Tutorial 3

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1. For a 5 day BOD test a sample of sewage was diluted with a dilution factor of 200.If the
contents of DO at the beginning and at the end of the test are 12 ppm and 7 ppm respectively.
Calculate 5 day BOD. [Ans: 1000 ppm]
2. In a BOD test 4 ml of raw sewage was pipetted into a 300 ml capacity BOD bottle which was
then completely filled with dilution water to dilute the sample. The DO concentration of the
diluted sample at the beginning of the test was 9.5 mg/l and at the end of the 5 day incubation
at 20° C was 6.5 mg/l. Find the (a) BOD of raw sewage. (b) Calculate the BOD in kg when the
raw sewage is 1.5 ML. [Ans : a)225 mg/l. b) 337.5 kg ]
𝑑 (𝐿)
3. Change in concentration of organic matter, L, with time t is given by = −𝑘𝐿 . Calculate

the organic matter remaining after 3 days if initial concentration was 200 mg/l and K= 0.4 per
day. [Ans : 60.3 mg/l]
4. Find the ultimate BOD for a sewage having 5 day BOD at 20°C as 180 ppm. Assume base 10
rate constant K = 0.1 per day. [Ans : 263.23 ppm]

5. The analysis of an industrial waste with ultimate BOD as 650 mg/l with value of K as 0.15/day
at 20°C.Calculate its 5 day BOD.What would be its 5 day BOD, if the value of K dropped to
0.10 per day. [Ans : 534.4 mg/l ; 444.4 mg/l]

6. For a 5-day,20°C BOD test a sample of sewage was diluted with a dilution factor of 40.If the
contents of DO before test and at the end of the 5 days test are 9 mg/l and 3 mg/l respectively.
12 ppm and 7 ppm respectively. Calculate 5 day BOD. Find (a) BOD5 (b) Ultimate BOD and
(c) Remaining oxygen demand after 5-days. Assume reaction rate constant (base e) is 0.22 per

7. The test of sewage of a town for total solids indicated the following particulars :
Wt. of dry crucible = 40 gram
Volume of sample taken = 100 ml
Wt of crucible with residue obtained after evaporation = 40.068 gram
Wt of crucible with dry residue obtained after ignition = 40.033 gram
Determine- 1) Total solids 2) Volatile solids and 3) fixed solids
8. During BOD test conducted on a 5% dilution of sewage, the following observation were taken
: i) DO of original undiluted sample of sewage = 0.9 mg/l
ii) DO of dilution water at the end of 5-day incubation at 20°C = 0.8 mg/l
Compute (a) %- day BOD and (b) Ultimate BOD
Assume deoxygenation constant as 0.12/day at 20°C

9. The BOD5 of sewage has been measured as 480 mg/l. If the base ‘e’ rate constant k’= 0.25/day,
what is the ultimate BOD of the sewage? What proportion of BOD would remain unsatisfied
after 20 days?

10. A sample of sewage has 4 day 20°C BOD value of 70% of final. Find the base 10 rate constant
11. The BOD of a sewage incubated for one day at 30°C has been found to be 120 mg/l. What will
be the 5 day BOD at 20°C? Assume k =0.12/day at 20°C.
12. For a sample of sewage, 5-day BOD at 20°C is 250 mg/l and it is 67% of the ultimate
BOD.What will be its 4-day BOD at 30°C?
13. For a sample of BOD test of water of Bagmati river 5-days and 7-days BOD at 20°C
temperature are 280 mg/l and 319.88 mg/l respectively. What will be value of ultimate BOD?
Also find out the 3-day BOD at 25°C?
14. The BOD of sewage incubated for one day at 30°C has been found to be100 mg/l. What will
be the 5-day20°C BOD? Assume K=0.12 (base 10) at 20°C.
15. For a wastewater sample, 5-day BOD at 20°C is 200mg/l and is 67% of ultimate. What will be
the 4-day BOD at 30°C and also determine ultimate BOD. [PU 2007]
16. The BOD5 of sewage sample at 20°C is 300 mg/L. If K= 0.23(base e), what is the ultimate
BOD? What portion of ultimate BOD would remain un-oxidized after 25 days?
17. If 3 day BOD of a sewage sample is 200mg/1 at 25°C, calculate its 5 day BOD at 20°C.
Assume K = 0.12 per day (base 10) at 20°C (TU,IOE,2062)
18. A sewage sample incubated for one day at 30°C has BOD of 150 mg/l. What will be its 5 day
BOD at 20°C if the value of de-oxygenation constant is 0.13 per day (base 10) for 20°C
19. If one day BOD of a sewage sample at 23°C is 105 mg/l. What will be its first day BOD at
30°C? Assume K20= 0.1 per day. (TU,IOE 2070)
20. A wastewater sample is taken from a sewer. The 5-day BOD was found to be 180mg/l at 20°C
which is 70% of the ultimate BOD. What will be 4-day BOD of the wastewater at 30°C (TU,
IOE, 2062 Baishak)

21. If BOD5 at 15°C 220 mg/l find BOD7 at 25°C (TU,IOE,2063)

22. A sewage sample incubated for one day at 30°C has BOD of 150mg/l. What will be its 5 day
BOD at 20°C if the value of the de-oxygenation constant is 0.13 per day (base 10) for 20°C
(TU, IOE, 2065, Kartik)
23. In a BOD test 3 ml sewage sample is diluted to 300ml had an initial DO of 8.5 mg/l and after
5 days this drops to 2 mg/1. Calculate
i) Dilution ratio
ii) Find BOD5 of the wastewater.
iii) BOD5 contained in 2.5 million liters of the sewage.
24. The following observations were made in the laboratory on 3% dilution of waste water. D.O.
of diluted water = 7 mg/1, D.O. of diluted sample after 5 days of incubation = 4 mg/l. Calculate
the 5 day BOD of the sample and the ultimate first stage BOD, assuming deoxygenation rate
constant at 20°C as 0.1.The test was conduct at 20°C.

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