Támez, Margo. Life Is Our Resistance.
Támez, Margo. Life Is Our Resistance.
Támez, Margo. Life Is Our Resistance.
Earth. These run up and down the continent, followed by the rail-
road tracks above ground. The manufacturing centers are organized
near the railroads, which trace the rich deposits and the distribution
routes across the borders seamlessly. The zones of dispossession and
impoverishment are the industrialized pathways and circuits of
Indigenous women are also fundamentally challenging the Euro-
American states’ “legalized” formalizations of military and corpo-
rate transnational expansions through and across Indigenous
communities. Through exploitative and violent uses of technology,
weaponry, ground troops, and the construction of gulag-walls and
detention centers; and by warping and manipulating “democratic
law” vis-à-vis the concentration of “no-constitution zones” with and
through the coordination of politicians and the global private sol-
dier-police industry, the states have constructed wide corridors of
death zones for Indigenous peoples. This is just a facet of the con-
temporary architecture of a death-as power and extraction culture.
We must understand this in order to comprehend how laborers, cor-
porations, and states forge and shape multi-national mega-projects
and how Indigenous women understand their experiences and roles
at the intersections. Extractive mining projects; super-power haz-
ardous waste corporations that use Indigenous lands to conceal illicit
traffic and disposals; and “Mega-Projects” (security walls, virtual
walls and spy technologies, super highways); and the hyper-military
policing of Indigenous bodies are framed by the states of U.S., Mex-
ico, China, and Canada as “security” for the “prosperity” of “freedom
fighters” in the never-ending “war on terror.”
Indigenous women continually challenge the normalization of
warfare along the international border of the U.S. with Mexico and
are active in exercising the authority of families, and in securing nec-
essary food, water, medicine, and manufactured goods, which they
transport back and forth between the U.S. and Mexico on a daily
basis. While male family members are important to the process of
survival, it is the women who are the systems’ most active directors,
managers, and coordinators of resources, and their actions feed back
into their kinship circles and spheres, and this aspect of the transna-
tional work of Indigenous women is often undergrounded in impor-
tant ways. The establishment of checkpoints where there were none
before (Arizona); the reinforcement of older checkpoint infrastruc-
tures and the build-up of riot-style policing (South Texas); and the
upsurge in air-surveillance “killer” systems; and increased weapons
and boots on the ground are all forms of the states’ and the het-
eropatriarchal citizens’ collaboration to quash Indigenous civil re-
sistances and mobilizations. In this nexus, Indigenous women, their
families, and their close social networks are vital actors in human
rights defense within and across their traditional territories. These
communities form a key polity against encroachments of their sov-
ereign territories, and the infiltration of assimilative forces promoted
by the U.S. and Mexican states.11
Támez 287
From Indigenous peoples’ perspectives, the TGH set forth the col-
lateral legal construction of Indigenous peoples, who resisted geno-
cidal policies as “savages,” and the TGH specified language for the
states’ continuing partnership in their destruction.21 The TGH insti-
tutionalized the legal framework of the modern-industrial version of
dominion and infidel, the two pillars of Christendom and imperial-
ism.22 The state parties constructed the U.S.-Mexico border to con-
strain and segregate lineally related Indigenous peoples from each
other. The use of armed force to construct and control borders, and
designating the United States unilateral authority to manage the op-
erations against “savages” is the modern-industrial historiography of
Indigenous repression and genocides. The “Mexico border” is the
American cognate for a legal killing zone and a constitution-free
zone rooted in capitalism, war, and extermination.23
Támez 289
tain the peoples’ rights to the land and community.”35 Leal and her
comadres work to bridge the activisms of each colonia’s key leaders,
and at the same time to provide support and strength to women’s
antiviolence struggles within their homes, colonias, and in the nu-
merous struggles against “bad government.” Indigenous women
struggle to gain a voice in local colonia and municipal politics,
which have historically exploited and violated them, while uphold-
ing the patriarchal cult of “la familia” as Indigenous women’s tradi-
tional sphere of honor.
Ópata and Mayo frameworks are important because Leal’s work,
like that of thousands of Indigenous women organizers in the region,
is not isolated, occurring in a vacuum, or an anomaly. Rather, it is
grounded in local Indigenous politics, experiences and histories. Her
work, and the numerous women and men who operate in solidarity
with her, carry forward a much longer historical, intellectual, and
ancestral tradition of anticolonial alliance building in Mexico and
the bordered region that stems from revolutionary 18th century and
19th century precedents. Through the intersecting frameworks of
“labor,” “work-place,” “elder care,” “child care,” “education,”
“water,” “food security,” “collective squatter rights,” “mining,” and
“biological reproduction,” Indigenous women’s experiences and his-
tories crisscross many hubs and nodes of solidarities. Leal’s most re-
cent work in the Indigenous laborers’ uprisings in the mining
communities of Cananea and the human rights monitoring and de-
fense for the hundreds of thousands of “returned ones”36 are crucial
examples of resilience, endurance, and persistence of networked sol-
idarities which mirror the work of Indigenous grandmothers through-
out the construction of the mining industries in the 17th and 18th
wars, which she launches regularly on the Web using social net-
working tools, are articulated in both an “environmental justice”
frame, and through a “Peoplehood” discursive resistance to the ho-
mogenous aggregate of “the Native American citizen-hero” within
the U.S. For example,
[a] toxic waste treatment facility called Romic Southwest
sits in the Gila River Indian Community next to Chandler.
The U.S. EPA refuses to fine this company despite seri-
ous and repeat violations and the people who live and
work in the community have little means to do anything
about it. That is why dozens of people came out to de-
mand the toxic waste facility be shut down. People lined
both sides of the street near the facility holding signs and
banners. Speeches were made as the crowd rallied in an
open lot, listening to the stories of ill-health, similar strug-
gles that others are facing around the country, and en-
couragement. A walk to the location where the police
had blocked off the road to the Romic facility was made
twice during that day.38
conform and to “fit” inside the delimiting frames of the state and its
“citizens.” Rather, they invoke radically different collective narra-
tives, systems and processes that challenge imperialist, and fictive-
histories which legitimated state and citizens’ destruction as the
mitigating domain over Indigenous families. After a successful 10-
year, women-led grassroots battle against Romic Environmental
Technologies Corporation, Lori Thomas-Riddle remarked on the In-
digenous peoples’ de-colonial struggles:
Romic Environmental Technologies Corporation operates
a commercial hazardous waste “treatment” facility at
Lone Butte Industrial Park on the Gila River Indian Com-
munity, and they are authorized to store and “treat” hun-
dreds of highly dangerous toxic chemicals and toxic
metals. Romic accepts hazardous waste shipped from
around the world! Romic wants to expand the amount of
hazardous waste they store on site by about 50%! Romic
wants to add 15 new tanks to store additional hazardous
waste. This plant has existed since 1975 and has a terri-
ble history of violations including: hazardous waste
leaks, hazardous waste barrels stored in flooded areas,
missing inspection and monitoring reports, missing haz-
ardous waste labels, incomplete inspection logs, open
containers of hazardous waste. According to U.S. Envi-
ronmental Protection Agency inspection reports, the dan-
gerous practices have continued at the facility for
decades. U.S. EPA refuses to fine this company despite
serious and repeat violations. U.S. EPA never told the
community the truth about this hazardous waste com-
pany, its problems or risks, or the proposed big expan-
sion. EPA has allowed this company to operate for
decades without full permits or any environmental im-
pact report. In December 2002 Romic applied to U.S.
EPA for a permit to expand and continue operating, but
the EPA has failed to hold a public hearing where tribal
members could voice concerns.43
career nurse and Lt. Colonel in the Army Corps of Nurses, Támez re-
gained her strength through the community of scholar-activists
around her, who immediately surrounded her in a blanket of pro-
tection, and held an emergency press conference. True to the strate-
gies of Indigenous women, Támez worked directly with activists and
the media as her “organization.” By keeping control over the mes-
sage and the tools, Indigenous women along the U.S.-Mexico bor-
der stay focused on the local-global struggles as defined by women,
family and community-focused collectives.
Támez is quick to point out that the movement to stop the U.S.
border wall, with the Lipan Apaches of El Calaboz Ranchería, began
with the spiritual, mental, and physical focus of Támez’s prayers to
a deity, the Sacred Mother. One night, when we were discussing
strategies to unite small groups of allies with our movement, I asked
why she was going to ask the parish priest of St. Ignatius in El Ran-
chito for help. She stated:
I had a vision, from a prayer I made to our Mother.72 She
told me I needed to stand up and fight now and to go to
the parish priest, who is from Africa, and to tell him what
she told me. I did exactly that, and I was so happy to do
so. She was very direct to me. I knew I had to. She would
be there with us. I felt her.
Numerous media sources have asked her why she took a stand
against the government’s taking of their lands and construction of
the border wall, when so many people could not. She stated:
The reason I speak out about hanging onto our land is
because. . .the people here. . .we are humble people, we
respect [. . .] and we’re facing quite a challenge, and it is
important that my people know. . .it is important that we
stand up for our rights. Here are the remnants of the land
grant73 awarded to my people in San Pedro de Carricitos
back in 1767. I remember my father and grandfather used
to farm this side of the levee as well as land grandmother
had that went all the way to the river’s edge. There is no
dollar value for this land in comparison to those memo-
ries of how hard it was for my father, my grandfather to
carve life out for their families. We’ve always been here,
just here, always. We serve, we pay taxes, my father was
in military, I also served 17 years. . .I’m proud of it. No
thought was given to who will be harmed by [the gov-
ernment, the border wall]. Why do our people have to
sacrifice our land and lives for them?74
Margo García Támez (Lipan Apache, Jumano-Apache) received her
Ph.D. in the American Studies Program at Washington State University in
May 2010. Gratitude and acknowledgement is given to Eloisa García Támez,
Teresa Leal, and Lori Riddle for their contributions to this article, and sacri-
fices made. I wish to acknowledge Ayano Ginoza, Carmen Lugo-Lugo, Linda
Heidenreich and Judy Meuth for their incisive comments on earlier drafts of
this paper. Their suggestions added critical dimensions and insights. I also
acknowledge deep gratitude to Jenn Weldy, whose critical lenses and edi-
torial skills empowered this project. Any errors and faults in the article are
my own.
Angelique EagleWoman, “The Eagle and the Condor of the Western
Hemisphere: Application of International Indigenous Principles to Halt the
United States Border Wall,” Idaho Law Review, Vol. 45, No. 3, 2009, 1-18,
at http://ssrn.com/abstract=1440831, (accessed December 27, 2009).
American Civil Liberties Union. “Fact Sheet on U.S. ‘Constitution Free
Zone,’” ACLU.org. http://www.aclu.org/technology-and-liberty/fact-sheet-
Rosa Linda Fregoso, “‘We Want Them Alive!’: The Politics and Culture
of Human Rights,” Social Identities, Vol. 12, No. 2, March 2006, 114.
For more information about the work of Teresa Leal, see http://native-
(accessed December 27, 2009); for Lori Thomas-Riddle see O’odham Sol-
idarity Across Borders Collective, at http://oodhamsolidarity.blogspot.com/,
(accessed December 27, 2009); for Lori Thomas-Riddle’s work with Youth
United for Community Action (Palo Alto, CA) against Romic Environmental
Technologies, Inc., see http://www.youthunited.net/hl/index.php?content=
hl_highlights, (accessed December 27, 2009).
Robert A. Williams, Jr. The American in Western Legal Thought: The Dis-
courses of Conquest, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990).
See generally, Charles Gibson, The Aztecs Under Spanish Rule: A His-
tory of the Indians of the Valley of Mexico, 1519-1810, (Stanford: Stanford
University Press, 1964); Susan Schroeder, Stephanie Wood, and Robert Has-
kett, Eds., Indian Women in Early Mexico, (Norman: University of Oklahoma
Press, 1997).
Williams, Ibid.
Gibson, Ibid; James Lockhart, The Nahuas After the Conquest: A Social
and Cultural History of the Indians of Central Mexico, Sixteenth Through
Eighteenth Centuries, (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1992).
See generally, Schroeder, et al.
Many more than twelve Indigenous peoples’ communities are aborigi-
nal to the lands currently bisected by the U.S.-Mexico International Bound-
ary region, a 2,000-mile long militarized zone that has a North-South/
South-North girth of approximately 100 miles. The nation-states of the
United States and Mexico have, since the late colonial period (1752-1821),
worked perniciously to repress the resistances, histories, and knowledges of
many Indigenous communities.
Security and Prosperity Partnership, see generally, “SPP.GOV: A North
American Partnership: SPP Myths vs. Facts,” at http://www.spp.gov/
myths_vs_facts.asp, (accessed December 27, 2009); and Judicial Watch Inc.,
“Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America,” at http://www.judi-
cialwatch.org/SPP.shtml, (accessed December 27, 2009). “On March 23,
2005, heads of government Vincente Fox, George W. Bush, and Paul Mar-
tin launched the North American partnership at a meeting in Waco, Texas,
with the expressed goal of ‘a safer, more prosperous North America.’”
April Cotte and Enrique Madrid, “Overview of Border Patrol Activity in
Redford, Texas, 2007-2009.” Available upon request from the authors. “The
Redford River crossing was part of a prehistoric trade route for thousands of
years through the Indigenous pueblo, Tapalcolmes, later renamed El Polvo
then Redford. We will use El Polvo here to denote the part of Redford where
dirt roads dead end at the river crossing and there is the highest concentra-
tion of houses. Indigenous agricultural communities occupied this area con-
tinuously for 2000 years with artifacts dating 8 to 10,000 years line both
sides of the river for a 20 mile stretch around the crossing. People on both
sides of the river are related to each other and interdependent.”
Támez 309
The U.S.-Mexico Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848) and subsequent
treaties and covenants firmly established the international boundary cutting
across 2,000 miles of North America, thus militarizing and bifurcating thou-
sands of tribal, clan-based communities which were then forcibly re-orga-
nized through both U.S. and Mexico’s legal systems into a handful of “tribes”
and “nations.”
Romero-Lar, Fernando, Hyper-border: The Contemporary U.S.-Mexico
Border and Its Future, (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2008).
Romero-Lar, Ibid.
Interviews of Teresa Leal, Lori Thomas-Riddle and Eloisa García Támez,
August 2007.
Brian DeLay, War of a Thousand Deserts: Indian Raids and the U.S.-
Mexican War, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008).
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (hereinafter “TGH”) is an agreement
between the two States regulating, controlling and restructuring the com-
merce, currency, taxes, and the people between Mexico and the U.S. as ex-
pressed in Articles III, VI, VII, XVII, XIX, and XX.
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, at http://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_cen-
tury/guadhida.asp, (accessed December 23, 2009).
See also TGH, Article X, at http://www.southwest-books.org/treaty-
htm#articlex, (accessed December 23, 2009). It should be noted as well
that Article X, protecting land grants awarded to Indigenous and Hispani-
cized settler groups in lands previously in Mexico’s domain, was stricken
out, due to the contestation of the Republic of Texas. The TGH set forth that
land grants within the jurisdiction of Texas “shall not be obligatory upon the
State of Texas, in virtue of the stipulations contained in this Article.” “The
foregoing stipulation in regard to grantees of land in Texas, is extended to all
grantees of land in the territories aforesaid, elsewhere than in Texas, put in
possession under such grants; and, in default of the fulfillment of the con-
ditions of any such grant, within the new period, which, as is above stipu-
lated, begins with the day of the exchange of ratifications of this treaty, the
same shall be null and void.”
Williams, Ibid., 13-58.
EagleWoman, Ibid.
United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, United Nations
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, at http://www.un.org/esa/
socdev/unpfii/en/declaration.html, (accessed December 27, 2009).
The Texas-Mexico border, above all other corridors, consistently ranks
#1 for deprived living conditions imposed by capitalism, militarism, racism,
and structural violence socializing racial and ethnic stratification. Both State-
normed patriarchy and transnational oligarchical business and political ties
entangle the bonds of kinship and inter-marriages informing the complex In-
digenous, Hispanic, Anglo South Texas border “machine.”
Groups such as American Immigration Control Foundation, California
Coalition for Immigration Reform, Federation for American Immigration Re-
form, National Organization for European American Rights, NumbersUSA,
ProjectUSA, The Social Contract Press, Voices of Citizens Together/American
Patrol, and the Minute Men.
Southern Poverty Law Center, “Anti-Immigration Groups,” at
http://www.splcenter.org/intel/intelreport/article.jsp?sid=175, (accessed De-
cember 23, 2009); Ibid., Heidi Beirich, “The Teflon Nativists: FAIR Marked
by Ties to White Supremacy,” at http://www.splcenter.org/intel/intelreport/ar-
ticle.jsp?aid=846, (accessed December 23, 2009).
See Cynthia Bejarano and Rosalinda Fregoso, Terrorizing Women: Fem-
inicide in the Americas (Durham: Duke University Press, 2010). Also see
December 10, 2009 opinion of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
in the “Campo Algodonero vs. Mexico” case, accessible at Center for Jus-
tice and Accountability, at http://www.cja.org/article.php?id=724, (accessed
As members of sovereign, political entities their activism within State
legal spheres is complicated by the fact that their tribal nations are often the
strongest advocates for those definitions to remain in place, and reveals the
degree to which Indigenous populations are precariously and violently en-
tangled in capitalist and hierarchical institutions which work in multiplici-
ties to dispossess and violate numerous vulnerable Indigenous peoples.
See http://oodhamsolidarity.blogspot.com/, (accessed December 27,
See Ofelia Rivas’s interview at http://www.solidarity-project.org/, (ac-
cessed December 27, 2009). “Imperialism is not limited to lands across the
oceans, and the United States Government is currently engaged in the oc-
cupation of lands much closer to home.”
http://oodhamsolidarity.blogspot.com/ (accessed October 31, 2009).
Ana María Alonso, Thread of Blood: Colonialism, Revolution, and Gen-
der on Mexico’s Northern Frontier. (Tucson: University of Arizona Press,
1997), 46.
Eloisa García Támez, et al., Plaintiffs v. Michael Chertoff, Secretary, U.S.
Department of Homeland Security, et al., Defendants, Civil Action No.: B-
08-044, The Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Jus-
tice, The Texas-Mexico Border Wall, Lawsuits Filed Challenging
Government’s Actions, Affirmative Class Action Litigation—Tamez Family,
at http://www.utexas.edu/law/academics/centers/humanrights/border-
wall/law/lawsuits-government.html, (accessed December 27, 2009); See
also “Tamez Family Defensive Litigation,” The Bernard and Audre Rapoport
Center for Human Rights and Justice, The Texas-Mexico Border Wall, Legal
Action Against Property Owners Seeking Condemnation of Land, at
awsuits-property.html, (accessed December 27, 2009). The Támez case has,
by far, generated a large amount of defense litigation, and is best understood
in careful study through the case history, as well as through the sites pro-
duced by community members who work in alliance with the impacted
communities. See the Lipan Apache Women Defense at http://lipana-
pachecommunitydefense.blogspot.com/, (accessed December 27, 2009).
See Lipan Apache Women Defense, at http://lipanapachecommunity-
defense.blogspot.com/, (accessed December 27, 2009).
Enrique Gilbert-Michael Maestas and Daniel Castro Romero, Ndé: An-
thropological Report on the Cuelcahen Ndé: Lipan Apache of Texas, ©2004.
Treaty of Mission Valero de Bexar, August 19, 1749 (Spain); Land Grant of
San Pedro de Carricitos 1761 (Spain), Confirmed as #336, Texas Land Office;
Colonial del Nuevo Santander, March 15, 1791 (Spain); Agreement of the Al-
caldes de las Villas de la Provincia Laredo, August 17, 1882 (Spain); Live
Oak Point Treaty, January 8, 1838 (Republic of Texas); Tehuacama Creek
Treaty, October 9, 1844 (Republic of Texas; U.S. Government); San Saba
Treaty, October 28, 1851 (U.S. Government).
See National Network for Immigrant & Refugee Rights, at
http://www.nnirr.org/, (accessed December 27, 2009); The Center for Human
Rights and Constitutional Law at http://www.centerforhumanrights.org/, (ac-
cessed December 27, 2009); See The University of Texas at Austin, School
of Law, The Texas-Mexico Border Wall at http://www.utexas.edu/law/acad-
emics/centers/humanrights/borderwall/, (accessed December 27, 2009); See
The Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice, at
http://www.utexas.edu/law/academics/centers/humanrights/, (accessed De-
cember 27, 2009); Texas Civil Rights Project, at http://www.texascivilright-
sproject.org/, (accessed December 27, 2009).
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights/Organization of Ameri-
can States, at http://www.cidh.org/Comunicados/ English/ 2008/ 46.08eng.
htm, (accessed November 4, 2008).
See generally, David Ronfeldt, John Arquilla, Graham E. Fuller, and
Melissa Fuller, The Zapatista Social Netwar in Mexico, (Santa Monica:
RAND, 1998); Michael Dartnell, Insurgency Online: Web Activism and
Global Conflict, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, Inc., 2006); Margaret
E. Keck and Kathryn Kikkink, Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks
in International Politics, (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1998); Rob Kroes,
Them and Us: Questions of Citizenship in a Globalizing World, (Urbana:
University of Illinois Press, 2000); Jonathan Alexander, Digital Youth: Emerg-
ing Literacies on the World Wide Web, (Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, Inc.,
2006); Lisa Nakamura, Cybertypes: Race, Ethnicity, and Identity on the In-
ternet, (New York: Routledge, 2002).
José Palafox, “Opening Up Borderland Studies: A Review of U.S.-Mex-
ico Border Militarization Discourse,” in History is a Weapon, at http://
www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/palafox.html, (accessed December 27,
2009); Timothy Dunn, The Militarization of the U.S.-Mexico Border, 1978-
1992: Low-Intensity Conflict Doctrine Comes Home, (Austin: CMAS Books,
Eloisa García Támez, conversation with author while being followed
by two Customs Border Patrol squad cars, while en route to El Calaboz
Ranchería to monitor the U.S. DHS challenges to local Indigenous women’s
customary sovereignty, Brownsville, Texas, August 2008.
Eloisa García Támez, interview on file.
Margo Tamez, “Nádasi’né’ nde’ isdzáné begoz’aahi’ shimaa shini’ gokal
Gowa goshjaa ha’áná’idiłí texas-nakaiyé godesdzog.” [Translation: Returning
Lipan Apache Women’s Laws, Lands, & Strength in El Calaboz Ranchería,
Texas-Mexico Border], unpublished dissertation.
Margo Támez, Ibid.
See Benjamin Heber Johnson, Revolution in Texas: How a Forgotten
Rebellion and Its Bloody Suppression Turned Mexicans into Americans,
(New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003).
Támez, Ibid.
Irene Blea, U.S. Chicanas & Latinas within a Global Context: Women of
Color at the Fourth World Women’s Conference, (London: Praeger, 1997),
123-124. At the same time, Blea argues that women such as Esparza were
often eclipsed by the patriarchal-driven politics of the Indigenous peoples”
social movements, such as the Chicano movement, and that Indigenous
women’s work was rendered invisible through those structures. Community
member Margie Esparza noted to me that the traditional peoples of the
rancherías did not agree with Blea’s assignation of Francisca Reyes Esparza
as a “Chicana.”
Donald L. Chipman, Moctezuma’s Children: Aztec Royalty Under Span-
ish Rule, 1520-1700, (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2005).
These lands were granted to them by the sovereign agreement between
their ancestors and Spain. This agreement was later ratified by Mexico, the
State. This grant was confirmed by the Republic, and later the state of Texas.
Williams, Ibid., “The basic idea of the Church as a universal body, unit-
ing all peoples in Christ and hierarchically directed by the pope, God’s ap-
pointed representative on earth, can be traced to the earliest history of
Western Christianity” (15). The will to empire expressed in this central vision
of a universal order established through law and lawgiving is a distinctive
feature of the West’s colonizing discourse of conquest (17).
One Hundred Ninth Congress of the United States of America, At the
Second Session, “HR6061, Secure Fence Act 2006,” January 3, 2006, Li-
brary of Congress, Thomas, Bills & Resolutions, at http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-
bin/query/D?c109:4:./temp/~c109F8Du9W, (accessed April 9, 2009).
Bush, Ibid.
See Southern Poverty Law Center, Intelligence Report, “Anti-Immigra-
tion Groups” at http://www.splcenter.org/intel/intelreport/ article.jsp?sid=
Támez 313
175 (accessed April 10, 2009); Heidi Beirich, “New SPLC Report: Three
Leading anti-immigration groups share extremist roots,” February 3, 2009,
Southern Poverty Law Center, Hatewatch: Keeping an Eye on the Radical
Right, http://www.splcenter.org/blog/2009/02/03/new-splc-report-three-
leading-anti-immigration-groups-share-extremist-roots/. The Minute Men,
American Immigration Control Foundation, California Coalition for Immi-
gration Reform, Federation for American Immigration Reform, National Or-
ganization for European American Rights, NumbersUSA, ProjectUSA, The
Social Contract Press, The Stein Report, V-DARE, Voices of Citizens To-
gether/American Patrol, and the “independent” scholarly think tank, Center
for Immigration Studies are key ideological “centers” in this deployment.
Anthony S. Tangeman, Office of Detention and Removal, “Memoran-
dum for Deputy Assistant Director, Field Operations Division, Field Office
Directors, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Cus-
toms Enforcement, June 27, 2003.” Memorandum and full report on file with
Section 102 of the REAL ID Act of 2005, Public Law 109–13, Div. B,
119 Stat. 231, 302, 306 (May 11, 2005) (REAL ID Act) 8 U.S.C. 1103 note.
Margo Tamez and Daniel Castro Romero, Jr., “Lipan Apache History,
Culture, Sacred Sites, Archaeological Resources, and Ecological Rights in
the Lower Rio Grande, with respect to Cameron County and Titled Lands
Held by Lipan Apache Lineal Descendents, in the case of Eloisa Garcia
Tamez,” Reply for Interrogatories, 5th District, United States Federal Court,
January 21, 2009.
Ines Talamantez, “In the Space between Earth and Sky: Contemporary
Mescalero Apache Ceremonialism,” in Native Religions and Cultures of
North America: Anthropology of the Sacred, Lawrence E. Sullivan, Ed. (New
York: Continuum, 2003).
Western Social Science Association, 2009 Annual Conference, program
at http://wssa.asu.edu/conferences/WSSAPROGRAM2009.pdf, (accessed
December 27, 2009).
Sacred mother of many Indigenous people with histories of coloniza-
tion under Spanish Catholic Mission systems; she is a deity which paralleled
the disapproved devotion to the Lipan Apaches’ original, ancestral cultural
holy mother, Na’ii’ees Isdzanleshe, or White Painted Woman.
“Texas” has only been “Texas” for a very short period of Ndé (Apache)
people’s histories in land tenure in the region, in contrast to Ndé people’s
land tenure in the much larger Southern Athapaskan territory which today
includes: Texas, Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Sonora,
New Mexico and Arizona. The “American Colonies” and the “Declaration
of Independence” were still kernels in the imagination of (undocumented
and illegal) immigrants in New England at the time the King of Spain au-
thorized “charters” such as “Tejas” and imposed a “porcion” (fractionated
lands) upon the Lipan Apache. This land tenure formation with colonials
and pre-state entities in Southern Athapaskan territory, predates both asen-
tamientos de indios and “Indian Reservations” as some of the earliest forms
of Indigenous containment in North America.
Eloisa García Támez, interviewed by Melissa del Bosque. “Why I Speak
Out,” The Texas Observer. March 7, 2008. At http://www.texasobserver.-
org/web_features/border_interviews/?page=brownsville-1, (accessed Sep-
tember 8, 2008).
Smith, Andrea. Excerpted from “Indigenous Feminism,” 10/30/2006. At
http://www.un-instraw.org/revista/hypermail/alltickers/en/0821.html, (ac-
cessed September 8, 2008).
In a recent press release dated January 5, 2010, LAW-Defense re-
sponded to the use of force by the United States, at http://lipanapachecom-
w.html, (accessed March 22, 2010).
See Daniel Ibsen Morales, “In Democracy’s Shadow: Fences, Raids, and
the Production of Migrant Illegality,” Legal Studies Research Paper Series,
Paper No. 1068, January 2009, University of Wisconsin Law School, at
http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1301598, (accessed De-
cember 27, 2009).
Ken Ellingwood, “Court Cites Failure by Mexico in Juarez Killings of
Women,” Los Angeles Times, December 11, 2009, at
2009dec11,0,7865590.story, (accessed December 27, 2009).
UNPFII, Ibid. See “Intervention Documents, Global Indigenous
Women’s Caucus—8th Session, UNPFII,” at http://lipanapachecommunity-
8th.html, (accessed December 27, 2009).
It is beyond the scope and focus of this paper to illuminate the many
complex ways that Indigenous peoples of the region are impacted by the
militarized U.S.-Mexico border. My hope is that this discussion will stimu-
late and prioritize productive research, collaboration and publication which
support this concern.
Aguilar, Delia. “Current Challenges to Feminism: Theory and Prac-
tice.” MR Zine: A Project of the Monthly Review Project.
http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/aguilar181006.html, (accessed
January 30, 2008).
Alonso, Ana María. Thread of Blood: Colonialism, Revolution, and
Gender on Mexico’s Northern Frontier. Tucson: University of Ari-
zona Press, 1997.
American Civil Liberties Union. “Fact Sheet on U.S. Constitution
Free Zone.” http://www.aclu.org/privacy/37293res20081022.-
html, (accessed June 14, 2009).
Amnesty International, Maze of Injustice: The Failure to Protect In-
digenous Women from Sexual Violence in the USA. New York:
Amnesty International Publications, 2006.
Andreas, Peter. Border Games: Policing the U.S.-Mexico Divide.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000.
Angel, Bradley. Director and Co-Founder, GreenAction for Health
and Environmental Justice. http://www.greenaction.org/, (accessed
June 24, 2009).
Banda, Fareda and Christine Chinkin. Gender, Minorities and In-
digenous Peoples. London: Minority Rights Group International,
Barr, Juliana. Peace Came in the Form of a Woman: Indians and
Spaniards in the Texas Borderlands. Chapel Hill: The University
of North Carolina Press, 2007.
Beckett, Megan and Anne R. Pebley. “Ethnicity, Language, and
Economic Well-Being in Rural Guatemala.” http://www.rand.org/-
labor/DRU/DRU2845.pdf, (accessed June 14, 2009).
Bonnassie, Pierre. From Slavery to Feudalism in South-Western Eu-
rope. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
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