Arrive: Find Out Whether You Are Required To Quarantine in Abu Dhabi

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Find out whether you are

required to quarantine in
Abu Dhabi

From 24 December you are exempt from quarantine if you have travelled from:
• Australia • Mainland China • Greenland • Malaysia • New Zealand • Singapore • Tajikistan • Uzbekistan
• Brunei • Greece • Hong Kong • Mauritius • Saudi Arabia • Taiwan • Thailand • Vietnam
UAE residents and nationals in Phase III of the vaccine trials or taking part in the National Vaccination Programme are exempt from quarantine on arrival to Abu Dhabi.
This is valid 28 days after you have completed your second vaccine dose.


Prepare for your Abu Dhabi arrival eligibility Take a COVID-19 PCR test Prepare for your departure
arrival in Abu Dhabi You can enter Abu Dhabi if you are a For peace of mind and protection, Print a copy of your COVID-19 PCR
UAE national or resident, or if you are COVID-19 PCR testing is mandatory for test result to present at check-in.
eligible for a visa on arrival. Residents all flights. You should take your test You will also need to download the
are encouraged to visit 96 hours before your flight departure ALHOSN app before you fly; the to verify your time. If you're travelling from the UK, official COVID-19 results and
entry status before you book. You will you should take your test 72 hours contact tracing app in the UAE.
be exempt from quarantine if you are before your flight. Read more at
travelling from the countries/regions
listed above.

Formalities on COVID-19 PCR test on arrival If you are not required to If you are required to quarantine
arrival in Abu Dhabi into Abu Dhabi quarantine on arrival on arrival
You’ll undergo thermal screening Once you've completed your COVID-19 Once you've completed your COVID-19
and COVID-19 PCR testing on PCR test, you'll be requested to PCR test, you'll be required to
arrival into Abu Dhabi. This self-isolate at home or at your hotel self-isolate at home or at your hotel
applies to all guests, until you receive your negative result. for 10 days. If your test is positive, you
excluding children under 12. If your test is positive, you will need to will need to follow further formalities.
follow further formalities. Once you've cleared immigration,
You must also take a COVID-19 PCR you’ll also be fitted with a medically
test on day 6 and day 12 of your approved wristband for the duration
arrival into Abu Dhabi. of your quarantine and required to
sign a quarantine undertaking form.

Head to your Head to your home or hotel Take a COVID-19 PCR test Explore Abu Dhabi and the UAE
home or hotel If you are required to quarantine, you in Abu Dhabi If you have been in quarantine, your
must self-isolate in your home or If you are exempt from quarantine, you wristband will be removed on day 10
hotel for 10 days. If you are travelling must take a COVID-19 PCR test on day following your negative test result.
from a country deemed high-risk by 6 and day 12 of your arrival into Now it’s time to discover the best of
the UAE authorities, you may be Abu Dhabi. Find your closest clinic at Abu Dhabi. Book activities and
subject to quarantine in a PCR experiences at
government facility. testing in the UAE starts from AED 85. If you’re travelling to another emirate,
If you are not required to quarantine If you are required to quarantine, you you will need to follow the arrival
and have received your negative must take a COVID-19 PCR test on day procedures for that emirate.
result, enjoy your stay in Abu Dhabi 8. You'll be notified of the date and
and follow further testing location of your appointment by text
requirements. message.

Your wellness will always be our priority. COVID-19 PCR testing is mandatory before every flight to give you the confidence to travel the
world again. You'll feel safe knowing that every guest flying with us has tested negative for COVID-19. Learn more about the steps we’re
Choose Well. taking to make sure your journey is safe and comfortable at

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