Sue Userguide 3.32
Sue Userguide 3.32
Sue Userguide 3.32
John Cecere
Dana Fagerstrom
Sun Services
November 12, 2010
The Solaris Utility Environment used to be based on the miniroot found on slice 1 of the
Solaris 10 Software 1 of 4 CD. However, due to changes in the format of the CD (mainly on
x86) it's now become a simpler process create the miniroot from scratch by performing a
Solaris installation. After doing this base Solaris installation, a number of configuration files
have been modified and extra software has been added (see Appendix B). When using SUE,
keep in mind that the version of Solaris that's installed on the root disk of your system is
irrelevant to the version of Solaris on this image. There's no reason to have a Solaris 2.6
Solaris Utility Environment just because Solaris 2.6 is installed on your machine. It makes
much more sense to run Sun's latest OS with the latest diagnostic software, as long as it's
supported on the hardware.
As mentioned above, one of the advantages of SUE is the ability to run diagnostics outside of
the context of the installed OS. This removes the variable of the installed OS as the source of
any problems encountered while performing troubleshooting. If a problem is encountered
while booted off of the installed root disk that doesn't surface when booted off SUE, then the
issue most likely lies somewhere in the realm of downrev patches or misconfiguration of the
installed OS. Being able to run diagnostics without the installed root disk also provides the
ability to run them before the OS is actually installed on a machine.
Every effort is made to keep the patch set current on the image. Releases are generally made
once or twice per quarter, and the OS and product patches used are those from the latest EIS
CD/DVD available at build time. Firmware patches are taken straight from Sunsolve, but the
mechanism for maintaining the patch list and revisions is the same that EIS uses. However,
the list of firmware patches on SUE is not as comprehensive as the list on EIS. SUE currently
contains disk, FC-HBA, most OBP/flash and a few other miscellaneous firmware patches. The
criteria for deciding which firmware patches will make it on to SUE is directly related to how
difficult (or impossible) it would be to attempt loading that firmware from the OS disk.
3.1 SUE CD
A SUE CD image is specific to the platform it is needed for. There is a single CD image for
SPARC and one for x86. These images contain all the basic functionality described in this
user guide. The functionality that they don't provide is listed in the section(s) on SUE++.
Essentially there is no GUI environment on these images.
3.3 SUE++
SUE++ is an enhanced SUE environment. Besides the basic functionality of SUE, it also has
the following:
● GUI interface. Accessible directly on the console or over the network using VNC
(virtual network computing).
● Simple to use browser interface (Opera web browser).
● Local copy of the Sun System Handbook.
● Context sensitive help functionality.
● Access to Shared Shell (if networking is configured).
● All Solaris man pages
On SPARC systems, you can boot SUE from OBP using valid commands in the table above.
The format for booting from the OK prompt is:
Where <device> is an OBP device path or alias (e.g. cdrom) and <boot option> is one of
the boot options listed above. Please note that there is a space dash space between the
boot device and boot option. Also, don't boot single user mode. SUE is not very useful when
booted in single user mode.
4.3 x86/x64
When SUE is initially booted on x86, the following menu will be displayed on whatever is
defined as the console device.
It's possible that the console device has been redirected to a serial port in the BIOS. If that's
the case, then you will need to select the appropriate menu item for that serial port. If you
select the wrong console device, SUE will not boot and the system will most likely just hang.
The last two options are for memtest86. This is an open source memory tester for Intel
architecture machines. It is commonly found on Linux boot CDs as well. You can use it to run
various memory tests on the system. More information on memtest86 can be found at
To boot with any of the boot options described in section 4.1, it will be necessary to manually
edit the GRUB menu item that's being used to boot. To do this:
● Arrow to the desired GRUB menu item (e.g. Solaris Utility Environment - 64 bit)
● hit e (for edit)
● hit e again
● You will be positioned at the end of the kernel line in the menu item. Type a space,
then a - (dash), then another space.
● Type in the boot option (e.g. mancfg). Multiple boot options can be entered as long as
they are separated with spaces.
● Hit enter
● Type b (for boot)
On x86 systems, the miniroot will load into memory and the kernel will boot off of it. After the
kernel loads and SMF starts, the first thing it will do is to locate and mount the /usr and /opt
filesystems. /usr and /opt are kept as separate filesystems on SUE to keep the size of the
miniroot down. The main reason for doing this is that the maximum size of a compressed
miniroot that can be net booted is ~93MB. This is due to a limitation in tftp.
If, for some reason, the startup script is unable to mount the /usr or /opt, an error message
will be displayed and the system will drop to a shell prompt. This should never happen for a
CD/DVD boot, but it's possible for network booting if the boot server has the incorrect setting
for install_media in menu.lst. See section 11 and Appendix A for more information.
This prompt is timed. If m is not entered within 5 seconds, then SUE will boot normally, i.e.,
the miniroot will load and filesystems will be mounted from the boot device.
If the fsinmem option is used or m is entered at the above prompt, the following message will
be displayed:
Loading SUE image in memory. This may take a while
The boot process will then proceed to copy /usr and /opt into a tmpfs (memory) and lofs
mount them from there.
The main advantage of booting SUE entirely into memory is that, after the boot is complete,
the device used for booting (CD, DVD, USB flash drive, or network cable) can be completely
removed or disconnected. This leaves that boot device free to boot other systems while the
first system can run anything that SUE is capable of.
The disadvantage of booting entirely in memory is that it takes longer, since it has to read the
entire contents of the filesystems into memory from whatever media is being booted. For a
USB flash boot or network boot, this amount of time is only an extra minute or so, but for a
CD or DVD boot, this can take a long time depending on how fast the drive is.
The option to boot entirely in memory will only be offered if there is enough memory on the
system. SUE will calculate this at the beginning of the boot process. If there isn't enough
memory, the prompt above won't be displayed. If the fsinmem boot option was provided in
GRUB and there isn't enough memory to perform it, the following warning will be displayed
and SUE will boot normally, mounting the filesystems directly from the boot device:
In memory mode requested but not enough memory to load image.
Enter option:
Selecting No system configuration will cause the system to continue to boot without any
network information. It will, however, still ask for a terminal type and hostname.
The manual configuration option provides the ability to do a simple IPv4 network
configuration, without searching the network for configuration information. A series of
questions are asked and the answers to them are used to run some basic networking
commands. Currently, the information that a manual configuration will prompt for and
configure is:
• Terminal type
• hostname, IP address, subnet mask for each interface
• default router
• DNS domain and nameservers
Below is an example of running a manual configuration for an interface. In this case, SUE
discovered the existence of interfaces eri0 and ge0. This discovery process amounts to
plumbing all the interfaces on a system and does not attempt the (very lengthy) process of
trying to RARP each one like the auto configuration does.
The first thing that is prompted for is the terminal type:
Enter terminal type [vt100]:
You may enter any terminal type that Solaris understands at this prompt. The terminal type
will be verified against the terminfo database. Hitting the enter key at this prompt will select
the default of vt100. After the terminal type selection is complete, the network configuration
will start.
Bringing up network configuration...
If enter or y is pressed, it will accept the input parameters. A response of n will cause the
program to prompt for the information for this interface again. A q response will exit the
manual configuration program.
On network boots, the interface that was used to perform the boot will already have been
configured to some degree. In the case of an already configured interface, the current
configuration will be provided as the default response. For the example above in a network
boot, the following dialog will be displayed:
Process interface eri0 ([y]/n/q) ? y
Name: sselab1
IP address:
Subnet mask:
In this case, only the subnet mask was changed. Enter was pressed for the name and IP
address, causing the program to take the shown defaults.
The manual configuration will also prompt for a default route. You can either provide one (or
another one) or hit enter to skip adding a default route:
Default route (hit enter for none):
A check is done on the default route against the IP address and subnet masks of all the
configured interfaces. If the default route doesn't make sense (i.e., it's not on a local network),
the program won't accept it and will display the message:
Error: Default route is not local to any interface.
Invalid default route
Also, if there is already a default route present, the following message will be displayed
before prompting for one:
Notice: Default route of already present in routing table
If, at any point 'q' is selected, you will be prompted with:
Start over or quit ([s]/q) ?
Answering this question with an 's' will cause the manual configuration to start from the
beginning. Answering 'q' will cause it to terminate, leaving the system unconfigured.
4.6 getroot
A perl script called getroot is run towards the end of the boot process. The purpose of this
script is to collect information about the system boot device (defined in OBP as boot-device).
It does this through the use of the Solaris commands eeprom, prtconf, prtvtoc, and fstyp. The
getroot program creates two files if it's successful. The files are /tmp/.rootdev and
/tmp/.swapdev. These files contain the Solaris device paths for these devices. There are
several reasons for doing this:
• The swap device may be needed if there is not enough memory on the host to load /opt
• Other programs may need to extract information from the normal root filesystem of the host
(if possible).
• The swap device can be used as a dedicated dump device for the life of the SUE boot.
• Certain diagnostic programs are far more useful if used to parse the system logs on the
OS disk, rather than those from booting SUE.
The running of getroot is completely transparent to the user.
It is strongly suggested that you enter the system serial number at this prompt to keep a
record of it for future service issues (explorer will extract this data when run). Just hitting enter
will bypass this and continue the boot process without programming the serial number.
If the system serial number was already previously entered with SNEEP, only the following
message will be displayed:
Retrieving SNEEP data...done.
If the 'install' option was given as a boot argument, SNEEP will not be run.
If you see this message, refer to the SunAlert and the patch for instructions. The patch is a
firmware upgrade for the affected DVD-ROM drive. Since you can't perform this upgrade
while the SUE CD/DVD is in this drive, the patch is not included on SUE and no utilities exist
on SUE to perform the upgrade. You'll need to boot off of another device and upgrade the
DVD-ROM drive from there. SUE will merely print the warning message and continue on.
Once a dump device is set, it's not possible to unset it via dumpadm. The only way to unset a
dump device is to activate it as a swap device, then delete the swap device. This is what the
cleardump script mentioned above does. On systems with low memory where the option is
chosen to increase the amount of virtual memory by adding a swap partition, the dump device
is set automatically when the swap partition is activated and can't be unset, even with the
cleardump script.
As mentioned in the message above, if you need to upgrade firmware on a system, be sure
that setting a dump device won't interfere with it. For example, if you need to upgrade the
firmware on a disk, or the HBA that the disk is connected through, don't set a dump device to
a partition on that disk. The firmware upgrade will fail if you do. Answer the dump device
question with n in this case when it comes up, or use cleardump.
As with all the other boot questions, the display of the dump device question is contingent on
whether the 'install' boot argument was set. If it was set, then dump device question will not
be asked. To set the dump device in this case, use the main menu option.
h) Halt system r) Reboot system d) Disable menu s) Help on GNU screen
u) View SUE User's Guide
Enter selection:
The top two lines of the menu show the SUE version, along with the output of uname -a. In
this case the host, sselab1, is a V880 booted with SUE version 3.32. The third line displays
what version of EIS was used to patch the OS on the image. On the right side of the third line,
the system serial number (as extracted via SNEEP) is displayed on SPARC systems. If no
serial number was entered, the serial number is displayed as 'unknown'. The fourth line
states that this is the main menu (as opposed to the firmware menu). The x86 version of this
menu may look slightly different.
The menu is executed through a program called screen. The screen program is part of the
GNU project and is open source. It allows the user to run multiple terminal sessions
concurrently on a single terminal. Full documentation on screen is available via the man
page. Typing 's' in the menu also provides the following instructions for commonly used
This menu is being run inside a program called GNU screen. To paraphrase from
the man page:
What this means is that you can run multiple terminal windows from this one
window. Screen uses a control character to access its command set. The
control character is currently set to the default, Control-a (Control key and
the 'a' key simultaneously. After hitting Control-a, you then type in a second
character (after releasing Control-a) which represents the command. Some
common commands are:
The menu program is run out of SMF and it will continue to respawn itself if exited unless
option 'd' is selected. Option 'd' creates a file, /tmp/.nomenu, that signals the parent script of
the SUE menu not to run the menu program. To re-enable the menu after option 'd' is
selected, type the following:
rm /tmp/.nomenu; exit
h) Halt system r) Reboot system d) Disable menu s) Help on GNU screen
u) View SUE User's Guide
Enter selection:
The firmware menu has utilities for upgrading firmware for various Sun hardware. The table
below describes these options. Currently, there are no firmware options for the x86 version of
SUE, so this menu applies to SPARC only.
In addition to these menu options, the h (halt), r (reboot), d (disable menu), and s (help on
GNU screen) are also available as they are in the main menu.
1) Disk
2) Fibre Channel HBA
3) Adaptec SAS controller
4) Auto firmware check
5) Main menu
h) Halt system r) Reboot system d) Disable menu s) Help on GNU screen
u) View SUE User's Guide
Enter selection:
These options for x86 perform the same function as their SPARC counterparts.
When running verbose mode in SunVTS, keep in mind that a Sun serial port console normally
operates at 9600 bits per second. Verbose mode may be a little overwhelming for the console
device and can make it difficult to get a reasonably quick response out of the console if you
want to terminate it or switch to another screen. It might be a good idea to either not run
verbose mode or telnet into the SUE booted host from another system and run SunVTS in
verbose mode from the telnet session.
Occasionally, SunVTS will tickle a fault in a system that will cause it to panic. If you set the
dump device at boot time, then you should be able to reboot the SUE and retrieve the core
file via savecore. If you're so inclined, you can also analyze it with Solaris CAT, which is also
installed on SUE. A panic while booted from SUE will not reboot the system because of the
set halt_on_panic=1 setting in /etc/system. This way if the system panics while it's not being
monitored, it won't reboot into the customer's OS, and the results of the panic will be left on
the screen.
There are times when the terminal emulation software or terminal type being used to access
the console of a system doesn't interpret the arrow keys correctly in SunVTS. In this case, the
following alternate key sequences can be used:
The latter two pieces of information are obtained from the filenames of the actual firmware
files contained in the patches.
The purpose for creating the diskfwdb is to provide an easy mechanism to upgrade disk
firmware on a system. A perl script, upgrade_dfw, will run the explorer diskinfo command to
extract the SCSI inquiry data of all the individual disks that can be seen from the host,
compare it to the information in this database, and if applicable, prompt to upgrade. The
upgrade_dfw program can also be run by choosing menu option 1 in the text console
firmware menu. Here's an example of running upgrade_dfw
Scanning disks. Please wait...done. 7 devices scanned.
Found the following relevant disk firmware patch(es) for this system:
On this system, there were four disks that had firmware patches available on SUE. Note that
upgrade_dfw will only list the different disk types, and not the disks themselves. To display
information on all the disks, answer the above question with s for show detail.
Device Patch Vendor Model Patch fw Disk fw Upgrade ?
--------------- --------- -------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
c1t0d0s2 116514-10 FUJITSU MAP3735F 1701 1701 No
c1t1d0s2 109962-14 SEAGATE ST373405F 0638 0638 No
c1t2d0s2 116464-02 HITACHI DK32EJ72F 2Q0J 2Q0F Yes
c1t3d0s2 116464-02 HITACHI DK32EJ72F 2Q0J 2Q0F Yes
c1t4d0s2 116464-02 HITACHI DK32EJ72F 2Q0J 2Q0F Yes
c1t5d0s2 116464-02 HITACHI DK32EJ72F 2Q0J 2Q0F Yes
Answer y to proceed with the upgrades or n to quit. For SAS drives, it will perform the
upgrade on each drive individually. For normal SCSI drives, it will upgrade all the drives of a
specific model number (and patch) simultaneously.
If upgrade_dfw determines that there are no upgrades available, the following message is
All disk firmware is up to date per this SUE release.
SunAlert 103174 affects systems that use Solaris Volume Manager and disks that contain
metadbs that have their firmware upgraded. The key here is something called VPD page
0x83 support. VPD page 0x83 is a newer way for disks to identify themselves. The previous
method, called VPD page 0x80, simply used the disk serial number. VPD page 0x83 is a
more comprehensive identification method. SVM will use VPD page 0x83 if it's present. If not,
it will use VPD page 0x80. The problem described in this SunAlert comes about when a disk
that didn't previously have VPD page 0x83 support has it's firmware upgraded and that
firmware upgrade adds this support. The effect in SVM is that now the ID has changed for
these disks, causing the system's /kernel/drv/md.conf file to be out of sync with the actual IDs
on the disks. This situation will cause metadevices in SVM to disappear.
The SunAlert references specific drive models and firmware versions. However, the
practicality of maintaining such a list is seems to be unrealistic. In addition, the procedure in
the SunAlert has the user downgrade the firmware first to resolve it. The means that the user
needs to go digging through SunSolve to locate an older version of the firmware patch that
they just used to upgrade the firmware.
The upgrade_dfw program has the ability to detect when VPD page 0x83 support has been
added for a disk containing metadbs and is capable of mitigating the problem on systems that
have Solaris 10 installed by automatically fixing the md.conf on the root disk after the
firmware has been upgraded. If the upgrade_dfw program detects this situation, the following
will be displayed after the firmware upgrade(s):
The following disks had VPD page 0x83 support added to them as a result of
the firmware upgrade:
Because of the differences in the device tree structures between Solaris 10 and previous
versions of Solaris, SUE cannot repair the md.conf on systems running versions of Solaris
prior to Solaris 10. If this is the case, the following message will be displayed:
Please follow the procedures documented in SunAlert 103174 to recover.
It will be necessary to downgrade the firmware as part of the procedures in the SunAlert.
A y response will run fixsvm, which will rebuild the metadbs with the new disk ID's and update
the md.conf on the root disk.
If something other than y is given to the above prompt, the following will be displayed:
Ok. But if the system panics when it's booted off the root drive, or if any of
the Solaris Volume Manager configuration comes up missing, boot SUE back up
and run fixsvm from the command line. The alternative is to follow the
procedure described in the SunAlert, which will require you to first downgrade
the firmware.
where <device> is the boot device containing SUE (e.g. cdrom,net) and <platform name> is
one of the strings listed below. The platform name can be determined by running uname -i on
the host in Solaris.
1 As with the Ultra 25, this is not the actual uname -i value, but the namesake of it's uname -i value (SUNW,Sun-Fire-V210) uses a
different OBP patch. However, use this value when doing OBP upgrades for the v125 from SUE.
2 SUNW,A89 is actually not the uname -i value returned on an Ultra 25, SUNW,A70 is (the same as the Ultra 45). This is a bug (6462199),
but it's unclear whether it will ever be fixed. For the purposes of doing OBP upgrades on the Ultra 25 from SUE, use SUNW,A89.
In this case, there is an available upgrade to OBP. Answering with a y will cause the script to
do a check on the NVRAM setting of auto-boot?. If the auto-boot? setting in NVRAM is set to
true, then the following message will be displayed at this point:
The flash update program does a reset in OBP when it's done. The auto-boot?
setting in NVRAM is currently set to true. This means that this system will
end up booting off the device defined as boot-device (most likely the boot
disk) when it's done updating OBP.
Would you like to set auto-boot? to false to prevent this from happening
and have the system drop to the OK prompt when it's done instead (y/n) ?
If you don't want the system to reboot to the device specified by boot-device when the flash
update is complete, answer with a y response. The system will reboot off the boot media (CD,
DVD, or network) and load the appropriate flash update program.
If you answer with a 'y', the program will proceed to run the firmware installation program from
patch 111853. If there are multiple patches listed, the firmware installation for those patches
will be run once for each of them.
If you run upgrade_hba on a system with an onboard FC controller, the program will skip over
it and the following message will be displayed before the list of HBAs:
Skipping onboard controller (use OBP patch to upgrade):
The example above is from a v880. The other platforms that have onboard FC controllers are
the Netra T4, Sun Blade 1000, 280R, 480R, v490, and the v890.
The version of firmware loaded on a FC HBA corresponds to a particular driver version for
that HBA. It's important that the two match up in order to ensure correct functioning. The
driver and firmware versions are usually released as part of a larger package from Sun called
SAN 4.x. The upgrade_hba script will attempt to determine if the correct driver patch is
loaded on the root disk for each HBA that has been identified as being downrev from the
available firmware patch. It does this by mounting (read-only) the root filesystem from the
host4 and running a showrev -p against it. It then matches up the patch dependencies found
in the patchinfo files of the firmware patches against the output of showrev. If there are
dependencies that are not met, the following dialog will be displayed:
Checking dependencies: OS version on root disk is 5.9
The dependencies listed are patches that contain drivers and software that
correspond to the listed firmware patch(es). It is recommended to install
these patches on the root disk before upgrading the firmware.
This is saying that firmware patch 114874-02 has a dependency on patch 113043-06 being
installed on the root disk. You can proceed to upgrade the firmware anyway at this point, but
you'll need to install patch 113043-06 (and any dependencies that 113043-06 might have)
when you boot the system back up on it's normal root disk.
If upgrade_hba is unable to mount the root disk so that it can run showrev -p against it, the
following warning message will be displayed:
Checking dependencies: failed.
Warning: Root filesystem could not be mounted from boot disk.
No dependency checking done.
The upgrade_hba script will detect the presence of JNI cards that are affected by FIN 1081. If
it finds any JNI cards with the generic subsystem-id set, it will prompt to install the SEEPROM
update on patch 116424 with the following dialog:
The SEEPROM values on at least one JNI card is incorrect as per FCO I1081.
This needs to be be corrected by applying patch 116424. Upgrading the
fcode on the affected JNI card(s) won't be possible until this is done.
Would you like to install the new SEEPROM now (y/n) ?
A 'y' response will cause the program to install the new SEEPROM on all affected JNI cards.
It is not possible to upgrade the JNI firmware on affected cards until the new SEEPROM is
written and the system has been reset. After the SEEPROM is updated on the cards, the
following dialog will be displayed:
The system needs to be reset to make the changes take effect
Would you like to reboot the SUE now ?
4 See Finishing up the boot in the Boot Process chapter for how it determines what the root filesystem is.
If an 'n' response is given to the SEEPROM question above, the program will continue
normally. However, any affected JNI cards will be flagged as 'not upgradable' as illustrated
Found the following fibre channel HBAs
This status will also be displayed if the SEEPROM upgrade has been done, but the system
has not yet been reset.
Do NOT reboot or reset this system until the firmware version has
changed to the desired version. If you do, the upgrade will not
System Platform
v125 SUNW,Sun-Fire-V210
v210 SUNW,Sun-Fire-V210
v215 SUNW,Sun-Fire-V215
v240 SUNW,Sun-Fire-V240
v245 SUNW,Sun-Fire-V245
v250 SUNW,Sun-Fire-V250
v440 SUNW,Sun-Fire-V440
v445 SUNW,Sun-Fire-V445
Netra 210 SUNW,Netra-210
Netra 240 SUNW,Netra-240
Netra 440 SUNW,Netra-440
Systems with ALOM ports
Running this script on one of the above-mentioned systems will cause the following to be
displayed if the system is downrevved in it's ALOM firmware:
This will upgrade the ALOM/sc firmware to x.y.z
Type c to continue or a to abort:
One of the issues in upgrading the ALOM firmware is running the upgrade from the ALOM
controlled console. Since the SC will need to reboot a couple of times, it's possible that the
upgrade can get killed in the middle if run from the console device. This could possibly render
the SC unusable. Because of this, the ALOM upgrade utility on the SUE will generate the
following when it's run from the console:
You are attempting to run this upgrade from the console.The assumption here
is that your console device is on the ALOM port. You have two options:
- Continue and run the upgrade from the console. If you choose this
option, this script will execute the upgrade nohup in background.
The results of the upgrade will be logged to /tmp/upgrade_alom.log
- Abort and rerun this script from a telnet session. If you have
networking configured, open a telnet session into this host and run
from a tty other than the console. Alternatively, just run upgrade_alom from a non-console tty.
System Platform
E250 SUNW,Ultra-250
280R SUNW,Sun-Fire-280R
480R SUNW,Sun-Fire-480R
V490 SUNW,Sun-Fire-V490
V880 SUNW,Sun-Fire-880
V890 SUNW,Sun-Fire-V890
Systems with RSC cards
The procedure is similar to the ALOM upgrade procedure. However, since there is OS-based
software included with the RSC software packages, the upgrade script checks the version of
the RSC software installed on the host. If the RSC software is present on the host, and it is a
different revision than the version on SUE, it will notify the user. In this case, the firmware can
still be loaded, but the RSC software on the host should be upgraded before using any of the
host RSC functionality.
For systems that have downrev firmware from that available on SUE, the following message
will be displayed:
This will upgrade the RSC firmware to x.y.z
Type c to continue or a to abort:
If you continue and attempt to perform the upgrade from the console, you will be presented
with the following:
You are attempting to run this upgrade from the console. The assumption here
is that your console device is on the RSC card. You have two options:
- Continue and run the upgrade from the console. If you choose this
option, this script will execute the upgrade nohup in background.
The results of the upgrade will be logged to /tmp/upgrade_rsc.log
- Abort and rerun this script from a telnet session. If you have
networking configured, open a telnet session into this host and run
This is the same as running the ALOM upgrade from the console. The software will detach
itself from the controlling terminal (the console in this case) and send it's output to a log file.
Proceed (y/n) ?
A y response will upgrade RTOS, ScApp, and all CPU and I/O boards. If any part of the
upgrade fails, it will be necessary to manually complete the process for the components that
failed to upgrade.
This firmware can also be upgraded using the procedure described in section 7.12.
Because part of the upgrade procedure requires the host to be powered off, the process isn't
entirely automated on SUE. However, the upgrade_sun4v utility will provide the correct ALOM
commands to complete the upgrade after it's done downloading the firmware. The
upgrade_sun4v program can be run from the command line of from the firmware menu.
There are two prerequisites for using this utility. First, there must be network connectivity
between the SUE booted host and the ALOM interface. Second, there must be an account
set up on the service processor that has it's cli_mode set to ALOM and role set to
Administrator. If there is no account set up for ALOM on the SP, one can be set up from ILOM
as follows:
-> create /SP/users/admin role=Administrator cli_mode=alom
Creating user...
Enter new password: *********
Enter new password again: *********
Created /SP/users/admin
The program will first check to see if an upgrade is warranted. If not, it will display the
System firmware upgrade for sun4v systems
System type: SUNW,T5240
Patch: 136936-06
System version: 7.1.3.e
Patch version: 7.1.3.e
No upgrade available
On T1000 and T2000 systems, the login/password dialog below will be displayed first. This is
because the sysfwdownload binary is incapable of retrieving the firmware versions on these
systems, so the version need to first be retrieved from ALOM.
This firmware upgrade procedure has two parts to it. The first part is the
execution of this program. It will download the firmware to the system
controller. The second part of the upgrade requires that the host be powered
off and the 'flashupdate' command be issued from the sc> prompt. Please make
sure you follow the second part of the procedure after this program is done.
You will be prompted to power off and issue the flashupdate command.
After hitting the enter key, it will display some information on the upgrade to be performed.
System firmware upgrade for sun4v systems
System type: SUNW,T5240
Patch: 136936-06
System version: 7.1.3.d
Patch version: 7.1.3.e
The first time the upgrade_sun4v utility is run, it will prompt for the access information to the
ALOM port. Once this information is entered the first time from either program, it won't be
necessary to enter it again.
In order for this procedure to work, there must be network connectivity to the
system controller. In addition, an account must be set up in ILOM with it's
cli_mode set to alom and role set to Administrator. This can be accomplished
with the following command in ILOM:
Please provide the IP address, login, and password to access this ALOM account.
Once the program is able to talk to the ALOM, the following will be displayed
To ensure that the correct system controller is being accessed,
please confirm that the locator LED is currently lit on this system
At this point, the locator LED should be lit on the system that you're expecting to upgrade.
This is just a safeguard to verify that the system controller that you intend to upgrade is really
the same system controller that you gave the IP address for previously. This is done because
there's no way to tell what the real IP address of the system controller is from the host. If it
turns out not to be the correct system, you'll need to clear out the ALOM access information
and rerun with the correct ip, login, and password. To clear out the ALOM information, open a
shell and type
rm /tmp/.alom
A y response to the download question will start the download process. Before the actual
download is performed, the program will check the status of the keyswitch on the ALOM. The
keyswitch setting needs to be set to normal for the upgrade procedure. If the keyswitch
setting is set to something other than normal, a message similar to this will be displayed:
In this example, the keyswitch setting was originally set to locked and the program set it to
After the download is complete, the procedure for completing the firmware upgrade will be
You must now log into the service processor from elsewhere to complete
the upgrade process. Once you are logged in, perform the following
The following two lines will only be displayed if the program had previously changed the
keyswitch setting:
Set the keyswitch position back to it's previous state:
sc> setkeyswitch locked
After the sc is done booting, log back in and power the system back on:
sc> poweron
The system will shut down now. Type a to abort or return to continue:
Hit return to shut the host down and then #. to go to the ALOM prompt. Once at the ALOM
prompt, perform the procedure given by the utility to complete the upgrade. If the given
procedure is not followed, then the firmware will not get upgraded. The upgrade_sun4v utility
on SUE only downloads the firmware to the system controller. The flashupdate command on
the ALOM needs to be executed (after the host is powered off) in order to actually load and
run the new firmware.
If you didn't perform this procedure from the serial port of ILOM/ALOM (i.e., you performed it
from a telnet or ssh connection into the ILOM/ALOM), then it will be necessary to log back in
to the system controller after executing resetsc.
Controller # 1
Controller type: cougar
Controller fw version: 15825
Available fw version : 15872
Answer 'y' for every controller that needs to be upgraded. The new firmware version will not
be reflected on the controller until a system reset is done.
To set up the SUE booted host as an anonymous ftp server, open a shell and type
The first thing the script will do is check to see that you have networking configured. If not, it
will exit with the following message:
Error: There is no network setup on this system.
3800, 4800, 4810, 4900, 6800, 6900, 1280, 2900, and Netra 1280
- To upgrade the firmware, use the following commands from the platform shell
of the system controllers:
The system's primary IP address should be displayed in place of <IP ADDRESS>. Part of the
process of setting up the anonymous ftp server is to extract the latest Serengeti firmware
patch (located in /usr/sue/firmware/misc) into the anonymous ftp space so that the system
controller can access it.
The setup_sgftp script is not in the SUE firmware menu, essentially because it doesn't
perform the actual upgrade or any part of it. It must be run from the command line. Also,
setup_sgftp is available on both the SPARC and x86 versions of SUE, since the function of
an anonymous ftp server is platform independent.
There are two things to be aware of with auto firmware check. First, it will not scan for the
applicability of system controller firmware for the 1280/2900. This is because there is no
coherent way to tell what the current version of system controller firmware is from the host.
Second, for the older Niagara systems (T1000/T2000 and derivatives), it's not possible to
determine the system firmware version from the host without looking on the ALOM. While the
upgrade_sun4v program is capable of talking to ALOM after the correct IP address, login and
password are entered, it didn't seem appropriate to prompt for this information just to do a
scan. Because of this, the T1000/T2000 (and derivatives) will always come up positive in the
auto firmware check. Even if there is no firmware to upgrade, all that will happen is that auto
firmware check will run the firmware upgrade program, and the firmware upgrade program
will say that there's no upgrade to perform (after prompting for login, etc.). The newer Niagara
systems (e.g. T5120) don't have this issue as the sysfwdownload program is capable of
accurately reporting the system firmware version from the host on these systems.
The vxvm start command attempts to run the following in this order:
1. vxconfigd -m disable
2. vxdctl init
3. vxdctl initdmp
4. vxdctl enable
See the man pages for these commands to find out more about what the individual
commands do. If successful, running this sequence of commands will allow access to the
Veritas Volume Manager configuration installed on the host.
Most of the Volume Manager issues that SUE is useful in resolving are centered around
access to an encapsulated root disk. In the past, if a user couldn't boot a Volume Manager
encapsulated root disk, the user would have to boot the Solaris CD, mount the root filesystem
from a partition (if possible), modify etc/system, etc/vfstab, and touch
etc/vx/reconfig.d/state.d/install-db as part of the process of fixing it. This would have the effect
of manually unencapsulating the root disk. Once the problem was fixed from booting off of
CD, the user would then have to boot the root disk and re-encapsulate and remirror the drive.
This is a lot of work and has a high margin for error. This process is no longer necessary with
the SUE. It is now possible to work on the entire volume rather than just one of the slices.
As an example, say the /etc/vfstab file on a host with a VxVM encapsulated root disk was
damaged or deleted, but nobody found out until an attempt was made to reboot the system.
At this point, the machine won't boot.
Executing last command: boot
Boot device: disk1:a File and args:
SunOS Release 5.9 Version Generic_112233-10 64-bit
Copyright 1983-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
configuring IPv4 interfaces: hme0.
Hostname: thehelm
/sbin/rcS: /etc/vfstab: cannot open
INIT: Cannot create /var/adm/utmpx
INIT: failed write of utmpx entry:" "
INIT: failed write of utmpx entry:" "
Type control-d to proceed with normal startup,
(or give root password for system maintenance):
Normally, there will be a valid license present on the root disk of the host that has VxVM
installed on it (if there isn't, you have bigger issues). The vxvm script will attempt to extract
this license key and use it to license VxVM on SUE. In the event that there is no license on
the host or the vxvm script is unable to extract it, the following message will be displayed:
Importing license from host...failed.
* No valid license was found for Volume Manager version 5.0.
* Run 'vxlicinst', enter a valid license key, and rerun this program.
* A demo license will be sufficient.
In this case, it will be necessary to obtain a demo license to get access to VxVM functionality
while running SUE.
It is safe to ignore the fbt driver warning. See CR 6411105 for details.
It is now possible to start volumes. Once the volumes are started, any number of things may
be done including mounting filesystems that exist on volumes, running vxdiskadm, etc. At this
point, the issue of the trashed /etc/vfstab in the above example can be repaired by performing
the following:
• vxvol startall
• mount /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/rootvol /mnt
• cd /mnt/etc
• Fix whatever's wrong with vfstab
• cd /; umount /mnt
• reboot
Resolving the problem in this manner required no changes to the VxVM configuration and
can be accomplished in a much shorter period of time, especially on large servers that take
longer to boot.
If vxvm stop is attempted while there are still Volume Manager devices mounted, the following
dialog will be displayed:
Killing vxconfigd...done.
Unloading vxspec module...done.
Unloading vxio module...failed.
Are all vxvm filesystems unmounted ?
Veritas Volume Manager is available on both the SPARC and x86 versions of SUE.
Devices viewed via the metastat command may display a status of Needs Maintenance until
metasync -r is run.
If there is a problem importing the kernel/drv/md.conf file from the root device, then the
following dialog is displayed:
Retrieving md.conf...failed.
Unable to import md.conf - File is empty.
5 In case the imported nmd and md_nsets parameters from md.conf are set higher than the defaults. This way
all the necessary /dev and /devices links will get created.
This means that it is safe to import the ZFS pools on SUE as alternate root pools. Please be
aware that if the ZFS pools are imported as normal pools (via command line), then the
configuration will be altered. In addition, importing a pool means mounting all the
filesystems in that pool. Because of the read-only nature of the SUE root filesystem, these
mount operations will most likely fail. When using the zfsimport script, all mounts are done
under /tmp/zfs.
Since the pool is imported read-only, all the filesystems will be mounted read-only as well. If
read-write access is needed to a filesystem, it can be mounted as such after running
zfsimport with the following command line:
zfs mount -o remount,rw <filesystem name>
Where <filesystem name> is the identifier that appears in the NAME column of zfs list, not
the mountpoint.
Below is an example of running Import ZFS pools from the menu or zfsimport from the
command line:
This utility will search for any existing ZFS pools on this system
and attempt to import them as read-only Alternate Root Pools. As
such, the ZFS configuration will not be altered in any way. All
filesystems mounted as a result of the import will be mounted under
/tmp/zfs. See the SUE documentation for more information.
Pool Status
-------------------- --------------------------
pool1 ONLINE
pool2 ONLINE
An answer of y will cause the zpool import command to be run on each pool identified:
● Boot the OS off the root disk in single user mode (boot -s)
● zpool import any pools that were exported from SUE
● reboot the OS normally off the root disk.
In most cases, setting up the Solaris Utility Environment for use as a network boot image is
no different than setting up a normal Solaris network boot server. The setup_install_server,
add_install_client, and rm_install_client scripts are all in the Solaris_10/Tools directory of
the CD/DVD and can be used to create a network boot image of the CD/DVD and configure
clients for the image6.
It's not necessary to have a physical CD to set up a network boot server from SUE. The ISO
image itself can be used utilizing the setup_from_iso script contained in the Solaris_10/Tools
directory. Below is an example of how this works. It assumes that the ISO image is in the
current directory and that we're extracting the image to /var/tmp/sue.
# lofiadm -a `pwd`/sue-3.32-sparc.iso
# mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/lofi/1 /mnt
# cd /mnt/Solaris_10/Tools
Whether using a lofi mounted image or a physical CD/DVD, it's also possible to set up a boot
server without using setup_install_server. The image itself can be shared on the network for
clients to boot from. To use this configuration, simply run add_install_client directly from the
CD/DVD/lofi device without running setup_install_server. This is the quickest way to set up a
boot server, but requires that the CD/DVD remain in the drive or the lofi image remain
mounted while any boot clients are booted off the image.
6 Even though scripts have the word install in them, no installation can occur using the SUE net image as the
installation scripts and packages are missing from it.
As is evident from the table, the only time the SPARC image will get mounted from the dual
boot DVD is when a physical DVD is mounted on a SPARC system.
In addition, both the SPARC and x86 sections of the DVD can be mounted by using the slice
listed above. Unfortuntely, it's currently not possible to mount the SPARC section on an x86
system. However, it's still possible to extract the SPARC section of the DVD from x86 for the
purpose of setting up a SPARC boot server on an x86 system.
To avoid confusion with setting up a boot server from the dual boot DVD, the
setup_boot_server script can be used. The setup_boot_server script is essentially a
wrapper for setup_install_server, except that it's capable of extracting either the SPARC or
x86 image from the dual boot DVD regardless of what platform it's run on. In addition, it will
be obvious which platform image is being set up. The usage for setup_boot_server is:
./setup_boot_server [ -t tmpdir ] [ -p platform ] <directory>
-t tmpdir Allows you to specify an alternate temporary directory that the script uses to
save temporary image files. The default is /var/tmp. If there's not enough
room in /var/tmp to hold an ISO image of the SUE CD (up to 660MB), set
this to a directory that has enough space.
-p platform Only valid on the dual boot DVD. Allows you to specify which platform image
to use - sparc or i386. If this option is not specified for the dual boot DVD,
then setup_boot_server will prompt for the platform type.
directory The directory to dump the image in. This argument is passed on to
setup_install_server and is required.
Since 'C' is the only locale installed on SUE, it must be specified for system_locale. If any
other locale is specified, the boot will issue a warning about locale not found and ask for both
the terminal type and locale.
Use the -p option to add_install_client to specify the location of your sysidcfg file. Doing so
will put the correct entry into bootparams (SPARC) or menu.lst (x86). For example:
add_install_client -p freehold:/export/home/config sselab7 sun4u
will set up client sselab7 in /etc/bootparams to use a sysidcfg file located in the directory
/export/home/config on freehold. Make sure that the directory you specify is shared
appropriately and that the configuration file is called sysidcfg. It may also be necessary to
specify the IP address of the NFS server rather than the host name.
For x86, you'll need to modify the menu.lst that add_install_client created to add the '- install'
(dash space install) option. To do this, open /tftpboot/boot/grub/menu.lst with your favorite text
editor and add ' - install' (space dash space install) directly after kernel/unix on the kernel line.
Leave a space between 'install' and anything that comes after it. At this time, you can also
change this line to boot the 64-bit kernel instead. Change kernel/unix to kernel/amd64/unix to
accomplish this.
The 'install' option won't really do an install. This keyword was kept to insure compatibility with
the normal Jumpstart mechanisms. When using the 'install' boot option, the behavior of the
SUE-specific boot questions will be answered as follows:
The script simply sets up the directory structure under /var/apache2/htdocs and creates
/etc/netboot/wanboot.conf. Any customizations (e.g. setting up keys, separate networks,
clients) to this configuration will need to be done manually, but it provides a starting point that
will function.
Thanks to Dan Transue for coming up with the procedure used in this script.
To install SUE on a flash drive, vold must first be disabled (at least for the flash drive itself).
The reason for this is that when a flash drive is under vold control, there is no way to access
the p0 (whole drive) device for installing the fdisk partition table. In addition, vold provides no
way to completely remove a device from it's control once it has assumed control of it. To
disable volume management:
svcadm disable volfs
Once vold has been disabled, manually mount your CD, DVD, or ISO image:
For CD or DVD:
mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/<device> /mnt
At this point, the creation of the SUE flash drive image will begin.
Creating flash drive fdisk partitions...done.
Scratch area size = 3316MB
Creating Solaris VTOC...done.
Creating root filesystem on flash drive...done.
Copying image...done. 1187248 blocks copied.
Installing GRUB on flash drive.
stage1 written to partition 1 sector 0 (abs 6795264)
stage2 written to partition 1, 265 sectors starting at 50 (abs 6795314)
Unmounting flash drive...done.
Operation complete. SUE image transfered to flash drive.
If there are no errors, then the flash drive can now be removed and used for booting on a
system that supports it. If you disabled vold, you can re-enable it now by typing:
svcadm enable volfs
By default, the setup_flash_drive script will use /var/tmp as a scratch area for creating
filesystems, miniroots, etc. If there's not enough space in /var/tmp for this, an alternate
directory may be specified with the -t option:
./setup_flash_drive -t /reallybigtmp
A feature of having this scratch area is the ability to automatically run your own customized
program after SUE is done booting. The SUE boot process will look for the existence of a file
named /save/autorun and execute it instead of the SUE menu if it finds it. It will only execute
this program once. Once it is done, a shell prompt will be given. If it is desired to bring up the
SUE menu at this point, type in:
rm /tmp/.nomenu; exit
13.1 findaft
findaft provides a summary of AFT (Asynchronous Fault Trap), CPU, and PCI ECC errors
found in the system log files. It provides no diagnosis, but provides a good reference for
examining these types of errors. It's use is documented on Sunsolve in InfoDoc 80270.
13.2 findUE
The findUE script helps narrow down the analysis of a UE and reduce the number of DIMMs
that need to be replaced. It does this by examining the ECC syndrome or the bit distribution
from the AFAR to identify a specific DIMM rather than just the bank. Please refer to InfoDoc
85108 for more details.
13.3 findfma
The findfma script is a command line summary script for fmdump -eV outputs. This output is
useful where multiple DIMMs are reporting CEs. It is not meant for general diagnosis of faults.
FMA automates this already. It is meant for further analysis and improvement of the FMA
diagnosis algorithms. See InfoDoc 83483 for more information.
The wrapper script for findfma processes the in-memory FMA errors by default. It can also be
used to process the FMA error log on the root disk of the system by answering the following
prompt with an n:
Run against in-memory log ([y]/n) ?
However, using the data obtained from the on-disk error log as the basis for part
replacement should only be done at the direction of PTS or backline support. This
should be evident from the following warning message and prompt, which are displayed when
the on-disk log is selected:
You have chosen to run findfma against the system root disk error log.
The faults listed are historical and may have already been resolved. Do
NOT replace any parts based on this information without confirmation from
backline support or PTS that parts actually need to be replaced.
Type 'ack' to acknowledge that you have read this and understand it.
However, this will only affect the reporting of ECC errors that occur while SUE is booted.
Since the wrapper scripts process the log files from the OS disk, the relevance here is to
have these settings set in /etc/system on the OS disk. Refer to InfoDoc 70702 for more
information on these settings.
The difficulty with a number of Solaris platforms is that in order to correctly read a device path
you must know either a set of rules or have a table to look up. Once you have done that you
still may not know what the end device is. What the decoder aims to do is to take any path
and provide consistant and human readable output to aid in diagnostics, documentation and
system planning.
The device path decoder is an independent project from SUE and is not developed by the
developers of SUE. Nonetheless, if you have any questions about it, please send them along
to the appropriate SUE support alias and we will forward to the developers of the device path
This means that devfsadm was unable to update the system. There are two options that can
be provided to devfsadm to get around this. The first is -r which is used to specify an alternate
root directory of where the /dev and /devices directories live. The second (undocumented)
option is -p. This option is used to specify the location of the path_to_inst file.
Because of all this, in SUE, the devfsadm command has been moved out of /sbin and
replaced with a wrapper script that forces calling the devfsadm binaries with the correct -r and
-p options. This ensures that the path_to_inst file and /dev and /devices directories will
always get updated correctly when a program or person runs devfsadm. This means that
devfsadm can be run on SUE without specifying these options.
Bin/ Symlinks to the scripts
App/ Application specific scripts
Cpu/ Scripts for CPU analysis
Disk/ Scripts for disk I/O analysis
Docs/ Documentation
Contents Command list for the Toolkit
Examples/ Examples of command usage
Faq Frequently asked questions
Links Further DTrace links
Notes/ Notes on Toolkit commands
Readme Readme for using the docs
Extra/ Misc scripts
Guide The README file (actually the README is a link to Guide.)
Kernel/ Scripts for kernel analysis
License The CDDL license
Locks/ Scripts for lock analysis
Man/ Man pages
man1m Man pages for the Toolkit commands
Mem/ Scripts for memory analysis
Net/ Scripts for network analysis
Proc/ Scripts for process analysis
System/ Scripts for system analysis
User/ Scripts for user based activity analysis
Zones/ Scripts for analysis by zone
Version DTraceToolkit version
install Install script, use for installs only
When you type ls in the DtraceToolkit directory, you will be looking at the top ten or so most
useful scripts. Other scripts have been placed in meaningful subdirectories, such as Disk,
Kernel, Proc, etc. An optional Bin directory has been provided that links to all the scripts.
Because the scrubber can be so destructive to a system, it is not in the SUE menu nor in the
SUE++ GUI. It must be run from the command line. The command line synopsis is:
scrubber [ -x [ -b ]] [ -d disk1,disk2,... ]
Where the following options are supported:
Tells scrubber to run in destructive mode. This causes scrubber to use the analyze-
>purge command in format on the selected disks. Without the -x option, scrubber
will run the analyze->read command in format.
Force the scrubber to operate on the boot device. This option is primarily for running
the scrubber while booted off the Solaris Utility Environment (SUE). It disables the
safety check that precludes the boot device from being selected in destructive
mode. If booted off the boot device, the boot device will be excluded by the fact that
it's part of a mounted filesystem. In that case, the -b option won't have any effect.
Provide a comma separated list of disks to perform the scrub operation on. If no -d
option is given, scrubber will obtain its list of disks from the contents of /dev/rdsk as
format does.
For more detailed information on using the scrubber, see the man page on SUE by typing:
man scrubber
The ldomctl script takes two arguments: start and stop. The start option will:
All three of these steps must succeed to be able to access LDOMS on the host.
● X Windows
● fvwm window manager
● Opera web browser
● Java
SUE++ has both a SPARC and an x86 version. Each one is over 2.5GB in size.
20.1 X configuration
As with standard SUE, SUE++ will also boot to the text menu described in section 5.1.
However, there will be an extra option listed towards the bottom of the menu entitled Start X
windows. If the system has a graphical head ( card/framebuffer, keyboard, mouse),
selecting the x option from the menu will cause the GUI to be started on the console. On
SPARC systems, the GUI should automatically come up. On x86 system, kdmconfig will be
run to configure the keyboard, display, and mouse and will display something similar to the
Proposed Window System Configuration For Installation:
It's fairly safe to just use the defaults that kdmconfig comes up with. However, you may want
to select a higher resolution or color depth. To change the default configuration, hit ESC, then
use the menus to configure the display. If the default is acceptable, just hit ENTER or wait 30
When you point your web browser to the SUE++ booted host, the following screen should be
Clicking on any of the Run buttons will start a Java VNC client using the specified resolution.
You can also download the binary for you operating system by clicking the here link. The
page attempts to automatically detect the OS that the browser is running and offer the
appropriate binary. Use the value in the VNC server option column to connect with the
binary vncviewer.
20.3 Logging in
Regardless of whether running from the console or remotely, a login screen will be displayed.
Log in to the SUE++ booted host using root as the login and the password given during the
boot process.
As mentioned above, there is a copy of the Sun System Handbook resident on SUE++. It will
be necessary to click through the license agreement to access it. This copy of the SSH is the
CD/DVD image that can be downloaded from the SSH web site. It does not contain all the
documentation that the web site does.
This is not really anything resident on SUE++ other than a link that points to the shared shell
web site. If networking was configured, then a shared shell session can be opened on the
SUE++ booted host.
The x86 version of this screen only contains firmware upgrades for disks and fibre channel
host bus adapters.
To perform a firmware upgrade, click the Check for upgrades button. This will run the
equivalent of the Auto firmware check from the text firmware menu. Once it's done, the
Upgrade available ? column will signify whether there's a firmware upgrade available on
SUE for that particular piece of hardware. If so, then a link will be presented in the Hardware
column. Clicking on the link will perform the firmware upgrade. Documentation on the various
firmware upgrades listed here can be found throughout this manual or by clicking on the Help
button next to the firmware type.
For Veritas VM and Solaris VM, the Storage Manager tab provides a toggle for turning on and
off support for the given volume manager. For ZFS, it will import everything it finds as
alternate root pools. For LDOMS, the control domain functionality can be turned on and off on
a sun4v system.
See section 8 for more information on VxVM, section 9 for Solaris Volume Manager, section
10 for ZFS, and section 19 for LDOMS.
This tab contains all the utilities in section 13. It is absent from the x86 version.
The System Control tab has options for shutting down and rebooting the system. It also has a
toggle button for setting and clearing the dump device.