Extremeswitching™ VDX 8770: Designed For The Most Demanding Environments
Extremeswitching™ VDX 8770: Designed For The Most Demanding Environments
Extremeswitching™ VDX 8770: Designed For The Most Demanding Environments
• Transforms networks to
deliver cloud scale, agility,
and operational efficiency
with Extreme Networks data
center fabrics
• Meets today’s application
demands with high performance
and low latency
• Delivers 1, 10, 40, and 100 Gigabit
Ethernet (GbE) wire-speed switching
with auto-trunking Inter-Switch Links
(ISLs) for non-disruptive scaling
• Enables connectivity for more
than 1,000 server ports with scale-
out fabrics, 10,000 ports with
multifabrics, and 100,000 ports using
• Support for up to 384,000 MAC addresses per A Choice of Chassis with Multiple Line Cards
fabric for extensive virtualization scalability
The flexible, modular switch design offers interconnection
• Multi-core CPUs within each line card to support with other VDX 8770 switches, VDX 6740 and 6940 fabric
two separate Extreme Network OS instances for switches, traditional Ethernet switch infrastructures, and
high availability direct server connections. Modular four-slot and eight-slot
• Efficient multipathing technology and virtual Link chassis options are available to match the switch to the
Aggregation Groups (vLAGs) to allow extremely needs of the organization. These include:
large-scale deployments with the best-possible • VDX 8770-4: Supports up to 192 10 GbE ports, 108 40
network utilization GbE ports, 24 100 GbE ports (see Figure 1).
• The flexibility to deploy data center networks ranging • VDX 8770-8: Supports up to 384 10 GbE ports, 216 40
from hundreds of server ports using scale-out fabrics to GbE ports, 48 100 GbE ports (see Figure 2).
over 100,000 ports using multifabrics with overlays
The VDX 8770 supports a variety of wire-speed line cards
to offer maximum flexibility in terms of port bandwidth as
well as cable and connector technology:
• 1 GbE: 48×1 GbE line card provides up to
48 SFP/SFP copper ports.
• 10 GbE: 48×10 GbE line card provides up to
48 SFP+ ports.
• 10 GbE-T: 48×10 GbE line card provides up to
48 RJ45 ports.
• 40 GbE: 12×40 GbE line card provides up to
Figure 1: The VDX 8770-4 Switch supports up to 192 10 GbE ports, 12 40 GbE QSFP ports.
108 40 GbE ports, and 24 100 GbE ports.
• 40 GbE: 27×40 GbE line card provides up to
27 40 GbE QSFP ports.
• 100 GbE: 6×100 GbE line card provides up to
6 100 GbE CFP2 ports.
Extreme Data Center Fabrics and Network Virtualization Options
IP Fabric
Figure 3: Multiple network architectures offer the flexibility that can help organizations rapidly adapt to changing
business conditions and traffic patterns.
VDX 8770 switches provide the advanced feature set architectures, VDX switches support Extreme Networks
that data centers require while delivering the high IP fabrics, Extreme Networks VCS® fabrics, as well as
performance and low latency virtualized environments network virtualization, including controller-based network
demand. Together with Extreme Networks data center virtualization architectures, such as VMware NSX, and
fabrics, these switches transform data center networks standards-based (BGP-EVPN) controller-less architectures
by enabling cloud-based architectures that deliver new with BGP-EVPN Network Virtualization for architectural
levels of scale, agility, and operational efficiency. These flexibility (see Figure 3).
highly automated, software-driven, and programmable
data center fabric design solutions support a breadth of For organizations seeking automated provisioning
network virtualization options and scale for data center capabilities to improve IT agility, VDX switches, together
environments ranging from tens to thousands of servers. with VCS Fabric technology, accelerate time to value
Moreover, they make it easy for organizations to architect, through automated provisioning of network devices and
automate, and integrate current and future data center network virtualization. Automated service and resource
technologies while they transition to a cloud model that upgrades further reduce ongoing maintenance time and
addresses their needs, on their own timetable and on costs. High availability is achieved through non-disruptive
their terms. In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) and self-healing fabrics.
Designer UI Admin U I CLI Chat Op s
Credential / Device Data Rules REST
Authroizatio n Inventor y Store Engine API Audit
Message Bus
Sensors /
Turnkey and Customizable box network lifecycle automation for commonly performed
tasks, and are packaged to address major use cases.
Lifecycle Automation
Organizations that aim to automate the entire network The automation suites include:
lifecycle but lack sufficient engineering resources can • Network Essentials: Basic building blocks to help
leverage Workflow Composer, a server-based, DevOps- organizations with limited resources get up and running
inspired network automation platform powered by quickly, including workflows that automate steps
StackStorm. The Workflow Composer platform automates common to most networks.
the entire infrastructure lifecycle—from provisioning and
• Data Center Fabrics: A collection of workflows specific
validation to troubleshooting and remediation. It also
to provisioning, troubleshooting, and remediating data
integrates across IT domains for end-to-end event-driven
center fabrics, including Extreme Networks IP fabric
workflow automation. For more information, see the
Extreme Workflow Composer At-A-Glance.
• Internet Exchange Points: Workflows to automate
Designed to run with the Workflow Composer platform, steps specifically associated with Layer 2 Internet
Composer Automation Suites are ideal for IT organizations exchange connectivity, such as tenant provisioning
that seek to embrace automation yet possess limited and maintenance.
automation training or time. The suites provide out-of-the-
Each automation suite includes documentation and computing needed to keep up with the demands of a
a collection of turnkey yet customizable workflows, virtualized data center, allowing organizations to reduce
services, sensors, actions, and rules. Organizations can network congestion, improve application performance, and
use Automation Suites as-is or as starter kits for building meet the capacity required by 10 GbE servers. The 40 GbE
or customizing workflows specific to their data center and 100 GbE uplinks can easily aggregate high-bandwidth
requirements to reduce time-to-value. For more information, traffic and reduce bottlenecks that occur when aggregating
see the Extreme Workflow Composer Automation Suites multiple 10 GbE or 40 GbE connections, keeping data
At-A-Glance. center networks working at peak performance.
Additionally, VDX switches offer programmability and In a VCS fabric, VDX 8770 switches also help maximize
interoperability options through a PyNOS Library and YANG network utilization with hardware-based Extreme Networks
model-based REST and Netconf APIs. Cloud orchestration Inter-Switch Link (ISL) Trunking. Organizations can create
and control through OpenStack and OpenDaylight-based an 80 GbE Extreme Networks ISL trunk by utilizing eight
SDN controller support enable full network integration with 10 GbE ports. In a VCS fabric, the ISL trunk is automatically
compute and storage resource provisioning formed between two VDX 8770 switches when they are
and management. linked together, allowing traffic to be equally distributed
among all ports. This increases link efficiency and limits
Extreme Management Center for traffic disruptions, especially during high-traffic times. Also,
40 GbE and 10 GbE trunking is supported between VDX
Insights, Visibility and Control 8770, 6940, and 6740 Switches. Refer to the Network OS
The VDX family of switches, including VDX 8770 can be Management Configuration Guide for more information.
managed by Extreme Management Center (XMC). XMC
includes a suite of applications, empowering administrators Extreme Networks Metro VCS technology provides an
to deliver a superior quality experience to end users innovative solution to interconnect data centers and their
through a single pane of glass and a common set of tools to traffic flows over distance, guaranteeing supported traffic
provision, manage and troubleshoot the network. It works characteristics. Metro VCS technology configured for
across wired and wireless networks, from the edge to the regular Ethernet traffic supports 10 GbE ISLs up to 80 km,
data center and private cloud. 40 GbE ISLs up to 40 km, and 100 GbE ISLs up to 40 km.
XMC provides a consolidated view of users, devices and To configure Metro VCS technology for lossless traffic
applications for wired and wireless networks – from data applications (DCB/FCoE), refer to the Extreme Metro VCS
center to edge. Zero touch provisioning lets one quickly Pre-deployment Guide for details.
bring new infrastructure online. A granular view of users,
Cloud and Big Data Environments
devices and applications with an easy to understand
dashboard enables efficient inventory and network VDX 8770 switches deliver optimized buffer and latency
topology management. and high performance to enable greater cross-sectional
bandwidth for east-west traffic—exactly what cloud
XMC also provides ecosystem integration, includes off the workloads demand. These switches offer the flexibility
box integrations with major enterprise data center virtual needed to scale out networks, deliver intelligence to more
environments such as VMWare, OpenStack and Nutanix effectively manage VM mobility, as well as provide an
to provide VM visibility and enforce security settings. Get SDN-enabled and programmable infrastructure. In addition,
more information on Extreme Management Center. VDX 8770 switches offer an advanced feature set that
non-virtual and Big Data environments require. With 10, 40,
Meets Today’s Application and 100 GbE options for designing oversubscribed or non-
Demands with High Performance oversubscribed networks, high throughput, and optimized
buffer and latency, the VDX 8770 is an ideal switch for Big
and Low Latency Data applications.
As data centers virtualize more of their servers and VM
Together with Extreme Networks data center fabrics,
density per server increases, organizations will require
VDX 8770 switches can simplify network design and
higher bandwidth connectivity to support the explosion of
operations for both cloud and Big Data network fabrics.
data and application processing. With 1, 10, 40, and 100 GbE
These switches deliver 4-microsecond port-to-any-port
options, VDX 8770 switches deliver the high-performance
latency. Moreover, they offer an industry-leading 15 GB/
module deep buffer, which provides the buffering capacity The VDX 8770 and VCS fabrics offer benefits for today’s
to handle increases in traffic, especially during peak times most compelling and demanding applications, including:
when ports are congested, allowing traffic to be distributed
• Rich media: Service providers and cloud providers
across the ports.
require support for significant east-west traffic within
their data centers, along with support for large
High Availability numbers of VMs and VM mobility. Content providers
with applications such as video on demand require
The VDX 8770 provides high availability at the line-card
support for significant amounts of north-south
level, an industry first. Line-card high availability allows
traffic. The VDX 8770 and Extreme Networks data
the multi-core CPU within each line card to support two
center fabrics are ideal for these applications, as they
separate Network OS instances in an active/standby
provide a low-latency, cut-through architecture and
configuration. This enables hitless failover within each line
considerable throughput to enable balanced east-west
card of the chassis. Even during an In-Service Software
and north-south traffic performance.
Upgrade (ISSU), there is no disruption because the line card
does not need to completely restart while trying to sync • Big Data: To realize business benefits from their
with the new code version. unstructured data, organizations require seamless
access to both compute and storage resources.
Support for Current and Future High-performance computing environments process
large amounts of data that drive significant east-
Application Needs west traffic patterns and require low latency for IPC
The VDX 8770 can be used to build a variety of VCS fabric interconnection. Big Data has emerged as a critical
topologies to support a wide range of scale and application technology trend, and the VDX 8770 provides key
requirements. Architectural options include: advantages such as high-performance, line-rate 10 GbE,
40 GbE, and 100 GbE.
• Small-scale fabrics: Can collapse access and
aggregation tiers using the VDX 8770 as a port-dense, • Mission-critical applications: A wide variety of data
middle-of-row/end-of-row access switch. center, cloud, and enterprise applications can take
advantage of the VDX 8770, including ERP, Virtual
• Medium-scale fabrics: Can utilize the VDX 8770 as a
Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), and collaboration
spine switch in combination with VDX 6740 and 6940
applications such as Microsoft Exchange and
leaf switches to build highly scalable Layer 2/3 domains,
SharePoint. The virtualization-aware networking
complete with automatic and secure support for VM
characteristics of the VDX 8770 and Extreme Networks
data center fabrics, along with high-availability and
• Large-scale fabrics: Can use the VDX 8770 essential security functionality, help ensure that critical
homogeneously as both a leaf and spine switch or data services function as intended while protecting
to aggregate multiple access-tier switches in full or vital data from corruption or loss.
partially meshed fabric domains with a logically flat
network topology. Advanced Storage Support
VDX 8770 switches provide advanced
Optimizing East-West Traffic
storage support with multiple storage connectivity
Traditional data centers are architected with a rigid, three- options, including Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE),
tier tree topology optimized for the north-south traffic flow iSCSI, and NAS. They also feature Data Center Bridging
of client-server computing environments, compromising (DCB), which enables the reliable exchange of storage
performance, increasing latency, and creating bottlenecks. traffic over the LAN, eliminating packet loss when network
With the increased prevalence of virtualization and congestion occurs and allocating bandwidth as needed to
distributed applications, data center network traffic is now keep the network running efficiently. Moreover, Extreme
predominantly east-west, or server to server. Extreme Networks 8770 Switches offer NAS Auto QoS intelligence
Networks data center fabrics address these traffic patterns to prioritize delay-sensitive IP storage traffic within the
by moving traffic through any of the active paths and fabric and to help ensure consistent performance while
avoiding the multiple hops required in other decreasing latency.
tiered topologies.
VDX 8770 Feature Overview
VDX 8770-4 VDX 8770-8
Port-to-port latency (64-byte packets) 4 microseconds 4 microseconds
Slots 4 8
Dimensions and weight Width: 43.74 cm (17.22 in.) Width: 44 cm (17.32 in.)
Height: 34.7 cm (13.66 in.) Height: 66.2 cm (26.06 in.)
Depth: 66.04 cm (26 in.) Depth: 66.04 cm (26 in.)
Weight: 31.75 kg (70 lb) Weight: 61.24 kg (135 lb)
Weight (fully loaded): 86.18 kg (190 lb) Weight (fully loaded): 165.55 kg (365 lb)
1 GbE SFP/SFP copper ports 192 384
Cooling fans 2 4
VDX 8770 Specifications
VDX 8770 Modules and Line Cards
10 GbE access or aggregation line card 48-port SFP+ (10 GbE/1 GbE)
Input voltage 200 to 240 VAC (Operating voltage range: 180 to 264 VAC)
Please refer to the latest version of the release notes for the most up-to-date scalability numbers.
Safety Compliance (DCB) and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) standards
• UL 60950-1 Second Edition are also supported on the VDX 8770:
• CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1 Second Edition • IEEE 802.1Qbb Priority-based Flow Control
• EN 60950-1 Second Edition • IEEE 802.1Qaz Enhanced Transmission Selection
• IEC 60950-1 Second Edition • IEEE 802.1 DCB Capability Exchange Protocol
(Proposed under the DCB Task Group of IEEE 802.1
• AS/NZS 60950-1
Working Group)
EMC • FC-BB-5 FCoE (Rev 2.0)
• 47CFR Part 15 (CFR 47) Class A
RFC Support
• AS/NZS CISPR22 Class A
• RFC 768 User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
• CISPR22 Class A
• RFC 783 TFTP Protocol (revision 2)
• EN55022 Class A
• RFC 791 Internet Protocol (IP)
• ICES003 Class A
• RFC 792 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
• VCCI Class A
• RFC 793Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
• EN61000-3-2
• RFC 826 ARP
• EN61000-3-3
• RFC 854Telnet Protocol Specification
• KN22 Class A
• RFC 894A Standard for the Transmission of IP
Immunity Datagram over Ethernet Networks
• EN55024 • RFC 959 FTP
• CISPR24 • RFC 1027 Using ARP to Implement Transparent Subnet
• EN300386 Gateways (Proxy ARP)
• IEEE 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) • RFC 2236 IGMPv2
• IEEE 802.3x Flow Control (Pause Frames) • RFC 2267 Network Ingress Filtering
• IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree • RFC 2370 OSPF Opaque Link-State Advertisement
(LSA) Option — Partial Support
• IEEE 802.1w Rapid Reconfiguration of Spanning Tree
Protocol • RFC 2375 IPv6 Multicast Address Assignments
• RFC 2385 Protection of BGP Sessions with the TCP
The following draft versions of the Data Center Bridging
MD5 Signature Option
Delivered power based on fully populated system with 10 GbE ports.
• RFC 2439 BGP Route Flap Damping • RFC 5082 Generalized TTL Security
• RFC 2460 Internet Protocol, Version 6 (v6) Mechanism (GTSM)
Specification (on management interface) • RFC 5280 TLS client authenticating the
• RFC 2462 IPv6 Stateless Address Auto-Configuration server certificate
• RFC 2464 Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet • RFC 5709 OSPFv2 HMAC-SHA Cryptographic
Networks (on management interface) Authentication RFC 5880 Bidirectional Forwarding
Detection (BFD)
• RFC 2474 Definition of the Differentiated Services Field
in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers • RFC 5881 Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for
IPv4 and IPv6 (Single Hop)
• RFC 2571 An Architecture for Describing SNMP
Management Frameworks • RFC 5882 Generic Application of Bidirectional
Forwarding Detection (BFD)
• RFC 2711 IPv6 Router Alert Option
• RFC 5883 Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for
• RFC 2865 Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service Multihop Paths
• RFC 5942 IPv6 Neighbor Discovery
• RFC 3101 The OSPF Not-So-Stubby Area (NSSA) Option
• RFC 6187 SSH authentication using X.509v3 digital
• RFC 3137 OSPF Stub Router Advertisement certificates and validating that against Pragma Fortress
• RFC 3176 sFlow SSH client
• RFC 3392 Capabilities Advertisement with BGPv4 • RFC 6960 TLS client authentication doing X.509v3
certificate revocation check dynamically using Online
• RFC 3411 An Architecture for Describing
Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)
SNMP Frameworks
• RFC 7166 Supporting Authentication Trailer for OSPFv3
• RFC 3412 Message Processing and Dispatching
instead of IPsec
for the SNMP
• RFC 7432 BGP-EVPN—Network Virtualization Using
• RFC 3413 Simple Network Management Protocol
VXLAN Data Plane
(SNMP) Applications
• RFC 3587 IPv6 Global Unicast Address Format IPv6 Routing
• RFC 3623 Graceful OSPF Restart — IETF Tools • RFC 2545
Network OS Software Capabilities
VCS Fabrics IP Fabrics
Software Scalability
Maximum switches in a fabric 48 Unlimited
Maximum ECMP paths in a fabric 32 32
Maximum LAGs in a fabric 2,000 384
Layer 2 Switching
Service Node Load Balancing BFD/ARP Optimizations X X
Conversational MAC Learning X X
Virtual Link Aggregation Group (vLAG) spanning X X
Layer 2 Access Control Lists (ACLs) X X
Supports 2K ingress and egress ACLs X X
Edge Loop Detection (ELD) X X
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) RFC 826 X X
Private VLANs X
Maintenance Mode/Graceful Traffic Diversion X
Distributed VXLAN Gateway X
Diagnostic Ports X
IP Maps Support X
L2 Loop prevention in an overlay environment X
High availability/In-Service Software Upgrade—hardware-enabled X X
IGMP snooping support for multicast flooding X X
IGMPv1/v2 Snooping X X
MAC Learning and Aging X X
Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) IEEE 802.3ad/802.1AX X X
Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) X X
VLAN Encapsulation 802.1Q X X
Per-VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST+/PVRST+) X X
Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) 802.1w X X
Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) 802.1s X X
STP PortFast, BPDU Guard, BPDU Filter X X
STP Root Guard X X
Pause Frames 802.3x X X
Static MAC Configuration X X
Uni-Directional Link Detection (UDLD) X X
Uplink switch for VDX switches, VCS fabrics, and the VCS Virtual Fabric feature X
Transparent LAN Services X
L2 Traceroute for VXLAN X X
BUM Storm Control X X
Layer 3 Switching
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP4+) X X
DHCP Helper X X
Layer 3 ACLs X X
Multicast: PIM-SM, IGMPv2 X X
OSPF v2/v3 X X
Static routes X X
IPv4/v6 ACL X X
Network OS Software Capabilities (continued)
Network OS Software Capabilities (continued)
Priority-based Flow Control (PFC) 802.1Qbb X
Enhanced Transmission Selection (ETS) 802.1Qaz X
Manual configuration of lossless queues for protocols other than FCoE and iSCSI X
Data Center Bridging Exchange (DCBX) X
DCBX Application Type-Length-Value (TLV) for FCoE and iSCSI X
Fibre Channel/FCoE
Multi-hop Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE); requires Extreme Networks VCS Fabric technology X
FC-BB5 compliant Fibre Channel Forwarder (FCF) X
Native FCoE forwarding X
FCoE to Fibre Channel Bridging X
FCoE on VDX 8770 X
FCoE on QSFP+ port X
Multi-hop Access Gateway Support X
End-to-end FCoE (initiator to target) X
FCoE Initialization Protocol (FIP) v1 support for FCoE device login and initialization X
Name Server-based zoning X
Supports connectivity to FIP Snooping Bridge (FSB) device X
FCoE traffic over standard LAG X
Interface Binding X
Dual Personality Ports X
Logical SANs X
ISSU L2 and L3 X X
Management Module Failover X X
Quality of Service (QoS)
ACL-based QoS X X
Eight priority levels for QoS X X
Class of Service (CoS) IEEE 802.1p X X
DSCP Trust X X
DSCP to Traffic Class Mutation X X
DSCP to CoS Mutation X X
DSCP to DSCP Mutation X X
Random Early Discard X X
Per-port QoS configuration X X
ACL-based Rate Limit X X
Dual-rate, three-color token bucket X X
ACL-based remarking of CoS/DSCP/Precedence X X
ACL-based sFlow X X
Scheduling: Strict Priority (SP), Deficit Weighted Round-Robin (DWRR), Hybrid X X
Scheduling (Hybrid)
Queue-based Shaping X X
Flow-based QoS X X
Network OS Software Capabilities (continued)
VDX 8770 Ordering Information
See the VDX Transceiver Support Matrix for optics and cable ordering details.
SKU Description
BR-VDX8770-4-BND-AC 4-slot chassis with three Switch Fabric Modules, one Management Module, two fans, two 3,000 W power supply units AC
BR-VDX8770-4-BND-DC 4-slot chassis, three Switch Fabric Modules, one Management Module, two fans, two 3,000 W power supply units DC
BR-VDX8770-8-BND-AC 8-slot chassis, six Switch Fabric Modules, one Management Module, four fans, three 3,000 W power supply units AC
BR-VDX8770-8-BND-DC 8-slot chassis, six Switch Fabric Modules, one Management Module, four fans, three 3,000 W power supply units DC
XBR-VDX8770-4 4-slot chassis, no Switch Fabric Modules, no Management Modules, two fans, no power supply units
XBR-VDX8770-8 8-slot chassis, no Switch Fabric Modules, no Management Modules, four fans, no power supply units
BR-VDX8770-48X1G-SFP-1 48×1 GbE, SFP module, no optics
BR-VDX8770-48X10G-SFPP-1 48×1/10 GbE, SFP/SFP+ module, no optics
BR-VDX8770-48X10G-T 48×1/10 GbE, RJ45 module, no optics
BR-VDX8770-12X40G-QSFP-1 12×40 GbE, QSFP+ module, no optics
BR-VDX8770-27X40G-QSFP 27×40 GbE, QSFP+ module, no optics
BR-VDX8770-6X100G-CFP2 6×100 GbE, CFP2 module, no optics
BR-VDX8770-MM-1 Management Module
BR-VDX8770-SFM-1 Switch Fabric Module
XBR-FAN-FRU Fan FRU for 4- and 8-slot chassis
XBR-ACPWR-3000 3,000 W power supply unit AC
XBR-DCPWR-3000 3,000 W power supply unit DC
BR-VDX8770-LIC-FCOE FCoE feature chassis license
BR-VDX8770-LIC-VCS VCS feature chassis license
BR-VDX8770-LIC-LAYER3 Layer 3 feature chassis license
BR-VDX8770-LIC-ADV Advanced feature chassis license (includes Layer 3, FCoE, and VCS licenses)
BR-VDX8770-LIC-UPG Upgrade license from VCS, FCoE, or Layer 3 features to Advanced license
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the United States and/or other countries. All other names are the property of their respective owners. For additional information on Extreme Networks Trademarks please
see http://www.extremenetworks.com/company/legal/trademarks. Specifications and product availability are subject to change without notice. 12149-0119-18