PGP Handbook 2010-11
PGP Handbook 2010-11
PGP Handbook 2010-11
A. INTRODUCTION ................................................................... 3
1. Programme Objectives .................................................. 3
2. Special Features of PGP at IIMI ..................................... 3
3. Academic Calendar........................................................ 4
4. Pedagogy ....................................................................... 4
5. Courses .......................................................................... 4
6. Credits............................................................................ 5
7. Credit load ..................................................................... 6
8. International Exchange Programme.............................. 7
C. FACILITIES......................................................................... 21
24. Library & Computing Facilities................................... 21
25. Placement activites.................................................... 21
26. Students Activities Council (SAC)............................... 21
27. Bank ........................................................................... 21
28. Academic Administration .......................................... 21
29. Complaints Committee Against Sexual Harassment . 21
Batch of 2009-2011......................................... 25
Minimum 12 12 12 60
Maximum 24 24 24 64
A participant, who would choose an elective course mix of 60 credits, is allowed to take a
maximum of eight-credits worth of audit courses in the second year with not more than four
credits in a term. Similarly, a participant, who would choose an elective course mix of more
than 60 credits, is allowed to take a maximum of twelve-credits worth of audit courses in the
second year with not more than four credits in a term.
A list of first year courses for the Academic Year 2010-2011 is given in Appendix 1. Brief
descriptions of core courses are on the intranet 202010-11.htm
Batch 2009-2011
A first-year participant from the Batch 2009-2011 has to satisfactorily complete 86 credits of
core courses spread over Terms I, II and III. A second-year participant is allowed to take a
minimum of 58 and a maximum of 62 credits of elective courses in addition to 2 credits of core
courses (which are offered in Term IV), subject to the following term-wise restrictions:
A participant, who would choose an elective course mix of 58 credits, is allowed to take a
maximum of eight-credits worth of audit courses in the second year with not more than four
credits in a term. Similarly, a participant, who would choose an elective course mix of more
than 58 credits, is allowed to take a maximum of twelve-credits worth of audit courses in the
second year with not more than four credits in a term.
A list of the first year courses for the Academic Year 2010-2011 is given in Appendix 2. Brief
descriptions of core courses are on the intranet 20course%20AY%
A list of the second year term IV courses for the Academic Year 2009-10 is given in Appendix 3.
Participants have the option of studying in a reputed partner-institution abroad during Term V,
provided they satisfy the selection criteria. First year PGP participants, who are interested in
International Students Exchange Programme (ISEP) will register during the second term when
the PGP Office announces the date for registration.
Grade Conversion
Credits covered outside IIM Indore (courses approved by the PGP EC, IIMI) will be transferred
on hourly basis, as shown below:
Credit Requirement
The participant under ISEP will balance their remaining credit load in 4th and 6th terms and If
the credit load comes in decimal point (e.g. 49.2) then participant will take additional credit
load to cover at least minimum required credit load as per the requirement of the programme.
The grading system at the exchange institute will be the criteria for having passed or failed in
that term.
Participants going on the exchange programme are required to attend at least 75% of the
classes at the host institute. Participants will produce a certificate of attendance for the host
business school.
Act as Ambassadors of the Institute
It is imperative that participants going on the exchange programme act as ambassadors of the
Institute (IIMI). They must conduct themselves in a responsible and dignified manner while
studying at the university abroad.
Incorporation of Grades
Grades earned at other B-Schools during exchange programme will not be incorporated in the
second year/final grade sheet, and will be mentioned separately. In case “F” grade is obtained
in any course, participant will be allowed to take equivalent credit load in the sixth term to fulfil
minimum requirement. The CGPA earned in IIM Indore only will be counted to decide gold
medals / scholarships or any other academic award.
PGP Committee is the policy making body of the Post Graduate Programme. It consists of all the
faculty members and is headed by Chair, PGP.
PGP Executive Committee is the sub-committee of PGP Committee and is responsible for all
operational matters of PGP, under the overall policy framework provided by the PGP
Committee. It consists of ex-officio members and faculty members nominated by the Director
and is headed by Chair-PGP.
All participants are required to register on the notified registration day or the first day of each
term unless permitted by the PGP Chairperson to register later.
A participant who fails to register on the specified dates will be deemed to have left the
programme, and would be allowed to register only after he/she has obtained permission from
the PGP Chairperson who will charge a late registration fee which in no case will be less than
Rs.5000/- (Rupees five thousand only).
In addition to the late registration fee, late payment fees of Rs.100/- per day will be levied in
case the payments are not made on time.
1. The details of fees payable by each participant are given in Appendix 4 & 5. Payment of fees
for each term has to be made by the participants at the beginning of the term on the day of
2. Term fees will have to be paid on the due date.
3. Those who fail to clear all their dues in a particular term will not be permitted to register
for the next term.
4. The results of the first year PGP participants who fail to clear all the dues (including the late
fees) by middle of March of the academic year will be withheld and a late fee @ Rs.100/-
per day will be charged until the payments are made. Those who fail to clear all the dues
along with the late fees by the date of registration of the second year will not be permitted
to register for the second year of the programme.
5. The Diploma of the second year participants who fail to clear all dues (including the late
fees) by end of February of the academic year will be withheld and the late fee @ Rs.100/-
per day will be levied, until the payments are made.
6. No refund will be allowed on tuition fee for any term in which the participant has been
registered. The fee for Hostel would be waived for participants going on the International
Students Exchange Programme (ISEP) during Term V provided they vacate their hostel
room. On request, if available, a room for keeping luggage will be provided in the Hostel.
6. Prior permission is required to obtain leave. Leave application should be made in the
prescribed format (yellow form), available in the PGP Office.
7. With effect from this academic year, participants would not be permitted to take leave
during the last two sessions of a course. In case two instructors teach a course, participants
would not be permitted to take leave during the last session taught by each of the
instructors. This is irrespective of the course credits. Taking leave during the last two
sessions, when a course is taught by one instructor and the last sessions when two
instructors teach the course would result in the leave being treated as “unauthorised leave”
resulting in a grade cut. Waiver would be considered only for cases of hospitalisation, in
Indore, as recommended by the Institute's Medical Officer.
8. In case of illness, PGP Office should be informed by e-mail. Formal application should be
made within 2 days of returning from leave.
9. Failure to submit the leave application within 2 days would result in being marked as
unauthorised absence.
10. If a participant is absent without prior permission and if satisfactory explanation is not
obtained, unauthorised absence will be assigned to the session for which the participant
was not present.
11. For each unauthorised absence a grade cut of 0.5 will be imposed. If unauthorised absence
exceeds 4 sessions in any course, permanent “F” grade will be awarded.
12. For a participant hospitalised in Indore on the advise of the Institute's doctor a grade cut
waiver may be considered on case by case basis.
13. Grade cut on account of participants attending competitions in the approved list of
institutes will be considered for waiver on case-by-case basis.
14. If participants are leaving the campus, they will have to take prior permission from the PGP
Office. Leaving campus without authorization will attract disciplinary action.
15. In the case of participants whose absence in a course is more than what is specified above
for whatever reason, the PGP Office shall automatically award a permanent 'F' to the
concerned participant in that course and inform the concerned course instructor
accordingly. This 'F' replaces whatever grade the course instructor might have awarded to
the participant on the basis of various components of evaluation.
16. The penalties awarded under (5) above are final and are not appealable.
17. The above rules will override any individual course specific rules for attendance set by the
course instructor.
If a participant, whose approved absence in a course is less than 7 sessions for a 4-credit
course, less than 5 sessions for a 2-credit or 3-credit course, misses any quiz, mid-term and/or
end-term examination or other components of evaluation, the concerned course instructor has
the discretion either to award an “F” for the missed component or to conduct a make-up
examination or give a make-up assignment with or without a cut in the grade so obtained or
extrapolate the grades obtained in other components to the missed component. The decision
of the instructor in this regard will be final.
16.1. Grading of Individual Courses
1. Course instructors may use different components of evaluation like
· Class participation;
· Quiz (announced or unannounced);
· Take home assignments/ tutorials
· Project assignments;
· Individual / Group Presentations
· Oral examination;
· Mid term examination; and
· End term examination.
2. Courses of two credits will have at least two components of evaluation while courses of
more than two credits will have at least three components. The weightage of any one
component will not be more than 50%. Individual evaluation (as against group evaluation)
components will constitute at least 60%. Mid-term and end-term examinations, if any, will
have a minimum weightage of 20% and 30% respectively. A course instructor may decide,
with the approval of the Area, not to have any written component of evaluation.
3. Shorter duration quizzes will be conducted by the course instructor during class hours.
Longer duration quizzes and mid-term/end-term examinations will be conducted by the
PGP Office at pre-announced timings.
4. A five-point scale will be used for evaluating participants in individual courses.
Grade A B C D F I
DescriptionExcellentGoodSatisfactoryLow Pass Fail Incomplete
(Final Grade
5. For each component of evaluation, generally marks are first awarded which are next
converted into letter grades with the instructor deciding the range of marks for each letter
grade. The component-wise letter grades are then converted into numerical values (up to
four decimal points) by using the Grade Conversion Table given in Appendix 1.
The values, so obtained by a participant in various components of evaluation in a course,
would be added and the sum would be divided by 3 to obtain the final course grade points
which will then be converted into a final letter grade for the entire course by using the
following conversion table:
Grade 3.55 to 2.55 to 1.55 to 0.55 to 0.00 to
Point 4.33 3.54 2.54 1.54 0.54
Grade A B C D F
6. The instructor should specify the grading plan in the course outline. Course coordinators
should ensure that the components of evaluation, the weights attached to them and the
grading plan for a course taught by different instructors in different sections are identical.
7. Normalization grading pattern would be adopted i.e. 'A' grade and 'D&F' grade would be
assigned from 0 to 15 percent depending on whether it is an individual or group component
and 'B' grade and 'C' grade would be from 30 to 50 percent.
8. If a participant has not fulfilled the academic requirements of a course, he/she may be
assigned “I” (Incomplete) grade temporarily, representing non-completion of the academic
requirements of the course. First year PGP participants must complete any such incomplete
course work before they proceed for their summer assignment. In case of a second year
participant, such incomplete course work of a particular academic term should be
completed within the course of the following term. A sixth term “I” has to be completed
well in time to graduate. If for any reason, the participant fails to complete the course
within the time stipulated by the course instructor and/or the PGP Office, then the “I”
grade would be automatically converted into an “F” grade.
9. If a participant misses one or more components of evaluation with prior permission, the
following procedure will be followed:
· Initially, the participant will be awarded “I” (incomplete) grade. “I” is a temporary
grade, not intended to be shown as a final grade in a course.
· When the participant completes the make-up requirements as specified by the course
instructor within the specified time, “I” will be replaced by the final grade (A, B, C, D, F)
awarded for that component by the instructor.
· In case the participant fails to complete the make-up requirements as indicated in (b)
above, the instructor will give an “F” for the missed component(s) of evaluation.
· In any case, the decision of the instructor to provide a make up component of
evaluation or not is final.
6. The grades given by an instructor in any component of evaluation are final. The instructor
will not be called upon to justify the grades as long as they conform to the norms. A
student, who desires clarification on the grade/s awarded, may discuss the matter with the
concerned instructor/s within 4 days after receiving the grades. If any grievance regarding
grading is not resolved through discussion with the instructor or if the instructor is not
available in station, the concerned participant may refer the matter to the PGP Chairperson
in writing within 2 days thereafter, who will then discuss the matter with the course faculty,
if required.
16.2. Grade Point Average (GPA)
GPA for a term is the weighted average of the grade points obtained in the courses registered
for by a participant in that term, the weights being the respective course credits.
16.3. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
CGPA, as at the end of a term/year, is the weighted average of the grade points obtained in all
the courses registered for by a participant up to and including that term/year, the weights
being the respective course credits.
16.4. Deficit Credit Points (DCPs)
Grades “D” and “F” will carry DCPs as follows:
· A "D" will carry one DCP in a one-credit course, two DCPs in a two-credit course, three
DCPs in a three-credit course, four DCPs in a four-credit course and so on.
· An "F" will carry two DCPs in a one-credit course, four DCPs in a two-credit course, six
DCPs in a three-credit course, eight DCPs in a four-credit course and so on.
· Total number of DCPs will be calculated by adding the number of DCPs accumulated by
obtaining both "D"s & "F"s during the academic year.
1. Course instructors are required to communicate:
· to participants the marks obtained in quizzes as soon after the event as possible but
not beyond two weeks;
· to participants and PGP Office the marks/grades for the mid-term and end-term
examinations as soon as possible, but in not more than five weeks from the date of the
examination; and
· to the PGP Office, within five weeks of the end of the term, the final course grades.
2. Instructors may communicate the component-wise marks directly to participants, while the
final course grade is communicated to the participants by the PGP Office.
3. The PGP Office will communicate to participants their final letter grades in various courses
along with GPA and CGPA.
CGPA and Deficit Credit Points (DCP) will be the two criteria that will be used (i) to promote a
participant from first year to second year and (ii) to award the Diploma to the second year
18.1. Criteria for Promotion
1. A first-year participant will qualify for promotion to the second year if he/she satisfies the
following two criteria:
· He/She should have CGPA of at least 2.0 at the end of the first year.
· He/She should not have accumulated more than twelve DCPs at the end of the first
2. A participant, who does not satisfy either one or both of the criteria mentioned in 1 above,
shall be given the option of repeating the first year of the programme or withdrawing from
the programme.
3. However, a participant, who is repeating the first year of the programme, will have to
compulsorily withdraw from the programme if he/she fails to satisfy the criteria in 17.1.
18.2. Criteria for Award of Diploma
1. A second-year participant, who has satisfactorily completed the summer project, will
qualify for the award of the Diploma if he/she satisfies the following two criteria:
· He/She should have CGPA of at least 2.0 at the end of the second year.
· He/She should not have accumulated more than ten DCPs at the end of second year.
2. A participant, who does not satisfy either one or both these criteria and who has not
already repeated the first year, will be given an opportunity to make up for the shortfall in
CGPA and/or DCPs either by repeating the course(s) in which he/she has obtained a D or F
or by choosing a new elective course offered in Term IV of the next academic year. As and
when such a participant makes up the shortfall in CGPA and/or DCPs by successfully
completing the required number of course credits, the PGP Office would issue a Provisional
Certificate. The Diploma would be awarded to him/her at the Institute's next Annual
3. A participant, who does not satisfy either one or both of the criteria mentioned in 1 above
and who has already repeated the first year, will be asked to withdraw from the
To promote excellence in management education and instil competitive spirit among the
participants, the institute offers a number of merit-based scholarships and awards. Most of the
scholarships are awarded in the second year of the programme.
19.1. Industry-Sponsored Merit Scholarships
These scholarships are awarded in the second year of the programme to the top academic
performers during their first year of the programme. Currently, the following scholarships are
· One scholarship of Rs.50,000/-, sponsored by Eicher Motors.
· One scholarship of Rs.1,50,000/-, sponsored by State Bank of Indore.
Eligibility criteria for the industry-sponsored, merit-based scholarship:
? The participant must be in the top 10% of the batch,
? The participant should not have an 'F' grade in any course, and
? No disciplinary action should have been taken against the participant.
Gold Medals
Eicher Gold Medal is awarded to the 'Best All Rounder' of the batch.
Initial eligibility criteria for the Best All-Rounder:
· The participant must be in the top 25% of the batch in both 1st as well as 2nd year
· The participant should not have an 'F' grade in any course, during the entire programme,
· No disciplinary action should have been taken against the participant.
K.K. Alagh Gold Medal is awarded to the Overall Outstanding Performance – Woman
The eligibility criteria for the Overall Outstanding Performance – Woman:
· The participant must be in the top 25% of the batch in both 1st as well as 2nd year
· The participant should not have an 'F' grade in any course, during the entire programme
· No disciplinary action should have been taken against the participant.
· Overall CGPA of over 3.0.
· Demonstrated work in the community to promote the institute.
19.2. Institute's Scholastic Awards
“The Indian Institute of Management Indore Award for Best Scholastic Performance” is given
every year to four participants from graduating class.
· IIM Indore Gold Medal for Scholastic Performance (Rank 1)
· IIM Indore Gold Medal for Scholastic Performance (Rank 2)
· IIM Indore Gold Medal for Scholastic Performance (Rank 3)
· IIMI's Gold Medal to the Best Woman Participant for scholastic performance.
The preliminary list of participants for consideration of awarding the medal would be selected
based on the following criteria;
· The participants should be in the top 10 per cent of the batch in the first year.
· The participants should also be in the top 10 per cent of the batch of the second year class,
based on the CGPA.
· Information pertaining to all the terms will be taken into account in deciding the award of
gold medal.
In addition, the award is given only if the student's CGPA is:
· 3.2 and above in the first year;
· 3.2 and above in the second year;
· 3.3 and above cumulatively for the first and second years.
(The CGPA would be assessed on the basis of the weightages of the courses taken at the
Institute in the first and second years)
· The student has not obtained “F” Grade in any courses.
· The student has not violated academic discipline during the two years of the programme.
[In case of a tie in CGPA, wherever it is used as a criterion, for scholarships or awards, digits
up to 8 decimal points will be used to find out the relative position].
19.3. Need-based Financial Assistance Scheme
Apart from merit based scholarships mentioned above, the Institute also has “Need-based
Financial Assistance (NBFA)” scheme to provide financial support to needy PGP participants.
The eligibility criteria for NBFA for academic year 2009-2010 - was that all participants admitted
to our PGP whose gross annual family incomes did not exceed Rs.4,50,000 during the financial
year are eligible to apply for scholarship up to full tuition fee under NBFA. The objective of the
financial assistance scheme is to provide adequate financial aid opportunities so that no
applicant is deprived of pursuing the programme due to financial constraints. Family income is
taken to mean the income of parents/ guardians and spouse. The need of the participants is
determined on the basis of various parameters relating to the financial position of the
participant and his/her family. Participants who wish to avail of this assistance should apply for
the same in a prescribed form along with the required documents. These forms could be
obtained from the PGP Office.
19.4. Loans
The institute has also made arrangements with banks and financial institutions to provide loans
for all needy participants to finance their educational expenses at IIMI.
The “Post Graduate Diploma in Management” will be conferred on all participants who at the
end of second year have fulfilled all the conditions and requirements for the award of the
Diploma at the Institute's Annual Convocation held at the end of each academic year.
1. The Institute expects its participants to conform to strict norms of integrity, honesty and
good conduct in all their dealings. It also expects the participants to abide by the rules of
the Institute both in letter and spirit.
2. Ragging of fresh participants by the senior participants, in whatever form, is strictly
prohibited. As per Government norms and judicial directions, any incident of ragging will be
viewed extremely seriously. The UGC Regulations on curbing the menace of ragging in
higher educational institutions 2009 is on the intranet at:
3. Smoking, drinking and eating in the classroom is strictly prohibited.
4. Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the campus is strictly prohibited.
5. Marking proxy attendance for others or having attendance marked by others will attract
severe punishment leading to expulsion
6. Mobile phones, communication devices, cameras and audio-video gadgets (either switched
on or off) are not allowed in the classrooms and during other academic activities such as
examination, quizzes, guest lecture etc. The Institute will confiscate any such gadgets
7. Cases of indiscipline or misconduct in classes, irresponsible behaviour inside or outside the
classes, use of unethical practices during the summer placement or violation of the rules of
the programme will be severely dealt with.
8. Any form of dishonesty including attempts to copy or help others copy in any manner is
strictly prohibited.
9. Unless specified otherwise by the instructor, participants must not collaborate in any
manner in completion of home assignments and projects. All sources of information and
ideas used for completion of the assignments and projects must be explicitly
acknowledged. In other, words, the non-referenced part of the answer as presented to the
instructor should be the independent work of the participant(s).
10. Rules regulating the conduct of quizzes and examinations are given in Appendix 6.
11. Canvassing for grades is strictly prohibited.
12. Instructors will be free to adopt any measure to penalise participants for breach of
academic discipline. Any such violations and measures taken by the instructors will be
reported to the Chair PGP. Instructors may also choose to report the incident to the Chair
PGP recommending disciplinary action against the involved participant.
In the event of any PGP participant not adhering to the academic discipline and general
conduct expected of him/her, a complaint could be registered against the participant(s)
concerned. Inquiries into such complaint(s) is/are conducted by a Disciplinary Committee. The
composition of the committee will be informed to the PGP participants.
On receiving a complaint against a participant or acting suo moto, the Chair PGP shall initiate
disciplinary action against any participant for any alleged misconduct. In such cases, the
following procedure shall be adopted:
1. The Chair PGP seeking an explanation for the breach of discipline will issue a letter to the
involved participant.
2. On obtaining the response from the involved participant the matter will be discussed in the
PGP Executive Committee (EC). If the Executive Committee is not satisfied with the
response of the involved participant, it shall refer the matter to the PGP Disciplinary
Committee (DC) for inquiry. The participant would be given an opportunity to explain
his/her case before the DC. The DC may call others also for facilitating the inquiry. At the
conclusion of the inquiry, the DC shall forward its findings and recommendations to the EC.
The EC shall either exonerate the participant or impose any one or more of the following
· Fine
· Public apology
· Confiscation of mobile phones, communication devices, cameras, and audio-video
gadgets found in classrooms and other prohibited places
· Suspension from classes or the hostel for a specified period
· Additional academic assignment(s) or project work
· Scaling down grades obtained in one or more courses
· Awarding a permanent 'F' grade in the course concerned
· Repeating the course
· Suspension, withdrawal or made ineligible for scholarships or participation in
management festivals, International Student Exchange Programme
· Withdrawal of Placement services
· Community service
· Expulsion from the Institute
· Any other
3. Notwithstanding the academic regulations mentioned above, the Chair PGP is empowered
to refer to the PGP Executive Committee any deserving case for review. The PGP Executive
Committee will review such cases and take appropriate decisions/actions.
4. A participant, who is aggrieved by the penalty imposed by the PGP Executive Committee
under clause (2) above, has the right to appeal, within 7 days of the date of intimation of
the penalty imposed, in writing to the Director, through the PGP Chairperson. The decision
of the Director on such an appeal shall be final.
Details about the Library and the computing facilities available in the Institute are given on
the website at the following links.
The Placement Committee helps, guides, and counsels second year participants in securing
suitable permanent placement by bringing them in touch with prospective employers. No
leave of absence from class is given for attending placement interviews.
An elected body of the PGP participants manages the co-curricular and extra curricular
activities on the Campus. SAC coordinates and participates in activities in the following
areas: sports, social & cultural, placement, academic affairs, hostel, mess, infrastructure
and publications.
27. BANK
An extension counter of the State Bank of Indore is located in the institute premises. The
bank also has locker facilities, which may be made use of by participants. State Bank of
Indore ATM is at the main gate of the Institute.
The Director is the chief academic and administrative head of the Institute. He appoints
various Committees to advise and assist him in the management of different activities of
the Institute. Each Committee will have a Chairperson and several members. In addition,
there are also Chairpersons for different academic Areas of the Institute. The list of
Chairpersons of Committees and Areas is given as Appendix 7. The contact details of other
administrative personnel are given as Appendix 8.
The Institute has a committee against Sexual Harassment to look into all complaints against
sexual harassment received from participants, staff, faculty or other personnel connected
with the Institute. More information on this Committee is given on the intranet. The link is'ment%20Committee.pdf
Appendix 2: List of PGP1 courses for the Academic Year 2010-2011
4 Operations Management-I 4
5 Organisational Behaviour-I 4
6 Decision Analysis 3
7 Society, Business and Management-I 2
8 Written Analysis & Communication-I 2
Total 27
Term II
1 Finance-I 4
2 Legal Aspects of Business 4
3 Macroeconomics 4
4 Managerial Accounting and Control-II 4
5 Marketing-II 4
6 Organisational Behaviour -II 4
7 Information System for Managers-I 3
8 Managing Uncertainty 3
9 Society, Business and Management-II 2
10 Strategic Management-I 2
11 Written Analysis and Communication-II 2
Total 36
Term III
1 Finance-II 4
3 Operations Management-II 4
4 Strategic Management-II 4
8 Research Methodology 2
Total 25
Total in PGP 1 88
APPENDIX 3: List of Term IV Courses for Batch of 2009-2011
A. Core Courses
Area Course Name Credit
Strategic Strategic Management Management
B. Elective Courses
Area Course Name Credit
Economics Game Theory & Its Applications 2
Finance & Security Analysis & Portfolio 4
Accounting Management
Corporate Banking 2
Fixed Income Securities 2
Options Futures & Other Derivatives 2
Project Appraisal & Finance 2
Quantitative Foundation of Financial 2
Retail Banking 2
Treasury Management 2
Information ERP 2
Marketing Brand Management 4
Consumer Behaviour 4
Market Research 4
Marketing of FMCG 4
Operations Supply Chain Management 4
& Quantitative
Strategy International Business Strategy 4
New Product Development 2
Note: The acceptance fee will be adjusted against the 1st installment fee.
Tuition fee includes books and course material, computer, library, alumni, SAC and
medical facility. Medical facility includes a dispensary at the institute where first aid and
other routine medical treatment is given. Basic medicines would be provided in the
dispensary. For other drugs, doctors will give prescription, which participants have to buy
on their own. Participants will be covered by a Mediclaim policy. A scanned copy of the
Insurance policy is on the intranet.
* To be adjusted at the end of the year against actual mess bills
NRI candidates may either submit the fee by demand draft or remit the same to the following
bank account:
Bank Details for Inward Swift Transfer of Funds
Economics Dipayan D.
Finance & Accounting Yogesh Maheshwari
General Management Abha Chatterjee
Human Resource Management & Kamal K. Jain
Organisational Behaviour
Information Systems Prabin Panigrahi
Marketing Sabita Mahapatra
Operations Management & Quantitative U.K. Bhattacharya
Strategic Management Prashant Salwan
APPENDIX 8: Contact Details of Administrative Personnel
Dept./Designation Name E-Mail Extn.
Admission & Financial Aid Andrews Armstrong 685
Front Office Satendra Rawat 666, 9
Information Tech (IT)
Department Anil Koushal
Programme Officer (MDP) S. 753
PGP Office Evelyn Jobe 650
Jay J John 655
Tapesh Parihar (PGP 1) 654
Anup R Malleri (PGP 2) 652
Swati Bilaiya (PGP 2) 653
Shyam Rao (Distribution) 656
Officer (Students Affairs) K.R. Unni 760
Officer (Estate) S.M. Vaidya 615
Placement Office Jigar N. Kantharia 660
FPM Office Mukesh Chaudhary 675
Stores & Purchase Officer Salim 630
Officer Transport Ajaya Kumar Dash 604
Resident Doctors Baldev Dembani
Hira Gupta 782