Reviewer AIS Chap 1 and 2
Reviewer AIS Chap 1 and 2
Reviewer AIS Chap 1 and 2
Four levels of activity in the pyramid. Financial transaction- Affects assets and
Horizontal vs Vertical flows equities of organization. Example use of
equipment depreciation, payment of bond
1. Operational personnel payable, receipt cash from customer
2. Operation management
3. Middle management Non-financial transaction-Do not meet the
4. Top management meaning of Financial transaction, adding new
supplier in a list, book checked by student in
Comment on the level of detail necessary for library, status reports in research projects.
operations management, middle management,
and stockholders. AIS VS MIS
Transaction-affects interest to the organization, Service firm- collect data regarding on hours
processed by information system. spent by staff to verify cash balances.
FRS- Communicates information from the GLS 3 fundamental tasks of database management
to the external users
1. Storage- yung mga new record inistore
GLS- summarizes all of the transaction cycle niya sa proper location
activity, and general journal entries. 2. Retrieval- locating the existing records.
3. Deletion- permanently removing of
redundant records.
Discuss the differences between internal and Information generation- compiling, arranging,
external users of information and their needs formatting and presenting information to users.
and demands on an information system.
Historically, which type of user has the firm Characteristics of good, useful information
catered to most?
1. Relevance- dapat may purpose
End users 2. Accuracy-free from errors
3. Completeness- dapat walang kulang
1. External users- 4. Summarization-nakasummarize accdng
Trading partners- customers and sa needs ng users
suppliers 5. Timeliness – not more than a day old
Stakeholders- stockholders, investors,
tax authorithies. Examine Figure 1-5 and discuss where and how
2. Internal users- management at every problems can arise that can cause the resulting
level. information to be bad or ineffective
The internal users are very important to If the data collected is not accurate, and not
efficiently and effectively operate and plan correctly enters, then the resulting information
for future. will not be accurate.
Turnkey systems- ready to implement system What is the role of the accounting function in
an organization?
Backbone systems- partially developed system .
Accounting function- role is to manage financial
Vendor-supported systems- custom systems information resources of the firm. Accountants
that are supported by commercial vendor. must capture and record business events and
Business segments- Managers within a financial impact next accounting distribute
segment, they can focus in which areas or transaction information to decision makers.
responsibility to achieve operating efficiency. Accounting independence- Accounting
What are the primary reasons for segmenting activities must separated and independent of
organizations? functional areas or to physical activities.
Data processing- manages the computer Flat-file system- individual data files are not
resources used to perform the day to day related to other files, end users in this
processing of transactions. Data control, data environment own their data files rather share
conversion, computer operation and data them with other users.
What are the three general problems
Data control group-responsible for receiving associated with data redundancy?
batches of transaction documents between end
a. increased data storage since the same data is
user and data processing.
stored in multiple files
Data conversion- transaction data from source
b. increased data updating since changes must
documents (paper) to digital media (tape or
disk) be made to multiple files
Identical applications, the same data are being What three roles are played by accountants
collected and stored by different user areas. with respect to the information system?
Nagkakaroon ng data consistency problems pag
1. Accountants as a users- yung mga
di namanage ng maigi.
accountants nag proprovide sila ng mga
clear picture of their needs sa mga
nagdedesign ng systems.
2. Accountant as a system designers- Discuss what is meant by the statement, ‘‘The
Accountants asses information needs of accounting system is a conceptual flow of
users, define reports, selecting information that represents the physical flows
appropriate accounting rules. of personnel, raw materials, machinery, and
3. Accountant as System Auditors- cash through the organization.’’
Auditing- Attestation performed by an
expert (auditor) who expresses about It means that accounting system is a
representation of operations of a firm.
the opinion about fairness of company
financial statements. Machines operate, workers perform duties,
raw materials transferred to finished goods
Define the term attest function. and cash flows are exchanged between
customers and supplier.
Attest function- performed by independent
accountant who expresses their opinion about
fairness of financial statements of the company.
Discuss why it is crucial that internal auditors
Define the term assurance. report solely to the uppermost level of
management (either to the chief executive
Assurance- professional services, like attest officer or the audit committee of the board of
function, to improve quality of information. directors) and answer to no other group.
Intended to help people make better decision
by improving information. Pag involve ang management levels, matatakot
ang mga internal auditor pag nagsabi sila about
What is IT auditing? ditto. Pero kailangan ireport ng mga internal
IT auditing- performed as part of broader auditor sa Board of directors ang mga ginagawa
financial audit. This fall under the assurance ng top management.
services group.
Discuss how conceptual and physical systems Kasi, sila yung nag ooversee sa data collection,
differ and which functions are responsible for at processing at the same time sila rin yung
each of these systems. nagproprovide sa mga system designers or
developers kung anong kailangan nila.
Conceptual system- logic and decisions rules to
be applied; accountants are important to design The REA model is based on the premise that
this system. ‘‘business data must not be preformatted or
artificially constrained and must reflect all
Physical System- represents accomplishing relevant aspects of the underlying economic
tasks; system designers dominate their task in events.’’ What does this mean and how is it
this system. applied?
What are the roles of internal and external The REA model requires that accounting
auditors? phenomena be characterized in a manner
consistent with the development of multiple
Internal auditors- appraisal function housed
user views not simply those of the accounting
within the organization, represent the interests
function. As such, REA procedures and
of management.
databases are structured around events rather
External auditor- represent third party outsiders than accounting artifacts such as journals,
ledgers, charts-ofaccounts, and double-entry
organization policies, detecting fraud within the accounting. Under the REA model, business
organization same lang sila ng ginagawa. organizations prepare financial statements
directly from the event database.
3. Turnaround documents- product
document of one system that becomes
a source document for another system.
Reference files-list of vendors, delinquent For what purpose are entity relationship
customers diagrams used?
Archive files- records have been processed but An entity relationship (ER) diagram is a
retained for history documentation technique used to represent the
relationship between entities. One common use
What is the purpose of a digital audit trail? for ER diagrams is to model an organization’s
Digital audit trail- like paper trail, allows to
trace transactions form financial statements Data model- blueprint for what ultimately will
balance back to actual transaction, to compare become physical database.
balances and perform reconciliations.
What is an entity?
Give an example of how cardinality relates to
business policy. Entities are physical resources (automobiles,
cash, or inventory), events (ordering inventory,
Cardinality reflects normal business rules as receiving cash, shipping goods), and agents
well as organizational policy, the 1:1 cardinality (salesperson, customer, or vendor) about which
in the first example in Figure 2-12 suggests that the organization wishes to capture data.
each salesperson in the organization is assigned
one automobile. If instead the organization’s Program flow charts- relationship between
policy were to assign a single automobile to one computer programs, files used, and outputs
or more salespeople that share it, this policy produced.
would be reflected by a 1:M relationship. What information is provided by a record
What is meant by cardinality in entity layout diagram?
relationship diagrams? Record layout diagrams- reveal internal
Cardinality refers to the numerical mapping structure of the records that constitutes a file or
between entity instances, and it is a matter of database table.
organization policy. The relationship can be What are the two data processing approaches
one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many. used in modern systems?
Distinguish between entity relationship Distinguish between batch and real-time
diagrams, data flow diagrams, and system processing.
Batch - a group of similar transactions that are
Entity relationship diagrams represent the processed together, time lag exists
relationship between entities (resources,
events, and agents) in a system. Real-time Systems- Process transaction
individually at economic event occurs, no time
Dataflow diagrams represent the logical lag.
elements (i.e. what is being done) of a system
by illustrating processes, data sources, data Legacy systems VS Modern Systems
flows, and entities.
Legacy system- used to process financially Legacy systems tend to have the following
significant transaction, auditors need to know distinguishing features: they are mainframe-
how to evaluate and test them. (batch system) based applications, they tend to be batch-
oriented, and early legacy systems use flat files
Modern systems- process transaction in real for data storage
How is backup of database files accomplished?
Distinguish between the sequential file and
database approaches to data backup. First, a special recovery program uses the
backup file to create a preupdate version of the
Sequential- master files are completely master file. Second, the file update process is
reproduced in the form of a physically new file, repeated using the previous batch of
thus creating a backup copy automatically. transactions to restore the master to its current
Databases- use destructive update procedures condition.
and require separate backup procedures. In one sentence, what does updating a master
file record involve?
A flowchart depicts the physical system and Comment on the following statement: ‘‘Legacy
illustrates what type of and where a task is systems always use flat-file structures.’’
performed and who is performing it. A flat-file structure is a single-view model that
How may batch processing be used to improve characterizes legacy systems in which data files
operational efficiency? are structured, formatted, and arranged to suit
the specific needs of the owner or primary user
In fact, the task of doing so takes time which, of the system.
when multiplied by hundreds or thousands of
transactions, can cause significant processing Explain the technique known as destructive
delays. However, improves operational update.
efficiency by eliminating unnecessary activities Destructive update involves replacing an old
at critical points in the process. data value with a new value and thus destroying
Why might an auditor use a program the original.
flowchart? What factor influences the decision to employ
When testing an application program, the real-time data collection with batch updating
auditor needs details about its internal logic rather that purely real-time processing?
provided by the program flowchart to design Explain.
the audit tests. Transaction volume is the key factor. Large-
How are system flowcharts and program scale systems that process high volumes of
flowcharts related? transactions often use real-time data collection
and batch updating. Master file records that are
System flowchart -shows the relationship unique to a transaction such as customer
between two computer programs, the files that accounts and individual inventory records can
they use, and the outputs that they produce. be updated in real time without causing
operational delays. Common accounts should
Program flowchart- provides this detail. Every
be updated in batch mode. Realtime processing
program represented in a system flowchart
is better suited to systems that process lower
should have a supporting program flowchart
transaction volumes and those that do not
that describes its logic.
share common records.
What are the distinguishing features of a
What are the advantages of real-time data
legacy system?
In a real-time processing environment, the What role does the audit trail play in the task
master files are updated as soon as the of confirmation?
transaction is submitted and accepted into the
Explain how the magnetic audit trail functions.
system. Thus, reports are more accurate in the
sense that the information is as current as Are large batch sizes preferable to small batch
possible. Faster operational response time to sizes? Explain.
customer requests such as the shipping of an
order is another, and very important, benefit. Discuss why an understanding of legacy
Finally, the reduction of paper and storage system technologies is of some importance to
space of physical source documents is another auditors.
If an organization processes large numbers of
What are the advantages of real-time data transactions that use common data records,
collection? what type of system would work best (all else
being equal)?
By collecting data in real time, certain
transaction errors can be prevented or detected If an organization processes transactions that
and corrected at their source. have independent (unique) data needs, what
type of system would work best (all else being
What are some of the more common uses of equal)?
data codes in accounting information systems?
Explain how a hashing structure works and
Block codes for the general ledger accounts, why it’s quicker than using an index. Give an
sequential codes for documents, and group example. If it’s so much faster, why isn’t it
codes for coding transactions. used exclusively?
Compare and contrast the relative advantages Describe a specific accounting application that
and disadvantages of sequential, block, group, could make use of a virtual storage access
alphabetic, and mnemonic codes. method file.