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St. Anthony’s College

San Jose, Antique

Hand outs in Leadership Development 3



 PASTORAL - indicates that is has something to do with the duties and work of a man who
fills the office of pastor in a church; it is concerned with giving of spiritual guidance.
 The precise definition of the term ‘pastoral’ is open to considerable debate. Some, for
example, claim simply that “Pastoral care is that aspect of the ministry of the Church which
is concerned with the well-being of individuals and communities.”
 According to them pastoral care is “directed towards the healing, sustaining, guiding,
and reconciling of troubled persons whose troubles arise in the context of ultimate
meanings and concerns.”
 WESLEY CARR observes that the word ‘pastoral’ is a word against which little can be said
and which should sound warning bells because of its often pejorative use.
 All of the leadership activities of the Christian shepherd occur within a given
organizational framework: the visible church of the Lord Jesus Christ. While there is
plenty of room for individualization by congregations, and for the use of personal
gifts among the members of those congregations, nevertheless all such variety occurs
within a basic, given structure ordained, built and maintained by Christ Himself. That
church is an organic entity that manifests itself in this world through a visible
structure that, for its maintenance, requires planning, organization and rule.


 according to him: “Leadership is one of the most observed and least understood
phenomena on earth.”
 No wonder today’s leaders are unsure how they measure up. There are too many
standards to meet.
 “Leadership over human beings is exercised when persons with certain motives and
purposes mobilize, in competition or conflict with others, institutional, political,
psychological, and other resources so as to arouse, engage, and satisfy the motives of


 “Leadership is the process of persuasion or example by which an individual (or
leadership team) induces a group to pursue objectives held by a leader or shared by the
leader and his or her followers.” John W. Gardner, On Leadership.
 “Leadership is influence, the ability of one person to influence others.” Oswald Sanders,
Spiritual Leadership.
 “A Christian leader is someone who is called by God to lead; leads with and through
Christlike character; and demonstrates the functional competencies that permit effective
leadership to take place.” George Barna, Leaders on Leadership.
 “The central task of leadership is influencing God’s people toward God’s purposes .”
 In his book, “The Making of a Leader’” Robert Clinton’s definition encompasses the
spiritual nature of leadership in that God’s people are led toward God’s purposes.
 Spiritual leaders can lead those who are not God’s people as well as those who are.
Christian leadership is not restricted to within church walls but is equally effective in the
 Pastoral leadership must be and can be effective. A thorough understanding of Scripture
is important at this point. There must be a proper application and implementation of
Scriptural principles.

I. Effective pastoral leadership is AUTHORITATIVE

 Being authoritative is not the same as being dictatorial. Leadership is an essential
dimension of pastoral ministry—it should not be treated lightly.
 A pastor must know what he is doing, where he is going and why. Otherwise, intelligent
people will not have confidence in him and will not follow him very far.

II. Effective pastoral leadership is SPIRITUAL

 Being Spirit-filled and being Spirit-led are also essential and important qualities for
pastoral leadership.
 The pastor of a local church must realize that the spiritual life of the church is closely
geared to that of its pastor.
 The pastor is the minister of Christ; therefore his ministry should center in the person and
work of Christ whose character he must demonstrate.
 The shepherd or pastor of a local church is to be an example for the flock which God has
given him. His source of power is from God Who called him and not the result of his
personality or his ability to manipulate.
 The pastor must always lead with love. There is no room for cruelty or force. He must not
perform his duties in an arrogant manner nor rule the church with tyranny. He is not to
have a highhanded, autocratic rule; yet he must be the leader.

III. Effective pastoral leadership is SACRIFICIAL

 No calling requires more wisdom and grace than that of the pastor.
 He must work with people of different temperaments and do so under varied
circumstances. It must be established, however, that a pastor is not simply a “hired man.”
Pastor and people must recognize the God-given position which belongs to the pastor.
The source of his authority is God Himself; therefore the pastor ought to receive
appropriate respect.

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