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Program : B.

Subject Name: Manufacturing Process
Subject Code: ME-305
Semester: 3rd
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Process in which molten metal flows by gravity or other force into a mold where it solidifies in the shape of the
mold cavity.
 The term casting also applies to the part made in the process.
 Castings are used in locomotives, cars trucks, aircraft, office buildings, factories, schools, and homes.
The metal casting process is extensively used in manufacturing because of its many advantages.
1. Molten material can flow into very small sections so that intricate shapes can be made by this process. As
a result, many other operations, such as machining, forging, and welding, can be minimized or
eliminated. This renders it very economical process.
2. Any ferrous or non-ferrous may be casted.
3. As the metal can be placed exactly where it is required, large saving in weight can be achieved.
4. The necessary tools required for casting molds are very simple and inexpensive. As a result, for
production of a small lot, it is the ideal process.
5. Casting is a unique process to make certain parts.
6. Size and weight of the product is not a limitation for the casting process.
1. Dimensional accuracy and surface finish of the castings made by sand casting processes are a limitation
to this technique. Many new casting processes have been developed which can take into consideration
the aspects of dimensional accuracy and surface finish. Some of these processes are die casting process,
investment casting process, vacuum-sealed molding process, and shell molding process.
2. The metal casting process is a labor intensive process
Casting Terms

1. Flask: A metal or wood frame, without fixed top or bottom, in which the mold is formed. Depending upon
the position of the flask in the molding structure, it is referred to by various names such as drag- lower
molding flask, cope- upper molding flask, and cheek- intermediate molding flask used in three piece
2. Pattern: It is the replica of the final object to be made. The mold cavity is made with the help of pattern.
3. Parting line: This is the dividing line between the two molding flasks that makes up the mold.
4. Molding sand: Sand, which binds strongly without losing its permeability to air or gases. It is a mixture of
silica sand, clay, and moisture in appropriate proportions.
5. Facing sand: The small amount of carbonaceous material sprinkled on the inner surface of the mold
cavity to give a better surface finish to the castings.

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6. Core: A separate part of the mold, made of sand and generally baked, which is used to create openings
and various shaped cavities in the castings.
7. Pouring basin: A small funnel shaped cavity at the top of the mold into which the molten metal is poured.
8. Sprue: The passage through which the molten metal, from the pouring basin, reaches the mold cavity. In
many cases it controls the flow of metal into the mold.
9. Runner: The channel through which the molten metal is carried from the sprue to the gate.
10. Gate: A channel through which the molten metal enters the mold cavity.
11. Chaplets: Chaplets are used to support the cores inside the mold cavity to take care of its own weight
and overcome the metallostatic force.
12. Riser: A column of molten metal placed in the mold to feed the castings as it shrinks and solidifies. Also
k o as feed head .
13. Vent: Small opening in the mold to facilitate escape of air and gases.
Steps in Making Sand Castings
There are five basic steps in making sand castings:
1. Patternmaking
2. Core making
3. Molding
4. Melting and pouring
5. Cleaning
Pattern making
The pattern is a physical model of the casting used to make the mold. The mold is made by packing some readily
formed aggregate material, such as molding sand, around the pattern. When the pattern is withdrawn, its
imprint provides the mold cavity, which is ultimately filled with metal to become the casting. If the casting is to
be hollow, as in the case of pipe fittings, additional patterns, referred to as cores, and are used to form these
Core making
Cores are forms, usually made of sand, which are placed into a mold cavity to form the interior surfaces of
castings. Thus, the void space between the core and mold-cavity surface is what eventually the casting becomes.

Molding consists of all operations necessary to prepare a mold for receiving molten metal. Molding usually
involves placing a molding aggregate around a pattern held with a supporting frame, withdrawing the pattern to
leave the mold cavity, setting the cores in the mold cavity and finishing and closing the mold.
Melting and Pouring
The preparation of molten metal for casting is referred to simply as melting. Melting is usually done in a
specifically designated area of the foundry, and the molten metal is transferred to the pouring area where the
molds are filled.
Cleaning refers to all operations necessary to the removal of sand, scale, and excess metal from the casting.
Burned-on sand and scale are removed to improve the surface appearance of the casting. Excess metal, present
in the form of fins, wires, parting line fins, and gates, is removed. Inspection of the casting for defects and
general quality is performed.
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Molding and Foundry core sands and their properties

Molding sand, also known as foundry sand, is sand that when moistened and compressed or oiled or heated
tends to pack well and hold its shape.
1. Constituents of Molding Sand
The main constituents of molding sand involve silica sand, binder, moisture content and additives.
1.1 Silica sand
Silica sand in form of granular quarts is the main constituent of molding sand having enough refractoriness which
can impart strength, stability and permeability to molding and core sand. But along with silica small amounts of
iron oxide, alumina, lime stone (CaCO3), magnesia, soda and potash are present as impurities. The chemical
composition of silica sand gives an idea of the impurities like lime, magnesia, alkalis etc. present. The silica sand
can be specified according to the sand grain size and the shape (angular, sub-angular and rounded) of the sand.
1.2 Binder
Binders can be either inorganic or organic substance. Binders included in the inorganic group are clay sodium
silicate and port land cement etc. In foundry shop, the clay acts as binder which may be Kaolinite, Ball Clay, Fire
Clay, Li o ite, Fuller’s earth a d Be to ite. Bi ders i luded i the orga i group are dextrin, molasses, cereal
binders, linseed oil and resins like phenol formaldehyde, urea formaldehyde etc. Binders of organic group are
mostly used for core making. Among all the above binders, the bentonite variety of clay is the most commonly
used. Ho e er, this lay alo e a ’t de elop o ds a o g sa d gri s ithout the prese e of oisture o te t
in molding sand and core sand.
1.3 Moisture
The amount of moisture content in the molding sand varies from 2 to 8%. This amount is added to the mixture of
clay and silica sand for developing bonds. This is the amount of water required to fill the pores between the
particles of clay without separating them. This amount of water is held rigidly by the clay and is mainly
responsible for developing the strength in the sand. The effect of clay and water decreases permeability with
increasing clay and moisture content. The green compressive strength first increases with the increase in clay
content, but after a certain value, it starts decreasing.
1.4 Additives
Additives are the materials generally added to the molding and core sand mixture to develop some special
property in the sand. Some commonly used additives for enhancing the properties of molding and core sands
are coal dust, corn flour, dextrin, sea coal, pitch, wood flour, silica flour.
2. Different types of Molding Sand
Molding sands can also be classified into various types according to their use are backing sand, core sand, dry
sand, facing sand, green sand, loam sand, parting sand, system sand.
2.1 Backing sand or floor sand
Backing sand or floor sand is used to back up the facing sand and is used to fill the whole volume of the molding
flask. Backing sand is sometimes called black sand because of old, repeatedly used molding sand is black in color
due to addition of coal dust and burning on coming in contact with the molten metal.
2.2 Core sand
Core sand is used for making cores and it is sometimes also known as oil sand. Core sand is highly rich silica sand
mixed with oil binders such as core oil which composed of linseed oil, resin, light mineral oil and other bind
materials. Pitch or flours and water may also be used in large cores for the sake of economy.
2.3 Dry sand
Green sand that has been dried or baked in suitable oven after the making mold and cores is called dry sand. It
possesses more strength, rigidity and thermal stability. Dry sand is mainly used for larger castings. Mold
prepared in this sand are known as dry sand molds.
2.4 Facing sand
Facing sand forms the face of the mould. It is next to the surface of the pattern and it comes into contact with
molten metal when the mould is poured. Initial coating around the pattern and hence for mold surface is given
by facing sand. Facing sand has high strength refractoriness. Facing sand is made of silica sand and clay, without
the use of already used sand. Different forms of carbon are used in facing sand to prevent the metal burning into

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the sand. A facing sand mixture for green sand of cast iron may consist of 25% fresh and specially prepared and
5% sea coal. They are sometimes mixed with 6-15 times as much fine molding sand to make facings. The layer of
facing sand in a mold usually ranges between 20-30 mm. From 10 to 15% of the whole amount of molding sand
is the facing sand.
2.5 Green sand
Green sand is also known as tempered or natural sand which is a just prepared mixture of silica sand with 18 to
30% clay, having moisture content from 6 to 8%. The clay and water furnish the bond for green sand. It is fine,
soft, light, and porous. Green sand is damp, when squeezed in the hand and it retains the shape and the
impression to give to it under pressure. Molds prepared by this sand are not requiring backing and hence are
known as green sand molds. Green sand is easily available and it possesses low cost. Green sand is commonly
employed for production of ferrous and non-ferrous castings.
2.6 Loam sand
Loam sand is mixture of sand and clay with water to a thin plastic paste. Loam sand possesses high clay as much
as 30-50% and 18% of water. Patterns are not used for loam molding and shape is given to mold by sweeps.
Loam sand is particularly employed for loam molding used for large grey iron castings.
2.7 Parting sand
Parting sand without binder and moisture is used to keep the green sand not to stick to the pattern and also to
allow the sand to the parting surface the cope and drag to separate without clinging. Parting sand is clean clay-
free silica sand which serves the same purpose as parting dust.
3. Properties of molding sand
The basic properties of molding sand and core sand are adhesiveness, cohesiveness, collapsibility, flowability, dry
strength, green strength, permeability, refractoriness.
3.1 Adhesiveness
Adhesiveness is a property of molding sand to get the stick or adhere to foreign material such sticking of molding
sand with the inner wall of molding box.
3.2 Cohesiveness
Cohesiveness is property of molding sand by virtue which the sand grain particles interact and attract each other
within the molding sand. Thus, the binding capability of the molding sand gets enhanced to increase the green,
dry and hot strength property of molding and core sand.
3.3 Collapsibility
After the molten metal in the mould gets solidified, the sand mould must be collapsible so that free contraction
of the metal occurs and this would naturally avoid the tearing or cracking of the contracting metal. In absence of
collapsibility property the contraction of the metal is hindered by the mold and thus results in tears and cracks in
the casting. This property is highly required in cores.
3.4 Dry strength
The moisture in the sand layer adjacent to the hot metal gets evaporated as soon as it comes in contact with the
molten metal and this dry sand layer must have sufficient strength to its shape in order to avoid erosion of
mould wall during the flow of molten metal. The dry strength also prevents the enlargement of mould cavity
cause by the metallostatic pressure of the liquid metal.
3.5 Flowability or plasticity
Flowability or plasticity is the ability of the sand to get compacted and behave like a fluid. It will flow uniformly to
all portions of pattern when rammed and distribute the ramming pressure evenly all around in all directions.
Generally sand particles resist moving around corners or projections. In general, flowability increases with
decrease in green strength and vice versa. Flowability increases with decrease in grain size of sand. The
flowability also varies with moisture and clay content in sand.
3.6 Green strength
The green sand after water has been mixed into it, must have sufficient strength and toughness to permit the
making and handling of the mould. For this, the sand grains must be adhesive, i.e. they must be capable of
attaching themselves to another body and. therefore, and sand grains having high adhesiveness will cling to the
sides of the molding box. Also, the sand grains must have the property known as cohesiveness i.e. ability of the

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sand grains to stick to one another. By virtue of this property, the pattern can be taken out from the mould
without breaking the mould and also erosion of mould wall surfaces does not occur during the flow of molten
metal. The green strength also depends upon the grain shape and size, amount and type of clay and the
moisture content.
3.7 Permeability
Permeability is also termed as porosity of the molding sand in order to allow the escape of any air, gases or
moisture present or generated in the mould when the molten metal is poured into it. All these gaseous
generated during pouring and solidification process must escape otherwise the casting becomes defective.
Permeability is a function of grain size, grain shape, and moisture and clay contents in the molding sand. The
extent of ramming of the sand directly affects the permeability of the mould. Permeability of mold can be
further increased by venting using vent rods.
3.8 Refractoriness
Refractoriness is defined as the ability of molding sand to withstand high temperatures without breaking down
or fusing thus facilitating to get sound casting. It is a highly important characteristic of molding sands.
Refractoriness can only be increased to a limited extent. Molding sand with poor refractoriness may burn on to
the casting surface and no smooth casting surface can be obtained. The degree of refractoriness depends on the
SiO2 i.e. quartz content, and the shape and grain size of the particle. The higher the SiO2 content and the rougher
the grain volumetric composition the higher is the refractoriness of the molding sand and core sand.
Refractoriness is measured by the sinter point of the sand rather than its melting point.
3.9 Miscellaneous properties of molding sand
In addition to above requirements, the molding sand should not stick to the casting and should not chemically
react with the metal. Molding sand need be economically cheap and easily available in nature. It need be
reusable for economic reasons. Its coefficients of thermal expansion need be sufficiently low.
The pattern is the principal tool during the casting process. It is the replica of the object to be made by the
casting process, with some modifications. The main modifications are the addition of pattern allowances, and
the provision of core prints. If the casting is to be hollow, additional patterns called cores are used to create
these cavities in the finished product.
The quality of the casting produced depends upon the material of the pattern, its design, and construction. The
costs of the pattern and the related equipment are reflected in the cost of the casting. The use of an expensive
pattern is justified when the quantity of castings required is substantial.

Functions of Pattern
 A pattern prepares a mold cavity for the purpose of making a casting.
 A pattern may contain projections known as core prints if the casting requires a core and need to be
made hollow.
 Runner, gates, and risers used for feeding molten metal in the mold cavity may form a part of the
 Patterns properly made and having finished and smooth surfaces reduce casting defects.
 A properly constructed pattern minimizes the overall cost of the castings.

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Pattern Materials
Each material has its own advantages, limitations, and field of application. Some materials used for
making patterns are: wood, metals and alloys, plastic, plaster of Paris, plastic and rubbers, wax, and
resins. To be suitable for use, the pattern material should be:
 Easily worked, shaped and joined
 Light in weight
 Strong, hard and durable
 Resistant to wear and abrasion
 Resistant to corrosion, and to chemical reactions
 Dimensionally stable and unaffected by variations in temperature and humidity
 Available at low cost
The usual pattern materials are wood, metal, and plastics. The most commonly used pattern material is
wood, since it is readily available and of low weight. Also, it can be easily shaped and is relatively cheap.
The main disadvantage of wood is its absorption of moisture, which can cause distortion and dimensional
changes. Hence, proper seasoning and upkeep of wood is almost a pre-requisite for large-scale use of
wood as a pattern material.
Pattern Allowances
The allowances usually considered on patterns and core boxes are as follows:
 Shrinkage or contraction allowance
 Draft or taper allowance
 Machining or finish allowance
 Distortion or camber allowance
 Rapping allowance
Shrinkage or Contraction Allowance
All most all cast metals shrink or contract volumetrically on cooling. The metal shrinkage is of two types:
 Liquid Shrinkage: it refers to the reduction in volume when the metal changes from liquid state to solid
state at the solidus temperature. To account for this shrinkage; riser, which feed the liquid metal to the
casting, are provided in the mold.
 Solid Shrinkage: it refers to the reduction in volume caused when metal loses temperature in solid state.
To account for this, shrinkage allowance is provided on the patterns.
Metal Percentage
Aluminium 1.0–1.3
Brass 1.5
Magnesium 1.0–1.3
Cast iron 0.8–1.0
Steel 1.5–2.0
Rate of Contraction of Various Metals
The rate of contraction with temperature is dependent on the material. For example steel contracts to a
higher degree compared to aluminum. To compensate the solid shrinkage, a shrink rule must be used in
laying out the measurements for the pattern. A shrink rule for cast iron is 1/8 inch longer per foot than a
standard rule. If a gear blank of 4 inch in diameter was planned to produce out of cast iron, the shrink
rule in measuring it 4 inch would actually measure 4 -1/24 inch, thus compensating for the shrinkage.
Material Dimension Shrinkage allowance (inch/ft)
Up to 2 feet 0.125
Grey Cast Iron 2 feet to 4 feet 0.105
over 4 feet 0.083
Cast Steel Up to 2 feet 0.251
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2 feet to 6 feet 0.191

over 6 feet 0.155
Up to 4 feet 0.155
Aluminum 4 feet to 6 feet 0.143
over 6 feet 0.125
Up to 4 feet 0.173
over 4 feet 0.155
The casting shown is to be made in cast iron using a wooden pattern. Assuming only shrinkage allowance,
calculate the dimension of the pattern. All Dimensions are in Inches

 The shrinkage allowance for cast iron for size up to 2 feet is o.125 inch per feet (as per Table)
 For dimension 18 inch, allowance = 18 X 0.125 / 12 = 0.1875 inch » 0.2 inch
 For dimension 14 inch, allowance = 14 X 0.125 / 12 = 0.146 inch » 0.15 inch
 For dimension 8 inch, allowance = 8 X 0.125 / 12 = 0.0833 inch » 0. 09 inch
 For dimension 6 inch, allowance = 6 X 0.125 / 12 = 0.0625 inch » 0. 07 inch

Draft or Taper Allowance

By draft is meant the taper provided by the pattern maker on all vertical surfaces of the pattern so that it
can be removed from the sand without tearing away the sides of the sand mold and without excessive
rapping by the molder.

Draft or Taper Allowance

Figure b shows a pattern having no draft allowance being removed from the pattern. In this case, till the
pattern is completely lifted out, its sides will remain in contact with the walls of the mold, thus tending to
break it. Figure a is an illustration of a pattern having proper draft allowance. Here, the moment the
pattern lifting commences, all of its surfaces are well away from the sand surface. Thus the pattern can
be removed without damaging the mold cavity.

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Draft allowance varies with the complexity of the sand job. But in general inner details of the pattern require
higher draft than outer surfaces. The amount of draft depends upon the length of the vertical side of the pattern
to be extracted; the intricacy of the pattern; the method of molding; and pattern material. Table provides a
general guide lines for the draft allowance.
Height of the surface Draft angle Draft angle
Pattern material
(inch) (External Surface) (Internal Surface)
1 3 3
1 to 2 1.5 2.5
Wood 2 to 4 1 1.5
4 to 8 0.75 1
8 to 32 0.5 1
1 1.5 3
1 to 2 1 2
Metals & Plastic 2 to 4 0.75 1
4 to 8 0.5 1
8 to 32 0.5 0.75
Machining Allowance
The finish and accuracy achieved in sand casting are generally poor and therefore when the casting is
functionally required to be of good surface finish or dimensionally accurate, it is generally achieved by
subsequent machining. Machining or finish allowances are therefore added in the pattern dimension. The
amount of machining allowance to be provided for is affected by the method of molding and casting used viz.
hand molding or machine molding, sand casting or metal mold casting.
The amount of machining allowance is also affected by the size and shape of the casting; the casting orientation;
the metal; and the degree of accuracy and finish required. The machining allowances recommended for different
metal is given in Table.

Metal Dimension(inch) Allowance(inch)

Up to 12 0.12
Cast iron 12 to 20 0.2
20 to 40 0.25
Up to 6 0.12
Cast steel 6 to 20 0.25
20 to 40 0.3
Up to 8 0.09
Non ferrous 8 to 12 0.12
12 to 40 0.16
The casting shown is to be made in cast iron using a wooden pattern. Assuming only machining allowance,
calculate the dimension of the pattern. All Dimensions are in Inches


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 The machining allowance for cast iron for size, up to 12 inch is 0.12 inch and from 12 inch to 20 inch is
0.20 inch
 For dimension 18 inch, allowance = 0.20 inch
 For dimension 14 inch, allowance = 0.20 inch
 For dimension 8 inch, allowance = 0.12 inch
 For dimension 6 inch, allowance = 0.12 inch
 The pattern drawing with required dimension is shown in Figure below

Distortion or Camber Allowance

Sometimes castings get distorted, during solidification, due to their typical shape. For example, if the casting has
the form of the letter U, V, T, or L etc. it will tend to contract at the closed end causing the vertical legs to look
slightly inclined. This can be prevented by making the legs of the U, V, T, or L shaped pattern converge slightly
(inward) so that the casting after distortion will have its sides vertical as shown in fig.

The distortion in casting may occur due to internal stresses. These internal stresses are caused on account of
unequal cooling of different section of the casting and hindered contraction. Measure taken to prevent the
 Modification of casting design
 Providing sufficient machining allowance to cover the distortion affect
 Providing suitable allowance on the pattern, called camber or distortion allowance (inverse reflection)
Rapping Allowance
Before the withdrawal from the sand mold, the pattern is rapped all around the vertical faces to enlarge the
mold cavity slightly, which facilitate its removal. Since it enlarges the final casting made, it is desirable that the
original pattern dimension should be reduced to account for this increase. There is no sure way of quantifying
this allowance, since it is highly dependent on the foundry personnel practice involved. It is a negative allowance
and is to be applied only to those dimensions that are parallel to the parting plane.

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Types of Pattern
Patterns are of various types, each satisfying certain casting requirements.
 Single piece pattern
The one piece or single pattern is the most inexpensive of all types of patterns. This type of pattern is used only
in cases where the job is very simple and does not create any withdrawal problems. It is also used for application
in very small-scale production or in prototype development. This type of pattern is expected to be entirely in the
drag and one of the surface is expected to be flat which is used as the parting plane. A gating system is made in
the mold by cutting sand with the help of sand tools. If no such flat surface exists, the molding becomes
Used for producing a few large castings, for example, stuffing box of steam engine.

 Split or two piece pattern

Split or two piece pattern is most widely used type of pattern for intricate castings. It is split along the parting
surface, the position of which is determined by the shape of the casting. One half of the pattern is molded in
drag and the other half in cope. The two halves of the pattern must be aligned properly by making use of the
dowel pins, which are fitted, to the cope half of the pattern. These dowel pins match with the precisely made
holes in the drag half of the pattern.
Used for producing complex geometries like spindles, steam valve bodies, etc. For a more complex casting, the
pattern may be split in more than two parts.

Use of Dowel pins & holes in Split Pattern

 Match Plate pattern
Basically Match plate pattern is a split pattern. Cope and drag areas are on the opposite faces of metallic plate.
This metallic plate is termed as Match Plate. This type of pattern requires very less hard work and gives very high
output. Because the gates and runners are also on the match plate. This is used in various manufacturing
industries. This is very expensive and gives accuracy as well as high yield. This pattern is widely used for casting
metals like aluminium.
1) Used in piston rings of I.C. engines
2) Multi piece pattern has wide scope in rotor hub.

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 Gated pattern
Gated types of patterns are used to make multiple components inside the single mold. Gated pattern is nothing
but the pattern consisting one or more patterns. For joining different patterns gates are used. These are loose
patterns where gates and runners have already attached. These patterns are very expensive. Due to their high
cost they are used for creating small castings. These small castings further are used in molding machines as well
as in mass producing processes.
The important advantage of this pattern is –
1) Low molding time
2) Molten metal is uniformly distributed
Implemented usually in small castings such as corner bracket.

 Multi Piece pattern

Sometimes castings have very difficult and complicated designs. In such difficult situations multi piece types of
patterns are used. 3 or more patterns are included in multi piece pattern.
For instance, if we consider three- piece pattern which comes under multi piece pattern. This three- piece
pattern consists of top, bottom and middle parts. The bottom part is drag, top part is cope where the middle
part is termed as check box.
It is used in various kinds of joints such as dowel joint.

 Skeleton pattern
Skeleton pattern is used for castings which have simple size and shape. These castings are usually large in size.
The only disadvantages of skeleton types of patterns are – it is applicable for small number of components and it
is not cheap. Economically, it is not the best pattern. Stickler is used to remove extra sand. These are nothing but
frames of wood that highlight the area which is to be cast. These patterns also help molder. They are widely
used in process of pit or floor welding.
1) Turbine manufacturing uses skeleton pattern
2) In daily applications such as water pipes are mostly designed with the help of skeleton pattern.

 Sweep pattern
In sweep pattern we make use of wooden board. This wooden board of proper size is to be rotated about one
edge to shape the cavity as circular or rotational symmetry. Sweep pattern is often used when we have to create

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casting in very short interval of time. Molds of extensive symmetrical casting can be made easily with the help of
sweep pattern. Sweep pattern consists of three parts spindle, base and sweep which is wooden board. Spindle is
directed in vertical direction and base is attached with sand.
Circular discs, wheels, large kettles are produces by making use of sweep pattern.

 Loose Piece Pattern

It is very difficult to remove one piece of solid pattern which is above or below the parting plane having
projections from the mold. With the help of loose piece types of patterns projections can be made by loose
pieces. It requires skilled labor work as well as it is very expensive. There is one disadvantage of this loose piece
pattern is that their shifting can be done due to ramming process.
Loose Piece Pattern Applications:
1) In the production of axle pin.
2) Loose piece pattern is used in the rotor hub.

 Cope & Drag Pattern

Cope and drag pattern is a split pattern. This pattern has cope and drag on separate plate. Cope and drag
pattern has two parts which are separately molded on molding box. After molding parts, these two separate
parts are combined to form the entire cavity. Cope and drag pattern is almost like two-piece pattern.
This pattern types are used in the production of large castings where the molds are very heavy and unhandy for
a user.
Cope & Drag Pattern Applications:
1) This pattern is used in building flange pipe.
2) Cope and drag pattern is used in water jacket which is an important component of JCB.

 Follow Board Pattern

Follow board pattern consists of tool that is a simple wooden board which is used for several reasons.
The wooden board is used as a base in follow board pattern for molding process. This pattern is used in
processes where casting structures are weak and they may break after the application of force.

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This pattern is used for casting master pattern for many purposes.

 Segmental Pattern
It is just a similar to that of sweep pattern. The working structure of segmental pattern and sweep pattern is
almost similar. For designing require shape or structure of mold they both employ a part of pattern. As the name
suggest segmental pattern is in the form of segments and used for molding circular or round structures. In
sweep pattern there is complete rotation but in segmental pattern there is no complete rotation. For creating
mold, we can rotate partly to get required output.
Segmental pattern is used for constructing circular structures like wheels, rims, pulleys etc.

 Shell Pattern
Shell pattern is specially used for obtaining hollow shaped structure. Along the center the parting process is
done. The resultant halves produced after parting are both doweled.

Design Considerations in Pattern Making

The following considerations should always be kept in mind while designing a pattern.
 All Abrupt changes in section of the pattern should be avoided as far as possible.
 Parting line should be selected carefully, so as to allow as small portion of the pattern as far as possible in
the cope area.
 The thickness and section of the pattern should be kept as uniform as possible.
 Sharp corners and edges should be supported by suitable fillets or otherwise rounded of. It will facilitate
easy withdrawal of pattern, smooth flow of molten metal and
ensure a sound casting.

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 Surfaces of the casting which are specifically required to be perfectly sound and clean should be so
designed that they will be molded in the drag because the possible defects due to loose sand and
inclusions will occur in the cope.
 As far as possible, full cores should be used instead of cemented half cores for reducing cost and for
 For mass production, the use of several patterns in a mould with common riser is to be preferred.
 The pattern should have very good surface finish as it directly affects the corresponding finish of the
 Shape and size of the casting and that of the core should be carefully considered to decide the size and
location of the core prints.
 Proper material should always be selected for the pattern after carefully analyzing the factors responsible
for their selection.
 Try to employ full cores always instead of jointed half cores as far as possible. This will reduce cost and
ensure greater dimensional accuracy.
 The use of offset parting, instead of cores as for as possible should be encouraged to the great extent.
 For large scale production of small castings, the use of gated or match- plate patterns should be
preferred wherever the existing facilities permit.
 If gates, runners and risers are required to be attached with the pattern, they should be properly located
and their sudden variation in dimensions should be avoided.
 Wherever there is a sharp corner, a fillet should be provided, and the corners may be rounded up for
easy withdrawal of patterns as well as easy flow of molten metal in the mould.
 Proper allowances should be provided, wherever necessary.
 As for as possible, the pattern should have a good surface finish because the surface finish of the casting
depends totally on the surface finish of the pattern and the kind of facing of the mold cavity.
Classification of Casting Process
Green Sand Molding
Green sand is by far the most diversified molding method used in current metal casting operations. The green
sand process utilizes a mold made of compressed or compacted moist sand packed around a wood or metal
pattern. The term "green" denotes the presence of moisture in the molding sand, and indicates that the mold is
not baked or dried.
Green Sand Molding Process
The mold material consists of silica sand mixed with a suitable bonding agent (usually clay) and moisture. To
produce the mold a flask, usually a metal frame, (although wood may be used for some processes and types of
castings), is placed over the pattern to produce a cavity representing one half of the casting. Compaction is
achieved by either jolting or squeezing the mold. The other half of the mold is produced in like manner and the
two flasks are positioned together to form the complete mold.
If the casting has hollow sections, a core consisting of hardened sand (baked or chemically hardened) is used.
Cores are located in pockets formed by projections on the pattern equipment to produce core prints. Should
extra support for the core be required, chaplets or spacers are properly positioned to maintain the required
dimension. These will fuse with the molten metal when the casting is poured.
Green sand is the best known of all the sand casting methods, as the molds may be poured without further
conditioning. This type of molding is most adaptable to light, bench molding for medium-sized castings or for use
with production molding machines.
Green Sand Molding Applications
Green sand casting is used largely for heavy casting like casting bells, where the casting are to be cleaned and
polished for fine surface finish.
Green Sand Molding
 Most ferrous / non-ferrous metals can be used.
 Low Pattern & Material costs.

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 Almost no limit on size, shape or weight of part.

 Adaptable to large or small quantities
 Used best for light, bench molding for medium-sized castings or for use with production molding
 Low design complexity.
 Lower dimensional accuracy.
Sand Casting Procedure
There are six steps in this process:
 Place a pattern in sand to create a mold.
 Incorporate the pattern and sand in a gating system.
 Remove the pattern.
 Fill the mold cavity with molten metal.
 Allow the metal to cool.
 Break away the sand mold and remove the casting.

Dry Sand Molding

Dry sand molding is the green sand practice modified by baking the mold at 400-600F (204-316C). Some
foundries use dry sand molds to produce intricate parts which are difficult to cast to exact size and dimensions.
Molds are generally dried (or baked) in large mold drying or with large mold heaters.
Castings of large or medium size and of complex configuration such as frames, engine cylinders, rolls, large gears
and housings are often made using the dry sand technique. Both ferrous and nonferrous metals are cast in this
type of mold.
 Dry sand molds are generally stronger than green sand molds and therefore can withstand much
additional handling.
 Better dimension control than if they were molded in green sand.
 The improved quality of the sand mixture due to the removal of moisture can result in a much smoother
finish on the castings than if made in green sand molds. Where molds are properly washed and sprayed
with refractory coatings, the casting finish is further improved.
 This type of molding is much more expensive than green sand molding and is not a high-production
process. Correct baking (drying) times are essential.
 Both ferrous and non-metals can be cast using the dry sand casting method. This process is largely used
for producing intricate designs for heavy applications. Some of the casting that are produced are engine
blocks, large gears, big housings, construction parts, big gear boxes, transmission housings, agricultural
casting, automotive parts, etc.
Flask less Molding
 One recent innovation in green sand molding has been the introduction of flaskless molding-with both
vertical as well as horizontal partings.

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 Contrary to any misconceptions, a flask must be used on all green sand molding primarily for
containment of sand while it is compacted about the pattern. In flaskless molding (whether vertical or
horizontal) instead of using "tight" individual flasks for each mold produced, the master flask is contained
as an integral unit of the totally mechanized mold producing system. Once the mold has been stripped
from the integral mold producing unit, it is held against the other half of the mold with enough pressure
to allow pouring of the metal.
 Through advanced engineering techniques as well as continuous modification and improvements, vertical
flaskless molding has achieved notable production and casting quality levels and has attained new
heights of casting dimensional tolerance and accuracy. The vertical flaskless systems are suited to gray,
malleable and ductile iron as well as steel, aluminum and brass castings.
 In the vertical flaskless systems, the completely contained molding unit blows and squeezes a mold
against a pattern (or multiple patterns) which has been designed for a vertical gating system. Molds of
this type can be produced in very high quantities per hour, and of high density (mold hardness ranging
from 85-95 B scale) with excellent dimensional reproducibility.

 No expenditure is required for flasks nor is there any cleaning or maintenance of flasks.
 Working conditions are improved and there is no handling, storing or shakeout of flasks.
 Restrictions apply to size of casting, use of complicated cores and core assemblies, and number of
castings per mold. Mold handling may be more difficult.
 Examples of usage are engine blocks, transmission housings, gear housings, pump housings, air
movement components (fan blades), hubs, shafts, tubes, rectangles, squares, holes, no holes, the list is
Shell Molding
 Shell molding, which is sometimes known as shell mold casting, is one of a most suitable casting process
for complex and other thin sections. This process gives high accuracy and better surface finish. One of
the major advantages of this casting process which make it suitable for various casting industries is that it
can easily automated. These all advantages make this process versatile and easily adoptable for any
 Shell mold casting process uses a mold like a shell, which is made by the mixture of sand and resin. This
mold is light weighted and have high strength which makes it suitable for automatic casting. This process
is suitable for both ferrous and non-ferrous casting but it is mostly used for steel.
Shell Molding Process:
 #Step 1: Making of Metal Pattern
The first and most important step involves in every casting process is pattern making. Pattern is replica of
the final product. It can made by wood, plastic, metal etc. Shell molding uses a metal pattern along with
all pattern allowances. This pattern is made by either aluminum of cast iron. One of the major advantage
of using metal pattern is that it gives high accurate casting and can be used for multiple casting.
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#Step 2 : Heating of Pattern

The metal pattern created by other casting process is now heated at a temperature range between 180 –
250 degree centigrade. This heating is essential which allows to solidify resin mixed silica when poured on
it. After heating, a small layer of lubricant (Moisltly Silicon) sprayed over metallic pattern which allows
easy removal of metallic pattern from shell.

#Step 3 : Shell Mould Creation

This step is major step in this casting process. This step can be further divided into following steps.
 Pattern is clamped over a dump box. Now this assembly is turned face down. A mixture of sand and resin
is filled into dump box. Mostly fine grade green sand is used for mixture.

 Now this whole assemble is inverted which allow to sand resin mixture fall over heated pattern. A layer of
mixture, which is in direct contact with pattern is become hard and form a shell. The thickness of shell is
mostly depends on the temperature of the pattern and time duration of contact.

 Now the dump box is again inverted which allow to remove extra sand resin mixture.
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 After it, metallic pattern is removed from dump box and shell is separated from it. The other half of the
mold is also created using same technique.

#Step 4 : Mold Assembly

This step assemble all shells created by the shell molding. The all required shell assembled into a flask
and supported by a baking material. All desirable part like cores, runner, riser etc. are attached to it.

#Step 5 : Casting formation

 Now the cavity is filled with a molten metal and allow to solidify. After solidification the metal cast is
removed by breaking the shell. The casting formed by this process is highly accurate and well finished.
Generally it does not required further machining.

 Thin and complex section can be easily cast.
 High dimension accuracy and good surface finish.
 Easily automated.
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 It can be operate by an semi skilled operator.

 No further machining required.
 Special metal pattern required which makes it expensive for large casting.
 It is not suitable for small batch production.
 Shell moulds are less permeable compare to green sand mould.
 Size and weight limitation.
 Most of industrial products like gearbox housing, connecting rod, small size boats, truck hoods, cylindrical
head, Camshaft, valve body etc. are made by shell molding.
Permanent Mold Process:
 Permanent mold casting is a metal casting process that employs reusable molds ("permanent molds"),
usually made from metal. The most common process uses gravity to fill the mold, however gas pressure
or a vacuum are also used.
 Common casting metals are aluminum, magnesium, and copper alloys.
 Typical products are components such as gears, splines, wheels, gear housings, pipe fittings, fuel injection
housings, and automotive engine piston.

Die Casting:
Die casting is a metal casting process that is characterized by forcing molten metal under high pressure into
a mold cavity. The mold cavity is created using two hardened tool steel dies which have been machined into
shape and work similarly to an injection mold during the process.
Most die castings are made from non-ferrous metals, specifically zinc, copper, aluminum, magnesium, lead,
and tin-based alloys. Depending on the type of metal being cast, a hot- or cold-chamber machine is used.
Gravity Die Casting:
 When the molten is metal is poured under a gravity head into the permanent mould it is called gravity
die casting. It is also known as permanent mould casting.
 Sometimes referred to as Permanent Mould, GDC is a repeatable casting process used for non-ferrous
alloy parts, typically aluminum, Zinc and Copper Base Alloys.
 The process differs from HPDC in that Gravity- rather than high pressure- is used to fill the mould with
the liquid alloy.
 GDC is suited to medium to high volumes products and typically parts are of heavier sections than HPDC,
but thinner sections than sand casting.
Gravity Die Casting Process:
There are three key stages in the process.
 The heated mould [Die or Tool] is coated with a die release agent. The release agent spray also has a
secondary function in that it aids cooling of the mould face after the previous part has been removed
from the die.

 Molten metal is poured into channels in the tool to allow the material to fill all the extremities of the
mould cavity. The metal is either hand poured using steel ladles or dosed using mechanical methods.
Typi ally, there is a ould do sprue that allo s the alloy to e ter the ould a ity fro the lo er
part of the die, reducing the formation of turbulence and subsequent porosity and inclusions in the
finished part.
 Once the part has cooled sufficiently, the die is opened, either manually or utilizing mechanical methods.

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Gravity Die Casting Advantages:

 Good dimensional accuracy
 Smoother cast surface finish than sand casting
 Improved mechanical properties compared to sand casting
 Thinner walls can be cast compared to sand casting
 Reverse draft internal pockets and forms can be cast in using preformed sand core inserts
 Steel pins and inserts can be cast into the part
Gravity Die Casting Disadvantages:
 High tooling cost compared with sand casting.
 Low volume production compared with die casting.
 Minimum wall thickness possible is c. 3-5mm.
Gravity Die Casting Applications:
These are used to make precision aluminum casting parts, machine parts, motor parts, heavy metal parts.

Pressure Die Casting :

Pressure die casting is a quick, reliable and cost-effective manufacturing process for production of high volume,
metal components that are net-shaped have tight tolerances. Basically, the pressure die casting process consists
of injecting under high pressure a molten metal alloy into a steel mold (or tool). This gets solidified rapidly (from
milliseconds to a few seconds) to form a net shaped component. It is then automatically extracted.
Advantages of Pressure Die Casting :
 Lower costs compared to other processes.
 Economical - typically production of any number of components from thousands to millions before
requiring replacement is possible.
 Castings with close dimensional control and good surface finish
 Castings with thin walls, and therefore are lighter in weight
Application of Pressure Die Casting
 Automotive parts like wheels, blocks, cylinder heads, manifolds etc.
 Aerospace castings.
 Electric motor housings.
 Kitchen ware such as pressure cooker.
 Cabinets for the electronics industry.
 General hardware appliances, pump parts, plumbing parts.

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Types of Pressure Die Casting

Depending upon the pressure used, there are two types of pressure die casting namely High Pressure Die Casting
and Low Pressure Die Casting. While high pressure die casting has wider application encompassing nearly 50% of
all light alloy casting production. Currently low pressure die casting accounts for about 20% of the total
production but its use is increasing. High pressure castings are must for castings requiring tight tolerance and
detailed geometry. As the extra pressure is able to push the metal into more detailed features in the mold. Low
pressure die casting is commonly used for larger and non-critical parts.
High Pressure Die Casting Process

Here, the liquid metal is injected with high speed and high pressure(up to 1200 bar) into the metal mold. The
basic equipment consists of two vertical platens. The bolsters are placed on these platens and this holds the die
halves. Out of the two platens, one is fixed and the other movable.
This helps the die to open and close. A specific amount of metal is poured into the shot sleeve and afterwards
introduced into the mold cavity. This is done using a hydraulically-driven piston. After the metal has solidified,
the die is opened and the casting eventually removed.
Types of High Pressure Die Casting:
There are two types of HPDC. The only difference between the two processes is the method being used to inject
molten metal into the die.
 Hot Chamber Process
 Cold Chamber Process
Hot Chamber Process

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The workings of a hot chamber process goes like this. The molten metal for casting is placed in the holding
furnace at the required temperature adjacent to(sometimes as part of the machine itself) the machine. The
injection mechanism is placed within the holding furnace and most of its part is in constant touch with the
molten metal. When pressure is transmitted by the injection piston, the metal is forced through the gooseneck
into the die. On the return stroke, the metal is drawn towards the gooseneck for the next shot.
Applications of Hot Chamber Process
The hot-chamber process is applicable only for zinc and other low melting point alloys that does not affect and
erode metal pots cylinders and plungers.
Cold Chamber Process

The difference of this process with the hot-chamber process is that the injection system is not submerged in
molten metal. On the contrary, metal gets transferred by ladle, manually or automatically, to the shot sleeve.
The metal is pushed into the die by a hydraulically operated plunger. This process minimizes the contact time
between the injector components and the molten metal. Which extends the life of the components. However
the entrainment of air into the metal generally associated with high-speed injection can cause gas porosity in the
Applications of Cold Chamber Process
Generally steel castings along with aluminum and copper based alloys are produced by this method.
Low Pressure Die Casting Process

The process works like this, first a metal die is positioned above a sealed furnace containing molten metal. A
refractory-lined riser extends from the bottom of the die into the molten metal. Low pressure air (15 - 100 kPa,
2- 15 psi) is then introduced into the furnace. This makes the molten metal rise up the tube and enter the die
cavity with low turbulence. After the metal has solidified, the air pressure is released . This makes the metal still
in the molten state in the riser tube to fall back into the furnace. After subsequent cooling, the die is opened and
the casting extracted.
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Applications of Low Pressure Die Casting Process

High quality castings, of aluminum alloys, along with magnesium and other low melting point alloys are usually
produced through this process. Castings of aluminum in the weight range of 2-150 kg are a common feature.
Centrifugal Casing
 Centrifugal casting or rotocasting is a casting technique that is typically used to cast thin-walled cylinders.
 It is used to cast materials such as metal, glass, and concrete.
 Centrifugal casting is one of the most important type of casting process in which mould is rotated rapidly
about its central axis during casting is solidified or metal is poured.
 This process is widely used for casting hollow pipes, tubes and other symmetrical parts.
Centrifugal Casing Working Principle
 It works on basic principle of centrifugal force on a rotating Component. In this process, a mould is
rotated about its central axis when the molten metal is poured into it. A centrifugal force acts on molten
metal due to this rotation, which forces the metal at outer wall of mould. The mould rotates until the
whole casting solidifies.

True Centrifugal Casting:

True centrifugal casting is sometime known as centrifugal casting is a process of making symmetrical round
hollow sections. This process uses no cores and the symmetrical hollow section is created by pure centrifugal
action. In this process, the mould rotates about horizontal or vertical axis. Mostly the mould is rotated about
horizontal axis and the molten metal introduce from an external source. The centrifugal force acts on the molten
metal which forces it at the outer wall of mould. The mould rotates until the whole casting solidifies. The slag
particles are lighter than metal thus separated at the central part of the casting and removed by machining or
other suitable process. This process used to make hollow pipes, tubes, hollow bushes etc. which are axi-
symmetrical with a concentric hole.

True Centrifugal Casting Machine

Semi Centrifugal Casting:
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This process is used to cast large size axi symmetrical object. In this process mould is placed horizontally and
rotated along the vertical axis. A core is inserted at the center which is used to cast hollow section. When the
mould rotates, the outer portion of the mould fill by purely centrifugal action and as the liquid metal approaches
toward the center, the centrifugal component decreases and gravity component increase. Thus a core is inserted
at center to make hollow cavity at the center without centrifugal force. In this process centrifugal force is used
for uniform filling of axi symmetrical parts. Gear blanks, flywheel etc. are made by this process.

Semi Centrifugal Casting

Centrifuging Casting:
In this process there are several mould cavities connected with a central sprue with radial gates. This process
uses higher metal pressure during solidification. It is used to cast shapes which are not axi symmetrical. This is
only suitable for small objects.

Centrifuging Casting
Applications of Centrifugal Casting:
 It is widely used in aircraft industries to cast rings, flanges and compressor casting.
 It is used for cast Steam turbine bearing shell.
 Roller for steel rolling mill is another example of centrifugal casting.
 It is used in automobile industries to cast gear blank, cylindrical liners, piston rings etc.
 It is used to cast bearings.
 This process used to cast switch gear components used in electronic industries.
Advantages of Centrifugal Casting:
 It provides dense metal and high mechanical properties.
 Unidirectional solidification can obtain up to a certain thickness.
 It can use for mass production.
 No cores are required for cast hollow shapes like tubes etc.
 Gating system and runner are totally eliminated.
 All the impurity like oxide or other slag particles, segregated at center from where it can easily remove.
 It required lower pouring temperature thus save energy.
 Lower casting defects due to uniform solidification.
Disadvantages of Centrifugal Casting:
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 Limited design can be cast. It can cast only symmetrical shapes.

 High equipment or setup cost.
 It is not suitable for every metal.
 Higher maintenance required.
 High skill operator required.
 In this casting process, solidification time and temperature distribution is difficult to determine
Lost wax Casting:
 Lost-wax process, also called investment casting is a method of metal casting in which a molten metal is
poured into a mold that has been created by means of a wax model. Once the mold is made, the wax
model is melted and drained away.
 Lost wax casting is an ancient process in which the wax pattern gets melted during the molding process,
hence the name lost wax is given to this process.
 Intricate designing of sculptures, ornaments and automobiles can be captured only by this process.
Lost wax Casting Process:
 Traditionally, in lost wax casting, wax patterns were made by hand for every single piece of mold. But
today, one pattern can be used to make multiple patterns even though the pattern is lost or melted
during the process. Solid or hollow patterns can be used for molding purpose.
 There are two ways of making the pattern, either by directly making it from wax or making the model in
materials like clay and then making a wax copy out of it.
 Molten wax is poured into the mold to the desired thickness and kept upside down to cool.
 When the wax is cooled the wax pattern is removed from the mold and improved on to give a perfect
 Once the wax pattern is ready spures and gates of wax are attached for pouring the molten metal.
 The pattern is surrounded with materials that will hold on the pattern when it is wet.
 Now a coarser material is added to make as strong mold in which the metal can be poured and solidifies.
 The mold is placed in the kiln, fixed in place with flasks.
 The mold in the kiln is heated until the wax is melted.
 Now there is emptiness in the place where the wax existed.
 The molten metal like bronze, or gold take its place.
 When the metal cool, the mold is broken away or sand blasted to remove the cast.

Lost wax Casting Applications:

 Lost wax process is being used from time immemorial for casting jewelry and small parts.
 It is also used to manufacture fashion accessories like brooches and buckles.
 Some automobile manufacturers use a lost-foam technique to make engine blocks.
 Now days lost wax process is used for dental restoration, fine jewelry, sculptures, etc.
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 Silver, gold, aluminum, brass, or bronze are cast with this method.
Lost wax Casting Advantages:
 The lost-wax process can be used with any material that can burn, melt, or evaporate to leave a mold
 Faithfully replicated every detail of the original wax
 Allows shaping of castings that would be impossible in other methods.
Continuous Casting:
 Continuous casting, also known as strand casting, is the process where a metal is heated until it liquefies.
The molten metal is then allowed to solidify until it becomes a semi-finished slab that is later rolled in the
finishing mill. It is used to cast metals of uninterrupted lengths. In this process, the molten metal is
continuously supplied to the mold. The mold has an indeterminate length. When the molten metal is cast
through a mold, it keeps travelling downward increasing in its length as the time passes by.
 The molten metal is continuously passed through the mold, at the same rate to match the solidifying
casting. This results in casting of long strands of metal. The whole process of continuous casting is a
precisely deliberated process that can produce astounding results.

Continuous Casting Process:

Tundish is a refractory lined vessel. Liquid steel is usually tapped from ladle into tundish. The stream is
shrouded as it enters from ladle to tundish.
 The metal is first liquefied and poured into a tundish, which is a container that leads to the mold that will
cast the steel.
 The tundish is placed about 80-90 feet above the ground level and the whole process of casting sues
gravity to operate.
 The tundish is constantly supplied with molten steel to keep the process going.
 The whole process is controlled to ensure there is smooth flow of molten steel through tundish.
 Further, the impurities and slag are filtered in tundish before they move into the mold.
 The entrance of the mold is filled with inert gases to prevent reaction of molten steel with the gases in
the environment like oxygen.
 The molten metal moves swiftly through the mold and it does not completely solidify in it.
 The entire mold is cooled with water that flows along the outer surface.
 The metal casting moves outside the mold with the help of different sets of rollers.
 While one set of rollers bend the metal cast, another set will straighten it. This helps to change the
direction of flow of the steel slab from vertical to horizontal.

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Continuous Casting Advantages:

 Quality of the cast product is better
 No need to have slabbing/blooming or billet mill as required when ingot casting is used.
 Higher extent of automation is possible
 Width of the slab can be adjusted with the downstream strip mill.
 Continuously cast products show less segregation.
 Hot direct charging of the cast product for rolling is possible which leads to energy saving.
Continuous Casting Applications:
 Presently steels are cast continuously into slab for flat products and bloom and billet for structural
What is Casting Defects?
 It is an unwanted irregularities that appear in the casting during metal casting process. There is various
reason or sources which is responsible for the defects in the cast metal. Here in this section we will
discuss all the major types of casting defects. Some of the defects produced may be neglected or
tolerated and some are not acceptable, it must be eliminated for better functioning of the parts.
 Casting defects can be categorized into 5 types
 1. Gas Porosity: Blowholes, open holes, pinholes
 2. Shrinkage defects: shrinkage cavity
 3. Mold material defects: Cut and washes, swell, drops, metal penetration, rat tail
 4. Pouring metal defects: Cold shut, misrun, slag inclusion
 5. Metallurgical defects: Hot tears, hot spot.
1. Shift or Mismatch
 The defect caused due to misalignment of upper and lower part of the casting and misplacement of the
core at parting line.
 (i) Improper alignment of upper and lower part during mold preparation.
 (ii) Misalignment of flask (a flask is type of tool which is used to contain a mold in metal casting. it may be
square, round, rectangular or of any convenient shape.)
 (i) Proper alignment of the pattern or die part, molding boxes.
 (ii) Correct mountings of pattern on pattern plates.
 (iii) Check the alignment of flask.
2. Swell

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 It is the enlargement of the mold cavity because of the molten metal pressure, which results in localized
or overall enlargement of the casting.
 (i) Defective or improper ramming of the mold.
 (i) The sand should be rammed properly and evenly.
3. Blowholes:
 When gases entrapped on the surface of the casting due to solidifying metal, a rounded or oval cavity is
formed called as blowholes. These defects are always present in the cope part of the mold.
 (i) Excessive moisture in the sand.
 (ii) Low Permeability of the sand.
 (iii) Sand grains are too fine.
 (iv) Too hard rammed sand.
 (v) Insufficient venting is provided.
 (i) The moisture content in the sand must be controlled and kept at desired level.
 (ii) High permeability sand should be used.
 (iii) Sand of appropriate grain size should be used.
 (iv) Sufficient ramming should be done.
 (v) Adequate venting facility should be provided.
4. Drop:
 Drop defect occurs when there is cracking on the upper surface of the sand and sand pieces fall into the
molten metal.
 (i) Soft ramming and low strength of sand.
 (ii) Insufficient fluxing of molten metal. Fluxing means addition of a substance in molten metal to remove
impurities. After fluxing the impurities from the molten metal can be easily removed.
 (iii) Insufficient reinforcement of sand projections in the cope.
 (i) Sand of high strength should be used with proper ramming (neither too hard nor soft).
 (ii) There should be proper fluxing of molten metal, so the impurities present in molten metal is removed
easily before pouring it into the mold.
 (iii) Sufficient reinforcement of the sand projections in the cope.
5. Metal Penetration
 These casting defects appear as an uneven and rough surface of the casting. When the size of sand grains
is larges, the molten fuses into the sand and solidifies giving us metal penetration defect.
 (i) It is caused due to low strength, large grain size, high permeability and soft ramming of sand. Because
of this the molten metal penetrates in the molding sand and we get rough or uneven casting surface.
 (ii) This defect can be eliminated by using high strength, small grain size, low permeability and soft
ramming of sand.
6. Pinholes:
 They are very small holes of about 2 mm in size which appears on the surface of the casting. This defect
happens because of the dissolution of the hydrogen gases in the molten metal. When the molten metal is
poured in the mold cavity and as it starts to solidify, the solubility of the hydrogen gas decreases and it
starts escaping out the molten metal leaves behind small number of holes called as pinholes.
 (i) Use of high moisture content sand.

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 (ii) Absorption of hydrogen or carbon monoxide gas by molten metal.

 (iii) Pouring of steel from wet ladles or not sufficiently gasified.
 (i) By reducing the moisture content of the molding sand.
 (ii) Good fluxing and melting practices should be used.
 (iii) Increasing permeability of the sand.
 (iv) By doing rapid rate of solidification.
7. Shrinkage Cavity
 The formation of cavity in the casting due to volumetric contraction is called as shrinkage cavity.
 (i) Uneven or uncontrolled solidification of molten metal.
 (ii) Pouring temperature is too high.
 (i) This defect can be removed by applying principle of directional solidification in mold design.
 (ii) Wise use of chills (a chill is an object which is used to promote solidification in a specific portion of a
metal casting) and padding.
8. Cold Shut
 It is a type of surface defects and a line on the surface can be seen. When the molten metal enters into
the mold from two gates and when these two streams of molten metal meet at a junction with low
temperatures than they do not fuse with each other and solidifies creating a cold shut (appear as line on
the casting). It looks like a crack with round edge.
 (i) Poor gating system
 (ii) Low melting temperature
 (iii) Lack of fluidity
 (i) Improved gating system.
 (ii) Proper pouring temperature.
9. Misrun
 When the molten metal solidifies before completely filling the mold cavity and leaves a space in the mold
called as misrun.
 (i) Low fluidity of the molten metal.
 (ii) Low temperature of the molten metal which decreases its fluidity.
 (iii) Too thin section and improper gating system.
 (i) Increasing the pouring temperature of the molten metal increases the fluidity.
 (ii) Proper gating system
 (iii) Too thin section is avoided.
10. Slag Inclusion
 This defect is caused when the molten metal containing slag particles is poured in the mold cavity and it
gets solidifies.
 (i) The presence of slag in the molten metal
 (i) Remove slag particles form the molten metal before pouring it into the mold cavity.
11. Hot Tears or Hot Cracks
 when the metal is hot it is weak and the residual stress (tensile) in the material cause the casting fails as
the molten metal cools down. The failure of casting in this case is looks like cracks and called as hot tears
or hot cracking.

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 (i) Improper mold design.
 (i) Proper mold design can easily eliminate these types of casting defects.
 (ii) Elimination of residual stress from the material of the casting.
Melting is an equally important parameter for obtaining a quality castings. A number of furnaces can be used for
melting the metal, to be used, to make a metal casting. The choice of furnace depends on the type of metal to
be melted. Some of the furnaces used in metal casting are as following:.
 Crucible furnaces
 Cupola
 Induction furnace
 Reverberatory furnace
Crucible Furnace.
Crucible furnaces are small capacity typically used for small melting applications. Crucible furnace is suitable for
the batch type foundries where the metal requirement is intermittent. The metal is placed in a crucible which is
made of clay and graphite. The energy is applied indirectly to the metal by heating the crucible by coke, oil or
gas. The heating of crucible is done by coke, oil or gas. .
Coke-Fired Furnace
 Primarily used for non-ferrous metals
 Furnace is of a cylindrical shape
 Also known as pit furnace
 Preparation involves: first to make a deep bed of coke in the furnace
 Burn the coke till it attains the state of maximum combustion
 Insert the crucible in the coke bed
 Remove the crucible when the melt reaches to desired temperature

Coke Fired
Oil-Fired Furnace.
 Primarily used for non-ferrous metals
 Furnace is of a cylindrical shape
 Advantages include: no wastage of fuel
 Less contamination of the metal
 Absorption of water vapor is least as the metal melts inside the closed metallic furnace
 Cupola furnaces are tall, cylindrical furnaces used to melt iron and ferrous alloys in foundry operations.
Alternating layers of metal and ferrous alloys, coke, and limestone are fed into the furnace from the top.
A schematic diagram of a cupola is shown in fig. This diagram of a cupola illustrates the furnace's
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cylindrical shaft lined with refractory and the alternating layers of coke and metal scrap. The molten
metal flows out of a spout at the bottom of the cupola.

Description of Cupola
 The cupola consists of a vertical cylindrical steel sheet and lined inside with acid refractory bricks. The
lining is generally thicker in the lower portion of the cupola as the temperature are higher than in
upper portion
 There is a charging door through which coke, pig iron, steel scrap and flux is charged
 The blast is blown through the tuyeres
 These tuyeres are arranged in one or more row around the periphery of cupola
 Hot gases which ascends from the bottom (combustion zone) preheats the iron in the preheating zone
 Cupolas are provided with a drop bottom door through which debris, consisting of coke, slag etc. can be
discharged at the end of the melt
 A slag hole is provided to remove the slag from the melt
 Through the tap hole molten metal is poured into the ladle
 At the top conical cap called the spark arrest is provided to prevent the spark emerging to outside
Operation of Cupola
 The cupola is charged with wood at the bottom. On the top of the wood a bed of coke is built. Alternating
layers of metal and ferrous alloys, coke, and limestone are fed into the furnace from the top. The
purpose of adding flux is to eliminate the impurities and to protect the metal from oxidation. Air blast is
opened for the complete combustion of coke. When sufficient metal has been melted that slag hole is
first opened to remove the slag. Tap hole is then opened to collect the metal in the ladle.


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