1.CREBA Vs Sec of Agrarian Reform GR No 183409 - Merencillo
1.CREBA Vs Sec of Agrarian Reform GR No 183409 - Merencillo
1.CREBA Vs Sec of Agrarian Reform GR No 183409 - Merencillo
GR No 183409, June 18, 2010
Jurisprudence: Conversion is the act of changing the current use of a piece of agricultural
land into some other use as approved by the DAR while reclassification is the act of
specifying how agricultural lands shall be utilized for non-agricultural uses such as
residential, industrial and commercial as embodied in the land use plan, subject to the
requirements and procedures for land use conversion.
Petitioner CREBA, a private corporation involved in land and housing development,
assailed the DAR AO No 01-02 as amended by DAR AO No 05-07 and DAR Memorandum
No. 8 in this petition for certiorari and prohibition.
Petitioner contended that the DAR Sec. acted with grave abuse of discretion in issuing DAR
AO NO 01-02 requiring DAR's approval or clearance to effect reclassification of lands by
LGU. Petitioner asserted that the said order contravenes Section 20 of RA 7160, the Local
Government Code, because it was not provided therein that reclassification by LGU must be
subject to conversion procedures. The said AO also contravenes the constitutional mandate
on local autonomy under the 1987 Constitution.
Petitioner averred that the said EO has substantially prejudiced petitioner as it has led to a
slowdown on housing projects.
WON DAR AO No 01-02 violates the local autonomy of local government units.
No. The Court has held that on the issue of jurisdiction and authority of the Secretary to
issue the SAID order, Executive Order no 129-A vested upon the DAR the responsibility of
impelemnent RA 8857 or the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). Moreover,
Department of Justice Opinion No 44, Series of 1990, an opinion recognized in many cases
decided by the COurt, clarified that after the effectivity or RA 6657 DAR has been given the
authority to approve land conversion. In Ros vs DAR, the Court has also enunciated that
after the passage of RA 6657, agricultural lands, though reclassified, have to go through the
process of conversion, jurisdiction over which is vested in the DAR.
In Alarcon vs CA, the Court held that reclassification of lands does not suffice. Conversion is
different from reclassification. Conversion is the act of changing the current use of a piece
of agricultural land into some other use as approved by the DAR while reclassification is
the act of specifying how agricultural lands shall be utilized for non-agricultural uses such
as residential, industrial and commercial as embodied in the land use plan, subject to the
requirements and procedures for land use conversion. In view thereof, a mere
reclassification of an agricultural land does not automatically allow a landowner to change
its use. He has to undergo the process of conversion before he is permitted to use the
agricultural land for other purpose.
Hence, DAR AO No 01-02,as amended, did not violate the autonomy of the LGUs.