Assessment Task 2 - Project Report: CHCDIV001 Work With Diverse People

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CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People

Name: Sunita Mehmi ID:10759

Self-Assessment Tool
Awareness Questions / Reflection Never Sometimes / Fairly Often/ Always/
Occasionally Pretty Well Very Well

Value Diversity I view human difference as positive

and a cause for celebration 
Know myself I have a clear sense of my own
ethnic, cultural and racial identity 
Share my culture I am aware that in order to learn
more about others I need to 
understand and be prepared to
share my own culture
Be aware of
areas of
I am aware of my discomfort when
I encounter differences in race, 
discomfort colour, religion, sexual orientation,
language, and ethnicity.
Check my
I am aware of the assumptions that
I hold about people of cultures 
different from my own.
Challenge my
I am aware of my stereotypes as
they arise and have developed 
personal strategies for reducing the
harm they cause
Reflect on how I am aware of how my cultural
my culture perspective influences my
informs my judgement about what are
judgement ‘appropriate’, ‘normal’, or 
‘superior’ behaviours, values, and
communication styles.
Accept I accept that in cross-cultural
ambiguity situations there can be uncertainty
and that uncertainty can make me
anxious. It can also mean that I do 
not respond quickly and take the
time needed to get more
Be curious I take any opportunity to put
myself in places where I can learn 
about difference and create
Aware of my If I am a Caucasian working with an
privilege if I am Aboriginal person or Person of
Caucasian Colour, I understand that I will
likely be perceived as a person with 
power and racial privilege and that
I may not be seen as ‘unbiased’ or
as an ally.
*Adapted from La Crosse Medical Health Science Consortium

CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People
Name: Sunita Mehmi ID:10759
After undertaking the self-assessment, the student should use these responses to answer the following questions;
1. Provide a summary of the results from the self-assessment tool.
Never Sometimes Fairly Often/ Pretty Always/ Very Well
/Occasionally Well
Number of
responses 0 3 3 4
2. Do you think this is an accurate reflection of your social and cultural perspectives and biases? Why or Why not.
Yes, this is an accurate reflection of my social and cultural perspectives and biases because it reflects my own point
of view regarding the circumstances and reflections mentioned in the self assessment tool.

3. Reflect on the statements that were allocated a “Never or Sometimes/Occasionally” response. What are the
themes where your ‘self and social awareness’ may be limited?
The themes include checking my assumptions, challenging stereotypes and encounter with the aboriginal or
coloured skin people.

4. Identify types of activities you can engage in to improve your own self and social awareness. Your goal should
be to alter your responses from “Never” or “Sometimes/Occasionally” to a “Fairly often/Pretty Well” or
“Always/very well.”
 I can do research and discuss with other persons about the cultures and ethnicity of their cultures.
 I can identify stereotype thinking and overcome it.
 I can socialize or contact with people with different cultures and skin colour in order to be unbiased.

5. How can these strategies improve your ability to respect diversity and work inclusively with an understanding
of others?
These strategies improve my ability to respect diversity and work inclusively with an understanding of other peoples
having different cultural values and ethnicity which makes them unique yet interesting to know about them and vast
my knowledge about different cultures and seeing everyone equal.

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