Adventure Site - The Chapel of Blood

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Per Holmström

Per Gradin


Per Holmström

Marcus Liverholm

Ludwig Öst, Thomas Karlsson, Martin Schoeps, Peter Rönnmo

This product was created under license. Forbidden Lands and its logo, are trademarks of Fria Ligan AB.

This work contains material that is copyright © Fria Ligan AB and/or other authors. Some artwork copyright William
McAusland and Per Gradin. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Free
League Workshop.

All other original material in this work is copyright © 2020 by Per Holmström and published under the Community
Content Agreement for Free League Workshop.

Thank you for taking the time to read this regards of your players skills of avoiding the
adventure. This adventure site started as a traps. As always with enemies and traps it is
random encounter in our campaign where the important that you balance this, so it works for
four adventurers explore the area around the your groups play style.
village of Greyvale (from The Mists of My group spent about three-four sessions
Moorshire adventure site). This cave was getting through this adventure site. The
created to get more depth regarding the god struggled with the traps, coming up with clever
Rust. It was also a challenge for the players. It solutions to get past them. The dungeon has
is very much inspired by the old Swedish classic two levels, the ground level that has a few orcs
RPG, Drakar och Demoner, and Pathfinder. and a lot of undead, and the lower, that has
monsters. I will never forget how my players
IF YOU ARE A PLAYER escaped the lower caves in panic – chased by a
STOP READING NOW! massive abyss worm!
(unless you want spoilers) At the end of the module you will find
handouts to the players. The colour books are
In this adventure site I wanted to explore how written in Swedish, but the two black and white
rust brothers gather knowledge regarding texts contain the same information. They can
demons and human souls. I did this for myself also be found here in higher resolution:
and my players, to give more depth to the rust
brotherhood. The adventure site is a small
dungeon with some nice lore and interesting /AAAFWZeT5enrHSQrWsxkSnhMa?dl=0
monsters. The adventures found a dead rust
brother outside the cave and decided to enter. I hope you will have as much fun with this
As they entered the ante chamber, they heard adventure site as we did! Please let me know on
voices behind the door. the forums, or Facebook group if you enjoyed
The players can run into a proper challenge it.
if they do not get passed the traps. It is
important that you as the GM is prepared in Best regards,

Per – with players



BACKGROUND was ready to abandon them as he never

succeeded in replacing the soul without major
During the age of the Blood Mist, the Rust consequences for the body. Ferentus decided
Brothers moved about Ravenland as they that it was time to go out into the Forbidden
sought fit, spreading the conviction of Rust, Lands to seek help. While visiting the town of
erecting holy places for their god. One of these Ärenhem he met a sorcerer named Eqirax,
holy places is the Chapel of Blood. It was who’s primary studies into the art of magic were
created by Brother Ferentus, over 200 years death magic and demons. Eqirax was born and
ago. The chapel was created as a haven for the raised in Ärenhem. The villagers had a firm
humans and half-blood that did not have a belief in Raven – the false god, hated by the rust
home to stay in during the night. The chapel brothers. The priests and druids in the village
was built in the cellar of an abandoned fort and har mastered blood magic and death magic.
thus protected from the Blood Mist. A dozen They had learnt the ways of eternal life by using
rust brothers, and a couple of Iron guards were the blood from humanoids and trolls. Choosing
stations in the chapel. Ferentus also made sure to ignore the villager’s false belief in Raven,
to uphold the tradition of blood sacrifice to Ferentus decided to stay.
Rust. In doing this, Ferentus got the urge to
gain more from the sacrifice, other than to ***
please his god. This led to the beginning of his
studies into replacing souls of bodies that were Many years before the visit of Ferentus,
sacrifice, as a means of preserving the body. He Ärenhem was visited by the elf Ciyradyl, a
began experimenting on the sacrifices, with the sorceress with great powers. She taught Eqirax
goal of replacing the soul with the essence of a about demons and the portals to their home -
demon. These experiments lasted for years. He


Churmog. She called these portals nexus.
Eqirax became obsessed with this world and
made a deal with Ciyradyl. In exchange for her THE CHAPEL’S DESIGN
creating a portal to Churmog in her home, The chapel lies underground
Eqirax would help find servants for her. A few and has bricked stone walls.
years later, Eqirax would find hidden portals The floor is made of stone and
throughout Ravenland, and would use these to the ceiling height is about 2
traverse most of the Forbidden lands. This was meters all over, unless stated
his way of avoiding the Blood Mist. With these otherwise.
portals, he was no longer dependent on Ciyradyl
to discover Churmog. At first, he was
mesmerized by the world of demons. But in
time his travels put fear into his soul as he saw metal was later used to construct the urns that
the demons in their true form. This led to the would contain the souls. To bind the soul of a
decision to stay in Ärenhem. Many years later, demon, they had to transport he humanoid soul
he would be visited by Ferentus. through Churmog. After this, the body would
be embalmed and stored. The chapel was
*** expanded, and a tomb was built. Behind the
tomb, the heart of the chapel was built. It was
When Ferentus met Eqirax in the village of named the chamber of souls.
Ärenhem and learnt about his knowledge, his Between the tomb and the chamber of
interest peaked. At first the two men could not souls, a massive stone door was put into place.
agree on anything since Eqirax was a believer in Eqirax was tasked with securing the all the
Raven while Ferentus had dedicated his life to doors leading into the tomb and the chamber of
Rust. Despite their differences they spent many souls. He had stone faces made on the doors
nights together, discussing religion in an that would act as guardians. To enter the tomb,
attempt to understand each other better. Eqirax a fire had to be put into the mouth of a face, and
had a genuine interest in Ferentus failed success to enter the chamber of souls, all you had to do
with capturing souls. He convinced Ferentus was to remove the gemstone already placed in
that he had let go of his old faith – pledging his the door. There were three slots in the door. In
life to Rust. Ferentus failed to see through this order to close it the gemstone needed to be put
disguise and let Eqirax follow him back to the back into place. If two or three gemstones were
chapel. Impressed by the creations of Ferentus, in the door, the dead would awake and attack.
Eqirax began his work by his side. Ferentus and Eqirax both knew that whoever
Both Ferentus and Eqirax got increase- saw this lock would think that they needed to
ingly more paranoid with the progression of put gemstones into it in order to open it.
their research. They decided to take Hence, they always made sure a stone was in
precautions, to prevent others from stealing place. They had a total of five stone made and
their knowledge, to stop anyone from entering hid them throughout the chapel. The principle
their domain. Thus, the chapel was reinforced was the same form the inside of the chamber -
with traps in every corner and every door. no matter where the gemstone is, the door
During this time, Ferentus made a discovery remains locked. A few years later, Eqirax bound
that would solve the problem of properly a soul to the face of the chamber. The owner of
storing the souls. A strange black metal was the soul was his old friend Uziprix, known for
extracted in the caves beneath the chapel. This his sarcasm. He was told to only to give passage


to the people who could make him say “Raven”.
Uziprix had limited intelligence in this state.
To anger Ferentus and show his true religion, The chapel is filled with traps. A group of orcs
Eqirax told Uziprix to always ask Ferentus what has claimed it as their own. They are led by the
the password was. As Ferentus would answer sorcerer Urgur. The previous owners are dead,
“Raven…”, Uziprix would smile, laugh and say, their bodies locked in the chamber next to the
“The one true god my dear Ferentus”. tomb – protected by 20 or so undead.
At first, Ferentus did not care for this
mockery but with time he grew more and more
angered. This anger lead to hate and he decided GETTING HERE
to lock Eqirax in the chamber of souls. One
morning as they would perform their daily The chapel is not that hard to find. Maybe they
rituals, Ferentus said that he had forgot stumble upon it, in which case they might need
something in the barracks. While leaving he put to feel that something this heavily guarded has
a gemstone on the outside of the door. Eqirax a lot of treasure. Perhaps someone is looking for
was too busy to notice what was happening, the two books that Ferentus and Eqirax wrote
heard Uziprix’s scream. The scream would or the artefact helmet (Ixiadons helmet) and is
summon five wraiths ascending from the floor, willing to pay a handsome fee for it, letting the
forcing Ferentus back into the chamber as the adventurers keep all the loot except the two
door was closed behind him. Both Ferentus and books and the helmet. There might be rumour
Eqirax were now locked in the chamber, with no of a black metal with magical effects that can be
escape. None of the other rust brothers or iron mined from the caves beneath the chapel – a
guards knew the password, and Uziprix was blacksmith might pay good for that metal.
determined not to let them know it.
The chapel was abandoned a few years
after the incident as the remaining rust THE CHAPEL
brothers took on more important tasks. Today,
all that remains of the two men are their dried A. THE ANTE CHAMBER
bodies in the chamber of souls. Recently a The forest leads you up on the hill,
group of orcs stumbled upon the chapel and where you see the ruins of a keep. Next
took the liberty to examine this site. They got to you is a stone stairwell leading into
past most of the traps and decided to make this a cave. The cave is damp, two
chapel their home. One of the orcs was a stalagmites stand on each side of the
sorcerer named Urgur. Seeing the potential of room. Between them, a doorway with a
the chapel, he decided to protect it even more massive wooden door framed in steel.
by creating an illusion of a battle in the dining On the other side a loud conversation
hall. This illusion is made to looks like orcs are can be heard. The voices sound like orc.
attacking who ever enters the dining hall, while
others are carrying a chest across the room. The The door is the main entrance to the chapel.
goal of the illusion is to lure the enemies into The voices are from the three orcs that are
the traps already placed in the dining hall when fighting over a sword they found. Every one of
he arrived. them wants the sword, but they cannot come to
an agreement on who should have it. The dialog
is simple.


Grognak: "But it is my sword! I paid five silver This makes Grognak angry. He throws a stone
for it!" into the wall and screams. With decisive steps
he walks towards the door, unlocking it with his
Hur-Agur: "Yes, you did. I killed the human key and storms out into the ante chamber. If
pig, so it belongs to me! " the adventurers haven’t already made their way
into the sacrificial chamber (B), they will run
Mott-Akka: "You got his shield and helmet, so into the orcs at this point. The door is locked
it is not more than right that I get the sword!” with a Knuckelbach 300, a well-known lock
amongst anyone with an interest in locks. To
Grognak: "Fine… fine. Let’s throw rock over unlock it you need to pass a HARD (-2) roll
who get is. Most pips get the sword." against SLEIGHT OF HAND. All
Knuckelbach 300 are provided with a spike trap
They begin a game of dice, competing for the that shoots out through a hole in the lock if the
sword. After a few minutes Mott-Akka wins. lock is forced or lock picked. Only with a key can


you bypass the trap. Grognak the Orc has the a chamber beneath (the chamber is no longer
key. The adventurers need to sneak to avoid accessible as it has collapsed). The orc Hur-
detection while in the ante chamber. If the lock Agur likes to keep it tidy and clean. He has tried
is picked, the trap will spring and the orcs will to remove the blood from their fight. This
react fast, drawing weapons. room is well preserved by the orcs as they want
people to be scared when they enter. The sight
✥ TRAPS: Spike trap in the door. With a loud of Rust will scare most people as they know the
click a springy feather shoots out from the rust church is dangerous.
door. With it, a 12 cm nail. The adventurer
must roll MOVE or take 1 damage in ✥ TRAPS: The door to the west (B-C) has
STRENGHT as the nail penetrates the two traps in it:
hand (or eye as they investigate the lock). ✥ Trapdoor: When the handle is turned, a
catch in the floor opens a trap door and the
adventurer falls into a hole, 6 meters deep.
B. SACRIFICIAL CHAMBER Attack with 4 dice, each $ does 1 damage
The room is rectangular in shape with polished to strength, metal armour give no save.
stone walls. The floor is in smooth rock and is ✥ Guillotine: As the door opens more than
well used. Time has taken its toll on the floor as two thirds a guillotine falls done from the
it is littered with cracks. The sound of dripping ceiling after a second. This trap is always
water from the ceiling alongside the dancing sprung if the door is opened.
shadows from the torches creates a mystical
feeling. On the other side from you, a small stair The door to the east (B-E) is locked but can
leads to a platform with an alcove in the wall. be lock picked as usual. Grognak’s key
On top of the platform stands a massive stone unlocks it.
altar. Two braziers light up the room, standing
next to the stairs. In the two northern corners ✥ CREATURES: Grognak, Mott-Akka and
you see large statues in the image of Rust. The Hur-Agur.
eastern wall looks like it was recently partially
cleaned with soap and water before someone
gave up. A wooden bucket with a brush sits on
the floor. The ceiling is high, almost 4 meters.
There are two doors leading east and west. The
west door has metal details representing two
men in robes watching over the chamber. In
their hands they are holding sceptres. The
sceptres look like they are made of gold. The
eastern door is simple. Both doors are made of
wood with metal framing.

In the room there are two doors. One east and

one west. An altar stands on the platform, and C. HALLWAY
two statues that resemble rust in the northern The hallway is dark and has a strange smell. A
corners. The altar is made of stone and has a crank is attached to the right wall, next to the
small cavity in the middle. The cavity has a hole door you came through. At the end of the
inside it that leads down through the altar into


hallway you see another door. The floor is made caused by the Golem when it was waking on the
up of unevenly shaped stone tiles. Some look floor. The stairs leading down are slippery and
newer than others. There is no light here except is covered in lichens and fungi. Anyone who
for the light entering from the sacrificial walks faster than walking speed must pass a
chamber. The ceiling is no more than 2 meters. MOVE roll to not fall and slide downwards.

The hallway leads to a room to the west. The

traps are there to prevent others from accessing THE GOLEM AWAKENS: If anyone goes
the caves below. As there was still a value in near the southern pillar and examines it for half
accessing the caves, they did not permanently a minute or more, they hear stone crushing
seal off this area. The crank in the wall resets the against each other. Two arms and legs come out
trap door and guillotine n the door to the east of the pillar that completely changes shape into
(B-C). The smell is caused by the fungus a three-meter-tall humanoid. This is a Golem
growing in the floor. An adventurer might of Rust, defending the staircase. This golem will
notice that these white thick mycelia pulsate follow the adventurers all the way down to the
when they step on the floor. The door to the first room in the caverns below. It will remain
west (C-D) has no obvious handle and is opened in the staircase and wait for a while before
by pressing a rock in the wall to the right of the returning up again.
door. A HARD (-2) SCOUTING roll will
reveal this. When someone steps on the old ✥ CREATURES: Golem of Rust
stone tiles in the floor, they will sink down a few
centimetres without any effect. This is a trap
that is broken. E. HALLWAY


The door opens into a hallway that is about five
The door opens into a dark room. Only the light meters long. A torch is burning on the left wall,
from your torches light up the room. The floor casting shadows that gives a feeling that
is level, flat and well-polished. As you step into something is wrong here. The door at the end
the room you see two round stone columns to of the hallway is made of stone, encased in a
the left and right. Both have intricate runic sturdy metal frame.
symbols etched into them. A few meters in you
find a staircase leading down. The ceiling is The door is not locked, but to avoid triggering
high, up to four meters. the trap, the handle must be turned a quarter
counter clockwise. If it is turned clockwise
The stairwell leads to the caves under the (normal use) the trap will spring.
chapel. The room oozes of magic. The southern
column is a Golem and will activate when ✥ TRAPS: Floor trap. The door at the end is
someone gets close to it. If the adventurers trapped. The entire floor falls like a ramp
investigate the column, they can see distinct from the hallway entrance, towards this
scratches in the floor, from the column towards door. The adventurer slides down beneath
the staircase, as if someone has dragged the door if she fails a roll against MOVE.
something and scratched the stone. The runes She falls into the cave below, into a small
on the pillars look like different variations of room (The Caves beneath – corridor H).
the rune for Rust and Heme. There are also
smaller cracks in the floor. This has all been


There, a young Abyss Worm grows hungry
and wants to feed. ✥ TREASURE: There are 2 rations of
vegetables and 3 rations of meat (this is not
cooked and will go bad within a day). There
are 2 resource die of torches, a spade, a
broken hatchet and a knife. There is also
material like wood, rocks and iron. If the
adventurers are missing something
common and simple, they can most
probably find it here. It is up to the GM to

As the door slides open, the stench of death
F. HALLWAY rolls over you. The room is dim as the dust in
On the walls there are mostly empty sconces. In the air darkens your torches. On the floor are
the East part of the hallway a torch is burning two overturned and broken statues. And
but looks like it will burnout at any second. between them you see a pile of rotting bodies.
There are three doors - north, south, and east. At the end of the room are a few steps leading
The door straight ahead (east) is ajar. The floor up to a platform. On top is a battered stone
is dirty and there are distinct footprints table. The room is very alike the room you first
between the southern, western and north doors. entered in the complex.
All doors are made of stone.
The room is a chapel to rust and has been
The door to the north (F-G) is unlocked and abandoned for a long time. This was the first
leads to the storage room. The door to the east chamber used in the experiments by Ferentus.
(F-H) is ajar. The door to the south (F-I) has a The orcs who claimed this underground
trap (see descriptor on room I). complex has destroyed the statues and the
sacrificial altar. The bodies on the floor is their
latest victims and they are roughly a week old.
G. STORAGE ROOM What the orc do not know is that the magic in
this room has brought the bodies back to life.
The floor is covered with clutter as if someone They are restless dead and are waiting for
has a fight in here. Aside from all the clutter and someone to accidentally awaken them. If
junk you see a sparsely filled storage. A few anyone disturbs the bodies, they will come to
barrels and boxes are spread across the room. As life and attack. The bodies have clothes on
you look to the western wall, you notice a shelf them, but nothing of value.
filled with metal rods and other half-finished
things. ✥ CREATURES: Five restless undead.

This room is used a storage by the orcs. They

use it a lot. It is difficult to move here and is a I. DINING HALL
long action in combat. To move as a short
action the person needs to pass a HARD (-2) The smell of food, dust and sweat fills the room.
MOVE check (this roll is not an action). The furniture is worn, and one table is


overturned. Chairs and tables are spread out all K. KITCHEN
over the room, and on the tables are old plates
A well-used kitchen is covered in grease and fat.
and cutlery. Two braziers are attached to the
Blood from killed animals adorns one of the
east and west walls, burning. The east wall has
tables. Someone recently cooked food here, you
two openings that used to be beautifully
can tell because the room has a thick greasy haze
ornated arches, leading into another room. To
from the cooking. There is leftover food on the
the south is a closed door. The ceiling is high,
table, but it does not look inviting.
about four meters, giving the room an open
There is enough food to cover all adventurers
daily need for food. There are also three
This is the chapels dining room. To the right is
resource dice worth of trail rations them to
a latrine, and a simple well. Behind that you find
take. There are barrels filled with wine.
the kitchen. The furniture is made of wood and
one of them has a burn marks on top. The walls
are covered in sot as the braziers burn, but also L. HALLWAY
because of the fire trap.
This hallway is dull and unexciting. The walls
✥ TRAP: When the north door (F-I) is are smooth and simple. Before you, a short
opened without speaking the power word staircase leads up to a door with a gigantic stone
‘Burzum’, the illusion activates. The door face on it. The face smirks at you with its open
has a simple latch so it can be locked from mouth. The door itself does not seem to have
the dining room. The door handle is a knob. any handles or locks. On the wall is a brazier,
See “Fictional Enemies” for details on the emptied of coal, with a lid on top. On your left
trap. side you see yet another door.

J. LATRINE The eastern door (L-M) leads into the barracks

and is easy to open. The hinges are well greased
Two wooden doors are closely positioned next as the orcs sleep in this hall and use the door
to each other. The smell of something rotten is frequently. Nothing is more annoying than a
emanating from the two rooms in front of you. squeaky door.
Behind one of the doors you hear a deep snore. The southern door (L-N) leads into the
Behind you a beautiful well carved from white tomb. In order to open the door, you need to
stone creates an interesting contrast to the put fire into the mouth of the face.
smell. The water is almost dried up. Next to the
well is a bucked, attached to the wall with a long As the fire enters the mouth, read the
rope. following; The mouth catches on fire and the
flames spreads through the face. The eyes start
This is the latrine. The orc Urgur is sleeping,
to smoulder and burn! The room lights up as
trying to get rid of his intoxication. He is still
the fire spreads through a groove in the west
drunk, having had too much wine the night
wall. The lid of the brazier shoots open as a
before. There are five rations of water in the
flame erupts inside it. You feel the room
tremble as the mechanism that opens the door
✥ CREATURES: Urgur the orc.
✥ TREASURE: Rope, 10 meters.


A guttural scream echoes throughout the dining hall! The southern wall has several
window-like openings facing the dining hall. Next to them, a door. You see orcs moving
in the darkness on the other side of the openings as arrows comes shooting towards the
door you just opened!

This is a complex illusion created by the orc Urgur. In order to disarm the trap, the door must be
opened while speaking the power word “Burzum”. If it is opened in any other way, the trap is
sprung. The trap can partially be destroyed by breaking the arrow shooters. The northern door
leading into the dining hall will close automatically, slowly. The shadows cannot be harmed as it
is just an illusion. If the adventurers strike them, nothing really happens as there is nothing but a
wall there.


Round 1: The orc captain gives a loud order in the common tongue to attack. “We must
defend the gold!” he screams. Four orcs take shelter in the room and shoot arrows towards
you as two more scuttle from the southern door towards the openings in the wall to the

Round 2: One of the orcs falls, as if dead. The captain and three others shoot arrows
towards you.

Round 3: A second orc falls, only to be instantly replaced by a shaman that erupts from a
dark haze in the room behind the openings. He waves his hands in the air as a flame strikes
from him straight towards you!

Round 4: The captain looks hurt and tries to fall back deeper into the room. The two orcs
come back from the kitchen, weighed down with a large, heavy, wooden chest, slowly
moving toward the southern door.

Round 5+: The shaman casts the flame ever other round and the orcs continue to shoot
without getting hurt.

Round 10: The trap ends. After 10 minutes the trap is reset.

If the trap is sprung yet again, this script will be played through again in an identical




Arrows Every round of combat, arrows shoot out from The arrows will hit three
well-hidden holes in the south wall. Attack with randomly chosen adventurers
five Base Dice, Weapon that are on the other side of the
Damage 1, stab wound. room, if they are standing
alongside the north wall or in the
door opening. The arrows can fly
to the end of the hallway F.

Fire Attack with seven Base Dice, Weapon Damage The fire strikes everyone who is
1, untyped. If damaged, the adventurer will standing alongside the north
continue to take the same amount of damage wall or in the door opening.
as first rolled, until a successful MOVE roll is
made. An adventurer that is broken by the fire
will become unconscious and dies if the
damage reaches the adventurers negative

starts to turn. Slowly but surely the door opens Someone has etched a rhyme into the wall. This
upwards, into the ceiling. Air shoots out from is something Eqirax wrote a night when he tried
the chamber on the other side, bringing with it to figure out how to create the face to the
a foul stench. As the door is fully engulfed by chamber of souls, and at the same time leave a
the ceiling, the flames die out. The lid on the clue to the password (Raven), in case he would
brazier closes with a loud metallic bang. forget.

The door closes automatically after one minute There once was a man that the gods gave a plan
or so. He screamed and cried as he held on to pride
Towards the village where his house was full of rouse
Honour is great in the in the village of late
M. BARRACKS With a church that rise where the raven flies
Four bunk beds take up most of the space in this It is as dark as the night, said the cat with fright
room. Along each end of the bed is a footlocker. -Eqirax
A desk is positioned tightly in the north west
corner. The wood is old and sturdy. Along the ✥ TREASURE: The footlockers contain the
walls are shelves filled with junk and perhaps following - Lantern (4D6 copper), simple
something of value. red gemstone (6D6 copper), hammer, saw,
lute, fine green gemstone (6D6 silver),
The table has no drawers, but an empty silver cup (2D6 silver), silver ring (3D6
parchment with a dried-out quill lies next to it.



silver), bottle of good wine (drinking it will
restore one point of EMPATHY) This is the tomb where Eqirax and Ferentus
would gather and keep the bodies that their
✥ TREASURE: The shelves – A short sword experiments needed. A day’s march away from
with a weird smell. An open helmet with the chapel lies a hidden nexus they used to move
strange inscriptions (this is the Helmet of the bodies to Churmog and then back to the
Ixiadon, small shield, leather armour (small table in the embalming room (Q). There the
human size). bodies would be prepared and moved to the
tomb. In the embalmment process, the soul
would be collected and saved in a special urn,
N. TOMB that was later stored in the chamber of souls
As you enter the tomb, the first thing you see (O). The soul would then be replaced with
demon from Churmog. The braziers are lit with
are two brazier that burn with a strange magical
magical light that never goes out. To get
flame on the wall to the west. The wall to the
east is made up of metal rods from roof to floor. through the portcullis two keys are needed. It
can be lifted with a HARD (-2) roll against
In the middle of the wall, between two stone
MIGHT, but the adventurer will lose the grip
pillars, stands a massive portcullis. This giant
hall looks like it is filled with alcoves on the after two rounds unless they find a way to lock
the portcullis in place. The braziers by the stairs
walls. As you look through the portcullis you
can be lit with a torch. If it is lit, the three
notice three levels of alcoves, each with a dried
body the size of a human. You are standing in further down will also light up as oil is spread
out to lead the fire towards them. There is a
the upper part of the hall. A wide set of stone
total of 24 alcoves, but only 20 of them have
stairs leads down into the tomb. On each side of
the stairs stand two massive braziers. In the bodies in them. The bodies look treated,
embalmed. Four pillars adorn the walls with
darkness that is the tomb, you can see a row of
unpleasant reliefs depicting demons in all sorts
braziers. Only the two braziers behind you are
burning. of strange forms.



of the embalmed bodies awaken. Ten of them
At the end of the tomb you find a massive stone are undead creatures. This is due to a failed soul
door. The door is adorned with a dried-up transfer process. Three are demons. The
bloody handprint, the size of a man. A stone remaining seven remain asleep and can be used
face is protruding the door, its eyes and mouth by the GM as demons or undead if needed.
closed. There is no handle and no lock of any
kind. There is however, three small holes in the ✥ CREATURES: Ten Embalmed Undead,
door. In one of the holes is a small green three Embalmed Demons, The face of
gemstone. Above the door you can read a worn Uziprix.
text that reads "The password is…". Below the
door lies a dirty green gemstone.
In order to activate the locking mechanism, the
Slowly the massive door opens towards you.
adventurers will need to remove all the
Behind is lies the dried up remains of a body,
gemstones from the door. If two or more dressed in a black robe. The clothing looks like
gemstones are placed in the holes, the undead
something a rust brother would wear. The body
will awaken (see “The undead awakens”). When
is on its back in front of a stone table, clinging
all the gems are removed, the face comes to life to a book and a black cylinder-shaped urn that
with a whimper and yawn (see “The face
gleams with a foggy gold mixed with black fog.
awakens”). The face is Uziprix who has been
The room has round walls, next to them are
asleep since everyone died or fled the chapel.
four pillars. Looking further, you see a second
chamber. The first chamber has hundreds of
To exit the Tomb, there is a simple mechanism
small alcoves in its round walls. At least twenty
on the inside of the northern and southern
of them are filled with cylinders, just like the
door. All they need to do is to use the crank on
one the body is holding. On the other side of the
the door and it will open. It stays open for about
stone table you find yet another body! This one
a minute before it falls back down and closes. is also clinging on to a book. The body is dressed
in a dark blue hooded robe that has lost most of
its vibrant colour over the years as it is dusty
”Oh... I must have slumbered.” - slowly the and covered in blood. On the floor next to the
face opens its eyes, yawning – “Ah I see you are
body lies a green gemstone. The second
not Eqirax or Ferentus… what do you want?”. chamber is square shaped and is adorned by two
magnificent sarcophagi.
The door has a simple consciousness but cannot
be manipulated with the help of magic. To
In this room they would store the souls in
enter, the adventurers must have the face to say cylinders made from the black metal that can be
the password "Raven". If it does, the door
mined under the chapel. The metal is
opens. Let the players figure this out by talking
reminiscent of gold but softer. It has a foggy
to the door. If they fail, let them ‘remember’ gleam and is mixed with a black colour (gold and
that they read a rhyme on a wall earlier in the
black). Eqirax and Ferentus died of starvation
chapel (it is carved in the wall above the table in
here. They could not get out. The books tell the
the barracks). story of how they met but also some of their
continued notes. They kept writing until the
end. The sarcophagi each has a body of an iron
more gems are inserted into the door, thirteen guard, places there by Ferentus and Eqirax.



Both their souls are locked inside the bodies.
They are considered Death Knights but has yet
to awake. If the undead have not awoken yet,
they will awaken as soon as these two Death
Knights are defeated.

The door leading south opens as it shakes and
creaks. Infront of you a small staircase leads
down a few steps into a hallway that has
collapsed at the end. To the left, a door stands The ghosts are almost completely transparent
ajar. and difficult to see. They don't seem to notice
the adventurers as they gather around the stone
This hallway would lead further into the chapel, table. They raise their hands up in the air and
but it has collapsed long ago. The door to the raise a ghostly body on the table. Several
tomb (P-N) is identical with the northern door scenarios can now be played out:
and will close automatically after a minute. To
open, they need to put a flame into the mouth. ✥ If the adventurers attack the ghosts
nothing happens unless they attack with
Q. EMBALMING ROOM the gold dagger. If so, all five will
materialize into physical forms - they are
The door opens into a room with three large now restless dead guardians.
alcoves on each side. The craftmanship of the
masonry in the alcoves is amazing. Made from
✥ If the adventurers let the ritual play
a black rock that gives of a smooth shimmer
through, they will notice that the ghostly
from the light of your torch. In the alcoves you
body slowly materialize and gets covered in
find both broken and whole urns, rubbish from
cloth and rags. The body starts to dry out
broken shelves, stone and gravel from the roof
and the organs gets stored in an urn that the
and walls that started falling apart over time.
ghosts are carrying. As soon as the ritual is
On the shelf on wall at the other end,
complete, the ghost return to the alcoves,
something gives of pretty a glimmer. In the
disappearing, and the body vanishes. The
middle of the room is a large stone table.
body is now a demon creature inside the
This was the embalming room. It is still active
✥ If the adventurers try to attack the body
but only activated when someone passes
while it is materialized, it will awaken and
through one of Eqirax's portals in the forgotten
attack the players. The ghosts will disappear
lands. On the shelf is a gold dagger and a gold
into darkness of the alcoves.
plate. They are used as ritual objects in
embalming. This dagger can also be used to
The adventurers are never in danger as long as
materialize the guardians in the room.
they do not touch anything.
✥ TREASURE: Golden dagger (3D6 gold
short while in the room, preferably after
coins), plate of gold (3D6 gold coins).
someone has taken the gold dagger, five ghosts,
dressed in black robes, emerge from the alcoves. ✥ CREATURES: Five restless dead
guardians and Embalmed demon.



The hallway is slanting downwards. The walls
A. CAVE and floor are damp and looks like it has been
shaped by years of running water. Moss grows
The stairwell goes on forever as it leads down
in the ceiling you notice, as it hits your face as
into a damp cave. Several large white funguses
you walk. As you reach the end of the hallway
are growing alongside the western wall. To the
you gaze into a gigantic chamber. Standing on a
left you see a massive wooden door, filled with
ledge, several meters form the bottom of the
nails. The door is in such back shape, it looks
chamber, you see a broken ladder. To jump
like someone tried to repair it – with nails! A
down means falling five meters. The ledge is
narrow opening lead further south.
filled with pointy rocks – stalagmites you recall.
The sound of running water echoes here. A
The fungus is alive and is attracted to heat.
faint blurry green and blue light is created by
After a minute or two they will awake and move
the fungus growing on the walls and floors.
towards the adventurers. They will try to
Through this haze you see a massive natural
penetrate them with their mycelium through
pillar in the middle of the cave.
the nose and mouth. After that they will use
digestive enzymes to damage the insides of the
To get down they can jump and take an attack
creature. Let this happen at the same time as
of 3 base dice (blunt damage, metal armour does
someone is investigating the storage room.
not apply, see page 113 of the players handbook),
or tie a rope around any of the stalagmites and
✥ CREATURES: Six White Hat Fungus
climb down.
The door almost falls off its hinges as it opens.
Water is runs down the west wall, creating a
This room looks like a collapsed storage room.
small natural pool. As you get town to the floor
A skeleton sit against the razed wall. In his right
of the chamber you notice that the you have
hand you see a bottle, and in the left, something
stepped on a few dark fungi. The floor the
chamber fills with a mist, making it impossible
for you to see where you put your feet.
This was the storage for the pickaxes and other
equipment the servants would use to excavate
The mist created by the fungi stays for hours.
the mineral found deeper in the cave system. If
These fungi cover large areas of the chamber
anyone tries to take the bottle or shiny object,
and will spew gas every now and then. The
the skeleton rises to life and attacks.
chamber is old and natural, and partially dug by
an abyss worm. There is a large hole in the floor
✥ TREASURE: One bottle of alcohol (D8
behind the pillar that cannot be seen due to the
rations), a red gemstone (6D6 silver).
mist. The hole is about eight meters deep
✥ CREATURES: One skeleton.
(falling damage, 6 base die, metal armour does





not apply) but can easily be climbed. The hole another cave. This cave has a massive
has several orifices on each side, large enough stalagmite in the middle. You can feel a stronger
for a human to crawl through. They look dug wind here. The stalagmite almost reaches the
out. A young abyss worm lives down here and ceiling and has a circumference of a few meters.
will attack if the adventurers stays too long. It glimmers with a liquid that look smudgy and
has a putrid smell. The cave continues with a
✥ CREATURES: Young abyss worm. narrow passage, north-east.

E. OPENING This ’stalagmite’ is excrement from the abyss

worm that dwells in a hole deeper into the cave.
The cave splits up into three passages. To the
right (west) you see a glimmer in the wall.
Straight ahead is a small opening covered by
half a dozen large white fungi and to the left
(east) the caves continues deeper into a wider The cave passage keeps going for an eternity.
passage. A slight breeze can be felt, moving The walls are damp and shimmer from the light
from east to east, bringing with it the smell of of your torch. They do not look naturally made,
something rotten. it looks as if someone dug it out with a crude
tool, or by hand. The passage it tubular. After a
The white had fungus will attack withing few minutes the wind gets stronger and the cave
minutes if the players linger. If they move into ends abruptly as you almost fall down the hole
the cave system, they will follow the players. in front of you. The hole is also round with a
diameter of two meters. You can’t see the
✥ CREATURES: Five White Hat Fungus bottom. This hole is the reason for the wind you
are feeling.

F. THE MINERAL SITE This is the home of the abyss worm. If the
players disturb the hole in any way, the worm
As you sweep the torch forwards, the metal in
will crawl up the hole to eat them (see
the wall starts to glimmer magnificently.
“Chased”). The only way out is through the
Almost gold, but not really. The cave wall is
south west passage (I). In the wall to the left a
filled with mineral! Someone has already
young abyss worm dwell. It will only attack if
excavated large chunks of it. Parts of mineral is
someone falls from the trap above.
strewn across the ground, but you can’t find any
pickaxes. The mineral is soft, softer than gold,
CHASED: The abyss worm is slow in these
but has a deeper, darker shine. What could it be
caves and the adventurers will always be just in
good for?
front of it. If they move out the south west
passage the abyss worm will force itself through
This mineral is used to create the urns that lock
the passage, covering the sky before it falls on
the souls in the Chamber of Souls. It is an
the players to eat them.
integral part of the ritual.

G. THE STALAGMITE ✥ CREATURES: A full grown abyss worm, a

young abyss worm.
The cave continues a few meters into a
narrower passage before it opens up into yet



I. THE EXIT HOLE Scimitar 1H Bonus +1, Damage 2, Arm, Edged,
The cave is long and narrow, leading upwards. Pointed, Hook, Parrying
After some time, you can feel the stone Dagger 1H Bonus +1, Damage 1, Arm, Light,
underneath you turn into dirt mixed with roots Edged, Pointed
and stones. Roots extruding the ground his you
in your face as you continue upwards. The
passage ends with an opening as you find
yourself above ground. The hole is just large HUR-AGUR, ORCH WARRIOR
enough to fit a normal sized human to crawl
Hur-Agur grew up as a slave and murdered his
out of. Dwarfs and larger creatures must
owners. Together with Grognak, Mott-Akka
struggle a bit more. The hole is hidden under a
and Urgur, he has travelled and ravaged
large rock and looks like it was dug out by a
burrowing animal.

This passage is recently dug out by a small abyss STRENGTH 5, AGILITY 3, WITS 4, EMPATHY 3
worm, dwelling in the smaller hole in the cave SKILLS: Might 1, Melee 2, Move 1, Survival 2,
(D). Insight 1

TALENTS: Unbreakable, Path of The Blade 1,

Sword Fighter 3

GEAR: Broadsword, Dagger, Chainmail, Open

MONSTERS AND NPCS Helmet, Large Shield, D6 copper, D6 silver

The Mosters are sorted in ordered of expected ARMOUR: Chainmail [6/3], Open Helmet [2],
appearance. Large Shield [+2]

GROGNAK, ORCH WARRIOR Broadsword 1H Bonus +2, Damage 2, Arm,

Edged, Pointed, Parrying
Grognak considers himself the leader of this
group of bandits. He shows dominance with
violence and strength. His temper is an
annoyance for the rest of the group.
Young, strong and decisive. He is the most
STRENGTH 5, AGILITY 4, WITS 3, EMPATHY 4 feared warrior among the group, taking pride in
his prowess with his master crafted axe -
SKILLS: Might 2, Melee 3, Marksmanship 1, Dungas.
Move 2, Survival 2, Insight 1

TALENTS: Unbreakable, Path of The Blade 1, STRENGTH 6, AGILITY 3, WITS 3, EMPATHY 4

Sword Fighter 3
SKILLS: Might 1, Melee 3, Survival 2, Insight 1
GEAR: Scimitar, Dagger, Chainmail, Open
TALENTS: Unbreakable, Steady Feed 1, Path of
Helmet, 2D6 copper, D6 silver, keys to many
The Blade 1, Axe Fighter 3
of the locks in the chapel (GM decides).

ARMOUR: Chainmail [6/3], Open Helmet [2]



GEAR: The Battle Axe Dungas, Dagger, to protrude from the pillar as its shape shifts
Chainmail, Open Helmet, Large Shield, D6 into humanoid form, three meters tall.
copper, D6 silver.
ARMOUR: Chainmail [6/3], Open Helmet [2],
Large Shield [+2] SKILLS: Scouting 1

The Battle Axe Dungas 1H Bonus +3, Damage MOVEMENT: 1

2, Arm, Heavy, Edged, Hook
ARMOUR: 6 (made of stone)


An orch sorcerer is unusual to say the least.
Urgur lived among the Aslen humans, not as a 1 STONE FIST! A rock-hard fist hits one
slave, but rather as a creature to study and adventurer with full force. Roll an attack
mock. He had the luxury of moving freely in with 8 base die, weapon damage 1
the village and befriended the local rust brother. (blunt damage).
With the help of the rust brother, he learnt to
2 KICK! With a massive force the golem
channel his magical power. Urgur considers
kicks one adventurer. The terrible force
himself the leader of the group, which of course
makes an attack with nine base die,
is up for debate with Grognak.
weapon damage 1 (blunt damage). If
the attack hits, the adventurer is thrown
STRENGTH 4, AGILITY 3, WITS 6, EMPATHY 4 to NEAR distance and lands prone.

SKILLS: Melee 1, Sneak 2, Move 2, 3 ROCK THROW! The golem removes a

Marksmanship 1, Lore 3, Manipulate 2, piece of the wall and throws it towards
Insight 1 and adventurer within NEAR distance.
Roll an attack with ten base die, weapon
TALENTS: Unbreakable, Path of Signs 3, Path
damage 2 (blunt damage).
of Death 3
4 SPLITTING CHOP! One of the arms
GEAR: Short Sword, Studded Leather, Studded
transform into a stone blade as it
Leather Cap, D6 copper, D6 silver, a gold ring
swings over the head of the golem,
worth 5D6 silver
hitting an adventurer with full force. Roll
ARMOUR: Studded Leather [3], Studded an attack with ten base dice, weapon
Leather Cap [1] damage 1 that ignores 3 points of
ARMOUR. The attack can be PARRIED.
Shortsword 1H Bonus +2, Damage 2, Arm,
Heavy, Edged, Hook 5 SWEAPING ATTACK! With a creaking
growl the golem lets both arms swivel
around itself, hitting everyone at ARM’S
GOLEM OF ROST LENGTH distance. Make an attack with
eight base dice, weapon damage 1,
This golem looks like a pillar but can transform against each separate target.
into humanoid shape. Two arms and legs start



6 STOMP! The golem jumps up and falls
through open nexus into Ravenland to spread
on one unlucky adventurer withing NEAR
his sickness. Now that he is locked inside a
distance. Attack with ten base die,
human body, his hatred toward Ravenland has
weapon damage 1 (blunt damage). The
increased. He will do everything to get free and
adventurer falls prone if hit (even if
will kill every living being he comes across.
ARMOUR protects her).

SKILLS: Melee 1, Scouting 1, Lore 3, Insight 4,

Manipulation 1
COVERED BY SORES: The undead is covered
SKILLS: Melee 2, Scouting 2 with open wounds. Infectious Touch,
Virulence 9.

MUMIFIED: The first round of combat fighting

this demon, roll a fear attack with eight base
Covered in cloth without any ability to see, this
undead will attack all living creatures in the ATTACKS:

room. Despite its lack of vision, it can sense Claws, 8 Base die, Weapon damage 2 (stab),

living creatures and will move towards the poisonous (Virulence 9), Arm

closest one. Bite, 6 Base die, Weapon damage 3 (stab),

poisonous (Virulence 9), Arm

STRENGTH 4, AGILITY 2 WEAKNESS: The demon takes double

damage from weapons made of gold.
SKILLS: Melee 4, Scouting 2

ARMOUR: Takes half damage from all

weapons not made of gold. RESTLESS DEAD GUARDIANS
COVERED BY SORES: The undead is covered Dressed in black robes, these guardians are half
with open wounds. Infectious Touch, ghostly and half material. They fight with their
Virulence 9. long fingers and begin by attacking anyone
carrying gold. They will then move on to kill
everyone who reside in their chamber.

Mabharrnar is a demon from Churmog, locked SKILLS: Melee 4, Scouting 2

in a human body. Mabharrnar was leading a
ARMOUR: Takes half damage from all
group of demons that showed little interest in
weapons not made of gold.
Ravenland as a place to rule. This group was
trying to control other demons that reside in
Churmog. Mabharrnar spread disease to the
human world. From time to time, he moves



Roughly half a meter high these hat fungi will STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 2
stand on two or more legs. The arms hang
down, dangling like limp tentacles. If you look SKILLS: Melee 3, Scouting 3
closely, you can see that the arms are slowly
BONY: Arrows and POINTED weapons can
growing longer. When it attacks, the arms will
never cause more than one point of dam-
grow fast.
age to a skeleton. Other weapons cause
normal damage.

SKILLS: Scouting 3
See Gamemasters Guide page 76.

1-3 SLIME GRIP: Mycelia starts to grow and YOUNG ABYSS WORM
grapple the adventure. Roll an attack See Gamemasters Guide page 76.
with 3 Base Die at ARM’S LENGTH. If the
attack is successful, the adventurer is
grappled. For each extra fungus that is
next to the attacking one, it gets one
more die on the attack. If an adventurer
is grappled, the fungus can attack with 1
Base die while maintaining the grapple.

4 EAT MEAT: - Only if the enemy is

grappled - The fungus grows inside the
grappled adventurer and starts
breaking down the tissue. Attack with 3
Base die, Weapon Damage 3 (slashing).

5 SPORE CLOUD: The fungus releases a

cloud of spores that fills the entire zone
(NEAR). All actions, except for the fungi,
are HARD (-2) for 1D6 rounds.

6 SPORE ATTACK: The fungus empties itself

of spores, targeting one adventurer at
NEAR distance. The adventurer has
trouble breathing. The Adventurer must
roll against a poison with POTENCY 3 or
become paralyzed for 1-3 rounds (GM



Centuries ago, the best blacksmith ever lived.
He forged a helmet on a hero named Ixiadon
Hed-Ran, an elf as big as two people and strong
as a troll. Ixiadon travelled to Ravenland and
defeated armies of humans, orcs, and dwarves.
No one could touch him. All this was made
possible by his helmet. Ixiadon killed hundreds
if not thousands of creatures in a terrible rage!
It is said that whoever wears his helmet gets his
powers, but that it comes with a price ...

This open helmet is roughed up and dented, but
still give the impression of a sturdy helmet. It
looks more like a bucket than a helmet. Padded
on the inside, it gives the impression of
comfort. The metal seems harder than iron and
despite the dents, not a single crack can be
found. It also seems like it has never been
repaired. Around the brim of the helmet, you
can make out faint, strange runes.

The helmet is an Open Helmet but with amour
3. The helmet can never break, hence roll the
armour roll of the helmet separate from the rest
of the armour. All @ rolled on the helmet can be
disregarded when pushing the roll.

Because of the way it looks, the helmet gives a
permanent -1 EMPATHY, and if the
adventurer who wears is it manipulated, she can
only choose to attack. As soon as the helmet is
in place on the head, it will squeeze the head
tight. It cannot be removed and is now a part of
the adventurer’s head. The only way to get it off
is to cut the head from the body. This will break
the curse… until the next person uses it.



Reasearch on the inner soul
A memorandum by Brother Ferentus
Let me tell you about the day when Rust's blood flowed into me. This is our heyday. Rust brothers
spread their conviction to villages and travel holy places to Rust. One of these places is the Chapel of
the Blood, established by me, Brother Ferentus, in 965 A.S. The chapel's function is to be a sanctuary
for those people and half-bloods who do not have a home to go to at night. The chapel lies beneath the
ground and is thus protected from the blood mist.
Five years ago, I established this chapel. Here I began my studies which have now led to a discovery
of great value to all of us. Sick visitors have voluntarily sacrificed themselves for the research. They all
understood the importance of this and gave their souls to Rust. While visiting the village of Ärenhem,
I met an amazing man named Eqirax. His sense of magic was almost divine. Understand me correctly
when I say that Eqirax was seen as a god by many. He had almost created to perfection, which I myself
have struggled with for years. However, there was a problem. His faith. I can't even write the word, but
let's say that his faith was directed to the wrong god. Just thinking about it makes me feel bad. Eqirax
had to me incomprehensible knowledge about demons and death magic. Around Ravenland, hidden
portals had been created, or nexus as he called them. They led into another world. A world he didn't
want to talk about, despite persistent attempts to get him to speak. His eyes turned black as I mentioned
this world and the portals. I stayed in Ärenhem for several nights and talked to Eqirax about religion
and magic in an attempt to show him the only true god. We conversed and I could see him starting to
understand. One evening he came in, enlightened. I understand your faith now, he told me, I understand
the true god, Rust, and reject my old belief. Eqirax was ready to take part in my studies. He wanted to
help shape the future we would create and just like that.
As I write this, it is the year 971 A.S. I have overcome all obstacles. A voice has spoken to me. The
voice calls itself Thulmalar and has shown me what I need to see. I can see that Eqirax is impressed with
what I have done. What I have built. The vessels I have created. His nexus and my urns are the solution
to all problems. Underneath the chapel I discovered a metal that is suitable for locking the soul into my
vessels. Behind the burial chamber I have built a hall shaped according to Rust's instructions. I call it
the Hall of the Souls. It acts as a focal point and locks the soul into a vessel immediately after the
embalming is performed. A new soul arrives from the nexus and locks itself in the body. Should the
embalming be interrupted, the soul will be gone forever. Eqirax has produced five shadows that can
perform this process. Everything is as it should be. The doors have protectors. The chambers are
secured. Only the initiated may enter.
As I write this, it is the year 972 A.S. A few weeks ago, Eqirax wanted to increase the security of the
chamber of souls and bound a soul to the guardian face. He mocks me. He's been lying to me. To Rust!
His knowledge is no longer necessary to complete my endeavours. The only way to continue my life's
work is to dismiss of him.
I should have understood better. Obviously, he had a plan to protect himself. We're both stuck here.
The door is locked. He has been sitting there for hours and just scoffed at me. Now that life is soon over,
I have tried to talk to Eqirax. Apologized and tried to understand why he lied about his faith, but he just
mocks me. What he doesn't know is that I have a plan to get out of here. When I die, my soul will wander
on to the body of my sarcophagus. Then I will have enough strength to get out. May his last breath be
painful. To whoever is reading this, I hope I have already made it out.



Eqirax book on Nexus and the inner soul
This is the year 924 A.S. A few years ago, I decided to find out what was hiding in the mist that appeared
over Ravenland. At night it rises, red and thick. It takes its fair share of victims, which is obviously a
problem. It seems that rust brothers are visiting all the villages now. They have also come here. They
were unreliable and dangerous and created more problems for me than I could handle. However, I met
a strange female elf who talked about portals, the nexus if I recall correctly, and a way to summon
demons to Ravenland. Of course, I invited her home to Ärenhem, it's a full moon soon so I took the
opportunity to get her to talk as much as she could before she would be sacrificed. Raven demands blood
to give us life, that thing is clear. She taught me a lot about demons and souls, which I appreciate
immensely. Elves doesn't really want to die, it seems. For the good of Ärenhem, we chose to release her.
She understood our dilemma and chose not to take her anger out on us. She says she has her own village
to rule and that the people there shall suffer her wrath instead. I thank our leaders for their diplomatic
efforts. Ärenhem is a good place for my studies but I need to travel the woods. The problem is this blood
mist that refuses to disappear. I think I have found a way to get around it though and will do my best
during the day to get out.
My memory sometimes fails me, and I forget to write. I remember the time before the blood mist,
but now, almost 140 years old, I'm starting to forget details. If I remember correctly, it is the year 951
A.S. My notes are scattered throughout the church. In all honesty, I have no interest in writing them,
but our priest insists. It has taken me several years to solve the problem but finally I know how these
portals are created. I am not prepared to write this down in detail, but I write down these words to
remember the pain this knowledge has caused me. I have traveled through the nexus that are scattered
across Ravenland. At first, there were not problems, but the more I traveled, the worse it got. Darkness,
fire, blood. Visions I will not soon forget.
The year is 970 A.S. I have met a man who claims to have created a chapel where magic can transfer
souls. We already know it is possible, but to be able to take a soul from a demon, I never thought I would
experience. He is visiting Ärenhem. Of course, he is a Rust brother. We can hardly expect anything else.
If we could only get better security, then we would not let them in anymore. We have had to conceal
our faith in part, but the Rust Church does not seem to have any interest in harming us. The man calls
himself Ferentus. I could not care less. To gain access to his chapel, I have convinced him that I am a
believer in Rust. He has now offered to let me accompany him, which I am happy to do.



This chapel is incredible. With the help of a strange metal he found caves, we will actually be able to lock
the souls in our vessels. My knowledge of the portals is perfect for this. I am also impressed with his
ability to find willing sacrifices. To transfer these souls, we have made an agreement with Ciyradyl. In
her chamber we have established one of many portals.
Ferentus asked me to increase security. I locked my old friend Uziprix, who was dying, to the face at
the chamber of souls. To make it even better, we agreed that a mockery to Ferentus must be made. He
must now acknowledge Raven every time he wants to come in. I discovered a portal a day march from
the chapel. We are no longer dependent on Ciyradyl.
I've been here for several hours now. Ferentus, what a pig! Trying to lock me in! If he only knew
what I hid in the chapel, he would never have done this. My protectors will save me. Of this I am
Where are they? Why do they never come? Ferentus that pig. He sits across the table staring at me.
I hope he dies soon! Even more time has passed. What is he doing? Why does he constantly glance at
the sarcophagi? Has he figured out my plan? How could he know? He barely understands how the
transfer works. I secured a body a long time ago so if my life ends down here my soul will be resurrected
in the body of my sarcophagus. If I could only get in touch with my shadows, then I would not even
have to worry about it.
It never gets dark here. The glow from the brazier is endless. I'm drying out. Soon I'll take my last
breath. It gives me pleasure to see how Ferentus struggles to stay alive. It is a joy to see the pain in his
eyes. Raven gets the last breath and with it Rust dies.





Rust Brothers? It is daring to talk about them, I am impressed that you want
to know something about them. The Chapel of Blood? Well I heard about it.
It is said to be a place where many dead live. A place where strange magic
ruled. Envy and hatred? I do not really know. The legends talk about some
rust brother who collaborated with a magician from Ärenhem. Where there
are sorcerers, there is often a lot of TREASURE. Magical artefacts! Artefacts
beyond your dreams! Whether this is true or not I dare not say! After all,
nobody even knows where the chapel is today.

Centuries ago, the best blacksmith ever lived. He forged a helmet on a hero
named Ixiadon Hed-Ran, an elf as big as two people and strong as a troll.
Ixiadon travelled to Ravenland and defeated armies of humans, orcs, and
dwarves. No one could touch him. All this was made possible by his helmet.
Ixiadon killed hundreds if not thousands of creatures in a terrible rage! It is
said that whoever wears his helmet gets his powers, but that it comes with a
price ...



When I created this adventuresite I had only drawn the first room. As they explored it I kept drawing
the rest of the rooms while playing. Below is the original work-in-progress map that I used to make the
proper maps. I very often let the players describe what they see when they enter the rooms, this also
helps me make better maps.









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