.The . The ECM determines the absolute difference
lAT sensor 2 signal is displayed by the scan tool as between lAT sensor1 start-up temperature and
Hertz (Hz) and °C (°F). the lAT sensor2 start-up temperature is greater
than 25°C(45°F).
The sensors listed below share an ECM supplied 5V
reference circuit: AND
0 lAT sensor2 - The ECM determines the absolute difference
between lAT sensor 2 start-up temperature and
- Humidity sensor the IATsensor 3 start—uptemperature is greater
- Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor than 25°C(45°F).
The sensors listed below share an ECM supplied low AND
reference circuit: - The ECM determines the absolute difference
- lATsensor1 between lATsensor1 start—uptemperature and
- lAT sensor 2 the IATsensor 3 start-up temperature is less than
or equal to 25°C(45°F).
° Humidity sensor
- Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor ' This DTC runs once per ignition cycle when the
enabling conditions are met.
lAT Sensor 1 —- Temperature, Resistance, Note: P0111Can fail under any of the following 3 sets
of cOnditions.
Voltage Table
lAT Sensor1 lAT Sensor1 P0111—Condition 1
lAT Sensor1 Resistance Signal Voltage - The ECM determines the absolute difference
Cold High High between lATsensor1 start-up temperature and
the IATsensor2 start—uptemperature is greater
Warm Low Low than 25°C(45°F).
lAT Sensor 2 — Temperature, - The ECM determines the absolute difference
between lATsensor1 start—uptemperature and
Table the lAT sensor 3 start-up temperature is greater
lAT Sensor2 lAT Sensor2 than 25°C(45°F).
lAT Sensor2 Frequency Temperature
Cold 45Hz -40°C(—40°F)
Warm 302Hz 104°C(219°F)

9258 Engflne Controls/Fuel ='l.4L (LUV)
AND Connector End View Reference
. The ECM determines the absolute difference Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
between lAT sensor 2 start—uptemperature and
the IATsensor3 start—uptemperature is less than Electrical Information Reference
or equal to 25°C(45°F).
- Circuit Testing on page 11—526
P0111—Condition 2 - Connector Repairs on page 11—548
' The ECM determines the IATsensor2 start—up - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
temperature is between the lATsensor1 and lAT Connections on page 11-531
sensor 3 start-up temperatures.
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
- The ECM determines the absolute difference DTC Type Reference
between lAT sensor1 start—uptemperature and Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)Type
the IATsensor 3 start-up temperature is greater Definitions on page 6-68
than 25°C(45°F).
Scan Tool Reference
- The ECM determines the absolute difference Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
between lAT sensor 2 and the IATsensor1 information
start-up temperatures is greater than absolute Special Tools
difference between lAT sensor2 and the IAT
sensor 3 start-up temperatures. EN-38522Variable Signal Generator
P0111—Condition 3 For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools
(Diagnostic Tools) on page 9-308.
- The ECM determines the lAT sensor3 start—up
temperature is between the IATsensor1 and lAT CircuitlSystem Verification
sensor 2 start-up temperatures.
1. Ignition ON, verify that DTC DTC P0641,P0651,
AND P0697,or P06A3is not set.
- The ECM determines the absolute difference 2 If any of the DTCs are set
between lATsensor1 start—uptemperature and
the IATsensor 2 start-up temperature is greater Refer to DTC P0641,P0651,P0697,or P06A3
than 25°C(45°F). (ECM)on page 9-182for further diagnosis.
AND U if none of the DTCs are set
- The ECM determines the absolute difference Note: To minimize the effects of residual engine heat
between lAT sensor 3 and the lATsensor1 and sensor internal heating elements, perform Steps 2
start—uptemperatures is greater than absolute and 3 of this verification procedure only if the ignition
difference between lAT sensor 3 and the lAT has been OFF for 8 hours or more.
sensor 2 start—uptemperatures. 2. Ignition ON.
DTC P0111runs once an ignition cycle when the any 3. Verify the following scan tool parameters are within
one, of the above 3 enabling sets of conditions is met. 25°C (45°F)of each other.
Action Taken When the DTCs Set . Start-Up lAT Sensor1
DTCs P0096and P0111are Type B DTCs. - lAT Sensor 2
~ IAT Sensor 3, where equipped
Conditions for Clearing the DTCs
2 If not within 25°C(45°F)
DTCs P0096and P0111are Type B DTCs.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Diagnostic Aids (z If within 25°C(45°F)
- With the ignition ON, when the engine is OFF and 4. Engine idling, verify the following scan tool
is cold; properly functioning lAT sensors 1 and 2 parameters are between: —38and +149°C(-36
will gradually increase the scan tool lAT and +300°F).
Sensor1 and 2 parameters. This is due to the heat - lAT Sensor 1
that is generated by the multifunction intake air
sensor internal heating elements. - lAT Sensor 2
- The Humidity sensor and the IATsensor2 signals - lAT Sensor 3, where equipped
are sent to the ECM on the same circuit. Ifthe IAT 2 If not between: -38 and +149°C(—36and
Sensor2 parameter displays the values: 10 Hz; +300°F)
-40°C (—40°F), and there are also Humidity Refer to Circuit System Testing.
Sensor DTCs, check for a circuit problem.
U If between: -38 and +149°C(-36 and +300°F)
Reference Information 5. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
Schematic Reference running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
within the conditions that you observed from the
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 freeze frame/failure records data.

Engine Controls/Fuel=1.4L (LUV) 9-59
6. Verify the DTCs do not set. 4. ignition ON, test for 4.8—5.2 V between the 5 V
2 If any of the DTCs set reference circuit terminal 2 and ground.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. 2 If less than 4.8 V
U if none of the DTCs set 4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
7. All OK
4.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal
CircuitlSystem Testing circuit and ground.
Note: You must performthe CircuitlSystem Verification 2 if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
before proceeding with CircuitlSystem Testing. ground on the circuit.
1. Check the integrityof the entire air induction U If infinite resistance
system and verify that none of the following 4.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit and
conditions exist: to end.
. A loose or disconnected charge air cooler hose 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
or pipe, where equipped in the circuit.
. A blocked or obstructed charge air cooler, 2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
including: after-market grill covers, where Module.
equipped :> If greater than 5.2 V
. Any snow or ice buiId—upat the charge air Note: Ifthe 5 V reference circuit is shorted to a voltage
cooler in cold climates, where equipped
the engine control module or the sensor may be
. Any mud or dirt buiId—upat the charge air cooler, damaged.
where equipped
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
. A restricted or collapsed air intake duct
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
I An intake manifold leak
4.2. IgnitionON, test for less than 1 V between the
. A MAP sensor seal that is leaking, missing, 5 V reference circuit and ground.
or damaged
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
. A restricted or collapsed air intake duct the circuit.
. A misaligned or damaged air intake duct 2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
I Any water intrusion in the induction system Module.
I An Intake Manifold Resonator with a leaking If between 4.8—5.2 V
seal, or a cracked or broken housing
Ignition ON, test for 4.8—5.2 V between the signal
If a condition exists circuit terminal 8 and ground.
Repair or replace component as appropriate. If less than 4.8 V
If no condition exists 5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
. ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF, connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
disconnect the B75CMultifunction IntakeAir 5.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal
sensor. Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle circuit and ground.
systems to power down. 2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
. Test for less than 2 Q between the low reference ground on the circuit.
circuit terminal 7 and ground.
U Ifinfinite resistance
if 2 Q or greater 5.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness to end.
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
3.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference in the circuit.
circuit end to end.
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open or high Module.
resistance in the circuit. 2) If greater than 5.2 V
2 Ifless than 2 Q replace the K20 Engine Control
Module. Note: Ifthe signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the
engine control module or the sensor may be damaged.
If less than 2 Q
5.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
5.2. IgnitionON, test for less than 1 V between the
signal circuit and ground.
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.

96 0 Engine Controls/Fuel -1.4L(LUV)
2 if less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control 11. Test for less than 2 Q between the low reference
Module. circuit terminal 1 and ground.
If between 4.8—5.2 V If 2 Q or greater
IgnitionON, test for 4.8—5.2 V between the signal 11.1.IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
termina|1 and ground. connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
if less than 4.8 V 11.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
circuit end to end.
6.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. 2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open or high
6.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal resistance in the circuit.
circuit and ground. 2 Ifless than 2 Q replace the K20 Engine Control
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repairthe short to Module.
ground on the circuit. If less than 2 Q
U If infinite resistance . Ignition ON, test for 4.8—5.2 V between the signal
6.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal Circuit end circuit terminal 2 and ground.
to end. If less than 4.8 V
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 12.1.IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness
in the circuit. connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control 12.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal
Module. circuit and ground.
2 If greater than 5.2 V 2 If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit.
Note: if the signal Circuit is shorted to a voltage the
engine control module or the sensor may be damaged. U If infinite resistance
6.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness 12.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit and
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. to end.
6.2. ignition ON, test for less than 1 V between the 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
signal circuit and ground. in the circuit.
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on 2 If less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
the circuit. Module.
2 if less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control 2 If greater than 5.2 V
Module. Note: Ifthe signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the
lf between 4.8—5.2 V engine control module or the sensor may be damaged.
. ignition OFF, connect the leads of the EN-38522 12.1.IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness
Variable Signal Generator as follows: connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
. Red lead to the signal circuitterminal 1 at the 12.2.IgnitionON, test for less than 1 V between
harness connector the signal circuit and ground.
. Black leads to ground 2 If1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
I Battery voltage supply lead to 8+ the circuit.
. Set the EN—38522 Variable Signal Generator to the 2 If less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
following specifications. Module.
I Signal switch to 5 V U If between 4.8—5.2 V
I Duty Cycle switch to 50 % (Normal) 13. Test or replace the appropriate temperature
I Frequency switch to 30 Hz senson
Ignition ON, verify the scan tool lAT Sensor 2 Component Testing
parameter is between 28—32Hz.
If not between 28—32Hz Multifunction Intake Air Sensor
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
Replace the K20 Engine Control Module. the B75CMultifunction IntakeAir sensor.
If between 28—32Hz Note: A thermometer can be used to test the sensor
Ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF, off the vehicle.
disconnect the 81118Turbocharger Boost/lntake
Air Temperature sensor. Itmay take up to
2 minutes for all vehicle systems to power down.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel - ’l.4L (LUV) 9=61
2. Test the lATsensor1 by varying the sensor 2. Test the IATsensor 3 by varying the sensor
temperature while monitoring the sensor temperature while monitoring the sensor
resistance. Compare the readings with the resistance. Compare the readings with the
Temperature Versus Resistance - Intake Air Temperature Versus Resistance - Intake Air
Temperature Sensor (Bosch Sensor) on page 9-26 Temperature Sensor (Bosch Sensor) on page 9-26
or Temperature Versus Resistance - IntakeAir or Temperature Versus Resistance —Intake Air
Temperature Sensor (Delco Sensor) on page 9-26 Temperature Sensor (Delco Sensor) on page 9—26
table for Bosch Sensors. The resistance values table for Delco sensors. The resistance values
should be in range of the table values. should be in range of the table values.
2 If not within the specified range. 2 if not within the specified range.
Replace the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir Replace the B1118Turbocharger Boost/Intake
senson Air Temperature sensor.
U if within the specified range. U If within the specified range.
Multifunction Intake Air Sensor Repair Instructions
1. Test the lAT Sensor2 by varying the sensor Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
temperature while monitoring the air temperature page 6-92after completing the repair.
.--.. with a thermometer.Compare the readings with the
scan tool lAT Sensor2 parameter.The values . Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement on page 9-246
should be within 5%. for multifunctionintake airsensor replacement.
2 If not within 5%. I Intake Air Pressure and Temperature Sensor
Replacement on page 9-247for turbocharger
Replace the B75CMultifunction IntakeAir boost/intake air temperature sensor replacement.
senson I Control Module References on page 6-3 for
U If within 5%. Engine Control Module replacement,
2. All OK programming, and setup.
Turbocharger Boost/Intake Air Temperature sensor
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the B1118Turbocharger Boost/Intake Air
Temperature sensor.
Note: A thermometer can be used to test the sensor
off the vehicle.

9=62 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV)

DTC P0097 or P0098

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to using this diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0097: IntakeAir Temperature (lAT) Sensor 2 Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0098: IntakeAir Temperature (lAT) Sensor 2 Circuit High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

lAT Sensor 2
Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to GroundResistance Short to Voltage Performance
P0097,P0651,P0096,P0097, P0097,P0651,
5V Reference P11C2,P2199,P1102,P2199, P1102,P2199, -
P2227,P2228 P2227,P2228 P2227,P2228
Sensor P0097,P1103,P0097,P1102, P0097,P1102, __
P2199 P2199 P2199*
LowReference —— P1102,P2227, * -
*InternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto 8+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

lAT Sensor 2
Open or High
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions: EngineRunning
ParameterNormal Range:Varieswithambienttemperature
(~40°F) -40°C(—40°F)
5 V Reference 10Hz 10Hz _
Signal ‘4000 ("40°F) —40°C
Ground —— 10Hz -

*InternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto 8+

CircuitlSystem Description The sensors listed below share an ECM supplied 5V

reference circuit:
The sensors listed below are integrated within the
multifunction intake air sensor: I lAT sensor 2
I Intake Air Temperature (IAT)sensor1 I Humidity sensor
I lAT sensor 2 I Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor
I Humidity sensor The sensors listed below share an ECM supplied low
reference circuit:
I Mass Air Flow (MAF)sensor
I lAT sensor1
I Barometric (BARO) pressure sensor
The lAT sensor 2 and the humidity sensor share the ' lAT 8.8580”
same circuit. The lAT sensor2 signal is displayed by ' Humidity sensor
the scan tool as Hertz (Hz)and °C (°F). I Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel . ‘l.4L (LUV) 9433

lAT Sensor 2 ——Temperature, Frequency I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor

Connections on page 11—531
I Wiring Repairs on page 1153‘?
lAT Sensor2 lAT Sensor2
lAT Sensor2 Frequency Temperature DTC Type Reference
Cold 45 Hz —40°C (—40°F) Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)Type
Warm 302Hz 104°C(219°F) Definitions on page 6-68
Scan Tool Reference
Conditions for Running the DTCs Control Module References on page 6-3 Control
P0097and P0098 Module References for scan tool information
I The ignition is ON, or the engine is running. Special Tools
I The Ignitionvoltage is at least 11V. EN—38522 Variable Signal Generator
I The DTCs run continuously within the enabling For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools
conditions. (Diagnostic Tools) on page 9-308.
Conditions for Setting the DTCs CircuitlSystem Verification
P0097 1. IgnitionON, verify that DTC DTC P0641,P0651,
Note: The scan tool display range is between —40and P0697,or P06A3is not set.
+150°C(—40and +302°F). 2 If any of the DTCs are set
The ECM detects that the IATsensor2 signal is less Refer to DTC P0641,P0651,P0697,or P06A3
than 10 Hz,colder than —60°C(—76°F), for greater (ECM)on page 9—182 for further diagnosis.
than 5 s. U If none of the DTCs are set
P0098 Note: To minimize the effects of residual engine heat
and sensor internal heating elements, perform Steps 2
The ECM detects that the IATsensor2 signal is greater
and 3 of this verification procedure only if the ignition
than 390 Hz,warmer than 150°C(302°F),for greater
has been OFF for 8 hours or more.
than 5 3.
2. IgnitionON.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets 3. Verify the following scan tool parameters are within
I DTCs P0097and P0098are Type B DTCs. 25°C(45°F)of each other.
I The ECM commands the cooling fans ON. I Start-Up lAT Sensor1
Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTCs I lAT Sensor 2
I lAT Sensor 3, where equipped
DTCs P0097and P0098are Type B DTCs.
2 If not within 25°C(45°F)
Diagnostic Aids Refer to Circuit/System Testing.
I With the ignition ON, when the engine is cold and 4: If within 25°C(45°F)
not running, properly functioning lATsensor2 will
gradually increase the scan tool lAT Sensor2 4. Engine idling, verify the following scan tool
parameters. This is due to the heat that is parameters are between: 238 and +149°C(—36
generated by the multifunction intake air sensor and +300°F).
heating elements. I lAT Sensor1
I The humidity sensor and the lATsensor2 signals . lAT Sensor 2
are sent to the ECM on the same circuit. Ifthe IAT I lAT Sensor 3, where equipped
Sensor2 parameter displays the values: 10 Hz; —-
40°C(-40°F),and there are also Humidity Sensor 2 If not between: -38 and +149°C(-36 and
DTCs, Check for a circuit problem. +300°F)
Refer to Circuit System Testing.
Reference Information
U If between: -38 and +149°C(-36 and +300°F)
Schematic Reference 5. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
within the conditions that you observed from the
Connector End View Reference freeze frame/failure records data.
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 6. Verify the DTCs do not set.
2 If any of the DTCs set
Electrical Information Reference
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
I Circuit Testing on page 11—526
U If none of the DTCs set
I Connector Repairs on page 11-548
7. All OK

9I64 Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV)
4. Ignition ON, test for 4.8—5.2 V between the signal
CircuitlSystem Testing
circuit terminal 1 and ground.
1. ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF, :2 If less than 4.8 V
disconnect the 875C Multifunction intake Air
sensor. Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle 4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
systems to power down. connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
. Test for less than 2 Q between the low reference 4.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal
circuit terminal 7 and ground. circuit and ground.
If 2 Q or greater 2 If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
2.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness ground on the circuit.
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. U If infinite resistance
2.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference 4.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
circuit end to end. to end.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open or high 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
resistance in the circuit. in the circuit.
2 Ifless than 2 Q replace the K20 Engine Control 2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Module. Module.
If less than 2 Q 2; If greater than 5.2 V
. Ignition ON, test for 4.8—5.2 V between the 5 V Note: Ifthe signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the
reference circuit terminal 2 and ground. engine control module or the sensor may be damaged.
If less than 4.8 V 4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. 4.2. ignition ON, test for less than 1 V between the
3.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal signal Circuit and ground.
circuit and ground. 2 if 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
2 if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to the circuit.
ground on the circuit. 2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
U If infinite resistance Module.
3.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end If between 4.8—5.2 V
to end. . Ignition OFF, connect the leads of the EN-38522
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance Variable Signal Generator as follows:
in the circuit. I Red lead to the signal circuit terminal 1 at the
2 if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control harness connector
Module. I Black lead to ground
2 if greater than 5.2 V I Battery voltage supply lead to 8+
Note: Ifthe 5 V reference circuit is shorted to a voltage 6. Set the EN—38522 Variable Signal Generator to the
the engine control module or the sensor may be following specifications.
damage‘i - Signal switch to 5 v
3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness I Duty Cycle switch to 50 % (Normal)
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. I Frequency switch to 30 Hz
3.2. Ignition ON, test for less than 1 V between the 7 . IgnitionON, verify the scan tool lAT Sensor 2
5 V reference circuit and ground. parameter is between 28—32Hz.
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on 2 If not between 28—32Hz
the circuit. _
2 If less than 1V, replace the K20 Engine Control Replace the K20 Engine Control Module.
Module. U If between 28—32Hz
U [f between 43.52 V 8. Test or replace the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.41. (LUV) 9I65
Component Testing Repair Instructions
Multifunction Intake Air Sensor Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92after completing the repair.
Test the [AT Sensor2 by varying the sensor
temperature while monitoring the air temperature with a I Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement on page 9-246
.lmfl-M—M. for multifunction intake air sensor replacement.
thermometer. Compare the readings with the scan tool
lAT Sensor2 parameter. The values should be I Control Module References on page 6-3 for
within 5%. Engine Control Module replacement,
2 If not within 5%. programming, and setup.
Replace the B750 Multifunction Intake Air sensor.
U If within 5%.
All OK

966 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)

DTC P0086

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0086: Radiator Coolant Temperature (RCT)—Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Not Plausible
Diagnostic Fault Information

Opeanigh Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
RCT SensorSignal — — — P0086
LowReference — —- — P0086

CircuitlSystem Description Action Taken When the DTC Sets

The radiator coolant temperature (RCT)sensor is a DTC P0086is a Type B DTC.
variable resistor that measures the temperature of the
radiator coolant. The ECM supplies 5 V to the RCT Conditions for Clearing the DTC
sensor signal circuit and supplies a ground for the low DTC P0086is a Type B DTC.
reference circuit.
The following table illustrates the difference between Diagnostic Aids
temperature, resistance, and voltage: I Ifthe vehicle has sat overnight, the RCT sensor
and the ECT sensor values should display within
RCT RCT Signal 3°C (5°F).
RCT Resistance Voltage
I As the thermostat opens, the RCT sensor
Cold High High temperature should rise steadily, then stabilize
Warm Low Low once the thermostat opens completely.
I Test the RCT sensor at various temperature levels
Conditions for Running the DTC in order to evaluate the possibility of a skewed
I DTCs P0112,P0113,P0117,or P0118are not set.
I Inspect for the correct operation of the engine
I The ignition has been off for greater than 8 h cooling system and verify the correct coolant level.
before vehicle is started.
I Ifthe condition is intermittent,allowing the vehicle
I The ignition is ON, or the engine is running. to sit for greater than 8 h with the ignition OFF,
I The intake airtemperature (IAT) is greater than may help isolate the condition. Compare the scan
—7°C(19°F). tool RCT and ECT temperature sensorvalues at
I The fuel level is greater than 10%. IgnitionON. The RCT sensor and the ECT sensor
I The DTC runs once per ignition cycle when the values should display within 3°C (5°F).
above conditions are met. Reference Information
Conditions for Setting the DTC Schematic Reference
This DTC sets if one of the following conditions occurs
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
for less than 1 s:
. The ECM detects the RCTsensor and the ECT Connector End View Reference
sensor are greater than a predetermined intake air Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
temperature at engine start—up.
I The ECM detects the RCT sensor is 20°C(68°F) Description and Operation
warmer than the ECTsensor at engine start—up Cooling System Description and Operation on
and the block heater has not been detected. page 9-680
I The ECM detects the RCT sensor is 20°C(68°F)
warmer than the ECT sensor at engine start—up Electrical Information Reference
and the engine has been cranking for greater than I Circuit Testing on page 11-526
10 3 without a fuel level sensor DTC.
I Connector Repairs on page 11—548

Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9I67
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 3. Ignition ON, verify the scan tool Radiator Coolant
Connections on page 11-531 Temperature Sensor parameter is -40°C (—40°F).
I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 2 Ifgreater than the specified range, test the
Scan Tool Reference signal circuit terminal 2 for a short to ground.
if the circuit tests normal, replace K20 Engine
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool Control Module.
information Caution: 1fthe fuse in the jumper wire opens, the
CircuitlSystem Verification signal circuit may have a short to a voltage or a short to
ground and the sensor might be damaged.
1. IgnitionON, observe the DTC information with a
4. Install a 1 A fused jumper wire between the signal
scan tool. DTC P0117,P0118,P0597,P0598,
or P0599should not be set. circuittermina12 and the low reference circuit
terminal 1. Verify the scan tool Radiator Coolant
2 Ifa DTC is set, refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code Temperature Sensor parameter is at
(DTC)List - Vehicle on page 6-69 for further 140°C(284°F).
diagnosis. _ 2 If less than'specified range, test the signal
2. Verify the coolant in the radiator surge tank is at circuit for a short to voltage or an open/high
the correct level and there are no engine coolant resistance. Ifthe circuit tests normal, replace
leaks. Refer to Cooling System Draining and Filling the K20 Engine Control Module.
on page 9-628and Loss of Coolant on page 9-625.
5. Ifall circuits test normal, test or replace the
3. Engine idling for 15 min with the A/C OFF. 8348 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 2.
Note: Depending on ambient temperature, it may take
up to 4 min for the temperatures to equalize. Component Testing
4. Command the engine coolant thermostat heater to Static Test
100%with a scan tool. increase the engine speed 1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at
to 3 000 RPM.Observe the scan tool RCT and the the 8348 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 2.
ECT sensor parameters. The RCT and the ECT,
Note: A thermometer can be used to the used to test
sensor parameters should be within 20°C(68°F). the sensor off the vehicle.
5. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
running the DTC to verify the DTC does not reset. 2. Test the B348Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
You may also operate the vehicle within the 2 by varying the sensor temperature while
conditions that you observed from the freeze monitoring the sensor resistance. Compare the
frame/failure records data. readings with the table Temperature Versus
Resistance (ECT)on page 9-26and verify that the
CircuitlSystem Testing resistance is within 5% of the specification.
1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at 2 If not within the specified range, replace the
the 8348Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 2. 8348 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 2.
2. IgnitionOFF for 1 min, test for less than 5 Q
Repair Instructions
between the low reference circuit terminal 1 and
ground. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6—92 after completing the diagnostic procedure.
2 Ifgreater than the specified range, test the low
reference circuit for an open/high resistance. I Control Module References on page 6—3for ECM
lfthe circuit tests normal, replace the replacement, programming and setup
K20 Engine Control Module. I Engine Coolant TemperatureSensor
Replacement (Water Outlet) on page 9-244or
Engine Coolant TemperatureSensor
Replacement (Thermostat)on page 9-246or
Engine Coolant TemperatureSensor
Replacement (Radiator) on page 9-245

9-68 Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV)


Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC POOC7: Intake Air Pressure Measurement System - Multiple Sensors Not Plausible

CircuitlSystem Description DTC Type Reference

The IntakeAir Pressure Measurement System consists Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
of 3 sensors, the barometric pressure (BARO) sensor, Definitions on page 6-68
the manifold absolute pressure (MAP)sensor, and the
turbo boost sensor. Scan TOOIReference
Conditions for Running the DTC Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
I DTCs P0106,P0107,P0108,P2122,P2123, _ . __ _
P2127,P2128,P2138or P2610are not set. CircuitlSystem Verification
I The engine is running. 1. Ignition ON, observe the DTC informationwith a
I Time between current ignition cycle and the last scan tOOI-Verify that DTCS P0106,P0107.P0236,
time the engine was running is greater than 10 s. P0237.P0238,P2227.P2228.P2229,or P2230,
. Manifold pressure between 50—115 kPa (7.25— ' are ”0t set-
16.68P81). 2 If any of the DTCs are set
I BARO pressure between 50—115 kPa (7.25— Ifa DTC is set, refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code
16.68PSl). (DTC)Li'st—Vehicle on page 6-69 for further
I Turbocharger boost pressure between 50— dlaQNOSISI
115 kPa (725—1668PSI). U If none of the DTCs is set
I This _DTCruns continuously within the enabling 2. Ignition ON, verify the following scan tool
conditions. parameters are within range of the Altitude vs.
. . . Barometric Pressure table. Referto: Altitude
Conditions for Settlng the DTC Versus Barometric Pressure on page 9-26table.
The ECM detects an inconsistency between pressure . BARO Sensor
sensors in the induction system in which a particular _ MAP Sensor
sensor cannot be identified as the failed sensor. The
difference is greater than 10 kPa (1.5PSI). ' Turbo Boost Sensor
f - I h.
When a '
DTC POOC7is a Type B DTC. further diagnosis.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC I Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor. Referto:
DTC P2227—P2230 on page 9-214
DTC POOC7is a T e B DTC.
yp I Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)Sensor.
Reference Information Refer to: DTC P0106on page 9-84
Schematic Reference I EggoglgsggggfgggégreszsgureSensor. Referto.

Engine Controls Schematics 0" page 9'28 U If all sensor parameters are within range
Connector End View Reference 3. All OK
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269 Repair Instructions
Electrical Information Reference Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
CIrCU/tTest/ng0’?page 11 526 Control Module References on page 6-3 for Engine
° Connector Repairs 0" page 11'548 Control Module replacement, programming and setup
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11-531
I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537

. Sonic
2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 'l.4L (LUV) 9I69


Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to using this diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC POOEA: intake Air Temperature (IAT)Sensor 3 Circuit Low Voltage
DTC POOEB: IntakeAirTemperature (IAT)Sensor 3 Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

lAT Sensor 3
Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
LowReference —— PO0E9,POOEB PO0EB* -
*InternalECM orsensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto 8+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

lAT Sensor 3
Open or High
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions: EngineRunning
ParameterNormalRange:Varieswithambienttemperature; andenginebayconditions
Sensor 150°C(302°F) -40°C(—40°F) —40°C(~40°F)*
Low Reference — —40°C(—40°F) —40°c(—40°F)*
*lnternalECM orsensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto 8+

CircuitlSystem Description POOEB

The intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 3 is a variable Note: The scan tool display range is between -40 and
resistor that Changes an engine control module (ECM) +150°C(—40and +302°F).
supplied 5 V signal. The signal varies with inlet air The ECM detects that the IATsensor 3 signal is colder
temperature and is displayed by the scan tool as °C (° than -60°C (-76°F)for at least 5 5.
F). The lAT sensor3 is integrated with the throttle inlet
absolute pressure sensor in the sensor bore, which is Action Taken When the DTCs Set
located before the throttlebody.The ECM provides a
ground for the IATsensor 3 low reference circuit. I DTCs POOEA and POOEB are Type B DTCs.
I The ECM commands the cooling fans ON.
Conditions for Running the DTCs
Conditions for Clearing the DTCs
DTCs POOEA and POOEB are Type B DTCs.
I The ignition is ON, or the engine is running.
I The DTCs run continuously when the above Reference Information
conditions are met. Schematic Reference
Conditions for Setting the DTC Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
POOEA Connector End View Reference
The ECM detects that the IATsensor 3 signal is warmer Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
than 149°C(300°F)for at least 5 s.

9-70 Engine Controls/Fuel I “1.4L(LUV)
Electrical Information Reference CircuitlSystem Testing
I Circuit Testing on page 11-526 Note: You must perform the CircuitlSystem Verification
I Connector Repairs on page 11-548 before proceeding with CircuitlSystem Testing.
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 1. Ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
Connections on page 11-531 disconnect the B1118Turbocharger Boost/Intake
I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 Air Temperature sensor. it may take up to
2 minutes for all vehicle systems to power down.
DTC Type Reference 2. Test for less than 2 Q between the low reference
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)Type circuit terminal 1 and ground.
Definitions on page 6-68 2 If 2 Q or greater
Scan Tool Reference 2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool 2.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
information circuit end to end.
CircuitlSystem Verification 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open or high
Note: To minimize the effects of residual engine heat resistance in the circuit.
and sensor internal heating elements, perform Steps 1 2 If less than 2 Q replace the K20 Engine Control
and 2 of this verification procedure only if the ignition Module.
has been OFF for 8 hours or more. U If less than 2 Q
1. ignition ON. 3. Ignition ON, test for 4.8—5.2 V between the signal
2. Verify the following scan tool parameters are within circuittermina12 and ground.
25°C(45°F)of each other. 2 If less than 4.8V
I Start—UplAT Sensor1 3.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X2 harness
I lAT Sensor2 connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
I lAT Sensor 3 3.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal
2 If not within 25°C(45°F) circuit and ground.
2 If less than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
ground on the circuit.
U if within 25°C(45°F)
U lf infinite resistance
3. Engine idling, verify the lAT Sensor3 scan tool
parameter is between: -38 and +149°C(-36and 3.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit and
+300°F). to end.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
2 if not between: -38 and +149°C(-36and
+300°F) in the circuit.
Refer to Circuit System Testing. 2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
4: lf between: -38 and +149°C(-36and +300°F)
2 If greater than 5.2 V
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle Note: Ifthe signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the
within the conditions that you observed from the engine control module or the sensor may be damaged.
freeze frame/failure records data. 3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness
5. Verify the DTCs do not set. connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
2 If any of the DTCs set 3.2. IgnitionON, test for less than 1 V between the
signal circuit and ground.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
U If none of the DTCs set the circuit.
6. AMOK 2 Ifless than 1V, replace the K20 Engine Control
U If between 4.8—5.2 V
4. Test or replace the 81118Turbocharger Boost/
Intake Air Temperature sensor.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.41..(LUV) 9-771
Component Testing Repair instructions
Turbocharger Boostllntake Air Temperature sensor Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92after completing the repair.
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the 81118Turbocharger Boost/Intake Air I Intake Air Pressure and Temperature Sensor
Temperature sensor. Replacement on page 9-247for turbocharger
boost/intake air temperature replacement.
Note: A thermometer can be used to test the sensor
off the vehicle. I Control Module References on page 6—3for
Engine Control Module replacement,
2. Test the lAT sensor3 by varying the sensor programming, and setup.
temperature while monitoring the sensor
resistance. Compare the readings with the
Temperature Versus Resistance - IntakeAir
Temperature Sensor (Bosch Sensor) on page 9—26
or Temperature Versus Resistance —Intake Air
Temperature Sensor (Delco Sensor) on page 9—26
table for Delco sensors. The resistance values
should be in range of'the table values.
2 If not within the specified range.
Replace the B1118Turbocharger Boost/Intake
Air Temperature sensor.
U If within the specified range.

9.72 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)


Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
procedure. _
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC PO0E9: Intake Air Temperature (IAT)Sensor 3 Circuit Performance
Diagnostic Fault Information

lAT Sensor 3
Opeanigh Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
LowReference — PO0E9,POOEB POOEB* -
*InternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto 8+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

lAT Sensor 3
Open or High
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: EngineRunning
ParameterNormal Range:Varieswithambienttemperature;andenginebayconditions
Sensor 150°C(302°F) (~40°F)*
—40°c(—40°F) —40°c
LowReference — (~40°F)*
—40°c(-40°F) —40°c
*IntemalECM or sensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto 8+

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Running the DTC

The intake air temperature (IAT)sensor 3 is a variable PO0E9
resistor that changes an engine control module (ECM)
I DTCs P0097,P0098,POOEA,POOEB,P0111,
supplied 5 V signal. The signal varies with inlet air
P0112,P0113,P0117,P0118,or P1682are
temperature and is displayed by the scan tool as °C (°
not set.
F). The lAT sensor3 is integrated with the turbocharger
boost pressure sensor in the sensor bore, which is I The vehicle has been OFF at least 8 hours.
located before the throttle body.The ECM supplies a I ignition voltage is at least 11V.
ground for the IATsensor 3 low reference circuit. I This DTC runs once per ignition cycle when the
enabling conditions are met.
lAT Sensor 3 — Temperature, Resistance,
Voltage Table Conditions for Setting the DTC
lAT Sensor3 lAT Sensor3 Note: PO0E9Can fail under any of the following 3 sets
lAT Sensor3 Resistance Signal Voltage of conditions.
Cold High High PO0E9—Condition 1
Warm Low Low I The ECM determines the absolute difference
between lATsensor1 start—uptemperature and
the lAT sensor2 start—uptemperature is less or
equal to 25°C(45°F).

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9.73
I The ECM determines the absolute difference DTC Type Reference
between lAT sensor 3 start—uptemperature and
the IATsensor1 start-up temperature is greater Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)Type
than 25°C(45°F). Definitions on page 6-68
AND Scan Tool Reference
I The ECM determines the absolute difference Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
between lAT sensor 3 start-up temperature and information
the lAT sensor 2 start—uptemperature is greater
than 25°C(45°F). Special Tools
PO0E9—Condition 2 EN-38522Variable Signal Generator
I The ECM determines the lAT sensor1 start—up For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools
temperature is between the IATsensor 3 and the (Diagnostic Tools) on page 9—308.
lAT sensor 2 start—uptemperatures
CircuitlSystem Verification
I The ECM determines the absolute difference 1. IgnitionON, verify that DTC DTC P0641,P0651,
between lAT sensor 3 start—uptemperature and P0697,or P06A3is not set.
the lAT sensor 2 start—uptemperature is greater 2 If any of the DTCs are set
than 25°C(45°F). Refer to DTC P0641,P0651,P0697,or P06A3
AND (ECM)on page 9-182for further diagnosis.
I The ECM determines the absolute difference U If none of the DTCs are set
between lAT sensor 3 and the lATsensor1 Note: To minimize the effects of residual engine heat
start—uptemperatures is greater than the absolute and sensor internal heating elements, perform Steps 2
difference between lAT sensor2 and the IAT and 3 of this verification procedure only if the ignition
sensor1 start-up temperatures. has been OFF for 8 hours or more.
PO0E9—Condition 3 2. ignition ON.
. The ECM determines the IATsensor2 start—up 3. Verify the following scan tool parameters are within
temperature is between the IATsensor 3 and the 25°C (45°F)of each other.
IATsensor1 start-up temperatures
I Start-Up lAT Sensor1
I lAT Sensor 2
I The ECM determines the absolute difference
between lAT sensor 3 and the lATsensor1 I lAT Sensor 3
start-up temperatures is greater than 25°C(45°F). 2 if not within 25°C(45°F)
AND Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
I The absolute difference between lAT sensor 3 and <2 If within 25°C(45°F)
the lAT sensor 2 start—uptemperatures is greater
than the absolute difference between lAT sensor2 4. Engine idling, verify the following scan tool
and the IATsensor1 start—uptemperatures. parameters are between: ~38and +149°C(—36
and +300°F).
DTC POOE9 runs once an ignition cycle when one of
the above 3 enabling sets of conditions are met. I lAT Sensor1
I 'IAT Sensor 2
Action Taken When the DTC Sets . lAT Sensor 3
DTC POOE9 is a Type B DTC. 2 If not between: -38 and +149°C(-36 and
Conditions for Clearing the DTCs
Refer to Circuit System Testing.
DTC POOE9 is a Type B DTC.
U If between: -38 and +149°C(-36and +300°F)
Reference Information 5. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
Schematic Reference running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
within the conditions that you observed from the
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 freeze frame/failure records data.
Connector End View Reference 6. Verify the DTCs do not set.
2 If any of the DTCs set
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Electrical information Reference
U If none of the DTCs set
I Circuit Testingon page 11—526 7. All OK
I Connector Repairs on page 11—548
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11-531
I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537

9-74 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)

CircuitlSystem Testing 2 If less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control

Note: You must perform the CircuitlSystem Verification
before proceeding with Circuit/System Testing. 2 If greater than 5.2 V
Note: if the 5 V reference circuit is shorted to a voltage
1. Check the integrity of the entire air induction the engine control module or the sensor may be
system and verify that none of the following damaged.
conditions exist:
I A loose or disconnected charge air cooler hose 4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
or pipe connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
I A blocked or obstructed charge air cooler, 4.2. IgnitionON, test for less than 1 V between the
including: after—marketgrill covers 5 V reference circuit and ground.
I Any snow or ice build-up at the charge air 2 If1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
cooler in cold climates the circuit.
I Any mud or dirt buiId-upat the charge air cooler 2 If less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
I A restricted or collapsed air intake duct Module.
I An intake manifold leak U If between 4.8—5.2 V
I A MAP sensor seal that is leaking, missing, 5. IgnitionON, test for 4.8—5.2 V between the signal
or damaged termina18 and ground.
I A restricted or collapsed air intake duct 2 If less than 4.8 V
I A misaligned or damaged air intake duct 5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
I Any water intrusion in the induction system connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
I An intake Manifold Resonator with a leaking 5.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal
seal, or a cracked or broken housing circuit and ground.
2 If a condition exists 2 If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit.
Repair or replace component as appropriate.
U If infinite resistance
U If no condition exists
5.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
2. ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF, to end.
disconnect the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir
sensor. Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle 2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
systems to power down. in the circuit.
3. Test for less than 2 Q between the low reference 2 if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
circuit terminal 7 and ground. Module.
2 If 2 Q or greater 2 If greater than 5.2 V
3.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness Note: Ifthe signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. engine control module or the sensor may be damaged.
3.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference 5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
circuit end to end. connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open or high 5.2. IgnitionON, test for less than 1 V between the
resistance in the circuit. signal circuit and ground.
2 If less than 2 Q replace the K20 Engine Control 2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
Module. the circuit.
4: If less than 2 Q 2 If less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
4. IgnitionON, test for 4.8—5.2 V between the 5 V Module.
reference circuittermina12 and ground. U If between 4.8—5.2 V
2 If less than 4.8 V
4.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
4.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal
circuit and ground.
2 If less than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
ground on the Circuit.
U |finfinite resistance
4.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
to end.
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.41. (LUV) 9.75
6. ignition ON, test for 4.8—5.2 V between the signal 11. Test for less than 2 Q between the low reference
terminal 1 and ground. circuit terminal1 and ground.
2) if less than 4.8 V If 2 Q or greater
6.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness 11.1.IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
6.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal 11.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
circuit and ground. circuit end to end.
2 if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to 2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open or high
ground on the circuit. resistance in the circuit.
U if infinite resistance 2 if less than 2 Q replace the K20 Engine Control
6.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit and Module.
to end. If less than 2 Q
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance . IgnitionON, test for 4.8—5.2 V between the signal
in the circuit. terminal 2 and ground.
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control If less than 4.8 V
Module. 12.1.IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness
2 If greater than 5.2 V connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
Note: Ifthe signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the 12.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal
engine control module or the sensor may be damaged. circuit and ground.
6.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness 2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. ground on the circuit.
6.2. ignition ON, test for less than 1 V between the U Ifinfinite resistance
signal circuit and ground. 12.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on to end.
the circuit. 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control in the circuit.
Module. 2 if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
If between 4.8—5.2 V Module.
IgnitionOFF, connect the leads of the EN-38522 2 If greater than 5.2 V
Variable Signal Generator as follows: Note: lfthe signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the
I Red lead to the signal circuittermina|1 at the engine control module or the sensor may be damaged.
harness connector 12.1.ignition OFF, disconnect the X2 harness
I Black leads to ground connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
I Battery voltage supply lead to 8+ 12.2.IgnitionON, test for less than 1 V between
Set the EN—38522 Variable Signal Generator to the the signal circuit and ground.
following specifications. 2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
I Signal switch to 5 V the circuit.
I Duty Cycle switch to 50 %(Normal) 2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
I Frequency switch to 30 Hz Module.
IgnitionON, verify the scan tool lAT Sensor 2 U If between 4.8—5.2 V
parameter is between 28—32Hz. 13. Test or replace the appropriate temperature
If not between 28—32Hz senson
Replace the K20 Engine Control Module. Component Testing
If between 28—32Hz
Multifunction Intake Air Sensor
IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
disconnect the B1118Turbocharger Boost/Intake 1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at
Air Temperature sensor. it may take up to the B750Multifunction IntakeAir sensor.
2 minutes for all vehicle systems to power down. Note: A thermometer can be used to test the sensor
off the vehicle.

9-76 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)
2. Test the lAT sensor1 by varying the sensor 2. Test the [ATsensor 3 by varying the sensor
temperature while monitoring the sensor temperature while monitoring the sensor
resistance. Compare the readings with the resistance. Compare the readings with the
Temperature Versus Resistance - Intake Air Temperature Versus Resistance - IntakeAir
Temperature Sensor (Bosch Sensor) on page 9-26 Temperature Sensor (Bosch Sensor) on page 9-26
or Temperature Versus Resistance _Intake Air or Temperature Versus Resistance —IntakeAir
Temperature Sensor (Delco Sensor) on page 9—26 Temperature Sensor (Delco Sensor) onpage 9—26
table for Bosch Sensors. The resistance values table for Delco sensors. The resistance values
should be in range of the table values. should be in range of the table values.
2 If not within the specified range. 2 If not within the specified range.
Replace the B750Multifunction Intake Air Replace the B1118Turbocharger Boostllntake
senson Air Temperature sensor.
U If within the specified range. U If within the specified range.
3. All OK 3. All OK
Multifunction Intake Air Sensor Repair Instructions
1. Test the IAT Sensor2 by varying the sensor Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
temperature while monitoring the air temperature page 6-92after completing the repair.
with a thermometer.Compare the readings with the
scan tool lAT Sensor2 parameter. The values I Intake Air Pressure and TemperatureSensor
should be within 5%. Replacement on page 9-247for turbocharger
boost/intake air temperature sensor replacement.
2 If not within 5%.
I Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement on page 9-246
Replace the B75CMultifunction Intake Air for multifunction intake air sensor replacement.
senson I Control Module References on page 6-3 for
U lfwithin 5%. Engine Control Module replacement,
2. All OK programming, and setup.
Turbocharger Boostllntake Air Temperature sensor
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the 81118Turbocharger Boostllntake Air
Temperature sensor.
Note: A thermometer can be used to test the sensor
off the vehicle.

Engine Controls/Fuel I 'l.4L (LUV) 9-77

DTC P0101

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to using this diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0101: Mass Air Flow (MAF)Sensor Performance
Diagnostic Fault Information

MAF Sensor
Opeanigh Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
ignitionVoltage P0102 P0102,P01101 P0690 P0101
Sensor P0102,P1101 P0102,P1101 P0102* P0101,P1101
Ground — P0102 — ~-
*lnternalECM orsensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto B+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

MAF Sensor
Circuit | Short to Ground Open Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: Enginerunningatvariousoperatingconditions
ParameterNormalRange:2,000—10,000 Hz
IgnitionVoltage 0Hz 0 Hz -
Sensor 0Hz 0 Hz 0Hz*
Ground — 0 Hz -
*IntemalECM or sensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto 8+

Circuit Description tool as Hertz (Hz)and grams per second (g/s).Vehicle

ignition voltage and ground circuits are also supplied to
The sensors listed below are integrated within the the MAF sensor.
multifunction intake air sensor:
The intake flow rationality diagnostic provides the
I IntakeAir Temperature (IAT)sensor1 within-range rationality check for the mass air flow
I lAT sensor 2 (MAF),manifold absolute pressure (MAP),and the
I Humidity sensor throttle position sensors. This is an explicit
I Mass Air Flow (MAF)sensor model—baseddiagnostic containing 4 separate models
for the intake system.
I Barometric (BARO) pressure sensor
The estimates of MAF and MAP obtained from this
The MAF sensor is an air flow meter that measures the system of models and calculations are then compared
amount of air flowing in the sensor bore. The engine to the actual measured values from the MAF,MAP,and
control module (ECM)uses the MAF sensor signal to the throttle position sensors and to each other to
provide the correct fuel delivery for all engine speeds determine the appropriate DTC to fail.
and loads. A small quantity of air entering the engine
indicates a deceleration or idle condition. A large The sensors listed below share an ECM supplied 5 V
quantity of air entering the engine indicates an reference circuit:
acceleration or high load condition. I lAT sensor 2
The ECM applies 5 V to the MAF sensor signal circuit. I Humidity sensor
The sensor produces a variable frequency signal based I Barometric pressure (BARO)sensor
on the inlet airflow through the sensor bore. The signal
varies with engine load and is displayed by the scan

9I78 Engine Controls/Fuel .I 1.4L (LUV)
The sensors listed below share an ECM supplied low Scan Tool Reference
reference circuit:
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
I lAT sensor1 information
I lATsensor2
Special Tools
I Humidity sensor
I Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor EN-38522Variable Signal Generator
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools
Conditions for Running the DTCs (Diagnostic Tools) on page 9-308.
. DTCS P0096,P0097,P0098,P0102,P0103,
P0107,P0111,P0112,P0113,P0116,P0117, CircuitlSystem Verification
P0118,P0119,P0237,P0238,P0335,P0336, 1. Ignition ON, verify that DTC DTC P0641,P0651,
P2227,P2228,P2229,or P2230are not set. P0697,or P06A3is not set.
I The engine speed is between 400—6,000 RPM. 2 If any of the DTCs are set
I The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is between Refer to DTC P0641,P0651,P0697,or P06A3
—7and +125°C(+19and +257°F). (ECM)on page 9—182 for further diagnosis.
I The intake air temperature (IAT) is between -20 c If none of the DTCs are set
and +100°C(—4and +212°F).
2. Ifyou were sent here from DTC P0068,P0106,
I The DTC runs continuously when the above P0121,P0236,or P1101;referto CircuitlSystem
conditions are met. Testing.
Conditions for Setting the DTC 9" Ignition ON.
The engine control module (ECM)detects that the 4. Verify the scan tool Throttle Body idle Airflow
actual measured airflow from the MAF,MAP,and Compensation parameter is less than 90 %.
throttleposition sensors is not within range of the 2 If 90 %or greater
calculated airflow that is derived from the system of Refer to ThrottleBody Inspection and Cleaning
models for greater than 2 s. on page 9-253.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets U If less than 90 %
DTC P0101is a Type B DTC. 5. Verify the scan tool Throttle Position Sensors 1 and
2 Agree/Disagree parameter displays Agree while
Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC performing the Throttle Sweep Test with a
DTC P0101is a Type B DTC. scan tool.
2 If Disagree
Diagnostic Aids
Refer to DTC PO121-P0123, P0222,P0223,
I Certain aftermarket air filters may cause this DTC or P2135(LUV)on page 9—102 for further
to set. diagnosis.
I Certain aftermarket air induction systems may U If Agree
cause this DTC to set.
.07 Determine the current vehicle testing altitude.
I Modifications to the air induction system may
cause this DTC to set. 7. Verify the scan tool MAP Sensor pressure
parameter is within the range specified in the
Reference Information Altitude Versus Barometric Pressure on page 9-26
Schematic Reference
2 If the MAP Sensor parameter is not in range
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 Refer to DTC P0106on page 9—84 for further
Connector End View Reference diagnosis.
U If the MAP Sensor parameter is within range
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
9° Verify the engine is equipped with a turbocharger.
Electrical Information Reference
2 If not equipped with a turbocharger
I Circuit Testing on page 11—526 Refer to Step 11.
I Connector Repairs on page 11— 548
U If equipped with a turbocharger
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11— 531
I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
DTC Type Reference
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)Type
Definitions on page 6-68

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuel I 1 .41. (LUV) 9-79
9. Verify the scan tool Boost Pressure Sensor CircuitlSystem Testing
parameter is within the range specified in the
Altitude Versus Barometric Pressure on page 9—26 Note: You must perform the Circuit/System Verification
table. before proceeding with CircuitlSystem Testing.
If the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter is not 1. Check the integrity of the entire air induction
in range system by verifying that none of the following
conditions exist:
Refer to DTC P0236on page 9-128for further
diagnosis. I Any damaged components
if the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter is I Improperoperation of turbocharger wastegate
within range actuator or bypass valve, where equipped
. Verify the scan tool Boost Pressure Sensor I Improperly installed components
parameter decreases after starting the engine. I Collapsed, restricted, or damaged components
if the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter does I Loose clamps, cracks, or other damage
not.decrease . An air flow restriction
Refer to DTC P0236on page 9-128for further I Restricted airfilter
diagnosis. I Splits, kinks, leaks, or improper connections at
If the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter does the vacuum hoses
decrease I Vacuum leaks at the intake manifold, MAP
. Engine idling, verify the scan tool MAP Sensor sensor, and throttle body
pressure parameter is between 26—52kPa (3.8- . Water intrusion
7.5 psi) and changes with accelerator pedal input. I Any snow or ice buildup, in cold climates
If not between 26—52kPa (3.8—7.5 psi) or does I Contamination of the Multifunction IntakeAir
notchange sensor element
Refer to DTC P0106on page 9—84 for further If a condition is found
Repair or replace component as appropriate.
If between 26—52kPa (3.8—7.5 psi) and changes
If no condition is found
. Verify the scan tool MAF Sensor g/s parameter
changes smoothly and gradually as the engine ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
speed is increased and decreased while the B75CMultifunction IntakeAir sensor.
performing the actions listed below. Test for less than 2 Q between the ground circuit
12.1.Engine idling terminal 4 and ground.
12.2.Perform the scan tool snapshot function. If 2 Q or greater
12.3.Increase the engine speed lewly to 3.1.ignition OFF.
3,000RPM and then back to idle. 3.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the ground circuit and
12.4.Exit from the scan tool snapshot and review to end.
the data. 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
12.5.Observe the MAF Sensor parameter frame in the circuit.
by frame with a scan tool. 2 Ifless than 2 Q, repair the open/high resistance
If the MAF Sensor parameter does not change in the ground connection.
smoothly and gradually If less than 2 Q
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. ignition ON.
If the MAF Sensor parameter changes smoothly .012:
Verify that a test lamp illuminates between the
and gradually ignition circuit terminal 5 and ground.
13. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
Running the DTC. You may also operate the circuit fuse is good
vehicle within the conditions that you observed 5.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp and
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. remove the fuse for the ignition circuit.
14. Verify a DTC does not set. 5.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the ignition circuit and
If any DTC sets to end.
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)List - 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Vehicle on page 6—69for further diagnosis. in the circuit.
if no DTCs set
. All OK

9I80 Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV)
2 Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and 2 if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
there is voltage at the fuse. Module.
2 if the test lamp does not illuminate and the If greater than 5.2 V
circuit fuse is open 6.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness
5.1. ignition OFF, remove the test lamp and connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
remove the fuse for the ignition circuit. 6.2. Ignition ON, test for less than 1 V between the
5.2.Test for infinite resistance between the ignition signal circuit and ground.
circuit and ground. 2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to the circuit.
ground on the circuit. 2 if less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
U Ifinfinite resistance Module.
5.3.Test for greater than 2 Q between the ignition If between 4.8—5.2 V
circuit terminal 5 and ground. Ignition OFF, connect the leads of the EN-38522
2 Ifless than 2 Q, repair the short to ground on Variable Signal Generator as follows:
the circuit. I Red lead to the signal circuittermina13 at the
2 Ifgreater than 2 Q, test all the components harness connector
connected to the circuit and repair or replace as I Black lead to ground
necessary. I Battery voltage supply lead to 8+
If a test lamp illuminates Set the EN-38522Variable Signal Generator to the
. ignition ON, test for 4.8—5.2 volts between the following specifications.
signal circuittermina13 and ground. I Signal switch to 5 V
If less than 4.8 V I Frequency switch to 5 kHz
6.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness I Duty Cycle switch to 50 %(Normal)
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. Engine idling, verify the scan tool MAF Sensor
6.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal parameter is between 4,950—5,050 Hz.
circuit and ground. Hz.
If not between 4,950—5,050
2 if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
Replace the K20 Engine Control Module.
ground on the circuit.
U If between 4,950—5,050 Hz.
U Ifinfinite resistance
10. Test or replace the 8750 Multifunction intake Air
6.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
to end.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance Repair Instructions
in the circuit. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92after completing the repair.
Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement on page 9—246
for multifunction intake air sensor replacement.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for
Engine Control Module replacement,
programming, and setup.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9-81
DTC P0102 or P0103

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to using this diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0102: Mass Air Flow (MAF)Sensor Circuit Low Frequency
DTC P0103: Mass Air Flow (MAF)Sensor Circuit High Frequency

Diagnostic Fault Information

MAF Sensor
Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
IgnitionVoltage P0102 P0102,P01101 P0690 P0101
Sensor P0102,P1101 P0102,P1101 P0102* P0101,P1101
Ground — P0102 — -
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto 8+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

MAF Sensor
Circuit l Short to Ground Open Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: Enginerunningat variousoperatingconditions
ParameterNormalRange:2,000—10,000 Hz .
IgnitionVoltage 0Hz 0Hz —-
Sensor 0Hz 0 Hz 0Hz*
Ground — 0 Hz -
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto 8+

Circuit Description tool as Hertz (Hz)and grams per second (g/s).Vehicle

ignition voltage and ground circuits are also supplied to
The sensors listed below are integrated within the the MAF sensor.
multifunction intake air sensor:
The sensors listed below share an ECM supplied 5 V
I IntakeAir Temperature (IAT)sensor1
reference circuit:
I lAT sensor 2 I IATsensor 2
I Humidity sensor '
I Humidity sensor
I Mass Air Flow (MAF)sensor I Barometric pressure (BARO)sensor
I Barometric (BARO) pressure sensor The sensors listed below share an ECM supplied low
The MAF sensor is an air flow meter that measures the reference circuit:
amount of air flowing in the sensor bore. The engine I lAT sensor1
control module (ECM)uses the MAF-sensor signal to
provide the correct fuel delivery for all engine speeds I lAT sensor 2
and loads. A small quantity of air entering the engine I Humidity sensor
indicates a deceleration or idle condition. A large I Barometric pressure (BARO)sensor
quantity of air entering the engine indicates an
acceleration or high load condition. Conditions for Running the DTCs
The ECM applies 5 V to the MAF sensor signal circuit. I The engine is running for at least1 s.
The sensor produces a variable frequency signal based I The engine speed is at least 300 RPM.
on the inlet airflow through the sensor bore. The signal
varies with engine load and is displayed by the scan I The ignition signal is at least 10 V.

9-82 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV)
I The above conditions are met for at least 1 s. 2. Verify the scan tool MAF Sensor g/s parameter
I The DTC runs continuously when the above changes smoothly and gradually as the engine
conditions are met. speed is increased and decreased while
performing the actions listed below.
Conditions for Setting the DTCs 2.1. Engine idling
P0102 2.2. Perform the scan tool snapshot function.
The ECM detects that the MAF Sensor signal 2.3. increase the engine speed slowly to
parameter is less than 1,837Hz (about 0.39g/s) for at 3,000RPM and then back to idle.
least 250 cylinder firing events. 2.4. Exit from the scan tool snapshot and review
the data.
2.5. Observe the MAF Sensor parameter frame by
The ECM detects that the MAF Sensor signal frame with a scan tool.
parameter is at least 13,200Hz (about 810 gls) for at
2 If the MAF Sensor parameter does not change
least 250 cylinder firing events.
' smoothly and gradually
Action Taken When the DTCs Set Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
DTCS P0102and P0103are Type 8 DTCs. U If the MAF Sensor parameter changes smoothly
and gradually
Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTCs
3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
DTCs P0102and P0103are Type 8 DTCS. Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you observed
Diagnostic Aids from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
Verify that any electrical aftermarketdevices are 4. Verify a DTC does not set.
properly connected and grounded. Refer to Checking
AftermarketAccessories on page 11—525. 2 If any DTC sets
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)List -
Reference Information Vehicle on page 6—69for further diagnosis.
Schematic Reference U If no DTCs set
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 5. All OK
Connector End View Reference CircuitlSystem Testing
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269 Note: You must perform the CircuitlSystem Verification
before proceeding with CircuitlSystem Testing.
Electrical Information Reference
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at
I Circuit Testing on page 11-526 the B75CMultifunction Intake Air sensor.
I Connector Repairs on page 11—548 2. Test for less than 2 Q between the ground circuit
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor terminal 4 and ground.
Connections on page 11-531 2 If 2 Q or greater
I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 2.1. ignition OFF. Disconnect the sensor chassis
DTC Type Reference ground.
2.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the ground circuit end
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)Type to end.
Definitions on page 6—68
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Scan Tool Reference in the circuit.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool 2 If less than 2 Q, repair the open/high resistance
information in the chassis ground connection.
Special Tools U If less than 2 Q
.03 Ignition ON.
EN—38522Variable Signal Generator
4. Verify that a test lamp illuminates between the
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools ignition circuit terminal 5 and ground.
(Diagnostic Tools) on page 9—308.
2 If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
CircuitlSystem Verification circuit fuse is good
1. Engine idling, verify the scan tool MAF Sensor 4.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp and
parameter is between 1.75—5.5 g/s. remove the fuse for the ignition circuit.
2 If not between 1.75—5.5 gls 4.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ignition circuit end
to end.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
U If between 1.75—5.5 gls in the circuit.

Engine Controls/Ftiel I 1.4L (LUV) 9I83
2 If less than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and 2 if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
there is voltage at the fuse. Module.
If the test lamp does not illuminate and the 2 If greater than 5.2 V
circuit fuse is open 5.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness
4.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp and connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
remove the fuse for the ignition circuit. 5.2. IgnitionON, test for less than 1 V between the
4.2.Test for infinite resistance between the ignition signal circuit and ground.
circuit and ground. 2 111V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
2 if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to the circuit.
ground on the circuit. 2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
U If infinite resistance Module.
4.3.Test for greater than 2 Q between the ignition U If between 4.8—5.2 V
circuit terminal 5 and ground. 6. Ignition OFF, connect the leads of the EN—38522
2 Ifless than 2 Q, repair the short to ground on Variable Signal Generator as follows:
the circuit. . Red lead to the signal circuit terminal 3 at the
2 if greater than 2 Q, test all the components harness connector
connected to the circuit and repair or replace as I Black lead to ground
I Battery voltage supply lead to 8+
If a test lamp illuminates 7. Set the EN-38522Variable Signal Generator to the
. ignition ON, test for 4.8—5.2 volts between the following specifications.
signal circuit terminal 3 and ground. I Signal switch to 5 V
If less than 4.8 V I Frequency switch to 5 kHz
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness I Duty Cycle switch to 50 %(Normal)
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
8. Engine idling, verify the scan tool MAF Sensor
5.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal parameter is between 4,950—5,050 Hz.
Circuitand ground.
2 If not between 4,950—5,050 Hz.
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit. Replace the K20 Engine Control Module.
U If infinite resistance U If between 4,950—5,050 Hz.
5.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit and 9. Test or replace the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir
to end. senson
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance Repair Instructions
in the circuit. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92after completing the repair.
. Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement on page 9—246
for multifunction intake air sensor replacement.
I Control Module References on page 6-3 for
Engine Control Module replacement,
programming, and setup.

9I84 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)

DTC P0106

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0106: Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)Sensor Performance

Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
5V Reference P0107,P0697 P0106,P0107 P0108,P0697 P0106
Signal P0107 P0106,P0107 P0108 P0106
LowReference — P0106,P0108 — P0106

Typical Scan Tool Data

MAP Sensor
Circuit I Short to Ground I Open I Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: Enginerunningatvariousoperatingconditions
ParameterNormal Range: 12—103 kPa (1.7—14.9psi)
5 V Reference 0kPa (0psi) 0kPa (0psi) 104kPa (15.1psi)
Signal 0kPa (0psi) 0kPa (0psi) 104kPa (15.1psi)*
LowReference -— 8040311521511
'6_ -
*internaiECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto B+.

MAP Sensor, when equipped with Turbocharger

Circuit I Short to Ground I Open I Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: Enginerunningatvariousoperatingconditions
ParameterNormal Range: 12—225 kPa (1.7—32.6
5 V Reference 0kPa (0psi) 0kPa (0psi) 255kPa (36.9psi)
Signal 0kPa (0psi) 0kPa (0psi) 255kPa (36.9psi)*
LowReference —- 255kPa (36.9psi)
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto 8+.

Circuit Description The MAP sensor wiring includes 3 circuits. The engine
control module (ECM)supplies a regulated 5 volts to
The manifold absolute pressure (MAP)sensor the sensor on a 5 V reference circuit. The ECM supplies
measures the pressure inside the intake manifold. a ground on a low reference circuit. The MAP sensor
Pressure in the intake manifold is affected by engine provides a signal voltage to the ECM, relative to the
speed, throttle opening, air temperature, barometric pressure changes, on the MAP sensor signal circuit.
pressure (BARO); and where equipped turbocharger The ECM converts the signal voltage input to a
output. A diaphragm within the MAP sensor is pressure value.
displaced by the pressure changes that occurfrom the
varying load and operating conditions of the engine. Under normal operation the greatest pressure that can
The sensor translates this action into electrical exist in the intake manifold is at ignition ON, engine
resistance. OFF, which is equal to the BARO. Where equipped, a
turbocharger can increase the pressure above BARO,
when the vehicle is operated at wide—openthrottle
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.41. (LUV) 9I85
(WOT).The lowest manifold pressure occurs when the CircuitlSystem Verification
vehicle is idling or decelerating. The ECM monitors the
MAP sensor signal for pressure outside of the normal 1. IgnitionON.
range. 2. Verify that DTC P0641,P0651,P0697,or P06A3is
not set.
Conditions for Running the DTC if any of the DTCs are set
I DTCs P0107,P0108,P0111,P0112,P0113,
Refer to DTC P0641,P0651,P0697,or P06A3
(ECM)on page 9-182for further diagnosis.
P0335,P0336are not set.
I The engine speed is between 400—6500 RPM. If none of the DTC are set
I The engine coolant temperature (ECT)sensor is Ifyou were sent here from DTC P0068,P0101,
between -7 to +125°C(19.4-257°F). P0121,P0236,or P1101;refer to CircuitlSystem
I The intake air temperature (IAT)sensor is
between -20 to +125°C(-4to +257°F). Ignition ON.
. This DTC runs continuously when the above Verify the scan tool Throttle Body Idle Airflow
conditions are met. Compensation parameter is less than 90 %.
If 90% or greater
Conditions for Setting the DTC
Refer to ThrottleBody Inspection and Cleaning
The ECM detects that the MAP sensor pressure is not on page 9253.
within range of the calculated pressure that is derived
from the system of models for more than 0.5 5. If less than 90%
Verify the scan tool Throttle Position
Action Taken When the DTC Sets Sensors 1 and 2 Agree/Disagree parameter
DTC P0106is a Type B DTC. displays Agree while performing the Throttle
Sweep Test with a scan tool.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC If Disagree
DTC P0106is a Type B DTC. Refer to DTC P0121-P0123,P0222,P0223,
or P2135(LUV)on page 9-102for further
Reference Information diagnosis.
Schematic Reference lf Agree
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 N. Determine the current vehicle testing altitude.
Verify the scan tool MAP Sensor pressure
Connector End View Reference
parameter is within the range specified in the
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 Altitude Versus Barometric Pressure on page 9-26
Description and Operation
If the MAP Sensor parameter is not in range
Turbocharger System Description on page 9-306
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Electrical information Reference If the MAP Sensor parameter is in range
I Circuit Testing on page 11—526 Verify the engine is equipped with a turbocharger.
I Connector Repairs on page 11—548 2 If not equipped with a turbocharger
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor Refer to Step 12.
Connections on page 11-531
if equipped with a turbocharger
I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
. Verify the scan tool Boost Pressure Sensor
DTC Type Reference parameter is within the range specified in the
Altitude Versus Barometric Pressure on page 9-26
Powen‘rain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)Type table. .
Definitions on page 6—68
If the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter is not
Scan Tool Reference in range
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool Refer to DTC P0236on page 9-128for further
information diagnosis.
Special Tools If the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter is in
EN-23738-AVacuum Pump
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools
(Diagnostic Tools) on page 9-308.

9I86 Engine Controls/Fuei I 'l.4L (LUV)
11. Verify the scan tool Boost Pressure Sensor I A restriction in the MAP sensor portor the
parameter decreases after starting the engine. BARO port
2 if the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter does I Proper operation of the Positive Crankcase
not decrease Ventilation (PCV)system
Refer to DTC P0236on page 9-128for further I Missing, restricted or leaking exhaust
diagnosis. components. Refer to Symptoms -Engine
Exhaust on page 9—734.
U If the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter is
within range I Engine mechanical condition; for example: low
compression or incorrect timing chain
12. Engine idling, verify the scan tool MAP Sensor installation. Refer to Symptoms —Engine
pressure parameter is between 26—52kPa (3.8- Mechanical on page 9—770.
7.5 psi) and changes with accelerator pedal input.
If a condition is found
2 if not between 26—52kPa (3.8—7.5 psi) or does
notchange Repair or replace the component as
Refer to Circuit/System Testing.
If no condition is found
U If between 26—52kPa (3.8—7.5 psi) and changes
ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
13. Verify the scan tool MAF Sensor g/s parameter disconnect the B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure
changes smoothly and gradually as the engine sensor. Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle
speed is increased and decreased while systems to powerdown. .
performing the actions listed below.
. Test for less than 2 Q between the low reference
13.1.Engine idling circuit terminal 2 and ground. 1
13.2.Perform the scan tool snapshot function. ‘
If 2 Q or greater
13.3.Increase the engine speed slowly to
3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the K20 Engine
3,000RPM and then back to idle.
Control Module, listed below:
13.4.Exit from the scan tool snapshot and review — X2 harness connector, ECM with 2 face
the data.
mounted connectors
13.5.Observe the MAF Sensor parameter frame — X3 harness connector, ECM with 3 face
by frame with a scan tool.
mounted connectors
2 If the MAF Sensor parameter does not change 3.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
smoothly and gradually circuit end to end.
Refer to DTC P0101on page 9—77. 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
U If the MAF Sensor parameter does change in the circuit.
smoothly and gradually 2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
14. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for Module.
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
If less than 2 Q
vehicle within the conditions that you observed
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. :'> ignition ON.
15. Verify a DTC does not set. Test for 4.8—5.2 V between the 5 V reference circuit
terminal1 and ground.
2 If the DTC sets
If less than 4.8 V
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
5.1.ignition OFF, disconnect the K20 Engine
U If the DTC does not set Control Module, listed below:
16. All OK. — X2 harness connector, ECM with 2 face
mounted connectors
CircuitlSystem Testing
— X3 harness connector, ECM with 3 face
1. Check the integrityof the entire air induction mounted connectors
system and verify that none of the following
conditions exist: 5.2.Test for infinite resistance between the 5V
reference circuit and ground.
I Any damaged components
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
I Improper operation of turbocharger wastegate ground on the circuit.
actuator or bypass valve, where equipped
I Loose or improper installation of the U Ifinfinite resistance I
turbocharger and the charge air cooler, 5.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the 5 V reference
including the flexible ductwork, where equipped circuit and to end.
I An airflow restriction 2 lf2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
I Any vacuum leak in the circuit.
I Improperly routed vacuum hoses 2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
I In cold climates, inspect for any snow or ice
buildup at the BARO port on the ECM, where Note: lfthe signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the
equipped engine control module or the sensor may be damaged.

.-...--“ Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.41.(LUV) 9I87
if greater than 5.2 V Component Testing
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the K20 Engine Note: You must perform the Circuit/System Testing in
Control Module, listed below: order to Check the integrity of the MAP sensor circuits
— X2 harness connector, ECM with 2 face before proceeding with the Component Testing.
mounted connectors
— X3 harness connector, ECM with 3 face Skewed Sensor Test
mounted connectors 1. ignition OFF, remove the B74 Manifold Absolute
5.2. IgnitionON, test for less than 1 V between the Pressure sensor from the engine. Connect the
5 V reference circuit and ground. harness to the sensor, if disconnected.
2 lf1 Vor greater, repair the short to voltage on IgnitionON, apply —17 kPa (5.0ian) of vacuum to
the circuit. the B74Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor, with
the EN-23738—A Vacuum Pump.Verify the scan
2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control tool MAP pressure parameter decreases between
Module. 13—21 kPa (1.8—3.0psi).
If between 4.8—5.2 V If the parameter does not decrease between
. ignition ON, verify the scan tool MAP Sensor 13—21 kPa (1.8—3.0psi).
parameter is less than 0.5 V. Replace the B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure
lf 0.5 V or greater senson
6.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the K20 Engine If the parameter does decrease between 13—21
Control Module, listed below: kPa (1.8—3.0psi).
— X2 harness connector, ECM with 2 face . Apply —34kPa (10.0ian) of vacuum to the
mounted connectors B74Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor, with the
— X3 harness connector, ECM with 3 face EN-23738—A Vacuum Pump.Verify the scan tool
mounted connectors MAP pressure parameter decreases between 30-
38 kPa (4.4—5.5 psi).
6.2. ignition ON, test for less than 1 V between the
signal circuittermina13 and ground. If the parameter does not decrease between
30—38kPa (4.4—5.5 psi).
2 if 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit. Replace the 874 Manifold Absolute Pressure
2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
Module. U If the parameter does decrease between 30—38
kPa (4.4—5.5 psi).
If less than 0.5V
4. All OK.
. IgnitionOFF, install a 3 A fused jumperwire
between the signal circuit terminal 3 and the 5 V Erratic Signal Test
reference circuit terminal 1. 1. IgnitionOFF, remove the B74 Manifold Absolute
. IgnitionON, verify the scan tool MAP voltage Pressure sensor and disconnect the harness.
parameter is greater than 4.5 V. 2. Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the 5 V
If 4.5 V or less reference circuit terminal 1 of the sensor and the
8.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the K20 Engine sensor harness.
Control Module, listed below: Install a jumper wire between the low reference
— X2 harness connector, ECM with 2 face circuit terminal 2 of the sensor and ground.
mounted connectors Install a jumper wire to the signal circuit terminal 3
— X3 harness connector, ECM with 3 face of the sensor.
mounted connectors Connect a DMM between thejumper wire and
8.2. Remove the jumper wire, test for infinite ground.
resistance between the signal circuit IgnitionON, observe the DC voltage on the DMM.
termina13and ground. Slowly apply between 0-15kPa of vacuum to the
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to sensor with the EN-23738-AVacuum Pump.Verify
ground on the circuit. the voltage changes, without any spikes or
dropouts, between 4.9—0.2 V.
U 1finfinite resistance
If not between 4.9—0.2 Vor has spikes or
8.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end dropouts
to end.
Replace the B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open or high senson
resistance in the circuit.
lf between 4.9—0.2 V and there are no spikes or
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control dropouts
. All OK.
if greater than 4.5 V
. Test or replace the B74 Manifold Absolute
Pressure sensor.

988 Engine Controls/Fuei I 1.4L (LUV)

Repair Instructions Control Module References on page 6—3for

Engine Control Module replacement,
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on programming and setup
page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
I Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Replacement
on page 9-248

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.41.(LUV) 9I89
DTC P0107 or P0108

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to using this diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0107: Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0108: Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)Sensor Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

Opeanigh Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
5 V Reference P0107,P0697 P0106,P0107 P0108,P0697 P0106
Signal P0107 P0106,P0107 P0108 P0106
LowReference —— P0106,P0108 — P0106

Typical Scan Tool Data

MAP Sensor
Circuit I Short to Ground I Open I Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: Enginerunningat variousoperatingconditions
ParameterNormal Range: 12—103 kPa (1.7—14.9 psi)
5 V Reference 0kPa (0psi) 0kPa (0psi) 104kPa (15.1psi)
Signal 0kPa (0psi) 0kPa (0psi) 104kPa (15.1psi)*
LowReference —— 804(1):.I9Ppasig11'6— -
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto 8+.

MAP Sensor, When equipped with Turbocharger

Circuit I Short to Ground I Open I Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: Enginerunningatvariousoperatingconditions
ParameterNormal Range: 12—225 kPa (1.7—32.6
5 V Reference 0kPa (0psi) 0kPa (0psi) 255kPa (36.9psi)
Signal 0kPa (0psi) 0 kPa (0psi) 255kPa (36.9psi)*
LowReference - 255kPa (36.9psi)
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto 8+.

Circuit Description The MAP sensor wiring includes 3 circuits. The engine
control module (ECM)supplies a regulated 5 volts to
The manifold absolute pressure (MAP)sensor
the sensor on a 5 V reference circuit. The ECM supplies
measures the pressure inside the intake manifold.
a ground on a low reference circuit. The MAP sensor
Pressure in the intake manifold is affected by engine
provides a signal voltage to the ECM, relative to the
speed, throttle opening, air temperature, barometric
pressure changes, on the MAP sensor signal circuit.
pressure (BARO); and where equipped turbocharger
The ECM converts the signal voltage input to a
output.A diaphragm within the MAP sensor is
pressure value.
displaced by the pressure changes that occur from the
varying load and operating conditions of the engine. Under normal operation the greatest pressure that can
The sensor translates this action into electrical exist in the intake manifold is at ignition ON, engine
resistance. OFF, which is equal to the BARO. Where equipped, a

990 Engine Controls/Fuel I 'i.4L (LUV)
Electrical information Reference
turbocharger can increase the pressure above BARO,
when the vehicle is operated at wide-open throttle I Circuit Testing on page 11-526
(WOT).The lowest manifold pressure occurs when the Connector Repairs on page 11—548
vehicle is idling or decelerating. The ECM monitors the
MAP sensor signal for pressure outside of the normal I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
range. Connections on page 11-531
I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
Conditions for Running the DTC
DTC Type Reference
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)Type
I DTCs P0120,P0121,P0122,P0123,P0220, Definitions on page 6—68
P0221,P0222,P0223or P0641are not set
I The engine speed is between 400—6500 RPM. Scan Tool Reference
I The throttle position is greater than or equal to 0% Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
when the engine speed is less than or equal to information
1 000 RPM
Special Tools
I The throttle position is greater than or equal to EN—23738—A Vacuum Pump
12.5%when the engine speed is greater than For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools
1 000 RPM. (Diagnostic Tools) on page 9—308.
I This DTC runs continuously when the above CircuitlSystem Verification
conditions are met. -
1. Ignition ON.
2. Verify that DTC P0641,P0651,P0697,or P06A3is
I The engine has been running for a length of time not set.
that is determined by the start up coolant
temperature. The length of time ranges from 2 If any of the DTCs are set
5.5 minutes at colder than -30°C (~22°F) to 10 s Refer to DTC P0641,P0651,P0697,or P06A3
at greater than 30°C (+86°F). (ECM)on page 9-182for further diagnosis.
. DTCS P0120,P0121,P0122,P0123,P0220, U If none of the DTCs are set
P0221,P0222,P0223or P0641are not set
3. Engine idling, verify the scan tool MAP voltage
I The throttle position is less than or equal to 1% parameter is between 03—48V and changes with
when the engine speed is less than or equal to accelerator pedal input.
1 200 RPM. V or does not change
2 If not between 0.3—4.8
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
I The throttle position is less than or equal to 20%
when the engine speed is greater than 1 200 RPM. U If between 0.3—4.8 V and changes
I This DTC runs continuously when the above 4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
conditions are met. Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you observed in
Conditions for Setting the DTC the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
P0107 5. Verify the DTC does not set.
2 If the DTC sets
The ECM detects that the MAP sensor voltage is less
than 0.05V for greater than 5 s. Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
P0108 U If the DTC does not set
The ECM detects that the MAP sensor voltage is more 6. All OK.
than 4.9 V for greater than 5 s.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
DTCs P0107and P0108are Type 8 DTCs.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
DTCs P0107and P0108are Type B DTCs.
Reference Information
Schematic Reference ‘
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28
Connector End View Reference
Component Connector End Views on page 11269

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 991
CircuitlSystem Testing 2 if less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
1. IgnitionOFF and all Vehicle systems OFF,
disconnect the B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure U If between 4.8—5.2 V
sensor. Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle 5. ignition ON, verify the scan tool MAP Sensor
systems to power down. parameter is less than 0.5 V.
Test for less than 2 Q between the low reference 2 If 0.5 V or greater
circuit terminal 2 and ground.
5.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the K20 Engine
if 2 Q or greater Control Module, listed below:
2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the K20 Engine — X2 harness connector, ECM with 2 face
Control Module, listed below: mounted connectors
— X2 harness connector, ECM with 2 face — X3 harness connector, ECM with 3 face
mounted connectors mounted connectors
— X3 harness connector, ECM with 3 face 2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
mounted connectors the circuit.
2.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference 2 if less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
circuit and to end. Module.
2 lf2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance U If less than 0.5 V
in the circuit.
6. Ignition OFF, install a 3 A fused jumper wire
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control between the signal circuit terminal 3 and the 5 V
Module. reference circuit terminal 1.
If less than 2 Q 7. ignition ON, verify the scan tool MAP voltage
9° IgnitionON. parameter is greater than 4.5 V.
Test for 4.8—5.2 V between the 5 V reference circuit 2 If 4.5 V or less
termina|1 and ground. 7.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the K20 Engine
If less than 4.8 V Control Module, listed below:
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the K20 Engine — X2 harness connector, ECM with 2 face
Control Module, listed below: mounted connectors
— X2 harness connector, ECM with 2 face — X3 harness connector, ECM with 3 face
mounted connectors mounted connectors
— X3 harness connector, ECM with 3 face 7.2. Remove the jumper wire, test for infinite
mounted connectors resistance between the signal circuit
4.2.Test for infinite resistance between the 5 V terminal 3 and ground.
reference circuit and ground. 2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to ground on the circuit.
ground on the circuit. U lf infinite resistance
U Ifinfinite resistance 7.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit and
4.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the 5 V reference to end.
circuit end to end. 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open or high
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance resistance in the circuit.
in the circuit. 2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
2 if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control Module.
Module. U If greater than 4.5 V
Note: lfthe signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the 8. Test or replace the B74 Manifold Absolute
engine control module or the sensor may be damaged. Pressure sensor.
2 If greater than 5.2 V Component Testing
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the K20 Engine Note: You must perform the CircuitlSystem Testing in
Control Module, listed below: order to Check the integrity of the MAP sensor circuits
— X2 harness connector, ECM with 2 face before proceeding with the Component Testing.
mounted connectors
— X3 harness connector, ECM with 3 face
mounted connectors
4.2. IgnitionON, test for less than 1 V between the
5 V reference circuit and ground.
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.

9—92 Engine Controls/Fuel . "1.4L(LUV)
Skewed Sensor Test Install a jumperwire between the low reference
circuit terminal 2 of the sensor and ground.
1. ignition OFF, remove the B74 Manifold Absolute
Pressure sensor from the engine. Connect the Install a jumper wire to the signal circuit terminal 3
harness to the sensor, if disconnected. of the sensor.
. IgnitionON, apply —17 kPa (5.0ian) of vacuum to Connect a DMM between the jumper wire and
the B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor, with ground.
the EN—23738—A Vacuum Pump.Verify the scan Ignition ON, observe the DC voltage on the DMM.
tool MAP pressure parameter decreases between Slowly apply between 0-15kPa of vacuum to the
13—21 kPa (1.8—3.0psi). sensor with the EN—23738—A Vacuum Pump.Verify
if the parameter does not decrease between the voltage changes, without any spikes or
13—21kPa (1.8-3.0psi). dropouts, between 4.9—0.2 V.
Replace the B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure If not between 4.9—0.2 V or has spikes or
sensor dropouts
If the parameter does decrease between 13—21 Replace the B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure
kPa (1.8—3.0psi). sensor
. Apply —34kPa (10.0ian) of vacuum to the U If between 4.9—0.2 V and there are no spikes or
B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor, with the dropouts
EN-23738-AVacuum Pump.Verify the scan tool 7. All OK.
MAP pressure parameter decreases between 30-
38 kPa (4.4—5.5 psi). Repair instructions
if the parameter does not decrease between Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
30—38kPa (4.4—5.5 psi). page 6—92 after completing the diagnostic procedure.
Replace the B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Replacement
senson on page 9—248
U if the parameter does decrease between 30-38 Control Module References on page 6-3 for
kPa (4.4—5.5 psi). Engine Control Module replacement,
programming and setup
4. AMOK.
Erratic Signal Test
1. ignition OFF, remove the B74 Manifold Absolute
Pressure sensor and disconnect the harness.
2. Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the 5 V
reference circuit terminal 1 of the sensor and the
sensor harness.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9-93

DTC P0112, P0113, or P0114

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to using this diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0112: IntakeAir Temperature (IAT)Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0113: IntakeAir Temperature (IAT)Sensor Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0114: IntakeAir Temperature (IAT)Sensor Circuit Intermittent
Diagnostic Fault Information

lAT Sensor1
Open/High Signal .
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
Sensor P0112, P0114,
P2199 P0113, P0114, P0113,
P2199 P0114,
P2199* P0111,
LowReference — P11C2,P2227, * -
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto 8+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

lAT Sensor1
Open or High
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: EngineRunning
Sensor 150°C(302°F) —40°c(-40°F) —40°C(—40°F)*
LowReference —— —40°C(—40°F) —40°c(—40°F)*
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto 8+

CircuitlSystem Description The sensors listed below share an ECM supplied low
reference circuit:
The sensors listed below are integrated within the
multifunction intake air sensor: I lAT sensor1
I lAT sensor 1 I lAT sensor 2
. lAT sensor 2 I Humidity sensor
I Humidity sensor I Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor
I MAF sensor
lAT Sensor 1 — Temperature, Resistance,
I BARO pressure sensor Voltage Table
The intake air temperature (IAT)sensor1 is a variable
resistor that changes the voltage on the engine control lAT Sensor 1 lAT Sensor1
modu|e(ECM)supp1ied 5 V signal circuit. The signal lAT Sensor1 Resistance Signal Voltage
varies with inlet air temperature in the sensor bore and Cold High High
is displayed by the scan tool as °C (°F). Warm Low Low
The sensors listed below share an ECM supplied 5 V
reference circuit:
I lATsensor 2
. Humidity sensor
I BARO pressure sensor
. Sonic
9.94 Engine Controls/Fuel I "1.4L(LUV)

Conditions for Running the DTCs CircuitlSystem Verification

P0112,P0113,and P0114 Note: To minimize the effects of residual engine heat
and sensor internal heating elements, perform Steps 1
I The ignition is ON, or the engine is running. and 2 of this verification procedure only if the ignition
I The DTCs run continuously when the above has been OFF for 8 hours or more.
conditions are met.
1. Ignition ON, verify the following scan tool
Conditions for Setting the DTCs parameters are within 25°C(45°F)of each other.
I Start—UpIAT Sensor1
I lAT Sensor 2
The ECM detects that the IATsensor signal is warmer
than 149°C(300°F)for at least 5 s. I lAT Sensor3, where equipped
2 If not within 25°C(45°F)
Refer to Circuit/System Testing.
Note: The scan tool display range is between -40 and
+150°C(—40and +302°F). U If within 25°C(45°F)
2. Engine idling, verify the following scan tool
The ECM detects that the IATsensor signal is colder parameters are between: —38and +149°C(—36
than -60°C (-76°F)for at least 5 s. and +300°F).
P0114 I lAT Sensor1
The ECM detects that the IATsensor signal is I lAT Sensor 2
intermittentor has abruptly changed for at least 5 3. I lAT Sensor 3, where equipped
Action Taken When the DTCs Set 2 If not between: -38 and +149°C(-36and
I DTCs P0112,P0113,and P0114are
Type B DTCs. Refer to Circuit System Testing.
I The ECM commands the cooling fans ON. c If between: -38 and +149°C(-36and +300°F)
3. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
Conditions for Clearing the DTCs running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
DTCs P0112,P0113,and P0114are Type B DTCS. within the conditions that you observed from the
freeze frame/failure records data.
Diagnostic Aids
4. Verify the DTCs do not set.
With the ignition ON, when the engine is cold and not
2 If any of the DTCs set
running, a properly functioning lAT sensor1 will
gradually increase the scan tool lAT Sensor1 Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
parameter. This is due to the heat that is generated by U if none of the DTCs set
the multifunction intake air sensor internal heating
elements. 5 All OK

Reference Information CircuitlSystem Testing

1. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
Schematic Reference disconnect the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28 sensor. Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle
systems to power down.
Connector End View Reference 2. Test for less than 2 Q between the low reference
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 circuit terminal 7 and ground.
Electrical Information Reference 2 If 2 Q or greater
2.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness
I Circuit Testing on page 11-526 connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
I Connector Repairs on page 11-548 2.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor circuit end to end.
Connections on page 11-531 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open or high
I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 resistance in the circuit.
DTC Type Reference 2 if less than 2 Q replace the K20 Engine Control
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6-68 U If less than 2 Q

Scan Tool Reference

Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9.95
3. Ignition ON, test for4.8—5.2 V between signal Component Testing
circuit terminal 8 and ground.
:> If less than 4.8 V Multifunction Intake Air Sensor
3.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness 1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. the B75C Multifunction IntakeAir sensor.
3.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal Note: A thermometer can be used to test the sensor
circuit and ground. off the vehicle.
2 if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to 2. Test the IATsensor1 by varying the sensor
ground on the circuit. temperature while monitoring the sensor
resistance. Compare the readings with the
U Ifinfinite resistance Temperature Versus Resistance - Intake Air
3.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit and Temperature Sensor (Bosch Sensor) on page 9-26
to end. or Temperature Versus Resistance - Intake Air
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance Temperature Sensor (Delco Sensor) on page 9-26
in the circuit. table for Bosch Sensors. The resistance values
should be in range of the table values.
2 if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Module. 2 If not within the specified range.
z) If greater than 5.2 V Replace the B75CMultifunction Intake Air
Note: Ifthe signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the
engine control module or the sensor may be damaged. U If within the specified range.
3.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness 3. All OK
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. Repair Instructions
3.2. IgnitionON, test for less than 1 V between the Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
signal circuit and ground. page 6-92after completing the repair.
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on I Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement on page 9-246
the circuit. for multifunction intake air sensor replacement.
2 if less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control I Control Module References on page 6-3 for
Module. Engine Control Module replacement,
If between 4.8—5.2 V programming, and setup.
Test or replace the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir

9I96 Engine Controis/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)

DTC P0116

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0116: Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Performance
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance

SignalCircuit P0117 P0118 P0118* P01Ia%1':%119’

LowReference — P0118 P0118" P0128

*ECMor sensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto 8+

Typical Scan Tool Data

ECT Sensor
Circuit I Short to Ground I Open I Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: Engineoperatingin closedloop
ParameterNormal Range:Varieswithcoolanttemperature
Signal 140°C(284°F) (—40°F)
—40°c (-40°F)
LowReference (—40°F)
—40°c (-40°F)

CircuitlSystem Description I The ignition has been off for greater than 8 h
before the engine is started.
The engine coolant temperature (ECT)sensor is a
variable resistor that measures the temperature of the I This DTC runs continuously within the enabling
engine coolant. The engine control module (ECM) conditions.
supplies 5 V to the ECT sensor signal circuit and a Conditions for Setting the DTC
ground for the low reference circuit.
The purpose of this diagnostic is to determine if the P0116Engine Running, Sensor Signal Stuck Test
input from the ECT sensor is skewed warmer than I The ECM detects that the ECT sensor signal has
normal. The internal clock of the ECM will record the abruptly changed a minimum of 20°C(68°F)
amount of time the engine is OFF. Ifthe required engine warmer than intake air temperature (IAT)at engine
OFF time is met at start—up,the ECM will compare the start.
temperature difference between the actual measured I The measured ECT is greater than measured lAT
ECT and a calibrated ECT model. The information for at engine start, is not within range of the calibrated
this model is derived from the previous drive cycle and model.
includes the accumulated mass air flow (MAF),the
engine run time, the ambient air temperature and the P0116Engine Running, Sensor Within Range Test
ECT at the end of the drive cycle. I The ECT at engine start is not within range of the
1fthe ECM detects that the temperature difference calibrated model.
between the measured and modeled ECT is not within . The ECT is greater than measured lAT at engine
an acceptable operating range of each other, then the start, is not within range of the calibrated model.
ECM will continue to run this diagnostic to determine if
a block heater was active during the engine OFF time. Action Taken When the DTC Sets
Conditions for Running the DTC I DTC P0116is a Type B DTC.
I The cooling fans will be commanded ON.
I The ignition is ON, or the engine is running.
I The NC compressor will be commanded OFF.
I DTCs P0111,P0112,P0113,P0117,P0118,
P0722,P0723or P2610are not set.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9-97
Conditions for Clearing the DTC CircuitlSystem Verification
DTC P0116is a Type 8 DTC. 1. Ignition ON, observe the DTC information with a
scan tool. Verify that DTC P0112,P0113,P0117,
Diagnostic Aids or P0118are not set.
inspect the ECT sensor terminals for corrosion 2 if any of the DTCs are set, refer to Diagnostic
and for engine coolant leaking through the sensor. Trouble Code (DTC)List —Vehicle on
Engine coolant that is leaking through the sensor page 6—69.
will create a high resistance short to ground. This
condition results in less voltage on the ECT sensor . Ignition OFF, inspect the cooling system surge tank
signal circuit, which is interpreted by the ECM as a for the proper coolant level. Refer to Loss of
warmer ECT. Coolant on page 9-625and Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9—628.
An intake air temperature (lAT) sensor that is
biased colder at various ambient temperatures . if the ignition has been OFF for 8 h or greater,
due to greater resistance than is normal will observe the scan tool parameters list below. The
increase the range between these 2 sensors. temperatures should be within 20°C(68°F).
Measure and record the resistance of the IAT I ECTSensor
sensor at various ambient temperatures, then I lAT Sensor
compare those measurements to the Temperature Engine running, observe the ECT Sensor
vs. Resistance table. Refer to Temperature Versus parameter. The reading should be between —39to
Resistance (ECT)on page 9-26. +120°C(~38to +148°F)depending on the current
Test the ECT sensor at various temperature levels ambient temperature and the vehicle operating
in order to evaluate the possibility of a biased conditions.
sensor. A sensor that is biased warmer can result Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
in a driveability condition. Refer to Temperature running the DTC to verify the DTC does not reset.
Versus Resistance (E CT) on page 9-26. You may also operate the vehicle within the
A slight to moderate resistance in the IATsensor conditions that you observed from the freeze
signal circuit or low reference circuit will increase frame/failure records data.
the range between these two sensors. This
condition results in a greater voltage on the IAT CircuitlSystem Testing
sensor signal circuit, which is interpreted by the 1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at
ECM as a colder lAT. the 834 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor.
Ifthe condition is intermittent,allow the vehicle to 2. inspect the 834 Engine Coolant Temperature
sit for greater than 8 h with the ignition OFF, may Sensor terminals for corrosion and for engine
help isolate the condition. Compare the scan tool coolant leaking through the sensor.
and ECT Sensor temperature sensor values at
ignition on. The Radiator Coolant Temperature Ignition OFF for 1 min, test for less than 5 Q
Sensor and the ECT Sensor values should display between the low reference circuit terminal 2 and
within 3°C (5°F). ground.
2 Ifgreater than the specified range, test the low
Reference Information reference circuit for an open/high resistance.
if the circuit tests normal, replace the
Schematic Reference K20 Engine Control Module.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28 Ignition ON, verify the scan tool ECT Sensor
Connector End View Reference parameter is colder than —39°C(-38°F).
2 Ifgreater than the specified range, test the
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269 signal circuit terminal 1 for a short to ground.
Electrical Information Reference Ifthe circuit tests normal, replace the
K20 Engine Control Module.
Circuit Testing on page 11-526 Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal
Connector Repairs on page 11-548 circuit terminal 1 and the low reference circuit
Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor terminal 2. Verify the scan tool ECT Sensor
Connections on page 11—531 parameter is greater than 130°C(266°F).
Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 2 If less than the specified range, test the signal
circuit for a short to voltage or an open/high
DTC Type Reference resistance. Ifthe circuit tests normal, replace
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type the K20 Engine Control Module.
Definitions on page 6-68 if all circuits test normal, test or replace the
834 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor.
Scan Tool Reference
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool

998 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)

Component Testing Repair instructions

Static Test Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
1. Ignitionoff,disconnect the harness connector at
the 834 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor. Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
Replacement (Water Outlet) on page 9-244or
Note: A thermometer can be used to test the sensor off Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
vehicle. Replacement (Thermostat) on page 9-246or
2. Test the 834 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
by varying the sensor temperature while Replacement (Radiator) on page 9-245
monitoring the sensor resistance. Compare the Control Module References on page 6—3for ECM
readings with the Temperature Versus Resistance replacement, programming and setup
(ECT)on page 9-26table and verify that the
resistance is within 5% of the specification.
2 if not within the specified range, replace the
834 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I ‘l.4L (LUV) 9.99
DTC P0117, P0118, or P0119
Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0117: Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0118: Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)Sensor Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0119: Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)Sensor Circuit Intermittent

Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
Signal P0117 P0118, P0119 P0118*,P0119 P0116, P0128
LowReference —— P0118, P0119 — P0128
*ECMor sensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto 8+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

ECT Sensor
Circuit I Short to Ground I Open I Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: Enginerunningatvariousoperatingconditions
ParameterNormal Range:Varieswithenginecoolanttemperature
Signal 140°C(284°F) —40°C(—40°F) -40°C(—40°F)
LowReference —40°c(—40°F) -

CircuitlSystem Description I The engine is running for greater than 10 5.

The engine coolant temperature (ECT)sensor is a OR
variable resistor that measures the temperature of the I The engine run time is less than 10 s when the lAT
engine coolant. The engine control module (ECM) is warmer than 0°C (32°F).
supplies 5V to the ECTsensor signal circuit and a I This DTC runs continuously within the enabling
ground for the low reference circuit. This diagnostic conditions.
checks for an open, short to ground or an intermittent
circuit condition between the ECM and ECT sensor. P0119
I This DTC runs continuously within the enabling
Conditions for Running the DTC conditions.
Conditions for Setting the DTC
I The ignition is ON.
OR P0117
. The engine is running for greaterthan 10 8. The ECM detects that the ECT is warmer than 149°C
(300°F)for greater than 5 s.
. The engine run time is less than 10 s when the P0118
intake air temperature (IAT)is colder than 50°C The ECM detects that the ECT is colder than —39°C
(122°F). (—38°F)for greater than 5 s.
. This DTC runs continuously within the enabling P0119
The ECM detects that the ECT is intermittentor has
P0118 abruptly changed for greater than 4 seconds.
I The ignition is ON.

9I100 Engne Controls/Fuei I 1.4L(LUV)

Action Taken When the DTC Sets CircuitlSystem Testing

I DTC P0117,P0118or P0119areaTypeB DTC. 1. Ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
disconnect the harness connector at the
I The cooling fans will be commanded ON. 834 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor. it may
I The Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge is take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to
inoperative. power down. .
I The AC compressorwill be commanded OFF. 2. Test for less than 5 Q between the low reference
circuit terminal 2 and ground.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
2 If 5 Q or greater
DTC P0117,P0118or P0119are a Type 8 DTC.
2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
Reference Information connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
Schematic Reference
circuit end to end.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 2 lf2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Connector End View Reference in the circuit.
2 if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Component Connector End Views on page 11269 Module.
Electrical Information Reference U If less than 5 Q
I Circuit Testing on page 11—526 .03 Ignition ON.
I Connector Repairs on page 11-548 4. Verify the scan tool ECT Sensor parameter is
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor colder than -39°C (—38°F).
Connections on page 11-531 2 If warmer than —39°C(-38°F)
I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
DTC Type Reference
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)Type circuit terminal 1 and ground.
Definitions on page 6-68 2 If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
Scan Tool Reference ground on the circuit.
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool 2 Ifinfinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
information Control Module.
U If colder than -39°c (-38°F)
CircuitlSystem Verification
5. Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal
1. Ignition ON. circuit terminal 1 and the low reference circuit
2. Verify the scan tool ECT Sensor parameter is terminal 2.
between —39to +120°C(—38to +248°F)and 6. Verify the scan tool ECT sensor parameter is
changes with engine run time. warmer than 137°C(280°F).
2 If not between -39 to +120°C(-38to +248°F)or 2 If colder than 137°C(280°F)
does not change 6.1. IgnitionOFF, remove thejumperwire,
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. disconnect the harness connector at the
U lf between -39 to +120°C(-38to +248°F)and K20 Engine Control Module, ignition ON.
changes 6.2. Test for less than 1 V between the signal
3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for circuit and ground.
Running the DTC. You may also operate the 2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
vehicle within the conditions that you observed the circuit.
from the Freeze Frame/Faiiure Records data. U |f|essthan1V
4. Verify the DTC does not set. 6.3. IgnitionOFF.
2 If the DTC sets 6.4.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit and
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. to end.
U If the DTC does not set 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
5. All OK. in the circuit.
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
U If warmer than 137°C(280°F)
7. Test or replace the 834 Engine Coolant
Temperature Sensor.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9I101
Component Testing 3. Test for infinite resistance between each terminal
and the sensor housing.
1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the 834 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor. 2 If less than infinite resistance
2. Test the ECT sensor by varying the sensor Replace the 834 Engine Coolant Temperature
temperature while monitoring the sensor Sensor.
resistance. Compare the readings with the U Ifinfinite resistance
Temperature Versus Resistance (ECT) on
page 9-26table. The resistance values should be 4. All OK.
in range of the table values. Repair Instructions
2 If not within the specified range Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
2 Replace the 834 Engine Coolant Temperature page 6-92after completing the repair.
Sensor. I Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
U if within the specified range Replacement (Water Outlet) on page 9-244or
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
Replacement (Thermostat) on page 9-246or
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
Replacement (Radiator) on page 9-245
I Engine Control Module Replacement on
page 9-242engine control module replacement,
programming, and setup

9402 Engine Controls/Fuei I 'i.4L (LUV)

DTC P0121-P0123, P0222, P0223, or P2135 (LUV)

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to using this diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0121: Throttle Position Sensor1 Performance
DTC P0122: Throttle Position Sensor1 Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0123: Throttle Position Sensor1 Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0222: Throttle Position Sensor2 Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0223: Throttle Position Sensor2 Circuit High Voltage
DTC P2135: Throttle Position Sensors 12 Not Plausible

Diagnostic Fault lnformatiOn

Short to High Short to Signal

Circuit Ground Resistance Open Voltage Performance
P2135 P0122,
P0222 P06A3,
P2135 P0068,P0121
5 V Reference P06A3
ThrottlePositionSensor1 Signal P0122 P2135 P0122 P0123 P0068,P0121
ThrottlePositionSensor2 Signal P0222 P2135 P0223 P0223 P0068,P0121
—— P2135 P0123,
P0223 — P0068,P0121

Typical Scan Tool Data

Throttle Position Sensor1

Circuit I Short to Ground I Open Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: Enginerunningatvariousoperatingconditions
Normal Range:4.75—0.35V
5V Reference 0V 0V 5V
ThrottlePositionSensor1 Signal 0V 0V 5V
LowReference — 4—5V -

Throttle Position Sensor 2

Circuit I Short to Ground I Open Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: Enginerunningatvariousoperatingconditions
ParameterNormalRange: 0.35—4.65V
5V Reference 0V 0V 5V
ThrottlePositionSensor2 Signal 0V 5V 5V
LowReference — 5V -

CircuitlSystem Description control module (ECM)supplies the throttle position

sensors with a common 5 V reference circuit, a
The throttle body assembly contains 2 throttle position common low reference circuit, and two independent
sensors. The throttle position sensors are mounted to signal circuits.
the throttle body assembly and are not serviceable. The
throttle position sensors provide a signal voltage that
changes relative to throttle blade angle. The engine

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuei «1.4L (LUV) 9403
The throttle position sensorshave opposite Action Taken When the DTC Sets
functionality. throttleposition sensor1 signal voltage
decreases and throttle position sensor2 signal voltage I DTC P0122,P0123, P0222,P0223,and P2135
increasesas the accelerator pedal increasesto wide are Type A DTCs.
open throttle (WOT). I DTC P0121 is a Type B DTC.
I The ECM commands the TAC system to operate
Conditions for Running the DTC in the Reduced Engine Power mode.
P0122,P0123,P0222,and P0223 I A message center or an indicator displays
I DTC P06A3 is not set. Reduced Engine Power.
I The run/crank or powertrain relay voltage is . Under certain conditions the control module
greater than 6 Vand reduced power is not active. commands the engine OFF.
I The ignition is ON or the engine is operating. Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
I DTC P0122,P0123, P0222,P0223run I DTCs P0122,P0123, P0222,P0223,and P2135
‘ continuously when the above conditions are met. are TypeA DTCs.
P0121 I DTC P0121 is a Type B DTC.
I No Active or Pending DTCs.
Diagnostic Aids
I The engine speed is between 400—7,000RPM.
I A high resistance condition on the throttle position
I The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is between and throttle actuator control circuitscould cause a
—7to +125°C(19—257°F). DTC to set.
I The intake air temperature (IAT) is between —20to I Ifthe accelerator pedal is pressedto the wide
+125°C(—4to +257°F). open throttle position, the throttleblade angle or
I DTC P0121 runscontinuously when the above Throttle Positionangle is limited to lessthan
conditions are met. 40 percent.
P2135 Reference Information
. DTC P0122,P0123, P0222,P0223,or P06A3 is
not set. Schematic Reference
I The run/crank or powertrain relay voltage is Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
greater than 6 Vand reduced power is not active.
Connector End View Reference
I The ignition is ON or the engine is operating.
I DTC P2135runscontinuously when the above Component Connector End Viewson page 11-269
conditions are met. Description and Operation
Conditions for Setting the DTC ThrottleActuator Control (TAC) System Description on
page 9—305
The ECM detects the throttle position sensoris stuck Electrical Information Reference
within range for greater than 1 s. I Circuit Testing on page 11—526
P0122 I Connector Repairs on page 11—548
The ECM detects the throttle position sensor1voltage I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
is lessthan 0.325V for greater than 1 s. Connections on page 11-531
I WiringRepairs on page 11—537
The ECM detects the throttle position sensor1voltage DTC Type Reference
is greater than 4.75V for greater than 1 s. Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
P0222 Definitions on page 6-68
The ECM detects that the throttle position sensor2 Scan Tool Reference
voltage is lessthan 0.25V for greater than 1 s. Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
P0223 information -
The ECM detects the throttle position sensor2 voltage CircuitlSystem Verification
is greater than 4.59V for greater than 1 s.
1. IgnitionON.
P2135 2. Ifyou were sent here from DTC P0068, P0101,
The ECM detects the difference between the throttle P0106, or P1101 refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
position sensor1and throttle position sensor2exceeds
a predetermined value for greater than 1 s.

9404 Engine Controis/Fuei - ’i.41. (LUV)
3. Verify that DTC P0641,P0651,P0697, or P06A3 is 11.4.Exit from the scantool snapshot and review
not set. ' the data.
If any of the DTCs are set 11.5.Observe the MAF Sensorparameter frame
by frame with a scantool.
Refer to DTC P0641,P0651,P0697, or P06A3
(ECM) on page 9-182for further diagnosis. The MAF Sensor parameter does not change
smoothly and gradually
If none of the DTCs are set
Verify the scantool Throttle Body Idle Airflow Refer to DTC P0101 on page 9-77.
Compensation parameter is lessthan 90 %. The MAF Sensor parameter changes smoothly
90 % or greater and gradually
12. Verify the scantool Boost PressureSensor
Refer to Throttle Body Inspection and Cleaning pressureand BARO parameters are within 3
on page 9-253. kPa (0.4psi).
If less than 90 % The parameters are not within 3 kPa (0.4psi)
Verify the scan tool Throttle Position Sensor1and
Throttle Position Sensor2 voltage parameters are Refer to DTC P0236on page 9-128.
between 1.0—4.0 Vand change with accelerator The parameters are within 3 kPa (0.4psi)
pedal input. . Verify the scan tool MAP Sensorparameter and
If not between 1.0—4.0 V or does not change the Boost PressureSensorparameter are within
20 kPa (2.9psi)during a WOT acceleration at the
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing time of the 1—2shift.
If between 1.0—4.0 V and changes The parameters are not within 20 kPa (2.9psi)
Verify the scantool Throttle Position Sensor1and
Refer to DTC P0236on page 9-128.
2 Agree/Disagree parameter displaysAgree while
performing the Throttle Sweep Test with a The parameters are within 20 kPa (2.9psi)
scantool. . Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
if Disagree Running the DTC. You may alsooperate the
vehicle within the conditions that you observed
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing from the Freeze Frame/Failure Recordsdata.
If Agree . Verify the DTCdoes not set.
Determine the current vehicle testing altitude. If the DTC sets
Verify the scan tool MAP Sensorpressure
parameter is within range specified in the Altitude Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
VersusBarometric Pressureon page 9-26table. U If the DTC does not set
The MAP Sensor pressure is not in range 16. AMOK
Refer to DTC P0106 on page~9—84. CircuitlSystem Testing
The MAP Sensor pressure is within range Note: Disconnecting the throttle body harness
Engine idling. connector causesadditional DTCs to set.
Verify the scan toot MAP Sensorpressure 1. Ignition OFF, and all vehicle systemsOFF,
parameter is between 26—52kPa (3.8—7.5 psi)and disconnect the harnessconnector at Q38 throttle
changes with accelerator pedal input. body. it may take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle
If not between 26—52kPa (3.8—7.5 psi) or does systemsto power down.
not change Test for lessthan 5 0 between the tow reference
Refer to DTC P0106 on page 9-84. circuit terminal C and ground.
ii If between 26—52kPa (3.8-7.5psi)and changes If 5 Q or greater
. Verify the scan tool MAF Sensorg/s parameter 2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
changes smoothly and gradually as the engine connector at the K20 engine control module.
speed is increased and decreased while 2.2.Test for lessthan 2 Q in the low reference
performing the actions listed below. circuit end to end.
11.1.Engine idling :> If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
11.2.Perform the scan tool snapshot function. in the circuit.
11.3.Increase the engine speed slowlyto =>Iflessthan 2 Q, replace the K20 engine control
3,000 RPM and then back to idle. module.
If less than 5 Q
. Ignition ON.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuel , 1.4L (LUV) 9405
4. Test for 4.8—5.2 V between the 5 V reference Circuit 8. Verify the scan tool throttleposition sensor1
terminal E and ground. voltage parameter is greater than 4.8V.
z) If less than 4.8V :> If 4.8V or less
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness 8.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20engine controi module. connector at the K20engine control module.
4.2.Test for infinite resistance between the 5 V 8.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal
reference circuit and ground. circuit and ground.
:> If lessthan infinite resistance, repair the short to =>if lessthan infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit. ground on the circuit.
ii if infinite resistance U If infinite resistance
4.3.Test for lessthan 2 Q in the 5V reference 8.3.Test for lessthan 2 Q in the signal circuit end
circuit end to end. to end.
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit. in the circuit.
=>If lessthan 2 Q, replace the K20engine controi :> If less than 2 Q, replace the K20engine controi
module. module.
if greater than 5.2 V If 4.8 or greater
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness Test for 4.8—5.2 V between the throttle position
connector at the K20engine control module, sensor2 signal circuit terminal F and ground.
ignition ON. If less than 4.8V
4.2.Test for less than 1V between the 5 V 9.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
reference circuit and ground. connector at the K20engine control module.
=>if 1V or greater, repair the short to voltage on 9.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal
the circuit. circuit and ground.
=>Iflessthan 1 V, replace the K20engine controi 2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
module. ground on the circuit.
If between 4.8—5.2 V ii Ifinfinite resistance
.01IgnitionON. 9.3.Test for lessthan 2 Q in the signal circuit end
. Test for lessthan 1 V between the throttle position to end.
sensor1signal circuit terminal D and ground. =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
|f1.0Vor greater in the circuit.
6.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness =>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20engine control
connector at the K20engine control module, module.
ignition ON.
If greater than 5.2 V
6.2.Test for lessthan 1V between the signal
circuit and ground. 9.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20engine control module,
=>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on ignition ON.
the Circuit. 9.2.Test for lessthan 1 V between the signal
=>Ifless than 1V, replace the K20engine control circuit and ground.
module. =>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
If 1.0 V or less the circuit.
. Install a 3A fusedjumperwire between throttle =>Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20engine control
position sensor1signal circuit terminal D and the moduie.
5 V reference circuit terminal E.
U If between 4.8—5.2 V
10. Test or replace the 038 throttle body.
Repair Instructions
Throttle Body AssemblyReplacement on
page 9-253
Control Module References on page 6-3 for
engine control module replacement, programming,
and setup

9-‘i06 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV)

Repair Verification . Verify the Throttle Position Sensors1 and 2 Agree/

Disagree parameter displaysAgree while
1. install any components that have been removed or performing the Throttle Sweep Test with a
replaced during diagnosis. scan tool.
2. Perform any adjustments, programming or setup If Disagree
procedures that are required when a component is
removed or replaced. Test or replace the Q38 throttle body assembly.
Clear the DTCs with a scan tool. If Agree
. ignition OFF and all vehicle systemsOFF. Itmay . Ifthe repair was related to a DTC, duplicate the
take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle systemsto Conditions for Running the DTC and use the
power down. Freeze Frame/Failure Records,ifapplicable, in
. Ignition ON. order to verify the DTC doesnot set.
If DTC sets
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
Vehicle on page 6-69for further diagnosis.
If DTC does not set
. All OK

2013 (5377994)
Engrine Controls/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV) 9:107
DTC P0128 (LUJ)

Diagnostic Instructions
. Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0128: Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Below Thermostat Regulating Temperature

CircuitlSystem Description Reference Information

The engine control module (ECM)monitors the Schematic Reference
temperature of the engine coolant for engine control
and enabling criteria for some diagnostics. The amount Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28
of air flow into an engine is proportional to the amount
of heat an engine generates. The ECM monitors the Connector End View Reference
amount of air flow into the engine to calculate engine Component Connector End Viewson page 11-269
coolant temperature (ECT).The ECM usesthe
calculated temperature to determine ifthe engine has Electrical Information Reference
warmed up to the thermostat regulating temperature. I Circuit Testing on page 11-526
Ifthe ECT doesnot increase normally or does not
reach the thermostat regulating temperature, I Connector Repairs on page 11-548
diagnostics that use the ECT as enabling criteria, may I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
not run when expected. Ifthe ECT fails to reach the Connections on page 11-531
thermostat regulating temperature, before a I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
predetermined amount of air flow enters the engine, the
DTC sets. DTC Type Reference
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Conditions for Running the DTC Definitions on page 6-68
I DTCs P0083,P0086, P0101,P0102,P0103,
P0111,P0112,P0113,P0116,P0117or P0118are Scan Tool Reference
not set. Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
I Average Airflow is greater than 11g/s. information
I Thermostat Heater duty commanded cycle 10%.
CircuitlSystem Verification
I Engine not run time 30 min
1. Verify the cooling system is filled to the correct
I Engine run time between 22 s and 30 min coolant level. Refer to Loss of Coolant on
. The DTC runsonce per ignition key cycle. page 9—625 and Cooling System Draining and
Filling on page 9-628.
Conditions for Setting the DTC
=>If the coolant level is not correct
The ECM detects that the actual engine coolant
temperature is 26°C(78.8°F)colder than the Repair as necessary
commanded engine coolant temperature while the IAT ii If the coolant level is correct
is between 10—65°C (50—149°F) 2. Verify the DTC P0087, P0116,P0117,P0118,
Of" P0597,P0598,0r P0599is not set.
The ECM detects that the actual engine coolant =>If a DTC is set
temperature is 46°C(114.8°F) colder than the
commanded engine coolant temperature while the lAT Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)List -
is between —7°Cto +10°C(~19.4to+50°F) Vehicle on page 6-69
ii If a DTC is not set
Action Taken When the DTC Sets 3. Engine running for 15 min with the A/C OFF,
DTC P0128is a Type B DTC. increase the engine speed to 3,000RPM.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
DTC P0128is a Type B DTC.

9:108 Engine Controls/Fuel =1.4L (LUV)
4. Verify the scan tool ECT Sensor parameter is 3. Test for infinite resistance between each terminal
greater than 79°C(174°F)when commanding the and the sensorhousing.
Engine Coolant Thermostat Heater to 0%. =>If less than infinite resistance
:> If less than 79°C(174°F) Replace the B34 Engine Coolant Temperature
Replace the E41 Engine Coolant Thermostat Sensor.
Heater. U Ifinfinite resistance
U lf greater than 79°C(174°F) 4. All OK.
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the Repair Instructions
vehicle within the conditions that you observed Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Recordsdata. page 6-92after completing the repair.
O). Verify the DTC does not set. I Engine Coolant TemperatureSensor
=>If the DTC sets Replacement (Water Outlet) on page 9-244or
Engine Coolant TemperatureSensor
Refer to Step 1. Replacement (Thermostat)on page 9-246or
U If the DTC does not set Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
7. All OK. Replacement (Radiator) on page 9—245
I Engine Coolant Thermostat HousingRemoval on
Component Testing page 9-863
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the BB4 Engine Coolant I Control Module References on page 6-3 for
Temperature Sensor harness connector at the engine control module replacement, programming
senson and setup.
2. Test for refer to Temperature VersusResistance
(ECT) on page 9-26Temperature Versus
Resistance between the signal circuit terminal 1
and the low reference terminal 2.
=>if the temperature versus resistance are not
within the specified ranges
Replace the BB4 Engine Coolant Temperature
ii If the temperature versus resistance are within
the specified ranges

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel , 1.4L (LUV) 9409

DTC P0131, P0132, P0134, P0137, P0138, or P0140

Diagnostic Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to usingthis diagnostic
Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0131: H028 Circuit Low Voltage Sensor1
DTC P0132: HO2S Circuit High Voltage Sensor1
DTC P0134: H028 Circuit InsufficientActivity Sensor1
DTC P0137: H028 Circuit Low Voltage Sensor2
DTC P0138: H028 Circuit High Voltage Sensor 2
DTC P0140: H028 Circuit InsufficientActivity Sensor 2
Diagnostic Fault Information

Opeanigh Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
H0281HighSignal P0131 P0132,P0134 P0132,P0134 P0133,P1133
H0281LowSignal P0132,P0134 P0133,P1133

H023 2
Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
H0282 HighSignal P0137 P0138,P0140 P0138,P0140
H0282 LowSignal P0137 P0138,P0140 P0138,P0140

Typical Scan Tool Data

H0281 or 2
Circuit I Short to Ground I Open Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: Engineoperatingin Closed Loop
ParameterNormalRange:50—1 050mV
HighSignal OmV 1,100—2,100
mV 1,100—2,1OO
LowSignal 1,700—2,1OO

CircuitlSystem Description An H028 voltage that increases toward 1000 mV

indicates a rich fuel mixture. An H028 voltage that
The heated oxygen sensors(H028)are used for fuel decreases toward 0 mV indicates a lean fuel mixture.
control and catalyst monitoring. Each H028 compares
the oxygen content of the surrounding air with the The heating elements insideeach H028 heat the
oxygen content of the exhaust stream. When the sensorto bring the sensorup to operating conditions
engine is started, the control module operates in an faster. This allows the system to enter closed loop
open loop mode, ignoring the H028 signal voltage earlier and the control module to calculate the air to fuel
while calculating the air to fuel ratio. While the engine ratio sooner.
runs,the H028 heats up and begins to generate a
voltage within a range of 0—1275 mV. Once sufficient
HO2S voltage fluctuation is observed by the control
module, closed loop is entered. The control module
usesthe H028 voltage to determine the air to fuel ratio.

9410 Engine Controls/Fuel =1.4L (LUV)

Conditions for Running the DTC P0132or P0138

The ECM detects that the heated oxygen sensor
DTC P0131or P0137
(H028)voltage is greater than 1050 mV for greater
I DTCs P0068, P0106,P0107,P0108,P0121, than 10s.
P0446,P0449,P0451,P0452,P0453,P0454, P0134or P0140
P0455,P0496,P1101,P1516,P2101,P2119, The ECM detects that the heated oxygen sensor
P2135and P2176are not set. (H028)voltage is greater than 1700 mV for greater
I The ignition voltage is between 10—32 V. than 105.
I The fuel level is greater than 10%. Action Taken When the DTC Sets
I The mass air flow (MAF) sensorparameter is
between 2—60gls. DTCs P0131,P0132,P0134,P0137,P0138and P0140
are Type B DTCs.
I The fuel composition is lessthan 87% ethanol.
I The fuel system is in Closed Loop. Conditions for Clearing the DTC
I The vehicle is not decelerating. DTCs P0131,P0132,P0134,P0137,P0138and P0140
I The DTC P0131runscontinuously when the are Type B DTCs.
above conditions are met for greater than 3 s. Reference Information
I The DTC P0137runscontinuously when the
above conditions are met for greater than 5 s. Schematic Reference
DTC P0132or P0138 Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28
I DTCs P0068, P0101,P0102,P0103,P0106, Connector End View Reference
P0223,P0442,P0443,P0446,P0449,P0451, Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
P0452,P0453,P0454,P0455,P0496,P1101, Electrical Information Reference
P1516,P2101,P2119,P2135and P2176are
not set. - I Circuit Testing on page 11-526
I The ignition voltage is between 10—32 V. I Connector Repairs on page 11-548
I The fuel level is greater than 10%. I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
I The fuel composition is less than 87% ethanol. Connections on page 11—531
I The fuel system is in Closed Loop. I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
I Engine run time is greater than 5 s. DTC Type Reference
I The vehicle is not decelerating. Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
I The DTC P0132and P0138run continuously Definitions on page 6-68
when the above conditions are met for greater
than 3 s. Scan Tool Reference

DTC P0134or P0140 Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
I DTCs P0068, P0101,P0102,P0103,P0121,
P0122,P0123,P0222,P0223,P1516,P2101, CircuitlSystem Verification
P2119,P2135and P2176are not set.
1. IgnitionON, observe the DTC informationwith a
I The ignition voltage is between 10—32 V. scan tool. Verify no H028 heater DTCs are set.
I H028 heaterwarm up is finished. :> Ifa HO2S heater DTC is set, refer to Diagnostic
I Engine run time is greater than 5 s. Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle on
I The engine has been operating for greater page 6-69.
than 50 s. 2. Engine running, observe the scan tool heated
I The fuel composition is less than 87% ethanol. oxygen sensor voltage parameters. The reading
should fluctuate above and below the range of 20-
Conditions for Setting the DTC 1050 mV.
P0131 3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
The engine control module (ECM)detects that the vehicle within the conditions that you observed
heated oxygen sensor(H028)voltage is lessthan from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
20mV for greater than 38 s.
CircuitlSystem Testing
Note: All modules must be powered down or
The engine control module (ECM)detects that the misdiagnosis may result.
heated oxygen sensor(H028)is shorted to ground for
greater than 38 s. 1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the scan tool and wait
60 s to ensure all modules are powered down.
2. Disconnect the appropriate B52 Heated Oxygen
Sensor harness connector.
Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV) 9411
. Measure for less than 5 0 between the low signal I Fuel that is oontaminated—Refer to Alcohol/
circuit terminal 3 and ground. Contaminants-in—FuelDiagnosis on
=>lfgreater than the specified range, test the low page 9-235.
signal circuit for an open/high resistance. if the I Fuel saturation of the evaporative emission
Circuittests normal, replace the K20Engine (EVAP)canister
Control Module. I Exhaust leaks near the H028
. IgnitionON, test for 1.5—3.0 V between the signal I Engine vacuum leaks
circuit terminal 4 and ground.
=>Ifyou find any of the above conditions, repair as
:> Iflessthan the specified range, test the signal necessary.
circuit for a short to ground or an open/high 7. Ifall circuits test normal, replace the appropriate
resistance. Ifthe circuit tests normal, replace 852 Heated Oxygen Sensor.
the K20Engine Control Module.
=>Ifgreater than the specified range, test the Repair Instructions
signal circuit for a short to voltage. Ifthe circuit Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
tests normal, replace the K20Engine Control page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor 1
. install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal on page 9-249
circuit terminal 4 and the low reference circuit
terminal 3 of the affected 852 Heated Oxygen Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement —Sensor 2
Sensor.Engine running, verify the scan tool on page 9-250
H028 1or H028 2 parameter is less than 60 mV. Perform the scan tool Heated Oxygen Sensor
Resistance Learn Reset after replacing an HOZS.
=>Ifgreater than the specified value, replace the
K20Engine Control Module. Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
replacement, programming and setup
6. Verify none of the following conditions exist:
I Water intrusion in the H028 harness connector
I Low or high fuel system pressure—Refer to
Fuel System Description on page 9-302.

9=112 Engine Controls/Fuel . l.4l_ (LUV)

DTC P0133, P013A, P013B, P013E, P013F, P015A, P0153, P2270, or P2271

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provide an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0133: H028 Slow Response Sensor1
DTC P013A: H028 Slow Response Rich to Lean Sensor2
DTC P013B: H028 Slow Response Lean to Rich Sensor2
DTC P013E: H028 Delayed Response Rich to Lean Sensor2
DTC P013F: HO2S Delayed Response Lean to Rich Sensor2
DTC P015A: H028 Delayed Response Rich to Lean Sensor1
DTC P0153: H028 Delayed Response Lean to Rich Sensor1
DTC P2270: H028 Signal Stuck Lean Sensor 2
DTC P2271: H028 Signal Stuck Rich Sensor2
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
|gnMoanhage Egiig’ggiifi' P0030,P0036, —— —-
, , P0030,P0135
Hozsiieaeroonnol P0030'P0135I
P0036,P0141 P0135’P0137'
P0036,P0138, P0137,P003e P0135,PO141
P0140,P0141 P0141
P0138, P0134,
P0140 P0132,
P0138, P0133
H028HighSignal P0131,P0137
. P0132,
P0134, P0132,
P0134, ‘
H028LowSignal P0137 P0140
P0138, P0140
P0138, P0133

Typical Scan Tool Data

H028 1
Circuit I Short to Ground I Open Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: Engineoperatingin Closed Loop
ParameterNormal Range:200—800 mV
H0281or 2 Signal 0mV 1275mV 1275mV
H0281or 2 LowSignal — 1275mV -

H028 2
Circuit I Short to Ground I Open Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions: Engineoperatingin Closed Loop
ParameterNormal Range:200—800 mV
H0282 HighSignal 0 mV 1890mV 2040mV
HO2S2 LowSignal 0 mV 1890mV 2040mV

Engine Controls/Fuel-1.4L(LUV) 9413
CircuitlSystem Description I DTC P013Eand P2270have passed.
The heated oxygen sensors(H028)are used for fuel I DTC PO13Arunsonce per trip. ‘
control and catalyst monitoring. Each H028 compares P013B
the oxygen content of the surrounding airwith the
oxygen content of the exhaust stream. When the I DTCs P0068,P0096,P0097,P0098,P0086,
engine is started, the control module operates in an P0101,P0102,P0103,P0106,P0107,P0108,
open loop mode, ignoring the H028 signal voltage P0111,P0112,P0113,P0114,P0116,P0117,
while calculating the air to fuel ratio. While the engine P0118,P0119,P0121,P0122,P0123,P0171,
runs,the H028 heats up and begins to generate a P0172,P0201,P0202,P0203,P0204,P0222,
voltage within a range of 0—1275 mV. Once sufficient P0223,P0300,P1101,P1516,P2096,P2097,
H028 voltage fluctuation is observed by the control P2101,P2119,P2135,P2176are not set.
module, closed loop is entered. The control module I The system voltage is between 10—32 V.
usesthe H028 voltage to determine the air to fuel ratio. I The fuel level is greater than 10%.
An HO2S voltage that increases toward 1 000 mV I DTC P013A,P013E,PO13F,P2270and P2271
indicates a richfuel mixture.An H028 voltage that have run.
decreases toward 0 mV indicates a lean fuel mixture.
. DTC P013Fand P2271have passed.
The heating elements inside each H028 heat the
sensor to bring the sensor up to operating conditions I DTC PO13Brunsonce per trip.
faster. This allows the system to enter closed loop P013E
earlier and the control module to calculate the air to fuel
I DTCs P0068,P0096,P0097,P0098,POOB6,
ratio sooner.
Conditions for Running the DTC P0111,P0112,P0113,P0114,P0116,P0117,
DTC P0133 P0172,P0201,P0202,P0203,P0204,P0222,
I DTCs P0068,P0096,P0097,P0098,P0083, P0223,P0300,P1101,P1516,P2096,P2097,
P0034,POOB6,POOC7,P0101,P0102,P0103, P2101,P2119,P2135,P2176are not set.
P0106,P0107,P0108,P0111,P0112,P0113, I The system voltage is between 10—32 V.
P0114,P0116,P0117,P0118,P0119,P0121, I The fuel level is greater than 10%.
P0201,P0202,P0203,P0204,P0222,P0223, I DTC PO13A,P0138,P013F,P2270and P2271
P0300,P0442,P0443,P0446,P0449,P0451, have run.
P0452,P0453,P0454,P0455,P0496,P1101, I DTC P2270have passed.
P1516,P2101,P2119,P2135,P2176and P2450 I DTC P013Erunsonce pertrip.
are not set.
I The ignition signal parameter is between 10—32 V.
. DTCS P0068,P0096,P0097,P0098,P0086,
I The engine speed parameter is between 1 300- P0101,P0102,P0103,P0106,P0107,P0108,
3 500 RPM. P0111,P0112,P0113,P0114,P0116,P0117,
I The Engine coolant temperature (ECT) is greater P0118,P0119,P0121,P0122,P0123,P0171,
than 65°C(149°F). P0172,P0201,P0202,P0203,P0204,P0222,
I The intake air temperature (IAT)is greater than P0223,P0300,P1101,P1516,P2096,P2097,
—40°C(-40°F). P2101,P2119,P2135,P2176are not set.
I The engine has been operating for greater I The system voltage is between 10—32 V.
than 100 s. I The fuel level is greater than 10%.
I The calculated airflow is between 10—35 g/s. I DTC PO13A,P0138,P013E,P2270and P2271
I The fuel system is in Closed Loop. have run.
I The vehicle is not decelerating. I DTC P2270and P2271have passed.
I The DTCs run continuously when the above I DTC P013Frunsonce pertrip.
conditions are met for greater than 1 s.
P015Aand P0158
P013A I DTCs P0068,P0101,P0102,P0103,P0106,
I DTCs P0068,P0096,P0097,P0098,P0086, P0107,P0108,P0111,P0112,P0113,P0114,
P0101,P0102,P0103,P0106,P0107,P0108, P0116,P0117,P0118,P0119,P0121,P0122,
P0111,P0112,P0113,P0114,P0116,P0117, P0123,P0128,P0131,P0132,P0134,P0171,
P0118,P0119,P0121,P0122,P0123,P0171, P0172,P0201,P0202,P0203,P0204,P0222,
P0172,P0201,P0202,P0203,P0204,P0222, P0223,P0300,P0442,P0443,P0446,P0449,
P0223,P0300,P1101,P1516,P2096,P2097, P0452,P0453,P0455,P0496,P016F3,P2101or
P2101,P2119,P2135,P2176are not set. P2135are not set.
I The system voltage is between 10—32 V. I The ignition signal parameter is between 10—32
I The fuel level is greater than 10%. I The device controls are not active.
I DTC PO13B,P013E,P013F,P2270and P2271 I The fuel level is more than 10%.
have run. I The H028 heater is commanded ON for greater
than 40 s.

9—114 Enfigine Controls/Fuel =1.4L (LUV)
I The Engine coolant temperature (ECT) is greater I DTC P2270and P2271have passed.
than 60°C(140°F). . I DTC P2270runsonce per drive cycle when the
I The intake air temperature (IAT)is greater than above conditions are met for 5 s.
~40°C(—40°F). P2271
I The engine has been operating for greater
I DTCs P0068,P0096,P0097,P0098,POOB6,
than 150 s.
I The engine speed is between 1 550—3500 RPM to P0111,P0112,P0113,P0114,P0116,P0117,
initially enable the test. P0118,P0119,P0121,P0122,P0123,P0171,
I The vehicle speed is between 70—125 km/h (44- P0172,P0201,P0202,P0203,P0204,P0222,
78 mph) to initially enable the test. P0223,P0300,P1101,P1516,P2096,P2097,
I The engine speed is between 1 350-3650 RPM to P2101,P2119,P2135,P2176are not set.
keep the test enabled. I The ignition signal parameter is between 10—32 V.
I The vehicle speed is between 65—130 km/h (41- I The fuel level is greaterthan 10%.
81 mph) to keep the test enabled. I The engine speed parameter is between 1 100-
I The mass air flow (MAF) sensor parameter is 3 500 RPM.
between 2—20g/s. I The mass airflow (MAF) sensor parameter is
I The fuel system is in Closed Loop. between 1—30g/s.
I The evaporative emission(EVAP)diagnostics are I The fuel composition is less than 87% ethanol.
not in control of purge. I The fuel system is in Closed Loop.
I The predicted catalytic converter temperature is I DTC P013A,P0138,P013E,P013Fand P2270
between 550—900°C (1 022—1652°F). have run.
I DTC P015Arunsonce per trip, during the I DTC P013A,P013Eand P2270have passed.
deceleration fuel out—off(DFCO)mode, when the
I DTC P2270runsonce per drive cycle when the
above conditions are met. above conditions are met for 5 3.
I DTC P0158runsonce per trip, during the fuel
enrich mode, when the above conditions are met. Conditions for Setting the DTC 1
P0140 P0133
I DTCs P0068,P0101,P0102,P0103,P0121, I The ECM detects that the H028 1 average
P0122,P0123,P0222,P0223,P1516,P2101, response time is more than a calculated value.
P2119,P2135,P2176are not set. I DTC P0133sets within 60 s when the above
I The ignition signal parameter is between 10—32 V. condition is met. -
I The ignition signal parameter is between 10—32 V.
I The fuel level is more than 10%.
The ECM detects that the accumulated mass air flow
I Engine run time is equal to or greater than 5 s. monitored during richto lean transitions between 150-
I The mass air flow (MAF) sensor parameter is 450 mV is more than 6 g.
between 2—60g/s.
I The fuel composition is less than 87% ethanol.
The ECM detects that the accumulated mass air flow
I DTC P0140runsonce per drive cycle when the monitored during richto lean transitions between 335-
above conditions are met for 3 s. 650 mV is more than 25 g.
P2270 P013E
I DTCs P0068,P0096,P0097,P0098.POOB6,
P0101,P0102,P0103,P0106,P0107,P0108, The ECM detects that the Post 02 sensor voltage is
P0111,P0112,P0113,P0114,P0116,P0117, greater than 450 mV and the accumulated mass airflow
P0118,P0119,P0121,P0122,P0123,P0171, monitored during the delayed Response Test is greater
P0172,P0201,P0202,P0203,P0204,P0222, than 20g.
P0223,P0300,P1101,P1516,P2096,P2097, P013F
P2101,P2119,P2135,P2176are not set.
The ECM detects that the Post 02 sensor voltage is
I The ignition signal parameter is between 10—32 V. less than 350 mV and the accumulated mass air flow
I The fuel level is greater than 10%. monitored during the delayed Response Test is greater
I The engine speed parameter is between 1 100- than 70 g.
3 500 RPM. P0140
I The mass airflow (MAF) sensor parameter is The ECM detects that the heated oxygen sensor
between 1—~30 g/s. (H028)2 parameter is greater than 1 700 mV.
I The fuel composition is less than 87% ethanol.
I The fuel system is in Closed Loop.
I DTC PO13A,P0138,PO13E,P013F,P2270and
P2271have run.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel =1.4L (LUV) 9-115
P2270 Scan Tool Reference
I The ECM detects that the heated oxygen sensor Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
(H028)2 sensor cannot achieve voltage equal to information
or lessthan 775 mV.
and CircuitlSystem Verification
I The ECM detects that the accumulated mass air 1. if any heated oxygen sensor (H028)heater DTCs
flow monitored during the Stuck Lean Voltage Test are set, perform those diagnostics first.
is more than 38 g. 2. Allow the engine to reach operating temperature.
P2271 3. Verify none of the following conditions exist:
I The ECM detects that the heated oxygen sensor I Lean or richfuel injectors
(H028)2 sensor cannot achieve voltage equal to I Water intrusion in the H028 harness connector
or lessthan 100 mV.
I Low or high fuel system pressure, refer to Fuel
and System Diagnosis on page 9—230
I The ECM detects that the accumulated mass air I Fuel that is contaminated, refer to Alcohol/
flow monitored during the stuck richvoltage test is Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis on page 9-235
more than 25 9.
I Fuel saturation of the evaporative emission
Action Taken When the DTC Sets (EVAP)canister
I DTCs P0133,P0134,P013E,PO13F,P0140, I Exhaust leaks near the H028
P2270are P2271Type B DTCs. I Engine vacuum leaks
I DTCs P013Aand P0138are Type A DTCs. I Engine oilconsumptions Oil Consumption
Diagnosis on page 9-773
Conditions for Clearing the DTC I Engine coolant consumption, refer to
I DTCs P0133,P0134,P013E,P013F,P0140, Symptoms —Engine Cooling on page 9-617
P2270are P2271Type B DTCs. =>Ifyou findany of the above conditions, repair as
I DTCs P013Aand P0138are Type A DTCs. necessary.
Reference Information 4. if all conditions test normal, test or replace the
appropriate H028.
Schematic Reference 5. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 running the DTC. Or operate the vehicle within the
conditions that you observed from the freeze
Connector End View Reference frame/failure records data.
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 Repair Instructions
Electrical Information Reference Caution: Refer to Heated Oxygen Sensor Resistance
Learn Reset Caution on page 0—9.
I Circuit Testing on page 11—526
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
I Connector Repairs on page 11—548 page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor I Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor 1
Connections on page 11-531 on page 9-249
I WiringRepairs on page 11-537 I Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor 2
DTC Type Reference on page 9-250
I Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)Type
replacement, programming and setup
Definitions on page 6-68

9:116 Engine Controls/Fuel - "1.4L(LUV)

DTC P0171 or P0172

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0171: Fuel TrimSystem Lean
DTC P0172: Fuel TrimSystem Rich

CircuitlSystem Description I The fuel level is greater than 10 %and no fuel

sensorfault is present.
The engine control module (ECM)controls a Closed
Loop air/fuel metering system in order to provide the I Thisdiagnostic runscontinuously when the above
best possible combination of driveability, fuel economy, conditions have been met.
and emissioncontrol. The ECM monitors the heated Conditions for Setting the DTC
oxygen sensor (H028)signal voltage, and adjusts the
fuel delivery based on the signal voltage while in I The average long term fuel trim weighted average
Closed Loop.A change made to the fuel delivery value is greater or less than a calibrated value.
changes the long and short term fuel trim values. The I The above condition is present for approximately
short term fuel trim values change rapidly in response 3 min after the Conditions for Running the DTC
to the H028 signal voltages. These changes fine tune have been met.
the engine fueling. The long term fuel trim values
change in response to trends in the short term fuel trim Action Taken When the DTC Sets
The long term fuel trim makes coarse adjustments to DTCs P0171and P0172are Type B DTCs.
fueling in order to re—centerand restore control to short
term fuel trim. The ideal fuel trim values are around Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
0 %.A positive fuel trim value indicates that the ECM is DTCs P0171and P0172are Type B DTCs.
adding fuel in order to compensate for a lean condition.
A negative fuel trim value indicates that the ECM is Diagnostic Aids
reducing the amount of fuel in order to compensate for
I Allow the engine to reach operating temperature.
a richcondition.
With the engine running, observe the H028
Conditions for Running the DTC parameter with a scan tool. The H028 value
should vary from approximately 40mV to
I DTCs P0030,P0053,P0101,P0102,P0103, approximately 900 mV, and respond to fueling
P0106,P0107,P0108,P0131—P0135, P0201- changes.
P0204,P0300~P0304, P0411,P0442,P0455,
P0458,P0496,P0506,P0507,P1248,P1249, I The normal Short Term Fuel Trimand Long Term
P124A,P124B,P2147,P2148,P2150,P2151, Fuel Trimparameters should be between +10and
P2153,P2154,P2156,P2157,P2227,P2228, -10 %with 0 % the optimum, with the engine
P2229,P2230,P2440,or P2444are not set. running at operating temperature.
I The engine is in Closed Loop status. I Itis very unlikely that an H028 will cause this DTC
to set without the occurrence of the circuit related
I The catalyst monitor diagnostic intrusive test, post H028 DTCs. Do not replace an H028 to address
02 diagnostic intrusive test, and EVAP diagnostic this DTC without first performing all the steps in
test are not active. CircuitlSystem Verification.
I The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is between I Any un-metered air into the engine causes this
—20°Cand +150°C(—4°Fand +302°F). DTC to set. Thoroughly inspect all areas of the
I The intake air temperature (IAT)is between -20°C engine for vacuum leaks.
and +150°C(—4°Fand +302°F). I A MAF sensor condition can cause this DTC
I The manifold absolute pressure (MAP) is between without setting a MAF DTC. Ifthere is a MAF
10~255kPa (1.5—37psi). sensor condition, the MAF sensor parameters will
I The engine speed is between 400~7,000 RPM. appear to be within range.
I The mass air flow (MAF) is between 1—512 g/s. I inspect the air filter for being the correct one for
this application. Make sure that the engine oil fill
I The barometric pressure (BARO) is greater than
cap is in place and that it is tight. Verify that the
70 kPa (10.2psi).
engine oil dip stick is fully seated.
I Certain aftermarket air filters may cause a DTC
to set.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV) 9-117
I Certain aftermarketair induction systems or P0171
modifications to the air induction system may I Mass air flow (MAF) sensor signal skewed.
cause a DTC to set. if the Short Term Fuel Trimparameter Changes
I Certain aftermarketexhaust system components greater than 20 % when the MAF sensor is
may cause a DTC to set. disconnected, refer to DTC P0101on
page 9-77.
Reference Information
I Fuel contamination. Refer to Alcohol/
Electrical Information Reference Contaminants—in—Fuel Diagnosis on
page 9-235.
I Circuit Testing on page 11-526
I Missing,restricted, or leaking exhaust
I Connector Repairs on page 11—548 components. Refer to Symptoms - Engine
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor Exhaust on page 9-734.
Connections on page 11-531 I Malfunctioning fuel injectors. Refer to Fuel
I Wiring Repairs on page 11—537 Injector Diagnosis on page 9-232.
DTC Type Reference I Split, kinked, or improperly connected vacuum
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type I Insufficientfuel in the tank
Definitions on page 6-68
I Low fuel pressure. Refer to Fuel System
Scan Tool Reference Diagnosis on page 9—230.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool I Vacuum leaks at the intake manifold, the throttle
information body, and the injector O-rings.
I Leaks in the air induction system and the air
CircuitlSystem Verification intake ducts
1. IgnitionON. I Missingair filter element
2. Verify no other DTCs are set. I Cracked EVAP canister
=>If any other DTCs are set I Evaporative pipes obstructed or leaking
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)List - I Leaks in the crankcase ventilation system
Vehicle on page 6-69for further diagnosis. P0172
U if no other DTCs are set I Mass air flow (MAF) sensor signal skewed.
SI" Verify DTC P0171or P0172is not set. Ifthe Short Term Fuel Trimparameters for both
=>If a DTC is set banks changes greater than 20 %when the
MAF sensor is disconnected, refer to DTC
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing P0101on page 9-77.
¢= If no DTC is set I Fuel contamination. Refer to Alcohol/
4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis on
Running the DTC. You may also operate the page 9—235.
vehicle within the conditions that you observed in I Missing,restricted, or leaking exhaust
the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. components. Refer to Symptoms - Engine
5. Verify DTC P0171or P0172is not set. Exhaust on page 9-734.
=>If any of the DTCs set I Malfunctioning fuel injectors. Refer to Fuel
Injector Diagnosis on page 9-232
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
I Collapsed or restricted air intake duct
U If none of the DTCs set I Excessive fuel pressure. Refer to Fuel System
6 All OK. Diagnosis on page 9—230
CircuitlSystem Testing I Dirty or restricted air filter
1. IgnitionON. I Objects blocking the throttle body
2. Verify the manifold absolute pressure sensor is I Improper operation of the evaporative
within the range specified for your altitude. Refer to emissionscontrol system
Altitude Versus Barometric Pressure on page 9-26 I Excessive fuel in the crankcase. Change the
engine oil as necessary.
=>If not within the specified range
=>If a condition is found
Refer to DTC P0106on page 9-84
Repair as necessary.
U if within the specified range
3. Engine running, allow the engine to reach U If no condition is found
operating temperature. 5. Test the engine for a mechanical condition. Refer
4. Verify the Long Term Fuel Trimparameter is to Symptoms - Engine Mechanical on page 9—770.
between —30% and +30%. Repair Instructions
=>If not within the specified range, verify that Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
none of the conditions listed below exist: page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
9I118 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)

DTC P018B-P018D

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0188: Fuel Pressure Sensor Performance
DTC P018C: Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P018D: Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
PO18C, P0641, P0180 PO18D P06A6
5V Reference P06A6

Signal P0180 P0180 P018D P0188

LowReference —— P018D — P06A6

CircuitlSystem Description Counter and Pass Counter can help determine how
many ignition cycles that the diagnostic test reported a
. The fuel pressure sensor is located on the fuel line. The pass and/or a fail.
fuel pressure sensor monitors the fuel pressure in the
fuel line. The fuel pump control module monitors the Reference Information
voltage signal from the fuel pressure sensor.
Schematic Reference
Conditions for Running the DTC
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28
I The engine is running.
Connector End View Reference
I DTCs P0180, P018D,P0231,P0232,P023F,
P064A,P1255or P06A6are not active. Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
I DTC P0641has not failed this ignition cycle. Description and Operation
I Fuel pump control is enabled and the fuel pump
control state is normal. Fuel System Description on page 9-302
I The engine has been running for at least Electrical Information Reference
5 seconds.
I Circuit Testing on page 11-526
Conditions for Setting the DTC I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
The fuel pump control module does not detect a Connections on page 11-531
change in the fuel pressure of at least 30 kPa (4.4psi) I Connector Repairs on page 11—548
when the fuel pump is operating. The fuel pressure I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
sensor performance diagnostic provides a means to
detect fuel pressure sensor output that is stuck within DTC Type Reference
the normal operating range of the sensor. Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)Type
Action Taken When the DTC Sets Definitions on page 6-68
DTCs P018B,PO18Cand P018Dare Type A DTCs. Scan Tool Reference

Conditions for Clearing the DTC Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
DTCs P0188,P0180 and P018Dare Type A DTCs.
Diagnostic Aids
Using the Failure Records data may help locate an
intermittentcondition. if you cannot duplicate the DTC,
the information in the Failure Records can help
determine how many miles since the DTC set. The Fail

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9-119
CircuitlSystem Verification =>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K27 Fuel Pump
Control Module.
1. Engine running.
2. Verify the scan tool Fuel Pressure Sensor Voltage 2 If greater than 5.2 V
parameter is between 0.2—4.8 V. 4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
:> if not between 0.2—4.8 connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control
V Module, ignition ON.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. 4.2. Test for less than 1 V between the 5 V
U lf between 0.2—4.8 V reference circuit and ground.
3. All OK. :5 lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.
CircuitlSystem Testing
:> Ifless than 1 V, replace the K27 Fuel Pump
Note: Verify that the fuel tank is not empty. Only Control Module.
perform this diagnostic if there is at least 2 gallons of
fuel in the fuel tank. Clear the DTC, and start and run U lf between 4.8—5.2 V
the engine. Verify that the DTC resets before 5. Verify the scan tool Fuel Pressure Sensor Voltage
proceeding with the circuit system testing. lfthe DTC parameter is less than 1 V.
does not reset, refer to diagnostic aids. =>If 1 Vor greater
1. Ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF, 5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
disconnect the harness connector at the B47Fuel connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control
Pressure Sensor. it may take up to 2 minutes for all Module, ignition ON.
vehicle systems to power down. 5.2.Testfor less than 1 V between the signal
2. Test for less than 10 Q between the low reference circuit terminal 1 and ground.
circuit terminal 2 and ground. =>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
=>If 10 Q or greater the circuit.
2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness =>Ifless than 1 V, replace the K27 Fuel Pump
connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control Control Module.
U If less than 1 V
2.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
circuit and to end. 6. install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal
circuit terminal 1 and the 5 V reference circuit
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance termina13,wait 15 seconds.
in the circuit. 7. Verify the scan tool Fuel Pressure Sensor Voltage
=>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K27 Fuel Pump parameter is greater than 4.8 V.
Control Module. =>lf 4.8 V or less
U If less than 10 Q 7.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
0). IgnitionON. connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control
4. Test for 4.8—5.2 V between the 5 V reference circuit Module.
terminal 3 and ground. 7.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal
=>If less than 4.8 V circuit terminal 1 and ground.
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness =>if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control ground on the Circuit.
Module. U Ifinfinite resistance
4.2.Test for infinite resistance between the 5 V 7.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit and
reference circuit and ground. . to end.
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
ground on the circuit. in the circuit.
U Ifinfinite resistance =>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K27 Fuel Pump
4.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the 5 V reference Control Module.
circuit end to end. U if greater than 4.8 V
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 8. Test or replace the B47Fuel Pressure Sensor.
in the circuit.
Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6—92 after completing the repair.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for fuel pump
control module replacement, programming and setup

9—120 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)

DTC P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0261, P0262, P0264, P0265, P0267, P0268,
P0270, or P0271

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to using this diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0201: Cylinder1 lnjectorControl Circuit
DTC P0202: Cylinder2 InjectorControl Circuit
DTC P0203: Cylinder3 InjectorControl Circuit
DTC P0204: Cylinder4 InjectorControl Circuit
DTC P0261: Cylinder1 InjectorControl Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0262: Cylinder1 InjectorControl Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0264: Cylinder2 InjectorControl Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0265: Cylinder2 injector Control Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0267: Cylinder 3 injector Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0268: Cylinder 3 InjectorControl Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0270: Cylinder4 InjectorControl Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0271: Cylinder4 InjectorControl Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

Opeanigh Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
P0201*, P0202*, P0203**,
.. P02 * 0204* 0204**
ignltionVoltage Pozgik: E0264t: £02611”: — -
P0267*, P0270* P0264“,
Injector1 Control P0201 , P0261 P0201 , P0300 P0262,P0300
Injector2 Control P0202,P0264 P0202,P0300 P0265,P0300
Injector3 Control P0203,P0267 P0203,P0300 P0268,P0300
injector4 Control P0204,P0270 P0204,P0300 P0271 , P0300
**Cranksnostartiftheconditionis betweenthefuseandthesplice.

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Running the DTC

The engine control module (ECM)enables the I The engine is running for greater than 1 s.
appropriate fuel injector pulse for each cylinder. Ignition I The ignition voltage is greater than 11V.
voltage is supplied to the fuel injectors. The ECM I The DTCs run continuously when the above
controls each fuel injector by grounding the control conditions are met for greater than 5 s.
circuit via a solidstate device called a driver. The ECM
monitors the status of each driver.if the ECM detects Conditions for Setting the DTC
an incorrect voltage for the commanded state of the
driver, a fuel injector control circuit DTC sets. The control module detects an incorrect voltage on the
fuel injector control circuit for greater than 5 s.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9-121
Action Taken When the DTC Sets 4. Verify the DTC does not set.
DTCs P0201,P0202,P0203,P0204,P0261,P0262, =>If the DTC sets
P0264,P0265,P0267,P0268,P0270,and P0271are Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Type B DTCs.
U If the DTC does not set
Conditions for Clearing the DTC 5. All OK.
DTCs P0201,P0202,P0203,P0204,P0261,P0262,
P0264,P0265,P0267,P0268,P0270,and P0271are CircuitlSystem Testing
Type B DTCs. 1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the appropriate Q17 Fuel Injector,ignition ON.
Diagnostic Aids 2. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the ignition
Performing the Fuel Injector Diagnosis may help isolate circuit terminal 1 and ground.
an intermittentcondition. Refer to Fuel Injector =>If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
Diagnosis on page 9—232. circuit fuse is good
Reference Information 2.1. ignition OFF, remove the test lamp.
2.2.Test for lessthan 2 Q in the ignition circuit end
Schematic Reference to end.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Connector End View Reference in the circuit.
=>If lessthan 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 there is voltage at the fuse.
Electrical Information Reference =>If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
I Circuit Testingon page 11—526 circuit fuse is open
I Connector Repairs on page 11-548 2.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp, and
disconnect all components on the circuit.
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11-531 2.2.Test for infinite resistance between the ignition
circuit and ground.
I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
2» If lessthan infinite resistance, repair the short to
DTC Type Reference ground on the circuit.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type U If infinite resistance
Definitions on page 6-68 2.3. Replace the fuse, ignition ON.
Scan Tool Reference 2.4.Verify the fuse is good after connecting each
of the components one at a time.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
information =>Ifthe fuse opens, replace the component that
opens the fuse when connected.
Special Tool =>Ifthe fuse is good, all OK.
CH 34730-20NoidLight, if available U If the test lamp illuminates
CircuitlSystem Verification 3. Ignition OFF, connect the test lamp to the affected
fuel injector connector.
1. Engine cranking or running.
4. Engine cranking.
2. Verify the scan tool parameters listed below do not
display Malfunction. .0" Verify the test lamp turns ON and OFF.
I Cylinder 1—4InjectorControl Circuit Low =>If the test lamp is always OFF
Voltage Test Status 5.1. ignition OFF, remove the test lamp, disconnect
I Cylinder 1—4InjectorControl Circuit Open Test the X2 harness connector at the K20 Engine
Status Control Module, ignition ON.
I Cylinder 1~4 InjectorControl Circuit High 5.2.Test for lessthan 1 V between the control
Voltage Test Status circuit and ground.
=>lf Malfunction is displayed =>lf 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
U If lessthan 1 V
U If Malfunction is not displayed
5.3. IgnitionOFF.
3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the 5.4.Test for lessthan 2 Q in the control circuit end
vehicle within the conditions that you observed to end.
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

9I122 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control Component Testing
Fuel Injector Diagnosis on page 9—232
If the test lamp is always ON
5.1. ignition OFF, remove the test lamp, disconnect Repair Instructions
the X2 harness connector at the K20 Engine Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
Control Module. page 6—92 after completing the repair.
5.2.Test for infinite resistance between the control I Fuel Injector Replacement on page 9-269
circuit and ground. I Control Module References on page 6-3 for
=>lfless than infinite resistance, repairthe short to Engine Control Module replacement,
ground on the circuit. programming, and setup
=>Ifinfinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
Control Module.
<2 If the test lamp turns 0N and OFF
Test or replace the appropriate Q17 Fuel Injector.

Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9-123

DTC P0231, P0232, or P023F

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0231: Fuel Pump Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0232: Fuel Pump Control Circuit High Voltage
DTC P023F: Fuel Pump Control Circuit
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Short to Voltage Signal

Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Performance
Control P0231 P023F P0232 P023F,P2635
LowReference — P023F — P023F,P2635

CircuitlSystem Description On vehicles equipped with a high pressure mechanical

pump on Direct Fuel Injectionengines, the vehicle may
The engine control module (ECM)suppliesvoltage to continue to run even though the pump in the fuel tank is
the fuel pump control module when the ECM detects not operating.
that the ignition is on. The voltage from the ECM to the
fuel pump control module remains active for 2 seconds, Reference Information
unless the engine is in crank or run.While this voltage
is being received, the fuel pump control module Schematic Reference
suppliesa varying voltage to the fuel tank pump module Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
in order to maintain the desired fuel line pressure.
Connector End View Reference
Conditions for Running the DTC
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
Description and Operation
The ignition voltage is between 9—18V.
Fuel System Description on page 9-302
The control enable voltage signal supplied for the ECM Electrical Information Reference
to fuel pump control module is inactive for 4 seconds I Circuit Testing on page 11-526
after engine has been shut off. I Connector Repairs on page 11—548
Conditions for Setting the DTC I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11-531
The fuel pump control module detects a fault on the fuel
pump voltage circuit that is lessthan 11V or greater I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
than 18 V. DTC Type Reference
Action Taken When the DTC Sets Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
DTCs P0231,P0232,and P023Fare Type A DTCs. Definitions on page 6-68

Conditions for Clearing the DTC Scan Tool Reference

DTCs P0231,P0232,and P023Fare Type A DTCs. Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
Diagnostic Aids
Usingthe Failure Records data may help locate an
intermittent condition. Ifyou cannot duplicate the DTC,
the information in the Failure Records can help
determine how many miles since the DTC set. The Fail
Counter and Pass Counter can help determine how
many ignition cycles that the diagnostic test reported a
pass and/or a fail.

9I‘i24 Engine Controls/Fuel I ‘l.4L (LUV)

CircuitlSystem Testing =>If lessthan 2 Q, replace the K27 fuel pump

control module.
1. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
disconnect the harness connector at the A7 Fuel If the test lamp is always ON
Pump and Level Sensor Assembly.Itmay take up 5.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
to 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to power down. connector at the K27 fuel pump control
Test for lessthan 10 Q between the low reference module, ignition ON.
circuit terminal 2 and ground. 5.2.Test for less than 1 V between the control
circuit and ground.
If 10 Q or greater
2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness =>lf 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
connector at the K27 fuel pump control the circuit.
module. =>If lessthan 1 V, replace the K27 fuel pump
2.2.Test for lessthan 2 Q in the low reference control module.
circuit end to end. If the test lamp turns ON and OFF
:> If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance . Replace the A7 Fuel Pump and Level Sensor
in the circuit. Assembly.
=>if lessthan 2 Q, replace the K27 fuel pump Instructions
control module.
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
If less than 10 Q page 6—92 after completing the repair.
Connect a test lamp between the control Circuit 0 Fuel Tank Fuel Pump Module Replacement on
terminal 1 and the low reference circuit terminal 2. page 9-261
IgnitionON. Control Module References on page 6-3 for fuel
Verify the test lamp turns ON and OFF when pump control module replacement, programming
commanding the fuel pump ON and OFF usingthe and setup
scan tool ECM fuel pump enable control function.
if the test lamp is always OFF
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K27 fuel pump control
5.2.Test for infinite resistance between the control
circuit and ground.
=>Iflessthan infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit.
U if infinite resistance
5.3.Test for lessthan 2 Q in the control circuit end
to end.
:> If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

2013 (5377994)
Engflie ControiS/Fuei I 1.4L (LUV) 9425
DTC P0234 or P0299
Diagnostic instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0234: Engine Overboost
DTC P0299: Engine Underboost

Circuit Description P0299

The boost pressure sensor is integrated with the The ECM detects that the actual boost pressure is less
turbocharger boost/intake air temperature sensor.The than the desired boost pressure for greater than 2.2 5.
boost pressure sensor measures the range of
pressures between the turbocharger and the throttle Action Taken When the DTC Sets
body.The sensor used on this engine is a three DTCs P0234and P0299are Type B DTCs.
atmosphere sensor.Pressure in this portion of the The ECM will disable boost control and limit the system
induction system is affected by engine speed, throttle to mechanical boost only, resulting in a substantial
opening, turbocharger boost pressure, Intake air decrease in engine power.
temperature (IAT),barometric pressure (BARO), and
the efficiency of the charge air cooler. Conditions for Clearing the DTC
The sensor provides a signal voltage to the engine DTCs P0234and P0299are Type B DTCs.
control module (ECM),relative to the pressure
changes. Under normal operation the greatest pressure Diagnostic Aids
that can exist in this portion of the induction system at I The charged air cooler is connected to the
ignition ON, engine OFF is equal to the BARO. When turbocharger and to the throttle body by flexible
the engine is operated at wide-open throttle (WOT)the duct work that requires the use of special high
turbocharger can increase the pressure to near torque fastening clamps. These clamps cannot be
240 kPa (34.8psi).The pressure is equal to the BARO substituted. In order to prevent any type of air leak
when the engine is idling or decelerating. when servicing the duct work, the tightening
Conditions for Running the DTC specifications and proper positioning of the
clamps is critical, and must be strictly adhered to.
P0234or P0299 I An excessively worn wastegate pivot pin may
I DTCs P0010,P0011,P0013,P0014,P0033, allow the wastegate to open slightly when
P0034,P0035,P0068,P0101,P0102,P0103, commanded Closed, which may result in P0299
P0106,P0107,P0108,P0111,P0112,P0113, being set.
P0122,P0123,P0128,P0222,P0223,P0234, Reference Information
P0236,P0237,P0238,P0243,P0245,P0246, Schematic Reference
P2230are not set. Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28
I Engine speed between 2,400—6,000 RPM. Connector End View Reference
I Desired boost pressure between 135—220 kPa
(19.58—31.90 PSI). Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
I Ambient pressure between 60—120kPa (8.70-- Description and Operation
Turbocharger System Description on page 9—306
I Coolant temperature between ~40to +120°C(-40
to +248°F) Electrical Information Reference
I Intake air temperature between ~40to +80°C(—40 I Circuit Testing on page 11—526
to +176°F)
I Connector Repairs on page 11-548
Conditions for Setting the DTC I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11—531
I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
The ECM detects that the actual boost pressure is
greater than the desired boost pressure for greater
than 1 s.

9428 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.41.(LUV)
DTC Type Reference 8. Verify the scan tool MAP Sensor parameter and
the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter are within
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)Type 20 kPa (2.9psi)during a WOT acceleration at the
Definitions on page 6-68 time of the 1-2 shift.
Scan Tool Reference If the parameters are not within 20 kPa (2.9psi)
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
information If the parameter are within 20 kPa (2.9psi)
CircuitlSystem Verification Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
1. Ignition ON. vehicle within the conditions that you observed
2. Verify DTC P0033,P0034,P0035,P0236,P0237, from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
P0238,P0243,P0245,0r P0246is not set. 10. Verify a DTC does not set.
z) If any of the DTCs are set If a DTC sets
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
Vehicle on page 6-69.
U If a DTC does not set
if none of the DTCs are set
11. All OK
Verify the scan tool BARO Sensor parameter is
within the range specified in the Altitude Versus CircuitlSystem Testing
Barometric Pressure on page 9-26table for the
1. Verify the conditions listed below do not exist:
current testing altitude.
I Loose clamps, cracks or other damage in the _
If the parameter is not within the range air intake duct system
specified in the table.
I Collapsed or restricted intake duct system
Refer to DTC P2227—P2230 on page 9-214.
I Restricted air filter
If the parameter is within the range specified in I Any air flow restriction
the table.
I Any air leak between the turbocharger and the
Verify the scan tool MAP Sensor and BARO throttle body, including the charge air cooler
Sensor parameters are within 3 kPa (0.4psi). assembly
if the parameters are not within 3 kPa (0.4psi). I Splits, kinksor improper connections at the
Refer to DTC P0106on page 9—84. vacuum hoses
If the parameters are within 3 kPa (0.4psi). -. Any vacuumleak
Verify the scan tool Boost Pressure Sensor and I Restricted, leaking or incorrect routing of hoses
BARO Sensor parameters are within 3 kPa going to the components listed below:
(0.4psi). —Turbocharger wastegate solenoid valve
If the parameters are not within 3 kPa (0.4psi). —Turbocharger bypass solenoid valve
Refer to DTC P0236on page 9—128. —intake manifold and turbochargervacuum
reservoir on the bottom of intake manifold
If the parameters are within 3 kPa (0.4psi).
Verify a clickis heard or felt from the
Q40turbocharger bypass valve solenoid when —Turbocharger wastegate
commanding the Turbocharger Bypass Solenoid —Turbocharger bypass valve
Valve between Active and Inactive with a scan tool. I Missing,restricted or leaking exhaust
If a click is not heard or felt components. Refer to Restricted Exhaust on
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. page 9-734
I Exhaust leak between the turbocharger and the
If a click is heard or felt exhaust manifold
Verify a series of clicks,which increase in I Restricted turbocharger oil supply line
frequency, are heard or felt from the
Q42 turbocharger wastegate solenoid valve when I Loose or incorrect installation of any
commanding the Turbocharger Wastegate components
Solenoid Valve between 15—100 % with a :> If a condition exists
scan tool.
Repair or replace the affected component as
if a series of clicks in increasing frequency are necessary.
not heard or felt
U If none of the conditions exist
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. . IgnitionOFF, disconnect the turbocharger
if a series of clicks in increasing frequency is wastegate solenoid valve supply hose at the
heard or felt turbocharger and apply 51 kPa (15 inches Hg) of
vacuum to the hose with the GE 23738—A .

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9427
. Verify the pressure decreases to 0 kPa (0 inches 11. Connect the GE 23738-Ato the vacuum reservoir
Hg) when commanding the Turbocharger and apply 34 kPa (10 inches Hg) of vacuum.
Wastegate Solenoid Valve to 15 % with a scan tool. 12. Verify the reservoir holds vacuum for at least 10 3.
The pressure does not decrease to 0 kPa =>The reservoir does not hold vacuum for at
(0 inches Hg) least 10 5
Replace the Q42 turbocharger wastegate Replace the intake manifold
solenoid valve
The reservoir holds vacuum for at least 10 s
The pressure decreases to 0 kPa (0 inches Hg)
. Engine idling, vacuum gauge still installed from
Connect the turbocharger wastegate solenoid step 8, command the Turbocharger Bypass
valve supply hose to the turbocharger. Solenoid Valve ON and OFF with the scan tool.
Disconnect the hose from the turbocharger . Verify the vacuum toggles between 0 kPa (0 inches
wastegate actuator and connect the exhaust/ Hg) when OFF to greater than 51 kPa (15 inches
pressure port of the GE 23738-A, or a suitable Hg) when ON.
hand pressure pump, to the actuator.
The vacuum does not toggle between 0-51 kPa
Verify the wastegate actuator rod moves when (0-15psi)
applying pressure to the actuator.
Replace the Q40turbocharger bypass solenoid
If the actuator does not move valve
6.1. Disconnect the wastegate,actuator arm from
the wastegate. The vacuum toggles between 0—51kPa (0-
15 psi)
6.2.Verify the wastegate actuator rod moves when
applying pressure to the actuator. 15. Verify the conditions listed below do not exist with
the turbocharger assembly. Refer to Turbocharger
=>Ifthe actuator does not move, replace the Cleaning and Inspection on page 9—895
turbocharger wastegate actuator I Worn or damaged wastegate pivot pin
=>Ifthe actuator moves, replace the turbocharger I Cracked, damaged or worn turbine blades
. Disconnect the vacuum hose at the turbocharger I Restricted wastegate, turbine, ports or
bypass valve. passages
Install a vacuum gauge to the hose. I Foreign material
Engine Idling,verify the vacuum gauge displays A condition exists
between 51—67kPa (15—20 inches Hq) of vacuum.
Repair or replace the turbocharger as
The gauge does not display between 51—67kPa necessary
(15—20 inches Hq) of vacuum.
U None of the conditions exist
Inspect and repair the leaking vacuum hose in
the areas listed below: 16. Replace the turbocharger.
I Between the turbocharger bypass valve and the Repair Instructions
turbocharger bypass solenoid valve
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
I Between the intake manifold and the page 6-92after completing the repair.
turbocharger bypass solenoid valve
Charge Air Bypass Regulator Solenoid Valve
The gauge displays between 51—67kPa (15- Replacement on page 9-295
20 inches Hq) of vacuum.
Turbocharger Replacement on page 9-843
10. Disconnect the vacuum hose at the turbocharger
vacuum reservoir on the bottom of intake manifold. Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
replacement, programming and setup

9I128 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)

DTC P0236

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0236: Turbocharger Boost Sensor Performance

Circuit Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The boost pressure sensor is integrated with the I The ECM detects that various combinations of
turbocharger boost/intake air temperature sensor.The Turbocharger intake Flow Rationality Diagnostic
boost pressure sensor measures the range of Failure models, derived from engine speed, the
pressures between the turbocharger and the throttle BARO sensor, the MAF sensor, the MAP sensor,
body.The sensor used on this engine is a three the throttle position sensor and the turbocharger
atmosphere sensor.Pressure in this portion of the boost pressure sensor have failed when the
induction system is affected by engine speed, throttle engine is running.
opening, turbocharger boost pressure, Intake air OR
temperature (IAT),barometric pressure (BARO), and I The ECM detects that the boost pressure sensor
the efficiency of the charge air cooler. signal is lessthan 50 kPa (7.3psi)or greater than
The sensor provides a signal voltage to the engine 115 kPa (16.7psi)when the ignition is ON and the
control module (ECM),relative to the pressure engine is NOT rotating.
changes. Under normal operation the greatest pressure
that can exist in this portion of the induction system at Action Taken When the DTC Sets
ignition ON, engine OFF is equal to the BARO. When . DTC P0236is a Type B DTC.
the engine is operated at wide-open throttle (WOT)the
turbocharger can increase the pressure to near I The ECM will disable boost control and limit the
240 kPa (34.8psi).The pressure is equal to the BARO system to mechanical boost only, resulting in a
when the engine is idling or decelerating. substantial decrease in engine power.

Conditions for Running the DTC Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
- DTC P0096,P0097,P0098,P0102,P0103, DTC P0236is a Type B DTC.
P0107,P0108,P0111,P0112,P0113,P0116, Diagnostic Aids
P0335,P0336,P2227,P2228,P2229,or P2230is I The charge air cooler is connected to the
not active. turbocharger and to the throttle body by flexible
RPM. duct work that requires the use of special high
I Engine speed is between 400—7,000
torque fastening clamps. These clamps cannot be
I Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) is between -7 substituted. In order to prevent any type of air leak
to +125°C(19.4—257°F). when servicing the duct work, the tightening
I IntakeAir Temperature (IAT)is between I20 to specifications and proper positioning of the
+125°C(-4 to +257°F). clamps is critical, and must be strictly adhered to.
I The DTC runscontinuously when the above I Use a smoke generating device or a solution of
conditions have been met. dishsoap and water in a spray bottle to pinpoint
OR any suspected air leaks in the induction system
and in the charge air cooler assembly.
I DTC P0106,P0107,P0108,P0237,P0238,
P2227,P2228,P2229,P2230,or P2610s not Reference Information
I DTC P0107,P0108,P0237,P0238,P2228, Schematic Reference
or P2229is not pending. Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28
I ignition is ON.
Connector End View Reference
I Engine is OFF
I The time between current ignition cycle and the Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
last time the engine was running is greater Description and Operation
than 6 s.
I The DTC runscontinuously when the above Turbocharger System Description on page 9—306
conditions have been met.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9-129
Electrical Information Reference 9. Verify the scan tool MAP Sensor pressure
parameter is between 26—52kPa (3.8—7.5 psi)and
I Circuit Testingon page 11-526 changes with accelerator pedal input.
I Connector Repairs on page 11-548
=>If not between 26—52kPa (3.8—7.5 psi) or does
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor notchange
Connections on page 11-531
Refer to DTC P0106on page 9—84.
I Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
U If between 26—52kPa (3.8—7.5 psi)and changes
DTC Type Reference 10. Verify the scan tool MAF Sensor g/s parameter
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Changes smoothly and gradually as the engine
Definitions on page 6—68 speed is increased and decreased while
performing the actions listed below.
Scan Tool Reference
10.1.Engine idling
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool 10.2.Perform the scan tool snapshot function.
information 10.3.Increase the engine speed slowly to
CircuitlSystem Verification 3,000RPM and then back to idle.
1. Verify that DTC P0641is not set. 10.4.Exit from the scan tool snapshot and review
the data.
:e Ifthe DTC is set
10.5.Observe the MAF Sensor parameter frame
Refer to DTC P0641,P0651,P0697,or P06A3 by frame with a scan tool.
(ECM) on page 9-182. =>The MAF Sensor parameter does not change
U if the DTC is not set smoothly and gradually
2. Ifyou were sent here from DTC P0068,P0101, Refer to DTC P0101on page 9-77.
P0106,P0121,or P1101,refer to CircuitlSystem
Testing. U The MAF Sensor parameter changes smoothly
and gradually
3. IgnitionON.
11. Verify the scan tool Boost Pressure Sensor
4. Verify the scan tool Throttle Body IdleAirflow pressure and BARO parameters are within 3 kPa
Compensation parameter is lessthan 90%. (0.4psi).
=>90% or greater =>The parameters are not within 3 kPa (0.4psi).
Refer to ThrottleBody Inspection and Cleaning Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
on page 9-253.
U The parameters are within 3 kPa (0.4psi).
U If less than 90%
12. Verify the scan tool MAP Sensor parameter and
5. Verify the scan tool Throttle Position Sensors 1 and the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter are within
2 Agree/Disagree parameter displays Agree while 20 kPa (2.9psi)during a WOT acceleration at the
performingthe Throttle Sweep Test with a time of the 1-2 shift.
scan tool.
=>The parameters are not within 20 kPa (2.9psi)
=>lf Disagree
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Refer to DTC P0121-P0123,P0222,P0223,
or P2135(LUV)on page 9-102. U The parameters are within 20 kPa (2.9psi)
U If Agree 13. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
6. Verify the scan tool BARO parameter is within the vehicle within the conditions that you observed
range specified in the Altitude VersusBarometric from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
Pressure on page 9-26table, for the current
vehicle testing altitude. 14. Verify a DTC does not set.
:> BARO is not in range =>If a DTC sets
Refer to DTC P2227—P2230 Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
on page 9-214.
U BARO is within range U If a DTC does not set
7. Verify the scan tool MAP Sensor pressure and 15. All OK.
BARO parameters are within 3 kPa (0.4psi). CircuitlSystem Testing
=>The parameters are not within 3 kPa (0.4psi). 1. Verify that DTC P0237or P0238is not set.
Refer to DTC P0106on page 9-84. =>If a DTC is set
U The parameters are within 3 kPa (0.4psi). Refer to DTC P0237or P0238on page 9—131.
8. Engine idling.
U If none of the DTCs are set
2. Verify the conditions listed below do not exist:
I Loose clamps, cracks, or other damage in the
air intake duct system
I Collapsed or restricted air intake duct system

9I‘i30 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)
I Restricted air filter Repair instructions
I Splits, kinksor improper connections at the Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
vacuum hoses page 6—92 after completing the repair.
I Missing,restricted or leaking exhaust Intake Air Pressure and TemperatureSensor
components ——Refer to Symptoms - Engine Replacement on page 9-247for turbocharger
Exhaust on page 9-734. boost/intake air temperature sensor replacement.
I Vacuum leaks at the intake manifold and Control Module References on page 6-3 for
throttle body engine control module replacement, programming,
=>If a condition exists and setup
Repair as necessary.
U if none of the conditions exist
3. Replace the B111B turbocharger boost/intake air
temperature sensor.

EnghmiConhobHleI14L(LUV) 9431
DTC P0237 or P0238
Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check I Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0237: Turbocharger Boost Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0238: Turbocharger Boost Sensor Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

Opeanigh Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
’ P0365,
P0340, ’ P0236P0238
5V Reference P0452, P0532, P0236,
P2227 ' ’
P04g1§212g64t P0236
IntakeAir PressureSignal Pozggéiggzsz Pozggéggzsz Pozggggzss, P0236
LowReference — P0098,
P2227 — -

Typical Scan Tool Data

Boost PressureSensor
Circuit I Short to Ground I Open I Short to Voltage
ParameterNormal Range: BARO to 240kPa (34.8psi)
Operating Conditions: Enginerunning
5 V Reference 0kPa (0psi) 0kPa (0psi) 269kPa (39psi)
BoostPressureSignal 0 kPa (0psi) 0kPa (0psi) 269kPa (39psi)
LowReference — 267kPa (38.7psi) -

Circuit Description Conditions for Running the DTC

The boost pressure sensor is integrated with the I Ignition is ON or the engine is running.
turbocharger boost/intake air temperature sensor.The
boost pressure sensor measures the range of I The DTCs run continuously when the above
pressures between the turbocharger and the throttle conditions have been met.
body.The sensor used on this engine is a three Conditions for Setting
atmosphere sensor.Pressure in this portion of the the DTC
induction system is affected by engine speed, throttle P0237
opening, turbocharger boost pressure, intake air The ECM detects that the boost pressure sensor
temperature (lAT), barometric pressure (BARO), and voltage is less than 1.0 V for greater than 5 s.
the efficiency of the charge air cooler.
The sensor provides a signal voltage to the engine P0238
control module (ECM),relative to the pressure The ECM detects that the boost pressure sensor 1
changes. Under normal operation the greatest pressure voltage is greater than 4.7 V for greater than 5 5.
that can exist in this portion of the induction system at
ignition ON, engine OFF is equal to the BARO. When Action Taken When the DTC Sets
the engine is operated at wide-open throttle (WOT)the I DTCs P0237and P0238are Type B DTCs.
turbocharger can increase the pressure to near
240 kPa (34.8psi).The pressure is equal to the BARO I The ECM will disable boost control and limit the
when the engine is idling or decelerating. system to mechanical boost only, resulting in a
substantial decrease in engine power.

9-132 Efiiine Controls/Fuel I 'l .41. (LUV)

Conditions for Clearing the MlL/DTC 6. Verify a DTC does not set.
DTCs P0237and P0238are Type B DTCs. =>If the DTC sets
Refer to Circuit/System Testing.
Reference Information
U If the DTC does not set
Schematic Reference 7. All OK.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 CircuitlSystem Testing
Connector End View Reference 1. Ignition OFF, and all vehicle systems OFF,
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 disconnect the harness connector at the
B111B turbocharger boost/intake air temperature
Description and Operation may take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle
systems to power down.
Turbocharger System Description on page 9-306
2. Test for less than 5 Q between the low reference
Electrical Information Reference circuit terminal 1 and ground.
I Circuit Testing on page 11—526 =>If 5 Q or greater
I Connector Repairs on page 11-548 2.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor connector at the K20 engine control module.
Connections on page 11-531 2.2.Test for lessthan 2 Q in the low reference
I Wiring Repairs on page 11—537 circuit and to end.
=>lf 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
DTC Type Reference in the circuit.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type :> If lessthan 2 Q, replace the K20 engine control
Definitions on page 6-68 module.
Scan Tool Reference U If less than 5 Q
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool 3. Ignition ON.
information 4. Test for 4.8—5.2 V between the 5 V reference circuit
terminal 3 and ground.
CircuitlSystem verification
:> If less than 4.8 V
1. Verify that DTC P0641is not set. 4.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness
:> If the DTC is set connector at the K20 engine control module.
Refer to DTC P0641,P0651,P0697,or P06A3 4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the 5 V
(ECM)on page 9-182. reference circuit and ground.
U if the DTC is not set =>If lessthan infinite resistance, repairthe short to
2. Verify the scan tool BARO parameter is within the ground on the circuit.
range specified in the Altitude VersusBarometric U lf infinite resistance
Pressure on page 9—26 table, for the current 4.3. Test for lessthan 2 Q in the 5 V reference
vehicle testing altitude. circuit end to end.
=>BARO is not in range. =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Refer to DTC P2227—P2230 on page 9—214. in the circuit.
U BARO is within range. =>if lessthan 2 Q, replace the K20 engine control
3. Verify the scan tool Boost Pressure Sensor module.
pressure and BARO parameters are within 3 kPa Note: Ifthe signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the
(0.4psi). engine control module or the sensor may be damaged.
2 The parameters are not within 3 kPa (0.4psi). =>If greater than 5.2 V
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. 4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
U The parameters are within 3 kPa (0.4psi). connector at the K20 engine control module,
ignition ON.
4. Verify the scan tool MAP Sensor parameter and
the Boost Pressure Sensor parameter are within 4.2. Test for lessthan 1 V between the 5 V
20 kPa (2.9psi)during a WOT acceleration at the reference circuit and ground.
time of the 1—2shift. =>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
=>The parameters are not within 20 kPa (2.9psi). the circuit.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. =>If lessthan 1 V, replace the K20 engine control
U The parameters are within 20 kPa (2.9psi).
U If between 4.8—5.2 V
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you observed
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9I133
5. Verify the scan tool Boost Pressure Sensor voltage 7. Verify the scan tool Boost Pressure Sensor voltage
parameter is lessthan 0.2 V. parameter is greater than 4.5 V.
:> lf 0.2 V or greater :> lf 4.5Vor less
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness 7.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the jumper wire,
connector at the K20 engine control module, disconnect the X1 harness connector at the
ignition ON. K20 engine control module.
5.2.Test for less than 1 V between the signal 7.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal
circuit terminal 4 and ground. circuit terminal 4 and ground.
=>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on =>11‘ lessthan infinite resistance, repair the short to
the circuit. ground on the circuit.
=>Iflessthan 1 V, replace the K20 engine control U If infinite resistance
module. 7.3.Test for lessthan 2 Q in the signal circuit end
if less than 0.2 V to end.
Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open or high
circuit terminal 4 and the 5 V reference circuit resistance in the circuit.
terminal 3. =>Iflessthan 2 Q, replace the K20 engine control
U If greater than 4.5 V
8. Test or replace the B111B turbocharger boost/
intake air temperature sensor.
Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6—92 after completing the repair.
Intake Air Pressure and Temperature Sensor
Replacement on page 9-247for turbocharger
boost/intake air temperature sensor replacement
Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
replacement, programming, and setup

OI134 Eflgine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)

DTC P0243, P0245, or P0246

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check I Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0243: Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid Valve Control Circuit
DTC P0245: Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid Valve Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0246: Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid Valve Control Circuit High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
P0030, P0034,P0036,
.. . . P0134,
P0036, P0134,P0135,
'gn't'onVO'tageC'rcu't P0245,
P0135, P0140,P0141, — ‘
P0443, P0243,P0245,
ControlCircuit P0245 P0243 P0246,P0443, P0243

CircuitlSystem Description allow the turbocharger waste gate to open from the air
pressure ratio differential, there by reducing the speed
The BorgWarnerTMdual scroll turbocharger of the turbine.
incorporates a wastegate that is controlled by a
pressure differential, that is determined by the engine Conditions for Running the DTC
control module (ECM)by means of a pulse width I Ignition ON or engine running.
modulation (PWM)solenoid, in order to regulate the
pressure ratio of the compressor.A charge air bypass I The battery voltage is between 11—32V.
valve also controlled by the ECM by utilizing a remotely I This DTC runscontinuously within the enabling
mounted solenoid is integrated into the bypass valve to conditions.
prevent compressor surging and damage from
vibrations by opening during abrupt closed throttle Conditions for Setting the DTC
conditions. When the bypass valve is open during The ECM detects an open, a short to ground, or a short
closed throttle deceleration conditions, the bypass to voltage on the turbocharger wastegate solenoid
valve allows the air to recirculate in the turbocharger control circuit for greater than 0.5 s.
and maintain compressor speed. Within a calibrated
range during the closed throttle event, or upon a wide Action Taken When the DTC Sets
open throttle command the bypass valve will then close DTCs P0243,P0245and P0246are Type B DTCs.
to optimize turbo response. The turbocharger
wastegate actuator has the following circuits: Conditions for Clearing the DTC
I Ignitionvoltage DTCs P0243,P0245and P0246are Type B DTCs.
I Turbocharger wastegate solenoid control
Reference Information
At idle the turbocharger wastegate solenoid parameter
is commanded to 0% by the ECM. When the engine Schematic Reference
load and RPM first increases under a wide open
throttle, the turbocharger wastegate solenoid Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28
parameter should briefly be commanded as great as Connector End View Reference
90—100%. When the proper level of boost pressure is
attained, the ECM will decrease the PWM of the Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
solenoid to a range of 65—85%. As soon as the throttle
Description and Operation
closes the ECM will command the turbocharger
wastegate solenoid parameter back to 0%, in order to Turbocharger System Description on page 9—306

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 'l.4L (LUV) 9I’l35
Electrical Information Reference CircuitlSystem Testing
I Circuit Testingon page 11-526 1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
I Connector Repairs on page 11—548 the Q42 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid Valve.
ignition ON.
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11-531 2. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the ignition
circuittermina12 and ground.
I WiringRepairs on page 11-537
:> If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
DTC Type Reference circuit fuse is good
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type 2.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp.
Definitions on page 6-68 2.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the ignition circuit end
Scan Tool Reference to end.
=>lf 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool in the circuit.
=>Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and
CircuitlSystem Verification there is voltage at the fuse.
1. Ignition ON =>If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
2. Verify a series of clicks,which increase in circuit fuse is open
frequency, are heard or felt from the 2.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp.
Q42 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid Valve Note: An internal short in any component supplied by
when commanding the Turbocharger Wastegate the fuse may cause the fuse to open and set a DTC
Solenoid Valve between 15—100 %with a when the component is activated.
scan tool.
2.2.Test for infinite resistance between the ignition
=>If a series of clicks in increasing frequency are circuit and ground.
not heard or felt
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. ground on the circuit.
U if a series of clicks in increasing frequency is 2 Ifinfinite resistance, test all components
heard or felt connected to the ignition voltage circuit for a
3. Verify the parameters listed below do not display short and replace as necessary.
Malfunction when commanding the Turbocharger If the test lamp illuminates
Wastegate Solenoid Valve between 15—100 %with
a scan tool. 5»:Remove the test lamp.
I Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid Valve 4. Verify the scan tool Turbocharger Wastegate
Control Circuit High Voltage Test Status Solenoid Valve Control Circuit Low Voltage Test
Status parameter is OK.
I Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid Valve
Control Circuit Open Test Status =>lf OK is not displayed
I Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid Valve 4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
Control Circuit Low Voltage Test Status connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
=>If Malfunction is displayed 4.2.Test for infinite resistance between the control
circuit and ground.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
=>if lessthan infinite resistance, repairthe short to
<: lf Malfunction is not displayed ground on the circuit.
4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
:> Ifinfinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
Control Module.
vehicle within the conditions that you observed
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. U If OK is displayed
5. Verify a DTC does not set. 5. Verify the scan tool Turbocharger Wastegate
:> If a DTC sets Solenoid Valve Control Circuit High Voltage Test
Status parameter is OK.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing =>lf OK is not displayed
U If a DTC does not set 5.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
6. All OK connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
ignition ON.
5.2.Test for less than 1 V between the control
circuit and ground.
:> lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.
:> Iflessthan 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
U lf OK is displayed

9Il36 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)
6. install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the control :> if lessthan 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
circuit terminal1 and the ignition circuit terminal 2. Module.
7. Verify the scan tool Turbocharger Wastegate U If Malfunction is displayed
Solenoid Valve Control Circuit High Voltage Test 8. Test or replace the Q42 Turbocharger Wastegate
Status parameter is Malfunction. Solenoid Valve.
=>If Malfunction is not displayed
Repair Instructions
7.1. ignition OFF, remove thejumper wire,
disconnect the harness connector at the Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
K20 Engine Control Module. page 6-92after completing the repair.
7.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
to end. replacement, programming and setup
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9-137


Diagnostic instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check I Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P025A: Fuel Pump Control Module Enable Circuit
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Short to Voltage Signal

Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Performance
Control P025A P025A — P025A

CircuitlSystem Description Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor

Connections on page 11-531
The engine control module (ECM)suppliesvoltage to
the fuel pump control module when the ECM detects WiringRepairs on page 11—537
that the ignition is on. The voltage from the ECM to the DTC Type Reference
fuel pump control module remains active for 2 seconds, . . ‘
unlessthe engine is in crank or run.While this voltage Powertrain DIeQNOSt/CTrouble Code (DTC)Type
is being received, the fuel pump control module Definitions on page 6'68
suppliesa varying voltage to the fuel tank pump module Scan Tool Reference
in order to maintain the desired fuel line pressure.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
Conditions for Running the DTC information

The 'gnmon '8 ON‘ _ CircuitlSystem Testing

Conditions for Setting the DTC Note: Verify that the fuel tank is not empty. Only
The serial data message from the ECM to the fuel perform this diagnostic if there is at least 2 gallons of
pump control module does not agree with the state of fuel Inthe fuel tank. Clear the DTC, and start and run
the control enable voltage signal supplied from the the engine. Verify that the DTC resets before
ECM to the fuel pump control module for more than proceeding Wlththe CWCUJt SYSte‘mteShth Ifthe DTC
2 seconds. does not reset, refer to diagnostic aids.

Action Taken When the DTC Sets 1. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
disconnect the harness connector at the K27 fuel
DTC P025Ais a Type A DTC. pump control module, ignition ON.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC . Connect a test lamp between the control circuit
terminal 20 and ground.
DTC P025Ais a Type A DTC.
. Verify the test lamp turns ON and OFF when
Reference Information commanding the fuel pump ON and OFF usingthe
scan tool ECM fuel pump enable control function.
Schematic Reference
if the test lamp is always OFF
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28 3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
Connector End View Reference connector at the K20 engine control module.
3.2.Test for infinite resistance between the control
Component Connector End Viewson page 11-269 circuit and ground.
Description and Operation =>Iflessthan infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit.
Fuel System Description on page 9—302
U Ifinfinite resistance
Electrical Information Reference
3.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end
I Circuit Testing on page 11-526 to end.
I Connector Repairs on page 11-548 =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

9-138 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)

a Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 engine control :> if lessthan 1 V, replace the K20 engine control
module. module.
=>if the test lamp is always ON U If the test lamp turns ON and OFF
3.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness 4. Test or replace the K27 fuel pump control module.
connector at the K20 engine control module, _ .
ignitionON_ Repair Instructions
3.2.Test for lessthan 1 V between the control Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
circuit and ground. page 6-92after completing the repair.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM or
=>lf 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
fuel pump control module replacement, programming
the circuit.
and setup

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9I139

DTC P0300-P0304

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check I Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0300: Engine MisfireDetected
DTC P0301: Cylinder1 MisfireDetected
DTC P0302: Cylinder2 MisfireDetected
DTC P0303: Cylinder3 MisfireDetected
DTC P0304: Cylinder4 MisfireDetected

CircuitlSystem Description I The throttle angle is greater than 3% when the

vehicle speed is greater than 5 km/h (3 MPH).
The engine control module (ECM)uses information
from the crankshaft position sensorand the camshaft I The transmission is not changing gears.
position sensorsin order to determine when an engine I The antilook brake system (ABS) and the traction
misfireis occurring. By monitoring variations in the control system, if equipped, is not active.
crankshaft rotation speed for each cylinder, the ECM is I DTCs P030000, P030100, P030200, P030300,
able to detect individual misfireevents. A misfirerate and P030400 run continuously when the above
that is high enough can cause 3-way catalytic converter conditions are met.
damage. The malfunction indicator lamp (MlL)will flash
ON and OFF when the conditions for catalytic converter Conditions for Setting the DTC
damage are present. DTCs P0301through P0304 The ECM is detecting a crankshaft rotation speed
correspond to oylinders1through 4. lfthe ECM is able variation indicating a misfiresufficient to cause
to determine that a specificcylinder is misfiring, the emissionor catalyst damaging levels to exceed
DTC for that cylinder will set, and the corresponding mandated standards.
fuel injector is disabled and/or add fuel, The ECM will
re-enable the fuel injector after 3 crankshaft revolutions Action Taken When the DTC Sets
(6for manual transmission vehicles) to determine if a
misfireis still present and either disable for 3 crankshaft . DTCs P0300—PO304 are Type B DTCs.
revolutions (6for manual transmission vehicles) again I The ECM may disable up to two fuel injector’s of
or stay enabled, depending on whether the misfireis the misfiringcylinder’s when a catalyst damaging
still present. level of misfireis present. And will flash the
malfunction indicator lamp (MIL).
Conditions for Running the DTC
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
. DTC 0010,P0011,P0013,P0014,P0016,P0017,
P0018,P0019,P0020,P0021,P0023,P0024, DTCs PO300—P0304
are Type B DTCs.
P0106,P0107,P0108,P0111,P0112,P0113, Diagnostic Aids
P0114,P0117,P0118,P0119,P0122,P0123, I A misfiremay only occur when the engine is under
P0191,P0192,P0193,P0222,P0223,P0335, a load or when the engine is cold.
P0336,P0340,P0341,P0345,P0346,P0365, I A misfireDTC may be caused by an excessive
P0366,P0390,P0391,P0601,P0604,P0606, vibration from sourcesother than the engine.
P0651,P16AO,P16A1,P16A2,P16F3,P2101, inspect for the following possiblesources:
P2135,P2227,P2228,P2229,or P2230is not set.
—A tire or wheel that is out of round or out of
I The engine speed is between 600—6528 RPM. balance
I The ignition voltage is between 11II18 V. —Variable thickness brake rotors
I The engine coolant temperature (ECT)sensoris —Certain rough road conditions
between -7 to +125°C(+19to +257°F).
—A damaged accessory drive component or belt
I The NC compressor clutch is not changing states.
—A damaged reluctor wheel
I The fuel tank level is greater than 15%.
I High resistance in the circuits of the injectors may
I The ECM is not in fuel cut-off or deceleration fuel set a misfireDTC withoutsetting an injector DTC.
cut—offmode. Test the injector circuits of the affected cylinder(s)
I The ECM is not receiving a rough road signal. for a high resistance if you suspect a condition.
I The throttle angle is steady within 5%. I The MIL indicator flashes when there is an engine
9I‘l40 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)

Reference Information 6. Verify the engine speed changes when performing

the Cylinder Power Balance Test with a scan tool.
Schematic Reference =>If engine speed does not change
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28 Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Connector End View Reference U If engine speed does change
Component Connector End Viewson page 11—269 7. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
Electrical Information Reference vehicle within the conditions that you observed
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
I Circuit Testing on page 11-526
9° Verify the DTCs are not set.
I Connector Repairs on page 11—548
=>If any of the DTCs set
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11-531 Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 U If none of the DTCs set
DTC Type Reference 9. All OK.

Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)Type CircuitlSystem Testing

Definitions on page 6—68 1. Perform the Crankshaft Position System Variation
Scan Tool Reference Learn on page 9-243procedure. Verify the scan
tool displays Learned Successful.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool :> If the scan tool did not display Learned
information Successful
Special Tools Inspect for the following conditions and repair
I EL 26792HEl Spark Tester as necessary:
I EN 36012—AIgnitionSystem Diagnostic Harness I Worn crankshaft main bearings
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools I A damaged or misaligned reluctor wheel
(Diagnostio Tools)on_page 9-308. I Excessive crankshaft runout
I Interference in the signal circuit of the
CircuitlSystem Verification crankshaft position sensor
Note: Before starting vehicle, review freeze frame data I The ignition switch is in the ON position until
to determine if misfiresets during cold start or warmed there is insufficient system voltage.
up operation. Ifthe vehicle has a cold start problem and
I An ECM power disconnect with the ignition ON
the vehicle is started, the vehicle will require to be not that may have erased the crankshaft position
started for many hours before next attempt to operate
system variation values and set DTC P0315
the vehicle within the fail conditions.
I Debris between the crankshaft position sensor
1. Engine idling at the normal operating temperature, and the reluctor wheel
verify there is no abnormal engine noise.
:> Ifthe engine control module is still unable to
2. Verify there is no abnormal engine noise. complete the learn procedure, replace the
=>If abnormal engine noises are present K20 Engine Control Moduie..
Refer to Symptoms I Engine Mechanical on U If the scan tool displays Learned Successful
page 9-770. 2. Verify that the following conditions do not exist:
U if there are no abnormal engine noises I Vacuum hose splits, kinks,and incorrect
.03Verify no DTCs other than P0300—P0304 are set. connections
2 If any DTCs other than P0300—P0304 are set I Engine vacuum leaks
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)List - I Crankcase ventilation system for vacuum leaks
Vehicle on page 6-69. I Fuel pressure that is too low or too high—Refer
=>if only DTCs P0300—P0304 are set to Fue/ System Diagnosis on page 9-230.
I Contaminated fuel—Refer to Alcohol/
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. Contaminants—in-FuelDiagnosis on
¢: If no DTCs are set page 9-235.
4. Verify the scan tool Cylinder 1—4Current Misfire I Exhaust system restrictions
Counter Misfireparameters do not increment. =>If a condition exist
=>If MisfireCurrent Counters are incrementing Repair or replace as necessary.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing U If no conditions exist
U If MisfireCurrent Counters are not 3. ignition OFF, remove the K35 ignition CoilModule
incrementing and connect the (EL 26792)HEl Spark Tester to
5. Engine idling. the coil of the misfiringcylinder.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel .I 1.4L (LUV) 9I‘l41
4. Verify none of the conditions listed below exist with 9. Verify the scan tool Cylinder 1—4Current Misfire
the boot of the K35 Ignition Coil Module: Counter parameter does not increment on the
I Holes spark plug coil it was removed from.
I Tears =>If the misfiredoes follow the spark plug
I Carbon tracking exchange
I Oil contamination Replace the spark plug.
I Water intrusion U If the misfiredoes not follow the spark plug
=>If a condition exist exchange
10. Test or inspect for the following:
Repair or replace as necessary.
I A lean or rich Q17 Fuel lnjector—Refer to Fuel
U If no conditions exist System Diagnosis on page 9-230.
Note: An erratic or weak spark is considered a no I An engine mechanical condition—Refer to
spark condition. Symptoms I Engine Mechanical on page 9—770.
5. Verifythe(EL 26792)HEl Spark Tester sparks
while cranking or starting the engine. Repair Instructions
=>If there is no spark Ignition CoilReplacement on page 9-277
Spark Plug Replacement on page 9-281
Refer to Electronic Ignition System Diagnosis
on page 9-238for diagnosis of the ignition coil. Repair Verification
U If there is spark 1. Ifthe customer concern was a flashing MIL,
6. IgnitionOFF, remove the spark plug from the operate the vehicle within the conditions for
misfiring cylinder. running DTC P042000. Refer to DTC P0420on
7. Exchange the suspected spark plug with another page 9-155.
cylinder that is operating correctly. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
8. Engine idling. Turn OFF the ignition for 60 3.
Start the engine.
Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
within the conditions that you observed from the
freeze frame/failure records.
. Ifthe DTC fails this ignition, a misfirestill exists.

9Il42 Engine Controls/i-‘uel I 1.4L (LUV)

DTC P0315

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check I Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0315: Crankshaft Position System Variation Not Learned

CircuitlSystem Description Electrical Information Reference

I Circuit Testing on page 11-526
The crankshaft position sensor system variation learn
feature is used to calculate reference period errors I Connector Repairs on page 11-548
caused by slight tolerance variations in the crankshaft, I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
and the crankshaft position sensor.The calculated error Connections on page 11-531
allows the engine control module (ECM)to accurately I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
compensate for reference period variations. This
enhances the ability of the ECM to detect misfireevents DTC Type Reference
over a wider range of engine speed and load. Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)Type
The crankshaft position sensor system variation Definitions on page 6-68
compensating values are stored in ECM memory after
a learn procedure has been performed. if the actual Scan Tool Reference
crankshaft position sensor variation is not within the Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
crankshaft position sensor system variation information
' compensating \[aluesstored in the ECM, DTC P0300
may set; CircuitlSystem Testing
Ifthe crankshaft position sensor system variation Note: The crankshaft position sensor system variation
values are not stored in the ECM memory, learn procedure may have to be repeated up to 5 times
DTC P0315sets. before the procedure is learned.
Conditions for Running the DTC 1. Perform the crankshaft position variation learn
I The engine is running. procedure. Refer to Crankshaft Position System
Variation Learn on page 9-243.
I The DTC runscontinuously.
2. Ifthe crankshaft position variation learn procedure
Conditions for Setting the DTC cannot be performed successfully,inspect for the
following conditions:
The crankshaft position sensor system variation values
are not stored in the ECM memory. I Any worn crankshaft main bearings
I A damaged or misaligned reluctor wheel
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
I Excessive crankshaft runout
DTC P0315is a Type A code. I Interference in the signal circuit of the
Conditions for Clearing the DTC B26 Crankshaft Position Sensor
I The ignition switch is left in the ON position,
DTC P0315is a Type A code. until the battery is discharged
Diagnostic Aids I An ECM power disconnect, with the ignition
This test procedure requires that the vehicle battery ON, that may have erased the crankshaft
has passed a load test and is completely charged. position sensor system variation values and set
Refer to Battery Inspection/Teston page 9—702. DTC P0315
I Any debris between the crankshaft position
Reference Information sensor and the reluctor wheel
Schematic Reference =>if the ECM is still unable to complete the learn
procedure, replace the K20 Engine Control
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 Module.
Connector End View Reference Repair Instructions
Component Connector End Viewson page 11—269 Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
replacement, programming and setup
2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9-143
DTC P0324, P0326, or P06B6
Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check I Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0324: Knock Sensor Module Performance
DTC P0326: Knock Sensor Performance
DTC P0636: Control Module Knock Sensor Processor Performance
Diagnostic Fault Information

Opeanigh Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
Signal P0327 P0325 P0328 P0326
LowReference P0327 — P0325,P0328 —~

CircuitlSystem Description I The lAT is greater than -40°C (~40°F).

The knock sensor enables the engine control module I The DTC runscontinuously when the above
(ECM)to control the ignition timing for the best possible conditions are met.
performance while protecting the engine from
Conditions for Setting the DTC
potentially damaging levels of detonation. The knock
sensor produces an alternating current (AC) voltage P0324
signal that varies depending on the vibration level
during engine operation. The ECM adjusts the spark The knock sensor signal indicates an excessive engine
timing based on the amplitude and the frequency of the knock is present for greater than 10 s for at least1
knock sensor signal. The ECM receives the knock single cylinder.
sensor signal through a signal circuit. The ECM P0326
suppliesa ground circuit to the knock sensor through a I The signal indicates the sensor harness is
low reference circuit. The ECM also suppliesa shielded connected, but the sensor is not properly bolted to
ground circuit to the knock sensor.The ECM learns a the engine.
knock sensor noise level at idle and usescalibrated
values for the rest of the engine speed range. The ECM I The above condition exist for greater than 10 s.
should monitor a normal knock sensor signal within the or
noise channel. I The knock sensor signal indicates an excessive
engine knock is present.
Conditions for Running the DTC
I The above condition exist for greater than 10 s.
P0324,and P0326Excessive Knock Detection Mode
I Engine speed is between 580—8500 RPM.
The ECM has detected an internal knock sensor
I The ECT is greater than ~40°C(-40°F). processor fault.
I The lAT is greater than -40°C (-40°F).
I The DTCs run continuously when the above Action Taken When the DTC Sets
conditions are met. I DTCs P0324,P0326and P0686are
Type B DTCs.
P0324and P0326Abnormal Noise Detection Mode,
Improperly Bolted Knock Sensor I The ignition timing is retarded to reduce the
potential of engine damaging spark knock.
I Engine speed is between 2 500—8500 RPM.
I The ECT is greater than —40°C(—40°F). Conditions for Clearing the DTC
I The lAT is greaterthan —40°C(-40°F). DTCs P0324,P0326and P06B6are Type B DTCs.
I The DTCs run continuously when the above
conditions are met.
I Engine speed is greater than 580 RPM.
I The ECT is greater than —40°C(—40°F).
9Il44 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)

Diagnostic Aids 3. Verify DTC P0325,P0327,P0328and P0686is

not set.
I inspect the knock sensor for physical damage and
proper installation. A knock sensor that is dropped =>IF DTC P0325,P0327,or P0328is set with
or damaged may cause a DTC to set. P0636
I Inspect the knock sensor for proper installation. Refer to DTC P0325,P0327,or P0328on
A knock sensor that is loose or over torqued may page 9—145 for further diagnosis.
cause a DTC to set. The knock sensor should be =>If only DTC P0636 is set
free of thread sealant.
Verify that no external knock sensor circuit
I The knock sensor mounting surface should be issuesexist, then; replace the K20 engine
free of burrs,casting flash, and foreign material. control module.
Reference Information <: If none of the DTCs is set
Schematic Reference 4. Vehicle OFF, inspect for the following:
I The affected B68knock sensor for physical
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 damage. A sensor that is dropped or damaged
Connector End View Reference may cause a DTC to set
I The sensor for proper installation. A sensor that
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 is loose or not at the correct torque may cause
Description and Operation a DTC to set. Refer to Fastener Tightening
Specifications on page 9—27.
Knock Sensor System Description on page 9—304 I The sensor mounting surface for burrs,casting
Electrical Information Reference flash, and foreign material
I The sensor must be clear of hoses, brackets,
I Circuit Testing on page 11—526 and engine electrical wiring
I Connector Repairs on page 11—548
I Loose brackets
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor I Loose or broken accessory drive belts,
Connections on page 11-531 brackets, components
I Wiring Repairs on page 11—537 I An engine mechanical condition—Referto
DTC Type Reference Symptoms I Engine Mechanical on page 9-770
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type =>If a condition is found
Definitions on page 6—68 Repair or replace component as appropriate.
Scan Tool Reference U If no condition is found
5. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
within the conditions that you observed from the
CircuitlSystem Verification freeze frame/failure Records data.
1. ignition ON. =>If any of the DTCs set
2. Engine running, obsen/e the DTC information with Test or replace the B68knock sensor.
a scan tool. U If none of the DTCs set
6. All OK
Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
I Knock Sensor Replacement on page 9-286
I Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
replacement, programming and setup

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9445

DTC P0325, P0327, or P0328

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check I Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0325: Knock Sensor Circuit
DTC P0327: Knock Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0328: Knock Sensor Circuit High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
Signal P0327 P0325 P0328 P0326
LowReference P0327 P0325,P0686 P0328 P0326

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Setting the DTCs

The knock sensor enable the engine control module P0325
(ECM)to control the ignition timing for the best possible
performance while protecting the engine from The ECM detects that a knock sensor signal circuit is
potentially damaging levels of detonation. The knock open for longer than 6 s.
sensor produces an alternating current (AC) voltage P0327
signal that varies depending on the vibration level
during engine operation. The ECM adjusts the spark The ECM detects that a knock sensor signal circuit is
timing based on the amplitude and the frequency of the shorted to ground for longer than 6 s.
knock sensorsignals.The ECM receives the two knock P0328
sensor signals through 2 isolated circuits. The ECM
learns a minimum knock sensor noise level for all of the The ECM detects that a knock sensor signal circuit is
engine speed ranges. The ECM monitors for a normal shorted to voltage for longer than 6 8.
knock sensor signal. The ECM monitors the two
Action Taken When the DTCs Set
internal knock sensor processor by verifying a 20 KHz
signal generated on the signal circuits is detected on I DTCs P0325,P0327and P0328are Type B DTCs.
the sensor low reference circuit. I The ignition timing is retarded to reduce the
potential of engine damaging spark knock.
Conditions for Running the DTCs
Conditions for Clearing the DTCs
I Engine speed is between 500 and 7,000RPM. DTCs P0325,P0327and P0328are Type B DTCs.
I The number of engine revolutions above the Diagnostic Aids
minimum engine speed is least 67 revolutions. I Inspect the affected knock sensor for physical
I Engine is running at least 2 s. damage. A sensor that is dropped or damaged
I The ECT is warmer than -40°C (—40°F). may cause a DTC to set.
I The lAT sensor is warmer than —40°C(—40°F). I The sensor mounting surface must be free of
I The DTCs run continuously when the above burrs,casting flash, and foreign material.
conditions are met. I The sensor must be clear of hoses, brackets, and
engine electrical wiring.
P0327or P0328
I Engine speed is lessthan 8,500RPM. Reference Information
I The DTCs run continuously when the above Schematic Reference
condition is met.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
Connector End View Reference
Component Connector End Viewson page 11-269

9446 Enigma Controls/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV)
Electrical Information Reference CircuitlSystem Testing
Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 1. Ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
Connections on page 11—531 disconnect the harness connector at the
appropriate B68 Knock Sensor. it may take up to
Circuit Testing on page 11-526 2 min for all vehicle systems to power down.
Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 . Test for lessthan 10 Q between the low reference
Connector Repairs on page 11-548 circuit terminal 2 and ground.
DTC Type Reference If 10 Q or greater
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type 2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness
Definitions on page 6—68 connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
2.2.Test for lessthan 2 Q in the low reference
Scan Tool Reference circuit end to end.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool =>lf 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
information in the circuit.
CircuitlSystem Verification :> Iflessthan 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
1. Engine Running.
If less than 10 Q
2. Verify DTC P0325,P0327or P0328is not set.
Test for 1—4V between the signal circuit terminal 1
:> If the DTC is set and ground.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. If greater than 4V
If the DTC is not set 3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness
. Verify the appropriate B68 Knock Sensor is connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
properly tightened. Refer to Fastener Tightening ignition ON.
Specifications on page 9—755. 3.2.Test for lessthan 1 V between the signal
Verify the scan tool parameters below display NO circuit and ground.
while moving the related harnesses and =>lf 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
connectors for the appropriate B68 Knock Sensor. the circuit.
I Cylinder1 Knock Detected =>Iflessthan 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
I Cylinder 2 Knock Detected Module.
I Cylinder 3 Knock Detected If less than 1 V
I Cylinder4 Knock Detected 4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness
=>If NO is not displayed connector at the K20 Engine Control Module}
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. 4.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal
circuit and ground.
U If NO is displayed
=>Iflessthan infinite resistance, repair the short to
Operate the vehicle within the conditions for ground on the circuit.
running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
within the conditions that you observed from the U lf infinite resistance
Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. 4.3. Test for lessthan 2 Q in the signal circuit end
If the DTC is set to end.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.
If the DTC is not set
=>11‘ lessthan 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
. Ali OK. Module.
U If between 1—4V
5. Replace the 868 Knock Sensor.
Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92after completing the repair.
Knock Sensor Replacement on page 9-286
Control Module References on page 6-3 for
engine control module replacement, programming,
and setup.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9447

DTC P0335 or P0336

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check I Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0335: Crankshaft Position Sensor Circuit
DTC P0336: Crankshaft Position Sensor Performance
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
5 V Reference P057C,
P0651P0335, P0335 P0651 P0336
Signal P0335,P0506 P0335 P0335 P0336
LowReference — P0335 — P0336

CircuitlSystem Description AND

The crankshaft position sensor circuits consist of an I The airflow into the engine is greater than 2 gls.
engine control module (ECM)supplied 5 V reference Condition 2
circuit, low reference circuit, and an output signal
I The engine is running and the starter is not
circuit. The crankshaft position sensor is an internally
magnetic biased digital output integrated circuit sensing
device. The sensor detects magnetic flux changes of I DTC P0651is not set.
the teeth and slots of a 58Itooth reluctor wheel on the Condition 3
crankshaft. Each tooth on the reluctor wheel is spaced
at 60Itooth spacing, with 2 missingteeth for the I The engine is running or the starter is engaged.
reference gap. The crankshaft position sensor I DTCs P0365,P0366,P0641,or P0651are
produces an ON/OFF DC voltage of varying frequency, not set.
with 58 output pulses per crankshaft revolution. The
P0336Condition 1
frequency of the crankshaft position sensor output
depends on the velocity of the crankshaft. The I The airflow into the engine is greater than 2 g/s.
crankshaft position sensor sends a digital signal, which I Engine speed is greater than 450 RPM.
represents an image of the crankshaft reluctor wheel, to I DTCs P0335or P0651are not set.
the ECM as each tooth on the wheel rotates past the
crankshaft position sensor.The ECM uses each Condition 2
crankshaft position signal pulse to determine I The engine is running and the starter is not
crankshaft speed and decodes the crankshaft reluctor engaged.
wheel reference gap to identify crankshaft position. I DTC P0651is not set.
This information is then used to determine the optimum
ignition and injection points of the engine. The ECM Condition 3
also usescrankshaft position sensor output information I The starter is engaged and the engine control
to determine the camshaft relative position to the module detects camshaft position (CMP)sensor
crankshaft, to control camshaft phasing, and to detect pulses.
cylinder misfire.
Conditions for Running the DTC I DTCs P0101,P0102,and P0103are not set.
P0335Condition1 I The airflow into the engine is greater than 2 gls.
I The starter is engaged and the engine control Condition 4
module detects camshaft position (CMP)sensor I The engine is running or the starter is engaged.
I DTCs P0365,P0366,P0641,or P0651are
OR not set.
I DTCs P0101,P0102and P0103are not set. The DTCs run continuously once the above conditions
are met.

9448 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)

Conditions for Setting the DTC Scan Tool Reference

P0335Condition 1 Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
The ECM does not detect a crankshaft position sensor
pulse for greater than 4 3. CircuitlSystem Verification
Condition 2 1. Ignition ON.
The ECM does not detect a crankshaft position sensor 2. Verify DTC P0651is not set.
pulse for greater than 0.1 3. 2;»If the DTC is set
Condition 3 Refer to DTC P0641,P0651,P0697,or P06A3
The ECM does not detect a crankshaft position sensor (ECM) on page 9—182.
pulse for 2 out of 10 engine revolutions. U If the DTC is not set
P0336Condition 1 .‘I"Engine Running.
4. Verify the scan tool Crankshaft Position Active
The ECM detects that 10 or more crankshaft
Counter parameter increments.
resynchronization have occurred within 10 8.
=>If the counter does not increment
Condition 2
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
The ECM does not detect the synchronization gap on
the reluctor wheel for greater than 0.4 3. U If the counter increments
5. Verify the scan tool Crankshaft Position Resync
Condition 3 Counter parameter displays 0 counts and the
The ECM does not detect the synchronization gap on engine does not stumble or stall while moving the
the reluctor wheel for greater than 1.5 s after the starter related harness/connectors of the B26 Crankshaft
was engaged. Position Sensor.
Condition 4 =>If greater than 0 counts and the engine
stumbles or stalls
The ECM detects lessthan 51 or greater than
65 crankshaft position sensor pulses during 1 engine Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
revolution for 8 out of 10 engine revolutions. U If 0 counts and the engine does not stumble or
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
6. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
I DTCs P0335and P0336are Type B DTCs. Running the DTC. You may also operate the
I The camshaft position sensor is used to determine vehicle within the conditions that you observed
engine position. from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
I The camshaft actuators are commanded to the 7. Verify the DTC does not set.
parked position. :> If the DTC sets
Conditions for Clearing the DTC Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
DTCs P0335and P0336are Type B DTCs. U If the DTC does not set
8. AMOK.
Reference Information
Schematic Reference CircuitlSystem Testing
1. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 disconnect the harness connector at the
Connector End View Reference 826 Crankshaft Position Sensor. Itmay take up to
2 minutes for all vehicle systems to power down.
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 2. Test for lessthan 5 Q between the low reference
Description and Operation circuit terminal 2 and ground.
Electronic Ignition System Description on page 9-297 =>lf 5 Q or greater
2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness
Electrical information Reference connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
I Circuit Testing on page 11-526 2.2.Test for lessthan 2 Q in the low reference
I Connector Repairs on page 11—548 circuit end to end.
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor =>If 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Connections on page 11-531 in the circuit.
I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 =>lf 2 Q or less, replace the K20 Engine Control
DTC Type Reference
U If less than 5 Q
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type 3. IgnitionON.
Definitions on page 6-68

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9449
4. Test for 4.8—5.2 V between the 5 V reference circuit 2 Iflessthan 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
terminal1 and ground. Module.
If less than 4.8V U lf between 4.8—5.2 V
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness 6. ignition OFF, connect a 3 A fused jumper wire to
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. the signal circuit terminal 3, ignition ON.
4.2.Test for infinite resistance between the 5 V Note: Additional DTCs may set when performing
reference circuit and ground. this test.
2 Iflessthan infinite resistance, repair the short to 7. Verify the scan tool Crankshaft Position Sensor
ground on the circuit. Active Counter parameter increments while rapidly
U lf infinite resistance tapping the fused jumper wire end to ground.
4.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the 5 V reference Ifthe counter does not increment
circuit and to end. Replace the K20 Engine Control Module.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance If the counter increments
in the circuit.
9° Verify DTC P0336is not set.
2 if lessthan 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
2 if the DTC is set
lf greater than 5.2 V Inspect for the conditions listed below:
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness I Excessive play or looseness of the
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module, 826 Crankshaft Position Sensor or the reluctor
ignition ON. wheel
4.2.Test for less than 1 V between the 5 V I Improper installation of the B26 Crankshaft
reference and ground. Position Sensor
I Foreign material passing between the
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
826 Crankshaft Position Sensor and the
the circuit. reluctor wheel
2 Iflessthan 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control I Damaged reluctor wheel
I Excessive air gap between the B26 Crankshaft
If between 4.8—5.2 V Position Sensor and the reluctor wheel
. Test for 4.8-5.2V between the signal circuit I Engine oil for debris
terminal 3 and ground.
I Timing chain, tensioner, and sprockets for wear
If less than 4.8 V or damage
5.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X2 harness 2 if any of the conditions above are found, repair
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. , as necessary.
5.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal 2 Ifall components test normal, test or replace
circuit and ground. the 826 Crankshaft Position Sensor.
2 Iflessthan infinite resistance, repair the short to Ifthe DTC is not set
ground on the circuit.
. Test or replace the 826 Crankshaft Position
U lf infinite resistance. Senson
5.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
to end. Repair Instructions
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
in the circuit. page 6—92 after completing the repair.
2 Iflessthan 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement on
Module. page 9—284 .
If greater than 5.2 V Control Module References on page 6—3for
engine control module replacement, programming,
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness and setup
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
ignition ON.
5.2.Test for less than 1 V between the signal
circuit and ground.
2 lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.

9-1 50 Eggine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)

DTC P0340, P0341, P0365, or P0366

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0340: Intake Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit
DTC P0341: Intake Camshaft Position Sensor Performance
DTC P0365: Exhaust Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit
DTC P0366: Exhaust Camshaft Position Sensor Performance
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance

5 v Reference P0101P0452 P0340,P0365 P0641 —-

Signal P0340,P0365 P0340,P0365 P0340,P0365 P0341,P0366
LowReference -- P0340,P0365 P0340,P0365 -

CircuitlSystem Description I DTCs P0101,P0102,and P0103are not set.

I The airflow into the engine is greater than 2 gls.
The camshaft position sensorseach have 3 circuits
consisting of an engine control module (ECM)supplied Condition 2
5 V reference circuit, low reference circuit, and an I The engine is running and the starter is not
output signal circuit. The camshaft position sensor is an engaged.
internally magnetic biased digital output integrated
circuit sensing device. The sensor detects magnetic I DTC P0651is not set.
flux changes of the teeth and slots of a 4Itooth reluctor Condition 3
wheel attached to the camshaft. As each reluctor wheel
I The crankshaft is synchronized.
tooth rotates past the camshaft position sensor, the
resulting change in the magnetic field is used by the I The starter is engaged.
sensor electronics to produce a digital output pulse. I DTC P0335,P0336,P0641,or P0651are not set.
The sensor returns a digital ON/OFF DC voltage pulse
of varying frequency with 4 varying width output pulses Condition 4
per camshaft revolution that represent an image of the I The crankshaft is synchronized.
camshaft reluctor wheel. The frequency of the camshaft I DTC P0335,P0336,P0641,or P0651are not set.
position sensor output depends on the velocity of the
camshaft. The ECM decodes the narrow and wide tooth P0341or P0366Condition1
pattern to identify camshaft position. This information is I The crankshaft is synchronized.
then used to determine the optimum ignition and I The starter is engaged.
injection points of the engine. The ECM usesthe
exhaust camshaft position sensor to determine injector I DTC P0335,P0336,P0641,or P0651are not set.
and ignition system synchronization. The intake and Condition 2
exhaust camshaft position sensorsare also used to I The crankshaft is synchronized.
determine camshaft to crankshaft relationship. The
ECM also uses camshaft position sensor output I DTC P0335,P0336,P0641,or P0651are not set.
information to determine the camshaft relative position The DTCs run continuously once the above conditions
to the crankshaft to control camshaft phasing and are met.
limp-home operation.
Conditions for Setting the DTC_
Conditions for Running the DTC
P0340or P0365Condition 1
P0340or P0365Condition 1 The ECM does not detect a camshaft position sensor
I The starter is engaged and the engine control pulse for greater than 5.5 s or greater than 4.0 5 since
module detects camshaft position sensor pulses. the time the starter has been engaged.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9451
Condition 2 DTC Type Reference
The ECM detects lessthan 4 camshaft position sensor Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
pulses for greater than 3.0 5. Definitions on page 6—68
Condition 3 Scan Tool Reference
The ECM does not detect a camshaft position sensor
pulse during the first 2 engine revolutions. Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
Condition 4
CircuitlSystem Verification
The ECM does not detect a camshaft position sensor
pulse during 200 engine revolutions. 1. ignition ON.
2. Verify DTC P0641or P0651is not set.
P0341or P0366Condition 1
2 if any of the DTCs are set
The ECM detects lessthan 4 or greater than 6 camshaft
position sensor pulses during the first 2 engine Refer to DTC P0641,P0651,P0697,or P06A3
revolutions. (ECM)on page 9-182.
Condition 2 U If none of the DTCs are set
03. Engine Running.
The ECM detects lessthan 398 or greater than
402 camshaft position sensor pulses during 200 engine 4. Verify the scan tool parameters listed below
revolutions. increment:
I Exhaust Camshaft Position Active Counter
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
I intake Camshaft Position Active Counter
I DTCs P0340,P0341,P0365,and P0366are 2 If any counter does not increment
Type B DTCs.
I The camshaft position actuator is commanded to Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
the Home or Parked position. U If all counters increment
I The ignition system defaults to a failed camshaft 5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
position sensor limp home mode. Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you observed
Conditions for Clearing the MlL/DTC from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
DTCs P0340,P0341,P0365,and P0366are 6. Verify the DTC does not set.
Type B DTCs. 2 If the DTC sets
Diagnostic Aids Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
I With a DTC set, the engine may crank for an U if the DTC does not set
extended period of time at start—up 7 All OK.
I The exhaust camshaft position sensor is used for
injector and ignition system synchronization. CircuitlSystem Testing
A stalling condition will occur if the camshaft 1. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
positionsensor signal is intermittentand a DTC disconnect the harness connector at the
may not set. Inspect the intake and exhaust appropriate 823 Camshaft Position Sensor.Itmay
camshaft position sensor circuits for poor take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to
connections. power down.
Reference Information 2. Test for less than 5 Q between the low reference
circuit terminal 2 and ground.
Schematic Reference 2 If 5 Q or greater
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 2.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X2 harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
Connector End View Reference
2.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269 circuit end to end.
Description and Operation 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.
Electronic Ignition System Description on page 9-297
2 If2 Q or less,replace the K20 Engine Control
Electrical Information Reference Module.
I Circuit Testing on page 11—526 U If less than 5 Q
I Connector Repairs on page 11-548 3. IgnitionON.
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11-531
I Wiring Repairs on page 11—537

94 5:2 Enfigine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)
4. Test for 4.8—5.2 V between the 5 V reference circuit 2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
terminal1 and ground. Module.
If less than 4.8 V 2 If greater than 5.2 V
4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X2 harness 5.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X2 harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
ignition ON.
4.2.Test for infinite resistance between the 5 V
reference circuit and ground. 5.2.Test for lessthan 1 V between the signal
circuit and ground.
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit. 2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.
U If infinite resistance.
2 If lessthan 1V, replace the K20 Engine Control
4.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the 5 V reference
circuit and to end.
If between 4.8—5.2 V
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit. .05Verify DTC P0341or P0366is not set.
2 Ifless than 2 Q , replace the K20 Engine Control 2 If any of the DTCs are set
Module. Inspect for the conditions listed below:
if greater than 5.2 V I Excessive play or looseness of the
4.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X2 harness 823 Camshaft Position Sensor orthe reluctor
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module, wheel
ignition ON. I Improper installation of the 823 Camshaft
4.2.Test for lessthan 1 V between the 5V Position Sensor
reference circuit and ground. I Foreign material passing between the
2 lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on 823 Camshaft Position Sensor and the reluctor
the circuit. wheel
2 if less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control I Damaged reluctor wheel
Module. I Excessive air gap between the 823 Camshaft
Position Sensor andthe reluctor wheel
If between 4.8-5.2V
I Engine oil for debris
. Test for 4.8—5.2 V between the signal circuit
terminal 3 and ground. I Timing chain, tensioner, and sprockets for wear
or damage
If less than 4.8 V
2 If any of the conditions above are found, repair
5.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X2 harness as necessary.
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
5.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal 2 Ifall components test normal, test or replace
circuit and ground. the B23 Camshaft Position Sensor.
2 Iflessthan infinite resistance, repairthe short to U If none of the DTCs are set
ground on the circuit. 7. Test or replace the B23 Camshaft Position Sensor.
U lf infinite resistance. Repair Instructions
5.3.Test for lessthan 2 Q in the signal circuit end Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
to end. page 6—92 after completing the repair.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement on
in the circuit. page 9-285
Control Module References on page 6-3 for
engine control module replacement, programming,
and setup

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9453
DTC P0351-P0354

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check I Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0351: IgnitionCoil 1 Control Circuit
DTC P0352: ignition Coil2 Control Circuit
DTC P0353: ignition Coi13Control Circuit
DTC P0354: IgnitionCoil4 Control Circuit
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
ignitionVoltage 1 2
IgnitionCoil1 Control P0300,P0351 P0300,P0351
P0300, P0351 P0300,P0351
IgnitionCoil2 Control P0300,P0352 P0300,P0352
P0300,P0352 P0300,P0352
ignitionCoil3 Control P0300.P0353 P0300,P0353
P0300,P0353 P0300,P0353
IgnitionCoil4 Control P0300,P0354 P0300,P0354
P0300,P0354 P0300,P0354
Ground - 3 _
1.Theenginecranksbutdoes notrunandopensthefusethatsupplies
voltageto theignitioncoils.
2.Theenginecranksbutdoes notrun

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The ignition system on this engine usesan ignition coil The engine control module detects that the voltage
module. The engine control module (ECM)controls the command state of the driver and the actual state of the
spark event for each cylinder through the individual control circuit do not match.
ignition coil control circuits. When the ECM commands
the ignition control circuit ON, electrical current will flow Action Taken When the DTC Sets
through the primary winding of the ignition coil, creating DTCs P0351,P0352,P0353,and P0354are
a magnetic field. When a spark event is requested, the Type B DTCs.
ECM will command the ignition control circuit OFF,
interruptingcurrent flow through the primary winding. Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
The magnetic field created by the primary winding will
DTCs P0351,P0352,P0353,and P0354are
collapse across the secondary coil windings,producing
Type B DTCs.
a high voltage across the spark plug electrodes. The
ECM uses informationfrom the crankshaft position Reference Information
sensor, and the camshaft position sensor for
sequencing and timing of the spark events. The ECM Schematic Reference
monitors each ignition control circuit for improper
voltage levels. Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
Connector End View Reference
Conditions for Running the DTC
I The engine is running. Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
I ignition voltage is greater than 5 V. Description and Operation
The DTCs run continuously when the above conditions Electronic Ignition System Description on page 9-297
are met.
Electrical Information Reference
I Circuit Testing on page 11-526
I Connector Repairs on page 11—548
94 54 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 3. Connect a DMM between the appropriate
Connections on page 11-531 K3519nition Coil Module control circuit listed below
I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 and ground. Set the DMM to the DC Hz scale and
utilize the Min—Maxfunction:
DTC Type Reference I IgnitionCoil1 terminal D
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type I IgnitionCoil2 terminal E
Definitions on page 6-68 I IgnitionCoil3 terminal F
Scan Tool Reference I IgnitionCoil4 terminal G
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool 4. Verify the DMM displays greaterthan 1.5 Hz while
information cranking the engine.
2 If less than 1.5 Hz
CircuitlSystem Verification
4.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X2 harness
1. Engine Running. connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
2. Verify the scan tool parameters listed below do not 4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the control
display Malfunction: circuit and ground.
I IgnitionCoil 1—4Control Circuit High Voltage 2 if lessthan infinite resistance, repair the short to
Test Status ground on the circuit.
I Ignition Coil 1—4Control Circuit Low Voltage U Ifinfinite resistance
Test Status
4.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end
I IgnitionCoil 1—4Control Circuit Open Test to end.
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
2 if Malfunction is displayed in the circuit.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. U Iflessthan 2 Q
U If Malfunction is not displayed 4.4. ignition ON.
3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for 4.5. Test for less than 1 V between the control
Running the DTC. You may also operate the circuit and ground.
vehicle within the conditions that you observed
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
the circuit.
4. Verify the DTC does not set.
2 Iflessthan 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
2 If the DTC sets Module.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. U If greater than 1.5 Hz
U If the DTC does not set 5. Replace the K35 IgnitionCoil Module.
5. All OK.
Repair Instructions
CircuitlSystem Testing Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
1. Ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF, page 6-92after completing the repair.
disconnect the harness connector at the I Ignition CoilReplacement on page 9-277
K35 Ignition CoilModule. I Control Module References on page 6-3 for
2. Remove the fuel injector fuse. engine control module replacement, programming,
and setup

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9455

DTC P0420

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check I Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0420: Catalyst System Low Efficiency

CircuitlSystem Description I The vehicle speed is lessthan 1.24MPH.

Note: A new converter with lessthan 160 km (100mi) I The intake mass air flow (MAF) is between 2.00-
on it may set DTC P0420due to outgassing of the 7.00g/s.
internal matting. Operating the vehicle at highway I The vehicle is in closed loop.
speeds for approximately 1 h may correct the condition. I The calculated exhaust mass gas flow is between
A 3-way catalyst controls emissionsof hydrocarbons, 5—55.56 gls,and stable.
carbon monoxide (CO),and oxides of nitrogen (NOX). I The calculated catalyst temperature is between
The catalyst within the converter promotes a chemical 480—800°C (896—1 472°F).
reaction, which oxidizesthe hydrocarbon(s) and the CO I The rear heated oxygen sensor(H028)has
that are present in the exhaust gas. Thisprocess exceeded the dew point for more than 60s.
converts the hydrocarbon(s) and the CO into water
I This diagnostic attempts one test during each
vapor and carbon dioxide (C02), and reduces the NOX,
period when the above conditions have been met.
converting the NOX into nitrogen. The catalyst also»
This diagnostic attempts up to 4 tests during each
stores oxygen. The engine control module (ECM)
drive cycle.
monitors this process by usinga heated oxygen sensor
(H028)that is in the exhaust stream after the three way Conditions for Setting the DTC
catalyst. The H028 2 produces an output signal that
the ECM usesto calculate the oxygen storage capacity I The ECM has determined the catalyst efficiency
of the catalyst. This indicates the ability of the catalyst has degraded below a calibrated threshold.
to convert the exhaust emissionsefficiently. The ECM I Thisdiagnostic may conclude in 6 test attempts
monitors the efficiency of the catalyst by allowing the which will require at least 2 drive cycles.However,
catalyst to heat, then wait for a stabilization period while this diagnostic may require as many as 8 test
the engine is idling.The ECM then adds and removes attempts. Depending on driving conditions, more
fuel while monitoring the H028 2. When the catalyst is than 2 drive cycles may be required. Each test
functioning properly, the H028 2 response to the extra attempt may conclude within approximately 1 min.
fuel is slowcompared to the response of the H028 1,
which is located before the three way catalyst. When Action Taken When the DTC Sets
the H028 2 response is near that of the H028 1, the DTC P0420is a Type A DTC.
oxygen storage capability and efficiency of the catalyst
may be degraded below an acceptable threshold. Conditions for Clearing the DTC
DTC P0420is a Type A DTC.
Conditions for Running the DTC
I DTCleOOOA,POOOB,POO10,P0013,P0016 Diagnostic Aids
P0017,P0030,P0031,P0032,P0036,P0038 Inspect for the following conditions, which may cause a
P0117,P0118,P0119,P0121,P0122,P0123, catalyst to degrade:
P0137,P0138,P0139,P0140,P0141,P017t I An engine misfire
P0201,P0202,P0203,P0204,P0221,P0222, I High engine oil or high coolant consumption
P0223,P0261,P0262,P0264,P0265,P0267 I Retarded spark timing
P0268,P0270,P0271,P0301,P0302,P0303 I A weak or poor spark
P0443,P0446,P0458,P0459,P0496,P0562, I A lean fuel mixture
P0563,P0642,P0643,P0652,P0653,P0661, I A rich fuel mixture
P0662,P2088,P2089,P2090,P2091,P2096 I A damaged oxygen sensor or wiring harness
P2128,P2176,P2297,P2301,P2303,P2304, Reference Information
nmsm. Schematic Reference
I The engine speed is greater than 1 200 RPM for a Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
minimum of 2 s.

9-156 7 Efingine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)
Connector End View Reference I Loose or missinghardware
I Properly torqued 852AHeated Oxygen Sensor
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 1 or 8528Heated Oxygen Sensor 2
Electrical Information Reference 2 Ifa condition is found, repair the exhaust
I Circuit Testing on page 11-526 system.
I Connector Repairs on page 11-548 2 Ifthe DTC fails this key cycle, continue with this
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11-531 4. Verify the following conditions do not exist with the
B528 Heated Oxygen Sensor 2.
I Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
I A grounded 8528 Heated Oxygen Sensor 2
DTC Type Reference wiring harness
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type I Damage
Definitions on page 6-68 2 if a condition is found, replace the 8528Heated
Scan Tool Reference Oxygen Sensor 2.
5. If no physical condition is detected and the
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool 8528 Heated Oxygen Sensor 2 is as active as the
information 852AHeated Oxygen Sensor 1 after operating the
CircuitlSystem Testing engine at 1 500 RPM for 1 min and then returning
to a stabilized idle, then replace the catalyst.
1. Engine idling, observe the DTC information with a
scan tool. Verify there are no H028 or misfire Repair Instructions
DTCs set. Note: A new converter with less than 160 km (100mi)
2 Ifany of the DTCs are set, refer to Diagnostic on it may set DTC P0420due to outgassing of the
Trouble Code (DTC) List I Vehicle on internal matting. Operating the vehicle at highway
page 6—69. speeds for approximately 1 h may correct the condition.
2. Verify the following conditions do not exist with the Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
catalyst: page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
I Dents I Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor 1
I A severe discoloration caused by excessive on page 9-249
temperatures I Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor 2
I Road damage on page 9-250
I An internal rattle caused by damaged catalyst I Catalytic Converter Replacement (LUV) on
subset page 9-742
I Restrictions I Exhaust Leakage on page 9-736
2 Ifa condition is found, replace the catalyst I Symptoms - Engine Exhaust on page 9—734
3. Verify the following conditions do not exist with the
exhaust system:
I Leaks
I Physical damage

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.41.(LUV) 9457
DTC P0442

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform theDiagnost/c System Check I Vehicle on
page 6-66prior to usingthis diagnostic procedure.
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0442: Evaporative Emission(EVAP)System Small Leak Detected

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The engine off natural vacuum (EONV)test is the small I The ECM detects a leak in the EVAP system that
leak detection diagnostic for the evaporative emission is greater than a calibrated amount.
(EVAP)system. This diagnostic tests the EVAP system I The ECM must complete several EONV tests
for a small leak when the key is turned OFF and the before the diagnostic can turn the MIL on or off.
correct conditions are met. Heat from the exhaust
system is transferred into the fuel tank while the vehicle Action Taken When the DTC Sets
is operating. When the vehicle is turned OFF and the
DTC P0442is a Type A DTC.
EVAP system is sealed a change in the fuel tank vapor
temperature occurswhich results in a corresponding Conditions for Clearing the DTC
pressure change in the fuel tank vapor space. This
change is monitored by the ECM usingthe fuel tank DTC P0442is a Type A DTC.
pressure (FTP)sensor input. With a leak in the system,
Diagnostic Aids
the amount of pressure change will be lessthan that of
a sealed system. I The EVAP system can be filled with smoke more
quickly and completely by opening the system
Conditions for Running the DTC opposite the end where the smoke is injected.
I DTCs P01OC,P010D,P0101,P0102,P0103, When injecting smoke at the service port tool
P0106,P0107,P0108,P0111,P0112,P0113, temporarily leave the EVAP vent solenoid valve
P0114,P0116,P0117,P0118,P0125,P0128, open until smoke is observed then close the
P0443,P0446,P0449,P0452,P0453,P0455, system and continue testing.
P0496,P0461,P0462,P0463,P0464,P0496, I To help locate intermittentleaks usingthe
P0502,P0503,P0722,P0723,P2227,P2228, GE 41413IAEvaporative EmissionsSystem
P2229,P2230,P2610.are not set. Tester (EEST),move all EVAP components while
I The barometric pressure (BARO) is greater than observing smoke with the GE41413-SPT High
70kPa. IntensityWhite Light.
I The engine coolant sensor (ECT) is greater than I Individual components can be isolated and tested
70°C(158°F) usingadapters in the GE41413—300EVAP Cap
and Plug Kit.
I No fuel filling during the EONV test period.
I A condition may exist where a leak in the EVAP
I The fuel level is between 10—90 %. system only exists under a vacuum condition. This
I The start—upengine coolant temperature (ECT) type of leak may be detected by usingthe scan
and the start—upintake air temperature (IAT)are tool Purge/Seal function to create a vacuum in the
within 8°C (46°F). EVAP system and then observe the FTP
I The engine run time before shut—offwas greater parameter for vacuum decay.
than 10 min.
Reference information
I The drive distance before engine shut-off was
more than 8 km (5 mi). Schematic Reference
I The ambient air temperature at the end of the Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28
drive cycle is between 0—34°C(32—93°F).
I DTC P0442runsonce per drive cycle during the Connector End View Reference
hot soak period after the ignition is turned OFF Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
and may require up to 40 min to complete. The
controller will not make more than 2 test attempts Description and Operation
per day. The time since the last completed EONV
Evaporative EmissionControl System Description on
test must be at least 17 h.
page 9-300
Electrical Information Reference
I Circuit Testing on page 11-526
I Connector Repairs on page 11-548
94 58 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 3. Usinga scan tool close the EVAP vent solenoid
Connections on page 11-531 valve to seal the EVAP system.
I Wiring Repairs on page 11—537 4. Use the flow meter on the GE41413-A
Evaporative EmissionsSystem Tester (EEST),
DTC Type Reference calibrated to 0.51mm (0.020in) to determine if
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type there is a leak.
Definitions on page 6-68 2 If a leak is detected
Scan Tool Reference 4.1. Use the GE41413—AEvaporative Emissions
System Tester (EEST)to apply smoke to the
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool EVAP system at the purge tube until the leak
information is located usingthe GE41413ISPT High
Special Tools IntensityWhite Light
U No leak in the EVAP system
I CH 48096 EVAP Service Port Access Tool
5. All OK.
I GE41413—AEvaporative EmissionsSystem
Tester (EEST) Repair Verification
I GE41413—300EVAP Cap and Plug Kit 1. Seal the EVAP system and use the flow meter on
I GE41413—SPTHigh IntensityWhite Light the GE41413-A Evaporative EmissionsSystem
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools Tester (EEST),calibrated to 0.51mm (0.020in) to
(Diagnostic Tools)on page 9-308. determine that there is no leak in the EVAP
CircuitlSystem Testing 2. Clear DTCs.
I Refer to the GE41413-A Evaporative Emissions
System Tester (EEST) operation manual for
detailed instructions in Evaporative Emission
Control System Diagnosis on page 9-236
I Larger volume fuel tanks and/or those with lower
fuel levels may require several minutes'for the
floating indicator to stabilize or produce smoke
from a leak.
I Ensure that the underbody temperature of the
vehicle and the tester are similar.
1. Disconnect the purge tube at the quickconnector
on the EVAP canister sideof the Q12 Evaporative
EmissionCanister Purge Solenoid Valve and
install the CH 48096 EVAP Service Port
Access Tool.
2. Connect the GE41413IA Evaporative Emissions
System Tester (EEST) to the CH 48096 EVAP
Service Port Access Tool.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9459
DTC P0443

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check I Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0443: Evaporative Emission(EVAP)Purge Solenoid Valve Control Circuit
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open I High
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage
ignition—PurgeSupply P0135,P0138, P0443 P0690
EVAP PurgeSolenoidValveControl P0443 P0443 P0443,P0690

CircuitlSystem Description Reference Information

An ignition voltage is supplied directly to the Schematic Reference
evaporative emission(EVAP)purge solenoid valve.
The engine control module (ECM)grounds the EVAP Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
purge solenoid valve control circuit through an internal
switch called a driver.The ECM monitors the status of Connector End View Reference
the driver.The EVAP purge solenoid valve is pulse Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
width modulated (PWM).A scan tool will display the
amount of ON time as a percentage. Ifthe ECM detects Description and Operation
an incorrect voltage for the commanded state of the Evaporative EmissionControl System Description on
driver this DTC sets. page 9-300
Conditions for Running the DTC Electrical Information Reference
I The system voltage is greater than 11V. I Circuit Testing on page 11—526
I DTC P0443runscontinuously when the above I Connector Repairs on page 11-548
conditions are met.
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Conditions for Setting the DTC Connections on page 11-531
The ECM detects that the commanded state of the I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
driver and the actual state of the control circuit do not DTC Type Reference
match for a minimum of 0.253.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Action Taken When the DTC Sets Definitions on page 6-68
DTC P0443is a Type B DTC. Scan Tool Reference
Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
DTC P0443is a Type B DTC. information

9460 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)

CircuitlSystem Verification 4. Remove the test lamp.

1. IgnitionON. 5. Verify the scan tool EVAP Purge Solenoid Valve
Control Circuit High Voltage Test Status parameter
2. Verify the parameters listed below do not display is OK when commanding the EVAP purge solenoid
malfunction when commanding the EVAP purge valve ON with a scan tool.
solenoid valve from Oto 50 %and back to O%with
a scan tool. 2 If the Parameter is not OK
I EVAP Purge Solenoid Valve Control Circuit Low 5.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
Voltage Test Status connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
ignition ON.
I EVAP Purge Solenoid Valve Control Circuit
Open Test Status 5.2.Test for lessthan 1 V between the control
circuit and ground.
I EVAP Purge Solenoid Valve Control Circuit
High Voltage Test Status 2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.
If Malfunction is displayed
2 Iflessthan 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing Module.
U If Malfunction is not display U If the Parameter is OK
3 All OK. 6. Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the control
CircuitlSystem Testing circuit terminal 1 and the ignition circuittermina12.
7. Verify the scan tool EVAP Purge Solenoid Valve
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at Control Circuit High Voltage Test Status parameter
the Q12 Evaporative EmissionPurge Solenoid
is Malfunction when commanding the EVAP Purge
Valve, ignition ON. Solenoid Valve ON with a scan tool.
Verify that a test lamp illuminates between the
ignition circuit terminal 2 and ground. 2 If the Parameter is not Malfunction.
7.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
If the test lamp does not illuminate and the connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
circuit fuse is good
7.2.Test for lessthan 2 Q in the control circuit and
2.1. Ignition OFF, remove the test lamp.
to end.
2.2.Test for lessthan 2 Q in the ignition circuit end
to end. 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit. 2 if lessthan 2 Q replace the K20 Engine Control
2 If less than 2 Q verify the fuse is not open and
there is voltage at the fuse. U If the parameter is Malfunction
8. Test or replace the Q12 Evaporative Emission
If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
Purge Solenoid Valve.
circuit fuse is open
2.1. Ignition OFF, remove the test lamp. Component Testing
2.2.Test for infinite resistance between the ignition Static Test
circuit and ground.
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to the Q12 Evaporative EmissionPurge Solenoid
ground in the circuit. Valve.
2 If infinite resistance, test the Q12 Evaporative 2. Test for 10.0—30.0 Q between the control circuit
EmissionPurge Solenoid Valve and replace as terminal 1 and the ignition circuittermina12 of the
necessary. Q12 Evaporative EmissionPurge Solenoid Valve.
if the test lamp illuminates 2 If not between 10.0—30.0 Q
Verify that a test lamp does not illuminate between Replace the Q12 Evaporative EmissionPurge
the ignition circuit terminal 2 and the control circuit Solenoid Valve
terminal 1.
U If between 10.0—30.0 Q
If the test lamp illuminates
3. All OK.
3.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. Repair Instructions
3.2.Test for infinite resistance betweenthe control Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
circuit and ground. page 6-92after completing the repair.
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to I Evaporative EmissionCanister Purge Solenoid
ground on the circuit. Valve Replacement on page 9—276
2 if infinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine I Control Module References on page 6—3for ECM
Control Module. replacement, setup, and programming
U if the test lamp does not illuminate

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9461

DTC P0446

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check I Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0446: Evaporative Emission(EVAP)Vent System Performance

Typical Scan Tool Data Conditions for Setting the DTC

Note: There are two stages to setting this DTC. Stage
Fuel Tank Pressure
Sensor Signal Voltage Fuel Tank Pressure one, prep test, then stage two test.
AtmosphericPressure I Iffuel tank pressure sensor reading is greater than
15V /BARO 2.5 in H2O of pressure or lessthan —5in H20 of
vacuum for 60 s.
Lessthan1.5V PositivePressure
Morethan1.5V NegativePressure/Vacuum
I Iffuel tank pressure sensor reading is lessthan
42 in H20 of vacuum for 5 s before 10 L (2.6gal)
CircuitlSystem Description of purge volume.
This DTC tests the evaporative emission(EVAP) I After setting the DTC for the first time, 2 liters (0.5
system for a restricted or blocked EVAP vent path that gallons) of fuel must be consumed before setting
would cause excess amounts of vacuum to be the DTC for the second time.
developed in the EVAP system. The engine control
module (ECM)uses the fuel tank pressure (FTP) Action Taken When the DTC Sets
sensor to monitor EVAP system vacuum. With the DTC P0446is a Type B DTC.
purge valve and vent valve open, if the EVAP system
vacuum goes above a calibrated threshold, P0446 Conditions for Clearing the MlL/DTC
will set.
DTC P0446is a Type 8 DTC.
The following table illustrates the relationship between
the ON and OFF states, and the OPEN or CLOSED Diagnostic Aids
states of the EVAP purge and vent solenoid valves. I An intermittentcondition could be caused by a
ECM EVAP Purge EVAP Vent damaged EVAP vent housing, a temporary
Command Solenoid Valve Solenoid Valve blockage at the EVAP vent solenoid valve inlet,
or a pinched vent hose.A blockage in the vent
ON Open Closed system may also cause a poor fuel fill condition.
OFF Closed Open I An EVAP canisterfilter that is restricted can cause
this DTC to set.
Conditions for Running the DTC
Reference Information
I DTCs P0008,PO0C9,P01OC,P010D,P0068,
P16F3,P0102,P0103,P0111,P0112,P0113, Schematic Reference
P0125,P0128,P160E,P160D,P0191,P0192, Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 \
P0193,P0222,P0223,P0443,P0449,P0452, Connector End View Reference
P0723,P1104,P2100,P2101,P2102,P2103, Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
P2135,P2227,P2228,P2229,or P2230is not set /./
Description and Operation
I The ignition voltage is between 11—32 (V. /"
Evaporative EmissionControl System Description 07
I The barometric pressure (BARO) is more than page 9-300
I The fuel level is between 10—90 %. Electrical Information Reference
I The startup engine coolant temperature (ECT) is I Circuit Testing on page 11-526
lessthan 35°C(95°F). I Connector Repairs on page 11—548
I The startup intake air temperature (IAT)is I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
between 4—30°C(39—86°F). Connections on page 11-531
I DTC P0446runsonce per cold start, for up to I Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
17 min, when the above conditions are met, .

9462 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)
DTC Type Reference CircuitlSystem Testing
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)Type Note: Perform the CircuitlSystem Verification before
Definitions on page 6-68 proceeding with the CircuitlSystem Testing.
Scan Tool Reference 1. Test for a blockage or restrictions in the EVAP
system components listed below and repair as
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool necessary.
information I Evaporative EmissionVent System Hoses
Special Tools I Evaporative EmissionCanister
I CH 41415—30 Fuel Tank Cap Adapter I Q13 Evaporative EmissionVent Solenoid Valve
I GE 41413IA Evaporative EmissionsSystem I Evaporative EmissionVent Filter
Tester (EEST) 2. Reconnect all previously disconnected EVAP
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Toolson hardware.
page 9-593 Note: Refer to the GE 41413-Aoperation manual for
Verification detailed instructions in Evaporative EmissionControl
System Diagnosis on page 9—524.
1. IgnitionON.
3. Remove the fuel fill cap and connect the
2. Verify DTC P0443is not set. CH 41415-30to the fuel tank filler neck. Connect
2 if the DTC is set the GE 41413IAto the CH 41415-30.
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)List I 4. Command the EVAP Purge/Seal function to
Vehicle on page 669 System Seal with a scan tool to seal the EVAP
U If the DTC is not set system. ‘
3. IgnitionOFF, remove the fuel tank filler cap. 5. Turn the nitrogen/smoke valve on the GE 41413IA
IgnitionON. to nitrogen.
4. Verify the scan tool Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Note: DO NOT exceed the specified value in this step.
parameter is between 1.3—1.7 V. Exceeding the specified value may produce incorrect
test results.
2 if not between the 1.3—1.7 V
6. Use the remote switch to activate the GE 41413IA
Refer to P0452,P0453within DTC and pressurize the fuel tank to 5.0 in H20.
P0451-P0454on page 9—433
7. Verify the scan tool Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor
U If between the 1.3-1.7V parameter is Oin H20 when commanding the
5. Install the fuel tank filler cap. Engine idling at EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve to OFF.
operating temperature for 5 min. 2 If not 0 in H20
6. Verify the scan tool Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Test for a blockage or a restriction in the EVAP
parameter does not increase to greater than 2.5 V vent hose or inlet. Ifthe inlet or hose test
when commanding the EVAP Purge Solenoid normal, replace the Q13 Evaporative Emission
Valve to 50 %. Vent Solenoid Valve.
2 If greater than 2.5 V
U If 0 in H20
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. 8. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
U If 2.5 V or less running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
7. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for within the conditions that you observed from the
running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle freeze frame/failure records data.
within the conditions that you observed from the 2 If the DTC sets
freeze frame/failure records data. Refer to step 1 above.
2 If the DTC sets
U If the DTC does not set
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. 9. All OK.
U If the DTC does not set
Repair Instructions
8. All OK.
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6—92 after completing the repair.
I Evaporative EmissionCanister Vent Solenoid
Valve Replacement on page 9-270
I Evaporative EmissionCanister Replacement
(Steel Tank) on page 9—567
I Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Replacement on
page 9—263

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.41. (LUV) 9463
DTC P0449

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check I Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0449: Evaporative Emission(EVAP)Vent Solenoid Valve Control Circuit

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open I High Short to

Circuit Ground Resistance Voltage
Battery—VentSupply P0449 P0449 -
EVAP VentSolenoidValveControl P0449 P0449 P0449

CircuitlSystem Description I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor

Connections on page 11-531
Battery voltage is supplied to the evaporative
emissions(EVAP)vent solenoid valve. The engine I Wiring Repairs on page 1153?
control module (ECM)grounds the EVAP vent solenoid DTC Type Reference
valve control circuit through an internal switch called a
driver.The ECM monitors the status of the driver for the Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)Type
control circuit. A scan tool will display the commanded Definitions on page 6-68
state of the EVAP vent solenoid valve as OFF —Venting
Scan Tool Reference
or ON —Not Venting .
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
Conditions for Running the DTC information
DTC P0449runscontinuously when the above
conditions are met. CircuitlSystem Verification
1. IgnitionON, engine OFF,
Conditions for Setting the DTC
2. Command the EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve ON -
The ECM detects that the commanded state of the Not Venting and OFF —Venting with a scan tool.
driver and the actual state of the control circuit do not 3. You should hear the solenoid click when
match for a minimum of 0.25s. commanded ON and OFF.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets 2 No clicking heard
DTC P0449is a Type B DTC. Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC U Clicking is heard
DTC P0449is a Type B DTC. 4. Engine idling, command the EVAP Vent Solenoid
Valve ON —Not Venting and OFF —Venting with a
Reference Information scan tool while observing the following control
circuit status parameters:
Schematic Reference I EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve Control Circuit Low
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 Voltage Test Status
I EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve Control Circuit Open
Connector End View Reference Test Status
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269 I EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve Control Circuit High
Voltage Test Status
Description and Operation
2 If the Parameters display Malfunction
Evaporative EmissionControl System Description on
page 9-300 Refer to Circuit/System Testing
U if the Parameters display OK or Not Run
Electrical Information Reference
5. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
I Circuit Testing on page 11—526 running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
I Connector Repairs on page 11-548 within the conditions that you observed from the
freeze frame/failure records data.

9464 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)

6. Verify the DTC does not set. 5. Verify the scan tool EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve
Control Circuit High Voltage Test Status parameter
I) If the DTC $915. . is OK when commanding the EVAP Vent Solenoid
Refer to CirCUIt/SystemTesting. Valve ON with a scan tool.
U If the DTC does not set 2 If the Parameter is not OK
7- A” OK- 5.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
CircuitlSystem Testing the K20 Engine Control Module,

1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at 5_2_Test for lessthan 1V between the control
the Q13 Evaporative EmissionsVent Solenoid circuit terminal1 and ground.
Valve, ignition ON. _
2. Verify that a test lamp illuminates between the B+ :> IL; \éhocrugtreater,repair the short to voltage on
circuit terminal 2 and ground. Ifl th ' 1V 1 th K20 E _ C t |
2 If the test lamp does not illuminate and the =>M3339 an ,rep ace e ngine on ro
circuit fuse is good ' _
2.1. Ignition OFF, remove the test lamp. (3 If thtallPagaAritfeteLIsOK . b t th t |
. - . . ns a a use Jumper Wire e ween e con ro
22' 232:? lessthan 2 Q m the 8+ C'rcu't end circuit terminal1 and the B+ circuittermina12.
lf 2 Q I t . th /h' h .t 7. Verify the scan tool EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve
2) . th 01935 er, repair e open ‘9 l'eSlSance Control Circuit High Voltage Test Status parameter
'” e C'rCU'- is Malfunction when commanding the EVAP Vent
2 if lessIthan 2 Q verify the fuse is not open and Solenoid Valve ON with a scan tool.
there '5 voltage at the fuse. 2 If the Parameter is not Malfunction
2 lf_the_testlamp does not illuminate and the 7.1_ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
circuit fuse '5 0'39“ connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
2.1. Ignition OFF, remove the test lamp. 7.2.Test for lessthan 2 Q in the control circuit end
2.2.Test for infinite resistance between the 8+ to end.
C'rcu't and ground. 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to in the circuit.
ground m the oircwt. 2 Iflessthan 2 Q replace the K20 Engine Control
2 If infinite resistance, test the Q13 Evaporative Module.
EmissionsVent Solenoid Valve for a short and , U If the Parameter is Malfunction

replace as necessary. 8. Test or replace the Q13 Evaporative EmissionVent

Solenoid Valve. .
U If the test lamp illuminates
3. Verify that a test lamp does not illuminate between _
the 8+ circuittermina12 and the control circuit Component Testing

term'nai 1‘ _ _ Static Test

7' If the test lamp illuminates 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
3.1. Ignition OFF: d'SCOhheCtthe harness _ . the Q13 Evaporative EmissionVent Solenoid
connector at.the Q13 Evaporative Emissmns Valve.
vent Soiehofd va'Ye- 2. Test for 10—30 (2between the control terminal 1
3.2.Test for infinite reSIstanoebetween the control and the 5+ voltage terminal 2_
If‘i'mu'tthandigfrlof‘tnd' . th h m 2 If not between 10.0—30.0(2
2 ess an in im e rests ance, repair e s o o . . .
ground on the circuit. SRoeglilaocig 3 Evaporative EmissmnVent

2 If infinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine '

Control Module. :13} Q
Zlbgtlrieen 10.0—30.0

2) If the test lamp does not illuminate

4. Remove the test lamp. Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92after completing the repair.
0 Evaporative EmissionCanister Vent Solenoid
Valve Replacement on page 9-270
Control Module References on page 6—3for ECM
replacement, setup, and programming.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 94 0‘;

DTC P0451-P0454

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check I Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0451: Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Performance
DTC P0452: Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0453: Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0454: Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Circuit Intermittent
Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to High Short to Signal

Circuit Ground Resistance Open Voltage Performance
P0236, P0236,
P0237, P0238,
5V Reference P0452, P0451 P0452 P0453, __
P0532, P0641,
P0641 P1101,P2227
Signal P0452 P0451 P0452 P0453 P0451,P0454
- — P0446,
P0451 P0453,
P0463 — P0451

Typical Scan Tool Data

FTP Sensor Voltage

Circuit I Short to Ground I Open Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: ignitionON, EngineOFF
ParameterNormal Range: 1.3—1.7 V
FTP Sensor5 V Reference 0V 0V 4.2—5V
FTP SensorSignal 0V 0V 5V
FTP SensorLowReference — 4.5V -

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Running the DTC

The Fuel Tank Pressure (FTP)sensor measures P0451
pressure or vacuum in the evaporative emission
(EVAP)system. The engine control module (ECM) I DTC P0451runsonly when the engine—offnatural
suppliesa 5 V reference and a low reference circuit to vacuum small leak test, P0442,executes.
the FTP sensor.The FTP sensor signal voltage varies I The number of times this test runscan range from
depending on EVAP system pressure or vacuum. The 0—2per engine-off period. The length of the test
controller also usesthis FTP signal to determine can be up to 10 min.
atmospheric pressure for use in the engine—offsmall P0452and P0453
leak test, DTC P0442.Before usingthis signal as an
atmospheric reference it must first be re—zeroed. DTC P0452and P0453run continuously when the
ignition is ON.

9466 Ewine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)
P0454 Reference Information
I DTC P0454runsonly when the engine—offnatural Schematic Reference
vacuum small leak test, P0442,executes and the
EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve is closed. Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28
I Thistest can run once per engine—offperiod. The Connector End View Reference
length of the test can be up to 10 min.
I A refueling event is not detected. A refueling event Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
is confirmed if the fuel level has a persistent Description and Operation
change of 10 %for 30 3.
Evaporative EmissionControl System Description on
Conditions for Setting the DTC page 9-300
P0451 Electrical Information Reference
This DTC will set if the controller is unable to re-zero I Circuit Testing on page 11-526
the FTP sensor voltage within a calibrated range during I Connector Repairs on page 11—548
the engine-off small leak test, P0442.
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
P0452 Connections on page 11-531
The FTP sensor voltage is lessthan 0.15V for more I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
than 10 s.
DTC Type Reference
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)Type
The FTP sensor voltage is more than 4.9 V for more Definitions on page 6-68
than 10 s.
Scan Tool Reference
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
if, during the engine—offnatural vacuum small leak test, information
P0442,the ECM detects an abrupt FTP signal change,
other than a refueling event, this DTC will set. An Special Tools
abrupt change is defined as a change of 0.45in H20 in
the span of 1 s but lessthan 1 in H20 in 12.5ms. GE41413IA Evaporative EmissionSystem
Tester (EEST)
Action Taken When the DTC Sets For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools
I DTCs P0451and P0454are Type A DTCs. (Diagnostic Tools)on page 9—308
I DTCs P0452and P0453are Type B DTCs. CircuitlSystem Verification
Conditions for Clearing the MlL/DTC 1. Remove the fuel cap.
I DTCs P0451and P0454are Type A DTCs. 2. IgnitionON, engine OFF.
I DTCs P0452and P0453are Type B DTCs. 3. Verify the scan tool FTP sensor parameter is
between 1.3 and 1.7 V.
Diagnostic Aids 2 If not between 1.3—1.7 V
P0451and P0454 Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
I A restriction in the EVAP canister or vent lines U If between 1.3—1.7 V
could prevent fuel vapor pressure from bleeding 4 All OK.
off fast enough. Ifthe vent system cannot bleed off
pressure fast enough, the re-zero procedure may CircuitlSystem Testing
not complete successfully,which could cause this
1. IgnitionOFF, all vehicle systems OFF, this may
code to set.
take up to 2 min, for all vehicle systems to power
I Ensure that the reference port on the FTP sensor down.Disconnect the harness connector at the
is unobstructed. 8150Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor.
I An FTP sensor that is skewed or does not have a 2. Test for lessthan 5 Q of resistance between the
linear transition from low to high may cause this low reference circuit terminal 2 and ground.
code to set. Scan tool output controls, snapshot,
and plot functions can help detect erratic sensor 2 If 5 Q or greater
response. To test the sensor signal under vacuum 2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
conditions, use the QuickSnapshot and the connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
Purge/Seal functions to capture data while 2.2.Test for lessthan 2 Q in the low reference
commanding purge to 20 %,then plot the data to circuit end to end.
look for erratic sensor operation. A similar test can
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
be done for the pressure side of the sensor
operation by applying pressure with the in the circuit.
GE41413—Awhile taking a snapshot. 2 Iflessthan 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
U If less than 5 Q

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9-167
3. Ignition ON. 2 If lessthan 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
4. Test for 4.8—I52 V between the 5 V reference circuit Module.
terminal 3 and ground. If less than 0.2 V
:> If less than 4.8 V install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness circuit terminal 1 and the 5V reference circuit
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. termina13.
4.2.Test for infinite resistance between the 5 V Verify the scan tool FTP sensor parameter is
reference circuit and ground. greater than 4.7 V.
2 Iflessthan infinite resistance, repair the short to If 4.7 V or less
ground on the circuit. 7.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
U lf infinite resistance connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
4.3.Test for lessthan 2 Q in the 5 V reference 7.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal
circuit end to end. circuit terminal1 and ground.
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high reSistance 2 Iflessthan infinite resistance, repair the short to
in the circuit. ground on the circuit.
2 Iflessthan 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control U lf infinite resistance
Module. 7.3.Test for lessthan 2 Q in the signal circuit end
If greater than 5.2 V to end.
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module, in the circuit.
ignition ON. 2 Iflessthan 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
4.2.Test for lessthan 1 V between the 5 V Module.
reference circuit and ground. If greater than 4.7 V
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on . Test or replace the 8150Fuel Tank Pressure
the circuit. Sensor.
2 Iflessthan 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
lf between 4.8—5.2 V page 6-92after completing the repair.
Verify the scan tool FTP parameter is less
Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Replacement on
than 0.2 V. page 9-263
If 0.2 V or greater Control Module References on page 6—3for ECM
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness replacement, setup, and programming.
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
ignition ON
5.2.Test for lessthan 1 V between the signal
circuit terminal 1 and ground.
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.

9468 Engine Controls/Fuel I 'l .41..(LUV)

DTC P0455

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check I Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to usingthis diagnostic
I ReviewStrategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0455: Evaporative Emission(EVAP)System Large Leak Detected

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The engine control module (ECM)tests the evaporative I The EVAP system is not able to achieve or
emission(EVAP)system for a large leak or restrictions maintain a calibrated level of vacuum within a set
to the purge path in the EVAP system. When the amount of time.
enabling criteria has been met, the ECM commands the I After setting the DTC for the first time, 2 L (0.5gal)
EVAP vent solenoid valve and purge solenoid valve of fuel must be consumed before setting the DTC
ON, allowing vacuum into the EVAP system. The ECM for the second time.
monitors the fuel tank pressure (FTP)sensor voltage to I With a DTC P0455detected a weak vacuum
verify that the system is able to reach a predetermined follow—uptest (fuel cap replacement test) will run
level of vacuum within a set amount of time. and passes if tank vacuum is greater than
Conditions for Running the DTC 2.74kPa (11in H20).Thistest will run for a
maximum of 22 min.Thistest runsuntil it passes.
I DTCs P0008,PO0C9, P0100, P010D,P16A0,
P16A1,P16A2,P160E, P160D,P16F3,P0068, Action Taken When the DTC Sets
P0101,P0102,P0103,P0111,P0112,P0113, DTC P0455is a Type B DTC.
P0125,P0128,P0191,P0192,P0193,P0222, Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
P0502,P0503,P0601,P0604,P0606,P0722, DTC P0455is a Type B DTC.
P0723,P1104,P1682,P2100,P2101,P2102, Diagnostic Aids
P2230are not set. I Inspect for a loose, missing,damaged, or incorrect
V. fuel fill cap.
I The ignition voltage is between 11—32
I Inspect for a damaged fuel filler neck seal surface.
I The barometric pressure (BARO) is greater than
70kPa. I A blockage or restriction in the EVAP purge
solenoid valve, purge pipe, EVAP canister,
I The fuel level is between 1090 %. or vapor pipe, can cause this DTC to set.
I The EVAP purge flow is greater than 2.80% I The EVAP system can be filled with smoke more
I The cold startup engine coolant temperature quickly and completely by opening the system
(ECT) and the startup intake air temperature (IAT) opposite the end where the smoke is injected. For
are within 8°C (46°F). example, when injecting smoke at the service port
I The startup engine coolant temperature (ECT) is remove the fuel fill cap, or temporarily leave the
less than 35°C(95°F). vent open, until smoke is observed, then close the
I The startup intake air temperature (IAT)is system and continue testing. Ifusinga fuel cap
between 4—30°C(39—86°F). adapter at the filler neck, use the J41413-VLV
EVAP Service Port Vent Fitting at the service port
DTC P0455runsonce per cold start, for up to to allow the system to fill faster.
17 min, when the above conditions are met.
I To help locate intermittentleaks usingthe
GE41413—AEvaporative EmissionsSystem
Tester (EEST), move all EVAP components while
observing smoke with the GE41413ISPT High
Intensity White Light.
I Individual components can be isolated and tested
usingadapters in the J41413I300EVAP Cap and
Plug Kit.
I A condition may exist where a leak in the EVAP
system only exists under a vacuum condition. This
type of leak may be detected by usingthe scan

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9469
tool Purge/Seal function to create a vacuum in the 3. Use a scan tool to seal the EVAP system.
EVAP system and then observe the FTP 4. Use the flow meter on the GE41413—A
parameter for vacuum decay. Evaporative EmissionsSystem Tester (EEST),
calibrated to 0.51mm (0.020in) to determine that
Reference Information
there is no leak in the EVAP system.
Schematic Reference 2 If a leak is detected
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28 4.1. Use the GE41413-A Evaporative Emissions
System Tester (EEST) to apply smoke to the
Connector End View Reference EVAP.system at the service access port
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269 adapter.
4.2. Locate the leak usingthe GE41413-SPT High
Description and Operation IntensityWhite Light.
Evaporative EmissionControl System Description on U No leak detected
page 9—300 .01 Refer to step 10.
Electrical Information Reference 6. To test for a restriction in the purge path.
I Circuit Testing on page 11-526 6.1. Connect the GE41413IA Evaporative
I Connector Repairs on page 11—548 EmissionsSystem Tester (EEST) nitrogen/
smoke hose to the J41413—311 EVAP Plug
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor brass cone adapter.
Connections on page 11—531
6.2. Disconnect the hose at the fuel cap and of the
I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 GE 41415-30Fuel Tank Cap Adapter.
DTC Type Reference 6.3.Connect the J41413-311EVAP Plug to the
disconnected hose on the GE41415-30 Fuel
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Tank Cap Adapter.
Definitions on page 6-68
6.4. Install the GE41415-30 Fuel Tank Cap
Scan Tool Reference Adapter, filler neck end only, to the vehicle.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool 7. Engine idling, command the Purge/Seal function to
information seal the system with a scan tool.
8. Command the EVAP purge solenoid valve to 30 %.
Special Tools
9. The vacuum/pressure gauge on the GE 41413-A
I OH 48096 EVAP Service Access Port Tool Evaporative EmissionsSystem Tester (EEST) and
I GE41415-30Fuel Tank Cap Adapter the FTP parameter on the scan tool should both
I GE 41413-AEvaporative EmissionsSystem show vacuum.
Tester (EEST) 2 If the vacuum/pressure gauge shows vacuum,
I J41413-300EVAP Cap and Plug Kit but the FTP parameter does not show vacuum
I GE 41413ISPTHigh IntensityWhite Light Replace the 8150Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor.
I J41413I311EVAP Plug 2 If neither the FTP parameter nor the vacuum]
I J41413-VLV EVAP Service Port Vent Fitting pressure gauge shows vacuum
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools Repair the restriction in the purge path.
(Diagnostic Tools)on page 9-308 10. Verify that the vacuum increases to the abort limit
on the scan tool or greater than 3.2 V, and the
CircuitlSystem Testing values are similar between the scan tool and the
Important: vacuum/pressure gauge on the GE 41413-A
Evaporative EmissionsSystem Tester (EEST).
I Larger volume fuel tanks and/or those with lower
fuel levels may require several minutes for the 2 If not within the specified range
floating indicator to stabilize or produce smoke Replace the 8150Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor.
from a leak.
U If within the specified range
I Refer to the GE41413—AEvaporative Emissions
System Tester (EEST) operation manual for 11. All OK
detailed instructions in Evaporative Emission Repair Instructions
Control System Diagnosis on page 9-236
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
1. Disconnect the purge tube at the quickconnector
page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
on the EVAP canister side of the purge solenoid
valve and install the CH 48096 EVAP Service I Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Replacement on
Access Port Tool. page 9-263
2. Connect the GE41413—AEvaporative Emissions I Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
System Tester (EEST) to the vehicle EVAP service replacement, setup, and programming.
port adapter.

94 70 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.41. (LUV)

DTC P0496

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check I Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0496: Evaporative Emission(EVAP)System Flow During Non-Purge

CircuitlSystem Description Action Taken When the DTC Sets

This DTC tests for undesired intake manifold vacuum DTC P0496is a Type B DTC.
flow to the evaporative emission(EVAP)system. The
engine control module (ECM)seals the EVAP system Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
by commanding the EVAP purge solenoid valve OFF DTC P0496is a Type B DTC.
and the vent solenoid valve ON. The ECM monitors the
fuel tank pressure (FTP)sensor to determine if a Diagnostic Aids
vacuum is being drawn on the EVAP system. Ifvacuum An intermittentcondition could be caused by an
in the EVAP system is more than a predetermined improperly installed or damaged EVAP purge solenoid
value within a predetermined time, this DTC sets. valve or by a temporary blockage or restriction in the
The following table illustrates the relationship between EVAP purge solenoid valve or system tubing.
the ON and OFF states, and the Open or Closed states
of the EVAP purge and vent solenoid valves. ' Reference Information
EVAP Purge EVAP Vent Schematic Reference
ECM Command Solenoid Valve Solenoid Valve Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
ON Open Closed
Connector End View Reference
OFF Closed Open
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
Conditions for Running the DTC Description and Operation
I DTCs PO0C8,PO0C9,P0100,P010D,P16A0, Evaporative EmissionControl System Description on
P16A1,P16A2,P160E,P160D,P16F3,P0068, page 9-300
P0114P0116,P0117,P0118,P0122,P0123, Electrical Information Reference
P0223,P0443,P0449,P0452,P0453,P0454, I Circuit Testing on page 11-526
P0502,P0503,P0601,P0604,P0606,P0722, I Connector Repairs on page 11-548
P0723,P1104,P1682,P2100,P2101,P2102, I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
P2103,P2135,P2176,P2227,P2228,P2229, Connections on page 11—531
P2230are not set. I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
I The ignition voltage is between 11—32 V.
DTC Type Reference
I The engine OFF time is greater than 8 h,
I The barometric pressure (BARO) is greater than Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)Type
70 kPa. Definitions on page 6-68
I The fuel IeVel is between 10—90 %. Scan Tool Reference
I The startup engine coolant temperature (ECT) is Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
lessthan 35°C(95°F). ‘ information
I The startup intake air temperature (IAT)is
between 4—30°C(39—86°F).
I DTC P0496runsonce per cold start, for up to
17 min, when the above conditions are met.
Conditions for Setting the DTC
I The ECM detects more than 10 in H20 vacuum for
5 s during a non-purge condition.
I Thistest will run with the purge valve closed and
the vent valve closed.

Engine Controls/Fuel I 'i.4L (LUV) 9471
CircuitlSystem Verification Start the engine.
1. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Observe the FTP sensor with a scan tool. The FTP
running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle sensor parameter should be lessthan 1.7 V
within the conditions that you observed from the after 90 S.
freeze frame/failure records data. if not within specifications
N. Verify the DTC does not set. Replace the Q12 Evaporative EmissionPurge
2 if the DTC sets Solenoid Valve
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing U Within Specifications
U If the DTC does not set 5. All OK
3. All OK Repair Instructions
CircuitlSystem Testing Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
1. IgnitionON, engine OFF.
Evaporative EmissionCanister Purge Solenoid Valve
2. Seal the EVAP system usingthe Purge/Seal Rep/acement on page 9-276
function with a scan tool.

9472 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)

DTC P0506 or P0507 (LUV)

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provide an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0506: Idle Speed Low
DTC P0507: Idle Speed High

CircuitlSystem Description Action Taken When the DTC Sets

The throttle actuator control (TAC)motor is controlled DTCs P0506and P0507are Type B DTCs.
by the engine control module (ECM).The DC motor
located in the throttle body drives the throttleblade. In Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
order to decrease idle speed, along with spark and fuel DTCs P0506and P0507are Type B DTCs.
delivery changes the ECM commands the throttle
closed reducing airflow into the engine and the idle Diagnostic Aids
speed decreases. in order to increase idle speed, the I A stalling condition can cause DTC P0506to set.
ECM commands the throttle plate open allowing more
I An intermittentvehicle speed sensor (VSS)signal
air to pass the throttle plate.
can cause DTC P0507to set.
Conditions for Running the DTC I An intermittentclutch pedal position sensor signal,
I DTCs P0068,P0101,P0102,P0103,P0112, if equipped, can cause DTC P0506to set.
P0113,P0116,P0117,P0118,P0120,P0121, Reference Information
P0204,P0220,P0222,P0223,P0300—P0304, Schematic Reference
P0351—P0354, P0461—P0463,P0496,P0606,
P0722,P0723,P1516,P2066—P2068, P2101, Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28
P2135are not set. Connector End View Reference
I The engine is operating for at least 60 s.
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
I The barometric pressure (BARO) is greater than
70 kPa (11 psi). Description and Operation
I The engine coolant temperature (ECT)is greater ThrottleActuator Control (TAC) System Description on
than 60°C(140°F). page 9-305
I The system voltage is between 11—32 V.
Electrical Information Reference
I The transmission is not changing gears.
I The torque converter clutch (TCC)is not changing I Circuit Testing on page 11-526
states. I Connector Repairs on page 11—548
I The intake air temperature (IAT)is warmer than I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
—20°C(—4°F). Connections on page 11-531
I The vehicle speed is lessthan 3 km/h (2 mph). I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
I The commanded engine speed is steady within DTC Type Reference
25 RPM.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)Type
I The engine is idling for greater than 5 s. Definitions on page 6—68
I A scan tool output control is not active.
Scan Tool Reference
I DTC P0506and P0507run continuously when the
above conditions are met for greater than 10 3. Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
Conditions for Setting the DTC
The actual idle speed is approximately 91 RPM lower
than the desired idle speed.
The actual idle speed is approximately 182 RPM
greater than the desired idle speed.
2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9473

CircuitlSystem Verification CircuitlSystem Testing

1. Ignition ON. P0506
2. Verify no other DTCs set. 1. Verify the conditions listed below do not exist.
2 if any other DTC is set I Restricted exhaust
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - I Mechanical conditions that limits engine speed
Vehicle on page 6-69for further diagnosis. I Parasitic load on the engine—For example, a
U If no other DTC is set transmission condition, a belt driven accessory
3. Verify the scan tool Throttle Body Idle Airflow condition.
Compensation parameter is lessthan 90 %. 2 If a condition is found
2 90 %or greater Repair as necessary.
Refer to Throttle Body Inspection and Cleaning U If a condition is not found
on page 9-253. 2. All OK.
U If less than 90 %
4. Engine Idlingat the normal operating temperature.
1. Verify the conditions listed below do not exist.
Note: The engine must run for greater than 60 s, then
idle at a steady state for an additional 10 s before I Vacuum leaks
comparing the actual and desired engine speed I A throttle valve that does not close correctly
parameters. I Verify the correct operation of the crankcase
5. Verify the actual Engine Speed is not 100 RPM ventilation system. Inspect for the conditions
lessthan the Desired ldle Speed. listed below:
—Improper routing of the positive crankcase
2 If 100 RPM less than the Desired Idle Speed
ventilation (PCV)system
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing IIVacuum leaks in the PCV system.
U If 100 RPM greater than the Desired ldle Speed 2 if a condition is found
6. Verify the actual Engine Speed is not 200 RPM
Repair as necessary.
greater than the Desired Idle Speed.
U If a condition is not found
2 if 200 RPM greater than the Desired Idle Speed
2. All OK.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
U If 200 RPM less than the Desired Idle Speed Repair Instructions
7. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
Running the DTC. You may also operate the page 6-92after completing the repair.
vehicle within the conditions that you observed ThrottleBody Assembly Replacement on page 9—253
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
8. Verify the DTC does not set.
2 if the DTC sets
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
U If the DTC does not set
9. All OK

94 74 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)

DTC P0601-P0604, P0606, or P062F (Fuel Pump Control Module)

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0601: Control Module Read Only Memory Performance
DTC P0602: Control Module Not Programmed
DTC P0603: Control Module Long Term Memory Reset
DTC P0604: Control Module Random Access Memory Performance
DTC P0606: Control Module Processor Performance
DTC P062F: Control Module Long Term Memory Performance

CircuitlSystem Description CircuitlSystem Verification

The internal fault detection is handled inside the fuel Note: This DTC may be stored as a history DTC
pump control module. No external circuits are involved. without affecting the operation of the module. lf stored
only as a history DTC and not retrieved as a current
Conditions for Running the DTC DTC, do not replace the module.
The fuel pump control module runsthe program to 1. IgnitionON.
detect an internal fault when power up is commanded. 2. Verify DTC P0602is not set.
The only requirements are voltage and ground.This
program runseven if the voltage is out of the valid 2 If DTC P0602is set
operating range. 2.1. Program the K27 fuel pump control module.
Conditions for Setting the DTC 2.2.Verify the DTC does not set.
The fuel pump control module has detected an internal 2 Ifthe DTC sets, replace the K27 fuel pump
malfunction. control module.
U Ifthe DTC does not set.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets 2.3.All OK.
DTC P0601,P0602,P0603,P0604,P0606and P062F U If DTC P0602is not set
are type A DTCs.
3. Verify DTCs P0601,P0603,P0604,P0606,and
Conditions for Clearing the DTC P062Fare not set.
DTC P0601,P0602,P0603,P0604,P0606and P062F 2 If any of the DTCs are set
are type A DTCs. 3.1. Program the K27 fuel pump control module.
Reference Information 3.2.Verify the DTC does not set.
2 Ifthe DTC sets, replace the K27 fuel pump
Description and Operation control module.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 U Ifthe DTC does not set.
Electrical Information Reference 3.3.All OK.
I Circuit Testing on page 11-526 U If none of the DTCs are set
I Connector Repairs on page 11—548 4. All OK
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor Repair Instructions
Connections on page 11—531
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 page 6-92after completing the repair.
DTC Type Reference Control Module References on page 6-3 for fuel pump
control module replacement, programming and setup
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6-68

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.41. (LUV) 9475

DTC P0601-P0604, P0606, P062B, P062F, P0630, P16F3, or P2623 (ECM)

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each of the diagnostic
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0601: Control Module Read Only Memory Performance
DTC P0602: Control Module Not Programmed
DTC P0603: Control Module Long Term Memory Reset
DTC P0604: Control Module Random Access Memory Performance
DTC P0606: Control Module Processor Performance
DTC P062F: Control Module Long Term Memory Performance
DTC P0630: VIN Not Programmed or Mismatched I Engine Control Module (ECM)
DTC P16F3: Control Module Redundant Memory Performance
DTC P2623: Control Module Power Off Timer Performance

CircuitlSystem Description Actions Taken When the DTC Sets

This diagnostic applies to internal microprocessor I DTCs P0601,P0602,P0603,P0604,P0606,
integrity conditions within the engine control PO62F,P0630,and P16F3are Type A DTCs.
module (ECM).Thisdiagnostic also addresses if the I DTC P2628is a Type B DTC.
ECM is not programmed.
Conditions for Clearing the MlL/DTC
Conditions for Running the DTCs
I DTCs P0601,P0602,P0603,P0604,P0606,
P0601,P0602,P0630 P062F,P0630,and P16F3are Type A DTCs.
These DTCs run continuously when the ignition is I DTC P2628is a Type B DTC.
in ON.
Diagnostic Aids
Low voltage or a momentary lossof power or ground to
These DTCs run once per ignition cycle. the ECM may cause a DTC to set. Verify the following:
P0604 I The battery cables are clean and tight, and the
battery is fully charged. Refer to Battery
DTC P0604runscontinuously when the ignition is ON Inspection/Test on page 9-702.
for greater than 30 s.
I The ECM ground circuits do not have an open or
P0606 high resistance.
DTC P0606runscontinuously when ignition 1 Signal I The ECM power circuits do not have an open,
voltage is greater than 11V. short to ground, or high resistance.
P16F3 Reference Information
I The engine speed is greater than 500 RPM.
Schematic Reference
I DTCs P0101,P0102,P0103,P0106,P0107,
P0108,P2227,P2228,P2229,or P2230are Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
not set.
Connector End View Reference
I DTC P16F3runscontinuously when the above
conditions are met. Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
P2628 Electrical Information Reference
DTC P2628 runson ECM power down. I Circuit Testing on page 11-526
I Connector Repairs on page 11-548
Conditions for Setting the DTCs
I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
The ECM detects an internal failure or incomplete Connections on page 11-531
programming for more than 10 s.
I Wiring Repairs on page 11-537

94 76 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV)

DTC Type Reference 3. Observe the DTC informationwith a scan tool.

Verify DTC P0602or P0630is not set.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)Type
2 If DTC P0602or P0630is set
Definitions on page 6-68
3.1. Program the K20 Engine Control Module.
Scan Tool Reference Refer to Control Module References on
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool page 6-3.
information 3.2.Verify DTC P0602or P0630is not set.
2 if DTC P0602or P0630sets, replace the
CircuitlSystem Verification
K20 Engine Control Module. .
1. IgnitionON, clear the DTC informationwith a scan U If DTC P0602or P0630does not set
tool. Observe the DTC informationwith a scan tool.
3.3.All OK.
2. Verify that DTC P0641,P0651,P0697,or P06A3
does not set. U If DTC P0602or P0630is not set
2 If a DTC is set 4. Verify DTC P0601,P0603,P0604,P0606,P062F,
P16F3,or P262Bis not set.
Refer to DTC P0641,P0651,P0697,or P06A3
(ECM)on page 9482 for further diagnosis. 2 If DTC P0601,P0603,P0604,P0606,P062F,
P16F3,or P2628 is set
U lf DTC P0641,P0651,P0697,or P06A3does
not set Replace the K20 Engine Control Module.
U If DTC P0601,P0603,P0604,P0606,P062F,
P16F3,or P2628 is not set
5. All OK.
Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6—92 after completing the diagnostic procedure.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for Engine
Control Module replacement, programming and setup

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 94 77

DTC P0627-P0629

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check I Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0627: Fuel Pump Enable Circuit
DTC P0628: Fuel Pump Enable Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0629: Fuel Pump Enable Circuit High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

Opeanigh Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
Control P0628 P0627,P0628 P0629 -

CircuitlSystem Description Reference Information

The engine control module (ECM)provides ignition Schematic Reference
voltage to the fuel pump flow control module whenever
the engine is cranking or running. The control module Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
enables the fuel pump flow control module as long as
the engine is cranking or running, and ignition system Connector End View Reference
reference pulsesare received. While this enable Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
voltage is being received, the fuel pump flow control
module suppliesa varying voltage to the in-tank fuel Electrical Information Reference
pump module in order to maintain the desired fuel line I Circuit Testing on page 11-526
I Connector Repairs on page 11-548
Conditions for Running the DTC I Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11-531
P0627and P0629
I Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
I The ignition voltage is between 11—32 V.
I The ECM has commanded the fuel pump OFF. DTC Type Reference
I The DTCs run continuously when the above Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
conditions are met for greater than 1 s. Definitions on page 6—68
P0628 Scan Tool Reference
I The ignition voltage is between 11II32 V. Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
I The ECM has commanded the fuel pump ON. information
I The DTC runscontinuously when the above
conditions are met for greater than 1 s. CircuitlSystem Verification
1. Ignition ON.
Conditions for Setting the DTC 2. Verify that DTC P0627,P0628,or P0629is not set.
The ECM detects that the commanded state of the 2 If a DTC is set
driver and the actual state of the control circuit do not
match for greater than 2.5 3. Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
U lfa DTC is not set
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
DTCs P0627,P0628,and P0629are Type B DTCs.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
DTCs P0627,P0628,and P0629are Type B DTCs.

94 78 Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.41..(LUV)
3. Verify the parameters listed below do not display 5. Remove the test lamp.
Malfunction when commanding the Fuel Pump 6. Verify the scan tool Fuel Pump Enable Circuit Low
Enable On and Off with a scan tool. Voltage Test Status parameter is OK when
I Fuel Pump Enable Circuit Low Voltage Test commanding the Fuel Pump Enable On with a
Status scan tool.
I Fuel Pump Enable Circuit Open Test Status If OK is not displayed
I Fuel Pump Enable Circuit High Voltage Test 6.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
Status connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
If Malfunction is displayed 6.2.Test for infinite resistance between the control
circuit and ground.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
2 If lessthan infinite resistance, repair the short to
If Malfunction is not displayed
ground on the circuit.
. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the 2 if infinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
vehicle within the conditions that you observed Control Module.
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. If 0K is displayed
Verify the DTC does not set. Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the control
2 If the DTC sets circuit terminal 20 and ground.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing . Verify the scan tool Fuel Pump Enable Circuit Low
Voltage Test Status parameter is Malfunction when
U If the DTC does not set commanding the Fuel Pump Enable On with a
6. All OK. scan tool.
If Malfunction is not displayed
CircuitlSystem Testing
8.1. Ignition OFF, remove thejumperwire,
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at disconnect the harness connector at the
the K27 Fuel Pump Control Module. K20 Engine Control Module.
2. Install two 3 A fused jumper wires at the harness 8.2.Test for lessthan 2 Q in the control circuit end
connector between the following terminals: to end.
I Terminal 5 and terminal 6 ‘ 2 lf2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
I Terminal 17 and terminal 18 in the circuit.
Ignition ON for 10 s. 2 If less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
. Verify that a test lamp does not illuminate between Module.
the control circuit terminal 20 and ground. U If Malfunction is displayed
if the test lamp illuminates 9. Replace the K27 Fuel Pump Control Module.
4.1. Ignition OFF, remove the test lamp, disconnect
the harness connector at the K20 Engine Repair Instructions
Control Module, ignition ON. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
4.2. Test for lessthan 1 V between the control page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
circuit and ground. Control Module References on page 6-3 for Engine
2 lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on Control Module or Fuel Pump Flow Control Module
the circuit. replacement, programming, and setup
2 Iflessthan 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
If the test lamp does not illuminate

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel I 1.4L (LUV) 9479

DTC P0630

Diagnostic Instructions
I Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to usingthis diagnostic
I Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
I Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0630: VIN Not Programmed or Mismatched —Engine Control Module (ECM)

CircuitlSystem Description Scan Tool Reference

This DTC sets when the engine control module (ECM) Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
has determined that the vehicle identification number information
(VIN)is not stored in the ECM memory. When the . _ __ .
control module is replaced, the VIN must be CircmtISystem Verification
Programmed into the 00““ mOdU'ememory- Note: The ECM cannot determine if the VIN
-. - programmed into the control module is valid. Always
Conditions for Rur‘mng the DTC verify that the ViN displayed on the scan tool is correct
I The control module is ON or awake. for that vehicle.
' ThedlgiTCruns (t:ontinuouslywhen the above 1. ignition ON, observe the Vehicle Informationunder
con ' '0“ '8 me ' ID System Informationon the scan tool. The VIN
Conditions for Setting the DTC information should match the vehicles VIN.
The ECM detects that no VIN is stored in memory. .2, Ifa VINis not displayed, program the VIN Witha
scan tool.
ACtion Taken When the DTC SGtS 2. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
DTCs p0530 is a Type C DTC. running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
. . _ within the conditions that you observed from the
Conditions for Clearing the DTC freeze frame/failure records data.

Reference Information Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on

i DTC Type Reference page 6-92aftercompeing
lt' the d'Iagnosm
' t' procedure.

Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type

Definitions on page 6-68



9480 Engine Controis/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV)

DTC P0641 or P06A6 (Fuel Pump Control Module)

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0641: 5 V Reference Circuit
DTC P06A6: 5V Reference 1 Performance
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
P0180, P0641, PO18D,P0641,
P06A6 P06A6
5V Reference P06A6 P018C

Signal PO18C P018B,P0180 P018D P0188

LowReference — P0641,P06A6 — P06A6

CircuitlSystem Description Description and Operation

The fuel pressure sensor is located on the fuel line. The Fuel System Description on page 9-302
fuel pressure sensor monitors the fuel pressure in the Electrical Information Reference
fuel line. The fuel pump control module monitors the
voltage signal from the fuel pressure sensor. - Circuit Testing on page 11-526
Conditions for Running the DTC - Connector Repairs on page 11-548
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
The ignition is ON. Connections on page 11—531
Conditions for Setting the DTC - Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
The fuel pump control module detects that the fuel DTC Type Reference
pressure 5 V reference is above or below a
predetermined voltage threshold. Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6-68
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
Scan Tool Reference
DTCs P0641 and P06A6 are Type A DTCs.
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
Conditions for Clearing the DTC information
DTCs P0641 and P06A6 are Type A DTCs. CircuitlSystem Testing
Diagnostic Aids 1. Ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
Using the Failure Records data may help locate an disconnect the harness connector at the B47 Fuel
intermittentcondition. Ifyou cannot duplicate the DTC, Pressure Sensor. Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all
the information in the Failure Records can help vehicle systems to power down.
determine how many miles since the DTC set. The Fail 2. Test for less than 10 0 between the low reference
Counter and Pass Counter can help determine how circuit terminal 2 and ground.
many ignition cycles that the diagnostic test reported a =>If 10 Q or greater
pass and/or a fail.
2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
- Reference Information connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control
Schematic Reference 2.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 circuit end to end.
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Connector End View Reference
in the circuit.
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV) 9181
:> if less than 2 Q, replace the K27 Fuel Pump 5. Verify the scan tool Fuel Pressure SensorVoltage
Control Module. parameter is less than 1 V.
If less than 10 Q =>If 1 Vor greater
.09 ignition ON. 5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
Test for 4.8—5.2V between the 5 V reference circuit connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control
terminal 3 and ground. Module, ignition ON.
If less than 4.8 V 5.2. Test for less than 1 V between the signal
circuit terminal 1 and ground.
4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control =>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
Module. the Circuit.
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the 5 V =>Ifless than 1 V, replace the K27 Fuel Pump
reference circuit and ground. Control Module.
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to c if less than 1 V
ground on the circuit. 6. Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal
ii If infinite resistance circuit terminal 1 and the 5V reference circuit
terminal 3, wait 15 seconds.
4.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the 5 V reference
circuit end to end. 7. Verify the scan tool Fuel Pressure Sensor Voltage
parameter is greater than 4.8 V.
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit. =>If 4.8 V or less
=>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K27 Fuel Pump 7.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
Control Module. connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control
if greater than 5.2 V
7.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness circuit terminal 1 and ground.
connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control
Module, ignition ON. =>If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit.
4.2. Test for less than 1 V between the 5 V
reference circuit and ground. ii If infinite resistance
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on 7.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
the circuit. to end.
=>Ifless than 1 V, replace the K27 Fuel Pump =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Control Module. in the circuit.
If between 4.8—5.2V =>If less than 2 Q, replace the K27 Fuel Pump
Control Module.
U If greater than 4.8 V
8. Test or replace the 847 Fuel Pressure Sensor.
Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6—92after completing the repair.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for fuel pump
control module replacement, programming and setup

9-182 Engine Controls/Fuel « 1.4L (LUV)

DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, or P06A3 (ECM)

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0641: 5 V Reference 1 Circuit
DTC P0651: 5 V Reference 2 Circuit
DTC P0697: 5 V Reference 3 Circuit
DTC P06A3: 5 V Reference 4 Circuit

CircuitlSystem Description - Multifunction intake airsensor

- Vehicle speed sensor (manual transmission)
The engine control module (ECM) has 4 internal 5 V
reference circuits. Each internal reference circuit P0697
provides external 5 V reference circuits for more than The 5 V reference 3 circuit provides 5 V circuits to the
one sensor. A short to ground or short to voltage on one following sensors:
external 5 V reference circuit can affect all the
components connected to the same internal 5 V . Accelerator pedal position sensor 2
reference circuit. - Manifold absolute pressure sensor
Conditions for Running the DTC P06A3
These DTCs run continuously when the ignition voltage The 5 V reference 4 circuit provides 5 V circuits to the
is greater than 6.4 V. following sensors:
- Accelerator pedal position sensor1
Conditions for Setting the DTC
- Throttle position sensor1 and 2
The ECM detects a voltage out of range condition on Itmay be possible to locate the fault by disconnecting
any of the 5 V reference circuits for greater than 0.5 5. one component at a time from the affected 5 V
Action Taken When the DTC Sets reference circuit while viewing the 5 V Reference
Circuit Status parameter on the scan tool. The scan tool
DTCs P0641, P0651, P0697, and P06A3 are parameter will change from Malfunction to OK when the
Type A DTCs. source of the fault is disconnected. if all 5 V reference
components have been disconnected and a fault is still
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
indicated, the fault may exist in the wiring harness.
DTCs P0641, P0651, P0697, and P06A3 are
Type A DTCs. Reference Information

Diagnostic Aids Schematic Reference

P0641 Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28

The 5 V reference 1 circuit provides 5 V circuits to the Connector End View Reference
following sensors: Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
v Air conditioning (A/C) refrigerant pressure sensor
Electrical Information Reference
- Exhaust and intake camshaft position sensors
- Fuel tank pressure sensor - Circuit Testing on page 11—526
- Intake manifold pressure and air temperature ° Connector Repairs on page 11-548
sensor - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11-531
. Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
The 5 V reference 2 circuit provides 5 V circuits to the
following sensors: DTC Type Reference
- Brake pedal position sensor (automatic Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
transmission) Definitions on page 6-68
- Clutch pedal position sensor (manual
transmission) Scan Tool Reference
- Crankshaft position sensor Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel’1.4L(LUV) 9483
CircuitlSystem Verification :> if less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
1. IgnitionON. Module.
2. Verify all scan tool 5 V Reference Circuit Status ll If between 4.8—5.2V
parameters do not display Malfunction. Note: A short to voltage or ground on the signal circuit
=>If any of the parameters display Malfunction of certain components may cause this DTC to set.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing 4. Verify the appropriate scan tool 5 V Reference 1, 2,
3, or 4 Circuit Status parameter displays OK while
ti If none of the parameters display Malfunction connecting each component associated with the
3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for 5 V reference circuit one at a time.
Running the DTC. You may also operate the =>if the parameter does not display OK when a
vehicle within the conditions that you observed component is connected
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
4. Verify the DTC does not set. Replace the component
=>If the DTC sets Repair Instructions
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
U If the DTC does not set page 6-92after completing the repair.
5. All OK. 0 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Replacement
on page 9-252
CircuitlSystem Testing - Air Conditioning (A/C) Refrigerant Pressure
Note: Additional DTCs will set when disconnecting the Sensor Replacement (1.4L)on page 10-30 or Air
components. Conditioning (A/C) Refrigerant Pressure Sensor
Replacement (LUV) on page 10-31 or Air
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at Conditioning (A/C) Refrigerant Pressure Sensor
all appropriate sensors for the applicable DTC. Replacement (LDE/LUW/LWE) on page 10-32
Refer to Diagnostic Aids. - Brake Pedal Position Sensor Replacement on
2. Ignition ON. page 4-186
3. Test for 4.8—5.2 V between one of the 5 V reference - Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement on
circuits and ground. page 9-285 ,
=>If less than 4.8V - Clutch Pedal Position Sensor Replacement on
3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness page 17-415
connectors at the K20 Engine Control Module. - Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement on
3.2.Test for infinite resistance between the 5 V page 9-284
reference circuit for each applicable - Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Replacement on
component and ground. page 9-263
2 If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to - IntakeAir Pressure and TemperatureSensor
ground on the circuit. Replacement on page 9-247
=>If infinite resistance, replace the-K20 Engine - Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Replacement
l Control Module. on page 9-248
l =>If greater than 5.2 V 0 Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement on page 9-246
l - ThrottleBody Assembly Replacement on
i 3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
é connectors at the K20 Engine Control Module. page 9-253
{ 3.2.Test for less than 1 V between the 5 V - Vehicle Speed Sensor Replacement on
x reference circuit for each applicable page 17—461
t component and ground. - Control Module References on page 6-3 for
f =>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on engine control module replacement, programming,
3 the circuit. and setup

9—184 Engine Controls/Fuei - 1.4L (LUV)

DTC P0650

Diagnostic Instructions
. Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
. Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0650: Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Control Circuit

Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
IgnitionVoltage P0650 P0650 —— -
MlL Control *P0650 P0650 P0650 -
*The MILremainsON

CircuitlSystem Description the engine running. The MIL control circuit status
parameters change from OK or Not Run to Fault if there
The malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) illuminates to is a condition with a circuit or a connection.
inform the driver that an emission system fault has
occurred and the engine control system requires Reference Information
service. Ignitionvoltage is supplied directly to the MIL.
The engine control module (ECM) turns the MIL ON by Schematic Reference
grounding the ML control circuit when the emission . Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28
fault occurs.Under normal operating conditions, the
ML should be ON only when the ignition is ON and the 0 Instrument Cluster Schematics on page 8-78
engine is OFF. Connector End View Reference
Conditions for Running the DTC Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
- DTCs P0601, P0604, P0605, P0606, P0607, and Electrical Information Reference
P2610 are not set
o The DTC runs continuously when the above - Circuit Testing on page 11—526
conditions are met . - Connector Repairs on page 11—548
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Conditions for Setting the DTC Connections on page 11-531
- The ECM detects that the commanded state of the - Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
MIL driver and the actual state of the control circuit
do not match for more than 1 s. DTC Type Reference
- Should a short circuit to 8+ or an open circuit Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
occur on the MIL control circuit, the MIL must be Definitions on page 6-68
commanded ON for the DTC to set. A short circuit
to ground on the MIL control circuit can be Scan Tool Reference
detected immediately by the ECM in the Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
commanded OFF state. information
Action Taken When the DTC Sets CircuitlSystem Verification
DTC P0650 is a Type B DTC, with no MIL request. 1. IgnitionON.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC 2. Command the malfunction indicator lamp ON and
OFF with a scan tool.
DTC P0650 is a Type B DTC, with no MIL request.
Diagnostic Aids
Ifthe condition is intermittent,move the related
harnesses and connectors while monitoring the scan
tool MIL control circuit status parameters. Perform this
test with the ignition ON and the engine OFF, and with

Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV) 9-185
Verify that the malfunction indicator lamp turns ON 3. ignition ON.
and OFF as commanded. 4. Verify the malfunction indicator lamp does not
If the malfunction indicator lamp does not turn illuminate.
ON and OFF as commanded If the malfunction indicator lamp illuminates
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing 4.1.Test for infinite resistance between the
If the malfunction indicator lamp turns ON and malfunction indicator lamp control circuit
OFF as commanded terminal X1 52 and ground.
Ignition ON. :> Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
Command the malfunction indicator lamp ON and ground in the circuit.
OFF with a scan tool and verify that the control =>if resistance is infinite, replace the
circuit status parameters listed below display OK P16 instrument cluster.
or Not Run . If the malfunction indicator lamp does not
- The MlL Control Circuit Low Voltage Test Status illuminate
- The MIL Control Circuit Open Test Status ‘ Connect a 3 A fused jumper wire between the
- The MIL Control Circuit High Voltage Test a, malfunction indicator lamp control circuit
Status terminal X1 52 and ground.
If Malfunction is displayed Verify the malfunction indicator lamp illuminates.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing :> If the malfunction indicator lamp does not
If OK or Not Run is displayed
6.1.Test the malfunction indicator lamp control
F” Engine running. circuit terminal X1 52 for a short to voltage or
. Command the malfunction indicator lamp ON and an open/high resistance.
OFF with a scan tool and verify that the control
=>if the malfunction indicator lamp control circuit
circuit status parameters listed below display OK
terminal X1 52 is shorted to voltage or has an
or Not Run .
open/high resistance, repair as necessary.
- The MIL Control Circuit Low Voltage Test Status
U Ifthe malfunction indicator lamp control circuit
0 The MIL Control Circuit Open Test Status terminal X1 52 tests normal
. The MiL Control Circuit High Voltage Test 6.2.Test the instrument cluster ignition voltage
Status circuit for a short to ground or an open/high
lf Malfunction is displayed resistance.
Refer to Circuit/System Testing =>Ifthe instrument cluster ignition voltage circuit is
If OK or Not Run is displayed shorted to ground or has an open/high
resistance, repair as necessary.
Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the =>Ifthe instrument cluster ignition voltage circuit
vehicle within the conditions that you observed tests normal, replace the P16 instrument panel
from the Freeze Frame/Faiiure Records data. cluster/bulb.
If the DTC sets it If the malfunction indicator lamp illuminates
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing 7. Replace the K20 Engine Control Module.
U if the DTC does not set Repair Instructions
9 All OK. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92 after completing the repair.
CircuitlSystem Testing
Instrument Cluster Replacement on page 8-104
1. Ignition OFF.
Control Module References on page 6—3for ECM
2. Disconnect the X1 harness connector at the replacement, programming and setup
K20 Engine Control Module.

9:186 Engine Controls/Fuel = 1.4L (LUV)

DTC P0685, P0686, P0687, P0689, P0690, or P1682

Diagnostic Instructions
° Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0685: Engine Controls Ignition Relay Control Circuit
DTC P0686: Engine Controls Ignition Relay Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0687: Engine Controls Ignition Relay Control Circuit High Voltage
DTCP0689: Engine Controls ignition Relay Feedback Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0690: Engine Controls Ignition Relay Feedback Circuit High Voltage
DTC P1682: Ignition 1 Switch Circuit2
Diagnostic Fault Information

Engine Controls Ignition Relay

Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage
RelayCoil SupplyVoltage P0689,P1682 P0685,P0689,P1682 —-

RelayControlCircuit P0686,P0690 P0685,P0689,P1682 P0683

P0685 22%8872'

RelayFeedbackCircuit P0689,P1682 P0689,P1682 P0690

ignition Run Relay

Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage
ignition1 Signal 1 1 2
1. No Crankcondition.
2. Enginecontinuesto operatewithignitionOFF.

Typical Scan Tool Data

Engine Controls Ignition Relay Control Circuit Low Voltage, Open, and High Voltage Test
Status—Component Commanded OFF
Circuit I Short to Ground | Open | Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: ComponentcommandedOFF
ParameterNormal Range:Thefollowingillustratesthenormalparameterstatewithno circuitconditions:
- ComponentOFF —OK forOpen/LowVoltageTestStatusand NotRunforHighVoltageTestStatus
. ComponentON —NotRunfor Open/LowVoltageTestStatusand OK forHighVoltageTestStatus
BatteryVoltage Malfunction Malfunction ~-
EngineControlsIgnitionRelayControlCircuit Malfunction Malfunction NotRun

Engine Controls Ignition Relay Control Circuit Low Voltage, Open, and High Voltage Test
Status—Component Commanded ON
Circuit | Short to Ground I Open I Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions: ComponentcommandedON

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuei =1.4L (LUV) 9487
Engine Controls Ignition Relay Control Circuit Low Voltage, Open, and High Voltage Test
Status—Component Commanded ON (cont'd)
Circuit I Short to Ground I Open I Short to Voltage
ParameterNormal Range:ThefollowingillustratesthenormalparameterstatewithnoCircuitconditions:
- ComponentOFF ~OK forOpen/LowVoltageTestStatusand NotRunforHighVoltageTestStatus
- ComponentON —NotRunforOpen/LowVoltageTestStatusand OK forHighVoltageTest Status
BatteryVoltage NotRun NotRun -
EngineControlsIgnitionRelayControlCircuit NotRun NotRun Malfunction

CircuitlSystem Description P0689

There are 2 ignition voltage circuits supplied to the The ECM detects the engine controls ignition relay
engine control module (ECM).One is supplied by the feedback circuit is less than 5V when the engine
engine controls ignition relay, and the other is supplied controls ignition relay is commanded ON.
by the ignition run relay. The ECM monitors and
compares the ignition voltage supplied by the 2 relays. P0690
- The ECM detects the engine controls ignition relay
Conditions for Running the DTC feedback circuit is greater than 4 V when the
engine controls ignition relay is commanded OFF.
P0685, P0686, P0687
0 The condition is present for greater than 5 s.
The DTC runs when ignition 1 signal voltage is greater
than 11V. P1682
P0689 The ECM detects that the voltage level difference is
greater than 3 V between the 2 ignition voltage circuits
- DTC P0685 is not set. for less than 1 3.
- The engine controls ignition relay is
commanded ON. Action Taken When the DTC Sets
' Ignition1 signal voltage is greaterthan 11V. - DTCs P0685, P0686, P0687,P0689, and P0690
' The DTC runs continuously when the above are Type B DTCs.
conditions are met. - DTC P1682 is a Type A DTC.
P0690 Conditions for Clearing the DTC
° P0685 is not set. - DTCs P0685, P0686, P0687,P0689, and P0690
° The engine controls ignition relay is are Type B DTCs.
commanded OFF. - DTC P1682 is a Type A DTC.
- The DTC runs continuously when the above
conditions are met. Diagnostic Aids
P1682 The engine controls ignition relay may also be labeled
the powertrain relay, the engine control module relay,
° The engine controls ignition relay is or the main relay. The ignition run relay may also be
commanded ON. labeled the run/orank relay, the ignition main relay, the
- Ignitionvoltage is greater than 5.5 V. ignition 1 relay, or the ignition relay.
- The DTC runs continuously when the above
conditions are met. Reference Information
Schematic Reference
Conditions for Setting the DTC
- Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28
0 Power Distribution Schematics on-page 11—128
The ECM detects that the commanded state of the
driver and the actual state of the control circuit do not Connector End View Reference
match for greater than 2 s. Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
P0686 Electrical Information Reference
The ECM detects a short to ground on the control
circuit for greater than 2 s. - Circuit Testing on page 11—526
- Connector Repairs on page 11—548
. Electrical Centerldentification Views on
The ECM detects a short to voltage on the control page 11-240
Circuit for greater than 2 s. 0 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11-531
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537

9488 Eflgi‘ne Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV)

DTC Type Reference . Verify that a test lamp does not illuminate between
the ignition voltage circuit terminal 87 and ground.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type If the test lamp illuminates
Definitions on page 6-68
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness
Scan Tool Reference connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool 4.2. IgnitionON.
information 4.3.Test for less than 1 V between ground and
connector terminal 28.
CircuitlSystem Verification
=>if 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage in the
Note: circuit.
- A short to voltage on other components may =>if less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
cause DTC P0690 to set. Ifany other DTC is Module.
set, diagnose that DTC first.
If the test lamp does not illuminate
- if you were sent here from Engine Cranks But
Ignition OFF, connect a 20 A fused jumper wire
Does Not Run, proceed to CircuitlSystem
Tesfing. between the relay switch B+ circuit terminal 30 and
the relay switch ignition voltage circuit terminal 87.
1. Ignition ON, observe the scan tool DTC
information. Verify DTC P0685,P0686,P0687, Ignition ON.
P0689,P0690, or P1682 is not set. . Observe the scan tool Engine Controls ignition
Relay Feedback Signal parameter. The
=>if any of the DTCs are set K20 Engine Control Module should communicate,
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. and the parameter should display B+.
U if none of the DTCs are set If the parameter does not display 3+ or the
2. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for K20 Engine Control Module does not
Running the DTC. You may also operate the communicate
vehicle within the conditions that you observed 7.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X2 harness
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
=>If any of the DTCs are set 7.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the relay switch
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. ignition voltage circuit end to end.
=>if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
U If none of the DTCs are set
in the circuit.
3. All OK.
U Ifless than 2 O
CircuitlSystem Testing 7.3.Test for infinite resistance between the relay
Note: You must perform the CircuitlSystem Verification switch ignition voltage circuit and ground.
before proceeding with CircuitlSystem Testing unless :> Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
sent here from Engine Cranks But Does Not Run. ground on the circuit.
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the KR75 Engine Controls :> Ifinfinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
Ignition Relay. Control Module.
2. Verify a test lamp illuminates between ground and If the parameter displays B+
the relay circuit terminals listed below: ignition OFF, connect a DMM, set to the diode
- Terminal 85 setting, between control circuit terminal86 and
- Terminal 30 ground.
=>If the test lamp does not illuminate . Verify the DMM displays OL.
Replace the front compartment fuse block. If the DMM does not display 0L
Refer to Front Compartment Fuse Block 9.1. Disconnect the X1 harness connector at the
Replacement on page 11-609. K20 Engine Control Module.
U If the test lamp illuminates 9.2.Test for infinite resistance between ground and
Note: the relay control circuit.
:> ifless than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
- High resistance in the circuit/underhood fuse ground in the circuit.
block for either the engine controls ignition relay
or the ignition run relay can cause DTC P1682 =>Ifinfinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
to set. Control Module.
- A short to voltage on any of the circuits supplied If the DMM displays 0L
by the engine controls ignition relay can cause . Ignition ON.
DTC P0690 to set.
3. ignition ON.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuei - 1.4L (LUV) 9-189
11. Verify the DMM displays less than 1 V. 3. Test for infinite resistance between the terminals
=>If the DMM does not display less than 1 V listed below:
11.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 connector at - 30 and 86
the K20 Engine Control Module. ' 30 and 87
11.2.ignition ON. ' 30 and 85
11.3.Test for less than 1 V on the relay control - 85 and 87
Circuit. :> If less than infinite resistance
=>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on Replace the relay.
the circuit.
U lf infinite resistance
U Ifless than 1 V
4. Install a 20 A fused jumper wire between relay
11.4.Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end terminal 85and 12 V. install a jumper wire between
to end. relay terminal 86and ground.
2:»If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 5. Test for less than 2 0 between terminals 30 and 87.
in the circuit.
=>If 2 Q or greater
=>if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Module. Replace the relay.
U If the DMM displays less than 1 V U If less than 2 Q
12. Test or replace the KR75Engine Controls Ignition 6. All OK.
Repair Instructions
Component Testing Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
Relay Test
- Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center)
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the KR75Engine Controls on page 11-607or Relay Replacement (Attached
Ignition Relay. to Wire Harness) on page 11-607
2. Test for 70—110(2between terminals 85 and 86: ~ Control Module References on page 6-3 for
=>If less than 70Q or greater than 110 (2 engine control module replacement, programming,
Replace the relay. and setup
U If between 70—110(2

9-190 Engine Controls/Fuei .. 1.4L (LUV)


Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
' Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
' Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P069E: Fuel Pump Control Module Requested MIL illumination

CircuitlSystem Description Reference Information

The fuel pump control module uses the serial data DTC Type Reference
network to signal the engine control module (ECM) that
the fuel pump control module is requesting malfunction Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
indicator lamp (MIL) illumination. A DTC is set in the Definitions on page 6—68
fuel pump control module, and the request for MIL Scan Tool Reference
illumination is sent when the fuel pump control module
determines that a failure that affects emissions has Control Module References on page 6-3
occurred in the fuel pump control system. When the
ECM receives the message from the fuel pump control CircuitlSystem Verification
module, DTC P069Ewill set in the ECM. Note: Correct any engine controls and communication
DTCs before diagnosing fuel pump control
Conditions for Running the DTC module DTCs.
The ignition is ON, or the engine is running for more 1. DTC P069Eis an informational DTC. if there are
than 3 3 without interruption. no engine controls or communication DTCs, refer
Conditions for Setting the DTC to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List —Vehicle on
page 6-69for diagnosis of fuel pump control
A fuel pump control module related DTC is set. module DTCs.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets 2. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC to verify the DTC does not reset.
° DTC P069Eis a Type A DTC. You may also operate the vehicle within the
- DTC P069Ewill continue to be current or active as conditions that you observed from the Freeze
long as the fuel pump control module is requesting Frame/Failure Records data.
MIL illumination.
Repair Instructions
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
DTC P069E is a Type A DTC. page 692 after completing the diagnostic procedure.
Diagnostic Aids
Communication codes, U-codes, as well as powertrain
codes, P—codes,set in the fuel pump control module will
cause the fuel pump control module to request
DTC P069Eto be set in the ECM.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuel 1 1.4L. (LUV) 9491

DTC P1102 or P11C3

Diagnostic Instructions
. Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P1162: Intake Air Humidity Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P11C3: IntakeAir Humidity Sensor Circuit High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

Intake Air Humidity Sensor

OpenIHigh Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
P0097,P0651, P0096,P0097, P0097,P0651,
5V Reference P11C2,P2199, P1102, P2199, P1102,P2199,
P2227,P2228 P2227,P2228 P2227,P2228
Signal P0097,P11C3, P0097, P11C2, P0097, P1102,
P2199 P2199 P2199*
LowReference — P1102, P2227, * -
*internaiECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto B+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

Intake Air Humidity

Open or High
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: EngineRunning
ParameterNormal Range:Varieswithambienthumidityandtemperature; andenginebayconditions
5 V Reference 0% 0% —-
Signal 100% 0% 0%*
LowReference —— 0% *
*InternaiECM or sensordamagemayoCcurifthecircuitis shortedto 8+

CircuitlSystem Description The sensors listed below share an ECM supplied 5 V

reference circuit:
The sensors listed below are integrated within the
multifunctionintake air sensor: - lAT sensor 2
- lAT sensor1 - Humidity sensor
- lAT sensor 2 - Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor
- Humidity sensor The sensors listed below share an ECM supplied low
reference circuit:
- MAF sensor
- lAT sensor 1
- BARO pressure sensor
- lAT sensor 2
The intake air humidity sensor measures the ambient
humidity of the air in the sensor bore. The signal varies - Humidity sensor
with intake air humidity and is displayed by the scan ' Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor
tool as duty cycle %. The engine control module (ECM)
applies 5V to the signal circuit. The humidity sensor
and the IATsensor2 share the same circuit.

9-192 Engine Controls/Fuel ='l.4L (LUV)

Conditions for Running the DTCs CircuitlSystem Verification

‘ P11C2 and P11C3 1. Ignition ON, verify that DTC DTC P0641, P0651,
P0697,or P06A3is not set.
- DTC P1682is not set.
:> If any of the DTCs are set
- The ignition is ON.
- The Ignitionvoltage is at least 11V. Refer to DTC P0641, P0651, P0697,or P06A3
(ECM) on page 9—182for further diagnosis.
. These DTCs run continuously within the enabling
conditions. U if none of the DTCs are set
Note: To minimize the effects of residual engine heat
Conditions for Setting the DTCs and sensor internal heating elements, perform Steps 2
and 3 of this verification procedure only if the ignition
P11C2 has been OFF for 8 hours or more.
The ECM detects that the humidity sensor signal is less
than or equal to 5 % for greater than 5 s. 2. Ignition ON.
3. Verify the following scan tool parameters are within
P11C3 25°C (45°F)of each other.
The ECM detects that the humidity sensor signal is - Start—UplAT Sensor1
greater than or equal to 95 % for greater than 5 3. v lAT Sensor 2
Action Taken When the DTC Sets - lAT Sensor 3, where equipped
DTCs P11C2 and P1103 are Type B DTCs. :> If not within 25°C(45°F)
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
c If within 25°C(45°F)
DTCs P1102 and P1103 are Type B DTCs.
4. Engine idling, verify the scan tool IntakeAir
Diagnostic Aids Humidity parameter is between 5 and 90 %.
. The IntakeAir Humidity Signal parameter displays =>If not between 5 and 90 %
the measured humidity within the air intake system Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
and may differ from atmospheric humidity
measured outside the air intake system. U If between 5 and 90 %
- The humidity sensor and the IATsensor 2 signals 5. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
are sent to the ECM on the same Circuit.if the running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
IntakeAir Humidity parameter displays the value: within the conditions that you observed from the
0 % or 100 %, and there are also |AT Sensor2 freeze frame/failure records data.
DTCs, check for a circuit problem. 6. Verify the DTCs do not set.
Reference information =>if any of the DTCs set
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Schematic Reference
U If none of the DTCs set
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 7 Ali OK
Connector End View Reference
CircuitlSystem Testing
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269 Note: You must perform the CircuitlSystem Verification
Electrical Information Reference before proceeding with CircuitlSystem Testing.
,. Circuit Testing on page 11—526 1. Ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
disconnect the B750Multifunction intake Air
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 sensor. Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor systems to power down.
Connections on page 11-531 2. Test for less than 2 0 between the low reference
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 circuit terminal 7 and ground.
DTC Type Reference =>If 2 Q or greater
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type 2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
Definitions on page 6—68 connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
2.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
Scan Tool Reference circuit end to end.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool :> If2 Q or greater, repair the open or high
information resistance in the circuit.
Special Tools :> If less than 2 Q replace the K20 Engine Control
EN—38522 Variable Signal Generator
U If less than 2 Q
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools
(Diagnostic Tools) on page 9-308.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuel =1.4L (LUV) 9:193
3. ignition OFF, all vehicle systems OFF, test for less =>If less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
than 2 0 between the ground circuit terminal 4 and Module.
ground. 2 If greater than 5.2 V
:> If 2 Q or greater Note: Ifthe signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the
3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness engine control module or the sensor may be damaged.
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
5.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness
3.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the ground circuit end ' connector at the K20 Engine Control Meduie.
to end.
5.2. ignition ON, test for less than 1 V between the
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open or high signal circuit and ground.
resistance in the circuit. :> If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
=>Ifless than 2 Q, repair the open/high resistance the Circuit.
in the ground connection. :> If less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
U If less than 2 Q Module. _, ,
4. Ignition ON, test for 4.8—5.2V between the 5V U if between 4.8—5.2 V
reference circuit terminal 2 and ground.
6. ignition OFF, connect the leads of the EN-38522
:> If less than 4.8 V Variable Signal Generator as follows:
4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness - Red lead to the signal circuittermina|1 at the
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. harness connector
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal - Black lead to ground
circuit and ground. 0 Battery voltage supply lead to B+
=>If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to 7. Set the EN-38522Variable Signal Generator to the
ground on the circuit. following specifications.
U If infinite resistance - Signal switch to 5 V
4.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end - Frequency switch to 250 Hz
to end. 0 Duty Cycle switch to 50 % (Normal)
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 8. Ignition ON, verify the scan tool Intake Air Humidity
in the circuit. parameter is between 45—55%.
=>If less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control =>if not between 45—55%
Module. '
Replace the K20 Engine Control Module.
=>if greater than 5.2 V
U If between 45-55%
Note: if the 5V reference circuit is shorted to a voltage
the engine control module or the sensor may be 9. Test or replace the B750 Multifunction Intake Air
damaged. senson
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness Component Testing
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
Multifunction Intake Air Sensor
4.2. IgnitionON, test for less than 1 V between the
5V reference circuit and ground. 1. Test the intake Air Humidity Sensor by varying the
air humidity in the intake duct near the sensor, .
=>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on while observing the scan tool Intake Air Humidity .
the circuit. Sensor parameter. The parameter should change
=>Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control and be within 5—95%.
Module. =>If not within 5—95%.
U |f between 4.8—5.2 V Replace the B750 Multifunction Intake Air
5. Ignition ON, test for 4.8—5.2V between the senson
humidity signal circuit terminal 1 and ground. U lfwithin 5—95%.
=>if less than 4.8 V 2. AIIOK
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. Repair instructions
5.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
circuit and ground. page 692 after completing the repair.
=>If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to - Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement on page 9-246 '
ground on the circuit. for multifunction intake air sensor replacement.
U If infinite resistance - Control Module References on page 6-3 for
Engine Control Module replacement,
5.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end programming, and setup.
to end.
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

9:194 Eflgi‘ne Controis/Fuei . 'i.4L (LUV)

DTC P1255 or P064A

Diagnostic Instructions
° Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P064A: Fuel Pump Control Module Performance
DTC P1255: Fuel Pump Control Module Driver High Temperature

CircuitlSystem Description DTC Type Reference

The engine control module (ECM) supplies voltage to Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
the fuel pump control module when the ECM detects Definitions on page 6-68
that the ignition is on. The voltage from the ECM to the Scan Tool Reference
fuel pump control module remains active for 2 seconds,
unless the engine is in crank or run.While this voltage Control Module References on page 6-3for scan tool
is being received, the fuel pump control module information
supplies a varying voltage to the fuel tank pump module
in order to maintain the desired fuel pressure. CircuitlSystem Verification

the DTC 1. IgnitionON.

Conditions for Running
2. Verify DTC P0231, P0232or PO23Fis not set.
The engine is running. _
=>If any of the DTCs are set
Conditions for Setting the DTC
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
The fuel pump control module detects an Vehicle on page 669.
U If none of the DTCs are set
Action Taken When the DTC Sets 3. Verify that the area where the K27fuel pump
DTCs PO64Aand P1255 are Type A DTCs. .. control module is located is free of debris, clutter,
or any insulating material that would cause the
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
K27fuel pump control module to overheat.
DTCs P064Aand P1255 are Type A DTCs. =>If any debris, clutter, or other material is found
Diagnostic Aids 3.1. Clear the area where the K27fuel pump
control module is located.
Using the Failure Records data may help locate an
intermittent condition. if you cannot duplicate the DTC, 3.2.Clear the DTC and test drive the vehicle.
the information in the Failure Records can help 3.3.Verify DTC P1255 or P064Ais not set.
determine how many miles since the DTC set. The Fail =>IfDTC P1255 or P064Ais set, replace the
Counter and Pass Counter can help determine how K27fuel pump control module.
many ignition cycles that the diagnostic test reported a
pass and/or a fail. U IfDTC P1255 or P064Ais not set
3.4.All OK.
Reference Information
If no debris, clutter, or other material is found
Schematic Reference Clear the DTC and test drive the vehicle.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 Verify DTC P1255 or PO64Ais not set.
Connector End View Reference If DTC P1255 or P064Ais set
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 Replace the K27fuel pump control module.
Description and Operation c If DTC P1255 or P064Ais not set.
6. Ali OK.
Fuel System Description on page 9-302
Electrical Information Reference Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
- Circuit Testing on page 11—526
page 6-92after completing the repair.
- Connector Repairs on page 11—548 for fuel pump
Control Module References on page 6—3
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor control module replacement, programming and setup
Connections on page 11—531
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV) 92195

DTC P1400

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
° Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provide an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P1400: Cold Start Emission Reduction Control System

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The catalyst must be warmed to efficiently reduce the The actual exhaust energy model does not match the
emissions. The cold start strategy is to reduce the expected exhaust energy model.
amount oftime it takes to warm the catalyst. During a
cold start, the engine idle speed is elevated and spark Action Taken When the DTC Sets
timing is retarded to allow the catalyst to warm quickly. DTC P1400 is a Type A DTC.
This diagnostic monitors the following to build an
exhaust energy model: Conditions for Clearing the DTC
- Engine speed DTC P1400 is a Type A DTC.
- Spark advance
Reference Information
- Throttle position
- Engine airflow DTC Type Reference
' Engine coolant temperature Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
° Engine run time Definitions on page 6-68
' Park/neutral position Scan Tool Reference
- Vehicle speed
Control Module References on page 6-3for scan tool
The actual model is then compared to the expected information
exhaust energy model.
CircuitlSystem Verification
Conditions for Running the DTC
1. IgnitionOFF, allow the engine to cool.
- DTCs P0101, P0102, P0103, P0106, P0107,
2. Engine idling for at least 2 min, observe the scan
P0108, P0112, P0113, P0114, P0116, P0117,
tool DTC information. DTC P1400 should run
P0118, P0121, P0122, P0123, P0222,P0223,
and pass.
P0201, P0202, P0203,P0204,P0300,P0301,
P0302,P0303,P0304,P0335,P0336,P0351, 3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
P0352,P0353,P0354,P0502,P0503,P0506, Running the DTC to verify the DTC does not reset.
P0507,P0641, P0651, P0697,P06A3,P0806, You may also operate the vehicle within the
P0807,P080A,P2122, P2123,P2125, P2127, conditions that you observed from the Freeze
P2128, P2135, P2138,and P2544are not set. Frame/Faiiure Records data.
. The engine is idling less than 30s. CircuitlSystem Testing
- The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is 1. Inspect the air intake system for the following:
greater than —10°C(14°F).
- Damage, restriction, or modification
- The calculated 3-way catalyst temperature is less
than 350°C(662°F). - Dirty or deteriorating air filter element
- The ECM will exit the diagnostic if the calculated ‘ - Crankcase ventilation system for correct
3—waycatalyst temperature is greater than operation.
420°C(788°F)when the engine run time is greater - Water intrusion
than 30s. - Vacuum leak and other unmetered air
- The ECM will exitthe diagnostic if the engine run downstream of the mass air flow (MAF) sensor
time is greater than 90 s. - intake manifold leak
- The vehicle speed is less than 2 km/h (1 MPH).
- The engine is at idle with no input from the
accelerator pedal.
This DTC runs within the first 90 s of start—up.This
diagnostic runs once per trip when a cold start has
been determined.

92196 Engine Controls/Fuel =1.4L (LUV)
2. inspect the exhaust system for the following: Repair Instructions
‘ Water intrusion Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
. Exhaust leak page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
- Damaged, restricted, or modified exhaust
system. Refer to Symptoms —Engine Exhaust
on page 9—734.
3. Inspect for an engine mechanical condition that
could alter the air flow into the combustion
chamber. Refer to Symptoms - Engine Mechanical
on page 9-770.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV) 9-197
DTC P1516, P2101, P2119, or P2176 (LUV)
Diagnostic Instructions
0 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
. Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 659
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P1516: Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) Module Throttle Actuator Position Performance
DTC P2101: Throttle Actuator Position Performance
DTC P2119: Throttle Closed Position Performance
DTC P2176: Minimum Throttle Position Not Learned
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
TAC MotorControlClosed P1516,P2101,
P2176 P1516,P2101, P1516,P2101, P1516,P2101,
P2176 P2176 P2176
P1516,P2101, P1516,P2101, P1516,P2101, P1516,P2101,
TAG M°t°r00”"0‘ Open P2176 P2176 P2176 P2176

CircuitlSystem Description P2119

The Engine Control Module (ECM) controls the throttle ° The ignition is ON.
valve by applying a varying voltage to the control - DTC P0121, P0122, P0123,P0222,P0223,
circuits of the throttleactuator control (TAC) motor.The P0697,P06A3,or P2135is not set.
ECM monitors the duty cycle that is required to actuate - The run/crank or powertrain relay voltage is
the throttle valve. The ECM monitors the throttle greater than 6.41Vand reduced power is not
position (TP) sensors1 and 2 to determine the actual active.
throttle valve position.
° DTC P2119 runs continuously when the above
Conditions for Running the DTC conditions are met.
P1516 P2176
' DTC P1682is not set. - The ignition is ON.
- The run/orankor powertrain relay voltage is - The run/crank or powertrain relay voltage is
greater than 6.41Vand reduced power is not greater than 6.41Vand reduced power is not
active. active.
- DTC P1516 runs continuously when the above - The ECM enable the minimum throttle learn
conditions are met. procedure.
- DTC P2176run continuously when the above
P2101 conditions are met.
0 DTC P1682is not set.
' The run/crank or powertrain relay voltage is Conditions for Setting the DTC
greater than 5.5Vand reduced power is not P1516
The ECM detects an unstable throttleposition for
- The engine is running or the following conditions
greaterthan 1 s.
are met:
—The engine is not running. P2101
—The ignition voltage is greater than 11V. The ECM detects the actual throttleposition does not
—The TAC system is not in the Battery match the predicted throttle position for greater
Saver mode. than 1 s.
—The ECM is commanding the throttle. P2119
—The ECM has learned the minimum throttle The ECM detects the throttle blade did not return to the
position. default position when the TAC motor is de—energizedfor
- DTC P2101 runs continuously when the above greater than 1 s.
conditions are met.
93-198 Engine Controls/Fuei . 1.4L (LUV)
P2176 CircuitlSystem Verification
The ECM detects that both throttle position (TP) 1. Ignition ON.
sensors were greater than a predetermined voltage Note: A low battery voltage or charging system
during the minimum throttle learn procedure for greater condition may cause a DTC to set.
than 2 3. i
2. Verify DTC P0121, P0122, P0123, P0222,P0223,
Action Taken When the DTC Sets P0562,P0621, P0622,or P2135is not set.
P1516, P2101, and P2176 =>If any of the DTCs are set
- DTCs P1516, P2101, and P2176are Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
TypeA DTCs. Vehicle on page 6-69 for further diagnosis.
- The control module commands the TAC system to U If none of the DTCs are set
operate in the Reduced Engine Power mode. 3. Verify the scan tool Throttle Body IdleAir flow
- A message center or an indicator displays Compensation parameter is less than 90 %.
Reduced Engine Power. =>90 % or greater
- Under certain conditions, the control module Refer to Throttle Body Inspection and Cleaning
commands the engine OFF. on page 9—253.
P2119 U If less than 90 %
DTC P2119 is a Type C DTC. 4. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
for Clearing the MILIDTC 5. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF. Itmay
take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to
- DTCs P1516, P2101, and P2176are power down.
TypeA DTCs. 6. Ignition ON.
- DTC P2119 is a Type C DTC. 7. Verify the scan tool TAC Motor parameter displays
Diagnostic Aids Enabled while slowly depressing the accelerator
- Inspect for a condition in which the throttlevalve
may have been held open. For example, ice may :> If Enabled is not displayed
have formed in the throttle bore causing the Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
throttle valve not to close. U If Enabled is displayed
- A high resistance condition on the throttle position 8. Verify DTC P1516, P2101, P2119, or P2176is
and throttle actuator control circuits could cause a not set.
DTC to set.
=>If any of the DTCs are set
- A low battery condition may cause a DTC to set.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Reference Information
U if none of the DTCs are set
Schematic Reference Note: Ifthere is a condition with the throttlebody, the
TAC Motor Command parameter will go to 99 % for a
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28 predetermined amount of time and then a DTC sets.
Connector End View Reference Once a DTC is set, the TAC Motor Command
parameter will go to O % and the TAC Motor parameter
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 will display Disabled.
Description and Operation 9. Verify the scan tool TAC Motor parameter displays
ThrottleActuator Control (TAC) System Description on Enabled while performing the Throttle Sweep Test
page 9-305 with a scan tool.
=>If Enabled is not displayed
Electrical Information Reference
Note: Before replacing the Throttle Body Assembly,
- Circuit Testing on page 11-526 make sure the TAC motor control circuits are not
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 shorted t0 B+.
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor Test or replace the Q38 Throttle Body
Connections on page 11—531 Assembly.
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 U If Enabled is displayed
DTC Type Reference 10. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type vehicle within the conditions that you observed
Definitions on page 6—68 from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
Scan Tool Reference
for scan tool
Control Module References on page 6—3

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuel =1.4L (LUV) 91199
11. Verify the DTC does not set. 7. Disconnect the harness connector at the
:> if the DTC sets K20 Engine Control Module.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. 8. Test for less than 1 V between each motor control
circuit listed below and ground.
U if the DTC does not set - TAC Motor Control Closed circuit terminal A
12. All OK. - TAC Motor Control Open circuit terminal B
CircuitlSystem Testing :> If greater than 1 V
1. ignition OFF. Repair the short to voltage on the circuit.
Warning: Turn OFF the ignition before inserting U If less than 1 V
fingers into the throttle bore. Unexpected 9. Test or replace the Q38Throttle Body Assembly.
movement of the throttle blade could cause
personal injury. Repair instructions
2. Verify the conditions listed below do not exist with - Throttle Body Assembly Replacement on
the Q38Throttle Body Assembly: page 9-253
- A throttle blade that is not in the rest position - Control Module References on page 6—3for
- A throttle blade that is binding open or closed Engine Control Module replacement,
programming, and setup
- A throttle blade that is free to move open or
closed without spring pressure Repair Verification
=>If a condition is found 1. IgnitionOFF.
Test or replace the 038 Throttle Body 2. Install any components that have been removed or
Assembly. replaced during diagnosis.
U if a condition is not found 3. Perform any adjustments, programming or setup
3. IgnitionOFF. procedures that are required when a component is
removed or replaced.
ignition ON.
- Disconnecting the throttle body harness Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
connector may cause additional DTCs to set.
Turn the ignition OFF for 60s.
' The Test Lamp must be connected to circuit
before turning ignition on or incorrect diagnosis IgnitionON.
may occur. 90.“???
Verify the scan tool TAC Motor parameter displays
4. Disconnect the harness connector at the Enabled while performing the Throttle Sweep Test
Q38Throttle Body Assembly. with a scan tool.
5. Cycle the Ignition ON and OFF and then ON again. =>If Enabled is not displayed
6. Verify that a test lamp illuminates between each Test or replace the Q38Throttle Body
motor control circuit listed below and ground. Assembly.
- TAC Motor Control Closed circuit terminal A U lf Enabled is displayed
- TAC Motor Control Open circuit terminal B 9. lfthe repair was related to a DTC, duplicate the
=>If the test lamp does not illuminate Conditions for Running the DTC and use the
Freeze Frame/Failure Records, if applicable, in
6.1.IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness order to verify the DTC does not set.
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
=>if DTC sets
6.2.Test for infinite resistance between the
appropriate control circuit and ground. Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
Vehicle on page 6—69 for further diagnosis.
=>if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit. U If DTC does not set
U Ifinfinite resistance 10. All OK.
6.3.Test for less than 2 Q on the control circuit
from end to end.
=>Ifgreater than 2 Q, repair the open or high
resistance on the circuit.
=>if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
U If the test lamp. illuminates

9=200 Engine Controis/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV)

DTC P2096

Diagnostic Instructions
' Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to using this diagnostic
' Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P2096: Post Catalyst Fuel Trim System Low Limit

Circuit Description Action Taken when the DTC Sets

Fuel trim bias is used to keep the post catalyst air/fuel . DTCs P2096is a Type B DTC.
ratio within a predetermined range. This allows optimal . The ECM records the operating conditions at the
catalyst efficiency under various operating conditions. time the diagnostic fails. The first time the
The engine control module (ECM)constantly monitors diagnostic fails, the ECM stores this information in
how lean or rich the fuel trim bias is commanded, to the Failure records. Ifthe diagnostic reports a
determine if the fuel trim bias is greater than a failure on the second ignition cycle, the ECM
calibrated amount. records the operating conditions at the time of the
failure. The ECM writes the operating conditions to
Conditions for Running the DTC the Freeze Frame and updates the Failure
- DTC2P0016,POO17,P0030,P0036,P0053, records. The ECM illuminates the malfunction
P0054,P0101,P0102,P0103,P0106,P0107 indicator lamp (MlL) when one of the following
P0108,PO111,P0112,P0113,P0114,PO116, occurs:
PO117,PO118,P0128,P0131,PO132,PO133, —The ECM detects the same fuel trimfailure
P0134,P0135,P0137,P0138,P013A,P0138, during 2 consecutive trips.
P0201,P0202,PO203,P0204,P0261,P0262, ——The ECM detects any fuel trim failure during any
subsequent trip if the conditions at the time of
P0300,P0301,P0302,P0303,P0304,P0340, failure meet the following criteria:
P0341,P0365,P0366,P0411,P0442,P0443, - The engine load is within 20 percent of the
PO446,P0449,P0452,PO453,PO455,P0496 previous test that failed.
P1248,P1249,P124A,P124B,P2147,P2148, - The engine speed is within 375 RPM of the
P2150,P2151,P2153,P2154,P2156,P2157 previous test that failed.
P219A,P2227,P2228,P2229,P2230,P2270, - The engine coolant temperature is in the
P2271,P2440,orP2444isnotset same range of the previous test that failed.
. The barometric pressure (BARO) is greater than
70kPa (10.2PSI). Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
- The mass air flow (MAF) is between 0—100g/s. - DTCs P2096is a Type B DTC.
- The manifold absolute pressure (MAP) is between - The ECM turns OFF the malfunction indicator
0—200kPa (0~29PSI). lamp (MlL) at the beginning of the fourth ignition
- The intake air temperature (IAT)is between —20°C cycle, after 3 ignition cycles that the diagnostic
and +200°C(-4 and +392°F). runs and does not fail.
' The start up engine coolant temperature is warmer - A current DTC, Last Test Failed, clears when the
than —20°C(—4°F). - diagnostic runs and passes.
- The fuel control intrusive diagnostics are not Diagnostic Aids
- It is very unlikely that an H028 will cause this DTC
- The engine is operating under cruise conditions. to set without the occurrence of circuit related
- DTC P2096runs continuously when the conditions H028 DTCs. Do not replace an H028 to address
above have been met. this DTC without first performing all the steps in
CircuitlSystem Verification and CircuitlSystem
Conditions for Setting the DTC Testing.
The lean correction limit for a condition causing a rich ' The post catalyst fuel trim diagnostic is very
air/fuei ratio has been exceeded. sensitive to heated oxygen sensor (H028)design.
A non—OEsensor or an incorrect part number may
cause a DTC to set.
- Certain aftermarket airfiiters may cause a DTC
to set.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel =1.4L (LUV) 9-201
- Certain aftermarket air induction systems or 4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
modifications to the air induction system may Running the DTC. You may also operate the
cause a DTC to set. vehicle within the conditions that you observed in
- Certain aftermarket exhaust system components the Freeze Frame/Faiiure Records data.
may cause a DTC to set. 01. Verify DTC P2096is not set.
Reference Information :> if a DTC is set
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
Schematic Reference
U If no DTC is set
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 6 AMOK.
Connector End View Reference
CircuitlSystem Testing
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269 Verify none of the conditions listed below exist:
Electrical Information Reference Air intake duct collapsed or restricted.
- Circuit Testing on page 11~526 Air filter dirty or restricted.
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 Objects blocking the throttlebody.
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor Excessive fuel in the crankcase. Change engine
Connections on page 11-531 oil as necessary.
0 Wiring Repairs on page 11—537 Rich fuel injectors. Refer to Fuel Injector
Diagnosis on page 9-232.
DTC Type Reference Excessive fuel system pressure. Refer to Fuel
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type System Diagnosis on page 9-230.
Definitions on page 6-68 Fuel contamination. Refer to Alcohol/
Scan Tool Reference Contaminants-in—FuelDiagnosis on page 9—235.
Fuel saturation of the evaporative emissions
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool (EVAP) canister
Stuck open or leaking EVAP purge valve
CircuitlSystem Verification Restricted exhaust. Refer to Symptoms - Engine
1. IgnitionON. Exhaust on page 9-734.
2. Verify no other HO2S or fuel trim DTC is set. Improper operation of the crankcase ventilation
=>if any other H028 or fuel trim DTC is set => Ifa condition is found
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
Vehicle on page 6—69 for further diagnosis. Repair as necessary.
U If no other H028 or fuel trim DTC is set Repair Instructions
3. Verify DTC P2096is not set. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
z: If a DTC is set page 6—92 after completing the diagnostic procedure.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
U If no DTC is set

9-202 Engine Controls/Fuei =1.4L (LUV)

DTC P2097

Diagnostic Instructions
~ Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P2097: Post Catalyst Fuel Trim System High Limit

Circuit Description Action Taken when the DTC Sets

Fuel trim bias is used to keep the post catalyst air/fuel ' DTCs P2097is a Type B DTC.
ratio within a predetermined range. This allows optimal - The ECM records the operating conditions at the
catalyst efficiency under various operating conditions. time the diagnostic fails. The first time the
The engine control module (ECM)constantly monitors diagnostic fails, the ECM stores this information in
how lean or rich the fuel trim bias is commanded, to the Failure records. Ifthe diagnostic reports a
determine if the fuel trim bias is greater than a failure on the second ignition cycle, the ECM
calibrated amount. records the operating conditions at the time of the
failure. The ECM writes the operating conditions to
Conditions for Running the DTC the Freeze Frame and updates the Failure
- DTI)POO16,POO17,P0030,P0036,P005& records. The ECM illuminates the malfunction
P0054,P0101,P0102,P0103,PO106,PO107 indicator lamp (MIL) when one of the following
PO108,P0111,P0112,PO113,P0114,P0116, occurs:
P0117,P0118,P0128,P0131,P0132,P013& —The ECM detects the same fuel trim failure
P0134,P0135,P0137,PO138,PO13A,PO13B, during 2 consecutive trips.
P0201,P0202,P0203,PO204,P0261,P0262, —The ECM detects any fuel trim failure during any
P0264,P0265,P0267,P0268,P0270,P0271, subsequent trip if the conditions at the time of
P0300,PO301,P0302,PO303,P0304,P0340 failure meet the following criteria:
PO341,P0365,P0366,P0411,P0442,P0443, - The engine load is within 20 percent of the
P0446,P0449,PO452,P0453,PO455,P0496 previous test that failed. ,
P1248,P1249,P124A,P124B,P2147,P214& - The engine speed is within 375 RPM of the
P2150,P2151,P2153,P2154,P2156,P2157 previous test that failed.
P219A,P2227,P2228,P2229,P2230,P227Q - The engine coolant temperature is in the
same range of the previous test that failed.
- The barometric pressure (BARO) is greater than
70 kPa (10.2PSI). Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
. The mass air flow (MAF) is between 0—100gls. - DTCs P2097is a Type B DTC.
- The manifold absolute pressure (MAP) is between - The ECM turns OFF the malfunction indicator
0—200kPa (0—29PSI). lamp (MIL) at the beginning of the fourth ignition
- The intake air temperature (lAT) is between —20°C cycle, after 3 ignition cycles that the diagnostic
and +200°C(-4 and +392°F). runs and does not fail.
- The start up engine coolant temperature is warmer ' A current DTC, Last Test Failed, clears when the
than —20°C(—4°F). diagnostic runs and passes.
' The fuel controi intrusive diagnostics are not Diagnostic Aids
- It is very unlikely that an H028 will cause this DTC
- The engine is operating under cruise conditions. to set without the occurrence of circuit related
. DTC P2097runs continuously when the conditions H028 DTCs. Do not replace an H028 to address
above have been met. this DTC without first performing all the steps in
Circuit/System Verification and CircuitlSystem
Conditions for Setting the DTC Testing.
The rich correction limit for a condition causing a lean ° The post catalyst fuel trim diagnostic is very
air/fuei ratio has been exceeded. sensitive to heated oxygen sensor (H028)design.
A non-OE sensor or an incorrect part number may
cause a DTC to set.
- Certain aftermarket air filters may cause a DTC
to set.

Engine Controis/F-‘uel - 1.4L (LUV) 9.203
- Certain aftermarket air induction systems or 4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
modifications to the air induction system may Running the DTC. You may also operate the
cause a DTC to set. vehicle within the conditions that you observed in
- Certain aftermarket exhaust system components the Freeze Frame/Faiiure Records data.
may cause a DTC to set. 0‘1
. Verify DTC P2097is not set.
Reference Information :> If a DTC is set
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
Schematic Reference
U If no DTC is set
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28 6 AMOK.
Connector End View Reference
CircuitlSystem Testing
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 Verify none of the conditions listed below exist:
Electrical information Reference Exhaust system leaks. Refer to Symptoms -
Engine Exhaust on page 9-734.
- Circuit Testing on page 11—526
Vacuum hoses for splits, kinks, and proper
~ Connector Repairs on page 11-548 connections
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor Insufficientfuel in the tank
Connections on page 11—531
Air induction system and air intake ducts for leaks
- Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
Missing air filter element
DTC Type Reference Cracked evaporative canister
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Evaporative pipes plugged, obstructed, or leaking
Definitions on page 6—68 Crankcase ventilation system leaking.
Scan Tool Reference Engine vacuum leaks
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool Low fuel system pressure. Refer to Fuel System
information Diagnosis on page 9-230.
Contaminated fuel. Refer to Alcohol/
CircuitlSystem Verification Contaminants-in-Fue/ Diagnosis on page 9-235.
1. IgnitionON. Lean fuel injectors. Refer to Fuel Injector
2. Verify no other H02S or fuel trim DTC is set. Diagnosis on page 9-232.
=>If any other H028 or fuel trim DTC is set => Ifa condition is found
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - Repair as necessary.
Vehicle on page 6-69for further diagnosis.
Repair Instructions
U If no other H028 or fuel trim DTC is set
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
3. Verify DTC P2097is not set. page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
:> If a DTC is set
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
U If no DTC is set

9204 Engine Controis/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV)

DTC P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, or P2138

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P2122: Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor1 Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2123: Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor1 Circuit High Voltage
DTC P2127: Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 2 Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2128: Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor2 Circuit High Voltage
DTC P2138: Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensors 1—2Not Plausible

Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
APP Sensor1 5V Reference P2122 P2122 P2123 -
APP Sensor1 Signal P2122 P2122 P2123 P2138
APP Sensor1 LowReference —- P2123 — --
APP Sensor2 5V Reference P2127 P2127 P2128 -
APP Sensor2 Signal P2127 P2127 P2128 P2138
APP Sensor2 LowReference -— P2128 — -

Typical Scan Tool Data

APP Sensor1
Circuit I Short to Ground I Open Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: The engineis operatingat idle
ParameterNormal Range: 0.13—4.88 V
APP Sensor1 5V Reference 0V 0V 5V
APP Sensor1 Signal 0V 0V 5V
APP Sensor1 Low Reference — 4.96V —-

APP Sensor 2
Circuit I Short to Ground I Open Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: The engineis operatingat idle
ParameterNormal Range: 0.12—2.64 V
APP Sensor25V Reference 0V 0V 5V
APP Sensor2 Signal 0V 0V 5V
APP Sensor2 LowReference — 4.92V -

CircuitlSystem Description Two processors are also used to monitor the TAC motor
system data. Both processors are located within the
The throttle actuator control (TAC) system uses two ECM. Each signal circuit provides both processors with
accelerator pedal position (APP) sensors to monitor the a signal voltage proportional to pedal movement. The
accelerator pedal position. The APP sensors 1 and 2 processors share and monitor data to verify that the
are located within the pedal assembly. Each sensor has indicated APP sensor calculation is correct.
a 5 V reference circuit, a low reference circuit, and a
signal circuit.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV) 9205
Conditions for Running the DTC Electrical information Reference
P2122and P2123 - Circuit Testing on page 11-526
' DTC P0642,or P0643is not set. ' Connector Repairs on page 11—548
- The ignition is ON. ~ Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
' The DTCs run continuously when the above Connections on page 11-531
conditions are met. ' Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
P2127and P2128 DTC Type Reference
- DTC P0652,or P0653is not set. Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
~ The ignition is ON. Definitions on page 6—68
0 The DTCs run continuously when the above Scan Tool Reference
conditions are met.
Control Module References on page 6-3
- DTCs P0642,P0643,P0652,or P0653is not set. CircuitlSystem Verification
- The ignition is ON. 1. IgnitionON.
- The DTC runs continuously when the above 2. Verify that DTC P0697,or P06A3is not set.
conditions are met. :> If any of the DTCs are set
Conditions for Setting the DTC Refer to DTC P0641,P0651, P0697,or P06A3
(ECM) on page 9-182.
U If none of the DTCs are set
The ECM detects that APP sensor1 voltage is less 3. Verify the scan tool APP Sensor 1 parameter. The
than 0.61V for greater than 0.5 s. reading should be between 0.32—4.87 V, and
P2123 change with the accelerator pedal input.
The ECM detects that APP sensor1 voltage is greater 4. Verify the scan tool APP Sensor 2 parameter. The
than 4.59V for greater than 0.5 s. reading should be between 0.16—2.30 V, and
change with the accelerator pedal input.
a If the reading does not change
The ECM detects that APP sensor2 voltage is less
Refer to Circuit/System Testing.
than 0.10V for greater than 0.5 s.
U If the reading does change
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
The ECM detects that APP sensor2 voltage is greater Running the DTC. You may also operate the
than 2.5 V for greater than 0.5 s. vehicle within the conditions that you observed
P2138 from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
6. Verify the DTC does not set.
The ECM detects that the difference between APP
sensor1 and APP sensor2 exceeds a predetermined :> If the DTC sets
value for greater than 2 3. Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets U If the DTC does not set
- DTCs P2122,P2123,P2127,P2128and P2138 7 All OK.
are Type A DTCs.
CircuitlSystem Testing
- The ECM commands the TAC motor system to
operate in reduced engine power mode. 1. ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
disconnect the harness connector at the
Conditions for Clearing the DTC B107Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor. it may
take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to
DTCs P2122,P2123,P2127,P2128,and P2138are power down.
Type A DTCs.
2. Test for less than 5 Q between each low reference
Reference Information circuit terminal listed below and ground.
Schematic ° Low reference circuit terminal 4
- Low reference circuit terminal 5
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
=>If 5 Q or greater
Connector End View Reference 2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
2.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
Description and Operation circuit end to end.
ThrottleActuator Control (TAC) System Description on :> If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
page 9—305 in the circuit.

9:206 Enfigine Controls/Fuel ='l.4L (LUV)
=>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control :> Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
Module. Module.
U If less than 5 Q U If less than 0.1V
3. IgnitionON. 6. Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between each signal
4' Test for 4.8—5.2 V between each 5 V reference circuit terminal listed below and the 5 V reference
circuit terminal 1.
circuit terminal listed below and ground.
. APP sensor1 signal circuitterminai3
- 5V reference circuit terminal 1
. APP sensor2 signal circuit terminal 6
- 5 V reference circuit terminal 2
If less than 4 3V 7. Verify the scan tool APP sensor1 and 2 voltage
. .
4.1. IgnitionOFF. disconnect the harness parameter ''s greater than 4 8V
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. =>'f 4-8 V or less .
71 IgnitionOFF. disconnect the harness
4.2.Test for infinite resistance between the 5V connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
reference circuit and ground,
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to 7'2' 1'95" for 'nf'Wte resustance between the Signal
Circwt terminal and ground. .
ground on the circuit.
U Ifinfinite resistance =>if less than infinite resistance, repairthe short to

4.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the 5 V reference 953”,“9on the crrcurt.

circuit end to end. U if infinite reststance
:> |f2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 7.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
to end. . . .
in the circuit.
:> Ifless than 2 o, replace the K20 Engine Control =>if 2 Q 0? greater. repair the open/hlgh reSIstance_
in the crrcurt.
|f greater than 5.2 V :> Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module, U If greater than 4-8 V
ignition ON. 8. Test or replace the B107Accelerator Pedal
Position Sensor.
4.2.Test for less than 1 V between the 5 V
reference circuit and ground. Repair Instructions
=>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
the circuit. page 692 after completing the repair.
=>if less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Replacement
Module. on page 9~252
if between 4.8—5.2 V Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
. Verify the scan tool APP sensor1 and 2 voltage replacement, programming, and setup.
parameter is less than 0.1 V.
If 0.1 Vor greater
5.1.Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
ignition ON.
5.2.Test for less than 1 V between the signal
circuit terminal listed below and ground.
. APP sensor1 signal circuitterminal 3
- APP sensor2 signal circuit terminal 6
=>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV) 9=207
DTC P2199

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P2199: intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensors 1-2 Not Plausible
Diagnostic Fault Information

lAT Sensor1
Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
Sensor P0112,P0114,
P2199 P0113,P0114,
P2199 P0113,P0114,
P2199* P0111,P0114
LowReference — P1102,P2227, * -
*IntemalECM or sensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto B+.

lAT Sensor 2
Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
P0097,P0651, P0096,P0097, P0097,P0651,
5 V Reference P1102,P2199, P1102,P2199, P1102, P2199, -
P2227,P2228 P2227,P2228 P2227,P2228
Sensor P0097,P11C3, P0097,P1102, P0097,P1102, _
P2199 P2199 P2199*
LowReference — P1102,P2227, * -
*internalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto B+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

lAT Sensor 1
Open or High
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage
Operating Conditions: EngineRunning
Sensor 150°C(302°F) —40°C(—40°F) —40°C
LowReference — -40°C(~40°F) —40°C
*InternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto 8+

9=208 EnfigLine Controis/Fuei . 1.4L (LUV)

lAT Sensor 2
Open or High
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage

Operating Conditions: EngineRunning

Parameter Normal Range:Varieswithambienttemperature
-40°C(—40°F) —40°C
5V Reference 10Hz 10Hz
-40°C (—40°F)*
—40°C —40°c(—40°F) 10Hz*
Ground 10Hz
*InternalECM or sensordamagemayoccur ifthecircuitis shortedto 3+

Description Conditions for Running the DTC

The sensors listed below are integrated within the - DTC P1682is not set.
multifunction intake air sensor: - The ignition is ON.
- lAT sensor 1 - Ignitionvoltage is at least 11V.
- lAT sensor 2 ° This DTC runs continuously within the enabling
- Humidity sensor conditions.
. MAF sensor Conditions for Setting the DTC
. BARO pressure sensor The ECM detects that the absolute difference between
The intake air temperature (lAT) sensor1 is a variable the IATsensor1 and the IATsensor2 temperatures is
resistor that changes the voltage on the engine control greater than 55°C(99°F) for longer than 5 3.
module (ECM) supplied 5 V signal circuit. The signal
varies with inlet air temperature in the sensor bore and Action Taken When the DTC Sets
is displayed by the scan tool as °C (°F).The lAT sensor DTC P2199is a Type B DTC.
2 and the humidity sensor share the same circuit. The
IATsensor2 signal is displayed by the scan tool as Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
Hertz (Hz) and °C (°F). DTC P2199is Type B DTC.
The sensors listed below share an ECM supplied 5V
reference circuit: Diagnostic Aids
' lAT sensor 2 . With the ignition ON, when the engine is OFF and
- Humidity sensor is cold; properly functioning lAT sensors 1 and 2
will gradually increase the scan tool lAT
~ Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor Sensor1 and 2 parameters. This is due to the heat
The sensors listed below share an ECM supplied low that is generated by the multifunction intake air
reference circuit: sensor internal heating elements.
- lAT sensor1 . The Humidity sensor and the |ATsensor2 signals
- lAT sensor 2 are sent to the ECM on the same circuit. lfthe lAT
. Humidity sensor Sensor 2 parameter displays the values: 10 Hz; -
40°C (—40°F), and there are also HumiditySensor
- Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor DTCs, check for a circuit problem.
lAT Sensor1 — Temperature, Resistance, Reference Information
Voltage Table
Schematic Reference
lAT Sensor1 lAT Sensor1
lAT Sensor1 Resistance Signal Voltage Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
Cold High High Connector End View Reference
Warm Low Low Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
Electrical Information Reference
lAT Sensor 2 — Temperature, Frequency ~ Circuit Testing on page 11—526
Table - Connector Repairs on page 11—548
lAT Sensor 2 lAT Sensor 2 - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
lAT Sensor 2 Frequency Temperature Connections on page 11—531
Cold 45 Hz —40°C (-40°F) ° Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
Warm 302Hz 104°C(219°F)

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuei —1.4L (LUV) 9-209
DTC Type Reference CircuitlSystem Testing-
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Note: You must perform the CircuitlSystem Verification
Definitions on page 6—68 before proceeding with CircuitlSystem Testing.
Scan Tool Reference 1. Check the integrity of the entire air induction
system by verifying that none/ofthe following
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool conditions exist:
° A restricted or collapsed air intake duct
Special Tools - An intake manifold leak
EN-38522Variable Signal Generator ' A MAP sensor seal that is leaking, missing,
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools or damaged
(Diagnostic Tools) on page 9-308. - A misaligned or damaged air intake duct
- Any water intrusion in the induction system
CircuitlSystem Verification
- An Intake Manifold Resonator with a leaking
1. Ignition ON, verify that DTC DTC P0641,P0651, seal, or a cracked or broken housing
P0697,or P06A3is not set.
:> If a condition exists
=>If any of the DTCs are set
Repair or replace the component as
Refer to DTC P0641,P0651,P0697,or P06A3 appropriate.
(ECM) on page 9-182for further diagnosis.
U If no condition exists
U If none of the DTCs are set
2. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
Note: To minimize the effects of residual engine heat disconnect the B75C Multifunction intake Air _
and sensor internal heating elements, perform Steps 2 sensor. Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle
and 3 of this verification procedure only if the ignition systems to power down.
has been OFF for 8 hours or more.
3. Test for less than 2 Q between the low reference
2. Ignition ON. circuit terminal 7 and ground.
3. Verify the following scan tool parameters are within :~ If 2 Q or greater
25°C(45°F)of each other. 3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
. Start-Up lAT Sensor1 connector at the K20Engine Control Module.
' lAT Sensor 2 3.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
' lAT Sensor 3, where equipped circuit end to end.
=>If not within 25°C(45°F) =>If2 Q or greater, repair the’open or high
resistance in the circuit.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
=>Ifless than 2 Q replace the K20Engine Control
4: if within 25°C(45°F) Module.
4. Engine idling, verify the following scan tool
parameters are between: ~38 and +149°C(—36 U If less than 2 Q
and +300°F). 4. IgnitionON, test for 4.8—5.2 V between the 5V
- lAT Sensor1 reference circuit terminal 2 and ground.
- lAT Sensor2 =>if less than 4.8 V
- lAT Sensor 3, where equipped 4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
connector at the K20Engine Control Module.
=>If not between: —38and +149°C(—36and
+300°F) 4.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal
circuit and ground.
Refer to Circuit System Testing.
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
U if between: —38and +149°C(-36 and +300°F) ground on the circuit.
5. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for ' U Ifinfinite resistance
running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
within the conditions that you observed from the 4.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
freeze frame/failure records data. to end. ,
6. Verify the DTCs do not set. =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.
=>If any of the DTCs set
=>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20Engine Control
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. Module. '
U If none of the DTCs set :> If greater than 5.2 V
7. All OK

9-210 Engine Controls/Fuei - 'i.4L (LUV)

Note: if the 5 V reference circuit is shorted to a voltage :> if less than 2 Q, replace the K20Engine Control
the engine control module or the sensor may be Module.
damaged. 2) If greater than 5.2 V
4.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness Note: if the signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the
connector at the K20Engine Control Module. engine control module or the sensor may be damaged.
4.2. ignition ON, test for less than 1 V between the 6.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
5 V reference circuit and ground. connector at the K20Engine Control Module.
=>if 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on 6.2. Ignition ON, test for less than 1 V between the
the circuit. signal circuit and ground.
=>if less than 1 V, replace the K20Engine Control =>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
Module. the circuit.
U If between 4.8—5.2 V =>If less than 1 V, replace the K20Engine Control
5. IgnitionON, test for 4.8—5.2 V between the signal Module.
terminal 8 and ground. If between 4.8—5.2 V
=>If less than 4.8 V ignition OFF, connect the leads of the EN—38522
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness Variable Signal Generator as follows:
connector at the K20Engine Control Module. ~ Red lead to the signal circuitterminal 1 at the
5.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal harness connector
circuit and ground. - Black leads to ground
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to - Battery voltage supply lead to B+
ground on the circuit. Set the EN—38522 Variable Signal Generator to the
U if infinite resistance following specifications.
5.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end - Signal switch to 5 V
to end. - Duty Cycle switch to 50 % (Normal)
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance - Frequency switch to 30 Hz
in the circuit. IgnitionON, verify the scan tool lAT Sensor2
=>if less than 2 Q, replace the K20Engine Control parameter is between 28—32Hz.
Module. If not between 28—32Hz
=>if greater than 5.2 V Replace the K20Engine Control Module.
Note: Ifthe signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the U If between 28—32Hz
engine control module or the sensor may be damaged.
10. Test or replace the B750Multifunction intake Air
5.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness senson
connector at the K20Engine Control Module.
Component Testing
5.2. Ignition ON, test for less than 1 V between the
signal circuit and ground. Multifunction Intake Air Sensor
=>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the circuit. the B75CMultifunction intake Air sensor.
:> If less than 1 V, replace the K20Engine Control Note: A thermometer can be used to test the sensor
Module. . off the vehicle.
U If between 4.8—5.2 V 2. Test the lAT sensor1 by varying the sensor
6. ignition ON, test for 4.8—5.2 V between the signal temperature while monitoring the sensor
terminal 1 and ground. resistance. Compare the readings with the
Temperature Versus Resistance - IntakeAir
=>If less than 4.8 V
Temperature Sensor (Bosch Sensor) on page 9-26
6.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness or Temperature Versus Resistance - IntakeAir
connector at the K20Engine Control Module. Temperature Sensor (Delco Sensor) on page 9-26
6.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal table for Bosch Sensors. The resistance values
circuit and ground. should be in range of the table values.
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repairthe short to =>If not within the specified range.
ground on the circuit. Replace the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir
U Ifinfinite resistance senSOL
6.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end U If within the specified range.
to end. 3. All OK
:> |f2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV) 9=211
Multifunction Intake Air Sensor Repair Instructions
1. Test the lAT Sensor2 by varying the sensor Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
temperature while monitoring the air temperature page 6-92after completing the repair.
with a thermometer.Compare the readings with the
scan tool lAT Sensor2 parameter. The values - Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement on page 9-246
should be within 5%. for multifunction intake air sensor replacement.
=>If not within 5%. ~ Control Module References on page 6—3for
Engine Control Module replacement,
Replace the B750 Multifunction intake Air programming, and setup.
U lfwithin 5%.
2. AllOK

9-212 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV)


Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P219A: Fuel Trim Cylinder Balance

CircuitlSystem Description Diagnostic Aids

The Air Fuel Imbalance diagnostic detects a rich or lean ~ The air fuel imbalance diagnostic is very sensitive
cylinder to cylinder air/fuel ratio imbalance. The to heated oxygen sensor (H028)design.
diagnostic monitors the pre-cataiyst heated oxygen A non—OEsensor or an incorrect part number may
sensor (H028)signal's frequency and amplitude cause a DTC to set.
characteristics by calculating an accumulated voltage ° Monitoring the misfire current counters, or misfire
over a predetermined sample period. An imbalance is graph, may help to isolate the cylinder that is
indicated when multiple samples of the accumulated causing the condition.
voltage are consistently higher than the desired value. - Certain aftermarket airfiiters may cause a DTC
Conditions for Running the DTC to set.
- Certain aftermarket air induction systems or
- DTCsPOO16,P0017,P0068,P0101,PO102
modifications to the air induction system may
cause a DTC to set.
P0222,P0223,P0261,P0262,P0264,P0265 - Certain aftermarket exhaust system components
P0267,P0268,P0270,P0271,P0300,P0301- may cause a DTC to set.
P0442,PO455,P0496,P1248,P1249,P124A, Reference Information
P1248,P2101,P2135,P2147,P2148,P2150. Schematic Reference
PflM4amnmsa. Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
~ The EVAP device control and intrusive diagnostics Connector End View Reference
are not active.
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
- The engine overspeed protection is not active.
- The engine is in closed loop status. Electrical Information Reference
. The system voltage is greater than 11V. - Circuit Testing on page 11—526
- The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is warmer ' Troubleshooting with a Test Lamp on page 11—528
than —20°C(—4°F). - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
- The engine speed is between 1200—3200RPM. Connections on page 11—531
- The mass airflow is between 10—100gls. 0 Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
- The AIR pump is not ON. - Connector Repairs on page 11-548
- Engine run time is greater than 30 s. DTC Type Reference
- Fuel level is greater than 10% and no fuel level
sensor fault is present. Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6-68
- The DTC runs continuously when the above
conditions have been met. Scan Tool Reference
Conditions for Setting the DTC Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
H028 accumulated information
Multiple samples of the pre-catalyst
voltage are consistently greater than the desired value. CircuitlSystem Verification
Action Taken When the DTC Sets 1. Ignition ON.
DTC P219Ais a Type A DTC. 2. Verify no other DTCs are set.
=>If any other DTCs are set
Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
DTC P219Ais a Type A DTC. Vehicle on page 6-69for further diagnosis.
U If no other DTCs are set
2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuei - 1.4L (LUV) 9-213
3. Verify DTC P219Ais not set. . Split, kinked, or improperly connected vacuum
=>If a DTC is set gosfsjt d d d l k‘ d'f' d
. . . - es no e , amage , ea ing, or mo iie
Refer t? CircuitlSystem Testing exhaust system from the catalytic converter
U If no DTC Is set forward. Refer to Symptoms - Engine Exhaust
4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for on page 9‘734-
Running the DTC. You may also operate the ' Improperly operating fuel injectors. Refer to
vehicle within the conditions that you observed in Fuel Injector Diagnosis on page 9-232.
the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. , Contaminated fuei. Refer to Alcohol/
5. Verify DTC P219A is not set. Contaminants-in—FuelDiagnosis on
:> If a DTC is set Page 9'235-
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing - Excessive fuel in the crankease due to leaking
_ injectors. Change engine 0i| as necessary.
U If no DTC is set
- Improper ignition system operation. Refer to
6 A” OK- Electronic Ignition System Diagnosis on
CircuitlSystem Testing page 931238;
1. Engine idling, verify the manifold absolute pressure 7 'f a °°"d't'°" '5 f°”“d
(MAP) sensor parameter is between 20—48kPa. Repair as necessary.
: If not within the specified range. U If no condition is found
Refer to DTC P0106on page 9-84or DTC 2. Test the engine for any mechanical conditions such
[30107or P0108 on page 9-89 as sticking valves, lifters, etc., which could alter the
flow into the combustion chamber. Refer to
U If within the specified range, verify that none of Symptoms _Engine Mechanical on page 9770.
the conditions listed below exist:
- Modified, damaged, leaking, or restricted air Repair Instructions
'ndUCt'Onsystem components. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
- Improperoperation of the crankcase ventilation page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.

9-214 Engine Controls/Fuel -1.4L (LUV)

DTC P2227-P2230

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P2227: Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor Performance
DTC P2228: Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2229: Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor Circuit High Voltage
DTC P2230: Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor Circuit Erratic —(Ifused)

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Short to Signal

Circuit Ground Resistance Voltage Performance
5V Reference P0641,P2228 P2228 P0641,P2229 P2227
Signal P2228 P2228 P2229 P2227
LowReference — P2229 — P2227

Typical Scan Tool Data

Circuit I Short to Ground Open Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: IgnitionON, EngineOFF
ParameterNormal Range: 56—105 kPa,varieswithaltitude
5V Reference 0kPa OkPa 127kPa
Signal 0kPa 0kPa 127kPa
LowReference — 127kPa -

Description - IgnitionON, engine OFF.

- DTC P2227runs continuously when the above
The barometric pressure (BARO) sensor responds to conditions are met.
changes in altitude and atmospheric conditions. This
gives the engine control module (ECM)an indication of P2228or P2229
barometric pressure. The ECM uses this information to - The engine is running.
calculate fuel delivery. The BARO sensor provides a
. The DTCs run continuously when the above
voltage signal to the ECM relative to the atmospheric
condition is met .
pressure changes. The ECM monitors the BARO
sensor signal for a voltage outside of the normal range. P2230
Conditions for Running the DTC ° The engine is running.
- DTCs P0068,P0101, P0102,P0103,P0106,
P2227 P0107,P0108,P0112, P0113, P0117, P0118,
- DTCs P0068,P0101, P0102,P0103,P0106, P0121, P0122,P0123,P0222,P0223,P1516,
P0107,P0108,P0112, P0113, P0117, P0118, P2135,P2228and P2229are not set.
P0121, P0122,P0123,P0222,P0223,P1516, . DTC P2230runs continuously when the above
P2135,P2228and P2229are not set. conditions are met.
- Engine is running.
- DTCs P0106,P0107,P0108,P2228,P2229and
P2230are not set and are not pending.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV) 9-215
Conditions for Setting the DTC CircuitlSystem Verification
P2227 1. Ignition ON.
- Engine running, the ECM detects that the 2. Verify the scan tool BARO pressure parameter is
difference between the BARO signal and the within the range specified in the Altitude Versus
calculated BARO is greater than 15 kPa (2.17PSl) Barometric Pressure on page 9-26table.
when the vehicle has traveled no more than =>if the BARO is not within the specified range
0.1 km (0.06mi) since the last calculated BARO
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
update, or ifthe difference is greater than 25kPa
(3.62PSl) when the vehicle has traveled greater U If the BARO is within the specified range
than 0.1 km (0.06mi) since the last calculated 3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
BARO update. Running the DTC. You may also operate the
- IgnitionON, engine OFF, the ECM detects that the vehicle within the conditions that you observed in
BARO pressure is less than 50 kPa (7.25PSl) or the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
greater than 115 kPa (16.76PSI). 4. Verify the DTC does not set.
P2228 =>if the DTC sets
The ECM detects that the BARO sensor voltage is less Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
than 2V. U If the DTC does not set
P2229 5. Ali OK.
The ECM detects that the BARO sensor voltage is CircuitlSystem Testing ‘
greater than 4.5 V.
1. Verify the conditions listed below do not exist with
P2230 the B75CMultifunction IntakeAir Sensor:
The ECM detects that the difference between the - Damage
current BARO sensor reading and the previous BARO - Restrictions in the inlet port
sensor reading is greater than 10 kPa (1.45PSI).
=>If a condition exists
Action Taken When the DTC Sets Repair or replace the B750 Multifunction Intake
DTCs P2227,P2228,P2229,and P2230are Air Sensor as necessary.
Type B DTCs. (2 If none of the conditions exist
Conditions for Clearing the DTC 2. Ignition OFF, and all vehicle systems OFF, it may
take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to
DTCs P2227,P2228,P2229,and P2230are power down. Disconnect the harness connector at
Type B DTCs. the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir Sensor.
Diagnostic Aids 3. Test for less than 5 Q between the low reference
Inspect the inlet port on the Barometric Pressure circuit terminal 7 and ground.
Sensor for moisture or debris and attempt to dry or =>If 5 Q or greater
clean the inlet, if contaminated. 3.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20Engine Control Module.
Reference Information
3.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
Schematic Reference circuit end to end.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 =>Ifgreater than the specified value, repair the
open or high resistance in the circuit.
Connector End View Reference
=>If2 Q or less replace the K20Engine Control
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269 Module.
Electrical information Reference c If less than 5 Q
4. Ignition ON.
- Circuit Testing on page 11-526
- Connector Repairs on page 11—548
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11-531
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
DTC Type Reference
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6-68
Scan Tool Reference
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool

9-216 Engine Controls/Fuei - 1.4L (LUV)

5. Test for 4.8—5.2 V between the 5V reference circuit =>Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20Engine Control
terminal 2 and ground. Module.
If less than 4.8 V If less than 0.2 V
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness Install a 3 A‘fused jumper wire between the signal
connector at the K20Engine Control Module. circuit terminal 6 and the 5V reference circuit
terminal 2.
5.2.Test for infinite resistance between the 5V
reference circuit and ground. Verify the scan tool BARO Sensor parameter is
greater than 4.5 V.
=>If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit. If 4.5 V or less
U If infinite resistance 8.1. ignition OFF, remove the jumper wire,
disconnect the harness connector at the
5.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the 5 V reference K20Engine Control Module.
circuit end to end.
8.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance circuit terminal 6 and ground.
in the circuit.
=>if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
=>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20Engine Control ground on the circuit.
U if infinite resistance
If greater than 5.2 V
8.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
5.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness to end.
connector at the K20Engine Control Module,
ignition ON. =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.
5.2.Test for less than 1 V between the 5 V
reference circuit and ground. =>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20Engine Control
=>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit. U If greater than 4.5 V
=>Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20Engine Control 9. Test or replace the B75CMultifunction IntakeAir
Module. Sensor.
U If between 4.8—5.2 V Repair Instructions
6. Verify the scan tool BARO Sensor parameter is Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
less than 0.2 V. page 6—92 after completing the repair.
:> If 0.2 V or greater Mass Ain‘low Sensor Replacement on page 9-246
6.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness for multifunction intake air sensor replacement
connector at the K20Engine Control Module, Control Module References on page 6—3for
ignition ON. ' engine control module replacement, programming
6.2.Test for less than 1 V between the signal and setup
circuit terminal 6 and ground.
=>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuei - 'i.4L (LUV) 9-217

DTC P2261

Diagnostic instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P2261: Turbocharger Bypass Valve Stuck

CircuitlSystem Description Reference information

The turbocharger incorporates a bypass valve which is Schematic Reference
controlled by the Engine Control Module (ECM),by
utilizing a remotely mounted solenoid valve, to prevent Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
turbocharger surging and damage from vibrations by
Connector End View Reference
opening during abrupt closed throttle conditions. When
the valve is open during closed throttle deceleration Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
conditions, it allows the air to recirculate in the
turbocharger and maintain turbocharger speed. Within Description and Operation
a calibrated range during the closed throttle event, Turbocharger System Description on page 9-306
or upon a wide open throttle command the valve will
then close to optimize turbo response. The bypass Electrical Information Reference
solenoid valve has the following circuits:
- Circuit Testing on page 11-526
0 Ignitionvoltage 0 Connector Repairs on page 11-548
0 Turbocharger bypass solenoid valve control
° Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
As engine load and engine speed increases, the Connections on page 11-531
turbocharger bypass solenoid valve remains
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
commanded ON by the ECM. As soon as the throttle
closes the turbocharger bypass solenoid valve is DTC Type Reference
commanded OFF by the ECM, in order to allow the
turbocharger bypass valve to open and allow the Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
turbocharger air to recirculate, there by preventing Definitions on page 6-68
turbocharger surging. Scan Tool Reference
Conditions for Running the DTC Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
- DTCs P0033,P0034,P0035,P0097,P0098, information
P0100,P0101, P0102,P0103,P0121, P0122, CircuitlSystem Verification
P0238,P0299,P2228,or P2229,are not set. 1. Ignition'ON.
- The boost pressure versus the barometric 2. Verify DTC P0033.P0034,or P0035is not set.
pressure (BARO) ratio is between 1.1—3.3. =>If any of the DTCs are set
- The charge air bypass valve has been Refer to DTC P0033-P0035on page 9-51.
commanded ON for greaterthan 1 5 immediately
after an abrupt closed throttle has occurred and U if none of the DTCs are set
the resulting pressure ratio across the compressor 3. Verify the scan tool BARO Sensor parameter is
exceeds the calibrated pressure ratio limit. within the range specified in the Altitude Versus
- The engine speed is greater than 1,800RPM. Barometric Pressure on page 9-26table for the
current testing altitude.
- This DTC runs continuously within the enabling
conditions. =>If the parameter is not within the range
specified in the table
Conditions for Setting the DTC Refer to DTC P2227-P2230on page 9—214.
The ECM has detected a series of pulsations in the U if the parameter is within the range specified in
induction system that exceed a calibrated threshold. the table
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
DTC P2261is a Type B DTC.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
DTC P2261is a Type B DTC.
9-218 Engine Controls/Fuel 4 1.4L (LUV)
4. Verify the scan tool Boost Pressure Sensor and Disconnect the vacuum hose at the turbocharger
BARO Sensor parameters are within 3 kPa vacuum reservoir on the bottom of intake manifold.
(0.4psi). Connect the GE 23738-At0 the vacuum reservoir
if the parameters are not within 3 kPa (0.4psi) and apply 34 kPa (10 inches Hg) of vacuum.
Refer to DTC P0236on page 9—128. Verify the reservoir holds vacuum for at least 10 s.
If the parameters are within 3 kPa (0.4psi) The reservoir does not hold vacuum for at
least 10 5.
Verify a click is heard orfeit from the
Q40 Turbocharger Bypass Solenoid Valve when Replace the intake manifold.
commanding the Turbocharger Bypass Solenoid The reservoir holds vacuum for at least 10 5.
Valve ON and OFF with a scan tool. Engine idling, vacuum gauge still installed from
If a click is not heard or felt step 3, command the Turbocharger Bypass
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. Solenoid Valve ON and OFF with a scan tool.
Verify the vacuum toggles between 0 kPa (0 inches
If a click is heard or felt
Hg) when OFF to greater than 51 kPa (15 inches
Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for Hg) when ON.
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you observed The vacuum does not toggle between 0—51kPa
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. (0—15 psi).
Verify a DTC does not set. Replace the Q40 Turbocharger Bypass
Solenoid Valve.
=>If a DTC sets
The vacuum toggles between 0—51kPa
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. (0—15 psi).
U If a DTC does not set 10. Verify damage to the turbocharger bypass valve
8. All OK assembly does not exist. Refer to Turbocharger
Cleaning and Inspection on page 9—895.
CircuitlSystem Testing
If the turbocharger bypass valve assembly is
1. Verify the conditions listed below do not exist: damaged
- Vacuum leaks Repair or replace the turbocharger bypass
- Vacuum line restrictions valve assembly as necessary.
- Improper routing or connecting of the vacuum U If the turbocharger bypass valve assembly is
hoses on the Q40 Turbocharger Bypass not damaged
Solenoid Valve, the bypass valve, and the 11. Replace the turbocharger.
bypass valve vacuum tank
if a condition exists _ Repair Instructions
Repair or replace the component as,necessary. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6—92 after completing the repair.
If none of the conditions exist
0 Charge Air Bypass Regulator Solenoid Valve
Disconnect the vacuum hose at the Replacement on page 9-295for turbocharger
Q40 Turbocharger Bypass Solenoid Valve. bypass solenoid valve replacement
Install a vacuum gauge to the hose. Intake Manifold Replacement on page 9790
Engine Idling,verify the vacuum gauge displays Turbocharger Replacement on page 9843
between 51—67kPa (15—20inches Hq) of vacuum.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
The gauge does not display between 51—67kPa replacement, programming and setup
(15—20inches Hq) of vacuum.
inspect and repair the leaking vacuum hose in
the areas listed below:
- Between the turbocharger bypass valve and the
turbocharger bypass solenoid valve
° Between the intake manifold and the
turbocharger bypass solenoid valve
The gauge displays between 51—67kPa
(15—20inches Hq) of vacuum.

2013 (5377994)
Ergine Controls/Fuel =1.4L (LUV) 9-219
DTC P2534 (Fuel Pump Control Module)
Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
. Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P2534: ignition On/Start Switch Circuit Low Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Short to Voltage Signal

Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Performance
ignition P2534 P2534 — —-

CircuitlSystem Description CircuitlSystem Testing

The fuel pump control module monitors the ignition 1. Ignition ON.
voltage circuit in order to determine if the voltage is 2. Verify DTC P0562is not set.
within the normal operating range.
=>If the DTC is set
Conditions for Running the DTC Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
The engine is running. Vehicle on page 6-69.
U If the DTC is not set
Conditions for Setting the DTC
3. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
The fuel pump control module detects that the ignition the K27 fuel pump control module, ignition ON.
voltage is less than 6.0V.
4. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the ignition
Action Taken When the DTC Sets circuit terminal 21 and ground.
DTC P2534is a Type A DTC. =>If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
circuit fuse is good
Conditions for Clearing the DTC 4.1. IgnitionOFF.
DTC P2534is a Type A DTC. 4.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ignition circuit end
to end.
Reference Information
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Schematic Reference in the circuit.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
=>If less than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and
Connector End View Reference there is voltage at the fuse.
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269 :> If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
Description and Operation circuit fuse is open
4.1. ignition OFF.
Fuel System Description on page 9—302
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the ignition
Electrical Information Reference circuit and ground.
- Circuit Testing on page 11-526 2 If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
- Connector Repairs on page 11—548 ground on the circuit.
~ Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor =>If infinite resistance, replace the K27 fuel pump
Connections on page 11—531 control module.
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 U if the test lamp illuminates
5. Replace the K27 fuel pump control module.
DTC Type Reference
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Repair Instructions
Definitions on page 6—68 Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92after completing the repair.
Scan Tool Reference
Control Module References on page 6—3for fuel pump
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool control module replacement, programming and setup.

9220 Engine Controls/Fuel =1.4L(LUV)

DTC P2544

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P254472: Transmission Torque Request Circuit Message Counter Incorrect
DTC P254474: Transmission Torque Request Circuit Bus Signal Checksum Error

CircuitlSystem Description Reference Information

To improve shift feel, the transmission control module DTC Type Reference
(TCM) may request that the engine control module
(ECM) reduce engine torque during shift events. When Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
such a request is received, the ECM responds by Definitions on page 6—68
retarding the injection timing and notifying the TCM that Testing
the request has succeeded. Ifthe ECM is unable to
comply with the request, the ECM sends the TCM a 1. Observe the Freeze Frame/Failure Records with a
message that the request has failed. scan tool.
The torque reduction request is sent to the ECM 2. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
through GMLAN. 3. ignition OFF for 30 s.
Conditions for Running the DTC 4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC to verify the DTC does not reset.
- The ignition is ON. You may also operate the vehicle within the
- The DTCs run continuously once the above conditions that you observed from the Freeze
condition is met. Frame/Failure Records data.
for Setting the DTC =>Ifany other DTC is set, refer to Diagnostic
Trouble Code (DTC) List —Vehicle on page 6-69
The ECM detects an invalid signal from the TCM.
=>Verify DTC P2544is not set. IfDTC P2544
Action Taken When the DTC Sets resets, replace K71 Transmission Control
DTC P2544is a Type c DTC.
Repair Instructions
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
DTC P2544is a Type c DTC. page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
Control Module References on page 6—3for TCM
replacement, setup, and programming

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV) 9-221

DTC P2635 (Fuel Pump Control Module)

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P2635: Fuel Pump Flow Performance
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Short to Voltage Signal

Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Performance
Control P0231 P023F P0232 P023F,P2635
Low Reference — P023F — P023F,P2635

CircuitlSystem Description Counter and Pass Counter can help determine how
many ignition cycles that the diagnostic test reported a
The engine control module (ECM) supplies voltage to pass and/or a fail.
the fuel pump control module when the ECM detects
that the ignition is on. The voltage from the ECM to the On vehicles equipped with a high pressure mechanical
fuel pump control module remains active for 2 seconds, pump on Direct Fuel Injection engines, the vehicle may
unless the engine is in crank or run. While this voltage continue to run even though the pump in the fuel tank is
is being received, the fuel pump control module closes not operating.
the ground switch of the fuel pump and also supplies a
Reference Information
varying voltage to the fuel tank pump module in order to
maintain the desired fuel line pressure. Schematic Reference
Conditions for Running the DTC Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
' DTC P018B,P018C,P018D,P0231,P0232, Connector End View Reference
PO23F,P064A,P1255 or P06A6are not active.
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
- DTC P0641has not failed this ignition cycle.
- Fuel pump control is enabled and the fuel pump Description and Operation
control state is normal. Fuel System Description on page 9-302
' The system voltage is greater than 11V.
Electrical Information Reference
- The engine has been running for more than
30 seconds. - Circuit Testing on page 11-526
- Low fuel level warning not present. - Connector Repairs on page 11-548
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Conditions for Setting the DTC Connections on page 11—531
This DTC sets when the fuel pump control module ' Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
detects a predetermined fuel pressure performance
degradation between the desired fuel pressure and the DTC Type Reference
current fuel pressure.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Action Taken When the DTC Sets Definitions on page 6-68
DTC P2635is a Type B DTC. Scan Tool Reference
Conditions for Clearing the DTC Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
DTC P2635is a Type B DTC.
CircuitlSystem Testing
Diagnostic Aids
Note: Do not replace the fuel pump control module
Using the Failure Records data may help locate an based on a history DTC P2635.The DTC P2635may
intermittentcondition. if you cannot duplicate the DTC, be stored but that does not indicate a failure of the fuel
the information in the Failure Records can help
determine how many miles since the DTC set. The Fail

92-222 Engine Controis/Fuei - 1.4L (LUV)
pump control module. Refer to Strategy Based 2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K27 Fuel Pump
Diagnosis on page 6-58for further history DTC Control Module.
diagnostics. 2 If the test lamp is always ON
1. Ignition ON. 8.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
2. Verify DTCs PO18B, P018C,PO18D, P0231, connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control
P0232or P023Fare not set. Module, ignition ON.
2 If any of the DTCs are set 8.2.Test for less than 1 V between the control
circuit and ground.
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
Vehicle on page 669. 2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.
U If none of the DTCs are set
2 If less than 1 V, replace the K27 Fuel Pump
3. Verify the proper fuel system pressure. Perform the Control Module.
fuel system pressure test, refer to Fuel System
Diagnosis on page 9-230. U If the test lamp turns 0N and OFF
2 If the fuel system pressure test is not normal 9. All OK.
Replace the G12 Fuel Pump. Repair Instructions
U If the fuel system pressure test is normal Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
4. Ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF, page 6-92after completing the repair.
disconnect the harness connector at the G12 Fuel - Fuel Tank Fuel Pump Module Replacement on
Pump.Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle page 9—261
systems to power down. - Control Module References on page 6-3 for fuel
5. Test for less than 10 Q between the low reference pump control module replacement, programming
circuit terminal 2 and ground. and setup
2 if 10 Q or greater
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness Symptoms - Engine Controls
connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control
Module. Diagnostic Instructions
5.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference - Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
circuit end to end. on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit. - Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
2 if less than 2 Q, replace the K27 Fuel Pump
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 659
Control Module. provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
U If less than 10 Q
6. Connect a test lamp between the control circuit Symptoms Description
terminal 1 and the low reference circuit terminal 2. Symptoms cover conditions that are not covered by
7. Ignition ON. DTCs. Certain conditions can cause multiple
symptoms. These conditions are listed together under
8. Verify the test lamp turns ON and OFF when Symptoms Testing. Conditions that may only cause
commanding the fuel pump ON and OFF with a specific symptoms are listed separately under
scan tool. additional symptoms testing. Perform the symptoms
2 If the test lamp is always OFF testing before using the additional symptoms testing.
8.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control Symptoms Definition
Module. Backfire: Fuel ignites in the intake manifold or in the
8.2.Test for infinite resistance between the control exhaust system, making a loud popping noise.
circuit and ground. Cuts Out, Misses: A steady pulsation orjerking that
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to follows engine speed, which is usually more
ground on the circuit. pronounced as the engine load increases. This
condition is not normally felt above 1 500 RPM or
U Ifinfinite resistance 48km/h (30 MPH).The exhaust has a steady spitting
8.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end sound at idle or at low speed.
to end.
Detonation/Spark Knock: A mild to severe ping
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance which usually gets worse while under acceleration. The
in the circuit. engine makes sharp metallic knocks that change with
throttle opening.
Dieseling, Run-On: Fuel ignites in the intake manifold
or in the exhaust system, making a loud popping noise.

Engine Controis/Fuel -1.4L (LUV) 9-223
Engine Control Module (ECM) Commanded Identifying intermittent Conditions
Reduced Engine Power: The ECM illuminates the Many intermittentconditions occur with harness or
Reduced Engine Power lamp and will limit engine connector movement due to engine torque, rough
power under potential engine/vehicle damaging or pavement, vibration or physical movements of a
emissions related conditions. A DTC may not be set. component. Refer to the following for a list of issues
Hard Start: Engine cranks OK, but does not start for a that may cause an intermittentcondition:
long time. The vehicle does eventually run, or may start - Moisture and water intrusion in connectors,
but immediately stalls. terminals, and components
Hesitation, Sag, Stumble: Momentary lack of . Incomplete connector mating
response as the accelerator is pushed down. This
° Poorterminalcontact
condition can occur at any vehicle speed. This
condition is usually more pronounced when first trying - High circuit or component resistance—High
to make the vehicle move, as from a stop. This resistance can include any resistance, regardless
condition may cause the engine to stall in severe of the amount, which can interruptthe operation of
conditions. the component.
Lack of Power, Sluggishness, or Sponginess: The ' Harness that is too short or tight
engine delivers less than expected power. Little or no - Wire insulation that is chaffed or cut
increase in speed when the accelerator pedal is - High or low ambient temperature
pushed down part way. - High or low engine coolant temperatures
Poor Fuel Economy: Fuel economy, as measured by - High underhood temperatures
an actual road test, is noticeably lower than expected.
Also, the fuel economy is noticeably lower than it was - Heat build up in component or circuit due to circuit
on this vehicle at one time, as previously shown by an resistance, poor terminal contact, or high
actual road test. electrical load
- High or low system voltage
Poor Fuel Fill Quality: Difficulty when refueling the
vehicle. - High vehicle load conditions
Rough, Unstable, or Incorrect Idle and Stailing: The - Rough road surfaces
engine runs unevenly at idle. if severe, the engine or - Electro-magnetic interference (EM|)/circuit
the vehicle may shake. Engine idle may vary in speed. interference from relays, solenoids or other
Either condition may be severe enough to stall the electrical surge
engine. ° incorrect installation of aftermarket, add on
Surges/Chuggles: Engine power variation under accessories
steady throttleor cruise. Feels like the vehicle speeds Visuai/Physical Check
up and slows down with no change in the accelerator
pedal position. - Verify that the control module grounds are clean,
tight, and correctly located.
Symptoms Verification - Verify that the vacuum hoses are not split or
Before using the Symptom tables, perform the following kinked, and are properly connected, as shown on
inspections: the Vehicle Emission Control Informationlabel.
- Verify that the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) is - Verify that the air filter is clean and free from
operating correctly. Use the scan tool to command restrictions.
the lamp ON and OFF. - Verify that there is no water intrusion in connectors
- Verify that there are no DTCs stored. terminals and components.
° Verify that the scan tool data is within the normal - Inspect the air intake ducts for the following
operating range. Refer to Control Module conditions:
References on page 6-3 for scan tool information. —Collapsed
- Verify that there are no Bulletins concerning the —Damaged areas
current symptom. 2 Looseness
- Verify that the vehicle tires are correctly inflated —incorrect installation
and meet original equipment specifications.
- Leaking
- Verify the customer concern.
- Inspect for air leaks at the throttle body mounting
- Perform the VisuaI/Physical Inspection in this area, the mass air flow (MAF) sensor and intake
section. The visual/physical inspection is manifold sealing surfaces.
extremely important,and can lead to correcting a
condition without additional testing. Itmay also . Inspect the wiring harness for the following
help reveal the cause of an intermittentcondition. conditions:
—Poor connections

9224 Engine Controis/Fuei - 1.4L (LUV)
- inspect for loose, damaged, unseated, or missing Excessive knock sensor spark retard activity -
sensors/components. Refer to Knock Sensor Replacement on
- inspect the terminals for corrosion and correct page 9-286and DTC P0324,P0326,or P0636
contact. on page 9-143.
Fuel octane switch setting —Verify the fuel
Symptoms Testing octane switch is set to the proper fuei octane
rating for the fuel being used in the vehicle.
Backfire, Cuts Outhisses, DetonationISpark Knock,
DieselinglRun-On, Engine Control Module (ECM) Electromagnetic interference on the reference
Commanded Reduced Engine Power, Hard Start, circuit, which can cause a misfire condition. You
HesitationlSag/Stumbie, Lack of Power/ can usually detect electromagnetic interference
SluggishnesslSponginess, Poor Fuel Economy, with a scan tool by monitoring the engine speed
parameter. A sudden increase in the engine
Rough, Unstable, or incorrect Idle and Stalling,
speed parameter with little change in actual
or Surges/Chuggles
engine speed indicates that electromagnetic
1. Test for the following conditions: interference is present. inspect the high voltage
. An incorrectly operating fuel system. Test for components near the ignition control circuit if a
the following: condition exists.
—Correct operation and pressure—Refer to A crankshaft position sensor with an incorrect
Fuel System Diagnosis on page 9230. resistance —The crankshaft position sensor
—Leaking or improperly operating fuel injectors resistance may be out of range aftera hot soak.
—Refer to Fuel Injector Diagnosis on The resistance should be between 700-
page 9-232. . 1 200Q.
—Contaminated or a poor quality fuei —Refer to A stuck open evaporative emission (EVAP)
Alcohol/Contaminants—in-Fue/Diagnosis on canister purge solenoid valve.
page 9-235. Incorrect operation of the positive crankcase
- An incorrectly operating ignition system. Test ventilation system —check all connections for
for the following: leaks or restrictions.
—Spark plugs with an incorrect heat range or an An exhaust system condition. Test for the
abnormal condition —Refer to Spark Plug following:
Inspection on page 9-279and Ignition System —Physical damage or possible internal failure
Specifications on page 9—27. —Restricted 3-way catalytic converters
—Coolant or oil fouled spark plugs. For more information, refer to Symptoms -
~— Secondary ignition system susceptible to Engine Exhaust on page 9734.
moisture. Engine running, wet down the An engine cooling system condition. Test for the
secondary ignition system with water from a following:
spray bottleto help locate damaged or
—A thermostat with incorrect heat range. Refer
deteriorated components. Look/listen for to Thermostat Diagnosis on page 9—626.
arcing or misfiring as the water is applied.
—Incorrect engine coolant level —Refer to
—Weak spark using the EL 26792HEl spark Cooling System Draining and Filling on
tester. For equivalent regional tools, refer to
page 9-628.
Special Tools (DiagnOstic Tools) on
page 9-308.Refer to Electronic Ignition —An incorrectly operating engine coolant
System Diagnosis on page 9-238. thermostat heater —Refer to DTC
P0597-P0599on page 9-614.
. An incorrectly operating turbocharger system.
Refer to Turbocharger System Description on An engine mechanical condition. Test for the
page 9-306and Turbocharger Cleaning and following mechanical conditions —Refer to
Inspection on page 9-895. Symptoms —Engine Mechanical on page 9-770.
. Incorrect operation of the transmission torque —Excessive oil in the combustion chamber or
converter clutch (TCC)—The scan tool should leaking valve seals
indicate an engine speed drop when the TCC is —Oil Consumption
commanded ON. —Incorrect cylinder compression
- Incorrect operation of the A/C compressor —Sticking or leaking valves
- Items that can cause an engine to run lean or —Worn camshaft lobes
rich —Refer to DTC P0171 or P0172on
page 9-116. —Incorrectvalve timing
- An incorrectly installed Mass Air Flow (MAF)/ —Broken valve springs
IntakeAir Temperature (IAT)Sensor —Excessive carbon buildup in the combustion
- Engine oil contaminated by fuel chambers. Clean the chambers with top
engine cleaner, if necessary. Follow the
- Split 0r kinked vacuum hoses —Verify that the instructions on the can.
routing and connections are as shown on the
vehicle emission control information label. —incorrect engine parts

Engine Controis/Fuei «1.4L (LUV) 9-225
2. if the above conditions do not address the within 9°C (16°F)of a each other. Refer to DTC
symptom, refer to the additional symptoms tests. P0096or P01 11 on page 9-56for more
Additional Symptoms Tests
if equipped with automatic transmission, an
DetonationISpark Knock: incorrect learned brake pedal position (BPP)
Test the engine for an overheating condition. sensor. Verify the following actions have not
Refer to Symptoms - Engine Cooling on occurred:
page 9-617. —An engine control module (ECM) has been
Inspectfor excessive carbon buildup in the replaced
combustion chambers. Clean the chambers with —— A BPP sensor has been replaced
Top Engine Cleaner, if necessary. Follow the —A BPP sensor is misaligned or incorrectly
instructions on the can. installed
Ifthere are no engine mechanical faults, fill the Ifany of the above actions have occurred, the
fuel tank with a known high quality fuel that meets Brake Pedal Position Sensor Learn on
the vehicle minimum octane requirements. page 17-164procedure must be performed.
ECM Commanded Reduced Engine Power Fuel Odor
Under certain conditions the ECM may limit engine Inspect for leaking, damaged, or deteriorated fuel
power by reducing engine torque and, for some lines.
vehicles, fuel pressure as well. For most, but not all of Inspect for a saturated EVAP canister —Refer to
the conditions, the ECM will illuminate the reduced Evaporative Emission Control System Description
engine power lamp on the instrument panel cluster, on page 9—300.
however a DTC may not be set. Observe the scan tool
Reduced Engine Power History parameter, inspect for a condition with the internal
if applicable, or refer to Engine Control Module Scan components of the fuel tank assemny—Refer to
Tool Informationon page 6-33to determine the reason Fuel System Description on page 9—302.
for the reduced engine power event. Hard Start
Verify or inspect for the following: Observe the scan tool Throttle Body Idle Airflow
Vehicle being operated at sustained high engine Compensation parameter.A value greater than
speeds, or, towing heavy loads up an incline for an 90% may indicate an excessive accumulation of
extended period of time, which may cause the deposits in the throttle bore. Inspect the throttle
engine oil or coolant to overheat. A repair may not body and bore and clean, if necessary. Refer to
be necessary. inspect the airflow passageways in Throttle Body Inspection and Cleaning on
front of the engine for obstructions and clear away page 9-253.
any debris or foreign material that is found. Ifno Test the engine coolant temperature (ECT)
obstructions are found, review approved driving sensor. Compare the ECT sensor value to the
habits with the customer. The customer may-need intake air temperature (IAT)sensor value on a cold
to operate the vehicle at a higher engine speed to engine. The ECT and lATsensor values should be
improve cooling system performance, or, at a within approximately 3°C (5°F).Ifthe ECT sensor
slower engine speed to reduce engine load. is out of range with the IATsensor, test the
A cooling fan condition which may cause the ECM resistance of the ECT sensor. Refer to
to reduce engine power. Refer to Cooling Fan Temperature Versus Resistance (ECT) on
Description and Operation (LUV) on page 9-679or page 9-26for resistance specifications. Replace
Cooling Fan Descriptionand Operation (LWE, the ECT sensor if the resistance is not within
LUW) on page 9—680 and Cooling System specification. Ifthe sensor is within the
Description and Operation on page 9-680to verify specification, test the ECT circuits for a high
correct operation of the cooling fan. resistance.
Ifequipped with the OnStar®feature reduced Verify that the fuel pump turns ON for 2 s when the
- power may be due to OnStar 6 remote
engine ignition is turned ON. Refer to Fuel System
command. Verify the vehicle is not in the OnStar® Diagnosis on page 9-230for additional
initiated Stolen Vehicle Slowdown mode. information.
Excessively high fuel pressure condition. Refer to Hesitation, Sag, Stumble
Fuel System Description on page 9—302 and Fuel Test the fuel pressure. Refer to Fuel System
System Diagnosis on page 9—230 to verify fuel Diagnosis on page 9-230.
system operation.
Test the manifold absolute pressure (MAP) ‘
Maximum recommended engine oil life exceeded. sensor. Refer to DTC P0106on page 984.
Refer to the Owners Manual for scheduled
maintenance recommendations. Test the generator. Refer to Symptoms - Engine
Electrical on page 9-701.Repair the charging
Turbocharger boost pressure out of range. Refer system if the generator outputvoltage is less than
to DTC P0234orP0299on page 9-125.
9Vor more than 16V. '
Intakeair temperature out Of range too high.
Observe the scan tool lAT Sensor 1 and lAT
Sensor 2 parameters. The readings should be

9226 Engine Controis/Fuel - 'i .41.(LUV)

Note: The following actions may need to be repeated —Inspect for a loss of turbocharger pressure.
in order to verify an intermittentintake or exhaust IgnitionON, verify the scan tool Turbo Boost
camshaft actuator condition. Sensor parameter is within the range specified
in the Altitude Versus Barometric Pressure on
Engine warm and idling, verify the correct page 9-26.
operation of the camshaft actuator system.
2 Ifnot within the range specified, refer to DTC
Command the intake and exhaust camshaft
actuators from 0 degrees to 25degrees and back P0236on page 9-128
to zero while observing the scan tool Intake —For additional information, refer to Turbocharger
Camshaft Position Variance and Exhaust System Description on page 9-306and
Camshaft Position Variance parameters. Each Turbocharger Cleaning and Inspection on
parameter should be less than 2 degrees in each page 9-895.
of the commanded states. Poor Fuel Economy
2 Ifany of the parameters is greater than Inspect for heavy loads being carried or towed
2 degrees, inspect the suspect camshaft 0 Inspect for acceleration rate too much or too often
actuator and camshaft actuator solenoid valve
and valve bore for contamination, obstruction, Inspect for incorrect operation of the speedometer.
and damage. Refer to CamshaftActuator Observe the scan tool Throttle Body idle Airflow
System Description on page 9—296 and Compensation parameter.A value greater than
Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve 90% may indicate an excessive accumulation of
Replacement on page 9-282. deposits in the throttle bore. inspect the throttle
body and bore and clean, if necessary. Refer to
Lack of Power, Sluggishness, or Sponginess
Throttle Body Inspection and Cleaning on
Inspect the engine electrical system for correct page 9-253.
operation. Refer to Symptoms - Engine Electrical
on page 9-701. Inspect the brake system for brake drag.
Verify that each injector harness is connected to Poor Fuel Fill Quality
the correct injector. Inspect for restricted vent lines
Inspect the mass airflow (MAF) sensor for Inspect for high fuel temperature
obstruction, contamination, and damage. Referto Inspect for a condition with the internal
Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement on page 9246. components of the fuel tank assembly
Note: The following actions may need to be repeated For more information, refer to Fuel System
in order to verify an intermittentintake or exhaust Description on page 9-302and Evaporative
camshaft actuator condition. Emission Control System Description on
Engine warm and idling, verify the correct page 9—300.
operation of the camshaft actuator system. Rough, Unstable, or Incorrect Idle and Stailing
Command the intake and exhaust camshaft
actuators from 0 degrees to 25degrees and back Observe the scan tool Throttle Body Idle Airflow
to zero while observing the scan tool intake Compensation parameter.A value greater than
Camshaft Position Variance and Exhaust 90% may indicate an excessive accumulation of
Camshaft Position Variance parameters. Each deposits in the throttle bore. inspect the throttle
parameter should be less than 2 degrees in each body and bore and clean, if necessary. Refer to
of the commanded states. Throttle Body Inspection and Cleaning on
page 9-253.
2 if any of the parameters is greater than
2 degrees, inspect the suspect camshaft Inspect the engine mounts for looseness, wear,
actuator and camshaft actuator solenoid valve and damage.
and valve bore for contamination, obstruction, Inspect the intake and exhaust manifolds for
and damage. Refer to CamshaftActuator casting flash.
System Description on page 9-296and An excessively high idle may be due to the floor
Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve mat interfering with the accelerator pedal. With
Replacement on page 9-282. this condition present, it may not be possible to
Verify the correct operation of the turbocharger shift the transmission into gear. Inspect the
system. Perform the following: accelerator pedal for binding and verify that the
~ Inspect the turbocharger moving components for floor mat is not interferingwith the aceclerator
looseness, binding, wear, and damage. pedal movement.
—Verify that the turbocharger air inlet ducts and Surges/Chuggles
outlet ducts are tightly sealed and that the air Verify that each injector harness is connected to
passages are not obstructed. Engine running, the correct injector.
use a solution of dish soap and water in a spray Inspect the mass air flow (MAF) sensor for
bottle to pinpoint any air leaks. obstruction, contamination, and damage. Refer to
—Inspect the turbocharger system components for Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement on page 9-246.
external fluid leaks. Inspect the gaskets and
Inspect for slow responding heated oxygen
sealing surfaces and look for cracks in the
sensors (H028).The heated oxygen sensors
turbocharger components. should respond quickly to a change in throttle
2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuel =1.4L (LUV) 9-227
position. lfthe heated oxygen sensors do not CircuitlSystem Verification
respond to differentthrottie positions, inspect for
contamination from fuel, silicon, or the incorrect Note: Any MIL requesting DTCs that may be set
use of room temperature vuicanizing sealant. The should be diagnosed first.
sensors may have a white powdery coating and 1. Ignition ON.
result in a high, butfalse, signal voltage, which 2. Command the malfunction indicator lamp ON and
gives a rich exhaust indication. The ECM reduces OFF with a scan tool.
the amount of fuel delivered to the engine, causing
a driveability condition. 3. Verify that the malfunction indicator lamp turns ON
and OFF as commanded.
Malfunction indicator Lamp (MIL) if the malfunction indicator lamp does not turn
ON and OFF as commanded
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Diagnostic Instructions if the malfunction indicator lamp turns ON and
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle OFF as commanded
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic . Command the malfunction indicator lamp ON and
procedure. OFF with a scan tool.
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58 . Verify that the control circuit status parameters
for an overview of the diagnostic approach. listed below display OK or Not Run
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59 - The MIL Control Circuit Low Voltage Test Status
provides an overview of each diagnostic category. ° The MIL Control Circuit Open Test Status
CircuitlSystem Description - The MIL Control Circuit High Voltage Test
The malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) illuminates to Status
inform the driver that an emission system fault has If Malfunction is displayed
occurred and the engine control system requires Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
service. ignition voltage is supplied directly to the MlL.
The engine control module (ECM) turns the MIL ON by If OK or Not Run is displayed
grounding the MIL control circuit when the emission Engine running.
system fault occurs. Under normal operating Command the malfunction indicator lamp ON and
conditions, the MIL should be ON only when the ignition OFF with a scan tool.
is ON and the engine is OFF.
Verify that the control circuit status parameters
Diagnostic Aids listed below display OK or Not Run
if the condition is intermittent,move the related 0 The MIL Control Circuit Low Voltage Test Status
harnesses and connectors while monitoring the scan - The MIL Control Circuit Open Test Status
tool MIL control circuit status parameters. Perform this - The MIL Control Circuit High Voltage Test
test with the ignition ON and the engine OFF, and with Status
the engine running. The MiL control circuit status
If Malfunction is displayed
parameters change from OK or Not Run to Fault if there
is a condition with a circuit or a connection. Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
U If OK or Not Run is displayed
Reference Information
Schematic Reference
CircuitlSystem Testing
- Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28
1. Ignition OFF.
- Instrument Cluster Schematics on page 8-78
2. Disconnect the X1 harness connector at the
Connector End View Reference K20Engine Control Module.
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269 3. Ignition ON.
4. Verify the malfunction indicator lamp does not
Electrical Information Reference illuminate.
° Circuit Testing on page 11-526 if the malfunction indicator lamp illuminates
- Connector Repairs on page 11—548 4.1. Test for infinite resistance between the
. Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor malfunction indicator lamp control circuit
Connections on page 11-531 terminal X1 52and ground.
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 2 if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground in the circuit.
Scan Tool Reference
2 If infinite resistance, replace the P16 instrument
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool cluster.
if the malfunction indicator lamp does not

9-228 Enghde Controis/Fuei =1.4L (LUV)

5. Connect a 3 A fused jumper wire between the Diagnostic Aids

malfunction indicator lamp control circuit Inspect for any of the following conditions:
terminal X1 52and ground.
- Insufficientfuel can cause a no start condition.
6. Verify the malfunction indicator lamp illuminates. Thoroughly inspect the fuel delivery system for
2 If the malfunction indicator lamp does not sufficient fuel volume to the fuel injectors. inspect
illuminate the fuel supply components for partial blockage or
6.1.Test the malfunction indicator lamp control restrictions.
circuit terminal X1 52for a short to voltage or - Fuel injectors with partially blocked and restricted
an open/high resistance. nozzles, or a malfunctioning solenoid, can cause a
2 if the malfunction indicator lamp control circuit no start condition. Refer to Fuel InjectorDiagnosis
on page 9—232.
terminal X1 52 is shorted to voltage or has an
open/high resistance, repair as necessary. - There may be fuel spray at the fuel injectors and
the indicated fuel pressure may be correct, yet
U Ifthe malfunction indicator lamp control circuit there may not be enough fuel to start the engine.
terminal X1 52tests normal Ifthe fuel injectors and the injector circuit are OK,
6.2.Test the instrument cluster ignition voltage and fuel spray is detected, the fuel injector ON
circuit for a short to ground or open/high time may be inadequate. Ifthe engine control
resistance. module (ECM) receives incorrect inputs from the
2 lfthe instrument cluster ignition voltage circuit is various information sensors. the fuel delivered by
shorted to ground or has an open/high the fuel injectors may be inadequate to start the
resistance, repair as necessary. engine. Check all the engine data parameters with
a scan tool and compare the values indicated with
2 if the instrument cluster ignition voltage circuit the expected values or the values from a known
tests normal, replace the P16 instrument panel vehicle in good condition.
0 Check the crankshaft position sensor engine
U if the malfunction indicator lamp illuminates reference signal with a scan tool. Observe the
7. Replace the K20Engine Control Module. engine speed parameter while cranking the
engine. The scan tool should indicate a steady
Repair Instructions 200—300 RPM while cranking. Iferratic values,
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on such as sudden spikes in the engine speed, are
page 6-92after completing the repair. displayed, the engine reference signal is not
stable enough for the engine to start and run
- Instrument Cluster Replacement on page 8-104
- Control Module References on page 6-3 for
replacement, programming, and setup. - Inspect the engine for good secure electrical
Engine Cranks But Does Not Run - Ifthe engine almost starts and then stalls, check
for an open in the ground circuits of the crankshaft
Diagnostic instructions position sensor and the camshaft position sensor
—intake or camshaft position sensor —exhaust.
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to using this diagnostic - Water or foreign material in the fuel can cause a
procedure. no start or engine will not stay running condition.
During freezing weather water can freeze inside
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58 the fuel system. The engine may start after 30 min
for an overview of the diagnostic approach. in a heated repair shop. The malfunction may not
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59 recur until parked overnight in freezing
provides an overview of each diagnostic category. temperatures. Extreme weather conditions can
cause contaminated fuel to prevent the vehicle
CircuitlSystem Description from starting.
The engine cranks but does not run is an organized 0 A vehicle that starts and runs after being brought
approach to identify a condition which causes the to the repair shop for a no start condition, may
engine to crank but not start. This diagnostic directs the have an ignition system that is susceptible to
technician to the appropriate system diagnosis. moisture. Spray water on the ignition system
This diagnostic assumes the system voltage levels are components and the wiring in order to check for an
adequate for starter motor operation. Fuel level and fuel engine starting or will not stay running concern.
quality must be determined for correct diagnosis.
Reference Information
Schematic Reference
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28
Connector End View Reference
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV) 9-229
Electrical information Reference 7. Install the EN 36012-Aignition system diagnostic
harness to the spark plug boots.
. Circuit Testing on page 11—526
8. Connect the EL 26792 HEI spark tester between
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 the boot of a spark plug wire and ground.
. Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 9. Connect the remaining wires to the appropriate
Connections on page 11-531 cylinders.
0 Wiring Repairs on page 11—537 Note: An erratic or weak spark is considered a no
Scan Tool Reference spark condition.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool 10. Verify the spark tester sparks while cranking the
information engine.
2 If the spark tester does not spark
Special Tools
Refer to Electronic Ignition System Diagnosis
' CH 48027Digital Pressure Gauge on page 9-238.
. EL 26792HEI Spark Tester U If the spark tester sparks
- EN 36012—A ignition System Diagnostic Harness 11. Ignition ON.
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools 12. Verify the fuel pump turns ON while commanding
(Diagnostic Tools) on page 9—308. the scan tool Fuel Pump Enable ON.
CircuitlSystem Verification 2 if the fuel pump does not turn ON
Note: This diagnostic assumes the following: Refer to Fuel System Diagnosis on page 9-230.
' The battery is completely charged. Refer to U If the fuel pump turns ON
Battery lnspection/Test on page 9—702. 13. Ignition OFF.
- The engine cranking speed is acceptable. Refer to 14. Disconnect the harness connector at a Q17 Fuel
Engine Cranks Slowly on page 9-711. Injector.
- There is adequate fuel in the fuel tank. 15. Connect a test lamp between the control circuit
and the ignition voltage circuit of the harness
CircuitlSystem Testing connector.
1. Crank the engine for up to 15 s. 16. Verify the injector test lamp flashes while cranking
2. Verify that DTC P0117, P0118, P0122, P0123, the engine.
P0222,P0223,P0335,P0336,P0513,P0562, 2 If the injector test lamp does not flash
P062F,P0633,P0685,P0689,P0690,P1516, Refer to DTC P0201, P0202,P0203,P0204,
P1631,P1682,P16F3,P2101, P2119, or P2610is P0261,P0262,P0264,P0265,P0267,P0268,
not set. P0270,or P0271on page 9-120.
2 if any of the DTCs are set U If the injector test lamp flashes
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - 17. Ignition OFF.
Vehicle on page 6-69. 18. install the OH 48027digital pressure gauge.
U If none of the DTCs are set 19. Ignition ON.
3. IgnitionON Note:
4. Verify the Theft Deterrent LED located in the driver - The Fuel Pump Enable may need to be
informationcenter illuminates momentarily. commanded ON a few times, in order to obtain
2 If the LED stays ON or is flashing the highest possible fuel pressure.
Review the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - Do NOT start the engine for this test.
—Vehicle on page 6-69for Immobilizer system 20. Command the Fuel Pump Enable ON several
DTCs. Refer to Immobilizer Description and times with a scan tool.
Operation on page 13—31 for additional 21. Verify the fuel pressure is between 345—650 kPa
information. (50—94 PSI) while the fuel pump is running.
U if the LED does not stay ON and is not flashing 2 If not within the specified range
5. Verify the scan tool Engine Speed parameter Refer to Fuel System Diagnosis on page 9230.
displays greater than 0 RPM while cranking the
engine. U If within the specified range
22. Verify none of the conditions listed below exist:
2 if 0 RPM
- Collapsed air intake duct to the throttle body
Refer to DTC P0335or P0336on page 9-147.
- Air filter and air intake system for restrictions
U If greater than 0 RPM and obstructions
6 IgnitionOFF. - Spark plugs for being gas or coolant fouled
Note: Itmay be necessary to secure the EN 36012—A - A skewed manifold absolute pressure (MAP)
ignition system diagnostic harness to the spark plug sensor
boots with electrical tape.

9430 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV)
- A skewed engine coolant temperature (ECT) Diagnostic Aids
sensor Observe the Misfire Counters or perform the Fuel
. Test the exhaust system for restrictions. Refer Injector Balance Test to help identify a leaking fuel
to Restricted Exhaust on page 9-734. injector.
- Test the fuel for contamination. Refer to
Alcohol/Contaminants-in—Fue/Diagnosis on Reference Information
page 9-235. Description and Operation
- Engine mechanical condition, for example,
worn timing belt or low compression—Refer to Fuel System Description on page 9—302
Symptoms - Engine Mechanical on page 9-770. Electrical Information Reference
2 If a condition exists ~ Circuit Testing on page 11-526
Repair as necessary. - Connector Repairs on page 11-548
U If no conditions exist - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
23. All OK. Connections on page 11-531
' Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
Repair Verification
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on Scan Tool Reference
page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure. Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
Spark Plug Replacement on page 9-281 information
Special Tools
Fuel System Diagnosis
° OH 48027Digital Pressure Gauge
Diagnostic Instructions - EN 37287Fuel Line Shut—offAdapter
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic (Diagnostic Tools) on page 9-308.
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58 CircuitlSystem Verification
for an overview of the diagnostic approach. Note:
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59 - Repair ail fuel system related DTCs, except
provides an overview of each diagnostic category. P2635,before performing this diagnostic.
CircuitlSystem Description - Inspect the fuel system for damage or external
leaks before proceeding.
The engine control module (ECM) supplies voltage to
the fuel pump control module when the ECM detects - Verify that adequate fuel is in the fuel tank before
that the ignition is ON. The voltage from the ECM to the proceeding.
fuel pump control module remains active for 2 3, unless - The Fuel Pump Enable may need to be
the engine is in Crank or Run.While this voltage is commanded On a few times in order to obtain the
being received, the fuel pump control module closes highest possible fuel pressure.
the ground switch of the fuel pump and also supplies a - Before proceeding with this test review the User
varying voltage to the fuel tank fuel pump module in Manual CH 48027—5 for Safety information and
order to maintain the desired fuel line pressure. Instructions.
The fuel system is an electronic returnless on-demand 1. ignition OFF, all accessories OFF, install a
design. A returnless fuel system reduces the internal CH 48027Gauge.
temperature of the fuel tank by not returning hot fuel
Note: DO NOT performthe Fuel System Diagnosis if
from the engine to the fuel tank. Reducing the internal
the engine coolant temperature is above 60°C(150°F).
temperature of the fuel tank results in lower evaporative
High fuel pressure readings may result due to hot soak
fuel boiling. With the engine OFF, the fuel pressure may
The fuel tank stores the fuel supply. An electric turbine increase beyond the pressure relief regulator vaive's
style fuel pump attaches to the fuel tank fuel pump setting point of 690 kPa (100 psi) 1 5 percent.
module inside the fuel tank. The fuel pump supplies
high pressure fuei through the fuel feed pipe to the fuel 2. IgnitionON, engine OFF, command the Fuel Pump
injection system. The fuel pump also supplies fuel to a Enable On several times with a scan tool.
venturi pump located on the bottom of the fuel tank fuel kPa
3. Verify the fuel pressure is between 345—650
pump module. The function of the venturi pump is to fill (50—94 psi) with the fuel pump running.
the fuel tank fuel pump module reservoir. The fuel tank 2 If less than 345 kPa (50 psi)
fuel pump module contains a reverse flow check valve.
The check valve maintains fuel pressure in the fuel feed Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing —Fuel
pipe and the fuel rail in order to prevent long cranking Pressure Low.
times. 2 If greater than 650 kPa (94 psi)
Replace the G12 Fuel Pump.
U If between 345—650 kPa (50—94 psi)

2013 (5377994)
Ergine Controis/Fuei =1.4L (LUV) 9u23‘l
4. Verify that the fuel pressure decreases to less than CircuitlSystem Testing
600 kPa (87 psi) after the fuel pump is turned off.
2 If greater than 600 kPa (87 psi) Fuel Pressure Low
1. Verify none of the conditions listed below exist:
Replace the G12 Fuel Pump.
- Restricted fuei feed pipe
U If less than 600 kPa (87 psi)
° Inspect the harness connectors and the ground
5. Verify that the fuel pressure does not decrease circuits of the fuel pump for poor connections.
more than 34 kPa (5 psi) in 1 minute.
2 If a condition exists
2 If greater than 34 kPa (5 psi)
Repair as necessary.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing - Fuel Pressure
Leaks Down. U If none of the conditions exist
U If less than 34 kPa (5 psi) Replace the G12 Fuel Pump.
6. Relieve the fuel pressure to 69 kPa (10 psi). Fuel Pressure Leaks Down
7. Verify that the fuel pressure does not decrease 1. IgnitionOFF, relieve the fuel pressure. Refer to
more than 14 kPa (2 psi) in 5 min. Fuel Pressure Relief on page 9—253.
2 If greater than 14 kPa (2 psi) 2. Install the EN 37287Adapter between the chassis
Replace the G12 Fuel Pump. fuel feed hose and the engine compartment fuei
feed pipe.
U If less than 14 kPa (2 psi)
9° Open the valve on the EN 37287Adapter.
8. Engine idling at normal operating temperature.
4. IgnitionON, command the Fuel Pump Enable On
9. Verify the Fuel Pump Control Module Fuel with a scan tool and bleed the air from the
Pressure Sensor parameter is between 300- CH 48027Gauge.
400 kPa (43—58 psi).
5. Command the Fuel Pump Enable On and then Off
2 If less than 300 kPa (43 psi) with a scan tool.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing - Fuel 6. Close the valve on the EN37287Adapter.
Pressure Low. 7. Verify that the fuel pressure does not decrease
2 If greater than 400 kPa (58 psi) more than 34 kPa (5 psi) in 1 min.
Replace the G12 Fuel Pump. 2 If greater than 34 kPa (5 psi)
U If between 300—400 kPa (43—58psi) Locate and replace the leaking Q17 Fuel
10. Verify the scan tool Short Term Fuel Pump Trim Injector.
and the Long Term Fuel Pump Trim when U If less than 34 kPa (5 psi)
multiplied together are less than 1.5. Replace the G12 Fuel Pump.
2 If greater than 1.5
Fuel Pressure Drops Off
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing - Fuel
1. Verify none of the conditions listed below exist:
Pressure Low.
- Restricted fuel feed pipe
U If less than 1.5
- Inspect the harness connectors and the ground
11. Verify the scan tool Fuel Pressure Sensor and the circuits of the fuel pump for poor connections.
Desired Fuel Pressure are within 45 kPa (6.5psi)
at 300 kPa (43.5psi) request or 60 kPa (8.7psi) at 2 if a condition exists
400 kPa (58psi) request of each other while Repair as necessary.
operating the vehicle through varying loads.
U If none of the conditions exist
2 If greater than 45 kPa (6.5psi)/60 kPa (8.7psi)
Replace the G12 Fuel Pump.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing —Fuel Pressure
Drops Off. Repair Instructions
U if less than 45 kPa (6.5psi)l60 kPa (8.7psi) Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
12. Ifthe fuel system components test normal, refer to page 6—92 after completing the diagnostic procedure.
Symptoms - Engine Controls on page 9222 and - Fuel Feed Pipe Replacement on page 9-258
Fuel InjectorDiagnosis on page 9-232. - Fuel InjectorReplacement on page 9-269
- Fuel Tank Fuel Pump Module Replacement on
page 9-261

9232 Engine Controis/Fuei =1.4L(LUV)

Fuel Injector Diagnosis Special Tools

- CH 48027Digital Pressure Gauge
Diagnostic Instructions
- EL 39021 Fuel injector Coil and Balance Tester
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic (Diagnostic Tools) on page 9—308.
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58 Fuel Injector Coil Test
for an overview of the diagnostic approach. Verify the resistance of each Q17Fuel Injectorwith one
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59 of the following methods:
provides an overview of each diagnostic‘category. . Ifthe engine coolant temperature (ECT)sensor is
Description between 10-32°C(50—90°F), the resistance of
each fuel injector should be 11-14 Q. if the
The engine control module (ECM) enables the injectors measure OK, perform the Fuel Injector
appropriate fuel injector pulse for each cylinder. The Balance Test.
ignition voltage is supplied directly to the fuel injectors.
2 if not within the specified range, replace the
The ECM controls each fuel injector by grounding the
control circuit via a solid state device called a driver. Q17Fuel Injector.
A fuel injector coil winding resistance that is too high or ° Ifthe ECT sensor is not between 10—32°C (50—90°
too low will affect the engine driveability. A fuel injector F), measure and record the resistance of each fuel
control circuit DTC may not set, but a misfire may be injector.Subtract the lowest resistance value from
apparent. The fuel injector coil windings are affected by the highest resistance value. The difference
temperature. The resistance of the fuel injector coil between the lowest value and the highest value
windings will increase as the temperature of the fuel should be equal to or less than 3 Q. lfthe injectors
injector increases. measure OK, perform the Fuel Injector
When performing the fuel injector balance test with the Balance Test.
fuel injector tester or the scan tool, the scan tool is first 2 Ifnot within the specified range, add all of the
used to enable the fuel pump.The fuel injector tester or fuel injector resistance values to obtain a total
the scan tool is then used to pulse each injector for a resistance value. Divide the total resistance
precise amount of time, allowing a measured amount of value by the number of fuel injectors to obtain
fuel to be injected. This causes a drop in the system an average resistance value. Subtract the
fuel pressure that can be recorded and used to lowest individual fuel injector resistance value
compare each injector. from the average resistance value. Compute
the difference between the highest individual
Diagnostic Aids fuel injector resistance value and the average
- Operating the vehicle over a wide temperature resistance value. Replace the Q17Fuel Injector
range may help isolate the fuel injector that is that displays the greatest difference above or
causing the condition. below the average.
- Perform the fuel injector coil test within the Fuel Injector Balance Test with
conditions of the concern from the customer.
A fuel injector condition may only be apparent at a Special Tool
certain temperature, or under certain conditions. Note:
- Monitoring the Current Misfire Counters, or misfire ° DO NOT perform this test if the engine coolant
graph, may help to isolate the fuel injector that is temperature (ECT) is above 94°C(201°F).
causing the condition. Irregularfuel pressure readings may result due
Information to hot soak fuel boiling.
- Verify that adequate fuel is in the fuel tank
Schematic Reference before proceeding with this diagnostic.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 - Before proceeding with this test review the User
Manual CH 48027-5for Safety information and
Connector End View Reference Instructions.
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269 1. Verify the correct fuel system pressure. Refer to
Fuel System Diagnosis on page 9230.
Description and Operation
2. Set the amperage supply selector switch on the
Fuel System Description on page 9—302 fuel injector tester to the Balance Test 0.5—2.5A
Electrical Information Reference
3. Connect the EL 39021fuel injector coil and
- Circuit Testing on page 11-526 balance tester to a Q17Fuel Injector.
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 4. Command the Fuel Pump Enable On and then Off
' Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor three times with a scan tool. On the last command,
Connections on page 11—531 as the fuel pressure begins to slowly degrade and
stabilize, select a fuel pressure within 34 kPa
0 Wiring Repairs on page 11-537

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV) 9-233
(5 psi) of the maximum pump pressure. Record this 5. Press Enter to prime the fuel system.
fuel pressure. This is the starting pressure at which 6. Energize the fuel injector by depressing the Pulse
you will pulse each injector. injector button on the scan tool at the previously
5. Command the Fuel Pump Enable On one more selected pressure.
time and energize the fuel injector by depressing 7. After the injector stops pulsing, select Min from the
the Push to Start Test buttonon the EL 39021fuel Display Mode on the CH48027 gauge and record
injector coil and balance tester at the previously the Min pressure.
selected pressure.
Note: New test resuits will not be recorded if the Min/
6. After the injector stops pulsing, select Min from the Max results are not cleared after each injector is tested.
Display Mode on the CH 48027gauge and record
the Min pressure. 8. Clear the Min/Max results on the CH 48027gauge.
Note: New test results will not be recorded if the Min/ 9. Select Normal from the Display Mode on the
Max results are not cleared after each injector is tested. CH 48027 gauge.
7. Clear the Min/Max results on the CH 48027 gauge. 10. Press Enter on the scan tool to bring you back to
the Select injector screen.
8. Select Normal from the Display Mode on the
CH 48027gauge. 11. Repeat steps 4 through 10 for each fuel injector.
9. Repeat steps 3 and 5 through 8 for each fuel 12. Subtract the minimum pressure from the starting
injector. pressure for one fuel injector.The result is the
pressure drop value.
10. Subtract the minimum pressure from the starting
pressure for one fuel injector.The result is the 13. Obtain a pressure drop value for each fuel injector.
pressure drop value. 14. Add all of the individual pressure drop values
11. Obtain a pressure drop value for each fuel injector. except for the injector suspected of being faulty.
This is the total pressure drop.
12. Add all of the individual pressure drop values
except for the injector suspected of being faulty. 15. Divide the total pressure drop by the number of fuel
This is the total pressure drop. injectors that were added together. This is the
average pressure drop. The difference between
13. Divide the total pressure drop by the number of fuel any individual pressure drop and the average
injectors that were added together. This is the pressure drop should not be more than
average pressure drop. The difference between 20 kPa (3 psi).
any individual pressure drop and the average
pressure drop should not be more than 2 Ifthe difference between any individual
20kPa (3 psi). pressure drop and the average pressure drop is
more than 20 kPa (3 psi), replace the Q17Fuel
2 lfthe difference between any individual injector.
pressure drop and the average pressure drop is
more than 20 kPa (3 psi), replace the Q17Fuel Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
Fuel Injector Balance Test with page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
Scan Tool Fuel InjectorReplacement on page 9269
1. Verify the correctfuel system pressure. Refer to
Fuel System Diagnosis on page 9-230.
2. Command the Fuel Pump Enable On and then Off
three times with a scan tool. On the last command,
as the fuel pressure begins to slowly degrade and
stabilize, select a fuel pressure within 34 kPa
(5 psi) of the maximum pump pressure. Record this
fuel pressure. This is the starting pressure at which
you will pulse each injector.
3. With a scan tool, select the Fuel Injector Balance
Test function within the Special Functions menu.
4. Select an injectorto be tested.

9-234 Engine Controis/Fuei:1.4L(LUV)

Fuel Injector Circuit Diagnosis

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
. Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
. Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.

Diagnostic Fault Information

Opeanigh Signal
Circuit Short to GroundResistance .Short to Voltage Performance
PO201*, P0203“,
.. P0204*,
P0203", P0204”, _ _'
IgnitionVoltage P0264*,
P0261*, P0261**,
P0267**, P0264“,
|njector1Control P0201,P0261 P0201 , P0300 P0262,P0300 —-
Injector2 Control P0202,P0264 P0202,P0300; P0265,P0300
injector3 Control P0203,P0267 P0203,P0300 P0268,P0300
injector4 Control P0204,P0270 P0204,P0300 P0271,P0300
*Openfuse, cranksnostart.
**Cranksnostartif theconditionis betweenthefuseand thesplice.

CircuitlSystem Description CircuitlSystem Verification

The engine control module (ECM) enables the 1. Engine cranking or running.
appropriate fuel injector pulse for each cylinder. Ignition 2. Verify the scan tool parameters listed below do not
voltage is supplied to the fuel injectors. The ECM display Malfunction.
controls each fuel injector by grounding the control - Cylinder1—4 InjectorControl Circuit Low
circuit via a solid state device called a driver. Voltage Test Status
Reference Information - Cylinder1—4 InjectorControl Circuit Open Test
Status '
Schematic Reference . Cylinder 1—4InjectorControl Circuit High
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 Voltage Test Status
Connector End View Reference 2 If Malfunction is displayed
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
U If Malfunction is not displayed
Electrical Information Reference
3. All OK.
~ Circuit Testing on page 11-526
CircuitlSystem Testing
. Connector Repairs on page 11-548
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor a Q17Fuel Injector,ignition ON.
Connections on page 11-531
2. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the ignition
' Wiring Repairs on page 11—537 circuit terminal 1 and ground.
Scan Tool Reference 2 If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
Control Module References on page 6-3 circuit fuse is good
2.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp.
Special Tool
2.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the ignition circuit end
CH 34730-20Noid Light to end.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV) 9-235
2 Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and 2 if infinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
there is voltage at the fuse. Control Module.
2 If the test lamp does not illuminate and the U If the CH 34730-2Cturns ON and OFF
circuit fuse is open
7. Test or replace the Q17 Fuel injector.
2.1. ignition OFF, remove the test lamp.
2.2.Test for infinite resistance between the ignition Component Testing
circuit and ground. _ Fuel Injector Diagnosis on page 9-232
2 ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit. Repair Instructions
2 Ifinfinite resistance, test all components Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
connected to the ignition voltage circuit for a page 6-92after completing the repair.
short and replace as necessary. - Fuel Injector Replacement on page 9-269
U if the test lamp illuminates - Control Module References on page 6-3 for
3. Verify that a test lamp does not illuminate between Engine Control Module replacement,
the ignition circuit1 and the control circuit2. programming, and setup.
2 if the test lamp illuminates A|coho|lContaminants-in-Fuel
3.1.Ignition OFF, remove the test lamp, disconnect
the harness connector at the K20 Engine
Control Module. Diagnostic Instructions
3.2.Test for infinite resistance between the control
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
circuit and ground.
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to procedure.
ground on the circuit. - Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
2 if infinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
Control Module. - Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
<: If the test lamp does not illuminate provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
4. IgnitionOFF, connect the CH 34730-2CNoid Light
Test Description
to a fuel injector connector.
5. Engine cranking. Water contamination in the fuel system may cause
driveability conditions such as hesitation, stalling, no
6. Verify the CH 34730-2CNoid Light turns ON and start, or misfires in one or more cylinders. Water may
OFF for each fuel injector connector. collect near a single fuel injector at the lowest point in
2 If the CH 34730-2Cis always OFF the fuel injection system and cause a misfire in that
6.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the CH 334730-20 cylinder. if the fuel system is contaminated with water,
Noid inspect the fuel system components for rust or
Light, disconnect the harness connector at the
K20 Engine Control Module, ignition ON. deterioration.
6.2.Test for less than 1 V between the control Ethanol concentrations of greater than 10 percent can
circuit and ground. cause driveability conditions and fuel system
deterioration. Fuel with more than 10 percent ethanol
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on could result in driveability conditions such as hesitation,
the circuit. lack of power, stalling, or no start. Excessive
U if less than 1 V concentrations of ethanol used in vehicles not designed
6.3. IgnitionOFF. for it may cause fuel system corrosion, deterioration of
rubber components, and fuel filter restriction.
6.4.Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end
to end. Reference Information
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance Special Tool
in the circuit.
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control CH 44175-A Fuel Composition Tester, if available
Module. For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools
2 If the CH 34730-20is always 0N (Diagnostic Tools) on page 9-308.
6.1. ignition OFF, remove the CH 34730—20 Noid System Verification
Light, disconnect the harness connector at the The fuel sample should be drawn from the bottom of
K20 Engine Control Module. the tank so that any water present in the tank will be
6.2.Test for infinite resistance between the control detected. The sample should be bright and clear.
circuit and ground.
2 Ifthe sample appears cloudy, or contaminated with
2 if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to water, as indicated by a water layer at the bottom of
ground on the circuit. the sample, perform the Particulate Contaminants
in Fuel Testing Procedure.

9-236 Ehghie Controis/Fuei . 1.4L (LUV)
2 Ifalcohol contamination is suspected, perform the Repair instructions
Alcohol in Fuel Testing procedure. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
in Fuel Testing with Special page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
- Fuel System Cleaning on page 9-266
Tool, if Available
- Fuel Tank Draining on page 9-254
1. Test the fuel composition using the CH 44175-A
Fuel Composition Tester and the Instruction Evaporative Emission Control
2. Ifwater appears in the fuel sample, clean the fuel System Diagnosis
system. Special Tools
3. Subtract 50from the reading on the DMM in order
EN 41413-VLV EVAP Service Port Vent Fitting
to obtain the percentage of alcohol in the fuel
sample. Operating Instructions for the
4. if the fuel sample contains more than 15 percent Evaporative Emission System
ethanol, add fresh, regular gasoline to the vehicle's
fuel tank. Tester (EEST)
5. Test the fuel composition. Vehicle Setup
6. Iftesting shows the ethanol percentage is still more Warning: Refer to Fuel and Evaporative Emission
than 15 percent, replace the fuel in the vehicle. Pipe Warning on page 0-4.
Alcohol in Fuel Testing without Caution: Refer to Clean, Dry, Low Pressure Gas
Special Tool Source Caution on page 0-8.
Note: A large difference between the vehicle
1. Using 100 ml (3.38oz) specified cylinder with
a temperature and shop temperature will seriously affect
1 ml (0.034oz) graduation marks, fill the cylinder the accuracy of the tests. Always allow at least 15 min
with fuel to the 90 ml (3.0402) mark. for the vehicle temperature to adjust to the shop
2. Add 10 ml (0.34oz) of water in order to bring the temperature. Refer to Temperature Variation
total fluid volume to 100 ml (3.38oz) and install a instructions for more information about vehicle versus
stopper. shop temperatures.
3. Shake the cylinder vigorously for 10—15 seconds. 1. Engine OFF, open the hood. Position a large fan to
4. Carefully loosen the stopper in order to release the blow air under the vehicle onto the fuel tank area.
2. Connect the red battery clip from the tester to the
5. Re-instali the stopper and shake the cylinder positive battery terminal.
vigorously again for 10—15 seconds. Note: The vehicle battery must be fully charged for
6. Put the cylinder on a level surface for optimum tester performance.
approximately 5 min in order to allow adequate
liquid separation. Ifalcohol is present in the fuel, 3. Connect the black battery clip from the tester to
the volume of the lower layer, which would now chassis ground.
contain both alcohol and water, will be more than
10 ml (0.3402).For example, if the volume of the Flow Meter Test — Leak Detection
lower layer is increased to 15 ml (0.5102), this Caution: Refer to Fuel and Evaporative Emission
indicates at least 5 percent alcohol in the fuel. The Hose/Pipe Connection Cleaning Caution on page 0-8.
actual amount of alcohol may be somewhat more 1. Open the Nitrogen tank valve and turn the
because this procedure does not extract all of the NITROGEN/SMOKE valve on the front control
alcohol from the fuel. panel to NITROGEN.
Particulate Contaminants in Fuel 2. Connect the hose to the correct test orifice on the
bottom front of the tester. For orifice size, refer to
Testing Procedure the vehicle specific informationfound in service
1. Using an approved fuel container, draw procedures for DTCs that relate to evaporative
approximately 0.5 liter (0.53qt) of fuel. emission (EVAP) system leaks.
2. Place the container on a level surface for 3. Press and release the remote switch to activate the
approximately 5 min in order to allow settling of the tester.
particulate contamination. Particulate Note: The tester will time out after about 15 min. You
contamination will show up in various shapes and may press the remote switch to reactivate the tester as
colors. Sand will typically be identified by a white or desired.
light brown crystals. Rubber will appear as black
and irregular particles. 4. Position the sliding red fiag on the flow meter to
align with the floating indicator.When the red flag
3. Observe the fuel sample. if any physical is set, press and release the remote switch to
contaminants or water are present, clean the fuel deactivate the tester.
5. Remove the hose from the test orifice and install
the hose onto the vehicle. For proper connection
location, and the special tool numbers for any

2013 (5377994)
EnJgine Controls/Fuel=1.4L(LU\/) 9=237
adapters that may be required, refer to the service observed. Then close the system and continue
procedures for DTCs that relate to EVAP system testing. Ifusing a special tool fuei fill cap adapter at
leaks. the filler neck, vent the system at the service port,
6. IgnitionON, seal the EVAP system per instructions with special tool EN 41413—VLV EVAP Service Port
in the service procedures for DTCs that relate to Vent Fitting, until smoke is observed then remove
EVAP system leaks. Most systems can be sealed the vent fitting tool and close the system to
using a scan tool output control for the EVAP vent continue with the test.
solenoid valve, other systems require that the vent Note: Injectsmoke in less than 2 min cycles for
system be plugged. optimum tester performance.
Note: 6. Press and release the remote switch to deactivate
- Larger volume fuel tanks, and/or those with the tester.
lower fuel levels, may require several minutes Note: For optimum visual smoke performance,
to fill with nitrogen. deactivate the smoke flow and allow the system
- Static buildup may cause the float indicator to pressure to drop. Allowing the smoke to exit small holes
stick. Itmay be necessary to tap on the flow at a low flow rate greatly enhances visibility.
meter to free up the float. 7. Introduce smoke into the system for an additional
- Iffuel level is 90 % or greater it will take longer 60 3. Continue introducing smoke at 15 3 intervals,
to fill the system with smoke because the fuel fill as necessary.
tube check valve will be closed and force any 8. Using a high-intensity white light, inspect the entire
smoke to pass through the ORVR pipe and EVAP system path, and look for the source of the
orifice. leak indicated by the exiting smoke. Introduce
7. Press and release the remote switch to activate the smoke at 15 3 intervals, as needed, until leak
nitrogen flow and fill the system. source is identified.
8. Compare the stable floating indicator position to
the red flag. Temperature Variation Instructions
. Below the red flag, the result is acceptable, The Concern
Pass. Test complete Ideal circumstances for conducting the EVAP flow
' Above the red flag, the result is unacceptable, meter test require equal temperatures between the
Fail. Go to the Smoke Procedure nitrogen gas and the vehicle EVAP system. Significant
9. Press and release the remote switch to deactivate differences in temperature between them can result in a
the tester. flow or pressure change during testing, causing
misleading results. Typically, the EEST is stored
Smoke Procedure — Locate the Leak indoors, approximately 21°C(70°F).Vehicles brought
Note: Itis not recommended to use the tester in an in for diagnosis may have an EVAP system at
outside repair bay area because wind and sunlight may significantly different temperatures.
affect temperature and your ability to see the smoke. For Example
1. Turn OFF any fans that may cause air movement Note: With no temperature difference between the
around or near the vehicle. nitrogen gas and EVAP system, the resulting vehicle
Note: Completely unwind the nitrogen/smoke hose EVAP system pressure will remain stable at 3.2 kPa,
from the bracket to optimize the tester's performance. 13in.H20 (0.5PSI) once pressurized, providing no
leaks are present.
2. Connect the nitrogen/smoke hose to the vehicle as
directed in the service procedures. Some vehicles When the EVAP flow meter tests are performed with
require that the nitrogen/smoke hose be connected significant differences in temperature between the
at the front of the EVAP system at the EVAP nitrogen gas and the vehicle EVAP system, the
service port.An adapter may be necessary. Other following results can occur:
vehicles require the connection be made at the - An increase in flow during the flow meter test can
rear of the system using an adapter at the fuel fill be caused by a vehicle’s warm EVAP system
cap. Consult the service procedures for DTCs that cooling down.
relate to evaporative emission (EVAP) system . A decrease in flow during the flow meter test can
leaks for vehicle specific instructions regarding be caused by a vehicle’s cool EVAP system
connection location and adapters. warming up.
3. Open the nitrogen tank valve and turn the nitrogen/
smoke valve on the control panel to smoke. The Solution
Note: The remote switch operates on a push ON, push When working on a vehicle with significant temperature
OFF fashion. differences between the vehicle EVAP system and the
nitrogen gas, allow the vehicle EVAP system
4. Press and release the remote switch to activate the temperature to stabilize as close as possible to the
tester and inject smoke into the EVAP system. temperature of the nitrogen gas before conducting the
5. Verify smoke has filled the EVAP system by Flow Meter Test.
opening the system opposite the end where smoke
is injected. When injecting smoke at the service
port, remove the fuel fill cap until smoke is

9=238 Erlgine Controis/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV)

Ignition System Diagnosis 2 if less than 2 Q, repair the open/high resistance

in the ground connection.
Diagnostic Instructions U If less than 5 Q
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle 3. Test for less than 5 Q between the low reference
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic circuit terminal C and ground.
procedure. 2 If 5 Q or greater
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58 3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness
for an overview of the diagnostic approach. connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59 3.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
provides an overview of each diagnostic category. circuit end to end.
CircuitlSystem Description 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.
This ignition system uses an ignition coil module. The
engine control module (ECM) controls the spark events 2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
by transmitting the timing pulses on the ignition control Module.
(lC) circuits to the cylinder ignition coils in firing order U If less than 5 Q
4. Ignition ON.
Diagnostic Aids 5. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the ignition
- An open/high resistance on the low reference circuit terminal A and ground.
circuit to the ignition coil may cause a misfire. 2 If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
' An erratic or weak spark is considered a no spark ~circuit fuse is good
condition. 5.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp.
5.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the ignition circuit end
Reference Information to end.
Schematic Reference 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-28 in the circuit.
2 Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and
Connector End View Reference there is voltage at the fuse.
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269 2 If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
Description and Operation circuit fuse is open
Note: The ignition circuit may supply voltage to other
Electronic Ignition System Description on page 9—297 components. Make sure to test all circuits and
Electrical Information Reference components for a short to ground that share the ignition
- Circuit Testing on page 11-526
5.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp, and
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 disconnect all components on the circuit.
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 5.2.Test for infinite resistance between the ignition
Connections on page 11—531 circuit and ground.
- Wiring Repairs on page 11—537 2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
Scan Tool Reference ground on the circuit.
Control Module References on page 6-3 U if infinite resistance
5.3. Replace the fuse, ignition ON.
CircuitlSystem Testing 5.4.Verify the fuse is good after connecting each
Note: Do not perform this diagnostic procedure unless of the components one at a time.
you were sent here from a misfire DTC or the Engine 2 Ifthe fuse opens, replace the component that
Cranks But Does Not Run diagnostic. opens the fuse when connected.
1. ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF, 2 Ifthe fuse is good, all OK.
disconnect the harness connector at the
K35 Ignition Coil Module. Itmay take up to 2 min U If the test lamp illuminates
for all vehicle systems to power down. 6. Replace the K35 ignition Coil Module.
2. Test for less than 5 Q between the ground circuit Repair Instructions
terminal B and ground.
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
2 If 5 Q or greater page 6—92 after completing the repair.
2.1. ignition OFF. - Ignition Coil Replacement on page 9277
2.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the ground circuit end 0 Control Module References on page 6—3for
to end. engine control module replacement, programming,
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance and setup.
in the circuit.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuei . 1.4L (LUV) 9:12:39

lnspection/Maintenance System Monitored Emission Control Systems

Check The OBD ll System monitors all emission control
systems that are on-board. The OBD ||regulations
Diagnostic Instructions require monitoring of the following:
' Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle . The air conditioning system
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic - The catalyst efficiency
procedure. - Comprehensive component monitoring, emission
- Review Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle on related inputs and outputs
page 6—66 for an overview of the diagnostic . The evaporative emission (EVAP) system
- The fuel delivery system
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category. ° Heated catalyst monitoring
- Misfire monitoring
CircuitlSystem Description - The oxygen sensor system (H028)
Several states require for a vehicle to pass on-board - The oxygen sensor heater system (H028 heater)
diagnostic (OBD) system tests and the inspection/
maintenance emission inspection in order to renew For the specific DTCs required for each system, refer to
license plates. This is accomplished by viewing the lnspection/Maintenance (l/M)System DTC Table on
inspection/maintenance system status display on a page 9-241.Systems such as fuel delivery, misfire, and
scan tool. Using a scan tool, the technician can comprehensive components may not be listed in a
observe the inspection/maintenance System status in system status list. These tests run continuously and do
order to verify that the vehicle meets the criteria that not require an inspection/maintenance system status
comply with the local area requirements. indicator.

Condition for Updating the lnspection/ CircuitlSystem Verification

Maintenance Emission System Status Review the inspection/maintenance system DTC Table
System Status indicators. All inspection/maintenance
Each system monitor requires at least one, and system DTC Table system status indicators should
sometimes several, diagnostic tests. The result of each report YES.
test is reported by a diagnostic trouble code (DTC).
A system monitor is complete when either all of the CircuitlSystem Testing
DTCs composing the monitor have Run and Passed, Note: Many DTC related repairs will instruct the
or when any one of the DTCs comprising the monitor technician to clear the DTC information. Clearing the
has illuminated the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL). DTC will reset the inspection/maintenance system DTC
Once the system monitor is complete, the inspection/ Table system status indicators to NO. Performing the
maintenance system status display will indicate YES in inspection/maintenance complete system set
the completed column. procedure will set each of the inspection/maintenance
For example, when the H028 heater status indicates system status indicators to YES.
YES, either all of the oxygen sensor heater tests have
passed or one of the tests has illuminated the MIL. 1. Observe the Engine DTC information with a
Ifthe vehicle has two heated oxygen sensors, either scan tool.
both heater circuit tests have passed or one of the 2 if a DTC is set that may prevent the inspection/
heater circuit tests has illuminated the ML. The maintenance system status tests from
inspection/maintenance system status will indicate NO completing, diagnose that DTC before
under the completed column when any of the required continuing. Refer to lnspection/Maintenance (I/
tests for that system have not run. The following is a list M) System DTC Table on page 9-241.
of conditions that may set the inspection/maintenance 2. Review applicable service bulletins for software
system status indicator to NO: updates that may prevent the inspection/
0 The vehicle is new from the factory and has not maintenance system status tests from completing.
yet been driven through the necessary drive 2 If a control module reprogram or other repair is
conditions to complete the tests. required, perform the . lnspection/Maintenance
- The battery has been disconnected or discharged Complete System Set Procedure on
below operating voltage. page 9-240
- The engine control module (ECM) power or 3. Observe the inspection/maintenance system
ground has been interrupted. status indicators.
- The ECM has been reprogrammed. 2 If any inspection/maintenance system status
- The ECM DTCs have been cleared. indicators report NO, perform the Inspection/
Maintenance Complete System Set Procedure
on page 9—240.

9240 Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV)

lnspection/Maintenance Complete 1. Ensure that the vehicle meets the conditions for a
cold start listed above.
System Set Procedure
2 Ifthe Evaporative Emission (EVAP) inspection/
Diagnostic Instructions maintenance system status indicator displays
NO, perform the EVAP Service Bay test if
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle applicable.
on page 6—66 prior to using this diagnostic
procedure. 2. Turn OFF all accessories; HVAC system, other
electrical loads, including aftermarket/add-on
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58 equipment, etc., and open the hood.
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
3. Set the vehicle parking brake and ensure the
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59 vehicle is in park for automatic transmission or
provides an overview of each diagnostic category. neutral for manual transmission.
CircuitlSystem Description Turn the ignition ON for 1 min.
The purpose of the inspection/maintenance complete 91:“
Start and idle the engine for 5 min.
system set procedure is to satisfy the enable criteria 6. Run the engine for 6 min within the following
necessary to execute all of the inspection/maintenance conditions:
readiness diagnostics and complete the trips for those - Calculated airflow is between 9—30gls
particular diagnostics. When all inspection/
maintenance monitored diagnostic tests are completed, - Engine speed is steady between 1 300-
the inspection/maintenance system status indicators 3 000 RPM
are set to yes. Perform the inspection/maintenance 7. Apply and hold brake pedal, and shift to Drive for
complete system set procedure if any inspection/ automatic, or apply clutch pedal for manual and
maintenance system status indicators are set to NO. operate the vehicle within the following conditions
for 2 min:
Condition for Meeting a Cold Start - Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) signal is
' The ignition voltage between 10—18 V. greater than 12 g/s
- The barometric pressure (BARO) is more than - Engine speed is greater than 1 000 RPM
75kPa (10.15 PSI). Note: Do NOT touch the accelerator pedal until told to
- The engine coolant temperature (ECT)at start—up do so. A change in throttle position sensor angle or an
is greater than —5°C(23°F). increase in engine speed may invalidate this portion of
- The intake air temperature (lAT) at start-up is less the test.
than 40°C(104°F). 8. Release the accelerator pedal and shift the vehicle
- The difference between the start-up lAT and ECT to Park for automatic, or Neutral and release clutch
are within 3°C (5°F). pedal for manual, and allow the engine to idle
- The engine is OFF for greater than 6 h or the for 2 min.
following conditions must be met: 9. Close the hood, release the parking brake and
—The start—uplAT minus start—upECT1 are within drive vehicle at 90 km/h (55 MPH)for 2 min.
12°C(22°F). 10. Release the accelerator pedal for at least 10 s.
—The start—upECT minus start-up lAT are within This will allow the vehicle to enter the deceleration
50°C(90°F). fuei cut off.
- Fuel level is between 25—75%. 11. Safely stop the vehicle, with the engine in drive for
automatic or neutral with the clutch pedal
CircuitlSystem Verification depressed and parking brake applied for manual.
Allow the vehicle to idle for 2 min.
Review the inspection/maintenance system status
indicators. All inspection/maintenance system status Note: Do NOT disturb the vehicle or turn ON the
indicators should report yes. ignition until told to do so. Disturbing the vehicle may
invalidate this portion of the test.
lnspection/Maintenance System Set 12. Shift the vehicle to park for automatic and neutral
Procedure for manual. Turn OFF the ignition and exit the
Note: Whenever the ignition is turned ON, ignition vehicle. Do NOT disturb the vehicle for 45 min.
positive voltage is supplied to the heated oxygen
sensor (H028)heaters. After verifying the enable
criteria, turn OFF the ignition for approximately
5 minutes to allow the sensors to cool before continuing
with the test. Once the engine is started, do NOT turn
the engine OFF for the remaining portion of the set

Engine Controis/Fuel —'l.4L (LUV) 9241
13. Observe the lnspection/Maintenance System 2 Ifany of the inspection/maintenance system
Status with a scan tool. All ofthe inspection/ status indicators display NO, refer to the
maintenance System Status indicators should Inspection/Maintenance (l/M) System DTC
display YES. Table on page 9—241 for the indicator which did
2 Ifthe EVAP inspection/maintenance system not display yes. The inspection/maintenance
status indicator displays NO, turn OFF the system DTC table identifies the DTCs
ignition, ensure that the vehicle meets the associated with each inspection/maintenance
conditions for a cold start, and repeat steps 6 system status Indicator.
through 11 three more times, or until the EVAP
inspection/maintenance system status indicator
transitions to yes. Ifthe indicator continues to
display NO, refer to the lnspection/Maintenance
(I/M)System DTC Table on page 9241 to
identify the DTCs that did not run.
lnspection/Maintenance (l/M)System DTC Table
System I DTCs Required to Set System Status to YES
Ifan inspection/maintenance systemstatusindicatordid notupdatetoyes duringthe lnspection/Maintenance CompleteSystem
Set Procedureonpage 9-240, revieweachindicatorand referencethistabletodetermineeach DTC associatedwiththe
inspection/maintenance systemstatusindicator.Each DTC listedbelowhas specificconditionsthatmustbe metforthe
diagnosticto run.Includedwithintheconditionsare additionalDTCs which,if set,mayinhibittheDTCs listedbelowfrom
running.Reviewingandoperatingthevehiclewithintheconditionsforrunningforeach DTC listedbelowwill allowtheinspection/
maintenancesystemstatusindicatorstotransitionto yes.
Catalystmonitor DTC P0420.Referto DTC P0420onpage9-155.
Evaporative - DTC P0442.Referto DTC P0442onpage9-157
em'SS'O“(EVAP) - DTC P0443.Referto DTC P0443onpage9-159
- DTC P0446.Referto DTC P0446onpage9-161
- DTC P0449.Referto DTC P0449onpage9-163
- DTC P0455.Referto DTC P0455onpage9-168
- DTC P0496.Referto DTC P0496onpage 9-170
Oxygensensor . DTC P0131,P0132,P0134,P0137,P0138, or P0140.Referto DTC P0131,P0132,P0134,
P0137,P0138,orP0140onpage 9-109.
- DTC P0133,P013A,P013B,P013E,P013F,PO15A.P0158,P2270,or P2271.Referto DTC
P0133,P013A,P0133,P013E,P013F,P015A,P0158, P2270,or P2271onpage9-172.
Oxygensensorheater DTC P0030—P0032, P0036—P0038, P0053, P0054,P0135,or P0141.Referto DTC P0030-P0032,
P0036-P0038,P0053,P0054,P0135,or P0141onpage 9-48.

Fuel Pressure Measurement

Special Tools ‘a’il // [NH 1
EN 34730—91 Pressure Tester
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools
(Diagnostic Tools) on page 9-308 O00....


9-242 Engine Controls/Fuel .. l.4L (LUV)
Warning: Gasoline or gasoline vapors are highly 3. Start the engine.
flammable. A fire could occur if an ignition source - Bleed the pressure tester at idling speed.
is present. Never drain or store gasoline or diesel
fuel in an open container, due to the possibility of - Collect the exiting fuel in a suitable container.
fire or explosion. Have a dry chemical (Class B) fire - Read the fuel pressure from the pressure
extinguisher nearby. gauge.
Warning: Remove the fuel tank cap and relieve the Caution: Clean all of the following areas before
fuel system pressure before servicing the fuel performing any disconnections in order to avoid
possible contamination in the system:
system in order to reduce the risk of personal
injury. After you relieve the fuel system pressure, a - The fuel pipe connections
small amount of fuel may be released when - The hose connections .
servicing the fuel lines, the fuel injection pump, ~ The areas surrounding the connections '
or the connections. In order to reduce the risk of
personal injury, cover the fuel system components 4. Detach the pressure gauge EN 34730—91 tester
with a shop towel before disconnection. This will from the test connection.
catch any fuel that may leak out. Place the towel in
an approved container when the disconnection is
1. Remove the protective cap from the test
2. Attach the EN 34730—91 tester (1)to the test

Repair Instructions

Engine Control Module Replacement

imil%% --- i‘“


Engine Controis/Fuei - 1.4L (LUV) 9:243

Engine Control Module Replacement

Callout Component Name
Note: if the ECM is to be replaced,theECM mustbe RESET (preparedforremoval)priorto removalfromthevehicle.Failingto
resettheECM willresultin thefollowing:
. inabilitytotestthe ECM forwarrantypurposes
' inabilityto usethe ECM in othervehicles.
Preliminary Procedures
1. PreparetheECM forreplacement.Referto ControlModuleReferencesonpage 6-3.
2. Usinga scantool,retrievethepercentageof remainingengineoil.Recordtheremainingengineoil life.
3. Disconnectthebatterynegativecable.Referto BatteryNegativeCable Disconnectionand Connectiononpage 9-713
1. Disconnecttheelectricalwiringharnessconnectorsfromtheenginecontrolmodule.
2. Uncliptheenginecontrolmodulebracketfromthebatterytray.
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
10N-m(89 lb in)
- Turnthe ignitionOFF wheninstallingor removingthecontrolmoduleconnectorsand disconnectingor
controlmodule(ECM)/transaxiecontrolmodule(TCM)pigtail,controlmodulefuse,jumpercables, etc.)in
orderto preventinternalcontrolmoduledamage.
' Controlmoduledamagemayresultwhenthe metalcase contactsbatteryvoltage.DO NOTcontactthe
controlmodulemetalcase withbatteryvoltagewhenservicinga controlmodule,usingbatterybooster
cables,orwhen chargingthevehiclebattery.
' Inorderto preventany possibleelectrostaticdischargedamagetothecontrolmodule,do notouchthe
3 connectorpinsor thesolderedcomponentson thecircuitboard.
. Removeanydebrisfromaroundthecontrolmoduleconnectorsurfacesbeforeservicingthecontrolmodule.
inspectthecontrolmoduleconnectorgasketswhendiagnosingor replacingthecontrolmodule.Ensurethat
thegasketsare installedcorrectly.The gasketspreventcontaminantintrusionintothecontrolmodule.
- The replacementcontrolmodulemustbe programmed.
1. Removetheenginecontrolmodulefromthe enginecontrolmodulebracket.
2. IfreplacingtheECM,referto ControlModuleReferencesonpage6-3for programmingandsetup.
Note: Beforeremovingtheenginecontrolmodule(ECM),recordtheoil lifepercentageremaining.Use thescan
toolto resetthe EngineOil Liferemainingbacktotheoriginalpercentagerecorded.

' ' ' ' variation learn procedure. The scan tool only displays
crankShaft POSItIOh SyStem Variation the condition that inhibits the procedure. The scan tool
Learn monitors the following components:
Note: The crankshaft position sensor 53’5th variation ° Crankshaft Position Sensor activity —if there is a
learn procedure is requrredwhen the foliowmg serVice crankshaft position sensor condition, refer to the
procedures have been performed, regardless of applicable DTC that set.
whether DTC P0315 00 ISset: - Camshaft position signal activity ——
Ifthere is a
- Engine replacement camshaft position sensor signal condition, refer to
- Engine control module (ECM)replacement the applicable DTC that set.
0 Crankshaft damper replacement ' Engine COOIanttemperature (ECT) —'if the engine
coolant temperature is not warm enough, idle the
' Crankshaft replacement engine until the engine coolant temperature
' crankShafi POSition Sensor Replacement reaches the correct temperature.
- Any engine repairs which disturb the prankshaft to 1. install a scan tool.
crankshaft posutionsensor relationship. 2. Monitor the ECM for DTCs with a scan tool. Ifother
Note: The scan tool monitors certain component DTCs are set, except DTC p0315 00, refer to
signals to determine if all the conditions are met to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle on
continue with the crankshaft position sensor system page 5-69 for the applicable DTC that set.

9=244 Efingine Controis/Fuei . 1.4L (LUV)
3. With a scan‘to'ol, select the Crankshaft Position 3.10. Release the throttlewhen fuei cut—offoccurs.
System Variation Leerh Procedure and Perform the 3.11. Accelerate to wide open throttle(WOT).The
foliowmg. engine should not accelerate beyond the
3.1.Observe the fuel cut—offfor the applicable calibrated fuel cut—offRPM value noted in
engine. step 3.1. Release the throttle immediately if
3.2.Block the drive wheels. the value '3 exceeded.
33_ Set the parking brake. Note: While the learn procedure is in progress, release
. . . . the throttle immediately when the engine starts to
3'4' Elgitiaile vehicles transmrssron m Park or decelerate. The engine control is returned to the
' . __ _ operator and the engine responds to throttleposition
3-5- Turn the air COhdltIOhIhg(A/C) OFF- after the learn procedure is complete.
3'6‘ Cycle the ignition from OFF to ON‘ 4. The scan tool displays Learn Status: Learned this
3.7.Apply and hold the brake pedal for the Ignition. if the scan tool indicates that DTC
duration 0f the procedure. P031500 ran and passed, the crankshaft position
3.8.Start and idle the engine. sensor variation learn procedure is complete. Ifthe
3.9.Accelerate to Wide- open throttle (WOT).The scan tool indicates
run, referto DTC P031500
DTC P0315on page 9442 or did not
failed Ifany
' i t
Sgiihcgttseldg‘gle‘i other DTCs set, refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code
3.1.Release the throttle immediately if the (DTC) List - Vehicle on page 6—69 for the
value is exceeded. applicable DTC that set.
Note: While the learn procedure is in progress, release 5' Turn OFF the ignition for 30S after the learn
the throttle immediately when the engine starts to procedure '3 completed successfully.
decelerate. The engine control is returned to the
operator and the engine responds to throttle position
after the learn procedure is complete.

Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Replacement (Water Outlet)


2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuei —1.4L (LUV) 9245

Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Replacement (Water Outlet)

Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Disconnectthenegativebatterycable.Referto BatteryNegativeCableDisconnectionand Connectiononpage 9-713.
2. Drainthecoolingsystem.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage 9—628.
1 EngineCoolantTemperatureSensor Fastener
2 Procedure

Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Replacement (Radiator)

Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Replacement (Radiator)
Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
Drainthecoolingsystem.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage9-628.
1 RetainingClamp
2 Procedure

9-246 Engine Controls/Fuel =1.4L (LUV)

Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor

Replacement (Thermostat)
The engine coolant temperature sensor is integrated in
the engine coolant thermostat housing. Refer to Engine
Coolant Thermostat Housing Replacement (LUW)on
page 9—659.

Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement


Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement

Callout Component Name
1 MassAir FlowSensor Fasteners(Qty:2)
MassAir FlowSensor
2 1. Disconnectelectricalconnector
2. Afterreplacementof massairflowsensor,use a scan toolto performthelearnfunctions.Referto Engine
3 MassAir FlowSensor Seal Ring

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuei =1.4L (LUV) 9&4?
intake Air Pressure and Temperature Sensor Replacement

Intake Air Pressure and Temperature Sensor Replacement
Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removetheleftfrontwheelhouseliner.Referto FrontWheelhouseLinerReplacement(Rear)onpage3-151or Front
IntakeAir TemperatureandPressureSensorFasteners(Qty2)
1 Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
IntakeAir Temperatureand PressureSensor
2 Procedure

9248 Engine Controls/Fuei . 1.4L (LUV)

Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Replacement


Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Replacement

Callout Component Name
1 ManifoldAbsolutePressureSensor Fastener
2 1. Disconnecttheelectricalconnector.
2. Afterreplacementofthemanifoldabsolutepressuresensoruse a scantoolto speedupthe learnprocess.
Referto EngineControlModuleProgrammingand Setuponpage 6-7.
3 Seal

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuei . 1.4L (LUV) 9=249

Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor 1

Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor1
Callout Component Name
Warning: Inorder to avoid being burned, do not service the exhaust system while it is still hot.Service thesystem when
it is cool.
Disconnectbatterynegativecable.Referto BatteryNegativeCableDisconnectionand Connectiononpage 9-713.
HeatedOxygenSensor 1
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
1. Removethewiringharnessfromretainerclip.
2. Disconnectelectricalconnector.
3. Afterreplacementof theheatedoxygensensor,use a scan tooltospeed uplearnfunctions.Referto
1 EngineControlModuleProgrammingandSetuponpage 6-7.
4. Ifreusingtheheatedoxygensensor,coatthethreadwithassemblypaste.
42N'm(31 lbft)
Special Tools
EN-48259 Installer/Remover
For equivalentregionaltools,referto Special Tools(DiagnosticTools)onpage 9-308

9-250 Egne Controls/Fuel : 1.4L (LUV)

Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor 2


Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor 2

Callout Component Name
Warning: Inorder to avoid being burned,do not service the exhaust system while it is still hot. Service thesystem when
it is cool.
Preliminary Procedure
Raise andsupportthevehicle.Referto LiftingandJackingthe Vehicleonpage 1-31.
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0—8.
1. Disconnectelectricalconnector.
2. Afterreplacementoftheheatedoxygensensor,use a scan tooltospeed uplearnfunctions.
EngineControlModuleProgrammingand Setuponpage 6-7
1 3. Ifreusingthe heatedoxygensensor coatthethreadwithassemblypaste.
42N°m(31 lbft)
Special Tools
EN-48259 Installer/Remover
For equivalentregionaltools,referto Special Tools(DiagnosticTools)onpage 9—308

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controts/Fuel 1 1.4L (LUV) 9-251

Engine Oil Pressure Indicator Switch Replacement



Engine Oil Pressure Indicator Switch Replacement
Callout Component Name
EngineOil PressureIndicatorSwitch
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
1 1. Placecollectingbasinunderneath.
2. Disconnecttheelectricalconnector.
3. Checkengineoil levelafterreplacement.
2 EngineOil PressureIndicatorSwitchSeal Ring

9=252 Engine Controls/Fuel , 1.4L (LUV)

Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Replacement

/> R

Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Replacement

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Disconnectthe batterynegativecable.Referto BatteryNegativeCableDisconnectionandConnectiononpage 9—713.
AcceleratorPedal PositionSensor Fastener
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
1 Tighten
10N-m (89lb in)
AcceleratorPedal PositionSensor
2 1. Disconnectthe electricalwiringharnessconnectorfromacceleratorpedalpositionSensor.
2. Afterreplacementoftheacceleratorpedalpositionsensor,use a scantoolto speedupthe learnprocess.
Referto EngineControlModuleProgrammingandSetupon page 6-7.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuei - 1.4L (LUV) 9-253

Throttle Body Assembly 2. Install the 4 throttle body fastener (3) and tighten to
8 N-m(71 lb in).
3. install the charge air cooler outlet air hose to the
Removal Procedure throttle body.Referto Charge Air Cooler Outlet Air
Hose Replacement on page 9—293.
1. Disconnect the throttle body wiring harness
connector. 4. Connect the throttle body wiring harness
2. Remove the charge air cooler outlet air hose from
the throttle body.Refer to Charge Air Cooler Outlet Throttle Body Inspection and
Air Hose Replacement on page 9—293.
Note: Over extended time and mileage, deposits may
accumulate on the back of the throttle valve plate. The
source of the deposit is exhaust gas. Typically these
deposits pose no problem. Occasionally the deposit
may accumulate to a point where perceived pedal effort
or throttle valve movement is effected. This procedure
should not be performed on vehicles with mileage
under 80,450km (50,000mi).
1. Remove the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to Air
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement on page 9—288.
Warning: Turn OFF the ignition before inserting
fingers into the throttle bore. Unexpected
movement of the throttle blade could cause
personal injury.
Caution: Do not insert any tools into the throttle body
bore in order to avoid damage to the throttlevalve
2. inspect the throttlebody bore and the throttle valve
plate for deposits. You will need to open the throttle
2191968 valve in order to inspect all surfaces.
3. Remove the 4 throttle body fasteners (3). Caution: Do not use any solvent that contains Methyl
Ethyl Ketone (MEK).This solvent may damage fuel
4. Remove the throttle body (2) along with the throttle system components.
body seal ring (1).
3. Clean the throttlebody bore and the throttle valve
Installation Procedure plate using a clean shop towel with an appropriate
4. Instail the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to Air
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement on page 9—288.
5. Perform the Throttle/ldle Learn procedure. Refer to
Thrott/e/ldleLearn on page 9-278.

Fuel Pressure Relief

Special Tools
EN-34730—91 Pressure Tester
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools
(Diagnostic Tools) on page 9—308.
Warning: Gasoline or gasoline vapors are highly
flammable. A fire could occur if an ignition source
is present. Never drain or store gasoline or diesel
fuel in an open container, due to the possibility of
fire or explosion. Have a dry chemical (Class B) fire
extinguisher nearby.
Warning: Relieve the fuel system pressure before
servicing fuel system components in order to
reduce the risk of fire and personal injury.
1. Installthe throttle fasteners (2) along with a NEW
throttle body seal ring (1).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.

9=254 Engine Controis/Fuei =1.4L (LUV)
After relieving the system pressure, a small amount Fuel Tank Draining
of fuel may be released when servicing the fuel Warning: Refer to Gasoline/Gasoline Vapors
lines or connections. In order to reduce the chance Warning on page 0-5.
of personal injury, cover the regulator and the fuel
line fittiNQS With a ShOP towel before disconnecting. Note: The fuel tank must be drained with a suitable,
This W!” catch any fuel thatlmay leak OUt-Place the commercially—availabiefuel removal unit and suction
to_weIm an approved container when the hose - follow safety regulations and national legislation.
d’sconneCtlon '5 complete. The fuel tank is fitted Witha refill limit float valve. This iS
located on the filler neck in the fuel tank. To prevent
damaging the refill limit float valve, a suitable suction
hose must be used. In the presence of fuel vapors or
escaping fuel - observe safety regulations and national
legislation. Store drained fuel 'Ina suitable, sealabie
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9-713.
2. Remove the fuel tank filler cap.
3. Inserta suitable suction hose into the fuei tank
filler pipe.
4. Attach a suitable suction hose to the hose used
with the hand or air operated pump devise.
5. Using a hand or air operated pump drain as much
fuel from the tank as possible.

Fuel Tank Replacement

Removal Procedure
2191339 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. Refer to
Battely Negative Cable Disconnection and
1. Remove the fuel injector rail cap (1). Connection on page 9-713.
2. Relieve the fuel pressure. Refer to Fuel Pressure
Relief on page 9-547.
3. Drain the fuel Tank. Refer to Fuel TankDraining on
page 9—55 1.
4. Lift and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1—31.

2. Relieve the fuel pressure. Use EN—34730—91
pressure tester (1).

5. Remove the harness cover fastener(1)and
harness cover (2).

2013 (5377994)
twine Controis/Fuei , 1.4L (LUV) 9455
6. Disconnect the fuel pump harness electrical
connector (3).

w 9 J / Ifllr ,
g ‘@’ .f

10. Support the fuel tank with a suitable stand.
2495378 11. Remove the fuel tank strap fasteners (1).
7. Disconnect the vent hose (1) 12. Reposition the fuel tank straps (2)toward the back
of the vehicle.
8. Loosen the hose clamps (2)and slide the filler
hose off the fuel tank.




2495381 13. Lower the fuel tank (1).
9. Disconnect the fuel and evaporative emission
connectors (1). Refer to Plastic Collar Quick
Connect Fitting Service on page 9-547.

9:256 Eflgihe Controls/Fuel , 1.4L (LUV)

Installation Procedure

7. Connect the fuel and evaporative emission
2495385 connectors (1). Refer to Plastic Collar Quick
Connect Fitting Service on page 9-547.
1. If replacing the tank, remove the fuel pump module
and the evaporative emission canister. Refer to
Fuel Tank Fuel Pump Module Replacement (Steel
Tank) on page 9-559and Evaporative Emission
Canister Replacement (Steel Tank) on page 9—567.
2. Transfer parts as necessary.
3. Raise the fuel tank (1).

8. Connect the vent hose (1).
9. Tighten the hose clamps (2)to 4.5 N°m(40 lb in).
and slide the filler hose off the fuel tank.

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
4. Support the fuel tank with a suitable stand.
5. Position the fuel tank straps (2)onto the fuel tank.
6. Install the fuel tank strap fasteners (1)and tighten
to 22 N-m(16lbft).

2013 (5377994)
En ine Controis/Fuei . 1.4L (LUV) 9—257

2495376 2498415
10. Connect the fuel pump harness electrical 2. Lift and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
connector (3). Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31.
11. Install the harness cover (2)and tighten the cover 3. Remove the fuel tank filler pipe bracket
fasteners (1). fastener (1).
12. Connect the battery negative cable. Refer to 4. Disconnect the vent hose (2).Refer to Plastic
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service on
Connection on page 9-713. page 9—264.
. . 5. Loosen the filler pi e hose clam 3 .
Fuel Tank FIller PIpe Replacement p N )
Removal Procedure

6. Remove the fuel tank filler pipe (1).
1. Remove the bracket fastener (1).

92-258 ELgine Controls/Fuel , 1.4L (LUV)

Installation Procedure

5. Install the bracket fastener (1)and tighten to
2498418 9 N'm(89lb in).
1. Install the fuel tank filler pipe (1). Fuel Feed Pipe Replacement
Special Tools
- CH—807 Closure Plugs
- CH—6015 Closure Plugs
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools
(Diagnostic Tools) on page 9—308.
Removal Procedure
Warning: Refer to Gasoline/Gasoline Vapors
Warning on page 0-5.
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9-713.
2. Relief the fuel pressure. Refer to Fuel Pressure
Relief on page 9-253.

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8. ..
,2. Tighten hose clamp (3)to 4N°m(35 lb in).
3. Connect the vent hose (2).Refer to Plastic Collar
Quick Connect Fitting Service on page 9—264.
4. Tighten the filler pipe bracket fastener (1)to
9 N-m(89 lb in).



2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuel =1.4L (LUV) 9:259
3. Disconnect the front fuel feed pipe connector(1)
from the fuel injector rail and the fuel feed pipe(2)
and remove the front fuel feed pipe. Refer to
Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service on
page 9—264.
4. Close the fuel feed pipe connectors with CH-807
5. Unclip the fuel feed pipe (2) from the retainer
clip (3).
6. Disconnect the electrical wiring harness connector
from the fuel pressure sensor (4).
7. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1~31.

10. Open the 5fue| pipe clips (1).

£3) ?

' 8. Remove the frame reinforcement fasteners (1) and
remove the frame reinforcement(2). (Q)

11. Disconnect the fuel tank feed pipe connector (1)
from fuel feed pipe. Refer to Plastic Collar Quick
Connect Fitting Service on page 9-264.
12. Close the fuel feed pipe and fuel tank feed pipe
with CH—6015 plugs.
13. Remove the fuel feed pipe.

9. Remove the EVAP canister cover fasteners (1) and
cover (2).

9=260 Engine Controls/Fuei - 1.4L (LUV)

Installation Procedure
1. Remove the CH-6015plugs from fuel feed tank
pipe and fuel feed pipe.



5. Install the EVAP canister cover (2) and tighten the
N EVAP canister cover fasteners (1) to
9N-m(71 lb in).
’2. Install the fuel feed pipe and secure with the rear
fuel pipe clip.
3. Connect the fuel tank feed pipe connector (1)to the
fuel feed pipe. Refer to Plastic Collar Quick
Connect Fitting Service on page 9-264.

6. Install the frame reinforcement (2) and tighten the
frame reinforcement fasteners (1) to
60 N'm (44 lb ft).
7. Lower the vehicle.

4. Close the 5fue| pipe clips (1).

2013 (5377994)
Eigihe Controls/Fuei -1.4L (LUV) 9-261
Removal Procedure

. Connect the electrical wiring harness connector to
the fuel pressure sensor (4). 2495427
Clip the fuel feed pipe (2) into the retainer clip (3). . Relieve the fuel system pressure. Refer to Fuel
Remove the CH—807 plugs from the fuei feed pipe Pressure Relief on page 9-253
connectors. . Remove the fuel tank. Refer to Fuel Tank
11. Connect the frontfuel feed pipe connector (1)to Replacement on page 9-254.
the fuei injector rail and the fuel feed pipe(2).Refer .03 Disconnect the electrical connectors (1).
to Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service on
page 9-264. . Disconnect the evaporative emission and fuel
lines (2).Refer to Plastic Collar Quick Connect
12. Connect the battery negative cable. Refer to Fitting Service on page 9-264.
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9-713.

Fuel Tank Fuel Pump Module

Special Tools
CH 45722Fuel Sender Lock Ring Wrench
For equivalent regional tools, refer Special Tools
(Diagnostic Tools) on page 9—308.

5. Using the CH 45722wrench, remove the lock
ring (1)by turning counter—clockwise.

9=262 Engine Controis/Fuet -1.4L(LUV)

2495432 2495431

6. Remove the fuel pump module (1)and O-ring (2). 2. Using the CH 45722wrench,install the lock
. rin 1 b turnin clockwise.
Installatlon Procedure 9( > y g

2495432 .
3. Connect the electrIcaIconnectors (1).
1' Install a NEW O-ring (2)and the fuel pump 4. Connect the evaporative emission and fuel
module (1)- lines (2).Refer to Plastic Collar Quick Connect
Fitting Service on page 9-264.
5. Installthe fuel tank. Referto Fuel Tank
Replacement on page 9—254.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuei - 1.4L (LUV) 9=263
Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Replacement

\ / ‘ —:- \
. II,

3 \


Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Replacement
Callout Component Name
Removethefueltank.Referto Fuel TankReplacementonpage 9-254.
1 Procedure
Disconnectthe FTP sensorelectricalconnector.

9264 Engine Controls/Fuei11.4L(LUV)

Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting 2. Using compressed air, blow any dirt out of the
quick-connect fitting.

Removal Procedure
Warning: Refer to Gasoline/Gasoline Vapors
Warning on page 0-5.

3. This step applies to Bartholomew style connectors
ONLY.Squeeze the plastic quick connect fitting
release tabs.
Note: There are several types of plastic collar fuel and
evaporative emission quick connect fittings used on
this vehicle.
- Bartholomew (1)
' Q Release (2)
- Squeeze to Release (3) J
- Siiding Retainer (4)
1. Relieve the fuel system pressure. Refer to Fuel
Pressure Relief on page 9—547.

(I: l
$. .I 4. This step applies to Q Release style connectors
u. ONLY.Release the fitting by pushing the tab
.‘I ~. toward the other side of the slot in the fitting.
.u '-

Warning: Refer to Safety Glasses Warning on
page 0-5.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel=1.4L(LUV) 9:265

M , £23333 me:-

4— ->

1205675 12778
5. This step applies to Squeeze to Release style 7. Pull the connection apart.
connectors ONLY.Squeeze where indicated by .
arrows on both sides of the plastic ring surrounding InStallatlon Procedure
the quick connect fitting. '

1205683 . .
1. A l a few dro s of clean en Ine OHto the male
3 Warning: Refer to Relieving Fuel Pressure Warning cggni/ectionend.p g
on page 0-5.
6. This step applies to Sliding Retainer style
connectors ONLY.Release the fitting by pressing
on one side of the release tab causing it to push in
slightly. Ifthe tab doesn't move try pressing the tab
in from the opposite side. The tab will only move in
one direction.

9266 Engine Controls/Fuel .. 'l.4L (LUV)
Fuel System Cleaning
Note: Ifthe fuel filter is plugged, the fuel tank should
be inspected internally and cleaned if necessary.
1. Drain the fuel tank. Referto Fuel Tank Draining on
page 9-254.
2. Remove the fuel pump module assembly. Refer to
Fuel Tank Fuel Pump Module Replacement on
page 9-261.
3. Inspect the fuel pump module strainer. Replace the
mfg: pump module assembly if the fuel strainer is
#4- Note: When flushing the fuel tank, handle the fuel and
water mixture as a hazardous material. Handle the fuel
and water in accordance with all applicable local, state,
and federal laws and regulations.
4. Flush the fuel tank with hot water.
5. Pour the water out of the fuel sender assembly
opening in the fuel tank. Rock the fuel tank in order
21855 to be sure that the removal of the water from the
fuel tank is complete.
2. Push both sides of the quiek—connectfitting 6. Allow the tank to dry completely before
together in order to cause the retaining feature to reassembly.
snap into place. 7. Disconnect the fuel feed pipe at the engine fuel
rail. Refer to Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting
Service on page 9—264.
Note: Only use oiI—freecompressed air to blow out the
fuel pipes.
8. Clean the fuel pipes by applying air pressure in the
opposite direction of the fuel flow.
9. Connect the fuel feed pipe to the engine fuel rail.
Refer to Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting
Service on page 9-264.
10. Install the fuel pump module assembly. Refer to
Fuel Tank Fuel Pump Module Replacement on
page 9—261.
<- ->


3. Once installed, pull on both sides of the
quick-connect fitting in order to make sure the
connection is secure.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV) 9-267

Fuel injection Fuel Rail Assembly


Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect battery negative cable. Refer to Battery
Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection on
page 9-713.
2. Remove engine cover.Refer to Engine Cover
Replacement on page 9-790.
3. Remove the fuel feed pipe from fuel injection fuel
rail. Refer to Fuel Feed Pipe Replacement on
page 9—258.
4. Remove the positive crankcase ventilation pipe
from the intake manifold. Refer to Positive
Crankcase Ventilation Pipe Removal on
page 9-860.

7. Remove the ground cable nut(2) and the ground
8. Remove the 2 fuel injection fuel rail bolts (1).

u _ ‘ 1

5. Disconnect the 4fue| injector wiring harness
plugs (2).
6. Unclip the ECM wiring harness from retainer
clips (1) and the camshaft cover.

9. Remove the fuel injection fuel rail assembly (1) and
the 4 fuel injector seal rings (2).

9=268 Engine ControlS/Fuel , 1.41. (LUV)

Installation Procedure

I I __
‘ ,11'" 'l

. Connect the 4fue| injector wiring harness plugs (2).
2191817 . Clip the ECM wiring harness to the retainer Clip (1)
Note: Lubricate the 4 fuel injector seal rings (2) with and the camshaft cover.
clean engine oil. . Remove the positive crankcase ventilation pipe
1. Install the fuel injection fuel rail assembly (1) to the from the intake manifold. Refer to Positive
intake manifold. Use NEW fuel injector seal Crankcase Ventilation Pipe Removal on
rings (2). page 9—860.
. Install the fuel feed pipe to the fuel injection fuel
rail. Refer to Fuel Feed Pipe Replacement on
page 9—258.
. Install the engine sight shield. Refer to Engine
Cover Replacement on page 9—790.
. Connect battery negative cable. Refer to Battely
Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection on
page 9—713.

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
2. Install the 2 fuel injection fuel rail bolts (1) and
tighten to 7 N'm(62 lb in).
3. Install the ground cable and the ground cable
nut (2) and tighten.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 2 1.4L (LUV) 9m269
Fuel Injector Replacement

Fuel Injector Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Disconnectbatterynegativecable.Referto BatteryNegativeCableDisconnectionand Connectiononpage9-713.
2. Removethefuelinjectionfuelrailassembly.Referto Fuel InjectionFuel RailAssemb/yReplacementonpage 9-267.
1 Fuel Rail
2 Fuel injector
3 Fuel InjectorSeal Ring
4 Fuel InjectorRetainerClamp

9:270 Ehfigine Controls/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV)

Evaporative Emission Canister Vent Solenoid Valve Replacement


Evaporative Emission Canister Vent Solenoid Valve Replacement

Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Disconnectthebatterynegativecable.Referto BatteryNegativeCable Disconnectionand Connectiononpage9—713.
2. Removetheevaporativeemissionscanister.Referto EvaporativeEmissionCanisterReplacementonpage9-273.
1 Procedure
Turntheevaporativeemissioncanisterventsolenoidvalve counterclockwise45 degreesandremovethe

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV) 9-27]

Evaporative Emission System Hose/

Pipe Replacement
Special Tools
- CH-807Closure Plugs
- CH-6015Closure Plugs
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools
(Diagnostic Tools) on page 9-308.
Removal Procedure
Warning: Refer to Gasoline/Gasoline Vapors
Warning on page 0-5.
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9-713.
2. Relief the fuel pressure. Refer to Fuel Pressure
Relief on page 9-253.

7. Remove the frame reinforcement fasteners (1)and
remove the frame reinforcement(2).

3. Disconnect the evaporative emissions front
pipe (1) from the evaporative emissions purge
valve (2).Refer to Plastic Collar Quick Connect
Fitting Service on page 9—264.
4. Close the evaporative emissions pipe connections 2672350
with the CH—807 plugs. 8. Remove the EVAP canister coverfasteners (1) and
5. Unclip the evaporative emissions pipe (1)from the cover (2).
retainer clip (3).
6. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31.

9-272 Engine Controls/Fuel =‘l.4L (LUV)
Installation Procedure
1. Remove the CH—6015 plugs from evaporative
emissions fuel tank pipe and evaporative
emissions pipe.

9. Open the 5fuel pipe clips (1).

g3) )0 2. Install the evaporative emissions pipe and secure
with the rear fuel pipe clip.
3. Connect the fuel tank feed pipe connector (2) to the
evaporative emissions pipe. Refer to Plastic Collar
Quick Connect Fitting Service on page 9—264.

10. Disconnect the fuel tank evaporative emissions
connector (2) from evaporative emissions pipe.
Refer to Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting
Service on page 9-264.
11. Close the evaporative emissions pipe and
evaporative emissions fuel tank feed pipe with the
CH—6015 plugs.
12. Remove the evaporative emissions pipe. 2672361
4. Close the 5 fuel pipe clips (1).

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.4L (LUV) 9~273


:ég/‘J 441165;-

2672350 2672609
5 . Install the EVAP canister cover (2) and tighten the 8. Clip the evaporative emissions pipe (2) into the
EVAP canister cover fasteners (1) to retainer clip (3).
9 N-m(71lbin). 9. Remove the CH—807 plugs from the evaporative
emissions pipe connectors.
10. Connect the front evaporative emissions pipe
connector (1) to the evaporative emissions purge
valve (2).Refer to Plastic Collar Quick Connect
Fitting Service on page 9-264.
11. Connect the battery negative cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and '
Connection on page 9-713.

Evaporative Emission Canister


Removal Procedure
1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31.

6 . Install the frame reinforcement (2) and tighten the
frame reinforcement fasteners (1) to
60 N-m(44 lb ft).
7. Lower the vehicle.


9-274 Engine Controls/Fuel =1.4L (LUV)
2. Remove the EVAP canister cover fasteners (1) and
cover (2).

2 Q fl 2672641
5. Remove the 2 fuel tank strap bolts (1).
2672640 6. Remove the 2 fuel tank straps (2).
Warning: Do not breathe the air through the EVAP
component tubes or hoses. The fuel vapors inside
the E VAP components may cause personal injury.
Note: Do not remove the fuel tank filler hose when the £13) )0
fuel tank is over half filled with fuel.
3. Remove the evaporative emissions fill vent pipe
connector(1) and loosen the fuel filler hose
clamp (2).
Ifthe fuel level is over half filled, refer to Fuel Tank
Draining on page 9—254.
Warning: To help avoid personal injury, always use
jack stands when you are working on or under any
vehicle that is supported only by a jack.
Caution: When you are jacking or lifting a vehicle at 5&3
the frame side rails or other prescribed lift points, be <
certain that the lift pads do not contact the catalytic M9
converter, the brake pipes or the fuel lines. Ifsuch
contact occurs, vehicle damage or unsatisfactory 2
vehicle performance may result.
4. Place a suitable adjustable jack under the 2672365
fuel tank.
7. Disconnect the fuel feed (1)and the evaporative
emissions pipe (2).
Note: Closely watch parts like pipes or hoses that are
still installed to the fuel tank. Iflowering the fuel tank
slightly does not provide enough access to remove the
fuel tank, refer to Fuel Tank Replacement on
page 9-254.
8. Lower the fuel tank to a height where the
evaporative emission canister is easily accessible.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel . ‘l.4L (LUV) 91275
4. Connect the fuel tank vent pipe (2).
5. Raise the fuel tank to its original position.

LO) a3

2672645 \M Q
Warning: Always wear safety goggles when 2
working with fuel in order to protect the eyes from
fuel splash. 2672365
9 Disconnect the fuel tank vent pipe (2). 6. Connect the fuel feed (1) and the evaporative
10. Disconnect the evaporative emission canister emissions pipes (2).
wiring harness connectors.
11. Disconnect the evaporative emission canister
purge pipe (4).
12. Remove the evaporative emission canister (1)from
the evaporative emission canister bracket (3).
Installation Procedure


7. Install the 2 fuel tank straps (1).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
8. install the 2 fuel tank strap bolts (2) and tighten to
23 N-m(17 lb ft).
9. Remove the adjustable jack.
1. Installthe evaporative emission canister (1) to the
evaporative emission canister bracket (3).
2. Connect the evaporative emission canister purge
pipe (4)-
3. Connect the evaporative emission canister wiring
harness plug.

9276 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV)

2672640 2672350

10. Connect the evaporative emissions fill vent pipe 12. Install the EVAP canister cover (2).
connector(1). 13. Lower the vehicle.
11. Install the clamp (2) and tighten to 3N-m(27 lb in).

Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Solenoid Valve Replacement


2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.4L (LUV) 9:277

Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Solenoid Valve Replacement

Callout l Component Name
Warning: Gasoline or gasoline vapors are highly flammable.A fire could occur if an ignition source is present. Never
drain or store gasoline or diesel fuel in an open container,due to thepossibility of fire or explosion. Have a dry chemical
(Class B) fire extinguishernearby.
Disconnectbatterynegativecable.Referto BatteryNegativeCable DisconnectionandConnectiononpage 9-713.
1 FuelVentilationPipe
2 Procedure

Ignition Coil Replacement

Special Tools
EN-6009Remover and Installer Ignition Module
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools
(Diagnostic Tools) on page 9-308. ( 4‘5"; -
Removal Procedure illlLtJ {@517 ...,-
1. Remove engine cover. Refer to Engine Cover ..
Replacement on page 9-790. Q;


2. Disconnect ignition coil wiring harness plug (2)
from ignition coil (1).

4. Install EN-6009remover/installer (1) to ignition
coil (2).
5. Remove the ignition coil.

9-2/8 Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV)

Installation Procedure
1. Install the ignition coil.
[.7 I I IllvllrlnflfIflfifilill

4. Connect ignition coil wiring harness plug (2) to
ignition coil (1).
2191365 5. Install engine cover. Refer to Engine Cover
Replacement on page 9—790.
remover (1)fromignition
2. Remove EN—6009
coil (2). Throttlelldle Learn

The engine control module (ECM)learns the airflow
through the throttle body to ensure the correct idle. The
learned airflow values are stored within the ECM.
These values are learned to adjust for production
variation and will continuously learn during the life of
the vehicle to compensate for reduced airflow due to
throttle body coking. Anytime the throttle body airflow
rate changes, for example due to cleaning or replacing,
the values must be relearned.
An engine that had a heavily coked throttle body that
has been cleaned or replaced may take several drive
cycles to learn out the coking. To accelerate the
process, the scan tool has the ability to reset all learned
values back to zero. A new ECM will also have values
set to zero.
The idle may be unstable or a DTC may set if the
learned values do not match the actual airflow.
Conditions for Running the Throttle
2191364 Learn Procedure
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
Reset Procedure
3. Install the 2 ignition coil bolts (1)and tighten to
8N-m(71lbin). . DTCs P0068,P0101,P0102,P0103,P0106,
P2135,P2138,or P2176are not set.
- ignition ON, engine OFF.
- The vehicle speed sensor (VSS) is
0 km/h (0 mph).

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 2 1.4L (LUV) 92279
Learn Procedure Spark Plug Inspection
- DTCs P0068,P0101,P0102,P0103,P0106,
P0107,P0108,P0116,P0117,P0118,P0120, Spark Plug Usage
P0122,P0123,P0128,P0171,P0172,P0174, 1. Ensure that the correct spark plug is installed. An
P0175,P0201,P0202,P0203,P0204,P0205, incorrect spark plug causes driveability conditions.
P0352,P0353,P0496,P0601,P0604,P0606, 2. Ensure that the spark plug has the correct heat
P060D,P0641,P0651,P1516,P2101,P2119, range. An incorrect heat range causes the
P2120,P2122,P2123,P2125,P2127,P2128, following conditions:
P2135,P2138,or P2176are not set. - Spark plug fouling—Colder plug
- The engine speed is between 450—4,000 RPM. - Pre—ignitioncausing spark plug and/or engine
- The manifold absolute pressure (MAP)is greater damage—Hotter plug
than 5 kPa. Spark Plug Inspection
- The mass air flow (MAF)is greater than 2 g/s.
- The ignition voltage is greater than 10 volts.
Throttle Learn
Reset Procedure (Performed after the throttle body
is cleaned or replaced)
1. IgnitionON, engine OFF, perform the Idle Learn
Reset in Module Setup with a scan tool.
2. Start the engine and monitor the TB IdleAirflow
Compensation parameter. The TB Idle Airflow
Compensation value should equal 0 percent and
the engine should be idling at a normal idle speed.
3. Clear the DTCs and return to the diagnostic that
referred you here.
Learn Procedure (Performed after the ECM is
flashed or replaced)
> g.
Note: Do NOT perform this procedure if DTCs are set.
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)List - Vehicle
on page 6-69.
1. Start and idle the engine for 3 minutes.
2. With a scan tool, monitor the Desired Idle Speed
and the actual Engine Speed. 1. Inspect the terminal post (1)for damage.
3. The ECM will start to learn the new idle cells and - inspect for a bent or broken terminal post (1).
Desired Idle Speed should start to decrease. - Test for a loose terminal post (1) by twisting and
4. Ignition OFF for 60 seconds. pulling the post. The terminal post (1) should
5. Start and idle the engine for 3 minutes. NOT move.
6. After the 3 minute run time the engine should be
idling normal.
Note: During the drive cycle the check engine light
may come on with idle speed DTCs. If idle speed codes
are set, clear codes so the ECM can continue to learn.
:> Ifthe engine idle speed has not been learned
the vehicle will need to be driven at speeds l
above 70 km/h (44 mph) with several
decelerations and extended idles.
7. After the drive cycle, the engine should be idling
=>if the engine idle speed has not been learned, 4\ 3
turn OFF the ignition for 60 seconds and repeat
step 6.
8. Once the engine speed has returned to normal,
clear DTCs and return to the diagnostic that > <
referred you here.


9=280 EMIe Controls/Fuel - 1.41.(LUV)
2. Inspect the insulator (2)for flashover or carbon 4. Inspect for evidence of improper arcing.
tracking, soot. This is caused by the electrical o Measure the gap between the center
charge traveling across the insulator (2) between electrode (4) and the side electrode (3)
the terminal post (1) and ground. Inspect for the terminals. An excessively wide electrode gap
following conditions: can prevent correct spark plug operation.
- Inspect the spark plug boot for damage. Inspect for the correct spark plug torque.
~ Inspect the spark plug recess area of the Insufficient torque can prevent correct spark
cylinder head for moisture, such as oil, coolant, plug operation. An over torqued spark plug,
or water. A spark plug boot that is saturated causes the insulator (2) to crack.
causes arcing to ground. Inspect for signs of tracking that occurred near
the insulator tip instead of the center
electrode (4).
0 Inspect for a broken or worn side electrode (3).
Inspect for a broken, worn, or loose center
electrode (4) by shaking the spark plug.
5. A rattling sound indicates internal damage.
6. A loose center electrode (4) reduces the spark
Inspect for bridged electrodes (3,4).Deposits
on the electrodes (3,4) reduce or eliminates
the gap. -
Inspect for worn or missing platinum pads on
the electrodes (3,4) Ifequipped.
Inspect for excessive fouling.
Inspect the spark plug recess area of the
cylinder head for debris. Dirty or damaged
threads can cause the spark plug not to seat
correctly during installation.
Spark Plug Visual Inspection
622528 1. Normal operation—Brown to grayish—tanwith small
amounts of white powdery deposits are normal
3. Inspect the insulator (2) for cracks. All or part of the combustion by—productsfrom fuels with additives.
electrical charge may are through the crack instead
of the electrodes (3,4). 2. Carbon Fouled—Dry, fluffy black carbon, or soot
caused by the following conditions:
Rich fuel mixtures
Leaking fuel injectors
Excessive fuel pressure
Restricted air filter element
Incorrect combustion
Reduced ignition system voltage output
Weak coils
Worn ignition wires
incorrect spark plug gap
Excessive idling or slow speeds under light
loads can keep spark plug temperatures so low
that normal combustion deposits may not
burn off.
Deposit Fouling—Oil, coolant, or additives that
< include substances such as silicone, very white
coating, reduces the spark intensity.Most
. powdery deposits will not effect spark intensity
unless they form into a glazing over the

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel - 'l.4L (LUV) 9-281
Spark Plug Replacement

Spark Plug Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Openthehood.
2. Removetheenginesightshield.
3. Removetheignitioncoil.Referto IgnitionCoil Replacementonpage 9—277.
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
1 25N-m(18|bft)
Special Tools
EN-194—E SparkPlug Remover
Forequivalentregionaltools,referto Special Tools(DiagnosticTools)onpage 9-308.

9:282 Ehgine Controls/Fuel , 1.4L (LUV)

Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid

Valve Replacement

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the air cleaner assembly. Refer to Air
C/eanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9-290.

6. Carefully rotate the intake camshaft position
actuator solenoid valve (1) counter clockwise as
7. Carefully rotate the exhaust camshaft position
actuator solenoid valve (2) clockwise as shown.


2. Disconnect the intake camshaft position actuator

solenoid valve wiring harness plug (3).
3. Disconnect the exhaust camshaft position actuator
solenoid valve wiring harness plug (2).
4. Unclip ECM wiring harness (1)fromcamshaft

Caution: The camshaft position actuator solenoid
valves must be kept parallel to the engine front cover
during removal and installation. The camshaft position
actuator solenoid valves can be damaged if they
become wedged or stuck during this process.
8. Carefully remove the 2 camshaft position actuator
solenoid valves (2) and the seal rings (1).


5. Remove the 4 camshaft position actuator solenoid

valve bolts (1).

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV) 9=283
Installation Procedure

3. The 2 camshaft position actuator solenoid valves
2191796 should be installed in the position as
Caution: The camshaft position actuator solenoid shown (1) and (2).
valves must be kept parallel to the engine front cover
during removal and installation. The camshaft position
actuator solenoid valves can be damaged it they
become wedged or stuck during this process.
Note: Lubricate the seal rings with oil in order to make
the installation easier.
1. Carefully install the 2 camshaft position actuator
solenoid valves (2) and the 2 seal rings (1) by
gently pressing into position.

. Clip ECM wiring harness (1)to camshaft cover.
. Connect the exhaust camshaft position actuator
solenoid valve wiring harness plug (2).
. Connect the intake camshaft position actuator
solenoid valve wiring harness plug (3).
. Install the air cleaner assembly. Refer to Air
C/eanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9—290.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2. install the 4 camshaft position actuator solenoid
valve bolts (1)and tighten to 8N-m(71 lb in).

9—284 Engine Controls/Fuel , 1.4L (LUV)

Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement


Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
Raise andsupportthe vehicle.Referto LiftingandJackingtheVehicleon page 1-31
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
8 N-m(71lbin)
2 1. Disconnectthe electricalconnector.
2. Afterreplacementof crankshaftpositionsensor,use a scan tooltospeed uplearnfunction.Referto Engine
ControlModuleProgrammingandSetupon page 6-7.
3 CrankshaftPositionSensorSeal Ring

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV) 9:285

Camshaft Position Sensor Installation Procedure


Removal Procedure
1. Remove the air cleaner assembly. Refer to Air
CleanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9—290.

x...“ 5.a “ 1’

1:24 ..
Mfi€@ \ \ . .

24% V ,2

§>§ \xx N” =‘y-\ 3

Note: Graphic shows exhaust camshaft position
sensor. Use same procedure for Intake camshaft
position sensor.
1. Install the camshaft position sensor (2) and the
2191800 seal ring (1).
Note: Graphic shows exhaust camshaft position Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8
sensor. Use same procedure for Intake camshaft 2. Install the camshaft position sensor bolt (3) and
position sensor. tighten to 8N-m(71 lb in).
2. Disconnect the camshaft position sensor wiring
harness plug (1).

M ”f .7
s.\\ 1’". / 2191800
Note: Graphic shows exhaust camshaft position
2191799 sensor. Use same procedure for Intake camshaft
Note: Graphic shows exhaust camshaft position position sensor.
sensor. Use same procedure for intake camshaft 3. Connect the camshaft position sensor wiring
position sensor. harness plug (1).
3. Remove the camshaft position sensor bolt (3). 4. Install the air Cleaner assembly. Refer to Air
4. Remove the camshaft position sensor (2) and the C/eanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9-290.
seal ring (1).

9:286 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV)
5. After replacement of an camshaft position sensor,
use a scan tool to speed up learn function. Refer to
Engine Control Module Programming and Setup on
page 6-7

Knock Sensor Replacement

?-%C 4’

J" '--fi


Knock Sensor Replacement

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Disconnectbatterynegativecable.Referto BatteryNegativeCableDisconnectionandConnectiononpage 9-713.
2. Raise andsupportthevehicle.Referto Liftingand Jackingthe Vehicleonpage 1-31
KnockSensor Bolt
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
1 1. Disconnecttheelectricalconnector.
2. DO NOT mistaketheknocksensorelectricalconnectorwiththegeneratorelectricalconnector.
2 KnockSensor

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel "1.41—(LUV) 9’287
Air Cleaner Inlet Duct Replacement Installation Procedure

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the right front wheelhouse liner. Refer to
Front Wheelhouse Liner Replacement (Rear) on
page 3-151or Front Wheelhouse Liner
Replacement (Front) on page 3-150.



1. Attach the lower portion of the intake air duct (2) to
the upper duct (3).
2. Attach the lower portion of the intake air duct to the
rubber mounting grommet (1).
2. Remove the upper intake air duct plastic


3. Install the upper intake airduct plastic fastener (1)
to the body bracket.
2498133 4. Install the right front wheelhouse liner. Refer to
Front Wheelhouse Liner Replacement (Rear) on
3. Pull the lower portion of the intake air duct outward page 3-151or Front Wheelhouse Liner
to release the duct from the rubber mounting Replacement (Front) on page 3-150.
4. Pull downward to separate the lower portion of the
intake air duct (2) from the upper duct (3).

9=288 ELIgLine Controls/Fuel . 1.4lL (LUV)

Air Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement

a. l‘\


Air Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement

Callout Component Name
1 Air CleanerOutletDuctClamp
2 Air CleanerOutletDuctClamp
3 Air CleanerOutletDuct
Tip: Air cleaneroutletfrontductand air cleaneroutletrearductare one part.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel =1.4L (LUV) 9289
Air Cleaner Element Replacement
Removal Procedure

5. Remove the 5 air cleaner housing bolts (1).
6. Remove the air cleaner upper housing (2) from the
air cleaner lower housing (4).
7. Remove the air cleaner element (3).
1. Disconnect mass air flow sensor wiring harness
plug (2) from mass airflow sensor (3). Installation Procedure
2. Unclip mass airflow sensor wiring harness retainer
clip from air cleaner housing (1).

1. Installthe air cleaner element (3).
2. Installthe air cleaner upper housing (2) to the air
3. Remove the air cleaner outlet duct clamp (3). cleaner lower housing (4).
4. Remove the air cleaner outlet duct (2) from air Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
cleaner housing (1). 3. Installthe 5 air cleaner housing bolts (1).

9-290 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV)

2191547 2191533

4. Install the air cleaner outlet duct (2) to the air 6. Clip in mass air flow sensor wiring harness retainer
cleaner housing (1). clip to air cleaner housing (1).
5. install the air cleaner outlet duct clamp (3). 7. Connect the mass airflow sensor wiring harness
plug 2) to the mass air flow sensor (3).

Air Cleaner Assembly Replacement



2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel ‘ 1.4L (LUV) 9-291

Air Cleaner Assembly Replacement

Callout Component Name
Air CleanerOutletDuctClamp.
1 Procedure
Loosenclampandremoveaircleaneroutletductfromair cleanerassembly.
Mass FlowSensor
2 Procedure
3 Air CleanerAssembly

Charge Air Cooler Replacement

Charge Air Cooler Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Disconnectthenegativebatterycable.Referto BatteryNegativeCableDisconnectionandConnectiononpage 9-713.
2. Raise andproperlysupportthevehicle.Referto LiftingandJackingthe Vehicleonpage 1-31.
3. Removethefrontfascia.Referto FrontBumperFascia Replacementonpage3-55.
4. Disconnectthechargeair coolerinletductfromthechargeair cooler.Referto ChargeAir Cooler/nletAirHose
Replacementonpage 9—292.
5. Disconnectthechargeair cooleroutletfrontductfromthechargeaircooler.Referto ChargeAir CoolerOutletAirHose
Replacementonpage 9-293.
ChargeAir Cooler Fastener(Qty2)
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
10N-m(89lb in)

9-292 Eflgine Controls/Fuel =‘l.4L (LUV)

Charge Air Cooler Replacement (cont'd)

Callout Component Name
ChargeAir Cooler
2 Procedure
Pull thechargeair coolerupwardto releasethecoolerfromtherubbergrommets.
ChargeAir CoolerAir DeflectorFasteners(Qty2)
3 Procedure
Removethe chargeaircoolerairdeflectorfasteners.
4 ChargeAir CoolerAir Deflector

Charge Air Cooler Inlet Air Hose


Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9—713.
2. Remove the front bumperfascia. Referto Front
Bumper Fascia Replacement on page 3-55.

— /

\ 2552463
4. Unclip the retainer spring (1) at the charge air
cooler inlet.
5. Remove the charge air cooler inlet air hose (2)
13' from the charge air cooler (3) and remove the hose
< from the vehIcle.

3. Loosen the charge air cooler inlet air pipe clamp (1)
at the turbocharger outlet.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuel ‘ 'l.4L (LUV) 9—293

Installation Procedure Charge Air Cooler Outlet Air Hose


Removal Procedure
1. Remove the front bumper fascia. Refer to Front
Bumper Fascia Replacement on page 3-55.

1. Install the charge air cooler inlet air hose (2) to
charge air cooler(3).
2. Clip the in retainer spring (1).
2. Loosen the clamp (1) at the charge air cooler outlet
pipe (2) to throttle body (3).
-//U 3. Disconnect the intake air pressure and
temperature sensor harness connector.



3. install the charge air cooler inlet air pipe to the
turbocharger outlet.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
4. Tighten the clamp (1).
5. Install the front bumper fascia. Refer to Front 2552516
Bumper Fascia Replacement on page 3-55.
6. Connect the battery negative cable. Refer to 4. Remove the plastic fasteners (1) from the charge
Battely Negative Cable Disconnection and air cooler outlet air pipe to frame bracket (2).
Connection on page 9-713.

9-294 Engine Controls/Fuel =1.41.(LUV)

2552472 2552516

5. Unclip the retainer spring (1). 4. Install the plastic fasteners (1) to the charge air
cooler outlet air pipe to frame bracket (2).
6. Remove the charge air cooler outlet air hose (2)
from the charge air cooler (3).
7. Transfer parts as necessary.
Installation Procedure

5. Install the charge air cooler inlet air pipe to the
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
' . 6. Tighten the clamp (1).
1‘ Install the charge a" cooler outlet 3" hose (2) t0 7. Install the front bumperfascia. Refer to Front
charge a" cooler (3)' Bumper Fascia Replacement on page 3—55.
2. Clip the in retainer spring (1).
3. Connect the intake air pressure and temperature
sensor harness connector.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV) 9:295
Charge Air Bypass Regulator Solenoid Valve Replacement

I. %
4 ,9?

Charge Air Bypass Regulator Solenoid Valve Replacement
Callout l Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Disconnecttheradiatoroutlethosefromthewaterinlet.Referto WaterInletReplacement(LUW)onpage9-668or WaterInlet
ChargeAir BypassRegulatorSolenoidValve Fastener
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
2 ChargeAir BypassRegulatorSolenoidValve Hose (Qty:3)
ChargeAir Bypass RegulatorSolenoidValve
3 Procedure

9-296 Engine Controls/Fuel x1.4L (LUV)

Description and Operation

Camshaft Actuator System Description

Camshaft Actuator System Overview

(1) Camshaft Actuator Vane (9) Engine Oil Pressure Supply
(2) Timing Chain Sprocket (10) Engine Oil Drain
(3) Engine Oil Pressure-For retarding the (11) Engine Oil Pressure—Foradvancing the
camshaft camshaft
(4) Camshaft (12) Camshaft Actuator Rotor
(5) InputSignals from Engine Sensors (13) Camshaft Position Sensor Reluctor
(6) Engine Control Module (ECM) (14) Camshaft Actuator Lock Pin
(7) Camshaft Actuator Solenoid (15) CamshaftActuatorHousing
(8) Engine Oil Pump

The camshaft actuator system enables the engine The CMP actuator solenoid valve (7) is controlled by
control module (ECM)to change camshaft timing of all the ECM. The crankshaft position (CKP)sensor and the
4 camshafts while the engine is operating. The CMP sensors are used to monitor changes in camshaft
camshaft position (CMP)actuator assembly (15)varies positions. The ECM uses the following informationin
the camshaft position in response to directional order to calculate the desired camshaft positions:
changes in oil pressure. The CMP actuator solenoid Engine coolant temperature
valve controls the oil pressure that is applied to Calculated engine oil temperature (EOT)
advance or retard a camshaft. Modifying camshaft 0 Mass air flow (MAF)
timing under changing engine demand provides better
balance between the following performance concerns: Throttle position (TP)
- Engine power output Vehicle speed
- Fuel economy Volumetric efficiency
- Tailpipe emissions
2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV) 9-297
Operation Electronic Ignition System
The CMP actuator assembly has an outer housing that Description
is driven by an engine timing chain. Inside the
assembly is a rotorwith fixed vanes that is attached to Electronic Ignition System Operation
the camshaft. Oil pressure that is applied to the fixed
The electronic ignition system produces and controls
vanes will rotate a specific camshaft in relationship to
the high energy secondary spark. This spark ignites the
the crankshaft. The movement of the intake camshafts
compressed air/fuel mixture at precisely the correct
will advance the intake valve timing. The movement of
time, providing optimal performance, fuel economy, and
the exhaust camshafts will retard the exhaust valve
control of exhaust emissions. The engine control
timing. When oil pressure is applied to the return side of
module (ECM)collects information from the crankshaft
the vanes, the camshafts will return to 0 crankshaft
position sensor and the intake/exhaust camshaft
degrees, or top dead center (TDC).The CMP actuator
position sensors to determine the sequence, dwell, and
solenoid valve directs the oil flow that controls the
timing of the spark for each cylinder. The ECM
camshaft movement. The ECM commands the CMP
transmits a frequency signal to the ignition coil module
solenoid to move the solenoid plunger and spool valve
on the individual ignition control circuits to fire the spark
until oil flows from the advance passage (11).Oil
flowing thru the CMP actuator assembly from the CMP
solenoid advance passage applies pressure to the Crankshaft Position Sensor
advance side of the vanes in the CMP actuator
assembly. When the camshaft position is retarded, the The crankshaft position sensor is an externally
CMP actuator solenoid valve directs oil to flow into the magnetically biased digital output integrated circuit
CMP actuator assembly from the retard passage (3). sensing device. The sensor provides a pulse for each
The ECM can also command the CMP actuator magnetic pole of the encoder wheel on the crankshaft.
solenoid valve to stop oil flow from both passages in The sensor produces an ON/OFF DC voltage of varying
order to hold the current camshaft position. frequency, with 58 output pulses per crankshaft
revolution. The frequency of the sensor output depends
The ECM operates the CMP actuator solenoid valve by on the velocity of the crankshaft. The ECM uses sensor
pulse width modulation (PWM)of the solenoid coil. The signal pulse to determine crankshaft speed and
higher the PWM duty cycle, the larger the change in position to calculate the best timing for ignition and fuel
camshaft timing.The CMP actuator assembly also injection. The ECM also uses the crankshaft position
contains a lock pin (14)that prevents movement sensor information to control camshaft phasing and to
between the outer housing and the rotor vane detect cylinder misfire.
assembly. The lock pin is released by oil pressure
before any movement in the CMP actuator assembly. The ECM also has a dedicated replicated crankshaft
takes place. The ECM is continuously comparing CMP position sensor signal output circuit that may be used
sensor inputs with CKP sensor input in order to monitor as an input signal to other modules for monitoring
camshaft position and detect any system malfunctions. engine RPM.
Ifa condition exists in either the intake or exhaust The crankshaft position sensor is connected to the
camshaft actuator system, the opposite bank, intake or engine control module by the circuits listed below:
exhaust, camshaft actuator will default to 0 crankshaft - A 5 V reference circuit
- A low reference circuit
CMP Actuator System Operation - A signal circuit
Change in Crankshaft Encoder Wheel
Driving Camshaft The crankshaft encoder wheel is part of the crankshaft.
Condition Position Objective Result
The encoder wheel consists of 58 tooth and a reference
Minimize .. gap. Each tooth on the encoder wheel is spaced 6°
ldle No Change Valve Igltatghzecgj apart with a 12° space for the reference gap. The pulse
Overlap e pee from the reference gap is known as the sync pulse. The
Light Retarded Decrease Stabtled sync pulse is used to synchronize the ignition coil
EngineLoad ValveTiming va'Ve Eng” module firing sequence with the crankshaft position
Overlap Output while the other tooth provides cylinder location during a
BetterFuel revolution. ‘
Medium Advanced M65363e
EngineLoad ValveTiming Overla
withLower Camshaft Position Sensors
Emissions The intake and exhaust camshaft position sensors are
Lowto Improved each triggered by a notched reluctor wheel built onto
Medium Advanced infadkéacgfi/e Lowto the camshaft sprockets. The four signal pulses occur
RPM with ValveTiming Closin Mid-range every camshaft revolution. Each notch is a different
HeavyLoad 9 Torque size which is used to identify the compression stroke of
HighRPM Retard improved
with vgféatgfifi IntakeValve Engine
HeavyLoad 9 Closing Output

9-298 Engine Controis/Fuel =1.41. (LUV)

each cylinder and to enablesequential fuel injection. The ECM constantly monitors the information from
The camshaft position sensors are connected to the various sensors and other inputs, and controls the
ECM by the circuits listed below: systems that affect engine performance and emissions.
The ECM also performs diagnostic tests on various
- A 5 V reference circuit parts of the system and can turn on the MIL when it
- A low reference circuit recognizes an operational problem that affects
- A signal circuit emissions. When the ECM detects a malfunction, the
ECM stores a DTC. The condition area is identified by
Ignition Coil Module the particular DTC that is set. This aids the technician
in making repairs. ,
The ignition coil module integrates the 4 coils and the
ignition control module within a single sealed ECM Function
The ignition coil module has the following circuits: The ECM can supply 5 V or 12 V to various Sensors or
switches. This is done through pull—upresistors to
0 An ignition voltage circuit regulated power supplies within the ECM. ln some
- A ground cases, even an ordinary shop voltmeter will not give an
' A low reference Circuit accurate reading due to low input resistance.
Therefore, a digital multimeter (DMM)with at least
- 4 ignition coil control circuits 10 megaohms input impedance is required in order to
The ECM controls the individual coils by transmitting ensure accurate voltage readings.
timing pulses on the ignition coil control circuit to each The ECM controls the output circuits by controlling the
ignition coil to enable a spark event.
ground or the power feed circuit through transistors or a
The spark plugs are connected to each coil by a short device called an output driver module.
boot. The boot contains a spring that conducts the
spark energy from the coil to the spark plug. The spark EEPROM
plug electrode is coated with platinum for long wear and The electronically erasable programmable read only
higher efficiency. memory (EEPROM)is an integral part of the ECM. The
Engine Control Module (ECM) EEPROM contains program and calibration information
that the ECM needs in order to controlengine
The ECM controls all ignition system functions and operation.
constantly adjusts the spark timing. The ECM monitors
Special equipment, as well as the correct program and
information from various sensor inputs that include the
calibration for the vehicle, are required in order to
following: reprogram the ECM.
- The crankshaft position sensor
- The accelerator pedal position (APP) Data Link Connector (DLC)
- The manifold absolute pressure (MAP)sensor The data link connector (DLC)provides serial data
- The intake air temperature (IAT)sensor communication for ECM diagnosis. This connector
allows thetechnician to use a scan tool in order to
- The vehicle speed sensor (VSS) monitor various serial data parameters, and display
' The engine knock sensor DTC information. The DLC is located inside the driver's
- The engine coolant temperature (ECT)sensor compartment, underneath the instrument panel.
- The mass airflow (MAF)sensor Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MlL)
- The camshaft position sensors The malfunction indicator lamp (MIL)is inside the
instrument panel cluster (lPC).The MIL is controlled by
Engine Control Module Description the ECM and illuminates when the ECM detects a
The Engine Control Module (ECM) interacts with many condition that affects vehicle emissions.
emission related components and systems, and
ECM Service Precautions
monitors emission related components and systems for
deterioration. OBD ||diagnostics monitor the system The ECM, by design, can withstand normal current
performance and a diagnostic trouble code (DTC)sets draws that are associated with vehicle operations.
it the system performance degrades. The ECM is part However, care must be used in order to avoid
of a network and communicates with various other overloading any of these circuits. When testing for
vehicle control modules. opens or shorts, do not ground or apply voltage to any
Malfunction indicator lamp (MIL)operation and DTC of the ECM circuits unless the diagnostic procedure
storage are dictated by the DTC type. A DTC is ranked instructs you to do so. These circuits should only be
as a Type A or Type B if the DTC is emissions related. tested with a DMM unless the diagnostic procedure
Type C is a non—emissionsrelated DTC. instructs othenNise.
The ECM is the control center of the engine controls
system. Review the components and wiring diagrams
in order to determine which systems are controlled by
the ECM.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV) 9=299
Emissions Diagnosis For State IIM Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Damage
Programs Note: In order to prevent possible electrostatic
This OBD ll equipped vehicle is designed to diagnose discharge damage to the ECM, DO NOT touch the
any conditions that could lead to excessive levels of the connector pins on the ECM.
following emissions: The electronic components that are used in the control
- Hydrocarbons (HC) systems are often designed to carry very low voltage.
- Carbon monoxide (CO) These electronic components are susceptible to
damage caused by electrostatic discharge. Less than
~ Oxides of nitrogen (NOX) 100 V of static electricity can cause damage to some
- Evaporative emission (EVAP)system losses electronic components. By comparison, it takes as
Should this vehicle's on-board diagnostic system much as 4,000V for a person to even feel a static
(ECM)detect a condition that could result in excessive discharge.
emissions, the ECM turns ON the MIL and stores a There are several ways for a person to become
DTC that is associated with the condition. statically charged. The most common methods of
charging are by friction and by induction. An example of
Aftermarket (Add-On) Electrical And charging by friction is a person sliding across a
Vacuum Equipment car seat.
Caution: Do not attach add—onvacuum operated Charging by induction occurs when a person with well
equipment to this vehicle. The use of add—onvacuum insulated shoes stands near a highly charged object
equipment may result in damage to vehicle and momentarily touches ground. Charges of the same
components or systems. polarity are drained off leaving the person highly
charged with the opposite polarity.Static charges can
Caution: Connect any add—onelectrically operated cause damage, therefore, it is important to use care
equipment to the vehicle's electrical system at the 12 V when handling and testing electronic components.
battery (power and ground) in order to prevent damage
to the vehicle. Emissions Control Information Label
Aftermarket, add-on, electrical and vacuum equipment The underhood Vehicle Emissions Control Information
is defined as any equipment installed on a vehicle after Label contains important emission specifications. This
leaving the factory that connects to the vehicle's identifies the year, the displacement of the engine in
electrical or vacuum systems. No allowances have liters, and the class of the vehicle.
been made in the vehicle design for this type of
equipment. This label is located in the engine compartment of
every General Motors vehicle. lfthe label has been
Add-on electrical equipment, even when installed to removed, it can be ordered from GM service parts
these strict guidelines, may still cause the powertrain operations (GMSPO).
system to malfunction. This may also include
equipment not connected to the vehicle electrical
system, such as portable telephones and radios.
Therefore, the first step in diagnosing any powertrain
condition is to eliminate all of the aftermarket electrical
equipment from the vehicle. After this is done, if the
problem still exists, the problem may be diagnosed in
the normal manner.

9,300 Ergne Controls/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV)

Evaporative Emission Control System Description

Typical Evaporative Emission (EVAP) System Hose Routing Diagram


(1) Evaporative Emissions (EVAP)Purge (8) Fuel Tank

Solenoid Valve (9) EVAP Canister Vent Solenoid Valve
(2) EVAP Canister (10) Vent hose
(3) EVAP Vapor Tube (11) EVAP Purge Tube
(4) Vapor Recirculation Tube (12) Purge Tube Check Valve, Turbo-Charged
(5) Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Applications Only
(6) Fuel Filler Cap (Some Vehicles May Have A (13) EVAP Canister Purge Tube Connector
Capless Design)
(7) Fuel Fill Pipe InletCheck Valve

Operation through the vent hose and EVAP vent solenoid valve to
EVAP System the atmosphere. The EVAP canister stores the fuel
The evaporative emission (EVAP)control system limits vapors until the engine is able to use them. At an
fuel vapors from escaping into the atmosphere. Fuel appropriate time, the engine control module (ECM)will
tank vapors are allowed to move from the fuel tank, due command the EVAP purge solenoid valve ON, allowing
to pressure in the tank, through the EVAP vapor tube, engine vacuum to be applied to the EVAP canister.
into the EVAP canister. Carbon in the canister absorbs With the normally open EVAP vent solenoid valve OFF,
and stores the fuel vapors. Excess pressure is vented
2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.4L (LUV) 94301
fresh air is drawn through the vent solenoid valve and EVAP System Components
the vent hose to the EVAP canister. Fresh air is drawn
through the canister, pulling fuel vapors from the The EVAP system consists of the following
carbon. The air/fuelvapor mixture continues through components:
the EVAP purge tube and EVAP purge solenoid valve EVAP Purge Solenoid Valve
into the intake manifold to be consumed during normal
combustion. The ECM uses several tests to determine The EVAP purge solenoid valve controls the flow of
if the EVAP system is leaking or restricted. vapors from the EVAP system to the intake manifold.
The purge solenoid valve opens when commanded ON
Purge Solenoid Valve Leak Test by the ECM. This normally closed valve is pulse width
modulated (PWM)by the ECM to precisely control the
Ifthe EVAP purge solenoid valve does not seal properly
flow of fuel vapor to the engine. The valve will also be
fuel vapors could enterthe engine at an undesired time,
opened during some portions of the EVAP testing when
causing driveability concerns. The ECM tests for this by the engine is running, allowing engine vacuum to enter
commanding the EVAP purge solenoid valve OFF and the EVAP system.
the vent solenoid valve ON which seals the system.
With the engine running, the ECM then monitors the Purge Tube Check Valve
fuel tank pressure (FTP)sensor for an increase in Turbocharged vehicles have a check valve in the purge
vacuum. The ECM will log a fault if a vacuum develops tube between the EVAP purge solenoid valve and the
in the tank under these test conditions. EVAP canister to prevent pressurization of the EVAP
Large Leak Test system under boost conditions. Note that the presence
of this one-way check valve prevents pressure testing
This diagnostic creates a vacuum condition in the the EVAP system for leaks at the EVAP canister purge
EVAP system. When the enabling criteria has been tube connector.
met, the ECM commands the normally open EVAP vent
solenoid valve closed and the EVAP purge solenoid EVAP Canister
valve open, creating a vacuum in the EVAP system. The canister is filled with carbon pellets used to absorb
The ECM then monitors the FTP sensor voltage to and store fuel vapors. Fuel vapor is stored in the
verify that the system is able to reach a predetermined canister until the ECM determines that the vapor can be
level of vacuum within a set amount of time. Failure to consumed in the normal combustion process.
achieve the expected level of vacuum indicates the
presence of a large leak in the EVAP system or a Vapor Recirculation Tube
restriction in the purge path. The ECM will log a fault if it A vapor path between the fuel fill pipe and the vapor
detects a weaker than expected vacuum level under tube to the carbon canister is necessary for Vehicle
these test conditions. Onboard Diagnostics to fully diagnose the EVAP
system. Italso accommodates service diagnostic
Canister Vent Restriction Test procedures by allowing the entire EVAP system to be
Ifthe EVAP vent system is restricted, fuel vapors will diagnosed from either end of the system.
not be properly purged from the EVAP canister. The
ECM tests this by commanding the EVAP purge Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor
solenoid valve ON while commanding the EVAP vent The FTP sensor measures the difference between the
solenoid valve OFF, and then monitoring the FTP pressure or vacuum in the fuel tank and outside air
sensor for an increase in vacuum. Ifthe vacuum pressure. The ECM provides a 5 V reference and a
increases more than the expected amount, in a set ground to the FTP sensor. Depending on the vehicle,
amount of time, a fault will be logged by the ECM. the sensor can be located in the vapor space on top of
the fuel tank, in the vapor tube between the canister
Small Leak Test and the tank, or on the EVAP canister. The FTP sensor
The engine off natural vacuum diagnostic is the provides a signal voltage back to the ECM that can vary
smalI-Ieakdetection diagnostic for the EVAP system. between 0.1—4.9 V. A high FTP sensor voltage
The engine off natural vacuum diagnostic monitors the indicates a low fuel tank pressure or vacuum. A low
EVAP system pressure with the ignition OFF. Because FTP sensor voltage indicates a high fuel tank pressure.
of this, it may be normal for the ECM to remain active Fuel Fill Pipe Check Valve
for up to 40 min after the ignition is turned OFF. This is
importantto remember when performing a parasitic The check valve on the fuel fill pipe is there to prevent
draw test on vehicles equipped with engine off natural spit-back during refueling.
vacuum. EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve
When the vehicle is driven, the temperature rises in the
The EVAP vent solenoid valve controls fresh airflow
tank due to heat transfer from the exhaust system. After
into the EVAP canister. The valve is normally open. The
the vehicle is parked, the temperature in the tank
canister vent solenoid valve is closed only during EVAP
continues to rise for a period of time, then starts to
system tests performed by the ECM.
drop.The engine off natural vacuum diagnostic relies
on this temperature change, and the corresponding Fuel Fill Cap
pressure change in a sealed system, to determine if an The fuel fill cap is equipped with a seal and a vacuum
EVAP system leak is present.
relief valve.
The engine off natural vacuum diagnostic is designed
to detect leaks as small as 0.51mm (0.020in).

9=302 Engine Controls/Fuel , 1.4L (LUV)
Capless Fuel Fill FueITank
Some vehicles may have a capless fuel fill design The fuel tank stores the fuel supply. The fuel tank is
behind a locking fuel door.There is no fuel fill cap to located in the rear of the vehicle. The fuel tank is held in
remove. One just fully inserts the fuel nozzle into the fill place by 2 metal straps that are attached to the
neck, making sure it latches before refueling. Flapper underbody. The fuel tank is molded from high-density
valves close to seal this interface once the fill nozzle is polyethylene.
Fuel Filler Cap
Fuel System Description The fuel fill pipe has a tethered fuel filler cap.
A torque-Iimitingdevice prevents the cap from being
Fuel System Overview overtightened. To install the cap, turn the cap clockwise
The fuel system is an electronic returnless on-demand until the cap clicks audibly. This indicates thatthe cap is
design. A returnless fuel system reduces the internal correctly torqued and fully seated.
temperature of the fuel tank by not returning hot fuel Fuel Tank Fuel Pump Module
from the engine to the fuel tank. Reducing the internal
temperature of the fuel tank results in lower evaporative The fuel tank fuel pump module consists of the
emissions. following components:
The fuel tank stores the fuel supply. An electric turbine - The fuel level sensor
style fuel pump attaches to the fuel tank fuel pump ' The fuel pump
module inside the fuel tank. The fuel pump supplies fuel ' The fuel strainer
through the fuel feed pipe to the fuel injection system.
The fuel tank fuel pump module contains a reverse flow ' The pressure relief regulator valve
check valve. The check valve maintains fuel pressure ° The jet pump
in the fuel feed pipe and the fuel rail in order to prevent
long cranking times. Fuel Level Sensor
The fuel level sensor consists of a float, a wire float
Electronic Returnless Fuel System arm. and a ceramic resistor card. The position of the
The electronic returnless fuel system is a float arm indicates the fuel level. The fuel level sensor
microprocessor controlled fuel delivery system which contains a variable resistor which changes resistance
transports fuel from the tank to the fuel rail. Itfunctions in correspondence with the position of the float arm.
as an electronic replacement for a traditional, The ECM sends the fuel level signal via a High Speed
mechanical fuel pressure regulator. A pressure relief CAN-Bus signal to the body control module (BCM).The
regulator valve within the fuel tank provides an added BCM then sends the information via a Low Speed
measure of over pressure protection. Desired fuel CAN-Bus signal to the instrument cluster to display the
pressure is commanded by the engine control module fuel level. When the fuel level falls below 11%the
(ECM),and transmitted to the fuel pump flow control instrument cluster illuminates the low fuel level
module via a GMLAN serial data message. A liquid fuel indicator. The ECM also monitors the fuel level input for
pressure sensor provides the feedback the fuel pump various diagnostics.
flow control module requires for Closed Loop fuel
pressure control. Fuel Pump
The fuel pump is mounted in the fuel tank fuel pump
Fuel Pump Flow Control Module module reservoir. The fuel pump is an electric pump.
The fuel pump flow control module is a serviceable Fuel is pumped to the fuel injection system at a
GMLAN module. The fuel pump flow control module pressure that is based on feedback from the fuel
receives the desired fuel pressure message from the pressure sensor. The fuel pump delivers a constant
engine control module (ECM)and controls the fuel flow of fuel even during low fuel conditions and
pump located within the fuel tank to achieve the desired aggressive vehicle maneuvers. The fuel pump flex pipe
fuel pressure. The fuel pump flow control module sends acts to dampen the fuel pulses and noise generated by
a 25 kHz PWM signal to the fuel pump, and pump the fuel pump.
speed is changed by varying the duty cycle of this
signal. Maximum current supplied to the fuel pump is Fuel Strainer
15 A. A liquid fuel pressure sensor provides fuel The fuel strainer is attached to the lower end of the fuel
pressure feedback to the fuel pump flow control tank fuel pump module. The fuel strainer is made of
module. woven plastic. The functions of the fuel strainer are to
filter contaminants and to wick away fuel. Normally, the
Fuel Pressure Sensor fuel strainer does not require maintenance. Fuel
The fuel pressure sensor is a serviceable 5 V, 3-pin stoppage at this point indicates that the fuel tank
device. Itis located on the fuel feed line forward of the contains an abnormal amount of sediment or
fuel tank, and receives power and ground from the fuel contamination.
pump flow control module through a vehicle wiring
harness. The sensor provides a fuel pressure signal to Jet Pump
the fuel pump flow control module, which is used to The jet pump is located in the fuel tank fuel pump
provide Closed Loop fuel pressure control. module. Fuel pump flow loss, caused by vapor
expulsion in the pump inlet chamber, is diverted to the

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel , 1.4L (LUV) 9-303
jet pump through a restrictive orifice located on the tip. Fuel from the injector tip is directed at the intake
pump cover. The jet pump fills the reservoir of the fuel valve, causing the fuel to become further atomized and
tank fuel pump module. vaporized before entering the combustion chamber.
This fine atomization improves fuel economy and
Pressure Relief Regulator Valve emissions.
The pressure relief regulator valve replaces the typical
fuel pressure regulator used on a mechanical Fuel Metering Modes of Operation
returnless fuel system. The pressure relief regulator The ECM monitors voltages from several sensors in
valve is closed during normal vehicle operation. The order to determine how much fuel to feed to the engine.
pressure relief regulator valve is used to vent pressure The ECM controls the amount of fuel delivered to the
during hot soaks and also functions as a fuel pressure engine by changing the fuel injector pulse width. The
regulator in the event of the fuel pump flow control fuel is delivered under one of several modes.
module defaulting to 100%pulse width modulation
(PWM)of the fuel pump.Due to variation in the fuel Starting Mode
system pressures, the opening pressure for the The ECM supplies voltage to the fuel pump control
pressure relief regulator valve is set higher than the module when the ECM detects that the ignition is ON.
pressure that is used on a mechanical returnless fuel The voltage from the ECM to the fuel pump control
system pressure regulator. module remains active for 2 3, unless the engine is in
Crank or Run.While this voltage is being received, the
Nylon Fuel Pipes
fuel pump control module closes the ground switch of
Warning: Refer to Fuel and Evaporative Emission the fuel tank fuel pump module and also supplies a
Pipe Warning on page 0-4. varying voltage to the fuel tank fuel pump module in
Nylon pipes are constructed to withstand maximum fuel order to maintain the desired fuel line pressure. The
system pressure, exposure to fuel additives, and ECM calculates the air/fuel ratio based on inputs from
changes in temperature. the engine coolant temperature (ECT), manifold
absolute pressure (MAP),mass air flow (MAF),and
Heat resistant rubber hose or corrugated plastic conduit throttle position sensors. The system stays in starting
protect the sections of the pipes that are exposed to mode until the engine speed reaches a
chafing, high temperature, or vibration. predetermined RPM.
Nylon fuel pipes are somewhat flexible and can be
shaped around gradual turns under the vehicle. Clear Flood Mode
However, if nylon fuel pipes are forced into sharp lfthe engine is flooded with fuel during starting and will
bends, the pipes may kink and restrict the flow of fuel. not start, the clearflood mode can be manually
Also, once exposed to fuel, nylon pipes may become enabled. To enable Clear Flood Mode, press the
stiffer and are more likely to kink if bent too far. accelerator to wide open throttle (WOT).The ECM will
Exercise special care when working on a vehicle with completely turn OFF the fuel injectors and will maintain
nylon fuel pipes. this mode as long as the ECM detects a WOT condition
with engine speed below a predetermined value.
Quick-Connect Fittings
Nylon fuel pipes are somewhat flexible and can be Run Mode
shaped around gradual turns under the vehicle. The run mode has 2 conditions called Open Loop and
However, if nylon fuel pipes are forced into sharp Closed Loop.When the engine is first started and the
bends, the pipes may kink and restrict the flow of fuel. engine speed is above a predetermined RPM,the
Also, once exposed to fuel, nylon pipes may become system begins Open Loop operation. The ECM ignores
stiffer and are more likely to kink if bent too far. the signal from the heated oxygen sensor (H023).The
Exercise special care when working on a vehicle with ECM calculates the air/fuel ratio based on inputs from
nylon fuel pipes. the engine coolant temperature (ECT), manifold
absolute pressure (MAP),mass air flow (MAF),and
Fuel Rail Assembly throttle position sensors. The system stays in Open
The fuel rail assembly is attached to the engine intake Loop until meeting the following conditions:
manifold. The fuel rail assembly performs the following - The H028 has varying voltage output, showing
functions: that the H028 is hot enough to operate properly.
- Positions the injectors in the intake manifold 0 The ECT sensor is above a specified temperature.
- Distributes fuel evenly to the injectors - A specific amount of time has elapsed after
Fuel Injectors starting the engine.
Specific values for the above conditions exist for each
The fuel injector assembly is a solenoid device different engine, and are stored in the electrically
controlled by the ECM that meters pressurized fuel to a erasable programmable read—onlymemory (EEPROM).
single engine cylinder. The ECM energizes the The system begins Closed Loop operation after
high-impedance, 12 Q, injector solenoid to open a ball reaching these values. In Closed Loop, the ECM
valve, normally closed. This allows fuel to flow into the calculates the air/fuel ratio, injector ON time, based
top of the injector,past the ball valve, and through a upon the signal from various sensors, but mainly from
director plate at the injector outlet. The director plate the H028. This allows the air/fuel ratio to stay very
has machined holes that control the flow of fuel, close to 14.721.
generating a spray of finely atomized fuel at the injector

9304 Engine Controls/Fuel , 1.4L (LUV)

Acceleration Mode signal. The ideal fuel trim values are around 0 percent
for both short and long term fuel trim.A positive fuel
When the driver pushes on the accelerator pedal, air trim value indicates the ECM is adding fuel in order to
flow into the cylinders increases rapidly. To prevent compensate for a lean condition by increasing the
possible hesitation, the ECM increases the pulse width pulse width. A negative fuel trim value indicates that the
to the injectors to provide extra fuel during acceleration. ECM is reducing the amount of fuel in order to
This is also known as power enrichment. The ECM compensate for a rich condition by decreasing the
determines the amount of fuel required based upon pulse width. A change made to the fuel delivery
throttle position, engine coolant temperature (ECT), changes the long and short term fuel trim values. The
manifold absolute pressure (MAP),mass air flow short term fuel trim values change rapidly in response
(MAF),and engine speed. to the H028 signal voltage. These changes fine tune
Deceleration Mode the engine fueling. The long term fuel trim makes
coarse adjustments to fueling in order to re-center and
When the driver releases the accelerator pedal, air flow restore control to short term fuel trim.A scan tool can
into the engine is reduced. The ECM monitors the be used to monitor the short and long term fuel trim
corresponding changes in throttle position, mass air values. The long term fuel trim diagnostic is based on
flow (MAF),and manifold absolute pressure (MAP). an average of several ofthe long term speed load learn
The ECM shuts OFF fuel completely if the deceleration cells. The ECM selects the cells based on the engine
is very rapid, or for long periods, such as long, speed and engine load. it the ECM detects an
closed—throttlecoast—down.The fuel shuts OFF in order excessively lean or rich condition, the ECM will set a
to prevent damage to the catalytic converters. fuel trim diagnostic trouble code (DTC).
Battery Voltage Correction Mode
Knock Sensor System Description
When the battery voltage is low, the ECM compensates
for the weak spark delivered by the ignition system in CircuitlSystem Description
the following ways: The knock sensor system enables the engine control
' Increasing the amount of fuel delivered module (ECM)to control the ignition timingfor the best
- Increasing the idle RPM possible performance while protecting the engine from
- Increasing the ignition dwell time potentially damaging levels of detonation. The ECM
uses the knock sensor system to test for abnormal
Fuel Cutoff Mode engine noise that may indicate detonation, also known
as spark knock.
The ECM cuts OFF fuel from the fuel injectors when the
following conditions are met in order to protect the Sensor Description
powertrain from damage and improve driveability:
This knock sensor system uses one or two flat
- The ignition is OFF. This prevents engine run—on. response dual—wiresensors. The sensor uses piezo-
' The ignition is ON but there is no ignition electric crystal technology that produces an alternating
reference signal. This prevents flooding or current (AC)voltage signal of varying amplitude and
backfiring. frequency based on the engine vibration or noise level.
- The engine speed is too high, above red line. The amplitude and frequency are dependant upon the
- The vehicle speed is too high, above rated tire level of knock that the knock sensor detects. The ECM
speed. receives the knock sensor signal through 2 isolated
signal circuits.
- During an extended, high speed, closed throttle
coast down—This reduces emissions and Ifthe ECM has determined that knock is present, it will
increases engine braking. retard the ignition timing to attemptto reduce the knock.
The ECM is capable of controlling spark retard on an
- During extended deceleration, in order to prevent individual cylinder basis. The ECM will always try to
damage to the catalytic converters work back to a zero compensation level, or no spark
retard. knock sensor diagnostics are calibrated to
Fuel Trim detect faults with the knock sensor circuitry inside the
The ECM controls the air/fuel metering system in order ECM, the knock sensor wiring, or the knock sensor
to provide the best possible combination of driveability, voltage output. Some diagnostics are also calibrated to
fuel economy, and emission control. The ECM monitors detect constant noise from an outside influence such as
the heated oxygen sensor (H028)signal voltage while a loose/damaged component or excessive mechanical
in Closed Loop and regulates the fuel delivery by engine noise.
adjusting the pulse width of the injectors based on this

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuel : 1.4L (LUV) 9-305
Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) System Description

Accelerator Pedal Assembly

0 |/_P
APP Sensor1 —,
o APP Sensor2 (itequipped)

IgnitionVoltage —>

Cruise ControlSwitch- p

Throttle Body
0 TP Sensor1 (ifequipped)
0 TP Sensor2

o ThrottleActuator Motor 4-

The engine control module (ECM)is the control center - Minimum pedal value—At key—up,the ECM
for the throttleactuator control (TAC)system. The ECM updates the learned minimum pedal value.
determines the driver's intent based on input from the - Battery saver mode—After a predetermined time
accelerator pedal position sensors, then calculates the without engine RPM, the ECM commands the
appropriate throttleresponse based on the throttle Battery Saver mode. During the Battery Saver
position sensors. The ECM achieves throttle mode, the TAC module removes the voltage from
positioning by providing a pulse width modulated the motor control circuits, which removes the
voltage to the throttleactuator motor.The throttle blade current draw used to maintain the idle position and
is spring loaded in both directions, and the default allows the throttleto return to the spring loaded
position is slightly open. default position.
Modes Of Operation Reduced Engine Power Mode
Normal Mode When the ECM detects a condition with the TAC
system, the ECM may enter a reduced engine power
During the operation of the TAC system, several
mode. Reduced engine power may cause one or more
modes, or functions, are considered normal. The of the following conditions: '
following modes may be entered during normal
operations: - Acceleration limiting—The ECM will continue to
use the accelerator pedal for throttlecontrol,
- Minimum pedal value—At key—up,the ECM
however, the vehicle acceleration is limited.
updates the learned minimum pedal value.
- Limited throttle mode—The ECM will continue to
- Minimum throttleposition values—At key—up,the
use the accelerator pedal for throttle control,
ECM updates the learned minimum throttle
however, the maximum throttle opening is limited.
position value. Inorder to learn the minimum
throttle position value, the throttle blade is moved - Throttle default mode—The ECM will turn OFF the
to the Closed position. throttleactuator motor, and the throttlewill return
to the spring loaded default position.
- Ice break mode—lf the throttle blade is not able to
reach a predetermined minimum throttle position,
the ice break mode is entered. During the ice
break mode, the ECM commands the maximum
pulse width several times to the throttle actuator
motor in the closing direction.
9—306 EMF: Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV)

- Forced idle mode—The ECM will perform the

following actions:
—Limit engine speed to idle positioning the throttle
position, or by controlling the fuel and spark if
the throttle is turned OFF.
—Ignore the accelerator pedal input.
- Engine shutdown mode—The ECM will disable
fuel and de—energizethe throttle actuator.

Turbocharger System Description


Temperature Sensor
(1) Evaporative Emission (EVAP)Canister Vent (16) IntakeAir Pressure and
Solenoid Valve (17) Throttle Body
) EVAP Canister (18) Manifold Absolute Pressure
(19) Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor
(3) Non-Return Valve (ECT) Sensor
(4) EVAP Canister Purge Solenoid Valve (20) Engine Coolant Temperature
Engine Exhaust Manifold
(5) High Pressure Fuel Pump (21)
) Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid (22) Turbocharger
and 2
(7) Turbocharger Bypass Solenoid Valve (23) Heated Oxygen Sensor (H028)1
(8) Turbocharger Bypass Valve (24) Catalyst
(9) Mass Air Flow (MAF)/lntake Air Temperature (25) Crankshaft Position Sensor
(IAT)Sensor (25) Fuel Pump Module
(1O) Turbocharger Wastegate Regulator Solenoid (27) Accelerator Pedal
Valve , (28) Theft Deterrent
(11) Turbocharger Wastegate Diaphragm Valve (29) Data Link Connector (DLC)
(12) Camshaft Position Sensor (30,) Malfunction Indicator Lamp
(13) Ignition Coil/Module and Spark Plug (31) GMLAN Serial Data
(14) Fuel injector (32) Engine Control Module (ECM)
(15) Charge Air Cooler

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel =1.4L (LUV) 9-307
Turbocharger Description and When certain DTCs are set the ECM will limit the
amount of available boost pressure. Limiting boost
pressure is accomplished by the ECM controlling the
A turbocharger is a compressor that is used to increase wastegate actuator solenoid valve and maintaining the
the power output of an engine by increasing the mass duty cycle at 0 %.This means that the ECM will not
of the oxygen and therefore the fuel entering the actively close the wastegate during greater engine
engine. The BorgWamerTMduaI-scroll turbocharger is loads. The system at this point is limited to mechanical
mounted on the exhaust manifold and the lightweight boost. Mechanical boost means that the wastegate will
turbine is driven by the waste energy generated by the still move, but the amount of motion is limited by the
flow of the exhaust gases. The turbine is connected by mechanical properties of the return spring within the
a shaft to the compressor which is mounted in the diaphragm valve, the pneumatic properties of the
induction system of the engine. The compressor vanes actuator, and the physics of the exhaust gas flow in the
compress the intake air above atmospheric pressure, exhaust system.
thereby greatly increasing the density of the air entering The turbocharger wastegate diaphragm valve
the engine. assembly has a threaded rod and nut that connects the
The turbocharger incorporates a wastegate that is diaphragm of the valve to the wastegate. This rod is
controlled by the ECM, by means of a PWM solenoid, adjusted to BorgWarnerTMfactory specifications and is
to regulate the pressure ratio of the compressor. An not adjustable.
integral turbocharger bypass valve, controlled by the The following diagrams illustrate the turbocharger
ECM through a remotely mounted solenoid, is used to wastegate closed and open conditions:
prevent compressor surging and damage by opening
during abrupt closed throttleconditions. The bypass
valve opens during closed throttle deceleration Turbocharger Wastegate Closed
conditions, which allows the air to recirculate in the
turbocharger and maintain compressor speed. During a
wide open throttlecommand, the bypass valve closes
to optimize turbo response.
The turbocharger is connected to the engine oiling
system by a supply and drain tube and synthetic oil is
installed at the factory. Synthetic oil is required for its
friction-reducing capabilities and high-temperature
performance. There is a cooling system circuit in the
turbocharger that utilizes the engine coolant to further
reduce operating temperatures.
Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid
The wastegate valve opens and closes a bypass
passage beside the turbine wheel. A spiral spring
works in the closing direction while the pressure in the
diaphragm works in the opening direction. The ECM
supplies a PWM signal to the solenoid valve, which
then allows pressure from the turbo to come through.
When the pressure overcomes the spring force the
actuator rod begins to move, opening the wastegate
valve to a corresponding degree. The ECM changes 1964698
wastegate valve opening by varying the PWM signal, Legend
which regulates the turbine speed. (1) Turbocharger Wastegate Actuator Solenoid
At low loads, the wastegate valve is closed. All the Valve with Duty Cycle at 100 percent
exhaust gas then passes through the turbine. At high (2) Compressor
loads, the volume of exhaust gas is greater, which (3) Turbine
makes the turbine wheel rotate faster. This delivers a (4) ExhaustGas Pressure
greater air displacement to the engine.
(5) Spring Force
When the air displacement becomes so large that the (6) Turbocharger Wastegate Diaphragm Valve
current air mass per combustion cannot be controlled
with the throttlealone, the turbo must be regulated.
This is done by opening the wastegate valve so that
some of the exhaust gas passes through the
wastegate. Consequently, this gas does not contribute
to driving the turbine and the turbine speed will be
regulated so thatthe turbo air displacement will be

93308 Engine Controls/Fuel / (LUV)
4 1.41
Accelerator Pedal Released
Inorder to avoid pressure spikes in the intake manifold
Turbocharger Wastegate‘\0pen and unloading or overrunning the turbo, the ECM sends
a voltage signal to the bypass valve, which will then
open. The compressed air on the pressure side of the
turbo is led to the intake via the open valve. When the
pressure drops, the turbine speed can be kept relatively
high and the turbocharger is prevented from exceeding
the pump limit.
Charge Air Cooler
The turbocharger is supported by an air-to-air charge
air cooler system, which uses fresh air drawn through a
heat exchanger to reduce the temperature of the
warmer compressed air forced through the intake
system. Inletair temperature can be reduced by up to
100°C(180°F),which enhances performance. This is
due to the higher density of oxygen in the cooled air,
which promotes optimal combustion. The charge air
cooler is connected to the turbocharger and to the
throttle body by flexible ductwork that requires the use
of special high torque fastening clamps. Inorder to
prevent any type of air leak when servicing the
ductwork, the tightening specifications and proper
positioning of the clamps is critical, and must be strictly
1964696 adhered to.

Special Tools and Equipment

(1) Turbocharger Wastegate Actuator Solenoid
Valve with Duty Cycle at 0 percent
(2) Compressor Special Tools (Diagnostic Tools)
(3) Turbine
(4) Regulating Pressure Illustration Tool Number/Description
(5) ExhaustGas Pressure ,_.-_.
(6) Spring Force
(7) Turbocharger Wastegate Diaphragm Valve
The wastegate is completely closed at idle. All of the CH-34730-2C
exhaust energy is passing through the turbine. J—34730-2C
During normal operation, when wide open throttle is InjectorTestLamp
requested at lower engine speeds, the ECM commands
the wastegate solenoid with a duty cycle of 100 % to
minimize any turbo lag. During engine loads in the
middle and upper RPM ranges, the ECM commands 5390
the solenoid with a duty cycle of 65—80%.
Turbocharger Bypass Solenoid Valve
The turbocharger bypass valve prevents the turbo from
exceeding the pump limit at low flow and high pressure.
This occurs when the engine is running with a load and
the throttle suddenly closes. In this case, flow is almost J-39021-460
null and pressure is very high. This not only is Fuel InjectorTestAdapter
damaging to the turbocharger, but also generates noise
and decelerates turbine speed. The ECM supplies a
voltage signal to the solenoid valve output driver, which
regulates the open or closed valve position. 1633271
Accelerator Pedal Depressed
The bypass valve is closed. The force in the return
spring integrated in the valve presses the valve cone
against its seat in the turbo housing. The valve is
turned OFF.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel : 1.4L (LUV) 94309

Illustration Tool Number/Description Illustration Tool NumberlDescription

@’.N,_ . _ _ CH-47976-75
. FuelTankCap 30
J 41415Adapter Fuel injectorHarness
SouthAmerica—Use Local

845593 2088700

CH-42960-2 CH—48027
J-42960-2 Fuel PressureGauge
Fuel FlapperDoorHolder AESUK/ZlegtseLocal

332677 1738990

J-44175—A CH-48096
Fuel CompositionTester EVAP ServiceAccess
SouthAmerica—Use Local P06 T001

677554 1755444

CH-45004 EL-26792
J-45004 J-26792
FuelTankDrainHose HEl SparkTester
SouthAmerica—Use Local SouthAmerica—Use Local
Equivalent Equivalent

793709 5381

CH-47976 EL-38522-A
ActiveFuel injector J-38522-A
TGSter(AF1T) VariableSignal Generator

1825929 2239946

92310 Engne Controls/Fuel - 1.4L (LUV)

Illustration Tool NumberlDescription Illustration Tool NumberlDescription

EL-39021 EN-39021-210
_ ”9°21 J-39021-21O
Fuel Inlecgsge?” InjectorTesterAdapterBox

5380 16875

EL-39021-460 J—41413—A
J-39021-460 EvaporativeEmissions
Fuel injectorTestAdapter SystemTester(EEST)
SouthAmerica- UseLocal

1346201 2657852

igfi EVAPServicePortVent
J-42598-B Fitting
VehIcleData Recorder SouthAmerica—UseLocal

1463375 829198

EL-44603 EN-44602
J-44603 J—44602
InjectorTestLamp InjectorTestAdapter

1161158 649345

. EN—37287 E?
J-37287 ;
Fuel Adapters
LineShut—off ,1
13541 1402244

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel - l.4L (LUV) 9:311
illustration Tool Number/Description Illustration Tool Number/Description

GE-23738-A J-41413-SPT
J-23738-A HighIntensityWhiteLight
VacuumPump SouthAmerica—Use Local

5386 829182

EVAP Cap andPlug Kit
SouthAmerica—Use Local


94312 Engfle Controls/Fuel .. 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Temperature Versus Resistance - Intake

Specifications Air Temperature Sensor (Bosch Sensor)
Resistance Resistance
Temperature Minimum Maximum
Temperature Versus Resistance (ECT)
C°IF° Ohms Ohms
°c | °F I Ohms
Bosch IntakeAirTemperature(IAT)Sensor
—40/—40 36,595 42,717
140 284 50
-20/-4 12,947 14,744
126 258 75
-10/14 8,082 9,105
116 240 100
0/32 5,191 5,789
108 226 120
20l68 2,309 2,530
99 210 160
25/77 1,913 2,088
92 197 200
40/104 1,122 1,210
84 183 250
60/140 587 625
78 172 300
80/176 328 345
69 156 400
100/212 193 201
63 145 500
120/248 119 125
58 136 600
140/284 76 81
51 123 750
47 116 900
39 102 1200
Altitude Versus Barometric Pressure
33 91 1500
Barometric Barometric
29 84 1800 Pressure Pressure
24 75 2250 Altitude Measured Measured
Measured Altitude in inPounds
19 66 2800 in Measured Kilopascals PerSquare
15 59 3500 Meters (m) inFeet (ft) (kPa) Inch(psi)
9 48 4500 Determineyouraltitudebycontactinga localweather
5 41 5500
4,267 14,000 56—64 81—93
1 33 7000
3,962 13,000 58—66 8.4—9.6
—6 +22 9500
3,658 12,000 61—69 88—100
—9 +16 12000
3,353 11,000 64—72 9.3—10.4
—14 +7 16000
3,048 10,000 66—74 96—10]
—19 —2 21500
2,743 9,000 69—77 10.0—11.2
—24 -11 28500
2,438 8,000 71—79 103—115
-24 -11 31000
2,134 7,000 74—82 10.7—11.9
-27 -16 33000
1,829 6,000 77—85 11.2—12.3
~27 ~16 35000
1,524 5,000 80—88 11.6—12.8
—28 —18 39000
1,219 4,000 83—91 12.0—13.2
-30 —22 49000
914 3,000 87—95 12.6—13.8
~33 ~27 60000
610 2,000 90—98 131—142
—37 —34 70000
305 1,000 94—102 13.6—14.8
~40 —40 93000
0 0 SeaLevel 96—104 13.9—15.1
—305 —1,000 101—105 14.6—15.2

2013 (5377994)
Engije Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-313

Ignition System Specifications

Application Specification
IgnitionType ignitionCoil Module
Referto FastenerTighteningSpecifications(1.8L
SparkPlug Torque LUW andLWE)onpage 9-944or Fastener
TighteningSpecifications(1.6LLDE)onpage 9-941
SparkPlug Gap—All(ExceptLFH,LUW,and LWE) 0.8—0.9 mm(0031—0035 in)
SparkPlug Gap—LFH,LUW,and LWE 0.6-0.7mm(0024—0028 in)
SparkPlugType Referto ElectronicParts Catalogue

Fastener Tightening Specifications

Application Metric English
CamshaftPositionSensorFastener 6 N'm 54lb in
CrankshaftPositionSensorRetainingBolt 5 N-m 44 lb in
ignitionCoil Fasteners 9N-m 80lb in
EngineControlModuleFasteners 10Nm 89lb in
EngineCoolantTemperatureSensor , 20Nm 15lbft
EvaporativeEmissionCanisterBracketFasteners 10NW 89lb in
EvaporativeEmissionCanisterPurgeSolenoidFastener 5 N'm 44 lb in
ExhaustGas RecirculationValveFasteners 10Nm 89lb in
ExhaustGas RecirculationValvePipe Fasteners 6 N'm 59lb in
Fuel TankFiller Pipe BracketFasteners 9 N'm 89 lb in
Fuel Rail RetainingFasteners 10N-m 89 lb in
FuelTankStrapFasteners 22Nm 16lbft
Hose Clamps 4 NW 35lb in
KnockSensor Fastener 20NW 15lbft
ManifoldAbsolutePressureSensor Fastener 10NW 89 lb in
HeatedOxygenSensorFastener 42Wm 31 lbft
SparkPlugs 25Nm 18lb in
ThrottleBodyFasteners 9 N-m 80 lb in

Schematic and Routing Diagrams

9‘314 Engine Controls/Fuel .996 (LUW, LWE)
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9‘31 6 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)



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Engine Controls/Fuel - “1.8L(LUW, LWE) 9-319
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Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-323







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ControIs/Fuel : 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-325
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Engine ControIs/Fuel «1‘i.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-327

Diagnostic Information and Procedures

DTC P0010, P0013, or P2088-P2091

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
' Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0010: Intake Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Control Circuit
DTC P0013: Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Control Circuit
DTC P2088: Intake Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2089: Intake Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Control Circuit High Voltage
DTC P2090: Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2091: Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Control Circuit High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to High Short to Signal

Circuit Ground Resistance Open Voltage Performance
P0010, P0010,
CamshaftPositionActuatorSolenoidValve P0013, P0010, P0010, P0013, P0011 P0014
HighControl P2088, P0013 P0013 P2089, ’
P2090 P2091
CamshaftPositionActuatorSolenoidValve __ P0010, P0010, _ _
LowReference P0013 P0013

Circuit/System Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The camshaft position actuator system enables the The ECM detects that the commanded state of the
Engine Control Module (ECM) to change the timing of driver and the actual state of the control circuit do not
the camshafts while the engine is operating. The match for greater than 5 seconds.
Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve signal from
the ECM is pulse width modulated (PWM). The ECM Action Taken When the DTC Sets
controls the Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve DTCs P0010, P0013, P2088, P2089, P2090 and P2091
duty cycIe by controlling the amount of solenoid valve are type B DTCs.
ON time. The Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid
Valve controls the advance or the retard of each Conditions for Clearing the DTC
camshaft. The Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid DTCs P0010, P0013, P2088, P2089, P2090 and P2091
Vaive controls the oil flow that applies the pressure to are type B DTCs.
advance or retard the camshafts.
The ECM controls the Camshaft Position Actuator Diagnostic Aids
Solenoid Valve by supplinga 12 V pulse width Ifthe condition is intermittent,move the related
moduiated (PWM) signal. The ECM supplies a ground harnesses and connectors, with the engine operating,
to the low reference circuit. while monitoring the scan tool Circuit Test Status
parameters for the component. The Circuit Test Status
Conditions for Running the DTC
parameters change from OK or Not Run to Malfunction
° The ignitionvoltage is greater than 11V. if there is a condition with the circuit or a connection.
- The ignition switch is in the crank or run position.
Reference Information
- The ECM has commanded the Camshaft Position
Actuator Solenoid Valve ON. Schematic Reference
- The DTCs run continuously once the above Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314
conditions are met.
Connector End View Reference
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269

9-328 Engine ControIS/Fuel . "I.8L (LUW, LWE)
Description and Operation 6. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
Camshaft Actuator System Description on page 9-588 vehicle within the conditions that you observed
Electrical Information Reference from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
7. Verify the DTC does not set.
' Circuit Testing on page 11-526
=>If the DTC sets
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor Refer to Circuit/System Testing.
Connections on page 11-531 U If the DTC does not set
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 8. All OK.
DTC Type Reference Circuit/System Testing
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type 1. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
Definitions on page 6-68 disconnect the harness connector at the
appropriate Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator
Scan Tool Reference Solenoid Valve. Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool vehicle systems to power down.
information 2. Test for less than 5 Q between the low reference
circuit terminal1 and ground.
Circuit/System Verification
=>If 5 Q or greater
Note: Ifa crankshaft or camshaft position sensor DTC
is set, the Camshaft Position Actuator output control 2.1. IgnitionOFF.
will not function. 2.2. Disconnect the harness connector at the
K20 Engine Control Module.
1. Ignition ON.
2.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
2. Verify DTC P0335, P0336, P0340, and P0341 is Circuit end to end.
not set.
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
=>If any of the DTCs are set in the circuit.
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - =>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Vehicle on page 6-69 for further diagnosis. Module.
I) If none of the DTCs are set II If less than 5 Q
3. Verify the scan tool parameters listed below do not 3. IgnitionON.
display Malfunction:
Note: A test lamp must be used for this test. The
- Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve control circuit is pulled-up to a low current voltage, 1.5-
Control Circuit Open test status 3.5 V on the control circuit is normal.
- Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
Control Circuit High Voltage test status 4. Verify that a test lamp does not illuminate between
the control circuit terminal 2 and ground.
. Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
Control Circuit Low Voltage test status =>If the test lamp illuminates
=>If Malfunction is displayed 4.1. IgnitionOFF.
4.2. Disconnect the harness connector at the
Refer to Circuit/System Testing.
K20 Engine Control Module.
lf Malfunction is not displayed 4.3. IgnitionON.
:5: Engine idling at normal operating temperature. 4.4. Test for less than 1 V between the control
5. Verify the scan tool parameters listed below do not circuit and ground.
display Malfunction when commanding the =>lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
appropriate scan tool Camshaft Position Actuator
the circuit
from O—10°and back to 0° with a scan tool:
' Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve =>Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
Control Circuit Open test status Module
- Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve U If the test lamp does not illuminate
Control Circuit High Voltage test status .0“ Remove the test lamp.
- Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve 6. Connect the DMM black lead to the control circuit
Control Circuit Low Voltage test status terminal 2. Connect the DMM red lead to 8+. Set
=>If Malfunction is displayed the DMM on the diode setting. Command the CMP
actuator solenoid ON and OFF with a scan tool.
Refer to Circuit/System Testing.
U If Malfunction is not displayed

Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 94329
The DMM should transition from OL when 3. Test for 7-12 Q between the control terminal 2 and
commanded OFF to less than 1 V when the low reference circuitterminal1.
commanded ON. =>If not between 7-12 Q
If the circuit voltage does not correspond to the Replace the Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator
specified values Solenoid Valve.
6.1. IgnitionOFF.
U If between 7-12 Q
6.2. Disconnect the harness connector at the
4. Test for infinite resistance between each terminal
K20 Engine Control Module.
and theQ6 Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid
6.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end Valve housing.
to end.
=>If not infinite resistance
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
or short to ground in the circuit Replace the Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator
Solenoid Valve.
=>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Module U If infinite resistance
5. AllOK
If the circuit voltage corresponds to the
specified values Repair Instructions
7. Test or replace the appropriate Q6 Camshaft Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
Position Actuator Solenoid Valve. page 6—92after completing the repair.
Component Testing - Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
1 IgnitionOFF Replacement on page 9-1061
2. Disconnect the harness connector at the ' Control Control
Module Module
References on page 6‘3 for and
appropriate Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator Engine replacement, setup,
Solenoid Valve. programming

9-330 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0011 or P0014

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0011: Intake Camshaft Position System Performance
DTC P0014: Exhaust Camshaft Position System Performance
Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to High Short to Signal

Circuit Ground Resistance Open Voltage Performance
‘ P0010, P0010,
CamshaftPositionActuatorSolenoidValve P0013, P0010, P0010, P0013, P0011 P0014
HighControl P2088, P0013 P0013 P2089, ’
P2090 P2091
CamshaftPositionActuatorSolenoidValve _ P0010, P0010, __
LowReference P0013 P0013 _

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC

The camshaft position (CMP) actuator system enables DTCs P0011 and P0014 are Type B DTCs.
the engine control module (ECM) to change the timing
of the camshafts while the engine is operating. The Diagnostic Aids
camshaft position actuator solenoid valves are - The engine oil condition has a major impact on the
operated hydraulically in order to change the angle of camshaft actuator system.
the camshaft relative to crankshaft position. The - A low oil level condition may set this DTC. The
camshaft position actuator solenoid valves are engine may require an oil change. Inquirewith the
controlled by the engine control module (ECM). The customer when the last oil change was performed.
ECM sends a pulse width modulated signal to the You may also monitor the scan tool Engine Oil Life
camshaft position actuator solenoid valves. The Remaining parameter. Advise the customer an oil
camshaft position actuator solenoid valves control the change may be required.
amount of engine oil flow that applies the pressure to
advance or retard the camshafts. o Inspect the engine for any recent engine
mechanical repairs. An incorrectly installed
Conditions for Running the DTC camshaft, camshaft actuator, or timing belt can
- DTC P0010, P0013, P0016, P0017, P0335, cause this DTC to set.
P0340, P0341, P0365, or P0366 is not set. . A resistance greater than 8 Q on the camshaft
- The engine is running. position actuator solenoid valve control circuit may
set this DTC. Ifyou suspect high resistance,
- The ignition voltage is between 11—32V. ground the control circuit while the engine is idling.
- The camshaft position actuator is enabled. The scan tool Intake or Exhaust Camshaft
~ The rate of change in the camshaft position is less Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Control Circuit
than 3° for 4 s. Low Voltage Test Status should display
Malfunction. Ifthe parameter displays OK, test the
- DTCs P0011 and P0014 runscontinuously once control circuit for high resistance.
the above conditions are met for greater
than 0.1 3. Reference Information
Conditions for Setting the DTC Schematic Reference
The ECM detects a difference between the camshaft Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314
position angle and the desired camshaft position angle
is greater than 6 to 10° based on engine coolant Connector End View Reference
temperature and engine speed.
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
Action Taken When the DTC Sets Description and Operation
DTCs P0011 and P0014 are Type B DTCs.
CamshaftActuator System Description on page 9—588

Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-331
Electrical Information Reference 5. Verify the scan tool parameters are less than 2° in
each of the commanded states when commanding
- Circuit Testing on page 11-526 the Camshaft Position Actuator from 0—20°and
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 back to 0° with the scan tool.
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor - Intake Camshaft Position Variance
Connections on page 11—531 - Exhaust Camshaft Position Variance
- Wiring Repairs on page 11—537 :> If 2° or greater
DTC Type Reference Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type U If less than 2°
Definitions on page 6-68 6. Verify that DTC P0011 or P0014 is not set.
Scan Tool Reference =>If any of the DTCs are set
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
information U If none of the DTCs set
CircuitlSystem Verification 7. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
Note: vehicle within the conditions that you observed
- The engine oil level and the oil pressure are from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
critical to the correct operation of the camshaft 8. Verify the DTC does not set.
position actuator system. Verify that the engine =>If the DTC sets
has the correct oil level and the correct oil
pressure before continuing with this diagnostic. Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
- The engine oil condition has a major impact on U If the DTC does not set
the camshaft actuator system. Debris in the oil 9 All OK.
can interfere with the camshaft position actuator
solenoid and the mechanical camshaft actuator CircuitlSystem Testing
operation. Inspect for dirty or degraded 1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at
crankcase oil. The engine may require an oil the appropriate Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator
change. Inquirewith the customer when the last Solenoid Valve. Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all
oil change was performed. You may also vehicle systems to power down.
monitorthe scan tool Engine Oil Life Remaining
parameter.Advise the customer an oil change 2. Test for less than 5 Q between the low reference
may be required. circuit terminal 1 and ground.
1. IgnitionON. =>If 5 Q or greater
2. Verify the correct engine oil pressure. Refer to Oil 2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
Pressure Diagnosis and Testing on page 9-954 connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
=>If the oil level and the oil pressure are not 2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
correct circuit end to end.
Repair as necessary =>If2 Q or greater, repairthe open/high resistance
in the circuit.
U If the oil level and the oil pressure are correct
=>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Note: Ifa crankshaft or camshaft position sensor DTC Module.
is set, the scan tool Camshaft Position Actuator output
control will not function. U If less than 5 Q
3. Verify DTC P0010, P0013, P0016, P0017, P0335, 3. IgnitionON.
P0336, P0340, P0341, P0365, P0366, P2088, Note: A test lamp must be used for this test. The
P2089, P2090 or P2091 is not set. control circuit is pulled-up to a low current voltage, 1.5-
4.5 V on the control circuit is normal.
=>If any of the DTCs are set
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - 4. Verify that a test lamp does not illuminate between
Vehicle on page 6—69for further diagnosis. the control circuit terminal 2 and ground.
U If none of the DTCs are set :> If the test lamp illuminates
4. Engine idling. 4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
ignition ON.
4.2. Test for less than 1 V between the control
Circuit and ground.
=>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.

9-332 Engine Contro’is/Fuel =1.8L (LUW, LWE)
:> if less than 1V, replace the K20 Engine Control 9. Ignition OFF, swap the Q6 Camshaft Position
Module. Actuator Solenoid Valve with the Q6 Camshaft
If the test lamp does not illuminate Position Actuator Solenoid Valve that is operating
.01 Remove the test lamp.
10. Engine idling.
Verify the scan tool parameters listed below do not
display Malfunction when commanding the 11. Verify the scan tool Camshaft Position Variance
appropriate Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid parameter is less than 2° in each of the
Valve ON with a scan tool. commanded states when commanding the
Camshaft Position Actuator from O—20°and back
- Intake Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid to 0° with a scan tool.
Valve Control Circuit Low Voltage Test Status
:> If 2° or greater
- Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid
Valve Control Circuit Low Voltage Test Status Replace the mechanical camshaft position
. Intake Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid actuator.
Valve Control Circuit High Voltage Test Status U If less than 2°
- Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid 12. Test or replace the Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator
Valve Control Circuit High Voltage Test Status Solenoid Valve.
If Malfunction is displayed Component Testing
6.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness 1. Vehicle OFF
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
2. Disconnect the harness connector at the
6.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end
Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve.
to end.
3. Test for 7—12Q between the control terminal 2 and
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance the low reference circuit terminal 1.
or short to ground in the circuit.
:> If not between 7-12 Q
:> Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Module. Replace the Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator
Solenoid Valve.
If Malfunction is not displayed
<=If between 7-12 Q
Ignition OFF, remove the QB Camshaft Position
Actuator Solenoid Valve. 4. Test for infinite resistance between each terminal
and the Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid
Verify the conditions listed below do not exist with Valve housing.
the Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve:
:> If not infinite resistance
8.1. Torn, restricted, mis—positioned,or missing
screens. Replace the C26Camshaft Position Actuator
8.2. Engine oil leak between the oil sealing lands Solenoid Valve.
of the solenoid. Inspect the lands of the U If infinite resistance
solenoid for nicks. 5. All OK
8.3. Oil seepage at the solenoid connector.
Repair Instructions
=>If a condition is found
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
Replace the Q6 Camshaft Position Actuator page 6-92 after completing the repair.
Solenoid Valve.
- Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
U If a condition is not found Replacement on page 9-1061
Note: After swapping toe solenoids, install jumper 0 Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
wires to the appropriate terminals of the harness replacement, programming and setup.
connectors and the solenoids.

Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 94333
DTC P0016 or P0017

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
' Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
‘ Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0016: Crankshaft Position —Intake Camshaft Position Not Plausible
DTC P0017: Crankshaft Position —Exhaust Camshaft Position Not Plausible

CircuitlSystem Description Scan Tool Reference

The engine control module (ECM) uses the crankshaft Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
position sensor, camshaft position sensor —intake, and information
the camshaft position sensor —exhaust information to
monitor the correlation between the crankshaft, intake CircuitlSystem Verification
camshaft, and exhaust camshaft position. 1. IgnitionON.
Conditions for Running the DTC 2. Verify DTC P0335, P0336, P0340, P0341, P0365,
P0366, P0641 or P0651 is not set.
- DTCS P0335, P0336, P0340, P0341, P0365,
P0366, P0641, 0r P0651 is not set =>If any of the DTCs are set
- The engine is running. Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
0 The camshaft position actuator solenoid valves Vehicle on page 6-69.
are in the parked position. U If none of the DTCs are set
The DTCs run continuously once the above conditions 3. Engine Running at normal operating temperature.
are met. 4. Verify DTC P0016 or P0017 is not set.
Conditions for Setting the DTC =>If the DTC is set
The ECM detects a camshaft to crankshaft Inspect for the following and repair as
misalignment. The DTC sets itthe crankshaft position necessary:
sensor signal is 10 degrees before or after the normal - A QB Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid
position in relation to the crankshaft angle while the Valve that is stuck in the full advance or retard
engine is running. position.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets - The correct installation of the Q6 Camshaft
Position Actuator Solenoid Valves.
DTCs P0016 and P0017 are Type B DTCs.
- The correct installation of the B23 Camshaft
Conditions for Clearing the DTC Position Sensors.
DTCs P0016 and P0017 are Type B DTCs. ' The correct installation of the 826 Crankshaft
Position Sensor.
Diagnostic Aids ' A timing belt tensioner condition.
The following conditions can also set the DTCs: - An incorrectly installed timing belt.
- A short to ground in a camshaft position actuator - Excessive play in the timing belt.
solenoid valve control circuit. ' A timing belt with damaged teeth.
- Crankshaft and play out of specification. - A crankshaft reluctor wheel that has moved in
- A crankshaft reluctor wheel that has moved in relationship to top dead center (TDC) on the
relationship to top dead center (TDC). crankshaft.
Reference Information U If the DTC is not set
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Description and Operation Running the DTC. You may also operate the
CamshaftActuator System Description on page 9-588 vehicle within the conditions that you observed
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
DTC Type Reference
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6—68


9=334 Engine Controls/Fuel =1.8L (LUW, LWE)
6. Verify the DTC does not set. Repair Instructions
:> If the DTC sets Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
A mechanical condition listed above still exists. page 6-92 after completing the repair.
U If the DTC does not set Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
Replacement on page 9-1061
7. All OK.
Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement on
page 9-576
Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement on
page 9-575
Timing Belt Replacement on page 9-985

Ergine Controls/Fuel : 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-335

DTC P0030-P0032, P0036-P0038, P0053, P0054, P0135, or P0141

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to usingthis diagnostic
' Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provide an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0030: HO2S Heater Control Circuit Sensor1
DTC P0031: H028 Heater Control Circuit Low Voltage Sensor1
DTC P0032: HO2S Heater Control Circuit High Voltage Sensor1
DTC P0036: H028 Heater Control Circuit Sensor 2
DTC P0037: H028 Heater Control Circuit Low Voltage Sensor 2
DTC P0038: H028 Heater Control Circuit High Voltage Sensor2
DTC P0053: H028 Heater Resistance Sensor1
DTC P0054: H028 Heater Resistance Sensor 2
DTC P0135: H028 Heater Performance Sensor1
DTC P0141: H028 Heater Performance Sensor2
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
P0030,P0036, P0030,P0036,
H028 HeaterVoltageSupply P0037!P0132 P0131 P0134! P0690 P0135,P0141
P0134,P0135, P0135,P0138,
P0138,P0141,* P0140,P0141
P0030,P0031, P0030,P0036, P0036,P0038,
H028 HeaterControl P0036,P0037, P0132,P0134, P0132,P0134, P0135,P0141
P0053,P0054, P0135,P0138, P0135,P0138,
P0135,P0141 P0140,P0141 P0140,P0141,

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Running the DTC

Heated oxygen sensors(H028) are used for fuel P0030, P0031, P0032, P0036, P0037 and P0038
control and post-oatalyst monitoring. Each H028
compares the oxygen content of the surrounding air - The engine speed is greater than 400 RPM.
with the oxygen content in the exhaust stream. Each ° The ignition voltage is between 11—32V.
H028 must reach operating temperature to provide an ' The DTCs run continuously when the above
accurate voltage signal. A heating element insideeach conditions are met for greater than 5 s.
of the H028 minimizes the time required for the sensor
to reach operating temperature. Voltage is provided to P0053 and P0054
the heater by an ignition voltage circuit through a fuse. - DTCs P0111, P0112, P0113, P0114, P0116,
With the engine running, ground is provided to the P0117, P0118, P0119 or P2610 are not set.
heater by the H028 heater low control circuit, through a - The ignition is OFF for greater than 8 h.
low side driverwithin the ECM. The ECM uses
pulse-width modulation (PWM) to control the H028 ' The engine is running.
heater operation to maintain a specificH028 operating - The engine coolant temperature (ECT) and the
temperature range. intake air temperature (IAT)are within 8°C (14°F).
- The ECT is between -30 to +45°C (—22to
- The ignition voltage is lessthan 32 V.
- The DTCs run once per valid cold start-up when
the above conditions are met.

9336 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
P0135 and P0141 Electrical Information Reference
- DTCs P0116, P0117, P0118, P0119 or P0128 are - Circuit Testing on page 11-526
not set.
. Connector Repairs on page 11-548
- The system voltage is between 10—32V.
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
- The H028 heaters are at operating temperature. Connections on page 11-531
- The scan tool H028 Heater device control is not - Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
- The commanded H028 heater duty cycle is DTC Type Reference
greater than 0%. Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
- The DTCs run twice per drive cycle when the Definitions on page 6-68
above conditions are met for greater than 30 3.
Scan Tool Reference
Conditions for Setting the DTC Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
P0030, P0031, P0032, P0036, P0037 and P0038 information
The ECM detects that the commanded state of the CircuitlSystem Verification
driver and the actual state of the control circuit do not 1. Engine running.
match for greater than 5 s.
2. Verify that the control circuit status parameters
P0053 and P0054 listed below do not display Malfunction.
The ECM detects the H028 heater resistance is not . H028 1 or2 Heater Control Circuit High
within a specified range at engine start—up. Voltage Test Status
P0135 and P0141 - H028 1 or2 Heater Control Circuit Open
Voltage Test Status
The ECM detects the H028 heater current is lessthan
0.30 A or greater than 2.5 A for greater than 8 3. - H028 1 or 2 Heater Control Circuit Low Voltage
Test Status
Action Taken When the DTC Sets =>If Malfunction is displayed
DTC P0030, P0031, P0032, P0036, P0037, P0038, Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
P0053, P0054, P0135, and P0141 are Type B DTCs.
4: If Malfunction is not displayed
Conditions for Clearing the DTC 3. Observe the scan tool H028 1 Heater or H028 2
DTC P0030, P0031, P0032, P0036, P0037, P0038, Heater parameter. The amperage should be
P0053, P0054, P0135, and P0141 are Type B DTCs. between 03—24 A.
=>If not between 0.3—2.4A
Diagnostic Aids
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
- Ifthe condition is intermittent,move the related
harnesses and connectors, with the engine c If between 0.3—2.4A
operating, while monitoring the scan tool circuit 4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
status parameters for the component. The circuit Running the DTC. You may also operate the
status parameters will change from OK or Not Run vehicle within the conditions that you observed in
to Malfunction ifthere is a condition with the circuit the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
or a connection. 5. Verify the DTC does not set.
' An open fuse in the heated oxygen sensor heater =>If the DTC sets
circuit may be caused by the heater element in
one of the sensors.The condition may not be Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
present until the sensor operates for a period of U If the DTC does not set
time. if no fault is present in the heater circuit, 6. All OK.
monitor the amperage of each heater with a scan
tool to determine ifone of the heater elements is
the cause of the open fuse. Inspect the sensor
pigtail or the harness for contacting the exhaust
system. ,
Reference Information
Schematic Reference
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—314
Connector End View Reference
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel . i.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-337

CircuitlSystem Testing 4.3. Ignition OFF.

Note: You must performthe circuit/system verification 4.4. Test for lessthan 2 Q in the control circuit end
before proceeding with circuit/system testing. to end.
:> If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at in the circuit.
the appropriate B52 Heated Oxygen Sensor,
ignition ON. :> If less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
. Verify that a test lamp illuminates between the
ignition voltage circuit terminal 1 and ground. If the test lamp is always ON
If the test lamp does not illuminate and the 4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
circuit fuse is good connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
2.1. ignition OFF, remove the test lamp. 4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the control
circuit and ground.
2.2. Test for lessthan 2 Q in the ignition circuit end
to end. =>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance ground on the circuit.
in the circuit. =>lf infinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
=>If less than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and Control Module.
there is voltage at the fuse. U If thetest lamp turns ON and OFF
If the test lamp does not illuminate and the 5. Test or replace the B52 Heated Oxygen Sensor.
circuit fuse is open
Repair Instructions
2.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp.
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
2.2. Test for infinite resistance between the ignition page 6—92after completing the repair.
circuit and ground.
(Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor 1
=>If less than infinite resistance, repairthe short to on page 9-538
ground on the circuit.
Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor 2
=>If infinite resistance, replace the B52 Heated on page 9-539
Oxygen Sensor.
Perform the scan tool Heated Oxygen Sensor
If the test lamp illuminates Resistance Learn Reset after replacing a H028.
Connect a test lamp between the control circuit Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
termina12 and the ignition circuit terminal 1. replacement, programming and setup.
. Verify the test lamp turns ON and OFF when
Commanding the HO2S Heater Sensor ON and
OFF with a scan tool.
If the test lamp is always OFF
4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
ignition ON.
4.2. Test for lessthan 1 V between the control
circuit and ground.
=>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.
U If less than 1 V

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
9-1338 Engine ControIS/Fuel - ‘I.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0068 or P1101

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to usingthis diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
' Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0068: Throttle Body Air Flow Performance
DTC P1101: IntakeAir Flow System Performance

CircuitlSystem Description Reference Information

The engine control module (ECM) compares actual Schematic Reference
airflow based on throttle position to a calculated airflow
based on manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor, Engine Controls Schematics on page’ 9—314
and mass air flow (MAF). Connector End View Reference
Conditions for Running the DTC Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
DTC P0068 Electrical Information Reference
- DTC P0102, P0103, P0107, P0108, or P0651 is Circuit Testing on page 11—526
not set
- Connector Repairs on page 11—548
- The engine speed is at least 800 RPM.
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
- The ignition signal is at least 6.0 V.
Connections on page 11—531 ‘
- The throttle actuator control system is not in
- Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
reduced power mode, without LUW
. The DTC runscontinuously when the above DTC Type Reference
conditions are met. Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
DTC P1101 Definitions on page 6-68
- DTC P0102, P0103, P0107, P0108, P0117, Scan Tool Reference
P0118, P0128, P0335, or P0336 is not set
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
- The engine speed is between 400—7000 RPM; information
400—6000 RPM with LUW
- The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is between CircuitlSystem Verification
—7to +125°C (+19to +257°F). 1. IgnitionON, verify that DTC P0641, P0651, P0697,
- The intake air temperature (IAT)is between -20 to or P06A3 is not set.
+125°C (—4to +257°F). :> If any of the DTCs are set
- The DTC runscontinuously when the above
conditions are met. Refer to DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, or P06A3
(ECM) on page 9-449 for further diagnosis.
Conditions for Setting the DTC U If none of the DTCs are set
The ECM detects that the airflow rate is more than the 2. IgnitionON, verify the scan tool Throttle Body idle
calculated airflow for greater than 0.2 s. Airflow Compensation parameter is lessthan 90 %.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets =>If 90 %or greater
- DTC P0068 is a Type A DTC Refer to ThrottleBody Inspection and Cleaning
on page 9-547.
- DTC P1101 is a Type B DTC.
U If less than 90 %
Conditions for Clearing the DTC 3. Verify the scan tool Throttle Position Sensors1 and
. DTC P0068 is a Type A DTC 2 Agree/Disagree parameter displays Agree while
~ DTC P1101 is a Type B DTC. performing the Throttle Sweep Test with a
scan tool.
Diagnostic Aids =>lf Disagree
Use a solution of dishsoap and water in a spray bottle Refer to DTC P0121-P0123, P0222, P0223,
to pinpoint any suspected air leaks in the induction or P2135 on page 9-372 for further diagnosis.
system. This includes vacuum lines, positive crankcase
U If Agree
ventilation system, intake manifold, throttle body.

Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-339
. Determine the current vehicle testing altitude. 7.4. Exit from the scan tool snapshot and review
. Verify the scan tool MAP Sensor pressure the data.
parameter is within the range specified in the 7.5. Observe the MAF Sensor parameter frame by
Altitude VersusBarometric Pressure on frame with a scan tool.
page 9-312 table. :> If the MAF Sensor parameter does not change
If the MAP Sensor parameter is not in range smoothly and gradually ‘
Refer to DTC P0106 on page 9—356for further Refer to DTC P0101 on page 9-349 for further
diagnosis. diagnosis.
If the MAP Sensor parameter is within range U If the MAF Sensor parameter changes smoothly
. Engine idling, verify the scan tool MAP Sensor and gradually
pressure parameter is between 26—52kPa (3.8- 8. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
7.5 psi)and changes with accelerator pedal input. Running the DTC. You may also operate the
If not between 26-52 kPa (3.84.5 psi)or does vehicle within the conditions that you observed
notchange from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
9. Verify a DTC does not set.
Refer to DTC P0106 on page 9—356for further
diagnosis. =>If any DTC sets
If between 26—52kPa (3.8—7.5psi)and changes Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
. Verify the scan tool MAF Sensor g/s parameter Vehicle on page 6-69 for further diagnosis.
changes smoothly and gradually as the engine U If no DTCs set
speed is increased and decreased while 10. All OK
performing the actions listed below.
7.1. Engine idling Repair Instructions
7.2. Perform the scan tool snapshot function. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
7.3. Increase the engine speed slowly to page 6-92 after completing the repair.
3 000 RPM and then back to idle. Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
replacement, programming, and setup

9340 Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0096 or P0111

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0096: intake AirTemperature (IAT)Sensor 2 Performance
DTC P0111: Intake AirTemperature (IAT)Sensor 1 Performance

Diagnostic Fault Information

IAT Sensor1
Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
Sensor P0112,P0114,
P2199** P0113,P0114,
P2199“ PO113*, P0114,
P2199** P0111,P0114
LowReference — P1102,P2227, * -
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto 3+.
**P2199- whereused.

IAT Sensor 2
Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
P0097,P0651, P0096,P0097, P0097,P0651,
5 V Reference P11C2,P2199”, P1102, P2199”, P1102, P2199**, -
P2227,P2228 P2227,P2228 P2227,P2228
Sensor P0097,P11C3, P0097,P1102, P0097*,P11C2, __
P2199“ P2199“ P2199”
LowReference — P1102,P2227, * -
*lnternalECM or d
sensor amagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto 3+.
**P2199- whereused.

Typical Scan Tool Data

IAT Sensor1
Open or High
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: EngineRunning
ParameterNormal Range:Varieswithambienttemperature
Sensor 150°C(302°F) —40°C(—40°F) —40°C(-40°F)*
LowReference - —40°C(—40°F) -40°C (-40°F)*
*InternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto B+


Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 92341

IAT Sensor 2
Open or High
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: EngineRunning
—40°C(—40°F) —40°c(-40°F)
5 V Reference
10Hz 10Hz
Signal —40°C(—40°F) —40°C(~40°F)
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthe circuitis shortedto 8+

CircuitlSystem Description lAT Sensor 2 —Temperature, Frequency

The sensorslisted below are integrated within the Table
multifunction intake air sensor: IATSensor 2 IATSensor 2
- IntakeAir Temperature (IAT)sensor1 IATSensor 2 Frequency Temperature
- IATsensor2 Cold 45 Hz —40°C(—40°F)
- Humidity sensor Warm 302Hz 104°C(219°F)
- MassAir Flow (MAF) sensor
- Barometric (BARO) pressure sensor Conditions for Running the DTCs
The intake air temperature (IAT)sensor1 is a variable
resistor that measures the temperature of the air in the P0096 and P0111
sensorbore. The engine control module (ECM) - DTCs P0097, P0098, P0112, P0113, P0117,
supplies5 V to the IATsensor1signal circuit and a P0118, P0119, or P1682 are not set.
ground for the IATsensor1 low reference circuit. The - The vehicle has been OFF at least 8 hours.
signal varies with inlet air temperature and is displayed - ignition 1 voltage is at least 11Vfor longer
by the scan tool as °C (°F). than 0.9 s.
The IATsensor2produces a frequency signal based on - These DTCs run once per ignition cycle when the
the inlet air temperature very close to the humidity enabling conditions are met.
sensorwithin the sensorbore. The signal varies with
inlet air temperature and is displayed by the scan tool Conditions for Setting the DTCs
as °C (°F) and Hertz (Hz). The signal circuit is shared
by the IATsensor2 and the humidity sensor. P0096
The sensorslisted below share an ECM supplied 5V - The ECM determines the absolute difference
reference circuit: between IATsensor1start-up temperature and
~ lAT sensor2 the IATsensor2 start-up temperature is greater
than 25°C (45°F).
- Humidity sensor
~ Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor
- The absolute difference between ECT start-up
The sensorslisted below share an ECM supplied low temperature and the IATsensor2 start-up
reference circuit: temperature is greater or equal to the absolute
- IATsensor1 difference between ECT start—uptemperature and
- IATsensor2 the IATsensor1start-up temperature.
- Humidity sensor - This DTC runsonce per ignition cycle when the
— Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor enabling conditions are met.
Ignitionvoltage and ground circuits are also supplied to P0111
the multifunction intake air sensor'sinternal circuits for - The ECM determines the absolute difference
the mass air flow (MAF) sensor. between IATsensor1start-up temperature and
the IATsensor2 start-up temperature is greater
IAT Sensor 1 —Temperature, Resistance, than 25°C (45°F).
Voltage Table AND
IATSensor1 IATSensor1
IATSensor1 Resistance Signal Voltage
Cold High High
Warm Low Low

2013 (5377994)
9342 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
. The absolute difference between ECT start-up Note: To minimize the effects of residual engine heat
temperature and the IATsensor1start-up and sensorinternal heating elements, performSteps 1
temperature is greater or equal to the absolute and 2 of this verification procedure only if the ignition
difference between ECT start—uptemperature and has been OFF for 8 hoursor more.
the lAT 2 start—uptemperature.
2. Verify the following scan tool parameters are within
- This DTC runsonce per ignition cycle when the 55°C (99°F) of each other.
enabling conditions are met.
- Start—UplAT Sensor1
Action Taken When the DTCs Set - IAT Sensor 2
DTCs P0096 and P0111 are Type B DTCs. ‘ Start—UpECT
Conditions for Clearing the DTCs :> If not within 55°C (99°F)
DTCs P0096 and P0111 are Type B DTCs. Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
U If within 55°C (99°F)
Diagnostic Aids 3. Engine idling, verify the following scan tool
- With the ignition ON, when the engine is OFF and parameters are between: -38 and +149°C (-36
is cold; properly functioning IATsensors1and 2 and +300°F). .
will gradually increase the scan tool IAT Sensor1 - IAT Sensor1
and 2 parameters. Thisis due to the heat that is
generated by the Multifunction IntakeAir sensor v IAT Sensor 2
internal heating elements. - Start-Up ECT
- The humidity sensorand the lAT sensor2signals =>If not between: -38 and +149°C (-36 and
are sent to the ECM on the same circuit. Ifthe IAT +300°F)
Sensor 2 parameter displays the values: 10 Hz; Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
~40°C (-40°F), and there are also Humidity
Sensor DTCs, check for a Circuit problem. U If between: -38 and +149°C (-36 and +300°F)
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
Reference Information running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
Schematic Reference within the conditions that you observed from the
freeze frame/failure records data.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—314 5. Verify the DTCs do not set.
Connector End View Reference =>If any of the DTCs set
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Electrical Information Reference U If none of the DTCs set
6 All OK
- Circuit Testing on page 11—526
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 CircuitlSystem Testing
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor Note: You must perform the CircuitlSystem Verification
Connections on page 11—531 before proceeding with CircuitlSystem Testing.
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 1. Check the integrityof the entire air induction
DTC Type Reference system and verify that none of the following
conditions exist:
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type - A restricted, collapsed, misaligned, or damaged
Definitions on page 6-68 air intake duct
Scan Tool Reference - An intake manifold leak
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool . A MAP sensorseal that is leaking, missing,
information or damaged
- Any water intrusion in the induction system
Special Tools
. An Intake Manifold Resonator with a leaking
EN-38522 Variable Signal Generator seal, or a cracked or broken housing
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Toolson :> If a condition exists
page 9—593.
Repair or replace component as appropriate.
CircuitlSystem Verification U If no condition exists
1. Ignition ON, verify that DTC DTC P0641, P0651, 2. ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
P0697, or P06A3 is not set. disconnect the B750 Multifunction intake Air
:> If any of the DTCs are set sensor.Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle
systems to power down.
Refer to DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, or P06A3
(ECM) on page 9-449 for further diagnosis.
U If none of the DTCs are set

Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-343
3. Test for lessthan 2 Q between the low reference =>Iflessthan 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
circuit terminal 7 and ground. Module.
:> If 2 Q or greater :> If greater than 5.2 V
3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness Note: Ifthe signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. engine control module or the sensormay be damaged.
3.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference 5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
circuit end to end. connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open or high 5.2. IgnitionON, test for lessthan 1 V between the
resistance in the circuit. signal circuit and ground.
=>if lessthan 2 Q replace the K20 Engine Control =>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
Module. the circuit.
U If less than 2 0 =>Iflessthan 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
4. IgnitionON, test for 4.8—5.2V between the 5 V Module.
reference circuit terminal 2 and ground. If between 4.8—5.2V
=>If less than 4.8 V . ignition ON, test for 4.8—5.2V between the signal
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the x1 harness terminal 1 and ground-
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. If less than 4.8 V
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal 6.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the x1 harness
CIFCUII and ground. connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
=>Iflessthan infinite reSiStahceI repair the short to 6.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal
ground on the circuit. circuit and ground.
U Ifinfinite resistance =>Iflessthan infinite resistance, repair the short to
4.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end ground on the CIFCUIt-
t0 and. U Ifinfinite resistance
=>h’2 Q of greater, repair the open/high resistance 6.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
tnthe Clt‘CUlt. to end.
a lf lessthan 2 0, replace the K20 Engine Control =>If2 Q or greater, repairthe open/high resistance
Module. in the circuit.
=>If greater than 5.2 V =>Iflessthan 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Note: Ifthe 5 V reference circuit is shorted to a voltage Module.
the engine control module or the sensormay be
damaged. =>lf greater than 5.2 V
Note: Ifthe signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the
4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness engine control module or the sensormay be damaged.
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
6.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
4.2. IgnitionON, test forlessthan 1 V between the connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
5 V reference circuit and ground.
6.2. IgnitionON, test for lessthan 1 V between the
=>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on signal Circuit and ground.
the circuit.
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
=>Iflessthan 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control the circuit.
=>Iflessthan 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
U If between 4.8—5.2V Module.
5. ignition ON‘, test for 4.8—5.2V between the signal [f between 4.3_5_2V
C'rcu'ttermm' 8 and ground- . ignition OFF, connect the leads of the EN-38522
=>If less than 4.8 V Variable Signal Generator as follows:
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness ° Red lead to the signal circuit terminal 1 at the
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. harness connector
5.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal - Black lead to ground
circuit and ground.
- Battery voltage supply lead to B+
=>Iflessthan infinite resistance, repair the short to . Set the EN-38522 Variable Signal Generator to the
ground on the circuit. following specifications.
U lf infinite resistance - Signal switch to 5 V
5.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal Circuit end - Duty Cycle switch to 50 % (Normal)
to end.
- Frequency switch to 30 Hz
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

9=344 Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
9. Ignition ON, verify the scan tool lAT Sensor2 Multifunction Intake Air Sensor
parameter is between 28—32Hz. 1. Test the IAT Sensor2 by varying the sensor
=>If not between 28—32Hz temperature while monitoring the air temperature
with a thermometer. Compare the readings with the
Replace the K20 Engine Control Module. scan tool IAT Sensor 2 parameter. The values
U If between 28—32Hz should be within 5%.
10. Test or replace the appropriate temperature :> If not within 5%. _
senson Multifunction IntakeAir
Replace the B75C
Component Testing senson
U If within 5%.
Multifunction Intake Air Sensor
2. All OK
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the B75C Multifunction Intake Air sensor. Repair Instructions
Note: A thermometer can be used to test the sensor Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
off the vehicle. page 6-92 after completing the repair.
2. Test the IATsensor1by varying the sensor ' MassAirflow Sensor Replacement on page 9-536
temperature while monitoring the sensor for multifunction intake air sensorreplacement.
resistance. Compare the readings with the - Control Module References on page 6-3 for
Temperature VersusResistance —Intake Air . Engine Control Module replacement,
Temperature Sensor (Bosch Sensor) on programming, and setup
page 9—312tablefor Bosch Sensors.The
resistance values should be in range of the table
=>If not within the specified range.
Replace the B75C Multifunction IntakeAir
U If within the specified range.
3. All OK

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9445

DTC P0097, P0098, or P0099

Diagnostic Instructions
. Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
. Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0097: Intake Air Temperature (IAT)Sensor 2 Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0098: intake Air Temperature (lAT) Sensor 2 Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0099: intake Air Temperature (IAT)Sensor 2 Circuit Intermittent
Diagnostic Fault Information

lAT Sensor 2
Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
P0097,P0651, P0096,P0097, P0097,P0651,
5 V Reference P11C2,P2199“, P1102, P2199“, P1102,P2199“, -
P2227,P2228 P2227,P2228 P2227,P2228
Sensor P0097,P11C3, P0097,P1102, P0097*,P11C2, _
P2199“ P2199“ P2199”
LowReference — P1102, P2227, * -
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto B+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

lAT Sensor 2
Open or High
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: EngineRunning
—40°C(—40°F) —40°C(—40°F)
5 V Reference
10Hz 10Hz
Signal ~40°C(-40°F) ~40°o(—40°F)
Ground 10Hz
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto 8+

CircuitlSystem Description The intake air temperature (lAT) sensor1 is a variable

resistor that measures the temperature of the air in the
The sensorslisted below are integrated within the sensorbore. The engine control module (ECM)
multifunction intake air sensor: supplies5V to the IATsensor1signal circuit and a
- intake AirTemperature (IAT)sensor1 ground for the IATsensor1 low reference circuit. The
. IATsensor2 signal varies with inlet air temperature and is displayed
by the scan tool as °C (°F).
- Humidity sensor
The IATsensor2 produces a frequency signal based on
- MassAir Flow (MAF) sensor
the inlet air temperature very close to the humidity
- Barometric (BARO) pressure sensor sensorwithin the sensorbore. The signal varies with

2013 (5377994)
9=346 Engine Controls/Fuel = 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

inlet air temperature and is displayed by the scan tool Diagnostic Aids
as °C (°F) and Hertz (Hz). The signal circuit is shared . With the ignition ON, the engine OFF, if the engine
by the IATsensor 2 and the humidity sensor. is cold, a properly functioning lAT sensor 2 will
The sensorslisted below share an ECM supplied 5 V gradually increase the scan tool IAT Sensor 2
reference circuit: parameter. This is due to the heat that is
. IATsensor 2 generated by the MAF sensor heating elements.
' Humidity sensor - The humidity sensor and the IATsensor 2 signals
are sent to the ECM on the same circuit. if the IAT
- Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor Sensor2 parameter displays the values: 10 Hz;
The sensorslisted below share an ECM supplied low —40°C(~40°F),and there are also Humidity
reference circuit: Sensor DTCs, check for a circuit problem.
- IATsensor 1 Information
- lAT sensor 2
- Humidity sensor Schematic Reference
- Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314
Ignition voltage and ground circuits are also supplied to Connector End View Reference
the multifunction intake air sensor'sinternal circuits for
the mass air flow (MAF) sensor. Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
Frequency Electrical Information Reference
IAT Sensor 2 — Temperature,
Table - Circuit Testing on page 11—526
IATSensor 2 lAT Sensor 2 ° Connector Repairs on page 11—548
IATSensor 2 Frequency Temperature - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Cold 45 Hz —40°C(—40°F) Connections on page 11-531
302l1z 104°C(219°F) - Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
DTC Type Reference
Conditions for Running the DTCs Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6—68
P0097, P0098, and P0099
. The ignition is ON, or the engine is running. Scan Tool Reference
- The Ignition 1 voltage is at least 11V for longer Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
than 0.9 s. information
- The DTCs run continuously within the enabling Special Tools
EN-38522 Variable Signal Generator
Conditions for Setting the DTCs
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Toolson
P0097 page 9-593.
Note: The scan tool display range is between ~40 and CircuitlSystem Verification
+150°C (—40and +302°F).
Note: To minimize the effects of residual engine heat
The ECM detects that the IATsensor 2 signal is less and sensor internal heating elements, perform Steps 1
than 13 Hz, colder than —60°C(—76°F),for greater and 2 of this verification procedure only if the ignition
than 5 s. has been OFF for 8 hours or more.
P0098 1. Ignition ON.
The ECM detects that the lAT sensor 2 signal is greater 2. Verify the following scan tool parameters are within
than 390 Hz, warmer than 150°C (302°F), for greater 55°C (99°F) of each other.
than 5 s. ' Start-Up IAT Sensor1
P0099 - lAT Sensor 2
The ECM monitors the IATsensor 2 signal every 0.1 s, - Start—UpECT
to determine if the signal has changed more than 100° =>If not within 55°C (99°F)
C (212°F). The DTC fails when the condition exists for Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
longer than 4 s.
U If within 55°C (99°F)
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
- DTCs P0097, P0098, and P0099 are
Type B DTCs.
- The ECM commands the cooling fans ON.
Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTCs
DTCs P0097, P0098, and P0099 are Type B DTCs.
2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel =1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9=347
. Engine idling, verify the following scan tool Note: if the signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the
parameters are between: -38 and +149°C (-36 engine control module or the sensor may be damaged.
and +300°F).
3.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness
- IAT Sensor1
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
- lAT Sensor2
3.2. Ignition ON, test for lessthan 1 V between the
- ECT Sensor signal circuit and ground.
If not between: -38 and +149°C (-36 and =>lf 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
+300°F) the circuit.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. :> Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
If between: -38 and +149°C (-36 and +300°F) Module.
. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for <2 If between 4.8—5.2V
running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle ignition OFF, connect the leads of the EN—38522
within the conditions that you observed from the Variable Signal Generator as follows:
freeze frame/failure records data. - Red lead to the signal circuit terminal 1 at the
Verify the DTCs do not set. harness connector
If any of the DTCs set - Black lead to ground
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. - Battery voltage supply lead to 8+
U If none of the DTCs set . Set the EN—38522Variable Signal Generator to the
6 All OK following specifications.
- Signal switch to 5 V
CircuitlSystem Testing - Duty Cycle switch to 50 % (Normal)
Note: You must perform the CircuitlSystem Verification - Frequency switch to 30 Hz
before proceeding with CircuitlSystem Testing.
IgnitionON, verify the scan tool IAT Sensor 2
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at parameter is between 28—32Hz.
the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir sensor. If not between 28—32Hz
2. Ignition OFF and all systems OFF. Itmay take up to
Replace the K20 Engine Control Module.
for 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to power
down. Test for lessthan 2 Q between the low (2 lf between 28—32Hz
reference circuit terminal 7 and ground. Test or replace the B75C Multifunction IntakeAir
if 2 Q or greater senson
2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness Component Testing
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
2.2. Test for lessthan 2 Q in the low reference Multifunction Intake Air Sensor
circuit end to end. 1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at
:> If2 Q or greater, repair the open or high the B75C Multifunction IntakeAir sensor.
resistance in the circuit. Note: A thermometer can be used to test the sensor
off the vehicle.
=>If lessthan 2 Q replace the K20 Engine Control
Module. 2. Test the IATsensor1 by varying the sensor
If less than 2 Q temperature while monitoring the sensor
resistance. Compare the readings with the
Ignition ON, test for 4.8—5.2V between the intake Temperature Versus Resistance —Intake Air
air temperature signal 2 circuit terminal 1 and Temperature Sensor (Bosch Sensor) on
ground. page 9—312tablefor Bosch Sensors. The
If less than 4.8 V resistance values should be in range of the table
3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness values.
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. If not within the specified range.
3.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal Replace the B75C Multifunction IntakeAir
Circuitand ground. senson
=>Iflessthan infinite resistance, repair the short to If within the specified range.
ground on the circuit. All OK
U if infinite resistance
3.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit and
to end.
=>lf 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.
=>Iflessthan 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
=>If greater than 5.2 V

94.348 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
Multifunction Intake Air Sensor Repair Instructions

1- TESIthe IAT Sensor 2 by varying the sensor Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
temperature while monitoring the air temperature page 6-92 after completing the repair.
with a thermometer. Compare the readings with the . . ‘
scan tool IAT Sensor 2 parameter. The values Mass AII’f/OW Sensor Replacement on page 9‘536
should be within 5%. for multifunction intake air sensor replacement.
- Control Module References on page 6—3for
:> If "Ot within 5%" Engine Control Module replacement,
Replace the B75C Multifunction IntakeAir programming, and setup
U If within 5%.
2. All OK

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel ~1.8L(LU‘1V, LWE) SL349

DTC P0101

Diagnostic Instructions
. Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
0 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0101: Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor Performance

Diagnostic Fault Information

MAF Sensor
Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
IgnitionVoltage P0102 P0102,P01101 P0690 P0101
Sensor P0102,P1101 P0102,P1101 P0102* P0101,P1101
Ground — P0102 — -
*lnternalECM orsensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto B+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

MAF Sensor
Circuit I Short to Ground Open Short to Voitage
OperatingConditions: Enginerunningat variousoperatingconditions
ParameterNormalRange:2,000—10,000 Hz
IgnitionVoltage 0 Hz 0 Hz -
Sensor 0 Hz 0 Hz 0 Hz*
Ground — 0 Hz -
*lnternalECM orsensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto B+

Circuit Description tool as Hertz (Hz) and grams per second (g/s).Vehicle
ignition voltage and ground circuits are also supplied to
The sensorslisted below are integrated within the the MAF sensor.
multifunction intake air sensor:
The intake flow rationality diagnostic provides the
- IntakeAir Temperature (IAT)sensor1 within—rangerationality check for the mass air flow
- IATsensor 2 (MAF), manifold absolute pressure (MAP), and the
- Humidity sensor throttle position sensors.This is an explicit
model—baseddiagnostic containing 4 separate models
. Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor
for the intake system.
. Barometric (BARO) pressure sensor
The estimates of MAF and MAP obtained from this
The MAF sensor is an air flow meter that measures the system of models and calculations are then compared
amount of air flowing in the sensor bore. The engine to the actual measured values from the MAF, MAP, and
control module (ECM) uses the MAF sensor signal to the throttle position sensorsand to each other to
provide the correct fuel delivery for all engine speeds determine the appropriate DTC to fail.
and loads. A small quantity of air entering the engine
Vehicle ignition voltage and ground circuits are
indicates a deceleration or idle condition. A large
supplied to the MAF sensor.
quantity of air entering the engine indicates an
acceleration or high load condition. The sensorslisted below share an ECM supplied 5 V
reference circuit:
The ECM applies 5V to the MAF sensor signal circuit.
The sensor produces a variable frequency signal based - IATsensor 2
on the inlet air flow through the sensor bore. The signal - Humidity sensor
varies with engine load and is displayed by the scan - Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor

2013 (5377994)
93350 Engine Controls/Fuei : 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
The sensorslisted below share an ECM supplied low Special Tools
reference Circuit:
EN-38522 Variable Signal Generator
- IATsensor 1
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Toolson
- IATsensor 2 page 9-593.
° Humidity sensor
- Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor CircuitlSystem Verification
1. Ignition ON, verify that DTC P0641, P0651, P0697,
Conditions for Running the DTCs or P06A3 is not set.
- DTC P0102, P0103, P0107. P0108, P0111, =>If any of the DTCs are set
P0112, P0113, P0114, P0117, P0118, P0128,
Refer to DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, or P06A3
P0335, or P0336 is not set.
(ECM) on page 9-449 for further diagnosis.
- The engine speed is between 400—6,000RPM.
U If none of the DTCs are set
. The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is between
-7 and +125°C (+19and +257°F). 2. ignition ON, verify the scan tool Throttle Body Idle
Airflow Compensation parameter is lessthan 90 %.
. The intake air temperature (IAT) is between —20
and +100°C (-4 and +212°F). :> If 90 %or greater
- The DTC runs continuously when the above Refer to Throttle Body Inspection and Cleaning
conditions are met. on page 9—547.
U If less than 90 %
Conditions for Setting the DTC
3. Verify the scan tool Throttle Position Sensors 1 and
The engine control module (ECM) detects that the 2 Agree/Disagree parameter displays Agree while
actual measured airflow from the MAF, MAP, and performing the Throttle Sweep Test with a
throttle position sensorsis not within range of the scan tool.
calculated airflow that is derived from the system of
models for greater than 2 s. :> If Disagree
Refer to DTC P0121-P0123, P0222, P0223,
Action Taken When the DTC Sets or P2135 on page 9—372for further diagnosis.
DTC P0101 is a Type B DTC. If Agree
Conditions for Clearing the DTC :bc Determine the current vehicle testing altitude.
DTC P0101 is a Type B DTC. 5. Verify the scan tool MAP Sensor pressure
parameter is within the range specified in the
Diagnostic Aids Altitude VersusBarometric Pressure on
page 9—312table.
- Certain aftermarket airfilters may cause this DTC
to set. =>If the MAP Sensor parameter is not in range
- Certain aftermarket air induction systems may Refer to DTC P0106 on page 9-356 for further
cause this DTC to set. diagnosis.
~ Modifications to the air induction system may U If the MAP Sensor parameter is within range
cause this DTC to set. 6. Engine idling, verify the scan tool MAP Sensor
Reference Information pressure parameter is between 26—52kPa (3.8-
7.5 psi)and changes with accelerator pedal input.
Schematic Reference =>If not between 26-52 kPa (3.8—7.5psi)or does
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314 not change
Refer to DTC P0106 on page 9-356 for further
Connector End View Reference
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 U If between 26—52kPa (3.8—7.5psi) and changes
Electrical Information Reference 7. Verify the scan tool MAF Sensor g/s parameter
changes smoothly and gradually as the engine
° Circuit Testing on page 11—526 speed is increased and decreased while
- Connector Repairs on page 11—548 performing the actions listed below.
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 7.1. Engine idling
Connections on page 11-531 7.2. Perform the scan tool snapshot function.
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 7.3. Increase the engine speed slowly to
DTC Type Reference 3,000 RPM and then back to idle.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6—68
Scan Tool Reference
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel = 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-351
7.4. Exit from the scan tool snapshot and review =>If lessthan 2 Q, repair the open/high resistance
the data. in the ground connection.
7.5. Observe the MAF Sensor parameter frame by U If less than 2 Q
frame with a scan tool. 4. ignition ON.
=>If the MAF Sensor parameter does not change 5. Verify that a test lamp illuminates between the
smoothly and gradually ignition circuit terminal 5 and ground.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing for further :> If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
diagnosis. circuit fuse is good
U If the MAF Sensor parameter changes smoothly 5.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp and
and gradually remove the fuse for the ignition circuit.
8. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for 5.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ignition circuit end
Running the DTC. You may also operate the to end.
vehicle within the conditions that you observed
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.
(0. Verify a DTC does not set.
:> If lessthan 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and
=>If any DTC sets there is voltage at the fuse.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing for further If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
diagnosis. circuit fuse is open
U If no DTCs set 5.1. ignition OFF, remove the test lamp and
10. All OK remove the fuse for the ignition circuit.
5.2. Test for infinite resistance between the ignition
CircuitlSystem Testing circuit and ground.
Note: You must perform the CircuitlSystem Verification =>If lessthan infinite resistance, repair the short to
before proceeding with CircuitlSystem Testing. ground on the circuit.
1. Check the integrityof the entire air induction U If infinite resistance
system by verifying that none of the following
5.3. Test for greater than 2 Q between the ignition
conditions exist:
circuit terminal 5 and ground.
. Any damaged components
=>if lessthan 2 Q, repair the short to ground on
. Improperly installed components the circuit.
- Collapsed, restricted, or damaged components =>Ifgreater than 2 Q, test all the components
. Loose clamps, cracks, or other damage connected to the circuit and repair or replace as
- An air flow restriction necessary.
- Restricted air filter If a test lamp illuminates
- Splits, kinks,leaks, or improper connections at Ignition ON, test for 4.8—5.2volts between the
the vacuum hoses signal circuit terminal 3 and ground.
- Vacuum leaks at the intake manifold, MAP If less than 4.8 V
sensor, and throttle body 6.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness
- Water intrusion connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
- Any snow or ice buildup, in cold climates 6.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal
- Contamination of the Multifunction IntakeAir circuit and ground.
sensor element =>If lessthan infinite resistance, repair the short to
. improper operation of the positive crankcase ground on the circuit.
ventilation (PCV) system U If infinite resistance
:> If a condition is found 6.3. Test for lessthan 2 Q in the signal Circuit end
Repair or replace component as appropriate. to end.
U If no condition is found =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
2. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at in the circuit.
the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir sensor. =>If lessthan 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
3. Test for lessthan 2 Q between the ground circuit Module.
terminal 4 and ground. If greater than 5.2 V
=>If 2 Q or greater 6.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness
3.1. ignition OFF. connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
3.2. Test for lessthan 2 Q in the ground circuit end 6.2. IgnitionON, test for lessthan 1 V between the
to end. signal circuit and ground.
=>lf 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance =>if 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
in the circuit. the circuit.

9=352 Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
=>if lessthan 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control 9. Engine idling, verify the scan tool MAF Sensor
Module. parameter is between 4950—5050 Hz.
U lf between 4.8—5.2V : If not between 4,950—5,050Hz.
7. Ignition OFF, connect the leads of the EN-38522 Replace the K20 Engine Control Module.
Variable Signal Generator as follows:
U If between 4,950—5,050Hz.
- Red lead to the signal circuit terminal 3 at the
10. Test or replace the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir
harness connector
- Black lead to ground
- Battery voltage supply lead to B+ Repair Instructions
8. Set the EN—38522Variable Signal Generator to the Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
following specifications. page 6-92 after completing the repair.
- Signal switch to 5 V - Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement on page 9-536
. Frequency switch to 5 kHz for multifunction intake air sensor replacement.
- Duty Cycle switch to 50 % (Normal) ~ Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
replacement, programming and setup


Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-353

DTC P0102 or P0103

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check— Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
° Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
° Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0102: Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor Circuit Low Frequency
DTC P0103: Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor Circuit High Frequency
Diagnostic Fault Information ‘

MAF Sensor
Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
IgnitionVoltage P0102 P0102,P01101 P0690 P0101
Sensor P0102,P1101 P0102,P1101 P0102* P0101,P1101
Ground — P0102 — -
*lntemalECM or sensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto B+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

MAF Sensor
Circuit I Short to Ground Open Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: Enginerunningat variousoperatingconditions
ParameterNormal Range: 1,500—10,000 Hz
ignitionVoltage 0 Hz 0 Hz —-
Signal 0 Hz 0 Hz 0 Hz
Ground — 0 Hz -

Circuit Description tool as Hertz (Hz) and grams per second (g/s).Vehicle
ignition voitageand ground circuits are also supplied to
The sensorslisted below are integrated within the the MAF sensor.
multifunction intake air sensor:
The sensorslisted below share an ECM supplied 5 V
- intake Air Temperature (IAT)sensor1 reference circuit:
- lATsensor 2 - IATsensor 2
- Humidity sensor - Humidity sensor
- Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor - Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor
- Barometric (BARO) pressure sensor The sensorslisted below share an ECM supplied low
The MAF sensor is an air flow meter that measures the reference circuit:
amount of air flowing in the sensor bore. The engine - lAT sensor1
control module (ECM) uses the MAF sensor signal to
provide the correct fuel delivery for all engine speeds o IATsensor 2
and loads. A small quantity of air entering the engine - Humidity sensor
indicates a deceleration or idle condition. A large - Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor
quantity of air entering the engine indicates an
acceleration or high load condition. Conditions for Running the DTC
The ECM applies 5V to the MAF sensor signal circuit. - The engine is running for at least 1 s.
The sensor produces a variable frequency signal based - The engine speed is at least 300 RPM.
on the inlet air flow through the sensor bore. The signal
varies with engine load and is displayed by the scan - The ignition signal is at least 8 V.

9:354 Ewine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
- The above conditions are met for at least 1 s. 2.3. increase the engine speed slowly to
3,000 RPM and then back to idle.
- The DTC runs continuously when the above
conditions are met. 2.4. Exit from the scan tool snapshot and review
the data.
Conditions for Setting the DTC 2.5. Observe the MAF Sensor parameterframe by
frame with a scan tool.
=>The MAF Sensor parameter does not change
The ECM detects that the MAF Sensor signal smoothly and gradually
parameter is lessthan 100 Hz (about 0.15 9/3)for at
least 500 cylinder firing events. Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
P0103 U The MAF Sensor parameter changes smoothly
and gradually
The ECM detects that the MAF Sensor signal
parameter is at least 14,500 Hz (about 270.2 9/3)for at 3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
least 500 cylinder firing events. Running the DTC to verify the DTC does not reset.
You may also operate the vehicle withinthe
Action Taken When the DTCs Set conditions that you observed from the Freeze
Frame/Failure Records data.
DTCs P0102 and P0103 are Type B DTCs.
4. Verify a DTC does not set.
Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTCs =>If any DTC sets
DTCs P0102 and P0103 are Type B DTCs. Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
Vehicle on page 6—69for further diagnosis.
Reference Information
U If no DTCs set
Schematic Reference
5. All OK
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314
CircuitlSystem Testing
Connector End View Reference You must perform the CircuitlSystem Verification
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 before proceeding with CircuitlSystem Testing.
Electrical Information Reference 1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the B750 Multifunction intake Air sensor.
- Circuit Testing on page 11-526 2: Test for less than 2 Q between the ground circuit
- Connector Repairs on page 11—548 terminal 4 and ground.
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor =>If 2 Q or greater
Connections on page 11—531
2.1. IgnitionOFF. Disconnect the sensor chassis
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 ground.
DTC Type Reference 2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ground circuit end
to end.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6-68 =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.
Scan Tool Reference
=>If lessthan 2 Q, repair the open/high resistance
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool in the chassisground connection.
information U If less than 2 Q
Special Tools 9" IgnitionON.
EN—38522Variable Signal Generator 4. Verify that a test lamp illuminates between the
ignition circuit terminal 5 and ground.
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Toolson
page 9-593. =>If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
circuit fuse is good
CircuitlSystem Verification 4.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp and
1. Engine idling, verify the scan tool MAF Sensor remove the fuse for the ignition circuit.
parameter is between 2.5—5.5g/s. 4.2. Test for lessthan 2 Q in the ignition circuit and
=>If not between 2.5—5.5g/s to end.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. :> If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.
U If between 2.5—5.59/5
2. Verify the scan tool MAF Sensor g/s parameter
changes smoothly and gradually as the engine
speed is increased and decreased while
performing the actions listed below.
2.1. Engine idling
2.2. Perform the scan tool snapshot function.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9355
2>Iflessthan 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and :> if lessthan 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
there is voltage at the fuse. Module.
If the test lamp does not illuminate and the If greater than 5.2 V
circuit fuse is open 5.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness
4.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp and connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
remove the fuse for the ignition Circuit. 5.2. IgnitionON, test for lessthan 1 V between the
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the ignition signal circuit and ground.
circuit and ground. :> if 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
3 Iflessthan infinite resistance, repairthe short to the circuit.
ground on the circuit. =>Iflessthan 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
U lf infinite resistance Module.
4.3. Test for greater than 2 Q between the ignition If between 4.8—5.2V
circuit terminal 5 and ground. . IgnitionOFF, connect the leads of the EN-38522
=>Iflessthan 2 Q, repair the short to ground on Variable Signal Generator as follows:
the circuit. - Red lead to the signal circuit terminal 3 at the
=>Ifgreater than 2 Q, test all the components harness connector
connected to the circuit and repair or replace as - Black lead to ground
- Battery voltage supply lead to B+
If a test lamp illuminates . Set the EN-38522 Variable Signal Generator to the
. IgnitionON, test for 4.8—5.2volts between the following specifications.
signal circuit terminal 3 and ground. - Signal switch to 5 V
If less than 4.8 V - Frequency switch to 5 kHz
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness - Duty Cycle switch to 50 %(Normal)
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
. Engine idling, verify the scan tool MAF Sensor
5.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal parameter is between 4950—5050 Hz.
circuit and ground.
If not between 4,950-5,050 Hz.
=>Iflessthan infinite resistance, repairthe short to
ground on the circuit. Replace the K20 Engine Control Module.
U Ifinfinite resistance If between 4,950-5,050 Hz.
5.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end . Test or replace the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir
to end. sensor.
=>if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance Repair Instructions
m the C'rcu't' Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92 after completing the repair.
- MassA/n‘lowSensor Replacement on page 9-536
for multifunction intake air sensor replacement.
' Control Module References on page 6-3 for
Engine Control Module replacement,
programming, and setup

9356 Engine Controis/Fuei 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0106

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
' Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
' Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0106: Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor Performance
Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to High Short to Signal

Circuit Ground Resistance Open Voltage Performance
\ P0106, P0106 P0106,
5V Reference P0107, P0107, P0107 P0108, P0106
P0697 P0697
. P0106, P0106, P0106, P0106,
S'gna' P0107 P0107 P0107 P0108* P0106,P1101
P0108 P0106,
P0108 —— P0106
LowReference —

*internaiECM orsensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto B+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

MAP Sensor
Circuit ! Short to Ground I Open | Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: Enginerunningatvariousoperatingconditions
ParameterNormal Range: 12—103 kPa (1.7—14.9psi)
5V Reference 0kPa (0psi) 0 kPa (0psi) 128kPa (18.6psi)
Signal 0 kPa (0psi) 0 kPa (0psi) 128kPa (18.6psi)*
—— 80—128kPa (11.6-
18.6psi) -
*lnternaiECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto B+.

Circuit Description Under normal operation the greatest pressure that can
exist in the intake manifold is at ignition ON, engine
The manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor OFF, which is equal to the BARO. The lowest manifold
measures the pressure inside the intake manifold. pressure occurswhen the vehicle is idling or
Pressure in the intake manifold is affected by engine decelerating. The ECM monitors the MAP sensor signal
speed, throttle opening, air temperature, barometric for pressure outside of the normal range.
pressure (BARO). A diaphragm within the MAP sensor
is displaced by the pressure changes that occur from Conditions for Running the DTC
the varying load and operating conditions of the engine. ' DTCs P0102, P0103, P0107, P0108, P0111,
The sensor translates this action into electrical P0112, P0113, P0116, P0117, P0118, P0119,
resistance. P0335, or P0336 are not set
The MAP sensor wiring includes 3 circuits. The engine ~ The engine speed is between 400—7000 RPM.
control module (ECM) supplies a regulated 5 2967326
to the sensor on a 5 V reference circuit. The ECM - The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is
supplies a ground on a low reference circuit. The MAP between —7to +125°C (19.4—257°F).
sensor provides a signal voltage to the ECM, relative to . The intake air temperature (IAT)sensor is
the pressure changes, on the MAP sensor signal between —20to +125°C (—4to +257°F).
circuit. The ECM converts the signal voltage input to a ° This DTC runs continuously when the above
pressure value. conditions are met.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9.357
Conditions for Setting the DTC 6. Verify the scan tool Throttle Position
Sensors 1 and 2 Agree/Disagree parameter
The ECM determines if the MAP sensor is stuck within
displays Agree while performing the Throttle
the normal operating range.
Sweep Test with a scan tool.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets =>lf Disagree
DTC P0106 is a Type B DTC. Refer to DTC P0121-P0123, P0222, P0223,
or P2135 on page 9-372 for further diagnosis.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
U lf Agree
DTC P0106 is a Type B DTC.
7. Determine the current vehicle testing altitude.
Reference Information 8. Verify the scan tool MAP Sensor pressure
parameter is within the range specified in the
Schematic Reference Altitude Versus Barometric Pressure on
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—314 page 9-312 table.
=>if the MAP Sensor parameter is not in range
Connector End View Reference
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
U If the MAP Sensor parameter is within range
Electrical Information Reference 9. Engine idling, verify the scan tool MAP Sensor
- Circuit Testing on page 11-526 pressure parameter is between 26—52kPa (3.8-
7.5 psi) and changes with accelerator pedal input.
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor =>If not between 26-52 kPa (3.8—7.5psi) or does
Connections on page 11-531 not change
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 Refer to Cirouit/System Testing.
DTC Type Reference U lf between 26—52kPa (3.8—7.5psi) and changes
10. Verify the scan tool MAF Sensor g/s parameter
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type changes smoothly and gradually as the engine
Definitions on page 6-68 speed is increased and decreased while
Scan Tool Reference performing the actions listed below.
10.1. Engine idling
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
information 10.2. Perform the scan tool snapshot function.
10.3. Increase the engine speed slowly to
Special Tools 3 000 RPM and then back to idle.
GE-23738—AVacuum Pump 10.4. Exit from the scan tool snapshot and review
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on the data.
page 9—593. 10.5. Observe the MAF Sensor parameter frame
by frame with a scan tool.
CircuitlSystem Verification =>If the MAF Sensor parameter does not change
1. Ignition ON. smoothly and gradually
2. Verify that DTC DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, Refer to DTC P0101 on page 9—349for further
or P06A3 is not set. diagnosis.
=>If any of the DTCs are set U If the MAF Sensor parameter changes smoothly
Refer to DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, or P06A3 and gradually
(ECM) on page 9-449 for further diagnosis. 11. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
U If none of the DTCs are set Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you observed
3. if you were sent here from DTC P0068, P0101,
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
P0121, or P1101; refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
12. Verify a DTC does not set.
4. Ignition ON.
=>If the DTC sets
5. Verify the scan tool Throttle Body Idle Air Flow
Compensation parameter is less than 90 %. Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
=>If 90 %or greater U If the DTC does not set
Refer to ThrottleBody Inspection and Cleaning 13. All OK
on page 9-547.
CircuitlSystem Testing
U If less than 90 %
1. Check the integrity of the entire air induction
system and verify that none of the following
conditions exist:
- Any damaged components
0 An air flow restriction

9=358 Engine Controls/Fuel = 'l.8L (LUW, LWE)
Any vacuum leak 5.2. Test for infinite resistance between the 5 V
improperly routed vacuum hoses reference circuit and ground.
in cold Climates, inspect for any snow or ice =>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
buildup at the BARO port on the ECM, where ground on the circuit.
equipped U if infinite resistance
A restriction in the MAP sensor port or the 5.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the 5 V reference
BARO port,where equipped circuit end to end.
Proper operation of the Positive Crankcase =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Ventilation system in the circuit.
Missing, restricted or leaking exhaust =>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
components. Refer to Symptoms - Engine Module.
Exhaust on page 9-734
Note: Ifthe signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the
Engine mechanical condition; for example: low engine control module or the sensor may be damaged.
compression or incorrect timing chain or belt
installation. Refer to Symptoms —Engine =>If greater than 5.2 V
Mechanical on page 9-953. 5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the K20 Engine
=>If a condition is found Control Module, listed below:
Repair or replace the component as - X2 harness connector, ECM with 2 face
appropriate. mounted connectors
U If no condition is found ' X3 harness connector, ECM with 3 face
mounted connectors
2. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
disconnect the B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure 5.2. IgnitionON, test for less than 1 V between the
sensor. it may take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle 5 V reference circuit and ground.
systems to power down. =>lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
3. Test for less than 2 Q between the low reference the circuit.
circuit terminal 2 and ground. =>Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
=>lf 2 Q or greater Module.
3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the K20 Engine If between 4.8—5.2V
Control Module, listed below: . Ignition ON, verify the scan tool MAP Sensor
. X2 harness connector, ECM with 2 face parameter is less than 0.5 V.
mounted connectors If 0.5 V or greater
. X3 harness connector, ECM with 3 face 6.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the K20 Engine
mounted connectors Control Module, listed below:
3.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference - X2 harness connector, ECM with 2 face
circuit and to end. mounted connectors
=>|f2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance - X3 harness connector, ECM with 3 face
in the circuit. mounted connectors
=>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control 6.2. IgnitionON, test for less than 1 V between the
Module. signal circuit terminal 3 and ground.
If less than 2 Q :> lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
.4»:Ignition ON. the circuit.
5. Test for 4.8—5.2V between the 5 V reference circuit =>Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
terminal1 and ground. Module.
=>If less than 4.8 V If less than 0.5V
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the K20 Engine . Ignition OFF, install a 3 A fused jumperwire
Control Module, listed below: between the signal circuit terminal 3 and the 5 V
- X3 harness connector, ECM with 3 face reference circuit terminal 1.
mounted connectors . Ignition ON, verify the scan tool MAP voltage
- X2 harness connector, ECM with 2 face parameter is greater than 4.5 V.
mounted connectors If 4.5 V or less
8.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the K20 Engine
Control Module, listed below:
- X2 harness connector, ECM‘with 2 face
mounted connectors
- X3 harness connector, ECM with 3 face
mounted connectors

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/‘Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9:359
8.2. Remove thejumper wire, test for infinite 3. Apply 34 kPa (10.0 ian) ofvacuum to the
resistance between the signal circuit B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor, with the
terminal 3 and ground. GE-23738-A Vacuum Pump. Verify the scan tool
:> if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to MAP pressure parameter decreases between 30-
ground on the circuit. 38 kPa (4.4—55psi).
U if infinite resistance :> If the parameter does not decrease between
30—38kPa (4.4—5.5psi).
8.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
to end. Replace the B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure
:> If2 Q or greater, repair the open or high
resistance in the circuit. U if the parameter does decrease between 30-38
kPa (4.4—5.5psi).
=>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Module. 4. AMOK.
U lf greater than 4.5 V Erratic Signal Test
9. Test or replace the B74 Manifold Absolute 1. IgnitionOFF, remove the B74 Manifold Absolute
Pressure sensor. Pressure sensor and disconnect the harness.
2. Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the 5 V
Component Testing reference circuit terminal 1 of the sensor and the
Note: You must perform the CircuitlSystem Testing in sensor harness.
order to verify the integrityof the MAP sensor circuits . Install a jumper wire between the low reference
before proceeding with the Component Testing. circuit terminal 2 of the sensor and ground.
Skewed Sensor Test . Install a jumper wire to the signal circuitterminai 3
of the sensor.
1. IgnitionOFF, remove the B74 Manifold Absolute
Pressure sensor from the engine. Connect the . Connect a DMM between thejumper wire and
harness to the sensor, if disconnected. ground.
2. IgnitionON, apply 17 kPa (5.0 ian) of vacuum to . Ignition ON, observe the DC voltage on the DMM.
the B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor, with Slowly apply between 0-15 kPa of vacuum to the
the GE-23738-A Vacuum Pump. Verify the scan sensor with the GE-23738-A Vacuum Pump. Verify
tool MAP pressure parameter decreases between the voltage changes, without any spikes or
13—21kPa (1.8—3.0psi). dropouts and is between 0.2—4.9V.
2 If the parameter does not decrease between if not between 0.2—4.9Vor has spikes or
13-21 kPa (1.8—3.0psi). dropouts
Replace the B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure Replace the B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure
senson senson
U If the parameter does decrease between 13—21 U If between 0.2—4.9V and there are no spikes or
kPa (1.8—3.0psi). dropouts
7. All OK.
Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92 after completing the repair.
Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Replacement
on page 9-537.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
replacement, programming and setup ,

9-360 Engflie Controls/Fuel - 'l.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0107 or P0108

Diagnostic Instructions
~ Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
. Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0107: Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0108: Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor Circuit High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to High Short to Signal

Circuit Ground Resistance Open Voltage Performance
P0106, P0106 P0106,
5V Reference P0107, P0107‘ P0107 P0108, P0106
P0697 P0897
. P0106, P0106, P0106, P0106,
S'gna' P0107 P0107 P0107 P0108* P0109 P1101
P0108 P0106,
P0108 — P0106
LowReference —

*lntemalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthe circuitis shortedto B+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

MAP Sensor
Circuit | Short to Ground | Open | Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: Enginerunningat variousoperatingconditions
ParameterNormal Range: 12—103 kPa (1.7—14.9 psi)
5V Reference 0 kPa (0psi) 0kPa (0psi) 128kPa (18.6psi)
Signal 0 kPa (0psi) 0 kPa (0psi) 128kPa (18.6psi)*
— 80—128kPa (11.6-
18.6psi) -
*InternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthe circuitis shortedto B+.

Circuit Description Under normal operation the greatest pressure that can
exist in the intake manifold is at ignition ON, engine
The manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor OFF, which is equal to the BARO. The lowest manifold
measures the pressure inside the intake manifold. pressure occurs when the vehicle is idling or
Pressure in the intake manifold is affected by engine decelerating. The ECM monitors the MAP sensor signal
speed, throttle opening, air temperature, barometric for pressure outside of the normal range.
pressure (BARO). A diaphragm within the MAP sensor
is displaced by the pressure Changes that occur from Conditions for Running the DTC
the varying load and operating conditions of the engine. - The ignition is ON, or the engine is running.
The sensor translates this action into electrical
resistance. ' The DTCs run continuously when the above
condition is met.
The MAP sensor wiring includes 3 Circuits. The engine
control module (ECM) supplies a regulated 5 V to the Conditions for Setting the DTC
sensor on a 5 V reference circuit. The ECM supplies a
ground on a low reference circuit. The MAP sensor P0107
provides a signal voltage to the ECM, relative to the The ECM detects that the MAP sensor voltage is less
pressure changes, on the MAP sensor signal circuit. than 0.2 V for greater than 4 s.
The ECM converts the signal voltage input to a
pressure value.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9=361
P0108 5. Engine idling, verify the scan tool MAP voltage
The ECM detects that the MAP sensor voltage is parameter is between 0.245 V and changes with
greater than 4.5 V for greater than 4 3. accelerator pedal input.
=>If not between 0.2—4.5V or does not change
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
DTCs P0107 and P0108 are Type B DTCs.
U If between 0.2—4.5V and changes
Conditions for Clearing the DTC 6. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
DTCs P0107 and P0108 are Type B DTCs. Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you observed in
Reference information the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
Schematic Reference 7. Verify a DTC does not set.
=>If any DTC sets
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Connector End View Reference
U If no DTC sets
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269 8 All OK.
Electrical Information Reference CircuitlSystem Testing
- Circuit Testingon page 11—526 1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
- Connector Repairs on page 11—548 the B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor. .
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 2. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF. Itmay
Connections on page 11-531 take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to
- Wiring Repairs on page 11—537 power down. Test for less than 2 Q between the
low reference circuit terminal 2 and ground.
DTC Type Reference =>lf 2 Q or greater
Powen‘rain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type 2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the K20 Engine
Definitions on page 6-68 Control Module, listed below:
Scan Tool Reference — X2 harness connector, ECM with 2 face
mounted connectors
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool —-X3 harness connector, ECM with 3 face
information mounted connectors
Special Tools 2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
GE—23738-AVacuum Pump circuit end to end.
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on =>If2 Q or greater, repairthe open/high resistance
page 9-593. in the circuit.
=>if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
CircuitlSystem Verification Module.
1. Ignition ON. U If less than 2 Q
2. Verify that DTC DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, 3. IgnitionON.
or P06A3 is not set.
4. Test for 4.8—5.2V between the 5 V reference circuit
=>If any of the DTCs are set termina|1 and ground.
Refer to DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, or P06A3 =>if less than 4.8 V
(ECM) on page 9-449 for further diagnosis. 4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the K20 Engine
U If none of the DTCs are set Control Module, listed below:
03. Determine the current vehicle testing altitude. — X2 harness connector, ECM with 2 face
4. Verify the scan tool MAP Sensor pressure mounted connectors
parameter is within the range specified in the — X3 harness connector, ECM with 3 face
Altitude Versus Barometric Pressure on mounted connectors
page 9—312table. 4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the 5 V
:> if the MAP Sensor parameter is not in range reference circuit and ground.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing forfurther =>Ifless than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
diagnosis. ground on the circuit.
U if the MAP Sensor parameter is within range U lf infinite resistance
4.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the 5 V reference
circuit end to end.
:> If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

9862 Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
=>if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control =>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Module. Module.
Note: Ifthe signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the U If greater than 4.5 V
engine control module or the sensor may be damaged. 8. Test or replace the B74 Manifold Absolute
=>lf greater than 5.2 V Pressure sensor.
4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the K20 Engine Component Testing
Control Module, listed below:
Note: You must perform the CircuitlSystem Testing in
~ X2 harness connector, ECM with 2 face order to verify the integrity of the MAP sensor circuits
mounted connectors before proceeding with the Component Testing.
— X3 harness connector, ECM with 3 face
mounted connectors Skewed Sensor Test
4.2. Ignition ON, test for less than 1 V between the 1. IgnitionOFF, remove the B74 Manifold Absolute
5 V reference circuit and ground. Pressure sensor from the engine. Connect the
harness to the sensor, if disconnected.
=>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit. . Ignition ON, apply 17 kPa (5.0 ian) of vacuum to
the B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor, with
=>lf less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control the GE—23738—AVacuum Pump. Verify the scan
Module. tool MAP pressure parameter decreases between
If between 4.8—~52 V 13—21kPa (1.8~3.0psi).
. IgnitionON, verify the scan tool MAP Sensor If the parameter does not decrease between
parameter is less than 0.5 V. 13—21kPa (1.8—3.0psi).
lf 0.5 V or greater Replace the B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the K20 Engine sensor.
Control Module, listed below: If the parameter does decrease between 13-21
— X2 harness connector, ECM with 2 face kPa (1.8—3.0 psi).
mounted connectors Apply 34 kPa (10.0 ian) of vacuum to the
— X3 harness connector, ECM with 3 face B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor, with the
mounted connectors GE-23738—AVacuum Pump. Verify the scan tool
5.2. IgnitionON, test for less than 1 V between the MAP pressure parameter decreases between 30-
signal circuit terminal 3 and ground. 38 kPa (4.4—5.5psi).
=>lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on If the parameter does not decrease between
the circuit. 30—38kPa (4.4—5.5psi).
:> If less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control Replace the B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure
Module. senson
If less than 0.5 V U If the parameter does decrease between 30—38
kPa (4.4—5.5psi).
. ignition OFF, install a 3 Afused Jumperwire
between the signal circuit terminal 3 and the 5 V 4. All OK.
reference circuittermina|1 Erratic Signal Test
. IgnitionON, verify the scan tool MAP voltage 1. IgnitionOFF, remove the B74 Manifold Absolute
parameter is greater than 4.5 V. Pressure sensor and disconnect the harness.
it 4.5 V or less 2. Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the 5 V ‘
7.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the K20 Engine reference circuit terminal 1 of the sensor and the
Control Module, listed below: sensor harness.
— X2 harness connector, ECM with 2 face Install a jumperwire between the low reference
mounted connectors circuit terminal 2 of the sensor and ground.
- X3 harness connector, ECM with 3 face Install a jumper wire to the signal circuit terminal 3
mounted connectors of the sensor.
7.2. Remove the jumper wire, test for infinite Connect a DMM between thejumper wire and
resistance between the signal circuit ground.
terminal 3 and ground.
:> lfless than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
ground on the circuit.
U lf infinite resistance
7.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
to end.
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open or high
resistance in the circuit.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel , 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-363
6. Ignition ON, observe the DC voltage on the DMM. Repair Instructions
Slowly apply between 0—15kPa of vacuum to the P rf th D' t' R . V 'f' 1"
sensor with the GE-23738-A Vacuum Pump. Verify e orm e Iagnos ’0 epaIr 9" ’Ca ’0" on
the voltage changes, without any spikes or page 6‘92 after completing the repair.
dropouts and is between 0.2—4,9V, - Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Replacement
=>If not between 0.2—4.9V or has spikes or on page 9'537
dropouts ' Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
Replace the B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure replacement, programmlng and setup.
U lf between 0.2—4.9V and there are no spikes or
7. All OK.

2013 (5377994)
9-364 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0112, P0113, or P0114

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
' Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0112: IntakeAir Temperature (IAT)Sensor1 Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0113: IntakeAir Temperature (IAT)Sensor1 Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0114: IntakeAir Temperature (IAT)Sensor1 Circuit Intermittent
Diagnostic Fault Information

IAT Sensor1
Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
P0112,P0114, P0113,P0114,
P2199** P0113*, P0114,
P2199** P0111,P0114
Sensor P2199**
LowReference — P1102,P2227, * -
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurif theCircuitis shortedto B+.
**P2199- whereused.

Typical Scan Tool Data

IAT Sensor1
Open or High
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: EngineRunning
ParameterNormal Range:Varieswithambienttemperature
Sensor 150°C(302°F) —40°C(—40°F) —40°C(~40°F)*
LowReference — —40°C(—40°F) —40°C(-40°F)*
*lntemalECM or sensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto B+

CircuitlSystem Description The lAT sensor 2 produces a frequency signal based on

the inlet air temperature very close to the humidity
The sensors listed below are integrated within the sensor within the sensor bore. The signal varies with
multifunction intake air sensor: inlet air temperature and is displayed by the scan tool
- Intake Air Temperature (IAT)sensor1 as °C (°F) and Hertz (Hz). The signal circuit is shared
- lAT sensor 2 by the IATsensor 2 and the humidity sensor.
- Humidity sensor The sensors listed below share an ECM supplied 5V
reference circuit:
- Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor
- lAT sensor 2
o Barometric (BARO) pressure sensor
- Humidity sensor
The intake air temperature (lAT) sensor1 is a variable
resistor that measures the temperature of the air in the - Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor
sensor bore. The engine control module (ECM) The sensors listed below share an ECM supplied low
supplies 5 V to the lATsenSor1 signal circuit and a reference circuit:
ground for the IATsensor1 low reference circuit. The ' IATsensor 1
signal varies with inlet air temperature and is displayed
by the scan tool as °C (°F). ° IATsensor 2
- Humidity sensor
- Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel =1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-365
Ignitionvoltage and ground Circuits are also supplied to Connector End View Reference
the multifunction intake air sensor's internal circuits for
the mass air flow (MAF) sensor. Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
Electrical Information Reference
lAT Sensor1 — Temperature, Resistance,
Voltage Table - Circuit Testing on page 11-526
- Connector Repairs on page 11—548
IATSensor1 IATSensor1
lAT Sensor1 Resistance Signal Voltage - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11-531
Cold High High
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
Warm Low Low
DTC Type Reference
Conditions for Running the DTCs Powen‘rain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6-68
P0112, P0113, and P0114
Scan Tool Reference
' The ignition is ON, or the engine is running.
- The DTCs run continuously when the above Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
conditions are met. information

Conditions for Setting the DTC CircuitlSystem Verification

Note: To minimize the effects of residual engine heat
P0112 and sensor internal heating elements, perform Steps 1
Note: The scan tool display range is between -40 and and 2 of this verification procedure only if the ignition
+150°C (—40and +302°F). has been OFF for 8 hours or more.
The ECM detects that the IATsensor signal is warmer 1. IgnitionON.
than 150°C (302°F) for at least 5 s. 2. Verify the following scan tool parameters are within
P0113 55°C (99°F) of each other.
Note: The scan tool display range is between -40 and - Start-Up lAT Sensor1
+150°C (~40and +302°F). ‘ IAT Sensor 2
The ECM detects that the IATsensor signal is colder - Start-Up ECT
than —60°C(-76°F) for at least 5 s. : If not within 55°C (99°F)
P0114 Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
The ECM monitors the lATsensor signal every 0.1 s, to U If within 55°C (99°F)
determine if the signal has changed more than 80°C 3. Engine idling, verify the following scan tool
(176°F). The DTC fails when the condition exists for parameters are between: -38 and +149°C (~36
longer than 4 8. and +300°F).
Action Taken When the DTCs Set ' lAT Sensor1
. lAT Sensor 2
- DTCs P0112, P0113, and P0114 are
Type B DTCs. - ECT Sensor
- The ECM commands the cooling fans ON. :> If not between: -38 and +149°C (-36 and
Conditions for Clearing the DTCs Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
DTCs P0112, P0113, and P0114 are Type B DTCs. 4: lf between: -38 and +149°C {-36 and +300°F)
Diagnostic Aids 4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
- With the ignition ON, the engine OFF, if the engine
within the conditions that you observed from the
is cold, a properly functioning IATsensor1 will
freeze frame/failure records data.
gradually increase the scan tool lAT Sensor1
parameter.This is due to the heat that is 5. Verify the DTCs do not set.
generated by the MAF sensor heating elements. :> If a DTC sets
~ Depending on the ambient temperature, an lAT Refer to Circuit/System Testing.
sensor1 signal circuit or low reference circuit that
is shorted to the MAF sensor signal circuit can <1:If no DTC sets
cause a DTC P0113 and/or P0114 to set. This 6. All OK
condition causes a rapid fluctuation in the IAT
Sensor1 parameter.
Reference Information
Schematic Reference
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314
9’366 Engine Controls/Fuel ='l.8L (LUW, LWE)

CircuitlSystem Testing Note: Ifthe signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the

engine control module or the sensor may be damaged.
Note: You must perform the CircuitlSystem Verification
before proceeding with CircuitlSystem Testing. 3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
1. ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF, connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
disconnect the B750 Multifunction intake Air 3.2. ignition ON, test for less than 1 V between the
sensor. Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle signal circuit and ground.
systems to power down. =>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
. Test for less than 2 Q between the low reference the circuit.
circuit terminal 7 and ground. =>If less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
If 2 Q or greater Module.
2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness U If between 4.8—5.2V
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. 4. Test or replace the B75C Multifunction IntakeAir
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference senson
circuit end to end.
Component Testing
=>lf 2 Q or greater, repair the open or high
resistance in the circuit. Multifunction Intake Air Sensor
=>if less than 2 Q replace the K20 Engine Control 1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at
Module. the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir sensor.
if less than 2 Q Note: A thermometer can be used to test the sensor
Ignition ON, test for 4.8—5.2V between the signal off the vehicle.
circuit terminal 8 and ground. 2. Test the IATsensor1 by varying the sensor
If less than 4.8 V temperature while monitoring the sensor
3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness resistance. Compare the readings with the
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. Temperature Versus Resistance —IntakeAir
Temperature Sensor (Bosch Sensor) on
3.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal page 9-312 table for Bosch Sensors. The
circuit and ground. resistance values should be in range of the table
:> Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to values.
ground on the circuit. =>If not within the specified range.
U Ifinfinite resistance Replace the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir
3.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit and senson
to end. U If within the specified range.
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 3. All OK
in the circuit.
=>If less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control Repair instructions
Module. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
:> if greater than 5.2 V page 6-92 after completing the repair.
Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement on page 9-536
for B750 Multifunction intake Air sensor
Control Module References on page 6-3 for
Engine Control Module replacement,
programming, and setup.

Engine Controls/Fuel - ’l.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-367

DTC P0116 (LUW)

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
° Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0116: Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Performance

CircuitlSystem Description OR
The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is a - The ECM detects a temperature difference at
variable resistor that measures the temperature of the power-up that indicates that the ECT sensor is 20°
engine coolant. The engine control module (ECM) C (68°F) warmer than the lAT sensor. Then the
supplies 5 V to the ECT sensor signal circuit and a vehicle must be driven for greater than 6 min and
ground for the low reference circuit. 40 s at greater than 24 km/h (15 mph) . Ifthe lAT
sensor then decreases greater than 3°C (37.4°F),
This diagnostic is to determine if the input from the ECT an engine block heater was detected and the test
sensor is skewed warmer than normal. The internal is aborted. Ifthe IATsensor does not decrease, an
clock of the ECM will record the amount of time the engine block heater was not detected and DTC
engine is OFF. Ifthe required engine OFF time is met at P0116 will set.
start—up,the ECM will compare the temperature
difference between the actual measured ECT and a Action Taken When the DTC Sets
calibrated ECT model. The informationfor this model is
derived from the previous drive cycle and includes the - DTC P0116 is a Type B DTC.
accumulated mass air flow (MAF), the engine run time, - The cooling fans will be commanded ON.
the ambient air temperature and the ECT at the end of 0 The NC compressor will be commanded OFF.
the drive cycle.
Ifthe ECM detects that the temperature difference Conditions for Clearing the DTC
between the measured and modeled ECT is not within DTC P0116 is a Type B DTC.
an acceptable operating range of each other, then the
ECM will continue to run this diagnostic to determine if Diagnostic Aids
a block heater was active during the engine OFF time. - Inspect the ECT sensor terminals for corrosion
and for engine coolant leaking through the sensor.
Conditions for Running the DTC Engine coolant that is leaking through the sensor
' DTCs P0111, P0112, P0113, P0117, P0118, will create a high resistance short to ground. This
P0502, P0503, P0722, P0723, or P2610 are condition results in less voltage on the ECTsensor
not set. signal circuit, which is interpreted by the ECM as a
- The intake air temperature (IAT)is warmer than warmer ECT.
—7°C(19°4F). - An intake air temperature (IAT)sensor that is
- The fuel level is greater than 10%. biased colder at various ambient temperatures
due to greater resistance than is normal will
- The ECM has no block heater detected. increase the range between these 2 sensors.
- The ignition has been off for greater than 8 h Measure and record the resistance of the IAT
before the engine is started. sensor at various ambient temperatures, then
- This DTC runs once per cold start when the above compare those measurements to the Temperature
conditions are met. vs. Resistance table. Refer to Temperature Versus
Resistance (ECT) on page 9—312.
Conditions for Setting the DTC - Test the ECT sensor at various temperature levels
- The ECM detects a temperature difference at in order to evaluate the possibility of a biased
power—upthat indicates that the ECT sensor is 30° sensor. A sensor that is biased warmer can result
C (86°F) warmer than the IATsensor. in a driveability condition. Refer to Temperature
OR Versus Resistance (ECT) on page 9-312.
- The ECM detects a temperature difference at - A slight to moderate resistance in the lAT sensor
power-up that indicates that the ECT sensor is 20° signal circuit or low reference circuit will increase
C (68°F) warmer than the IATsensor, and the time the range between these two sensors. This
spent cranking the engine is greater than 10 s condition results in a greater voltage on the IAT
when the fuel level is greater than 10% sensdr signal circuit, which is interpreted by the
ECM as a colder IAT.

2013 (5377994)
9-368 Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
- Ifthe condition is intermittent,allow the vehicle to CircuitlSystem Testing
sit for greater than 8 h with the ignition OFF, may
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
help isolate the condition. Compare the scan tool
the B34A Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor.
and ECT Sensor temperature sensor values at
ignition on. The Radiator Coolant Temperature 2. Ignition OFF, test for less than 5 Q between the low
Sensor and the ECT Sensor values should display reference circuit terminal 2 and ground.
within 3°C (5°F). 2 if greater than the specified range, test the low
reference circuit for an open/high resistance.
Reference Information if the circuit tests normal, replace the
Schematic Reference K20 Engine Control Module.
3. Ignition ON, verify the scan tool ECT Sensor is at
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314 -40°C (-40°F).
Connector End View Reference 2 Ifwarmer than the specified range, test the
signal circuit terminal1 for a short to ground.
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
Ifthe circuit tests normal, replace the
Description and Operation K20 Engine Control Module.
Cooling System Description and Operation on Caution: Ifthe fuse in the jumper wire opens, the
page 9-680 signal circuit may have a short to a voltage or a short to
ground and the sensor might be damaged. ‘
Electrical Information Reference 4. Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal
. Circuit Testing on page 11—526 circuit terminal 1 and the low reference circuit
~ Connector Repairs on page 11—548 terminal 2. Verify the scan tool ECT Sensor is at
140°C (284°F).
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11—531 2 If colder than the specified range, test the signal
circuit for a short to voltage or an open/high
- Wiring Repairs on page 11—537 resistance. Ifthe circuit tests normal, replace
DTC Type Reference the K20 Engine Control Module.
5. Ifall circuits test normal, test or replace the
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
334A Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor.
Definitions on page 6-68
Scan Tool Reference Component Testing
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool Static Test
information 1. lgnition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the 834A Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor.
CircuitlSystem Verification
Note: A thermometer can be used to test the sensor off
1. IgnitionON, observe the DTC information with a vehicle.
scan tool. Verify that DTC P0112, P0113, P0117,
or P0118 are not set. 2. Test the B34A Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
by varying the sensor temperature while
2 Ifany of the DTCs are set, refer to Diagnostic monitoring the sensor resistance. Compare the
Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle on readings with the Temperature Versus Resistance
page 6—69. (ECT) on page 9-312 table and verify that the
2. Ignitionoff, inspect the cooling system surge tank resistance is within 5% of the specification.
for the proper coolant level. Refer to Loss of 2 If not within the specified range, replace the
Coolant on page 9-625 and Cooling System B34A Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor.
Draining and Filling on page 9-628.
3. Ifthe ignition has been OFF for 8 h or greater, Repair Instructions
observe the scan tool parameters list below. The Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
temperatures should be within 20°C (68°F). page 6-92 after completing the repair.
- ECT Sensor ° Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
- lATSensor Replacement (Water Outlet)on page 9—534or
4. Engine running, observe the ECT Sensor Engine Coolant TemperatureSensor
parameter. The reading should be between -40 to Replacement (Radiator) on page 9-535 or Engine
+140°C (—40to +284°F) depending on the current Coolant Temperature Sensor Replacement
ambient temperature and the vehicle operating (Thermostat) on page 9-535
conditions. - Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
5. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for replacement, programming, and setup.
running the DTC to verify the DTC does not reset.
You may also operate the vehicle within the
conditions that you observed from the freeze
frame/failure records data.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9:369
DTC P0117, P0118, or P0119
Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
~ Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0117: Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0118: Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0119: Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Circuit Intermittent
Diagnostic Fault Information

Opeanigh Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
Signal P0117 P0118.P0119 P0118*,P0119 P0116,P0128
LowReference — P0118,P0119 — P0128
*ECMor sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto B+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

ECT Sensor
Circuit I Short to Ground I Open I Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: Enginerunningat variousoperatingconditions
ParameterNormal Range:Varieswithcoolanttemperature
Signal 140°C(284°F) —40°c(-40°F) —40°c(-40°F)
LowReference —40°c(-40°F) —40°c(-40°F)

CircuitlSystem Description - The engine is running for greater than 10 8.

The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is a OR
variable resistor that measures the temperature of the - The engine run time is less than 10 s when the IAT
engine coolant. The engine control module (ECM) is warmer than 0°C (32°F).
supplies 5 V to the ECTsensor signal circuit and a - This DTC runs continuously within the enabling
ground for the low reference circuit. This diagnostic conditions.
checks for an open, short to ground or an intermittent
circuit condition between the ECM and ECT sensor. P0119
o This DTC runs continuously within the enabling
Conditions for Running the DTC conditions.
P0117 Conditions for Setting the DTC
- The ignition is ON.
OR P0117
- The engine is running for greater than 10 5. The ECM detects that the ECT is warmer than 149°C
(300°F) for greater than 5 s.
- The engine run time is less than 10 s when the P0118
intake air temperature (IAT) is colder than 50°C The ECM detects that the ECT is colder than ~39°C
(122°F). (—38°F)for greater than 5 s.
- This DTC runs continuously within the enabling P0119
The ECM detects that the ECT is intermittentor has
P0118 abruptly changed for greater than 4 seconds.
', The ignition is ON.

9370 Engine Controls/Fuel =1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Action Taken When the DTC Sets CircuitlSystem Testing

- DTC P0117, P0118 or P0119 areaTypeB DTC. 1. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
- The cooling fans will be commanded ON. disconnect the harness connector at the
B34 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor. Itmay
- The Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge is take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to
inoperative. power down.
- The AC compressor will be commanded OFF. 2. Test for less than 5 Q between the low reference
Conditions for Clearing the DTC circuit terminal 2 and ground.
DTC P0117, P0118 or P0119 are a Type B DTC. 2 If 5 Q or greater
2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
Reference Information connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
Schematic Reference 2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
circuit end to end.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314 2 lf2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Connector End View Reference in the circuit.
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269 2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Electrical information Reference
U If less than 5Q
- Circuit Testing on page 11-526 3. IgnitionON.
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 4. Verify the scan tool ECT Sensor parameter is
. Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor colder than —39°C(-38°F).
Connections on page 11-531 2 If warmer than -39°C (-38°F)
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
DTC Type Reference connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type circuit terminal1 and ground.
Definitions on page 6-68
2 if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
Scan Tool Reference ground on the circuit.
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool 2 if infinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
information Control Module.
U If colder than -39°C (-38°F)
CircuitlSystem Verification
5. Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal
1. Ignition ON. circuit terminal 1 and the low reference circuit
2. Verify the scan tool ECT Sensor parameter is terminal 2.
between -39 to +120°C (—38to +248°F)and 6. Verify the scan tool ECT sensor parameter is
changes with engine run time. warmer than 149°C (300°F).
2 If not between -39 to + 120°C (-38 to +248°F) or 2 If colder than 149°C (300°F)
does not change
6.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the jumper wire,
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. disconnect the harness connector at the
U If between -39 to + 120°C (-38 to +248°F)and K20 Engine Control Module, ignition ON.
changes 6.2. Test for less than 1 V between the signal
3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for circuit and ground.
Running the DTC. You may also operate the 2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
vehicle within the conditions that you observed the circuit.
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
U if less than 1 V
4. Verify the DTC does not set.
6.3. IgnitionOFF.
2 If the DTC sets
6.4. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. to end.
U If the DTC does not set 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
5. All OK. in the circuit.
2 if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
<=If warmer than 149°C (300°F)
7. Test or replace the BB4 Engine Coolant
Temperature Sensor.

Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9=371
Component Testing 3. Test for infinite resistance between each terminal
and the sensor housing.
1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the BS4 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor. 2 if less than infinite resistance
2. Test the ECT sensor by varying the sensor Replace the B34 Engine Coolant Temperature
temperature while monitoring the sensor Senson
resistance. Compare the readings with the U lfinfinite resistance
Temperature Versus Resistance on page 9-597
table. The resistance values should be in range of 4. All OK.
the table values. Repair Instructions
2 If not within the specified range
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
2 Replace the B34 Engine Coolant Temperature page 6-92 after completing the repair.
Sensor. Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
U if within the specified range Replacement (Water Outlet) on page 9-534 or
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
Replacement (Radiator) on page 9-535 or Engine
Coolant Temperature Sensor Replacement
(Thermostat) on page 9-535
Engine Control Module Replacement on
page 9-531 engine control module replacement,
programming, and setup

9~372 Engine Controls/Fuel , 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0121-P0123, P0222, P0223, or P2135

Diagnostic Instructions
. Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0121: Throttle Position Sensor1 Performance
DTC P0122: Throttle Position Sensor1 Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0123: Throttle Position Sensor1 Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0222: Throttle Position Sensor2 Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0223: Throttle Position Sensor 2 Circuit High Voltage
DTC P2135: Throttle Position Sensors 12 Not Plausible

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to High Short to Signal

Circuit Ground Resistance Open Voltage Performance
P06A3, P0122, P06A3,
P2135 P0068,P0121
5V Reference P2135 P2135 P0222

ThrottlePositionSensor1 Signal P0122 P2135 P0122 P0123 P0068,P0121

ThrottlePositionSensor2 Signal P0222 P2135 P0223 P0223 P0068,P0121
P2135 P0123,
P0223 — P0068,P0121
LowReference ——

Typical Scan Tool Data

Throttle Position Sensor1

Circuit I Short to Ground I Open Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: Enginerunningat variousoperatingconditions
5V Reference 0V 0V 5V
ThrottlePositionSensor1 Signal 0V OV 5V
LowReference — 4-5 V _

,Throttle Position Sensor2

Circuit I Short to Ground I Open Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: Enginerunningat variousoperatingconditions
ParameterNormal Range: 0.35—4.65 V
5V Reference 0V 0V 5V
ThrottlePositionSensor2 Signal 0V 5V 5V
LowReference — 4—5V -

CircuitlSystem Description control module (ECM) supplies the throttle position

sensors with a common 5 V reference circuit, a
The throttle body assembly contains 2 throttleposition common low reference circuit, and two independent
sensors. The throttle position sensors are mounted to signal circuits.
the throttle body assembly and are not serviceable. The
throttle position sensors provide a signal voltage that
changes relative to throttle blade angle. The engine

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-373
The throttle position sensors have opposite P2135
functionality. throttleposition sensor1 signal voltage The ECM detects the difference between the throttle
decreases and throttle position sensor2 signal voltage position sensor1 and throttleposition sensor 2 exceeds
increases as the accelerator pedal increases to wide a predetermined value for greater than 1 3.
open throttle (WOT).
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
Conditions for Running the DTC
. DTC P0122, P0123, P0222, P0223, and P2135
P0122, P0123, P0222, and P0223 are Type A DTCs.
- DTC P06A3 is not set. - DTC P0121 is a Type B DTC.
- The run/crank or powertrain relay voltage is - The ECM commands the TAC system to operate
greater than 6.41 Vand reduced power is not in the Reduced Engine Power mode.
active. - A message center or an indicator displays
- The ignition is ON or the engine is operating. Reduced Engine Power.
- DTC P0122, P0123, P0222, P0223 run ° Under certain conditions the control module
continuously when the above conditions are met. commands the engine OFF.
P0121 Conditions for Clearing the MlL/DTC
- DTCs P0102, P0103, P0107, P0108, P0112, - DTCs P0122, P0123, P0222, P0223, and P2135
P0113, P0114, P0116, P0117, P0118, P0128, are Type A DTCs.
P0315, P0335, P0336, or is not set.
' DTC P0121 is a Type B DTC.
- The engine speed is between 400 and
6,000 RPM. Diagnostic Aids
- The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is between - A high resistance condition on the throttle position
-7 to +125°C (19—257°F). and throttle actuator control circuits could cause a
- The intake air temperature (IAT) is between —20to DTC to set.
+100°C (—4to +212°F). - if the accelerator pedal is pressed to the wide
. DTC P0121 runs continuously when the above open throttle position, the throttle blade angle or
conditions are met. Throttle Position angle is limited to less than
40 percent.
. DTC P0122, P0123, P0222, P0223, or P06A3 is Reference Information
not set.
Schematic Reference
' The run/crank or powertrain relay voltage is
greater than 6.41 Vand reduced power is not Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314
Connector End View Reference
° The ignition is ON or the engine is operating.
- DTC P2135 runs continuously when the above Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
conditions are met. Description and Operation
Conditions for Setting the DTC ThrottleActuator Control (TAC) System Description on
page 9-587
Electrical Information Reference
The ECM detects the throttle position sensor is stuck
within range for greater than 1 s. ' Circuit Testing on page 11-526
P0122 - Connector Repairs on page 11—548
The ECM detects the throttle position sensor1 voltage - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
is less than 0.325 V for greater than 1 s. Connections on page 11-531
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
The ECM detects the throttle position sensor1 voltage DTC Type Reference
is greater than 4.75 V for greater than 1 s. Powen‘rain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
P0222 Definitions on page 6-68
The ECM detects that the throttle position sensor2 Scan Tool Reference
voltage is less than 0.25V for greater than 1 s. Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
P0223 information
The ECM detects the throttle position sensor2 voltage CircuitlSystem Verification
is greater than 4.59V for greater than 1 s.
1. Ignition ON.
2. Ifyou were sent here from DTC P0068, P0101,
P0106, or P1101 refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.

9-374 Engine Controls/Fuel =1.8L (LUW, LWE)
3. Verify that DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, or P06A3 is The MAF Sensor parameter does not change
not set. smoothly and gradually
If any of the DTCs are set Refer to DTC P0101 on page 9-349.
Refer to DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, or P06A3 The MAF Sensor parameter changes smoothly
(ECM) on page 9-449 for further diagnosis. and gradually
if none of the DTCs are set 12. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Verify the scan tool Throttle Body IdleAirflow Running the DTC. You may also operate the
Compensation parameter is less than 90 %. vehicle within the conditions that you observed
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
90 % or greater 13. Verify the DTC does not set.
Refer to Throttle Body Inspection and Cleaning If the DTC sets
on page 9-547.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
If less than 90 %
Verify the scan tool Throttle Position Sensor1 and U If the DTC does not set
Throttle Position Sensor 2 voltage parameters are 14. All OK
between 1.0—4.0Vand change with accelerator
pedal input. CircuitlSystem Testing
If not between 1.0—4.0V or does not change Note: Disconnecting the throttle body harness
connector causes additional DTCs to set.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
1. IgnitionOFF, and all vehicle systems OFF,
If between 1.0—4.0V and changes disconnect the harness connector at Q38 Throttle
Verify the scan tool Throttle Position Sensor1 and Body. it may take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle
2 Agree/Disagree parameter displays Agree while systems to power down.
performing the Throttle Sweep Test with a . Test for less than 5 Q between the low reference
scan tool. circuit terminal C and ground.
If Disagree If 5 Q or greater
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing 2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
lf Agree connector at the K20 engine control module.
Determine the current vehicle testing altitude. 2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
Verify the scan tool MAP Sensor pressure circuit end to end.
parameter is within range specified in the Altitude 2 If2 Q or greater, repairthe open/high resistance
Versus Barometric Pressure on page 9—312table. in the circuit.
The MAP Sensor pressure is not in range 2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 engine control
Refer to DTC P0106 on page 9—356. module.
The MAP Sensor pressure is within range If less than 5 Q
Engine idling. 9° IgnitionON.
Verify the scan tool MAP Sensor pressure Test for 4.8—5.2V between the 5 V reference circuit
parameter is between 26—52kPa (3.8—7.5psi) and terminal E and ground.
changes with accelerator pedal input. If less than 4.8 V
If not between 26—52kPa (3.8—7.5psi) or does 4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
not change connector at the K20 engine control module.
Refer to DTC P0106 on page 9-356. 4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the 5 V
reference circuit and ground.
U lf between 26—52kPa (3.8—7.5psi) and changes
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
. Verify the scan tool MAF Sensor g/s parameter
changes smoothly and gradually as the engine ground on the circuit.
speed is increased and decreased while U Ifinfinite resistance
performing the actions listed below. 4.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the 5 V reference
11.1. Engine idling circuit and to end.
11.2. Perform the scan tool snapshot function. 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
11.3. Increase the engine speed slowly to in the circuit.
3,000 RPM and then back to idle.
11.4. Exit from the scan tool snapshot and review
the data.
11.5. Observe the MAF Sensor parameter frame
by frame with a scan tool.


Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 94375
2 If less than 2 Q, replace the K20 engine control 2 if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
module. ground on the circuit.
2 If greater than 5.2 V U if infinite resistance
4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness 9.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
connector at the K20 engine control module, to end.
ignition ON. 2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
4.2. Test for less than 1 V between the 5V in the circuit.
reference circuit and ground.
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 engine control
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on module.
the circuit.
2 If greater than 5.2 V
2 If less than 1 V, replace the K20 engine control 9.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
module. connector at the K20 engine control module,
U lf between 4.8—5.2V ignition ON.
5. Ignition ON. 9.2. Test for less than 1 V between the signal
6. Test for less than 1 V between the throttle position circuit and ground.
sensor1 signal circuit terminal D and ground. 2 If 1 V or greater, repairthe short to voltage on
2 If 1.0 V or greater the circuit.
6.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness 2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 engine control
connector at the K20 engine control module, module.
ignition ON. U lf between 4.8—5.2V
6.2. Test for less than 1 V between the signal 10. Test or replace the 038 throttle body.
circuit and ground.
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on Repair Instructions
the circuit. ' Throttle Body Assembly Replacement on
2 If less than 1 V, replace the K20 engine control page 9-542
module. . Control Module References on page 6-3 for
U lf1.0 Vor less engine control module replacement, programming,
and setup
7. Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between throttle
position sensor1 signal circuit terminal D and the Repair Verification
5 V reference circuit terminal E.
1. Install any components that have been removed or
8. Verify the scan tool throttle position sensor1 replaced during diagnosis.
voltage parameter is greater than 4.8 V.
2. Perform any adjustments, programming or setup
2 If 4.8 V or less procedures that are required when a component is
8.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness removed or replaced.
connector at the K20 engine control module. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
8.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal P.“ Ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF. Itmay
circuit and ground. take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to
2 lfless than infinite resistance, repair the short to power down.
ground on the circuit. 5. Ignition ON.
U If infinite resistance 6. Verify the Throttle Position Sensors 1 and 2 Agree/
8.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end Disagree parameter displays Agree while
to end. performing the Throttle Sweep Test with a
scan tool.
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit. 2 If Disagree
2 If less than 2 Q, replace the K20 engine control Test or replace the 038 throttle body assembly.
module. U If Agree
U If 4.8 or greater 7. Ifthe repair was related to a DTC, duplicate the
9. Test for 4.8—5.2V between the throttle position Conditions for Running the DTC and use the
sensor2 signal circuit terminal F and ground. Freeze Frame/Failure Records, if applicable, in
order to verify the DTC does not set.
2 If less than 4.8V
2 If DTC sets
9.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20 engine control module. Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
Vehicle on page 6—69for further diagnosis.
9.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal
circuit and ground. U If DTC does not set
8. All OK

9:376 Ewine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0128 (LUW)

Diagnostic Instructions
~ Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
' Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- DiagnOstic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0128: Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Below Thermostat Regulating Temperature

CircuitlSystem Description The ECM detects that the actual engine coolant
temperature is 46°C (114.8°F) colder than the
The engine control module (ECM) monitors the commanded engine coolant temperature while the lAT
temperature of the engine coolant for engine control is between —7to +10°C (+194 to +50°F).
and as enabling criteria for some diagnostics. The
amount of air flow into an engine is proportional to the Action Taken When the DTC Sets
amount of heat an engine generates. The ECM ' DTC P0128 is a type B DTC.
monitors the amount of air flow into the engine to
calculate engine coolant temperature (ECT). The ECM ' The cooling fan will be commanded ON.
uses the calculated temperature to determine if the - The NC compressor will be commanded OFF.
engine has warmed up to the thermostat regulating
temperature. Ifthe coolant temperature does not Conditions for Clearing the DTC
increase normally or does not reach the thermostat DTC P0128 is a Type B DTC.
regulating temperature, diagnostics that use the ECT as
enabling criteria, may not run when expected. it the Diagnostic Aids
engine coolant temperature fails to reach the ' The following conditions can also set the DTC:
thermostat regulating temperature, before a
predetermined amount of air flow enters the engine, the - DTC P0128 occurring with insufficient vehicle
DTC sets. interior heating is an indication of improper
thermostat operation.
Conditions for Running the DTC - Corrosion on the engine coolant temperature
- DTC P0083, P0084, POOBB,P0101, P0102, (ECT) sensor terminals or the engine coolant
P0103, P0111, P0112, P0113, P0116, P0117, temperature (ECT) sensor harness connector
or P0118 are not set. results in a greater voltage on the engine coolant
temperature (ECT) sensor signal circuit, which is
- The decrease in ECT after engine start is within a interpreted by the ECM as a colder engine coolant
calibrated range. temperature (ECT) sensor.
- The start—upECT is between —40to +80°C (~40to - A slight to moderate resistance in the engine
+176°F). coolant temperature (ECT) sensor signal circuit or
- The start-up lAT is between —7to +65°C (+194 to low reference circuit will affect this diagnostic. This
+149°F). condition results in a greater voltage on the engine 2R
- The engine coolant thermostat heater command is coolant temperature (ECT) sensor signal circuit,
equal to or greater than 10%. which is interpreted by the ECM as a colder
- The engine average airflow is greater than 11 g/s. engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor.
~ The engine has not run for greater than Reference Information
30 minutes.
‘ The engine runtime is between 22 s and 30 min. Schematic Reference
- The ethanol in the fuel is equal or less than 100% Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—314
- The DTC runs once per ignition cycle when the Connector End View Reference
above conditions are met.
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
Conditions for Setting the DTC
Electrical Information Reference
The ECM detects that the actual engine coolant
temperature is 26°C (78.8°F) colder than the ° Circuit Testing on page 11—526
commanded engine coolant temperature while the lAT ~‘ Connector Repairs on page 11-548
is between +10 to +65°C (+50to +149°F) . Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
OR Connections on page 11—531
0 Wiring Repairs on page 11-537

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel : 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-377
DTC Type Reference 3. ignition ON, verify the scan tool ECT Sensor
parameter is at -40°C (-40°F).
Powen‘rain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6-68 2 if warmer than -40°C (—40°F),test the signal
circuit terminal1 for a short to ground. if the
Scan Tool Reference circuit tests normal, replace the K20 Engine
Control Module.
Control Module References on page 6-3
Caution: lfthe fuse in the jumper wire opens, the
CircuitlSystem Verification signal circuit may have a short to a voltage or a short to
1. IgnitionOFF, inspect the cooling system surge tank ground and the sensor might be damaged.
for the proper coolant level. Refer to Loss of 4. install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal
Coolant on page 9-625 and Cooling System circuit terminal 1 and the low reference circuit
Draining and Filling on page 9-628. terminal 2. Verify the scan tool ECT Sensor
2. ignition ON, observe the DTC informationwith a parameter is at 140°C (284°F).
scan tool. DTC P0037, P0597, P0598, P0599, 2 Ifcolder than the specified range, test the signal
or p2181 should not be set. circuit for a short to voltage or an open/high
2 Ifa DTC is set, refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code resistance. if the circuittests normal, replace
(DTC) List —Vehicle on page 6-69. the K20 Engine Control Module.
3. Engine idling for 15 min with the A/C OFF. 5. If all circuits/connections test normal, replace the
B34A Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor.
4. Command the Engine Coolant Thermostat Heater
to 0% with a scan tool. Increase the engine speed Component Testing
to 3 000 RPM. Observe the scan tool ECT Sensor
parameter. The temperature should increase to Static Test
greater than 102°C (215°F). 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
2 Ifless than the specified value, replace the the 334A Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor.
E41 Engine Coolant Thermostat Heater. Note: A thermometer can be used to the used to test
5. Command the Engine Coolant Thermostat Heater the sensor off the vehicle.
to 100% with a scan tool. Increase the engine 2. Test the B34A Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
speed to 3 000 RPM. Observe the scan tool by varying the sensor temperature while
Radiator Coolant Temperature Sensor and the monitoring the sensor resistance. Compare the
ECT Sensor parameters. The Radiator Coolant readings with the Temperature Versus Resistance
Temperature Sensor and the ECT Sensor (ECT) on page 9-312 table and verify that the
parameters should be within 20°C (68°F). resistance is within 5% of the specification.
6. Engine idling, observe the DTC information with a 2 if not within the specified range, replace the
scan tool. DTC P0128 should not set.
BS4 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor.
7. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
running the DTC to verify the DTC does not reset. Repair Instructions
"M You may also operate the vehicle within the Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
conditions that you observed from the freeze page 6-92 after completing the repair.
frame/failure records data.
- Engine Coolant TemperatureSensor
CircuitlSystem Testing Replacement (Water Outlet)on page 9534 or
Engine Coolant TemperatureSensor
1. Ignition OFF, all vehicles system OFF. Itmay take
Replacement (Radiator) on page 9-535 or Engine
up to 2 min for all vehicles systems to power down.
Coolant Temperature Sensor Replacement
Disconnect the harness connector at the
(Thermostat) on page 9—535
834A Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor.
- Engine Coolant Thermostat Replacement (LUV)
2. Test for less than 5 Q between the low reference
on page 9—661or Engine Coolant Thermostat
circuit terminal 2 and ground.
Replacement (LUW) on page 9—662
2 Ifgreater than the specified range, test the - Control Module References on page 6-3 for
ground circuit for an open/high resistance. if the Engine Control Module replacement,
circuit tests normal, replace the K20 Engine programming, and setup.
Control Module.

9:378 Engine Controls/Fuel = 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0131, P0132, P0134, P0137, P0138, or P0140

Diagnostic Instructions
. Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
. Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
. Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provide an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0131: H028 Circuit Low Voltage Sensor1
DTC P0132: H028 Circuit High Voltage Sensor1
DTC P0134: H028 Circuit InsufficientActivity Sensor1
DTC P0137: H028 Circuit Low Voltage Sensor 2
DTC P0138: HO2S Circuit High Voltage Sensor2
DTC P0140: H028 Circuit InsufficientActivity Sensor 2

Diagnostic Fault Information

Opeanigh ' Signal

Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
P0131,P0137 P0132,P0134, P0132,P0134, .PO133,P1133*,
H028 HighSignal P0138,P0140 P0138,P0140 PO15A*,PO1SB*
P0132,P0134, P0132,P0134, P0133,P1133*,
HO2S LowSignal P0131,P0137 P0138,P0140 P0138,P0140 PO15A*,P015B*

Typical Scan Tool Data

Voltage, H023 Sensor2

H0281 Voltage
Circuit I Short to Ground I Open Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: Engineoperatingin Closed Loop
ParameterNormalRange:200—800 mV
H0281 or 2 HighSignal OmV 1800—2100mV 1800—2100mV
H028 1 or 2 LowSignal -0 mV 1800—2100mV 1800—2100mV

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Running the DTC

The heated oxygen sensors (HO2S) are used for fuel DTC P0131 or P0137
control and catalyst monitoring. Each H028 compares 0 DTCs P0068, P0106, P0108, P0122, P0123,
the oxygen content of the surrounding air with the
P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0222, P0223,
oxygen content of the exhaust stream. When the
P0442, P0443, P0449, P0452, P0455, P0496,
engine is started, the control module operates in an
P0606, P16F3 and P2101 are not set.
open loop mode, ignoring the HO2S signal voltage
while calculating the air to fuel ratio. While the engine The system voltage is between 10—32V.
runs, the H028 heats up and begins to generate a The fuel level is greaterthan 10%.
voltage within a range of 0—1000 mV. Once sufficient The fuel composition is less than 87% ethanol.
H028 voltage fluctuation is observed by the control
module, closed loop is entered. The control module The fuel system is in Closed Loop.
uses the H028 voltage to determine the air to fuel ratio. The engine is not decelerating.
An H028 voltage that increases toward 1 000 mV DTC P0131 runs continuously when the above
indicates a rich fuel mixture.An H028 voltage that conditions are met for greater than 3 s.
decreases toward 0 mV indicates a lean fuel mixture. DTC P0137 runs continuously when the above
The heating elements inside each HO2S heat the conditions are met for greater than 5 s.
sensor to bring the sensor up to operating conditions
faster. This allows the system to enter closed loop
earlier and the control module to calculate the air to fuel
ratio sooner.
2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9:379
DTC P0132 or P0138 - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
- DTCs P0106, P0108, P0201, P0202, P0203, Connections on page 11-531
P0204, P0442, P0443, P0449, P0452, P0453, - Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
P0455 and P0496 are not set.
DTC Type Reference
- The system voltage is between 10—32V.
- The fuel level is greater than 10%. Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6-68
- The fuel composition is less than 87% ethanol.
- The fuel system is in Closed Loop. Scan Tool Reference
- The engine runtime is greater than 5 s. Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
- The engine is not decelerating. information
- DTC P0132 and P0138 run continuously when the CircuitlSystem Verification
above conditions are met for greater than 3 s.
1. IgnitionON.
DTC P0134 or P0140 2. Verify no HO2S heater DTCs are set.
- DTCs P0068, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0122, 2 If a H028 heater DTC is set.
P0123, P0222, P0223, P0606 and P16F3 are
not set. Refer to DTC P0030-P0032, P0036-P0038,
- The ignition voltage is between 10—32V. P0053, P0054, P0135, or P0141 on
page 9—335.
- The heated oxygen sensor heater warm up is
finished. U If no H028 heater DTC is set.
~ The engine runtime is greater than 5 s. 3. Allow the engine to reach operating temperature,
engine running.
- The fuel composition is less than 87% ethanol.
4. Verify the scan tool H028 Sensor1 or 2 voltage
- DTC P0134 and P0140 run continuously when the parameters are between 50—1050 mV.
above conditions are met.
2 If not between 50-1 050 mV.
Conditions for Setting the DTC Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
P0131 or P0137 U lf between 50—1050 mV.
The engine control module detects that the heated 5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
oxygen sensor voltage is less than 20 mV for greater Running the DTC. You may also operate the
than 38 s. vehicle within the conditions that you observed
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
P0132 or P0138
6. Verify the DTC does not set.
The engine control module detects that the heated
oxygen sensor voltage is greater than 1 050 mV for 2 If the DTC sets.
greater than 10 s. Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
P0134 or P0140 U If the DTC does not set.
The engine control module detects that the heated 7. All OK.
oxygen sensor voltage is greater than 1 700 mV for
greater than 10 3. CircuitlSystem Testing
1. IgnitionOFF, and all vehicle systems OFF,
Action Taken When the DTC Sets disconnect the harness connector at the
DTCs P0131, P0132, P0134, P0137, P0138 and P0140 appropriate 852 Heated Oxygen Sensor. Itmay
are Type B DTCs. take up to 2 min for all vehicle systems to
power down.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC 2. Test for less than 5 Q between the low reference
DTCs P0131, P0132, P0134, P0137, P0138 and P0140 circuit terminal 3 and ground.
are Type B DTCs. 2 if 5 Q or greater
Reference Information 2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
Schematic Reference 2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314 circuit end to end.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Connector End View Reference in the circuit.
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Electrical information Reference Module.
U If less than 5 Q
- Circuit Testing on page 11—526
3. ignition ON.
- Connector Repairs on page 11—548

9x380 Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
4. Test for 1.5—2.5V between the high signal circuit Low or high fuel system pressure. Refer to Fuel
terminal 4 and ground. System Description on page 9—584.
2 If less than 1.5V Fuel that is contaminated. Refer to Alcohol/
4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness Contaminants—in-FuelDiagnosis on
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. page 9-523.
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal Fuel saturation of the evaporative emission
circuit and ground. (EVAP) canister
Exhaust leaks near the H028
2 If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit. Engine vacuum leaks
2 If infinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine 2 If a condition is found
Control Module. Repair as necessary.
2 If greater than 2.5 V U If no condition is found
4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness Test or replace the appropriate B52 Heated
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module, Oxygen Sensor. 1
ignition ON.
4.2. Test for less than 1 V between the signal Repair Instructions
circuit and ground. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
2 lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on page 6—92after completing the diagnostic repair.
the circuit. ° Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor1
U lflessthan1V on page 9—538
4.3. Ignition OFF ~ Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor 2
on page 9539
4.4. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
to end. o Perform the scan tool Heated Oxygen Sensor 1
Resistance Learn Reset after replacing a H028.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit. - Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
replacement, programming, and setup.
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
U If between 1.5—2.5V
5. Verify none of the following conditions exist:
. Lean or rich fuel injectors. Refer to Fuel Injector
Diagnosis on page 9—520.
- Water intrusion in the H028 harness connector

Engflte Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9x381

DTC P0133, P013A, P013B, P013E, P013F, P015A, P0153, P2270, or P2271

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provide an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0133: H028 Slow Response Sensor1
DTC P013A: HO2S Slow Response Rich to Lean Sensor 2
DTC P013B: H028 Slow Response Lean to Rich Sensor2
DTC P013E: HO2S Delayed Response Rich to Lean Sensor2
DTC P013F: H02S Delayed Response Lean to Rich Sensor2
DTC P015A: H028 Delayed Response Rich to Lean Sensor1
DTC P0153: HO2S Delayed Response Lean to Rich Sensor1
DTC P2270: H028 Signal Stuck Lean Sensor2
DTC P2271: H028 Signal Stuck Rich Sensor2

CircuitlSystem Description - The barometric pressure (BARO) is greater than

70 kPa (10 PSI).
The heated oxygen sensors (H028) are used forfuel
control and catalyst monitoring. Each HO2S compares - The engine has been operating for greater
the oxygen content of the surrounding air with the than 150 s.
oxygen content of the exhaust stream. When the . The mass air flow (MAF) sensor parameter is
engine is started, the control module operates in an between 12—30g/s.
open loop mode, ignoring the H028 signal voltage . The H028 heater is commanded ON for greater
while calculating the air to fuel ratio. While the engine than 40 s.
runs, the H028 heats up and begins to generate a - The fuel system is in Closed Loop.
voltage within a range of 0—1275 mV. Once sufficient
H028 voltage fluctuation is observed by the control - The vehicle is not decelerating.
module, closed loop is entered. The control module - The learned heater resistance is valid.
uses the H028 voltage to determine the air to fuel ratio. - The fuel composition is less than 87% ethanol.
An H028 voltage that increases toward 1 000 mV - The DTCs run continuously when the above
indicates a rich fuel mixture. An H028 voltage that conditions are met for greater than 1 s.
decreases toward 0 mV indicates a lean fuel mixture.
The heating elements inside each H028 heat the P013A
sensor to bring the sensor up to operating conditions - DTCs P0068, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0106,
faster. This allows the system to enter closed loop P0107, P0108, P0111, P0112, P0113, P0116,
earlier and the control module to calculate the air to fuel P0117, P0118, P0119, P0122, P0123, P0128,
ratio sooner. P0171, P0172, P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204,
P0222, P0223, P0300, P16F3, P2101 or P2135 is
Conditions for Running the DTC not set.
DTC P0133 - The system voltage is between 10—32V.
' DTCs P0068, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0106, - The learned heater resistance is valid.
P0107, P0108, P0111, P0112, P0113, P0116, . The fuel level is greater than 10%.
P0117, P0118, P0119, P0122, P0123, P0128, - DTC P0138, P013E, PO13F, P2270 or P2271
P0131, P0132, P0134, P0201, P0202, P0203, have failed this key cycle.
P0204, P0222, P0223, P0300, P0442, P0443,
P0449, P0452, P0455, P0496, P16F3, P2101 or - DTC P013E and P2270 have passed.
P2135 is not set. . The DTC runs once per trip, during deceleration
- The ignition signal parameter is between 10—32V. fuel cut—off(DFCO) mode, when the above
conditions are met.
- The device controls are not active.
- The engine speed is between 1 200—3500 RPM.
. The Engine coolant temperature (ECT) is greater
than 60°C (140°F).
. The intake airtemperature (lAT) is greater than

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
9-382 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
P013B The fuel level is greater than 10%.
DTCs P0068, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0106, The H028 heater is commanded ON for greater
P0107, P0108, P0111, P0112, P0113, P0116, than 40 s.
P0117, P0118, P0119, P0122, P0123, P0128, The learned heater resistance is valid.
P0171, P0172, P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204,
The Engine coolant temperature (ECT) is greater
P0222, P0223, P0300, P16F3, P2101 or P2135 is
than 60°C (140°F).
not set.
The intake air temperature (lAT) is greater than
The system voltage is between 10—32V. —40°C(—40°F).
The learned heater resistance is valid.
The engine has been operating for greater
The fuel level is greater than 10%. than 150 s.
DTC P013A, P013E, P013F, P2270 or P2271 The engine speed is between 1 550—3500 RPM to
have failed this key cycle. initially enable the test.
DTC P013A, P013E, P013F, P2270 and P2271 The vehicle speed is between 70—125km/h (44-
have passed. 78 mph) to initially enable the test.
The DTC runs once per trip, during the fuel enrich The engine speed is between 1 350—3650 RPM to
mode, when the above conditions are met. keep the test enabled.
P013E The vehicle speed is between 65—130km/h (41-
DTCs P0068, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0106, 81 mph) to keep the test enabled.
P0107, P0108, P0111, P0112, P0113, P0116, The mass air flow (MAF) sensor parameter is
P0117, P0118, P0119, P0122, P0123, P0128, between 2—20g/s.
P0171, P0172, P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, The fuel system is in Closed Loop.
P0222, P0223, P0300, P16F3, P2101 or P2135 is The evaporative emission (EVAP) diagnostics are
not set. not in control of purge.
The system voltage is between 10—32V. The predicted catalytic converter temperature is
The learned heater resistance is valid. between 550—900°C(1 022—1652°F).
The fuel level is greater than 10%. DTC P015A runs once per trip, during the
DTC PO13A, P0138, P013F, P2270 and P2271 deceleration fuel cut—of‘f (DFCO) mode, when the
have failed this key cycle. above conditions are met.
DTC P2270 have passed. DTC P0158 runs once per trip, during the fuel
The DTC runs once per trip, during deceleration enrich mode, when the above conditions are met.
fuel cut—off(DFCO) mode, when the above P2270
conditions are met. DTCs P0068, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0106,
P013F P0107, P0108, P0111, P0112, P0113, P0116,
DTCs P0068, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0106, P0117, P0118, P0119, P0122, P0123, P0128,
P0107, P0108, P0111, P0112, P0113, P0116, P0171, P0172, P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204,
P0117, P0118, P0119, P0122, P0123, P0128, P0222, P0223, P0300, P16F3, P2101 or P2135 is
P0171, P0172, P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, not set.
P0222, P0223, P0300, P16F3, P2101 or P2135 is The ignition signal parameter is between 10—32V.
not set. The fuel level is greater than 10%.
The system voltage is between 10—32V. The engine speed is between 1 400—3500 RPM to
The learned heater resistance is valid. initially enable the test.
The fuel level is greater than 10%. The vehicle speed is between 45—125km/h (28-
DTC P013A, P0133, PO13E, P2270 and P2271 78 mph) to initially enable the test.
have failed this key cycle. The engine speed is between 1 350—3650 RPM to
DTC P013A, PO13E, P2270 and P2271 have keep the test enabled.
passed. The vehicle speed is between 40—130km/h (25-
The DTC runs once per trip, during the fuel enrich 81 mph) to keep the test enabled.
mode, when the above conditions are met. The mass air flow (MAF) sensor parameter is
between 2—20g/s.
P015A and P0153
The fuel system is in Closed Loop.
DTCs P0068, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0106,
P0107, P0108, P0111, P0112, P0113, P0114, The evaporative emission (EVAP) diagnostics are
P0116, P0117, P0118, P0119, P0121, P0122, not in control of purge.
P0123, P0128, P0131, P0132, P0134, P0171, The H028 heater is commanded ON for greater
P0172, P0201, P0202, P0204, P0222, P0223, than 40 s.
P0300, P0442, P0443, P0446, P0449, P0452, The predicted catalytic converter temperature is
P0453, P0455, P0496, P16F3, P2101 or P2135 is between 550—900°C(1 022—1652°F).
not set.
The system voltage is between 10—32V.
The device controls are not active.
2013 (5377994)
Engflie Controls/Fuel .. 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9:383
. DTC PO13A, P0138, P013E, PO13F, P2270 or P2270
P2271 have failed this key cycle. - The ECM detects that the heated oxygen sensor
- The DTC runs once per trip, during the fuel enrich (H028) 2 sensor cannot achieve voltage less than
mode, when the above conditions are met 775 mV.
for 1.5 s. and
P2271 - The ECM detects that the accumulated mass air
- DTCs P0068, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0106, flow monitored during the Stuck Lean Voltage Test
P0107, P0108, P0111, P0112, P0113, P0116, is greater than 60 g.
P0117, P0118, P0119, P0122, P0123, P0128, P2271
P0171, P0172, P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204,
P0222, P0223, P0300, P16F3, P2101 or P2135 is . The ECM detects that the heated oxygen sensor
not set. (H028) 2 sensor cannot achieve voltage greater
than 100 mV.
- The ignition signal parameter is between 10—32V.
- The fuel level is greater than 10%.
- The ECM detects that the accumulated mass air
- The engine speed is between 1 400—3500 RPM. flow monitored during the stuck rich voltage test is
- The vehicle speed is between 45—125km/h (28- greater than 30 9.
78 mph).
- The mass air flow (MAF) sensor parameter is Action Taken When the DTC Sets
between 2—20g/s. - DTCs P0133, P013E, P013F, P2270 are P2271
- The fuel system is in Closed Loop. Type B DTCs.
- The evaporative emission (EVAP) diagnostics are . DTCs P013A, P013B, P015A and P015B are
not in control of purge. Type A DTCs.
- The H028 heater is commanded ON for greater Conditions for Clearing the DTC
than 40 s.
- DTCs P0133, P013E, P013F, P2270 are P2271
- The predicted catalytic converter temperature is Type B DTCs.
between 550—900°C(1 022—1652°F).
~ DTCs P013A, P0133, P015A and P015B are
' DTC PO13A, P013B, P013E, P013F or P2270 Type A DTCs.
have failed this key cycle.
- DTC P013A, PO13E and P2270 have passed. Reference Information
' The DTC runs once per trip, during deceleration Schematic Reference
fuel cut-off (DFCO) mode, when the above
conditions are met. Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314
Conditions for Setting the DTC Connector End View Reference

P0133 Component Connector End Views on page 11-269

- The ECM detects that the H028 1 average Electrical Information Reference
response time is more than a calculated value.
- Circuit Testing on page 11—526
- DTC P0133 sets within 60 s when the above
- Connector Repairs on page 11—548
condition is met.
~ Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
P013A Connections on page 11—531
The ECM detects that the accumulated mass airflow - Heated Oxygen Sensor Wiring Repairs on
monitored during rich to lean transitions between 150- page 11—543
450 mV is greater than 10 g.
DTC Type Reference
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
The ECM detects that the accumulated mass air flow Definitions on page 6—68
monitored during rich to lean transitions between 335-
650 mV is greater than 140 g. Scan Tool Reference
P013E Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
The ECM detects that the Post 02 sensor voltage is information
greater than 450 mV and the accumulated mass air flow CircuitlSystem Verification
monitored during the delayed Response Test is greater
than 20 g. 1. IgnitionON, observe the DTC information with a
scan tool. Verify no HO2S heater DTCs are set.
2 Ifa H028 heater DTC is set, refer to DTC
The ECM detects that the Post 02 sensor voltage is P0030-P0032, P0036—P0038,P0053, P0054,
less than 350 mV and the accumulated mass air flow P0135, or P0141 on page 9-335
monitored during the delayed Response Test is greater 2. Allow the engine to reach operating temperature.
than 260 g.

9—384 Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
3. Verify none of the following conditions exist: 4. Ifall conditions test normal, test or replace
Lean or rich fuel injectors the H028.
Water intrusion in the H028 harness connector 5. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
running the DTC. Or operate the vehicle within the
Low or high fuel system pressure, refer to Fuel conditions that you observed from the freeze
System Diagnosis on page 9—518 frame/failure records data.
Fuel that is contaminated, refer to Alcohol/
Contaminants-in-Fuel Diagnosis on page 9-523 Repair Instructions
Fuel saturation of the evaporative emission Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
(EVAP) canister page 6-92 after completing the repair.
Exhaust leaks Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor 1
Engine vacuum leaks on page 9-538
Engine oil consumptions, refer to Oil Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement -Sensor 2
Consumption Diagnosis on page 9-956 on page 9-539
Engine coolant consumption, refer to Perform the scan tool Heated Oxygen Sensor
Symptoms - Engine Cooling on page 9—61 7 Resistance Learn Reset after replacing an H028.
Ifyou find any of the above conditions, repair as Control Module References on page 6-3for ECM
necessary. replacement, programming and setup.

2013 (5377994)
Efiine Controls/Fuel ’l.8L (LUW, LWE) 9385
DTC P0171 or P0172
Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0171: Fuel Trim System Lean
DTC P0172: Fuel Trim System Rich

CircuitlSystem Description - The fuel level is greater than 10 % and no fuel

sensor fault is present.
The engine control module (ECM) controls a Closed
Loop air/fuel metering system in order to provide the - This diagnostic runs continuously when the above
best possible combination of driveability, fuel economy, conditions have been met.
and emission control. The ECM monitors the heated
oxygen sensor (HO2S) signal voltage, and adjusts the Conditions for Setting the DTC
fuel delivery based on the signal voltage while in - The average long term fuel trim weighted average
Closed Loop. A change made to the fuel delivery value is greater or less than a calibrated value.
changes the long and short term fuel trim values. The - The above condition is present for approximately
short term fuel trim values change rapidly in response 3 min after the Conditions for Running the DTC
to the H028 signal voltages. These changes fine tune have been met.
the engine fueling. The long term fuel trim values
change in response to trends in the short term fuel trim Action Taken When the DTC Sets
The long term fuel trim makes coarse adjustments to DTCs P0171 and P0172 are Type B DTCs.
fueling in order to re-center and restore control to short
term fuel trim.The ideal fuel trim values are around Conditions for Clearing the MlL/DTC
0 %. A positive fuel trim value indicates that the ECM is
adding fuel in order to compensate for a lean condition. DTCs P0171 and P0172 are Type B DTCs.
A negative fuel trim value indicates that the ECM is Diagnostic Aids
reducing the amount of fuel in order to compensate for
a rich condition. - Allow the engine to reach operating temperature.
With the engine running, observe the H028
Conditions for Running the DTC parameter with a scan tool. The H028 value
- DTCs P0030, P0053, P0101, P0102, P0103, should vary from approximately 40 mV to
P0106, P0107, P0108, P0131—P0135, P0201- approximately 900 mV. and respond to fueling
P0204, P0300—P0304, P0411, P0442, P0455, changes.
P0458, P0496, P0506, P0507, P1248, P1249, - The normal Short Term Fuel Trim and Long Term
P124A, P1248, P2147, P2148, P2150, P2151, Fuel Trim parameters should be between +10 and
P2153, P2154, P2156, P2157, P2227, P2228, —10 % with 0 % the optimum, with the engine
P2229, P2230, P2440, or P2444 are not set. running at operating temperature.
~ The engine is in Closed Loop status. - Itis very unlikely that an H028 will cause this DTC
- The catalyst monitor diagnostic intrusive test, post to set without the occurrence of the circuit related
02 diagnostic intrusive test, and EVAP diagnostic HO2S DTCs. Do not replace an H028 to address
test are not active. this DTC without first performing all the steps in
Circuit/System Verification.
- The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is between
—20°Cand +150°C (-4°F and +302°F). . Any un—meteredair into the engine causes this
DTC to set. Thoroughly inspect all areas of the
- The intake airtemperature (lAT) is between —20°C engine for vacuum leaks.
and +150°C (—4°Fand +302°F).
- A MAF sensor condition can cause this DTC
- The manifold absolute pressure (MAP) is between without setting a MAF DTC. lfthere is a MAF
10—255kPa (1.5—37psi). sensor condition, the MAF sensor parameters will
- The engine ‘speed is between 400—7,000RPM. appear to be within range.
- The mass air flow (MAF) is between 1—512g/s. - inspect the air filter for being the correct one for
- The barometric pressure (BARO) is greater than this application. Make sure that the engine oil fill
70 kPa (10.2 psi). cap is in place and that it is tight. Verify that the
engine oil dip stick is fully seated.
' Certain aftermarket airfilters may cause a DTC
to set.

9-386 Engine Controls/Fuel , 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
Certain aftermarket air induction systems or 4. Verify the Long Term Fuel Trim parameter is
modifications to the air induction system may between —25% and +25% (LWE) or —30% and
cause a DTC to set. +30 % (LUW).
Certain aftermarket exhaust system components 2 If not within the specified range, verify that
may cause a DTC to set. none of the conditions listed below exist:
Reference Information P0171
- Mass air flow (MAF) sensor signal skewed.
Electrical Information Reference if the Short Term Fuel Trim parameter changes
Circuit Testing on page 11—526 greater than 20 % when the MAF sensor is
disconnected, refer to DTC P0101 on
Connector Repairs on page 11-548 page 9-349.
Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor . Fuel contamination. Refer to A/cohol/
Connections on page 11-531 Contaminants-in-Fue/ Diagnosis on
Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 page 9-523.
DTC Type Reference - Missing, restricted, or leaking exhaust
components. Refer to Symptoms - Engine
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Exhaust on page 9-734.
Definitions on page 6-68
- Malfunctioning fuel injectors. Refer to Fuel
Scan Tool Reference InjectorDiagnosis on page 9-520.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool ' Split, kinked, or improperly connected vacuum
information hoses
. Insufficientfuel in the tank
CircuitlSystem Verification - Low fuel pressure. Refer to Fuel System
1. IgnitionON. Diagnosis on page 9—518.
2. Verify no other DTCs are set. - Vacuum leaks at the intake manifold, the throttle
:> If any other DTCs are set body, and the injector O-rings. ,
- Leaks in the air induction system and the air
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - intake ducts
Vehicle on page 6-69 for further diagnosis.
- Missing airfilter element
If no other DTCs are set
- Cracked EVAP canister
9’ Verify DTC P0171 or P0172 is not set.
- Evaporative pipes obstructed or leaking
If a DTC is set
- Leaks in the crankcase ventilation system.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing Refer to Crankcase Ventilation System
if no DTC is set Inspection/Diagnosis on page 9-968.
Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for P0172
Running the DTC. You may also operate the ~ Mass air flow (MAF) sensor signal skewed.
vehicle within the conditions that you observed in Ifthe Short Term Fuel Trim parameters for both
the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. banks changes greater than 20 % when the
S” Verify DTC P0171 or P0172 is not set. MAF sensor is disconnected, refer to DTC
2 If any of the DTCs set P0101 on page 9-349.
. Fuel contamination. Refer to Alcohol/
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing Contaminants—in—Fuel Diagnosis on
U If none of the DTCs set page 9—523.
6. All OK. - Missing, restricted, or leaking exhaust
components. Refer to Symptoms - Engine
CircuitlSystem Testing Exhaust on page 9-734.
1. ignition ON. - Malfunctioning fuel injectors. Refer to Fuel
2. Verify the manifold absolute pressure sensor is InjectorDiagnosis on page 9—520
within the range specified for your altitude. Refer to - Collapsed or restricted air intake duct
Altitude Versus Barometric Pressure on ' Excessive fuel pressure. Refer to Fuel System
page 9-312 Diagnosis on page 9—51 8
If not within the specified range - Dirty or restricted air filter
Refer to DTC P0106 on page 9-356 - Objects blocking the throttle body
If within the specified range
Engine running, allow the engine to reach
operating temperature.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel =1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9387
- improper operation of the evaporative Repair Instructions
emissions control system
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
- Excessive fuel in the crankcase. Change the page 6—92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
engine oil as necessary.
2 If a condition is found
Repair as necessary.
U If no condition is found
5. Test the engine for a mechanical condition. Refer
to Symptoms - Engine Mechanical on page 9-953.

9388 Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE)


Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0183: Fuel Pressure Sensor Performance
DTC P0180: Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P018D: Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
P06A6P0641, P018C P018D P06A6
5V Reference
Signal P0180 P018C P018D P0188
LowReference — PO18D —— P06A6

CircuitlSystem Description Counter and Pass Counter can help determine how
many ignition cycles that the diagnostic test reported a
The fuel pressure sensor is located on the fuel line. The pass and/or a fail.
fuel pressure sensor monitors the fuel pressure in the
fuel line. The fuel pump control module monitors the Reference Information
voltage signal from the fuel pressure sensor.
Schematic Reference
Conditions for Running the DTC
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314
- The engine is running.
Connector End View Reference
- DTC P018C, PO18D, P0231, P0232, P023F,
P064A, P1255 or P06A6 are not active. Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
- DTC P0641 has not failed this ignition cycle. Description and Operation
~ Fuel pump control is enabled and the fuel pump
control state is normal. Fuel System Description on page 9584
. The engine has been running for at least Electrical Information Reference
5 seconds.
. Circuit Testing on page 11—526
Conditions for Setting the DTC - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
The fuel pump control module does not detect a Connections on page 11—531
change in the fuel pressure of at least 30 kPa (4.4 psi) - Connector Repairs on page 11-548
when the fuel pump is operating. The fuel pressure . Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
sensor performance diagnostic provides a means to
detect fuel pressure sensor output that is stuck within DTC Type Reference
the normal operating range of the sensor. Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Action Taken When the DTC Sets Definitions on page 6-68
DTC P0188, P018C and PO18D are Type A DTCs. Scan Tool Reference

Conditions for Clearing the DTC Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
information .
DTC PO18B, P018C and P018D are Type A DTCs.
Diagnostic Aids
Using the Failure Records data may help locate an
intermittentcondition. Ifyou cannot duplicate the DTC,
the information in the Failure Records can help
determine how many miles since the DTC set. The Fall

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel =1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-389
CircuitlSystem Verification 2 if less than 2 Q, replace the K27 Fuel Pump
Control Module.
1. Engine running.
2. Verify the scan tool Fuel Pressure Sensor Voltage lf greater than 5.2 V
parameter is between 0.2—4.8V. 4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
2 If not between 0.2—4.8V connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control
Module, ignition ON.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. 4.2. Test for less than 1 V between the 5 V
U lf between 0.2—4.8V reference circuit and ground.
3. All OK. 2 lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.
CircuitlSystem Testing
2 If less than 1 V, replace the K27 Fuel Pump
Note: Verify that the fuel tank is not empty. Only Control Module.
perform this diagnostic if there is at least 2 gallons of
fuel in the fuel tank. Clear the DTC, and start and run <2 If between 4.8—5.2V
the engine. Verify that the DTC resets before Verify the scan tool Fuel Pressure Sensor Voltage
proceeding with the circuit system testing. Ifthe DTC parameter is less than 1 V.
does not reset, refer to diagnostic aids. lf 1 V or greater
1. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF, 5.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
disconnect the harness connector at the B47 Fuel connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control
Pressure Sensor. Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all Module, ignition ON.
vehicle systems to power down. 5.2. Test for less than 1 V between the signal
Test for less than 10 Q between the low reference circuit terminal 1 and ground.
circuit terminal 2 and ground. 2 If 1 V or greater, repairthe short to voltage on
if 10 Q or greater the circuit.
2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness 2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K27 Fuel Pump
connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control Control Module.
If less than 1 V
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
circuit end to end. Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal
circuit terminal 1 and the 5V reference circuit
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance terminal 3, wait 15 seconds.
in the circuit. . Verify the scan tool Fuel Pressure Sensor Voltage
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K27 Fuel Pump parameter is greater than 4.8 V.
Control Module. If 4.8 V or less
If less than 10 Q 7.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
IgnitionON. connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control
. Test for 4.8—5.2V between the 5 V reference circuit Module.
terminal 3 and ground. 7.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal
if less than 4.8 V circuitterminal 1 and ground.
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness 2 If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control ground on the circuit.
Module. U lf infinite resistance
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the 5 V 7.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
reference circuit and ground. to end.
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to 2 If2 Q or greater, repairthe open/high resistance
ground on the circuit. in the circuit.
U lf infinite resistance 2 If less than 2 Q, replace the K27 Fuel Pump
4.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the 5 V reference Control Module.
circuit end to end. U If greater than 4.8 V
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 8. Test or replace the B47 Fuel Pressure Sensor.
in the circuit.
Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 692 after completing the repair.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for fuel pump
control module replacement, programming and setup

9-390 EngLine Controls/Fuel =1.8L (L U W, LW E)

DTC P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0261, P0262, P0264, P0265, P0267, P0268,
P0270, or P0271

Diagnostic Instructions
' Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approac h.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0201: Cylinder1 InjectorControl Circui t
DTC P0202: Cylinder2 InjectorControl Circui t
DTC P0203: Cylinder3 InjectorControl Circui t
DTC P0204: Cylinder4 InjectorControl Circui t
DTC P0261: Cylinder1 InjectorControl Circui t Low Voltage
DTC P0262: Cylinder1 InjectorControl Circui t High Voltage
DTC P0264: Cylinder2 InjectorControl Circui t Low Voltage
DTC P0265: Cylinder2 InjectorControl Circui t High Voltage
DTC P0267: Cylinder3 InjectorControl Circui t Low Voltage
DTC P0268: Cylinder 3 InjectorControl Circui t High Voltage
DTC P0270: Cylinder4 InjectorControl Circui t Low Voltage
DTC P0271: Cylinder4 InjectorControl Circui t High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
P0201*,P0202*, P0203“,
. . Voltage P0203*,P0204*, P0204“,
ignition P0261*,P0264*, P0261”, - -
P0267*,P0270* P0264”,
injector1 Control P0201,P0261 P0201,P0300 P0262,P0300
injector2 Control P0202,P0264 P0202,P0300 P0265,P0300
injector3 Control P0203,P0267 P0203,P0300 P0268,P0300
injector4 Control P0204,P0270 P0204,P0300 P0271,P0300
**Cranksno startif theconditionis betweenthefuseandthesplice.

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Running the DTC

The engine control module (ECM) enables the The engine is running for greaterthan 1 s. ,m
appropriate fuel injector pulse for each cylinder. Ignition - The ignition voltage is greater than 11V.
voltage is supplied to the fuel injectors. The ECM
- The DTCs run continuously when the above
controls each fuel injector by grounding the control
conditions are met.
circuit via a solid state device called a driver. The ECM
monitors the status of each driver. if the ECM detects Conditions for Setting the DTC
an incorrect voltage for the commanded state of the
driver, a fuel injector control circuit DTC sets. The control module detects an incorrect voltage on the
fuel injector control circuit for more than 5 s.

Engine Controls/Fuel =1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-391
Action Taken When the DTC Sets 4. Verify the DTC does not set.
DTCs P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0261, P0262, 2 If the DTC sets
P0264, P0265, P0267, P0268, P0270, and P0271 are Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Type B DTCs.
U If the DTC does not set
Conditions for Clearing the DTC 5. All OK.
DTCs P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0261, P0262,
CircuitlSystem Testing
P0264, P0265, P0267, P0268, P0270, and P0271 are
Type B DTCs. 1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the appropriate Q17 Fuel Injector,ignition ON.
Diagnostic Aids 2. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the ignition
Performing the Fuel InjectorDiagnosis may help isolate circuit terminal 1 and ground.
an intermittentcondition. Refer to Fuel Injector 2 if the test lamp does not illuminate and the
Diagnosis on page 9-520. circuit fuse is good
Reference Information 2.1. ignition OFF, remove the test lamp.
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ignition circuit end
Schematic Reference to end.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314 2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Connector End View Reference in the circuit.
2 Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 there is voltage at the fuse.
Electrical Information Reference 2 If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
- Circuit Testing on page 11-526 circuit fuse is open
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 2.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp, and
disconnect all components on the circuit.
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11-531 2.2. Test for infinite resistance between the ignition
circuit and ground.
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
DTC Type Reference ground on the circuit.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type U Ifinfinite resistance
Definitions on page 6-68 2.3. Replace the fuse, ignition ON.
Scan Tool Reference 2.4. Verify the fuse is good after connecting each
of the components one at a time.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
information 2 lfthe fuse opens, replace the component that
opens the fuse when connected.
Special Tool 2 Ifthe fuse is good, all OK.
CH 34730-20 Noid Light, if available U If the test lamp illuminates
CircuitlSystem Verification 3. IgnitionOFF, connect the test lamp to the affected
fuel injector connector.
1. Engine cranking or running.
4. Engine cranking.
2. Verify the scan tool parameters listed below do not
display Malfunction. 5. Verify the test lamp turns ON and OFF.
~ Cylinder 1—4injector Control Circuit Low 2 If the test lamp is always OFF
Voltage Test Status 5.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp, disconnect
° Cylinder 1—4InjectorControl Circuit Open Test the X2 harness connector at the K20 Engine
Status Control Module, ignition ON.
- Cylinder1—4 InjectorControl Circuit High 5.2. Test for less than 1 V between the control
Voltage Test Status circuit and ground.
2 If Malfunction is displayed 2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
U Ifless than 1 V
U lf Malfunction is not displayed
5.3. IgnitionOFF.
3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the 5.4. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit and
vehicle within the conditions that you observed to end.
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

9-392 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control Component Testing
Fuel Injector Diagnosis on page 9-520
2 If the test lamp is always ON
5.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp, disconnect Repair Instructions
the X2 harness connector at the K20 Engine Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
Control Module. page 6-92 after completing the repair.
5.2. Test for infinite resistance between the control - Fuel Injector Replacement on page 9-562
circuit and ground. - Control Module References on page 6-3 for
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to Engine Control Module replacement,
ground on the circuit. programming, and setup
2 if infinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
Control Module.
U If the test lamp turns ON and OFF
6. Test or replace the appropriate Q17 Fuel Injector.

Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.3L (LUW, LWE) 9—393
DTC P0231, P0232, or P023F
Diagnostic Instructions
0 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0231: Fuel Pump Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0232: Fuel Pump Control Circuit High Voltage
DTC P023F: Fuel Pump Control Circuit

Diagnostic Fault Information

Openflfigh ShontoVbflage SMnal

Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Performance
Control P0231 P023F P0232 PO23F,P2635
LowReference —— PO23F —— PO23F,P2635

CircuitlSystem Description On vehicles equipped with a high pressure mechanical

pump on Direct Fuel Injection engines, the vehicle may
.__._~.\ The engine control module (ECM) supplies voltage to
W,,flvwm....aa_.._..«__ww—-NWW.W continue to run even though the pump in the fuel tank is
the fuel pump control module when the ECM detects
not operating.
that the ignition is on. The voltage from the ECM to the
fuel pump control module remains active for 2 seconds, Reference Information
unless the engine is in crank or run. While this voltage
is being received, the fuel pump control module Schematic Reference
supplies a varying voltage to the fuel tank pump module
in order to maintain the desired fuel line pressure. Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314
Connector End View Reference
Conditions for Running the DTC
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
P0231, P023F
Description and Operation
The ignition voltage is between 9—18V.
Fuel System Description on page 9-584
The control enable voltage signal supplied for the ECM Electrical information Reference
to fuel pump control module is inactive for 4 seconds - Circuit Testing on page 11-526
after engine has been shut off.
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548
Conditions for Setting the DTC - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
The fuel pump control module detects a fault on the fuel Connections on page 11-531
pump voltage circuit that is less than 11V or greater - Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
than 18 V.
DTC Type Reference
Action Taken When the DTC Sets Powen‘rain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
DTCs P0231, P0232, and P023F are Type A DTCs. Definitions on page 6-68

Conditions for Clearing the DTC Scan Tool Reference

DTCs P0231, P0232, and P023F are Type A DTCs. Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
Diagnostic Aids
Using the Failure Records data may help locate an
intermittentcondition. Ifyou cannot duplicate the DTC,
the information in the Failure Records can help
determine how many miles since the DTC set. The Fall
Counter and Pass Counter can help determine how
many ignition cycles that the diagnostic test reported a
pass and/or a fail.

9.394 Engine Controls/Fuel = 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

CircuitlSystem Testing 2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K27 fuel pump

control module.
1. Ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
disconnect the harness connector at the G12 fuel 2 If the test lamp is always ON
pump. Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle 5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
systems to power down. connector at the K27 fuel pump control
2. Test for less than 10 Q between the low reference module, ignition ON.
circuit terminal 2 and ground. 5.2. Test for less than 1 V between the control
2 If 10 Q or greater circuit and ground.
2.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness 2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
connector at the K27 fuel pump control the circuit.
module. 2 lfless than 1 V, replace the K27 fuel pump
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference control module.
circuit end to end. U If the test lamp turns 0N and OFF
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 6. Replace the G12fuel pump.
in the circuit.
2 If less than 2 Q, replace the K27 fuel pump Repair Instructions
control module. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
U If less than 10 Q page 6—92after completing the repair.
3. Connect a test lamp between the control circuit ' Fuel Tank Fuel Pump Module Replacement (Steel
terminal 1 and the low reference circuit terminal 2. Tank) on page 9-559
- Control Module References on page 6—3for fuel
4. IgnitionON.
pump control module replacement, programming
5. Verify the test lamp turns ON and OFF when and setup
commanding the fuel pump ON and OFF using the
scan tool ECM fuel pump enable control function.
2 If the test lamp is always OFF
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K27 fuel pump control
5.2. Test for infinite resistance between the control
circuit and ground.
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit.
U If infinite resistance
5.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end
to end.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

Engine Controls/Fuel —1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9—395
Diagnostic instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P025A: Fuel Pump Control Module Enable Circuit

Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Short to Voltage Signal

Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Performance
Control P025A P025A P025A

CircuitlSystem Description - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor

Connections on page 11-531
The engine control module (ECM) supplies voltage to
the fuel pump control module when the ECM detects - Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
that the ignition is on. The voltage from the ECM to the DTC Type Reference
fuel pump control module remains active for 2 seconds,
unless the engine is in crank or run. While this voltage Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
is being received, the fuel pump control module Definitions on page 6-68
supplies a varying voltage to the fuel tank pump module
Scan Tool Reference
in order to maintain the desired fuel line pressure.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
Conditions for Running the DTC information
The ignition is ON.
CircuitlSystem Testing
Conditions for Setting the DTC Note: Verify that the fuel tank is not empty. Only
The serial data message from the ECM to the fuel perform this diagnostic if there is at least 2 gallons of
pump control module does not agree with the state of fuel in the fuel tank. Clear the DTC, and start and run
the control enable voltage signal supplied from the the engine. Verify that the DTC resets before
ECM to the fuel pump control module for more than proceeding with the circuit system testing. Ifthe DTC
2 seconds. does not reset, refer to diagnostic aids.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets 1. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
disconnect the harness connector at the K27 fuel
DTC P025A is a Type A DTC. pump control module, ignition ON.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC 2. Connect a test lamp between the control circuit
terminal 20 and ground.
DTC P025A is a Type A DTC.
3. Verify the test lamp turns ON and OFF when
Reference Information commanding the fuel pump ON and OFF using the
scan tool ECM fuel pump enable control function.
Schematic Reference
2 If the test lamp is always OFF
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314 3.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
Connector End View Reference connector at the K20 engine control module.
3.2. Test for infinite resistance between the control
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 circuit and ground.
Description and Operation 2 if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit.
Fue/ System Description on page 9-584
U lf infinite resistance
Electrical Information Reference
3.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit and
0 Circuit Testing on page 11—526 to end.
- Connector Repairs on page 11—548 2 It2 Q or greater, repairthe open/high resistance
in the circuit.


94396 Engine Controls/Fuel =1.8L (LUW, LWE)
2 if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 engine control 2 if less than 1 V, replace the K20 engine control
module. module.
2 If the test lamp is always ON U If the test lamp turns ON and OFF
3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness 4. Test or replace the K27 fuel pump control module.
connector at the K20 engine control module, Mm
ignition ON. Repair Instructions
3.2. Test for less than 1 V between the control Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
circuit and ground. page 6—92after completing the repair.
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM or
the circuit. fuel pump control module replacement, programming
and setup

Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-397

DTC P0300-P0304 (LUW)

Diagnostic Instructions
' Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0300: Engine Misfire Detected
DTC P0301: Cylinder1 Misfire Detected
DTC P0302: Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected
DTC P0303: Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected
DTC P0304: Cylinder4 Misfire Detected

CircuitlSystem Description ° The camshaft and crankshaft sensors are

synchronized with each other.
The engine control module (ECM) uses information
from the crankshaft position sensor in order to - DTCs P0300-P0304 run continuously when the
determine when an engine misfire is occurring and above conditions are met.
uses informationfrom the camshaft position sensor
Conditions for Setting the DTC
intake and camshaft position sensor exhaust sensors in
order to determine which cylinder is misfiring. By The ECM is detecting a crankshaft rotation speed
monitoring variations in the crankshaft rotation speed variation indicating a misfire sufficient to cause
for each cylinder, the ECM is able to detect individual emission or catalyst damaging levels to exceed
misfire events. Ifthe ECM detects a misfire rate mandated standards.
sufficient to cause emission levels to exceed mandated
standards, DTC P0300 sets. Under certain driving Action Taken When the DTC Sets
conditions, a misfire rate can be high enough to cause DTCs P0300-P0304 are Type B DTCs.
the 3-way catalyst to overheat, possibly damaging the
converter. The malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) will Conditions for Clearing the DTC
flash ON and OFF when converter overheating, DTCs P0300—P0304are Type B DTCs.
damaging conditions are present and DTC P0300 is
set. DTCs P0301—P0304corresponds to cylinders 1—4. Diagnostic Aids
if the ECM is able to determine that a specific cylinder - A misfire may only occur when the engine is under
is misfiring. the DTC for that cylinder will set. a load or when the engine is cold.
Conditions for Running the DTC - A misfire DTC may be caused by an excessive
vibration from sources other than the engine.
- DTCs P0010, P0011, P0013, P0014, P0016,
Inspect for the following possible sources:
P0017, P0068, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0106,
P0107, P0108, P0111, P0112, P0113, P0117, —A tire or wheel that is out of round or out of
P0118, P0122, P0123, P0222, P0223, P0335, balance
P0336, P0606, P0651, P0697, P06A3, P0806, —Variable thickness brake rotors
P0807, P0808, P1104, P16F3, P182E, P2101, —Certain rough road conditions
P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, P2135 or P2138
are not set. —A damaged accessory drive component or belt
—Remove the drive belt and safely operate the
- The engine speed is between 500—6,500RPM or engine to evaluate.
DTC P0315 is set and the engine speed is greater
than 1,000 RPM. —A damaged reluctor wheel
- The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is between - High resistance in the circuits of the injectors may
—7and +125°C (19 and 257°F). set a misfire DTC without setting an injector DTC.
Test the injector circuits of the affected cylinder(s)
' Ifthe ECT is colder than —7°C(+19°F)at start—up, for a high resistance if you suspect a condition.
this diagnostic will not run until the ECT is
between 21—125°C(70—257°F). ° if the condition is intermittent,observing the scan
tool IC Circuit Test and Fuel injector Circuit Test
- The system voltage is between 9—32V. Status parameters may help to isolate the
- The engine runtime is greater than 2 crankshaft condition. The circuit status parameters will
revolutions. change from OK or Not Run to Malfunction if a
° The throttledeltas are less than 95%. condition exists.
' The fuel level is greater than 10%. - A condition in H028 heater control circuits may
set a misfire DTC.

9—398 Engine Controls/Fuel =1.8L (LUW, LWE)
Reference |nformation - Contaminated fuel, referto Alcohol/
. Contaminants-in—Fue/Diagnosis on
Schematic Reference page 9-523.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314 - Restricted exhaust system, refer to Restricted
_ Exhaust on page 9—734.
Connector End VIew Reference . .. .
2 Ifyou find any of the above condItIons,repaIras
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 necessary.
lectrical Information Reference 2. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at
E the appropriate Q17 Fuel injector.
' Circuit Testing 0" page 71'526 3. Connect a J 34730-20 InjectorTest light between
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 the control circuit terminal 2 and the ignition
' Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor voltage CWCU” termInal 1-
Connections on page 11-531 4. Engine idling, the test lamp should flash.
. Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 2 if the test lamp does not flash, refer to DTC
P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0261, P0262,
DTC Type Reference P0264, P0265, P0267, P0268, P0270,
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type or P0271 on page 9—390.
Definitions on page 6-68 5. IgnitionOFF, connect the 017 Fuel injector
Scan Tool Reference connector. Remove the T8 IgnitionCoil.

Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool 6' Igfigsvfiéhgolggifigggonspark plug bOOtSfor the
information '
_ - Damage
$F’e‘3'aI TOOIS 0 Carbon tracking
. J34730—2C injector Test light _ - Oil contamination
- EL 26792 HEI Spark Tester - Water intrusion
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on 2 if you find any of the above conditions, repair as
page 9-593. necessary.
CircuitlSystem Verification 7. ansnenrfigtJheharness connector to the ignition coil
1. Engine
. . at normal operating
running . temperature,
. 8 . Install thelEL 26792 HEI Spark Tester between the
verify there '3 no abnormal engIne neise. spark plug boot of the misfiring cylinder and
2 Ifthere is an abnormal engine noise, refer to ground,
Symptoms ' Engine Mechanical 0" page 9‘953- 9. Connect the remaining wires to the appropriate
2. Observe the DTC informationwith a scan tool. cylinders,
Verify that DTC PO201—P0204,P0315, P0335, -
Note-. An erratic or weak 5park -Is conSIdered a no
P0336, P0351~P0354 are not set. spark condition.
2 Ifany of the DTCs are set, refer to Diagnostic 10. Attempt to startthe engine and observe the
(DTC) L’St ' veh’C’e 0"
Tgozb’s‘ffjcsfde EL 26792 HEl Spark Tester. The spark tester
t Alt)9‘
Noe: f'r I l
mISIemayonyoccurwe h n the engine is ShOUIdspark.
. I . ..
under a load. An engine load may be necessary to :> gflgfn'nggggiglorfifsgé‘; gfiggon’c Ignition
verify the condition.
11. IgnitionOFF, remove the spark plug from the
3. Observe the scan tool Misfire Current Counter - -- l' d V -f th f H - --
parameters. The Misfire Counters should not be owmg condItIonsdo
““3213 \i/Ithnthee-spzrrlkypluZP
incrementing. .
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for gig’eggfg’j 22332190953: refer to Spark Plug
running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
within the conditions that are captured in the freeze ‘ Cracked, worn, incorrectly gapped
frame/failure records lists. 2 Ifthere is a condition with the spark plug,
. . . replace the spark plug.
C'rcu't/SyStem TeStmg 12. Exchange the suspected spark plug with another
1. Verify that the following conditions do not exist: cylinder that is operating correctly.
- Vacuum hose splits, kinks, and incorrect
- Engine vacuum leaks
- Crankcase ventilation system for vacuum leaks,
refer to Crankcase Ventilation System
Inspection/Diagnosis on page 9-968.
- Fuel pressure that is too low or too high, refer to
Fuel System Diagnosis on page 9-518.
Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9.399
13. Engine running, observe the scan tool Cylinder 1- Repair Verification
4 Current Misfire Counters. The misfire should not
follow the spark plug exchange. 1. Install any components or connectors that have
been removed or replaced during diagnosis.
2 lfthe misfire follows the spark plug, replace the
spark plug. 2. Perform any adjustment, programming or setup
procedures that are required when a component or
14. Ifall conditions test normal, test or inspect for the module is removed or replaced.
Clear the DTCs.
0 A lean or rich fuel injector, refer to Fuel Injector
Diagnosis on page 9-520. 28‘ Turn OFF the ignition for 60 S.
- An engine mechanical condition, refer to if the repair was related to a DTC, duplicate the
Symptoms - Engine Mechanical on page 9—953. conditions for running the DTC and use the freeze
frame/failure records, if applicable, in order to
Repair Instructions verify the DTC does not reset. it the DTC resets or
another DTC is present, refer to the Diagnostic
- Ignition Coil Replacement on page 9—570 Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle on page 6-69.
- Spark Plug Replacement on page 9-573 To verify that the performance of the catalyst has
not been affected by the condition that set this
DTC, perform the Repair Verification for
DTC P0420. Refer to DTC P0420 on page 9—422.

9400 Engine Controls/Fuel . 'l.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0315 (LUW)

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0315: Crankshaft Position System Variation Not Learned

CircuitlSystem Description Electrical Information Reference

The crankshaft position sensor system variation learn - Circuit Testing on page 11-526
feature is used to calculate reference period errors - Connector Repairs on page 11—548
caused by slight build tolerance variations in the
crankshaft position sensor, crankshaft, and crankshaft - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
position sensor position. The calculated error allows the Connections on page 11—531
engine control module (ECM) to accurately - Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
compensate for reference period variations. This DTC Type Reference
enhances the ability of the ECM to detect misfire events
over a wide range of engine speeds and load Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
conditions. The ECM stores the crankshaft position Definitions on page 6-68
system variation values after a learn procedure has
been performed. Itthe actual crankshaft position Scan Tool Reference
variation is not stored within the crankshaft position Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
sensor compensating value look up table, then DTC information.
P0300 may set. Ifthe crankshaft position sensor
system variation values are not stored in the ECM CircuitlSystem Testing
memory, or a proper ECM power down does not occur Note: The crankshaft position sensor system variation
after completing the crankshaft position sensor Learn learn procedure may have to be repeated up to 5 times
Procedure, then DTC P0315 sets. before the procedure is learned.
Conditions for Running the DTC 1. Perform the crankshaft position variation learn
- The engine is running. procedure.
- The DTC runs continuously. 2. Ifthe crankshaft position variation learn procedure
cannot be performed successfully, inspect for the
Conditions for Setting the DTC following conditions:
The crankshaft position sensor system variation values . Any worn crankshaft main bearings
are not stored in the ECM memory. . A damaged or misaligned reluctorwheel
Action Taken When the DTC Sets - Excessive crankshaft runout
. A damaged crankshaft. Refer to Crankshaft and
DTC P0315 is a Type A DTC.
Bearing Cleaning and Inspection on
Conditions for Clearing the DTC page 9-1109.
DTC P0315 is a Type A DTC. - Interference in the signal circuit of the
B26 Crankshaft Position Sensor
Diagnostic Aids - The ignition switch is left in the ON position,
This test procedure requires that the vehicle battery until the battery is discharged
has passed a load test and is completely charged. - An ECM power disconnect, with the ignition
Refer to Battery Inspection/Test on page 9—702. ON, that may have erased the crankshaft
position sensor system variation values and set
Reference Information DTC P0315
Schematic Reference ~ Any debris between the crankshaft position
sensor and the reluctorwheel
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314
2 Ifthere is a condition, repair as necessary.
Connector End View Reference 3. Ifthe ECM is still unable to complete the learn
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 procedure, replace the K20 Engine Control

Engine Controls/Fuel =1.81. (LUW, LWE) 9401
Repair Instructions Control Module References Control Module
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on References on page 6-3 for engine control module
page 6-92 after completing the repair. replacement, programming, and setup.

9402 Engine Controls/Fuel —'l.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0324, P0326, or P0686

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0324: Knock Sensor (KS) System Performance
DTC P0326: Knock Sensor (KS) Performance
DTC P0686: Control Module Knock Sensor Processor1 Performance
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
Signal P0327 P0325 P0328 P0326
LowReference P0327 P0325,P0686 P0328 P0326

CircuitlSystem Description ' The ECT is warmer than -40°C (—40°F).

. The IATsensor1 is warmer than —40°C(-40°F).
The knock sensors enable the engine control module
(ECM) to control the ignition timing for the best possible - The DTCs run continuously when the above
performance while protecting the engine from conditions are met.
potentially damaging levels of detonation. The knock P0636
sensors produce an alternating current (AC) voltage
signal that varies depending on the vibration level - Engine speed is between 500 and 5,500 RPM.
during engine operation. The ECM adjusts the spark - The number of engine revolutions within the
timing based on the amplitude and the frequency of the engine speed window is least 100 revolutions.
two knock sensor signals. The ECM receives the two ' Engine is running greater than 2 s.
knock sensor signals through 2 isolated circuits. The o The DTCs run continuously when the above
ECM learns a minimum knock sensor noise level for all conditions are met.
of the engine speed ranges. The ECM monitors for a
normal knock sensor signal. The ECM monitors the two Conditions for Setting the DTCs
internal knock sensor processors by verifying a 20 KHz
signal generated on the signal circuits is detected on P0324
the sensors‘ low reference circuits. The ECM detects that the knock sensor signal's
Conditions for Running the DTCs performance is out of the normal expected range due to
an excessive engine knock, or abnormal noise, or a flat
P0324 or P0326—Condition 1; Excessive Knock signal; in at least a single cylinder.
Diagnostic P0326
- Engine speed is between 400 and 8,500 RPM. - The ECM detects that the knock sensor signal
° Engine is running for greater than 2 s. indicates the sensor harness is connected, but the
- The number of engine revolutions above the sensor is not properly bolted to the engine.
minimum engine speed is least 200 revolutions. OR
. The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is warmer - The ECM detects that the knock sensor signal
than —40°C(-40°F). indicates an excessive engine knock is present.
- The intake airtemperature (IAT)sensor1 is P0636
warmer than -40°C (-40°F).
The ECM has detected an internal knock sensor
- The DTCs run continuously when the above
conditions are met. processor fault.

P0324 or P0326—Condition 2; Abnormal Noise Action Taken When the DTCs Set
Diagnostic and Condition 3; Flat Signal Diagnostic . DTCs P0324, P0326, and P0686, are
- Engine speed is at least 8,500 RPM. Type B DTCs.
- The number of engine revolutions above the - The ignition timing is retarded to reduce the
minimum engine speed is least 200 revolutions. potential of engine damaging spark knock.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L(LUW, LWE) 9403
Conditions for Clearing the DTCs 4. Vehicle OFF, inspect for the following:
DTCs P0324, P0326, and P0686 are Type B DTCs. - The affected 868 Knock Sensor for physical
damage. A sensor that is dropped or damaged
Reference Information may cause a DTC to set
Schematic Reference ' The sensor for proper installation. A sensor that
is loose or not at the correct torque may cause
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—28 a DTC to set. Refer to Fastener Tightening
Specifications on page 9-27.
Connector End View Reference
' The sensor mounting surface for burrs, casting
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 flash, and foreign material
Electrical Information Reference o The sensor must be clear of hoses, brackets,
and engine electrical wiring
- Circuit Testing on page 11—526 - Loose brackets
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 . Loose or broken accessory drive belts,
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor brackets, components
Connections on page 11—531 - An engine mechanical condition—Refer to
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 Symptoms - Engine Mechanical on page 9-770
DTC Type Reference 2 lfa condition is found
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Repair or replace component as appropriate.
Definitions on page 6—68 U if no condition is found
Scan Tool Reference 5. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool within the conditions that you observed from the
information freeze frame/failure Records data.
CircuitlSystem Verification 2 If any of the DTCs set
1. Ignition ON. Test or replace the B68 Knock Sensor.
2. Engine running,observe the DTC information with U If none of the DTCs set
a scan tool. 6. All OK
3. Verify DTC P0325, P0327, P0328 and P06B6 is
not set. Repair Instructions
2 [F DTC P0325, P0327, or P0328 is set with Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
P0636 page 6-92 after completing the repair.
Refer to DTC P0325, P0327, or P0328 on - Knock Sensor Replacement on page 9286
page 9—145for further diagnosis. ' Control Module References on page 6—3for
2 If only DTC P0636 is set engine control module replacement, programming,
and setup.
Verify that no external knock sensor circuit
issues exist, then; replace the K20 Engine
Control Module.
U If none of the DTCs is set


9404 Engine Controls/Fuel :- "l.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0325, P0327, or P0328 (LUW)

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0325: Knock Sensor Circuit
DTC P0327: Knock Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0328: Knock Sensor Circuit High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
. P0324,P0326,
Sgnal P0327 P0325 P0328 P0686

LowReference P0327 P0325 P0328 P0324,P0326,


CircuitlSystem Description P0327

The knock sensor system enables the engine control The ECM detects that the sensor input signal is less
module (ECM) to control the ignition timing for the best than 0.57 V or the sensor return signal is less than
possible performance while protecting the engine from 0.40 V for greater than 5 s.
potentially damaging levels of detonation. The knock P0328
sensor produces an alternating current (AC) voltage
signal that varies depending on the vibration level The ECM detects that the sensor input signal is greater
during engine operation. The ECM adjusts the spark than 2.76 V or the sensor return signal is greater than
timing based on the amplitude and the frequency of the 1.95 V for greater than 5 5.
knock sensor signal. The ECM receives the knock
sensor signal through a signal circuit and a low Action Taken When the DTC Sets
reference circuit. The ECM learns a minimum knock - DTCs P0325, P0327, and P0328 are
sensor noise level at idle and uses calibrated values for Type B DTCs.
the rest of the RPM range. The ECM should monitor a - The ignition timing is retarded to reduce the
normal knock sensor signal within the noise channel. potential of engine damaging spark knock.
Conditions for Running the DTC Conditions for Clearing the DTC
P0325 DTCs P0325, P0327, and P0328 are Type B DTCs.
° Engine speed is between 600-8 500 RPM. Diagnostic Aids
- The ECT is greater than —40°C(—40°F).
- Inspect the knock sensor for physical damage.
- The IAT is greater than —40°C(—40°F). A knock sensor that is dropped or damaged may
- The engine runtime is greater than 5 s. cause a DTC to set.
- The DTC runs continuously when the above - Inspect the knock sensor for proper installation.
conditions are met. A knock sensor that is loose or over torqued may
cause a DTC to set. The knock sensor should be
P0327 or P0328 free of thread sealant.
- Engine speed is between 0—8500 RPM. ° The knock sensor mounting surface should be
. DTCs P0327 and P0328 run continuously when free of burrs, casting flash, and foreign material.
the above condition is met.
Reference Information
Conditions for Setting the DTC
Schematic Reference
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314
The ECM detects the knock sensor signal circuit is
open for greater than'5 s. Connector End View Reference
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269

Egine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91-405
Description and Operation CircuitlSystem Testing
Electronic Ignition System Description on page 9—591 1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
Electrical Information Reference the B68 Knock Sensor, ignition ON.
Test for 1—4V between each of the following
0 Circuit Testing on page 11—526 circuits and ground:
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 - Signal terminal 1
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor - Low reference terminal 2
Connections on page 11-531
If less than 1 V
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness
DTC Type Reference connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type 2.2. Test for infinite resistance between the
Definitions on page 6-68 affected circuit and ground.
2 lf'less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
Scan Tool Reference
ground on the circuit.
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool U lt'infinite resistance
2.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the affected circuit end
CircuitlSystem Verification to end.
1. Engine running 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.
2. Verify DTC P0325, P0327, P0328 or P06B6 is
not set. 2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
2 If DTC P0325, P0327 or P0328 is set with P06B6
2 If greater than 4 V
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness
2 if only DTC P0686 is set connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
Replace the K20 Engine Control Module. ignition ON.
U if none of the DTCs are set 2.2. Test for less than 1 V between the affected
3. Verify the affected 368 Knock Sensor is properly circuit and ground.
tightened. Refer to Fastener Tightening 2 lf1 V or greater, repairthe short to voltage on
Specifications on page 9-313. the circuit.
4. Verify the scan tool parameters below display NO 2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
while moving the related harnesses and Module.
connectors for the affected 868 Knock Sensor. U If between 1—4V
' Cylinder1 Knock Detected
3. Replace the 868 Knock Sensor.
' Cylinder2 Knock Detected
- Cylinder 3 Knock Detected Repair Instructions
~ Cylinder4 Knock Detected Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92 after completing the repair.
2 If NO is not displayed
Knock Sensor Replacement on page 9—577
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. , Control Module
References on page 6—3for ECM
U If NO is displayed replacement, programming, and setup.
5. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
within the conditions that you observed from the
freeze frame/failure Records data.
2 If any of the DTCs set
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
U If none of the DTCs set
6. All OK

9-406 E'fljine Controls/Fuel 1 ‘i.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0335 or P0336

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
. Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0335: Crankshaft Position Sensor Circuit
DTC P0336: Crankshaft Position Sensor Performance
Diagnostic Fault Information

Opeanigh Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
P0651 P0335 P0651 P0336
5V Reference
Signal P0335.P0506 P0335 P0335 P0336
LowReference — P0335 — P0336

CircuitlSystem Description AND

The crankshaft position sensor circuits consist of an - The airflow into the engine is greater than 2 g/s.
engine control module (ECM) supplied 5 V reference Condition 2
circuit, low reference circuit, and an output signal - The engine is running and the starter is not
circuit. The crankshaft position sensor is an internally engaged.
magnetic biased digital output integrated circuit sensing
device. The sensor detects magnetic flux changes of - DTC P0651 is not set.
the teeth and slots of a 58—toothreluctor wheel on the Condition 3
crankshaft. Each tooth on the reluctor wheel is spaced
at 60—toothspacing, with 2 missing teeth for the - The engine is running or the starter is engaged.
reference gap. The crankshaft position sensor - DTCs P0365, P0366, P0641, or P0651 are
produces an ON/OFF DC voltage of varying frequency, not set.
with 58 output pulses per crankshaft revolution. The P0336 Condition 1
frequency of the crankshaft position sensor output
depends on the velocity of the crankshaft. The - The airflow into the engine is greater than 2 g/s.
crankshaft position sensor sends a digital signal, which - Engine speed is greater than 450 RPM.
represents an image of the crankshaft reluctor wheel, to - DTCs P0335 or P0651 are not set.
the ECM as each tooth on the wheel rotates past the
crankshaft position sensor. The ECM uses each Condition 2
crankshaft position signal pulse to determine - The engine is running and the starter is not
crankshaft speed and decodes the crankshaft reluctor engaged.
wheel reference gap to identify crankshaft position. - DTC P0651 is not set.
This information is then used to determine the optimum
ignition and injection points of the engine. The ECM Condition 3
also uses crankshaft position sensor output information . The starter is engaged and the engine control
to determine the camshaft relative position to the module detects camshaft position (CMP) sensor
crankshaft, to control camshaft phasing, and to detect pulses.
cylinder misfire.
Conditions for Running the DTC - DTCs P0101, P0102, and P0103 are not set.
P0335 Condition 1 - The airflow into the engine is greater than 2 g/s.
- The starter is engaged and the engine control Condition 4
module detects camshaft position (CMP) sensor - The engine is running or the starter is engaged.
pulses. - DTCs P0365, P0366, P0641, or P0651 are
OR not set.
- DTCs P0101, P0102 and P0103 are not set. The DTCs run continuously once the above conditions
are met.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91407
Conditions for Setting the DTC Scan Tool Reference
P0335 Condition1 Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
The ECM does not detect a crankshaft position sensor
pulse for greater than 4 3. CircuitlSystem Verification
Condition 2 1. IgnitionON.
The ECM does not detect a crankshaft position sensor 2. Verify DTC P0651 is not set.
pulse for greater than 0.1 s. 2 If the DTC is set
Condition 3 Refer to DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, or P06A3
The ECM does not detect a crankshaft position sensor (ECM) on page 9—449.
pulse for 2 out of 10 engine revolutions. U If the DTC is not set
P0336 Condition 1 (D. Engine Running.
The ECM detects that 10 or more crankshaft 4. Verify the scan tool Crankshaft Position Active
resynchronization have occurred within 10 3. Counter parameter increments.
2 if the counter does not increment
Condition 2
Refer to Circuit/System Testing.
The ECM does not detect the synchronization gap on
the reluctor wheel for greater than 0.4 s. {2 If the counter increments
Condition 3 5. Verify the scan tool Crankshaft Position Resync
Counter parameter displays 0 counts and the
The ECM does not detect the synchronization gap on engine does not stumble or stall while moving the
the reluctor wheel for greater than 1.5 s after the starter related harness/connectors of the B26 Crankshaft
was engaged. Position Sensor.
Condition 4 2 If greater than 0 counts and the engine
The ECM detects less than 51 or greater than stumbles or stalls
65 crankshaft position sensor pulses during 1 engine Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
revolution for 8 out of 10 engine revolutions. U lf 0 counts and the engine does not stumble or
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
6. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
. DTCs P0335 and P0336 are Type B DTCs. Running the DTC. You may also operate the
- The camshaft position sensor is used to determine vehicle within the conditions that you observed
engine position. from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
. The camshaft actuators are commanded to the 7. Verify the DTC does not set.
parked position. 2 If the DTC sets
Conditions for Clearing the DTC Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
DTCs P0335 and P0336 are Type B DTCs. U If the DTC does not set
Reference Information 8 All OK.

Schematic Reference CircuitlSystem Testing

1. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9314 disconnect the harness connector at the
Connector End View Reference B26 Crankshaft Position Sensor. Itmay take up to
2 minutes for all vehicle systems to power down.
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
2. Test for less than 5 Q between the low reference
Description and Operation circuit terminal 2 and ground.
Electronic Ignition System Description on page 9—591 2 If 5 Q or greater
2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness
Electrical Information Reference connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
° Circuit Testing on page 11-526 2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 circuit end to end.
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Connections on page 11-531 in the circuit.
° Wiring Repairs on page 11—537 2 If2 Q or less, replace the K20 Engine Control
DTC Type Reference
U if less than 5 Q
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6—68 3. ignition ON.

91408 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
4. Test for 4.8—5.2V between the 5 V reference circuit 2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
terminal 3 and ground. Module.
if less than 4.8 V U If between 4.8—5.2V
4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X2 harness 6. IgnitionOFF, connect a 3 A fused jumper wire to
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. the signalcircuitterminal1, ignition ON.
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the 5V Note: Additional DTCs may set when performing
reference circuit and ground. this test.
2 if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to 7. Verify the scan tool Crankshaft Position Sensor
ground on the circuit. Active Counter parameter increments while rapidly
U Ifinfinite resistance tapping the fused jumper wire end to ground.
4.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the 5V reference 2 If the counter does not increment
end 10end. Replace the K20 Engine Control Module.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance U If the counter increments
"1the C'rcu't- . 8. Verify DTC P0336 is not set.
2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
2 If/Ilcecsjléhan :> If the DTC is set
If greater than 5.2 V Iénspectfor tlhecorltditionslisteidtfielow:
4.1. connector disconnect
at the the X2
K20 Engine harness ' xcesswe p ay or ooseness o e
Control Module, afiggrankshafi Posmon Sensor or the reluctor
ignition ON. , _
4.2. Test for less than 1 V between the 5 V . Igpgfiglerslgatsaglahon
0f the 826 Crankshaft
reference and ground. 8, _r _
. ° ForeIgn material passmg between the
2 If 1 Vlor greater, repair the short to voltage on 826 Crankshaft Position Sensor and the
the C'rcu't- reluctor wheel
2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control . Damaged reluctor wheel
Module. - Excessive air gap between the B26 Crankshaft
If between 4.8-5.2 V Position Sensor and the reluctor wheel
. Testfor 4.8—5.2V between the signal circuit . Engine oil for debris
terminal 1 and ground. - Timing chain, tensioner, and sprockets for wear
If less than 4.8 V or damage
51- IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness 2 Ifany of the conditions above are found, repair
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. as necessary.

CIFCUItand ground. the 826 Crankshaft Position Sensor.

2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to U If the DTC is not set
ground on the C'rcu't' 9. Test or replace the B26 Crankshaft Position
U If infinite resistance. Sensor.
5.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
to end. Repair Instructions
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
in the circuit. page 6-92 after completing the repair.
2 lf less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement on
Module. page 9-575
Contro/ Module References on page 6-3 for
if greater than 5.2 V engine control module replacement, programming,
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness and setup
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
ignition ON.
5.2. Test for less than 1 V between the signal
circuit and ground.
2 if 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91409
DTC P0340, P0341, P0365, or P0366
Diagnostic instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0340: intake Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit
DTC P0341: Intake Camshaft Pesition Sensor Performance
DTC P0365: Exhaust Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit
DTC P0366: Exhaust Camshaft Position Sensor Performance
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
5 V Reference P0340,P0365,
P0532,P0641 P0340 P0641
Signal P0340 P0340 P0340 P0341,P0366
LowReference - P0340 — —-

CircuitlSystem Description 0 DTCs P0101, P0102, and P0103 are not set.
The camshaft position sensors each have 3 circuits - The airflow into the engine is greater than 2 g/s.
consisting of an engine control module (ECM) supplied Condition 2
5 V reference circuit, low reference circuit, and an
output signal circuit. The camshaft position sensor is an - The engine is running and the starter is not
internally magnetic biased digital output integrated engaged.
circuit sensing device. The sensor detects magnetic - DTC P0651 is not set.
flux changes of the teeth and slots of a 4-tooth reluctor
Condition 3
wheel attached to the camshaft. As each reluctor wheel
tooth rotates past the camshaft position sensor, the - The crankshaft is synchronized.
resulting change in the magnetic field is used by the ' The starter is engaged.
sensor electronics to produce a digital output pulse. - DTC P0335, P0336, P0641, or P0651 are not set.
The sensor returns a digital ON/OFF DC voltage pulse
of varying frequency with 4 varying width output pulses Condition 4
per camshaft revolution that represent an image of the - The crankshaft is synchronized.
camshaft reluctor wheel. The frequency of the camshaft - DTC P0335, P0336, P0641, or P0651 are not set.
position sensor output depends on the velocity of the
camshaft. The ECM decodes the narrow and wide tooth P0341 or P0366 Condition 1
pattern to identify camshaft position. This information is - The crankshaft is synchronized.
then used to determine the optimum ignition and
injection points of the engine. The ECM uses the - The starter is engaged.
exhaust camshaft position sensor to determine injector - DTC P0335, P0336, P0641, or P0651 are not set.
and ignition system synchronization. The intake and Condition 2
exhaust camshaft position sensors are also used to
determine camshaft to crankshaft relationship. The ° The crankshaft is synchronized.
ECM also uses camshaft position sensor output - DTC P0335, P0336, P0641, or P0651 are not set.
information to determine the camshaft relative position The DTCs run continuously once the above conditions
to the crankshaft to control camshaft phasing and are met.
limp-home operation.
Conditions for Setting the DTC
Conditions for Running the DTC»
P0340 or P0365 Condition 1
P0340 or P0365 Condition 1
The ECM does not detect a camshaft position sensor
- The starter is engaged and the engine control pulse for greater than 5.5 s or greater than 4.0 8 since
module detects camshaft position sensor pulses. the time the starter has been engaged.

91410 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
Condition 2 DTC Type Reference
The ECM detects less than 4 camshaft position sensor Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
pulses for greaterthan 3.0 3. Definitions on page 6—68
Condition 3 Scan Tool Reference
The ECM does not detect a camshaft position sensor Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
pulse during the first 2 engine revolutions. information _
Condition 4
CircuitlSystem Verification
The ECM does not detect a camshaft position sensor
pulse during 200 engine revolutions. 1. Ignition ON.
2. Verify DTC P0641 or P0651 is not set.
P0341 or P0366 Condition 1
2 If any of the DTCs are set
The ECM detects less than 4 or greater than 6 camshaft
position sensor pulses during the first 2 engine Refer to DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, or P06A3
revolutions. (ECM) on page 9-449.
U If none of the DTCs are set
Condition 2
9° Engine Running.
The ECM detects less than 398 or greater than
402 camshaft position sensor pulses during 200 engine 4. Verify the scan tool parameters listed below
revolutions. increment:
- Exhaust Camshaft Position Active Counter
Action Taken When the DTC Sets - Intake Camshaft Position Active Counter
- DTCs P0340, P0341, P0365, and P0366 are 2 If any counter does not increment
Type B DTCs.
- The camshaft position actuator is commanded to Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
the Home or Parked position. U If all counters increment
- The ignition system defaults to a failed camshaft 5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
position sensor limp home mode. Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you observed
Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
DTCs P0340, P0341, P0365, and P0366 are 6. Verify the DTC does not set.
Type B DTCs. 2 If the DTC sets
Diagnostic Aids Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
- With a DTC set, the engine may crank for an U If the DTC does not set
extended period of time at start-up 7 All OK.
- The exhaust camshaft position sensor is used for
injector and ignition system synchronization. CircuitlSystem Testing
A stalling condition will occur if the camshaft 1. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
position sensor signal is intermittentand a DTC disconnect the harness connector at the
may not set. Inspect the intake and exhaust appropriate 823 Camshaft Position Sensor. it may
camshaft position sensor circuits for poor take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to
connections. power down.
Reference Information 2. Test for less than 5 Q between the low reference
circuit terminal 2 and ground.
Schematic Reference 2 If 5 Q or greater
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314 2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
Connector End View Reference
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269 circuit end to end.
Description and Operation 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.
Electronic Ignition System Description on page 9-591
2 if 2 Q or less, replace the K20 Engine Control
Electrical Information Reference Module.
- Circuit Testing on page 11—526 U If less than 5 Q
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 3. IgnitionON.
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11—531
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 “1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91411
4. Test for 4.8—5.2V between the 5 V reference circuit 2 if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
terminal1 and ground. Module.
2 If less than 4.8 V 2 if greater than 5.2 V
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness 5.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X2 harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the 5 V ignition ON.
reference circuit and ground. 5.2. Test for less than 1 V between the signal
2 if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to circuit and ground.
ground on the circuit. 2 lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
U Ifinfinite resistance. the circuit.
4.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the 5 V reference 2 if less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
circuit and to end. Module.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance U it between 4.8—5.2V
in the circuit. 6. Verify DTC P0341 or P0366 is not set.
2 Ifless than 2 Q , replace the K20 Engine Control 2 if any of the DTCs are set
Module. inspect for the conditions listed below:
2 If greater than 5.2 V - Excessive play or looseness of the
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness B23 Camshaft Position Sensor or the reluctor
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module, wheel
ignition ON. - Improper installation otthe 823 Camshaft
4.2. Test for less than 1 V between the 5 V Position Sensor
reference circuit and ground. - Foreign material passing between the
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on B23 Camshaft Position Sensor and the reluctor
the circuit. wheel
2 if less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control - Damaged reluctor wheel
Module. 0 Excessive air gap between the B23 Camshaft
U If between 4.8—5.2V Position Sensor and the reluctor wheel
5. Test for 4.8—5.2V between the signal circuit ° Engine oil for debris
terminal 3 and ground. - Timing chain, tensioner, and sprockets for wear
2 If less than 4.8 V or damage
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness 2 if any of the conditions above are found, repair
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. as necessary.
5.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal 2 Ifall components test normal, test or replace
circuit and ground. the B23 Camshaft Position Sensor.
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to U If none of the DTCs are set
ground on the circuit. 7. Replace the 823 Camshaft Position Sensor.
U lf infinite resistance.
Repair Instructions .
5.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
to end. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6—92after completing the repair.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
- Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement on
in the circuit.
page 9-576
- Control Module References on page 6-3 for
engine control module replacement, programming,
and setup

91412 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0351-P0354

Diagnostic Instructions
. Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0351: IgnitionCoil 1 Control Circuit
DTC P0352: IgnitionCoil 2 Control Circuit
DTC P0353: IgnitionCoil 3 Control Circuit
DTC P0354: IgnitionCoil 4 Control Circuit

Diagnostic Fault information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
IgnitionVoltage 1 2 _ __
ignitionCoil 1 Control P0300,P0351 P0300,P0351 P0300,P0351 P0300,P0351
IgnitionCoil 2 Control P0300,P0352 P0300,P0352 P0300,P0352 P0300,P0352
ignitionCoil 3 Control P0300,P0353 P0300,P0353 P0300,P0353 P0300,P0353
IgnitionCoil4 Control P0300,P0354 P0300,P0354 P0300,P0354 P0300,P0354
Low Reference
Ground 3
1.The enginecranksbutdoesnotrunand opensthefusethatsuppliesvoltagetotheignitioncoils.
2.The enginecranksbutdoes notrun
3.The enginemaystillrun

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The ignition system on this engine uses an ignition coil The engine control module detects that the voltage
module. The engine control module (ECM) controls the command state of the driver and the actual state of the
spark event for each cylinder through the individual control circuit do not match.
ignition coil control circuits. When the ECM commands
the ignition control circuit ON, electrical current will flow Action Taken When the DTC Sets
through the primary winding of the ignition coil, creating DTCs P0351, P0352, P0353, and P0354 are
a magnetic field. When a spark event is requested, the Type B DTCs.
ECM will command the ignition control circuit OFF,
interrupting current flow through the primary winding. Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
The magnetic field created by the primary winding will DTCs P0351, P0352, P0353, and P0354 are
collapse across the secondary coil windings, producing Type B DTCs.
a high voltage across the spark plug electrodes. The
ECM uses information from the crankshaft position Reference Information
sensor, and the camshaft position sensor for
sequencing and timing of the spark events. The ECM Schematic Reference
monitors each ignition control circuit for improper Engine Controls Schematics on page 9314
voltage levels.
Connector End View Reference
Conditions for Running the DTC
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
- The engine is running.
- Ignitionvoltage is greater than 5 V. Description and Operation
The DTCs run continuously when the above conditions Electronic Ignition System Description on page 9-591
are met.
Electrical Information Reference
- Circuit Testing on page 11—526
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548
2013 (5377994)
Engflte Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91413
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 3. Connect a DMM between the appropriate
Connections on page 11-531 K35 ignition Coil Module control circuit listed below
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 and ground. Set the DMM to the DC Hz scale and
utilize the Min—Maxfunction:
DTC Type Reference
- ignition Coil1 terminal D
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type - IgnitionCoil 2 terminal E
Definitions on page 6-68
' ignition Coil 3 terminal F
Scan Tool Reference - IgnitionCoil 4 terminal G
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool Engine Cranking, test for greater than 1.5 Hz.
information 2 If less than 1.5 Hz
CircuitlSystem Verification 4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
1. Engine Running.
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the control
2. Verify the scan tool parameters listed below do not circuit and ground.
display Malfunction:
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
' IgnitionCoil 1—4Control Circuit High Voltage
ground on the circuit.
Test Status
- IgnitionCoil 1—4Control Circuit Low Voltage U if infinite resistance
Test Status 4.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end
- ignition Coil 1—4Control Circuit Open Test to end.
Status 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
2 If Malfunction is displayed in the circuit.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. U if less than 2 Q
4.4. IgnitionON.
U If Malfunction is not displayed
4.5. Test for less than 1 V between the control
3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
circuit and ground.
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you observed 2 lf1 V or greater, repairthe short to voltage on
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. the circuit.
4. Verify the DTC does not set. 2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
2 If the DTC sets Module.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. U if greater than 1.5 Hz
U If the DTC does not set 5. Replace the K35 IgnitionCoil Module.
5 All OK. Repair Instructions
CircuitlSystem Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92 after completing the repair.
1. Ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
Ignition Coil Replacement on page 9-570
disconnect the harness connector at the
K35 IgnitionCoil Module. Control Module References on page 6-3 for
2. Remove the fuel injector fuse. engine control module replacement, programming,
and setup

9-414 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0411

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provide an overview of each diagnostic category
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0411: Secondary Air InjectionSystem Incorrect Air Flow Detected

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Running the DTC

The secondary air injection system aids in the reduction ~ DTT)P0101,P0102,P0103,P0111,P0112,
of hydrocarbon emissions during a cold start. The P0113,P0114,P0116,P0117,P0118,P0128,
electric air pump forces fresh air into the exhaust P0201,P0202,P0203,P0204,P0261,P0262,
stream in order to accelerate the catalyst operation. P0264,P0265,P0267,P0268,P0270,P0271,
A pressure sensor in the shutoff/check valve is used to P0300,P0301,P0302,PO303,P0304,P0351,
monitor the air flow from the secondary air injection P0352,P0353,P0354,P0412,P0418,P0420,
pump. The engine control module (ECM) supplies P124A,P124B,P2147,P2148,P2150,P215L
voltage to the 5—voltreference circuit and supplies a P2153,P2154,P2156,P2157,P2227,P222&
ground to the low reference circuit. The sensor provides P2229,P2230,P2430,P2431,P2432,orP2433is
a signal voltage to the ECM relative to the pressure nmsm.
changes within the secondary air injection system. ~ Greater than 60 min has elapsed since the last
Ignitionvoltage is supplied to the secondary air cold start.
injection pump and air injection shutoff/check valve ' The ignition voltage is between 10—32V.
relays. The ECM controls the relays by grounding the - The engine speed is less than 5,000 RPM.
control circuits, which activates the relays. When the
relay contacts close, voltage is supplied to the pump - The intake air temperature (IAT) is greater than
and the valve, which turns the pump on and opens the ~10°C (14°F).
valve. - The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is between
The diagnostic uses 3 phases to test the secondary air —10and +80°C (12.2—176°F).
injection system: ' The barometric pressure (BARO) is greater than
- DTCs P0411 and P2430 run during Phase 1 60 kPa (8.7 psi).
- DTCs P2430 and P2440 run during Phase 2 - The manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor is
greater than 20 kPa (2.9 psi).
- DTC P2444 runs during Phase 3
- The mass airflow (MAF) is less than 50 g/s.
During phase 1, the secondary air injection pump and
the secondary air injection shutoff and check valve are - The secondary air injection pump is
activated. Normal secondary air function occurs. commanded ON.
Expected system pressure is 5—13kPa (0.7—1.9psi) - DTC P0411 runs once per ignition cycle when the
above BARO. above conditions are met for greater than 7 s.
During phase 2, only the secondary air injection pump
is activated. The shutoff and check valve is closed. Conditions for Setting the DTC
Pressure sensor performance and shutoff and check 1 The actual system pressure at the shutoff/check
valve deactivation are tested. Expected system valve is at least 4.5 kPa (0.7 psi) greater or
pressure is 14—25kPa (2.0—3.6psi) above BARO. 7.5 kPa (1.1 psi) less than the predicted system
During phase 3, neither the secondary air injection pressure for greater than 7 8.
pump nor the secondary air injection shutoff and check OR
valve are activated. Secondary air injection pump - The difference between the predicted magnitude
deactivation is tested. Expected system pressure of pressure pulsations and the actual magnitude
equals BARO. of pressure pulsations, at the shutoff/checkvalve
over a specific length of time, exceeds a calibrated
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
DTC P0411 is a Type B DTC.
Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
DTC P0411 is a Type B DTC.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91415
Diagnostic Aids 4. Verify the scan tool Secondary Air injection
Pressure Sensor and the BARO pressure
Ice buildup due to condensation/water in the air
parameters are within 3 kPa (0.4 psi).
passages or pump may cause this DTC to set.
2 If not within the specified range
Reference Information Replace the Q29 Secondary Air Injection
Schematic Reference Solenoid Valve
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314 U If within the specified range
Note: Engine coolant temperature must be greater
Connector End View Reference than 5°C (41°F) to enable scan tool device control.
Component Connector End Views on page 111269 it may be necessary to use one ofthe methods listed
below to verify valve operation:
Description and Operation
~ Use a stethoscope to listen for valve operation.
Secondary Air Injection System Description on - Disconnect the secondary air injection pipe
page 9-592 from the secondary air injection solenoid valve
Electrical Information Reference and visually inspect the valve inlet port for valve
stem movement.
- Circuit Testing on page 11-526 - Disconnect the Q29 Secondary Air Injection
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 Solenoid Valve and verify airflow through the
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor valve when commanding the Secondary Air
Connections on page 111531 injection System Active with a scan tool.
- Wiring Repairs on page 111537 5. Verify the Q29 Secondary Air Injection Solenoid
Valve opens and closes when commanding the
DTC Type Reference Secondary Air Injection Solenoid Valve Open and
Powertra/n Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Closed with a scan tool.
Definitions on page 6-68 2 If the valve does not open and close
Scan Tool Reference Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing—Secondary Air
InjectionShutoff and Check Valve Malfunction
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
information U If the valve opens and closes
Note: To prevent the secondary air injection pump from
Special Tools overheating, do not operate the pump consecutively for
EL 36169-HD Fused Jumper greater than 2 minutes. The pump is provided with a
thermal protector that will automatically reset when
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on allowed to cool.
page 9—593.
6. Verify the G21 Secondary Air Injection Pump turns
CircuitlSystem Verification ON and OFF when commanding the Secondary Air
Note: Verify the battery is fully charged before InjectionPump Relay between ON and OFF with a
proceeding with this diagnostic procedure. The scan tool.
secondary air injection pump output will vary with 2 If the pump does not turn 0N and OFF
system voltage.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing—Secondary Air
1. Ignition ON injection Pump Malfunction
2. Verify that DTC P0412, P0418, P2430, P2431, U If the pump turns ON and OFF
P2432, P2433, P2440, or P2444 is not set. .“ Engine running
2 if any of the DTCs are set 8. Verify the scan tool Secondary Air injection
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - Pressure Sensor parameter increases between
Vehicle on page 6-69. 14—25kPa (2.0—3.6psi) when the Secondary Air
injection Pump Relay is commanded ON with a
U If none of the DTCs are set.
scan tool.
3. Verify the scan tool BARO pressure parameter is
within the range specified in the Altitude Versus 2 If not within the specified range
Barometric Pressure on page 9-312 table. Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing—Secondary Air
2 If not within the specified range InjectionSystem Pressure Not In Range.
Refer to DTC P2227—P2230on page 9-494. U if within the specified range
U if within the specified range

91416 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
9. Verify the scan tool Secondary Air injection Ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF, it may
Pressure Sensor parameter increases between 5- take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to
13 kPa (0.7—1.9psi) when the Secondary Air power down. Test for less than 10 Q between the
injection System is commanded ON with a 029 Secondary Air InjectionSolenoid Valve
scan tool. ground circuit terminal 4 and ground.
If not within the specified range If 10 Q or greater
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing—Secondary Air 4.1. IgnitionOFF.
InjectionSystem Pressure Not In Range. 4.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ground circuit end
If within the specified range to end.
Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Running the DTC. You may also operate the in the circuit.
vehicle within the conditions that you observed 2 if less than 2 Q, repair the open/high resistance
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. in the ground connection.
. Verify the DTC does not set. If less than 10 Q
If the DTC sets Connect the harness connector at the
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing 029 Secondary Air InjectionSolenoid Valve.
U If the DTC does not set Connect a 10A fused jumper wire between the B+
12. All OK circuit terminal 30 and the control circuit
terminal 87.
CircuitlSystem Testing . Verify the 029 Secondary Air InjectionSolenoid
Valve is activated.
Secondary Air injection Shutoff and Check Valve
Malfunction If the valve does not activate
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the KR26 Secondary Air 7.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
InjectionSolenoid Valve Relay. IgnitionON. connector at the 029 Secondary Air Injection
Solenoid Valve.
2. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the B+
circuit terminal 30 and ground. 7.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end
to end.
2) If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
circuit fuse is good 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.
2.1. Testfor less than 2 Q in the B+ circuit end
to end. 2 If less than 2 Q, test or replace the
029 Secondary Air InjectionSolenoid Valve.
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit. If the valve activates
2 Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and Test or replace the KR26 Secondary Air Injection
there is voltage at the fuse. Solenoid Valve Relay.
If the test lamp does not illuminate and the Secondary Air Injection Pump Malfunction
circuit fuse is open 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the KR25 Secondary Air
2.1. IgnitionOFF Injection Pump Relay.
2.2. Test for infinite resistance between the B+ 2. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the B+
circuit and ground. ~ circuit terminal 30 and ground.
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
ground on the circuit. circuit fuse is good
U Ifinfinite resistance 2.1. Ignition OFF
2.3. Disconnect the harness connector at the 2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the 8+ circuit end
029 Secondary Air InjectionSolenoid Valve. to end.
2.4. Test for infinite resistance between the control 2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
circuit terminal 5 and ground. in the circuit.
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to 2 If less than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and
ground on the circuit. there is voltage at the fuse.
U |finfinite resistance If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
2.5. Test or replace the 029 Secondary Air circuit fuse is open
InjectionSolenoid Valve. 2.1. IgnitionOFF
If the test lamp illuminates 2.2. Test for infinite resistance between the B+
circuit and ground.
Disconnect the harness connector at the
029 Secondary Air InjectionSolenoid Valve. 2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit.
U lf infinite resistance

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91417
2.3. Disconnect the harness connector at the Secondary Air Injection System Pressure Not In
G21 Secondary Air Injection Pump. Range
2.4. Test for infinite resistance between the control 1. Verify the following conditions do not exist with the
circuit terminal A and ground. secondary air injection shutoff and check valve:
2 if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to 1 Hoses/pipes restricted or blocked
ground on the circuit. - Hoses/pipes leaking or disconnected
U Itinfinite resistance - Damaged secondary air injection shutoff and
2.5. Test or replace the G21 Secondary Air check valve
InjectionPump. o Restricted or blocked cylinder head secondary
U If the test lamp illuminates air injection inlet ports and passages
3. Disconnect the harness connector at the 2 If a condition is located
621 Secondary Air injection Pump. Repair or replace the affected component as
4. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF, it may necessary.
take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to U If all components test normal
power down. Test for less than 10 Q between the
G21 Secondary Air Injection Pump ground circuit 2. Disconnect the secondary air injection hoses/pipe
terminal 8 and ground. from the 029 Secondary Air Injection Solenoid
2 If 10 Q or greater
3. IgnitionON, command the Secondary Air injection
4.1. IgnitionOFF. Pump Relay ON with a scan tool.
4.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ground circuit and 4. Verify airflow to the 029 Secondary Air Injection
to end. Solenoid Valve.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 2 If no airflow
in the circuit.
Replace the G21 Secondary Air Injection Pump.
2 Ifless than 2 Q, repair the open/high resistance
in the ground connection. U lf airflow
U If less than 10 Q 5. Disconnect the appropriate 029 Secondary Air
InjectionSolenoid Valve from the engine.
5. Connect the harness connector at the
G21 Secondary Air Injection Pump. 6. Connect the harness connector at the
029 Secondary Air InjectionSolenoid Valve.
6. Connect a 40 A EL 36169-HD between the B+
circuit terminal 30 and the control circuit 7. Connect the secondary air injection pipe between
terminal 87. the 029 Secondary Air InjectionSolenoid Valve
and the G21 Secondary Air Injection Pump.
Note: To prevent the secondary air injection pump from
overheating, do not operate the pump consecutively for 8. ignition ON, command the Secondary Air Injection
greater than 2 minutes. The pump is provided with a System Active with a scan tool. Verify there is
thermal protector that will automatically reset when airflow through the valve.
allowed to cool. 2 If no airflow
7. Verify the G21 Secondary Air Injection Pump is Replace the 029 Secondary Air Injection
activated. Solenoid Valve
2 If the pump does not activate U If airflow
7.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness 9. Replace the G21 Secondary Air Injection Pump.
connector at the G21 Secondary Air
InjectionPump. Component Testing
7.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end Relay Test
to end. 1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the appropriate relay.
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 2. Test for 70—110Q between terminals 85—86.
in the circuit.
2 if less than 70 Q or greater than 110 Q
U Ifless than 2 Q,
Replace the relay.
7.3. Test or replace the G21 Secondary Air
InjectionPump. U If between 70—110Q
U If the pump activates 3. Test for infinite resistance between the terminals
listed below:
8. Test or replace the KR25 Secondary Air Injection
Pump Relay. - 30 and 86
- 30 and 87

91418 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
- 30 and 85 Repair Instructions
- 85 and 87 Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
2 If less than infinite resistance page 6—92after completing the repair.
Replace the relay. Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center)
on page 111607or Relay Replacement (Attached
U If infinite resistance to Wire Harness) on page 11-607
4. Install a 15 A fused jumper wire between relay Secondary Air Injection Pump Replacement on
terminal 85 and 12 V. Install a jumper wire between page 9-546
relay terminal 86 and ground.
Secondary Airlnjection Check Valve Replacement
5. Test for less than 2 Q between terminals 30 and 87. on page 9-543 for secondary air injection solenoid
2 If 2 Q or greater valve replacement
Replace the relay. Secondary Air Injection Pump Pipe Replacement
on page 9-545
U If less than 2 Q
6. All OK.

2013 (5377994)
Eights ContI'OlS/Fuel 1 ‘l.8L (LUW, LWE) 91419
DTC P0412 or P0418
Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provide an overview of each diagnostic category
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0412: Secondary Air InjectionValve Control Circuit
DTC P0418: Secondary Air Injection Pump Control Circuit

Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
SecondaryAir InjectionPumpRelayCoil
VoltageSupply _
—— P0418 P0690
SecondaryAir injectionPumpRelayCoil P0418 P0418 P0690,P2413 _
SolenoidRelayCoil VoltageSupply P0412 P0412 P0690 -
SolenoidRelayCoil Control P0412 P0412 P0412,P0690 -

CircuitlSystem Description injection Pump Relay Control Circuit status parameters.

The circuit status parameter changes from OK or Not
The secondary air injection system aids in the reduction
of hydrocarbon emissions during a cold start. The Run to Malfunction if there is a condition with the circuit
or a connection.
electric air pump forces fresh air into the exhaust
stream in order to accelerate the catalyst operation. Reference Information
Ignitionvoltage is supplied directly to the secondary air
injection pump relay and secondary air solenoid valve Schematic Reference
relay. The engine control module (ECM) controls the
relays by grounding the control circuit with a solid state Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314
device called a driver. The ECM monitors the control Connector End View Reference
circuits for open, short to ground, or short to voltage
conditions. Component Connector End Views on page 11-269

Conditions Description and Operation

for Running the DTC
. The ignition voltage is between 10—32V. Secondary Air Injection System Description on
page 9-592
- The DTCs run continuously once the above
conditions are met. Electrical Information Reference
Conditions for Setting the DTC - Circuit Testing on page 11-526
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548
DTC P0412 or P0418
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
The ECM detects that the commanded state of the Connections on page 11-531
driver and the actual state of the control circuit do not
match for greater than 5 5. - Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
DTC Type Reference
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
DTC P0412 and P0418 are Type B DTCs. Powen‘ra/nDiagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6—68
Conditions for Clearing the DTC Scan Tool Reference
DTC P0412 and P0418 are Type B DTCs;
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
Diagnostic Aids information
Ifthe condition is intermittent,move the related
harnesses and connectors, with the engine operating,
while monitoring the scan tool Secondary Air Injection
Solenoid Valve Control Circuit and Secondary Air

91420 Engine Controls/Fuel 11.8L(LUW, LWE)

CircuitlSystem Verification 2 If less than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and
there is voltage at the fuse.
P0412 If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
1. IgnitionON circuit fuse is open
2. Verify a click is heard or felt from the 2.1. IgnitionOFF.
KR25 Secondary Air injection Pump Relay and the 2.2. Test for infinite resistance between the ignition
KR26 Secondary Air InjectionSolenoid Valve circuit and ground.
Relay when commanding the Secondary Air
InjectionSystem between inactive and Active with 2 If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
a scan tool. ground on the circuit.
If a click is not heard or felt at one or more of 2 if infinite resistance, test or replace the
the relays KR26 Secondary Air InjectionSolenoid Valve
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
U If the test lamp illuminates
If a click is heard or felt at each of the relays
. Connect a DMM, set on the diode setting, between
Verify the circuit status parameters listed below do the control circuit terminal 86 and ground.
not display Malfunction when commanding the
Secondary Air Injection System between Inactive . Verify the DMM reading is greater than 2.5 Vor
and Active with a scan tool: displays O.L. when commanding the Secondary
Air InjectionSolenoid Valve Closed with a
- Secondary Air Injection Pump Relay Control scan tool.
Circuit Low Voltage Test Status
If 2.5 V or less
- Secondary Air Injection Pump Relay Control
Circuit Open Test Status 4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module
- Secondary Air Injection Pump Relay Control
Circuit High Voltage Test Status 4.2. Test for less than 1 V between the control
circuit and ground.
- Secondary Air InjectionSolenoid Valve Control
Circuit Low Voltage Test Status 2 If 1V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
- Secondary Air InjectionSolenoid Valve Control the circuit.
Circuit Open Test Status U If less than 1 V
- Secondary Air InjectionSolenoid Valve Control 4.3. IgnitionOFF.
Circuit High Voltage Test Status 4.4. Test for infinite resistance between the control
If Malfunction is displayed circuit and ground.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing 2 If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
@- If Malfunction is not displayed ground on the circuit.
. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for 2 If infinite resistance, test or replace the
Running the DTC to verify the DTC does not reset. K20 Engine Control Module
You may also operate the vehicle within the If greater than 2.5 V or displays O.L.
conditions that you observed from the Freeze . Verify the DMM reading is less than 1 V when
Frame/Failure Records data. commanding the Secondary Air InjectionSolenoid
. Verify a DTC does not set. Valve Open with a scan tool.
2 If a DTC sets If 1 V or greater
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing 5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
U if a DTC does not set
5.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end
6 All OK
to end.
CircuitlSystem Testing 2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.
2 If less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the KR26 Secondary Air
injection Solenoid Valve Relay. IgnitionON. Module.
2. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the relay coil U if less than 1V
ignition circuit terminal 85 and ground. . Test or replace the KR26 Secondary Air Injection
:> if the test lamp does not illuminate and the Solenoid Valve Relay.
circuit fuse is good
2.1. IgnitionOFF.
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ignition circuit end
to end.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91421
P0418 2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
1. ignition OFF, disconnect the KR25 Secondary Air Module.
injection Pump Relay. IgnitionON. U If less than 1 V
2. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the relay coil 6. Test or replace the KR25 Secondary Air injection
ignition circuit terminal 85 and ground. Pump Relay.
2 If the test lamp does not illuminate
Component Testing
2.1. IgnitionOFF.
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ignition circuit and Relay Test
to end. 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the appropriate relay.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 2. Test for 70—110Q between terminals 85—86.
in the circuit. 2 If less than 70 Q or greater than 110 Q
U If the test lamp illuminates Replace the relay.
3. Connect a DMM, set on the diode setting, between U If between 70—110Q
the control circuit terminal 86 and ground.
3. Test for infinite resistance between the terminals
4. Verify the DMM reading is greater than 2.5 V or listed below:
displays O.L. when commanding the Secondary
Air InjectionPump Relay OFF with a scan tool. 1 30 and 86
2 If 2.5 V or less 1 30 and 87
4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness 1 30 and 85
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module 1 85 and 87
4.2. Test for less than 1 V between the control 2 If less than infinite resistance
circuit and ground. Replace the relay.
2 lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on {: lf infinite resistance
the circuit.
4. Install a 15 A fused jumper wire between relay
U lfless than 1 V terminal 85 and 12 V. Installa jumper wire between
4.3. IgnitionOFF. relay terminal 86 and ground.
4.4. Test for infinite resistance between the control 5. Test for less than 2 Q between terminals 30 and 87.
circuit and ground. 2 If 2 Q or greater
2 lfless than infinite resistance, repair the short to Replace the relay.
ground on the circuit.
U if less than 2 Q
2 If infinite resistance, test or replace the
K20 Engine Control Module 6. All OK.
U if greater than 2.5 Vor displays O.L. Repair Instructions
5. Verify the DMM reading is less than 1 V when Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
commanding the Secondary Air Injection Pump page 6192after completing the repair.
Relay ON with a scan tool. 1 Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center)
2 If 1 V or greater on page 111607or Relay Replacement (Attached
5.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness to Wire Harness) on page 11-607
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. 1 Control Module References on page 6—3for
5.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit and Engine Control Module replacement,
to end. programming, and setup
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

91422 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0420

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0420: Catalyst System Low Efficiency

CircuitlSystem Description 1 Divers foot is off accelerator pedal

A 3—waycatalytic converter controls emissions of 1 The throttle is in the rest position.
hydrocarbons, Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Nitrogen 1 The run/crank voltage is greater than 11V.
Oxide (NOx). The catalyst within the converter 1 The intake air temperature (IAT)is between -20 to
promotes a chemical reaction, which oxidizes the +250°C (—4to +482°F).
hydrocarbons and the CO that are present in the 1 The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is between
exhaust gas. This process converts the hydrocarbons 40—140°C(104—284°F).
and the CO into water vapor and Carbon Dioxide
(C02), and reduces the NOx, converting the NOx into 1 The engine has been idling less than 50 s.
nitrogen. The catalytic converter also stores oxygen. 1 The short term fuel trim is between 0.8—1.3%.
The ECM monitors this process by using a heated 1 The barometric pressure (BARO) is greater than
oxygen sensor (H028) that is in the exhaust stream 70 kPa.
after the 3—waycatalytic converter. The H028 2
1 The intake mass airflow (MAF) is between 1.5-
produces an output signal that the ECM uses to
7.0 g/s.
calculate the oxygen storage capacity of the catalyst.
This indicates the ability of the catalyst to convert the 1 The engine is operating in closed loop.
exhaust emissions efficiently.The ECM monitors the 1 The calculated catalyst temperature is between
efficiency of the catalyst by allowing the catalyst to 550—950°C(1,022—1,742°F).
heat, then wait for a stabilization period while the 1 The Evaporative Emission (EVAP), Fueltrim, Post
engine is idling. The ECM then adds and removes fuel 02, or other intrusive tests are not active
while monitoring the H028 2. When the catalyst is
functioning properly, the HO2S 2 response to the extra 1 The transmission is not in P/N (automatic
fuel is slow compared to the response ofthe H028 1, transmission only).
which is located before the 3—waycatalytic converter. 1 This diagnostic attempts one test during each
When the H028 2 response is near that of the HO2S 1, valid idle period once the above conditions have
the oxygen storage capability and efficiency of the been met. This diagnostic attempts up to 8 tests
catalyst may be degraded below an acceptable during each drive cycle.
Conditions for Setting the DTC
Conditions for Running the DTC The ECM determines that the efficiency of the catalyst
1 DTC)POO16,POO17,P0030,P0036,P0053 has degraded below a calibrated threshold.
P0107,P0108,P0111,P0112,P0113,P0114, Action Taken When the DTC Sets
P0116,PO117,P0118,P0119,P0121,PO122, DTC P0420 is a Type A DTC.
P0135,P0137,P0138,P013A,P013B,P013E, Conditions for Clearing the DTC
P013F,P0140,P0141,P015A,P015B,P017t DTC P0420 is a Type A DTC.
P0303,P0304,PO335,P0336,P0340,P0341, Diagnostic Aids
P0365,P0366,P0443,P0506,P0507,P0606, Inspect for the conditions listed below, which may
P0697,P06A3,P16F3,P2101,P2122,P2123 cause a catalytic converter to degrade:
ndsm. 1 An engine misfire
1 Before the ECM performs the idle test, the vehicle 1 High engine oil or high coolant consumption
must be driven under the conditions listed below: 1 Retarded spark timing
—The engine speed is greater than 1,100 RPM. 1 A weak or poor spark
—The engine run time is greater than a calibrated 1 A lean fuel mixture
value 1 A rich fuel mixture
—Both conditions exist for at least 5 s 1 A damaged oxygen sensor orwiring harness
1 The vehicle speed is less than 2 km/h (1.24 mph).
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91423
Reference Information U If the Catalyst Monitor Test Result parameter
indicates Pass
.‘WVWWMElectrical Information Reference 7. All OK.
1 Circuit Testing onpage 111526
CircuitlSystem Testing
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548
1. Verify the conditions listed below do not exist with
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
the catalytic converter(s):
Connections on page 11-531
1 Dents
1 Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
1 Severe discoloration caused by excessive
DTC Type Reference temperatures
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type 1 Road damage
Definitions on page 6-68 1 Internal rattles caused by damaged catalyst
Scan Tool Reference substrate
1 Restrictions
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
information 2 If a condition is found
Replace the catalytic converter(s).
CircuitlSystem Verification
U if no condition is found
1. ignition ON. 2. Verify the conditions listed below do not exist with
2. Verify there are no other DTCs set. the exhaust system:
2 If a DTC is set 1 Leaks
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - 1 Physical damage
Vehicle on page 6-69. 1 Loose or missing hardware
U If a DTC is not set 2 If a condition is found
3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for Repair or replace the component as necessary.
Running the DTC.
U If no condition is found
4. Verify the scan tool Catalyst Monitor Not At Idle
Test Conditions Met parameter changes to Yes. 3. Verify the conditions listed below do not exist with
the 852B heated oxygen sensor 2:
2 If Yes is not displayed
1 Incorrect torque
Refer to step 3. 1 Damage
U lf Yes is displayed 2 If a condition is found
5. When the conditions are safe, stop and idle the
vehicle in gear (Ifequipped with automatic Replace the B528 heated oxygen sensor2 or
transmission) or neutral (Ifequipped with manual repair the condition as necessary.
transmission). U if no condition is found
6. Verify the Catalyst Monitor Test Result parameter 4. Test or replace the catalytic converter and the
displays Pass when performing the steps listed exhaust front pipe.
Repair Instructions
6.1. Apply the service brake.
6.2. Monitor the scan tool Catalyst Monitor Test Note: A new converter with less than 160 km (100 mi)
State parameter. When the parameter on it may set DTC P0420 due to outgassing of the
indicates Active, the Catalyst Monitor Test is internal matting. Operating the vehicle at highway
running. speeds for approximately 1 h may correct the condition.
Note: When the test has completed, the Catalyst 1 Exhaust Manifold with Catalytic Converter
Monitor Test Counter parameter will increment by one Replacement (LU W) on page 9-737 for catalytic
and the Catalyst Monitor Test Result parameter will converter replacement.
indicate Passed, Failed or No Result. 1 Exhaust Front Pipe Replacement (LUV,LUW) on
6.3. Continue to monitor the parameter. When the page 91738
parameter indicates Inactive, the Catalyst 1 Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor 2
Monitor Test has completed. on page 9-539
2 If the Catalyst Monitor Test Result parameter Repair Verification
indicates No Result
1. Install any components that have been removed or
Repeat steps 3—6until the Test Result replaced during diagnosis.
parameter indicates Passed or Failed
2. Perform any adjustments, programming or setup
2 If the Catalyst Monitor Test Result parameter procedures that are required when a component is
indicates Failed removed or replaced.
Refer to Circuit /System Testing 9° Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
4. Turn OFF the ignition for 60 3

91424 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for Note: When the test has completed, the Catalyst
Running the DTC. Monitor Test Counter parameter will increment by one
6. Verify the scan tool Catalyst Monitor Not At ldle and the Catalyst Monitor Test Result parameter will
Test Conditions Met parameter changes to Yes. indicate Passed, Failed or No Result.
it Yes is not displayed 8.3. Continue to monitor the parameter.When the
Refer to step 5. parameter indicates inactive, the Catalyst
Monitor Test has completed.
If Yes is displayed
2 If the Catalyst Monitor Test Result parameter
When the conditions are safe, stop and idle the indicates No Result
vehicle in gear (Ifequipped with automatic
transmission) or neutral (Ifequipped with manual Repeat steps 5—8until the Test Result
transmission). parameter indicates Passed 0r Failed
Verify the Catalyst Monitor Test Result parameter 2 If the Catalyst Monitor Test Result parameter
displays Pass when performing the steps listed indicates Failed
below: Refer to Circuit /System Testing
8.1. Apply the service brake. U If the Catalyst Monitor Test Result parameter
8.2. Monitor the scan tool Catalyst Monitor Test indicates Pass
State parameter. When the parameter 9. All OK.
indicates Active, the Catalyst Monitor Test is

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91425
DTC P0442

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform theDiagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle on
page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0442: Evaporative Emission (EVAP) System Small Leak Detected

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The engine off natural vacuum (EONV) test is the small 1 The ECM detects a leak in the EVAP system that
leak detection diagnostic for the evaporative emission is greater than a calibrated amount.
(EVAP) system. This diagnostic tests the EVAP system 1 The ECM must complete several EONV tests
for a small leak when the key is turned OFF and the before the diagnostic can turn the MIL on or off.
correct conditions are met. Heat from the exhaust
system is transferred into the fuel tank while the vehicle Action Taken When the DTC Sets
is operating. When the vehicle is turned OFF and the
EVAP system is sealed a change in the fuel tank vapor DTC P0442 is a Type A DTC.
temperature occurs which results in a corresponding Conditions for Clearing the DTC
pressure change in the fuel tank vapor space. This
change is monitored by the ECM using the fuel tank DTC P0442 is a Type A DTC.
pressure (FTP) sensor input. With a leak in the system,
the amount of pressure change will be less than that of Diagnostic Aids
a sealed system. 1 The EVAP system can be filled with smoke more
quickly and completely by opening the system
Conditions for Running the DTC opposite the end where the smoke is injected.
1 DTCs P0100, PO10D, P0101, P0102, P0103, When injecting smoke at the service port tool
P0106, P0107, P0108, P0111, P0112, P0113, temporarily leave the'EVAP vent solenoid valve
P0114, P0116, P0117, P0118, P0125, P0128, open until smoke is observed then close the
P0443, P0446, P0449, P0452, P0453, P0455, system and continue testing.
P0496, P0461, P0462, P0463, P0464, P0496, 1 To help locate intermittentleaks using the
P0502, P0503, P0722, P0723, P2227, P2228, GE41413-A Evaporative Emissions System
P2229, P2230, P2610. are not set. Tester (EEST), move all EVAP components while
1 The barometric pressure (BARO) is greater than observing smoke with the GE41413-SPT High
70 kPa. Intensity White Light.
1 The engine coolant sensor (ECT) is greater than 1 Individual components can be isolated and tested
70°C (158°F) using adapters in the GE41413-300 EVAP Cap
and Plug Kit.
1 No fuel filling during the EONV test period.
1 A condition may exist where a leak in the EVAP
1 The fuel level is between 10—90%. system only exists under a vacuum condition. This
1 The start-up engine coolant temperature (ECT) type of leak may be detected by using the scan
and the start—upintake air temperature (IAT)are tool Purge/Seal function to create a vacuum in the
within 8°C (46°F). EVAP system and then observe the FTP
1 The engine run time before shut—offwas greater parameter for vacuum decay.
than 10 min.
Reference information
1 The drive distance before engine shut-off was
more than 8 km (5 mi). Schematic Reference
1 The ambient air temperature at the end of the Engine Controls Schematics on page 9128
drive cycle is between 0—34°C(32—93°F).
1 DTC P0442 runs once per drive cycle during the Connector End View Reference
hot soak period after the ignition is turned OFF Component Connector End Views on page 111269
and may require up to 40 min to complete. The
controller will not make more than 2 test attempts Description and Operation
per day. The time since the last completed EONV
Evaporative Emission Control System Description on
test must be at least 17 h.
page 91300
Electrical Information Reference
1 Circuit Testing on page 11-526
1 Connector Repairs on page 11-548
91426 Engine Controls/Fuel1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 3. Using a scan tool close the EVAP vent solenoid
Connections on page 11-531 valve to seal the EVAP system.
1 Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 4. Use the flow meter on the GE 41413-A
Evaporative Emissions System Tester (EEST),
DTC Type Reference calibrated to 0.51 mm (0.020 in) to determine if
Powen‘rain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type there is a leak.
Definitions on page 6168 If a leak is detected
Scan Tool Reference 4.1. Use the GE41413-A Evaporative Emissions
System Tester (EEST) to apply smoke to the
Control Module References on page 613for scan tool EVAP system at the purge tube until the leak
information is located using the GE41413-SPT High
. Intensity White Light
Special Tools
U No leak in the EVAP system
1 CH 48096 EVAP Service Port Access Tool
5. All OK.
1 GE41413—A Evaporative Emissions System
Tester (EEST) Repair Verification
1 GE41413—300 EVAP Cap and Plug Kit 1. Seal the EVAP system and use the flow meter on
1 GE41413—SPT High Intensity White Light the GE41413-A Evaporative Emissions System
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools Tester (EEST), calibrated to 0.51 mm (0.020 in) to
(Diagnostic Tools) on page 9-308. determine that there is no leak in the EVAP
CircuitlSystem Testing 2. Clear DTCs.
1 Refer to the GE41413—A Evaporative Emissions
System Tester (EEST) operation manual for
detailed instructions in Evaporative Emission
Control System Diagnosis on page 9236
1 Larger volume fuel tanks and/or those with lower
fuel levels may require several minutes for the
floating indicator to stabilize or produce smoke
from a leak.
1 Ensure that the underbody temperature of the
vehicle and the tester are similar.
1. Disconnect the purge tube at the quick connector
' on the EVAP canister side of the 012 Evaporative
Emission Canister Purge Solenoid Valve and
install the CH 48096 EVAP Service Port
Access Tool.
2. Connect the GE41413—A Evaporative Emissions
System Tester (EEST) to the CH 48096 EVAP
Service Port Access Tool.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91427

DTC P0443

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0443: Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Purge Solenoid Valve Control Circuit

Diagnostic Fault information

Open /High
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage
ignition—PurgeSupply P0135,P0138, P0443 P0690
EVAP PurgeSolenoidValveControl P0443 P0443 P0443,P0690

CircuitlSystem Description Reference Information

An ignition voltage is supplied directly to the Schematic Reference
evaporative emission (EVAP) purge solenoid valve.
The engine control module (ECM) grounds the EVAP Engine Controls Schematics on page 9128
purge solenoid valve control circuit through an internal
switch called a driver. The ECM monitors the status of Connector End View Reference
the driver. The EVAP purge solenoid valve is pulse Component Connector End Views on page 111269
width modulated (PWM). A scan tool will display the
amount of ON time as a percentage. if the ECM detects Description and Operation
an incorrect voltage for the commanded state of the Evaporative Emission Control System Description on
driver this DTC sets. page 91300
Conditions for Running the DTC Electrical Information Reference
1 The system voltage is greater than 11V. 1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
1 DTC P0443 runs continuously when the above 1 Connector Repairs on page 11-548
conditions are met.
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Conditions for Setting the DTC Connections on page 11-531
The ECM detects that the commanded state of the 1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
driver and the actual state of the control circuit do not DTC Type Reference
match for a minimum of 0.25 3.
Powettrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Action Taken When the DTC Sets Definitions on page 6168
DTC P0443 is a Type B DTC. Scan Tool Reference
Conditions for Clearing the MlL/DTC Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
DTC P0443 is a Type B DTC. information


91428 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

CircuitlSystem Verification 4. Remove the test lamp.

1. ignition ON. 5. Verify the scan tool EVAP Purge Solenoid Valve
Control Circuit High Voltage Test Status parameter
2. Verify the parameters listed below do not display is OK when commanding the EVAP purge solenoid
malfunction when commanding the EVAP purge valve ON with a scan tool.
solenoid valve from 0 to 50 % and back to 0 % with
a scan tool. If the Parameter is not OK
1 EVAP Purge Solenoid Valve Control Circuit Low 5.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
Voltage Test Status connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
1 EVAP Purge Solenoid Valve Control Circuit ignition ON.
Open Test Status 5.2. Test for less than 1 V between the control
circuit and ground.
1 EVAP Purge Solenoid Valve Control Circuit
High Voltage Test Status 2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
If Malfunction is displayed the circuit.
2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
U If Malfunction is not display
If the Parameter is OK
3. All OK.
Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the control
CircuitlSystem Testing circuit terminal 1 and the ignition circuitterminal 2.
1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at Verify the scan tool EVAP Purge Solenoid Valve
the 012 Evaporative Emission Purge Solenoid Control Circuit High Voltage Test Status parameter
Valve, ignition ON. is Malfunction when commanding the EVAP Purge
Solenoid Valve ON with a scan tool.
. Verify that a test lamp illuminates between the
ignition circuit terminal 2 and ground. If the Parameter is not Malfunction.
if the test lamp does not illuminate and the 7.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
circuit fuse is good connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
2.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp. 7.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end
to end.
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ignition circuit end
to end. 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit. 2 Ifless than 2 Q replace the K20 Engine Control
2 If less than 2 Q verify the fuse is not open and
there is voltage at the fuse. U If the parameter is Malfunction
If the test lamp does not illuminate and the 8. Test or replace the 012 Evaporative Emission
circuit fuse is open Purge Solenoid Valve.
2.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp. Component Testing
2.2. Test for infinite resistance between the ignition
circuit and ground. Static Test
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
2 If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
the 012 Evaporative Emission Purge Solenoid
ground in the circuit.
2 if infinite resistance, test the Q12 Evaporative Test for 10.0—30.0Q between the control circuit
Emission Purge Solenoid Valve and replace as terminal 1 and the ignition circuit terminal 2 ofthe
necessary. 012 Evaporative Emission Purge Solenoid Valve.
U If the test lamp illuminates 2 If not between 10.0-30.0 Q
3. Verify that a test lamp does not illuminate between
Replace the 012 Evaporative Emission Purge
the ignition circuit terminal 2 and the control circuit
Solenoid Valve
terminal 1.
U If between 10.0—30.0Q
If the test lamp illuminates
3. All OK.
3.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. Repair Instructions
3.2. Test for infinite resistance between the control Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
circuit and ground. page 6192after completing the repair.
2 If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Solenoid
ground on the circuit. Valve Replacement on page 91276
2 Ifinfinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine 9 Control Module References on page 613for ECM
Control Module. replacement, setup, and programming
U if the test lamp does not illuminate

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91429
DTC P0446

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0446: Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Vent System Performance

Typical Scan Tool Data Conditions for Setting the DTC

Note: There are two stages to setting this DTC. Stage
Fuel Tank Pressure
Sensor Signal Voltage Fuel Tank Pressure one, prep test, then stage two test.
AtmosphericPressure 1 Iffuel tank pressure sensor reading is greater than
1‘5V / BARO 2.5 in H2O of pressure or less than —5in H2O of
vacuum for 60 s. ‘
Less than1.5V PositivePressure
Morethan1.5V NegativePressure/Vacuum
1 if fuel tank pressure sensor reading is less than
112in H2O of vacuum for 5 s before 10 L (2.6 gal)
CircuitlSystem Description of purge volume.
This DTC tests the evaporative emission (EVAP) 1 After setting the DTC for the first time, 2 liters (0.5
system for a restricted or blocked EVAP vent path that gallons) of fuel must be consumed before setting
would cause excess amounts of vacuum to be the DTC for the second time.
developed in the EVAP system. The engine control
module (ECM) uses the fuel tank pressure (FTP) Action Taken When the DTC Sets
sensor to monitor EVAP system vacuum. With the DTC P0446 is a Type B DTC.
purge valve and vent valve open, if the EVAP system
vacuum goes above a calibrated threshold, P0446 Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
will set.
DTC P0446 is a Type B DTC.
The following table illustrates the relationship between
the ON and OFF states, and the OPEN or CLOSED Diagnostic Aids
states of the EVAP purge and vent solenoid valves.
1 An intermittentcondition could be caused by a
ECM EVAP Purge EVAP Vent damaged EVAP vent housing, a temporary
Command Solenoid Valve Solenoid Valve blockage at the EVAP vent solenoid valve inlet,
or a pinched vent hose. A blockage in the vent
ON Open Closed system may also cause a poor fuel fill condition.
OFF Closed Open 1 An EVAP canister filter that is restricted can cause
this DTC to set.
Conditions for Running the DTC
Reference Information
1 DTCs P0008, PO0C9, PO1OC, PO10D, P0068,
P16F3, P0102, P0103, P0111, P0112, P0113, Schematic Reference
P0114, P0116, P0117, P0118, P0122, P0123,
P0125, P0128, P160E, P160D, P0191, P0192, Engine Controls Schematics on page 9128
P0193, P0222, P0223, P0443, P0449, P0452, Connector End View Reference
P0453, P0454, P0502, P0503, P0606, P0722,
P0723, P1104, P2100, P2101, P2102, P2103, Component Connector End Views on page 111269
P2135, P2227, P2228, P2229, or P2230 is not set Description and Operation
1 The ignition voltage is between 11—32V.
Evaporative Emission Control System Description on
1 The barometric pressure (BARO) is more than
page 91300
70 kPa.
1 The fuel level is between 10—90%. Electrical Information Reference
1 The startup engine coolant temperature (ECT) is 1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
less than 35°C (95°F). 1 Connector Repairs on page 111548
1 The startup intake air temperature (IAT)is 1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
between 4—30°C(39—86°F). Connections on page 111531
1 DTC P0446 runs once per cold start, for up to 1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
17 min, when the above conditions are met, .

91430 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
DTC Type Reference CircuitlSystem Testing
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Note: Perform the CircuitlSystem Verification before
Definitions on page 6168 proceeding with the Circuit/System Testing.
Scan Tool Reference 1. Test for a blockage or restrictions in the EVAP
system components listed below and repair as
Control Module References on page 613for scan tool necessary.
1 Evaporative Emission Vent System Hoses
Special Tools 1 Evaporative Emission Canister
1 CH 41415—30Fuel Tank Cap Adapter 1 013 Evaporative Emission Vent Solenoid Valve
1 GE 41413-A Evaporative Emissions System 1 Evaporative Emission Vent Filter
Tester (EEST) 2. Reconnect all previously disconnected EVAP
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on hardware.
page 91593 Note: Refer to the GE 414131A operation manual for
CircuitlSystem Verification detailed instructions in Evaporative Emission Control
System Diagnosis on page 9-524.
1. IgnitionON.
3. Remove the fuel fill cap and connect the
2. Verify DTC P0443 is not set.
CH 41415130to the fuel tank filler neck. Connect
2 If the DTC is set the GE 414131Ato the CH 41415—30.
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List 1 4. Command the EVAP Purge/Seal function to
Vehicle on page 6169 System Seal with a scan tool to seal the EVAP
U If the DTC is not set system.
3. ignition OFF, remove the fuel tank filler cap. 5. Turn the nitrogen/smoke valve on the GE 41413-A
IgnitionON. to nitrogen.
4. Verify the scan tool Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Note: DO NOT exceed the specified value in this step.
parameter is between 1.3—1.7V. Exceeding the specified value may produce incorrect
test results.
2 If not between the 1.3—1.7V
6. Use the remote switch to activate the GE 41413-A
Refer to P0452, P0453 within DTC and pressurize the fuel tank to 5.0 in H20.
P0451—P0454on page 91433
7. Verify the scan tool Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor
U lf between the 1.3—1.7V parameter is 0 in H20 when commanding the
5. install the fuel tank filler cap. Engine idling at EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve to OFF.
operating temperature for 5 min. 2 If not 0 in H20
6. Verify the scan tool Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor
Test for a blockage or a restriction in the EVAP
parameter does not increase to greater than 2.5 V
when commanding the EVAP Purge Solenoid vent hose or inlet. Ifthe inlet or hose test
Valve to 50 %. normal, replace the 013 Evaporative Emission
Vent Solenoid Valve.
2 If greater than 2.5 V
U If0in H20
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. 8. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
U it 2.5 V or less running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
7. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for within the conditions that you observed from the
running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle freeze trame/failure records data.
within the conditions that you observed from the 2 If the DTC sets
freeze frame/failure records data.
Referto step 1 above.
2 If the DTC sets
U If the DTC does not set
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. 9. All OK.
U If the DTC does not set
8. All OK. Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6192after completing the repair.
1 Evaporative Emission Canister Vent Solenoid
Valve Replacement on page 91270
1 Evaporative Emission Canister Replacement
(Steel Tank)on page 91567
1 Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Replacement on
page 91263

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91431

DTC P0449

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0449: Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Vent Solenoid Valve Control Circuit

Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to OpenI High Short to

Circuit Ground Resistance Voltage
Battery—VentSupply P0449 P0449 -
EVAP VentSolenoidValveControl P0449 P0449 P0449

CircuitlSystem Description 1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor

Connections on page 111531
Battery voltage is supplied to the evaporative
emissions (EVAP) vent solenoid valve. The engine 1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
control module (ECM) grounds the EVAP vent solenoid DTC Type Reference
valve control circuit through an internal switch called a
driver. The ECM monitors the status of the driver for the Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
control circuit. A scan tool will display the commanded Definitions on page 6168
state of the EVAP vent solenoid valve as OFF —Venting Scan Tool Reference
or ON —Not Venting .
Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
Conditions for Running the DTC information
DTC P0449 runs continuously when the above
conditions are met. CircuitlSystem Verification
1. ignition ON, engine OFF,
Conditions for Setting the DTC 2. Command the EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve ON -
The ECM detects that the commanded state of the Not Venting and OFF —Venting with a scan tool.
driver and the actual state of the control circuit do not 3. You should hear the solenoid click when
match for a minimum of 0.25 5. commanded ON and OFF.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets 2 No clicking heard
DTC P0449 is a Type B DTC. Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
<=Clicking is heard
Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
4. Engine idling, command the EVAP Vent Solenoid
DTC P0449 is a Type B DTC. Valve ON —Not Venting and OFF —Venting with a
Reference Information scan tool while observing the following control
Circuit status parameters:
Schematic Reference 1 EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve Control Circuit Low
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9128 Voltage Test Status
1 EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve Control Circuit Open
Connector End View Reference Test Status
Component Connector End Views on page 111269 1 EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve Control Circuit High
Voltage Test Status
Description and Operation
2 If the Parameters display Malfunction
Evaporative Emission Control System Description on
page 91300 Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
U If the Parameters display OK or Not Run
Electrical Information Reference
5. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
1 Circuit Testing on page 111526 running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
1 Connector Repairs on page 11-548 within the conditions that you observed from the
freeze frame/failure records data.

91432 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
6. Verify the DTC does not set. . Verify the scan tool EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve
:> If the DTC sets Control Circuit High Voltage Test Status parameter
is OK when commanding the EVAP Vent Solenoid
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. Valve ON with a scan tool.
U If the DTC does not set If the Parameter is not OK
7. All OK. 5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
CircuitlSystem Testing ignition ON.
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at 5.2. Test for less than 1 V between the control
the 013 Evaporative Emissions Vent Solenoid circuit terminal 1 and ground.
Valve, ignition ON.
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
2. Verify that a test lamp illuminates between the B+ the circuit.
circuit terminal 2 and ground.
2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
=>If the test lamp does not illuminate and the Module.
circuit fuse is good
If the Parameter is OK
2.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp.
Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the control
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the B+ circuit end circuit terminal 1 and the B+ circuit terminal 2.
to end.
Verify the scan tool EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance Control Circuit High Voltage Test Status parameter
in the circuit. is Malfunction when commanding the EVAP Vent
2 if less than 2 Q verify the fuse is not open and Solenoid Valve ON with a scan tool.
there is voltage at the fuse. If the Parameter is not Malfunction
If the test lamp does not illuminate and the 7.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
circuit fuse is open connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
2.1. ignition OFF, remove the test lamp. 7.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end
2.2. Test for infinite resistance between the B+ to end.
circuit and ground. 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
2 If less than infinite resistance, repairthe short to in the circuit.
ground in the circuit. 2 lf1lessthan 2 Q replace the K20 Engine Control
2 Ifinfinite resistance, test the 013 Evaporative Module.
Emissions Vent Solenoid Valve for a short and U If the Parameter is Malfunction
replace as necessary.
8. Test or replace the 013 Evaporative Emission Vent
If the test lamp illuminates Solenoid Valve.
Verify that a test lamp does not illuminate between
the B+ circuit terminal 2 and the control circuit Component Testing
terminal 1. Static Test
if the test lamp illuminates 1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at
3.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness the Q13 Evaporative Emission Vent Solenoid
connector at the 013 Evaporative Emissions Valve.
Vent Solenoid Valve. Test for 10—30Q between the control terminal 1
3.2. Test for infinite resistance between the control and the B+ voltage terminal 2.
circuit and ground. If not between 10.0—30.0Q
2 If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to Replace the Q13 Evaporative Emission Vent
ground on the circuit. Solenoid Valve.
2 If infinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
U If between 10.0—30.0Q
Control Module.
3. All OK.
2 If the test lamp does not illuminate
4. Remove the test lamp. Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6192after completing the repair.
Evaporative Emission Canister Vent Solenoid
Valve Replacement on page 91270
Control Module References on page 613for ECM
replacement, setup, and programming.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L(LUW, LWE) 91433
DTC P0451-P0454

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0451: Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Performance
DTC P0452: Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0453: Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0454: Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Circuit Intermittent
Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to High Short to Signal

Circuit Ground Resistance Open Voltage Performance
P0236, P0236,
P0237, P0238,
5 V Reference P0452, P0451 P0452 P0453, —-
P0532, P0641,
P0641 P1101,P2227
Signal P0452 P0451 P0452 P0453 P0451,P0454
LowReference — P0446,
P0451 P0453,
P0463 — P0451

Typical Scan Tool Data

FTP Sensor Voltage

Circuit I Short to Ground I Open Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: IgnitionON, EngineOFF
ParameterNormal Range: 1.3—1.7 V
FTP Sensor5V Reference 0V 0V 4.2—5V
FTP SensorSignal 0V 0V 5V
FTP Sensor LowReference — 4.5V —-

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Running the DTC

The Fuel Tank Pressure (FTP) sensor measures P0451
pressure or vacuum in the evaporative emission
(EVAP) system. The engine control module (ECM) 1 DTC P0451 runs only when the engine—offnatural
supplies a 5 V reference and a low reference circuit to vacuum small leak test, P0442, executes.
the FTP sensor. The FTP sensor signal voltage varies 1 The number,of times this test runs can range from
depending on EVAP system pressure or vacuum. The 0—2per engine-off period. The length of the test
controller also uses this FTP signal to determine can be up to 10 min.
atmospheric pressure for use in the engine—offsmall
leak test, DTC P0442. Before using this signal as an P0452 and P0453
atmospheric reference it must first be re-zeroed. DTC P0452 and P0453 run continuously when the
ignition is ON.

91434 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
P0454 Reference Information
1 DTC P0454 runs only when the engine-off natural Schematic Reference
vacuum small leak test, P0442, executes and the
EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve is closed. Engine Controls Schematics on page 9128
1 This test can run once per engine-off period. The Connector End View Reference
length of the test can be up to 10 min.
1 A refueling event is not detected. A refueling event Component Connector End Views on page 111269
is confirmed if the fuel level has a persistent Description and Operation
change of 10 %for 30 3.
Evaporative Emission Control System Description on
Conditions for Setting the DTC page 91300
P0451 Electrical Information Reference
This DTC will set if the controller is unable to re-zero 1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
the FTP sensor voltage within a calibrated range during 1 Connector Repairs on page 11-548
the engine—offsmall leak test, P0442.
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
P0452 Connections on page 111531
The FTP sensor voltage is less than 0.15 V for more 1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
than 10 s.
DTC Type Reference
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
The FTP sensor voltage is more than 4.9 V for more Definitions on page 6168 ’
than 10 s.
Scan Tool Reference
Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
If,during the engine—offnatural vacuum small leak test, information
P0442, the ECM detects an abrupt FTP signal change,
other than a refueling event, this DTC will set. An Special Tools
abrupt change is defined as a change of 0.45 in H2O in
the span of1 s but less than 1 in H2O in 12.5 ms. GE 414131A Evaporative Emission System
Tester (EEST)
Action Taken When the DTC Sets For equivalent regional tools, reterto Special Tools
1 DTCs P0451 and P0454 are Type A DTCs. (Diagnostic Tools) on page 91308
1 DTCs P0452 and P0453 are Type B DTCs. CircuitlSystem Verification
Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC 1. Remove the fuel cap.
1 DTCs P0451 and P0454 are Type A DTCs. 2. ignition ON, engine OFF.
1 DTCs P0452 and P0453 are Type B DTCs. 3. Verify the scan tool FTP sensor parameter is
between 1.3 and 1.7V.
Diagnostic Aids 2 If not between 1.3—1.7V
P0451 and P0454 Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
1 A restriction in the EVAP canister or vent lines U If between 1.3—1.7V
could prevent fuel vapor pressure from bleeding 4 All OK.
of‘ffast enough. lfthe vent system cannot bleed off
pressure fast enough, the re-zero procedure may CircuitlSystem Testing
not complete successfully, which could cause this
1. ignition OFF, all vehicle systems OFF, this may
code to set.
take up to 2 min, for all vehicle systems to power
1 Ensure that the reference port on the FTP sensor down. Disconnect the harness connector at the
is unobstructed. B150 Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor.
1 An FTP sensor that is skewed or does not have a 2. Test for less than 5 Q of resistance between the
linear transition from low to high may cause this low reference circuit terminal 2 and ground.
code to set. Scan tool output controls, snapshot,
and plot functions can help detect erratic sensor 2 If 5 Q or greater
response. To test the sensor signal under vacuum 2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
conditions, use the Quick Snapshot and the connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
Purge/Seal functions to capture data while 2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
commanding purge to 20 %, then plot the data to circuit and to end.
look for erratic sensor operation. A similar test can
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
be done for the pressure side of the sensor
operation by applying pressure with the in the circuit.
GE41413-A while taking a snapshot. 2 If less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
U If less than 5 Q
2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91435
3. ignition ON. 2 if less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
4. Test for 4.8—5.2V between the 5 V reference circuit Module.
terminal 3 and ground. U If less than 0.2V
2 if less than 4.8V . install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal
4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness circuit terminal 1 and the 5 V reference circuit
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. terminal 3.
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the 5 V . Verify the scan tool FTP sensor parameter is
reference circuit and ground. greater than 4.7 V.
2 if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to lf 4.7 V or less
ground on the circuit. 7.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
U Ifinfinite resistance connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
4.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the 5 V reference 7.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal
circuit and to end. circuit terminal 1 and ground.
2 lf2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 2 If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
in the circuit. ground on the circuit.
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control U lf infinite resistance
Module. ’ 7.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit and
if greater than 5.2 V to end.
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module, in the circuit.
ignition ON. 2 if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
4.2. Test for less than 1 V between the 5 V Module.
WWW reference circuit and ground. If greater than 4.7 V
2 lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on . Test or replace the 8150 Fuel Tank Pressure
the circuit. Sensor.
2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
Repair Instructions
U lf between Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
. 4.8—5.2V _ page 6192after completing the repair.
5‘ Verify the scan tool FTP parameter '5 less 1 Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Replacement on
than 0.2 V. page 91263
‘8’ If 0-2 V or greater 1 Control Module References on page 613for ECM
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness replacement, setup, and programming.
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
ignition ON
5.2. Test for less than 1 V between the signal
Circuitterminal1 and ground.
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.

91436 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 l.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0455

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 ReviewStrategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0455: Evaporative Emission (EVAP) System Large Leak Detected

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The engine control module (ECM) tests the evaporative 1 The EVAP system is not able to achieve or
emission (EVAP) system for a large leak or restrictions maintain a calibrated level of vacuum within a set
to the purge path in the EVAP system. When the amount of time.
enabling criteria has been met, the ECM commands the 1 After setting the DTC for the first time, 2 L (0.5 gal)
EVAP vent solenoid valve and purge solenoid valve of fuel must be consumed before setting the DTC
ON, allowing vacuum into the EVAP system. The ECM for the second time.
monitors the fuel tank pressure (FTP) sensor voltage to
1 With a DTC P0455 detected a weak vacuum
verify that the system is able to reach a predetermined
follow-up test (fuel cap replacement test) will run
level of vacuum within a set amount of time.
and passes if tank vacuum is greater than
Conditions for Running the DTC 2.74 kPa (11 in H20). This test will run for a
maximum of 22 min. This test runs until it passes.
1 DTCs P0008, P0009, P010C, P010D, P16A0,
P16A1, P16A2, P160E, P160D, P16F3, P0068, Action Taken When the DTC Sets
P0101, P0102, P0103, P0111, P0112, P0113,
DTC P0455 is a Type B DTC.
P0114 P0116, P0117, P0118, P0122, P0123,
P0125, P0128, P0191, P0192, P0193, P0222, Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
P0223, P0443, P0449, P0452, P0453, P0454,
P0502, P0503, P0601, P0604, P0606, P0722, DTC P0455 is a Type B DTC.
P0723, P1104, P1682, P2100, P2101, P2102,
Diagnostic Aids
P2103, P2135, P2176, P2227, P2228, P2229,
P2230 are not set. 1 Inspect for a loose, missing, damaged, or incorrect
1 The ignition voltage is between 11—32V. fuel fill cap.
1 The barometric pressure (BARO) is greater than 1 Inspect for a damaged fuel filler neck seal surface.
70 kPa. 1 A blockage or restriction in the EVAP purge
1 The fuel level is between 10—90%. solenoid valve, purge pipe, EVAP canister,
or vapor pipe, can cause this DTC to set.
1 The EVAP purge flow is greater than 2.80 %
1 The EVAP system can be filled with smoke more
1 The cold startup engine coolant temperature quickly and completely by opening the system
(ECT) and the startup intake air temperature (IAT) opposite the end where the smoke is injected. For
are within 8°C (46°F). example, when injecting smoke at the service port
1 The startup engine coolant temperature (ECT) is remove the fuel fill cap, or temporarily leave the
less than 35°C (95°F). vent open, until smoke is observed, then close the
1 The startup intake air temperature (IAT)is system and continue testing. if using a fuel cap
between 4—30°C(39—86°F). adapter at the filler neck, use the J 41413-VLV
EVAP Service Port Vent Fitting at the service port
1 DTC P0455 runs once per cold start, for up to
to allow the system to fill faster.
17 min, when the above conditions are met.
1 To help locate intermittentleaks using the
GE41413—A Evaporative Emissions System
Tester (EEST), move all EVAP components while
observing smoke with the GE41413-SPT High
IntensityWhite Light.
1 Individual components can be isolated and tested
using adapters in the J41413—300 EVAP Cap and
Plug Kit.
1 A condition may exist where a leak in the EVAP
system only exists under a vacuum condition. This
type of leak may be detected by using the scan

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91437
tool Purge/Seal function to create a vacuum in the 3. Use a scan tool to seal the EVAP system.
EVAP system and then observe the FTP 4. Use the flow meter on the GE41413-A
parameter for vacuum decay. Evaporative Emissions System Tester (EEST),
calibrated to 0.51 mm (0.020 in) to determine that
Reference Information
there is no leak in the EVAP system.
Schematic Reference 2 if a leak is detected
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9128 4.1. Use the GE41413—A Evaporative Emissions
System Tester (EEST) to apply smoke to the
Connector End View Reference EVAP system at the service access port
Component Connector End Views on page 111269 adapter.
4.2. Locate the leak using the GE41413-SPT High
Description and Operation intensity White Light.
Evaporative Emission Control System Description on U No leak detected
page 9—300 S1"Refer to step 10.
Electrical Information Reference 6. To test for a restriction in the purge path.
1 Circuit Testing on page 111526 6.1. Connect the GE414131A Evaporative
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548 Emissions System Tester (EEST) nitrogen/
smoke hose to the J41413-311 EVAP Plug
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor brass cone adapter.
Connections on page 111531
6.2. Disconnect the hose at the fuel cap end of the
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537 GE41415-30 Fuel Tank Cap Adapter.
DTC Type Reference 6.3. Connect the J41413-311 EVAP Plug to the
disconnected hose on the GE41415-30 Fuel
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Tank Cap Adapter.
Definitions on page 6168
6.4. Install the GE41415-30 Fuel Tank Cap
Scan Tool Reference Adapter, filler neck end only, to the vehicle.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool 7. Engine idling, command the Purge/Seal function to
information seal the system with a scan tool.
8. Command the EVAP purge solenoid valve to 30 %.
Special Tools
9. The vacuum/pressure gauge on the GE41413-A
1 CH 48096 EVAP Service Access Port Tool Evaporative Emissions System Tester (EEST) and
1 GE41415-30 Fuel Tank Cap Adapter the FTP parameter on the scan tool should both
1 GE41413-A Evaporative Emissions System show vacuum.
Tester (EEST) 2 If the vacuum/pressure gauge shows vacuum,
1 J41413-300 EVAP Cap and Plug Kit but the FTP parameter does not show vacuum
1 GE41413-SPT High Intensity White Light Replace the 8150 Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor.
1 J41413-311 EVAP Plug 2 If neither the FTP parameter nor the vacuum/
1 J41413-VLV EVAP Service Port Vent Fitting pressure gauge shows vacuum
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools Repair the restriction in the purge path.
(Diagnostic Tools)on page 9308 10. Verify that the vacuum increases to the abort limit
on the scan tool or greater than 3.2 V, and the
CircuitlSystem Testing values are similar between the scan tool and the
Important: vacuum/pressure gauge on the GE41413—A
Evaporative Emissions System Tester (EEST).
1 Larger volume fuel tanks and/or those with lower
fuel levels may require several minutes for the 2 If not within the specified range
floating indicator to stabilize or produce smoke Replace the 8150 Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor.
from a leak.
U If within the specified range
1 Refer to the GE41413-A Evaporative Emissions
System Tester (EEST) operation manual for 11. All OK
detailed instructions in Evaporative Emission Repair Instructions
Control System Diagnosis on page 91236
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
1. Disconnect the purge tube at the quick connector
page 6192after completing the diagnostic procedure.
on the EVAP canister side of the purge solenoid
valve and install the CH 48096 EVAP Service 1 Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Replacement on
Access Port Tool. page 91263
2. Connect the GE41413—A Evaporative Emissions 1 Control Module References on page 613for ECM
System Tester (EEST) to the vehicle EVAP service replacement, setup, and programming.
port adapter.

91438 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0496

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0496: Evaporative Emission (EVAP) System Flow During Non-Purge

CircuitlSystem Description Action Taken When the DTC Sets

This DTC tests for undesired intake manifold vacuum DTC P0496 is a Type B DTC.
flow to the evaporative emission (EVAP) system. The
engine control module (ECM) seals the EVAP system Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
by commanding the EVAP purge solenoid valve OFF DTC P0496 is a Type B DTC.
and the vent solenoid valve ON. The ECM monitors the
fuel tank pressure (FTP) sensor to determine if a Diagnostic Aids
vacuum is being drawn on the EVAP system. Ifvacuum An intermittentcondition could be caused by an
in the EVAP system is more than a predetermined improperly installed or damaged EVAP purge solenoid
value within a predetermined time, this DTC sets. valve or by a temporary blockage or restriction in the
The following table illustrates the relationship between EVAP purge solenoid valve or system tubing.
the ON and OFF states, and the Open or Closed states
of the EVAP purge and vent solenoid valves. Reference Information

EVAP Purge EVAP Vent Schematic Reference

ECM Command Solenoid Valve Solenoid Valve Engine Controls Schematics on page 9128
ON Open Closed
Connector End View Reference
OFF Closed Open
Component Connector End Views on page 111269
Conditions for Running the DTC Description and Operation
1 DTCs PO0C8, POOC9, PO1OC, P010D, P16A0, Evaporative Emission Control System Description on
P16A1, P16A2, P160E, P160D, P16F3, P0068, page 91300
P0101, P0102, P0103, P0111, P0112, P0113,
P0114 P0116, P0117, P0118, P0122, P0123, Electrical information Reference
P0125, P0128, P0191, P0192, P0193, P0222, 1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
P0223, P0443, P0449, P0452, P0453, P0454,
P0502, P0503, P0601, P0604, P0606, P0722, 1 Connector Repairs on page 111548
P0723, P1104, P1682, P2100, P2101, P2102, 1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
P2103, P2135, P2176, P2227, P2228, P2229, Connections on page 111531
P2230 are not set. 1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
1 The ignition voltage is between 11—32V.
DTC Type Reference
1 The engine OFF time is greater than 8 h,
1 The barometric pressure (BARO) is greater than Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
70 kPa. Definitions on page 6168
1 The fuel level is between 10—90%. Scan Tool Reference
1 The startup engine coolant temperature (ECT) is Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
less than 35°C (95°F). information -
1 The startup intake air temperature (lAT) is
between 4—30°C(39—86°F). .222
1 DTC P0496 runs once per cold start, for up to
17 min, when the above conditions are met.
Conditions for Setting the DTC
1 The ECM detects more than 10 in H20 vacuum for
5 s during a non-purge condition.
1 This test will run with the purge valve closed and
the vent valve closed.

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91439
CircuitlSystem Verification 3. Start the engine.
1. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for 4. Observe the FTP sensor with a scan tool. The FTP
running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle sensor parameter should be less than 1.7V
within the conditions that you observed from the after 90 s.
freeze frame/failure records data. 2 If not within specifications
2. Verify the DTC does not set. Replace the 012 Evaporative Emission Purge
2 If the DTC sets Solenoid Valve
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing U Within Specifications
U If the DTC does not set 5. AllOK
3. All OK Repair Instructions
CircuitlSystem Testing Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6192after completing the diagnostic procedure.
1. ignition ON, engine OFF.
2. Seal the EVAP system using the Purge/Seal Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Solenoid Valve
Replacement on page 91276
function with a scan tool.

91440 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0506 or P0507 (LUW, LWE)

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0506: Idle Speed Low
DTC P0507: Idle Speed High

CircuitlSystem Description P0507

The throttle actuator control (TAC) motor is controlled The ECM detects that the actual idle speed is
by the engine control module (ECM). The DC motor approximately 182 RPM higher than desired idle speed.
located in the throttle body drives the throttle blade. In
order to decrease idle speed, along with spark and fuel Action Taken When the DTC Sets
delivery changes the ECM commands the throttle DTC P0506 and P0507 are Type B DTCs.
closed reducing airflow into the engine and the idle
speed decreases. In order to increase idle speed, the Conditions for Clearing the DTC
ECM commands the throttle plate open allowing more DTC P0506 and P0507 are Type B DTCs.
air to pass the throttle plate.
Diagnostic Aids
Conditions for Running the DTC
1 A stalling condition can cause DTC P0506 to set.
1 DTCsP0068,P0101,PO102,P0103,P0108 1 An intermittentvehicle speed sensor (VSS) signal
P0107,P0108,PO111,P0112,P0113,P0114, can cause DTC P0507 to set.
P0123,P0128,P0171,P0172,P0201,P0202 1 An intermittentclutch pedal position sensor signal,
P0203,P0204,P0222,P0223,P0300,P035t if equipped, can cause DTC P0506 to set.
P0352,P0353,P0354,PO461,P0462,P0463, Reference Information
P0806,P0807,P0808,P16F3,P2101,P2122 Schematic Reference
amnmsm. Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314
1 ThebmbmeMCpmmswe(BAROMsgmamrman Connector End View Reference
Component Connector End Views on page 111269
1 The engine runtime is greater than 60 s.
1 The engine is idling for greater than 10 s. Description and Operation
1 The torque converter clutch (TCC) is not changing ThrottleActuator Control (TAC) System Description on
states. page 91587
1 The transmission is not changing gears. Electrical Information Reference
1 The intake air temperature (IAT)is greater than
—20°C(—4°F). 1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
1 The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is between 1 Connector Repairs on page 11-548
60—120°C(140—248°F). 1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
1 The ignition voltage is between 11—32V. Connections on page 11-531
1 The vehicle speed is less than 3.2 km/h (2 mph). 1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
1 The commanded engine speed is steady within DTC Type Reference
25 RPM.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
1 The DTCs run continuously when the above Definitions on page 6168
conditions are met for greater than 10 3.
Scan Tool Reference
Conditions for Setting the DTC
Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
P0506 information
The ECM detects that the actual idle speed is
approximately 91 RPM lower than the desired idle

Engine ControIs/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91441
CircuitlSystem Verification CircuitlSystem Testing
1. Ignition ON. P0506
2. Verify there are no other DTCs set. 1. Verify the conditions listed below do not exist.
2 If any other DTCs are set 1 Restricted exhaust
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - 1 Mechanical conditions that limits engine speed
Vehicle on page 6169for further diagnosis. 1 Parasitic load on the engine—For example, a
U If no other DTCs are set transmission condition, a belt driven accessory
3. Verify the scan tool Throttle Body Idle Airflow condition.
Compensation parameter is less than 90 %. 2 If a condition is found
2 90 % or greater Repair as necessary.
Refer to ThrottleBody Inspection and Cleaning U If a condition is not found
on page 9—547. 2. All OK.
U If less than 90 %
4. Engine Idlingat the normal operating temperature.
1. Verify the conditions listed below do not exist.
Note: The engine must run for greater than 60 s, then
idle at a steady state for an additional 10 s before 1 Vacuum leaks
comparing the actual and desired engine speed 1 A throttle valve that does not close correctly
parameters. 1 Verify the correct operation of the crankcase
5. Verify the actual Engine Speed is not 100 RPM ventilation system. Inspect for the conditions
less than the Desired Idle Speed. listed below:
2 If 100 RPM less than the Desired Idle Speed —Improper routing of the positive crankcase
ventilation (PCV) system
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. —Vacuum leaks in the PCV system—Refer to
U If 100 RPM greater than the Desired Idle Speed Crankcase Ventilation System Inspection/
6. Verify the actual Engine Speed is not 200 RPM Diagnosis on page 9968.
greater than the Desired Idle Speed. 2 If a condition is found
2 If 200 RPM greater than the Desired Idle Speed Repair as necessary.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. U If a condition is not found
U lf 200 RPM less than the Desired Idle Speed 2. All OK.
7. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the Repair Verification
vehicle within the conditions that you observed Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. page 6192after completing the repair.
8. Verify the DTC does not set. 1 ThrottleBody Inspection and Cleaning on
2 If the DTC sets page 91547
1 ThrottleBody Assembly Replacement on
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
page 91542
U If the DTC does not set
9. All OK.

91442 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0601-P0604, P0606, or P062F (Fuel Pump Control Module)

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0601: Control Module Read Only Memory Performance
DTC P0602: Control Module Not Programmed
DTC P0603: Control Module Long Term Memory Reset
DTC P0604: Control Module Random Access Memory Performance
DTC P0606: Control Module Processor Performance
DTC P062F: Control Module Long Term Memory Performance

CircuitlSystem Description CircuitlSystem Verification

The internal fault detection is handled inside the fuel Note: This DTC may be stored as a history DTC
pump control module. No external circuits are involved. without affecting the operation of the module. Ifstored
only as a history DTC and not retrieved as a current
Conditions for Running the DTC DTC, do not replace the module.
The fuel pump control module runs the program to
1. IgnitionON. »
detect an internal fault when power up is commanded.
The only requirements are voltage and ground. This 2. Verify DTC P0602 is not set.
program runs even if the voltage is out of the valid 2 If DTC P0602 is set
operating range. 2.1. Program the K27 fuel pump control module.
Conditions for Setting the DTC 2.2. Verify the DTC does not set.
The fuel pump control module has detected an internal 2 Ifthe DTC sets, replace the K27 fuel pump
malfunction. control module.
U Ifthe DTC does not set.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
2.3. All OK.
DTC P0601, P0602, P0603, P0604, P0606 and P062F
are type A DTCs. <: If DTC P0602 is not set
3. Verify DTCs P0601, P0603, P0604, P0606, and
Conditions for Clearing the DTC P062F are not set.
DTC P0601, P0602, P0603, P0604, P0606 and P062F 2 If any of the DTCs are set
are type A DTCs.
3.1. Program the K27 fuel pump control module.
Reference Information 3.2. Verify the DTC does not set.
Description and Operation 2 Ifthe DTC sets, replace the K27 fuel pump
control module.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314 U Ifthe DTC does not set.
Electrical Information Reference 3.3. All OK.
1 Circuit Testing on page 111526 U If none of the DTCs are set
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548 4. All OK
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor Repair Instructions
Connections on page 111531
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537 Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6192after completing the repair.
DTC Type Reference Control Module References on page 6-3 for fuel pump
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type control module replacement, programming and setup
Definitions on page 6168

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91443
DTC P0601-P0604, P0606, P062B, P062F, P0630, P16F3, or P2623 (ECM)
Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each of the diagnostic
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0601: Control Module Read Only Memory Performance
DTC P0602: Control Module Not Programmed
DTC P0603: Control Module Long Term Memory Reset
DTC P0604: Control Module Random Access Memory Performance
DTC P0606: Control Module Processor Performance
DTC P062F: Control Module Long Term Memow Performance
DTC P0630: VIN Not Programmed or Mismatched 1Engine Control Module (ECM)
DTC P16F3: Control Module Redundant Memory Performance
DTC P2628: Control Module Power Off Timer Performance

CircuitlSystem Description Actions Taken When the DTC Sets

This diagnostic applies to internal microprocessor 1 DTCs P0601, P0602, P0603, P0604, P0606,
integrity conditions within the engine control P062F, P0630, and P16F3 are Type A DTCs.
module (ECM). This diagnostic also addresses if the - DTC P262B is a Type B DTC.
ECM is not programmed.
Conditions for Clearing the MlL/DTC
Conditions for Running the DTCs
1 DTCS P0601, P0602, P0603, P0604, P0606,
P0601, P0602, P0630 P062F, P0630, and P16F3 are Type A DTCS.
These DTCs run continuously when the ignition is 1 DTC P262B is a Type B DTC.
in ON.
Diagnostic Aids
P0603, P062F
Low voltage or a momentary loss of power or ground to
These DTCs run once per ignition cycle. the ECM may cause a DTC to set. Verify the following:
P0604 1 The battery cables are clean and tight, and the
battery is fully charged. Refer to Battery
DTC P0604 runs continuously when the ignition is ON
lnspection/Test on page 9-702.
for greater than 30 s.
1 The ECM ground circuits do not have an open or
P0606 high resistance.
DTC P0606 runs continuously when Ignition 1 Signal 1 The ECM power circuits do not have an open,
voltage is greater than 11V. short to ground, or high resistance.
P16F3 Reference Information
1 The engine speed is greater than 500 RPM.
Schematic Reference
1 DTCs P0101, P0102, P0103, P0106, P0107,
P0108, P2227, P2228, P2229, or P2230 are Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314
not set.
Connector End View Reference
1 DTC P16F3 runs continuously when the above
conditions are met. Component Connector End Views on page 111269
P2628 Electrical Information Reference
DTC P262B runs on ECM power down. 1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
Conditions 1 Connector Repairs on page 111548
for Setting the DTCs
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
The ECM detects an internal failure or incomplete
Connections on page 11-531
programming for more than 10 s.
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537

91444 Engine ControIs/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
DTC Type Reference 3. Observe the DTC information with a scan tool.
Verify DTC P0602 or P0630 is not set.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type .
Definitions on page 6168 2 If DTC P0602 or P0630 is set
3.1. Program the K20 Engine Control Module.
Scan Tool Reference Refer to Control Module References on
Control Module References on page 613for scan tool page 6-3.
information 3.2. Verify DTC P0602 or P0630 is not set.
CircuitlSystem Verification 2 If DTC P0602 or P0630 sets, replace the
K20 Engine Control Module.
1. IgnitionON, clear the DTC information with a scan
tool. Observe the DTC information with a scan tool. U If DTC P0602 or P0630 does not set
2. Verify that DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, or P06A3 3.3. All OK.
does not set. U If DTC P0602 or P0630 is not set
2 If a DTC is set 4. Verify DTC P0601, P0603, P0604, P0606, P062F,
Refer to DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, or P06A3 P16F3, or P2628 is not set.
(ECM) on page 91449for further diagnosis. 2 If DTC P0601, P0603, P0604, P0606, P062F,
U lf DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, or P06A3 does P16F3, or P2623 is set
not set Replace the K20 Engine Control Module.
U If DTC P0601, P0603, P0604, P0606, P062F,
P16F3, or P262B is not set
5. All OK.
Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6192after completing the diagnostic procedure.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for Engine
Control Module replacement, programming and setup

Engine Controls/Fuel1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91445
DTC P0627-P0629
Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0627: Fuel Pump Enable Circuit
DTC P0628: Fuel Pump Enable Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0629: Fuel Pump Enable Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
Control P0628 P0627,P0629 P0629 -

CircuitlSystem Description Reference Information

The engine control module (ECM) provides ignition Schematic Reference
voltage to the fuel pump flow control module whenever
the engine is cranking or running. The control module Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314
enables the fuel pump flow control module as long as
the engine is cranking or running, and ignition system Connector End View Reference
reference pulses are received. While this enable Component Connector End Views on page 111269
voltage is being received, the fuel pump flow control
module supplies a varying voltage to the in-tank fuel Electrical Information Reference
pump module in order to maintain the desired fuel line 1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548
Conditions for Running the DTC 1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 111531
P0627 ancl P0629
1 Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
1 The ignition voltage is 11V or greater.
1 The ECM has commanded the fuel pump OFF. DTC Type Reference
1 The DTCs run continuously when the above Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
conditions are met for greater than 1 s. Definitions on page 6168
P0628 Scan Tool Reference
1 The ignition voltage is 11V or greater. Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
1 The ECM has commanded the fuel pump ON. information
1 The DTC runs continuously when the above
conditions are met for greater than 1 3. CircuitlSystem Verification
1. Ignition ON.
Conditions for Setting the DTC 2. Verify that DTC P0627, P0628, or P0629 is not set.
The ECM detects that the commanded state of the
2 If a DTC is set
driver and the actual state of the control circuit do not
match for greater than 2 3. Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
U If a DTC is not set
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
DTCs P0627, P0628, and P0629 are Type B DTCs.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
DTCs P0627, P0628, and P0629 are Type B DTCs.

91446 Engine ControIs/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
3. Verify the parameters listed below do not display 5. Verify the scan tool Fuel Pump Enable Circuit Low
Malfunction when commanding the Fuel Pump Voltage Test Status parameter is OK when
Enable On and Off with a scan tool. commanding the Fuel Pump Enable On with a
1 Fuel Pump Enable Circuit Low Voltage Test scan tool.
Status If OK is not displayed
1 Fuel Pump Enable Circuit Open Test Status 5.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
1 Fuel Pump Enable Circuit High Voltage Test connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
Status 5.2. Test for infinite resistance between the control
lf Malfunction is displayed circuit and ground.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. 2 If less than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
ground on the circuit.
<1:If Malfunction is not displayed
2 If infinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Control Module.
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you observed If OK is displayed
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the control
. Verify the DTC does not set. circuit terminal 20 and ground.
If the DTC sets Verify the scan tool Fuel Pump Enable Circuit Low
Voltage Test Status parameter is Malfunction when
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. commanding the Fuel Pump Enable On with a
U If the DTC does not set scan tool.
6. All OK. If Malfunction is not displayed
CircuitlSystem Testing 7.1. IgnitionOFF, remove thejumperwire,
disconnect the harness connector at the
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at K20 Engine Control Module.
the K27 Fuel Pump Control Module.
7.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end
2. IgnitionON for 10 3. to end.
3. Verify that a test lamp does not illuminate between 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
the control circuit terminal 20 and ground. in the circuit.
If the test lamp illuminates 2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
3.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp, disconnect Module.
the harness connector at the K20 Engine U lf Malfunction is displayed
Control Module, ignition ON.
8. Replace the K27 Fuel Pump Control Module.
3.2. Test for less than 1 V between the control
circuit and ground. Repair Instructions
2 lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
the Circuit. page 6-92 after completing the diagnostic procedure.
2 Ifless than 1V, replace the K20 Engine Control Control Module References on page 613for Engine
Module. Control Module or Fuel Pump Flow Control Module
U If the test lamp does not illuminate replacement, programming, and setup
4. Remove the test lamp.

Engine ControIs/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91447
DTC P0641 or P06A6 (Fuel Pump Control Module)
Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0641: 5 V Reference Circuit
DTC P06A6: 5 V Reference 1 Performance

Diagnostic Fault Information

Opeanigh Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
5 V Reference PO18C,P0641,
P06A6 PO18D,P0641,
P018C P06A6 P06A6
Signal PO18C P0188, P0180 P018D P0188
LowReference — P0641,P06A6 —— P06A6

CircuitlSystem Description Description and Operation

The fuel pressure sensor is located on the fuel line. The Fuel System Description on page 9-584
fuel pressure sensor monitors the fuel pressure in the
fuel line. The fuel pump control module monitors the Electrical Information Reference
voltage signal from the fuel pressure sensor. 1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
Conditions for Running the DTC 1 Connector Repairs on page 11-548
The ignition is ON. 1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 111531
Conditions for Setting the DTC 1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
The fuel pump control module detects that the fuel
DTC Type Reference
pressure 5 V reference is above or below a
predetermined voltage threshold. Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6168
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
Scan Tool Reference
DTCs P0641 and P06A6 are Type A DTCs.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
Conditions for Clearing the DTC information
DTCs P0641 and P06A6 are Type A DTCs.
CircuitlSystem Testing
Diagnostic Aids 1. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
Using the Failure Records data may help locate an disconnect the harness connector at the 847 Fuel
intermittentcondition. Ifyou cannot duplicate the DTC, Pressure Sensor. Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all
the information in the Failure Records can help vehicle systems to power down.
determine how many miles since the DTC set. The Fail 2. Test for less than 10 Q between the low reference
Counter and Pass Counter can help determine how circuit terminal 2 and ground.
many ignition cycles that the diagnostic test reported a
pass and/or a fail. 2 If 10 Q or greater
2.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
Reference Information connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control
Schematic Reference
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314 circuit end to end.
Connector End View Reference 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.
Component Connector End Views on page 111269

91448 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K27 Fuel Pump 5. Verify the scan tool Fuel Pressure Sensor Voltage
Control Module. parameter is less than 1 V.
If less than 10 Q 2 If 1 V or greater
.03 Ignition ON. 5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
Test for 4.8—5.2V between the 5 V reference circuit connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control
terminal 3 and ground. Module, ignition ON.
If less than 4.8 V 5.2. Test for less than 1 V between the signal
circuitterminal 1 and ground.
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control 2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
Module. the circuit.
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the 5 V 2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K27 Fuel Pump
reference circuit and ground. Control Module.
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to <: If less than 1 V
ground on the circuit. 6. Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal
U Ifinfinite resistance circuit terminal 1 and the 5 V reference circuit
terminal 3, wait 15 seconds.
4.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the 5 V reference
circuit end to end. 7. Verify the scan tool Fuel Pressure Sensor Voltage
parameter is greater than 4.8 V.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit. 2 If 4.8 V or less
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K27 Fuel Pump 7.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
Control Module. connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control
lf greater than 5.2 V 7.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness circuitterminal 1 and ground.
connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control
Module, ignition ON. 2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit.
4.2. Test for less than 1 V between the 5V
reference circuit and ground. U If infinite resistance
2 lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on 7.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit and
the circuit. to end.
2 lfless than 1 V, replace the K27 Fuel Pump 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Control Module. in the circuit.
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K27 Fuel Pump
U If between 4.8—5.2V
Control Module.
U If greater than 4.8 V
8. Test or replace the 847 Fuel Pressure Sensor.
Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6192after completing the repair.
Control Module References on page 613for fuel pump
control module replacement, programming and setup

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91449
DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, or P06A3 (ECM)
Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0641: 5 V Reference 1 Circuit
DTC P0651: 5 V Reference 2 Circuit
DTC P0697: 5 V Reference 3 Circuit
DTC P06A3: 5 V Reference 4 Circuit

CircuitlSystem Description 1 Secondary air injection pressure sensor,

The engine control module (ECM) has 4 internal 5 V if equipped
reference circuits. Each internal reference circuit 1 Vehicle speed sensor (manual transmission)
provides external 5 V reference circuits for more than P0697
one sensor. A short to ground or short to voltage on one
external 5 V reference circuit can affect all the The 5 V reference 3 circuit provides 5 V circuits to the
components connected to the same internal 5 V following sensors:
reference circuit. 1 Accelerator pedal position sensor2
1 Manifold absolute pressure sensor
Conditions for Running the DTC
These DTCs run continuously when the ignition voltage P06A3
is greater than 6.4 V. The 5 V reference 4 circuit provides 5 V circuits to the
following sensors:
Conditions for Setting the DTC
1 Accelerator pedal position sensor1
The ECM detects a voltage out of range condition on
1 Throttle position sensor1 and 2
any of the 5 V reference circuits for greater than 0.5 8.
Itmay be possible to locate the fault by disconnecting
Action Taken When the DTC Sets one component at a time from the affected 5 V
DTCs P0641, P0651, P0697, and P06A3 are reference circuit while viewing the 5 V Reference
Type A DTCS. Circuit Status parameter on the scan tool. The scan tool
parameter will change from Malfunction to OK when the
Conditions for Clearing the DTC source of the fault is disconnected. Ifall 5 V reference
components have been disconnected and a fault is still
DTCs P0641, P0651, P0697, and P06A3 are indicated, the fault may exist in the wiring harness.
Type A DTCs.
Reference Information
Diagnostic Aids
Schematic Reference
The 5 V reference 1 circuit provides 5 V circuits to the Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314
following sensors: Connector End View Reference
1 Air conditioning (A/C) refrigerant pressure sensor
Component Connector End Views on page 111269
1 Exhaust and intake camshaft position sensors
1 Fuel tank pressure sensor Electrical Information Reference
1 Multifunction intake air sensor 1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
P0651 1 Connector Repairs on page 111548
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
The 5 V reference 2 circuit provides 5 V circuits to the Connections on page 111531
following sensors:
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
1 Brake pedal position sensor (automatic
transmission) DTC Type Reference
1 Clutch pedal position sensor (manual Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
transmission) Definitions on page 6168
1 Crankshaft position sensor

9=450 Enfigine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
Scan Tool Reference =>Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
information U If between 4.8—5.2V
Note: A short to voltage or ground on the signal circuit
CircuitlSystem Verification of certain components may cause this DTC to set.
1. IgnitionON. 4. Verify the appropriate scan tool 5 V Reference 1, 2,
2. Verify all scan tool 5 V Reference Circuit Status 3, or 4 Circuit Status parameter displays OK while
parameters do not display Malfunction. connecting each component associated with the
:> If any of the parameters display Malfunction 5V reference circuit one at a time.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing :9 If the parameter does not display OK when a
component is connected
U If none of the parameters display Malfunction
Replace the component
3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the Repair Instructions
vehicle within the conditions that you observed
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
page 6-92 after completing the repair.
4. Verify the DTC does not set.
1 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Replacement
=>If the DTC sets on page 9-541
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing 1 Air Conditioning (A/C) Refrigerant Pressure
U If the DTC does not set Sensor Replacement (1.4L) on page 10-30 or Air
Conditioning (A/C) Refrigerant Pressure Sensor
5 All OK. Replacement (LUV) on page 10-31 orAir
CircuitlSystem Testing Conditioning (A/C) Refrigerant Pressure Sensor
Replacement (LDE/LUW/LWE) on page 10-32
Note: Additional DTCs will set when disconnecting the 1 Brake Pedal Position Sensor Replacement on
components. page 4-186
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at 1 Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement on
all appropriate sensors for the applicable DTC. page 9—576
Refer to Diagnostic Aids. 1 Clutch Pedal Position Sensor Replacement on
2. IgnitionON. page 17—415
3. Test for 4.8—5.2V between one of the 5 V reference 1 Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement on
circuits and ground. page 9—575
=>If less than 4.8V 1 Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Replacement on
3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness page 9-560
connectors at the K20 Engine Control Module. 1 Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Replacement
3.2. Test for infinite resistance between the 5V on page 9-537
reference circuit for each applicable 1 Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement on page 9-536
component and ground. 1 Secondary Air Injection Check Valve Replacement
=>If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to on page 9—543
ground on the circuit. 1 Throttle Body Assembly Replacement on
:> Ifinfinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine page 9-542
Control Module. 1 Vehicle Speed Sensor Replacement on
:1 If greater than 5.2 V page 17-461
3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness 1 Control Module References on page 6-3 for
connectors at the K20 Engine Control Module. engine control module replacement, prOgramming,
and setup
3.2. Test for less than 1 V between the 5 V
reference circuit for each applicable
component and ground.
=>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel =1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91451

DTC P0650, P263A, or P263B

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0650: Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Control Circuit Open
DTC P263A: Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MlL) Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2638: Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Control Circuit High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
IgnitionVoltage P0650 P0650 — ~-
MlL Control P0650,P263A* P0650,P263A P0650,P2638 -
*The MILremainsON

CircuitlSystem Description Diagnostic Aids

The malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) illuminates to 1 Ifthe condition is intermittent,move the related
inform the driver that an emission system fault has harnesses and connectors while monitoring the
occurred and the engine control system requires scan tool MIL control circuit status parameters.
service. Ignitionvoltage is supplied directly to the MIL. Perform this test with the ignition ON and the
The engine control module (ECM) turns the MIL ON by engine OFF, and with the engine running. The MIL
grounding the MIL control circuit when the emission control circuit status parameters change from OK
system fault occurs. Under normal operating or Not Run to Fault if there is a condition with a
conditions, the MIL should be ON only when the ignition Circuit or a connection.
is ON and the engine is OFF. 1 if the ECM detects low voltage on the MIL control
circuit during the ML control circuit driver OFF
Conditions for Running the DTC state, DTCs P0650 and DTC P263A may set
1 The engine speed is greater than 80 RPM. simultaneously.
1 The ignition voltage is between 11—32V.
Reference Information
1 The DTCs run continuously when the above
conditions are met . Schematic Reference
Conditions for Setting the DTC 1 Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314
1 Instrument Cluster Schematics on page 8-78
DTC P0650
The ECM detects low voltage during the ML control Connector End View Reference
circuit driver OFF state. Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
DTC P263A Electrical Information Reference
The ECM detects low voltage during the MIL control 1 Circuit Testing on page 11-526
circuit driver OFF state.
1 Connector Repairs on page 11—548
DTC P2633 1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
The ECM detects high voltage on the MIL control circuit Connections on page 11-531
during the driver ON state. 1 Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
Action Taken When the DTC Sets DTC Type Reference
DTC P0650, P263A, and P2638 are Type B DTCS. Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6-68
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
DTC P0650, P263A, and P2638 are Type B DTCs. Scan Tool Reference
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
91452 Enfigine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

CircuitlSystem Verification 3. Ignition ON, verify the malfunction indicator lamp

does not illuminate.
1. Ignition ON, command the malfunction indicator
lamp ON and OFF with a scan tool. :> If the malfunction indicator lamp illuminates
2. Verify that the malfunction indicator lamp turns ON 3-1- TGStfor infinite resistance between the .
and OFF as commanded. malfunction Indicator lamp control cnrowt
=>If the malfunction indicator lamp does not turn terminal X1 5.2-andground. .
ON and OFF as commanded :> Ifless than InfinitereSIstance, repair the short to
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing grouno m th? Circmt. _
U If the malfunction indicator lamp turns ON and 2 Ifinfinite resrstance, replace the P16 Instrument
OFF as commanded cluster. _ _ _
3. Ignition ON, command the malfunction indicator U :IlhlfiianaalgunctlonIndicator lamp does "°t
lamp ON and OFF with a scan tool and verify that . _
the control circuit status parameters listed below 4 Connecta 3_Af_usedJumper ere between the
display OK or Not Run. malfunction Indicator lamp control CIl’CUIt
- The MIL Control Circuit Low Voltage Test Status temf'ma'X1 52 a"d_9r°,”“‘_j- _ _
. The MIL Control Circuit Open Test Status 5. Verify the malfunction Indicatorlamp illuminates.
. The M”. contr0| Circuit High VOltage Test =>If the malfunction indicator lamp does not
Status illuminate
. . . 5.1. Test the malfunction indicator lamp control
:> If Malfunction Isidisplayed _ circuit terminal X1 52 for a short to voltage or
Refer to Circwt/System Testing an open/high resistance.
U If OK or Not Run is displayed :> Ifthe malfunction indicator lamp control circuit
4. Engine running, command the malfunction terminal X1 52 is shorted to voltage or has an
indicator lamp ON andIOFE with a scan tool and open/hlgh reSIstance, repair as necessary.
Verify that thelcontrol CWCU'tstatus parameters U if the malfunction indicator lamp control circuit

' The M”- Control C'rCU‘t LOWVoltage Test Status 5.2. Test the instrument cluster ignition voltage
1 The MIL Control Circuit Open Test Status circuit for a short to ground or open/high
- The MIL Control Circuit High Voltage Test FeSIStance-
Status =>Ifthe instrument cluster ignition voltage circuit is
2) If Malfunction is displayed shorttedto ground or has an open/high
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing FeSISance, repair as neoessary. . .
_ _ =>Ifthe Instrumentcluster ignition voltage cnrcuxt
U If OK or N°t Run '5 dlsplayed tests normal, replace the P16 instrument panel
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for cluster/bulb.
Running the DTC. You may also operate the U If the malfunction indicator lamp illuminates
vehicle within the conditions that you observed
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. 6. Replace the K20 Engine Control Module.
:> If the DTC sets Repair Instructions
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
U If the DTC does not set page 6-92 after completing the repair.
6 All OK. 1 Instrument Cluster Replacement on page 8-104
.' . . 1 Control Module References on page 6-3 for
CerUIt/System TeSt'ng engine control module replacement, programming,
1. Ignition OFF. and setup.
2. Disconnect the X1 harness connector at the
K20 Engine Control Module.

Engine Controls/Fuel , 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-453

DTC P0660, P0661, or P0662

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0660: Intake Manifold Tuning Control Valve Control Circuit
DTC P0661: Intake Manifold Tuning Control Valve Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0662: intake Manifold Tuning Control Valve Control Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

Shonto th Shonto SMnal

Circuit Ground Resistance Open Voltage Performance
Ignition1 Voltage . _ P0661 — Egg?! — -
. . . P0660,
IntakeManifoldTuningValveSolenoudControl P0661 —— P0661 P0662 -

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The intake manifold tuning valve controls the length of P0660
the intake runners in the intake manifold. The intake
manifold contains both long and short runners. The The ECM detects an open circuit on the intake manifold
tuning valve controls only the short runners. When the tuning valve control circuit for greater than 0.5 s.
valve is closed, the short runners are blocked, which P0661
forces the air through the long runners. This results in
tuning effects in the manifold that increases the torque The ECM detects a short to ground or an open circuit
produced by the engine at lower engine speeds. When on the intake manifold tuning valve control circuit for
the valve is open, both the long runners and short greater than 0.5 s.
runners are open, but the majority of the air travels P0662
through the short runners, since the airwill naturally
follow the shortest path into the cylinder. This allows the The ECM detects a short to voltage on the intake
air to flow through the short runners, which results in manifold tuning valve control circuit for greater
increased torque at higher engine speeds. than 0.5 3.
Ignitionvoltage is supplied directly to the intake Action Taken When the DTC Sets
manifold tuning valve actuator. The engine control
module (ECM) controls the valve actuator motor by DTCS P0660, P0661 and P0662 are Type B DTCS.
grounding the control circuit with a solid state device Conditions for Clearing the DTC
called a driver. The driver is equipped with a feedback
circuit that is pulled up to a voltage. The ECM can DTCs P0660, P0661 and P0662 are Type B DTCs.
determine if the control circuit is open, shorted to
ground, or shorted to a voltage by monitoring the Reference Information
feedback voltage signal. Schematic Reference
The tuning valve actuator contains a position sensor,
which outputs a pulse width modulated (PWM) signal, Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—314
to detect the actual position of the tuning valve in Connector End View Reference
relation to its commanded position. Variations in the
duty cycle of the PWM signal enables the ECM to Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
detect a physically broken, restricted or stuck tuning Electrical Information Reference
1 Circuit Testing on page 11-526
Conditions for Running the DTC 1 Connector Repairs on page 11—548
1 Engine speed is at least 400 rpm. 1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
1 The battery voltage is at least 11V. Connections on page 11-531
1 DTCS P0660, P0661 and P0662 run continuously 1 Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
when the above conditions are met.

9-454 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
DTC Type Reference =>Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and
there is voltage at the fuse.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6-68 : If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
circuit fuse is open
Scan Tool Reference 2.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool Note: An internal short in any component supplied by
information the fuse may cause the fuse to open and set a DTC
when the component is activated.
CircuitlSystem Verification
2.2. Test for infinite resistance between the ignition
1. Engine running. circuit and ground.
2. Verify a click is heard or felt from the 022 Intake =>Ifless than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
Manifold Tuning Solenoid Valve when ground on the circuit.
commanding the Intake Manifold Tuning Control
Valve Open and Closed with a scan tool. =>Ifinfinite resistance, test all Components
connected to the ignition voltage circuit for a
If a click is not heard or felt short and replace as necessary.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing If the test lamp illuminates
If a click is heard or felt Verify that a test lamp does not illuminate between
Verify the circuit status parameters listed below do the control circuit terminal 2 and the ignitioncircuit
not display Malfunction when commanding the terminal 1.
Intake Manifold Tuning Control Valve Open and If the test lamp illuminates
Closed with a scan tool:
3.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
1 Intake Manifold Tuning Control Valve Control connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
Circuit High Voltage Test Status
3.2. Test for infinite resistance between the control
1 Intake Manifold Tuning Control Valve Control circuit and ground.
Circuit Open Test Status
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the shortto
1 Intake Manifold Tuning Control Valve Control
Circuit Low Voltage Test Status ground on the circuit.
=>lf infinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
lf Malfunction is displayed
Control Module.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
If the test lamp does not illuminate
<=If Malfunction is not displayed P<= Remove the test lamp.
Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for Verify the scan tool Intake Manifold Tuning Control
Running the DTC. You may also operate the Valve Control Circuit High Voltage Test Status
vehicle within the conditions that you observed parameter is OK when commanding the Intake
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. Manifold Tuning Control Valve Open with a
If a DTC sets scan tool.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing If OK is not displayed
U If a DTC does not set 5.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
5 All OK. connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
ignition ON.
CircuitlSystem Testing 5.2. Test for less than 1 V between the control
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at circuit and ground.
the Q22 Intake Manifold Tuning Solenoid Valve. =>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
Ignition ON. the circuit.
2. Verify that a test lamp illuminates between the =>lf less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
ignition circuit terminal 1 and ground. Module.
:> If the test lamp does not illuminate and the ' If OK is displayed
circuit fuse is good
install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the control
2.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp. circuit terminal 3 and the ignition circuit terminal 1.
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ignition circuit end
to end.
=>lf 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel =1.81. (LUW, LWE) 91455
7. Verify the scan tool Intake Manifold Tuning Control =>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Valve Control Circuit High Voltage Test Status Module.
parameter is Malfunction when commanding the U lf Malfunction is displayed
Intake Manifold Tuning Control Valve Open with a
scan tool. 8. Replace the Intake Manifold;
If Malfunction is not displayed Repair Instructions
7.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. page 6—92after completing the repair.
7.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end Intake Manifold Replacement (LUW) on
to end. page 9-981 or Intake Manifold Replacement (LDE)
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance on page 9—978
in the circuit. Control Module References on page 6—3for
replacement, programming, and setup.

91456 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P0685-P0687, P0689, P0690, or P1682

Diagnostic instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0685: Engine Controls Ignition Relay Control Circuit
DTC P0686: Engine Controls Ignition Relay Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0687: Engine Controls Ignition Relay Control Circuit High Voltage
DTCP0689: Engine Controls Ignition Relay Feedback Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0690: Engine Controls Ignition Relay Feedback Circuit High Voltage
DTC P1682: Ignition1 Switch Circuit 2
Diagnostic Fault Information

Engine Controls Ignition Relay

Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage
RelayCoil SupplyVoltage P0689,P1682 P0685,P0689,P1682
RelayControlCircuit P0686,P0690 P0685,P0689,P1682 P1682
Relay FeedbackCircuit P0689,P1682 P0689,P1682 P0690

Typical Scan Tool Data

Engine Controls Ignition Relay Control Circuit Low Voltage, Open, and High Voltage Test
Status—Component Commanded OFF
Circuit | Short to Ground | Open Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: ComponentcommandedOFF
ParameterNormal Range:Thefollowingillustratesthenormalparameterstatewithnocircuitconditions:
1 ComponentOFF —OK forOpen/LowVoltageTestStatusandNotRunforHighVoltageTestStatus
1 ComponentON —NotRunforOpen/LowVoltageTestStatusandOK forHighVoltageTestStatus
B+ Malfunction Malfunction
Control Malfunction Malfunction NotRun

Engine Controls Ignition Relay Control Circuit Low Voltage, Open, and High Voltage Test
Status—Component Commanded ON
Circuit | Short to Ground | Open | Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: ComponentcommandedON
ParameterNormal Range:Thefollowingillustratesthenormalparameterstatewithnocircuitconditions:
1 ComponentOFF —OK forOpen/LowVoltageTestStatusandNotRunfor HighVoltageTestStatus
1 ComponentON —NotRunforOpen/LowVoltageTestStatusandOK forHighVoltageTestStatus
B+ NotRun Not Run
Control NotRun NotRun Malfunction

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91457

CircuitlSystem Description Action Taken When the DTC Sets

There are 2 ignition voltage circuits supplied to the 1 DTCs P0685, P0686, P0687, P0689, and P0690
engine control module (ECM). One is supplied by the are Type B DTCs.
engine controls ignition relay, and the other is supplied 1 DTC P1682 is a Type A DTC.
by the ignition run relay. The ECM monitors and
compares the ignition voltage supplied by the Zrelays. Conditions for Clearing the DTC
Conditions for Running the DTC 1 DTCs P0685, P0686, P0687, P0689, and P0690
are Type B DTCs.
P0685, P0686,P0687 - DTC P1682 is a Type A DTC.
The DTC runs when Ignition 1 signal voltage is greater
than 11V. Diagnostic Aids
The engine controls ignition relay may also be labeled
P0689 the powertrain relay, the engine control module relay,
1 DTC P0685 is not set. or the main relay. The ignition run relay may also be
1 The engine controls ignition relay is labeled the run/crank relay, the ignition main relay, the
commanded ON. ignition 1 relay, or the ignition relay.
1 Ignition1 signal voltage is greater than 11V. Reference Information
1 The DTC runs continuously when the above
conditions are met. Schematic Reference
P0690 1 Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314
1 P0685 is not set. 1 Power Distribution Schematics on page 11-128
1 The engine controls ignition relay is Connector End View Reference
commanded OFF.
Component Connector End Views on page 111269
1 The DTC runs continuously when the above
conditions are met. Electrical Information Reference
P1682 1 Circuit Testing on page 11-526
1 The engine controls ignition relay is 1 Connector Repairs on page 11-548
commanded ON. 1 Electrical Center Identification Views on
1 Ignitionvoltage is greater than 5.5 V. page 11-240
1 The DTC runs continuously when the above 1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
conditions are met. Connections on page 11-531
Conditions for Setting the DTC 1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
DTC Type Reference
The ECM detects that the commanded state of the Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
driver and the actual state of the control circuit do not Definitions on page 6-68
match for greater than 2 s. Scan Tool Reference
P0686 Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
The ECM detects a short to ground on the control information
circuit for greater than 2 s.
CircuitlSystem Verification
The ECM detects a short to voltage on the control
circuit for greater than 2 s. ' 1 A short to voltage on other components may
cause DTC P0690 to set. Ifany other DTC is
P0689 set, diagnose that DTC first.
The ECM detects the engine controls ignition relay 1 Ifyou were sent here from Engine Cranks But
feedback circuit is less than 5 V. Does Not Run, proceed to CircuitlSystem
1. Verify DTC P0685, P0686, P0687, P0689, P0690,
The ECM detects the engine controls ignition relay or P1682 is not set.
feedback circuit is greater than 4 V The condition is
present for greater than 5 s. =>if any of the DTCs are set
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
U If none of the DTCs are set
The ECM detects that the voltage level difference is
greater than 3 V between the 2 ignition voltage circuits
for greater than 1 s.

91458 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 'l.8L (LUW, LWE)
2. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for 7. Verify the scan tool Engine Controls IgnitionRelay
Running the DTC. You may also operate the Feedback Signal parameter displays B+.
vehicle within the conditions that you obsen/ed :1 If 3+ is not displayed
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
7.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness
:> If the DTC sets connector at the K20 Engine Control Module
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing 7.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the relay switch
U' If the DTC does not set ignition voltage circuit and to end.
3. All OK. =>lf 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.
CircuitlSystem Testing U Ifless than 2 O
Note: You must perform the CircuitlSystem Verification 7.3. Test for infinite resistance between the relay
before proceeding with CircuitlSystem Testing unless switch ignition voltage circuit and ground.
sent here from Engine Cranks But Does Not Run.
=>If less than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the KR75 Engine Controls ground on the circuit.
Ignition Relay. :> If infinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
2. Verify a test lamp illuminates between ground and Control Module.
the relay circuit terminals listed below:
U lf 3+ is displayed
1 Terminal 85
8. Ignition OFF, connect a DMM, set to the diode
1 Terminal 30 setting, between control circuit terminal 86 and
:> If the test lamp does not illuminate ground.
Replace the front compartment fuse block. 9. Verify the DMM displays OL.
U If the test lamp illuminates =>lf 0L is not displayed
Note: 9.1. Disconnect the X1 harness connector at the
K20 Engine Control Module.
1 High resistance in the circuit/underhood fuse
block for either the KR75 Engine Controls 9.2. Test for infinite resistance between ground and
Ignition Relay or the KR74 Ignition Run Relay the relay control circuit.
can cause DTC P1682 to set. :> if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
1 A short to voltage on any of the circuits supplied ground in the circuit.
by the KR75 Engine Controls ignition Relay can =>lf infinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
cause DTC P0690 to set. Control Module.
3. IgnitionON. U If OL is displayed
4. Verify that a test lamp does not illuminate between 10. Ignition ON.
the ignition voltage circuit terminal 87 and ground. 11. Verify the DMM displays less than 1 V.
=>If the test lamp illuminates =>If 1 V or greater
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness 11.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 connector at
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. the K20 Engine Control Module.
4.2. ignition ON. 11.2. IgnitionON.
4.3. Test for less than 1 V between ground and 11.3. Test for less than 1 V on the relay control
connector terminal 28. circuit.
=>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage in the =>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
circuit. the circuit.
=>Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
U If less than 1 V
11.4. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit and
U If the test lamp does not illuminate to end.
5. IgnitionOFF, connect a 20 A fused jumper wire =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
between the relay switch B+ circuit terminal 30 and in the circuit.
the relay switch ignition voltage circuit terminal 87.
:9 if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
6. IgnitionON.
U If less than 1 V
12. Test or replace the KR75 Engine Controls ignition

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91459
Component Testing 4. Install a 20 A fused jumper wire between relay
terminal 85 and 12 V. install ajumper wire between
Relay Test relay terminal 86 and ground.
1. ignition OFF, disconnect the KR75 Engine Controls 5. Test for less than 2 Q between terminals 30 and 87.
ignition Relay.
=>If 2 Q or greater
2. Test for 70—110 0 between terminals 85 and 86:
Replace the relay.
2) if less than 70 Q or greater than 110 Q
U If less than 2 Q
Replace the relay.
6. All OK.
If between 70—110(2
. Test for infinite resistance between the terminals Repair Instructions
listed below: Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
1 30 and 86 page 6192after completingthe repair.
1 30 and 87 Front Compartment Fuse Block Replacement on
1 30 and 85 page 11—609
1 85 and 87 Relay Replacement (Withinan Electrical Center)
on page 111607or Relay Replacement (Attached
If less than infinite resistance to Wire Harness) on page 111607
Replace the relay. Control Module References on page 613for
If infinite resistance Engine Control Module replacement,
programming, and setup

91480 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)


Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66Prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P069E: Fuel Pump Control Module Requested MIL Illumination

CircuitlSystem Description Scan Tool Reference

The fuel pump control module monitors the fuel pump Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
control system for any conditions which may adversely information
affect vehicle emissions. If an adverse condition is
detected, the fuel pump control module sets a fuel CircuitlSystem Verification
pump control system DTC. The fuel pump control Note:
module then sends a serial data message to the engine
control module (ECM) requesting malfunction indicator 1 Do not replace the engine control module for
lamp (MIL) illumination. When the ECM receives the this DTC. DTC P069E is an informational DTC.
message from the fuel pump control module, 1 Correct any engine control and communication
DTC P069E will set in the ECM. DTCs before diagnosing fuel pump control
module DTCs.
Conditions for Running the DTC
1. Verify there are no engine control or
The ignition is ON, or the engine is running for greater communication DTCS set.
than 3 s. =>If a DTC is set
Conditions for Setting the DTC Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
The fuel pump control module requests the ECM to Vehicle on page 6—69.
illuminate the MIL. U If a DTC is not set
Action Taken When the DTC Sets 2. Verify there are no fuel pump control module
DTCs set.
1 DTC P069E is a Type A DTC.
=>If a DTC is set
1 DTC P069E will continue to be current or active as
long as the fuel pump control module is requesting Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
MIL illumination. Vehicle on page 6—69.
U If a DTC is not set
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
DTC P069E is a Type A DTC. Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you observed
Diagnostic Aids from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
Communication codes, U-codes, as well as powertrain 4. Verify the DTC does not set.
codes, P-codes, set in the fuel pump control module will
cause the fuel pump control module to request =>If the DTC sets
DTC P069E to be set in the ECM. Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
Vehicle on page 6-69.
Reference Information
U If the DTC does not set
DTC Type Reference 5. All OK.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Repair Instructions
Definitions on page 6-68
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6192after completing the repair.

2013 {5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L(LUW, LWE) 91461

DTC P0700 (LUW)

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provide an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0700: Transmission Control Module Requested MIL Illumination

CircuitlSystem Description DTC P0700 cannot be cleared from the ECM until the
related TCM codes have been cleared.
The transmission control module (TCM) uses the
controller area network (CAN) to signal the engine Reference Information
control module (ECM) that the TCM is requesting
malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) illumination. This DTC Type Reference
occurs when the TCM determines a condition that
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
affects emissions within the transmission control Definitions on page 6-68
system. When the ECM receives the message from the
TCM, DTC P0700 will set. CircuitlSystem Verification
Conditions for Running the DTC Note: Correct any engine control module (ECM) DTCs
before diagnosing TCM DTCs.
1 The ignition is ON for greater than 3 s.
1 The DTC runs continuously when the above 1. DTC P0700 is an informational DTC. Ifthere are no
condition is met. engine controls or communication DTCs, refer to
Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle on
Conditions for Setting the DTC page 6-69 for diagnosis of transmission control
The TCM requests the ECM to illuminate the MIL. module DTCS. Do not replace the ECM for
this DTC.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets 2. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
DTC P0700 is a Type A DTC. running the DTC to verify the DTC does not reset.
You may also operate the vehicle within the
Conditions for Clearing the DTC conditions that you observed from the freeze
frame/failure records data.
DTC P0700 is a TypeA DTC.
Repair Instructions
Diagnostic Aids
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
Communication codes, U-codes, as well as powertrain
page 6—92after completing the repair.
codes, P-codes, set in the transmission control module
will cause the transmission control module to request
DTC P0700 to be set in the ECM.


91482 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P11C2-P11C4

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P11C2: Intake Air Humidity Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P1163: Intake Air Humidity Sensor Circuit High Voltage
DTC P11C4: Intake Air Humidity Sensor Circuit Erratic

Diagnostic Fault Information

Intake Air Humidity Sensor

Opeanigh Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
P0097,P0651, P0096,P0097, P0097,P0651,
5 V Reference P1102,P2199”, P1102, P2199**, P1102, P2199“, -
P2227,P2228 P2227,P2228 P2227,P2228
Si nal P0097,P1103, P0097,P1102, P0097*,P1102, _
9 P2199” P2199“ P2199**
LowReference — P1102, P2227, * -
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto B+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

Intake Air Humidity

Open or High
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: EngineRunning
ParameterNormal Range:Varieswithambienthumidityandtemperature;
5V Reference 0 °/o 0% -
Signal 100% 0% O%*
LowReference _ 0% *
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto 8+

CircuitlSystem Description tool as duty cycle %. The engine control module (ECM)
applies 5 V to the signal circuit. The humidity sensor
The sensors listed below are integrated within the and the IATsensor 2 share the same circuit.
multifunction intake air sensor:
The sensors listed below share an ECM supplied 5V
1 lAT sensor1 reference circuit:
1 lAT sensor 2 lAT sensor 2
1 Humidity sensor Humidity sensor
1 MAF sensor Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor
1 BARO pressure sensor The sensors listed below share an ECM supplied low
The intake air humidity sensor measures the ambient reference circuit:
humidity of the air in the sensor bore. The signal varies IATsensor 1
with intake air humidity and is displayed by the scan
IATsensor 2

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91463
1 Humidity sensor Scan Tool Reference
1 Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor
Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
Conditions for Running the DTCs information

P11C2, P11C3, and P11C4 Special Tools

1 The ignition is ON. EN-38522 Variable Signal Generator
1 The Ignition1 voltage is at least 11V for longer For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
than 0.9 s. page 91593.
1 These DTCs run continuously within the enabling
CircuitlSystem Verification
1. IgnitionON, verify that DTC DTC P0641, P0651,
Conditions for Setting the DTCs P0697, or P06A3 is not set.
P1102 =>If any of the DTCs are set
The ECM detects that the humidity sensor signal is less Refer to DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, or P06A3
than or equal to 5 % for greater than 5 s. (ECM) on page 91449for further diagnosis.
P11C3 U If none of the DTCs are set
Note: To minimize the effects of residual engine heat
The ECM detects that the humidity sensor signal is and sensor internal heating elements, perform Steps 1
greater than or equal to 95 % for greater than 5 s. and 2 of this verification procedure only if the ignition
P11C4 has been OFF for 8 hours or more.
The ECM monitors the humidity sensor signal every 2. IgnitionON.
0.1 s, to determine if the signal has changed more than 3. Verify the following scan tool parameters are within
80 %. The DTC fails when the condition exists for 55°C (99°F) of each other.
longer than 4 3.
1 Start—UpIAT Sensor1
Action Taken When the DTC Sets 1 IAT Sensor 2
DTCs P1102, P1103, P1104 are Type B DTCs. 1 Start-Up ECT
=>If not within 55°C (99°F)
Conditions for Clearing the MlL/DTC
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
DTCs P1102, P1103, P11C4 are Type B DTCs.
<=If within 55°C (99°F)
Diagnostic Aids 4. Engine idling, verify the scan tool Intake Air
1 The IntakeAir Humidity Signal parameter displays Humidity parameter is between 5 and 90 %.
the measured humidity within the air intake system =>If not between 5 and 90 %
and may differ from atmospheric humidity
measured outside the air intake system. Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
1 The humidity sensor and the IATsensor2 signals U If between 5 and 90 %
are sent to the ECM on the same circuit. if the 5. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
Intake Air Humidity parameter displays the value: running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle
0 % or 100 %, and there are also IAT Sensor 2 within the conditions that you observed from the
DTCs, check for a circuit problem. freeze frame/failure records data.
Reference Information 6. Verify the DTCs do not set.
:> if any of the DTCs set
Schematic Reference
Refer to Circuit/System Testing.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314 U If none of the DTCs set
Connector End View Reference 7. All OK
Component Connector End Views on page 111269
Electrical Information Reference
1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 111531
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
DTC Type Reference
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6168

91464 Engflte Controls/Fuel1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

CircuitlSystem Testing Note: if the 5 V reference circuit is shorted to a voltage

the engine control module or the sensor may be
Note: You must perform the CircuitlSystem Verification damaged.
before proceeding with CircuitlSystem Testing.
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
1. Ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF, connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
disconnect the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir
sensor. it may take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle 4.2. IgnitionON, test for less than 1 V between the
systems to power down. 5 V reference circuit and ground.
Test for less than 2 Q between the low reference :> If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
circuit terminal 7 and ground. the circuit.
If 2 Q or greater =>if less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
2.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness Module.
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. If between 4.8—5.2V
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference . IgnitionON, test for 4.8—5.2V between the
circuit end to end. humidity signalcircuitterminal1 and ground.
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open or high If less than 4.8 V
resistance in the circuit. 5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
=>Ifless than 2 Q replace the K20 Engine Control connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
Module. 5.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal
If less than 2 Q circuit and ground.
ignition OFF, all vehicle systems OFF, test for less =>if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
than 2 Q between the ground circuit terminal 4 and ground on the circuit.
ground. U Ifinfinite resistance
If 2 Q or greater 5.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
3.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness to end.
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
3.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ground circuit end in the circuit.
to end. =>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open or high Module.
resistance in the circuit. =>If greater than 5.2 V1
=>Ifless than 2 Q, repair the open/high resistance Note: Ifthe signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the
in the ground connection. engine control module or the sensor may be damaged.
If less than 2 Q 5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
ignition ON, test for 4.8—5.2V between the 5 V connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
reference circuit terminal 2 and ground. 5.2. ignition ON, test for less than 1 V between the
If less than 4.8 V signal circuit and ground.
4.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness =>lf 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. the circuit. ,
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal =>if less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
circuit and ground. Module.
=>If less than infinite resistance, repairthe short to If between 4.8—5.2V
ground on the circuit.
. Determine if EN138522 Variable Signal Generator
U lf infinite resistance or equivalent is available.
4.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end If EN-38522, Variable Signal Generator; or
to end. equivalent is not available
=>lf 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 6.1. Replace the K20 Engine Control Module.
in the circuit. 6.2. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
=>If less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control Running the DTC. You may also operate the
Module. vehicle within the conditions that you observed
=>If greater than 5.2 V from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
6.3. Verify the DTC does not set.
:> if the DTC sets
Refer to step 10.
U If no DTCs set
6.4. Referto step 11.
If EN-38522, Variable Signal Generator; or
equivalent is available

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91465
7. Ignition OFF, connect the leads of the EN-38522 2. Test the [ATsensor1 by varying the sensor
Variable Signal Generator as follows: temperature while monitoring the sensor
1 Red lead to the signal circuitterminal1 at the resistance. Compare the readings with the
harness connector Temperature Versus Resistance 1/ntake Air
1 Black leads to ground Temperature Sensor (Bosch Sensor) on
page 91312table for Bosch Sensors. The
1 Battery voltage supply lead to 8+ resistance values should be in range of the table
8. Set the EN-38522 Variable Signal Generator to the values.
following specifications. =>If not within the specified range.
1 Signal switch to 5 V
Replace the B75C Multifunction intake Air
1 Frequency switch to 250 Hz senson
1 Duty Cycle switch to 50 % (Normal) U If within the specified range.
9. Ignition ON, verify the scan tool Intake Air Humidity 3. All OK
parameter is between 45—55%.
=>If not between 45—55% Repair instructions
Replace the K20 Engine Control Module. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6192after completing the repair.
U If between 45—55%
1 Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement on page 91536
10. Test or replace the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir for B75C Multifunction Intake Air sensor
senson replacement.
11. AMOK. 1 Control Module References on page 613for
Component Testing Engine Control Module replacement,
programming, and setup
Multifunction Intake Air Sensor
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the B750 Multifunction intake Air sensor.
Note: A thermometer can be used to test the sensor
off the vehicle.

91466 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P1255 or P064A

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P064A: Fuel Pump Control Module Performance
DTC P1255: Fuel Pump Control Module Driver High Temperature

CircuitlSystem Description DTC Type Reference

The engine control module (ECM) supplies voltage to Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
the fuel pump control module when the ECM detects Definitions on page 6168
that the ignition is on. The voltage from the ECM to the
fuel pump control module remains active for 2 seconds, Scan Tool Reference
unless the engine is in crank or run. While this voltage Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
is being received, the fuel pump control module information
supplies a varying voltage to the fuel tank pump module
in order to maintain the desired fuel pressure. CircuitlSystem Verification
Conditions for Running the DTC 1. IgnitionON.
The engine is running. 2. Verify DTC P0231, P0232 or P023F is not set.
2 If any of the DTCs are set
Conditions for Setting the DTC
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
The fuel pump control module detects an Vehicle on page 6169.
U If none of the DTCs are set
Action Taken When the DTC Sets 3. Verify that the area where the K27 fuel pump
DTCs P064A and P1255 are Type A DTCs. control module is located is free of debris, clutter,
or any insulating material that would cause the
Conditions for Clearing the DTC K27 fuel pump control module to overheat.
DTCs P064A and P1255 are Type A DTCs. 2 If any debris, clutter, or other material is found
3.1. Clear the area where the K27 fuel pump
Diagnostic Aids control module is located.
Using the Failure Records data may help locate an 3.2. Clear the DTC and test drive the vehicle.
intermittentcondition. Ifyou cannot duplicate the DTC,
3.3. Verify DTC P1255 or PO64A is not set.
the information in the Failure Records can help
determine how many miles since the DTC set. The Fail 2 If DTC P1255 or P064A is set, replace the
Counter and Pass Counter can help determine how K27 fuel pump control module.
many ignition cycles that the diagnostic test reported a U lf DTC P1255 or P064A is not set
pass and/or a fail.
3.4. All OK.
Reference Information If no debris, clutter, or other material is found
Schematic Reference Clear the DTC and test drive the vehicle.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314 Verify DTC P1255 or P064A is not set.
Connector End View Reference Ug'F":
If DTC P1255 or P064A is set
Component Connector End Views on page 111269 Replace the K27 fuel pump control module.
Description and Operation U If DTC P1255 or P064A is not set.
6. All OK.
Fuel System Description on page 91584
Electrical Information Reference Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
page 6192after completing the repair.
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548
Control Module References on page 613for fuel pump
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor control module replacement, programming and setup
Connections on page 111531
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 ’l.8L (LUW, LWE) 91467
DTC P1400

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P1400: Cold Start Emission Reduction Control System

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The catalyst must be warmed to efficiently reduce the The actual exhaust energy model does not match the
emissions. The cold start strategy is to reduce the expected exhaust energy model.
amount oftime it takes to warm the catalyst. During a
cold start, the engine idle speed is elevated and spark Action Taken When the DTC Sets
timing is retarded to allow the catalyst to warm quickly. DTC P1400 is a Type A DTC.
This diagnostic monitors the following to build an
exhaust energy model: Conditions for Clearing the DTC
1 Engine speed DTC P1400 is a Type A DTC.
1 Spark advance
Reference Information
1 Throttle position
1 Engine airflow Electrical Information Reference
1 Engine coolant temperature 1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
1 Engine run time 1 Connector Repairs on page 111548
1 Park/neutral position 1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
1 Vehicle speed Connections on page 111531
The actual model is then compared to the expected 1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
exhaust energy model. DTC Type Reference
Conditions for Running the DTC Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
1 DTCs P0101, P0102, P0103, P0106, P0107, Definitions on page 6168
P0108, P0112, P0113, P0116, P0117, P0118, Scan Tool Reference
P0119, P0122, P0123, P0128, P0201, P0202,
P0203, P0204, P0222, P0223, P0300, P0301, Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
P0302, P0303, P0304, P0335, P0336, P0351, information
P0352, P0353, P0354, P0502, P0503, P0506,
P0507, P0697, P06A3, P0722, P0723, P0806, CircuitlSystem Verification
P0807, P0808, P182E, P1915, P2122, P2123, 1. Allow the engine to cool until the catalyst
P2127, P2128, P2135, and P2138 are not set. temperature is less than 300°C (572°F) and the
1 The catalyst temperature is less than 300°C engine coolant is between —10°C(14°F) and 40°C
(572°F). (104°F).
1 The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is 2. Engine idling for at least 2 min, observe the scan
greater than -10°C (14°F). tool DTC information. DTC P1400 should not set.
1 The vehicle speed is less than 2 km/h (1 MPH). 3. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
1 The ECM will exitthe diagnostic if the calculated running the DTC to verify the DTC does not reset.
three way catalyst temperature is greater than You may also operate the vehicle within the
700°C (1292°F) and the engine run time is greater conditions that you observed from the freeze
than 30 s. frame/failure records data.
1 The ECM will exit the diagnostic if the ECT is CircuitlSystem Testing
greater than 40°C (104°F) or the engine run time
is greater than 80 s. 1. Verify none of the conditions listed below exists
with the air intake system:
1 This DTC runs within the first 10 s of start up. This
diagnostic runs once per trip when a cold start has 1 Damage, restriction, or modification
been determined. 1 Dirty or deteriorating air filter element
1 Crankcase ventilation system for correct
operation. Refer to Crankcase Ventilation
System Inspection/Diagnosis on page 91968
91488 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 'l.8L (LUW, LWE)
Water intrusion 2. Verify none of the conditions listed below exists
Vacuum leak and other unmetered air with the exhaust system:
downstream of the mass air flow (MAF) sensor 1 Water intrusion
Intake manifold leak 1 Exhaust leak
Ifthere is a condition, repair as necessary. 1 Damaged, restricted, or modified exhaust
system. Refer to Symptoms 1Engine Exhaust
on page 91734
2 Ifthere is a condition, repair as necessary.
3. inspect for an engine mechanical condition that
could alter the air flow into the combustion
chamber. Refer to Symptoms - Engine Mechanica/
on page 91953
Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6192after completing the repair.

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 ’l.8L (LUW, LWE) 91469

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P150C: Transmission Control Module Engine Speed Request Signal Message Counter Incorrect

CircuitlSystem Description Scan Tool Reference

This diagnostic applies to communication integrity Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
between the engine control module (ECM) and the information
transmission control module (TCM). The ECM
determines that the engine speed signal counter is CircuitlSystem Verification
incorrect for the current vehicle operation. Note: Correct any other engine controls and
Conditions for Running the DTC communication DTCs before diagnosing transmission
control module DTCs.
1 DTCs P0506, P0507, or U0101 are not set.
1. DTC P150C is an informational DTC. Ifthere are
1 The engine is running 0.5 s.
no engine controls or communication DTCs, refer
1 The DTC runs continuously when the above to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle on
conditions are met. page 6169for diagnosis of transmission control
module DTCs. Do not replace the ECM for
Conditions for Setting the DTC this DTC.
The ECM detects that the TCM engine speed request 2. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
does not match the expected engine speed request. Running the DTC to verify the DTC does not reset.
You may also operate the vehicle within the
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
conditions that you observed from the Freeze
DTC P1500 is a Type B DTC. Frame/Failure Records data.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC Repair Instructions
DTC P1500 is a Type B DTC. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6192after completing the repair.
Reference Information
Control Module References on page 613for ECM
DTC Type Reference replacement, programming, and setup.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6168

91470 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P1516, P2101, P2119, or P2176 (LUW, LWE)

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P1516: Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) Module Throttle Actuator Position Performance
DTC P2101: Throttle Actuator Position Performance
DTC P2119: Throttle Closed Position Performance
DTC P2176: Minimum Throttle Position Not Learned

Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
P2176 P1516,P2101,
P2176 P1516,P2101,
P2176 P1516,P2101,
TAC MotorControlClosed
- P1516,P2101, P1516,P2101, P1516,P2101, P1516,P2101,
TAG M°t°rC°“t’°' Open P2176 P2176 P2176 P2176

CircuitlSystem Description P2119

The Engine Control Module (ECM) controls the throttle 1 The ignition is ON.
valve by applying a varying voltage to the control 1 DTC P0121, P0122, P0123, P0222, P0223,
circuits of the throttle actuator control (TAC) motor.The P0697, P06A3, or P2135 is not set.
ECM monitors the duty cycle that is required to actuate 1 The run/crank or powertrain relay voltage is
the throttlevalve. The ECM monitors the throttle greater than 5.5 Vand reduced power is not
position (TP) sensors 1 and 2 to determine the actual active.
throttlevalve position. 1 DTC P2119 runs continuously when the above
Conditions for Running the DTC conditions are met.
1 The ignition is ON.
1 DTC P1682 is not set.
1 The run/crank or powertrain relay voltage is
1 The run/crank or powertrain relay voltage is
greater than 6.41 Vand reduced power is not
greater than 6.41 Vand reduced power is not
1 The ECM enable the minimum throttle learn
1 DTC P1516 runs continuously when the above
conditions are met.
1 DTC P2176 runs continuously when the above
P2101 conditions are met.
1 DTC P1682 is not set.
Conditions for Setting the DTC
1 The run/crank or powertrain relay voltage is
greater than 5.5 Vand reduced power is not P1516
The ECM detects an unstable throttle position for
1 The engine is running or the following conditions greater than 1 s.
are met:
—The engine is not running. P2101
—The ignition voltage is greater than 11V. The ECM detects the actual throttle position does not
match the predicted throttle position for greater
—The TAC system is not in the Battery than 1 s.
Saver mode.
—The ECM is commanding the throttle. P2119
11The ECM has learned the minimum throttle The ECM detects the throttle blade did not returnto the
position. default position when the TAC motor is de-energized for
1 DTC P2101 runs continuously when the above greater than 1 s.
conditions are met.
2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91471
P2176 CircuitlSystem Verification
The ECM detects that both throttle position (TP) 1. IgnitionON.
sensors were greaterthan a predetermined voltage
Note: A low battery voltage or charging system
during the minimum throttle learn procedure for greater
condition may cause a DTC to set.
than 2 3.
2. Verify DTC P0121, P0122, P0123, P0222, P0223,
Action Taken When the DTC Sets P0562, P0621, P0622, or P2135 is not set.
P1516, P2101, and P2176 2 If any of the DTCs are set
1 DTCs P1516, P2101, and P2176 are Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List 1
TypeA DTCs. Vehicle on page 6169for further diagnosis.
1 The control module commands the TAC system to U If none of the DTCs are set
operate in the Reduced Engine Power mode. 3. Verify the scan tool Throttle Body ldle Air flow
1 A message center or an indicator displays Compensation parameter is less than 90 °/o.
Reduced Engine Power. 2 90 %or greater
1 Under certain conditions, the control module
commands the engine OFF. Refer to Throttle Body Inspection and Cleaning
on page 91547.
P2119 U If less than 90 %
DTC P2119 is a Type C DTC. 4. Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC 5. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF. Itmay
take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to
1 DTCs P1516, P2101, and P2176 are power down.
TypeA DTCs.
6. IgnitionON.
1 DTC P2119 is a Type C DTC.
7. Verify the scan tool TAC Motor parameter displays
Diagnostic Aids Enabled while slowly depressing the accelerator
1 Inspect for a condition in which the throttlevalve
may have been held open. For example, ice may 2 if Enabled is not displayed
have formed in the throttle bore causing the Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
throttlevalve not to close.
.1: If Enabled is displayed
1 A high resistance condition on the throttle position
and throttleactuator control circuits could cause a 8. Verify DTC P1516, P2101, P2119, or P2176 is
DTC to set. not set.
1 A low battery condition may cause a DTC to set. 2 If any of the DTCs are set
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Reference Information
U If none of the DTCs are set
Schematic Reference Note: Ifthere is a condition with the throttle body, the
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314 TAC Motor Command parameter will go to 99 % for a
predetermined amount of time and then a DTC sets.
Connector End View Reference Once a DTC is set, the TAC Motor Command
parameter will go to 0 % and the TAC Motor parameter
Component Connector End Views on page 111269
will display Disabled.
Description and Operation
9. Verify the scan tool TAC Motor parameter displays
ThrottleActuator Control (TAC) System Description on Enabled while performing the Throttle Sweep Test
page 91587 with a scan tool.
Electrical Information Reference 2 If Enabled is not displayed
Note: Before replacing the Throttle Body Assembly,
1 Circuit Testing on page 111526 make sure the TAC motor control circuits are not
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548 shorted to B+.
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor Test or replace the Q38 Throttle Body
Connections on page 111531 Assembly.
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
U lf Enabled is displayed
DTC Type Reference 10. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Running the DTC. You may also operate the
Definitions on page 6168 vehicle within the conditions that you observed
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
Scan Tool Reference
Control Module References on page 613for scan tool

91472 Efline Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
11. Verify the DTC does not set. . Disconnect the harness connector at the
2 If the DTC sets K20 Engine Control Module.
. Test for less than 1 V between each motor control
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
circuit listed below and ground.
U If the DTC does not set 1 TAC Motor Control Closed circuit terminal A
12. All OK. 1 TAC Motor Control Open circuit terminal B
CircuitlSystem Testing If greater than 1 V
1. IgnitionOFF. Repair the short to voltage on the circuit.
Warning: Turn OFF the ignition before inserting U If less than 1 V
fingers into the throttle bore. Unexpected 9. Test or replace the 038 Throttle Body Assembly.
movement of the throttle blade could cause
personal injury. Repair Instructions
2. Verify the conditions listed below do not exist with Throttle Body Assembly Replacement on
the Q38 Throttle Body Assembly: page 91542
1 A throttle blade that is not in the rest position Control Module References on page 613for
1 A throttle blade that is binding open or closed Engine Control Module replacement,
programming, and setup
1 A throttle blade that is free to move open or
closed without spring pressure Repair Verification
2 If a condition is found 1. IgnitionOFF.
Test or replace the Q38 Throttle Body 2. Install any components that have been removed or
Assembly. replaced during diagnosis.
U If a condition is not found Perform any adjustments, programming or setup
3. IgnitionOFF. procedures that are required when a component is
removed or replaced.
1 Disconnecting the throttle body harness Clear the DTCs with a scan tool.
connector may cause additional DTCs to set.
Turn the ignition OFF for 60 s.
1 The Test Lamp must be connected to circuit
before turning ignition on or incorrect diagnosis IgnitionON.
may occur. Verify the scan tool TAC Motor parameter displays
4. Disconnect the harness connector at the Enabled while performing the Throttle Sweep Test
Q38 Throttle Body Assembly. with a scan tool.
5. Cycle the IgnitionON and OFF and then ON again. If Enabled is not displayed
6. Verify that a test lamp illuminates between each Test or replace the Q38 Throttle Body
motor control circuit listed below and ground. Assembly.
1 TAC Motor Control Closed circuit terminal A If Enabled is displayed
1 TAC Motor Control Open circuit terminal B Ifthe repair was related to a DTC, duplicate the
2 If the test lamp does not illuminate Conditions for Running the DTC and use the
Freeze Frame/Failure Records, if applicable, in
6.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness order to verify the DTC does not set.
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
If DTC sets
6.2. Test for infinite resistance between the
appropriate control circuit and ground. Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
Vehicle on page 6169for further diagnosis.
2 if less than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
ground on the circuit. U If DTC does not set
U If infinite resistance . . All OK.
6.3. Test for less than 2 Q on the control circuit
from end to end.
2 Ifgreater than 2 Q, repair the open or high
resistance on the circuit.
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
U if the test lamp illuminates

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91473

DTC P2070 or P2071

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P2070: Intake Manifold Tuning Control Valve Stuck Open
DTC P2071: intake Manifold Tuning Control Valve Stuck Closed

CircuitlSystem Description Action Taken When the DTC Sets

The intake manifold tuning valve controls the length of DTC P2070 and P2071 is a Type B DTC.
the intake runners in the intake manifold. The intake
manifold contains both long and short runners. The Conditions for Clearing the DTC
tuning valve controls only the short runners. When the DTC P2070 and P2071 is a Type B DTC.
valve is closed, the short runners are blocked, which
forces the airthrough the long runners. This results in Diagnostic Aids
tuning effects in the manifold that increases the torque 1 Ignition ON, command the Intake Manifold Tuning
produced by the engine at lower engine speeds. When Solenoid Valve Open and Closed with a scan tool
the valve is open, both the long runners and short and observe if anything interferes with the motion.
runners are open, but the majority ofthe air travels
through the short runners, since the air will naturally 1 Ifthe condition is intermittent,move the related
follow the shortest path into the cylinder. This allows the harnesses and connectors, with the engine
air to flow through the short runners, which results in operating, while monitoringthe scan tool circuit
increased torque at higher engine speeds. test status parameters for the component. A circuit
test status parameter will change from OK or Not
Ignitionvoltage is supplied directly to the intake Run to Malfunction if there is a condition with the
manifold tuning valve actuator. The engine control circuit or a connection.
module (ECM) controls the valve actuator motor by
grounding the control circuit with a solid state device Reference Information
called a driver.The driver is equipped with a feedback
circuit that is pulled up to a voltage. The ECM can Schematic Reference
determine if the control circuit is open, shorted to
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314
ground, or shorted to a voltage by monitoring the
feedback voltage signal. Connector End View Reference
The tuning valve actuator contains a position sensor, Component Connector End Views on page 111269
which outputs a pulse width modulated (PWM) signal,
to detect the actual position of the tuning valve in Description and Operation
relation to its commanded position. Variations in the
duty cycle of the PWM signal enables the ECM to Air Intake System Description on page 91592
detect a physically broken, restricted or stuck tuning Electrical information Reference
1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
Conditions for Running the DTC 1 Connector Repairs on page 111548
1 DTCs P0660, P2077 or P2078 are not set. 1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
1 The DTCs run continuously when the above Connections on page 111531
condition is met for greater than 4 8. 1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
Conditions for Setting the DTC DTC Type Reference
P2070 Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6168
The ECM detects the time after the close command
without the intake manifold tuning valve reaching the Scan Tool Reference
closed position is greater than 5 s.
Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
P2071 information
The ECM detects the time after the open command
withoutthe intake manifold tuning valve reaching the
open position is greater than 5 s.

91474 Engine Controis/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

CircuitlSystem Verification 2. Disconnect the linkage from the Q22 Intake

Manifold Tuning Solenoid Valve.
1. Ignition ON
3. Verify the Q22 intake Manifold Tuning Solenoid
2. Verify that DTC P0660, P0661, P0662, P2077, Valve Opens and Closes when commanding the
or P2078 is not set. intake Manifold Tuning Control Valve Open and
:> If any of the DTCs are set Closed with a scan tool.
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - 2 If the solenoid valve does not Open and Close
Vehicle on page 6169. Replace the intake manifold
If none of the DTCs are set. U If the solenoid valve Opens and Closes
Verify the Q22 Intake Manifold Tuning Solenoid 4. Verify the following conditions do not exist with the
Valve Opens and Closes when commanding the intake manifold:
Intake Manifold Tuning Control Valve Open and
Closed with a scan tool. 1 Carbon buiId-upthat limits or restricts the
movement of the intake manifold tuning valve
it the valve does not Open and Close vanes.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing 1 Casting flash that limits or restricts the
If the valve Opens and Closes movement of the intake manifold tuning valve
Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the 1 Foreign material that limits or restricts the
vehicle within the conditions that you observed movement of the intake manifold tuning valve
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. vanes.
Verify the DTC does not set. 2 If a condition is located
If the DTC sets Repair or replace the intake manifold as
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
U If all components test normal
U If the DTC does not set
5. Replace the intake manifold.
6. All OK ‘
Repair Instructions
CircuitlSystem Testing
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
1. Verify the following conditions do not exist with the
page 6192after completing the repair.
022 Intake Manifold Tuning Solenoid Valve
assembly: 1 Intake Manifold Replacement (LUW) on
page 91981or Intake Manifold Replacement (LDE)
1 Disconnected or damaged linkage
on page 91978
1 Linkage binding
1 Control Module References on page 613for ECM
1 interference with hoses, wiring, or any other replacement, programming, and setup.
2 If a condition is located
Repair or replace the affected component as
U If all components test normal

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91475

DTC P2076

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provide an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P2076: Intake Manifold Tuning Control Valve Position Sensor Performance

Diagnostic Fault Information

DTC P2076
Opeanigh Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
IgnitionVoltage * P04Aég,ol;%660, — P2076
IntakeManifoldTuningValveControlCircuit P0660,P2071 P0660,P2070 — P2076
intakeManifoldTuningValveSignalCircuit P2077 P2078 P2033210§280771 P2076
intakeManifoldTuningValveGround — P2078 — P2076

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Running the DTC

The intake manifold tuning valve controls the length of 1 The powertrain relay voltage is greater than 11V.
the intake runners in the intake manifold. The intake 1 The engine run time is greater than 1 s.
manifold contains both long and short runners. The
tuning valve controls only the short runners. When the 1 The DTC runs continuously when the above
valve is closed, the short runners are blocked, which conditions are met.
forces the air through the long runners. This results in Conditions for Setting the DTC
tuning effects in the manifold that increases the torque
produced by the engine at lower engine speeds. When 1 The ECM detects the intake manifold tuning valve
the valve is open, both the long runners and short actuator learn sequence has been initiated for
runners are open, but the majority of the air travels greater than 5 s and the valve position is between
through the short runners, since the air will naturally 5—35%
follow the shortest path into the cylinder. This allows the OR
air to flow through the short runners, which results in 1 The ECM detects an intake manifold tuning valve
increased torque at higher engine speeds. actuator learn sequence has been initiated for
Ignitionvoltage is supplied directly to the intake greater than 0.2 s and the valve position is
manifold tuning valve actuator. The engine control between 5—35%for greater than 10 times in one
module (ECM) controls the valve actuator motor by ignition cycle.
grounding the control circuit with a solid state device
called a driver. The driver is equipped with a feedback Action Taken When the DTC Sets
circuit that is pulled up to a voltage. The ECM can DTC P2076 is a Type B DTC.
determine if the control circuit is open, shorted to
ground, or shorted to a voltage by monitoring the Conditions for Clearing the DTC
feedback voltage signal. DTC P2076 is a Type B DTC.
The tuning valve actuator contains a position sensor,
which outputs a pulse width modulated (PWM) signal, Diagnostic Aids
to detect the actual position of the tuning valve in Ifthe condition is intermittent,move the related
relation to its commanded position. Variations in the harnesses and connectors, with the engine operating,
duty cycle of the PWM signal enables the ECM to while monitoring the scan tool circuit test status
detect a physically broken, restricted or stuck tuning parameters for the component. A circuit test status
valve. parameter will change from OK or Not Run to
Malfunction if there is a condition with the circuit or a

91476 EngLine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Reference Information CircuitlSystem Testing

Schematic Reference 1. Verify the following conditions do not exist with the
Q22 Intake Manifold Tuning Solenoid Valve
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314 assembly:
Connector End View Reference ° Disconnected or damaged linkage
1 Linkage binding
Component Connector End Views on page 111269 _ __
1 Interferencewrthhoses, Wiring,or any other
Description and Operation components
Air Intake System Description on page 91592 2 If a condition is located
Electrical Information Reference 5:53" 0; replace the affected component as
. . . ssa y.
' glrcwt 7.98th 0’?page “-521? 548 U If all components test normal
onnector epaIrs on page 2. Disconnect the linkage from the Q22 Intake
1 TestIngfor IntermIttentCondItIonsand Poor Manifold Tuning Solenoid Valve.
C97neCt’ons,“ page “”537 3. Verify the 022 Intake Manifold Tuning Solenoid
' WIrIngRepaIrs 0’7page 11‘537 Valve Opens and Closes when commanding the
DTC Type Reference Intake Manifold Tuning Control Valve Open and
Closed with a scan tool.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type 2 If the solenoid valve does not Open and Close
Definitions on page 6168
Replace the intake manifold
Scan Tool Reference
U If the solenoid valve Opens and Closes
Control Module References 0’7page 6‘3 for 303” tom 4. Verify the following conditions do not exist with the
information intake manifold:
Circuit/System Verification 1 Carbon build—upthat limits or restricts the
.. movement of the intake manifold tuning valve
1. Ignition ON vanes.
2. Verify that DTC P0660, P0661,
. P0662, P2070, - the
1 - or restricts
, Castin 9 flash that limits
P2071, P20771 or P2078 '3 ”Ot set. movement of the intake manifold tuning valve
2 If any of the DTCs are set vanes.
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List — 1 Foreign material that limits or restricts the
Vehicle on page 6169. movement of the intake manifold tuning valve
U If none of the DTCs are set. vanes. _ .
3. Verify the Q22 Intake Manifold Tuning Solenoid 6' 'f a °°"d't'°" '3 '°°ated
Valve Opens and Closes when commanding the Repair or replace the intake manifold as
Intake Manifold Tuning Control Valve Open and necessary.
Closed mm a scan tool. U If all components test normal
2 If the valve does not Open and Close 5_ Replace the intake manifold
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
Repair Instructions
U If the valve Opens and Closes
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for page 6192after completing the repair.
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you observed Intake Manifold Replacement (LUW) on page 91981or
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. Intake Manifold Replacement (LDE) on page 91978
5. Verify the DTC does not set.
2 If the DTC sets
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
U If the DTC does not set
6. All OK

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91477

DTC P2077 or P2078

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P2077: intake Manifold Tuning Control Valve Position Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2078: intake Manifold Tuning Control Valve Position Sensor Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

DTC P2077 or P2078

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
ignitionVoltage * P04315356“ — P2076
intakeManifoldTuningValveControlCircuit P0660,P2071 P0660,P2070 — P2076
IntakeManifoldTuningValveSignalCircuit P2077 P2078 P20;%0F;§o77, P2076
IntakeManifoldTuningValveGround —- P2078 — P2076

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Running the DTC

The intake manifold tuning valve controls the length of 1 The ignition is ON or the engine is operating.
the intake runners in the intake manifold. The intake 1 The DTCs run continuously once the above
manifold contains both long and short runners. The condition is met for greater than 4 3.
tuning valve controls only the short runners. When the
valve is closed, the short runners are blocked, which Conditions for Setting the DTC
forces the air through the long runners. This results in
tuning effects in the manifold that increases the torque P2077
produced by the engine at lower engine speeds. When The ECM detects a continuous open or short to low in
the valve is open, both the long runners and short the intake manifold tuning valve position sensor circuit.
runners are open, but the majority of the air travels
through the short runners, since the air will naturally P2078
follow the shortest path into the cylinder. This allows the The ECM detects a continuous short to high in the
air to flow through the short runners, which results in intake manifold tuning valve position sensor circuit.
increased torque at higher engine speeds.
ignition voltage is supplied directly to the intake Action Taken When the DTC Sets
manifold tuning valve actuator. The engine control DTC P2077 and P2078 are Type B DTCs.
module (ECM) controls the valve actuator motor by
grounding the control circuit with a solid state device Conditions for Clearing the DTC
called a driver.The driver is equipped with a feedback DTC P2077 and P2078 are Type B DTCs.
circuit that is pulled up to a voltage. The ECM can
determine if the control circuit is open, shorted to Diagnostic Aids
ground, or shorted to a voltage by monitoring the Ifthe condition is intermittent,move the related
feedback voltage signal. harnesses and connectors, with the engine operating,
The tuning valve actuator contains a position sensor, while monitoring the scan tool circuit test status
which outputs a pulse width modulated (PWM) signal, parameters for the component. A circuit test status
to detect the actual position of the tuning valve in parameter will change from OK orNot Run to
relation to its commanded position. Variations in the Malfunction if there is a condition with the circuit or a
duty cycle of the PWM signal enables the ECM to connection.
detect a physically broken, restricted or stuck tuning

91478 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Reference Information 2 Ifless than 2 Q, repair the open/high resistance

in the ground connection.
Schematic Reference U If less than 2 Q
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314 3. Ignition ON, verify that a test lamp illuminates
between the ignition circuit terminal 1 and ground.
Connector End View Reference
2 If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
Component Connector End Views on page 111269 circuit fuse is good
Description and Operation 3.1. Ignition OFF, remove the test lamp.
Air Intake System Description on page 91592 3.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ignitionvoltage
circuit end to end.
Electrical Information Reference 2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
1 Circuit Testing on page 111526 in the circuit.
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548 2 Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor there is voltage at the fuse.
Connections on page 111531 2 If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537 circuit fuse is open
3.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp.
DTC Type Reference
3.2. Test for infinite resistance between the ignition
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type voltage circuit and ground.
Definitions on page 6168 2 if less than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
Scan Tool Reference ground on the circuit.
Control Module References on page 613for scan tool U Ifinfinite resistance .
information Note: The vehicle may not be equipped with each
circuit and component as listed below.
CircuitlSystem Verification
3.3. Test for greater than 10 Q between each of the
1. Ignition ON ignition circuits listed below and ground:
2. Verify that DTC P2077, or P2078 is not set. 1 Ignition circuit terminal 1 1852A Heated
2 If any of the DTCs are set Oxygen Sensor1
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing 1 ignition circuit terminal 1 1852B Heated
Oxygen Sensor2
U If none of the DTCs are set.
1 Ignitioncircuit terminal 2 1E41 Engine
3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for Coolant Thermostat Heater
Running the DTC to verify the DTC does not reset.
You may also operate the vehicle within the 1 Ignitioncircuit terminal 2 - 012 Evaporative
conditions that you observed from the Freeze Emission Purge Solenoid
Frame/Failure Records data. 2 If 10 Q or less, disconnect the appropriate
4. Verify a DTC does not set. component and retest to verify if the short is in
the circuit or the component.
2 If a DTC sets
2 if greater than 10 Q, replace the intake manifold
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
: If the test lamp illuminates
U If a DTC does not set
4. IgnitionON, test for 4.8—5.2V between the signal
5. All OK circuit terminal 4 and ground.
CircuitlSystem Testing 2 If less than 4.8 V
1. Ignition OFF and all Vehicle systems OFF, 4.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X2 harness
disconnect the harness connector at the connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
022 Intake Manifold Tuning Solenoid Valve. Itmay 4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal
take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to circuit and ground.
power down.
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
2. Test for less than 5 Q between the ground circuit ground on the circuit.
terminal 2 and ground.
U Ifinfinite resistance
2 if 5 Q or greater
4.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
2.1. IgnitionOFF. . to end.
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ground circuit end 2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
to end. in the circuit.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91479
2 if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
2 If greater than 5.2 V page 6192after completing the repair.
4.1 . IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X2 harness 1 Intake Manifold Replacement (LUW) on
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. page 91981or Intake Manifold Replacement (LDE)
4.2. IgnitionON, test for less than 1 V between the on page 91978
signal circuit and ground. 1 Control Module References on page 613for ECM
2 lf1 Vor greater, repair the short to voltage on replacement, programming, and setup .
the circuit.
2 lfless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
U If between 4.8—5.2V
5. Replace the Intake Manifold.

91480 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P2096

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P2096: Post Catalyst Fuel Trim System Low Limit

Circuit Description the Failure records. if the diagnostic reports a

failure on the second ignition cycle, the ECM
Fuel trim bias is used to keep the post catalyst air/fuel records the operating conditions at the time of the
ratio within a predetermined range. This allows optimal failure. The ECM writes the operating conditions to
catalyst efficiency under various operating conditions. the Freeze Frame and updates the Failure
The engine control module (ECM) constantly monitors records. The ECM illuminates the malfunction
how lean or rich the fuel trim bias is commanded, to indicator lamp (MlL) when one ofthe following
determine if the fuel trim bias is greater than a occurs:
calibrated amount.
—The ECM detects the same fuel trim failure
Conditions for Running the DTC during 2 consecutive trips.
1 DTC)P0016,P0017,P0030,P0036,P0053 —The ECM detects any fuel trim failure during any
P0054,PO101,P0102,P0103,P0106,P0107 subsequent trip if the conditions at the time of
P0108,P0111,P0112,PO113,P0114,P0116, failure meet the following criteria:
P0117,P0118,P0128,P0131,P0132,P0133 1 The engine load is within 20 percent of the
P0134,P0135,P0137,P0138,P013A,P013B, previous test that failed.
PO13E,P013F,P0140,PO141,P015A,P015B, 1 The engine speed is within 375 RPM of the
P0201,P0202,P0203,P0204,PO261,P0262, previous test that failed.
1 The engine coolant temperature is in the
same range of the previous test that failed.
P0446,P0449,P0452,P0453,P0455,PO496, Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
P2150,P2151,P2153,P2154,P2156,P2157 1 DTCs P2096 is a Type B DTC.
P219A,P2227,P2228,P2229,P2230,P2270, 1 The ECM turns OFF the malfunction indicator
P2271,P2440,orP2444isnotset lamp (MIL) at the beginning of the fourth ignition
1 The barometric pressure (BARO) is greater than cycle, after 3 ignition cycles that the diagnostic
70 kPa (10.2 PSI). runs and does not fail.
1 The manifold absolute pressure (MAP) is between 1 A current DTC, Last Test Failed, clears when the
0—200kPa (0—29PSI). diagnostic runs and passes.
1 The intake air temperature (IAT) is between —20°C Diagnostic Aids
and +200°C (14and +392°F).
1 Itis very unlikely that an H028 will cause this DTC
1 The start up engine coolant temperature is warmer to set without the occurrence of circuit related
than —20°C(—4°F). H028 DTCs. Do not replace an H028 to address
1 The fuel control intrusive diagnostics are not this DTC without first performing all the steps in
active. CircuitlSystem Verification and CircuitlSystem
1 The engine is operating under cruise conditions. Testing.
1 DTC P2096 runs continuously when the conditions 1 The post catalyst fuel trim diagnostic is very
above have been met. sensitive to heated oxygen sensor (H028) design.
A non—OEsensor or an incorrect part number may
Conditions for Setting the DTC cause a DTC to set.
The lean correction limit for a condition causing a rich 1 Certain aftermarket airfilters may cause a DTC
air/fuel ratio has been exceeded. to set.
1 Certain aftermarket air induction systems or
Action Taken when the DTC Sets modifications to the air induction system may
1 DTCs P2096 is a Type B DTC. cause a DTC to set.
1 The ECM records the operating conditions at the 1 Certain aftermarket exhaust system components
time the diagnostic fails. The first time the may cause a DTC to set.
diagnostic fails, the ECM stores this information in

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91481
Reference Information 5. Verify DTC P2096 is not set.
2 if a DTC is set
Schematic Reference
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314
U If no DTC is set
Connector End View Reference 6. All OK.
Component Connector End Views on page 111269
CircuitlSystem Testing
Electrical Information Reference Verify none of the conditions listed below exist:
1 Circuit Testing on page 111526 1 Air intake duct collapsed or restricted.
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548 1 Air filter dirty or restricted.
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 1 Objects blocking the throttlebody.
Connections on page 111531 1 Excessive fuel in the crankcase. Change engine
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537 oil as necessary.
DTC Type Reference 1 Rich fuel injectors. Refer to Fuel Injector
Diagnosis on page 91520.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type 1 Excessive fuel system pressure. Refer to Fuel
Definitions on page 6168 System Diagnosis on page 91518.
Scan Tool Reference 1 Fuel contamination. Referto Alcohol/
Contaminants-in-Fue/ Diagnosis on page 91523.
Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
information 1 Fuel saturation of the evaporative emissions
(EVAP) canister
CircuitlSystem Verification 1 Stuck open or leaking EVAP purge valve
1. IgnitionON. 1 Restricted exhaust. RefertoSymptoms 1Engine
2. Verify no other H028 or fuel trim DTC is set. Exhaust on page 91734.
2 If any other H028 or fuel trim DTC is set 1 improper operation of the crankcase ventilation
system. Refer to Crankcase Ventilation System
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - Inspection/Diagnosis on page 91968.
Vehicle on page 6169for further diagnosis.
2 Ifa condition is found
U If no other H028 or fuel trim DTC is set
Repair as necessary.
00. Verify DTC P2096 is not set.
2 lfa DTC is set Repair Instructions
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
U If no DTC is set page 6192after completing the diagnostic procedure.
4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you observed in
the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.

91482 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 ’l.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P2097

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P2097: Post Catalyst Fuel Trim System High Limit

Circuit Description the Failure records. if the diagnostic reports a

failure on the second ignition cycle, the ECM
Fuel trim bias is used to keep the post catalyst air/fuel records the operating conditions at the time of the
ratio within a predetermined range. This allows optimal failure. The ECM writes the operating conditions to
catalyst efficiency under various operating conditions. the Freeze Frame and updates the Failure
The engine control module (ECM) constantly monitors records. The ECM illuminates the malfunction
how lean or rich the fuel trim bias is commanded, to indicator lamp (MlL) when one of the following
determine if the fuel trim bias is greater than a occurs:
calibrated amount.
—The ECM detects the same fuel trimfailure
Conditions for Running the DTC during 2 consecutive trips.
1 DTT)POO16,P0017,P0030,P0036,P0053, ~The ECM detects any fuel trim failure during any
P0054,P0101,P0102,P0103,P0106,P0107 subsequent trip if the conditions at the time of
P0108,P0111,P0112,P0113,P0114,PO116, failure meet the following criteria:
P0117,P0118,P0128,P0131,P0132,P0133 1 The engine load is within 20 percent of the
P0134,P0135,P0137,P0138,P013A,P013B, previous test that failed.
PO13E,P013F,P0140,PO141,P015A,PO1SB, 1 The engine speed is within 375 RPM of the
P0201,P0202,P0203,P0204,P0261,P0262, previous test that failed.
P0300,P0301,P0302,P0303,P0304,P0340, 1 The engine coolant temperature is in the
P0341,P0365,P0366,P0411,PO442,P0443, same range of the previous test thatfailed.
P0446,P0449,P0452,P0453,P0455,P0496, Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
P2150,P2151,P2153,P2154,P2156,P2157, 1 DTCs P2097 is a Type B DTC.
P219A,P2227,P2228,P2229,P2230,P2270 1 The ECM turns OFF the malfunction indicator
P2271,P2440,orP2444isnotset lamp (MlL) at the beginning of the fourth ignition
1 The barometric pressure (BARO) is greater than cycle, after 3 ignition cycles that the diagnostic
70 kPa (10.2 PSI). runs and does not fail.
1 The manifold absolute pressure (MAP) is between 1 A current DTC, Last Test Failed, clears when the
0—200kPa (0—29PSI). diagnostic runs and passes.
1 The intake air temperature (IAT) is between —20°C Diagnostic Aids
and +200°C (14and +392°F).
1 It is very unlikely that an H028 will cause this DTC
1 The start up engine coolant temperature is warmer to set without the occurrence of circuit related
than 1120°C(~4°F). H028 DTCs. Do not replace an H028 to address
1 The fuel control intrusive diagnostics are not this DTC without first performing all the steps in
active. Circuit/System Verification and Circuit/System
1 The engine is operating under cruise conditions. Testing.
1 DTC P2097 runs continuously when the conditions 1 The post catalyst fuel trim diagnostic is very
above have been met. sensitive to heated oxygen sensor (H028) design.
A non-OE sensor or an incorrect part number may
Conditions for Setting the DTC cause a DTC to set.
The rich correction limit for a condition causing a lean 1 Certain aftermarket air filters may cause a DTC
air/fuel ratio has been exceeded. to set.
1 Certain aftermarket air induction systems or
Action Taken when the DTC Sets modifications to the air induction system may
1 DTCs P2097 is a Type B DTC. cause a DTC to set.
1 The ECM records the operating conditions at the 1 Certain aftermarket exhaust system components
time the diagnostic fails. The first time the may cause a DTC to set.
diagnostic fails, the ECM stores this information in

(5377994) i2
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91483
Reference Information 5. Verify DTC P2097 is not set.
2 If a DTC is set
Schematic Reference
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314
U If no DTC is set
Connector End View Reference 6. All OK.
Component Connector End Views on page 111269
CircuitlSystem Testing
Electrical Information Reference Verify none of the conditions listed below exist:
1 Circuit Testing on page 111526 Exhaust system leaks. Refer to Symptoms 1
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548 Engine Exhaust on page 91734.
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor Vacuum hoses for splits, kinks, and proper
Connections on page 111531 connections
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537 Insufficientfuel in the tank
Air induction system and air intake ducts for leaks
DTC Type Reference
Missing air filter element
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Cracked evaporative canister
Definitions on page 6168
Evaporative pipes plugged, obstructed, or leaking
Scan Tool Reference Crankcase ventilation system leaking. Refer to
Control Module References on page 613for scan tool Crankcase Ventilation System Inspection/
information Diagnosis on page 91968.
Engine vacuum leaks
CircuitlSystem Verification
Low fuel system pressure. Refer to Fuel System
1. IgnitionON. Diagnosis on page 91518.
2. Verify no other HO2S or fuel trim DTC is set. Contaminated fuel. Referto Alcohol/
2 If any other H028 or fuel trim DTC is set Contaminants-in-Fue/ Diagnosis on page 91523.
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List 1 Lean fuel injectors. Refer to Fuel injector
Vehicle on page 6169for further diagnosis. Diagnosis on page 91520.
:> Ifa condition is found
U If no other H028 or fuel trim DTC is set
. Verify DTC P2097 is not set. Repair as necessary.
2 if a DTC is set Repair instructions
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
U If no DTC is set page 6192after completing the diagnostic procedure.
4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you observed in
the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.

91484 Engine Controls/Fuel1 1.8L( LUW, LWE)

DTC P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, or P2138

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P2122: Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor1 Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2123: Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor1 Circuit High Voltage
DTC P2127: Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 2 Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2128: Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 2 Circuit High Voltage
DTC P2138: Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensors 1—2Not Plausible

Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
APP Sensor1 5V Reference P06A3,P2122 P2122 P06A3,P2123 -

APP Sensor2 5v Reference Egg? $211271 P2127 Egg? $211285 -

APP Sensor1 Signal P2122 P2122 P2123 P2138

APP Sensor2 Signal P2127 P2127 P2128 P2138
APP Sensor1 LowReference — P2123 — -
APP Sensor2 LowReference — P2128 — -

Typical Scan Tool Data

APP Sensor1
Circuit I Short to Ground I Open Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: The engineis operatingat idle
ParameterNormal Range:0.46—4.75 V
APP Sensor1 5V Reference 0V 0V 5V
APP Sensor1 Signal 0V 0V 5V
APP Sensor1 LowReference — 4.96V -

APP Sensor 2
Circuit I Short to Ground I Open Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: The engineis operatingat idle
ParameterNormal Range:0.32—26V
APP Sensor2 5V Reference 0V OV 5V
APP Sensor2 Signal 0V 0V 5V
APP Sensor2 LowReference — 4.92V -

CircuitlSystem Description are located within the pedal assembly. Each sensor has
a 5 V reference circuit, a low reference circuit, and a
The throttle actuator control (TAC) system uses two signal circuit.
accelerator pedal position (APP) sensors to monitor the
accelerator pedal position. The APP sensors 1 and 2 Two processors are also used to monitor the TAC motor
system data. Both processors are located within the
ECM. Each signal circuit provides both processors with

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91485
a signal voltage proportional to pedal movement. The Description and Operation
processors share and monitor data to verify that the
indicated APP sensor calculation is correct. ThrottleActuator Control (TAC) System Description on
page 91587
Conditions for Running the DTC Electrical information Reference
P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128 1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
1 The system voltage is greater than 6.4 V. 1 Connector Repairs on page 111548
1 The ignition is in the unlock, accessory, run, 1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
or crank position. Connections on page 111531
1 DTC P06A3 or P0697 are not set. 1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
1 The DTCs run continuously when the above
conditions are met. DTC Type Reference
P2138 Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6168
1 The system voltage is greater than 6.4 V.
1 The ignition is in the unlock, accessory or run Scan Tool Reference
position. Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
1 DTC P06A3, P0697, P2122, P2123, P2127 or information
P2128 are not set.
1 The DTC runs continuously when the above CircuitlSystem Verification
conditions are met. 1. IgnitionON.
2. Verify DTC P0697 or P06A3 is not set.
Conditions for Setting the DTC
2 If any of the DTCs are set
Refer to for DTC P0641, P0651, P0697,
The ECM detects that APP sensor 1 voltage is less or P06A3 (ECM) on page 91449further
than 0.5 V for greater than 0.5 s. diagnosis.
P2123 U If none of the DTCs are set
The ECM detects that APP sensor1 voltage is greater (.0
. Verify the APP Sensor1 Circuit Status and APP
than 4.75 V for greater than 0.5 s. Sensor2 Circuit Status displays OK.
P2127 2 If Malfunction is displayed
The ECM detects that APP sensor 2 voltage is less Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
than 0.3 V for greater than 0.5 s. U If OK is displayed
P2128 4. Verify the scan tool APP Sensor1 and 2 Agree/
Disagree parameter displays Agree while
The ECM detects that APP sensor 2 voltage is greater performing the tests listed below:
than 2.6 V for greater than 0.5 s.
1 Rapidly depress the accelerator pedal from the
P2138 rest position to the wide open throttle position
The ECM detects that the difference between APP (WOT) and release pedal. Repeat the
sensor1 and APP sensor2 exceeds a predetermined procedure several times.
value for greater than 2 8. 1 Slowly depress the accelerator pedal to WOT
and then slowly return the pedal to closed
Action Taken When the DTC Sets throttle. Repeat the procedure several times.
1 DTCs P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128 and P2138 2 If Disagree
are Type A DTCs. Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
1 The ECM commands the TAC motor system to
operate in reduced engine power mode. U If Agree *
5. Verify that DTC P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128,
Conditions for Clearing the DTC or P2138 is not set.
DTCs P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, and P2138 are 2 If any of the DTCs are set
TypeA DTCs. Refer to Circuit/System Testing
Reference Information U If none of the DTCs are set
Schematic Reference 6. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. YOUmay also operate the
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314 vehicle within the conditions that you observed
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
Connector End View Reference
Component Connector End Views on page 111269

91486 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
7. Verify DTC P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, 2 if less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
or P2138 is not set. Module.
2 If any of the DTCs are sets If between 4.8—5.2V
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing . Verify each APP sensor voltage parameter is less
than 0.2 V.
U if none of the DTCs are set
8. All OK If 0.2 V or greater
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
CircuitlSystem Testing connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
1. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF, ignition ON.
disconnect the harness connector at the 5.2. Test for less than 1 V between the signal
B107 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor. circuit terminal listed below and ground.
Itmay take up to 2 min for all vehicle systems to 1 APP sensor1 signal circuitterminal 5
power down. 1 APP sensor2 signal circuit terminal 2
2. Test for less than 5 Q between each low reference 2 if 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
circuit terminal listed below and ground. the circuit.
1 Low reference circuit terminal 4 2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
1 Low reference circuit terminal 3 Module.
2 If 5 Q or greater If less than 0.2 V
2.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness . Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between each signal
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. circuit terminal listed below and the 5 V reference
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference circuit terminal 1.
circuit end to end. 1 APP sensor1 signal circuitterminal5
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 1 APP sensor2 signal circuit terminal 2
in the circuit. . Verify the scan tool APP sensor voltage parameter
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control is greater than 4.8 V.
Module. If 4.8 V or less
U If less than 5 Q 7.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
3. IgnitionON. connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
4. Test for 4.8—5.2V between each 5 V reference 7.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal
circuit terminal listed below and ground. circuit terminal and ground.
1 5 V reference circuit terminal 6 2 lfless than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
1 5 V reference circuit terminal 1 ground on the circuit.
2 if less than 4.8 V U lf infinite resistance
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness 7.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. to end.
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the 5 V 2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
reference circuit and ground. in the circuit.
2 If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to 2 if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
ground on the circuit. Module.
U lf infinite resistance If greater than 4.8 V
4.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the 5 V reference . Test or replace the B107 Accelerator Pedal
circuit end to end. Position Sensor.
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance Repair Instructions
in the circuit.
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
2 if less than 2Q, replace the K20 Engine Control page 6192after completing the repair.
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Replacement
2 if greater than 5.2 V on page 91541
4.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness Control Module References on page 613for ECM
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module, replacement, programming, and setup.
ignition ON.
4.2. Test for less than 1 V between the 5 V
reference circuit and ground.
2 if 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91487
DTC P2199

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P2199: IntakeAir Temperature (IAT)Sensor 112Correlation
Diagnostic Fault Information

lAT Sensor1
Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
Sensor P0112,P0114,
P2199 P0113,P0114,
P2199 P0113,P0114,
P2199* P0111,P0114
LowReference — P11C2,P2227, * -
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto B+.

IAT Sensor 2
Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
P0097,P0651, P0096,P0097, P0097,P0651,
5VReference P1102, P2199, P1102,P2199, P1102,P2199, -
P2227,P2228 P2227,P2228 P2227,P2228
Sensor P0097,P1103, P0097,P1102, P0097,P11C2, __
P2199 P2199 P2199*
LowReference — P1102,P2227, * —-
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto B+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

IAT Sensor1
Open or High
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: EngineRunning
ParameterNormalRange: Varieswithambienttemperature
Sensor 150°C(302°F) -40°C (~40°F) -40°C (-40°F)*
LowReference —40°c(—40°F) —40°c(—40°F)*
*lnternalECM orsensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto B+

91488 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

lAT Sensor 2
Open or High
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: EngineRunning
ParameterNormal Range:Varieswithambienttemperature
—40°C(—40°F) ~40°C(—40°F)
5 V Reference
10Hz 10Hz
Signal -40°C (-40°F) —40°c(—40°F)
-40°C (-40°F)
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto B+

CircuitlSystem Description IAT Sensor 2 — Temperature, Frequency

The sensors listed below are integrated within the Table
multifunction intake air sensor: IATSensor 2 lAT Sensor 2
1 intake Air Temperature (lAT) sensor1 IATSensor 2 Frequency Temperature
1 lATsensor 2 Cold 45 HZ ~40°C(~40°F)
1 Humidity sensor Warm 302HZ 104°C(219°F)
1 Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor
1 Barometric (BARO) pressure sensor Conditions for Running the DTC
The intake air temperature (IAT)sensor1 is a variable 1 The ignition is ON.
resistor that measures the temperature of the air in the
sensor bore. The engine control module (ECM) 1 Ignition1 voltage is at least 11V for at least 0.9 s.
supplies 5 V to the IATsensor1 signal circuit and a 1 This DTC runs continuously within the enabling
ground for the lAT sensor1 low reference circuit. The conditions.
signal varies with inlet air temperature and is displayed
by the scan tool as °C (°F). Conditions for Setting the DTC
The IATsensor2 produces a frequency signal based on The ECM detects that the absolute difference between
the inlet air temperature very close to the humidity the IATsensor1 and the |ATsensor2 temperatures is
sensor within the sensor bore. The signal varies with greater than 55°C (99°F) for longer than 5 3.
inlet air temperature and is displayed by the scan tool
as °C (°F) and Hertz (Hz). The signal circuit is shared Action Taken When the DTC Sets
by the IATsensor 2 and the humidity sensor. DTC P2199 is a Type B DTC.
The sensors listed below share an ECM supplied 5 V for Clearing the MILIDTC
reference circuit:
1 IATsensor 2 DTC P2199 is a Type B DTC.
1 Humidity sensor Diagnostic Aids
1 Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor 1 With the ignition ON, when the engine is OFF and
The sensors listed below share an ECM supplied low is cold; properly functioning lAT sensors 1 and 2
reference circuit: will gradually increase the scan tool IATSensor1
1 IATsensor 1 and 2 parameters. This is due to the heat that is
generated by the Multifunction IntakeAir sensor
1 IATsensor 2 internal heating elements.
1 Humidity sensor 1 The humidity sensor and the IATsensor2 signals
1 Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor are sent to the ECM on the same circuit. Ifthe IAT
Ignitionvoltage and ground circuits are also supplied to Sensor 2 parameter displays the values: 10 Hz;
the multifunction intake air sensor's internal Circuits for —40°C(—40°F),and there are also Humidity
the mass air flow (MAF) sensor. Sensor DTCs, check for a circuit problem.

IAT Sensor 1 — Temperature, Resistance, Reference Information

Voltage Table Schematic Reference
lAT Sensor1 lAT Sensor1 Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314
lAT Sensor1 Resistance Signal Voltage
Connector End View Reference
Cold High High
Warm Low Low Component Connector End Views on page 111269

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91489
Electrical Information Reference 6. Verify the DTCs do not set.
1 Circuit Testing on page 111526 2 If any of the DTCs set
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548 Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor U If none of the DTCs set
Connections on page 111531 7. All OK
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
CircuitlSystem Testing
DTC Type Reference
Note: You must perform the CircuitlSystem Verification
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type before proceeding with CircuitlSystem Testing.
Definitions on page 6168 1. Check the integrity of the entire air induction
Scan Tool Reference system by verifying that none of the following
conditions exist:
Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
1 A restricted or collapsed air intake duct
1 An intake manifold leak
Special Tools
1 A MAP sensor seal that is leaking, missing,
EN138522 Variable Signal Generator or damaged
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on 1 A misaligned or damaged air intake duct
page 91593. 1 Any water intrusion in the induction system
CircuitlSystem Verification 1 An Intake Manifold Resonator with a leaking
seal, or a cracked or broken housing
1. Ignition ON, verify that DTC DTC P0641, P0651,
P0697, or P06A3 is not set. 2 If a condition exists
2 If any of the DTCs are set Repair or replace the component as
Refer to DTC P0641, P0651, P0697, or P06A3
(ECM) on page 91449for further diagnosis. U If no condition exists
2. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
U If none of the DTCs are set
disconnect the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir
Note: To minimize the effects of residual engine heat sensor. Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle
and sensor internal heating elements, perform Steps 1 systems to power down.
and 2 of this verification procedure only if the ignition
3. Test for less than 2 Q between the low reference
has been OFF for 8 hours or more.
circuit terminal 7 and ground.
2. Ignition ON. 2 If 2 Q or greater
3. Verify the following scan tool parameters are within 3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
55°C (99°F) of each other. connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
1 Start-Up IAT Sensor1 3.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
1 IAT Sensor2 circuit end to end.
1 Start—UpECT 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open or high
2 If not within 55°C (99°F) resistance in the circuit.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. 2 Ifless than 2 Q replace the K20 Engine Control
U If within 55°C (99°F)
4. Engine idling, verify the following scan tool U If less than 2 Q
parameters are between: -38 and +149°C {-36 4. IgnitionON, test for 4.8-15.2V between the 5 V
and +300°F). reference circuit terminal 2 and ground.
1 lAT Sensor1 2 If less than 4.8 V
1 lAT Sensor2 4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness
1 Start—UpECT connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
2 If not between: -38 and +149°C (-36 and 4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal
+300°F) circuit and ground.
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
ground on the circuit.
U If between: -38 and +149°C (-36 and +300°F)
U Ifinfinite resistance
5. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle 4.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
within the conditions that you observed from the to end.
freeze frame/failure records data. 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

2013 (5377994)
91490 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control 6.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal
Module. circuit and ground.
2 If greater than 5.2 V 2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
Note: Ifthe 5 V reference circuit is shorted to a voltage ground on the circuit.
the engine control module or the sensor may be U Ifinfinite resistance
damaged. 6.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness to end.
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
4.2. ignition ON, test for less than 1 V between the in the circuit.
5 V reference circuit and ground. 2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
2 lf1 Vor greater, repair the short to voltage on Module.
the circuit. 2 If greater than 5.2 V
2 Ifless than 1 V,-replace the K20 Engine Control Note: if the signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the
Module. engine control module or the sensor may be damaged.
U If between 4.8—5.2V 6.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
5. IgnitionON, test for 4.8—5.2V between the signal connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
terminal 8 and ground. 6.2. IgnitionON, test for less than 1 V between the
2 If less than 4.8 V signal circuit and ground.
5.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness 2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. the circuit.
52. Test for infinite resistance between the signal 2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
circuit and ground. Module.
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to U If between 4.8-15.2V
ground on the circuit. 7. ignition OFF, connect the leads of the EN-38522
U Ifinfinite resistance Variable Signal Generator as follows:
5.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit and 1 Red lead to the signal circuitterminal 1 at the
to end. harness connector
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 1 Black lead to ground
in the circuit. 1 Battery voltage supply lead to 8+
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control 8. Set the EN138522 Variable Signal Generator to the
Module. following specifications.
2 If greater than 5.2 V 1 Signal switch to 5 V
Note: Ifthe signal circuit is shorted to a voltage the 1 Duty Cycle switch to 50 %(Normal)
engine control module or the sensor may be damaged. 1 Frequency switch to 30 Hz
5.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness 9. IgnitionON, verify the scan tool IAT Sensor2
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. parameter is between 28—32Hz.
5.2. Ignition ON, test for less than 1 V between the 2 If not between 28—32Hz
signal circuit and ground.
Replace the K20 Engine Control Module.
2 lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
U If between 28—32Hz
the circuit.
10. Test or replace the B750 Multifunction intake Air
2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
U lf between 4.8—5.2V Component Testing
6. Ignition ON, test for 4.8—5.2V between the signal Multifunction Intake Air Sensor
terminal1 and ground.
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at
2 If less than 4.8 V the B75C Multifunction IntakeAir sensor.
6.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness Note: A thermometer can be used to test the sensor
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. off the vehicle.

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91491
2. Test the IATsensor1 by varying the sensor Multifunction Intake Air Sensor
temperature while monitoring the sensor 1. Test the IAT Sensor2 by varying the sensor
resistance. Compare the readings with the temperature while monitoring the air temperature
Temperature Versus Resistance - Intake Air with a thermometer. Compare the readings with the
Temperature Sensor (Bosch Sensor) on scan tool IAT Sensor 2 parameter. The values
page 91312table for Bosch Sensors. The should be within 5%.
resistance values should be in range of the table
values. 2 if not within 5%.
2 if not within the specified range. Replace the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir
Replace the B75C Multifunction IntakeAir
senson U lfwithin 5%.
U If within the specified range. 2. All OK
3. All OK Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6192after completing the repair.
1 Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement on page 91536
for multifunction intake air sensor replacement.
1 Control Module References on page 613for
Engine Control Module replacement,
programming, and setup

91492 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)


Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P219A: Fuel Trim Cylinder Balance

CircuitlSystem Description Diagnostic Aids

The Air Fuel Imbalance diagnostic detects a rich or lean 1 The air fuel imbalance diagnostic is very sensitive
cylinder to cylinder air/fuel ratio imbalance. The to heated oxygen sensor (H028) design.
diagnostic monitors the pre—catalystheated oxygen A non-OE sensor or an incorrect part number may
sensor (H028) signal's frequency and amplitude cause a DTC to set.
characteristics by calculating an accumulated voltage 1 Monitoring the misfire current counters, or misfire
over a predetermined sample period. An imbalance is graph, may help to isolate the cylinder that is
indicated when multiple samples of the accumulated causing the condition.
voltage are consistently higher than the desired value.
1 Certain aftermarket airfilters may cause a DTC
Conditions for Running the DTC to set.
1 DTCsPOO16,P0017,P0068,P0101,P0102 1 Certain aftermarket air induction systems or
P0103,P0106,P0107,P0108,P0116,P0117 modifications to the air induction system may
P0118,P0122,P0123,P0128,P0201—P0204, cause a DTC to set.
P0222,P0223,PO261,P0262,P0264,P0265, 1 Certain aftermarket exhaust system components
P0267,P0268,P0270,P0271,P0300,P0301- may cause a DTC to set.
P0442,PO455,P0496,P1248,P1249,P124A, Reference Information
P1248,P2101,P2135,P2147,P2148,P2150. Schematic Reference
PZM4amnmsm. Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314
1 The EVAP device control and intrusive diagnostics Connector End View Reference
are not active.
1 The engine overspeed protection is not active. Component Connector End Views on page 111269
1 The engine is in closed loop status. Electrical Information Reference
1 The system voltage is greater than 11V. 1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
1 The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is warmer 1 Troubleshooting with a Test Lamp on page 111528
than —20°C(—4°F). 1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
1 The engine speed is between 1200—3200 RPM. Connections on page 111531
1 The mass airflow is between 10—100g/s. 1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
1 The AlR pump is not ON. 1 Connector Repairs on page 111548
1 Engine run time is greater than 30 s.
DTC Type Reference
1 Fuel level is greater than 10% and no fuel level
sensor fault is present. Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
1 The DTC runs continuously when the above Definitions on page 6168
conditions have been met. Scan Tool Reference
Conditions for Setting the DTC Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
Multiple samples of the pre-catalyst HO2S accumulated information
voltage are consistently greater than the desired value. CircuitlSystem Verification
Action Taken When the DTC Sets 1. IgnitionON.
DTC P219A is a Type A DTC. 2. Verify no other DTCs are set.
2 If any other DTCs are set
Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List 1
DTC P219A is a Type A DTC. Vehicle on page 6169for further diagnosis.
U If no other DTCs are set
2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91493
3. Verify DTC P219A is not set. 1 Split, kinked, or improperly connected vacuum
2 lfaDTCisset goses. d d d | k df d
. . . 1 es ricte , amage , ea ing, or mo iie
Refer to Circu1t/SystemTesting exhaust system from the catalytic converter
U if no DTC is set forward. Refer to Symptoms 1Engine Exhaust
4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for on page 9-734-
Running the DTC-YOUmay 3'30 operate the 1 Improperly operating fuel injectors. Refer to
vehicle withinthe conditions that you observed in Fuel Injector Diagnosis on page 9-520.
the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. . Contaminated fuel. Refer to Alcohol/
5. Verify DTC P219A is not set. Contaminants—in-FuelDiagnosis on
2 If a DTC is set Page 9'523-
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing 1 Excesswe fuel in the crankcase due to leaking
injectors. Change engine oil as necessary.
U if no DTC is set
1 Improper ignition system operation. Refer to
6. All OK. Electronic Ignition System Diagnosis on
'1 CircuitlSystem Testing page 91527.
1. Engine idling, verify the manifold absolute pressure 2 If a condition is found
(MAP) sensor parameter is between 2048 kPa. Repair as necessary.
2 If not within the specified range. U If no condition is found
Refer to DTC p0106 on page 9-355 or DTC 2. Test the engine for any mechanical conditions such
p0107 or [30108on page 91360 as sticking valves, lifters, etc., which could alter the
flow into the combustion chamber. Refer to
U if within the specified range, verify that none of Symptoms _Engine Mechanical on page 9953'
the conditions listed below exist:
1 Modified, damaged, leaking, or restricted air REPair Instructions
'ndUCt'O“system components. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
1 Improperoperation of the crankcase ventilation page 6192after completing the diagnostic procedure.
system. Referto Crankcase Ventilation System
Inspection/Diagnosis on page 91968.

91494 Engine Controls/Fuel1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P2227-P2230

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P2227: Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor Performance
DTC P2228: Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2229: Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor Circuit High Vo hage
DTC P2230: Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor Circuit Erratic
Diagnostic Fault Information

Short to Open/High Short to Signal

Circuit Ground Resistance Voltage Performance
5 v Reference P0641' P2221 P2228 P0641,P2229 P2227
Signal P2227,P2228 P2227,P2228 P2227,P2229 P2227
LowReference — P2227,P2229 — P2227

Typical Scan Tool Data

Circuit I Short to Ground I Open I Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: IgnitionON, EngineOFF
ParameterNormal Range:56—105kPa (8.1—15.2 psi),varieswithaltitude
5V Reference . . 127kPa
0 kPa (OpSI) OkPa (0p51) (1&4psi)
. . . 127kPa
Signal OkPa (0p51) OkPa (0psr) (18.4psi)

LowReference 127kPa
_ (18.4psi) 7-

CircuitlSystem Description OR
The barometric pressure (BARO) sensor is integral to 1 DTC P0106, P0107, P0108, P2228, P2229,
the multifunction intake air sensor and responds to P2230, or P2610 is not active .
changes in altitude and atmospheric conditions. This 1 DTC P0107, P0108, P2228, or P2229 is not
gives the ECM an indication of barometric pressure. pending. ,
The ECM uses this information to calculate fuel 1 Engine is OFF for at least 7 min.
delivery. The BARO sensor provides a voltage signal to
1 Ignition is ON
the ECM relative to the atmospheric pressure changes.
The ECM monitors the BARO sensor signal for a 1 DTC P2227 runs continuously when the above
voltage outside of the normal range. conditions are met.

Conditions for Running the DTC P2228 or P2229

1 Engine is running for greater than 30 s.
P2227 1 The DTCs run continuously when the above
1 DTC P0068, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0106, condition is met .
P0107, P0108, P0111, P0112, P0113, P0114,
P0117, P0118, P0119, P0121, P0122, P0123,
P0222, P0223, P1516, P2101, P2135, P2228,
or P2229 is not set.
1 Engine is running for greater than 30 s.

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 l.8L (LUW, LWE) 91495
P2230 Scan Tool Reference
DTC P0068, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0106, Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
P0107, P0108, P0111, P0112, P0113, P0114, information
P0117, P0118, P0119, P0121, P0122, P0123,
P0222, P0223, P1516, P2101, P2135, P2228, CircuitlSystem Verification
or P2229 is not set.
1. ignition ON.
Ignitionis ON
2. Verify the scan tool BARO pressure parameter is
DTC P2230 runs continuously when the above within the range specified in the Altitude Versus
conditions are met. Barometric Pressure on page 91312 table.
Conditions for Setting the DTC If the BARO is not within the specified range
P2227 Refer to Circuit/System Testing.
The engine is running. If the BARO is within the specified range
The ECM detects that the difference between the Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
actual BARO and the calculated BARO is greater Running the DTC. You may also operate the
than a calibrated threshold. vehicle within the conditions that you observed in
the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
Verify the DTC does not set.
ignition ON, engine OFF
2 If the DTC sets
The ECM detects that the BARO pressure is less
than 50 kPa (7.3 psi) or greater than 115 kPa Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
(16.7 psi). U If the DTC does not set
P2228 5. All OK.
The ECM detects that the BARO sensor voltage is less CircuitlSystem Testing
than 2 V for greater than 5 s.
1. Verify the conditions listed below do not exist with
P2229 the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir Sensor:
The ECM detects that the BARO sensor voltage is 1 Damage
greater than 4.5 V for greater than 5 s. 1 Restrictions in the inlet port
P2230 If a condition exists
The ECM detects that the cumulative difference Repair or replace the B750 Multifunction Intake
between BARO sensor readings, over a specific length Air Sensor as necessary.
of time, is greater than a calibrated threshold.
If none of the conditions exist
Action Taken When the DTC Sets IgnitionOFF, and all vehicle systems OFF, it may
DTCs P2227, P2228, P2229, and P2230 are take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to
Type B DTCs. power down. Disconnect the harness connector at
the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir Sensor.
Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC . Test for less than 5 Q between the low reference
DTCs P2227, P2228, P2229, and P2230 are circuit terminal 7 and ground.
Type B DTCs. If 5 Q or greater
Reference Information 3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
Schematic Reference 3.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314 circuit end to end.
2 if greater than the specified value, repair the
Connector End View Reference open or high resistance in the circuit.
Component Connector End Views on page 111269 2 If2 Q or less replace the K20 Engine Control
Electrical information Reference Module.
<2 If less than 5 Q
Circuit Testing on page 111526
Connector Repairs on page 111548
Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 111531
Wiring Repairs on page 111537
DTC Type Reference
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6168

91496 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
5. Test for 4.8—5.2V between the 5 V reference circuit 2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
terminal 2 and ground. Module.
If less than 4.8 V If less than 0.2 V
5.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. circuit terminal 6 and the 5 V reference circuit
5.2. Test for infinite resistance between the 5 V terminal 2.
reference circuit and ground. . Verify the scan tool BARO Sensor parameter is
2 if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to greater than 4.5V.
ground on the circuit. If 4.5 V or less
U Ifinfinite resistance 8.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the jumper wire,
5.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the 5 V reference disconnect the harness connector at the
circuit end to end. K20 Engine Control Module.
8.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
circuit terminal 6 and ground.
in the circuit.
2 lfless than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
2 Ifless than2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
ground on the circuit.
U If infinite resistance
lf greater than 5.2 V
8.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness to end.
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
ignition ON. 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open or high
5.2. Test for less than 1 V between the 5 V resistance in the circuit.
reference circuit and ground. 2 if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on Module.
the circuit. If greater than 4.5 V
2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control Test or replace the B750 Multifunction IntakeAir
Module. Sensor.
U If between 4.8-5.2 V Repair Instructions
6. Verify the scan tool BARO Sensor parameter is Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
less than 0.2 V. page 6192after completing the repair.
:> If 0.2 V or greater Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement on page 91536
6.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness for multifunction intake air sensor replacement
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. Control Module References on page 613for
6.2. Test for less than 1 V between the signal engine control module replacement, programming,
circuit terminal 6 and ground. and setup
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91497

DTC P2430 or P2431

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provide an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P2430: Secondary Air injection System Pressure Sensor Circuit
DTC P2431: Secondary Air injection System Pressure Sensor Performance

CircuitlSystem Description 1 The ignition voltage is between 10—32V.

The secondary air injection system aids in the reduction 1 The engine speed is less than 5,000 RPM.
of hydrocarbon emissions during a cold start. The 1 The intake air temperature (IAT) is greater than
electric air pump forces fresh air into the exhaust 111°C(122°F).
stream in order to accelerate the catalyst operation. 1 The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is between
A pressure sensor in the shutoff/check valve is used to —11and +56°C (12.2—133°F).
monitor the air flow from the secondary air injection 1 The barometric pressure (BARO) is greater than
pump. The engine control module (ECM) supplies
74 kPa (10.7 psi).
voltage to the 5-volt reference circuit and supplies a
ground to the low reference circuit. The sensor provides 1 The manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor is
a signal voltage to the ECM relative to the pressure greater than 20 kPa (2.9 psi).
changes within the secondary air injection system. 1 The mass air flow (MAF) is less than 50 g/s.
ignition voltage is supplied to the secondary air ‘ , 1 The secondary air injection pump is
injection pump and air injection shutoff/check valve commanded ON.
relays. The ECM controls the relays by grounding the 1 DTC P2430 runs once per ignition cycle when the
control circuits, which activates the relays. When the above conditions are met for greater than 5 s.
relay contacts close, voltage is supplied to the pump
and the valve, which turns the pump on and opens the P2431
valve. 1 DTC P0101, P0102, P0103, P0300, P0301,
The diagnostic uses 3 phases to test the secondaryair P0302, P0303, P0304, P2430, P2432, or P2433 is
injection system: not set.
1 DTCs P0411 and P2430 run during Phase1 1 Greater than 30 min has elapsed since the last
1 DTCs P2430 and P2440 run during Phase 2 cold start.
1 DTC P2444 runs during Phase 3 1 The ignition voltage is between 10—32V.
During phase 1, the secondary air injection pump and 1 The engine speed is less than 5,000 RPM.
the secondary air injection shutoff and check valve are 1 The intake air temperature (IAT) is greater than
activated. Normal secondary air function occurs. 111°C (122°F).
Expected system pressure is 51113kPa(0.7~1.9 psi) 1 The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is between
above BARO. -11 and +56°C (12.2—133°F).
During phase 2, only the secondary air injection pump 1 The barometric pressure (BARO) is greater than
is activated. The shutoff and check valve is closed. 74 kPa (10.7 psi).
Pressure sensor performance and shutoff and check 1 The manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor is
valve deactivation are tested. Expected system greater than 20 kPa (2.9 psi).
pressure is 14—25kPa (2.0—3.6psi) above BARO.
1 The mass air flow (MAF) is less than 50 g/s.
During phase 3, neither the secondary air injection
pump nor the secondary air injection shutoff and check 1 DTC P2431 runs continuously when the above
valve are activated. Secondary air injection pump conditions are met for greater than 15 3.
deactivation is tested. Expected system pressure
Conditions for Setting the DTC
equals BARO.
Conditions for Running the DTC
The ECM determines that the pressure sensor value
P2430 change at the shutoff/check valve is less than 0.5 kPa
1 DTC P0412, P0418, P0606, P2431, P2432, and the signal variation is less than 0.15 kPa for greater
or P2433 is not set. than 5 s when the secondary air injection pump is
commanded ON.
1 Greater than 30 min has elapsed since the last
cold start.

91498 Engine Controls/Fuel1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
P2431 CircuitlSystem Verification
1 The difference between the actual system Note: Verify the battery is fully charged before
pressure at the shutoff/check valve and BARO is proceeding with this diagnostic procedure. The
greater than 18 kPa (2.6 psi) or less than secondary air injection pump output will vary with
—10kPa -1.5 psi) for greater than 5 s when the system voltage.
secondary air injection pump is commanded OFF.
OR 1. IgnitionON
1 The difference between the actual system 2. Verify that DTC P0412, P0418, P2432, P2433,
pressure at the shutoff/check valve and BARO is P2440, or P2444 is not set.
greater than 50 kPa (7.3 psi) for greater than 5 s 2 If any of the DTCs are set
when the secondary air injection pump is Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
commanded ON. Vehicle on page 6169.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets U If none of the DTCs are set.
DTCs P2430 and P2431 are Type B DTCs. 3. Verify the scan tool BARO pressure parameter is
within the range specified in the Altitude Versus
Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC Barometric Pressure on page 91312table.
DTCs P2430 and P2431 are Type B DTCs. 2 If not within the specified range
Diagnostic Aids Refer to DTC P2227—P2230on page 91494.
c If within the specified range
lce buildup due to condensation/water in the air
passages or pump may cause this DTC to set. 4. Verify the scan tool Secondary Air injection
Pressure Sensor and the BARO pressure
Reference Information parameters are within 3 kPa (0.4 psi).
Schematic Reference 2 If not within the specified range
Replace the 029 Secondary Air Injection
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314
Solenoid Valve
Connector End View Reference U If within the specified range
Component Connector End Views on page 111269 Note: To prevent the secondary air injection pump from
overheating, do not operate the pump consecutively for
Description and Operation greater than 2 minutes. The pump is provided with a
Secondary Air Injection System Description on thermal protectorthat will automatically reset when
page 91592 allowed to cool.
Electrical Information Reference 5. Verify the G21 Secondary Air InjectionPump turns
ON and OFF when commanding the Secondary Air
1 Circuit Testing on page 111526 injection Pump Relay between ON and OFF with a
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548 scan tool.
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 2 If the pump does not turn ON and OFF
Connections on page 111531 Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing—Secondary Air
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537 InjectionPump Malfunction
DTC Type Reference U If the pump turns ON and OFF
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type 9” Engine running
Definitions on page 6168 7. Verify the scan tool Secondary Air Injection
Pressure Sensor parameter increases between
Scan Tool Reference 14—25kPa (2.0—3.6psi) when the Secondary Air
Control Module References on page 613for scan tool Injection Pump Relay is commanded ON with a
information scan tool.
2 If not within the specified range
Special Tools
Refer to Circuit/System Testing—Secondary Air
EL 36169-HD Fused Jumper InjectionSystem Pressure Not in Range.
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on U If within the specified range
page 91593.
8. Verify the scan tool Secondary Air injection
Pressure Sensor parameter increases between 5-
13 kPa (0.7—1.9psi) when the Secondary Air
InjectionSystem is commanded Active with a
scan tool.
2 If not within the specified range
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing—Secondary Air
InjectionSystem Pressure Not In Range.
U If within the specified range
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91499
. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for 2 If less than 2 Q, repair the open/high resistance
Running the DTC. You may also operate the in the ground connection.
vehicle within the conditions that you observed If less than 10 Q
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
Connect the harness connector at the
Verify the DTC does not set. 621 Secondary Air Injection Pump.
2 If the DTC sets Connect a 50 A fused jumper wire between the B+
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing circuit terminal 30 and the control circuit
terminal 87.
U If the DTC does not set
Note: To prevent the secondary air injection pump from
11. All OK
overheating, do not operate the pump consecutively for
CircuitlSystem Testing greater than 2 minutes. The pump is provided with a
thermal protector that will automatically reset when
Secondary Air Injection Pump Malfunction allowed to cool.
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the KR25 Secondary Air 7. Verify the G21 Secondary Air Injection Pump is
injection Pump Relay. Ignition ON. activated.
2. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the B+ :2 If the pump does not activate
circuit terminal 30 and ground.
7.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
if the test lamp does not illuminate and the connector at the G21 Secondary Air
circuit fuse is good Injection Pump.
2.1. Ignition OFF 7.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the B+ circuit end to end.
to end. 2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance in the circuit.
in the circuit. U if less than 2 Q,
2 Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and 7.3. Test or replace the G21 Secondary Air
there is voltage at the fuse. Injection Pump.
If the test lamp does not illuminate and the U If the pump activates
circuit fuse is open
8. Test or replace the KR25 Secondary Air injection
2.1. ignition OFF Pump Relay.
2.2. Test for infinite resistance between the B+
circuit and ground. Secondary Air Injection System Pressure Not In
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
ground on the circuit. 1. Verify the following conditions do not exist with the
secondary air injection shutoff and check valve:
U lf infinite resistance 1 Hoses/pipes restricted or blocked
2.3. Disconnect the harness connector at the 1 Hoses/pipes leaking or disconnected
G21 Secondary Air Injection Pump.
1 Damaged secondary air injection shutoff and
2.4. Test for infinite resistance between the control check valve
circuit terminal A and ground.
1 Restricted or blocked cylinder head secondary
2 If less than infinite resistance, repairthe short to air injection inlet ports and passages
ground on the circuit.
If a condition is located
U lf infinite resistance
Repair or replace the affected component as
2.5. Test or replace the G21 Secondary Air necessary.
injection Pump.
If all components test normal
If the test lamp illuminates
. Disconnect the secondary air injection hoses/pipe
Disconnect the harness connector at the from the 029 Secondary Air Injection Solenoid
G21 Secondary Air Injection Pump. Valve.
ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF, it may . ignition ON, command the Secondary Air injection
take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to Pump Relay ON with a scan tool.
power down. Test for less than 10 Q between the
G21 Secondary Air Injection Pump ground circuit Verify airflow to the 029 Secondary Air injection
terminal B and ground. Solenoid Valve.
If 10 Q or greater if no airflow
4.1. ignition OFF. Replace the G21 Secondary Air Injection Pump.
4.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ground circuit end If airflow
to end. Disconnect the appropriate 029 Secondary Air
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance InjectionSolenoid Valve from the engine.
in the circuit. . Connect the harness connector at the
029 Secondary Air injection Solenoid Valve.

91500 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
7. Connect the secondary air injection pipe between 1 30 and 85
the 029 Secondary Air InjectionSolenoid Valve 1 85 and 87
and the G21 Secondary Air Injection Pump.
2 If less than infinite resistance
8. Ignition ON, command the Secondary Air injection
System Active with a scan tool. Verify there is Replace the KR25 Secondary Air injection
airflow through the valve. Pump Relay.
2 If no airflow U lf infinite resistance
Replace the 029 Secondary Air Injection 4. Install a 15 A fused jumperwire between relay
Solenoid Valve terminal 85 and 12 V. Install a jumper wire between
relay terminal 86 and ground.
U If airflow
5. Test for less than 2 Q between terminals 30 and 87.
9. Replace the G21 Secondary Air injection Pump.
2 If 2 Q or greater
Component Testing Replace the KR25 Secondary Air Injection
Relay Test Pump Relay.
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the KR25 Secondary Air U If less than 2 Q
Injection Pump Relay. 6. All OK.
2. Test for 70—110Q between terminals 85—86. Repair Instructions
2 if less than 70 Q or greater than 110 Q
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
Replace the KR25 Secondary Air Injection page 6192after completing the repair.
Pump Relay. 1 Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center)
U it between 701-110Q on page 111607or Rela y Replacement (Attached
3. Test for infinite resistance between the terminals to Wire Harness) on page 111607
listed below: 1 Secondaiy Air InjectionPump Replacement on
1 30 and 86 page 91546
1 30 and 87 1 SecondaIy Air Injection Check Valve Replacement
on page 91543for secondary air injection solenoid
valve replacement
1 Secondary Air InjectionPump Pipe Replacement
on page 91545

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91501

DTC P2432 or P2433

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P2432: Secondary Air InjectionSystem Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2433: Secondary Air InjectionSystem Pressure Sensor Circuit High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

Opeanigh Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
Reference injectionPressureSensor5V P0335,P2432 P2432 P2433.1 P2431
SecondaryAir injectionPressureSensorSignal P2432 P2432 P2433* P2431
Reference injectionPressureSensorLow — P2433 _ P2431
*lnternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurif thecircuitis shortedto B+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

Secondary Air Injection Pressure Sensor

Circuit I Short to Ground I Open I Short to Voltage
ParameterNormal Range: BARO
OperatingConditions: IgnitionON, EngineOFF
5-VoltReference 41 kPa (6psi) 41 kPa (6psi) 149kPa (21.6psi)
SecondaryAir PressureSensorSignal 40 kPa (5.8psi) 40 kPa (5.8psi) 149kPa (21.6psi)
LowReference 149kPa (21.6psi)

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The secondary air injection system aids in the reduction P2432
of hydrocarbon emissions during a cold start. The
electric air pump forces fresh air into the exhaust The ECM detects that the secondary air injection
stream in order to accelerate the catalyst operation. pressure sensor signal is less than 0.3 V for greater
The Secondary air injection pressure sensor, which is than 6 s.
integral to the shutoff and check valve, is used to P2433
monitor the air flow from the secondary air injection
pump. The engine control module (ECM) supplies The ECM detects that the secondary air injection
voltage to the 5 V reference circuit and provides a pressure sensor signal is greater than 4.7 V for greater
ground for the low reference circuit. The sensor than 6 3.
provides a signal voltage to the ECM relative to the Taken When the DTC Sets
pressure changes within the secondary air injection
system. DTCs P2432 and P2433 are Type B DTCs.

Conditions for Running the DTC Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
1 DTC P0606 is not set. DTCs P2432 and P2433 are Type B DTCs.
1 The ignition is ON, or the engine is running. Reference Information
1 The DTCs run continuously when the above
conditions are met. Schematic Reference
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314

91502 Eights Controls/Fuel 1 'i.8L (LUW, LWE)
Connector End View Reference CircuitlSystem Testing
Component Connector End Views on page 111269 1. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF. it may
take up to 2 min, for all vehicle systems to power
Description and Operation down. Disconnect the harness connector at the
SecondaIy Air InjectionSystem Description on 029 Secondary Air InjectionSolenoid Valve.
page 91592 2. Test for less than 5 Q of resistance between the
low reference circuit terminal 3 and ground.
Electrical Information Reference
2 If 5 Q or greater
1 Circuit Testing on page 111526 2.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548 connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
Connections on page 111531 circuit end to end.
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
DTC Type Reference in the circuit.
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Module.
Definitions on page 6168
U If less than 5 Q
Scan Tool Reference
9" IgnitionON.
Control Module References on page 613for scan tool 4. Test for 4.8—5.2V between the 5 V reference circuit
information terminal1 and ground.
CircuitlSystem Verification 2 If less than 4.8 V
1. Ignition ON 4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
2. Verify that DTC P0651 is not set.
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the 5V
2 If the DTC is set reference circuit and ground.
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List 1 2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
Vehicle on page 6169. ground on the circuit.
U If the DTC is not set. U Ifinfinite resistance
3. Verify the scan tool BARO pressure parameter is 4.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the 5 V reference
within the range specified in the Altitude Versus circuit and to end.
Barometric Pressure on page 91312table.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
2 If not within the specified range in the circuit.
Refer to DTC P2227-P2230 on page 91494. 2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
<=If within the specified range Module.
4. Verify the scan tool Secondary Air Injection 2 If greater than 5.2 V
Pressure Sensor and the BARO pressure 4.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
parameters are within 3 kPa (0.4 psi). connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
2 If not within the specified range ignition ON.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing 4.2. Test for less than 1 V between the 5 V
reference circuit and ground.
U If within the specified range
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
5. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
the circuit.
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you observed 2 lfless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. Module.
6. Verify the DTC does not set. U If between 4.8—5.2V
2 If the DTC sets 5. Verify the scan tool Secondary Air Injection
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing Pressure Sensor parameter is less than 0.5 V.
2 If 0.5 V or greater
U if the DTC does not set
5.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
7. All OK
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
ignition ON
5.2. Test for less than 1 V between the signal
circuit terminal 2 and ground.
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91603
2 If less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control 2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Module. Module.
If less than 0.5V U lf greater than 4.8 V
. Install a 3A fused jumper wire between the signal 8. Test or replace the 029 Secondary Air Injection
circuit terminal 2 and the 5 V reference circuit Solenoid Valve.
terminal 1.
. Verify the scan tool Secondary Air Injection Repair Instructions
Pressure Sensor parameter is greater than 4.8 V. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6192after completing the repair.
lf 4.8 V or less
Secondary Air Injection Check Valve Replacement
7.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
on page 91543for secondary air injection solenoid
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
valve replacement
7.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal
Control Module References on page 613for ECM
circuit terminal1 and ground.
replacement, programming, and setup
2 if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit.
U lf infinite resistance
7.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit and
to end.
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

91504 Engine ControlS/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P2440

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P2440: Secondary Air injection System Cut-Off Valve Stuck Open

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Running the DTC

The secondary air injection system aids in the reduction 1 DTC P0101, P0102, P0103, P0111, P0112,
of hydrocarbon emissions during a cold start. The P0113, P0114, P0116, P0117, P0118, P0128, ,M_
electric air pump forces fresh air into the exhaust P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0261, P0262,
stream in order to accelerate the catalyst operation. P0264, P0265, P0267, P0268, P0270, P0271,
A pressure sensor in the shutoff/check valve is used to P0300, P0301, P0302, P0303, P0304, P0351,
monitor the air flow from the secondary air injection P0352, P0353, P0354, P0412, P0418, P0420,
pump. The engine control module (ECM) supplies P124A, P1248, P2147, P2148, P2150, P2151,
voltage to the 5-volt reference circuit and supplies a P2153, P2154, P2156, P2157, P2227, P2228,
ground to the low reference circuit. The sensor provides P2229, P2230, P2430, P2431, P2432, or P2433 is
a signal voltage to the ECM relative to the pressure not set.
changes within the secondary air injection system. 1 Greater than 30 min has eiapsed since the last
Ignitionvoltage is supplied to the secondary air cold start.
injection pump and air injection shutoff/check valve 1 The ignition voltage is between 10—32V.
relays. The ECM controls the relays by grounding the
1 The engine speed is less than 5,000 RPM.
control circuits, which activates the relays. When the
relay contacts close, voltage is supplied to the pump 1 The intake air temperature (IAT)is greaterthan
and the valve, which turns the pump on and opens the 111°C(122°F).
valve. 1 The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is between
The diagnostic uses 3 phases to test the secondary air —11and +56°C (12.2—133°F).
injection system: 1 The barometric pressure (BARO) is greater than
1 DTCs P0411 and P2430 run during Phase1 60 kPa (8.7 psi).
1 DTCs P2430 and P2440 run during Phase 2 1 The manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor is
greater than 20 kPa (2.9 psi).
1 DTC P2444 runs during Phase 3
1 The mass airflow (MAF) is less than 50 g/s.
During phase 1, the secondary air injection pump and
the secondary air injection shutoff and check valve are 1 The secondary air injection pump is
activated. Normal secondary air function occurs. commanded ON.
Expected system pressure is 5—13kPa (0.7—1.9psi) 1 Secondary air injection diagnostic test Phase 1
above BARO. has run and passed.
During phase 2, only the secondary air injection pump 1 DTC P2440 runs once per ignition cycle when the
is activated. The shutoff and check valve is closed. above conditions are met for greater than 3 5.
Pressure sensor performance and shutoff and check
valve deactivation are tested. Expected system Conditions for Setting the DTC
pressure is 14—25kPa (2.0—3.6psi) above BARO. The ECM detects that the secondary air system
During phase 3, neither the secondary air injection pressure is less than a calibrated threshold for greater
pump nor the secondary air injection shutoff and check than 1.5 3.
valve are activated. Secondary air injection pump
deactivation is tested. Expected system pressure Action Taken When the DTC Sets
equals BARO. DTC P2440 is a Type B DTC.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
DTC P2440 is a Type B DTC.
Reference Information
Schematic Reference
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91505
Connector End View Reference 7. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC to verify the DTC does not reset.
Component Connector End Views on page 111269 You may also operate the vehicle within the
Description and Operation conditions that you observed from the Freeze
Frame/Failure Records data.
Secondary Air Injection System Description on
page 91592 If the DTC sets
Refer to Cirouit/System Testing
Electrical Information Reference
U If the DTC does not set
1 Circuit Testing on page 111526 8. All OK
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor CircuitlSystem Testing
Connections on page 111531 1. ignition OFF, disconnect the KR26 Secondary Air
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537 injection Solenoid Valve Relay. Ignition ON.
2. Verify a test lamp does not illuminate between the
DTC Type Reference
control circuit terminal 87 and ground.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type If the test lamp illuminates
Definitions on page 6168
Repair the short to voltage on the circuit.
Scan Tool Reference If the test lamp does not illuminate
Control Module References on page 613for scan tool IgnitionOFF, connect the KR26 Secondary Air
information InjectionSolenoid Valve Relay.
CircuitlSystem Verification Disconnect the harness connector at the
029 Secondary Air InjectionSolenoid Valve.
1. Ignition ON. IgnitionON.
2. Verify that DTC P0411, P0412, P0418, P2430, . Verify a test lamp does not illuminate between the
P2431, P2432, or P2433 is not set. control circuit terminal 5 and ground.
2 if any of the DTCs are set If the test lamp illuminates
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List 1 Test or replace the KR26 Secondary Air
Vehicle on page 6169. InjectionSolenoid Valve Relay.
U If none of the DTCs are set. if the test lamp does not illuminate
3. Verify the scan tool BARO pressure parameter is . Verify the conditions listed below do not exist:
within the range specified in the Altitude Versus
1 Hoses/pipes restricted or blocked upstream of
Barometric Pressure on page 91312table.
2 If not within the specified range 1 Hoses/pipes leaking or disconnected
Refer to DTC P2227—P2230on page 91494. 1 Damaged or restricted secondary air
c If within the specified range injection pump
4. Verify the scan tool Secondary Air Injection 1 Damaged secondary air injection check valve
Pressure Sensor parameter and the BARO if a condition exists
pressure parameter are within 3 kPa (0.4 psi).
Repair or replace the affected component as
2 If not within the specified range necessary.
Replace the 029 Secondary Air Injection If none of the conditions exist
Solenoid Valve
ignition OFF, remove the 029 Secondary Air
U If within the specified range injection Solenoid Valve.
01. Engine running Connect the harness connector at the
6. Verify the scan tool Secondary Air Injection 029 Secondary Air Injection Solenoid Valve.
Pressure Sensor parameter increases between Connect the secondary air injection pipe to the
14—25kPa (2.0—3.6psi) when the Secondary Air 029 Secondary Air InjectionSolenoid Valve.
Injection Pump Relay is commanded ON with a 10. IgnitionON, command the Secondary Air injection
scan tool. Pump Relay ON with a scan tool. Verify there is
2 if not within the specified range NO airflow through the valve.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing If airflow
U If within the specified range Replace the 029 Secondary Air Injection
Solenoid Valve.
U If no airflow
. Replace the G21 Secondary Air InjectionPump.

91506 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Component Testing 4. Install a 15Afused jumper wire between relay

terminal 85 and 12 V. Install a jumper wire between
Relay Test relay terminal 86 and ground.
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the KR26 Secondary Air 5. Test for less than 2 Q between terminals 30 and 87.
injection Solenoid Valve Relay. 2 If 2 Q or greater
2. Test for 70—110Q between terminals 85—86.
Replace the KR26 Secondary Air injection
2 If less than 70 Q or greater than 110 Q Solenoid Valve Relay.
Replace the KR26 Secondary Air Injection U lflessthan2Q
Solenoid Valve Relay. 6. AIIOK
U If between 70—110Q
3. Test for infinite resistance between the terminals Repair Instructions
listed below: Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
1 30 and 86 page 6192after completing the repair.
1 30 and 87 1 Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center)
on page 111607or Relay Replacement (Attached
1 30 and 85 to Wire Harness) on page 111607
1 85 and 87 1 Secondary Air InjectionPump Replacement on
2 If less than infinite resistance page 91546
Replace the KR26 Secondary Air Injection 1 Secondary Air Injection Check Valve Replacement
Solenoid Valve Relay. on page 91543for secondary air injection solenoid
U lf infinite resistance valve replacement
1 SecondaIy Air Injection Pump Pipe Replacement
on page 91545

2013 (5377994)
Engrine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91507
DTC P2444

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P2444: Secondary Air Injection System Pump Stuck On

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Running the DTC

The secondary air injection system aids in the reduction 1 DTC P0101, P0102, P0103, P0111, P0112,
of hydrocarbon emissions during a cold start. The P0113, P0114, P0116, P0117, P0118, P0128,
electric air pump forces fresh air into the exhaust P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0261, P0262,
stream in order to accelerate the catalyst operation. P0264, P0265, P0267, P0268, P0270, P0271,
A pressure sensor in the shutoff/check valve is used to P0300, P0301, P0302, P0303, P0304, P0351,
monitor the air flow from the secondary air injection P0352, P0353, P0354, P0412, P0418, P0420,
pump. The engine control module (ECM) supplies P124A, P1243, P2147, P2148, P2150, P2151,
voltage to the 5-volt reference circuit and supplies a P2153, P2154, P2156, P2157, P2227, P2228,
222.2 ground to the low reference circuit. The sensor provides P2229, P2230, P2430, P2431, P2432, or P2433 is
a signal voltage to the ECM relative to the pressure not set.
changes within the secondary air injection system. 1 Greater than 30 min has elapsed since the last
Ignitionvoltage is supplied to the secondary air cold start.
injection pump and air injection shutoff/check valve 1 The ignition voltage is between 10—32V.
relays. The ECM controls the relays by grounding the
control circuits, which activates the relays. When the 1 The engine speed is less than 5,000 RPM.
relay contacts close, voltage is supplied to the pump 1 The intake air temperature (IAT) is greater than
and the valve, which turns the pump on and opens the -11°C (122°F).
valve. 1 The engine coolant temperature (ECT) is between ,
The diagnostic uses 3 phases to test the secondary air -11 and +56°C (12.2—133°F).
injection system: 1 The barometric pressure (BARO) is greater than
1 DTCs P0411 and P2430 run during Phase 1‘ 60 kPa (8.7 psi).
1 DTCs P2430 and P2440 run during Phase 2 1 The manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor is
1 DTC P2444 runs during Phase 3 greater than 20 kPa (2.9 psi).
During phase 1, the secondary air injection pump and 1 The mass air flow (MAF) is less than 50 g/s.
the secondary air injection shutoff and check valve are 1 Secondary air injection pump is commanded ON.
activated. Normal secondary air function occurs. 1 Secondary air injection diagnostic test Phase 1
Expected system pressure is 5—13 kPa (0.7—1.9psi) and Phase 2 have run and passed.
above BARO.
1 DTC P2444 runs once per ignition cycle when the
During phase 2, only the secondary air injection pump above conditions are met for greater than 3 3.
is activated. The shutoff and check valve is closed.
Pressure sensor performance and shutoff and check Conditions for Setting the DTC
valve deactivation are tested. Expected system The ECM detects that average difference between the
pressure is 14—25kPa (2.0—3.6psi) above BARO. predicted system pressure and the actual system
During phase 3, neither the secondary air injection pressure is greater than or less than calibrated
pump nor the secondary air injection shutoff and check thresholds for greater than 2 5.
valve are activated. Secondary air injection pump
deactivation is tested. Expected system pressure Action Taken When the DTC Sets
equals BARO. DTC P2444 is a Type A DTC.
Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
DTC P2444 is a Type A DTC.
Reference Information
Schematic Reference
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314

91508 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
Connector End View Reference CircuitlSystem Testing
Component Connector End Views on page 111269 1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the KR25 Secondary Air
Injection Pump Relay.
Description and Operation
2. IgnitionON, verify a test lamp does not illuminate
Secondaiy Air Injection System Description on between the control circuit terminal 87 and ground.
page 91592 2 If the test lamp illuminates
Electrical Information Reference Repair the short to voltage on the circuit.
1 Circuit Testing on page 111526 U If the test lamp does not illuminate
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548 3. Test or replace the KR25 Secondary Air Injection
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor Pump Relay.
Connections on page 111531 Component Testing
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
Relay Test
DTC Type Reference
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the KR25 Secondary Air
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Injection Pump Relay.
Definitions on page 6168 2. Test for 70—110Q between terminals 85—86.
Scan Tool Reference 2 If less than 70 Q or greater than 110 Q
Control Module References on page 613for scan tool Replace the KR25 Secondary Air Injection
information Pump Relay.
U If between 70—110Q
CircuitlSystem Verification
3. Test for infinite resistance between the terminals
1. IgnitionON listed below:
2. Verify that DTC P0412, P0418, P2432 or P2433 is 1 30 and 86
not set.
1 30 and 87
2 if any of the DTCs are set 1 30 and 85
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List 1 1 85 and 87
Vehicle on page 6169.
2 If less than infinite resistance
U if none of the DTCs are set.
Replace the KR25 Secondary Air injection
Note: To prevent the secondary air injection pump from Pump Relay.
overheating, do not operate the pump consecutively for
greater than 2 minutes. The pump is provided with a <=If infinite resistance
thermal protector thatwill automatically reset when 4. Install a 15 A fused jumper wire between relay
allowed to cool. terminal 85 and 12 V. install a jumperwire between
relay terminal 86 and ground.
3. Verify the G21 Secondary Air InjectionPump turns
ON and OFF when commanding the Secondary Air 5. Test for less than 2 Q between terminals 30 and 87.
Injection Pump Relay ON and OFF with a 2 If 2 Q or greater
scan tool.
Replace the KR25 Secondary Air Injection
2 If the pump does not turn ON and OFF Pump Relay.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing U If less than 2 Q
U if the pump turns ON and OFF 6. All OK
4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the Repair Instructions
vehicle within the conditions that you observed Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. page 6192after completing the repair.
5. Verify the DTC does not set. Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center) on
2 If the DTC sets page 111607or Relay Replacement (Attached to Wire
Harness) on page 111607
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
U If the DTC does not set
6. All OK

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91509

DTC P2534 (Fuel Pump Control Module)

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P2534: IgnitionOn/Start Switch Circuit Low Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

Opeanigh Short to Voltage Signal

Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Performance
ignition P2534 P2534 — —-

CircuitlSystem Description CircuitlSystem Testing

The fuel pump control module monitors the ignition 1. IgnitionON.
voltage circuit in order to determine if the voltage is 2. Verify DTC P0562 is not set.
within the normal operating range.
2 If the DTC is set
Conditions for Running the DTC Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List 1
The engine is running. Vehicle on page 6169.
U if the DTC is not set
Conditions for Setting the DTC
3. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at
The fuel pump control module detects that the ignition the K27 fuel pump control module, ignition ON.
voltage is less than 6.0 V.
4. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the ignition
Action Taken When the DTC Sets circuit terminal 21 and ground.
DTC P2534 is a TypeA DTC. 2 If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
circuit fuse is good
Conditions for Clearing the DTC 4.1. IgnitionOFF.
DTC P2534 is a TypeA DTC. 4.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ignition circuit and
to end.
Reference Information
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Schematic Reference in the circuit.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314 2 Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and
Connector End View Reference there is voltage at the fuse.
Component Connector End Views on page 111269 2 If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
Description and Operation circuit fuse is open
4.1. ignition OFF.
Fuel System Description on page 91584
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the ignition
Electrical Information Reference circuit and ground.
1 Circuit Testing on page 111526 2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit.
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 2 Ifinfinite resistance, replace the K27 fuel pump
Connections on page 111531 control module.
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537 U if the test lamp illuminates
5. Replace the K27 fuel pump control module.
DTC Type Reference
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Repair Instructions
Definitions on page 6168 Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6192after completing the repair.
Scan Tool Reference
Control Module References on page 613for fuel pump
Control Module References on page 613for scan tool control module replacement, programming and setup.
91510 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

DTC P2635 (Fuel Pump Control Module)

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P2635: Fuel Pump Flow Performance
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Short to Voltage Signal

Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Performance
Control P0231 P023F P0232 P023F,P2635
LowReference — P023F — P023F,P2635

CircuitlSystem Description Counter and Pass Counter can help determine how
many ignition cycles that the diagnostic test reported a
The engine control module (ECM) supplies voltage to pass and/or a fail.
the fuel pump control module when the ECM detects
that the ignition is on. The voltage from the ECM to the On vehicles equipped with a high pressure mechanical
fuel pump control module remains active for 2 seconds, pump on Direct Fuel Injectionengines, the vehicle may
unless the engine is in crank or run. While this voltage continue to run even though the pump in the fuel tank is
is being received, the fuel pump control module closes not operating.
the ground switch of the fuel pump and also supplies a Reference Information
varying voltage to the fuel tank pump module in order to
maintain the desired fuel line pressure. Schematic Reference
Conditions for Running the DTC Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314
1 DTC P0188, P0180, P018D, P0231, P0232, Connector End View Reference
P023F, PO64A, P1255 or P06A6 are not active.
Component Connector End Views on page 111269
1 DTC P0641 has not failed this ignition cycle.
1 Fuel pump control is enabled and the fuel pump Description and Operation
control state is normal. Fuel System Description on page 91584
1 The system voltage is greater than 11V.
Electrical Information Reference
1 The engine has been running for more than
30 seconds. 1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
1 Low fuel level warning not present. 1 Connector Repairs on page 111548
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Conditions for Setting the DTC Connections on page 111531
This DTC sets when the fuel pump control module 1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
detects a predetermined fuel pressure performance
degradation between the desired fuel pressure and the DTC Type Reference
current fuel pressure. Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Action Taken When the DTC Sets Definitions on page 6168
DTC P2635 is a Type B DTC. Scan Tool Reference

Conditions for Clearing the DTC Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
DTC P2635 is a Type B DTC.
Diagnostic Aids
Using the Failure Records data may help locate an
intermittentcondition. Ifyou cannot duplicate the DTC,
the information in the Failure Records can help
determine how many miles since the DTC set. The Fail

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91511
CircuitlSystem Testing 2 if less than 2 Q, replace the K27 fuel pump
control module.
Note: Do not replace the fuel pump control module
based on a history DTC P2635. The DTC P2635 may 2 If the test lamp is always ON
be stored but that does not indicate a failure of the fuel 8.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
pump control module. Refer to Strategy Based connector at the K27 fuel pump control
Diagnosis on page 6158for further history DTC module, ignition ON.
diagnostics. 8.2. Test for less than 1 V between the control
1. ignition ON. circuit and ground.
2. Verify DTCs P018B, P0180, P018D, P0231, 2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
P0232 or P023F are not set. the circuit.
2 If any of the DTCs are set 2 If less than 1 V, replace the K27 fuel pump
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - control module.
Vehicle on page 6169. U If the test lamp turns ON and OFF
U If none of the DTCs are set 9. All OK.
3. Verify the proper fuel system pressure. Perform the Repair Instructions
fuel system pressure test, refer to Fuel System
Diagnosis on page 91518. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6192after completing the repair.
2 If the fuel system pressure test is not normal
1 Fuel Tank Fuel Pump Module Replacement (Steel
Replace the G12 Fuel Pump. Tank) on page 91559
U if the fuel system pressure test is normal 1 Control Module References on page 613for fuel
4. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF, pump control module replacement, programming
disconnect the harness connector at the G12 Fuel and setup
Pump. Itmay take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle
systems to power down. Symptoms - Engine Controls
5. Test for less than 10 Q between the low reference
circuit terminal 2 and ground. Diagnostic Instructions
2 If 10 Q or greater 1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K27 Fuel Pump Control
Module. 1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
5.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
circuit end to end. 1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit. Symptoms Description
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K27 Fuel Pump Symptoms cover conditions that are not covered by
Control Module. DTCs. Certain conditions can cause multiple
U If less than 10 Q symptoms. These conditions are listed together under
6. Connect a test lamp between the control circuit Symptoms Testing. Conditions that may only cause
specific symptoms are listed separately under
terminal 1 and the low reference circuit terminal 2.
additional symptoms testing. Perform the symptoms
7. IgnitionON. testing before using the additional symptoms testing.
8. Verify the test lamp turns ON and OFF when
commanding the fuel pump ON and OFF with a Symptoms Definition
scan tool. Backfire: Fuel ignites in the intake manifold or in the
2 If the test lamp is always OFF exhaust system, making a loud popping noise.
8.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness Cuts Out, Misses: A steady pulsation orjerking that
connector at the K27 fuel pump control follows engine speed, which is usually more
module. pronounced as the engine load increases. This
8.2. Test for infinite resistance between the control condition is not normally felt above 1 500 RPM or
circuit and ground. 48 km/h (30 MPH). The exhaust has a steady spitting
sound at idle or at low speed.
2 If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit. Detonation/Spark Knock: A mild to severe ping
which usually gets worse while under acceleration. The
U Ifinfinite resistance engine makes sharp metallic knocks that change with
8.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end throttle opening.
to end. Dieseling, Run On: Fuel ignites in the intake manifold
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance or in the exhaust system, making a loud popping noise.
in the circuit.

91512 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
Engine Control Module (ECM) Commanded Poor terminal contact
Reduced Engine Power: The ECM illuminates the High circuit or component resistance—High
Reduced Engine Power lamp and will limit engine resistance can include any resistance, regardless
power under potential engine/vehicle damaging or of the amount, which can interruptthe operation of
emissions related conditions. A DTC may not be set. the component.
Hard Start: Engine cranks OK, but does not start for a Harness that is too short or tight
long time. The vehicle does eventually run, or may start Wire insulation that is chaffed or cut
but immediately stalls.
High or low ambient temperature
Hesitation, Sag, Stumble: Momentary lack of
response as the accelerator is pushed down. This High or low engine coolant temperatures
condition can occur at any vehicle speed. This High underhood temperatures
condition is usually more pronounced when first trying Heat build up in component or circuit due to circuit
to make the vehicle move, as from a stop. This resistance, poor terminal contact, or high
condition may cause the engine to stall in severe electrical load
conditions. High or low system voltage
Lack of Power, Sluggishness, or Sponginess: The High vehicle load conditions
engine delivers less than expected power. Little or no
Rough road surfaces
increase in speed when the accelerator pedal is
pushed down part way. Electro-magnetic interference (EMl)/circuit
interference from relays, solenoids or other
Poor Fuel Economy: Fuel economy, as measured by electrical surge
an actual road test, is noticeably lower than expected.
Also, the fuel economy is noticeably lower than it was incorrect installation of aftermarket, add on
on this vehicle at one time, as previously shown by an accessofles
actual road test. Visual/Physical Check
Poor Fuel Fill Quality: Difficultywhen refueling the Verify that the control module grounds are clean,
vehicle. tight, and correctly located.
Rough, Unstable, or incorrect Idle and Stalling: The Verify that the vacuum hoses are not split or
engine runs unevenly at idle. Ifsevere, the engine or kinked, and are properly connected, as shown on
the vehicle may shake. Engine idle may vary in speed. the Vehicle Emission Control Informationlabel.
Either condition may be severe enough to stall the Verify that the air filter is clean and free from
engine. restrictions.
Surges/Chuggles: Engine power variation under Verify that there is no water intrusion in connectors
steady throttle or cruise. Feels like the vehicle speeds terminals and components.
up and slows down with no change in the accelerator Inspect the air intake ducts for the following
pedal position. conditions:
Symptoms Verification —Collapsed
Before using the Symptom tables, perform the following —Damaged areas
inspections: —Looseness
1 Verify that the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) is —incorrect installation
operating correctly. Use the scan tool to command —Leaking
the lamp ON and OFF.
Inspect for air leaks at the throttle body mounting
1 Verify that there are no DTCs that are stored. area, the mass air flow (MAF) sensor and intake
1 Verify that the scan tool data is within a normal manifold sealing surfaces.
operating range. Refer to Control Module Inspect the wiring harness for the following
References on page 613for scan tool information. conditions:
1 Verify the customer concern. —Poor connections
1 Perform the VisuaI/Physical Inspection in this —Pinches
section. The visual/physical inspection is
extremely important, and can lead to correcting a —Cuts
condition without additional testing. Itmay also inspect for loose, damaged, unseated, or missing
help reveal the cause of an intermittentcondition. sensors/components.
identifying Intermittent Conditions inspect the terminals for corrosion and correct
Many intermittentconditions occur with harness or
connector movement due to engine torque, rough
pavement, vibration or physical movements of a
component. Refer to the following for a list of issues
that may cause an intermittentcondition:
1 Moisture and water intrusion in connectors,
terminals, and components
1 Incomplete connector mating

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91513

Symptoms Testing —Worn camshaft lobes

—incorrect valve timing
Backfire, Cuts Outhisses, DetonationlSpark Knock,
Dieseling/Run-On, Engine Control Module (ECM) —Broken valve springs
Commanded Reduced Engine Power, Hard Start, —Too much carbon buildup in the combustion
Hesitation/Sangtumble, Lack of Power/ chambers. Clean the chambers with top
SluggishnessISponginess, Poor Fuel Economy, engine cleaner, if necessary. Follow the
Rough, Unstable, or Incorrect Idle and Stalling, instructions on the can.
or Surges/Chuggles —Incorrect engine parts
1. Test for the following conditions: Note: The embossed arrows on the mass air flow
For the correct installation of the Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor indicate the direction of the intake air
(MAF)/|ntakeAir Temperature (IAT)Sensor. flow. The arrows must point toward the engine.
The fuel system for the following: Improper MAF sensor installation. A mass air
—Correct fuel pressure. Refer to Fuel System flow sensor that is improperly installed may
Diagnosis on page 91518. cause a hard start. Install the mass air flow in
the proper direction. Refer to Mass Airflow
—Leaking or incorrectly operating fuel injectors. Sensor Replacement on page 91536.
Refer to Fuel Injector Diagnosis on
page 91520. Vacuum hoses for splits or kinks. Verify that the
routing and connections are as shown on the
—Contaminated or a poor fuel quality condition. vehicle emission control information label.
Refer to Alcohol/Contaminants—in—Fue/
Diagnosis on page 91523. Knock sensor system for too much spark retard
activity. Refer to Knock Sensor Replacement on
The ignition system for the following: page 91577and DTC P0335 or P0336 on
—Spark plugs with incorrect heat range or an page 91406.
abnormal condition—Refer to Spark Plug Fuel octane switch setting, if equipped. Verify
Inspection on page 91571and Ignition System the fuel octane switch is set to the proper fuel
Specifications on page 91313. octane rating for the fuel being used in the
- Coolant or oil fouled spark plugs—For vehicle.
diagnosis, refer to Coolant in Combustion The exhaust system components for the
Chamber on page 91957 or Oil Consumption following:
Diagnosis on page 91956.
- Physical damage or possible internal
—Secondary ignition system susceptible to malfunction
moisture. Engine running, wet down the
secondary ignition system with water from a —The 31waycatalytic converters for a
spray bottle to help locate damaged or restriction
deteriorated components. Look/Iistenfor For more information, refer to Symptoms 1
arcing or misfiring as the water is applied. Engine Exhaust on page 91734.
—Weak spark using the EL 26792 HEI Spark Electromagnetic interference on the reference
Tester. For equivalent regional tools, refer to circuit can cause a misfire condition. You can
Special Tools on page 91593.Refer to usually detect electromagnetic interference with
Electronic Ignition System Diagnosis on a scan tool by monitoring the engine speed
page 91527. parameter. A sudden increase in the engine
The operation of the transmission torque speed parameter with little change in actual
converter clutch (TCC). The scan tool should engine speed indicates that electromagnetic
indicate an engine speed drop when the TCC is interference is present. Inspect the high voltage
commanded ON. 1 components near the ignition control circuit if a
condition exists.
The operation of the A/C compressor
Inspect the positive crankcase ventilation
items that can cause an engine to run lean or system and all connections for leaks or
rich. Refer to DTC P0171 or P0172 on restrictions.
page 91385.
The crankshaft position sensor for the correct
resistance. The crankshaft position sensor
resistance may be out of range after a hot soak.
The resistance should be between 700-
1 200 Q.
The engine for the following mechanical
failures. Refer to Symptoms - Engine
Mechanical on page 91953.
—Too much oil in the combustion chamber or
leaking valve seals
—Incorrect cylinder compression
—Sticking or leaking valves

2013 (5377994)
91514 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Canister Purge Ifthe vehicle is equipped with the OnStar®feature,
Solenoid Valve that is stuck open reduced engine power may be due to OnStar®
The engine cooling system for the following remote command. Verify the vehicle is not in the
conditions: OnStar®initiated Stolen Vehicle Slowdown mode.
—The thermostat is the correct heat range. High pressure fuel system out of range—Refer to
Refer to Thermostat Diagnosis on Fuel System Diagnosis on page 91518and Fuel
page 91626. System Description on page 91584to verify high
pressure fuel system pressure and operation.
—The engine coolant thermostat heater is
working proper. Refer to DTC P0597-P0599 Maximum recommended engine oil life exceeded
on page 91614. —Refer to the Owners Manual for scheduled
maintenance recommendations.
- Proper engine coolant level. Refer to Cooling
System Draining and Filling on page 91628. lf equipped with manual transmission, reduced
engine power may be due to overheated
2. Ifthe above conditions do not address the transmission oil. Allow the transmission oil to cool
symptom, refer to the additional symptoms tests. down. Refer to the Owners Manual for scheduled
Additional Symptoms Tests maintenance recommendations to determine if the
transmission is due for servicing.
DetonationlSpark Knock Intake air temperature out of range too high-
Test for an engine overheating condition. Refer to Engine running, observe the scan tool IAT Sensor
Engine Overheating on page 91625. parameter. The readings should be between —40°
inspect for excessive carbon buildup in the C and +149°C (—40°Fand +300°F). Refer to DTC
combustion chambers. Clean the chambers with P0112, P0113, or P0114 on page 91364for
Top Engine Cleaner, if necessary. Follow the additional information.
instructions on the can. Fuel temperature out of range too high
Ifthere are no engine mechanical faults, fill the An incorrect learned brake pedal position (BPP)
fuel tank with a known high quality fuel that meets sensor—Verify the following actions have not
the vehicle minimum octane requirements. occurred:
Engine Control Module (ECM) Commanded —An engine control module (ECM) has been
Reduced Engine Power replaced.
—A BPP sensor has been replaced.
Under certain conditions the engine control module
may limit engine power by reducing engine torque and, —A BPP sensor is misaligned or incorrectly
for some vehicles, fuel pressure as well. For most, but installed. _
not all of the conditions, the engine control module will Ifany of the above actions have occurred, the
illuminate the reduced engine power lamp on the Brake Pedal Position Sensor Learn on
instrument panel cluster, however a DTC may not be page 17-164 procedure must be performed.
set. Observe the scan tool Reduced Engine Power
History parameter, if applicable, or refer to Engine Fuel Odor
Control Module Scan Tool Informationon page 6133to inspect for leaking, damaged, or deteriorated fuel
determine the reason for the reduced engine power lines.
event. inspect for a saturated EVAP canister. Refer to
Verify or inspect for the following: Evaporative Emission Control System Description
Vehicle being operated at sustained high engine on page 91589.
speeds, or, towing heavy loads up an incline for an Inspect for a condition with the internal
extended period of time, which may cause the components of the fuel tank assembly. Refer to
engine oil or coolant to overheat. A repair may not Fuel System Description on page 91584.
be necessary. Inspect the airflow passageways in Hard Start
front of the engine for obstructions and clear away
any debris or foreign material that is found. Ifno Test the engine coolant temperature (ECT)
obstructions are found, review approved driving sensor. Compare the ECT sensor value to the
habits with the customer. The customer may need intake air temperature (IAT)sensor value on a cold
to operate the vehicle at a higher engine speed to engine. The ECT and lAT sensor values should be
improve cooling system performance, or, at a within approximately 3°C (5°F). Ifthe ECT sensor
slower engine speed to reduce engine load. is out of range with the IATsensor, test the
resistance of the ECT sensor. Refer to
A cooling fan condition which may cause the Temperature Versus Resistance (ECT) on
engine control module to reduce engine power- page 91312for resistance specifications. Replace
Refer to Cooling Fan Description and Operation the ECT sensor if the resistance is not within
(LUV) on page 91679or Cooling Fan Description specification. Ifthe sensor is within the
and Operation (LWE, LUW) on page 91680and specification, test the ECT circuits for a high
Cooling System Description and Operation on resistance.
page 91680to verify correct operation of the
cooling fan.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91515
1 Verify that the fuel system operates correctly shift the transmission into gear. Inspect the
during engine start-up. The fuel pump should turn accelerator pedal for binding and verify that the
ON for 2 S when the ignition is turned to ON and floor mat is not interfering with the accelerator
fuel pressure should be as specified in Fuel pedal movement.
System Diagnosis on page 91518procedure. For
additional fuel system information, refer to Fuel Surges/Chuggles
System Description on page 91584. 1 Verify that each injector harness is connected to
the correct injector.
Hesitation, Sag, Stumble
1 Inspect the mass air flow (MAF) sensor for
1 Test the fuel pressure. Refer to Fuel System obstruction, contamination, and damage. Refer to
Diagnosis on page 9-518. Mass Ain‘low Sensor Replacement on page 91536.
1 Inspect the mass air flow (MAF) sensor for 1 inspect for slow responding heated oxygen
obstruction, contamination, and damage. Refer to sensors (H028). The H028 should respond
Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement on page 91536. quickly to a change in throttle position. lfthe
1 Test the manifold absolute pressure (MAP) H028 do not respond to different throttle
sensor. Refer to DTC P0106 on page 91356. positions, inspect for contamination from fuel,
1 Test the generator. Refer to Symptoms - Engine silicon, or the incorrect use of room temperature
Electrical on page 91701.Repairthe charging vulcanizing sealant. The sensors may have a
system if the generator outputvoltage is less than white powdery coating and result in a high, but
9 V or more than 16 V. false, signal voltage, which gives a rich exhaust
indication. The ECM reduces the amount of fuel
Poor Fuel Economy delivered to the engine, causing a driveability
1 Inspect for heavy loads being carried or towed condition. .
1 Inspect for acceleration rate too much or too often 1 Inspect for foreign material accumulation in the
1 inspect for incorrect operation of the speedometer. throttle bore, and for carbon deposits on the
throttle plate and shaft. Also inspect for throttle
1 Inspect for foreign material accumulation in the body tampering.
throttle bore, and for carbon deposits on the
throttle plate and shaft. Also inspect for throttle
body tampering. Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
1 inspect the mass air flow (MAF) sensor for Diagnosis
obstruction, contamination, and damage. Refer to
Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement on page 91536. Diagnostic Instructions
1 Inspect the brake system for brake drag. 1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
Poor Fuel Fill Quality procedure.
1 Inspect for restricted vent lines 1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
1 Inspect for high fuel temperature for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 inspect for a condition with the internal 1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
components of the fuel tank assembly provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
1 For more information refer to the following: CircuitlSystem Description
—Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314
The malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) illuminates to
11Fuel System Description on page 91584 inform the driver that an emission system fault has
—Evaporative Emission Control System occurred and the engine control system requires
Description on page 91589 service. Ignitionvoltage is supplied directly to the MIL.
The engine control module (ECM) turn the MIL ON by
Rough, Unstable, or Incorrect idle and Stalling grounding the MIL control circuit when the emission
1 Inspect the engine mounts Engine Mount fault occurs. Under normal operating conditions, the
Replacement on page 91976. MIL should be ON only when the ignition is ON and the
1 inspect the mass air flow (MAF) sensor for engine is OFF.
obstruction, contamination, and damage. Refer to
Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement on page 91536. Reference Information
1 Inspect the intake and exhaust manifolds for Schematic Reference
casting flash.
1 Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314
1 Inspect the exhaust system for damaged or
collapsed pipes 1 Instrument Cluster Schematics on page 8178
1 inspect for foreign material accumulation in the Connector End View Reference
throttle bore, and for carbon deposits on the
throttle plate and shaft. Also inspect for throttle Component Connector End Views on page 111269 9
body tampering. Electrical Information Reference
1 An excessively high idle may be due to the floor
1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
mat interfering with the accelerator pedal. With
this condition present, it may not be possible to 1 Connector Repairs on page 111548

91516 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
1 Testing for intermittentConditions and Poor 4.3. ignition OFF.
Connections on page 111531 4.4. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit and
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537 to end.
DTC Type Reference 2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Definitions on page 6168
Scan Tool Reference 2 If the test lamp is always ON
Control Module References on page 613 4.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
CircuitlSystem Verification
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the control
Note: Any MIL requesting DTCs that may be set circuit and ground.
should be diagnosed first. 2 if less than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
1. IgnitionON. ground on the circuit.
2. Verify that the P16 InstrumentCluster warning 2 Ifinfinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
indicators are all illuminated. Control Module.
2 If the warning indicators do not illuminate U If the test lamp turns 0N and OFF
Refer to Symptoms - Displays and Gauges on 5. Test or replace the P16 InstrumentCluster.
page 8189
Repair instructions
U If the warning indicators illuminate
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
3. Verify all the scan tool parameters listed below page 6192after completing the repair.
display OK or Not Run when commanding the MIL
ON and OFF with a scan tool. 1 Instrument Cluster Replacement on page 81104
1 The MIL Control Circuit Low Voltage Test Status 1 Control Module References on page 613for ECM
replacement, programming, and setup.
1 The MIL Control Circuit Open test Status
1 The MIL Control Circuit High Voltage test Status Engine Cranks But Does Not Run
2 If Malfunction displayed
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
U lf OK or Not Run displayed
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for procedure.
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
vehicle within the conditions that you observed
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
1 DiagnostieProcedure Instructions on page 6159
2 If the DTC sets provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
CircuitlSystem Description
U If the DTC does not set
5 All OK. The engine cranks but does not run is an organized
approach to identify a condition which causes the
CircuitlSystem Testing engine to crank but not start. This diagnostic directs the
technician to the appropriate system diagnosis.
1. ignition ON.
This diagnostic assumes the system voltage levels are
2. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at adequate for starter motor operation. Fuel level and fuel
the P16 InstrumentCluster. quality must be determined for correct diagnosis.
3. Connect a test lamp between the control circuit
terminal 25 and 8+ circuit terminal. Diagnostic Aids
4. Verify the test lamp turns ON and OFF when Inspect for any of the following conditions:
commanding the ECM Malfunction indicator Lamp 1 insufficient fuel can cause a no start condition.
(MlL) ON and OFF with a scan tool. Thoroughly inspect the fuel delivery system for
2 If the test lamp is always OFF sufficient fuel volume to the fuel injectors. Inspect
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness the fuel supply components for partial blockage or
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module, restrictions.
ignition ON. 1 Fuel injectors with partially blocked and restricted
4.2. Test for less than 1 V between the control nozzles, or a malfunctioning solenoid, can cause a
circuit and ground. no start condition. Refer to Fuel InjectorDiagnosis
on page 91520.
2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
1 There may be fuel spray at the fuel injectors and
the circuit.
the indicated fuel pressure may be correct, yet
U Ifless than 1 V there may not be enough fuel to start the engine.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 'i.8L (LUW, LWE) 91517
Ifthe fuel injectors and the injector circuit are OK, 1 EL 26792 HEI Spark Tester
and fuel spray is detected, the fuel injector ON 1 J 34730-20 InjectorTest Lamp
time may be inadequate. Ifthe ECM receives
incorrect inputs from the various information For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
sensors, the fuel delivered by the fuel injectors page 91593.
may be inadequate to start the engine. Check all CircuitlSystem Testing
the engine data parameters with a scan tool and
compare the values indicated with the expected Note: This diagnostic assumes the following:
values or the values from a known vehicle in good 1 The battery is completely charged.
1 The engine cranking speed is acceptable.
1 Check the crankshaft position sensor engine
reference signal with a scan tool. Observe the 1 There is adequate fuel in the fuel tank.
engine speed parameter while cranking the 1. Crank the engine for up to 15 s.
engine. The scan tool should indicate a steady 2. Verify that DTC P0117, P0118, P0122, P0123,
200—300RPM while cranking. If erratic values, P018C, P018D, P0222, P0223, P0231, P0232,
such as sudden spikes in the engine speed, are P023F, P025A, P0335, P0336, P0513, P0562,
displayed, the engine reference signal is not P0563, P0601, P0602, P0603, P0604, P0606,
stable enough for the engine to start and run P0628, P0629, P062F, P0633, P0685, P0689,
properly. P0690, P1516, P1631, P1682, P16F3, P2101,
1 Inspect the engine for good secure electrical P2119, or P2610 are not set.
grounds. 2 If any of the DTCs are set
1 if the engine almost starts and then stalls, check Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
for an open in the ground circuits of the crankshaft Vehicle on page 6169.
position sensor and the camshaft position sensor
—Intakeor camshaft position sensor —Exhaust. U If none of the DTCs are set
1 Water or foreign material in the fuel can cause a 3. ignition ON
no start or engine will not stay running condition. 4. Verify the security indicator on the instrument
During freezing weather water can freeze inside cluster illuminates momentarily.
the fuel system. The engine may start after 30 min 2 If the security indicator stays ON or is flashing
in a heated repair shop. The malfunction may not
recur until parked overnight in freezing Review the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List
temperatures. Extreme weather conditions can - Vehicle on page 6169for Immobilizer system
cause contaminated fuel to prevent the vehicle DTCs. For additional information, refer to
from starting. Immobilizer Description and Operation on
1 A vehicle that starts and runs after being brought page 13-31.
to the repair shop for a no start condition, may U If the security indicator does not stay ON and is
have an ignition system that is susceptible to not flashing
moisture. Spray water on the ignition system 5. Verify the scan tool Engine Speed parameter
components and the wiring in order to check for an displays greater than 0 rpm while cranking the
engine starting or will not stay running concern. engine.
Reference Information 2 If 0 rpm
Refer to DTC P0325, P0327, or P0328 (LUW)
Schematic Reference on page 91404.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314 U If greater than 0 rpm
Connector End View Reference Note: Itmay be necessary to secure the EN 36012—A
to the spark plug boots with electrical tape.
Component Connector End Views on page 111269
6. Installthe EN 36012—A IgnitionSystem Diagnostic
Electrical Information Reference Harness to the spark plug boots.
1 Circuit Testingon page 111526 7. Connect the EL 26792 Spark Tester between the
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548 boot of a spark plug wire and ground.
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 8. Connect the remaining wires to the appropriate
Connections on page 111531 cylinders.
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537 Note: An erratic or weak spark is considered a no
spark condition.
Scan Tool Reference
9. Verify the spark tester sparks while cranking the
Control Module References on page 613for scan tool engine. -
information 2 If the spark tester does not spark
Special Tools Refer to Electronic Ignition System Diagnosis
1 CH48027 Digital Pressure Gauge on page 91527for diagnosis of the ignition coil.
1 EN 36012—A IgnitionSystem Diagnostic Harness U If the spark tester sparks

91518 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
10. ignition OFF, all accessories OFF, install the Fuel System Diagnosis
CH 48027 Digital Pressure Gauge.
11. IgnitionON. Diagnostic Instructions
Note: Do not start the engine for this test. 1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
12. Command the Fuel Pump Enable ON several procedure.
times with a scan tool.
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
13. Verify that the fuel pressure is between 345- for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
650 kPa (50—94PSI) with the fuel pump running.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
2 If not within the specified range provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
Refer to Fuel System Diagnosis on page 91518.
CircuitlSystem Description
U If within the specified range
The engine control module (ECM) supplies voltage to
14. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the fuel pump control module when the ECM detects
a 017 Fuel Injector.
that the ignition is ON. The voltage from the ECM to the
15. Connect the J3473012C InjectorTest Lamp fuel pump control module remains active for 2 8, unless
between the control circuit and the ignition voltage the engine is in Crank or Run. While this voltage is
circuit. being received, the fuel pump control module closes
16. Verify the injector test lamp flashes while cranking the ground switch of the fuel pump and also supplies a
the engine. varying voltage to the fuel tank fuel pump module in
2 If the injector test lamp does not flash order to maintain the desired fuel line pressure.
The fuel system is an electronic returnless on—demand
Refer to Fuel Injector Diagnosis on page 91520.
design. A returnless fuel system reduces the internal
U If the injector test lamp flashes temperature of the fuel tank by not returning hot fuel
17. Verify the following conditions do not exist: from the engine to the fuel tank. Reducing the internal
1 Air intake duct to the throttle body collapsed temperature of the fuel tank results in lower evaporative
1 Air filter or air intake system restricted
The fuel tank stores the fuel supply. An electric turbine
1 Gas or coolant fouled spark plugs. Refer to style fuel pump attaches to the fuel tank fuel pump
Spark Plug Inspection on page 91571. module inside the fuel tank. The fuel pump supplies
1 A skewed manifold absolute pressure (MAP) high pressure fuel through the fuel feed pipe to the fuel
senson injection system. The fuel pump also supplies fuel to a
1 A skewed engine coolant temperature (ECT) venturi pump located on the bottom of the fuel tank fuel
senson pump module. The function of the venturi pump is to fill
the fuel tank fuel pump module reservoir. The fuel tank
1 Exhaust system restricted. Refer to Restricted fuel pump module contains a reverse flow check valve.
Exhaust on page 91734. The check valve maintains fuel pressure in the fuel feed
1 Contaminated fuel. Refer to Alcohol/ pipe and the fuel rail in order to prevent long cranking
Contaminants—in-FuelDiagnosis on times.
page 91523.
1 An engine mechanical condition, for example, Reference Information
worn timing belt or low compression. Refer to Description and Operation
Symptoms 1Engine Mechanical on page 91953.
2 If a condition exists Fuel System Description on page 91584
Repair as necessary. Electrical Information Reference
U If no condition exists 1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
18. All OK. 1 Connector Repairs on page 111548
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Repair Verification
Connections on page 111531
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on 1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
page 6192after completing the repair.
Spark Plug Replacement on page 91573 Scan Tool Reference
Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
Special Tools
1 CH 48027 Digital Pressure Gauge
1 EN 37287 Fuel Line Shut—offAdapter
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools
(Diagnostic Tools) on page 91308.

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91519
CircuitlSystem Verification 9. Verify the Fuel Pump Control Module Fuel
Pressure Sensor parameter is between 300-
400 kPa (43—58psi).
Repair all fuel system related DTCs before If less than 300 kPa (43 psi)
performing this diagnostic.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing 1 Fuel
inspect the fuel system for damage or external Pressure Low.
leaks before proceeding.
Verify that adequate fuel is in the fuel tank before if greater than 400 kPa (58 psi)
proceeding. Replace the G12 Fuel Pump.
The Fuel Pump Enable may need to be If between 300—400kPa (43—58psi)
commanded On a few times in order to obtain the . Operate the vehicle within the conditions of the
highest possible fuel pressure. customer's concern while monitoring the fuel
Before proceeding with this test review the User pressure with the CH 48027 Gauge.
Manual CH 48027—5for Safety Informationand . Verify the fuel pressure does not drop off during
instructions. acceleration, cruise or hard cornering.
1. ignition OFF, all accessories OFF, install a if the fuel pressure drops off
CH 48027 Gauge.
Note: DO NOT perform the Fuel System Diagnosis if Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing 1 Fuel Pressure
Drops Of‘f.
the engine coolant temperature is above 60°C (150°F).
High fuel pressure readings may result due to hot soak If the fuel pressure does not drop off
fuel boiling. With the engine OFF, the fuel pressure may . if the fuel system components test normal, refer to
increase beyond the pressure relief regulator valve's Symptoms 1Engine Controls on page 91511and
setting point of 690 kPa (100 psi) i 5 percent. Fuel Injector Diagnosis on page 91520.
2. IgnitionON, engine OFF, command the Fuel Pump CircuitlSystem Testing
Enable On several times with a scan tool.
3. Verify the fuel pressure is between 345—650kPa Fuel Pressure Low
(50—94psi) with the fuel pump running. 1. Verify none of the conditions listed below exist:
If less than 345 kPa (50 psi) 1 Restricted fuel feed pipe
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing - Fuel 1 Inspect the harness connectors and the ground
Pressure Low. circuits of the fuel pump for poor connections.
lf greater than 650 kPa (94 psi) 2 if a condition exists
Replace the G12 Fuel Pump. Repair as necessary.
If between 345—650kPa (50—94psi) U If none of the conditions exist
. Verify that the fuel pressure decreases to less than Replace the G12 Fuel Pump.
600 kPa (87 psi) after the fuel pump is turned off.
Fuel Pressure Leaks Down
If greater than 600 kPa (87 psi)
1. Ignition OFF, relieve the fuel pressure. Refer to
Replace the G12 Fuel Pump. Fuel Pressure Relief on page 91253.
If less than 600 kPa (87 psi) 2. install the EN 37287 Adapter between the chassis
. Verify that the fuel pressure does not decrease fuel feed hose and the engine compartment fuel
more than 34 kPa (5 psi) in 1 minute. feed pipe.
if greater than 34 kPa (5 psi) 91°Open the valve on the EN37287Adapter.
IgnitionON, command the Fuel Pump Enable On
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing 1 Fuel Pressure
with a scan tool and bleed the air from the
Leaks Down.
CH 48027 Gauge.
If less than 34 kPa (5 psi) . Command the Fuel Pump Enable On and then Off
. Relieve the fuel pressure to 69 kPa (10 psi). with a scan tool.
. Verify that the fuel pressure does not decrease . Close the valve on the EN37287 Adapter.
more than 14 kPa (2 psi) in 5 min. Verify that the fuel pressure does not decrease
If greater than 14 kPa (2 psi) more than 34 kPa (5 psi) in 1 min.
Replace the G12 Fuel Pump. lf greater than 34 kPa (5 psi)
if less than 14 kPa (2 psi) Locate and replace the leaking 017 Fuel
Engine idling at normal operating temperature. Injector.
If less than 34 kPa (5 psi)
Replace the G12 Fuel Pump.

91520 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
Fuel Pressure Drops Off 1 Monitoring the Current Misfire Counters, or misfire
1. Verify none of the conditions listed below exist: graph, may help to isolate the fuel injector that is
causing the condition.
1 Restricted fuel feed pipe
1 inspect the harness connectors and the ground Reference Information
circuits of the fuel pump for poor connections.
Schematic Reference
2 If a condition exists
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314
Repair as necessary.
U If none of the conditions exist Connector End View Reference
Replace the G12 Fuel Pump. Component Connector End Views on page 111269

Repair Instructions Description and Operation

Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on Fuel System Description on page 91584
page 6192after completing the diagnostic procedure. Electrical Information Reference
1 Fuel Feed Pipe Replacement on page 91557
1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
1 Fuel Injector Replacement on page 91562
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548
1 Fuel Tank Fuel Pump Module Replacement (Steel
Tank)on page 91559 1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 111531
Fuel Injector Diagnosis 1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537

Diagnostic Instructions Special Tools

1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle 1 CH 48027 Digital Pressure Gauge
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic 1 EL 39021 Fuel InjectorCoil and Balance Tester
procedure. For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158 page 91593.
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159 Fuel Injector Coil Test
provides an overview of each diagnostic category. Verify the resistance of each 017 Fuel Injectorwith one
of the following methods:
CircuitlSystem Description 1 if the engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is
The engine control module (ECM) enables the between 10—32°C(50—90°F),the resistance of
appropriate fuel injector pulse for each cylinder. The each fuel injector should be 11—14Q. Ifthe
ignition voltage is supplied directly to the fuel injectors. injectors measure OK, perform the Fuel injector
The ECM controls each fuel injector by grounding the Balance Test.
control circuit via a solid state device called a driver. 2 Ifnot within the specified range, replace the
A fuel injector coil winding resistance that is too high or 017 Fuel Injector.
too low will affect the engine driveability. A fuel injector
control circuit DTC may not set, but a misfire may be 1 If the ECT sensor is not between 10—32°C(50—90°
apparent. The fuel injector coil windings are affected by F), measure and record the resistance of each fuel
temperature. The resistance of the fuel injector coil injector. Subtract the lowest resistance value from
windings will increase as the temperature of the fuel the highest resistance value. The difference
injector increases. between the lowest value and the highest value
should be equal to or less than 3 Q. Ifthe injectors
When performing the fuel injector balance test with the measure OK, perform the Fuel injector
fuel injector tester or the scan tool, the scan tool is first Balance Test.
used to enable the fuel pump. The fuel injector tester or
the scan tool is then used to pulse each injector for a 2 if not within the specified range, add all of the
precise amount of time, allowing a measured amount of fuel injector resistance values to obtain a total
fuel to be injected. This causes a drop in the system resistance value. Divide the total resistance
fuel pressure that can be recorded and used to value by the number of fuel injectors to obtain
compare each injector. an average resistance value. Subtract the
lowest individual fuel injector resistance value
Diagnostic Aids from the average resistance value. Compute
1 Operating the vehicle over a wide temperature the difference between the highest individual
range may help isolate the fuel injector that is fuel injector resistance value and the average
causing the condition. resistance value. Replace the 017 Fuel injector
that displays the greatest difference above or
1 Perform the fuel injector coil test within the below the average.
conditions of the concern from the customer.
A fuel injector condition may only be apparent at a
certain temperature, or under certain conditions.

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91521
Fuel Injector Balance Test with Fuel Injector Balance Test with
Special Tool Scan Tool
Note: 1. Verify the correct fuel system pressure. Refer to
Fuel System Diagnosis on page 91518.
1 DO NOT perform this test if the engine coolant
temperature (ECT) is above 94°C (201°F). 2. Command the Fuel Pump Relay On and then Off
irregular fuel pressure readings may result due three times with a scan tool. On the last command,
to hot soak fuel boiling. as the fuel pressure begins to slowly degrade and
stabilize, select a fuel pressure within 34 kPa
1 Verify that adequate fuel is in the fuel tank
(5 psi) of the maximum pump pressure. Record this
before proceeding with this diagnostic.
fuel pressure. This is the starting pressure at which
1 Before proceeding with this test review the User you will pulse each injector.
Manual CH 48027-5 for Safety Informationand
3. With a scan tool, select the Fuel Injector Balance
Test function within the Special Functions menu.
1. Verify the correctfuel system pressure. Refer to
4. Select an injector to be tested.
Fuel System Diagnosis on page 91518.
5. Press Enter to prime the fuel system.
2. Set the amperage supply selector switch on the
fuel injector tester to the Balance Test 0.5425 A 6. Energize the fuel injector by depressing the Pulse
position. Injectorbutton on the scan tool at the previously
3. Connect the EL 39021 fuel injector coil and selected pressure.
balance tester to a 017 Fuel injector. ' 7. After the injector stops pulsing, select Min from the
4. Command the Fuel Pump Relay On and then Off Display Mode on the CH 48027 gauge and record
the Min pressure.
three times with a scan tool. On the last command,
as the fuel pressure begins to slowly degrade and Note: New test results will not be recorded if the Min/
stabilize, select a fuel pressure within 34 kPa Max results are not cleared after each injector is tested.
(5 psi) of the maximum pump pressure. Record this 8. Clear the Min/Max results on the CH48027 gauge.
fuel pressure. This is the starting pressure at which
you will pulse each injector. 9. Select Normal from the Display Mode on the
OH 48027 gauge.
5. Command the Fuel Pump Relay On one more time
and energize the fuel injector by depressing the 10. Press Enter on the scan tool to bring you back to
Push to Start Test button on the EL 39021 fuel the Select Injectorscreen.
injector coil and balance tester at the previously 11. Repeat steps 4 through 10 for each fuel injector.
selected pressure. 12. Subtract the minimum pressure from the starting
6. After the injector stops pulsing, select Min from the pressure for one fuel injector.The result is the
Display Mode on the OH 48027 gauge and record pressure drop value.
the Min pressure. 13. Obtain a pressure drop value for each fuel injector.
Note: New test results will not be recorded if the Min/ 14. Add all of the individual pressure drop values
Max results are not cleared after each injector is tested. except for the injector suspected of being faulty.
7. Clear the Min/Max results on the CH 48027 gauge. This is the total pressure drop.
8. Select Normal from the Display Mode on the 15. Divide the total pressure drop by the number offuel
CH 48027 gauge. injectors that were added together. This is the
average pressure drop. The difference between
9. Repeat steps 3 and 5 through 8 for each fuel any individual pressure drop and the average
injector. pressure drop should not be more than
10. Subtract the minimum pressure from the starting 20 kPa (3 psi).
pressure for one fuel injector. The result is the 2 if the difference between any individual
pressure drop value. pressure drop and the average pressure drop is
11. Obtain a pressure drop value for each fuel injector. more than 20 kPa (3 psi), replace the 017 Fuel
12. Add all ofthe individual pressure drop values Injector.
except for the injector suspected of being faulty.
This is the total pressure drop. Repair Instructions
13. Divide the total pressure drop by the number of fuel Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
injectors that were added together. This is the page 6192after completing the diagnostic procedure.
average pressure drop. The difference between Fuel Injector Replacement on page 91562
any individual pressure drop and the average
pressure drop should not be more than
20 kPa (3 psi).
2 if the difference between any individual
pressure drop and the average pressure drop is
more than 20 kPa (3 psi), replace the 017 Fuel

91522 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Fuel Injector Circuit Diagnosis

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.

Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
P0201*,P0202*, P0203“,
. . Voltage P0203*,P0204*, P0204”,
Ignition P0261*,P0264*, P0261**, — -
P0267*,P0270* P0264”,
Injector1 Control P0201,P0261 P0201,P0300 P0262,P0300
injector2 Control P0202,P0264 P0202,P0300 P0265,P0300
injector3 Control P0203,P0267 P0203,P0300 P0268,P0300
Injector4 Control P0204,P0270 P0204,P0300 P0271,P0300
**Cranks nostartif theconditionis betweenthefuseandthesplice.

CircuitlSystem Description CircuitlSystem Verification

The engine control module (ECM) enables the 1. Engine cranking or running.
appropriate fuel injector pulse for each cylinder. Ignition 2. Verify the scan tool parameters listed below do not
voltage is supplied to the fuel injectors. The ECM display Malfunction.
controls each fuel injector by grounding the control 1 Cylinder 1—4Injector Control Circuit Low
circuit via a solid state device called a driver. Voltage Test Status
Reference Information 1 Cylinder 1—4InjectorControl Circuit Open Test
Status ‘
Schematic Reference Circuit High
1 Cylinder 1—14 InjectorControl
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314 Voltage Test Status
Connector End View Reference 2 If Malfunction is displayed
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Component Connector End Views on page 111269
U If Malfunction is not displayed
Electrical Information Reference
3. All OK.
1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
CircuitlSystem Testing
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at
Connections on page 111531 a 017 Fuel Injector,ignition ON.
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537 2. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the ignition
circuit terminal1 and ground.
Scan Tool Reference 2 If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
Control Module References on page 613 circuit fuse is good
2.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp.
Special Tool
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ignition circuit end
CH 34730120 Noid Light to end.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91523
2 If less than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and 2 Ifinfinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
there is voltage at the fuse. Control Module.
if the test lamp does not illuminate and the U If the CH 3473012C turns ON and OFF
circuit fuse is open 7. Test or replace the 017 Fuel Injector.
2.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp.
2.2. Test for infinite resistance between the ignition Component Testing
circuit and ground. Fuel Injector Diagnosis on page 91520
2 If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to Repair Instructions
ground on the circuit.
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
2 If infinite resistance, test all components page 6192after completing the repair.
connected to the ignition voltage circuit for a
short and replace as necessary. 1 Fuel InjectorReplacement on page 91562
1 Control Module References on page 613for
If the test lamp illuminates
Engine Control Module replacement,
Verify that a test lamp does not illuminate between programming, and setup.
the ignition circuit1 and the control circuit2.
If the test lamp illuminates Alcohol/Contaminants-in-Fuel
3.1. ignition OFF, remove the test lamp, disconnect Diagnosis
the harness connector at the K20 Engine
Control Module. Diagnostic Instructions
3.2. Test for infinite resistance between the control 1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
circuit and ground. on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
2 If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to procedure.
ground on the circuit. 1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
2 If infinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
Control Module. 1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
If the test lamp does not illuminate provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
Ignition OFF, connect the CH 34730120 Noid Light Test Description
to a fuel injector connector.
Water contamination in the fuel system may cause
Engine cranking. driveability conditions such as hesitation, stalling, no
Verify the CH 34730120 Noid Light turns ON and start, or misfires in one or more cylinders. Water may
OFF for each fuel injector connector. collect near a single fuel injector at the lowest point in
If the CH 34730-2C is always OFF the fuel injection system and cause a misfire in that
cylinder. Ifthe fuel system is contaminated with water,
6.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the CH 34730120 Noid inspect the fuel system components for rust or
Light, disconnect the harness connector at the deterioration.
K20 Engine Control Module, ignition ON.
Ethanol concentrations of greater than 10 percent can
6.2. Test for less than 1 V between the control cause driveability conditions and fuel system
circuit and ground. deterioration. Fuel with more than 10 percent ethanol
2 lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on could result in driveability conditions such as hesitation,
the circuit. lack of power, stalling, or no start. Excessive
U If less than 1 V concentrations of ethanol used in vehicles not designed
for it may cause fuel system corrosion, deterioration of
6.3. IgnitionOFF. rubber components, and fuel filter restriction.
6.4. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end
to end. Reference Information
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance Special Tool
in the circuit.
CH 44175—AFuel Composition Tester, if available
2 If less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Module. For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 91593.
If the CH 34730120 is always ON
6.1. ignition OFF, remove the CH 34730120 Noid System Verification
Light, disconnect the harness connector at the The fuel sample should be drawn from the bottom of
K20 Engine Control Module. the tank so that any water present in the tank will be
6.2. Test for infinite resistance between the control detected. The sample should be bright and clear.
circuit and ground. 2 if the sample appears cloudy, or contaminated with
2 If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to water, as indicated by a water layer at the bottom of
ground on the circuit. the sample, perform the Particulate Contaminants
in Fuel Testing Procedure.

91524 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
2 Ifalcohol contamination is suspected, perform the Repair Instructions
Alcohol in Fuel Testing procedure.
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
Alcohol in Fuel Testing with Special page 6192after completing the diagnostic procedure.
Tool, lf Available 1 Fuel System Cleaning on page 91562
1 Fuel Tank Draining on page 91551
1. Test the fuel composition using the CH 44175-A
Fuel Composition Tester and the Instruction
Manual. Evaporative Emission Control
2. if water appears in the fuel sample, clean the fuel System Diagnosis
Special Tools
3. Subtract 50 from the reading on the DMM in order
to obtain the percentage ofalcohol in the fuel EN 41413-VLV EVAP Service Port Vent Fitting
Operating Instructions for the
4. Ifthe fuel sample contains more than 15 percent
ethanol, add fresh, regular gasoline to the vehicle's Evaporative Emission System
fuel tank. Tester (EEST)
5. Test the fuel composition. Vehicle Setup
6. Iftesting shows the ethanol percentage is still more Warning: Refer to Fuel and Evaporative Emission
than 15 percent, replace the fuel in the vehicle. Pipe Warning on page 014.
Alcohol in Fuel Testing without Caution: Refer to Clean, Dry, Low Pressure Gas
Special Tool Source Caution on page 018.
1. Using a 100 ml (3.38 oz) specified cylinder with Note: A large difference between the vehicle
1 ml (0.034 oz) graduation marks, fill the cylinder temperature and shop temperature will seriously affect
with fuel to the 90 ml (3.04 oz) mark. the accuracy of the tests. Always allow at least 15 min
for the vehicle temperature to adjust to the shop
2. Add 10 ml (0.34 oz) of water in order to bring the temperature. Refer to Temperature Variation
total fluid volume to 100 ml (3.38 oz) and install a Instructions for more information about vehicle versus
stopper. shop temperatures.
3. Shake the cylinder vigorously for 10—15 seconds.
1. Engine OFF, open the hood. Position a large fan to
4. Carefully loosen the stopper in order to release the blow air under the vehicle onto the fuel tank area.
2. Connect the red battery clip from the tester to the
5. Re-in‘stall the stopper and shake the cylinder positive battery terminal.
vigorously again for 10—15seconds.
Note: The vehicle battery must be fully charged for
6. Put the cylinder on a level surface for optimum tester performance.
approximately 5 min in order to allow adequate
liquid separation. lf alcohol is present in the fuel, 3. Connect the black battery clip from the tester to
the volume of the lower layer, which would now chassis ground.
contain both alcohol and water, will be more than
10 ml (0.34 02). For example, ifthe volume of the Flow Meter Test — Leak Detection
lower layer is increased to 15 ml (0.51 oz), this Caution: Refer to Fuel and Evaporative Emission
indicates at least 5 percent alcohol in the fuel. The Hose/Pipe Connection Cleaning Caution on page 018.
actual amount of alcohol may be somewhat more 1. Open the Nitrogen tank valve and turn the
because this procedure does not extract all of the NlTROGEN/SMOKE valve on the front control
alcohol from the fuel. panel to NITROGEN.
Particulate Contaminants in Fuel 2. Connect the hose to the correct test orifice on the
bottomfront of the tester. For orifice size, refer to
Testing Procedure the vehicle specific information found in service
1. Using an approved fuel container, draw procedures for DTCs that relate to evaporative
approximately 0.5 liter (0.53 qt) of fuel. emission (EVAP) system leaks.
2. Place the container on a level surface for 3. Press and release the remote switch to activate the
approximately 5 min in order to allow settling of the tester.
particulate contamination. Particulate Note: The tester will time out after about 15 min. You
contamination will show up in various shapes and may press the remote switch to reactivate the tester as
colors. Sand will typically be identified by a white or desired.
light brown crystals. Rubberwill appear as black
and irregular particles. 4. Position the sliding red flag on the flow meter to
3. Observe the fuel sample. Ifany physical align with the floating indicator. When the red flag
contaminants or water are present, clean the fuel is set, press and release the remote switch to
system. deactivate the tester.
5. Remove the hose from the test orifice and install
the hose onto the vehicle. For proper connection
location, and the special tool numbers for any

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91525
adapters that may be required, refer to the service observed. Then close the system and continue
procedures for DTCs that relate to EVAP system testing. if using a special tool fuel fill cap adapter at
leaks. the filler neck, vent the system at the service port,
6. Ignition ON, seal the EVAP system per instructions with special tool EN 414131VLV EVAP Service Port
in the service procedures for DTCs that relate to Vent Fitting, until smoke is observed then remove
EVAP system leaks. Most systems can be sealed the vent fitting tool and close the system to
using a scan tool output control for the EVAP vent continue with the test.
solenoid valve, other systems require that the vent Note: inject smoke in less than 2 min cycles for
system be plugged. optimum tester performance.
Note: 6. Press and release the remote switch to deactivate
1 Larger volume fuel tanks, and/or those with the tester.
lower fuel levels, may require several minutes Note: For optimum visual smoke performance,
to fill with nitrogen. deactivate the smoke flow and allow the system
1 Static buildup may cause the float indicator to pressure to drop. Allowing the smoke to exit small holes
stick. Itmay be necessary to tap on the flow at a low flow rate greatly enhances visibility.
meter to free up the float. 7. Introduce smoke into the system for an additional
1 Iffuel level is 90 %or greater it will take longer 60 3. Continue introducing smoke at 15 s intervals,
to fill the system with smoke because the fuel fill as necessary.
tube check valve will be closed and force any 8. Using a high—intensitywhite light, inspect the entire
smoke to pass through the ORVR pipe and EVAP system path, and look for the source of the
orifice. leak indicated by the exiting smoke. Introduce
7. Press and release the remote switch to activate the smoke at 15 8 intervals, as needed, until leak
nitrogen flow and fill the system. source is identified.
8. Compare the stable floating indicator position to
the red flag. Temperature Variation Instructions
1 Below the red flag, the result is acceptable, The Concern
Pass. Test complete ideal circumstances for conducting the EVAP flow
1 Above the red flag, the result is unacceptable, meter test require equal temperatures between the
Fail. Go to the Smoke Procedure nitrogen gas and the vehicle EVAP system. Significant
9. Press and release the remote switch to deactivate differences in temperature between them can result in a
the tester. flow or pressure change during testing, causing
misleading results. Typically, the EEST is stored
Smoke Procedure — Locate the Leak indoors, approximately 21°C (70°F). Vehicles brought
Note: Itis not recommended to use the tester in an in for diagnosis may have an EVAP system at
outside repair bay area because wind and sunlight may significantly different temperatures.
affect temperature and your ability to see the smoke. For Example
1. Turn OFF any fans that may cause air movement Note: With no temperature difference between the
around or near the vehicle. nitrogen gas and EVAP system, the resulting vehicle
Note: Completely unwind the nitrogen/smoke hose EVAP system pressure will remain stable at 3.2 kPa,
from the bracket to optimize the tester's performance. 13in. H2O (0.5 PSI) once pressurized, providing no
leaks are present.
2. Connect the nitrogen/smoke hose to the vehicle as
directed in the service procedures. Some vehicles When the EVAP flow meter tests are performed with
require that the nitrogen/smoke hose be connected significant differences in temperature between the
at the front of the EVAP system at the EVAP nitrogen gas and the vehicle EVAP system, the
service port.An adapter may be necessary. Other following results can occur:
vehicles require the connection be made at the 1 An increase in flow during the flow meter test can
rear of the system using an adapter at the fuel fill be caused by a vehicle’s warm EVAP system
cap. Consult the service procedures for DTCs that cooling down.
relate to evaporative emission (EVAP) system 1 A decrease in flow during the flow meter test can
leaks for vehicle specific instructions regarding be caused by a vehicle’s cool EVAP system
connection location and adapters. ‘ warming up.
3. Open the nitrogen tank valve and turn the nitrogen/
smoke valve on the control panel to smoke. The Solution
Note: The remote switch operates on a push ON, push When working on a vehicle with significant temperature
OFF fashion. differences between the vehicle EVAP system and the
nitrogen gas, allow the vehicle EVAP system
4. Press and release the remote switch to activate the temperature to stabilize as close as possible to the
tester and inject smoke into the EVAP system. temperature of the nitrogen gas before conducting the
5. Verify smoke has filled the EVAP system by Flow Meter Test.
opening the system opposite the end where smoke
is injected. When injecting smoke at the service
port, remove the fuel fill cap until smoke is

91526 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Intake Manifold Runner Control DTC Type Reference

System Diagnosis Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6168
Diagnostic Instructions
Scan Tool Reference
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic Control Module References on page 613for scan tool
procedure. information
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158 CircuitlSystem Verification
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1. IgnitionON, observe the scan tool DTC
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159 information. Verify that DTCs P0660, P2070,
provide an overview of each diagnostic category. P2071, P2076, P2077, or P2078 are not set.
CircuitlSystem Description 2 Ifany of the DTCs are set, refer to Diagnostic
An intake manifold tuning solenoid valve is used to Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle on
change the intake manifold plenum configuration. page 6169.
When the intake manifold tuning solenoid valve is 2. Command the Intake Manifold Tuning Valve ON
open, the intake manifold is configured to one large with a scan tool. The intake manifold tuning valve
plenum. When the intake manifold tuning solenoid actuator should move to the closed position.
valve is closed, the intake manifold is configured to 2
smaller plenums. The intake manifold tuning solenoid CircuitlSystem Testing
valve improves engine performance at low and high 1. Inspect the linkage between the 022 Intake
engine speeds. Manifold Tuning Solenoid Valve and the valve at
Ignitionvoltage is supplied directly to the intake the intake manifold for the conditions listed below:
manifold tuning solenoid valve. The engine control 1 Linkage for being connected
module (ECM) controls the solenoid by grounding the 1 Linkage binding
control circuit with a solid state device called a driver.
The driver is equipped with a feedback circuit that is 1 Interference with hoses, wiring, or any other
pulled up to a voltage. The ECM can determine if the components
control circuit is open, shorted to ground, or shorted to 2 Ifa condition is found, repair as necessary.
a voltage by monitoring the feedback voltage. 2. Remove the linkage from the 022 Intake Manifold
The intake manifold tuning solenoid valve also contains Tuning Solenoid Valve.
a position sensor which is used to detect the actual 3. Ignition ON, disconnect the harness connector at
position of the intake manifold tuning solenoid valve in ' the 022 intake Manifold Tuning Solenoid Valve
relation to its commanded position. The ECM supplies and then reconnect. The 022 Intake Manifold
the intake manifold tuning solenoid valve position Tuning Solenoid Valve should move. Repeat
sensor with a 5 V signal circuit and the position sensor procedure several times.
uses a common ground circuit. The position sensor
enables the ECM to detect a physically broken or stuck 2 Ifthe solenoid did not move, replace the intake
intake manifold tuning solenoid valve. manifold. ’
4. Inspect the inside of the intake manifold for the
Diagnostic Aids following conditions:
Itthe condition is intermittent,move the related 1 Carbon build—upthat limits the movement of the
harnesses and connectors, with the engine operating, 022 Intake Manifold Tuning Solenoid Valve.
while monitoring the scan tool circuit test status 1 Casting flash that limits the movement of the
parameters for the component. A circuit test status Q22 Intake Manifold Tuning Solenoid Valve.
parameter will change from OK or Not Run to
1 Foreign material that limits the movement of the
Malfunction if there is a condition with the circuit or a
Q22 Intake Manifold Tuning Solenoid Valve.
2 if a condition is found, repair as necessary.
Reference Information 5. Ifall components test normal, clean or replace the
Schematic Reference intake manifold.

Engine Contro/s Schematics on page 91314 Repair Instructions

Connector End View Reference Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6192after completing the repair.
Component Connector End Views on page 111269 Intake Manifold Replacement (LUW) on page 91981or
Electrical information Reference Intake Manifold Replacement (LDE) on page 91978
1 Circuit Testing on page 111526
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 111531
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91527
Electronic Ignition System Diagnosis 2 if less than 2 Q, repair the open/high resistance
in the ground connection.
Diagnostic Instructions U If less than 5 Q
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle 3. Test for less than 5 Q between the low reference
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic circuit terminal C and ground.
procedure. 2 If 5 Q or greater
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
3.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X2 harness
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
3.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
circuit end to end.
CircuitlSystem Description 2 It2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
This ignition system uses an ignition coil module. The in the circuit.
engine control module (ECM) controls the spark events 2 if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
by transmittingthe timing pulses on the ignition control Module.
(lC) circuits to the cylinder ignition coils in firing order
U If less than 5 Q
4. ignition ON.
Diagnostic Aids 5. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the ignition
1 An open/high resistance on the low reference circuit terminal A and ground.
circuit to the ignition coil may cause a misfire. 2 If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
1 An erratic or weak spark is considered a no spark circuit fuse is good
condition. 5.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp.
Reference Information 5.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ignition circuit end
to end.
Schematic Reference 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Engine Controls Schematics on page 91314 in the circuit.
Connector End View Reference 2 Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and
there is voltage at the fuse.
Component Connector End Views on page 111269 2 If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
Description and Operation circuit fuse is open
Note: The ignition circuit may supply voltage to other
Electronic IgnitionSystem Description on page 91591 components. Make sure to test all circuits and
Electrical Information Reference components for a short to ground that share the ignition
1 Circuit Testingon page 111526
1 Connector Repairs on page 111548 5.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp, and
disconnect all components on the circuit.
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 111531 5.2. Test for infinite resistance between the ignition
circuit and ground.
1 Wiring Repairs on page 111537
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
Scan Tool Reference ground on the circuit.
Control Module References on page 613 U lfinfinite resistance
5.3. Replace the fuse, ignition ON.
CircuitlSystem Testing
5.4. Verify the fuse is good after connecting each
Note: Do not perform this diagnostic procedure unless of the components one at a time.
you were sent here from a misfire DTC or the Engine
Cranks But Does Not Run diagnostic. 2 Ifthe fuse opens, replace the component that
opens the fuse when connected.
1. ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF, 2 Ifthe fuse is good, all OK.
disconnect the harness connector at the
K35 IgnitionCoil Module. it may take up to 2 min U If the test lamp illuminates
for all vehicle systems to power down. 6. Replace the K35 Ignition Coil Module.
2. Test for less than 5 Q between the ground circuit
terminal B and ground. Repair Instructions
2 If 5 Q or greater Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6192after completing the repair.
2.1. IgnitionOFF.
1 Ignition Coil Replacement on page 91570
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ground circuit end
to end. ‘ 1 Control Module References on page 613for
engine control module replacement, programming,
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance and setup.
in the circuit.

91528 Engine Controis/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

lnspection/Maintenance System 1 The battery has been disconnected or discharged

below operating voltage.
Check 1 The engine control module (ECM) power or
Diagnostic Instructions ground has been interrupted.
1 The ECM has been reprogrammed.
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic 1 The ECM DTCs have been cleared.
Conditions for Clearing l/M Test DTCs
1 Review Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle on
page 6166for an overview of the diagnostic 1. Only the OBD IISystem can erase the UM Test
approach. DTC. The OBD ll system must determine that the
malfunction that caused the UM Test DTC to be
1 Diagnostic Procedure instructions on page 6159 stored is no longer present and is not commanding
provides an overview of each diagnostic category. the MIL. Each of the following represents ways to
Description clear an I/MTest DTC:
1 Ifthe MIL goes out due to 3 passing drive
Several states require that a vehicle pass on-board cycles, scan tool code clear is not used, the UM
diagnostic (OBD) system tests and the inspection/ Test DTC is erased at power down of the last
maintenance (llM) emission inspection in order to drive cycle.
renew license plates. This is accomplished by viewing
the UM System Status display on a scan tool. Using a 1 if a scan tool code clear is used to turn OFF the
scan tool, the technician can observe the UM System MIL, the UM Test DTC is not erased, the DTC
Status in order to verify that the vehicle meets the must PASS and not FAIL. The I/MTest DTC is
criteria that complies with the local area requirements. erased at power down of the drive cycle.
While testing in the UM System Status mode, some 1 Ifthe controller is reflashed/reprogrammed, all l/
DTCs may occur that are called l/M Test DTCs. An l/M M Test DTCs are erased.
Test DTC is defined as a fault code that is currently 2. For the OBD IISystem to run a single drive cycle
commanding the MIL ON, and is stored in non—volatile for clearing an llM Test DTC, all of the following
memory.The intended use of this data is to prevent conditions must occur:
vehicles from passing l/M inspection without proper
1 Cumulative time of engine run time is greater
repair to the vehicle. These fault codes are not erasable
than 600 s.
from any scan tool command or erasable by
disconnecting power to the controller. The llM Test 1 Cumulative vehicle operation above 40 km/h
DTCs will be supported by all emissions related ECUs (25 mph) for over 300 s.
such as ECMs, TCMs, FPCMs, etc. An l/M Test DTC 1 Continuous vehicle idle for greater than 30 s.
will not be stored or erased from the ECU except at the 1 Turn ignition OFF for 5 s and allow the code to
end of trip processing which occurs 5 s after clear.
ignition OFF.
Monitored Emission Control Systems
Conditions for Updating the UM System
The OBD IIsystem monitors all emission control
Status ‘ systems that are on-board. Not all vehicles need every
Each system monitor requires at least one, and possible emission control system. For example, a
sometimes several, diagnostic tests. The result of each vehicle may not be equipped with secondary air
test is reported by a diagnostic trouble code (DTC). injection (AIR) or exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). The
A system monitor is complete when either all of the OBD ll regulations require monitoring of the following; if
DTCs composing the monitor have Run and Passed, equipped:
or when any one of the DTCs comprising the monitor 1 The air conditioning system
has illuminated the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL).
1 The catalyst efficiency
Once the system monitor is complete, the inspection/
maintenance system status display will indicate YES in 1 Comprehensive component monitoring—emission
the Completed column. related inputs and outputs
For example, when the HO2S Heater Monitor indicates 1 The evaporative emission (EVAP) system
YES, either all of the oxygen sensor heater tests have 1 The fuel delivery system
passed or one of the tests has illuminated the ML. 1 Heated catalyst monitoring
Ifthe vehicle has two heated oxygen sensors, either
both heater circuit tests have passed or one of the 1 Misfire monitoring
heater circuit tests has illuminated the MIL. The 1 The oxygen sensor system (H028)
inspection/maintenance system status will indicate NO 1 The oxygen sensor heater system (H028 heater)
under the completed column when any of the required For the specific DTCs required for each system, refer to
tests for that system have not run. The following is a list lnspection/Maintenance (I/M)System DTC Table on
of conditions that may set the inspection/maintenance page 91530.Systems such as fuel delivery, misfire, and
system status indicator to NO: comprehensive components may not be listed in a
1 The vehicle is new from the factory and has not system status list. These tests run continuously and do
yet been driven through the necessary drive not require an inspection/maintenance system status
conditions to complete the tests. indicator.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91529
Diagnostic Aids lnspection/Maintenance Complete
The I/MSystem Status display provides an indication of System Set Procedure
when the control module has completed the required
tests. This does not necessarily mean that the test has Diagnostic Instructions
passed, only that a decision was made. Ifthe
diagnostic fails, a DTC will indicate the failure. Ifa 1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check 1 Vehicle
failure indication is present for a DTC associated with on page 6166prior to using this diagnostic
one of the UM regulated systems, it may prevent other procedure.
required tests from running. For example, a DTC for the 1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6158
control circuit of the EVAP purge solenoid may not be for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
listed in the lnspection/Maintenance System DTC Table 1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6159
because it is a continuous test. Ifthis DTC is set, the provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
Active Tests for the EVAP system may not run.
The I/MSystem Status information may be useful for a CircuitlSystem Description
technician to determine if diagnostics have run when The purpose of the inspection/maintenance complete
verifying repairs. system set procedure is to satisfy the enable criteria
necessary to execute all of the inspection/maintenance
CircuitlSystem Verification readiness diagnostics and complete the trips for those
Review the UM System Status indicators. All I/M particular diagnostics. When all inspection/
System Status indicators should report YES, and no l/M maintenance monitored diagnostic tests are completed,
Test DTCs should be present. the inspection/maintenance system status indicators
are set to yes. Perform the inspection/maintenance
CircuitlSystem Testing complete system set procedure if any inspection/
Note: Many DTC related repairs will instruct the maintenance system status indicators are set to NO.
technician to clear the DTC information. Clearing the
DTC will reset the UM System Status indicators to NO. Condition for Meeting a Cold Start
Performing the UM Complete System Set Procedure 1 The ignition voltage between 10—18V.
will set each of the UM System Status indicators 1 The barometric pressure (BARO) is more than
to YES. 75 kPa (10.15 PSI).
1. Observe the Engine DTC information with a scan 1 The engine coolant temperature (ECT) at start-up
tool. Verify no DTCs are present. is greater than -5°C (23°F).
2 lfa DTC is set that would prevent the UM 1 The intake air temperature (lAT) at start-up is less
System Status tests from completing, diagnose than 40°C (104°F).
that DTC before continuing. Refer to Diagnostic 1 The difference between the start-up IATand ECT
Trouble Code (DTC) List 1 Vehicle on are within 3°C (5°F)
page 6169. 1 The engine is OFF for greater than 6 h or the
2. Review applicable service bulletins for software following conditions must be met:
updates that would prevent the UM System Status —The start-up IAT minus start—upECT1 are within
tests from completing. 12°C (22°F).
2 Ifa control module re-program or other repair is —The start-up ECT minus start-up IATare within
required, perform the lnspection/Maintenance 50°C (90°F).
Complete System Set Procedure on 1 Fuel level is between 25—75%.
page 91529.
3. Observe the UM System Status indicators. CircuitlSystem Verification
2 if any |/MSystem Status indicators report NO, Review the inspection/maintenance system status ,
performthe Inspection/Maintenance Complete indicators. All inspection/maintenance system status
System Set Procedure on page 91529. indicators should report yes.
4. Observe the UM Test DTC information with a scan
tool. Verify there are no llM Test DTCs present. lnspection/Maintenance System Set
2 Ifan l/M Test DTC is set and all of the UM Procedure
System Status indicators are Yes, there is no Note: Whenever the ignition is turned ON, ignition
need to perform the Complete System Set positive voltage is supplied to the heated oxygen
Procedure. Diagnose the DTC using the sensor (H028) heaters. After verifying the enable
Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List 1 Vehicle criteria, turn OFF the ignition for approximately
on page 6169and refer to Conditions for 5 minutes to allow the sensors to cool before continuing
Clearing the UM Test DTCs.
2 if an llM Test DTC is set and the UM System
Status indicators are NO, diagnosis the DTC
and perform the Inspection/Maintenance
Complete System Set Procedure on
page 91529.

91530 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
with the test. Once the engine is started, do NOT turn Close the hood, release the parking brake and
the engine OFF for the remaining portion of the set drive vehicle at 90 km/h (55 MPH) for 2 min.
procedure. 10. Release the accelerator pedal for at least 10 s.
1. Ensure that the vehicle meets the conditions for a This will allow the vehicle to enter the deceleration
cold start listed above. fuel cut off.
2 if the Evaporative Emission (EVAP) inspection/ 11. Safely stop the vehicle, with the engine in drive for
maintenance system status indicator displays automatic or neutral with the clutch pedal
NO, perform the EVAP Service Bay test if depressed and parking brake applied for manual.
applicable. Allow the vehicle to idle for 2 min.
2. Turn OFF all accessories; HVAC system, other Note: Do NOT disturb the vehicle or turn ON the
electrical loads, including aftermarket/add—on ignition until told to do so. Disturbing the vehicle may
equipment, etc., and open the hood. invalidate this portion of the test.
3. Set the vehicle parking brake and ensure the 12. Shift the vehicle to park for automatic and neutral
vehicle is in park for automatic transmission or for manual. Turn OFF the ignition and exit the
neutral for manual transmission. vehicle. Do NOT disturb the vehicle for 45 min.
4. Turn the ignition ON for1 min. 13. Observe the lnspection/Maintenance System
.0“ Start and idle the engine for 5 m. Status with a scan tool. All of the inspection/
maintenance System Status indicators should
6. Run the engine for 6 min within the following display YES.
2 Ifthe EVAP inspection/maintenance system
1 Calculated airflow is between 9—30g/s. status indicator displays NO, turn OFF the
1 Engine speed is steady between 1 300- ignition, ensure that the vehicle meets the
3 000 RPM. conditions for a cold start, and repeat steps 6
7. Apply and hold brake pedal, and shift to Drive for through 11 three more times, or until the EVAP
automatic, or apply clutch pedal for manual and inspection/maintenance system status indicator
operate the vehicle within the following conditions transitions to yes. if the indicator continues to
for 2 minutes: display NO, refer to the lnspection/Maintenance
1 Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) signal is (I/M)System DTC Table on page 91530to
greater than 12 g/s. identify the DTCs that did not run.
1 Engine speed is greater than 1 000 RPM. 2 Ifany of the inspection/maintenance system
status indicators display NO, refer to the
Note: Do NOT touch the accelerator pedal until told to lnspection/Maintenance (l/M) System DTC
do so. A change in throttle position sensor angle or an Table on page 91530for the indicator which did
increase in engine speed may invalidate this portion of not display yes. The inspection/maintenance
the test. system DTC table identifies the DTCs
8. Release the accelerator pedal and shift the vehicle associated with each inspection/maintenance
to Park for automatic, or Neutral and release clutch system status Indicator.
pedal for manual, and allow the engine to idle
for 2 min.
lnspectionlMaintenance (llM) System DTC Table
System I DTCs Required to Set System Status to YES
Ifan inspection/maintenancesystemstatusindicatordid NOTUpdatetoYES duringthe lnspection/Maintenance SystemCheck
onpage91528, revieweachindicatorandreferencethistabletodetermineeach DTC associatedwiththeinspection/
maintenancesystemstatusindicator.Each DTC listedbelowhas specificconditionsthatmustbe metforthediagnostictorun.
Includedwithintheconditionsare additionalDTCs which,if set,mayinhibittheDTCs listedbelowfromrunning.Reviewingand
operatingthevehiclewithintheconditionsforrunningforeachDTC listedbelowwillallowtheinspection/maintenancesystem
CatalystMonitor DTC P0420onpage91422.
1 DTC P0442onpage91425.
1 DTC P0443onpage91427.
Evaporative 1 DTC P0446onpage91429.
emission(EVAP) - DTC P0449onpage9-431.
1 DTC P0455onpage91436.
1 DTC P0496onpage91438.
1 DTC P0131,P0132,P0134,P0137,P0138,or P0140onpage91378
1 DTC P0133,P013A,P0138, P013E,P013F,P015A,P0158,P2270,or P2271onpage91381.
Oxygensensorheater DTC P0030-P0032,P00361P0038,P0053,P0054,P0135,or P0141onpage91335
CamshaftSystem DTC P0011or P0014onpage91330

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91531

Repair Instructions

Engine Control Module Replacement

Engine Control Module Replacement
Callout Component Name
Note: if theECM is to bereplaced,theECM mustbe RESET (preparedforremoval)priorto removalfromthevehicle.Failingto
resettheECM willresultin thefollowing:
1 InabilitytotesttheECM forwarrantypurposes
1 Inabilitytouse theECM in othervehicles.
1. PreparetheECM forreplacement.Referto ControlModuleReferencesonpage 613.
2. Usinga scantool,retrievethepercentageofremainingengineoil.Recordtheremainingengineoil life.
3. Disconnectthebatterynegativecable.Referto BatteryNegativeCableDisconnectionand Connectiononpage 91713.
1 Procedure
1. Disconnecttheelectricalwiringharnessconnectorsfromtheenginecontrolmodule.
2. Uncliptheenginecontrolmodulebracketfromthebatterytray.
2 Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage 018.
9 Wm(80lb in)

91532 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Engine Control Module Replacement (cont'd)

Callout Component Name
1 TurntheignitionOFF wheninstallingor removingthecontrolmoduleconnectorsanddisconnectingor
orderto preventinternalcontrolmoduledamage.
1 Controlmoduledamagemayresultwhenthemetalcase contactsbatteryvoltage.DO NOTcontactthe
controlmodulemetalcase withbatteryvoltagewhenservicinga controlmodule,usingbatterybooster
cables,or whenchargingthevehiclebattery.
1 Inorderto preventany possibleelectrostaticdischargedamageto thecontrolmodule,do notouchthe
3 connectorpinsor thesolderedcomponentson thecircuitboard.
Inspectthecontrolmoduleconnectorgasketswhendiagnosingor replacingthecontrolmodule.Ensurethat
thegasketsare installedcorrectly.The gasketspreventcontaminantintrusionintothecontrolmodule.
The replacementcontrolmodulemustbe programmed.
1. Removetheenginecontrolmodulefromtheenginecontrolmodulebracket.
2. IfreplacingtheECM, referto ControlModuleReferencesonpage 613forprogrammingandsetup.
Note: Beforeremovingtheenginecontrolmodule(ECM),recordtheoil lifepercentageremaining.Use thescan
toolto resettheEngineOil Liferemainingbacktotheoriginalpercentagerecorded.

Crankshaft Position System Variation 3. With a scan tool, select the Crankshaft Position
System Variation Learn procedure and perform the
Learn following:
Note: The crankshaft position sensor system variation 3.1. Observe the fuel cut-offfor the applicable
learn procedure is required when the following service engine.
procedures have been performed, regardless of 3.2. Block the drive wheels.
whether DTC P0315 is set:
3.3. Set the parking brake.
1 Engine replacement 3.4. Place the vehicles transmission in Park or
1 Engine control module (ECM) replacement Neutral.
1 Crankshaft damper replacement 3.5. Turn the air conditioning (A/C) OFF.
1 Crankshaft replacement 3.6. Cycle the ignition from OFF to ON.
1 Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement 3.7. Apply and hold the brake pedal for the
1 Any engine repairs which disturb the crankshaft to duration ofthe procedure.
crankshaft position sensor relationship 3.8. Start and idle the engine.
Note: The scan tool monitors certain component 3.9. Accelerate to wide open throttle (WOT). The
signals to determine if all the conditions are met to engine should not accelerate beyond the
continue with the crankshaft position sensor system calibrated fuel cut-off RPM value noted in step
variation learn procedure. The scan tool only displays 3.1. Release the throttle immediately if the
the condition that inhibits the procedure. The scan tool value is exceeded.
monitors the following components: Note: While the learn procedure is in progress, release
1 Crankshaft Position Sensor activity —Ifthere is a the throttle immediately when the engine starts to
crankshaft position sensor condition, refer to the deceierate. The engine control is returned to the
applicable DTC that set. operator and the engine responds to throttleposition
after the learn procedure is complete.
1 Camshaft position signal activity —Ifthere is a
camshaft position sensor signal condition, refer to 3.10. Release the throttlewhen fuel cut-offoccurs.
the applicable DTC that set. Note: While the learn procedure is in progress, release
1 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) —if the engine the throttle immediately when the engine starts to
coolant temperature is not warm enough, idle the deceierate. The engine control is returned to the
engine until the engine coolant temperature operator and the engine responds to throttleposition
reaches the correct temperature. after the learn procedure is complete.
1. Install ascantool. 3.11. Accelerate to wide open throttle(WOT). The
2. Monitor the ECM for DTCs with a scan tool. Ifother engine should not accelerate beyond the
DTCs are set, except DTC P0315, refer to calibrated fuel cut-off RPM value noted in
Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle on step 3.1. Release the throttle immediately if
page 6169for the applicable DTC that set. the value is exceeded.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91533
4. The scan tool displays Learn Status: Learned this 1 The engine speed is between 450—4,000RPM.
Ignition.Ifthe scan tool indicates that DTC P0315 1 The manifold absolute pressure (MAP) is greater
ran and passed, the crankshaft position sensor than 5 kPa.
variation learn procedure is complete. Ifthe scan
tool indicates DTC P0315 failed or did not run, refer 1 The mass air flow (MAF) is greater than 2 g/s.
to DTC P0315 (LUW) on page 91400.Ifany other 1 The ignition voltage is greater than 10 volts.
DTCs set, refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)
List - Vehicle on page 6169for the applicable DTC Throttle Learn
that set. Reset Procedure (Performed after the throttle body
5. Turn OFF the ignition for 30 s after the learn is cleaned or replaced)
procedure is completed successfully. 1. IgnitionON, engine OFF, perform the Idle Learn
Reset in Module Setup with a scan tool.
Throttlelldle Learn
2. Start the engine and monitor the TB IdleAirflow
Description Compensation parameter. The TB Idle Airflow
Compensation value should equal 0 percent and
The engine control module (ECM) learns the airflow the engine should be idling at a normal idle speed.
through the throttle body to ensure the correct idle. The
3. Clear the DTCs and return to the diagnostic that
learned airflow values are stored within the ECM.
referred you here.
These values are learned to adjust for production
variation and will continuously learn during the life of Learn Procedure (Performed after the ECM is
the vehicle to compensate for reduced airflow due to flashed or replaced)
throttle body coking. Anytime the throttle body airflow Note: Do NOT perform this procedure if DTCs are set.
rate changes, for example due to cleaning or replacing, Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List 1 Vehicle
the values must be relearned. on page 6169.
An engine that had a heavily coked throttle body that
has been cleaned or replaced may take several drive 1. Start and idle the engine for 3 minutes.
cycles to learn out the coking. To accelerate the 2. With a scan tool, monitor the Desired Idle Speed
process, the scan tool has the ability to reset all learned and the actual Engine Speed.
values back to zero. A new ECM will also have values 3. The ECM will start to learn the new idle cells and
set to zero. Desired Idle Speed should start to decrease.
The idle may be unstable or a DTC may set if the 4. IgnitionOFF for 60 seconds.
learned values do not match the actual airflow.
5. Start and idle the engine for 3 minutes.
Conditions for Running the Throttle 6. After the 3 minute run time the engine should be
Learn Procedure idling normal.
Note: During the drive cycle the check engine light
Reset Procedure may come on with idle speed DTCs. If idle speed codes
1 DTCs P0068, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0106, are set, clear codes so the ECM can continue to learn.
P0107, P0108, P0116, P0117, P0118, P0120,
P0122, P0123, P0128, P0171, P0172, P0174, 2 Ifthe engine idle speed has not been learned
P0175, P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0205, the vehicle will need to be driven at speeds
P0206, P0220, P0222, P0223, P0300, P0351, above 70 km/h (44 mph) with several
P0352, P0353, P0496, P0601, P0604, P0606, decelerations and extended idles.
P060D, P0641, P0651, P1516, P2101, P2119, 7. After the drive cycle, the engine should be idling
P2120, P2122, P2123, P2125, P2127, P2128, normally.
P2135, P2138, or P2176 are not set. 2 Ifthe engine idle speed has not been learned,
1 IgnitionON, engine OFF. turn OFF the ignition for 60 seconds and repeat
1 The vehicle speed sensor (VSS) is step 6.
0 km/h (0 mph). 8. Once the engine speed has returned to normal,
clear DTCs and return to the diagnostic that
Learn Procedure referred you here.
1 DTCs P0068, P0101, P0102, P0103, P0106,
P0107, P0108, P0116, P0117, P0118, P0120,
P0122, P0123, P0128, P0171, P0172, P0174,
P0175, P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, P0205,
P0206, P0220, P0222, P0223, P0300, P0351,
P0352, P0353, P0496, P0601, P0604, P0606,
P060D, P0641, P0651, P1516, P2101, P2119,
P2120, P2122, P2123, P2125, P2127, P2128,
P2135, P2138, or P2176 are not set.

91534 Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Replacement (Water Outlet)

4? -

24 \“\/
\K /
/ 2505902

Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Replacement (Water Outlet)

Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Drainthecoolingsystem.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage91628.
2. Disconnecttheelectricalwiringharnessconnector.
1 EngineCoolantTemperatureSensor Fastener
2 EngineCoolantTemperatureSensor

Engine Controls/Fuel 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 915351
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Replacement (Radiator)

Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Replacement (Radiator)
Callout I Component Name
Drainthecoolingsystem.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage 91628.
1 RetainingClamp
2 Procedure

Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor

Replacement (Thermostat)
The engine coolant temperature sensor is integrated in
the engine coolant thermostat housing. Refer to Engine
Coolant Thermostat Housing Replacement (LUW) on
page 91659.

9-536 Eflgine Controls/Fuel —'l.8L (LUW, LWE)

Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement

/ ‘ l f ‘ -‘Imyll\.%\flll%f j“ “t." “:1"”3 ,5 .q.A. ‘ k

/ ‘ .. {/{fl/lilzl/lmluumm


Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement

Callout Component Name
MassAirflowSensor Fastener(Qty2)
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautionon page0-8.
1 Tighten
5 N-m(44lbin)
Mass AirflowSensor
2 Procedure

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel , “1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-537

Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Replacement

{1; vi.

Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Replacement
Callout Component Name
ManifoldAbsolutePressureSensor Fastener
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage 0-8
6N~m (54lb in)

9-538 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor 1



Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor 1
Callout Component Name
Warning: In order to avoid being burned, do not service the exhaustsystem while it is still hot. Service thesystem when
it is cool.
Preliminary Procedures
Disconnectthenegativebatterycable.Referto BatteryNegativeCableDisconnectionand Connectiononpage 9-713.
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
1. Disconnecttheheatedoxygensensorwiringharnessconnector.
2. Removetheheatedoxygensensor.
1 Tip: Whenre-usingtheheatedoxygensensor,coatthethreadwithassemblypaste.
42Nm (31lbft)
Special Tools
EN-6179 HeatedOxygenSensorRemover/Installer
For equivalentregionaltools.referto Special Toolsonpage 9-593.

Engine Controlleuel . 1.3L (LUW, LWE) 9-539

Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor 2

Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor 2
Callout Component Name
Warning: In order to avoid being burned,do not service the exhaustsystem while it is still hot. Service
thesystem whenit is cool.
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
1. Disconnecttheheatedoxygensensor2 electricalwiringharnessconnector‘
1 2. Removetheheatedoxygensensor2. I
Tip: Whenre-usingtheheatedoxygensensor,coatthethreadwithassemblypaste.
Special Tools
For equivalentregionaltools.referto Special Toolsonpage 9-593.

9=540 Engine Controls/Fuet - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Engine Oil Pressure Indicator Switch Replacement

Engine Oil Pressure Indicator Switch Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removetheairconditioningcompressor.RefertoAir ConditioningCompressorReplacement(LDE,LUW,LWE)onpage 10-16
orAir ConditioningCompressorReplacement(LUV)onpage 10-1 7.
Oil PressureSwitch
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
Disconnecttheoil pressureswitchelectricalwiringharnessconnectorandremovetheswitch.

Engine Controts/Fuel r 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-541
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Replacement

\‘ I I»

1 .O ’\

R J!


i W


j W719 him

Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Disconnectthebatterynegativecable.Referto BatteryNegativeCableDisconnectionand Connectiononpage9-713.
AcceleratorPedal PositionSensor Fastener
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0—8.
1 Tighten
10Nm(89lb in)
AcceleratorPedal PositionSensor
2 1. DisconnecttheelectricalwiringharnessconnectorfromacceleratorpedalpositionSensor.
2. Afterreplacementof theacceleratorpedalpositionsensor,use a scan toolto speedupthelearnprocess.
Referto EngineControlModuleProgrammingandSetuponpage 6-7

9-542 Engine ControIs/Fuet —1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Throttle Body Assembly Installation Procedure


Removal Procedure
1. Remove the Air Cleaner Assembly. Refer to Air
CleanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9-582.

1. Install the throttlebody (1).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
2. Install the 4 throttle body bolts (2) and tighten to
8N-m(71 lb in).
2. Disconnect the electrical wiring harness
connector (2).
3. Disconnect the positive crankcase ventilation
pipe (1)-
4. Place collecting basin underneath.
5. Disconnect the throttle body heater outlet pipe (4).
6. Disconnect the throttle body heater inlet pipe (3).

Connect the throttle body heater inlet pipe (3).
Connect the throttlebody heater outlet pipe (4).
Connect the positive crankcase ventilation pipe (1).
Connect the electrical wiring harness
connector (2).
7. Install the Air Cleaner Assembly. Refer to Air
CleanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9-582.
7. Remove the 4 throttle body bolts (2).
8. Remove the throttle body (1).

Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-543
Secondary Air Injection Check Valve Replacement

Secondary Air Injection Check Valve Replacement
Callout Component Name
SecondaryAir InjectionOutletPipe
1 Note: Squeezetheretaineron oppositesides torelease.
2 SecondaryAir InjectionCheckValveElectricalConnector
SecondaryAir InjectionCheckValveBolts(Qty:3).
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
3 Tighten
25Nm (18lbft)
4 SecondaryAir InjectionCheckValve
5 SecondaryAir InjectionCheckValveGasket

9-544 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Secondary Air Injection Pump Air Cleaner Pipe Replacement


Secondary Air Injection Pump Air Cleaner Pipe Replacement
Callout Component Name
Hose Retainer(QTY22)
1 Note: Squeezetheretaineronoppositesidesto release.
SecondaryAir InjectionPipe.
2 Procedure


Engine Controls/Fuel =1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-545
Secondary Air Injection Pump Pipe Replacement

\' ”
( \ (
Secondary Air Injection Pump Pipe Replacement
Callout Component Name
1 Hose Retainer(QTY:2)
Note: Squeezetheretaineron oppositesides to release.
SecondaryAir InjectionPipe.
2 Procedure
Disconnectthepipefromthesecondaryair injectionpumpandthesecondaryair injectioncheckvalve.

9-546 Engine Controls/Fuel =1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Secondary Air Injection Pump Replacement


Secondary Air Injection Pump Replacement

Callout Component Name
SecondaryAir InjectionPumpInletPipe
1 Note: Squeezetheretaineronoppositesides to release.
2 SecondaryAir InjectionPumpOutletPipe
Note: Squeezetheretaineronoppositesides to release.
3 SecondaryAir InjectionPumpElectricalConnector
SecondaryAir InjectionPumpBolt
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
4 Tighten
SecondaryAir InjectionPumpNut
5 Tighten
6 SecondaryAir InjectionPump

Eflgine Controls/Fuei =1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9.547
Throttle Body Inspection and Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting
Cleaning Service
Note: Over extended time and mileage, deposits may
accumulate on the back of the throttle valve plate. The Removal Procedure
source of the deposit is exhaust gas. Typically these
deposits pose no problem. Occasionally the deposit
may accumulate to a point where perceived pedal effort
or throttlevalve movement is effected. This procedure
should not be performed on vehicles with mileage
under 80,450 km (50,000 mi).
1. Remove the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to Air
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement on page 9—580.
2. inspect the throttle body bore and the throttlevalve
plate for deposits. You will need to open the throttle
valve in order to inspect all surfaces.
3. Clean the throttle body bore and the throttlevalve
plate using a clean shop towel with an appropriate
4. install the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to Air
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement on page 9-580.

Fuel Pressure Relief

Warning: Refer to Gasoline/Gasoline Vapors
Warning on page 0-5.
Warning: Remove the fuel tank cap and relieve the 2005276
fuel system pressure before servicing the fuel Warning: Refer to Gasoline/Gasoline Vapors
system in order to reduce the risk of personal Warning on page 0-5.
injury. After you relieve the fuel system pressure, a Note: There are several types of Plastic Collar Fuel
small amount of fuel may be released when and Evaporative Emission Quick Connect Fittings used ,
servicing the fuel lines, the fuel injection pump, on this vehicle.
or the connections. In order to reduce the risk of
personal injury, cover the fuel system components - Bartholomew (1)
with a shop towel before disconnection. This will ' Q Release (2)
catch any fuel thatmay leak out. Place the towel in - Squeeze to Release (3)
an approved container when the disconnection is
complete. - Sliding Retainer (4)
- Global Connect (5)
1. Disconnect the battery.Refer to Battery Negative
Cable Disconnection and Connection on - TI Loc (6)
page 9-713 - Safe Lock (7)
2. Loosen the fuel fill cap in order to relieve the fuel The following instructions apply to all of these types of
tank vapor pressure. Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fittings except where
.03 Remove the engine cover, if required. indicated.
4. Wrap a shop towel around the fuel feed pipe at the
fuel rail and disconnect the pipe.
5. Remove the shop towel from around the fuel rail
service port, and place in an approved gasoline
6. Connect the fuel feed pipe.
.‘1 Install the engine cover, if required.
8. Tighten the fuel fill cap.

9-548 Engine Controis/Fuei - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

I‘ t-
Ix nu
.(\\ -.
.t\ .

155410 1205667
1. Using compressed air, blow any dirt out of the 3. This step applies to Q Release style connectors
quick—connectfitting. ONLY. Release the fitting by Pushing the tab
toward the other side of the slot in the fitting.

_ . 1205675
2. This step applies to Bartholomew style connectors
ONLY. Squeeze the plastic quiCk-connect fitting 4. This step applies to Squeeze to Release style
release tabs. connectors ONLY. Squeeze where indicated by
arrows on both sides of the plastic ring surrounding
the quick-connect fitting.

2013 (US/Canada)
-Sonic (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9—549

8 k l J

1699700 2005284
5. This step applies to Squeeze to Release style . This step applies to the Global Connector style
connectors ONLY. Push in the male side slightly in only. Push the connector toward the tube in order
order to slide the retainer away from the retainers, to release the pressure. Press and hold down the
squeeze where indicated by arrows on both sides release mechanism, and pull the connector
of the plastic ring surrounding the quick—connect straight out.

. This step applies to the TI Loc style only. Push the
6. This step applies to Sliding Retainer style connector toward the tube in order to release the
connectors ONLY. Release the fitting by pressing pressure. Release the redundant latch (1)with two
on one side of the release tab causing it to push in fingers or a flat bladed tool. Then press and hold
slightly. lfthe tab doesn't move try pressing the tab down the bottom release mechanism (2) and pull
in from the opposite side. The tab will only move in the connector straight out.
one direction.

9-550 Engine Controls/Fuei . 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2264193 21855
9. This step applies to the Safe Lock style only. Push 2. Push both sides of the quick-connectfitting
the connector toward the tube in order to release together in order to cause the retaining feature to
the pressure. Release the second latch (1)with two snap into place.
fingers. Then press and hold down the bottom
release mechanism (2)and pull the connector
straight out.
Warning: Refer to Relieving Fuel Pressure Warning
on page 0-5.
10. Using a clean shop towel, wipe off the male
pipe end.
11. Inspect both ends of the fitting for dirt and burrs.
12. Clean or replace components as necessary.
Installation Procedure

<- ->


3. Pull on both sides of the quick-connectfitting to
make sure the connection is secure.

1. Apply a few drops of clean engine oil to the male
pipe end.

Engine Controis/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9—551

Fuel Tank Draining

Special Tool
CH 45004 Fuel Tank Drain Hose
Warning: Never drain or store fuel in an open
container. Always use an approved fuel storage
container in order to reduce the chance of fire or
Warning: Place a dry chemical (Class B) fire
extinguisher nearb y before performing any
on-vehicle service procedures. Failure to follow
these precautions may result in personal injury.
1. Remove the fuel fill cap.

4. Insert the tube in the connector until the retainer
4.222“ snaps in place.
5. Push down on the redundant latch (1) until it is fully
engaged and snapped into position.

Note: Lubricate the fuel drain hose with Transjel
Lubricant or equivalent to aid in hose insertion.
2. Insertthe OH 45004 hose into the fuel tank until
the bottom is reached.
3. Use a hand or air operatedpump device in order to
drain as much fuel through the fuel fill pipe as

Fuel Tank Replacement

2264192 Removal Procedure

6. Insert the tube in the connector until the retainer 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. Referto
snaps in place. Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9—713.
7. Push down on the second latch (1)in order to
secure the connection. 2. Relieve the fuel pressure. Refer to Fuel Pressure
Relief on page 9—547.
8. inspect for leaks using the following procedure:
3. Drain the fuel tank. Refer to Fuel Tank Draining on
8.1. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF for page 9551.
2 seconds.
4. Lift and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
8.2. Turn the ignition OFF,7for10 seconds. Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31
8.3. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF for
2 seconds.
8.4. Turn the ignition OFF.
8.5. Inspectforleaks.

9-552 Engine Controls/Fuel —1.8L (LUW, LWE)

OWL ®\ //

7. 7 ask /
a .. r ,
/‘ , flV

2495376 2551477
5. Remove the harness coverfastener(1)and 9. Disconnect the fuel feed pipe connector(1). Refer
harness cover (2). to Plastic Collar QuickConnect Fitting Service on
6. Disconnect the fuel pump harness electrical page 9—547.
connector (3). 10. Disconnect the evaporative emission pipe
connector (2). Refer to Plastic Collar Quick
Connect Fitting Service on page 9—547.

(lllllh 27%;“

7. Collapse the vent hose spring clamp (1)and 2551478
remove the vent hose.
8. Loosen the hose clamps (2)and slide the filler 11. Support the fuel tank with a suitable stand.
hose off the fuel tank. 12. Remove the fuel tank strap fasteners (1).
13. Reposition the fuel tank straps (2)toward the back
of the vehicle.

Engine Controls/Fuel —1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-553

2551479 2551478
14. Lowerthe fueltank(1). 4. Support the fuel tank with a suitable stand.
Installation Procedure 5. Position the fuel tank straps (2) onto the fuel tank.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
6. Install the fuel tank strap fasteners (1) and tighten
to 22N-m(16lbft).

47 ®\ //

x~~ : ', r fl

1. If replacing the tank, transfer the fuel pump module
and the evaporative emission canister. Refer to 2551477
Fuel Tank Fuel Pump Module Replacement (Steel
Tank)on page 9-559 and Evaporative Emission 7. Connect the fuel feed pipe connector (1). Refer to
Canister Replacement (Steel Tank) on page 9-567. Plastic Collar QuickConnect Fitting Service on
2. Transfer any additional parts as necessary. page 9-547.
3. Raise the fuel tank (1). 8. Connect the evaporative emission pipe connector
(2). Refer to Plastic Collar QuickConnect Fitting
Service on page 9-547.

9-554 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Fuel Tank Filler Pipe Replacement

(Steel Tank)

Removal Procedure

(ill!!!) 27.2%:

9. Collapse the vent hose spring clamp (1)and install
the vent hose.
10. Tighten the filler tube hose clamps (2).
1. Remove the fuel filler door housing. Refer to Fuel
Tank Filler Door Latch Housing Replacement on
page 3—33.
2. Remove the bracket fastener (1).

11. Connect the fuel pump harness electrical
connector (3).
12. Install the harness cover (2) and tighten the cover
fasteners (1).
13. Connect the battery negative cable. Referto
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and 2597399
Connection on page 9-713. 3. Lift and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1—31.
4. Remove the fuel tank filler pipe bracket
fastener (1).
5. Remove the vent hose clamp (2) and vent hose.
6. Loosen the filler pipe hose clamp (3).

Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-555

2498418 2597399
7. Remove the fuel tank filler pipe (1). Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2. Tighten hose clamp (3)to 4N-m(35 lb in).
Installation Procedure 3. install the vent hose clamp (2) and vent hose.
4. Tighten the filler pipe bracket fastener (1) to
9N-m(89 lb in).


1. Installthe fuel tank filler pipe (1).
5. Install the bracket fastener (1)and tighten to
9N-m(89 lb in).
6. Installthe fuel filler door housing. Refer to Fuel
Tank Filler Door Latch Housing Replacement on
page 3-33.

9-556 Engine Controls/Fuel :-1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Fuel Pressure Sensor Replacement - Fuel Feed Pipe


Fuel Pressure Sensor Replacement - Fuel Feed Pipe

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Relievethefuelsystempressure.Referto Fuel PressureReliefonpage 9—547.
2. Removetheair cleanerassembly.RefertoAir CleanerAssemb/yReplacementonpage9-582.
Fuel PressureSensor
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage0-8.


Fuel Feed Pipe Replacement
Removal Procedure


4. Lift and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31.
5. Disconnect the fuel feed pipe (1)from the plastic
retainers (2).
1. Remove the fuel feed pressure sensor. Refer to
Fuel Pressure Sensor Replacement —Fuel Feed
Pipe on page 9-556.
2. Disconnect the fuel feed pipe (1). Refer to Plastic
Collar QuickConnect Fitting Service on
page 9-547.

a V
L #28)"
7If} // [~{Sg
*4 L}F
:1,“ \

6. Disconnect the fuel feed pipe (1). Refer to Plastic
Collar QuickConnect Fitting Service on
page 9-547.
7. Remove the fuel feed pipe.
3. Remove the plastic retainer (1) and disconnect the
fuel feed pipe (2).


9-558 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Installation Procedure

4. Connect the fuel feed pipe (2)and install the plastic
2495623 retainer(1).
1. Install the fuel feed pipe.
2. Connect the fuel feed pipe (1). Refer to Plastic
Collar QuickConnect Fitting Service on
page 9-547.

5. Connect the fuel feed pipe (1). Refer to Plastic
Collar QuickConnect Fitting Service on
page 9-547.
2495620 6. Install the fuel feed pressure sensor. Refer to Fuel
3. Connect the fuel feed pipe (2)to the plastic Pressure Sensor Replacement - Fuel Feed Pipe on
retainers (1). page 9—556.

Engine Controls/Fuel —1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-559

Fuel Tank Fuel Pump Module 5. Using the EN-48279 fuel sender look ring wrench,
remove the lock ring (1) by turning
Replacement (Steel Tank) counter—Clockwise.
Special Tools
EN-48279 Fuel Sender Lock Ring Wrench
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9—593.
Removal Procedure
1. Relieve the fuel system pressure. Referto Fuel
Pressure Relief on page 9-547.
2. Remove the fuel tank. Refer to Fuel Tank
Replacement on page 9-551.

6. Remove the fuel pump module (1) and O—ring(2).
Discard the seal.
Installation Procedure

3. Disconnect the electrical connectors (1).
4. Disconnect the evaporative emission and fuel lines
(2). Refer to Plastic Collar QuickConnect Fitting
Service on page 9-547.

1. install a NEW O-ring (2) and the fuel pump
module (1).


2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
9-560 Engine Controls/Fuel =-‘i.8L (LUW, LWE)

2495431 2495427
2. Using the EN 48279 wrench, install the lock ring (1) 3. Connect the electrical connectors (1).
by turning CIOCKWiSG‘ 4. Connect the evaporative emission and fuel lines
(2). Refer to Plastic Collar QuickConnect Fitting
Service on page 9-547.
5. Install the fuel tank. Refer to Fuel Tank
Replacement on page 9-551.

Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Replacement

Engine Controls/Fuel _ 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-561

Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Replacement

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removethefueltank.Referto Fuel TankReplacementonpage 9-551.
1 Procedure
Disconnectthe FTP sensorelectricalconnector.

Fuel Pressure Sensor Replacement

L.“ mm!


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’1?” . ' a.
K 1'Afl‘LTT‘M ,,

Fuel Pressure Sensor Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Relievethefuelsystempressure.Referto Fuel PressureReliefonpage9-547.
2. Removetheair cleanerassembly.RefertoAir C/eanerAssemb/yReplacementonpage 9—582.
Fuel PressureSensor
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.

9-562 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Fuel System Cleaning fuel in an open container; due to the possibility of

fire or explosion. Have a dry chemical (Class B) fire
Note: if the fuel filter is plugged, the fuel tank should extinguisher nearby.
be inspected internally and cleaned if necessary.
5. Release the fuel pressure. Refer to Fuel Pressure
1. Drain the fuel tank. Refer to Fuel Tank Draining on Relief on page 9-547.
page 9-551.
2. Remove the fuel pump module assembly. Refer to
Fuel Tank Fuel Pump Module Replacement (Steel
Tank)on page 9—559.
3. Inspect the fuel pump module strainer. Replace the
pump module assembly if the fuel strainer is
Note: When flushing the fuel tank, handle the fuel and
water mixture as a hazardous material. Handle the fuel
and water in accordance with all applicable local, state,
and federal laws and regulations.
4. Flush the fuel tank with hot water.
5. Pour the water out of the fuel sender assembly
opening in the fuel tank. Rock the fuel tank in order
to be sure that the removal of the water from the
fuel tank is complete.
6. Allow the tank to dry completely before
7. Disconnect the fuel feed pipe at the engine fuel
rail. Refer to Fuel Feed Pipe Replacement on
page 9—557. 2676363
Note: Only use oil-free compressed air to blow out the
fuel pipes. 6. Disconnect the fuel feed pipe (1) . Refer to Plastic
Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service on
8. Clean the fuel pipes by applying air pressure in the page 9—547.
opposite direction ofthe fuel flow.
7. Install CH—807plug to the fuel feed pipe.
9. Connect the fuel feed pipe to the engine fuel rail.
Refer to Fuel Feed Pipe Replacement on 8. Remove the 2 evaporative emission canister purge
page 9-557. . solenoid valve bracket bolts (2).
9. Relocate the evaporative emission canister purge
10. Installthe fuel pump module assembly. Refer to
Fuel Tank Fuel Pump Module Replacement (Steel solenoid valve and bracket.
Tank)on page 9-559. ‘

Fuel Injector Replacement _l.

Special Tools
CH—807Closure Plugs
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9—593.
Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the negative cable from the battery.
Refer to Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9-713.
2. Remove the positive crankcase ventilation tube.
Refer to Positive Crankcase Ventilation Hose/Pipe/
Tube Replacement on page 9-1019.
3. Disconnect the wiring harness from the:
3.1. Evaporative emission purge valve
3.2. Fuel injectors
3.3. Manifold absolute pressure sensor
4. Place a collecting basin underneath. 2506162
Warning: Gasoline or gasoline vapors are highly 10. Remove the 2 multiportfuel injection fuel rail
flammable. A fire could occur if an ignition source bolts (1).
is present. Never drain or store gasoline or diesel 11. Remove the multiportfuel injection fuel rail (2) with
the fuel injectors (3)from the intake manifold..

Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-563
12. Remove the 4 fuel injector seals.

3. Install the multiportfuel injection fuel rail (2) and
the fuel injectors (3) to the intake manifold.
13. Remove the fuel injector retainer (1). Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
14. Remove the fuel injectors. 4. Install the 2 multiportfuel injection fuel rail bolts (1)
and tighten to 8N-m (71 lb in).
Installation Procedure

Note: install new fuel injector seals, coat the multiport 5. Install the 2 evaporative emission canister purge
fuel injector seals with silicone grease. solenoid valve bracket bolts (2) and tighten to 8N-m
(71 lb in).
1. Install the fuel injector retainer (1).
6. Remove the CH-807 plug.
Note: Coat the fuel injector seals with silicone grease
7. Connect the quick-release fitting of fuel feed
2. Install the 4 new fuel injector seals. pipe (1)-
8. Connect the wiring harness to the:
8.1. Evaporative emission purge valve
8.2. Fuel injectors
8.3. Manifold absolute pressure sensor

9-564 Engije Controls/Fuel : 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
9. Install the positive crankcase ventilation tube. 10. Connect the negative cable from the battery.Refer
Refer to Positive Crankcase Ventilation Hose/Pipe/ to Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Tube Replacement on page 9-1019. Connection on page 9-713.

Evaporative Emission Canister Vent‘Solenoid Valve Replacement

Evaporative Emission Canister Vent Solenoid Valve Replacement
Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Disconnectthebatterynegativecable.Referto BatteryNegativeCable DisconnectionandConnectiononpage9-713.
2. Removetheevaporativeemissionscanister.Referto EvaporativeEmissionCanisterReplacement(SteelTank)on
1 Procedure
Turntheevaporativeemissioncanisterventsolenoidvalvecounterclockwise45 degreesandremovethe

EngLne Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-565
Evaporative Emission System Hose/
Pipe Replacement

Removal Procedure



3. Lift and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31.
4. Disconnect the evaporative emission pipe (1)from
the plastic retainers (2).
1. Disconnect the evaporative emission pipe (1).
Refer to Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting
Service on page 9-547.

5. Disconnect the evaporative emission pipe (1).
Refer to Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting
Service on page 9-54 7.
2496058 6. Remove the evaporative emission pipe.
2. Remove the plastic retainer(1) and disconnect the
evaporative emission pipe (2).

9-566 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Installation Procedure

4. Connect the evaporative emission pipe (2)and
2496061 install the plastic retainer (1).
1. Install the evaporative emission pipe.
2. Connect the evaporative emission pipe (1). Refer
to Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service on 1
page 9—547.


5. Connect the evaporative emission pipe (1). Refer
to Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service on
page 9-547.
3. Connect the evaporative emission pipe (1)to the
plastic retainers (2).

Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-567
Evaporative Emission Canister 3. Disconnect the evaporative emission canister vent
hose (2).
Replacement (Steel Tank)
4. Disconnect the evaporative emission canister
Removal Procedure pipes (3). Refer to Plastic Collar Quick Connect
Fitting Service on page 9-547
5. Remove the evaporative emission canister (4).

1. Remove the evaporative emission canister bracket 2538907
fasteners (1).
6. Release the retaining tab (1)and remove the
evaporative emission canister (2).

2. Disconnect the purge solenoid valve electrical
connector (1).

9-568 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Installation Procedure 3. Connect the evaporative emission canister

pipes (3). Refer to Plastic Collar Quick Connect
Fitting Service on page 9—547
4. Connect the evaporative emission canister vent
hose (2).
5. Connect the purge solenoid valve electrical
connector (1).

1. Slide the evaporative emission canister (3) into the
evaporative emission canister bracket (2) until the
retaining tab (1) snaps into position.

6. Install the evaporative emission canister bracket
fasteners (1) and tighten to 10 N-m(89 lb in).

2. Install the evaporative emission canister (4) into

Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-569

Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Solenoid Valve Replacement


Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Solenoid Valve Replacement

Callout Component Name
PurgePipe Fittings(Qty:2)
RefertoPlastic CollarQuickConnectFittingServiceonpage 9-547.
1. Disconnectthepurgesolenoidvalveharnessconnector.
2. Removetheevaporativeemissioncanisterpurgesolenoidvalvefromthebracket.

9-570 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Ignition Coil Replacement 7. Remove the EN—6009 remover/installer (1).

Special Tools Installation Procedure

EN—6009 Remover and Installer IgnitionCoil
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-593.
Removal Procedure


t, 1‘0 aw \
' g2...“ '§— ée
,1 i ‘ ( \\57.- / Install the EN—6009 remover/installer (1).
Install the ignition coil (2).
Remove the EN—6009 remover/installer (1).
1937023 install the ignition coil fasteners an tighten to 8N~m
(71 lb in).
1. Remove the engine wiring harness guide (1)from Note: Note the arrow on the cover.
the cylinder head.
2. Disconnect the ignition coil electrical connector (2). 5. Install the ignition coil cover in the opposite
direction of the arrow.
Note: Note the arrow on the cover.
3. Remove the cover of the ignition coil in the
direction of the arrow.
4. Remove the ignition coil bolts.

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(kan/ v§-=3¢, r5
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.099.7 // U »( fb:$‘-’ /

6. Connect the ignition coil electrical connector (2).
7. Install the engine wiring harness guide (1) at the
cylinder head.
5. Install the EN—6009 remover/installer (1).
6. Remove the ignition coil (2).
2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuei - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9=571
Spark Plug Inspection

Spark Plug Usage

1. Ensure that the correct spark plug is installed. An
incorrect spark plug causes driveability conditions.
Refer to the Electronic Parts Catalog.
2. Ensure that the spark plug has the correct heat
range. An incorrect heat range causes the
following conditions:
~ Spark plug fouling—Colder plug
' Pre—ignitioncausing spark plug and/or engine
Spark Plug Inspection

2. Inspect the insulator (2) for flashover or carbon
tracking, soot. This is caused by the electrical
charge traveling across the insulator (2) between
the terminal post(1) and ground. Inspect for the
following conditions:
- Inspect the spark plug boot for damage.
0 Inspect the spark plug recess area of the
cylinder head for moisture, such as oil, coolant,
or water. A spark plug boot that is saturated
causes arcing to ground.
> g.

1. inspect the terminal post (1) for damage.
- Inspect for a bent or broken terminal post (1).
- Test for a loose terminal post (1) by twisting and
pulling the post. The terminal post (1) should
NOT move.

3. inspect the insulator (2) for cracks. All or part of the
electrical charge may are through the crack instead
of the electrodes (3,4).


9-572 Engine Controls/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
6. A loose center electrode (4) reduces the spark
Inspect for bridged electrodes (3,4). Deposits
on the electrodes (3,4) reduce or eliminates
the gap.
Inspect for worn or missing platinum pads on
the electrodes (3,4) Ifequipped.
Inspect for excessive fouling.
Inspect the spark plug recess area of the
cylinder head for debris. Dirty or damaged
threads can cause the spark plug not to seat
correctly during installation.
Spark Plug Visual Inspection
1. Normal operation—Brown to grayish-tan with small
amounts of white powdery deposits are normal
combustion by-products from fuels with additives.
2. Carbon Fouled—Dry, fluffy black carbon, or soot
caused by the following conditions:
622527 Rich fuel mixtures
Leaking fuel injectors
4. Inspect for evidence of improper arcing. Excessive fuel pressure
Measure the gap between the center Restricted air filter element
electrode (4) and the side electrode (3)
terminals. An excessively wide electrode gap Incorrect combustion
can prevent correct spark plug operation. Reduced ignition system voltage output
Inspect for the correct spark plug torque. Weak coils
insufficient torque can prevent correct spark Worn ignition wires
plug operation. An over torqued spark plug,
Incorrect spark plug gap
causes the insulator (2) to crack.
Excessive idling or slow speeds under light
Inspect for signs of tracking that occurred near
loads can keep spark plug temperatures so low
the insulator tip instead of the center
that normal combustion deposits may not
electrode (4).
burn off.
Inspect for a broken or worn side electrode (3).
Deposit Fouling—Oil, coolant, or additives that
Inspect for a broken, worn, or loose center include substances such as silicone, very white
electrode (4) by shaking the spark plug. coating, reduces the spark intensity.Most
5. A rattling sound indicates internal damage. powdery deposits will not effect spark intensity
unless they form into a glazing over the

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel =1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-573
Spark Plug Replacement

Spark Plug Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removetheignitioncoil. Referto IgnitionCoil Replacementonpage 9-570.
Caution: Referto ComponentFastenerTighteningCautiononpage 0-8.

9—574 Engine Controls/Fuel =1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Replacement


Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Replacement

Callout Component Name
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0—8.
1 Tighten
6 N-m(53lbin)
2 Disconnecttheelectricalwiringharnessconnectorfromthecamshaftpositionactuatorsolenoidvalve.
- Coatthecamshaftpositionactuatorsolenoidvalveseals withNEW engineoil.
0 Replaceonlytheintakeor theexhaustcamshaftpositionactuatorsolenoidvalveif necessary.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuei —1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-575
Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement


Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement
Callout l Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removethestartermotor.Referto StarterReplacement(LUW)onpage 9-722or StarterReplacement(LUV)onpage 9-724.
CrankshaftPositionSensor Fastener
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautionon page 0—8.


9-576 Engine Controis/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement



Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement

Callout Component Name
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
1 Tighten
6 N'm(54lb in)
2 Procedure
3 RemovetheCamshaftPositionSensorSeal Ring

2013 (US/Canada)
-Sonic (5377994)
Engine Controis/Fuel 2 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9—577
Knock Sensor Replacement Installation Procedure
Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the negative cable from the battery.
Refer to Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9-713.

1. Install the knock sensor(2) to the bracket (3).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8
2. lnstail the sensor bolt (1) and tighten to 20 Nm
2026538 (15 lb ft).
2. Remove the 2 intake manifold bracket bolts (2’ 3)_ 3. Connect the electrical wiring harness connector.
3. Unclip the wiring harness.
4. Remove the intake manifold bracket (1). '

4. Install the intake manifold bracket(1).
2189291 5. Clip in the wiring harness to the bracket.
5. Remove the sensor bolt (1). 6. Install the 2 intake manifold bracket bolts (2, 3) and
tighten to 8N~m(71 lb in).
F” Disconnect the electrical wiring harness connector.
7. Connect the negative cable to the battery. Refer to

Connection on page 9—713.

9=578 Engine Controls/Fuei - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Actuator Replacement


Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Actuator Replacement

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Properlyraiseandsupportthevehicle.Referto LiftingandJackingtheVehicleonpage 1-31.
IntakeManifoldRunnerControlValveActuatorSolenoidValve Fastener(Qty:3)
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
6 N-m(53lb in)
2 intakeManifoldRunnerControlValveActuatorSolenoidLinkage
3 Procedure

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine ControiS/Fuei =1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91579

Air Cleaner Inlet Duct Replacement Installation Procedure

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the front bumperfascia. Referto Front
Bumper Fascia Replacement on page 3-55.

1. Attach the lower portion of the intake air duct (2) to
the upper duct (3).
2498132 2. Attach the lower portion of the intake air duct to the
rubber mounting grommet(1).
2. Remove the upper intake air duct plastic

1 3

‘4‘» 8F
l‘\®) /\


x 5

2498133 3. install the upper intake air duct plastic fastener (1)
to the body bracket.
3. Pull the lower portion of the intake air duct outward 4. Install the front bumper fascia. Refer to Front
to release the duct from the rubber mounting Bumper Fascia Replacement on page 3-55.
grommet (1).
4. Pull downward to separate the lower portion of the
intake air duct (2) from the upper duct (3).

9-580 Engine Controls/Fuei - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Air Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement


Air Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement

Callout Component Name
Air CleanerOutletDuctClamps(Qty2)
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
Air CleanerOutletDuct

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuei 2 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-581

Air Cleaner Element Replacement

/ 191111 3
A \\
‘9 g\lll:afiia-il r‘
g, \ \
l.‘ ‘

KKFm i”
Air Cleaner Element Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removetheaircleaneroutletduct.RefertoAir CleanerOutletDuctReplacementonpage 9-580.
Air CleanerHousingFasteners(Qty2)
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
5 N'm(44lb in)
Air CleanerHousing
2 Procedure
3 Air CleanerElement

9-582 Engine Controis/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Air Cleaner Assembly Replacement


Air Cleaner Assembly Replacement

Callout Component Name
Removetheair cleaneroutletduct.RefertoAir CleanerOutletDuctReplacementonpage9-580.
Air CleanerAssembly
1 Procedure
Pull theaircleanerassemblyupwardandawayfromtherightinnerfenderto separatetheassemblyfromthe

The ECM is the control center of the engine controls

Description and Operation system. Review the components and wiring diagrams
in order to determine which systems are controlled by
Engine Control Module Description The ECM constantly monitors the informationfrom
The Engine Control Module (ECM) interacts with many various sensors and other inputs, and controls the
emission related components and systems, and systems that affect engine performance and emissions.
monitors emission related components and systems for The ECM also performs diagnostic tests on various
deterioration. OBD IIdiagnostics monitor the system parts of the system and can turn on the MIL when it
performance and a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) sets recognizes an operational problem that affects
if the system performance degrades. The ECM is part emissions. When the ECM detects a malfunction,the
of a network and communicates with various other ECM stores a DTC. The condition area is identified by
vehicle control modules. the particular DTC that is set. This aids the technician
in making repairs.
Malfunction indicator lamp (MIL)operation and DTC
storage are dictated by the DTC type. A DTC is ranked
as a Type A or Type B if the DTC is emissions related.
Type C is a non—emissionsrelated DTC.

2013 (5377994)
Enlgine Controls/Fuei - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-583
ECM Function Aftermarket (Add-On) Electrical And
The ECM can supply 5 V or 12 V to various sensors or Vacuum Equipment
switches. This is done through pull-up resistors to
regulated power supplies within the ECM. Insome Caution: Do not attach add—onvacuum operated
cases, even an ordinary shop voltmeter will not give an equipment to this vehicle. The use of add—onvacuum
accurate reading due to low input resistance. equipment may result in damage to vehicle
Therefore, a digital multimeter (DMM) with at least components or systems.
10 megaohms input impedance is required in order to Caution: Connect any add-on electrically operated
ensure accurate voltage readings. equipment to the vehicle's electrical system at the 12 V
The ECM controls the output circuits by controlling the battery (power and ground) in order to prevent damage
ground or the power feed circuit through transistors or a to the vehicle.
device called an output driver module. Aftermarket, add—on,electrical and vacuum equipment
is defined as any equipment installed on a vehicle after
EEPROM leaving the factory that connects to the vehicle's
The electronically erasable programmable read only electrical or vacuum systems. No allowances have
memory (EEPROM) is an integral part of the ECM. The been made in the vehicle design for this type of
EEPROM contains program and calibration information equipment.
that the ECM needs in order to control engine Add-on electrical equipment, even when installed to
operation. these strict guidelines, may still cause the powertrain
Special equipment, as well as the correct program and system to malfunction. This may also include
calibration for the vehicle, are required in order to equipment not connected to the vehicle electrical
reprogram the ECM. system, such as portable telephones and radios.
Therefore, the first step in diagnosing any powertrain
Data Link Connector (DLC) condition is to eliminate all of the aftermarket electrical
The data link connector (DLC) provides serial data equipment from the vehicle. After this is done, if the
communication for ECM diagnosis. This connector problem still exists, the problem may be diagnosed in
allows the technician to use a scan tool in order to the normal manner.
monitorvarious serial data parameters, and display
DTC information.The DLC is located inside the driver's Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Damage
compartment, underneath the instrument panel. Note: in order to prevent possible electrostatic
discharge damage to the ECM, DO NOT touch the
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) connector pins on the ECM.
The malfunction indicator lamp (MlL) is inside the The electronic components that are used in the control
instrument panel cluster (IPC). The MIL is controlled by systems are often designed to carry very low voltage.
the ECM and illuminates when the ECM detects a These electronic components are susceptible to
condition that affects vehicle emissions. damage caused by electrostatic discharge. Less than
100 V of static electricity can cause damage to some
ECM Service Precautions electronic components. By comparison, it takes as
The ECM, by design, can withstand normal current much as 4,000 V for a person to even feel a static
draws that are associated with vehicle operations. discharge.
However, care must be used in order to avoid There are several ways for a person to become
overloading any of these circuits. When testing for . statically charged. The most common methods of
opens or shorts, do not ground or apply voltage to any charging are by friction and by induction. An example of
of the ECM circuits unless the diagnostic procedure charging by friction is a person sliding across a
instructs you to do so. These circuits should only be car seat.
tested with a DMM unless the diagnostic procedure
instructs otherwise. Charging by induction occurs when a person with well
insulated shoes stands near a highly charged object
Emissions Diagnosis For State IIM and momentarily touches ground. Charges of the same
polarity are drained off leaving the person highly
charged with the opposite polarity.Static charges can
This OBD ll equipped vehicle is designed to diagnose cause damage, therefore, it is important to use care
any conditions that could lead to excessive levels of the when handling and testing electronic components.
following emissions:
- Hydrocarbons (HC) Emissions Control Information Label
- Carbon monoxide (CO) The underhood Vehicle Emissions Control information
Label contains important emission specifications. This
' Oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
identifies the year, the displacement of the engine in
- Evaporative emission (EVAP) system losses liters, and the class of the vehicle.
Should this vehicle's on-board diagnostic system This label is located in the engine compartment of
(ECM) detect a condition that could result in excessive every General Motors vehicle. Ifthe label has been
emissions, the ECM turns ON the MIL and stores a removed, it can be ordered from GM service parts
DTC that is associated with the condition. operations (GMSPO).

9-584 Engine Controis/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Fuel System Description The flex fuel sensor uses quick—connectstyle fuel
connections, an incoming fuel connection, and an
Fuel System Overview outgoing fuel connection. All fuel passes throughthe
flex fuel sensor before continuing on to the fuel rail. The
The fuel system is an electronic returnless on—demand flex fuel sensor measures the fuel alcohol content, and
design. A returnless fuel system reduces the internal sends an electrical signal to the engine control module
temperature of the fuel tank by not returning hot fuel (ECM) to indicate ethanol percentage.
from the engine to the fuel tank. Reducing the internal
The flex fuel sensor has a three-wire electrical harness
temperature of the fuel tank results in lower evaporative
connector. The three wires provide a ground circuit, a
power source, and a signal output to the ECM. The
The fuel tank stores the fuel supply. An electric turbine power source is battery positive voltage and the ground
style fuel pump attaches to the fuel tank fuel pump circuit connects to an engine ground. The signal circuit
module inside the fuel tank. The fuel pump supplies fuel carries the ethanol percentage via a frequency signal.
through the fuel feed pipe to the fuel injection system.
The flex fuel sensor uses a microprocessor inside the
The fuel tank fuel pump module contains a reverse flow
sensor to measure the ethanol percentage and
check valve. The check valve maintains fuel pressure
changes the output signal accordingly. The ECM
in the fuel feed pipe and the fuel rail in orderto prevent
provides an internal puII-upto 5 V on the signal circuit,
long cranking times.
and the flex fuel sensor pulls the 5 V to ground in
Electronic Returnless Fuel System pulses. The normal range of operating frequency is
between 50 and 150 Hz, with 50 Hz representing
The electronic returnless fuel system is a 0 percent ethanol, and 150 Hz representing 100 percent
microprocessor controlled fuel delivery system which ethanol.
transports fuel from the tank to the fuel rail. Itfunctions
as an electronic replacement for a traditional, The microprocessor inside the sensor is capable of a
mechanical fuel pressure regulator. A pressure relief certain amount of self—diagnosis.An outputfrequency
regulator valve within the fuel tank provides an added between 180 Hz and 190 Hz indicates that the fuel is
measure of over pressure protection. Desired fuel contaminated. Certain substances dissolved in the fuel
pressure is commanded by the engine control module can cause the fuel to be contaminated, raising the
(ECM), and transmitted to the fuel pump flow control output frequency higher than the actual ethanol
module via a GMLAN serial data message. A liquid fuel percentage should indicate. Examples of these
pressure sensor provides the feedback the fuel pump substances include water, sodium chloride (salt), and
flow control module requires for Closed Loop fuel methanol.
pressure control. , Itshould be noted that it is likely that the flex fuel
sensor will indicate a slightly lower ethanol percentage
Fuel Pump Flow Control Module than what is advertised at the fueling station.This is not
The fuel pump flow control module is a serviceable a fault of the sensor. The reason has to do with
GMLAN module. The fuel pump flow control module government requirements for alcohol-based motor
receives the desired fuel pressure message from the fuels. Government regulations require that alcohol
engine control module (ECM) and controls the fuel intended for use as motor fuel be denatured. This
pump located within the fuel tank to achieve the desired means that 100 percent pure ethanol is first denatured
fuel pressure. The fuel pump flow control module sends with approximately 4% percent gasoline, before being
a 25 kHz PWM signal to the fuel pump, and pump mixed with anything else. When an ethanol gasoline
speed is changed by varying the duty cycle of this mixture is advertised as E85, the 85 percent ethanol
signal. Maximum current supplied to the fuel pump is was denatured before being blended with gasoline,
15 A. A liquid fuel pressure sensor provides fuel meaning an advertised E85 fuel contains only about
pressure feedback to the fuel pump flow control 81 percent ethanol. The flex fuel sensor measures the
module. actual percentage of ethanol in the fuel.

Fuel Pressure Sensor Fuel Tank

The fuel pressure sensor is a serviceable 5 V, 3-pin The fuel tank stores the fuel supply. The fuel tank is
device. Itis located on the fuel feed line forward of the located in the rear of the vehicle. The fuel tank is held in
fuel tank, and receives power and ground from the fuel place by 2 metal straps that are attached to the
pump flow control module through a vehicle wiring underbody. The fuel tank is molded from high-density
harness. The sensor provides a fuel pressure signal to polyethylene.
the fuel pump flow control module, which is used to
Fuel Filler Cap
provide Closed Loop fuel pressure control.
The fuel fill pipe has a tethered fuel filler cap.
Flex Fuel Sensor (If Equipped) A torque-limiting device prevents the cap from being
The flex fuel sensor measures the ethanoI—gasoline overtightened. To install the cap, turn the cap clockwise
ratio of the fuel being used in a flexible fuel vehicle. until the cap clicks audibly. This indicates thatthe cap is
Flexible fuel vehicles can be operated with a blend of correctly torqued and fully seated.
ethanol and gasoline, up to 85 percent ethanol. In order
to adjust the ignition timing and the fuel quantity to be
injected, the engine management system requires
information about the percentage of ethanol in the fuel.

2013 (5377994)
Engine ControiS/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-585

Fuel Tank Fuel Pump Module system pressures, the opening pressure for the
pressure relief regulator valve is set higher than the
The fuel tank fuel pump module consists of the pressure that is used on a mechanical returnless fuel
following components: system pressure regulator.
° The fuel level sensor
- The fuel pump Nylon Fuel Pipes
- The fuel strainer Warning: Refer to Fuel and Evaporative Emission
Pipe Warning on page 0-4.
- The fuel filter
. The pressure relief regulator valve Nylon pipes are constructed to withstand maximum fuel
system pressure, exposure to fuel additives, and
o The jet pump
changes in temperature.
Fuel Level Sensor Heat resistant rubber hose or corrugated plastic conduit
The fuel level sensor consists of a float, a wire float protect the sections of the pipes that are exposed to
arm, and a ceramic resistor card. The position of the chafing, high temperature, or vibration.
float arm indicates the fuel level. The fuel level sensor Nylon fuel pipes are somewhat flexible and can be
contains a variable resistor which changes resistance shaped around gradual turns under the vehicle.
in correspondence with the position of the float arm. However, if nylon fuel pipes are forced into sharp
The ECM sends the fuel level signal via a High Speed bends, the pipes may kink and restrict the flow of fuel.
CAN—Bussignal to the body control module (BCM). The Also, once exposed to fuel, nylon pipes may become
BCM then sends the informationvia a Low Speed , stiffer and are more likely to kink if bent too far.
CAN-Bus signal to the instrument cluster to display the Exercise special care when working on a vehicle with
fuel level. When the fuel level falls below 11%the nylon fuel pipes.
instrument cluster illuminates the low fuel level
indicator. The ECM also monitors the fuel level input for Quick-Connect Fittings
various diagnostics. Nylon fuel pipes are somewhat flexible and can be
shaped around gradual turns under the vehicle.
Fuel Pump However, if nylon fuel pipes are forced into sharp
The fuel pump is mounted in the fuel tank fuel pump bends, the pipes may kink and restrict the flow of fuel.
module reservoir. The fuel pump is an electric pump. Also, once exposed to fuel, nylon pipes may become
Fuel is pumped to the fuel injection system at a stiffer and are more likely to kink if bent too far.
pressure that is based on feedback fromthe fuel Exercise special care when working on a vehicle with
pressure sensor. The fuel pump delivers a constant nylon fuel pipes.
flow of fuel even during low fuel conditions and
aggressive vehicle maneuvers. The fuel pump flex pipe Fuel Pulse Dampener
acts to dampen the fuel pulses and noise generated by The fuel pulse dampener is a part of the front fuel feed
the fuel pump. pipe. The fuel pulse dampener is diaphragm—operated
with fuel pump pressure on one side and with spring
Fuel Strainer pressure on the other side. The function of the
The fuel strainer is attached to the lower end of the fuel dampener is to dampen the fuel pump pressure
tank fuel pump module. The fuel strainer is made of pulsations.
woven plastic. The functions of the fuel strainer are to
filter contaminants and to wick away fuel. Normally, the Fuel Rail Assembly
fuel strainer does not require maintenance. Fuel The fuel rail assembly is attached to the engine intake
stoppage at this point indicates that the fuel tank manifold. The fuel rail assembly performs the following
contains an abnormal amount of sediment or functions:
contamination. - Positions the injectors in the intake manifold
Jet Pump - Distributes fuel evenly to the injectors
The jet pump is located in the fuel tank fuel pump Fuel Injectors
module. Fuel pump flow loss, caused by vapor
expulsion in the pump inlet chamber, is diverted to the The fuel injector assembly is a solenoid device
jet pump through a restrictive orifice located on the controlled by the ECM that meters pressurized fuel to a
pump cover. The jet pump fills the reservoir of the fuel single engine cylinder. The ECM energizes the
tank fuel pump module. high-impedance, 12 Q, injector solenoid to open a ball
valve, normally closed. This allows fuel to flow into the
Pressure Relief Regulator Valve top of the injector, past the ball valve, and through a
director plate at the injector outlet. The director plate
The pressure relief regulator valve replaces the typical has machined holes that control the flow of fuel,
fuel pressure regulator used on a mechanical generating a spray of finely atomized fuel at the injector
returnless fuel system. The pressure relief regulator tip. Fuel from the injector tip is directed at the intake
valve is closed during normal vehicle operation. The valve, causing the fuel to become further atomized and
pressure relief regulator valve is used to vent pressure vaporized before entering the combustion chamber.
during hot soaks and also functions as a fuel pressure This fine atomization improves fuel economy and
regulator in the event of the fuel pump flow control emissions.
module defaulting to 100% pulse‘width modulation
(PWM) of the fuel pump. Due to variation in the fuel

9-586 IErfitgine ControIs/Fuei - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Fuel Metering Modes of Operation This is also known as power enrichment. The ECM
determines the amount of fuel required based upon
The ECM monitors voltages from several sensors In throttle position, engine coolant temperature (ECT),
order to determine how much fuel to feed to the engine. manifold absolute pressure (MAP), mass airflow
The ECM controls the amount of fuel delivered to the (MAF), and engine speed.
engine by changing the fuel injector pulse width. The
fuel is delivered under one of several modes. Deceleration Mode
Starting Mode When the driver releases the accelerator pedal, air flow
into the engine is reduced. The ECM monitors the
The ECM supplies voltage to the fuel pump control corresponding changes in throttle position, mass air
module when the ECM detects that the ignition is ON. flow (MAF), and manifold absolute pressure (MAP).
The voltage from the ECM to the fuel pump control The ECM shuts OFF fuel completely if the deceleration
module remains active for 2 s, unless the engine is in is very rapid, or for long periods, such as long,
Crank or Run. While this voltage is being received, the cIosed-throttle coast-down. The fuel shuts OFF in order
fuel pump control module closes the ground switch of to prevent damage to the catalytic converters.
the fueI tank fueI pump module and also supplies a
varying voltage to the fuel tank fuel pump module in Battery Voltage Correction Mode
order to maintain the desired fuel line pressure. The
When the battery voltage is low, the ECM compensates
ECM calculates the air/fueIratio based on inputs from
for the weak spark delivered by the ignition system in
the engine coolant temperature (ECT), manifold
the following ways:
absolute pressure (MAP), mass air flow (MAF), and
throttle position sensors. The system stays in starting ~ Increasing the amount of fuel delivered
mode until the engine speed reaches a ' Increasing the idle RPM
predetermined RPM. - Increasing the ignition dwell time
Clear Flood Mode Fuel Cutoff Mode
Ifthe engine is flooded with fuel during starting and WIN The ECM cuts OFF fuel from the fuel injectors when the
not start, the clear flood mode can be manually following conditions are met in order to protect the
enabled. To enable Clear Flood Mode, press the powertrain from damage and improve driveability:
accelerator to wide open throttle (WOT). The ECM will .
completely turn OFF the fuel injectors and will maintain - The ignition is OFF. This prevents engine run-on.
this mode as long as the ECM detects a WOT condition - The ignition is ON but there is no ignition
with engine speed below a predetermined value. reference signal. This prevents flooding or
Run Mode ~ The engine speed is too high, above red Iine.
The run mode has 2 conditions called Open Loop and - The vehicle speed is too high, above rated tire
Closed Loop. When the engine is first started and the speed.
engine speed is above a predetermined RPM, the
- During an extended, high speed, closed throttle
system begins Open Loop operation. The ECM ignores
coast down—This reduces emissions and
the signal from the heated oxygen sensor (H028). The increases engine braking.
ECM calculates the air/fuel ratio based on inputs from
the engine coolant temperature (ECT), manifold - During extended deceleration, in order to prevent
absolute pressure (MAP), mass air flow (MAF), and damage to the catalytic converters
throttle position sensors. The system stays in Open
Loop until meeting the following conditions: Fuel Trim
- The H028 has varying voltage output, showing The ECM controls the air/fuel metering system In order
that the H028 is hot enough to operate properly. to provide the best possible combination of driveability,
fuel economy, and emission control. The ECM monitors
- The ECT sensor is above a specified temperature. the heated oxygen sensor (H028) signal voltage while
- A specific amount of time has elapsed after in Closed Loop and regulates the fuel delivery by
starting the engine. adjusting the pulse width of the injectors based on this
Specific values for the above conditions exist for each signal. The ideal fuel trim values are around 0 percent
different engine, and are stored in the electrically for both short and long term fuel trim. A positive fuel
erasable programmable read—onlymemory (EEPROM). trim value indicates the ECM is adding fuel in order to
The system begins Closed Loop operation after compensate for a lean condition by increasing the
reaching these values. In Closed Loop, the ECM pulse width. A negative fuel trim value indicates that the
calculates the air/fueIratio, injector ON time, based ECM is reducing the amount of fuel in order to
upon the signal from various sensors, but mainly from compensate for a rich condition by decreasing the
the H028. This allows the air/fueIratio to stay very pulse width. A change made to the fueI delivery
close to 14.7:1. changes the long and short term fuel trim values. The
short term fuel trim values change rapidly in response
Acceleration Mode to the H028 signal voltage. These changes fine tune
When the driver pushes on the accelerator pedal, air the engine fueling. The long term fuel trim makes
flow into the cylinders"Increases rapidly. To prevent coarse adjustments to fueling in order to re-center and
possible hesitation, the ECM increases the pulse width restore control to short term fuel trim. A scan tool can
to the injectors to provide extra fuel during acceleration. be used to monitor the short and long term fuel trim
values. The long term fuel trim diagnostic is based on

2013 (5377994)
Engine ControIs/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9—587
an average of several of the long term speed load learn speed and engine load. Ifthe ECM detects an
cells. The ECM selects the cells based on the engine excessively lean or rich condition, the ECM will set a
fuel trim diagnostic trouble code (DTC).

Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) System Description

Accelerator Pedal Assembly

0 APP Sensor1 _}
o APP Sensor2 (itequipped)

IgnitionVoltage —>

Cruise ControlSwitch > ECM

Throttle Body
0 TP Sensor1 (Ifequipped)
0 TP Sensor2

o ThrottleActuator Motor {-

The engine control module (ECM) is the control center - Ice break mode—lf the throttle blade is not able to
for the throttle actuator control (TAC) system. The ECM reach a predetermined minimum throttle position,
determines the driver's intent based on input from the the ice break mode is entered. During the ice
accelerator pedal position sensors, then calculates the break mode, the ECM commands the maximum
appropriate throttleresponse based on the throttle pulse width several times to the throttle actuator
position sensors. The ECM achieves throttle motor in the closing direction.
positioning by providing a pulse width modulated - Minimum pedal value—At key-up, the ECM
voltage to the throttleactuator motor.The throttle blade updates the learned minimum pedal value.
is spring loaded in both directions, and the default
position is slightly open. - Battery saver mode—After a predetermined time
without engine RPM, the ECM commands the
Modes Of Operation Battery Saver mode. During the Battery Saver
mode, the TAC module removes the voltage from
Normal Mode the motor control circuits, which removes the
During the operation of the TAC system, several current draw used to maintain the idle position and
modes, or functions, are considered normal. The allows the throttleto return to the spring loaded
following modes may be entered during normal default position.
- Minimum pedal value—At key—up,the ECM
updates the learned minimum pedal value.
- Minimum throttle position values—At key—up,the
ECM updates the learned minimum throttle
position value. Inorder to learn the minimum
throttle position value, the throttle blade is moved
to the Closed position.


9688 Engflie ControIs/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
Reduced Engine Power Mode (PWM) of the solenoid coil. The higher the PWM duty
cycle, the larger the change in camshaft timing. Oil
When the ECM detects a condition with the TAC pressure that is applied to the advance side of the fixed
system, the ECM may enter a reduced engine power
vanes will rotate the camshaft Ina clockwise direction.
mode. Reduced engine power may cause one or more
The clockwise movement of the camshaft will advance
ofthe following conditions: the timing up to a maximum of21°. When 0” pressure Is
- Acceleration limiting—«TheECM will continue to applied to the return side of the vanes, the camshaft will
use the accelerator pedal for throttlecontrol, rotate counterclockwise until returningto 0°.
however, the vehicle acceleration is limited.
Oil flowing to the camshaft position actuator solenoid
- Limited throttle mode—The ECM will continue to valve —intake and camshaft position actuator solenoid
use the accelerator pedal for throttlecontrol, valve —exhaust housing from the camshaft position
however, the maximum throttle opening is limited. actuator solenoid valve —intake and camshaft position
. Throttle default mode—The ECM will turn OFF the actuator solenoid valve —exhaust advance passage
throttleactuator motor, and the throttlewill return applies pressure to the advance side of the vane wheel
to the spring loaded default position. in the camshaft position actuator assembly. At the
- Forced idle mode—The ECM will performthe same time the camshaft position actuator solenoid
following actions: valve —intake and camshaft position actuator solenoid
valve —exhaust retard passage is open, allowing oil
—Limit engine speed to idle positioning the throttle pressure to decrease on the retard side of the vane
position, or by controlling the fuel and spark if wheel. These two simultaneous actions cause the vane
the throttle is turned OFF. wheel to rotate clockwise, advancing camshaft
—Ignorethe accelerator pedal input. advance timing.
- Engine shutdown mode—The ECM will disable When the oil flowing to the camshaft position actuator
fuel and de—energizethe throttle actuator. solenoid valve —intake and camshaft position actuator
solenoid valve —exhaust housing is from the camshaft
Camshaft Actuator System position actuator solenoid valve —-intake and camshaft
position actuator solenoid valve —exhaust retard
passage, oil pressure is applied to the retard side of the
CircuitlSystem Description vane wheel. Because the solenoid advance passage is
open, allowing oil pressure to decrease on the advance
The camshaft position actuator solenoid valve —intake side of the vane wheel, the camshaft position retards.
and camshaft position actuator solenoid valve - The ECM can also command the camshaft position
exhaust system enables the engine control module actuator solenoid valve —intake and camshaft position
(ECM) to change camshaft timing while the engine is actuator solenoid valve —exhaust to stop oil flow from
running. The camshaft position actuator assembly
both passages in order to hold the current camshaft
varies camshaft position in response to directional position. The ECM is continuously comparing camshaft
changes in oil pressure. The camshaft position actuator position sensor —intake and camshaft position sensor -
solenoid valve —intake and camshaft position actuator exhaust input with camshaft position actuator solenoid
solenoid valve —exhaust controls the oil pressure that
valve —intake and camshaft position actuator solenoid
is applied to advance or retard the camshaft. Modifying valve —exhaust input in order to monitor camshaft
camshaft timing under changing engine demand
position and detect any system malfunctions. The
provides better balance between the following following table provides camshaft phase commands for
performance concerns:
common driving conditions:
- Engine power output
- Fuel economy Change in
Driving Camshaft
- Lower exhaust emissions Conditions Position Objective Result
The camshaft position actuator solenoid valve —intake Minimize .. .
and camshaft position actuator solenoid valve - Idle No change valve StagllgeedIdle
exhaust is controlled by the ECM. The crankshaft overlap p
position sensor and the camshaft position sensor -
intake and camshaft position sensor —exhaust are Light Retardvalve Decrease Stable
used to monitor changes in camshaft position. The engineload timing valve
overlap engine
ECM uses informationfrom the following sensors in
order to calculate the desired camshaft position: Betterfuel
Medium Advance Inga: e economy
- The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor engineload valvetiming overla withlower
. The manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor p emissions
' The throttle position sensor Highengine Retard Improve
2 The vehicle speed sensor (VSS) speedwith intakevalve
Rettziarrndiryalve engine
heavyload 9 closing output
Camshaft Position Actuator System
The ECM operates the camshaft position actuator
solenoid valve —intake and camshaft position actuator
solenoid valve —exhaust by pulse width modulation

2013 (5377994)
Engine ControIs/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-589

Evaporative Emission Control System Description

Typical Evaporative Emission (EVAP) System Hose Routing Diagram


(1) Evaporative Emissions (EVAP) Purge (8) Fuel Tank
Solenoid Valve (9) EVAP Canister Vent Solenoid Valve
(2) EVAP Canister (10) Vent hose
(3) EVAP Vapor Tube (11) EVAP Purge Tube
(4) Vapor Recirculation Tube (12) Purge Tube Check Valve, Turbo—Charged
(5) Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Applications Only
(6) Fuel Filler Cap (Some Vehicles May Have A (13) EVAP Canister Purge Tube Connector
Capless Design)
(7) Fuel Fill Pipe Inlet Check Valve

EVAP System Operation through the vent hose and EVAP vent solenoid valve to
the atmosphere. The EVAP canister stores the fuel
The evaporative emission (EVAP) control system limits vapors until the engine is able to use them. At an
fuel vapors from escaping into the atmosphere. Fuel appropriate time, the engine control module (ECM) will
tank vapors are allowed to move from the fuel tank, due command the EVAP purge solenoid valve ON, allowing
to pressure in the tank, through the EVAP vapor tube, engine vacuum to be applied to the EVAP canister.
into the EVAP canister. Carbon in the canister absorbs With the normally open EVAP vent solenoid valve OFF,
and stores the fuel vapors. Excess pressure is vented
9-590 Engine ControIs/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
fresh air is drawn through the vent solenoid valve and EVAP System Components
the vent hose to the EVAP canister. Fresh air is drawn
The EVAP system consists of the following
through the canister, pulling fuel vapors from the components:
carbon. The air/fuel vapor mixture continues through
the EVAP purge tube and EVAP purge solenoid valve EVAP Purge Solenoid Valve
into the intake manifold to be consumed during normal The EVAP purge solenoid valve controls the flow of
combustion. The ECM uses several tests to determine vapors from the EVAP system to the intake manifold.
if the EVAP system is leaking or restricted. The purge solenoid valve opens when commanded ON
Purge Solenoid Valve Leak Test by the ECM. This normally closed valve is pulse width
modulated (PWM) by the ECM to precisely control the
Ifthe EVAP purge solenoid valve does not seal properly flow of fuel vapor to the engine. The valve will also be
fuel vapors could enter the engine at an undesired time, opened during some portions of the EVAP testing when
causing driveability concerns. The ECM tests for this by the engine is running, allowing engine vacuum to enter
commanding the EVAP purge solenoid valve OFF and the EVAP system.
the vent solenoid valve ON which seals the system.
With the engine running, the ECM then monitors the Purge Tube Check Valve
fuel tank pressure (FTP) sensor for an increase in Turbocharged vehicles have a check valve in the purge
vacuum. The ECM will log a fault if a vacuum develops tube between the EVAP purge solenoid valve and the
in the tank under these test conditions. EVAP canister to prevent pressurization of the EVAP
system under boost conditions. Note that the presence
Large Leak Test of this one-way check valve prevents pressure testing
This diagnostic creates a vacuum condition in the the EVAP system for leaks at the EVAP canister purge
EVAP system. When the enabling criteria has been tube connector.
met, the ECM commands the normally open EVAP vent
solenoid valve closed and the EVAP purge solenoid EVAP Canister
valve open, creating a vacuum in the EVAP system. The canister is filled with carbon pellets used to absorb
The ECM then monitors the FTP sensor voltage to and store fuel vapors. Fuel vapor is stored in the
verify that the system is able to reach a predetermined canister until the ECM determines that the vapor can be
level of vacuum within a set amount of time. Failure to consumed in the normal combustion process.
achieve the expected level of vacuum indicates the
presence of a large leak in the EVAP system or a Vapor Recirculation Tube
restriction in the purge path. The ECM will log a fault if it A vapor path between the fuel fill pipe and the vapor
detects a weaker than expected vacuum level under tube to the carbon canister is necessary for Vehicle
these test conditions. Onboard Diagnostics to fully diagnose the EVAP
system. Italso accommodates service diagnostic
Canister Vent Restriction Test procedures by allowing the entire EVAP system to be
Ifthe EVAP vent system is restricted, fuel vapors will diagnosed from either end of the system.
not be properly purged from the EVAP canister. The Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor
ECM tests this by commanding the EVAP purge
solenoid valve ON while commanding the EVAP vent The FTP sensor measures the difference between the
solenoid valve OFF, and then monitoring the FTP pressure or vacuum in the fuel tank and outside air
sensor for an Increase in vacuum. lfthe vacuum pressure. The ECM provides a 5 V reference and a
increases more than the expected amount, in a set ground to the FTP sensor. Depending on the vehicle,
amount of time, a fault will be logged by the ECM. the sensor can be located in the vapor space on top of
the fuel tank, in the vapor tube between the canister
Small Leak Test and the tank, or on the EVAP canister. The FTP sensor
The engine off natural vacuum diagnostic is the provides a signal voltage back to the ECM that can vary
smaII-Ieakdetection diagnostic for the EVAP system. between 0.1—4.9V. A high FTP sensor voltage
The engine off natural vacuum diagnostic monitors the indicates a low fuel tank pressure or vacuum. A low
EVAP system pressure with the ignition OFF. Because FTP sensor voltage indicates a high fuel tank pressure.
of this, it may be normal for the ECM to remain active Fuel Fill Pipe Check Valve
for up to 40 min after the ignition is turned OFF. This is
important to remember when performing a parasitic The check valve on the fuel fill pipe is there to prevent
draw test on vehicles equipped with engine off natural spit—backduring refueling.
vacuum. EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve
When the vehicle is driven, the temperature rises in the The EVAP vent solenoid valve controls fresh airflow
tank due to heat transfer from the exhaust system. After into the EVAP canister. The valve is normally open. The
the vehicle is parked, the temperature in the tank canister vent solenoid valve is closed only during EVAP
continues to rise for a period of time, then starts to system tests performed by the ECM.
drop. The engine off natural vacuum diagnostic relies
on this temperature change, and the corresponding Fuel Fill Gap
pressure change in a sealed system, to determine if an The fuel fill cap is equipped with aseal and a vacuum
EVAP system leak is present. relief valve.
The engine off natural vacuum diagnostic is designed
to detect leaks as small as 0.51 mm (0.020 in).

2013 (5377994)
Engine Controls/Fuel . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-591
Capless Fuel Fill every camshaft revolution. Each notch is a different
Some vehicles may have a capless fuel fiIIdesign size which is used to identify the compression stroke of
behind a locking fuel door. There is no fuel fill cap to each cylinder and to enable sequential fuel injection.
remove. One just fully inserts the fuel nozzle into the fill The camshaft position sensors are connected to the
neck, making sure it latches before refueling. Flapper ECM by the circuits listed below:
valves close to seal this interface once the fill nozzle is - A 5 V reference circuit
removed. - A low reference circuit
- A signal circuit
Electronic Ignition System
Descflpfion Ignition Coil Module
The ignition coil module integrates the 4 coils and the
Electronic Ignition System Operation ignition control module within a single sealed
The electronic ignition system produces and controls component.
the high energy secondary spark. This spark ignites the The ignition coil module has the following circuits:
compressed air/fuel mixture at precisely the correct 2 An ignition voltage circuit
time, providing optimal performance, fuel economy, and
control of exhaust emissions. The engine control - A ground
module (ECM) collects information from the crankshaft - A low reference circuit
position sensor and the intake/exhaust camshaft - 4 ignition coil control circuits
position sensors to determine the sequence, dwell, and The ECM controls the Individualcoils by transmitting
timing of the spark for each cylinder. The ECM timing pulses on the ignition coil control circuit to each
transmits a frequency signal to the ignition coil module ignition coil to enable a spark event.
on the individual ignition control circuits to fire the spark
plugs. The spark plugs are connected to each coil by a short
boot. The boot contains a spring that conducts the
Crankshaft Position Sensor spark energy from the coil to the spark plug. The spark
plug electrode is coated with platinum for long wear and
The crankshaft position sensor is an externally
higher efficiency.
magnetically biased digital output integrated circuit
sensing device. The sensor provides a pulse for each Engine Control Module (ECM)
magnetic pole of the encoder wheel on the crankshaft.
The sensor produces an ON/OFF DC voltage of varying The ECM controls all ignition system functions and
frequency, with 58 output pulses per crankshaft constantly adjusts the spark timing. The ECM monitors
revolution. The frequency of the sensor output depends information from various sensor inputs that Include the
on the velocity of the crankshaft. The ECM uses sensor following:
signal pulse to determine crankshaft speed and - The crankshaft position sensor
position to calculate the best timing for ignition and fuel - The accelerator pedal position (APP)
injection. The ECM also uses the crankshaft position - The manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor
sensor informationto control camshaft phasing and to
detect cylinder misfire. - The intake air temperature (IAT)sensor
The ECM also has a dedicated replicated crankshaft - The vehicle speed sensor (V88)
position sensor signal output circuit that may be used 0 The engine knock sensor
as an input signal to other modules for monitoring - The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor
engine RPM.
' The mass airflow (MAF) sensor
The crankshaft position sensor Is connected to the
engine control module by the circuits listed below: - The camshaft position sensors
' A 5 V reference circuit Knock Sensor System Description
- A low reference circuit
- A signal circuit CircuitlSystem Description
The knock sensor system enables the engine control
Crankshaft Encoder Wheel module (ECM) to control the ignition timing for the best
The crankshaft encoder wheel is part of the crankshaft. possible performance while protecting the engine from
The encoder wheel consists of 58 tooth and a reference potentially damaging levels of detonation. The ECM
gap. Each tooth on the encoder wheel is spaced 6° uses the knock sensor system to test for abnormal
apart with a 12° space for the reference gap. The pulse engine noise that may indicate detonation, also known
from the reference gap is known as the sync pulse. The as spark knock.
sync pulse is used to synchronize the ignition coil
module firing sequence with the crankshaft position Sensor Description
while the other tooth provides cylinder location during a This knock sensor system uses one or two flat
revolution. response 2-wire sensors. The sensor uses piezo-
electric crystal technology that produces an alternating
Camshaft Position Sensors current voltage signal of varying amplitude and
The intake and exhaust camshaft position sensors are frequency based on the engine vibration or noise level.
each triggered by a notched reluctor wheel built onto The amplitude and frequency are dependant upon the
the camshaft sprockets. The four signal pulses occur
9-592 Engine ControIs/Fuel «-'I.8L (LUW, LWE)
level of knock that the knock sensor detects. The ECM intake manifold tuning solenoid valve and allowing a
receives the knock sensor signal through 2 isolated vacuum from the intake manifold tuning valve vacuum
signal circuits. tank to be applied to the intake manifold tuning actuator
lfthe ECM has determined that knock is present, it will valve. The intake manifold tuning actuator valve then
retard the ignition timing to attemptto reduce the knock. opens the intake manifold tuning valve in the intake
The ECM is capable of controlling spark retard on an manifold for desired performance. The variable intake
individual cylinder basis. The ECM will always try to manifold system consists of the following components:
work back to a zero compensation level, or no spark - The intake manifold tuning solenoid valve
retard. Knock sensor diagnostics are calibrated to 2 The intake manifold tuning valve vacuum reservoir
detect faults with the knock sensor circuitry inside the
ECM, the knock sensor wiring, or the knock sensor - The intake manifold tuning vacuum actuator
voltage output. Some diagnostics are also calibrated to ° The intake manifold tuning valve
detect constant noise from an outside influence such as - An intake manifold
a Ioose/damaged component or excessive mechanical Ignitionvoltage is supplied directly to the Intake
engine noise. manifold tuning solenoid valve. The engine control
module (ECM) controls the intake manifold tuning
Air Intake System Description solenoid valve by grounding the control circuit via an
internal driver switch. The primary function of the driver
CircuitlSystem Description is to supply ground for the intake manifold tuning
The primary function of the air intake system is to solenoid valve. The ECM can determine if the control
provide filtered air to the engine. The system uses a circuit is open, shorted to ground, or shorted to a
filter element mounted in a housing. The filter housing voltage by monitoring the voltage on the control circuit.
is remotely mounted and uses intake ducts to route the
incoming air into the throttle body. The secondary Secondary Air Injection System
function of the air intake system is to muffle air
Induction noise. This is achieved by the use of Description
resonators attached to the air intake ducts. The The Secondary Air InjectionSystem aids in the
resonators are tuned to the specific powertrain. The reduction of hydrocarbon exhaust emissions during a
intake air temperature (IAT)sensor Is used to measure cold start. This occurs when the start-up engine coolant
the temperature of the air entering the engine. temperature (ECT) is between —10to +56°C (14—133°
F), the intake air temperature (IAT)is greater than —10°
Intake Manifold Tuning Solenoid Valve C (14°F) and it has been more than 60 minutes since
The intake manifold tuning solenoid valve system uses the last engine start. The secondary air injection pump
variable air induction tuning in order to achieve operates 5—605 after start—up.
maximum performance and efficiency over the entire The engine control module (ECM) activates the
operating range of the engine. The characteristic torque secondary air injection system by simultaneously
curve of a normally aspirated engine depends mainly completing the ground paths for the secondary air
on how the engines average pressure changes over the injection pump relay and the secondary air injection
engine speed range. The average pressure is solenoid (shutoff and check) valve relay. This action
proportional to the volume of the air mass present in the closes the relays' internal contacts. The pump and
cylinder when the inlet valve is closed. The design of valve are in turn energized. The pump turns ON and the
the inlet system determines how large an air mass can valve opens.
be drawn into a cylinder at a given engine speed. An The secondary air injection pump sends pressurized
intake manifold tuning solenoid valve is used to change filtered fresh air into the pipe/hose, through the open
the intake manifold plenum configuration. When the valve and into the exhaust manifold. The extra air
intake manifold tuning solenoid valve is open, the accelerates the catalyst operation, helping it to reach
intake manifold is configured to one large plenum. operating temperature faster. The secondary air
When the intake manifold tuning solenoid valve is injection pump remains ON for a short period of time
closed, the intake manifold is configured to two smaller after the valve is commanded OFF. When the pump is
plenums. The two intake manifold plenum sizes result commanded OFF it will not run or be activated until the
in different torque curves which improves performance next vehicle cold start. When the secondary air
at low and high engine speeds. injection system is inactive, the valve is closed to
During low speed, high load conditions the intake prevent air/exhaust flow in either direction.
manifold tuning solenoid valve is closed creating a The ECM monitors the secondary air injection system
longer runner path inside the plenum which increases pressure by tracking voltage signal from the pressure
torque. During higher engine speeds and loads, the sensor, which is integral to the solenoid (shutoffand
intake manifold tuning solenoid valve opens creating a check) valve assembly.
shorter runner path inside the plenum which increases
horsepower. Ignitionvoltage is supplied to the intake The ECM utilizes a 3 phase diagnostic routine to test
manifold tuning solenoid valve solenoid through a fuse the secondary air injection system:
when the ignition key is turned ON. The intake manifold During phase 1, DTCs P0411 and P2430 run and both
tuning solenoid valve solenoid is normally closed which the secondary air injection pump and the solenoid
will not allow vacuum to pass through it. When the (shutoff and check) valve are activated. Normal
engine speed and load are increased above a secondary air function occurs. Expected system
calibrated threshold, the ECM provides a ground to the pressure is 5—13kPa (0.7—1.9psi) above BARO.
intake manifold tuning solenoid valve, energizing the

Engine ControIs/Fuel ~1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-593
During phase 2, DTCs P2430 and P2440 run and only A malfunctioning secondary air Injection pressure
the secondary air injection pump is activated. The valve sensor
is closed. Pressure sensor performance and valve A restricted exhaust system
deactivation are tested. Expected system pressure is
14—25kPa (2.0—3.6psi) above BARO. A malfunctioning secondary air injection pump and
secondary air injection valve relay
During phase 3, DTC P2444 runs and neither the
secondary air injection pump nor the valve are The following DTCs set when a secondary air injection
activated. Secondary air injection pump deactivation is system fault is detected:
tested. Expected system pressure equals BARO. DTC P0411 —A secondary air injection system
The secondary air injection system includes the insufficient airflow fault condition has been
following components: detected.
- The secondary air injection pump—The electric DTC P0412 —A secondary air injection valve relay
secondary air injection pump supplies coil circuit fault condition has been detected.
pressurized, filtered air to the secondary air DTC P0418 —A secondary air injection pump relay
injection solenoid (shutoff and check) valve. The coil circuit fault condition has been detected.
secondary air injection pump is a turbine type DTC P2430 —A secondary air injection pressure
pump that is permanently lubricated and requires sensor signal stuck in range fault condition has
no periodic maintenance. been detected.
Note: The secondary air injection solenoid valve and DTC P2431 —A skewed air injection pressure
the pressure sensor are serviced as an assembly. sensor signal has been detected.
- The secondary air injection solenoid (shutoffand DTC P2432 —A secondary air Injection pressure
check) valve assembly~The valve assembly has sensor signal voltage below the minimum range of
a direct current (DC) motor operated valve. When the sensor fault condition has been detected.
the valve motor is energized by the secondary air DTC P2433 —A secondary air injection pressure
injection solenoid valve relay, the valve opens, sensor signal voltage is above the maximum
pressurized air from the secondary air injection range of the sensor fault condition has been
pump flows through the valve and is directed into detected.
the exhaust manifold. DTC P2440 —The solenoid (shutoff and check)
- The secondary air injection pressure sensor—The valve is stuck open or a system leak between the
pressure sensor is integral to the secondary air pump and the valve has been detected.
injection solenoid valve assembly. The sensor is a DTC P2444 —A secondary air injection pump
3-wire sensor that measures the secondary air stuck ON fault condition has been detected.
injection system pressure at the inlet of the valve
assembly. Special Tools and Equipment
- The secondary air injection pump relay—The relay
supplies high current and battery voltage to the
secondary air injection pump. The ECM Illustration Tool Number/Description
commands the relay ON by supplying a ground to
the relay control circuit.
- The secondary air injection solenoid valve relay-
The relay supplies high current and battery
voltage to the secondary air injection solenoid CH 9127-E
valve. The ECM commands the relay ON by SA 9127—E
supplying a ground to the relay control circuit.
- The pipes and hoses—The secondary air injection
pump inlet hose carries filtered air from the engine
intake air cleaner to the secondary air injection
pump inlet.The secondary air injection pump pipe 878632
carries the air from the pump outlet to the solenoid
valve which in turn feeds the exhaust manifold.
System Fault Detection
The ECM monitors the secondary air injection system CH 9182-E
for faults during cold start operation. When the system‘s SA9182—E
pressure or relay circuits operations vary too far from ElectronicFuel Injector
the expected values, a DTC will set. Diagnostics detect Tester
the following conditions:
~ A partially or fully blocked or leaking secondary air
injection system
- A malfunctioning secondary air injection pump
- A malfunctioning secondary air injection solenoid
(shutoffand check) valve assembly

9-594 Efline ControIs/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Illustration Tool NumberlDescription Illustration Tool NumberIDescription

EN 6009
CH 44175 KM 6009
J 44175 8396-335
Fuel CompositionTester RemoverandInstaller

677554 1936461

CH 45004 EN 6015
J 45004 KM6015
Fuel TankDrainHose ClosurePlugs

793709 2028332

... EN 6363
C: CH 48027 KM6363
DigitalPressureGauge SparkPlug Remover/

1738992 2028259

CH 48096 EN 23738-A
EVAP ServiceAccess J 23738‘A
PortTool Mityvac

1755444 5386

EL 43244 O EL 26792
J 43244
J 26792
DW540'010 HEIs arkTester
Relay PullerPliers - p

990431 5381

Engine ControIs/Fuel =1.8L (LUW, LWE) 92595

Illustration Tool NumberlDescription Illustration Tool Number/Description

EN 34730-91 EN 41313-100
KM J-34730 J 41413-100
Via TestingPort EVAP PressureandPurge

1936492 227620

EL 35616-E
EN 41413—200
J 35616—E
J 41413—200
Kit IncludesJ 35616-200 EvaporativeEmissions
TestLight—ProbeKit SystemTester

1338380 825000

EN 36012-A
EN 41413-300
J 36012-A
J 41413-300
Harness EVAP Cap andPlug Kit

378627 1253126

ENW-SPT ==' ““41”“

J 41413—SPT !l”mm= J 41413-311
HighIntensityWhiteLight EVAP Plug

829182 1174862

EN 41413-VLV / EN 43936
J 41413-VLV J 43936
EVAP SeryloePortVent Fuel PressureAdapterCap

829198 892855

9—596 Erlgine ControIs/Fuel - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Illustration Tool NumberlDescription Illustration Tool NumberIDescription

EN43937 EN 48279
MainFuel PumpLocking
Fuel PressureAdapterLines Ring Remover/Installer
1207566 2028359

EN 48259 @)
KM 6179 “\n-QZQI GE 41415-30
HeatedOxygenSensor ’4 ' FuelTankCap Adapter

2191102 845593


2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooling 9-597

Engine Cooling
Temperature Versus Resistance (cont'd)
°C °F Resistance
Temperature Versus
Resistance 30 86 1755
Sensor 25 77 2176
°C °F Resistance 20 68 2717
vs ResistanceValues(Approximate) 15 59 3428
100 212 155 10 50 4356
90 194 208 5 41 5578
80 176 283 0 32 7198
70 158 392 _5 23 9362
60 140 552 —10 14 12278
50 122 793 —15 5 15229
45 113 958 ~20 ~4 21653
40 104 “55 ~30 —22 39631
35 95 1425 —40 —40 75532

Fastener Tightening Specifications

Application Metric English
EngineCoolantFan EngineBolts 4 N'm 351bin
EngineCoolantThermostatHousingBolts 8 N-m 71lb in
EngineCoolantThermostatHousingBracketNut 6 N'm 53lb in
EngineOil CoolerAssemblyBolts 25N'm 19lbft
EngineOil CoolerBolts 20N'm 15lbft
EngineOil CoolerInletPipe Bolt 10N-m 89lb in
EngineOil CoolerOutletPipe Bolt 8 N-m 71lb irI
53131121003523” OutletPIpeMountIngBoltsto ECM brackettoWater 8N'm 71lb in

EngineOil CoolerPipe Bolts 8 N'm 71lb in

EngineOil CoolerPipe toThermostatHousingBolts 8 N-m 71lb in
Oil CoolerOutletPipe Boltto EngineBlock 10N-m 89lb in
Oil PressureIndicatorSwitch 20N-m 15lbft
RadiatorDrainCock 2 N-m 18lb in
RadiatorMountingPin Bolt 5 N-m 44 lb in
RadiatorUpperBracketFastener 9 Wm 80lb in
TurbochargerCoolantReturnPipe Bolt 10N-m 89lb in
TurbochargerFastener 8 N-m 71lb in
WaterInletBolts 8N'm 71 lb in
WaterInletPipe MountingFasteners 9 N-m 801bin
WaterOutletBolts 8 N-m 71lb in
WaterPumpBolt 8N'm 71 lb in
WaterPumpPulleyBolts 22N-m 16lbft
WaterPumpPulleyBolts 20Nm 15lbft

Schematic and Routing Diagrams


9-598 Engfim CooHng .1



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2013 (5377994)
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9~600 Engine Cooling

Diagnostic Information and Procedures


Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 priorto usingthis diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
~ Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
providesan overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC POOB3: Radiator Coolant Temperature (RCT) Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC POOB4: Radiator Coolant Temperature (RCT) Sensor Circuit High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
LowReference — POOB4 — P0086
*internalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto B+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

Radiator Coolant Temperature Sensor

Circuit I Short to Ground 1 Open I Short to Voitage
OperatingConditions: EngineRunningin Closed Loop
ParameterNormal Range:Varieswithambienttemperature
Signal 140°C(284°F) —40°c(~40°F) -40°C (—40°F)*
LowReference — —40°C(-40°F) -
*InternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto B+.

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Running the DTC

The radiator coolant temperature (RCT) sensor is 3 130033
variable resistor that measures the temperature of the
engine coolant in the radiator. The engine control ' The engine run time is greater than 10 seconds.
module (ECM) supplies5 volts to the RCTsignal circuit ' The intake air temperature (IAT) is colder than 70°
and suppliesa ground to the low reference circuit. C (158°F).
The following table illustrates the difference between ' The DTC runs continuously when the above
temperature, resistance, and voltage: condltlons are met.
RCT Signal P0034
RCT RCT Resistance Voltage - The engine run time is greater than 60 seconds.
Coid High High - The intake air temperature (IAT) is warmer than
Warm Low Low
~ The DTC runs continuously when the above
conditions are met.
Conditions for Setting the DTC
The ECM detects that the RCT sensor is warmer than
149°C (300°F) for greater than 10 seconds.

Engine Cooling 9:601
POOB4 4. Verify the DTC does not set.
Note: The scan tool only displays to —40°C(—40°F). =>If the DTC sets
The ECM detects that the RCT sensor is colder than Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
—60°C(—76°F)for greater than 10 seconds. U If the DTC does not set
Action Taken When the DTC Sets 5. All OK.
DTC POOB3 and POOB4 are Type B DTCs. CircuitlSystem Testing
Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC 1. IgnitionOFF and ali vehicle systems OFF,
disconnect the B34B Engine Coolant Temperature
DTC POOB3 and POOB4 are Type B DTCs. Sensor harness connector. Itmay take up to
2 minutes for all vehicle systems to power down.
Diagnostic Aids
2. Test for less than 5 0 between the low reference
- As the thermostat opens, the RCT sensor circuit terminal1 and ground.
temperature should rise steadily, then stabilize
once the thermostat opens completely. =>If 5 Q or greater
- Test the RCT sensor at various temperature levels 2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
in order to evaluate the possibility of a skewed connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
senson 2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
- Ifthe vehicle has sat for greater than 8 hours, the circuit end to end.
RCT sensor and the ECT sensor values should =>if2 Q or greater, repairthe open/high resistance
display within 3°C (5°F). in the circuit.
Reference Information =>If less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Schematic Reference U If less than 5 Q
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314 5" Ignition ON.
Connector End View Reference 4. Verify the scan tool RCT Sensor parameter is
colder than -39°C (-38°F).
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
=>If warmer than -39°C (-38°F)
Electrical Information Reference 4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
- Circuit Testing on page 11-526 connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal
circuit terminal 2 and ground.
~ Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11-531 =>ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the Circuit.
- Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
=>if infinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
DTC Type Reference Control Module.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type U If colder than -39°C (-38°F)
Definitions on page 6—68 5. IgnitionOFF, Install a 3A fused jumper wire
Scan Tool Reference between the signai circuit terminal 2 and the low
reference circuit terminal 1.
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool 6. IgnitionON, Verify the scan tool Radiator Coolant
information Temperature sensor parameter is warmer than
CircuitlSystem Verification 137°C (280°F).
1. IgnitionON. :> If colder than 137°C (280°F)
2. Verify the scan tool ECT Sensor parameter is 6.1. IgnitionOFF, remove thejumper wire,
between —39to +120°C {—38to +248°F)and disconnect the harness connector at the
changes with engine run time. K20 Engine Control Module.
=>If not between —39to +120°C (-38 to +248°F) or 6.2. IgnitionON, Test for less than 1 V between the
does not change signal circuit and ground.
:> if 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
the circuit.
U if between -39 to + 120°C (-38 to +248°F) and
changes U ifless than 1 V
3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for 6.3. IgnitionOFF
Running the DTC. You may also operate the 6.4. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
vehicie within the conditions that you observed to end.
from the Freeze Frame/Faiiure Records data. =>If2 Q or greater, repairthe open/high resistance
in the circuit.

9=602 Engine Cooling
=>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control 3. Test for infinite resistance between each terminal
Module. and the sensor housing.
U If warmer than 137°C (280°F) :> If less than infinite resistance
7. Test or replace the B34B Engine Coolant Replace the B34B Engine Coolant Temperature
Temperature Sensor. Sensor.
Testing U lfinfinite resistance
4. All OK.
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the B34B Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor. Repair Instructions
2. Test for refer to Temperature Versus Resistance on Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 9-597 between the signal circuit terminal 2 page 6-92 after completing the diagnostic procedure.
and the low reference terminal 1.
- Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
=>if the temperature versus resistance are not Replacement (Water Outlet) on page 9-244 or
within the specified ranges Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
Replace the B34B Engine Coolant Replacement (Thermostat) on page 9-246 or
Temperature Sensor. Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
Replacement (Radiator) on page 9—245
U If the temperature versus resistance are within
the specified ranges - Engine Control Module Replacement on
page 9-531 for ECM replacement, setup, and

2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooling 9-603

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66 priorto using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
. Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC POOB6: Radiator Coolant Temperature (RCT)—Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Not Plausible
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
CoolantTemperature SensorSignal POOB3 POOB4 POOB4* P0086
Low Reference — POOB4 — P0086
*InternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitisshortedt0 B+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

Radiator Coolant Temperature Sensor

Circuit I Short to Ground I Open I Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: EngineRunningin Closed Loop
CoolantTemperature SensorSignal 140°C(284°F) -40°C (-40°F) 440°C(-40°F)*
LowReference — -40°C (-40°F) —40°C(-40°F)*
*InternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitisshortedto B+.

Circuit Description ' Conditions for Running the DTC

The engine coolant temperature sensor is a variable - DTCs P0083, POOB4, P0086, P0112, P0113,
resistor that measures the temperature of the engine P0117, P0118, P0502, P0503 or P2610 are
coolant in the radiator.The engine control module not set.
(ECM) supplies 5 VOIFSt9 the 9'79an coolant . The vehicle has been OFF for greater than 8 hours
temperature Signal CerUlt and supplies a ground to the before vehicle ON.
low reference circuit. The purpose of this diagnostic is
to determine ifthe input from the RCT sensor is skewed °’ The vehicle is ON’ or the engine is running.
warmer than normal. The internal clock of the ECM will ' The intake air temperature (iAT) i5 warmer than
record the amount of time the engine is OFF. Ifthe '7 C (19 F)-
required engine OFF time is met at start—up,the ECM - The fuel level is greater than 10 percent.
will compare the temperature difference between the . - 1-
actual measured RCTand ECT sensors. lggvglgnrgRigggeepgégmtlon cycle when the
The following table illustrates the difference between . _ ,
temperature, resistance, and voltage: COHdlthhS for Settlng the DTC
RCT Signal The ECM determines the absolute difference of
. temperature between the RCTstart up temperature and
RCT RCT Res'smnce Voltage ECT start up temperature is greater than 20°C (68°F) .
Cold High High _
Warm Low LOW Actlon Taken When the DTC Sets
DTC P0086 is a Type B DTC.
Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
DTC POOB6 is a Type B DTC.

9-604 Engine Cooling

Diagnostic Aids CircuitlSystem Testing

- As the thermostat opens, the radiator coolant 1. Vehicle OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
temperature sensor signal should rise steadily, the 8348 engine coolant temperature sensor.
then stabilize once the thermostat opens 2. Vehicle OFF, all systems OFF. This may take up to
completely. 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to power down.
- Inspect for the correct operation of the engine Test for less than 5 0 between the low reference
cooling system and verify the correct coolant level. circuit terminal 1 and ground.
:> Ifgreater than the specified range, test the low
Reference Information reference circuit for an open/high resistance.
Schematic Reference Ifthe circuit tests normal, replace the
K20 engine control module.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9-314 3. Vehicle ON, verify the scan tool Radiator Coolant
Connector End View Reference Temperature Sensor parameter is at —40°
C (—40°F).
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
=>Ifwarmerthan the specified range, test the
Electrical Information Reference signal circuit terminal 2 for a short to ground.
Ifthe circuit tests normal, replace the
0 Circuit Testing on page 11~526 K20 engine control module.
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 Note: ifthe fuse in the jumper wire opens, the signal
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor circuit is shorted to a voltage and the sensor may be
Connections on page 11—531 damaged.
' Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 4. Install a 1 A fused jumper wire between the signal
DTC Type Reference circuit terminal 2 and the low reference circuit
terminal 1. Verify the scan tool Radiator Coolant
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Temperature Sensor parameter is at 140°
Definitions on page 6-68 C (284°F).
Scan Tool Reference =>Ifless than specified range, test the signal
circuit for a short to voltage or an open/high
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool resistance. lfthe circuit tests normal, replace
the K20 engine control module.
CircuitlSystem Verification 5. Ifall circuits test normal, test or replace the
1. Engine running, observe the DTC information with - 8348 engine coolant temperature sensor.
a scan tool. DTC POOB3, POOB4, P0117, P0118, Component Testing
P0597, P0598, or P0599 should not be set.
1. Vehicle OFF, remove the 8343 engine coolant
=>Ifa DTC is set, refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code temperature sensor.
(DTC) List - Vehicle on page 6—69for further
diagnosis. Note: A thermometer can be used to the used to test
the sensor Offthe vehicle.
2. Verify the coolant in the radiator surge tank is at
the correct level and there are no engine coolant 2. Test the engine coolant temperature sensor by
leaks. Refer to Cooling System Draining and Filling varying the sensor temperature while monitoring
on page 9-628 and Loss of Coolant on page 9—625. the sensor resistance. Compare the readings with
3. Engine idling for 15 minutes with the A/C OFF. the Temperature Versus Resistance on page 9—597
table and verify that the resistance is within
Note: Depending on ambient temperature, it may take 5 percent of the specification.
up to 4 minutes for the temperatures to equalize.
=>Ifnot within the specified range, replace the
4. Command the engine coolant thermostat heater to 8348 engine coolant temperature sensor.
100 percent with a scan tool. Increase the engine
speed to 3,000 RPM. Observe the scan tool Repair Instructions
radiator coolant temperature sensor and ECT Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
sensor parameters. The radiator coolant page 6-92 after completing the diagnostic procedure.
temperature sensor and the ECT sensor
parameters should be within 20°C (68°F). ~ Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
Replacement (Water Outlet) on page 9—244or
5. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
running the DTC to verify the DTC does not reset. Replacement (Thermostat) on page 9-246 or
You may also operate the vehicle within the Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
conditions that you observed from the freeze Replacement (Radiator) on page 9—245
frame/failure records data.
- Engine Control Module Replacement on
page 9531 for ECM replacement, setup, and

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Cooling 9-605

DTC P0037

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
0 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0037: Engine Coolant Flow Insufficient

Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
CoolantTemperatureSensorSignal POOB3 POOB4 POOB4* P0086
LowReference — POOB4 POOB4* POOB6
*internalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto B+.

Typical Scan Tool Data

Radiator Coolant Temperature Sensor

Circuit | Short to Ground I Open I Short to Voltage
OperatingConditions: EngineRunningin Closed Loop
ParameterNormal Range:Varieswithambienttemperature
RadiatorCoolantTemperatureSensorSignal 140°C(284°F) —40°c(-40°F) -40°C (-40°F)*
LowReference —40°c(-40°F) —40°c(-40°F)*
*InternalECM or sensordamagemayoccurifthecircuitis shortedto B+.

Circuit Description Action Taken When the DTC Sets

The engine control module (ECM) monitors the DTC P0087 is a Type B DTC.
temperature of the engine radiator coolant. The ECM
controls the thermostat with a pulse width modulated Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
(PWM) signal. The ECM compares the radiator coolant DTC POOB7 is a Type B DTC.
temperature to the engine coolant temperature in order
to determine ifthere sufficient coolant flow through the Diagnostic Aids
thermostat. - The thermostat has a mechanical faiI-safe in case
Conditions for Running the DTC of an electrical condition with the thermostat
heater. The mechanical thermostat will open at
- DTCs P0083, POOB4, POOB6, P0116, P0117, and approximately 80°C (176°F).The mechanical
P0118 are not set. thermostat will cycle from approximately 85°C
‘ The engine run time is greater than 5 m. (185°F) to approximately 102°C (215°F).
OR - A resistance eondition in the RCT sensor cirpuits
° The engine coolant temperature is greater than may cause ”“8 DTC' “1'3 condition .results‘In53‘
105°C (221cm. greater voltage on the RCT sensor Signal CirCUIt,
N‘W,.W which is interpreted by the ECM as a colder RCT.
- The DTC runs continuously when the above
conditions are met. Reference Information
Conditions for Setting the DTC Schematic Reference
Note: The scan tool display range is between -40 and Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—314
+ 150°C (~40and +302°F).
Electrical Information Reference
The ECM detects the difference between the RCT
sensor and the ECTsensor is greater than 30°C (86°F) - Circuit Testing on page 11—526
when the ECT sensor is warmerthan 117°C (242°F) for - Connector Repairs on page 11-548
greater than 5 s.
9-606 Engine Cooling
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 5. Command the Engine Coolant Thermostat Heater
Connections on page 11-531 to 100 percent with a scan tool. Increase the
. Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 engine speed to 3,000 RPM. Observe the scan tool
ECT sensor parameter. The temperature should
DTC Type Reference decrease to less than 85°C (185°F).
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type 6. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
Definitions on page 6-68 running the DTC to verify the DTC does not reset.
You may also operate the vehicle within the
Scan Tool Reference conditions that you observed from the freeze
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool frame/failure records data.
information CircuitlSystem Testing
CircuitlSystem Verification 1. Vehicle OFF, inspect the cooling system for the
1. Engine Running, observe the DTC information with conditions below. Refer to Symptoms - Engine
a scan tool. DTC POOBS, POOB4, POOB6, P0117, Cooling on page 9-617.
P0118, P0597, P0598, and P0599 should not . Weak coolant solution
be set. - Obstructed radiator air flow or bent radiator fins
=>Ifa DTC is set, reterto Diagnostic Trouble Code - Blocked cooling system passages
(DTC) List —Vehicle on page 6—69for further - Radiator hoses that are restricted, collapsed,
diagnosis. or deteriorated
2. Verify the coolant in the radiator surge tank is at . Damaged water pump and or belt
the correct level and there are no engine coolant
leaks. Refer to Cooling System Draining and Filling - Loss of cooling system pressure
on page 9-628 and Loss of Coolant on page 9—625. —Leaking surge tank cap
3. Verify the engine cooling fan operates. Refer to —Radiator hoses
Cooling Fan lnoperative (LUV) on page 9-620 or - Cylinder head or an engine block that is
Cooling Fan lnoperative (LUW, LWE) on cracked or plugged
page 9—623. :> Ifyou find any of the above conditions, repair as
4. Engine idling for 15 minutes with the A/C OFF. necessary.
Note: Depending on ambient temperature, it may take 2. Ifall conditions test normal, replace the E41 engine
up to 4 minutes for the temperature to decrease less coolant thermostat heater.
than the specified value.
Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6—92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
Engine Coolant Thermostat Replacement (LUV) on
page 9-661 or Engine Coolant Thermostat
Replacement (LUW) on page 9—662

2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooling 9-607
DTC P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, P0693, or P0694 (LUW, LWE)
Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0480: Cooling Fan Relay1 Control Circuit
DTC P0481: Cooling Fan Relay2 Control Circuit
DTC P0691: Cooling Fan Relay1 Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0692: Cooling Fan Relay1 Control Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0693: Cooling Fan Relay2 Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0694: Cooling Fan Relay2 Control Circuit High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
RelayCoil VoltageSupply — P0480,P0481 — -
RelaySwitchB+ 1 1 — -
KRZOC CoolingFan LowSpeed RelayControl P0691 P0480 P0692,3 -
KR20DCoolingFan HighSpeed RelayControl P0694 P0481 P0694,3 -
RelayControlledOutput 1 1 2 -
1.Fans inoperativewithouta DTC.
2. FansalwaysON withouta DTC.
3.The ECM mustbe commandingtherelayON in orderforthe DTC toset.

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Setting the DTC

The engine cooling fan system is composed of one The commanded state of the ECM driver and the actual
cooling fan, 2 relays, the engine control module (ECM), state of the control circuit do not match for greater than
and the associated wiring. The cooling fan assembly 5 seconds.
includes 1 resistor mounted in the cooling fan shroud.
This combination of components enables the ECM to Action Taken When the DTC Sets
operate the cooling fan at 2 speeds using two fan DTCs P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, P0693, and
control circuits. The ECM activates the applicable relay P0694 are Type B DTCs.
by grounding the control circuit with a solid state device
called a driver. Each driver is equipped with a feedback Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC
circuit that is pulled—upto a voltage. The ECM can DTCs P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, P0693, and
determine ifthe control circuit is open, shorted to P0694 are Type B DTCs.
ground, or shorted to a voltage by monitoring the
feedback voltage. The ECM will operate the cooling fan
at either Low or High speed based on the cooling
‘45--..12. Conditions for Running the DTC
- The ignition voltage is 11—18 volts.
' The engine speed is 400 RPM or greater.
- The ECM has commanded the output driver ON
and OFF at least once during the ignition cycle.
. The DTCs run continuously when the conditions
above are met.

9—608 Engine Cooling

Diagnostic Aids 4. Verify the DTC does not set.

- The ECM has the capability of providing command =>If the DTC sets
to the fan relays even when a scan tool output Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
control is being used. Always refer to the fan
U If the DTC does not set
control command parameters on the scan tool to
know which fans are being commanded ON by 5. All OK.
the ECM.
CircuitlSystem Testing
~ The scan tool cooling fan output control operates
as follows: 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the cooling fan relays
listed below:
—Cooling Fan Relay1 operates the fan at low
speed - KRZOCCooling Fan Low Speed Relay
—Cooling Fan Relay2 operates the fan at a high . KR2OD Cooling Fan High Speed Relay
speed Note: The following test must be performed on each of
- When disconnecting or removing fuses and relays the relay coil ignition circuits.
from a fuse block, always inspect the component 2. Ignition ON, verify that a test lamp illuminates
electrical terminals for corrosion and the correct between the relay coiiignition circuit terminal listed
orientation in the fuse block. Test the mating below and ground:
electrical terminals for tightness.
- KRZOC Cooling Fan Low Speed Relay
Reference Information terminal 86
' KRZOD Cooling Fan High Speed Relay
Schematic Reference terminal 86
Engine Heating/Coo/ing Schematics on page 9-598 =>If the test lamp does not illuminate
Connector End View Reference 2.1. Ignition OFF, remove the test lamp.
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ignition circuit of
1 Component Connector End Views on page 11~269 the appropriate cooling fan relay, end to end.
- Electrical Centerldentification Views on
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
page 11-240
in the circuit.
Description and Operation =>If less than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and
Cooling Fan Description and Operation (LUV) on there is voltage at the fuse.
page 9—679or Cooling Fan Description and Operation =>If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
(LWE, LUW) on page 9-680 circuit fuse is open
Electrical Information Reference 2.1. Ignition OFF, remove the test lamp.
2.2. Test for infinite resistance between the relay
- Circuit Testing on page 11—526 coil ignition circuits listed below and ground:
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 - KRZOC Cooling Fan Low Speed Relay
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor terminal 85
Connections on page 11-531 - KR20D Cooling Fan High Speed Relay
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 terminal 85
DTC Type Reference =>If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground in the circuit.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6-68 =>If infinite resistance, test all of the appropriate
cooling fan relays for a shorted condition and
Scan Tool Reference replace as necessary.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool U If the test lamp illuminates
information 3. Ignition OFF, remove the test lamp, ignition ON.
CircuitlSystem Verification Note: The following tests must be performed on the
two fan relay control circuits.
1. IgnitionON.
2. Verify an audible clickis heard or felt from each 4. Connect a DMM, set on the diode setting, between
cooling fan relay when commanding the cooling a control circuit terminal listed below and ground:
fan ON and OFF with a scan tool. ' KR20C Cooling Fan Low Speed Relay
=>If a click is not heard or felt at each of the relays terminal 86
- KR20D Cooling Fan High Speed relay
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. terminal 86
U If a click is heard or felt at each of the relays
3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
vehicle within the conditions that you observed
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooling 9=609
5. Verify the DMM reading is greater than 2.5 Vor Component Testing
displays O-L- 1. IgnitionOFF.
:9 if 2-5 Vf’f' less . 2. Disconnect a cooling fan relay.
5-1- Ignltlon0FF1d1300nneCtthe X1 harness 3. Test for 70—110(2between terminals 85/2 and 86/1
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. of the cooling fan relay.
5.2. Test for infinite resistance between the =>If less than or greater than the specified range
appropriate relay coil control circuit and
ground. Replace the cooling fan relay.
=>if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to U If within the specified range
ground 0“ the CWCUIt- 4. Test for infinite resistance between following
:> Ifinfinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine terminals:
Control Module. - 30/3 and 86/1
U If greater than 2.5Vor displays O.L. - 30/3 and 87/5
Note: The following test must be performed on the two - 30/3 and 85/2
fan relay circuits. . 85/2 and 87/5
6. Verify the DMM reading is less than 1 V when =>If less than infinite resistance
commanding the Cooling Fan Relays ON Witha Replace the cooling fan relay.
scan tool. _ . _ _

6.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness ' "S a a use Jumper w1re e ween re ay
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module, terminal _85/2and'12 V' _
ignition ON_ 6. Install a Jumper w1rebetween relay terminal 86/1
6.2. Test for less than 1 V between the appropriate and ground. _
cooling fan reIay contro|circuit and ground_ 7. Test for less than 2 0 between terminais30/3 and
=>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on 875'
the circuit. =>lf 2 Q or greater
11 |fless than 1 V. Replace the cooling fan relay.
6.3. IgnitionOFF. U If less than 2 Q
6.4. Test for less than 2 Q in the appropriate 8. Ail OK.
cooling fan relay control circuit end to end.
Repair Instructions
:> if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6—92after completing the repair.
=>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center)
on page 11-607or Relay Replacement (Attached
U If less than 1 V to Wire Harness) on page 11-607
7. Test or replace the appropriate cooling fan relay. Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
replacement, programming, and setup

2013 (5377994)
9-610 Engine Cooling

DTC P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, P0693, or P0694 (LUV)

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
. Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0480: Cooling Fan Relay1 Control Circuit
DTC P0481: Cooling Fan Relays 2 and 3 Control Circuit
DTC P0691: Cooling Fan Relay1 Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0692: Cooling Fan Relay1 Control Circuit High Voltage
DTC P0693: Cooling Fan Relays 2 and 3 Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0694: Cooling Fan Relays 2 and 3 Control Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

KR20C Cooling Fan Low Speed Relay

OpenIHigh Signal
Circuit . Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
. .. P0480,P0481,
RelayContIgnition P0691,P0693 1 — -
RelaySwitchB+ 1 1 —— -
RelayCoil Control 2 1 1 _
RelayControlledOutput 1 1 2 -
1. Lowspeedfan inoperativewithouta DTC.
2. LowspeedfanalwaysON withouta DTC.

KR20D Cooling Fan High Speed Relay

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
. .. P0480,P0481, 2 1 -
RelayCOIIIgnition P0691,P0693
RelaySwitchB+ 2 2 — -
RelayControl P0693 P0481 P0694 —-
RelayControlledOutput 2 2 3 —-
1. Mediumspeedfanreplacedby highspeedfanwithouta DTC.
2. Highspeedfaninoperativewithouta DTC.
3. HighspeedfanalwaysON withouta DTC.

KR20E Cooling Fan Speed Control Relay

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
. .. P0480,P0481, 1 — —-
RelayCOIIIgnition P0691,P0693
. .. P0480,P0481,
RelaySWItchIgnition P0691,P0693 1 — -
RelayCoil Control 2 1 _ _

RelayControlledOutput P0480’P0481’
P0691, P0693 1 3 -

Engine Cooling 9-6'11

KR20E Cooling Fan Speed Control Relay (cont'd)

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
1. Highspeedfaninoperativewithouta DTC.
2. LowspeedfanalwaysON withouta DTC.
3. Mediumspeedfaninoperativewithouta DTC.

KR20F Cooling Fan Relay

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
RelayCoil Ignition Egg? ?%‘23‘2313' P0480 — -
RelaySwitchignition 1 2 — -
RelayControl P0691 P0480 P0692 —-
RelayControlledOutput — 2 —— -
1. LowspeedfanalwaysON withouta DTC.
2. Lowspeedfanandhighspeedfan inoperative.

KR20P Cooling Fan Medium Speed Relay

Opeanigh Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
RelayCoil Ignition fig‘gfiv 1133533 P0481 — -
RelaySwitchB+ 1 1 — -
RelayControl P0693 P0481 P0694 -
RelayControlledOutput 1 1 2 -
1. Mediumspeedfaninoperativewithouta DTC.
2. MediumspeedfanalwaysON withouta DTC.

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Clearing the MILIDTC

The engine cooling fan system is composed of one - DTCs P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, P0693, and
cooling fan, a series of 5 relays, the engine control P0694 are Type B DTCs —LUV.
module (ECM), and the associated wiring. The cooling . DTCs P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, P0693, and
fan assembly includes two resistors. This combination P0694 are Type C DTCs —LUJ.
of components enables the ECM to operate the cooling
fan at 3 speeds using two fan control circuits. Diagnostic Aids
Conditions for Running the DTC ' The ECM has the capability of providing command
to the fan relays even when a scan tool output
' The ignition voltage is 11volts or greater. control is being used. Always refer to the scan tool
- The ECM has commanded the output driver ON Cooling Fan Relay Command parameters to know
and OFF at least once during the ignition cycle. which fans are being commanded ON by
' The DTCs run continuously when the conditions the ECM.
above are met. - The scan tool cooling fan output control operates
as follows:
Conditions for Setting the DTC
—Cooling Fan Relay 1 operates the fan at a low
The commanded state of the ECM driver and the actual speed
state of the control circuit do not match for greater than —Cooling Fan Relay 2 and 3 operates the fan at a
5 seconds. medium speed
Action Taken When the DTC Sets —Cooling Fan Relay 1, 2 and 3 operates the fan at
a high speed
- DTCs P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, P0693, and
P0694 are Type B DTCs —LUV. ' When disconnecting or removing fuses and relays
from a fuse block, always inspect the component
- DTCs P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, P0693, and
electrical terminals for corrosion and test the
P0694 are Type C DTCs —LUJ.
mating electrical terminals for tightness.

9-612 Ewine Cooling

Reference Information 2. Ignition ON, verify that a test lamp illuminates

between ground and the relay coil ignition circuit
Schematic Reference terminal listed below:
Engine Heating/Coo/ing Schematics on page 9—598 1 KR2OF Cooling Fan Relay terminal 85
1 KR20P Cooling Fan Medium Speed Relay
Connector End View Reference terminal 86
1 Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 :> If the test lamp does not illuminate and the fuse
1 Electrical Centerldentification Views on is good.
page 11—240 2.1. Ignition OFF, and all vehicle systems OFF, it
Description and Operation may take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle
systems to power down. Remove the fuse that
Cooling Fan Description and Operation (LUV) on supplies ignition voltage to the coil side of the
page 9-679 or Cooling Fan Description and Operation cooling fan relays.
(LWE, LUW) on page 9-680 2.2. Test for less than 2 Q between the ignition
Electrical Information Reference circuit terminal of the appropriate cooling fan
relay and the fuse. ,-fl2~

1 Circuit Testing on page 11—526 =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
1 Connector Repairs on page 11—548 in the circuit.
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor =>If less than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and
Connections on page 11-531 there is voltage at the fuse.
1 Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 =>If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
DTC Type Reference circuit fuse is open
2.1. ignition OFF, and all vehicle systems OFF, it
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
may take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle
Definitions on page 6—68
systems to power down.
Scan Tool Reference 2.2. Test for infinite resistance between the relay
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool coil ignition circuits listed below and ground:
information 1 KR20F Cooling Fan Relaytermina185
1 KR20D Cooling Fan High Speed Relay
CircuitlSystem Verification terminal 86/1
1. IgnitionON. =>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
2. Verify an audible clickis heard or felt from each ground in the circuit.
cooling fan relay when commanding the cooling =>If infinite resistance, test all of the appropriate
fan ON and OFF with a scan tool. cooling fan relays for a shorted condition and
=>If a click is not heard or felt at each of the relays replace as necessary.
Refer to Circuit/System Testing. U If the test lamp illuminates
U If a click is heard or felt at each of the relays 3. Ignition OFF, remove the test lamp, ignition ON.
3. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for Note:
Running the DTC. You may also operate the
1 The following tests must be performed on all
vehicle within the conditions that you observed
three fan relay control circuits.
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
1 The Red test lead should be connected to the
4. Verify the DTC does not set.
control circuit.
=>If the DTC sets 4. Connect a DMM, set on the diode setting, between
Refer to Circuit/System Testing. a control circuit terminal listed below and ground:
U If the DTC does not set 1 KR20F cooling fan relay terminal 86
5 All OK. 1 KR20P cooling fan medium speed relay
terminal 85
CircuitlSystem Testing 1 KR20D cooling fan high speed relay
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the cooling fan relays terminal 85/2
listed below:
1 KR20F Cooling Fan Relay
1 KR20P Cooling Fan Medium Speed Relay
1 KR2OD Cooling Fan High Speed Relay
Note: The following test must be performed on each of
the relay coil ignition Circuits.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Coolingr 9—613
5. Verify
, the DMM reading is greater than 2.5 V or Component Testing
displays O.L.
1. IgnitionOFF.
:> If 2'5 V or less . . 2. Disconnect a cooling fan relay.
5.1. ignition OFF, and all vehicle systems OFF, it 3 Test for 70410 0 between terminals 85/2 and
may take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle ' 86/1
systems to power down. Disconnect the '
harness connectorX1 at the K20 Engine =>If I655 than or greater than the specified range
Control Module. Replace the cooling fan relay.
5.2. Test forinfinite resistance between the U If within the specified range
ngurggnate relay CO”control c1rcu1tand 4. Test for infinite resistance between the following
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
ground on the circuit. 1 30/3 and 86/1
1 30/3 and 87/5
=>lf infinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
Control Module. 1 30/3 and 85/2
U If greater than 2.5 V or displays O.L. 1 85/2 and 87/5
Note: The following test must be performed on all :> If less than infinite resistance
three fan relay circuits. Replace the cooling fan relay.
6. Verify the DMM reading is less than 1 then U If infinite resistance
commanding the Cooling Fan Relays ON with a Install a 20 A fused jumper wire between relay
scan tool. terminal 85/2 and 12 V.
if 1 V or greater Install a jumper wire between relay terminal 86/1
6.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness and ground.
connectorX1 at the K20 Engine Control Test for less than 2 Q between terminals 30/3 and
Module, ignition ON. 87/5.
6.2. Test for less than 1 V between the appropriate .4..If 2 Q or greater
cooling fan relay control circuit and ground. Replace the cooling fan relay
=>if 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on I
the circuit. U If less than 2 Q
8. All OK.
U lfless than 1 V.
6.3. IgnitionOFF. Repair Instructions
6.4. Test for less than 2 Q in the appropriate Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
cooling fan relay control circuit end to end. page 6-92 after completing the diagnostic procedure.
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center)
in the circuit. on page 11—607or Relay Replacement (Attached
=>If less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control to Wire Harness) on page 11—607
Module. Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
replacement, setup, and programming
U If less than 1 V
7. Test or replace the appropriate cooling fan relay.


9-614 Engine Cooling

DTC P0597-P0599

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0597: Engine Coolant Thermostat Heater Control Circuit
DTC P0598: Engine Coolant Thermostat Heater Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0599: Engine Coolant Thermostat Heater Control Circuit High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
P0031,P0037, P0031,P0037,
P0135,P0141, P0135,P0141,
Voltage P0443,P0597, P0443,P0597, — -
P0598*,P0660, P0598*,P0660,
P0661 P0661
ThermostatControlCircuit P0458,P0598 P0597 P0599 -

CircuitlSystem Description Diagnostic Aids

The engine control module (ECM) controls the pulse 1 A low engine coolant level could cause the
width modulated (PWM) thermostat. The thermostat thermostat heater to overheat and set a DTC.
controls coolant flow and regulates the engine 1 The thermostat has a mechanical fail—safein case
operating temperature. Ignitionvoltage is supplied of an electrical condition with the thermostat
directly to the thermostat through a fuse. The ECM heater. The mechanical thermostat will open at
controls the thermostat by grounding the control circuit approximately 80°C (176°F). The mechanical
with a solid state device called a driver. The driver is thermostat will cycle from approximately 85°C
equipped with a feedback circuit that is pulled—upto a (185°F) to approximately102°C(215°F).
voltage. The ECM can determine ifthe control circuit is
open, shorted to ground, or shorted to a voltage by Reference Information
monitoring the feedback voltage.
Schematic Reference
Conditions for Running the DTCs
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—314
1 The ignition is ON, or the engine is running.
Connector End View Reference
1 The DTCs run continuously once the above
condition is met Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
Conditions for Setting the DTC Electrical information Reference
The ECM detects that the commanded state of the 1 Circuit Testing on page 11-526
driver and the actual state of the control circuit do not 1 Connector Repairs on page 11-548
match for greater than 15 seconds.
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Action Taken When the DTC Sets Connections on page 11-531
1 DTCs P0597, P0598, and P0599 are Type 1 Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
B DTCs. DTC Type Reference
1 The engine control module commands the engine
cooling fans ON. Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6-68
Conditions for Clearing the DTC Scan Tool Reference
DTCs P0597, P0598, and P0599 are Type B DTCs.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool

Engine Cooling 91615
CircuitlSystem Verification 3. Verify that a test lamp does not illuminate between
the ignition circuit terminal 2 and the control circuit
1. Verify the coolant in the radiator surge tank is at
terminal 1.
the correct level and there are no engine coolant
leaks.Loss of Coolant on page 9-625 and Cooling if the test lamp illuminates
System Draining and Filling on page 9-628 3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
2 If the coolant level is not correct connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
Repair as necessary 3.2. Test for infinite resistance between the control
Circuitand ground.
U If the coolant level is correct
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
N. ignition ON ground on the circuit.
3. Verify the parameters listed below do not display
=>Ifinfinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
Malfunction when commanding the Engine Coolant
Control Module.
Thermostat Heater ON and OFF with a scan tool.
1 Engine Coolant Thermostat Heater Control U If the test lamp does not illuminate
Circuit Low Voltage Test Status . Remove the test lamp, command the E41 Engine
1 Engine Coolant Thermostat Heater Control Coolant Thermostat Heater ON with a scan tool.
Circuit Open Test Status . Verify the scan tool E41 Engine Coolant
1 Engine Coolant Thermostat Heater Control Thermostat Heater Control Circuit High Voltage
Circuit High Voltage Test Status Test Status parameter displays OK.
:> If Malfunction is displayed If 0K is not displayed
5.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
U If Malfunction is not displayed ignition ON.
4. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for 5.2. Test for less than 1 V between the control
running the DTC. You may also operate the vehicle circuit and ground.
within the conditions that you observed from the
=>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
freeze frame/failurerecords data.
the circuit.
5. Verify the DTC does not set.
:1 If less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
=>If any DTC sets Module.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. lf OK is displayed
U If the DTC does not set Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the control
6. Ali OK. circuit terminal 1 and the ignition circuit terminal 2.
Verify the scan tool Engine Coolant Thermostat
CircuitlSystem Testing Heater Circuit High Voltage Test Status parameter
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at is displaying Malfunction when commanding the
the E41 Engine Coolant Thermostat Heater, E41 Engine Coolant Thermostat Heater ON with a
Ignition ON. scan tool.
2. Verify that a test lamp illuminates between the If Malfunction is not displayed
ignition circuit terminal 2 and ground. 7.1. IgnitionOFF, remove thejumper wire,
=>If the test lamp does not illuminate and the disconnect the harness connector at the
circuit fuse is good K20 Engine Control Module
2.1. ignition OFF, remove the test lamp. 7.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ignition circuit end to end.
to end. =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance in the circuit.
in the circuit. :> Ifless than 2 Q replace theKZO Engine Control
:> Ifless than 2 Q verify the fuse is not open and Module
there is voltage at the fuse. U If Malfunction is displayed
=>If the test lamp does not illuminate and the 8. Test or replace the E41 Engine Coolant Thermostat
circuit fuse is open Heater.
2.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp.
Repair Instructions
2.2. Test for infinite resistance between the ignition
circuit and ground Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92 after completing the diagnostic procedure.
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
Engine Coolant Thermostat Replacement (LUV)
ground in the circuit. on page 9661 or Engine Coolant Thermostat
=>If infinite resistance, test all the components Replacement (LUW) on page 9-662
connected to fuse and replace as necessary. Control Module References on page 6-3 for
U If the test lamp illuminates engine control module, replacement,
programming, and setup.
9:616 Engine Cooling

DTC P2181

Diagnostic Instructions
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6766prior to using this diagnostic
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P2181: Engine Cooling System Performance

CircuitlSystem Description Connector End View Reference

The engine control module (ECM) monitors Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
temperature difference between the engine coolant
temperature (ECT) sensor and the radiator coolant Description and Operation
temperature (RCT) sensor during a cold start-up. The Cooling System Description and Operation on
purpose of this diagnostic is to analyze the engine page 9—680
coolant thermostat for being stuck open.
Electrical Information Reference
Conditions for Running the DTC
1 Circuit Testing on page 11—526
1 DTCs POOB3, POOB4, POOB6, P0101, P0102,
P0103, P0111, P0112, P0113, P0114, P0116, 1 Connector Repairs on page 11-548
P0117, or P0118 are not set. 1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
1 The engine run time is between 70 s and 30 min. Connections on page 11-531
1 The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor at 1 Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
start-up is between —10°Cto +59°C (14°F to Scan Tool Reference
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
1 The intake air temperature (IAT)sensor is
between -7°C to +60°C (-4°F to +140°F).
1 The airflow into the engine is between 1 to CircuitlSystem Verification
100 g/s. 1. Engine running, observe the DTC informationwith
1 The DTC runs once per ignition cycle when the a scan tool. DTC POOB3, POOB4, P0086, P0117,
above conditions are met. or P0118 should not be set.
Conditions for Setting the DTC =>Ifa DTC is set, refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code
(DTC) List - Vehicle on page 6—69for further
The ECM detects the engine coolant thermostat is diagnosis.
stuck open for at least 2.5 min.
2. Verify the coolant in the radiator surge tank is at
Action Taken When the DTC Sets the correct level and there are no engine coolant
leaks. Refer to Cooling System Draining and Filling
DTC P2181 is a Type B DTC on page 9-628 and Loss of Coolant on page 9-625.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC Note: Depending on ambient temperature, it may take
up to 4 min for the temperature to increase greater than
DTC P2181 is a Type B DTC
the specified value.
Diagnostic Aids 3. Engine idling for 15 min with the A/C OFF. Verify
1 insufficient vehicle interior heating is an indication the engine cooling fan is not ON at all times.
of improper thermostat operation. 4. Command the Engine Coolant Thermostat Heater
1 The scan tool Desired ECT Sensor and the ECT to 0 %with a scan tool. Increase the engine speed
Sensor parameters should be within 5°C (9°F) to 3,000 RPM. Observe the scan tool ECT sensor
when the engine is at operating temperature. parameter. The temperature should increase to
1 A resistance condition in the ECT sensor circuits greater than 102°C (215°F).
may cause this DTC. This condition results in a =>Ifless than the specified value, replace the
greater voltage on the ECT sensor signal circuit, E41 engine coolant thermostat heater.
which is interpreted by the ECM as a colder ECT. 5. Operate the vehicle within the conditions for
running the DTC to verify the DTC does not reset.
Reference Information You may also operate the vehicle within the
Schematic Reference conditions that you observed from the freeze
frame/failure records data.
Engine Controls Schematics on page 9—314

Engine Cooling 92-617
Repair Instructions 1 Inspect the easily accessible or visible system
components for obvious damage or conditions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
which could cause the symptom.
page 6—92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
1 Inspect the surge tank reservoir for proper coolant
Engine Coolant Thermostat Replacement (LUV) on
page 9-661 or Engine Coolant Thermostat
Replacement (LUW) on page 9-662 Identifying Intermittent Conditions
Many intermittentconditions occur with harness or
Symptoms - Engine Cooling connector movement due to engine torque, rough
Important Preliminary inspections pavement, vibration or physical movement of a
component. Refer to the following for a list to help
Before Starting isolate an intermittentcondition:
Before using the Symptom diagnosis, perform the 1 Water intrusion in connectors, terminals,
following: or components
1 Perform Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle on 1 Poorconnectormating
page 6-66 and verify all of the following items: 1 Terminalcontact
—Engine control module (ECM) and malfunction 1 High circuit or component resistance—High
indicator lamp (MIL) are operating correctly. resistance can include any resistance, regardless
—There are no diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) of the amount, which can interruptthe operation of
stored. the component.
—Scan tool data is within a normal operating 1 Harness‘ that are routed too tight, or chatted
range. circuits
1 Verify the customer concern. 1 High or low ambient temperatures
1 Perform the Visual/Physical Inspection in this 1 High or low engine coolant temperatures
section. The visuaI/physical inspection is 1 High underhood temperatures
extremely important, and can lead to correcting a
condition without additional testing. Itmay also 1 Heat build up in components or circuits due to
help reveal the cause of an intermittentcondition. circuit resistance, poorterminal contact, or high
electrical load
1 Locate the correct symptom. Perform the tests
and inspections associated with the symptom. 1 High or low system voltage
Review the entire cooling system operation in order to 1 High vehicle load conditions
familiarize yourself with the system functions. Refer to 1 Rough road surface
Cooling Fan Description and Operation (LUV) on 1 Electro-magnetic interference (EM|)/circuit
page 9-679 or Cooling Fan Description and Operation interference from relays, solenoids or other
(LWE, LUW) on page 9-680 and Cooling System electrical surge
Description and Operation on page 9-680. 1 Incorrect installation of non-factory,aftermarket,
Visual/Physical Inspection or after factory add on accessories
Ifan intermittentis detected, referto Testing for
Caution: Use the connector test adapter kit EL-35616- IntermittentConditions and Poor Connections on
F for any test that requires probing the following items: page 11—531for specific strategies in diagnosing
1 The control module harness connectors intermittentconditions.
1 The electrical center fuse/relay cavities
Symptom List
1 The component terminals
1 The component harness connector Refer to a symptom diagnostic procedure from the
following list in order to diagnose the symptom:
Using this kit will prevent damage caused by the 1 Cooling Fan Always On (LUV) on page 9-618 or
improper probing of connector terminals. Cooling Fan Always On (LUW, LWE) on
Several of the symptom procedures call for a careful page 9-619
visual and physical inspection. This can lead to 1 Cooling Fan lnoperative (LUV) on page 9—620or
correcting a condition without further tests and can Cooling Fan lnoperative (LUW, LWE) on
save time. This inspection should include the following: page 9-623
1 Ensure that the control module grounds are clean, 1 Engine Overheating on page 9-625
tight,and correctly located.
1 Loss of Coolant on page 9-625
1 inspect cooling system hoses and pipes for splits,
kinks, and improper connections. Inspect 1 Thermostat Diagnosis on page 9-626
thoroughly for any type of leak or restriction. 1 Engine Fails ToReach Normal Operating
1 Inspect for a dirty or restricted radiator or HVAC Temperature on page 9-627
1 Inspect for aftermarket devices which could affect
the operation of the cooling system.

9-618 Engine CoolingL

Cooling Fan Always On (LUV) 1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor

Connections on page 11-531
Diagnostic Instructions 1 Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check- Vehicle Scan Tool Reference
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
procedure. Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach. CircuitlSystem Verification
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59 1. IgnitionON.
provides an overview of the diagnostic category.
2. Verify that there are no cooling system DTCs set.
CircuitlSystem Description =>If any DTCs are set
The engine cooling fan system is composed of one Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
cooling fan, a series of 5 relays, the engine control Vehicle on page 6-69.
module (ECM), and the associated wiring. The cooling
fan assembly includes two resistors. This combination U If no DTCs are set
of components enables the ECM to operate the cooling 3. Verify the scan tool parameters listed below
fan at 3 speeds using two fan control circuits. display OFF.
1 Cooling Fan Relay1 Command
Diagnostic Aids
1 Cooling Fan Relays 2 and 3 Command
1 The scan tool cooling fan output control operates
as follows: =>If a scan tool parameter displays ON
—Cooling Fan Relay 1 operates the fan at a low Refer to Diagnostic Aids and Symptoms -
speed Engine Cooling on page 9—61 7 for further
—Cooling Fan Relay 2 and 3 operates the fan at a
medium speed U If both scan tool parameters display OFF
—Cooling Fan Relay 1, 2 and 3 operates the fan at 4. Verify that the fan is not activated.
a high speed =>If the fan is operating
1 Certain resistance conditions with intake air Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
temperature (IAT)or engine coolant temperature
(ECT) sensors may cause unwarranted cooling U If the fan is OFF
fan activation. Ifthe ECM Is commanding the 5. All OK.
cooling fans ON for no apparent reason and
without any component or system DTCs set, the CircuitlSystem Testing
IATor ECT sensor may be skewed. Ifthis condition Note: The following tests must be performed on each
is suspected, refer to the Temperature Versus cooling fan relay.
Resistance tables in Specifications of the
appropriate engine controls subsection. 1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect each cooling fan relay ,
one at a time, in the order listed below, ignition ON:
1 Ifthe cooling fan operates at high speed when the
ECM is requesting medium speed operation, test 1 KR20F Cooling Fan Relay
or replace the KR20E Cooling Fan Speed Control 1 KR20C Cooling Fan Low Speed Relay
Relay. 1 KR20P Cooling Fan Medium Speed Relay
Reference Information 1 KR2OD Cooling Fan High Speed Relay
2. Verify that the cooling fan is not activated after
Schematic Reference each relay is removed.
Engine Heating/Coo/ing Schematics on page 9-598 =>If the cooling fan is ON with all of the listed
relays removed
Connector End View Reference
2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
1 Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 connector at the R10 Cooling Fan Resistor,
1 Electrical Centerldentification Views on ignition ON.
page 11-240 ' 2.2. Test for less than 1 V between the relay
Description and Operation controlled output circuit terminal listed below
and ground:
Cooling Fan Description and Operation (LUV) on 1 KRZOC Cooling Fan Low Speed Relay
page 9—679or Cooling Fan Description and Operation termina187
(LWE, LUW) on page 9-680
1 KRZOP Cooling Fan Medium Speed Relay
Electrical Information Reference terminal 87
1 Circuit Testing on page 11-526
1 Connector Repairs on page 11-548

2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooling 92619
1 KR20D Cooling Fan High Speed Relay CircuitlSystem Description
terminal 87/5
The engine cooling fan system consists of a cooling fan
:> If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage in the assembly containing one electric cooling fan. The
appropriate circuit. engine control module (ECM) uses two fan control
U If the cooling fan is OFF after a listed relay is circuits and a series of two relays to command the fans
removed ON in either high speed or low speed, depending on
cooling requirements. The ECM activates the
3. Replace the appropriate cooling fan relay.
applicable relay by grounding the control circuit with a
Component Testing solid state device called a driver. Each driver is
equipped with a feedback circuit that is pulled-up to a
1. IgnitionOFF. voltage. The ECM can determine if the control circuit is
2. Disconnect a cooling fan relay. open, shorted to ground, or shorted to a voltage by
3. Test for 70—110Q between terminals 85/2 and monitoring the feedback voltage. In low speed, the fan
86/1. is turned ON at a reduced speed. High speed has the
fan turned ON at full speed.
:> if less than or greater than the specified range
Replace the cooling fan relay. Diagnostic Aids
U If within the specified range 1 The scan tool cooling fan output control operates
4. Test for infinite resistance between the following as follows:
terminals: —Cooling Fan Relay1 operates both fans at a low
1 30/3 and 86/1 speed
1 30/3 and 87/5 —Cooling Fan Relay 2 operates one fan at a high
1 30/3 and 85/2
1 Certain resistance conditions with IATor ECT
1 85/2 and 87/5 sensors may cause unwarranted cooling fan
=>If less than infinite resistance activation. Ifthe ECM is commanding the cooling
Replace the cooling fan relay. fans ON for no apparent reason and without any
component or system DTCs set, the IATor ECT
U lf infinite resistance sensor may be skewed. Ifthis condition is
5. Install a 20 A fused jumper wire between relay suspected, refer to the temperature versus
terminal 85/2 and 12 V. resistance tables in the appropriate Engine
6. Install a jumperwire between relay terminal 86/1 Controls subsection.
and ground. Reference Information
7. Test for less than 2 Q between terminals 30/3 and
87/5. Schematic Reference
:> if 2 Q or greater Engine Heating/Coo/ing Schematics on page 9-598
Replace the cooling fan relay. Connector End View Reference
U If less than 2 Q
1 Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
8. All OK.
1 Electrical Center/dentification Views on
Repair Instructions page 11—240
Na-.. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on Description and Operation
page 6-92 after completing the diagnostic procedure.
Cooling Fan Description and Operation (LUV) on
Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center) on page 9—679or Cooling Fan Description and Operation
page 11-607 or Relay Replacement (Attached to Wire , (LWE, LUW) on page 9-680
Harness) on page 11-60-7
Electrical Information Reference
Cooling Fan Always On (LUW, LWE) 1 Circuit Testing on page 11-526
Diagnostic Instructions 1 Connector Repairs on page 11-548
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Connections on page 11-531
on page 6-66 priorto using this diagnostic
procedure. 1 Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58 Scan Tool Reference
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59 information
provide an overview of each diagnostic category.

9=620 Erfi’Igine Cooling

CircuitlSystem Verification 1 30 and 85

1. IgnitionON. 1 85 and 87
2. Verify that DTC P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, :> If less than infinite resistance
P0693, or P0694 is not set. Replace the appropriate KR20 Cooling Fan
=>If any of the DTCs are set Relay.
Refer to DTC P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, U If infinite resistance
P0693, or P0694 (LUW, LWE) on page 9-607 or 5. Install a 20 A fused jumper wire between relay
DTC P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, P0693, terminal 85 or 2 and 12 V.
or P0694 (LUV) on page 9-610. 6. Install a jumperwire between relaytermina186 or 1
U If none of the DTCs are set and ground.
3. Verify the scan tool parameters listed below 7. Test for less than 2 Q between terminals 3/30 and
display OFF: 5/87.
1 Cooling Fan Relay1 Command 2 If 2 Q or greater
1 Cooling Fan Relays 2 Command Replace appropriate the KR20 Cooling Fan
=>If a scan tool parameter displays 0N Relay.
Refer to Diagnostic Aids and Symptoms - U If less than 2 Q
Engine Cooling on page 9—617 for further 8. All OK.
Repair Instructions
U If both scan tool parameters display OFF
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
F1 Verify that the fan is not activated. page 6-92 after completing the repair.
=>If a fan is operating Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center) on
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. page 11-607 or Relay Replacement (Attached to Wire
U if the fan is OFF Harness) on page 11—607
5 All OK. lnoperative (LUV)
Cooling Fan
CircuitlSystem Testing
Diagnostic Instructions
Cooling Fan Always ON 1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect KRZOC Cooling Fan Low on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
Speed Relay and KR20D Cooling Fan High Speed procedure.
Relay, ignition ON. 1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
[‘3 Verify that the cooling fan is OFF. for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
=>If the cooling fan is ON 1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
connector at the G1OR Cooling Fan Motor, CircuitlSystem Description
ignition ON.
2.2. Test for less than 1 V between the appropriate The engine cooling fan system is composed of one
output control circuit terminal 87 and ground. cooling fan, a series of 5 relays, the engine control
module (ECM), and the associated wiring. The cooling
=>|f1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage in the fan assembly includes two resistors. This combination
circuit. of components enables the ECM to operate the cooling
U If the cooling fan is OFF fan at 3 speeds using two fan control circuits.
3. Test or replace the appropriate cooling fan relay. Diagnostic Aids
Component Testing 1 The scan tool cooling fan output control operates
as follows:
1. Ignition OFF.
2. Disconnect the KR20 Cooling Fan Relay. —Cooling Fan Relay 1 operates the fan at a low
3. Test for 70—110Q between terminals 85/2 and
86/1. —Cooling Fan Relay 2 and 3 operates the fan at a
medium speed
:> If less than 70 Q or greater than 110 Q —Cooling Fan Relay 1, 2 and 3 operates the fan at
Replace the appropriate KR20 cooling fan relay. a high speed
U If between 70—110Q 1 When disconnecting or removing fuses and relays
4. Test for infinite resistance between the following from a fuse block, always inspect the component
terminals: electrical terminals for corrosion. Test the mating
electrical terminals for tightness.
1 30 and 86
1 30 and 87

2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooling 91621

Reference information =>if less than 2 Q, repair the open/high resistance

in the ground connection.
Schematic Reference
U If the test lamp illuminates
Engine Heating/Cooling Schematics on page 9-598 3. Test or replace the G10 Cooling Fan Motor.
Connector End View Reference Replace the cooling fan fuses if necessary.

1 Component Connector End Views on page 11—269 Low, Medium, or High Speed lnoperative
1 Electrical Centerldentification Views on 1. Ignition OFF.
page 11-240 2. Disconnect the following cooling fan relays,
ignition ON:
Description and Operation
1 KRZOCCooling Fan Low Speed Relay
Cooling Fan Description and Operation (LUV) on 1 KR20D Cooling Fan High Speed Relay
page 9-679 or Cooling Fan Description and Operation 1 KR20E Cooling Fan Speed Control Relay
(LWE, LUW) on page 9—680
1 KR20F Cooling Fan Relay
Electrical Information Reference 1 KR2OP Cooling Fan Medium Speed Relay
1 Circuit Testing on page 11-526 3. Verify a test lamp illuminates between ground and
1 Connector Repairs on page 11—548 each of the cooling fan relay B+ circuit terminals
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor listed below:
Connections on page 11-531 1 KR2OC Cooling Fan Low Speed Relay
1 Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 terminal 30
1 KR20D Cooling Fan High Speed Relay
Scan Tool Reference terminal 30/3
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool 1 KR20P Cooling Fan Medium Speed Relay
information terminal 30
:> If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
CircuitlSystem Verification circuit fuse is good
1. ignition ON. 3.1. Ignition OFF, remove the test lamp.
2. Verify that DTC P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, 3.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the appropriate relay
P0693, or P0694 is not set. B+ circuit, end to end.
=>If a DTC is set =>If2 Q or greater, repairthe open/high resistance
Refer to DTC P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, in the circuit.
P0693, or P0694 (LUW, LWE) on page 9-607 or =>Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and
DTC P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, P0693, there is voltage at the fuse.
or P0694 (LUV) on page 9-610.
U If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
U If no DTC is set circuit fuse is open
3. Verify that the G10 Cooling Fan Motor operates at 3.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
low, medium, and high speed, when commanding connector at the R10 Cooling Fan Resistor.
the appropriate cooling fan relays ON and OFF
with a scan tool. 3.2. Test for infinite resistance between the
appropriate relay controlled output circuit
=>Ifthe cooling fan does not operate at all speeds terminal listed below and ground:
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. 1 KR20C Cooling Fan Low Speed Relay
U Ifthe cooling fan operates at all speeds terminal 87
4 All OK. 1 KR20D Cooling Fan High Speed Relay
terminal 87/5
CircuitlSystem Testing 1 KR20P Cooling Fan Medium Speed Relay
lnoperative in All Speeds terminal 87
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connector at :> If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
the R10 Cooling Fan Resistor. ground in the circuit.
2. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the ground =>If infinite resistance, test or replace the
circuit terminal 1 and B+. G10 Cooling Fan Motor, replace the fuse as
=>If the test lamp does not illuminate
U If the test lamp illuminates
2.1. ignition OFF, remove the test lamp.
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ground circuit end
to end.
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

2013 (5377994)
9-622 Engine Cooling
4. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the 11. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the
KR20F Cooling Fan Relay output circuit terminal 87 KR20D Cooling Fan High Speed Relay ignition
and B+. circuittermina185/1 and ground.
If the test lamp does not illuminate If the test lamp does not illuminate
4.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp. 11.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp and
4.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ground circuit, end disconnect the KR20E Cooling Fan Speed
to end. Control Relay.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 11.2. Test for less than 2 Q between the
in the circuit. KR20D Cooling Fan High Speed Relay
terminal 85/1 and KR20E Cooling Fan Speed
2 Ifless than 2 Q, repair the open/high resistance Control Relay terminal 87.
in the ground connection.
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
If the test lamp illuminates in the circuit.
IgnitionOFF, Install the KR20F Cooling Fan Relay, 2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the KR20E Cooling Fan
ignition ON. Speed Control Relay.
. Verify a test lamp illuminates between each of the If the test lamp illuminates
cooling fan relay ignition circuit terminals listed
below and ground: Ignition OFF, install all of the previously removed
cooling fan relays. Disconnect the harness
1 KRZOCCooling Fan Low Speed Relay connector at the R10 Cooling Fan Resistor,
terminal 86 ignition ON.
1 KR20E Cooling Fan Speed Control Relay 13. Command the cooling fan ON at high speed with a
terminal 85 and 30 scan tool.
If the test lamp does not illuminate at each 14. Verify a test lamp illuminates between ground and
terminal each of the R10 Cooling Fan Resistor circuit
6.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp. terminals listed below:
6.2. Test for less than 2 Q between the appropriate 1 R10 Cooling Fan Resistor low speed circuit
relay ignition circuit terminal and the fuse. terminal 2
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 1 R10 Cooling Fan Resistor medium speed circuit
in the circuit. terminal 3
2 If less than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and 1 R10 Cooling Fan Resistor high speed circuit
there is voltage at the fuse. terminal 4
If the test lamp illuminates at each terminal If the test lamp does not illuminate at each
Command the cooling fan ON at low speed with a terminal
scan tool. 14.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp.
Verify a test lamp illuminates between 8+ and each 14.2. Disconnect the appropriate relay from the list
of the relay control circuit terminals listed below: below:
1 KR20C Cooling Fan Low Speed Relay 1 KRZOCCooling Fan Low Speed Relay
terminal 85 1 KR20D Cooling Fan High Speed Relay
1 KRZOE Cooling Fan Speed Control Relay 1 KR2OP Cooling Fan Medium Speed Relay
terminal 86 14.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the relay controlled
If the test lamp does not illuminate output circuit, end to end.
8.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp and 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
disconnect the KR20F Cooling Fan Relay. in the circuit.
8.2. Test for less than 2 Q between the 2 If less than 2 Q, test or replace the relay.
KR20F Cooling Fan Relay terminal 30 and the
relay control circuit terminals listed below: U If the test lamp illuminates at each terminal
1 KRZOCCooling Fan Low Speed Relay 15. Test or replace the G10 Cooling Fan Motor.
terminal 85 Component Testing
1 KR20E Cooling Fan Speed Control Relay
terminal 86 Relay Test
2 if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 1. Ignition OFF.
in the circuit. 2. Disconnect a cooling fan relay.
2 if less than 2 Q, replace the KR20F Cooling Fan 3. Test for 70—110Q between terminals 85/2 and
Relay. 86/1.
If the test lamp illuminates 2 If less than or greater than the specified range
IgnitionOFF, install the KR20E Cooling Fan Speed Replace the cooling fan relay.
Control Relay, ignition ON. U If within the specified range
10. Command the cooling fan ON at low speed with a
scan tool.
Engine Cooling 91623
4. Test for infinite resistance between the following Cooling Fan lnoperative (LUW, LWE)
1 30/3 and 86/1 Diagnostic Instructions
1 30/3 and 87/5 1 Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
1 30/3 and 85/2 on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
1 85/2 and 87/5 procedure.
1 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
2 If less than infinite resistance
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
Replace the cooling fan relay. 1 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
U If infinite resistance provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
5. Install a 20 A fused jumper wire between relay
CircuitlSystem Description
terminal 85/2 and 12 V.
6. install ajumper wire between relay terminal 86/1 The engine cooling fan system is composed of one
and ground. cooling fan, a series of 2 relays, the engine control
module (ECM), and the associated wiring. The cooling
7. Test for less than 2 Q between terminals 30/3 and fan assembly includes one resistor. This combination of
87/5. components enables the ECM to operate the cooling
2 If 2 Q or greater fan at 2 speeds using two fan control circuits.
Replace the cooling fan relay. Diagnostic Aids
U if less than 2 Q 1 The scan tool cooling fan output control operates
8. All OK. as follows:
Cooling Fan Motor Test —Cooling Fan Relay1 operates the fan at a low
1. Ignition OFF.
—Cooling Fan Relay 2 operates the fan at a high
2. Disconnect the harness connector at the
R10 Cooling Fan Resistor.
1 When disconnecting or removing fuses and relays
3. Connect a jumperwire between the R10 Cooling
from a fuse block, always inspect the component
Fan Resistor terminal 1 and ground. electrical terminals for corrosion and the correct
4. Connect an appropriately fused jumper wire orientation in the fuse block. Test the mating
between a R10 Cooling Fan Resistor terminal electrical terminals for tightness.
listed below and B+.
1 R10 Cooling Fan Resistor low speed terminal 2 Reference Information
1 R10 Cooling Fan Resistor medium speed Schematic Reference
terminal 3
Engine Heating/Cooling Schematics on page 9-598
1 R10 Cooling Fan Resistor high speed terminal 4
5. Verify the G10 Cooling Fan Motor operates when Connector End View Reference
voltage is applied to each terminal. 1 Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
2 The cooling fan does not operate 1 Electrical Centerldentification Views on
Replace the G10 Cooling Fan Motor. page 11-240
U The cooling fan operates Description and Operation
6. All OK. Cooling Fan Description and Operation (LUV) on
Repair Instructions page 9—679 or Cooling Fan DescriptIon and Operation
(LWE, LUW) on page 9-680
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6—92after completing the diagnostic procedure. Electrical Information Reference
1 Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center) 1 Circuit Testing on page 11-526
on page 11-607or Relay Replacement (Attached 1 Connector Repairs on page 11~548
to Wire Harness) on page 11—607
1 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
1 Front Compartment Fuse Block Replacement on Connections on page 11—531
page 11—609
1 Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
1 Engine Coolant Fan Replacement (LDE/LUW) on
. page 9-655 or Engine Coolant Fan Replacement Scan Tool Reference
(LUV) on page 9-656
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool

9=624 Engine Cooling

CircuitlSystem Verification 2 if less than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and
there is voltage at the fuse.
1. Ignition ON.
If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
2. Verify that DTC P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, circuit fuse is open
P0693, or P0694 is not set.
2.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
:> If a DTC is set
connector at the G10 Cooling Fan Motor.
Refer to DTC P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, 2.2. Test for infinite resistance between the
P0693, or P0694 (LUW, LWE) on page 9-607 or appropriate relay controlled output circuit
DTC P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692, P0693, terminal listed below and ground:
or P0694 (LUV) on page 9-610.
1 KRZOCCooling Fan Low Speed Relay
If no DTC is set terminal 87
Verify that the cooling fan operates at low, medium, 1 KR20D Cooling Fan High Speed Relay
and high speed, when commanding the terminal 87
appropriate cooling fan relays ON and OFF with a
2 Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
scan tool.
ground in the circuit.
If the cooling fan does not operate at all speeds
2 If infinite resistance, test or replace the
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. G10 Cooling Fan Motor, replace the fuse as
U if the cooling fan operates at all speeds necessary.
4 All OK. If the test lamp illuminates
. Ignition OFF, install all of the previously removed
CircuitlSystem Testing KR20 Cooling Fan Relays. Disconnect the harness
lnoperative in All Speeds connector at the G10 Cooling Fan Motor,
ignition ON.
1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the G10 Cooling Fan Motor. . Command the cooling fan ON at high or low speed
as appropriate with a scan tool.
2. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the ground
circuit terminal C and B+. . Verify a test lamp illuminates between ground and
appropriate G10 Cooling Fan Motor circuit
If the test lamp does not illuminate terminals listed below:
2.1. Ignition OFF, remove the test lamp. 1 G10 Cooling Fan low speed circuit terminal B
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ground circuit end 1 G10 Cooling Fan high speed circuit terminal A
to end.
If the test lamp does not illuminate at each
2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance terminal
in the circuit.
5.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp.
2 Ifless than 2 Q, repair the open/high resistance
5.2. Disconnect the appropriate relay from the list
in the ground connection. below:
If the test lamp illuminates 1 KR2OC Cooling Fan Low Speed Relay
Test or replace the G10 Cooling Fan Motor. 1 KR20D Cooling Fan High Speed Relay
Replace the cooling fan fuses if necessary.
5.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the relay controlled
Low or High Speed lnoperative output circuit, end to end.
1. Disconnect the following cooling fan relays, 2 If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
ignition ON: in the circuit.
1 KRZOC Cooling Fan Low Speed Relay 2 Ifless than 2 Q, test or replace the relay.
1 KR20D Cooling Fan High Speed Relay U If the test lamp illuminate at each terminal
2. Verify a test lamp illuminates between ground and 6. Test or replace the G10 Cooling Fan Motor.
each of the cooling fan relay B+ circuit terminals
listed below: Component Testing
1 KR2OC Cooling Fan Low Speed Relay . IgnitionOFF.
terminal 30
2. Disconnect a KR20 Cooling Fan Relay.
1 KR20D Cooling Fan High Speed Relay
terminal 30 3. Test for 70~110Q between terminals 85/2 and
If the test lamp does not illuminate and the 2 If less than or greater than the specified range
circuit fuse is good
2.1. Ignition OFF, remove the test lamp. Replace the KR20 Cooling Fan Relay.
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the appropriate relay U If within the specified range
B+ circuit, end to end.
2 lf2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooling
4. Test for infinite resistance between the following 7. Test for less than 2 Q between terminals 30/3 and
terminals: 87/5.
1 30/3 and 86/1 2 If 2 Q or greater
1 30/3 and 87/5 Replace the KR20 Cooling Fan Relay.
1 30/3 and 85/2 U If less than 2 Q
1 85/2 and 87/5 8. All OK.
2 if less than infinite resistance
Repair Instructions
Replace the KR20 Cooling Fan Relay.
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
U If infinite resistance page 6—92after completing the repair.
5' Install a 20 A fused jumper wire between relay 1 Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center)
terminal 85/2 and 12 V. on page 11—607or Relay Replacement (Attached
6. Install a jumper wire between relay terminal 86/1 to Wire Harness) on page 11-607
and ground. 1 Engine Coolant Fan Replacement (LDE/LUW) on
page 9-655 or Engine Coolant Fan Replacement
(LUV) on page 9—656

Engine Overheating

Engine Overheating
Checks Actions
Checkfora lossofthecoolant. Add thecoolant.
Checkforweakcoolantsolution. Confirmthatthecoolantsolutionis 50/50mixtureof ethyleneglycolandwater.
Check thefrontoftheradiatorforany Clean thefrontofthe radiator
dirt,any leaves,or anyinsects.
Checkforleakagefromthehoses,the Replaceanydamagedcomponents.
Checkfora faultythermostat. Replacea damagedthermostat.
Checkforretardedignitiontiming. Performan ECM codediagnosis.Confirmtheintegrityofthetimingbelt.
Check foran improperlyoperating Replacetheelectriccoolingfan.
Checkforradiatorhosesthatare Replaceanydamagedradiatorhoses.
pluggedor rotted.
Checkfora faultywaterpump. Replacea faultywaterpump.
Checkfora faultysurgetankcap. Replacea faultysurgetankcap.
Checkfora cylinderheador an Repairthedamagedcylinderheador thedamagedengineblock.
engineblockthatis crackedor

Loss of Coolant
Checks Actions
Checkfora leakin theradiator. Replacea damagedradiator.
Checkfora leakin thefollowing Replacethefollowingparts:
locations: 1 Surgetank
1 Surgetank 1 Hose
1 Hose
Check forthefollowinglooseor Reseatthehoses.
damagedparts: Replacethehosesor theclamps.
1 Radiatorhoses
1 Heaterhoses
1 Connections

9=626 Engine Cooling

Loss of Coolant (cont'd)

Checks Actions
Checkforleaks in thecoolant Replacethecoolantpumpseal.
Checkforleaks in thecoolantpump Replacethecoolantpumpgasket.
Checkforan impropercylinderhead Tightenthecylinderheadboltsto specifications.
torque. Replacethecylinderheadgasket,if needed.
Checkforleaks in thefollowing Repairor replaceanycomponents,as needed,to correcttheleak.
1 intakemanifold
1 Cylinderheadgasket
1 Cylinderblockplug
1 Heatercore
1 Radiatordrainplug

Thermostat Diagnosis
Step Action Values Yes No
1. Pressuretestthecoolingsystemand thecap forleaks.
2. Repairanyleaks beforeproceeding.Theseengines
use a 90°C(194°F)thermostat.The ambient
3. Set theHVAC controlsin theOFF position. 13—38°C
4. Runthecoldengineat idle(68—70°F) for15- (55—100°F)
20 minutesbeforecheckingtheenginetemperature.
5. Check theenginecoolanttemperatureat idlewiththe
scan tool.
(194—221°F)? SystemOK Go to Step2
is theECT below90°C(194°F)? Go to Step3 Go to Step4
Thethermostatis openingearly,or thethermostatseal is
Istherepaircomplete? SystemOK
Isthe ECT over105°C(221°F)? Go to Step5
is theradiatorinlethot? Go to Step6 Go to Step 7
1. TurnON theheater.
2. Check if hotair is comingfromtheheateroutlets.
Istheair hot? Go to Step 11 Go to Step 12
Theremaybe air in thesystem.
1. Add coolantto thesurgetankif thecoolantlevelis low.
Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingon
page 9-628.
2. Rechecktheradiatorinlethose.
Istheinlethosehot? Go to Step6 Go to Step8
Inspectforblockagein thefollowingareas:
1 The cylinderhead
1 The radiator
1 The radiatorhoses
is therea blockage? Go to Step9 Go to Step 10
1. Repairtheblockage.
2. Recheckthecoolanttemperaturewiththethe
scan tool.
Istherepaircomplete? SystemOK N

2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooling 91627

Thermostat Diagnosis (cont'd)

Step Action Values Yes No
1. Replacethethermostat.Referto EngineCoolant
ThermostatReplacement(LUV)onpage 9-661or
10 page9—662. -
2. Recheckthecoolanttemperaturewiththescan tool.
Istherepaircomplete? SystemOK -
11 inspectforblockagein theradiator. _
Isthereanyblockage? Go to Step9 Go to Step 10
1. Acceleratetheengineseveraltimesin orderto remove
12 2. Inspectforblockagein theheatercircuit. _
3. inspectforany pinchedor buckledhoses.
Isthereanyblockage? Go to Step9 Go to Step 13
13 Istherepaircomplete? SystemOK -

Engine Fails To Reach Normal Operating Temperature

Step Action Yes No
Checkthecoolantlevelin theradiatorsurgetank.Referto
1 CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage 9-628.
Isthecoolantattheproperlevel? Go to Step3 Go to Step2
Addcoolanttotheradiatorsurgetankas necessary.
2 Doestheenginestillfailto reachnormaloperating
temperatures? Go to Step3 SystemOK
Checkfora blockagein thecoolantpassages.
Are thereany blockagesin thecoolantpassages? Go to Step4 Go to Step5
Flushthecoolingsystemor flowchecktheradiator.
4 Doestheenginestillfailto reachnormaloperating
temperatures? Go to Step5 SystemOK
Checkto see ifthe incorrectthermostatwas installedor if it is
stuckor sticksin theopenposition.
Wastheincorrectthermostatinstalled,or is itstuckordoes it
stickintheopenposition? Go to Step6
Replacethethermostat.Referto EngineCoolantThermostat
Replacement(LUV)onpage 9-661or EngineCoolant
Thermostat Replacement(LUW)onpage 9-662.
Doestheenginestillfailto reachnormaloperatingtemperature? SystemOK

Cooling System Leak Testing Warning: In order to help avoid being burned, do
not remove the radiator cap while the engine and
Special Tools the radiator are hot. Scalding fluid and steam can
1 EN 471 Adapter be blown out under pressure if the cap is removed
too soon.
1 EN 6327A Cooling System Test Adapter
For equivalent regional Tools, refer to Special Tools on 1. Remove the surge tank cap.
page 9—681. 2. Check the coolant level.
Warning: Under pressure, the temperature of the Fill the coolant level to the COLD mark if
solution in the radiator can be considerably higher, necessary.
without boiling. Removing the radiator cap while 3. Pull the coolant expansion tank from the bracket in
the engine is hot (pressure is high), will cause the the direction of the battery.
solution to boil instantaneously, with explosive
Note: Follow manufacturer instructions.
force. The solution will spew out over the engine,
fenders, and the person removing the cap. Serious 4. Attach the coolant system tester with EN 471
bodily injury may result. Flammable antifreeze, adapter and EN 6327A adapter to the coolant
such as alcohol, is not recommended for use at any expansion tank.
time. Flammable antifreeze could cause a 5. Apply approximately 100 kPa (15 psi) to the cooling
serious fire. system.
9=628 Engine Cooling
6. Check the cooling system for leaks. Filling Procedure
7. Remove the cooling system tester. Caution: The procedure below must be followed.
1 Release the pressure improper coolant level could result in a low or high
1 Remove the cooling system tester with EN 471 coolant level condition, causing engine damage.
adapter 1. Raise and support the vehicle.
8. Install the surge tank cap.

Repair Instructions

Cooling System Draining and Filling

Draining Procedure
Warning: To avoid being burned, do not remove the
radiator cap or surge tank cap while the engine is
hot. The cooling system will release scalding fluid
and steam under pressure if radia tor cap or surge
tank cap is removed while the engine and radiator
are still hot.
1. Remove the coolant pressure cap from the radiator
surge tank. -Wi
2. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31.
3. Remove the front compartment front insulator
cover. Refer to Front Compartment Front Insulator
Cover Replacement on page 3-157. 2509236
4. Place a drain pan under the drain cock. Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2. Tighten the radiator drain cock (1) to 2 N1m
(18 lb in).
3. Install the front compartment front insulator cover.
Refer to Front Compartment Front Insulator Cover
Replacement on page 3—157.
4 Lower the vehicle.
Note: Use a 50/50 mixture of DEX—COOL antifreeze
and clean drinkable water.
5. Slowly fill the radiator with a 50/50 coolant mixture
until the coolant level reaches the base of the
radiator surge tank. Refer to Approximate Fluid
Capacities on page 1—35.
6. Allow 30 seconds for the coolant level to stabilize
and continue to fill the coolant filler neck until the
-W‘ level stabilizes for at least 2 minutes.
7. Start the engine and allow to the engine to idle in
PARK or NEUTRAL with the parking brake
8. Slowly fill the coolant mixture until the level
2509236 stabilizes at the base of the radiator surge tank.
9. Install the coolant pressure cap.
Loosen the radiator drain cock (1). 10. Raise the engine RPM to 2500 rpm for 30-
Drain the cooling system. 40 seconds.
Lower the vehicle. 11. Shut the engine OFF.
Inspect the coolant. 12. Allow the engine to cool, remove coolant fill cap
Follow the appropriate procedure based on the
S°9°N9°91 and repeat steps 4-10 until the coolant level has
condition of the coolant. completely stabilized within the radiatorsurge tank.
1 Normal in appearance—Follow the filling 13. Inspect and if necessary, fill the coolant reservoir
procedure. bottle as necessary.
1 Discolored—Follow the flush procedure. Refer
to Coolant System Flushing on page 9-629.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooling 91629
14. Rinse away any excess coolant from the engine 5. Turn OFF the engine.
and the engine compartment. 6. Drain the coolant system. Refer to Cooling System
15. inspect the cooling system for leaks. Draining and Filling on page 9-628.
16. Top off the radiator surge tank if necessary. 7. Repeat the above procedure until the water from
the coolant system is colorless.
Coolant System Flushing 8. Drain the coolant system. Refer to Cooling System
Note: Draining and Filling on page 9-628.
9. Repeat the above procedure until the water from
1 Do not use a chemical flush. the coolant system is colorless. Refer to Cooling
1 Store used coolant in the proper manner, such as System Draining and Filling on page 9-628.
in a used engine coolant holding tank.
1 Do not pour used coolant down a drain. Ethylene Radiator Cleaning
glycol antifreeze is a very toxic chemical.
Warning: NEVER spray water on a hot heat
1 Do not dispose of coolant into the sewer system or exchanger. The resulting steam could cause
ground water. This is illegal and ecologically personal injury.
1 Various methods and equipment can be used to Caution: The heat exchanger fins are necessary for
flush the cooling system. if special equipment is good heat transfer. Do not brush the fins. This may
used, such as a back flusher, follow the cause damage to the fins, reducing heat transfer.
manufactures instruction. However, always Note: Blow compressed air through the engine side of
remove the thermostat before back flushing the the radiator to remove any foreign material, such as
system. insects, leaves, and dust.
1. Apply the parking brake. 1 Warm water and mild soap may be needed in
2. Drain the coolant. Refer to Cooling System some conditions.
Draining and Filling on page 9-628. 1 Wash the A/C condenser fin.
3. Fill the cooling system with clean drinkable water. 1 Wash the A/C condenser and radiator thoroughly.
Refer to Cooling System Draining and Filling on 1 Wash the radiator cooling fin.
page 9-628.
1 Repair any damaged cooling fin.
4. Start the engine and run at 2,000 RPM until the
thermostat opens.

2013 (5377994)
9-530 Engine Coolinfig

Radiator Surge Tank Replacement


Radiator Surge Tank Replacement

Callout Component Name
1. Drainthecoolant.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingand Fillingonpage 9-628
2. Removetheenginecoolantair bleedhose.Referto EngineCoolantAirBleedHose Replacement(LUV)onpage9—665
3. Removetheradiatorsurgetankoutlethose.Referto RadiatorSurgeTankOutletHose Replacement(LUV)onpage9631
or RadiatorSurge TankOutletHose Replacement(LDE LUW)onpage 9632
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
2 RadiatorSurgeTank

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Cooling 91831
Radiator Surge Tank Outlet Hose Replacement (LUV)

Radiator Surge Tank Outlet Hose Replacement (LUV)
Callout Component Name
1. Draintheenginecoolant.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingand Fillingonpage 9-628.
2. Removetheaircleaneroutletduct.RefertoAir CleanerOutletDuctReplacementonpage 9-288.
RadiatorSurgeTankOutletHose Clamp(Qty:2)
1 Special Tools
BO-38185Hose ClampPliers
Forequivalentregionaltools,referto Special Toolsonpage9-681.
2 Procedure

94332 Engine Cooling

Radiator Surge Tank Outlet Hose Replacement (LDE LUW)


Radiator Surge Tank Outlet Hose Replacement (LDE LUW)

Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Drainthecoolant.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage 9—628
RadiatorSurgeTankOutletHose Clamps(Qty:2)
Special Tools
Forequivalentregionaltools,Referto Special Toolsonpage 10-61
2 Procedure

2013 (5377994)
Engrine Cecilia] 91633
Radiator Inlet Hose Replacement (LUV)

Radiator Inlet Hose Replacement (LUV)
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Draintheenginecoolant.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage 9-628.
2. Removethefastenerssecuringtheradiatorsurgetanktothevehicleand positiontheradiatorsurgetankoutoftheway.
Referto RadiatorSurgeTankReplacementonpage 9-630.
1 Special Tools
BO-38185HoseClamp Pliers
For equivalentregionaltools,referto Special Toolsonpage9-681.
2 RadiatorInletHose


9-634 Engine Cooling

Radiator inlet Hose Replacement 5. Remove the radiator inlet hose (2) from the
6. Remove the radiator inlet hose from the vehicle.
Special Tools
Installation Procedure
BO-38185 Hose Clamp Pliers
For equivalent regional tools, Refer to Special Tools on
page 9-681.
Removal Procedure
1. Drain the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9-628.

1. Install the radiator inlet hose to the vehicle.
2. Install the radiator inlet hose (2) to the radiator.
3. Install the radiator inlet hose clamp (1) at the
radiator using BO—38185Hose Clamp Pliers.
2. Remove the radiator inlet hose clamp (1) at the
engine using BO-38185 Hose Clamp Pliers.
3. Remove the radiator inlet hose (2) from the engine.

4. Install the radiator inlet hose (2) to the engine.
5. Install the radiator inlet hose clamp (1)at the
engine using BO-38185 Hose Clamp Pliers.
6. Fill the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
2495232 Draining and Filling on page 9—628.
4. Remove the radiator inlet hose clamp (1) at the
radiator using BO—38185Hose Clamp Pliers.

Engine Cooling 9:635
Radiator Outlet Hose Replacement (LUV)


Radiator Outlet Hose Replacement (LUV)
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Draintheenginecoolant.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage 9-628.
2. Removetheaircleaneroutletduct.RefertoAir CleanerOutletDuctReplacementonpage 9—288.
3. Removetheradiatorsurgetankoutlethosefromthe radiatorsurgetankandpositionitoutof theway.Referto Radiator
SurgeTankOutletHose Replacement(LUV)onpage9-631or RadiatorSurgeTankOutletHose Replacement(LDE LUW)
4. RemovethePCV Pipe assemblyfromtheturbochargerandpositionitoutoftheway.Referto PositiveCrankcase
VentilationHose/Pipe/Tube Replacementonpage 9-819.
5. Removethefrontcompartment frontinsulatorcover.Referto FrontCompartmentFrontInsulatorCoverReplacementon
RadiatorOutletHose Clamp(Qty:2)
Special Tools
Forequivalentregionaltools,referto Special Toolsonpage 9-681.
2 RadiatorOutletHose

9636 Engine CoolinJg

Radiator Outlet Hose Replacement 5. Remove the radiator outlet hose (2) fromthe
6. Remove the radiator outlet hose from the vehicle.
Special Tools
Installation Procedure
BO-38185 Hose Clamp Pliers
For equivalent regional tools, Refer to Special Tools on
page 9—681.
Removal Procedure
1. Drain the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9-628.

1. Install the radiator outlet hose to the vehicle.
2. Install the radiator outlet hose (2) to the radiator.
3. Install the radiator outlet hose clamp (1)at the
radiator using BO—38185Hose Clamp Pliers.
2. Remove the radiator outlet hose clamp (1) at the
engine using BO-38185 Hose Clamp Pliers.
3. Remove the radiator outlet hose (2) from the

. *7, .

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4. Install the radiator outlet hose (2) to the engine.
5. Install the radiator outlet hose clamp (1) at the
engine using BO—38185Hose Clamp Pliers.
6. Fill the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9—628.
4. Remove the radiator outlet hose clamp (1) at the
radiator using BO-38185 Hose Clamp Pliers.

Engine Cooling 9-637

Radiator Outlet Hose Connector Replacement - Radiator Side (LUV)


Radiator Outlet Hose Connector Replacement - Radiator Side (LUV)
Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Draintheenginecoolant.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage9—628.
2. Removethefrontcompartmentfrontinsulatorcover.Referto FrontCompartmentFrontInsulatorCoverReplacementon
' 3. Removetheradiatoroutlethosefromtheradiatoroutlethoseconnectorandpositionoutoftheway.Referto Radiator
OutletHoseReplacement(LUV)onpage 9-635or RadiatorOutletHose Replacement(LDE LUW)onpage 9—636.
1 RadiatorOutletHose ConnectorRetainingClip
2 RadiatorOutletHose Connector

9-638 EngLne Cooling

Radiator Outlet Hose Connector Replacement- Engine Side (LUV)

Radiator Outlet Hose Connector Replacement- Engine Side (LUV)
Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Draintheenginecoolant.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage 9-628.
2. Removetheradiatorsurgetankoutlethosefromthe radiatorsurgetankand positionitoutoftheway.Referto Radiator
SurgeTankOutletHose Replacement(LUV)onpage9-631or RadiatorSurge TankOutletHose Replacement(LDELUW)
onpage 9—632.
3. RemovethePCV Pipe assemblyfromtheturbochargerandpositionitoutoftheway.Referto PositiveCrankcase
VentilationHose/Pipe/Tube Replacementonpage 9-819.
1 RadiatorOutletHose ConnectorRetainingClip
2 RadiatorOutletHose Connector

Engine Cooling 94539
Radiator Mounting Stud Repair
Repair Procedure
Note: Ifthe radiator is leaky, replace it. Refer to
Radiator Replacement (LUV) on page 9—6750r
Radiator Replacement (LDE LUW) on page 9—678.
1. Pressure test the cooling system. Refer to Cooling
System Leak Testing on page 9-627.

iL_JL efi

4. Install the new radiator mounting pin (2).
- Install the nut (3).
Note: The bolt should not be longer than
35 mm (1.38 in).
- Install the radiator mounting pin (2) with the
bolt (1).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2028254 5. Tighten the bolt 5N-m(44lbin).
2. Grind the fracture surface (1)with a proper tool.
3. Drill a hole in the center of the fractured surface,
using a 6mm (0.24 in) drill.

92640 Engine Cooling

Radiator Upper Bracket Replacement

Radiator Upper Bracket Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removethefrontbumperfasciaassembly.Referto FrontBumperFascia Replacementonpage3-55.
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
1 Tighten
9N-m(80 lbin)
2 RadiatorUpperBracket(Qty:2)

Engine Cooling 9=841

Engine Coolant Fan Resistor Mount Repair

Engine Coolant Fan Resistor Mount Repair
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
‘ 1. Removethefastenerssecuringtheradiatorsurgetankto theengineshroudandpositionthesurgetankoutoftheway.
Referto RadiatorSurgeTankReplacementonpage 9-630.
2. Uncliptheresistorandmountfromthefanshroud.
EngineCoolantFan ResistorMount
1 Procedure

9=642 Engine Cooling

Throttle Body Heater Inlet Hose Replacement (LUW)


Throttle Body Heater Inlet Hose Replacement (LUW)
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Removetheair cleaneroutletduct.RefertoAir CleanerOutletDuctReplacementonpage9-580.
2. Drainthecoolingsystem.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage9-628.
1 ThrottleBody HeaterInletHoseClamps
2 Procedure

Engine Cooling $643

Throttle Body Heater Inlet Pipe Replacement (LUW)

Throttle Body Heater Inlet Pipe Replacement (LUW)
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Drainthecoolingsystem.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage9-628.
1 1. Disconnectthrottlebodyheaterinletpipefromthethermostathousing.
2. Unclipthethrottlebodyheaterinletpipefromthetopoftheintakemanifold.
3. Removethethrottlebodyheaterinletpipefromthethrottlebodyheaterinlethose.


9-644 Engine Cooling

Throttle Body Heater Outlet Pipe Replacement (LUW)

i 2%?


Throttle Body Heater Outlet Pipe Replacement (LUW)

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Drainthecoolingsystem.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage9-628.
1 EngineCoolantAir BleedHose
2 1. Disconnectthrottlebodyheateroutletpipefromthe enginecoolantair bleedhose.
2. Unclipthethrottlebodyheaterinletpipefromthemiddleoftheintakemanifold.
3. Removethethrottlebodyheateroutletpipefromthethrottlebody.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooling 9-845

Throttle Body Heater Outlet Hose Replacement (LUW)

Throttle Body Heater Outlet Hose Replacement (LUW)
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Drainthecoolingsystem.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage9—628.
2. Removetheaircleaneroutletduct.RefertoAir CleanerOutletDuctReplacementonpage 9-580.
1 ThrottleBodyHeaterOutletHose Clamps(Qty:2)
2 ThrottleBodyHeaterOutletHose

9-646 Engine Cooling

Engine Oil Cooler Replacement

Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect battery negative cable. Refer to Battery
Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection on
page 9-713.
Drain engine coolant. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9—628
Remove the turbocharger oil feed pipe. Refer to
Turbocharger Oil Feed Pipe Replacement on
page 9-848.
Remove the catalytic converter. Refer to Catalytic
Converter Replacement (LUV) on page 9-742.
Lower vehicle.
Remove the air Cleaner outlet duct. Refer to Air
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement on page 9—288.

. Remove the turbocharger coolant return pipe
bolt (1.)from the oil cooler housing.
10. Remove the turbocharger coolant return pipe
clamp (2).
Note: Do not move the turbocharger coolant return
pipe too much. An excessive moving of the
turbocharger coolant return pipe could cause leakage.
11. Remove the turbocharger coolant return pipe (3)
from the oil cooler inlet pipe.
12. Disconnect the oil pressure indicator switch wiring
harness plug.

7. Remove the oil cooler outlet hose clamp (2).
8. Remove the oil cooler outlet hose (3)from the
thermostat housing (1).

13. Remove the oil cooler inlet hose clamp (1) and
remove the oil cooler inlet hose from the water


Engine Cooling 9:647
14. Remove the engine oil cooler bolt (5).
15. Remove the engine oil cooler inlet pipe bolt (4).
16. Remove the engine oil cooler inlet pipe (2) and the
seal ring (3).
17. Raise vehicle.

23. Remove the oil cooler (1) in compound with the oil
cooler gasket (2) and the seal ring (3).
24. Remove the oil pressure indicator switch from the
oil cooler.

2371625 Installation Procedure

1. Install the oil pressure indicator switch to the oil
18. Remove the oil cooler outlet pipe bolt (1) from the
cooler. Use a NEW seal ring.
engine block.
N Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
19. Remove the oil cooler outlet pipe (2) in compound
with the oil cooler outlet hose. 2. Tighten the oil pressure indicator switch to
20 N'm (15 lb ft).
20. Lower vehicle.

v x "v
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t 1 I ~. /

9° Clean the sealing surfaces.
21. Remove the 2 oil cooler bolts (1).
P Install the oil cooler (1) in compound with a NEW
22. Raise vehicle.
oil cooler gasket (2) and a NEW seal ring (3).
5. Lower vehicle.

59-648 Engine Cooling

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‘ V

2371626 2371624
6. Install the 2 oil cooler bolts (1) and hand tighten. . Install the turbocharger coolant return pipe (3) to
the oil cooler inlet pipe.
13. Install the turbocharger coolant return pipe
clamp (2).
14. Install turbocharger coolant return pipe bolt (1) and
tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb in).
\ 15. Connect the oil pressure indicator switch wiring
harness plug.
16. Raise vehicle.

\5’ H . '_,\
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7. Install the engine oil cooler inlet pipe (2) in
compound with a NEW seal ring (3).
8. Install the oil cooler inlet hose to the water outlet
and install the oil cooler inlet hose clamp (1).
9. Install the engine oil cooler bolt (5).
10. Install the engine oil cooler inlet pipe bolt (4) and
tighten to 10N-m (89 lb in). 2371625
11. Tighten the 3 engine oil cooler bolts to
20 N-m(15 lb ft). 17. Install the oil cooler outlet pipe (2) in compound
with the oil cooler outlet hose to the oil cooler.
18. Install the oil cooler outlet pipe bolt (1)to the
engine block and tighten to 10 NW(89 lb in).
19. Install the catalytic converter. Refer to Catalytic
Converter Replacement (LUV) on page 9-742.

2013 (5377994)
Egine Cooling 9-649
20. Install the oil cooler outlet hose (3) to the
thermostat housing (1).
21. Install the oil cooler outlet hose clamp (2).
22. Install the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to Air
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement on page 9—288.
23. Install the turbocharger oil feed pipe and the
exhaust manifold heat shield. Refer to
Turbocharger Oil Feed Pipe Replacement on
page 9-848.
24. Connect battery negative cable. Refer to Battery
Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection on
page 9-713.
25. Fill engine coolant. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9—628.

- mm‘

Engine Oil Cooler Outlet Hose Replacement (LUV)

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9x650 Engine Cooling

Engine Oil Cooler Outlet Hose Replacement (LUV)

Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Drainthecoolingsystem.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFilling onpage9-628.
2. Disconnecttheradiatoroutlethose.Referto RadiatorOutletHose Replacement(LUV)onpage9-635or RadiatorOutlet
Hose Replacement(LDE LUW)onpage 9-636.
1 EngineOil CoolerOutletHoseClamps (Qty:2)
2 EngineOil CoolerOutletHose

Engine Oil Cooler Coolant Inlet Hose Replacement (LUV)


Engine Oil Cooler Coolant Inlet Hose Replacement (LUV)

Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Openthehood.
2. Drainthecoolingsystem.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFilling onpage9-628.
Oil CoolerInletHose Clamp
1. Place a drainpanbelowthevehicle.
2. Remove/installenginecoolantair bleedhoseclamp.
Oil CoolerInletHose Clamp
2 Procedure
1. Place a drainpanbelowthevehicle.
2. Remove/installenginecoolantair bleedhoseclamp.
3 Oil CoolerInletHose

2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooling 92051

Engine Oil Cooler Pipe Replacement (LUW)

.[r‘/ :. ‘= 3"; A~- .111"

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“ 1
iEthVf ‘
t: ‘3' I7

Engine Oil Cooler Pipe Replacement (LUW)
Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Drainthecoolingsystem.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage 9-628.
2. Removetheexhaustmanifoldwithcatalyticconverter.Referto ExhaustManifoldwithCatalyticConverterReplacement
EngineOil CoolerOutletPipe Fasteners(Qty:2)
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage0-8.
Note: ReplacewithNEW seals.
3 EngineOil CoolerOutletPipe

9=652 Engine Cooliggk

Engine Oil Cooler Inlet Pipe

Replacement (LUW)

Removal Procedure
1. Drain the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9-628.
2. Remove the exhaust manifold with catalytic
converter. Refer to Exhaust Manifold with Catalytic
Converter Replacement (LUW) on page 9-737.


5. Remove the engine oil cooler assembly bolts (1)

and remove the cooler (2).
6. Remove the engine oil cooler inlet pipe (4) and
seals (3).
Installation Procedure
1. Replace the seals on the engine oil cooler outlet
pipe and the engine oil cooler pipe.


3. Remove the engine oil cooler pipe bolts (1) and the
engine oil cooler pipe (2).


2. Install the engine oil cooler inlet pipe (4)with NEW

seals (3) to the engine oil cooler assembly.
3. Position the engine oil cooler assembly (2)to the
2495111 engine block.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
4. Remove the engine oil cooler outlet pipe bolts (1) 4. Install the engine oil cooler assembly bolts (1) and
and the engine oil cooler outlet pipe bracket (2). tighten to 25 N'm (19 lb ft).

2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooling 92653

2495111 2026830
5. Install the engine oil cooler outlet pipe mounting . Install the engine oil cooler pipe (3) to the
bolts (1) and the bracket (2) to the water pump thermostat housing and tighten bolts (1) to 8N-m
housing and tighten to 8N-m (71 lb in). (71 lb in).
. install the exhaust manifold with catalytic
converter. Refer to Exhaust Manifold with Catalytic
Converter Replacement (LUW) on page 9-737.
. Fill the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9-628.
. Start the engine and check for coolant leaks.


9-654 Engine Cooling

Engine Oil Cooler Outlet Pipe Replacement (LUW)


Engine Oil Cooler Outlet Pipe Replacement (LUW)

Callout Component Name

Preliminary Procedure
page 9-651.
Removethe engineoil coolerpipe.Referto EngineOil CoolerPipe Replacement(LUW)on
EngineOil CoolerOutletPipe Bolt(Qty:2)
Caution: Referto FastenerCautionon page0-8.
8 N-m(71lbin)
2 Seals
Note: ReplacewithNEW seals.
3 EngineOil CoolerOutletPipe

2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooling 9=655

Engine Coolant Fan Replacement 8- figmgg 21:]:

fifggnt fan engine bolts (3)
9. Remove the engine coolantfan.
Removal Procedure Installation Procedure
1. Unclip transmission cooler lines from shroud if
2. Unclip radiator surge tank outlet hose from fan
3. Disconnect the engine coolant fan wiring harness.

1. Install the engine coolant fan.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8
2. Install the 3 engine coolant fan engine bolts (3) to
2191512 the engine coolant fan and tighten to 4 N-m
Note: You stand against driving direction. (3? I? m). . _
. , 3. Cilp Inthe engine coolant fan to the engine coolant
4. Ur'ICllp
the englne [coolantfan Shroud (1) at the fan resistor wiring harness (arrows),
shown four mouhtmg pomts. 4. Installthe engine coolant fan resistor (1) by
5. Remove the engine coolant fan shroud (1). clipping the retainer Clip (2).

1936663 2191512
6' Remove thtehenginecoolant fan resistor 11)by 5. Install the engine coolant fan shroud (1).
unclippmg e 'retainerChp(2)' , 6. Clip in the engine coolant fan shroud (1) at the
7. Unclip the engine coolant fan to engine coolant fan shown four mounting points.
resistor wiring harness (arrows).
9656 Engine Cooling
7. Connect the engine coolant fan wiring harness. 9. Clip the transmission cooier lines to the fan shroud
8. Clip the radiator surge tank outlet hose to the fan lf equped.

Engine Coolant Fan Replacement (LUV)


Engine Coolant Fan Replacement (LUV)

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
or Engine
Removetheenginecoolantfanshroud.Referto EngineCoolantFan ShroudReplacement(LDELUW)on page9—675
CoolantFan ShroudReplacement(LUV)onpage 9-674.
EngineCoolantFan MotorElectricalHarnessConnectorFastener
1 Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
2 EngineCoolantFan MotorFastener(Qty:3)
3 EngineCoolantFan MotorAssembly

2013 (5377994)
p ,3
9. 00
Engine Cooling 7

Turbocharger Coolant Feed Pipe Replacement (LUV)

Turbocharger Coolant Feed Pipe Replacement (LUV)
Caliout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removetheturbocharger. Referto TurbochargerReplacementonpage9—843.
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
1 Procedure
Replaceseals withNEW seals.
2 TurbochargerCoolantFeed Pipe

29-658 Engine Cooling

Turbocharger Coolant Return Pipe Replacement (LUV)


Turbocharger Coolant Return Pipe Replacement (LUV)

Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removetheturbocharger.Referto TurbochargerReplacementonpage9-843.
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
ReplaceseatswithNEW seals.
8 N'm(71lbin)
2 TurbochargerCoolantReturnPipe

2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooling 9=659

Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing 6. Remove the engine harness bracket nut (3) and
bracket (4) from the thermostat housing.
Replacement (LUW)

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the battery tray. Refer to Battery Tray
Replacement on page 9-721.
2. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1—31.
3. Drain the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9-628.

7. Remove the radiator inlet hose (2)from the engine
coolant thermostat housing.
8. Remove the heater outlet hose from the engine
coolant thermostat housing. Refer to Heater Outlet
Hose Replacement (LUV) on page 10-40 or Heater
Outlet Hose Replacement (LDE, LUW) on
page 10-40. .
2494854 9. Remove the heater inlet hose from the engine
coolant thermostat housing. Refer to Heater Inlet
4. Disconnect the engine harness connector (1) and Hose Replacement (LDE, LUW) on page 10-38 or
harness fasteners (2) from the engine harness Heater Inlet Hose Replacement (LUV) on
bracket, attached to the thermostat housing. page 10—38.

2494855 2026830
5. Disconnect the throttle body heater inlet hose (1) 10. Remove the engine oil cooler outlet pipe bolts (1).
and the electrical connectors (2) from the 11. Remove the engine oil cooler outlet pipe (2) from
thermostat housing. the engine coolant thermostat housing.

9=660 Engine CooiiflL

. @\®

t} —U-1


Caution: Following the proper fastener tightening
12. Remove the engine coolant thermostat housing sequence and torque is essential. Failure to do so may
mounting bolts (1) and discard the seal (2). fracture the thermostat housing.
13. Remove the engine coolant thermostat housing (3) Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
from the engine.
4. Tighten the 4 engine coolant thermostat housing
Installation Procedure bolts to 8 N-m(71 lb in) in sequence (1—2—3—4).
1. Clean the sealing surface.

2494857 5. Install NEW engine oil cooler pipe seals (4, 7).
2. Install a NEW engine coolant thermostat housing Note: Push the engine oil cooler pipe into the engine
seat (2). oil cooler.
3. Loosely install the engine coolant thermostat 6. Install the engine oil cooler pipe (5).
housing mounting bolts (1). 7. Install the 2 engine oil cooler pipe bolts (6) and
tighten to 8 N-m(71lbin).
8. Install the heater inlet hose to the engine coolant
thermostat housing. Refer to Heater InletHose
Replacement (LDE, LUW) on page 10-38 or
Heater Inlet Hose Replacement (LUV) on
page 10—38.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooling 9-661
. Install the heater outlet hose to the engine coolant 16. Start the engine and check for coolant leaks.
thermostat housing. Refer to Heater Outlet Hose
Replacement (LUV) on page 10-40 or Heater Engine Coolant Thermostat
Outlet Hose Replacement (LDE, LUW) on
page 10-40. Replacement (LUV)

Removal Procedure
1. Drain the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Fi/ling on page 9—628.
2. Remove the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to Air
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement on page 9-288.

10. Connect the electrical connectors (2) to the engine
coolant thermostat housing.
11. Installthe throttle body heater inlet hose (1) to the
engine coolant thermostat housing.
12. Install the engine coolant thermostat housing 2612519
bracket (4) and nut (3) and tighten to 6N°m
(53 lb in). 3. Remove the engine coolant temperature sensor
connector (1) and the radiator outlet hose (2).

13. lnstali the radiator inlet hose (2) to the engine
coolant thermostat housing. 4. Remove the water inlet pipe mounting
fasteners (1).
14. Fill the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9-628. 5. Remove the water inlet seal (3) and discard.
.v 6. Remove the thermostat (4).
15. Install the battery tray. Refer to Batte/y Tray
Replacement on page 9-721.


9-662 Engine CooiinL

Installation Procedure Engine Coolant Thermostat

1. Clean the sealing surface. Replacement (LUW)

Removal Procedure
Warning: Refer to Battery Disconnect Warning on
page 0-4.
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9—713.
2. Drain the coolant. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9-628.

2. Install the engine thermostat (4) into the water inlet
pipe (2) with a NEW seal (3).
3. Tighten the water inlet pipe mounting fasteners (1)
to 9N-m (80 lbin). .

3. Disconnect the engine wiring harness
connector (1) and retainers (2).

4. Install the radiator outlet hose (2) to the water
inlet pipe.
5. Connect the engine coolant temperature sensor
connector (1).
6. Install the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to Air
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement on page 9-288.
7. Fill the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9—628. 4. Remove the wiring harness bracket nut (3) and
8. After repairs, inspect cooling system for ieaks. bracket (4).

2013 (5377994)
Engfiie Cooling 9-663

2494826 2889391
5. Ifequipped, disconnect the thermostat heating 7. Remove the thermostat(1)and discard the
element sensor (1) and remove the radiator iniet seal (2).
hose 2 . _
( ) Installation Procedure

6. Remove the thermostat housing retaining bolts (1). 2889391
1. Fit the thermostat (1) to the thermostat housing
using a NEW seal (2). '

9664 Engine Cooling

v w.
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- / 5g.).- A

2049072 2494855

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution 0" page 0'8' 4. Install the wiring harness bracket (4) and tighten
2. Install the thermostat (2) and tighten the thermostat the nut (3) to 10 N-m(89 lb in).
bolts (1) to 10 N-m(89 lb in).

5. Connect the engine harness connector(1) and
3. install the radiator inlet hose (2) and connect the harness retainers (2) to the bracket,
thermostat heating element sensor (1)- 6. Refill the engine cooling system. Refer to Cooling
System Draining and Filling on page 9-628.
7. Connect the battery negative cabie. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9-773.
8. Start the engine and check for coolant leaks.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooling 9-665

Engine Coolant Air Bleed Hose Replacement (LUV)

\6 \\>

Engine Coolant Air Bleed Hose Replacement (LUV)
Callout Component Name
EngineCoolantAir BleedHose Clamp(Qty:2)
1 Special Tools ’
Forequivalentregionaltools,referto Special Toolsonpage9-681.
2 EngineCoolantAir BleedHose

9-666 Engine Cooling

Engine Coolant Air Bleed Hose Connector Replacement (LUV)

2 [‘1'
. .Jiggvflih


Engine Coolant Air Bleed Hose Connector Replacement (LUV)

Callout Component Name
1 EngineCoolantAir BleedHose ,
Referto EngineCoolantAir BleedHose Replacement(LUV)onpage9-665.
EngineCoolantAir BleedHose ConnectorRetainingClip
3 EngineCoolantAir BleedHose Connector

Water Outlet Replacement (LUV)

Removal Procedure
1. Drain the engine coolant system. Referto Cooling
System Draining and Filling on page 9-628.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooling 9-667
2. Remove the following:
0 Engine coolant air bleed hose (1)
' Engine coolant temperature sensor (2) and
connector clip (3)
- Heated oxygen sensor connector (4)

2. Install the water outlet (3) and a NEW water outlet
seal (2).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
3. install the water outlet bolts (1) and tighten to 8 N-m
(71 lb in).
3. Remove the heater outlet hose (1) and the heater
inlet hose (2).

4. Install the heater outlet hose (1) and the heater
inlet hose (2).
4. Remove the water outlet bolts (1) and discard the
water outlet seal (2).
5. Remove the water outlet (3).
Installation Procedure
1. Clean the sealing surfaces.


9-668 Engine Coolng


2511884 2511830

5. Connect the following: 4. Remove the water inlet bolts (1) and discard the
water inlet seal (3).
- Engine coolant temperature sensor (2) and
connector clip (3) 5. Remove the water inlet (4) and the engine coolant
thermostat (2) from the engine.
o Heated oxygen sensor connector (4)
- Engine coolant air bleed hose connector (1) Installation Procedure
6. Fill the engine coolant system. Refer to Cooling 1. Clean the sealing surfaces.
System Draining and Filling on page 9—628.
7. Start the engine and check for coolant leaks.

Water Inlet Replacement (LUW)

Removal Procedure
1. Drain the engine coolant system. Refer to Cooling
System Draining and Filling on page 9—628.

2. Installthe water inlet (4) and a NEW water inlet
seal (3).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
3. Installthe water inlet bolts (1) and tighten to 8 N-m
(71 lb in).

2. Disconnect the engine coolant temperature sensor
connector (1).
3. Remove the radiator outlet hose connector clip (2)
and the radiator outlet hose (3).
2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooiingfi 9-669

2511831 2612518
. Install the radiator outlet hose (3) and retainer 4. Remove the water inlet pipe mounting
clip (2). » fasteners (1).
. Connect the engine coolant temperature- 5. Remove the water inlet seal (3) and discard.
connector (1). 6. Remove the thermostat (4).
6. Fill the engine coolant system. Refer to Cooling
System Draining and Filling on page 9-628. installation Procedure
7. Start the engine and check for coolant leaks. 1. Clean the sealing surface.

Water Inlet Replacement (LUV)

Removal Procedure
1. Drain the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9-628.
2 . Remove the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to Air
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement on page 9—288.

2. Install the engine thermostat (4) into the water iniet
pipe (2) with a NEW seal (3).
3. Tighten the water inlet pipe mounting fasteners (1)
to 9 N'm (80 lb in).

3. Remove the engine coolant temperature sensor
connector (1) and the radiator outlet hose (2).

9-670 Engine Cooiinfig

2612519 2190373

4. Install the radiator outlet hose (2) to the water 4. Loosen the 3 water pump pulley bolts (2)while
inlet pipe. holding the water pump puiiey hub with a wrench.
5. Connect the engine coolant temperature sensor 5. Remove the 3 water pump pulley bolts (2).
connector (1). 6. Remove the water pump pulley (1).
6. Install the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to Air
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement on page 9-288. Installation Procedure
7. Fill the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9—628.
8. After repairs, inspect cooling system for leaks.

Water Pump Pulley

Replacement (LUV)

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the air cleaner assembly. Refer to Air
CleanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9—290.
2. Remove the engine mount bracket. Refer to
Engine Mount Bracket Replacement —Right Side
on page 9—789.
3. Remove the drive belt. Refer to Drive Belt
Replacement on page 9—784.

1. Install the water pump pulley (1).
2. Install the 3water pump pulley bolts (2).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
3. Tighten the 3 water pump pulley bolts to 22 N-m
- (16 lb ft) while holding the water pump pulley hub
with a wrench.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Cooling 9-671
4. install the drive belt. Refer to Drive Belt 6. Remove the drive belt. Refer to Drive Belt
Replacement on page 9-784. Replacement on page 9—974.
5. install the engine mount bracket. Refer to Engine 7. Remove the 3 water pump pulley bolts (1).
Mount Bracket Replacement - Right Side on 8. Remove the water pump pulley (2)from the water
page 9—789. pump (3)-
6. Installthe air cleaner assembly. Refer to Air
CleanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9-290. Installation Procedure

Water Pump Pulley

Replacement (LUW)

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the air cleaner housing. Refer to Air
CleanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9-582.
2. Support the engine with a suitable jack.
3. Remove the engine mount. Refer to Engine Mount
Replacement on page 9-976.
4. Raise engine to access the bolts.

1. Install the water pump pulley (2) to the water
pump (3)-
2. Install the 3 water pump pulley bolts (1).
3. Install the drive belt. Refer to Drive Belt
Replacement on page 9-974.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
4. Tighten the 3 water pump pulley bolts (1) to 20 N-m
(15 lb ft).
Note: Counterhold against crankshaft balancer bolt.
2026887 5. Install the engine mount. Refer to Engine Mount
Replacement on page 9—976.
5. Loosen the 3 water pump pulley bolts (1). 6. Install the air cleaner housing. Refer to Air Cleaner,
Note: Counterhold against crankshaft balancer bolt. Assembly Replacement on page 9-582.

2013 (5377994)
9-672 Engine Cooling

Water Pump Replacement (LUV)

Water Pump Replacement (LUV)
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Drainthecoolingsystem.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage 9-628.
2. Removethewaterinlet.Referto WaterInletReplacement(LUW)onpage 9-668or WaterInletReplacement(LUV)on
3. Removethewaterpumppulley.Referto WaterPumpPulleyReplacement(LUV)onpage9—670 or WaterPumpPulley
Replacement(LUW)onpage 9-671.
4. Removetheheateroutlethose.Referto HeaterOutletHoseReplacement(LUV)onpage 10-40or HeaterOutletHose
Replacement(LDE,LUW)onpage 10-40.
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
2 WaterPumpGasket
3 1. Cleanthesealingsurfaces.
2. Replacethewaterpumpgasketwitha NEW gasket.
3. Rememberthelocationoftheshortandlongboltswhenremoving.

Engine Cooling 9-673

Water Pump Replacement (LUW) Installation Procedure

1. Clean the 5 water pump threads.
Removal Procedure
2. Insert a NEW water pump seal ring.
1. Drain the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9—628.
2. Remove the water pump pulley. Refer to Water
Pump Pulley Replacement (LUV) on page 9—670or
Water Pump Pulley Replacement (LUW) on I@y (..
page 9-671. ’;\/

" 1'1
4-’“\ /
‘4‘ /
/ //;I . \

3. Install the water pump (1).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
4. Install the 5 water pump bolts (2) and tighten to
8 N0m(71|bin).
2026886 5. Install the water pump pulley. Refer to Water Pump
3. Remove the 5 water pump bolts (2). Pulley Replacement (LUV) on page 9-670 or Water
4. Remove the water pump (1). Pump Pulley Replacement (LUW) on page 9-671.
6. Refill the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9-628.

9-674 EflgLine Cooling

Engine Coolant Fan Shroud Replacement (LUV)


Engine Coolant Fan Shroud Replacement (LUV)

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Draintheenginecoolant.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFilling onpage9—628.
Removethe radiatorsurgetank.Referto
Removetheradiatorsurgetankoutlethosefromtheenginecoolantfanshroudand positionit outoftheway.
Removetheair cleaneroutletduct.Referto Air CleanerOutletDuctReplacementonpage9-288.
Removethefrontcompartmentfrontinsulatorcover.Referto FrontCompartmentFrontInsulatorCoverReplacementon
page 3—157.
EngineCooling Fan ShroudFasteners(Qty:3)
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0—8.
EngineCooling Fan ShroudAssembly.
1. Disconnectthe electricalconnectors.
2. Transferall necessarycomponents.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooling 9-675

Engine Coolant Fan Shroud Replacement(LDE LUW)


Engine Coolant Fan Shroud Replacement (LDE LUW)

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Removetheradiatorsurgetank.Referto RadiatorSurge TankReplacementonpage9-630.
2. Uncliptransmissioncoolerlinesfromshroudif equipped.
3. Unclipradiatorsurgetankoutlethosefromfanshroud.
4. Disconnectanyelectricalconnectersfromthefan shroud.
1 EngineCoolantFanShroud
Tip: Unclipenginecoolantfanshroudfromradiator.

Radiator Replacement (LUV) . Drain the engine coolant. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9-628.
Removal Procedure . Remove the radiator inlet hose from the radiator.
1. Remove the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to Air Refer to Radiator Inlet Hose Replacement (LUV)
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement on page 9—288. on page 9-633 or RadiatorIn/et Hose Replacement
(LDE LUW) on page 9-634.
2. Remove the front compartment front insulator
cover. Refer to Front Compartment Front Insulator . Remove the radiator outlet hose from the radiator.
Cover Replacement on page 3—157. Refer to Radiator Outlet Hose Replacement (LUV)
on page 9—635or Radiator Outlet Hose
Remove the engine coolant fan shroud. Refer to Replacement (LDE LUW) on page 9-636
Engine Coolant Fan Shroud Replacement (LDE
LUW) on page 9—675or Engine Coolant Fan . Remove the front bumper fascia assembly. Refer
Shroud Replacement (LUV) on page 9-674 to Front Bumper Fascia Replacement on
page 3-55.
if equipped with an automatic transmission remove
the transmission cooler lines. Refer to Fluid Cooler . Remove the radiator upper air baffle. Refer to
Inlet Hose Replacement on page 17-203 and Fluid Radiator Air Baffle Replacement (LUV, LUW) on
Cooler Outlet Hose Replacement on page 17—204. page 9-679

2013 (5377994)
9-678 Eggine Cooling

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2680742 2680744

10. Remove the three air conditioning condenser 14. Remove the radiator assembly from the vehicle.
bracket fasteners (1) and bracket. (2).
11. Release the clips securing the air conditioning
condenser (1) to the radiator and pull the
condenser (1) forward as far as possible.
12. Support the air conditioning condenser assembly.

15. Remove the following components from the
radiator assembly (1).
- Radiator upper insulators (2) (Qty:2)
2680743 - Radiator lower insulators (3) (Qty:2)
. Radiator temperature sensor (5) and retainer
13. Remove the radiator upper bracket fasteners (1) clip (4)
and brackets (2).

2013 (5377994)
Engiie Cooling 9-677

installation Procedure

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2680745 3. Installthe radiator upper brackets (2) and bracket
1. Install the following components to the radiator Lietghsegslémtghtenthe bracket fasteners t0
- Radiator upper insulators (2) (Qty:2)
- Radiator lower insulators (3) (Qty:2)
- Radiator temperature sensor (5) and retainer

4. Position the air conditioning condenser (1) to the
radiator, and push inward securing the air
conditioning condenser to the radiator assembly.
5. Install the air conditioning condenser bracket (2)
and the air conditioning condenser fasteners (1) .
2. Install the radiator assembly into the vehicle. 6. install the radiator upper air baffle. Refer to
Radiator Air Baffle Replacement (LUV, LUW) on
page 9—679
7. Install the front bumper fascia assembly. Refer to
Front Bumper Fascia Replacement on page 3-55.
8. Installthe radiator outlet hose from the radiator.
Refer to Radiator Outlet Hose Replacement (LUV)
on page 9—635or Radiator Outlet Hose
Replacement (LDE LUW) on page 9636

9-678 Engine Cooling
9. install the radiator inlet hose from the radiator. 11. Installthe engine coolant fan shroud. Referto
Refer to Radiator InletHose Replacement (LUV) Engine Coolant Fan Shroud Replacement (LDE
on page 9—633or Radiator InletHose Replacement LUW) on page 9-675 or Engine Coolant Fan
(LDE LUW) on page 9-634. Shroud Replacement (LUV) on page 9-674
10. Ifequipped with an automatic transmission install 12. Install the front compartment front insulator cover.
the transmission cooler lines. Refer to Fluid Cooler Refer to Front Compartment Front Insulator Cover
Inlet Hose Replacement on page 17—203and Fluid Replacement on page 3—157.
Cooler Outlet Hose Replacement on page 17-204- 13. Install the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to Air
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement on page 9—288.

Radiator Replacement (LDE LUW)


Radiator Replacement (LDE LUW)

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Drainthecoolant.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage 9-628.
2. Removetheenginecoolanttemperaturesensor.
3. Removetheairconditioningcondenser.RefertoAir ConditioningCondenserReplacement(LDE,LUW)onpage 10-33or
Air ConditioningCondenserReplacement(LUV)onpage 10—34.
4. Removetheenginecoolantfanshroud.Referto EngineCoolantFan ShroudReplacement(LDE LUW)onpage9-675or
Engine CoolantFan ShroudReplacement(LUV)onpage 9—674.
Removetheradiatorhoses.Referto RadiatorInletHose Replacement(LUV)onpage 9-6330r RadiatorInletHose
Replacement(LDELUW) onpage9—634 andRadiatorOutletHose Replacement(LUV)onpage 9-635or RadiatorOutlet
Hose Replacement(LDELUW) onpage9-636.
Removetheradiatorupperbracket.Referto RadiatorUpperBracketReplacementonpage 9-640.
Tip: Tiltradiatorforwardto remove.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooling 9-679

€311 lgmmxl;
7/-\ , .‘TT‘.’ ‘ ’ /“ \ /

3 2514.41 /
. 1 ~' :AI. mire;
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Radiator Air Baffle Replacement (LUV, LUW)
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removethefrontbumperfasciaassembly.Referto FrontBumperFascia Replacementonpage3-55.
1 RadiatorAir UpperBafflePush Pin Retainers(Qty:4)
2 RadiatorAir UpperBaffleAssembly

high speed relay remains inactive because the ECM is

Description and Operation not commanding the FAN 2 control circuit ON. The
energized low speed relay switch closes to supply B+
through the internal low speed resistor 0f the engine
Cooling Fan Description and cooling fan motor. The result is cooling fan operation at
a reduced speed.
Operation (LUV)
The engine cooling fan system is composed of one Medium Speed Operation
cooling fan, a series of 5 relays, the engine control The ECM applies ground at the FAN 2 control circuit for
module (ECM), and the associated wiring. The cooling the coil side of the cooling fan high speed. and medium
fan assembly includes two resistors. This combination speed relays. The high speed reiay remains inactive
of components enables the ECM to operate the cooling because the ECM is not commanding the FAN 1 control
fan at 3 speeds using two fan control Circuits. circuit ON. The energized medium speed relay switch
closes to supply B+ through the internal medium speed
Low Speed Operation resistor of the engine cooling fan motor.The result is
The ECM applies ground at the FAN 1 control circuit for cooling fan operation at a medium speed.
the coil side of the cooling fan relay. The energized
cooling fan relay completes a ground, through the High Speed Operation
switch side of the relay, for the coils of the cooling fan The ECM applies ground at the FAN 1 control circuit for
low speed relay and the cooling fan speed control relay. the coil side of the cooiing fan relay. The energized
The speed control relay activates and supplies 8+ to cooling fan relay completes a ground, through the
the coil side of the cooling fan high speed relay. The switch side of the relay, for the coil of the cooling fan

9-680 Engine Cootinfig
speed control relay. The energized speed control relay cools. This system directs some coolant through the
switch closes to supply 8+ to the coil side of cooling fan hoses or pipes to the heater core and oil cooler. This
high speed relay. Simultaneously, the ECM applies provides for heating, defrosting and engine oil cooling.
ground at the FAN 2 control circuit for the coil side of The surge tank is connected to the radiator to recover
the cooling fan high speed relay. The energized high the coolant displaced by expansion from the high
speed relay switch closes to supply B+ directly to the temperatures. The surge tank maintains the correct
engine cooling fan motor, by—passingthe fans internal coolant level. The cooiing system for this vehicle has
resistors. The result is cooling fan operation at full no radiator cap or filler neck. The coolant is added to
speed. the cooling system through the surge tank.

Fan Description and Water Pump

The beit-driven centrifugal water pump consists of an
Operation (LWE, LUW)
impeller, a drive shaft, and a belt pulley. The water
System Overview pump is mounted on the front of the
transverse-mounted engine and is driven by the
The engine cooling fan system is composed of one accessory belt.
cooiing fan, 2 relays, the engine control module (ECM),
and the associated wiring. The cooling fan assembly The impeiier is supported by a completely sealed
includes 1 resistor mounted in the cooling fan shroud. bearing. The water pump is serviced as an assembly
The cooling fan resistor may be a stand alone and cannot be disassembled.
component, or a part of the cooling fan motor and Thermostat
harness assembly. This combination of components
enables the ECM to operate the cooling fan at 2 speeds A wax peliet—typethermostat controls the flow of the
using two fan control circuits. The ECM will operate the engine coolant through the engine cooling system. The
cooling fan at either Low or High speed based on the thermostat is mounted in the thermostat housing to the
cooling requirements. rear of the cylinder head. The thermostat stops the flow
of the engine coolant from the engine to the radiator to
Low Speed Operation provide faster warm—up,and to regulate the coolant
The ECM appiies ground at the FAN 1 control circuit for temperature. The thermostat remains closed while the
the coil side of the low speed cooling fan relay. The engine coolant is cold, preventing circulation of the
energized low speed relay switch closes to supply B+ engine coolant through the radiator.
through the cooling fan resistor, to the engine cooling As the engine warms, the thermostat opens. This
fan motor.The result is cooling fan operation at a allows the engine coolant to flow through the radiator
reduced speed. where the heat is dissipated through the radiator.This
opening and Closing of the thermostat permits enough
High Speed Operation
engine coolant to enterthe radiator to keep the engine
The ECM applies ground at the FAN 2 control circuit for within proper engine temperature operating limits.
the coil side of the cooling fan high speed relay. The The wax pellet in the thermostat is hermetically sealed
energized high speed relay switch closes to supply B+ in a metal case. The wax element of the thermostat
directly to the engine cooling fan motor, by-passing the expands when it is heated and contracts when it is
cooling fan resistor. The result is cooling fan operation cooled.
at full speed.
As the vehicle is driven and the engine warms, the
System Description and engine coolant temperature increases. When the
engine coolant reaches a specified temperature, the
Operation wax pellet element in the thermostat expands and
exerts pressure against the metal case, forcing the
Cooling System valve open. This allows the engine coolant to flow
The cooling system maintains the engine operating through the engine cooling system and cool the engine.
temperature at the efficient level under any speed and As the wax pellet cools, the contraction allows a spring
operating condition. When the engine is cold, the to close the valve. To provide fuel economy and low
cooling system coois the engine slowly or not at all. The emission benefit during part load driving condition, the
slow cooling of the engine allows the engine to warm up electric controlled thermostat enables changing the
quickly. The cooling system includes a radiator and thermostat opening temperature. Basically, the
recovery subsystem, cooling fans, a thermostat and thermostat begins to open at 105° C (221° F) and is
housing, an oil cooler, a water pump and a water pump fully open at 120° C (248°F) when the electric energy
drive belt. The accessory belt drives the water pump. not assisted.
All components must function properly in orderfor the lfa certain driving environment encountered that
cooling system to operate. Before the coolant reaches requiring better cooling performance, the ECM orders
operating temperature of the thermostat, the coolant to put electric energy to the thermostat. The energized
circulates through Waterjackets in the engine block, the electric heater in the wax pellet gives thermal energy to
cylinder head, the heater core and the oil cooler. The the wax for assisting the wax expansion. Then the
coolant pump draws the coolant from the bypass pipe thermostat valve opens earlier than the specified
which the pipe receives returningfloe form the engine coolant temperature. For this vehicle, the programmed
and the heater core. When the coolant reaches the temperature set value by the ECM is 105°C (221°F) for
operating temperature of the thermostat, the thermostat cold and part load driving mode and 90° C (194° F) for
opens. The coolant then goes to the radiator where it hot and full load driving mode.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Cooling 9-681
Radiator Special Tools and Equipment
The radiator is a heat exchanger. Itconsists of a core
and 2 tanks. The aluminum core is a tube and tin
cross-flow design that extends from the inlet tank to the illustration Tool NumberlDescription
outlet tank. Fins are placed around the outside of the
tubes to improve heat transfer to the atmosphere. "
The inlet and outlettanks are a molded, high
temperature, nylon reinforced plastic material. A high EN-471
temperature rubber gasket seals the tank flange edge KM-471
to the aluminum core. The tanks are clamped to the J-42070
core with clinch tabs. The tabs are part of the aluminum J-36649
header at each end of the core. Adapter
The radiator removes heat from the coolant passing
through it.The fins on the core transfer heat from the
coolant passing through the tubes. As air passes 1282423
between the fins, it absorbs heat and cools the coolant.
Surge Tank
The surge tank is a plastic tank with a threaded EN—6327—A
pressure cap. The tank is mounted at a point higher KM—6327—A
than all other coolant passages. The surge tank J-24460
provides an air space in the coolingvsystem that allows J—42401
the coolant to expand and contract. The surge tank CoolingSystemTest
provides a coolant fill point and a central air bleed Adapter
location. During vehicle use, the coolant heats and
expands. The increased coolant volume flows into the
surge tank. As the coolant circulates, any air is allowed 1985876
to bubble out. Coolant without air bubbles absorbs heat
much better than coolant with bubbles.

HoseClamp Pliers


9682 Engine Electrical

Engine Electrical


Fastener Tightening Specifications

Application Metric English
BatteryGroundCable Fastener _ 9 N-m 80lbin
BatteryGroundCableto BatteryNegativeCable Fastener 9 N-m 80lbin
BatteryHoldDownRetainerFastener 22Nm 16lbft
BatteryNegativeCableGroundFastener(EngineBlock) 22 N-m 16lbft
BatteryNegativeCableGroundFastener(Frame) 22N'm 16lbft
BatteryNegativeCableFastener 4.5N-m 40lbin
BatteryPositiveCable Fastener 4.5N-m 40lbin
BatteryPositiveCableto BatteyJunctionBlock Fastener 7 N'm 62lbin
BatteryPositiveCableto UnderhoodFuse Block 7N-m 62lbin
BatteryTrayFastener 14N-m 10lbft
GeneratorMountingFastener 35N-m 26lbft
GeneratorPositiveCableFastener 20 N-m 15lbft
GeneratorPulleyFastener 90Nm 66lbft
StarterMountingFastener 25 Wm 18lbft
StarterStud 25N-m 18lbft
StarterGroundCable Fastener 12.5N-m 111lbin
StarterPositiveCable Fastener 9 N-m 80lbin

Battery Usage
Application Specification
Cold CrankingAmperage 438amps
ReserveCapacityRating 60AH

Generator Usage
Application Description
RatedOutput 100A
LoadTestOutput 70A

Schematic and Routing Diagrams

2013 (5377994)
Engine Electrical 9-683

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2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
9-684 Engine Electrical

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2013 Service
m (US/Canada) (5377994)
Engine Electrical 9-685

Diagnostic Information and Procedures

DTC B1325, B1330, B1517, C0800, C0895, P0560, P0562, or P0563

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC B1325 O3: Device Power Circuit Voltage Below Threshold
DTC B132507: Device Power Circuit Voltage Above Threshold
DTC B133003: Device Power 2 Circuit Voltage Below Threshold
DTC B151703: Battery Voltage Beiow Threshold
DTC B151707: Battery Voitage Above Threshold
DTC B15175A: Battery Voltage Plausibility Failure
DTC C080003: Device Power 1 Circuit Voltage Below Threshold
DTC C080007: Device Power 1 Circuit Voitage Above Threshold
DTC C080011: Device Power1 Circuit High Input
DTC C08000D: Device Power 1Circuit High Resistance
DTC C089500: Device Voltage
DTC P0560: System Voltage Low
DTC P0562: System Voltage Low
DTC P0563: System Voltage High

CircuitlSystem Description Reference Information

The vehicle control modules or sensors monitor the Schematic Reference
system voltage to verify the system voltage is within the
normal operating range. Control Module References on page 6-3
Conditions for Running the DTC Connector End View Reference
The ignition is ON. Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
Conditions for Setting the DTC Description and Operation
The control module or sensor detects a system voltage Charging System Description and Operation on
of less than approximately 9 V for approximately page 9—729
5 seconds.
Electrical Information Reference
Action Taken When the DTC Sets - Circuit Testing on page 11—526
- A driver information center message and/or - Connector Repairs on page 11—548
warning indicator may be displayed.
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
- The control module may be temporarily disabled. Connections on page 11—531
Conditions for Clearing the DTC ° Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
The system voltage returns to normal operating range. DTC Type Reference
Diagnostic Aids Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
Definitions on page 6-68
- A high or low voltage DTC set or voltage value in
multiple modules/sensors indicates a concern in Scan Tool Reference
the charging system.
Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
- A possible cause of this DTC could be information
overcharging with a battery charger orjump

9-686 Engflie Electrical

CircuitlSystem Verification 2. Ignition OFF, scan tool disconnected, open and

close the driver door and wait 1 minute. Test for
1. IgnitionOFF, measure and record the battery less than 10 0 between each ground circuit
voltage at the battery terminals. The battery terminal and ground.
voltage should stabilize between 12.4and 12.8V
within a few minutes of turning the ignition OFF. =>Ifgreater than the specified range, test the
ground circuit for an open/high resistance.
:> Ifnot within the specified range, refer to Battery
Inspection/Test on page 9-702. 3. Ifequipped, verify that a test lamp illuminates
between each B+ circuit terminal and ground.
2. Engine running, accessories OFF, measure and
record the battery voltage at the battery terminals. =>if the test lamp does not illuminate, test the B+
The voltage should be at least 1V greater than the circuit for a short to ground or an open/high
voltage measured in step 1 but less than 15 V. resistance.
=>If not within the specified range, refer to 4. Ifequipped, ignition ON, verify that a test lamp
Charging System Test on page 9-707. illuminates between each ignition circuit terminal
and ground.
3. Observe the appropriate module scan tool 8+ and
ignition voltage parameters. The voltage readings =>Ifthe test lamp does not illuminate, test the
should be within 1V of the battery voltage. ignition circuit for a short to ground or an open/
high resistance.
CircuitlSystem Testing 5. Ifall circuits test normal, replace the control
Note: Use the schematic to identify the following: module module.
- Control modules the vehicle is equipped with Repair Instructions
~ The control modules ground, 8+, and Ignition Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
circuit terminal IDs and connectors page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness connectors at Control Module References on page 6-3 for control
the appropriate control module. module replacement, setup, and programming
Note: Some control module ground circuits may
require up to 20 minutes to achieve a resistance
reading of less than 10 Q. In most cases the readings
will drop below 20 (2within 1 minute indicating the
control modules are going to sleep.

Engine Electrical 9-687

DTC B1516

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC B151608: Battery Current Sensor Signal Invalid
DTC B151666: Battery Current Sensor Wrong Mounting Position

Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
5V Reference B151608 B151608 — -
. B1516
Signal B151608 8151608 B151608 8151666
LowReference — B1516
O8 —— -

CircuitlSystem Description Reference Information

The battery current sensor is a 3-wire hall effect current Schematic Reference
sensor. The body control module (BCM) supplies 5V
and ground to the battery current sensor. The battery Starting and Charging Schematics on page 9-683
current sensor measures the amount of current flowing
Connector End View Reference
to or from the battery,and supplies a pulse width
modulation (PWM) signal to the BCM. Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
Conditions for Running the DTC Description and Operation
B151608 Charging System Description and Operation on
page 9-729
The BCM is awake.
Electrical Information Reference
~ The BCM is awake. ' Circuit Testing on page 11-526
' The engine is OFF. ~ Connector Repairs on page 11-548
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Conditions for Setting the DTC Connections on page 11—531
B151608 - Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
The battery current signal is less than 4 percent or Scan Tool Reference
greater than 96percent duty cycle for 2 minutes.
Control Module References on page 6-3for scan tool
B151666 information
The battery current polarity is positive for 2 minutes. CircuitlSystem Testing
Action Taken When the DTC Sets B151608
The regulated voltage control (RVC) is disabled. 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
the B18battery current sensor.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC
2. Ignition OFF and scan tool disconnected, open and
The DTC passes when the battery current returns to the close the driver door, and wait 1 minute. Test for
normal range for 15seconds. less than 30 0 between the low reference circuit
terminal B and ground.
Diagnostic Aids
=>Ifgreater than specified range , test the low
DTC B151608 couldbe set by overcharging with a
reference circuit for an open/high resistance.
battery charger orjump starting.
Ifthe circuit tests normal, replace the K9 BCM.

9-688 Engine Electrical
3. Ignition ON, test for 4.8—5.2 V between the 5V B151666
reference circuit terminal A and ground. 1. Verify that the B18battery current sensor is
=>Ifless than the specified range , test the 5 V installed securely around the negative battery
reference circuit for a short to ground or an cable, with the tape tab pointing away from the
open/high resistance. if the circuit tests normal, negative terminal on the C1 battery.
replace the K9 BCM. =>if the B18battery current sensor is not installed
=>if greater than the specified range, test the 5 V correctly, remove and reinstall the sensor
reference circuit for a short to voltage. Ifthe properly.
circuit tests normal, replace the K9 BCM. 2. Replace the B18battery current sensor.
. Ignition ON, test for 4.8—5.2 V between the signal
circuit terminal C and ground. Repair Instructions
=>If less than the specified range, test the signal Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
circuit for a short to ground or an open/high page 6.92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
resistance. lfthe circuit tests normal, replace Battery Current Sensor Replacement on
the K9 BCM. page 9-714
=>Ifgreater than the specified range, test the Control Module References on page 6-3for BCM
signal circuit for a short to voltage. Ifthe circuit replacement, setup, and programming
tests normal, replace the K9 BCM.
. Ifall circuits test normal, test or replace the B18
battery current sensor.

Engine Electrical 9-689


Diagnostic Instructions
' Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC B151A58: Low Battery Capacity Detected

CircuitlSystem Description Connector End View Reference

The body control module (BCM) monitors the battery Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
voltage level during an engine crank event to detect a
low battery voltage condition. Description and Operation

Conditions for Running the DTC Charging System Description and Operation on
page 9—729
The vehicle is ON
Electrical Information Reference
Conditions for Setting the DTC
- Circuit Testing on page 11-526
A minimum crank battery voltage is less than the - Connector Repairs on page 11-548
minimum crank battery voltage threshold for 16
consecutive crank events. - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11-531
Action Taken When the DTC Sets ~ Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
A driver information center (DIC) message is displayed. Scan Tool Reference
Conditions for Clearing the DTC Control Module References on page 6-3for scan tool
The DTC will clear if the minimum crank voltage is information
greater than the minimum crank voltage threshold
during a crank event. CircuitlSystem Verification
Before replacing the C1 battery perform the Battery
Reference Information lnspection/Test on page 9-702.
Schematic Reference
Starting and Charging Schematics on page 9-683

0690 We Electrical

DTC B1527

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
o Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC B152700: Parasitic Load

CircuitlSystem Description Connector End View Reference

The body control module (BCM) monitors the state of Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
charge of the electrical system.
Description and Operation
Conditions for Running the DTC Charging System Description and Operation on
The ignition is in Accessory or Run mode. page 9—729
Conditions for Setting the DTC Electrical Information Reference
The state of charge at ignition ON is 30 percent lower - Circuit Testing on page 11-526
than when the engine was running and battery drain is ' Connector Repairs on page 11—548
more than 2 A.
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Action Taken When the DTC Sets Connections on page 11-531
There is no battery telltale illuminated or DIC message - Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
displayed. Scan Tool Reference
Conditions for Clearing the DTC. Control Module References on page 6-3for scan tool
- The DTC will clear if the fault does not return after information
50consecutive ignition cycles. CircuitlSystem Verification
. The DTC will clear when run state of charge is
greater than or equal to 80%. Refer to Battely Electrical Drain/Parasitic Load Test on
page 9-704.
Reference Information
Schematic Reference
Starting and Charging Schematics on page 9-683

2013 (5377994)
Engine Electrical 94391

DTC P0615, P0616, or P0617

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0615: Starter Relay Control Circuit
DTC P0616: Starter Relay Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0617: Starter Relay Control Circuit High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

Opeanigh Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
Control P0616 P0615 P0617 -
Ground -— P0615 — -

CircuitlSystem Description Electrical Information Reference

When the ignition switch is placed in the CRANK - Circuit Testing on page 11-526
position, a discrete signal is supplied to the body ' Connector Repairs on page 11-548
control module (BCM) notifying it that the ignition is in
the CRANK position. The BCM then sends a message - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
to the engine control module (ECM) that crank has Connections on page 11-531
been requested. The ECM then verifies that the clutch - Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
pedal is depressed or the transmission is in Park/
Neutral. Ifit is, the ECM then supplies 12 V to the DTC Type Reference
control circuit of the starter relay. When this occurs, Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
battery voltage is supplied throughthe switch of the Definitions on page 6-68
starter relay to the starter motor.
Scan Tool Reference
Conditions for Running the DTC
Control Module References on page 6-3for scan tool
~ The ignition is in the CRANK position. information
- The system voltage is between 95—18V.
CircuitlSystem Testing
Conditions for Setting the DTC 1. IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
The ECM detects improper voltage on the control circuit disconnect the KR27Starter Relay. it may take up
of the starter relay. to 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to power down.
2. Test for less than 10 Q between the ground circuit
Action Taken When the DTC Sets terminal 86and ground.
DTC P0615,P0616,and P0617are C type DTCs. :> If 10 Q or greater
Conditions for Clearing the DTC 2.1. IgnitionOFF.
DTC P0615,P0616,and P0617are C type DTCs. 2.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the ground circuit end
to end.
Reference Information :> If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Schematic Reference in the circuit.
=>Ifless than 2 Q, repairthe open/high resistance
Starting and Charging Schematics on page 9—683 in the ground connection.
Connector End View Reference U If less than 10 Q
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269 3. IgnitionON.
Description and Operation
Starting System Description and Operation on
page 9-732

9-692 Engine Electrical
4. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the B+ 7. IgnitionON, connect a 30 A fused jumper wire
circuit terminal 30 and ground. between the B+ circuit terminal 30 and the control
:> If the test lamp does not illuminate and the C'rcu't terminal 87'
circuit fuse is good 8. Verify the M64starter motor is activated.
4.1. IgnitionOFF. :> If the M64starter motor does not activate
4.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the B+ Circuit end 8.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
to end. connector at the M64starter motor.
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 8.2.Test for infinite resistance between the control
in the circuit. circuit terminal X2 A (LFX) or X2 1 (LTG/LCV)
and ground.
:> Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is good and
there is voltage at the fuse. =>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit.
If the test lamp does not illuminate and the
circuit fuse is open U lf infinite resistance
4.1. IgnitionOFF. 8.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit and
to end.
4.2.Test for infinite resistance between the B+
circuit and ground. :> If2 Q or greater, repairthe open/high resistance
in the circuit.
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
ground on the circuit. =>lf less than 2 Q, replace the M64starter motor.
U Ifinfinite resistance U If the M64starter motor activates
4.3. Test for infinite resistance between the control 9. Test or replace the KR27Starter Relay.
circuit terminal 87 and ground.
Component Testing
=>lfless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit. Relay Test
=>lf infinite resistance, replace the KR27Starter 1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the KR27Starter Relay.
Relay. 2. Test for 60—180Q between terminals 85and 86.
If the test lamp illuminates 2) If less than 60or greater than 180 (2
Connect a test lamp between the control circuit Replace the relay.
terminal 85 and the ground circuit terminal 86.
If between 60—1809
. Verify the test lamp turns ON and OFF when
activating the vehicle ignition switch. Testfor infinite resistance between the terminals
listed-below: ‘
If the test lamp is always OFF
- 30 and 86
6.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness o 30 and 87
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
- 30 and 85
6.2.Test for infinite resistance between the control
circuit and ground. - 85and 87
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to If less than infinite resistance
ground on the circuit. Replace the relay.
U If infinite resistance <=If infinite resistance
6.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end Install a 20 A fused jumper wire between relay
to end. terminal 85and 12 V. Install a jumper wire between
=>lf 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance relay terminal 86and ground.
in the circuit. Test for less than 2 (2between terminals 30
2 Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control and 87.
Module. If 2 Q or greater
If the test lamp is always ON Replace the relay.
6.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness If less than 2 D
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module, All OK
ignition ON.
6.2.Test for less than 1 V between the control
circuit and ground.
=>lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the Circuit.
:> Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
U If the test lamp turns ON and OFF

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Electrical 9-693

Repair Instructions Control Module References on page 6-3for ECM

replacement, programming, and setup.
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92after completing the repair.
- Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center)
on page 11-607or Relay Replacement (Attached
to Wire Harness) on page 11—607
0 Starter Replacement (LUW) on page 9-722or
Starter Replacement (LUV) on page 9—724

9-694 Enfigine Electrical

DTC P0621

Diagnostic Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to using this diagnostic
Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0621: Generator L-Terminal Circuit
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
B+ P0622 P0621 — -
Control—LTerminal P0621 P0621 P0621 -
Signal—F Terminal P0622 P0622 P0622 P0622

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC

The engine control module (ECM) uses the generator Ignition ON, engine OFF~ Low voltage.
turn on control circuit to control the load of the Engine running —A control signal duty cycle is
generator on the engine. A high side driver in the ECM detected.
applies a duty cycled voltage to the voltage regulator.
The duty cycle controls the voltage regulator to turn the Reference Information
field circuit on and off.The ECM monitors the state of Reference
the generator turn on control circuit. The ECM should Schematic
detect low voltage on the generator turn on control Starting and Charging Schematics on page 9-683
circuit when the ignition is ON and the engine is off,
or when the charging system malfunctions. With the Connector End View Reference
engine running, the ECM should detect high voltage Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
when the duty cycle voltage is commanded high and a
low voltage when the duty cycle voltage is commanded Description and Operation
low.on the generator turn on control circuit.
Charging System Description and Operation on
Conditions for Running the DTC page 9-729
- Ignition ON, engine OFF (Prior to IgnitionON, the Electrical Information Reference
ignition must have been OFF for at least
- Circuit Testing on page 11~526
5 seconds)
- Connector Repairs on page 11—548
- The engine is running for the run test
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Conditions for Setting the DTC Connections on page 11-531
' Ignition ON, engine OFF —The ECM detects . Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
greater than 3.5 V on the generator control circuit DTC Type Reference
for 5 seconds.
- Engine running —The ECM detects a low voltage Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
for 15 seconds on the generator control circuit Definitions on page 6—68
when the duty cycle voltage is commanded high. Scan Tool Reference
- Engine running —The ECM detects a high voltage
for 15 seconds on the generator control circuit Control Module References on page 6-3for scan tool
when the duty cycle voltage is commanded low. information

Action Taken When the DTC Sets

DTC P0621is a type C DTC.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Electrical 9-695
CircuitlSystem Verification 3. Test for 3.0—5.5 V between the control circuit
terminal 1 and ground.
1. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the If less than 3.0 V
vehicle within the conditions that you observed 3.1. lgnition OFF, disconnect the harness
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. connectors at the K20 Engine Control Module.
2. Verify the DTC does not set. 3.2.Test for infinite resistance between the control
:> If the DTC sets circuit and ground.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. =>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit.
U If the DTC does not set
U If infinite resistance
3. All OK.
3.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end
CircuitlSystem Testing to end.
1. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the G13 =>if greater the 2 Q, repair the open/high
Generator B+ circuit terminal A X2 and ground. resistance in the circuit.
=>If the test lamp does not illuminate and the :> Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
circuit fuse is good Module.
1.1.Remove the test lamp and disconnect the B+ If greater than 5.5 V
cable at the G13 Generator. 3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
1.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the B+ circuit end connectors at the K20 Engine Control Module,
to end. IgnitionON.
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 3.2.Test for less than 1 V between the control
in the circuit. circuit and ground.
:> Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and =>Ifgreater than 1 V, repair the short to voltage on
there is voltage at the fuse. the circuit.
=>If the test lamp does not illuminate and the 2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
circuit fuse is open Module.
1.1.Remove the test lamp, disconnect the battery U If between 3.0—5.5V
negative cable, and disconnect the G13 4. Test or replace the G13 Generator.
Generator B+ cable.
1.2.Test for infinite resistance between the B+ Repair Instructions
Circuitand ground. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
=>If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to page 6-92after completing the repair.
ground on the circuit. Generator Replacement (LUV) on page 9—726 or
U If the test lamp illuminates Generator Replacement (LUW) on page 9-727
2. Disconnect the X1 harness connector at the G13 Control Module References on page 6—3 for
Generator, ignition ON. engine control module replacement, programming,
and setup

9-696 Engine Electrical

DTC P0622

Diagnostic Instructions
' Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0622: Generator F-Terminal Circuit
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
B+ _ P0622 P0621 —— -
Control—LTerminal P0621 P0621 P0621 -
Signal—F Terminal P0622 P0622 P0622 P0622

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC

The engine control module (ECM)uses the generator ° Ignition ON, Engine OFF— Low/ no PWM signal
field duty cycle signal circuit, or F—terminalcircuit, to detected
monitor the duty cycle of the generator. The generator - Engine running —-A 5—90% duty cycle is detected
field duty cycle signal circuit connects to high side of
the field windings in the generator. A pulse width Reference Information
modulated (PWM) high side driver in the voltage
regulator turns the field windings on and off.The ECM Schematic Reference
uses the PWM signal input to determine the generator Starting and Charging Schematics on page 9-683
load on the engine. This allows the ECM to adjust the
idle speed to compensate for high electrical loads. The Connector End View Reference
ECM monitors the status of the generator field duty Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
cycle signal circuit. When the ignition is ON and the
engine is off, the ECM should detect a duty cycle near Description and Operation
0%. When the engine is running, the duty cycle should
be between 5—99%. Charging System Description and Operation on
page 9—729
Conditions for Running the DTC Electrical Information Reference
- Ignition ON, engine OFF (Prior to IgnitionON, the
ignition must have been OFF for at least - Circuit Testing on page 11—526
5 seconds) - Connector Repairs on page 11-548
- Engine running at less than 3,000RPM ' Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11-531
Conditions for Setting the DTC . Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
- DTC P0621is not set
DTC Type Reference
° Ignition ON, engine OFF (Prior to IgnitionON, the
ignition must have been OFF for at least Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
5 seconds), the ECM detects a PWM signal that is Definitions on page 6-68
greaterthan 65% for 5 seconds Scan Tool Reference
- Engine running at less than 3,000RPM—The
ECM detects a PWM signal that is less than 5% for scan tool
Control Module References on page 6—3
for 30 seconds information

Action Taken When the DTC Sets

DTC P0622is a type C DTC ‘

2013 (5377994)
Engine Electrical 9-697

CircuitlSystem Verification =>lf infinite resistance, test or replace the G13

Note: Do not have a battery charger connected during
the generator testing. U If the test lamp illuminates
2. Disconnect the X1 harness connector at the G13
1. Engine running.
Generator, engine running.
2. Verify the scan tool Engine Control Module
Generator F-Terminal Signal parameter is between 3. Verify the scan tool Engine Control Module
5—90%. Generator F—TerminalSignal parameter‘is less
than 5%.
=>If not between 5—90%
:> If 5%or greater
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. 3.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
U lf between 5—90% connector at the K20 Engine Control Module,
3. Verify the scan tool Generator F—TerminalSignal ignition ON.
parameter changes when commanding the 3.2.Test for less than 1 V between the signal
headlamps ON and OFF. circuit terminal 2 and ground.
=>If the parameter does not change =>lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing. the Circuit.
U if the parameter changes =>if less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
4. Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for
Running the DTC. You may also operate the U If less than 5%
vehicle within the conditions that you observed 4. install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal
from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data. circuit terminal 2 and 8+, engine running.
5. Verify the DTC does not set. 5. Verify the scan tool Engine Control Module
=>If the DTC sets Generator F-Terminal Signal parameter is greater
than 95%.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
=>If 95%or less
U If the DTC does not set
5.1. IgnitionOFF, remove thejumper wire,
6. All OK. ' disconnect the harness connector at the K20
Engine Control Module.
CircuitlSystem Testing
5.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal
1. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the G13 circuit and ground.
Generator B+ circuit terminal A X2 and ground.
=>If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
=>If the test lamp does not illuminate and the ground on the circuit.
circuit fuse is good
U If infinite resistance
1.1.Remove the test lamp and disconnect the B+
cable at the G13 Generator. 5.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
to end. '
1.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the B+ circuit end
to end. =>If2 Q or greater, repairthe open/high resistance
in the circuit
=>lf2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit. U If less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
=>Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and Module.
there is voltage at the fuse. U If greater than 95%
=>If the test lamp does not illuminate and the 6. Test or replace the G13 Generator.
circuit fuse is open
Repair Instructions
1.1.Remove the test lamp, disconnect the battery
negative cable, and disconnect the G13 Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
Generator B+ cable. page 6—92 after completing the repair.
1.2.Test for infinite resistance between the B+ - Generator Replacement (LUV) on page 9-726or
circuit and ground. Generator Replacement (LUW) on page 9—727
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to ‘ Control Module References on page 6-3 for
ground on the circuit. engine control module replacement, programming,
and setup _

9-698 EngLine Electrical

DTC P0625 or P0626

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P0625: Generator F-Terminal Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0626: Generator F-Terminal Circuit High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
B+ P0625 P0625 — -
Signal P0625 P0625 P0626 —-
Control P0621 P0621 P0621 -

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC

The engine control module (ECM)uses the generator DTC P0625and P0626are C type DTCs.
field duty cycle signal circuit, or F-terminal circuit, to
monitor the duty cycle of the generator. The generator Reference Information
field duty cycle signal circuit connects to high side of Schematic Reference
the field windings in the generator. A pulse width
modulated (PWM) high side driver in the Voltage Starting and Charging Schematics on page 9-683
regulator turns the field windings ON and OFF. The
ECM uses the PWM signal input to determine the Connector End View Reference
generator load on the engine. This allows the ECM to Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
adjust the idle speed to compensate for high electrical
loads. The ECM monitors the status of the generator Description and Operation
field duty cycle signal circuit. When the ignition is ON Charging System Description and Operation on
and the engine is OFF, the ECM should detect a duty page 9—729
cycle near 0%. When the engine is running, the duty
cycle should be between 5—99%. Electrical Information Reference

Conditions for Running the DTC - Circuit Testing on page 11—526

. Connector Repairs on page 11-548
. Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
. The engine is running. Connections on page 11-531
- The engine speed is less than 3000RPM. . Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
P0626 DTC Type Reference
~ The engine is not running.
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
- The ignition is in the ON position. Definitions on page 6-68
Conditions for Setting the DTC Scan Tool Reference
P0625 Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
The ECM detects a pulse width modulated (PWM) information
signal less than 5% for 15 seconds.
The ECM detects a pulse width modulated (PWM)
signal greater than 65% for 15 seconds.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
DTC P0625and P0626are C type DTCs.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Englie Electrical 9:699

CircuitlSystem Verification . Verify the scan tool ECM Generator F-Terminal

Signal parameter is less than 5%.
1. Engine running.
If 5% or greater
2. Verify the scan tool Generator F—TerminalSignal
Circuit parameter changes between 5 and 99%. 3.1.Ignition ON.
:> If the parameter does not change 3.2.Test for less than 1 V between the signal
circuit terminal 2 and ground.
Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
=>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
U If the parameter changes the circuit. '
3. All OK. 2 Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
CircuitlSystem Testing Module.
1. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the G13 If less than 5%
Generator B+ circuit terminal A X2 and ground. Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal
:> If the test lamp does not illuminate and the circuit terminal 2 and B+.
circuit fuse is good Verify the scan tool ECM Generator F-Terminal
Terminal Signal parameter is greater than 95%.
1.1.Disconnect the B+ cable at the G13
Generator. If 95% or less
1.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the B+ circuit end 5.1.Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness
to end. connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 5.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
in the circuit. to end.
:> Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and :> |f2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
there is voltage at the fuse. in the circuit.
If the test lamp does not illuminate and the U If less than 2 Q
circuit fuse is open 5.3.Test for infinite resistance between the signal
1.1.Test for infinite resistance between the B+ circuit and ground.
circuit and ground. =>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to ground on the circuit.
ground on the circuit. =>If infinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
U Ifinfinite resistance Control Module.
1.2.Test for infinite resistance between the signal U If greater than 95%.
circuit and ground. 6. Replace the G13 Generator.
=>if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
ground on the circuit. Repair Instructions
=>If infinite resistance, replace the G13 Generator. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6—92 after completing the repair.
If the test lamp illuminates
Generator Replacement (LUV) on page 9-726or
. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness connector Generator Replacement (LUW) on page 9-727
at the G13 Generator.
Control Module References on page 6—3for ECM
replacement, programming, and setup

9700 Engine Electrical

DTC P2500 or P2501

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
. Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
' Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
DTC P2500: Generator L-Terminal Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P2501: Generator L—TerminalCircuit High Voltage
For symptom byte information, reterto Symptom Byte
List on page 6—85.
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
B+ P0625 P0625 — -
Control P2500 P2500 P2501 -
Signal P0625 P0625 P0626 -

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC .

The engine control module (ECM)uses the generator - The DTC will pass when the conditions for setting
turn on control circuit, or L—terminalcircuit, to control the the DTC are no longer met for 2 s.
load of the generator on the engine. A high side driver - A history DTC will clear after 40 consecutive
in the ECM applies a voltage to the voltage regulator. warm-up cycles have occurred without a
This controls the voltage regulator to turn the field malfunction_
circuit ON and OFF. The ECM monitors the state of the . .
generator turn ON control circuit. The ECM should ' Eggszgarge Indicatorturns OFF 15 3 after the DTC
detect low voltage on generator turn on control circuit
when the ignition is ON and the engine is OFF, or when Reference Information
the charging system malfunctions. With the engine
running, the ECM should detect high voltage on the Schematic Reference
generator turn on control circuit. The ECM performs
tests to determine the status of the generator turn on Starting and Charging Schematics on page 9—683
control circuit. Connector End View Reference
Conditions for Running the DTC Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
P2500 Description and Operation
The engine is running. Charging System Description and Operation on
page 9-729
. The ignition is ON. Electrical Information Reference
- The engine is OFF. . Circuit Testing on page 11-526
Conditions for Setting the DTC - Connector Repairs on page 11-548
' Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
P2500 Connections on page 11-531
The ECM detects low voltage on the generator turn on - Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
control circuit for 2 s.
DTC Type Reference
Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type
The ECM detects high voltage on the generator turn on Definitions on page 6—68
control circuit for 2 3.
Scan Tool Reference
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
The charge indicator turns ON 15 s after the DTC sets. information

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Electrical 9-701

CircuitlSystem Testing Repair Instructions

1. Verify that a test lamp illuminates between the G13 Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
Generator B+ terminal A X2 and ground. page 6-92after completing the repair.
:> If the test lamp does not illuminate and the ~ Generator Replacement (LUV) on page 9—726 or
circuit fuse is good Generator Replacement (LUW) on page 9—727
1.1.IgnitionOFF. ~ Control Module References on page 6—3for ECM
1.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the B+ circuit end replacement, programming and setup.
to end.
Symptoms - Engine Electrical
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit. Note: The following steps must be completed before
using the symptom tables.
:> Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and
there is voltage at the fuse. - Perform Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle on
=>If the test lamp does not illuminate and the page 6—66 before using the Symptom Tables in
order to verify that all of the following are true:
circuit fuse is open
—There are no DTCs set.
—The control modules can communicate via the
1.2.Test for greater than 100 Q between the B+
serial data link.
circuit and ground.
- Review the system descriptions and operations in
=>If 100 Q or less, repair the short to ground on order to familiarize yourself with the system
the circuit. functions. Refer to one of the following system
=>Ifgreater than 100 Q, replace the G13 operations:
Generator. ~Battery Description and Operation on
U If the test lamp illuminates page 9-728
2. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness connector —Charging System Description and Operation on
at the G13 Generator, ignition ON. page 9-729
3. Test for 4.5—5.5 V between the control circuit —Electrical Power Management Description and
terminal 1 X1 and ground. Operation on page 9-731
=>If less than 4.5 V —-Starting System Description and Operation on
3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness page 9-732
connectors at the K20 Engine Control Module. Visual/Physical Inspection
3.2.Test for infinite resistance between the control - Inspect for aftermarket devices which could affect
circuit and ground. the operation of the starting and charging
:> Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to systems. Refer to Checking Aftermarket
ground on the circuit. Accessories on page 11-525.
U Ifinfinite resistance - Inspect the easily accessible or visible system
3.3.Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end components for obvious damage or conditions
to end. which could cause the symptom.
=>if greater the 2 Q, repair the open/high Intermittent
resistance in the circuit.
Faulty electrical connections or wiring may be the
=>if less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control cause of intermittentconditions. Refer to Testing for
Module. IntermittentConditions and Poor Connections on
=>If greater than 5.5 V page 11-531.
3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness Symptom List
connectors at the K20 Engine Control Module,
ignition ON. Refer to a symptom diagnostic procedure from the
following list in order to diagnose the symptom:
3.2.Test for less than 1 V between the control
circuit and ground. - Batteiy lnspection/Test on page 9-702
:> Ifgreater than 1 V, repair the short to voltage on - Battery Electrical Drain/Parasitic Load Test on
the circuit. page 9-704
- Charging System Test on page 9—707
:> if less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
Module. - Generator Noise Diagnosis on page 9—708
U lf between 4.5—5.5V - Starter Solenoid Does Not Click on page 9-709
4. Test or replace the G13 Generator. - Starter Solenoid Clicks, Engine Does Not Crank
on page 9-711
- Engine Cranks Slowly on page 9—71 1
- Starter Noise Diagnosis on page 9-712

2013 (5377994)
9-702 Engine Electrical

Battery lnspectioanest Use the test code from the second test for any
warranty purposes.
Diagnostic Instructions Information
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66 prior to using this diagnostic Schematic Reference
procedure. Starting and Charging Schematics on page 9-683
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach. Connector End View Reference
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59 Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
Description and Operation
Diagnostic Aids Starting System Description and Operation on
Note: For Warranty repairs - page 9-732
You must use regionally required battery test Electrical Information Reference
equipment for warranty repairs.
- Circuit Testing on page 11-526
For accurate test results the battery must be . Connector Repairs on page 11—548
disconnected from the vehicle and the equipment
connected directly to the battery posts. When setting up . Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
the equipment, select “Out of Vehicle" and then the Connections on page 11—531
correct battery type (Flooded orAGM) and rated CCA - Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
(both from the battery label) must be entered.
Scan Tool Reference
- Failure to obtain the correct connections during
the test may result in a failed test on a good Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
battery. information
- Use the Out of Vehicle test (both batteries Special Tools
disconnected with test equipment connected
directly to the post) test for each battery when Battery Tester, for regionally available devices, refer to
testing a vehicle with dual batteries. Special Tools on page 9-733.
Follow these instructions in order to avoid an incorrect CircuitlSystem Testing
diagnosis because of connections:
Warning: Unless directed otherwise, the ignition
- Iftesting the vehicle with the battery cables still
connected, wiggle the battery tester clips on the and start switch must be in the OFF or LOCK
terminal. This may cut through any coating or position, and all electrical loads must be OFF
through any oxidation that may be present on the before servicing any electrical component.
terminal. Disconnect the negative battery cable to prevent an
electrical spark should a tool or equipment come in
- If correct connections to the battery terminals in contact with an exposed electrical terminal. Failure
the vehicle are in doubt, perform the following to follow these precautions may result in personal
steps: injury and/or damage to the vehicle or its
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. components.
2. Disconnect the positive battery cable.
For Vehicles equipped with OnStaf® (UE1)with
3. Follow the instructions for testing a removed Back Up Battery:
- Ifthe tester displays a REPLACE BATTERY or The Back Up Battery is a redundant power supply
BAD CELL—REPLACEresult for a battery tested in to allow limited OnStar® functionality in the event of
the vehicle with the battery cables connected, a main vehicle battery power disruption to the VCIM
perform the following steps: (OnStaI®moduIe). Do not disconnect the main
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. vehicle battery or remove the OnStar® fuse with the
ignition key in any position other than OFF.
2. Disconnect the positive battery cable. Retained accessory power (RAP) should be allowed
Note: Always write the test code displayed by the to time out or be disabled (simply opening the
tester on the repair order for any warranty purposes. driver door should disable RAP) before NRM

,.‘ W
The number is a unique code that describes the test disconnecting power. Disconnecting power to the
data for a particular battery at a particular time. The test OnStar® module in any way while the ignition is On
code may occasionally repeat when you retest the or with RAP activated may cause activation of the
same battery. More often, each test will result in a OnStar® Back-Up Battery (BUB) system and will
different code. Use the test code from the second, discharge and permanently damage the back-up
or Out of Vehicle test. battery. Once the Back—Up Battery is activated it will
stay on until it has completely discharged. The BUB
3. Follow the instructions for testing a removed is not rechargeable and once activated the BUB
battery. must be replaced.
4. Replace the battery only if the second test
2013 (5377994)
Engine Electrical 9-703
1. Verify the C1 Battery case is not cracked, broken, consider what has happened to the battery in the time
or damaged, which may be indicated by battery just before testing. Use the following procedure to
acid leakage. determine the battery‘s state of charge:
:> If there is any apparent damage 1. Be sure all electrical loads are turned OFF.
Replace the C1 Battery. 2. Determine whether the battery has been used in a
vehicle or charged within the past 12 hours.
U if there is no damage
- Ifthe answer is no, the terminal voltage will be
2. Verify the cold cranking amperage and amperage
stabilized and no action is necessary before
hour rating of the C1 Battery. Refer to the
reading the voltage. Skip to step 3.
manufacturer specifications on the battery label.
- if the answer is yes, terminal voltage will not be
=>If the C1 Battery does not meet specifications stabilized and you should wait 12 hours since
Replace the C1 Battery. the last time the battery was used.
U If the C1 Battery meets specifications 3. Estimate the battery temperature by determining
3. Verify that the battery cables are clean and tight. the average temperature to which the battery has
The batteryterminal bolts should be torqued as been exposed for the past 12 hours.
specified in Fastener Tightening Specifications on Note: The table is accurate to 10 percent only after the
page 9-682. battery has been at rest for 12 hours.
=>If the battery cables need to be cleaned or 4. Measure the battery voltage at the battery
tightened . terminals. Refer to the following table to determine
Clean as required and tighten as specified. the state of charge according to the estimated ,
battery temperature:
U If the battery cables are clean and tight
4. Install the battery tester and follow directions %Charge at 0°C %Charge at 25°
supplied by the tester. Battery Voltage (32°F) C (75°F)
12.75V 100% 100%
Repair Instructions
12.7V 100% 90%
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92after completing the repair. 12.6V 90% 75%
Battery Replacement on page 9-719 12.45V 75% 65%
12.2V 65% 45%
Battery Charging
12.0V 40% 20%
Special Tools
Use the state of charge information as follows:
EL 50313 Battery Tester
' A battery with a state of charge that is below 65
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
percent must always be recharged before
page 9—733.
returning it to service or continuing storage.
Diagnostic Aids - A battery with a state of charge that is 65 percent
- For best results, use an automatic taper—rate or greater is generally considered to be charged
battery charger with a voltage capability of 16 V. enough in order to be returned to normal service
or in order to continue storage. However, if the
- The charging area should be well ventilated. battery is being used in slow traffic or with short
- Do not charge a battery that appears to be frozen. drive times, or if the temperature is very hot or
Allow the batteryto warm to room temperature very cold, the battery should be fully charged, to at
and test it using the EL 50313before charging. least 90 percent, before returning it to service or
continuing storage.
Battery State of Charge
Note: Using voltage to determine the batteries state of Charging Time Required
charge is only accurate after the battery has been at The time required to charge a battery will vary
rest for 24 hours. This is enough time for the acid in depending upon the following factors:
each cell to equalize. Ifthe battery has been charged or - The battery charger capacity—The higher the
discharged in the past 24hours, the battery state of charger amperage, the less time it will take to
charge will only be an estimate. charge the battery.
The maintenance—freebatteries state of charge is - The state of charge of the battery—A completely
estimated by reading the voltage of the battery across discharged battery requires more than twice as
the battery terminals. Because the voltage is affected much charging time as a half charged battery. in a
by current flow into or out of the battery,the engine discharged battery with a voltage below 11 V, the
must be stopped and all electrical loads turned OFF, battery has a very high internal resistance and
including parasitic loads, when checking the voltage. may only accept a very low current at first. Later,
The voltage can also be affected if the battery has just as the charging current causes the acid content to
been charged or discharged, so it is important to increase in the electrolyte, the charging current
will increase. Extremely discharged batteries may

9-704 Engine Electrical
not activate the reversed voltage protection in Battery Electrical Drain/Parasitic
some chargers. Refer to the manufacturer's
instructions for operating this Circuitry. Load Test
- The temperature of the battery——The colder the 12 V Battery
battery is, the more time it takes to recharge the
battery.The charging current accepted by a cold The following procedure is for the 12 V battery only.
battery is very low at first. As the battery warms,
the charging current will increase. Diagnostic Instructions
° Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
Charging Procedure on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
Caution: Turn OFF the ignition when connecting or procedure.
disconnecting the battery cables, the battery charger or - Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
the jumper cables. Failure to do so may damage the for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
ECM/PCMor other electronic components. ' Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8. provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
When charging side—terminalbatteries with the battery
cables connected, connect the charger to the positive CircuitlSystem Description
cable bolt and to a ground located away from the Components most likely to cause a parasitic draw on
battery.When charging side-terminal batteries with the the vehicles battery are switches, relays, and control
battery cables disconnected, install the battery side modules. After the ignition is turned OFF the control
terminal adapters and connect the charger to the modules will begin to go to sleep (shut OFF).All control
adapters. modules do not go to sleep at the same time, some
may take up to 30 min or longer after turning the ignition
Tighten off before going to sleep, like the HVAC and body
Tighten the battery side terminal adapters to 15 N-m control modules. Others such as the ON Star and
(11 lb ft). keyless entry control modules may periodically wake up
Use the following procedure to charge the battery: then go back to sleep. These are all normal conditions.
1. Turn OFF the charger. Diagnostic Aids
2. Ensure that all of the battery terminal connections
- Rule out any possible aftermarket equipment
are clean and tight.
causing an unacceptable parasitic current drain.
3. Connect the charger positive lead to the battery Aftermarket accessories installed into the courtesy
positive terminal on the battery or the remote lamp circuit can cause the inadvertent power timer
jumper stud underhood. in the body control module (BCM)to keep
Caution: Do not connect the negative charger lead to resetting. This may cause the BCM to remain
the housings of other vehicle electrical accessories or awake and cause a current drain on the battery.
equipment. The action of the battery charger may - Rule out customer driving habits such as regular
damage such equipment. short trips that do not allow enough time to
4. Connect the negative charger lead to a solid properly charge the battery. Refer to Battery
engine ground or to a ground stud in the engine Description and Operation on page 9-728.
compartment that is connected directly to the - Verify that the battery and charging system are in
battery negative terminal, but away from the proper working order. Refer to Battery Charging
battery. Ifthe negative battery cable is on page 9-703and Charging System Test on
disconnected and a terminal adapter is being used, page 9-707.
connect directly to the adapter. - A battery discharging for no apparent reason while
5. Turn ON the charger and set to the highest setting the vehicle is parked can be caused by an
for normal charging. intermittentdraw, such as a module waking up,
6. inspect the battery every half hour after starting the or a continuous draw, such as a dome light or
battery charger. stuck relay.
- Charge the battery until the taper—ratecharger ' Some systems and modules such as OnStar®,
indicates that the battery is fully charged. and regulated voltage control, if equipped, are
' Estimate the battery temperature by feeling the designed to wake up, perform a task, and go back
side of the battery. Ifit feels hot to the touch or asleep at regular intervals. Refer to Body Control
its temperature is over 45°C(125°F), System Description and Operation on page 11-68
discontinue charging and allow the battery to for the system or modules description and
cool before resuming charging. operation.
7. After charging, test the battery. Refer to Battery - An engine off natural vacuum evaporative test can
Inspection/Test on page 9-702. occur if the engine control module (ECM)
determines the drive cycle has met the
appropriate criteria immediately after key off.The
ECM will stay awake and the vent solenoid will
stay energized for as long as 45 min. The typical
current draw for this is about 1 A.

Engine Electrical 9-705
- Digital OnStar generator 6 and later vehicle Reference Information
communication interface module do not “wake up"
every 10 min for the first 48 h as the generator 5 Schematic Reference
and prior.Generator6 and later vehicle
Control Module References on page 6-3
communication interface module current draw is
very low, less than 40 mA, so the OnStar system is Connector End View Reference
left in that state for up to the first 48h. Parasitic
draw of up to 40mA with an occasional spike as Component Connector End Views on page 11-269,
high as 80 mA through the vehicle communication Electrical Information Reference
interface module for the first 48h is normal.
- Some automatic climate control systems can - Circuit Testing on page 11-526
remain in a semi awake state for up to three hours, ~ Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
actual draw amounts vary by vehicle platform but Connections on page 11—531
are typically not greater than 50 mA. ' Connector Repairs on page 11—548
' An extremely low mA current level is consumed by - Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
the remote keyless entry receiver for monitoring
purposes, actual system wake up only occurs Scan Tool Reference
when the fobs for the vehicle are used. When Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
other devices on the same remote keyless entry information ,
operating frequency are activated, such as the 4
tire pressure monitoring sensors and other vehicle Special Tools
FOBs in the vicinity, the remote keyless entry
EL 38758Parasitic Draw Test Switch
receiver will have a 100 mA spike. These spikes
are normal and occur too briefly to have a For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
significant effect on battery drain. Competing page 9—733.
signals may cause remote keyless entry
performance issues such as jamming but should CircuitlSystem Verification
not cause excessive battery draw. Note:
' Ifan excessive current draw is not present during - Most vehicle systems will go to sleep within 30 min
initial testing, continue periodic testing over a 1- but it can take up to 2 h before all systems power
2 hour period to see if the current draw increases down allowing the parasitic draw test to pass. An
and stays above an unacceptable level. occasional increase in the parasitic draw is normal
Note: The battery specification listed below is a as long as it returns within 1 s.
generic specification. Refer to the label on the original " - Closing the door latches/ajar switch while leaving
battery when testing the battery. the doors open is recommended, this allows the
0 The battery run down time will vary depending on vehicle systems to perform in a “doors closed"
the batteries reserve capacity. Ifthe reserve mode while allowing vehicle interior access that
capacity is higher, then the battery run down time may be needed to complete the diagnostic steps.
may be longer. Ifthe reserve capacity is lower, - Locking doors will arm the vehicle content theft
then the battery run down time may be shorter. deterrent system if equipped. Failure to arm the
The graph below indicates roughly how system may cause a theft system fault to not be
many days a 690 cold cranking amperage battery present during testing.
with a 110 min. reserve capacity starting at - There are many things that can prevent the
80 percent state of charge will last with a constant vehicle from completely going to sleep and
current draw until it reaches 50 percent state of passing the parasitic draw test. Make sure all the
charge. Differences in battery reserve capacity conditions listed below are met before performing
and temperature will affect the results. the parasitic current draw test.
Current Drain Days —ignition OFF
25mA —Key out of the ignition switch —when not
equipped with keyless access and start
50mA 16.5 —Retained Accessory Power OFF —open and
75mA 11 close the driver door after ignition OFF
100mA 8.25 —Scan tool not communicating with a vehicle
control module —in some cases it may need to
250mA 3.3 be disconnected from the DLC
500mA 1.65 —All access doors closed
750mA 1 —Headlamps OFF —auto headlamps disabled
1A 0.8 —Any delay lighting OFF
2A 0.4 ——Ifequipped with an under hood lamp disable it
—HVAC after blow OFF

9-706 Engine Electrical
—Any accessory that can work with ignition OFF 10. Turn the EL 38758 switch knob to the ON position.
inactive or OFF Remove the fused jumper wire.
—Wait up to 2 min or longer, after all other listed 11. Connect a DMM set to the 10 A DC scale between
conditions are met the test switch tool terminals.
Using an Inductive Pickup Probe 12. Turn the EL 38758 switch knob to the OFF
position. The current now flows throughthe DMM.
1. Connect an inductive pickup probe to the negative
battery cable that can read down to 1 mA. 13. As the vehicle systems shut down test for less than
30 mA of parasitic current drain.
2. IgnitionOFF, as the vehicle systems shut down
test for less than 30 mA of parasitic current drain. =>Ifgreater than the specified range, refer to
Circuit/System Testing.
=>Ifgreater than the specified range, refer to
Circuit/System Testing. CircuitlSystem Testing
Using the EL 38758Parasitic Draw Test Switch Note:
Warning: Refer to Battery Disconnect Warning on . Removing or installing a fuse, relay, or connector,
page 0-4. to determine the area causing high parasitic draw
Caution: When a fused jumper wire or digital may wake up control modules. You mustwait for
multimeter is connected to the test switch terminals, the control modules to go back to sleep before
always turn the test switch ON before opening any ‘ retesting. it is best to install any removed or
access door, turning the ignition on, or turning any disconnected components after the diagnosis is
accessory on. This is to prevent damaging the jumper completed.
wire or digital multimeterfuse. — Fuses for power mode master components such
Note: The switch knob on the EL 38758 switch is as the BCM should be removed last to avoid
marked ON and OFF. When the switch knob is in the misdiagnosis. .
ON position, the circuit is closed and electrical current - Ifa scan tool is connected to the DLC, either
will pass through the switch. When the switch knob is in disconnect it or subtract the scan tool current draw
the OFF position, the circuit is open and electrical from the DMM reading to get the actual vehicle
current will not pass through the switch. parasitic current draw.
1. ignition OFF, disconnect the battery negative cable lfthevehicle has an unacceptable amount of parasitic
from the battery.Refer to Battery Negative Cable current draw, remove each fuse one at a time until the
Disconnection and Connection on page 9—713. current draw falls to an acceptable level. A drop of more
than 10—20mA, when disabling a single system or
2. Turn the EL 38758switch knob to the OFF circuit, is an indication of an overly high current draw
position. that could be causing the battery drain. Refer to Power
3. install the male end of the EL 38758 switch to the Distribution Schematics on page 11—128 to diagnose
battery ground terminal. exactly which circuit of the suspect system is causing
4. Install the battery negative cable to the female end the high parasitic drain. The following is a list of
of the EL 38758switch. common components that could cause a high
5. Turn the EL 38758switch knob to the ON position. current draw:
6. Road test the vehicle and activate all of the - Stuck switch
accessories such as the radio and air conditioning. - Stuck relay
7. IgnitionOFF, connect a 10A fused jumper wire to ° Control module
the test switch tool terminals.
Repair Instructions
8. Turn the EL 38758switch knob to the OFF
position. The current now flows through the Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
jumper wire. page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
9. Check the fuse in the jumper wire. The fuse should Control Module References on page 6-3 for control
be OK. module replacement, programming and setup
=>Failed: lfthejumperwire fuse is blown, refer to
Circuit/System Testing.
U Passed

Engine Electrical 9.707

Charging System Test

Diagnostic Instructions
. Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
. Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
B+ P0622 P0621 — -
Control—LTerminal P0621 P0621 P0621 -
Signal—F Terminal P0622 P0622 P0622 P0622

CircuitlSystem Description Electrical Information Reference

The engine control module (ECM)uses the generator - Circuit Testing on page 11-526
turn ON control circuit to control the load of the - Connector Repairs on page 11—548
generator on the engine. A high side driver in the ECM
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
applies a duty cycled voltage to the voltage regulator.
Connections on page 11—531
The duty cycle controls the voltage regulator to turn the
field circuit ON and OFF. The ECM monitors the state of -' Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
the generator turn ON control circuit. The ECM should
detect low voltage on the generator turn on control CircuitlSystem Verification
circuit when the ignition is ON and the engine is OFF, Note: Do not have a battery charger connected during
or when the charging system malfunctions. With the the generator testing.
engine running, the ECM should detect high voltage 1. IgnitionON.
when the duty cycle voltage is commanded high and a
low voltage when the duty cycle voltage is commanded 2. Verify that no G13 Generator or B18 Battery
low on the generator turn on control circuit. Current Sensor DTCs are set that would cause a
charging system concern.
The engine control module (ECM)uses the generator
field duty cycle signal circuit, or F—terminalcircuit, to =>If DTCs are set
monitor the duty cycle of the generator. The generator Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List -
field duty cycle signal circuit connects to high side of Vehicle on page 6-69.
the field windings in the generator. A pulse width
modulated (PWM) high side driver in the voltage U If no DTCs are set
regulator turns the field windings on and off.The ECM 3. Verify the scan tool Body Control Module Battery
uses the PWM signal input to determine the generator Voltage parameter is 12 V or greater.
load on the engine. This allows the ECM to adjust the :> If less than 12 V
idle speed to compensate for high electrical loads. The
ECM monitors the status of the generator field duty Refer to Battery lnspection/Test on page 9-702.
cycle signal circuit. When the ignition is ON and the If 12 V or greater
engine is off,the ECM should detect a duty cycle near _4>¢=
Engine running, all accessories OFF.
0%. When the engine is running, the duty cycle should
be between 5—99%. 5. Verify the scan tool Body Control Module Battery
Voltage parameter continually increases when
Reference Information controlling the Body Control Module Generator
Regulator Setpoint from 10%to 80%with a scan
Schematic Reference tool. Itmay take up to 10 seconds for the battery
voltage to stabilize between each setpoint change.
Starting and Charging Schematics on page 9—683
=>If the battery voltage does not continually
Connector End View Reference increase
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing.
Description and Operation U If the battery voltage continually increases
6. All OK.
Charging System Description and Operation on
page 9-729

9708 Engine Electrical

CircuitlSystem Testing Generator Noise Diagnosis

Note: You must performthe CircuitlSystem
Verification before proceeding with CircuitlSystem Diagnostic Instructions ,
Testing. - Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
1. Ignition OFF.
2. Test for less than 2 Q between the G13 Generator
' Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
housing and battery negative terminal.
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
=>if 2 Q or greater - Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
Repair the open/high resistance in the circuit. provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
U If less than 2 Q Diagnostic Aids
3. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the G13
Noise from a generator may be due to electrical or
Generator B+ circuit terminal A X2 and ground.
mechanical noise. Electrical noise or magnetic whine
=>If the test lamp does not illuminate and the usually varies with the electrical load placed on the
circuit fuse is good generator and is a normal operating characteristic of all
3.1. Remove the test lamp and disconnect the B+ generators. When diagnosing a noisy generator, it is
cable at the G13 Generator. important to remember that loose or misaligned
3.2.Test for less than 2 Q in the B+ circuit end components around the generator may transmit the
to end. noise into the passenger compartment and that
replacing the generator may not solve the problem.
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit. CircuitlSystem Testing
:> Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and 1. Start the engine. Verify the noise can be heard.
there is voltage at the fuse. Compare the concern to a similar vehicle.
=>If the test lamp does not illuminate and the 2. Perform a charging system test. Verify that the
circuit fuse is open - generator is charging properly.
3.1. Remove the test lamp, disconnect the battery 3. Inspect the generator, generator mounting,wiring
negative cable, and disconnect the G13 harness, heater hoses, A/C lines, or other
Generator B+ cable. accessory equipment that may be misrouted or be
3.2.Test for infinite resistance between the B+ the cause of noise being transmitted into the
circuit and ground. passenger compartment.
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to 4. Ignition OFF, remove the engine drive belt. Verify
ground on the circuit. the generator, A/C compressor, water pump pulley,
power steering pump, idler pulley, and tensioner
=>lf infinite resistance, test orreplace the G13 pulley spin freely.
:> If any of the pulleys do not spin freely, replace
U If the test lamp illuminates the affected component.
4. Test or replace the G13 Generator. 5. Start the engine, with the drive belt removed. Verify
that the noise goes away. Operate the engine for
Repair Instructions no longer than 30-40seconds.
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on =>Ifthe noise is still present, the generator is not
page 6—92 after completing the repair. the cause of the noise.
Generator Replacement (LUV) on page 9-726or 6. Loosen all generator mounting bolts and ensure
Generator Replacement (LUW) on page 9-727 the generator is properly aligned. Tighten the
mounting bolts to specification, refer to Generator
Replacement (LUV) on page 9-726or Generator
Replacement (LUW) on page 9-727.
Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6—92 after completing the diagnostic procedure.
' Drive Belt Replacement on page 9-974
~ Drive Belt Tensioner Replacement on page 9-976
- Generator Replacement (LUV) on page 9—726 or
Generator Replacement (LUW) on page 9-727

Engflte Electrical 9-709

Starter Solenoid Does Not Click

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
B+ 1 1 — -
ControlTerminal85 — 1 2 -
ControlTerminal87 ‘ 1 1 2 —-
Ground — 1 — -
1.No Crank
2. CranksAll TheTime

CircuitlSystem Description CircuitlSystem Verification

When the ignition switch is placed in the START 1. Transmission range selector in park or neutral or
position, a signal is supplied to the starter relay. clutch depressed on a manual transmission,
Providing that the transmission is in Park/Neutral or the attempt to start the vehicle. The starter solenoid
clutch is depressed. The engine will crank. should click and the engine should begin cranking.
Reference Information =>Ifthe starter solenoid does not click or the
engine does not crank, refer to CircuitlSystem
Schematic Reference Testing.
Starting and Charging Schematics on page 9-683 2. ignition ON, observe the scan tool ECM Crankshaft
Position Sensor Active Counter is not
Connector End View Reference incrementing.
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 =>if the Crankshaft Position Sensor Active
Counter is incrementing, replace the Crankshaft
Description and Operation Position Sensor.
Starting System Description and Operation on CircuitlSystem Testing
page 9-732
Electrical Information Reference Manual Transmission (without Clutch Pedal
Position Switch)
' Circuit Testing on page 11-526 1. Disconnect the harness connector at the ignition
' Connector Repairs on page 11—548 switch.
. Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor 2. Verify that a test lamp illuminates between the
Connections on page 11-531 ignition switch B+ circuit terminal 2 and ground.
° Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 ::>Ifthe test lamp does not illuminate, test the B+
Scan Tool Reference circuit for a short to ground or an open/high
resistance. lfthe circuittests normal and the
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool fuse is open, test the ignition switch output
information terminal 3 for a short to ground.
3. Ensure the parking brake is applied and the
transmission is in Neutral.

9-710 Engfle Electrical
4. Momentarily install a 30 A fused jumper wire Automatic Transmission
between the ignition switch B+ circuit terminal 2 1. Verify DTC P0851,P0852,B1370,B1380,B1440,
and the ignition switch output circuit terminal 3. or B1441are not set.
The starter solenoid should engage and the engine
=>Ifeither DTC is set, refer to Diagnostic Trouble
should begin cranking.
Code (DTC) List —Vehicle on page 6—69.
:> Ifthe solenoid does not engage, test the ignition
. Ignition Off,disconnect the starter relay.
switch output circuit for a short to ground or an
open/high resistance. Ifthe circuit tests normal, . Test for less than 10 Q between the relay ground
test or replace the starter motor. coil terminal 85 and ground.
5. Ifall circuits test normal, replace the ignition =>lf greater than the specified range, test the
switch. ground circuit for an open/high resistance.
ignition ON, verify that a test lamp illuminates
Manual Transmission (with Clutch Pedal Position
between the B+ circuit terminal 30 and ground.
=>Ifthe test lamp does not illuminate, test the B+
1. Disconnect the harness connector at the ignition
switch. circuit for a short to ground or an open/high
resistance. if the circuit tests normal and the
2. Verify that a test lamp illuminates between the fuse is open, test the relay switch control output
ignition switch B+ circuit terminal 2 and ground. terminal 87 for a short to ground.
=>if the test lamp does not illuminate, test the B+ Ensure the parking brake is applied and the
circuit for a short to ground or an open/high transmission is in park/neutral.
resistance. Ifthe circuit tests normal and the Momentarily install a 30 A fused jumperwire
fuse is open, test the ignition switch output between the B+ circuit terminal 30 and the relay
terminal 3 for a short to ground. switch output terminal 87.
Connect the harness connector at the ignition . The starter solenoid should engage and the engine
switch. should begin cranking
Connect a test lamp between the ignition switch
=>if the solenoid does not engage, test the relay
output terminal 3 and ground.
switch output circuit for a short to ground or an
Transmission in neutral and clutch pedal open/high resistance. if the circuit tests normal,
depressed, cycle the ignition between the OFF and replace the starter motor.
Crank position. The test lamp should turn ON and
OFF when changing between the Crank and OFF Connect a test lamp between the starter relay coil
positions. control circuit terminal 86 and the coil ground
terminal 85.
=>lfthe test lamp is always ON, test the ignition Transmission in park/neutral,cycle the ignition
switch output circuit for a short to voltage. lfthe between the OFF and Crank position. The test
circuit tests normal, replace the ignition switch. lamp should turn ON and OFF when changing
=>Ifthe test lamp is always OFF, test the ignition between the Crank and OFF positions.
switch output circuit for a short to ground or an =>Ifthe test lamp is always ON, test the control
open/high resistance. Ifthe circuit tests normal, circuit for a short to voltage. Ifthe circuit tests
replace the ignition switch. normal, replace the ECM.
Connect a test lamp between the clutch start
switch output terminal 3 and ground. =>Ifthe test lamp is always OFF, test the control
circuit for a short to ground or an open/high
Transmission in neutral and clutch pedal resistance. Ifthe circuit tests normal, replace
depressed, cycle the ignition between the OFF and the ECM.
Crank position. The test lamp should turn ON and
OFF when changing between the Crank and OFF 10. Ifall circuits tests normal, replace the starter relay.
positions. Repair Instructions
=>Ifthe test lamp is always ON, test the clutch Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
start switch output circuit for a short to voltage. page 6-92after completing the repair.
Itthe Circuit tests normal, adjust or replace the
clutch pedal position sensor. refer to Clutch Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement on
Pedal Position Sensor Replacement on page 9—575
page 17-415. Clutch Pedal Position Sensor Replacement on
=>Ifthe test lamp is always OFF, test the clutch page 17-415
start switch output circuit for a short to ground Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center)
or an open/high resistance. Itthe circuit tests on page 11-607or Relay Replacement (Attached
normal, adjust or replace the clutch pedal to Wire Harness) on page 11-607
position sensor, refer to Clutch Pedal Position Starter Replacement (LUW) on page 9-722or
Sensor Replacement on page 17—415. Starter Replacement (LUV) on page 9—724
. Ifall circuits test normal, replace the starter motor. Control Module References on page 6-3 for ECM
replacement, setup and programming

2013 (5377994)
Engine Electrical 9-711

Starter Solenoid Clicks, Engine Does 6. Test for less than 0.5 V between the positive
battery cable and terminal B X2 at the M64 starter
Not Crank motor as the ignition is placed to the START
Diagnostic Instructions
:> Ifgreater than the specified range, replace the
~ Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle positive battery cable.
on page 6—66 prior to using this diagnostic
procedure. 7. Test for less than 0.5 V between the negative
battery cable and the M64 starter motor case as
0 Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58 the ignition is placed to the START position.
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
=>Ifgreater than the specified range, replace the
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59 negative battery cable.
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
8. Ifall circuits test normal, replace the M64 starter
Reference Information motor.
Schematic Reference Repair Instructions
Starting and Charging Schematics on page 9-683 Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure.
Connector End View Reference
- Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269 Connection on page 9-713
Description and Operation - Starter Replacement (LUW) on page 9-722or
Starter Replacement (LUV) on page 9-724
Starting System Description and Operation on
page 9-732 Engine Cranks Slowly
Electrical Information Reference
Diagnostic Instructions
- Circuit Testing on page 11—526 - Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor ’ procedure.
Connections on page 11-531 ' Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
0 Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
Scan Tool Reference provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
information Reference Information
Schematic Reference
CircuitlSystem Verification
1. IgnitionOFF, measure and record the battery Starting and Charging Schematics on page 9-683
voltage at the C1 battery terminals. The voltage Connector End View Reference
should be between 12.0—15.0 V.
=>Ifnot within the specified range, refer to Battery Component Connector End Views on page 11269
Charging on page 9—703. Description and Operation
2. Remove the drive belts. Refer to one of the Starting System Description and Operation on
following: page 9—732
- Drive Belt Replacement on page 9—974
Electrical Information Reference
- Drive Belt Tensioner Replacement on
page 9-976 - Circuit Testing on page 11—526
3. Using the appropriate tools, rotate the crankshaft - Connector Repairs on page 11-548
by hand and verify the crankshaft rotates. ' Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
=>Ifthe crankshaft does not rotate, refer to Engine Connections on page 11—531
Will Not Crank - Crankshaft Will Not Rotate on - Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
page 9—962.
4. Place the ignition to the CRANK position. Scan Tool Reference
=>Ifthe engine cranks, inspect the engine and belt Control Module References on page 6—3for scan tool
drive system for mechanical binding, power information
steering pump, or seized generator, etc.
CircuitlSystem Verification
5. Verify that a test lamp illuminates between the M64
starter motor B+ terminal B X2 and ground. 1. Ignition OFF, measure and record the battery
voltage at the C1 battery terminals. The voltage
=>if the test lamp does not illuminate, test the B+ should be between 12.0—15.0 V.
circuit for a short to ground or an open/high
resistance. =>Ifnot within the specified range, referto Battery
Charging on page 9-703.
9-712 Engine Electrical
2. Remove the drive belts. Refer to one of the CircuitlSystem Description
following: , The PG starter motors are non-repairable. They have
- Drive Belt Replacement on page 9-974 pole pieces that are arranged around the armature.
- Drive Belt Tensioner Replacement on Both solenoid windings are energized. The pull—in
page 9—976 winding circuit is completed to the ground through the
starter motor.The windings work together magnetically
3. Place the ignition to the CRANK position. verify the to pull and hold in the plunger. The plunger moves the
engine does not crank normal. shift lever. This action causes the starter drive
=>if the engine cranks normal, inspect the engine assembly to rotate on the armature shaft spline as it
and belt drive system for mechanical binding, engages with the flywheel ring gear on the engine.
seized engine, or seized generator, etc. Moving at the same time, the plunger also closes the
4. Test for less than 0.5 V between the positive solenoid switch contacts in the starter solenoid. Full
battery cable and terminal B X2 at the M64 starter battery voltage is applied directly to the starter motor
motor as the ignition is placed to the CRANK and it cranks the engine.
position. Information
=>Ifgreater than the specified value, replace the
positive battery cable. Description and Operation
5. Test for less than 0.5 V between the negative Starting System Description and Operation on
battery cable and the M64 starter motor case as page 9-732
the ignition switch is placed to the CRANK position.
CircuitlSystem Verification
=>Ifgreater than the specified value, replace the
negative battery cable. Start the engine. Listen to the starter noise, while the
6. Ifall circuits test normal, replace the M64 starter engine is cranking. Compare the concern to a similar
motor. vehicle.

Instructions CircuitlSystem Testing

Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on 1. Remove the flywheel inspection cover.
page 6-92after completing the diagnostic procedure. 2. Inspect the flywheel for the following:
- Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and - Loose flywheel bolts
Connection on page 9—713 - Chipped gearteeth
- Starter Replacement (LUW) on page 9—722 or
- Missing gearteeth
Starter Replacement (LUV) on page 9-724
- Bentflywheel
Starter Noise Diagnosis - Debris in the bell housing
=>lf not within specifications, remove the debris,
Diagnostic Instructions tighten the flywheel bolts, or repair or replace
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle the flywheel.
on page 6-66prior to using this diagnostic 3. If all inspections were within specification, replace
procedure. the starter motor.
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58 Repair Instructions
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59 Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
provides an overview of each diagnostic category. page 6—92 after completing the diagnostic procedure.
‘ Starter Replacement (LUW) on page 9—722 or
Starter Replacement (LUV) on page 9—724
- Engine Flywheel Replacement on page 9—814 for
the 1.4 L (LUV) engine
. Engine Flywheel Replacement on page 9-1013for
the 1.8 L (LUW) engine

2013 (5377994)
Engine Electrical 9-713

Repair Instructions

Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection

Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection
Callout l Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Turnon theradioandrecordall oftheradiopre-setstations.
2. Ensurethatall lampsandaccessoriesare turnedoff.
3. TurntheignitionOFF andremovetheignitionkey.
BatteryNegativeCable Fastener
Warning: Refer to Battery Disconnect Warningon page 0-4.
1 Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
4.5N-m (40lb in)
2 1. Disconnectthebatterynegativecablefromthe battery.
2. Afterconnectingthebatterynegativecable,inserttheignitionkeyandturntheignitiontotheON position.
3. Programthevolatilememory.Referto ControlModuleReferencesonpage 6-3.

9-714 Engfle Electrical

Battery Current Sensor Replacement 6. Slide the battery current sensor (2) off the battery
negative cable (1).
Removal Procedure Procedure

2507827 2027819
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to 1. Install the battery current sensor (2) onto the
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and . battery negative cable (1).
Connection on page 9-713.
2. Disconnect the battery current sensor from the
body harness connector.
3. Unclip the battery current sensor from the
battery tray.
4. Remove the battery tray. Refer to Batte/y Tray
Replacement on page 9-721.
5. Remove the battery negative cable frame ground
nut (4)and terminal (5).

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
2. Install the battery negative cable frame ground
terminal (5) and bolt (4).Tighten to 22 N-m(16 lb ft).
3. install the battery tray. Refer to Battery Tray
Replacement on page 9-721.
4. Clip the battery current sensor onto the
battery tray.
2027819 Connect the battery current sensor to the body
harness connector.
Note: Observe the position of the battery current
sensor when removing. Connect the negative battery cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9-713.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Electrical 9-715

Battery Positive and Negative Cable 6. Remove the drivetrain and front suspension frame
skid plate. Refer to Drivetrain and Front
Replacement Suspension Frame Skid Plate Replacement on
page 3-143.
Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9—713.
2. Remove the fuse block and battery positive cable
3. Remove the battery tray. Refer to Battery Tray
Replacement on page 9—721 .

7. Remove the battery positive cable nut (2) and the
battery positive cable (3),from the back of the

4. Remove the battery positive nut (1) and the battery
positive cable (2),from the battery positive cable
junction block.

8. Remove the battery negative cable stud/nut(1) and
the starter solenoid nut (2).

5. Remove the battery negative cable nut (1) and the
battery negative cable (2),from the chassis
frame stud.

2013 (5377994)
9-716 Engine Electrical

2552198 2534851
Note:_Visualize the routing of the battery positive and 2. Install the battery positive cable (3) to the starter
negative cable Withinthe engine compartment. solenoid and tighten nut (2) to 12 Nm (9 lb ft).
9. Remove the battery positive and negative cable (1) 3. Install the battery negative cable to the starter and
from the engine compartment. tighten the stud/nut (1) to 25 Nm (18 lb ft).
4. Install the drivetrain and front suspension frame
Installation Procedure
skid plate. Refer to Drivetrain and Front
Suspension Frame Skid Plate Replacement on
page 3—143.

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
1. install the battery positive cable (3) to the back of 2552157
E2: ?:Relrator and tighten nut (2) to 20N-m 5. Install the battery negative cable nut (1)and the
battery negative cable (2),to the chassis frame
stud and tighten to 22 N-m(16 lb ft).

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Electrical 9-717
. Install the battery positive cable (2)to the battery
positive cable extension cable junction block and
tighten nut (1) to 12 N-m(9 lb ft).
. Install the battery tray. Refer to Battery Tray
Replacement on page 9-721.
. Connect the negative batterycable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9-713.
. Install the fuse block and battery positive cable


Battery Negative Cable Replacement


9-718 mine Electrical

Battery Negative Cable Replacement

Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Disconnectthebatterycurrentsensorconnector.
2. Removethebatterytray.Referto BatteryTrayReplacementonpage9-721.
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
2 BodyHarnessTerminal
BatteryNegativePost ClampNut
3 Tighten
4 Tighten
5 Procedure
Transferthecurrentsensor,notingthelocationanddirectionon thecable.

Battery Positive Cable Replacement

Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9-713.
2. Remove the underhood fuse block cover.

4. Remove the battery positive cable nut (1)from the
battery positive cable junction block.
5. Remove the battery positive cable (2)from the

3. Remove the battery positive nut (1) and the battery
positive cable (2),from the underhood fuse block.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Electrical 9-719
Installation Procedure Battery Replacement

Removal Procedure
1. Open the hood.
2. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9-713.

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
1. Install the battery positive cable (2) to the battery
positive cable junction block and tighten nut (1) to
7N-m (62 lb in).

3. Remove the battery retainer bolt (1) and the battery
retainer (2).

2. install the battery positive cable (2) to the
underhood fuse block and tighten nut (1) to 7N-m
(62 lb in).
3. Installthe underhood fuse block cover. 2540433
4. Connect the negative battery cable. Refer to 4. Loosen the battery positive cablejunction bolt (1).
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and 5. Remove the battery positive cable with the junction
Connection on page 9-713. block (2) from the battery.
6. Remove the battery (3) from the battery tray floor.

9-720 Engine Electrical

Installation Procedure

3. Install the battery retainer (2).
2540433 Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
1. Install the battery (3) to the battery tray floor.. 4. Tighten the battery retainer bolt (1) to 22 N-m
2. Install the battery positive cable with junction (16 lb ft)-
biock (2) to the battery (3). 5. Connect the negative battery cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9-713.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Electrical 9-721

Battery Tray Replacement

Battery Tray Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Removethebattery.Referto BatteryReplacementonpage 9-719.
2. Uncliptheenginecontrolmodule(ECM)bracketfromthebatterytrayandset aside.
3. Unclipthebatterycurrentsensorfromthebatterytrayandset aside.
1 Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage 0—8.
2 BatteryTray

9-722 Engine Electrical

Starter Replacement (LUW) 6. Remove the battery positive and negative cable (3)
from the starter.
Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9—713.
2. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1~31.
3. Remove the drivetrain and front suspension frame
skid plate. Refer to Drivetrain and Front
Suspension Frame Skid Plate Replacement on
page 3-143.

\! \
:i‘j)‘. ‘ V
"2; \
*c .
' k .2‘ fl‘ i\ i i:‘ III
/" 4ft§1§ifii‘ ‘1!!!'2fixa-
- . ~\4,
“(fl - ~”’ch _
M v.\ ‘ A - III
\r. 2508299
.- :f.
7. Remove the starter solenoid fastener (1) and the
engine harness terminal (2) from the starter

4. Remove the intake manifold brace fasteners (1)
and remove the intake manifold brace (2).

Note: The starter mounting fastener can be accessed
from the top of the engine, with the battery tray
8. Remove the starter mounting fastener (1)and the
starter (3) from the vehicle.

5. Remove the starter solenoid battery positive
fastener (2) and the starter mounting stud/
fastener (1).

2013 (5377994)
Engine Electrical 9-723

Installation Procedure

~ ‘flrfi‘?

3. Install the battery negative cable terminal and the
2508293 starter mounting stud/fastener (1)to the starter.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8. Tighten to 25 N-m(18 lb ft).
1. Install the starter(3) into position and tighten the 4. Install the positive battery cable terminal to the
starter mounting fastener (1)to 25 N-m(18 lb ft). starter solenoid and tighten the fastener (2) to
9N-m(80 lb in).

F .
l\ ' _i",
_| I

‘- \ “Ks‘fil
I L.
. Jlll

1 / 2
l 2. Install the engine harness terminal (2) to the starter 2680093
l solenoid and tighten the solenoid fastener(1) to 5. Install the intake manifold brace (2) and mounting
l 9N-m(80 lb in). fasteners (1). Tighten to 8 NW (71 lb in).
6. Install the drivetrain and front suspension frame
skid plate. Refer to Drivetrain and Front
Suspension Frame Skid Plate Replacement on
page 3-143.
7. Connect the negative battery cable. Refer to
. Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9—713.

2013 (5377994)
9-724 mine Electrical

Starter Replacement (LUV)

Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. Refer to
Batteiy Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9-713.
2. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31.
3. Ifequipped with a front suspension skid plate,
remove the drivetrain and suspension frame skid
plate. Refer to Drivetrain and Front Suspension
Frame Skid Plate Replacement on page 3-143.

7. Remove the starter mounting fasteners (1) and
remove the starter from the vehicle.
Installation Procedure

II (at.
‘40; -

4. Remove the battery positive cable fastener (2) and
the battery positive cable terminal (1), from the
starter solenoid.
5. Remove the starter battery positive fastener (3)
and the positive terminal (4),from the starter
solenoid. .
6. Remove the battery negative cable fastener (5)
and the battery negative ground terminal (6),from
the starter mounting stud.

1. Install the starter(2).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2. Install the starterfasteners (1) and tighten to
25 Nm (18 lb ft).

2013 (5377994)
Engfle Electrical 9-725
Install the ground cable (6).
Install the ground cable fastener (5) and tighten to
Install the starter positive cable (4) to starter.
Install the starter positive cable fastener (3) and
tighten to 12.5N-m(111lbin).
Install the battery positive cable terminal (1).
Install the battery positive cable fastener (2) and
tighten to 12.5N-m(111 lbin).
install the drivetrain and suspension skid plate,
if equipped. Refer to Drivetrain and Front
Suspension Frame Skid Plate Replacement on
page 3—143.
10. Lower the vehicle.
11. Connect the battery negative cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9—713.


Generator Pulley Replacement (LUV)



2013 (5377994)
9-726 Engine Electrical

Generator Pulley Replacement (LUV)

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removethe generator.Referto GeneratorReplacement(LUV)onpage9—726 onpage9~727.
or GeneratorReplacement(LUW)
1 GeneratorPulleyNutCap
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
Removethegeneratorpulleynutby usingEN-6372 counterhold.
90Wm(66lb ft)
Special Tools
EN-6372 Counterhold
Forequivalentregionaltools,referto Special Toolsonpage 9-733.
3 GeneratorPulley
4 Generator

Generator Replacement (LUV)

Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9—713.
2. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1—31.
3. Remove the drive belt. Refer to Drive Belt
Replacement on page 9—974.
4. Remove the drive belt tensioner. Refer to Drive
Belt Tensioner Replacement on page 9-786.

E 2508849

“—111 7. Remove the generator mounting fasteners (1) and

J remove the generator (2) from the engine.

5. Remove the engine harness connector (1) and the
battery positive cable generator fastener (2).
6. Remove the battery positive cable (3) from the
back of the generator.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Electrical 9-727
Installation Procedure Generator Replacement (LUW)

Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9-713.
2. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1~31.
3. Remove the drive belt. Refer to Drive Belt
Replacement on page 9-974.

N g

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
1. Install the generator (2) with the mounting
fasteners (1)and tighten to 35 N-m(26 lb ft).

4. Remove the engine harness connector (1) and the
battery positive cable generator fastener (2).
5. Remove the battery positive cable (3) from the
back of the generator.

2. install the battery positive cable (3) and the engine
harness connector(1) to the back of the generator.
Tighten fastener(2) to 9 N-m(80 lb in).
3. Install the drive belt tensioner. Refer to Drive Belt
Tensioner Replacement on page 9-786.
4. Install the drive belt. Refer to Drive Belt
Replacement on page 9-974.
5. Connect the negative battery cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9—713. 2508849
6. Remove the generator mountingfasteners (1) and
remove the generator (2)from the engine.

9-728 Engine Electrical

Installation Procedure 3. Install the drive belt. Refer to Drive Belt

Replacement on page 9-974.
4. Connect the negative battery cable. Refer to
Batteiy Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9—713.

Description and Operation

Battery Description and Operation

Warning: Batteries produce explosive gases,
contain corrosive acid, and supply levels of
electrical current high enough to cause burns.
Therefore, to reduce the risk of personal injury
when working near a battery:
- Always shield your eyes and avoid leaning over
the battery whenever possible.
. Do not expose the battery to open flames or
- Do not allow the battery electrolyte to contact
the eyes or the skin. Flush immediately and
thoroughly any contacted areas with water and
2508849 get medical help.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8. - Follow each step of the jump starting
1. Install the generator (2)with the mounting procedure in order.
fasteners (1) and tighten to 35 N-m(26 lb ft). - Treat both the booster and the discharged
batteries carefully when using the jumper
1 Note: Because of the materials used in the
manufacture of automotive lead acid batteries, dealers
and service shops that handle them are subject to
various regulations issued by OSHA, EPA, DOT, and
various state or local agencies. Other regulations may
also apply in other locations. Always know and follow
fir ‘5 these regulations when handling batteries.
_in i...
Batteries that are no longer wanted must be disposed
2 of by an approved battery recycler and must never be
thrown in the trash or sent to a landfill.
0 Batteries that are not part of the vehicle itself, not the
battery under the hood, must only be transported on
public streets for business purposes via approved
3 hazardous material transportation procedures.
Battery storage, charging and testing facilities in repair
shops must meet various requirements for ventilation,
safety equipment, material segregation, etc.
The maintenance free battery is standard. There are no
2508846 vent plugs in the cover. The battery is completely
sealed except for 2 small vent holes in the side. These
2. Install the battery positive cable (3) and the engine vent holes allow the small amount of gas that is
harness connector (1)to the back of the generator. produced in the battery to escape.
Tighten fastener (2) to 9 NW (80 lb in). The battery has 3 functions as a major source of
- Engine cranking
° Voltage stabilizer
- Alternate source of energy with generator

2013 (5377994)
Engine Electrical 9-729
Battery Low Start Vehicle Message improve battery state—of—charge and life, and minimize
the system's impact on fuel economy. The electrical
The body control module (BCM)monitors battery power management system performs 3 functions:
positive voltage to determine battery state of charge.
If one or more of the BCM battery positive voltage - lt monitors the battery voltage and estimates the
terminals measure less than approximately 11.6V battery condition.
compared to the BCM ground circuits, this message will ~ it takes corrective actions by boosting idle speeds,
display and four chimes may sound. Start the vehicle and adjusting the regulated voltage.
immediately. Ifthe vehicle is not started and the battery ° Itperforms diagnostics and driver notification.
continues to discharge, the climate controls, heated
seats, and audio systems will shut off and the vehicle The battery condition is estimated during ignition-off
may require a jump start. These systems will function and during ignition—on.During ignition—offthe
again after the vehicle is started. state-of—chargeof the battery is determined by
measuring the open-circuit voltage. The state—of—charge
Battery Ratings is a function of the acid concentration and the internal
resistance of the battery,and is estimated by reading
A battery has 2 ratings: the battery open circuit voltage when the battery has
° Cold cranking amperage been at rest for several hours.
- Amperage hours The state-of-charge can be used as a diagnostic tool to
When a battery is replaced use a battery with similar tell the customer or the dealer the condition of the
ratings. See battery specification label on the original battery.Throughout ignition—on,the algorithm
battery. continuously estimates state—of-chargebased on
adjusted net amp hours, battery capacity, initial
Amperage Hours state-of—charge,and temperature.
The amperage hour rating tells you how much While running, the battery degree of discharge is
amperage is available when discharged evenly over a primarily determined by a battery current sensor, which
20 hour period. The amperage hour rating is is integrated to obtain net amp hours.
cumulative, so in order to know how many constant In addition, the electrical power management function
amperage the battery will output for 20 h, you have to is designed to perform regulated voltage control to
divide the amperage hour rating by 20. Example: if a improve battery state-of—charge,battery life, and fuel
battery has an amperage hour rating of 74, dividing by economy. This is accomplished by using knowledge of
20 =3.75.Such a battery can carry a 3.75A load for the battery state-of—chargeand temperature to set the
20 hours before dropping to 10.5V. (10.5V is the fully charging voltage to an optimum battery voltage level for
discharged level, at which point the battery needs to be recharging without detriment to battery life. -
recharged.) A battery with an amperage hour rating of The Charging System Description and Operation is
55 will carry a 2.75A load for 20 hours before dropping
divided into 3 sections. The first section describes the
to 10.5V.
charging system components and their integration into
Cold Cranking Amperage the electrical power management. The second section
describes charging system operation. The third section
The cold cranking amperage is an indication 'ofthe describes the instrument panel cluster operation of the
ability of the battery to crank the engine at cold charge indicator, driver information center messages,
temperatures. The cold cranking amperage rating is the and voltmeter operation.
minimum amperage the battery must maintain for
30 seconds at —18°C(0°F)while maintaining at least Charging System Components
7.2 V. See battery label for the cold cranking amperage
rating of this battery. Generator
The generator is a serviceable component. if there is a
Charging System Description and diagnosed failure of the generator it must be replaced
Operation as an assembly. The engine drive belt drives the
generator. When the rotor is spun it induces an
Electrical Power Management Overview alternating current (AC)into the stator windings. The
AC voltage is then sent through a series of diodes for
The electrical power management system is designed rectification. The rectified voltage has been converted
to monitor and control the charging system and send into a direct current (DC)for use by the vehicles
diagnostic messages to alert the driver of possible electrical system to maintain electrical loads and the
problems with the battery and generator. This electrical battery charge. The voltage regulator integral to the
power management system primarily utilizes existing generator controls the output of the generator. Itis not
on—boardcomputer capability to maximize the serviceable. The voltage regulator controls the amount
effectiveness of the generator, to manage the load, : of current provided to the rotor. Ifthe generator has field
control circuit failure, the generator defaults to an
output voltage of 13.8V.
Body Control Module (BCM)
The body control module (BCM)is a GMLAN device.
it communicates with the engine control module (ECM)
and the instrument panel cluster for electrical power
management (electrical power management) operation.

9-730 EngLne Electrical
The BCM determines the output of the generator and The engine control module (ECM)controls the
sends the informationto the ECM for control of the generator through the generator turn ON signal circuit.
generator turn on signal circuit. lt monitors the The ECM monitors the generator performance though
generator field duty cycle signal Circuit information sent the generator field duty cycle signal circuit. The signal
from the ECM for control of the generator. Itmonitors a is a pulse width mOdulation(PWM)signal of 128 Hz
battery current sensor, the battery positive voltage with a duty cycle of 0—100percent. Normal duty cycle is
circuit, and estimated battery temperature to determine between 5—95percent. Between 0—5percent and 95-
battery state of charge. The BCM performs idle boost. 100 percent are for diagnostic purposes. The following
table shows the commanded duty cycle and output
Battery Current Sensor voltage of the generator:
The battery current sensor is a serviceable component
that is connected to the negative battery cable at the Commanded Duty Cycle Generator OutputVoltage
battery.The battery current sensor is a 3-wire hall effect 10% 11V
current sensor. The battery current sensor monitors the 11.56V
battery current. Itdirectly inputs to the BCM. Itcreates a
5-volt pulse width modulation (PWM)signal of 128 Hz 30% 12.12V
with a duty cycle of 0—100percent. Normal duty cycle is 40% 12.68V
between 5-95 percent. Between 0—5percent and 95-
100 percent are for diagnostic purposes. 50% 13.25V
60% ‘ 13.81 V
Engine Control Module (ECM)
70% 14.37 V
When the engine is running, the generator turn—on
signal is sent to the generator from the ECM, turning on 80% 14.94V
the regulator. The generator's voltage regulator controls 90% 15.5V
current to the rotor,thereby controlling the output
voltage. The rotor current is proportional to the The generator provides a feedback signal of the
electrical pulse width supplied by the regulator. When generator voltage output through the generator field
the engine is started, the regulator senses generator duty cycle signal circuit to the ECM. This information is
rotation by detecting AC voltage at the stator through sent to the body control module (BCM).The signal is
an internal wire. Once the engine is running, the PWM signal of 128 Hz with a duty cycle of 0— ,
regulator varies the field current by controlling the pulse 100 percent. Normal duty cycle is between 5-
width. This regulates the generator output voltage for 99 percent. Between 0—5percent and 100 percent are
proper battery charging and electrical system for diagnostic purposes. ‘
operation. The generator.field duty terminal is
connected internally to the voltage regulator and Battery Sulfation Mode
externally to the ECM. When the voltage regulator
detects a charging system problem, it grounds this The BCM will enter this mode when the interpreted
circuit to signal the ECM that a problem exists. The generator output voltage is less than 13.2V for
ECM monitors the generator field duty cycle signal 45 minutes. When this condition exists the BCM will
circuit, and receives control decisions based on‘ enter Charge Mode for 2—3minutes. The BCM will then
information from the BCM. determine which mode to enter depending on voltage
Instrument Panel Cluster
Charge Mode
The instrument panel cluster provides the customer
notification in case a concern with the charging system. The BCM will enter Charge Mode when ever one of the
There are 2 means of notification, a charge indicator following conditions are met.
and a driver information center message of SERVICE - The wipers are ON for more than 3 seconds.
BATTERY CHARGING SYSTEM if equipped. . GMLAN (Climate Control Voltage Boost Mode
Operation Request) is true, as sensed by the HVAC control
Charging System
head. High speed cooling fan, rear defogger and
The purpose of the charging system is to maintain the HVAC high speed blower operation can cause the
battery charge and vehicle loads. There are 6 modes-of BCM to enter the Charge Mode.
operation and they include: ° The estimated battery temperature is less than 0°
- Battery Sulfation Mode C (32°F).
- Charge Mode ~ Battery State of Charge is less than 80 percent.
- Fuel Economy Mode . Vehicle speed is greater than 145 km/h(90 mph)
. Headlamp Mode - Current sensor fault exists. '
- Start Up Mode - System voltage was determined to be below
' Voltage Reduction Mode 12.56V
When any one of these conditions is met, the system
will set targeted generator output voltage to a charging
voltage between 13.9—15.5 V, depending on the battery
state of charge and estimated battery temperature.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Electrical 9-731

Fuel Economy Mode panel cluster receives a GMLAN message from

the body control module (BCM)indicating there is
The BCM will enter Fuel Economy Mode when the a system voltage range concern.
estimated battery temperature is at least 0°C (32°F)but
less than or equal to 80°C(176°F).the calculated - The instrument panel cluster performs the
battery current is less than 15 amperes and greater displays test at the start of each ignition cycle. The
than -8 amperes, and the battery state—of—Charge is indicator illuminates for approximately 3 seconds.
greater than or equal to 80 percent. Itstargeted Display Message: BATTERY NOT CHARGING
generator output voltage is the open circuit voltage of SERVICE CHARGING SYSTEM or SERVICE
the battery and can be between 12.5—«13.1 V. The BCM BATTERY CHARGING SYSTEM
will exit this mode and enter Charge Mode when any of
the conditions described above are present. The BCM and the ECM will send a serial data message
to the driver information center for the BATTERY NOT
The BCM will enter Headlamp Mode when ever the SERVICE BATTERY CHARGING SYSTEM message
headlamps are ON (high or low beams). Voltage will be to be displayed. it is commanded ON when a charging
regulated between 13.9—14.5 V. system DTC is a current DTC. The message is turned
OFF when the conditions for clearing the DTC have
Start Up Mode been met.
When the engine is started the BCM sets a targeted
Electrical Power Management
generator output voltage of 14.5V for 30 seconds.
Description and Operation
Voltage Reduction Mode
The BCM will enter Voltage Reduction Mode when the Electrical Power Management
calculated ambient air temperature is above 0°C (32° The electrical power management is used to monitor
F). The calculated battery current is less than 1 ampere and control the charging system and alert the driver of
and greater than —7amperes, and the generator field possible problems within the charging system. The
duty cycle is less than 99 percent. Itstargeted electrical power management system makes the most
generator output voltage is 12.9V. The BCM will exit efficient use of the generator output, improves the
this mode once the criteria are met for Charge Mode. battery state-of-charge, extends battery life, and
manages system electrical loads.
Instrument Panel Cluster Operation
The load shed operation is a means of reducing
Charge Indicator Operation electrical loads during a low voltage or low battery
The instrument panel cluster illuminates the charge state-of—chargecondition.
indicator and displays a warning message in the driver The idle boost operation is a means of improving
informationcenter it equipped, when the one or more of generator performance during a low voltage or low
the following occurs: battery state-of—chargecondition.
- The engine control module (ECM)detects that the Each electrical power management function, either idle
generator output is less than 11V or greater than boost or load shed, is discrete. No two functions are
16 V. The instrument panel cluster receives a active at the same time. Idle boost is activated in
GMLAN message from the ECM requesting incremental steps, idle boost 1 must be active before
illumination. idle boost 2 can be active. The criteria used by the body
control module (BCM)to regulate electrical power
- The instrument panel cluster determines that the
management are outlined below:
system voltage is less than 11Vor greater than
16V for more than 30 seconds. The instrument

Battery Temperature BatteryVoltage Amp-Hour

Function Calculation Calculation Calculation Action Taken
Firstlevel ldleboost
IdleBoost1 Start Less Than-15°C(5°F) Less Than 13V requested
Batteryhas a netloss Firstlevel ldleboost
ldleBoost1 Start greaterthan0.6AH requested
Firstlevel ldleboost
IdleBoost1 Start Less Than 10.9V requested
GreaterThan—15°C Batteryhas a netloss Firstlevel ldleboost
idleBoost1 End GreaterThan—12V less than0.2AH requestcancelled
Rear Defrost,Heated
Batteryhas a netloss Mirrors,HeatedSeats
LoadShed 1 Start of4 AH cycledOFF for20%of
Rear Defrost,Heated
LoadShed 1 Start Less Than 10.9V cycledOFF for20%of

9-732 Engine Electrical

Battery Temperature BatteryVoltage Amp-Hour

Function Calculation Calculation Calculation Action Taken
LoadShed 1 End GreaterThan12V Batteryhas a netloss
ofless than2 AH Clear LoadShed1

IdleBoost2 Start Batteryhasa netloss SecondlevelIdleboost

greaterthan1.6AH reqUested
IdleBoost2 Start Less Than10.9V Secondlevelldleboost
IdleBoost2 End GreaterThan12V Batteryhasa netloss Secondlevelidleboost
less than0.8AH requestcancelled
IdleBoost3 Start Batteryhasa netloss ThirdlevelIdleboost
of 10AH requested
ldleBoost3 Start Less Than10.9V Thirdlevelldleboost
IdleBoost3 End - GreaterThan12V Batteryhasa netloss ThirdlevelIdlebobst
ofless than6.0AH requestcancelled
Rear Defrost,Heated
cycledOFF for50%of
LoadShed2 Start - Less Than10V Batteryhas a netloss theircycle.The
greaterthan12AH BATTERY SAVER
ACTlVE messagewill
be displayedon
Rear Defrost,Heated
cycledOFF for50%of
LoadShed 2 Start - Less Than 10.9V - theircycle.The
ACTIVE messagewill
be displayedon
LoadShed 2 End - GreaterThan 12.6V Batteryhasa netloss
of less than10.5AH Clear LoadShed2
Rear Defrost,Heated
cycledOFF for 100% of
LoadShed 3 Start - Less Than11.9V Batteryhasa netloss theircycle.The
greaterthan20AH BATTERY SAVER
ACTIVE messagewill
be displayedon
LoadShed 3 End —- GreaterThan12.6V Batteryhasa netloss Clear LoadShed 3
ofless than15AH

Starting System Description and field is strong enough to hold the plunger, shift lever,
starter drive assembly, and solenoid switch contacts in
Operation place to continue cranking the engine. When the
The starter motors are non-repairable starter motors. engine starts, pinion overrun protects the armature from
They have pole pieces that are arranged around the excessive speed until the switch is opened.
armature. Both solenoid windings are energized. The When the ignition switch is released from the START
puII—inwinding circuit is completed to the ground position, the START relay opens and battery voltage is
through the starter motor.The windings work together removed from the starter solenoid 8 terminal. Current
magnetically to pull and hold in the plunger. The flows from the motor contacts through both windings to
plunger moves the shift lever. This action causes the the ground at the end of the hold—inwinding. However,
starter drive assembly to rotate on the armature shaft the direction of the current flow through the puli—in
spline as it engages with the flywheel ring gear on the winding is now opposite the direction of the current flow
engine. Moving at the same time, the plunger also when the winding was first energized.
closes the solenoid switch contacts in the starter The magnetic fields of the pull—inand hold-in windings
solenoid. Full battery voltage is applied directly to the now oppose one another. This action of the windings,
starter motor and it cranks the engine. along with the help of the return spring, causes the
As soon as the solenoid switch contacts close, current starter drive assembly to disengage and the solenoid
stops flowing thorough the pull-in winding because switch contacts to open simultaneously. As soon as the
battery voltage is applied to both ends of the windings. contacts open, the starter circuit is turned off.
The hoId—in winding remains energized. Its magnetic

Engine Electrical 9-733
Circuit Description (Key Start) Illustration Tool Number/Description
When the ignition switch is placed in the Start position,
a discrete signal is supplied to the body control module
(BCM)notifying it that the ignition is in the Start
position. The BCM then sends a message to the engine
control module (ECM)notifying it that CRANK has been
requested. The ECM verifies that the transmission is in
Park or Neutral. If it is, the ECM then supplies 12 V to
the control circuit of the crank relay. When this occurs,
battery positive voltage is supplied through the switch
side of the crank relay to the 8 terminal of the starter EL 50313
solenoid. EL 42000
EL 50076
Special Tools and Equipment J 42000
Illustration Tool Number/Description

EL 38758
EL 50074
J 38758 2239959



9-734 EigLne Exhaust

Engine Exhaust


Fastener Tightening Specifications

Application Metric English
Converter—to-Front 20N-m 15lbft
3—WayCatalyticConverter-to-ExhaustMuffler 17N-m 13lbft
CatalyticConverterBrace Fastener(LUV) 22N-m 16lbft
CatalyticConverterBraceFastener(LUW) 20Nm 15lbft
EggtaeunsetrthaBWId 15Nm 11lbft

ExhaustManifoldBrace Fastener(LUW) 20Nm 15lbft

ExhaustManifoldHeatShield (LUV) 9 N-m 80lbin
ExhaustMufflerClamp(Service) 50N-m 37lbft
ExhaustMufflerHeatShield 4 N-m 35lbin
FrontExhaustPipe-to—Catalytic 20N-m 15lbft
TurbochargerClampFastener (LUV) 13N-m 115lb in

Symptom List
Diagnostic Information and Refer to a symptom diagnostic procedure from the
following list in order to diagnose the symptom:
- Loss of power—Refer to Restricted Exhaust on
page 9-734.
Symptoms - Engine Exhaust - Poor acceleration—Refer to Restricted Exhaust
Description and on page 9-734.
- Review the Exhaust System
Operation in order to familiarize yourself with the - Poor fuel economy—Refer to Restricted Exhaust
system functions. Refer to Exhaust System on page 9-734.
Description on page 9—753. - Exhaust hissing noise—Refer to Exhaust Leakage
- All diagnostics on a vehicle should follow a logical on page 9736.
process. Strategy Based Diagnostics is a uniform ‘ Exhaust popping noise—Refer to Exhaust
approach for repairing all systems. The diagnostic Leakage on page 9—736.
flow is the place to start when repairs are 0 Exhaust rattle noise—Refer to Exhaust Noise on
necessary and may always be used in order to page 9-736.
resolve a system problem. For a detailed
explanation, refer to Strategy Based Diagnosis on - Loud exhaust noise—Refer to Exhaust Noise on
page 9-736.
page 6—58.
- Exhaust buzz, groan, hum noise—Refer to
VisuallPhysical Inspection Exhaust Noise on page 9-736.
- Inspect for aftermarket or non-OEM devices such
as, but not including, tailpipe extensions, mufflers, Restricted Exhaust
and exhaust hangers. This could affect the
operation and proper performance of the exhaust Special Tools
system. EN—35314-A Exhaust Back Pressure Gauge
- Verify the exact operating conditions under which For equivalent regional tools. Refer to Special Tools on
the concern exists. Note factors such as engine page 9-754.
RPM, engine temperature, engine load, and
frequency of concern. Diagnostic Aids
- Inspect the easily accessible or visible system A quick check of exhaust flow will help determine for
components for obvious damage or conditions gasoline engines.
which could cause any symptom.
Test the vehicle under the same conditions that the
customer reported in order to verify the system is
operating as designed.
2013 (5377994)
Engine Exhaust 9-735

Test Description This step will isolate the catalytic converter from
the remainder of the exhaust system.
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the
diagnostic table. Confirming that the condition has been fixed is
essential. Ifthe symptom still exists and the vehicle
3. The exhaust system has very low back pressure has a dual exhaust system, proceed to Step 2 and
under normal conditions. Ifthe exhaust system is repeat diagnostic procedure on the opposite
restricted, a significant increase in the exhaust exhaust pipe.
pressure is noticed on the EN-35314-Agauge.
Removing the heated oxygen sensor may set a
DTC. When finishing this diagnostic table, be sure
to clear all codes.

Restricted Exhaust
Step Action Value(s) Yes No
1 Didyouverifythecustomerscomplaint? —— Go to Step2 -
Didyoureviewtheexhaustsymptomsdiagnosticinformation Go to Symptoms
2 and performthenecessaryinspections? — - EngineExhaust
Go to Step3 onpage 9-734
1. Removetheheatedoxygensensor1.Referto Heated
OxygenSensorReplacement- Sensor 1onpage9-249
forthe 1.4Lor HeatedOxygenSensorReplacement-
Sensor 1 onpage 9-538forthe1.6L.
2. InstalltheEN-35314-Agaugein placeoftheheated
3 oxygensensor1. 14kPa (2psi)
3. Starttheengine.
4. Increaseandmonitortheenginespeedat 2,000RPM.
5. Observetheexhaustsystembackpressurereadingon
Doesthereadingexceedthespecifiedvalue? Go to Step4 Go to Step 7
1. TurntheengineoffandplacetheIgnitionInthelock
2. RemovetheEN-35314-A gauge.
3. Installtheheatedoxygensensor1.Referto Heated
OxygenSensorReplacement—Sensor1 onpage9-249
forthe 1.4Lor HeatedOxygenSensorReplacement-
Sensor 1 onpage 9538forthe1.6L.
4. Removetheheatedoxygensensor2. Referto Heated
OxygenSensorReplacement- Sensor2 onpage9-250
4 forthe 1.4Lor HeatedOxygenSensorReplacement- -
Sensor2 onpage 9-539 forthe1.6L.
5. InstalltheEN—35314-A gaugein placeoftheheated
6. Starttheengine.
7. increaseandmonitortheenginespeedat 2,000RPM.
8. Observetheexhaustsystembackpressurereadingon
Doesthereadingexceedthespecifiedvalue? Go to Step5 Go to Step6
- Damagein theexhaustpipe.
5 - Debrisin theexhaustpipe. fl __
- Muffleror resonatorinternalfailure.
' Two-iayerexhaustpipeseparation.
Didyoufindandcorrectthecondition? Go to Step 7
Replacethecatalyticconverter.Referto WarmUp
Three—Wa y CatalyticConverterReplacement(LUV,LUW) on
6 page 9-745. , _ -
Didyoufindandcorrectthecondition? Go to Step 7

9-736 Engine Exhaust

Restricted Exhaust (cont'd)

Step . Action Value(s) Yes No
1. RemovetheEN~35314-A gauge.
2. installtheheatedoxygensensor2. Referto Heated
OxygenSensorReplacement- Sensor2 onpage9-250
forthe 1.4Lor HeatedOxygenSensorReplacement-
7 Sensor2 onpage9-539 forthe 1.6L. -
3. Clear any DTCs.
4. Roadtestthevehiclein ordertoverifytherepair.
Didyoucorrectthecondition? SystemOK Go to Step2

Exhaust Leakage
Problem Action
Warning: While engineis operating,the exhaust system will become extremelyhot. Toprevent burns avoid contacting
a hot exhaust system.
DEFlNlTlON:An exhaustleakmayshowstainsat theareaoftheleak.The leakmaybefeltby holdinga handcloseto the
suspectedareasor usinga smokepencil.The leak maymakea poppingor hissingnoise.
Referto Symptoms-EngineExhaustonpage 9-734priorto beginningthistable.
Misalignedor improperlyinstalled Alignandtightenthecomponentstothespecifications.Referto FastenerTightening
exhaustsystemcomponents Specificationsonpage 9-734.
Exhaustleaksat thefollowing Tightenthecomponentstothespecifications.Referto FastenerTightening
connections: Specificationsonpage 9-734.
- Exhaustmanifoldto pipe
- Flanges
' Pipe clamps
Seals or gasketsleaking. Replacetheleakingseal or gasket.Refertotheaffectedcomponentsprocedurefor
- Exhaustmanifoldto cylinderhead service.
- Exhaustpipesto exhaustmanifold
- Catalyticconverterconnection
- AIR connectionstotheexhaust
manifoldor cylinderhead
irregularitiesat thematingsurfaceson Repairas requiredor replacetheaffectedcomponent.Refertotheaffected
theflangeconnections componentsprocedureforservice.
Exhaustmanifoldcrackedor broken Replacetheexhaustmanifoldwithcatalyticconverter.Referto ExhaustManifoldwith
CatalyticConverterReplacement(LUW)onpage 9-737.
Exhaustsystemcomponent Replacetheleakingcomponent.Refertotheaffectedcomponent‘sprocedurefor
connectionweldsleaking serVice.
Ductdamagedor leakingat theseams Replacetheaffectedduct.RefertoAir CleanerInletDuctReplacementonpage9-579
forthe1.6LorAir CleanerlnletDuctReplacementonpage 9-287 forthe1.4L.

Exhaust Noise
Conditions Action
DEFINITION:An audibleor physicalnoiseduetoa faultycomponentor damagedcomponentscausinga looseor misaligned
exhaustsystemresultingin a rattleor vibrationnoise,,groan,hum.Referto Symptoms—EngineExhaustonpage9-734
priorto beginningthistable.
Poppingor hissingnoise Exhaustleak.Referto ExhaustLeakageonpage 9-736.
1. Comparetoa knowngoodvehicle.
Loudexhaust Inspectfora damagedorfailedmuffler.
Replacethefaultymuffler.Referto ExhaustSystemReplacementonpage9-739.
Inspectfora bentor loosehanger,looseheatshield,or looseclamp.
Externalrattleor vibration Inspectforan exhaustpipecausinginterference.
noise WNT‘
9’!”Repairor replacetheaffectedcomponent.Referto theaffectedcomponent'sservice

Engine Exhaust 9-737

Exhaust Noise (cont'd)

Conditions Action
1. Testthecomponentsbytappingwitha rubbermalletto confirma rattle.
2. Replacethefaultycatalyticconverter,or muffler.Referto one of thefollowingprocedures:
- CatalyticConverterReplacement(LUV)onpage 9-742
° ExhaustSystemReplacementonpage 9-739

Repair Instructions

Exhaust Manifold Replacement (LUV)

Refer to TurbochargerReplacement on page 9-843.

Exhaust Manifold with Catalytic Converter Replacement (LUW)


9-738 Engine Exhaust

Exhaust Manifold with Catalytic Converter Replacement (LUW)

Callout I Component Name
Warning: Refer to Protective Goggles and Glove Warningon page 0-5.
Warning: Refer to Exhaust Service Warningon page 0-4.
Preliminary Procedure
1. Removethecatalyticconverterheatshield.Referto CatalyticConverterHeatShieldReplacement(LUV)onpage9-746.
2. Removetheexhaustfrontpipe.Referto ExhaustFrontPipe Replacement(LUV,LUW) onpage 9-738.
ExhaustManifoldto CylinderHeadNut(Qty:9)
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
2 ExhaustManifoldGasket
3 Tighten
4 ExhaustManifoldBrace
1. Disconnectthetemperaturesensorandtransferpartsif replacingtheexhaustmanifoldwithcatalytic
5 convenen
2. Cleanthesealingsurfaces. ,
3. Replacetheexhaustgasketwitha NEW gasket.
4. ReplacetheexhaustmanifoldnutswithNEW nuts.I

Exhaust Front Pipe Replacement


Removal Procedure
Warning: Refer to Exhaust Service Warning on
page 0-4.
1. Remove the drivetrain and front suspension frame
skid plate. Refer to Drivetrain and Front
Suspension Frame Skid Plate Replacement on
page 3-143.
2. Disconnect the heated oxygen sensor-2. Refer to
Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor 2
on page 9—539.

3. Remove the 3—waycatalytic converter
fasteners (1) and disconnect the 3—waycatalytic
converter (4)from the front pipe.
4. Discard the exhaust gasket (2).

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Exhaust 9-739

2509518 2509518
5. Remove the exhaust front pipe (3) to the catalytic 3. Position the exhaust front pipe (3) to the catalytic
converter fasteners (1). converter with a NEW gasket (2).
6. Remove the front pipe (3) from the catalytic 4. install the exhaust front pipe fasteners (1) to the
converter and discard the exhaust gasket (2). catalytic converter and tighten to 20 Nm (15 lb ft).
5. Connect the heated oxygen sensor—2.Refer to
Installation Procedure Heated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Sensor 2
on page 9-539.
6. install the drivetrain and front suspension frame
skid plate. Refer to Drivetrain and Front
Suspension Frame Skid Plate Replacement on
page 3-143.
7. Start the engine and check for exhaust leaks.

Exhaust System Replacement

Removal Procedure
Special Tools
CH-6614Chain Pipe Cutter
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9754.
Warning: Refer to Protective Goggles and Glove
Warning on page 0-5
Warning: Refer to Exhaust Service Warning on
page 0-4.
1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
2678269 Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31
1. Install a NEW gasket (2) to the exhaust front pipe.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2. Install the 3—waycatalytic converter (4) to the
exhaust isolators (3) and tighten the fasteners (1)
to 17 N'm (13 lb ft).

9-740 Efingine Exhaust

2510137 2678269
with the CH—6614
2. Cut the exhaust rear muffler(2) 6. Remove the exhaust front pipe fasteners (1) and
pipe cutter at position (1). discard the gasket (2).
7. Remove the 3—waycatalytic converter(4) from the
exhaust isolators (3).

4 3 5 2 1 2
3. Remove the rear exhaust muffler (2) from the
exhaust isolators (1). 2525772
4. Sand smooth the front exhaust pipe for ease of 8. Lower the intermediate exhaust front muffler
installation. pipe (5).
5. Remove the exhaust rear muffler. 9. Remove and transfer the catalytic converter,
if necessary.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Exhaust 9-741

Installation Procedure

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2494571 3. Install the 3-way catalytic converter (4) into the
exhaust Isolators (3)with a NEW gasket (2) and
1. Installthe exhaust rear muffler (2) into the exhaust tighten the fasteners (1)to 17 N-m(13 lb ft).
isolators (1).

4. Install the new rear exhaust muffler (2) into the
2. Installthe intermediate exhaust front muffler(5)
to exhaust isolators.
the front exhaust hanger isolators (2).
5. Lower the vehicle.
6. Start the engine and check for exhaust leaks.

9-742 Engine Exhaust

2494560 2609439
7. Position the exhaust front pipe (3) into the exhaust . Remove the catalytic converter to the turbocharger
muffler clamp. clamp fastener(1) and discard the clamp (2).
Note: There are 3 different exhaust mufflerclamps . Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
depending on the diameter of the exhaust pipe. Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31.
8. Install the rear exhaust muffler (2) into the exhaust . Remove the drivetrain and front suspension frame
muffler clamp and tighten the bolt (1) to 50 N-m skid plate. Refer to Drivetrain and Front
(37 lb ft). Suspension Frame Skid Plate Replacement on
page 3—143.
9. Lower the vehicle.
10. Start the engine and check for exhaust leaks.

Catalytic Converter
Replacement (LUV)

Removal Procedure
Warning: Refer to Exhaust Service Warning on
page 0-4.
Warning: Refer to Protective Goggles and Glove
Warning on page 0-5.
1. Remove the exhaust manifold heat shield. Refer to
Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement (LUV)
on page 9-749or Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield
Replacement (LUW)on page 9—750.
Remove the catalytic converter heated oxygen
sensor - 1. Refer to Heated Oxygen Sensor
Replacement - Sensor1 on page 9-249.

6. Remove the exhaust front pipe fasteners (1) and
discard the exhaust gasket (2).

2013 (5377994)
Engine Exhaust 9-743

2609441 2191860
7. Remove the catalytic converter brace fasteners (1) 2. install a NEW clamp into the position shown and
from the catalytic converter brace (2). loosely tighten the clamp fastener (1).
8. Remove the catalytic converter.
Installation Procedure

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
3. Install the exhaust front pipe (3) to the catalytic
2609441 converter with a NEW gasket (2) and tighten the
1. install the catalytic converter into the catalytic fasteners (1)to 22 NW (16 lb ft).
converter brace (2) and loosely tighten the
fasteners (1).

9-744 Ewine Exhaust

2609441 2609439
4. Tighten the catalytic converter brace fasteners (1) 7. Tighten the turbocharge clamp fastener (1) to
to 22N'm(16lbft). 13 Nm (115lbin).
5. install the drivetrain and front suspension frame 8. Install the exhaust manifold heat shield. Refer to
skid plate. Refer to Drivetrain and Front Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement (LUV)
Suspension Frame Skid Plate Replacement on on page 9749 or Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield
page 3—143. Replacement (LUW)on page 9-750.
6. Lower the vehicle. 9. Install the catalytic converter heated oxygen
sensor —1. Refer to Heated Oxygen Sensor
Replacement - Sensor 1 on page 9-249.
10. Start the engine and check for exhaust leaks.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Exhaust 9-745

Warm Up Three-Way Catalytic Converter Replacement (LUV,LUW)

Warm Up Three-Way Catalytic Converter Replacement (LUV,LUW)
Callout I Component Name
Warning: Refer to Exhaust Service Warningon page 0-4.
Warning: Refer to Safety Glasses Warningon page 0-5.
Preliminary Procedure
Raise andsupportthevehicle.Referto LiftingandJackingthe Vehicleonpage 1-31.
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
Note: ReplacewithNEW gaskets
ExhaustFrontPipe Fasteners(Qty:2)
3 Tighten
17N'm (13lbft).
4 ExhaustIsolators
5 CatalyticConverter

9-746 Eflgine Exhaust

Catalytic Converter Heat Shield Replacement (LUV)


Catalytic Converter Heat Shield Replacement (LUV)

Callout Component Name
Warning: Refer to Exhaust Service Warningon page 0-4.
CatalyticConverterHeatShield Fasteners(Qty:4)
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
9N-m(80lb in).
2 CatalyticConverterHeatShield

2013 (5377994)
Engine Exhaust 9-747


Exhaust Heat Shield Replacement
Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Disconnecttheexhaustsystemhangersandallowtheexhaustsystemto reston therearaxle.
1 ExhaustHeatShieldFastener(Qty:6)
2 ExhaustHeatShield

9-748 Engfiie Exhaust

Fuel Tank Heat Shield Replacement Installation Procedure

Removal Procedure
1. Support the fuel tank with a suitable jack.

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
1. Install the fuel tank heat shield (2) and tighten the
2678481 fasteners (1)to 10 Nm (89 lb in).
2. Remove the fuel tank strap fasteners (1) and lower
the fuel tank straps (2).

2. install the fuel tank straps (2) and tighten the
2673432 fasteners (1)to 22 N-m(16 lb ft).
3. Remove the fuel tank heat shield fasteners (1) and
remove the fuel tank heat shield (2).

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Exhaust 9349

Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement (LUV)

Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement (LUV)
Callout Component Name
Warning: Refer to Exhaust Service Warningon page 0-4.
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
1 Tighten
9 NW(80lb in).
2 ExhaustManifoldHeatShield

9=750 Engine Exhaust

Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement (LUW)


Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement (LUW)

Callout Component Name
Warning: Refer to Exhaust Service Warningon page 0-4.
Preliminary Procedures
1. Disconnectthenegativebatterycable.Referto BatteryNegativeCable Disconnectionand Connectiononpage9-713.
2. Removetheoil levelindicatortube.Referto Oil LevelIndicatorTubeReplacementonpage 9-1026.
3. Disconnecttheheatedoxygensensorconnector.
CatalyticConverterHeatShield Bolt
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
2 HeatedOxygenSensorHarnessBracket
3 Tighten
8 N-m(71|bin)
4 CatalyticConverterHeatShield

2013 (5377994)
Engine Exhaust 9-751
Exhaust Rear Muffler Heat Shield Replacement

Exhaust Rear Muffler Heat Shield Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Disconnecttheexhaustsystemhangersin therearandallowtheexhaustsystemto reston therearaxle.
1 ExhaustHeatShield Rear MufflerFastener(Qty:3)
2 ExhaustHeatShield Rear Muffler

9-752 Engine Exhaust

Exhaust Rear Muffler Replacement 4. Sand smooth the front exhaust pipe for ease of
Installation Procedure
Special Tools
CH-6614Chain Pipe Cutter
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-754.
Removal Procedure
Warning: Refer to Exhaust Service Warning on
page 0-4.
1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31.

into the
1. Install the new rear exhaust muffler(2)
exhaust isolators.

with the CH-6614
2. Cut the exhaust rear muffler(2)
pipe cutter at position (1).

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
Note: There are 3 differentexhaust muffler clamps
depending on the diameter of the exhaust pipe.
2. Position the exhaust front pipe (3) into the exhaust
muffler clamp.
3. Install the rear exhaust muffler(2) into the exhaust
muffler clamp and tighten the bolt (1) to 50 Nm
(37 lb ft).
2494571 4. Lowerthe vehicle.
5. Start the engine and check for exhaust leaks.
3. Remove the rear exhaust muffler(2)from the
exhaust isolators (1).

2013 (5377994)
Engine Exhaust 9753

Description and Operation The catalytic converter is similar to a muffler in

appearance however, within the outer stainless steel
shell (4),there is a ceramic monolith (1)which is
honeycombed in the direction of the exhaust, as
Exhaust System Description shown. The ceramic monolith is surrounded by a
Note: Use of Non—OEMparts may cause driveability mat (2),which has the primary function of holding the
concerns. monolith firmly in place to prevent any contact with the
The exhaust system carries exhaust gases, treated by inner shell (3).A mesh (5 and 6) at each end of the
the catalytic converter, through a resonator, converter prevents exhaust gases from fouling and
if applicable and into the exhaust muffler where exhaust eroding the mat.
noise is lessened. Surfaces of the ceramic monolith that are exposed to
In order to secure the exhaust pipe to the exhaust exhaust gases are coated with a catalytic material. This
manifold, a flange and seaI-joint coupling is utilized. material contains rhodium and platinum, which act to
facilitate the chemical reactions necessary to oxidize
Exhaust hangers and rubber insulators help to support carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons into harmless
the weight of the exhaust pipe along with insulating any carbon dioxide.
exhaust system vibration, rattle,or noise.
The catalytic converter is a substance that accelerates
Exhaust hangers also space the exhaust system away a chemical reaction without itself being changed.
from the underbody of the vehicle and allows the Engine exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide (CO),
exhaust system to expand as the exhaust system hydrocarbons (HC)and oxides of nitrogen (NOx).When
warms up. the exhaust gases flow through the monolith, reactions
Exhaust heat shields are used to protect the body and with the catalytic converter occur.CO and HC are
other components from damage due to the heat from converted by oxidation with oxygen (02)in the exhaust
the exhaust system. gases to produce carbon dioxide (CO2)and water
The exhaust system may be comprised of the following vapour (H20).NOx is converted by reduction with CO
components: to produce nitrogen (N2).The catalytic converter is
called a three—waytype because it simultaneously
- Exhaust manifold
converts three components of exhaust gas (CO, HC
. Exhaust pipes and NOx)to harmless natural gases.
° Catalytic converters
Service Notes
' Exhaust muffler
. Vehicles fitted with a catalytic converter should not
' Exhaust resonator, if equipped be operated with leaded petrol. Lead will
. Exhaust hangers contaminate the catalytic converter.
' Exhaust heat shields o Do not drop the catalytic converter as it will
damage the ceramic monolith.
Catalytic Converter ' Do not allow water, oil or fuel to enter the
Through developments in various emissions reduction converter as the ceramic monolith will be
system, significant reductions in emissions have been contaminated.
achieved. The developments have been primarily ' Do not drive the vehicle with the engine misfiring
concerned with refinements in engine calibration and or with any of the spark plug leads disconnected.
the optimization of exhaust system catalytic converter
configurations. Note: Catalytic converter can be damaged or rendered
infective, if:
. Operated outside the limits of the closed loop
i\>c><:)c>c mixture control system.
FSOOC - The engine burns excessive amount of oil.
DOOOC - The exhaust temperature at the converter is too
)OOOC high (exceeds 840°C).
2999s Resonator
Some exhaust systems are equipped with a resonator.
The resonator, located either before or after the muffler,
allows the use of mufflers with less back pressure.
Resonators are used when vehicle characteristics
require specific exhaust tuning.

_/ Muffler
The exhaust muffler reduces the noise levels of the
engine exhaust by the use of tuning tubes. The tuning
tubes create channels inside the exhaust muffler that
lower the sound levels created by the combustion of the

9-754 Engine Exhaust
The center mufflers on vehicles fitted with the LFW Special Tools and Equipment
engine option contains a variable exhaust valve. The
purpose of the valve is to reduce exhaust noise for
minimal impact on performance and back pressure. Illustration Tool Number/Description
The valve consists of a spring loaded flap which is
closed at lower gas flow (lower engine speed/load)
forcing the exhaust gasses through a more restrictive
path therefore providing improved noise performance.
As gas flow increases with higher engine load/speed, EN 35314-A
the valve opens providing a less restrictive path for the J 35314-A
exhaust gases and therefore providing good wide open ExhaustBackPressure
throttle performance. Gauge




2013 (5377994)
Engfle Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 91755

Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)


Fastener Tightening Specifications

Application Metric English
Air ConditioningCompressorBracketBolts 22N-m 16lbft
CamshaftActuator 50N-m+60degrees 37 lbft +60degrees
CamshaftBearingCap Bolts 8N'm 71lb in
CamshaftCover Bolts 8N-m 71lb in
CamshaftPositionActuatorSolenoidValve 8N-m 71lb in
CamshaftPositionSensor Bolt 6 N-m 53lb in
CamshaftSprocketBolt 50N-m+60degrees(1) 37 lbft+60degrees(1)
CatalyticConverterBracketto CylinderBlock 22N-m 16lbft
CatalyticConverterto Bracket 22N-m 16lbft
CatalyticConvertertoTurbocharger(V—clamp) 13Mm 115lbin
ConnectingRod BearingCap 25N-m+45degrees(1) 18lbft+45degrees(1)
CrankshaftBalancerBolt 1501‘I‘5md23rféggggfies
+ 111I$gtdggfegisI2§es

CrankshaftBearingTie Plate Bolts(M6) 10thngegeedeigfifs+ 89 laggeggeiigéies +

CrankshaftBearingTiePlate Bolts(M8) 25N1";58395695916?

+ ‘8 '33 gegggfsgfif’s+
CrankshaftPositionSensorBolt 8 N'm 71lbin
CylinderHeadBolts 35Nm +180degrees(1) 26 lbft+180degrees(1)
DriveBeltTensionerBoltM8 22Wm 16lbft
DriveBeltTensionerBoltM10 55NW 41 lbft
EngineCoolingThermostatHousingBolts 8 NW 71lb in
EngineFrontCover BoltsM10 35N-m 26 lbft
EngineFrontCover BoltsM6 8 N'm 71lb in
EngineMountBracketBolts 6%odhja'ggedsi1) 60442358131)
EngineMountRightSide to Body 62N-m 46 lbft
EngineMountRightSide to EngineMountBracket 7801:3531) 7%7dlggtrge231)
EngineOil FilterCap 25Nm 18lbft
ExhaustManifoldHeatShieldBolts 8N-m 71lb in
FlywheelBolts (Two—MaSS) 60N1'g1g625edeesg(r%es
+ 44 qugegsredtfsgfifs
Fuel injectionRailto IntakeManifold 6N-m 53 lbin
Generatorto CylinderBlockand EngineCover 35N-m 26 lbft
ignitionCoil Bolts 8N'm 71lbin
IntakeManifoldBolt 20Wm 15lbft
KnockSensor 20Nm 15lbft
Oil CoolerCoolantinletPipe to Oil Cooler 10Nm , 89lb in
Oil Coolerto EngineBlock 20Nm 15lbft
Oil CoolertoOil FilterAssembly(onlyboltsserviceable) 10NW 89lb in
Oil FillerPlug toEngineFrontCover (M18) 30Nm 22 lbft

9—756 Enfigine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Fastener Tightening Specifications (cont'd)

Application Metric English
Oil FilterAssemblytoBlock 20N-m 15lbft
Oil GalleryPlug in EngineFrontCover(M22) 60N~m 44lbft
Oil Pan Bolt 10N-m 891b in
Oil Pan DrainPlug 14N-m 124|b in
Oil PressureIndicator 20Nm 15lbft
Oil PressureReliefValve 50N-m 37lbft
Oil PumpCoverBolts 8N-m 71|bin
Oil PumpHousingPlug(M10) 10N-m 891bin
OxygenSensorto ExhaustManifold 42Nm 31lbft
OxygenSensorto ExhaustFrontPipe 42N-m 31lbft
PistonOil Nozzles toBlock 25Nm 18lbft
SparkPlugs 25N-m 18lbft
StarterBolts 25N-m 18lbft
ThrottleBodyBolts 9 N-m 80lbin
TimingChain Guide 8 N-m 71lbin
TimingChainTensioner 8 N-m 71lbin
TimingChainTensionerShoe 20N'm 15lbft
TurbochargerCoolantFeed Pipe to EngineBlock 30N-m 22lbft
TurbochargerCoolantFeed Pipe toTurbocharger(QuickFitting) 20Nm 15lbft
TurbochargerCoolantReturnPipe toTurbocharger(QuickFitting) 20N-m 15lbft
TurbochargerOil Feed Pipe to Oil Cooler/Filter 8 N-m 71lbin
TurbochargerOil FeedPipe toTurbocharger 30Nm 22lbft
TurbochargerOil ReturnPipe toTurbocharger 8 N-m 71lbin
Turbochargerto CylinderHead 8 N-m(1) 71lbin(1)
WaterOutlet 8N-m 71lbin
WaterPumpHousingBolts 8 N-m 71lbin
WaterPumpDrainPlug 15N-m 11lbft
WaterPumpPulleyBolts 22N-m 16lbft
1=Use NEW Fastener.

Engine Mechanical Specifications

Application Metric English
EngineType 4-CylinderInline
Displacement 1364ccm 83.24 cu in
Bore 72.5mm 2.854in
Stroke 82.6mm 3.3in
CompressionRatio 95:1
Numberof Valves 16
MaximumPower@ enginespeedKW/RPM 105KW /4900
MaximumTorque@ enginespeedN-m/RPM / lbft/RPM 200Mm/1850 148lbft/4000

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-757

Engine Mechanical Specifications (cont'd)

Application Metric | Engnsh
CylinderBoreDiameterStandard 72.492
mm 2.8540
CylinderBoreDiameterOversize0.5 72.992
mm 2.8737
PistonDiameterStandard 72.453 mm—72.467mm 2.8525in—2.8530 in
PistonDiameterOversize0.5 72.953 mm—72.967mm 2.8722in—2.8727 in
PistonClearancetoBore 0.025mm—0.055 mm 0.001in—0.0022 in
Piston—UpperCompressionRingThickness 1.17mm—1.195mm‘ 0.0461 in0.047In
Piston—UpperCompressionRingRingGap 0.25mm—0.4mm 0.0098in—0.0157 in
Piston—UpperCompressionRingSide Clearance 0.025mm—— 0.07mm 0.001in~0.0028 in
Piston—LowerCompressionRingThickness 1.17mm—1.195mm 0.0461 in0.047in
Piston—LowerCompressionRingRingGap 0.4mm—0.6mm 0.0157in—0.0236 in
Piston—LowerCompressionRingSide Clearance 0.025mm—0.07mm 0.001in—0.0028 in
Piston—OilRingThickness 1.92mm—2mm 0.0756in—0.0787 in
Piston—OilRingRingGap 0.25mm—0.75mm 0.0098in—0.0295 in
Piston—OilRingSide Clearance 0.04mm—0.12mm 0.0016in—0.0047 in
PistonPinBoreDiameter 18.006mm—18.012 mm 0.7089in—0.7091 in
PistonPinOuterDiameter 17.995mm—18mm 0.7085 in—O.7087
PistonPinLength 48mm 1.8898in
PistonPinClearancetoPistonBore 0.005mm—0.010mm 0.0002in—0.00039in
PistonPinClearancetoConrodBore 0.010mm—0.018mm 0.0039in—0.00070in
CrankshaftBearingJournalStandardDiameter(brownor green) 50.004mm—50.017 mm 1.9687
green/blue) 49.754mm—49.767 mm 1.9588
green/white) 49.504mm—49.517mm 1.949in—1.9495
CrankshaftBearingJournalWidthStandard 23.000mm—23.052 mm 0.9055
CrankshaftBearingJournalWidthUndersize0.25 23.200mm—23.252 mm 0.9134
CrankshaftBearingJournalWidthUndersize0.4 23.400mm—23.452 mm 0.9213
CrankshaftBearingMark328N(brown)—Thickness 1.989mm—1.995 mm 0.0783
CrankshaftBearingMark329N(green)—Thickness 1.995mm—2.001 mm 0.0785
(brown/blue) 2.114mm—2.120 mrn 0.0832
CrankshaftBearingMark331—ThicknessUndersize0.25(green/blue) 2.120mm—2.126 mm 0.0835
in—0.0837 in
CrankshaftBearingMark332~ThicknessUndersize0.5(brown/white) 2.239mm—— 2.245mm 0.0881
in—0.0884 in
CrankshaftBearingMark332—ThicknessUndersize0.5(green/white) 2.245mm—2.251mm 0.0884
in—0.0886 in
CrankshaftBearingClearance 0.007mm—0.031mm 0.0003
in—0.0012 in
CrankshaftBearingClearanceAxial 0.100mm—0.202mm 0.0039in—0.008in
CrankshaftBearingOutOfRound 0.03mm 0.0012in
ConnectingRodBearingJournalDiameterStandard 42.971 mm—42.987 mm 1.6918
in—1.6924 in
ConnectingRodBearingJournalDiameterUndersize0.25(blue) 42.721mm—42.737mm 1.6819
in—1.6826 in
ConnectingRodBearingJournalDiameterUndersize0.5(white) 42.471mm—42.487mm 1.6721
in—1.6727 in
ConnectingRodBearingThicknessStandard 1.490mm~1.500mm 0.0587
in—0.0591 in
ConnectingRodBearingThicknessUndersize0.25 1.615mm— 1.625mm 0.0636in—0.064in
ConnectingRodBearingThicknessUndersize0.5 1.740mm—1.750mm 0.0685
in—0.0689 in

9-758 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Engine Mechanical Specifications (cont'd)

Application Metric EngHsh
ConnectingRodBearingDiameterStandard(upperandlower) 1.490mm—1.500mm in—0.0591
0.0587 in
ConnectingRodBearingDiameterUndersize0.25(upperandlower) 1.615mm—1.625mm 0.0636in—0.064in
ConnectingRodBearingDiameterUndersize0.5(upperandlower) 1.740mm—1.750mm in—0.0689
0.0685 in
ConnectingRodBearingClearance 0.013mm—0.061mm in—0.0024
0.0005 In
CylinderHead—intakeValveSeatWidth 1.4mm-1.8mm 0.0551 in
CylinderHead—ExhaustValveSeatWidth 1mm—1.4mm in
CylinderHead—ValveSeatAngle 90°30‘
CylinderHead—IntakeValveGuideInnerDiameterStandard 4.991mm—5.007mm 0.1965in—0.1971 in
CylinderHead—IntakeValveGuideInnerDiameter+0.075 5.066mm—5.082mm 0.1994in—0.2001 in
CylinderHead—IntakeValveGuideInnerDiameter0.150 5.141mm—5.157mm 0.2024 in—0.203in
CylinderHead—ExhaustValveGuideInnerDiameterStandard 4.991mm —5.007mm 0.1965n- 0.1971
i in
CylinderHead—ExhaustValveGuideInnerDiameter+0.075 5.066mm—5.082mm 0.1994in—0.2001 in
CylinderHead—ExhaustValveGuidelnnerDiameter+0.150 5.141mm—5.157mm 0.2024 in—0.203in
CylinderHead—ValveGuide Length 38.7mm—39.3mm 1.5236in—1.5472 in
CylinderHead—SurfaceFlatness(max)—Block Deck—longitude 0.05mm 0.00197in
CylinderHead—SurfaceFlatness(max)—Block Deck—transverse 0.03mm 0.00118
intakeValveLengthStandard 92.9mm 3.6575in
ExhaustValveLengthStandard 92.7mm 3.6496in
intakeValveStemDiameterStandard 4.950mm—4.965mm 0.1949 in—0.1955in
ExhaustValveStemDiameterStandard 4.930mm—4.945mm 0.1941 in—O.1947in
IntakeValveStemDiameter+0.075 5.025mm—5.040mm 0.1978 in—0.1984in
ExhaustValveStemDiameter+0.075 5.005mm—5.020mm 0.197in—O.1976in
intakeValveStemDiameter+0.150 5.100mm—5.115mm 0.2008 in—0.2014in
ExhaustValveStemDiameter+0.150 5.080mm—5.095mm 0.2in—0.2006in
IntakeValveDisc Diameter 27.9mm—28.1mm 1.0984 in—1.1063in
ExhaustValveDisc Diameter 24.9mm—25.1 0.9803in— 0.9882 in
ValveSpringHeightFree 40mm 1.5748in
ValveSpringHeightUnderLoad—Valveopen 21.5mm 0.8465in
ValveSpringHeightUnderLoad—Va|veclosed 30mm 1.1811in
ValveClearancetoGuide intake 0.026mm—0.057mm 0.001in—0.0022in
ValveClearancetoGuide Exhaust 0.046mm—0.077mm 0.0015in—0.003in
Quality Dexosl
Filling—WithNewOilFilter 4L 4.25Quarts
Viscosity 5W—30
OilPressure@ IdleSpeed 150kpa 22psi
OilPressure@ 3000rpm~3500rpm 380kpa~650kpa 55psi—94psi
Axial ClearanceVane RotortoCover 0.01mm 0.0004
Axial ClearanceVane toCover 0.09mm in

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical=1.4L(LUV) 9-759

Engine Mechanical Specifications (cont'd)

Application Metric English
Axial ClearanceVaneRingto Cover 0.04mm 0.0016in
Axial ClearanceSlidetoCover 0.08mm 0.0031in
Axial ClearanceSlide Seal to Cover 0.09mm 0.0036in
RadialClearanceVanetoVaneRotor 0.05mm 0.002in
RadialClearanceVaneto Slide 0.2mm 0.008in

Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers

Application Typeof Material GM Part Number
BoltConnections ScrewLockingCompound Referto electronicpartscatalog
DEXOS ll, 0-W30,0-W40, 5-W30 Refertoelectronicpartscatalog
EngineOil and5—W40
FirstCamshaftBearingCap SurfaceSealant Referto electronicpartscatalog
Oil Pan Oil Pan Sealant Refertoelectronicpartscatalog
OxygenSensor AssemblyPaste Refertoelectronicpartscatalog
Seal Rings SiliconGrease Refertoelectronicpartscatalog

9-760 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Component Locator

Disassembled Views
Accessory Drive Components

1 2


(1) Generator And Air Conditioning (10) Water Pump
Compressor Belt (11) Generator
(2) Drive Belt Tensioner Bolt (short) (12) Air Conditioning Compressor Bolt
(3) Drive Belt Tensioner Bolt (long) (13) Air Conditioning Compressor
(4) Drive Belt Tensioner (14) Air Conditioning Compressor Bracket Bolt
(5) Upper Generator Bolt (15) Air Conditioning Compressor Bracket
(6) Water Pump Pulley Bolt (16) Lower Generator Bolt
(7) Water Pump Pulley (17) Crankshaft Balancer
(8) Water Pump Bolt (Long) (18) Crankshaft Balancer Bolt
(9) Water Pump Bolt (Short)

Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-761

Engine Front Cover And Oil Pump Assembly (1 of 2)

(1) Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid (12) Engine Front Cover Oil Gallery Plug
Valve Bolt (13) Engine Front Cover Oil Gallery Plug
(2) Intake Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Seal Ring
Valve (14) Oil Pressure Relief Valve Piston
(3) Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator (15) Oil Pressure Relief Valve Spring
Solenoid Valve
(16) Oil Pressure Relief Valve Plug
(4) intake Camshaft Position Sensor Bolt (17) Engine Front Cover Bolt (M10)
(5) lntake Camshaft Position Sensor (18) Crankshaft Front Oil Seal
Intake Camshaft Position Sensor Seal Ring
(19) Engine Front Cover Bolt (M6)
(7) Engine Front Cover (20) Water Drain Plug Seal Ring
(8) Engine Front Cover Gasket (21) Water Drain Plug
(9) Exhaust Camshaft Position Sensor Seal Ring (22) Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator
(10) Exhaust Camshaft Position Sensor Solenoid Valve Bolt
(11) Exhaust Camshaft Position Sensor Bolt

9-762 Engine Mechanical _ 1.4L (LUV)

Engine Front Cover And Oil Pump Assembly (2 of 2)


t i


Oil Pump Cover Bolt (7) Oil Pump Slide Spring
Oil Pump Cover (8) Oil Pump Slide Pivot Pin
Oil Pump Vane Ring (9) Oil Pump Slide Seal
Oil Pump Vane Rotor (10) Oil Pump Slide Seal Spring
Oil Pump Vane (11) Oil Pump Slide
N .0
AAAAA Oil Pump
vvvvv Slide Spring Pin (12) Oil Pump Vane Ring

Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9:763

Timing Chain Components

4 \
\ ,.~
\”591;, /r§

‘ ruifl‘fix

-' ,

(1) Timing Chain Tensioner Bolt (10) Exhaust Camshaft Sprocket (With Position
(2) Timing Chain Tensioner Actuator)
(3) Timing Chain Tensioner Shoe (11) Exhaust Camshaft Position Sensor Exciter
Camshaft Timing Chain Wheel _
(5) IntakeCamshaft Sprocket Bolt (With (12) Exhaust Camshaft Sprocket Bolt (With
Actuator) Actuator) . _
IntakeCamshaft Position Sensor Exciter (13) Timing Chain GUIde Pivot Pin
Wheel (14) Crankshaft Sprocket
IntakeCamshaft Sprocket (With Position (15) Timing Chain Guide Right Side
Adumoo 06)'fimmgChmnGumeBdt
Upper Timing Chain Guide Bolt (17) Timing Chain Tensioner Shoe Bolt
Upper Timing Chain Guide

I 2013
9-764 Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV)

Intake Manifold Assembly— 1.4L LDD


Intake Manifold Sealings (9) Evaporative Emission Canister Purge

Intake Manifold (With Intake Manifold Runner Solenoid Valve Bracket Bolt
and Intake Manifold Runner Valve) (10) Evaporative Emission Canister Purge
Throttle Body Bolt Solenoid Valve Bracket
Throttle Body (11) Fuel injection Fuel Rail
Throttle Body Seal Ring (12) Fuel Injector Retainer Clamp
Fuel injection Fuel Rail Bolt (13) Fuel Injector
Evaporative Emission Canister Purge (14) Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Bolt
Solenoid Valve (15) Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
Evaporative Emission Canister Purge (16) Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
Solenoid Valve Rubber Seal Ring

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
EngLine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-765

Cylinder Head Assembly

(1) Camshaft Cover (16) Intake Valve
(2) Oil Level Indicator (17) Exhaust Valve
(3) Camshaft Cover Bolt (18) Engine Lift Bracket
(4) Oil Filter Cap (19) Engine Lift Bracket Bolt
(5) Oil Filler Cap Seal Ring (20) Engine Lift Bracket
(6) Camshaft Cover Gasket (21) Engine Lift Bracket Bolt
(7) Camshaft Bearing Cap Bolt (22) Oil Pressure IndicatorSwitch (only for
(8) Camshaft Bearing Cap 1-4LLDD)
(9) Cylinder Head Bolt (23) Oil Pressure IndicatorSwitch Seal Ring (only
(10) Valve Keys for 1-4LLDD)
(11) Valve Spring Retainer Hydraulic Valve Lash Adjuster
(12) Valve Spring Hydraulic Valve Lash Adjuster Arm '
Exhaust Camshaft
(13) Engine Lift Bracket Left Side
Intake Camshaft
(14) Engine Lift Bracket Bolt
(15) Cylinder Head

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
99766 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Engine Block Assembly—1.4L LDD


Transmission Guide Sleeve (18) Oil Pan Drain Plug

Transmission Guide Sleeve (19) Crankshaft Position Sensor Bolt
Cylinder Head Guide Sleeve (20) Crankshaft Position Sensor
Engine Block (21) Crankshaft Position Sensor Seal Ring
Cylinder Head Guide Sleeve (22) Crankshaft Bearing Cap Tie Plate Bolt (M8)
Knock Sensor (23) Crankshaft Position Sensor Reluctor Ring
Knock Sensor Bolt (24) Flywheel Bolt
Upper Crankshaft Thrust Bearing (25) Engine Flywheel
Upper Crankshaft Bearing (26) Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal
Crankshaft (27) Crankshaft Position Sensor Reluctor
Lower Crankshaft Bearing Ring Bolt
Lower Crankshaft Thrust Bearing (28) Connecting Rod Bearing Cap Bolt
Crankshaft Bearing Cap Tie Plate (29) Connecting Rod Bearing Cap
Crankshaft Bearing Cap Tie Plate Bolt (M10) (30) Lower Connecting Rod Bearing
Oil Pan (31) Upper Connecting Rod Bearing
Oil Pan Bolt (32) Connecting Rod
Oil Pan Drain Plug Seal Ring (33) Piston Pin

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-767
(34) Piston (36) Lower Compression Ring
(35) Piston Oil Ring (With oil Ring Spacer) (37) Upper Compression Ring

Engine Block Assembly—1.4L LUH and LUJ

(1) Transmission Guide Sleeve (16) Oil Pan Baffle Bolt
(2) Transmission Guide Sleeve (17) Oil Pan
(3) Cylinder Head Guide Sleeve (18) Oil Pan Bolt
(4) Cylinder Head (19 Oil Pan Drain Plug
(5) Cylinder Head Guide Sleeve (20 Crankshaft Position Sensor Bolt
(6) Knock Sensor (21VVV
Crankshaft Position Sensor
(7) Knock Sensor Bolt (22) Crankshaft Position Sensor Seal Ring
(8) Upper Crankshaft Thrust Bearing (23) Crankshaft Bearing Cap Tie Plate Bolt (M8)
(9) Upper Crankshaft Bearing (24) Piston Oil Nozzle
(10) Crankshaft (25) Crankshaft Position Sensor Reluctor Ring
(11) Lower Crankshaft Bearing (26) Crankshaft Position Sensor Reluctor
(12) Lower Crankshaft Thrust Bearing Ring Bolt
(13) Crankshaft Bearing Cap Tie Plate (27) Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal
(14) Crankshaft Bearing Cap Tie Plate Bolt (M10) (28) Engine Flywheel (Two-Mass)
(15) Oil Pan Baffle (29) Engine Flywheel Bolt

9-768 Enfigine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)
(30) Connecting Rod Bearing Cap Bolt (36) Piston Pin Retainer
(31) Connecting Rod Bearing Cap (37) Piston Pin Retainer
(32) Lower Connecting Rod Bearing (38) Piston
(33) Upper Connecting Rod Bearing (39) Piston Oil Ring (With Oil Ring Spacer)
(34) Connecting Rod (40) Lower Compression Ring
(35) Piston Pin (41) Upper Compression Ring

Intake Manifold Assembly—1.4L LUH and LUJ


Fuel Injector Fuel Rail (6) Intake Manifold

Fuel Injector Fuel Rail Bolt (7) Throttle Body Seal Ring
Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor (8) Throttle Body
Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Bolt (9) Throttle Body Bolt
Evaporative Emission Canister Purge (10) Intake Manifold Gasket
Solenoid Valve

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical -1.4L (LUV) 9-769

ExhaustSide—1.4L LUH and LUJ

Positive Crankcase Ventilation Pipe Turbocharger Coolant Feed Pipe Hollow
Assembly Screw
Exhaust Manifold Gasket Heated Oxygen Sensor 1
Turbo Charger Oil Feed Pipe Hollow Screw Catalytic Converter
Turbo Charger Oil Feed Pipe Catalytic Converter Heat Shield
Turbo Charger Oil Feed Pipe Bolt Catalytic Converter Heat Shield Bolt
Oil Cooler Coolant Outlet Hose Catalytic Converter Seal
Oil Cooler Coolant Outlet Hose Clamp Catalytic Converter V—Clamp
CO Oil Cooler Coolant Feed Pipe Bolt
vvvvvvv Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe
(9) Oil Cooler Coolant Feed Pipe Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe Bolt
(10) Engine Oil CoolerAssembly Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield
(11) Catalytic Converter Bracket Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Bolt
(12) Catalytic Converter to Catalytic Converter Turbocharger (with Exhaust Manifold)
Bracket Nut Engine Oil Pressure Switch
(13) Turbocharger Coolant Return Pipe
(14) Turbocharger Coolant Feed Pipe

9-7‘70 Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV)

Engine Identification . Inspect for the correct oil level, proper oil viscosity,
and correct filter application.
Engine Number - Verify the exact operating conditions under which
the concern exists. Note factors such as engine
RPM, ambient temperature, engine temperature,
amount of engine warm-up time, and other
- Compare the engine sounds, if applicable, to a
known good engine and make sure you are not
trying to correct a normal condition.
Test the vehicle under the same conditions that the
customer reported in order to verify the system is
operating properly.
Symptom List
Refer to a symptom diagnostic procedure from the
following list in order to diagnose the symptom:
- Base Engine Misfire without Internal Engine
Noises on page 9-774
- Base Engine Misfire with Abnormal InternalLower
Engine Noises on page 9-775
- Base Engine Misfire with Abnormal Valve Train
2191130 Noise on page 9—776
Note: The engine identification number must be - Base Engine Misfire with Coolant Consumption on
stamped to the cylinder block in case of engine page 9—776
replacement. - Base Engine Misfire with Excessive Oil
The engine number is stamped to the engine block (1). Consumption on page 9—776
- Engine Noise on Start—Up,but Only Lasting a Few
Diagnostic Information and Seconds on page 9-774
. Upper Engine Noise, Regardless of Engine Speed
on page 9-777
- Lower Engine Noise, Regardless of Engine Speed
Symptoms - Engine Mechanical on page 9-777
- Engine Noise Under Load on page 9-774
Strategy Based Diagnostics - Engine Will Not Crank —Crankshaft Will Not
Perform a Diagnostic System Check —Vehicle on Rotate on page 9-778
page 6-66. . Engine Compression Test on page 9778
All diagnosis on a vehicle should follow a logical . Oil Consumption Diagnosis on page 9-773
process. Strategy based diagnostics is a uniform - Oil Pressure Diagnosis and Testing on page 9—771
approach for repairing all systems. The diagnostic flow
may always be used in order to resolve a system - Drive Belt Chirping, Squeal, and Whine Diagnosis
condition. The diagnostic flow is the place to start when on page 9-779
repairs are necessary. - Drive Belt Rumbling and Vibration Diagnosis on
page 9-781
Visual/Physical Inspection ° Drive Belt Falls Off and Excessive Wear
- Inspect for aftermarket devices which could affect Diagnosis on page 9-782
the operation of the engine.
- Inspect the easily accessible or visible system
components for obvious damage or conditions
which could cause the symptom.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical . 'l.4L (LUV) 9-771

Oil Pressure Diagnosis and Testing Note: The oil temperature should be between 80°C
(176°F)and 100°C(212°).
Special Tools
3. Measure the oil pressure:
. EN-498-BOil Pressure Gauge
- The oil pressure at idle speed should be
- EN-498-3Adapter 150 kpa (22 psi).
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on - The oil pressure between 3000-
page 9-927. 3500rpmshould be 380 ~650kpa
Removal Procedure (55 —94 psi).
4. Stop engine.
1. Disconnect the oil pressure indicator switch wiring
harness piug. 5. if the engine oil pressure is below specifications,
inspect the engine for 1 or more of the following
- Oil pump worn or dirty.Refer to Oil Pump
Replacement on page 9—824 and Engine Front
Cover and Oil Pump Cleaning and Inspection
on page 9—892.
' Oil suction gallery clogged or dirty.Refer to Oil
Pan Cleaning and Inspection on page 9—897
- Cracked, porous, or restricted oil galleries.
- Oil pressure relief valve malfunction.
6. Remove EN—498-B gauge and EN-498-3adapter.
Installation Procedure

2. Remove the oil pressure indicator switch (1)and
the oil pressure indicator switch seal ring (2).
Measuring Procedure

1. Install the oil pressure indicator switch (1) and a
NEW oil pressure indicator switch seal ring (2).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
2. Tighten the oil pressure indicator switch to 20 N-m
(15 lb ft).

1. install EN-498-Bgauge (1) along with EN—498-3
adapter (2).
2. Start Engine.

9-772 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Oil Leak Diagnosis

Step Action Yes No
DEFINITION:Youcan repairmostfluidleaks byfirst,visuallylocatingtheleak,repairingor or by
resealingthegasketsurface.Oncetheleak is identified,determinethecause oftheleak.Repairtheleakandthecause of
1. Operatethevehicleuntilit reachesnormaloperating
temperature.Referto EngineMechanicalSpecificationson
page 9-756.
2. Park thevehicleona levelsurfaceovera largesheetof paper
1 or othercleansurface.
3. Wait15minutes.
4. Inspectfordrippings.
Are drippingspresent? Go to Step2 SystemOK
2 Can you identifythetypeoffluidand theapproximatelocationof
theleak? Go to Step10 Go to Step3
1. Visuallyinspectthe suspectedarea.Use a smallmirrorto
assist in lookingat hardtosee areas.
2. inspectforleaksat thefollowinglocations:
3 - Sealingsurfaces
' Fittings
- Crackedor damagedcomponents
Can you identifythetypeoffluidand theapproximatelocationof
theleak? Go to Step 10 Go to Step4
1. Completelycleanthe entireengineand surrounding
2. Operatethevehiclefor severalmilesat normaloperating
temperatureandat varyingspeeds.
3. Park thevehicleon a levelsurfaceovera largesheetof paper
4 or othercleansurface.
4. Wait15minutes. _
5. Identifythetypeoffluidand theapproximatelocationof
Can you identifythetypeoffluidand theapproximatelocationof
theleak? = Go to Step10 Go to Step5
1. Visuallyinspectthe suspectedarea.Use a smallmirrorto
assist in lookingat hardtosee areas.
2. inspectforleaksat thefollowinglocations:
5 ' Sealingsurfaces
- Fittings
- Crackedor damagedcomponents
Can you identifythetypeoffluidand theapproximatelocationof
theleak? Go to Step 10 Go to Step6
1. Completelycleantheentireengineand surrounding
2. Applyan aerosol-typepowder,forexample,baby powderor
6 3. Operatethevehicleforseveralmilesat normaloperating
temperatureandat varyingspeeds.
4. Identifythetypeoffluidand theapproximatelocationofthe
leakfromthe discolorationsin thepowdersurface.
Can you identifythetypeoffluidandtheapproximatelocationof
theleak? Go to Step 10 G0 to Step7

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-773

Oil Leak Diagnosis (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
1. Visuallyinspectthesuspectedarea.Use a smallmirrorto
assistin lookingat hardtosee areas.
2. Inspectforleaks atthefollowinglocations:
7 - Sealingsurfaces
- Fittings
' Crackedor damagedcomponents
Can youidentifythetypeoffluidandtheapproximatelocationof
theleak? Go to Step 10 Go to Step8
Identifythetypeoffluidandtheapproximatelocationof theleak.
8 Can youidentifythetypeoffluidandtheapproximatelocationof
theteak? Go to Step 10 Go to Step9
1. Visuallyinspectthesuspectedarea.Use a smallmirrorto
assistin lookingat hardtosee areas.
2. Inspectforleaksatthefollowinglocations:
9 - Sealingsurfaces
. Fittings
- Crackedor damagedcomponents
Can youidentifythetypeoffluidandtheapproximatelocationof
theleak? Go to Step 10 SystemOK
1. Inspecttheengineformechanicaldamage.Specialinterest
shouldbeshownto thefollowingareas:
- Higherthanrecommendedfluidlevels
- Higherthanrecommendedfluidpressures
' Pluggedor malfunctioningfluidfiltersor pressurebypass
° Pluggedor malfunctioningengineventilationsystem
. Improperlytightenedor damagedfasteners
10 - Crackedor porouscomponents
- Impropersealantsor gaskets,whererequired
- Impropersealantor gasketinstallation
° Damagedorworngasketsor seals
' Damagedorwornsealingsurfaces
2. Inspecttheengineforcustomermodifications.
Istheremechanicaldamageor customermodificationstothe
engine? Go to Step 11 SystemOK
11 Repairor replaceall damagedor modifiedcomponents. _
Didyoucompletetherepair? Go to Step 1

Oil Consumption Diagnosis

Checks Causes
The causesofexcessiveoil consumptionmayincludethefollowingconditions:
Preliminary - Externaloilleaks.
- Incorrectoil levelor improperreadingoftheoil levelindicator.
Withthevehicleon a levelsurface,runtheenginefora fewminutes,allowadequate
draindowntime(2—3 minutes)andcheckforthecorrectengineoil level.
Improperoil viscosity.
Refertothevehicleownersmanualanduse therecommendedSAE gradeand
- Crankcaseventilationsystemrestrictionsor malfunctioning components.
. Wornvaiveguidesand/orvalvestems.
- Worn,missingor improperlyinstalledvalvestemoil seals.
9-774 Engine Mechanical .. 1.4L (LUV)

Oil Consumption Diagnosis (cont'd)

Checks Causes
Replacewornpistonringsas necessary.
- Pistonandringsimproperlyinstalledor miss-fittedtothecylinderbore.

Engine Noise Under Load

Cause Correction
Lowoil pressure Insufficientor pooroil supplyto components.
\ 1. Performoil pressuretest.
2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Loose torqueconverterbolts 1. Inspectthetorqueconverterboltsandflywheel.
2. Repairor replacealldamagedcomponents.
Loose and/ordamagedflywheel 1. Inspecttheflywheelandflywheelattachingbolts.
2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Excessive piston-to-cylinder 1. Inspectthepistonringsforlowringtension,brokenorwornrings,inspect
clearance cylinderbore.
2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Excessivecrankshaftthrustbearing 1. Inspectthecrankshaftendplayandcrankshaftthrustbearings.
clearance 2. Repairor replacealldamagedcomponents.
Excessivecrankshaftbearing 1. Inspectthecrankshaftbearingsandcrankshaftjournals.
Clearance 2. Repairor replacealldamagedcomponents.

Engine Noise on Start-Up, but Only Lasting a Few Seconds

Cause Correction
Incorrectoil filterwithoutanti-drainbackfeature Installthecorrectoilfilter.
Incorrectoil viscosity Draintheengineoil andreplacewiththe correctviscosityoil.
Highstationaryhydrauliclashadjuster(SHLA),valvelifter,leak ReplacetheSHLAs, valvelifters,as required.
Worncrankshaftthrustbearing - Inspectthethrustbearingandcrankshaft.
- Repairor replaceas required.
Damagedorfaultyoilfilterby-passvalve . Inspecttheoilfilterby-passvalveforproperoperation.
- Repairor replaceas required.

Base Engine Misfire without Internal Engine Noises

Condition Action
Abnormalities(severecracking, Abnormalitiesin theaccessorydrivebeltand/orcomponentsmaycauseengineRPM
bumpsor missingareas)in the variations,noisessimilartoa faultylowerengineand also leadtoa misfirecondition.
accessorydrivebelt.Also worn, A misfirecodemaybe presentwithoutan actualmisfirecondition.
damaged,or misalignedaccessory 1. Inspecttheaccessorydrivecomponents.
drivecom onentsor excessivepulley .
runout. p 2. Repalror replacealldamagedcomponents.
Loose and/ordamagedcrankshaft A misfirecode maybe presentwithoutan actualmisfirecondition.
pulley 1. Inspectcrankshaftpulleyandpulleybolt.
2. Repairor replacealldamagedcomponents.
Loose torqueconverterbolts A misfirecode maybe presentwithoutan actualmisfirecondition.
1. Inspecttorqueconverterboltsandflywheel.
2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-775

Base Engine Misfire without Internal Engine Noises (cont'd)

Condition Action
Looseand/ordamagedflywheel A misfirecodemaybe presentwithoutan actualmisfirecondition.
1. Inspectflywheelandflywheelattachingbolts.
2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Restrictedexhaustsystem A severerestrictionin theexhaustflowcan causesignificantloss of engine
performanceandmayset a misfirecode.Possiblecausesofrestrictionsinclude
replaceall damagedcomponents.
Air infuelsystem 1. Inspectfuelfilter,fuelsystemforleaks and/orrestrictions.
2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Bentand/orwornvalvebridgeand 1. lnspectvalvebridgeandvalvefinger-follower.
finger—follower 2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Stickingvalve Carbononthevalvestemorvalveseat maycause thevalvetostick.
1. Inspectvalvesandvalveguides.
Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Damagedor misalignedtiminggears lnspecttiminggears.
Replaceall damagedcomponents.
Wornorfaultycamshaftlobes lnspectcamshaftlobes.
Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
bore Performcompressiontests.
Clearance Inspectthepiston,pistonringsandcylinderbore.
Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Faultycylinderheadgasketsand/or Performcompressiontests.
crackingorotherdamageto the Inspectthepiston,pistonringsandcylinderbore.
coolingsystempassages.(Coolant WW.“
N Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
consumptionmayor maynotcause

Base Engine Misfire with Abnormal Internal Lower Engine Noises

Condition Actions
Abnormalities(servercracking,bumps Abnormalitiesintheaccessorydrivebeltand/orcomponentsmaycause engineRPM
or missingareas)in theaccessory variations,noisessimilartofaultylowerengineandalso leadtoa misfirecondition.
drivebelt A misfirecodemaybe presentwithoutan actualmisfirecondition.
1. Inspecttheaccessorydrivecomponents.
2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Worn,damaged,or misaligned A misfirecodemaybe presentwithoutan actualmisfirecondition.
accessorydrivecomponentsor 1. Inspecttheaccessorydrivecomponents.
2. Repairor replaceall damagecomponents.
Looseand/ordamagedcrankshaft A misfirecode maybe presentwithoutan actualmisfirecondition.
pulley 1. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
2. Inspectcrankshaftpulleyandpulleybolt.
Loosetorqueconverterbolts A misfirecodemaybe presentwithoutan actualmisfirecondition.
1. lnspecttorqueconverterboltsandflywheel.
2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
‘Looseand/ordamagedflywheel A misfirecodemaybe presentwithoutan actualmisfirecondition.
Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
bore Performcylinderleakdownandcompressiontests.
clearance Inspectthepiston,pistonringsandcylinderbore.
NT‘Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.

9-776 Engine Mechanical ='i.4L (LUV)

Base Engine Misfire with Abnormal Internal Lower Engine Noises (cont'd)
Condition Actions
Excessivecrankshaftthrustbearing Severelywornthrustsurfacesonthecrankshaftand/orthrustbearingmaypermitfor
clearance andaftmovementof thecrankshaftandcreatea misfirecodewithoutan actualmisfire
1. Inspectthecrankshaftandplayandcrankshaftthrustbearings.
2. Repairor replaceall damaged.

Base Engine Misfire with Abnormal Valve Train Noise

Condition Action
Loose,wornor damagedvalvebridge 1. lnspectvalvebridgeandfinger-follower.
andfinger—follower 2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Brokenvalvesprings 1. lnspectvalvesprings.
2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Stickingvalve Carbononthevalvestemorvalveseat maycause thevalvetostick.
1. Inspectvalvesandvalveguides.
2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Wornorfaultycamshaftlobes 1. Inspectcamshaftlobes.
2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.

Base Engine Misfire with Coolant Consumption

Inspection l Action
DEFINITION:Base enginemisfirewithcoolantconsumption
Preliminaryinspection Verifythatthereare noexternalcoolantleaks.
IsolateAffectedCylinders - Cylinderbalancetestwithscan tool
- Coolingsystempressurization
- Inspectionof glowplugs
' Compressiontest
EGR Systeminspection - inspectEGR valveand intakesystemforevidenceofcoolantleakage.
- ReplacetheEGR coolerif anyproblemis found.
CylinderHeadGasketLeakage - Removecylinderheadsoftheaffectedcylinderbankand inspectfordamage.
- Replacecomponentsas necessary.
CylinderHeador EngineBlock - Inspectthecylinderheadforcracks.
Damage ' Inspectthecylinderblockfordamage.
- Inspectthecylinderblockto headmatingsurfaceforstraightness.
‘ Replacecomponentsas necessary.

Base Engine Misfire with Excessive Oil Consumption

Condition Action
Wornvalveguides Inspectthevalvesandvalveguides.
Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Wornvalvestemoil seals Inspectthevalvestemoil seals.
Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Excessive piston—to-cylinder
bore Performcompressionteststo determinethecause.
clearance Inspectthepistonringsforlowringtension,brokenorwornrings.
Nr‘ Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.

Engine Mechanical -1.4L (LUV) 9‘777

Upper Engine Noise, Regardless of Engine Speed

Condition Action
Lowoil pressure insufficientor pooroil supplytovalvetrain.
1. Performoil pressuretest.
2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Improperlubricationt0thevalve 1. Inspectvalvefinger-foilower,
valvebridge,valvefingerfollowerlifter,oil pumpand
finger-follower engineblockoil galleries.
2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Wornor damagedvalvefinger- 1. Inspectvalvebridgeandfinger-follower.
follower 2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Stickingvalve Carbononthevalvestemorvalveseat maycausethevalvetostick.
1. Inspectvalvesandvalveguides.
Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Wornorfaultycamshaftlobes inspectcamshaftlobes.
Ifdamagedreplacecamshaftandall valvefinger-followers.
Damagedor misalignedtiminggears lnspecttiminggears.
Replaceall damagedcomponents.

Lower Engine Noise, Regardless of Engine Speed

Condition Action
Wornaccessorydrivecomponents 1. Inspecttheaccessorydrivecomponents.
(abnormalitiessuchas severe 2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
cracking,bumpsor missingareasin
Lowoil pressure Insufficientor pooroil supplyto crankshaftandconnectingrodbearings.
1. Performoil pressuretest.
2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Leakingand/orstickingfuelinjection 1. inspectthecylinderbalancewithscan toolto helplocatethecylinderthatis the
nozzle(A stuck‘fuelinjectionnozzle sourceofthenoise.
can cause5.1
”0'39S'm'larto a . 2. Ifyoucannotlocatethecylinderthatis thesourceofthenoise,diagnosethe
damagedpiston,rodor rodbearing.) engineformechanicaldamage.
3. Ifit has beendeterminedthatthefuelinjectionnOZZIeis causingthenoise,
Looseand/ordamagedcrankshaft 1. inspectcrankshaftpulleyandpulleybolt.
pulley 2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Loosetorqueconverterbolts 1. Inspecttorqueconverterboltsandflywheel.
2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Looseand/ordamagedflywheel 1. lnspectflywheelandflyweelattachingbolts.
2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Excessivepistonpin-to-bOfe 1. Inspectthepiston,pistonpin,andthe connectingrod.
clearance 2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Misalignedor bentconnectingrod 1. Inspectconnectingrodandconnectingrodbearings.
2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Excessiveconnectingrodbearing 1. inspecttheconnectingrodbearings,connectingrods,crankshaftandcrankshaft
clearance journals.
2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Excessivecrankshaftbearing 1. inspectthecrankshaftbearingsandcrankshaftjournals.
clearance 2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.

9-778 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Engine Will Not Crank - Crankshaft Will Not Rotate

Cause j Correction
Seized accessorydrive:system 1. inspecttheaccessorydrivesystemcomponents.
component 2. Repairor replaceall damagedcomponents.
Hydraulicallylockedcylinder 1. Inspectforbrokenheadgasket(s).
' Coolant/antifreezein cylinder 2. inspectforcrackedengineblockor cylinderhead.
- Oil in cylinder 3. Inspectfora stickingfuelinjector.
- Fuel in cylinder
Seized automatictransmissiontorque 1. Removetheengineassembly.The torqueconverterboltsare notaccessiblewith
converter theengineinstalledtothetransmission.
2. Rotatethecrankshaftatthepulley.
Seized manualtransmission 1. Disengagetheclutch.
2. Rotatecrankshaftatthepulley.
Materialin cylinder 1. Inspectthecylinderfordamagedcomponentsand/orforeignmaterials.
- Brokenvalve 2. Repairor replaceas required.
- Pistonmaterial
- Foreignmaterial
Seized crankshaftor connectingrod 1. inspectthecrankshaftandconnectingrodbearings.
bearing 2. Repairas required.
Bentor brokenconnectingrod 1. Inspecttheconnectingrods.
2. Repairas required.
Brokencrankshaft 1. Inspectthecrankshaft.
2. Repairas required.

Engine Compression Test 9. Observe the compression gauge and note the
reading as the compression test is being
Special Tools ‘ performed. A normal cylinder reading will be _
indicated if compression builds up quickly and
EN-48248Cylinder Compression Pressure Gauge evenly to the specified level. An abnormal reading
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on will be indicated if compression is low on the first
page 9—927. compression stroke, starts increasing 0n the
following compression strokes but does not reach
Removal Procedure g the specified level.
1. Remove the throttlebody assembly. Refer to 10. Record the compression reading for the cylinder
Throttle Body Assembly Replacement on just tested.
page 9-253.
11. Repeat steps for all remaining cylinders. All
2. Remove the spark plugs. Refer to Spark Plug 4 cylinders must be tested to obtain valid test
Replacement on page 9-281. results. Record the readings.
3. Remove the relay holder cover. 12. The maximum pressure differential should not
4. Remove the fuel pump relay. exceed 100 kPa (14.5psi).
Note: The engine cranking time for the compression 13. The nominal cylinder compression value is
test should be less then 10 seconds and at 30 second ~ for natural aspirated engines 1300kPa -
intervals. 1500kPa (188.5psi —217.6psi).
5. Crank the engine with the starter motor for - for turbo engines 1200kPa —1400kPa (174psi
5 seconds to remove any foreign substances from —203.1psi).
the cylinders.
Installation Procedure
6. Prior to taking a compression reading, verify the
cranking speed is greater than 300 RPM. Ifthe 1. install the fuel pump relay.
cranking speed is below 300 RPM, repair the slow 2. Install the relay holder cover.
cranking speed condition before continuing with 3. Install the spark plugs. Refer to Spark Plug '
the compressiontest. Replacement on page 9—281 .
7. Install EN—48248 gauge in the spark plug bore for
4. Install the throttle body assembly. Refer to Throttle
the cylinder that is being checked. Body Assembly Replacement on page 9-253.
8. Using the vehicle's starter motor, rotate or crank
the engine for 4 compression strokes, puffs, for the
cylinder being tested.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-779
Drive Be"; Chirping Squea| and drive component pulley, or the pulley bentinward
. . . ’ ’ or outward from a previous repair. Test for a
Whme DiagnOSIS misaligned pulley using a straight edge in the
. . . pulley grooves across two or three pulleys. Ifa
D'agnOSttc AldS misaligned pulley is found refer to that accessory
- A chirping or squeal noise may be intermittentdue drive component for the proper installation
to moisture on the drive belts or the pulleys. it may procedure for that pulley.
be neszessaryto spray a smallamount of water on 10. Inspecting of the fasteners can eliminate the
the drive belts Inprder t0 dUptlcatethe Customers possibmty that a wrong bolt, nut1spacer, 0r washer
coneern. IfsprayIng water on the drIve belt was installed.
duplicates the symptom, cleanmg the belt pulleys 12. Inspecting the pulleys for being bent should
may be the probable solution. include inspecting for a dent or other damage to
' ttthe noise is intermittentuverifythe accessory the pulleys that would prevent the drive belt from
dere components by varyIng'theIrleads making not seating properly in all of the pulley grooves or
sure they are operated to the” maXImumpapaCIty. on the smooth surface of a pulley when the back
An overshargeq A/C system. power steermg side of the belt is used to drive the pulley.
system mm a mehed hose or wrong flwd, or a 14. This test is to verify that the drive belt tensioner
generator failmg are suggested Itemsto msPeCt' operates properly. lfthe drive belt tensioner is not
' A chirping, squeal or whine nOIsemay be caused operating properly, proper belt tension may not be
by a loose or Improper Installationof a body 0r_ achieved to keep the drive belt from slipping which
suspension component. Other Itemsof the vehicle could cause a squeal noise.
may also cause the n0Ise. _ _ 15. This test is to verify that the drive belt is not too
' The the belts Wt”hOtcause a thne n0Ise. long, which would prevent the drive belt tensioner
- - from working properi . Also if an incorrect length
TeSt DescriptIon drive belt was installed, it may not be routed
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the properly and may be turning an accessory drive
diagnostic table. component in the wrong direction.
2. The noise may not be engine related. This step is 16. Misalignment of the pulleys may be caused from
to verify that the engine is making the noise. Ifthe improper mounting of the accessory drive
engine is not making the noise do not proceed component, incorrect installation of the accessory
further with this table. drive component pulley, or the pulley bent inward
3. The noise may be an internal engine noise. or‘outward from a previous repair. Test to" a
Removing the drive belts one at a time and mIsaIIgnedpulley USIhQa straIghtedge Inthe
operating the engine for a brief period will verify the lelley grooves across tWO0'”three pulleys. Ita
noise is related to the drive belt. When removing misalIgned pulley '3 tOUhdrefer'to that accessory
the drive belt the water pump may not be operating the component for the proper Installation
and the engine may overheat. Also DTCs may set procedure for that pulley.
when the engine is operating with the drive belts 17. This test is to verify that the pulleys are the correct
removed. diameter or width. Using a known good vehicle
4. Inspect all drive belt pulleys for piiling. Pilling is the compare the pulley SIzes.
small balls or pills or it can be strings in the drive 19. Replacing the drive belt when it is not damaged or
belt grooves from the accumulation of rubber dust. there is not excessive piiling will only be a
6. Misalignment of the pulleys may be caused from temporary repaIr.
improper mounting of the accessory drive
component, incorrect installation of the accessory
Drive Belt Chirping, Squeal, and Whine Diagnosis
Step Action I Yes No
Caution: Do notuse beltdressingon thedrivebelt.Beltdressingcauses thebreakdownofthecompositionofthedrivebelt.
Failuretofollowthisrecommendation willdamagethedrivebelt.
DEFINITION:Thefollowingitemsare indicationsof chirping:
- A highpitchednoisethatis heardonceperrevolutionofthedrivebeltor a pulley.
- Chirpingmayoccuron cold dampstart-upsandwillsubsideoncethevehiclereachesnormaloperatingtemp.
DEFINITiON:Thefollowingitemsare indicationsofdrivebeltsqueal:
. A loudscreechingnoisethatis causedbya slippingdrivebelt.This is unusualfora drivebeltwithmultipleribs.
- The noiseoccurswhena heavyload'ISappliedtothedrivebelt,such as an airconditioningcompressorengagement
snappingthethrottle,or slippingon a seizedpulleyor a faultyaccessorydrivecomponent.
DEFINITiON:Thefollowingitemsare indicationsofdrivebeltwhine:
. A highpitchedcontinuousnoise.
- Thenoisemaybe causedby an accessorydrivecomponentfailedbearing.
Didyoureviewthe DriveBeltSymptomoperationand performthe Go to Symptoms-
1 necessaryinspections? EngineMechanicalon
Go to Step2 page 9-770
9-780 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Drive Belt Chirping, Squeal, and Whine Diagnosis (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
2 Verifythatthereis a chirping,squealorwhinenoise.
Doestheenginemakethechirpingsquealor whinenoise? Go to Step3 Go to DiagnosticAids
1. Removethedrivebelt.
Iftheenginehas multipledrivebelts,removethe beltsone at a
timeandperformthetestbeloweachtimea beltis removed.
3 2. Operatetheenginefornolongerthan30—40 seconds.
3. Repeatthistestif necessaryby removingtheremaining Go to Symptoms_
belt(s). EngineMechanicalon
Doesthechirping,squealorwhinenoisestill exist? page9-770 Go to Step4
Ifdiagnosinga chirpingnoise,inspectforseverepillingexceeding
4 lfdiagnosinga squealorwhinenoise,proceedto Step13.
Dothebeltgrooveshave piiling? Go to Step5 Go to Step6
5 Clean thedrivebeltpulleyswitha suitablewirebrush.
Didyoucompletetherepair? Go to Step20 Go to Step6
6 lnspectformisalignmentofthepulleys.
Are anyofthepulleysmisaligned? Go to Step7 Go to Step8
7 Replaceor repairany misalignedpulleys.
Didyoucompletetherepair? Go to Step20 Go to Step8
8 Inspectforbentor crackedbrackets.
Didyoufindany bentor crackedbrackets? Go to Step9 Go to Step10
9 Replaceanybentor crackedbrackets. -
Didyoucompletetherepair? Go to Step20 Go to Step 10
10 lnspectforimproper,looseor missingfasteners.
Didyoufindthecondition? Go to Step 11 Go to Step12
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
1. Tightenanyloosefasteners.Referto FastenerTightening
11 Specificationsonpage 9—755.
2. Replaceany improperor missingfasteners.
Didyou completetherepair? Go to Step20 Go to Step12
12 lnspectfora bentpulley.
Didyoufindthecondition? Go to Step 18 Go to Step 19
lnspectforan accessorydrivecomponentseized bearingor a faulty
13 Didyoufindand correctthecondition?
if diagnosinga whinenoiseandthe conditionstillexist,proceedto
DiagnosticAids. Go to Step20 Go to Step 14
14 Testthedrivebelttensionerforproperoperation.
Didyoufindandcorrectthecondition? Go to Step20 Go to Step 15
15 lnspectforthecorrectdrivebeltlength.
Didyoufindandcorrectthecondition? Go to Step20 Go to Step16
16 lnspectformisalignmentofa pulley.
Didyoufindandcorrectthecondition? Go to Step20 Go to Step 17
17 lnspectforthecorrectpulleysize.
Didyoufindandcorrectthe condition? Go to Step20 Go to DiagnosticAids
18 Replacethebentpulley.
Didyou completetherepair? Go to Step20 Go to Step 19
Replacethedrivebelt.Referto Symptoms- EngineMechanicalon
19 page 9-770.
Didyou completetherepair? Go to Step20 Go to DiagnosticAids
20 Operatethesystemin ordertoverifythe repair.
Didyou correctthecondition? SystemOK Go to Step3

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-781
Drive Belt Rumbflng and Vibration 3. This test is to verify that one of the drive belts is
D. . causing the rumbling noise or vibration. Rumbling
IagnOSIS noise may be confused with an internal engine
D. t' A'd noise due to the similarity in the description.
Iagnos '6 I 3 Remove only one drive belt at a time if the vehicle
The accessory drive components can have an affect on has multiple drive belts. When removing the drive
engine vibration. Vibration from the engine operating belts the water pump may not be operating and the
may cause a body component or another part ofthe engine may overheat. Also DTCs may set when
vehicle to make rumbling noise. Vibration can be the engine is operating with the drive belts
caused by, but not limited to the A/C system over removed.
oharged, the power steerIng system restricted or the 4. inspecting the drive belts is to ensure that they are
Incorrect ttUId:Of an e).<traload on'the generator.'To not causing the noise. Small cracks across the ribs
help Idehtltyan IntermIttent0F3” ImproperCOhdlthh, of the drive belt will not cause the noise. Belt
vary the loads 0“ the accessory the components. separation can be recognized at the edge of the
The drive belt may have a_rumblingcondition that can belt or felt as a lump in the belt.
not be seen orfelt. Semetlmes replacmg the drlve belt 5. Small amounts of piiling is normal condition and
may be the only repair for the symptom. acceptable. When the piiling is severe the drive
If replacing the drive belt, completing the diagnostic belt does not have a smooth surface for proper
table, and the noise is only heard when the drive belts operation. .
are installed, there mIghtbe an accessory drive 9. inspecting of the fasteners can eliminate the
component Witha faIlure.Varying the load 0h the possibility that the wrong bolt, nut, spacer,
dIfferentaccessory drIve components may aId In . or washer was installed.
figggfymg Wh'Chcomponent '8 causmg the rumblIng 11. This step should only be performed if the water
' pump is driven by the drive belt. Inspect the water
Test Description pump shaft for being bent. Also inspect the water
pump bearings for smooth operation and
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the excessive play. Compare the water pump with a
dIagnostIc table. ‘ _ known good water pump.
2' Th'?’ test '5 t0 verIfythat the Symptom '3 present 12. Accessory drive component brackets that are bent,
during dIalgnosmg.Othervehicle components may cracked, or loose may putextra strain on that
cause a S'm'lar symptom. accessory component causing it to vibrate.

Drive Belt Rumbling and Vibration Diagnosis

Step Action I Yes No
DEFINITION:Thefollowingitemsare indicationsofdrive beltrumbling:
' A lowpitchtapping,knocking,orthumpingnoiseheardat orjustaboveidle.
- Heardonceperrevolutionofthedrivebeltor a pulley.
' Rumblingmaybe causedfrom:
—Pilling,theaccumulationof rubberdustthatformssmallballs(pills)or stringsin thedrivebeltpulleygroove
—The separationofthedrivebelt
—A damageddrivebelt.
° Thevibrationis engine-speedrelated.
- Thevibrationmaybesensitivetoaccessoryload.
DidyoureviewtheDriveBeltSymptomoperationandperformthe Go to Symptoms-
1 necessaryinspections? EngineMechanicalon
Go to Step2 page9—770
Verifythatthereis a rumblingnoiseor thatthevibrationis engine
2 related.
Doestheenginemaketherumblingnoiseor vibration? Go to Step3 Go to DiagnosticAids
1. Removethedrivebelt.
iftheenginehas multipledrivebelts,removethebeltsone at a
timeandperformthetestbeloweachtimea beltis removed.
3 2. Operatetheenginefornolongerthan30—40 seconds.
3. Repeatthistestif necessaryby removingtheremaining Go to Symptoms_
be|t(s). EngineMechanicalon
Doestherumblingor vibrationstillexist? page9-770 Go to Step4
4 missingribs,anddebrisbuiid-up.
Didyoufindanyof theseconditions? Go to Step 7 Go to Step5

9-782 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Drive Belt Rumbling and Vibration Diagnosis (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
Inspectforseverepiilingof morethan1/3ofthedrivebelt pulley
5 grooves.
Didyoufindseverepiiling? Go to Step6 Go to Step 7
1. Clean thedrivebeltpulleysusinga suitablewirebrush.
6 2. Reinstallthedrivebelts.
Didyoucorrectthecondition? Go to Step8 Go to Step7
7 Installa newdrivebelt.
Didyoucompletethereplacement? Go to Step8 Go to Step9
8 Operatethesystemin ordertoverifytherepair.
Didyoucorrectthecondition? SystemOK Go to Step9
9 lnspectforimproper,looseor missingfasteners.
Didyoufindanyof theseconditions? Go to Step 10 Go to Step 11
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0—8.
1. Tightenanyloosefasteners.Referto FastenerTightening
10 Specificationsonpage9-755.
2. Replaceimproperor missingfasteners.
Didyoucompletetherepair? Go to Step 12 Go to Step 11
11 lnspectforbentor crackedbrackets.
Didyoufindandcorrectthecondition? Go to Step12 Go to DiagnosticAids
12 Operatethesystemin ordertoverifytherepair.
Didyou correctthecondition? SystemOK Go to Step3

Belt Falls Off and Excessive Misalignment of the pulleys may be caused from
improper mounting of the accessory drive
Wear Diagnosis component, incorrect installation of the accessory
drive component pulley, or the pulley bent inward
Diagnostic Aids or outward from a previous repair. Test for a
Ifthe drive belt repeatedly falls off the drive belt pulleys, misaligned pulley using a straight edge in the
this is because of pulley misalignment. pulley grooves across two or three pulleys. Ifa
misaligned pulley is found refer to that accessory
An extra load that is quickly applied on released by an
drive component for the proper installation
accessory drive component may cause the drive belt to
procedure of that pulley.
fall off the pulleys. Verify the accessory drive
components operate properly. Inspecting the pulleys for being bent should
include inspecting for a dent or other damage to
lfthe drive belt is the incorrect length, the drive belt
the pulleys that would prevent the drive belt from
tensioner may not keep the proper tension on the
not seating properly in all of the pulley grooves or
drive belt.
on the smooth surface of a pulley when the back
Excessive wear on a drive belt is usually caused by an side of the belt is used to drive the pulley.
incorrect installation or the wrong drive belt for the
Accessory drive component brackets that are bent
or cracked will let the drive belt fall off.
Minor misalignment of the drive belt pulleys will not
inspecting of the fasteners can eliminate the
cause excessive wear, but will probably cause the drive
possibility that a wrong bolt, nut , spacer, or washer
belt to make a noise or to fall off.
was installed. Missing. loose, or the wrong
Excessive misalignment of the drive belt pulleys will fasteners may cause pulley misalignment from the
cause excessive wear but may also make the drive belt bracket moving under load. Over tightening of the
fall off. fasteners may cause misalignment of the
accessory component bracket.
Test Description
13. The inspection is to verify the drive belt is correctly
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the installed on all of the drive belt pulleys. Wear on
diagnostic table. the drive belt may be caused by mis-positioning
2. This inspection is to verify the condition of the drive the drive belt by one groove on a pulley.
belt. Damage may of occurred to the drive belt 14. The installation of a drive belt that is two wide or
when the drive belt fell off.The drive belt may of two narrow will cause wear on the drive belt. The
been damaged, which caused the drive belt to fall drive belt ribs should match all of the grooves on all
off.Inspect the belt for cuts, tears or sections of of the pulleys.
ribs missing.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical —1.4L (LUV) 9:783
15. This inspection is to verify the drive belt is not components load varies. The drive belt should not
contacting any parts of the engine or body while come in contact with an engine or a body
the engine is operating. There should be sufficient component when snapping the throttle.
clearance when the drive belt accessory drive
Drive Belt Falls Off and Excessive Wear Diagnosis
Step Action Yes No
DEFINITION:Thedrivebeltfalls offthepulleysor maynotridecorrectlyonthepulleys.
DEFINITION:Wearat theoutsideribsofthedrivebeltduetoan incorrectlyinstalleddrivebelt.
Didyoureviewthe DriveBeltSymptomoperationandperformthe Go to Symptoms-
1 necessaryinspections? EngineMechanicalon
Go to Step2 page 9-770
if diagnosinghighwear,proceedto Step 13.
if diagnosinga drivebeltthatfalls off,inspectfora damaged
Didyoufindthecondition? Go to Step3 Go to Step4
installa newdrivebelt.Referto DriveBeltReplacementon
page9-784. .
Doesthedrivebeltcontinuetofalloff? Go to Step4 SystemOK
Didyoufindandrepairthecondition? Go to Step 12 Go to Step5
inspectfora bentor dentedpulley.
Didyoufindandrepairthecondition? Go to Step 12 Go to Step6
inspectfora bentor a crackedbracket.
Didyoufindandrepairthecondition? Go to Step 12 Go to Step7
lnspectforimproper,looseor missingfasteners.
Didyoufindlooseor missingfasteners? Go to Step8 Go to Step9
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
1. Tightenanyloosefasteners.Referto FastenerTightening
2. Replaceimproperor missingfasteners.
Doesthedrivebeltcontinuetofalloff? Go to Step9 SystemOK
Doesthedrivebelttensioneroperatecorrectly? Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
Replacethedrivebelttensioner.Referto DriveBelt Tensioner
10 Replacementonpage 9-786.
Doesthedrivebeltcontinuetofalloff? Go to Step 11 SystemOK
11 bearings.
Didyoufindandrepairthecondition? Go to Step 12 Go to DiagnosticAids
Operatethesystemin ordertoverifytherepair.
Didyoucorrectthecondition? SystemOK Go to Step2
Inspectthedrivebeltfortheproperinstallation.Referto DriveBelt
13 Replacementonpage 9—784.
Didyoufindthiscondition? Go to Step 16 Go to Step 14
Didyoufindthiscondition? Go to Step 16 Go to Step 15
Inspectforthedrivebeltrubbingagainsta bracket,hose,orwiring
15 harness.
Didyoufindandrepairthecondition? Go to Step 17 Go to DiagnosticAids
Replacethedrivebelt.Referto DriveBeltReplacementon
16 page9-784.
Didyoucompletethereplacement? Go to Step 17
Operatethesystemin ordertoverifytherepair.
Didyoucorrectthecondition? SystemOK

9-784 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Drive Belt Tensioner Diagnosis 3. Remove the engine mount bracket. Referto
Engine Mount Bracket Replacement - Right Side
Special Tools on page 9—789.
EN—48488 Holding Wrench
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9—927.
1. Diagnosis consists of a function check on the
automatic belt tensioner and a visual check on the
belt and the components linked to the belt.

4. install EN-48488holding wrench (2) to the drive
belt tensioner (1).

2. Install the EN-48488wrench (2) to the drive belt
tensioner pulley bolt (1).
3. Apply tension to the drive belt tensioner spring (3)
by moving the drive belt tensioner pulley
4. Allow the drive belt tensioner to slide back slowly
and thereby inspect the drive belt tensioner
mechanism for practicability.

Repair Instructions - On Vehicle

Drive Belt Replacement

Special Tools
° EN-48488Holding Wrench
' EN-955Locking Pin 2191140
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Specia/ Tools on
page 9-927. 5. Move the drive belt tensioner clockwise until the
drive belt tensioner can be fixed with EN—955
Removal Procedure locking pin (1).
1. Remove the right frontwheelhouse liner extension. 6. Remove the EN-48488holding wrench.
Refer to Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
Extension Replacement (Left Side) on page 3-147
or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front Extension
Replacement (Right Side, LUV) on page 3—148 or
Front Wheelhouse Liner InnerFront Extension
Replacement (Right Side, LWE, LUW) on
page 3—149.
2. Install the engine support fixture. Refer to Engine
Support Fixture on page 9-854.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV) 9—785

2571360 2191345
7. Remove the drive belt (1). 2. install the EN-48488holding wrench (2) to the
. drive belt tensioner (1).
installatIon Procedure

2571360 , . . .
3. Move the drive belt tenSIonerClOClese until
1. Install the drive belt (1). EN-955locking pin (1) can be removed.
4. Allow the tensioner to slide back slowly.
5. Remove the EN-48488holding wrench.
6. install the engine mount bracket. Refer to Engine
Mount Bracket Replacement —Right Side on
page 9—789.
7. Install the right front wheelhouse liner extension.
Refer to Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
Extension Replacement (Left Side) on page 3-147
or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front Extension
Replacement (Right Side, LUV) on page 3—148 or
Front Wheelhouse Liner InnerFront Extension
Replacement (Right Side, LWE, LUW) on
page 3—149.
8. Remove the engine support fixture. Refer to
Engine Suppon‘ Fixture on page 9—854.
9-786 Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV)

Drive Belt Tensioner Replacement

Special Tools
- EN—955 Locking Pin
- EN—48488 Holding Wrench
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-927.
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the right front wheelhouse liner extension.
Refer to Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
Extension Replacement(Left Slde) on page 3-147
or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front Extension
Replacement (Right Side, LUV) on page 3-148or
Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front Extension
Replacement (Right Side, LWE, LUW) on
page 3—149
2. Install the engine support fixture. Refer to Engine
Support Fixture on page 9—854.
3. Remove the engine mount bracket. Refer to 2191140
Engine Mount Bracket Replacement - Right Side
on page 9—789. « 5. Move the drive belt tensioner clockwise until the
drive belt tensioner can be fixed with EN—955
locking pin (1).
6. Remove the EN-48488holding wrench.
.“ Remove the drive belt.
8. Repeat steps 4 and 5 in order to remove the
EN-955locking pin from the drive belt tensioner.

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4. Install the EN-48488holding wrench (2) t0 the
drive belt tensioner (1).

9. Remove the lower drive belt tensioner bolt (1).
10. Remove the upper drive belt tensioner bolt (2).
11. Remove the drive belt tensioner (3).

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical-1.4L (LUV) 9787
Installation Procedure Note: Engine mount bracket is removed.
6. install the EN-48488holding wrench (2) to drive
belt tensioner (1).

1. install the drive belt tensioner (3).
2. Install the lower drive belt tensioner bolt (1).
3‘ Install the upper drive belt tensioner bolt (2)_ 7. Move the drive belt tensioner clockwise until the
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8. drive belt tensioner can be fixed WithEN'955
4. Tighten the lowerdrive belttensioner bo|t(1)to 8 :ocflrltlghpmdo).b it
22N-m(16|bft). . nsa te five 9.
. . . 9. Move the drive belt tensioner clockwise until
5. "sitsgmanéqelgggerdrIve belt tenSIoner bolt (2) to EN-955locking pin can be removed.
10. Allow the tensioner to slide back slowly.
11. Remove the EN-48488holding wrench.
12. Install the engine mount bracket. Refer to Engine
Mount Bracket Replacement - Right Side on
page 9-789.
13. Install the right front wheelhouse liner extension.
Refer to Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
Extension Replacement (Left Slde) on page 3—147
or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front Extension
Replacement (Right Side, LUV) on page 3-148or
Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front Extension
Replacement (Right Side, LWE, LUW) on
page 3-149.
14. Remove the engine support fixture. Refer to
Engine Support Fixture on page 9-854.


9-788 Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV)

Engine Mount Replacement - Right Side


Engine Mount Replacement - Right Side

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Removetheaircleanerassembly.RefertoAir CleanerAssemb/yReplacementonpage9-290.
2. installtheenginesupportfixture.Referto EngineSupportFixtureon page 9-854.
3. Priorto removingthemount,markthemountlocationusingspraypaintor a markerforcorrectpositioningduring
1 Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0—8.
2 Tighten
EngineMountBracketto MountBolt(Qty:3)
Ensureto use a NEW boltwheneverthemountis removed..
3 Tighten
50N-m+60"to 75°(37lbft +60°to75°)
Special Tools
EN-470—B AngularTorqueWrench
Forequivalentregionaltools,referto Special Toolsonpage 9-927
4 EngineMount

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-789

Engine Mount Bracket Replacement - Right Side

/ ‘W\ O
.5 Jetty“
:a.{“ ’9‘\ Q“?!
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‘4 , \ .

Engine Mount Bracket Replacement - Right Side
Callout Component Name
1. Removetheenginemount.Referto EngineMountReplacement—RightSide onpage9-788.
2. Removethefrontwheelhousefrontlinerif necessary.Referto FrontWheelhouseLinerReplacement(Rear)onpage 3—151
or FrontWheelhouseLinerReplacement(Front)onpage3-150.
Caution: This componentusestorque—to-yield bolts.Whenservicingthiscomponentdo notreusethebolts,
Newtorque-to-yieldboltsmustbe installed.Reusingusedtorque-to-yieldboltswillnotprovideproperbolttorque
andclampload.Failureto installNEW torque-to-yieidboltsmayleadto enginedamage.
1 Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
Raise andlowertheengineas neededtoaccess thebolts.
62Nm (46lbft)
2 EngineMountBracket

9-790 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Engine Cover Replacement

C e-gfi
it- (tat, v ‘-Q//”\\
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1- g

.L 4


Engine Cover Replacement

Callout Component Name
1 Procedure
Use a suitabletooltofirstunolipthefrontofthecover,thenrotatethecoverbackwardandpullupwardto remove.

Intake Manifold Replacement

Special Tools
- EN—34730—91 Pressure Tester
- EN-6015Closure Plugs
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9—927
Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. Refer to
Batteiy Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9—713.
2. Remove the engine sight shield.


3. Unclip the heater outlet hose from retainer clip (1).
2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-791
Unclip the engine control module wiring harness
from 2 retainer clips (2). , 31/.
Lower the vehicle.
Remove the charge air cooler outlet air hose from
the throttle body. Refer to Charge Air Cooler Outlet
Air Hose Replacement on page 9-293.

13. Disconnect the turbocharger wastegate regulator
solenoid valve wiring harness plug (3).
14. Unclip the engine control module wiring harness
from 2 intake manifold retainer clips (2) and from
2 fuel injection rail retainer clips (1).
15. Relieve the fuel system pressure. Refer to Fuel
Pressure Relief on page 9-253.
7. Disconnect the throttle body wiring harness
plug (1).

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16. Remove the fuel feed pipe (4) from fuel injector rail.
17. Unclip the fuel feed pipe from retainer clip (1).
Disconnect the evaporative emission canister 18. Removethe fuel ventilation pipe (2) from
purge solenoid valve wiring harness plug (2). evaporative emission canister purge solenoid
. Disconnect the manifold absolute pressure sensor valve.
wiring harness plug (1). 19. Unclip the fuel ventilation pipe from retainer
10. Disconnect the 4 fuel injector wiring harness clip (1).
plugs (4). 20. Close the vents with the EN-6015Closure plugs.
11. Unclip the engine control module wiring harness 21. Disconnect the brake booster vacuum pipe (3)from
from the camshaft cover. the intake manifold.
12. Disconnect the PCV hose (3).

9-792 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)
Installation Procedure
1. Clean the sealing surfaces.

Note: The intake manifold bolts remain in intake I21)
22. Remove the 6 intake manifold bolts (1). 2192269
2. Install the intake manifold (1) along with a NEW
intake manifold gasket.

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23. Remove the intake manifold (1) and the intake
manifold gasket. 2192268
24. Transfer parts from intake manifold as necessary. Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
Refer to Intake Manifold Disassemble on 3. Install the 6 intake manifold bolts (1) and tighten to
page 9-888and Intake Manifold Assemble on 20 Nm (15 lb ft).
page 9-889.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical -1.4L (LUV) 9-793

9’ * M ___‘- ‘

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2192264 2613070
4. Connect the fuel ventilation pipe (2) to the 11. Clip in the engine control module wiring harness to
evaporative emission canister purge solenoid the camshaft cover.
valve. 12. Connect the 4 fuel injector wiring harness plugs (4).
5. Clip in the fuel ventilation pipe to the retainer 13. Connect the manifold absolute pressure sensor
Clip (1). wiring harness plug (1).
6. Connect the fuel feed pipe (4) to the injector rail. 14. Disconnect the evaporative emission canister
.“ Clip in the fuel feed pipe to the retainer clip (1). purge solenoid valve wiring harness plug (2).
8. Connect the brake booster vacuum pipe (3)to the 15. Connect the PCV hose (3).
intake manifold.

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16. Connect the throttle body wiring harness plug (1).
9. Connect the turbocharger wastegate regulator 17. Install the charge air cooler outlet air hose to the
solenoid valve wiring harness plug (3). throttle body. Refer to Charge Air Cooler Outlet Air
10. Clip in the engine control module wiring harness to Hose Replacement on page 9-293.
2 intake manifold retainer clips (2) and from 2 fuel 18. Raise and support the vehicle.
injection rail retainer clips (1).

9-794 ELgine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV)
Note: If EN-955fixing pin can not be inserted,
compress the timing chain tensioner furtherwith the aid
of a flat bladed tool to allow complete insertion of
the pin.
‘17 2. Push the timing chain (2) in direction to the timing
chain tensioner (1) and install the EN-955pin (3).

19. Clip in the heater outlet hose to retainer clip (1).
20. Clip in the engine control module wiring harness to
2 retainer clips (2).
21. Install the engine sight shield.
22. Connect the battery negative cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and 2190676
Connection on page 9-713.
3. Remove the two upper timing chain guide bolts (1).
Camshaft Timing Chain Replacement 4. Remove the upper timing chain guide (2).
Special Tools
EN-955Locking Pin
For equivalent regional tools. Refer to Special Tools on
page 9—927.
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the engine front cover. Refer to Engine
Front Cover with Oil Pump Replacement on
page 9-821.

5. Remove the two timing chain guide right side
bolts (2).
6. Remove the timing chain guide right side (1).


2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV) 9-795

2190678 2190693
7. Remove the timing chain tensioner shoe bolt (2). 10. Remove the engine front cover gasket (1).
8. Remove the timing chain tensioner shoe (1).
Installation Procedure
1. Clean the engine front cover sealing surfaces on
engine block and cylinder head.

9. Remove the timing chain (1)and crankshaft
sprocket (2)together as a unit. 2190694
2. Apply a 2 mm (0.0787in) bead of RTV sealant the
areas shown above (1,2).

9-796 Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV)

2190693 2190675
3. Install the engine front cover gasket (1). 6. Install the timing chain (1) and crankshaft sprocket
(2) together as a unit.

4. Install the two upper timing chain guide bolts (1)
and tighten to 8 N~m(71 lb in). 7. install the timing chain tensioner shoe (1).
5. Install the upper timing chain guide (2). Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
8. Install the timing chain tensioner shoe bolt (2) and
tighten to 20 Nm (15 lb ft).

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-797

2190677 2190679
9. Installthe timing chain guide right side (1). 11. Push the timing chain (2) in direction of the timing
10. Install the timing chain guide right side bolts (2) ChemtenSIoner(1) and remove EN'955 Pin (3)-
and tighten to 8N-m (71 lb in). 12. install the engine front cover. Refer to Engine Front
Cover with Oil Pump Replacement on page 9—821 .

Timing Chain Tensioner Replacement


9-798 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Timing Chain Tensioner Replacement

Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removethecamshafttimingchain. Referto CamshaftTimingChainReplacementonpage 9-794.
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
2 TimingChainTensioner

Hydraulic Valve Lash Adjuster Arm Replacement


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Hydraulic Valve Lash Adjuster Arm Replacement

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Removethe intakecamshaft.Referto IntakeCamshaftReplacementonpage 9-851.
2. Removetheexhaustcamshaft.Referto ExhaustCamshaftReplacementonpage 9-852.
1. Markthehydraulicvalve lashadjusterarmsuponremovalto ensureinstallationis in thecorrectposition.
2. Lubricatethe hydraulicvalvelashadjusterarmswithengineoil beforeinstallingthearms.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical-1.4L (LUV) 9-799

Hydraulic Valve Lash Adjuster Replacement

i l l l 101


Hydraulic Valve Lash Adjuster Replacement

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
Removethehydraulicvalvelash adjusterarms.Referto HydraulicValveLash AdjusterArmReplacementonpage 9-798.
HydraulicValve LashAdjuster
1. Markthehydraulicvalvelashadjusteruponremovalto ensureinstallationis inthecorrectposition.
2. Lubricatethehydraulicvalvelashadjusterwithengineoil beforeinstallation.

9-800 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Camshaft intake and Exhaust

Sprocket Replacement
Special Tools
EN-955Locking Pin
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-927.
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the air cleaner assembly. Refer to Air
CIeanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9-290.
2. Remove the camshaft cover. Refer to Camshaft
Cover Replacement on page 9-850.
3. Remove both camshaft position actuator solenoid
valves. Refer to Camshaft Position Actuator
Solenoid Valve Replacement on page 9282.
4. Adjust the engine to TDC. Refer to Camshaft
Timing Chain Adjustment on page 9—857.

6. Install a wrench (1) on the cast hexagonal portion
of the intake camshaft, rotate the camshaft toward
_' 9N ‘ the exhaust camshaft in order to apply tension.
“ fut“;


5. Remove the timing chain tensioner plug (1)from
the engine front cover. -

7. install EN-955 pin (2) to the timing chain tensioner
bore (1)to secure it in place.
8. Remove the wrench from intake camshaft.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9=801

. . I,

2190676 2191382
9. Remove the upper timing chain guide bolts (1). 13. Remove and DISCARD the camshaft sprocket
10. Remove the upper timing chain guide (2)_ bollts(2)(1a)nd
the camshaft posmon eXCIter
w ee 3 .

11. Loosen the intake camshaft sprocket bolt (2) while
holding up the hexagon of the intake camshaft with 14- Remove the camshaft sprockets (2) and timing
a wrench (1), chain (1) as one unit.
12. Loosen the exhaust camshaft sprocket bolt while 15- Remove the intake and exhaust camshaft
holding up the hexagon of the exhaust camshaft sprocket.
with a wrench. 16. Allow the chain to rest on the front cover.

9-802 Enfigine Mechanical =-1.4L (LUV)

Installation Procedure

6. Install the upper timing chain guide (2).
2191431 7. Install the upper timing chain guide bolts (1) and
1. Install the camshaft sprockets (2) and timing tighten to 8N°m(71 lb in).
chain (1) as one unit.


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2191382 8. install the timing chain tensioner plug (1) and
2. Install the camshaft position exciter wheels (1). tighten to 50 N-m(37 lb ft).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8. 9. Install both camshaft position actuator solenoid
valves. Refer to Camshaft Position Actuator
3. Install the NEW camshaft sprocket bolts (2) and Solenoid Valve Replacement on page 9—282.
tighten to 50 N-m(37 lb ft) plus 60 degrees.
10. install the camshaft cover. Refer to Camshaft
4. Remove the EN—955pin to apply tension to the Cover Replacement on page 9-850.
timing chain .
11. Install the air cleaner assembly. Refer to Air
Note: Engine must be adjusted to TDC. CIeanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9-290.
5. Adjust the camshaft timing chain. Refer to 12. Check and correct engine oil level.
Camshaft Timing Chain Adjustment on
page 9—857.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-803

Cylinder Head Replacement

Special Tools
- EN-470-BAngular Torque Wrench
- EN—955 Fixing Pin
~ EN-953—AFixing Tool
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-927.
Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect battery negative cable. Refer to Battery
Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection on ' ' . fl-\ ,.
page 9—713. Ivammeafiwg,@11\k
-' . @fmmzepmemrmrwyfifi
2. Remove the exhaust manifold and turbocharger as
an assembly. Refer to Turbocharger Replacement
on page 9-843.
3. Remove the intake manifold. Refer to Intake
Manifold Replacement on page 9-790.
4. Remove the water outlet. Refer to Water Outlet
Replacement (LUV)on page 9-666. 2191147
5. Remove the camshaft position actuator solenoid Note: Remove and reinstall the EN-953-Afixing tool
valve intake and exhaust. Refer to Camshaft for this step.
Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Replacement on
page 9-282. 8. install a wrench (1) on the cast hexagonal portion
of the intake camshaft, rotate the camshaft toward
6. Adjust the engine to TDC. Refer to Camshaft the exhaust camshaft in order to apply tension.
Timing Chain Inspection on page 9-855.

9. Install EN—955—10 pin (2) to the timing chain
7. Remove the timing chain tensioner plug (1)from tensioner bore (1) to secure it in place.
the engine front cover.
10. Remove the wrench from intake camshaft.

2013 (5377994)
9-804 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

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2190676 2191382
11. Remove the upper timing chain guide bolts (1). 15. Remove and DISCARD the camshaft sprocket
12. Remove the upper timing chain guide (2). bolts (2) and the camshaft position exciter
wheels (1).
16. Remove the both camshaft position sensors. Refer
to Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement on
page 9—285.

13. Loosen the intake camshaft sprocket bolt (2) while
holding up the hexagon of the intake camshaft with
a wrench (1). 2191378
14. Loosen the exhaust camshaft sprocket bolt while
holding up the hexagon of the exhaust camshaft 17. Remove the camshaft sprockets (2) and timing
with a wrench. chain (1) as one unit.
18. Allow the camshaft sprockets (2) and timing
chain (1) rest on the front cover. Do NOT remove
sprockets or chain.
19. install the engine support fixture. Refer to Engine
Support Fixture on page 9-854.
20. Remove the engine mount bracket. Refer Engine
Mount Bracket Replacement - Right Side on
page 9—789.
21. Remove the drive belt. Refer to Drive Belt
Replacement on page 9—784.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-805
22. Remove the water pump pulley. Refer to Water 28. Loosen the 12 cylinder head bolts in the sequence
Pump Pulley Replacement (LUV)on page 9—670 or as shown above. Use the following procedure:
Water Pump Pulley Replacement (LUW) on - First pass: Loosen the cylinder head bolts
page 9-671. 90 degrees.
- Final pass: Loosen the cylinder head bolts
180 degrees.

23. Remove 5 engine front cover bolts (1, 2).
24. Remove 3 water pump bolts (3). 2190737
25. Install engine mount bracket. Refer to Engine Note: Do not damage the guide sleeves (4, 5).
Mount Bracket Replacement - Right Side on 29. Remove and DISCARD the 12 cylinder head
page 9-789. bolts (1).
26. Install engine mount. Refer to Engine Mount 30. With the aid of an assistant, lift the timing chain
Replacement - Right Side on page 9-788. side of the cylinder head assembly slightly in
27. Remove engine support fixture. Refer Engine direction of the transmission.
Support Fixture on page 9-854. 31. Remove the cylinder head (2).
32. Remove the cylinder head gasket (3) and discard
the gasket.


33. With the cylinder head out of vehicle, bend the top
third of the engine front cover gasket (1) back and
forth until snaps off at the breaking point.
9606 Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV)
34. Remove the assembly parts from cylinder head:
0 Remove the EN—953-A fixing tool
Remove the intake camshaft. Refer to Intake
Camshaft Removal on page 9-872.
Remove the exhaust camshaft. Refer to
Exhaust Camshaft Removal on page 9—872.
Remove the hydraulic valve lash adjuster arms.
Refer to Hydraulic Valve Lash AdjusterArm
Removal on page 9—873.
Remove the hydraulic valve lash adjusters.
Refer to Hydraulic Valve Lash Adjuster
Removal on page 9-873.
Remove the spark plug. Refer to Spark Plug
Replacement on page 9-281.
Remove the engine oil pressure indicator
Remove the timing chain tensioner. Refer to
Timing Chain Tensioner Removal on
page 9-871.
Remove the 3 engine lift brackets. 2421368
35. For disassembly of the cylinder head. Refer to Note: The engine front cover gasket comes as a
Cylinder Head Disassemble on page 9—876. complete unit.
36. Clean and inspect the cylinder head. Refer to 4. Before installation the of the new front cover
Cylinder Head Cleaning and Inspection on gasket, bend the top third of the engine front cover
page 9-877. gasket (1) back and forth until snaps off at the
37. Transfer parts as necessary. breaking point.

Installation Procedure
1. For assembly of the cylinder head. Refer to
Cylinder Head Assemble on page 9-880.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2. Install the cylinder head assembly parts:
Install the 3 engine lift bracket bolts and tighten
t022N-m (16 lb ft).
install the timing chain tensioner. Refer to
Timing Chain Tensioner Installation on
Install the engine oil pressure indicator switch
and tighten to 20 N-m(15 lb ft)
Install the spark plug. Refer to Spark Plug
Replacement on page 9—281.
Install the hydraulic valve lash adjusters. Refer
to Hydraulic Valve Lash Adjuster Instal/ationon
page 9-902.
Install the hydraulic valve lash adjuster arms.
Refer to Hydraulic Valve Lash AdjusterArm
Installation on page 9-902. 2191385
Install the exhaust camshaft. Refer to Exhaust 5. Apply a 2 mm (0.0787in) bead of RTV sealant to
Camshaft Installation on page 9-903. the areas shown (1).
Install the intake camshaft. Refer to Intake 6. Install a NEW cylinder head gasket. The marking
Camshaft Installation on page 9—902. "Top” should point to the cylinder head.
Install the EN-953-Afixing tool.
Note: Adjust the camshafts by means of the hexagon
and a spanner.
3. Clean sealing surfaces of engine front cover and
engine block from grease and old gasket material.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-807

2191409 2190737
7. Install engine front cover bolts (1) in order to guide 10. install the cylinder head (2).
the NEW upper engine front cover gasket. 11. Loosely install 12 NEW cylinder head bolts (1).
8. Apply a 2 mm (0.0787in) bead of RTV sealant to
the areas shown (2).

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2191411 12. Adjust the cylinder head to the engine front cover.
Use a rubber mallet.
Note: A second mechanic is required.
13. Position the engine front cover to cylinder head by
9. Guide the timing chain guide pin (2) to the timing installing 3 bolts (1).
chain guide and the timing chain tensioner (1)with 14. Tighten the 3 bolts (1)to 8N'm (71 lb in).
the installed fixing pin through the timing chain
tensioner plug bore in engine front cover.

9-808 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

2190738 2191417
15. Tighten the cylinder head bolts in the sequence as 17. Install the remaining bolts to engine frontcover and
shown and in the following order. water pump.
- Tighten the cylinder head bolts to 35 N-m 18. Tighten the engine front cover bolts (1,2) to 8N°m
(26 lb ft). (71 lb in).
- Tighten the cylinder head bolts an additional 19. Tighten the water pump bolts (3) to 8N-m(71 lb in).
180°.Use EN—470-B wrench. 20. install the engine support fixture. Refer to Engine
Support Fixture on page 9-854.
21. Remove the engine mount bracket. Refer to
Engine Mount Bracket Replacement - Right Side
on page 9-789.
22. Install the water pump pulley. Refer to Water Pump
Pulley Replacement (LUV)on page 9-670or Water
Pump Pulley Replacement (LUW)on page 9-671.
23. Install the drive belt. Refer to Drive Belt
Replacement on page 9-784.
24. Install engine mount bracket. Refer to Engine
Mount Bracket Replacement - Right Side on
page 9—789.
25. install the engine mount. Refer to Engine Mount
Replacement —Right Side on page 9—788.
26. Remove the engine support fixture. Refer to
Engine Support Fixture on page 9-854.

16. Loosen the bolts from engine front cover(1).

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-809

2191431 2190676
27. Installthe camshaft sprockets (2) and timing 33. Install the upper timing chain guide (2).
chain (1)as one unit. 34. Install the upper timing chain guide bolts (1)and
tighten to 8N-m(71 lb in).

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' :5 1&4 \i‘gfa’ .
(’9‘ \‘
- \ 'm‘. VJ" \~l-« ”0’
'7 S3,.“ (@411 ‘7V“? ./
28. Installthe camshaft position exciter wheels (1).
29. Installthe NEW camshaft sprocket bolts (2) and Caution: Refer to Component Fastener Tightening
tighten to 50 Nm (37 lb ft) plus 60 degrees. Caution on page 0—8.
35. Install the timing chain tensioner plug and tighten
30. Installthe both camshaft position sensors. Refer to
Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement on to 50 N'm (37 lb ft).
page 9-285. 36. Install the camshaft position actuator solenoid
31. Remove the EN-955—10 pin to apply tension to the valve intake and exhaust. Refer to Camshaft
Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Replacement on
timing chain.
page 9-282.
32. Adjust the camshaft timing chain. Refer to
Camshaft Timing Chain Inspection on page 9-855. 37. install the exhaust manifold and turbocharger as
an assembly. Refer to Turbocharger Replacement
on page 9-843.
38. install the Intake manifold. Refer to Intake Manifold
Replacement on page 9—790.
39. Fill coolant fluid.Refer to Cooling System Draining
and Filling on page 9-628.

- Sonic
9-810 Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV)
40. Connect battery negative cable. Refer to Battery
Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection on
page 9-713.
41. Check and correct the engine oil.
42. Test the vehicle using the following procedure:
42.1.Crank the engine several times. Listen for
any unusual noises or evidence that parts
are binding.
42.2.Start the engine and listen for unusual
42.3.Check the vehicle oil pressure gauge or light
and confirm that the engine has acceptable
oil pressure.
42.4.Run the engine speed at about 1,000RPM
until the engine has reached normal
operating temperature.
42.5.Listen for sticking lifter and other unusual
42.6.lnspect for fuel, oil and/or coolant leaks while
the engine is running. 2610007
43. Inspect for coolant, oil, gas or exhaust leaks. Note: The intermediate shaft is shown removed for
visual purposes only. '
Oil Pan Replacement 5. if equipped with an automatic transmission,
Special Tools remove the oil pan to automatic transmission bolts
(1, 3) and automatic transmission converter
EN-49980Guidance Pins cover (2).
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9—927.
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the right front wheelhouse liner extension.
Refer to Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
Extension Replacement (Left Slde) on page 3-147
or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front Extension
Replacement (Right Side, LUV)on page 3—148 or
Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front Extension
Replacement (Right Side, LWE, LUW)on
page 3-149.
2. Remove the oil filter and drain the engine oil. Refer
to Engine Oil and Oil Filter Replacement on
page 9-840.
3. Remove the front insulator cover. Refer to Front
Compartment Front Insulator Cover Replacement
on page 3—157.
4. Remove the front exhaust pipe. Refer to Exhaust
Front Pipe Replacement (LUV,LUW)on
page 9-738.
6. Remove the oil pan to automatic transmission bolts

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-811

installation Procedure
1. Clean the sealing surface of crankshaft bearing
cap tie plate and the groove in the engine front
cover from old gasket material, oil, dirt and grease.

7. Ifequipped with manual transmission, remove the
3 manual transmission to oil pan bolts (1).

2. Install the 2 EN-49980guidance pins (1)to the
shown oil pan screw bores.

8. Remove the oil pan bolts (1) and oil pan.

Note: The sealing bead should be applied close to the
inner edge of the oil pan. Take care that the oil suction
gallery (4) will not get contaminated with sealing
compound or dirt.
3. Apply 2 mm (0.0787in) thickness of sealing

9—8'1 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

2511148 2610007
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8. 8. Ifequipped with an automatic transmission, install
Note: The complete installation procedure of the oil and the automatic transmission converter cover (2)
pan should be done in 10 minutes. and tighten the cover to automatic transmission
bolt (1)to 40 N-m(30 lb ft) and automatic
4. Loosely install the oil pan bolts (1) in all but the transmission bolt (3) to 60 N-m(44 lb ft).
guidance pin locations.
5. Remove the EN-49980guidance pins and install
the remaining oil pan bolts.
Tighten the oil pan bolts to 10 N-m(89 lb in).

. Install the oil pan to automatic transmission bolts
(1), and tighten to 40 N-m(30 lb ft).
2191495 10. Install a NEW oil filter and fill the engine with oil.
Refer to Engine Oil and Oil Filter Replacement on
7. Ifequipped with manual transmission, install the 3 page 9-840.
manual transmission to oil pan bolts (1) and tighten
11. install the exhaust pipe. Refer to Exhaust Front
to 40 N-m(30 lb ft).
Pipe Replacement (LUV,LUW)on page 9-738.
12. Install the front insulator cover. Refer to Front
Compartment Front Insulator Cover Replacement
on page 3—157.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9—813
13. install the right front wheelhouse liner extension. Replacement (Right Side, LUV) on page 3—149 or
Refer to Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front Extension
Extension Replacement (Left Slde) on page 3-147 Replacement (Right Side, LWE, LUW)on
or Front Wheelhouse Liner InnerFront Extension page 3-149.

Automatic Transmission Flex Plate Replacement

(5:! (Q? , )Q’


Automatic Transmission Flex Plate Replacement

Callout l Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removethetransmission.Referto TransmissionReplacement(With1.6Lor 1.8LEngine)onpage 17-221 or Transmission
Replacement(With1.2Lor 1.4LEngine)onpage 17-218.
Special Tools
- EN-470-B AngularTorqueWrench
- EN-49979 CrankshaftShock MountRetainer
Forequivalentregionaltools,referto SpecialToolsonpage 9-927.
AutomaticTransmissionFlex PlateFastener(Qty:6)
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 08
1 Ensuretouse a NEW fastenerwhenevertheautomatictransmissionflexplateis removed.
- 35N-m(26lbft)
- Tightentheboltanadditional30degrees,andone morepass at 15degreesusingEN-470—B wrench.
Flex Plate
3 AutomaticTransmissionFlex Plate

9x814 Engine Mechanical - 'l.4L (LUV)

Automatic Transmission Flex Plate Replacement (cont'd)

Callout Component Name
inspecttheautomatictransmissionflex plateforthefollowing:
1. Stresscracksaroundtheflex plate.
Cracks atweldedareasthatretaintheringgearontotheflex plate.
Damagedor missingringgearteeth.
Do notattemptto repairtheweldedareasthatretaintheringgeartotheautomatictransmissionflexplate.
installa newflexplate.

Engine Flywheel Replacement


Engine Flywheel Replacement

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Removethetransmission.Referto TransmissionReplacementonpage 17-586.
2. Removetheclutchpressureanddrivenplate.Referto ClutchPressureandDrivenPlate Replacement(1.4L)on
page 17-416 or ClutchPressureandDrivenPlate Replacement(1.8L)onpage 17-419.
Special Tools
- EN-652FlywheelHolder.
‘- EN-470-B AngularTorqueWrench.
For equivalentregionaltools,referto SpecialToolsonpage 9-1145.
FlywheelFastener(Qty:6) )
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
Ensureto use a NEWfastenerwhenevertheflywheelis removed.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-815

Engine FlyWheel Replacement (cont'd)

Callout Component Name
- Firstpasstightenboltsto 35N-m(26lbft)
- Secondpass 30degrees.
- Finalpass 15degrees.
2 1. Stresscracksaroundtheengineflywheel.
2. Cracksatweldedareasthatretaintheringgearontotheengineflywheet.
3. Damagedor missingringgearteeth.
4. Donotattemptto repairtheweldedareasthatretaintheringgearto theengineflywheelplate.Installa new

Crankshaft Balancer Replacement Note: The crankshaft balancer can be incorrectly

installed 180°from the required position. Be sure to
Special Tools note the location of the alignment hole on the
- EN—470—B Angular Torque Wrench crankshaft balancer prior to removing the crankshaft
- EN-49979Crankshaft Shock Mount Retainer balancer from the engine.
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on 5. Rotate the engine clockwise until the bore (2) in the
page 9-927. crankshaft balancer aligns with the mark (1) on the
engine front cover.
Removal Procedure
1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31. 4 3
2. Remove front wheelhouse liner extension right
side. Refer to Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front UI ‘ WW
Extension Replacement (Left Slde) on page 3-147 ___ o
5r.‘ 1h‘ 0 °
or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front Extension :Mjk—‘i‘:;€ ‘ _,_/—’\
3 43‘I
Replacement (Right Side, LUV)on page 3-148or l” 11 .\
Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front Extension
Replacement (Right Side, LWE, LUW)on
page 3-149.
3. Remove the drive belt. Refer to Drive Belt
Replacement on page 9—784.
4. Place collecting basin underneath.

6. install EN-49979crankshaft shock mount retainer
(1) to suitable tool (2).
7. Loosen the crankshaft balancer bolt (4) while
holding the crankshaft balancer (3).


9-816 Engine Mechanical , 1.4L (LUV)

1 1

k? fl 6. Q;

:4 r


—’—~e /

2190552 2190555
8. Remove and DISCARD the crankshaft balancer 2. Measure the distance (a) between the crankshaft
bolt (2). balancer (2) and the mark on the engine front
9. Remove the crankshaft balancer (1). cover (1). The distance (a) should be
5.5 mm (0.21654in).
Installation Procedure Note: Never re—usethe crankshaft balancer bolt.
3. Install a NEW crankshaft balancer bolt.

Note: The crankshaft balancer flange must fit to the 2571647
hexagon of the oil pump rotor (2) and to the two-flats of
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
the crankshaft (1). The TDC markings on crankshaft
balancer and engine front cover must match. Caution: Refer to Torque-to—Yie/d Fastener Caution on
page 0-10.
1. Install the crankshaft balancer carefully by
4. Tighten the crankshaft balancer bolt (4)to 150 N'm
pressing into position.
(111lb ft)while holding the crankshaft balancer (3)
with EN—49979 crankshaft shock mount retainer (1)
and suitable tool (2).Use EN-470—B wrench .
5. Tighten the crankshaft balancer bolt to an
additional 60°.
6. Install the drive belt. Refer to Drive Belt
Replacement on page 9—784.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-817
7. install the front wheelhouse liner extension right Installation Procedure
side. Refer to Front Wheelhouse Linerlnner Front
Extension Replacement (Left Slde) on page 3—147
or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front Extension 1
Replacement (Right Side, LUV) on page 3-148or
Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front Extension \
Replacement (Right Side, LWE, LUW)on
page 3-149.
8. Lower the vehicle.
9. Check and correct engine oil level.

Crankshaft Front Oil Seal

Special Tools
- EN-960installer
- EN—45000 Remover Oil seal
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-927.
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the crankshaft balancer. Refer to
Crankshaft Balancer Replacement on page 9—815. 2191466
2. Place a drain pan underneath the front crankshaft 1. Install NEW crankshaftfront oil seal (1) to EN-960
seal area. installer (2).

2191464 2191465
3. Remove crankshaft front oil seal (2) from engine 2. Install crankshaft front oil seal by means of EN-960
front cover. Use EN-45000remover (1). installer (1) to engine frontcover (2).

9—818 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)




2191467 2399622
3. Ensure that crankshaft front oil seal (2) is flush with Note: Do not damage the outside diameter of the
engine front cover (1). crankshaft or chamber with any tool.
4. Install crankshaft balancer. Refer to Crankshaft 3. Using a flat—bladedtool, remove the rear
Balancer Replacement on page 9-815. crankshaft oil seal (1).
5. Remove the drain pan. Installation Procedure
6. Check and correct engine oil level.

Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal 1 2' \ ‘ “4

WT:\ //\9J;
Special Tools Q \
EN—658Rear Main Seal Installer
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-927.
Removal Procedure
1. Ifequipped with automatic transmission remove
the flex plate. Refer to Automatic Transmission
Flex Plate Replacement on page 9-813.
2. Ifequipped with manual transmission remove the
engine flywheel. Refer to Engine Flywheel
Replacement on page 9-814


1. Install the crankshaft rear oil seal (1)with EN-658
installer (2).

Engine Mechanical-1.4L (LUV) 9-819
3. Remove the positive crankcase ventilation pipe
from the intake manifold.

2. Using the EN-658installer (2), install a NEW
crankshaft real oil seal (1).
3. Ifequipped with automatic transmission install the
flex plate. Refer to Automatic Transmission Flex 4. Loosen the charger air bypass valve pipe
Plate Replacement on page 9-813. clamp (3).
4. Ifequipped with manual transmission install the 5. Remove the charger air bypass valve pipe from
engine flywheel. Refer to Engine Flywheel turbocharger.
Replacement on page 9-814 6. Remove the charger air bypass valve pipe (2) from
turbo charger wastegate regulator solenoid valve.
Positive Crankcase Ventilation Hosel 7. Disconnect the positive crankcase ventilation pipe
Pipe/Tube Replacement from turbocharger. ,
8. Unclip and remove the positive crankcase
Removal Procedure ventilation pipe assembly (1)from the camshaft
1. Remove the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to Air cover retainer clips.
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement on page 9—288.

147133: .e -\

2. Open the 2 positive crankcase ventilation pipe
retainer clips (2) and (3).
Note: Move retainer clamp (1) in direction of the arrow.

9-820 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Installation Procedure

6. Install the positive crankcase ventilation pipe to the
2191937 intake manifold and fix with retainer clamp (1).
1. Install the positive crankcase ventilation pipe 7- Clip ththe positive crankcase ventilation PtPe to
assembly (1) to the camshaft cover retainer clips. the 2 retainer Clips (2) and (3)-
2. Connect the positive crankcase ventilation pipe to 8- Install the air cleaner outlet dUCt-Refer to Air
turbocharger. Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement on page 9-288.
3. install the charger air bypass valve pipe (2) to turbo
charger wastegate regulator solenoid valve.
4. install the charger air bypass valve pipe to
5. Fasten the charger air bypass valve pipe clamp (3).

Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9:821

Engine Oil Heater Replacement

.. »- _ “c: .
1:1:= «”17
21%;“; 2‘: ”374%?”


Engine Oil Heater Replacement

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
. Raise andsupportthevehicle.Referto LiftingandJackingtheVehicleonpage 1-31
. Ifequipped,removethefrontinsulatorcover.Referto FrontCompartmentFrontInsulatorCoverReplacementon
EngineOil HeaterBolt
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0—8.
40 N-m(30lbft)
EngineOil Heater
2 Procedure

Engine Front Cover with Oil Pump . Remove the front wheelhouse liner extension, right
side. Refer to Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
Replacement Extension Replacement (Left Slde) on page 3—147
or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front Extension
Removal Procedure Replacement (Right Side, LUV) on page 3-148or
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. Refer to Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front Extension
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and Replacement (Right Side, LWE, LUW)on
Connection on page 9—713. page 3—149.
Set the engine to TDC. Refer to Camshaft Timing . Remove the air conditioning compressor. Refer to
Chain Inspection on page 9-855. Air Conditioning Compressor Replacement (LDE,
Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and LUW, LWE)on page 10-16or Air Conditioning
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31. Compressor Replacement (LUV)on page 10-17.

2013 (5377994)
9-822 Engine Mechanical , 1.4L (LUV)
6. Remove the air conditioning compressor bracket.
Refer to Air Conditioning Compressor Bracket
Removal on page 9-864.
7. Remove the crankshaft balancer. Refer to
Crankshaft Balancer Replacement on page 9-815.
8. Remove the oil pan. Refer to Oil Pan Replacement
on page 9—810.
9. Lower vehicle.
10. Remove the drive belt tensioner. Refer to Drive
Belt Tensioner Replacement on page 9—786.
11. Remove the generator from above. Refer to
Generator Replacement (LUV)on page 9-726or
Generator Replacement (LUW)on page 9-727.
12. Remove the water pump pulley and the water
pump. Refer to Water Pump Replacement (LUV)
on page 9—672 or Water Pump Replacement
(LUW)on page 9-673.
13. Remove the camshaft position actuator solenoid
valves. Refer to Camshaft Position Actuator
Solenoid Valve Removal on page 9-868. 2190693
14. Loosen the camshaft sprocket bolts until the
camshaft position exciter wheels are free to rotate. 19. Remove the engine front cover gasket(1).
Refer to Camshaft Timing Chain Adjustment on 20. Remove the intake and exhaust camshaft position
page 9-857. sensors from the engine front cover. Refer to
Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement on
page 9-285.
Installation Procedure
1. install the intake and exhaust camshaft position
sensors to the engine front cover. Refer to
Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement on
page 9—285.
2. Clean the engine front cover sealing surfaces on
engine block and cylinder head.

15. Remove the 13 engine front cover bolts M6 (1).
16. Remove the 2 engine front cover bolts M10 (2).
17. Remove the engine front cover (3).
Note: Removal of timing chain is necessary to get
access to engine front cover gasket.
18. Remove the camshaft timing chain. Refer to
Camshaft Timing Chain Replacement on
page 9-794. 2190694
Note: The thickness of the sealing bead should be
2 mm (0.0787in).
3. Apply sealing compound to the shown areas (1)
and (2).Refer to Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants,
and Sealers on page 9-759.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9=823
11. Tighten the camshaft sprockets, install the upper
timing Chain guide and remove all special tools.
Refer to Camshaft Timing Chain Adjustment on
page 9-857.
12. Install the 2 camshaft position actuator solenoid
valves. Refer to CamshaftPosit/on Actuator
Solenoid Valve Replacement on page 9-282.
13. Install the water pump and the water pump pulley.
Refer to Water Pump Replacement (LUV)on
page 9-672or Water Pump Replacement (LUW)
on page 9—673.
14. install the generator from above. Refer to
Generator Replacement (LUV)on page 9-726or
Generator Replacement (LUW)on page 9-727.
15. Install the drive belt tensioner. Refer to Drive Belt
Tensioner Replacement on page 9—786.
16. Install the air conditioning compressor bracket.
Refer to Air Conditioning Compressor Bracket
Installation on page 9-914.
17. Install the air conditioning compressor. Refer to Air
2190693 Conditioning Compressor Replacement (LDE,
Note: Mind the guide sleeves. LUW, LWE)on page 10—16 or Air Conditioning
4. Install a NEW engine front cover gasket (1). Compressor Replacement (LUV)on page 10-1‘7.
5. install the timing chain. Refer to Camshaft Timing . install the crankshaft balancer. Refer to Crankshaft
Chain Replacement on page 9-794. Balancer Replacement on page 9-815.
19. Install the drive belt. Referto Drive Belt
Replacement on page 9-784.
20. Install the engine mount bracket. Refer to Engine
Mount Bracket Replacement - Right Side on
page 9-789.
21. Install the engine mount. Refer to Engine Mount
Replacement - Right Side on page 9-788.
22. install the camshaft cover. Refer to Camshaft
Cover Replacement on page 9-850.
23. Install the air cleaner assembly. Refer to Air
CIeanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9-290.
24. Raise the vehicle.
25. Install the oil pan. Refer to Oil Pan Replacement 0
page 9—810. ‘
26. install the front wheelhouse liner extension, right
side. Refer to Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
Extension Replacement (Left Slde) on page 3147
or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front Extension
Replacement (Right Side, LUV) on page 3-148or
Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front Extension
Replacement (Right Side, LWE, LUW)on
page 3-149.
Note: Mind the guide sleeves when installing the
engine front cover. The complete installation procedure 27. Lower the vehicle.
of the engine front cover should not take longer than 28. Connect the battery negative cable. Refer to
10 minutes. Batte/y Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9713.
6. Install the engine front cover (3).
29. Fill up engine oil. Refer to Engine Oil and Oil Filter
7. Installthe 13 engine front cover bolts M6 (1). Replacement on page 9-840.
8. Installthe 2 engine front cover bolts M10 (2).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
9. Tighten the 13 engine front cover bolts M6 to
8 N-m(71 lb in).
10. Tighten the 2 engine front cover bolts M10 to
35 Nm (26 lb ft).
Note: Engine should be adjusted and fixed in TDC

9-824 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Oil Pump Replacement 5. Compress the oil pump slide spring with a screw
driver and remove the oil pump slide spring in
Removal Procedure conjunction with the oil pump slide spring pin.
1. Remove the engine front cover. Refer to Engine
Front Cover with Oil Pump Replacement on
page 9-821.

Note: Keep the oil pump components in order to aid in
2191037 6. Remove the oil pump components in the following
2. Remove the 8 oil pump cover bolts (1).
6.1. Outer oil pump vane ring (1).
3. Remove the oil pump cover(2).
6.2. Oil pump vane rotor(3) and the 7 oil pump
vanes (2).
6.3. Inneroil pump vane ring (6).
6.4. Oil pump slide (4) and the 2 oil pump slide
seals with the 2 oil pump slide seal springs (5).
Cleaning And Inspection Procedure
1. inspect the engine front c0ver for cracks, scratches
and damage.
2. Inspect the oil pump cover and the engine front
cover for flatness.
3. inspect the oil pump vanes, the oil pump vane
rotor,the oil pump vane rings and the oil pump
slide for localized flatting.
4. Inspect the oil pump slide pivot pin forfirm seat.

Warning: Before removing the spring, cover the
spring with a towel to prevent the spring from flying
and possibly causing damage or personal injury.
Note: Insertthe screw driver between the oil pump
slide spring windings (2).
4. Protect the engine front cover edge (1)with a
suitable piece of plastic.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-825
Note: The bore (8) in the oil pump slide must fit
smooth—runningand without clearance to the oil pump
slide pivot pin (7).
1.1.install the oil pump slide (6).
1.2.Install the inner oil pump vane ring (5).
Note: Ensure the mark (9) of the oil pump vane
rotor(4) points to the oil pump cover.
1.3.install the oil pump vane rotor(4).
Note: Ensure the flats (3) on the oil pump vanes (2)
point to the oil pump vane rotor.
1.4.Installthe 7 oil pump vanes (2).
1.5.Installthe outer oil pump vane ring (1).

Warning: Wear safety glasses when using
compressed air in order to prevent eye injury.
Caution: To ensure proper engine lubrication, clean
clogged or contaminated oil galleries in an approved
solvent and with compressed air. Failure to clean oil
galleries may cause engine damage.
5. Clean the oil galleries with solvent and
compressed air. Blow compressed air from bore (2)
to bore (1).
installation Procedure

2. Install the 2 oil pump slide seals and the 2 oil pump
slide seal springs (2) in the position as shown to
the 2 grooves (1)of the oil pump slide.

- 2191079
Note: Oil pump slide spring pin, oil pump slide spring
and slide seal and slide seal spring can be ordered as
single parts. All other oil pump components can only be
ordered as a replacement kit.
1. Install the oil pump components in the following
order: .

9-826 Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV)
3. Protect the engine front cover edge (5) with a
suitable piece of plastic.
Note: The length of the removed oil pump slide
spring (2) should be 76.5mm (3.0118in) for naturally
aspirated engines and 61 mm (2.4016in) for turbo
4. install the oil pump slide spring pin (1) in
conjunction with the oil pump slide spring (4).Use
a screwdriver to compress the oil pump slide
spring. The flat side of oil pump slide spring pin
must face upwards.
5. Lubricate the oil pump vanes, the oil pump vane
rotor,the oil pump slide spring and the
chambers (3) with engine oil.
6. Inspect the oil pump slide spring mechanism for
proper function.
7. Measure the oil pump axial and radial clearances
and compare with the specified values. Refer to
Engine Front Cover and Oil Pump Cleaning and
Inspection on page 9—892. 2191056
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8
9. Tighten the oil pump cover bolts in a sequence as
shown to 8 NW (71 lb in).

8. Install the oil pump cover (2) and the 8 oil pump
cover bolts (1).
10. Install the crankshaft balancer (1) and rotate in
shown direction (2) in order to inspect the function
of the oil pump mechanism. Crankshaft balancer
should rotate easily.
11. Remove the timing chain and replace the engine
front cover gasket. Refer to Camshaft Timing
Chain Replacement on page 9-794.
12. install the timing chain. Refer to Camshaft Timing
Chain Replacement on page 9—794.
13. Install the engine front cover. Refer to Engine Front
Cover with Oil Pump Replacement on page 9-821.
14. Measure the oil pressure and compare with the
specified values. Refer to Oil Pressure Diagnosis
and Testing on page 9-771.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-827
Engine Replacement
Special Tools
EN-48244Engine Assembly Remove/lnstall Pallet
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the battery and battery tray. Refer to
Battery Tray Replacement on page 9—721 .
2. Relieve the fuel system pressure. Refer to Fuel
Pressure Relief on page 9-547.
3. Recover the refrigerant. Refer to Refrigerant
Recovery and Recharging on page 10—13.
4. Remove the front tire and wheel assembly. Refer to
Tire and Wheel Removal and Installation on
page 16-60.
5. Remove the front bumper fascia. Refer to Front
Bumper Fascia Replacement on page 3—55.
6. Drain the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9—628. 2680251
8. Remove the air cleaner assembly (1). Refer to Air
CleanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9-582.

7. Remove the lower intermediate steering shaft
bolt (1) and slide the shaft away from steering
column. Refer to intermediate Steering Shaft
Replacement on page 15-27. 9. Remove thejunction block cover (1).

9—828 Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV)

7%: Ill]9‘”)%\\\V
0.:I7 13‘: @-
tflm‘ lis'=

2504689 2539757
10. Remove the positive battery cable nut (1)fromthe 14. Remove the junction block nut (1).
junction block. 15. Remove the junction block bolts (2).
11. Remove the positive battery cable (2) from the Disconnect the wiring harness from the junction
junction block. block base.
17. Remove the junction block (3) from the base.
18. Disconnect the wiring harness plug from the front
compartment fuse block.

12. Remove the positive cable nut (1) and battery
positive cable, from the battery positive cable
junction block. 2539762
13. Disconnect the body wiring master harness 19. Reposition the wiring harness (1)on top of the
connector (2),from the battery positive cable engine.
junction block.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-829

I ’2
¢--5~ \Nv ‘l\a
‘6 F ‘.
‘\ ./5~Ill
'. =m©.

2539765 2521422
20. Remove the ground nuts (1)and reposition the 22. Disconnect the heater inlet hose (1)from the
wiring harness (2)aside. heater core. Refer to Heaterlnlet Hose
Replacement (LDE, LUW)on page 10-38or
Heater Inlet Hose Replacement (LU V) on
page 10-38.

21. Disconnect the electrical connector and remove
the brake booster hose (1) .
23. Disconnect the heater outlet hose (1) from the
heater core. Refer to Heater Outlet Hose
Replacement (LUV) on page 10-40or Heater
Outlet Hose Replacement (LDE,LUW)on
page 10—40.

9-830 Engine Mechanical . 1.4L (LUV)

2492632 2513642
24. Ifequipped with an automatic transmission, 29. Remove the radiator surge tank (2) and position
disconnect the transmission range selector lever aside. Refer to Radiator Surge Tank Replacement
cable termihal (1)from the transmission manual on page 9-630.
Shltt lever Plh- . 30. Disconnect the fan connector.
25. Remove the transmission range selector lever
cable (2) from the cable bracket.


2512882 31. Remove air conditioning compressor and

condenser hose nut (1).
26 . Ifequipped with manual transmission, disconnect 32. Remove air conditioning compressor and
the shift lever and selector lever cable and (1)from condenser hose (2) from refrigerant hose.
the transmission shift lever and selector lever.
27. Pull the cable retainers (2) to release the shift lever
and selector lever cable from the shift lever and
selector lever cable bracket.
28. Disconnect the shift lever and selector lever cable
from the shift lever and selector lever cable

2013 {5377994)
Elgine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-831

2510661 2508569
33. Disconnect the fuel feed pipe (1).Refer to Plastic 35. Remove the wheel drive shafts. Refer to Front
Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service on Wheel Drive Shaft Replacement on page 7—5.
page 9-264. 36. Remove the front exhaust pipe. Refer to Exhaust
Front Pipe Replacement (LUV,LUW)on
page 9-738.

34. Disconnect the evaporative emission pipe (1).
Refer to Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting 2571892
Service on page 9—264. 37. Ifequipped with an automatic transmission,
remove the lower transmission nut (1) and the
lower transmission bolts(2, 3,4).

9-832 Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV)

)R’ I; .44

h? k» \ ,\
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39 e
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2571894 2492995
38. Ifequipped with manual transmission, remove the 42. Remove the upper frame suspension retaining
lower transmission bolt (3) and nut (4). bolts (1) on both sides.
39. Remove the lower transmission bolts (1, 2).

2539786 43. Remove the right side engine mount (4).Refer to
40. Remove the frame front bolts (1). Engine Mount Replacement - Right Side on
page 9-788.
41. Position the EN-48244engine assembly remove/
install pallet supporter under the powertrain and
support with blocks of wood.

Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-833

2534715 2571900
44. Remove and DISCARD the transmission mount 50. if equipped with an automatic transmission,
bolts (1)—left side. Refer to Transmission Mount remove the upper transmission to engine bolts (1)
Replacement —Left Side on page 17—216. and separate the engine and transmission.
45. Disconnect any additional electrical connections as
46. Raise the vehicle until the powertrain is clear for

51. if equipped with manual transmission, remove the
upper transmission to engine bolts (1). And
separate the engine and transmission.
2571901 52. Disconnect any electrical connectors as needed.
47. Ifequipped with an automatic transmission, 53. Transfer parts as necessary.
remove the starter. Refer to Starter Replacement
(LUW)on page 9-722or Starter Replacement
(LUV)on page 9-724.
48. Mark the relationship of the flex plate to the torque
converter for reassembly.
49. Remove and DISCARD the flex plate to torque
converter bolts (1).

9-834 Engflte Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Installation Procedure
1. Install the transmission to the engine.

4. Ifequipped with an automatic transmission, install
the torque converter to flex plate bolts (1) and
2191679 tighten to 60 N-m(44 lb ft).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8. 5. Install the starter. Refer to Starter Replacement
2. Ifequipped with a manual transmission, install the (LUW)on page 9-722or Starter Replacement
upper transmission to engine bolts (1) to (LUV)on page 9—724.
60 N-m(44 lb ft). ' 6. Position the powertrain under the vehicle and
slowly lower the body onto the powertrain.

3. Ifequipped with automatic transmission, install the Caution: Refer to Torque-to-Yield Fastener Caution on
upper transmission to engine bolts (1) and tighten page 0-10.
to 60 N-m(44 lb ft).
7. Install the NEW left transmission mount to
transmission bolts (1) and tighten to 50 Nm
(37 lb ft) plus 70 degrees.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV) 9-835


/ \-
LH 11‘ 7\

2571896 2492995
8. Install the right side engine mount (4).Refer to 13. Install the upper frame suspension retaining
Engine Mount Replacement —Right Side on bolts (1)on both sides and tighten to 135 N-m
page 9-788. (100lb ft).
9. Connect all previously disconnected electrical 14. Remove the lift table.

2508892 15. Ifequipped with manual transmission, install the
10. Install the frame (3) rear bolts (2) and front bolts (1), lower transmission bolts (1) and tighten to 60 N-m
tighten a little bit. (44 lb ft).
11. Install the frame (3) rear bolts (2) and tighten to 16. install the lower transmission bolts (2) and tighten
135 Mm (100lbft). 40 N-m(30 lb ft).
12. install the frame (3)front bolts (1) and tighten to 17. install the lower transmission bolt (3) and nut (4)
58 NW (43 lb ft). and tighten to 40 N-m(30 lb ft).

9-836 Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV)

efi all ‘7‘ e '

L litm.

2571892 2510688

18. Ifequipped with an automatic transmission, install 22. Connect the evaporative emission pipe (1).Refer
the lower transmission bolts (2,4)and tighten to to Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service on
60 Nm (44 lb ft). page 9—264.
19. Install the lower transmission bolts (3) and the
lower transmission nut (1) and tighten to 40 N-m
(30 lb ft).
20. Install the front exhaust pipe. Refer to Exhaust
Front Pipe Replacement (LUV,LUW)on
page 9-738.

110/." . I “‘lfl/
). .
' ’IZ'iflt l'

23. Connect the fuel feed pipe (1).Refer to Plastic
Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service on
page 9-264.

21. Install the wheel drive shafts. Referto Front Wheel
Drive Shaft Replacement on page 7-5.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV) 9-837

2571891 2512882
24. Install air conditioning compressor and condenser 28. Ifequipped with manual transmission, Connect the
hose to the refrigerant hose. shift lever and selector lever cable end (1)to the
25. Install air conditioning compressor and condenser transmission shift lever and selector lever.
hose nut(1)tighten nut to 22 Nm (16lbft). 29. Connect the shift lever and selector lever cable to
the shift lever and selector lever cable bracket.
30. install the cable retainers (2)to the shift lever and
selector lever cable bracket.

26. Install the radiator surge tank(2). Refer to Radiator
Surge Tank Replacement on page 9-630.
27. Connect the fan connector.
31. Ifequipped with automatic transmission, install the
transmission range selector lever cable (2) to the
cable bracket.
32. Connect the transmission range selector lever
cable terminal (1)to the transmission manual shift
lever pin.
33. Adjust the automatic transmission range selector
lever cable. Refer to Range Selector Lever Cable
Adjustment on page 17-196.

9-838 Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV)


2495311 2534615
34. Connect the heater inlet hose (2)from the heater 36. Connect the electrical connector and install the
core. Refer to Heaterln/et Hose Replacement brake booster hose (1).
(LDE,LUW)on page 10—38 or Heater Inlet Hose
Replacement (LUV)on page 10-38.

Q: I t\.
fifis© \L 0%
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2495305 37. install the ground nuts (1)andwiring harness (2).

35. Connect the heater outlet hose (2)from the heater
core. Refer to Heater Outlet Hose Replacement
(LUV) on page 10—40 or Heater Outlet Hose
Replacement (LDE,LUW)on page 10-40.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-839

‘k _‘ 1311217217!
ate”, «.eeeute
‘ ‘t ‘ -

2539762 2539751
42. install the battery positive cable to the battery
positive cable junction block and tighten nut (1) to
5 N-m(44 lb in).
43. Connect the body wiring master harness
connector (2),to the battery positive cable junction

39. Installthejunction block to the base (3).
40. Installthejunction block bolts (2) and tighten to
5N-m(44 lb in).
41. install the junction block nut (1) and tighten to 5 N-m 2504689
(44 lb in).
44. Position the positive battery cable (2) to the
junction block.
45. Install the positive battery cable nut (1) and tighten
to 7 N-m(62 lb in).

9=-840 Engine Mechanical —1.4L (LUV)

2539745 2520388
48. Install the lower intermediate steering shaft bolt (1).
Refer to Intermediate Steering Shaft Replacement
on page 15—27.
49. Install the battery and battery tray. Refer Batteiy
Tray Replacement on page 9-721.
50. Install the front tire and wheel assembly. Referto
Tire and Wheel Removal and Installation on
page 16-60.
51. Install the front bumper fascia. Refer to Front
Bumper Fascia Replacement on page 3-55.
52. Evacuate and charge the refrigerant system. Refer
to Refrigerant Recovery and Recharging on
page 10-13.
53. Fill the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9—628.

Engine Oil and Oil Filter


Removal Procedure
1. Open hood.
2. Place a drain pan below the vehicle.
47. Install the air cleaner assembly (1). Refer to Air Caution: To prevent damage to oil filter cap ensure
CIeanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9-582. proper tool is used. Do not use an open end wrench
which may cause damage to filter cap.
3. Using a 24mmsocket or closed end wrench loosen
oil filter cap. Unscrew filter cap 3 turns and let oil
filter and cap assembly drain in housing for
30 seconds.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9~841


2852124 2852132
Note: Use care when removing engine oil filter cap and Note: Clean oil filter cap and lubricate the NEW oil
filter to minimize fluid spillage. Iffluid spillage occurs it filter cap seal ring with clean engine oil. Ensure oil filter
must be cleaned with appropriate cleaner. cap seal ring is in proper position as shown.
Note: Inspect oil filter cap for any cracks or damage. 5. Install a NEW oil filter cap seal ring (1).
Ifoil filter cap is damaged it must be replaced.
4. Remove the engine oil filter cap (2) with the engine
oil filter cap seal ring (3) and the oil filter
element (1).
5. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31.
6. Remove the oil pan drain plug and allow the oil to
drain into the drain pan.
installation Procedure
1. Clean the oil pan drain plug thread in the oil pan.
2. Install a NEW seal ring to the oil pan drain plug.
Caution: Refer to Component Fastener Tightening
Caution on page 0—8.
3. Installthe oil pan drain plug and tighten to 14N°m
(10 lb ft).
4. Lower the vehicle.

6. Install the engine oil filter cap (2) with NEW engine
oil filter cap seal ring (3) and NEW oil filter
element (1) hand tight.

9-842 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

incorrect —Excessive Gap Correct —No Gap

\_/ ’

Caution: Ensure oil filter cap is completely seated on Caution: Using engine oils of any viscosity other than
oil filter housing. If not completely seated an oil leak those viscosities recommended could result in engine
may occur. damage.
Caution: Over torquing the oil filter cap may cause Note: Do not overfili the engine with engine oil.
damage to the oil filter cap resulting in an oil leak. Note: Anytime engine oil is added (top off or oil
7. Using a 24mmsocket or closed end wrench tighten changes) ensure all engine surfaces are completely
the engine oil filter cap to 25 Nm (18 lb ft). free of residual oil. it there is oil on any engine surface
clean as necessary.
8. Fill engine with NEW oil using DexosTM15W—30

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9=843

incorrect Correct

Note: Oil fill cap must be properly seated and 11. Inspect the engine oil level. The oil level should be
tightened during installation. in the cross-hatohed section of the oil level
indicator as shown.
9. Installoil fill cap.
12. Close hood.
10. Start the engine and allow it to run until the oil
pressure control indicator goes off.lnspect for any 13. Reset the engine oil life system monitor.
oil leaks around the drain plug, oil filter and oil
fill cap. Turbocharger Replacement
Special Tools
EN—49942 Holding Wrench
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9—927.
Removal Procedure
. Disconnect battery negative cable. Refer to Battery
Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection on
page 9—713.
. Drain the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9—628.
Remove the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to Air
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement on page 9-288.
Disconnect the positive crankcase ventilation pipe
from turbocharger. Refer to Positive Crankcase
Ventilation Hose/Pipe/Tube Replacement on
page 9-819. . 1
Remove the exhaust manifold heat shield. Refer to
Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement (LUV)
on page 9-749or Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield
2852643 Replacement (LUW)on page 9—750.

2013 (5377994)
9-844 Engine Mechanical , 1.4L (LUV)

2192219 2192010
. Disconnect the turbocharger wastegate regulator 14. Install the EN—49942 holding wrench (2) to the
solenoid valve wiring harness connector (1) and turbocharger coolant feed pipe. Guide a ratchet
unciip wiring harness from retainer clip (2). wrench (1) along with an extension through
EN-49942holding wrench to the turbocharger
coolant feed pipe hollow screw.

. Remove the turbocharger oil feed pipe hollow 2192009
screw (4).
Note: EN-49942holding wrench (2) should be
8. Remove and DISCARD the 2 seal rings (1) and (3). installed to turbocharger coolant feed pipe as shown.
9. Remove the turbocharger oil feed pipe bolt (5). The holding wrench should be installed to avoid twist of
Note: Close the screw bore in the turbocharger in the turbocharger coolant feed pipe during the loosening
order to avoid contamination. procedure.
10. Remove the turbocharger oil feed pipe (2). 15. Loosen the turbocharger coolant feed pipe hollow
screw with ratchet wrench and extension (1).
11. Loosen the turbocharger coolant return hose
clamp and remove the turbocharger coolant return 16. Remove the turbocharger coolant feed pipe hollow
hose (6) from the oil cooler inlet pipe. screw.
12. Remove the turbocharger coolant return pipe 17. Remove and DISCARD the 2 seal rings.
bolt (7). 18. Remove the three way warm catalytic converter.
13. Remove the charge air cooler inlet air hose from Refer to Catalytic Converter Replacement (LUV)
the turbocharger. Refer to Charge Air Cooler Inlet on page 9-742.
Air Hose Replacement on page 9—292.

Engine Mechanical =-1.4L (LUV) 9-845

"t 3; es
.975 '0

2192221 2192371
19. Remove the 2 turbocharger oil return pipe bolts (1) 23. Remove the turbocharger assembly (1).
from turbocharger. 24. Remove and DISCARD the turbocharger
20. Remove the turbocharger oil return pipe from the gasket (2).
turbocharger. 25. Remove the assembly parts from the turbocharger
21. Remove and DISCARD the gasket. as necessary. Refer to Turbocharger Disassemble
on page 9-894.
26. Ifthe turbocharger is being reused, refer to
Turbocharger Cleaning and Inspection on
page 9-895.
Installation Procedure
1. Install the assembly parts to the turbocharger as
necessary. Refer to TurbochargerAssemb/e on
page 9-895.
2. Clean the sealing surfaces.


22. Remove and DISCARD the 8 turbocharger
nuts (1).

3. Install a NEW turbocharger gasket.
4. install the turbocharger assembly (1).

9:846 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)


2192236 2192221
5. install the 8 NEW turbocharger nuts (1). 8. Install a NEW gasket and the 2 turbocharger oil
return pipe bolts (1) and tighten to 8N°m(71 lb in).
9. Install the three way warm up catalytic converter.
Refer to Catalytic Converter Replacement (LUV)
on page 9-742.

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
Caution: Refer to Torque-to-Yie/dFastener Caution on
page 0-10.
6. Tighten the 8 turbocharger nuts in a sequence as
shown to 8 N-m(71lbin). 10. Install the turbocharger coolant feed pipe to the
7. Repeat the tightening procedure to ensure a engine block. Use the following procedure:
proper fastening of the turbocharger nuts. ° Install a NEW seal ring (3) to the turbocharger
coolant feed pipe hollow screw (4).
. Install the turbocharger coolant feed pipe hollow
screw along with the seal ring to the
turbocharger coolant feed pipe (2).
- Install a NEW seal ring (1) to the turbocharger
coolant feed pipe hollow screw.
- Install the turbocharger coolant feed pipe hollow
screw along with the turbocharger coolant feed
pipe and the 2 seal rings to the engine.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-847

2192010 2190428
Note: The EN-49942holding wrench should be
14. Install the turbocharger coolant return pipe bolt (7)
installed in a perpendicular position as shown to ensure
and tighten to 8N-m(71 lb in).
a proper installation position of the turbocharger
coolant feed pipe. 15. Install the turbocharger coolant return hose (6) to
the oil cooler inlet pipe.
11. install the EN—49942 holding wrench (2) to the 16. Install the turbocharger coolant return hose clamp.
turbocharger coolant feed pipe. Guide a ratchet
wrench (1)along with an extension through 17. install the turbochargeroil feed pipe (2) to the oil
EN-49942holding wrench to the turbocharger cooler and the turbocharger.
coolant feed pipe hollow screw. 18. install the turbocharger oil feed pipe bolt (5).
19. Install the turbocharger oil feed pipe hollow
screw (4) along with the 2 NEW seal rings (1)
and (3) and tighten to 30 Nm (22 lb ft).
20 . Tighten the turbocharger oil feed pipe bolt to
10 N-m(89 lb in).

Note: EN-49942holding wrench (2) should be installed
to the turbocharger coolant feed pipe as shown. The
holding wrench should be installed to avoid twist of the
turbocharger coolant feed pipe during the fastening
procedure. 2192219
12. Tighten the turbocharger coolant feed pipe hollow 21 . Connect the turbocharger wastegate regulator
screw with ratchetwrench and extension (1) to solenoid valve wiring harness connector (1) and
30 Nm (22 lb ft). clip in wiring harness to retainer clip (2).
13. install the charge air cooler inlet air hose to the
turbocharger. Refer to Charge Air Cooler InletAir
Hose Replacement on page 9-292.
9-848 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)
22. install the exhaust manifold heat shield. Refer to Installation Procedure
Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement (LUV)
1. Clean the sealing surfaces.
on page 9-749or Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield
Replacement (LUW)on page 9—750.
23. Connect the positive crankcase ventilation pipe to
the turbocharger. Refer to Positive Crankcase
Ventilation Hose/Pipe/Tube Replacement on
page 9-819.
24. Install the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to Air
Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement on page 9-288.
25. Connect battery negative cable. Refer to Battery
Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection on
page 9-713.
26. Fill the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9-628.

Turbocharger Oil Feed Pipe


Removal Procedure
1. Open the hood.
2. Disconnect battery negative cable. Refer to Batteiy
Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection on
page 9—713. 2192280
3. Remove the exhaust manifold heat shield. Refer to 2. Install the turbocharger oil feed pipe (2) along with
Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement (LUV) a NEW rubber seal ring.
on page 9—749 or Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield 3. Install the turbocharger oil feed pipe hollow
Replacement (LUW) on page 9—750. screw (4) and 2 NEW seal rings (1) and (3).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
4. Install the turbocharger oil feed pipe bolt (5) and
tighten to 10 N-m(89 lb in).
5. Tighten the turbocharger oil feed pipe hollow screw
to 30 N-m(22 lb ft).
6. Install the exhaust manifold heat shield. Refer to
Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Replacement (LUV)
on page 9-749or Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield
Replacement (LUW)on page 9—750.
Connect battery negative cable. Refer to Battery
Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection on
page 9-713.
Close the hood.

4. Remove the turbocharger oil feed pipe bolt (5).
5. Remove the turbocharger oil feed pipe hollow
screw (4) and the 2 seal rings (1) and (3).
6. Remove the turbocharger oil feed pipe (2) and the
rubber seal ring.

2013 (5377994)
Elgine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-849

Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe Installation Procedure

Replacement 1. Clean the sealing surfaces.

Removal procedure
1. Remove the drivetrain and front suspension frame
skid plate, if equipped. RefertoDrivetra/n and Front
Suspension Frame Skid Plate Replacement on
page 3-143.

2 . install the turbocharger oil return pipe (2) in
compound with a NEW gasket (3) and connect to
the engine block.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2192288 3. Install the 2 turbocharger oil return pipe bolts (1)
Note: Simplified Graphic. DO NOT remove the warm and tighten to 8N-m(71lb in).
up three way catalytic converter. . Lower the vehicle.
2. Remove the 2 turbocharger oil return pipe bolts (1). .01 Check engine oil level.
3. Place a drain pan below the vehicle. install the drivetrain and front suspension frame
skid plate, if equipped. Refer toDrivetrain and Front
4. Release the turbocharger oil return pipe Suspension Frame Skid Plate Replacement on
connector (4) and disconnect the turbocharger oil page 3143.
return pipe from the engine block. .
5. Remove the turbocharger oil return pipe (2) and the
gasket (3).

9-850 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Camshaft Cover Replacement


Camshaft Cover Replacement

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removetheignitioncoil.Referto IgnitionCoil Replacementonpage 9-277.
CamshaftCover Fastener(Qty:15)
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
Oil Level indicator
2 Tip: Removetheoil levelindicatorfromcamshaftcover.
3 1. Removeor repositiontheclipsas necessary.
2 . Do notreusethecamshaftgasket.Also use a newgasketwheneverremovingor replacingcamshaftcover.
3. Disconnectelectricalconnectoras necessary.
4. Transfercomponentsas necessary.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9851
Intake Camshaft Replacement Installation Procedure
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the camshaft intake and exhaust
sprocket. Refer to Camshaft Intake and Exhaust
Sprocket Replacement on page 9-800.

Note: Ensure that the camshaft sealing rings are in
place in the camshaft grooves. Camshaft sealing rings
must be in place below the surface of the camshaft
journal in order to avoid being pinched between the
2190728 cylinder head and the camshaft caps.
2. Remove the camshaft bearing cap bolts in 1. Lubricate the camshaft and camshaft bearing caps
sequence shown. Ensure to remove the bolts one with engine oil.
turn at a time until there is no spring tension 2. Install the intake camshaft (3).
pushing on the camshaft.
3. Install the camshaft bearing caps (2).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
4. Installthe camshaft bearing cap bolts and tighten
the bolts hand tight (1).

' ,25.1-re:5
V5,}: '.'i’ I
. t t "
hi3 .“ljl'J-(HJ \

Note: Mark the camshafts bearing caps and the
camshaft upon removal to ensure installation is in the
correct position.
3. Remove the camshaft bearing cap bolts (1).
4. Remove the camshaft bearing caps (2). 5. Install and tighten the camshaft bearing cap bolts
one turn at a time in sequence as shown to 8 N-m
5. Remove the intake camshaft (3). (71 lb in).

9652 Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV)
6. Install the camshaft intake and exhaust sprocket.
Refer to Camshaft Intakeand Exhaust Sprocket
Replacement on page 9—800.

Exhaust Camshaft Replacement

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the camshaft intake and exhaust
sprocket. Refer to Camshaft Intake and Exhaust
Sprocket Replacement on page 9-800.

4. Remove the camshaft bearing cap bolts in
sequence shown. Ensure to remove the bolts one
..l} ' ‘. .§ x , turn at a time until there is no spring tension
F- pushing on the camshaft.
. 71x.

; M_
w . (ifs

2. Remove and DISCARD the camshaft sprocket
bolts (2)and the camshaft position exciter U 4.illli
wheels (1). 2
3. Allow the both camshaft sprockets with the timing E II. t|L-
chain to rest on the engine front cover. W

Note: Mark the camshafis upon removal to ensure
installation is in the correct position.
5. Remove the camshaft bearing cap bolts (1).
6. Remove the camshaft bearing caps(2).
7. Remove the exhaust camshaft (3).

Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-853

Installation Procedure

5. Install and tighten the camshaft bearing cap bolts
2403118 one turn at a time in sequence as shown 8 N-m
Note: Ensure that the camshaft sealing rings are in (71lb in).
place in the camshaft grooves. Camshaft seating rings 6. Install the camshaft intake and exhaust sprocket.
must be m place below the surface of the camshaft Refer to Camshaft Intake and Exhaust Sprocket
journal in order to avoid being pinched between the Replacement on page 9-300
cylinder head and the camshaft caps.
1. Lubricate camshaft and camshaft bearing caps
with engine oil.
2. Install the exhaust camshaft (3).
3. Install the camshaft bearing caps (2).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
4. Instatlthe camshaft bearing cap and hand tighten
the bolts (1).

9-854 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Repair Instructions - Off Vehicle

Engine Support Fixture

Engine Support Fixture
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removetheradiatoropeninguppercover.Referto FrontOpeningUpperCoverReplacementonpage3-40
Special Tools
- EN—28467-300 EngineSupportFixtureAdapter
- J-28467—518 MainSupportBeam
- J-28467—1A CrossBracket
- J-28467-5A StrutTowerSupportAssembly
~J-28467-2A RadiatorTubeShelfAssembly
- J-36857 EngineLiftBracket
~J-28467—8A HookAssembly
Forequivalentregionaltools.referto Special Toolsonpage 9-927.
EngineSupportFixtureAdapterLeg (Qty:2)
1 Procedure
Installthebrackettofenderframe.Do notinstallon topoffenderlip.
4 Procedure
5 RadiatorTubeShelfAssembly

Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-855

Engine Support Fixture (cont'd)

Callout Component Name
Use a grade10.9boltto installtheengineliftbracket.
Tip: Iftheengineisnotequippedwithengineliftbracket,installJ-36857
in place.

Engine Mount Bracket Removal

3. Remove the right front wheelhouse liner. Refer to
2190464 Front Wheelhouse Liner Replacement (Rear) on
page 3-151or Front Wheelhouse Liner
1. Remove the 3 engine mount bracket bolts (1). Replacement (Front) on page 3-150
2. Remove the engine mount bracket (2). 4. Rotate the engine clockwise until the bore (2) in the
crankshaft balancer aligns with the mark (1) on the
Camshaft Timing Chain inspection engine front cover.
Special Tools
- EN—952 Fixing Pin
- EN—953—A Fixing Tool
0 EN-49977—100 Transmitter Disc Fixation
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-927.
1. Remove the ignition coil.Refer to Ignition Coil
Replacement on page 9-277.
2. Remove the camshaft cover. Refer to Camshaft aocoocoaooooooooo°o
Cover Replacement on page 9-850. o


9-856 Elgine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)
5. Examine that the camshaft grooves (1) are visible
as shown.Ifthe camshaft grooves are not visible
rotate the crankshaft 360°.

Note: The fixing tool should be installed completely to
both camshaft grooves without high effort.
(1)tothe camshafts.
2190611 8. Install EN-953-Afixingtool
6. Remove the crankshaft bearing cap tie plate hole
plug (2) and the seal ring (1).

Note: A wrong installation position is possible. Make
sure that the fixation tool is installed withoutclearance
2190612 to the cylinder head in areas (3)and (4).
Caution: To ensure proper crankshaft top dead center 9. Install EN-49977-100 transmitter discfixation (1)
(TDC)alignment, the retention pin should fit easily to inspect the correct position of the camshaft
through the bore in the crankshaft tie plate and into the ww

position exciter wheels.
crankshaft. Binding of the retention pin could affect
10. Tighten the bolts (2) of EN—49977—100transmitter
proper engine timing.
7. Install EN—952 fixing pin (1)tohold the crankshaft
11. If EN-953—A fixing tool or EN—49977—100transmitter
in TDC position.
discfixation can not be installed, referto Camshaft
Timing Chain Adjustment on page 9-857.
12. Remove EN-49977—100transmitterdiscfixation.
13. Remove EN-953—A fixing tool.
14. Remove EN-952fixing pin.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Mechanical . 1.4L (LUV) 9-857
15. Install crankshaft bearing cap tie plate hoie plug
and seal ring and tighten to 40 N-m(30 lb ft).
16. Install the right front wheelhouse liner. Refer to
Front Wheelhouse Liner Replacement (Rear) on
page 3—151 or Front Wheelhouse Liner
Replacement (Front) on page 3-150
17. Install the camshaft cover. Refer to Camshaft
Cover Installation on page 9-909.
18. Install the ignition coil.Refer to Ignition Coil
Installation on page 9-910.

Camshaft Timing Chain Adjustment

Special Tools
- EN-952Fixing Pin
- EN—953~A Fixing Tool
- EN-49977—100 Fixation Sensor Discs
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-927.
1. Remove the ignition coii.Refer to Ignition Coil 2190611
Replacement on page 9-277.
6. Remove the crankshaft bearing cap tie plate hole
2. Remove the camshaft cover. Refer to Camshaft
Cover Replacement on page 9-850. plug (2) and the seal ring(1).
3. Remove the camshaft position actuator solenoid
vaives. Refer to Camshaft Position Actuator
Solenoid Valve Replacement on page 9-282.
4. Remove the rightfront wheelhouse liner. Refer to
Front Wheelhouse Liner Replacement (Rear) on
page 3-151or Front Wheelhouse Liner
Replacement (Front) on page 3-150.

Caution: To ensure proper crankshaft top dead center
(TDC)alignment, the retention pin should fit easily
through the bore in the crankshaft tie piate and into the
crankshaft. Binding of the retention pin could affect
proper engine timing.
7. Install the EN—952 fixing pin (1) to hold the
2190614 crankshaft in TDC position.

5. Rotate the engine clockwise until the bore (2) in the

crankshaft balancer aligns with the mark (1) on the
engine front cover.

9-858 Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV)

IL1 .2227,»
‘—l .1 ,, _ .
@Mrmtgmtmra Ymr‘’ g, ;
. .

2191148 2190676
8. Loosen the intake camshaft sprocket bolt (2) while 11. Remove the 2 upper timing chain guide bolts (1).
holding the hexagon of the intake camshaft with a 12_ Remove the uppertiming chain guide (2)
wrench (1) until the camshaft position exciter wheel
is clearly rotatable.
9. Loosen the exhaustcamshaftsprocket boitwhiie 51-‘V6 iiiQ—9\\\<3 vg§ ._~.’
holding the hexagon of the exhaust camshaft with M‘e’“ h ”A
awrench untii the camshaftposition exciterwheei - ii , 7 A
is clearlyrotatable. ”'3 Em.
, ' C) C
"u -

V 3’ V W1

L- A ,
e1il- ‘5.11.. gaggge \

a i

1 Note: Pushthe fixing tool in the direction of the arrow
to ensure it engages without clearance.
13. Install the EN-49977—200 fixing tool (2)and adjust
the gearing of the fixing tool so it engages with the
2190510 intake camshaft sprocket gearing (1).
Note: The fixing tool should be installed completely to
both camshaft grooves without high effort.
10. Adjust the camshafts so that the EN—953—A
tool (1) can be installed.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-859
20. Tighten the exhaust camshaft sprocket bolt while
holding the hexagon of the exhaust camshaft to
50 N-m(37 lb ft).
21. Tighten the exhaust camshaft sprocket bolt while
holding the hexagon of the exhaust camshaft an
additional 60°.
22. Remove the EN-49977—100fixation and the
EN-49977—200 fixing tool.

14. Tighten the 2 fastening bolts (1) of the EN-49977-
200 fixing tool while pushing the fixing tool in
direction of the arrow.
15. Tighten the adjuster bolt (2).

23. Install the upper timing chain guide (2).
24. install the 2 upper timing chain guide bolts (1) and
tighten to 8N°m(71 lb in).
25. Remove the EN-953—Afixing tool.
26. Remove the EN-952fixing pin.
27. Rotate the crankshaft for 720°and check the
engine timing again. Repeat the adjustment
procedure ifnecessary.
28. instail the crankshaft bearing cap tie plate hole
plug and seal ring and tighten to 40 N-m(30lb ft).
29. Install the right front wheelhouse liner. Refer to
Front Wheelhouse Liner Replacement (Rear) on
page 3-151or Front Wheelhouse Liner
Replacement (Front) on page 3-150
30. Install the camshaft position actuator solenoid
2190709 valves. Refer to Camshaft Position Actuator
Note: A wrong installation position is possible. Make Solenoid Valve Replacement on page 9—282.
sure that the fixation tool is installed without clearance 31. Install the camshaft cover. Refer to Camshaft
to the cylinder head in areas (3)and (5). Cover Replacement on page 9—850.
16. Install the EN-49977—100fixation (2) to find and 32. Install the ignition coii.Refer to Ignition Coil
hold the camshaft position exciter wheels in the Replacement on page 9—277.
correct position.
17. Tighten the 2 fastening bolts (6) of the EN-49977-
100 fixation.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
18. Tighten the intake camshaft sprocket bolt (4) while
holding the hexagon (1) 0f the intake camshaft to
50 N-m(37 lb ft).
19. Tighten the intake camshaft sprocket bolt (4) while
holding the hexagon (1) of the intake camshaft an
additional 60°.
9-860 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Draining Fluids and Oil Filter 7. Install the water pump drain plug and a NEW seal
ring and tighten to 15N'm(11 lb ft).
Positive Crankcase Ventilation Pipe

1. Remove the engine oil filter cap (2) along with the
engine oil filter cap seal ring (3)and the oil filter 2190425
element (1).
1. Open the 2 positive crankcase ventilation pipe
2. Remove the oil pan drain plug and allow the oil to
retainer clips(2) and (3).
drain out.
Note: Move retainer clamp (1) in direction of the arrow.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
3. install the oil pan drain plug and a NEW seal ring 2. Remove the positive crankcase ventilation pipe
and tighten to 14N-m(124lb in). from the intake manifold.
4. Install the engine oil filter cap along with a NEW
engine oil filter cap seal ring and a NEW oil filter
5. Tighten the engine oil filter cap to 25 N-m(18 lb ft).

3. Loosen the charger air bypass valve pipe
clamp (4).
4. Remove the charger air bypass valve pipe from
2190440 turbocharger.
6. Remove the water pump drain plug (1) and the 5. Remove the charger air bypass valve pipe (2)from
water pump drain plug seal ring (2) and ailow the turbo charger waste regulator solenoid valve.
remaining coolant to drain out.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV) 9-86’1
6. Disconnect the positive crankcase ventilation pipe 2. Remove the 2 catalytic converter to catalytic
from turbocharger(3). converter bracket nuts (4) and (6).
7. Unclip and remove the positive crankcase 3. Loosen the three Way warm up catalytic converter
ventilation pipe assembly (1)from the camshaft V—clamp(1).
cover retainer clips. 4. Remove the three way warm up catalytic
converter (5) and the catalytic converter seal (2).
Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield
Removal Turbocharger Removal
Special Tool
EN—49942 Holding Wrench
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Toolson
page 9—927.

1. Remove the 3exhaust manifold heat shield
bolts (1) and the washers.
2. Remove the exhaust manifold heat shield (2).
Warm U p Three-Way Catalytic
1. Installthe EN-49942holding wrench (2) to the
Converter Removal turbocharger coolant feed pipe. Guide a ratchet
wrench (1) along with an extension through
EN-49942holding wrench to the turbocharger
coolant feed pipe hollow screw.

i— \Lfl: / Q

. ,

1. Disconnect the heated oxygen sensor wiring
harness (3)from retainer clip.

9-862 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Note: EN-49942holding wrench (2)should be 8. Disconnect the turbocharger coolant return

installed to turbocharger coolant feed pipe as shown. hose (6)from the oil cooler coolant inlet pipe and
The holding wrench should be installed to avoid twist of remove the turbocharger coolant return pipe
the turbocharger coolant feed pipe during the loosening bolt (7) from the oil cooler.
2. Loosen the turbocharger coolant feed pipe hollow
screw with ratchet wrench and extension (1).

9. Remove the 8 turbocharger nuts (1).

,3. Remove the turbocharger coolant feed pipe hoilow
screw (3) and the 2 seal rings (1) and (2).
4. Disconnect the turbocharger oii return pipe (4) from
the engine block.

10. Remove the turbocharger assembly (1) and the
turbocharger gasket (2).

5. Remove the turbocharger oil feed pipe bolt (5) from
the oil cooler.
6. Remove the turbocharger oil feed pipe holiow
screw (4) and the 2 seal rings (1) and (3) and close
the screw bore in the turbocharger.
7. Remove the turbocharger oii feed pipe (2) and the
rubber seal ring.
2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical —1.4L (LUV) 9,863
Engine Oil Cooler Removal . Remove the 3 engine coolant thermostat housing
bolts (1).
. Remove the engine coolant thermostat housing (2)
and the engine coolant thermostat housing seal
ring (3).

Water Outlet Removal

1. Remove the oil cooler coolant outlet hose
clamp (1).
2. Remove the oil cooler coolant outlet hose (2)from
engine coolant thermostat housing.
3. Remove the oil cooler coolant inlet hose clamp (3). 2191835
4. Remove the oil cooler coolant inlet hose (4)from
. Remove the 3 water outlet bolts (3).
water outlet.
5. Remove the oil cooler coolant outlet pipe bolt (7). . Remove the water outlet (2)and the water outlet
seal ring (1).
F” Remove the 3 oil cooler bolts (5).
7. Remove the engine oil cooler assembly (6) and the Drive Belt Tensioner Removal
2 oil cooler sealings (8) and (9).

Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing


Caution: The drive belt tensioner must always be in a
pre-tensioned state and must never be free from
tension. Ifthe drive belt tensioner is free from the belt
2191834 tension, it must always stay fixed with an appropriate
locking pin.Failure to follow this instruction will lead to
a damage of the drive belt tensioner.

9-864 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)
1. Remove the upper drive belt tensioner bolt (2). Crankshaft Ba|ancer Removal
2. Remove the lower drive belt tensioner bolt (3).
3. Remove the drive belt tensioner (1). Specual Tools
- EN—956-1 Extension
Air Conditioning Compressor - EN-49979 Crankshaft Shock Mount Retainer
Bracket Removal For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-927.
1. Install EN-49979retainer to EN-956-1extension.

1. Remove the 3 air conditioning compressor bracket 2190546
b01t5(1)' Note: The crankshaft balancer can be incorrectly
2. Remove the air conditioning compressor installed 180°from the required position.Be sure to
bracket (2). note the location ofthe alignment hole on the
crankshaft balancer prior to removing the crankshaft
Water Pump Pulley Removal balancer from the engine.
2. Loosen the crankshaft balancer bolt (4)while fixing
the crankshaft balancer (3) with EN-49979retainer
(1) and EN-956-1extension (2).

1. Loosen the 3water pump pulley bolts (2)while
holding up the water pump pulley hub with a
wrench. 2190552
2. Remove the 3 water pump puliey bolts (2). 3. Remove and DISCARD the crankshaft balancer
3. Remove the water pump puliey (1). b0" (2)-

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Eflgine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-860

4. Remove the crankshaft baiancer(1). [ntake Manif0|d Removal

Water Pump Removal

Note: Intake manifold bolts remain in intake manifold
2190389 screw bores.
1. Remove the 5 short water pump bolts (4) and the 1. Remove the 6 intake manifold bolts (1).
5 long water pump bolts (3).
2. Remove the water pump (2).
3. Remove the water pump gasket (1).

Throttle Body Removal

2. Remove the intake manifold (1) along with the
intake manifold gasket.

1. Remove the 4 throttlebody bolts (3).
2. Remove the throttle body (2) and the throttle body
seal ring (1).

2013 (5377994)
9-866 mine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Generator Removal Engine Flywheel Removal

Special Tools
EN-652Flywheel Holder
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-927.

1. Remove the 2 generator bolts (2).
2. Remove the generator (1).

Starter Removal 2191832

1. install EN-652holder (1) to hold the engine
flywheel (2).
. WWMW til" /

, ” /

1. Remove the upper starter bolt (2) and if equipped
the washer (1). 2191833
2. Remove the tower starter bolt stud (3) and if 2. Remove and DISCARD the 6 engine flywheel
equipped the washer. bolts (2).
3. Remove the starter (4). 3. Remove the engine fiywheei (1).

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanicai - 1.4L (LUV) 9-?

Ignition Coil Removal Camshaft Cover Removal

Special Tools
EN-6009Remover and Installer IgnitionModuie
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9—927.

1. Remove the oil level indicator(1).

1. Remove the 2 ignition coil bolts (1).

2. Remove the 15 camshaft cover bolts (1).
3. Remove the camshaft cover(2)and the camshaft
cover gasket (3).
2. Install EN-6009remover and instailer (2) and
remove the ignition coil (1).

9-868 Engine iViechanicai - 1.4L (LUV)

Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid

Valve Removal:

Caution: The camshaft position actuator solenoid
valves must be kept parallel to the engine frontcover
during removai and installation. The camshaft position
2191735 actuator solenoid vaives can be damaged ifthey
1. Remove the 4 camshaft position actuator solenoid become wedged or stuck during this process.
valve bolts (1). 4. Carefully remove the 2 camshaft position actuator
solenoid valves (2) and the seal rings (1).

Oil Pan Removal

.1? .miiégfl
. .’mmgmxmrmrmrefififiar
_ 3. 3%»
Q‘I-iilil‘:4)l 0%1

2. Move the intake camshaft position actuator
solenoid valve (1) carefully counter clockwise in
the position shown. 2190370
3. Move the exhaust camshaft position actuator 1. Remove the 16oi|pan bolts (1).
solenoid valve (2) carefuliy clockwise in the
position shown.

Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-869

2190659 2190667
Caution: Pry the oil pan carefully inorder to prevent 2. Remove the 13 engine front cover bolts M6 (1).
damage to the transaxle case or the oil pan sealing
surfaces. 3. Remove the 2 engine front cover boits M10 (2).
2. Place a suitable prying tool to the area shown (1) 4. Remove the engine front cover.
and carefully pry the oil pan loose.
Camshaft Timing Chain Removal
Special Tools
0 EN-952Fixing Pin
° EN-953-AFixing Tool
- EN-955-10Fixing Pin from EN-955Kit
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-927.
1. The engine should be adjusted to TDC.
2. The crankshaft should be fixed with EN-952
fixing pin.
3. The camshaft should be fixed with EN-953-A
fixing tool.

3. Remove the oil pan (1).

Engine Front Cover and Oil Pump

1. Set engine to TDC. Refer to Camshaft Timing
Chain Inspection on page 9—855.


9-870 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)
4. Push the timing chain (2) in direction to the timing
chain tensioner (1) and fix the tensioner with
EN-955—10fixing pin (3).

9. Remove the timing chain tensioner shoe bolt (2).
10. Remove the timing chain tensioner shoe (1).
5. Remove the 2 upper timing chain guide bolts (1).
6. Remove the upper timing chain guide (2).

11. Remove the timing chain (1) in compound with the
crankshaft sprocket (2).
7. Remove the 2 timing chain guide right side
bolts (2).
8. Remove the timing chain guide right side (1).

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-87'!
Timing Chain Tensioner Removal Camshaft Sprocket Removal

°" '7 gr '3'; ’7


2190684 2190719
1. Remove the 2 timing chain tensioner bolts (1). 1. Loosen the intake camshaft sprocket bolt (1)while
2. Remove the timing chain tensioner (2). hoiding the hexagon of intake camshaft (2) with a
Engine Front Cover Gasket Removal

. ”a “¥~”°E I “ ‘. 1‘.

2190693 2. Remove the intake camshaft sprocket bolt (1) and
Remove and DISCARD the engine front cover the intake camshaft position exciter wheel (2).
gasket (1). 3. Remove the intake camshaft sprocket (3).
4. Loosen the exhaust camshaft sprocket bolt while
holding the hexagon of exhaust camshaft with a
5. Remove the exhaust camshaft sprocket bolt and
the exhaust camshaft position exciter wheel.
6. Remove the exhaust camshaft sprocket.

9372 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

intake Camshaft Removal Exhaust Camshaft Removal

2190728 2190732
1. Remove the camshaft bearing cap bolts in a spiral 1. Remove the camshaft bearing cap boits in a spiral
sequence as shown one turn at a time until there is sequence as shown one turn at a time until there is
no spring tension pushing on the camshaft. no spring tension pushing on the camshaft.

2190730 2190733
Note: Mind the markings on the camshaft bearing caps Note: Mind the markings on the camshaft bearing caps
to ensure they will be installed in the same position. to ensure they will be installed in the same position.
2. Remove the 10 camshaft bearing cap bolts (1). 2. Remove the 10 camshaft bearing cap bolts (1).
3. Remove the 5 camshaft bearing caps (2). 3. Remove the 5 camshaft bearing caps (2).
4. Remove the intake camshaft (3). 4. Remove the exhaust camshaft (3).

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical . 'i.4L (LUV) 9-873

Hydraulic Valve Lash Adjuster Arm Cylinder Head Removal


2190735 1. Loosen the 12 cylinder head bolts in the sequence
Note: Mind the installation position of the hydraulic as shown.Use the foliowing procedure:
valve 13811
adjuster arms. 1.1.Loosen the cylinder head bolts 90 degrees.
Remove the 16 hydraulic vaive lash adjuster arms (1). 1.2.Loosen the cylinder head bolts 180 degrees.

Hydraulic Valve Lash Adjuster

Removal . 1

Note: Do not damage the guide sleeves (4) and (5).
2. Remove the 12 cylinder head bolts (1).
2190757 3. Remove the cylinder head (2).
Note: Mind the installation position of the hydraulic 4' Remove the cylinder head gasket (3).
valve lash adjusters.
Remove the 16 hydraulic valve lash adjusters (1).

9-874 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing


6. Remove the 4 pistons (1) and connecting rods(2)
and the 4 upper connecting rod bearings (3) from
2190741 the cylinder biock.
Note: Mark the installation position of the connecting
Crankshaft and Bearing Removal
rod bearing caps.The connecting rod bearings and
bearing caps must not be interchanged with other
connecting rods. '
1. Remove the 4 connecting rod bearing cap bolts (1)
of cylinder2and 3.
2. Remove the 2 connecting rod bearing caps (2) and
the 2 connecting rod bearings of cyiinder2 and 3.
3. Rotate the crankshaft 180 degrees.

1. Remove the crankshaft position sensor bolt (3).
2. Remove the crankshaft position sensor(1)and the
crankshaft position sensor seal ring (2).

4. Remove the 4 connecting rod bearing cap bolts (1)
of cyiinder1 and 4.
5. Remove the 2 connecting rod bearing caps (2) and
the 2 connecting rod bearings of cylinder1 and 4.

Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-875

2190355 2190744
3. Remove the 12 outer crankshaft bearing cap tie 5. Remove and DISCARD the 10 crankshaft bearing
plate bolts (1). cap tie piate bolts (1)
Remove the crankshaft bearing cap tie plate (2).
6. Remove the 4 lower crankshaft bearings (3) an the
lower crankshaft thrust bearing (4).
7. Remove the crankshaft rear oil seal (5).

4. Loosen the 10 inner crankshaft bearing cap tie
plate bolts in a sequence as shown.

8. Remove the crankshaft (1), the 4 upper crankshaft
bearings (2) and the upper crankshaft thrust
bearing (3).

9-876 Engflie Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Cylinder Head Disassemble

Special Tools
0 EN-840PIiers/Remover
- EN—8062 Valve Spring Compressor
- EN—8062-5 Adapter
- EN-50717—2 Compressor Assembly of
EN—5071 7 Kit
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Toolson
page 9-927.

1. Install the EN—50717—2 assembly (1) to the
EN—8062 compressor (4).
2. Install the EN—8062—5 adapter (3) to the EN-8062
3. Install the compressor assembly to the cylinder
head, so that the adapter (5) of the EN-50717—2
assembly (1) contacts the valve spring retainer
properly and the EN-8062—5 adapter (3) contacts
the valve disc(2).Prefix the EN-8062
compressor (4).

2013 (5377994)
Eggine Mechanical -1.4L (LUV) 9-877
Note: Ensure that the valve train components are kept
together and identified in orderfor proper installation in
their original position.
10. Repeat the procedure with the remaining valves.
11. in case of re-using the cylinder head, refer to
Cylinder Head Cleaning and Inspection on
page 9—877.

Cylinder Head Cleaning and

Special Tools
- EN-6216Gauge
- EN—6216—200/300/400 Gauge Instruments
For equivalent regional tools refer to Special Toolson
page 9-927.
Cleaning Procedure
1. Remove any old thread sealant, gasket material or
2678153 sealant.
Warning: Valve springs can be tightly compressed. 2. Clean all cylinder head surfaces with non—corrosive
Use care when removing the retainers and plugs. sealant.
Personal injury could result. Warning: Refer to Safety Glasses Warning on
4. Apply pressure to the EN-50717—2 assembly to page 0-5.
push down the vale spring retainer (1) and 3. Blow out all the oil galleries using compressed air.
compress the valve spring (3) until the valve
keys (2) are free from tension. Carefully remove 4. Remove any carbon deposits from the combustion
the valve keys. chamber.
Visual Inspection
1. Inspect the cylinder head camshaft bearing
surfaces for the following conditions:
. Excessive scoring or pitting
- Discoloration from overheating
- Deformation from excessive wear
0 Ifthe camshaft bearingjournals appear to be
scored or damaged, you must replace the
cylinder head. DO NOT machine the camshaft
bearing journals.
2. Ifany of the above conditions exist on the
camshaft bearing surfaces, replace the
cylinder head.
3. Inspect the cylinder head for the following:
- Cracks, damage or pitting in the combustion
- Debris in the oil galleries —Continue to clean
the gaiieries until all debris is removed.
- Coolant leaks or damage to the deck face
2678154 sealing surface —Ifcoolant leaks are present,
measure the surface war page as described
5. Slowly and carefully loosen the EN-50717—2 under cylinder head measurement —deck
assembly until the valve spring is entirely flatness inspection.
expanded. - Damage to any gasket surfaces.
6. Remove the compressor assembly from the
- Burnt or eroded areas in the combustion
cylinder head.
7. Remove the valve spring retainer (1) and the valve
- Cracks in the exhaust ports and combustion
spring (3). chambers.
8. Remove and DISCARD the valve stem oil seal (4), - External cracks in the water passages.
using the EN-840pliers (2).
- Restrictions in the intake or exhaust passages.
9. Remove the valve (5).

9-878 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)
- Restrictions in the cooling system passages.
- Rusted, damaged or leaking core plugs.
4. if the cylinder head is cracked or damaged, it must
be replaced. No welding or patching of the cylinder
head is allowed.
Valve Inspection And Measurement

3. Measure the valve length (2).Use a slide
gauge (1). Refer to Engine Mechanical
Specifications on page 9-756to find the permitted

1. Clean the valves of carbon and oil.Carbon can be
removed with a wire brush.
2. Inspect the valves for the foliowing conditions:
2.1. inspect the valve faces for burning and
cracking (1).Ifpieces are broken, replace the
valve and inspect the corresponding piston
and cylinder head area for damage.
2.2. Inspect the valve for straightness and
distortion (2).Distorted valve must be
2.3. Inspect the valve stem for wear (3).
2.4. Inspect the valve key grooves for chipping and
wear (5).Replace the valve if chipped or worn.

4. Measure the valve stem diameter. Use a
micrometer gauge (2).Refer to Engine Mechanical
Specifications on page 9—756to find the permitted
values. Note the measurement results.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-879
Cylinder Head Measurement 2. Prepare the gauge for valve stem to guide
clearance measurement. Assemble the EN-6216
gauge and the EN—6216—200/300/400 gauge
instruments as followed:
2.1. install the extension (5) to the support (4).
1 2.2. install the inside caliper(2) to the
extension (5).
2.3. Install the gauge (3) to the support (4) and
pretension to 1 mm (0.0394in).
2.4. install the calibration washer (1) as shown to
justify the gauge.
2.5.Adjust the gauge to 0 mm (0 in) by rotating
the instrument dial.
2.6. Cautious remove the calibration washer (1).

2189666 I 2 ©$
1. Inspect the cylinder head sealing surface for
flatness. Use a straightedge (1).Refer to Engine
Mechanical Specifications on page 9-756to find
the permitted values. lfthe measurement does not
show the permitted values, replace the cylinder
head. Machining is NOTaliowed.

3. Measure the valve guide inner diameter (2) as
shown in different areas (3).Use EN-6216gauge
(1) and gauge instruments. Note the measurement
results. Refer to Engine Mechanical Specifications
on page 9-756to find the permitted values.
4. Substract the valve stem diameter from valve
guide inner diameter to calculate the valve stem to
5 4 3 guide clearance. Refer to Engine Mechanical
Specifications on page 9-756to find the permitted
5. Turn the cylinder head upside down.


9880 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Cylinder Head Assemble 1. Lubricate the valve stem and the valve guide with
clean engine oil.
Special Tools Note: Ensure all valve train components will be
installed in their original position.
° EN-958Valve Stem Seal installer
- EN-8062Valve Spring Compressor 2. Install the vaive(5).
- EN—8062—5 Adapter 3. Install the NEW valve stem oil seal (4),using the
EN-958installer (2).
- EN-50717-2Compressor Assembly of
EN-50717Kit 4. Loosely install the valve spring (3) and the valve
spring retainer (1).
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Toolson
page 9-927.


2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical 31.4L (LUV) 9=881

5. Installthe EN-50717—2 assembly (1) to the Caution: The valve stem keys must correctly seat in
EN-8062compressor (4). the valve spring cap. Engine damage may occur by not
6. Installthe EN-8062—5 adapter (3) to the EN-8062 installing properly.
compressor. 8. Apply pressure to the EN-50717—2 assembly to
7. Install the compressor assembly to the cylinder push down the vaie spring retainer (1) and
head, so that the adapter (5) of the EN—50717—2 compress the valve spring (3) until the valve
assembly (1) contacts the valve spring retainer keys (2) can be inserted. Carefully insert the valve
properly and the EN—8062—5 adapter (3) contacts keys then, so that they are proper installed to the
the valve disc(2).Prefix the EN-8062 valve stem grooves.
compressor (4). 9. Carefully release the tension from the EN—50717—2
10. Inspect the valve keys and valve spring retainers
for proper seat.
11. Remove the compressor assembly from the
cylinder head.
12. Repeat the procedure with the remaining vaives.



9-882 Engine Mechanical ='i.4L (LUV)

Engine Block Disassemble Engine Block Assemble

2190941 2191859
1. Remove the knock sensor bolt (3). 1. Install the 4 piston oil nozzles (1).
2. Remove the knock sensor (2). Caution: Refer toFastener Caution on page 0—8.
3. Remove the 2 cylinder head guide sleeves (1). Use 2. Install the 4 piston oil nozzle bolts (2) and tighten
suitable pliers. to 25 N'm(18lb ft).
4. Remove the 2 transmission guide sleeves (4)
and (5).Use suitable pliers.

8 @333.- N
3. Install the knock sensor (2).
4. Install the knocksensor bolt (3) and tighten to
5. Remove the 4 piston oil nozzle bolts (2). 20 N-m(15 lb ft).
6. Remove the 4 piston oil nozzles (1). 5. Install the 2 cylinder head guide sleeves (1). Use a
rubber mallet.
6. Install the 2 transmission guide sleeves (4) and (5).
Use a rubber mallet.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-883

Piston and Connecting Rod

Special Tool
EN—49941 Remover/ Installer Piston Retainer Ring
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Toolson
page 9—927.

>\\ 3

Warning: Use extreme care when removing snap
rings. Always wear adequate eye protection in
order to avoid personal injury.
4. Apply the EN—49941 remover (1) in the notch (3) to
the piston pin retainer(2) and remove it.

Warning: Handle the piston carefully. Worn piston
rings are sharp and may cause bodily injury.
1. Remove the piston rings.Use piston ring pliers (1)


5. Remove the piston pin (2) and the connecting
rod (3)from the piston (1).

2. The piston rings are ordered as followed:
. Upper compression ring (1)
' Lower compression ring (2)
' Oil rings and oil ring spacer (3) and (4)
3. Installthe piston and connecting rod assembly to a
bench vise.Use aluminium braces

9-884 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing Piston And Connecting Rod

Cleaning and Inspection Measurement Procedure

Special Tools Piston Ring Clearance

EN-470-BAngular Torque Wrench
For equivalent regional toois, refer to Special Toolson
page 9—927.
Visual Inspection And Cleaning
Connecting Rod
Warning: Wear safety glasses when using
compressed air in order to prevent eye injury.
1. Clean the connecting rodsin solvent and dry with
compressed air.
2. Inspect the connecting rod for the following:
- Signs of being twisted, bent, nicked or cracked
- Scratches or abrasion on the connecting rod
bearing seating surfaces

1. Install the piston rings to the cylinder as shown (1)
and measure the piston ring end gap. Compare the
measurements with those provided beiow:
' The upper compression ring end gap should be
0.4—0.6 mm (0.0157—0.0236 in).
. The lower compression ring end gap should be
0.4—0.6 mm (0.0157—0.0236 in).
- The oil ring end gap should be 0.2—0.9 mm
(00079—00354 in).
2. Ifthe clearance is greater than the provided
specifications, the piston rings must be replaced.

1. Clean the piston with a cleaning solvent. DO NOT
wire brush any parts of the piston.
2. Clean the piston ring grooves.
3. Inspect the piston on the following:
. Cracked ring iands, skirts or pin bosses
- Ring grooves for nicks
. Eroded areas on the top of the piston (1)
- Scuffed or damaged skirts (2)
' Worn piston pin bores (3)
4. Ifthere is any excessive wear, replace the piston.
5. Measure the clearance between piston pin and
piston bore.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV) 9—885
3. Measure the piston ring side clearance as
shown (1). Compare the measurements with those
provided below:
- The upper compression ring side clearance
should be 0.025—0.07 mm (0.001—0.0028 in).
- The lower compression ring side clearance
should be 0.025—0.07 mm (0.001~0.0028 in).
- The oil ring side clearance should be 0.04-
0.12mm (0.0016—0.0047 in).
4. Ifthe clearance is greater than the provided
specifications, replace the piston rings.
5. Ifthe clearance is still to great, replace the pistons.
Connecting Rod Bearing Clearance (With
Micrometer Gauge Internal Measuring Device)
1. Install the connecting bearings and the connecting
rod bearing caps.
2. Tighten the connecting rod bearing cap boits in the
following sequence:
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8 2189634
Note: The old bolts can be reused for the measuring
procedure. 5. Measure the connecting rod journal diameter at
2 points between (1) and (3) and between (2)
2.1.Tighten the connecting rod bearing cap bolts and (4).Use a micrometer gauge.
to 10N-m(89 lb in).
6. Calculate the average connecting rod journal
2.2.Tighten the bolts to an additional 60 degrees diameter. '
using EN-470-Bwrench.
Formula: 1. result +2. result/2.
2.3.Tighten the bolts to an additional 15 degrees
7. Substract the average connecting rod journal
using EN-470-Bwrench.
diameter from the average connecting rod bearing
diameter in order to determine the connecting rod
bearing clearance.
The clearance should be 0.013-
0.061mm (0.0005—0.0024 in).

Piston and Connecting Rod

Special Tools
EN-49941Remover/ Installer Piston Retainer Ring
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Toolson
page 9-927.

3. Measure the connecting rod bearing diameters at3
points as shown (1). Use a internal measuring
4. Calculate the average connecting rod inner
Formula: 1. result+ 2. result +3. resuIt/3

9-886 Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV)
4. Push the piston pin retainer down with the thumb in
the shown position (1) and hold.
Note: The EN-49941instailer should be applied in a
perpendicular position to the piston pin retainer.
5. Apply the EN—49941 instailer (4) to the piston pin
retainer in the position shown (3) and push in
direction of the arrow while pushing down with the

Note: Lubricate the piston pin with clean engine oil.
1. Install the connecting rod (3) and the piston pin (2)
to the piston (1).
2. Instail the piston and connecting rod assembly to a
bench vise.Use aluminium braces.

Note: Push the piston pin retainer down in the position
shown (2).
6. Move the EN-49941installer (1) carefuiiy to the
position shown while pushing in direction of the
arrow until the piston pin retainer engages in the
piston pin retainer groove.
7. Push down the piston ring retainer to get a proper
seat in the groove.

Warning: Use extreme care when removing snap
rings. Always wear adequate eye protection in
order to avoid personal injury.
Warning: Use care when removing or installing the
piston retainer ring. Ensure the EN-49941remover/
installer is installed properly onto the retainer ring
and that hands and fingers are kept clear from the
front of the tool. Otherwise, bodily injury may
/\ \\i\/ \\ \\
Note: Notch (2) on right side.
3. Place the piston pin retainer in the piston pin
retainer groove so that the ring gap lays on the Note: Notch (4) on leftside. EN-49941installershould
notch (2). be used with left hand.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 93887
8. Place the piston pin retainer in the piston pin
retainer groove so that the ring gap lays on the
notch (4).
9. Push the piston pin retainer down with the thumb in
the position shown (1) and hold.
Note: The EN-49941instailer should be applied in a
perpendicular position to the piston pin retainer.
10. Apply the EN—49941 installer (3) to the piston pin
retainer in the position shown (2) and push in
direction of the arrow whiie pushing down with the

14. Install the piston rings.Use piston ring pliers (1).


Note: Push the piston pin retainer down in the position
shown (1).
11. Move the EN—49941 installer (2) carefully to the
. position shown whiie pushing in direction of the
arrow until the piston pin retainer engages in the
piston pin retainer groove.
12. Push down the piston ring retainer to get a proper
seat in the groove.
13. Remove the piston and connecting rod assembly
from the bench vise.
Note: Mind the TOP marking on the piston rings.
15. The piston rings must be ordered as followed:
- Upper compression ring (1)
- Lower compression ring (2)
- Piston oil ring with spacer(3), (4)

9-888 Engine Mechanicai =1.4L (LUV)

2192328 2191857
16. The piston ring joints must be positioned 5. Remove the 2 manifold absolute pressure sensor
90 degrees to each other. bolts (1).
- Upper compression ring joint (2) 6. Remove the 2 manifold absolute pressure
. Lower compression ring joint (5) sensors (2).
. Oil ring joint, upper part (1) 7. Remove the evaporative emission canister purge
solenoid valve (3).
- Oil ring joint, lower part (4)
- Oil ring spacerjoint (3) intake Manifold Cleaning and

Intake Manifold Disassemble inspection

2191856 2372991

Remove the fuel injection rail ground cable nut (1). 1. Clean the sealing surfaces (1) and (2).
Remove the 2 fuel injection raii bolts (2). 2. Inspect the intake manifold for cracks and
Remove the fuel injection fuel rail assembly (3).
PWNT‘ the intake manifold gasket (4).

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical , 1.4L (LUV) 9-889

Intake Manifold Assemble Crankshaft and Bearing Cleaning

and Inspection
Special Tools
- EN-470—BAngular Torque Wrench
~ GE-571—B Dial Gauge
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Toolson
page 9—927.
Crankshaft End Play, Check

1. Install the evaporative emission canister purge
solenoid valve (3).
2. Install the 2 manifold absolute pressure
sensors (2).
3. Install the 2 manifold absolute pressure sensor
bolts (1) and tighten.

Note: Crankshaft attached with crankshaft
bearing caps.
1. Install the GE—571—B gauge (1).
- Instail the holder on the front of the engine
- Place the dial gauge plunger against the
crankshaft and adjust.
2. Measure the longitudinal play of the crankshaft.
- Move the crankshaft in the longitudinal
- Permissible crankshaft end play 0.100-
0.202mm (0.0039—0.0080 in).
3. Remove the GE—571—B gauge.

4. install the fuel injection fuel rail assembly (3).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
5. Install the 2fue|injection rail bolts (2) and tighten
to 8N°m(71 lbin).
6. Install the fuel injection raii ground cabie nut (1)
and tighten.
7. Install a NEW intake manifold gasket (4).

9890 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Crankshaft Out-of—Round, Check Note:

- Crankshaft removed.
0 Do not rotate the crankshaft.
1. Lay out plastigage.
Lay out plastigage (flexible plastic thread) around
the entire width of the crankshaft bearing
journal (1).

Note: Crankshaft removed.
1. Insert the crankshaft in the engine block.
2. Install the GE-571—B gauge (1).
- Attach hoider to the engine biock.
- Place the dial gauge plunger against the 2190818
crankshaft bearing journal and adjust.
Note: The bolts can be reused for checking the
3. Check the rotational play of the crankshaft. crankshaft bearing play.
' Turn the crankshaft evenly.
2. Install the 4 lower crankshaft bearings (3) and the
' Maximum permissible rotational piay 0.03mm lower crankshaft thrust bearing (4).
3. Instail the crankshaft bearing cap tie plate (2).
4. Remove the GE—571-B gauge.
4. install the 10 inner crankshaft bearing cap tie piate
Check Crankshaft Bearing Clearance bolts (1).
(With Piastigage)



2190912 Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.

2013 (5377994)
Egine Mechanical . 1.4L (LUV) 9-891
5. Tighten the 10 inner crankshaft bearing cap tie
plate bolts in a sequence as shown and in the
following order: _L
5.1.Tighten the inner crankshaft bearing cap tie
plate bolts to 25 N-m(18 lb ft).
5.2.Tighten the inner crankshaft bearing cap tie
plate bolts an additional 60°.Use EN-470—B
5.3.Tighten the inner crankshaft bearing cap tie
piate bolts an additional 15°.Use EN—470~B
6. Remove the crankshaft bearing cap tie piate bolts
and the crankshaft bearing cap tie piate.

2. Measure the crankshaft bearing diameter at
3 points.
Measure in areas as shown (1)with an internal
measuring device.
Calculate the average crankshaft bearing diameter.
Formula: 1. result +2. result +3. resuit/3.

Note: When reading the value, do not confuse
millimeters and inches on the measuring scale.
7. Measure the crankshaft bearing play.
- Compare the width of the flattened plastic
thread (arrow)to the measuring scale (1).
- The crankshaft bearing play should be 0.007-
o.031mm (0.00028—0.00122in).
Check Crankshaft Bearing Clearance
(With Micrometer Gauge Internal
Measuring Device)
Note: The bolts can be reused for checking the
crankshaft bearing play.
1. install and tighten the crankshaft bearing cap tie
plate and the crankshaft bearings as shown above. 3. Measure the crankshaft bearing journal diameter at
2 points between (1) and (3) and between (2)
and (4) with the micrometer gauge.
4. Calculate the average crankshaft bearing journai
Formula: 1. result +2. result/2.
5. Determine the crankshaft bearing play.
Calculation formula: average crankshaft bearing
diameter minus average crankshaft bearing journal
6. The crankshaft bearing play should be 0.007-
0.031mm (0.00028—0.00122in).

9-892 Engine Mechanical : 1.4L (LUV)

Engine Front Cover and Oil Pump

Cleaning and Inspection

Engine Front Cover Cleaning Procedure

1. Clean the engine front cover sealing surface.

Note: Oil pump components are installed.
4. Measure the oil pump axial clearances. Use a
straight edge (1) and a feeler gauge.
4.1. The maximal axial clearance between engine
front cover and oil pump vane rotorshould be
2191041 0.1 mm (0.004in).
Warning: Wear safety glasses when using 4.2. The maximal axial clearance between engine
compressed air in order to prevent eye injury. front cover and oil pump vane should be
0.09mm (0.0035in).
Caution: To ensure proper engine lubrication, Ciean 4.3.The maximal axial clearance between engine
clogged or contaminated oil galleries in an approved front cover and oil pump vane ring should be
solvent and with compressed air. Failure to clean oil 0.4 mm (0.016in).
galleries may cause engine damage.
4.4.The maximal axial clearance between engine
2. Ciean the shown oii gallery with solvent and front cover and oil pump slide should be
compressed air. Blow compressed airfrom bore (2) 0.08mm (0.0031in).
to bore (1).
4.5. The maximal axial clearance between engine
Engine Front Cover Visual inspection front cover and oil pump slide seal should be
0.09mm (0.0035in).
inspect the engine front cover for cracks, scratches and
Oil Pump Visual Inspection and
1. Inspect the oil pump cover and the engine front
cover for flatness.
2. Inspect the oil pump vanes, the oil pump vane
rotor,the oil pump vane rings and the oil pump
slide for localized fiatting.
3. Inspect the oil pump slide pivot pin for firm seat.


2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-893
5. Measure the oil pump radial Clearance. Use a Oil Pump Removal
feeler gauge (1).Measure the Clearance between
oil pump vane rotor and oil pump vane (3).
The maximal clearance should be
0.05mm (0.002in).
6. Measure the clearance between oil pump vane and
oil pump slide (2).
The maximal clearance should be
0.2 mm (0.008in).

Engine Front Cover and Oil Pump


Engine Front Cover Disassemble

1. Remove the 8 oil pump cover bolts (1).
2. Remove the oil pump cover (2).

1. Remove the intake camshaft position sensor
bolt (1).
2. Remove the intake camshaft position sensor (2)
and the seal ring (3).
3. Remove the exhaust camshaft position sensor
bolt (6).
4. Remove the exhaust camshaft position sensor (5)
and the seal ring (4).
5. Remove the oil pressure relief valve (7, 8 and 9)
6. Remove the crankshaft front oil seal (10). 2191038
Warning: Before removing the spring, cover the
spring with a towel to prevent the spring fromflying
and possibly causing damage or personal injury.
Note: Position a screw driver between the oil pump
slide spring windings (2).
3. Protect the engine front cover edge (1)with a
suitable piece of plastic.
4. Compress the oil pump slide spring with a screw
driver and remove the oil pump slide spring along
with the oil pump slide spring pin.

9—894 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)
2. Remove the turbocharger oil return pipe (1) and the
sealing (3)from the turbocharger.

Note: Mind the installation position of the oii pump
components. .
. . . 2192344
5' Eggleve the 0” pump components Inthe foilowrng Note: The quick fitting connectors should be always
' . _ replaced when the turbocharger coolant pipes are
5.1.Outer 01ipump vane r1ng(1). removed

5'2' 0" pumzpvane mm (3) and the 7 0" pump 3. Instail the EN—49940 remover (2) to the
vanes (_)' , turbocharger coolant feed pipe (1) and the quick
5.3. inner orl pump vane ring (6). fitting connector as shown.
5-4- 0” pump Sl'de (4),and the 2.0” pump SW3 4. Compress the EN—49940 remover and remove the
seals mm the 2 0" pump Sl'de seal springs (5)- turbocharger cooiant feed pipe direction of the
_ arrow.
Turbocharger Disassemble
Special Tool
EN-49940Remover Quick Connector
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Toolson
page 9—927.

1 5. Remove the quick fittingconnector (2) and the seal
ring (1).
6. Use the same procedure for the turbocharger
coolant return pipe and the turbocharger coolant
2191928 return pipe quick fitting connector.

1. Remove the 2 turbocharger oii return pipe bolts (2).

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 93895

Turbocharger Cleaning and Turbocharger Assemble


Cleaning Procedure
1. Ciean ail sealing surfaces.
2. Clean all threads if necessary.
Inspection Procedure

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
1. Instaiithe NEW quick fitting connector (2) and a
NEW seal ring (1) to the turbocharger and tighten
to 20 Wm(15 lb ft).

1. Inspect the wastegate regulator mechanism (1)for
2. Inspect the turbine blades for damage or foreign
3. Inspect the turbocharger wastegate regulator
vacuum hoses for damage.
4. Inspect the exhaust manifold and the turbocharger
for cracks or other damage.
5. Inspect the exhaust manifold mating surface for

2. Inspect the turbocharger coolant pipes for ridges
and damage.
3. install the turbocharger coolant feed pipe (1) to the
quick fitting connector(2) by pushing in direction of
the arrow until an audible click is heard.
. Use the same procedure for the turbocharger
coolant return pipe and the turbocharger coolant
return pipe quick fitting connector.

9-896 Engine Mechanical ~1.4L (LUV)

2191928 2191944
5. install the turbocharger oil return pipe (1) and a 7. Remove the engine oil pressure indicator switch (5)
NEW sealing (3) to the turbocharger. and the seal ring (4).
6. Install the 2 turbocharger oil return pipe bolts (2) 8. Remove the engine oil filter cap (1) along with the
and tighten to 8N'm(71 lb in). seal ring (2) and the oil filter element (3).

Engine Oil Cooler Disassemble Engine Oil Cooler Assemble

/ 1

/ 3

2191943 2191944
1. Remove the oil cooler coolant inlet hose clamp (2). Caution: Refer to'Fasten'er Caution on pageIO-B.
2. Remove the oil cooler coolant inlet hose (1). 1' Instali the engine 0" filter gap (1) along mm a NEW
. . . seal ring (2) and a NEW orlfilter element (3) and
3. Remove the Oilcooler coolant Inletpipe bolt (7) tighten to 25N-m(18 lbft).
4- Remeve the 0" 000'” oooiant inlet pipe (3) and the 2. install the engine oil pressure indicator switch (5)
seat ““9 (6)- and NEW seal ring (4) and tighten to 20 N-m
5. Remove the oil cooler coolant outlet hose (15 lb ft).
clamp (4).
6. Remove the oil cooler coolant outlet hose (5).

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-897
1. Clean the oil suction gallery (2) with compressed
air. Be sure to remove all dirt and old gasket
material from the suction gallery (2).
2. Remove all remaining old gasket material from
sealing surface (1) and screw bores (3).
3. Clean the sealing surfaces from dirt and grease.
4. Inspect the sealing surface for cracks and damage.

Crankshaft and Bearing Installation

Special Tools
- EN-235-6Installer from EN-235-DKit.
- EN—4 70—BAngular Torque Wrench
- EN-658-1installer from EN-658Kit.
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9—927.
1. Lubricate crankshaft, crankshaft bearings and
crankshaft bearing cap tie plate with engine oil.

3. Install the oil cooler coolant outlet hose (5)
4. Install the oil cooler coolant outlet hose clamp (4).
5. Install the oil cooler coolant inlet pipe (3) and a
NEW seal ring (6).
6. Install the oil cooler coolant inlet pipe bolt (7) and
tighten to 10 N'm (89 lb in).
7. install the oil cooler coolant inlet hose (1).
8. install oil cooler coolant inlet hose clamp (2).

Oil Pan Cleaning and Inspection

2. Install the 4 upper crankshaft bearings (2) and the
crankshaft thrust bearing (3).
3. Install the crankshaft(1).

Warning: Wear safety glasses when using
compressed air in order to prevent eye injury.
Caution: To ensure proper engine lubrication, clean
clogged or contaminated oil galleries in an approved
solvent and with compressed air. Failure to clean oil
galleries may cause engine damage.

9=898 Efitine Mechanical , 1.4L (LUV)

2190820 2190747
Note: The thickness of the sealing bead should be Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2 mm (0.0787in). Caution: Refer to Torque—to-YieldFastener Caution on
4. Apply sealing compound (1) to the outer rim of the page 0—10.
groove on the crankshaft bearing cap tie piate. 8. Tighten the 10 inner crankshaft bearing cap tie
Refer to Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and plate bolts in the sequence shown and to the
Sealers on page 9—759. following specifications:
8.1.Tighten the inner crankshaft bearing cap tie
plate bolts to 25 N-m(18 lb ft).
8.2.Tighten the inner crankshaft bearing cap tie
plate bolts an additional 60 degrees. Use
EN—470—B wrench.
8.3.Tighten the inner crankshaft bearing cap tie
plate bolts an additional 15 degrees. Use
EN-470—B wrench.

Note: The complete installation procedure should not
take longer than 10 minutes.
5. Install the 4 lower crankshaft bearings (3) and the
lower crankshaft thrust bearing (4).
6. Install the crankshaft bearing cap tie plate (2).
Note: Do not reuse the old bolts.
7. install the 10 NEW inner crankshaft bearing cap tie 2190355
plate bolts (1). Note: Do not reuse the old bolts.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-899
9. Installthe 12 NEW outer crankshaft bearing cap tie
\ t 1/
plate bolts (1) and tighten to the following
9.1.Tighten the outer crankshaft bearing cap tie
plate bolts to 10 Nm (89 lb in).
9.2.Tighten the outer crankshaft bearing cap tie Q, \ 7
plate bolts an additional 60 degrees. Use
EN—470—B wrench.
9.3.Tighten the outer crankshaft bearing cap tie
plate bolts an additional 15 degrees. Use


13. install the crankshaft rear oil seal (1)with EN-235-6
installer (2)to the crankshaft.

10. Install the crankshaft position sensor (1) and a
NEW crankshaft position sensor seal ring (2).
11. Installthe crankshaft position sensor bolt (3) and
tighten to 8 NW (71 lb in).


Note: Ensure that the crankshaft rear oil seal fits
14. Use EN-658-1installer (2) to strike the crankshaft
rear oil seal (1)

12. Slide the crankshaft rear oil seal (2) across the
EN-235-6installer (1) contained in EN-235—D kit.

9-900 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing

Special Tools
EN-470-BAngular Torque Wrench
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-927.

4. Install a piston ring compressor to compress the
piston rings.
5. Install the pistons (1) in along with connecting
rods (2) and upper connecting rod bearings (3) to
the engine block and to the crankshaft.

1. Adjust the piston ringjoints as follows:
1.1.Upper compression ring (1).
1.2.Lower compression ring (4).
1.3.Oil rings (2)or (3).
1.4.Oil ring spacer (5).

Note: The flarings (arrows) on the connecting rod
bearing caps must point to the transmission side.The
connecting rod bearing caps must be installed in their
original position.
6. Install the 2 connecting rod bearings and the
2 connecting rod bearing caps (2) of
cylinder1 and 4.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2190813 Caution: Refer to Torque—to—Yield Fastener Caution on
page 0-10.
2. The arrow (1) on the piston head must point to the
timing side. Note: Do not reuse the old bolts.
3. The markings on the connecting rods (2) must
point to the transmission side.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-901
7. install the 4 NEW connecting rod bearing cap
bolts (1)and tighten in the following sequence:
7.1.Tighten the connecting rod bearing cap bolts
to 25 Nm (18 lb ft).
7.2.Tighten the connecting rod bearing cap bolts
an additional 45 degrees. Use EN-470B
8. Rotate the crankshaft 180 degrees.

Note: Mind the guide sleeves‘(4) and (5).
2. install a NEW cylinder head gasket (3).The
marking “Top“should point to the cylinder head.
3. Install the cylinder head (2).
4. Install 12 NEW cylinder head bolts (1) and hand

Note: The fiarings (arrows) on the connecting rod
bearing caps must point to the transmission side.The
connecting rod bearing caps must be installed in their
original position.
9. Install the 2 connecting rod bearings and the
2 connecting rod bearing caps (2) of
cylinder 3 and 2.
Note: Do not reuse the old bolts.
10. Install the 4 NEW connecting rod bearing cap
bolts (1) and tighten in the following sequence:
10.1.Tighten the connecting rod bearing cap bolts
to 25 N-m(18 lb ft).
10.2.Tighten the connecting rod bearing cap bolts
an additional 45 degrees. Use EN—470—B

Cylinder Head Installation

Special Tools 2191829
EN-470—BAngular Torque Wrench. 5. Lay a straight edge (1)against the engine block
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on and cylinder head. Adjust the transition in area (2)
page 9-927. until there is no clearance between cylinder head
and straight edge, using a rubber mallet.
Warning: Wear safety glasses when using
compressed air in order to prevent eye injury.
1. Clean the sealing surfaces and remove dirt and old
gasket material from thread bores, water galleries
and oil galleries.

9-902 Engine Mechanical —1.4L (LUV)

Hydraulic Valve Lash Adjuster Arm


Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8
Caution: Refer to Torqueito-Yie/d Fastener Caution on
page 0—10. ‘ 2190735
6. Tighten the cylinder head bolts in the sequence Note: Hydraulic valve lash adjuster arms should be
shown and to the following specifications: installed in their original position.
6.1.Tighten the cylinder head bolts to 35 Nm
(26 lb ft). 1. Lubricate the hydraulic valve lash adjuster arms
with engine oil. .
6.2.Tighten the cylinder head bolts an additional
180 degrees. Use EN-470—Bwrench. 2. Install the 16 hydraulic valve lash adjuster arms (1).

Hydraulic Valve Lash Adjuster Intake Camshaft Installation


Note: Mind the markings on the camshaft bearing
caps. Camshaft bearing caps should be installed in
Note: Mind the installation position of the hydraulic their original position.
valve lash adjusters.
1. Lubricate camshaft and camshaft bearing caps
1. Lubricate the hydraulic valve lash adjusters with with engine oil.
engine oil.
2. Install the intake camshaft (3).
2. Install the 16 hydraulic valve lash adjusters (1). 3. Install the 5 camshaft bearing caps (2).

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical , 1.4L (LUV) 9-903
4. install the 10 camshaft bearing cap bolts (1) and 4. Install the 10 camshaft bearing cap bolts (1) and
handtighten. handtighten.

6Q%‘€§."vg.:Q". {g '.
> -1. 21.11... g
:1 ill ll Ii
3.1,... 1.11 »

2190731 2190734
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8. Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
Note: Tighten the camshaft bearing cap bolts one turn Note: Tighten the camshaft bearing cap bolts one turn
at a time in order to avoid shape distortion of the at a time in order to avoid shape distortion of the
camshaft. camshaft.
5. Tighten the camshaft bearing cap bolts one turn at 5. Tighten the camshaft bearing cap bolts one turn at
a time and in a spiral sequence as shown to 8 Wm a time and in a spiral sequence as shown to 8 N-m
(71 lb in). (71 lb in).

Exhaust Camshaft Installation Camshaft Sprocket Installation

2190733 2190718
Note: Mind the markings on the camshaft bearing . Installthe intake camshaft sprocket (3).
caps. Camshaft bearing caps should be installed in
their original position. N_\
. install the intake camshaft position sensor exciter
wheel (2) and the intake camshaft sprocket bolt (1),
1. Lubricate camshaft and camshaft bearing caps but do not tighten yet.
with engine oil. 3. Install the exhaust camshaft sprocket.
2. Install the exhaust camshaft (3). Note: Tightening of camshaft sprocket bolts will be
3. install the 5 camshaft bearing caps (2). done after the engine front cover installation.
9-904 EfingpineMechanical - 1.4L (LUV)
4. install the exhaust camshaft position sensor exciter 2. Apply sealing compound to the shown areas (1)
wheel and the exhaust camshaft sprocket bolt, but and (2).Refer to Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants,
do not tighten yet. and Sealers on page 9-759.

Timing Chain Tensioner Installation


Note: Mind the guide sleeves.
2190684 3. Install the NEW engine front cover gasket (1).
1. Install the timing chain tensioner(2). 4. Install the timing chain. Refer to Camshaft Timing
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8. Chain Installation on page 9-904.
2. Install the 2 timing chain tensioner bolts (1) and Note: The complete installation procedure should not
tighten to 8 N-m(71 lb in). take longer than 10 minutes.
5. Install the engine front cover.Refer to Engine Front
Engine Front Cover Gasket Cover and Oil Pump Installation on page 9—906.
Camshaft Timing Chain Installation
1. Clean the sealing surfaces and remove all remains
of old sealing compound material. Special Tools
~ EN-952Fixing Pin
' EN-953-AFixing Tool
. EN-955-10Fixing Pin from EN—955 Kit
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-927.
1. The engine should be adjusted to TDC.
2. The crankshaft should be locked with EN—952
fixing pin.
3. The camshaft should be locked with EN-953-A
fixing tool.

Note: The thickness of the sealing bead should be
2 mm (0.0787in).

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 93905

1 4:


2190675 2190677
4. Install the timing chain (1) along with the crankshaft 7. Install the timing chain guide right side (1).
sprocket (2). 8. Install the 2 timing chain guide right side bolts (2)
and tighten to 8N'm(71 lb in).

5. install the timing chain tensioner shoe (1). 2190679
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8. 9. Push the timing chain (2) in direction to the timing
6. Install the timing chain tensioner shoe bolt (2) and chain tensioner (1) and remove the EN—955—10
tighten to 20 N-m(15 lb ft). fixing pin (3).
The upper timing chain guide will be installed after the
installation of the engine front cover and the fastening
of the camshaft sprockets.

9906 Engine Mechanical : 1.4L (LUV)

Engine Front Cover and Oil Pump Camshaft Sprocket Fastening

Special Tools 3M /l 3. ”’U‘“ A‘-
- EN—952 Fixing Pin Amie. , .3 - A
- EN-953-AFixing Tool mfg _ ’T m A
- EN—49977-100 Transmitter Disc Fixation ammT (DC)
~ EN-49977—200 Fixing Tool
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on 1“]
page 9—927.

Note: Push the fixing tool in the direction of the arrow
to ensure it fully engages.
1. Install EN-49977—200 fixing tool (2) and ensure
that the gearing of the fixing tool engages with the
intake camshaft sprocket gearing (1).

Note: Mind the guide sleeves when installing engine
front cover.
1. Install the engine front cover (3).
2. Install the 13 engine front cover bolts M6 (1).
3. Install the 2 engine front cover bolts M10 (2).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
4. Tighten the 13 engine front cover bolts M6 to
8N'm(71 lb in).
5. Tighten the 2 engine front cover bolts M10 to
35 N-m(26 lb ft).

2. Tighten the 2 fastening bolts (1) of EN-49977-200
fixing tool while pushing the fixing tool in direction
of the arrow.
3. Tighten the adjuster bolt (2).

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-907
Upper Timing Chain Guide Installation

Note: A wrong installation position is possible. Make
sure that the holding tool is fully installed to the cylinder 2190676
head in areas (3) and (5).
1. install the upper timing chain guide (2).
4. Install EN-49977—100transmitter disc holder (2) to
find and hold the correct position of the camshaft 2. Install the 2 upper timing chain guide bolts (1) and
position exciter wheels. tighten to 8N-m(71 lb in).
5. Tighten the fastening bolts (6) of EN-49977-100 3. Remove EN-953-Afixing tool and EN-952
transmitterdisc holder. fixing pin.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8. 4. Install crankshaft bearing cap tie plate hole plug
and seal ring and tighten to 50 Nm (37 lb ft).
Caution: Refer to Torque-to-Yield Fastener Caution on
page 0-10.
Oil Pan Installation
6. Tighten the NEW intake camshaft sprocket bolt (4)
while holding the hexagon (1) of the intake Special Tools
camshaft to 50 N-m(37 lb ft). EN-49980Guidance Pins
7. Tighten the intake camshaft sprocket bolt (4)while For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
holding the hexagon (1) of the intake camshaft to page 9—927.
an additional 60 degrees.
1. Clean the sealing surfaces from old sealing
8. Tighten the NEW exhaust camshaft sprocket bolt material, dirt, oil and grease.
while holding the hexagon of the exhaust camshaft
to 50 NW (37 lb ft).
9. Tighten the exhaust camshaft sprocket bolt while
holding the hexagon of the exhaust camshaft to an
additional 60 degrees.
10. Remove EN-49977—100transmitterdisc holder and
EN-49977—200 fixing tool.


9-908 Engine Mechanical .. 1.4L (LUV)
Note: The sealing bead should be applied close to the Caution: Use care when installing the oil pan to
inner edge of the oil pan. Take care that the oil suction prevent disruption of the sealing bead. The sealing
gallery (4) will not get contaminated with sealing bead should remain consistent until the oil pan is mated
compound or dirt. The thickness of the sealing bead (3) with the engine. An inconsistent sealing bead can
should be 2 mm (0.0787in). cause an insufficient seal and result in engine damage.
2. Apply sealing compound to the oil pan. Refer to 6. Carefully install the oil pan. Guide the oil pan with
Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers on EN-49980pins (2) and the equivalent screw
page 9-759. bores (1).
3. Apply sealing compound to the groove of the 7. Hold the oil pan with 4 oil pan bolts.
engine front cover(1).Refer to Adhesives, Fluids, 8. Remove EN—49980 pins.
Lubricants, and Sealers on page 9-759. 9. Install the remaining 12 oil pan bolts and hand
4. Apply sealing compound around the screw bore (2) tighten.
of the crankshaft bearing cap tie plate.

10. Lay a straight edge (1) against the oil pan and
Note: The complete installation procedure of the oil engine block.Using a rubber mallet, adjust the
pan should not take longer than 10 minutes. transition in area (2) until there is no clearance
5. Install the 2 EN-49980pins (1)and(2) to the between oil pan‘and the straight edge.
shown oil pan screw bores. Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
11. Tighten the 16 oil pan bolts to 10 N-m(89lb in).


Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-909

Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid

Valve Installation

3. The 2 camshaft position actuator solenoid valves
should be installed in the position as
2190650 shown (1) and (2).
Caution: The camshaft position actuator solenoid Camshaft Cover Installation
valves must be kept parallel to the engine front cover
during removal and installation. The camshaft position 1. Clean the sealing surfaces.
actuator solenoid valves can be damaged if they
become wedged or stuck during this process.
1. Install the 2 camshaft position actuator solenoid
valves (2) and the 2 seal rings (1) by carefully and
evenly pressing.

1% '

Note: The thickness of the sealing bead should be
2 mm (0.0787in).
2. Apply sealing compound to areas (1) and (2).Refer
to Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers on
2191735 page 9-759.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8
2. Install the 4 camshaft position actuator solenoid
valve bolts (1) and tighten to 8N-m(71 lb in).

2190620 2190647
Note: The installation procedure should not take 6. Install the oil level indicator(1).
longer than 10 minutes.
3. Install the camshaft cover (2) and a NEW Ignition Coil Installation
gasket (3).
Special Tools
4. Install the 15 camshaft cover bolts (1).
EN—6009 Remover and Installer IgnitionModule
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-927.

5. Tighten the 15 camshaft cover bolts in a sequence
as shown to 8N-m(71 lb in). 2190646
1. install the ignition coil (1) and remove EN—6009
remover and installer (2).

Engine Mechanical-1.4L (LUV) 9.911

2190645 2191832
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8. 3_ Install EN—652holder (1) to hold the engine
2. install the 21gnition'coil bolts (1)and tighten to flywheel (2),
8 N-m(71 lb '")' Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
Engine' Flywheel Installation
- Caution: Refer to Torque-to-YieldFastener Caution on
page 040.
Special Tools 4. Tighten the 6 engine flywheel bolts in a cross
- EN-470—B Angular Torque Wrench sequence 10 60 N-m(44 "3ft)-
. EN-652Flywheel Holder 4.1. Tighten the 6 engine flywheel bolts in a cross
. . . sequence to an additional 45 degrees. Use
For eqUIvalentregional tools, refer to SpeCIa/Tools on EN-470-Bwrench.
page 9-927.
4.2.Tighten the 6 engine flywheel bolts in a cross
sequence to an additional 15 degrees. Use
5. Remove EN—652 holder.

Generator Installation

1. install the engine flywheel (1).
2. Install the 6 NEW engine flywheel bolts (2).

1. install the generator (1).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.

9-912 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)
2. Install the 2 generator bolts (2) and tighten to
35 Nm (26 lb ft).

Starter Installation

. “8115 115' /

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
3. Install the 6 intake manifold bolts (1) and tighten to
20 N-m(15 lb ft).

2190618 Throttle Body Installation

1. install the starter (4).
2. install the lower starter bolt stud (3) and if equipped
the washer.
3. Install theupper starter bolt (2) and if equipped the
washer (1).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
4. Tighten the starter bolt and starter bolt stud to
25 N-m(18 lb ft).

Intake Manifold Installation

1. Clean the sealing surfaces.

1. Install the throttle body (2) and a NEW throttlebody
seal ring (1).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2. install the 4 throttle body bolts (3) and tighten to
8N°m(71 lb in).

2. Install the intake manifold (1)along with a NEW
intake manifold gasket.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9913

Water Pump Installation Crankshaft Balancer Installation

1. Clean the sealing surfaces. Special Tools
- EN-470—BAngular Torque Wrench
- EN-956—1 Extension
- EN-49979Crankshaft Shock Mount Retainer
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-927.

2. The water pump and engine front cover bolts are
located as followed:
- Engine front cover special bolt without cone and
60 mm (2.362in) (1).
- Engine front cover standard bolt with cone end 2190553
52 mm (2.047in) (2). ' Note: The crankshaft balancer flange must fit to the
° Waterpump bolt 25 mm (0.984in) (3). hexagon of the oil pump rotor (2) and to the two-flatof
the crankshaft (1).
1. install the crankshaft balancer by carefully
pressing into position.

i- ’r sw/j/
11 1


2 'f
3. Install the water pump (2) and a NEW water pump
gasket (1).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8. 2190555
4. Install the 5 water pump bolts (4) and the 5 long 2. Measure the distance a between the crankshaft
engine frontcover bolts (3) and tighten in a cross balancer (2) and the engine front cover (1). The
sequence to 8N-m(71 lb in). v distance a should be 5.5 mm (0.21654in).
Note: Never re-use the crankshaft balancer bolt.

9-9’14 Engine Mechanical , 1.4L (LUV)
3. install a NEW crankshaft balancer bolt. 3. Tighten the 3 water pump pulley bolts (2)to
22 N-m(16 lb ft) while holding up the water pump
pulley hub with a wrench.

Air Conditioning Compressor

Bracket Installation

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
Caution: Refer to Torque-to—YieldFastener Caution on
page 0—10.
4. Tighten the crankshaft balancer bolt (4)while
holding the crankshaft balancer (3)with EN-49979 2190353
retainer (1) and EN—956—1 extension (2) in the
1. Install the air conditioning compressor bracket (2).
following order:
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
4.1.Tighten the crankshaft balancer bolt to
150 N-m(111lb ft). 2. install the 3 air conditioning compressor bracket
bolts (1)and tighten to 22 Nm (16 lb ft).
4.2.Tighten the crankshaft balancer bolt to an
additional 60 degrees, using EN-470—B
Drive Belt Tensioner installation

Water Pump Pulley Installation

Q Hafiz}
1. Install the drive belt tensioner (1).
2. Install the upper drive belt tensioner bolt (2).
1. Install the water pump pulley (1). 3. Install the lower drive belt tensioner bolt (3).
2. Install the 3water pump pulley bolts (2). Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-915
4. Tighten the lower drive belt tensioner bolt (M8)to Engine Oil Cooler InstallatiOn
22 N'm(16lb ft).
5. Tighten the upper drive belt tensioner bolt to
55 N-m(41 lb ft).

Drive Belt Installation

Special Tools
- EN-955Locking Pins
- EN—48488 Holding Wrench
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9—927.
Note: Ensure that the drive belt tensioner is held with
EN-955-2locking pin.
1. Installthe drive belt.

Note: Lubricate the oil cooler seal (8) with clean
engine oil.
1. Install the engine oil cooler assembly (6) along with
2 NEW sealings (8) and (9).
2. Install the 3 oil cooler bolts (5) and tighten to
10N-m(89lb in).
3. Install the oil cooler coolant outlet pipe bolt (7) and
tighten to 10 N-m(89 lb in).
4. install the oil cooler coolant outlet hose (2) to the
engine coolant thermostat housing.
5. Install the oil cooler coolant outlet hose clamp (1).
6. Install the oil cooler coolant inlet hose (4) to the
2191736 water outlet.
7. Install the oil cooler coolant inlet hose clamp (3).
2. Move the drive belt tensioner clockwise until
EN-955—20 locking pin (2) can be removed. Use
EN-48488wrench (1).
3. Remove EN—955—20 locking pin (2) from the drive
belt tensioner while holding with EN-48488
wrench (1).
4. Release tension from drive belt tensioner and
remove EN—48488 wrench (1).

9-916 Ewine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Water Outlet installation 3. Install the 3 engine coolant thermostat housing

bolts (1) and tighten to 8N-m(71 lb in).
1. Clean the sealing surfaces.
Turbocharger installation
Special Tool
EN—49942 Holding Wrench
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-927.
1. Clean the sealing surfaces.
2. Replace the connect fittings on the turbocharger
coolant feed pipe and the turbocharger coolant
return pipe. Refer to Turbocharger Disassemble on
page 9-894and TurbochargerAssemb/e on
page 9-895.

2. Install the water outlet (2) and a NEW water outlet
seal ring (1).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
3. install the 3 water outlet bolts (3) and tighten to
8N-m(71lb in). .

Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing

1. Clean the sealing surfaces.

Note: Mind the turbocharger oil return pipe.
3. Install the turbocharger assembly (1) and a NEW
turbocharger gasket (2).

2. install the engine coolant thermostat housing (2)
and a NEW engine coolant thermostat housing
seal ring (3).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-917
4. Connect the turbocharger oil return pipe to the
engine while installing the turbocharger.
5. Installthe turbocharger coolant feed pipe hollow
screw along with 2 NEW seal rings (1) and (2).

9. Connect the turbocharger coolant return hose (6)
to the oil cooler coolant inlet pipe and install the
turbocharger coolant return pipe bolt (7) to the oil
cooler. Tighten the turbocharger coolant return
2192236 pipe bolt to 8N°m(71 lb in).
6. Installthe 8 NEW turbocharger nuts (1). 10. Install the turbochargeroil feed pipe (2) along with
a NEW rubber seal ring.
11. install the turbochargeroil feed pipe hollow
screw (4) in compound with 2 NEW seal
rings (1) and (3).
12. Install the turbocharger oil feed pipe bolt (5) to the
oil cooler and tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb in).
13. Tighten the turbochargeroil feed pipe hollow screw
to 30 N-m(22 lb ft).

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
Caution: Refer to Torque-to-Yie/dFastener Caution on
page 0—10.
7. Tighten the 8 turbocharger nuts in a sequence as
shown to 8N'm(71 lb in).
8. Repeat the tightening procedure to ensure a
proper fastening of the turbocharger nuts.
Note: The EN—49942 holding wrench (2) should be
installed to turbocharger coolant feed pipe as shown.
The holding wrench should be installed to avoid
twisting of the turbocharger coolant feed pipe during the
fastening procedure.

9-918 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)
14. install the EN—49942 holding wrench (2) to the 2. install the 3 exhaust manifold heat shield bolts (1)
turbocharger coolant feed pipe. Guide a ratchet and the washers and tighten to 8 N~m(71 lb in).
wrench (1) along with an extension through
EN-49942holding wrench to the turbocharger Warm Up Three-Way Catalytic
coolant feed pipe hollow screw.
Converter Installation

RG1 Q.

Note: EN-49942holding wrench (2) should be
installed to turbocharger coolant feed pipe as shown. 1. Install the warm up three way catalytic
The holding wrench should be installed to avoid twist of converter (5) to the brackets and the turbocharger.
the turbocharger coolant feed pipe while the fastening Use a NEW warm up three way catalytic converter
procedure. seal (2).
15. Tighten the turbocharger coolant feed pipe hollow Note: Never re—usethe V-clamp.
screw with ratchet wrench and extension (1) to 2. install a NEW warm up three way catalytic
30 Nm (22 lb ft). converter V-clamp (1).
3. Install the 2 catalytic converter to catalytic
Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield
converter bracket nuts (4) and (6) and hand
Installation tighten.
4. Hand tighten the catalytic converter V-ciamp.
5. Connect the heated oxygen sensor wiring
harness (3) to retainer clip.

1. Installthe exhaust manifold heat shield (2).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-919
5. Fasten the Charger air bypass valve pipe Clamp (4).

6. The catalytic converter V—clamp(1) should be
installed in the shown position. “9°43
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8, 6. install the positive crankcase ventilation pipe to the
7‘ Tighten the catalytic converter to catalytic intake manifold and fix with retainer clamp (1).
converter bracket nuts to 22 N-m(16 lb ft)_ 7. Clip in the positive crankcase ventilation pipe to
8. Tighten the catalytic converter V-clamp to the 2 retainer clips (2) and (3).
13 N-m(115lb in).
Engine Mount Bracket Installation
Positive Crankcase Ventilation Pipe

1. Install the engine mount bracket (2).
2190426 Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
1. Install the positive crankcase ventilation pipe 2. Install the 3 engine mount bracket bolts and tighten
assembly (1)to the camshaft cover retainer clips. to 60 N-m(45 lb ft) +45—60°.
2. Connect the positive crankcase ventilation pipe to
turbocharger (3).
3. Install the charger air bypass valve pipe (2) to turbo
charger waste regulator solenoid valve.
4. Install the charger air bypass valve pipe to
9-920 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Engine Front Cover and Oil Pump


Oil Pump Installation

2. Install the 2 oil pump slide seals and the 2 oil pump
slide seal springs (2) in the position as shown to
the 2 grooves (1) of the oil pump slide.

Note: The oil pump slide spring and pin, as well as the
slide seal and slide seal spring can be ordered as
single parts. All other oil pump components can only be
ordered as a replacement kit.
1. Install the oil pump components in the following
Note: The bore (8) in the oil pump slide must fit
smooth—runningand without clearance to the oil pump
slide pivot pin (7).
1.1.Install the oil pump slide (6).
1.2.Install the inner oil pump vane ring (5).
Note: Mind the installation position of the oil pump
vane rotor (4).The mark (9) must point to direction of
the oil pump cover.
1.3.Install the oil pump vane rotor (4).
Note: Mind the localized flats (3) on the oil pump
vanes (2) caused by the oil pump vane rings.The
localized flats must point to the oil pump vane rotor. 2191052
1.4.Install the 6 oil pump vanes (2). 3. Protect the engine front cover edge (5)with a
1.5.Install the outer oil pump vane ring (1). suitable piece of plastic.
Note: The length of the removed oil pump slide
spring (2) should be 76.5mm (3.0118in) for suction
engines and 61 mm (2.4016in) for turbo engines.
4. install the oil pump slide spring pin along with the
oil pump slide spring (4).Use a screwdriver to
compress the oil pump slide spring. The flat side of
oil pump slide spring pin must face upwards.

Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-921
. Measure the oil pump clearances to ensure a
correct installation of the oil pump components.
Refer to Engine Front Cover and Oil Pump
Cleaning and Inspection on page 9-892.
. Lubricate the oil pump vanes, the oil pump vane
rotor,the oil pump slide spring and the area (3) with
engine oil.
. Inspect the oil pump slide spring mechanism for

10. Install the crankshaft baiancer(1) and rotate in the
direction shown (2) in order to inspect the function
of the oil pump mechanism. The crankshaft
balancer should rotate easily.
Engine Front Cover Assemble

8. Installthe oil pump cover (2) and the 8 oil pump
cover bolts (1).


. Install the crankshaft front oil seal (10).
. Install the oil pressure relief valve (7),(8) and (9)
and tighten to 50 N-m(37 lb ft).
. install the exhaust camshaft position sensor (5)
and the seal ring (4).
. Install the exhaust camshaft sensor bolt (6) and
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
tighten to 6 N'm (53 lb in).
9. Tighten the oil pump cover bolts in a sequence as
. install the intake camshaft position sensor (2) and
shown to 8 N-m(71 lb in).
the seal ring (3).
. Install the intake camshaft senSor bolt (1) and
tighten to 6 N-m(53 lb in).

9-922 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Drive Belt Removal Visual Inspection

Special Tools _ 1. Inspect the crankshaft bearings journals for
damage or spun bearings. The crankshaft bearing
' EN-955Locking Pins journals are not repairable, if the crankshaft
. EN-48488Holding Wrench bearing journals are damaged the engine block
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on assembly must be replaced.
page 9-927. 2. Inspect all sealing and mating surfaces for
damage, repair or replace the engine block
assembly if necessary.
3. Inspect all threaded and through holes for damage
or excessive debris.
4. Inspect all bolts for damage, if damaged replace
with NEW bolts only.
5. Inspect the cylinderwalls for cracks or damage.
The cylinder sleeves are not serviced separately,
if the cylinders are damaged the cylinder block
assembly must be replaced.
6. Inspect the engine block for cracks.Do not repair
any cracks.if cracks are found, the cylinder block
assembly must be replaced.
Measuring Procedure
Engine Block Flatness Inspection

1. Install EN—48488 wrench (1)tothe drive belt
Note: The drive belt tensioner must always be in a
2. Move the drive belt tensioner clockwise until the
drive belt tensioner can be fixed with the EN-955-
20|ockingpin (2). L .,
3. Remove the drive belt. seek...

Engine Block Cleaning and

. h i iii CI 13123 /\
Special Tools
EN—8087 Cylinder Bore Gauge
For equivalent regional tool, refer to Special Tools on 2189637
page 9—927. 1. inspect the engine block as shown for distortion.
Cleaning Procedure Use a straightedge (1).
1. Remove any old thread sealant, gasket material or
2. Clean all the following areas with solvent:
- Sealing surfaces
- Cooling passages
- Oil passages
3. Clean all threaded and through holes with solvent.
Warning: ,Wear safety glasses when using
compressed air in order to prevent eye injury.
4. Dry the engine block with compressed air.

Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-923

2189636 2026767
2. Inspect the engine block as shown for deflection. 4. Inspect the cylinder bores using the EN-8087
Use a straightedge (1). gauge (1).lnspect for the following items:
Cylinder bore and crankshaft bearing bore - Wear
Note: Old bolts can be used for the measuring ~ Taper
procedure. ° Runout
1. Install the crankshaft bearing cap tie plate and - Ridging
tighten. 5. Refer to Engine Mechanical Specifications on
page 9-756to find the permitted values.
6. Ifthe cylinder bores are out of specification,
replace the engine block.
7. Remove the crankshaft bearing cap tie plate.

Description and Operation

Engine Component Description

Cylinder Block
The cylinder hollow frame structured in—iine4 cylinder.
The block has 5 crankshaft bearings with the thrust
bearing located on the third bearing from the front of the
The crankshaft is a steel crankshaft. Itis supported in
5 main journals with main bearings which have oil
Clearance for lubrication. The 3rd bearing is the thrust
bearing which controls the proper axial end play of the
2026766 crankshaft. A harmonic damper is used to control
torsional vibration.
2. Inspect the crankshaft main bearing bores. Use the
EN-8087gauge (1) to measure the bearing bore Oil Pump
concentricity and alignment. Refer to Engine The engine is equipped with a variable oil pump.The oil
Mechanical Specifications on page 9-756to find pump is integrated into the engine front cover and
the permittedvalues.
provides different oil pressure values depending on the
3. Replace the engine block and crankshaft bearing engine speed.
cap tie plate if the crankshaft bearing bores are out
of specification. Oil Pan
The oil pan is a structural aluminum oil pan with
transmission attachment points. The oil suction gallery
for the oil pump is integrated into the oil pan.

9-924 Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV)

Piston and Connecting Rod Intake Manifold

The pistons are aluminum pistons. The connecting rods The intake manifold provides the air flow passage to
are made of fractured steel. The piston pin is floating in the combustion chambers through the throttlebody.
piston bore and shrinked in connecting rod. The intake manifold along with the throttlebody have
an effect on engine torque, power, noise, driveability,
Cylinder Head emission, fuel economy and performance. The intake
This cylinder head is a double over head camshaft manifold is made of plastic for better strengthwith
(DOHC)type and has 2 camshafts that open 4 valves maintaining a light weight.
per cylinder with hydraulic valve lash adjusters and
hydraulic valve lash adjuster arms. The cylinder head is
made of cast aluminum alloy for better strength and The turbocharger consists of turbine and compressor
hardness while remaining light weight. The combustion on a common shaft. The shaft bearing is constructed to
chamber of the cylinder head is designed for increasing higher rotation speed and lubricated by engine oil.The
of squish and swirl efficiency to help maximize gasoline turbocharger is water cooled for improved durability.
combustion efficiency. The turbine wheel is driven by exhaust emissions. The
compressor wheel compresses the intake air.A bypass
Camshaft Drive with Variable Camshaft valve (Wastegate) regulates the charging pressure for
Timing generating a high pressure at low speed as well. At a
defined charging pressure it regulates the way of the
A timing chain is used for camshaft drive. There is a exhaust emission on bypassing the turbinewheel. The
tensioner to control the tension of the chain. The engine Wastegate valve is controlled pneumatic and electric
is equipped with a variable camshaft timing system. from the pressure in the intake manifold. The pressure
The camshaft adjuster will readjust itself depending on of exhaust emission is reduced by opening the
the engine speed. The valve timing readjusts to reduce Wastegate thereby reducing the intake pressure.
fuel consumption and provide optimal power and

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-925
Lubrication Description
General Lubrication Description


‘ 11W)

1: ‘ 5

Oil is applied under pressure to the crankshaft flows into the main oil gallery. A filter by—passvalve in
bearings (6),connecting rod bearings (7),camshaft the oil filter ensures continues oil flow in case the oil
bearings (2) and hydraulic lash adjusters (3).In addition filter should be restricted by more than 1.7 bar. From
the variable oil pump (9),variable camshaft phaser (1), the oil filter the oil is distributed to the crankshaft
and hydraulic chain tensioner (14)are supplied with bearings, oil pump displacement control chamber (10)
pressurized oil.Oil is sucked from the oil pan through and cylinder head feed (11).The connecting rod
the fixed screen into the variable vane type oil pump. bearings are supplied by oil flow passages through the
The pump is integrated in the front cover and directly crankshaft connecting the main journals to the rod
driven by the crankshaft. Also integrated into the front journals. A groove around each upper main bearing
cover is a pressure relieve valve (8) that opens when furnishes oil to the drilled crankshaft passages. In the
the oil pressure is too high at a cold start. When that cylinder head the oil is distributed to the variable
valve is open some oil flows directly into the oil pan. camshaft phasers, chain tensioner, oil pressure
Normally the pressurized oil passes into the engine oil switch (12)and through the restrictor orifice (13)into
gallery leading through the oil cooler (5) to the oil filter the camshaft feed oil gallery. From there the hydraulic
assembly (4).The oil is cleaned by passing the filter valve litters and camshaft bearings are supplied
from the outer to the inner side of the filter.Then the oil with oil.

9-926 Engine Mechanical =1.4L (LUV)

Variable Oil Pump Description Use of Room Temperature

The engine is equipped with a variable displacement Vulcanizing (RTV) and Anaerobic
vane oil pump.Itis indirect regulated by the oil
pressure out of the main oil gallery. The purpose of this
indirect regulation is to keep a defined maximum Pipe Joint Compound
pressure in the main oil gallery independent of the
individual pressure drop between the pump outlet, the Note: Three types of sealer are commonly used in
main gallery inlet, and the various engine components. engines. These are RTV sealer, anaerobic gasket
The purpose of the variable displacement is to reduce eliminator sealer, and pipe joint compound.The correct
the power consumption of the pump to reduce the sealer and amount must be used in the proper location ,
overall fuel consumption of the engine. The oil flow of a to prevent oil leaks. DO NOT interchange the 3 types of
static displacement oil pump is linear to the speed of sealers. Use only the specific sealer or the equivalent
the pump.This would lead to a too high oil pressure as recommended in the service procedure.
after a certain engine speed (ca.1000rpm at cold oil - Pipejoint compound is a pliable sealer that does
temperature, ca. 3000rpm at hot oil temperatures). To not completely harden. This type sealer is used
reduce that high oil pressure normal pumps have a where 2 non-rigid parts, such as the oil pan and
relieve valve: a portion of the pressurized, already the engine block, are assembled together.
pumped oil is fed back to the intake of the pump.This is
waste of power. The oil flow of a Variable Displacement . Do not use pipe joint compound in areas where
Vane Pump (VDVP)as used in Fam 0 Gen 3 is linear to extreme temperatures are expected. These areas
the speed and to the excentricity of the rotor to the include: exhaust manifold, head gasket, or other
slide. The slide is moveable, so it is possible to reduce surfaces where gasket eliminator is specified.
the oil flow for a given speed by reducing the ° Follow all safety recommendations and directions
excentricity. With a lower flow the oil pressure is that are on the container. To remove the sealant or
reduced; pump oil flow equals now engine oil flow. the gasket material.
- Apply the pipe joint compound to a clean surface.
Cleanliness and Care Use a bead size or quantity as specified in the
An automobile engine is a combination of many of the procedure. Run the bead to the inside of any bolt
following surfaces: holes. Do not allow the sealer to enter any blind
threaded holes, as it may prevent the bolt from
- Machined clamping properly.
- Honed ~ Apply a continuous bead of pipe joint compound to
- Polished one sealing surface. Sealing surfaces to be
- Lapped resealed must be clean and dry.
The tolerances of these surfaces are measured in the . Tighten the bolts to specifications. Do not
ten-thousandths of an inch. When you service any overtighten.
internal engine part, cleanliness and care are
important.Apply a liberal coating of engine oil to the
friction areas during assembly in order to protect and
lubricate the surfaces on initial operation. Throughout
this section, practice proper cleaning and protection
procedures to the machined surfaces and to the friction
Whenever you remove the valve train components,
keep the components in order. Follow this procedure in
order to install the components in the same locations
and with the same mating surfaces as when removed.
Warning: Refer to Battery Disconnect Warning on
page 0-4.
Disconnect the negative battery cables before you
perform any major work on the engine.

2013 (5377994)
ErgLne Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-927
Special Tools and Equipment _lllustration Tool Number/Description

Illustration Tool Number/Description

EN-194—E Dial Gauge
Spark Plug Key


Seal instailerKit




\ EN-663
6‘ Installer


EN-498—B RemoverQuick Fitting
Pressure Gauge


9-928 Engine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV)

Illustration Tool NumberlDescription illustration Tool Number/Description

CH-807 EN-955
KM-807 KM-955
Plugs W LockingPins

1041000 2882903

EN-840 EN—956—1
KM-840 KM—956—1
Pliers/Remover Extension

2026925 2026928

EN-849 EN-960
KM—849 KM-960
AssemblyTray installer

' 2191101

EN-952 EN-6015
KM-952 KM-6015
FixingToolCrankshaft ClosurePlugs

2191098 2028332

EN-953—A KM-J45000
FixingToolCamshaft J—45000

2191099 2191921

Engine Mechanical -1.4L (LUV) 9-929

Illustration Tool NumberlDescription Illustration ToolNumber/Description

g r Installer/Remover

1197696 2191102

EN-6009 ‘ EN-6215
KM-6009 KM-6215
/ MountingEquipment

1936461 2026932

£5 11' @{P EN-6086 EN-34730—91

E M MKM-6086 KM-34730—91
m:nn M Basic Kit,SpringandWedge J-34730—91
“ID Replacer PressureTester

1937998 1936492

§ C
§ EN-6167 EN-48248
§ KM'6167 CylinderCompression
M AdapterKit PressureGauge

2026885 1844742

KM-6171 Bacst-lfrgine

‘ 2026933 2028223

2013 (5377994)
9930 Engine Mechanical - “1.4L(LUV)

Illustration ToolNumberlDescription Illustration Tool NumberlDescription

CH—49289 EN-49942
CenteringFrame HoldingWrench


CH-49290 EN-49977—100
EngineSupportTool ,FixationSensorDisks and


HoldingWrench 9

2191920 2191925

EN-49940 Retamer
RemoverQunckConnector oc ount

2191916 2191926

RetainerRing GuidancePins OilPan

2191915 2191941

Ergine Mechanical - 1.4L (LUV) 9-931
Illustration Tool Number/Description Illustration Tool Number/Description

EN-47649 EN-47650—300
EngineBridge Adapter

2019126 2027945

EN-47650 EN-47650—200
RetainerFrame FrontAdapter

2019127 2027944

9-932 Engile Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)


Fastener Tightening Specifications (1.6L LDE)

Application Metric English
AC Compressor
Bolt 22N-m 16lbft
AC Compressor andCondenserHose Nut 19N-m 14lbft
AC EvaporatorHoseAssemblyNut 19N-m 14lbft
AirIntakeHose Clamps 3.5N'm 81lbin
AutomaticTransmissionFlex PlateBolt 60N-m(2) 44lbft(2)
FirstPass 50N-m
(1) | 37lbft(1)
SecondPass 150degrees
FinalPass 15degrees
CamshaftAdjusterClosurePlug 30N-m 221bft
CamshaftBearingCapBolt 8 N-m 71lbin
CamshaftClosureBolt 30N-m 22lbft
CamshaftCover Bolt 8 N-m 71lbin
CamshaftPositionActuatorSolenoidValveBolt 6N-m 531bin
CamshaftPositionSensor Bolt 6N-m 53lbin
FirstPass 35N-m(1) | 26lbft(1)
SecondPass 45degrees
FinalPass 15degrees
CoolantPipe PumpModuleBolt 8 Wm 71lbin
CoolantPipe ThermostatHousingBolt 8 N-m 71lbin
FirstPass 95N-m
(1) | 7011)
SecondPass 45degrees
FinalPass 15degrees
FirstPass 50N-m(1) | 37lbft(1)
SecondPass 45degrees
FinalPass 15degrees
CrankshaftPositionSensor Bolt 5N-m I 44lbin
FirstPass 25N-m(1) | 18lbft(1)
SecondPass 90degrees
ThirdPass 90degrees
FourthPass 90degrees
FinalPass 45degrees
DriveBeltTensionerBolt 50NW 37lbft
EngineCoolantThermostat 8 NW 711bin
EngineCoolantThermostatHousing 8N'm 71lbin
EngineCoolantThermostatHousingCoolantPipe Bolt 8 N-m 71lbin

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-933

Fastener Tightening Specifications (1.6L LDE) (cont'd)

Application Metric English
EngineCoolantPipe Bolts 9N-m 801bin
FirstPass 50N-m(1) | 37|bft(1)
FinalPass 60—75
FirstPass 35N-m | 26lbft
SecondPass 30degrees
FinalPass 15degrees
FirstPass 60N-m 44lbft
SecondPass 45degrees
FinalPass 15degrees
EngineFrontCover(OilPumpHousing) 20Nm 15lbft
EngineLiftFrontBracket 25N-m 181bft
EngineMountBolt 62N-m 46lbft
EngineMountBrackettoEngineBlock/CylinderHead 62Nm 46lbft
FirstPass 50N1m(1) | 3715110)
FinalPass 60—75degrees
EngineMountNut 62N-m 46lbft
EngineOilCoolerBolts 8N'm 71lbft
EngineOilCoolerHousingBolt 25Nm 181bft
EngineOilCoolerInletPipe Bolt 8 NW 71lbin
EngineOilCoolerOutlet Pipe Bolt 8 N'm 71lbin
EngineOilPressureIndicatorSwitch 20N-m 15lbft
EngineOilLevelIndicatorBolt 10N-m 89lbin
EngineSupportFixture(Front)Bolt 65Nm 48lbft
EngineSupportFixture (RearLeftSide)Bolt 65NW 48lbft
EngineSupportFixture(RearRightSide) Bolt 65NW 48lbft
EvaporativeEmissionCanister PurgeSolenoidValveBracketBolt 7N-m 62lbin
ExhaustManifoldBracketBolt 20N-m 15lbft
ExhaustManifoldNut 20N-m (1) 151bft(1)
FrontCompartmentFuse Block Bolt 22N-m 16lbft
FrontExhaustPipe Bolt 20Nm 151bft
GeneratorBolt 35N-m 26lbft
HeatedOxygenSensor 40Nm 30lbft
HeatShield ExhaustManifoldBolt 8N-m 71lbin
KnockSensorBolt 20N-m 15lbft
IgnitionModuleBolt 8N-m 71lbin
IntakeManifoldAbsolutePressureSensorBolt (LDE,LXV) 2N-m 18lbin
IntakeManifoldAbsolutePressureSensorBolt(2H0) 6N-m 53lbin
IntakeManifoldBolt 20N-m 15lbft
IntakeManifoldBrackettoEngineBlock Bolt 8 N-m 71lbin
IntakeManifoldBracketBolt 8N-m 71lbin

9-934 Engifle Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Fastener Tightening Specifications (1.6L LDE) (cont'd)

Application Metric English
IntakeManifoldGrommetBolt 7N-m 62lbin
MultiportFuel InjectionFuel Rail Bolt(LDE,LXV) 8 N-m 71lbin
MultiportFuel InjectionFuel RailBolt(2H0) 7N-m 62lbin
OilFilterCap 25N-m 18lbft
OilFlowCheckValveBore Plug 21N-m 15lbft
OilLevel IndicatorTubeBolt 15N-m 11lbft
OilPanBolt 10N-m 89bin
OilPanDrainPlug 14NW 124lbin
OilPanBaffleBolt 10N-m 89lbin
OilPanTransmissionHousingBoltM10(M32,F17) 40Nvm 30lbft
OilPanTransmissionHousingBoltM12(M32,F17) 60N-m 44lbft
OilPanTransmissionHousingBoltM10(D16,D20) 45N'm 33lbft
OilPanTransmissionHousingBoltM12(D16,D20) 75N-m 55lbft
OilPanTransmissionHousingBolt(GF6) 58Nm 43lbft
OilPressureMeasurementClosureBoltCylinderHead 15N-m 11lbft
OilPressureSwitch 20N-m 15lbft
OilPressureRelieralve ClosureBolt 21N-m 15lbft
OilPumpCoverBolt 8N-m 71lbin
PowerSteeringFluidReservoirBolt 9N-m 80lbin
Spark Plugs 25N-m 18lbft
ThrottleBodyBolt 8N-m 71lbin
First Pass 20N-m
(1) | 15lbft(1)
Second Pass 120degrees
Final Pass 15degrees
TimingBeltLowerFrontCover Bolt 6N-m 53lbin
TimingBeltRear CoverBolt 6N-m
(2) 531bin(2)
FirstPass 20N-m(1)
- | 15lbft(1)
Second Pass 120degrees
Final Pass 15degrees
TimingBeltUpperFrontCover Bolt 6N-m 53lbin
TransmissiontoCylinderBlock Bolt(M32,F17) 60N-m 44lbft
TransmissiontoCylinderBlockNut(M32,F17) 40Nm 30lbft
TransmissiontoCylinderBlock Bolt(D16,D20) 75N-m 55lbft
TransmissiontoCylinderBlock Bolt(GF6) 58Nm 431b ft
TransmissiontoCylinderBlock Nut(GF6) 58NW 43lbft
WaterPumpBolt 8N-m 71lbin
WaterPumpPulleyBolt 20N-m
(2) 15lbft(2)
WiringHarnessGroundNut 9N-m 80lbin
Forscrewlockingcompound,refertoElectronicParts Catalogue.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-935

Fastener Tightening Specifications (1.8L LUW and LWE)

Application Metric English
AC CompressorandCondenserHoseNut 19N-m 14lbft
AC CompressorBolt 22N-m 16lbft
AC EvaporatorHoseAssemblyNut 19N-m 141bft
AirIntakeHoseClamps 3.5N-m 31lbin
AutomaticTransmissionFlex PlateBolt 60N-m(2) 44lbft(2)
FirstPass 50N-m(1) | 37|bft(1)
SecondPass 150degrees
FinalPass 15degrees
CamshaftAdjusterClosurePlug 30N-m 22lbft
CamshaftBearingCapBolt 8N-m 71lbin
CamshaftClosureBolt 30N-m 221bft
CamshaftCoverBolt 8N'm 71lbin
CamshaftPositionActuatorSolenoidValveBolt 6N-m 531bin
Camshaft PositionSensorBolt 6N-m 53lbin
ColdStartRail Bolt 4N'm 35lbin
FirstPass 35N-m(1) | 26lbft (1)
SecondPass 45degrees
FinalPass 15degrees
CoolantPipe PumpModuleBolt 8N'm 71lbin
CoolantPipeThermostatHousingBolt 8N°m 71lbin
FirstPass 95N'm(1) | 70lbft (1)
SecondPass 45degrees
FinalPass 15degrees
FirstPass 50N-m(1) | 37|bft(1)
SecondPass 45degrees
FinalPass 15degrees
CrankshaftPositionSensorBolt 5N'm I 44lbin
FirstPass 25N-m(1) | 181bft(1)
SecondPass 90degrees
ThirdPass 90degrees
FourthPass 90degrees
FinalPass 45degrees
DriveBeltTensionerBolt 55N-m 41lbft
EngineCoolantPipe Bolts 9N-m 80lbin
EngineCoolantThermostat 8N°m 71lbin
EngineCoolantThermostatHousing 8N-m 71lbin
EngineCoolantThermostatHousingCoolantPipe Bolt 8N'm 71lbin
FirstPass 35N-m(1) l 25|bft(1)

2013 (5377994)
9-936 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Fastener Tightening Specifications (1.8L LUW and LWE) (cont'd)

Application Metric I English
Second Pass 30degrees
FinalPass 15degrees
FirstPass soN-m(1) | 44|bft(1)
Second Pass 45degrees
FinalPass 15degrees
EngineFrontCover(OilPumpHousing) 20NW 15lbft
EngineLiftFrontBracket 25Nm 18lbft
EngineMountBolt 62N-m 46lbft
FirstPass 50N-m
(1) | 37|bft(1)
SecondPass 60degrees
Final Pass 75degrees
FirstPass 50N-m(1) | 37lbft (1)
SecondPass 60degrees
FinalPass 75degrees
FirstPass 50N-m(1) I 4515ft(1)
SecondPass 45degrees
Final Pass . 60degrees
EngineMountNut 62N-m 46lbft
EngineOilCoolerBolts 8N-m 71lbft
EngineOilCoolerHousingBolt 25Nm 18lbft
EngineOilCoolerInletPipe Bolt 8N-m 71lbin
EngineOilCoolerOutletPipe Bolt 8N-m 71lbin
EngineOilLevelIndicatorBolt 10N-m 89lbin
EngineOilPressureindicatorSwitch 20N-m 151bft
EngineSupportFixture(Front)Bolt 65N-m 48lbft
EngineSupportFixture(RearLeftSide)Bolt 65N-m 48lbft
EngineSupportFixture(RearRightSide)Bolt 65N-m 48lbft
EvaporativeEmissionCanisterPurgeSolenoidValveBracketBolt 7N-m 62lbin
ExhaustManifoldBracketBolt 20N-m 15lbft
ExhaustManifoldNut 20N-m(1) 15|bft(1)
(FrontCompartmentFuse BlockBolt 22Nm 16lbft
FrontExhaustPipe Bolt 20N-m 15Ibft
GeneratorBolt 35N-m 26lbft
HeatShield ExhaustManifoldBolt 8NW 71lbin
HeatedOxygenSensor 42N-m 311bft
IgnitionModuleBolt 8N'm 71lbin
IntakeManifoldAbsolutePressureSensor Bolt 6N-m 53lbin
IntakeManifoldBolt 20N-m 151bft
IntakeManifoldBracketBolt 8NW 71lbin
IntakeManifoldBrackettoEngineBlockBolt 8N-m 71lbin

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-937

Fastener Tightening Specifications (1.8L LUW and LWE) (cont'd)

Application Metric English
IntakeManifoldGrommetBolt 7N-m 62lbin
KnockSensorBolt 20Nm 15lbft
MultiportFuel InjectionFuel Rail Bolt 7N-m 62lbin
OilFilterCap 25N-m 18lbft
OilFlowCheckValveBorePlug 21N-m 15lbft
OilLevelIndicatorTubeBolt 15N-m 11lbft
OilPanBaffleBolt 10N-m 89lbin
OilPanBolt 10N-m 89lbin
OilPanDrainPlug 14N-m 1241b in
OilPanTransmissionHousingBoltM10(M32,F17) 4ON'm 30lbft
OilPanTransmissionHousingBoltM12(M32,F17) 60N-m 44lbft
OilPanTransmissionHousingBoltM10(D16,D20) 45N-m 33lbft
OilPanTransmissionHousingBoltM12(D16,D20) 75Nm 551bft
OilPanTransmissionHousingBolt(GF6) 58N-m 43lbft
OilPressureMeasurementClosureBoltCylinderHead 15N-m 11lbft
OilPressureReliefValveClosureBolt 21Nm 15lbft
OilPressureSwitch 20Nm 15lbft
OilPumpCoverBolt 8NW 71lbin
PowerSteeringFluidReservoirBolt 9N-m 80lbin
SparkPlugs 25Wm 18lbft
ThrottleBodyBolt 8N'm 71lbin
FirstPass 20N-m(1) | 15115110)
SecondPass 120degrees
Final Pass 15degrees
TimingBeltLowerFrontCover Bolt 6NW 53lbin
TimingBeltRearCoverBolt 6Nm(2) 53lbin(2)
FirstPass 20N-m(1) | 15lbft (1)
SecondPass 120degrees
FinalPass 15degrees
TimingBeltUpperFrontCover Bolt 6N-m 53lbin
TransmissiontoCylinderBlock Bolt(M32,F17) 60Nm 44lbft
TransmissiontoCylinderBlock Nut(M32,F17) 40N-m 30lbft
TransmissiontoCylinderBlock Bolt(D16,D20) 75N-m 55lbft
Transmissiont0CylinderBlock Bolt(GF6) 58Nm 431bft
TransmissiontoCylinderBlock Nut(GF6) 58N-m 43lbft
TransmissiontoOilPanBolt 50N-m 37lbft
WaterPumpBolt 8N-m 71lbin
WaterPumpPulleyBolt 20N-m(2) 1515ft(2)
WiringHarnessGroundNut 9N°m 80lbin

9938 Engine Mechanical 3 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Engine Mechanical Specifications (1.6L LDE)

Application Metric English
EngineType 4-Cylinder
Displacement 1.5981 97.52cuin
Bore 79mm 3.110in
Boredistance- 86mm 3.386in
Stroke 81.5mm 3.209in
MaximumPowerEngineSpeed kW/RPM 85KW/6000
MaximumTorqueEngineSpeed N-m/RPM/lbfft/RPM 155N-m4000 114|bfft/4000
EngineHeight—TotalDimensionsOilPantoCover 708mm 28in
EngineLength—RFBtoFrontofPoly V Belt 513mm 20in
EngineHeight—CrankCenterToTop 420mm 17in
EngineLength—RFBtoFrontofPoly V belt 474.5mm 19in
EngineWeight—Opel Format,MTVersion 114kg 251lb
CylinderBlockHeight 198.5mm 8in
CylinderBoreDiameter—StandardSize GuidingValue00 78995—79005
mm 3.1100—3.1104in
CylinderBoreDiameter—StandardSize GuidingValue05 79045—79055
mm 31120—31124
Diameter—PistonPin 19012—19020mm 07485—07488
ClearancePistonPin 0.007—0.020
mm 00003—00008
JournalBearingClearance 0.018—0.064
mm 00007—00025
CoolantSpecification RefertoElectronicPartsCatalog
WaterPumpDesign RotaryPump
Cooling SystemCapacity 5,6I 5.92quarts
Flow(Engine Outlet6000min‘1,ThermostatFully
Open) 165I/min 174.35
ThermostatOpening—Electrical 90°C 194°F
Thermostat Opening—Thermic 105°C 221°F
CylinderBoreDiameter- OversizeGuidingValue00+05 79492—79508 mm 31296—31302 in
1—5Diameter—StandardSize (brown/
green) 54980—54997
mm 2165—2166
CrankshaftMainBearingJournal1—5Diameter—Undersize0.25 .
(brown/green) 54730—54747
mm 2155—2156
CrankshaftMainBearingJournal1—5Diameter—Undersize0.50 .
(brown/green) 54482—54495
mm 2.145—2.146m
CrankshaftMainBearing3Width—StandardSize 25.85—25.90
mm 1.018—1.020
CrankshaftMainBearing3Width—Undersize0.25 26.05—26.10
mm 1.026—1
CrankshaftMainBearing3Width—Undersize0.50 26.25—26.30
mm 1.034—1.036
in '
- BearingShellThickness—Standard
Size (brown) 1987—1993
mm 00783—00785

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-939

Engine Mechanical Specifications (1.6L LDE) (cont'd)

Application Metric English
—BearingShell Thickness—Standard
Size (green) mm
1993—1999 in
—BearingShell Thickness-
Undersize0.25(brown/blue) 2.112—2.118mm 0.0832—0.0834in
—BearingShell Thickness-
Undersize0.25(green/blue) mm
2.118—2.124 in
—BearingShell Thickness-
Undersize0.50(brown/blue) 2237—2243
mm 00842—00844
—BearingShell Thickness-
Undersize0.50(green/blue) 2243—2249
mm 0.0884—0.0886
0.05mm | 0.00197 in
SurfaceFlatness—BlockDeck—Longitude Ifthedecksurfaceisoutofspecification,replacethe
0.03mm | 0.00118 in
SurfaceFlatness—BlockDeck—Transverse Ifthedecksurfaceisoutofspecification,replacethe
ValveSeatWidth—Intake 1000—1.400 mm 0394—0552 in
ValveSeatWidth—Exhaust 1400—1.800 mm 0552—0709 in
ValveSeatAngle 90°(-30')
ValveSeatAngleAdjustment—Upper 60°(+l—1°)
ValveSeatAngleAdjustment—Lower 120°(+/—1°)
ValveGuideBoreStandardSize 5000—5016 mm 1969—1975 in
ValveGuide BoreOversize0.075 5075—5091 mm 1999—2005 in
ValveGuide BoreOversize0.150 5150—5166 mm 2.028—2.034 in
ValveGuideAssemblyHeight 36700—37000 mm 1.445—1.457 in
ValveGuideLongitude 10700—11000 mm 4213—4331 in
Viscosity SAE 0-W30,0-W40, 5—W30 and5-W40
Quality RefertoElectronicPartsCatalog
OilChangeIncl.Filter 4.5! 4.75quarts
miles) max.0.6I max.0.634quarts
PistonDiameter 78943—78957
mm 3.1080—3.1085
PistonClearance 0035—0065
mm 00014—00025
GrooveClearance—TopRing 0.04—0.08
mm 0.0016—0.0031
GrooveClearance—2ndRing 0.03—0.07
mm 0.0012—0.0028
GrooveClearance—OilRing 0.06—01
5mm 0.0024—0.0059
EndGap—TopRing 0.15—0.30
mm 00059—00118
EndGap—2ndRing 030—050mm 00118—00197
EndGap—OilRing 020—070mm 00079—00276
Diameter 19000—19005mm 07480—07482in
Length 49.84mm 1.9622
ClearanceConnectingRod 0.007—0.020
mm 0.0003—00008

9-940 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Engine Mechanical Specifications (1.6L LDE) (cont'd)

Application Metric Engfish
ClearancePiston _ 0004—0015 mm 0.0002—0.0006
ValvesStandardLongitude—Intake 117.000—117.400
mm 40063—40221in
ValvesStandardLongitude—Exhaust 116.160—116.360
mm 45733—45812in
ValvesOversizeLongitude0.075—1ntake 117.000—117.400
mm 40063—40221in
ValvesOversizeLongitude0.075—Exhaust 116.160—116.360
mm 45733—45812in
ValvesOversizeLongitude0.150—Intake 117.000—117.400
mm 40063—40221in
ValvesOversizeLongitude0.150—Exhaust 116.106—116.360
mm 45733-45812in
Valves—ValveStemStandardDiameter—Intake 4965—4980 mm 1956—1962in
Valves—ValveStemStandardDiameter—Exhaust 4.950—4.965
mm 1950—1956in
Valves—ValveStemOversizeDiameter0.075—Intake 5.030—5045mm 1982—1988in
Valves—ValveStemOversizeDiameter0.075—Exhaust 5.025—5.040
mm 1980—1986in
Valves—ValveStemOversizeDiameter0.150—Intake 5.105—5.120
mm 2011—2017in
Valves—ValveStemOversizeDiameter0.150—Exhaust 5.100—5.115
mm 2009—2018in
Valves—ValveStemtoGuide Clearance—Intake 0020—0051 mm 0.0008—00020
Valves—ValveStemtoGuide Clearance—Exhaust 0035—0066 mm 00014—00026in
Valves—ValveDiskDiameter—Intake 31.100—31.300mm 12246—12324 in
Valves—ValveDisk Diameter—Exhaust 27400—27600 mm 10789—10.868
Valves—ValveClearance—Intake 0.25(+/-
0,04)mm 0.0098(+/-
Valves—ValveClearance—Exhaust 0.30(+/-
0,04)mm 0.0118(+/-0.0016)
ValveSpringsLongitude 41.00mm 1.616
ValveSpringsLongitudeUnderLoad—Open 35.00mm 1.379
ValveSpringsLongitudeUnderLoad—Close 25.50mm 1.005

Engine Mechanical Specifications (1.8L LUW and LWE)

Application Metric 1 English
EngineType 4—Cylinder
Valves 16
Displacement 1.796| 109.59
Bore 80.5mm 3.169in
BoreDistance 86mm 3.386in
Stroke 88.2mm 3.472in
CompressionRatio. 10.5:1
MaximumPower/ EngineSpeedkW/RPM—Gasoline 103KW/6300
MaximumPower/ EngineSpeedkW/RPM—E85Ethanol 106KW/6300
MaximumTorque/ EngineSpeed—GasolineN'm/RPM/lbft/RPM 170Nm/3800 125|bft/3800
MaximumTorque/EngineSpeed—E85EthanolN'm/RPM/Ib ft/RPM 183N'm/3800 135lbft/3800
IdleSpeed RPM 700—780
OverspeedRPM 6500
FiringOrder 1-3-4-2
EngineLength—RFBtoFrontofPoly V Belt 513mm 20in

Engine Mechanical . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-941

Engine Mechanical Specifications (1.8L LUW and LWE) (cont'd)

Application Metric English
EngineHeight—CrankCentertoTop 420mm 17in
EngineWeight—MTVersion 120.5
kg 266lb
CylinderBlockHeight 198.5mm 8in
CylinderBoreDiameter—StandardSize GuidingValue00 mm
80492—80508 3169—31694
CylinderBoreDiameter—StandardSize GuidingValue05 80542—80558
mm 3.171—31716
CylinderBoreDiameter—OversizeGuidingValue00+05 mm
80992—81008 in
CrankshaftMainBearingJournal1—5Diameter—StandardSize (brown/ in
green) mm
CrankshaftMainBearingJournal .
(brown/green) mm
54730—54747 In
CrankshaftMainBearingJournal .
(brown/green) mm
54482—54495 In
CrankshaftMainBearingJournal 3Width—StandardSize 26000—26052
mm 1024—1026
CrankshaftMainBearingJournal3Width—Undersize0.25 20200—26252
mm 1.032—1034
CrankshaftMainBearingJournal3Width—Undersize0.50 26400—26452
mm 1040—1042
Con-Rod BearingJournal—StandardSize mm
42.971—42.987 in
Con-Rod BearingJournal—Undersize0.25(blue) 42.721—42.737
mm 1682—1683
Con-RodBearingJournal - Undersize0.50(white) 42.471—42.487
mm 1672—1673
CrankshaftMainBearing1—5 —BearingShellThickness—Standard 0.0783—00785
Size (brown) 1987—1993
CrankshaftMainBearing1—5 —BearingShellThickness—Standard 00785—00787
Size (green) 1993—1999
CrankshaftMainBearing1—5 —BearingShellThickness- 0.0832—0.0834
Undersize0.25(brown/blue) 2112—2118
CrankshaftMainBearing1—5 —BearingShellThickness- 00834—00836
Undersize0.25(green/blue) 2118—2124
CrankshaftMainBearing1—5 —BearingShellThickness- 00842—00844
Undersize0.50(brown/blue) 2237—2243
CrankshaftMainBearing1—5 —BearingShell Thickness—Undersize0.50 2243—2249
mm 0.0884—0.0886
CrankshaftBearingAllowableClearance 0.005—0.059
mm 0.0002—0.0024
CrankshaftBearingAllowableEndClearance mm
0.100—0.202 in
CrankshaftMainBearing3Width—StandardSize mm
25.85—25.90 in
CrankshaftMainBearing3Width—Undersize0.25 mm
26.05—26.10 in
CrankshaftMainBearing3Width—Undersize0.50 mm
26.25—26.30 1034—1036in
Con-RodBearingShellThickness—StandardSize 1.485—1.497
mm 00585—00590in
Con—Rod BearingShellThickness—Undersize0.25 1610—1622mm 00634—00639in
Con-RodBearingShellThickness—Undersize0.50 1735—1747mm 0.0684—00688
Con-RodBearingAllowableClearance 0019—0071mm 00007—00028in
PistonDiameter—StandardSize GuidingValue00 80455—80465
mm 31676—31680in
PistonDiameter—StandardSize GuidingValue00 80—505—8051
mm 3.1695—31697
PistonDiameter—OversizeGuidingValue00+05 80955—80965
mm 31872—31876in
PistonClearance 0027—0053
mm 00011—00021in
PinDiameter 19mm 0.748in
PinLongitude 49.84mm 1.962in

9-942 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Engine Mechanical Specifications (1.8L LUW and LWE) (cont'd)

Application Metric English
PintoPistonClearance 0020—0060 mm 00008—00024in
PintoCon-RodClearance 0015—0021 mm 00006—00009in
PistonRingThickness—FirstCompressionRing 1.170—1.190
mm 0.0461—0.0469
PistonRingThickness—SecondCompressionRing 1.170—1.190mm 0.0461—0.0469
PistonRingThickness—OilControlRing 1900—1980mm 00749—00780in
PistonRing EndGap—FirstCompressionRing 020—040mm 00079—00158in
PistonRing EndGap—SecondCompressionRing 0.40—0.60
mm 00158—00237in
PistonRing EndGap—OilControlRing 0.25—0.75
mm 0.0098—0.0295
PistonRingtoGrooveClearance—FirstCompressionRing 0040—0080mm 0.0016—00032
PistonRingtogrooveClearance—SecondCompressionRing 0.030—0070
mm 0.0012—0.0028
PistonRingtoGrooveClearance—OilControlRing 0030—0130mm 0.0012—0.051
0.05mm | 0.00197 in
SurfaceFlatness—BlockDeck—Longitude Ifthedecksurfaceisoutofspecification,replacethe
0.03mm 1 0.00118 in
SurfaceFlatness—BlockDeck—Transverse Ifthedecksurfaceisoutofspecification,replacethe
ValveSeatWidth—Intake 1.0—1.4
mm 0.040—0056 in
ValveSeatWidth—Exhaust 1.4—1.8
mm 0056—0071 in
ValveSeatAngle 45degrees(—0.25degrees)
ValveSeatAngleAdjustment—Upper 30degrees(+/-0.5degrees)
ValveSeatAngleAdjustment—Lower 60degrees(+/—0.5degrees)
ValveGuideBoreNormSize 5.000—5.016mm 0.1969—01975in
ValveGuideBoreOversize0.075 5.075—5.091mm 0.1999—02005in
’ValveGuideBoreOversize0.150 5.150—5.166mm 02028—02034 in
ValveGuideAssemblyHeight 10.70—11.00mm 0422—0434 in
ValveGuideLongitude 36.70—37.30mm 1.445—1.468 in
ValveAssemblyHeight—Intake 36.33mm 1.430 in
ValveAssemblyHeight—Exhaust 36.33mm 1.430 in
CamStrokeIntake 10mm 0.394in
CamStrokeExhaust 9mm 0.354in
ValvesNormLongitude—Intake 101.10—101.30
mm 3980—3988in
ValvesNormLongitude—Exhaust 10040—10060mm 3953—3961in
ValvesOversizeLongitude0.075—Intake 10070—10090mm 3965—3972
ValvesOversizeLongitude0.075—Exhaust 10000—10020mm 3937—3945
Valves—ValveStemNormDiameter—Intake 4965—4980mm 0.1955—0.1961
Valves—ValveStemNormDiameter—Exhaust 4.950—4.965
mm 0.1949—0.1955
Valves—ValveStemOversizeDiameter0.075—Intake 5.040—5.055
mm 01985—01991in
Valves—ValveStemOversizeDiameter0.075—Exhaust 5.025—5.050
mm 01979—01989in
Valves—ValveStemtoGuideClearance—Intake 0020—0051mm 00008—00021in
Valves—ValveStemtoGuideClearance—Exhaust 0035—0066mm 00014—00026in

Engine Mechanical =1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-943

Engine Mechanical Specifications (1.8L LUW and LWE) (cont'd)

Application Metric English
Valves—ValveStemallowableRun—Out 0.05mm 0.0019 in
Valves—ValveDiskDiameter—Intake 31.1—31.3mm 1225—1233 in
Valves—ValveDisk Diameter—Exhaust 27.4—27.6mm 1079—1087 in
Valves—ValveSeatAngleonValveDisk 90°40‘
ValveSpringsLongitude 42mm 1.65in
ValveSpringsLongitudeUnderLoad—Open 35.0mm 1.38in
ValveSpringsLongitudeUnderLoad—Close 25.0mm 0.98in
Viscosity SAE0-W30,
Quality Dexos1
OilChangeIncl.Filter 4.5I 4.76quarts
miles) max.0.6I max.0.634quarts
CoolantSpecification RefertoE1ectronic
WaterPumpDesign RotaryPump
CoolingSystemCapacity 5,6l 5.92quarts
Flow(EngineOutlet6000min‘1,ThermostatFullyOpen) 160l/min 42.27USgal/min
6000min'1,ThermostatFullyOpen) 1651/min 174.4 quarts/min
ThermostatOpening—Electrical 90°C 194°F
ThermostatOpening—Thermic 105°C 221°F

Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers

GMPart Number
Application Type ofMaterial United States Canada
BoltConnections Sggmgggfiyg 12345382 10953489
CamshaftBearings Dexos1EngineOil 19293000 19286321
CamshaftCoverBolt Pipe Sealant 12346004 10953480
CamshaftFrontOilSeal Sealant 1052943 10953491
Camshafts Dexos1EngineOil 19293000 19286321
CrankshaftBearingLubricant Dexos1EngineOil 19293000 19286321
EngineBlock OilGalleryPlugs Sealant 1052943 10953491
EngineOil Dexos1EngineOil 19293000 19286321
IntakeandExhaustValves Dexos1EngineOil 19293000 19286321
OilPan Sealant 12378521 88901148
OxygenSensor AssemblyPaste- White 88862477 88862478
OxygenSensorThreads Anti-seize 12397953 NA
RearCrankshaftMainBearingCap Sealant 12378521 88901148
Rear Crankshaft01!Seal Dexos1EngineOil 19293000 19286321
RodBearing-RodPins ofCrankshaft Dexos1EngineOil 19293000 19286321
Seal Rings SiliconeGrease- White 12345579 10953481
TurboHeatShieldFastener Lubricant 12345996 10953501
WaterPumpBearing Sealant 1052943 10953491

9-944 Engfle Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Component Locator . Verify the exact operating conditions under which

the concern exists. Note factors such as engine
RPM, ambient temperature, engine temperature,
Engine amount of engine warm-up time, and other
. Compare the engine sounds, if applicable, to a
known good engine and make sure you are not
trying to correct a normal condition.
Test the vehicle under the same conditions that the
customer reported in order to verify the system is
operating properly.
Symptom List
Refer to a symptom diagnostic procedure from the
following list in order to diagnose the symptom:
. Base Engine Misfire without Internal Engine
Noises on page 9-949
. Base Engine Misfire with Abnormal InternalLower
Engine Noises on page 9-950
1 Base Engine Misfire with Abnormal Valve Train
Noise on page 9-950
- Base Engine Misfire with Coolant Consumption on
page 9-951
1945826 . Base Engine Misfire with Excessive Oil
important: When a short block engine is installed, the Consumption on page 9—951
engine number must be marked on the cylinder block - Engine Noise on Start—Up,but Only Lasting a Few
before installing the engine. Seconds on page 9-948
The engine identification code is embossed on the - Upper Engine Noise, Regardless of Engine Speed
flattened area of the cylinder block, arrow, at the on page 9-951
transmission side. - Lower Engine Noise, Regardless of Engine Speed
on page 9952
Diagnostic Information and - Engine Noise Under Load on page 9948
Procedures - Engine Will Not Crank —Crankshaft Will Not
Rotate on page 9—952
1 Coolant in Engine Oil on page 9-948
Symptoms - Engine Mechanical - Engine Compression Test on page 9-953
Strategy Based Diagnostics - Cylinder Leakage Test on page 9-957
Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle on - Oil Consumption Diagnosis on page 9-947
page 6-66. 1 Oil Pressure Diagnosis and Testing on page 9—945
All diagnosis on a vehicle should follow a logical - Oil Leak Diagnosis on page 9-945
process.Strategy based diagnostics is a uniform - Crankcase Ventilation System lnspection/
approach for repairing all systems. The diagnostic flow Diagnosis on page 9-959
may always be used in order to resolve a system
. Drive Belt Chirping, Squeal, and Whine Diagnosis
condition. The diagnostic flow is the place to start when
repairs are necessary. on page 9-953
. Drive Belt Rumbling and Vibration Diagnosis on
Visual/Physical Inspection page 9-955
1 Inspect for aftermarket devices which could affect - Drive Belt Falls Off and Excessive Wear
the operation of the engine. Diagnosis on page 9-959
- inspect the easily accessible or visible system - Drive Belt Tensioner Diagnosis on page 9-961
components for obvious damage or conditions
which could cause the symptom.
- inspect for the correct oil level, proper oil viscosity,
and correct fitterapplication.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-945

Oil Pressure Diagnosis and Testing Measurement Procedure

Special Tools
EN-498—B Oil Pressure Gauge
EN—232 Adapter Oil Pressure Check
For equivalent regional toois, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.
Removal Procedure
1. If necessary, remove the exhaust manifold heat
shield. Refer to Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield
Replacement (LUV)on page 9—749 or Exhaust
Manifold Heat Shield Replacement (LUW)on
page 9-750.

Install the EN-498—B gauge (2).
Install the EN-232adapter (1).
Start the engine.
Check oil pressure.
At idling speed, the oil pressure must be at least
130 kPa (18.85psi) and the oil temperature must
be 80°C(170°F)or more.
Installation Procedure
1. Switch off the engine.
2. Remove the EN-232adapter.
3. Remove the EN—498—B gauge.
2. Remove the closure bolt (1). . 4. Install new closure bolt in the cylinder head.
3. Clean the thread. Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
5. Tighten the closure bolt to 15N-m(11lb ft).
6. If necessary, install the exhaust manifold heat
shield. Refer to Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield
Replacement (LUV)on page 9-749or Exhaust
Manifold Heat Shield Replacement (LUW)on
page 9-750.
7. Check the engine oil level.
Oil Leak Diagnosis
Step Action I Yes No
DEFINITION:Youcan repairmostfluidleaksbyfirst,visuallylocatingtheleak,repairingor replacingthecomponent,or by
resealingthegasketsurface.Oncetheleakis identified,determinethecause oftheleak.Repairtheleakandthecauseof
1. Operatethevehicleuntilitreachesnormaioperating
temperature.Referto EngineMechanicalSpecifications(1.8L
LUW andLWE)onpage9—940 or EngineMechanical
Specifications(1.6L LDE)onpage 9938.
2. Parkthevehicleon a levelsurfaceovera largesheet of paper
3. Wait15minutes.
4. lnspectfordrippings.
Are drippingspresent? Go to Step2 SystemOK

9-946 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Oil Leak Diagnosis (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
2 Can you identifythetypeoffluidandtheapproximatelocationof
theleak? Go to Step 10 Go to Step3
1. Visuaiiyinspectthesuspectedarea.Use a smallmirrorto
assist in lookingat hardtosee areas.
2. inspectforleaksatthefollowinglocations:
- Sealingsurfaces
- Fittings
- Crackedor damagedcomponents
Can you identifythetypeoffluidandtheapproximatelocationof
theleak? Go to Step 10 Go to Step4
1. Completelycleantheentireengineandsurrounding
2. Operatethevehicleforseveralmiles at normaloperating
3. Parkthevehicieona levelsurfaceovera largesheetof paper
4 or othercleansurface.
4. Wait15minutes.
5. Identifythetypeoffluidandtheapproximatelocationof
Can you identifythetypeoffluidandtheapproximatelocationof
theleak? Go to Step 10 Go to Step5
1. Visuallyinspectthesuspectedarea.Use a smallmirrorto
assist in lookingat hardtosee areas.
2. Inspectforleaksatthefoilowinglocations:
° Sealingsurfaces
- Fittings
- Crackedor damagedcomponents
Can you identifythetypeoffluidandtheapproximatelocationof
theleak? Go to Step 10 Go to Step6
1. Completelycleantheentireengineandsurrounding
2. Applyan aerosoi-typepowder,forexample,babypowderor
6 3. Operatethevehicleforseveralmilesat normaloperating
4. Identifythetypeoffluidandtheapproximatelocationofthe
leakfromthediscolorationsin thepowdersurface.
Can you identifythetypeoffluidandtheapproximatelocationof
theleak? Go to Step 10 Go to Step7
1. Visuallyinspectthesuspectedarea.Use a smallmirrorto
assist in lookingat hardtosee areas.
2. inspectforleaksatthefollowinglocations:
- Sealingsurfaces
- Fittings
1 Crackedor damagedcomponents
Can you identifythetypeoffluidandtheapproximatelocationof
theleak? - Go to Step 10 Go to Step8
8 Can you identifythetypeoffluidandtheapproximatelocationof
theleak? Go to Step 10 Go to Step9
1. Visuallyinspectthesuspectedarea.Use a smallmirrorto
assist in lookingat hardtosee areas.
2. Inspectforleaksatthefoilowinglocations:
1 Sealingsurfaces
3 Fittings
- Crackedor damagedcomponents
Can you identifythetypeoffluidandthe approximatelocationof
theleak? Go to Step 10 SystemOK
Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-947

Oil Leak Diagnosis (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
1. Inspecttheengineformechanicaldamage.Specialinterest
1 Higherthanrecommendedfluidlevels
1 Higherthanrecommendedfluidpressures
1 Plugged0r malfunctioningfluidfiltersor pressurebypass
1 Pluggedor malfunctioningengineventiiationsystem
- Improperlytightenedor damagedfasteners
10 1 Crackedor porouscomponents
1 Impropersealantsor gaskets,whererequired
1 impropersealantor gasketinstallation
1 Damagedorworngasketsor seals
1 Damagedorwornsealingsurfaces
2. Inspecttheengineforcustomermodifications.
Istheremechanicaldamageor customermodificationsto the
engine? Go to Step 11 SystemOK
Repairor replaceall damagedor modifiedcomponents.
Didyoucompletetherepair? Go to Step 1

Oil Consumption Diagnosis Use recommended SAE viscosity for the

prevailing temperatures.
Excessive oil consumption, not due to leaks, is the use
of 0.6 L (0.14gallon) engine oil within 1000kilometers 1 Continuous high speed driving and/or severe
(622miles). The causes of excessive oil consumption
include the following conditions: 1 Crankcase ventilation system restrictions or
malfunctioning components
1 External oil leaks
1 Valve guides and/or valve stem oil seals worn,
Tighten bolts and/or replace gaskets and oil seats
or the seal omitted
as necessary.
Ream guides and install oversize service valves
1 Incorrectoil level or improper reading of oil level
and/or new valve stem oil seals.
1 Piston rings broken, improperly installed, worn,
With the vehicle on a level surface, ailow
adequate drain down time and inspect for the or not seated properly
correct oil level. Aliow adequate time for rings to seat. Replace
1 Improperoil viscosity broken or worn rings, as necessary.
1 Piston improperly installed or mis—fitted.

Coolant in Combustion Chamber

Cause I Correction
DEFINITION:Excessivewhitesmokeand/orcoolanttypeodorcomingfromtheexhaustpipemayindicatecoolantin the
combustionchamber.Lowcoolantlevels,an inoperativecoolingfan,or a faultythermostatmayleadtoan overtemperature
1. A slowerthannormalcrankingspeed mayindicatecoolantenteringthecombustionchamber.Referto Engine WillNot
Crank- CrankshaftWillNotRotateonpage 9-952.
2. Removethesparkplugsandinspectforsparkplugssaturatedby coolantor coolantinthecylinderbore.
3. inspectbyperforminga cylinderieak-downtest.Duringthistest,excessiveair bubbleswithinthecoolantmayindicatea
faultygasketor damagedcomponent.
4. inspectbyperforminga cylindercompressiontest.Twocylindersside—by—side ontheengineblock,withlowcompression,
mayindicatea failedcylinderheadgasket.Referto EngineCompressionTestonpage9—953.
Faultycylinderheadgasket Replacetheheadgasketandcomponentsas required.Refer
to CylinderHeadCleaningand Inspectiononpage 9-1096 and
Warpedcylinderhead Replacethecylinderheadandgasket.Referto CylinderHead
Replacementonpage 9—990.
Crackedcylinderhead Replacethecylinderheadandgasket.CylinderHead
Replacementonpage 9-990
Crackedcylinderliner Replacethecomponentsas required.
Cylinderheadorblockporosity Replacethecomponentsas required.

9-948 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Coolant in Engine Oil

Cause Correction
DEFINITION:Foamyor discoloredoil or an engineoil overfiliconditionmayindicatecoolantenteringtheenginecrankcase.Low
coolantlevels,an inoperativecoolingfan,or a faultythermostatmayleadto an overtemperature conditionwhichmaycause
enginecomponentdamage.Contaminatedengineoil andoilfiltershouldbe changed.
1. Inspecttheoil forexcessivefoamingor an overfilicondition.Oil dilutedby coolantmaynotproperlylubricatethecrankshaft
bearingsandmayleadto componentdamage.Referto LowerEngineNoise,RegardlessofEngineSpeedonpage 9-952.
2. inspectby performinga cylinderleak-downtest.Duringthistest,excessiveair bubbleswithinthecoolingsystemmay
indicatea faultygasketor damagedcomponent.
:3. inspectby performinga cylindercompressiontest.Twocylindersside-by-sideontheengineblockwithlowcompression
mayindicatea failedcylinderheadgasket.Referto EngineCompressionTestonpage 9-953.
Faultycylinderheadgasket Replacetheheadgasketand componentsas required.Refer
to CylinderHeadReplacementonpage9-990.
Warpedcylinderhead Replacethecylinderheadandgasket.Referto CylinderHead
Replacementonpage 9-990.
Crackedcylinderhead Replacethecylinderheadand gasket.CylinderHead
Replacementonpage 9-990
Crackedcylinderiiner Replacethecomponentsas required.
Cylinderheador blockporosity Replacethecomponentsas required.

Engine Noise Under Load

Cause Correction
Lowoil pressure 1. Performanoil pressuretest.Referto OilPressure
Diagnosisand Testingonpage9-945.
2. Repairor replaceas required.
Detonationorsparkknock Verifythecorrectoperationoftheignition.Referto Symptoms-
EngineControlsonpage 9-511.
Loose torqueconverterbolts 1. Inspectthetorqueconverterboltsandflywheel.
2. Repairas required.
automatictransmission 1. Inspecttheflywheelboltsandflywheel.
2. Repairasrequired.
Excessiveconnectingrodbearingclearance Inspectthefollowingcomponentsandrepairas required:
1 The connectingrodbearings
1 The connectingrods
1 The crankshaft
Excessivecrankshaftbearingclearance Inspectthefollowingcomponentsandrepairas required:
1 The crankshaftbearings
1 Thecrankshaftjournais
1 The cylinderblockcrankshaftbearingbore

Engine Noise on Start-Up, but Only Lasting a Few Seconds

Cause Correction
incorrectoil filterwithoutanti-drainbackfeature Installthecorrectoil filter.
Incorrectoil viscosity 1. Draintheoil.
2. Installthecorrectviscosityoil.
Highvalvelashadjusterleak downrate Replacethelashadjustersas required.
Worncrankshaftthrustbearing 1. Inspectthethrustbearingandcrankshaft.
2. Repairor replaceas required.
Damagedor faultyoilfilterby-passvalve 1. Inspecttheoil filterby-passvalveforproperoperation.
2. Repairor replaceas required.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-949

Engine Noise on Start—Up, but Only Lasting a Few Seconds (cont'd)

Cause Correction
Malfunctioningcamshaftpositionactuators- improperoil . Verifycorrectengineoil viscosityby changingtheengine
viscosityor contamination.
The resultis camshaftactuator oil andfilter.Reevaiuatetheconcern.
lockingpindoesnotlock . Isolatethenoiseto a specificcamshaftpositionactuator.
. Replacethecamshaftactuator,oil andfilter.

Base Engine Misfire without internal Engine Noises

Cause Correction
Abnormalities,severecracking,bumps,or missingareas in the Replacethedrivebelt.
Abnormalitiesin theaccessorydrivesystemand/or
variationsandleadto a misfirediagnostictroublecode(DTC).
A misfirecode maybe presentwithoutan actualmisfire
Wom,damaged,or mis-alignedaccessorydrivecomponents Inspectthecomponents,andrepairor replaceas required.
or excessivepulleyrunoutmayleadto a misfireDTC.
A misfirecode maybe presentwithoutan actualmisfire
A looseor improperlyinstalledengineflywheelor crankshaft Repairorreplacetheflywheeland/orbalanceras required.
A misfirecode maybe presentwithoutan actualmisfire
Restrictedexhaustsystem Repairor replaceas required.
A severerestrictionin theexhaustflowcan causesignificant
loss ofengineperformanceand mayset a DTC.Possible
causesof restrictionsincludecollapsedor dentedpipesor
Improperlyinstalledor damagedvacuumhoses Repairor replaceas required.
impropersealingbetweentheintakemanifoldandcylinder Replacetheintakemanifold,gaskets,cylinderheads,and/or
headsor throttlebody throttlebodyas required.
improperlyinstalledor damagedmanifoldabsolute Repairor replacetheMAP sensoras required.
ThesealinggrommetoftheMAP sensorshouldnotbe tornor
Damageto theMAP sensorhousing Replacetheintakemanifold.
Wornor looserockerarms Replacethevalverockerarmsas required.
The rockerarmbearingendcaps and/orneedlebearings
shouldbe intactandin theproperposition.
Stuckvaives Repairor replaceas required.
Carbonbuilduponthevalvestemcan causethevalvenotto
Excessivelywornor mis-alignedtimingchain ReplacethetimingChainand sprocketsas required.
Worncamshaftlobes Replacethecamshaftandvalvelifters.
Excessiveoil pressure Performan oil pressuretest.Referto Oil Pressure
A lubricationsystemwithexcessiveoil pressuremayleadto Diagnosisand Testingonpage9—945.
excessivevalvelifterpumpup andloss of compression. Repairor replacetheoil pumpas required.
Faultycylinderheadgasketsand/orcrackingor otherdamage lnspectforsparkplugssaturatedby coolant.
tothecylinderheadsandengineblockcoolingsystem inspectthecylinderheads,engineblock,and/orhead
passages gaskets.
Coolantconsumptionmayor maynotcausetheengineto Repairor replaceas required.
Wornpistonrings inspectthesparkplugsforoil deposits.
Oil consumptionmayor maynotcausetheengineto misfire. inspectthecylindersfora loss of compression.Referto

9950 Engine Mechanical —1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Base Engine Misfire without Internal Engine Noises (cont'd)

Cause Correction
1 Performcylinderleakdownandcompressiontestingto
1 Repairor replaceas required.
A damagedcrankshaftreluctorwheel Replacethesensorand/orcrankshaftas required.
A damagedcrankshaftreluctorwheelcan resultin different
1 Systemswithelectroniccommunications,DISor coil per
periodicloss ofcrankshaftposition,stopdeliveringa signal,
1 Systemswithelectroniccommunication,DISor coil per
of crankshaftpositionandnomisfiremay occur.However,a
DTC P0300maybeset.
pointofgeneratinga DTC P0300or P0336.

Base Engine Misfire with Abnormal Internal Lower Engine Noises

Cause Correction
Abnormalities,severecracking,bumpsor missingareasinthe Replacethedrivebelt.
Abnormalitiesin theaccessorydrivesystemand/or
variations,noisessimilarto a faultylowerengine,andalso lead
to a misfirecondition.A misfirecode maybe presentwithout
an actualmisfirecondition.
Worn,damaged,or mis-alignedaccessorydrivecomponents inspectthecomponents,repairor replaceas required.
or excessivepulleyrunout
A misfirecode maybe presentwithoutan actualmisfire
Loose or improperlyinstalledengineflywheelor crankshaft Repairor replacetheflywheeland/orbalanceras required.
A misfirecode maybe presentwithoutan actualmisfire
Wornpistonrings 1 Inspectthesparkplugsforoildeposits.
Oil consumptionmayor maynotcausetheengineto misfire. 1 Inspectthecylindersfora lossofcompression.Referto
EngineCompressionTestonpage 9-953.
1 Performcylinderleakdownand compressiontestingto
1 Repairor replaceas required.
Worncrankshaftthrustbearings Replacethecrankshaftandbearingsas required.
andcreatea diagnostictroublecode(DTC)withoutan actual

Base Engine Misfire with Abnormal Valve Train Noise

Cause Correction
Wornor looserockerarms Replacethevalverockerarmsas required.
The rockerarmbearingendcaps and/orneedlebearings
shouldintactwithinthe rockerarmassembly.
Stuckvalves Repairor replaceas required.

Engine Mechanical .. 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-951

Base Engine Misfire with Abnormal Valve Train Noise (cont'd)

Cause Correction
Carbonbuildupon thevalvestemcan causethevalveto not
close properly.
Excessivelywornor mis-alignedtimingchain Replacethetimingchainandsprocketsas required.
Worncamshaftlobes Replacethecamshaftandvalvelashadjusters.
Stickinglifters Replaceas required.

Base Engine Misfire with Coolant Consumption

Cause Correction
Faultycylinderheadgasketand/orcracking,or otherdamage 1 lnspectforsparkplugssaturatedbycoolant.
tothecylinderheadandengineblockcoolingsystem 1 Performa cylinderleakdowntest.
1 Inspectthecylinderheadandengineblockfor damageto
Coolantconsumptionmayor maynotcausetheengineto thecoolantpassagesand/ora faultyheadgasket.
1 Repairor replaceas required.

Base Engine Misfire with Excessive Oil Consumption

Cause Correction
Wornvalves,valveguides,and/orvalvestemoil seals 1 Inspectthesparkplugsforoil deposits.
1 Repairor replaceas required.
Wornpistonrings 1 Inspectthesparkplugsforoil deposits.
Oil consumptionmayor maynotcausetheengineto misfire. 1 Inspectthecylindersfora loss ofcompression.Referto
1 Performcylinderleakdownandcompressiontestingto
1 Repairor replaceas required.

Upper Engine Noise, Regardless of Engine Speed

Cause Correction
Lowoil pressure 1 Performan oil pressuretest.Referto Oil Pressure
Diagnosisand Testingonpage9-945.
1 Repairor replaceas required.
Looseand/orwornvalverockerarmattachments 1 inspectthevalverockerarmstud,nut,0r bolt.
1 Repairor replaceas required.
Wornvalverockerarm Replacethevalverockerarm.
improperlubricationtothevalve rockerarms Inspectthefollowingcomponentsandrepairor replaceas
1 Thevalverockerarm
1 Thevaivelifter
1 Theoil filterbypassvalve
1 Theoil pumpand pumpscreen
1 Theengineblockoil galleries
Brokenvalvespring Replacethevalvespring.
Wornor dirtyvalvelifters Replacethevalvelifters.
Stretchedor brokentimingbeltand/ordamagedsprocketteeth Replacethetimingbeltandsprockets.
Worn,damaged,orfaultytimingbelttensioners Replacetensioners
Wornenginecamshaftlobes 1 inspecttheenginecamshaftlobes.
1 Replacethecamshaftandvalveliftersas required.
Wornvalveguidesorvalvestems Inspectthefollowingcomponents,andrepairas required:
1 Thevalves
1 Thevalveguides

9-952 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Upper Engine Noise, Regardless of Engine Speed (cont'd)

Cause Correction
Stuckvaives Inspectthefollowingcomponentsandrepairas required:
Carbononthevalvestemorvalveseat maycausethevalveto 1 Thevalves
stayopen. 1 Thevalveguides

Lower Engine Noise, Regardless of Engine Speed

Cause Correction
Lowoil pressure 1 Performan oil pressuretest.Referto Oil Pressure
Diagnosisand Testingonpage9-945.
1 Repairor replacedamagedcomponentsas required.
Wornaccessorydrivecomponents— abnormalities,suchas 1. Inspecttheaccessorydrivesystem.
severecracking,bumps,or missingareasintheaccessory 2. Repairor replaceas required.
drivebeltand/ormisalignmentof systemcomponents
Looseordamagedcrankshaftbalancer 1. Inspectthecrankshaftbalancer.
2. Repairor replaceas required.
Detonationor sparkknock Verifythecorrectoperationoftheignitionsystem.Referto
Symptoms- EngineControlsonpage 9-511.
Loosetorqueconverterbolts 1. Inspectthetorqueconverterboltsandflywheel.
2. Repairor replaceas required.
Looseor damagedflywheel Repairor replacetheflywheel.
Damagedoil pan,contactingtheoil pumpscreen 1. Inspecttheoil pan.
An oil panthathas beendamaged,mayimproperlypositionthe Inspecttheoil pumpscreen.
oil pumpscreen,preventingproperoil flowtotheoil pump. Repairor replaceas required.
Oil pumpscreenloose,damagedor restricted Inspecttheoil pumpscreen.
Repairor replaceas required.
boreclearance Inspectthepistonandcylinderbore.
Repairas required.
clearance :‘NT‘NT‘P’N
2. Repairor replaceas required.
Excessiveconnectingrodbearingclearance Inspectthefollowingcomponentsandrepairas required:
1 Theconnectingrodbearings
1 Theconnectingrods
1 Thecrankshaft
1 Thecrankshaftjournals
Excessivecrankshaftbearingclearance Inspectthefollowingcomponentsandrepairas required:
1 Thecrankshaftbearings
1 Thecrankshaftjournals
Incorrectpiston,pistonpin,andconnectingrodinstallation 1. Verifythepistons,pistonpinsandconnectingrodsare
Pistonsmustbe installedwiththemark,or dimple,on thetopof installedcorrectly.
thepiston,facingthefrontoftheengine.Pistonpinsmustbe 2. Repairas required.
centeredin theconnectingrodpinbore.

Engine Will Not Crank - Crankshaft Will Not Rotate

Cause Correction
Seized accessorydrivesystemcomponent 1. Removeaccessorydrivebelts.
2. Rotatecrankshaftby handat thebalancerorflywheel
Hydraulicallylockedcylinder 1. Removesparkplugsandcheckforfluid.
1 Coolant/antifreezein cylinder 2. Inspectforbrokenheadgasket.
1 Oil in cylinder 3. Inspectforcrackedengineblockor cylinderhead.
1 Fuel in cylinder

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-953

Engine Will Not Crank - Crankshaft Will Not Rotate (cont'd)

Cause Correction
Inspecttora stickingfuelinjector.
Seized automatictransmissiontorqueconverter Removethetorqueconverterbolts.
Nr‘ Rotatecrankshaftby handat thebalancerorflywheel
location. ,
Seized manualtransmission _\ DisengagetheClutch.
Rotatecrankshaftby handat thebalanceror flywheel
Brokentimingchainand/orgears 1 lnspecttimingchainandgears.
1 Repairas required.
Seized balanceshaft 1 Inspectbalanceshaft.
1 Repairas required.
Materialin cylinder 1 Inspectcylinderfordamagedcomponentsand/orforeign
1 Brokenvalve materials.
1 Pistonmaterial 1 Inspectforfallencylinderwall.
1 Foreignmaterial 1 Repairor replaceas required.
1 Crackedcylinderwall
Seized crankshaftor connectingrodbearings 1 inspectcrankshaftandconnectingrodbearings.
1 Inspectforfallencylinderwall.
1 Repairas required.
Bentor brokenconnectingrod 1 Inspectconnectingrods.
1 Repairas required.
Brokencrankshaft 1 lnspectcrankshaft.
1 Repairas required.

Engine Compression Test Drive Belt Chirping, Squeal, and

Whine Diagnosis
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the throttle body.Referto Throttle Body Diagnostic Aids
Assembly Replacement on page 9-542. A chirping or squeal noise may be intermittentdue
2. Remove the spark plugs. Refer to Spark Plug to moisture on the drive belts or the pulleys. Itmay
Replacement on page 9-573. be necessary to spray a small amount of water on
3. Remove the relay holder cover. the drive belts in order to duplicate the customers
4. Remove the fuel pump relay. concern. if spraying water on the drive belt
duplicates the symptom, cleaning the belt pulleys
Measurement Procedure may be the probable solution.
Check Compression for all cylinders: Ifthe noise is intermittent,verify the accessory
drive components by varying their loads making
Note: Engine revs at least 300/min. sure they are operated to their maximum capacity.
1. Start the engine (approx. 4 seconds). An overcharged A/C system, power steering
2. Compare the compression values. system with a pinched hose or wrong fluid, or a
generator failing are suggested items to inspect.
Maximum pressure differential 100 kPa (14.5psi)
A chirping, squeal or whine noise may be caused
installation Procedure by a loose or improper installation of a body or
suspension component. Other items of the vehicle
1. Install the fuel pump relay. may also cause the noise.
1 Place into the socket. The drive belts will not cause a whine noise.
1 Ensure the plug contacts are sound.
2. Install the relay carrier cover. Test Description
3. Install the spark plugs. Refer to Spark Plug The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the
Replacement on page 9-573. diagnostic table.
4. Install the throttlebody.Refer to Throttle Body 2. The noise may not be engine related. This step is
Assembly Replacement on page 9-542. to verify that the engine is making the noise. if the
engine is not making the noise do not proceed
further with this table.

2013 (5377994)
9954 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
3. The noise may be an internal engine noise. 14. This test is to verify that the drive belt tensioner
Removing the drive belts one at a time and operates properly. If the drive belt tensioner is not
operating the engine for a brief period will verify the operating properly, proper belt tension may not be
noise is related to the drive belt. When removing achieved to keep the drive belt from slipping which
the drive belt the water pump may not be operating could cause a squeal noise.
and the engine may overh‘eat.Also DTCs may set 15. This test is to verify that the drive belt is not too
when the engine '5 operating W'ththe drive belts long, which would prevent the drive belt tensioner
removed. from working properly. Also if an incorrect length
4. Inspect all drive belt pulleys for piiling. Pilling is the drive belt was installed, it may not be routed
small balls or pills or it can be strings in the drive properly and may be turning an accessory drive
belt grooves from the accumulation of rubber dust. component in the wrong direction.
'6. Misalignment of the pulleys may be caused from 16. Misalignment of the pulleys may be caused from
improper mounting of the accessory drive improper mounting of the accessory drive
component, incorrect installation of the accessory component, incorrect installation of the accessory
drive component pulley, or the pulley bent inward drive component pulley, or the pulley bent inward
or outward from a previous repair. Test for a or outward from a previous repair. Test for a
misaligned pulley using a straight edge in the misaligned pulley using a straight edge in the
pulley grooves across two or three pulleys. Ifa pulley grooves across two or three pulleys. Ifa
misaligned pulley is found refer to that accessory misaligned pulley is found refer to that accessory
drive component for the proper installation drive component for the proper installation
procedure for that pulley. procedure for that pulley.
10. inspecting of the fasteners can eliminate the 17. This test is to verify that the pulleys are the correct
possibility that a wrong bolt, nut, spacer, or washer diameter or width. Using a known good vehicle
was installed. compare the pulley sizes.
12. Inspecting the pulleys for being bent should 19. Replacing the drive belt when it is not damaged or
include inspecting for a dent or other damage to there is not excessive piiling will only be a
the pulleys that would prevent the drive belt from temporary repair.
not seating properly in all of the pulley grooves or
on the smooth surface of a pulley when the back
side of the belt is used to drive the pulley.

Drive Belt Chirping, Squeal, and Whine Diagnosis

Step Action I Yes No
Caution: Referto BeltDressingCautiononpage0?.
DEFINITION:Thefollowingitemsare indicationsofchirping:
1 A highpitchednoisethatis heardonce perrevolutionofthedrivebeltor a pulley.
1 Chirpingmayoccuron colddampstart—ups andwillsubsideoncethevehiclereachesnormaloperatingtemp.
DEFINITION:Thefollowingitemsare indicationsofdrivebeltsqueal:
1 A loudscreechingnoisethatis causedbya slippingdrivebelt.This is unusualfora drivebeltwithmultipleribs.
1 The noiseoccurswhena heavyloadis appliedtothedrivebelt,suchas an air conditioningcompressorengagement
snappingthethrottle,or slippingon a seized pulleyor a faultyaccessorydrivecomponent.
DEFINITION:The followingitemsare indicationsofdrivebeltwhine:
1 A highpitchedcontinuousnoise.
1 The noisemaybe causedby an accessorydrivecomponentfailedbearing.
DidyoureviewtheDriveBeltSymptomoperationandperformthe Go to Symptoms-
1 necessaryinspections? EngineMechanicalon
Go to Step2 page9-944
Verifythatthereis a chirping,squealor whinenoise.
Doestheenginemakethechirpingsquealorwhinenoise? Go to Step3 Go to DiagnosticAids
1. Removethedrivebelt.
Iftheenginehas multipledrivebelts,removethebeltsone at a
timeandperformthetestbeloweachtimea beltis removed.
3 2. Operatetheenginefornolongerthan30—40 seconds.
3. Repeatthistestif necessarybyremovingtheremaining Go to Symptoms_
be't(s)- EngineMechanicalon
Doesthechirping,squealor whinenoisestillexist? page 9-944 Go to Step4
Ifdiagnosinga chirpingnoise,inspectforseverepiilingexceeding
1/3ofthebeltgroovedepth. 1
if diagnosinga squealorwhinenoise,proceedto step13.
Dothebeltgrooveshavepiiling? Go to Step5 Go to Step6

Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-955

Drive Belt Chirping, Squeal, and Whine Diagnosis (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
5 Cleanthedrivebeltpulleyswitha suitablewirebrush.
Didyoucompletethe repair? Go to Step20 Go to Step6
6 inspectformisalignmentofthepulleys.
Are anyof thepulleysmisaligned? Go to Step 7 Go to Step8
7 Replaceor repairany misalignedpulleys.
Didyoucompletethe repair? Go to Step20 Go to Step8
8 Inspectforbentor crackedbrackets.
Didyoufindanybentor crackedbrackets? Go to Step9 Go to Step 10
9 Replaceany bentor crackedbrackets.
Didyoucompletethe repair? Go to Step20 Go to Step 10
10 lnspectforimproper,looseor missingfasteners. ,
Didyoufindthecondition? Go to Step 11 Go to Step 12
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
1. Tightenanyloosefasteners.Referto FastenerTightening
11 Specifications(1.8LLUWand LWE)onpage9—935 or
FastenerTighteningSpecifications(1.6LLDE)onpage 9-932.
2. Replaceanyimproperor missingfasteners.
Didyoucompletetherepair? Go to Step20 Go to Step 12
12 Inspectfora bentpulley.
Didyoufindthecondition? Go to Step 18 Go to Step 19
Inspectforan accessorydrivecomponentseized bearingor a faulty
13 Didyoufindandcorrectthecondition?
Ifdiagnosinga whinenoiseandtheconditionstillexist,proceedto
DiagnosticAids. Go to Step20 Go to Step 14
14 Testthedrivebelttensionerforproperoperation.
Didyoufindandcorrectthecondition? Go to Step20 Go to Step 15
15 lnspectforthecorrectdrivebeltlength.
Didyoufindandcorrectthecondition? Go to Step20 G0 to Step 16
16 Inspectformisalignmentofa pulley.
Didyoufindandcorrectthecondition? Go to Step20 Go to Step 17
17 Inspectforthecorrectpulleysize.
Didyoufindandcorrectthecondition? Go to Step20 Go to DiagnosticAids
18 Replacethebentpulley.
Didyoucompletethe repair? Go to Step20 Go to Step 19
Replacethedrivebelt.Referto DriveBeltReplacementon
19 page9-964.
Didyoucompletethe repair? Go to Step20 Go to DiagnosticAids
20 Operatethesystemin ordertoverifytherepair. '
Didyoucorrectthecondition? SystemOK Go to Step3

Drive Belt Rumbling and Vibration The drive belt may have a rumbling condition that can
not be seen or felt. Sometimes replacing the drive belt
Diagnosis may be the only repair for the symptom.
Diagnostic Aids If replacing the drive belt, completing the diagnostic
table, and the noise is only heard when the drive belts
The accessory drive components can have an affect on are installed, there might be an accessory drive
engine vibration. Vibration from the engine operating component with a failure. Varying the load on the
may cause a body component or another part of the different accessory drive components may aid in
vehicle to make rumbling noise. Vibration can be identifying which component is causing the rumbling
caused by, but not limited to the A/C system over nonse.
charged, the power steering system restricted or the
incorrect fluid, or an extra load on the generator. To
help identify an intermittentor an improper condition,
vary the loads on the accessory drive components.
9—956 Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
Test Description 5. Small amounts of piiling is normal condition and
acceptable. When the piiling is severe the drive
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the
belt does not have a smooth surface for proper
diagnostic table.
2. This test is to verify that the symptom is present 9. Inspecting of the fasteners can eliminate the
during diagnosing. Other vehicle components may
possibility that the wrong bolt, nut, spacer,
cause a similar symptom.
or washer was installed.
3. This test is to verify that one of the drive belts is 11. This step should only be performed if the water
causing the rumbling noise or vibration. Rumbling
pump is driven by the drive belt. Inspect the water
noise may be confused with an internal engine
pump shaft for being bent. Also inspect the water
noise due to the similarity in the description.
pump bearings for smooth operation and
Remove only one drive belt at a time if the vehicle
excessive play. Compare the water pump with a
has multiple drive belts. When removing the drive
known good water pump.
belts the water pump may not be operating and the
engine may overheat. Also DTCs may set when 12. Accessory drive component brackets that are bent,
the engine is operating with the drive belts cracked, or loose may put extra.Stra'n on that
removed. accessory component causmg it to Vibrate.
4. Inspecting the drive belts is to ensure that they are
not causing the noise. Small cracks across the ribs
of the drive belt will not cause the noise. Belt
separation is identified by the plys of the belt
separating and may be seen at the edge of the belt
ourfelt as a lump in the belt.

Drive Belt Rumbling and Vibration Diagnosis

Step Action I Yes No
Caution: Referto BeltDressingCautiononpage 0-7.
DEFINITION:Thefollowingitemsare indicationsofdrivebeltrumbling:
1 A lowpitchtapping,knocking,orthumpingnoiseheardat orjustaboveidle.
1 Heardonce perrevolutionofthedrivebeltor a pulley.
1 Rumblingmaybe causedfrom:
—Pilling,theaccumulationof rubberdustthatformssmallballs(pills)or stringsinthedrivebeltpulleygroove
—The separationofthedrivebelt
—A damageddrivebelt
—A worndrivebeltidlerpulley
DEFlNlTlON:Thefollowingitemsare indicationsofdrivebeltvibration:
1 The vibrationis engine-speedrelated.
1 The vibrationmaybesensitivetoaccessoryload.
Didyou reviewtheDriveBeltSymptomoperationandperformthe Go to Symptoms-
1 necessaryinspections? EngineMechanicalon
Go to Step2 page9-944
Verifythatthereis a rumblingnoiseor thatthevibrationis engine
2 related.
Doestheenginemaketherumblingnoiseorvibration? Go to Step3 Go to DiagnosticAids
1. Removethedrivebelt.
if theenginehas multipledrivebelts,removethebeltsoneat a
timeandperformthetestbeloweachtimea beltis removed.
3 2. Operatetheenginefornolongerthan30—40 seconds.
3. Repeatthistestif necessaryby removingtheremaining Go to Symptoms_
belt(s). EngineMechanicalon
Doestherumbling0r vibrationstillexist? page9-944 Go to Step4
4 missingribs,anddebrisbuild-up.
Didyoufindanyoftheseconditions? Go to Step 7 Go to Step5
5 grooves.
Didyoufindseverepiiling? G0 to Step6 _ Go to Step7

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-957

Drive Belt Rumbling and Vibration Diagnosis (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
1. Cleanthedrivebeltpulleysusinga suitablewirebrush.
6 2. Reinstallthedrivebelts.Referto DriveBeltReplacementon
Didyoucorrectthecondition? Go to Step8 Go to Step7
Installa newdrivebelt.Referto DriveBeltReplacementon
7 page9—964.
Didyoucompletethereplacement? Go to Step8 Go to Step9
8 Operatethesystemin ordertoverifytherepair.
Didyoucorrectthecondition? SystemOK Go to Step9
9 Inspectforimproper,looseor missingfasteners.
Didyoufindanyof theseconditions? Go to Step 10 Go to Step 11
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
1. Tightenanyloosefasteners.Referto FastenerTightening
10 Specifications(1.8LLUW andLWE)onpage9-935 or
FastenerTighteningSpecifications(1.6LLDE)onpage 9932.
2. Replaceimproperor missingfasteners.
Didyoucompletetherepair? Go to Step 13 Go to Step 11
11 lnspectfora bentwaterpumpshaft.
Didyoufindandcorrectthecondition? Go to Step 13 Go to Step 12
12 inspectforbentor crackedbrackets.
Didyoufindandcorrectthecondition? Go to Step 13 Go to DiagnosticAids
13 Operatethesystemin ordertoverifytherepair.
Didyoucorrectthecondition? SystemOK Go to Step3

Cylinder Leakage Test

Removal Procedure ‘74}
Note: A leakage test may be performed in order to J‘A
measure cylinder/combustion chamber leakage. High /\-
leakage may indicate one or more of the following:
1 Worn or burnt valves
1 Broken valve springs
1 Stuck valve lash adjusters
1 Damaged piston
1 Worn piston rings
1 Worn or scored cylinder bore
1 Damaged cylinder head gasket
1 Cracked or damaged cylinder head
1 Cracked or damaged engine block
1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31.
2. Remove the front wheelhouse liner inner front 1936993
extension. Refer to Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner
Front Extension Replacement (Left Slde) on 00. Set up the crankshaft.
page 3-147or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front . Move the crankshaft in the direction of the engine
Extension Replacement (Right Side, LUV) on rotation to the first cylinder TDC position (mark1).
page 3—148 or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front 01. Lower the vehicle.
Extension Replacement (Right Side, LWE, LUW)
on page 3-149. . Remove the timing belt upper front cover. Refer to
Timing Belt Upper Front Cover Replacement on
page 9-984.
. Remove the spark plugs. Refer to Spark Plug
Replacement on page 9-573.

9-968 Engine Mechanical . 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
8. Detach the engine wiring harness from intake Note: Wheels must be in contact with the ground.
manifold, cylinder head cover and engine wiring
harness bracket. 1 Engage first gear and apply the parking brake.
9. Remove the coolant expansion tank closure cap. 1 Install the connecting piece into the spark plug
thread of cylinder number 1.
10. Remove the oil dipstick.
1 Apply compressed air to cylinder number 1.
3. Inspect for Pressure Loss
1 Take pressure loss reading.
1 The maximum permissible pressure differential
between cylinders is approximately 10 percent.
1 Maximum pressure loss ofa cylinder is
25 percent.
4. Take note of any visible escape of compressed air.
In excessive leakage situations, inspect for the
following conditions:
1 Air leakage sounds at the throttle body, intake
manifold or air inlet hose that may indicate a
worn or burnt intake valve or a broken valve
1 Air leakage sounds at the exhaust system
tailpipe that may indicate a worn or burnt
exhaust valve or a broken valve spring.
1 Air leakage sounds from the crankcase, oil level
indicator tube, or oil fill tube that may indicate
worn piston rings, a damaged piston, a worn or
scored cylinder bore, a damaged engine block
or a damaged cylinder head.
11. Apply guidance marks. 1 Air bubbles in the cooling system may indicate
12. Attach 3 markings (2) as an aid to one of the a damaged cylinder head or a damaged
camshaft adjusters, each one offset by 90° to the cylinder head gasket.
marking applied (1). 5. Perform pressure loss test by analogy on
cylinders 3, 4 and 2.
Test Procedure
Note: Follow manufacturer instructions. installation Procedure
1. Calibrate the pressure loss tester and connect to 1. Remove the pressure loss tester.
the compressed air system. 2. Remove the connection piece from the spark plug
Put the vehicle in neutral.
_/ Insert the oil dipstick.
Install the coolant expansion tank closure cap.
Install the spark piugs. Refer to Spark Plug
Replacement on page 9-573.
.‘1 Install the engine management wiring harness to
the intake manifold, cylinder head cover and
engine wiring harness bracket.
. Install the timing belt upperfront cover. Refer to
Timing Belt Upper Front Cover Replacement on
page 9-984.
Raise the vehicle.
. Install the front wheelhouse liner innerfront
extension. Refer to Front Wheelhouse Linerlnner
Front Extension Replacement (Left Slde) on
page 3—147 or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
Extension Replacement (Right Side, LUV) on
page 3-148or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
Extension Replacement (Right Side, LWE, LUW)
1937002 on page 3—149.
11. Lower the vehicle.
2. Install the pressure loss tester.

Engine Mechanical 1-1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9959

Crankcase Ventilation System Minor misalignment of the drive belt pulleys will not
cause excessive wear, but will probably cause the drive
inspectionIDiagnosis belt to make a noise or to fall off.
Results of incorrect Operation Excessive misalignment of the drive belt pulleys will
cause excessive wear but may also make the drive belt
A plugged positive crankcase ventiiation (PCV)orifice fall off. .
or hose may cause the following conditions:
1 Rough idle Test Description
1 Stalling or slow idle speed The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the
1 Oil leaks diagnostic table.
1 Oil in the throttle body 2. This inspection is to verify the condition of the drive
belt. Damage may of occurred to the drive belt
1 Sludge in the engine when the drive belt fell off.The drive belt may of
been damaged, which caused the drive belt to fall
Functional Check
off.Inspect the belt for cuts, tears, sections of ribs
With these systems, any bIow-byin excess of the missing, or damaged belt plys.
system capacity, from a badly worn engine, sustained 4. Misalignment of the pulleys may be caused from
heavy load, etc., is exhausted into the throttle body and improper mounting of the accessory drive
is drawn into the engine. component, incorrect installation of the accessory
Proper operation of the crankcase ventilation system drive component pulley, or the pulley bent inward
depends upon a sealed engine. if oil slugging or dilution or outward from a previous repair. Test for a
is noted and the crankcase ventilation system is misaligned pulley using a straight edge in the
functioning properly, check the engine for a possible pulley grooves across two or three pulleys. Ifa
cause. Correct any problems. misaligned pulley is found refer to that accessory
Ifan engine is idling rough, inspect for a clogged PCV drive component for the proper installation
orifice, a dirty vent filter, air cleaner element, or plugged procedure of that pulley.
hose. Replace as required. Use the following 5. Inspecting the pulleys for being bent should
procedure: include inspecting for a dent or other damage to
1. Remove the PCV hose from the cylinder head the pulleys that would prevent the drive belt from
cover. not seating properly in all of the pulley grooves or
2. Operate the engine at idle. on the smooth surface of a pulley when the back
side of the belt is used to drive the pulley.
3. Place your thumb overthe end of the hose in order
to Check for a vacuum. Ifthere is no vacuum at the 6. Accessory drive component brackets that are bent
hose, inspect for the following items: or cracked will let the drive belt fall off.
1 Plugged hoses 7. Inspecting of the fasteners can eliminate the
possibility that a wrong bolt, nut, spacer, or washer
1 The manifold port was installed. Missing, loose, or the wrong
4. Turn OFF the engine. fasteners may cause pulley misalignment from the
5. Inspect the PCV orifice in the cylinder head cover bracket moving under load. Over tightening of the
for debris or blockage. fasteners may cause misalignment of the
accessory component bracket.
Drive Belt Falls Off and Excessive 13. The inspection is to verify the drive belt is correctly
installed on all of the drive belt pulleys. Wear on
Wear Diagnosis the drive belt may be caused by mis-positioning
the drive belt by one groove on a pulley.
Diagnostic Aids
14. The installation of a drive belt that is too wide or too
Ifthe drive belt repeatedly falls off the drive belt pulleys, narrow will cause wear on the drive belt. The drive
this is because of pulley misalignment. belt ribs should match all of the grooves on all of
An extra load that is quickly applied on released by an the pulleys.
accessory drive component may cause the drive belt to 15. This inspection is to verify the drive belt is not
fall off the pulleys. Verify the accessory drive contacting any parts of the engine or body while
components operate properly. the engine is operating. There should be sufficient
Ifthe drive belt is the incorrect length, the drive belt clearance when the drive belt accessory drive
tensioner may not keep the proper tension on the components load varies. The drive belt should not
drive belt. come in contact with an engine or a body
Excessive wear on a drive belt is usually caused by an component when snapping the throttle.
incorrect installation orthe wrong drive belt for the

9-960 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Drive Belt Fails Off and Excessive Wear Diagnosis

Step I Action Yes No
Caution: Referto BeltDressingCautionon page0-7.
DEFINITION:Thedrivebeltfallsoffthepulleysor maynotridecorrectlyonthepulleys.
DEFINITION:Wearattheoutsideribsofthedrivebeltduetoan incorrectlyinstalleddrivebelt.
DidyoureviewtheDriveBelt Symptomoperationandperformthe Go to Symptoms-
1 necessaryinspections? EngineMechanicalon
Go to Step2 page9-944
2 Ifdiagnosinga drivebeltthatfalls off,inspectfora damaged
Didyoufindthecondition? Go to Step3 Go to Step4
installa newdrivebelt.Referto DriveBeltReplacementon
3 page 9-964.
Doesthedrivebeitcontinuetofall off? Go to Step4 SystemOK
4 Inspectformisalignmentofthepulleys.
Didyoufindandrepairthecondition? Go to Step 12 Go to Step5
5 lnspectfora bentor dentedpulley.
Didyoufindandrepairthecondition? Go to Step 12 Go to Step6
6 lnspectfora bentor a crackedbracket.
Didyoufindandrepairthecondition? Go to Step 12 G0 to Step7
7 Inspectforimproper,looseor missingfasteners.
Didyoufindlooseor missingfasteners? Go to Step8 Go to Step9
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
1. Tightenanyloosefasteners.Referto FastenerTightening
8 Specifications(1.8LLUW andLWE)onpage9-935 or
2. Replaceimproperor missingfasteners.
Doesthedrivebeltcontinuetofall off? . Go to Step9 SystemOK
Testthedrivebelttensionerforoperatingcorrectly.Referto Drive
9 Belt TensionerDiagnosisonpage 9—961.
Doesthedrivebeittensioneroperatecorrectly? Go to Step 11 Go to Step 10
Replacethedrivebelttensioner.Referto DriveBelt Tensioner
10 Replacementonpage 9966.
Doesthedrivebeitcontinuetofall off? Go to Step11 SystemOK
inspectforfaileddrivebeltidlerand drivebelttensionerpulley
11 bearings.
Didyoufindandrepairthecondition? Go to Step 12 Go to DiagnosticAids
12 Operatethesystemin ordertoverifytherepair.
Didyoucorrectthecondition? SystemOK Go to Step2
Inspectthedrivebeltfortheproperinstallation.Referto DriveBelt
13 Replacementonpage 9—964.
Didyoufindthiscondition? Go to Step 16 Go to Step 14
14 lnspectfortheproperdrivebelt.
Didyoufindthiscondition? Go to Step 16 Go to Step 15
lnspectforthedrivebeltrubbingagainsta bracket,hose,orwiring
15 harness.
Didyoufindandrepairthecondition? Go to Step 17 Go to DiagnosticAids
Replacethedrivebelt.Referto DriveBeltReplacementon
16 page 9-964. _
Didyoucompletethereplacement? Go to Step 17
17 Operatethesystemin ordertoverifytherepair. _
Didyoucorrectthe condition? SystemOK

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-961

Drive Belt Tensioner Diagnosis

Step Action Yes No
1 Referto DriveBeltReplacementonpage9-964.
is thedrivebelttensionerpulleylooseor misaligned? Go to Step4 Go to Step2
2 Doesthetensionerrotatewithoutanyunusualresistanceor
binding? Go to Step3 Go to Step4
1. Use a torquewrenchin orderto measurethetorquerequired
2. Use a torquewrenchon a knowngoodtensionerin orderto
3 measurethetorquerequiredto movethetensioneroffof
reading? SystemOK Go to Step4
Replacethedrivebelttensioner.Referto DriveBelt Tensioner
4 Replacementonpage 9-966.
Istherepaircomplete? SystemOK —-

Dual Mass Flywheel Diagnosis

Overview Dual Mass Flywheel
Check for Thermal Overload
Note: These quick information shall help to carry out a
correct diagnosis in case of a customer complaint.
Through friction of clutch plate on the friction surface of
the dual mass flywheel temperatures up to 200 °C can
arise during normal driving. At sliding clutch or through
operating errors much higher temperatures can arise.
These temperatures must not cause mandatory a
reduced lifetime of the dual mass flywheel.
Possible indications for a high thermal load are:
1 Tarnish (bluish) as well as local hotspots on
friction surface
1 Tarnish (bluish) near of mounting area and riveting
area of clutch
Ifall other checkable features are well, the dual mass
flywheel can stay in the vehicle.
Possible indications for a too high thermal load are:
1 Cracks
1 Fusion zones on friction surface (material smear)
1 Scores in friction surface (for example through 2371711
clutch lining riveting at destroyed or worn clutch
plate) Legend
1 Tarnish (bluish) which reaches up to bearing area (1) Bearing Area
of dual mass flywheel (2) Mounting Area Pressure Plate
1 Bluish discoloration of locating pins (3 locating (3) Locating Pins
pins in outer zone of dual mass flywheel) (4) Friction Surface
in these cases the dual mass flywheel has to be Riveting Area

9-962 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Exploded View Dual Mass Flywheel with

Additional Mass

Note: In case of mechanical damages at plain bearing
the dual mass flywheel has to be replaced.
1. Inspect plain bearing (1)fordamages.
2371713 Dependent of the manufacturer damages can be
detected through ventilation openings of
Legend secondary flywheel. Parts of the bearing (1) are
(1) Secondary Flywheel Mass detached or lie loose around the bearing bolt.
(2) Additional Mass, Coupled with Cover and
(3) Flange
(4) Primary Flywheel Mass with Bowed Springs
and Plain Bearing/Bearing Bolt
(5) Toothed Ring

Check for Damaged Components

All foliowing checking procedures have to be carried
out at installed dual mass flywheel. For visual check at
vehicie very bright light and a additional bright and
small pocket lamp is necessary. Damages like grease
on primary flywheel and loose ore missing balance
weights cannot be checked at installed condition.
During visual check material alteration can be stated
which eliminate a further operating suitability.
For comparison different damages at dual mass
flywheel with the corresponding further procedure are
presented here.

Note: Light abrasion on frontal areas of teeth is
allowed. Ifproblems occur during starting the engine
the dual mass flywheel has to be replaced.
2. Inspect toothed ring (1)for damages.
The toothed ring is needed to start the engine.
Through a lot of starting procedures and/or an
incorrect engaging starter signs of abrasion can
occur on teeth of the toothed ring. The profile of
damages can reach from only low signs of
abrasion up to heavy material removal. The
installation of a pulse-generator ring depends on
the manufacturer.

Engine Mechanical —'l.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-963
The image shows signs of abrasion and 5. Apply pressure onto the secondary flywheel
mechanical damages at toothed ring (1), they alternating on upper, lower, left and right side
occur through abrasion due to a lot of starting During the tilt clearance check a functional metal
procedures. Inthis case the dual mass flywheel rattling noise may occur.
has to be replaced.
Iftilt clearance is higher than 3 mm (MUST be
measured, DO NOT make an estimation) (1)the
dual mass flywheel has to be replaced.

Note: The check must be carried out only by hand
without any tools. 2371719
3. Inspect tiltclearance. 6. Inspect clearance angle (1).
At dual mass flywheel the additionaI-mass ring Before the inspection of the clearance angle the
looms over the gap between primary and dual mass flywheel should be rotated several times
secondary flywheel. Itis not possible to carry out clockwise and anticlockwise to receive a feeling for
just a visual check. the resistance of the springs. In addition unusual
loud clicking noise or possible rattle, crunch,
grinding noise can be sounded out during rotating
/ the dual mass flywheel.
lfthe rotation of the flywheel is impossible the
flywheel is defective and has to be replaced.
The clearance angle is the angle (1)about the
\ secondary and the primary flywheel can be turned _
light against each other. Thereby the flange wings
are moved in the duct of the bowed springs without
adjoining the bowed springs. Dictated by functional
factors the clearance angle is up to 8 teeth.
Is the secondary flywheel rotated beyond this point
the bowed springs in the duct are moved to spring
arrestor in the primary flywheel/cover. Now the
both spring are tensioned.

Note: An absolute clear measurement is not possible
with this check due to the different applied forces of the
several workshop employees during the check.
4. Embrace dual mass flywheel and apply thumbs
onto the outer radius of secondary flywheel.

9-964 Enfle Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2371720 2371722
1 Rotate secondary flywheel 1 Apply new marking on secondary flywheel (1)
anticlockwise (arrow) until the elastic on the height of the marking on the toothed ring
counterforce (spring force) is clear noticeable. for starter(3).
1 Release secondary flywheel slowly until the 1 Count amount of teeth on toothed ring for
bowed springs are relaxed, so no counterforce starter from marked tooth up to the height of the
acts onto the springs. first marking on secondary flywheel (2).
Dictated by functional factors up to 8 teeth are
7. ALWAYS replace the engine flywheel iffollowing
conditions are given:
1 The difference exceeds the amount of 8 teeth.
1 The dual mass flywheel cannot be rotated.
\ 1
1 During rotatingthe dual mass flywheel a hard
metallic arrestor is audible or noticeable.

Repair Instructions - On Vehicle

Drive Belt Replacement

Special Tools
EN 6349Looking Pin
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the front wheelhouse liner Innerfront
extension. Refer to Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner
1 Mark position with a vertical line by a white Front Extension Replacement (Left Slde) on
pencil on secondary flywheel (1)and on toothed page 3-147or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
ring for starter (2). Extension Replacement (Right Side, LUV) on
1 Rotate secondary flywheel clockwise until the page 3—148 or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
elastic counterforce is clear noticeable. Extension Replacement (Right Side, LWE, LUW)
1 Release secondary flywheel slowly until the on page 3—149.
bowed springs are relaxed.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-965

Installation Procedure

2. Release tension to the drive belt tensioner by
rotating counterclockwise (1)and lock with EN 2512912
6349 pin (2).

2512912 2189264
3' Remove the drive belt(1). 2. Release tension to the tensioner by rotating
counterclockwise (1).
Note: Allow tensioner to slide back siowly.
3. Remove EN 6349 pin (2).
4. Apply tension to the tensioner clockwise (1).
5. Instail the front wheelhouse liner Inner front
extension. Refer to Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner
Front Extension Replacement (Left Slde) on
page 3—147 or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
Extension Replacement (Right Side, LUV) on
page 3-148or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
Extension Replacement (Right Slde, LWE, LUW)
on page 3-149.

2013 (5377994)
9-966 Engine Mechanical =1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Drive Belt Tensioner Replacement . Installation Procedure

Removal Procedure 1. Clean the drlve beit tensroner thread.

1. Remove the drive belt. Refer to Drive Belt

Replacement on page 9-964.

2. Install drive belttensioner(2).
2495145 Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2. Remove the drive belt tensioner bolt (1). 3‘ EnSSKJa-flnigfigg;
tensioner boit(1) and tighten t0
3' Remove the dr'Ve be” tens'oner (2)' 4. Install the drive beit. Refer to Drive Belt
Replacement on page 9-964.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-967

Engine Mount Replacement

../\ 7.4 0

Engine Mount Replacement
Callout l Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Removetheair cleanerassembly.RefertoAir CIeanerAssemb/yReplacementonpage 9-582.
2. Installtheenginesupportfixture.Referto EngineSupportFixtureonpage9-1060.
3. Priorto removingthemount,markthemountlocationusingspraypaintor a markerforcorrectpositioningduring
EngineMountBracketto MountBolt(Qty;3)
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0—8.
Note: Use NEW boltswhenevermountis removed.
1 Tighten
58N1m(43lb ft)
Special Tools
EN-45059 TorqueAngieSensorKit.
For equivalentregionaltools,referto Special Toolsonpage9—1135
Note: Ensureto use a NEW boltwheneverthemountis removed.
58N1m(43lb ft)
3 Tighten
58N1m(43lb ft)
4 EngineMount

2013 (5377994)
9-968 Engine Mechanical =1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Engine Mount Bracket Replacement

Engine Mount Bracket Replacement
Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removetheenginemount.Referto EngineMountReplacementonpage 9—967.
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
50N1m(37lb ft)
2 EngineMountBracket

Engine Mechanical . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 91969

intake Manifold Replacement (LDE)

Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to
Batte/y Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9—713.
2. Remove the throttlebody assembly. Refer to
Throttle Body Assembly Replacement on
page 9-542.

9. Remove the evaporative emission canister purge
solenoid valve bracket bolts (1).
10. Remove the evaporative emission canister purge
solenoid valve bracket (2).

2028169 t ’_‘1’ 1'" Q5.

9” Disconnect wiring harness plug.
4. Disconnect the pipes from the evaporative
emission canister purge solenoid valve (1).
5. Remove the evaporative emission canister purge
solenoid valve (1) and the rubber mounting from
the intake manifold (2).
6. Disconnect and reposition the electrical connectors ‘
as necessary.
7. Remove the fuel injector rail. Refer to Fuel Injector
Replacement on page 9-562.
8. Remove the manifold absolute pressure sensor.
Refer to Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
Replacement on page 9—537. _

11. Disconnect the booster vacuum pipe (1)fromthe
intake manifold.
12. Remove the front wheel drive shaft right side.
Refer to Front Wheel Drive Shaft Replacement on
page 7—5.

9-970 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
13. Remove the starter. Refer to Stan‘er Replacement |nsta||ation Procedure
(LUW) on page 9-7220r Stan‘er Replacement 1 Cl th 1' rf
(LUV) on page 9_724' . ean 6 sea mg SU aces.
14. Remove the generator. Refer to Generator 2. Install the NEW gasket.
Replacement (LUV) on page 9-726or Generator
Replacement (LUW) on page 9—727.

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
2503662 3. Install the intake manifold (2) and the 7 intake
15. Remove and DISCARD the transmission rear manifold bolts (1) and tighten to 20 N1m(15 lb ft).
mount to bracket through bolt (1).

2026837 4. Install the NEW transmission rear mount to bracket
16. Remove the intake manifold bolts (1). ?;?euogggggggand tighten to 80 N1m(59 lb ft) plus
17' Remove the Intakemah'fOId<2) _ 5. Install the generator. Refer to Generator
18. Clean and inspect the intake manlfoid. Refer to Replacement (LUV) on page 9-726or Generator
Intake Manifold Cleaning and Inspection on Replacement (LUW) on page 9-727,
page 9‘1095‘ 6. Install the starter. Refer to Starter Replacement
(LUW) on page 9—722 or Starter Replacement
(LUV) on page 9-724.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-971
7. Installthe frontwheel drive shaft right side. Refer 10. Install the evaporative emission canister purge
to Front Wheel Drive Shaft Replacement on solenoid vaive bracket (2).
page 7—5. 11. Install the evaporative emission canister purge
solenoid valve bracket bolts (1) and tighten to 8N1m
(71 lb in).
12. Connect the electrical connectors as necessary.
wifitis’l/ 1 13. install the fuel injector rail.Refer to Fuel Injector
"‘ 5‘3’1.
’31- '2 Replacement on page 9-562.

8. Connect the booster vacuum pipe (1) to the intake
manifold. .
9. Installthe manifold absolute pressure sensor.
Refer to Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
Replacement on page 9-537. 2028169
14. Install the evaporative emission canister purge
solenoid valve (1) and the rubber mounting to the
intake manifold (2).
15. Connect the pipes to the evaporative emission
canister purge solenoid valve (1).
16. Connect wiring harness as necessary.
17. Install the throttle body assembly. Refer to Throttle
Body Assembly Replacement on page 9-542.
18. Connect the negative battery cable. Refer to
1 Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9-713.
)' . .
2“. ~-—-——.- Intake Manifold Replacement (LUW)

Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9—713.
2. Remove the throttle body assembly. Refer to
2502356 Throttle Body Assembly Replacement on
page 9-542.

9-972 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

‘ ' .‘.
'\Nye: . .
, _ 1"

3. Disconnect wiring harness plug.
4. Disconnect the pipes from the evaporative
emission canister purge solenoid valve (1). 7 3
5. Remove the evaporative emission canister purge ~ ., 11.01.1;,
'1.“ 74
solenoid valve (1) and the rubber mountingfrom
the intake manifold (2).
6. Disconnect and reposition the electrical connectors
as necessary.
7. Remove the fuel injector rail.Referto Fuel Injector
Replacement on page 9-562.
8. Remove the manifold absolute pressure sensor.
Refer to Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
Replacement on page 9-537.

f9 \¢'-'1"“\ \ 7 5
\\ ‘Iil 1 &

9. Disconnect the booster vacuum pipe (1) from the
intake manifold.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-973
10. Remove the frontwheel drive shaft right side.
Refer to Front Wheel Drive Shaft Replacement on
page 7—5.
11. Remove the starter. Refer to Starter Replacement
(LUW) on page 9-722or Starter Replacement
(LUV) on page 9—724.
12. Remove the generator. Refer to Generator
Replacement (LUV) on page 9—726 or Generator
Replacement (LUW) on page 9—727.
13. Remove the front exhaust pipe. Refer to Exhaust
Front Pipe Replacement (LUV,LUW) on
page 9-738.

15. Remove the intake manifold bolts (1).
16. Remove the intake manifold (2).
17. Clean and inspect the intake manifold. Refer to
Intake Manifold Cleaning and Inspection on
page 9-1095.
Installation Procedure
1. Clean the sealing surfaces.
2. Instail the NEW gasket.

14. Remove and DISCARD the transmission rear
mount to bracket through bolt (1).

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
3. Install the intake manifold (2) and the 7 intake
manifold bolts (1) and tighten to 20 N1m(151b ft).

9-974 Engine Mechanical =-1.8L (LUW, LWE)

113N411 ’7/1'

1 7 “ "/’\7'1

2503662 2502359
. Install the NEW transmission rear mount to bracket Connect the booster vacuum pipe (1)to the intake
through bolt (1) and tighten to 80 N1m(59 lb ft) plus manifold.
45-60degrees. 10. Install the manifold absolute pressure sensor.
. Install the generator. Refer to Generator Refer to Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
Replacement (LUV) on page 9—726 or Generator Replacement on page 9-537.
Replacement (LUW) on page 9-727. 11. Connect the electrical connectors as necessary.
. Install the starter. Refer to Starter Replacement 12. Install the fuel injector rail. Refer to Fuel Injector
(LUW) on page 9-7220r Stan‘er Replacement Replacement on page 9—562.
(LUV) on page 9-724.
. Install the front exhaust pipe. Refer to Exhaust
Front Pipe Replacement (LUV,LUW) on
page 9—738.
. install the front wheel drive shaft right side. Refer
to Front Wheel Drive Shaft Replacement on
page 7—5.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-975

1‘9521 ’

13. Install the evaporative emission canister purge page 3-147or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
solenoid valve (1) and the rubber mounting to the Extension Replacement (Right Side, LUV) on
intake manifold (2). page 3148 or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
14. Connect the pipes to the evaporative emission Exten3/on Replacement (5”th Slde, LWE, LUW}
canister purge solenoid valve (1). 0” P3993'149-

16. install the throttle body assembly. Refer to Throttle Belt TenSIonerReplacement on page 9966'
Body Assembly Replacement on page 9—542.
17. Connect the negative battery cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9—713.

Timing Belt Replacement

Special Tools
1 EN-6333Timing Belt Tensioner Locking Pin
1 EN—6340 Camshaft Locking Tool
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the air cleaner assembly. Refer to Air
Cleaner Assembly Replacement on page 9—582.
2. Remove the timing belt upper front cover. Refer to
Timing Belt Upper Front Cover Replacement on
page 9-984.
3. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1~31. 1936993
4. Remove the front wheelhouse liner Innerfront 6. Set crankshaft balancer in direction of engine
extension. Refer to Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner
rotation to cylinder1 TDC of combustion stroke (1).
Front Extension Replacement (Left Slde) on

2013 (5377994)
9-976 Engine Mechanical =1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2504713 2373397
7_ Remove the crankshaft balancer bolt(1). Note: The right haif of the EI_\I-6340locking tool can be
8. Remove the crankshaft balancer(2). Referto recognized by the lettering right , arrow, on the tool.
Crankshaft Balancer Replacement on locking tool.
11. Prepare the right half of the EN—6340
page 9-1004. 11.1. Remove the 2 bolts (2).
11.2.Remove the front panel (1) from the
\/ \/ EN-6340-right locking tool.

_@ At” . ,
(G'\\ \@ f .1 ,W1:5

llzi 1"! “"15; 22

0‘ (5’72: 5‘ ‘

SEEEl,,/’‘ mwéi

1m“ I

9. Remove the 4 iowertiming belt cover bolts (2).
10. Remove the lower timing belt cover (1). 2373398
12. Install EN-6340locking tool into the camshaft
position actuator adjusters.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-977
Note: The spot type marking (4) on the intake 15. Remove the timing belt(1).
camshaft adjuster does not correspond to the groove of
EN—6340-ieftduring this process but must be somewhat Installation Procedure
above as shown.
12.1.install EN-6340—leftiocking tool (1) in the
camshaft position actuator adjusters as
Note: The spot type marking (3)on the exhaust
camshaft adjuster must correspond to the groove on
12.2.InstaliEN-6340—rightlocking tool (2) in the :
camshaft position actuator adjusters as

Note: Threading the timing belt through the engine
mount bracket is only permissible in conjunction with
the assembly tool supplied with NEW timing belts or
otherwise it is possible to damage the toothed belt at
this stage by kinking it.
1. Install the timing belt (1).
2. Guide the timing belt past the tensioner and place
it on the crankshaft sprocket wheel.
3. Place the timing belt on the exhaust and intake
2504691 camshaft position actuator adjusters.
13. Apply tension to the timing belt tensioner (2) in the
direction of the arrow, using an Allen key (1).
14. Install the EN—6333 locking pin (3).

4. Apply tension to the timing belt tensioner (2) in the
direction of the arrow, using an Allen key (1).
2506526 5. Remove the EN-6333iocking pin (3).
Note: Note the direction of the belt.

9-978 Engfle Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)


2373398 2027014
Note: The timing belt tensioner moves automatically to Note: The timing belt drive gear and oil pump housing
the correct position. must align.
6. Check the timing. 8. Control the crankshaft balancer position.
Note: Note the marking at the camshaft sprockets.
6.1.Turn the crankshaft 720 degrees' Inthe
direction of engine rotation by the bolt on the
crankshaft balancer
Note: The spot type marking (4) on the intake
camshaft position actuator adjuster does not 2
correspond to the groove of EN-6340-left during this
process but must be slightly above as shown.
6.2. Install EN-6340-left locking tool (1) into the (a \f
camshaft position actuator adjusters as
Note: The spot type marking (3)on the exhaust .0 <7 "mg; 2
camshaft position actuator adjuster must correspond to \K‘
07.. 5’“
the groove on EN—6340- -right.
6.3. Install EN-6340-right iocking tool (2) into the .6:@ ~
camshaft position actuator adjusters as
7. Remove the EN—6340 locking tool.

9. Install the lower timing belt cover (1).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
10. Install the 4 lower timing belt cover bolts (2) and
tighten to 6 N1m(53 lb in).

Engine Mechanical =1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-979
11. Install the crankshaft balancer (2).Refer to
Crankshaft Balancer Replacement on page 9—1004
if necessary.
12. install the crankshaft balancer bolt (1) and tighten
to 95 N1m(70 lb ft) plus 30 degrees plus
15 degrees.
13. install the drive beit tensioner. Refer to Drive Belt
Tensioner Replacement on page 9-966.
14. Instali the front wheelhouse liner Innerfront
extension. Refer to Front Wheelhouse Linerlnner
Front Extension Replacement (Left Slde) on
page 3-147or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
Extension Replacement (Right Side, LUV) on
page 3—148 or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
Extension Replacement (Right Side, LWE, LUW)
on page 3—149.
15. Instali the timing belt upper front cover. Refer to
Timing Belt Upper Front Cover Replacement on
page 9-984.
. Install the air cleaner assembly. Refer to Air
2504713 CIeanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9-582.

Timing Belt Idler Pulley Replacement


9-980 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Timing Belt Idler Pulley Replacement

Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removethetimingbelt.Referto TimingBeltReplacementonpage9—975.
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage0-8.
2 Procedure
Ensureto use a NEW BOLTwheneverthetimingbeltidlerpulleyis removed.

Timing Belt Tensioner Replacement

Special Tools
1 EN-6333Timing Belt Tensioner Locking Pin
1 EN—6340 Camshaft Locking Tool
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the air cleaner assembly. Refer to Air
CleanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9-582.
2. Remove the drive belt tensioner. Refer to Drive
Belt Tensioner Replacement on page 9-966.
3. Remove the timing belt upper front cover. Refer to
Timing Belt Upper Front Cover Remo val on
page 9-1074.

5. Prepare the right half of the EN—6340
locking tool.
5.1.Remove the 2 bolts (2).
5.2.Remove the front panel (1).

4. Set crankshaft balancer in direction of engine
rotation to cyiinder1 TDC of combustion stroke (1).


Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-981
6. install the EN—6340 locking tooi into the camshaft
- I
Note: The spot type marking (4) on the intake 1911...,
camshaft adjuster does not correspond to the groove of
EN-6340-left during this process but must be somewhat
above as shown.
7. Installthe EN-6340-Ieftlocking tool (1) in the
camshaft adjusters as shown.
Note: The spot type marking (3) on the exhaust
camshaft adjuster must correspond to the groove on
8. Install EN-6340-rightlocking tool (2) in the
camshaft adjusters as shown.
9. Remove EN-6340locking tool.
10. Remove the crankshaft balancer. Referto
Crankshaft Balancer Replacement on
page 91004.
11. Remove the engine mount bracket. Refer to
Engine Mount Bracket Replacement on
page 9-968. 2504687
12. Remove the timing belt centerfront cover. Refer to 17. Remove the timing belt tensioner bolt (1) and the
Timing Belt Center Front Cover Removal on timing belt tensioner (2).
page 9-1074.
13. Remove the timing belt tower front cover. Refer to Installation Procedure
Timing Belt Lower Front Cover Removal on 1. Clean the timing belt tensioner thread.
page 9—1075.

2. Instali the timing belt tensioner (2).
14. Loosen the timing belt tensioner bolt. 3. Install the timing belt tensioner bolt (1).
15. Apply tension to the drive belt tensioner(2) in the
direction of the arrow, using an allen key (1).
16. Installthe EN—6333 locking pin (3).

9-982 [TI
ngine Mechanical , 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2504691 2373398
4. Apply tension to the drive beit tensioner(2) in the 12. Check the timing.
direction of the arrow, using an allen key (1). Note: Note the marking at the camshaft sprockets.
5. Remove the EN-6333locking pin (3).
12.1.Turn the crankshaft 720 degrees in the
Note: The timing belt tensioner moves automatically to direction of engine rotation by the bolt on the
the correct position. crankshaft balancer.
6. Release tension on timing belt tensioner. Note: The spot type marking (4) on the intake
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8. camshaft adjuster does not correspond to the groove of
7. Tighten the timing belt tensioner bolt to 20 N1m EN—6340-Ieft during this process but must be somewhat
(15 lb ft). above as shown.
8. Install the timing belt lower front cover. Refer to 12.2.Instali EN-6340-leftlocking tool (1) into the
Timing Belt Lower Front Cover Installation on camshaft adjusters as shown.
page 9-1125. Note: The spot type marking (3) on the exhaust
9. Install the timing belt center front cover. Referto camshaft adjuster must correspond to the groove on
Timing Belt Center Front Cover Installation on EN-6340-right.
page 9-1125. 12.3.Install EN—6340—right
locking tool (2) into the
10. Install the engine mount bracket. Refer to Engine camshaft adjusters as shown.
Mount Bracket Replacement on page 9968.
11. Install the crankshaft balancer. Refer to Crankshaft
Balancer Replacement on page 9-1004. 1v > \

Note: Note the marking at the crankshaft balancer and
the cover (1) must align before installing the drive belt.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-983
13. install the drive belt tensioner. Refer to Drive Belt 15. install the timing belt upper front cover. Refer to
Tensioner Replacement on page 9-966. Timing Belt Upper Front Cover Installation on
14. Remove the EN—6340 locking tooi. Page 94726.
16. Instail the air cleaner assembly. Refer to Air
CleanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9—582.

Timing Belt Center Front Cover Replacement

Timing Belt Center Front Cover Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Removethetimingbeltupperfrontcover.Referto TimingBelt UpperFrontCoverReplacementonpage 9-984.
2. Removetheenginemountbracket.Referto EngineMountBracketReplacementonpage 9-968.
1 Procedure
TransferPartsas necessary.

9-984 Engine Mechanical =1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Timing Belt Upper Front Cover Replacement



Timing Belt Upper Front Cover Replacement
Callout Component Name
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
6 N1m(53lbin)



Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-985

Timing Belt Lower Front Cover Replacement


Timing Belt Lower Front Cover Replacement

Callout l Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. RemovetheFrontWheelhouseLinerInnerFrontExtension.Referto FrontWheelhouseLinerlnnerFrontExtens/on
Replacement(LeftSlde)onpage3-147or FrontWheelhouseLinerInnerFrontExtensionReplacement(RightSide,LUV)
onpage3-148 or FrontWheelhouseLinerInnerFrontExtensionReplacement(RightSlde, LWE,LUW)on page 3-149.
2. RemovethecrankshaftbalancerReferto CrankshaftBalancerReplacementonpage9-1004.
3. Removethedrivebelttensioner.Referto DriveBelt TensionerReplacementonpage 9-966.
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
1 Tighten
6 N1m(53lb in)
2 Procedure
Transferpartsas necessary.

9-986 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Timing Belt Rear Cover Replacement

’. I@\ ’1/‘1

\g @ / \\

Timing Belt Rear Cover Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
Removethecamshaftsprocket.Referto CamshaftSprocketReplacementonpage9-987
TimingBeltRear CoverFastener(Qty4)
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
1 1. Newboltmustbe usedwheneverthecoveris removed.
2. ApplylockingcompoundtotheNEW timingbeltrearcoverbolts.
6N1m(53|b in)
TimingBeltRear Cover
2 Procedure
Transferpartsas necessary.

Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-987

Valve Lifter Replacement 1. Install the valve lifter (1) use the EN—845
Special Tools 2. Install the camshaft. Refer to Camshaft
EN-845Suction Device Replacement on page 9—1052.
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9—1135. Camshaft Sprocket Replacement

Removal Procedure Special Tools

1. Remove the camshaft. Refer to Camshaft 1 EN-6340Camshaft Adjuster Locking Tool
Replacement on page 9—1052. 1 EN—6628—A Camshaft Locking Tool
1 EN-45059Angle Meter
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9—1135.
Removal Procedure
1. Open the hood.
2. Remove the air cleaner housing. Refer to Air
CIeanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9-582.
3. Remove the camshaft cover. Refer to Camshaft
Cover Replacement on page 9-1050.
4. Remove the drive belt tensioner. Refer to Drive
Belt Tensioner Replacement on page 9-966.
5. Remove the timing belt. Refer to Timing Belt
Replacement on page 9-975.
6. Remove the timing belt idler puliey. Refer to Timing
Belt Idler Pul/ey Removal on page 9-1076.

Note: Mark the assignments.
2. Remove the valve lifter (1) use the EN-845suction
Installation Procedure

7. Set the crankshaft in direction of engine rotation to
60°(a)before TDC. Use the EN—45059 meter and
the crankshaft balancer bolt.
8. Remove the crankshaft sprocket. Refer to
Crankshaft Sprocket Removal on page 9-1077.
9. Lower the vehicle.
10. Remove the engine mount bracket. Refer to
Engine Mount Bracket Replacement on
page 9-968.
Note: Observe the correct assignment.
Note: Coat the sliding surfaces with NEW engine oil.

9-988 Engine Mechanical =‘l.8L (LUW, LWE)

2025839 2026512
11. Remove the center front timing belt cover from the Note: Note the arrows.
rear timing belt cover at 2 locations. 15. Turn the camshaft by the hexagon until the groove
12. Remove the center front timing belt cover(1). on the end of the camshafts is horizontal.

2027017 2026534
13. Remove the tensioner bolt (1). 16. Install the EN-6628—A locking tool (1).
14. Remove the timing belt tensioner (2). 17. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31.
Note: Some engine oil will run out of the camshaft and
the camshaft position actuator adjuster. That is the
reason for the removal of the whole timing assembly.
18. Place a collecting basin underneath the vehicle.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-989
Note: A second person is required. Counterhold
against the hexagon of corresponding camshaft with an
1. Install intake camshaft position actuator adjuster
and/or the exhaust camshaft position actuator
adjuster (3).
2. Install a NEW intake camshaft position actuator
adjuster bolt and/or a NEW exhaust camshaft
position actuator adjuster bolt (2).

19. Remove the camshaft position actuator adjuster
closure bolt (1)of the intake camshaft position
actuator adjuster and/or the exhaust camshaft
position actuator adjuster (3).
20. Remove and DISCARD the intake camshaft
position actuator adjuster bolt and/or the exhaust
camshaft position actuator adjuster bolt (2).
Note: A second person is required. Counterhold
against the hexagon of corresponding camshaft with an
open-ended wrench. 2373398
21. Remove the intake camshaft position actuator 3. Install the EN-6340locking tool into the camshaft
adjuster and/or the exhaust camshaft position position actuator adjusters.
actuator adjuster (3). Note: The spot type marking (4) on the intake
camshaft position actuator adjuster does not
Installation Procedure
correspond to the groove of EN-6340—Ieft during this
process but must be somewhat above as shown.
3.1.Install the EN-6340—Ieftlockingtool (1) in the
camshaft position actuator adjusters as
Note: The spot type marking (3) on the exhaust
camshaft position actuator adjuster must correspond to
the groove on EN—6340—right.
3.2.Install the EN-6340—rightlockingtool (2) in the
camshaft position actuator adjusters as
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
Caution: Refer to Torque—to—Yie/dFastener Caution on
page 0—10.
Note: A second person is required. Counterhold at the
camshaft hexagon.
4. Tighten the intake camshaft position actuator
adjuster or exhaust camshaft position actuator
adjuster bolts to 50 N1m(37 lb ft) +150°+15° use
the EN-45059meter.
2026844 Note: Install a NEW seal ring.
Note: Ifthe cover is contaminated with oil, you have to 5. Install camshaft closure bolt and tighten to 30 N1m
clean it close. (22 lb ft).
6. Remove the EN-6628—A locking tool.

9-990 Engine Mechanical =1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2027017 2027014
7. Clean the timing belt tensioner thread. 13. Set the crankshaft in the direction of engine
8. Install the timing belt tensioner (2) and tighten the rotation to TDC. Use the crankshaft balancer bolt.
NEW timing belt tensioner bolt (1)to 20 N1m 14. Install the timing belt idler pulley. Refer to Timing
(15 lb ft). Belt Idler Pulle y Installation on page 9-1122.
15. Install the timing belt. Refer to Timing Belt
Replacement on page 9—975.
16. Installthe drive belt tensioner. Refer to Drive Belt
Tensioner Replacement on page 9-966.
17. install the camshaft cover. Refer to Camshaft
Cover Replacement on page 9-1050.
18. Install the air cleaner housing. Refer to Air Cleaner
Assembly Replacement on page 9-582.
19. Close the hood.

Cylinder Head Replacement

Special Tools
1 BO-38185Hose Clamp Pliers
1 EN-45059Angle Meter
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.
Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to
2026839 Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9-713.
9. Install the timing belt center front cover (1) to the
timing belt rear cover at 2 locations. 2. Relieve fuel system pressure. Refer to Fuel
Pressure Relief on page 9-547.
10. Install the engine mount bracket. Refer to Engine
3. Disconnect the fuel feed pipe. Refer to Fuel Feed
Mount Bracket Replacement on page 9—968.
Pipe Replacement on page 9-557.
11. Raise the vehicle.
4. Disconnect EVAP purge solenoid pipes from
12. Install the crankshaft sprocket. Refer to Crankshaft solenoid. Refer to Evaporative Emission System
Sprocket Installation on page 9-1122. Hose/Pipe Replacement on page 9-565.
5. Drain the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9-628.
6. Remove the coolant surge tank. Refer to Radiator
Surge Tank Replacement on page 9—630.

Engine Mechanical . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-99’1

— ,1I A 7. _ \
Abel’s)! \ \
IE .1!
D 311-1 E
9' q
t _.I‘
13': ‘1
11.1 lr—a‘ "(is 1
”v”; : vg-Véé
1:1" r‘ *1; 'i fIi, ‘9 .

. @77@675?- ‘3
r Exit - o

2506800 2506822
7. Loosen the radiator inlet hose clamp (1) at the 11. Disconnect the throttle body heater inlet pipe (1).
engine using BO-38185pliers.
8. Remove the radiator inlet hose (2) from the engine.

l A,

12. Remove the ignition coil (2) . Refer to Ignition Coil
2506820 Replacement on page 9-570.
9. Remove the inlet and outlet heater hose clamp (1) 13. Disconnect PCV hose. Refer to Positive
at the engine using BO-38185pliers. Crankcase Ventilation Hose/Pipe/Tube
10. Remove the inlet hose (2) and outlet (3) from the Replacement on page 9-1009.

9-992 Engrine Mechanical =1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2506823 2506824
14. Remove the camshaft cover (1).Refer to Camshaft 18. Remove the engine mount bracket (1).Refer to
Cover Replacement on page 9-1050. Engine Mount Bracket Replacement on
15. Install engine support fixture. Refer to Engine page 9-968.
Support Fixture on page 91060.
16. Remove the engine mount. Refer to Engine Mount
Replacement on page 9-967. 1.1.
l"; M1
. .1, ,2. -‘.-_J
3" 5'
Ie '=‘7 .21‘

19. Remove the upper timing cover(1).Referto Timing
Belt Upper Front Cover Replacement on
2512912 page 9-984.
17. Remove the drive belt (1). Refer to Drive Belt 20. Remove the timing belt center front cover. Refer to
Replacement on page 9-964. Timing Belt Center Front Cover Replacement on
page 9—983.
21. Raise the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and Jacking the
Vehicle on page 1-31.

EngflIe Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-993

2-.. if‘ 1 :11" ..~.


2027559 2504687
22. Remove the crankshaft balancer (2).Refer to 24. Remove the timing belt tensioner bolt (1) and the
Crankshaft Balancer Replacement on timing belt tensioner(2). Refer to Timing Belt
page 9-1004. Tensioner Replacement on page 9-980.

2026840 2506526
23. Remove the timing belt lowerfront cover(1).Refer 25. Remove the timing belt (1).Refer to Timing Belt
to Timing Belt Lower Front Cover Replacement on Replacement on page 9—975.
page 9-985.

9-994 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2506830 2027932
26. Remove the camshaft sprocket intake (1)and Note: Disconnect electrical and reposition harness and
exhaust (2).Refer to Camshaft Sprocket hose as necessary.
Replacement on page 9-987. 31. Remove the ten cylinder head bolts in sequence as
1 Loosen the 10 bolts 90°.
1 Loosen the 10 bolts 180°.
32. Remove the cylinder head and place on a
suitable base.
33. Remove the cylinder head gasket.

27. Remove the timing belt rear cover(1).Refer to
Timing Belt Rear Cover Replacement on
page 9-986.
28. Remove the exhaust manifold. Refer to Exhaust
Manifold with Catalytic Converter Replacement l
(LUW)on page 9-737. 2026837 ;
29. Pl fl ' k 'th bl k f d d th 1
0:55:11?oorjac WI 0C 0 WOO un er e 34. Remove the intake manifold bolts (1)intake ‘
30. Remove the engine support fixture. Refer to manIfold(2)'
Engine Support Fixture on page 9-1060. 35. Remove engine coolant thermostat housing. Refer
to Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing
Replacement (LUW) on page 9659.
36. Remove the 2 camshaft position actuator solenoid
valve. Refer Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid
Valve Replacement on page 9-574.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-995
37. Remove the 2 camshaft position sensor. Refer to
Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement on
page 9—576.
38. Clean and inspect the cylinder head. Refer to
Cylinder Head Cleaning and Inspection on
page 9—1096.
39. For disassembly of the cylinder head, refer to
Cylinder Head Disassemble on page 9—1090.
Installation Procedure
1. For assembly of the cylinder head, refer to Cylinder
Head Assemble on page 9-1105.
2. Clean sealing surfaces of engine front cover and
engine block from grease and old gasket material.
3. Install the 2 camshaft position sensor. Refer to
Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement on
page 9576.
4. Install the 2 camshaft position actuator solenoid
valve. Refer Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid
Valve Replacement on page 9574.
5. Install engine coolantthermostat housing. Refer to
Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing Replacement 7. lnstall the cylinder head (2) with the NEW gasket
(LUW) on page 9-659. and hand start the NEW bolts.

2026837 2027018
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8. Note: Note the correct tightening sequence.
6. Install the intake manifold (2) and the intake 8. Tighten the bolts (1) in 5 passes. Use the
manifold bolts (1) and tighten to 20 N1m(15 lb ft). EN—45059 sensor kit :
1 First pass to 25 N1m(18 lb ft).
1 Second pass to 90°.
1 Third pass to 90°.
1 Fourth pass to 90°.
1 Final pass to 45°.
9. Install engine support fixture. Refer to Engine
Support Fixture on page 9—1060.
10. Remove the floorjack from the vehicle.
11. Install the exhaust manifold. Refer to Exhaust
Manifold with Catalytic Converter Replacement
(LUW) on page 9-737.

2013 (5377994)
9-996 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) I

2049388 2506526
12. Install the timing belt rear cover(1) and tighten to 14. Install the timing be|t(1). Refer to Timing Belt
6 N1m(53.1lb in). Replacement on page 9-975.

2506830 2504687
13. lnstall the camshaft sprocket intake (1) and 15. Install the timing belt tensioner bolt (1) and the
exhaust (2).Refer to Camshaft Sprocket timing belt tensioner (2).Refer to Timing Belt
Replacement on page 9-987. Tensioner Replacement on page 9-980.

Engfle Mechanical = 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9=997

2026840 2506828
16. Install the timing belt lowerfront cover(1).Refer to 19. Install the upper timing cover(1).Refer to Timing
Timing Belt Lower Front Cover Replacement on Belt Upper Front Cover Replacement on
page 9—985. page 9-984.

2027569 2506824
17. lnstall the crankshaft balancer(2). Refer to 20. Install the engine mount bracket(1). Refer to
Crankshaft Balancer Replacement on Engine Mount Bracket Replacement on
page 9-1004. page 9-968.
18. install the timing belt center front cover. Refer to
Timing Belt Center Front Co ver Replacement on
page 9983.

9-998 Engine Mechanical =1.81.(LUW, LWE)

2512912 2026537
21. Install the drive belt (1).Refer to Drive Belt 26. Install the ignition coil (2) . Refer to Ignition Coil
Replacement on page 9-964. Replacement on page 9-570. ‘ ‘
22. Install the engine mount. Refer to Engine Mount
Replacement on page 9—96 7.
23. Remove engine support fixture. Refer to Engine
,«I 2. ,
Support Fixture on page 9-1060.
Pom xx ©


27. Connect the throttle body heater inlet pipe (1).

24. Install the camshaft cover (1). Refer to Camshaft
Cover Replacement on page 9—1050.
25. Connect PCV hose. Refer to Positive Crankcase
Ventilation Hose/Pipe/Tube Replacement on
page 9-1009.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-999
35. Fill the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9-628.
36. Connect the negative battery cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9—713.
37. Check and correct the engine oil.

Oil Pan Replacement

Removal Procedure
1. Drain the engine oil . Refer to Engine Oil and Oil
Filter Replacement on page 9-1046.
2. Remove the oil level indicatortube. Referto Oil
Level Indicator Tube Replacement on page 9-1017
3. Remove the front wheelhouse liner Inner front
extension. Refer to Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner
Front Extension Replacement (Left Slde) on
page 3—147 or Front Wheelhouse Liner lnnerFront
Extension Replacement (Right Side, LUV) on
page 3—148 or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
2506820 Extension Replacement (Right Slde, LWE, LUW)
28. Install the inlet hose (2) and outlet(3) to the engine. on page 3-149
29. Install the inlet and outlet heater hose clamp (1)at 4. Remove the exhaust flexible pipe. Refer to
the engine using BO-38185pliers. Exhaust Front Pipe Replacement (LUV,LUW) on
page 9—738

fl "1“:
- a 21x

---.:;V '
m I—I" 1
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1—l——I'V_"1l‘"lI‘I ’l 'll"',
G- fl 1: : Efi-ié‘ .2'i‘ ' ’ ~‘.
,__ 'AJ—Jk
2114;311:1115 2
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30. Installthe radiator inlet hose (2) to the engine.
5. Remove the oil pan bolts (1)from the transmission.
31. Installthe radiator inlet hose clamp (1) at the
engine using BO-38185pliers.
32. lnstall the coolant surge tank. Refer to Radiator
Surge Tank Replacement on page 9-630.
33. Connect the fuel feed pipe. Refer to Fuel Feed
Pipe Replacement on page 9—557.
34. Connect EVAP purge solenoid pipes from
solenoid. Refer to Evaporative Emission System
Hose/Pipe Replacement on page 9—565.

9-1000 Engrine Mechanical =1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Installation Procedure
1. Clean the sealing surfaces.

Note: Remove the oil pan evenly all the way around
with a suitable tool.
6. Remove the oil pan bolts (1) and remove the 1944491
0” pan (2)' 2. Apply an approximately 3.5 mm (0.14in) thick bead
of oil pan sealant to the joints (arrows).

7. To prevent damage to thee" screen, ensure that . 2199295
the 0" screen (2) remalns Inthe 0" pan (3)-Ifthe 0" Note: The assembly time including torque check must
screen gets caught on the cyIInderblock (1), push take no longer than 10 minutes.
8. Remove
the oil pan. 3 . A ppIy an apprOXImae
' tl y 35. mm( 014' . In)th'kb
IC ea d
of oil pan sealant (1)as illustrated.

Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1001

2501594 2501593
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8 5. install the oil pan bolts (1) and (2) to the
4. install the oil pan bolts (1) to the oil pan (2) and transmission and tighten to 40 N1m(30 lb ft).
tighten to 10 N1m(89 lb in). . lnstallthe exhaust flexible pipe. Refer to Exhaust
FrontVPipeReplacement (LUV,LUW) on
page 9738
. Install the front wheelhouse liner inner front
extension. Refer to Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner
Front Extension Replacement (Left Slde) on
page 3-147or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
Extension Replacement (Right Side, LUV) on
page 3-148or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
Extension Replacement (Right Slde, LWE, LUW)
on page 31149.
. lnstall the oil level indicatortube. Refer to Oil Level
Indicator Tube Replacement on page 9-1017
. Refill the engine oil . Refer to Engine Oil and Oil
Filter Replacement on page 9-1046.

9-1002 Engine Mechanical 1 'i.8L (LUW, LWE)

Automatic Transmission Flex Plate Replacement

Automatic Transmission Flex Plate Replacement
Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removethetransmission.Referto TransmissionReplacement(With1.6Lor 1.8LEngine)onpage 17-221 or Transmission
Replacement(With1.2Lor 1.4LEngine)onpage 17-218.
Special Tools
EN 652AutomaticTransmissionFlex Plate Holder.
For equivalentregionaltools.Referto Special Toolsonpage9-1135.
AutomaticTransmissionFlex PlateFastener(Qty:6)
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
1 Tighten
1 6ON1m(44lbft)
1 Tightentheboltan additional5 degrees.
2 Flex Plate
AutomaticTransmissionFlex Plate
3 1. Stresscracksaroundtheengineflexplate.
2. Cracksatweldedareasthatretaintheringgearontotheengineflex plate.
3. Damagedor missingringgearteeth.
4. Do notattemptto repairtheweldedareasthatretaintheringgearto theflexplate.

Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1003

Engine Flywheel Replacement

1’4 U . Q [2.951121% 974"

t _/ /<g’:1///

Engine Flywheel Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
RemovetheclutchpressureanddrivenPlate . Referto ClutchPressureandDrivenPlateReplacement(1.4L) onpage 17—416 or
ClutchPressureandDrivenPlateReplacement(1.8L)onpage 171419.
Special Tools
1 EN—652 FlywheelHolder
1 EN-45059 TorqueAngleSensor Kit
For equivalentregionaltools.Referto Special Toolsonpage 9-1135.
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
Discardtheflywheelfasteneranduse a NEW fastenerforinstallation.
1 Firstpassto 35Nm (26lbft)
1 Secondpass to additional30°.
1 Finalpass to an additional15°.
2 1. Stresscracksaroundtheengineflywheel.
2. Cracksatweldedareasthatretaintheringgearontotheengineflywheel.
3. Damagedor missingringgearteeth.
4. Donotattemptto repairtheweldedareasthatretaintheringgeartotheengineflywheelplate.Installa new

911004 Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Crankshaft Balancer Replacement

Crankshaft Balancer Replacement
Callout » Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removethedrivebelt.Referto DriveBeltReplacementonpage 9-964.
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
1. InstalltheEN-6625 deviceonthestud.
2. Ensurethelockingdeviceis engagedontheflywheelteeth.
1 3. Installtheenginetotransmissionnutto holdthelockingdevice.
1 For ManualTransmission,tightento 75N1m(55lb ft)
1 ForAutomaticTransmission,tightento 40N1m(30lb ft)
Special Tools
EN-6625 FlywheelLockingDevice
Forequivalentregionaltools,referto Special Toolsonpage 9-1135.
Discardthecrankshaftbalancerboltanduse a NEW boltforinstallation.
1. 95N1m(70|bft)
2. Firstpass tightentheboltto45 degrees.
3. Finalpass tightentheboltto 15degrees.
Special Tools
EN-45059 TorqueAngle Sensor Kit.
Forequivalentregionaltools,referto Special Toolsonpage 911135.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-‘l005

Crankshaft Balancer Replacement (cont'd)

Callout Component Name
3 CrankshaftBalancerWasher
4 CrankshaftBalancer

Crankshaft Front Oil Seal Installation Procedure

Special Tools
1 EN—6351 Mounting Sleeves
1 EN-45000Remover
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the crankshaft sprocket. Referto
Crankshaft Sprocket Replacement on
page 9-1008.

1. Clean the sealing surfaces.
2. Slide the EN-6351sleeves (2) protective sleeve
onto the crankshaftjournal.
3. Slide the crankshaft front oil seal (1) over the
protective sleeve on the crankshaft journal.

2. Using the EN145000 remover (3),remove the
crankshaft front oil seal (1)from the crankshaft (2).

4. Remove the protective sleeve, and using the
EN—6351 sleeves (3),press the seal ring into the
pump housing.
5. Use the crankshaft drive gear bolt (1) and
washer (2) to press in the crankshaft front oil seal.

911006 EngflIe Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
6. install the crankshaft sprocket. Refer to Crankshaft
Sprocket Replacement on page 9-1008. 1

Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal

Special Tools
1 EN-235-DInstaller
1 EN—235-6 Installer
1 EN—328—B Pin Pin Remover
1 EN—658-1 Installer
1 EN-6624Remover
For equivalent regional tools. Refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.
Removal Procedure
1. lf equipped with a manual transmission remove the
flywheel. Refer to Engine Flywheel Replacement
on page 9-1003.
2. Ifequipped with a automatic transmission, remove 2189366
the automatic transmission flex plate. Refer to - - -
Automatic Transmission Flex Plate Replacement 6' tool
(2). the plastIc mg (1) mm a flat bladed
on page 9-1002.

2027003 Note: The diameter of the hole must not exceed 2 mm
Caution: Do not allow the crankshaft encoder wheel to (0.0787in).if the diameter of the hole exceeds 2 mm
come into contact with external magnetic fields or sharp (0 0787in) the bolt 0f EN-6624remover will not be
metal objects. Do not drop the crankshaft encoder able to grip’.
wheel. Do not damage the rubberized encoder track.
Failure to follow these precautions may cause damage 7. Only make a hole at the 5 o'clock and 7 o'clock
to the component. positions (1),these are the only positions where is
3. Remove the crankshaft position sensor bolt (1). a cavity behind the seal ring.
4. Remove the crankshaft position sensor (2)from
the crankshaft rear oil seal housing.
5. Remove the crankshaft rear oil seal housing (3).

Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1007

2027002 2526186
8. Position the scribe (1) at the outer edge of the 11. Install the EN-328-Bremover (1) to EN-6624
crankshaft rear oil seal. remover (2).
9. Remove the seal ring. 12. Using the EN-328-Bremover (1) and EN-6624
remover (2) to remove the crankshaft rear oil seal.
Installation Procedure

\ ~ \/
1 2 '


10. Install EN~6624 remover (1) to the crankshaft rear
oil seal and tighten the bolt. 2190821
1. Install the crankshaft rear oil seal (1)with
EN—235-6 installer (2) contained in EN-235-Dkit.

911008 Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
2. Use EN-658-1installer (1) to strike the crankshaft
1 rear oil seal.
3. Ifequipped with a manual transmission install the
flywheel. Refer to Engine Flywheel Replacement
on page 9-1003.
4. Itequipped with a automatic transmission, install
the automatic transmission flex plate. Refer to
Automatic Transmission Flex Plate Replacement
on page 9-1002.


Crankshaft Sprocket Replacement


EnJgine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1009

Crankshaft Sprocket Replacement

Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removethetimingbelt.Referto TimingBeltReplacementonpage 9975.
1 Procedure

Positive Crankcase Vehtilation Hose/Pipe/Tube Replacement

i U

Positive Crankcase Ventilation Hose/PipelTube Replacement
Callout Component Name
1. Releasethequickconnects.
2. Disconnectelectricalconnectorsas necessary.

9-1010 Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Engine Front Cover with Oil Pump


Removal Procedure

5. Loosen the bolts before the belt is removed.
6. Remove the water pump bolts (1) and water pump
pulley (2).Refer to Water Pump Pulley
Replacement (LUV) on page 9-670or Water Pump
2521420 Pulley Replacement (LUW) on page 91671.
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable (1).Refer to ‘1. Remove the generator. Refer to Generator
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and Replacement (LUV) on page 9-726or Generator
Connection on page 9-713. Replacement (LUW) on page 91727.
2. Drain the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System 8. Remove the air conditioning compressor. Refer to
Draining and Filling on page 9—628. Air Conditioning Compressor Replacement (LDE,
LUW, LWE)on page 10—16 or Air Conditioning
Compressor Replacement (LUV) on page 10-17.
(D. Remove the timing belt tensioner. Referto Timing
U. .- , J . , Q) l
Belt Tensmner Replacement on page 9-980.

3. Remove the radiator outlet hose (1)from the water
pump.Refer to Radiator Outlet Hose Replacement
(LUV) on page 9635 or Radiator Outlet Hose 2534399
Replacement (LDE LUW)on page 9636.
4. Remove the exhaust manifold. Refer to Exhaust 10‘ Remove the crankshaft sprocket (1)'Refer to
Manifold with Catalytic Converter Replacement Crankshaft Sprocket Replacement 0”
(LUW) on page 9-737. page 9'7008-
11. Remove the oil pan. Refer to Oil Pan Replacement
on page 9-999.

Engine Mechanical 1 "1.8L(LUW, LWE) 911011

2505669 2505672
12. Remove the engine oil cooler outlet pipe bolt (1). 14. Remove the engine front cover (1).
15. Remove the engine front cover seal (2).
Note: Do NOT use sharp and/or metal gasket scrapers
in order to clean the sealing surfaces
16. Carefully clean the engine front cover sealing
Note: Insert a piece of cardboard between the oil pan
front and the oil pump in order to prevent any
contaminants from falling into the oil pan.
17. Use compressed air in order to remove any engine
coolant from the engine cooling passages and from
the top of the oil pan scraper (windage tray).
Installation Procedure

13. Remove the engine front cover bolts (1).

1. Install a NEW engine front cover seal (2).
2. Install the engine front cover (1).

9-1012 Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2505670 2534389
Caution: Referto Fastener Caut/on 0" page 0'8' 6. Install the crankshaft sprocket(1). Refer to
3. Install the engine front cover bolts (1) and tighten to Crankshaft Sprocket Replacement on
20 N1m(15lbft). page 9-1008.

2505669 2505668
4- 1.11818“the engine 0" ceoler outlet pipe b0” (1) 30d 7. Install the water pump bolts (1) and water pump
tlghten t0 8 N1m(71 lb In). pulley (2) and tighten to 20 N1m(15 lb ft).
5. Install the oil pan. Refer to Oil Pan Replacement on 8. Install the generator. Refer to Generator
page 9-999. Replacement (LUV) on page 9-726or Generator
Replacement (LUW) on page 9-727.
9. Install the air conditioning compressor. Refer to Air
Conditioning Compressor Replacement (LDE,
LUW, LWE)on page 10-16or Air Conditioning
Compressor Replacement (LUV) on page 10—1 7.
10. Install the timing belttensioner. Refer to Timing
Belt Tensioner Replacement on page 91980.

Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1013


2534391 2028017
11. Install the radiator outlet hose (1) to the water 2. Remove the oil pressure relief valve closure
pump.Refer to Radiator Outlet Hose Replacement bolt (1).
(LUV) on page 9635 or Radiator Outlet Hose 3. Remove the oil pressure relief valve assembly (2).
Replacement (LDE LUW)on page 9-636.
4. Separate the piston (3) and the spring (4).
12. Fill the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9-628. Warning: Bodily injury may occur if the cleaning
solvent is inhaled or exposed to the skin.
Warning: To avoid eye injury, use approved safety
lenses, goggles, or face shield when using buffing
and cleaning equipment.
5. Clean the parts.
6. Inspect the parts.
7. Clean the thread.
Installation Procedure

13. Connect the negative battery cable (1).Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and
Connection on page 9-713.

Oil Pressure Relief Valve


Removal Procedure
1. Remove the oil pan. Refer to Oil Pan Replacement 2028017
on page 9-999. 1. Install the piston (3) and the spring (4).
2. Install the oil pressure relief valve assembly (2).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.

911014 Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
3. lnstall the oil pressure relief valve closure bolt (1) 5. Remove the coolant pipe bolts (2) fromthe engine
and tighten to 21 N1m(16 lbft). front cover.
4. lnstall the oil pan. Refer to Oil Pan Replacement on 6. Remove the oil cooler tightening bolts (3).
page 9—999.

Engine Oil Cooler Housing


Removal Procedure
1. Drain the engine coolant. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 91628.
2. Drain the engine oil.Refer to Engine Oil and Oil
Filter Replacement on page 911046.

7. Remove the heat exchanger (4)with the gasket.
Installation Procedure

3. Remove the exhaust manifold. Refer to Exhaust
Manifold with Catalytic Converter Replacement
(LUW) on page 91737.

M.El-‘2 ___-_lE“ .
11.2.” :1 ’1 T'— _. E'Eifi't
. ~1 ll 1 5(6)):
115?}. [I.
.1.IIuIIIGI 691-11. . .

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
Note: Check for damage or leakage on the oil cooler
gaskets. lf damage or leakage, replace the related
gasket with a new one.
I I .1 1. Install the heat exchanger (4) with the gasket to the
oil cooler housing.
Tighten the heat exchanger bolts to 8 N1m
(70.8lb in).
4. Remove the coolant pipe bolts (1) from the engine
coolant distributor case .
Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1015
5. lnstall the coolant pipe bolts (1) to the engine
coolant distributor case.
Tighten the coolant pipe bolts to 8 N1m(71 lb in).

. ab 31'“

. Insert the coolant pipes to the oil cooler housing
with the gasket.
. Install the oil cooler tightening bolts (3).
Tighten 2049036
Tighten the oil cooler tightening bolts to 25 N1m
(18 lb ft). Install the exhaust manifold. Refer to Exhaust
. Install the coolant pipe bolts (2)to the engine front Manifold with Catalytic Converter Replacement
cover. (LUW) on page 9-737.
Refill the engine oil.Referto Engine Oil and Oil
Tighten Filter Replacement on page 9-1046.
Tighten the coolant pipe bolts to 8N1m(71 lb in).
Refill the engine coolant. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9-628.

9-‘1016 Engfiine Mechanical ="L8L (LUW, LWE)

Oil Flow Check Valve Replacement

Oil Flow Check Valve Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removethegenerator.Referto GeneratorReplacement(LUV)onpage9—726 or GeneratorReplacement(LUW)onpage 9-727.
Oil FlowCheckValveBorePlug
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
2 Oil FlowCheckValve

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-101’7

Oil Level Indicator Tube Replacement ' Engine Replacement (Automatic

Removal Procedure Transmission)
Note: Ifthe engine oil level is at maximum, some oil Special Tools
may emerge when drawing out the oil dipstick - J—45859Wheel Drive Shaft Remover
guide tube. - CH—807Closure Plugs
1. Place collecting basin underneath. For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the battery and battery tray. Refer to
Battery Tray Replacement on page 9-721.
2. Relieve the fuet system pressure. Refer to Fuel
Pressure Relief on page 9-547.
3. Recover the refrigerant. Refer to Refrigerant
Recovery and Recharging on page 10-13.
4. Remove the front tire and wheel assembly. Refer to
Tire and Wheel Removal and Installation on
page 16-60.
5. Remove the front bumper fascia. Refer to Front
Bumper Fascia Replacement on page 3—55.
6. Remove the front wheelhouse liner inner front
extensions. Refer to Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner
Front Extension Replacement (Left Slde) on
page 3-147or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
Extension Replacement (Right Side, LUV) on
page 3-148or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
Extension Replacement (Right Side, LWE, LUW)
2026827 on page 3-149.
2. Remove the oil level indicator tube bolt (1). 7. Drain the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
3. Remove the oil level indicator tube (2). Draining and Filling on page 9-628.

Installation Procedure

8. Remove the lower intermediate steering shaft
2026827 bolt (1) and slide the shaft away from steering
Note: Use a NEW oil level indicator tube seal column. Refer to Intermediate Steering Shaft
1. Install the oil level indicator tube (2). Replacement on page 15—27.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
2. Install the oil level indicator tube bolt (1) and
tighten to 15N-m(11 lb ft).
3. Check the oil level and adjust as necessary.
9—1018 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Hagar "m aew

: @-

2521421 2504689
9. Remove the air cleaner assembly (1). Refer to Air 11. Remove the positive battery cable nut (1)fromthe
CleanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9—582. junction block.
12. Remove the positive battery cable (2)from the
junction block.

10. Remove thejunction block cover(1). 2539751
13. Remove the positive cable nut (1) and battery
positive cable, from the battery positive cable
junction block.
14. Disconnect the body wiring master harness
connector (2),from the battery positive cable
junction block.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1019



2539757 2539765
15. Remove the junction block nut (1). 21. Remove the ground nuts (1)and reposition the
16. Remove the junction block bolts (2). wiring harness (2) aside.
17. Disconnect the wiring harness from the junction
block base.
18. Remove the junction block (3) from the base. X(«((««(«(((((((((((((((((((((((((((«allluI..“t
19. Disconnect the wiring harness plug from the front
compartment fuse block.

w I‘ltt:
. mum I,

22. Ifequipped with electrical vacuum pump,
disconnect the electrical connector and remove the
brake booster hose (1).

20. Reposition the wiring harness (1) on top of the


9—1020 Engfiine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2521422 2492632
23. Disconnect the heater inlet hose (1) from the 25. Disconnect the transmission range selector lever
heater core. Refer to Heater InletHose cable terminal (1) from the transmission manual
Replacement (LDE,LUW) on page 10-38or shift lever pin. _
Heater ln/et Hose Replacement (LUV) on 26. Remove the transmission range selector lever
page 10-38. cable (2)from the cable bracket.

. n...
’ @111;

2521427 2534616
24. Disconnect the heater outlet hose (1) from the 27. Remove the radiator surge tank (1) and position
heater core. Refer to Heater Outlet Hose aside. Refer to Radiator Surge Tank Replacement
Replacement (LUV) on page 10-40or Heater on page 9-630.
Outlet Hose Replacement (LDE,LUW) on
page 10—40. 28. Disconnect the fan connector.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9—1021

2497607 2001521
29 Remove air conditioning compressor and Note: Perform steps 33 through 41 to both Sides.
condenser hose nut (1). 34. Insert a brass drift or punch (1) in the cooling fins of
30. Remove air conditioning compressor and the front brake rotor (2).
condenser hose (2) from refrigerant hose. 35. Rotate the brake rotor until it comes in contact with
the brake caliper mount bracket (5).

. . . 2498078
31. Disconnect the fuel feed pipe (1). Refer to Plast/C
Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service on Note:
.08999'547- - Use a suitable tool to release the crimping on
32. Install and close the fuel feed pipe with the wheel drive shaft retaining nut.
CH'807 P'UQ- - The wheel drive shaft retaining nut (1) must be
33. Diseonnect the engine coolant sensor from discarded after removal.
radiator. 36. Remove and discard the wheel drive shaft nut (1).

9-1022 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

WV 0

2539770 2739004
37. Remove the upper stabilizer shaft link nut (1). Note: Reverse the wheel lug nuts and washers so the
flat part of the wheel nut is facing the washers.
38. Disconnect the stabilizer shaft link (2).
42. Using the J-45859 wheel drive shaft remover (2),
separate the wheel drive shaft from the steering
. knuckle (1).
43. Remove the upper stabilizer shaft link from the
absorber on both sides. Refer to Stabilizer Shaft
Link Replacement on page 16-8.
44. Remove the front exhaust pipe. Refer to Exhaust
Front Pipe Replacement (LUV,LUW) on
page 9-738.

39. Remove and DISCARD the steering linkage outer
tie rod nut (1).
40. Separate the steering linkage outer tie rod (2) from
the steering knuckle. Steering Linkage Outer Tie
Rod Replacement on page 15-17.
41. Separate the control arm ball joint from the steering
knuckle. Refer to Lower Control Arm Replacement
on page 16—12. 2534617
45. Remove the lower oil pan to transmission lower
bolts (1).

Ergine Mechanical -=1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1023


’ 2\__\ 7 7 f'“"" \__

/ \K‘ d' ‘ V K I '‘
[4H 11“ “.’i‘
‘2‘ ~~*' \ - '
°>HM®® 6

\~ \‘I ?/

2534623 2492995
46. Remove the lower oil pan to transmission lower 50. Remove the upper frame suspension retaining
bolts (1) and nut (2). bolts (1) on both sides.
47. Remove the frame braces.

6 51. Mark the location of the right engine mount
48. Remove the frame front bolts (1). bolts (1) before removing.
Note: Blocks of wood can be used between the front of 52. Remove and Discard the right side engine mount
the frame and the oil pan to table in order to level the bolts (1). Refer to Engine Mount Replacement on
powertrain during the removal. page 9-967.
49. Position an engine support table under the
powertrain assembly.

9-1024 Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
62. Install the engine to the engine stand.
63. Transfer parts as needed.
Installation Procedure

53. Mark the location of the transmission mount
bolts (1) before removing.
54. Remove and DISCARD the transmission mount
bolts (1) —left side. Refer to Transmission Mount 2534622
Replacement —Left Side on page 17—216.
55. Disconnect any additional electrical connections as 1. Remove the engine from the engine stand.
necessary. 2. Install the transmission to the engine.
56. Raise the vehicle until the powertrain is ciearfor Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
removai. 3. Install the upper transmission to engine bolts (1)
57. Remove the starter. Refer to Starter Replacement and tighten to 60 Wm (44 lb ft).
(LUW) on page 9-722 or Starter Replacement 4. Place the powertrain into the front frame.
(LUV) on page 9—724.
5. Slowly lower the body onto the powertrain.
58. Remove the torque converter bolt access plug next
to the starter opening.
59. Remove the torque converter bolts.

Caution: Refer to Torque-to-Yie/dFastener Caution on
page 0—10.
6. Install the NEW left transmission mountto
60. Remove the uppertransmission to engine bolts (1) transmission bolts (1) and tighten to 50 N-m
and separate the engine and transmission. (37 lb ft) plus 70 degrees.
61. Disconnect any electrical connectors as needed.

2013 (5377994)
Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1025

2534620 2508892
Caution: Refer to Torque-to-Yield Fastener Caution on 10_ Instail the frame (3) rear bolts (2) and tighten to

. ns
p:ge| 3 e NEW ng
01111111 ' mountb o Its (1)
' ht 3|'de engine 135 NOm(100 lbft)- -
and tighten to 50 Nm (37 lb ft) plus 70 degrees. front bolts (1) and tighten t0
11' Isngftlairtqt?f3flr:r;1ti(3)
8. Perform Powertrain Mount Balancing.

2539810 . . .
12. Install the upper frame suspenSIon retalnlng
9- Align the frame 30d body through aiignment bolts (1) on both sides and tighten to 135N-m
hole (1). (100 lb ft).
13. Remove the lift table.

9-1026 Engine Mechanical =1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2534617 2539785
14. Install the tower oil pan to transmission bolts (1) Note: Perform steps 20 through 29 to both sides.
and tighten to 40 N-m(30 lb ft). 20. Inset the wheel drive shaft to the steering knuckle.
Caution: Refer to Torque-to-YieldFastener Caution on
page 0—10.
21. Install the NEW steering linkage outer tie rod
nut (1) and tighten to 30 N'm (22 lb ft) Plus
128 degrees.
22. Install the steering linkage outer tie rod to the
steering knuckle. Refer to Steering Linkage Outer
Tie Rod Replacement on page. 15-17.

15. Install the lower oil pan to transmission lower
bolts (1) and tighten to 60 Nm (44 lb ft).
16. Install the lower oil pan to transmission lower and
nut (2) and tighten to 40 Nm (30 lb ft).
17. lnstall NEW flex plate to torque converter bolts and
tighten to 60 N-m(44 lb ft).
18. Instali the starter. Refer to Starter Replacement
(LUW) on page 9-722 or Starter Replacement
(LUV) on page 9—724.
19. install the front exhaust pipe. Refer to Exhaust
Front Pipe Replacement (LUV,LUW) on
page 9-738.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1027

“194/‘81! 2‘
/ IR AK;
«$1Jb“:7 b
(1%“ (i I [A

26. Insert a brass drift or punch (1) in the cooling fins of
the front brake rotor(2).
27. Rotate the brake rotor until it comes in contact with
the brake caliper mount bracket (5).


23. Install the control arm ball joint to the steering t
knuckle. Refer to Lower Control Arm Replacement
on page 16-12. '9‘
I' ‘ El;
K! [7‘171
((EC I/f/flg)

28. Install the NEW wheel drive shaft nut (1) and
tighten to 250 Mm (184 lb ft).

24. Connect the stabilizer shaft link (2).
25. install the upper stabilizer shaft link nut (1) and
tighten to 65 N-m(48 lb ft).

9-1028 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2498125 2497607
29. Using a punch (1), stake the wheel drive shaft nut. 33. Instail air conditioning compressor and condenser
hose to the refrigerant hose.
34. lnstall air conditioning compressor and condenser
hose nut (1) tighten nut to 22 N-m(16 lb ft).

—‘ \Zgrc _'.—.'Ti
.. '- l/aE-a Ela-


30. Remove the CH-807 piug.
31. Connect the fuel feed pipe (1). Refer to Plastic 2534616
Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service on
page 9-547. 35. Install the radiator surge tank (1). Refer to Radiator
32. Connect the engine coolant sensor from radiator. Surge Tank Replacement on page 9-630.
36. Connect the fan connector.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1029

/‘,‘—-,' -27,
’ ////7//7/////////

2492632 2521427
37. Installthe transmission range selector lever 41. Connect the heater outlet hose to the heater
cable (2) to the cable bracket. core (1). Refer to Heater Outlet Hose Replacement
38. Connect the transmission range selector iever (LUV) on page 10-40 or Heater Outlet Hose
cable terminal (1)to the transmission manual shift Replacement (LDE,LUW) on page 10—40.
lever pin.
39. Adjust the automatic transmission range selector
lever cable. Refer to Range Selector Lever Cable
Adjustment on page 17-196. K(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((«((«(«(llII“u.u'

. Ifequipped with electrical vacuum pump, connect
the electrical connector and install the brake
booster hose (1).
40. Connect the heater inlet hose to the heater
core (1). Refer to Heater Inlet Hose Replacement
(LDE, LUW) on page 10-38 or Heater Inlet Hose
Replacement (LUV) on page 10-38.

9-‘1030 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

1 2

“’ \
'k‘fiI I
i“ : l-

2539765 2539757
43. install the ground nuts (1) and reposition the wiring 45. Install the junction block to the base.
harness (2). 46. Install thejunction block bolts (2) and tighten to
5N-m (44 lb in).
47. Installthejunction block nut (1) and tighten to 5N-m
(44 lb in).
. z)
.4. J ’
,9 ' J *A’s
I!) 4,31
g r
y*-—@--m-——H-- ,
. =1 2 . 7:7

Cl'étql -~ . mun un/

t -' ‘\
~ ’. 533,315,.

\VMM ‘

44. Clip in the wiring harness plugs (1).

48. install the battery positive cable to the battery
positive cable junction block and tighten nut (1) to
5N-m (44 lb in).
49. Connect the body wiring master harness
connector (2),to the battery positive cable junction

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1031

2504689 2521421
50. Position the positive battery cable to the junction 53. Install the air cleaner assembly (1). Refer to Air
block. CleanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9-582.
51. Install the positive battery cable nut (2) and tighten
to 7N-m (62 lb in).

54. install the lower intermediate steering shaft bolt (1).
2539745 Refer to Intermediate Steering Shaft Replacement
52. Installthejunction block cover (1). 0’7page 75'27-
55. Instail the battery and battery tray. Refer to Batte/y
Tray Replacement on page 9-721.
56. Install the front tire and wheel assembly. Refer to
Tire and Wheel Removal and Installation on
page 16-60.
57. install the front bumper fascia. Refer to Front
Bumper Fascia Replacement on page 3-55.

9-1032 Engine Mechanicai - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
58. install the front wheelhouse liner inner front 7. Remove the lower intermediate steering shaft
extensions. Refer to Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner bolt (1) and slide the shaft away from steering
Front Extension Replacement (Left Slde) on column. Refer to Intermediate Steering Shaft
page 3-147 or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front Replacement on page 15-27.
Extension Replacement (Right Side, LUV) on
page 3-148 or Front Wheelhouse Liner Inner Front
Extension Replacement (Right Side, LWE, LUW)
on page 3-149.
59. Evacuate and charge the refrigerant system. Refer
to Refrigerant Recovery and Recharging on
page 10-13.
60. Fill the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9-628.

Engine Replacement (Manual

Special Tools
- J—45859Wheel Drive Shaft Remover.
. CH—807Closure Plugs .
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9—1135.
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the battery and battery tray. Refer to 2521421
Batte/y Tray Replacement on page 9-721.
2. Relieve the fuel system pressure. Refer to Fuel 8. Remove the air cleaner assembly (1). Refer to Air
Pressure Relief on page 9-547. CleanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 9-582.
3. Recover the refrigerant. Refer to Refrigerant
Recovery and Recharging on page 10-13.
4. Remove the front tire and wheel assembly. Refer to
Tire and Wheel Removal and Installation on
page 16—60.
5. Remove the front bumper fascia. Refer to Front
Bumper Fascia Replacement on page 3-55.
6. Drain the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9-628.

9. Remove the junction block cover (1).


Engine Mechanical , 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1033

magi um EU I
a 1:: emw
ti: E't

2504589 2539757
10. Remeve the positive battery cabie nut (1) from the 14. Remove the junction block nut (1).
Junction bIOCk- ‘ 15. Remove thejunction biock bolts (2).
11- Remove the POSIthebattery cable (2)from the 16. Disconnect the wiring harness from the junction

17. Remove the junction biock(3) from the base.

18. Disconnect the wiring harness plug from the front
compartment fuse block.

12. Remove the positive cable nut (1) and battery
positive cable, from the battery positive cable
junction block. 2539762
13. Disconnect the body wiring master harness
19. Reposition the wiring harness (1) on top of the
connector (2),from the battery positive cable
junction block.

9-1034 Engine Mechanical ,. 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

_L 2
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2:\. 1;
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’ 9‘Iflt L
Q/ i 5..

2539765 2521422
20. Remove the ground nuts (1) and reposition the 22. Disconnect the heater inlet hose (1) from the
wiring harness (2) aside. heater core. Refer to Heater Inlet Hose
Replacement (LDE, LUW) on page 10-38or
Heater Inlet Hose Replacement (LUV) on
page 10-38.

21. Ifequipped with electrical vacuum pump,
disconnect the electrical connector and remove the
brake booster hose (1). 2521427
23. Disconnect the heater outlet hose (1) from the
heater core. Refer to Heater Outlet Hose
Replacement (LUV) on page 10-40 or Heater
Outlet Hose Replacement (LDE,LUW) on
page 10-40.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1035

2511540 2497607
24. Disconnect the transmission range selector lever 28. Remove air conditioning compressor and
cable terminal (1) from the transmission condenser hose nut (1).
manual Pln- 29. Remove air conditioning compressor and
25. Press the locking tab forward in order to release condenser hose (2) from refrigerant hose.
the transmission range selector lever cable (2)
from the cabie bracket.

2534616 30. Disconnect the fuel feed pipe (1). Refer to Plastic
Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service on
26. Remove the radiator surge tank (1) and position page 9547.
aside. Refer to Radiator Surge Tank Replacement 31' Install and close the fuel feed pipe with
on page 9-630. CH—807plug.
27- Disconnect the fan connector. 32. Disconnect the engine coolant sensor from

9-1036 Engine Mechanical =1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2001521 2539770
Note: Perform steps 33 ”"0th 41 to bOthsides. 36. Remove the upper stabilizer shaft link nut (1).
33. Insert a brass drift or punch (1) in the cooling fins of 37, Disconnect the stabilizer shaft link (2),
the front brake rotor(2).
34. Rotate the brake rotor until it comes in contact with
the brake caliper mount bracket (5).

N , _.,-.
\VI/m“) ‘
t "' ' _

38. Remove the steering linkage outer tie rod nut (1).
2498078 39. Separate the steering linkage outer tie rod (2) ftom
Nate the steering knuckle. Steering Linkage Outer Tie
' ' ' ‘ Rod Replacement on page 15-17.
- Use a surtabie tool to re|e,a$ethe crlmpmg on 40. Separate the control arm ball joint from the steering
the wheel drive Shaft retaining ”UL knuckle. Refer to Lower Control Arm Replacement
- The wheel drive shaft retaining nut (1) must be on page 16—12.
discarded after removal.
35. Remove and discard the wheei drive shaft nut (1).
Replace with NEW only.


n ine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1037

2739004 2539786
Note: Reverse the wheel lug nuts and washers so the 45. Remove the frame front bolts (1).
flat part of the wheel nut is facing the washers.
Note: Blocks of wood can be used between the front of
41. Using the J-45859 remover (2), separate the wheel the frame and the oil pan to table in order to level the
drive shaft from the steering knuckle (1). powertrain during the removal.
42. Remove the upper stabilizer shaft link from the 46. Position atengine support table under the
absorber on both sides. Refer to Stabilizer Shaft powertrain assembly.
Link Replacement on page 16-8.
43. Remove the front exhaust pipe. Refer to Exhaust
Front Pipe Replacement (LUV,LUW) on
page 9-738.
€53,559 :. \’ ' . /

a ' ‘ ../ .

47. Remove the upper frame suspension retaining
bolts (1) on both sides.
44. Remove the lower oil pan to transmission lower
bolts (1).

9-1038 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2534620 2535571
48. Mark the location of the bolts (1) before removing. 54. Remove the upper transmission to engine bolts (1)
49. Remove the right side engine mount bolts (1). and separate the engine and transmission.
Refer to Engine Mount Replacement on 55. Disconnect any eiectrical connectors as needed.
page 9-967. 56. Instail the engine to the engine stand.
57. Transfer parts as needed.
Installation Procedure

50. Mark the location of the bolts (1) before removing.
51. Remove the transmission mount bolts (1) —left
side. Refer to Engine Mount Replacement on 2535571
page 9-967. 1. Remove the engine from the engine stand.
52. Disconnect any additional electrical connections as 2. Install the transmission to the engine.
necessary. Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
53. Raise the vehicle until the powertrain is ciearfor 3. Install the upper transmission to engine bolts (1)
removal. and tighten to 60 N~m(44 lb ft).
4. Place the powertrain into the front frame.
5. Slowly lower the body onto the powertrain.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1039

2503595 2508892
Caution: Refer to Torque-to-Yie/dFastener Caution on 9. Install the frame (3) rear bolts (2) and front bolts
page 0-10. (1), tighten a iittle bit.
6. Installthe NEW left transmission mount to
transmission bolts (1) and tighten to 50 N-m
(37 lb ft) plus 70 degrees.

10. Align the frame and body through alignment
2534620 hole (1).
Caution: Refer to Torque—to-YieldFastener Caution on
page 0-10.
7. Installthe right side engine mount bolts (1) and
tighten to 50 N-m(37 lb ft) plus 70 degrees.
8. Perform Powertrain Mount Balancing.

9-1040 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2508892 2535570
11. install the frame (3) rear bolts (2) and tighten to 15. Install the lower oil pan to transmission lower
135 N-m(100 lb ft). bolts (1) and tighten to 60 NW (44 lb ft).
12. Install the frame (3) front bolts (1) and tighten to 16. Install the front exhaust pipe. Refer to Exhaust
58 N-m(43 lb ft). Front Pipe Replacement (LUV,LUW) on
page 9—738.

J /\
.‘I | - \
, \7"/A ‘ H1
J 8

[44H 1‘ \WEW

13. Instail the upper frame suspension retaining
bolts (1) on both sides and tighten to 135 Nm 17. Inset the wheel drive shaft to the steering knuckle.
(1001bft). Caution: Refer to Torque-to-Yie/dFastener Caution on
14. Remove the lift table. page 0-10.
18. Install the NEW steering linkage outer tie rod nut
(1) and tighten to 30 N-m(22 lb ft)P|us128
19. Install the steering linkage outer tie rod to the
steering knuckle. Refer to Steering Linkage Outer
Tie Rod Replacement on page 15-17.

Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1041

((1 ../‘ .( ‘

_ a,
’ fl/;%‘!EE§N' §§ii¥ ‘1“
"=tl/'5Liil“""-‘-, h =as§fiif :7";
‘ 153:; t, E P.
- i‘_i?t‘,~\é‘~

r/Irl“ \N‘//9!
“A1 ’ 771‘“
x @,9

(49911 V
23. Insert a brass drift or punch (1) in the cooling fins of
the front brake rotor(2).
24. Rotate the brake rotor until it comes in contact with
the brake caliper mount bracket (5).

20 . Install the control arm ball joint to the steering
knuckle. Refer to Lower Control Arm Replacement ‘
on page 16-12.

iii— @
25. Install the NEW wheel drive shaft nut (1) and
tighten to 250 Nm (184 lb ft).


21. Connect the stabilizer shaft link (2).
22. Instail the upper stabilizer shaft link nut (1) and
tighten to 65 NW(48 lb ft).

9-1042 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

_ e \ 99 1

Q [1:111:51

2498125 2497607
26. Using a punch (1), stake the wheel drive shaft nut. 30. Install air conditioning compressor and condenser
hose to the refrigerant hose
31. Install air conditioning compressor and condenser
hose nut (1)tighten nut to 22 N-m(16 lbft).

- » 1739\4 ‘

27. Remove the CH-807 plug.
28. Connect the fuel feed pipe (1). Refer to Plastic
Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service on
page 9-547. 32. Install the radiator Surge tank (1). Refer to Radiator
29. Connect the engine coolant sensor from radiator. Surge Tank Replacement on page 9-630.
33. Connect the fan connector.

Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1043

2511540 2521427
34. Connect the transmission range selector lever 37. Connect the heater outlet hose to the heater core
cable terminals (1) to the transmission (1). Refer to Heater Outlet Hose Replacement
manual pins. (LUV) on page 10—40or Heater Outlet Hose
35. Press the locking tab rearward in order to lock the Replacement (LDE,LUW) on .0899 70-40-
transmission range selector lever cable (2) to the
cable bracket.


38. Ifequipped with electrical vacuum pump, connect
2521422 the electrical connector and instali the brake
36. Connect the heater inlet hose to the heater booster hose (1)-
core (1). Refer to Heater Inlet Hose Replacement
(LDE,LUW) on page 10-38 or Heater Inlet Hose
Replacement (LUV) on page 10-38.

911044 Engine Mechanical 1 1.81. (LUW, LWE)

Q \
E71 {@5

N) _L

2539765 2539757
39. Install the ground nuts (1) and reposition the wiring 41. Install thejunction block to the base.
harness (2). 42. Install thejunction block bolts (2) and tightento
5N-m (44 lb in).
43. Installthejunction block nut (1) and tightento 5N-m
(44 lb in).

40. Ciip in the wiring harness plugs (1).

44. Install the battery positive cable to the battery
positive cable junction block and tighten nut (1) to
5N'm (44 lb in).
45. Connect the body wiring master harness connector
(2), t0 the battery positive cable junction block.

Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 911045

2504689 2521421
46. Position the positive battery cable to thejunction 49. Install the air cleaner assembly (1). Refer to Air
biock. CleanerAssemb/y Replacement on page 91582.
47. Install the positive battery cable nut (2) and tighten
to 10 Nm (89 lb in).

50. install the lower intermediate steering shaft bolt (1).
2539745 Refer to Intermediate Steering Shaft Replacement
48. Instali the junction block cover (1). on page 15-27-
51. Install the battery and battery tray. Refer to Batteiy
Tray Replacement on page 9-721.
52. Install the front tire and wheel assembly. Refer to
Tire and Wheel Removal and Installation on
page 16-60.
53. install the front bumper fascia. Refer to Front
Bumper Fascia Replacement on page 3155.
54. Evacuate and charge the refrigerant system. Refer
to Refrigerant Recovery and Recharging on
page 10-13
55. Fill the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 91628.

911046 Engine Mechanicai - 'i.8L (LUW, LWE)

Engine Oil and Oil Filter


Removal Procedure
1. Open hood.
2. Place a drain pan below the vehicle.
Caution: To prevent damage to oil filter cap ensure
proper tool is used. Do not use an open end wrench
which may cause damage to filter cap.
3. Using a 24mm socket or closed end wrench loosen
oil filter cap. Unscrew filter cap 3 turns and let oil
filter and cap assembly drain in housing for
30 seconds.

1 2

ii / k 2852132
Note: Clean oil filter cap and lubricate the NEW oil
’e filter cap seal ring with clean engine oil. Ensure oil filter
cap seal ring is in proper position as shown.
97/ 7} 3 5. Install a NEW oil filter cap seal ring (1).

’ 129
1 2

1 fl


2852124 W [73 3
Note: Use care when removing engine oil filter cap and , 1:1
filter to minimize fluid spillage. if fluid spillage occurs it
must be cleaned with appropriate cleaner.
Note: Inspect oil filter cap for any cracks or damage.
Ifoil filter cap is damaged it must be replaced.
4. Remove the engine oil filter cap (2) with the engine
oii filter cap seal ring (3) and the oil filter
element (1).
5. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31. 2852124
6. Remove the oil pan drain plug and allow the oil to 6. Install the engine oil filter cap (2) with NEW engine
drain into the drain pan. oil filter cap seal ring (3) and NEW oil filter
element (1) hand tight.
Installation Procedure
1. Clean the oil pan drain piug thread in the oil pan.
2. Install a NEW seal ring to the oil pan drain plug.
Caution: Refer to Component Fastener Tightening
Caution on page 018.
3. Instali the oil pan drain plug and tighten to 14N-m
(10 lb ft).
4. Lower the vehicle.

Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1047

Incorrect —Excessive Gap Correct —N0 Gap

V ’

Caution: Ensure oil filter cap is completely seated on Caution: Using engine oils of any viscosity other than
oil filter housing. if not completely seated an oil leak those viscosities recommended could result in engine
may occur. damage.
Caution: Over torquing the oil filter cap may cause Note: Do not overfili the engine with engine oil.
damage to the oil filter cap resulting in an oil leak. Note: Anytime engine oil is added (top off or oil
7. Using a 24mm socket or closed end wrench tighten changes) ensure all engine surfaces are completely
the engine oil filter cap to 25 N-m(18 lb ft). free of residual oil. Ifthere is oil on any engine surface
clean as necessary.
8. Fill engine with NEW oil using DexosTM15W-30

911048 Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

incorrect Correct

Note: Oii fill cap must be properly seated and 11. Inspect the engine oil level. The oil level should be
tightened during installation. in the cross-hatched section of the oil level
indicator as shown.
9. Install oii fiil cap.
12. Close hood.
10. Start the engine and allow it to run until the oil
pressure control indicator goes off. Inspect for any 13. Reset the engine oil life system monitor.
oil leaks around the drain plug, oil filter and oil
fili cap. Camshaft Seal Replacement
Special Tools
- EN 422 Installer
~ EN 45000 Remover
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the intake and exhaust camshaft
sprocket. Refer to Camshaft Sprocket
Replacement on page 9-987.


Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1049
Installation Procedure

Note: Do not damage the sealing surfaces.
2.7Use the EN-45000 remover to loosen the camshaft
front oil seals (1). 1. insert 2 NEW camshaft front oil seals (1).

2189265 2373396
3. Remove the camshaft front oil seals (1). 2. Tighten the seal ring with EN-422 installer (3) on
the camshaft until this is in contact with the
cylinder head.
3. To install, use camshaft sprocket bolt (1) in
conjunction with shims (2) with a total thickness of
approximateiy10 mm (0.393 in).
4. Installthe camshaft sprocket intake and exhaust.
Refer to Camshaft Sprocket Replacement on
page 91987.

2013 (5377994)
9-1050 Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Camshaft Cover Replacement

I-I ll‘lII—l
IWill I
. 7:}? @5311 E-

Camshaft Cover Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Removetheignitioncoil.Referto IgnitionCoil Replacementonpage 91570.
2. RemovethePCV hose.Referto PositiveCrankcase VentilationHose/Pipe/TubeReplacementonpage 911009.
CamshaftCover Fastener(Qty:3)
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage 018.
Note: Applypipesealanttothecenterboltduringreinstallation.RefertoAdhesives,Fluids,Lubricants,and
Sealersonpage 91943.
8 N-m(71lbin)
CamshaftCover Fastener(Qty:8)
2 Tighten
8 N'm(711bin)
3 Procedure .
Do notreusethe camshaftgasket.Also use a newgasketwhenremovingor replacingcamshaftcover.
4 1. Removeor repositiontheclips as necessary.
2. Disconnectelectricalconnectoras necessary.
3. Transfercomponentsas necessary.

Eflgine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 911051
Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Replacement

Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Replacement
Callout Component Name
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 018.
6N-m(53lb in)
Tip:: Coatthecamshaftpositionactuatorsolenoidvaiveseals withNEW engineoil.

911052 Eflgine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Camshaft Replacement
Special Tools
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 911135.
Removal Procedure

3. Remove the camshaft cap bolts in
sequence (1,4,2, 3).
4. Remove the camshaft caps.

Note: Take extreme care to prevent any scratches,
nicks or damage to the camshafts and caps bearing
1. Remove the timing belt rear cover(1). Refer to
Timing Belt Rear Cover Replacement on
page 9-986.

Note: Mark the camshafts upon removal to ensure
installation is in the correct position.
5. Remove the exhaust camshaft (1) and intake
camshaft (3) as necessary.
Note: The camshaft seal MUST be replaced whenever
the camshaft is removed,
6. Remove exhaust camshaft seal (2) and intake
camshaft seal (4) as necessary.

2. Remove the camshaft position solenoid valve
housing bolts (1) and housing (2).

Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1053
Installation Procedure
1. Coat and lubricate the camshaft bearing and cam
surfaces with clean engine oil.

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 018.
4. Install the camshaft bearing caps in sequence (2,
3, 1, 4) Tighten the camshaft bearing cap bolts to
2049391 8N-m (71 lb in).
Note: Itis essential to ensure that no sealant is applied
outside the marked sealing areas.
2. Apply sealant to the surface (1) of the 1st camshaft
bearing cap.


. Install the camshaft position solenoid valve
housing (2) and camshaft position solenoid valve
housing bolts (1). Tighten the bolts to 8 N-m
2507087 (71 lb in).
Install the new camshaft oil seat rings using
3. Instail the exhaust camshaft(1) and intake EN-422 installer.
camshaft (2) on the cylinder head.

911054 Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2049388 2027014
7. Instail the timing belt rear cover (1) and tighten the 5. For cylinder1 and 4 set the crankshaft to TDC
bolts (2) to 6N-m (53 lb in). Refer to Timing Belt marking, cylinder number 1. Use the crankshaft
Rear Cover Replacement on page 9-986. balancer boit.
For cylinder 2 and 3, set the crankshaft BDC (180
Valve Stem Oil Seal and Valve Spring degrees from TDC marking). Use the crankshaft
Replacement balancer boit.
Note: Wheels must contact the ground.
Special Tools
7. Shift to 1. gear(MT) or park position (AT)and apply
207649 Rod Hairpin Clips
the park brake.
547324 Flange Screws
EN1840 Pliers /Remover Valve Stem Oil Seal Removal
EN-958 Installer
EN-45059 Angie Meter
EN—50717 Kit
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 911135.
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the spark plugs. Refer to Spark Plug
Replacement on page 91573.
2. Remove the camshaft position actuator. Refer to
Camshaft Sprocket Replacement on page 91987.
3. Remove both camshafts. Refer to Camshaft
Replacement on page 9-1052.
Remove the valve iifter.Refer to Valve Lifter
Replacement on page 91987.

1. Install the 2 EN-50717—1 stands (1) to the cylinder
head and fix them with the 547324 screws.
2. Install the 2 J-43649-2 rods (2) and the EN-51717-
2 compressor (3)to the B-side of the EN-50717—1
stands. Secure the rods with the 207649 clips then.
Install an suitable air pressure adapter(4) to the
spark piug hole.

Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 911055
4. Apply air pressure to the corresponding cylinder. Valve Stem Oil Seal Installation
5. Position the EN—51717—2compressor (3) so that its
adapter proper contacts the valve spring retainer
and pretension the compressor.

Note: Lubricate the NEW valve stem oil seal with clean
engine oil.
Warning: Valve springs can be tightly compressed. 1. install the NEW valve stem oil seal, using the
EN1958 installer (1).
Use care when removing the retainers and plugs.
Personal injury could result. 2. Loosely install the valve spring and the valve
spring retainer.
6. Apply pressure to the EN-50717—2compressor to
push down the vale spring retainer (1) and
compress the valve spring (3) until the valve
keys (2) are free from tension. Carefully remove _l. N L
the valve keys then.
7. Release the tension from the EN-50717—2
8. Remove the valve spring retainer (1) and the valve
spring (3).



Caution: The valve stem keys must correctly seat in
the valve spring cap. Engine damage may occur by not
installing properly.
3. Using the EN—51717—2compressor (4), push down
the valve spring retainer (1) and compress the
valve spring (3) until the valve keys (2) can be
inserted. Carefully insert the valve keys then, so
that they are proper installed to the vaive stem
2373403 grooves.
9. Remove and DISCARD the valve stem oil seai, 4. Carefully release the tension from the EN—50717—2
using the EN-840 pliers (1). compressor.

911056 Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
5. Inspect the valve keys and valve spring retainer for Valve Visual Inspection Procedure
proper seat.
6. Repeat the procedure with the remaining valves
and cylinders. Transfer the EN-50717~1 stands
and the EN-51717—2 compressor as needed.
7. Take care that air pressure is always applied to the
combustion chamber of the treated cylinder.
Installation Procedure


1. Inspect the valve for damage from the head to tip
for the foliowing conditions:
° Pitting in the vaive seat area (1)
- Lack of valve margin (2)
. Bending in the valve stem (3)
2027016 - Pitting or excessive wear in the stem (4)
- Worn valve key grooves (5)
1. Set the crankshaft in direction of engine rotation to . Worn valve tip (6)
60 degrees (a) before TDC. Use the EN-45059
meter and the crankshaft balancer bolt. 2. Replace the valve if any of these conditions exist.
2. install the valve lifter.Refer to Valve Lifter Valve Measurement and Reconditioning
Replacement on page 9—987.
3. install both camshafts. Refer to Camshaft
Replacement on page 911052. Note:
4. install the camshaft position actuator. Refer to . Proper valve service is critical to engine
Camshaft Sprocket Replacement on page 9-987. performance. Therefore, all detailed measurement
5. install the spark plugs. Refer to Spark Plug procedures must be followed to identify
Replacement on page 9-573. components that are out of specification.
- if the measurement procedures reveal that the
Valve Guide Reaming, and Valve and valve or valve seat must be reconditioned, it is
critical to perform the measurement procedures
Seat Grinding after reconditioning.
Valve Cleaning Procedure
1. Use soft bristle wire brush to clean any carbon
buiId-upfrom the valve head. DO NOT use a wire
brush on any part of the valve stem. The valve
stem is chrome plated to provide enhanced wear
characteristics. Wire brushing the stem could
remove the chrome plating.
2. Thoroughly clean the valve with solvent and
wipe dry.

Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 911057

Valve Seat Width Measurement 4. Ifthe seat widths are acceptable, check the valve
seat roundness using the Valve Seat Roundness
Procedure Measurement Procedure.
5. Ifthe seat width is not acceptable, you must grind
the valve seat using the Valve and Seat
Reconditioning Procedure to bring the width back
into specification. Proper valve seat width is critical
to providing the correct amount of vaive heat
Valve Seat Roundness Measurement
1. Measure the vaive seat roundness using a dial
indicator attached to a tapered pilot installed in the
guide. The pilot should have a slight bind when
installed in the guide.
Caution: The correct size pilot must be used. Do not
use adjustable diameter pilots. Adjustable pilots may
damage the valve guides.
2. Compare your measurements with the
specifications, refer to Engine Mechanical
Specifications (1.8L LUWand LWE) on page 91940
or Engine Mechanical Specifications (1.6L LDE) on
page 91938.
3. Ifthe valve seat exceeds the roundness
1. Measure the valve seat width in the cylinder head specification, you must grind the valve and valve
using a proper scale. seat using the Valve and Seat Reconditioning
4. Ifnew valves are being used, the valve seat
roundness must be within 0.05 mm (0.002 in).
Valve Margin Measurement Procedure


1 . I

2. Measure the seat width on the valve face (1) using
a proper scale.
Note: The seat contact area must be at least 0.5 mm
(0.020 in) from the outer diameter (margin) of the valve. 57502
Ifthe contact area is too close to the margins, the seat
must be reconditioned to move the contact'area away 1. Measure the valve margin using an appropriate
from the margin. scale.
3. Compare your measurements with the 2. Reference the specifications in this section for
specifications, refer to Engine Mechanical minimum valve margin and compare them to your
Specifications (1.8L LUWand LWE) on page 9-940 measurements.
or Engine Mechanical Specifications (1.6L LDE) on 3. Ifthe valve margins are beyond specification,
page 91938. replace the valves.

91l058 Ergine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
4. Ifthe valve margins are within specification and do Valve and Seat Reconditioning
not require refaoing, test the valve for seat
concentricity using the Valve—to—Seat Concentricity Procedure
Measurement Procedure.
Valve-to-Seat Concentricity
Measurement Procedure

- if the valve seat width, roundness or
concentricity is beyond specifications; you must
53234 grind the seats in order to ensure proper heat
Note: dissipation and prevent the build up of carbon
on the seats.
- Checking the valve—to—seat concentricity
determines whether the valve and seat are - Itis necessary to reface the valve if seat
sealing properly. reconditioning is required unless a new valve
is used.
- You must measure the valve face and the valve
seat to ensure proper valve sealing. 1. Grind the valve seats (2) to the proper angle
specification, refer to Engine Mechanical
1. Coat the valve face lightly with blue dye (3). Specifications (1.8L LUW and LWE) on page 91940
2. install the valve in the cylinder head. or Engine Mechanical Specifications (1.6L LDE) on
3. Turn the valve against the seat with enough page 91938.
pressure to wear off the dye. 2. Using the proper angle specification, refer to
4. Remove the valve from the cylinder head. Engine Mechanical Specifications (1.8L LUW and
5. Inspect the valve face. LWE) on page 9-940 or Engine Mechanical
Specifications (1.6L LDE) on page 9-938 , grind,
- Ifthe valve face is concentric, providing a relieve, the valve seats (1) to correctly position the
proper seal, with the valve stem, a continuous valve seating surface (2) to the valve.
mark will be made around the entire face (1).
3. Using the proper angle specification listed in
Note: The wear mark MUST be at least 0.5 mm engine mechanical specifications, refer to Engine
(0.020 in) from the outer diameter, the margin, of the Mechanical Specifications (1.8L LUW and LWE) on
valve. Ifthe wear mark is too close to the margin, the page 9-940 or Engine Mechanical Specifications
seat must be reconditioned to move the contact area (1.6L LDE) on page 91938, grind, undercut, the
away from the margin. valve seats (3) to narrow the valve seat widths to
- Ifthe face is not concentric with the stem, the the specifications, refer to Engine Mechanical
mark will NOT be continuous around the valve Specifications (1.8L LUW and LWE) on page 91940
face. The valve should be refaced or replaced or Engine Mechanical Specifications (1.6L LDE) on
and the seat must be reconditioned using the page 9-938.
Valve and Seat Reconditioning Procedure. 4. Ifthe original valve is being used, grind the valve to
the specifications, refer to Engine Mechanical
Specifications (1.8L LUWand LWE) on page 91940
or Engine Mechanical Specifications (1.6L LDE) on
page 91938.Measure the valve margin again after
grinding using the Valve Margin Measurement
Procedure. Replace the valve if the margin is out of
specification. New valves do not require grinding.

Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 911059
5. When grinding the valves and seats, grind off as 3. install the valve stem oil seal.

in lowering the valve spring pressure. locks.

6- Install the valve in the cylinder head. 5. Measure the distance (1) between the cylinder
- if you are using refaced valves, lap the valves head to the bottom of the valve spring retainer.
into the seats with a fine grinding compound. Refer to Engine Mechanical Specifications (1.8L
The refacing and reseating operations should LUW and LWE) on page 91940or Engine
leave the refinished surfaces smooth and true Mechanical Specifications (1.6L LDE) on
so that minimal lapping is required. Excessive page 91938.
lapping Wt”groove the valve face and prevent a 6. if the maximum height specification is exceeded, a
900d seat when hOt- new valve should be installed and the valve stem
Note: Be sure to clean any remaining lapping height re—measured.
compound from the V3”? and seat W'thsolvent and Caution: DO NOT grind the valve stem tip. The tip of
compressed 3" pm” to final assembly. the valve is hardened and grinding the tip will eliminate
. |fyou are using new valves, do not lap the the hardened surface causing premature wear and
valves under any condition. ‘ pOSSIbieengine damage.
7. After obtaining the proper valve seat width in the Caution: DO NOT use shims in order to adjust valve
cylinder head, you must re-measure the valve stem stem height. The use of shims will cause the valve
height using the Valve Stem Height Measurement spring to bottom out before the camshaft lobe is at peak
Procedure. lift and engine damage could result.
8. Ifthe vaive stem height is acceptable, test the ‘7. if the valve stem height still exceeds the maximum
seats for concentricity using the Valve-to-Seat height specification, the cylinder head must be
Concentricity Measurement Procedure. ' replaced.
Valve Stem Height Measurement

Note: To determine the valve stem height
measurement, measure from the valve spring seat to
the valve spring retainer.
1. Install the valve into the valve guide.
2. Ensure the valve is seated to the cylinder head
valve seat.

911060 Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Repair Instructions - Off Vehicle

Engine Support Fixture

~71. ll} 237*-
1 7. 5 14.111 ,, “f1 \\\“
4,11% -,p.
1. @4141“

MEt—P ‘ V . _ ..- £22.1-

1 1'41 '
Engine Support Fixture
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removetheradiatoropeninguppercover.Referto FrontOpeningUpperCoverReplacementonpage3140.
Special Tools
- EN—28467—300 EngineSupportFixtureAdapter
' J-28467—518 MainSupportBeam
- J-28467—1A Cross Bracket
' J—28467—5A StrutTowerSupportAssembly
- J-28467-2ARadiatorTubeShelfAssembly
° J-36857EngineLiftBracket
- J-28467-8AHookAssembly
Forequivalentregionaltools,referto Special Toolsonpage 9-1135.
EngineSupportFixtureAdapterLeg (Qty:2)
1 Procedure
installthebrackettofenderframe.Do notinstallontopoffenderlip.
3 Cross Bracket
4 Procedure
5 RadiatorTubeShelfAssembly

Engine Mechanical 1 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 911061

Engine Support Fixture (cont'd)

Callout Component Name
Note: Iftheengineis notequippedwithengineliftbracket,installJ-36857in place.
Use a grade10.9boltto installtheengineliftbracket.

Timing Belt Inspection

Special Tools
- EN-6340 Locking Tool
° EN-6628—ALocking Tool
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 911135.
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the timing belt upper front cover. Refer to
Timing Belt Upper Front Co ver Removal on
page 911074.

Note: The right half of the EN-6340 locking tool can be
recognized by the lettering “right”,arrow, on the tool.
4. Prepare the right half of the EN-6340 locking tool.
4.1. Remove the 2 bolts (2).
4.2. Remove the front panel (1) from the EN-6340
locking tool -right.

2. Set the crankshaft balancer in the direction of the
engine rotation to "1st cylinder TDC"(mark1).
3. Remove the camshaft cover. Refer to Camshaft
Cover Removal on page 9-1084.


9-1062 Engine Mechanical . 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
Note: 7. Insertthe EN-6628-A iocking tool (1) into the
° The spot type marking (4) on the intake
camshaft position actuator adjuster does not Installation Procedure
correspond to the groove of the EN-6340
iocking tool - left (1)during this process, but 1. Remove the EN-6628—Alocking tooi.
must be somewhat above. 2. Remove the EN—6340iocking tool.
° The spot type marking (3) on the exhaust 3. Install the camshaft cover. Refer to Camshaft
camshaft position actuator adjuster must Cover Installation on page 9-1113.
correspond to the groove on EN—6340locking 4. Install the timing belt upper front cover. Referto
tool —right(2). Timing Belt Upper Front Cover Installation on
5. Insertthe EN-6340 iocking tool - left (1) and the page 9-1126.
EN-6340 locking tooi - right (2) in the camshaft
position actuator adjuster. Timing Belt Adjustment
Special Tools
° EN-652 Flywheel Holder
' EN-6333 Locking Pin
- EN—6340Locking Tooi
- EN-6628-A Locking Tool
. EN-45059 Torque Angle Sensor Kit
For equivalent regional tooi, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the timing belt upperfront cover. Refer to
Timing Belt Upper Front Cover Removal on
page 9—1074.

a ./
Note: Ifthe EN-6628—Alocking tool cannot be inserted,
the timing must be set.
6. Align the camshafts horizontally by the hexagon
(arrows) until the EN—6628-Aiocking tool can be
inserted in both camshafts.

L_J \dp \ty . _ ,ejlmw.
fia©$fi 1936993
2. Set the crankshaft balancer in the direction of the
. a engine rotation to "1st cylinder TDC"(mark1).
3. Remove the camshaft cover. Refer to Camshaft
Cover Removal on page 9-1084.


Erflne Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1063
5. insert the EN-6340 locking tool - left (1) and the
EN-6340 iocking tool —right (2) in the camshaft
position actuator adjuster.


Note: The right half of the EN-6340 iocking tool can be
recognized by the lettering "right",arrow, on the tool.
4. Prepare the right half of the EN-6340 iocking tooi.
4.1. Remove the 2 bolts (2).
4.2. Remove the front panel (1) from the EN—6340 6. install the EN-6333 locking pin (1), apply tension
to the timing belt tension roller (2) in the direction of
locking tooi - right.
the arrow. Install the EN-6333 locking pin (3).
7. Mark timing belt in direction of rotation.

' The spot type marking (4) on the intake
camshaft position actuator adjuster does not 8. install the EN—652flywheel holder (1), lock the
correspond to the groove of the EN—6340 flywheel (2) (or automatic transmission fiex
locking tooi - left (1) during this process, but respectively) via the starter ring gear.
must be somewhat above.
~ The spot type marking (3) on the exhaust
camshaft position actuator adjuster must
correspond to the groove on EN-6340 locking
tool - right(2).

9-1064 Engine Mechanicai - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2026822 2026843
9. Remove and DISCARD the crankshaft balancer 13. Remove the timing belt idler pulley bolt(1).
boit (1). 14. Remove the timing belt idler pulley (2).
10. Remove the crankshaft balancer (2).

15. Remove the tensioner bolt (1).
11. Remove the 4 timing belt lowerfront cover 16. Remove the timing belt tensioner (2).
bolts (2).
12. Remove the timing belt lower front cover (1).

MW Engine Mechanical . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1065

2026841 2026844
17. Remove the timing belt (1). 21. Remove the 2 camshaft position actuator adjuster
18. Stop the timing belt tensioner (2). closure bolts (1).
19. Remove the EN-652 flywheel holder to unlock the Note: A second technician is required.
crankshaft. 22. Loosen the camshaft position actuator adjuster
bolts (2).
Hold at the appropriate camshaft hexagon.
23. Remove and DISCARD the camshaft position
actuator adjuster bolts (2) and the camshaft
position actuator adjuster (3).

20. Turn the crankshaft 60° (A) against the direction of
engine rotation.

24. Align the camshafts horizontally by the hexagon
arrows, until the EN—6628—A iocking tool can be
inserted in both camshafts.

9-1065 Engflte Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
Hold at the appropriate camshaft hexagon.
3.1. First pass tighten to 65 N-m(48 lb ft).
3.2. Second pass to 120°.
3.3. Third pass to 15°.
. Replace the camshaft position actuator adjuster
seal rings.
VA | ‘ A V . Instail the 2 camshaft position actuator adjuster
“gt fi
closure plugs (1) and tighten to 30 N-m(22 lb ft).
. Remove the EN-6628—Alocking tool.
W- @A

25. Insertthe EN—6628-Aiocking tooi (1)into the
camshafts. i
Installation Procedure


. Clean the timing belt tensioner thread.
. Install the timing belt tensioner (2) and tighten the
NEW timing belt tensioner bolt (1) to
20 N-m(15 lb ft).
. Clean the timing belt idier pulleythread.

Note: Do not tighten the camshaft adjuster bolts.
1. install the camshaft position actuator adjuster (3).
2. Install NEW camshaft position actuator adjuster
bolts (2).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
Caution: Refer to Torque—to—Yie/d Fastener Caution on
page 0-10.
Note: A second technician is required.
3. Tighten the camshaft position actuator adjuster
bolts (2) in three passes:
10. Install the timing belt idler pulley (2) and tighten the
NEW bolt (1) to 25 N'm(18 lb ft).

Engine Mechanical 2 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1067

2027014 2026841
Note: The timing belt drive gear and oil pump housing Note: Observe direction of rotation.
must align.
13. Insertthe timing be|t(1).
11. Turn the crankshaft in the direction of engine 14. Apply preliminary tension clockwise to the timing
rotation, by the crankshaft balancer bolt, to beit tension roller.
cylinder 1TDC of combustion stroke.
15. Remove the EN—6333locking pin.
16. Release the tension on the timing belt tensioner.

12. Install the EN-652 flywheel holder (1), took the 2026840
flywheel (2)(or automatictransmission flex
respectively) via the starter ring gear. 17. Instali the lower front timing belt cover(1) and
tighten the 4 bolts (2) to 6 N-m(53 lb in).

9-1068 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
22. Insert the EN-6628—Alocking tool (1) into the
23. Align camshafts by hexagon until EN-6628—A
locking tooi can be inserted in both camshafts.

1v \

18. Install the crankshaft balancer (2) and NEW bolt (1)
and tighten in 3 passes using the EN-45059
sensor kit:
18.1. First pass to 95 NW (70 lb ft).
18.2. Second pass to 45°.
18.3. Third pass to 15°. 24. Check the crankshaft position.
19. Remove the EN—652flywheel holder to unlock the 25. Marking on crankshaft balancer must align with
crankshaft. marking on timing belt lower cover, see mark (1).
20. Remove the EN-6340 locking tool. 26. Remove the EN-6628-A locking tool.
21. Check position of the camshaft position actuator 27. Install the camshaft cover. Refer to Camshaft
adjuster. Coverlnsta/lation on page 9-1113.
21.1. Turn crankshaft 720° in the direction of 28. Install the timing belt upper front cover. Refer to
engine rotation by the crankshaft Timing Belt Upper Front Cover Installationon
balancer boit. page 9—1126.
Note: Note marking, camshaft position actuator
adjuster. Draining Fluids and Oil Filter
21.2. Insert EN—6340locking tool into camshaft
timing gears.

___—:1 m \

fl , /\ \ 1
'g".~/ \

- '.>
@. 3

2026534 1. Place a drip pan underneath.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1069
2. Remove the oil filter cap (1).
9° Remove the oil filter cap seal (2).
4. Remove and properly dispose of the oil filter
insert (3).
5. Re-instaii the oil filter cap.
6. Remove the oil drain bolt.
7. Drain the engine oil into the drip pan. Ii
Automatic Transmission Flex Piate
Special Tools .1.
EN-652 Automatic Transmission Flex Plate Holder
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.

4. Remove the 6 automatic transmission flex plate
bolts (2).
5. Remove the automatic transmission flex plate (1).

Engine Flywheel Removal

Special Tools
EN-652 Flywheel Holder
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.

1. Install the EN-652 holder (1)to hold the automatic
transmission flex plate (2).
2. Loosen the 6 automatic transmission flex plate
3. Remove the EN—652holder (1).

1. install the EN-652 holder (1), lock the flywheel via
the starter ring gear.
2. Loosen the 6 flywheel bolts.
3. Remove the EN—652holder (1).


9-1070 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2026536 2757902
4. Remove and DISCARD the 6 flywheel bolts (1, 2). 1. Remove the crankshaft position sensor bolt (2).
5. Remove the flywheel (3). 2. Remove the crankshaft position sensor(3) from the I
crankshaft rear oil seal housing (1).

6. Remove the crankshaft position reluctor ring (1). 2781536
Caution: Do not allow the crankshaft encoder wheel to
Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Removal come into contact with external magnetic fields or sharp
metal objects. Do not drop the crankshaft encoder
Special Tools wheel. Do not damage the rubberized encoder track.
- EN—328-BPin Remover Failure to follow these precautions may cause damage
to the component.
o EN-6624 Remover
3. Remove the crankshaft rear oil seal housing (1).
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135. . 4. Remove the crankshaft position sensor reluctor
ring (2).


Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1071

2027001 2027005
Note: The diameter of the hole must not exceed
8. lnstall EN—6624remover (1) to the crankshaft rear
2 mm (0.0787 in). lfthe diameter of the hole exceeds oil seal and tighten the bolt.
2 mm (0.0787 in), the bolt of EN—6624remover will not
be able to grip.
5. Only make a hole at the 5 o'clock and 7 o'clock
positions (1), these are the only positions where is
a cavity behind the seal ring.

9. Install the EN—328-Bremover (1) to EN-6624
remover (2) and remove the crankshaft rear
oil seal.
6. Using a suitable tool, such as a scribe (1), make a
hole in the crankshaft rear oil seal.
Position the scribe (1) at the outer edge of the
crankshaft rear oil seal.
7. Remove the seal ring.

9-1072 Engine Mechanical - ‘l.8L (LUW, LWE)

Positive Crankcase Ventilation Pipe Secondary Air Injection Pump

Removal Removal

2027614 2781588
1. Unclip the ECM wiring harness guide (3)from the 1. Disconnect the secondary air injection pump
cylinder head cover. pipe (3). Refer to Plastic Collar Quick Connect
2. Disconnect the 2 positive crankcase ventilation Fitting Service on page 9—547.
tube connectors (1). 2. Remove the secondary air injection pump nut (2)
3. Remove the positive crankcase ventilation tube (2). I and the 2 secondary air injection pump bolts (4).
3. Remove the secondary air injection pump (1).
Secondary Air Injection Pump Pipe
Removal Secondary Air injection Check Valve

l #‘K {2‘ i:i I '

< I ‘3. e3.
‘IU_-_ g.l /l
v... '-_Jm;_!“mmllm,1ls
‘2‘» V"—
£2» \9
fat“ E‘ .9
I.‘ .7-
21%;" "m o .lllls"
@5F\ \4. T! g" ‘

1. Disconnect the secondary air injection pump
pipe (3) from the secondary air injection check 1. Remove the 3 secondary air injection check valve
valve. Refer to Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting bolts (3).
Service on page 9-547. 2. Remove the secondary air injection check
valve (2).

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9—1073
3. Remove and DISCARD the secondary air injection 1. Release tension to the drive belt tensioner
check valve gasket (1). counterclockwise (1) and lock with EN—6349
pin (2).
Power Steering Pump Belt Removal

3% mg <
\ «m

2028350 2. Remove the drive belt (1).
Caution: Do not use belt dressing on the drive belt.
Belt dressing causes the breakdown of the composition Drive Belt Tensioner Removal
of the drive belt. Failure to follow this recommendation
will damage the drive belt. ’
1. Cut the power steering pump belt (2) with a
appropriate cutting tool at position (1).
2. Remove the power steering pump belt (2).

Drive Belt Removal

Special Tools
EN-6349 Locking Pin
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.

1. Remove the drive belt tensioner bolt (1).
2. Remove the drive belt tensioner (2).


9-1074 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Timing Belt Upper Front Cover Crankshaft Balancer Removal

Removal Special Tools
EN-652 Flywheel Holder
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.

1. Remove the 2 timing belt upperfront cover
bolts (2).
2. Remove the timing belt upperfront cover(1). 2026535
- - 1. Install the EN-652 holder (1). Lock the flywheel (2)
T'mmg Belt Center Front Cover or the automatictransmission flex plate via the
Removal starter ring gear.


file NI '/ 0

1945761 2814173
1. Remove the centerfront timing belt cover from the 2, Remove and D'SCARD the crankshaft balancer
rear timing belt cover at 2 locations. b0” (4)-
2. Remove the center front timing belt cover (1). 3- Remove the crankshaft balancer washer (3)-
4. Remove the crankshaft balancer (2).

Engine Mechanical =1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1075
Timing Be|t Lower Front Cover 1. Turnthe crankshaftin the direction of engine
R I rotation, by the crankshaft balancer bolt, to
emova cylinder1 TDC of combustion stroke.

i 2026840 2373397
11 1. Remove the 4 timing belt lower front cover Note: The
_ right half of the
, EN-6340
_ locking tool can be
1 bolts (2). recognized by the lettering right, arrow, on the tool.
2. Remove the timing beltlowerfrontcover(1). 2. Prepare the right half of the EN-6340 locking tool.
T. . B It R I 2.1. Remove the 2 bolts (2).
Iman e emova 2.2. Detach the front panel (1)from the EN-6340
Special Tools locking tool - right.
' EN-6333 Locking Pin
- EN-6340 Locking Tool
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.

. The spot type marking (4)on the intake
camshaft adjuster does not correspond to the
2027014 gro_oveof the EN-6340 locking tool - left (1)
Note: The timing beltdrive gear and oil pump housing 2833211113
process, bUtmust be somewhat
must li .
a gn - The spot type marking (3) on the exhaust
camshaft adjuster must correspond to the
groove on EN—6340locking tool —right (2).

9-1076 ~Engine Mechanical =1.8L (LUW, LWE)
3. insert the EN-6340 locking tool - left (1) and the Timing Belt Tensioner Removal
EN-6340 locking tool —right (2) in the camshaft

1 2

@“ Q

1937014 1. Remove the tensioner bolt (1).
4. Install the EN—6333locking pin (3), apply tension to 2. Remove the timing belt tensioner (2).
the timing belt tension roller(2) in the direction of
the arrow, using an Allen key (1). Timing Belt Idler Pulley Removal
5. Stop the timing belt tensioner.

2026841 1. Remove the timing belt idler pulley b0|t(1).
Note: Observe direction of rotation. 2. Remove the timing belt idler pulley (2).
6. Remove the timing belt (1).

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1077

Cran kshaft Sprocket Removal Camshaft Position Actuator Adjuster

Special Tools
- EN-6340 Camshaft Adjuster Locking Tool
- EN-6628—ACamshaft Locking Tool
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.


2 \ ©

Remove the crankshaft sprocket (1).

Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid 3'!

Valve Removal

Note: The right half of the EN-6340 locking tool can be
recognized by the lettering "right",arrow, on the tool.
1. Prepare the right half of the EN-6340 locking tool.
1.1. Remove the 2 bolts (2).
1.2. Remove the front panel (1)from the EN-6340
locking tool - right.

1. Re move the camshaft position actuator solenoid
valve bolts (1).
2. Re move the camshaft position actuator solenoid
valves (2).
3. Re move the camshaft position actuator solenoid
valve seals (3).

2. lnstall the EN-6340 locking tool into the camshaft

9-1078 Engine Mechanical =1.8L (LUW, LWE)
Note: The spot type marking (4) on the intake
camshaft adjuster does not correspond to the groove of
EN—6340locking tool - left during this process but must
be somewhat above as shown.
- Install the EN-6340locking tool - left (1) into the
camshaft adjusters as shown.
Note: The spot type marking (3) on the exhaust
camshaft adjuster must correspond to the groove on
EN-6340 locking tool —right.
~ lnstall EN-6340locking tool - right (2) into the
camshaft adjusters as shown.

5. Remove the camshaft position actuator adjuster
closure bolt (1) of the intake camshaft position
actuator adjuster and/or the exhaust camshaft
position actuator adjuster (3).
Note: A second technician is required.
Note: Use an appropriate open—endwrench in order to
counterhold the camshaft hexagon. A thin
cross-section wrench is required for a betterfit. The
usage of EN-6628-A locking tool is for the camshaft
adjustment to prevent misalignment of the camshafts.
The wrench is required to counterhold the camshafts
2026512 during bolt torque procedure.
Note: Note the arrows. 6. Remove and DISCARD the intake camshaft
3. Turn the camshaft by the hexagon until the groove position actuator adjuster bolt and/or the exhaust
on the end of the camshafts is horizontal. camshaft position actuator adjuster bolt(2).
7. Remove the intake camshaft position actuator
adjuster and/or the exhaust camshaft position
actuator adjuster (3).

4. Install the EN-6628—Alocking tool (1).

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 94079

Crankshaft Front Oil Seal Removal Throttle Body Assembly Removal

Special Tools
EN-45000 Remover
For equivalent regional tools, refer te Special Tools on
page 9—1135.

1. Remove the 4 throttle body bolts (2).
2. Remove the throttle body (1).
3. Remove the throttle body seal.
Caution: Clean the crankshaft sealing surface with a Intake Manifold Removal (1.6L LDE)
clean, lint-free towel. lnspect lead-in edge of crankshaft
for burrs/sharp edges that could damage the rear main
oil seal. Remove burrs/sharp edges with crocus cloth
before proceeding.
Using the EN-45000 remover (3), remove the
crankshaft front oil seal (1) from the crankshaft (2).

Timing Belt Rear Cover Removal

1. Remove the 7 intake manifold bolts (1).
2. Remove the intake manifold (2).
3. Remove the intake manifold gasket.

1. Remove and DISCARD the 4 timing belt rear cover
bolts (2).
2. Remove the timing belt rear cover(1).

9-1080 Engine Mechanical , 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Intake Manifold Removal (1.8L LUW Oil Level Indicator and Tube
and LWE) Removal
1. Remove the oil dipstick.

1. Remove the 2 intake manifold brace bolts (2, 3). 2026827
2. Remove the intakemanifold brace (1). 2. Remove the oil level indicator tube b0|t(1).
Note: if the engine oil level is at the maximum level, oil
may emerge while removing the oil dipstick guide tube.
3. Remove the oil level indicator tube (2) and oil level
indicator seal.

Exhaust Manifold Removal

3. Remove the 7 intake manifold bolts (1).
4. Remove the intake manifold (2) and the 4 intake
manifold gaskets.

Remove the 9 exhaust manifold nuts (4).
Remove the 2 exhaust manifold bolts (2)
Remove the exhaust manifold (3) and gasket (1).
Clean all of the gasket surfaces.


Engine Mechanical . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1081
Engine Coolant Thermostat Remova' 3. Remove the 4 engine coolant thermostat housing
4. Remove the engine coolant thermostat
housing (2).

Engine Oil Cooler Housing Removal

Caution: Refer to Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing
Caution on page 0-8.
1. Remove the 4 engine coolant thermostat bolts (3).
2. Remove the engine coolant thermostat 2026830
assembly (2). _
3' Remove the engine coolant seal (1)_ » 1. Remove the 2 engine Oilcooler pipe bolts (1).
2. Remove the oil cooler pipe (2).
j Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing

3. Remove the 5 engine oil cooler housing bolts (2).
, 2026832 4. Remove the engine oil cooler housing (1).
Caution: Refer to Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing 5. Remove the engine oil cooler inlet pipe (3),
Caution on page 0-8.
1. Remove the engine coolant thermostat housing
retainer nut (4).
2. Remove the engine coolant thermostat housing
retainer (1).

2013 (5377994)
9-1082 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Engine Oil Cooler Removal Water Pump Removal

2188658 2026886
Remove the 6 engine oil cooler bolts (3), the engine oil 1. Remove the 5 water pump bolts (2).
cooler (1) and the engine oil cooler gasket (2) from the 2. Remove the waterpump(1).
engine oil cooler housing.
3. Remove the water pump seal.
Water Pump Pulley Removal
Engine Oil Heater Removal

Note: Counterhold the crankshaft balancer. Forthis
procedure the drive belt has to be installed. 1. Remove the engine oil heater bolt (1).
1. Loosen the 3 water pump pulley bolts (1). 2. Remove the engine oil heater (2).
2. Remove the 3 water pump pulley bolts (1).
3. Remove the water pump pulley (2) from the water
pump (3).

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1083

Oil Pan Removal Ignition Coil Removal

Special Tools
EN—6009Remover/lnstaller IgnitionModule
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.
Note: Note the arrow on the cover.
1. Remove the cover of the DIS ignition coil in the
direction of the arrow.
2. Remove the 2 ignition coil bolts.

1. Remove the 15 oil pan bolts (1) from the engine (td%%§
2. Use a suitable tool to remove the oil pan (2) evenly
all the way around.
Engine Front Cover and Oil Pump
3. lnstall the EN-6009 remover/installer (1).

Note: Note the different screw lengths.
1. Remove the 8 bolts (2, 3). 2026537
2. Remove the engine front cover with the included oil
pump (4). 4. Remove the ignition coil module (2) with the
3. Remove the gasket (1). EN-6009 remover/installer (1).
Note: Do not damage the sealing surfaces.
4. Clean the sealing surface.

2013 (5377994)
9-1084 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Camshaft Cover Removal

3. Loosen the 8 exhaust camshaft bearing cap bolts
2026821 working from outside to inside in a spiral in steps of
1/2up to 1 turn.
1. Remove the 11bolts (2,3).
4. Remove the 8 exhaust camshaft bearing cap bolts.
2. Remove the camshaft cover (1).
Note: Mark camshaft bearing caps before removal.
Camshaft Removal 5. Remove the 4 exhaust camshaft bearing
caps numbers 6—9from the cylinder head.
6. Remove the exhaust camshaft (1).

Note: Noteremovalsequence1—4.
1. Remove the 4 camshaft bearing cap bolts. 2027651
Note: Release the bearing support by striking it gently 7- LOOSE”the 8 intake camshaft bearing cap bolts
with a plastic hammer. working from outSIdeto InSIdeIna spiral Insteps of
1/2up to 1 turn.
2. Remove the first camshaft bearing cap (1).
8. Remove the 8 intake camshaft bearing cap bolts.
Note: Mark camshaft bearing caps before removal.
9. Remove the 4 intake camshaft bearing
caps numbers 2—5from the cylinder head.
10. Remove the intake camshaft (1).
11. Remove the camshaft seal rings.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1085
Valve Lifter Removal 3. Remove the cylinderhead gasket.

Special Tools Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing

EN-845 Suction Device Removal
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on 1. Install the crankshaft balancer bolt.
page 94135 2. Set the pistons1 and 4 to TDC in direction of
engine rotation.

/ ..
{‘1‘}\ 0/‘9‘ «ggrr
ix i”?
‘A:/@ ‘§

2. I @\ .
/ .

Note: Mark the locations.
Remove the 16 valve lifter (1) use the EN-845 suction Note: Note cylinder sequence.
3. Maristhe connecting rod with the connecting rod
Cylinder Head Removal beam cover(1)'

1. Remove the 10 cylinder head bolts in sequence as 4' Esgcgeéfifiifiggpecéwgfd bearing caps
5. Remove the connecting rod bearing caps (1) and
1.1. Loosen the 10 bolts 90°. the connecting rod bearing (3).
1.2. Loosen the 10 bolts 180°.
2. Remove the cylinder head and place on a
suitable base.

9,1086 Engine Mechanical = 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2028300 2028299
6. Push the pistons 1 and 4 (1) out of the cylinder 10. Remove the 4 connecting rod bearing caps
bore (2). bolts (2) of cylinder 2 and 3.
Note: The shear surfaces of the con—rodand the 11. Remove the connecting rod bearing caps (1) and
con-rod bearing cover form a unique fit and must not be the connecting rod bearing (3).
swapped or damaged. Do not lay down on the shear
7. Remove the pistons1 and 4(1). /1
8. Turn crankshaft on crankshaft balancer through
180° in direction of rotation of engine.

12. Push the pistons 2 and 3 (1) out of the cylinder
bore (2).
Note: The shear surfaces of the con-rod and the
con-rod bearing cover form a unique fit and must not be
1948709 swapped or damaged. Do not lay down on the shear
Note: Note cylinder sequence. surfaces.
9. Mark the connecting rod with the connecting rod 13. Remove the pistons 2 and 3(1).
bearing cover (1).

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1087

2028302 1937053
Note: Observe correct fitting position, observe 2. Remove the 4 bolts.
3. Remove the connecting rod bearing caps1
14. Remove the connecting rod bearing (1,2). and 4(1).
15. Check the components. Refer to Piston, 4. Turn the crankshaft through 180°.
Connecting Rod, and Bearing Cleaning and
Inspection on page 9-1097.

Crankshaft and Bearing Removal

5. Remove the 4 bolts.
6. Remove the connecting rod bearing caps 2
1948709 and 3(1).
7. Identifythe crankshaft bearing caps.
1. ldentify all the connecting rod bearing caps (1).

9-1088 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

1937120 2026187
8. Remove the crankshaft bearing caps (1). 3. Remove the intake manifold mount (2)from the
9. Remove the 10 bolts. intake manifold (1)-
10. Remove the crankshaft (2).
11. Remove the crankshaft bearing Clips.

Intake Manifold Disassemble

(1.6L LDE)

4. Remove the throttle body seal (1).
5. Remove the intake manifold seal (3)from the
intake manifold (2).

1. Remove the intake manifold absolute pressure
sensor bolt.
2. Remove the manifold absolute pressure sensor (1)
from the intake manifold (2).


Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1089

2028209 2189144
Remove the 2 evaporative emission canister purge 3. Remove the intake manifold mount (2) from the
solenoid valve bracket bolts (2). intake manifold (1).
7. Remove the evaporative emission canister purge
solenoid valve bracket (1) from the intake
manifold (7).
8. Remove the 2 multiportfuel injection fuel rail
bolts (3).
9. Remove the multiportfuel injection fuel rail (4) and
the fuel injectors (5)from the intake manifold (7).
10. Remove the 4 multiportfuel injector seals (6).

Intake Manifold Disassemble (1.8L

LUW and LWE)

4. Remove the throttle body seal (1).
5. Remove the intake manifold seal (3) from the
intake manifold (2).

1. Remove the intake manifold absolute pressure
sensor bolt (1).
2. Remove the manifold absolute pressure sensor (2)
from the intake manifold (3).

9-1090 Engifle Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2373076 2373077
6. Remove the 2 evaporative emission canister purge 8. Remove the 2 multiportfuel injection fuel rail
solenoid valve bracket bolts (2). bolts (1).
7. Remove the evaporative emission canister purge 9. Remove the multiportfuel injection fuel rail (2) and
solenoid valve bracket (1) from the intake the fuel injectors (3) from the intake manifold (5).
manifold (3). 10. Remove the 4 multiportfuel injector seals (4).

Cylinder Head Disassemble

Special Tools
- EN-840 Pliers/Remover
- EN-8062 Valve Spring Compressor
- EN-8062—5Adapter
- EN—50717—2 Compressor Assembly of
EN—50717 Kit
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1091

1. Install the EN-50717—2 assembly (1) to the Warning: Valve springs can be tightly compressed.
EN-8062 compressor (4). Use care when removing the retainers and plugs.
2. Install the EN-8062—5adapter (3) to the EN-8062 Personal injury could result.
compressor. 4. Apply pressure to the EN—50717—2assembly to
3. Install the compressor assembly to the cylinder push down the vale spring retainer (1) and
head, so that the adapter (5) of the EN—50717—2 compress the valve spring (3) until the valve
assembly (1) contacts the valve spring retainer keys (2) are free from tension. Carefully remove
properly and the EN—8062—5adapter (3) contacts the valve keys.
the valve disc (2).Prefix the EN-8062
compressor (4).



9-1092 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
5. Slowly and carefully loosen the EN-50717—2
assembly until the valve spring is entirely
6. Remove the compressor assembly from the
cylinder head.
7. Remove the valve spring retainer (1) and the valve
spring (3).
8. Remove and DISCARD the valve stem oil seal (4),
using the EN-840 pliers (2).
9. Remove the valve (5).
Note: Ensure that the valve train components are kept
together and identified in order for proper installation in
their original position.
10. Repeat the procedure with the remaining valves.
11. In case of re-using the cylinder head, refer to
Cylinder Head Cleaning and Inspection on
page 9—1096.

Piston and Connecting Rod

1. Remove the piston with connection rod. Refer to 5. Remove the piston rings, using piston ring
Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing Removal on pliers (1).
page 9—1085. Remove oil carbon from the groove with a split
piston ring, filed to a wedge-shape.

A 2


Note: Note installation position of the piston in respect 2026860
of the connection rod. 6. Measure the piston ring gap.
2. Detach the piston from the connection rod. ' Tension the piston ring in the cylinder and
Note: Do not damage the bore. measure the gap with a feeler gauge.
3. Remove the retainer (1) from the piston eye. ' Permissible ring gap:
4. Press the piston pin out of the piston. ~ Rectangular compression ring (1):
0.20040 mm (0.007-0.015 in)
—Tapered compression ring (2):0.40-0.60 mm
(0.0150023 in)
—Oil scraper ring (3):0.25—0.75mm
(0.0090029 in)

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1093

Engine Block Disassemble

7. Check piston ring vertical play with a feeler
gauge (1) in the piston ring groove. 2026868
1. Remove the cylinder head locating (1, 2).

Permissible vertical play: 2026870
- Rectangular compression ring (1): 2. Remove the oil pressure switch (1).
0.04-0.08 mm (0.001-0.003 in)
- Tapered compression ring (2):0.03—0.07mm
(0.001-0.002 in)
- Oil scraper ring (3):0.03—0.1
3 mm
(0.001-0.005 in)

9-1094 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)


2026869 2026539
3. Remove the knock sensor bolt (2) and the knock 6. Remove the oil pressure relief valve closure
sensor (1). bolt (1) and the oil pressure relief valve.
4. Clean the thread.

2026901 7. Remove the piston (1) and spring (2) from the oil
5. Remove the oil flow check valve (1). pressure relief valve closure bolt (3).
8. Clean and inspect the components. Referto
Engine Block Cleaning and Inspection on
page 9-1101.
9. Clean the thread.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1095
7. Clean the intake manifold to cylinder head sealing
surface (3).
8. Replace the intake manifold as necessary.

Exhaust Manifold Cleaning and


10. Remove the 4 piston oil nozzles (1).

Intake Manifold Cleaning and


1. Clean the exhaust manifold (1) in solvent.
Warning: Wear safety glasses in order to avoid eye
2. Dry the exhaust manifold (1) with compressed air.
3. An exhaust manifold leak or damage may cause
an exhaust leak and may effect OBD IIsystem
performance. A damaged exhaust must be

Oil Pan Cleaning and Inspection

1. Clean the intake manifold mating surfaces.
2. Inspect the intake manifold (2) for damage.
3. Inspect the intake manifold for cracks near metallic
4. Inspect the crankcase ventilation passages in the
intake manifold face for blockage.
Warning: Wear safety glasses in order to avoid eye
5. Clean the crankcase ventilation passages with
compressed air if necessary. Use a maximum of
172 kPa (25 psi) of air pressure.
6. Clean the throttle body sealing surface (1). 2028262


9-1096 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
1. Remove the 2 oil pan baffle bolts (1) and the oil pan Cylinder Head Cleaning and
baffle (2).
2. Remove the oil pump screen (3). Inspection
3. Clean the oil pan (4). Remove all the sludge and Valve Cleaning and Inspection
the oil deposits.
4. Remove the oil pan drain plug (5) and the oil pan
drain plug seal (6).
5. Inspect the thread of the oil pan drain plug.
6. inspect the oil pan for cracking near the pan rail
and the transmission mounting points.
7. inspect the oil pan for cracking resulting from
impact or flying road debris.
9° Inspect the oil pan baffle and oil pump screen.
9. Repair or replace the oil pan as necessary.

Oil Pump Cleaning and Inspection

Warning: Bodily injury may occur if the cleaning
solvent is inhaled or exposed to the skin.
Note: Do not scratch the valve stem with the wire
1. Clean the valves of carbon, oil and varnish. Carbon
can be removed with a wire brush. Varnish can be
removed by soaking in Parts immersion Solvent.
2. Clean the valve guides.
9° inspect the valve stem for wear (4).
4. Inspect the valve key groove for chipping or
1948717 wear (5). Replace the valve if chipped or worn.
5. Inspect the valve face for burning or cracking (1).
Remove the external rotorwith the internal rotor. Ifpieces are broken off, inspect the corresponding
Visually inspect the components. piston and cylinder head area for damage.
Install the external and the internal rotors. 6. Inspect the valve stem for burrs and scratches.
Inspect the axial clearance of the rotors in respect Burrs and minor scratches may be removed with
to the control unit housing upper edge. an oil stone.
7. Inspect the valve stem for straightness and the
Specifications valve head for bending or distortion (3) using V
Permissible measurement is 0.02—0.058mm blocks. Bent or distorted valves must be replaced.
8. Clean the deposits from the valve face. Inspect the
valve face for grooving.
9. Replace the valve if the face is grooved. Valve
faces cannot be machined. lf worn, or damaged,
the valves must be replaced.
10. The valves may be lightly lapped to the valve

EnJgine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 94097
Cylinder Head and Gasket Surface 9. Inspect the cylinder head bolts for damaged
threads or stretching and damaged heads caused
Cleaning and Inspection by improper use of tools.
1. Remove the spark plugs. Refer to Spark Plug 10. Replace all suspect bolts.
Replacement on page 9-573.
11. inspect the cylinder head for cracks. Check
2. inspect the cylinder head gasket and mating between the valve seats and in the exhaust ports.
surfaces for leaks, corrosion and blow—by.Ifthe
gasket has failed, use the following faults to Note: Do not attempt to weld the cylinder head,
determine the cause: replace it.
2.1. Improperinstallation. 12. Inspect the cylinder head deck for corrosion, sand
2.2. Loose or warped cylinder head. inclusions and blow holes.
23. Missing, off location or not fully seated
dowel pins.
2.4. Corrosion in the seal area around the coolant
2.5. Chips or debris in the cylinder head bolt holes.
2.6. Bolt holes in the cylinder block not drilled or
tapped deep enough.

13. Inspect the cylinder head deck surface for flatness.
Refer to Engine Mechanical Specifications (1.8L
LUW and LWE) on page 9-940 or Engine
Mechanical Specifications (1.6L LDE) on
page 9-938. Ifthe cylinder head is out of
specification, replace the cylinder head. Do not
machine the cylinder head.
14. lnspect all the threaded holes for damage. Threads
3. Inspect the cylinder head gasket surface. may be reconditioned with thread inserts.
- Cylinder head may be reused if corrosion is 15. Inspect the sealing surfaces.
found only outside a 4 mm (0.375 in) band 16. Inspect the cylinder head plugs.
around each combustion chamber(1).
- Replace the cylinder head if the area between Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing
the valve seats is cracked (2). Cleaning and Inspection
- Replace the cylinder head if corrosion has been
found inside a 4 mm (0.375 in) band around Special Tools
each combustion chamber (3). EN-45059 Torque Angle Sensor Kit
4. Clean the cylinder head bolts. For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
Note: Do not use a wire brush on any gasket sealing page 9—1135.
surface. 1. Remove the oil pan. Refer to Oil Pan Removal on
5. Clean the cylinder head. Remove all varnish, soot page 9—1083.
and carbon to the bare metal.
6. Clean the valve guides.
7. Clean the threaded holes. Use a nylon bristle
8. Clean the remains of the sealer from the plug

941098 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
5. Tighten the 2 bolts in three passes using the EN-
45059 sensor kit:
5.1. First pass tighten to 35 N-m(26 lb ft).
5.2. Second pass tighten to an additional 45°
5.3. Third pass tighten to an additional 15°

2. Remove the connecting rod bearing cap (1).

6. Remove the 2 bolts.
7. Remove the connecting rod bearing cap (1).

2.1. Mark the installation position (1) of the
connecting rod bearing cap.
2.2. Remove the 2 bolts.
2.3. Degrease the connecting rod bearing cap and
wet the connecting rod bearing clip with
engine oil. ‘
Note: Do not rotate the crankshaft. 2191437
3. Lay on plastigage. Refer to Adhesives, Fluids, Note: When reading the value, do not confuse
Lubricants, and Sealers on page 9043. millimeters and inches on the measuring scale (1).
Lay plastigage (flexible plastic thread) over the 8. Measure the connecting rod bearing play.
entire width of the connecting rod bearing journal. - Compare the width of the flattened plastic
4. Install the connecting rod bearing cap. thread with the measuring scale.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8 - Permissible connecting rod bearing play:
0.0190071 mm (0000700028 in).
Note: Check markings on parts.

Engine Mechanical .. 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1099
9. install the connecting rod bearing cap. Crankshaft Out-of—Round, Check
' Wet the connecting rod bearing journal and
con-rod bearing clips with engine oil.
- Renew the bolts.
10. Tighten the 2 bolts in three passes using the EN-
45059 sensor kit:
10.1. First pass tighten to 35 N-m(26 lb ft)
10.2. Second pass tighten to an additional 45°
10.3. Third pass tighten to an additional 15°
11. Install the oil pan. Refer to Oil Pan Installation on
page 9—1114.

Crankshaft and Bearing Cleaning

and Inspection
Special Tools
- EN-45059 Torque Angle Sensor Kit
- GE-571—BDial Gauge
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.
Crankshaft End Play, Check 2190919
Note: Crankshaft removed.
1. Insertthe crankshaft in the engine block.
2. install the GE—571-Bgauge.
2.1. Attach to the bracket on the engine block.
2.2. Place the dial gauge plunger against the
crankshaft bearing journal and adjust.
3. Check the rotational play of the crankshaft.
3.1. Turn the crankshaft evenly.
3.2. Maximum permissible rotational play: 0.03 mm
(0.001 in).
4. Remove the GE—571—B gauge (1).
Check Crankshaft Bearing Clearance
(With Plastigage)

Note: Crankshaft attached with crankshaft
bearing caps.
1. Install the GE-571-B gauge (1).
1.1. Install in the holder on the front of the engine
1.2. Place the dial gauge plunger against the
crankshaft and adjust.
2. Measure the longitudinal play of the crankshaft.
2.1. Move the crankshaft in the longitudinal
2.2. Permissible crankshaft end play: 0.100-
0.202 mm (0.0039—0.0080in)
3. Remove the GE—571—B gauge.

2013 (5377994)
9-1'100 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
Note: Tighten the 2 crankshaft bearing cap bolts in
3 passes. Use the EN—45059sensor kit:
- Crankshaft removed.
1.1. First pass to 50 N-m(37 lb ft)
° Do not rotate the crankshaft.
1.2. Second pass to 45°
1. Lay on plastigage.
1.3. Third pass to 15°
Lay out plastigage (flexible plastic thread) around
the entire width of the con—rodbearing journal (1).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
- Note the correct tightening sequence.
- The bolts can be reused for checking the
crankshaft bearing play.
2. Install the crankshaft bearing cap. Tighten the
2 crankshaft bearing cap bolts in 3 passes. Use the
EN-45059 sensor kit:
2.1. First pass to 50 N-m(37 lb ft)
2.2. Second pass to 45°
2.3. Third pass to 15°
3. Remove the 2 crankshaft bearing cap bolts.

2. Install the inner plunger and calibrate with the
micrometer gauge (1).

Note: When reading the value, do not confuse
millimeters and inches on the measuring scale (1).
4. Measure the crankshaft bearing play.
4.1. Compare the width of the flattened plastic
thread (arrow)to the measuring scale.
4.2. Permissible crankshaft bearing play: 0.005-
0.059 mm (0.0002—0.0023in).
Check Crankshaft Bearing Clearance 2026850
(With Micrometer Gauge Internal 3. Measure the crankshaft bearing diameter at
3 points.
Measuring Device)
- Measure at points A, B and C with the internal
Note: measuring device.
- Note the correct tightening sequence. 0 Calculate the average crankshaft bearing
° The bolts can be reused for checking the diameter.
crankshaft bearing play. - Formula: A +B +C /3.
1. Install the crankshaft bearing cap with the
crankshaft bearing clips to the cylinder block.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1101

1935590 2026861
4. Measure the crankshaft bearing journal diameter at . Clean the sealing material from the gasket mating
2 points. surfaces (2).
Measure at points |and IIwith the micrometer . Clean the engine block (1) and lower crankcase in
gauge. a cleaning tank with solvent appropriate for
5. Calculate the average crankshaft bearing journal aluminum. Refer to Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants,
diameter. and Sealers on page 9-943 for the recommended
Formula: l+ “/2.
Flush the engine block with clean water or steam.
6. Determine the crankshaft bearing play.
Clean the oil passages.
Calculation formula: average crankshaft bearing
diameter minus average crankshaft bearing journal Clean the blind holes.
diameter. 93.019.“
Spray the cylinder bores and the machined
7. Nominal-Actual comparison. surfaces with engine oil.
Permissible crankshaft bearing play: 0.005-0059 Inspect the threaded holes. Clean the threaded
mm (0.0002—0.0023in). holes with a rifle brush. If necessary, drill out the
holes and install thread inserts. Refer to Thread
Engine Block Cleaning and Inserts on page 1-22.
Special Tools
EN—8087Cylinder Gauge
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.

Note: Do not attempt to machine the lower crankcase
to engine block surfaces.

9-1102 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
8. Inspect the engine block for sag in length and
width on the sealing surfaces.

11. Inspect the crankshaft main bearing bores. Use the
EN-8087 gauge (1)to measure the bearing bore
concentricity and alignment.
9. |r]SPectthe engine block for distortion along the 12. Replace the engine block and bed plate if the
diagonals. crankshaft bearing bores are out of specification.
Ifthe deck surface is out of specification, replace
the block. Do not machine the block.

13. inspect the cylinder bores using the EN-8087
2026763 gauge (1). Inspect forthe following items:
10. Clean the sealing material from the gasket mating . Wear
surfaces (1) on the lower crankcase oil pan side. , Taper
o Runout
~ Ridging
14. Check the cylinder bores specifications. Refer to
Engine Mechanical Specifications (1.8L LUW and
LWE) on page 9-940 or Engine Mechanical
Specifications (1.6L LDE) on page 9—938.
15. Ifthe cylinder bores are out of specification,
replace the engine block.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1103

Service Prior to Assembly

The importance of cleanliness during assembly cannot
be overstated. Dirt or debris will cause engine damage.
An automobile engine is a combination of many
machined, honed, polished and lapped surfaces with
minor tolerances. When any internal engine parts are
serviced, care and cleanliness are important.A liberal
coating of engine oil should be applied to friction areas
during assembly in order to protect and lubricate the
surfaces on initial operation. Throughout this section, it
should be understood that proper cleaning and
protection of machined surfaces and friction areas are
part of the repair procedure. This is considered
standard shop practice even if not specifically stated.
Use the proper tools to measure the components when
checking for excessive wear. Components not within
the manufacturer's specification must be repaired or
Lubricate all moving parts with engine oil or a specified
assembly lubricant. This will provide lubrication for
initial start up. 2026540
When the components are reinstalled into an engine, 2. Install the piston (1) and spring (2)to the oil
return the components to their original location, pressure relief valve closure bolt (3).
position, and direction.

Engine Block Assemble

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2026902 3. Install the oil pressure relief valve and the oil
pressure relief valve closure bolt (1) and tighten to
1. Install the 4 piston oil nozzles (1). 21 N-m(16 lb ft).

9-1104 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2026869 2026870
4. Install the knock sensor (1) and the knock sensor 6. Install the oil pressure switch (1) and tightento
bolt (2) and tighten to 20 N-m(15 lb ft). 20 N-m(15 lb ft).

2026901 2026868
5. Install the oil flow check valve (1). 7. Install the cylinder head locating (1, 2).

Elgine Mechanical . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1105
Piston and Connecting Rod Cylinder Head Assemble
Special Tools
- EN—958Valve Stem Seal installer
' EN-8062 Valve Spring Compressor
- EN—8062-5Adapter
0 EN-50717-2 Compressor Assembly of
EN-5071 7 Kit
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.

1. Installthe piston rings.
. Insertinto the pistons with piston ring wrench
and "TOP" pointing upwards.
- Set the piston ring gap.
—First piston ring (right-hand ring) in
position (1)
—Second piston ring (minute ring) in position (2) 2678156
- interim ring of oil scraper ring in position (3),
steel band rings of oil scraper ring in 1. Lubricate the valve stem and the valve guide with
position (4 and/or 5) Clean engine oil.
Note: Note installation position of the piston in respect Note: Ensure all valve train components will be
of the connection rod. installed in their original position.
2. Attach the piston to the connection rod. 2. Install the valve (5).
2.1. Press the piston pin into the piston and the 3. install the NEW valve stem oil seal (4), using the
connection rod by hand. EN-958 installer (2).
2.2. Insertthe retainer in the annular groove on the 4. Loosely install the valve spring (3) and the valve
piston. spring retainer (1).
2.3. Ensure the retainer is firmly seated in the
3. Install the piston with connection rod. Refer to
Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing Installation
on page 9-1110.

9-1106 Engine Mechanical .. 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

5. Install the EN-50717—2 assembly (1) to the Caution: The valve stem keys must correctly seat in
EN—8062compressor (4). the valve spring cap. Engine damage may occur by not
6. Install the EN-8062—5 adapter (3) to the EN-8062 installing properly. ,
compressor. 8. Apply pressure to the EN—50717—2assembly to
7. Installthe compressor assembly to the cylinder push down the vale spring retainer (1)and
head, so that the adapter (5) ofthe EN—50717—2 compress the valve spring (3) until the valve
assembly (1) contacts the valve spring retainer keys (2) can be inserted. Carefully insert the valve
properly and the EN—8062—5adapter (3) contacts keys then, so that they are proper installed to the
the valve disc (2). Prefix the EN—8062 valve stem grooves.
compressor (4). 9. Carefully release the tension from the EN-50717—2
10. Inspect the valve keys and valve spring retainers
for proper seat.
11. Remove the compressor assembly from the
cylinder head.
12. Repeat the procedure with the remaining valves.



Engine Mechanical - ’i.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1107
Intake Manifold Assemble (1.6L LDE)

8. Install the intake manifold mount (2) to the intake
2028209 manifold (1) and tighten to 9N-m (80 lb in).
1. Install the 4 multiportfuel injector seals (6).
2. Install the multiportfuel injection fuel rail (4) and
the fuel injectors (5)to the intake manifold (7).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
3. Install the 2 multiportfuel injection fuel rail bolts
and tighten to 9N'm (80 lb in).
4. Install the evaporative emission canister purge
solenoid valve bracket (1) to the intake
manifold (7).
5. Install the 2 evaporative emission canister purge
solenoid valve bracket bolts (2) and tighten to
8 N'm(71lbin).

Install the manifold absolute pressure sensor (1) to
the intake manifold (2).
10. install the intake manifold absolute pressure
sensor bolt and handtighten.

6. install the NEW intake manifold seal (3) to the
intake manifold (2).
7. Install the NEW throttle body seal (1).

9-1108 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Intake Manifold Assemble (1.8L LUW

and LWE)

6. Install the NEW intake manifold seal (3)to the
intake manifold (2).
2373077 7. Install the NEW throttle body seal (1).
1. Install the 4 NEW multiportfuel injector seals (4).
2. Install the multiportfuel injection fuel rail (2) and
the fuel injectors (3) to the intake manifold (5).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
3. Install the 2 multiportfuel injection fuel rail bolts (1)
and tighten to 8N-m(71 lbin).

8. Install the intake manifold mount (2) to the intake
manifold (1) and tighten to 8N-m(71 lbin).

4. Install the evaporative emission canister purge
solenoid valve bracket (1) to the intake
manifold (3).
5. Install the 2 evaporative emission canister purge
solenoid valve bracket bolts (2) and tighten to
7 N-m(62 lb in).

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1109
3. Install the crankshaft bearing caps 1—4.
- Oil bearing clips.
' install the 8 NEW crankshaft bearing cap bolts.
Note: Inspect the installation position.
4. Install the crankshaft bearing cap.
4.1. Apply black adhesive sealing compound to the
grooves of the rear crankshaft bearing cap.
4.2. Install the 2 NEW crankshaft bearing cap

9. install the manifold absolute pressure sensor(2) to
the intake manifold (3).
10. install the intake manifold absolute pressure
sensor bolt (1) and tighten to 6 N-m(53 lb in).

Crankshaft and Bearing installation

Special Tools
EN-45059 Torque Angle Sensor Kit
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135 1937120
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
Caution: Refer to Torque-to—Yie/d Fastener Caution on
page 0—10.
5. Tighten the bolts for the crankshaft bearing
caps (1) in 3 passes using the EN-45059
sensor kit:
° First pass to 50 N-m(37 lb ft)
- Second pass to 45°
' Third pass to 15°


Note: Inspect the installation position.
1. Install the crankshaft bearing clips, oil bearing
2. Install the crankshaft.
Note: Inspect the installation position.

9-1110 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing

i Special Tools
EN-45059 Angle Meter
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
i efi page 9-1135. '
1. Lubricate the piston rings, piston, inner cylinder
bore surface and a piston ring compressor with
clean engine oil.
2. install the piston ring compressor in order to
compress the piston rings.

Note: inspect the installation position. .
6. install the connecting rod bearing caps 2 and 3(1)
and oil the bearing clips.
7. Install 4 NEW connecting rod bearing cap bolts and
tighten in 3 passes use the EN—45059sensor kit:
- First pass to 35 N-m(26 lb ft)
- Second pass to 45°
- Third pass to 15°

3. Install the piston and connecting rod assembly (4).
4. Install the connecting rod bearing (3).
5. Install the connecting rod cap (1).
4 ‘17“4 (7 J Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
1w. Caution: Refer to Torque-to-Yield Fastener Caution on
.u page 0-10.
!J 6. Install NEW connecting rod bolts (2) and tighten a
llIlllllllllllllllllllllll first pass to 35 N-m(26 lb ft).
'feaf-‘é? 7. Tighten the NEW connecting rod bolts a second
pass to an additional 45 degrees, using the
EN-45059 meter.
__ 8. Tighten the NEW connecting rod bolts a final pass
.5!\ to an additional 15 degrees, using the EN-45059
fly “a $2 meter.
9. Assemble the caps and connecting rods in the
1937053 marked position.
8. Turn the crankshaft through 180°. 10. Rotate the crankshaft to a position where the
Note: inspect the installation position. connecting rod bolts are easy accessible.
9. Install the connecting rod bearing caps1 and 4(1)
and oil the bearing clips.
10. Install 4 NEW connecting rod bearing cap bolts and
tighten in 3 passes use the EN-45059 sensor kit:
- First pass to 35 N-m(26 lbft)
- Second pass to 45°
- Third pass to 15°

Engine Mechanical .. 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1111

Cylinder Head Installation Valve Lifter Installation

Special Tools Special Tool
EN-45059 Torque Angle Sensor Kit EN-845 Suction Device
For equivalent regional tools, reterto Special Tools on For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9—1135. page 9-1135.
1. Clean the sealing surfaces.
2. lnspect for plane surface.
' Cylinder block, cylinder head
- Straight-edge, feeler gauge
3. Install the cylinder head gasket.
4. Install the cylinder head.

Note: Observe the correct locations.
Note: Coat the sliding surfaces with NEW engine oil.
Install the 16 valve lifter(1), using the EN-845 suction

‘ Camshaft Installation
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8. Special Tools
Caution: Refer to Torque—to—Yie/d Fastener Caution on EN—422installer
page 0-10.
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
Note: Note the correct tightening sequence.
page 9-1135.
5. Install NEW cylinder head bolts.
6. Tighten the bolts (1) in 5 passes. Use the
EN—45059sensor kit:
- First pass to 25 N°m(18lb ft)
- Second pass to 90°
- Third pass to 90°
- Fourth pass to 90°
. Fifth pass to 45°


9-1112 Engine Mechanical —1.8L (LUW, LWE)
Note: Coat with MoS 2 lubricating paste. Refer to
Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers on
page 9-943.
1. install the intake camshaft (1).
Note: Note the identification marking on the camshaft
bearing cover.
2. Install the 4 intake camshaft bearing
cover number2—5.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
3. Install the 8 intake camshaft bearing cover bolts
and tighten in a spiral from the inside to the outside
to 8N-m(71 lb in).

Note: Sealing surfaces must be free from oil and
7. Clean sealing surfaces of the first camshaft
bearing support and the cylinder head with a
suitable tool.
Clean oil duct from any sealant residue.

Note: Coat with MoS 2 lubricating paste. Refer to
Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers on
page 9—943.
4. Install the exhaust camshaft (1).
Note: Note the identification marking on the camshaft
bearing cover.
5. Install the 4 exhaust camshaft bearing
cover number 60
6. Install the 8 exhaust camshaft bearing cover bolts
and tighten in a spiral from the inside to the outside
to 8N'm(71 lb in).

- Sealing surfaces (arrows) must be free from oil
and grease.
- Itis essential to ensure that no sealant is
applied outside the marked sealing areas (1).
° The grooves adjacent to the sealing surfaces
must remain free from sealant.
8. Apply surface sealant to sealing surfaces of the
first camshaft bearing cap thinly and evenly.
9. Position the first camshaft bearing cap on the
cylinder block and tighten the bolts approximately
to 2N-m(18 lb in).

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 94113

Camshaft Cover Installation

Note: No sealant may reach the camshafts.
10. Install the first camshaft bearing cap. 3213247
Note: Note installation sequence 1-4. 1. Clean the bolt and the camshaft cover bolt (4)
11. Install the first camshaft bearing cap (1) bolts and thread.
tighten to 8N°m(71 lb in). 2. Apply sealant to the camshaft cover bolt (4). Refer
to Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers on
page 9-943.
3. Insert a NEW gasket in the camshaft cover.
4. Install the camshaft cover (1).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
5. install the 11 bolts (2, 3, 4) and tighten to
8N'm(71lbin). .

Ignition Coil Installation

Special Tools
EN-6009 Remover/lnstaller Ignition Module
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.

12. Install 2 NEW sealing rings to the camshafts.
13. Tighten the seal ring with EN—422installer (3) on
the camshaft until this is in contact with the
cylinder head.
14. To install, use camshaft sprocket bolt (1) in
conjunction with shims (2) with a total thickness of
approximately 10 mm.
15. Remove the EN-422installer (3).

94114 Eggi‘ne Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
3. install the 8 engine cover bolts (2, 3) and tighten to
20 N-m(15 lb ft).

Oil Pan Installation

1. Install the ignition coil module (2) with the EN-6009
remover/installer (1).
2. Remove the EN-6009 remover/installer (1). ,
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8 1944491
Note: Note the arrow on the cover.
1. Clean the sealing surfaces.
3. Installthe 2 ignition coil bolts and tighten to 8 N-m 2. Apply approximately a 35 mm (0.138 in) thick
(71 "3 '")' bead of oil pan sealant to the joints (arrows). Refer
Note: Note the arrow on the cover. to Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers on
4. Install the cover of the DIS ignition coil against the page 9943 for the recommended sealant.
direction of the arrow.

Engine Front Cover and Oil Pump 1


Note: The assembly time, including torque check,
/ 3 must take no longerthan 10 minutes.
4 3. Apply approximately a 3.5 mm (0.138 in) thick
2026848 bead of oil pan sealant(1) to the oil pan. Refer to
Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers on
1. install the NEW engine cover gasket (1). page 9—943for the recommended sealant.
2. Install the engine coverwith the included oil
pump (4).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1115
Water Pump Installation

.1.: £316 %
‘ (..
at“? ./ '

.0 V/Afl/f _

4. Install the oil pan (2).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8 2026886
5. Install the 15 oil pan bolts (1) on the cylinder block 1. Clean the sealing surfaces and the 3 coolant pump
and tighten to10N-m (89 lb in). threads.
2. Install NEW gasket.
Engine Oil Heater Installation Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
Caution: Refer to Torque-to-Yie/dFastener Caution on
page 0-10.
3. install the coolant pump (1).
4. Install 5 NEW bolts (2) and tighten to 8 N-m
(71 lb in).

1. install the engine oil heater(2).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
2. Install the engine oil heater bolt (1) and tighten to
40 N-m(30 lb ft).

9-1116 Engine Mechanical .. 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
Water Pump Pulley [nstaflafion Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
3. Install the 6 engine oil cooler bolts (3) and tighten
to 8N-m(71lbin).

Engine Oil Cooler Housing

1. Clean the engine oil cooler housing to thermostat
housing sealing surfaces.
2. install 2 NEW gaskets.

Note: Counterhold the crankshaft balancer. The belt
has to be installed for this procedure.
1. Install the water pump pulley (2) to the water
pump (3).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2. Install the 3 water pump pulley bolts (1) with
locking compound and tighten to 20 Nm (15 lb ft).
Refer to Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and 2026867
Sealers on page 9—943- 3. Install the engine oil cooler inlet pipe (3).
- - - 4. Install the engine oil cooler housing (1) and the
Engme 0" COOler InStaHatlon 5 engine oil cooler bolts (2) and tighten to 25N-m
1. Clean the engine oil cooler to the oil filter housing (18 lb ft).
sealing surfaces. i

2188658 5. Install the thermostat housing coolant pipe (2)to
2. Install the NEW engine oil cooler gasket (2) and the the engine oil cooler housing.
engine 0" COOIGF (1) 10the engine 0” COOIGF 6. Install the 2 thermostat housing coolant pipe
housmg. bolts (1) and tighten to 8N'm (71 lb in).

Ergine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1117
Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing 5. Tighten the 4 engine coolant thermostat housing
bolts to 8 N'm (71 lb in) in sequence (1—2—3—4).
Caution: Refer to Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing
Caution on page 0-8.
1. Clean sealing surface.
2. Install a NEW engine coolant thermostat
housing seal.

6. Installthe engine coolant thermostat housing
retainer (1).
7. Install the engine coolant thermostat housing
retainer nut (4) and tighten to 6 N'm (53 lb in).
2026832 Engine Coolant Thermostat
3. Install the engine coolant thermostat housing (2). Installation
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
Caution: Refer to Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing
Note: Screw in the 4 bolts until the engine coolant Caution on page 0-8.
thermostat housing is in contact with the cylinder head. 1. Clean the engine coolant sealing surfaces.
4. Installthe 4 engine coolant thermostat housing
bolts (3)and tighten to 2 N-m(18 lb in).

0 69

g/Ofier 4-

2. install the engine coolant seal (1).
3. Installthe engine coolant thermostat assembly (2).
Caution: Following the proper fastener tightening
sequence and torque is essential. Failure to do so may Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
fracture the thermostat housing. 4. Install the 4 engine coolant thermostat bolts (3) and
tighten to 8N-m (71 lb in).
9—1118 Engine Mechanical —1.8L (LUW, LWE)
Exhaust Manifo|d lnstaflation Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
3. Install the oil level indicator tube bolt (1)and
tighten to 15N-m (11 lbft).
4. Install the oil dipstick.

Intake Manifold Installation

(1.6L LDE)
1. Clean the sealing surfaces.
2. Insert the NEW gasket.

1. Clean the exhaust manifold sealing surface.
2. Install a NEW exhaust manifold gasket (1)to the
cylinder head.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
Caution: Refer to Torque—to-Yie/d Fastener Caution on
page 0-10. 1
3. Install the exhaust manifold (3) and tighten the :
NEW nuts (4) to 20 N-m(15 lb ft). _ . 2026837 1
4. Install the 2 exhaust manifold bracket bolts (2) to Cautlom Refer to Fastener Caution 0" Page 0-8-
20 N-m(15 lb ft). 3. Install the intake manifold (2) and the 7 intake
_ . manifold bolts (1) and tighten to 20 N-m(15lb ft).
OII Level Indicator and Tube
Installation - .

4. Install the intake manifold support (1) and the
2025327 2 bolts (2,3) and tighten to 8 Wm (71 lb in).
1. Install a NEW oil level indicator tube gasket.
2. Install the oil level indicator tube (2).

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1119

Intake Manifold Installation (1.8L Throttle Body Assembly Installation

LUW and LWE)
1. Clean the sealing surfaces.
2. Install 4 NEW gaskets.

1. Install a NEW throttle body seal.
2. Install the throttle body (1).
2026541 Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8. 3. Install the 4 throttle body bolts (2) and tighten to
3. Install the intake manifold (2) and the 7 intake 8NW (71 lb in).
manifold bolts (1) and tighten to 20 N'm(15 lb ft).
Crankshaft Front Oil Seal Installation
Special Tools
EN-6351 Mounting Sleeves
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.


4. Install the intake manifold brace (1).
5. Install the 2 intake manifold brace bolts (2, 3) and
tighten to 8 N'm(71 lb in).

1. Clean the sealing surfaces.
2. Slide the EN-6351 sleeves (2) protective sleeve
onto the crankshaft journal.

9—1’120 Engine Mechanical . '1.8L (LUW, LWE)
3. Slide the crankshaft front 01!seal (1) over the 3. Install the 4 NEW timing belt rear cover
protective sleeve on the crankshaftjournal. bolts (2) and tighten to 6 N'm (53 lb in).

Camshaft Position Actuator Adjuster

Special Tools
- EN-6340 Camshaft Adjuster Locking Tool
- EN-6628—ACamshaft Locking Tool
- EN-45059 Angle Meter
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.

4. Remove the protective sleeve, and using the EN-
6351 sleeves (3), press the seal ring into the pump
5. Use the crankshaft drive gear bolt (1) and
washer (2) to press in the crankshaft front oil seal.

Timing Belt Rear Cover Installation

1. Re-cut the 4 rear timing belt cover threads.

Note: Note the arrows.
1. Turn the camshaft by the hexagon until the groove
on the end of the camshafts is horizontal.

2. Install the timing belt rear cover(1).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
Note: Service may offer bolts that are not
microencapsulated. Ifthis is the case apply thread lock
agent to the bolt. lf fastener is microencapsulated, 2026534
install a NEW 4 timing belt rear cover bolts. DO NOT 2. Install the EN—6628—A
locking tool (1).
reuse the old bolt.

Elgine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1121
Note: The spot type marking (4) on the intake
camshaft position actuator adjuster does not
correspond to the groove of EN-6340-Ieft locking tool -
left during this process but must be somewhat above as
5.1. Install the EN-6340—leftlockingtool (1) in the
camshaft position actuator adjusters as
Note: The spot type marking (3) on the exhaust
camshaft position actuator adjuster must correspond to
the groove on EN—6340-leftlocking tool - right.
5.2. Install the EN-6340-rightlocking tool (2) in the
camshaft position actuator adjusters as

Note: Ifthe cover is contaminated with oil,you have to
clean it close.
3. Install intake camshaft position actuator adjuster
and/or the exhaust camshaft position actuator
adjuster (3).
4. Installa NEW intake camshaft position actuator
adjuster bolt and/or a NEW exhaust camshaft
position actuator adjuster bolt (2). DO NOT tighten
the bolts yet.

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
Caution: Refer to Torque-to—YieldFastener Caution on
page 0-10.
Note: A second technician is required.
Note: Use an appropriate open-end wrench in order to
counterhold the camshaft hexagon. A thin
cross—sectionwrench is required for a better fit. The
usage of EN-6628—Alocking tool is for the camshaft
adjustment to prevent misalignment of the camshafts.
The wrench is required to counterhold the camshafts
during bolt torque procedure.
6. Install the camshaft position actuator adjuster
bolts (2) and tighten the bolts in 3 passes using the
EN-45059 meter.
2373398 6.1. First pass to 50 N-m(37 lb ft)
5. Install the EN—6340locking tool into the camshaft 6.2. Second pass to an additional 150 degrees
position actuator adjusters. 6.3. Final pass to an additional 15 degrees
Note: Check the closure bolt seal ring.
7. Install the 2 camshaft position actuator adjuster
closure ptugs (1) and tighten to 30 N-m(22 lb ft).
8. Remove the EN-6628—Aiocking tool.


Qn'i'i 22 Enginie Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)
9. Afterthe installation of the timing belt, rotate the Crankshaft Sprocket Installation
engine 720 degrees and check the position of the
crankshaft and camshafts, again. Refer to Timing
Belt Adjustment on page 9—1062.

Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid

Valve Installation

Note: When installing the crankshaft sprocket, the cam
and the groove must align (2).
Install the crankshaft sprocket (1).

2028075 Timing Belt Idler Pulley Installation

Note: Lubricate the NEW camshaft position actuator Special Tools
solenoid valve seals with NEW engine oil. Refer to
EN-45059 Angie Meter
Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers on
page 9-943. For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.
1. Install NEW camshaft position actuator solenoid
valve seals (3).
2. Install the camshaft position actuator solenoid
valves (2).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
3. Install the camshaft position actuator solenoid
valve bolts (1) and tighten to 6N-m (53 lb in).

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
Caution: Refer to Torque-to-YieldFastener Caution on
page 0-10.
1. Re—cutthe timing belt idler pulley thread.
2. Install the timing belt idler pulley (2) and tighten the
NEW timing belt idler pulley bolt (1) a first pass to
20 N-m(15 lb ft).
Engine Mechanical =1.8L (LUW, LWE) 94123
3. Tighten the NEW timing belt idler pulley bolt a
second pass to an additional 120 degrees, using
the EN-45059 meter.
4. Tighten the NEW timing belt idler pulley bolt 3 final
pass to an additional 15 degrees, using the
EN-45059 meter.

Timing Belt Tensioner Installation

Special Tools
EN-45059 Angle Meter

Note: The timing belt drive gear and oil pump housing
must align.
1. Turn the crankshaft in the direction of engine
rotation, by the crankshaft balancer bolt, to
cylinder1 TDC of combustion stroke.

1. Clean the timing belt tensioner thread.
2. Install the timing belt tensioner(2).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
Caution: Refer to Torque-to-Y/e/dFastener Caution on
page 0-10.
3. Install a NEW timing belt tensioner bolt (1) and
tighten the bolt in 3 passes using the EN-45059
3.1. First pass to 20 N-m(15 lb ft).
3.2. Second pass to an additional 120 degrees.
3.3. Final pass to an additional 15 degrees.

Timing Belt Installation

Special T°°ls Note: The right half of the EN-6340 locking tool can be
- EN-6333 Locking Pin recognized by the lettering right, arrow, on the tool.
' EN‘6340 Locking TOOI 2. Prepare the right half of the EN—6340Iocking tool.
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on 2.1 Remove the 2 bolts (2)_
page 94135.
2.2. Detach the front panel (1) from the EN-6340
locking tool - right.

9-1124 Engine Mechanical .. 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

2373398 1937014
Note: 5. Apply tension to the timing belt tensioner (2) in the
. The spot type marking (4) on the intake direction of the arrow, using an Allen key (1).
camshaft adjuster does not correspond to the 6. Remove the EN-6333 locking pin (3).
groove of the
during this EN-6340
process, butlocking
must betool —left (1)
somewhat Note: The timing belt tenSIonermoves automatically to
the correct position.
. The spot type marking (3) on the exhaust 7. Release tension on timing belt tensioner.
camshaft adjuster must eorresponq to the 8. Remove the EN-6340 locking tool.
groove 0” EN'6340 IOCk'hQt00|' “gm (2)- 9. Check position of the camshaft sprocket.
3- Insert the EN16340 locktng t00t_'left (1) and the 9.1. Turn crankshaft 720° in the direction of engine
59/61340tOCklhgt00t ' “ght (2) m the camshaft rotation by the crankshaft balancer bolt.
a JUSer.
Note: Note the marking on the camshaft sprocket.
9.2. Insert EN-6340 locking tool into camshaft

Note: Observe direction of rotation.
4. Insert the timing be|t(1). 2027014
Note: The timing belt drive gear and oil pump housing
must align.
10. Check the crankshaft position.

Engine Mechanical . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1125
Timing Belt Lower Front Cover


% 4

Note: Use care that the height (1) of the washer is
facing towards the bolt.
2026840 2. Install the crankshaft balancer (2) and the
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8. washer (3).
install the timing belt cover (1) and tighten the 4 timing Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
belt lower front cover bolts (2) to 6N-m(53 lb in). Caution: Refer to Torque-to-Yie/dFastener Caution on
page 0-10.
Crankshaft Balancer Installation 3. Install a NEW crankshaft balancer bolt (4) and
tighten the bolt in 3 passes using the EN-45059
Special Tools meter
' EN-652 Flywheel Holder 3.1. First pass to 95 N°m(70lb ft).
' EN-45059 Angle Meter 3.2. Second pass to an additional 45°,
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on 3.3. Final pass to an additional 15°.
page 9—1135.
Timing Belt Center Front Cover

1. Install the EN-652 holder (1), look the flywheel (2)
or the automatic transmission flex plate via the 2026839
starter ring gear.
Install the timing belt center front cover (1) to the timing
belt rear cover at 2 locations.
9-1126 Engine Mechanical =-1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Timing Belt Upper Front Cover


Note: Make sure that the drive belt is aligned on the
generator pulley (4), crankshaft balancer (5),drive belt
tensioner (6) and water pump pulley (7).The drive belt
2027572 must tie on the water pump pulley between the
1. Installthe timing belt upper front cover (1). flange (1) and (2).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8. 2. Check the position of the drive belt (3).
2. Install the 2 timing belt upper front cover bolts (2)
and tighten to 6N-m(53lb in). ,

Drive Belt Installation

Special Tools
EN—6349 Locking Pin
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.

3. Release tension to the tensioner
counterclockwise (1).
Note: Allow tensioner to slide back slowly.
4. Remove EN—6349pin (2).
5. Apply tension to the tensioner at projection (1)

1. Installthe drive belt (1).

Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1127
Drive Belt Tensioner Installation 2. Turn the engine slowly clockwise at the crankshaft
balancer bolt.
1. Clean the drive belt tensioner thread.
3. During turn the engine take care of the proper
installation of the power steering pump belt to the
water pump pulley (3).
4. Remove the EN—50098installer (2).
5. Check the power steering pump belt is installed

Secondary Air Injection Check Valve


2. Install drive belt tensioner (2).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
3. Install drive belt tensioner bolt (1) and tighten to
55 Nm (41 lbft).

Power Steering Pump Belt

Special Tools
EN—50098Belt Installer 1. Install a NEW secondary air injection check valve
gasket (1).
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9—1135. 2. Install the secondary air injection check valve (2).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
3. Install the 3 secondary air injection check valve
bolts (3) and tighten to 22 N-m(16 lb ft).

1. Install EN-50098 installer (2) and a NEW power
steering pump belt (1) to water pump pulley and
power steering pump pultey.

94128 Engine Mechanical .. 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Secondary Air Injection Pump Secondary Air Injection Pump Pipe

Installation Installation

i I107.
sir ti

2781588 2781589
1. Install the secondary air injection pump (1). 1. Connect the secondary air injection pump pipe (3)
2. Loosely install the secondary air injection pump to the secondary eir injection Chepk valve. Refer to
nut (2) and the 2 secondary air injection pump Plastic Collar QUICKConnect FIttIngSen/Ice on
bolts (4). page 9—547.
Cautlen: Refer to Fastener Qagt/oe on page 0-8. Positive Crankcase Ventilation Pipe
3. Tighten the secondary air Injectionpump nut (2) .
and the 2 secondary air injection pump bolts (4) to InStallatlon
22 N-m(16 lb ft).
4. Connect the secondary air injection pump pipe (3).
Refer to Plastic Collar QuickConnect Fitting
Service on page 9-547.

1. Install the positive crankcase ventilation tube (2).
2. Connect the 2 positive crankcase ventilation tube
connectors (1).
3. Clip in the ECM wiring harness guide (3)to the
cylinder head cover.

Engine Mechanical . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9—1129
Engine Flywheel Installation
Special Tools
- EN—652Flywheel Holder
' EN—45059Torque Angle Sensor Kit
For equivalent regional tools, reterto Special Tools on
page 9—1135.
1. Clean the thread in the crankshaft.

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0—8.
Caution: Refer to Torque-to-Yie/dFastener Caution on
page 0—10.
5. Install the 6 NEW flywheel bolts (1, 2) and tighten
the bolts in 3 passes using the EN—45059
sensor kit:
5.1. First pass to 35 Nm (26 lb ft).
5.2. Second pass to additional 30°.
2743821 5.3. Third pass to an additional 15°.
M. Install the crankshaft position reluctor ring (1). 6. Remove the EN-652 holder.

Automatic Transmission Flex Plate

Special Tools
EN—652Automatic Transmission Flex Plate Holder
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-1135.
1. Clean the automatic transmission flex plate bolt

3. Install the flywheel (2).
4. Install the EN-652 holder (1).

Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Installation
Special Tools
- EN-658-1 Installer
' EN—235-6Installer
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9—1135.

2. Install the automatic transmission flex plate (2) and
the EN-652 holder to hold the automatic
transmission flex plate (2).

1. Slide the crankshaft rear oil seal (2) across the

Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
Caution: Refer to Torque-to-Y/‘e/dFastener Caution on
page 0-10.
3. Install the 6 NEW automatic transmission flex plate
bolts (2) and tighten the bolts to 60 Nm ”—fitt‘x—N \tt'fl \th'Fngjt
(44 lb ft) i 5°.
4. Remove the EN—652holder. 2190821
2. Install the crankshaft rear oil seal (1) with EN-235-6
installer (2) to the crankshaft.

Engine Mechanical . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1131

fittq—fi 19"? tt’flk/Jx

2750534 2781536
3. Use EN-658—1installer (2)to strike the crankshaft 5. Install the reluctor ring (2).
rear oil seal (1) 6. Install the crankshaft rear oil seal housing (1).

2757895 2757902
4. Check the crankshaft rear oil seal for proper seat, 7. Install the crankshaft position sensor(3) to the
the EN-658—1installer must be flush with the crankshaft rear oil seal housing (1).
cylinder block at the position (1).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
8. Install the crankshaft position sensor bolt (2) and
tighten to 4.5N-m (40 lb in).

9-1132 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Description and Operation Cylinder Head

This cylinder head is double over head camshaft
(DOHC) type and has 2 camshafts that open 4 valves
Cleanliness and Care per cylinder with tappets. The camshaft sprocket
wheels are installed in front of the camshafts. The
An automobile engine is a combination of many
cylinder head is made of cast aluminum alloy for better
machined, honed, polished, and tapped surfaces with
strength in hardness with light weight. The combustion
tolerances that are measured in ten thousandths of an
chamber of the cylinder head is designed for increasing
inch. When any internal engine parts are serviced, care of squish and swirl efficiency and then this is
and cleanliness are important. A liberal coating of maximized to gasoline combustion efficiency.
engine oil should be applied to friction areas during
assembly to protect and lubricate the surfaces during Valves
initial operation. Throughout this section, it should be There are 2 intake and 2 exhaust valves with tappets
understood that proper cleaning and protection of per cylinder.
machined surfaces and friction areas are part of the
repair procedure. This is considered standard shop Camshaft
practice even if not specifically stated. Two camshafts are used, one for all intake valves, the
When valve train components are removed for service, other for all exhaust valves. The camshafts are cast
they should be retained in order. At the time of iron. The camshafts are driven by the crankshaft over
installation, they should be installed in the same the timing belt.
locations and with the same mating surfaces as when
removed. Camshaft Drive
A timing belt is used for camshaft drive. There is a
Engine Component Description tensioner to controtthe tension of the belt. Instead of
camshaft gears or camshaft sprockets the engine is
Cylinder Block equipped with camshaft adjuster. The camshaft
The cylinder hollow frame structured 4 cylinder in—Iine. adjuster readjust itself at the engine speed. 80 the
The block has 5 crankshaft bearings with the thrust valve timing is adjusted for a low consumption, optimal
bearing located on the third bearing from the front of the power and torque.
engine. Intake Manifold -
Crankshaft The intake manifold is the air flow passage to the
The crankshaft is a steel crankshaft. It is supported in cylinder combustion chamber through the throttlebody
5 main journals with main bearings which have oil and has an effect on engine torque, power, noise,
clearance for lubricating. The 3rd bearing of the 5 main drivability, emission, fuel economy and performance.
bearing is the thrust bearing whose the crankshaft has Itis made of plastic for better strength in hardness with
properly axial end play. A harmonic damper is used to little weight.
control torsional vibration. Exhaust Manifold
Oil Pump The exhaust manifold is located to the cylinder head
The oil pump is a crankshaft driven oil pump integrated and channels the exhaust gas out of the combustion
in pump module. The oil pump draws engine oil from chamber. Itis designed to endure on high pressure and
the oil pan and feeds it under pressure to the various high temperature. The exhaust manifold includes the
parts of the engine. An oil strainer is mounted before catalytic converter.
the inlet ofthe oil pump to remove impurities which Positive Crankcase Ventilation System
could clog or damage the oil pump or other engine
components. When the crankshaft rotates, the oil pump The crankcase ventilation system is used to consume
driven gear rotates. This causes the space between the crankcase vapors in the combustion process instead of
gears to constantly open and narrow, pulling oil in from venting vapors to the atmosphere. Fresh airfrom the
the oil pan when the space opens and pumping the oil intake system is supplied to the crankcase, mixed with
out to the engine as it narrows. At high engine speeds, blow-by gases and then passed through a calibrated
the oil pump supplies a much higher amount of oil than orifice into the throttle body. The primary control is
required for lubrication of the engine. The oil pressure through the positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) orifice
regulator prevents too much oil from entering the which meters the flow at a rate depending on inlet
engine lubrication passages. vacuum. The PCV orifice is an integral part of the
camshaft cover. Itabnormal operating conditions occur,
Oil Pan the system is designed to allow excessive amounts of
The oil pan is a structural aluminum oil pan with blow—bygases to back flow through the crankcase vent
transmission attachment. Itincludes the oil suction into the intake system to be consumed by normal
pipe, this pipe is connected with the oil pump. The oil combustion.
pan is attached at the engine block.
Piston and Connecting Rod
The Pistons are aluminum pistons with top land and
floating pin. The connecting rods are fractured steel
connecting rods with bushing.

Engine Mechanical .. 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1133
Lubrication Description

2 3

”(Ce fi
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4 t 2.




0‘ mew

Oil is applied under pressure to the crankshaft (8), An engine oil pressure switch or sensor is installed at
connecting rods (5),camshaft adjuster(1), camshaft the end. Oil returns to the oil pan through passages
bearing surfaces (3) and valve tappets (4).All other cast into the cylinder head. The crankcase ventilation
moving parts are lubricated by gravity flow or splash. system does not contain to the lubrication system, but
Oil enters the rotortype oil pump (10) through a fixed to the oil circuit. Itis used to consume crankcase
inlet screen (9).The oil pump is driven by the vapors in the combustion process instead of venting
crankshaft. The oil pump body is within the engine front them to atmosphere. Fresh air from the intake system is
cover (11).The pressurized oil from the pump passes supplied to the crankcase, mixed with blow by gases
through the oil cooling system and the oil filter (6). The and then passed through a calibrated orifice of the
oil filter is integratedwith the oil cooling system crankcase ventilation tube (2) into the intake manifold.
housing (7) that is connected to the front of the engine
block. The oil filter is a disposable cartridge type.
A by-pass valve in the filter cap allows continuous oil
flow in case the oil filter should become restricted. The
connecting rod bearings are oiled by constant oil flow
passages through the crankshaft connecting the main
journals to the rod journals. A groove around each
upper main bearing furnishes oil to the drilled
crankshaft passages. The pressurized oil passes
through the cylinder head restrictor orifice into the
cylinder head and then into each camshaft feed gallery.

911134 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Replacing Engine Gaskets Separating Parts

Gasket Reuse and Applying Note:
- Do not reuse any gasket unless specified. . Disassembly of the piston, press fit design piston
pin, and connecting rod may create scoring or
- Gaskets that can be reused will be identified in the damage to the piston pin and piston pin bore.
service procedure. if the piston, pin, and connecting rod have been
- Do not apply sealant to any gasket or sealing disassembled, replace the components as an
surface unless called out in the service assembly.
information. - Many internal engine components will develop
Separating Components specific wear patterns on their friction surfaces.
- When disassembling the engine, internal
0 Use a rubber mallet to separate components.
components MUST be separated, marked,
- Bump the part sideways to loosen the or organized in a way to ensure installation to their
components. original location and position.
- Bumping should be done at bends or reinforced Separate, mark, or organize the following components:
areas to prevent distortion of parts.
- Piston and the piston pin
Cleaning Gasket Surfaces - Piston to the specific cylinder bore
- Remove all gasket and sealing material from the ° Piston rings to the piston
part using a scraping tool. ~ Connecting rod to the crankshaftjournal
- Care must be used to avoid gouging or scraping . Connecting rod to the bearing cap—A paint stick
the sealing surfaces. or etching/engraving type tool are recommended.
- Do not use any other method or technique to Stamping the connecting rod or cap nearthe
remove sealant or gasket material from a part. bearing bore may affect component geometry.
- Do not use abrasive pads, sand paper, or power - Crankshaft main and connecting rod bearings
tools to clean the gasket surfaces. - Camshaft and valve tappets
—These methods of cleaning can cause damage - Valve to the valve guide
to the component sealing surfaces. - Valve spring and shim to the cylinder head
—Abrasive pads also produce a fine grit that the location
oil filter cannot remove from the oil. - Engine block main bearing cap location and
—This grit is abrasive and has been known to direction
cause internal engine damage. - Oil pump drive and driven gears
Assembling Components
Tools and Equipment
- When assembling components, use only the
sealant specified or equivalent in the service Special tools are listed and illustrated throughout this
procedure. section with a complete listing at the end of the section.
- Sealing surfaces should be clean and free of These tools, or their equivalents, are specially
debris or oil. designed to quickly and safely accomplish the
operations for which they are intended. The use of
- Specific components such as crankshaft oil seals these special tools will also minimize possible damage
or valve stem oil seals may require lubrication to engine components. Some precision measuring tools
during assembly. are required for inspection of certain critical
- Components requiring lubrication will be identified components. Torque wrenches and a torque angle
in the service procedure. meter are necessary for the proper tightening of various
- When applying sealant to a component, apply the fasteners.
amount specified in the service procedure. T0 properly service the engine assembly, the following
. Do not allow the sealant to enter into any blind items should be readily available:
threaded holes, as it may prevent the bolt from 0 Approved eye protection and safety gloves
clamping properly or cause component damage - A clean, well lit, work area
when tightened.
' A suitable parts cleaning tank
- Tighten bolts to specifications. Do not overtighten.
- A compressed air supply
' Trays or storage containers to keep parts and
fasteners organized
' An adequate set of hand tools
. Approved engine repair stand
. An approved engine lifting device that will
adequately support the weight of the components

Engine Mechanical . 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1135

Use of Room Temperature Special Tools and Equipment

Vulcanizing (RTV) and Anaerobic
Sealant Illustration Tool NumberlDescription
Pipe Joint Compound
Note: Three types of sealer are commonly used in @
engines. These are RTV sealer, anaerobic gasket
eliminator sealer, and pipe joint compound. The correct @
sealer and amount must be used in the proper location 207649
to prevent oil leaks. DO NOT interchange the 3 types of @ Rod Hairpins
sealers. Use only the specific sealer or the equivalent
as recommended in the service procedure.
- Pipejoint compound is a pliable sealer that does
not completely harden. This type sealer is used 2678170
where 2 non—rigidparts, such as the oil pan and
the engine block, are assembled together.
- Do not use pipejoint compound in areas where
extreme temperatures are expected. These areas
include: exhaust manifold, head gasket, or other
surfaces where gasket eliminator is specified. e21 547324
- Follow all safety recommendations and directions FlangeScrews
that are on the container.
To remove the sealant or the gasket material.
- Apply the pipejoint compound to a clean surface.
Use a bead size or quantity as specified in the 2678172
procedure. Run the bead to the inside of any bolt
holes. Do not allow the sealer to enter any blind
threaded holes, as it may prevent the bolt from
clamping properly or cause component damage
when the bolt is tightened. EN-232
- Apply a continuous bead of pipe joint compound to KM-232
one sealing surface. Sealing surfaces to be J-21867-L40
resealed must be clean and dry. % Oil PressureCheckAdapter
- Tighten the bolts to specifications. Do not




9-1136 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Illustration Tool Number/Description Illustration Tool NumberlDescription

W GE-328-B EN-796
W KM-328-B KM-796-A
GE-6125-1B Dismantler

1941118 1940941

EN'422 CH-807
83 94 959 KM-807
Installer ClosurePlugs

1936516 1941086

GE-21867—A EN-84O
J-21867-A KM-84O
KM-498-B J-36017
CH—48027 83 94 157
PressureGaugeand Remover
1844744 2026925

EN-652 % % g % EN-845
e e e e
FlywheelHolder SuctionDevice

1938128 1936949

KM-658-1 EN-849
J—35264 KM-849
Installer AssemblyTray

2750538 2026927

Engine Mechanical 2-1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9-1137

Illustration Tool NumberlDescription Illustration Tool Number/Description

EN-958 EN-6351
.4 KM-958 KM-6351
ValveStemSeal Installer AssemblySleeves

1937997 1937136

KM-6009 EN-6361
83 96 335 KM—6361
J-43301 FeelerGaugeSet

1936461 1937135

EN-6333 EN-6624
KM-6333 KM-6624
LockingPin 4% Remover

1936975 1944492

EN—6340 EN-6625
KM-6340 \‘ * KM-6625
LockingTool . / FlywheelLockingDevice

1936979 1945838

EN-6349 \ EN—6628-A
KM-6349 KM-6628-A
LockingPin LockingTool

1936982 1945840

9-1138 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)

Illustration Tool Number/Description Illustration Tool Number/Description

EN-8087 EN-45000
J-8087 KM-45000
Seal Remover

5110 1936281

l Plim-l
' . EJNééiggB EN-45059
@3130” % %} u . . J-45059
Q . . nlversalEngineSupport
ee=z=m 3 fig2555 Fixture AngleMeter
W 0

190562 1197696

EN-34730-91 MKM-571-B
KM—34730-91 GE-8001
PressureTester J—8001

1936492 1940948

, EN-36857 GE-22738-B
: J-36857 J-22738-B
EngineLiftBracket ValveSpringTester

68653 167039

EN-43405 J‘37088'A
J_43405 KM-37088A
SupportFootSet Fuel LineDisconnect

883170 13542

Engine Mechanicai - 1.8L (LUW, LWE) 9:1139

Illustration Tool Number/Description Illustration Tool Number/Description

EN-50717-1 EN'8062
Stands “3062

2678169 2684941



9-1140 Engine Mechanical - 1.8L (LUW, LWE)


Table of Contents '10-1

Section 10


Heating, Ventilation, and Air Air Conditioning (A/C) Refrigerant Pressure

Conditioning ................................. 10-3 Sensor Replacement (1.4L) .................. 10—30
Specifications ................................... 10-3 Air Conditioning (A/C) Refrigerant Pressure
Fastener Tightening Specifications ............. 10—3 Sensor Replacement (LUV) .................. 10—31
Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers ..... 10-3 Air Conditioning (A/C) Refrigerant Pressure
Refrigerant System Specifications .............. 10-3 Sensor Replacement (LDE/LUW/LWE) . . 10—32
Diagnostic Information and Procedures . . .. . . .10-4 Air Conditioning Condenser Replacement
Leak Testing .................................... 10-4 (LDE,LUW) ................................... 10-33
Air Conditioning (A/C) System Air Conditioning Condenser
Performance Test .............................. 10—4 Replacement (LUV) .......................... 10—34
A/C Diagnostics Chart .......................... 10-7 Heater and Air Conditioning Evaporator and
Heating Performance Diagnostic ............... 10-7 Blower Module Removal and Installation 10-35
Defrosting Insufficient ........................... 10-8 Heater and Air Conditioning Evaporator Case
Noise Diagnosis - Blower Motor ................ 10-9 Replacement ................................. 10-36
Air Conditioning Compressor Oil Diagnosis 10-10 Air Conditioning Evaporator Core
Noise Diagnosis - Air Conditioning (A/C) Replacement ................................. 10-37
System ....................................... 10-10 Heater Inlet Hose Replacement (LUV) . . . . 10-38
Noise Diagnosis - HVAC Module .............. 10-12 Heater Inlet Hose Replacement
Repair Instructions ............................. 10-13 (LDE, LUW) .................................. 10-38
Refrigerant Recovery and Recharging . . . . 10—13 Heater Outlet Hose Replacement (LUV) . . 10—40
Flushing ....................................... 10—14 Heater Outlet Hose Replacement
Air Conditioning Compressor Oil Balancing 10-15 (LDE, LUW) .................................. 10-40
Air Conditioning Compressor Replacement Heater Core Outlet Tube Replacement ........ 10—42
(LDE, LUW, LWE) ............................ 10—16 Heater Core Inlet Tube Replacement .......... 10-43
Air Conditioning Compressor Heater Inlet Hose Connector
Repiacement (LUV) .......................... 10-17 Replacement (LUV) .......................... 10-44
Air Conditioning Clutch Assembly Heater Outlet Hose Connector
Replacement (LUV) .......................... 10-18 Replacement ................................. 10-45
Air Conditioning Clutch Assembly Passenger Compartment Air Filter
Replacement (LDE/LUW/LWE) .............. 10—19 Replacement (LHD) .......................... 10-46
Air Conditioning System Seal Replacement . . . 10-20 Air InletAssembly Replacement .............. 10—47
Air Conditioning O—RingSeal Replacement ... 10-21 Blower Motor Resistor Replacement .......... 10—48
Air Conditioning Compressor and Condenser Air InletValve Actuator Replacement (LHD) ... 10—49
Hose Replacement (LUW) ................... 10-21 Blower Motor Replacement .................... 10—49
Air Conditioning Compressor and Condenser Side Window Defogger Outlet Grille
Hose Replacement (LUV) .................... 10—23 Replacement ................................. 10-51
Air Conditioning Compressor and Condenser InstrumentPanel Outer Air Outlet
Hose Replacement (LDE/LWE) .............. 10—25 Replacement —Left Side ..................... 10-52
Air Conditioning Evaporator Hose Assembly InstrumentPanel Center Air Outlet
Replacement ................................. 10-27 Replacement ................................. 10-53
Air Conditioning (AC) Refrigerant Filter InstrumentPanel Outer Air Outlet
Replacement ................................. 10-27 Repiacement —Right Side .................... 10—54
Air Conditioning Refrigerant Service Valve InstrumentPanel Outer Air Outlet Duct
Core Replacement ........................... 10-28 Replacement ................................. 10—55
Air Conditioning Evaporator Thermal Floor Air Outlet Duct Replacement - Left
Expansion Valve Replacement ............... 10-29 Side (LHD) ................................... 10-56
1022 Table of Contents
Floor Air Outlet Duct Replacement —Right Symptoms - HVAC Systems - Manual ......... 10—75
Side (LHD) ................................... 10-57 HVAC System Malfunction .................... 10-75
Floor Rear Air Outlet Duct Replacement - Blower Motor Malfunction ..................... 10—76
Left Side ..................................... 10-58 Repair Instructions ............................. 10-79
Floor Rear Air Outlet Duct Replacement - Heater and Air Conditioning Control
Right Side .................................... 10-59 Replacement ................................. 10-79
Heater Core Replacement ..................... 10-60 Temperature Control Cable
Description and Operation .................... 10-61 Replacement (LHD) .......................... 10-80
Heating and Air Conditioning System Mode Control Cable Replacement (LHD) . 10-81
Description and Operation ................... 10-61 Mode Control Cam Replacement .............. 10-82
Special Tools and Equipment ................. 10-61 Sun Load Temperature Sensor
HVAC - Manual ............................... 10-63 Replacement ................................. 10-83
Schematic and Routing Diagrams ............ Ambient Air Temperature Sensor
HVAC Schematics ............................. Replacement ................................. 10-84
Diagnostic Information and Procedures ...... Evaporator Air Temperature Sensor
DTC B0223 .................................... Replacement (LHD) .......................... 10-85
DTC B3933 .................................... Description and Operation .................... 10—85
DTC P0532 or P0533 .......................... Manual HVAC Description and Operation . 10—85
DTC P0645, P0646, or P0647 ................. 10-73

Heatingr,\/entilation, and Air Conditioning 10=3

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning


Fastener Tightening Specifications

Application Metric English
Air ConditioningCompressorandCondenserHose Bolt 22N-m 16lbft
Air ConditioningCompressorandCondenserHose Nut 22N-m 16lbft
Air ConditioningCompressorBolts 22N-m 16lbft
Air ConditioningCompressorClutchBolt 14N-m 124lb in
Air ConditioningEvaporatorHose Nut 22N-m 16lbft
Air ConditioningRefrigerantPressureSensor 6 N-m 53lb in
EggttggrndAir ConditioningEvaporatorand BlowerModuleAssembly 22N-m 16lbft

ThermalExpansionValve(TXV) BlockNut 22N-m 16lbft

ThermalExpansionValve(TXV) MountingBolts 7 N-m 62lb in

Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers

GM Part Number
Application Type of Material United States Canada
PAG Oil Lubricant 88901445 88900060

Refrigerant System Specifications

Application Metric English
PAG Oil - RefertoAdhesives,Fluids,Lubricants,andSealersonpage 10-3.
Theservicecompressorforall EnginesforT300is prechargedwith70 ml(2.5oz)of PAG oil.
CondenserReplacement 30-40ml 1.0-1.402
EvaporatorReplacement 30-40ml 1.0-1.402
TotalSystemPAG Oil Capacity 110ml 3.7oz
RefrigerantCharge 500g 17.6oz

10=4 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditionirg

Diagnostic Information and Fluorescent Dye Injection

Procedures Note: Use only fluorescent dye approved by General
Note: Do NOT overcharge the A/C system with dye.
- GE-41447 dye can be poured directly into a
Special Tools removed A/C component.
- BO-42220 Universal 12V Leak Detection Lamp - GE-46297-12 dye cartridge is injected into the low
- GE—39400—A side port using GE-46297 injector kit.
Halogen Leak Detector
- Not all of the fluorescent dyes are compatible with
- GE—41447R-134A A/C Tracer Dye-Box of 24
PAG oil. Some types of dye decrease the oil
- GE-43872 Fluorescent Dye Cleaner viscosity or may chemically react with the oil.
' GE-46297A/C Dye Injector Kit - R-134A leak detection dye requires time to work.
o GE-46297—12Replacement Dye Cartridges Depending upon the leak rate, a leak may not
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on become visible for between 15 minutes and
page 10-61. 7 days.
~ To prevent false diagnosis, thoroughly clean any
Refrigerant Leak Testing residual dye from the service port with a rag and
Note: These vehicles are not now manufactured with the approved fluorescent dye cleaner GE—43872
fluorescent dye installed directly into the air dye cleaner.
conditioning (A/C) system. Therefore, if refrigerant leak
testing is required, add florescent dye into the air Halogen Leak Detector
conditioning (A/C) system. Warning: Do not operate the detector in a
The fluorescent dye mixes and flows with the combustible atmosphere since its sensor operates
polyalkylene glycol (PAG) oil throughout the refrigerant at high tempera tures or personal injury and/or
system. damage to the equipment may result.
Verifying some passive leaks may require using the Ensure that the vehicle has at least 0.45 kg (1 lb) of
GE-39400-A detector, even though the A/C system refrigerant in the A/C refrigeration system in order to
contains fluorescent dye. perform a leak test. Refer to Refrigerant Recovery and
Recharging on page 10-13 for recharging the A/C
Fluorescent Leak Detector system.
Fluorescent dye will assist in locating any leaks in the Note: Halogen leak detectors are sensitive to the
A/C system. following items:
Note: PAG oil is water soluble. - Windshield washing solutions
- Condensation on the evaporator core or the - Many solvents and cleaners
refrigerant lines may wash the PAG oil and 0 Some adhesives used in the vehicle
fluorescent dye away from the actual leak. Clean and dry all surfaces in order to prevent a false
Condensation may also carry dye through the warning. Liquids will damage the detector.
HVAC module drain.
Note: Follow a continuous path in order to ensure that
- Leaks in the A/C system will be indicated in a light you will not miss any possible leaks. Test all areas of
green or yellow color when using the leak the system for leaks.
detection lamp.
Use the leak detection lamp in the following areas: Follow the instructions supplied with the GE—39400-A
—All fittings or connections that use seal washers
or O-rings
Air Conditioning (AIC) System
—All of the A/C components
—The A/C compressor shaft seal Performance Test
—The NC hoses and pressure switches This test measures the operating efficiency of the A/C
system under the following conditions:
—The HVAC module drain tube, if the evaporator
core is suspected of leaking - The current ambient air temperature
—The service port sealing caps - The current relative humidity
—The sealing cap is the primary seal for the - The high side pressure of the A/C system
service ports. ' The low side pressure ofthe A/C system
- Follow the instructions supplied with the - The temperature of the air being discharged into
BO-422201amp. the passenger compartment
~ To prevent false diagnosis in the future, thoroughly
clean the residual dye from any area where leaks
were found. Use a rag and the approved
GE-43872 cleaner.

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 10=5
Test Description 2. This step measures the performance of the A/C
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the system.
diagnostic table. 3. This step is to allow for vehicle variations as well
1. This step determines if the A/C system has at least as high ambient temperatures.
the minimum refrigerant charge required to operate
the system without damage.

Air Conditioning (AIC) System Performance Test

Step Action I Values I Yes No
~ Theambientairtemperaturemustbe at least16°C(60°F).
- Do notinduceadditionalairflowacrossthefrontof thevehicleduringthetest.
- Ifyouweresentherefroma DTC diagnostictable,cleartheDTC uponcompletionof thistest.
1. Parkthevehicleinsideor in theshade.
2. Openthewindowsinordertoventilatetheinteriorof Morethan16°C
thevehicle. (60°F)-
3. IftheA/C systemwas operating,allowtheA/C system 345kPa
toequalizeforabout2 minutes. (50psi)
4. TurnOFF theignition. Morethan24°C
7 5. InstalltheJ-43600ACR 2000Air ConditioningService 483kPa
Centeror GE-48800CoolTechA/C RechargeMachine. (70psi)
6. Recordtheambientair temperatureand humidity. Morethan33°C
7. Recordthelowandhighside STATICpressure (90°F)-
readings. 690kPa Go to Leak
Are boththelowside andhighside pressureswithinthe (100psi) Testingon
specifiedvalue? Go to Step2 page 10-4
Note: Recordtherelativehumidityandtheambientair
1. Close thevehicledoorsandwindows.
2. Openthedriversdoorwindow12.7—15.2 cm (5—6in).
3. SelectthefollowingHVAC controlsettings:
1 TheNC is ON.
1 Thecoldesttemperaturesetting
- The maximumblowerspeed
- Recirculationmode
' The instrumentpanel(l/P)outletmode
. All llP outletsare OPEN.
4. Installthermometersintheleftandrightcenterpanel
5. Applytheparkingbrake.
6. Placethetransaxle/transmission in oneofthefollowing
2 positions:
- PARK (Automatic)
' NEUTRAL (Manual)
7. Starttheengineandwarmtooperatingtemperature.
9° OperatetheA/Csystemfor5 minutes.
9. InspectA/C componentsforthefollowingconditions:
° Abnormalfrostareas
- Unusualnoises
10. Recordthefollowinginformation:
1 The paneloutletairtemperatures
- The low-sidepressure
- The high—side pressure
11. Comparethelowandhighside pressuresandthe
paneloutputtemperaturesto theA/C Performance
theA/C PerformanceTablebelow? Go to Step5 Go to Step3

10th Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning (A/C) System Performance Test (cont'd)

Action Values Yes No
if thepressuresandtemperaturesrecordeddo notfallwithin
1. ContinuetooperatetheA/C systemforan additional
5 minutes.
2. Recordthepressuresandtemperaturesagain.
3. Comparethelowandhighside pressuresandthe
paneloutputtemperaturetotheA/C PerformanceTable
Does all thedatarecordedfallwithinthespecifiedrangesof
theA/C PerformanceTablebelow? Go to Step5 Go to Step4
Performthenecessaryrepairs.RefertoA/C Diagnostics
4 Chartonpage 10-7.
Istheactioncomplete? Go to Step5 -
Operatethesystemin ordertoverifythetestresults. Go to Symptoms
5 Didyoufindthesameresults? - HVAC Systems
SystemOK page 10—75

AIC Performance Table

MaximumLeft Center
Low Side Service High Side Service Discharge Air
Ambient Temperature Relative Humidity Port Pressure Port Pressure Temperature
13—18°C(55—65°F) 0—100% 1517:0655? (22‘ 86841197191'323
(126‘ 17°C(61°F)

19—24°C Below40% (22‘
151—2311;;11‘ (1447
992—1152t923 14°C(57°F)
Above40% 158—234:
(23— 1040—1211565?
(151— 18°C(64°F)

Below35% 186—2681
:5? (27~ 1198—1511868
£961(174— 15°C(59°F)

25—29°C(76—85°F) 35—50% 192‘ng 1E? (28‘ 1240—1253;;8'753‘

(180‘ 17°C(61°F)
Above50% 199—2155;?(29— 12674251314265}?
(184— 18°C(64°F)

Below30% 206—2713363311
(30— 1357—1212833?
(197— 18°C(64°F)

30—35°C(86—95°F) 30—50% 213—241365651‘

(31‘ 1398—1275;);5?
(203‘ 19°C(66°F)
Above50% 2274;551:819?
(33— 1446-132313;?(210— 19.C (66°F)

Below20% 241—3265;:1f
(35— 1543—1223765);st21
(224— 19°C(66°F)

36—41°C(96—105°F) 20—4o% 241—332;;35‘

(35‘ 1577—1298283?
(229‘ 19°C(66°F)
Above40% 25443;:5? (37— 1639—1533:;5?
(238— 20°C(68°F)

42—46°C(106—1150F) Below20% (39—

268—3397;?)th (2537
1743—2533gttspif 22°C(70°F)
Above20% 275—3551155?
(40— 1777—2316);
:5? (258— 22.0 (70°F)

47—49°C(116—120°F) Below30% 3034574235814“ 19424335? (282‘ 23°C(73°F)

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning '10-?

NC Diagnostics Chart
Low Side Gauge Reading High Side Gauge Reading Potential Causes
RestrictionbetweenCompressorandHighSide port
Low Low/Normal EvaporatorFreezing
RestrictionbetweentheLowSide andHighSide ports
High or RestrictedTXV/OrificeTube
CompressorStuckat MaximumDisplacement
Compressorhas LowDisplacementor Internal
Low Malfunction
High RestrictionbetweentheLowSide PortandCompressor
High Inlet
RestrictedCondenserAir Flow
Air inNC System
Normal/High Normal/High .
PAG or POE Oil Overcharge

Heating Performance Diagnostic

Step Action [ Yes No
WereyousentherefromSymptomsor anotherdiagnostictable? Go to Symptoms-
1 HVAC Systems-
Go to Step2 Manualonpage 10-75
1. Starttheengine.
2 2. Allowtheengineto idle.
Doestheenginereacha normaloperatingtemperature? Go to Step3 Go to Step9
1.Allowtheengineto idle.
2.SelecttheFLOOR mode.
3 4.Selectthewarmesttemperaturesetting.
5.Feelthetemperatureoftheinletandoutletheaterhoses near
Doestheinletheaterhosefeelwarmerthantheoutletheaterhose? Go to Step 7 Go to Step4
1. installa thermometerintothecenterl/P panelair outlet.
2. Securea thermometer totheheatercoreoutlethose.
3. SelectthePANEL mode.
4. Selectthemaximumblowerspeed.
4 5. Selectthewarmesttemperaturesetting.
6. Recordthetemperatureat thefollowinglocations:
- The center|/Ppanelairoutlet
' The heatercoreoutlethose
7. Comparetherecordedtemperatures.
Are thetwotemperaturereadingsaboutequal? Go to Step5 Go to Step6

10=8 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Heating Performance Diagnostic (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
1. Inspectandrepairthefollowingareasofthevehicleforcoldair
- Thecowl
0 The recirculationdoor
. The HVAC modulecase
2. Performthenecessaryrepairs.
Are therepairscomplete? Go to Step 10
1. inspectthetemperaturedooroperation.Referto Heatingand
Air ConditioningSystemDescriptionand Operationon
page 10-61.
2. Performanynecessaryrepairs.
Are therepairscomplete? Go to Step 10
1. TurnOFF theengine.
SelecttheFLOOR mode.
Feel thetemperatureoftheinletandoutletheaterhosesnear
Doestheinletheaterhosefeel warmerthantheoutletheaterhose? Go to Step8 Go to Step 10
Replacetheheatercore.Referto HeaterCoreReplacementon
page 10-60.
Istherepaircomplete? Go to Step 10
Repairthelowenginetemperatureconcern.Referto EngineFails
ToReachNormalOperatingTemperature onpage9-627.
is therepaircomplete? Go to Step 10
Operatethesystemin ordertoverifytherepair.
Didyoufindandcorrectthecondition? SystemOK Go to Step2

Defrosting Insufficient
Step Action I Yes No
DEFINITION:Timerequiredto defrostthewindshieldis longerthannormal.
WereyousentherefromSymptomsor anotherdiagnostictable? Go to Symptoms-
1 HVAC Systems-
Go to Step2 Manualonpage 10—75
1. Starttheengine.
2. SelecttheDEFROST mode.
3. Selectthemaximumblowerspeed.
Doessufficientairflowfromthedefrosteroutlets? Go to Step3 Go to Step9
Does enginereacha normaloperatingtemperature? Go to Step4 Go to Step7
1. Selecttheminimumblowerspeed.
2. Selectthemaximumtemperaturesetting.
3. Feel thetemperatureoftheinletandoutlethosesnearthe
Doestheinlethosefeelwarmerthantheoutlethose? Go to Step 10 Go to Step5
TesttheoperationoftheA/C compressorclutch.
DoestheA/C compressorclutchengage? G0 to Step8 Go to Step6
RepairtheAIC compressorClutchconcern.Referto DTC P0645,
P0646,or P0647onpage 10-73.
Istherepaircomplete? Go to Step 12

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 10-9

Defrosting insufficient (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
Repairthetowenginetemperatureconcern.Referto EngineFails
Istherepaircomplete? Go to Step 12
lnspectforcorrectoperationoftheair inletdoor.
Istheair inletdooroperatingcorrectly? Go to Step 12 Go to Step 11
Repairtheairdeliveryconcern.Referto DiagnosticStartingPoint-
is therepaircomplete? Go to Step 12
Repairtheheatingconcern.Referto HeatingPerformance
10 Diagnosticonpage 10-7.
Istherepaircomplete? Go to Step 12
Repairtheair inletdoorconcern.Referto DiagnosticStartingPoint-
11 Vehicleonpage6-66.
Istherepaircomplete? Go to Step 12
Operatethesystemin ordertoverifytherepair.
Didyoufindandcorrectthe problem? SystemOK Go to Step2

Noise Diagnosis - Blower Motor

Step Action Yes No
Wereyou sentherefromSymptomsor anotherdiagnostictable? Go to Symptoms-
1 HVAC Systems-
Go to Step2 Manualonpage 10-75
Inspecttheair inletgrillefordebris.
ls debrispresent? Go to Step8 Go to Step3
Sit insidethevehicle.
Close thevehicledoorsandwindbws.
TurnON theignition,withtheengineOFF.
Cycle theblowermotorthroughall of thespeedsandmodesin
orderto determinewhereandwhenthenoiseoccurs.
Isa noiseevidentduringthebloweroperation? Go to Step4 Go to Step11
lnspectforexcessivevibrationat each blowermotorspeedby
Isexcessvibrationpresent? Go to Step6 Go to Step5
Listento theblowermotorat eachspeed.
Istheblowermotormakinga squeakingor Chirpingnoise? Go to Step9 Go to Step 11
1. Removetheblowermotor.Referto BlowerMotorReplacement
onpage 10-49.
2. inspecttheblowermotorimpellerfordepositsofforeign
3. Inspecttheblowermotorfordepositsofforeignmaterial.
Didyoufindanyforeignmaterialontheblowermotoror blower
motorimpeller? Go to Step8 Go to Step7
- Crackedblades
- A looseimpellerretainer
- improperimpelleralignment
Didyoufindanyof theseconditions? Go to Step9 Go to Step10
Istheactioncomplete? Go to Step 10

'10-'10 Heatingfifl/entitation, and Air Conditioningfi

Noise Diagnosis - Blower Motor (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
Replacetheblowermotor.Referto BlowerMotorReplacementon
9 page 10-49.
is therepaircomplete? Go to Step 11 -
Installtheblowermotor.Referto BlowerMotorReplacementon
10 page 10—49.
is theactioncomplete? Go to Step 11 -
Operatethesystemin ordertoverifytherepair.
11 Didyoufindandcorrectthecondition? SystemOK Go to Step2

Air Conditioning Compressor Oil Diagnosis

ICondition Corrective Action
Note: Toavoidrepeatcompressorfailure,alwaysinspecttheconditionoftherefrigerantoil andtaketheappropriatecorrective
Clean oil nodebrispresent No correctiveactionnecessary.
° Replacethedesiccantor componentcontainingthe
- Replacethedesiccantfilterif applicable.
- Removeandinspectthehighpressuresidefilter(if
Clean oilwithdebrispresent applicable). ,
- Remove,inspect,clean,or replacetheorificetube.
- Ifthesystemhas a frontorificetubeandis equippedwitha
filterin therearauxiliaryline,remove,inspect,clean,
or replacethefilter.
Replacethedesiccantor componentcontainingthe
odorwithnodebris desiccant.
present Replacethedesiccantfilterif applicable.
° Replacethedesiccantor componentcontainingthe
-‘ Replacethedesiccantfilterif applicable.
- Flushtherefrigerantsystem.
odorwithdebris - Removeand inspectthehighpressureside filterif
present applicable.
- Remove,inspect,Clean,or replacetheorificetube.
- Ifthesystemhas a frontorificetubeandis equippedwitha
filterin therearauxiliaryline,remove,inspect,cleanor
Oil overcharge Flushtherefrigerantsystem.
Refrigerantcontamination Flushtherefrigerantsystem.
o Flushtherefrigerantsystem.
Hybridpolyolesterrefrigerantoil (POE)contamination - Replacethedesiccantor componentcontainingthe
v Replacethedesiccantfilterif applicable.

Noise Diagnosis - Air Conditioning (A/C) System

Step Action I Yes I No
DEFlNlTiON: NoiseoriginatingfromtheA/C compressor,drivebelt,or theAIC lines.
WereyousentherefromSymptomsor anotherdiagnostictable? Go to Symptoms-
1 HVAC Systems-
Go to Step2 Manualonpage 10-75

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 10-11
Noise Diagnosis - Air Conditioning (AIC) System (cont'd)
Step Action Yes No
1. NC systemnoisescan begenerallycategorizedinto3 areas:
- Screeching,squealing,Chirpingnoises
- Moaningnoises
- Vibration/rattle
2. Starttheengine.
3. EnsurethattheNC is ON.
Isa screeching,squealingnoiseheardwhentheNC is engaged? Go to Step3 Go to Step9
WiththeengineOFF, inspectthedrivebeltfor excessivewear.
Isthedrivebeltexcessivelyworn? Go to Step 18 Go to Step4
Isthedrivebelttensioncorrect? Go to Step5 Go to Step 19
inspectthedrivebeltfor excessiveoil coverage.
Isthedrivebeltcoveredwithoil? Go to Step 17 Go to Step6
1. Starttheengine.
2. EnsurethattheAIC is ON.
3. Inspectthecompressorandtheclutch.
is theA/C compressorlockedup? Go to Step24 Go to Step 7
IstheA/C compressorClutchslipping? Go to Step23 Go to Step8
Usinga stethoscope,listento theA/C compressorforanyabnormal
Isthecompressorcausingan abnormalnoise? Go to Step 15 Go to Step10
Doesa moaningnoiseexistwhentheA/C clutchis engaged? Go to Step10 Go to Step 12
ListentotheA/C compressorcomponentsand mountingfornoise
10 concernsusinga stethoscope.
Are anyofthesecomponentsloose,damaged,or excessivelyworn? Go to Step20 Go to Step 11
1. Idletheengine.
2. EngagetheAIC compressorclutch.
3. Usinga stethoscope,movearoundtheentirerefrigerant
11 plumbingsystem,listeningforanyabnormalnoisescausedby
a componentof theA/C systemtouchinganothercomponent.
Are anyoftheA/C componentsgroundingoutandcausinga
vibrationnoise? Go to Step22 Go to Step 13
12 Doesa vibrationor rattlenoiseexistwhenthe A/C Clutchis
engaged? Go to Step 13 Go to Step 14
13 DoesthenoisestopwhentheA/C clutchis disengaged? Go to Step 15 Go to Step25
1. idletheenginein PARK withtheAIC compressorClutch
14 2. Usinga stethoscope,movearoundtheentireA/C system
testingforanyabnormalnoisescausedby a component.
DoanyoftheAIC componentscause an abnormalnoise? Go to Step21 Go to Step25
VerifythattheAIC systemis properlyCharged.Referto Refrigerant
15 SystemSpecificationsonpage 10-3.
IstheA/C systemproperlyCharged? Go to Step26 Go to Step 16
RechargetheA/C systemtospecification.Referto Refrigerant
16 RecoveryandRechargingonpage 10-13.
Istheabnormalcompressornoisestillpresent? Go to Step24 Go to Step26
Repairtheoil leak.
ls therepaircomplete? Go to Step 18
Replacethedrivebelt.Referto DriveBeltReplacementon
page9-784for1.2Lor 1.4Lor DriveBeltReplacementon
18 page9-964for1.6Lor 1.8L.
is thereplacementcomplete? Go to Step26

10-12 Heatijg, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Noise Diagnosis - Air Conditioning (AIC) System (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
Replacethedrivebelttensioner.RefertoDriveBelt Tensioner
Replacementonpage 9~786for 1.2Lor 1.4Lor DriveBelt Tensioner
19 Replacementonpage 9-966for 1.6Lor 1.8L.. -
Isthereplacementcomplete? Go to Step26
20 Repairor replacetheA/C compressormountingcomponent.
Istherepaircomplete? Go to Step26
Repairor replacethecomponentwhichis causingthemoaning
21 concernas needed. -
Istherepaircomplete? Go to Step26
Correctlyrouteor insulatetheA/C component.
is therepaircomplete? Go to Step26
ReplacetheA/C compressorClutch.RefertoAir ConditioningClutch
AssemblyReplacement(LUV)onpage 10-18or Air Conditioning
23 ClutchAssemblyReplacement(LDE/LUW/LWE)onpage 10-19. -
is therepaircomplete? Go to Step26
ReplacetheA/C compressor.RefertoAir ConditioningCompressor
Replacement(LDE,LUW,LWE)onpage 10-16orAir Conditioning
24 CompressorReplacement(LUV)onpage 10-17.
is therepaircomplete? Go to Step26
The concernmaybecausedby an enginerelatedcomponent.Refer
25 to VibrationAnalysis- Engineonpage 1-48. _
Didyoufindandcorrectthecondition? Go to Step26
26 Operatethesystemin ordertoverifytherepair.
Didyoufindandcorrectthecondition? SystemOK Go to Step2

Noise Diagnosis - HVAC Module

Step Action I Yes No
DEFINITION:Noiseoriginatingfromthe HVAC module. _
WereyousentherefromSymptomsor anotherdiagnostictable? Go to Symptoms-
1 HVAC Systems-
Go to Step2 Manualonpage 10-75
1. Starttheengine.
2. Cycle throughall ofthefollowing:
- HVAC modes
- Temperaturecontrolsettings
2 3. Determinethetypeof noise:
- Scrape,pop
- TiCk/click,chirporgroaning
- Air rush/whistle
Isa scrapeor popnoiseevidentwhenselectingmodesor
temperaturesettings? Go to Step6 Go to Step3
3 Isa tick/Click,chirping,groaningor scrapingnoisepresent,but
decreasesas blowermotorspeedis decreased? (30to Step6 Go to Step4
4 Isan air rush/whistienoiseevidentin all modesbutnotall
temperaturesettings? Go to Step6 Go to Step5
5 Isan air rush/whistlenoiseevidentonlyindefrostorfloormode? Go to Step6 Go to Step6
Removethel/PAssembly.Referto Instrument Panel TieBar
6 Replacementonpage2—51 .
Istheactioncomplete? Go to Step7 -
1. Inspectthemodevalveassemblyforproperoperation.
7 2. lnspecttheductsforobstructionsorforeignmaterials.
Wereanyoftheseconditionsfound? Go to Step 10 Go to Step8

Heatingrfl/entiiation, and Air Conditioning 10-13
Noise Diagnosis - HVAC Module (cont'd)
Step Action Yes No
inspectthemodevalve assemblyandtemperaturedoorsandseals
8 forwarpingorcracking.
Are themodevalveassemblyandtemperaturedoorsin normal
condition? Go to Step 11 Go to Step9
9 Replacetheappropriatecomponent.
is therepaircomplete? Go to Step 11 -
10 Removeanyobstructionsor foreignmaterialfound.
Istheactioncomplete? Go to Step 11 -
installtheIIPassembly.Referto Instrument
Panel TieBar
11 Replacementonpage 2-51.
Istheactioncomplete? Go to Step 12 ~-
12 Operatethesystemto verifytherepair.
Didyoufindandcorrectthecondition? SystemOK Go to Step2

Caution: R-12 refrigerant and R-134a refrigerant must

Repair Instructions never be mixed, even in the smallest of amounts, as
they are incompatible with each other. Ifthe refrigerants
are mixed, compressor failure is likely to occur. Refer to
Refrigerant Recovery and the manufacturer instructions included with the service
equipment before servicing.
The air conditioning filling device service center is a
Special Tools complete air conditioning service center for R—134a.
GE-45037 A/C Oii Injector The ACR 2000 recovers, recycles, evacuates and
recharges A/C refrigerant quickly, accurately and
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on automatically. The unit has a display screen that
page 10-61. contains the function controls and displays prompts that
Warning: To prevent personal injury, avoid will lead the technician through the recover, recycle,
breathing A/C Refrigerant and lubricant vapor or evacuate and recharge operations. R-134a is
mist. Work in a well ventilated area. To remove recovered into and charged out of an internal storage
refrigerant from the A/C System, use service vessel. The ACR 2000 automatically replenishes this
equipment designed for recovery that is certified to vessel from an external source tank in order to maintain
meet the requirements of the appropriate SAE a constant 5.45—6.82kg (12—15|b)ofA/C refrigerant.
Standards. If an accidental system discharge The ACR 2000 has a built in NC refrigerant identifier
occurs, ventilate the work area before continuing that will test for contamination, prior to recovery and will
service. Additional health and safety information notify the technician if there are foreign gases present
may be obtained from the refrigerant, refrigerant in the A/C system. Ifforeign gases are present, the
recovery, and lubricant manufacturers. ACR 2000 will not recover the refrigerant from the
Warning: For personal protection, goggles and A/C system.
Iint-free gloves should be worn and a clean cloth The ACR 2000 also features automatic air purge, single
wrapped around fittings, valves, and connections pass recycling and an automatic oil drain.
when doing work that includes opening the Refer to the air conditioning filling device service center
refrigerant system. If refrigerant comes in contact manual for operation and setup instruction. Always
with any part of the body severe frostbite and recharge the A/C system with the proper amount of
personal injury can result. The exposed area R—134a.Refer to Refrigerant System Specifications on
should be flushed immediately with cold water and page 10-3 for the correct amount.
prompt medical help should be obtained.
AIC Refrigerant System Oil Charge
Caution: R—134ais the only approved refrigerant for
use in this vehicle. The use of any other refrigerant may Replenishing
result in poor system performance or component lf oil was removed from the A/C system during the
failure. recovery process or due to component replacement,
Caution: To avoid system damage use only R-134a the oil must be replenished. Oil can be injected into a
dedicated tools when servicing the A/C system. Charged system using GE-45037 injector. For the
proper quantities of oil to add to the A/C refrigerant
Caution: Use only Polyalkyiene Glycol Synthetic system, refer to Refrigerant System Specifications on
Refrigerant Oil (PAG) for internal circulation through the page 10—3.
R—134aA/C system and only 525 viscosity mineral oil
on fitting threads and O-rings. Iflubricants other than
those specified are used, compressor failure and/or
fitting seizure may result.

10-14 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Flushing 1. Install both GE 45268—9fitting O—ringonto

GE 45268-10 adapter.
Special Tools 2. Install GE 45268-8 fitting O-ring onto suction side
- BO 42220 Universal 12V Leak Detection Lamp of GE 45268-10 adapter.
- GE41447 R—134AA/C Tracer Dye Box of 24 3. Install GE 45268-7 fitting O—ringonto discharge
- GE 45268 A/C Flush Adapter Kit side of GE 45268—10adapter.
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on Flush Procedure
page 10-61.
Note: Warmer engine or ambient temperatures
Note: Flushing with the ACR 2000 is not intended to decreases refrigerant recovery time during the A/C
remove metal from the A/C system. flush procedure.
Flushing is intended to remove the following: 1. Recoverthe refrigerant. Referto Refrigerant
- Contaminated polyalkylene glycol (PAG) oil Recovery and Recharging on page 10-13.
~ Desiccant, following a desiccant bag failure 2. Remove the thermal expansion valve (TXV). Refer
- Overcharge of PAG oil to Air Conditioning Evaporator Thermal Expansion
- Refrigerant contamination Valve Replacement on page 1029.
.03 Install the TXV stud onto GE 45268-115 adapter.
Forward Flushing Setup 4. Install new sealing washers onto evaporator core.
Refer to Air Conditioning O-Ring Seal
Replacement on page 10—21.
5. Install GE 45268-115 adapter in place of the TXV.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
6. Install the TXV mounting bolts and tighten to
7 N-m(62 lb in).
7. instail new washers onto liquid line and suction
hose. Refer to Air Conditioning O-Ring Seal
Replacement on page 10-21.
8. Connect liquid line and suction hose to
GE 45268-115 adapter.
9. Install the TXV biock fitting nut and tighten to
22 N'm (16 lb ft).
10. Remove the A/C compressor. Refer to Air
Conditioning Compressor Replacement (LDE,
LUW, LWE) on page 10-16 or Air Conditioning
Compressor Replacement (LUV) on page 10-17.

Note: Forward flow refrigerant flushing is
recommended for contaminated refrigerant or PAG oil.
Note: Inspect and lubricate GE 45268 adapter kit
fitting O—rings.Refer to Air Conditioning O—RingSeal
Replacement on page 10—21
1. Install both GE 45268-9 fitting O-ring onto
GE 45268-10 adapter.
2. Install GE 45268-8 fitting O-ring onto suction side
of GE 45268-10 adapter.
3. install GE 45268—HittingO-ring onto discharge
side of GE 45268-10 adapter.
Reverse Flushing Setup
- Reverse flow refrigerant flush is recommended
for desiccant bag failure. Replace condenser/
receiver dehydrator assembly when A/C flush is 2027401
complete and perform the following procedure: 11. Remove the A/C refrigerant filter (1). Refer to Air
- Inspect and lubricate GE 45268 adapter kit Conditioning (AC) Refrigerant Filter Replacement
fitting O-rings. Refer to Air Conditioning O-Ring on page 10—27.
Seal Replacement on page 10-21

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 'lO-‘l5
Note: The filter inside GE 45628-1 adapter is 30. Evacuate and recharge the A/C system. Refer to
serviceable. Remove and discard Check valve from the Refrigerant Recovery and Recharging on
filter. page 10-13.
12. Service the filter before each flush. 31. Leak test fittings using BO 42220 lamp.
Note: Assure that suction and discharge ports on
J 45268—1Ocorrespond to suction and discharge ports Air Conditioning Compressor Oil
on compressor hose assembly. Balancing
13. Install new sealing washers onto A/C compressor Draining Procedure
and condenser hose. Refer to Air Conditioning
O-Ring Seal Replacement on page 10—21.Assure
that suction and discharge ports on GE 45268—10
adapter correspond to suction and discharge ports
on A/C compressor to condenser hose.
14. Install GE 45268-10 filter adapter to the A/C
compressor to condenser hose.
15. Connect GE 45268-1 filter to J 45268—7adapter.
16. Connect blue hose from NC filling device to
GE 45268 adapter.
17. Connect red hose from NC filling device to
GE 45268 adapter.
18. Disconnect blue hose from NC filling device to
GE 45268-1 adapter.
19. Disconnect GE 45268-1 adapter from
GE 45268-10 adapter.
20. Remove GE 45268-10 adapter from the AIC
compressor to condenser hose.
Note: Flushing will remove all PAG oil from the A/C
system. The NC system must be replenished with the
correct amount of PAG oil.
21. Ifyou will reinstall the removed A/C compressor, Note: Drain and measure as much of the refrigerant oil
perform the following procedure: as possible from the removed compressor.
- Drain PAG oil from the A/C compressor. Rotate
compressor input shaft to assist in draining the 1. Drain the oil from both the suction and discharge
PAG oil from compressor. ports of the removed compressor into a Clean,
graduated container. Rotate the compressor shaft
- Add the total system capacity of PAG oil to NC to assist in draining the compressor.
compressor. Refer to Refrigerant System
Specifications on page 10-3. 2. Measure and record the amount of oil drained from
the removed compressor. This measurement will
- Add one bottle of GE41447 tracer dye. be used during installation of the replacement
Note: Flushing will remove fluorescent leak detection compressor.
dye from NC system. 3. inspect the oil drained from removed compressor.
22. Install the A/C compressor. Refer to Air Refer to Air Conditioning Compressor Oil
Conditioning Compressor Replacement (LDE, Diagnosis on page 10-10.
LUW, LWE) on page 10—1 6 or Air Conditioning 4. Properly discard the used refrigerant oil.
Compressor Replacement (LU V) on page 10—1 7.
23. Install new A/C refrigerant filter. Refer to Air
Conditioning (AC) Refrigerant Filter Replacement
on page 10-27.
24. Remove the TXV block fitting nut.
25. Disconnect liquid line and suction line from
GE 45268-115 adapter.
26. Remove the TXV bolts retaining GE 45268—115
27. Remove GE 45268-115 adapter.
28. Inspect the TXV for debris. Clean or replace as
29. install the TXV. Refer to Air Conditioning
Evaporator Thermal Expansion Valve
Replacement on page 10—29.

10-16 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Balancing Procedure Note: The refrigerant oil in the A/C system must be
balanced during compressor replacement.
1. Before installing the compressor, the refrigerantoil
will have to be fully drained:
2. Add back the same quantity of polyalkylene glycol
(PAG) oil as drained from the removed
Refer to the amount of refrigerant oil recorded
during the compressor removal.


Air Conditioning Compressor Replacement (LDE, LUW, LWE)

., ..g
7:31.)?{5’ :-:. (II; 1‘31“!

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\1:\ ‘t .2 I‘.

t '9)


Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 10=17

Air Conditioning Compressor Replacement (LDE, LUW, LWE)

Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Recovertherefrigerant.Referto RefrigerantRecoveryandRechargingonpage 10-13.
2. Raise andsupportthevehicle.Referto LiftingandJackingthe Vehicleonpage 1-31.
3. Removethedrivebeltfromthecompressor.Referto DriveBelt Replacementonpage9-964.
4. Removetheair conditioningcompressorandcondenserhosefromthecompressor.RefertoAir ConditioningCompressor
and CondenserHose Replacement(LUW)onpage 10—21 orAir ConditioningCompressorand CondenserHose
Replacement(LUV)onpage 10—23 orAir ConditioningCompressorand CondenserHose Replacement(LDE/LWE)on
page 10-25.
5. Disconnecttheelectricalconnector.
Air ConditioningCompressorBolt(Qty:3)
1 Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
Air ConditioningCompressorAssembly
2 Procedure
Whenreplacingtheair conditioningcompressor,balancethecompressoroil.Referto Air Conditioning
CompressorOil Balancingonpage 10-15.

Air Conditioning Compressor Replacement (LUV)





”1048 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning Compressor Replacement (LUV)

Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Recovertherefrigerant.Referto RefrigerantRecoveryandRechargingonpage 10-13.
2. Raise andsupportthevehicle.Referto LiftingandJackingtheVehicleonpage 1—31.
3. Removethedrivetrainandfrontsuspensionframeskidplateifequipped.Referto DrivetrainandFrontSuspensionFrame
Skid PlateReplacementonpage3-143.
4. Removethechargeaircoolerinletair hose.Referto ChargeAir Coolerln/etAirHose Replacementonpage 9-292.
.0“ Removetheenginedrivebeltfromtheair conditioningcompressor.Referto DriveBeltReplacementonpage9-784.
6. Removetheair conditioningcompressorandcondenserhosefromthecompressorassemblyandpositionoutoftheway.
RefertoAir ConditioningCompressorand CondenserHose Replacement(LUW)onpage 10-21orAir Conditioning
Compressorand CondenserHoseReplacement(LUV)onpage 10-23orAir ConditioningCompressorand Condenser
Hose Replacement(LDE/LWE)onpage 10-25.
7. Disconnecttheelectricalconnector.
Air ConditioningCompressorBolt(Qty:3)
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
Air ConditioningCompressorAssembly
2 Procedure
Whenreplacingtheairconditioningcompressor,balancethecompressoroil.RefertoAir Conditioning
CompressorOilBalancingonpage 10—15.

Air Conditioning Clutch Assembly Replacement (LUV)

“Ag .


Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning ’10-‘19

Air Conditioning Clutch Assembly Replacement (LUV)

Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removetheairconditioningcompressor.RefertoAir ConditioningCompressorReplacement(LDE,LUW,LWE)on page 10-16
orAir ConditioningCompressorReplacement(LUV)onpage 10-17.
Air ConditioningCompressorClutchNut
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage0-8.
1 Use theCH-37872holderto hotdthecompressorclutchplatefromturningwhenremovingthenut.
Special Tools
CH-37872ClutchPlate Holder
For equivalentregionaltools,referto Special Toolsonpage 10-61.
Air ConditioningCompressorClutch
Air ConditioningCompressorClutchShim(Qty:5)
Air ConditioningCompressorPulley
(0 Air ConditioningCompressorCoil

Air Conditioning Clutch Assembly Replacement (LDE/LUW/LWE)



‘30-20 Heating, Ventiiation, and Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning Clutch Assembly Replacement (LDE/LUW/LWE)

Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removetheair conditioningcompressor.RefertoAir ConditioningCompressorReplacement(LDE,LUW LWE)onpage 10-16
or Air ConditioningCompressorReplacement(LUV)onpage 10-17.
Air ConditioningCompressorClutchNut
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
1 Use theCH-37872holderto holdthecompressorclutchplatefromturningwhenremovingthenut.
Special Tools
CH-37872ClutchPlate Holder
For equivalentregionaltools,referto Special Toolsonpage 10-61.
Air ConditioningCompressorClutch
Air ConditioningCompressorClutchShim(Qty:5)
Air ConditioningCompressorPulley
Air ConditioningCompressorCoil

Air Conditioning System Seal Note: DO NOT reuse sealing washer.

Replacement 6. DISCARD the sealing washer.

Removal Procedure Installation Procedure

1. Disassemble the A/C refrigerant components. Note: Flat washer type seals do not require lubrication.
Refer to the appropriate repair procedure. 1. inspect the new seating washer for any signs of
Note: Cap or tape the open A/C refrigerant cracks, cuts, or damage.
components immediately to prevent system Do not use a damaged sealing washer.
2. Remove the cap or tape from the A/C refrigerant
2. Cap or tape the A/C refrigerant components. components.


\_ 3

2611419 662315
3. Remove the sealing washer (1) from the A/C 3. Using a Iint—free clean, dry cloth, clean the sealing
refrigerant component. surfaces of the A/C refrigerant components.
4. Inspect the seat washer for signs of damage to 4. Carefully install the NEW sealing washer (1) onto
help determine the root cause of the failure. the A/C refrigerant component.
5. Inspect the A/C refrigerantcomponents for The sealing washer(1) must completely bottom
damage or burrs. Repair if necessary. against the surface of the fitting.

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 'iO-21
Note: After tightening the A/C components, there Note: DO NOT reuse O-ring seals.
should be a siight sealing gap of approximately 1.2 mm
(3/64in) between the A/C line and the AIC component. 5. Carefully slide the NEW O-ring seal (1) onto the
A/C refrigerant component.
5. Assemble the remaining A/C refrigerant
components. Refer to the appropriate repair

Air Conditioning O-Ring Seal


Removal Procedure
1. Disassemble the A/C refrigerant components.
Refer to the appropriate repair proced ure
Note: Cap or tape the open A/C refrigerant
components immediately to prevent system
2. Cap or tape the AIC refrigerant components.

6. The O-ring seal (1) must be fully seated.
7. Assemble the A/C components.
Refer to the appropriate repair procedure.

Air Conditioning Compressor and

Condenser Hose Replacement (LUW)
Removal Procedure
1. Recover the refrigerant. Refer to Refrigerant
Recovery and Recharging on page 10-13.
2. Disconnect the A/C refrigerant pressure sensor
electrical connector.
3. Remove the O-ring seal (1) from the A/C refrigerant
component. IIEQ QJI I 0 U
4. inspect the O—ringseal for signs of damage to help
determine the root cause of the failure-
5. Inspect the A/C refrigerant components for
. damage or burrs. Repair if necessary.
6. DISCARD the O-ring seal.
Installation Procedure
1. inspect the new O-ring seat for any sign of cracks,
cuts, or damage.
2. Remove the cap or tape from the A/C refrigerant
3. Using a lint—freeclean, dry cioth, carefuiiy clean the
sealing surfaces of the A/C refrigerant
Note: DO NOTaIlow any of the mineral base
525 viscosity refrigerantoil on the new O-ring seal to
enter the refrigerant system.
4. Lightly coat the new O—ringseal with mineral base
525 viscosity refrigerant oil. 3. Remove air conditioning compressor and
condenser hose nut (1).
'10-22 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
4. Remove air conditioning compressor and Installation Procedure
condenser hose (2)from NC condenser.
Note: Use NEW system seals. Refer to Air
Conditioning System Seal Replacement on
page 10-20.
1. Install air conditioning compressor and
condenser hose.

5. Remove A/C compressor and condenser hose
bolt (1).
6. Remove A/C compressor and condenser hose (2)
from NC compressor. 2497607
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2. instali air conditioning compressor and condenser
hose (2) to the refrigerant hose.
3. instali air conditioning compressor and condenser
hose nut (1). Tighten nut to 22 Nm (16 lbft).

7. Remove air conditioning compressor and
condenser hose nut (1).
8. Remove air conditioning compressor and
condenser hose (2) from refrigerant hose.
9. Remove air conditioning compressor and 2497604
condenser hose from the vehicle. 4. Install air conditioning compressor and condenser
hose (2) to the A/C compressor.
5. instali air conditioning compressor and condenser
hose bolt (1).Tighten bolt to 22 Nm (16 lb ft).

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 10-23

2497611 2693643
Instali air conditioning compressor and condenser . Remove air conditioning compressor and
hose (2) to the A/C condenser. condenser hose nut (1).
Instail air conditioning compressor and condenser . Remove air conditioning compressor and
hose nut (1). Tighten nut to 22 N—m (16 lb ft). condenser hose (2) from NC condenser.
. Connect the A/C refrigerant pressure sensor
electrical connector.
Evacuate and charge the refrigerant system. Refer
to Refrigerant Recoveiy and Recharging on
page 10-13.

Air Conditioning Compressor and

Condenser Hose Replacement (LUV)
Removal Procedure
1. Recover the refrigerant. Refer to Refrigerant
Recovery and Recharging on page 10-13.
2. Remove the drivetrain and front suspension frame
skid plate if equipped. Refer to Drivetrain and Front
Suspension Frame Skid Plate Replacement on
page 3-143.
Remove the front fascia assembly. Refer to Front
Bumper Fascia Replacement on page 3-55.
Disconnect the A/C refrigerant pressure sensor
electrical connector.
7. Remove A/C compressor and condenser hose
boits (1).
8. Remove A/C compressor and condenser hose (2)
from NC compressor.

10=24 Heatirg, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
4. Install air conditioning compressor and condenser
hose nut (1) and tighten the nut to 22Nm (16 lb ft).

9. Remove air conditioning compressor and
condenser hose nut (1). 2893727
10. Remove air conditioning compressor and
condenser hose (2) from refrigerant hose. 5. Install air conditioning compressor and condenser
hose (2) to the A/C compressor.
11. Remove air conditioning compressor and
condenser hose from the vehicie. 6. Install air conditioning compressor and condenser
hose bolts (1) and tighten the boit to 22 Nm
12. Discard all the old air conditioning seals. (16 lb ft).
13. Transfer the air conditioning pressure sensor to the
new line assembly.
Installation Procedure
1. Instali NEW air conditioning system seals. Refer to
Air Conditioning System Seal Replacement on
page 10-20.
2. Install air conditioning compressor and condenser
hose assembly into the vehicie.

. lnstall air conditioning compressor and condenser
hose (2) to the A/C condenser.
. Instail air conditioning compressor and condenser
hose nut (1) and tighten the nut to 22 N-m(16 lbft).
. Connect the A/C refrigerant pressure sensor
electrical connector.
10. Install the front fascia assembly. Refer to Front
2893729 Bumper Fascia Replacement on page 3—55.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
3. Install air conditioning compressor and condenser
hose (2) to the refrigerant hose.
2013 (5377994)
Heafing,Venfimfion,andiMrCondeNflng HLZS
11. install the drivetrain and front suspension frame
skid plate if equipped. Refer to Drivetrain and Front
Suspension Frame Skid Plate Replacement on
page 3—143.
12. Charge the refrigerant system. Refer to Refrigerant
Recovery and Recharging on page 10—13.

Air Conditioning Compressor and

Condenser Hose Replacement

Removal Procedure
1. Recover the refrigerant. Refer to Refrigerant
Recovery and Recharging on page 10—13.
2. Disconnect the A/C refrigerant pressure sensor
electrical connector.

5. Remove A/C compressor and condenser hose
bolts (1).
6. Remove A/C compressor and condenser hose (2)
from NC compressor.

3. Remove air conditioning compressor and
condenser hose nut (1).
4. Remove air conditioning compressor and
condenser hose (2) from NC condenser.

7. Remove air conditioning compressor and
condenser hose nut (1).
8. Remove air conditioning compressor and
condenser hose (2) from refrigerant hose.
9. Remove air conditioning compressor and
condenser hose from the vehicie.

10426 Heating, Ventiiation, and Air Conditioning

Installation Procedure
Note: Use NEW system seals. Refer to Air
Conditioning System Seal Replacement on
page 10-20.
1. instali air conditioning compressor and
condenser hose.

6. Install air conditioning compressor and condenser
hose (2) t0 the A/C condenser.
7. Install air conditioning compressor and condenser
hose nut (1). Tighten nut to 22 Nm (16 lb ft).
8. Connect the A/C refrigerant pressure sensor
electrical connector.
2497607 9. Evacuate and charge the refrigerant system. Refer
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8. to Refrigerant Recover and Recharging on
2. Install air conditioning compressor and condenser page 70'13-
hose (2) to the refrigerant hose.
3. Install air conditioning compressor and condenser
hose nut (1). Tighten nut to 22 N-m(16 lb ft).

4. Install air conditioning compressor and condenser
hose (2) to the A/C compressor.
5. Install air conditioning compressor and condenser
hose bolts (1). Tighten bolt to 22 N-m(16 lb ft).

2013 (5377994)
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning '10-2‘7

Air Conditioning Evaporator Hose Assembly Replacement

Air Conditioning Evaporator Hose Assembly Replacement
Callout Component Name
Air ConditioningEvaporatorHoseAssemblyNut.
1 Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
Air ConditioningEvaporatorHoseAssembly
2 Procedure
Discardandreplaceall sealingwashers.RefertoAir ConditioningSystemSeal Replacementonpage 10-20.

Air Conditioning (AC) Refrigerant

Filter Repiacement
Special Tools
GE 39400-A Halogen Leak Detector
For equivaient regional toois, refer to Special Tools on
page 10-61.
Removal Procedure
1. Recover the refrigerant. Refer to Refrigerant
Recoven/ and Recharging on page 10—13.
2. Remove the air conditioning condenser. Refer to
Air Conditioning Condenser Replacement
(LDE,LUW) on page 10—33or Air Conditioning
Condenser Replacement (LUV) on page 10-34.

10-28 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
5. Install the air conditioning condenser. Refer to Air
Conditioning Condenser Replacement (LDE,LUW)
on page 10—33or Air Conditioning Condenser
Replacement (LUV) on page 10-34.
6. Evacuate and charge the refrigerant system. Refer
to Refrigerant Recover and Recharging on
page 10-13.
7. Leak test the fittings using the GE 39400-A

Air Conditioning Refrigerant Service

Valve Core Replacement
Special Tools
. GE-39400-A Halogen Leak Detector
. GE-46246 Valve Core Removal Tool
For equivaient regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 10-61.
Removal Procedure
1. Recover the refrigerant. Refer to Refrigerant
Note: Cap ail A/C components immediately to prevent
Recovery and Recharging on page 10-13.
system contamination.
3. Remove the air conditioning receiver and
dehydrator plug (4).
4. Remove and discard the sealing washers (3).
5. Remove the refrigerant filter (2)from the
condenser (1).
Installation Procedure

2. Remove the service port vaive core (1) using the
GE-46246 remover.

1. Uncap A/C components.
2. install new seating washers (3). Refer to Air
Conditioning O-Ring Seal Replacement on
page 10-21.
3. Install the refrigerant filter(2) into the air
conditioning condenser (1).
4. Install the air conditioning receiver and dehydrator
piug (4).

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning ’iO-29
|nsta||ation Procedure Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
1. instail the service port vaive core (1) using the
2. Evacuate and charge the refrigerant system. Refer
to Refrigerant Recover and Recharging on
page 10-13. ,
1 3. Leak test the fittings using the GE—39400-A
%/ detector.


Air Conditioning Evaporator Thermal Expansion Valve Replacement

t\\ i‘ \H /¢/;1:J\\\\\ \ W/AAD—afl; it// /


’10-30 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Air COnditioning Evaporator Thermal Expansion Valve Replacement

Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Recovertherefrigerant.Referto RefrigerantRecoveryandRechargingonpage 10-13.
2. Removetheairconditioningevaporatorhoseassemblyfromthethermalexpansionvaive.RefertoAir Conditioning
EvaporatorHoseAssemblyReplacementonpage 10-27.
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
7 N'm(62lb in)
Note: Use NEW systemseals. RefertoAir ConditioningSystemSeal Replacementonpage 10-20.

Air Conditioning (AIC) Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Replacement (1 .4L)

Air Conditioning (AIC) Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Repiacement (1 .4L)
Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Raise andsupportthevehicie.Referto LiftingandJackingtheVehicleonpage 1-31.
2. Removethefrontbumperfasciaopeninglowercover.Referto FrontBumperFascia OpeningLowerCoverReplacementon
page 3-58.

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning ’10-31

Air Conditioning (A/C) Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Replacement (1.4L) (cont'd)

Callout Component Name
Air ConditioningRefrigerantPressureSensor
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage 0—8.
1. Disconnecttheair conditioningrefrigerantpressuresensorconnector.
2. RemoveanddiscardtheO-ringandreplacewithNEW.RefertoAir ConditioningO-RingSeal Replacement
onpage 10-21. *
6 N-m(54lbin)

Air Conditioning (AIC) Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Replacement (LUV)

(\_JRJLJLI‘W /)fl
, m ‘1’?m.


Air Conditioning (AIC) Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Replacement (LUV)
Callout Component Name
Air ConditioningRefrigerantPressureSensor
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
1. Disconnecttheair conditioningrefrigerantpressuresensorconnector.
2. RemoveanddiscardtheO-ringandreplacewithNEW.RefertoAir ConditioningO-RingSeal Replacement
onpage 10—21 .
6 N-m(54lbin)

'10-32 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning (A/C) Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Repiacement (LDE/



I 1 \,

I we _
-r / /‘:’*':
CLéI' I __

Q) \ \ CF; /
l f")
Air Conditioning (AIC) Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Repiacement (LDE/LUW/LWE)
Callout Component Name
Air ConditioningRefrigerantPressureSensor
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
1 1. Disconnecttheair conditioningrefrigerantpressuresensorconnector.
2. RemoveanddiscardtheO-ringandreplacewithNEW.RefertoAir ConditioningO-RingSeal Replacement
onpage 10-21.
6 N-m(53lbin)

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning ’iO-33

Air Conditioning Condenser Replacement (LDE,LUW)


1 _.


Air Conditioning Condenser Replacement (LDE,LUW)
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Recovertherefrigerant.Referto RefrigerantRecovery andRechargingonpage 10-13.
2. Removefrontbumperfascia.Referto FrontBumperFascia Replacementonpage 3-55.
3. Removetheairconditioningcompressorandcondenser hosefromthecondenser.RefertoAir ConditioningCompressor
andCondenserHoseReplacement(LUW)on page 10-21orAir ConditioningCompressorandCondenserHose
Replacement(LUV)onpage 10-23or Air ConditioningCompressorand CondenserHose Replacement(LDE/LWE)on
page 10-25.
Air ConditioningCondenserBaffeiBolt (Qty:4)
Caution: RefertoFastenerCaution onpage0-8
10N-m(89lb in)
2 Air ConditioningCondenserBaffel
Air ConditioningCondenser
3 Procedure
Uncliptheair conditioningcondenserfromtheradiatorassembly.

10,34 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning;

Air Conditioning Condenser Replacement (LUV)

' :\*
I." c\L ‘1
0 Wm“

9h“ 'J

Air Conditioning Condenser Replacement (LUV)
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Draintherefrigerant.Referto RefrigerantRecoveryandRechargingonpage 10-13
2. Removethefrontbumperfascia assembly.Referto FrontBumperFascia Replacementonpage3—55.
3. Removeair compressorandcondenserhoseassemblyfromthecondenserandpositionoutoftheway.RefertoAir
ConditioningCompressorand CondenserHoseRepiacement(LUW)onpage 10-21orAir ConditioningCompressorand
CondenserHoseReplacement(LUV)onpage 10-23or Air ConditioningCompressorand CondenserHoseReplacement
(LDE/LWE)onpage 10-25.
4. Removetheradiatorupperair baffle.Referto RadiatorAirBaffleReplacement(LUV,LUW)onpage 9-679
1 Air ConditioningCondenserFasteners(Qty:3)
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
2 Air ConditioningCondenserBracket
Air ConditioningCondenserAssembly
3 Procedure
Transferall necessarycomponents.

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 10-35
Heater and Air Conditioning Evaporator and Blower Module Removal and



Heater and Air Conditioning Evaporator and Blower Module Removal
and Installation
Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedures _
1. Recovertherefrigerant.Referto RefrigerantRecoveryandRechargingonpage 10—13.
Drainthecoolingsystem.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage 9-628.
Removetheinstrumentpaneltie bar.Referto InstrumentPanel TieBar Replacementonpage 2-51.
DisconnecttheHVAC moduleelectricalconnectors.
WPPNRemovetheairconditioningevaporatorhoseassemblyfromthethermalexpansionvaive.RefertoAir Conditioning
EvaporatorHoseAssemblyReplacementonpage 10—27.
6. Removetheheateroutlethose if equipped.Referto HeaterOutletHose Replacement(LUV)onpage 10-40or Heater
OutletHose Replacement(LDE,LUW)onpage 10-40.
7. Removetheheaterinlethoseif equipped.Referto HeaterlnletHose Replacement(LDE,LUVWonpage 10-38or Heater
InletHoseReplacement(LUV)onpage 10—38.
HeaterandAir ConditioningEvaporatorand BlowerModuleFastener
Caution: Referto FastenerCautionon page 0-8.
2 HeaterandAir ConditioningEvaporatorand BlowerModuleAssembly

'10-36 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Heater and Air Conditioning Evaporator Case Replacement

Heater and Air Conditioning Evaporator Case Replacement
Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Removetheinstrumentpaneltie bar.Referto InstrumentPanelTieBar Replacementonpage 2-51.
2. RemoveHVAC module.Referto HeaterandAir ConditioningEvaporatorandBlowerModuleRemovalandInstallationon
page 10-35.
3. Removeair inletassemblyRefertoAirlnletAssemb/yReplacementonpage 10—47
1 HeaterandAir ConditioningEvaporatorCase Fasteners(Qty:9)
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage 0—8.
2 UpperHeaterandAir ConditioningEvaporatorCase

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning ’10-37

Air Conditioning Evaporator Core Replacement


\ \
3 O

E :2 = ..

Air Conditioning Evaporator Core Replacement
Callout Component Name
1. Removetheinstrumentpaneltiebar.Referto InstrumentPanel TieBar Replacementonpage 2—51.
2. RemoveHVACmodule.Referto HeaterandAir ConditioningE vaporatorandBlowerModuleRemovalandInstallationon
page 10-35.
3. RemoveairinletassemblyRefertoAir InletAssemb/yReplacementonpage 10-47
1 UpperHeaterandAir ConditioningEvaporatorCase Fasteners(Qty:9)
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
UpperHeaterandAir ConditioningEvaporatorCase Assembly
EvaporatorCore Assembly

10-38 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Heater Inlet Hose Replacement (LUV)

;,/ ;,,°i‘l '1"

‘ vmrfli ’1 - I .v,
6¥‘@"i«£tfi' r Vr““"'='I:’
9" .. iCI-‘Ta-fix

Heater Inlet Hose Replacement (LUV)
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Draintheenginecoolant.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage 9-628.
2. Removethechargeaircooleroutlethose.Referto ChargeAir CoolerOutletAirHose Replacementonpage 9-293.
1 Special Tools
BO-38185Hose ClampPliers
For equivaientregionaltools,referto Special Toolsonpage 9-681.
2 HeaterinletHose

Heater Inlet Hose Repiacement

Special Tools
BO-38185 Hose Clamp Piiers
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-681.
Removal Procedure
1. Drain the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9628.

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 10=39
Installation Procedure

2. Disengage the heater inlet hose quickconnect
- clip(1) at the heater core. 2495184
3. Remove the heater inlet hose (2)from the 1. install the heater iniet hose to the vehicle.
heater core.
2. Install the heater inlet hose (2) to the engine.
3. Install the heater inlet hose clamp (1) at the engine
using BO-38185 Hose Clamp Pliers.

4. Remove the heater inlet hose clamp (1) at the
engine using BO-38185 Hose Clamp Pliers. 2495162
5. Remove the heater inlet hose (2) from the engine. Note: The quickconnector has an internai anti—rotation
6. Remove the heater inlet hose from the vehicle. feature. The ensure the quickconnector is properly
aligned to the heater core pipe, position the white mark
to the 12:00 O’clock position during installation.
4. Install the heater inlet hose (2) to the heater core.
5. Engage the heater inlet hose quickconnect clip(1)
at the heater core.
6. Fill the cooling system. Referto Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9—628.

‘10-40 Heatinwentiiation, and Air Conditionfl;

Heater Outlet Hose Replacement (LUV)


Heater Outlet Hose Replacement (LUV)
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Draintheenginecoolant.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage9-628.
2. Removetheair cleanerassembly.RefertoAir CleanerAssemblyReplacementonpage 9-290.
1 Special Tools
For equivalentregionaltools,referto Special Toolsonpage9-681.

Heater Outlet Hose Replacement

Special Tools
BO-38185 Hose Ciamp Pliers
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 9-681.
Removal ProceduIe
1. Drain the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9-628.

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 10-41
installation Procedure

2. Disengage the heater outlet hose quickconnect
clip(1) at the heater core. 2495189
3. Remove the heater outlet hose (2) from the 1. install the heater outlet hose to the vehicle.
heater core.
2. instail the heater outlet hose (2) to the engine.
3. lnstaii the heater outlet hose clamp (1) at the
engine using BO-38185 Hose Clamp Pliers.

4. Remove the heater outlet hose clamp (1) at the
engine using BO—38185Hose Clamp Pliers. 2495174
5. Remove the heater outlet hose (2) from the engine. Note: The quickconnector has an internal anti—rotation
6. Remove the heater outlet hose from the vehicie. feature. The ensure the quickconnector is properly
aligned to the heater core pipe, position the white mark
to the 12:00 O’clock position during installation.
4. install the heater outlet hose (2) to the heater core.
5. Engage the heater outlet hose quick connect
clip (1) at the heater core.
6. Fill the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System
Draining and Filling on page 9—628.

10=42 Heating, Ventiiation, and Air Conditioning

Heater Core Outlet Tube Replacement

Heater Core Outlet Tube Replacement
Callout - Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. RemovetheHeaterandAir ConditioningEvaporatorand BlowerModule.Referto HeaterandAir ConditioningEvaporator
andBlowerModuleRemovalandInstallationonpage 10-35.
2. Disconnecttheelectricalconnectorsas necessary.
1 HeaterCoreTubeCoverBolt(Qty:2)
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
HeaterCore TubeRearCoverBolt
(11-th HeaterCore TubeRearCover
Note: HeaterCoretubesareservicedas a kit.

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 10—43
Heater Core Inlet Tube Replacement


2 @ $\4

Heater Core Inlet Tube Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. RemovetheHeaterandAir ConditioningEvaporatorand BlowerModule.Referto HeaterandAir ConditioningEvaporator
andBlowerModuleRemovaland Installationonpage 10-35.
2. Disconnecttheelectricalconnectorsas necessary.
1 Caution: Referto FastenerCaution onpage 0-8.
2 HeaterCoreTubeCover
3 HeaterCoreTubeClamp(Qty:2)
4 HeaterCoreTubeRearCover Bolt
5 HeaterCoreTubeRearCover
6 HeaterCoreTube
Note: HeaterCoretubesareserviced as a kit.

’iO-44 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Heater Inlet Hose Connector Replacement (LUV)

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Heater Inlet Hose Connector Replacement _(LUV)
Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Draintheenginecoolant.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage 9-628.
2. Removetheheaterinlethose.Referto HeaterlnletHose Replacement(LDE,LUW)onpage 10-38or HeaterlnletHose
Replacement(LUV)onpage 10—38
1 HeaterinietHose ConnectorRetainingClip
2 HeaterinletHose Connector

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 10-45
Heater Outlet Hose Connector Replacement

Heater Outlet Hose Connector Replacement
Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Draintheenginecoolant.Referto CoolingSystemDrainingandFillingonpage 9-628.
2. Removetheheateroutlethose.Referto HeaterOutletHose Replacement(LUV)onpage 10-40orHeaterOutletHose
Replacement(LDE,LUW)onpage 10—40
1 HeaterOutletHose ConnectorRetainingClip
2 HeaterOutletHose Connector

'10-46 Heating, Ventiiation, and Air Conditioning

Passenger Compartment Air Filter Replacement (LHD)

’ Lea.
/‘I ‘V’ " " .“2:5:
A /lI/——/—
6 Maaaet

Passenger Compartment Air Filter Replacement (LHD)
Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
RemoveIPcompartment.Referto Instrument Panel LowerCompartmentReplacementonpage2-44.
PassengerCompartmentAir FilterServiceLid Retainer
1 Procedure
2 PassengerCompartmentAir Filter


Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 10-47

Air Inlet Assembly Replacement

t1 0
\. 11/
Air Inlet Assembly Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. RemovetheHeaterandAir ConditioningEvaporatorand BlowerModuie.Referto HeaterandAir ConditioningEvaporator
and BlowerModuleRemovalandInstallationonpage 10-35.
2. Disconnecttheelectricalconnectors.
1 Air inletHousingFastener(Qty:5)
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
2 Air InletHousing

10=48 Heating, Ventiiation, and Air Conditioning

Blower Motor Resistor Replacement

~-— n§\‘"u.-=':——~V ' ’

g ‘r/

Blower Motor Resistor Repiacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removetheinstrumentpanelinsulator,if equipped.
1 Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage0-8.
2 Procedure

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 10-49

Air Inlet Valve Actuator Repiacement (LHD)


Air Inlet Valve Actuator Replacement (LHD)
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Removetheinstrumentpanelcompartment.Referto InstrumentPanel Lower CompartmentReplacementonpage 2-44.
2. Repositionanywiringor hosestogainaccess to airinletvaiveactuator.
Air InletValveActuatorScrew(Qty:2)
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
2 Air InletValveActuator

Blower Motor Repiacement 3- Remove the right side floor heater duct. Refer to
Floor Air Outlet Duct Replacement —Right Side
Removai Procedure — Production (LHD) on page 10—57.
Blower Motor Remove the 3 blower motor cover screws, and
remove the blower motor cover.
1. Remove the passenger side instrument panel 5
insulator. Refer to Instrument Panel Insulator . Disconnect the blower motorwire harness
Replacement on page 2-29. con nector.
2. Remove the passenger side inflatable restraint
instrument panel lower module. Refer to
InstrumentPanel LowerAirbag Replacement -
Passenger Side on page 13-123.

10=50 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Removal Procedure - Service Blower

1. Remove the passenger side instrument panel
insulator. Refer to InstrumentPanel Insulator
Replacement on page 2-29.
. Remove the passenger side inflatable restraint
instrument panel lower module. Referto
InstrumentPanel LowerAirbag Replacement -
Passenger Side on page 13-123.
Remove the right side floor heater duct. Refer to
F/oorAir Outlet Duct Replacement —Right Side
(LHD) on page 10-57.
Remove the blower motor cover (if required).
Disconnect the blower motor wire harness

Note: The blower motor is molded into heater and air
conditioning evaporator and blower lower module case
during the manufacturing process, therefore heater and
air conditioning evaporator and blower lower module
case must be cut to remove blower motor assembly.
Cut through the case as straight as possible because
the blower motor cup must be reused. In order to
prevent damage to the component, do not cut any
deeper than necessary to remove the blower
motor cup.
6. Cut out the blower motor assembly using a utility
knife, foilowing the narrow groove around the
blower motor assembly in the lower case.

6. Remove the 3 outer most screws from blower
motor service ring, or blower integrated ring.
7. Remove the blower motor assembly.

7. Remove the blower motor assembly.

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning '10-51
|nsta||ation Procedure Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution on page 0-8.
2. Attach the blower motor service ring to the blower
motor assembly using the service screws.
3. When using the original blower motor assembly
that has been cut out of the lower case, install the
a blower motor assembly with the service ring
assembly to the heater and air conditioning
evaporator and biower module lower case, with the
additional service screws, and tighten the screws.
0 A. When using the service blower motor kit, instali the
service biower motor assembly to the heater and
air conditioning evaporator and blower lower
module case, with additional service screws, and
tighten the screws.
5. Install the biower motor cover.
F” Connect the blower motorwire harness connector.
7. Installthe right side floor heater duct. Refer to
FloorAir Outlet Duct Replacement —Right Side
(LHD) on page 10—57.
8. instail the passenger side inflatable restraint
instrument panel lower module. Refer to
. InstrumentPanel Lower Airbag Replacement -
2538622 Passenger Side on page 13-123.
1. Clean and smooth the rough edges, and remove 9- Installthe passenger side instrument panel
- any burs of plastic from heater and air conditioning insulator. Refer tOInstrumentPanel Insulator
evaporator and blower iower module case, where Replacement 0" page 2-29.
the original blower motor assembly was cut out of
the heater and airconditioning evaporator and
blower lower module case.

Side Window Defogger Outlet Grille Repiacement

"10:52 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Side Window Defogger Outlet Grille Repiacement

Callout Component Name
Side WindowDefrosterOutletGriile(Qty:2)
Use a flatbladedplastictrimtooltoaid in theremovalofthegrilleassembliesfromtheinstrumentpanel.

Instrument Panel Outer Air Outlet Replacement - Left Side

\V /)
a 6O?

)1 $0

Instrument Panel Outer Air Outlet Replacement - Left Side
Callout Component Name
InstrumentPanelOuterAir OutletAssembly
Use a flatbladedplastictrimtooltoaid in theremovaioftheairoutletassemblyfromtheinstrumentpanel.

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 10-53
instrument Panel Center Air Outlet Replacement

Instrument Panel Center Air Outlet Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removetheinstrumentpanelcentermolding.Referto InstrumentPanel CenterMoldingReplacement(WithU58)onpage 2-47
or InstrumentPanel CenterMoldingReplacement(WithoutU58)onpage2-48.
instrumentPanel CenterAir OutletAssembly
1 Procedure

10—54 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Instrument Panel Outer Air Outlet Replacement - Right Side


If E

Instrument Panel Outer Air Outlet Replacement - Right Side
Callout Component Name
instrumentPanel OuterAir OutletAssembly
1 Procedure
Use a flatbladedplastictrimtooltoaid intheremovaloftheair outletassemblyfromtheinstrumentpanel.

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning '10-55
Instrument Panel Outer Air Outlet Duct Replacement

Instrument Panel Outer Air Outlet Duct Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Removetheinstrumentpanelassembly.Referto InstrumentPanelAssemblyReplacementonpage2-49.
2. Repositionanywiringor hoses togain access toairduct.
1 CenterAir DistributorDuct Screw(Qty:4)
Caution: RefertoFastener Cautiononpage0—8.
2 CenterAir DistributorDuct

'iO-56 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Floor Air Outlet Duct Replacement - Left Side (LHD)

Floor Air Outlet Duct Replacement - Left Side (LHD)
Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
1. Removetheinstrumentpanelinsulator,if equipped.
2. Removetheinstrumentpaneiiowertrimpadcover.Referto InstrumentPanel LowerTrimPad CoverReplacement(Without
AAL) onpage 2-40or InstrumentPanelLowerTrimPad CoverReplacement(WithAAL) onpage 2-41.
1 FloorAir OutletDuctFastener
2 FloorAir OutletDuct

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioningfi ‘10-57

Floor Air Outlet Duct Repiacement - Right Side (LHD)

Floor Air Outlet Duct Replacement - Right Side (LHD)
Callout Component Name
Removetheinstrumentpanelinsulator,if equipped.
1 FloorAir OutletDuctFastener
2 FloorAir OutletDuct

'10=58 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Floor Rear Air Outlet Duct Replacement - Left Side

E} o

0 o

m 0 \
W \_.

. O) . . «mii .. ___-4:5t

Floor Rear Air Outlet Duct Replacement - Left Side
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removethefloorpanelcarpet. RefertoFloorPanel CarpetReplacementonpage2-19.
1 FloorRearAir OutletDuctPush-inFastener
2 FloorRearAir OutletDuct

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 10-59
Floor Rear Air Outlet Duct Replacement - Right Side

, -'I-II _

~~ 1415117“

Floor Rear Air Outlet Duct Replacement - Right Side
Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removethefrontfloorcarpet.Referto FloorPanel CarpetRep/acementonpage 2-19.
1 FloorRearAir OutletDuctFastener
FloorRearAir OutletDuct
2 Procedure
Transferail necessarycomponents.

’10-60 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Heater Core Replacement

Heater Core Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. RemovetheHeaterandAir ConditioningEvaporatorandBlowerModule.Referto HeaterandAir ConditioningEvaporator
andBlowerModuleRemovaland Installationonpage 10-35.
2. Disconnecttheelectricalconnectorsas necessary.
LowerHeaterCase Fasteners(Qty:9)
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
3 LowerHeaterCore Case
4 Procedure
Pull outtheheatercore.

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 10-61

Description and Operation The boiling refrigerant absorbs heat from the ambient
air and draws moisture onto the evaporator. The
refrigerant exits the evaporator through the suction line
and back to the compressor, in a vapor state. This
Heating and Air Conditioning System completes the A/C cycle of heat removal. At the
Description and Operation compressor, the refrigerant is compressed again and
the cycle of heat removal is repeated.
Engine Coolant The conditioned air is distributed through the HVAC
Engine coolant is the key element of the heating module for passenger comfort. The moisture removed
system. The engine thermostat controls the normal from the passenger compartment will also change form,
engine operating coolant temperature. Coolant pumped or condense, and is discharged from the HVAC module
out of the engine enters the heater core through the as water.
inlet heater hose. The air flowing through the HVAC
module absorbs the heat of the coolant flowing through Special Tools and Equipment
the heater core. The coolant then exits the heater core
through the heater outlet hose and returns back to the
engine block. Illustration Tool Number]Description
AIC Cycle
Refrigerant is the key element in an air conditioning
system. R-134a is presently the only EPA approved
refrigerant for automotive use. R-134a is a very low BO-38185
temperature gas that can transfer the undesirable heat J-38185
from the passenger compartment to the outside air.
Hose ClampPliers
A Delphi model CSP-17 compressor is used on this
model year vehicle. The NC compressor is belt driven
and operates when the magnetic clutch is engaged.
The compressor builds pressure in the A/C system. 14013
Compressing the refrigerant also adds heat to the
refrigerant. The refrigerant is discharged from the
compressor through the discharge hose, and forced to
flow to the condenser and then through the balance of
the A/C system. The NC system is mechanically BO-42220
protected with the use of a high pressure relief valve.
if the high pressure A/C switch were to fail or if the J-42220
refrigerant system becomes restricted and refrigerant Universal12VLeak
pressure continued to rise, the high pressure relief will DetectionLamp
pop open and release refrigerant from the system.
Compressed refrigerant enters the condenser in a high
temperature, high pressure vapor state. As the 677808
refrigerant flows through the condenser, the heat of the
refrigerant is transferred to the ambient air passing
through the condenser. Cooling the refrigerant causes
the refrigerant to condense and change from a vapor to CH-37872
a liquid state. GE-30206952
The condenser is located in front of the radiator for 3-0206952
maximum heat transfer. The condenser is made of J-37872
aluminum tubing and aluminum cooling fins, which DT—48280
allows rapid heat transfer for the refrigerant.The ClutchPlate Holder
semi—cooledliquid refrigerant exits the condenser and
flows through the liquid line, to the TXV.
The TXV is located at the evaporator inlet. The TXV is
the dividing point for the high and the low pressure
sides of the A/C system. As the refrigerant passes
through the TXV, the refrigerant is lowered. Due to the
pressure differential on the liquid refrigerant,the GE-39400
refrigerant will begin to boil at the TXV. The TXV also J-39400
meters the amount of liquid refrigerant that can flow into GE—50078
the evaporator. ElectricHalogenLeak
Refrigerant exiting the TXV flows into the evaporator Detector
core in a low pressure, liquid state. Ambient air is drawn
through the HVAC module and passes through the
evaporator core. Warm and moist air will cause the 82132
liquid refrigerant to boil inside the evaporator core.

10=62 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Illustration Tool Number]Description Illustration Tool Number]Description


A/C FlushingAdapterKit

728982 767049

GE-41447 GE-46246
J-41447 J-46246
Dye_ ValveCoreTool

258343 900408

GE—43600 o ‘11
GE-48800 D GE-46297
J-43600 J-46297
ACR 2000Air Conditioning Km A/C DyeInjectorKit

660165 1389566

GE-43872 GE—46297-1 2
J-43872 J—46297-12
FlorescentDyeCleaner ReplacementDye

748416 1389563

A/C Oil Injector


HVAC - Manual 1063

HVAC - Manual

Schematic and Routing Diagrams

NX _
'10—64 HVAC =Manual _
. 39


Iwozflcwzom .
_ _









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\ Service
HVAC - Manual 10=67

Diagnostic Information and Procedures

DTC B0223

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
o Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC B0223 01: Recirculate Position Command 1 Circuit Short to Battery
DTC B0223 02: Recirculate Position Command 1 Circuit Short to Ground
DTC B0223 04: Recirculate Position Command 1 Circuit Open

Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
Control—TerminalA B022301 8022304 8022302 -
Control—TerminalB B022301 B022304 B022302 -

CircuitlSystem Description Conditions for Clearing the DTC

The air inlet actuator is a 2-wire bi-directional electric The condition for setting the DTC is no longer present.
motor.There are two control circuits that enable the
actuator to operate. The control circuits use either a O Reference Information
or 12 V value to coordinate the actuator movement.
When the actuator is at rest, both control circuits have a Schematic Reference
value of OV. Inorder to move the actuator, the HVAC HVAC Schematics on page 10-64
control module grounds one of the control circuits while
providing the other with 12 V. The HVAC control module Connector End View Reference
reverses the polarity of the control circuits to move the Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
actuator in the opposite direction.
Description and Operation
Conditions for Running the DTC
Manual HVAC Description and Operation on
IgnitionON page 10-85
Conditions for Setting the DTC Electrical Information Reference
B0223 01 - Circuit Testing on page 11—526
The HVAC control module detects a short to battew in - Connector Repairs on page 11-548
either air inlet control circuit. - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
30223 02 Connections on page 11—531
The HVAC control module detects a short to ground in ' Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
either air inlet control circuit. Scan Tool Reference
B0223 04 Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
The HVAC control module detects an open in an either information
inlet control circuit.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
The air inlet door will be inoperative.

10=68 HVAC . Manual
CircuitlSystem Testing 4. Verify the test lamp turns ON for approximately
10 seconds when commanding the
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at RECIRCULATE and FRESH AIR positions using
the M4 Air InletDoor Actuator. it may take up to the reoirculate switch.
2 minutes for all vehicle systems to power down.
. Test for less than 100 0 between each control 3 5:219tzitdlsamp remains OFF during either Of the
circuit terminal listed below and ground. m __ .
. TerminalA 4.1. Ignition OFF, remove the test lamp, disconnect
. the harness connector at the K33 HVAC
° Termmal B Control Module, ignition ON.
lf100 Q or greater 4.2. Test for less than 1 V between each control
2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness circuit and ground.
connector at the K33 HVAC COhtFOIModule. 2 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end the circuit.
to end. _ 1 u If less than 1 v
=>112Q 0t greater, repair the open/hlgh reelstance 4.3. Test for less than infinite resistance between
t” the C'rCU't- each control circuit and ground.
=>If less than 2 9) FGPIECGthe K33 HVAC COhtFOI =>If less than infinite resistance, repair the short to
Module. ground on the circuit.
If '935 than 100 9 =>If infinite resistance, replace the K33 HVAC
. Conhect a test lamp between control circuit Control Module.
term'nal A and control Circwt terminal B! U If the test lamp illuminates during each of the
IgnitionON. commands
5. Test or replace the M4 Air InletDoor Actuator.
Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6-92 after completing the repair.
.Air Inlet Valve Actuator Replacement (LHD) on
-page 10—49
Control Module References on page 6-3 for
K33 HVAC Control Module replacement,
programming and setup

HVAC - Manual 1069

DTC B3933

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
procedure. .
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6—58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6—59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC B3933 02: Air Conditioning Evaporator Temperature Sensor Circuit Short to Ground
DTC B3933 05: Air Conditioning Evaporator Temperature Sensor Circuit High Voltage/Open

Diagnostic Fault Information

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
Signal 8393302 B393305 B393305 -
LowReference — B393305 — -

CircuitlSystem Description Electrical Information Reference

The temperature sensors are a 2—wirenegative - Circuit Testing on page 11-526
temperature co-efficient thermistor. A signal circuit and
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548
low reference circuit is provided to the sensor. As the
air temperature surrounding the sensor increases, the - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
sensor resistance decreases. The sensor signal Connections on page 11-531
voltage decreases as the resistance decreases. The - Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
sensor operates within a temperature range between
-40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F). Scan Tool Reference
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
Conditions for Running the DTC information
~ IgnitionON.
- The HVAC control module is ON. CircuitlSystem Testing
1. Ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
Conditions for Setting the DTC disconnect the harness connector at the B39 A/C
The HVAC control module detects the sensor signal Evaporator Temperature Sensor. Itmay take up to
voltage is less than 0.1 V or greater than 4.9 V for more 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to power down.
than 50 ms. 2. Test for less than 20 (2 between the low reference
circuit terminal B and ground.
Action Taken When the DTC Sets
:> If 20 Q or greater
The NC compressor is disabled if the last test is not
2.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect X3 the harness
connector at the K33 HVAC Control Module.
Conditions for Clearing the DTC 2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
The sensor signal is within specified range between Circuit end to end.
0.1-4.9 V. =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit.
Reference Information
=>If less than 2 Q, replace the K33 HVAC Control
Schematic Reference Module.
HVAC Schematics on page 10-64 II If less than 20 Q
3. Ignition ON.
Connector End View Reference
Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
Description and Operation
Manual HVAC Description and Operation on
page 10—85

10-70 HVAC - Manual
4. Test for 4.8—5.2V between the signal circuit =>Ifless than 1 V, replace the K33 HVAC Control
terminal A and ground. Module.
:; If less than 4,8 V If between 4.8—5.2V
4.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X3 harness . Test or replace the 839 NC Evaporator
connector at the K33 HVAC Control Module. Temperature Sensor.
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal . Verify the DTC does not set while operating the
circuit and ground. vehicle under the Conditions for Running the DTC.
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to If the DTC sets
ground on the circuit. Replace the K33 HVAC Control Module.
II Ifinfinite resistance U If the DTC does not set
4.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end 7. All OK.
to end.
=>lf2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance Repair Instructions
in the circuit. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
=>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K33 HVAC Control page 6—92after completing the repair.
Module. EvaporatorAir Temperature Sensor Replacement
If greater than 5.2 V (LHD) on page 10—85
4.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the X3 harness Control Module References on page 6—3for
connector at the K33 HVAC Control Module, K33 HVAC Control Module replacement,
ignition ON. programming and setup
4.2. Test for less than 1 V between the signal
circuit and ground.
=>lf1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.

HVAC - Manual 'IO-7’I
DTC P0532 or P0533

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6—66prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0532: Air Conditioning (AIC) Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0533: Air Conditioning (A/C) Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Circuit High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information

Openhfigh Sbnal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
5 V Reference P0452,P0532,
P0641 P0452, P0532,
P0641 P0533 -
Signal P0532 P0532 P0533 -
LowReference —— 1 P0533 — -

CircuitlSystem Description Connector End View Reference

The engine control module (ECM) monitors the high Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
side refrigerant pressure through the A/C refrigerant
pressure sensor. The ECM supplies a 5 V reference Description and Operation
and a low reference to the sensor. Changes in the A/C Manual HVAC Description and Operation on
refrigerant pressure cause the sensor signal to the page 10-85
ECM to vary. When the pressure is high, the signal
voltage is high. When the pressure is low, the signal Electrical Information Reference
voltage is low. When pressure is high, the ECM
commands the cooling fans on. When pressure is too - Circuit Testing on page 11-526
high or too low, the ECM will inhibit activation of the A/C - Connector Repairs on page 11-548
compressor. - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
Connections on page 11-531
Conditions for Running the DTC
- Wiring Repairs on page 11—537
Engine is running.
Scan Tool Reference
Conditions for Setting the DTC
Control Module References on page 6-3 for scan tool
P0532 information
The ECM detects a short to ground or open at the A/C CircuitlSystem Testing
pressure sensor signal Circuit.
1. Ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
P0533 d isconnect the harness connector at the B1 A/C
The ECM detects a short to voltage at the A/C pressure Refrigerant Pressure Sensor. Itmay take up to
sensor signal circuit. 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to power down.
2. Test for less than 10 0 between the low reference
Action Taken When the DTC Sets circuit terminal 1 and ground.
The NC compressor is disabled. =>If 10 Q or greater
Conditions for Clearing the DTC 2 .1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
The condition for setting the DTC is no longer present.
2 .2. Test for less than 2 Q in the low reference
Reference Information circuit end to end.
=> If2 Q or greater, repairthe open/high resistance
Schematic Reference in the Circuit.
HVAC Schematics on page 10—64 => If less than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
II If less than 10 Q

'i0-72 HVAC —Manual
3. IgnitionON. :> if less than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine Control
4. Test for 4.8—5.2V between the 5 V reference circuit Module.
terminal 2 and ground. U If less than 0.3 V
=>If less than 4.8 V 6. Install a 3 A fused jumper wire between the signal
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness circuit terminal 3 and the 5 V reference circuit
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module. terminal 2.
4.2. Test for infinite resistance between the 5 V 7. Verify the scan tool A/C High Side Pressure
reference circuit and ground. Sensor parameter is greater than 4.8 V.
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to =>If 4.8 V or less
ground on the circuit. 7.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness
U Ifinfinite resistance connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
4.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the 5 V reference 7.2. Test for infinite resistance between the signal
circuit end to end. circuit and ground.
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance =>Ifless than infinite Iesistance, repair the short to
in the circuit. ground on the circuit.
=>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control U Ifinfinite resistance
Module. 7.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the signal circuit end
=>If greater than 5.2 V to end.
4.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the harness =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module, in the circuit.
ignition ON. :> Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
4.2. Test for less than 1 V between the 5 V Module.
reference circuit and ground. U If greater than 4.8 V
=>If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on 8. Test or replace the B1 A/C Refrigerant Pressure
the circuit. Sensor.
=>Ifless than 1 V, replace the K20 Engine COntrol
Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
U If between 4.8—5.2V
page 6-92 after completing the repair.
5. Verify the scan tool A/C High Side Pressure
° Air Conditioning (A/C) Refrigerant Pressure
Sensor parameter is less than 0.3 V.
Sensor Replacement (1.4L) on page 10-30 or Air
=>If 0.3 V or greater Conditioning (A/C) Refrigerant Pressure Sensor
5.1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness Replacement (LUV) on page 10—31orAir
connector at the K20 Engine Control Module, Conditioning (A/C) Refrigerant Pressure Sensor
ignition ON. Replacement (LDE/LUW/LWE) on page 10—32
5.2. Test for less than 1 V between the signal . Control Module References on page 6—3for
circuit terminal 3 and ground. K20 Engine Control Module replacement,
programming, and setup
=>If1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
the circuit.

HVAC , Manual 10-73

DTC P0645, P0646, or P0647

Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
- Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
- Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptor
DTC P0645 00: Air Conditioning (A/C) Compressor Clutch Relay Control Circuit
DTC P0646 00: Air Conditioning (A/C) Clutch Relay Control Circuit Low Voltage
DTC P0647 00: Air Conditioning (AIC) Compressor Clutch Relay Control Circuit High Voltage

Diagnostic Fault Information

Opeanigh Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
RelaySwitch8+ 1 1 _ _
RelayCoil Ignition P0645,P0646,1 P0645,P0646,1 — -
RelayCoil Control P0645,P0646,2 P0645,P0646,1 P0645,P0647,1 -
CompressorClutchControl 1 1 2 -
CompressorClutchGround —- 1 _ _
1.NC compressorclutchwill notengage
2.NC compressorclutchengagedat all times

CircuitlSystem Description Connector End View Reference

When the A/C switch is pressed and system conditions Component Connector End Views on page 11-269
are such that NO operation is allowed, the ECM will
ground the A/C compressor clutch relay control circuit Description and Operation
energizing the KR29 A/C Compressor Clutch Relay. Manual HVAC Description and Operation on
With the relay contacts closed, battery voltage is page 10-85
supplied to the A/C compressor clutch assembly,
engaging the A/C compressor. Electrical Information Reference
- Circuit Testing on page 11—526
Conditions for Running the DTC
' Connector Repairs on page 11-548
- The ignition voltage is between 11—18volts.
0 Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
- An A/C request is made. Connections on page 11— 531
Conditions for Setting the DTC ' Wiring Repairs on page 11 537
The ECM detects an open, short to ground or short to Circuit/System Verification
voltage on the control circuit of the A/C compressor
clutch relay 1. IgnitionON.
2. Verify the A/C Compressor Clutch Relay clicks
Action Taken When the DTC Sets when commanding the A/C clutch ON and OFF
The ECM will store conditions which were present with a scan tool.
when the DTC set =>If the relay does not click
Conditions for Clearing the DTC Refer to CircuitlSystem Testing
A history DTC clears after 40 consecutive ignition U If the relay clicks
cycles have occurred without a malfunction. 3. All OK.
Reference Information
Schematic Reference
HVAC Schematics on page 10-64

'l 0=74 HVAC . Manuai

CircuitlSystem Testing 5. Verify the test lamp turns ON and OFF when
commanding the Engine Control Moduie
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the KR29 A/C
02 A/C Compressor Clutch Relay ON and OFF
Compressor Clutch Relay, ignition ON. with a scan tool.
2. Verify a test lamp illuminates between the B+
Circuit terminal 30 and ground. If the test lamp is always OFF
5.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp, disconnect
If the test lamp does not illuminate and the the harness connector at the K20 Engine
circuit fuse is good Control Module, ignition ON.
2.1. ignition OFF, remove the test lamp. 5.2. Test for less than 1 V between the control
2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the B+ circuit end circuit and ground.
to end.
3 If 1 V or greater, repair the short to voltage on
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance the circuit.
in the circuit.
U lfless than 1 V
=>Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and
5.3. IgnitionOFF.
there is voltage at the fuse.
5.4. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end
If the test lamp does not illuminate and the to end.
circuit fuse is open
:> If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
2.1. Ignition OFF, remove the test lamp. in the circuit.
2.2. Test for infinite resistance between the
B+ circuit and ground. =>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K20 Engine Control
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repairthe short to
ground on the circuit. If the test lamp is always ON
5.1. IgnitionOFF, remove the test lamp, disconnect
U If infinite resistance, the harness connector at the K20 Engine
2.3. Disconnect the harness connector at the Control Module.
Q2 A/C Compressor Clutch. 5.2. Test for infinite resistance between the control
2.4. Test for infinite resistance between the control circuit and ground.
Circuit terminal 87 and ground.
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to ground on the circuit.
ground on the circuit.
=>Ifinfinite resistance, replace the K20 Engine
=>If infinite resistance, test or replace the Control Module.
Q2 A/C Compressor Clutch.
<2 If the test lamp turns ON and OFF
If the test lamp illuminates . Verify a test lamp does not illuminate between the
Verify a test lamp illuminates between the ignition control circuit terminal 87 and ground.
circuit terminal 85 and ground.
If the test lamp illuminates
if the test lamp does not illuminate and the
circuit fuse is good Repair the short to voltage on the circuit.
3.1. ignition OFF, remove the test lamp. If the test lamp does not illuminate
3.2. Test for iess than 2 Q in the ignition circuit end IgnitionOFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
to end. disconnect the harness connector at the
Q2 A/C Compressor Clutch. it may take up to
=>if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance 2 minutes for all vehicie systems to power down.
in the circuit.
. Test for less than 10 (2between the
=>Ifless than 2 Q, verify the fuse is not open and Q2 A/C Compressor Clutch ground circuit
there is voltage at the fuse. terminal A and ground.
if the test lamp does not illuminate and the If 10 Q or greater
circuit fuse is open 8.1. IgnitionOFF.
3.1. Ignition OFF, remove the test lamp. 8.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ground circuit end
3.2. Test for infinite resistance between the B+ to end.
circuit and ground.
:> if 2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
=>Ifless than infinite resistance, repairthe short to in the circuit.
ground on the circuit.
:> Ifless than 2 Q, repair the open/high resistance
=>If infinite resistance, test or replace the in the ground connection.
KR29 A/C Compressor Clutch Relay.
If less than 10 Q
<2 If the test lamp illuminates Connect the harness connector at the
Connect a test lamp between the control circuit Q2 A/C Compressor Clutch.
termina186 and B+. 10. IgnitionON, connect a 10 A fused jumper wire
between the B+ circuit terminal 30 and the control
circuit terminal 87.


HVAC - Manual '10-75
11. Verify the Q2 A/C Compressor Clutch is activated. - The following could cause window fogging:
:> If the Q2 AIC Compressor Clutch does not —Wet carpet or mats
activate —High humidity
11.1. IgnitionOFF, remove thejumper wire, —Interior water leak
disconnect the harness connector at the
—Blocked A/C evaporator drain tube
Q2 A/C Compressor Clutch.
11.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit and —Maximum passenger capacity
to end. —Blocked body pressure relief valves
:> If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance - Inspect the air distribution system for causes of
in the circuit. reduced air flow:
=>Ifless than 2 0, test or replace the —Obstructed or dirty passenger compartment air
02 A/C Compressor Clutch. filter, if equipped
—Blocked or damaged air inlet or outlet vents
U If the 02 AIC Compressor Clutch activates
12. Test or replace the KR29 A/C Compressor Clutch Intermittent
Relay. Faulty electrical connections or wiring may be the
Repair Instructions cause of intermittent conditions. Refer to Testing for
IntermittentConditions and Poor Connections on
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on page 11—531.
page 6—92after completing the repair.
' Air Conditioning Clutch Assembly Replacement Symptom List
(LUV) on page 10-18 or Air Conditioning Clutch Refer to a symptom diagnostic procedure from the
Assembly Replacement (LDE/L U W/LWE) on foilowing list in order to diagnose the symptom:
page 10-19 ' HVAC System Malfunction on page 10—75
- Relay Replacement (Within an Electrical Center) - Blower Motor Malfunction on page 10-76
on page 11-607or Relay Replacement (Attached
to Wire Harness) on page 11-607
HVAC System Malfunction
- Control Module References on page 6-3 for
K20 Engine Control Module replacement, Diagnostic Instructions
programming and setup
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
Symptoms - HVAC Systems - Manual procedure.
Note: The foilowing steps must be completed before - Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
using the symptom tables. for an ove rview of the diagnostic approach.
1. Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle on - Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
page 6-66 before using the Symptom Tables in provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
order to verify that all of the following are true:
- There are no DTCs set. Reference Information
- The control modules can communicate via the Schematic Reference
serial data link.
HVAC Schema tics on page 10-64
2. Review the system operation in order to familiarize
yourself with the system functions. Refer to the Connector End View Reference
following system descriptions:
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269
- Manual HVAC Description and Operation on
page 10-85 Description and Operation
° Heating and Air Conditioning System Manual HVAC Description and Operation on
Description and Operation on page 10-61 page 10-85
VisualIPhysical Inspection Electrical Information Reference
- lnspect for aftermarket devices which could affect - Circuit Testing on page 11-526
the operation of the HVAC System. Refer to - Connector Repairs on page 11-548
Checking Aftermarket Accessories on - Testing for IntermittentConditions and Poor
page 11-525. Connections on page 11-531
- Inspect the easily accessible or visible system - Wiring Repairs on page 11-537
components for obvious damage or conditions
which could cause the symptom.
- Verify the A/C compressor clutch turns freely and
is not seized. .

10—78 HVAC - Manual

CircuitlSystem Verification . Verify the A/C High Side Pressure Sensor is

between 269~2929 kPa (39—425PSI).
1. ignition ON.
If not between 269—2929kPa (39—425PSI)
2. Verify the scan tool HVAC Control Module
parameters listed below change between Active Refer to Air Conditioning (A/C) System
and inactive when pressing the appropriate switch. Performance Test on page 10—4.
- A/C Switch If between 269—2929kPa (39—425PSI)
- Air Recirculation Mode Switch Engine ON, A/C system On.
if either parameter does not change Verify cool air flows from the air ducts with the
temperature control in the coldest position.
Replace the K33 HVAC Control Module.
If the air is not cool
If both parameters change
9.1. NO System ON.
. Verify the blower motor operates in all speed
positions. 9.2. Verify the Q2 A/C Compressor Clutch is
If the blower motor does not operate in all
speed positions :> Ifnot engaged, refer to DTC P0645, P0646,
or P0647 on page 10-73.
Refer to Blower Motor Malfunction on
page 10—76. :> Ifengaged. refer to Air Conditioning (A/C)
System Performance Test on page 10—4.
If the blower motor operates in all speed
positions If the air is cool
Verify the recirculation door moves when pressing Verify warm air flows from the ducts with the
the air recirculation switch. temperature control in the warmest position.
if the recirculation door does not move If the air is not warm
Refer to DTC 80223 on page 10—67. Refer to Heating Performance Diagnostic on
page 10—7.
If the recirculation door moves
U If the air is warm
install the J43600 Air Conditioning Service Center.
11. All OK.
Verify the high side pressure reading on the Air
Conditioning Service Center is within 10% of the Repair Instructions
scan tool A/C High Side Pressure Sensor
parameter. Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
page 6—92after completing the repair.
If the reading is not within 10%
Control Module References on page 6—3for K33 HVAC
Refer to DTC P0532 or P0533 on page 10—71. Control Module replacement, programming and setup
If the reading is within 10%

Blower Motor Malfunction

Diagnostic Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
on page 6-66 prior to using this diagnostic
Review Strategy Based Diagnosis on page 6-58
for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
Diagnostic Procedure Instructions on page 6-59
provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
Diagnostic Fault Information

Opeanigh Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
BlowerMotorIgnitionVoltage 2 2 — -
BlowerMotorControl 1 2 ——- —-
Speed4 Control 1 3 — _-
Speed3 Control 1 3 — -


HVAC . Manual '10-77

Open/High Signal
Circuit Short to Ground Resistance Short to Voltage Performance
Speed2 Control 1 3 — —-
Speed1 Control 1 3 — -
SwitchGround — 2 —— -
2. Blowerlnoperative
3. BlowerSpeed lnoperative

CircuitlSystem Description CircuitlSystem Verification

The blower motor switch applies ground to the blower 1. Ignition ON
motor control circuit that corresponds to the selected 2. Verify the blower motor operates in all speed
blower speed. The resistors and the blower motor are in positions.
a series circuit. The following list represents the
number of resistors in series with the blower motor per if the blower motor does not operate in any
particular speed request: speed positions
- Low speed, 3 resistors Refer to the Blower Motor Circuit Test
' Medium 1 speed, 2 resistors If the blower motor operates in one or more, but
- Medium 2 speed, 1 resistors not all speed positions
When blower switch is in the Hi speed position, ground Refer to the Blower Motor Switch Circuit Test
is applied directly to the blower motor through the If the blower motor is always 0N
blower switch.
Refer to the Blower Motor Always ON
Diagnostic Aids Circuit Test
Prior to motor replacement connect a direct U If the blower motor operates correctly in all
independent 8+ and ground to verify operation. speed positions
Inspect the motor shaft for rust or otherforeign material 3. All OK
which may prohibit proper motor operation.
CircuitlSystem Testing
Ifthe motor operates properly please reinstall it, check
for Pls or T883, and refer to Testing for Intermittent Blower Motor Circuit Test
Conditions and Poor Connections in the Electrical 1. Ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF,
InformationReference section of this document. disconnect the X1 harness connector at the
K33 HVAC Control Module. Itmay take up to
Reference Information 2 minutes for all vehicie system to power down.
Schematic Reference . Test for less than 5 0 between the control circuit
terminal1 and ground.
HVAC Schematics on page 10—64
If 5 Q or greater
Connector End View Reference
2.1. Ignition OFF.
Component Connector End Views on page 11—269 2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the ground circuit end
Description and Operation to end.
:> If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
Manual HVAC Description and Operation on in the circuit.
page 10-85
=>if less than 2 Q, repair the open/high resistance
Electrical Information Reference in the ground connection.
- Circuit Testing on page 11-526 If less than 5 Q
- Connector Repairs on page 11-548 WUignition OFF, connect the X1 harness connector at
- Testing for IntermittentConditions and P0 or the K33 HVAC Control Module and disconnect the
Connections on page 11—531 harness connector at the R3 Blower Motor
- Wiring Repairs on page 11-537 Resistor.
. Place the blower motor switch in the high speed

10-78 HVAC =Manual
5. Test for less than 5 Q between the control circuit - Blower speed 3 terminal B
terminal D and ground. - Blower speed 4 terminal D
If 5 Q or greater :> If 5 Q or greater
5.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the X1 harness 2.1. Disconnect the X 1 harness connector at the
connector at the K33 HVAC Control Module. K33 HVAC Control Module.
5.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end 2.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the control Circuit end
to end. to end.
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance =>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance
in the circuit. in the circuit.
=>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the K33 HVAC Control =>If less than 2 Q, replace the K33 HVAC Control
Moduie. Module.
If less than 5 Q U If less than 5 Q
IgnitionOFF, connect the harness connector at the 3. Test or replace the R3 Blower Motor Resistor.
R3 Blower Motor Resistor and disconnect the
harness connector at the M8 Blower Motor. Place Blower Motor Always ON
the blower motor switch in the high speed position. 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
Test for less than 5 Q between the control circuit the R3 Blower Motor Resistor.
terminal1 and ground. 2. Place the blower motor switch in the OFF position.
If 5 Q or greater 3. Test for infinite resistance between each control
7.1. ignition OFF, disconnect the harness circuit terminal listed below and ground.
connector at the R3 Blower Motor Resistor. - Blower speed 1 terminal E
7.2. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit - Blower speed 2 terminal A
terminal end to end - Blower speed 3 terminal B
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance - Blower speed 4 terminal D
in the circuit.
If less than infinite resistance
=>Ifless than 2 Q, replace the R3 Blower Motor
3.1. IgnitionOFF, disconnect the X1 harness
connector at the K33 HVAC Control Module.
If less than 5 Q 3.2. Test for infinite resistance between the control
9° ignition ON circuit and ground.
Verify a test lamp illuminates between the control =>Ifless than infinite resistance, repair the short to
circuit terminal 2 and ground. ground on the circuit.
if the test lamp does not illuminate =>Ifinfinite resistance, replace the K33 HVAC
9.1. IgnitionOFF. Control Module.
9.2. Test for infinite resistance between the control If infinite resistance
circuit and ground. . ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at
=>if less than infinite resistance, repair the short to the M8 Blower Motor.
ground on the circuit. . Test for infinite resistance between the control
U Ifinfinite resistance circuit terminal 1 and ground.
9.3. Test for less than 2 Q in the control circuit end If less than infinite resistance
to end. Repair the short to ground on the circuit.
=>If2 Q or greater, repair the open/high resistance U If infinite resistance
in the circuit.
6. AMOK.
=>Ifless than 2 Q, refer to Power Mode Mismatch
on page 11-515. Repair Instructions
U If the test lamp illuminates Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification on
10. Test or replace the M8 Blower Motor. page 6-92 after completing the diagnostic repair.
Heater and Air Conditioning Control Replacement
Blower Motor Switch Circuit Test on page 10-79
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at Blower Motor Resistor Replacement on
the R3 Blower Motor Resistor. page 10-48
2. Test for less than 5 Q between each control circuit Blower Motor Replacement on page 10-49
terminal listed below and ground with the blower
switch in the appropriate speed position.
- Biowerspeed 1 terminal E
- Blower speed 2 terminal A


HVAC —Manual 1‘0-79

Repair Instructions

Heater and Air Conditioning Control Replacement

Heater and Air Conditioning Control Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. RemoveIIPcenterbezel.Referto InstrumentPanel CenterMoldingReplacement(WithU58)onpage 2-47or Instrument
Panel CenterMoldingReplacement(WithoutU58)onpage2-48.
2. Removefrontfloorshifterbezel.Referto FrontFloorConsoleCoverReplacement(ManualTransmission) onpage 2—56 or
FrontFloorConsoleCoverReplacement(AutomaticTransmission)onpage 2-55.
HeaterandAir ConditioningControlRetainer(Qty:4)
Caution: Referto FastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
2.5N-m(22lb in)
HeaterandAir ConditioningControl
2 1. Disconnecttheelectricalconnectors
2. Disconnecttheheaterandairconditioningtemperaturecontrolcable.Referto Temperature
Repiacement(LHD)onpage 10—80.
3. Disconnectthemodecontrolcable.Referto ModeControlCableReplacement(LHD)onpage 10—81.


10-80 HVAC - Manual

Temperature Control Cable Replacement (LHD)

Temperature Control Cable Replacement (LHD)
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Removetheinstrumentpanelcompartment. Referto InstrumentPanel LowerCompartmentReplacementonpage2-44.
2. Removetheheaterandairconditioningcontroi.Referto HeaterandAir ConditioningControlReplacementonpage 10-79
TemperatureControlCable RetainingScrew
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautionon page0—8.
2 TemperatureControlCable

HVAC =Manual 1081

Mode Control Cable Replacement (LHD)

Mode Control Cable Replacement (LHD)
Callout l Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Removetheheaterandair conditioningcontrol.Referto HeaterandA/r ConditioningControlReplacementonpage 10-79
2. Removetheinstrumentpanellowertrimpadcover.Referto InstrumentPanel LowerTrimPad CoverReplacement(Without
AAL) onpage2—40 or InstrumentPanel LowerTrimPad CoverReplacement(WithAAL) onpage 2-41
3. Removetheleftfloorduct.Referto FloorAir OutletDuctReplacement- LeftSide (LHD)onpage 10-56
ModeControlCable RetainingScrew
1 Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage 0-8.
2 ModeControlCable

10=82 HVAC . Manual

Mode Control Cam Replacement

\\\ ~ ‘7 1' ' ‘
.’I" t ’. o\

Mode Control Cam Replacement
Callout I Component Name
Preliminary Procedures
1. Removetheheaterandair conditioningcontrol.. Referto HeaterandAir ConditioningControlReplacementonpage 10-79
2. Removetheinstrumentpanellowertrimpadcover.Referto InstrumentPanelLowerTrimPad CoverReplacement(Without
AAL) onpage 2—40 or InstrumentPanel LowerTrimPad CoverReplacement(WithAAL) onpage2-41
3. Removetheleftfloorduct.Referto FloorAir OutletDuctReplacement-LeftSide (LHD)onpage 10—56
HeaterandNC ControlModeCamScrew
Caution: RefertoFastenerCautiononpage0-8.
HeaterandNC ControlModeCable
HeaterandNC ControlModeCam InnerGear
HeaterandNC ControlModeCamOuterGear
(J‘I-hWNHeaterandNC ControlModeCam InnerGear Retainer

HVAC - Manual 10x83

Sun Load Temperature Sensor Replacement

Sun Load Temperature Sensor Replacement
Callout Component Name
1 Sun LoadTemperatureSensor Bezel
Sun LoadTemperatureSensor
1. Disconnecttheelectricalconnector.
2. Twistthesensorclockwiseto remove.

'10-84 HVAC , Manual

Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Replacement

Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Replacement
Callout Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Removethefrontbumperfascialowerpanel.Referto FrontBumperFascia OpeningLowerCoverReplacementonpage3—58.
AmbientAir TemperatureSensor
1. Unsnaptheambientair temperaturesensorandmoveitfonNard.
2. Disconnecttheelectricalconnector.

HVAC . Manual 10-85
Evaporator Air Temperature Sensor Replacement (LHD)

Evaporator Air Temperature Sensor Replacement (LHD)
Callout Component Name
EvaporatorAir RefrigerantTemperatureSensor
1. Disconnecttherefrigeranttemperaturesensorelectricalconnector.
2. Twistandpullthe refrigeranttemperaturesensorfromtheHVAC moduleassembly.

HVAC Control Components

Description and Operation
HVAC Control Assembly
The HVAC control assembly interfaces between the
Manual HVAC Descriptlon and operator and the HVAC system to maintain air
Operation temperature and distribution settings. The air
, . _ - . _ temperature and mode doors are controlled by cables.
The a”: temperature an the a” delivery deSCV'Pt'Onand The recirculation actuator is electrically controlled.
operation are d'V'ded Intofive areas. There are two different HVAC control assemblies. The
' HVAC Control Components first type uses serial data to communicate system
- Air Speed messages and requests to other module. The other
. Air Delivery uses discrete hard—wiredsignals to communicate
commands. The hard~wired HVAC control assembly
° Heating and NC Operation cannot communicate via serial data.
- Recirculation Operation

10-88 HVAC - Manual
HVAC control module programming can not be Air Delivery
performed on the hard—wiredHVAC control assembly.
The HVAC control assembly controls the distribution of
The HVAC control module supports the following air by the use of recirculation actuator and the
features: mechanically controlled mode door. The modes that
Feature may be selected are:
~ Defrost —Air flow is directed at the windshield
Afterblow NO
~ Defog ~Air flow is split between the windshield
Purge NO and floor
Personalization NO - Vent —Air flow is directed to the vents located in
ActuatorCalibration NO the instrument panel
- Bi—Level~Air flow is split between the instrument
Evaporator Temperature Sensor panel vents and the floor vents
The evaporator temperature sensor is a two-wire ° Floor ~Air flow is directed to the floor
negative temperature co-efficient thermistor.The The desired air distribution mode can be selected with
sensor operates within a temperature range of the air distribution knob at the HVAC control assembly.
~40to +85°C (-40 to +185°F).The sensor is installed at Depending on the position of the flap, air is distributed
the evaporator and measures its temperature. Ifthe through various ducts leading to the outlets in the
temperature drops under 1°C (34°F), the compressor instrument panel. When the defrost position is selected,
will be switched off in order to prevent a frozen the HVAC control assembly will command the
evaporator. recirculation actuator to outside air, reducing window
AIC Refrigerant Pressure Sensor
The engine control module (ECM) monitors the high Heating and AIC Operation
side refrigerant pressure through the A/C refrigerant The purpose of the heating and NC system is to
pressure sensor. The ECM supplies a 5V reference and provide heated and cooled air to the interior of the
a low reference to the sensor. Changes in the A/C vehicle. The NC system will also remove humidityfrom
refrigerant pressure cause the sensor signal to the the interior and reduce windshield fogging. Regardless
ECM to vary. When the pressure is high, the signal of the temperature setting, the following can affect the
voltage is high. When the pressure is low, the signal rate that the HVAC system can achieve the desired
voltage is low. When pressure is high, the ECM temperature:
commands the cooling fans on. When pressure is too
high or too low, the ECM will inhibit activation of the - Recirculation actuator setting
A/C compressor. ' Difference between inside and desired
AIC Compressor
- Blower motor speed setting
The NC compressor is belt driven and operates when - Mode setting
the magnetic clutch is engaged. When the A/C switch is
pressed, an A/C request message to the ECM. Ifthe When the A/C switch is pressed, an A/C request
ECM determines that conditions are acceptable for NC message to the ECM. Ifthe ECM determines that
operation, it will ground the A/C compressor clutch conditions are acceptable for NC operation, it will
relay control circuit, which activate the A/C compressor ground the A/C compressor ciutch relay control circuit,
clutch relay. With the relay contacts closed, battery which activate the A/C compressor clutch relay. With
voltage is supplied to the A/C compressor clutch. The the relay contacts ciosed, battery voltage is supplied to
NC compressor clutch will engage and the compressor the A/C compressor clutch. The NC compressor clutch
will operate. will engage and the compressor will operate.
The following conditions must be met in order to
Air Speed activate the A/C compressor:
The HVAC control assembly applies a ground to the - Battery voltage is between 9—18 V
blower motor control circuit that corresponds to the - Engine coolant temperature is less than
selected blower speed. The resistors and the blower 120°C (248 °F)
'motor are in a series circuit. The following list
represents the number of resistors in series with the 0 Engine speed is greater than 600 RPM
blower motor per particular speed request: ' Engine speed is less than 6200 RPM
- Low speed, 3 resistors ' A/C high side pressure is between 220-3100 kPa
- Medium 1 speed, 2 resistors (32—450PSI)
- Medium 2 speed, 1 resistors ' Throttle position is less than 95%
When biower switch is in the Hi speed position, ground ' Evaporator temperature is greater than 3°C (38°F)
is applied directly to the blower motor through the ' ECM does not detect an unacceptable torque load
blower switch. ~ ECM does not detect insufficient idie quality

HVAC .. Manual 10-87
The temperature door controls the temperature of the Recirculation Operation
air entering the passenger compartment. Air entering
the passenger compartment passes through the heater Recirculation Actuator
core and/or the evaporator core. The position of the The recirculation actuator is a two—wirebi-directionai
temperature door determines how much air passes electric motor.There are two control circuits that allow
through the heater or evaporator core. As the actuator operation. The control circuits use either a O or
temperature control is moved to a hotter setting, the 12—voitvalue to coordinate the actuator movement.
temperature door will direct more air through the heater When the actuator is at rest, both control circuits have a
core. As the temperature control is moved to a cooler value of 0 volts.To move the actuator, the HVAC control
setting, more air will be passed through the module grounds one of the control circuits whiie
evaporator core. providing the other with 12 volts. The HVAC control
moduie reverses the polarity of the control circuits to
move the actuator in the opposite direction.

10-88 HVAC - Manual


3 Aluminum Wheel
3-5 Reverse and 4—5—6 Clutch Fluid Seal Ring Porosity Repair ................................. 16—59
Replacement ......................... 17-243, 17-244 Refinishing ..................................... 16—59
3-5 Reverse and 4-5—6Clutch Housing Anti-Corrosion Treatment and Repair ........... 3-159
Assemble ..................................... 17—261 Approximate Fluid Capacities ..................... 1—35
Disassemble .................................. 17-256 Armrest Replacement
3-5 Reverse and 4—5-6Clutch Housing, and input, Front Seat ....................................... 14—7
Reaction, and Output Carrier Arrows and Symbols ............................... 1-3
installation .................................... 17-269 Audio Disc Player and USB Receptacle
Repiacement .................................... 8—60
A Automated Bleed Procedure ...................... 5—38
A/C Diagnostics Chart ............................ 10—7 Automatic Transmission
ABS Electronic Component Description ............ 17-319
Description and Operation ....................... 5—51 Oil Cooler Flushing and Flow Test ............ 17-175
Accelerator Pedal Automatic Transmission Control Indicator
Position Sensor Replacement .......... 9—252,9-541 Opening Cover Repiacement .................... 2—58
Accessory Power Receptacle Axle Repiacement ............................... 16—31
Repiacement ................................... 11-76
Aiming Headlamps ......................... '..... 4-196 B
AIR BAG Indicator Backup Lamp
Circuit Malfunction .................... 13-109, 13-110 Bulb Replacement .............................. 4—208
Air Cleaner Switch Replacement ................. 17-463, 17-576
Assembly Repiacement ................. 9-290, 9-582 Ball Joint
Element Repiacement .................. 9—289,9—581 Inspection ...................................... 16-41
Inlet Duct Repiacement ................. 9-287, 9-579 Base Engine Misfire With
Outlet Duct Replacement ............... 9-288, 9-580 Abnormal Valve Train Noise ............. 9-776, 9-950
Air Conditioning Basecoat/Clearcoat Paint Systems ............. 3-159
O-Ring Seal Replacement ...................... 10—21 Battery
Refrigerant Filter Replacement . ................ 10-27 Charging ....................................... 9-703
Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Description and Operation ...................... 9-728
Repiacement .......................... 10-30—10-32 Electrical Drain/Parasitic Load Test ............ 9-704
System Performance Test ....................... 10-4 lnspection/Test ................................. 9-702
Air Conditioning Compressor Positive and Negative Cable
Oil Diagnosis ................................... 10-10 Repiacement .................................. 9-715
Air Conditioning Compressor Bracket Repiacement ................................... 9-719
installation ...................................... 9-914 Tray Replacement .............................. 9—721
Removal ........................................ 9864 Battery Negative Cabie
Air Hose Test ..................................... 1—94 Disconnect/Connect Procedure ................ 9—713
Air Inlet Repiacement ................................... 9-717
Assembly Replacement ........................ 10-47 Battery Positive Cable
Air inlet Grille Panel Repiacement ................................... 9—718
Repiacement ................................... 4—374 Blower Motor
Air Intake Malfunction ..................................... 10—76
System Description ............................. 9-592 Replacement ................................... 10-49
Air Outlet Resistor Repiacement .......................... 10-48
Duct Repiacement - Floor, Left . ................ 10—56 Body Control Module
Duct Replacement - Floor, RH .................. 10-57 Repiacement........................‘ ........... 11—67
Duct Replacement —|/P,Center . ................ 10-53 Scan Tool information ............................ 6—15
Duct Repiacement —l/P, Left .................... 10-52 Body Hinge Pillar
Duct Replacement - IIP,Right .................. 10—54 Lower Reinforcement Replacement ............. 3—96
Duct Repiacement - Rear Floor, LH ............ 10—58 Body Leans or Sways in Corners ................ 16—36
Duct Replacement - Rear Floor, RH ............ 10—59 Body Panel Paint Protector Replacement .......... 2—3
Air Pressure Test ................................. 1-33 Body Side Frame Rocker Reinforcement
Air/Wind Noise Diagnosis ......................... 1—33 Replacement ................................... 3-108
Aicohol/Contaminants-in—Fue| Body Side Upper
Diagnosis ............................... 9-235, 9—523 Front Applique Replacement ...................... 2-4
All Seasons Tires Description ................... 16—64 Body Waterieak Repair ........................... 1-94
Altitude Versus Barometric Pressure . . 9-26, 9-312 Brake Assist System _
Description and Operation ............. ‘......... 5—180
Brake Assist System (cont'd) Brake System (cont'd)
Diagnosis ....................................... 5-138 Internal Leak Test .............................. 5—143
Brake Booster - Noise ........................................... 5-117
Pump Motor Malfunction ........................ 5-112 Slow Release ................................... 5-126
Brake Caliper Vacuum Source Test ........................... 5-142
Bracket Repiacement - Front .................... 5-70 Vehicle Road Test .............................. 5-141
Bracket Repiacement —Rear ..................... 5-74 Brake Warning System
Inspection ........................................ 5-58 Description and Operation ...................... 5-181
Overhaul - Front .................................. 5-69 Brakes
Replacement - Front ............................. 5-65 Brake Pad and Rotor Burnishing ................. 5-65
Replacement - Rear ............................. 566 Drag ............................................ 5-125
Brake Drum Braking Action Uneven
Diameter Measurement .......................... 5-87 Front to Rear ................................... 5-120
Refinishing ....................................... 5-91 Pulls to One Side ............................... 5—118
Replacement .................................... 5-90
Surface and Wear Inspection .................... 5—88 C
Brake Fluid Camber Adjustment
Loss ............................................ 5-127 Front ............................................ 16—70
Brake Hose Camber Description ............................. 16—70
Repiacement —Front ............................ 5—162 Camshaft
Replacement —Rear ............. 5-164, 5-165, 5—167 Replacement .................................. 9-1052
Brake Pad Camshaft Actuator
Inspection ........................................ 5-58 System Description ..................... 9-296, 9-588
Replacement —Front ............................. 5-61 Camshaft Cover
Repiacement - Rear ............................. 5—63 Replacement .......................... 9-850, 9-1050
Brake Pedal . Camshaft Position Actuator
Assembly Replacement ........................ 5-151 Adjuster installation ........................... 9-1120
Excessive Effort ................................ 5—123 Adjuster Removal ............................. 9—1077
Excessive Travel ............................... 5-121 Solenoid Valve Replacement ........... 9-282, 9—574
Position Sensor Learn ........................ 17—164 Camshaft Position Sensor
Position Sensor Replacement .................. 4-186 Replacement ............................ 9—285,9—576
Puisation ........ L............................... 5—116 Camshaft Seal
Pushrod Inspection ............................. 5—145 Replacement .................................. 9-1048
Travel Measurement and Inspection ........... 5-141 Camshaft Sprocket
Brake Pipe Installation ...................................... 9-903
Replacement ................................... 5—158 Removal ........................................ 9-871
Brake Pipe and Hose Inspection ............ g.. .. 5-145 Camshaft Timing Chain
Brake Pressure Modulator Valve Adjustment ..................................... 9—857
Bracket Repiacement ............................ 5-44 Inspection ...................................... 9-855
Pipe Repiacement .............................. 5-156 Installation ...................................... 9-904
Replacement .................................... 540 Removal ........................................ 9—869
Brake Rotor Cargo Center Courtesy Lamp
Assembled Lateral Runout Correction ........... 5-83 Bulb Replacement ...................... 4-206, 4—207
Assembied Lateral Runout Correction Carpet
Indexing ........................................ 5-83 Retainer Replacement - Front ................... 2-20
Assembled Lateral Runout Correction Retainer Replacement - Rear .................... 2-21
On-Vehicle Lathe ............................... 5-84 Case Porosity Repair ........................... 17-174
Assembied Lateral Runout Measurement . . . 5—56 Caster Description ............................... 16—71
Drum Balance Inspection ........................ 1—69 Catalytic Converter
Refinishing ....................................... 5-85 Heat Shield Repiacement ...................... 9—746
Repiacement - Front ............................. 5-77 Repiacement ................................... 9—742
Repiacement - Rear ............................. 5-79 Center Pillar
Surface and Wear Inspection .................... 5—56 Reinforcement Repiacement ................... 3—126
Thickness Measurement ......................... 5-55 Charge Air Bypass Regulator
Thickness Variation Measurement ............... 555 Solenoid Valve Replacement ................... 9—295
Brake Shoe Charge Air Cooler
Replacement .................................... 5-92 InletAir Hose Replacement .................... 9-292
Brake System Outlet Air Hose Replacement .................. 9-293
External Leak inspection ....................... 5—143 Replacement ................................... 9-291

Charging System Coolant System Flushing ........................ 9—629
Description and Operation ...................... 9-729 Cooling Fan
Test ............................................. 9-707 Always On .............................. 9—618,9-619
Child Seat Back Cushion Cover Description and Operation .............. 9-679, 9—680
Replacement ................................... 14-18 inoperative .............................. 9-620, 9-623
Cigar Lighter Replacement - Electric .................. 9—655,9-656
Receptacle Replacement ....................... 11-75 Cooling System
Cleanliness and Care ................... 9926, 9-1132 Description and Operation ...................... 9—680
Clearcoat Leak Testing .................................... 9—627
Repair without Repainting ...................... 3-160 Courtesy Lamp
Thickness ...................................... 3-161 Replacement - Windshield Header ............. 4—191
Clunk When Accelerating from Coast . . ............ 7-3 Cover and Pad Replacement
Clutch Seat Back
Does Not Disengage .......................... 17-401 Front .......................................... 14-15
Grabbing (Chattering) ......................... 17-403 Seat Cushion
Noisy .......................................... 17—405 Rear ........................................... 14—23
Pedal Hard to Push ........................... 17—405 Crankshaft and Bearing
Pedal Position Sensor Replacement . ......... 17-415 Cleaning and Inspection ............... 9-889, 9—1099
Pedal Replacement ........................... 17—405 Crankshaft Position Sensor
Plate Diagnosis ............................... 17-172 Repiacement ............................ 9-284, 9-575
Pressure and Driven Plate Crankshaft Position System Variation
Replacement ........................ 17—416,17-419 Learn ................................... 9-243, 9-532
Rattle (Trans Click) ............................ 17-404 Cruise Control
Release Bearing Noisy with Clutch Description and Operation ....................... 9-22
Engaged ..................................... 17-404 Indicator Malfunction ............................. 9-18
Slipping ....................................... 17-402 Malfunction - DTC B3794, P0564, P0565,
System Description and Operation ............ 17-425 P0567, P0568, P0560, P0580, P0581,
Clutch Actuator Cylinder P155A-P1550, or P1620 ....................... 9-18
Replacement .................17-412, 17-413,17-422, Switch Replacement ............................. 9-21
17-423 Customer Concern Verification Sheets ........... 1-10
Clutch and Differential Housing Cylinder Head
Cleaning and inspection ...................... 17-500 Assemble .............................. 9—880,9-1105
Clutch Master Cylinder Cieaning and inspection ............... 9—877,-9-1096
Replacement .................................. 17-408 Disassemble ........................... 9—876,9—1090
Reservoir Hose Replacement ................. 17-407 Replacement ............................ 9-803, 9990
Coaxial Cable Repairs ......................... 11-537
Communication Interface Moduie D
Scan Tool information ............................ 6—27 Definition of Danger, Warning, Caution,
Compartment Lamp and Note .......................................... 0—3
Repiacement - Rear ..................... 4-216, 4—217 Definitions and Abbreviations
Component Location Automatic Transmission ...................... 17-315
Automatic Transmission ........................ 17-60 Defogger
Component Rotational Speed Calculation ........ 1-41 Malfunction —Rear ............................... 4-16
Component Specifications Defrosting
Disc Brakes ...................................... 5—54 Insufficient ....................................... 10—8
Drum Brakes .......................... . .......... 5-87 Diagnostic Starting Point
Compressor Vehicle DTC information ......................... 6-66
Clutch Assembly Replacement . . . 10-18, 10—19 Diagnostic System Check
Oii Balancing ................................... 10-15 Instructions ...................................... 6-62
Replacement ............................ 10—16,10-17 Vehicle DTC information ......................... 6-66
Condenser Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List
Repiacement ............................ 10-33, 10-34 Vehicle DTC Information ......................... 6—69
Control Arm Differential
Repiacement —Lower ........................... 16—1 2 Case Assemble ............................... 17-517
Control Module Replacement Case Disassemble ............................ 17-496
Heated Seat Digital Radio
Front ............... . .......................... 14—46 Poor or No Reception ...................... 8-12, 8-35
Coolant Air Bleed Hose Dimensions
Replacement ................................... 9-665 Body ....................................... 3-68, 3-73
Disassembled Views Drum Brake (cont'd)
Automatic Transmission ........................ 17—33 System Diagnosis .............................. 5—131
Engine Mechanical ............................. 9—760 DTC 80012 or 80013 ............................ 13—74
Manual Transmission ......................... 17-430 DTC 80014, 80021, 80031, or 80038 ........... 13-78
Disc Brake DTC 80015, 8001A, 80018, or 80022 .......... 13—81
Splash Shield Repiacement DTC 80016, 80018, 80023 or 80025 ........... 13—85
Front ............................................ 5-81 DTC 80017 or 80024 ............................ 13-88
System Description and Operation .............. 5-86 DTC 80019 or 80020 ............................ 13-91
System Diagnosis .............................. 5-128 DTC 80052 ...................................... 13-95
Dome Lamp DTC 80074 ...................................... 13-96
Bezel Replacement ............................. 4—190 DTC 80081 ............................. 13-98, 13-100
Bulb Repiacement .............................. 4-192 DTC 80083-80088 ............................. 13-102
Dome Lamps Malfunction ....................... 4-157 DTC 80223 ...................................... 10-67
Door Handle DTC B1001 .................................... 13-106
Repiacement - Front Outside ................... 4—291 DTC B1019 .................................... 13-107
Rod Adjustment - Front Outside ................ 4—306 DTC 81025, 81035, 81045, or 81055 ............. 8-8
Rod Adjustment —Rear Outside ................ 4-311 DTC B125A ................................. 8—10,8—47
Rod Replacement —Front Outside .............. 4-307 DTC 8125C ................................. 8-12, 8-35
Rod Replacement —Rear Outside ....... 4—312,4—313 DTC 81271 ....................................... 8-14
Door Lock and Ignition Lock Folding and DTC 81325, 81330, 81517, C0800, C0895,
Non—FoldingKey Cutting ........................ 1-24 P0560, P0562 or P0563 ........................ 9-685
Door Lock Switch DTC 81370—81379,81380—81389,
Replacement ................................... 4-321 or 81440-81443 .............................. 11-502
Door Will Not Open/Close, Door Binding, DTC 81446 or 81447 ............................. 8-15
or Locks, Handles, or Cylinders Do Not DTC 81480 ....................................... 4-93
Function ........................................ 4-283 DTC 8151A ...................................... 9—689
Draining and Filling Cooling System ............. 9—628 DTC 81925 or 82170 ............................ 14—36
Drive and Driven Sprocket, Drive Link, and Park Pawl DTC B242A ...................................... 14-43
Installation ............................ 17-281, 17-282 DTC 82476 or 82482 ............................. 8-23
Removal .............................. 17—234,17-235 DTC 8252E ...................................... 4—247
Drive Range DTC 82530 ....................................... 4-95
First Gear Engine Braking ............ 17-333, 17—335 DTC 82545 ....................................... 4-97
Drive Sprocket, Driven Sprocket, and Drive Link DTC 82575 or 82699 ............................ 4—103
Cleaning and Inspection ...................... 17-280 DTC 8257A ...................................... 4-105
Driver InformationCenter DTC 82578 ...................................... 4-108
Display Malfunction .............................. 8—92 DTC 82580 ...................................... 4-110
Switch Malfunction - DTC 83567 ................ 8-93 DTC 82585 or 83867 ............................ 4—112
Driver or Passenger Seat DTC 82610 ...................................... 4-115
Adjuster Handle Repiacement ................... 14—6 DTC 82615 ............................ ,_. .'....... 4-117
Cushion Heater Replacement .................. 14-48 DTC 82625 ...................................... 4-119
Head Restraint Guide Replacement ............. 14—9 DTC 82645 ...................................... 4—121
Head Restraint Replacement .................... 14-8 DTC 82745 ........................................ 5—9
Heater Control Module Scan Tool DTC 82750 ....................................... 4—73
Information ..................................... 6—28 DTC 8305C ..................................... 13-12
Recliner Handle Replacement .................. 14-17 DTC 831 OD-B310F .............................. 13-40
Repiacement .................................... 14-4 DTC 83140 or 83150 ............................ 4-253
Driver or Passenger Seat Back DTC 83168 ....................................... 4-11
Cushion Heater Replacement ....... . .......... 14-47 DTC B324A or 83245 ........................... 4—256
Drivetrain and Front Suspension Frame DTC 83596 ...................................... 4—125
Repiacement ................................... 3-144 DTC 83715 or 83875 .................... 4-332, 4—347
Skid Plate Replacement ........................ 3-143 DTC B3806 ...................................... 4-129
Drum Brake DTC 83811 ............................... 4-338, 4—363
Adjusting Hardware Inspection .................. 5—89 DTC 83873 ................ 4—341,4—344,4-353, 4—356
Adjusting Hardware Replacement .............. 5—100 DTC 83881 or 83882 ............................ 4—131
Adjustment ..................................... 5—105 DTC 83883 ...................................... 4-134
Backing Plate Replacement ..................... 5—95 DTC 83884 ...................................... 4-137
Hardware inspection ............................. 5—89 DTC8389A...................... ................ 13-14
Hardware Replacement .......................... 5-97 DTC 83902 ...................................... 13-16
System Description and Operation ............. 5106 DTC 83930 ...................................... 4-262


DTO B3948 or B3949 ............................ 4-139 DTC P0234 or P0299 ............................ 9-125
DTC 83950 or 83951 ............................ 4-142 DTC P0236 ...................................... 9—128
DTC B3984 ...................................... 13-19 DTC P0237 or P0238 ............................ 9-131
DTC 00035, 00040, 00045, or 00050 ............ 5—11 DTC P0243, P0245, or P0246 ................... 9-134
DTC 00110 ....................................... 5-14 DTC P025A .............................. 9—137,9-395
DTC 00131 ....................................... 5—16 DTC PO300-P0304 .............................. 9-397
DTC 00161 ....................................... 5—18 DTC P0300, P0301, P0302, P0303,
DTC 00176 ....................................... 15-5 or P0304 ...... » ................................. 9—139
DTC 00186, 00196, or 00287 .................... 5—19 DTC P0315 .............................. 9-142, 9-400
DTC 00201 ....................................... 5-21 DTC P0324, P0326, or P0686 ........... 9—143,9-402
DTC 00267 ...................................... 5—110 DTC P0325, P0327, or P0328 ........... 9—145,9-404
DTC 00277 or 00890 ........................... 4—145 DTC P0335 or P0336 .................... 9—147,9-406
DTC 00292 ....................................... 5—27 DTC P0340, P0341, P0365,
DTC 00475 ....................................... 15—7 or P0366 .'............................... 9-150, 9-409
DTC 00545 ....................................... 15—9 DTC P0351-P0354 ....................... 9—153,9-412
DTC 00561 ....................................... 5-29 DTC P0411 ...................................... 9-414
DTC 0056D ..................................... 15-10 DTC P0412 or P0418 ............................ 9-419
DTC 00710 ....................................... 5-33 DTC P0420 .............................. 9-155, 9-422
DTC 00750, 00755, 00760, or 00765 .......... 16—46 DTC P0442 .............................. 9-157, 9-425
DTC 00775 ...................................... 16-48 DTC P0443 .............................. 9—159,9-427
DTC 01251 ....................................... 5—35 DTC P0446 .............................. 9—161,9-429
DTC P0010, P0013, DTC P0449 ..... . ........................ 9-163, 9-431
0r P2088-P2091 ........................ . 9-40, 9-327 DTC P0451-P0454 ....................... 9—165,9—433
DTC P0011 or P0014 ..................... . 9-43, 9—330 DTC P0455 .............................. 9-168, 9-436
DTC P0016 0r P0017 ..................... . 9—46,93-333 DTC P0480, P0481, P0691, P0692,
DTC P0030-P0032, P0036-P0038, P0693, or P0694 ........................ 9-607, 9-610
P0053, P0054, P0135, or P0141 ........ . 9-48, 93-335 DTC P0496 .............................. 9-170, 9-438
DTC P0033-P0035 ............................... 9-51 DTC P0506 or P0507 .................... 9-172, 9-440
DTC P0068 or P1101 ..................... . 9-54, 9—338 DTC P0532 or P0533 ............................ 10-71
DTC P0083 0r P0084 ............................ 9-600 DTC P0571 ....................................... 9-13
DTC P0096 or P0111 ..................... . 9-56, 9-340 DTC P0572 or P0573 ............................. 9-14
DTC P0097 or P0098 ............................. 9-62 DTC P0575 ....................................... 9-16
DTC P0097, P0098, 0r P0099 ................... 9-345 DTC P0597-PO599 .............................. 9-614
DTC P0086 .............................. . 9—66,9-603 DTC P0601-P0604, P0606,
DTC P0087 ...................................... 9—605 or P062F ................................ 9-174, 9-442
DTC P0007 ....................................... 9—68 DTC P0601-P0604, P0606, P0628,
DTC POOEQ ....................................... 9-72 PO62F, P0630, P16F3, or P2628 . . . 9-175, 9—443
DTC POOEA 0r POOEB ............................ 9-69 DTC P0621 ...................................... 9—694
DTC P0101 ............................... - 9—77,9—349 DTC P0622 ...................................... 9-696
DTC P0102 0r P0103 ..................... . 9-81, 9-353 DTC P0627—P0629 ....................... 9—177,9-445
DTC P0106 ............................... . 9-84, 9-356 . DTC P0630 ...................................... 9-179
DTC P0107 or P0108 ..................... . 9-89, 9-360 DTC P0641 or P06A6 .................... 9—180,9—447
DTC P0112, P0113, or P0114 ............ . 9-93, 9-364 DTC P0641, P0651, P0697,
DTC P0116 ............................... . 9—96,9-367 0r P06A3 ................................ 9—182,9-449
DTO P0117, P0118, 0rP0119 ....... . . 9—99,9—369 DTC P0645, P0646, or P0647 ................... 10—73
DTC P0121—P0123,P0222, P0223 0r DTC P0650 ...................................... 9-184
P02135 ................................. 9-102, 9-372 DTC P0650, P263A, or P2638 .................. 9-451
DTC P0128 .............................. 9-107, 9-376 DTC P0660, P0661, or P0662 ................... 9-453
DTC P0131, P0132, P0134, P0137, DTC P0685-P0687, P0689, P0690,
P0138, 0r P0140 ........................ 9-109, 9—378 0r P1682 ....................................... 9—456
DTC P0133, PO13A, P0138, PO13E, DTC P0685, P0686, P0687, P0689, P0690,
P013F, P015A, P0158, P2270, or P1682 ....................................... 9—186
or P2271 ................................ 9—112,9-381 DTC P069E .............................. 9-190, 9-460
DTC P0171 or P0172 .................... 9-116, 9-385 DTC P0700 ...................................... 9-461
DTC P018B-P018D ...................... 9-118, 9—388 DTC P0703 ....................................... 9-17
DTO P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204, DTC P0716, P0717, PO7BF, or P0700 .......... 17-82
P0261, P0262, P0264, P0265, P0267, DTC P071 D ..................................... 17-85
P0268, P0270, or P0271 ................ 9-120, 9-390 DTC P0722, P0723, P0770, 0r P077D .......... 17-88
DTC P0231, P0232, or P023F ............ 9-123, 9-393 DTC P1102 0r P1103 ........................... 9-191

DTC P11C2—P1104 .............................. 9-462 Engine Coolant Fan Resistor

DTC P1255 or P064A .................... 9-194, 9—466 Bracket Repair .................................. 9-641
DTC P1400 .............................. 9-195, 9—467 Engine Coolant/Water in Transmission . . . . 17-172
DTC P1500 ..................................... 9-469 Engine Cover
DTC P1516, P2101, P2119, Replacement ................................... 9-‘790
or P2176 ................................ 9-197, 9-470 Engine Cranks But Does Not Run ........ 9-228, 9—516
DTC P1876 .................................... 17-137 Engine Cranks Slowly ........................... 9-711
DTC P2070 or P2071 ............................ 9-473 Engine Fails To Reach Normal Operating
DTC P2076 ...................................... 9-475 Temperature ................................... 9-627
DTC P2077 or P2078 ............................ 9-477 Engine Front Cover
DTC P2096 .............................. 9-200, 9-480 Gasket Installation .............................. 9-904
, DTC P2097 .............................. 9-202, 9-482- Gasket Removal ................................ 9-871
DTC P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, Engine Front Cover and Oil Pump
or P2138 ................................ 9-204, 9-484 Assemble ....................................... 9-920
DTC P2181 ...................................... 9—616 Cleaning and inspection ........................ 9—892
DTC P2199 .............................. 9-207, 9-487 Disassemble ................................... 9-893
DTC P219A .............................. 9-212, 9-492 Engine Front Cover with Oil Pump -
DTC P2227-P2230 ....................... 9-214, 9-494 Replacement .......................... 9—821,9-1010
DTC P2261 ...................................... 9—217 Engine identification ..................... 9—770,9-944
DTC P2430 or P2431 ............................ 9-497 Engine Mechanical
DTC P2432 or P2433 ............................ 9-501 Specifications ................... 9-756, 9-938, 9—940
DTC P2440 ...................................... 9504 Engine Mount
DTC P2444 ...................................... 9—507 Replacement ................................... 9-967
DTC P2500 or P2501 ............................ 9—700 Engine Noise
DTC P2534 .............................. 9-219, 9-509 On Start—Up,but Oniy Lasting a Few
DTC P2544 ...................................... 9-220 Seconds ............................... 09—774,9—948
DTC P2635 .............................. 9—221,9510 Under Load ............................. 9—774,9-948
DTC P270A .................................... 17-596 Engine Oil
DTC UOO74 ...................................... 11—31 Heater installation ............................. 9-1115
DTC U0078 ...................................... 11-36 Heater Removal ............................... 9-1082
Dual Mass Flywheel Diagnosis .................. 9-961 Heater Replacement ........................... 9-821
Duai Phase Steel ................................ 3-140 Pressure Indicator Switch
Dust Leaks ........................................ 1—93 Replacement .......................... 9-251, 9—540
Engine Oil Cooler
E , Coolant InletHose Replacement ............... 9-650
Electronic Brake Control Module » Housing Installation ........................... 9—1116
Repiacement ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5-3 Housing Removal ............................. 9-1081
Scan Tool information ...................... 6—29,6—30 Housing Replacement ------------------------ 9-1014
Electronic ignition System Inlet Pipe Replacement ......................... 9-652
Description .............................. 9-297, 9-591 Outlet Hose Replacement ---------------------- 9-649
Diagnosis ............................... 9-238, 9-527 Outlet Pipe Replacement -----------------------9-654
Electronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) Description Pipe Repiacement .............................. 9-651
and Operation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1-88 Engine Order Classification ....................... 1-49
Emblem/Nameplate Replacement Engine Replacement ........... 9-827, 9-1017, 9-1032
Liftgate ........................................... 2-11 Evaporative Emission
Radiator Grille ................................... 2-10 Canister Purge Solenoid Valve
Energy Absorber Replacement .......................... 9-276, 9-569
Replacement —Front Bumper .................... 3—51 Canister Replacement ------------------ 9273, 9567
Engine Component Canister Vent Solenoid Valve
Description ............................. 9923, 9—1132 Replacement .......................... 9-270. 9-564
Engine Compression Test ................ 9—778,9-953 Control System Description ------------- 9-300, 9-589
Engine Control Module Control System Diagnosis .............. 9-236, 9-524
Description .............................. 9—298,9-582 System Hose/Pipe Repiacement --------9-271, 9-565
Replacement ............................ 9—242,9-531 Evaporator
Engine Cooiant Core Replacement ............................. 10-37
Air Bleed Hose Connector Replacement ,___, , , 9-666 H089 Assembly Replacement .................. 10-27
Temperature Sensor Temperature Sensor Replacement ............. 10-85
Repiacement ............ 9-244—9—246, 9-534, 9-535 Exhaust Heat Shield
Replacement ................................... 9—747
Exhaust Leakage ................................ 9—736 Fastener Tightening Specifications (cont'd)
Exhaust Manifold Seat Hardware, Trim, and Upholstery ............ 14-3
Heat Shield installation ......................... 9—918 SIR ............................................. 13-68
Heat Shield Removal ........................... 9-861 Steering Wheel and Column .................... 15-25
Heat Shield Replacement ............... 9—749,9—750 Tires and Wheels ............................... 16—55
installation ..................................... 9-1118 Vehicle Access ................................. 4-237
Removal ...................................... 9-1080 Wheel Alignment ............................... 16-69
Repiacement ................................... 9—737 Wheel Drive Shafts ................................ 7-3
Exhaust Muffler Wiper and Washer System ..................... 4-324
Rear Heat Shield Replacement ................ 9—751 Wiring Systems and Power Management . . 11—79
Replacement - Rear ............................ 9—752 Fasteners ......................................... 1—1 9
Exhaust Noise ................................... 97% FEP Connectors ................................ 11-572
Exhaust Pipe Fixed Antenna
Front Pipe Replacement ........................ 9—738 Repiacement .................................... 8-62
Exhaust System Fioor Carpet Drying ............................... 2-18
Description ..................................... 9—753 Floor Panel Carpet
Replacement ................................... 9-739 Replacement .................................... 2-19
Exterior Lighting Systems Fluid and Lubricant Recommendations ........... 1-35
Description and Operation ...................... 4-217 Fluid Leak Diagnosis ........................... 17—172
Fluid Pressure High or Low .................... 17-191
F Flushing ......................................... 10-14
Fan Shroud Fog Lamp
Replacement ............................ 9-674, 9-675 Aiming .......................................... 4-202
Fascia Replacement - Front ............................ 4-199
Bracket Replacement - Front Bumper ........... 3—59 Fog Lamps
Guide Repiacement - Front Bumper ............. 3-56 Buib Repiacement - Front ...................... 4-200
Guide Replacement - Rear Bumper Folded-Over Wire Repair ....................... 11-541
Outer ..................................... 3-63, 3-64 Frame Replacement
Repiacement - Front Bumper .................... 3-55 Seat Back
Fastener Tightening Specifications Front .......................................... 14-16
ABS ...................................... »......... 5-5 Front Bumper
Automatic Transmission ................... 17-7, 17-8 impact Bar Lower Bracket Replacement ......... 3-54
Bolted Exterior Body Panels and Closures ........ 3-3 Upper Impact Bar Repiacement ................. 3-52
Bumpers and Fascias ............................ 3-50 Front Bumper Fascia
Clutch ......................................... 17—400 Opening Lower Cover Replacement ............. 3—58
Disc Brakes ...................................... 5—54 Front Compartment
Drum Brakes ..................................... 587 Front Insulator Cover Repiacement ............ 3-157
Engine Controls and Fuel ................ 9-27, 9—313 Side Rail Replacement .......................... 3-92
Engine Cooling ................................. 9597 Front Compartment Fuse Block
Engine Electrical ............................... 9-682 Replacement .................................. 11-609
Engine Exhaust ................................ 9—734 Front Fender
Engine Mechanical .............. 9-755, 9—932,9-935 Repiacement .................................... 3-14
Entertainment System ............................ 83 Front Floor Console
Exterior Trim ...................................... 2—3 Bracket Replacement ............................ 2—62
Fixed and Moveable Windows .................... 4-5 Extension Replacement —Left Side .............. 2—60
Frame and Underbody .......................... 3143 Extension Repiacement —Right Side ............ 2-59
Front Suspension ................................ 16-3 Multifunction Switch Repiacement ............. 8—105
Horns ............................................ 4—71 Repiacement .................................... 2-61
HVAC Systems .................................. 10—3 Front Seat Belt
Hydraulic Brakes ............................... 5-108 Anchor Plate Tensioner Cover
InstrumentPanel and Console Trim ............. 2-29 Replacement .................................. 14-10
InteriorTrim ......... -............................. 2~63 Anchor Plate Tensioner Replacement ......... 13—130
Lighting Systems ................................ 4—81 Buckle Repiacement ........................... 13-59
Manual Transmission ................. 17-426, 17-539 Guide Adjuster Repiacement ................... 13-65
Mirrors .......................................... 4-221 Front Side Door
Park Brake ..................................... 5182 Adjustment ....................................... 3—10
Power Steering System .......................... 15—3 Check Link Replacement ........................ 3—30
Rear Suspension ............................... 16—24 Hinge Replacement .............................. 3—19
Seat Belts ...................................... 13-47 inside Handie Cable Replacement ............. 4-287
Front Side Door (cont'd) Fuel System
Lock Cylinder Coding ...................... 1—26,1-27 Cleaning ................................ 9-266, 9-562
Replacement ..................................... 3-11 Description .............................. 9—302,9-584
Trim Replacement ............................... 2-67 Diagnosis ............................... 9—230,9—518
Upper Trim Panel Repiacement ................. 2-66 Fuel Tank
Weatherstrip Replacement —Body Side .......... 3-43 Draining ................................. 9-254, 9—551
Weatherstrip Repiacement —Door Side .......... 3—42 Filler Pipe Repiacement ................. 9-257, 9-554
Front Side Door Lock Heat Shield Replacement ...................... 9-748
Striker Replacement ............................ 4-315 Pressure Sensor Replacement . . . . . 9-263, 9—560
Front Side Door Lock Cylinder Replacement ............................ 9-254, 9-551
Rod Replacement .............................. 4-305 Fuel Tank Filler Door
Front Side Door Window Latch Housing Replacement ..................... 3-33
Switch Bezel Replacement ................ 2-63, 2-64 Replacement .................................... 3-32
Front Side Door Window Frame Fuel Tank Fuel Pump Module
Rear Guide Replacement ........................ 4-49 Replacement ............................ 9—261,9-559
Front Side Door Window Switch
Replacement .............................. 4-38, 4—39 G
Front Suspension ' Gear Position Sensor Repiacement ............ 17—448
Description and Operation ...................... 16-22 Gears Cieaning and Inspection ........ 17-503, 17-504
Front Wheei Drive IntermediateShaft Generator
Repiacement ...................................... 7—4 Installation ...................................... 9-911
Front Wheel Drive Shaft Noise Diagnosis ................................ 9—708
Seal Replacement —Case Side ............... 17—245 Pulley Replacement ............................ 9-725
Seal Replacement - Removal ........................................ 9—866
Left Side .................... 17—207,17-458, 17—584 Replacement ............................ 9—726,9-727
Seal Repiacement - Usage Specifications ........................... 9—682
Right Side .................. 17-208, 17-459, 17—585 Ground Views .................................. 11—228
Seal Repiacement - Torque Converter
Housing Side ................................ 17-288 H
Front Wheelhouse Handle Replacement
Front Panel Repiacement ........................ 3-88 Rear Door Outside ...................... 4—297,4—298
Liner Inner Front Extension Hatch Release Malfunction ...................... 4-264
Replacement .......................... 3-147—3-149 Hazard Warning Switch Replacement ........... 4—188
Liner Replacement ...................... 3—150,3-151 Headlamp Housing
Front Wheelhouse Panel Bracket Replacement .......................... 4-195
Reinforcement Replacement .................... 3—90 Headlamps
Fuei Feed Pipe Aiming .......................................... 4—196
Replacement ............................ 9-258, 9-557 Bulb Replacement .............................. 4—194
Fuel Gauge Replacement ................................... 4—193
Malfunction —DTC P0461—P0464 ................ 896 Switch Replacement ........................... 4-187
Fuel Injection Fuel Rail . Headlining Trim Panel
Assembly Replacement ........................ 9-26 Replacement .............................. 2—24—2-27
Fuel Injector Heated Oxygen Sensor
Circuit Diagnosis ........................ 9—234,9-522 Replacement —Sensor 1 ................ 9-249, 9538
Diagnosis ............................... 9-232, 9-520 Replacement - Sensor 2 ................ 9-250, 9-539
Replacement ............................ 9-269, 9-562 Heater
Fuel Pressure Core Replacement ............................. 10-60
Measurement ................................... 9-241 Hose Replacement - Iniet ...................... 10—38
Relief .................................... 9-253, 9—547 Hose Replacement - Outlet ..................... 10—40
Sensor Repiacement - Fuel Feed Pipe ......... 9-556 Heater and Air Conditioning
Fuel Pressure Sensor Evaporator Case Replacement ................. 10—36
Replacement ................................... 9-561 System Description and Operation ............. 10—61
Fuel Pump Heater and Air Conditioning Evaporator and Blower
Flow Control Module Module Repiacement ........................... 10—35
Scan Tool information .......................... 6-40

HeaterCore |
Tube Repiacement —Inlet ....................... 10-43 ignition and Start
Tube Replacement —Outlet ..................... 10-42 Switch Replacement .......................... 11-612
Heater Inlet Hose IgnitionCoil
Connector Replacement ....................... 10-44 Installation ............................. 9—910,9—1113
Heating Removal ............................... 9-867, 9-1083
Performance Diagnostic ......................... 10-7 Repiacement ............................ 9—277,9-570
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning ignition Key
Control Module Scan Tool Information .......... 6—42 Cannot Be inserted, Rotated, or Removed
High Mounted Stop Lamp from the Ignition Lock Cylinder ............... 11-605
Replacement ............................ 4-204, 4-205 IgnitionLock Cylinder
High Strength Low Alloy Steel ................... 3—141 Repiacement .................................. 11-611
Hood IgnitionSystem Specifications ............ 9-27, 9-313
Adjustment ....................................... 3—24 immobilizer
RearSeal Repiacement ......................... 3-37 Description and Operation ...................... 13-31
Replacement .................................... 325 Impact Bar
Side Seal Repiacement .......................... 3-36 Repiacement —Rear Bumper .............. 3-65, 3—66
Hood Hinge Increase in Effort While Turning Steering
Replacement .................................... 3-20 Wheei .......................................... 15-12
Hood Hold-Open Rod inflatable Restraint
Replacement .................................... 3—34 InstrumentPanel Lower Module Replacement
Hood Insulator Driver Side ................................... 13-122
Repiacement .................................... 3—26 InstrumentPanel Module Indicator
Hood Pri mary and Secondary Latch Replacement ................................ 13—128
Replacement .................................... 3-27 InstrumentPanel Moduie Replacement ....... 13-121
Hood Primary Latch Release Cabie Passenger Presence System
Handie Replacement ............................ 3-18 Scan Tool information .......................... 6-43
Repiacement ...................................... 3-9 Roof Rail Module Replacement— Rear ....... 13-129
Horn Sensing and Diagnostic Module
Malfunction ...................................... 4-75 Replacement ................................. 13-117
Replacement .................................... 4-78 Side Impact Module Replacement -
System Description and Operation .............. 4-80 Front ......................................... 13-125
Hub/Axle Flange and Wheel Stud Side Impact Sensor Replacement ............. 13—116
Runout Inspection ............................... 1-70 Steering Wheel Module
Hub/Wheei Bearing Replacement ................ 16-9 Replacement ................................. 13—118
HVAC Control Inflatable Restraint Module Handling and
Assembly Repiacement ........................ 10—79 Scrapping ..................................... 13-135
HVAC System Malfunction ...................... 10-75 InnerJoint and Seal
Hydraulic Brake Replacement —Front .............................. 7-8
Component Operation Visual inspection . . . 5-144 InputShaft
System Bleeding ........................ 5-169, 5—170 Assemble ...................................... 17-511
System Description and Operation ............. 5-181 Disassemble .................................. 17—496
System Diagnosis .............................. 5-134 inside Rearview Mirror
System Flushing ................................ 5-172 Replacement ................................... 4-235
Hydraulic: Clutch Inspection/Maintenance
Bleeding ....................................... 17—415 Complete System Set Procedure ............... 9—529
Hydraulic Valve Lash Adjuster System Check .................................. 9—528
Arm Installation ................................. 9—902 Inspection/Maintenance (IIM)
Arm Removal ................................... 9—873 Complete System Set Procedure ............... 9—240
Arm Replacement .............................. 9—798 System Check .................................. 9—239
Installation ...................................... 9-902 System DTC Table ............................. 9-530
Removal ........................................ 9-873 Test DTC Table ................................. 9-241
Repiacement ................................... 9-799 InstrumentCluster ~ ,
Repiacement ................................... 8-104
Scan Tool Information ............................ 6-47
Upper Bezel Repiacement ....................... 2—39

instrument Panel Low and Reverse and 1—2—3—4 Clutch
Accessory Upper Trim Plate Replacement . . 2—31 Housing, Low and Reverse Clutch
Assembly Replacement ......................... 2—49 Assembly, Output Sun Gear, and
Center Upper Molding Replacement ............. 2-33 2-6 Clutch Plate Disassemble ........ 17-253, 17—254
Lower Trim Pad Cover Replacement . . 2-40, 2-41 Low and Reverse Clutch Assembly and Low and
Outer Air Outlet Duct Repiacement ............. 10-55 Reverse Clutch Plate
Upper Compartment Door Latch Installation .................................... 17-270
Replacement ................................... 2—42 Low Tire Pressure indicator
Upper Trim Panel Repiacement - Left ........... 2-35 Malfunction ..................................... 16-49
Upper Trim Panel Repiacement —Right .......... 2-34 Lubricant and Fluid Recommendations ........... 1-35
Instrument Panel Compartment Lubrication Specifications ...................... 17-428
Replacement .................................... 2-43 Luggage Shade
Instrument Panel Fuse Block Repiacement .................................... 2-85
Access Hole Cover Replacement .......... 2-36, 2-37
Intake Air Pressure and Temperature Sensor M
Repiacement ................................... 9—247 Maintenance Items ............................... 1-35
Intake Manifold Maintenance Schedule ........................... 1—36
Cleaning and inspection ............... 9-888, 9-1095 Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
Replacement .................... 9—790,9-969, 9-971 Diagnosis ............................... 9—227,9-515
Intake Manifold Runner Control Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
System Diagnosis .............................. 9—526 Replacement ............................ 9-248, 9-537
Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Manual Seat Adjuster
Actuator Replacement .......................... 9-578 Locks Between Lock Positions .................. 14—3
Interior Lighting System Manual Shift
Description and Operation ...................... 4—219 Shaft Seal Removal ........................... 17-240
Intermediate Steering Shaft Manual Shift Detent Lever with Shaft Position Switch
Replacement ................................... 15-27 Assembly
Replacement .................................. 17—191
K Manual Shift Detent Lever with Shift Position Switch
Key with IntegratedTransmitter Assembly and Park Pawl Actuator
Programming ................................... 13-30 Installation .................................... 17—248
Knock Sensor Removal ...................................... 17-238
Replacement ............................ 9-286, 9-577 Manual Transmission
System Description ..................... 9-304, 9-591 Shift Shaft and Seal Repiacement ............ 17—208
Specifications ................................. 17—539
L. Manual Transmission Shift Lever Cable
Lead/Pull Description ............................ 16-71 Adjustment .................................... 17-453
Leak Testing ...................................... 10-4 Mass Airflow Sensor
License Lamp Replacement ............................ 9-246, 9-536
Bulb Replacement ....................... 4-211, 4-212 Master Cylinder
Replacement ............................ 4—209,4—210 Bench Bleeding ................................ 5-150
Liftgate Fluid Level Sensor Replacement ............... 5-150
Side Applique Replacement ...................... 2—5 Replacement ................................... 5—147
Strut Replacement ............................... 3-41 Reservoir Filling ................................ 5—145
Trim Finish Panel Repiacement ................. 2-86 Reservoir Repiacement ........................ 5-146
Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle .................... 1-31 Memory Steer ................................... 16-38
Line Pressure Description ..................................... 16-71
Check ......................................... 17-166 Metric Wheel Nuts and Bolts Description ........ 16-64
Lock Cylinder Mild Steel ........................................ 3—141
Replacement —Front Door ...................... 4—289 Mobile Telephone
Repiacement —Rear Door ...................... 4—290 Microphone Replacement ....................... 8—53
Lock Striker Mode Control Cable
Repiacement - Rear Door ...................... 4—319 Replacement ................................... 10-81
Looseness in Steering Column .................. 15—26 Mode Control 0am
Loss of Coolant .................................. 9-625 Replacement ................................... 10—82

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Mounting and Hardware OnStar (cont'd)
Inspection - Front ................................ 5-59 Steering Wheel Control Functions
Inspection - Rear ................................. 5-60 Malfunction ............................ ‘......... 8-47
Multi-Axis Acceleration Sensor Module Stolen Vehicle Slowdown Active ............... 13-27
Programming and Setup ......................... 6-11 Voice Recognition inoperative ...... ‘. . . . .‘........ 8-52
Multifunction OnStar Call Center
Turn Signal Switch Replacement ............... 15—31 Remote Function Requests lnoperative ......... 8—44
Outer Joint and Seal
N Replacement —Front ............................. 7-11
No Drive in All Ranges ......................... 17-184 Outside Air Temperature Display Malfunction -
No Reverse Gear ............................... 17—190 DTC 80158 ...................................... 8-99
Noise Outside Rearview Mirror
Click in Tums ...................................... 7—3 Glass Replacement ............................ 4—233
Clunk When Accelerating During Turns ........... 7-3 Housing Rear Cover Replacement ............. 4-230
Clunk When Accelerating from Coast ............. 7-3 Housing Repiacement .......................... 4—234
Clutch ......................................... 17-405 Repiacement ............................ 4-228, 4—229
Exterior Windnoise ............................... 1-34 Outside Remote Control Rearview Mirror ,
In Steering Column ............................. 15-25 Switch Replacement ........................... 4-231 ,
InteriorWindnoise ............................... 1-34
No (or Noisy) OnStar Audio ...................... 8—38 P
Rattie, Clunk or Shudder ........................ 15-11 P—MetricSized Tires Description ................ 16-64
Release Bearing Noisy with Clutch Paint Gauges .................................... 3—161
Engaged ..................................... 17-405 Park Brake _
Whine or Growl ................................. 15-11 Adjustment .............................. 5-197, 5—198
Noise and Vibration Analysis ................... 17—180 Cable Replacement ..................... 5—189,5-192
Noise Diagnosis Description and Ope ration ...................... 5-199
Air Conditioning System ........................ 10-10 Hardware Inspection ........................... 5-186
Blower Motor ..................................... 10-9 Lever Assembly Replacement .................. 5-186
Front Suspension ............................... 16-39 System Diagnosis ....................... 5-183, 5-185
HVAC Moduie .................................. 10-12 Warning Lamp Switch Replacement ............ 5-188
Rear Suspension ............................... 16-40 Will Not Hold or Release ....................... 5-182
Park/Turn Signal
0 Lamp Bulb Replacement ....................... 4-203
Odometer Passenger Compartment
Trip/Reset Switch Malfunction ................... 8—98 Air Filter Replacement .......................... 10-46
Odors Passenger Presence System
Eliminating Unwanted Odors in Vehicles . . . . 2-18 Rezeroing Procedure ......................... 13—109
Oil Consumption Diagnosis .............. 9-773, 9947 Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing
Oil Leak Diagnosis ....................... 9-772, 9-945 Cieaning and inspection ............... 9884, 9—1097
Oil Level IndicatorTube Plastic Repair instructions —General ............ 3-162
Repiacement .................................. 9—1 017 Poor Return of Steering Wheel .................. 15—12
Oil Pan Positive Crankcase Ventilation Pipe
Cleaning and inspection ............... 9-897, 9—1095 Installation ............................. 9-919, 9—1128
Repiacement ............................ 9-810, 9—999 Removal ............................... 9-860, 9-1072
Oil Pressure ‘ Power Door
Diagnosis and Testing ................... 9—771,9945 Child Lock Malfunction ......................... 4-271
Test Plug Replacement ....................... 17-206 Power Door Locks
Oil Pump ‘ Description and Operation ...................... 4—323
Cleaning and Inspection ...................... 9—1096 Malfunction ..................................... 4—275
Repiacement ................................... 9—824 Power Steering
OnStar Control Module
Button LED lnoperative .......................... 8—41 Scan Tool Information .......................... 6-48
Microphone lnoperative - Caller Cannot Be Gear Replacement . ............................ 15—20
Heard ........................................... 8—36 Power Steering Pump
Module BracketAssembly Replacement . . . . 8—57 Belt Installation ................................ 9-1127
No (or Noisy) Audio .............................. 8—38 Belt Removal .................................. 9-1073
One or More Buttons lnoperative ................ 8-45 Power Steering System
Description and Operation ...................... 15—23

Power Sunshade Rear Compartment Lid
Malfunction ...................................... 12—5 Hinge Torque Rod Replacement ................. 3-35
Power Windows Lock Cylinder Coding ............................ 1—30
Malfunction ...................................... 4-18 Rear Hinge Replacement ........................ 322
Pressure Relief Valve Replacement Rear Seat Back
Quarter Outer Panel ............................. 2-92 Cushion Latch Release Knob Bezel
Pretensioner Handling and Scrapping . . . .. 13-142 Replacement .................................. 14—33
Rear Side Door
Q Adjustment ....................................... 3-12
Quarter InnerTrim Finish Panel Check Link Repiacement ........................ 3-31
Repiacement .................................... 2-79 Inside Handie Cable Replacement ............. 4-288
Quick Connect Fitting Service Repiacement .................................... 3-13
Plastic Collar ............................ 9-264, 9-547 Upper Front Auxiliary Weatherstrip Retainer
Replacement ................................... 3-46
R Upper Hinge and Lower Hinge
Rack and Pinion Replacement ................................... 3—23
Boot Repiacement —On Vehicle ................ 15-18 Upper RearTrim Panel Replacement ............ 2—68
Radiator Window Switch Bezel Repiacement ............. 2-65
Air Baffle Replacement ......................... 9-679 Rear Side Door Window Frame
Cieaning ........................................ 9—629 Rear Guide Replacement ........................ 4-50
Iniet Hose Replacement ................ 9-633, 9-634 Rear Suspension
Replacement ............................ 9-675, 9—678 Description and Operation ...................... 16-34
Upper Bracket Replacement ................... 9-640 Rear Washer Malfunction ................ 4—338,4—363
Radiator Griiie Rear Wheelhouse
Opening Cover Replacement .................... 2—15 Panel Liner Extension Replacement ........... 3-156
Radiator Mounting Stud Repair .................. 9-639 Panel Liner Replacement ............... 3-152—3-155
Radiator Outlet Rear Window
Hose Replacement ....... 9-631, 9-632, 9—635,9-636 Replacement .................................... 4-34
Radiator Surge Tank Wiper Blade Replacement ................. 4-378
Repiacement ................................... 9-630 Recommended Materials
Radio Waterieak Repair ................................ 1—93
Poor Reception ............................ 8—10,84? Reed Tachometer Description .................... 1-90
Replacement .............................. 8-58, 8-59 Refrigerant
Scan Tool Information ............................ 6-48 Recovery and Recharging ...................... 10-13
Radio and Telephone Control Switch Refrigerant System Specifications ................ 10—3
Replacement .................................... 863 Registered and Non-Registered
Radio Antenna Trademarks ...................................... 1—22
Base Repiacement .............................. 8-61 Relay Replacement ............................ 11607
Radio/Audio System Remote Control Door Lock Receiver
Description and Operation ....................... 8—73 Replacement ................................... 13—43
Range Reference ................................ 17-10 Remote Vehicle Speed Limiting Description
Range Selector and Operation .................................. 13—32
Cable Adjustment ............................. 17-196 Restricted Exhaust .............................. 9-734
Cable Bracket Replacement .................. 17-197 Retained Accessory Power
Lever Cable Repiacement .................... 17-195 Description and Operation .................... 11-615
Reading Lamp Reveal Molding Replacement
Repiacement ................................... 4-189 Rear Window .................................... 4-36
Rear Axle Ride Diagnosis .................................. 16-35
Replacement ................................... 16—31 Road Test Procedure ........................... 17-167
Rear Brake Roof Rail
Shield Replacement ............................. 5-82 Front Assist Handle Replacement ............... 2-69
Rear Bumper Fascia Rear Assist Handle Replacement ............... 2—70
Replacement .................................... 3—62 RPO Code List .................................... 1—14
Rear Compartment
Sill Trim Plate Replacement ..................... 2-87

S Shift Control
SCan Tooi Does Not Communicate with Boot Repiacement .................... 17-462, 17—568
Chassis High Speed GMLAN Device ........... 11—53 Housing Replacement ........................ 17—577
Schematics Shift Fork Cleaning and
ABS ............................................... 5—6 Inspection ............................ 17-509, 17—510
Automatic Transmission Controls .............. 17—30 Shift Lock Control
Cigar Lighter/Power Outlet ..................... 11—73 Description and Operation .................... 17—600
CruiSe Controi ................................... 9-12 Shift Solenoid
Engine Controls and Fuel ................ 9-28, 9—314 Valve State and Gear Ratio ..................... 17-11
Engine Cooling ................................. 95% Shock Absorber
Exterior Lamps ................................... 4-85 Disposal ........................................ 16-20
Fog Lamps ....................................... 4—84 Replacement ................................... 16—29
Headlamps/Daytime Running Lamps ............ 4—82 Shock Absorbers or Struts
Horns ............................................ 4—72 On-Vehicle Testing ............................. 16-41
HVAC Systems - Manuai ....................... 10-64 Shoulder Belt
InteriorLamps ................................... 4—89 Guide Opening Bezel Replacement -
InteriorLamps Dimming ......................... 4-91 Rear Seat ..................................... 14-28
Manual Transmission ......................... 17—429 Repiacement - Rear ..................... 13-63, 13—64
Power Steering System .......................... 15-4 Shudder or Vibration During Acceleration .......... 7—4
Seat Belts ...................................... 13-48 Side Door Window Mechanical Diagnosis .... . . . . 4-25
Shift Lock Control ............................. 17-595 Side Window Defogger Outlet
SIR ............................................. 13-69 Grille Replacement ............................. 10—51
StartingandCharging..................’ ........ 9—683 SIR
Sunroof .......................................... 12—4 Repairs and inspections Required after a
Wiper and Washer Systems .................... 4-325 Collision ..................................... 13-134
Scrub Radius Description ....................... 16-71 Service Precautions ........................... 13-113
Sealers, Adhesives, and System Description and Operation ............ 13-145
Lubricants ...................... 15-25, 16-55, 17-427 Soap Suds or Bubble Test ........................ 1-34
Sealing Strip Spark Plug
Replacement - Rear Door Window Belt Inspection ............................... 9-279, 9-571
Outer ..................................... 4-52, 4-53 Replacement ............................ 9-281, 9-573
Sealing Washer Replacement ................... 10-20 Speaker Malfunction .............................. 849
Seat Belt Speaker Replacement
Buckle Replacement - No. 1 Rear .............. 13-60 Front Door ....................................... 8-65
Does Not Retract —One ......................... 13—53 Rear Door ........................................ 8-66
Indicator Circuit Malfunction —Driver ............ 13-53 Reference ....................................... 848
Indicator Circuit Malfunction - Passenger ....... 13-55 Special Tools
Latch Stop Installation .......................... 13—58 ABS .............................................. 5—53
Operational and Functional Checks ............ 13-49 Air/Wind Noise ................................... 1-34
Repairs and inspections Required after a Automatic Transmission ...................... 17-394
Collision ....................................... 13—57 Bolted Exterior Body Panels and Closures . . 349
Service Precautions ............................ 13—57 Cellular, Entertainment, and Navigation . . . . . 8—76
System Description and Operation ............. 13-66 Clutch ......................................... 17—425
Seats Disc Brakes ...................................... 5-86
Latch Replacement - Rear ...................... 14-25 Drum Brakes .......................... . ........ 5-107
Secondary Air Injection Engine Controls and Fuel ............... 9-308, 9-593
Check Valve Replacement ..................... 9—543 Engine Cooling ................................. 9-681
Pump Air Cleaner Pipe Repiacement .... . . . . . . 9—544 Engine Electrical ............................... 9—733
Pump Pipe Repiacement ....................... 9—545 Engine Exhaust ................................ 9—754
Pump Replacement ............................ 9-546 Engine Mechanical ....... . ............. 9-927, 9—1135
System Description ............................. 9-592 Fixed and Moveable Windows ................... 4—70
Selector and Shift Lever Cable Front Suspension ............................... 16-23
Bracket Replacement ................ 17-457, 17-571 General information .............................. 1-32
Sensor Repiacement HVAC Systems ................................. 10-61
Tire Pressure Indicator ......................... 16-50 Hydraulic Brakes ............................... 5-181
Service Port Manuai Transmission ................. 17—535,17-593
Valve Core Replacement ....................... 10—28 Ordering Information ............................. 1—32
Power Steering System ........................ 15-23
Rear Suspension ............................... 16—34
Special Tools (cont'd) Strut and Shock Absorber
SIR ............................................ 13-147 Inspection ............................... 16—16,16—28
Squeaks and Rattles ............................. 1-37 Strut Assembly
Suspension General Diagnosis ................ 16-44 Removal and Installation ....................... 16-17
Tire Pressure Monitoring ....................... 16—54 Strut, Strut Component and/or Spring
Tires and Wheels ............................... 16-68 Replacement ................................... 16-20
Vibration Diagnosis and Correction .............. 1-91 Struts or Shock Absorbers
Wheel Drive Shafts .............................. 7-19 On—VehicleTesting ............................. 16-41
Wiper and Washer Systems .................... 4—386 Sunroof
Specifications Window Replacement .......................... 12-17
Battery Usage .................................. 9—682 Sunshade
Brake Components ............................. 5-108 Replacement .................................... 2-71
Clutch ......................................... 17-400 Suspension
Fluid Capacity .................................. 17-10 Bottoms ........................................ 16-37
Hydraulic Brake System ........................ 5-108 Symptoms
Tires and Wheels ............................... 16-55 ABS .............................................. 5-36
Speedometer and/or Odometer Automatic Transmission ...................... 17-157
Malfunction ..................................... 8—101 Bolted Exterior Body Panels and Ciosures ........ 3—5
Spoiler Repiacement Clutch ......................................... 17—401
Rear ............................................. 2-17 Cruise Control ................................... 9-17
Spring, Strut, and/or Strut Component Display and Gauges ............................. 8—89
Replacement ................................... 16—20 Engine Controls ......................... 9—222,9—511
Squeaks and Rattles .............................. 1-37 Engine Cooling ................................. 9—617
Stabilizer Shaft Engine Electrical ............................... 9-701
Link Replacement ............................... 16-8 Engine Exhaust ................................ 9-734
Replacement .................................... 16—3 Engine Mechanical ...................... 9—770,9-944
Starter Motor Entertainment System ........................... 8—26
Noise Diagnosis ................................ 9-712 Horns ............................................ 4-74
Repiacement ............................ 9—722,9—724 HVAC Systems - Manual ....................... 10-75
Starter Solenoid Hydraulic Brakes ............................... 5—111
Clicks, Engine Does Not Crank ................. 9-711 Immobilizer ..................................... 13—26
Does Not Click ................................. 9-709 Manuai Transmission ......................... 17-445
Starting System Park Brake ..................................... 5-182
Description and Operation ...................... 9—732 Power Steering System ......................... 15—11
Stationary Window Seat Belts ...................................... 13-53
Waterieak Repair ................................ 195 Secondary and Configurable Customer
Steering Controis ....................................... 8-117
Increase in Effort While Turning Steering Shift Lock Control ............................. 17—598
Wheel ......................................... 15-12 SIR .................................. . ......... 13—109
Poor Return of Steering Wheel ................. 15-13 Steering Wheel and Column Tilt ................ 15—25
Wheel Kickback ................................ 15-14 Suspension General Diagnosis ................ 16-35
Wheel Surges/Jerks While Turning ............. 15—14 Tire Pressure Monitoring ....................... 16—48
Steering Angle Sensor Vehicle DTC Information ......................... 6—90
Centering Procedure ............................. 5-39 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction .............. 1-62
Replacement ................................... 15-36 Wheel Drive Shaft ................................. 7—3
Steering Column Wipers/Washer Systems ....................... 4-347
Replacement ................................... 15-33 Synchronizers Cleaning and Inspection ........ 17-507
Steering Knuckle System Components
Repiacement ....... ‘ ............................ 16—11 Programming Immobilizer System .............. 13—29
Steering Linkage
Inner Tie Rod Inspection ....................... 15—15 T
Outer Tie Rod Inspection ....................... 15-16 Tail Lamp
Steering Wheel Pocket Replacement .................... 3-137, 3—139
Airbag Coil Replacement ...................... 13—119 Replacement ............................ 4-213, 4-214
Horn Contact Repiacement ...................... 4-79 Temperature Control Cable Repiacement . . . 10-80
Repiacement ................................... 15-32 Temperature Versus Resistance . . . . . . 9—26,9-312
Steering Wheel and Column Intake Air Temperature Sensor ........... 9—26,9-312
Description and Operation ...................... 15-36 Terminal Removal .............................. 11-604

Testing Ground and Low Reference Tire and Wheel (cont‘d)
Circuits ........................................ 11—530 Assembly-to-Hub/Axle Flange
Theft Deterrent Match-Mounting ................................ 1—78
Control Module Replacement .................. 13-28 inspection ........................................ 1-64
Module Programming and Setup ................ 6-14 Runout Specifications ........................... 1-38
Theft Systems Description and Tire Pressure Monitor
Operation ..................................... 13-153 Description and Operation ...................... 16-53
Thermal Expansion Valve Tire Pressure Sensor Learn ..................... 16-52
Replacement ................................... 10—29 Tire—to-WheeiMatch—Mounting(Vectoring) . . . 1-77
Thermostat Tires and Wheels
Diagnosis ....................................... 9626 Description and Operation ...................... 16—66
Replacement ............................ 9—661,9-662 General Description ............................ 16-64
Thermostat Housing Removal and installation ....................... 16-60
Replacement ................................... 9-659 Toe Adjustment
Thread Inserts .................................... 1—22 Front ............................................ 16-70
Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) Toe Description .................................. 16—72
System Description ..................... 9—305,9-587 Torque Converter
Throttle Body _ Diagnosis Procedure .......................... 17—169
Assembly installation .......................... 9-1119 Torque Converter Housing with Fluid Pump Assembly
Assembly Removal ........................... 9—1079 Installation ............................ 17-301, 17-302
Assembly Repiacement ................. 9—253,9-542 Removal ...................................... 17-231
Heater inlet Hose Replacement ................ 9-642 Torque Steer
Heater InletPipe Replacement ................. 9—644 Description ..................................... 16-72
Heater Outlet Hose Replacement .............. 9-645 Diagnosis16-37
Heater Outlet Pipe Replacement ............... 9-643 Tow Eye Access Hole Cover Replacement
Inspection and Cleaning ................ 9-253, 9-547 Front Bumper Fascia Front ........................ 2-8
installation ...................................... 9-912 Rear Bumper Fascia Rear ........................ 2-9
Removal ........................................ 9-865 Tracing Powder or Chalk Test ..................... 1-33
Throttlelldle Learn ........................ 9-278, 9-533 Traction Controi/Stability Control Indicator
Thrust Angles Description ....................... 16-72 Malfunction ...................................... 5-37
Thrust Washer and Bearing Cleaning and Transaxle Case
Inspection ..................................... 17—506 Assemble ............................. 17-518, 17-524
Tie Bar Disassemble ......................... 17-472, 17-478
Replacement .................................... 3—87 Transmission
Tie Rod Adaptive Functions ............................ 17—318
End Repiacement - Outer - On Vehicle ......... 15—1 7 Component and System Description .......... 17—318
Replacement - Inner Control Lever Knob Replacement ............. 17-193
Power Steering ................................ 15—22 Control Repiacement ......................... 17-193
Timing Belt General Description ........................... 17-317
Inspection ..................................... 9-1061 General Specifications ........................... 17-9
Rear Cover Repiacement ...................... 9—986 Identification Information ............. 17-317, 17-593
Replacement ................................... 9-975 Indicators and Messages ..................... 17-318
Tire Internal Mode Switch Logic ..................... 17-12
Description -Ail Season ........................ 16-64 Repiacement ......................... 17-463, 17-586
Diagnosis - Irregularor Premature Wear . . . 16-56 System Description and Operation ............ 17-589
Diagnosis —Waddle Complai nt ................. 16—56 Transmission Fluid
inflation Description ............................ 16-65 Cooler inlet Hose Replacement ............... 17-203
Lead/Puil Correction - Radial ................... 16-58 Cooier Outlet Hose Replacement ............. 17-204
Mounting and Dismounting . .................... 16-63 Drain and Fill ................. 17—198,17-452, 17—567
Rotation ........................................ 16—63 Leak Diagnosis ................................ 17—446
Tire and Wheel Level and Condition Check ........... 17—164,17-452
Assembly Balancing - Off—Vehicie ............... 1-72 Transmission Fluid Pump, Front Differential Carrier
Assembly Balancing - On—Vehicie ............... 1-76 Baffle, and Front Differential Ring Gear
Assembly Isolation Test .......................... 1-71 installation ............................ 17—299,17-300
Assembly Runout Measurement - Transmission Mount
Off-Vehicle ..................................... 1-66 Bracket Repiacement —Rear .................. 17—450
Assembly Runout Measurement - Repiacement- Left . . . . .. 17-216, 17-449, 17—581
On-Vehicle ..................................... 1—65 Replacement- Rear ......... 17-217, 17-449, 17-580

Transmission System Description and W
Operation ..................................... 17-534 Wander Description ............................. 16—73
Tread Wear indicators Description .............. 16-67 Warm Up Three-Way Catalytic Converter
Trim Height installation ...................................... 9918
Inspection Procedure ........................... 16-42 Removal ........................................ 9—861
Specifications .................................. 16-35 Replacement ................................... 9-745
Trim Panel Repiacement Washer
Body Lock Pillar Upper .................... 2—77,2-78 Nozzle Replacement —Front .................... 4-368
Body Rear Seat Back ............................ 2-74 Nozzle Replacement - Rear .................... 4-369
Trunk Release Malfunction ...................... 4-280 Pump Replacement —Windshield ............... 4-373
Turbocharger Solvent Container Filler Neck
System Description ............................. 9-306 Replacement .................................. 4-371
Solvent Container Hose Replacement .... . . . . . 4-370
_ U Solvent Container Replacement ................ 4-372
Ultra High Strength Dual Phase Steel ........... 3-141 Water Hose Test .................................. 1—94
Ultra High Strength Steei ........................ 3—142 Water inlet
Underbody Rear Side Rail Replacement ............................ 9—668,9669
Extension Replacement ........................ 3-134 Water Outlet
Urethane Adhesive Housing Replacement .......................... 9666
Description ....................................... 4—70 Water Pump
Pulley Installation ...................... 9914, 9-1116
V Pulley Removal ........................ 9—864,9—1082
Vacuum Brake Booster Pulley Replacement ..................... 9-670, 9-671
Cheek Valve and/or Hose Repiacement ........ 5— 175 Replacement ............................ 9—672,9-673
Replacement ................................... 5-173 Waterieak
Valve Guide Test Preparation ................................. 1—92
Reaming/Valve and Seat Grinding ............ 9-1056 Weatherstrip Replacement
Vehicle Leads/Puils ............................. 16—36 Front Door Window .............................. 4-54
Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) Rear Door Window ......................... 4—55,4-56
Replacement ......................... 17-461, 17—575 Rear Side Door
Vehicle Will Not Change Power Mode .......... 11—523 Door Side ....................................... 3—47
Vehicle Zoning Strategy ........................ 11-117 Wheel Alignment
Vehicie—to—Vehicle Diagnostic Comparison . . . 1-64 Measuring ...................................... 16-69
Vehicle, Engine and Transmission ID and VIN Specifications .................................. 16-69
Location, Derivative and Usage ................. 1—11 Wheel Bearing
Vibrate Software Description and Diagnosis ....................................... 16-41
Operation ........................................ 1-90 Hub Repiacement ............................... 16-9
Vibration Analysis Hub Replacement - Rear ................ 16—24,16-25
Engine ........................................... 1—48 Wheel Cylinder
Engine Balance .................................. 1-56 Overhaul
Engine/Accessory isolation ...................... 1-52 Drum Brakes .................................. 5—104
Hub and/or Axle Input ............................ 1-46 Replacement ................................... 5-102
Road Testing ..................................... 1-39 Wheel Drive Shaft
Tire and Wheei ................................... 1-43 Description and Operation ....................... 7—18
Vibration Diagnostic Aids ......................... 1-60 InnerJoint Inspection ............................ 7-18
Vibration Duplicated, Appears to be Potential Outer Joint Inspection ........................... 7-14
Operating Characteristic ....................... 1-62 Replacement - Front .............................. 7-5
Vibration Duplicated, Component Not Wheel Mounting Surface Check ................. 16-57
identified ....................................... 1-61 Wheel Speed Sensor
Vibration Duplicated, Difficult to Replacement - Front ............................. 5-44
Isolate/Balance Component .................... 1-62 Replacement - Rear ............................. 5-47
Vibration Intermittentor Not Duplicated .......... 1-60 Wheel Stud
Vibration Theory and Terminology ................ 1-78 Replacement ............................ 16—15,16-33

Wheels Wiper/Washer
Replacement Wheels Description .............. 16-65 Switch Replacement ........................... 4-366
Steel Wheel Repair Description ................ 16-65 System Description and Operation ............. 4-384
Window Regulator System Description and Operation —Rear . . 4—384
Handie Replacement Wipers
Front Side Door ................................. 4-47 Arm Blade Repiacement ....................... 4-377
Replacement - Front Door ....................... 4—41 Arm Replacement .............................. 4-375
Repiacement —Rear Door .................. 4-44, 4-45 Arm Repiacement - Rear ....................... 4—376
Window Replacement Blade Element Check .......................... 4-365
Front Door ....................................... 4—29 Blade Element Cieaning ........................ 4-383
Rear Door .................................. 4—30,4—32 Chatter Repair .................................. 4-383
Rear Door Stationary ............................ 4—33 Motor Moduie Repiacement .................... 4-381
Windshield Motor Replacement ............................ 4-379
Glass Cleaning ................................. 4-383 Motor Replacement - Rear ..................... 4-380
Replacement .................................... 426 Wireless Communication Interface Antenna
Side Garnish Molding Repiacement ............. 2-73 Repiacement .................................... 8—56
Windshield Outside Moisture Sensor
Cover Replacement ............................ 4-383 Y
Windshield Washer Nozzle Yaw Rate Sensor
H089 Replacement -----------------------------4357 Replacement ....................................
Wiper 5—50
Motor Moduie Grommet Repiacement .......... 4-382



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