(1B) District Transport Master Plan: Presentation For LRN Training

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(1B) District Transport Master

Presentation for LRN Training

Laxman Bhakta Dahi Shrestha, Central Asset

Management Specialist
August 2016

Rural Access Programme

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Module Contents
Background to DTMP
The ‘New’ DTMP Procedure (Dec 2012)
District Road Core Network
Data for Plan Preparation
Principles & Report Preparation
Common Errors & Limitations
Practical Exercises

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Introduction to DTMP
Prepared every 5 years
Provides a prioritised list of interventions
based on an estimation of available budget
Maintenance > Improvement > New
Report template provided along with excel
template which includes all relevant tables
with formulae required
Annual Road Asset Management Plan
(ARAMP) produced each year based on the
DTMP and actual budget available
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Development of DTMP in Nepal
Increase in number of new roads since
1999 - huge demand for proper
maintenance, rehabilitation, and upgrading
Rural transport infrastructure (RTI)
planning needed updating + inventory of
existing roads using available technology
(GPS) and GIS mapping
Importance of including road condition
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Development of DTMP in Nepal
Transport planning to align with national
transport policy of bringing roads to
population centres and minimising walking
time to nearest road
Need to reflect use of Sector Wide Approach
Piloted in 7 districts JHA, MOR, SAN, SIN,
Endorsed and rolled-out nationally by
DoLIDAR (Dec 2012)
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DTMP Guidelines (New 2012)
Why simplify?
 Make DTMPs more feasible and with
simplified methods for selecting the works to
be prioritised (cut down production cost &
time and make more understandable)
 Keep DTMPs affordable and understandable
to non-technicians

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DTMP Guidelines (New 2012)
What were the main changes?
 Introduction of the District Road Core Network
 Development of the District Indicative Potential
Map has been removed from the process
 Overall process has been simplified
 Reduced from 5 steps (prepare District Indicative
Potential Map, prepare District Inventory Map,
prepare District Network Plan, prepare District
Transport Perspective Plan, prepare DTMP)
 Now only 3 steps (develop DRCN, collect data,
prepare DTMP)

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DTMP – Summary
 Investment plan for the DRCN
 Predicts annual available budget over next 5 years
 Estimates work and cost to achieve ‘maintainable
all-weather standard and keep it there’ (DTPP)
 Plan of achievements for each year of next 5
 Strictly on priority ranking: 1st maintenance, 2nd
improvements, 3rd new construction
 Intentions for <20% ‘discretionary’ fund amount
(Village or special new / improvement DRCNs)
 Impact: Outputs & Outcomes

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DTMP Preparation – 3 Key Steps
Step 1: Identify/review the District Road
Core Network (DRCN)
Step 2: Collection of primary and
secondary data
Step 3: Preparation of the DTMP

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Rural Access Programme
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DRCN – Definition
The minimum network of rural roads that
provides access to all VDC headquarters
(administrative buildings or nearest
economic centres) and links them (either
directly or indirectly) with the district
headquarter and the strategic road
network (SRN)

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DRCN Principles
 Target: single all-weather road link between all
VDC HQs and DHQs
 Some Flexibility: high traffic or areas of high
economic importance (e.g. hydro, tourism,
industry) – procedural departures must be
supported by ‘reasoned argument’
 Objective: needs to be limited and manageable
 Approved by DDC Body and confirmed by Council
 Basis for DTMP & ARAMP (cover only the DRCN)
 Average DRCN = 300 km with further 100km new

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DRCN Advantages
Year-round access to all VDCs can be
Provides focus and prioritisation for road
Condenses kilometres of roads to be
managed and maintained in each district

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Criteria for Selection of DRCN
Where Choices Exist
Road surface – priority should be given in
the order blacktop - gravel - earthen
Water crossings – priority should be given
to roads that do not require water crossings
Condition – priority should be given to roads
in better condition
Length – priority should be given to roads
that provide the shortest connection to the
rest of the DRCN
Traffic – priority should be given to roads
with higher traffic volumes
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Road Inventory Map

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Steps for Collection of Primary and
Secondary Data
1. Traffic Data 2. DRCN Road Data 3. Standard Costs
• Determines specific • Identify any • Preparation of cost
standard appropriate necessary estimates should be
for each of the DRCN interventions required based on standard
roads to get to a costs of interventions
• Conduct interviews maintainable all- • Based on costs of
with ppl living/working weather standard interventions in recent
along road (min 2 • Evaluate need for years and standard
interviews per 10km) additional protective district rates
• Calculate Vehicles structures
Per Day (VPD) and • Include tentative
Passenger Car Units alignment and cost
(PCUs) estimates for new
roads (if reqd.)

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Steps for Collection of Primary and
Secondary Data Contd.
4. Population Data 5. Financial Data 6. General Data
• Required for • Determine the current • General data
prioritisation of budget, or budget for regarding the district
interventions last financial year is required to
• Priority given to • Allow for changes in establish the context
interventions with funding over next five • Information such as
lowest cost per capita years using a fixed population size,
• Understanding which annual growth rate annual rainfall (mm),
VDCs are linked by • Determine % of life expectancy
each road enables budget to be (years), literacy rate
calculation of the total allocated to DRCN (%), population
population served by (min. of 80%) density
each road (persons/km2) etc.
• Multiple sources
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Rural Access Programme
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District Transport Perspective Plan
The District Transport Perspective Plan is
simply the list of all the identified
interventions that are necessary to bring the
roads to a maintainable all-weather standard
and keep them there, as well as the
construction of any new roads considered
necessary to complete the DRCN. As such it
is the summation of the interventions
identified which are required to improve the
road to the proper standard, as well as the
conservation requirements to keep the roads
at this standard
Rural Access Programme
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DTMP Prioritisation
Cost per population served (least highest)

DR 002

DR 001

 DR 001: cost , population

 DR 002: cost , population
Rural Access Programme
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Main DTMP Outputs
Intervention Output How?
Road inventory (km and
surface type) x standard
Lump Sum average annual cost per

1. …… 1st …… (+ cost) Detailed field survey (to

2. …… 2nd…… (+ cost) reach engineered ‘all-
3. …… 3rd …… (+ cost) weather std.) x average
4. …… 4th …… (+ cost) district costs + bridges
1. …… 1st …… (+ cost) Estimate of length and
NEW 2. …… 2nd …… (+ cost) bridges (e.g. from Google
CONSTRUCTION 3. …… 3rd …… (+ cost) earth) with approximate
4. …… 4th …… (+ cost) per km District rates

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Typical DTMP Investment Plan

Rural Access Programme

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DTMP Influence on ARAMP
DTMP is the Key Reference Document for
ARAMP and provides:
Network Details (DRCN length and surface
categories) – update based on past works
‘DTMP Survey’ – reference for ARAMP Rapid
Condition Survey
List of Road Improvement/New Construction
Projects – order of priority fixed (update when
Rural Access Programme
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DTMP Influence on ARAMP Contd.
Unit Costs for Improvement/New
Construction Projects – review and update
Financial Resources – expected sources,
amounts and any discretional allocations
Traffic Volume Data – update/refine if

Rural Access Programme

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DTMP Preparation
 The structure of the DTMP should be as follows:
 Chapter 1 - A written introduction to the district
 Chapter 2 - A description of the current road network
in the district and the selection of the DRCN roads
 Chapter 3 - The listing of the required interventions in
each of the DRCN roads (also called the District
Transport Perspective Plan (DTPP))
 Chapter 4 - The cost estimation for the interventions
identified in the DTPP
 Chapter 5 - The ranking of these interventions
according to priority
 Chapter 6 - The actual definition of the District
Transport Master Plan (DTMP) for the DRCN for the
next 5 years

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7 Steps for DTMP Preparation
1. Introduction 2. District Road 3. DTPP
to the District Inventory • List all identified
• Should not exceed • Present results of interventions reqd. to
1 page general road inventory bring DRCN to, and
• General data on by road type (strategic maintain at an all-
district (from step roads, urban roads, rural weather standard and
2F) roads) and surface type any new construction
• Include map (blacktop, gravel, required to complete
earthen) and the road the DRCN
inventory map • Include DTPP map –
• Describe process to DRCN map with
identify the DRCN works to be
• List the final DRCN conducted identified
roads on each section of
• Include DRCN map road

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7 Steps for DTMP Preparation
4. Cost Estimation 5. Ranking 6. DTMP 7. DTMP
• Conservation: multiply •Ranking •Determine Approval
length of roads based on cost interventions •Present to
requiring conservation per capita to be carried DTICC, DDC,
by relevant standard out based on and District
cost estimated Council
• Improvement: multiply budget •A letter of
standard costs by •Determine % approval from
intervention lengths of budget the LDO is
and volumes available for included as
• New construction: DRCN (min the foreword
multiply standard 80%) to the DTMP
costs by the estimated •Finalise Report
new construction DTMP map

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Common Errors/Limitations
Errors (31 DTMPs reviewed):
 Partial maintenance coverage
 Sprinkling funds over several roads
 Not following maintenance – improvement –
new construction (philosophy)
 Changing the DRCN
Limitations / Inaccuracies:
 Budget Prediction (funds to be received)
 Costs (average prices / average demands)

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Practical Exercises
1. Typical DRCN:
‘How many apparently unnecessary roads or
contradictions with procedure would you expect
to see discussed in the Report’?

2. Typical DTMP Implementation Report:

‘Identify the various issues with this report that
would need amending or explaining in the report
text’ (calculators not necessary!)

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