Guideline 55: Cleaning and Disinfection of Food Factories: A Practical Guide (Second Edition)
Guideline 55: Cleaning and Disinfection of Food Factories: A Practical Guide (Second Edition)
Guideline 55: Cleaning and Disinfection of Food Factories: A Practical Guide (Second Edition)
Guideline 55
Phil Voysey
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For many years, cleaning chemical suppliers have helped food manufacturers in the design and
implementation of cleaning and disinfection programmes, including the writing of cleaning schedules, as
part of their service package. However, as dictated in, for example, many retailer codes of practice, the
development of a hygiene management system (including cleaning and disinfection programmes) is a site
The first edition of Campden BRI Guideline 55 [G55] (the forerunner of this document) was written in
2008 with the aid of chemical suppliers and other stakeholders. The intention was to publish a definitive
guidance document on the design, implementation and control of cleaning and disinfection programmes
for the benefit of the whole of the food and drink industry. This, in turn, would enable the industry to
own and develop suitable, robust cleaning and disinfection programmes.
In 2019 it was decided to update G55 in the light of changes to cleaning and disinfection practices
(including the focus on removal of allergens), as well as changes to cleaning chemicals, equipment and all
other aspects relating to this topic. The revised guideline which you are currently reading also focuses on
issues relating to the impact on the environment of using chemicals.
The document is aimed at technical, operational or hygiene managers who are involved with designing
and implementing the cleaning and disinfection programme.
A series of “how-to” videos, illustrating how some key and fundamental aspects of factory cleaning and
disinfection should be carried out have been produced in association with the revised guideline. The
topics for these videos are:
• Cleaning a drain
• Writing an effective cleaning instruction
• Choosing the right detergent for your plant and equipment
• Effective allergen cleaning
Chapter 5: Cleaning and disinfection chemicals: their selection, use and storage 37
5.1 Detergents 37
5.1.1 Types of detergent 37
5.1.2 Factors affecting choice 40
5.2 Sanitisers 43
5.3 Disinfectants 44
5.3.1 Chemical disinfectants 44 Types of chemical disinfectant 45 Factors affecting choice 49 Factors affecting efficacy 54 Disinfectant testing 55
5.3.2 Other disinfectants 56
5.4 Selection use and storage of cleaning and disinfection chemicals 57
5.4.1 Chemical selection 59
5.4.2 Cleaning and disinfection chemical use 59 Health and safety 59 Storage 59 Dosing equipment 60 Ring main systems 60
Annex: Cleaning and disinfection methods and chemical choice decision trees 105
Chapter 10: Cleaning and disinfection programme validation and target setting 140
10.1 Visual cleanliness 141
10.2 Freedom from soiling 142
10.3 Freedom from microorganisms 143
10.4 Target setting 143
Abbreviations 178
References 180
Appendix 1
Eliminating Coronavirus from a factory environment using cleaning chemicals 187