Consumer Behavior: From Print and Broadcast To Social Media and Mobile Advertising

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Consumer Behavior

Chapter 8
From Print and Broadcast to Social Media and Mobile Advertising

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users should be able to get a list of links by using
Social Media
Means of interactions among people in which they create,
share, and exchange information and ideas in virtual
communities and networks.
Total Reach of Social Media
Reach by Age
Mobile Advertising
Sending promotional messages to consumers’ cell phones,
iPads, electronic readers, and other devices that people
carry while on the go
The Marketing Mix
Table 8.1 The Impact of Social and Mobile Media on the Marketing Mix
Blank Impact of Social Media Example(s)
Product Marketers engaged in product development use The company used social media to choose the best
crowdsourcing to pull together various aspects of the products to bring to market and then leveraged the knowledge of the
marketing mix for a brand. Mobile marketers have crowd to develop the marketing strategy. Angry Birds, Snapchat, and
developed a number of new products aimed at Instagram are all products developed specifically for mobile devices.
smartphone users.
Price Prices of products are transparent online, deal sites Groupon’s original discounts of 50% appealed to highly deal-prone
influence consumers’ perceptions of price and value, consumers who often failed to repeat purchase at the regular price.
and consumers use mobile devices to seek out lower Best Buy created its own shelf tags for consumers to use with mobile
prices. devices to help limit the need to search for lower prices on their
mobile phones.
Place or Marketers can now distribute Products via social Marketers can set up stores on, and traffic from
distribution media , and social media sites drive traffic to Pinterest can be a strong sales generator for particular brands.
marketer websites and brick and mortar retailers. Fandango’s mobile app sells movie tickets via mobile. The service is
People can also buy digital products on their phones useful when people are out and about, and decide to see a movie.
or tablets any time when they are wirelessly
Promotion Many aspects of promotion have been influenced by Consumers communicate about products and services on social media
social media and mobile marketing. For example, sites, and this type of word of mouth can strongly influence purchase
brands can build awareness, encourage engagement, as consumers continue to
provide product information, and drive purchase deny that traditional advertising influences them . McDonald’s
behavior. uses Snapchat to communicate with its young mobile customers.

Source: Social Media and Mobile Marketing Strategy by Priluck, Randi. (2016). By permission of Oxford University Press, USA.
Individuals and Networks
• Profiles
• Friends
• Groups
• Social networks
• Opt-ins and opt-outs
Chunks of software – installed on one’s computer, tablet, or
smartphone – that are gateways to games, online
resources, and social networking
Permissions Sought by Apps
• Basic permissions
• Users’ permissions
• Friends’ permissions
• Sensitive information requests
Consumer Engagement
• Sharing information with others
• Convenience and entertainment
• Passing time
• Interpersonal relations
• Promoting one’s self
• Bonding and social capital
Engagement Strategies
Table 8.2 Enhancing Consumer Engagement
Platform Method of Engagement Results
lnstagram European lnstagram users uploaded their own photos of the Ford People posted 16,000 photos and Ford earned
Fiesta with the hashtag #Fiestagram on lnstagram and the global 120,000 new Facebook fans in Europe.
Ford Fiesta Facebook page. Judges chose the best photos as
winners and gave out small prizes.
Pinterest Elephantine is a jewelry brand on the popular art product site Etsy. Since using Pinterest, Rachel’s average weekly
Rachel Ball, the owner, increased traffic by Pinning her new page views grew 22% and weekly sales
products to her Pinterest boards when listing them for sale at Etsy. increased 20%.
YouTube Activision, the manufacturer of video games such as Call of Duty, Activision became the leading gaming video
Destiny, and Skylander, uses YouTube to engage and entertain its franchise on YouTube, with over 2 million
audience. subscribers to its channels and half a million
video views.
Facebook One of the first Facebook Timeline campaigns ran in lsrael with In 8 days, the campaign earned 70,000 tweets,
the anti-drug message, “Drugs Set Your Timeline.” The campaign but was shut down by Facebook because it
developed by McCann Erickson featured a fictional drug addict violated the terms of service. Adam Barak used
Adam Barak and his dual lives as a drug addict and non-addict in a his own profile page for the visuals and
split-section design. presented fictitious scenes.

Source: Social Media and Mobile Marketing Strategy by Priluck, Randi. (2016). By permission of Oxford
University Press, USA.
Cognitive Learning
The premise that learning occurs in the form of sequential,
mental processing of information when people face
problems that the wish to resolve
Promotional Goals
Table 8.3 Promotional Goals in Social and Mobile Media
Goals Brands Achieving Goals with Social and Mobile Strategies
Awareness Hyundai created an iPhone driving app that ran on the giant screen in Times Square in New York City. People could control
the onscreen car with their phones.
Trust Procter & Gamble joined the BlogHer conference aimed at female bloggers to “engage with a group of smart women, who
are consumers themselves.” The company Promoted Tide, Cover Girl, Pantene, Charmin, Bounty, and Downy among other
brands. The purpose was to generate conversations for P&G brands by trusted influencers.

Education General Electric created the Six Second Science Fair. Participants use Vine to Create a short science video to share on Twitt er
with the hashtag #6secondsciencefair. The goal is to show GE’s leadership in technology with the slogan, “Follow as we
explore the changing worlds of science and technology.”
Loyalty The Apple Passbook loaded onto iPhones can hold loyalty card information from various vendors. Users simply download
loyalty apps from the app store and Organize them with Passbook.
Persuasion John Deere hired Chip Foose to design a tractor for a giveaway contest and supported the effort with YouTube videos, each
with a clear call to action. “Win a classic 4020 tractor customized by the legendary Chip Foose! Register to Win at your local
dealer.” The videos received over 13,000 views in the first hour and thousands of people entered to win the tractor.

Remind Ariel brand detergent set up an interactive glass installation in Central Station, Stockholm, Sweden, where users who were
invited through Facebook could Control a robot to stain shirts. Later, the shirts were washed using Ariel Actilift and sent t o
the players’ homes.

Source: Social Media and Mobile Marketing Strategy by Priluck, Randi. (2016). By permission of Oxford
University Press, USA.
Social Media Ad Platforms
Table 8.4 Social Media’s Advertising Platforms
Medium Ownership of the Content Examples Issues
Owned The company or the brand Websites and mobile sites, The company owns and controls all content and data forever, but
media blogs on company the platform does not have a natural audience to view it.
platforms Customers may be skeptical of company-sponsored content.
There are costs associated with setting up and managing the
Social The platform itself Facebook, Twitter, These platforms have large audiences, but a brand does not own
media Pinterest, Tumblr, and its posted content or the content posted by users. The platforms
Instagram pages do not share data with companies and some are not accessible by
outside programmers . Companies pay to develop content, but do
not pay for media time directly.
Paid The company owns the Television commercials, Paid media have preexisting Audiences and companies can create
media content of the message, but magazine ads, banner ads, Messages within the network’s parameters. Companies have to
the medium limits the format. preroll video ads, pay for both media time and content development.
promoted tweets,
billboards, and mobile
banner ads
Earned The content exists on various Reviews, user-generated The company benefits from internet traffic that results in higher
media Platforms and is owned by its content, posted comments, search engine rankings, but companies can’t control the content.
creators. blog posts, customer The company pays to develop original content, but not for
retweets, pins, photos, and content created by others unless requested expressly by the firm.
viral videos
Source: Social Media and Mobile Marketing Strategy by Priluck, Randi. (2016). By permission of Oxford University Press, USA.
Owned Social Media
Messages sent by marketers and delivered to consumers
via channels that the marketers control
Paid Social Media
Messages sent via channels that are not owned by the
marketers, who pay for using the channels
Earned Social Media
Channels where consumers pass along messages about
brands to one another
Widely Used Social Media
• Blogs and micro-blogs (e.g. Twitter)
• Social networks (e.g. Facebook)
• Widgets, games, apps
• Mobile phones
• Web-search ads
• Online display ads
• Mobile advertising
• Search engine (organic results)
Google’s Ad Revenues
Effective Social Media
• Planned together with traditional ads
• Considers social media’s simultaneous reach of different
• Examines clicks on like or mine
• Uses bosses to tweet
• Has guidelines for employee social media
Value from Mobile Devices
• Monetary value
• Convenience value
• Emotional value
• Social value
Promotional Tactics
Figure 8.3 Age and Responses to Mobile Advertising

Source: Nielsen Insights, “Mobile Marketers Can Get Generational Clicks with Varied Engagement
Tactics,” August 17, 2016.
Search Advertising
Placing online advertisements on Web pages that show
results from search engine queries
Analyzing Website Visits

• Unique visitors • Interaction rate

• Cost per unique visitor • Actions
• Return visits • Conversation-related
• Time spent
• Visitor demographics
• Page views
Types of Twitter Users
• Celebrities
• Conversationalists
• Spammers
Google Analytics
• Where visitors come from
• Actions after landing at initial page
• Geographic location and visit lengths
• Assignment into profiles/segmentation
Media Exposure
• Online fraud and unseen ads
• Media exposure effects
– How many consumers
– Who received it
• Time shifted viewing
Technology’s Impact
Table 8.6 Enhancing Traditional Media
Blank Social Media Mobile Advertising

Television Run commercials on YouTube. Produce interesting content in ads that people want to share.
Announce social media contests on television. Run ads on the social media sites of programs or television
stars’ Twitter feeds.
Radio Remind listeners about social media Run radio spots on music streaming sites.
promotions. Encourage app downloads with radio spots.
Prompt a visit to a social media site with a
radio ad.
Print Publish content on social media sites. Use QR codes in magazine ads.
Encourage sharing of brand news with links to Use print to encourage opt-in for SMS campaigns.
Outdoor Use signage to encourage “check ins” on social Offer games via billboards that drive store visits.
media. Use beacons to reach customers on their phones
Create a social brand destination for customers
to meet in real life.

Source: Social Media and Mobile Marketing Strategy by Priluck, Randi. (2016). By permission of
Oxford University Press, USA.
Interactive TV (iTV)
A medium that combines TV broadcasts and the
interactivity of the internet
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