ENGN.2050-202 Syllabus Rev 01-16
ENGN.2050-202 Syllabus Rev 01-16
ENGN.2050-202 Syllabus Rev 01-16
Course Description
Discusses vector concepts of forces and moments of forces. Static equilibrium of
particles, rigid bodies and simple structures. Static friction forces. Geometric properties
of sections.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of ENGN.2050, a student should be able to:
1. Apply the rules for manipulating vectors: addition, subtraction, dot product, and
cross product.
2. Determine the moment of a force.
3. Replace a system of forces and couples with a single force and a single couple
at a point.
4. Construct a free body diagram.
5. Apply the equations of equilibrium to the solution of engineering-type problems.
6. Recognize two-force members and to use this concept in the analysis of
trusses, frames and machines.
7. Apply the method of joints and the method of sections in the determination of
forces in truss members.
8. Recognize a statically indeterminate frame.
9. Use the concept of dry friction in the solution of simple statics problems where
motion is impending.
10. Determine the centroids of lines, areas, volumes and masses.
11. Determine the moments of inertia of composite areas and composite masses.
Basis of Course Grade:
Individual course grades are determined as follows with the subsequent grading
% 100
93% ≤ A
90% ≤ A- < 93%
87% ≤ B+ < 90%
83% ≤ B < 87%
80% ≤ B- < 83%
77% ≤ C+ < 80%
73% ≤ C < 77%
70% ≤ C- < 73%
67% ≤ D+ < 70%
65% ≤ D < 67%
F < 65%
Grades will be dependent on your work and performance. Grading will NOT be
conducted on a curve; it is theoretically possible for the whole class to earn an A or an
Assignments will have one (1) point late penalty deduction for each day past the
assignment due date unless an extension is granted by the Instructor. Note the
assignment due date will be determined by the Instructor and told to students in class
the day the assignment is given. Any assignment extensions will be announced in class
or via email. Assignments must be handed directly to the Instructor at the beginning of
class unless directed otherwise by the Instructor.
Everyone makes mistakes: no one is perfect. If the Instructor makes a mistake in class
and you are the first to notify him during that class, you are eligible for two (2) extra
credit points towards your assignment grade. To receive these extra credit points, you
must email the Instructor within one (1) day of noting the mistake. The email should
have the course number in the Subject Field and you need to summarize the mistake
and state the solution within the body of the email (e.g. “the equation in Slide 4 on your
lecture notes on 9/2/15 was F=me. The equation should have been F=ma).
During weekly tests and the final exam, only calculators that cannot communicate with
other electronic devices are allowed. Students are encouraged to use calculators
approved for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam to prepare themselves for the
FE Exam. Refer to the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying
(NCEES) Calculator Policy (http://ncees.org/exams/calculator-policy/) for additional
details. While the use of the approved NCEES FE calculators is not required, you
cannot use calculators that can communicate with other devices. All other electronic
devices, such as mobile phones, music players, computers, tablets, etc. are not allowed
during the weekly tests and the final exam.
You must cite and acknowledge all people and sources used in your work. Students
submitting academic work for an individual grade are individually held to not plagiarize.
Plagiarism is defined as representing the words or ideas of another as one's own
work in any academic exercise. Materials from outside sources must be documented
using the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Author-Date format. This
reference system can be found within the ASCE E-Books Publishing in ASCE Journals:
A Guide for Authors (http://ascelibrary.org/doi/book/10.1061/9780784479018) or
Publishing Books with ASCE: A Guide for Authors, Editors, and Committees
The University of Massachusetts – Lowell’s Policy on Class Attendance is in effect for
this course. This policy can be found at this URL:
All tests/exams, including the final examination, must be taken on the assigned day.
Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Instructor in advance.
Exceptions will be granted only for reasons beyond the control of the student.
Classroom Demeanor:
The expectation for students to participate as engineering professionals is implicit. In
addition, no active cell phones, pagers, or sound or image recording devices shall be
allowed in the classroom.
Academic Support:
Please contact me privately if you need accommodations because of a disability. The
University’s Policy for Students with Disabilities will be followed for this course. This
policy can be found at http://www.uml.edu/student-services/Disability/Policies.aspx.
Week Topic
1 Statics of Particles: Vectors, Components & Equilibrium
2 Statics of Particles: Components & Equilibrium in Space
3 Rigid Bodies: Moment of a Force, Vector & Scalar Products
4 Rigid Bodies: Moment of a Couple, Equivalent Systems
5 Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies: 2D and Two Force Bodies
6 Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies: 3D
7 Distributed Forces: Centroids & Centers of Gravity
8 Analysis of Structures: Method of Joints
9 Analysis of Structures: Method of Sections
10 Analysis of Structures: Frames and Machines
11 Friction: Dry Friction & Belt Friction
12 Distributed Forces: Moment of Inertia, Parallel Axis Theorem
13 Distributed Forces: Moment of Inertia of Composite Areas and of a Mass
14 Course Review & Final Exam