MARTIN'S MVP GUIDE - A Collection of Experiments That Simulate The Imagined Experience To Provide Maximum 1

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MARTIN’S MVP GUIDE - A collection of experiments that simulate the imagined experience to provide maximum 1(2)

Name Definition When to use it How-to Pros Cons

Storytelling / Talk with empathy about When determining Explain the goals, Very cheap. Requires that the
Storyboards the service in words or in whether people can relate describe the context, person you are talking
pictures and words. to the problem and the describe an interaction, to is a good listener.
Qualitative test. solution. and end with the The storyline may
E.g.: Lean Startup book - outcome. Optionally using seem unlikely.
Jennie Discovers

Roleplay / Let the audience interact When determining Act out the product or Easy to be Requires good script
Bodystorming with the service as if it whether the interaction service interaction based convincing, since it and framing for a
existed. Qualitative test. gives the right results and on a script with a potential relies on the target correct result. Can be
if a need actually exists.
 user. audience's run as exploratory
E.g.: video imagination. activity without a script.
Landing page Show a site/page that When you want to find out Use a landing page tool, Just a pitch, not a Requires a good way
communicates the value if there is sufficient such as, complete solution. to lead the audience to
of a product/service and interest in a product/ and be sure to have a Can be up and the page. Doesn’t
lets the target group take service. E.g.:, sign-up form. running in minutes. explain why they
action. Quantitative test. a product nowadays signed up.
Video Demonstrate what the When the solution can’t Create high-fidelity Can show Requires time to be
product can do through a be explained in words on prototype, for instance in complicated and credible. Same
movie. Quantitative test. a landing page., record complex functionality problems as with a
E.g.: Dropbox begun with the screen and put the without the need to landing page.
showing a video that video on a landing page. build it.
simulated the service.
Crowdfunding Let the target group pay When you want to see if Make a detailed A great way to pitch Might be difficult to
to show their actual the solution will bring in description of the product, the product and sell it convince the audience
interest before the money. E.g.: with videos, drawings, at the same time. and difficult to find the
product is built (perhaps etc. and put it on for right price. Requires
using video and landing instance Indiegogo. good knowledge of
page). Quantitative test. purchasing behaviors.
Use these experiments to validate your product ideas in your Lean Startup / LeanUX-process. Read the book UX for Lean Startups on how to do it.

Martin Christensen
You’ll find this as a PDF at
Version 2.02
MARTIN’S MVP GUIDE - A collection of experiments that simulate the imagined experience to provide maximum 2(2)

Name Definition When to use it How-to Pros Cons

Prototype Let the target group test When you’ve learned Build several wireframes Close to the final Requires good (static)
themselves what the enough about the target in link them product experience. content to be
product can do (through group’s needs to propose together to create a click- The parts that differ convincing. Does not
a fake UI). 
 a solution.
 through prototype. is covered by the deliver correct dynamic
Qualitative test. E.g.: video user’s imagination. content.
Concierge Deliver a service (in full When trying to sell a Find persons with a need, Direct contact med Not scalable at all.
or part of) manually to service before it is built to fulfill their need manually, the target group.
few persons. Qualitative understand what works evaluate continuously. Easy to learn about
test. for the target group. E.g.: them. Easy to adjust.
foodonthetable (video) No code required.

Wizard of Oz Create a service/product When trying to get the Build a shell for a service, Looks real to the Requires coding to
that looks automatic to target group to use a make it available to the target group. More build a shell around the
the audience, but deliver service/product before it audience and build more scalable than Wizard of Oz so that
parts (or the whole) is built, and want to reach and more of the Concierge. he/she/it is hidden.
result manually. a larger audience. functionality meanwhile.
Quantitative test. E.g.: zappos (article)
Cupcake Let the target group start When you know enough Find the target group’s The target group Requires knowledge
(Minimal using the minimal about the target group’s main needs, match with would want to use about what is valuable
Feature Set) valuable(!) release of the problem and possible business needs, and build the product for the target group.
service/product viable solutions for the smallest immediately because Not possible to charge
Quantitative ”test”. implementation.
 corresponding set of it gives them actual full price for ”less”
E.g.: iPhone 1 functions. value functionality.
Cake in the An anti-MVP: Aldrig. 
 Build everything. Take All the functionality is The target group only
face ”If we build the full E.g.: Virtually every your time. Good luck, there. You can uses ~20% of the
product, it will be loved product and service in the you’ll need it. And time. charge full price. functionality, but you do
by the target group” world. not know which.
Use these experiments to validate your product ideas in your Lean Startup / LeanUX-process. Read the book UX for Lean Startups on how to do it.

Martin Christensen
You’ll find this as a PDF at
Version 2.02

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