Guidelines For Writing A Motivation Letter

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The motivation letter should answer the following questions:

• What is your professional goal?
• In which sector would you like to work after obtaining your Bachelor’s
• Why do you apply for the chosen IUP/Bachelor’s programme?
• Which of the courses offered in this programme are particularly
beneficial in pursuing your professional goals?
• Why do you think that you are the right person for this programme?
• How do you estimate/assess your personality?
• Why do you want to study in UNAIR?
• What do you know about the chosen programme?
• Are there any subjects of study in Indonesia particularly in UNAIR
which you would like to apply/implement in your home country? Which
one exactly? Why? (if you are a foreigner)
• Are there any Indonesian organizations, institutions or companies you
would like to visit or learn more about? Why?
Make sure your motivation letter is well composed and written. The
motivation letter should be written using Times New Roman with the font
size of 12, one (1) space, and 500 –1000 words. Keep in mind that your
letter of motivation may be discussed with you during the selection

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