What Is A Tracking Number?: Guide To Tracking Ebay Orders
What Is A Tracking Number?: Guide To Tracking Ebay Orders
What Is A Tracking Number?: Guide To Tracking Ebay Orders
The tracking number in the format of the Universal Postal Union looks
like RA123456789CN, where the first 2 letters are the type of package
and the last 2 letters are the code of the country of origin. Packages with
such numbers can be tracked right until delivery.
Delivery time
Wondering how long it will take for your order to arrive to United States,
UK, Canada, Australia or any other country? Wonder no more, with our
state of the art delivery time estimation algorithm you'll always informed
when to expect your parcel. We collect extensive delivery time statistics
for each package going into each country and city and will use all of this
data to get you most accurate estimated date of arrival.