Objectives:: A Study On Welfare of The Employees in CPCL Manali

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 To study the effectiveness of welfare measures provided to the
employees’ in CPCL.

 To study the factors influencing the welfare measures in CPCL.

 To find out the satisfaction level of welfare measures in CPCL.

 To identify the problems and to provide recommendations for the

improvement of the welfare measures atS CPCL

Name (optional) _________________________ Department_____________________________

Gender: □ Male □ Female Marital Status: □ Married □ Unmarried

Age: □<25 □25-35 □36-45 □46-50 □>50

No of years Experience in CPCL: □<1yr □1-10yr □11-20 □21-30yr □>30yr

1. In case of emergency assistance schemes, what do you expect to give the employees?

a) Cash

b) Job provided to the dependent persons

c) Moral support

d) Safety of the dependents

2. What are the insurance schemes provided to the employees by the organization?

a) Group personal accident insurance

b) Group Insurance scheme for housing

c) Employees deposit linked insurance

d) Group saving linked insurance

e) All the above

3. How is the house building advance cost provided by the organization to the employees?

a) Through bank

b) b) Through company trust

c) c) Through funds

d) d) Through installments

4. What are all the maintenance loans provided by the organization to the employees?

a) Painting

b) b) alteration

c) c) Installation

d) d) work of maintenance nature

e) e) All the above

5. What is the conveyance advance provided to the employees by the organization?

a) To buy a new car & two-wheeler

b) To buy a second-hand car & two wheeler

c) Repair cost

d) Maintenance cost

e) All the above

6. Are you aware of the long service awards provided by the organization?

a) Yes b) No

If yes means in which way the organization provided long service awards to the

a) Recognition b) Rewards c) Promotion

7. Whether your suggestions are appreciated and implemented in the organization?

a) Yes b) No

If yes how the organizations award you for your valuable suggestion?

a) Certificate b) Incentives c) Momentum

8. Whether the leave is sufficient for you as per the company norms?

a) Yes b) No

If no means (kindly specify)_________________________

9. If you are a female employee whether the maternity leave is sufficient.

a) Yes b) No

If no means (kindly specify)_________________________

10. By what way you suggest to improve the productivity incentives schemes?

a) By exceeding the required

b) By the way of performance

c) By preventing the accidents

d) By completing the services

e) All the above

11. What is your suggestion to improve the performance linked incentive scheme?

a) Awards b) Allowances c) Promotion

12. My organization provide the incentives for acquiring the higher qualification to the


Yes no

13. If yes means in which mode organization offer for acquiring the higher qualification?

a) Job related b) Non-Job related.

14. Is the working hours convenient for you ?

a) Yes b) No

If No means (kindly specify)____________________________

15. Are you provided with proper sanitation facilities?

a) Yes b) No

16. Whether the lighting and ventilation system are provided to the employees properly?

a) Yes b) No

17. Is the organization providing adequate transport facilities to you?

a) Yes b) No

18. Are the transportations are available to pick up the employees from their place to work

Place at right time?

a) Yes b) No

If no means mention the problem that you experience in the transport facilities?

a) Mechanical b) Contractor c) Seasonal

19. Is the departmental wise transportations are available to the employees?

a) Yes b) No

If No means (kindly specify)____________________________

20. Is the travel ad accommodation facilities are available for the employees?

a) Yes b) No

21. Have the canteen provided the food and other services at the give time?

a) Yes b) no

22. Are you aware of the canteen management committee and their responsibilities?

a) Yes b) No

. If No means (kindly specify)____________________________

S.no Questions SA A N D SDA
1 Management ensures adequate welfare measures by
the organization to the emergency employees?

2 I am aware of the emergency assistance schemes

available I the organization?

3 Do you agree with the additional loans provided for

house building to the employees?

4 Do you agree with the maintenance loans provided

to the employees?

5 Do you agree with the compensation provided by the

organization for the accidents and injuries happened
while the employees are in duty?

6 Do you agree with adequate for providing rest


Indicate your level of satisfaction HS S N DS HDS

7 What is your level of satisfaction about festival

advance schemes provided by the organization?

8 What is your level of satisfaction about employees

benefit fund schemes?

9 What is your level of satisfaction about

maternity leave?

10 What is your level of satisfaction about the

performance linked incentive schemes?

11 What is your level of satisfaction about the

productivity incentive schemes?

12 What is your level of satisfaction about the

performance related pay schemes
13 I am satisfied with the House keeping in CPCL

14 I am satisfied with the Gardening in CPCL

15 I am satisfied with the Transportation in CPCL

16 I am satisfied with the Accommodation in CPCL

17 I am satisfied with the Petrol distribution in CPCL

18 What is your level of satisfaction about sanitation,

lighting, & ventilation facilities?

19 What is your level of satisfaction about working

hours in the organization?
Indicate your level of satisfaction about Recreation activity

20 I am satisfied with the Fitness equipment in CPCL

21 I am satisfied with the Excursion in CPCL

22 I am satisfied with the Sports day in CPCL

23 I am satisfied with the Club day in CPCL

24 I am satisfied with the Nomination for PSPB in


25 I am satisfied with the Reading rooms in CPCL

26 I am satisfied with the Culturals in CPCL

Indicate your level of satisfaction about canteen facilities

27 I am satisfied with the Drinking water in CPCL

28 I am satisfied with the Food cost in CPCL

29 I am satisfied with the Maintenance in CPCL

30 I am satisfied with the Service points in CPCL

31 I am satisfied with the Adequacy of subsidiary

coupon in CPCL

32 I am satisfied with the hygiene facilities provided by

the canteen?


33 What is your opinion about the emergency

assistance schemes?

34 What is your opinion about Insurance schemes

provided by the organization?
35 What is your opinion about the house building
advance to the employees?

36 What is your opinion about conveyance advance

provided to the employees by the organization?

37 What is your opinion about safety award


38 Give your opinion about atmosphere of the canteen


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