Construction Materials and Testing: Laboratory Manual
Construction Materials and Testing: Laboratory Manual
Construction Materials and Testing: Laboratory Manual
Legazpi City
Class Schedule
The Materials and Testing Course provides credit for three hours lecture
and three hours laboratory work per week. The laboratory testing has
been earned so that each test may be performs within the three-hour
C. The reduction of rough data, once the testing is complete and group has
secured its own data, the data will be reduced and all necessary
computations will be made. Each student will secure a copy of all data and
calculations before leaving the laboratory room.
Some of the test will require that someone will check on the test day
following the laboratory period. The group may delegate one person to do
this. However, each group will be responsible for securing any data
Experiment No 1
Aggregates are neither porous, nor solid particles. Water is absorbed by the
particle in the pore spaces, which may be relatively shallow or may extend well
into the aggregate particle.
The moisture condition of aggregate particles can be:
1. Dry, over-dry or no moisture content.
2. Saturated, surface-dry-all pores filled with water, no moisture film on the
3. Wet-pores saturated and surface moisture present.
For specific gravity calculations, either the mass in the dry condition or the
mass in the saturated, surface-dry condition can be used. The volume can be the
net volume (i.e. the volume particle, excluding the volume of the pore space that
can be filled with water) or the volume (i.e. the volume of the particle, including
In this test the particles are soaked, and then their mass is measured (1) in
air, (2) submerged, and (3) after drying in the oven. The difference between
mass when dry and mass when submerged equals the mass of water displaced
by the aggregate. Since the mass of water displaced in grams equals the volume
of water displaced in cubic centimeters, the net volume of the aggregates can be
1. Wash approximately 2 kg of coarse aggregates. Soak for 24 hours.
2. Pour off water, and then roll the aggregates in a towel until the surface
moisture is removed. Wipe the larger pieces individually. The surface
moisture film, which shines, must be removed, but the particles must not
be allowed to dry out, as this means that absorbed water is being
3. Obtain the mass (saturated surface dry condition).
4. Place the sample in the wire basket and obtain the mass submerged.
5. Dry the sample in the oven.
6. Measure the mass.
Experiment No. 2
TITLE : ____________________________________________________
Objective : ____________________________________________________
Mass saturated, surface dry, MSSD _______________________ gms.
Experiment No. 3
As with coarse aggregates, fine aggregates are porous and absorb water.
Relative density can be calculated using the mass (including or excluding the
mass of absorbed water) and the net or bulk volumes (the latter including the
volume of absorbed water). A sample of wet sand is slowly dried. The moisture
film around the sand grains holds the grains together, due to surface tension in
between grains disappears. However, at that time the absorbed water, which
does not evaporate until the surface water is gone, is still in the aggregate and
can, therefore, be measured.
TITLE : ____________________________________________________
Objective : ____________________________________________________
Bulk relative density RDB = =
Saturated, surface dry RDSSD = =
Apparent relative density RDA= =
B+ A−C
500− A
Absorption %Abs= x 100=
Analysis/ Conclusion:
Experiment No. 4
This method of test covers a procedure for determining in the field, the
amount of surface moisture in coarse aggregates by displacement in water. The
accuracy of the method depends upon accurate information on the bulk specific
gravity of the material in a saturated surface dried condition. The same
procedure, with appropriate changes in the size of sample and dimensions of the
container, may be applied to fine aggregates.
A. Determination by Weight.
Fill the graduated cylinder to the mark with water and determine the weight in
grams. Empty the cylinder and place enough water in it to cover the sample.
Introduce the weighed sample of coarse aggregates into the cylinder and remove
the entrained air. Fill the cylinder to the original mark, and determine the weight
in grams. Calculate the amount of water displaced by sample, as follows:
V S = WC + Ws – W
VS = weight of water displaced by sample, g.
Ws = weight of sample, g.
B. Determination by Volume.
Measure the volume of water, ml., sufficient to cover the sample and place
in the cylinder. Introduce the weighed sample of coarse aggregates into the
cylinder and remove the entrained air. Determine the combined volume of the
sample and the water by direct reading when a graduated flask is used. When
using a pycnometer or volumetric flask, determined the combined volume of
the sample and the water by filling to the mark with a measured volume of
water. Calculate the amount of water displaced by the sample as follows:
VS = V 2 - V 1
TITLE : ____________________________________________________
Objective : ____________________________________________________
Analysis/ Conclusions:
Experiment No.5
Sieve Analysis
Fine Aggregates
Coarse Aggregates
Fineness Modulus:
Fineness modulus is an index number which is roughly proportional to the
average size of the particles in a given aggregate. It is computed by adding the
cumulative percentage coarser than each of certain sieves and dividing by 100.
(Note: even though some materials may be retained on the pan, it is not
considered in the sieve and does not enter into computations for fineness
modulus. In addition, if sieves other than those standard sieves listed above are
not used, they are not used directly in the computations and any material
retained on such sieves should be considered as being retained on the next
smaller sieve of the series used in the computation, e.g., any material retained on
a 1" sieve should be added to the 3/4" sieve for the purpose of the fineness
modulus computation. However, the amount and percentage of the 1" material
would appear in the tabular listing in the analysis).
TITLE : ____________________________________________________
Objective : ____________________________________________________
Coarse Aggregates
U.S. Sieve Size Weight Percentage Cumulative % Passing
Size Opening Retained Weight Percentage
(mm) (gms) Retained Weight
1" 25.00
3/4" 19.0
1/2" 12.50
No.4 4.75
Fine Aggregates
U.S Sieve Size Weight Percentage Cumulative % Passing
Size Opening Retained Weight Percentage
(mm) (gms) Retained Weight
No.4 4.75
No.8 2.38
No.20 0.850
No.50 0.300
No.100 0.150
No.200 0.075
Experiment No. 6
Determination of Unit Weight/ Dry Rodded Density of Course Aggregates
The widely used ACI method of concrete design uses the dry rodded
density of coarse aggregates. The most economical concrete mix contains the
maximum amount of coarse aggregate particles. Therefore, the coarse
aggregates is placed in a container of known volume, and then rodded and
worked to get as many pieces as possible in the container; the resulting density
is measured. If the concrete mix can be designed using this amount of coarse
aggregate, the amounts of sand, cement, and water required to fill the spaces
between the coarse aggregate will be minimum.
1. Tamping rod
2. Balance, 30kg. Cap
3. Construction pail
4. Container of known volume as follows:
Experiment No. 6
TITLE : ____________________________________________________
Objective : ____________________________________________________
Experiment No. 7
The purpose of this experiment is to determine the strength of wood under
compressive loading.
1. Compression machine
2. Load indicator
3. Bearing blocks
4. 2” x 2” x 6” wood specimen
5. Measuring scale
1. Measure the cross section and length of the specimen to the nearest
0.01 in. Record the dimensions of the specimens.
2. Place the specimen in the compression machine.
3. Apply the load continuously until the specimen fails.
4. Observe the changes in shape of the specimen. Record the maximum
5. Draw a sketch in perspective, indicating the grain of wood and the
manner of failure.
6. Compute the compressive strength.
TITLE : ____________________________________________________
Objective : ____________________________________________________
Analysis/ Conclusions:
Experiment No. 8
TITLE : ____________________________________________________
Objective : ____________________________________________________
Analysis/ Conclusion:
Experiment No. 9
L = span length
b = width
h = height
TITLE : ____________________________________________________
Objective : ____________________________________________________
Analysis/ Conclusion:
Experiment No. 10
1. Compression machine
2. Wood specimen
3. Shear tool apparatus
4. Measuring scale
1. Measure the dimension of the specimen to the nearest 0.01 in. Record
the dimensions of the specimens.
2. Place the specimen in the shear tool apparatus.
3. Apply the load at a continuous rate until the specimen fails.
4. Observe the changes in shape of the specimen. Record the maximum
5. Draw a sketch in perspective, indicating the grain of wood and the
manner of failure.
6. Compute the shearing stress.
TITLE : ____________________________________________________
Objective : ____________________________________________________
Experiment No. 11
The test seeks to determine the moisture content of wood sample. This
test is necessary since variation of moisture content will affect the results that will
be obtained in the various test of wood. All wood samples tested for strength
undergo this test.
1. Oven
2. 2” x 2” x 2” wood specimen
3. Triple beam
Moisture Content = (weight of water / oven dried weight of wood sample) x 100
Experiment No. 11
TITLE : ____________________________________________________
Objective : ____________________________________________________
Analysis / Conclusion:
Experiment No. 12
The amount that a sample of concrete, formed into a cone, slumps or falls
is a measure of consistency, or ease of placing and flowing.
1. Slump cone
2. Tamping rod
3. Meter stick
4. Hand trowel
5. Sample of concrete
6. Mixing board/bowl
Experiment No. 12
TITLE : ____________________________________________________
Objective : ____________________________________________________
Experiment No. 13
The purpose of the experiment are (1) to use the trial mix method described
herein after to determine optimum proportions of aggregates, cement, and water
for concrete to meet specified strength requirements, (2) to learn concreting
practice in the laboratory environment and (3) to observe the characteristic
properties of fresh concrete.
1. Using the given or established mix criteria, find the estimated quantities
required per cubic yard or cubic meter. The water requirement is obtained, the
cement requirements from the water/cement ratio, and the coarse aggregates
requirements. The amount of fine aggregates can be found by using the volume
method or by using the estimated total mass of concrete.
2. Calculate the amounts required for the trial mix. A batch of about 0.25 cu.
Ft or 0.007 cu. Meter should be mixed for each standard strength cylinder to be
3. If the aggregates are not saturated, surface dry condition, correct the
calculated batch quantities.
4. Measured out the indicated amount of each materials (water, cement, and
5. Dampen the mixing pan or mixer. Mix the cement and the fine aggregates
together. Add the coarse aggregates and mix. Add about 50 - 75 % of the water
and mix thoroughly. Add additional water, mixing constantly until the desired
consistency is reached (this may require more or less water than measured out).
Note the actual amount of water used and observe the quality of the mix.
6. Conduct a slump test and, if required, an air content test.
7. Remix the concrete, place in the volumetric container in three layers,
rodding each layer 25 times; level the surface of the concrete flush with the top of
the container, and obtain the mass of the concrete in the container.
8. Remix the concrete and cast the strength test cylinder and beam mold.
9. Before filling the concrete into cylinder molds, determine the weight of
each cylinder mold and record the weight in the data sheet. The cylindrical
concrete specimen shall be formed by placing the concrete in the cylindrical
molds into three layers of approximate equal volume. Each layer should be
rodded 25 strokes using a tamping rod. This treatment will help to consolidate the
concrete and to drive out the air bubbled trapped in the concrete. After the top
layer has been rodded, the surface of the concrete shall be stucked out with
towel. Three cylinder concrete specimen shall be made. Measure the weight of
each cylinder mold that is filled with concrete and record the weight in data sheet.
Cover each with a grease glass plate.
10. The beam specimen shall be formed by placing the concrete in a steel
beam mold in two layers with approximately equal volume. Each layer shall be
rodded with a stroke (one stroke per 2 square inches) cover the top surface of
the beam with greased plate.
11. After 24 hours test specimen shall be removed from the molds and stored
in a curing room.
12. Compute the unit weight of the concrete, the weight of materials for
making one cubic yard of concrete and cement factor for the concrete mix.
Record these results in the data sheet.
Experiment No. 13
Objective :
Water ______________
Experiment No. 14
1. Gravimeter method
2. Pressure meter method
3. Volumetric method
4. Chase method
Experiment No. 14
Objective :
Experiment No. 15
Test for Fineness of Cement
The finer cement has quicker action with water and gain early strength is
not affected. Fineness also gives it more cohesiveness and reduces the
separation of water at the top of concrete. However, the shrinkage and cracking
of cement concrete, which increase in rate of strength development, are higher
with finer cement.
Experiment No. 15
Objective :
Experiment No.16
Determination of Time of Setting of Cement
The initial set is a stage in the process of hardening of which any cracks
that may appear will not reunite. The concrete is said to be finally set when it has
attained sufficient strength and hardness.
1. Sample of cement
2. Triple beam balance
3. Vicat apparatus and rubber mold
4. No. 200 sieve
5. Mixing container/metal tray
6. Spatula
7. Tin cans
For ordinary Portland cement, the initial setting time should be less than 30
Experiment No. 16
Objective :
Experiment No. 17
Consistency of Standard Cement Paste
The common tests to determine consistency are the “slump test” and the ball
“penetration test”. These tests sieve only rough measures of consistency, but do
give satisfactory measures of this property for most practical work.
The principal factors affecting consistency are (1) the relative proportions
of cement to aggregate (2) the water content of aggregate (3) the size of
aggregate (4) the shape and surface characteristics of the aggregate particles
and (4)the fineness and type of cement and the kind and amount of a mixture.
The aim of this mixture is to find out for a given cement the quantity of
water to be mix to give a paste of normal consistency.
Essential Procedure:
Experiment No. 17
Objective :
Experiment 18
To ensure sufficient time to place concrete while it remains plastic,
a minimum limit is imposed on the time of “initial” set, which may be taken
as the condition of the mass when it begins to stiffen appreciable. ASTM
specification requires that initial set should not taken place within one
hour. Depending on the test used to determine it, initial set usually takes
place within two to four hours. To ensure that the cement will harden for
use, a maximum limit is imposed on the time of “final” set. ASTM
specification required that final set occurs within five to eight hours. The
condition of initial and final set is determined by the penetration of
standard needle or rods into a “heat” (straight) paste of specified
Experiment No. 18
Objective :
Experiment No. 19
The initial set is a stage in the process of hardening after which any
cracks that may appear will not reunite.
Essential Procedure:
Experiment No. 19
TITLE : ____________________________________________________
Objective : ____________________________________________________
Analysis/ Conclusion:
Experiment No. 20
Essential Apparatus:
Wedge Split
This term shall be used when the plane rupture makes an angle of
more than 45° with the top of the specimen.
Brooming or End-Rolling
Experiment No. 20
TITLE : ____________________________________________________
Objective : ____________________________________________________
Experiment No. 21
Essential Equipment:
1. Testing Machine
2. Bearing Bar
3. Plywood Strips
Testing Procedure:
2. Center one plywood strip along the center of the lower bearing block of
the testing machine. Place the cylinder on the plywood strip and align
so that the lines marked on the end of the specimen are vertical and
centered over the plywood strips. Place a second plywood strip
lengthwise on the cylinder and place a 2” x 12” steel bar over the
plywood strip. Lower the upper loading head until the assembly is
secured in the machine.
Experiment No. 21
TITLE : ____________________________________________________
Objective : ____________________________________________________
Experiment No. 22
This method covers the determination of the flexural strength of
small size concrete specimen by the use of sample beam with center point
AASMTO T 198-74
Essential Equipment:
1. Testing machine
2. Flexural testing machine attachment
Testing Procedure:
1. Measure the dimensions of the beam and record them in the data
2. Place the concrete beam in the flexural attachment and position the
assembly in the compression machine. Adjust the loading head
until it is contact with the top of the assembly.
3. Apply load slowly until beam breaks. Examine the type of failure.
Record the maximum load.
MR = 3PL / 2bh2
MR = Modulus of rapture
P = Maximum load applied
L = Span length
b = Average width of specimen
h = Average depth of specimen
Experiment No. 22
TITLE : ____________________________________________________
Objective : ____________________________________________________
Experiment No. 23
Determination of Compressive
Strength of Concrete Hollow Blocks
This test seeks to determine the ultimate compressive strength of
concrete hollow blocks. The procedure of the test is similar to the test for
compressive strength of concrete.
Essential Equipment:
Compression Machine
Testing Procedure:
Experiment No. 23
TITLE : ____________________________________________________
Objective : ____________________________________________________
Experiment No. 24
This purpose of this exercise is to determine the strength and
elastic and inelastic behavior of steel. The exercise will also be the basis
for the student to observe the behavior of the materials under load and to
study the fracture of the materials.
Essential Equipment:
Testing Procedure:
2. Place the specimen in the grips, make sure that the threaded ends
of the grips are threaded completely on to pull rods and that the
spherical seats are likewise threaded completely onto the pull rods
so as to assure that the threads will not be stripped during the
loading operation. The spherical seats insure that the loading will be
purely tensile in nature and that no bending moments will be
3. Attach the electronic extensometer securely to the specimen.
Connect the extensometer cable to the recorder. It is assumed that
the testing machine has been turned on. Adjust the extensometer so
that the drum in the recorder is activated.
4. Estimate the proportional limit and maximum load the specimen may
take and select a suitable load range accordingly on the testing
machine and a suitable load scale and deflection scale in the
5. Apply a small load to the specimen and adjust the extensometer
such that at a small load, the read-out mechanism in the recorder
are fully activated. The pen movement is driven by the loading dial
while the drum movement is driven by the extensometer movement.
6. Apply tensile load slowly and continuously until the maximum range
of the recorder movement has been reaches, or the maximum load
has been reached. Stop the machine (but hold the load) and remove
the extensometer. Measure the gage length of the specimen using
mechanical extensometer. Record that in data sheet.
7. Resume the load and take simultaneous reading of deformation
(using the mechanical extensometer) and load until the maximum
load has been reached. Continue to load the specimen slowly to
failure without taking any additional deformation reading. At this
stage, a necked region in tire specimen should be visible and final
fracture should occur in this region. Record the maximum load and
breaking load.
8. Remove the broken specimen from the machine. Observe location
and measure the gage length. Record that in the data sheet.
9. Plot two stress-strain curve. Compute all properties called for.
Experiment No. 24
TITLE : ____________________________________________________
Objective : ____________________________________________________
Experiment No. 25
This method describes a procedure for determining the penetration of semi-
solid and solid bituminous materials.
AASMTO T 49-74
Essential Equipments:
1. Penetration Apparatus
2. Penetration Needle
3. Sample Container
4. Water Bath
5. Transfer Dish
6. Timing Device
7. Thermometer
Testing Procedure:
1. Heat the sample with care, stirring when possible to prevent local
overheating, until it has become sufficiently fluid to pour.
2. Pour the sample into the container to the depth such that, when cooled to
the temperature of the test, the depth of the sample is atleast 10 mm.
greater than the depth to which the needle is expected to penetrate.
3. Pour two separates portioned for each variation in test conditions.
4. Loosely cover each container as a protection against dust and allow to
cool in an atmosphere at a temperature between 15 and 300 to 1 1/2 for
the small container and 1 1/2 to 2 for the larger.
5. Then place the two sample together with the transfer disk, if used, in the
water bath maintained at the prescribed temperature of test. Allow the
smaller (3 oz.) container to remain for 1-1/2 hour and the larger (6 oz.)
container to remain for 1 1/2 - 2 hours.
6. Clean the penetration needle with tolueness or other suitable solvent, dry
with a clean cloth, and insert the needle in penetrometer. Unless
otherwise specified place the 50 gm. weight above the needle, making the
total load of 100 gms. for needle and attachment.
Experiment No. 25
TITLE : ____________________________________________________
Objective : ____________________________________________________