Assignment 2 2020
Assignment 2 2020
Assignment 2 2020
HT 2020
Assignment 2
In this assignment, you will apply the concepts taught in the course estimate linear regression
models using the software STATA. In groups of 3-4, answer questions 1-5 below and submit
your assignment on Canvas. You are allowed to discuss the questions with your classmates,
but each group should submit an original report. The report should contain a cover sheet with
names of group participants, course title and date. You should also include a reference list
where necessary. Please consult the following writing guide for assistance:
Please ensure that tables and figures are readable. That is, when copying tables and figures
from STATA, please ensure that the axis labels and chart titles are legible. Also, each table
and figure should be numbered and labeled, and their contents described in text. In a separate
file, submit your do-file.
This assignment is graded on the G-U scale, where G=50-100% and U=0-49%.
Deadline: January 11, 2021
Read the paper Market structure and market performance in E-commerce. Your task is to use
the data provided to replicate the results of this study. Replicating research is perhaps the best
way to learn how to conduct your own research. A copy of the paper is available on Canvas.
Also, the file “variable description” contains a description of all variables in the dataset.
The paper examines the effect of competition on markups. To do this, the authors use two
main methods:
Question 1 (5 points)
Your first task is theoretical. According to theory, what is the relationship between
markups and competition? Hint: use Cournot model.
This is a method which accounts for correlation between the independent variable and the error term due to
omitted variables. Instrumental variables method also corrects for reverse causality between the independent and
dependent variables. Using this method allows the authors to address possible weaknesses in OLS estimates. In
the article, the authors refer to “biased estimates.” This means that the parameter estimates produced by OLS
may underestimate or overestimate the true effect.
Question 2 (15 points)
Estimate the following equation
Question 3 (5 points)
a) Discuss why there are multiple prices for identical products in the market for digital
cameras. In other words, why don’t all consumers choose to buy the cheapest product?
Question 5 (5 points)
This is a rich dataset containing many variables. Based on the data available, can you
formulate a research question related to competition? Write down the equation you would like
to test. What signs do you expect your parameter estimates to have? Why? (Note: There is no
need to estimate the equation).