Radon Translate
Radon Translate
Radon Translate
This method detect level radon and the childrens immediately in air. Because of radon level
always change and it depends on a few factors, so this technic was used in detecting radon
level in industries field.
This method of sampling used a lot of measurement technic in the same length of time in long
period of time. This technic is very costly and only recommended when other technic shows
in-accurate reading and sources of radon gas unable to be detected accurately.
This type of sampling have passive features (less active) and this technic will be done by
collecting data of radon level in a specific period of time. Equipments used is charcoal
canisters and alpha track film dosimeters.
There are a few equipment used to measure radon gas in air. One of the equipment is radon
manitor. Other variables also been studied in radon measurement for example temperature,
relative humidity, pressure and others. This is to study the connection of these variables
towards radon level. In this research, two variables was studies, temperature and relative
humidity. Measurement of radon in this research was done inside a closure container where
temperature reading and relative humidity was also done at the same time. Below are the
radon level measurement radar in details.
Radon monitor used was Professional Continuous Radon Monitor model 1027 made by Sun
Nuclear Corporation Company which come with voltan adjuster as per picture 3.1
This equipment is in square shape with 8”x4.7”x2.5” with 2lbs weight. Model 1027 used 12
volt of electric and 9 volt battery as additional power supply if electric supply get
disconnected or if there are other distraction during the measurement. Measurement ralat
started from 0.1 until 999 pCi/I. There is one screen and two buttons with function of showing
the average(AVG) and current(CUR) Radon concentration in pikoCurie per liter (pCi/l). AVG
buttons push to get the Average radon concentration for the whole measurement period. CUR
button function is to shows current radon concentration in period of 12 hours ( Sun Nuclear
Corporation, 2000).
Sun Nuclear Professional Radon Monitor is one of continuous radon monitor (CRM) used to
measure radon gas concentration by using passive radon “kebuk”. Specific filter in the
“kebuk” dinding will alllow gas to move freely but disallow other radon product decay. Based
on gas absortion prinsip, concentration of gas in the “kebuk” will be the same air
concentration outside “kebuk”. During the radon decay process in “kebuk”, alpha ray was
released. When alpha detected by silicone cip in the “kebuk”, electric pulse will be generated.
Radon concentration in pCi/l will be measured by microprocessor. Internal memory will keep
all the data in long term to be printed later. CRM was designed for exact measurement in 48
hours and after.
CRM was electronic detector created to use “simpang-resapan” fotodiod detector to detect the
radon gas concentration. Numerical screen shows average radon gas concentration. Model
1027 was evaluate and accepted by U.S EPA. Radon monitor functioning when power adapter
connected to a power supply of 120VAC, 60Hz. Power LED with green colour will light up
followed by LED in yellow which will glance two types in every glance. This show that the
monitor screen is in good condition. TOP Panel remote will be activated by putting in one key
which will be spinned in ENABLE condition. DISABLE condition will be used when the
equuipment is out of battery.
After the AVG button was pressed, 3 decimal points will be shown in the screen if the
memory is empty (no reading). If the memory is not erased, the AVG button will cause
average radon concentration reading shown in a long period of time. To erase the memory,
push and hold both AVG and CUR button until LED show a yellow colour and release both
button. Yellow LED will be on and off. Released Clear button, memory will be erased in a
while follow by one glance of yellow LED. Monitor is now empty and new measurement can
be started off.
Temperature in radas will be measured using termometer with ralat of -10oC until 50oC
(image 3.2). This termometer was made by Immersion Zeal Company. It has 7.6 cm long and
use to measure temperature in a close container. Temperature measure because temperature is
directly proportional with radon level which the higher the temperature the higher radon level.
To measure air humidity in a close container, one durothem hygrometer (image 3.3.) was
used. Air humidity is stated in percentage (%). This tools measure relative humidty
percentage in air from 0% to 100%. This tools can be used for 230oC or more. Relative
humidity is inverseley proportional with radon level which the higher the relative humidity,
the radon level will decrease. The power of emanasi increase with reduction in size and
increase with high humidity to 20% - 30%. The high humidity above this level will caused
reduction in emanasi radon power (Radon source tester operations manual model 1081).
Freely move radon gas will be detected in the surface of sampling only (21.5cm x 10.4cm)
and stated as radon concentration in pikoCurie per liter unit. Container for sampling design
with 21.5cm x 10.4 cm x 7.5 cm dimension which is average dimension for one “batu bata”
without lid (image 3.4 a and b).
One close vacuum container made from perspeks and vacuum to disallow external air from
entering the container and disallow release of internal air from the container was designed. It
was in cuboid shape and have 36cm x 29cm x 19cm dimension. Image 3.5 shows all the radas
equipment and sampling inside a close vacuum container. This container have one lid on top
of it which can be move or lift for the ease of moving the sampling in and out from the
container. One small holes was made at the end of the lid for the wire between radon monitor
and voltan adjuster to be in the container. Another small holes with shape of square with 6cm
x 5cm was made on the lid for the container space, AVG and CUR buttons and four LED.
These holes was cover using plastesin before measurement process take place (image 3.6).
Radon monitor was hang on the sample surface by paste the monitor on the vacuum container
lid so that it will be easy to push the AVG and CUR buttons while reading been done.
Temperature and humidity measurement tools also place inside the close vacuum container.
Image 3.6 – the arrangement of radas equipments inside the close vacuum container from top
Image 3.7 – belows shows vacuum container without lid with sample of “bata tanah liat”,
duroherm hygrometer and termometer.
Image 3.7 – arrangement of radas tool and sample inside vacuum container without lid.