Tap Stand Construction
Tap Stand Construction
Tap Stand Construction
Mambo Village
By Ernest Liu and Crystal Wong
July 2013
Formwork Construction
1. Cut 3cm thick timber planks to the following sizes for the outer
formwork of the base:
70cm x1
4cm circular
Formwork Construction
2. On a flat surface, assemble the timber planks for the outer formwork of
the base as follows.
Ta k e c a r e t o n o t h a m m e r t h e n a i l a l l
the way in to allow for easy formwork
r e m o va l l a t e r.
Formwork Construction
4. Cut plastic pipe to the following size for use as spacers :
4cm x5
5. Cut and bend a 10mm diameter steel bar to the following dimensions:
Formwork Construction
6. Cut ½ inch steel pipe to the following dimensions and use thread cutter
on both ends:
62cm 30cm
7. Collect ½ inch pipe fittings and assemble pipe as follows:
Use tape at
and screw
tightly to
To be fitted on later, after prevent
fixing pipe in place in the leakage of
formwork w a t e r.
Formwork Construction
8. Cut 3cm thick timber planks to the following sizes for the inner
formwork of the base:
Formwork Construction
9. Place spacers, steel mesh, and L-shaped steel bar inside formwork and
assemble inner formwork on top of spacers, steel mesh, and L -shaped
steel bar as follows:
Hammer the
nail all the way
10cm in to avoid
having the nail
protrude into the
actual concrete
Take care to not
hammer the nail
all the way in to
allow for easy
formwork 10cm NOTE:
removal later. L-shaped steel
bar should be
under steel
Formwork Construction
10. Put pipe in place, fit remaining pipe through hole in the base
formwork, and fit remaining pipe fitting on to end of pipe extending
beyond formwork.
Use tape at all
connections and
screw tightly to
prevent leakage
o f wa t e r.
11. Ti e p i p e t o L - s h a p e d s t e e l b a r u s i n g s t e e l wi r e s .
Formwork Construction
12. Cut 3cm thick timber planks to the following sizes for the formwork for
the post:
12cm x2
18cm x1
18cm x1
10cm x1
4cm x1
Formwork Construction
13. Assemble formwork for post as follows, ensuring the tap end of the pipe
can fit into the opening made in the formwork for the post, and insert
small block into opening in formwork above tap.
• Make sure pipe • Position pipe so that the • Make sure there is a gap between
and tap are inner edge of the formwork the edge of the mesh and the
vertical is at the center of the formwork on all four sides. DO
connecting fitting, in order NOT allow mesh, L-shaped steel
to ensure that the tap b a r, a n d p i p e t o t o u c h f o r m wo r k .
extends appropriately
beyond the concrete
Make sure gap
pipe and tap
are vertical
gap gap
Formwork Construction
18. T h o r o u g h l y m i x c e m e n t , s a n d , a n d g r a v e l t o g e t h e r.
19. Make hole in middle of cement, sand, and gravel mixture. Add 1 bucket
( 2 0 L ) o f w a t e r t o h o l e a n d m i x t h o r o u g h l y. A d d w a t e r a s n e e d e d f o r
w o r k a b l e c o n s i s t e n c y b u t m a k e s u r e t h a t t h e m i x t u r e i s n o t t o o r u n n y.
27. Create a mixture of cement and water and apply to smooth the surface
of the tap stand. Wait at least 1 day after application of the cement
and water mixture before transporting the tap stand to site for
28. L i f t t a p s t a n d o n t o l o r r y. Ta k e c a r e n o t t o p u s h t h e p o s t o f t h e t a p
stand when lifting the tap stand. Secure tap stand on lorry with ropes
to help prevent damage of tap stand during transportation.
Site Preparation and Installation
29. Select suitable location for placement of tap stand, taking into
account the location of the existing water pipe and any gutter for
33. Place some large rocks in front of the tap stand where the water
drains to.
35. Te m p o r a r i l y s t o p w a t e r s u p p l y.
36. Disconnect pipe to existing tap stand and connect to new tap stand.
Use tape at all
connections and
screw tightly to
prevent leakage
o f wa t e r.
37. Cover exposed pipe on ground with soil. Also place soil around tap
stand so that the base of the tap stand is half embedded in the soil.
Site Preparation and Installation