Gmrt2100 Iss 6

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Supersedes GMRT2100 Issue 5 with effect from 06/06/2020

Railway Group Standard

Issue: Six
Date: March 2020

Rail Vehicle Structures

and Passive Safety
This document sets out requirements
for the design and integrity of primary
and secondary rail vehicle structures,
including interior crashworthiness.

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© Copyright 2020
Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited
Uncontrolled when printed. Supersedes GMRT2100 Issue 5 with effect from 06/06/2020

Railway Group Standard

Issue: Six
Date: March 2020 Rail Vehicle Structures and Passive Safety

Issue record

Issue Date Comments

One July 1994 Original document
Supersedes GM/TT0265

Two April 1997 Supersedes issue one

Three October 2000 Supersedes issue two as a result of review
Incorporates and supersedes the requirements of
GM/TT0179 and GM/TT0303

Four December Supersedes GM/RT2100 issue three, GM/RT2101

2010 issue one, GM/RT2260 issue three, GM/RT2456
issue two, GM/RT2457 issue one, GM/RT2463
issue one, AV/ST9001 issue one and Part 3 of GM/
RT2160 issue three, clauses 4.2, 5.5 and 5.7 of
GM/RT2162 issue one and clauses 4.1 - 4.5
inclusive, 4.7 and 4.8 of GM/RT2190 issue two.
Five June 2012 Supersedes issue four
Small scale change amendment to include two
new clauses in the standard at 8.1.1 and 8.1.2
reinstating a measure omitted at the previous
revision but with two new measures and
renumbering the existing clauses in 8.1.

Six March 2020 Supersedes issue five

Only contains requirements which are classified as
national technical rules (NTRs) in accordance with
the Railways (Interoperability) Regulations 2011
(as amended). Other requirements which are not
NTRs, but are considered useful by industry, are
contained in RIS-2780-RST issue one.

Revisions have not been marked by a vertical black line in this issue because the
document has been revised throughout.

Superseded documents
The following Railway Group documents are superseded, either in whole or in part as
Note: The listed documents are superseded by the combination of GMRT2100 issue six
and RIS-2780-RST issue one.

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Railway Group Standard

Issue: Six
Rail Vehicle Structures and Passive Safety Date: March 2020

Superseded documents Sections superseded Date when

sections are
GMRT2100 issue five All 06/06/2020
GMGN2685 issue one All 06/06/2020
GMGN2686 issue one All 06/06/2020
GMGN2687 issue one All 06/06/2020
GMGN2688 issue two All 06/06/2020

The authoritative version of this document is available at
Enquiries on this document can be submitted through the RSSB Customer Self-Service Portal https://

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Railway Group Standard

Issue: Six
Date: March 2020 Rail Vehicle Structures and Passive Safety


Section Description Page

Part 1 Purpose and Introduction 5

1.1 Purpose 5
1.2 Introduction 5

Part 2 Vehicle design 8

2.1 Aerodynamic loads 8
2.2 Tank wagons 10
2.3 Interior passive safety 11

Part 3 Application of this document 12

3.1 Scope 12
3.2 Exclusions from scope 12
3.3 General enter into force date 12
3.4 Exceptions to general enter into force date 12
3.5 Applicability of requirements for projects already underway 12
3.6 Deviations 12
3.7 Health and safety responsibilities 13

Appendices 14
Appendix A Interior passive safety 14
Appendix B Good practice guide for secondary impact assessment 49
Appendix C Bodyside windows - small missile test procedure 54
Appendix D Bodyside windows - passenger containment test procedures 56
Appendix E Bodyside windows - pressure pulse test procedures 59
Appendix F Dynamic test procedures for passenger seats and tables 62
Appendix G Not used
Appendix H Preparation and set up of Anthropomorphic Test Devices (ATDs) 66
Appendix I Not used
Appendix J Measurements and data for dynamic testing 70
Appendix K Injury criteria assessment 74
Appendix L Residual space 79

Definitions 82

References 86

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Railway Group Standard

Issue: Six
Rail Vehicle Structures and Passive Safety Date: March 2020

Part 1 Purpose and Introduction

1.1 Purpose

1.1.1 This document sets out national technical rules (NTRs) for the structural design of rail
vehicles, including modifications, to withstand foreseeable loads arising from
intentional operation and unintentional circumstances.
1.1.2 The detailed objectives, in the context of the design characteristics of the rail vehicle,
are to minimise the risks of:
a) Structural damage to a vehicle.
b) A damaged vehicle affecting the railway infrastructure and operations, which
could also affect people not on the vehicle.
c) Structural damage affecting the required continued operation of the vehicle
(mechanical strength and critical systems), which may prevent the vehicle from
stopping in a suitable place.
d) Injuries to staff, passengers and third parties.

1.2 Introduction

1.2.1 Background The implementation of the technical specifications for interoperability (TSIs)
mandated through a series of European Union directives has resulted in a review of
all requirements mandated in Railway Group Standards (RGSs). A number of European Standards (Euronorms, ENs) have been published following
publication of the TSIs. Where these ENs are considered complete and a suitable
substitute for RGS requirements, reference to the EN is made. For the purposes of this document:
a) Primary structural elements are vehicle bodies, bogies, couplers, axleboxes and
equipment attached to the exterior.
b) Secondary structural elements are those which interface directly with passengers
or traincrew, in particular:
i) Windscreens (see BS EN 15152:2019 and RIS-2780-RST).
ii) Windows (see section A.9 of this document).
iii) Doors (see BS EN 14752:2019, RIS-2747-RST and RIS-2780-RST).
iv) Gangways (see BS EN 16286-1:2013 and RIS-2780-RST).
v) Interiors: for example, seats, tables, panelling and partitions (see sections A.
10 to A.15 of this document). The intention of the mandatory requirements is to ensure that all structural elements
of a rail vehicle, primary and secondary, are designed to a common standard.
Specifically, it is intended that the secondary structural elements of vehicles are
compatible with dynamic loadings that might be imposed due to a collision,
derailment or sudden unexpected movement due to heavy braking or track

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Railway Group Standard

Issue: Six
Date: March 2020 Rail Vehicle Structures and Passive Safety Most of the load cases for primary structures given in BS EN 12663-1:2010+A1:2014,
BS EN 12663-2:2010 and BS EN 13749:2011 are equivalent to those contained in
historical standards, such as International Union of Railways (Union Internationale
des Chemins de fer, UIC) leaflets, earlier versions of RGSs and British Rail load case

1.2.2 Principles The requirements of this document are based on the following principles. This document sets out requirements that meet the characteristics of NTRs and are
applicable to the Great Britain (GB) mainline railway system. Compliance with NTRs is
required under the Railways Interoperability Regulations (RIR) 2011 (as amended). The NTRs in this document are used for the following purposes:
a) To fill identified open points in TSIs.
b) To support GB or UK specific cases in TSIs.
c) To identify and specify alternatives permitted by TSIs.
d) To enable technical compatibility between vehicles that conform to the
requirements of the TSIs, and the existing vehicles. The principal requirements for rail vehicle structures are set out in the Locomotive and
Passenger Rolling Stock (LOC & PAS) and Freight Wagon (WAG) TSIs, and the NTRs in
this document apply in the following contexts:
i) General structural requirements for passenger vehicle bodyshells are set out
in section 4.2.2 of the LOC & PAS TSI. This refers to
EN 12663-1:2010+A1:2014, EN 15227:2008+A1:2010, EN 15663:2009/AC:
2010 and EN 16404:2014.
ii) General structural requirements for bogies are set out in clause of
the LOC & PAS TSI. This refers to EN 13749:2011.
iii) Requirements for lifeguards are set out in clause of the
iv) Considerations for interior passive safety are set out in clause of the
LOC & PAS TSI. This permits member states to use national rules to cover
"the risk of injuries to passengers in case of accidents or terrorist attacks".
i) General structural requirements for vehicle bodies are set out in sections
4.2.2 and of the WAG TSI. This refers to EN 12663-2:2010.
ii) General structural requirements for running gear are set out in clauses and of the WAG TSI. This refers to EN 13749:2011.

1.2.3 Structure of this document Where relevant, the national rules relating to relevant TSI parameters have been
identified together with the relevant clause from the TSI. This document sets out a series of requirements that are sequentially numbered. This
document also sets out the rationale for the requirement, explaining why the
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Rail Vehicle Structures and Passive Safety Date: March 2020

requirement is needed and its purpose and, where relevant, guidance to support the
requirement. The rationale and the guidance are prefixed by the letter ‘G’. Some subjects do not have specific requirements but the subject is addressed through
guidance only and, where this is the case, it is distinguished under a heading of
‘Guidance’ and is prefixed by the letter ‘G’.

1.2.4 Related requirements in other documents Railway Group Standard GMRT2400 issue six contains requirements that are related
to the scope of this document.

1.2.5 Supporting documents Rail Industry Standard RIS-2780-RST issue one is harmonised with requirements in
this Railway Group Standard.

1.2.6 Approval and authorisation of this document The content of this document was approved by the Rolling Stock Standards
Committee on 14 February 2020. This document was authorised by RSSB on 27 February 2020.

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Date: March 2020 Rail Vehicle Structures and Passive Safety

Part 2 Vehicle design

2.1 Aerodynamic loads

2.1.1 Generation of pressure pulses by vehicles Trains with a maximum speed above 160 km/h (100 mph) and lower than 250 km/h
(155 mph) shall not generate a peak to peak pressure pulse greater than 1.44 kPa. Pressure pulse magnitudes shall be established by testing, calculation, comparison
with other vehicles, or by a combination of these, under these conditions:
a) For open air conditions on a calm day.
b) Measured at a position corresponding to the semi-width and height of the
maximum body width on the near side of a stationary passenger train.
c) On a straight stretch of adjacent track at nominal 3.4 m track centres.

G This requirement satisfies the specific case for clause in the LOC &
PAS TSI. It controls the hazards associated with pressure pulses; these pressure pulses
are higher on the GB mainline railway due to the tracks being closer together than
TSI-compliant infrastructure. The 1.44 kPa value reflects GB historical practice.

G This requirement applies to any part of the train, including pressure pulses generated
by the nose to nose connections of multiple train formations. In practice, leading
ends are likely to generate the greatest magnitiude pressure pulses.
G See also BS EN 14067-2:2003 and BS EN 14067-4:2013.

2.1.2 Design for aerodynamic loads Items mounted on the exterior of a vehicle shall be designed to withstand the
aerodynamic loads sustained over the service life of the vehicle.

G This is relevant to clause of the LOC & PAS TSI. It controls the risks of external
items becoming detached due to aerodynamic loads, which can be higher on the GB
mainline railway due to the lines being closer together.

G Items mounted on the exterior of a vehicle include:
a) Windscreens.
b) Bodyside windows.
c) Doors.
d) Gangways.
e) Canopies, fairings or other mouldings attached to the bodyshell.
f) Equipment cases.
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g) Access hatches (bodyside or in equipment cases).

h) Access panels.
i) Underframe skirts.
j) Coupler hatches.
This list is not exhaustive.
G Clause 6.6.5 of BS EN 12663-1:2010 is not normative in the LOC & PAS TSI, but
requires the design to consider the relevance of aerodynamic load effects for analysis
purposes, associated with:
a) Trains passing at high speed.
b) Tunnel operations.
c) Exposure to high winds.
G See also the BS EN 14067 series of standards.

2.1.3 Quasi-static aerodynamic loads For vehicles with a maximum speed of 200 km/h (125 mph) or below, all structural
elements or items of equipment attached to the vehicle shall resist as a proof load
case a uniform pressure load of 2.5 kPa without damage or significant permanent
deformation. This load shall be applied independently on both external and internal
surfaces. For vehicles intended for operation at speeds above 200 km/h (125 mph), or where
the vehicles are pressure sealed, an assessment of applicable quasi-static pressure
loads shall be undertaken, and an equivalent quasi-static pressure load shall be

G This is relevant to clause of the LOC & PAS TSI. It controls the risks of external
items becoming detached due to aerodynamic loads, which can be higher on the GB
mainline railway due to the lines being closer together. The pressure of 2.5 kPa
represents the maximum differential aerodynamic pressure which would normally be
expected to act on windows in unsealed vehicles.

G The capability to withstand the quasi-static aerodynamic loads can be demonstrated
by testing, calculation, comparison with other vehicles, or by a combination of these.
G On unsealed vehicles there is a tendency for internal and external pressures to
equalise; this is not so on sealed vehicles. It is good practice therefore to take account
of the more severe aerodynamic vehicle loadings on the windows and supporting
structures of sealed vehicles.

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Issue: Six
Date: March 2020 Rail Vehicle Structures and Passive Safety

2.1.4 Transient pressure loads Vehicles with pressure-sealing and / or a maximum speed above 200 km/h (125 mph)
shall be designed to withstand maximum transient pressure loads caused by passing
trains and by entering, passing through and exiting tunnels. The effect of aerodynamic transient pressure loads shall be included in the fatigue
life assessment of the vehicle and its components.

G These requirements are relevant to clause of the LOC & PAS TSI. They control
the risks of damage to the vehicle from aerodynamic loads, which can be higher on
the GB mainline railway due to the lines being closer together, and tunnels being of
reduced bore compared to mainland Europe.

G The transient pressure loads for vehicles that are not pressure-sealed with maximum
speeds below 200 km/h (125 mph) are well-understood and are covered by the proof
load case specified in clause
G The capability of vehicles to withstand the maximum pressure loads, including the
transient pressure loads caused by a train entering, passing through and exiting
tunnels, can be demonstrated by testing, calculation, comparison with other vehicles,
or by a combination of these.
G In determining transient pressure loads, GB practice is to include the aerodynamic
effects due to:
a) Train and formation length.
b) Train cross-section.
c) Leading and trailing end shape.
d) Tunnel cross section, including effects due to portal geometry on entry and exit.
e) Tunnel length.
f) Ventilation shafts or cross-passages.
g) Single and double track tunnels.
h) Other train types likely to be encountered.
i) Relative entry times of trains entering a tunnel.
j) Operational speeds.
This list is not exhaustive.
G In many cases the contribution to cumulative fatigue damage will be sufficiently
slight for this to be discounted by inspection of the predicted stress magnitudes
resulting from transient pressure loadings.

2.2 Tank wagons

2.2.1 Tank wagons designed to carry dangerous goods shall be provided with additional
end protection where there is less than 920 mm clearance between the
uncompressed buffer face and the end of the tank.
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2.2.2 This end protection shall:

a) Extend upwards from the buffer centreline for at least 500 mm; and
b) Be designed with smooth surfaces and without sharp edges or corners.

G 2.2.3 This requirement is the agreed exception from the Regulations concerning the
International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID), for compatibility with GB
legacy vehicles. It addresses the hazards associated with overriding in the event of a
collision or derailment.
G 2.2.4 The use of smooth surfaces and the avoidance of sharp corners reduces the risk of
puncturing or damaging the tank end if the end protection is deformed or deflected.

G 2.2.5 The requirement for smooth surfaces and no sharp edges or corners is specifically for
areas likely to contact the tank if the end protection is deformed or deflected in the
event of a collision or derailment.

2.3 Interior passive safety

2.3.1 The requirements of Appendix A shall apply to all areas of a vehicle interior which are
accessible to passengers, personnel or traincrew in normal service.

G 2.3.2 This is the national technical rule to fulfil the alternative requirements permitted by
clause of the LOC & PAS TSI.
G 2.3.3 This rule does not prevent the access of TSI compliant rolling stock operating across
member state borders into the GB national network.

G 2.3.4 This requirement controls the consequence and severity of injuries to passengers,
personnel and traincrew in the event of an accident in which secondary impacts may
occur with seats, tables, glazing, and other fixtures and fittings.

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Part 3 Application of this document

3.1 Scope

3.1.1 If a change to a vehicle is considered new, renewal or upgrade as defined in the

Railways (Interoperability) Regulations 2011 (as amended), then all or part of the
vehicle is required to comply with the LOC & PAS TSI and other relevant TSIs and
NTRs, unless given exemptions allowed for in the Regulations.
3.1.2 The requirements of this document apply to all new and modified (excluding like-for-
like replacement of components) vehicles where clause 3.1.1 applies to the
3.1.3 Action to bring existing vehicles into compliance with the requirements of this
document is not required.

3.2 Exclusions from scope

3.2.1 The requirements in this document are not applicable to the following types of
a) On-track machines; and
b) On-track plant.

3.3 General enter into force date

3.3.1 The requirements in this document enter into force from 06 June 2020, except where
exceptions to the general enter into force date are specified.
3.3.2 Where the dates specified in clause 3.4 are later than the general enter into force
date, this is to allow sufficient time to achieve compliance with the specified

3.4 Exceptions to general enter into force date

3.4.1 The requirement in clause K.24 to measure the viscous criterion (V*C) and the
instantaneous abdominal deflection (67 mm limit) shall come into force on 6th June
2022. Until that date, the frangible abdomen device described in clause K.25 (40 mm
deflection limit) can continue to be used to assess abdominal injury.

3.5 Applicability of requirements for projects already underway

3.5.1 The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) can be contacted for clarification on the applicable
requirements where a project seeking authorisation for placing into service is already
underway when this document enters into force.

3.6 Deviations

3.6.1 Where it is considered not reasonably practicable to comply with the requirements of
this document (including any requirement to comply with a TSI requirement referred

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Rail Vehicle Structures and Passive Safety Date: March 2020

to in the Scope), permission to comply with a specified alternative should be sought in

accordance with the deviation process set out in the Railway Group Standard Code.
3.6.2 In the case where TSI compliance is required for a new, renewed or upgraded vehicle
or structural subsystem, the derogation process to be followed is set out in the
Railways (Interoperability) Regulations 2011 (as amended).

3.7 Health and safety responsibilities

3.7.1 Users of documents published by RSSB are reminded of the need to consider their
own responsibilities to ensure health and safety at work and their own duties under
health and safety legislation. RSSB does not warrant that compliance with all or any
documents published by RSSB is sufficient in itself to ensure safe systems of work or
operation or to satisfy such responsibilities or duties.

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Issue: Six
Date: March 2020 Rail Vehicle Structures and Passive Safety

Appendix A Interior passive safety
A.1 Introduction

G A.1.1 The requirements in this Appendix, and Appendixes B, F, H, J, K and L, were derived
from the EU-funded SafeInteriors project, in which several organisations from GB,
including RSSB took an active part. Many of the requirements are also based on other
GB research and accident investigations.
G A.1.2 The primary objectives are to ensure that, in the event of an accident, people inside
the vehicle are protected from injury, or, where this is not reasonably practicable, the
severity of injuries is reduced.
G A.1.3 A secondary benefit of applying these measures is a reduction in the level of injury
through trips, slips and falls, such as can result from unexpected vehicle movements,
for example from heavy braking or track irregularities.
G A.1.4 These requirements have been GB practice for many years: issue four of this standard,
which included interior passive safety, was published in 2010, but similar
recommendations were contained in an Association of Train Operating Companies
(ATOC) code of practice which was effectively an update to earlier British Rail
documents. The recommendations arising from the SafeInteriors project were
published, and a joint Technical Recommendation was then drafted by
representatives from UIC and the Union des Industries Ferroviaires Européennes
(UNIFE). Due to disagreements, a draft Technical Recommendation was published by
UNIFE in December 2014, and the UIC version was published as UIC IRS 50564-3 in
November 2018. The UIC and UNIFE documents therefore contain some differences
to each other, and to GB practice, for example:
a) The requirements are not applied to drivers’ cabs.
b) Proof loads are generally lower than previously used in GB.
c) The dynamic testing requirements for seats and tables are informative, whereas
they are mandatory in GB.
G A.1.5 Many of the requirements in this document are therefore very similar to those
contained within UIC IRS 50564-3:2018, but they are extended to areas which were
previously considered as “secondary structures”, that is, exterior doors and windows.
The same static load cases are applied to these as for the interior doors, partitions
and glazing, since there is the same underlying intent of minimising injury to people
inside the vehicle. Exterior doors and windows also provide a containment function.

A.2 Principles

G A.2.1 In a collision or derailment, a vehicle can be expected to experience very rapid
deceleration following a primary external impact, or a series of impacts, as the
vehicle’s kinetic energy is dissipated. Secondary impacts inside the vehicle can be
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expected to occur in these circumstances, which will depend on the intensity and
duration of the primary impact or deceleration.
G A.2.2 There are essentially two aspects to interior crashworthiness:
a) Structural integrity, with the objectives of preserving occupant survival space and
maximising containment; and
b) Injury potential, with the objective of designing the rail vehicle interior to control
the risk of injury to passengers and traincrew in the event of an accident.
G A.2.3 GB practice is to consider a wide range of accident scenarios when designing a vehicle
interior. It is clear from accident investigations that significant secondary impacts
due to lateral and vertical accelerations occur in some vehicles in most accidents; it is
therefore GB practice to consider the risk of secondary impacts from all directions.
G A.2.4 It is very rare that a passenger will sustain a fatal injury due to secondary impacts; it
is therefore the intention that the levels and type of injury criteria are set to ensure
that potentially serious injuries are reduced to a lower category or eliminated
altogether wherever possible.
G A.2.5 The injury criteria have been developed over a number of years, initially as part of the
research programme launched by British Rail after the Clapham accident (1989). The
majority of the injury criteria selected were initially developed for the automotive
industry. This has the advantage that standard measuring devices, anthropomorphic
test devices (ATDs) and instrumentation can be used. Where considered necessary,
the threshold or limiting values have been adjusted to reflect conditions in rail

A.3 Secondary impact assessment

A.3.1 All areas of a vehicle interior which are accessible to passengers, personnel or
traincrew in normal service shall be subject to a secondary impact assessment, in
addition to any specified proof or ultimate loads and impact testing requirements.

G A.3.2 This controls the risks of injury to people in the event of an accident and
complements the considerations of vehicle structural integrity and survival space.

G A.3.3 It is GB practice to ensure that the following features are included in the secondary
impact assessment:
a) Parts of seats, tables and driver’s desks outside the scope of dynamic testing
requirements; see clauses A.12.6, A.13.3 and A.15.3.
b) Panels and panel edges.
c) Controls, instruments, switches and indicators: for example driver’s desks and
guard’s panels.
d) Equipment cubicles or housings.
e) Passenger information displays, screens and loudspeakers.
f) Luggage racks and luggage stacks.

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g) Minor items, for example: coat hooks, poster frames, magazine racks, light-stick
boxes and small equipment housings.
This list is not exhaustive.
G A.3.4 It is GB practice also to ensure that the risk of injury is controlled for impacts in the
longitudinal, vertical and lateral directions or combinations of these, due to secondary
impact with surfaces having abrupt changes of contour or abrupt changes of
stiffness, for example locally rigid areas on panelling.
G A.3.5 Where items of toughened safety glass are incorporated in a fixture or fitting, it is GB
practice to assess for secondary impact assuming that the glass has been broken
before impact.
G A.3.6 Further guidance is contained in Appendix B.

A.4 Structural energy absorption and collapse

A.4.1 All interior fixtures, including seats and tables, shall meet the following requirements
when the specified proof, ultimate and dynamic loads are applied:
a) Elements that form part of a primary load path shall include ductile materials.
b) All attachments to the primary structure shall remain intact.
c) A continuous load path shall be maintained, without abrupt changes in force
levels due, for example, to buckling, snap-through or fracture.
d) Sharp objects or fracture surfaces that are likely to cause injury shall not be

G A.4.2 This ensures that the complete structure exhibits post-yield plasticity and energy
absorption, when loaded beyond the specified proof loads. It controls the risks of
injury to people inside the vehicle in the event of an accident and represents GB

G A.4.3 Items such as seats and tables cannot generally be made entirely from ductile
materials; however, a complete seat or table assembly can be designed to behave in a
ductile manner and absorb useful amounts of energy by using suitable materials for
critical components where impact is most likely to occur, and for the attachments to
the primary vehicle structure.
G A.4.4 Large items such as seats and tables have the potential to cause serious injury if they
become detached. It is therefore good practice to ensure that all items remain
attached for the conditions specified.
G A.4.5 Discontinuous load paths, abrupt jumps in force levels and the exposure of otherwise
concealed parts also have the potential for additional injury. Where items are loaded
during an impact, it is good practice to ensure that they do not break away or
become partially detached, and that the fixings to the vehicle structure are the last
components to fail when the seat or table assembly is subject to overload.

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A.5 Testing and simulation

A.5.1 Where simulation is used in preference to, or to complement, physical tests, it shall be
demonstrated that, as a minimum:
a) Validated computer models of the ATDs or headforms are used.
b) The models used for seats, tables or other fixtures are validated by testing or
c) The results obtained exhibit good correlation with existing test data for equivalent

G A.5.2 This controls the risks of injury to people inside the vehicle in the event of an accident
and represents GB practice.

G A.5.3 The sophistication and usability of computer simulations is continuously improving.
Provided there is suitable validation data for the simulations, they can be used in
place of testing, potentially reducing costs.
G A.5.4 A measure of good correlation is that simulation results are within ±20% of the
physical test results.

A.6 Existing component test results

A.6.1 Where an item has already been dynamically tested in accordance with this
document, and compliance demonstrated, additional testing for a new installation
shall not be required if it can be demonstrated that all of the following conditions are
a) The proposed layout in terms of occupant safety is equivalent to or better than
the arrangements previously tested.
b) Dynamic load data has been obtained from the original test series to define the
dynamic load requirements for the item’s installation, attachment points and
c) The item’s fixings and corresponding vehicle structure can resist all loads resulting
from static proof and dynamic collapse loads.
d) The item’s design and mounting arrangements are mechanically equivalent to
those for which test data has been obtained.

G A.6.2 This reduces the costs of verification where appropriate conditions are satisfied,
assisting in controlling the risks of injury to people inside the vehicle in the event of an
accident and represents GB practice.

G A.6.3 Dynamic testing is intended to validate the design of a given component, such as a
seat, table or other item. When satisfactorily completed, the component can then be

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used in a wide range of vehicle layouts provided that the limiting, worst case,
conditions tested are not exceeded. It is therefore acceptable for a component,
having been successfully tested, to be used in a given vehicle interior without recourse
to further testing, provided that the effective design limits established are not
exceeded, and it can be demonstrated that the installation is mechanically
G A.6.4 Typically, the critical parameter for the risk of injury will be the potential free flight
distance for a passenger in any given location; for seats this will be the relative seat
pitches proposed.
G A.6.5 It is good practice to demonstrate that the original test data is sufficient to fully
define the dynamic mounting loads and that the new installation arrangement can
satisfactorily withstand these loadings:
a) For seats, the squabs, cushions, headrests, frames, pedestal and fasteners need to
be mechanically equivalent to the design tested.
b) For tables and other components, it is good practice to demonstrate mechanical
equivalence of the assembly and attachment points.

A.7 Exterior doors

A.7.1 Static load cases
A.7.1.1 External vehicle doors and their mountings shall withstand the following separate
proof load cases without significant permanent deformation or loss of normal
a) A concentrated perpendicular load of 2.5 kN applied over an area of
0.1 m × 0.1 m, applied at any position on the interior surface of the door.
b) An inner surface pressure load of 2.5 kPa, applied over the internal surface of the
door, plus a concentrated perpendicular load of 0.8 kN applied over an area of
0.1 m × 0.1 m at any position on the interior surface of the door.
c) An external surface pressure load of 2.5 kPa.
A.7.1.2 External vehicle doors and their mountings shall withstand the following ultimate
load cases:
a) For passenger doors, the 6 kPa internal surface pressure load specified in
BS EN 14752:2019.
b) For doors exclusively for the use by traincrew or personnel, a 3 kPa internal surface
pressure load.
A.7.1.3 The strength of door frames, locks and associated equipment shall be commensurate
with the strength of the doors.

G A.7.1.4 This controls the hazards associated with passengers being ejected from vehicles and
reflects GB practice.
G A.7.1.5 The external vehicle door proof load cases represent, respectively:

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a) The effect of somebody being projected against a door during a minor train
b) The maximum differential air pressure which would normally be expected in
service acting on the inside surface of the door, in combination with the effect of
a person contacting the door (the loading is roughly equivalent to a person of
80 kg mass with an acceleration of 1 g ).
c) The maximum differential air pressure which would normally be expected in
G A.7.1.6 The ultimate load cases represent a crush of people standing on the door with the
vehicle on its side.

G A.7.1.7 The 0.1 m × 0.1 m dimension and associated load represent an adult passenger using
a hand or shoulder to steady himself.
Note: BS EN 16286-1:2013 clause 7.5.4 uses different dimensions and loads to
represent a passenger's shoulder.
G A.7.1.8 GB practice is to apply the 6 kPa ultimate pressure load specified in BS
EN 14752:2019 to exterior doors intended for luggage, parcels or other goods, for
example on driving van trailers. Although they are not intended for normal use by
passengers, they are not exclusively for use by traincrew or personnel.
G A.7.1.9 Areas exclusively for traincrew or personnel, such as cabs, are not likely to be as
densely occupied as passenger areas, therefore 3 kPa is a more reasonable load case
for doors in these areas.
G A.7.1.10 The door and associated components need not necessarily remain operational after
application of the ultimate loads.
G A.7.1.11 Loads applied to the door structure will pass through into the vehicle structure to
which it is attached. In demonstrating how the specified door loadings are reacted
through to the primary structure, GB practice is to assess the final installation on a
vehicle and the conditions of use in normal service, including, if necessary, the effects
of adjustment, tolerances and deflection of surrounding structure.
G A.7.1.12 Where hinged external doors are used, typically for cabs, it is good practice to pay
particular attention to the design of the door frame and locks. There is a risk that, in
the event of a derailment resulting in a roll-over, the structure can flex sufficiently to
spring the door open, with the subsequent risk of the ingress of ballast and debris. See
RSSB research report T190 (2005).
G A.7.1.13 Other requirements for passenger doors are set out in BS EN 14752:2019 and
RIS-2747-RST issue one.
G A.7.1.14 The requirements of this section apply to gangway end doors where they separate
the interior of the vehicle from the exterior.
A.7.2 Aerodynamic Loads
A.7.2.1 Doors fitted to vehicles with pressure-sealing and / or a maximum speed above 200
km/h (125 mph) shall withstand a quasi-static aerodynamic pressure load as set out

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in clause 2.1.3 of this document, without significant permanent deformation or loss

of normal function.

G A.7.2.2 This requirement is for technical compatibility with the GB mainline railway
infrastructure, as the adjacent lines are closer together and aerodynamic loads from
passing trains are higher than for TSI compliant infrastructure. It ensures the
structural integrity of the doors under the foreseeable aerodynamic loads.

G A.7.2.3 Aerodynamic loads are specified in Annex F of BS EN 14752:2019; however, GB
practice is to use higher loads; see clause G

A.8 Interior doors and partitions

A.8.1 Non-glazed parts of interior doors or partitions shall withstand, without permanent
deformation, the proof loads specified in clause A.7.1.1 a) and b) for exterior doors.
A.8.2 These proof loads shall not be applied to:
a) Glazed parts of interior doors or partitions; see clause A.10.2; or
b) Hinged doors which do not lock or latch.
A.8.3 The proof loads shall be applied independently to all non-glazed faces of interior
doors or partitions which are fully or partially exposed to the vehicle interior and
which could be subjected to secondary impact.
A.8.4 Additional loads may need to be applied to partitions; see clause A.12.3.7.

G A.8.5 These control the hazards associated with passenger injury from secondary impacts
during accidents and reflect GB historical practice.

G A.8.6 These are the same as the loadings for the interior surfaces of exterior doors, in
accordance with GB practice.
G A.8.7 Where partitions are fitted with trim panels, or for moveable elements such as roller
shutters, it is permissible for the specified proof loads acting on the trim panels or
moveable elements to be assessed as ultimate loads for these items.
G A.8.8 These loads are applied perpendicularly to the surface being assessed, irrespective of
its orientation within the vehicle.
G A.8.9 The external pressure load requirement in clause A.7.1.1c) is not appropriate for
internal doors.

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A.9 Bodyside windows

A.9.1 General glazing considerations

G A.9.1.1 Specific requirements for bodyside windows are set out in clauses and
of the LOC & PAS TSI.
G A.9.1.2 The requirement of clause of the LOC & PAS TSI may be met by glass that
conforms to one of the following standards:
• BS 857:1967 Specification for safety glass for land transport.
• BS EN 572 (Part 1:2012+A1:2016, Parts 2 to 7:2012, Part 8:2012+A1:2016, Part
9:2004) Glass in building. Basic soda lime silicate glass products.
• BS EN 1863-1:2011 and BS EN 1863-2:2004 Glass in building. Heat strengthened
soda lime silicate glass.
• BS EN 12337-1:2000 and BS EN 12337-2:2004 Glass in building. Chemically
strengthened soda lime silicate glass.
• BS EN ISO 12543:2011 Parts 1 to 6 Glass in building. Laminated glass and
laminated safety glass.
G A.9.1.3 A significant cause of fatality and serious injury in vehicle accidents has been the
breakage of bodyside windows, which has allowed occupants to be ejected from
moving vehicles. RSSB research report T310 (2009) provides further information
regarding injuries to passengers in severe accidents.
G A.9.1.4 RSSB research report T424 (2007) gives details of extensive research involving
accident and injury causation investigations, design development and laboratory
testing, which led to the requirements set out in this document relating to the interior
passive safety aspects of bodyside windows.
G A.9.1.5 The structural and testing requirements for bodyside windows relate only to those
where passengers or traincrew are directly exposed to the risks associated with impact
and fracture of the glass. The requirements therefore do not apply to windows which
a) For illumination of engine compartments on locomotives.
b) For inspection of the interior of freight wagons.
c) On parcels-only vehicles.
d) For luggage areas on driving trailers.
G A.9.1.6 It is GB practice to assess the following hazards, in addition to those described in the

1. Detachment or breakage of a window due to bodyshell loadings.

2. Bodyside window failure due to aerodynamic pressure loading.
3. Bodyside window failure due to passenger/staff loading against the window.
4. Missiles entering a rail vehicle through a window by breaking it.
5. People being ejected from a rail vehicle during an accident.

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6. The effects of debris detached from a damaged window for passengers inside
a vehicle.
7. The effects of debris detached from a damaged window for passengers
outside a vehicle.
8. Difficulty for emergency services to enter a vehicle after an accident, delaying
treatment or rescue.

G A.9.1.7 RIS-3437-TOM sets out guidance for controlling the risks associated with broken
bodyside windows.
G A.9.1.8 RSSB Report T1024 (2015) considered the application of temporary films to broken
bodyside windows.
A.9.2 Window structural requirements
A.9.2.1 Bodyside window fixings and the complete bodyside window installation shall be
consistent with the strength requirements for the bodyside window set out in clauses
A.9.3 and A.9.4.

G A.9.2.2 This controls hazards 1 to 3 listed in clause G A.9.1.6. The detachment of a window or
a window and its frame could result in injury to people either inside the vehicle
(hazards 5 and 6) or outside the vehicle (hazard 7). It reflects GB practice for
bodyside window structures.

G A.9.2.3 GB experience with Mark 3 coach windows has shown the necessity of providing a
peripheral securing system which is:
a) Flexible enough to cater for the expansion of the toughened safety glass panes
when they are crazed as a result of impact loads; and
b) Strong enough to keep the damaged panes in place when subsequently subjected
to forces, including the aerodynamic forces, which may be expected in operation.
G A.9.2.4 For the detail design of laminated windows intended to be directly bonded into a
frame or the vehicle bodyside, it is good practice to consider potential out of plane
shear loading on the interlayer at the bond edge. This type of load induces tensile
stresses acting perpendicular to the plane of the glass (between the inner glass
surface and the interlayer of the laminated safety glass pane). This type of loading
could occur when the window is damaged by a severe impact (and the glass shattered
but retained by the interlayer), with the risk of the pane then delaminating and a
resulting loss of containment.
A.9.3 Load cases
A.9.3.1 Bodyside windows, when installed in a vehicle, shall remain fully serviceable after the
application of the following loads over their full surface area:
a) The aerodynamic loads set out in clause 2.1.3.
b) A sustained pressure of 6 kPa from inside the vehicle for all windows in areas
accessible to passengers, personnel or traincrew, except cabs.
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c) For external door windows, the loads for the door assembly as specified in
clause A.7.1.1.
d) For cab side and cab door windows, the sustained pressure of 3 kPa from inside
the vehicle as specified in clause A.7.1.2.

G A.9.3.2 This controls hazards 3 and 5 listed in G A.9.1.6.

G A.9.3.3 A pressure of 6 kPa represents the effect of a crush of people standing on or falling
against the window with the vehicle on its side, as specified in BS EN 14752:2019. A
lower pressure of 3 kPa is specified for cab side windows for consistency with external
door loadings.
A.9.4 Window tests
A.9.4.1 Bodyside window systems representative of production quality and construction shall
be tested in accordance with Appendixes C, D and E, except as specified in
clauses A.9.4.2 and A.9.5.
A.9.4.2 Cab bodyside and cab door windows shall be tested only against the requirements of
Appendix C and D.5.

G A.9.4.3 This controls hazards 2 to 5 listed in clause G A.9.1.6. The tests in Appendixes C, D and
E were derived as part of RSSB research report T424 (2007).

G A.9.4.4 Where a vehicle or unit is fitted with a number of different sized windows to an
otherwise common design, it is permissible for impact, containment and pressure
pulse testing required in accordance with Appendices C, D and E to be undertaken on
only the largest window unit.
G A.9.4.5 Vehicle designs often use a variety of bodyside window types to suit the bodyshell
design and interior layouts. The window units may be very similar in terms of their
structural characteristics, in which case testing every variant would not be useful and
is not necessary.
G A.9.4.6 Where windows are fully or partially obscured by either surface coating or surface
treatment, or where full or partial blanking panels are used, it is good practice to
establish by calculation or static testing the degree of equivalence to the standard
window unit, in order to determine whether additional tests are required.
G A.9.4.7 The determining factor for structurally identical windows is the maximum pane
deflection and induced bending stresses at the centre of a pane. Where the mounting
of the glass is not identical, for example where hopper windows are fitted, additional
testing may need to be undertaken.

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A.9.5 Testing exceptions

A.9.5.1 Impact, containment and pressure pulse testing accordance with Appendices C, D
and E of this document shall not be required where:
a) Either the height or width is less than 300 mm for window units or window unit
subassemblies if the bodyside window is subdivided.
b) A window unit or window unit type has already been tested in accordance with
Appendices C, D and E of this document, provided it can be demonstrated that the
following conditions are satisfied:
i) The window unit design and mounting arrangements are mechanically
equivalent to those for which test data has been obtained.
ii) The window unit installation and corresponding vehicle structure can
satisfactorily resist all structural loads from the series of tests for which data
has been obtained.

G A.9.5.2 This controls hazards 2 to 5 listed in clause G A.9.1.6.

G A.9.5.3 It is good practice to ensure that the glass, construction and specifications of small
windows are consistent with other windows on a given vehicle.
G A.9.5.4 The limiting dimension in (a) of 300 mm relates to small or narrow windows or
opening hopper window elements where, due to the size of the impactor, it is not
possible to conduct the suite of tests required for standard windows. This dimension
relates to the aperture that would be created if the glass was absent.
G A.9.5.5 Examples of sub-divided window types could be window units with hopper windows or
other openable sections, or window units where structurally a full window unit is
required but internally this is partially blanked off to coordinate with the interior
G A.9.5.6 (b) allows for a common window design to be adopted across many vehicle designs
without additional testing.

A.10 Interior glazing

A.10.1 General
A.10.1.1 Interior glazing shall use laminated glass conforming to one of the standards referred
to in clause G A.9.1.2 for bodyside glazing.

G A.10.1.2 This controls the hazards associated with passenger injury from broken glass and
reflects the findings of RSSB research report T424 (2007).

G A.10.1.3 Glazing can include items such as saloon partitions, doors or draughtscreens, luggage
racks or stacks, catering display units or mirrors.
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G A.10.1.4 It is permissible for glazing elements to use materials other than glass, subject to the
structural performance requirements set out in clause A.10.2 of this document being
satisfied and compliance with the fire performance requirements set out in
A.10.2 Load cases
A.10.2.1 Interior glazing shall withstand, without failure, the loads specified in clause
A.7.1.1a) and b) applied as ultimate loads and independently to each surface
accessible by passengers or traincrew.

G A.10.2.2 This controls the hazards associated with passenger injury from broken glass and
reflects the findings of RSSB research report T424 (2007).

G A.10.2.3 For glazing, 'without failure' is taken to mean that it remains in position throughout
the application and removal of the loads. It is permissible for glass elements to
fracture as the loads are applied, subject to the overall performance criteria being
G A.10.2.4 Glass used for overhead luggage racks and ceiling diffusers does not need to be
subjected to these loads. For these items, the glazed area will generally be small and
general passenger containment requirements will be met by the surrounding
structure. It is therefore considered preferable for the glass to break such that the
energy of the breakage will help to reduce the severity of any injuries. See paragraph
586 of the RAIB report into the accident at Grayrigg.
G A.10.2.5 Using laminated glass or a protective film will assist in retaining any broken

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A.11 Fixtures and fittings

A.11.1 Security of furniture and equipment
A.11.1.1 There shall be no loose items of furniture or equipment in the vehicle interior, except
for trolleys when in use.

G A.11.1.2 This controls the hazards associated with passenger injury from secondary impacts
during accidents. It is based on the findings of the Hidden Report (1989) into the
Clapham rail accident, where many injuries were sustained due to loose furniture.

G A.11.1.3 Requirements for securing trolleys when not in use are set out in clause A.11.4.
A.11.2 Grab handles, poles, rails and hand holds
A.11.2.1 Grab handles or handrails mounted on panels, partitions or draughtscreens (for
example in doorways, vestibules or passageways) shall not project from surrounding
features in excess of any limiting dimensions set out in the Persons with Reduced
Mobility (PRM) TSI unless it can be demonstrated, as part of the secondary impact
assessment, that the risk of personal injury in the event of an accident has been
A.11.2.2 Overhead grab rails, whether mounted from a luggage rack or from the ceiling, shall
withstand, without significant permanent deformation of the grab rail, attachments
or supporting structure, a concentrated vertical proof load of 1.7 kN applied anywhere
along the grab rail.
A.11.2.3 All other handrails shall withstand, without significant permanent deformation, a
concentrated proof load of 1.7 kN applied anywhere along the portion or portions
intended to be held or gripped. The load shall be applied perpendicular to the
longitudinal axis of the portion or portions intended to be held or gripped, at any
angle around the axis to give the most onerous loading on the handrail, attachments
or supporting structure.
A.11.2.4 Except where attached to seat backs, handholds shall withstand, without significant
permanent deformation, a concentrated horizontal proof load of 1.5 kN applied at
the centre of the gripping surface and acting perpendicular to the handhold face.

G A.11.2.5 These requirements address the risks of injury to people inside the rail vehicle. The
applied loads represent GB practice.

G A.11.2.6 The PRM TSI contains dimensional requirements for grab handles, poles, rails and
G A.11.2.7 The PRM TSI states that a handrail is required to have a diameter of 30 mm to
40 mm and a minimum clearance to any adjacent surface of 45 mm. A panel-
mounted handrail could therefore project 75 mm to 85 mm from the panel to which

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it is attached. Applying the PRM TSI requirements in isolation would permit a greater
projection, but it may be possible to fit handrails into panel recesses. This dimensional
requirement does not apply to essentially free-standing grab poles, for example from
floor to ceiling or from seat back to ceiling, or to overhead ceiling mounted handrails.
G A.11.2.8 It is good practice to provide radiused ends to handrails to limit the risk of injury; see
clause G B.4.6.
G A.11.2.9 Where grab poles or rails are long and slender, it is good practice to consider the use
of resilient mountings or slip joints, so that a reasonable amount of perpendicular
deformation can take place before the mountings become detached.
G A. Requirements for seat-back handholds are set out in A.12.4.3.
G A. The layout of a sleeping car berth often means that provision of handrails and
11.2.11 handles is impractical. In such instances, it is good practice to assess the berth layout
from a human factors perspective to determine whether other furniture or features
could fulfil the purpose of a grab handle or if further provision is required. Where
items are identified as fulfilling the purpose of a handrail or handle, it is good practice
to design them to meet the load case requirements specified in A.11.2.3.
A.11.3 Luggage stowage
A.11.3.1 Principles

G A. The general objective for luggage stowage is to ensure that, in the event of an accident or collision, the luggage is retained so that the risk of injury to people from
loose items of luggage is minimised.
G A. Rail vehicles may operate a variety of routes over their service life; it is therefore considered impractical to specify a level of luggage stowage provision. However, it is
good practice to consider:
a) The ease with which passengers can manoeuvre items of luggage into and out of
the stowage provided.
b) The visibility of their luggage to passengers.
c) The visibility of luggage stowage areas to onboard CCTV systems.
d) The potential for overloading and misuse.
A.11.3.2 Overhead luggage racks
A. Overhead luggage racks shall be orientated longitudinally relative to the vehicle.
A. Intermediate dividers shall be fitted along the length of the overhead luggage rack,
no more than 3 m apart.
A. Where overhead luggage racks terminate short of partitions or other fixed features of
the vehicle interior, an end barrier shall be fitted.
A. Intermediate dividers and end barriers shall withstand a uniformly distributed load
representing 80 kg/m2 in the adjacent section of the overhead luggage rack, under
the longitudinal acceleration for body-mounted equipment as specified in
BS EN 12663-1:2010+A1:2014.
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A. Overhead luggage racks shall withstand the following loads applied simultaneously:
a) A distributed proof load representing maximum load capacity; and
b) Two concentrated vertical proof loads, each of 850 N and 750 mm apart,
positioned anywhere along the front edge of the luggage rack.

G A. This controls the hazards associated with potential injuries from luggage, and when adult passengers pull themselves up to reach luggage. The load values reflect GB
historical practice.

G A. It is good practice to design overhead luggage racks for items considered to be hand luggage. Although, unlike for air travel, there are no restrictions, the dimensions and
weights of airline hand luggage could be used for reference. A suggested value of
80 kg/m2 is as specified for luggage areas in Table 8 of BS EN 15663:2017+A1:2018.
G A. Longitudinal orientation and intermediate barriers are intended to assist in retention of the luggage, thus reducing the risk of injuries. The barriers do not necessarily need
to be solid.
G A. It is good practice to incline overhead luggage racks towards the bodyside to aid retention. Another potential means of aiding luggage retention could include the use
of high-friction surfaces. A raised lip could, however, be counterproductive, as larger
items may sit in limited contact which may mean they are less secure.
A.11.3.3 Floor-mounted luggage stacks and stowage
A. Luggage stacks or luggage stowage areas in passenger areas shall be oriented to give
access to stowed items only from the side; that is, in the transverse direction relative
to the vehicle.
A. When fully laden with representative items, luggage stacks and luggage stowage
areas shall withstand as proof loads the accelerations for equipment attached to
vehicle bodies specified in BS EN 12663-1:2010+A1:2014.
A. Additional loads may need to be applied to luggage stacks; see clause A.12.3.7.

G A. This controls the hazards associated with potential injuries from luggage, reflecting GB historical practice.

G A. It is good practice to use the following load values for luggage areas, unless more specific data is available and can be justified:
a) 100 kg/m2 for each horizontal surface, as specified in
BS EN 15663:2017+A1:2018.
b) A density of 250 kg/m3 for side or end loading.

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A.11.3.4 Bicycle stowage

A. When fully laden, bicycle stowage facilities, including partitions, retention devices and
bracketry, shall withstand as proof loads the accelerations for equipment attached to
vehicle bodies as specified in BS EN 12663-1:2010+A1:2014.

G A. This controls the hazards associated with potential injuries from bicycles, reflecting GB historical practice.

G A. It is good practice for the vehicle specification to state the number, size and weight of bicycles to be carried.
G A. In the absence of detailed weight information, the following may be assumed:
a) 16 kg for a conventional adult bicycle, without baskets, panniers or luggage.
b) 25 kg for an electric bicycle, without baskets, panniers or luggage.
c) 20 kg additional mass for baskets, panniers or luggage.
A.11.4 Trolleys
A.11.4.1 Fixed trolleys shall be securely located and locked in position.
A.11.4.2 Provision for secure stowage shall be made for mobile trolleys that may be
unattended for all or part of a journey.
A.11.4.3 Secure stowage shall be designed to withstand the load of a fully laden trolley
subjected to the accelerations specified for body-mounted equipment in
BS EN 12663-1:2010+A1:2014.

G A.11.4.4 This controls the hazards associated with potential injuries from trolleys, and reflects
GB historical practice.

G A.11.4.5 Secure stowage can be provided by elements of the vehicle structure such as
partitions, or by dedicated fastening devices.
G A.11.4.6 It is good practice to ensure that loose items, such as crockery, tableware and
supplies, are stowed or otherwise retained when not in use.
A.11.5 Coat hooks
A.11.5.1 Coat hooks shall withstand separate proof loads of 300 N acting downwards and
250 N acting horizontally.

G A.11.5.2 This controls the hazards associated with potential injuries from loose items. The load
values reflect GB historical practice.

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G A.11.5.3 It is good practice to design coat hooks to minimise injury potential, considering their
location, projection, shape and form.
A.11.6 Lighting
A.11.6.1 All breakable lighting sources shall be shielded by diffusers or similar features.
A.11.6.2 Interior lighting features that could be contacted by passengers, whether in normal
service or in the event of a collision or derailment, shall be designed to minimise
potential injuries.

G A.11.6.3 This controls the hazards associated with broken glass and secondary impact, and
reflects GB historical practice.

G A.11.6.4 Breakable lighting sources could include fluorescent tubes and bulbs. It is good
practice to ensure these are shielded to prevent sharp fragments being spread
through a vehicle interior.
G A.11.6.5 It is good practice to design all interior features without gaps, protrusions or recesses
to reduce the potential for injury.
A.11.7 Access panels and cubicle doors
A.11.7.1 Access panels or equipment cubicle doors shall be designed to resist accidental
opening in service, or in the event of a collision or derailment, that could result in
injury or hinder egress.
A.11.7.2 A secondary means of retention shall be provided, where the correct closure and
locking of the panels or doors cannot be determined visually and where access panels
or cubicle doors have the potential to:
a) Cause injuries due to their size, weight or position, located above or alongside
areas normally occupied by people; or
b) Block or restrict an escape route if accidentally opened.

G A.11.7.3 This controls the hazards associated with potential injuries and hindrance to
evacuation, reflecting GB historical practice.

G A.11.7.4 Many access panels, in particular for access to lighting and passenger information
units, can be substantial and have the potential to block escape routes or cause injury
due to their mass and their shape (edges, sharp corners) if suddenly released. This can
occur due to the securing fastenings failing or by being sprung by deflection or
distortion of surrounding structures. It is therefore good practice to locate access
panels away from critical areas and minimise the size, mass and any aggressive
features. Where this is not practical or insufficient, it is good practice to add
secondary retention features.
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G A.11.7.5 Suitable retention features could include spring release hooks, as used on car bonnets,
or wire straps. It is acceptable to design these features to resist loads applicable to
the primary line of action; for example, a wire strap used on a ceiling panel need only
be designed to withstand a vertical proof load.
G A.11.7.6 To avoid injury, it is good practice to avoid open access panels or doors encroaching
into the space normally occupied by passengers; suitable dimensions are given in
appendixes H and J of the PRM TSI.
G A.11.7.7 To avoid blocking an escape route, it is good practice to ensure that at least 75% of
the normal height and width of internal and external doors remains available when
access panels or doors are open.
G A.11.7.8 Where the correct closed and locked status can be readily seen, typically in non-
passenger areas, secondary retention features are not considered to be required.
A.11.8 Security and location of fire-fighting equipment

G A.11.8.1 Requirements for fire-fighting equipment are set out in clause of the
LOC & PAS TSI, and BS EN 45545-6:2013.
G A.11.8.2 GB practice is to mount fire extinguishers, where required:
a) Using quick-release restraints, ensuring that these restraints can withstand the
accelerations for body-mounted equipment as specified in
BS EN 12663-1:2010+A1:2014, as referenced in clause (3) of the
LOC & PAS TSI; and
b) Below window level where practicable (for example, under a seat), to reduce the
risk of a loose fire extinguisher breaking the window, and for ease of manual
G A.11.8.3 Examples of practicable fire extinguisher locations that are not below window level
could be:
a) Within a locked cupboard with, for example, the door openable by an 'emergency
break glass' panel. In the event of the primary restraint failing, the cupboard door
would provide a secondary restraint.
b) Within a compartment, such as a galley. The need for catering staff to access the
fire extinguisher rapidly may be considered to outweigh the risk of detachment.
G A.11.8.4 In the event of a collision, the detachment of a fire extinguisher mounted, for
example, on a bulkhead or partition, could allow the free flight of a significant missile
over a significant distance. In contrast, for a fire extinguisher located in for example a
vestibule draughtscreen, the potential free flight distance would typically be less than
2 m prior to first impact.
G A.11.8.5 The risk of detachment could also be reduced by orienting the fire extinguisher access
laterally, on a longitudinal surface, for example on the vehicle bodyside.

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A.12 Seats
A.12.1 General
A.12.1.1 Seat cushions, back squabs, headrests or trim shall not become detached or
sufficiently displaced when subjected to the loads set out in this document, to expose
sharp edges, sharp points or underlying structures which have the potential to cause
injury if subsequently impacted.
A.12.1.2 Any items that do become exposed shall be subject to a secondary impact
assessment in accordance with clause A.3.

G A.12.1.3 This controls the risks of injury to passengers when seats are displaced in an impact
and reflects GB practice.

G A.12.1.4 Loose items can cause or exacerbate injuries; the same is true of edges or points
which could be exposed once the supported item is removed.
G A.12.1.5 If the secondary impact assessment carried out on the exposed item identified in
A.12.1.2 concludes that there is the potential for injury, changes will be required to
either prevent the item from being exposed, or to the item itself to ensure that there
is no potential for injury.
A.12.2 Transverse seat design
A.12.2.1 The seat back shall be continuous and provide support for a normally seated person.
A.12.2.2 The seat back support shall be sufficient to control the risk of injury due to rotation of
the head when subjected to a rearward acting deceleration (relative to the seat).

G A.12.2.3 This controls the risks associated with neck injuries to passengers in rearward collision
and reflects GB practice.

G A.12.2.4 For a passenger with their back to the direction of travel, with a low seat back, the
most likely injury mechanism occurs as the head rotates about the neck into or over
the seat top and then rotates in the opposite direction as the body rebounds from the
seat back.
G A.12.2.5 For a passenger projected forward in a collision with unidirectional low seat backs,
there is an additional risk of passing over the top of the seat in front with the
possibility of more serious injuries for themselves and other passengers.
G A.12.2.6 Experience has shown that the simplest way to meet this requirement is to provide a
seat back that is at least 840 mm high relative to the compressed seat cushion
(dimension ‘d’ in Figure 1). However, this may conflict with other requirements such
as visibility of the vehicle interior.

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G A.12.2.7 The PRM TSI specifies seat-back hand holds between 800 mm and 1200 mm above
floor level; this may limit the practical height of a seat, depending on its shape.
G A.12.2.8 A rearward test, using an 95th percentile male ATD with neck instrumentation, could
potentially be used to demonstrate meeting this requirement; however:
a) All of the other tests required by this document use a 50th percentile instrumented
ATD; 95th percentile dummies are used principally for structural assessment of
seats and tables and therefore are not necessarily fully instrumented.
b) The Hybrid III Rail Safety (RS) ATD is considered not to be fully biofidelic with
respect to whiplash (the SafeInteriors study used the BioRID automotive ATD).
c) The phenomenon of whiplash is the subject of debate within the medical
profession, relating to injuries in the automotive sector.
d) Seating postures tend to differ between automotive and rail, particularly
considering seat belts and head restraints.

Figure 1: Seat measurement points and geometry

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Label Description
A Point 50 mm from the front edge on the upholstery contour (uncompressed)
'A' Point A, compressed by dimension A-A'
B Foremost point of the backrest (centre of the lumbar support)
C Point of intersection of a 300 mm radius about point B and the contour of the backrest
X Point of intersection of a vertical line positioned 120 mm forward from point B with the
contour of the seat cushion upholstery
X' Point X compressed by dimension X-X'
U Height of the seat cushion base. If there is not a clear transition, the dimension (A -
100 mm) shall be used
a Depth of seat cushion
β Angle of backrest inclination from the vertical
c Height of the backrest without headrest (measured parallel with line B-C at the seat
backrest angle β)
d Height of the headrest (measured parallel with line B-C at the seat backrest angle β)
h Height of seat cushion
A-A' Compression of the front of the seat when in use; a value of 20 mm shall be assumed or
a measured value may be used assuming a loading equivalent to a 95th percentile male
X-X' Compression of the seat cushion when in use; a value of 30 mm shall be assumed, or a
measured value may be used assuming a loading equivalent to a 95th percentile male

Table 1: Key to Figure 1

A.12.3 Proof load cases
A.12.3.1 Seats, including tip-up seats, seat mountings and their fixings through to primary
structure shall withstand, without significant permanent deformation, the following
separate proof loads:
a) A vertical load of 1000 N applied downwards over an area of 380 mm wide by
200 mm deep on the leading edge of the seat cushion.
b) A vertical load of 2000 N applied downwards over an area of 380 mm wide by 200
mm deep located centrally on the seat cushion.
c) With the exception of tip-up seats, a vertical load of 1200 N applied upwards over
an area of 380 mm wide by 220 mm deep below the leading edge of the seat
d) Longitudinal loads of ±1500 N (relative to the seat) applied over an area of 380
mm wide by 80 mm deep, located centrally at the uppermost part of the seat

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A.12.3.2 Where there is no clear transition between the seat back and headrest, for example
where a separate headrest is not used, the height of the uppermost part of the seat
back above floor level shall be determined using Figure 1 with a seat back height of
580 mm (Dimension ‘c’).
A.12.3.3 For the determination of seat heights and the application of loads, adjustable seat
backs shall be in the upright position.
A.12.3.4 For multiple seats, proof loads shall be applied to each seat sharing the same
attachments to the primary structure.
A.12.3.5 For tip-up seats attached to partitions which do not form part of the primary vehicle
structure, the longitudinal load specified in clause A.12.3.1 d) shall be applied in the
rearward direction only.
A.12.3.6 Where seats are positioned such that luggage may impose loads, these additional
loads shall be applied using a representative mass of luggage; see clause G A.
A.12.3.7 Where seats are attached directly to partitions, or the seat backs are placed
sufficiently close to partitions, luggage stacks or other seat backs, allowing them to be
contacted when the seats are loaded, the partition, luggage stacks or adjacent seats
shall withstand without significant permanent deformation all loads that are
transferred from the affected seats.

G A.12.3.8 This controls the risks associated with seat structural integrity and reflects GB
historical practice. The load cases are aligned with UIC IRS 50564-3.

G A.12.3.9 It is GB practice to use these loads in conjunction with the proof (1.15) and ultimate
(1.5) factors specified in BS EN 12663-1:2010+A1:2014; this is to account for
calculation uncertainties such as material properties, and to ensure that failure occurs
in a predictable manner. Alternative factors may be appropriate for non-metallic
materials; a proof factor of 1.0 is acceptable where physical testing is conducted.
G A. These proof loads are typically greater than the inertia loads in
12.3.10 BS EN 12663-1:2010+A1:2014 as referenced by the TSI LOC & PAS; for example, the
2000 N vertical load would be equivalent to a 3 g inertia load on a seat weighing
approximately 60 kg – excluding the mass of the passenger.
G A. The centre line of the area for application of the longitudinal proof load in clause
12.3.11 A.12.3.1 d) is 40 mm below the height of the uppermost part of the seat back (as
measured or calculated with respect to the floor).
G A. If a seat back is not provided, it is good practice to apply the load using the
12.3.12 dimension from the seat base to the load point applicable for adjacent fixed seats.
G A. For cab seats, it is permissible for the load specified in clause A.12.3.1 d) to be
12.3.13 assessed only in the rearward direction.
G A. Where adjustable headrests are fitted to cab seats, it is good practice not to consider
12.3.14 these as part of the seat back for the application of the longitudinal load.

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G A. In some seating configurations luggage can be placed between or behind seat backs;
12.3.15 this can apply additional loads to the seats. In addition, luggage stacks are
sometimes positioned such that normal deflection of the seat back may lead to
contact, thus potentially transferring the 1500 N rearward proof load from the seat
into the luggage stack.
G A. It is good practice to ensure that meeting the dynamic test requirements takes
12.3.16 precedence over the proof loading conditions; this is generally of greater benefit to
people inside the vehicle. It is therefore permissible for any permanent deformation
of seats or tables to be of a greater magnitude than would normally be considered
acceptable, subject to:
a) A satisfactory dynamic test in accordance with clause A.12.6.
b) The permanent deformation being the result of post-yield plastic deformation.
c) Structural attachments to primary structure, and any joints or connections within
the seat assembly, not showing any local deformation or strain that could affect
the integrity of the attachments, connections or joints.
A.12.4 Proof load cases for items attached to seats
A.12.4.1 Armrests shall withstand, without significant permanent deformation, the following
separate proof loads applied at the free end of the armrest:
a) A downwards vertical load of 1000 N.
b) Transverse loads (relative to the seat) of ±750 N.
A.12.4.2 Seat-back tables shall resist, without significant permanent deformation, a
downwards vertical load of 750 N applied at any point on the unsupported edge.
A.12.4.3 Seat-back handholds shall resist, without significant permanent deformation,
longitudinal loads of ±500 N.
A.12.4.4 Footrests shall resist, without significant permanent deformation, a concentrated
proof load of 1.7 kN applied perpendicularly anywhere along the portion or portions
intended to support the feet.
A.12.4.5 The loads specified in clauses A.12.4.1 to A.12.4.4 shall be reacted through the seat
frame to the primary fixing points.

G A.12.4.6 This controls the risks associated with the structural integrity of the seat and reflects
GB historical practice. The 500 N load for seat-back handholds is the same as in UIC
IRS 50564-3.

G A.12.4.7 Armrests help with the containment of passengers during a collision. If a vehicle ends
up on its side in a derailment, they can additionally provide footholds to assist egress
from a vehicle. However, it is not always practical or desirable to fit armrests due to
the limitations on saloon width, or for high density applications due to relatively
narrow seats and short station dwell times.
G A.12.4.8 It is good practice to design seat armrests to minimise the risk of injury to passengers
if subjected to significant lateral loads in the event of a collision. A good armrest will
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have sufficient depth to ensure that pressure loadings on passengers are minimised,
and have rounded, smooth contours of 20 mm radius. A good design will ensure that
lateral collision forces are transmitted through the pelvis rather than the abdomen.
G A.12.4.9 GB practice is to apply the transverse armrest loads on multiple seats in the same
direction, to represent passengers leaning against the armrests. Thus:
a) For a load applied towards the centre of the vehicle, the armrest adjacent to the
bodyside would not be loaded; and
b) For a load applied towards the bodyside, the armrest adjacent to the aisle would
not be loaded.
G A. It is permissible to design a seat-back table with an overload protection mechanism,
12.4.10 whereby the table will fold downwards or collapse in a controlled manner at a vertical
load lower than 750 N. In this case, the proof load may be omitted provided the
correct function of the overload protection mechanism is demonstrated by test.
G A. See also clause A.13.1 for general requirements for tables.
A.12.5 Ultimate load case
A.12.5.1 For transverse seats which are wholly or partially attached to the vehicle floor, the
seats, seat mountings and their fixings through to primary structure shall be designed
to withstand, as an ultimate load case, an inward lateral displacement of the
complete seat assembly of 100 mm.

G A.12.5.2 This controls the risks of seat structural integrity in the event the vehicle is impacted
laterally or overturns, and reflects GB historical practice.

G A.12.5.3 For the purposes of testing or calculation, for seats with bodyside attachments, it is
permissible to apply the lateral load through the bodyside attachment points to
achieve the required deflection.
G A.12.5.4 In the case of wholly floor-mounted seats, it is permissible to displace the complete
seat assembly laterally 100 mm at seat cushion level, dimension 'U' as defined in
Figure 1.
G A.12.5.5 For a seat assembly fastened to the bodyside and the floor using a leg or legs, it is
acceptable for the leg or legs to break, provided that the bodyside connection is
maintained and the seat assembly is retained in its position.
G A.12.5.6 This requirement need not be applied to seats that are cantilevered from the
bodyside or mounted on the bodyside and suspended from the ceiling.
G A.12.5.7 This requirement does not apply to longitudinal seats.
A.12.6 Dynamic tests for transverse passenger seats
A.12.6.1 For each seat design, dynamic tests shall be conducted under forwards and rearwards
acceleration pulses to assess, for critical positions:

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a) The structural integrity of the seat and its attachment to the vehicle primary
structure, using a 95th percentile male ATD in accordance with Appendix F.
b) The injury potential of the seat, using a 50th percentile male ATD in accordance
with Appendixes F and K.
c) Survival space in accordance with Appendix L.
A.12.6.2 Critical positions shall be determined on the basis of:
a) The longitudinal deceleration pulse set out in Appendix F.
b) Effects due to variations in nominal seat pitch.
c) For multiple seats, any differences in relative performance between seats, for
example aisle or window positions.
d) Any differences in structural performance between otherwise similar seating
arrangements due to, for example, the presence of adjacent partitions, luggage
stacks, door pockets, adjacent seating arrangements.
e) Any differences in relative passenger position due to local variations in seating
layout (for example due to a door pocket) which may alter the passenger’s
trajectory or impact when projected forward into the back of the seat or seats in
f) Any differences in injury potential due to the position of features such as of
A.12.6.3 Loads induced under dynamic test conditions shall not cause excessive deflections
which will prejudice the survival space (as set out in Appendix L) of people occupying
the seats in front of and behind the seat in question. To achieve this:
a) Where the movement of seats is constrained (for example, by other seats,
partitions or luggage stacks), a residual space envelope corresponding to at least a
95th percentile male shall be provided;
b) Where the movement of seats is not contstrained, a residual space envelope
corresponding to at least a 5th percentile female shall be provided.

G A.12.6.4 This controls the risks associated with passenger secondary impacts with seats, and
reflects GB practice.

G A.12.6.5 The testing and simulation principles in clauses A.5 and A.6 are relevant to the
assessment of seats.
G A.12.6.6 These tests represent an ultimate load case; the seats do not need to be serviceable
after testing.
G A.12.6.7 RSSB research report T066 (2008) gives a description and specification of the Hybrid
G A.12.6.8 Analysis of the vehicle layouts is likely to result, for unidirectional seating, in at least
four worst cases for each seat type: two considering structural performance (forwards
and rearwards) and two considering injury potential (forwards and rearwards).

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G A.12.6.9 Seat types could include standard and first class, in single and multiple
configurations; the absence of details such as armrests and seat-back hand holds
would not normally have a significant effect on the overall performance structurally
or for injury potential. Testing of a seat in multiple configuration including all
attached details is likely to represent the worst case, allowing a single seat without
any attached details to be passed by comparison.
G A. Where seat back tables are used, an additional forward case with the table deployed
12.6.10 would be required.
G A. To minimise the number and cost of physical tests undertaken it is usually possible to
12.6.11 combine some or all of the seat tests required into a single crash test, subject to the
capabilities of the test centre concerned.
G A. Test requirements are not specified for open bay seating (bay seating without tables).
12.6.12 Research has shown that test repeatability is a problem, due to parameters such as:
a) Whether the seat opposite is occupied.
b) The position of any person opposite.
c) The wide range of feasible initial postures, for example, relative foot positions.
G A. The above parameters can all have an effect on lower body trajectory and the
12.6.13 relatively long trajectory for the upper body.
G A. If seats are to be used in an open bay configuration, it is good practice to incorporate
12.6.14 a generous contact surface and to design for progressive crushing of the leading edge
of the seat pan. Such design features will limit force levels in the lower limbs and
allow energy to be absorbed before the upper body contacts the seat back.
G A. See Appendix B for guidance on vehicle interior layouts, including longitudinal
12.6.15 seating. There are no dynamic test requirements for longitudinal seats.

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A.13 Tables
A.13.1 General

G A.13.1.1 In bay seating arrangements, tables can be very beneficial as they help contain the
seated passengers, but the proximity of the table edge to the person’s unprotected
vital organs in the abdominal region carries a risk of injury which will need to be
mitigated by careful consideration of the shape and thickness of the table edge and
the construction of the table top.
G A.13.1.2 A very thick table edge may minimise the risk of abdominal injury in a collision;
however, this may hamper access and egress due to the reduction in space between
the seat and the underside. These potentially conflicting requirements will need to be
reconciled as part of the design process.
G A.13.1.3 An example of good practice for rigid table edge profiles is shown in Figure 2 and
Table 2. These dimensions have resulted in satisfactory performance under dynamic
testing for injury potential in accordance with Appendix F; however, this is highly
dependent on the structural design of the table and its supports.

Figure 2: Table edge profiles

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Parameter Label Value (mm) Comments


Thickness T 40 Fixed tables

20 Folding, hinged or sliding elements of tables,

including seat-back tables

Offset O 5 ≤ O ≤ 10 Measurement position for T from edge of table

Plan view R1 25 May be reduced to:

• 15 mm adjacent to bodysides or fixed
• 5 mm on hinged elements

Edge radius R2, R3 5 Minimum

Table 2: Rigid table edge profiles

A.13.2 Proof load cases

A.13.2.1 Fixed tables and their mountings, including fixed elements of tables with hinged or
sliding elements, shall withstand, without significant permanent deformation, the
following separate proof loads:
a) 1000 N applied vertically downwards or upwards at any position.
b) 750 N applied horizontally to the edge of the table, in any direction and at any
position on the edge.
c) 1500 N applied horizontally to the outer edge of the table in the direction of the
longitudinal axis of the vehicle (for tables which fully or partially overlap two or
more transverse seating positions).
A.13.2.2 A downwards vertical load of 750 N shall be applied, without significant permanent
deformation of the table or its mountings, at any point along the unsupported edge
a) Side tables.
b) Hinged or sliding elements of tables, when fully deployed or extended.

G A.13.2.3 This controls the risks associated with structural integrity of tables and reflects GB
historical practice.

G A.13.2.4 The considerations regarding proof and dynamic loads apply to tables as well as
seats; see clauses G A.12.3.9 and G A.12.3.16.
G A.13.2.5 Tables are typically directly attached to the bodysides and to the floor with a single
table leg. For the purposes of vibration isolation, secure attachment can also be
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achieved by attachment to the floor alone, subject to the floor structure having
sufficient load capacity to transmit table loadings back to the primary vehicle
structure. It is not considered good practice to attach tables directly to partitions or
structural bulkheads, unless sufficient resilience can be incorporated into the
installation and it can be shown that predicted injury levels are acceptable under
dynamic testing; see clause A.13.3.
G A.13.2.6 It is good practice to assess the potential failure modes when a table is loaded
beyond the specified proof loads. For a table directly attached to the bodyside, a
relatively small elastic or permanent displacement at the bodyside fixings can impose
a large shearing deflection on the table leg which could result in failure at the points
where attached to the underside of the table or to the floor. A partially attached table
leg could then have the potential for serious injury in the event of further impacts.
A.13.3 Dynamic tests for tables
A.13.3.1 For each type or design of fixed table, dynamic tests shall be conducted with the
associated seat or seats under a forwards acceleration pulse to assess, for critical
a) The structural integrity of the table and its attachment to the vehicle primary
structure, using a 95th percentile male ATD; see Appendix F.
b) The injury potential of the table, using a 50th percentile male ATD; see Appendix F.
c) For tables in a bay seating arrangement, survival space on the opposite side of the
table to the impacting ATD; see Appendix L.
A.13.3.2 Critical positions shall be determined on the basis of:
a) The longitudinal deceleration pulse set out in Appendix F.
b) For shared tables, the seat position where the local table longitudinal stiffness
(measured at the seat centre-line) is greater. It is acceptable for displacements
from longitudinal proof load assessment to be used for this purpose.
A.13.3.3 Where tables are fitted with hinged flaps or moveable elements, both open and
closed cases shall be tested dynamically for injury potential.
A.13.3.4 For tables with sliding elements if, when subjected to a horizontal force not greater
than 100 N, the sliding elements retract to the closed position, no assessment shall be
required for the extended position.
A.13.3.5 For seat-back tables, only the injury potential shall be tested dynamically, in both the
deployed and stowed positions.
A.13.3.6 If, under dynamic load conditions, the seat back table closes, there shall be no
contact between the neck or head of the impacting ATD and the edge of the table
unless, where this occurs, it is shown to be acceptable as part of the injury criteria
assessment set out in Appendix K.

G A.13.3.7 This controls the risks associated with passenger secondary impacts with tables, and
reflects GB practice.

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G A.13.3.8 The testing and simulation principles in clauses A.5 and A.6 are relevant to the
assessment of tables.
G A.13.3.9 These tests represent an ultimate load case; the tables do not need to be serviceable
after testing.
G A. Table types could include standard and first class, in single and double configurations;
13.3.10 the absence of details such as table lamps and power sockets would not normally
have a significant effect on the overall performance structurally or for injury
potential. Testing of a table design in double configuration including all attached
details is likely to represent the worst case, allowing a single table without any
attached details to be passed by comparison, assuming the same construction and
configuration of attachments to the vehicle primary structure.
G A. A separate dynamic structural test is not required for seat-back tables.
G A. When tested using the 50th percentile ATD for injury assessment, some designs of
13.3.12 hinged seat-back table have been observed to contact the ATD neck due to the
combined kinematics of the table and the ATD. This is equivalent to the throat
catching on the table edge. It is good practice to design the geometry and
characteristics of the seat back table to prevent this occurring.
G A. To minimise the potential for injury from folding tables, it is good practice to ensure
13.3.13 that:
a) Hinges, pivots and retaining mechanisms are smoothly contoured.
b) There are no exposed sharp edges or corners in any table position.
c) When impacted, the table will close or otherwise collapse in a safe and controlled
manner without becoming detached.
G A. For seat-back tables, the space envelope is determined as follows:
a) Using anthropometric data covering the range from a 5th percentile female to a
95th percentile male passenger.
b) In the stowed position, the seat-back table is constrained to the area of the seat
back between the knee contact area and the head contact area.
c) In the deployed position, the seat-back table is constrained to a triangle (see
Figure 3) defined by:
i) The underside of the table where it meets the seat.
ii) The lower edge of the head contact area.
iii) The foremost abdomen position when the knees contact the back of the

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Figure 3: Seat back table space envelope

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A.14 Wheelchairs

G A.14.1 Due to the very wide range of wheelchair types and sizes available, prescriptive
requirements are not possible.
G A.14.2 In collisions, the relationships between the passenger, their seat and any table have
been shown to have a significant effect on the outcome. Unlike for other seated
passengers, the design, dimensions and mechanical characteristics of the seat for a
wheelchair user are outside the control of the rail vehicle builder, owner or operator.
G A.14.3 It is good practice to use the reference transportable wheelchair defined in Annex M
of the PRM TSI as a basis for design.
G A.14.4 It is also good practice to consult the Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee
G A.14.5 Research has indicated that it is not good practice to strap, clamp or otherwise
constrain the wheelchair or its occupant.
G A.14.6 Clause (6) of the PRM TSI requires a means of preventing a wheelchair tipping
over backwards. In designing the necessary structure or fitting, it is good practice to
determine a realistic set of forces. For example, it is unreasonable to expect a
structure to withstand the full inertia of a fully laden wheelchair accelerated at 3 g
(between 6 and 9 kN), as the forces will be distributed over the contact areas between
the wheelchair and the floor as well as the structure or fitting.
G A.14.7 Further requirements for rail vehicle design for wheelchair areas are contained within
BS EN 16585-2:2017.
G A.14.8 A vertical panel, colloquially known as an "ironing board", is used on buses to provide
rearwards restraint for wheelchair users. However, it is understood that wheelchair
users may prefer not to travel backwards.

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A.15 Cabs
A.15.1 Windscreens
A.15.1.1 The strength of windscreen fixings and the complete windscreen installation shall be
consistent with the strength and impact requirements for the windscreen as set out in
BS EN 15152:2019.
A.15.1.2 A windscreen together with all mounting attachments, fixings and surrounding
vehicle structure shall withstand without failure the aerodynamic loads set out in
section 2.1 of this document.

G A.15.1.3 These requirements support clauses and of the LOC & PAS TSI. They
control the risks of driver or staff injury from windscreen detachment under impact or
aerodynamic loading, and reflect GB practice.

G A.15.1.4 The intentions of the loading requirements are:
a) All windscreen loads are transferred into the primary vehicle structure without
significant permanent deformation or overloading of any system of fasteners or
bonding used.
b) As far as possible, a windscreen cannot become detached due to flexure or
breakage of cab canopy mouldings during a collision.
G A.15.1.5 This is to ensure that cab structural integrity and survival space are preserved,
accounting for the mass of typical windscreen units.
G A.15.1.6 An individual windscreen can weigh between 30 kg and 140 kg which, if detached,
would present a significant risk of serious injury or fatality to traincrew.
G A.15.1.7 At intermediate ends of fixed formation units, any predominantly forward or rear
facing window, behind which passengers, personnel or traincrew may be located in
normal service, is taken to be a bodyside window and therefore would not be required
to comply with BS EN 15152:2019. Some passenger trains are fitted with
intermediate end windows, improving security by giving passengers visibility
throughout a unit. As these windows are not exposed to the same risk of missile
impacts or aerodynamic forces as a cab windscreen, they are equivalent to bodyside
G A.15.1.8 The impact requirements in BS EN 15152:2019 are identical to those set out in
Appendix C of UIC leaflet 651.
G A.15.1.9 The following are not assessed as windscreens, provided the requirement for overall
vehicle leading end impact resistance is met:
a) Windows to shield equipment.
b) Glazing over indicators.
c) Windows or glazing fitted for aesthetic purposes only.
G A. A good windscreen design will include assessment of the effect of other loadings on
15.1.10 the vehicle structure affecting the windscreen and the security of its mountings, in

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addition to loads acting on the windscreen being transferred into the vehicle primary
G A. There is a risk that, in the event of derailment or roll-over, the windscreen may
15.1.11 become detached or the surrounding structure may fail. This can result in significant
ballast and debris ingress to the cab. RSSB research report T190 (2005) has reviewed
these issues in detail.
G A. Where windscreens are structurally bonded into position, with the bond acting as an
15.1.12 element of the load path between windscreen and structure, a good design would
ensure that any rebate for mounting the glass is protected from damage when bond
material is cut during windscreen replacement.
A.15.2 Secondary impact
A.15.2.1 Cabs and areas occupied by traincrew shall be assessed for the potential for injury
due to secondary impact as set out in clause A.3.

G A.15.2.2 This controls the hazards of injury to drivers and traincrew in the event of a collision
or derailments and reflects GB practice.

G A.15.2.3 GB practice is to apply the same principles for drivers as for passengers.
A.15.3 Dynamic testing
A.15.3.1 The cab seat zone shall be dynamically tested in accordance with Appendix F, to
simulate a frontal collision, with the following additional conditions:
a) The items tested are to include the driver's seat, the cab windscreen and
mounting frame, the console, foot rest and any other features which might affect
the trajectory and impact velocity of the Anthropometric Test Device (ATD).
b) Any devices which are to be used to reduce the impact effects, for example air
bags or knee bolsters, are to be fitted as on a service vehicle.
c) The driver's seat is to be positioned with:
i) The seat back upright;
ii) The seat facing forward and adjusted vertically and longitudinally to place a
50th percentile male in an appropriate driving position for a person of that
size; and
iii) Any other adjustable features, such as an adjustable driver's vigilance
device pedal, necessary for driving the train under normal conditions,
positioned consistently with the driving position.
A.15.3.2 The injury potential of the cab seat zone shall be determined in accordance with
Appendix K.
A.15.3.3 Survival space for the driver shall meet both criteria set out in clause 6.3.1 of
BS EN 15227:2008+A1:2010 (clause 6.3.3 of BS EN 15227:2020 when published).

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G A.15.3.4 See clause G A.15.2.2.

G A.15.3.5 The cab seat zone refers to the area of the cab where the driver normally sits.
G A.15.3.6 GB practice is to subject cab seats to the general seat requirements set out in clause
G A.15.3.7 Additional specific safety systems may be necessary to minimise the effects of
impacts and reduce driver injuries. RSSB research report T190 (2005) investigated a
number of such systems, including air bags, knee bolsters and moveable seats. It is
good practice to ensure that any method used does not increase the risk of injury to
passengers travelling in areas adjacent to the cab.
G A.15.3.8 Other requirements for drivers' cabs are set out in the BS EN 16186 series of

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Appendix B Good practice guide for secondary impact

B.1 Introduction

G B.1.1 As a vehicle decelerates, all objects inside which are not attached or contained will
retain their kinetic energy and continue to move at the velocity of the vehicle prior to
the primary impact. This motion will continue until these objects are brought to rest
by secondary impacts with fixed items. In a collision, a passenger would therefore be
projected in the direction of impact relative to the vehicle. On impacting an object or
another person, some or all of the projected passenger’s energy will be dissipated.
Glancing impacts, which may still be sufficiently severe to cause injury, may leave the
body with residual energy which will be dissipated in further impacts. It cannot
therefore be assumed that all occupant movements will be parallel to the longitudinal
axis of the vehicle, nor that all passengers and staff will be seated.
G B.1.2 In general, the severity of a secondary impact injury is dependent upon the kinetic
energy and its rate of dissipation on impact. The rate of kinetic energy dissipation
(the relative deceleration at the point of contact) is related to the stiffness of the
contact surface, the concentration of energy per unit contact area and the body
region involved.
G B.1.3 The speed of an impacted vehicle and its interior components reduces very rapidly in
a collision, whilst the velocity of an unrestrained passenger or object remains
relatively constant (free flight). The risk of serious injury is lessened, therefore, by
reducing the distance travelled by occupants along the vehicle. The shorter the
distance, the lower the likelihood of severe secondary impact with interior features or
other occupants, since the velocity of the passenger relative to the vehicle at impact
will be lower.
G B.1.4 The human body can be characterised as a group of linked segments, each with their
individual masses, inertias and stiffness characteristics. For example, in the case of a
chest impact, where the chest is stopped directly but the head is not, the neck is
stressed transferring forces and moments to the chest as the head is subsequently
decelerated. It is therefore good practice to attempt to control the trajectory of the
passenger in an accident, the passenger’s orientation at impact, and to minimise the
relative movement between body segments caused by rapid deceleration of one part
but not the other.
G B.1.5 To minimise the severity of injuries it is good practice to ensure that the interior
crashworthiness design assesses the following:
a) The velocity at the point of contact.
b) The area impacted in order to reduce the energy concentration.
c) The potential for impact on the areas of the body containing vital organs.
d) The relative movement between body segments.

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B.2 Interior layouts

G B.2.1 Seemingly minor items, such as luggage racks, coat hooks, magazine racks and table
lights, can have a significant effect on the outcome of a collision for the passengers
G B.2.2 Analysis of passenger injury data has indicated that a high proportion of passenger
injuries are attributable to seat impacts. Unidirectional seating provides a higher
degree of protection than open bay seating configurations or longitudinal seating
arrangements by providing containment in the immediate seating area, preventing
longer excursions in the vehicle and reducing the possibility of impacts or interaction
with other passengers.
G B.2.3 Bay seating with tables can give a high level of containment, provided that the risk of
chest or abdominal injury from impact against the table edge can be controlled. A
number of strategies for achieving this have been investigated, for example
deformable edges or flip up sections; see RSSB research report T201 (2007).
G B.2.4 Open bay seating arrangements can lead to an increase in injury as compared with a
unidirectional seating arrangement. This is due to the longer distance the passenger
is thrown forward before impacting the seat opposite, and the risk of increased injury
numbers and severities due to impacts with passengers sitting opposite.
G B.2.5 For inner-suburban or metro applications where high densities of standing passengers
are catered for and short station dwell times are essential, longitudinal seating can be
an attractive solution. Longitudinal seating however does not necessarily provide a
high level of containment for passengers in a collision.
G B.2.6 The potential disadvantages from an interior crashworthiness perspective of
longitudinal seating layouts are generally mitigated by the lower operational speeds
for inner-suburban or metro vehicles. They can be further mitigated by careful
consideration of draughtscreen size and positioning, the location of grab poles and
the size and form of armrests, where these are provided. For continuous rows of
longitudinal seats, it is good practice to limit adjacent longitudinal seating positions
to three, with separation from the adjoining seats by using grab poles,
draughtscreens or similar features.
G B.2.7 To minimise the risk of potentially long trajectories for seated occupants in a collision,
exposed transverse seats are not considered good practice. An exposed seat creates a
potential passenger trajectory significantly exceeding the dimensions of an open bay
arrangement. Where such seats would otherwise occur, it is good practice to design
the layout to limit the potential occupant trajectory by the use of, for example, other
seats, tables, partitions or, less beneficially, a longitudinal seat orientation. It is good
practice to apply similar considerations where seating is provided on different floor
G B.2.8 It is not considered practical to provide specific guidance for containment of standing
passengers; the general guidance given is considered sufficient.

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B.3 Objectives of secondary impact assessment

G B.3.1 The secondary impact assessment is to ensure that the general features and detailing
of the vehicle interior are of an acceptable standard and will give the occupants a
reasonable level of protection in the event of a collision or derailment. It is good
practice to assess the overall functional requirements for a vehicle interior, for
example regulations for Persons of Reduced Mobility (PRM TSI), passenger
movement (loading, unloading, dwell times) and security.
G B.3.2 A good secondary impact assessment will take the form of a report, which
methodically and systematically analyses the train or vehicle interior against the
requirements set out in this document. The interior could be subdivided into common
areas or zones which are identical in terms of seating and standing layouts, geometry
and surrounding features. For example, a simple electric multiple unit could be
reduced to the following zones: cab, central saloon, first class saloon, end saloon, low
ceiling end saloon (pantograph above), doorway/vestibule, wheelchair seating area,
toilet area. Within otherwise identical zones, minor variations can be expected; in this
case it is acceptable to analyse the most commonly occurring zone and then assess
the differences for the variants.
G B.3.3 The secondary impact assessment zones could be defined and set out in the report
using diagrams or marked up drawings, supported by photographs. Within these
zones there will typically be many items which are common throughout the train such
as seats, tables, handholds and handrails. However, a common or repeated ‘item’
could be a relatively complex sub-assembly, for example an interior door and
associated partitions or a draughtscreen. Repeated items such as these would need to
be assessed once for aspects such as sharp corners and edges; however, mounting
arrangements may vary, affecting their performance.
G B.3.4 The secondary impact assessment zone analysis will identify which repeated features
are encountered and assess any unique features within the zone. The zone analysis
would also assess aspects relating to location, and the relationships between items
such as protrusions or recesses, as well as abrupt changes in stiffness together with
any potential mitigating factors.
G B.3.5 The analysis of repeated items could be set out as an annexe to the main secondary
impact assessment report, with key aspects such as point and edge radii tabulated,
supported by photographs or drawings where appropriate and by any relevant
technical data.

B.4 Secondary impact assessment details

G B.4.1 Potentially aggressive features would normally be assessed for secondary impact by
reference to this document, appropriate standards, reference works (for example,
research findings) and established good practice. Where this is not possible, computer
simulations or dynamic tests using head forms or other devices could be considered.

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G B.4.2 Where computer simulations or dynamic tests are undertaken, suitable initial
conditions (for example orientation, initial separation) will need to be derived and
justified technically. When assessing longitudinal impact under these circumstances,
it is good practice to use the crash pulse given in Appendix F. For lateral and vertical
impacts, unless more precise data is available, it is good practice to use the ultimate
load case lateral and vertical acceleration magnitudes for body mounted equipment
(see BS EN 12663-1:2010+A1:2014), assuming the same timings as for the
longitudinal pulse.
G B.4.3 Some areas or features of a vehicle interior may be used infrequently, for example
cab seating for instructors or inspectors, where the use as a proportion of time in
service is very low. In such cases, it is permissible for a risk-based argument to form
part of the assessment. However, it is not good practice to apply such arguments to
toilets or areas where passengers stand; these areas are always potentially in use or
occupied when the train is in service.
G B.4.4 The following may be omitted from the secondary impact review:
a) Items shielded by another item when potential impact is considered in
longitudinal, lateral or vertical directions.
b) Items which cannot be contacted by a 100 mm diameter sphere.
G B.4.5 A sphere of 100 mm diameter can be considered to represent a person’s arm or a leg.
A sphere of 165 mm is used in automotive standards to represent an average
person’s head; however, in the rail environment it is less simple to make a clear
distinction between areas for head contact and arm or leg contact. The 100 mm
sphere therefore tends towards a more conservative result.
G B.4.6 The injury potential of any given edge will depend very much on the part of the body
making contact and the resilience of the object struck, making it difficult to propose
generally applicable design rules. For rigid materials, it is good practice to ensure that
edge or corner radii are:
a) At least 20 mm where there is a risk of head injury;
b) At least 10 mm where there is a risk of arm or leg contact; and
c) Not less than 5 mm elsewhere.
G B.4.7 For potentially critical areas, it is good practice to assess the potential severity of
injury if struck by a passenger in a collision. Wherever possible, it is good practice to
use concealed fasteners to minimise the risk of injury due to secondary impact. Where
this is not possible, it is good practice to review the type and location of exposed
fastener heads (for example countersunk, domed or standard screws or rivets) to
reduce the risk of secondary impact injuries.
G B.4.8 In areas where there is potential for secondary impact by passengers or traincrew, it is
good practice to design panel edges, their fixing and security to control the risk of
sharp edges or aggressive surfaces being exposed when distorted if impacted during
an accident or collision.
G B.4.9 It is good practice to assess projecting items such as controls, switches, indicators and
instruments based on their position and thus the risk of being impacted, the degree of
projection from the surrounding surface and their rigidity. Automotive standards, EU

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directive 74/60/EEC or E/ECE/TRANS/505 Regulation No. 21 may provide some

relevant criteria for these types of feature.
G B.4.10 When subject to secondary impact, gaps between items or recesses could be
significant causes of injury due to entrapment. For locations around seats where
hands could become entrapped, it is good practice to ensure that there are no gaps or
recesses smaller than 25 mm in width with a depth greater than 20 mm. For areas
where feet could become entrapped, for example beneath seats, it is good practice to
ensure that any gaps are either smaller than 100 mm × 50 mm or greater than 300
mm × 150 mm.

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Appendix C Bodyside windows - small missile test procedure

C.1 Conditions of test
C.1.1 To demonstrate that window glass has an acceptable level of resistance to impact by
small missiles, across a representative temperature range, three successive compliant
tests at high temperature and three successive compliant tests at low temperature
shall be completed.

C.2 Test windows

C.2.1 The window units tested shall be an actual window or glazing system, which is to be
installed in the vehicle, or of samples having minimum dimensions of
1100 mm × 900 mm constructed in a manner representing their installed condition.
C.2.2 The window units or samples shall be tested with both panes installed in a manner
representing their installed condition.
C.2.3 If samples are to be tested, they shall be mounted for testing in a manner
representative of the installed condition for the complete unit.
C.2.4 The geometric centre of the window unit or sample shall be determined before
testing. In the case of window units which are sub-divided by glazing bars, use a worst
case position or positions for the effective geometric centre.

C.3 Temperature
C.3.1 For the high temperature tests:
a) The window units or samples for testing shall be heat soaked at a minimum of
35°C for a minimum period of 6 hours immediately preceding the test.
b) Under no circumstances shall the temperature of the inner surface of this pane of
glass be lower than 35°C at the time of the test.
C.3.2 For the low temperature tests:
a) The window units or samples for testing shall be heat soaked at a maximum of
-17°C for a minimum period of 6 hours immediately preceding the test.
b) The temperature of the test specimen, when installed in the test apparatus, shall
be allowed to increase to give a nominal temperature of 0°C of the inner surface.
c) Under no circumstances shall the temperature of the inner surface of the unit be
higher than 0°C at the time of the test.

G C.3.3 For windows with single panes only, it is acceptable for the inner and outer surfaces to
be at the same temperature; any variation of temperature through the pane
thickness can be discounted.

C.4 Impact test

C.4.1 The impacting object used for these tests shall be a solid steel ball of a mass of
0.25 kg.

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C.4.2 For testing laminated glass or laminated double glazed window units the steel ball
shall be travelling at a speed of (100 ±3) km/h at the point of impact.
C.4.3 The window units or samples tested shall be orientated such that the ball impacts the
geometric centre of the unit.
C.4.4 The window units or samples shall be tested in such a way that the impacting object
first strikes the sample perpendicular to the surface representing the outside of the
C.4.5 The total amount of spall from the inner surface of the window shall not exceed 40 g.

C.5 Penetration
C.5.1 The steel ball shall not fully penetrate the window units or samples under the high
and low temperature tests. In the case of laminated glass window units or samples,
the steel ball shall not rupture the laminating interlayer.
C.5.2 No part of the ball shall be exposed to the area representing the interior of the vehicle
during the test.

C.6 Integrity
C.6.1 In the case of double glazed window units, there shall be no loss of structural integrity
in the bonding between the inner and outer panes and spacer bars or any other fixing
system between the window unit elements.

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Appendix D Bodyside windows - passenger containment test

D.1 Conditions of test
D.1.1 Double-glazed window systems representative of production quality and construction
shall be tested.
D.1.2 Three successive compliant test sequences shall be conducted to demonstrate that a
window system achieves an acceptable level of containment.

D.2 Window test assembly

D.2.1 The window test assemblies shall consist of complete window units including frame (if
this is part of the design) installed in an assembly representative of the vehicle
D.2.2 The geometric centre of the window unit or sample shall be determined before
testing. In the case of window units which are sub-divided by glazing bars, use a worst
case position or positions for the effective geometric centre.

G D.2.3 It is permissible to install the window unit in an appropriate section of the main
vehicle structure where this is available.
G D.2.4 Where split windows, openable top lights or hopper windows are fitted, the mounting
and different support conditions for the glass due to a glazing bar, or equivalent,
being incorporated in the window may significantly affect the performance of the
complete window unit. In such cases, it is good practice to conduct separate tests for
each pane. For consistency between tests and in consideration of the impactor and
typical window dimensions, the centre of the pane or panes to be tested is specified
as the point of impact

D.3 Temperature
D.3.1 The ambient temperature at the time of testing shall be between 15°C and 25°C.
D.3.2 The test temperature shall be recorded for each test.
D.3.3 To ensure that the window units for testing are correctly conditioned, they shall be
heat soaked at the specified temperature for a minimum period of 6 hours
immediately preceding the test.

D.4 Impact testing

D.4.1 To determine the containment performance of the window unit, each window unit
shall be subjected to the following sequence of tests, which shall be undertaken in the
following order:
a) Steel ball impact.
b) Pendulum impact.
c) Concentrated perpendicular load.

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D.5 Steel ball impact test

D.5.1 The impacting object used for test (a) shall be a solid steel ball with a mass of 5 kg
and a speed of (34 ±3) km/h at the point of impact.
D.5.2 The ball shall impact the geometric centre of the window unit perpendicularly on the
surface representing the exterior of the vehicle.
D.5.3 The ball shall not fully penetrate the window unit.
D.5.4 No part of the ball shall be exposed to the area representing the interior of the vehicle
during the test.
D.5.5 The total amount of spall from the inner surface of the window shall not exceed 10 g.

G D.5.6 A 5 kg steel shot putt is an acceptable impact ball; this can be readily obtained from
sports equipment suppliers as it is a standard size for international competition. As an
alternative, a 12 lb (5.443 kg) shot putt is acceptable, provided that the speed
tolerance can be satisfied. When using a 12 lb ball, the nominal impact velocity would
be 32.6 km/h to give the same nominal kinetic energy.

D.6 Pendulum impact test

D.6.1 The pendulum impactor design, mass and mechanical characteristics shall be as
defined in BS EN 12600:2002. Where a rigid suspension is used, it is permissible to
either reduce the mass of the impactor weights or to reduce the specified drop height
to compensate for any change in effective mass due to the suspension.
D.6.2 The impact energy shall under all circumstances be within ±1% of the nominal value
of 588.6 J.
D.6.3 The test window shall be installed in the test apparatus and rigidly clamped such that
the impactor strikes the geometric centre of the internal face of the test window
within a tolerance of 50 mm radially.
D.6.4 The impact shall be perpendicular to the test window surface representing the
exterior of the vehicle.
D.6.5 With the impactor hanging freely, the distance between the impactor and the surface
of the test window shall be in the range 5 mm to 15 mm.
D.6.6 The complete pendulum test rig shall be either:
a) Calibrated by using the clamping frame, calibration specimen and calibration
procedure set out in BS EN 12600:2002; or
b) The initial pendulum position (height) and its release shall be calibrated to
demonstrate that the impactor velocity immediately prior to impact is within a
tolerance of ±2%.
D.6.7 The impactor tyres shall be inflated to a pressure of (0.35 ±0.2) MPa.
D.6.8 The tyre pressures shall be checked before each impact test.

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D.6.9 The impactor shall be raised to the specified height and released to fall with a
pendulum movement without initial velocity.
D.6.10 The impactor shall strike the test window once.
D.6.11 The impactor shall not penetrate the test window.

G D.6.12 The pendulum impactor design set out in BS EN 12600:2002 uses a wire suspension.
For ease of use, a rigid suspension arm may be preferred. Where a rigid suspension is
used, the effective mass of the pendulum will be increased due to the inertia of the
arm. It is therefore acceptable to modify either the impactor mass and operate from
the standard drop height or vary the drop height provided that the kinetic energy is
maintained. For a rigid suspension arm the drop height can be defined using
alternative dimensions or angles for convenience if required.

D.7 Concentrated perpendicular load

D.7.1 A concentrated perpendicular load of 0.8 kN shall be applied and sustained for a
period of one minute, over an area of 0.1 m × 0.1 m at the centre of the surface
representing the interior of the vehicle.
D.7.2 The glazing unit shall remain fixed within its frame or retaining system.

G D.7.3 For a practical test, where weights are used, it is acceptable for some contact between
the weights and the glass to occur outside the specified contact zone as the glass
deflects. It is acceptable for the contact patch to be effectively rigid compared to the
glass surface.

D.8 Integrity
D.8.1 A compliant test sequence shall satisfy the requirements of D.5.4 and D.5.5, and
D.6.11 and D.7.2.

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Appendix E Bodyside windows - pressure pulse test procedures

E.1 Conditions of test
E.1.1 Double-glazed window systems representative of production quality and construction
shall be tested.
E.1.2 To demonstrate that a window system achieves an acceptable level of containment
performance, three successive compliant tests are required.

E.2 Window test assembly

E.2.1 The window units to be tested shall be:
a) In an actual window frame of the same design and specification as used in
service; and
b) Fixed to a blanking panel representative of the vehicle construction.
E.2.2 The blanking panel shall be installed in the test apparatus in such a way that the
external pane of glass is to be exposed to the transient air pressure pulse.

E.3 Temperature
E.3.1 The ambient temperature at the time of testing shall be between 15°C and 25°C.
E.3.2 The test temperature shall be recorded.
E.3.3 To ensure that the window units for testing are correctly conditioned, they shall be
heat soaked at the specified temperature for a minimum period of 6 hours
immediately preceding the test.

E.4 Test procedure

E.4.1 Each window unit to be tested shall be damaged as follows:
a) Mark the centre point of the outer glass pane; this is where the major and minor
axes cross.
b) Measure and record the perpendicular distance (D1) from a suitable datum to the
centre point of the outer pane.
c) Position the window unit with the same vertical orientation as when installed on a
d) Craze the outer glass pane with an automatic centre punch at the centre point,
using the minimum amount of energy. It is permissible for no more than two glass
fragments or dice to be dislodged or lost from the centre point of the pane as a
result of this process.
e) After a stabilising period of 10 minutes, measure and record the perpendicular
distance (D2) from the datum to the centre point.
E.4.2 The damaged pane shall meet all the following criteria:
a) The crazed surface is either flat or bowed, but there are no sharp changes in
b) The crazed surface has no folds at the edges or centre.
c) There is no out-of-plane displacement of glass fragments or dice.
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d) The inner glass pane is intact.

e) There is no failure of the bond between the outer glass pane and the spacer.
f) The central deflection (D2 – D1) or (D1 – D2), as applicable, shall not exceed the
values shown in Table 3:

Minor dimension of the unit Maximum central deflection

Up to and including 350 mm 5 mm

Over 350 mm up to 600 mm 7 mm

Over 600 mm up to 900 mm 10 mm

Greater than 900 mm (Minor dimension / 100) + 1 mm

Table 3: Bodyside window damage criteria for pressure pulse testing

E.4.3 Each successfully damaged window unit shall then be positioned with the same
vertical orientation as installed on a vehicle and shall be subjected to a sequence of
25 differential air pressure pulses having the following characteristics:
a) The period between the initiation of successive pulses shall not be less than
10 seconds.
b) Each pulse shall start with a zero pressure differential across the glazing unit.
c) The relative air pressure on the crazed face of the unit shall be increased to a
minimum of +500 Pa, decreased to a maximum of -800 Pa and then returned to
d) All changes of pressure shall be accomplished at a constant nominal rate of
43 kPa/s. As the air pressure is cycled, it is permissible for the time at which a given
pressure occurs to deviate by ±5 ms from that given by the nominal rate (see
Figure 4).
e) There shall be no dwell period at the points of maximum and minimum relative
pressure on the crazed surface.
f) It is permissible for the first five pulses in the test sequence to deviate by up to
5% from the specified limiting values.
g) A time history of the pressure pulses shall be included in the test report.

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E.4.4 There shall be no additional detachment of glass or glass particles from the glazed
unit during the test or within 10 minutes of its completion after being damaged in
accordance with E.4.1.
Figure 4: Pressure pulse tolerances

Note: For all pulses, the specified pressure limits shall be complied with. The
tolerance corridor shown is only applicable to the timing and shape (rate) of
any given pulse.

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Appendix F Dynamic test procedures for passenger seats and

F.1 Introduction
F.1.1 This Appendix sets out the requirements for dynamically testing seats or tables for a
longitudinal impact, using anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs).
F.1.2 Where numerical simulations are used instead of physical testing, the models used
shall demonstrate equivalence with the physical test requirements in this Appendix
and Appendixes H, J and K.

G F.1.3 For example, a section of a vehicle structure model or a rigid base can be considered
equivalent to a testing platform, and pre- and post-processor outputs from numerical
simulations are equivalent to photographs and video.

F.2 Preparation of seats or tables for dynamic testing

F.2.1 The seat or tables to be tested shall be mounted on a testing platform in a manner
that is functionally representative of the vehicle interior for the purposes of the
dynamic tests to be undertaken.
F.2.2 The anchorages on the testing platform provided for the test seats or tables shall be
representative of those used in vehicles in which the seats or tables are intended to
be used:
a) The correct fasteners and/or fittings shall be used between the component and
any parts representing the vehicle structure.
b) The fasteners and/or fittings shall be tightened and/or secured in accordance with
the installation instructions for the component.
c) Where keyways are used, it shall be demonstrated that the directly loaded parts of
the keyway do not fail due to the loads applied through the fastenings and
associated fittings by fracture or splaying.
d) Load data shall be measured to define the structural requirements for the item’s
installation, and the required strength of attachment points and fixings.
F.2.3 The vehicle body structure may be assumed to be rigid for the purposes of testing;
that is, deflections due to the general operational loads may be ignored. The structure
as tested may therefore include, where relevant, intermediate structures between the
primary carbody structure and the component, such as resiliently mounted floor units,
partitions or support frameworks for panels.
F.2.4 For each test the seats and tables shall be positioned using the seat pitch, spacing
and orientation required.
F.2.5 Any additional items identified in determining the critical positions shall be installed
in their locations relative to the seats and tables.
F.2.6 The components to be tested shall be complete assemblies including any supports,
plinths, brackets or supporting structures required for installation into a vehicle, and
all upholstery and accessories.
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F.2.7 If the seats are fitted with seat back tables, they shall be either in the stowed or fully
deployed positions as required.
F.2.8 If adjustable, seat backs shall be in the upright position.
F.2.9 Seats completing the installation to be tested but which will not be impacted by the
ATD shall be the same type as the seat being tested and shall be located in an
identical arrangement to that used in vehicles in which the seat is intended to be

G F.2.10 Where separate keyways are mechanically fastened to the vehicle structure it is good
practice to demonstrate that the keyway fasteners are sufficient in size and quantity
to withstand the dynamic loadings.
G F.2.11 Where keyways, for example T-slots, are used as the primary anchorages on the
vehicle, it is permissible to use alternatives for testing, for example commercially
available generic keyway sections, provided that the critical elements of the fastening
system are the same.
G F.2.12 It is permissible to provide anchorages which are mechanically equivalent, or which
can be demonstrated to represent a more onerous situation than will be encountered
in practice.
G F.2.13 It is permissible to use longer bolts to accommodate load cells.
G F.2.14 Seats which are required to launch an ATD into a table are not required to be
identical to the vehicle seats, provided that it can be demonstrated that the dynamic
test results are not affected in terms of ATD launching, trajectory and any rebound
after impact.

F.3 Dynamic test

F.3.1 The test environment shall be maintained at a temperature between 19°C and 26°C.
F.3.2 ATDs shall be prepared and positioned for testing as set out in Appendix H.
F.3.3 The configuration and arrangement of each test installation shall be recorded, using
measurements and photographs. This will enable the tests to be replicated by
repeated testing or computer simulation:
a) The test installation shall be marked up for motion analysis and measured in
accordance with Appendix J.
b) Details of the seat type, table type if applicable, build configuration of the seats
and tables and details of all mountings and fixings shall be included in the test
c) If the mounting arrangement is configurable on assembly, details of the
configuration shall be included in the test report.
F.3.4 The testing platform with ATDs installed shall be subjected to a simulated impact in
accordance with the test pulse shown in Figure 5 and Table 4. Under these conditions
a velocity change (Δv) of at least 5 m/s shall be attained.

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F.3.5 The dynamic test shall be recorded using high speed cameras or imaging systems.
The video data shall be sufficient for the dynamics of the test and the interaction of
the ATDs with the seats or tables to be determined. Good practice is to use a
recording rate of 1000 frames per second.
F.3.6 After the dynamic test, as a minimum, the following items shall be determined and
a) The location of points of impact shall be identified, located and photographed for
each ATD.
b) The maximum dynamic deflection longitudinally and the final position of the
seats or tables longitudinally, laterally and vertically shall be measured and
c) Where parts have been moved, deformed or damaged, the extent of deformation
shall be measured, photographed and recorded.

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F.4 Longitudinal dynamic test pulse

F.4.1 The test pulse shown in Figure 5 and Table 4 is designed to achieve a velocity
change (Δv) of at least 5 m/s. Minor, short duration excursions outside the limits are
permissible, provided this overall objective is demonstrated to have been achieved.

Figure 5: Test pulse

Point Time (ms) Acceleration (g) Point Time (ms) Acceleration (g)
A 10 0.0 E 0 7.5
B 20 5.0 F 150 7.5
C 100 5.0 G 210 0.0
D 110 0.0

Table 4: Test pulse coordinates

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Appendix H Preparation and set up of Anthropomorphic Test

Devices (ATDs)
H.1 ATDs
H.1.1 Except where permitted by H.1.4, Hybrid III 50th percentile male ATDs, equipped with
sufficient instrumentation, shall be used to determine the injury criteria required.
H.1.2 Hybrid III 50th percentile ATDs shall conform to US Department of Transportation 49
CFR 572.30 and ECE 94, except for the following modifications and additions:
a) 45-Degree dorsi-flexion ankles / feet with rubber bump stops and padded heels
shall be fitted.
b) Roller ball-bearing knees, such as those supplied by ASTC, shall be fitted.
H.1.3 Hybrid III ATDs shall be re-certified after every 10 impact tests according to the
certification procedure for the Hybrid III ATDs (see US Department of Transportation
49 CFR 572.30) and Annex 10 of ECE 94.
H.1.4 Where it is not reasonably practicable to measure parameters directly with a standard
Hybrid III ATD, it is permissible for data to be used in support of the overall injury
criteria assessment that is obtained using:
a) Modified Hybrid III ATDs (for example the Hybrid III RS ATD);
b) Other test devices (for example other types of ATD or headform devices); or
c) Validated computer simulations;
for which the biofidelity, in particular of the relevant body part, can be shown.
H.1.5 Where modified ATDs are used, the standard parts of the ATDs shall be re-certified as
far as practicable according to H.1.3 . Non-standard parts shall be calibrated
according to the manufacturer’s instructions, or a suitable calibration procedure shall
be included in the injury criteria assessment.
H.1.6 Where other test devices are used, the devices shall be calibrated according to the
manufacturer’s instructions, or a suitable calibration procedure shall be included in
the injury criteria assessment.
H.1.7 Where computer simulations are used, details of the software revision level and
publisher shall be included in the injury criteria assessment.
H.1.8 Uninstrumented 95th percentile male ATDs, used for structural assessment, shall be
either Hybrid II or Hybrid III as specified in the dummy manufacturer’s user manual.

G H.1.9 A full description and specification of the Hybrid III RS ATD is given in RSSB Research
Report T066 (2008).

H.2 ATD preparation

H.2.1 Each ATD shall be:
a) Clothed with form-fitting cotton stretch garments with short sleeves and trousers
which shall not cover the dummy’s knees.
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b) Fitted with shoes equivalent to those specified in MIL-S-13192P (size 11XW).

c) Stabilised to a temperature in the range of 19°C to 26°C, as follows:
i) The ATD shall be heat-soaked at the specified temperature range for at
least 4 hours prior to the test.
ii) The temperature of the ATD shall be measured using a recording electronic
thermometer placed inside the dummy’s flesh.
iii) The temperature shall be recorded at intervals not exceeding 10 minutes.
iv) A printout of the temperature readings shall be supplied as part of the
standard output of the test.
H.2.2 All constant friction joints shall have their ‘stiffness’ set as follows:
a) The ATD temperature shall be stabilised in accordance with H.2.1 c).
b) The tensioning screw or bolt which acts on the constant friction surfaces shall be
adjusted until the joint can just hold the adjoining limb in the horizontal.
c) When a small downward force is applied and then removed, the limb shall
continue to fall.
d) The ATD joint stiffnesses shall be set as close as possible to the time of the test
and, in any case, not more than 24 hours before the test.
e) The ATD shall be maintained within the temperature range specified in H.2.1c)
between the time of setting the limbs and the time of the test.

G H.2.3 Provided the ATD remains within the test environment, it is not necessary to repeat
the temperature stabilisation procedures set out in H.2.1c) for a sequence of tests or
for repeat testing.

H.3 Physical ATD positioning

H.3.1 The ATD shall be positioned as follows:
a) Place the ATD on the seat as close as possible to the required position, so that its
plane of symmetry corresponds to the plane of symmetry of the seating position
in question.
b) Apply a small rearwards force to the lower torso and a small forwards force to the
upper torso to flex the upper torso forwards from the seat back.
c) Rock the torso left and right four times, going to between 14° and 16° to the
d) Apply a small rearwards force to the upper torso while maintaining the small
rearwards force to the lower torso, to return the upper torso to the seat back.
e) Slowly remove this force.
f) For testing without a table, rest the ATD's hands on its thighs with its elbows
touching the seat back.
g) If seated at a table, rest the ATD’s hands on the table top, with the arms aligned
with the longitudinal axis of the dummy, palms down and with the wrist bolt in
line with the edge of the table.
h) Push the feet 10 mm rearwards and adjust them so they lie flat on the floor.

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i) Adjust the heels so they have the same longitudinal position.

j) Ensure the separation between the knee centre lines is (170±10) mm for a 50th
percentile ATD. For a 95th percentile ATD, this separation is (190±10) mm.
k) Ensure that the head transverse instrumentation platform is within ±2.5° of the
H.3.2 If it is intended to use a physical test to validate a simulation, the position of the ATD
shall be recorded to ensure correlation between the physical and simulated tests. In
order to achieve this, either:
a) Use the H point method:
i) Establish the seat H point using the SAE J826 procedure.
ii) After positioning the ATD in accordance with H.3.1, measure the ATD H
point position and compare to the seat H point value. If the ATD value is
outside the tolerance of ±13 mm longitudinally and/or vertically with respect
to the seat H point, adjust the pelvic position until within the tolerance and
follow steps H.3.1b) to k) to reposition the other parts of the ATD.
iii) Measure the ATD H Point and check that it is within the tolerance. If
necessary, repeat the positioning procedure. If it is not possible to position
the ATD H Point within the tolerance relative to the seat H point, place the
ATD as close as possible and record the position.
b) Measure the position of the ATD in accordance with J.3.
H.3.3 Where it is not possible to correctly position 95th percentile ATDs for dynamic
structural integrity testing, it is permissible to use 50th percentile ATDs, ballasted to
the mass of a 95th percentile ATD as follows:
a) For forward tests, the ballast mass shall be placed in line with the pelvis and the
ATD positioned to bring the knees in line with those of the outer ATDs.
b) For rearward tests, the ballast mass shall be placed on the ATD chest.

G H.3.4 The use of seat-back footrests is an open point.
G H.3.5 The H point method was designed for automotive seats and may not always be
suitable for rail vehicle seats.
G H.3.6 The size and relative inflexibility of the 95th percentile ATD means that for some
seats, for example triple seats for commuter stock, it is not possible to correctly
position the ATDs. When the smaller 50th percentile ATD is used ballasted to the
correct mass, the test objective of applying a dynamic passenger load on the
applicable seat structures can be satisfied.

H.4 Virtual ATD positioning

H.4.1 Where numerical simulations are used instead of physical testing, the ATD models
used shall be installed into the overall numerical model so as to achieve equivalence
with the physical test positioning requirements set out in H.3.1.

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H.4.2 The initial posture and positioning of numerical ATDs shall be the same as for a
physical test.
H.4.3 If the H point method is used to set up the simulation, each ATD shall be positioned
in the seat so that:
a) The ATD H-point is within ±13 mm longitudinally and vertically and ±0.1 mm
laterally of the seat H point, determined following the SAE J826 procedure.
b) The status of the contacts between the virtual ATD and the seat can be shown to
be within realistic limits at the start of the assessment, consistent with the overall
accuracy of the simulation.
H.4.4 The numerical ATD model position relative to its seat, when compared to the
measured data obtained for the physical dummy, shall be within the same tolerance
ranges as the measurement accuracy set out in Appendix J.
H.4.5 Data demonstrating the correct positioning of virtual ATDs shall be included in any
report or documentation for the numerical simulation.

H.5 Instrumentation
H.5.1 Measuring instruments and instrumentation cabling shall not in any way affect the
movement of the ATD during impact.
H.5.2 The temperature of the system of measuring instruments shall be stabilised before
the test and maintained within a range between 19°C and 26°C.

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Appendix J Measurements and data for dynamic testing

J.1 General
J.1.1 Prior to testing, the test arrangement shall be marked up and measured as detailed in
this appendix.
J.1.2 Where only a physical test is required, with no need to assess the correlation between
physical and simulated tests, the requirements of J.4 need not be applied.
J.1.3 Where numerical simulations are used, the equivalent data points on the numerical
model shall be reported and/or monitored so as to achieve equivalence with the
physical test requirements set out in this Annex.

J.2 Motion analysis and contact point markings

J.2.1 As a minimum, motion analysis target points or strips shall be positioned on each
ATD at:
a) The ankle, knee, wrist, elbow and shoulder joints;
b) The H point;
c) The centre of gravity of the head;
d) Additional points on the head, to evaluate axial rotations; and
e) The upper and lower thorax, to have an approximation of torso inclination.
J.2.2 Anticipated points of contact on the ATD, seats and/or tables shall be marked with a
non-permanent, transferable marker; for example, a non-setting paint. Each contact
marker shall be coloured so as to enable different contacts to be identified.

J.3 Minimum ATD position measurements

J.3.1 Using a fixed datum on the fixed seat structure, the following ATD reference positions
shall be measured and recorded longitudinally, laterally and vertically:
a) The H-Point (see Figure 6).
b) The centre of gravity of the head.
J.3.2 Measurements defining the ATD position relative to the seat shall be made to an
accuracy of ±5 mm.
J.3.3 The datum point shall be recorded.
J.3.4 The ATD pelvic angle shall be measured relative to the horizontal plane.

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Figure 6: H-point location on ATD

J.4 ATD measurements and data

J.4.1 The measurements to be recorded shall be taken as a series of x, y, z coordinates
referenced to a datum point on the fixed seat structure or on the test apparatus.
J.4.2 Measurements shall be to an accuracy of ±0.15 mm or better, and a repeatability of
±0.15 mm or better.
J.4.3 The following shall be recorded for each ATD:
a) If used, the position of the H-point derived from the SAE J826 procedure.
b) The position of the H-point derived from the ATD.
c) The centre of gravity of the head on its lateral plane.
d) The pelvic angle, using the pelvic angle measuring gauge.
e) The position of the heels of the shoes.

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f) Where the feet are on footrests, the angle of the foot.

g) The locations of the hands and wrists.
h) The locations of the ankles.
i) The location of all motion analysis targets.
j) The overall ATD position, by taking a continuous stream of coordinates at a
spacing not greater than 25 mm along the centre lines of:
i) The head and thorax.
ii) The upper and lower legs.
iii) The upper and lower arms.

G J.4.4 It is permissible to use a multi-axis measuring arm, a laser scanner or similar devices
for this purpose.

J.5 Seat geometry measurements

J.5.1 The following points and/or positions on the seat assemblies shall be recorded:
a) The height of the top of the seat base cushion from the floor at the front edge of
the seat.
b) The lowest most height of the seat shell or supporting structure at the front of the
seat from the floor.
c) The angle of the seat base cushion from the horizontal, and the length of the
cushion from the front of the seat to the intersection point of the back cushion
and the base cushion.
d) The angle and length from the top of the seat base cushion at the front of the
seat to the underside of the seat pan or supporting structure at the front of the
seat. This represents the position of tibia impact when considering open bay seat
e) The angle of the seat back cushion to the vertical.
f) The vertical distance from the top of the seat back to the floor.
g) The horizontal distance from the front of the seat base cushion to the rearmost
location of the main seat shell or supporting structure; this is known as the seat
h) When the seats are located in rows, the distance between seats, measured as the
distance from the vertical seat back to the corresponding point on the seat in
i) When the seats are arranged in bays, the distance between the seat back (that is,
the top of the seat at the rearmost location of the main seat shell or supporting
structure) and the corresponding location of the seat on the other side of the seat
j) When the seats are arranged in bays, the distance between the front edges of the
opposing seat base cushions.
k) Where armrests are fitted, the length of the armrest from its fulcrum to the front

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J.6 Table geometry measurements

J.6.1 The following points and/or positions on the table assemblies shall be recorded:
a) The height above floor level to the upper surface of any fixed or deployable seat
back table, in the deployed position.
b) The height above floor level to the under surface of any fixed or deployable seat
back table in the deployed position. This shall also include the dimensions of all
supporting structures and framing members, and the profile of the table edge.
c) The table width at the bodyside and any variation in width across the table.
d) The horizontal distance from the vertical edge of the table to the front edge of the
base cushion for the seat under consideration.
e) The horizontal distance between the table edge at the top of the table and the
ATD’s abdomen or thorax, as appropriate.
f) The height from the top of the seat base cushion to the underside of the fixed or
deployable table.
g) For seats in a unidirectional configuration with seat back tables:
i) The width of the table.
ii) The horizonal distance from the rear edge of the table top to the
corresponding position on the seat back shell.
h) Where appropriate, the hinge positions for folding tables.

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Appendix K Injury criteria assessment

K.1 General
K.1.1 The injury criteria and associated limiting values in this appendix have been
determined specifically for the seat and table tests set out in this document; they
shall therefore not be used for any other types of injury assessment without
supporting evidence of their suitability.
K.1.2 All measurements shall be taken in accordance with the positive sense for
accelerations and force directions, and with the filtering specified in SAE J211-1.
K.1.3 The injury criteria in this Appendix shall be selected according to the type of
installation being assessed, previous test experience and initial test results or test
K.1.4 Following a dynamic test (or equivalent simulation) the injury criteria shall be
evaluated from the recorded data and an assessment made of the results obtained.
K.1.5 The injury criteria assessment shall:
a) Assess the test equipment, test conditions, instrumentation characteristics and
measurement accuracy and any other relevant parameters;
b) Account for any anomalies observed during testing due, for example, to loss of
containment or unforeseen contact by the ATD against the items forming the test
assembly; and
c) Conclude whether the results obtained are satisfactory or not with respect to the
objectives of the test and the injury criteria specified.

G K.1.6 The injury criteria are intended to be measured according to established European or
international standards and testing protocols.
G K.1.7 It is permissible to make reference to previous testing or other relevant data in
determining the acceptability of the results.

K.2 Head
K.2.1 The head injury criterion (HIC) shall not exceed a value of 500 over any time interval
of 15 ms.
K.2.2 The HIC shall be calculated using the following formula:

( )( )
t 2.5
∫t 2 AR d t
HIC = t2 − t1
(t2 − t1)

t1 represents the start of the time interval
t2 represents the end of the time interval

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AR is the resultant acceleration


AR = AX2 + AY2 + AZ2

Where: AX, AY, AZ represent the accelerations in the X, Y and Z

K.2.3 The maximum acceleration of the head shall not exceed 80 g for more than 3 ms.

G K.2.4 The European Directive 96/79/EC refers to this parameter as the head performance
criterion (HPC); the calculation is the same.
G K.2.5 The limit value of 500 is considered to be sufficient for passengers to be able to
evacuate a vehicle unassisted, if required, after a collision or derailment.
G K.2.6 The 15 ms time window relates to the original biomechanical testing used to establish
the HIC as an injury criterion commonly accepted for impacts against fixed surfaces.
G K.2.7 The 80 g maximum acceleration criterion is derived from biomechanical test data
and relates to a 20% risk of skull fracture.

K.3 Neck
K.3.1 The bending moment of the neck in flexion (MY) shall not exceed 310 Nm.
K.3.2 The bending moment of the neck in extension (MY) shall not exceed 135 Nm.
K.3.3 The peak tensile force on the neck (FZ) shall not exceed 4170 N.
K.3.4 The peak compressive force on the neck (FZ) shall not exceed 4000 N.
K.3.5 At any point in time the neck injury criterion (Nij) shall not exceed 1.0.
K.3.6 Nij shall be calculated using the following formula:
Nij = ( F Z / F ZC ) + (M YOC / M YC )

Where: FZC is 6806 N when FZ is tensile

FZC is 6160 N when FZ is compressive
MYC is 310 Nm when MY is in flexion
MYC is 135 Nm when MY is in extension
FZ and MYOC are derived from the ATD instrumentation.

G K.3.7 These criteria are derived from American Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
(FMVSS), which require calculation of neck bending moment at the occipital. The
occipital is offset from the upper neck load cell in an ATD, and therefore a geometric

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correction factor is required; this depends on which ATD is used (these are taken from
the Hybrid III 50th percentile ATD user manual):
a) For the Hybrid III 50th percentile ATD, with a three-channel neck transducer:
Moment MYOC = MY (Nm) - 0.008763 (m) FX (N)
b) For the Hybrid III 50th percentile ATD, with a six-channel neck transducer:
Moment MYOC (Nm) = MY (Nm) - 0.01778 (m) FX (N)

K.4 Upper chest (thorax)

K.4.1 The maximum resultant chest acceleration (Amax) shall not exceed 60 g over any 3
ms interval.
K.4.2 If a standard ATD is used, this gives a single chest deflection measurement.
K.4.3 The maximum chest deflection (Dmax) shall not exceed 63 mm.
K.4.4 The viscous criterion (V*C) at any time t shall not exceed 1.0 m/s.
K.4.5 V*C shall be calculated using the following formula:
V * C = 1.3 × V (t ) × C (t )
Where: V(t) is the instantaneous chest velocity (m/s)
C(t) is the instantaneous chest compresssion
And C (t ) = D (t ) / 229
Where: D(t) is the instantaneous chest deflection in mm.

K.4.6 The combined thoracic index (CTI) shall not exceed a value of 1.0.
K.4.7 CTI shall be calculated using the following formula:

CTI = ( )( )
Where: Aint is 90 g
Dint is 103 mm
Amax is defined in clause K.4.1
Dmax is defined in clause K.4.3

G K.4.8 Localised chest or rib deflection, required to evaluate the maximum chest deflection,
the viscous criterion and the combined thoraxic index, cannot be reliably measured
using standard Hybrid III instrumentation. Localised loading to the lower ribs due, for
example, to a table edge, can actually give measurements indicating chest expansion.
Where this criterion is critical it is established practice to use a more applicable test
device (see clause H.1.4).

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K.5 Lower chest (abdomen)

K.5.1 The instantaneous abdominal deflection and velocity shall be measured:
a) The V*C at any time t shall not exceed 1.98 m/s; and
b) The peak abdominal compressive deflection shall not exceed 67 mm.V*C shall be
calculated using the following formula:
V * C = V (t ) × C (t )
Where: V(t) is the instantaneous abdominal velocity (m/s)
C(t) is the instantaneous abdominal compression
And C (t ) = D (t ) / DAB

Where: D(t) is the instantaneous abdominal deflection

DAB is the depth of the uncompressed abdominal device.

K.5.2 Alternatively, if a standard ATD is used, with no measurement of instantaneous

abdominal deflection, it is permissible to fit the ATD with a frangible abdomen device
to measure the maximum compression. In this case, the peak abdominal compressive
deflection shall not exceed 40 mm.

G K.5.3 The combined measurement of V*C and peak abdominal deflection will require the
use of an alternative test device, such as the Hybrid III RS ATD, as permitted by H.1.4.
G K.5.4 The use of a frangible abdomen device is a less reliable indication of abdominal injury
potential than the viscous criterion method. It was originally intended for automotive
use, considering the effects of seatbelts.

K.6 Leg
K.6.1 The tibial index (TI) shall be calculated using the following formula:

TI = | MM(t ) | + | FF(t ) |
c c

Where Mc is 240 Nm
Fc is 12 kN
M(t) is the instantaneous tibial bending moment
F(t) is the instantaneous tibial compressive force.

K.6.2 The maximum tibial compressive force shall not exceed 8 kN.
K.6.3 The peak femur compressive force shall not exceed 4.3 kN and the TI at any time t
shall not exceed a value of 1.3. It is permissible for the femur compressive force to
exceed 4.3 kN up to a maximum value of 5.7 kN subject to the maximum permissible
TI value linearly decreasing from 1.3 to 1.0 over the range 4.3 to 5.7 kN (see Figure 7).
K.6.4 The maximum knee displacement shall not exceed 16 mm.

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Figure 7: Leg injury criteria

G K.6.5 The objective in setting leg injury criteria is for the femur and tibia injury criteria to be
set at a level where the passenger is considered to be still able to leave the vehicle
with little or no assistance.
G K.6.6 The limiting values have been derived from sled test results and from an
understanding of what is practical and achievable for railway seats using existing
technologies. It is however considered desirable for future designs that the femur
load is limited to 4 kN and the TI to 1.0 which is considered to correspond to a
‘Moderate’ injury (20% risk of an Abbreviated Injury Score (AIS) of 2 or worse, where
AIS 2 represents an injury requiring brief hospitalisation but no long term effects).
G K.6.7 The 4.3 kN femur axial load threshold represents the failure load at the hip (mean – 1
standard deviation) and 5.7 kN the mean value (Rupp et al 2002). For comparison, 6
kN is the corresponding axial failure load for the femur (mean – 1 standard
deviation), 7.6 kN the mean (Rupp et al 2002).
G K.6.8 Revised intercept values for the TI are specified, Mc = 240 Nm and Fc = 12 kN
(Schreiber et al, 1997). The TI was formerly calculated using Mc = 225 Nm and Fc =
35.9 kN. The more significant change is in the value of MC, since for railway
applications the tibial axial force levels seen are generally very low.
G K.6.9 A direct shin load is not measurable using current instrumentation and where the ATD
legs make direct contact with a seat base the TI could, in some circumstances, be
misleading. Test experience however shows that a high TI is indicative of a high
probability of injury and an unsatisfactory design.

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Appendix L Residual space

L.1 Introduction

G L.1.1 In this appendix, residual space is defined primarily in the context of the dynamic
seat and table tests described in sections A.12.6 and A.13.3, and Appendix F.
G L.1.2 BS EN 15227:2008+A1:2010 (or BS EN 15227:2020 when published) sets out more
general criteria for passenger areas relating to permissible levels of deformation in
the primary structure.
G L.1.3 It is good practice to ensure that there is no conflict between the general
requirements and the specific requirements in this appendix.

L.2 Residual space envelopes for seated passengers

L.2.1 Reference residual space envelopes shall be constructed according to the dimensions
shown in Figure 8 and Table 5.

Figure 8: Reference residual space envelopes

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ATD Dimension Designation 95th 5th percentile

Letter percentile female (mm)
male (mm)
Total sitting height A 935 787
Shoulder pivot height B 549 445
Thigh clearance F 168 127
Buttock to knee length K 638 533
Popliteal height L 470 366
Buttock popliteal height N 503 427
Chest depth O 246 183

Table 5: ATD dimensions for construction of residual space envelopes

Key See Table 5 for dimensions in brackets

a Seat depth
h Seat height
β Seat back angle
X1 Maximum of (K) and (a + (K) - (N))
X2 Chest depth (O)
Y1 Seat height + thigh clearance: Maximum of (h + (F)) and ((L) + (F))
Y2 Shoulder pivot height: (B) + 50 mm
Y3 Total sitting height (A)
R1 0.5 × (thigh clearance (F))

G L.2.2 For a 95th percentile male ATD, if the minimum PRM TSI seat height of 430 mm is
assumed, Y1 will be the sum of the popliteal height (470 mm) and the thigh clearance
(168 mm), giving 638 mm. For a 5th percentile female ATD, for the same seat, Y1 will
be the sum of the seat height (430 mm) and the thigh clearance (127 mm), giving
557 mm.

L.3 Determination of residual space for seated passengers

L.3.1 Where it is required to maintain a residual space envelope, this shall be demonstrated
a) By analysis of dynamic assessment data, determining the minimum seat spacing
or pitch required to ensure that the residual space envelope required can be
maintained throughout the dynamic event; or

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b) By demonstrating, for a predetermined seat layout, that the residual space

envelope is maintained throughout the dynamic event. This could use, for
example, video analysis with marked limits or measurements.
L.3.2 Where it is not possible to demonstrate that the residual space envelopes defined can
be maintained under dynamic conditions using the methods set out in clause L.3.1, it
is permissible to use one of the following methods, or a combination of these, to
determine that sufficient residual space is maintained:
a) Include a 95th percentile male ATD or dimensionally equivalent dummy in a
rearward dynamic test. In this case, it shall be demonstrated after testing that:
i) The dummy has not been compressed or penetrated by any adjacent parts;
ii) The dummy can be removed by hand without removing seats, tables or
other items.
b) Include a 5th percentile female ATD or dimensionally equivalent dummy in a
rearward dynamic test. In this case, it shall be demonstrated after testing that the
dummy has not been compressed or penetrated by any adjacent parts.
c) Use measurement, simulation or calculation, using the true geometry of the ATD
corresponding to the residual envelope required.

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access panel A panel or other part which can be opened or removed for
maintenance using handles, a key or other simple hand tools.
Anthropomorphic Test Anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs) are full-scale crash test
Device (ATD) dummies that simulate the dimensions, articulation and mass
distribution of the human body, and are usually instrumented to
record acceleration, force and displacement data in simulated
vehicle impacts.
bodyside window Any window on the side of a vehicle, including cab side windows
and windows in external doors, behind which a person may be
buffers The fittings on the end of a railway vehicle, mounted at the sides
as separate units, designed to enable longitudinal compressive
forces to be transferred between adjacent vehicles.
coupler The element which mechanically connects the vehicles together.
coupling system The mechanical system, including buffers (where fitted), drawgear
and gangway (where fitted), that connects two rail vehicles
together, and the electrical and pneumatic connections (where
fitted) between vehicles.
crush Equivalent to "mass under exceptional payload" as defined in
BS EN 15663:2017+A1:2018. For passenger vehicles this is
normally fully seated with standing passengers at a density
appropriate to the vehicle type and operational route. For freight
vehicles this is the same as laden.
Note: This term may be applied equally to design mass and
operational mass, although there may be differences in
Note: For trains with fully reserved seating, such as Eurostar
operation, there will be no standing passengers.

drawgear A set of fittings used to connect railway vehicles for the purpose of
transmitting longitudinal forces between adjacent vehicles;
connection can be made manually or automatically.
external door A door on the side or end of a vehicle which provides access
between the outside and the inside.
failure Structural defect or defects, which render the vehicle no longer safe
for normal operation.
Note: Failure can arise from overload, fatigue loads,
corrosion, degradation or any combination of these.

free flight velocity The final or terminal velocity of an unrestrained object, when
subjected to a given acceleration or acceleration pulse.

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freight vehicle or wagon Vehicles designed and used for carrying payloads which do not
include people.
fully-overlapping table A table where the overlap from the seat centre-line to the lateral
edges of the table is greater than 160 mm in both transverse
gangway A throughway between two adjacent vehicles.
grab handle A short handrail provided for passenger support, typically intended
for a single user.
grab pole A predominantly vertical handrail provided for passenger support,
typically of sufficient height for a number of passengers’ use.
grab rail A predominantly horizontal handrail provided for passenger
support, typically of sufficient length for a number of passengers’
handhold A shaped protrusion, typically fitted to seat backs, to provide
passenger support but with limited grip compared to a grab
handle, grab rail or grab pole.
handrail A continuous component provided for passenger support.
interior Those areas of a vehicle, including all surfaces, furniture, fixtures
and fittings, furnishings and other equipment, which are accessible
to passengers, traincrew and personnel.
interior door A door which provides access from one part of the vehicle interior
to another part.
interlayer A layer or material acting as an adhesive and separator between
plies of glass or plastic glazing material which can also give
additional performance such as impact resistance.
jacking The action of raising a vehicle or part of a vehicle by pushing
upwards from underneath using appropriate equipment such as
jacking or lifting point Designated location or housing designed for supporting the weight
of a vehicle, or part of a vehicle, when using lifting jacks, lifting
brackets and slings, or other means of vertical or horizontal
laminated safety glass A sandwich construction comprising layers of glass or plastic
glazing material joined together with one or more interlayers,
where, in the case of breakage, the interlayer(s) retains the glass
fragments, limits the size of any opening, offers residual resistance
and reduces the risk of cutting or piercing injuries.
lifting The action of raising a vehicle or part of a vehicle by pulling
upwards from above using appropriate equipment such as cranes.
luggage rack Rack provided at ceiling height intended for stowing of relatively
light weight passenger items such as briefcases, holdalls and coats.

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luggage stack A floor mounted unit intended for stowing relatively heavy items of
passenger luggage such as suitcases.
multiple seats any group of seats which share common structures, sub-structures
or attachments, resulting in individual seat loadings acting in
Open Point Parameters that have been formally identified as in scope of a TSI
or Railway Group Standard for which no common requirement has
been agreed.
open wide gangway A throughway between two adjacent vehicles without internal
doors between the gangway and passenger areas and where the
internal width exceeds 1000 mm in part or in full.
partially-overlapping table A table that is neither a side table nor a fully-overlapping table.
post-yield plasticity The ability of a material to continue deforming in a plastic manner
after it has reached yield point, rather than suddenly fracturing.
primary impact The original or initial impact of a colliding vehicle with another
vehicle or object.
primary structures For the purposes of this document, primary structures are
considered to be those elements of a vehicle whose primary
purpose is to withstand or distribute the loads seen in normal
operation and in exceptional circumstances such as collisions or
derailments. Primary structural elements include:
a) Bodyshell
b) Bogies
c) Structural elements required for crashworthiness
d) Couplers and drawgear
e) Equipment rafts and cases
f) Jacking and lifting features

rail vehicle A vehicle designed for operation on a railway, excluding those used
within a possession only.
recovery The process of clearing the railway line of a vehicle that has been
immobilised as a result of collision, derailment, accident or other
rigid material a material, used in the vehicle interior, with a Shore 'A' hardness
above 50.
seat zone The area occupied by a seated passenger bounded by the
passenger’s seat and any table or seat situated in front, opposite
and adjacent, or the area occupied by a seated crew member
bounded by the crew member’s seat and any table, console or
structure in front.

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secondary impact Impacts which are provoked as a consequence of the primary

impact, such as passengers impacting other passengers or
impacting interior features of the vehicle.
secondary structural For the purposes of this document, secondary structural elements
elements are considered to be those elements of a vehicle which interface
directly with passengers or traincrew. Secondary structural
elements include:
a) Windscreens
b) Windows
c) Doors
d) Gangways
e) Interiors, for example, seats, tables, panelling and

side table A small table where the distance from the seat centre-line to the
lateral edge of the table is greater than or equal to 160 mm.
significant permanent Non-elastic deformation of a structure which results in permanent
deformation displacement from its normal position.
Note: Such displacement could be either visible or such that
the structure's normal function is adversely affected.

spalling The detachment of particles or spall from the inner face of the
windscreen or window, when the outer face is subject to impact.
survival space The minimum space occupied by a person necessary for that
person to survive.
tare Equivalent to "mass in working order" as defined in
BS EN 15663:2017+A1:2018.
Note: This term may be applied equally to design mass and
operational mass, although there may be differences in

tip-up seat A seat that is designed to fold away automatically when not in use.
train crew Members of the onboard staff of a train who perform designated
safety related tasks on the train, for example the driver or guard.
transverse seat A seat, typically part of a group installed transversely across the
vehicle, aligned with the longitudinal axis of a vehicle so that the
occupant is either sitting facing or back to the direction of travel.
trim panel A panel the presence or absence of which does not materially
change the strength or stiffness of the structure to which it is
windscreen A forward facing window.

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The Standards Catalogue gives the current issue number and status of documents published by
RSSB. This information is available from

RGSC 01 Railway Group Standards Code

RGSC 02 Standards Manual

Documents referenced in the text

Railway Group Standards

GMRT2400 issue six Engineering Design of On-track Machines in Running Mode.

RSSB Documents

RIS-2747-RST issue one Functioning and Control of Exterior Doors on Passenger Vehicles
RIS-2780-RST issue one Rail Vehicle Structures
RIS-2790-RST issue one Compatibility of Rail Vehicle Couplings and Interconnectors
RIS-3437-TOM issue two Defective On-Train Equipment
RSSB Research Report T066 Hybrid III Rail Dummy specification
RSSB Research Report T190 Crashworthiness of drivers' cabs: Report on consultations and
(2005) recommendations
RSSB Research Report T310 Review of injury data and human factors in recent rail accidents:
(2009) Detailed data analysis
RSSB Research Report T424 Engineering: Requirements for train windows in passenger vehicles
(2007) (Phases 1 to 7 and addendum)
RSSB Research Report Procedures for dealing with bodyside windows broken in service
T1024 (2015)

Other References

BS 857:1967 Specification for Safety glass for land transport.

BS EN 12337-1:2000 Glass in building. Chemically strengthened soda lime silicate glass.
Evaluation of conformity/Product standard.
BS EN 12337-2:2004 Glass in building. Chemically strengthened soda lime silicate glass.
Definition and description.
BS EN 12663-1:2010 Railway applications. Structural requirements of railway vehicle
+A1:2014 bodies. Locomotives and passenger rolling stock (and alternative
method for freight wagons).
BS EN 12663-2:2010 Railway applications. Structural requirements of railway vehicle
bodies. Freight wagons.

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Issue: Six
Rail Vehicle Structures and Passive Safety Date: March 2020

BS EN 13749:2011 Railway applications. Wheelsets and bogies. Method of specifying

the structural requirements of bogie frames.
BS EN 14067-1:2003 Railway applications. Aerodynamics. Part 1: Symbols and units.
BS EN 14067-2:2003 Railway applications. Aerodynamics. Part 2: Aerodynamics on open
BS EN 14067-3:2003 Railway applications. Aerodynamics. Part 3: Aerodynamics in
BS EN 14067-4:2013 Railway applications. Aerodynamics. Part 4: Requirements and test
procedures for aerodynamics on open track.
BS EN 14067-5:2006 Railway applications. Aerodynamics. Part 1: Requirements and test
+A1:2010 procedures for aerodynamics in tunnels.
BS EN 14067-6:2018 Railway applications. Aerodynamics. Part 1: Requirements and test
procedures for cross wind assessment.
BS EN 14752:2019 Railway applications. Body side entrance systems for rolling stock.
BS EN 15152:2019 Railway applications. Front windscreens for train cabs.
BS EN 15227:2008 Railway applications. Crashworthiness requirements for railway
+A1:2010 vehicle bodies.
BS EN 15551:2017 Railway applications. Railway rolling stock. Buffers.
BS EN 15663:2017 Railway applications. Vehicle reference masses.

BS EN 16186-1:2014 Railway applications. Driver's cab. Anthropometric data and

+A1:2018 visibility.
BS EN 16186-2:2017 Railway applications. Driver's cab. Integration of displays, controls
and indicators.
BS EN 16186-3:2016 Railway applications. Driver's cab. Design of displays.
BS EN 16186-4:2019 Railway applications. Driver's cab. Layout and access.
BS EN 16286-1:2013 Railway applications. Gangway systems between vehicles. Main
BS EN 16404:2016 Railway applications. Re-railing and recovery requirements for
railway vehicles.
BS EN 16585-2:2017 Design for PRM use. Equipment and components onboard rolling
stock. Part 2: Elements for sitting, standing and moving.
BS EN 1863-1:2011 Glass in building. Heat strengthened soda lime silicate glass.
Definition and description.
BS EN 1863-2:2004 Glass in building. Heat strengthened soda lime silicate glass.
Evaluation of conformity. Product standard.

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Issue: Six
Date: March 2020 Rail Vehicle Structures and Passive Safety

BS EN 45545-6:2013 Railway applications. Fire protection on railway vehicles. Fire

control and management systems.
BS EN 572-1:2012+A1:2016 Glass in building. Basic soda-lime silicate glass products. Definitions
and general physical and mechanical properties.
BS EN 572-2:2012 Glass in building. Basic soda-lime silicate glass products. Float glass.
BS EN 572-3:2012 Glass in building. Basic soda-lime silicate glass products. Polished
wired glass.
BS EN 572-4:2012 Glass in building. Basic soda-lime silicate glass products. Drawn
sheet glass.
BS EN 572-5:2012 Glass in building. Basic soda-lime silicate glass products. Patterned
BS EN 572-6:2012 Glass in building. Basic soda-lime silicate glass products. Wired
patterned glass.
BS EN 572-7:2012 Glass in building. Basic soda-lime silicate glass products. Wired or
unwired channel shaped glass.
BS EN 572-8:2012+A1:2016 Glass in building. Basic soda-lime silicate glass products. Supplied
and final cut sizes.
BS EN 572-9:2004 Glass in building. Basic soda-lime silicate glass products. Evaluation
of conformity/Product standard.
BS EN ISO 12543-1:2011 Glass in building. Laminated glass and laminated safety glass.
Definitions and description of component parts.
BS EN ISO 12543-2:2011 Glass in building. Laminated glass and laminated safety glass.
Laminated safety glass.
BS EN ISO 12543-3:2011 Glass in building. Laminated glass and laminated safety glass.
Laminated glass.
BS EN ISO 12543-4:2011 Glass in building. Laminated glass and laminated safety glass. Test
methods for durability.
BS EN ISO 12543-5:2011 Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass.
Dimensions and edge finishing.
BS EN ISO 12543-6:2011 Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass.
Directive 74/60/EEC Council Directive 74/60/EEC of 17 December 1973 on the
approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the
interior fittings of motor vehicles
Directive 96/79/EC Directive 96/79/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 16 December 1996 on the protection of occupants of motor
vehicles in the event of a frontal impact and amending Directive
Freight Wagons TSI Commission Regulation (EU) No 321/2013 concerning the
(WAG TSI) technical specification for interoperability relating to the

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Issue: Six
Rail Vehicle Structures and Passive Safety Date: March 2020

subsystem ‘rolling stock ‒ freight wagons’ of the rail system in the

European Union and repealing Decision 2006/861/EC.
Health and Safety at Work Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.
Locomotives and Passenger Commission Regulation (EU) No 1302/2014 concerning a technical
Rolling Stock TSI specification for interoperability relating to the ‘rolling stock ‒
(LOC & PAS TSI) locomotives and passenger rolling stock’ subsystem of the rail
system in the European Union.
MIL-S-13192P (1994) Department of Defense, Military Specification, Shoes, Men's Dress,
Oxford, Amendment 1.
PD CEN/TR 17373:2019 Railway applications. Railway rolling stock. Investigation of vehicles
position on the reverse curve tracks during running and calculation
of buffer overlap.
Persons with Reduced Commission Regulation (EU) No 1300/2014 on the technical
Mobility TSI (PRM TSI) specifications for interoperability relating to accessibility of the
Union's rail system for persons with disabilities and persons with
reduced mobility.
RAIB Report 20/2008 Derailment at Grayrigg 23 February 2007, v5 July 2011.
Regulation ECE 21 (1993) E/ECE/TRANS/505, Regulation No. 21. Uniform provisions
concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to their interior
Regulation ECE 94 Revision E/ECE/TRANS/505, Regulation No. 94. Uniform provisions
1 (2007) concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to the protection
of the occupants in the event of a frontal collision.
Regulations concerning the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) -
International Carriage of Appendix C: 1 January 2019, plus list of corrections NOT-
Dangerous Goods by Rail RID-19004 08.03.2019
Rupp et al 2002 Stapp Car Crash Journal, Vol.46, November 2002, pp 211-228: The
Tolerance of the Human Hip to Dynamic Knee Loading.
SAE J211/1 (2014) Society of Automotive Engineers. Surface Vehicle Recommended
Practice. Instrumentation for Impact Test - Part 1- Electronic
SAE J826 (2015) Society of Automotive Engineers. Surface Vehicle Standard.
Devices for Use in Defining and Measuring Vehicle Seating
Schreiber et al, 1997 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings, Hanover, September 1997, pp
99-113: Static and Dynamic Bending Strength of the Leg.
UIC 651:2002 Layout of driver's cabs in locomotives, railcars, multiple unit trains
and driving trailers, edition 4.
UIC IRS 50564-3:2018 Railway application - Rolling stock - Passive safety.

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