The Global Hiring Handbook Ebook
The Global Hiring Handbook Ebook
The Global Hiring Handbook Ebook
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
South Korea
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
Egypt is in northeast Africa with a small portion Egyptian culture is also respectful, with a priority BONUS IN EGYPT Employees with less than 10 years of service are
placed on politeness. Your team members may be entitled to 60 days’ notice of termination. After 10
of the country on the Asian continent. The country
borders the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea less direct in communicating negative sentiment, so Annual bonuses are common in Egypt. years, the employee is entitled to 90 days’ notice.
and controls the Suez Canal. listen carefully, as they’ll avoid being overly direct so
as not to offend you. TAXES IN EGYPT
The famed Nile River cuts vertically across Egypt, WORKING HOURS IN EGYPT
flowing towards the Mediterranean. Because most EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS Employees and employers must contribute to social
of Egypt’s territory is desert, 96% of the population IN EGYPT In Egypt, the working hours are 40 hours a week, security, up to a limit of salary:
of 91 million lives either along the Nile or in the Nile Sunday through Thursday.
Delta. Egypt’s GDP is USD 286 billion and growing Fixed-term contracts are allowed for up to five years. For salaries up to LE 700:
at 3.8% annually. The unemployment rate is 12.7%. Employer - 26%
Employees who continue to work after five years will
Employee - 14%
Egypt’s major exports are oil, chemicals, agricultural be considered to have indefinite term contracts. It is VACATION IN EGYPT
products, livestock, and textiles. legally required to put a written employment con-
For salaries over LE 700 and up to LE 500:
tract in place in Egypt, in triplicate and in Arabic. The Employees are generally entitled to 21 days of annu-
Egyptian culture is more patriarchal than some Western Employer - 24%
contract should spell out the terms of the employee’s al paid leave, once they have worked for 6 months.
cultures, which in the workplace often translates into a Employee - 11%
compensation, benefits, and termination require- After 10 years of service, or upon reaching the age
working environment where the employer will be seen
ments. An offer letter and employment contract in of 50, they are entitled to a month of paid leave.
as a caretaker of employees. Finding a great leader in Social security provides the following benefits: Pensions,
Egypt should always state the salary and any com- Employees who have worked for a consecutive Disability payments, Sickness payments, Maternity
your local office is critical, and they will become a much
pensation amounts in Egyptian pounds rather than five years are generally eligible for a one-time, one leave, Death allowances, Unemployment insurance.
valued member of your team.
a foreign currency. month’s paid leave for a religious pilgrimage.
6 7
8 9
10 11
requirements. An offer letter and employment payment (or rest time in lieu) must be made with
contract in France should always state the salary and following pay increases:
any compensation amounts in Euro rather than
a foreign currency. +25% an hour for each of the first eight hours of
overtime (from the 36th to the 43rd hour inclusive)
HOLIDAYS IN FRANCE +50% for each hour after that.
Did you know?
Only Labor Day/1st May Day is a compulsory public However, it should be noted that many exceptions
The population of France is 67.2 million people. holiday, but in practice, all the holidays (10 days) are are allowed, especially under CBAs. Some managerial
given to employees. The remainder of the holidays staff, for example, classified as “autonome” (i.e.
France is the world’s most popular tourist destination. are granted by convention (collective agreement autonomous – free to organize their schedule and
The Eiffel Tower was supposed to be a temporar y installation. between the employers’ and employees’ unions) or workload) work more than 35 hours a week, but are
by agreement of the employer. The people of France given additional holiday days. All PEO staff must be
celebrate 10 national public holidays, including: “autonome” managerial-level staff. If their salary is
above 50K€, there is a more flexible work time option
• New Year’s Day, January 1, 2020 than the default 35 hour/week schedule that includes
• Easter Monday, April 13, 2020 RTT days. This avoids all tracking/payment of overtime
• Labour Day/ 1st May Day, May 1, 2020 hours. See more information in the vacation leave
• WWII Victory Day, May 8, 2020 section below.
France is one of Europe’s largest countries. It is EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS IN • Ascension Day, May 21, 2020
bordered by six countries other nations: Germany, FRANCE • Bastille Day, July 14, 2020 VACATION LEAVE IN FRANCE
Belgium and Luxembourg to the northeast,
• Assumption of Mary, August 15, 2020
Switzerland and Italy to the southeast and Spain France has a strong trade union culture. A Collective All employees have a right to paid leave. Employees
• All Saint’s Day, November 1, 2020
to the southwest. Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is a written agreement are entitled to five weeks of paid leave per year. This is
• Armistice Day, November 11, 2020
entered between one or more trade unions prorated according to days worked. Some CBAs and
• Christmas Day, December 25, 2020
The United Kingdom borders France via the English representing employees, or one or more trade unions companies have negotiated agreements for working
Channel. France is considered the gateway to the representing employers in a specific sector. The CBA more than the standard 35h week. In that case,
rest of Europe because it is home to several large
typically governs individual and collective labour the agreement will compensate the overtime with
international airports, numerous ferry terminals and relations, working conditions, employee benefits, etc. “reduction of working time” or RTT days, which can
The length of the work week in France is typically
the French rail service. France has the second largest be anything between none (for a 35-hour schedule)
35 hours. Legally, employees must not work more
economy in the European Union after Germany. Wages should be clearly outlined within the and two RTT days per month, depending on each
than an average of 44 hours per week over a period
employment agreement, and if a 13th month salary company’s work time agreement.
of 12 consecutive weeks, and the workday may
Unemployment is at 8.5 percent. France’s top exports bonus is to be paid or is mandatory as part of the
not exceed 10 hours or 48 hours during any given
range from machinery and transportation equipment CBA, this must also be stated within the employment The RTT days are calculated by taking the working
week, unless agreed to under a CBA.
to pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and plastics. The contract. It is legally required to put a strong days in the year and subtracting the contracted days.
country is the second largest world exporter of services employment contract in place in France, in French, There is no law regulating how to prorate RTT days for
Under the PEO CBA, the maximum overtime
and farm products. which spells out the terms of the employee’s employees starting mid-year, however all employees
workable per year is 130 hours and the maximum
must be treated equally so there is a standard
workday is 35 hours.
calculation Globalization Partners uses.
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French law requires a Holiday accrual of 10% of total for time not worked. However, the employee can receive SEVERANCE PAY IN FRANCE
cost, paid out when the employee takes vacation (five certain indemnities from the social security system.
weeks per year), with the balance paid at the end of During maternity and paternity leave employees are Employers should understand the benefits of
the contract if there are any remaining. entitled to a daily allowance from the social security probationary periods in France. If an employee is
authorities and, if there is no CBA applicable in the terminated while the probation period is in effect, your
SICK LEAVE IN FRANCE company, employers are not required to pay salary risk of a very high severance package is substantially
during maternity and paternity leave. reduced. The maximum length of a probationary period
Employees must provide the employer with a medical for indefinite contracts in France is three months for
certificate from a doctor if they are absent from work However, CBAs typically state the employee’s salary technicians and intermediate supervisors and four
due to illness or injury, even for one day, within 48 must be paid in full if the employee has a certain length months for executive employees. The probationary
hours of the beginning of their absence. Without a of continuous service (typically one year on the date of period can be renewed once if the applicable CBA
medical certificate, it is unjustified leave. During a sick the child’s birth). provides for it. For short term contracts, the notice
leave, the employment contract is suspended. period ranges from one day for a one-week contract
Statutory Maternity Leave is as follows: to one month for a contract of six months or more. It
Unless repeated absences make it necessary to • For a single birth bringing the mother’s number cannot be renewed. The notice period for a termination
replace the sick employee with another employee of children to three or more, maternity leave is 26 in France depends on the employee’s length of service.
under an indefinite term contract, the sick employee weeks, eight weeks before the expected due date If termination occurs during the probation period, the
cannot be dismissed. Sick leave pay is determined by and 18 weeks after the birth. severance payment will include the notice period only.
the collective bargaining agreement. • For the birth of twins, maternity leave consists
of 12 weeks before childbirth, and 22 weeks The notice period ranges from 24 hours to one month
It should be noted that it is extremely rare for sick time after childbirth. For the birth of triplets or more, depending on the length of work at the company. If
to be utilized due to the extended vacation and RTT maternity leave consists of 24 weeks before termination occurs after the probation period, there
days provided to employees. childbirth and 22 weeks after childbirth. is a notice period as pre-determined by French law
• The relevant CBA can also grant additional (between one to three months) and the collective
PARENTAL LEAVE IN FRANCE maternity leave. bargaining agreement. For most CBAs it is a three-
• Employees can choose to increase the month notice period for a manager. France’s termination
Employees who have worked for at least one year proportion of maternity leave taken after process is complex and rigid, and typically takes
before childbirth are entitled to parental leave, if they childbirth, decreasing the proportion taken about a month before the notice period commences.
wish, and this right lasts until the child’s third birthday. before childbirth, if approved by a physician. Employees who are dismissed or made redundant are
One parent can take up to two years, and the other entitled to pay in lieu of notice if they are not required
parent the third year. Male employees are granted three work days of to observe their notice period. There is no notice period
leave on the birth of a child (paid by employer), and for short-term contracts, but rather the employer is
The parental leave can be full-time or part-time paternity leave of 11 consecutive calendar days (18 required to pay out the remainder of the contract until
(minimum 16 hours/week worked). This leave must days if there are multiple births), which must be taken the planned end date. For this reason, it is extremely
be requested by employees every year, at least one within the four months following the birth (paid by rare to have a short-term contract. Severance pay is
month before the end of maternity leave, or in case Social Security, sometimes with an employer add-on). awarded if the employer terminates an indefinite-
of a renewal or two months if not consecutive to Employees have the right to return to their original term employment contract or the employee has the
maternity leave. It cannot be refused by employer. The position after maternity leave and cannot be dismissed minimum length of service required by the Labour
La Defense at sunset ,
employment contract is suspended during this time during pregnancy, maternity leave, or ten weeks after Code or applicable CBA (typically one year).
Paris, France
and the employer does not have to pay compensation the end of maternity leave.
14 15
The amount of severance pay depends on the The simplified procedure for this type of termination Social security contributions for employer’s amount the costs incurred due to the arrival of a child, as well
employee’s length of service and the applicable CBA takes five to six weeks, during which the employee to approximately 45% of the gross salary, while the as benefits for special purposes.
stipulations. Typically, the severance pay is calculated must be paid. If the termination is at all complex, most employees’ share amounts to about 22% (+/- 2% Housing benefits paid out to support social housing
since an employee’s average salary (often including lawyers suggest negotiating a severance package depending on the level of salary). Most of the social and housing aid for low-income households. Spouses
bonuses) during the last year of employment, or last with the employee in order to settle out of court. coverage in France is made up of contributions to funds and children dependent of an employee or retired per-
three months, whichever is higher. Employees receive which are fixed by law or the collective bargaining son are covered, if they are also French tax residents.
statutory severance pay (i.e. 1/5 of monthly salary for TAXES IN FRANCE agreement and are thus common to all companies
each year of service for the first 10 years of service and in the same branch. There are five components to In a nutshell, if an employee’s contract is terminated by
1/3 for each year above 10 years of service) if no CBA Income is taxed at a progressive tax rate in France compulsory coverage in France: the employer, he will get 57 % of his gross salary as
applies or the CBA rate is lower than the statutory depending on the income per “parts” in household unemployment benefits for up to two years (or three
amount. Employees with under one-year seniority (each adult counts as one, first two children as 0.5, 1. Social Security (URSSAF) years if above 50 years old), based on one day worked
are not entitled to any severance pay. The employee then one per child). Net salary is paid before income 2. Unemployment (Pole Emploi) = one day of benefits. The unemployment fund also
is owed any accrued vacation at termination. You can tax. Income tax returns and payment is managed by 3. Pension plan provides a wide variety of financial aid and programs
dismiss an employee for two reasons, economic and the employee directly (returns in May, payment in 4. Life & disability coverage for employees creating a business, for training etc.
personal (performance or attitude). September with pre-payments based on previous 5. Health care coverage
years in thirds or tenths). This is due to change in 2018, Above the basic pension plan provided by Social Se-
For an indefinite-term employment contract to be when pre-payments will be deducted from payroll. SOCIAL SECURIT Y IN FRANCE curity, all French employers must by law contribute to
dismissed, there must be real and serious grounds for an additional private pension fund for their employees.
dismissal, and there is a complex and time-consuming The rates on income tax paid in 2017 (for income Health care costs: generally, refunds patients approx. Rates of contribution are determined by law and are
termination procedure that must be rigidly adhered to. earned in 2016) are: 70% of most health care costs, or 100% in case of the same for all employees in all companies but dif-
In case of grave fault, no notice and no indemnity are costly or long-term ailments. fer according to level of salary and cadre or non-cadre
due. In case of economic dismissal for someone with Average Income Tax Rate Maternity and sickness pay: sick leave (50% of a status. Someone who has worked a full career will be
over one year of seniority, there is a special procedure per part capped salary from day four of sick leave onwards) able to retire at 62 years with a pension of a little over
whereby the employee will not serve notice but 21 days and paternity (11 calendar days) and maternity leave 50% of his average salary.
after the pre-dismissal meeting will directly be signed Up to (100% of capped salary for 16-26 weeks).
up with the unemployment services and will obtain €9,710 0% Disability insurance: to compensate for loss of income Life and disability cover death, prolonged sick leave
higher benefits (75% of salary for one year) and better due to decreased ability to work. Amount of indemnity and disability risks. This is a small part of the contribu-
back-to-work support. The employer will have to pay Between depends on level of disability. tions. Contrary to Social Security, Unemployment and
the cost of employee’s notice to the unemployment €9,710 – €26,818 14% Basic pension fund paid when 43 years have been Pension funds, the rates are not determined by law,
services to fund this. worked or you reach 67 years (a little less if born be- but by CBA.
Between fore 1971) also paid to surviving spouse upon death
France has an alternative to termination via dismissal: €26,818 – €71,898 30% (60% of spouse’s pension). The rates (and consequently the coverage) determined
amicable termination. This allows you and the Life insurance: three months capped salary paid out by CBA are a minimum and each employer can choose
employee to agree upon a set of terms and conditions Between to heirs of deceased employee. to cover more (but all employees in one company have
for an employee to leave amicably. While the minimum €71,898 – €152, 41% Work accidents: benefits for work-linked injury or the same coverage, cannot be individualized).
settlement required is equal to the amount provided sickness (100% of medical costs linked to injury/sick-
in the case of a dismissal, typically this is increased to ness and 100% capped pay during leave).
compensate for the fast processing time and reduced Above €152,260 45% Family benefits are varied and include basic benefits
employer risk. for families with children, to offset childcare costs and
16 17
The health care system in France is largely financed It can be challenging to figure out how to employ a
by government national health insurance and the team, incorporate a subsidiary, and set up payroll in
country is considered to provide one of the best over- France. Why do that when you don’t have to? Global-
all health care systems in the world. ization Partners makes it easy to hire employees in
France with minimal time and expense.
The government generally refunds patients 70% of
health care costs and 100% in the event of costly or Our solution is to put your candidate on our locally
long-term ailments. All residents must pay health in- compliant payroll, under our portage entity in France.
surance and the premiums are automatically deduct- This transforms the normal process of setting up and
ed from employees’ pay. As of January 1, 2016, it is managing a company in France into a simple monthly
mandatory for employers to provide a private health invoice from our entity.
insurance that will complement the healthcare reim-
bursements of French Social Security. The amounts For all intents and purposes, the employee works for
are determined by branch, through the applicable col- you, however, they’re legally on our payroll. Engag-
lective bargaining agreement (CBA). ing the employee through our already-existing local
company enables you to skip the difficulty of creat-
• For example, under the SYNTEC CBA, which ap- ing a subsidiary and setting up a separate business in
plies to all PEO, consulting & technology compa- France – so that you, and your new team member, can
nies, the employer is responsible for 50% (or instead focus on your business.
€23.50) of the base coverage of €47 per month
in 2017 and the employee is responsible for the If you would like to discuss how Globalization
other 50%. Partners can help in France, please contact us.
• The cost includes coverage of dependent
children, however, it does not include coverage of
an unemployed spouse or partner.
• Employees can add higher levels of coverage
and/or coverage of their spouse/partner at
a cost of up to €77 per month, which will be
deducted from their net pay (the additional cost is
the employee’s sole responsibility).
• Employees can refuse the coverage if they were
employed with the organization prior to January 1,
2016, if they are already covered by their spouse’s
compulsory coverage and can provide proof
of this yearly, or if they are under a fixed-term
employment contract not to exceed 12 months.
Farandole en Avignon Provence
18 19
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leave to stay at home with their child. A new program
Employee working hours may not exceed eight hours funded by federal taxes also allows direct subsidies to
per day and 48 hours per week. The typical work new parents (Elterngeld) for the first 12 to 14 months
week consists of 35-40 hours. of the child’s life. The amount of the subsidy is based
on the income of the caretaker parent.
A bonus or commission program is discretionary on IN GERMANY
There are over 2,100 castles in Germany. top of salary. There is no 13th month or 14th month
salary payment in Germany. Terminating employment in Germany can be complex.
1/3 of Germany is still covered in forests and wetlands.
In the event of an “ordinary” dismissal, the employer
University is free to ever yone. VACATION IN GERMANY must observe the statutory minimum notice period,
which depends on the length of employment:
64% of the roads in Germany have no speed limits.
German law provides for 24 days of vacation time for
a six-day work week or 20 days for a five-day work • During probationary period (maximum
week. In practice, most full-time employees receive duration of six months): two weeks’ notice.
25 to 30 days of vacation time per year in Germany. • After or without probationary period:
Vacation time is not reduced by time taken for sick four weeks’ notice, effective at the
leave or public holidays. 15th or the end of a month.
• After two years’ service: one month’s notice,
With a population of 83 million, Germany is the An offer letter and employment contract in Germany SICK LEAVE IN GERMANY effective at the end of a month.
seventh-largest country in Europe and one of the should always state the salary and any compensation • After five years’ service: two months’ notice,
most densely populated countries in the world. amounts in Euro rather than a foreign currency. Employees are entitled to at least six weeks of sick effective at the end of a month.
leave at full salary if the employee can present a med- • After eight years’ service: three months’ notice,
It borders Denmark to the north, Poland and the HOLIDAYS IN GERMANY ical certificate from their doctor. This is not something effective at the end of a month.
Czech Republic to the east, Austria and Switzerland • After ten years’ service: four months’ notice,
that is mentioned in the offer letter or employment
to the south, France to the southwest, and effective at the end of a month.
Germany celebrates nine national public holidays as agreement since this is a matter of law in Germany.
Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands to the • After 12 years’ service: five months’ notice,
well as additional public holidays that vary by state: After six weeks, the employee will receive sickness
west. Germany has the largest economy in Europe, effective at the end of a month.
benefits directly from their health insurance compa-
and the fourth-largest economy by nominal GDP. • After 15 years’ service: six months’ notice,
• New Year, January 1, 2020 ny. The reimbursement rate for the employee is 70%
• Good Friday, April 10, 2020 of the gross salary (until the social security ceiling) effective at the end of a month.
EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS IN • After 20 years’ service: seven months’ notice,
• Easter Monday, April 13, 2020 but not more than 90% of net salary.
GERMANY • Labour Day, May 1, 2020 effective at the end of a month.
• Ascension, May 21, 2020 PARENTAL LEAVE IN GERMANY
It is legally required to have a locally compliant Both employment contracts or Work Agreements
• Whit Monday, June 1, 2020
employment contract in Germany. The contract should and Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) can
• Day of German Unity, October 3, 2020 Maternity leave consists of six weeks prior to birth
spell out the terms of the employee’s compensation, provide for more favorable periods.
• Christmas, December 25, 2020 and eight weeks after, all at full pay. For a multiple
benefits, and termination requirements.
• St. Stephen’s Day, December 26, 2020 birth, mothers receive 12 weeks paid leave.
22 23
A termination for cause will (when justified) have pension and unemployment insurance, and 4,425 € for
immediate effect and terminate the employment statutory health insurance. In addition, employers often
relationship immediately. However, it is sometimes provide additional supplementary insurance benefits.
difficult to prove cause.
During the notice period, an employer must continue BENEFITS IN GERMANY
to pay full salary as well as provide the opportunity
to work, but with reasonable cause, the employer can Some companies offer employees a housing subsi-
place the employee on garden leave. Payment in lieu dy (Wohngeld) to help with rent and a child subsi-
of notice is uncommon in Germany as this triggers a dy (Kindergartenzuschuss) to help with the cost of
disadvantage to the employee when trying to claim raising children. There are also transportation and
unemployment benefits. meal subsidies, and many companies have a cafeteria
where low-cost meals and snacks can be obtained.
There is no statutory obligation to pay any severance
in the case of individual dismissal, irrespective of HOW WE CAN HELP
whether the dismissal is valid or not (although different
terms apply to collective dismissals or redundancies). Establishing a branch office or subsidiary in Germany
However, in practice, employers and employees to engage a small team is time-consuming, expensive
usually agree on a severance payment. Severances and complex. German labor law has strong worker
are usually calculated based on the formula of half a protections, requiring great attention to detail and an
month’s salary per year of employment, but often the understanding of local best practices. Globalization
calculation of the severance payment depends on the Partners makes it painless and easy to expand into
strength of the reason for termination. Germany. Globalization Partners simplifies global
expansion by enabling you to hire talent in Germa-
HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFITS ny without a branch office or subsidiary. You find the
AND SOCIAL SECURIT Y talent, and we put your team member on our locally
IN GERMANY compliant payroll.
The German Social Security System consists of five Our Germany operation is fully compliant with the
components: pension insurance, health insurance, AUG laws required for our industry. We’re compliant
unemployment insurance, nursing care insurance and with EU Data Compliance laws and regulations, and
accident insurance. The contribution to those insur- otherwise follow the law to the letter.
ances are split equally between the employer and the
employee, except for the accident insurance which is The most important thing we do is protect our clients
covered by the employer only. In total, employers can and their workforce – which lifts the burden of setting
expect to contribute about 20.7 % on top of the em- up your EU-compliant infrastructure from your shoul-
ployee’s salary to social security. However, social se- ders to ours. With 96% client satisfaction ratings,
People c ycling near
curity contributions are only deducted up to a max- we’re the partner you want to work with.
Brandenburg Gate, Old buildings at
Berlin, Germany imum limit. In 2018, the maximum amount is 6,500 Nurnberg, Germany
€ (West) and 5,800 € (East) per month for statutory
24 25
26 27
interests, including trade secrets. It is highly likely • For the first two overtime hours, the remuneration
that in most cases, restrictive terms will not be held is 125% of the regular wage.
enforceable. Nevertheless, it is recommended to • For any additional hour of work as well as for work
include such clauses in the employment agreement. during the weekly day of rest, remuneration shall
amount to 150% of the regular wage.
HOLIDAYS IN ISRAEL • Some companies pay a global monthly amount as
compensation for overtime pay.
28 29
30 31
• One day during the first six months A portion of the employers’ contribution is in lieu of
of employment. severance pay. Some employers provide disability
• Six days plus an additional 2.5 days for every insurance for their employees in an amount of up to
month worked from the seventh month 2.5% of the employee’s salary. Employees are entitled
for employees who have worked for six to be compensated for their travel expenses, the rate
months to one year. of which is updated from time to time (the current
• 30 days after completion of the maximum rate per day is around ILS 20 or US $5).
first year of employment. This is calculated on the basis of the days actually
• Unless specifically indicated otherwise, worked during which the employee used public
the employer has the right to terminate transportation to and from the employee’s workplace.
employment without the delivery
of a notice, and provide a severance Some employers provide a company car to their
payment in lieu, if required. employees or pay a separate fee for the use and
maintenance of the car. Specific terms are subject
TAXES IN ISRAEL to collective bargaining agreements and to the
employee’s employment contract. Travel expenses
Employees pay progressive income tax in Israel can be included in the employee’s salary, subject to
starting at 10% and increasing to a maximum of 50%. the employee’s written consent.
Both employers and employees contribute a portion
of salary to National Insurance and Health Insurance. HOW WE CAN HELP
The top rates are 6.75% for the employer and 12%
for the employee. Establishing a branch office or subsidiary in Israel
to engage a small team would be incredibly time-
HEALTH INSURANCE IN ISRAEL consuming, expensive and complex. Israeli labor
law has strong worker protections, requiring great
All Israeli citizens are entitled to health care as attention to detail and an understanding of local best
stipulated under the National Insurance Law. There practices. Globalization Partners makes it painless
are four health care funds for basic treatment and and easy to hire your team in Israel. You identify the
citizens are given the choice of one, as well as the talent, and we put your candidate on our already-
choice of increasing their coverage by purchasing existing, locally compliant payroll and benefits.
supplementary health insurance. Legally, the employee is on our payroll, but the team
member is fully dedicated to you and will feel like a
ADDITIONAL BENEFITS IN ISRAEL member of your team. This lifts the burden of HR,
payroll and compliance from your shoulders to ours
Some companies in Israel contribute to “managers’ – and enables the employee to focus immediately on
insurance” policies or to pension funds. This provides your business.
for a monthly allocation into an insurance fund of
18.3% of the employee’s salary, paid in part by both If you would like to discuss how Globalization Famous dome of the rock
the employer and employee. Partners can make it fast and easy for you to situated on the temple
engage your team in Israel, please contact us.
mound in Jerusalem, Israel
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In addition to the above holidays, The Netherlands
celebrates the following public holidays for which em- All employees in the Netherlands are legally entitled
ployees are given the day off, including: to 8% vacation allowance in addition to their base
salary. This vacation allowance is accrued monthly
• New Year’s Day, January 1, 2020 and is typically paid out once a year, normally in the
Did you know? • King’s Day, January 6, 2020 month of May.
• Easter Sunday* and Monday, April 12-13, 2020
The Netherlands is one of the most densely populated • Liberation Day, official public holiday every 5 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS IN THE
countries in Europe. years; again in 2020 on May 5 NETHERLANDS
• Ascension Day, May 21, 2020
Dutch men are the tallest in the world. • Pentecost Sunday*, May 31, 2020 An employer in the Netherlands is required to con-
• Whit Monday, June 1, 2020 tribute 6.65% (2017) of the employee’s base salary
Their National Anthem is the oldest in the world.
• Christmas Day, December 25, 2020 towards the Healthcare Insurance Act (Zorgverzeker-
• Boxing Day, December 26, 2020 ingswet). This contribution is calculated over the em-
*Only a free day if Sunday is a normal working day ployee’s base salary and then paid to the Dutch Tax
Department. All persons residing and working in the
WORKING HOURS IN THE Netherlands are legally required to privately arrange
NETHERLANDS for at least the basic healthcare package.
The Netherlands is located between Belgium and An employment contract should spell out all the Employers must comply with the Working Hours Act Costs for this basic healthcare package generally vary
Germany in Western Europe. The country’s fertile terms and conditions of employment, such as of 23 November 1995 which states that the max- from between 95 to 125 EUR per month, depending
soil and mild climate make it the second-largest employee’s compensation, benefits, duration of the imum length of a shift is 12 hours per day and 60 on the level of the employee’s ‘own risk’. The basic
exporter of food and agricultural products after the contract and other details. hours per week. The regular working hours in the health insurance package has a comprehensive struc-
United States. Netherlands are 40 hours. They can be increased to 48 ture and includes the bulk of essential medical care,
An employment contract in the Netherlands should hours under the condition that those will be the normal medications and medical aids which are consistent
EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS IN always state the salary and any compensation working hours. with the state of the art and medical practice.
THE NETHERLANDS amounts in Euro rather than a foreign currency.
VACATION IN THE NETHERLANDS Some physiotherapy and dental care services are cov-
Although a Dutch employment contract may be agreed For companies in the Netherlands, there is often a ered under the package. (“Healthcare in the Nether-
upon orally, it is highly recommended that parties sign company Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) According to the applicable CBA for employees hired lands” Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, 2016)
a written employment contract prior to the employee and/or a CBA for the specific industry. Globalization via Globalization Partners’ Netherlands PEO, 25 holi-
beginning his or her work. The absence of a written Partners’ local subsidiary is WAADI registered, which days per year. However, employers can decide to of- All allowances for medical and other insurance are
and signed employment contract can be disadvanta- means we are registered as a temporary agency fer more than 25 vacation days. The holiday year runs taxable benefits.
geous to an employer since there are certain provisions and the collective bargaining agreement protects from January 1st to December 31st.
that are only valid when agreed upon in writing. employees accordingly.
36 37
PENSION IN THE NETHERLANDS continued payment of 80% of his or her salary, If the employee is offered an employment agree-
whereby the minimum entitlement is the statutory ment for a period of two years or longer (including
Per the previously mentioned CBA, an employee over minimum wage and the maximum entitlement is the indefinite), a maximum probationary period of two
the age of 21 must participate in the industry’s col- maximum daily wage. months can be agreed to with the employee.
lective pension plan. During the first year of employ-
ment, the employee will participate in the ‘Basic Plan’. PARENTAL LEAVE IN THE SEVERANCE AND TERMINATION
The premium is 2.6% of the employee’s monthly sal- NETHERLANDS IN THE NETHERLANDS
ary. This premium is paid by the employer. After the
first year, the employee will participate in the ‘Plus Female employees are entitled to 16 weeks of ma- At-will employment is not a recognized concept in
Plan’. The premium is 12% of the employee’s monthly ternity leave in the Netherlands. They may take the Netherlands.
salary. The employer pays 8% of this premium and leave from six weeks before the expected birth date
the employee pays 4% of this premium. of the baby, and are entitled to at least 10 weeks of Fixed term employment agreements in the Nether-
maternity leave after giving birth, even if the child lands can in principle only be prematurely terminated
It is essential that employees provide the employer is born later than when it was due. Male employees if this possibility is explicitly included in the employ-
with a detailed and accurate employment history to in the Netherlands are entitled to up to two days of ment agreement and prior permission has been re-
ensure that they are offered and registered with the paid paternity leave and thre days of unpaid paren- ceived from the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV)
correct Pension Plan. tal leave. Male and female employees in the Neth- or a petition to the cantonal court for the dissolution of
erlands are entitled to unpaid parental leave when the employment agreement has been granted by the
ADDITIONAL BENEFITS IN THE caring for a child younger than eight. cantonal court.
• Employees are entitled to parental leave for In the Netherlands, indefinite employment agreement
Employers often provide additional benefits to their each child separately. can also in principle only be terminated if prior permis-
employees in the Netherlands. One common benefit is • An employee is entitled to up to 26 times their sion has been received from the Employee Insurance
a travel allowance for a leased car, or 100% of the cost weekly working hours. Agency (UWV) or a petition to the cantonal court for
of train/bus fare for commuting. • The normal arrangement is that for six months the dissolution of the employment agreement has
an employee works half of their normal hours. been submitted to and granted by the cantonal court.
SICK LEAVE IN THE NETHERLANDS • For example, if an employee works 32 hours
per week, then for six months they will work 16 Both the Employee Insurance Agency and the canton-
In the Netherlands, if the employee is unable to work hours per week and take 16 hours of parental al court will require a reasonable ground for termina-
due to illness and/or other incapacity for work, the em- leave per week. tion. This means that there is a pre-emptive test of the
ployer is legally obliged to continue paying the employ- ground for termination. The employer will need suffi-
ee’s salary for a maximum of 104 weeks. The employ- PROBATIONARY PERIOD IN cient evidence of a reasonable ground.
ee is entitled to continued payment of 91% of his or her THE NETHERLANDS
salary during the first 52 weeks of illness and/or other If permission has been received from the Employ-
incapacity for work, whereby the minimum entitlement If included in the terms of an employment contract ee Insurance Agency, the employer may notify the
is the statutory minimum wage and the maximum en- in the Netherlands, a probationary period of maxi- employee about the termination with effect from
titlement is the maximum daily wage. mum one month can be agreed to with the employee the following working day and must then observe a
under the condition that the employee is offered an notice period of one month as per article 15 of the
Amsterdam dancing houses
During the second 52 weeks of illness and/or other employment agreement for more than six months. applicable CBA.
over river Amstel landmark
incapacity for work, the employee is entitled to
38 39
If the cantonal court approves the employer’s request Example: an employee with 14 years of service is Taxable Income Rate
for dissolution, the court will determine the date of entitled to a severance fee equal to
termination. Parties are however also free to mutually ((1/6 * 20) + (1/4 * 8)) = 5.3333 months’ salary. Of more than But less than
agree to the termination of the employee’s employ-
ment agreement via a settlement agreement. TAXES IN THE NETHERLANDS
€0 € 19,823 36.5%
Assuming a fixed term employment agreement al- The Netherlands has a well-developed Social Securi-
lows for premature termination, the employee who ty system which includes national insurance programs
wants to terminate his or her own employment agree- covering all residents, and employees’ insurance pro- € 19,822 € 33,589 42%
ment must observe a notice period which varies from grams applicable to employees only.
seven to 28 calendar days, depending on the agreed
upon duration of the employment agreement. • The employees’ insurance programs are funded € 33,589 € 57,585 42%
mainly through employer contributions but em-
The same notice periods apply to the employee with ployees contribute as well.
an indefinite employment agreement.In the event of • The employee insurance programs include € 57,585 52%
a fixed term employment agreement for a period ex- the Sickness Benefits and Health Insurance
ceeding six months, the employer is legally obliged to Act, long-term incapacity for work, and un-
notify the employee at least one month prior to the end employment. HOW WE CAN HELP
date of the employment agreement, in writing, as to • The employer contributions for social security
whether or not their employment agreement will be amount to approximately 21.2% for 2015. Establishing a branch office or subsidiary in the
renewed and if so, under what terms and conditions. Netherlands to engage a small team would be
There are three different types of income or ‘boxes’ of incredibly time-consuming, expensive and com-
Non-fulfilment of this obligation can lead to a pen- income in the Netherlands, each with a different tax plex. Labor law in the Netherlands has strong
alty equal to a maximum of one months’ salary. rate. Box 1 comprises income from entrepreneurship, worker protections, requiring great attention to
income from employment, and income from a principal detail and an understanding of local best practic-
Employees in the Netherlands who have been employed residence. Box 2 applies only to individuals who own es. Globalization Partners makes it painless and
for at least 24 months are entitled to a (statutory) a significant shareholding in an entity. Box 3 applies to easy to hire your team in the Netherlands. You
transition allowance in the event of the termination of passive investment income. identify the talent, and we put your candidate on
their employment is initiated by the employer. our already-existing, locally compliant payroll and
The overall tax burden from Box 1-3 is then re- benefits. Legally, the employee is on our payroll,
The amount is calculated as follows: duced by certain credit amounts for the taxpayer but the team member is fully dedicated to you and
and their partner. Income tax rates in the Nether- will feel like a member of your team. This lifts the
• For the first 10 years of service: 1/6 months’ sal- lands are progressive. burden of HR, payroll and compliance from your
ary for each period of six months; shoulders to ours – and enables the employee to
The 2015 income tax rates for “Box 1”, employment focus immediately on your business.
• For the service period, thereafter: 1/4 months’ income, business profits, and income from home own-
salary for each period of six months; ership, are as follows: If you would like to discuss how Globalization
Partners can make it fast and easy for you to
engage your team in the Netherlands, please Dif ferent st yled
Dutch wooden clogs
contact us.
40 41
United Arab
42 43
The UAE Labour Law regulates employment on the • The Prophet’s Mohammed birthday, October
mainland of the UAE. If employees are employed in 29, 2020
46 47
GRATUIT Y PAY, END OF SERVICE Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Health insurance must be provid-
BENEFITS, AND SEVERANCE IN ed to the employee, as well as the employee’s spouse
THE UAE and dependents. While not mandatory in other Emir-
ates, it is common for employers in the UAE to provide
An employee who completes one year or more in con- employees with employer-sponsored health insurance.
tinuous service is entitled to a severance (sometimes
referred to as a ‘gratuity’) at the end of their service. If ADDITIONAL BENEFITS IN
an employee is terminated, they would be entitled to THE UAE
gratuity pay as follows:
The Hajj is an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca,
• 21 days for services beyond one year but less Saudi Arabia that Muslims are expected to complete
than five years at least once in their lifetime. Under UAE Labour Law,
• 30 days per year of service will be awarded for employees may be granted a one-time pilgrimage
every year of service following the first five years. leave of up to 30 days without pay.
HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFITS IN If you would like to discuss how Globalization Part-
THE UAE ners can make it fast and easy for you to engage
your team in the UAE, please contact us.
For expats, insurance coverage for employees and
their dependents is related to their salary, designation,
etc. There are currently two Emirates which mandate
employer-provided health insurance coverage:
Group of Arabian business people
48 49
50 51
requires, often including provisions relating to con- The employer’s portion of the national insurance con-
United Kingdom
fidential information, intellectual property and tribution is usually 13.8% on top of total compen-
non-compete restrictions. sation. Employees must also pay national insurance
contributions; it is the employer’s responsibility to de-
Provision of an employment contract inclusive of all duct the employee’s contribution through the PAYE
suggested terms is of course included as part of system. In addition to the NIC, many companies also
Globalization Partners’ employer of record service provide supplementary benefits such as medical,
in the UK. We provide the following information dental and life insurance for their employees. There
Did you know?
that may help companies that want to better un- is no legal requirement to do this but market forces
Stonehenge is older than the pyramids. derstand the statutory and market norm benefits mean employees may expect their employer to pro-
that are most commonly negotiated by employees vide additional benefits. Many UK/EU insurance plans
London has the largest librar y in the world.
in the United Kingdom when negotiating terms of carry exclusions on coverage while the employees are
The Queen doesn’t have a passpor t. an employment offer. in the US. If you intend to have your UK employee
traveling back and forth to the US or outside Europe,
PUBLIC HOLIDAYS IN THE UK we strongly recommend ensuring that the employee
is covered under a travel insurance policy.
England and Wales celebrate eight public holidays:
• New Year’s Day, January 1, 2020 PENSION PLANS IN THE UK
BASIC FACTS ABOUT HIRING • Termination of employment is more nebulous • Good Friday, April 10, 2020
IN THE UK in the UK than in the US, and so one should be • Easter Monday, April 13, 2020 In addition to insurance coverage, most employees in
aware at the outset of an agreement with an • Early May Bank Holiday, May 8, 2020 the UK negotiate heavily for employer contributions to
When hiring employees in the United Kingdom, there employee of risk mitigation pertaining to even- (moved to coincide with Victory Day in Europe) pension plans, which is the most commonly requested
are a myriad of details to be aware of, including: tual termination of employment • Spring Bank Holiday, May 25, 2020 benefit in the UK. Pension benefits are generally pri-
• Summer Bank Holiday, August 31, 2020 oritized by employees over employer-provided medi-
• When and whether to offer market-norm ben- EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS • Christmas Day, December 25, 2020 cal insurance in the UK. Almost all employers will be
efits packages including supplemental health IN THE UK • Boxing Day, December 26, 2020 statutorily required to provide at least a 4% pension
insurance and pension to compete with other match within the next year or two, with the match in-
UK employers It is legally required to put an employment contract Please Note: Scotland and Northern Ireland have creasing gradually to at least 5%
• EU Data Protection: the legal requirement to in place in the United Kingdom which spells out the slight variations in their public holidays.
keep your employees’ personal data secure has terms of the employee’s duties, compensation, bene- BONUS IN THE UK
an impact on how employment information can fits, grievance and disciplinary procedures, and termi- HEALTH INSURANCE AND OTHER
be transferred to and from the US nation requirements. An offer letter and employment SUPPLEMENTARY BENEFITS IN It is entirely up to an employer what bonus to pay or
• Stock option planning: managing employer contract in the UK should always state the salary and THE UNITED KINGDOM whether to pay a bonus at all. Some employers oper-
taxes on stock option gains in the United King- any compensation amounts in British pounds rather ate structured bonus plans which might, for example,
dom requires foresight and planning than a foreign currency. The primary statutory benefit in the UK is provided be linked to corporate and/or personal performance.
• Non-compete legislation favors the employee through the employers’ portion of National Insurance Others might operate an undocumented discretionary
over the employer in the UK, and language The legal requirements for an employment contract in Contribution, NIC, which is the national social security bonus policy under which any payments are variable.
pertaining to non-compete clauses in employ- the UK are basic and most employment contracts in program by which all employers and employees con- Practice varies between industries.
ment contracts should be managed carefully practice are much more comprehensive than the law tribute to the public health care system.
52 53
WORKING HOURS IN THE UK PARENTAL LEAVE IN THE UK This enables mothers to return to work before the
end of their maternity leave without sacrificing the
Employers are free to set the day to day working Female employees are entitled to 52 weeks of ma- rest of the leave that would otherwise be available to
hours according to business need. By law there is a ternity leave. Two weeks must be taken after the them. Shared parental leave can either be taken con-
maximum of 48 hours per week which an employee baby is born (four weeks for factory workers.) The secutively or concurrently, if the total time taken does
can be expected to work, averaged over 17 weeks. leave is divided into: not exceed 52 weeks, and it can be taken in blocks,
However, it is possible, and quite common, for em- rather than all at once. The partner who shares the
ployees to opt out of this. • Ordinary Maternity Leave – first 26 weeks leave is eligible to take:
• Additional Maternity Leave – last 26 weeks.
VACATION IN THE UK • The remaining leave (52 weeks minus any weeks
Employees receive Statutory Maternity Pay for up to of maternity or adoption leave)
All full-time employees in the UK are legally entitled to 39 weeks. • The remaining pay (39 weeks minus any weeks of
28 days of paid vacation per year (known as statutory maternity pay, maternity allowance or adoption pay)
leave entitlement or annual leave). An employer can • 90% of average weekly earnings (before tax)
choose to include public holidays as part of a work- for the first six weeks There are similar provisions for those who adopt.
er’s statutory annual leave; however, market norm is • £148.68 or 90% of average weekly earnings
to provide 20-25 days of paid vacation or more per (whichever is lower) for the next 33 weeks. TERMINATION/SEVERANCE
year, in addition to the paid public holidays. IN THE UK
Partners are entitled to one or two weeks of paid pa-
Senior employees often negotiate up to 30 days of ternity leave. There is also a concept of shared paren- In the UK there is no concept of at will employment
vacation plus up to eight public holidays. Part-time tal leave which enables the mother to share her 52 and the employer must give the employee notice to
employees are entitled to a pro-rata entitlement of weeks of maternity leave with the other parent. terminate employment. There are two types of no-
paid vacation and paid public holidays. tice – statutory notice, which is required by law, and
This enables mothers to return to work before the the notice period stated in the employee’s contract of
SICK LEAVE IN THE UK end of their maternity leave without sacrificing the employment. Length of service is used to calculate the
rest of the leave that would otherwise be available to statutory notice period:
Employees in the UK are entitled to Statutory Sick Pay them. Shared parental leave can either be taken con- • One week notice for one month and less than
for up to 28 weeks, paid for by the employer. If employ- secutively or concurrently, if the total time taken does two years of service
ees are absent from work for more than seven days, not exceed 52 weeks, and it can be taken in blocks, • One week notice for each year for between two
they must provide a note from their doctor to docu- rather than all at once. and 12 years of service
ment the Sick Pay obligation. • 12 weeks’ notice for 12+ years of service.
The partner who shares the leave is eligible to take:
Sick Pay begins after the employee has been out of The length of notice in the employment contract is at
work for four or more days in a row and it is currently • The remaining leave (52 weeks minus any the employer’s discretion, but market norms mean this
paid at the rate of £94.25 per week. weeks of maternity or adoption leave) notice period is usually one month for most employ-
• The remaining pay (39 weeks minus any weeks of ees and up to three months for more senior employ-
Most companies offer additional sick pay on top of the maternity pay, maternity allowance or adoption pay) ees. When giving notice the employer must give which
statutory pay but the number of days or weeks they ever notice period is longer. It is common to include in
offer can vary widely. There are similar provisions for those who adopt. contracts of employment a right to pay in lieu of notice
Bank of England, UK
to avoid the employee having to work his or her notice.
54 55
Severance pay is given when an employee is ter- Legally, the employee is on our payroll, but the team
minated due to redundancy and the employee has member is fully dedicated to you and will feel like a
worked for the employer continuously for at least two member of your team.
years prior to the redundancy, according to the fol-
lowing schedule: This lifts the burden of HR, payroll and compliance
from your shoulders to ours – and enables the
• One half of one week’s pay for each year of service employee to focus immediately on your business.
where the employee was below the age of 22
• One week’s pay for each year of service where If you would like to discuss how Globalization Part-
the employee was between 22 to 40 of age ners can make it fast and easy for you to engage
• 1 1/2 week’s pay for each year of employment your team in the UK, and offer your team world-
where the employee was 41 and over class benefits, please contact us.
56 57
58 59
the salary and any compensation amounts in euro
rather than a foreign currency. The market norm and the minimally required vacation
days are 30 calendar days (i.e., 23 paid business days
SPAIN HOLIDAYS per year). The vacation time cannot be “paid out.”
60 61
In practice, when an employer assesses that an em- Employees receive 15 days (including weekends) for
ployee is poorly suited for the role, an employer and marriage, two days for the death of a family member,
an employee usually come to a mutual agreement to and one day for home relocation.
terminate the contract.
62 63
Guggenheim Museum,
Bilbao, Spain
64 65
South Korea
66 67
68 69
that would otherwise cover employees in a workplace
but only where it, at least matches the pay set out in Annual bonuses are not required, but nearly one-third
the award. Enterprise Agreements are the most com- of Australian workers receive them. The average bo-
mon way of defining wages and workplace conditions nus is between 6% and 10% of annual pay. High level
in Australia and generally cover more issues than do executives may receive up to one-half of their salary as
awards. Written employment contracts, which include an incentive bonus.
Did you know? wages and conditions, are used for employees who
are not covered by an award or an enterprise agree- WORKING HOURS IN AUSTRALIA
The Australian Alps get more snow than the swiss alps.
ment and include:
90% of Australians live on the coast. The National Employment Standards stipulate a 38-
• Names and details of employer and employee hour workweek but allow for extra hours if necessary.
Tasmania has the cleanest air in the world. • Date of birth of employees
• Place of work
• Employment status (full time, part time or casual) • Full-time employees are entitled to a minimum of
• Start and end dates of the contract four weeks of vacation time per year, however, it is
• Pay rate common that they receive 25 to 30 days of vacation.
BASIC FACTS ABOUT HIRING minimum employment standards, and set conditions • Hours of work • Untaken annual leave accumulates from year to year
IN AUSTRALIA for all employees in the same occupation. The award • Leave entitlements and is paid out on termination of employment.
standards may vary between the state, employer, and Where applicable, other conditions such as job duties, • Vacation time is not reduced by time taken for sick
When hiring in Australia, employers must follow the industry, but include: allowances, bonuses, performance standards and so leave or public holidays.
minimum statutory standards and conditions as list- on should also be listed.
ed in the Fair Work Act 2009. These National Em- • The basic rate of pay
ployment Standards include a list of 10 entitlements • The type of employment (full-time, part-time, PUBLIC HOLIDAYS IN AUSTRALIA KNOWN AS PERSONAL LEAVE)
that must be in all employee contracts. Australia also or casual)
has a Pay as You Go tax system, whereby employers • Overtime rates There are seven national public holidays: • Under national law, full-time employees in Australia
withhold employee taxes and pay them to the gov- • Work arrangements such as varying hours or shifts • New Year’s Day, January 1, 2020 are entitled to 10 days paid personal, sick, or care-
ernment. Australians are also entitled to receive a • Annual salary • Australia Day, January 26, 2020 givers’ leave per year.
payslip within one working day of being paid. • Information on leave and leave taking (Observed on January 27) • Untaken sick leave accumulates from year to year
• Allowances • Good Friday, April 10, 2020 but is not paid out on termination of employment.
EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS IN • Information on settling disputes • Easter Monday, April 13, 2020 • Sick leave in Australia (called personal leave) can
AUSTRALIA • Redundancy • Anzac Day, April 25, 2020 be taken when the employee is unwell or to allow
• A flexibility term to allow negotiation to meet • Christmas Day, December 25, 2020 the employee to care for a family member who is
Australian workers can be covered by a contract, an individual needs • Boxing Day, December 26, 2020 unwell or affected by an unexpected emergency.
agreement, or an award. This draws from the Nation- • Sick leave is funded by the employer rather than
al Employment Standards and state and federal laws. An Enterprise Agreement sets out the work condi- There are also additional public holidays declared by by the state.
Becoming less popular, awards generally include the tions for a group of employees at one or more places of each state and territory such as Queen’s Birthday and
minimum employment standards, and set conditions work, and usually of one organization. Labour Day. Holidays that fall on weekends are ob-
served on the Monday after.
70 71
PARENTAL LEAVE IN AUSTRALIA Fathers and partners are eligible for up to two weeks Additionally, one of the following must also apply:
of paid governmental leave, if they are not receiving
Parents may be eligible for up to 18 weeks paid parental paid leave from their employer and meet work and in- • An award covers the person.
leave provided by the federal government which is paid come level tests. • An enterprise agreement applies to the person.
in addition to any leave provided by their employer. • The person’s annual rate of earnings is less than
TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT the relevant income threshold (A$136,700 base
The federal government has foreshadowed chang- AND SEVERANCE IN AUSTRALIA salary as of July 1, 2015, this threshold will be in-
es to curtail this benefit such that any leave provided dexed each financial year starting on July 1st).
by the employer reduces the leave payment provided An employer must provide employees with the mini-
by the government. To date, the government has not mum statutory notice, which is based on the employ- Employees have 21 days from the day they were
been able to obtain sufficient cross-party support in ee’s service as follows: dismissed to file a claim with the Fair Work Com-
the Senate to pass this legislation and the existing law mission. The primary unfair dismissal remedy is re-
remains in place. • Less than one year’s service: one week’s notice. instatement. If that is not appropriate, compensation
• Between one year and three years’ service: two of up to six months’ pay can be awarded.
Eligibility requirements are: weeks’ notice.
• Between three years and five years’ service: SEVERANCE (REDUNDANCY)
• Be the primary carer of a newborn or recently three weeks’ notice. PAYMENTS IN AUSTRALIA
adopted child. • More than five years’ service: four weeks’ notice.
• Have worked at least: Redundancy occurs if the employer decides that they
1. 10 of the 13 months before the birth or The notice period is increased by one week if the em- no longer want a job that an employee is performing
adoption of the child, and ployee is over 45 years of age and has completed at done by anyone and terminates their employment. The
2. 330 hours in that 10-month period, which least two years of service with the employer. The law job itself, not the employee, becomes redundant.
is just over one day a week, and had no allows the statutory notice to be paid in lieu of notice.
more than an eight-week gap between two Redundancy can occur due to the following:
consecutive working days Employment contracts often provide for longer notice.
• Meet residence requirements from the date the As a contractual matter, an employee may be entitled • The job someone has been doing is replaced
child enters the primary carer’s care until the end to reasonable notice of termination (which can be as due to the introduction of new technology.
of the Paid Parental Leave period much as 12 months) in particular circumstances. • Staff reduction for a particular task occurs due
• Have received an individual adjusted taxable to a downturn in business.
income of $150,000 or less in the financial year Unfair Dismissal in Australia: • A merger or takeover takes place and the posi-
either before the date of birth or adoption, or the tion is no longer required.
date claimed, whichever is earlier, and An employee is eligible to make an unfair dismissal ap- • The business restructures or reorganizes and
• Be on leave or not working from when the plication if they are covered by the national workplace the position is no longer required.
caregiver becomes the child’s primary carer until relations systems and they have completed the mini- • Insolvency or bankruptcy of the employer.
the end of the Paid Parental Leave period mum employment period of:
The amount of severance/redundancy pay owed to
The employee cannot receive Parental Leave Pay and • One Year: If the employer is a small business the employee is determined by the base rate of pay
Newborn Upfront Payment and Newborn Supplement employer (they have less than 15 employees). that applies to the severance pay periods outlined in
Great Barrier Reef,
for the same child. • Six Months: If the employer is not a small the table below:
business employer.
72 73
Employee’s Period of Severance Pay Period Redundancy pay is not payable if any of the following The following table sets out the current thresholds and rates of payroll tax for each state and territory in Australia:
Continuous Service apply:
with the Employer
• The employer is a small business employer (less
State/Territory Threshold Rate
than 15 employees).
At least 1 year but less 4 weeks • The employee’s period of continuous service is
than 2 years less than 12 months.
• Employment is terminated as a result of serious
New South Wales $750,000 5.45%
At least 2 years but less 6 weeks misconduct.
than 3 years • The employee is employed for a specified period
of time.
At least 3 years but less 7 weeks • An employee to whom an industry-specific re-
Victoria $575,000 4.85%
than 4 years dundancy scheme in a modern award applies.
1. An employee to whom a redundancy
At least 4 years but less 8 weeks At least scheme in an enterprise agreement applies.
than 5 years The scheme is an industry-specific redun-
Queensland $1,100,00 4.75%
dancy scheme that is incorporated by refer-
At least 5 years but less 10 weeks ence into the enterprise agreement from a
than 6 years modern award that is in operation.
2. The employee is covered by the indus-
South Australia $600,000 4.95%
At least 6 years but less 11 weeks try-specific redundancy scheme in the
than 7 years modern award.
• A casual employee.
At least 7 years but less 13 weeks • An apprentice
Western Australia $850,000 5.5%
than 8 years
At least 8 years but less 14 weeks
than 9 years Employers in Australia potentially pay payroll tax on
Tasmania $1,250,000 6.1%
wages, benefits and superannuation paid to, or on
At least 9 years but less 16 weeks behalf of their employees.
than 10 years
Payroll tax is a tax levied by individual states
Australian Capital $2,000,000 6.85%
At least 10 years* 12 weeks* in Australia.
74 75
Employers in Australia are also required to contrib- Many employers in Australia provide an allowance to
ute an amount equivalent to 9.5% of their employee’s employees in Australia rather than purchasing health
gross salary on a quarterly basis into a Superannua- insurance plans on the employees’ behalf, due to the
tion, or retirement fund, for all employees who earn relatively high fringe benefits tax.
more than AUD$450 per month.
Fringe Benefit Tax: Australian employers are re-
quired to pay a tax on the value of the fringe ben- Establishing a branch office or subsidiary in Australia
efits they provide to their employees. Reporting re- to engage a small team would be incredibly time-con-
quirements vary depending on the amount of fringe suming, expensive and complex.
benefits and the type of benefits. Examples of fringe
benefits include: Australian labor law has strong worker protections,
requiring great attention to detail and an understand-
• A car for work ing of local best practices.
• Parking
• Use of a gym facility Globalization Partners makes it painless and easy to
• A cheap loan hire your team in Australia. You identify the talent,
• Free private health insurance and we put your candidate on our already-existing,
locally compliant payroll and benefits. Legally, the
Laptops and mobile phones for business use are employee is on our payroll, but the team member is
exempt from fringe benefits tax. fully dedicated to you and will feel like a member of
your team. This lifts the burden of HR, payroll and
HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFITS compliance from your shoulders to ours – and enables
IN AUSTRALIA the employee to focus immediately on your business.
Australia has a public/private health care system. Aus- If you would like to discuss how Globalization Part-
tralians with taxable incomes over a particular indexed ners can make it fast and easy for you to engage
level pay 2% of their taxable income into the national your team in Australia, please contact us.
healthcare scheme, Medicare.
76 77
78 79
The statutory minimum is to provide paid leave for the • Employers can require employees to take their
legally required holidays, however, market norm/best entire annual leave entitlement each year.
practice is to permit the employees a bit of flexibility If an employee does not use all of his or her annual
around the Chinese New Year so that they can avoid leave in a certain year, and does not agree to car-
the peak travel days. Offering employees an extra day ry leave forward, then the employer must pay the
off before and after the officially published dates is an employee 200% of the employee’s average daily
excellent supplementary benefit. wage for each day of unused annual leave, in ad-
Did you know? dition to regular salary.
China has 1/5th of the world’s population. SICK LEAVE
A 13th month salary or annual bonus is not required
The Chinese invented paper. • Employees are entitled to between three and
but is market norm in China. A commission plan may
Is the 3rd largest countr y in the world. be seen as replacing this for a sales employee. When 24 months’ leave for medical treatment depend-
negotiating with employees, it is ended to clearly state ing on the length of service with the employer
the monthly salary, how many months it will be paid, and the number of years in general employment.
and the total annual salary. • Sick pay should not be below 80% of the local
minimum wage.
WORKING HOURS • If the employee becomes injured or sick on
China, home to 1.35 billion people, is the most pop- EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS the job, they are entitled to a maximum of 12
ulous country in the world, and the second-largest months’ leave at full pay for medical treatment.
The Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China des-
country by land area. China’s GDP is USD 9.4 trillion, It legally required to put a strong employment contract ignates a five-day workweek of no more than 8 hours
making it the second-largest economy in the world, in place in China which spells out the terms of the em- PARENTAL LEAVE
a day and no more than 44 hours a week. Offices are
and it ranks at 84 on the World Bank’s scale of ease ployee’s compensation, benefits, and termination re- usually open from 8am to 6pm each day, with a two-
of doing business. China’s largest exports are com- quirements. An offer letter and employment contract Women are generally entitled to a 98-day paid ma-
hour lunch from noon to 2pm, although hours may vary
puters, broadcasting equipment, telephones, inte- in China should always state the salary and any com- ternity leave, which they can take starting 15 days
from city to city. Government offices are open from
grated circuits, and office machine parts. pensation amounts in Chinese Yuan Renminbi rather before childbirth.
9am to 5pm and closed on weekends.
than a foreign currency.
VACATION • If the mother has a multiple birth, an additional
IN CHINA CHINA PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 15 days is granted for each additional child.
Employees who have worked: • Women who have children after the age of 24 are
Written employment contracts are mandatory for full- Seven national public holidays are celebrated in China, generally granted an additional “late maternity
• Less than one year receive no vacation.
time employees. Employers have one month to finalize including: leave” of about 30 days. The actual number of
• Between one year and less than 10 years are
contract terms, after which employees are entitled to days depends on the city.
entitled to five days of paid annual leave.
twice their salary while they remain without a contract • New Year’s Day, January 1, 2020 • Women may be entitled to receive full pay
• At least 10 years but less than 20 years are enti-
until they have been employed for one year. However, • Chinese New Year (Spring Festival), Jan 25, 2020 during their maternity leave. This is either paid
tled to 10 days of annual leave.
despite the penalty threat, it is not uncommon for local • QingMing Festival, April 4, 2020 through social security, or if the employer did not
• At least 20 years of work entitles employees to
employers to forgo a written contract. • Labor Day, May 1, 2020 contribute to social security on her behalf, then it
15 days of annual leave.
• Dragon Boat Festival, June 25, 2020 • In practice, most foreign employers hiring mid-lev- is to be paid by the employer.
• Mid-Autumn Festival, October 1, 2020 el to senior executives in China will provide two to
• National Day, October 1, 2020 four weeks of annual vacation days.
80 81
82 83
84 85
86 87
88 89
SICK LEAVE IN JAPAN TERMINATION AND SEVERANCE Employers must give at least 30 days’ notice of dis-
IN JAPAN missal or provide payment of base salary in lieu of no-
An employer is not generally required to grant paid tice. It is customary for work rules to specify that an
leave to an employee who is absent from work as a Probation periods are common in Japan and will nor- employee must give 30 days’ notice of resignation.
result of illness or injury, unless the work rules or em- mally range from three to six months, and should not
ployment contract provides otherwise. exceed one year. During the probationary period, an JAPAN TAX
employee can be dismissed if the employer has objec-
PARENTAL LEAVE tively reasonable grounds to do so, and the dismissal Japan’s social security system is excellent. Via the so-
would not be considered unreasonable. cial safety net, all people (including employees) are
Pregnant employees are entitled to maternity leave provided with excellent health care coverage, pen-
within 6 weeks of the expected birth date, and eight It is considered somewhat easier to validly dismiss an sion, unemployment insurance and other benefits.
weeks after birth. An employer is not allowed to have a employee in their probationary period than afterwards. Because such excellent benefits are provided by the
female employee work within eight weeks after giving The option for an employer to extend the probationary government, it’s less common for employers in Japan
birth, except if both: period must be set forth in the work rules and/or em- to provide supplemental insurance benefits. The social
ployment contract. security system in Japan includes a pension plan that
• She wishes to resume her duties after six weeks both employers and employees pay into. The plan pays
after giving birth. Employees have a very high level of legal protection in benefits to an employee if the employee has been pay-
• The resumption of the work will not cause any Japan. Once hired, the employer’s right to dismiss an ing into the system for at least 25 years. The pension is
problems, as certified by a doctor. employee is severely restricted and it is very difficult receivable once an employee turns 65 years old.
to terminate employees.
It is not required that employers pay for maternity In Japan, there is also National Universal Health care
leave, unless the employment contract or work rules A dismissal will be invalid as an abuse of rights under system. Employees generally receive four basic
state otherwise. Employees are eligible for family care local law if it lacks objectively reasonable grounds and types of insurance: health insurance, welfare pen-
leave of up to 93 days per family member. These ab- is not considered to be appropriate in general societal sion insurance, workers’ compensation, unemploy-
sences are not paid unless otherwise stipulated in the terms. Practically, it is very difficult for an employer to ment insurance
Work Rules. satisfy these requirements. Termination of employees
must be for ‘cause.’ Acceptable grounds for termina- Health and welfare pension insurance are “social in-
Childcare leave: An employee is entitled to receive tion in Japan depend on the individual circumstances surance,” to which directors are also entitled. Premi-
childcare leave from the following day after maternity/ of each case, but are generally: ums are borne 50% by the employer and 50% by the
paternity leave ends to the day before a child becomes employee. Workers’ compensation and unemployment
one year old. On a certain condition, the period could • Theft or violence. insurance are “labor insurance,” to which directors are
be extended to the day a child becomes one and a half • Serious insubordination – must be egregious. not entitled. The employer is responsible for 100% of
years old. • Serious and on-going poor performance after workers’ compensation premiums and more than 50%
formal warnings have been given, corrective train- of unemployment insurance premiums. Employment
Childcare leave benefits: 1. JPY 420,000 of Lump- ing provided and other potential positions explored. income, such as salary income, is subject to national
sum benefit for Childbirth 2. Exemption of social in- • False information regarding skills or back- income tax and local inhabitants tax. National income
surance premium 3. Maternity allowance: About 2/3 ground that impacts performance or makes the tax applies at progressive rates depending on the in-
of monthly salary during maternity/paternity leave 4. fulfillment of duties impossible. come amount. Local inhabitants tax applies at a flat
Billboards in Shinjuku’s
Childcare leave benefit: about 2/3 of monthly salary rate. The rate is set locally.
Kabuki-cho distric t .
during the childcare leave.
90 91
92 93
94 95
must be a written order from the employer and written
Indonesia celebrates 14 public holidays for which em- consent for the employee for any overtime worked.
ployees are given the day off, including:
• New Year’s Day, January 1, 2020
• Chinese New Year, January 25, 2020 Employees are entitled to statutory annual paid leave of
Did you know? • “Nyepi” Bali Hindu New Year, March 25, 2020 12 days per year. It is not typical to provide more than
• Ascension Day of the Prophet Muhammad, the statutory days and “Cuti Bersama”. The Indonesian
Indonesia is made up of 18,307 islands. March 22, 2020 government also declares “Cuti Bersama” which means
• Good Friday, April 10, 2020 “taking leave together, this is also referred to shared
It is home to the world’s largest lizard-the komodo dragon.
• Labor Day, May 1, 2020 leave. Cuti Bersama was introduced by the Indonesian
There are over 740 different languages and dialects • Ascension Day of Jesus Christ, May 21, 2020 government for the purpose of stimulating domestic
• Buddhist Holy Day of Waisak, May 7, 2020 tourism within the country and increasing the efficiency
spoken in the countr y. • Ascension Day, May 21, 2020 of public servants.
It is par t of the “Ring of Fire,” with over 400 volcanoes. • Eid al-Fitr, May 23-24, 2020
• Eid al-Adha, July 30-31, 2020 For example, if a holiday falls on a Thursday, a “joint hol-
• Independence Day, August 17, 2020 iday” program encourages the employer to give Friday
• Islamic New Year, August 20, 2020 off. The holiday is counted in public servants’ overall
• Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, October leave. Most businesses follow this concept by adjusting
29, 2020 employees’ annual leave in line with government policy.
• Christmas Day, December 25, 2020 The Cuti Bersama changes each year and is dictated by
EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS the government. In 2017, it was January 2nd, June 26th-
IN INDONESIA These contracts cannot exceed two years; however,
It should be noted as well that 87% of the population in 28th, and December 26th.
extending a contract for up to one year is allowed.
Indonesia observe Islam as their religion and consequent-
Fixed-term employment agreements in Indonesia
Best practice is to put a strong employment contract ly Islamic holidays such as the Birthday of the Prophet SICK LEAVE IN INDONESIA
must be written in Bahasa Indonesia, the official
in place in Indonesia which spells out the terms of the Muhammed are widely celebrated across Indonesia.
language of Indonesia, and may be bilingual.
The concept of a set number of sick days does not ex-
employee’s compensation, benefits, and termination
requirements. An offer letter and employment con- INDONESIA WORKING HOURS ist in Indonesia. Instead, the employee’s salary is re-
In the event of any inconsistency in the bilingual
duced based on the time the employee has been out.
versions of the employment agreements, the Baha- tract in Indonesia should always state the salary and
The Indonesia workweek is 40 hours, with either sev- For the first four months, the employee is entitled to
sa Indonesia version will prevail. any compensation amounts in Indonesia rupiah rather
en hours a day for six days a week or eight hours a day 100% of their pay.
than a foreign currency.
for five days a week. If employers request extra hours,
Employment contracts in Indonesia can either be
they must pay 1.5 times their regular wages for the After the first four months, the employee’s pay is re-
fixed-term or for an unspecified period of time. Fixed- The employment contract template is part of the ser-
first hour and two times their regular wages for any duced by 25% and an employer may terminate an em-
term contracts are given for defined time periods or vice with Globalization Partners; no need to draft a
hour after that. ployee who has been sick for 12 months. Sick pay is
until the completion of a certain job. separate template if you use our employer of record
covered by the employer, not the government.
and PEO service in Indonesia.
Wages should include and fixed allowances. Maximum
overtime allowed is three hours a day or 14 hours a week.
96 97
PARENTAL LEAVE IN INDONESIA Standard severance pay: one month of wages for service INDONESIA TAX
of less than one year, plus an additional month of wages
Female employees are entitled to take three months of for every year of service, up to nine months’ salary. As of January 1, 2014, Indonesia implemented a uni-
fully paid maternity leave, of which 1.5 months are taken versal social security system intended to cover all em-
prior to the birth, and 1.5 months are taken post-natal. Long Service pay which amounts to two months’ sal- ployees and residents under a single health care sys-
ary after the first three years of service, followed by tem by 2019 and a single employment benefit system
Male employees are entitled to two days paid paterni- an additional one month’s salary for every three years by 2029. The national social security covers five pro-
ty leave. Employees are entitled to paid family leave in of service thereafter, up to a maximum of ten months’ grams, including:
Indonesia, under the following circumstances: salary for 24 years of service.
• health insurance
• Marriage of the employee’s child: Compensation Pay must be paid to cover the following: • occupational injuries
two days’ paid leave • Provident fund
• Circumcision of the employee’s child: • Annual leave that has not expired or been taken. • pension benefits
two days’ paid leave • relocation expenses (expenses to return the • death benefits
• Baptism of the employee’s child: employee and their family to the place from which
two days’ paid leave they were recruited). Contributions for funding health care are split between
• Death of the employee’s child: • medical and housing allowance: 15% of the total employers and employees and are approximately 5%
two days’ paid leave severance pay and service appreciation pay, if any. of earnings. This is for all employees, including expats.
1. Although full salary is due to the employee for • other benefits provided under the employment Residents of Indonesia are subject to the following
the above circumstances, the employer is not agreement, the company regulations or the CBA. rates of Income Tax:
obligated to pay the allowances that are con- • other compensation amounts as determined by
ditional to the attendance of the employee. the Industrial Relations Court (this can include • Up to IDR 50 million: 5%
special arrangements between the employer and • From IDR 50 million up to IDR 250 million: 15%
employee). • From IDR 250 million up to IDR 500 million: 25%
TERMINATION/SEVERANCE • Over IDR 500 million: 30%
IN INDONESIA Separation Pay is a voluntary award provided to the
employer as compensation for the employee’s service HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFITS IN
Employment contracts for an unspecified period can and is regulated by the employment agreement. There INDONESIA
include a probationary period of up to three months. are only five termination reasons that allow an employ-
Fixed-term contracts may not include a probationary er only to only pay the compensation owed, with no
Indonesia has compulsory universal healthcare which
period. There is no required notice period for employ- severance or separation pay:
is funded through payroll taxes and the general bud-
ers. Employees may resign with 30 days’ notice.
get. Employers are required to enroll their employees
• Employee resigns at her own will
in this system.
The Labor Law provides different formula of sever- • Grave Misconduct
ance pay for the different reasons for the dismissal/ • Severe Chronic illness for more than 12 months
Any employee hired through globalization partners
employment termination. This includes events such as • Disability due to work related accident
will automatically have the employee enrolled in the
imprisonment, death, retirement, bankruptcy, etc. • Five days of missing work
universal healthcare. This is mandatory for all employ-
ees, including expats.
Pura Ulun Danu,
98 99
100 101
South Korea
102 103
SOUTH KOREA HOLIDAYS after one year of service with the company.
South Korea
• An additional vacation day is paid for each two
In addition to vacation days, employees are entitled to years of service thereafter.
the 1st of May (Labor Day) as a mandatory paid holi- • The statutory vacation days earned per year are
day in Korea. An employer isn’t required to treat other capped at 25 days.
national holidays as paid holidays, though in market
practice it is firmly embedded that they are treated as SICK LEAVE IN SOUTH KOREA
Did you know? paid holidays. The following is a list of Korean national
holidays, which are at times subject to change: There is no legal requirement for employers to provide
51 million people live in South Korea (2017). The majority of leave to employees for non-work related illnesses or
• New Year’s Day, January 1, 2020 injuries. It is not uncommon, however, for companies
the people live in the province surrounding Seoul in the nor th
• Seollal, January 24-27, 2020 to provide paid sick leave whether an injury or illness is
west of the countr y. • National Assembly Election Day, April 15, 2020 work related. Employees will generally use their annu-
• Buddha’s Birthday, April 30, 2020 al paid leave as personal sick days if paid sick leave is
Main religions are Christianity (27%) Buddhism (15%), however not available. Employers are required under the Labor
• Labor Day, May 1, 2020
Standards Act to provide paid leave for work-related
many practice Confucianism regardless of their religious beliefs. • Children’s Day, May 5, 2020
• Memorial Day, June 6, 2020 illnesses or injuries. Sick pay paid to an employee can-
• Chuseok, September 30-October 2, 2020 not be recovered from the state.
• National Foundation Day, October 3, 2020
• Hangeul, October 9, 2020 PARENTAL LEAVE IN
• Christmas Day, December 25, 2020 SOUTH KOREA
South Korea, located in East Asia, is the most de- Part-time employees are entitled to the same working
veloped country in the region according to the Hu- rights as employees who do the same job full time, in
BONUS IN SOUTH KOREA Female employees are entitled to 90 days of maternity
man Development Index. 50 million people live in proportion to the hours worked. leave. The start date can be agreed to by the employ-
South Korea, half of them in Seoul’s metropolitan er and the employee, however 45 consecutive days of
It is common for Korean companies to pay incentive or
area. The Korean government encourages entre- In South Korea, best practice is to put a strong, written leave must be taken after the birth. The company or
performance-based bonuses.
preneurship and market competition. employment contract in place, in the local language, Employment Insurance pays for the leave, depending
which spells out the terms of the employee’s job de- on the size of the company.
EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS IN scription, compensation, benefits, working hours, sick
SOUTH KOREA leave, and termination requirements.
Koreans are known for working long hours, however, Benefit pay also depends on company size. Parents
employers must allow employees a minimum of one who have worked for an employer for more than one
Historically, South Korean employment contracts were An offer letter and employment contract in South Ko- year may be eligible for parental leave.
paid day off per week under the Korean labor law;
indefinite and employees worked until retirement. rea should always state the salary and any compen-
Sunday is generally designated as the paid weekly day
However, fixed-term, part-time, and temporary con- sation amounts in Won rather than a foreign currency. • Such leave applies to parents whose children
off. Many professional employees work a half-day on
tracts are becoming more common. are under six years old
• Each parent is eligible for up to one year of leave
Fixed-term contracts cannot exceed two years and • Parents cannot take leave at the same time
beyond this limit, an employee must be treated as if • The parent is entitled to 40% of their monthly
they have an indefinite contract. income from Employment Insurance
Companies with full-time salaried employees are le-
gally required to provide 15 days of paid annual leave
104 105
An employer must provide employees with at least Universal healthcare in South Korea is provided by
30-days’ notice or they can pay the employee 30 compulsory National Health Insurance (NHI).
days of salary in lieu of the notice as a dismissal no-
tice allowance. Employment contracts often provide Employees and employers must contribute to National
for longer notice. As a contractual matter, an employ- Health Insurance. The contribution rate is dependent
ee may be entitled to reasonable notice of termination on the employee’s salary and the employer and em-
(which can be as much as 12 months) in particular ployee each pay 50% of the contribution.
By Korean law, a full-time employee is entitled to re-
ceive severance pay equal to one month’s salary for Establishing a branch office or subsidiary in South
each year of employment if they have worked for at Korea to engage a small team would be incredibly
least one year and they have worked for more than time-consuming, expensive and complex. South Ko-
15 hours per week or more than 60 hours per month. rean labor law has strong worker protections, requir-
Severance pay is to be paid within two weeks of ter- ing great attention to detail and an understanding of
mination. local best practices.
Employees with more than six months’ service are eli- Globalization Partners makes it painless and easy to
gible to make unfair dismissal claims if either: hire your team in South Korea. You identify the talent,
and we put your candidate on our already-existing,
• They are covered by a modern award or enterprise locally compliant payroll and benefits. Legally, the
agreement (regardless of how much they earn and employee is on our payroll, but the team member is
even if they have signed a high income guarantee.) fully dedicated to you and will feel like a member of
• They are award or agreement free and they your team. This lifts the burden of HR, payroll and
earn less than the relevant income threshold compliance from your shoulders to ours – and enables
(A$129,300 base salary for 2013/2014.) the employee to focus immediately on your business.
The primary unfair dismissal remedy is reinstatement. If you would like to discuss how Globalization Part-
If that is not appropriate, compensation of up to six ners can make it fast and easy for you to engage
months’ pay may be awarded. your team in South Korea, please contact us.
106 107
108 109
• Labour Day, May 1, 2020
• Vesak Day, May 7, 2020
• Hari Raya Puasa, May 24, 2020
• Hari Raya Haji, July 31, 2020
• National Day, August 9, 2020
• Deepavali, November 14, 2020
Did you know? • Christmas Day, December 25, 2020
Singapore is not only one island! 63 islands belong to the city If a public holiday falls on a Sunday, the holiday is
observed on the following Monday.
state and are dotted around the Singapore coastline, and most
of these islands are inhabited. BONUS
Singapore comes from the Sanskrit name ‘Singapura’ which A 13th month or annual bonus is not required but is
means ‘lion city’. The Merlion, the countr y’s national symbol, market norm in Singapore. A commission plan may re-
place this for a sales employee. An annual bonus may
is inspired by this name. be equal to two to three months of salary when the
economy is strong.
Singapore’s flying foxes are the largest bats in the world.
110 111
SINGAPORE SICK LEAVE The number of days of paid sick leave is dependent on PARENTAL LEAVE TERMINATION/SEVERANCE
the length of service.
Employees are generally entitled to sick leave if: A female employee who: A probation period of three to six months may gener-
• they have worked for the employer for at least Employees who have worked for at least six months • is a citizen of Singapore ally be agreed to in the employment contract, during
three months are eligible for 14 days of outpatient, non-hospitaliza- • is legally married to the father which there is a shorter notice period.
• they have informed their employer within 48 tion leave and 60 days of hospitalization leave, which • has worked for her employer for at least three
hours of their absence includes the 14 days of outpatient leave. Employees months This is not a statutory requirement. One month’s ter-
• their sick leave is certified by the company’s doctor, a with less than six months of service are entitled to mination notice on behalf of the employer or employee
company-approved doctor, or a government doctor paid leave on the following schedule: is entitled to 16 weeks of paid maternity leave. For the is the generally agreed term, but this is not fixed. If the
first two pregnancies, the employer pays for the first notice period is not specified in the employment con-
eight weeks of leave and the government pays for the tract, the following applies:
second eight weeks. The government pays for the en-
Number of months of Paid outpatient Paid hospitalization tire leave for additional pregnancies.
service completed non-hospitalization leave (days) leave (days) Length of service Length of severance
Employees who are not citizens of Singapore and/or
are not legally married to the father are generally en-
titled to 12 weeks of paid leave, unless their employ-
Less than 26 weeks 1 day
ment contract states differently. It is likely that begin-
3 5 15 ning in 2017, women no longer need to be married to
be eligible for 16 weeks of paid maternity leave. Begin-
26 weeks to less 1 week
ning July 1st, 2017, wives may share up to four weeks
than 2 years
of maternity leave with husbands.
112 113
• has worked for at least three years, beginning HOW WE CAN HELP
before the employee was 55
• is a citizen or permanent resident of Singapore It can be challenging to figure out how to employ a
• can satisfactorily perform the work team, incorporate a subsidiary, and set up payroll in
Singapore. Why do that when you don’t have to? Glo-
SINGAPORE TAX balization Partners makes it easy to hire employees in
Singapore with minimal time and expense.
CPF (Central Provident Fund) is the main nationally
mandated benefit or social security expense. Our solution is to put your candidate on our locally
compliant payroll, under our entity in Singapore. This
The amount varies, but we recommend budgeting transforms the normal process of setting up and man-
17% of the employee’s salary (on top of the regular aging a company in Singapore into a simple monthly
salary) as a benefit cost to be paid into the Central invoice from our entity.
Providence Fund by the employer. CPF is similar to a
retirement fund. For all intents and purposes, the employee works for
you, however, they’re legally on our payroll. Engaging
HEALTH INSURANCE the employee through our already-existing local com-
pany enables you to skip the difficulty of creating a
Basic insurance is provided through the national sys- subsidiary and setting up a separate business in Sin-
tem, however, supplementary health insurance may be gapore – so that you, and your new team member, can
provided to the employee as a supplementary benefit. instead focus on your business.
114 115
116 117
There are some additional regulations around special of paid ‘service incentive leave’, which can be used for
pay for overtime and normal rest days. Salary employ- vacation or sick leave.
ees receive all these days, and the only difference is
the overtime rate. However, we typically see good employers offering 15
days of paid vacation and 15 days of paid sick leave
There are 10 Regular Holidays: for most professional level positions in the Philippines.
118 119
PARENTAL LEAVE • serious misconduct A copy of the notice shall also be furnished to the Re-
• willful disobedience gional Office of the Department of Labor and Employ-
Female workers who have contributed to Social Secu- • gross and habitual neglect of duty ment (DOLE) where the employer is located.
rity for at least three months of the prior 12 months are • fraud or breach of trust
eligible for 60 days of paid leave at their daily salary • commission of a crime or offense against the Employees may appeal to an arbitrator and if the em-
rate for the first four pregnancies. 78 days of paid leave employer, his family or representative ployer is found not to have followed the correct pro-
is provided for cesarean deliveries. cedures, the employee may be entitled to payment of
Or for authorized causes the employer must pay a sev- damages, reinstatement, and/or back wages.
A female member of the Social Security System (SSS) erance. Termination causes that would be deemed au-
who has paid at least three monthly contributions in thorize cause include: Severance pay is provided based on the reason for ter-
the twelve-month period immediately preceding the mination, but is typically one month’s wages for every
semester of her childbirth or miscarriage shall be paid • installation of labor-saving devices year worked. In case of termination due to the installa-
a daily maternity benefit equivalent to 100% of her av- • redundancy tion of labour-saving devices or redundancy, the work-
erage daily salary. • retrenchment to prevent losses er affected thereby shall be entitled to a separation
• closure and cessation of business pay equivalent to at least his one (1) month pay or to
The benefit is for 60 days for normal delivery and 78 • disease or illness at least one (1) month pay for every year of service,
days for cesarean delivery for the first four deliveries whichever is higher.
and miscarriages. Married male employees are eligible In a termination for just cause, due process involves
for seven days of paid paternity leave for their first four the two-notice rule, that in total legally must be at This is based on what salary the employee received on
children, as long as they live in the same household. least 30 days: their most recent check (this includes allowance and
Leave must be taken within 60 days of the birth. Em- basic salary, not commission or bonus).
ployer pays the employee at the time of the leave, and 1. A notice of intent to dismiss specifying the grounds
they then submit for reimbursement to the SSS. for termination, and giving said employee reason- In case of retrenchment to prevent losses and in cases
able opportunity within which to explain his or her of closures or cessation of operations of establishment
TERMINATION/SEVERANCE IN THE side or undertaking not due to serious business losses or fi-
PHILIPPINES nancial reverses, the separation pay shall be equivalent
2. A hearing or conference where the employee is to one (1) month pay or at least one-half (1/2) month
Filipino termination law is very complicated. Below is given an opportunity to respond to the charge, pay for every year of service, whichever is higher. A
a brief summary of the major points. Probationary em- present evidence or rebut the evidence presented fraction of at least six (6) months shall be considered
ployment is allowed for up to six months. against them one (1) year.
Employers may dismiss workers for a just cause, in 3. A notice of dismissal indicating that upon due con- PHILIPPINES TAX
which case there no mandatory severance. Manage- sideration of all the circumstances, grounds have
ment must conduct an investigation and have strong been established to justify termination. Similar to social security in the United States, the Phil-
evidence to prove cause. ippines has a social security system which is a manda-
In a termination for an authorized cause, due process tory employee benefit. The Philippines Social Security
Termination causes that would be deemed just means a written notice of dismissal to the employee System consists of the following:
Horse Drawn Carriage parking
cause include: specifying the grounds at least 30 days before the
in front of Malate church,
Manila Philippines. date of termination.
120 121
• Social Security System (SSS): the SSS was ADDITIONAL BENEFITS IN THE Filipino law requires that the extra pay be given no lat-
created to provide private employees and their PHILIPPINES er than December 24th, however, it is strongly recom-
families with protection against disability, sick- mended that the 13th month salary be paid as early in
ness, old age, and death. All persons under the Offering additional benefits can help attract and retain December as possible. Culturally, the Christmas holi-
age of 60 who earn income from employment key talent. Below are some common additional bene- day is very important to Filipinos and the 13th month
of more than P1,000 per mont are required to fits some employers offer in the Philippines: pay is typically used to buy Christmas gifts. The earlier
contribute to the SSS. Employee contributions in December an employer can provide 13th month pay
for social security are deducted from employee’s • Allowances: Some companies offer allowance for for its Filipino employees, the more employees will ap-
salary payments. These are withheld by the em- things such as housing, transportation, and med- preciate it. Not usual, but sometimes this is given ½ in
ployer on a monthly basis. ical allowances. If an allowance can be classified June. This is a small bonus to cover employees’ chil-
• Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF): the as a cost of living allowance it is tax deductible. All dren’s school fees are due at the start of the school
HMDF is a provident savings system providing other allowances will be taxed. year (June). In addition to the 13th month pay, some
housing loans to private and Philippine govern- • Supplementary Insurances: supplementary life, employers give an additional Christmas bonus, which
ment employees, and self-employed persons disability, and health insurance are often provided is known as the 14th month pay. This is one of the key
who elect to join the Fund. by employers and are recommended. benefits used to attract and retain staff and is highly
• Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (Phil- appreciated by future employees.
Health): PhilHealth is administered by the Phil- BONUS
ippine National Health Corporation, which is HOW WE CAN HELP
designed to provide employees with a practical Filipino employees are legally entitled to a 13th
means of paying for adequate medical care in month salary. When offering a monthly salary, your It can be challenging to figure out how to employ a
the Philippines. employee will typically multiply by 13 to obtain the team, incorporate a subsidiary, and set up payroll in the
base annual salary. Philippines. Why do that when you don’t have to? Glo-
Employers in the Philippines are required to make balization Partners makes it easy to hire employees in
contributions to the above funds. The current SSS The 13th-month pay in the Philippines is equivalent Philippines with minimal time and expense. Our solu-
contribution rate as of 2016 is 11.36% of the month- to 1/12 of the basic salary received by an employee tion is to put your candidate on our locally compliant
ly salary not exceeding P16,000 with the percent- during the year. If a Filipino employee worked for less payroll, under our entity in the Philippines. This trans-
age being divided among the employer at 7.67% than a year (regardless of the cause for the termination forms the normal process of setting up and manag-
and the employee at 3.69%. of his employment), the amount due to them is deter- ing a company in the Philippines into a simple monthly
mined by dividing the total salary they received by the invoice from our entity. For all intents and purposes,
HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFITS number of months he was employed. the employee works for you, however, they’re legally
IN THE PHILIPPINES on our payroll.
The calculation of the base salary does not include
The Philippines has compulsory universal healthcare allowances and monetary benefits that are not con- Engaging the employee through our already-existing
which is funded through payroll taxes and the general sidered or integrated as part of the employee’s regular local company enables you to skip the difficulty of cre-
budget. Private health care is also available. compensation. If, however, these benefits are by com- ating a subsidiary and setting up a separate business
pany practice or policy treated as part of the basic sal- in the Philippines – so that you, and your new team
The Private Healthcare system caters to 30% of the ary, then they should be included in the computation of member, can instead focus on your business.
population. an employee’s 13th-month pay.
If you would like to discuss how Globalization Part- Manila, Philippines
ners can help in the Philippines, please contact us.
122 123
124 125
Vietnam shares a land border with China to the nor th, Cambodia
10th day of the 3rd lunar month Hung Kings Commemorations 01
and Laos to the west.
The currency of Vietnam is called the dong.
April 30 Day of Southern Liberation for
Vietnam has a high level of biodiversity. It is home to approximately
National Reunification 01
16% of the world’s species.
The cuisine of Vietnam traditionally combines 5 fundamental taste May 1 International Labour Day 01
Foreign employees are additionally entitled to a day off with pay on one additional traditional day.
Vietnam is in Southeast Asia on the Indochina and any compensation amounts in Vietnam dong BONUS VIETNAM WORKING HOURS
Peninsula and borders the South China Sea. More rather than a foreign currency.
than 90 million people live in Vietnam. A 13 month bonus is not legally required in Vietnam, The maximum working hours per week are eight hours
but most employers provide a 13th month bonus, an- per day and 48 hours per week, for normal working
EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS nual bonus or commission plan. The 13th month bo- conditions. It’s legally required that employers provide
nus is typically offered to employees that have worked employees with one full day off per week, which is
It is legally required to put a written employment con- for a company for more than one year or is prorated usually Sunday.
There are 10 public holidays in Vietnam, during which
tract in place in Vietnam which spells out the terms most employees are entitled to the day off work. based on length of employment. Bonuses are often
of the employee’s compensation, benefits, and termi- paid prior to the Lunar New Year Holiday and is usually Most white-collar professionals in practice work sim-
nation requirements. An offer letter and employment one to three months’ salary. Various other allowances ilar hours to American companies for what we would
The Tet Lunar New Year is a weeklong celebration.
contract in Vietnam should always state the salary and bonuses may often be negotiated for in Vietnam, consider full-time exempt positions: eight hours per
and they may or may not be taxable depending on day, 40 hours per week, Monday through Friday.
their structure.
126 127
VACATION • 30 days per year (if the employee has contributed to It’s common practice to arrange a “probation period”
the social insurance fund for less than 15 years) or in Vietnam when engaging new employees. A proba-
Minimal annual leave requirements of 12 days are stip- • 40 days per year (if the employee has contributed tionary period must not exceed 60 days for work that
ulated by Vietnamese labor law. to the social insurance fund for between 15 and 30 requires specialized or highly technical skills or 30 days
years) or for other types of work.
• Employees who have worked for twelve months • 60 days per year (if the employee has contributed
for an employer are entitled to twelve paid annual to the social insurance fund for more than 30 years). Vietnam labor code states that an employer may ter-
leave days, with pro rata entitlement for employ- minate a labor contract by serving an advance notice
ees with less than twelve month’s service. PARENTAL LEAVE of 30 working days for termination of a fixed term la-
• Employees receive one additional paid vacation bor contract or 45 working days for an indefinite labor
day for each additional five years they work for an Female employees are eligible for six months of paid contract. However, employers must have proper legal
employer. maternity leave at 100% of salary, and an additional grounds for termination.
• Employees are entitled to pay in lieu of annual 30 days for each additional child.
leave for leave not taken by the end of the year. Terminating an employee in Vietnam is not a simple
Employees may be permitted to carry over untak- Salary during this period is paid by the compulsory so- matter. Proper legal grounds must exist in order for
en annual leave to the following year, but no later cial insurance. Maternity leave is six months. A female an employer to terminate a labor contract with an em-
than March 31st of the following year, instead of employee who is pregnant, on maternity leave or has ployee, such as performance issues, prolonged illness,
payment in lieu of untaken leave. a child below 12 months of age can only be dismissed a force majeure event, or dissolution of the company.
• Employees working under hazardous condi- if the enterprise ceases operation. No other causes for Employers are required to perform various procedures
tions may earn more leave, and additional leave is dismissal are recognized. An employer is not required prior to terminating an employee.
often a negotiated supplementary benefit. to pay salary to an employee who is on maternity
• Annual vacation leave is held separately from leave, however the maternity leave allowance is based If an employer fails to prove that there are legal grounds
sick leave or maternity leave in Vietnam. on the employee’s salary used to calculate the social for the termination or fails to follow the proper statuto-
insurance premium. ry procedure, a termination may be declared wrongful.
Employees are also entitled to paid personal leave for In the event of a wrongful termination, employers may
their wedding, the wedding of their child, or the death The maximum entitlement is: VND29.800.000, the be required to reinstate the employee, pay their salary
of a parent, spouse, or child, as well as unpaid leave employer normally will pay for the difference in case for the period that they were not allowed to work, and
with the approval of their employer. of the employee’s actual gross salary base is higher pay two months of the employee’s salary as a penalty
than the amount above. Fathers are eligible to receive for the wrongful termination.
SICK LEAVE five to 14 days of paid paternity leave, depending on
whether the child is born naturally or by C-section and In practice, a settlement or resignation can normally be
Employees who suffer from illness and/or disability or whether it is a single or multiple birth. negotiated with some amount of severance pay pro-
take leave in accordance with a doctor’s order receive vided to the employee.
an allowance paid by Vietnam’s social insurance fund, TERMINATION/SEVERANCE
provided that they submit the required documentation
supporting their leave. The rights employees have when their employment
contract is terminated depend upon the reason of dis-
The sick leave allowance is based on the employee’s missal and the employment contract. This has effects
Mu Cang Chai,
YenBai, V ietnam salary used to calculate the social insurance premium. on the notice period and possible severance payments.
The maximum entitlement is:
128 129
The basis for calculating the contributions is the month- Establishing a branch office or subsidiary in Viet-
ly salary as stipulated in the labour contract (capped at nam to engage a small team would be incredibly
20 times Common Minimum Wage for SI / HI) and 20 time-consuming, expensive and complex. Vietnam-
times Minimum Regional Wage for UI. Compulsory un- ese labor law has strong worker protections, requir-
employment insurance only applies to enterprises with ing great attention to detail and an understanding of
10 or more employees. local best practices. Globalization Partners makes it
painless and easy to hire your team in Vietnam. You
• Local: Employers contribute 21.5% of payroll to identify the talent, and we put your candidate on our
social insurance; local employees contribute 10.5% already-existing, locally compliant payroll and ben-
efits. Legally, the employee is on our payroll, but the
• Expat: Employers contribute 6.5% of payroll to so- team member is fully dedicated to you and will feel
cial insurance; expat employees contribute 1.5% like a member of your team. This lifts the burden of
HR, payroll and compliance from your shoulders to
• Union Fee: 1% (not compulsory, only when pro- ours – and enables the employee to focus immedi-
fessional joins TU organization) ately on your business.
• Trade Union: 2% (compulsory to the employer) If you would like to discuss how Globalization Part-
ners can make it fast and easy for you to engage
your team in Vietnam, please contact us.
Woman walking in Hoi An with fruits
130 131
132 133
134 135
Most holidays are observed nationwide, but each state SICK LEAVE IN BRAZIL
and city may have its own holidays as well. Election
days are also considered to be national holidays, and If an employee is sick and provides a medical note,
Brazil celebrates religious and ethnic holidays. the first 15 days of absence must be paid. Any further
days off are paid by the National Institute of Social
WORKING HOURS IN BRAZIL Security (INSS), at fixed rates, and the employer may
need to complement the payment, if the applicable
Did you know? The Brazil workweek is up 44 hours. Under Global-
collective bargaining agreement so requires.
ization Partners, workweek is 40 hours, ideally eight
It is called Brasil in Por tuguese, the official language hours per day, plus one hour for lunch.
spoken in Brazil.
The number of workweek hours are set by law or col-
Women are entitled to four months’ paid maternity
Brazil is the fifth largest countr y in the world by both lective bargaining agreement, and a major source of
leave and may not be dismissed during pregnancy or
litigation in Brazil is overcompensation for overtime.
land area and population. during the 12 months after birth. Adopting mothers
Additionally, while you may have agreed on a contract,
are also entitled to leave.
In Brazil they drive on the right-hand side of the road the Brazilian courts tend to rule in a narrow fashion,
usually on the side of the employee.
Brazil covers three time zones. Private companies enrolled into the Citizen Corporate
program have the option to extend an additional 60
For non-exempt employees, overtime is paid on any
days of maternity leave and can deduct the additional
hours after the eighth hour of the working day with
salary paid to the employee during this time from their
at least 50% premium. Work on Sundays and public
income taxes, not as an operational expense. The em-
holidays are paid with 100% premium. Employers can
ployee must request the additional 60-day increase
Brazil is the largest country in South America, the PUBLIC HOLIDAYS IN BRAZIL use a system to compensate overtime hours with time
before the end of the first month following the birth,
fifth largest country in the world by both population off, subject to the terms and limitations established by
the employee cannot render services or take part in
and land area (occupying 47% of the continent), and The following are the current public holidays in Brazil. law and collective bargaining agreement.
any remunerated activity during this time, and the
it is the largest country of Portuguese speakers.
newborn child cannot be enrolled in a daycare center.
• New Year’s Day, January 1, 2020 VACATION LEAVE IN BRAZIL
EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS IN • Carnival, February 24-25, 2020
Salary and benefits must be paid throughout the
BRAZIL • Good Friday, April 10, 2020, All employees in Brazil are entitled to 30 calendar days
employment protection period.
• Tiradentes’ Day, April 21, 2020 of vacation per year after each 12 months of service.
In Brazil, employment contracts can be oral or written, • Labour Day / May Day, May 1, 2020
Men are entitled to five days of paid paternity leave,
but it best practice to put a strong, written contract • Independence Day, September 7, 2020 The vacation period can be taken in three blocks, one
which they must request in advance.
in place, in Portuguese (or in dual language), which • Our Lady Aparecida/Children’s Day, October of at least 14 consecutive days, and the other two of
spells out the terms of the employee’s compensa- 12, 2020 at least five consecutive days. Employees are also enti-
Other Paid Leaves: Brazilian law and collective bar-
tion, benefits, working hours (or exemption), whether • All Souls Day, November 2, 2020 tled to cash out 10 days of vacation each year.
gaining agreements allow employees to take paid
a probationary period applies, confidentiality and the • Republic Proclamation Day, November 15, 2020
days off in several other circumstances, provided they
restrictive covenants (if applicable). An offer letter and • Christmas Day, December 25, 2020 In addition, the employee must be paid one third of
justify the absence through some written evidence.
employment contract in Brazil should always state a month’s salary as holiday bonus. Holiday pay and
the salary and any compensation amounts in Brazilian Public holidays may be legislated at the federal, state- holiday bonus payments are due prorated upon ter-
Real rather than a foreign currency. wide and municipal levels. mination in Brazil.
136 137
TERMINATION/SEVERANCE IN The protected categories include pregnant employees, ADDITIONAL BENEFITS IN BRAZIL
new mothers, employees returning from occupational ill-
nesses/accidents, union members, and other categories Standard benefits under Globalization Partners in
as determined by the collective bargaining agreement. Brazil includes meal voucher tickets, transportation
Either party may terminate the employment contract
by giving written notice known as aviso prévio of at voucher and life insurance.
Termination by the employer triggers the payment of a
least 30 days or payment in lieu of working the notice
penalty premium to the employee's individual account Also, as requested per our Collective Bargaining
period. After one year of service, the employee is enti-
in the Unemployment Savings Fund (FGTS) equivalent Agreement, day care assistance can be provided for
tled to three additional days’ notice per completed year
to 40% of the total of deposits made by the employer children up to 2 years old. Dental and health insur-
of service until 60 days are added making the total
to the employee's individual account. This penalty pre- ance are supplemental benefits and once offered to
possible to 90 days. Employees’ notice of resignation
mium does not apply if termination is for good cause the employee best practice is to extend it to employ-
is always 30 days regardless of the length of service.
or the employee resigns. Transfers of employment are ee’s dependent.
The final payment to the employee terminated without
only legal as a result of a joint venture or acquisition in
cause must include all the following:
Brazil, or between companies of the same group. VARIABLE COMPENSATION
• Normal pay up to the date of termination
• Prior notice (when paid in lieu)
EMPLOYMENT TAXES IN BRAZIL Rather than paying monthly commissions, annual bo-
• Prorated untaken vacation pay and vacation nus payout is the norm in Brazil. As long as initial ne-
An employer’s portion of social security and statutory gotiations do not suggest monthly or quarterly bonus
premium Prorated 13th salary
benefits in Brazil can be estimated as roughly 80% on payouts, then the candidate will usually be amenable
• Prorated bonus if applicable
top of the total salary costs for the average employee. to annual payouts. For commission payments, DSR
• Overtime or benefits calculated up to the date
To provide an example, a company hiring an employee (Weekly Rest Payments) is calculated on top of com-
of termination
at the USD equivalent of $100,000 per year will end up mission payment. The calculation is based into busi-
• FGTS contribution
paying at least $180,000 when required employer taxes ness days of the month and holidays/Sundays.
• Any other applicable benefit provided in the
and statutory benefits are added on top of the payroll.
collective bargaining agreement
In Brazil, it is possible to terminate an employee for HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFITS
just cause without prior notice. The law outlines 12 IN BRAZIL A 13th-month salary is required in Brazil and is an
reasons to terminate with cause, mostly relating to amount equal to the employee’s December salary
gross misconduct. Companies usually avoid termina- Health insurance is provided by the Brazilian govern- which is paid out to employees in two parts: the first
tion with cause as this can lead to lawsuits. Employees ment, although private health insurance is an increas- installment is paid between February and November
who were fired with cause often have a difficult time ingly common employee benefit. and the second installment between December 1-20.
finding a new job, so courts set a higher standard of
proof for employers to meet. Poor performance is not Most benefits in Brazil are prescribed by law and The 13th-month salary is also due pro-rated upon ter-
considered good cause for a termination for cause. there are very few negotiating points on benefits mination. The 13th-month payment is a legally man-
with the candidate. In addition to the benefits de- dated benefit and not part of the base salary. During
Certain employees may enjoy temporary job protec- scribed in other sections, there are heavy levies for negotiations with candidates, it is important to clearly
tion, so they cannot be terminated without cause. various social charges that cover medical and other state what salary is being offered and whether it is in-
social welfare programs. clusive or exclusive of the 13th-month payment.
Brazilian dishes
138 139
The total contributions made by the employer, plus the This lifts the burden of HR, payroll and compliance
40% penalty, which will be released to the employee from your shoulders to ours – and enables the em-
if terminated without cause.If the employee is termi- ployee to focus immediately on your business.
nated for cause or resigns, they will only be able to
withdraw the amount deposit in their FGTS account If you would like to discuss how Globalization Part-
until another triggering event takes place, such as their ners can make it fast and easy for you to engage
retirement, acquisition of first house, serious illness, your team in Brazil, please contact us.
etc. The amounts deposited in such account by the
employer will never revert to the employer.
140 141
142 143
tract in place, in the local language, which spells out
the terms of the employee’s compensation, benefits, Employment standards legislation in each jurisdiction
and termination requirements. An offer letter and em- sets restrictions on working hours. Most jurisdictions
ployment contract in Canada should always state the limit the number of hours that can be worked in a
salary and any compensation amounts in Canadian week. In Ontario, for instance, an employer cannot al-
dollars rather than a foreign currency. low an employee to work more than 48 hours a week
without obtaining prior approval from the Director of
Did you know?
CANADA HOLIDAYS Employment Standards. Regulations in each jurisdic-
The two main languages spoken in Canada are English and French. tion provide for exceptions to the maximum hours that
Canada celebrates both Federal and Provincial public can be worked in certain industries.
The name Canada comes from the word ‘kanata’ which means. holidays. There are four Federal public holidays that
‘settlement’ or ‘village’ in the language of the indigenous are celebrated nationwide for which employees are Although hours of work and overtime rules vary sig-
given paid days off, and the remainder are Provincial nificantly across Canada, most jurisdictions have es-
St Lawrence Iroquoians. public holidays: tablished an overtime rate equivalent to 1.5 times an
employee’s regular rate of pay. In Ontario, the enti-
The most popular spor t in Canada is ice hockey.
• New Year’s Day (National), January 1, 2020 tlement begins at 44 hours; in Québec, it is 40 hours.
The maple leaf is a Canadian symbol and features prominently • Islander Day (PEI), February 17, 2020 Employers cannot refuse to pay overtime rates and
• Louis Riel Day (MB), February 17, 2020 cannot force workers to work excessive hours, nor can
on the national flag. • Heritage Day (NS), February 17, 2020 they fire workers or have them deported if they refuse
Canada is composed of 10 provinces and three territories, • Family Day (BC, AB, SK, ON, NB), February 17, 2020 or complain about overtime work.
• Good Friday (National except QC), April 10, 2020
spanning six time zones. • Easter Monday (QC), April 13, 2020 VACATION LEAVE IN CANADA
• Victoria Day (National except NB, NS, NL), May
18, 2020 Most employees have the right to an annual paid va-
• Aboriginal Day (NWT), June 21, 2020 cation. In British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario,
• St. Jean Baptiste Day (QC), June 24, 2020 and Québec, employees must receive two weeks of paid
• Canada Day (National), July 1, 2020 vacation after completing one year with an employer.
EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS The primary restriction on the terms set out in an em-
• Civic Holiday (AB, BC, SK, ON, NB, NU), August
ployment contract is that the minimum standards set
3, 2020 There are some differences across the country with
Factor in the time it will take to become familiar with out in employment standards must be adhered to.
• Labour Day (National), September 7, 2020 respect to entitlements and eligibility. Most employers
provincial nuances for each hire. A written contract of • Thanksgiving (National except NB, NS, NL), offer two to four weeks paid vacation, depending on
employment is not required by law in Canada, howev- Canada is a bilingual country with French and En-
October 12, 2020 the type of company and the seniority of the employ-
er, it is strongly recommended. glish-speaking populations. Except for the province
• Remembrance Day (National except MB, ON, ees. “Use or lose it” vacation is not allowed in Canada.
of Québec, there are no rules governing the language
QC, NS) November 11, 2020 By prior arrangement, an employee may agree with
Most employers decide to enter into written employ- of employment contracts. In all provinces except
• Christmas Day (National), December 25, 2020 the employer to carry over vacation into the next year.
ment contracts with employees to define the terms of Québec, employment contracts are most often draft-
• Boxing Day (ON), December 26, 2020 Unlimited PTO is extremely rare in Canada and brings
the employment relationship. ed in English.
with it some significant challenges.
144 145
CANADA - SICK TIME OFF The maximum probationary period allowed depends • Employees with 12 months of continuous service
on the province and generally range from three to six receive the greater of two days’ wages at their reg-
Most employees in Canada have the right to take up months. It should be noted that if an employer ter- ular wage rate for each completed year of employ-
to three days of unpaid job-protected leave each cal- minates an employee within the probationary period, ment or five days’ wages at their regular wage rate.
endar year due to a personal illness, injury or medical the employee is entitled to severance pay.
emergency. Supplemental health insurance plans pro- The Ontario Employment Standards provides that:
vided by the employer can include short and/or long- Fixed-term employment contracts are permitted in
term disability plans. The federal Employment Insur- Canada. However, courts and other adjudicators will • An employee with five or more years of service
ance plan also provides long-term disability benefits. conclude that a fixed-term employment contract is, will be entitled to severance pay if the employ-
or was, an indefinite term contract if, for example, the er’s payroll in the province is Can$2.5 million or
PARENTAL LEAVE parties renewed the same fixed-term contract multi- more or if the employer permanently discontinues
ple times or if the employee continued working after the employment of 50 or more employees within a
Every female employee in Canada who has complet- the termination date specified in the contract. six-month period due to a permanent discontinu-
ed six consecutive months of continuous employment ance of all or part of its business.
and provides her employer with a certificate from a Employers in Canada are required to provide employ- • Severance pay in Ontario is calculated by multi-
qualified medical practitioner certifying that she is ees with a reasonable notice of dismissal or payment plying the employee’s regular wages for a reg-
pregnant, is entitled to maternity leave of up to 17 in lieu of notice. Employment standards legislation in ular work week by the sum of:
weeks. This leave may begin 12 weeks prior to the es- each jurisdiction mandates the minimum notice peri- 1. The number of complete years of employment;
timated date of the birth of the child and end no later ods that employers are required to provide employees and
than 17 weeks following the birth. based on their length of service. However, under the 2. The number of complete months of employ-
common law and Québec civil law, employees are also ment divided by 12 for a year that is not com-
Both new parents have the right to take parental leave entitled to a period of “reasonable” notice which usu- pleted (partial year).
of up to 37 weeks for standard leave or up to 61 weeks ally exceeds the statutory minimum. • The maximum amount of severance pay required
(63 weeks in certain Provinces) for extended leave. to be paid under Ontario Employment Standards is
For employees in Quebec, parents have the choice be- • In addition to length of service, “reasonable” notice 26 weeks.
tween two plans (Basic or Special Plan). Employers are is based on other factors, for example, the employ-
not required to pay employees while on leave, but may ee’s age, position in the company, and other factors TAXES IN CANADA
choose to top-up the maternity benefits paid to par- relevant to the employee’s ability to secure new
employment. Although employment contracts (or The Canadian social security system incorporates
ents by the government. A mother who takes preg-
collective agreements) can specify notice require- federal law on welfare issues such as unemployment
nancy leave must begin her parental leave as soon as
ments (or pay in lieu of notice) in cases of dismissal, insurance and old age security with provincial poli-
her pregnancy leave ends.
the parties cannot contract for anything less than cies, programs, and social services.
146 147
• The top federal tax rate for individuals in 2018 is been a citizen or legal resident at the time the OAS SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION
33%. pension application is approved, have resided in Can- BENEFITS IN CANADA
• Provincial tax rates apply in addition to the federal ada for at least 10 years since the age of 18, as well
rate and vary by province. as making the necessary contributions to the system. In addition to supplemental health and dental insur-
• As of 2018, Ontario’s top marginal rate is 13.16% It is not essential for a person to give up work before ance, most employers offer a supplemental pension
Québec’s is 25.75%Alberta’s is 15.00% they are able to claim this pension. In addition to this or Group Registered Retirement Savings Plan, known
pension, there is the Canada Pension Plan which is as a Group RRSP, to their employees. Employers can
On a federal basis in Canada, payroll taxes include another contributory scheme. From this, a person may decide to contribute to their employee’s Group RRSP a
contributions to the Canada Pension Plan and Em- also claim benefits for disability and survivor benefits. fixed percentage of the employee’s annual base salary,
ployment Insurance. usually capping at around 6%. Alternatively, employ-
HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFITS ers may choose to match employee contributions to
• The maximum “pensionable earnings” for the IN CANADA the plan. The Group RRSP provides additional retire-
Canada Pension Plan for 2018 is CAD $55,900 ment savings to employees to supplement the govern-
• The maximum employee and employer contribu- The social security system provides workers and res- ment pension plans. In addition, RRSP funds may be
tions in 2018 is CAD $2,593.80 each. idents with most healthcare benefits. All residents used towards the First Time Home- Buyer’s Plan or
• The maximum “insurable earnings” for Employ- have a Medicare card which entitles them to free Lifelong Learning programs.
ment Insurance purposes in 2018 is CAD $51,700 healthcare in their province.
($1.66 will be contributed by the employee for ev- HOW WE CAN HELP
ery $100 of salary until that maximum is reached; The Canadian health care system was built around the
for Quebec, it is $1.30 for every $100 of salary). principle that all citizens will receive all “medically nec- Establishing a branch office or subsidiary in Canada
essary and hospital physician services.” Each of Can- to engage a small team would be incredibly time-con-
There are several child benefits available through the ada’s 10 provinces and three territories finance and suming, expensive and complex. Canadian labor law
social security system, such as the Canada Child Tax run a statewide health insurance program. There is no has strong worker protections, requiring great atten-
Benefit. A disabled person may be eligible for one of cost-sharing for health care services guaranteed under tion to detail and an understanding of local best prac-
a number of benefits. There are some which are de- federal law. While Canadians are guaranteed access to tices. Globalization Partners makes it painless and
signed to help those with long-term disabilities and hospital and physician services, it is up to each prov- easy to hire your team in Canada.
others which are for those who have a short-term in- ince to decide whether to cover “supplementary” ben-
jury which is causing problems with everyday living. efits, like dental care and drug coverage. You identify the talent, and we put your candidate
Employment insurance is one of the main benefits of on our already-existing, locally compliant payroll and
the social security system. This is a temporary benefit About two-thirds of Canadians take out private, sup- benefits. Legally, the employee is on our payroll, but
which is paid out and covers any number of reasons plemental insurance policies (or have an employ- the team member is fully dedicated to you and will
why a person may not be in work and in need of finan- er-sponsored plan) to cover these services. Doctors feel like a member of your team. This lifts the burden
cial assistance, so unemployment, maternity, sickness in Canada are usually reimbursed by the government of HR, payroll and compliance from your shoulders to
benefits and benefits for compassionate leave are all at a negotiated fee-for-service rate. Many candidates ours – and enables the employee to focus immediately
included under this title. today expect the company to offer supplemental ben- on your business.
efits for private health insurance, dental and vision
The Old Age Social Security (OAS) pension is paid out plans, income protection (disability) and life insurance. If you would like to discuss how Globalization Part-
to those who are aged 65 and over. In order to claim ners can make it fast and easy for you to engage
this benefit, a person must satisfy certain require- your team in Canada, please contact us. Maple Forrest , Quebec
ments, some of those include: a person must have
148 149
150 151
• All Saints’ Day, November 1, 2020 The employer then has three working days to for-
• Reformation Day, November 2, 2020 ward the medical leave certificate to the health in-
• Immaculate Conception, December 8, 2020 surance institution (Isapre or Fonasa) who pays for
• Christmas Day, December 25, 2020 the sick leave, which may be subject to caps.
In certain cases, when a holiday falls on a weekend, • Three days or less of sick leave: employees are
the Chilean government may decide to extend the hol- not entitled to sick pay
Did you know? iday to either Friday or Monday. • Between four and 10 days of sick leave: em-
ployees are entitled to sick pay
Found in the nor th of Chile, the Atacama Deser t is the driest place
WORKING HOURS IN CHILE • Greater than 10 days of sick leave: employ-
on Ear th, with an average rainfall of less than 0.05 mm a year. ees are entitled to sick pay for all working days
The Chile work week is 45 hours, with a standard work during the sick leave period
The capital city of Chile is Santiago which has a population of day of 8:30 am to 6:30 pm. Workers are entitled to 11
around seven million people, about 36% of the total population. hours between work days and they are not allowed to PARENTAL LEAVE IN CHILE
work on Sundays (with certain exceptions depending
The main indigenous people of southern and central Chile are on the sector, such as retail for example). Workers are In general, employees are entitled to six weeks of
entitled to one rest day a week. If employees in Chile maternity leave before childbirth and 12 weeks after
called the Mapuche. Today just 5% of the population is Mapuche
with contracts subject to a time clock must work over- childbirth. In addition, parental leave may be grant-
or other native people. time, they are entitled to 1.5% of their regular hourly ed, at the choice of the new mother, under any of the
salary, unless the collective bargaining agreement or following options: (a) a 12-week leave following the
employment contract indicate a higher amount. Over- expiration of maternity leave or (b) 18 weeks of half-
time hours should not exceed more than 10 per week, day work following the expiration of maternity leave.
or two hours per day.
EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS PUBLIC HOLIDAYS IN CHILE Employees are entitled to a subsidy during leave.
IN CHILE VACATION LEAVE IN CHILE This is generally less than the employee’s salary and
The following national holidays are celebrated in Chile: companies will often make up the difference. The
When extending an offer letter to a Chilean candidate, Employees with more than one year of service have a employee’s job is protected for one year after ma-
carefully state whether your offer is a gross or net an- • New Year’s Day, January 1, 2020 right to 15 paid working days per year. Ten days can ternity leave ends. Fathers are entitled to five con-
nual salary. In Chile, it is common practice to negotiate • Good Friday, April 10, 2020 typically be taken consecutively, and the remaining tinuous working days of paternity leave to be used
salaries in NET monthly terms and your candidate is • Holy Saturday, April 11, 2020 five as agreed by the employee and employer. Vaca- when they want after the child is born. Fathers can
likely to interpret your office as a NET salary payment • Labor Day, May 1, 2020 tion time can be accrued for up to two consecutive also share the parental leave of up to six weeks of
rather than gross unless carefully stated otherwise.It • Navy Day, May 21, 2020 years. Most employers give the statutory minimum. full-time leave or 12 weeks of part-time leave.
is best practice to put a strong employment contract • Our Lady of Mount Carmel, July 16, 2020
in writing in place in Chile, in the local language, which • Assumption, August 15, 2020 SICK LEAVE IN CHILE TERMINATION AND SEVERANCE
spells out the terms of the employee’s compensation, • Independence Day in Chile, September 18, 2020 PAY IN CHILE
benefits, and termination requirements. An offer letter • Discovery of Two Worlds Day (Columbus Day), Employees are entitled to sick leave if supported by
and employment contract in Chile should always state October 12, 2020 a medical certificate that is given to the employer An employee is due one month of notice by law. In
the salary and any compensation amounts in pesos within two working days from the date of beginning most cases this month of notice is paid as opposed
rather than a foreign currency. of the sick leave. to asking the employee to work for one month after
being served notice.
152 153
Termination of Employment Regulations: In Chile, Once notified, the employer prepares the severance In the final severance calculation, there are several ad-
companies may terminate employment for the follow- agreement (“finiquito”), in which the cause is detailed and justments made that consider the amounts already paid
ing reasons: the amounts are specified such as one month of notice, into the employee’s unemployment insurance account
untaken vacation days, and severance (if applicable). over time. As part of our monthly services, we calcu-
• mutual agreement late and accrue for this potential severance payment.
• the conclusion of particular task agreed upon This agreement should be signed within 10 days of Unemployment insurance is paid monthly by both the
• force majeure (e.g. an unexpected event, for ex- notification, and this signature should occur either at employee and employer amounting to 3% of the tax-
ample, a natural disaster) the Chilean Labor Ministry or at a notary. In the case of able salary with a calculation cap of UF 113.5. Employ-
• the employee’s death a mutual agreement, a document would be signed on ee Resignation in Chile: In the event of a resignation, the
• the expiration of an agreed upon term or duration the date of termination indicating that the parties have employee should present us with the resignation letter
of employment reached an agreement for the employee to leave, fol- as soon as the decision to resign is made, indicating the
• resignation by the employee lowed by the severance agreement signed in the first final day. The employer can provide a template resigna-
• company needs/company reorganization or second week following the termination date. tion letter for the employee to sign. Only pending vaca-
• Dismissal due to breach of contract or other seri- tion days are due to be paid to the employee.
ous issue (must be proven by the employer) Chileans frequently litigate terminations, so employers
need to document the situation carefully. Employers EMPLOYMENT TAXES IN CHILE
In order to initiate the termination of a contract, you can be liable for attorneys’ fees and costs and other
must first decide the cause, as per articles 159, 160, damages if found guilty of wrongful termination. When budgeting for payroll in Chile, assume that most
161, and to a limited extent 163 of the Chilean Labor social security costs are withheld from the employee
Code. In summary, these causes are: Termination Payments in Chile rather than paid by the employer. Employer taxes on
top of labor costs are quite reasonable for employers in
Article 159: Mutual agreement, resignation, or expira- • Wages in Lieu of notice Chile. Employees are required to contribute a portion
tion of the contract • Pending vacation days of their earnings to a:
Article 160: Dismissal due to breach of contract or • Severance, if tenure is 1+ years
other serious issue (must be proven by the employer) • Wages, commissions, bonuses that are outstanding • pension fund (10% of salary)
Article 161: Company needs / company reorganization Severance Payment and Long Service Payment: • health insurance plan (7%)
• life insurance plan (2.84% to 3.4%)
In the event of dismissals, Article 161 is the most com- Severance Payment and Long Service Payment in Chile: • unemployment insurance plan (0.6%)
monly used cause. If this is the case, the employer would In the event that an employee is fired, they are due legal
need to prepare a letter of notification to the employee, severance of one month of gross salary (with a cap of Employers must contribute to funds for work-related
in which the cause is referenced and the effective date UF 90, about USD 3,630 as of March 2017) for every accidents and illnesses and the unemployment insur-
is indicated. year worked, up to a total of 11 years. After one year, the ance plan. This can range from 0.9% to 4.4% of pay-
employee accumulates an additional month of severance roll, depending on the company’s industry.
This letter is either signed in person by the employee, once they have worked for at least half of the following
or sent by certified mail to his home address. In parallel, year. For example, an employee who is fired after hav- Employers must also contribute 2.4% of payroll to
an original is also filed with the Chilean Labor Ministry ing worked one year and five months is due one month the unemployment fund.
(“Inspección de Trabajo”). of severance + one month notice + unused vacation. An
employee who is fired after having worked one year, six
It is standard for the employee to be formally notified on months and a day, is due two months of severance.
Deser t in Chile
his last day, with immediate effect.
154 155
HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFITS In some cases, employers may decide to provide ben- Aguinaldos (13th month payment in Chile): While not
IN CHILE efits amounting to life insurance covering two years’ required, it is customary to pay “aguinaldos”, which are
pay. If your company has a global umbrella coverage token bonuses twice a year—once during Chile’s In-
Employees must pay into a private health insurance that can be extended to international colleagues, this dependence Day holidays (Sep 18th) and once at year
scheme known as “Isapres” for which the employer is may be the best way to provide this benefit. end (around Christmas time). Amounts depend on the
required to withhold up to a ceiling of approximately level of the employee. GP recommends not negotiating
USD 214 pre-tax on a monthly basis. Any additional Alternatively, we recommend that you negotiate a this with the candidate as the amounts are typically
amount offered towards health insurance is consid- taxable cash allowance for the employee to purchase nominal and inconsequential.
ered supplemental and comes out of the employee’s their own coverage, which is typically an average
net salary after tax. The employer can decide whether premium of USD 60 per month for coverage of USD HOW WE CAN HELP
or not it wants to compensate the employee via a tax- 70,000 (variations subject to exchange rate fluctua-
able bonus for this difference. Many of our clients do tions and inflation). Allowances: Car allowances are Establishing a branch office or subsidiary in Chile to
offer a small additional taxable “health insurance” bo- not common in Chile except for executive level posi- engage a small team would be incredibly time-con-
nus along these lines. To implement this, the employee tions and for employees required to use their personal suming, expensive and complex. Chilean labor law has
has two options: cars for business. strong worker protections, requiring great attention to
detail and an understanding of local best practices.
• contract a better and more expensive plan with Company cars cannot be provided to employees with-
their private health insurance company (Isapre) out a significant tax penalty. A monthly commuting Globalization Partners makes it painless and easy to
• contract with a very good private supplemental allowance subject to certain limits depending on the hire your team in Chile. You identify the talent, and
health insurance policy, which we can help ar- gross salary is another way to offer tax advantaged we put your candidate on our already-existing, locally
range, and the employer compensates the em- compensation to the employee who commutes to work. compliant payroll and benefits. Legally, the employee
ployee for all or a portion of the difference due is on our payroll, but the team member is fully dedicat-
above the legal ceiling of USD 214 BONUSES IN CHILE ed to you and will feel like a member of your team. This
lifts the burden of HR, payroll and compliance from
The amount for this additional taxable health insurance There is no requirement to pay a 13th month salary in your shoulders to ours – and enables the employee to
bonus would be approximately CLP 100,000 (~ USD Chile. The Bonus/Commission target amounts should focus immediately on your business.
153 as of January 2017) to help cover the out-of-pock- be agreed with the candidate and state in local cur-
et expense for the employee’s additional private health rency. – Chilean Pesos (CLP) Legal gratification in If you would like to discuss how Globalization Part-
insurance cost. This is considered an excellent supple- Chile: Employees are entitled to an annual “legal grati- ners can make it fast and easy for you to engage
mentary benefit. fication” bonus typically paid monthly, with the limit of your team in Chile, please contact us.
4.75 Minimum Monthly Wages. The amount changes
ADDITIONAL BENEFITS IN CHILE when an increase to the minimum wage is announced.
The base salary specified in the work contract can be
There is no obligatory withholding that covers this lowered in order to take into consideration the fact
concept (in case of an employee’s death, the next of that legal gratification must be added, so that the to-
kin has access to their pension fund, but this is not a tal cost to the company is not increased. Once a base
life insurance policy per se). salary is stipulated and agreed to with the employee,
it cannot be lowered without the employee’s consent.
Chilean Gauchos and herd of
horses, Patagonia, Chile
156 157
158 159
entitled to:
• three times their normal rate of pay Employees in Mexico are entitled to an annual vacation
• an agreement with the employer as to the number entitlement of six days after the first full year of em-
of hours that they will work. ployment. For every year the employee continues to
work for the employer, they will receive an additional
WORKING HOURS IN MEXICO two vacation days. After four years, employees’ vaca-
Did you know? tion period will increase only two days for each addi-
In general, most office job hours run from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00
tional five years they work for the employer.
The national symbol of Mexico is the golden eagle. p.m., although working hours are now becoming longer
and often go until 7:00 p.m. or later. It should be noted that
It should be noted that this is the legal minimum enti-
Mexico’s most popular spor t is football (soccer). although lunch breaks in Mexico range from one hour for
tlement; typically employers will provide increased va-
There are 31 states in Mexico as well as the capital city. normal workers to three hours for executives.
cation days based on seniority and individual negotia-
tions with the employee. We typically see companies
If work time limits are passed, compensation of over-
offering 12 to 18 days of vacation for higher-earning
time is compulsory. Overtime is paid at 150% of the
senior professionals.
normal payment. Employers must pay 200% for over-
time on Sundays or Bank Holidays. Work time is limit-
ed to 11 hours per day and 50 hours per week. Every
EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS MEXICO HOLIDAYS employee must be given at least one 24-hour rest pe-
In general, the employer may grant permission for sick
IN MEXICO riod each week.
The people of Mexico celebrate eight national public leave to employees provided there is a reason that jus-
holidays: tifies the absence, which can be with or without pay
It is legally required to put a strong employment BONUS and will be approved at the discretion of the immediate
contract in place in Mexico, in the local language,
• New Year’s Day, January 1, 2020 Manager or General Manager.
which spells out the terms of the employee’s com- Employees are entitled to a yearly bonus known as an
pensation, benefits, and termination requirements. • Constitution Day, February 5, 2020 Aguinaldo. The minimum Aguinaldo each year is equal
• Benito Juarez’s birthday, March 21, 2020 For the case of absence due to sickness, in general,
to 15 days of salary. In most cases, the Aguinaldo
• Labour Day/May Day, May 1, 2020 the employee must submit the Leave Certificate is-
An offer letter and employment contract in Mexico amounts to four week’s pay, and in some larger com-
• Independence Day, September 16, 2020 sued by IMSS or a medical prescription issued by a pri-
should always It is legally required to put a strong panies up to six weeks.
• Revolution Day, November 20, 2020 vate doctor, the latter will be accepted as justification
employment contract in place in Mexico, in the lo-
• Election Day (December 1, every 6 six years for at the discretion of the Supervisor or General Manager.
cal language, which spells out the terms of the em- The Aguinaldo is normally paid in December, although
election of the President) For absences due to Occupational Sickness, only the
ployee’s compensation, benefits, and termination companies which pay six weeks usually pay four
• Christmas Day, December 25, 2020 Leave Certificate issued by IMSS will be accepted as
requirements. weeks in December and two weeks in summer. Sales
official justification.
positions in Mexico are often paid with large sales
An offer letter and employment contract in Mexico Mexico celebrates several types of holidays: commissions or quota bonuses. Management posi-
• festivals (traditional holidays to honor religious Medical certificates should be provided by the employ-
should always state the salary and any compensation tions also have high variable payments, dependent
events) civic holidays (celebrated nationwide but ee who is eligible to claim a government subsidy in the
amounts in Mexican pesos rather than a foreign cur- upon meeting business targets.
employees are not entitled to a day off with pay) amount of 60% of their salary when suffering from an
rency such as USD.
• statutory holidays celebrated according to Fed- illness not related to work.
eral Labor Law as listed above.
160 161
This increases to 100% when the illness is work-re- Employment agreements may only be for a fixed-term Globalization Partners will advise as to the path of
lated. For those employees with higher salaries than contract if a fixed term is required by the nature of the least resistance for any employees on our payroll. If an
capped by Law, some companies pay the difference work, or for a temporary replacement of an absent em- employee resigns, we will be required to provide their-
of the income not received by the employee by Social ployee. Otherwise, the employment agreement is con- pro-rated benefits, i.e. vacation, vacation bonus, and
Security Payment. sidered to be for an indefinite term. Aguinaldo (Christmas Bonus).
PARENTAL LEAVE Employment agreements can be terminated for the In collective redundancy situations, if the employer
following reasons: recognizes a trade union and wishes to make employ-
Female employees have a right to maternity leave con- ees who are union members redundant or make any
sisting of six weeks’ paid leave before the estimated • By mutual agreement (including resignation) amendments to an applicable collective agreement, it
due date, and six week’s paid leave after birth. Fathers • Death of the employee must negotiate with the union.
are entitled to five paid days of paternity leave. • Employee’s physical or mental incapacity or
disability which makes working impossible MEXICO TAX
Maternity leave is paid for by Social Security, not the • For cause
employer. The payment is capped at 25 times the min- Employees pay progressive income tax in Mexico. The
imum wage. For those employees with higher salaries Termination payments include: top rate is approximately 35 percent and starts at a sal-
than capped by Law, some companies pay the differ- ary level of MXN 3,000,000.01 and above as of 2016.
ence of the income not received by the employee by • outstanding wages
Social Security payment. • accrued vacation The AFOREs, which is the Administrator of Retirement
• vacation bonus Funds (Administradora de Fondos para el Retiro in
TERMINATION/SEVERANCE • 13th month (Aquinaldo bonus) Spanish), are financial institutions that administer re-
IN MEXICO • Any other bonus or commission tirement savings accounts on behalf of the employee.
• If terminated without cause Severance and
Employers in Mexico are allowed to establish a proba- Seniority bonus payments are due All employees associated with the IMSS, ISSTE (ap-
tionary period for a term of up to 30 days, generally, or • other payments under the employment plies to government employees) as well as indepen-
up to 180 days for employees in managerial, technical contract, such as gratuity, provident fund, etc. dent employees are eligible to open an AFORE ac-
or professional positions. However, it should be noted count. An AFORE account consists of the following
When the employer wants to dismiss without cause
that due to lack of sufficient case law in Mexico, proba- three subaccounts:
the employee is entitled to 3 months of pay, 20 day’s
tionary periods are considered very risky.
salary for each year of service, and seniority premium.
• RCV (Retirement, and Unemployment as a re-
The 3 months of severance pay would be paid on full
Any probation longer than 30 days is in practice not en- sult of old Age or subcuenta de Retiro, Cesantia
salary, which includes premiums, bonuses, commis-
forceable, and an employer should be prepared do pay en edad avanzada y vejez in Spanish):
sions and benefits.
severance for any employee with probation longer than 1. Retirement: 2% employer contribution
30 days. We strongly do not recommend probation 2. Unemployment due to old age: 3.15% employ-
Seniority bonus is 12 days’ pay, capped at twice the
longer than 30 days. Additionally, in order to terminate er contribution, 1.125% employee contribu-
rate of the statutory minimum wage, per year of ser-
within the 30 days of probation and not pay severance, tion, 0.255% federal government contribution.
vice. It is very difficult to prove “cause” in Mexico and
it must be because the employee is found unable to per- Additionally, the federal government contrib-
the cost of doing so often outweighs the cost of the 90
form the job to the satisfaction of the employer. utes $1.45 Mexican pesos daily.
days’ severance.
Mexican skull ceramics
162 163
• Housing (this is administered by Infonavit, Although less than 3% of Mexicans possess a private
Mexico’s federal institute for worker’s hous- medical insurance policy, 52% of the country’s total
ing and AFORE only registers and controls the medical expenditures are for private medical services.
funds): 5% employer contribution Private insurance is often preferred as it covers more
• Voluntary Contributions: Voluntary contribu- expensive treatments.
tions made by the employee to increase their re-
tirement savings. Private medical insurance can be arranged via our
comprehensive solution for clients hiring in Mexico.
Please note the above contribution rates vary for Another alternative is to provide a monthly allowance
government workers. to the professional so they can purchase their own pri-
vate plan. We generally recommend that employers
The employee has to specify which AFORE they have provide an allowance in lieu of insurance benefits. If
selected to set aside their retirement funds. If after only the employee is being insured a typical allowance
one year of service the employee hasn’t selected an would be 2,000 MXN per month. If a family is being
AFORE, CONSAR (Mexican Commission of Retire- insured between 4,000 and 6,000 MXN per month is
ment Savings) will assign the employee’s account to a typical allowance.
the AFORE charging the lowest commissions and the
funds contributed during that year will be transferred HOW WE CAN HELP
to the selected AFORE account. The employee will
have the option to change their AFORE if they decide. It can be challenging to figure out how to employ a
team, incorporate a subsidiary, and set up payroll in
HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFITS Mexico. Why do that when you don’t have to? Glo-
IN MEXICO balization Partners makes it easy to hire employees in
Mexico with minimal time and expense.
The Mexican Social Security Institute (Instituto Mexi-
cano del Seguro Social, IMSS), a governmental organi- Our solution is to put your candidate on our local-
zation in Mexico, mandates coverage of public health ly compliant payroll, under our entity in Mexico. This
care for all employees. transforms the normal process of setting up and man-
aging a company in Mexico into a simple monthly in-
However, given some of the disadvantages of the pub- voice from our entity. For all intents and purposes, the
lic health care system such as lengthy wait times to employee works for you, however, they’re legally on
see a doctor or specialist, shortage of doctors, lack of our payroll. Engaging the employee through our al-
flexibility, etc., many employers provide supplemental ready-existing local company enables you to skip the
private medical insurance to their employees. difficulty of creating a subsidiary and setting up a sep-
arate business in Mexico – so that you, and your new
Some companies offer their employees a private insur- team member, can instead focus on your business.
ance scheme as part of their employment remuneration.
If you would like to discuss how Globalization
Farmer on his horse
Partners can help in Mexico, please contact us.
walking in his agave seed
164 165
Eliminate the hurdles that come with onboarding
and managing a global workforce. Hire the world.
166 167