Repeat MD316 Written Paper August 2019
Repeat MD316 Written Paper August 2019
Repeat MD316 Written Paper August 2019
For SECTION B, please write your answers in the space provided on the
answer sheet. Keep your answers concise.
Please write your name IN BLOCK CAPITALS and your student ID number in
the space provided on this page.
SECTION A (40 marks)
Q1. You are asked to review an obese 67-year-old female patient who has
become suddenly short of breath. She also complains of sharp right-sided
chest pain. Three days previously she underwent an elective right total hip
replacement. On examination she is afebrile, with a regular pulse rate of
103/min, blood pressure of 106/72 mmHg, and a capillary oxygen saturation of
92% on room air. What is the most likely diagnosis in this case?
Q2. A 72-year-old man has a harsh ejection systolic murmur heard over his
second right intercostal space. The murmur radiates to his carotid arteries and
is increased on expiration. The carotid pulse character is abnormal and the
apex beat is heaving in character. Which of the following pulse abnormalities
would you expect in this case?
Q3. What is the clinical significance of finding the physical sign of
xanthelasmata on a patient’s eyelids?
Q4. Which of the following physical signs is most consistent with a diagnosis
of Cushing syndrome?
Q5. In which of the following conditions would you expect to observe a raised
jugular venous pressure?
Q6. Which of the following abnormal physical findings is consistent with the
presence of cerebellar disease?
(a) Ataxia
(b) Cogwheel rigidity
(c) Expressive dysphasia
(d) Fasciculations
(e) Homonymous hemianopia
Q7. A 48-year-old woman complains of painful swollen joints in her hands and
wrists. Which of the following extra-articular features would point to a
diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis?
(a) Ascites
(b) Enlarged kidneys
(c) Erythema nodosum
(d) Iritis
(e) Obstructive lung defect
Q8. Which of the following risk factors for cardiovascular disease is not
included in either the printed or online version of the European Society of
Cardiology SCORE risk estimation charts?
Q9. Which of the following physical findings would you expect to elicit in a tall,
thin 33-year-old man with arachnodactyly, who presents with sudden onset of
right-sided chest pain?
Q10. In which of the following cases is a lesion in the stated cranial nerve
associated with the physical sign to which it has been paired?
Q12. Which of the following physical signs is typically associated with the
presence of mitral regurgitation?
Q14. Which of the following systemic conditions is correctly matched with the
corresponding skin lesion?
Q15. Opacification of the nail beds is most likely to be associated with which
of the following conditions?
(a) Emphysema
(b) Infective endocarditis
(c) Liver cirrhosis
(d) Psoriasis
(e) Thyrotoxicosis
Q16. A 32 year old man complains of back pain, bilateral sciatica, difficulty
urinating and numbness in a saddle distribution. What is the most likely
anatomical location for the underlying lesion in this patient?
Q17. An 82 year old man presents with a facial droop. He is concerned that he
may have suffered a stroke. Examination confirms the presence of a left-sided
facial nerve palsy with involvement of the whole left side of the face, including
the forehead. Which of the following underlying causes is most likely in this
Q18. Which of the following physical signs is statistically the most diagnostic
of thyrotoxicosis?
Q20. Which of the following physical signs is correctly matched with the
corresponding underlying neurological condition?
SECTION B (60 marks)
a. Give 4 questions which you would ask this patient in the history of the
presenting complaint to determine the cause of his haematuria. (4×0.5 marks)
b. List 1 cause, in each case, of (i) haemoptysis, and (ii) easy bruising. (2x1
a. ______________________________________________________________
b. (i)____________________________________________________________
The patient has a history of obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and arterial
hypertension, which he reports as being well controlled by his GP.
c. Name one specific renal complication which may result from: (i) diabetes
mellitus, and (ii) arterial hypertension. (2x1 marks)
d. Briefly explain how obesity acts as a risk factor for the development of type 2
diabetes mellitus. (2 marks)
c. (i)____________________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________________
Further questioning reveals the presence of 6kg involuntary weight loss over
the preceding 2 months and intermittent right-sided non-colicky abdominal
e. Identify 4 physical signs which may suggest that a patient has lost significant
amounts of body weight. (4x0.5 marks)
f. What is your differential diagnosis (2 unique diagnoses in each case) of: (i)
right upper quadrant, and (ii) colicky abdominal pain? (4x0.5 marks)
e. ______________________________________________________________
f. (i)____________________________________________________________
g. (i) Give 2 causes of an abnormally red (plethoric) facial complexion. (ii) What
haematologic laboratory abnormality do you expect to find in this patient?
(4x0.5 marks)
h. (i) What grade of hypertension is suggested by the patient’s current blood
pressure reading? (ii) Why is the percussion note resonant over the kidney?
(2x1 marks)
g. (i)____________________________________________________________
h. (i)____________________________________________________________
A renal ultrasound confirms the presence of a tumour in the upper pole of the
right kidney. The histopathologist confirms a diagnosis of renal cell
carcinoma. ‘Cannonball’ metastases are discovered in the lungs and ribs on
tumour staging. Hypercalcaemia is present on laboratory analysis.
i. List the blood vessels and cardiac chambers, in sequence, which a renal
metastasis must navigate to reach the lungs. (4×0.5 marks)
j. Suggest 2 possible mechanisms for hypercalcaemia in any patient with a
malignancy. (2x1 marks)
i. ______________________________________________________________
j. ______________________________________________________________
You have been asked to review a 56-year-old woman on the surgical ward who
complains of feeling suddenly short of breath. She denies chest pain.
a. ______________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________
c. Describe the typical (i) site and (ii) radiation of pain in patients with biliary
colic. (2x1 marks)
d. What is your understanding of a positive Murphy’s sign in a patient with acute
cholecystitis? (2 marks)
c. (i)____________________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________________
e. What would be the potential significance of (i) absent breath sounds in the left
lung; and (ii) coarse crackles in both lungs, in this post-operative patient?
(2x1 marks)
f. Explain the pathophysiology of central cyanosis. (2 marks)
e. (i)____________________________________________________________
f. ______________________________________________________________
g. What does the classic ECG description of “SI, QIII, TIII” signify in a patient
with a pulmonary embolism? (2 marks)
h. Give 2 abnormalities that you would expect in the arterial blood gas analysis
in this patient. (2x1 marks)
g. ______________________________________________________________
h. ______________________________________________________________
On further examination, the patient’s right leg and thigh are found to be
swollen. A deep vein thrombosis is diagnosed.
i. Excluding recent surgery, recall 4 additional risk factors for the development
of a deep vein thrombosis. (4×0.5 marks)
j. Outline your differential diagnosis of unilateral leg oedema. (4x0.5 marks)
i. ______________________________________________________________
j. ______________________________________________________________