Module Contents: at The End of This Module, You Are Expected To

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This module presents a systematic program of study intended for SHS students who are enrolled in
Statistics and Probability. At the end of the course, the students must know how to find the mean and variance
of a random variable, to apply sampling techniques and distributions, to estimate population mean and
proportion, to perform hypothesis testing on population mean and proportion, and to perform correlation and
regression analyses on real-life problems.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

 illustrate the mean and variance of a discrete random variable;

 calculate the mean and the variance of a discrete random variable;
 interpret the mean and the variance of a discrete random variable;
 solve problems involving mean and variance of probability distributions.
 illustrate a normal random variable and its characteristics;
 construct a normal curve;
 identify regions under the normal curve;

I. Discussion of the Concepts
Chapter 1 – Random Variable and Probability Distribution
Lesson 3 – Solving for the Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation of Discrete Probability Distributions
Chapter 2 – Normal Distribution

II. Exercises Worksheets/Assessment (to be submitted)

III. Analysis Questions

NOTE: Please detach the ‘Exercises Worksheets’ and that will be the one to submitted on the
scheduled submission. The rest of the module will be yours for study and reference purposes.

Chapter 1. Random Variables and Probability Distribution Week No.: __1__ Day: 1_

Lesson 3. Solving for the Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation of Discrete
Probability Distributions

Objectives: TLO (Topic Learning Outcomes)

I will be able to
 illustrate the mean and variance of a discrete random variable;
 calculate the mean and the variance of a discrete random variable;
 interpret the mean and the variance of a discrete random variable;
 solve problems involving mean and variance of probability distributions.


Solving for the Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation of Discrete Probability Distributions
Any discrete probability distribution has a mean, a variance, and a standard deviation.
The mean is the average of all possible outcomes. It is otherwise referred to as the
“expected value” of a probability distribution. When we say expected value, it means that if we repeat
any given experiment infinite times, the theoretical mean would be the “expected value”. For instance,
the mean of rolling a die is theoretically 3.5. You will never roll a 3.5 no matter how many times you
roll the die because there’s only 3 and 4. However, if you take the average of all outcomes, you
should get 3.5 or at least close to that value. You will have a better understanding about this concept
with more examples given underneath.
The variance and standard deviation are measures of spread or variability.

As a point of reference, if the values of all the outcomes in an experiment are all the same, the
variance and standard deviation are both 0. But of course, this rarely happens in real life application.

The first graph you see on the top has values that are
more “scattered” than that of the second graph
The data in the second graph is more “closely/tightly”
packed together compared to the first one.

The variance and standard deviation of the

first graph should have values greater than the
variance and standard deviation of the second graph

Example 1.

In a 5-item test, the probabilities that a student gets 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 mistakes are

3 5 7 3 1 ,∧1
, , , , , respectively. What is the average number of mistakes that a student makes in
20 20 20 20 20 20
this class? What is the variance and standard deviation of this discrete probability distribution?
To solve this problem, all you we have to do is arrange the given entries which are the random
variable values and their corresponding probabilities in the first two columns of a three column table.
So in this particular example, our random variable which we are going to call X is the number of
mistakes a student gets in a 5-item quiz. You may use your calculator in solving for the unknown

The symbol for mean is the Greek letter μ(read as “myu”). To solve for the mean, all we have
to do is add up all the entries of the 3rd column.

So the value of the mean in the example above is just the sum of all entries in the third

Therefore, the mean or expected value on the number of mistakes a student may have
in a 5-item quiz is 1.85. Again, we emphasize that none of the students actually got 1.85 mistakes.
However, if we are to take the average of the total mistakes done by each one of the students, we
should get an average value of 1.85. Now that we have found the mean of the discrete probability
distribution, we can now try and solve for the variance. You cannot solve for the variance without
finding first the mean. To solve for the variance, you need to add more columns in the table made a
while ago. The table below shall discuss how you can solve the variance of a discrete probability

distribution. A sample value was used for demonstration purposes. A brief explanation is shown
below each entry for your guidance.

After performing all calculations, the completed table would look something like this. Try and
solve for yourself to see how these values were obtained.

The symbol for variance is σ 2. To solve for the variance, all we have to do is add up all
entries on the last column.

So the value of the variance of the discrete probability distribution shown above is just the sum
of all entries in the last column.

The variance of the probability distribution is 1.6275. Now that the value of the variance is
found, we can now solve for the standard deviation. The symbol for standard deviation is σ .

So the value of the standard deviation is solved by getting the square root of the variance.
Again, you cannot solve for the value of the standard deviation without finding first the variance and

The standard deviation is approximately equal to 1.28. We say “approximately equal to”
because we already rounded off the value from 1.2757350822 to 1.28.
Now that we have completed solving example 3, let us now summarize the steps in solving for
the mean, variance, and standard deviation.
Steps in Finding the Mean:
1. Multiply the random variable by its probability.
2. Use equation 1 to find the mean by adding all products obtained in step 1.
Steps in Finding the Variance:
3. Subtract the computed mean from each value of the random variable: 𝑋 − 𝜇.
4. Square the value obtained in step 3: ( X −μ )2.
5. Multiply the value obtained in step 4 by the given probability: ( X −μ )2 ∙ 𝑃(𝑋)
6. Use equation 2 to find the variance by adding all products obtained in step 5.
Steps in Finding the Standard Deviation:
7. Use equation 3 to find the standard deviation by getting the square root of the
value obtained in step 6.

Example 2.
In a seafood restaurant, the manager wants to know if their customers like their new raw large
oysters. According to their sales representative, in the past 4 months, the number of oysters
consumed by a customer, along with its corresponding probabilities, is shown in the succeeding
table. Compute the mean, variance and standard deviation.


What is the mean?

What is the variance?

What is the standard deviation?

Based on the computation, the mean of the distribution is 1.8. That implies that the
average number of oysters ordered by a customer is 1.8 oysters. Again none of the customers

actually ordered 1 and of an oyster. The number 1.8 is just the best estimate of the average
number of oysters consumed by a buying customer. The variance is 1.56 oyster s 2 while the
standard deviation is about 1.25 oysters. This is the main advantage of standard deviation over the
variance. The standard deviation is the same unit as your random variable, while the variance isn’t.


Chapter 2. Normal Distribution Week No.: __1__ Day: 2_

Lesson 2. Understanding the Normal Curve Distribution

Objectives: TLO (Topic Learning Outcomes)

I will be able to
 illustrate a normal random variable and its characteristics;
 construct a normal curve;

 identify regions under the normal curve;


Sets of random variables are not always discrete. At most, you will be calculating probabilities
of very large cases and end up with good predictions and decisions relative to the population. At
times like these, you encounter data that are of continuous type.
This module will consider distribution of this type known as the Normal Probability
Distribution or the Normal Curve. While the distribution take on a wide range of data values,
meaning the existence of extreme numbers are evident, still this allows the data to be normally
distributed and appear to be less varied. That when plotted, is visualized to approximate the shape of
a bell.
Most statisticians found the normal curve easy to use since most of statistical tests can be
derived from the normal distributions. More so, because it works very well even when the distributions
are approximately normally distributed so with those very wide deviations* from normality.

Illustrating a Normal Curve Distribution

We will start understanding the concept of the normal curve distribution by sketching the
frequency polygon of each of the following frequency distributions. The following frequency
distributions show the score of students in a Mathematics quiz.

1. Sketch a frequency polygon of each distribution.
2. For each distribution, compute for the three measures of central tendency (mean, median and
mode). What do you observe? Where did you find these measures on the graph (left end, at
the center or right end)?
3. If we will continue to increase the number of students, what do you think will the shape of the
graph be?

1. The frequency polygon of each frequency distribution.

2. Computing for the mean, median and mode of each given distributions, we will realize that the
resulting values are equal. Since these measures are equal, they all lie at one point. That is, at the
center of the graph.

3. If we will continue to increase the number of students then in the long run, we can approximate the
graph to the shape of a bell.

In reality, if a distribution contains a very large number of cases with equal measures of central
tendency values, then the distribution is symmetrical* and the skewness* is 0. In statistics, it is called
normal distribution or normal curve (Rene, et al. 2015).In specific sense, it is called a normal
probability distribution whenever the frequencies are converted to probabilities.

Let us learn more about the properties of a normal probability distribution

1. The curve of the distribution is a bell-shaped.
2. The curve is symmetrical about the mean.
This means if we will cut the curve about
the mean, we will have balanced
proportions of the halves. Specifically we

say that one is a reflection of the other. Meaning, the qualities exhibited by one are the
same qualities exhibited by the other.
3. The mean, median and mode are of equal values and when sketched, they coincide at the
center of the graph.

This means that the mean, median and mode of the given
distribution are located at exactly one point since their
values are equal, and they are located at the center of the
graph which indicates the highest peak of the curve.

4. The width of the curve is determined by the standard deviation of the distribution.
The curve considered at the left side defines a standard normal curve. A standard
normal curve is a normal probability distribution
that has mean value equal to 0 and standard
deviation equal to 1.
The curve considered at the left side defines a
standard normal curve. A standard normal curve is a
normal probability distribution that has mean value
equal to 0 and standard deviation equal to 1.
This property explains that the standard normal curve is used as a guide for distributions which
has mean value not equal to 0 and standard deviation not equal to
1. For instance, in a given distribution with mean equals 95 and
standard deviation equals 3, the width of the curve will be 3
numbers away from each other, which is determined from the given
standard deviation.

5. The curve extends indefinitely approaching the x-axis but never touching it. Thus, the curve is
asymptotic to the line.
6. The area of the region under the curve is 1. It represents the probability or percentage or
proportion associated with the specific sets of measurement values.
This means that for every specific
measurement value, there corresponds exactly
one probability/percentage/proportion value which
describes a particular area of the region under the
normal curve.

A specific proportion of the area of the region under the curve can be calculated manually
using the formula

However, this formula is now rarely used because of the readily available z-Table which
displays all the area of the region under the curve given a z-value.

10 | P a g e
Steps in finding the area under the normal curve given a z-value
1. Express the given z-value into a three-digit number.
2. Using the z-Table, find the first 2 digits on the first column.
3. Find the third digit on the first row on the right.
4. Read the area for probability at the intersection of the row (first 2 digit number) and column
(third digit number). The value observed at the intersection indicates the area of the given z-
1. Find the area that corresponds to z=2.
Finding the area that corresponds to z = 2 is the same as finding the area between z=0 and z= 2.

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2. Find the area that corresponds to z=1.45.
Finding the area that corresponds to z = 1.45 is the same as finding the area between z = 0 and z =

3. Find the area that corresponds to z= – 2.5

The negative in the given z-value as z = – 2.5 indicates the location of where that area is in the
curve. Since it is a negative, meaning the measurement X that corresponds to z = – 2.5 is located at
the left side of the curve. Since the normal curve is symmetrical about the mean, therefore finding the
area of z = – 2.5 is the same as finding the area of z = 2.5.

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