Modal Verb of Obligation
Modal Verb of Obligation
Modal Verb of Obligation
of obligation
■ Can distinguish
between the use of
'don't have to', 'mustn't'
and 'shouldn't. 2
I must work on Mondays. I don’t have
to work on Saturdays. I should stay
late if my work isn’t finished. 3
must 4
have to 5
should 6
Is it an obligation or advice?
Must and to have to mean an obligation. It is not your choice. We use should to give
advice or an opinion. This is not an obligation.
My car is broken. I must take a taxi You should take a taxi if you want to
instead. avoid sitting in traffic.
You can’t leave your child at
You should hire my babysitter. My children
home unattended. You have to
think she’s a lot of fun.
hire a babysitter. 7
Positive structures
■ Should and must don’t change for different subjects. Have to does change
for different subjects.
■ We follow all three verbs with another base verb without to or –ing. 8
Must and have to
Must and have to are very similar. However, we use must when we think it is an
obligation and we use have to when someone tells us it is an obligation. 9
Is it an obligation or advice?
a. obligation b. advice
a. obligation b. advice
3. She should work this Saturday because she wants to take a holiday next week.
a. obligation b. advice 10
Fill in the blanks
have to
should must 11
Must or have to
Choose must or have to to fill in the blanks. Tell your teacher why you chose each
one. 12
What must you do? What do you have to do? What should you do?
I must... I should... 13
Is it allowed or forbidden?
You must not smoke in You should not smoke. It’s You do not have to eat
the office. bad for your health. that if you don’t like it.
I do not have to drive my
I must not drive over the I should not drive into the
car. I can take the bus
speed limit. city during rush hour.
instead. 14
Negative structures
I, she, he, it, you, we, they must not (mustn’t) lose weight.
I, she, he, it, you, we, they should not (shouldn’t) lose weight. 15
Fill in the blanks
2. There is no law that forbids smoking in this restaurant but I know it bothers
some people when I smoke in a restaurant. I smoke in any restaurant.
3. I know people smoke in that restaurant. I don’t like eating in a restaurant where
people smoke. I eat in that restaurant. I can eat in a restaurant
that doesn’t allow smoking. 16
Is it a choice or not? 17
Choose the correct option 18