The Vodou Dead - Baron, Brijit and Gede
The Vodou Dead - Baron, Brijit and Gede
The Vodou Dead - Baron, Brijit and Gede
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Every Cemetery has its own Baron and Brijit and these
are identified by certain tombs. The first male buried in a
cemetery is a Baron and the first female a Brijit. In Haiti,
crosses will be erected for each one at that tomb. People
needing to commission them thus go to the cross.
The Gede Lwa dance the banda. The banda is a very crude
dance that mimes sexual intercourse. The Gede are vulgar
and are known to cuss and play fight. There are many
personal Gedes out there, as well as root (racine)
Gedes. By far the most known and honored of these root
Gedes is Brav Gede Nibo.