Preparation of Financial-Statements
Preparation of Financial-Statements
Preparation of Financial-Statements
Module 7
Financial Statements
The University of Texas System
Identify three principal financial statements of
colleges and universities
Describe basic content and layout of three
principal financial statements
Identify interrelated elements among these
Explain Annual Financial Report preparation
Identify principal users of financial information
U. T. System Office of the Controller 2
Balance Sheet
Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in
Net Assets
Statement of Cash Flows
U. T. System Office of the Controller 3
Colleges and universities use three principal financial statements:
Principal Statements
Statement of
Balance Revenues, Statement of
Sheet Expenses, Cash Flows
and Changes
in Net
U. T. System Office of the Controller 4
Another important component of the financial statement is the Notes to the Financial
Statements. The Notes describe in greater detail various data presented in the statements
themselves. For example, some of the topics of the Notes included in the U. T. System’s
Consolidated Financial Statements are:
Reporting Entities
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Deposits and Investments
Bonds Payable
Pending Lawsuits and Claims
Capital Lease Obligations
U. T. System Office of the Controller 5
Notes to the financial statements are an integral part of the financial statements. Their
ultimate purpose is to facilitate the reader’s understanding of financial information.
Preceding the primary financial statements is the Management’s Discussion and Analysis
(MD&A), which provides an overview of the financial position and activities of
U. T. System.
U. T. System Office of the Controller 6
There are two different approaches to presenting information in the financial statements.
The first is reporting information as of a particular date . . . a snapshot in time.
As of
August 31,
A snapshot 20xx
in time
The Balance Sheet is reported as of a particular date. One can think of the Balance
Sheets as a “snapshot” of the financial position of an institution on the reporting
U. T. System Office of the Controller 7
Flow of Activities
Both the Statement of
Revenues, Expenses, Statement of
and Changes in Net Revenues,
Assets (SRECNA) and Expenses, and
the Statement of Cash Changes in Net
Flows report activity Assets
for the entire year.
These statements
show the “flow” of For the Year Ended
resources into , and August 31, 20XX
out of, the institution.
Statement of
Cash Flows
U. T. System Office of the Controller 8
The first statement we will examine is the Balance Sheet. This statement is presented as
“Exhibit A” in the completed report.
Unlike the SRECNA and the Statement of Cash Flows, this statement reports information as
of a particular date. After the statement’s title, the reporting time frame of the statement
is identified: As of August 31, 20XX
The Balance Sheet reports the financial position of the institution at the report date.
U. T. System Office of the Controller 9
Statement Layout:
The University of Texas System ‐ Balance Sheet
The Balance Sheet is presented in columnar
form. For the final published statement, all of ($ in millions)
the fund groups are collapsed and only the Assets:
Current assets $ 5,005.2 5,260.7
total of all fund groups appears on the Noncurrent investments 20,890.2 25,127.9
statement. Other noncurrent assets 266.9 281.9
Capital assets, net 10,130.7 9,300.1
The Balance Sheet is presented in three Total assets Must 36,293.0 39,970.6
• Assets Current liabilities 6,112.4 7,405.7
Noncurrent liabilities 6,155.3 4,947.3
• Liabilities Total liabilities 12,267.7 12,353.0
U. T. System Office of the Controller 10
Of the three primary financial
statements, the Statement of
Revenues, Expenses and
Changes in Net Assets is the Statement of
most detailed statement. The Revenues,
statement is presented as Expenses, and
“Exhibit B” in the completed Changes in Net
To determine exactly what is
reported in the statement,
let’s dissect the statement’s
Statement of [REVENUES]
U. T. System Office of the Controller 11
As discussed earlier, the SRECNA reports activity for the year. After the statement’s
title, the reporting time frame of the statement is identified:
For the Year Ended August 31, 20XX
So, we can conclude that this statement reports activity (in‐flows or Revenues, out‐
flows or Expenses, and the impact on net assets) for all funds for the fiscal year
September 1, 20XX through August 31, 20XX.
U. T. System Office of the Controller 12
Changes in Net Assets
Operating Operating
Revenues Expenses
Nonoperating Nonoperating
Revenues Expenses
Transfer In Transfer Out
U. T. System Office of the Controller 13
The University of Texas System ‐ SRECNA
Statement Layout:
Current Prior
Year Year
The SRECNA is presented in columnar ($ in millions)
Operating revenues:
form and all the fund groups are Net student tuition and fees
Sponsored programs
1,104.3 1,024.0
2,517.0 2,408.8
collapsed. The statement is divided Net patient care revenues
4,123.0 3,999.3
Net auxiliary enterprises
into the following sections: Other
Total operating revenues
• Operating Revenues Total operating expenses
Operating loss
• Operating Expenses (3,211.0) (2,852.4)
Nonoperating revenues (expenses):
• Nonoperating Revenues State appropriations
2,115.0 1,956.7
Nonexchange Sponsored Programs
(Expenses) Gift contributions
289.6 368.8
Net investment income (loss)
• Other Revenues, Expenses, Net inc. (dec.) in fair value of investments
Gains/(Losses) and Transfers (not Interest expense on capital asset financings
Net other nonoperating revenues (expenses)
(158.9) (161.7)
26.9 (28.9)
labeled) Income before other revenues, expenses, gains or losses
(3,387.1) (949.8)
Net assets, beginning of the year
27,617.6 28,349.6
Net assets, end of the year $
24,025.3 27,617.6
U. T. System Office of the Controller 14
Beginning Net Assets
Operating Revenues
+ or ‐
Net Increase (Decrease)
for the Fiscal Year = -
= Operating Expenses
+ or -
Ending Net Assets Revenue and Expenses
U. T. System Office of the Controller 15
Statement of Cash Flows:
The final statement of the three principal financial statements we will examine is the
Statement of Cash Flows. This statement is presented as “Exhibit C” in the
completed report.
As discussed earlier, this statement also reports activity for the year. After the
statement’s title, the reporting time frame of the statement is identified:
For the Year Ended August 31, 20XX
So, we can conclude that this statement reports the major sources and uses of cash.
The reporting period includes the fiscal year 9/1/20XX through 8/31/20XX.
Statement of
Cash flows
U. T. System Office of the Controller 16
Statement Layout:
The Statement of Cash Flows is presented The University of Texas System ‐ Cash Flows
in the following sections:
Current Prior
• Cash Flows from Operating Activities ($ in millions) Year Year
• Cash Flows from Noncapital Financial Cash flows:
Activities Cash received from operations $ 8,816.8 8,237.9
• Cash Flows from Capital and Related Cash expended for operations
(10,731.3) (9,940.5)
Financing Activities Net cash used in operating activities (1,914.5) (1,702.6)
Net cash provided by noncapital financing activities
• Cash Flows from Investing Activities 2,398.8 2,067.3
Net cash used in capital and related financing activities
• Net Change in Cash and Cash
(790.3) (758.0)
Equivalents Net cash (used in)/provided by investing activities
706.4 456.0
• Reconciliation of Operating Revenues Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents
(Expenses) to Net Cash Provided (Used) 400.4 62.7
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year
by Operating Activities (not illustrated) 1,944.3 1,881.6
Cash and cash equivalents, end of year $
2,344.7 1,944.3
The objective of this statement is to show
the changes in the cash and cash
equivalents that occurred throughout the
fiscal year. To accomplish this objective, the
statement first tells the reader the major
sources and uses of cash by activity.
U. T. System Office of the Controller 17
Statement Layout (continued):
The University of Texas System ‐ Cash Flows (Continued)
Next, the change in cash is computed
Current Prior
based upon the sources (inflows) and ($ in millions) Year Year
uses (outflows) of cash throughout the Reconciliation of Net Operating Revenues (Expenses) to
Net Cash Provided (Used) by Operating Activities:
year. This change in cash is used to
Operating Loss $ (3,211.0) (2,852.4)
determine the amount of cash and cash Adjustments to Reconcile Operating Loss to Net Cash:
equivalents at year end. Depreciation, Impairment, and Bad Debt Expense 1,018.7 920.3
Op. Income & Cash Flow Categories Classification
Then a reconciliation of net operating Differences (66.3) ‐
revenues (expenses) to net cash Changes in Assets and Liabilities 344.1 229.5
provided (used) by operating activities is Total Adjustments 1,296.5 1,149.8
Net Cash Provided (Used) by Operating Activities: $
performed. (1,914.5) (1,702.6)
A list of non‐cash transaction that do not Noncash Transactions:
Net Increase (Decrease) in Fair Value of Investments
impact the inflows and outflows of cash (1,332.9) (1,880.6)
Donated Capital Assets
is provided at the bottom of the 20.7 72.5
Capital Assets Acquired Under Capital Lease Purchases 0.5 3.5
statement. Miscellaneous Noncash Transactions 9.2 (23.9)
U. T. System Office of the Controller 18
Interrelated Elements:
The Annual Financial Report consists of numerous schedules and statements that are
interrelated. The scope of this presentation is limited to three primary statements;
the explanation of interrelated elements will also be limited to these three
U. T. System Office of the Controller 19
The University of Texas System ‐ Balance Sheet
U. T. System Office of the Controller 20
The University of Texas System ‐ SRECNA The University of Texas System ‐ Balance Sheet
Current Prior
Year Year Current Prior
($ in millions)
Operating revenues: ($ in millions) Year Year
Net student tuition and fees $ Assets:
1,104.3 1,024.0
Sponsored programs Cash and cash equivalents $ 2,344.7 1,944.3
2,517.0 2,408.8
Net patient care revenues
4,123.0 3,999.3
Current assets 2,660.5 3,316.6
Net auxiliary enterprises Noncurrent investments 20,890.2 25,127.9
372.3 342.1
Other Other noncurrent assets 266.9 281.7
447.6 389.1
Total operating revenues
8,564.2 8,163.3 Capital assets, net 10,130.7 9,300.1
Total operating expenses
(11,775.2) (11,015.7) Total assets 36,293.0 39,970.6
Operating loss
(3,211.0) (2,852.4)
Nonoperating revenues (expenses): Liabilities:
State appropriations
2,115.0 1,956.7
Current liabilities 6,112.4 7,405.7
Nonexchange Sponsored Programs Noncurrent liabilities 6,155.3 4,947.3
189.1 ‐
Gift contributions
289.6 368.8 Total liabilities 12,267.7 12,353.0
Net investment income (loss)
(1,304.9) 1,648.3
Net inc. (dec.) in fair value of investments
(1,332.9) (1,880.6)
Interest expense on capital asset financings
Net assets:
(158.9) (161.7)
Net other nonoperating revenues (expenses) Invested in capital assets, net of 4,475.1 4,492.6
26.9 (28.9)
Income before other revenues, expenses, gains or losses
related debt
(3,387.1) (949.8)
Restricted 17,197.0 20,377.6
Capital appropriations – Higher Education Unrestricted 2,353.2 2,747.4
Assistance Fund (HEAF)
17.5 17.1 Net assets 24,025.3 27,617.6
Capital gifts and grants, additions to permanent
endowments and extraordinary items
165.4 338.7
Net Transfers to other State entities Liabilities and net assets $ 36,293.0 39,970.6
(388.1) (138.0)
Change in net assets
(3,592.3) (732.0)
Net assets, beginning of the year
Interrelated Elements:
27,617.6 28,349.6
Net assets, end of the year $
24,025.3 27,617.6 The ending net assets from the SRECNA must agree
to the ending net assets reported on the balance
U. T. System Office of the Controller
sheet. 21
A reader can look at the Balance Sheet and determine the amount of The University of Texas System ‐ SRECNA
the net assets for each fund group. However, if the reader wants to Current Prior
analyze the changes in the net assets since the last reporting period, ($ in millions)
Year Year
Operating revenues:
they should look at the SRECNA. Net student tuition and fees $
1,104.3 1,024.0
The University of Texas System ‐ Balance Sheet Sponsored programs
2,517.0 2,408.8
Net patient care revenues
4,123.0 3,999.3
Current Prior Net auxiliary enterprises
372.3 342.1
($ in millions) Year Year Other
447.6 389.1
Assets: Total operating revenues
8,564.2 8,163.3
Cash and cash equivalents $ 2,344.7 1,944.3 Total operating expenses
(11,775.2) (11,015.7)
Current assets 2,660.5 3,316.6 Operating loss
(3,211.0) (2,852.4)
Noncurrent investments 20,890.2 25,127.9
Other noncurrent assets 266.9 281.7 Nonoperating revenues (expenses):
Net assets:
Capital appropriations – Higher Education
Invested in capital assets, net of 4,475.1 4,492.6 Assistance Fund (HEAF)
17.5 17.1
related debt Capital gifts and grants, additions to permanent
endowments and extraordinary items
165.4 338.7
Restricted 17,197.0 20,377.6 Net Transfers to other State entities
(388.1) (138.0)
Unrestricted 2,353.2 2,747.4 Change in net assets
(3,592.3) (732.0)
Net assets 24,025.3 27,617.6
Net assets, beginning of the year
27,617.6 28,349.6
Net assets, end of the year $
Liabilities and net assets $ 36,293.0 39,970.6 24,025.3 27,617.6
U. T. System Office of the Controller 22
Interrelated Elements: The SRECNA is also interrelated with the Statement of Cash
The University of Texas System ‐ SRECNA
Flows. Total operating income (loss), as well as depreciation and amortization
expense, flows to the reconciliation section of the Statement of Cash Flows.
($ in millions)
Operating revenues: The University of Texas System ‐ Cash Flows
Net student tuition and fees $
1,104.3 1,024.0
Sponsored programs
2,517.0 2,408.8 Current Prior
Net patient care revenues
Net auxiliary enterprises
4,123.0 3,999.3 ($ in millions) Year Year
372.3 342.1
Other Cash flows:
447.6 389.1
Total operating revenues
8,564.2 8,163.3
Cash received from operations $ 8,816.8 8,237.9
Total operating expenses
(11,775.2) (11,015.7) Cash expended for operations (10,731.3) (9,940.5)
Operating loss
(3,211.0) (2,852.4) Net cash used in operating activities (1,914.5) (1,702.6)
Nonoperating revenues (expenses): Net cash provided by noncapital financing activities 2,398.8 2,067.3
State appropriations
2,115.0 1,956.7
Net cash used in capital and related financing activities
Nonexchange Sponsored Programs
189.1 ‐ (790.3) (758.0)
Gift contributions
289.6 368.8 Net cash (used in)/provided by investing activities 706.4 456.0
Net investment income (loss)
Net inc. (dec.) in fair value of investments
(1,304.9) 1,648.3 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents
Interest expense on capital asset financings
(1,332.9) (1,880.6) 400.4 62.7
(158.9) (161.7)
Net other nonoperating revenues (expenses)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year 1,944.3 1,881.6
26.9 (28.9)
Income before other revenues, expenses, gains or losses Cash and cash equivalents, end of year $ 2,344.7 1,944.3
(3,387.1) (949.8) Reconciliation of Net Operating Revenues (Expenses) to
Capital appropriations – Higher Education
Net Cash Provided (Used) by Operating Activities:
Assistance Fund (HEAF)
17.5 17.1 Operating Loss $ (3,211.0) (2,852.4)
Capital gifts and grants, additions to permanent
endowments and extraordinary items Adjustments to Reconcile Operating Loss to Net Cash:
165.4 338.7
Net Transfers to other State entities
(388.1) (138.0) Depreciation, Impairment, and Bad Debt Expense 1,018.7 920.3
Change in net assets
(3,592.3) (732.0) Op. Income & Cash Flow Categories Classification
Net assets, beginning of the year
Differences (66.3) ‐
27,617.6 28,349.6
Net assets, end of the year $ Changes in Assets and Liabilities 344.1 229.5
24,025.3 27,617.6
Total Adjustments 1,296.5 1,149.8
U. T. System Office of the Controller Net Cash Provided (Used) by Operating Activities: $ (1,914.5) (1,702.6)
Preparation of the Annual Financial Report
The Texas Education Code requires U. T. System to submit the Consolidated Primary
Financial Statements to the Texas State Comptroller’s Office each fiscal year. The Financial
Reporting division of the Office of the Controller at U. T. System Administration
consolidates the individual institution annual reports into the consolidated Systemwide
report. The Financial Reporting division also acts as a liaison to the Texas Comptroller of
Pubic Accounts regarding reporting changes or questions concerning the preparation of
the report.
The Financial Reporting staff assists the institutions in preparation of their reports by
conducting the AFR workshop. Each year, employees from the U. T. institutions who are
responsible for preparing the institution’s annual financial report are invited to attend a
meeting or videoconference to discuss topics relevant to the preparation process.
U. T. System Office of the Controller 24
Preparation of the Annual Financial Report (continued)
After August 31st, the close of the fiscal year, institution employees prepare all annual
report financial statements and supporting schedules for their institution; then they
forward a copy to U. T. System Administration. The Financial Reporting staff review these
reports primarily to determine if the principal statements and the supporting schedules tie
appropriately. Any inconsistencies are communicated to the appropriate person at the
institution, and revisions or corrections are made by the institution as necessary.
The Financial Reporting staff also examines any significant fluctuations in account balances
from one year to the next. If an account balance changes between two years by a large
percentage, the Financial Reporting staff asks the institution’s staff to investigate the
reason for the significant change. The main purpose of this verification is to detect
possible reporting errors. State auditors and the Comptroller’s Office also request
fluctuation analysis for significant line items.
U. T. System Office of the Controller 25
Preparation of the Annual Financial Report (continued)
When the institution completes all revisions, they begin work on preparing a final “print‐
ready” copy of their report. It is sent to the Financial Reporting division, which
coordinates printing of the individual institution’s Annual Financial Report. Meanwhile,
the Financial Reporting staff is also charged with the task of consolidating the principal (or
primary) statements of all institutions and producing the Consolidated Primary Financial
The Consolidated Financial Statements are forwarded to the Texas State Comptroller’s
office, which consolidates this financial information into the CAFR.
U. T. System Office of the Controller 26
U. T.
U. T. U. T.
Arlington Austin
U. T. System Administration
Texas State Comptroller
U. T. System Office of the Controller 27
Proprietary Funds
Texas Lottery
A Schedules
Texas Water Comprehensive
B Schedules Development Annual
Primary Board Financial
Exhibits Report
C Schedules
U. T. System (CAFR)
D Schedules
S Schedules Division
U. T. System Office of the Controller 28
The reporting objectives discussed above are set forth in the:
GASB (Governmental Accounting Standards Board) Statements and Interpretations
NACUBO (National Association of College and University Business Officers) Financial
Account and Reporting Manual for Higher Education
AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) Audits of Colleges and
Texas State Comptroller of Pubic Accounts’ Annual Financial Reporting Requirements
for Colleges and Universities
These publications were developed to increase uniformity and adequate disclosure in
institutional accounting and reporting practices. They are the primary authoritative
guidance for the preparation of the U. T. System’s financial statements.
U. T. System Office of the Controller 29
The Annual Financial Report for the entire U. T. System is prepared in accordance with
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the Texas State Comptroller’s
A number of people rely on U. T. System’s financial reports.
The Legislative Budget Board uses the Legislative Appropriations Request report to
recommend budget cuts (or enhancements) to the legislators.
The Board of Regents and investment managers rely on various financial reports to make
important planning decisions, like whether or not the U. T. System can afford to issue more
U. T. System Office of the Controller 30
Various managers use the reports to determine if there are enough resources available to
fund operations for the fiscal year.
The reports influence the decisions made at every level of management throughout the
U. T. System. Accurate, reliable information will facilitate sound management decisions.
U. T. System Office of the Controller 31
You have completed the Fund Accounting Training. Exit
the training by clicking the link below and access the
U. T. System Office of the Controller 32