Bashas Supplier-Proposal-Packet 102113 ADA4

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Supplier Proposal Packet

Revised: October 21, 2013

Table of Contents

WELCOME.................................................................................................................................................... 3
PURPOSE OF THE SUPPLIER PROPOSAL PACKET .......................................................................................... 3
WHAT THE SUPPLIER PROPOSAL PACKET WILL DO FOR YOU .................................................................... 3
BASHAS’ AND ITS MEMBERS .................................................................................................................. 3
BASHAS’ TODAY ........................................................................................................................................ 4
REQUIRED INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................... 5
FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH THE BASHAS’ FAMILY OF STORES ............................................................. 5
PRODUCT INFORMATION............................................................................................................................. 5
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER ....................................................................................................................... 5
SUPPLIER QUESTIONNAIRE ......................................................................................................................... 6
MARKETING INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................ 6
UNIVERSAL PRODUCT CODE (UPC) ........................................................................................................... 6
LIABILITY INSURANCE ................................................................................................................................ 6
DUN & BRADSTREET .................................................................................................................................. 6
IF YOU BECOME A SUPPLIER .................................................................................................................. 7
ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE (EDI) ................................................................................................... 7
LEAD TIME REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................... 7
TIMELY SHIPPING ....................................................................................................................................... 7
INDUSTRY KNOWLEDGE AND INTEGRITY ................................................................................................... 7
GIFTS & GRATUITIES..………………………………………………………………………………….… 7

COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT …………………………………………………………………………..8

SUPPLIER QUESTIONNAIRE ………………………………..…..………..….……………….………….9

Welcome What Happens Once the
Thank you for your interest in becoming Supplier Proposal Packet Has
a partner with the Bashas’ Family of Been Completed
Stores. You have just taken the first step Upon completing the Supplier Proposal
in developing a potential life long Packet, and submitting it to the Bashas’
business partner with one of the leading Distribution Center, the packet is
grocery retailers in the state of Arizona. forwarded to the appropriate Category
Please take a few minutes to review the Manager. Once the Category Manager
information provided, and familiarize reviews the requested information,
yourself with the process behind he/she makes the decision on whether or
establishing a partnership with Bashas’. not to pursue a business relationship.
Regardless of the decision made by the
Category Manager, a verbal or written
Purpose of the Supplier response informing you of our decision
Proposal Packet will be issued within 60 days.
This packet of information is designed to
expedite the process of developing a
business partnership with the Bashas’
Family of Stores. The information
within contains: a brief introduction to
Bashas’, our four distinct formats, our
policies, business philosophies, and
expectations from our suppliers.

What the Supplier Proposal

Packet Will Do for You
Understanding the process of conducting
business with Bashas’ is the first step in
achieving a partnership status. It is
important for the potential supplier to
understand how their product will align
itself within the Bashas’ store formats,
and equally important for Bashas’ to
understand how to help the vendor in
achieving this alignment.

Bashas’ and Its Members
Thousands of Bashas' members have
poured labor and love into the company
since its founding. Like any family, the
personality of Bashas' is a reflection of AJ's Fine Foods stores are gourmet and
the quality people who work for and upscale specialty stores catering to
grow with the company. Bashas' has discriminating tastes. The stores feature
survived the competitive demands of the chef-prepared entrees, an extensive wine
supermarket industry, because our collection with knowledgeable cellar
members are committed to providing staff, fully stocked humidors, specialty
quality service and products to our baked goods, and the highest levels of
customers. Many members have chosen customer service and attention to detail.
to remain with Bashas' for decades,
which is indicative of a company which
inspires loyalty in the people who are at
its heart, our members.
Food City, with a 50-year reputation for
Bashas’ Today service to the Hispanic community in
The company now has more than 125 Phoenix, was purchased by Bashas' in
stores serving every county in Arizona, 1993 and continues with its mission
as well as Needles, California and unchanged. Since acquiring the original
Crownpoint, New Mexico. Bashas' Food City store, several Bashas' stores
Family of Stores includes five distinct have been converted to this format to
formats: AJ's Fine Foods, Bashas’, better meet the changing needs of their
Bashas’ Diné Markets, Eddie’s Country surrounding communities. Food City
Store, and Food City. The varying offers a full range of ethnic and Hispanic
formats enable the company to serve food varieties.
niche markets with the appropriate
mixture of products and services
designed to meet customer needs.
The Bashas’ Family of Stores
Diné Markets, The Bashas' Diné
Markets are located on the Navajo
Reservation in Arizona. They specialize
Bashas' stores are traditional grocery in the needs of the Navajo customer with
stores emphasizing quality goods and products such as mutton, wool, and Blue
excellence in customer service. The Bird flour for fry bread. Signs in the
primary retail focus of the stores is to store are in the native language.
reach out to the immediate neighborhood
customer base.

Required Information Complete and Include the Following
To develop a business relationship with Information
Bashas’, potential suppliers must follow The following information is necessary
the steps below. Upon receipt of all to process a partnership request. All
requested information, the data will be information must be submitted in its
reviewed and a notification of our entirety.
decision will be delivered. The • Completely fill out the Supplier
following steps will outline how to Questionnaire. (pp. 9)
complete a proposal, and include a list of • Answer the five questions about your
the information and forms we require. product. (pp. 6)
• Submit a photocopy of your liability
Familiarize Yourself with the insurance form. (pp. 6)
Bashas’ Family of Stores • Submit your information from the
Uniform Code Council. (pp.6)
Understanding the Bashas’ customer will
allow partners to interpret their needs
Product Information
and indicate how to cater your offerings
to better meet those needs. By visiting Any additional information about your
each distinct format, a whole new product that will help in the decision
medium might reveal itself to you. The process is always appreciated.
Bashas’ Family of Stores reaches out to Information to consider includes, and is
every community within the state of not limited to the following:
• Product literature
The following suggestions may assist • Price sheets (including economy of
future partners in catering their scale break down)
offerings to our formats and customers • Samples of product (maximum of
• Visit our web page at two, which become property of; there you will find Bashas’ Inc.)
detailed information about our
history, community involvement, Putting It All Together
and other unique offerings. Once all of the information has been
• Visit each distinct format store and assembled, make photo copies of all
become familiarized with the product documents submitted for your records.
assortment and layout of each store. Check to ensure all required information
• Note the appropriate category for has been properly completed and
your product, and conduct a supplied. Mail your Supplier Proposal
comparison between similar products Packet to the following address:
within that department.
• Understand the needs of our Bashas’ istribution Center
customer base. Attn: Procurement/Vendor evelopment
P.O. Box 488
Chandler, AZ 85244

Supplier Questionnaire Liability Insurance
In addition to the actual product, and the The following insurance requirements
information supplied about your must be satisfied in order to conduct
company, the supplier questionnaire business with Bashas’ Inc.:
(found on pp. 9) will assist us in making • All policies must be written with
a fair decision with regard to a future companies that carry a Best rating of
business venture. It is important that the not less than A-VIII
entire questionnaire be filled out, and • All policies shall carry a 30 day
that the information is accurate as well cancellation notice provision
as current.
• Policies shall maintain a primary
minimum liability limit of
$1,000,000 AND $2,000,000
Marketing Information excess/umbrella limit or a combined
Please be sure to include the pertinent single limit of $3,000,000
marketing information about your • Vendor must maintain Statutory
product that will help in the decision Worker’s Compensation Coverage;
process. The information should cover proof must be indicated on the
the following topics; Certificate of Insurance
1. In what regions of the U.S. is • All policies must name Bashas’ Inc.
your product currently selling? as an additional insured
2. Who is the target market • Certificate Holder shall be:
(including geographic location, Bashas’ Inc.
age, gender, family size, annual Risk Management
income, etc.)? P.O. Box 488
3. What other similar products exist Chandler, AZ 85244
in the marketplace?
4. What separates your product
from those that are similar?
Dun & Bradstreet
5. How will demand for your
product shift over time? It is preferred that any party wishing to
do business with Bashas’ Inc. be
registered with Dun & Bradstreet. The
Universal Product Code (UPC) registration number assigned to you by
Dun & Bradstreet will be the number
Bashas’ requires that each product be Bashas’ uses to identify your company
registered with the Universal Code for internal purposes, as well as
Council and be assigned a specific UPC facilitating the Electronic Data
number. The UPC number allows us to Interchange process. More information
document and follow the products about Dun & Bradstreet can be found on
throughout our entire supply chain. If the web at
you haven’t already, you must first
register your product with the Uniform
Code Council. More information about
the process can be found on the web at

If You Become a Supplier Industry Knowledge and
Once a supplier is approved to do Integrity
business with Bashas’, the following Throughout the state of Arizona, we are
requirements apply. known for our integrity, solid business
ethics, innovation, and dedication to
Electronic Data Interchange quality. We appreciate every partnership
(EDI) we have developed, and are constantly
At Bashas’ we prefer to communicate looking for new relationships and
common business documents with our opportunities, while continuously
suppliers via Electronic Data refining our existing partnerships.
Interchange. The EDI data sets that
Bashas’ utilizes the most include but are Bashas’ boasts an experienced buying
not limited to; OG875-Grocery Products staff with over 300 years of collective
Purchase Order, GP880-Grocery buying experience. Each category is
Products Invoice, and FA997-Functional assigned to a specific Category Manager
Acknowledgement. Currently, Bashas’ with their own dedicated staff, which
uses GXS Inovisworks for our VAN allows each department to be flexible
service. For smaller companies without and responsive.
EDI capabilities there are several third
party EDI providers that can offer EDI Transportation and Logistics
services at a low cost, or Bashas’ may The procurement department operates
agree to conduct the exchange of out of a centrally located, state of the art
documents via fax machine. We look distribution center located in Chandler,
forward to developing strategic Arizona. The distribution center spans
partnerships whenever they arise, and an impressive 800,000 square feet
are willing to work together with you to (approximate), and supports all three
nurture these partnerships. major states of operation; dry, frozen,
and refrigerated. We currently run and
Lead Time Requirements maintain a private trucking fleet,
The amount of lead time required on allowing us to make daily deliveries to
Bashas’ behalf varies by category. This each of our stores.
issue is one that will be discussed with
the Category Manager in the event that Gifts and Gratuities
supplier status is granted. Suppliers may donate gifts for charities,
non-profit organizations, and fund-
Timely Shipping raisers.
Because of the volatility associated with
the retail marketplace, late shipments
and/or inaccurate shipments can at times
be irreparable when passed on to our
consumers. For this reason, we expect
our suppliers to ship products in a timely
fashion, and for the order to be accurate
and complete.

Community Involvement Community Support Card
The success of Bashas’ Supermarkets Bashas' Community Support Card is a
would not be possible without the great way to generate funds for a charity
support of the communities we serve. or non-profit organization. Here's how it
That's why, year-round, we reciprocate. works:
Cooperation is always appreciated and • The organization purchases the
encouraged from our business partners, Community Support Card and
and here are a few examples of some of receives a 6% discount. The
the fundraisers we facilitate. Community Support Card offers
their supporters a choice where
Annual Food Drives to shop, as it is accepted at all
Bashas' holds two major food drives – Bashas', Food City and AJ's
a Peanut Butter & Jelly Drive in the stores.
summer and a Turkey Tuesday Drive • The organization then sells the
during the holiday season. With help Community Support Card to
from our customers, we've contributed supporters at face value and
more than a half a million pounds of receives a 6% profit.
food, providing meals for those in need. • The organization’s supporters
Both drives are a major boon for St. can reload their Community
Vincent de Paul and other local food Support Card at Bashas', Food
banks. City and AJ's Fine Foods stores
and the organization will earn
Charity of the Month 6% of the reload amount.
Customers have an opportunity to give • Earnings from reloaded
back to a local non-profit just about Community Support Cards will
every month in a Bashas' store – whether be distributed once a month.
it be donating food or making a donation • To enroll, they simply submit a
at the register. This kind of fundraising letter with their organization's
has garnered more than $500,000 for name and address stating their
local children’s hospitals and local interest in participating in our
chapters of the Boys & Girls Clubs, program, plus a copy of the
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation notice from the IRS stating that
and American Heart Association. they are registered as a charitable
organization under IRS code
section 501(c)3 to: or
call 1-866-292-6407.

The aforementioned fundraisers

represent a small taste of how Bashas’
gives back to the community. Once
approved as a vendor, the dedicated
Category Manager will be more than
happy to sit down with you and discuss
your potential involvement in charity

Supplier Questionnaire
Company Information & Reoistration
Company Name : Type Of Company: Manufacturer : Broker : Distributor:
Web Address : UCC Membership Number :
Corporate Address : DUNS Registration Number : _
City/State/Zip : Electroni c Data Interchange (EDI) No: D Yes: D Provider :
Telephone : Fax: EDI Communication ID: EDI-ID Qualifier :
Account Rep:
Account Rep Tel : Fax:
EDI Coordinator :
EDI Coordinator Phone# : ________
....... E-Mail :

 
Accnt. Rep E-Mail: ISO 9000 Certification : No: Yes : Year Certified :

Accnt. Rep Address : Transfer Funds Via : Check : EFT :

city /State/Zip : -----------------

Top 3 Accou nts In Arizona With Product(s) 1)

Marketino & Product Information
Target Format With Bashas' Bashas' : D Food City D AJ.s' D Dine : 
Product Sales For Past 3 Years :
3) -
Year 1:
Product Category : (Place an "x" by the category that best describes your product)
Ice Cream Cones & Toppings :O Fresh Service Deli:O Non Foods (Promotional) : 
Year 2:
Year 3:
------- Direct Store Delivery (DSD):O
Canned Goods & Spreads : 0
Liquor & Tobacco:O

Spices & Stuffing :  Health and Beauty Care:O

Packaged & Bulk Meats : 0
Last 3 Years Promotional Budget: Year 1:
Year 2:
Salad Dressing & Croutons :O

Juices & Powdered Drinks: O

Prepared Dinners:O

Fresh Bakery :  Soda , Candy & Snacks:O

Granola & Snack Bars:O

Year 3: Picnic & Outdoor Cooking : Bottled Water:O Dairy & Frozen Foods:O

This Years Budget:

Additional Comments :
Pasta & Pasta Sauce :O

Ethnic Mexican Food :  Condiments:O

Cereals :  Household Cleaning :

Non Foods (In-Line) : 

Baking Needs:D

Rice Mixes:D

**If Other , Please Specify The Category

Produce :

Shortening & Oil :

MRO Supplies 
Brief Description of Category:

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