Gratitude Resentment and Appreciation Scale (GRAT) - Short Form
Gratitude Resentment and Appreciation Scale (GRAT) - Short Form
Gratitude Resentment and Appreciation Scale (GRAT) - Short Form
Watkins, P. C., Woodward, K., Stone, T., & Kolts, R. L. (2003). Gratitude and happiness:
Development of a measure of gratitude, and relationship with subjective well-being. Social
Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 31, 431-452.
Instructions: Please provide your honest feelings and beliefs about the following statements
which relate to you. There are no right or wrong answers to these statements. We would like to
know how much you feel these statements are true or not true of you. Please try to indicate your
true feelings and beliefs, as opposed to what you would like to believe. Respond to the
following statements by circling the number that best represents your real feelings. Please use
the scale provided below, and please choose one number for each statement (i.e. don't circle the
space between two numbers), and record your choice in the blank preceding each statement.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
I strongly I disagree I feel I mostly I strongly
disagree somewhat neutral agree agree with
about the with the the
statement statement statement
_____ 1. I couldn't have gotten where I am today without the help of many people.
_____ 2. Life has been good to me.
_____ 3. There never seems to be enough to go around and I never seem to get my share.
_____ 4. Oftentimes I have been overwhelmed at the beauty of nature.
_____ 5. Although I think it's important to feel good about your accomplishments, I think that
it's also important to remember how others have contributed to my accomplishments.
_____ 6. I really don't think that I've gotten all the good things that I deserve in life.
_____ 7. Every Fall I really enjoy watching the leaves change colors.
_____ 8. Although I'm basically in control of my life, I can't help but think about all those who
have supported me and helped me along the way.
_____ 9. I think that it's important to "Stop and smell the roses."
_____ 10. More bad things have happened to me in my life than I deserve.
_____ 11. Because of what I've gone through in my life, I really feel like the world owes me
_____ 12. I think that it's important to pause often to "count my blessings."
_____ 13. I think it's important to enjoy the simple things in life.
_____ 14. I feel deeply appreciative for the things others have done for me in my life.
_____ 15. For some reason I don’t seem to get the advantages that others get.
_____ 16. I think it's important to appreciate each day that you are alive.
The following items should be reverse scored: 3, 6, 10, 11, 15.
The following items form the Lack of a Sense of Deprivation (LOSD) factor: 2, 3, 6, 10, 11,
The following items form the Simple Appreciation (SA) factor: 4, 7, 9, 12, 13, 16.
The following items form the Appreciation for Others (AO) factor: 1, 5, 8, 14.