NRI - Nomura Research Institute
NRI - Nomura Research Institute
NRI - Nomura Research Institute
- Electronics and Industrial Manufacturing
- Chemicals and Materials
- Automobile
- Consumer Goods and Services
- Healthcare and Social Security
- Energy and Environment
- Transportation and Logistics
- Housing and Real Estate
- ICT and Media
- Finance
- Public Sector
Mission - Discern new social paradigms and implement them.
- Build customer trust and establish relationships for mutual growth.
"Dream up" indicates NRI's passion for developing fresh new ideas. The future is unknown and unpredictable, so we
must create the future we envision.
In our desire to create new value for society, the NRI Group continues to meet business challenges and works to
create the society of the future.” - Source: Website
Sustainability Read More:
Green by NRI
NRI contributes to reducing the impact on the environment by improving the efficiency and productivity of both
clients' businesses and societal systems through the services and policy proposal activities we provide.
- Significantly reducing CO2 emissions from the use of shared online services
- Policy proposal activities to make data centers more energy efficient
- Contribution to mitigating environmental impact through consulting activities