Employability Skills Survey: Student Name Date
Employability Skills Survey: Student Name Date
Employability Skills Survey: Student Name Date
This Employability Skills Survey lists the skills and talents that employers value. You will build these skills in
school. Read the list and assess where you are now. Mark each box that best describes your level of skill. Note
your best skills and those skills you need to improve at the bottom of the survey. Also note how you might build
those skills that you need to improve.
(1=needs work; 2=can do OK; 3=pretty good at this; 4=very able)
You can read, write, speak and listen well. You know your arithmetic.
1 2 3 4
Needs Work Can Do Ok Pretty Good at This Very Able
Speak Speak clearly so Speak clearly and Discuss complex Present to a group and
others can hear. use words that ideas in an use well-organized
Respect others with are right for the organized and brief format, the right
my words. time and place. way. words and clear
Listen Develop listening Listen carefully; make Listen carefully and Keep complex infor-
skills; working to eye contact; repeat show that I mation in my mind
make eye contact instructions to make understand by over time and apply
and make sure others sure that I answering it to my studies.
understand me. understand. questions well.
Read Read written Read written Read and understand Read difficult
directions and directions and written materials, and materials and do
school materials school materials on science and technical the tasks that go
with assistance. my own. material on my own; with it on my own.
ask questions where
Write Learning to write Write information in Write clearly using Write and develop term
clearly with correct a clear, logical, course related papers, newsletters and
grammar. legible and correct terms. other important papers.
Math Able to perform basic Able to perform Interpret and apply Present math
math with help. basic math on my math and use tables, explanations using
own. graphs, diagrams, tables, graphs,
and charts as needed. diagrams, or charts.
1 SCANS is an acronym for the Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills, which created The SCANS Report for America
2000, issued by the U.S. Department of Labor, April 1992. The report defines a set of skills and competencies necessary for success
in the work-place. Survey created from a New Ways to Work Survey created for Kansas City School. Revised with
permission of Steve Trippe, director, 2014.
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©2018 University of Oregon. All rights reserved. Created by intoCareers, a unit of the University of Oregon
Employability Skills Survey
You can think creatively. You can make decisions and solve problems. You know how to learn.
1 2 3 4
Needs Work Can Do OK Pretty Good at This Very Able
Combine Ideas Put thoughts together Put thoughts Put thoughts Make judgments
or Information with help from together with help together on my own. about ideas. Think
in New Ways teacher. from teacher only about abstract ideas.
once in a while.
Make Decisions Make decisions with Make decisions with Make decisions Make multiple
help from a teacher. help from teacher on my own. decisions, weigh
sometimes. risks and benefits.
Identify and Identify problems Identify and solve Explore cause of Be a leader when
Solve Problems with help from a problems on my problems and finding creative
teacher. own. options with others solutions and system
when solving changes.
You can take personal responsibility. You think highly of yourself. You are also honest.
1 2 3 4
Needs Work Can Do OK Pretty Good at This Very Able
Attendance Have good Have very good attend- Have excellent Represent my school
and attendance, be on ance and appearance attendance and dress; at meetings and
Appearance time and dress the without help from attend school events. school events. Have
appropriate way with others. Be on time. excellent attendance
some help. and dress.
Manage Myself Complete tasks and Complete tasks and Start and complete Deliver high-quality
projects assigned by projects assigned by projects on my own. school work when
teacher with help. teacher. due.
Accept Learning to accept Accept direction Accept criticism with Accept and apply
Direction and directions. with a positive a positive attitude. criticism to
Criticism attitude. improve my work.
Honest and Keep private Keep private Can be trusted. Show Model good decisions
Trustworthy information to information to honesty and about private
myself with help. myself without help. understand why information and with
certain information respect to others.
must be kept private.
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©2018 University of Oregon. All rights reserved. Created by intoCareers, a unit of the University of Oregon
Employability Skills Survey
Time, money and materials are resources. You can manage them well.
1 2 3 4
Needs Work Can do OK Pretty Good at This Very Able
Manage Time Meet assigned class Meet assigned class Set my own priorities Manage multiple tasks
deadlines with help. deadlines on my own. and deadlines. and projects.
Manages Manage a budget Manage a budget on Help establish a Set up and manage a
Money with help. my own. school or family school or family
budget and work budget.
within it.
COMPETENCY: Interpersonal Skills
You can talk with other, fix problems between people, and manage others well.
1 2 3 4
Needs Work Can do OK Pretty Good at This Very Able
Interact Can talk with Easy to talk with Start conversation Lead teams of
with others. Can talk in a others. with others. students to
Others conversation or in Sometimes work on complete projects
school with help. teams. Talk in front of well and on time.
class with ease.
Interact Know how and when Can deal with Can fix problems with Prevent situations
with to ask for help when difficult people difficult people on happening with
People Who dealing with difficult and situations. my own if needed. difficult people.
May Be people and situations.
Respect Understand that Understand the differ- Show that you are good Look for opportunities
People's people are different ences and similarities at working with all to work with people
Differences and the benefits of among people and sorts of people. different from myself.
this. appreciate these.
1 2 3 4
Needs Work Can do OK Pretty Good at This Very Able
Collect and Learning to collect Good at putting Organize and Identify and find
Organize and organize information and consider information missing information
Information information and materials together for a paper or other based on knowing a
materials needed for in clear and presentation. subject well.
school. readable format.
Interpret and Select the right Analyze information Analyze information Present information
Communicate information with in an organized way. and communicate it to a group using an
Information occasional in a brief way. organized format,
assistance. brief language and
speak clearly.
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©2018 University of Oregon. All rights reserved. Created by intoCareers, a unit of the University of Oregon
Employability Skills Survey
A system is the way things are done or organized. You understand social and business systems. You can check and
correct your own business performance. You can make suggestions on how to improve the way things are done.
1 2 3 4
Needs Work Can do OK Pretty Good at This Very Able
Understand the Be aware of my role Show that I know the Communicate well Communicate well
Structure and in the school. role of a school in a with people in various the role and
Dynamics of the community. jobs and positions of importance of school
Entire leadership in your in society.
Organization school.
Recognize Be careful and safe Follow safety proce- Recognize the impor- Be an example of good
Health and at school. Make dures on my own. tance of being safe health and safety
Safety Issues healthy food Report unsafe and healthy at practices. Help others
choices with some activity to a leader or school. Use these to understand how
help. teacher. skills in other important these are.
Understand Learning school Understand school Obey school policies Understand school
School policies and laws. policies and and understands policies and their
Policy and relevant laws. their impact on impact on the school;
Laws others. contribute to a positive
school climate.
COMPETENCY: Technology
You can find and use the right tools for the job.
1 2 3 4
Needs Work Can do OK Pretty Good at This Very Able
Select Tools and Able to use Able to use Able to use Able to decide which
Procedures procedures, tools procedures, tools and procedures, tools procedures, tools and
and computers with computers with less and computers computers to use and
supervision. supervision. without supervision. at the right times.
Apply Can identify problems Can identify problems Identify the right Use technology
Technology to that relate to that relate to technology and use it correctly to identify,
Task technology with technology with very to prevent problems. prevent and solve
supervision. little supervision. problems.
Note your best employability skills and those skills you need to improve in the box below. Also note
how you might build those skills that you need to improve.
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©2014 University of Oregon. All rights reserved. Created by intoCAREERS, a unit of the University of