Emas Good Habits Folder

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How to reduce your environmental

impact in the office

Meetings and events For more info

Organise a video/teleconference instead If you have ideas or comments on how to
of travelling from different places to face- reduce the EEA's environmental impact,
to-face meeting. It is easier, cheaper and please use the ideas box in the canteen
more environmentally friendly. It also or send an e-mail to our environmental
saves time! coordinator, Tarja Porkka Knudsen.

…. if a physical meeting is necessary:

• Organise the meeting at a place where

the majority of the participants are
• Print to order the material for the
meeting. Use double-sided printing
and/or print two pages on each side.
If printouts of presentations are
needed, use 'Handouts'–option with
six slides on each page.
• Serve tap water instead of bottled
water. It is cheaper, contains less
bacteria and reduces the amount of
Electronic equipment Lights and lifts Paper use Water
• Use natural light wherever possible. • Avoid printing e-mails and drafts • Boil only the amount of water you
In the morning (display documents on screen rather need.
• Always switch off the lights in the
• Switch your computer on first when office, bathrooms, kitchens and than printing out a paper copy) • Drink tap water (you can refrigerate it
you need it. meeting rooms when leaving (for • Archive electronically. in a jar in the morning, if you want to
• Switch your individual or shared more than 15 minutes). • E-mail documents as attachments. have cold water available during the
printer and copying machine on first • Take the stairs instead of the lift. It day).
when you actually need to use it. saves electricity and keeps you fit. … if you have to print: • Take short showers and turn off the
• Use black screensaver which water while shampooing your hair.
consumes less electricity than an Transport • Make layouts that use as little paper
animated screen saver. as possible — provide a printer- Waste
• On missions use buses, trains and
metro for transportation between the friendly version. • Deliver all reusable office items (like
During the day • Use the print option 'current page'
hotel, airport and meeting places. used binders) to the Logistics instead
• If you leave your office for more than • Go to local meetings by bike, bus or and 'pages'. of throwing them away.
an hour, save any open documents metro. • Check 'print preview' to avoid • Deliver used batteries and toner
and put your computer on 'stand by' printing mistakes. cartridges to the Logistics.
or 'hibernation' and switch off your • Print on both sides of the paper in • Put paper and other waste in separate
individual printer. toner-saver mode (EconoMode). waste bins (Put used napkins in black
• Print two or more pages on one sheet, incineration bins, not blue paper
At the end of the day
where possible (Go to Print ―› Pages recycling bins).
• Shut down your computer and turn per sheet OR Print ―› Properties ―› • Flatten cardboard boxes and put them
off the printer. Finishing ―› Print Task Quick Sets: in the paper waste bins/sacks.
EEA EMAS Premium). • Deliver recyclable glass and plastic
Heating • Avoid printing on glossy paper and bottles to the canteen.
• Adjust the thermostat, if you open a in colour (Note: never have a colour • Avoid using non-recyclable plastic
window. (Please contact Logistics if printer as your default printer). bottles, cups, bags etc. You can
this is a problem). deliver plastic bottles to public glass
• Close the office door, if you open a containers in Copenhagen (but not to
Special equipment, like coffee the EEA's glass container).
window machines, fans etc should only be on
• Keep the window fully open for 5–15 for short periods of time.
minutes instead of just ajar for hours. .... If in doubt, how to sort, take a test at

How to reduce your environmental impact in the office

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