Beginning Guitar Final Exam Study Guide
Beginning Guitar Final Exam Study Guide
Beginning Guitar Final Exam Study Guide
Guitar Anatomy
Be able the label the following parts of the guitar; headstock, tuning pegs, nut, frets,
fingerboard, upper bout, lower bout, sound hole, bridge, saddle, soundboard.
String Names
Playing Position
Be able to describe the proper classical guitar playing position in writing.
Finger Names
Left and right hand finger names
You will hear 2 guitars play the same string one after the other. You will need to
determine if the second one is higher of lower than the first.
Pitch Names
Be able to name pitches on the treble clef staff from low E to high G. Use for practice.
Note Durations
Whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, and eighth notes.
Time Signatures
Know what the top and bottom number mean in a time signature.
Pitch, Octave, Staff, Treble Clef, Beat, Tempo, Rhythm, Compound Time, Simple Time,
Ledger Lines, Sharp, Flat, Accidental
Be able to translate from standard notation to TAB and from TAB to standard notation.
Guitar Grids
Be able to show how to play a note, by placing the correct opened and closed circles on a
guitar fingering grid.