Adventure Site - The Chapel of Blood
Adventure Site - The Chapel of Blood
Adventure Site - The Chapel of Blood
Per Holmström
Per Gradin
Marcus Liverholm
Ludwig Öst, Thomas Karlsson, Martin Schoeps, Peter Rönnmo
This product was created under license. Forbidden Lands and its logo, are trademarks of Fria Ligan AB.
This work contains material that is copyright © Fria Ligan AB and/or other authors. Some artwork copyright William
McAusland and Per Gradin. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Free
League Workshop.
All other original material in this work is copyright © 2020 by Per Holmström and published under the Community
Content Agreement for Free League Workshop.
Thank you for taking the time to read this regards of your players skills of avoiding the
adventure. This adventure site started as a traps. As always with enemies and traps it is
random encounter in our campaign where the important that you balance this, so it works for
four adventurers explore the area around the your groups play style.
village of Greyvale (from The Mists of My group spent about three-four sessions
Moorshire adventure site). This cave was getting through this adventure site. The
created to get more depth regarding the god struggled with the traps, coming up with clever
Rust. It was also a challenge for the players. It solutions to get past them. The dungeon has
is very much inspired by the old Swedish classic two levels, the ground level that has a few orcs
RPG, Drakar och Demoner, and Pathfinder. and a lot of undead, and the lower, that has
monsters. I will never forget how my players
IF YOU ARE A PLAYER escaped the lower caves in panic – chased by a
STOP READING NOW! massive abyss worm!
(unless you want spoilers) At the end of the module you will find
handouts to the players. The colour books are
In this adventure site I wanted to explore how written in Swedish, but the two black and white
rust brothers gather knowledge regarding texts contain the same information. They can
demons and human souls. I did this for myself also be found here in higher resolution:
and my players, to give more depth to the rust
brotherhood. The adventure site is a small
dungeon with some nice lore and interesting /AAAFWZeT5enrHSQrWsxkSnhMa?dl=0
monsters. The adventures found a dead rust
brother outside the cave and decided to enter. I hope you will have as much fun with this
As they entered the ante chamber, they heard adventure site as we did! Please let me know on
voices behind the door. the forums, or Facebook group if you enjoyed
The players can run into a proper challenge it.
if they do not get passed the traps. It is
important that you as the GM is prepared in Best regards,
As the door slides open, the stench of death
F. HALLWAY rolls over you. The room is dim as the dust in
On the walls there are mostly empty sconces. In the air darkens your torches. On the floor are
the East part of the hallway a torch is burning two overturned and broken statues. And
but looks like it will burnout at any second. between them you see a pile of rotting bodies.
There are three doors - north, south, and east. At the end of the room are a few steps leading
The door straight ahead (east) is ajar. The floor up to a platform. On top is a battered stone
is dirty and there are distinct footprints table. The room is very alike the room you first
between the southern, western and north doors. entered in the complex.
All doors are made of stone.
The room is a chapel to rust and has been
The door to the north (F-G) is unlocked and abandoned for a long time. This was the first
leads to the storage room. The door to the east chamber used in the experiments by Ferentus.
(F-H) is ajar. The door to the south (F-I) has a The orcs who claimed this underground
trap (see descriptor on room I). complex has destroyed the statues and the
sacrificial altar. The bodies on the floor is their
latest victims and they are roughly a week old.
G. STORAGE ROOM What the orc do not know is that the magic in
this room has brought the bodies back to life.
The floor is covered with clutter as if someone They are restless dead and are waiting for
has a fight in here. Aside from all the clutter and someone to accidentally awaken them. If
junk you see a sparsely filled storage. A few anyone disturbs the bodies, they will come to
barrels and boxes are spread across the room. As life and attack. The bodies have clothes on
you look to the western wall, you notice a shelf them, but nothing of value.
filled with metal rods and other half-finished
things. ✥ CREATURES: Five restless undead.
This is a complex illusion created by the orc Urgur. In order to disarm the trap, the door must be
opened while speaking the power word “Burzum”. If it is opened in any other way, the trap is
sprung. The trap can partially be destroyed by breaking the arrow shooters. The northern door
leading into the dining hall will close automatically, slowly. The shadows cannot be harmed as it
is just an illusion. If the adventurers strike them, nothing really happens as there is nothing but a
wall there.
Round 1: The orc captain gives a loud order in the common tongue to attack. “We must
defend the gold!” he screams. Four orcs take shelter in the room and shoot arrows towards
you as two more scuttle from the southern door towards the openings in the wall to the
Round 2: One of the orcs falls, as if dead. The captain and three others shoot arrows
towards you.
Round 3: A second orc falls, only to be instantly replaced by a shaman that erupts from a
dark haze in the room behind the openings. He waves his hands in the air as a flame strikes
from him straight towards you!
Round 4: The captain looks hurt and tries to fall back deeper into the room. The two orcs
come back from the kitchen, weighed down with a large, heavy, wooden chest, slowly
moving toward the southern door.
Round 5+: The shaman casts the flame ever other round and the orcs continue to shoot
without getting hurt.
Round 10: The trap ends. After 10 minutes the trap is reset.
If the trap is sprung yet again, this script will be played through again in an identical
Arrows Every round of combat, arrows shoot out from The arrows will hit three
well-hidden holes in the south wall. Attack with randomly chosen adventurers
five Base Dice, Weapon that are on the other side of the
Damage 1, stab wound. room, if they are standing
alongside the north wall or in the
door opening. The arrows can fly
to the end of the hallway F.
Fire Attack with seven Base Dice, Weapon Damage The fire strikes everyone who is
1, untyped. If damaged, the adventurer will standing alongside the north
continue to take the same amount of damage wall or in the door opening.
as first rolled, until a successful MOVE roll is
made. An adventurer that is broken by the fire
will become unconscious and dies if the
damage reaches the adventurers negative
starts to turn. Slowly but surely the door opens Someone has etched a rhyme into the wall. This
upwards, into the ceiling. Air shoots out from is something Eqirax wrote a night when he tried
the chamber on the other side, bringing with it to figure out how to create the face to the
a foul stench. As the door is fully engulfed by chamber of souls, and at the same time leave a
the ceiling, the flames die out. The lid on the clue to the password (Raven), in case he would
brazier closes with a loud metallic bang. forget.
The door closes automatically after one minute There once was a man that the gods gave a plan
or so. He screamed and cried as he held on to pride
Towards the village where his house was full of rouse
Honour is great in the in the village of late
M. BARRACKS With a church that rise where the raven flies
Four bunk beds take up most of the space in this It is as dark as the night, said the cat with fright
room. Along each end of the bed is a footlocker. -Eqirax
A desk is positioned tightly in the north west
corner. The wood is old and sturdy. Along the ✥ TREASURE: The footlockers contain the
walls are shelves filled with junk and perhaps following - Lantern (4D6 copper), simple
something of value. red gemstone (6D6 copper), hammer, saw,
lute, fine green gemstone (6D6 silver),
The table has no drawers, but an empty silver cup (2D6 silver), silver ring (3D6
parchment with a dried-out quill lies next to it.
The door leading south opens as it shakes and
creaks. Infront of you a small staircase leads
down a few steps into a hallway that has
collapsed at the end. To the left, a door stands The ghosts are almost completely transparent
ajar. and difficult to see. They don't seem to notice
the adventurers as they gather around the stone
This hallway would lead further into the chapel, table. They raise their hands up in the air and
but it has collapsed long ago. The door to the raise a ghostly body on the table. Several
tomb (P-N) is identical with the northern door scenarios can now be played out:
and will close automatically after a minute. To
open, they need to put a flame into the mouth. ✥ If the adventurers attack the ghosts
nothing happens unless they attack with
Q. EMBALMING ROOM the gold dagger. If so, all five will
materialize into physical forms - they are
The door opens into a room with three large now restless dead guardians.
alcoves on each side. The craftmanship of the
masonry in the alcoves is amazing. Made from
✥ If the adventurers let the ritual play
a black rock that gives of a smooth shimmer
through, they will notice that the ghostly
from the light of your torch. In the alcoves you
body slowly materialize and gets covered in
find both broken and whole urns, rubbish from
cloth and rags. The body starts to dry out
broken shelves, stone and gravel from the roof
and the organs gets stored in an urn that the
and walls that started falling apart over time.
ghosts are carrying. As soon as the ritual is
On the shelf on wall at the other end,
complete, the ghost return to the alcoves,
something gives of pretty a glimmer. In the
disappearing, and the body vanishes. The
middle of the room is a large stone table.
body is now a demon creature inside the
This was the embalming room. It is still active
✥ If the adventurers try to attack the body
but only activated when someone passes
while it is materialized, it will awaken and
through one of Eqirax's portals in the forgotten
attack the players. The ghosts will disappear
lands. On the shelf is a gold dagger and a gold
into darkness of the alcoves.
plate. They are used as ritual objects in
embalming. This dagger can also be used to
The adventurers are never in danger as long as
materialize the guardians in the room.
they do not touch anything.
✥ TREASURE: Golden dagger (3D6 gold
short while in the room, preferably after
coins), plate of gold (3D6 gold coins).
someone has taken the gold dagger, five ghosts,
dressed in black robes, emerge from the alcoves. ✥ CREATURES: Five restless dead
guardians and Embalmed demon.
F. THE MINERAL SITE This is the home of the abyss worm. If the
players disturb the hole in any way, the worm
As you sweep the torch forwards, the metal in
will crawl up the hole to eat them (see
the wall starts to glimmer magnificently.
“Chased”). The only way out is through the
Almost gold, but not really. The cave wall is
south west passage (I). In the wall to the left a
filled with mineral! Someone has already
young abyss worm dwell. It will only attack if
excavated large chunks of it. Parts of mineral is
someone falls from the trap above.
strewn across the ground, but you can’t find any
pickaxes. The mineral is soft, softer than gold,
CHASED: The abyss worm is slow in these
but has a deeper, darker shine. What could it be
caves and the adventurers will always be just in
good for?
front of it. If they move out the south west
passage the abyss worm will force itself through
This mineral is used to create the urns that lock
the passage, covering the sky before it falls on
the souls in the Chamber of Souls. It is an
the players to eat them.
integral part of the ritual.
This passage is recently dug out by a small abyss STRENGTH 5, AGILITY 3, WITS 4, EMPATHY 3
worm, dwelling in the smaller hole in the cave SKILLS: Might 1, Melee 2, Move 1, Survival 2,
(D). Insight 1
The Mosters are sorted in ordered of expected ARMOUR: Chainmail [6/3], Open Helmet [2],
appearance. Large Shield [+2]
room. Despite its lack of vision, it can sense Claws, 8 Base die, Weapon damage 2 (stab),
living creatures and will move towards the poisonous (Virulence 9), Arm
SKILLS: Scouting 3
See Gamemasters Guide page 76.
1-3 SLIME GRIP: Mycelia starts to grow and YOUNG ABYSS WORM
grapple the adventure. Roll an attack See Gamemasters Guide page 76.
with 3 Base Die at ARM’S LENGTH. If the
attack is successful, the adventurer is
grappled. For each extra fungus that is
next to the attacking one, it gets one
more die on the attack. If an adventurer
is grappled, the fungus can attack with 1
Base die while maintaining the grapple.
This open helmet is roughed up and dented, but
still give the impression of a sturdy helmet. It
looks more like a bucket than a helmet. Padded
on the inside, it gives the impression of
comfort. The metal seems harder than iron and
despite the dents, not a single crack can be
found. It also seems like it has never been
repaired. Around the brim of the helmet, you
can make out faint, strange runes.
The helmet is an Open Helmet but with amour
3. The helmet can never break, hence roll the
armour roll of the helmet separate from the rest
of the armour. All @ rolled on the helmet can be
disregarded when pushing the roll.
Because of the way it looks, the helmet gives a
permanent -1 EMPATHY, and if the
adventurer who wears is it manipulated, she can
only choose to attack. As soon as the helmet is
in place on the head, it will squeeze the head
tight. It cannot be removed and is now a part of
the adventurer’s head. The only way to get it off
is to cut the head from the body. This will break
the curse… until the next person uses it.
Centuries ago, the best blacksmith ever lived. He forged a helmet on a hero
named Ixiadon Hed-Ran, an elf as big as two people and strong as a troll.
Ixiadon travelled to Ravenland and defeated armies of humans, orcs, and
dwarves. No one could touch him. All this was made possible by his helmet.
Ixiadon killed hundreds if not thousands of creatures in a terrible rage! It is
said that whoever wears his helmet gets his powers, but that it comes with a
price ...