CRW-12rv04 - Chief Engineers' & 2nd Engineers' Interview Form
CRW-12rv04 - Chief Engineers' & 2nd Engineers' Interview Form
CRW-12rv04 - Chief Engineers' & 2nd Engineers' Interview Form
2c. What type of boilers are you familiar with (operation and maintenance)?
2d. What type of diesel generators are you familiar with (operation and maintenance)?
2f. What is your experience in maintenance and repair of COW machines? (for tankers only)
2h. What is your experience in vessels’ drydock? Please advise type (routine or emergency),
duration and works done.
2j. Please describe briefly how a prudent bunkering should be done and what measures you
consider useful to take to protect ship’s interests? Describe in detail what precautions and
actions you take regarding quantity (avoid shortage) and quality (off specs bunkers).
2k. With what brands/manufacturers of M/E automation for communication with bridge are
you familiar with and have experience on ships?
3a. What are your motives to apply to this company? What is the reason you want leave
3b. What is your career development plan? For how many years you intend to remain at
4a. Did you experience any machinery breakdown on board as chief engineer? If yes, please
describe. If no breakdowns as C/E, then at previous ranks. Describe your most difficult
problem faced on a ship.
4b. If above answer is yes, how was the matter dealt with and how was it closed out as per
ISM? (incl. actions taken for no re-occurrence and lessons learnt)
5a. What is your experience on vetting inspections? Which major oil companies have
inspected your vessels since you became chief engineer? (for tankers only)
5c. Have you operated in US waters? If yes, have you participated in a US coast guard
inspection? What was the outcome?
6. Command of English: Very Good Good Fair Poor
8. Evaluation results as per interviewer using rating 1-5 (5 being Rate
the best)
a. Safety Consciousness
b. Ability
c. Reliability
d. Willingness
e. Leadership
h. Rules and Procedures (knowledge)
9. Reference from previous employers, if possible (please specify the name of person
contacted and contact details) and what info was given.
9a. Background Security Check (i.e. rejection of employment due to security breach,
detention, arrest, deportation, etc.) (in case of an incident, please provide details and the
name of person contacted)
10a. Interviewer’s comments on candidate’s personality and character (good or weak
elements as detected in interview)