Techniques of Natural Gas Spot Sampling

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David J. Fish
Welker Engineering Company
P.O. Box 138, Sugar Land, TX 77487-0138

PURPOSE determination of the specific gravity of the gas. This figure

is a critical component of the flow formula, from which
The need to be able to take a representative sample of a we derive the product quantity. An error in sampling
hydrocarbon product is necessary to ensure proper effects both quality and quantity, and ultimately,
accounting for transactions and efficient product profitability.
processing. Sampling can be accomplished by primarily
three techniques; spot, continuous composite or GAS SAMPLING
continuous on-line sampling systems. The various spot
sampling methods that are available and the Natural Gas sampling has been performed for years with
implementation of these methods are briefly investigated techniques handed down from generation to generation.
in this paper, as well as the most appropriate equipment Most of the methods are not sufficient to meet today’s
to use. requirements of accuracy and repeatability; however,
standards have been developed to reach toward these
INTRODUCTION demands. The most widely known standards are GPA-
2166-86 and ISO-10715. API has produced a revised
The amount of hydrocarbon product that is transported API 14.1, which was published in June, 2001. This new
between producer, processor, distributor and user is premier standard has already generated significant
significant. To be able to verify the exact composition of interest in proper sampling techniques, due to a large
the product is important from an economic and product volume of data produced during the revision work.
treatment standpoint. A small percentage savings made
by correctly determining composition will quickly recoup Measurement technicians or personnel, who will be
the time and investment made into proper equipment responsible for physically taking the spot samples,
designed to obtain an optimum sample. In addition, if should be fully aware of the importance of their task.
the best sampling procedures are followed, the potential They should be knowledgeable of the proper methods,
for disputes between supplier and customer will be procedures and techniques involved in spot sampling.
greatly reduced. The importance of properly determining Periodic training and being updated on revised standards
hydrocarbon gas composition benefits all parties is an important part of their job. Proper performance of
involved and will achieve greater significance as this their job will have a financial impact on the profits of the
precious commodity becomes less plentiful and more company.
A review of relative sampling standards and the operation
From the Gas Processors Association publication GPA and installation instructions is an important step the total
2166-86, “The object of any sampling procedure is to accurate sampling process. Proper maintenance of all
obtain a representative sample of hydrocarbon from the sampling equipment is vital to the operations of all
system under investigation. Any subsequent analysis of sampling methods. Dirty or poorly maintained sampling
the sample regardless of the test, is inaccurate unless a apparatus will adversely affect the final results and
representative sample is obtained.” And, from ISO- profitability of the gas company’s operation.
10715, a representative sample is, “A sample having the
same composition as the material sampled, when the SAMPLING COMPONENTS
latter is considered as a homogeneous whole.” API 14.1
offers a similar statement in the latest revision, “a The different components of a spot sampling system
representative sample is compositionally identical or as deserve individual consideration, before the various
near to identical as possible, to the sample source sampling procedures are investigated.
stream”, as does ASTM 5287-97. These standards are
the most common referenced on Gas Sampling Valves - If shut-off/isolation valves present a restriction
procedures, along with the AGA Gas Measurement that causes a pressure drop, it is possible that
Manaual, Part No. 11, Section 11.3. condensation could occur. When valves are used on a
collection cylinder it is important that there are no leaks
Proper sampling is fundamental to the correct from the gland. Light ends will be the first to leak off,
determination of the product composition. In a majority thereby causing the sample to be overrepresented with
of cases, the sample is also the source for the heavy ends. It is wise to use valves with soft seals to


give a positive shut-off. Large orifice valves should be entirely of the gas being sampled. The hook-up is simple
used, as restrictive valve paths can cause fractionization and straightforward making the operation easier for
of the sampled gas. technicians and minimizing the possibility of an incorrect
sample being taken.
Filters — The use of a filter in spot sampling procedures
is rare and should be done with extreme caution. Proper Sample cylinders should be constructed with a material
selection of the filter flow capacity and the particle size that is compatible with the gas. For instance, H2S can
capacity should be encouraged. A filter that is too small be absorbed into the structure of 316 stainless steel.
or does not have a sufficient drip pot capacity for gases This will necessitate coating the inside of the cylinder.
that have entrained water, is sure to result in the taking The resultant sample will not be truly representative
of a bad sample. otherwise.

Pipework — Should be as short and as small a diameter Sample cylinders are normally protected with bursting
as possible. This will assist in minimizing the time delay discs. They are less expensive and are lighter weight
from sample point to the cylinder. It will also help maintain than relief valves, though their proper selection and
the sample integrity. replacement should have more importance than is
sometimes given them.
Heating Elements — There is sufficient evidence to
show that heating all components of a sampling system With all of the notes on the various components should
is a prudent step in having a reliable and accurate go the comment which is one of the basic rules of
sampling system. Knowledge of the hydrocarbon dew sampling: The materials of construction of the sampling
point of a natural gas stream is a critical issue in obtaining equipment that come into contact with the sample are
a representative gas sample. to be compatible with the product being sampled. It is
normally reasonably safe to use 316 stainless steel and
Probes — The correct placement is at the top of the Viton elastomeric components. One should look for these
pipe, into the center one third or at least 200 mm materials in selecting equipment and ask questions of
(8 inches) for larger diameter pipes; in an area of minimum suppliers about material selections.
turbulence, that is, away from headers, bends, valves,
etc. Turbulence will stir up the contaminates that usually LOCATION AND PRODUCT
reside at the bottom of the pipeline and are therefore
not normally part of the gas stream. By having the probe The sample point should be located in a section of the
at a point of turbulence these contaminates will be taken pipeline that always has a positive velocity, a minimum
into the sample, giving a sample that is not of turbulence, and the tap mounted on top of the pipe. If
representative. The design of the sample probe may vary this simple guideline is followed, it will effectively
with tips being beveled, 45°, shrouded, square cut or eliminate meter manifolds, blow down stacks, standby
some other configuration. Testing has been performed runs, pig traps, headers of all types, drips, or any type of
to determine whether these designs had any significant dead end line.
impact in the quality of the sample. These tests have
proven that shape had no impact but the key is to have Also, samples should never be taken around or too close
the probe in the center of the line in the correct spot to obstructions, control valves, orifice plates, elbows,
(positive velocity/no turbulence) with a proper valve on tees, or other fittings that might generate aerosols. Free
the outlet. liquids (aerosols) in the stream that may move into the
sample cylinder cannot be effectively handled using
Sample Cylinders — Used for the collection of gases standard cylinders and conventional methods; however,
and light liquid hydrocarbons, sometimes called “sample they may be handled by sampling into the constant
bombs”. The cylinders come in two forms; one is a plain pressure cylinder.
single cavity cylinder with a valve at each end, and the
other is known as a Constant Pressure Sample Cylinder, An additional major factor in correct sampling procedures
which takes the form of a closed end cylinder with an is an awareness of the hydrocarbon dew point of the
internal piston. Before using the Constant Pressure gas stream being sampled. The importance of knowing
cylinder, one side is pressurized forcing the piston to the HCDP is related to 1). The ambient temperature; 2).
the sample end. When the sample is taken, the product The temperature of the equipment being used to collect
is then collected and stored at whatever pressure is pre- the sample; and 3). The temperature of the flowing
charged at the back of the piston. Using the Constant stream. The creation of liquids due to equipment design
Pressure Cylinder the sample can be collected at a and equipment temperature must be avoided.
pressure above the vapor pressure of the light ends. By Determination of the HCDP of the gas stream can be
having the piston at the end of the cylinder, the need for done by the chilled mirror method or by the use of a
excessive purging is eliminated. Pulling a vacuum in the number of equation of state models for hydrocarbon dew
sample cylinder (which is often destroyed by technicians) point determination. There are several programs available
or using the water outage method is not necessary. It such as Peng-Robinson or SRK. The variations of the
can be guaranteed that the sample taken is composed calculated results between different equations of state


are so wide, that it is strongly recommended to add 20˚ As the quality of gas became a critical part of billing,
to 50˚F (11˚ to 28˚C) to the answers. This is to assure the along with volume (std. cu. m. or std. cu. ft.), the industry
operator that he is designing his sampling system again reviewed the Standard Cylinder and its accuracy.
temperature requirements above the actual hydrocarbon
dew point of the sampled stream. The need for maintaining the gas at full line pressure
from beginning to end became evident. Any reduction in
SPOT SAMPLING pressure and change in temperature from the line
condition at the time of sample, was deemed to alter the
While there are several methods for spot sampling natural gas analysis in almost every case. Only low BTU gas
gas, two common methods in use today are the fill and (975 BTU and below) seemed to possibly escape
purge method detailed in GPA-2166-86 section 7.1 and alteration.
the piston cylinder method detailed in section 7.7.
It became evident that when the Standard Cylinder was
Spot sampling was the primary method of acquiring a being filled, the heavy ends dropped out as condensate
sample for analysis until the early 1970’s. This method in the cylinder until higher pressures were reached in
is still widely used today. In today’s world of growing the filling process. The GPA method helped eliminate
trends toward therm-measurement and therm-billing, this this problem. But when the cylinder was being bled into
method is increasingly expensive in analytical cost and the chromatograph, there was no way to keep the
man-hours, as well as a very questionable method of pressure elevated in that cylinder. As the cylinder was
assessing an accurate heating value to volume sales. It opened, the light ends escaped first, thus giving a certain
is at best a “spot” sample of what was present at the BTU value. As the analysis continued, the BTU value
moment the sample was taken. Minutes before and increased due to the heavy ends remaining in the cylinder,
minutes after become unknown guesses. While this may thus altering the BTU value in a higher direction. As it is
be a reasonable risk if the gas source is known by a long normal that more than one test is performed due to
historical data base, most gas being consumed today is concerns of accuracy or custody transfer, repeatability
a combined gas from several origins, or is switched from was more often than not, impossible. It became clear
source to source by contractual updates; in some cases that the decrease in pressure was altering the gas
by daily or even hourly arrangements. Also, we find composition.
typically, that the older the well and the longer it stays in
production, the higher the BTU value will become. Natural It was in this environment that the Constant Pressure
gas is an extremely fragile product and almost every step Cylinder was designed and created. With an internal
in the production, transportation and distribution of piston with seals, it was possible to pressurize (pre-
natural gas will have an adverse effect on its quality. charge) the cylinder with an inert gas supply (or the
Switching wells, pressure changes, temperature changes pipeline gas itself) and then turn the cylinder around and
and storage vessels are only a few of the items that can fill it slowly from the opposite end. By letting the gas
add or subtract BTU values on the gas moving through push against the piston while “slowly” venting the pre-
measurement stations. Thus, a spot sample may not even charge gas, the sample was taken at full line pressure
represent the correct source in question. from start to finish. Then, in the laboratory, a gas supply
could be connected to the pre-charge side equal to the
In early years, the spot sampling method was used where pipeline pressure. As the sampled gas is injected into
by the gas was introduced into the cylinder until it the chromatograph, the piston is being pushed by the
reached line pressure and then was transported to the pre-charge gas. While the cylinder is being emptied, full
laboratory for calorimeter or chromatograph analysis. As pressure is being maintained and the gas composition
the known quality of the gas (BTU value) became more is not being altered as a result of pressure reduction.
important, tests were conducted to determine if the gas The cylinder can be stored or sent to another laboratory
was being altered by the procedure used to fill cylinders. for confirmation, and when the remaining gas is analyzed,
It was determined that contaminates such as air were it will give repeatable results because the condition of
being introduced to the collected sample and a new filling the gas is maintained by the constant pressure cylinder.
method was needed. The fill and purge method was
adopted and after sometime it was determined that The cylinder is equipped with valves, safety reliefs and
retrograde condensation was occurring by this process gauges on both ends, and thus the pressure can be
and thus a newer method was created. This newer controlled and monitored at all times on both ends. The
method is known as the GPA method using a manifold temperature is maintained just as with Standard
and pig tail for filling the Standard Cylinder. This GPA Cylinders, i.e., heating blankets, ovens, or water baths.
method reduced the negative effects of the “filling only”
procedure. The manifold allows gas to be “trapped” in This procedure has proven to give extreme accuracy in
the cylinder at full pressure, rather than simply “dead both spot sampling procedures as well as in automatic
ended” into the cylinder, i.e. zero pressure up to line sampling systems. The Constant Pressure Cylinder has
pressure. Also, systems with free liquids required special been tested against the laboratory chromatograph and
attention and the GPA separator was developed and on-line chromatographs and has shown to maintain the
added to certain techniques. integrity of the sample to within 1/2 BTU of the pipeline


gas. This method consistently performs at this high level. • Pressure and temperature of the pipeline source
Also, the richer the gas, the more alteration occurs with • Technician who took the sample
older methods. • Method used to obtain the sample
• Plugging of the valves and checking for leaks
The Constant Pressure Cylinder also brings with it, prior to transport
additional safety in handling the sample. No longer do • Protection of the cylinder and sample apparatus
you have to purge the cylinder and vent large amounts during transport, both to and from the sample
of gas to the atmosphere. A brief purge of the sample location
line up to the cylinder is all that is required. The piston is • Temperature concerns during transport, both to
at the sample end of the cylinder when you commence and from the sample location – if necessary or
to fill, so there is no “dead volume” to purge. required
• Other company procedures that will assist in the
Also, because of the design of the cylinder, with seals success of a quality sample being delivered to
on the end of caps, it cannot be over pressured to the the laboratory for an accurate analysis.
point of exploding. If the cylinder is over pressured, the
safety reliefs will allow the pressure to escape. In the CONCLUSION
rare event that they fail to work the cylinder body will
swell and the seals will stop sealing, allowing the product The methods, techniques, and designs of today’s spot
to escape safely. sampling requirements should be considered by every
producer, shipper, buyer and end-user. Regardless of
Constant Pressure Cylinders have served the industry the application or installation, there is a technique which
for over 30 years to provide accurate sampling meets your needs, and will effect your company in the
procedures, better sampling systems, repeatability, safer profit and loss column. Sampling and metering are the
handling, accurate analysis and storage of samples as cash register of your company. Sampling is an art!
well as storage of gas and liquid standards for the Examine your methods, procedures and needs closely.
Because of the increasing cost of one BTU, more and
more companies are improving their methods, “Proper Sampling of Light Hydrocarbons”, O. Broussard,
techniques and procedures, and departing from older Oil and Gas Journal, September 1977
spot sampling practices.
“Standard Cylinder vs. Constant Pressure Cylinders”, D.
All updated ISO, GPA, ASTM, AGA, and API standards J. Fish, Gas Industries, January 1994
and committee reports, address the proper usage of
Standard and Constant Pressure Cylinders for the gas “Analyzing Heating Value”, T. F. Welker, Pipe Line Industry,
and liquids industry. October 1990

TRANSPORTATION “Natural Gas Sampling”, T. F. Welker, Presented at AGA

Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, 1981
The transportation of natural gas samples is a very
important issue for both the companies that are involved “Methods, Equipment & Installation of Composite
and the individual personnel who are transporting the Hydrocarbon Sampling Systems”, D. J. Fish, Presented
samples. The United States Department of at Belgian Institute for Regulation and Automation,
Transportation (DOT), covers the transportation of Brussels, Belgium, 1993
samples in CFR-49. Everyone involved in transporting
sample cylinders and other sampling apparatus, both to “Practical Considerations of Gas Sampling and Gas
and from sample collection locations, should be familiar Sampling Systems”, D. J. Fish, Pipeline and Gas Journal,
with the rules and regulations set forth in CFR-49. July 1997

As well as the safety issues, markings and forms that “Selection and Installation of Hydrocarbon Sampling
are to be filled out for DOT purposes, other Systems”, D. A. Dobbs & D. J. Fish, Presented at
considerations should be addressed as well. Among Australian International Oil & Gas Conference,
these are: Melbourne, Australia, 1991

• Proper tagging of the cylinder for time, date, Various Standards of AGA, GPA, API, ASTM and ISO
location of the sample





I. Sample Probe NOTE: Steps 7 and 8 constitute the fill and empty
II. Sample Pressure Gauge (same as line pressure) cycle and should be repeated as many times as
required by your pipeline pressure and the chart
Steps to follow to draw sample: below. Table 1 gives the minimum number of purges
required to condition your sample cylinder (providing
1. Open Valve ‘I’ to blow any accumulated foreign the sample cylinder is clean and dry).
matter in probe or valve.
2. Connect manifold to probe Valve ‘I’ (close Valve ‘I’). TABLE 1.
3. Open Valves ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘D’, ‘E’, and ‘F’. Valves ‘C’ and
‘G’ remain closed. Maximum Gas Number of
4. Open Valve ‘I’ to allow full pipeline pressure to fill Pressure PSIG Purge Cycles
complete manifold. 15-30 13
5. Close Valve ‘A’ and open Valve ‘G’ to allow gas in 30-60 8
the manifold to bleed to 0 psig. 60-90 6
6. Close Valve ‘G’ and open Valve ‘A’ to allow pressure 90-150 5
to build rapidly to full line pressure. 150-500 4
NOTE: Steps 4 through 6 should be repeated until Over 500 3
all air has been eliminated from the system (3 to 5
times). 9. At the completion of the proper number of purge
7. Open Valve ‘A’ quickly to fill manifold with full pipeline cycles, close Valves ‘E’, ‘F’, and probe Valve ‘I’. Bleed
pressure. Close Valve ‘A’. the pressure from the manifold and extension tube.
8. Open extension Valve ‘G’. Allow pressure to bleed Remove the sample cylinder from the manifold and
to 0 psig. Close Valve ‘G’. check for leaks. Plug the valves. Fill out the proper
NOTE: If at any time liquids appear at Valve ‘G’, the sample tag and put the cylinder in a proper carrying
sample should be discarded. case to be transported to the lab.





Caution: This method should not be used on wet natural

gas or gas over 400 psi.

I. Sample Probe
II. Sample Pressure Gauge (line pressure)

Steps to follow to draw a sample:

1. Open Valve ‘I’ to blow out any accumulated foreign 5. After specified time, valves should be closed
matter in probe or valve (close Valve ‘I’). beginning with Valve ‘G’ and working toward the
source valve, sequence ‘G’, ‘F’, ‘E’, ‘D’, ‘B’, ‘A’, and
2. Connect sample manifold to probe Valve ‘I’. All valves ‘I’.
6. Bleed pressure from manifold and remove sample
3. Slowly open Valve ‘I’, and then slowly open in cylinder.
sequence Valves ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘D’, ‘E’, ‘F’, and ‘G’.
NOTE: Valve ‘G’ must have flow plug installed. 7. Check cylinder for leaks and plug valves.

4. Allow gas to flow through the manifold for a minimum 8. Fill out sample card and put cylinders in proper box
of 3 minutes. for shipment.
NOTE: That more time will be required if the sample
cylinder has not been properly cleaned and dried.
NOTE: G.P.A. method should be consulted for
unusual conditions.





1. Evacuate a clean sample cylinder and plug valves. 7. Open Valve ‘G’ on the extension tube.
NOTE: This will bleed manifold pressure to 0 psi.
2. Open probe Valve ‘I’ to clean valve and probe of NOTE: Steps 6 and 7 constitute a purge of the piping
accumulated materials. to the evacuated cylinder. This should be repeated
as required by your pipeline pressure to ensure any
3. Connect manifold to probe Valve ‘I’. air in the lines has been purged with gas.

4. With all valves closed, attach sample cylinder to 8. Open Valve ‘A’ with Valve ‘B’ open, slowly open Valve
manifold. ‘D’ and allow line pressure to fill sample cylinder.
NOTE: Check with a gauge to ensure sample cylinder
is evacuated. 9. Close Valve ‘D’. Close Valve ‘I’. Open Valve ‘G’ to
remove pressure from the sample manifold.
5. Open probe Valve ‘I’, ‘A’, and ‘B’. All other valves
closed. 10. Remove sample cylinder from manifold. Check for
NOTE: Sample gauge II will indicate pipeline leaks, plug valves, fill out sample information, and
pressure. put cylinder in an appropriate case for transportation.

6. Close Valve ‘A’.





To draw a spot sample into a constant pressure sample 10. Close ‘A’.
cylinder, the following procedure should be used. NOTE: By opening ‘I’ and ‘A’, you fill and empty the
piping and cylinder to eliminate air or contaminants.
Prior to going to the field, check these items: If the pressure is above 500 psi, 3 to 5 purges will be
1. Has the cylinder been emptied, cleaned, and adequate. Do not flow through with all valves open.
checked for leaks? This may cause retrograde condensation to occur.
2. Attach to the precharge Valve ‘G’, a supply of inert
gas (N2), with Valve ‘B’ open, and fill the cylinder to To draw the sample after the purge:
100 psi above line pressure. Close Valves ‘G’ and 1. Open Valve ‘I’.
‘B’. 2. Open Valve ‘B’. Valve ‘A’ remains closed. Product is
3. Put the cylinder in a carrying case with the proper now against the face of the piston.
transport papers, and go to the field. 3. Slowly open Valve ‘G’. Bleeding off the precharge
from the back side of the piston will allow the process
At the sample point: pressure to fill the sample container.
1. With an appropriate connector, connect Valve ‘B’ on 4. When the indicator reaches 80%, close Valve ‘G’.
the cylinder to the process connection ‘I’ (sample You now have 80% product, 20% precharge, and
probe). the cylinder may be transported.
2. Valves ‘I’, ‘A’, ‘B’, and purge valve are closed.
3. Open Valve ‘I’. Check the connections for leaks. To disconnect the cylinder from the process:
4. Open Valve ‘B’. This allows product to flow into the 1. Close Valve ‘I’ (probe valve) and Valve ‘B’.
cylinder to the face of the piston. 2. Slowly open Valve ‘A’ to remove the pressure
5. Purge: Close Valve ‘I’ with ‘B’ open, open ‘A’ (slowly). between the purge valve and cylinder inlet valve ‘B’.
Bleed off the product in the cylinder. 3. Remove connection at Valve ‘B’, plug all the valves,
6. Close Valve ‘A’. fill out the paperwork, and put the cylinder in a
7. Open Valve ‘I’. carrying case for transportation.
8. Close Valve ‘I’.
9. Open Valve ‘A’ (slowly).




NOTE: Not recommended.

Sample taken by simply viewing into a convenient valve

is not a proper means by which to take a representative
sample of any type.

David J. Fish



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