Formula of Head - Slawinski-datasheet-En

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FLAT HEADS CURVED DISCS NORMAL CONVEX AND FLAT CONVEX Slawinski heads and custom-pressed units are in great demand in European
BOILER ENDS markets. Materials, designs and individual heads not included in the normal
da da da
programme are subject of special orders.
r1 h1 Material specification and calculation of wall thickness is the customer’s
h2 r1 responsibility.
r2 S r2 S Method: cold worked (dishing and flanging or pressing)

r2 = 30 - 50mm or acc. to your specification r1 = acc. to your specification r1 = da - 1,4da or acc. to your specification Material: ferritic, austenitic and non ferritic metals, if they can be
h1 = ~20 - 30mm or acc. to your specification r2 = 30 - 50mm or acc. to your specification
cold worked
h1= ~20 - 30mm or acc. to your specification

Dimensions: up to 5400 mm diameter depending upon thickness of material

and wall thickness up to 32 mm depending upon material and diameter;
TORISPHERICAL HEADS ACC. TO DIN 28011 SEMI-ELLIPTICAL HEADS ACC. TO DIN 28013 FLANGED DISCS custom forms and dimensions on request
da da da Half tube spiral: either tacked or permanently welded as required
h1 b Surface treatment:
– Polishing: internally and externally to 0,2 µm surface smoothness for
h2 r1 h3 h2 r1 h3 h1 r1 diametersup to 5200mm
r2 S S – Pickling: for stainless steel heads
S – Blasting: sand-blasting for ferritic steels and glass granulate blasting for
r1 = da r1 = 0,8da r1 = di
austenitic steels
r2 = 0,1da r2 = 0,154da b= 70mm
h1 = 3,5s or acc. to your specification h1 = 3s da= da - di Edge preparation: if required
h2 = 0,1935da - 0,455s h2 = 0,255da - 0,635s
h3 = h1 + h2 h3 = h1 + h2 Joggling: heads of 1000 mm to 2500 mm diameter with wall thickness
up to 8 mm

TANK ENDS ELLIPTICAL HEADS 1,9 : 1 ELLIPTICAL HEADS 2 : 1 Approvals: for Material Manufacturer acc. to European Directive
97/23/EC, ASME U, AD 2000 – W 0/TRD 100 and AD 2000 – HP 0/TRD
da da da 201 by TÜV, SVDB 501 by SVTI and DIN EN ISO 9001:2000
di di
Inspections: by TÜV or other inspection companies

H r1 h3 Testing of materials: non-destructive or destructive with certificate

r2 Si S
Welding of circular blanks: by means of high-tech welding plant
S S operated by qualified staff
for single skin tanks EN 12285 bzw. DIN 6608/6616 di = da - 2 x s di = da - 2 x s
for double skin tanks EN 12285 bzw. DIN 6608/2 | 6616/2 r1 = di / 1,16 r1 = 0,9 x di
Slawinski & Co. GmbH Vessel Technologies Ltd
r1 = da r2 = di / 5,39 r2 = 0,17 x di
Industriestraße 11 · D-57076 Siegen Sean Ryan, Vessel Technologies Ltd
r2 ~ 1/30 da h1 = acc. to NFE 81-103 h1 = acc. to your specification
h2 = di / 3,8
P.O. Box 210743 · D-57031 Siegen Slate Row, Hacketstown
h2 = 0,25 x di
h3 = h1 + h2 h3 = h1 + h2 Phone +49-(0)271- 7004-0 Co. Carlow, IRELAND
Fax +49-(0)271- 7004124 Phone +353-(0)5964- 71398
E-mail: Fax +353-(0)5964-72911
TECHNICAL EXPLANATIONS da = external diameter h1 = straight flange Email:
di = internal diameter h2 = height of crown radius
r1 = crown radius h3 = total internal height
r2 = knuckle radius s = wall thickness

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