Homework-1 With Solutions-Fall 2020

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Prove the following four properties of Fourier Transforms

a. ℑ {s(t-τ)}= S(f) e

b. ℑ {s(t) cos2πf0t}= S(f-f0)/2+S(f+f0)/2

c. S(0)= ∫ s(t) dt

d. s(0)= ∫ S(f) df

e. Show that the Fourier Transform, S(f), of an even

function, s(t), is real and that the Fourier Transform, R(f),
of an odd function, r(t), is imaginary.

f. Show that for the Fourier Transform, S(f), of a real

function s(t), S(f) for negative frequencies is the complex
conjugate of S(f), for the positive frequencies.

2. Find and draw the Fourier Transform of the rectangular

pulse, p(t) shown below.


-T/2 0 T/2 t
3. Find and draw the Inverse Fourier Transform, s(t), of the
ideal perfectly bandlimited rectangular spectrum, S(f),
with bandwidth W.


-W 0 W f

The results of Problems 2 and 3 above, illustrate the very

important point that you cannot have a time signal, which is
both perfectly time- limited and perfectly band –limited.
It also illustrates the duality principle of the Fourier

4. Find and draw the spectrum of the signal, y(t),

y(t)=s(t) cos2πf0t

if s(t) is the signal of Problem #3 above.

What is the bandwidth of the new signal, y(t), as compared to

the bandwidth of the original, s(t).

5. If Y(f)=H(f) X(f) prove that y(t) is the convolution of x(t)

with h(t), i.e.,

y(t)= h(t)*x(t)= ∫ x(τ) h(t-τ) dτ

e − j 2πft
Problem 2:
∞ T /2
A e j 2πf oT / 2 − e − j 2πf oT / 2
∫ Ae dt =A
− j 2πft
∫ p(t )e
− j 2πft
P(f)= dt = =
−∞ −T / 2 2πf j

sin( )
A 2πfT A 2 = AT sinc( 2πfT )
= 2 sin( )=
2πf 2 2πf 2πfT 2

Problem 3:
∞ W
j 2πft W
e j 2πWt − e − j 2πWt
∫ df = e
j 2πft
s(t)= ∫ S ( f )e
j 2πft
df = e = =
−∞ −W j 2πt −W j 2πt

1 sin(2πWt )
= sin(2πWt)=2W = 2W sinc(2πWt)
π .t 2πWt
Problem 4:


According to problem 1.b:

F(s(t)cos(2πfot))= ( S ( f + f 0 ) + S ( f − f 0 ))

Which means that if s(t)= 2W sinc(2πWt), then Y(f) is half of S(f) shifted and centered at

fo plus S(f) shifted and centered at -fo , as can be seen in the following figure:

The new bandwidth is twice the bandwidth of the original, s(t).

Problem 5:

∞ ∞
Y(f)=H(f)X(f)= H(f) ∫ x(τ )e − j 2πfτ dτ = ∫ x(τ ) H ( f )e
− j 2πfτ

−∞ −∞

But according to Problem1.a: = H ( f )e − j 2πfτ = F(h(t-τ))= ∫ h(t − τ )e
− j 2πft
dt , so:

∞ ∞

∞ ∞

∫ x(τ ) ∫ h(t − τ )e dt.dτ = ∫ ⎢ ∫ x(τ )h(t − τ )dτ ⎥ e − j 2πft dτ =
− j 2πft
−∞ −∞ − ∞⎣ − ∞ ⎦

F ( ∫ x(τ )h(t − τ )dτ )
But by definition, Y(f)= F (y(t)), which means that

y(t)= ∫ x(τ )h(t − τ )dτ =h(t)*x(t)

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